#I’m on my like 20th rewatch it’s fine
jade-kyo · 1 month
RvB 20th rewatch: s7
I’ve got a killer headache right and instead of resting I’m watching more rvb… so if I seem even more deranged than usual at least I’ve got an excuse lol
“Right where I want you! Within face stabbing range” first heavily quoted line of the season
Simmons is such a little freak of a man. They should’ve made him worse.
Caboose being able to perfectly understand the ai and freelancer situation was the greatest character choice made for him honestly
“At least I don’t go around knocking on people’s non-doors promising them cookies and then not giving them cookies! IM LEAVING!!” This is another one of those lines that my brothers would always reference when I was a kid so I just grew up hearing it all the time
Seriously have we considered sargenut
Honestly this is kind of a red team season.. +Caboose of course
“I’ve always come out fine both physically and………….. mentally!” Possibly the most quoted line in the show I use this one so much
Caboose is also a cockroach
There’s such a good nuance to Sarges character that no one ever acknowledges
“Caboose would make a great dad” you know what I agree
Seriously tho this is such a red team season
Listen I know it’s debated if Tucker ACTUALLY knew Church was an ai but my personal take on it is that he did not know but what he did know is that these fucks were absolutely dumb enough to believe he figured out that information long before it was revealed so he claims he knew church was an ai just to get a one up on everyone else
What is wrong with him
Epsilon… the little fucker, my beloved…
I think one of my favorite parts of this show is how they’ll drop the most insane lore about one of the characters and then just never elaborate on it. Anyway Simmons ate dogs.
“It’ll be a donut sandwich mmhmm” vocal stim acquired
Love how Tucker was asking for Church but the moment he actually comes back Tucker is just like “oh right this guy was a massive dick” he’s so done with him 😂
Green is Church’s favorite color! …. *remembers Carolinas eyes* I am in agony
He’s so cool
VILLAIN WASH!!!!! He’s so hot
LOPEZ!!!!! DONUT!!!!!!!!!
It’s okay they’re cockroaches
“What in the hell makes you think I’m gonna ask for it” SUCH A GOOD LINE DELIVERY!!!! RAHHH MAKES ME FERAL
And now… season 8… oh I am gonna go fucking feral
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moonlight-fan2008 · 5 months
Moonlight rewatch part idk? I’ve rewatched this show a lot lol
Episode 1 random thoughts and feelings I had while rewatching again: cause I’m bored and have nothing else to do or watch. And I love this show
I wish they were able to go into the why and where we get the old wives tales of vampires being repelled by holy water and crucifixes and garlic etc. Did vampires evolve like humans did over time and those were some of their weaknesses or was someone lucky and their crucifix had silver on it or something? And they just assumed that since vampires are “unholy” creatures that they must be repelled by the cross
Also also did vampires used to sleep in coffins before the invention of the freezer because what were vampires doing prior to the 20th century when there was no freezer?
Mick “there’s no such thing as vampires” me “hey that’s the name of the episode”
I liked Steve (the camera guy) and Beth’s friendship. I wonder what happened to him he just disappeared mid-seasonish
With sunlight being one of their weaknesses Mick and Josef sure do have a lot of windows at their home. I’m assuming that Josef’s first scene was at his home since it’s a completely different location than his office
I was always (and still am) curious about how a vampire recruits a “freshie” because I don’t know about you but if some guy I was interested told me he was a vampire and he wants to drink my blood I’d probably just laugh and be like oh okay 😉 🤣
I wonder if Mick’s blood type is A+ and that’s why he prefers that blood over others like when your body craves a certain nutrient that you’re lacking and you eat salty foods or more iron rich foods or whatever to help pick up where your body is lacking.
Moonlight doesn’t have a love triangle. It has a love square Coraline x Mick x Beth x Josh
I always thought Christian Ellis was weird even as a tween. Idk how this man was able to get so many smart pretty women to fall for his crap
I like the subtle detail of Mick sniffing the mask, a nice little mix foreshadowing and red herring for the later part of the episode
Funny how Josef wasn’t a fan of Beth at the beginning (or rather just the first episode) then towards the end of the season they plan a murder together
It’s ironic how Steve’s joking with Beth and says he wants to make sure she’s protected when she goes into the “vampires den” and she says she’ll be fine and that’s literally after she just back from another vampires den and was perfectly fine but when she goes to the fake vampires den she isn’t alright
I think this episode was what kick started my love for Evanescences’ “my immortal” I think I listened to that song on repeat for a whole month after this episode
Was that kid Daniel ever arrested or did Mick actually kill him? In the next episode Beth thanks Mick for saving her but I don’t think they ever explicitly state what happened to the kid and in second to last episode ADA Talbot mentions “demented college students” but that’s the extent of it
What the disk menu looks like for Disc 1
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captainsspnanon · 1 year
C2E66 - Beneath Bazzoxan - rewatch
Well, I got about an hour into the MLP oneshot before I gave up. That’s about par for the course with me for a lot of the CR one shots.  I’ve seen a handful of them in full, started a handful and watched between 1 to 2 hours before giving up, and just haven’t even started the others.  It’s a whole jumble of hit or miss.
Also something I missed from last episode – Travis jokingly asking Matt if there was a vestige of divergence in the roc nest.  My brain totally forgot that this was before Fjord got the star razor, so I was like ‘you want two??’   SOON.  SOOOOOON.
(I don’t even know how long it’s been since I look at this episode, oops!  It’s been a time, alright? But OMG ANIMATED MIGHTY NEIN COMING AAAAA)
...Document last saved, Jan 30th.  It’s now Feb 20th. … LOOK IT’S BEEN...It’s BEEN, okay?!  Anyhow, I finally have the energy and mental fortitude to get back into this!  (so annoyed at myself for falling apart right when we get a fantastic series of episodes) (omg also I’d only jumped on to freak out about the animated mighty nein???  My last C2 reaction was posted JANUARY 8TH omg.)  (I don’t know why I’m being apologetic though, this stuff is mainly for me to improve my analytical thinking, active watching, and writing abilities.  I know a few of you out there like reading it, but I’m sure you’re not chomping at the bit or anything XD)
I was only just past the intro, so I decided to go and rewatch the adbit and forgot that I was in the middle of the presidential campaign for dndbeyond!  (after the ogl shitstorm, anyone else notice that CR hasn’t mentioned dndbeyond by name once?  I wonder if they’re going to start up again at some point since the situation is now resolved, even though there’s a lot of bad taste in a lot of the community’s mouths.  Personally, I’d be fine with it, because I do feel like wotc made the right choices to fix things, even if it never should have gotten to where it was in the first place, and communication choices had been…..yeah.)
I miss them reading their bits off of sheets in front of them.  I fully get the appeal of the teleprompter meaning that they can keep their eyes up and looking at camera, but there’s a charm of them giving impassioned rants but also having to keep glancing down to check what their lines are.
See?  With the teleprompter, you don’t get the adorableness of Laura having a merch update but no sheet, so floundering through Sam’s papers until Matt gives her his.
Liam perched on his chair just making squawking noises!
I love how this group is so unafraid to make unoptimal choices. Jester uses Disguise Self to look like a giant leaf, but Laura knows that it only works for people so knows it’s basically just a leaf costume and Will Not Work, but still Commits To The Bit.
Oh fuck it’s been so long that I forgot we were still with Texas!Fjord!  Just got smacked in the face by the accent XD (controversial comment, but I don’t like it when I see people saying that they prefer the Texan accent, then other people saying that it means that they like pre-character growth Fjord, or hiding himself Fjord, lying to himself Fjord.  It’s just that the Texan accent is fun!  Given a choice between the two, I would have been happy if Travis had the Texan accent be Fjord’s natural accent and do the whole campaign with it, because I enjoy hearing it – especially since C1 was pretty much all English accents.  But in order for that to happen, Fjord would have been completely different, and I don’t want a completely different Fjord, I love the Fjord that we got!)
(also off topic, but I’m waiting for noon so that I can check the shop.  I want the Jester and Caleb dice so bad and they still haven’t been released. T.T)
god I forgot how much these idiots flounder in this nonsense, I love it so much!!!  Each campaign, they all have their own version of floundering, and the Nein’s is just SO dumb, SO wonderful.  Jester forgetting she could go invisible, Beau begging Fjord to take her with him with the Misty Step and Fjord saying he’s only got room for one, Beau trying to swim through the air to the tree, and then just curling up in a ball to make herself a smaller target IT’S SO GOOD.
And Caduceus and Yasha just watching all this go down like “yup” “yup”
Nein and Polymorph – nothing more iconic.
Fjord and teleporting – nothing more iconic!!  
Polymorphed enemies attacking Fjord – truly nothing more iconic
This group and communication, I love it!!  Caleb slides Beau off his wing, Matt describes her falling into the nest, Liam softly says that that’s not what he meant, Matt immediately asks him for clarification and Liam immediately responds with what he meant but ‘this is funny’ so keep going with it.
This is the first? time that Matt has done a skill check and not penalized the player for a nat 1.  It is a minor grumble of mine that he doesn’t count nat 20s as an autosuccess (which falls within rules) but tends to still count nat 1s as an autofailure.  I feel like you’ve got to play it all one way or all the other, not the half and half – especially not more penalizing the players.
Being an active part of the fandom now, I can image people bitching about this episode so far, about Matt giving them too much leeway, not enough consequences, making it too easy, the players getting distracted from their goal, etc. etc.  Makes it a lot easier for me to brush off the bullshit criticism that C3 is getting.  Critters have been complaining since C1, and sometimes it’s legit, and most times it’s bull.
I have such mixed feelings with Nott and Sam in regards to the rogue stuff.  Because most of the time, Nott skipping looking for traps genuinely just feels like Sam either forgetting or deliberately ignoring it because he thinks it’s funny.  I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s a struggle I have with Sam’s PCs, because a bunch of stuff that Sam does is just… well, Sam being Sam.  He’d make the same joke for Scanlan, or Tary, or Nott, or FCG.  So I can’t relate it to the specific PC, even when it’s the PC doing the action.  Either way, if this was a deliberate choice for Nott (even with Beau telling her to look for traps) or Sam just trolling, I’m glad Matt had consequences, and consequences that impacted the entire party, because everyone was hit from the fireball.  It’s a bit of a nudge (even though it doesn’t work.  Does Nott EVER consistently look for traps, even after she’s killed?).  Just looking at transcripts (not super accurate) 28 times within the first 50 episodes, 22 from episodes 51-100, and 21 from episodes 101-141. Sadly Critrolestats isn’t helpful for this, because they track the investigation rolls, but so many investigation rolls AREN’T checking for traps.
