#I’m scared to get too comfortable cause I’m not graduated yet
autumnblooms · 2 months
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The tiniest sketchbook Papa 💀
This was the first week I’ve felt like I have my workload under control and being creative might actually be possible again. Seasonal depression who? 💁‍♀️
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
Chapter One (Part 2)
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Back at the house, Shane’s mother Caroline is pulling rocket out of the vegetable patch. She complains all the time about having planted it without realising how invasive it is and how it would choke and overcrowd her shallots. Beside her is a growing pile of herbs, some of which she will offer to me before I go home, and I’ll take it knowing that my parents don’t know how to cook with things like rocket. 
“Well,” She says to me with the sun in her eyes. “How did you get on?”
“Horrible.” I say. “I thought I’d be sick.”
“Great to get back into the swing of things again.” She says. “Sure you’ll be flying up and down those fields again in no time.”
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“I hope so.” Down the garden Claire is lying serenely in the sun next to a flourishing bed of summer flowers. When I go over to her she squints up at me and says “You’re a bit sweaty.” 
“Yes I know.” I say, and I lie down beside her with my arms and legs spread eagle and close my eyes against the warmth of the sun. 
“This is why I don’t do things like running.” She says. “I can’t stand the feeling of exertion.”
“I can’t imagine you sweating.”
“‘Cause I don’t do that.”
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Shane is toeing a football around the grass nearby with Rosie snapping at his feet. I can’t fathom how he has the energy. “If I’d it my way you’d be out of bed at six, running up and down the park with me.” He tells her. 
“I’d never do a thing like that in my life.”
“Evie will though, won’t you?”
I sigh. “I suppose.” We have a plan in place to get me fit again once we go back to college in a few weeks, and now that Shane is moving to Portobello it means he’ll only be a five minute cycle from our apartment. When it’s time for our run he can just come and get me. The thought is ominous, but not half as ominous as the thought of heading back to Dublin after the summer, even if I won’t be in the NCAD building much this year.
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There isn’t much that stands out from second year. It passed me by in a haze, and all that I really did was work and study, eat and sleep. I chose to specialise in illustration, just like I said I would, and I enjoyed it, but it really just became my life, and once again I fell into the role of the quiet girl in the back of the classroom, never all that willing to participate in pub nights with the others. I went home and drew all evening instead, sometimes hanging out with Jaz and Serena when they were over, but apart from that it was quiet. I didn’t want any new people in my life.
Marnie specialised in graphic design, Dean in painting, and we never spoke except for the time that she said something to me in the canteen about liking my hair. I didn’t say anything back to her and then she never tried to talk to me again. They don’t talk to each other anymore either, but I don’t care about what happened. I saw Dean in the hallways once or twice, and out in the yard with some girl who I almost felt like warning about him, but then chose not to risk getting tangled up in his rotten web again. I hope that she will be smarter than I was. I decided to take an optional extra year and do an internship, but they did not, and so next May they will graduate without me and I’ll never have to see them again. 
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“Are you excited for your internship thingy?” Claire asks me, somehow following my train of thoughts to the same point, and I tell her that I am. “I’m scared too though.” I admit. “I feel like I wouldn’t know how to act in a real work place with professionals.”
“You’ll be grand. You worked in that café before.” 
“Yeah but a café is very different from a screen printing studio, I think probably anybody can pour an americano and put a bun on a plate. The people at the studio are going to be actual paid artists who design things and sell them.”
“But you are an actual artist.”
“Not yet.” I shift up to lean back on my elbows and watch Caroline busy at the beds still, the soft buzz of the honeybees in her hives fill the air with a pleasant, comfortable sort of ambience. “When I get paid for something I’ve done, I think then I can say that I am.”
“Hm.” She says. “Well then you can say it after you’ve painted that window later on this week.”
“Oh yeah.” I say, remembering the promise I made to my former manager to do some typography on the front window of the café. It’s the kind of thing I haven’t done before, but the idea of it feels so exciting that I feel I’d probably do it for no money at all, but the fifty euro he’s offering sounds enticing too.
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“Here, what’s the name of that printing place you’re going to work?” Shane wants to know, and I tell him. “Mezzotint.”
He nods. “I think I know one of the lads that works there.”
“Really?” This incredibly culchie man and the amount of alternative social circles he seems to have a finger in never ceases to surprise me. Since when is he randomly hanging out with screenprinters?
“Yeah.” He says, kicking the football into the back wall of the long garden with a thwack. “Simon something. He’s hung out with me and my friends a few times now. Nice lad.”
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“Is he a single lad?” Claire asks for my benefit, and I lightly thump her on the arm. She’s only teasing. She knows I’m firmly settled into being entirely romantically unavailable again. Safe limbo, married to myself, never looking at any boys. 
“Wouldn’t say so.” Shane says. “I think he’s going out with one of the girls.”
“Oh no.” I say sarcastically, and take my phone out of my bum bag to check the time. “Anyway, I think it’s time I head off.”
“Aw, stay.” Claire says, but I show her that it’s almost five and she understands immediately. Kelly works with her dad, the head chef at a local hotel, every weekday until five. She’ll be home in about ten minutes and I don’t want to be anywhere near this garden when she is.
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“Don’t forget the rocket.” Caroline tells me, and I don’t. I grab a generous handful from her and let myself out over the stile ladder. 
“Same time tomorrow.” Shane yells after me. 
“Ugh!” I yell back, and take off over the fields that lead me back towards town. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
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YOU WERE LIGHTING FLARES CHAPTER TWO: 'CAUSE I DON'T SEE YOU LIKE I USED TO [1.4k | angst | emotional hurt comfort] {ao3} prev.
a/n: fair warning that this chapter deals with the sadder/darker parts of working with the tiny babies, nothing is directly said but it is strongly eluded to that Eddie and team lost one of their patients. titles from waking up slow by gabrielle aplin.
Buck starts bringing three servings of whatever meal he picks up to the hospital. 
Then he starts going when Maddie isn’t even there. The texting is non- stop. But they have only always spent time together at the hospital either in the breakroom or the little cafe in the lobby. It was never particularly romantic per se, but there was a deep understanding, trust, and connection between them that they both felt–but never spoke of. 
He visits the nursery and watches the babies as they grow, as they graduate, and the new ones that come along. Sometimes it isn’t always the happy ending they wanted. Those days when there is a soft somber blanket wrapped around the room, Buck brings extra coffee and pastries. Puts a dash of sugar in Eddie's and makes sure he gets his favorite. They don’t talk about it, just like they don’t talk about when Buck is extra quiet on his visits. 
Eddie's calling Buck. Which isn’t something that was terribly unusual. It’s just that Buck knows that Eddie’s supposed to be in the last few hours of a shift, and Eddie only texts during his break. 
He picks up and there’s a brief second of silence- he’s not entirely sure what to say. 
“Please tell me you saved a cute cat from a tree today or something,” Eddie sounds on the verge of tears. It’s a tone of voice Buck recognizes instantly. The nearly hysterical edge is sharper than an arrow. He’s heard it before from Maddie and even himself. And it makes something ache in his chest, he wants to fix everything that made Eddie feel that way. 
“Please Buck, I can't talk about it yet.” Buck had never heard Eddie like this before. And it sounded strange coming from him. He was usually just quiet. 
“That's okay. You don’t have to. I- I’m just worried about you. You’re not alone are you?” 
“I am,” he sounds almost scared to admit it.  
“Okay I’m coming over.” 
Buck takes a breath as he finds his keys and slips on his shoes, “So today, Chimney, who is like completely head over heels for Maddie by the way even if he can’t see it, please do tease her about it, tried to make Cap’s famous mac and cheese. We ended up having to order pizza. And we did actually rescue a cat from a tree today, and he was indeed cute. Orange tabby, named Teddy. All that was missing from my day was a dalmatian.” 
Buck hears a watery laugh through the tinny speakers that suddenly dissolves into tears. 
“I hate it when we don’t win.” Eddie sobs, air desperately trying to find its way in. 
“I know. You’re always gonna have me though. To catch you.” Because there were always going to be lost battles. “For as long as I am breathing or as long as you’ll let me, I'll catch you.” It feels heavy and like too much of a promise for a new blossoming friendship. But it was the truth. It felt like something was tying itself around his heart at that moment. 
Buck bites his lip and adjusts his grip on the steering wheel as he turns onto Eddie's street. 
“The doors unlocked.” Eddie says after a moment. 
He finds Eddie slumped against the wall near the bathroom. Still in his scrubs. Knees bent in front of him. 
“I've been doing this for years. They told us in the classes. This isn’t the first time. But,” 
“Sometimes it doesn’t matter. You’re human Eddie. It's okay. Now, let’s get you out of these scrubs you’ve been wearing for what I'm guessing is entirely too long.” Eddie nods as he offers his hands, “okay, up!” 
Eddie takes them and is willingly hauled up to standing. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly and he turns and walks toward what Buck assumes to be his bedroom. 
Buck leans in the doorway as Eddie digs through drawers finding a clean shirt and sweatpants. 
“Do you want me to stay?” he asks gently. Eddie freezes and looks up at him biting his lip. 
“…do you want to?” 
“I was thinking about ordering Thai, Chim and Maddie are doing their “not date” thing tonight so-“ 
“You don’t want to be alone either huh?” Eddie smiles weakly. 
“Guess not. You want some Pad Thai?” 
“Sure” Eddie nods, “that sounds… good.” 
“Good. I’ll just, um, go order in the living room while you-“ 
Eddie nods again and Buck backs away from the door. 
He orders the food pretty quickly and then takes stock of the photos that line the mantle. His eyes lock on one of Eddie and a young boy, they have the same smile spread across their faces, the boy has glasses. Then Buck notices that he’s in almost every photo. And then there’s the one of a young brunette woman, she’s smiling at the beach, the sun making her hair glow just a little. There's a candle underneath the picture and a pair of rings next to it. And Buck can’t breathe. 
“That's Shannon.” Eddie says from behind him. 
Buck jumps as he turns looking wide eyed. 
“Sorry I didn’t mean to-“ 
“Nah, it’s okay,” he replies as Eddie takes a few steps to come up closer to the mantle.
“She is Christopher's mother.” 
Buck's eyes drift to a photo of Shannon and the young boy, “and um Christopher, he’s my son.” Every word is weighted with an unspoken understanding.
“Does that-“
“Oh, God no! I love kids- he is adorable!” 
“She uh, she died a little less than a year ago. When I said I wasn't ready- it’s because of her. I loved her in all the ways I could but we- she wanted a divorce just before she died. Screwed me up for a while. Then I figured out the whole, um gay thing. And that screwed with me in a whole new way. Honestly still working through all that. But I really like you. And that’s why I'm telling you all this. Cause it’s important and if you can’t deal with all th-“ 
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence Eddie Diaz. I said I'll catch you, and I meant it. Baggage and all. And I'll get ya back one of these days. I have some kinda batshit baggage too.” 
Eddie smiles a little. And Buck feels like he won an award. 
They naturally end up on the couch and Eddie turns on the tv. 
The food is delivered and they eat in silence, a chenille blanket pooled around their waists. 
Eddie twirls his noodles with the chopsticks, “I’ll catch you too you know, anytime you need it.” 
Buck nods, one side of his mouth quirked up.
Yeah, he won the lottery. 
He's standing outside the nursery, mirroring the first time he visited. He's drinking coffee, this time another cup in his hand that he dutifully hands to Eddie before either of them say a word. 
“Thank god for you,” Eddie sighs around the first gulp, and Buck smirks. 
“I know you don’t have long, but I just wanted to swing by. Check in.” After last shift. 
Eddie bites the corner of his bottom lip, “We’re doing okay. I- I’m, I wanted to ask you about something?” 
Buck sips his coffee with an expectant look. 
“So, I totally get it if your schedule is too busy or you just-“ 
“What is it Eddie?” 
“We have this program, where people come in and hold the babies that are either wards of the state or their parents aren’t able to for whatever reason. It helps them. It’s mostly older ladies and people who’ve lost theirs or even almost did. Nicest people I know to be honest. And I guess I was wondering if you wanted to- I just think you would be really good at it.” He takes a sip of coffee turning to the window. 
“Oh. you think I-“ there’s a disbelief in his voice he doesn’t remember conjuring. 
“Yeah I do.” 
“I didn't know it was an option. I- I think I would really like that. I’ve read some stuff about skin to skin contact and stuff and how important that can be for development.” 
“You wouldn't have to- that’s not why I-“ 
“I know,” Buck smiles shyly, “I'll think about it.” 
Later that evening he taps out a text; 
To: eddie 🩺 how do i sign up? is there a link somewhere? 
He immediately receives a text in return
From: eddie🩺 Yeah! Here :) (Oh nice you learned about question marks!)
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444tsumu · 3 years
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title Not His Type
rating ★ ★ ☆ nsfw content
word count 4,800+
warnings timeskip!mattsun, yes i’m writing that he still practices w the s4, anyways explicit content, matsukawa calls you a bitch, spitting, rough sex, spanking, mattsun fucks you in his car, oral sex (f!reader giving), don't be silly wrap your willy folks
author’s note thanks to @kansroji for forcing me encouraging me to write this self-indulgent mattsun fic, send her her flowers everyone bc this was just muah :*
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summary Issei teaches you that the meaning behind the words ‘I hate you’ is a lot different from what you’re used to.
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“God, do you ever shut the fuck up?”
“How could someone be such a bitch?”
“I don’t know Mattsun, you tell me.”
There are two things necessary to keep the world spinning on its axis: inertia, and the insatiable hatred between you and Issei Matsukawa.
No one quite knows where it came from. Maybe it was your lack of regard for his permanently disinterested personality, or maybe it was the insufferable habit you had of making a comment every time Matsukawa did as much as make a noise— whatever it was, it was a never ending cycle of pure repugnance.
His tone was light, yet knowing Iwaizumi, you knew it was wavering on a more strict tone you really didn’t want to hear today.
Oikawa watched the interaction between the three of you, eyes narrowing as he did something nobody appreciates from him: he started plotting.
Oikawa watched the interaction between the three of you, eyes narrowing as he did something nobody appreciates from him: he started plotting.
To you and Issei, the nature of your relationship was that there wasn’t one at all. There was nothing but an indescribable hatred that will never go away because you guys just physically can’t stand the other.
To everyone else though? In Hanamaki’s words, “you guys just needed to fuck and get it over with already.” Sexual tension couldn’t fill half of the void the storm you and Mattsun left after every exchanged word. It nearly swallowed the room, the only two not able to see it being yourself and the middle blocker.