Ah ha!  This is where Jester steals Nott’s flask!  Laura tried to be sneaky, but Sam heard her right away.
Mmmrph...still not a fan of the jokes about Caleb sharing his loot. He never kept it!  Liam just likes to make it theatrical.  To be fair, I think this started because Vax hoarded loot?  Or at least Vax teased Vex a lot with loot.  Honestly, most of what I remember from C1 was Vax and Vex being silly over the boots of haste, one moment with loot where Liam asked Matt to make him and Laura roll for it, and then the drama over who gets whisper, which I honestly thing was more the fanbase than the players?
I kept getting confused that they weren’t sending to Essek, so I went and checked out my last post and yep there it was.  ALSO there is the exact same stuff that I said above about Sam.  -_-  I have no original thoughts.
Insect Plague!!!  *checks transcripts* Pike cast it in E5 and the battle royale, Umbrasyl cast it in E55, Jester casts in here in E66, and then again in E113.  This is one of the rarest used spells, to the point where I completely forgot about it!
(LOL the dice got released the day after I checked!  ...and I don’t like the sets.  Fuuuuuck)
(It’s now march 25th and I am in the MOOD.  LET’S GO!!!)
wait what the fuck did I literally stop for AGES at like, 30 seconds before the break??  That’s hysterical.
In the two/three months where I stopped watching C2, I forgot how much Caleb really did take the lead in a lot.
Wait wait wait….they’re putting the moorbounders in the stables, is this where they leave them???  Is this the last appearance of the kitties?!?!  *checks the transcripts* oh no it isssss.  Now I’m sad, I love the moorbounders so much.  (edit to add, rechecked the transcripts using the plural – looks like they technically have them as of e69 after the dungeon crawl, but then that’s the official last.  I wonder if by the time I get to that episode I will have forgotten I’d typed all this and re-express myself)  They seemed to perfectly bridge the difference between cared for and oft mentioned pets (Sprinkle, Frumpkin, Trinket) and mounts (barely ever named horses, the toilet horses, more unnamed horses).  I don’t even have a headcanon for what happens to them after the Nein leave. I’ve read some nice posts about people taking care of them, Verin taking ownership, the Nein getting them back, but they just….vanish. I don’t think? that they were mentioned during the wrap up. Flando’s splits don’t mention them, so I guess not.  I mentioned it way back, but I personally wish we could have gotten a second C2 wrap up.  With C1, we had the official wrap up, and then a second one because there were so many questions left over.  I can’t image that there weren’t enough questions left for C2.  Then again, pandemic times, and that also must have been right when Brian was either let go behind the scenes and just not officially announced yet, or on the cusp, considering it wasn’t a Talks format.
I have Thoughts that I can’t really articulate about how frequently Caleb shows the Bright Queen medallion, and how it’s both a bit defensive and a bit arrogant.  Thoughts about how it might be how Bren was trained to use the power of his station to get things he wanted.  Thoughts on how it’s making sure that it’s clear that he is In Charge, or at least has some level of Authority due to the medallion, and how it influences how he interacts with authority. Thoughts on how it may be due to his old training versus the more frequent attempt currently to lower his status to try to be unseen. Thoughts about how much could be Caleb healing and regaining confidence versus just using it at a means to an end.   I need someone else to get into my brain and actually write this up for me.
UGH I forgot all this cool Bazzoxan lore!  I really do adore Matt’s worldbuilding, especially the level of depth that he puts into every place.  He goes into it with the intention of making it feel real, and it really does.
I’ve mentioned it before and I know I’ll mention it again, but I so love how Liam handled spellcasting with his components.  With him leaning in to Caleb having to ask to purchase any item he needs, rather than just a general check with Matt, but pulling it so well into the roleplay really does inspire others.  Taliesin even in this scene!  Tal was good with black powder and such last campaign, but I feel like Matt had to prompt him more, advising that he was running out of materials and such, whereas Liam frequently initiates the conversation.
The humor of Liam having to explain to Laura that she needs Guidance to get the plus d4 to a check.  OH how times have changed.  (I’m also not a huge fan of how heavily Guidance is leaned on now.  When I was playing my druid, I made sure that Guidance was used sparingly, only where a magical boost seemed applicable.  Personal preference though.  I also wasn’t a huge fan of how for A Crown Of Candy on Dimension20 that familiars were constantly used to give advantage to rolls.)
Looking at the facial reactions when Matt says that Nott’s flask is missing, Sam and Laura obviously knew, and it looks like Taliesin overheard as well, but I think it’s a genuine surprise to everyone else.
Such a soft spot for the Wildbros.  Wildbrothers?  What’s the nickname for Fjord and Caduceus?  I think it’s Wildbrothers, but google isn’t helping me.  REGARDLESS.  Fjord reaching out to Caduceus for help is such a lovely moment.  Cad’s answer isn’t as straightforward as he would like, but it’s the first clear moment of Fjord changing paths to choose the Wildmother.  I know that Travis had been looking for possible options, but it did end up heavily steering this way, and I’m certainly pleased with the end result. PLUS!  A little bit from Caduceus as to what he is looking for! Still not a ton of detail but a place.  Honestly, I didn’t realize how long it took to actually get backstory for Cad.  I always consider him to be among the most open of the Nein (Jester being the most open, obviously), but I’ve seen very good meta explaining how he really isn’t that open at all.  Watching with that knowledge, it’s very easy to see how much he really doesn’t say.
There’s something a bit beautiful of Caduceus trying to guide Fjord into meditation/worship the way he does (slow breathing, name each sound that comes by) transitioning into Fjord’s own (wind becoming the sound of waves).  The Wildmother has always been a bit synonymous with Nature, but in my own failing, my interpretation of Nature was always plants and trees – very much the flora of the world. Fjord’s eventual worship of her being heavily based in the oceans, still very much a part of Nature, not only helped the character growth, but helped me recognize my own limitations that I was putting on her.  It also helped, once again, just confirm the realness of the world.  People practicing religion have so many variations to their worship and behaviors, to their interpretations of the religion.  In fiction, it’s very easy to take it Planet of Hats, and every follower of God A performs exactly the same way, and every follower of God B worships following this specific structure.  To have the gods in Exandria frequently worshiped differently continues to add depth to the world.
It’s very fun to see Ashley joke about Yasha doing some things which she quickly takes back, but will then fully play with as actual character traits in C3.
Oh FML.  I fully get into this, and all of a sudden I have a massive headache.  T.T  This episode is gonna take for-fucking-ever.  And it’s all good stuff!
Alright, two days later, no headache now, feeling good, got the time, lets see if I can make it through the last hour and half!
With the multiple instances of NPCs speaking Undercommon and Beau not being able to understand it, no wonder Marisha decided to take Undercommon the next opportunity she had.  Checking to see when she gets it (level 10) just makes me really miss Beau.  Her stats end up SO good, and she’s such an intelligent PC.  The roleplay decisions Marisha makes add such a level of depth to Beau’s desire for knowledge and a lovely contrast to how Caleb is intelligent and pursues information.   MY FAVS.
Once again, in my bad habit of underestimating Sam’s RP – I am really going to pay attention this time to Nott and her behavior when forced sober.  There’s quite a bit of it here that is played for laughs, but that doesn’t mean that the characterization is shallow or false.  Right away I noticed that Caleb immediately tries to sooth the situation by repeatedly saying that Nott has ‘misplaced’ her flask, ‘lost’ her flask.  While it’s a completely understandable take, especially as Liam doesn’t know that Laura had Jester take the flask, it’s a very obvious difference from Nott always believing Caleb, to Caleb disbelieving Nott.  He’s not cruel or harsh about it, and he doesn’t diminish her feelings at the lack of alcohol, but he does not accept Nott’s viewpoint that someone took the flask.
To be fair, a bit of that is metagaming.  Sam heard Laura ask Matt to take the flask, so he knows that it was taken from Nott.  I wonder how these scenes may have gone differently had he not overheard and thought that it was something Matt did in game, like how the Schuster kids stole their coin purses.  (also yes I did go to the wiki to confirm the spelling of the name, and yes I did get it wrong at first)
I love when the cast gets Sam to completely break.  Travis saying that Nott’s arms looked whiter than ever (Sam switched his shirt to a sleeveless shirt), and Sam just open mouthed WHEEZING for almost a solid 10 seconds.  Absolutely glorious.  And it’s Sam specifically because he’s the hardest to break.  Taliesin in pretty hard too, BUT if Taliesin gets hit then he’s just OUT.  Liam is by far the easiest to break and it’s delightful every time!
Downside of my massive delay in rewatching – they’re all discussing how Nott was doing really well without drinking and then started slipping up again when she picked it back up, and I can’t remember when this happened!  When did she stop drinking and pick it up again???  I have no recollection, and I feel really bad ‘cause that’s a pretty important thing!  Going back and finding my last post, I said that it might have been that she started getting drunk again to confront Yeza, but then I don’t recall why she would have been sober before that?  This is the big downside of not binging.
Oh wait, maybe the table does know?  Fjord suggests Jester scry on it, which SEEMS like Travis poking at Laura?  But I’m not sure! Could be a coincidence!
Dungeon crawl! Dungeon crawl!  I am hype for dungeon crawl!   CR doesn’t do many of them, and I definitely was bored by Kraghammer, but I think all the crawls aside from that very first one have been a blast.
I feel like this conversation of them trying to help Jester craft a message to Obann is the perfect summation of the Mighty Nein.  The absolute overlapping fuckery combined with SOME intelligence and a lot of goofing, but they get the job done.  Eventually.  Kind of. With sex jokes thrown in.
Aww, this is the doo doo doo doo moment, and Caleb legitimately laughing.   Iconic.  No donuts or pooping, but still good.
Talk about Beau/Marisha calling things!  “what if in your past life, before you lost your memories, you WERE an Iron Angel?”  well yes, yes she was.
Fjord preventing Nott from getting alcohol, then buying a bottle and essentially taunting her with it – it don’t feel good IC, but it always reads to me 100% of Travis teasing Sam.  It’s one of those moments where it DID happen in game, but it doesn’t tie into how I view the PCs interacting, because even though it happened it was more ‘above table’ then in game, if that makes any sense?  Like, Fjord and Nott have a very complex relationship, but Fjord buying alcohol when Nott is clearly going through withdrawal and then not letting her have it?  It’s hard for me to view that in their relationship, it just doesn’t feel right.  Like I said, too mean.
LOL when Sam sets down his flask and accidentally hits Matt’s camera.  Because it jostles Matt’s screen, I keep expecting him to jump or flinch like he’s being shaken, but of course it’s just the image so he doesn’t react.
After talking way too much about EVERYTHING, I actually don’t have much to say about the dungeon crawl.  It’s fucking awesome, Matt’s descriptions of celestial statues with bleeding eyes is amazing, everyone’s reactions are super fun to watch!  I suppose it’s harder for me to discuss because as much as I love the imagery, I kind of never really got the whole lore tie in.  The whole Angel of Irons plot, to be fair, is a bit fuzzy to me.  I kind of wish it had gotten explored a bit more, because the main takeaways that I have from it are that Obann thinks he’s serving the Angel of Irons (whoever he thinks that’s supposed to be), and gets undying champions – Yasha, The Laughing Hand, the Caedogheist or whatever her name is – and then….does something?  And it’s got to do with a cult?  That is releasing Abyssal anchors that just kinda open tears.  Like, I get from the wiki that he’s doing all these things and it’s supposed to release the Chained Oblivion from the Abyss (which oh, I didn’t realize he was there?  Because isn’t he behind the Divine Gate?), but it just never quite solidified for me.
ANYHOW.  FINALLY COMPLETE.  Let’s hope it doesn’t take as long to continue with the rewatch!
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, September 27
Giles: You understand me? Spike: Of course I understand you. Giles: I'm speaking English? Spike: No, you're speaking Fyarl. I happen to speak Fyarl. And . . . by the way, why the hell are you suddenly a Fyarl demon? You just come over all demony this morning? Giles: As a matter of fact, I did. Thanks to Ethan Rayne. You have to help me find him. He must undo this and then he needs a . . . good being killed. Spike: And I'm just supposed to help you out of the evilness of my heart? Giles: Y-you help me and I-I don't kill you. Spike: Oh, tremendously convincing. Try it again without the stutter. Giles: Money. I could pay you money. Spike: Oh, I like money. How much? Giles: A h-hundred dollars. Spike: A hundred dollars? You'll have to do a lot better than that. Two hundred. Giles: Fine. Spike: (surprised for a second) Right, then.
~~Buffy Episode #68: "A New Man"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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A Night Out (Cordelia/Willow, T) by cmk418
Nebraska (Buffy, Faith, G) by cmk418
Sexism & Semantics (Kennedy/Willow, G) by cmk418
Metaphor (Giles, G) by cmk418
Not Going to Make History (Willow, G) by cmk418
Shopping (Willow, G) by cmk418
Personal Effects (Willow, Xander, T) by cmk418
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A excerpt from a rough snippet (Spike, Beck, unrated) by annyankers
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Dysfunctional (Buffy/Spike, G) by violettathepiratequeen
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A Breath is But a Soundless Whisper Ch. 10 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Blackoberst
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Dusk till Dawn Ch. 1/? (Buffy/Spike, M) by space_case95
Purgatory Ch. 1/4 (Ensemble,T) by Michaelt
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In The Dark With You CH. 2 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Geliot99
Sweet Surrender Ch. 57 (Spike/OC, M) by Crossbows-and-moonshine
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Marriage, Sunnydale-Style, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, M) by scratchmeout
Come Back to Me, Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, E) by honeygirl51885
Vacation with a vampire (Sequel to The Sphere) , Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Coraline
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Origins, Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Niamh
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Makalaurë, Interrupted Ch. 1/3 (Dawn, T, LotR xover) by Luna
The Long Haul Ch. 8 (Buffy, Willow, E, SG1 xover) by BlueZeroZeroOne
The Key To Being Buffy Ch. 1/? (Buffy, Dawn, E, SG1 xover) by BlueZeroZeroOne
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Buffy () by illustrated_mixtape
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Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “A New Man” Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:Extra doodles for the buffy/tma au () by snakeliciousbaby
Artwork:BtVS Cartoon () by heroofthreefaces
Tarot: The Btvs deck i made last year! () by dualsouled
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode 1x01: “Welcome to the Hellmouth” by stephaniespoiler
Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode 1x02: “The Harvest” by stephaniespoiler
Angel book review: Image by oveliagirlhaditright
Buffy comic “The Food Chain” by oveliagirlhaditright
Buffy Rewatch 2k22 4.20 Primeval by handsofabitterman
Buffy book review: Ghoul Trouble by oveliagirlhaditright
Buffy Rewatch 2k22 4.20 The Yoko Factor by handsofabitterman
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PODCAST: Buffy Rewatch Podcast by Radio Ink
PUBLICATION: Why Angel Season 5 Was The Best In The Series by slashfilm
[Community Announcements]
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ROUND 45: "SCHOOL ME!" starts today by fandom10in30
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Write a 20 line poem! by Buffy Boards In honor of our 20th anniversary, the mods challenge you to write a 20 line poem! It can be about BB or Buffy or the Whedonverse in general.
[Fandom Discussions]
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getting turned into a vampire canonically didn’t actually change Spike’s farsightedness by vampir4te
Re-watching Dead Man’s Party by babygirlgiles
any fics where Spike sees Parker talk to Buffy in Harsh Light of Day and kicks his ass? by margoteve
one of the central regular characters on Buffy used to be a mystical ball of portal energy by torvagatai
Even with a soul, Angel can still honestly be so dark sometimes. by oveliagirlhaditright
I find the semi-fanon idea that the Scooby Gang would be wowed by how Wesley and Cordelia changed from their time in Sunnydale to be rather weird by sithpropagandist
I have been really lucky in reading the Buffy and Angel books thus far in the right order by oveliagirlhaditright
I get why, of course, but it kind of saddens me greatly that so few people have read the Buffy and Angel novels and consider them canon. by oveliagirlhaditright
I’ve mentioned a few times the Buffy quote from season 8 by oveliagirlhaditright
Aww. Buffy and Angel had this really cute moment in “Ghoul Trouble” by oveliagirlhaditright
I love playing spot the stunt double on buffy. by sophsun1
spike is like reverse therapy by vibatims
Jenny’s death and aftermath were not mentioned in Tough Love by rachaeljurassic
Fic rec: extra ordinary by wolf_shadoe by silvermars
I absolutely agree that Jenny should have been referenced way more after S2 by rachaeljurassic
Follow-up nasty Buffyverse mechanics thought by majingojira
Thinking about Spike’s pov with Acathala by disco-tea
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Was Lindsey needed? by nightshade
rewatching the zeppo by bieyes
Discussion of The Vampire Slayer #6 - Released 9/28/22 (Boom! Studios) by Multiple Authors
Harmony Singing by nightshade
Oz and Parker by Multiple Authors
Let's talk about Willow Rosenberg by WILLOW2022
Forgiving Angel by nightshade
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Fred's accent? by Involvere
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I know they’re not that old but why does Spike and other vampires are broke? by darklord0790
Andrew isn't the same character before and after cwdp by IndependenceAny8187
Name your favorite 'fuck around and find out about Buffy' moments. by Opening_Knowledge868
UNPOPULAR OPINION: Tara isn’t a great character by rapbarf
Is Dead Things the most depressing episode of the show? by Defvac2
People who have watched Buffy but have never watch Angel, why not? by PukeUpMyRing
Why did Buffy let Drusilla leave Sunnydale without staking her? by jdpm1991
Things that slightly irk me by Humble_Cucumber_5600
How would the series have changed if Seth Green never left? by GoblinQueenForever
In "Dead Man's Party", Willow says she tried to "communicate with the spirit world" by PunkEmmy
Thoughts on Dawn not being a potential slayer? by Ok-Recording-8682
In your opinion, what was the worst-shot scene in the series? by ZealousidealSet1198
Dark Willow makes so much more sense to me now that I’m a widow by SarcasmSlide
It makes perfect sense that vampires can’t administer CPR. by same1224
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PODCAST: Episode 11: The Best Musical Moments of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with guest Jenny Owen Youngs by The Cue Sheet
PUBLICATION: 9 Books for Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Book Riot
PUBLICATION: Vampire Slayer #6 Preview: Slayers Gonna Slay by Bleeding Cool
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Willow As A Character by Screen Rant
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] tos 1x15-1x19 (1966-67)
1x15 “shore leave”
you know kind of immediately if you’re going to like this episode or not. it’s incredibly silly, but i’m here for it.
also, while the episode as a whole is pretty disposable in terms of trek lore, there are two absolutely essential kirk/spock moments in here for shippers, so if that’s of interest to you at all i wouldn’t recommend missing this one. b-rank
1x16 “the galileo seven”
this is a spock-heavy episode and i’m almost always game for spock-heavy episodes. his commitment to peace and nonviolence is admirable, and for all the complaining everyone around him does, his logical approach really does give them the best chance of getting out of this extremely desperate situation. i might like more recent development of the character better than what we get here, but this is still one of the early tos episodes that has aged the most gracefully. in spite of the foam spears and styrofoam rocks. a-rank
1x17 “the squire of gothos”
kirk matches wits with a proto-q who has been observing humanity from afar and doesn’t realize that because of the speed of light he’s actually observing humanity from hundreds of years ago. so he has the personality of some imperialist general (retired). and like, i get that this isn’t any worse than a lot of episodes i like, but for this kind of silly bullshit it just kind of either clicks for you or it doesn’t, and for whatever reason this one has never clicked for me. c-rank
1x18 “arena”
maybe i have this one rated too highly, i won’t fight anyone on that. but i look forward to it every time i rewatch the series. and it’s not just because the gorn captain is hot af (but wow he’s hot af), but… yeah, okay, it is largely because the gorn captain is hot af. that’s fair. but come on, this episode is so iconic. a-rank
1x19 “tomorrow is yesterday”
the time travel is stupid and makes no sense, and it’s highly implied that it’s easy and they can casually use it again in the future (which does actually happen in a later episode). honestly this episode isn’t the worst or anything, and parts of it are pretty genuinely entertaining, but it’s definitely not one of my favorites or one i ever look forward to. it’s fine, though. it’s light & silly. the shot of the enterprise in the earth’s atmosphere being perceived by 20th century people as a ufo is adorable. it’s fine. c-rank
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loisroo · 2 years
why is the last 20 mins of beyond evil so damn queer 😭😩
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madeofcc · 3 years
Get To Know Me - 2022
I’ve been tagged by @shesthespinstersimmer a while ago ♥ thanks a lot for the tag and sorry it took me that much time.