With an inquisitive look on his face, Oikawa decided the only way to get rid of this long lasting rivalry being now or never. “My dear Y/L/N, bad news.”
The words brought you back down to Earth, making you bite down a glare at the bored man in front of you and turning towards the setter.
“As much as I’d love to be the one to take you home,” he winks at you, long arm reaching out to lightly press itself against your cheek and you already see where this is going, “I just can’t—”
“Tooru..” Your voice wavered the same way Iwaizumi infamously did.
“Seriously Y/N-Chan, I hate being the bearer of bad news..” The sparkle in his eyes made you clench your jaw to prevent the scream from slipping through your lips. “But I had almost promised Iwa-chan and Makki a ride today.”
You could hear the slick in his voice, and you absolutely hated it. You hated how you knew exactly what was being planned. You knew in Oikawa’s stupid little head, he was formulating a stupid little plan thinking things would work out in his own stupid little way.
“I’m not getting into that fucking asshole’s car—”
“Oikawa I will purposely crash if she as much as steps foot in my car—”
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“Get your fucking feet off my dashboard.” You hear his voice growl, long fingers reaching in front of him to press the Start-Stop button on his car and get the engine running.
You didn’t mean to press a sock-covered foot onto it, it’s just that you needed to adjust the anklet resting against your skin. You hadn’t caught when his eyes glanced over at the diamonds either, remaining for a second too long to be appropriate and quickly force it’s way in front of him.
With a slightly exaggerated roll of your eyes, you threw your head against the headrest and stared through the window to your side. You were wishing there was an awkward silence to torture Matsukawa’s ears, but instead, his phone automatically connected to its Bluetooth and began to play a song you surprisingly recognized.
He drove faster than you were sure he was supposed to. As soon as you blinked, he had already backed out of Seijoh’s parking lot and sped through the secluded roads and towards the city you inhabited.
Unwillingly, of course, you managed to steal a few glances at the brown-haired man next to you. His face was (surprise) as uninterested as ever, eyebrows resting dully above his hooded lids and lips turned just slightly down enough to look like a frown. Every now and then, his lips would go along with the song and his tongue would swipe across his bottom lip and into the corner of his cheek.
Matsukawa wasn’t an ugly guy. There wasn’t enough hatred in your soul to even try to lie against the idea. He was extremely tall, extremely fit, had a nice smile, and his voice matched his looks. If he wasn’t such a stuck up, emotionless asshole, he’d probably be one of the hottest guys you’ve ever seen. If and probably, of course.
“Gotta staring problem?” He muttered, head bobbing to the song in the background and that in itself just brought your cholesterol an unhealthy amount higher.
“Shut the fuck up.”
“I see you have a lack of vocabulary too..” The banter between the two of you went back and forth, an awkward silence retching the car’s air after he sadly had the last word.
“I can’t believe there was a time you weren’t such a nuisance.” You nearly mouthed, words quiet enough to get lost within the lyrics of Kanye West, yet loud enough to get into Mattsun’s earshot and cause the car to abruptly park on the side of the nearly secluded road ahead of you.
“Hey, what the fu—”
“What’s your problem with me?” Matsukawa’s words haunted the air, and if you weren’t already awaiting his words, you might have actually been scared of the harshness in his tone.
“Me?” You questioned, using a hand to dramatically smack against your chest and glare at him in disbelief. “What’s your problem with me?”
He didn’t respond, only staring at you blankly and gripping on the steering wheel with enough aggression to taint the knuckles of his large hands white.
“Stop acting like a toddler,” the annoyance looked weird on him, and his usual nonchalant attitude disappeared with a mask of pure frustration that you’d be lying about if you said was ugly on him, “just tell me what the issue is so we can both stop whatever the fuck it is we have going on.”
“We,” you pointed between the two of you, “do not have anything going on, for your information.” You stubbornly crossed your arms across your chest, staring at him blankly and watching his large hand run across his face.
“You wouldn’t even be my type, you know damn well that isn’t what—”
Every word after the first half of the sentence drowned out as you continued to repeat it in your head. You wouldn’t even be my type. You wouldn’t even be my type. You wouldn’t even be my type…
“Earth to Y/N.” Mattsun snapped, glaring over at you and leaning his body back lazily against his driver’s seat. It was slightly reclined back, the comfortability of his position insinuating he didn’t plan on leaving until this conversation got somewhere.
“What do you mean I wouldn’t be your type?”
The words came out faster than you could acknowledge them. You didn’t regret speaking them, but you knew that they only worsened your situation. He would use this as if it was fuel to his never-ending out of fire of an ego and you hated it. The cold air in the car suddenly became more noticeable, goosebumps raising onto your exposed skin and making you feel as if all your senses were being ambushed.
“Well, well, well…” He begins to tease as if he was never angry, his large arms resting behind his head and that stupid smirk back onto his pink lips, “you feel some type of way about what I said?” His voice echoed into your ears as you did nothing but watch him in disbelief.
“You never stood a chance with me anyways.” You bit back at him.
Something in the air changed, but neither of you decided to acknowledge it. It was dark, the light from the dashboard doing nothing but illuminating your features and making Issei smirk to himself in the lack of lighting.
“How so?” He was antagonizing you, itching for you to continue to play his little game back with him because he had a plan. You could see it from the way he lazily blinked over at you, smirk still against his glowing face with nothing but arrogance and faux oblivion.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle me if you tried.”
Those words changed the aura within the car all in itself. You knew the double entendres of a statement could go any way with him. Deep down, you both knew exactly what you meant. Your words remained solid though, eyes staring at him like a fox refusing to glance away from his brown irises.
“Wanna try me?”
You were playing a dangerous game, you knew that. Something about you didn’t care though. There were many ways this conversation could’ve went, but you wouldn’t expect it to go in this direction.
The air in the room was thick, Issei’s brown irises watching you nothing short of predator like. No one spoke after those three words, and faintly, the change in mood also affected the change in genre of music as R&B began to slowly play through his speakers. You wanted to scoff.
His large ring covered hand suddenly inched towards your chin, gripping your jaw and forcing your eyesight on his own face. You weren’t one to blush, but the roughness to his calloused fingers brought a small tinge between your slightly exposed thighs.
“You gonna get in the back or I gotta force you back there?” His words commanded you, the strictness laced within the confines of his voice leaving you no option to do as he told.
Doing what Matsukawa said as if you were following his orders was something foreign to you. The temptation of doing as you pleased crossed the back of your mind, but the curiosity of seeing what he had in store filled you with much more satisfaction.
Without a word and instead settling for a simple eye roll, you kicked your shoes off and found your way between the two front seats and into the cold leather seats of the back of his car. It was cramped, surprisingly cleaner than you'd imagine, and smelt of nothing but Issei.
You would have enjoyed it if the circumstances were different.
Your body sat with your feet resting behind you, leaving a space open for him. The sound of his car door opening and shutting was the cause of the goosebumps rising against your skin.
Subconsciously, you knew were supposed to hate him. You were supposed to despise him for always being such an asshole to you, and you were never supposed to forgive him for anything he’s ever said to you out of his stupid smirking mouth.
You weren't supposed to be hopping into the backseat of his car after challenging him into sleeping with you. You weren’t supposed to be enjoying the feeling of his presence as it finally found its way next to you, the dark tints of his windows hiding his expression but not doing a good job at hiding the bulge hiding in the confinements of his sweatpants.
Your eyes glanced over his, quickly switching between the tent and his irises with an innocent smile on your face. “You gonna take those off or am I gonna have to force them off you?’
Mattsun had never laughed at anything you’d ever said. At least, never to your face. For the first time though, a soft chuckle left his lips as he hunched his body over and rolled his sweats down. You’d be lying if you said you never wanted to provoke that sound out of him again.
He wore Supreme black briefs, a smirk on his lips as he watched your eyes trail over to the excessively large print. His dick was long, curving deliciously to the left and making you fear for your own safety. The thought of that nearly made you drool.
Mattsun made a show of pulling his briefs down, his erection springing to life and showing you that he wasn't even fully hard yet. Maybe you would’ve felt some type of way about not arousing him as much as he was you, and you could thank the pool inside your panties for that, but something about it brought a glimmer to your eye Issei couldn’t ignore.
“Eager to suck my dick, huh?” His words ring against your ears, and you do nothing but give him a glare while getting on all fours across the backseat.
His long torso leaned against the car door, eyes boring onto your frame with a blank expression that drove you insane. You knew this was all an act, he had to have been pretending just to get a rise out of you. There was no way you could’ve missed the way his dick twitched when you got up to take your shorts off.
Your frame was left in a white t-shirt and a seamless green pair of panties known for their cheekster style. He would’ve told you that you looked absolutely delectable, but he'd never let you sit within that satisfaction.
You lowered yourself on all fours once again, holding your hair back with one hand and lowering yourself down between his long limbs. Your eyes just couldn't look away, the large veins running up and down his perfect looking length in a way that made you embarrassingly ready to shove it down your throat already.
And without another word, you opened your lips and allowed a trail of saliva to sliver down the underside of his dick. His thighs tensed up, but as you watched him through your lashes while lowering your lips onto his tip, his bored and expressionless face remained the same.
He couldn't take his eyes off the sight in front of him, as much as he'd hate to admit it. Your ass was up in the air, back arched in a way that nearly made him release a groan as your pretty little mouth left sloppy kisses along his throbbing tip. You used a free hand to run down his cock slowly, hands landing underneath his thick balls and holding them alongside the bottom half of his dick.
He tried to hold the hiss you took out of him, but you used that as an excuse to make him suffer even more. Almost as if it were a competition, you sucked your cheeks in while taking the rest him that fit into your mouth agonizingly slow.
Matsukawa was too big, not that you were complaining. You didn’t have much of a gag reflex, but his size goes beyond that. So in order to accommodate to the situation at hand, you lolled your tongue out across your bottom lip and easily slipped a bit more than half of him down your throat until he felt his tip tickle the back of it.
“Holy fuck..” He breathed out, words stopping as he bit his lip and tilted his head to get a better look at you.
Your eyes began to water, but you ignored the sensation to take a deep breath as you began to massage his balls and lower half with your saliva covered hands. You began to move your mouth in the opposite direction of your hands, touching just enough of his balls with your tongue to get him to grip a chunk of your hair from within your own hand.
“Fuck, just like that.” You never took your eyes off him, and Matsukawa found it even harder to control himself with the way you took so much of him with so much ease.
You hollowed your cheeks as you slipped his now fully-hard dick out your mouth. Trails of saliva followed, the explicit view of your teary eyes and sloppy lips making him groan within his throat.
“Fuck my throat.”
The words were harsh, your expression being just as blank as his once was, and Issei realized he wasn’t really the one in control here. Not if all it took was for you to tell him what to do and he was scrambling to do it like second nature.
His lips revealed that lazy smirk you wanted to fuck off his face, the large hand gripping your hair nearly shoving his dick back into your fresh, wet mouth. “Don’t mind if I do, princess.”
The nickname he called you didn't even have time to register in your mind, the sensation of Matsukawa forcing your head up and down his dick as much as he could being the only thing on your brain. You couldn't help the tears from slipping down your cheeks, eyes opening once again to hazily look over to the ones burning a hole into your face.
Matsukawa couldn’t find it in himself to look away from you. He wasn't sure if it was the tears, or the way you allowed him to fuck your throat so easily, or the drool leaking down into the balls you fondled at the same time, or even the way the hand once gripping your own hair found its way between your legs as he watched you play with yourself, but Issei decided this image was going to ruin everyone else for him.
He already decided he couldn't get enough of you. The sound of your gags filled with car in a nearly pornographic way, yet not once did you ask him to stop and he took note of that. 
“Fuck,” he broke out, eyes struggling to watch yours as his lips parted open, “you’re gonna make me cum,” his words were interrupted by a load groan. Your tongue found its way back onto his balls as his tip rammed into the back of your throat and Issei felt his toes curl. “Fuck, fuck, fuck..”
Right on time, you went against his strong grip and popped his dick out of your mouth with saliva drooling down in a way that looked so forbidden, Issei was sure he would’ve came at that sight alone.
“That was...”
“Not your type?” You bit at him, a mocking smile on your lips as you bit your lip and found your way onto the comfort of his lap.
It was weird, the way you felt like you fit perfectly within his frame as if it was a piece of a puzzle. Matsukawa would agree if he could, hands nearly instinctively finding its way onto the globed of your ass and pulling the fabric of your panties over and over again.
“Never in a million years.”
His smirk haunted you, lidded eyes staring at you once again and you realize Issei Matsukawa is a really hard guy to get a reaction out of. So taking the challenge yet again, you stared at him just as emotionless. Your fingers lifted the patch stuck to your folds, and the trail of wetness that dripped over onto both you and his own thighs was nearly sinful to the sore eyes.
It was hard to imagine taking a dick you were sure you could see in your stomach with such an expression, and you wouldn’t wish that suffering on your worst enemy. You couldn’t believe how much just half of him stretched your insides out, your walls sucking him in and barely being able to hold it in together.
“Don't worry, take your time.” Matsukawa’s tone was beyond condescending, the taunt behind his words bringing an anger within you enough to cloud your mind of all common sense. It was unexpected, the way your body just shoved the rest of him inside of your tight, pulsating hole and rested all your body weight on top of him.
“Fuck!” Both of you yelped out, your hands clawing at his chest while his gripped your ass cheeks apart in nothing but a burning sensation.
He filled you up to the brim, the sureness of him hitting your cervix causing your eyes to flutter at the feeling. You bit your lip, adjusting your body to where your feet were on either side of him on the backseat and your body was more able to move.
His eyes widened in surprise at your actions, the sound of both of your pants alongside the music that was long forgotten struggling to keep you attentive. Without warning, you lifted your body up and slammed back down onto him. The action brought a pretty little gasp out your lips, mouth parted and eyes clenched at just how fucking amazing the curve and thickness of his cock was.
“C’mon baby,” he whispered into your ears, hands reaching over to intertwine themselves with your own so you got better balance, “fuck me like you mean it.”
“You’re such an asshole.” You breathed out, beginning to bounce your body up and down his dick perfect enough to hear the squelching sounds of your wetness after every impact. Issei groaned, eyes glued to the sight of where your pussy swallowed him whole and spit him back out over and over again.
“Mm, what else baby?”
Issei’s bored resolve started to crack, groans slipping through his lips in a way that made you tighten up against him even more if it were possible. Your hands gripped his intertwined ones, bouncing up and down faster than you could probably handle. The sensation of his dick hitting your cervix over and over causing you to arch your back closer into his body as you bounced.
The sound of your body slamming into his began to quicken, the strength of your legs giving up as you realized his started to fuck you back from the bottom and drill his length into you.
“Fuck, Issei…” You moaned out embarrassingly loud, Mattsun’s eyes watching you with curiosity in his irises from the way he wanted to figure out how to get you to moan out like that again.
“Don’t be shy now,” he teased, the strain in his voice telling you that even if he was torturing you with the pounding of his dick, he was enjoying it just as much as you, “where’d all that mouth go, pretty?”
You felt yourself clench at the nickname, head leaning back and leaving your neck open for him to lick a trail over towards your jaw and softly bite the plush skin. The windows began to fog up, the sensation of your poor pussy taking him in and out and quick pace causing the car to jump up and down with each stroke.
“F-fuck,” you stuttered out, nearly crying out when his hands found it’s way towards under your ass to support you as he drilled all of this thickness into your throbbing pussy.
The familiar knot began to grow within your stomach, and your hand found it’s way between his messy locks only to grab it and tilt his head roughly back against the window. A surprised groan left his lips, eyes staring up at you widely with a smirk endured from straight pleasure shot up his lips.
“You gonna cum all on daddy’s dick?”
Usually the words would have made you cringe, and you wanted to bite a snarky remark at him for the name. Yet something in you grew feral at the sentence, beginning to rub your clit against him each time you harshly dropped down as you roughened your grip on his hair.
“Fuck yes, daddy, make me cum,” your words tickled his ears, the moans at the end of each word bringing Matsukawa into a state of euphoria. He could hear you say that to him for the rest of his life, if he could.
“Come on baby,” he groaned out harshly, smacking your ass enough to leave a sting that made you cry out into his neck, “give it to me!”
His words echoed in your ears, your loud cries like music to his ears as he watched you fuck him back just as rough as he was being with you. Your hand pulled his head back once again, his scalp hitting the window harshly but he didn’t care once your lips came crashing onto his.
It was nothing but teeth and tongue, sucking on each other’s muscles and making out as if nothing in this world could ever be right again without it. His hands gripped your ass once again, spreading them harshly apart and spanking them with as much toughness that went into spiking a volleyball.
You screamed into his mouth, words being unable to come out as he began to drill into you even rougher and faster than you knew was possible. Your legs had long given out at this point, simply being tossed up and down like a rag doll by Issei’s strong arms and cocky attitude. You were in heaven, even if you’d never admit it.
“I— I hate you,” you fought to yelp out, pussy beginning to squeeze at the feeling you knew all too well as you stared into his eyes and made him look at you as if he was seeing God, “but you fuck me— fuck, you fuck me so good..”
Your words became faint whispers, stars beginning to formulate instead of his once brown irises and bring you into a state of euphoria.
“Daddy I’m gonna—” The words were stolen from your lips as Matsukawa slammed your lips against his own and gripped your back close to his chest.
“Cum baby,” he groaned into your lips, your own sounds preventing you from being able to kiss him back as your covered tits bounced into the confinement of his chest, “cum on daddy’s big dick.”
The words brought a vibration within you, a mantra of the words daddy and please slipping as you felt the euphoria take over your body and leave you with nearly nothing inside you. Issei could practically feel you cum, his own resolve giving out as his shot his thick cum into your throbbing pussy and bringing another scream from between your swollen lips.
“Take it, good girl— fuck yes..” Words slipped from his mouth without his own permission, the sensation of your pussy holding him within you as if it never wanted to let him go and he really wouldn’t mind.
Nothing but your struggles to catch your own breath filled the car, his own haunting the ghost of your ear as you laid out across his chest with saliva threatening to slip from your lips and cum leaking down both of your thighs. It was absolutely disgusting if you really thought about it, but the idea of knowing you had just slutted each other out so sinfully brought your toes to curl one last time.
No one said a word, and as much as you wanted to comment on how he was still gripping your chest against his own, you decided to go against it and try to find reality from the solitude of his wide chest. You could hear Brent Faiyaz on the radio, the view of just how foggy the windows were making you giggle to yourself.
“What’s funny?” The rumble of the words against his chest caused your pussy to throb once again, and you had almost forgotten he was still lodged inside of you with a load of cum threatening to spill out.
“Nothing.” Your voice was gone, and as embarrassing as it was, Issei mentally found himself obsessing over how raspy it got.
The silence was calm, yet the awkward conversation of what next lingered within the air between the two of you. You knew it was going to come soon, and you weren’t really sure of what could possibly happen afterwards. There was no going back from this, Issei Matsukawa had fucked you so good, you never wanted to fuck anyone else again.
The first to break it was Mattsun, which took you by surprise. His large hands found their way towards you cheek, caressing your head as his pushed you back far enough to face him with fucked out eyes and swollen lips and Issei convinces himself you’re one of the seven wonders of the world.
“We should do that again sometime.” He suggests, bored eyes staring into yours as you noticed the small smile lifting amongst the corner of his lips. You wanted to smile back, but the idea of having some more fun with him seemed quite better.
“Eh,” you replied, lifting your weakened body back into his straddling state and biting your lips as you placed both hands across his broad chest. You notice the way his cock twitches hungrily within you, and you realize you were gonna enjoy this a bit too much.
He’s seeing stars, thinking the hottest thing he’s ever seen is a fucked out you staring at him this way and you realize you’ve finally won. You stare at him, bored eyes and a lazy smirk on your lips mimicking the face he spent all his life mastering.
“You’re not really my type.”
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                             © 444TSUMU 2021
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s-brant · 3 years
Baby Names
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(gif: @mishellejones) (SERIES MASTERLIST)
Summary: Y/N gets frustrated while putting the crib for her and JJ’s baby together and finds herself missing her dead brother more than ever.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Fluff and minor angst.
A/N: Asks and ye shall receive, here’s a little blurb about what happens after Tokens! You don’t really have to read the other parts to enjoy this fic if you don’t want to, but I do recommend it for some backstory. This was slightly inspired by this fic by @cognacdelights, so go give her stuff a read! Let me know if you liked this. Have fun!
Y/N Routledge thought she got over her brother's death long ago.
Though you never truly "get over" losing a loved one, though there will always be a small part of you, however small, that aches for their presence again, she thought she moved past the tragedy to the best of her ability...until last week.
To say that the pregnancy was a surprise would be the understatement of the century. She and JJ were both on the same page about children when their relationship began, and that page was that neither of them wanted them yet. Sure, the idea of it in the future stirred their hearts with fond emotion, but considering that they had yet to graduate high school and barely scraped by on their own, they weren't jumping headfirst into that aspect of adulthood.
They were meticulous about safe sex. They couldn't afford another mouth to feed, she wasn't sure she could handle the emotional trauma of having an abortion, and, underneath it all, he had some reservations about being a father. It wasn't that he didn't envision a future with kids in their relationship, he did, but the topic of fatherhood always took him down a dark path within his mind.
So, she went on birth control once they started dating and they went along with no scares for the next six years as they graduated and started figuring out what the next step for their lives was going to be.
Y/N could get lost thinking about it, honestly, but she tries not to get too swept up in the minor mistake that led to this.
"You, my friend, need to stop moving around in there," she whispers down at her protruding belly with a hand cradling the heavy weight of it, "I'm trying to get your crib set up without JJ yelling at me for not asking for help, and if you don't stop kicking me, I'm not gonna get anything done."
She's sprawled out on the floor in the living room of the Chateau with her legs stretched comfortably in each direction while she hunches over to read the directions of the Ikea furniture. The sugarcoated description makes her want to hunt down the company CEO for sport, because for how "simple and easy!" the construction of it claims to be, she is at her wits end.
The last thing she needed after having her grief over John B's death reignited by their decision to name their kid after him last week was to stress herself out over something as stupid as this, but she won't quit. With how much JJ has been coddling her the further into the pregnancy she gets, she wanted to prove that she could do something for herself.
Whenever she brings in the groceries from the car and goes to lift the bag of dog kibble out of the trunk, he rushes up behind her back and scoops it out of the trunk before she dares to touch it. It always ends with her hollering after him that it's under twenty pounds, the upwards limit of the weight she's allowed to carry according to her doctor, but he refuses to hear any of it.
Inside of her, she feels a sharp sensation of something hitting her right in the ribs in response to her comment, and she groans in frustration. It's as if he did it because he knows she wants it to stop, the feisty little fucker.
"You're definitely your daddy's son, aren't you? It's already enough having one of him, the last thing I need is a JJ clone."
Their three-year-old Rottweiler rescue huffs a sigh from where he lays, frog-legging it, on the floor next to the unboxed crib pieces she can't put together to save her life. His drooping jowls produce a puddle of slobber on the her favorite carpet that is past the point of saving from his constant wear and tear. After a year of having him, she decided to stop trying to prevent him from ruining it. There’s no point.
She smiles at him as she leans forward to read through the directions for the billionth time, saying, "I actually think he'll be a lot like his uncle, but that's just me. If he isn't, I'll feel a little stupid over the name situation."
John Booker Routledge-Maybank.
Hell of a name if you ask her yourself, but for every internal struggle it reopened inside of her, she couldn't help but love it as soon as JJ casually proposed the idea on his way out of the door for work one morning.
Going on without John B has been a learning experience in every aspect. Any time she wanted to turn to him for advice or tell him something about the recent events in her life, she had to walk out back to their dying magnolia tree and sit under the shade to talk to the wind. Then, once the tree finally died and they were forced to cut it down, she took to sitting on its stump and doing it there.
It got easier as time went on, but she can't keep herself from wondering what it'd be like if he didn't die ever since she saw the results on the pregnancy test six months ago. Whenever she does something like going to her OBGYN appointments or, case in point, setting up the crib, she pictures him there.
She can see him here now, petting Bowie's shiny coat until he falls asleep with his head propped onto John B's outstretched legs. He'd be twenty-three years old by now with his life barely starting to blossom to its full potential, yet here they are. Correction, here she is, and he's off somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, already decomposed to the extent that not even his bones can be salvaged anymore.
Her chest sinks in another sigh, and she flips through page after page of the instructions with increasing aggression.
"This crib is so fucking—"
"What are you doing?"
The sound of her yelping in surprise at JJ's voice coming from the door is enough to make him laugh to himself, though his amusement is buried partway by what he's walking in on. He specifically asked her to wait for him to put the crib together, knowing damn well it wouldn't be the easy task she thought it was, but he should've known she'd do it anyway.
She looks over her shoulder with a mixture of guilt and frustration painting her features as she throws her hands up in the air and gestures vaguely to the unassembled crib. Her eyes are shining with the rapid onset of hormone-induced tears.
"I can't put this crib together 'cause the instructions aren't right, all the pieces are labeled wrong, your son won't stop kicking me, and I miss my brother so much right now," she spews the words with no pauses to breathe until the very end, when she stops short to suck down a breath as soon as she gets the last part out.
It leaves JJ standing at the entrance to the house with this stunned expression.
There's no amusement to be found anymore. Once she turned and flashed those wide, teary eyes that never fail to spark an ache in his heart at him, his tired smile vanished and his feet started moving before he could say anything to her.
The floorboards creak beneath his half-laced boots on his way across the room to her. It prompts Bowie to pop his head up from around the side of the coffee table to catch a peek of whoever it is that's approaching his emotionally distraught owner. Upon seeing JJ's familiar face, the dog relaxes back into his lounging position atop the carpet and tracks JJ’s movements until he's seated next to her.
"This is about John B?" he asks.
Her cheeks are flushed in embarrassment at her sudden outburst, and she can't bear to meet his gaze right now. Despite him being her closest friend and husband, she feels as small and vulnerable as she did six years ago when she first learned of her brother's death from Shoupe. Time might as well be shaped in the form of a never-ending circle for them, directing them back to their seventeen-year-old state of mind every time things turn sour.
Y/N finally lifts her hanging head to look over at him after another few seconds and thinks she might crumble at the look on his face. He hates watching her cry.
"I guess," she says through a sniffle, "It's about the crib too, but I've been thinking about it a lot more since we picked the name. Our baby’s gonna grow up never knowing who his uncle was..."
With that, JJ takes it as his cue to pull her closer.
He scoots up behind her and lets his chin rest on the curve bridging her neck and shoulder together as he twines his arms around her body. It's a closeness that's as natural as breathing for him, so natural that he can hardly remember the years before it became normal for them to take part in little moments of intimacy like this. The warmth of their bodies cohabitates in the blurred line distinguishing where she ends and he begins, and he feels her relax, sagging in his embrace in appreciation of his miraculous ability to make her feel better no matter how worked up she is.
One of his hands rests on the swell of her bump in an absentminded effort to calm him too. Even though he isn't consciously thinking of it, he knows that her distress must upset the baby too. The contact steadies her, keeps her grounded to the moment rather than allowing her to slip away into the current of her negative thoughts, and she clings to every word he has to say.
He says, "You and I both know that isn’t true. He's gonna grow up seeing all the pictures you have of John B and ask about him all the time. And we'll tell him all the stories"—there's a pause of contemplation as he recalls a few particularly non-PG memories of his best friend—"Well, maybe not all of them, but you know what I mean."
This draws a soft bout of laughter from deep within her chest that he feels with how her body shakes ever so slightly with it. It seems so wrong to laugh with tears in her eyes but she can't help it. Her emotions have been scattered in every direction since the pregnancy began, and it has only gotten worse the further along she gets.
"If you ever tell him about the kief incident, I'm never giving you a bl—"
His free hand smushes over her mouth before she can say the rest.
"Don't even think about finishing that sentence.”
It's said so frantically, it makes her erupt in laughter hard enough to tickle her abdomen muscles with the aching sensation of it. The vibration of it under his palm makes him drop his hand a second later with the need to hear the beautiful sound. After seeing her cry, it's a welcome shift in mood, even if it's at his expense.
Her head is thrown back on his shoulder, mouth parted into a smile with the gleeful giggling filling the room. His stomach churns with butterflies at the sight of her. Even after all these years, he has the same reaction to her laughter every time. It makes him smile to himself and watch her in quiet reverence. It makes him ache with the same inklings of longing he felt for the first time when he was much younger.
Her laughter begins to die down by the time she can draw enough breath in to murmur a soft, "Sorry, angel," to him and reach down to hold the hand he rests on her belly as consolation for her joke.