🎨 Favourite Color :  Still purple / green and black
📖Currently Reading : 20th Century Boys that I have to actually start. I also found a book I wanted in a donation box the other day : Vernon Subutex by Virginie Despentes ^^
Currently watching : I’ve binge-watched a lot of TV shows lately : The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (this title is as hilarious as this show was) , The Afterparty (super creative and funny, watched it first for Tiffany Haddish but the plot and cast are actually great) , Euphoria season 2 (Which is awesome), Servant (just like Destiny, I love crazy rich white family occult dramas XD this one is wild), All of us are dead (an awesome corean drama with zombies on Netflix) and I’m rewatching The Leftovers on blu ray (this show is as traumatic as iconic). Oh and last season of Killing Eve who just started this week ♥
🎶Last song you listened to: Lord, I’m Tired by Labrinth and Zendaya
🍽Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Usually sweet but depends on the menu I guess ^^
Currently Working On
✨Sims Wise: DH2 ! I’m working on Chapter 2 that should be published this week ! I’m in a creative mood these days so chapter 3 might come soon as well if my game runs fine. I also want to make some screenshots for the TV show I’ve been writting just so I can test the pilot here and also complete the file in case I can sell the project somewhere
🤫Real Life: Still looking for a job but I’m getting really tired of being unqualified for job I applied that doesn’t need any qualifications so I’m thinking more and more about finally be an independant writer/screenwriter for good. I’m almost 30 so I’m thinking this is the time. Also tired to write for hours and not be paid everyday XD There’s a TV show festival in the city I live at the end of the month so I think I’m going there to meet some potential business partners ^^ Also praying for this war to end soon and peacefully ...
I tag @eslanes @xldkx @oydis @cyberth0t @castawavy @bakersimmer @sunseekersims @sweetpyxels @ladykendalsims @ladybugsimblr @hufflepuff-sim @teayo and anyone else who wants to do it ♥
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brentwatchesmovies · 3 years
Brent’s Top 10 Movies of 2019
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Scorsese is probably my favorite living filmmaker, but I’ll be honest, when I heard that Scorsese was making this movie, and *how* he was making it (heavily digital de-aged actors) I was a bit skeptical. De Niro and Pacino haven’t been turning in interesting performances in quite awhile, and Pesci came out of a decades-long retirement for the movie as well. On top of that, the first trailer released did little for me. All that to say I was an idiot to doubt the master.
Scorsese returns to the crime genre that he re-invented many times over the years, this time with the eyes of a man in his 70’s, looking back on his life and career. The movie is very long, but in my opinion, it needs the length. The viewer needs to *feel* the totality of a life, and as is his intent with The Irishman, the *consequences* of this specific life. The final hour or so of this movie feels like a culmination of Scorsese’s career in many ways. The energy and entertainment of a crime/mob epic, with the fatalism and philosophical leanings of a movie like ‘Silence’. It’s a 3.5 hour movie that I’ve already rewatched, and actively want to again, so that alone ought to speak volumes.
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Harmony Korine made one of my favorite movies of the 2010’s, the neon-soaked and often misunderstood ‘Spring Breakers’, so I was already in the bag for whatever he did next. When I heard it was a freewheeling stoner comedy where Matthew Mcconaughey plays a guy named ‘Moondog’ costarring Snoop Dogg, I reserved its location on my top 10 list.
This movie doesn’t have the empty heart at its core that defines Spring Breakers, opting instead for a character study about a ‘Florida man’ poet after his life pretty much falls apart. It’s basically plotless, stumbling from one insane, borderline hallucinatory sequence to the next, but I just loved living in the world of this movie. Beach Bum almost feels like a deliriously fun VR simulation of hanging out with Matt McConaughey and his weirdo friends down in the Florida keys. This is one that probably won’t pop up on many top 10 lists but I really adore, and will surely rewatch it a dozen times in the years to come.
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Let the record show, I’ve been a huge fan of Bong Joon-ho since I first saw his monster movie/family drama ‘The Host’. Some time later, he went on to make ‘Snowpiercer’, one of my favorite movies of the last decade. All that to say, I think Parasite is probably his best movie, and a true masterwork of thriller direction. It also has his usual brand of social commentary and a script filled with darkness and humor, following a South Korean tendency to juggle multiple tones throughout, sometimes all in one moment or scene.
Parasite also follows a big 2019 trend of commenting on class and social dynamics between the rich and the poor. I think that’s part of why it’s done incredibly well at the box office (especially for a Korean language film), the fact that people can relate in a huge way, regardless of which country your from. Parasite is one of the most entertaining movie viewing experiences I’ve had this year and I’d recommend everyone check it out.
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If you were to ask me what the funnest movie-going experience I had in 2019 was, I’d have to pick Rian Johnson’s ‘Knives Out’. Hot off making one of the best Star Wars movies ever made (don’t @ me) Johnson decided to make a passion project in the vein of classic Agatha Christie style murder mysteries, and the results are a total blast. Filled with clever twists and turns, weaponizing the structure of murder-mysteries against the audiences expectations, it stays one step ahead of you the entire time.
Aside from the clever mystery of it all, it’s the actors performances and chemistry that really sell this thing. Jamie Lee Curtis and Toni Collette are expectedly great per usual, and Daniel Craig is having the time of his life as Mississippi private-eye Benoit Blanc, but the heart of the movie is relative newcomer Ana de Armas. She brings an emotional weight and anchor to the movie that always keeps you emotionally invested amidst the terrible, money hungry backstabbing by the other heightened characters. I hope everyone sees this movie and Johnson is able to give us another Benoit Blanc adventure somewhere down the line, I’ll be there opening day.
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Nobody makes an upbeat, feel-good movie like Ari Aster does! After last years light and breezy ‘Hereditary’ (which I liked a lot but didn’t totally love) he’s back with a completely riveting and emotionally draining (not to mention horrific) masterpiece. What I connected to most in Midsommar is the journey of Dani, played incredibly by Florence Pugh. The way the film portrays the relationship between her and her dog shit boyfriend played by the (usually) charming Jack Reynor keeps you invested in every twist, perfectly paced out over the movies admittedly long runtime.
I won’t get into spoiler territory, but where this movie goes in the end is what makes this a fully 5-star movie for me. After putting you through hell, like Aster loves to do with bells on, Midsommar ends in a euphoric, psychedelic orgy of music and violence that I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Midsommar rules so hard and I can’t wait for whatever twisted thing Aster cooks up next.
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One of my increasingly favorite brands of movies is a finely crafted, primo slice of dad-movie cinema, and James Mangold has made one with Ford v Ferrari. The story chronicles the partnership of ex-racer and designer Carroll Shelby and racer Ken Miles as they work to make a Ford that can compete in the 24 hour race of Le Mans. Bale and Damon are a blast to watch bounce off each other and the race sequences are pretty damn thrilling, combining (what I expect is) a solid amount of great VFX with practical racing to great effect.
I also didn’t expect it to have as much to say about the struggle to create something special by passionate people and not committees while also inside the very machine that churns out products on an assembly line. Just a random note, this original movie was just put out by 20th Century Fox, now owned by Disney but that’s completely unrelated and I’m not sure why I’d even bring that up??? Anyway, I love this movie and dads, moms and everybody else should check it out.
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If you saw my list last year, then it must appear like I’m some diehard Mr. Rogers fan. I don’t really have many memories watching his show as a child, but what the documentary ‘Won’t You be my Neighbor’ and this film by Marielle Heller have in common is a shared fascination of his immense empathy and character. It’s only right that America’s dad Tom Hanks should play him, and I was surprised at the end that I was able to get over his stardom and accept him as Rogers. He’s not doing a direct impersonation, and I think it’s all the better for it, instead opting for matching his soft tone and laid back movements.
On a pure emotional level, this movie was a freight train. It didn’t help that the movie covers a lot of father stuff, from losing your own to becoming one yourself (2 big boxes on the Brent bingo card). Heller’s direction is clever in its weaponizing of meta/post-modern techniques, such as one incredible fourth wall break in a diner scene. It literally breaks down the barrier between Mr. Rogers, we the audience, and the films intent to make us feel something.
I cry a lot at movies, that much is well known, but it’s rare that a movie makes me weep, and this one did. Even thinking about scenes right now, days later, my eyes are welling up with tears thinking about the messages of the movie. Mr. Rogers and his lessons of empathy and emotional understanding have rarely been as vital and important as they are right now in our world.
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Robert Eggers first film ‘The Witch’ from 2015 is one of my favorite movies of this decade, possibly of all time, so my hype for his black and white, period piece two-hander ‘The Lighthouse’ was through the roof. Even with sky-high expectations, it still blew me away. With dialogue reminiscent of The Witch in its specific authenticity to its era, to the two lead actors giving all-time great performances, It was one of the most entertaining film viewing experiences I had this year.
There’s something about both of Egger’s movies that I really keyed into watching this one: his fascination with shame and the liberation from it. Where Witch was from the female perspective, Lighthouse literally has two farting, drunk men in a giant phallic symbol fighting for dominance. It’s less a horror film than his first, but still utterly engrossing, demented and specific to his singular vision. I can’t wait to see 20 more movies from this guy.
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This is another big movie of 2019, like The Irishman, where you can see the director looking inward, at what his films mean and represent. It initially caught me so off guard that I really didn’t know how to feel about it, but after seeing it again, it’s one of my favorites of the year, and probably Tarantino’s filmography overall. More akin to something like Boogie Nights or Dazed and Confused, letting us live with and follow a small group of characters, it mostly doesn’t feel like a Tarantino movie (until the inevitable and shocking explosion of violence in the third act, of course).
‘Hollywood’ is the most sincere and loving movie Tarantino has made, interested in giving us a send off to an era of Hollywood and artists that have been lost or forgotten (Some more tragically than others). In the end, the movie functions similarly to ‘Inglorious Basterds’ in it’s rewriting of history to give us catharsis. “If only things could have worked out this way.” Luckily in movies, removed from the restrictions of reality, they can. And once upon a time in Hollywood, they did.
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Uncut Gems probably tripled my blood pressure by the time the credits rolled. A slice-of-life story about a gambler/dealer in New York’s diamond district, the movie follows Howard Ratner, played by Adam Sandler in easily the best performance of his career. Ratner is basically addicted to living at the edge of a cliff, being chased by violent debt collectors, juggling a home life and a relationship with an employee, and fully relying on risky sports bets to stay afloat. It makes for a consistently tense and unique viewing experience, expertly directed by the Safdie brothers.
Something that might not work for everyone but that I personally loved, is the chaotic way in which the movie is shot. What feels like loosely directed scenes, with characters talking over each other and multiple conversations happening at once, adds an authenticity and reality lacking from most other movies. It’s more adjacent to Linklater (thanks to Adam for the comparison) or Scorsese’s earlier films (also fitting, that he’s a producer on this). Following Howard Ratner as his life descends into chaotic hell was one of the best times I’ve had watching a movie this year.