They remain this way for another few minutes, tangled up in each other's arms on the floor of the living room with Bowie snoring a few feet away, before he manages to convince her to let him be the one to set up the crib instead. It takes a good five minutes of playful back and forth before she concedes under the condition that he'll let her paint the nursery by herself when the time comes, and that's all it takes for her to abandon the task in favor of finding something to snack on in the fridge.
In her defense, the crib is actually quite difficult to put together.
JJ doesn't consider himself an expert handyman by any means, at least not with anything outside of his area of expertise as an electrician, but he likes to think he knows enough to put together a "no assembly required" Ikea crib without wanting to bang his face against the wall.
In the end, it gets finished by the two of them in the middle of the night over a box of cold leftover pizza from the previous day. It takes them two hours of struggling before they get it fully assembled and placed where they want it in the room that'll soon belong to their son.
He pretends not to notice her sneaking back in to tie John B's old bandana around the wooden railing before they go to bed.
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Tag List: @gabiatthedisco, @fangirlvoice, @black-syren, @apparrio, @particularcth, @planetdemon, @idk-ijustworkhere, @krisphann, @astrydis, @k-k0129, @zarahsloves, and @stilesflannels.
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rickmandowneyjr · 3 years
Fluff, angst
Pairing: Severus Snape x Student!Reader
Warning: mention of character's death
Word count: 1300
(feedback is appreciated ^_^)
No description. Just read to find out :p
Entering the headmaster's office, you saw Severus standing with his back to you. You took a moment to eye him, his frame, and the way he stood, before shutting the door behind you. As it clicked, he spoke, "[Y/N]. Back again, are we?" His voice sent butterflies through your stomach, as it always did. You smirked to yourself, before feigning annoyance and saying, "You didn't even turn around. Why did you just assume it was me?"
He chuckled lowly as he turned around. "Well, you're my most frequent visitor, love," he smiled warmly at you. "Besides, I could feel you ogling me," he teased.
Yep, now in your 7th year at Hogwarts, you had been dating Severus Snape for over two years. You'd had a crush on him since the second year when you were 14 (yes, you were older than your classmates), choosing to act on your feelings, only a couple of weeks after you had turned eighteen.
You still remembered kissing him in your 6th year, when he was the DADA professor. Bold move, considering he'd given you detention for being distracted in his class. You'd been trying to find an opportunity to confess to him when he presented you with the perfect one. As you were reminiscing the beginning of your little love story, he brought you back to reality when he asked, "So, what did you do this time?"
A smirk tugged at your lips as you recalled the incident. "I may or may not have turned the Quidditch field pink," you said, trying to hold back your laughter as you remembered the horrified looks on everyone's faces. You looked up at Severus, who had an amused smile on his face.
"You look like you're not surprised," you said raising an eyebrow at him.
"Well, after you turned the new DADA professor's office neon yellow, I don't think I am," he snickered. Seeing him smile so freely made your heart swell. He never did it as often, earlier. But I guess it was cause he had no troubles anymore. The Battle against Voldemort happened the previous year, which Voldemort lost, meaning everyone was finally free of the Dark Lord's torment. Though it sucked that you had to repeat the final year, you chose to see it as a good thing; it meant you could still see Severus.
"Why do you never smile around others? I swear they'd think of you as less scary if they saw you smiling this adorably."
"First of all, I'm glad they're still scared of me. I have a reputation to uphold. And second of all, I'd smile around others if they made me smile like you do."
Your heart fluttered at his words. Severus always said these things so nonchalantly - it added to the beauty of it, honestly. He gave you such sweet compliments without the intention of it being a compliment.
"So, what did you do today?" You asked, taking a seat on the headmaster's table.
"Same old, same old. Not much to do here, I'm afraid. Must you always sit on top of the table?" He asked.
"I recall you enjoying it when I would hop onto your table in the DADA classroom," you teased.
"It was different then. I could simply lock the door and do something about it," he played along. You smirked before hopping off the table and taking a seat on the chair, mumbling an annoyed, "Fine."
The rest of detention went by just talking to Severus and telling him about your day. You both recalled instances from when you had just started dating, laughing and playfully arguing about whose version of the events was correct. You were smiling to yourself when Severus spoke, interrupting your thoughts. His tone had changed, assuming a more serious one and you worried about the discussion that was to come.
"Everything aside, you can't keep doing this, sweetheart. You're just ruining your perfect record in school."
"I don't really care about a perfect record. I already have my grades securing my future," you mumbled.
"I agree. But getting detention over and over just to come see me, isn't a good look. Neither is healthy," he spoke with concern and care, trying to not hurt you with his words.
You inhaled sharply, letting out a shaky exhale at his words. Before you could recover from the earlier sentence, he dropped yet another harsh truth for you to comprehend.
"Besides, you graduate next week. What are you going to do then? You won't be able to see me."
You took yet another deep breath, knowing there was truth in his words. You were just conveniently ignoring the facts up until now, putting off having to deal with reality. You didn't want to discuss it until you had to leave, wanting to enjoy whatever time you had left with him. "I know," you sighed. "If I'm being honest, I'm considering whisking you away from here. A kidnapping, if you will," you joked. "I just need to find the perfect getaway vehicle now."
He let out a soft chuckle but remained serious. "We can't keep doing this. I understand that it's difficult. It's difficult for me too," he paused. "You have your whole life ahead of you and my future is here, at Hogwarts."
Severus was only stating what you knew, but that didn't make the words hurt any less. "I could always come back to be a professor. The DADA teacher, if Hogwarts would have me."
"You're a talented witch, love. And Hogwarts would be lucky to have you as a professor, but I would have to say no."
"Why not?" You argued.
"Because not only do I know that you planned to be an Auror, but also because you have your whole life ahead of you. I'm not letting you throw your future away because of me, little one. You need to move on."
"Plans change, Severus. We planned our life together but look where we are right now."
"No means no, little one!"
"Please, love! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you do what you want to. It's absolutely ridiculous! Please don't make spend the rest of my life with that guilt."
You finally snapped at that sentence. "What life?!"
Silence filled the room, the ringing in your ears growing louder until it stopped. The admittance had your heart pounding against your chest and you could hear it in your ears as you felt your pulse throbbing in your neck. Tears stung your eyes, knowing this was it. Your little fantasy had finally been shattered, forcing you to accept reality.
"What life, Severus? Rest of your life? Of all the thing you could've said?" Your voice cracked as a few tears escaped, streaming down your cheeks.
"You're gone! And this is all I have left of you. It's pathetic, really. I've been so unable to move on, I've attached myself to a portrait."
You sobbed silently as he watched. What else could he do? He couldn't comfort you... No matter how much he wanted to. So he just watched, hearing your heart-wrenching sobs as you finally let it all out.
"I could never move on. Knowing you loved me until your very last breath, knowing that we could've been something so much more, and remembering everything that we got to be. No one could ever take your place. So, no. I won't move on. But, I will stop coming to see you if that's what you want," you said, walking towards him.
You brought your hand to your lips, kissing it softly, transferring it onto the canvas, placing it where his hand was. You turned around and walked to the door, looking at him one last time as you left. "Goodbye, Severus."
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A weekend in Quantico | Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: You surprise Stiles and visit him in Quantico
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word count: 1.3k
After graduation, Stiles got accepted at the FBI National Academy - as he should. You were very proud of him and both happily cried together when he received his acceptance letter. He was finally going to put his investigating talents and heightened intelligence to good use.
It also meant being apart.
The first week was alright. You missed each other, but made sure to call every night.
The second week, Stiles started his program and fell asleep on the phone. He was tired from his new schedule and you couldn't blame him.
The fourth week, you started your senior year. It was lonely without Stiles. Thankfully, you had friends to sit with at lunch, but they kept talking about how cool it must be to have a boyfriend who was in college. Sadly, dating a college boy was one of those things that's only cool outside of the picture. When you're the one in the long-distance relationship, things are much less cool.
The sixth week, Stiles was calling you two times a week and you started showing up to school wearing one of his flannel button ups. It was soft and smelled like him.
The eleventh week, he told you he wouldn't make it to Thanksgiving because the buses were expensive and he had a lot of work on his hands and studying to do too. You were really bummed out by the change of plan, but understood that college came first. That night, you cried.
The twelfth week, a traitor, who you assumed was Scott, told Stiles how you really were doing - which wasn't too well - and a package showed up at your door coming from Quantico. You opened the box with a curious eyebrow and found one of Stiles' hoodies and a short but cute hand-written letter.
I'll be home for Christmas, the letter promised. Christmas was in six weeks. There was no way you would last six more weeks without seeing your boyfriend.
It was late afternoon when you arrived in Quantico. The crisp wind was filling through your jacket, causing goosebumps to raise on your arms. You should have worn something warmer. Perhaps a hat too? But it was too late for that.
Your bag was slung over your shoulder as you crossed the street and followed the indications on your phone that would lead you to the campus.
After getting lost three times, you finally made it to the building where Stiles had his last lesson of the day. You didn't dare go too close to the classrooms, scared someone would ask for your access card and kick you out.
Stiles saw you before you saw him. He was turning a corner, walking down the hallway to take the stairs and stopped in his tracks when he saw you, startled. ''What the hell.'' At first, he thought his vision was playing him tricks, but you looked back at him, confirming that he wasn't hallucinating.
You grinned, finally seeing him after weeks of being apart. ''Missed me?''
Instead of replying, Stiles closed the distance between you and him to pull you in an embrace, snaking his arms behind your shoulders as yours wrapped around him tightly. You felt him exhale in your hold, his face finding home in your neck and shoulder.
There was no better feeling than holding the one you love.
The hug was longer than it should have, being in the middle of a hallway, but neither of you cared that students were passing by.
''What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy you're here, because I'm fucking ecstatic that you're here.'' Stiles smiled down at you, brushing your cheek with his thumb as if to check if you were really there. ''It's just that I suspected my dad would be visiting this weekend. Not you.''
Noah had called Stiles last night to check on him and casually ask about his weekend plans. Clearly, he had failed at not evoking suspicions from his son.
Stiles re-adjusted his book bag on his shoulder and you looked at him up and down, taking in his dress pants, white button up and tie. It was the mandatory dress code for the FBI Academy and, honestly, it wasn't unpleasant for the eyes. You weren't into men in uniforms, but he looked hot.
You glided your fingers along the hem of his tie. ''You are looking mighty fine, Agent Stilinski.''
''I'm not an agent yet. I'm just an intern,'' Stiles reminded you. ''But, I'll take the compliment.''
The two of you walked to his dorm, which he shared with someone named Vincent - who was currently at the library.
The bed on the left was made in a very Stiles fashion. The comforter was neatly pulled with his pillow on top, hiding the wrinkled sheets underneath. His desk was a complete mess. There were piles of textbooks and miscandelious papers and pens everywhere. You couldn't even see the wood of the desk.
Stiles dropped his bag on the floor, tired of carrying it all day. ''I'd love to give you a tour of the campus, but I have a lot of reading to do and I need to solve this new mock case for Monday. If you had given me a heads-up that you'd be visiting this weekend, I would've cleared my schedule a bit.'' His face was conflicted.
''If I told you, it wouldn't have been a surprise.''
''I know... But I don't want to confine you to my dorm all weekend because I have work to do.''
You had travelled all the way to Quantico and he felt bad for not making the weekend interesting, knowing how expensive plane tickets were.
''I don't care what we do. I just want to spend time with you.'' You snaked your arms behind Stiles' neck, your fingers brushing the bottom of his hair, and brought him down for a kiss. ''And, we can always kiss during study breaks.''
''Of course we will,'' Stiles said, refusing to break tradition.
Although you weren't in the same grade, you and Stiles would study together a lot. You'd go to his house after school and he would help you with maths - because maths is hard and he aced his exams last year. And, most importantly, you'd take study breaks - aka kissing breaks. They would sometimes last longer than intended, but neither of you complained.
''You know what? Let's go out for a pizza,'' Stiles suddenly decided, changing his mind about staying in. ''There's this Italian place just outside the campus that makes the most delicious pizza. Dad and I ate lunch there when he dropped me off.''
Getting pizza with Stiles was a classic activity. You went almost every Thursday since you started dating. Sometimes, Stiles' dad would even join in - if he didn't have too much work at the station.
''Are you sure?'' you asked.
Stiles nodded. ''Well, we gotta eat and I'm tired of the healthy food they have here. I want pizza.''
You sat on his bed, waiting as he changed out of his school uniform. As hot as he looked in his fancy clothes, you liked the familiarity of Stiles' flannels and hoodies.
He unclasped the tie from his shirt, shocking you. You gasped. ''It was fake?!''
Stiles scratched the back of his neck. ''Eh, yeah... I used to wear a real tie, but I'd feel stressed or anxious, the tight feeling around my neck was making the situation worse. But, don't tell anyone.''
Although there was nothing to be embarrassed about, you could tell by his voice that he was embarrassed. You were actually proud of him for finding a solution instead of being frustrated for the way his brain worked. Stiles had gone a long way with his anxiety. He no longer let it control him or stop him from living.
''Your secret is safe with me, babe,'' you promised.
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aetheternity · 3 years
Stripper levi ackerman
Y/n and levi have been dating for a few months now. While he was working you were in the crowd amongst many women watching your boyfriend. So y/n decides it would be funny to tease him and wear something y/n knows will get him aroused. So after his shift levi grabs y/n and hurries her to the VIP room and fucks her.
(Ok so I'm super sorry about how long I took to write this but I wanted it to be good and life has just been terrible lately)
18+ content
"Oh.. oh wow." Connie huffed, eyes tracing your curves without a hint of awkwardness. 
"Connie stop staring, Levi will kill you if he finds out.." Jean quickly interjected, sneaking a couple peaks up your thighs himself. 
"I know but.. oh wow.." 
Jean took another quick glance before looking up into your eyes. His own self consciousness hitting him almost immediately. He quickly turned his head around like a fearful child.
"Aww thanks boys." You giggled, not being able to stop yourself from doing a small twirl in your far too small black skirt. Connie's eyes tracing your every movement. "It's ok." She giggled "I mean if you guys like it then Levi hopefully will too." 
Jean took another glance but then shut his eyes and turned back around. "I can't believe you're wearing that.. I mean weren't you scared to walk outside in an outfit like that? Does Levi even notice these kinds of things?"
"I'd notice if it were me.." Connie said with a soft (a little creepy) smile. 
"Shut up, no one asked you." Jean replied 
You snickered at their banter. "Don't worry Jean I'm fine." You replied "Fingers crossed that he loves it." You said with a little bounce. 