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oak23 · 4 years
Hi, I've been looking at your blog for a while now and I just wanted to thank you for your The Little Mermaid essay. It is fascinating and enlightening! I'm not part of the LGBT+ (ally) and it really helped me to open my eyes to LGBT+ themes in writings, I've studied english literature but your essay really showed me how LGBT+ themes can be interwoven but hidden in media and I'm going to be more mindful of it. I want to donate to an LGBT+ charity of your choice. 1/2
I'm definitely going to rewatch and re-read TLM, as I was never aware that the creator's were LGBT+ when I last saw them so long ago. Congratulations on go back to education! I have really grown in appreciation of dolls and have far more of an interest (and may have bought a couple 👀) since I started reading your blog (I've read your blog for a LOT longer than I've actually followed you) and if/when you design a mainstream doll I'll definitely pick one up! Thanks for your time x 2/2
I definitely recommend looking up queercoding because there’s such a rich history in between the systematic oppression of the 20th century. Here’s some videos I heavily recommend as a starting point:
If you would like to donate, a one off donation to Minus18 would be fine, especially since my own experiences with them as an under 18 gay guy was pretty instrumental to who I am today.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
so.... i was tagged to do this by @nuisanceandthehandsomeprince hhh here it goes!!
1. What do you prefer to be called by people?
i go by “a” on tumblr so that’s okay here but honestly any nickname as long as it’s not offensive or with bad intentions it’s fine
2. When is your birthday?
december 20th!! i’m a late 2002 baby :’)
3. Where do you live?
spain :-)
4. Three things you are doing right now?
laying down, typing this and breathing lmao jshksfjsfj
5. Four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
oh boi so she ra and the princesses of power, love victor (have only watched the first episode because i dont have hulu FFFFFF), where your eyes linger and maybe dark blue kiss?? i’m currently watching it but it’s one of my favourite bls already
6. How’s the pandemic treating you?
could be better,,,,,,, that’s all i’m gonna say
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
if you would had asked me a few weeks ago, i would’ve said restless by bibi, but right now i don’t have any song on replay in my brain,,,, i usually have 3 songs playing in my head it’s weird and it gets really frustrating when i’m trying to concentrate (hence me using lofi music as bg for when i write)
8. Recommend a movie!
i recently rewatched the hunger games movies and they’re honest to god so good i didn’t remember them being this good and i know i already posted my opinions on these movies back when i rewatched them but yall should watch them too because it’s amazing acting amazing plot line amazing characters amazing messages behind these movies amazing visuals amazing everything go watch them you’re missing out if you haven’t
9. How old are you?
i’m 17 heh it’s on my bio if yall didn’t know :’)
10. School, university, occupation, other?
well this is hard to say because technically i didn’t drop out of school but i haven’t attended a full day of classes since like february lmao also the last day of me going to class was the last day the school was open before they locked down so my locker has all my books and shit JSFHKHFKSFJ
11. Do you prefer hot or cold?
depends because i feel hot really easily but the cold gets me easily too,,,,,, but i also don’t get sick very often so idk..... cold seems more bearable so im going with cold
12. Name one fact others may not know about you!
i’m trying really hard to think about something i haven’t said on the internet yet........... okay i did recently so not many people know but i’m an ISTP !! 
13. Are you shy?
oh yeah i tick off almost if not all the requirements for being shy sjkfsfhls
14. Do you have any preferred pronouns?
i use she/her !! im cis but if someone addresses me with any other pronouns i won’t be mad or anything
15. Any pet peeves?
every time someone asks me this i forget all my pet peeves,,,,,, sigh
16. What’s your favourite ‘dere’ type?
i only know tsundere lmao
17. Rate your life 1-10. 1 is crappy & 10 is best it could be
sometimes it’s 3 and sometimes it’s 6′5 idk depends on the day and my mood
18. What’s your main blog?
this one :’)) i did have tumblr before this one but that blog is Deleted baby
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
i have only one and it’s for my kpop shit,,, if u wanna know how it’s called then message me hhhhh
20. Is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
i SUCK at replying texts and dms my friends hate me for that shfslfjdkg
this was so much fun !! i’m tagging @a-tired-leftie-carnation, @fan-mari, @lirtay and @oneflydude :-)
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Long term M/M roleplays
Hey! I’m Kat, and looking for some more roleplays. I’m in my early twenties, so no worries there, and I’m in the GMT+3 time-zone, though I tend to be up at odd hours and I’m often online.
I mainly want to roleplay M/M right now. I tend to write multi-para and more often than not my replies are 700+ words. I don’t mind shorter replies, as long as I get at least a few good sized paragraphs and correct spelling/grammar. Mistakes happen and that’s fine, but I don’t want to read something with no punctuation and that’s nothing but mistakes.
Also please read this whole thing before sending me a message!! I ask you don’t just send “wanna RP?”, because I won’t know unless you tell me something you had in mind: a plot, an idea of mine you liked, anything really.
As for smut, I adore it. I don’t want to write only smut for now, but anything from 20/80 to 80/20 on plot/smut ratio is good for me. Just tell me if you want more plot or smut.
In M/M smut I prefer playing a submissive/bottom character. I can play a dominant character, but I don’t enjoy it so I wish you’ll be willing to play an exclusively dominant role.
What I like:
- Medieval/historical settings (especially ancient Egypt/Rome/Greece) - Forbidden love - Arranged marriage - Lots and lots of drama and dark themes - But also fluffy scenes and cute/happy moments - Mpreg (not a must at all, if you’re not into it) - Supernatural beings (werewolves, vampires, demons, gods etc.) - Omega verse - Role reversal (such as, for example, a bully getting himself in a situation where the bullied has complete control)
I’m rather reserved when it comes to modern day settings, but I can do those as well if there’s a lot of action and drama involved. I prefer a plot-heavy story in modern setting though.
Pairings I’d like to try: (Dom/sub)
- Warlord/prince - King or prince/prince in an arranged marriage setting - Pirate or thief/nobility - Samurai/geisha - Nobility/prostitute - Servant/nobility or royalty - Guard/nobility or royalty - Bullied/Bully - Nerd/popular student - Stepbrothers - Demon/angel - Poor guy/rich guy in an Victorian era/early 20th century setting - Mage/human (yes I have just finished rewatching all Harry Potter movies lol) - Werewolf/human - Professor/student
And many more fun things, but I can’t remember everything off the top of my head. Feel free to suggest anything, really. I’m also very much into playing femboys/crossdressing characters, though if that’s not your thing I can do other kinds of characters as well. I know it’s a concern for many with these kinds of characters, so I’ll promise my characters are never the “I-can-do-nothing-on-my-own-and-will-cry-at-the-drop-of-a-hat-and-whine-the-rest-of-the-time” blushing virgin, maiden in distress types. No need to worry about that.
I am busy a lot, so I might not always have time to reply every day or even every other day, but I try to be as active as I can. Feel free to poke me if it takes more than a week or so though.
A few plot ideas: (MC = my character, YC = your character)
1) Insipred by the TV show “Lucifer”. YC is the Devil himself, ruler of Hell, the first fallen angel. He has grown tired of the same old tortured souls and fires of damnation scenery though and decides it’s time to visit Earth for a bit. A notorious playboy, seducer to sin, the owner of one of the hottest nightclubs in town is the image he creates for himself among humans. He grants wishes in exchange to favours and soon enough everyone knows of him. MC is a struggling student, or someone who has just graduated and can’t get on in life, and as a last resort goes to see YC. YC takes an immidiate liking to him, and initial fascination quickly turns into something more… human. Love, maybe? Suddenly YC has to make a choice of whether or not he’ll reveal who he truly is to the innocent human he has fallen for.
2) Once upon a time MC and YC were lovers, young and oh, so in love. They were happy together, planning their future, until one day YC disappeared without a trace and MC never saw him again. Until 10 years later; YC has inherited a large fortune from his uncle who had no family of his own, and one lonely evening he heads to a brothel to ease his longing for company. There, much to his shock, he is reunited with MC who is a shell of what he once was. The bubbly, social human, always so full of life, has turned into someone with a haunted look in his eyes and a deep distrust for other people. Not able to leave MC there, YC buys him from the brothel and takes him home. Now he needs to decide what to do with him. (Historical setting)
3) (Omega verse, preferably mpreg included) MC is a rare kind of a shifter, an omega desired by many. He was born in a different kind of a prison: to a man who breeds only the best omegas for the royalty. He and the other omegas he lives with have never seen the outside world. They are kept safe behind locks in the innermost monastery on the castle grounds, where there’s no chance of them getting out on their own. They are given to the harems of the royal family, or occasionally bought by the wealthies of the wealthy. But MC wants more, he wants independence and a life of his own, rather than a life dedicated to fawning over an alpha with an ego big enough as it is. YC is an alpha who has made a considerable contribution to the kingdom (could be anything from being an honored soldier to being a famous artist, whatever you come up with) and who is being gifted one of these rare omegas by the royal family themselves. On his visit to the monastery to choose one of them, he takes a liking to MC, the spiteful little thing who can’t seem to know when to shut up and who won’t bat his lashes and swoon at everything YC does. It seems like MC will be getting a new home.
4) MC is a shifter (species can be discussed and decided on later) who has been separated from his pack and survived alone for a while now. He gets caught in the middle of a fight between YC’s pack and YC’s rival pack, and after - possibly accidentally - saving YC’s life he is accepted into the pack. Some time passes, YC and MC grow closer, the suspicions some had about MC fade and MC feels he’s starting to belong in a pack again, when he finds out his old pack has merged with YC’s rival pack. Now he’ll have to choose whether he is loyal to his new, or his old pack. (I would prefer this had mpreg, but again not a necessity)
5) YC is a shapeshifter, the leader of a clan of dragons. Dragons have long ago been thought extinct, but the truth is there are still some clans left. The problem is, with the dominant personalities of dragons, it’s quite difficult to find a mate or a breeding partner. YC thinks to look for the solution outside the clan, to make humans their child-bearers. He picks MC as the first test subject. (Includes Mpreg)
6) Two countries have been at war since the beginning of time, as long as anyone can remember. All boys who come of age must join the army and go to war. MC knows he could not survive the war - he’s never touched a sword in his life, never hurt anyone. He’s not physically strong nor does he have any knowledge of fighting. His family has already died because of the war, leaving him alone on a small farm. So, to avoid having to go, just before coming of age MC started disguising himself as a woman. For some years it has worked out well, he’s lived his life peacefully on his little farm, until the enemy forces take the city just outside of which MC lives. YC is a high ranking officer (or the king) who takes an interest in MC, thinking he is a woman. Now MC must figure out what to do with the peculiar situation he finds himself in.