You looked over at Connie giving him a little wink which instantly turned him into a flushed mess. Jean rolled his eyes in agitation. Almost aggressive in the way he twisted Connie's head around, forcing him to briskly walk away. 
"Geez Connie calm your boner before you have to go on stage!" Jean practically yelled as he pushed Connie along by his shoulders.  
"I don't have a boner!" Connie replied 
A hearty chuckle came from behind you and you turned just in time to see Eren leaning in the doorway. "That for Levi?" He asked with a little smirk and a gesture of his hand down the expanse of your body. 
"I don't know what you mean." You said with a smile.
Eren rolled his eyes, coming close to give you a small kiss on the cheek. "Normally it's the strippers who wear provocative outfits." He swiftly nodded to the other guys in the room. 
"I felt like spicing up our relationship a little." You shrugged
"You guys have only been dating for a couple months. How is it not still spicy?" Eren set his bag down slipping off his jacket and placing it on the back of his chair. 
You felt your lips twitch up into a smile. It was always hard not to get swept up into conversation with Eren. He'd always been your best friend even when he was just your friend. Not that it ever made sense when you explained it that way to anyone else. But it made sense to you two. 
You'd both gone to the same high school but he'd graduated early and when you guys met again during your first semester you had become instant friends. 
"Oh Eren, you know nothing of love." You grinned from ear to ear. "So is he with you?" 
Eren gave you another soft eye roll as he applied his lip balm. "Parking the car." 
"If it works even half as good on Levi as it did on Connie I think you'll be all set." Jean said, grabbing his water bottle from his table. 
You hummed, readjusting your socks where they stopped on your thigh smoothing out your shirt so that the v-line showed just the right amount of your cleavage. 
It was like the opposite of a surprise party when Levi finally walked into the room. Gym bag in tow and a casual white t-shirt on with the black sweatpants that made you want to get on your knees every time. Levi's face looked scrunched for a couple seconds. His lips pulled into a tight line and his brow furrowed but it all just sort of melted away when he caught the first glimpse of you. 
Not even bothering to hide the lingering gaze over every inch of you. And he didn't have to. You loved every bit of it and he'd known from the start. 
He blinked. Once. Twice. 
Gaze syncing with yours as you came close wrapping your arms around to the nape of his neck. Thumb stretching over his undercut as your other hand sifted through soft black hair giving it a soft little tug. 
You could see his eyes waver a bit as you smiled at him and you hope that little hint of nervousness never left him no matter how long the two of you stayed together. It was far too cute to lose. 
You heard a snicker that you knew without even having to look was Jean. Eren walked past with a quick thumbs up and a smirk before trailing through to go get changed. 
"Hey sweetie, how has your day been?" You asked, hooked on the way Levi stayed transfixed. His hands curving over your sides then around your waist to properly embrace your hug and the kiss to his cheek. You could almost swear you heard a little growl too. 
The little whispers behind you were hard to ignore but you pushed into his chest a little further, squeezing one hand around his bicep before you leaned back. Taking your warmth with you. 
"What are you wearing?" He asked, no  demanded. 
His face stayed completely undeterred but his gaze continued to wash over every bit of you that he could see. Stripping you down for every thin layer of clothing hugging your body. Virtually making you shiver from his deep stare. 
"What? Do you hate it?" You questioned innocence laced in every word. 
Blink and you would've missed the way his adam's apple bobbed. His darkened grey completely devoid of amusement. Though you could see hints of lust peaking their way forward like the sun after a rainstorm. 
"Well.. I should leave so everyone can change comfortably." You said, pulling yourself from Levi's dangerous observance. 
A quick scoff sounded across the room. "Oh please." Reiner rolled his eyes. "Raise your hand if you're uncomfortable stripping in front of Levi's sexy girlfriend." He stated with a grunt, his arms crossed over his broad chest. 
A couple of the guys chuckled, some pretended they didn't hear the question and a few shook their heads as a reply. 
Levi glared daggers into him before turning to you with a slightly softer expression. "I'll see you after my show.." He said with a heavy exhale. 
You could feel his thumb on your thigh and you smiled. "Yes you will." With a soft kiss to his forehead you were heading outside. 
You'd been on the edge of your seat for a while now. Partially because you were waiting with bated breath for the moment Levi would finally take the stage and partially because you could sense some slightly judgy looks from some of the older women surrounding you. 
Reiner had finally finished his performance or as he was called on stage: The Armored Warrior and you sucked in a breath as the announcement from Erwin came that Levi would be next. 
You threw a glance behind you at one of your best friend Historia. 
She gave you a little eyeroll. "Are you parading around with that 'fuck me' face because Levi hasn't given it up in a while?" 
You returned her playful eye roll. "Can't a gal just wear a short skirt to her boyfriend's workplace?" 
"Not this gal and not this workplace." She replied, setting a clean glass down behind her before quickly moving across the bar to a new customer. 
Just as she did the first beats of Levi's song started and he waltzed out on stage. His feet hit every beat until he paused at the edge of the stage. His knees quickly meeting the ground and turning the crowd into a frenzy. 
He spread his thighs, running a hand down his bare chest. And just as soon the girls were tossing money over his body. It was almost cute how they got so worked up over the body you saw all the time. 
The skull crushingly strong thighs that spread only for you and the perfectly taut ass that you could never stop yourself from smacking. All hitting the floor in front of women who would only see Levi here. 
Never getting quite the same view you got whenever you teasingly worked a hand under his shirt or kissed the sweet spot just behind his ear. 
Thinking about it now made you squeeze your thighs together. Bottom lip curling under your teeth. 
He scooted his body back against the stage, curving his legs up and out till he was in the split tearing the pants he'd been wearing off his body like it was paper before tossing it into the awaiting crowd. Instantly causing a whole new uproar. 
When he inched forward again it was to grab the pole, to hoist himself up off the floor and to do a quick little spin with one foot on the ground while the other helped him whirl around smoothly. 
Fuck he was always so graceful. All of the guys were. And yet every time you'd tried you'd bussed your ass. And he was spinning himself up off the floor in a matter of seconds like it was easy. A sort of grace you would never tire of seeing. The music blasted against your rib cage but Levi's spins were what really made you weak. 
You heard a little giggle behind you but you didn't look away. "Your boyfriend's amazing on the pole." Historia teased, poking your shoulder but your only reply was a nod. 
The smallest remnants of the song seemed to fade when Levi's eyes bored directly into yours. You swore you could see the gentle lifts of the corners of his lips. Felt his warmth as if it was pressed against you like it had been so many times before.
Watched as he circled the pole upside down in a perfect split till he'd touched the ground again and still his eyes never left you. 
The dance had been and always would be for you. His hair was tousled and glistening with sweat when the music stopped. Body glitter completely slick on his skin, making him look as though he might actually be glowing. 
He carefully returned to Earth both feet, flat on the floor. Money piled into just about every crevice of his underwear. And he was still looking at you. He turned and walked off stage while the crowd continued cheering his stage name. 
The announcement for him ended and the next dancer (Eren) was immediately announced. Before you could think about it you were racing backstage. 
You slipped into the backroom almost slamming into Eren as you went. "Oh shit.. sorry." He chuckled after realizing it was you. 
And you didn't have to say a word because he smirked, nodding his head down the hall. "He's in the rainbow room. Told me to tell you to come to him when you came back here." Eren informed 
The soft ooh's and ahh's and chatter of everyone in the room caused a flurry in your already butterfly ridden stomach as you tried to hide your blushing cheeks. 
"Th-thanks Eren." And you quickly turned before anyone else could make it worse. 
You turned a corner trying not to run down the corridor at full speed and when you made it to his door you knocked twice in the special way that only you did when you knocked on Levi's door. 
"Come." He answered almost sternly 
The door squeaked open then shut behind you as you pushed it close with your back. Your blood pooling to your feet when you caught a glimpse of Levi sat on the bright red sofa in the corner of the room. The faint smell of dirty money littering the room more and more with every step. 
Any remaining clothes he'd been wearing were now tossed aside while his hand worked slowly over the shaft and tip of his hard cock. He let out a hitched exhale as he curled his fingers slowly up and down. 
You pushed yourself down onto your knees between his thighs. Your eagerness presenting itself in the way you flicked your tongue forward to wet your lips. The cold hardwood stinging your ankles and feet but you bore it with innocent eyes as you took the reins where Levi's hands had been. 
His thick cock leaked for your mouth. And he sighed deeply as you gave his tip a painstakingly soft couple licks before inching it into your mouth with a deep slurp and curl of your tongue. Lips curving smoothly over the thick appendage. 
He shifted to get a little more comfortable just as you popped your mouth off looking up at him with a faux pout. "You started without me." You whispered up at him giving his cock another loving lap. 
"You wore that napkin around your waist." He grunted in reply. "Seems like karma to me." His voice was almost teasing as his hand reached up to brush away any stray strands of hair from your face before pulling your head a little closer. 
He let out a little hiss of pleasure as every inch of his thick cock pressed itself between your soft lips and slid over your tongue. You shifted your weight to allow him to slide in easier. Fixing your skirt to cover the draft running over your ass. 
One of your hands came up to trace deep circles into the slender skin of his thigh while the other took position at the base of his dick. Rubbing your saliva over his thick cock as a lubricant. Tears were beginning to form in the corners of your eyes with every bob of your head. But it was so worth it to hear a couple of Levi's deep groans. 
And fuck were they gorgeous. Gorgeous like everything else about this man. Your man. 
His abdomen clenched and the hand on your head gripped so tight you were surprised he wasn't touching your scalp yet. Soft whispers of expletives beginning while you eased into a smoother pace. 
You watched the flicker of his eyes in the dim light until the deep grey had completely faded and you could tell he'd shut his eyes. His hips jerked forward and in the shadows you could tell his head had fallen back. 
"I missed that cute face.." You smirked up at him tugging at his cock with quick strokes that had his knees jerking. 
He looked down at you with half lidded eyes. Hair frenzied against his forehead and sheens of sweat glistened as they trailed down his neck. He let out a little moan through gritted teeth from the back of his throat. One that pushed you forward just a little deeper till you gagged. 
His hand had finally let up. Settling for resting atop your head. It was impossible not to notice the way he was coming undone as you squeezed his cock in your throat. 
"Fuck.. f-uck.." He tensed 
His head slipped over the back of the couch but you didn't need to be looking at his face to know his lip was pressed tightly between his teeth. 
Well Historia hadn't been wrong it had been a while. And you were itching to have his dick sliding deep inside you. Have the full view of his face as every inch of him sunk into your pretty cunt. Every bit of it making the wetness between your legs that much worse. 
You repositioned yourself a little so that your free hand could squeeze at his balls. Pumping his dick briskly while your mouth went to work layering marks into the inside of his thigh. 
"Sh-it.. hey!.. did you forget people w-ill see those bites." He panted, pulling you away from his thighs with a loud grunt. "Fuck.." 
"I'd love that." You chirped, splaying your tongue over the underside of his cock. "Let them know you belong to someone." 
"Dumbass.." Even in the dim light the soft color of his cheeks was unmistakable and the heaviness of his breath made all the soreness of your throat dissipate. 
His thigh shook. A breathless moan escaping from between unclenching teeth. Definitely the fucking prettiest noise you'd ever heard. The veins on his cock slowly becoming more prominent as you pressed his tip against the back of your throat. 
"Sh-it.. shit.." He pushed your head up a little so that your eyes could meet his lust filled grey ones. "I'm not gonna cum in your mouth tonight." He huffed 
With an almost forceful yank he had you off the floor. Practically tossing you against the arm of the couch. The soft curve of his thumb etched against your wetness and immediately made you tense where he was groaning into your neck. 
"A fucking g-string huh." He growled 
"Only for you." 
His fingers had electricity sparking over your skin as he pushed a hand up your shirt. His quick kisses making you giggle and shift beneath him. 
"Off." He grunted, thrusting the hem of your shirt up and just as quickly you were slipping it off your shoulders allowing it to fall to the floor. "Why the fuck would you wear this shit to my job?" 
His voice echoed against your soft skin, pulse heavy against his mouth. 
"Wanted to be fucked?" 
"Yes.. so badly." 
He pulled you a little bit closer, slipping your bra straps off your shoulders. Back arching as he roughly kneaded your breasts. 
When he pressed close again it was to nip and curl his tongue over your areola. His breath so hot against your already sweltering skin it could practically melt you. 
"Levi.. please." Your ankles squeezed around his back as his thumb pressed between your lips and inside your taut pussy. 
They could probably hear the gasp you let out on stage. Your toes curling even through such minimalist pleasure. His thumb delved a little slower with a couple easy strokes. Unraveling each whimper, each shake and shiver from you.  
"Oh my god, Levi.." 
"Say it.." He groaned into your ear. Giving the shell a little bite that made you flinch. "Fucking say it." 
"I want every inch of your cock stretching me out Levi. Pl-please." You whimpered 
"Should've started with that." 
When he pressed inside it filled an ache you'd been longing for, for too long. Massaging all your weak spots and curving so easily into your wet cavern. Till he'd bottomed out with a graze of your g-spot. 
Your head fell back as one of Levi's hands came up to rub your stomach then quickly down to flick at your clit. He was never slow when he massaged your clit but he still always knew what he was doing and right now it was an intense euphoria unlike anything else. 
Your shoulders were pressed into the arm of the couch and you whimpered looking into Levi's sparkling grey eyes as he pulled back and slammed inside so hard it jolted your entire body. 
"Want me to slow down?" He asked driving his hips in deeper as if it were a threat. He quickly pressed soft kisses to your ear and you shook your head. 
"No-no.." You gasped, tugging Levi's hips closer. 
"Good girl. Take the whole thing." He hummed 
He spread his legs as far apart as he could, driving his dick in a little harder and a little deeper. His hands shifting first to your ass to give it a squeeze and then to your waist pulling your pretty cunt in with every slam of his hips. 
Your mouth hung open and you arched where your back was against the arm of the couch. The material so rough and uncomfortable under your skin you knew it would leave marks tomorrow but Levi's thrusts felt so good you couldn't care. 
A cacophony of Levi's name, the couch scratching up the hardwood underneath you two and every slap of your mixed skin bounced impressively off the walls only making your urge to cum that much more intense. 
"You know where I'm gonna cum?" Levi's hands jumped up on each side of your head. He groaned. "Know where I'm gonna cum babe?" He sneered, eyes so dark and intense coupled with the sweat pooling on his forehead. He yanked at your skirt which had become thoroughly wrinkled and almost too uncomfortable against flushed skin. 
You let out a whimper, trailing your hands over the small of his back. Eyes fading into the depths of your skull. 
"Y-eah, I'm gonna paint your skirt with my cum.." 
"Wh- L-levi.." Your head was swimming and you let out a long moan that was cut off by Levi driving in deeper, his nails disappearing where they gripped the furniture knuckles white. 
A chant of "cum for me" and "be a good girl and finish." All fell off his lips. His eyes shut tight and you knew at this point you were drawing blood but Levi was so deep inside and your head was practically off the couch as well as your back. 
You tensed up then sighed, toes curling that sweet ache finally being filled. As you jerked and shivered through your intense orgasm. 
Levi's hand slammed down next to your head and now you were shaking for a different reason. "Fuck don't-don't squeeze me l-ike-" 
His hips had a mind of their own and he let out a loud gasp that honestly surprised you. The vein in his forehead looking as though it could pop any second.  
When his pupils disappeared you expected his eyes to fall shut but he just continued his wild assault of your pussy as you screamed his name. 
"Sh-it." He was breathing so hard as he pulled out. Holding on to the couch like it was a lifeline as he pumped roughly at his cock. A couple more moans later and he was finishing. Cum dripping over your bare belly and onto your skirt. 
A breathless giggle crested off your lips as you shimmied your hips back and forth repositioning his cum where it dripped down your stomach. "Fuck." You huffed 
"You look satisfied." He rolled his eyes 
You lifted a finger over his cum swiping a bit up to rub over your lips and tongue. "Don't act like that when you came all over my skirt! I have to go home with your cum stains all over me." You fake pouted 
Levi rolled his eyes again. "You'll live." 
He finally turned, tongue swiping over his lips quickly. "Actually I'd like to add some more on the back." 
"Bend over." 
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tayrae515imagines · 3 years
Breath In, Breath Out
Requested: Yes by the lovely @isidoraxbello
Can u do a imagine where the reader is pregnant (they are not in Hogwarts anymore) and she tell remus and he is really happy and excited about it Bute the reader is scared bc they're too young nd he comfort her saying they would be amazing parents? 😍♥
Warnings: FLUFF
Pairing: Remus Lupin X  Reader
Authors Note: Hope you like it! Thanks for the request!
I am so sorry this took me so long. My laptop broke and because of covid, I couldn’t go get it fixed. I just got a new one last weekend and I am finally ready to write again. :) This is really short but I have not written in a while. I hope you enjoy it!!!
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Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
While watching the minutes move agonizingly slow on your phone’s timer, you breathe. It’s all you can do to stop your rapidly beating heart from exploding. Your mind is clouded, palms sweaty, and all you can think about is that white stick in your hand.
Breathe in
Breath out
Breath in
Breath ou-
The timer making noise pulls you from your thoughts and you have to grip the counter with you other hand to stay tethered to this bathroom. One last shaky breath and you look at the test. 
You don’t even feel the tears streaming down your face until one falls on your hand. You had wanted to be a mother, of course you did. Just not this soon. You just graduated. Merlin, you and Remus weren’t even married yet.
The anxiety of you failing your child swirled around your mind in a dark mist, pulling you into a devastating mind state. What if you couldn’t give this child what they needed? What if you couldn’t teach them life lessons? What if you weren’t enough for them?
Knocks filled the bathroom, followed by the worried voice of your boyfriend. “(Y/N)? Are you alright?” The bathroom door handle moved the slightest bit, causing you to finally be pulled back to reality. “I’m fine Remus.” You said softly, a sniffle following the lies coming out of your mouth. “No, you are not. Open the door before I break it down.”
Giggling softly, you wiped your tears away and stood. “No need to go all macho man.” You opened the door and Remus smiled upon seeing you. He brought his hand up to your cheek and stroked it “Well you have been locked in there for twenty minutes and you weren’t responding to my knocking. I only go macho man when I think you’re in trouble.” He leaned down a brushed a kiss on your forehead “Now tell me what’s wrong darling.” 
“I’m pregnant Remus.” You rushed out in one breath, avoiding all eye contact from the man towering over you. “I know it’s bad timing and we are young. I know we aren’t married yet and if this scares you I totally get it. I wasn’t planning for this and I’m so scared I can’t even breathe. What if I’m a bad mother and I ruin our chil-”
Remus cupped your face in his hands, bringing your face up towards him so he could see you. You finally look up at him to see him grinning ear to ear. You can’t remember the last time he was this excited. “You’re pregnant? My love..you’re really pregnant?” 
You nod slowly, tears leaking out of your eyes again. You expected him to be upset but Remus just looks happy. For some reason that breaks you heart more. Now all you feel is guilt. Some women try for years to get pregnant, some never do at all. Your child is a gift and you’ve known it from the start but you couldn’t help your anxiety. 
“Y/N. This is the best news I’ve ever heard. We are going to be wonderful parents!”  “But-“ “Are you going to love our child (Y/N)?” “I already do” tears formed in your eyes again. “Then you’re going to be a great mother and we, we are going to be happy. I swear it.” He put a hand on your stomach gently. “A happy, loving family. No matter what. This is hope. Our child is a sign that you and I are going to be fine. I won’t let anything hurt either of you. Ever.” He leaned his head on yours, hand still on your stomach. “I love you my darling, I love you both so much and I will forever.” 
“We love you two Remus. I’m so sorry I ever doubted this.” You looked down, ashamed. Remus just leaned down and kissed your head. “My love please don’t apologize. It’s perfectly normal to be scared. Everything you said was right, we are young. We aren’t married and we didn’t plan this. But I know in my heart you and I can do this. We are both going to love this child more than anything and that is enough. I have faith in you Y/N. I always will and us having a child makes me so happy. I can’t express how thankful I am to you right now. I just..I love you so damn much.” 
Now the tears fall from Remus’s eyes, you smile a reach up to wipe them away. “I love you too Remus.” Remus grinned at you and leaned in, kissing you softly. You knew from this moment you would be okay. You loved your child and you loved Remus.
 Everything was falling into place, everything felt perfect. 
@petah-parkah-and-potahtas @messrs-howler @lesfleurslily @xxladybananaxx @hp-world-imagines @breezy1415 @starlight-xxxx
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lalaangeldust · 3 years
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𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [ 𝟑𝐤+ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ]
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ] : gross sticky icky fluff // friends to lovers troupe <3 // hanta is a huge dork, we all been knew this // hanta is also sickeningly sweet and affectionate // GOD, I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH
[ 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ] : on a clear night, you go out to stargaze on the dorm roof; nothing out of the norm for you but in the middle of admiring the stars, sero comes out to join with something big he needs to get off his chest.
[ 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ] : you - blue // sero - orange
[ 𝗺𝘆𝗸𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ] : i'm totally not projecting my fantasies onto sero and i'm totally not a sucker for friends to lovers fics :| /s
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Sitting on the cool concrete of the dorm roof, the night illuminated by nothing but the streetlights below you and the stars above as you lay in silence with your legs propped against the roof's ledge. You've always thought the best part of UA was how it was out of the way so the stars are clearer than they were back in the city. Although graduation is soon and end of year exams are menacingly looming over you, you couldn't resist the urge to come out and soak up the full moon's gorgeous light. Nights like these, alone on a clear night, soft music playing through your headphones, scanning the vast sky, connecting the dots as your eyes wander to make constellations of your own are arguably one of your most favorite things in life.
The only thing that could possibly make this better is... him.
Eyes trailing to the brightest star you can find and admiring how it sticks out from everything else in your vision, your mind uncontrollably wanders to Sero. How that star kinda reminds you of him...
Ugh! what a ridiculous thing to think! Damn him for always finding a way to worm into your thoughts. Your hands fly to your forehead with a smack, outwardly groaning as you drag your fingers down your face in an attempt to shake off your thoughts. You've been friends with him for nearly three years! You would think you'd be over your petty crush on him by now. You two are practically siblings with how you two are almost always attached at the hip, always causing trouble together, always there when the other needed it, always making you feel safe... It would be weird to have feelings for him... right..?
But before you could rationalize your emotions any further, a hand reaches for your headphones, lifting one side off your ear as you hear a soft voice murmur behind you, “The moon’s beautiful tonight, isn't it?”
You practically jump out of your skin, immediately shooting up to take a defensive position. Although you can’t make out the silhouette you’re now facing, the all too familiar laughter that comes from them is more than enough to give away who this false intruder could be and you sigh in relief.
“Sero! You scared me half to death!!” you exclaim, relaxing your shoulders at seeing his familiar frame emerge through the dim light.
Tall and lean with a smile that could nearly rival the sun, the boy chuckles at you. His long pitch black hair he's been growing out for the past year cascading down the sides of his face, just barely brushing past his shoulders framing his face in a way that makes his dashing features stand out even more. Sero approaches you wearing a loose muscle tank top with his hands tucked in ill fitting sweats and a pair of black stud earrings he stole from you in his ears.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Sero chuckled, "I didn't mean to scare you so bad, doll". You send him a deep glare through the darkness and he throws his hands up out of his pockets to either side of his head in defense.
"...Maybe you shouldn't sit out here with music blasting in your ears,” Sero snarks back, “I could’ve been a villain,” he continues mockingly, “Not to mention that horrible stance you took. I don't think you’d fair very well against a villain while sitting down,” he teases with a wide grin smeared on his face. You scoff and roll your eyes in response.
“Are you only here to tell me how much of a hazard I am? Or do you want anything else, tape face?” you grumble.
“Oh, you wound me!” Sero exclaims dramatically, “I was simply wondering what my lil’ muffin was up to,” he muses, the dimples on his cheeks becoming visible as his grin only stretches wider as he speaks.
“Oh god, muffin!?!? ew!” you groan, “What the hell, I thought we agreed on no more stupid pet names,” you say with a giggle while scrunching up your nose.
“I didn't think it was stupid,” Sero huffs as he plops himself down next to you and wrinkles his nose back at you, “Muffin is a valid nickname. You just have no taste,” he concludes with a short nod, still smiling like an idiot.
You just roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him before tilting your head up to go back to looking at the stars. Sero chuckles softly, staring at you for a moment while admiring you as you look at the sky with a softened smile on his face.
“Why you up so late?” he inquired.
“I could ask you the same thing, Sero,” you reply while throwing your head back down to look at him.
“Mmm, well, I was sleeping but… I suddenly woke up and couldn't go back to sleep,” he grunts as he adjusts himself into a more comfortable sitting position next to you.
You hum in acknowledgment before you look back up to the stars in the sky and Sero is left to admire you once again. How your eyes glimmer with the stars as the full moon softly illuminates your frame is a breathtaking view he would never tire of. The look on your face when you gaze at the sky, the look of pure adoration and awe is a look he hopes, prays, dreams you’ll give him one day.
“What’re you thinking, hun?” he softly asks, hoping you’d give him just the slightest glimpse of what goes on in your head. You pause for a moment, taking in his question and wondering how to answer it.
“Just thinking. Thinking thoughts. Nothing notable or important, I can assure you. Just enjoying the clear night,” you say, swerving his question to avoid the real answer. him.
“Ah, that was a rather vague answer,” he jests, mildly disappointed that you didn't let him in and you only hum in response.
“What about you?” you ask, “What made you wanna come up here?”
“Oh, well..” he begins but is held back by a lump that suddenly lodges in his throat, not really wanting to fully admit why he came up here with you.
In reality he hadn't slept at all. He’s embarrassed to admit it but he couldn't stop thinking of you all night, all day in fact. You just about consume his every thought and tonight, no matter what he did, he just couldn’t shake the thought of being with you.
After being so close with you for years now, people often assume the two of you are dating but the idea is almost always dismissed by a shy laugh and an averted gaze... Sero would be lying if he ever said he didn't relish the idea of being in a romantic relationship with you but... You never seemed all that interested in the idea and Sero was too scared to push the idea you may like him even half as much as he likes you. Never going farther than light hearted flirting and banter, some may call him a coward maybe but to him? Being your friend was enough. Well, that was until Mina and Kiri gave him a harsh wake up call earlier that morning.
They were scolding him on how painfully obvious it is how both you and Sero are nearly head over heels for one another, how they've spent the past year pining for one another, yet the both of you have stayed so blind to the fact you have feelings for each other. Absolutely dumbfounded by this, he asks what he should do about it, about you, to which they immediately and overwhelmingly demand him to confess his feelings for you. That is the real reason he came to find you.
“When I was trying to go back to sleep, I thought about something someone said… about taking chances,” he spoke in a soft and thoughtful tone, “Taking that blind leap of faith into the unknown things we’re afraid of because... what’s the worst that can happen…?” he pauses, rubbing the back of his neck, suddenly realizing how silly he probably sounds as he looks at you, “I dunno- sounds kinda dumb now that I say it out loud,” he says dismissively.
“No, no. I don't think it sounds dumb at all. I think it’s very insightful” you say, ushering him to continue by resting your head on your palm as you look at him intently to show your interest.
“Well, uh,” butterflies swarm to his chest as he tries to find the words to speak, finding it much harder to talk when he knows he has your full attention.
“Well, it led me to think about you 'cus I know that's something you talk about a lot as well… and I figured since it's a full moon tonight, you'd be up here,” he concludes. His gaze nervously shifting to his feet, averting his eyes from you to try and calm the fluttering nerves in his chest.
“I’m glad you did,” you hum, a low warmth growing in your chest from knowing he thought about you, “I enjoy your company,” you add thoughtfully. Though you probably just meant it in a friendly way, it didn’t change how much it meant to Sero to know you like having him around.
“I’m happy to hear that,” Sero chuckles nervously, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he slightly scooches closer to you. You take notice and you subtly tilt to the side, leaning in his direction not yet touching shoulders but leaving an opening to do so if he wanted.
“I uh- I also wanted to tell you something- In regards to what I was thinking about…” Sero mumbles nervously, hoping you didn’t catch what he said so he would have an excuse to not go through with his confession. Pretend like nothing happened and move on to just enjoy the simple friendship you two share.
“Oh?” You inquire, “What do you want to tell me? I’m all ears,” Sero fiddles with his thumbs, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before he speaks as you patiently wait for him.
"I- uh, I love you," he blurts, head swimming as he looks at you, eager and insatiably nervous to hear how you may respond, horrified you may not reciprocate his feelings and ultimately ruining what relationship you two did have.
"I love you too, Sero," you giggle.
Sero's heart drops, confidence dwindling as he assumes you thought he said "I love you" in the way you two always have. Just as friends. But he didn't. He meant it. He meant it in so many more ways he couldn't even begin to describe. He didn't expect you to reciprocate his feelings in the first place but that doesn't make him hurt any less.