7) (A rare futuristic plotline I’ve been dying to do since I watched Black Mirror; Nosedive) People want good ratings on their pictures, on their posts and videos - on themselves. Everyone has a technological chip inserted into their eyes when they’re born that lets them see how other people are rated. Only the “best” humans in society are rated 9 or higher overall - 5 or lower makes life Hell on Earth for a person. Anyone can rate anyone on their phones every time they interact in person. One’s rating has a tremendous impact on their lives; whether they get the job they want, whether they can apply to a certain school, even whether or not they can buy a house in a certain neighborhood… this system makes creating deep relationships nearly impossible, because people are too afraid to show who they really are in fear of being rated badly. MC is the youngest son of a well-off family, an ideal family where everyone is rated 8.9 or higher, loved by most people. YC is from a family who have never much cared about the system. They are decently rated, but they don’t seem to care - what they care about is the honestly and real human relationships that are so hard to find nowadays. When MC and YC meet, MC is intrigued, but YC thinks MC is an empty shell only after numbers just like everyone else. Eventually, feelings start to develop between the two, but there are many problems to overcome, especially in their society. That’s it for now. I’m always happy to hear any ideas you might have as well, and all the ideas above can be modified or changed up a little!
Anyway, hope to hear from you soon!!
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vincent-marie · 6 years
So recently I rewatched TREASURE PLANET for the first time in about fifteen years and… I'm not gonna lie, it's still my personal favorite of the 2D Disney animated features from the early to mid-2000s.
Let's be real. Of the 2D features Disney released around that time period, TREASURE PLANET is one of the more solid films. ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE had some interesting ideas and some really nice design work and animation, but it really needed to be at least two hours long if it wanted to flesh out the characters and the world-building without requiring supplementary material (like a special edition of Disney Adventure magazine). Hardly anybody remembers BROTHER BEAR was even a thing, and the less said about HOME ON THE RANGE, the better. (Seriously, that movie wasn't even worth the Steve Buscemi cameo.)
The only other film of that era that has really held up was LILO AND STITCH, and I'll admit it's probably a better film than TREASURE PLANET. It took more risks in terms of character, setting and originality, and emotionally it leaves more of an impact. (That scene when Nani sings to Lilo makes me cry like a baby every time.) My only problem with it is it always felt like two entirely different movies collided with each other and it never felt like they really meshed well. Otherwise, I agree with most fans that it’s a good film.
Also, of course, there was the excellent THE EMPEROR’S NEW GROOVE, which was just such a huge departure from Disney’s normal schtick and trying something more Tex Avery-esque, only for it to be a perfect storm instead of a total crash and burn. That is much to be proud of.
Going back to TREASURE PLANET, I can understand that most folks walk away saying it’s an "okay" film. I, however, am not one of those people. I've had a real soft spot for this movie ever since I saw it, but now I appreciate this film for additional reasons.
Namely, the animation and effects work. Holy crap, is this movie gorgeous! It's like watching Don Bluth's ANASTASIA, except I don't have to feel guilty about historical inaccuracies. (Now it’s just scientific inaccuracies, but STAR WARS gets away with that all the time.)
Directors John Musker and Ron Clements had apparently wanted to do a sci-fi retelling of "Treasure Island" since before they started working on THE LITTLE MERMAID. With that in mind I do feel like this movie would have fared better with critics back in the early 90s during the Disney Renaissance. However at that time they would not have had such elaborate and detailed CG effects within arm's reach. There's something I really enjoy about the use of 3D backdrops so that they may do sweeping camera movements, and that's not even getting into the lighting effects to establish atmosphere.
What's more, there are a lot of subtleties to the character animation that I never appreciated until now. You could just pick one character and focus on him or her during the whole movie and find a lot of fun little quirks in their dialogue or walk cycles.
Admittedly, much of this film’s appeal probably depends on how much of an animation fan you are. In my case I was watching John Silver’s animation and I suspected that Glen Keane was probably in charge of animating him (as there are moments when Silver looks so much like Ratigan). Those suspicions were confirmed during the end credits and I was delightfully geeking out about it.
It’s also easy to see where this film might not have had a lot of mass appeal. Most of the focus on the story is on Jim Hawkins and his daddy issues, which by the early 2000s was already a cliche of a character arc. And it’s not helped by the fact that Jim himself is... well, kind of on the bland side as a protagonist. There’s not a lot about him that makes him any more or less interesting than any other teenage male lead. But for what it is I think the movie did fine at establishing and building the relationship between Jim and Silver, which does have its warm and comforting moments. For both of them.
And at least the film is straightforward with its plot and characters and it’s not a structural mess like HERCULES, a previous venture by Musker and Clements.
Something I’ve noticed over the years is that TREASURE PLANET has a little bit of a cult following. I distinctly remember this one time when I was taking a storyboard class in college; we were assigned to do a “Master Study” assignment by recreating the key story frames in our favorite scene in a favorite animated movie. One of my classmates picked the scene when Jim is brought home to the inn by the police and embarrasses his mother. I recall being so impressed, and even a little envious, that she got the character design style down to a T. (If you’re wondering what movie/scene I picked for my Master Study, I picked the Big Ben scene from THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE.)
Then, of course, some friends and I suspect that TREASURE PLANET might have fared better if it had been released a bit later, more towards the height of the Steampunk craze. It’s not quite what I would call “Steampunk”, as it takes place in a sort of alternate universe version of the 18th century and not the Gothic era, and most of their transport is solar-powered and not steam-based. Nevertheless it’s easy to see how fans of Steampunk could find it appealing, with its mostly earth-tone color pallet to evoke the painted illustrations of the classic novel it was based on. Also that combination of a pre-20th century aesthetic with out-of-this-world science fiction elements is pretty much, in my opinion, what makes Steampunk so much fun to play around with. Also, a robot made out of copper. End of story.
In terms of why this film didn’t do so well when it was released, I suspect what stunted its success was the marketing. I could be wrong, as I was actually living in Honduras at the time of the film’s release, but we got some TV stations from Denver, Colorado. I remember a lot of the TV spots spent most of their time highlighting the goofy comic relief moments with Morph, and there was a real emphasis on the presence of B.E.N., even though he's in less than one-third of the movie. In other words, the film's success might have been partially sabotaged by a marketing team that seemed to think if you don’t take your film seriously at all that will somehow draw in the crowd.
Although speaking of the comic relief characters, I actually don’t mind them that much. I always thought Morph had a lot of cute, funny moments that weren’t too obnoxious. As for B.E.N., I kind of have mixed feelings for him. On one hand, the directing team made better use of Martin Short’s improvisational skills than PEBBLE AND THE PENGUIN or WE’RE BACK! ever did. But on the other hand, does B.E.N. have to be so loud and shouty? However, while B.E.N. is a real screw-up, he’s not so much to the point where I want to see him get smashed with a sledgehammer. He’s generally likable, not at all loathsome, and just annoying enough, but not TOO annoying.
However while we’re still on the subject of B.E.N., I’d just like to add that the CG animation on him is really nice. Making him 3D gives him a sort of sense of solidity compared to his hand-drawn humanoid compadres, and to top it off his animation isn’t at all stiff or feels like the CG is holding him back. There is some really expressive squashing and stretching going on with his dialogue. It’s so subtle in places that you’d probably miss it if you’re not looking for it. A lot of CG animation studios at the time like Pixar and Dreamworks had not quite mastered squashing and stretching themselves, so kudos to Disney for pulling it off so well.
Now if I may indulge a little on why I remember this film fondly, my favorite characters were always Dr. Doppler and Captain Amelia. They are both fun and engaging on their own, but together they are weirdly adorable. Granted, I've always thought them getting together at the end was a bit rushed, but I still totally buy it.
(What I don't buy is that they'd be so eager to have kids after Doppler showed such annoyance and revulsion towards that toddler alien girl at the beginning. I get that the creators wanted some visual shorthand to indicate that they're an official couple, but they could have just been wearing wedding rings or throw in a little more of them dancing together.)
Part of the reason I love these characters on their own is the casting. I was already familiar with Emma Thompson from Ang Lee's adaptation of SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, and her character of Eleanor Dashwood was very quiet and reserved. You can imagine my disbelief and delight hearing her play an assertive, witty badass as Amelia. (As if I didn't already think Amelia’s design was cool.)
As for David Hyde Pierce, I had only occasionally watched FRASIER growing up, but when I saw this movie I was familiar with him through some other memorable voice acting roles, particularly that excellent Season 8 episode of THE SIMPSONS, “Brother From Another Series.” In other words, I already knew him to be funny, snarky and charismatic.
While I'm on about the casting, I feel like there's a totally wasted opportunity to have these two characters in a room together, say, before the black hole scene, exchanging witty banter to show how compatible they are in a casual setting. It’s a shame that Emma and David didn’t record their dialogue together, because with her being an accomplished writer and with his skills at improvisation, there could have been some good verbal combat by way of “Much Ado About Nothing-Meets-Frasier.”
But looking back, I remember I immediately loved Captain Amelia just on principal. As a kid I never really gravitated that much to any of the Disney princesses. I can’t really describe why, but it was mostly how they were marketed as just looking pretty and (arguably) kind of passive in their own stories. Not to mention how when Disney Princess became a brand, they really amped up the girly cutesy-ness to their preexisting images. Not to say there’s anything inherently wrong with cute or feminine things, but it really made me feel like a weirdo who somehow wasn’t fit to be called a girl.
Captain Amelia, on the other hand, had her own style of femininity by wearing a classy, more masculine captain’s uniform along with thigh-high high-heeled boots (that she has no problem running in). She had a no-nonsense attitude, she was focused and cool-headed in a stressful situation, she was downright snarky and took crap from no one. In other words, she was the type of woman I wanted to be when I grew up, and to this day she is my favorite Disney Lady, bar none.
And while I’m at it, I’m just going to add that I’ve always found Dr. Doppler more attractive than your standard Disney prince. Besides his character design looking like a canine version of Roger from 101 DALMATIONS, he just always seemed like he’d be fun to get a coffee with.
Well, that’s about all I really want to talk about regarding TREASURE PLANET. It’s a shame it’s not remembered by more people as it does have some really good elements to it, but in some regards I can kind of see why it wasn’t a huge critical success. If you haven’t seen it already I recommend checking it out as it’s a pretty solid standalone film that doesn’t need supplementary material and covers all the bases with the plot and some fun character moments here and there. If you’re an animation fan I cannot stress enough how you really need to watch it, or even rewatch it, because, again, the animation and effects work is just a real feast for the eyes.
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enbouton · 6 years
Better Call Saul Rewatch, Part 4/30: Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church
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Hero (Season 1, Episode 4)
Written by Gennifer Hutchison / Directed by Colin Bucksey
This episode deals largely with identities. Jimmy is Saul Goodman, he’s Slippin’ Jimmy, he’s Howard Hamlin, he’s his own receptionist on the phone, he’s Tony Curtis in the bath scene in Spartacus, he’s a local lawyer and a local hero. It’s fitting that we open with a flashback showing young Jimmy using the name “Saul” for the very first time, and just as fitting that it’s done without fanfare: it’s tossed out as a half-joke. “S’all good, man!” Jimmy, in a garish, slithery-looking striped shirt, leads his mark down the alley where his partner in crime awaits. The unhurried pace of this sequence is very effective, suiting the stillness of nighttime Cicero and the low-key nature of Jimmy and Marco’s con.
The flashbacks on this show (with the exception of the corner-store one) all take place at night or in dimly lit rooms; here’s some good meta that touches on how Jimmy thrives in darkness. Is it significant that the first Slippin’ Jimmy con we see is one that wouldn’t work on an honest person? Jimmy needs a mark who’s willing to make off with the "Rolex”, thinking he’s got one over on the rube who settled for $1,580 in cash.
Afterwards, Marco is radiant with admiration for Jimmy— “I love watching you work”— but Jimmy says his talents are good for beer money, and that’s about all. Again: what would have happened to this guy if he hadn’t had to leave Cicero? This is not the face of a man who’s happy with where he is in life:
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(It is the face of a man who’s being "haunted by the ghost of vladimir lenin” (@deadpanwalking), but I digress.)
Back in the present, Craig and Betsy stand over a pile of money and stress that what they did was “for the kids” (sound familiar?). In substance if not style, Jimmy’s pitch to the Kettlemans bears more than a little resemblance to Kim’s pitch to Mesa Verde: “What are you gonna get from me that you won’t get from those other guys? Passion. Commitment ... If you’re with me, you’re my number one client, morning, noon or night. You call me, I’m there. I would be singularly devoted to you.” But Betsy isn’t swayed: “You’re the kind of lawyer guilty people hire.” Ouch. Exhausted and beaten down, Jimmy takes their bribe.
Nacho, now released, surmises that Jimmy tipped off the Kettlemans. I like that Nacho is as smart as Jimmy. I like that the show generally surrounds Jimmy with people who are as smart as he is. Jimmy counters that Nacho didn’t need any help making himself look suspicious, and Nacho stalks off.
As Jimmy launders his money, assigning stacks of cash to “consulting fees”, “research” and “travel expenses”, he constructs yet another alternate self, this one belonging to a narrative in which he worked for the Kettlemans.
We see Jimmy getting measured for an expensive, conservative suit, yet when the tailor steps out of the room, something wonderful happens:
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#it’s like watching a baby being born #a really tacky baby
But Jimmy isn’t just using his windfall to smarten up; he’s playing a long con involving a billboard exactly mimicking one of Howard Hamlin’s, ringlets and all.
Small brain: using your ill-gotten seed money to advertise your business
Galaxy brain: dressing up as your enemy, buying a provocative billboard that you know you'll be forced to take down, hiring a film crew, then bribing a worker to fall off the billboard so that you’ll get on the local news for rescuing him
“He’s… you know, a free spirit,” Kim says, having been dragged out of the office to look at it. She demurs when asked if she and Jimmy are still friends, which, tbh, is fair enough, given how Jimmy behaves around Hamlin (we’ll get into that later). There’s lots to think about with Jimmy literally dressing up as Hamlin, recreating his look down to the smallest detail. Once again he’s taking on another persona, albeit just to achieve a short-term goal. “What kind of lawyer are you going to be?” Kim will ask him in season 2. It’s a question Jimmy seems to keep asking himself.
In the midst of Jimmy and Hamlin’s clash, we get an early glimpse at the tightrope Kim is expected to walk at HHM. She shouldn’t feel the need to lie about who her friends are in order to stay in her boss’ good graces, yet she does, and later on she breaks off a friendly conversation with Jimmy to hand over a cease & desist letter. With Kim, BCS dodges the “successful woman has to choose between career and relationship” trope in favour of something much more interesting, a woman facing uncertainty and unfairness in both spheres. Kim’s relationship with Jimmy isn’t even the main reason she’s treated unfairly at work, and her allegiance to HHM isn’t what’s keeping her and Jimmy apart.
The billboard comes down, but not before Jimmy has himself filmed in front of it, first speaking to camera about the injustice he’s faced, then racing up a ladder to rescue the worker whom he bribed to take a fall. It’s fascinating to watch how Jimmy tells his story here. He hits all the right beats— patriotism, bootstraps, public service, the dream of owning one’s own business— and casts himself as the all-American underdog who “scrimped and saved” to buy a billboard only to have it snatched away from him. We’ll see Jimmy employ a lot of these tropes in his advertising later on; this is his skill at face-to-face communication writ large, but the foundation of the billboard con is his ability to create situations that he can manipulate to his advantage.
When Jimmy drags the worker back up onto the walkway and the two slap hands, we finally see his angle. Watching him on the news in the HHM boardroom, Howard mutters “whole thing’s a damn stunt” and walks off. Kim gives a little smile.
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The one part of the situation that Jimmy can’t control is his brother. He has the foresight to keep the newspaper from him, but he can’t account for Chuck’s pedantic attention to detail. Of course Chuck will wonder why his newspaper wasn’t delivered; of course he’ll look outside and see that all his neighbours have theirs; of course he’ll deduce that there’s something in the paper that Jimmy doesn’t want him to see, and cross-reference this against what Jimmy told him about a sudden change in his fortune; and this, perhaps combined with the urgent care receipt that fell out of Jimmy’s pocket a few weeks prior, will concern him enough that he’s compelled to go outside.
The show has already tipped its hand re: the true cause of Chuck’s symptoms, but that’s almost beside the point here: what matters is that they are real and debilitating. As soon as he steps outside, he’s overwhelmed, his senses are deranged, and he nearly runs into the path of a car in his haste to get across the road. The chaotic, visceral sequence ends with a blackly comic cut to his neighbour’s perspective. From the outside, this proud, suffering man is just a crazy guy in a space blanket, scurrying back to his door.
“You assume that criminals are gonna be smarter than they are,” Jimmy muses to Mike. “I don’t know. Kinda breaks my heart a little.”
IIRC, the billboard, which went up for filming in Albuquerque in 2014, was how we all found out Saul’s original first name.
A wall of glass blocks appears prominently behind Jimmy and his mark as they walk down the alley. Marco’s fake ID, in the name of Henry Gondorff, bears an issue date of July 1991.
What we see of Kim’s office is devoid of personal items, except for a pair of sensible sneakers on the floor.
Timeframe: this episode picks up right where “Nacho” left off and covers a period of about two weeks. The Albuquerque Journal is dated June 20, 2002; Chuck’s copies of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bear cover stories that were published on June 19th or 20th (they are “Israel Acts to Seize Arab Land After Blast; Bush Delays Talk” and ”Unhappy Returns: IRS Moves to Bring Back Random Audits”).
“Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple (1972), sung by Marco
“Listen” by Chicago (1969), as Marco and Jimmy smoke
“Battle Hymn of the Republic” by Herbie Mann (1969), as Jimmy launders his money. Saul plays a different version of this song in his waiting room in Breaking Bad.
“Unsquare Dance” by the Dave Brubeck Quartet (1961), as Jimmy calls the media
Young Jimmy offers to take his mark to a place “a couple blocks off Cermak”. He’s referring to Cermak Road, a major east-west thoroughfare that runs through Cicero, neighbouring Berwyn, and parts of southern and western Chicago.
“Super 170 Tasmanian wool”: the “Super” number corresponds to the diameter of the wool fibres; the higher the number, the finer (and more expensive) the cloth. 170s wool suiting is very fine, soft and lightweight. More info here.
Sea Island cotton: a variety of extra long staple cotton historically grown in the Caribbean and named after the area of South Carolina:
“Sea Island cotton is the ultimate choice for any suiting connoisseur due to its unrivaled softness and second skin-like feel. This ancient fibre is now grown mainly in the paradise climates of Barbados, Antigua and Jamaica; its inherent long staple yarns create a silky yet strong surface, resisting wear while smoothing over time. Extremely scarce, it makes up just 0.0004% of longer staple yarn production.“ (Turnbull & Asser, where you can buy a Sea Island cotton shirt for £345/$456)
French cuffs: double cuffs that are folded back and fastened with cufflinks; a very formal style
Club collar: a white collar with rounded points, created by alumni of Eton College who wanted their dress to indicate that they belonged to that exclusive “club”. All in all, the elements of Hamlin’s signature look connote wealth and sophistication in a formal, conservative way.
Jimmy refers to Tony Curtis’ appearance in a particular scene in the 1960 epic Spartacus. It’s worth noting that the scene, which features two men bathing together and some heavy innuendo about “snails” and “oysters”, was considered so homoerotic that it was cut entirely by the censors and only restored to the film in 1991 (source). You can watch part of the scene here.
Kim invites Jimmy to a screening of The Thing (1982), a horror film about a group of researchers in Antarctica encountering a parasitic alien entity.
While talking to reporters, Jimmy mentions Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, investigative journalists who covered the Watergate scandal.
The Groucho Marx mirror routine Howard refers to is this scene from Duck Soup (1933).
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday,April 9 -Wednesday, April 10
BUFFY: You are going to be in so much trouble when we get home. DAWN: Yeah, well ... I'm telling Mom you slayed in front of me. BUFFY: Fine. I'll just tell her that you ran out of the house in the middle of the night, that you got Anya hurt, invited a vampire in, got kidnapped.... (at home) JOYCE: Sorry it ran so late. Everything, uh, go okay? BUFFY: Yeah. Yeah, you know ... I got the vamps and we watched some TV.
~~The Real Me (Season 5)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Night and Day (Buffy/Spike, G) by Garnigal
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Untitled (Willow/Tara/Oz, unrated) by daisys-quake
Untitled (Buffy/Faith, unrated) by daisys-quake
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[Reviews & Recaps]
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[Community Announcements]
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Femslash Minis Is Closing by femslash-minis
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♡ Wild Horses Weekend: May 10 - 12 ♡ by iwillrememberyoumarathon Join us as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Prom — SMG’s favorite episode! — with a weekend of Bangel creative works.