"No, you don't understand," Sero sighs as he runs his hands through his long, thick hair, "I'm in love with you," You turn you head to him, Did he-? eyes widening at what Sero said, unsure if what you heard was a wishful hallucination or not. When you said "I love you" back, you genuinely meant it in the same way he does now. God, you've been in love with him for what seems like the first moment you two met but you would've never guessed Sero felt the same for you.
You sit in silence for a beat trying processes what Sero had just said to you. Your friend, your closest friend, is in love with you..? Something you've dreamt of becoming a reality. You start to get dizzy from the overwhelming euphoria and anxiety the realization simultaneously brings. You look at Sero, placing your hand on his to ground yourself as you look up at him, a warm smile spreading on your face.
"I love you too, Hanta," you say earnestly. Sero's heart leaps in his chest at your words. Not only did the person of his dreams reciprocate his feelings but they also addressed him by his first name?! He might as well be dreaming. Hearing his name fall off your lips like warm honey for the first time sends him flying through cloud nine.
"Y-you mean it??" Sero stutters, still unable to believe it. You give him a heartfelt smile as you squeeze his hand before standing up. You wordlessly walk around Sero and crouch behind him.
Utterly confused and growing increasingly flustered at your sudden close proximity, Sero opens his mouth to ask what you could possibly be doing but you shush him before he can say a word. Leaning against him, you ask permission to grab his hand and Hanta lets you guide his finger to the brightest star in the sky, hyperaware of every subtle shift, adjustment and breath you take behind him, clinging onto every passing moment.
"You see that star? The really really bright one right there and how it's brighter than the others?" you ask.
"Yeah... why.?" he questions, eager to hear what you have to say.
"Forgive me if this is too cheesy but it sorta reminds me of you," you say softly.
"Wh- I don't think a follow," Hanta replies and you give a short, breathy chuckle in response.
"Out of all the stars in the sky, you stick out to me to most. You're the brightest star," you murmur close to him, guiding his hand back down and you make your way to sit next to him. Hanta takes a moment to process what you said. Him? A star? He doesn't understand how you view him in such a way when there isn't much special about him in the first place... but he tries not to pay any mind to those thoughts as his eyes are glued to you sitting back down beside him.
"Pff, that was super cheesy," he snorts.
"Shut up, I'm trying my best," you grumble, "And... that's what I was really thinking about before you came," Hanta looks at you in awe, nothing but love and kindness filling his eyes as he gingerly grabs your hand, lifting it up level to his face.
"It's aright, doll, I was only teasing.. I think it's cute and~," he hums before placing a soft kiss on your knuckle, "I'm ok with cheesy," he concludes with a wink. Heat blooms on your cheeks at his action and you throw your head to the side, covering your mouth and cheek with your other hand in embarrassment. Hanta chuckles, just about ready to burst at how adorable you are and gets a sudden burst of confidence coursing through him from seeing your flustered form.
"Aw, don't get shy on me now, love," he coos, tugging your arm to usher you to look back at him. You look at him with a flustered scowl and Hanta isn't sure if you did it to intimidate him or what but all it did was make his heart scream for you more. His hand slides to your forearm and his other hand goes to grab your other arm, pulling it away from your face.
"Here, come here, baby," he murmurs, pulling your arms to guide you to his lap. You give little resistance as you follow Hanta's hands, shifting around to make yourself comfortable against him as you settle between his thighs. As soon as you got comfortable, Hanta's arms find their home around your waist, hugging you close and breathing you in. You sigh contently as your back rests against his strong chest, never feeling safer than you do right now in his arms.
"It's ok if I call you baby now, right..?" Hanta asks, not wanting to be too much at one time.
"Well, it would be if we were dating," you tease with a raised brow.
"Wha-?" Hanta looks at you confused for a moment before he realizes, "Oh! How could I forget," he chuckles softly, cupping your face in his large palm, guiding your face too look at him, his dark eyes practically engulfing you in his loving gaze.
"Would you care to be my partner..?" he purrs, voice dipping to a soft and low tone that sends goosebumps down your spine.
"W-well, when you put it like that how can I say no?" you mumble, not being able to help the heat rising up your neck, painting your cheeks pink once again from how small you feel under Hanta's enchanting gaze.
"So... is that a yes..?" Hanta inquires, hand still placed tenderly on our cheek. You nod your head against his palm, fingers caressing up and down his forearm as he holds you.
"Mhm, I would love nothing more," you reply in a soft and tender tone. Hanta melts at your words, feeling on top the world and like he can do anything. An uncontrollable smile erupts on his face, charming dimples ornamenting his cheeks as he hugs you tight to his body not wanting to ever let go.
You shuffle in his arms to turn yourself around in his lap. Now facing him, you tuck your face into the crook of Hanta's neck, wrapping your arms and legs snuggly around his torso. Hanta holds you equally as close, affectionately running his fingers up and down your back in complete bliss with you snuggling up to him.
"Can I kiss you..?" Hanta asks, voice just barely above a whisper. You lift your head up to look him in his deep eyes and you cup his face in your hand. Hanta leans into your touch, grabbing your hand on his face and guides it down just enough to plant a chaste kiss to the edge of your palm. You sigh and softly smile, nodding at the boy's question.
"Please kiss me," you murmur, leaning closer into his body. Hanta places his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you and a colliding your lips together. Though it was clumsy at first, you quickly adapt and your lips lock together like puzzle pieces. Tenderly, Hanta pulls away from you and rests his forehead against yours. The kiss you shared was short and sweet but still left the both of you breathless and yearning for more.
"May I kiss you again?" Hanta questions playfully and you giggle in response while nodding your head against him. He leans in, smiling against you as you mash lips with together, the both of you sighing into the other's mouth. This kiss a lot more confident than the last as Hanta takes the lead to explore every bit of you he can, taking note of every noise, movement and reaction you give. This time you pull away, surfacing for air from Hanta's intense hold on you.
"I can kiss you again, right?" Hanta asks again.
"How many more kisses do you want??" you giggle.
"That is a dangerous question to ask, my love," Hanta purrs into you, his breath ghosting your neck as he nuzzles his face underneath your jaw and lays a soft peck where his face lies, "I'd take all of them," he says, scanning your face for any discomfort but once he sees you're ok with him continuing, he lays another peck on your neck.
You laugh at the ticklish feeling, lacing your fingers through his dark hair as he continues showering you with short kisses.
"Let me know if I'm being too much, yeah?" kiss on your neck, "I don't wanna be too much," another kiss on the neck, "or overwhelm you," kiss on your jaw, "'cus that would be sad," kiss on the corner of your mouth.
"Hanta!" you squeal through giggles.
"I'm sorry, hun" kiss on your cheekbone, "I just can't resist," kiss on your cheek, "you have no idea," kiss on the chin, "just how long," kiss on the nose, "I've wanted," kiss on the eyelid "to do this," kiss on the brow, "And now," kiss on the temple, "I can't," kiss on the forehead, "Stop,"
Erupting with giggles, you desperately try to squirm away as Hanta continues to relentlessly shower you with kisses.
"No, no, no! Hanta!" you cry through your laughter, "No more!"
Giving you one last peck on the lips before pulling away, Hanta finally gives into your pleas and stops his assault of kisses. He presses his forehead against yours as you calm down from your laughing fit, pulling some giggles from Hanta as well because of your contagious laugh.
"I love you," you sigh once you've finally calmed down. Hanta hums in response, placing his hand on the back of your head, letting his fingers lace through your hair.
"I love you too," he says, heart feeling full and beaming with joy.
Forever and always~
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𝒇𝒊𝒏 . ✩
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[ lil easter egg of sorts for those of you who don't know~ in Japanese when you ask someone "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" or
『月が綺麗ですね』 // "tsuki ga kirei desu, ne?"
it's actually a very poetic way to confess your love to the person you're asking ]
[ I think it's literally so fucking cute 'cus i myself am deeply in love w/ the moon :) ]
[ if this were a thing in English and someone confessed to me this way, i would immediately demand for their hand in marriage >:| ]
[ god, japanese culture is so cool, i love it sm ]
"would you care to be my partner?" UHBIJNIJAHHHH LITERALLY SO ROMANTIC AND GENUINE HOLY SHIT- i'm making myself simp
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lea-andres · 3 years
Oops have some more Team Chaotix headcanons, guys! This is my idea of their origin story, kind of in chronological order. It's just me rambling, LOL.
I'm commandeering @sonicsmeteor 's headcanon that something happened to make Espio so bloodthirsty toward Eggman/Nega. So Espio is from another country originally, where he was being raised by his ninja clan family. (I like to think it was Chun-Nan, because I love Unleashed, but the Unleashed countries might not be Canon anymore... so 🤷) But, a typical Eggman taking over the world scheme caused his whole family to die when he was 3-4 years old. 😳 And it wasn't even intentional on Eggman's part. They were just... in the way.
I'm not certain on all the angsty, gritty details yet (I'm avoiding that for now with "Espio doesn't like to talk about it"), but that's... A Thing.
Espio was shipped off to Seaside City, and was bounced around a lot between foster families and orphanages. No one was too keen on the idea of adopting a ninja assassin child who watched his whole family die, and Espio was unfairly regarded as a "Troubled Youth"/juvenile delinquent because of it.
Because of everyone assuming Espio was trouble right from the get go, he decided to show them just how much trouble he could be. He'd sneak out at night and wander the city, causing mayhem and picking fights with any Eggman robots he'd encounter. (He's got a criminal record from these days. Nothing really crazy, just some 'destruction of property', 'trespassing', and 'disturbing the peace' violations. It comes back to haunt him work wise sometimes, but Vector vouches for him.)
Vector's past is pretty uneventful. He graduated from school with a degree in criminal justice (helps explain why the Chaotix are so broke, student loans LOL... 😵) and might've minored or even just taken a class or two in early childhood education. He knew he wanted to be a detective from day one, but he's got a big soft spot for kids.
If you had asked Vector before his first case, he would've told you he loves kids, definitely wants two or three someday, but not right now. He needs to get his career going first. (This will be humorous later.)
Vector and Espio met when a jewelry store near his latest foster home was robbed. Vector was just starting out as a private investigator, and this was his first case. Everyone else was eager to just convict Espio of the crime and be done with it (because he was the closest delinquent, who else would it have been?), but Vector was confident Espio didn't do it, and the real culprit was trying to set him up to be the fall guy. So Vector insisted, despite all the pressure otherwise, on doing a full, proper investigation and consider all possibilities. Turned out he was right: the store owner was trying to commit insurance fraud, and figured no one would bother looking into it if he accused Espio. Vector tore the guy a new one for trying to do that to a little kid, earning Espio's respect and gratitude forever.
They'd ran into each other a couple more times after that while Vector was solving other cases and Espio was up to some late night trouble. Vector put a stop to the late night trouble almost immediately, but he was against the idea of sending the kid home (the jewelry store case left a bad taste in his mouth, he didn't know it for sure yet, but he sensed Espio's home life was not great), so he decided to bring the kid with him on cases, and teach him how to be a detective.
It got to a point where Espio would just be over at the office every second he had available. There didn't even have to be a case happening, he just wanted to be with Vector instead of his foster families.
Sometimes people would ask Vector how he tolerates 'that troublemaker bothering him all the time', but Vector always insists Espio is not a troublemaker, and he's not bothering him. He loves having the kid around.
Vector was the one who suggested Espio blend together ninjitsu and being a detective. He thought the two complimented each other well, and Espio shouldn't forget his past.
Espio really cleaned up his act thanks to Vector, and was the happiest he'd been since his family died. He looked up to Vector like a father.
Espio's got some abandonment issues (WONDER WHY), and eventually begged Vector to take him on officially as his apprentice out of fear that he was going to lose his father figure too. Vector refused to be his mentor, and gave Espio a counter offer: He wanted to adopt him, and give him the familial love and care he deserved. 🥺
Adopting Espio was a long, arduous nightmare. "Vector's too young", "Espio's a problem child." "Vector's single, Espio needs a mother to nurture him properly." (That one made Vector the angriest of them all) It eventually worked out though.
This was one of the few times Vector saw Espio cry of happiness. 🥺🥺🥺
Time jump ahead 7 (happy) years, Vector and Espio are hired to solve a homicide case. Well, Vector was hired. Everyone was hesitant about him bringing his 13 year old son, but Vector insisted that they're a team and they solve cases together. Espio just darkly quipped he's "seen worse".
However, this case was particularly hairy, as the key witness was the murder victim's 3 year old son, Charmy. (No, he didn't see the murder, I'm not THAT monstrous, but he did see the murderer make their escape, and he was needed to ID them.)
If you were to ask Espio, he'd tell you that he knew the second Vector laid eyes on the bee that Charmy was going to be his new little brother.
Charmy had been really scared of all of the law officials and lawyers and news reporters all crowding around him demanding to know what happened and what he saw, so he clammed up and was refusing to speak to anyone.
So Vector had to chase them all off, and he and Espio comforted Charmy.
It took a couple days and a lot of patience, but Charmy eventually warmed up to both of them (especially Vector), and as long as at least one of them was with him he had the confidence to give his testimony. His true personality started to shine through again, all his cheeriness and optimism despite the morbid situation he was in. He really won over Vector and Espio at that point.
I don't have all the details of the case figured out yet, but obviously the Chaotix figured it out and justice was served. :)
Vector feared it was going to be harder to adopt Charmy than it was to adopt Espio (because Charmy was younger, and more desirable to the average family), but it wasn't. Vector and Espio milked "You guys said Espio was a problem child, and look at him NOW, after 7 years in MY CARE!" for all it was worth. 😂
So Vector's been teaching Charmy all the detective stuff too, and Charmy's been picking it up, as we've seen.
That's all I've got so far. I have some holes to fill in, but give me a couple days and I will.