[Fandom Discussions]
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“angel was fine when he lost cordelia” oh right yes of course. by moistvonlipwig
Similarities and differences meme: Willow and Fred by we-pay-for-everything
Loose threads about Joyce, and Hank by ifeveristoday
Similarities and differences between Elena and Buffy by we-pay-for-everything
I’ve been rewatching s7 of Buffy by mrsgordo84
Angel and Hood by we-pay-for-everything
Today, on Things in Buffy that probably weren’t intentional by all-seeing-ifer
How are you feeling about Angel's entrance into Boom! Canon? by gracenm
So they’re making Angel into a…. teenage boy vampire? by wolveswithhats
Angel & Cordelia knew and understood each other better than Angel & Buffy ever did. In what way??? by millennialslayer
i think xander harris was a good man by watcherspet
Speculation on Boom! Angel by kyliafanfiction & rahirah
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He's back! by WillowFromBuffy
Characters You're Too Harsh On vs Characters You're Too Easy On by Multiple Authors
Defend your favourite characters' worst moments by Multiple Authors
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Plothole? Angel 2x09: Darla's Conundrum by Naus-BDF
Most underused character? by justadude1990s
Any else finds the episode of the body to be their worst nightmare? by murdered800times
Things you like about Riley and Dawn? by Difficult_Place
Who here also absolutely loves the first Season? by Naturis10101
The key being a person thing always was a bit odd to me. by murdered800times
Did the existence of "Firefly" ruin Buffy's final season 7? by jdpm1991
I’d love to see a background for Glory by ndrw17
Angelus and Drusilla relationship in BTVS season 2 by minoriti
My one issue with "Becoming (Part 2)" by SushiThief
Giles by dw1210
The later seasons are pretty blunt compared to the early stuff by jfjazzman
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: BOOM! to drop surprise Joss Whedon’s Angel #0 comic next Wednesday by Comics Beat
PUBLICATION: Angel, Buffy's Favorite Brooder, Is Back in a New Comic Series by New York Times
PUBLICATION: 20 years on, Angel is still better than Buffy by The Boar
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on FUCKING kissing. and other shit
i’m still just. as bowled over as i knew i’d be about getting to have the triumphant nice gay kiss of resolution. like, i dont think i’ve seen that in any movies ive watched. not that many of them like, have a gay mc in the first place. usually you maybe have a couple peripheral side cast gays w a lil subplot and they get to say “i love you” or something. idk. or for some reason whats up with dramas where like, the initial Gay Encounter w kissing is often also a sexual encounter which is fine but the point is its like “oh, wow drama” right. and then the bit where they maybe manage to actually come together is like, too solemn for kissing? its also fine to have other moments of physical intimacy besides kissing, thats fantastic tbh. and i can’t say “wow what a trend in Major Releases W Gay Love Stories At The Core” because there’s not enough fuckin data for any real trends. but anyways maybe the ol Finally They Kiss thing is more seen as a like, ~romance genre~ thing rather than serious movies. idk. anyways getting sidetracked
my point is i think thats the first movie Gay Kiss Of Resolution that i can remember seeing. and it gets me, man. it hits me hard. i’m like. electric. not just because its like “wow this is a new one for me” obvs but because i’m gay and i like things that are very gay and very sweet and cute and that was all of that. so much in that film was ferociously endearing. like, thank god for gay love getting to be charming and nice and lighthearted and even exuberant. yeah babye
and for the past couple months ive been thinking on twitter threads about ppl who were Gay Teens Coming Out years and years ago who went to see the film w a parent or other sort of relation and it prompted a discussion where the parent is like. when you came out, was it bad? was i very bad about it? and they said how the answer was well, kinda, yeah. and getting to have this whole talk about a decade or so after the fact, because the movie shows such earnest support, and the recognition of the failing of anything less than the fullest kind of support.
like honestly i liked a lot that like, the issue wasn’t that simon was particularly worried about rejection, or some terrible kind of abuse or violence like gay kids who had to keep it a secret because their parents might even have pulled shit like kicking out a gay kid, like implying they’d even kill them if they’re gay. and he wasn’t exactly worried about like, hate crimes or anything either. because its not like the Awful kind of homophobic reaction isnt a concern anymore, but it isnt to everyone, and it wasnt always to everyone. its not even accurate to say that noncishet people prior to like the late 20th century always were rejected, always were closeted, always were miserable. there’s all kinds of stories and it’s nice to hear all kinds of them. like, the Gay Tragedy was as we know the only way to get a gay story of any kind past the rigid catholic moral guide for Film back in the day, and not so shocking that thats the kind of gay story that tends to be most palatable to the heterosexuals. and they have, what, like atonement and shit or something? and yet also i’m not saying that tragic gay stories should be off limits, or dramas, or anything. just that of course movies are limited to Bury Your Gays, Kill The Trans Kid, Show The Tragedy Of Not Being Cishet Coz That’s What’s Gritty And Real And I’m Okay With Them If They Die. we deserve every genre and plot structure. it would improve all of them.
anyhow like i was sort of getting to. i really appreciate how simon like, isn’t ashamed of being gay, isn’t in denial about it, isn’t afraid of his parents or friends or community finding out, doesnt feel particularly endangered re the idea, but still feels like he can’t. i really liked the bit where he upsets his sister cuz he’s so fuckin stressed about having just been outed and his privacy invaded in front of his whole damn school but he’s like super conflicted about like, why would i be upset at being out, why would i be ashamed just because i didnt come out before, etc etc. and i liked that he felt his coming out to his parents went badly just b/c it was a bit awkward. because the small issues are just as big a deal, people wanna act like the defining part of being gay is a certain level of agony. and so you get ppl questioning if love, simon is “necessary,” like a gay protag has to be justified for the technical benefits it might afford, like if its not about suicide or self loathing or ostracization or violence or being disowned or etc etc, its not REALLY about being gay, and it can’t possibly help gay kids because its just unrealistic. because even if you have worse problems, seeing an overall happy gay love story where he gets the guy and has all the support of family and friends and community put out there will just be meaningless to you. and obviously its just as pointless to argue that this is the be all and end all of gay films, like we only needing ONE gay romcomdrom type film, we only need ONE gay y.a. movie, this is THE gay film for those categories now people, it’s over. like jesus we’re owed so many. give us the nondystopian y.a. movies back, and make em gay!!! GAY
anyways what is the point? i like that it was shown its difficult to come out even if you only expect “small” bad issues, because even having to have the smallest fear that the people in your life will think less of you, or love you less, or see you as any bit of a disappointment or flawed, is really fucked up and difficult. like i said, it was way too real when simon was just a bit uncomfortable when his dad made just a bit uncomfortable gay jokes. i like that he felt fucked up over being outed even though he wasn’t necessarily ashamed of being gay. and i mean i know part of it was that he was afraid that the other guy was gonna get scared off since that was being exposed too, but i liked that element also, because of the tension between the joy of getting to like...Be Gay with a guy you like and enjoy it, but also know that the whole thing is tenuous and uncertain and you’re both a bit afraid and the whole thing might crumble at any moment because it’s not easy to take “privately being gay” into it being everyones business and public knowledge. because even the little shit you have to deal with is a concern, and even in the most “it’s probably totally okay” situations, you don’t KNOW that its okay, because homophobia is still the default even amongst like. the libs who think they’re totally not homophobic.
and plus yknow the whole thinking you’ll be treated different thing. like coming out is going to HAVE to be some Big Deal and you’ll have to be imposing something on everyone who knows you when really you’re just being the fuck yourself. and the idea that suddenly everyone’s gonna be uncomfortable with you or think you’re someone else or just look at you different because they were cool with you when they thought you were straight. and anyways
also i seriously forget the dude’s real name but i love that it was the first guy simon thought might be blue. damn i know they said it like fifty times in that one scene lol...but anyways yknow i’m like “hmm walking in on him maybe messing around with a girl could just be Gay Crisis shit yknow” and it was and thats kinda fun lol. like, i’ve read some fics in my day!! that is not a nail in the coffin!!
anyways what i want to say is getting a sweet triumphant gay kiss scene is just. so fucking beautiful for the soul. i’m fuckin reveling in it. now that ive been writing about it for half an hour i should go ahead and try to get my rewatch in, right. yeah
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leiandcharles · 6 years
Bloggers I want to know better tag
Rules: tag twenty blogs you’d like to get to know better.
tagged by @fyeahjacindarella thank you!
nickname(s): Mae
gender: female
sign: virgo
height: 5'5
time: 10:20 am
fav band(s): I’m not really a person that follows bands/artists enough to have favorites I just listen to songs I enjoy so I always feel weird answering this but I do listen to a lot of stuff by Kings of Leon, Imagine Dragons, and The Civil Wars
fav solo artist(s): Ben Howard, Johnny Cash, Kesha, Taylor Swift see above ^
song stuck in my head: Hometown - Adele
last movie i saw: Carrie Pilby (for like the 20th time, I love this movie so much)
last show i watched: The 100, doing a rewatch before s5 
when did i create my blog: April 2014
last thing i googled: the weather for tomorrow to see if we really are getting snow again or if the weather man on the radio was playing a cruel april fools joke... sadly he was not.
do i have any other blogs: my main - simpledaydreamer
do i get asks: I do, usually when prompted but I have a couple of lovely anons who stop by once in a while
why did i choose my url: I mean thats pretty self explanatory, Emma had to choose such dorky names and I just had to have them as my url. Have had it for almost 4 years now and never once even considered changing it
following: 428
followed by: 1267
average hours of sleep: 4/5
lucky number: 1221
instruments: none. I tried to learn guitar like 10 years ago but didn’t stick with it
what i am wearing: jeans & floral blouse
dream job: a storm chaser
dream trip: A long roadtrip around all of North America or a backpacking trip across Europe 
fav food: chicken, any and every type
nationality: American
fav song: Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
last book i read: yikes idk it’s been ages since I’ve actually read books, but I am starting Mr. Darcy’s ship by @captainswanapproved!!
top 3 fictional universes i wanna join: man I don’t even know, like half the places I know enough about are like dystopian places and I already feel like I’m living that in this universe. I guess 1) OUAT universe as long as I had something like Jefferson’s hat and could realm hop whenever I wanted to wherever I wanted. 2) The Little Mermaid cause I would be a mermaid and 3) Jurassic Park cause honestly I’d be totally fine being eaten by a dinosaur 
Tagging: @captainswanapproved @the-captain-kj @high-seas-swan @laschatzi @killianmesmalls @princesse-swan @swanandapirate and as usual anyone else who would like to do this! 
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