I might turn this into a whole fic someday. I could get way more detailed than this, even. 😂
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levinneheart · 3 years
oversized jacket
➳ sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs: reacting to their crush wearing another guy’s jacket with a TWIST
➳ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs: Mattsun & Makki (ft. Kyoutani & gn!reader)
➳ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ(s): fluff, slight angst, a pinch of crack, jealously, friends to lovers, accidental confessions(?), mutual pinning but they think you’ll reject them, college!au, slight timeskip
➳ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ(s): swearing, slight manga spoilers if you squint, mentions of bullying, implied toxic masculinity, so-called “nice guy”, mentions of stalker-ish behavior, extremely long, & self indulgent cuz i was emo when i wrote this <3
a/n: this was inspired from this <3 also, this hcs was supposed to include oikawa and iwaizumi but i had to cut them out. i hope you like it e n way <3
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Matsukawa Issei
he went to his last class early and was surprised to see you were already there, sitting in your usual chair
this was a first, usually he would be the first to arrived in the classroom and you would arrived after him with snacks in your arms
“i need snacks to survive this long day, you’re welcome to have some.” you’d say to him and you were absolutely right
you and your snacks made him get through the day without a pounding head and a growling stomach as he went home
you were working diligently on something while occasionally popping a cheese-flavored popcork onto your mouth
he assumed you were working on your assignments in advance for subjects he didn’t have as it was your routine
he clears his throat, catching your attention and making you looked at his direction as he greeted you with a small smile
you were practically beaming, eyes lighting up at the sight of him as you greeted him back cheerfully, seemingly in a good mood
he took his usual seat beside you and you immediately laid your head on his shoulder, sighing in content
he didn’t mind your gesture if it weren’t for the pounding on his heart but he was surprised you hadn’t noticed it yet
to him, you were so out of his league– so kind, so generous, so everything of his ideal type and pretty to look in the eyes too
the way that you two wordlessly and unconsciously leaned in for each other’s touch – absolutely no highs
just the comfortable silence of enjoying one another’s presences that he longs in relationships
this feeling scared him – terrified him even since he never felt anything like this for anyone before
little did he know, it was your way of conveying to him with your love language that the feeling was mutual
It wasn’t long before class started and not long till it ends. The clouds were starting to get grey and dark. Seems like that it’s starting to raining too. You usually like this kind of weather if it wasn’t such a hassle to get home. It’s getting cold too, you thought as you rubbed your hands together and snuggled subconsciously against Mattsun for warmth.
Matsukawa, on the other hand, held the urge to slip his arm onto your waist and pull you closer to him, the urge to press you firmly to his broad chest and bury his face onto your shoulder. His fingers twitched at the thought but he shook the feelings away before poking you once as he excused himself to you before softly nudging you off him to retreat to the restroom.
When he arrived, he deeply sighed with a fist clutching his chest to desperately trying to calm his accelerating heartbeats. He told – more like convinced himself that he will confess after class but you being so close to him was making it harder to remember his memorized lines. He could still remember how you smelt like, the scent of your shampoo mixed in with your favorite perfume.
It was driving him mad at how good you smell. He splashed his face with water from the sink before staring at himself, trying to focus before chuckling to himself. He looks ridiculous right now, his face slightly damped and eyes glaring at nothing but his reflection. He’ll be fine, even if you reject him – he could just play it cool and say it was a joke.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅⊱◈⊰⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
When he comes back, his seat was occupied by a fellow male student, laughing with you. This would had been fine as you were quite approachable yet he couldn’t help himself but to eye on the unfamiliar jacket you were currently wearing. you didn’t wore the clothing earlier and it looked to big for you to own it.
His mind was racing with the thought of you wearing another guy’s jacket other than his and his feelings were all over the place; mixture of anger, disappointment, and heartbroken. You never told him you were taken and you never really specify that you didn’t like him so he knew he had a chance.
He firmly grabbed your shoulders and glared daggers at the man before he stood up from his chair, cowering away while you turned around to face him with a frown. “What was that for? He was getting to the best part of his joke.”
“I don’t like him and his jacket on you so take it off.”
“What? No, this isn’t his—”
“I’ll exchanged it for mine.” he cuts off.
“No thanks, Sei. What’s this all about anyway—”
“Please, yn. Don’t make me—”
“No is no, Sei. Besides—”
“I like you. Can you now please wear my jacket?”
You stayed silent for a second, stunned at his sudden confession and jealousy over a piece if clothing. “I like you too but this is actually my jacket.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me, right?”
“Nope, I tried telling you.” You grinned at him, poking his sides as his eyes widened in realization.
“Oh…” He trails off. “Wait! Did you just say you like me?” This made you chuckle, it made you want to play with him just a little.
“Did I?” You say, teasingly. “Although, I must say: you look adorable, being all jealous over my oversized jacket.”
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Hanamaki Takahiro
you and Hanamaki met in elementary school and immediately became friends all the way till highschool
back then, he was smaller than you and got bullied because of his pinkish-brown locks, causing him to be subconscious of it
but you told him otherwise so you protected him and fought against many of his bullies in elementary
during in middle school and highschool though, he grew more taller and confident on his hair because of you
you didn’t had to protect him anymore so you settled on cheering and supporting him from the bleachers during his games
his team would welcome you warmly so it wasn’t a surprise to them that you grew on them, along with Kyoutani
he even developed a soft spot for you, causing you to call him Kyou without any honorifics since you two grown close
at first Hanamaki was ok with it, you’d love making new friends to bond with but the same time he was envious
back then he was your only friend and now, your attention was everywhere but him and you two were seeing each other less
you tend to stick with kyoutani these pass few days, ever since the two of you became classmates and seatmates
and he was gonna graduate soon, leaving you behind to focus on your studies and club activities to be able to graduate
that thought saddened him, he doesn’t want to be apart from you yet he also doesn’t want to chain you down
Hanamaki has now graduated and is working closed by Aoba Johsai, sometimes you’d go in there to buy snacks on your way home or to shelter yourself from the hot breeze of summer air and into the cool temperature of the grocery store.
Either way, he was just happy to see you in one of his jobs and sometimes catching up with you about your life and vise versa. You, however, went there to escape your persistent admirer who just can’t seem to understand why you would say no to him.
It was turning into your safe haven where you can relax and breathe without worrying about him watching your every movement. And today wasn’t one of those moments, you’ve had a sinking feeling on your gut so you stayed close to Kyoutani and asking him to walk with you home.
“Just to be safe, Kyou.” You say as you clinged tightly onto his arm. He grumbled in annoyance but didn’t protest against it, instead he let you gingerly drag him to the usual grocery store where Hanamaki worked. Not knowing that your unwanted admirer was following the two of you.
The sounds of bells ringing alerted Hanamaki of of new customers. “Welcome to— oh, hey Kyoutani and y/n.” He says with a smile, grateful to see familiar faces inside the empty store as usually around this time of night was less busy than in the morning and afternoon.
“I’m going to the restroom, yell when you need me.” Kyoutani informed to you, squeezing your arm before gently prying away from your grasp. You nodded with a smile and leaving you alone with Hanamaki. You stood there still, occasionally fidgeting as you looked around anxiously.
“What’s wrong?” He couldn’t gelp but asked.
“I—” You were cut off but the entrance’s bells ringing and you instantly stiffened at the presence of the newcomer.
“There you are, (l/n). You’re so hard to keep track of. You’re lucky that I’m such a nice guy, going out of my way to do this. And it’s all for you.”
Hanamaki noticed you slightly trembling from the corner of his eyes and as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by a cough from none other than Kyoutani. “Who the fucking hell do you think you are?” He asks, almost growling.
“Her admirer.” The self proclaimed nice guy proudly said.
Kyoutani scoffed before turning to you. “Is this creep bothering you, (n/n)?” He asks, draping a jacket he was holding over your shoulders.
Your admirer look between you two. “I don’t believe you would date someone like this, (l/n). You can do better by dating me.”
“Actually,” Hanamaki spoke up. “they can date whoever they want as long as it’s not you. Now, go before I call the police for suspected illegal activities.” He warned with venom laced in his tone while crossing his arms over his chest.
The boy huffed. “You’re not that pretty anyway!” He hollered at you as he stormed out like a kid throwing a tantrum.
You released a heavy sigh of relief before thanking Kyoutani and Hanamaki multiple times for helping you finally get rib of that guy.
“No problem, (y/n). He was just jealous you two look cute together.” Hanamaki teased, hiding his pain of the new of you being taken.
“We’re not dating.” You chuckled as Kyoutani grunted in agreement.
“And he jacket?”
“It was mine, I told him to hold it for me.”
“Oh.” He paused for a second before laughing out loud. “I assumed you two were dating since the two of you are pretty close.”
“Well, yeah. Didn’t Mattsun-senpai tell you, we were cousins?”
“Nope, he didn’t tell me anything” That jerk. He cursed.
“Were you jealous of Kyou, Makki-senpai?” You teased with a smirk.
“Yeah, I was! Now, I’m all embarrassed and stupid because I used to like you.” He rambles while you look at Kyou and he shrugs before leaving the store.
“Why didn’t you confess before?”
“You know why!”
“And it only took my oversized jacket to make you confess to me? You’re unbelievable.” You shook your head in disbelief. “I liked you too, idiot!”
“Oh… WAIT, WHAT?!”
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Heart-Shaped Wreckage
Day 16, Story #2 is by @adenei
Title: Heart-Shaped Wreckage
Author: adenei
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Prompt: Songfic
Rating: T
TW: implied violence and near-death experience (but nothing explicit)
A/N: This is the part two follow-up to Rewrite the Stars.
Hermione’s hand trembles as she reaches over to her nightstand and turns on the light. She can’t sleep, which is a common occurrence as of late. Where she once relished in the quiet of her flat, now the serenity is too much to bear. She is running out of changes to make that will erase the worst, most painful decision of her life. The ultra-soft linens she purchased for her bed are anything but comforting and luxurious. They feel scratchy and cold, and the fresh and clean look of the white comforter with its floral patterns gives off more of a sterile vibe than the new slate she’d been hoping for. Instead, it serves as another stark reminder that all the vibrancy and color had evaporated from her life when she pushed Ron away.
It’s been 62 days since the disaster of the Auror gala, and 50 since Hermione’s received any form of contact from him. Ron has honored her wishes to break things off no matter how much it pained them both to do so. Part of her still wishes he’d floo into her fireplace or knock on her door, begging her to give them another chance. But she knows deep down none of that will ever happen. He is a man of respect, and he will always abide by her requests, even if she no longer wants to keep them herself.
It’s better this way. She reminds herself of the constant scrutiny they’d face if they stayed together, and the hurt and discomfort even at the mere thought indicate that her feelings haven’t changed. There is no way she could put him through that sort of subjection just so she can be selfish and happy. Their lives are too different, and they live in a world where the acceptance of all kinds of love doesn't exist.
So, in the grueling months since they ended things for a second time, Hermione has worked to make changes, some drastic, some minute, in an effort to force herself to move on. She is too proud to let anyone in her life know the pain that she feels with every conscious breath that she takes. Hermione has thrown herself into her work, staying at school late to mark papers, redecorate the classroom, or develop new lesson plans to benefit the students and create more hands-on experiences.
And once she realized that her preparation was complete through the end of next term, Hermione turned to her flat. Weekends have been spent on home projects. Painting the walls, updating the decor, and cleaning every square inch of her flat, all to help her forget.
But the problem is, her heart doesn’t want to forget. Every book she sits down to read reminds her of time spent with Ron. Her renewed efforts in the kitchen never fail to bring a smile or a chuckle to her lips as her mind traitorously wonders what Ron would think if he were here to observe the barely edible mess she’s created. Yet, Hermione is not naive enough to believe that it will change anything. She knows it won’t.
As she sits up in the enormous queen-sized bed, she reaches for the parchment that lays in tri-folds on the nightstand. The paper is worn, with visible wrinkles preventing it from lying flat and tear stains causing the corners to curl as she unfolds the delicate sheet. Hermione’s not sure why she’s opening the letter to read. She knows it won’t bring her the comfort she craves or the answers she desires.
The messy scrawl gives way to Ron’s only correspondence with her since the last time they spoke, and she latches onto it as if it’s the only life preserver on a capsizing vessel. It’s the only thing she has left. The only reminder of the life she could have had.
I’m not scared to tell the truth. 
I went to hell and back and I went with you
Remind me what we were before,
When you said you are mine, and I am yours
There’s a lot I want to say and I’m not sure if I can fit it all in this letter, but I’m going to try. I never meant for any of this to happen, but I did mean everything I said that night. I’m not afraid to tell you how I feel. What we have, er, had, I guess, is special. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life, and I don’t think I ever will. And it’s not just about the case and finding comfort in each other. 
When we broke things off after graduation, I felt like a part of me was missing. The Auror academy kept me busy, and sure, my life moved on, but I wasn’t really happy. Not as happy as I was when we were together. And then fate brought us back together and we decided to make another go of it, that’s when I realized that you were what was missing. You make my life so much brighter, so meaningful, and I’m sorry if I sound like a sap, but I need you to know how I feel.
I would give up everything for you. Social status means nothing to me. If the Aurors sack me because of my personal relations, then so be it. I’ll work with George, or find something else. If my family can’t be supportive, then it will be their loss. I’m not willing to live in a world that doesn’t have you in it, and I refuse to give in to the Ministry’s stance on bloody purity. 
I know this is all probably ‘too little, too late’ or whatever that Muggle saying is that you like to use, and I promise you I’m going to respect your wishes. But I had to tell you. I had to let you know because...well...there’s this mission that’s come up. It’s going to be bloody dangerous and Robards asked for volunteers because he knows how risky it’s going to be. Anyone who goes isn’t guaranteed to come back and, well, I won’t go into the details, but I volunteered to go.
I know, I know, I can hear you in the back of my head telling me that it’s probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done and not to throw my life away because we’re not together, but Hermione, it’s been twelve days and I can’t go on day to day like this. I can’t. Working is the only thing that eases the pain and gets my mind off of everything. I’ll be as safe as I can be, I promise.
I hope you find the happiness you deserve. You’re brilliant, always remember that. Just know that I love you, and it’s because I love you that I’m going to try to let go.
Tears threaten in Hermione’s eyes once again. It’s no different than every other time she reads the letter. Nothing has changed; Ron’s gone, still on his mission six weeks later and no end in sight. Hermione is sure this is the reason she’s not sleeping. With every passing day and no news of Ron’s whereabouts, she turns to the only object that can provide her with any source of comfort: the letter.
After three weeks of constant worrying and bags under her eyes so prevalent that even her eight-year-old students noticed, Hermione caved and wrote to Harry. Even though they can’t be together, she knows deep down that she can still care about his well-being. 
Harry’s response had been timely and brief. He didn’t have details of the mission but reassured Hermione that no news is good news. Hermione thanked him and asked for updates if it wasn’t too much trouble. The two had been friendly in school, growing closer as her relationship with Ron blossomed as well. She didn’t expect his alliance to stray from his best friend but still appreciated his willingness to be cordial with her after everything she’d put Ron through.
“Please come home to me,” she whispers into the darkness.
Her heart aches more as her eyes hover over the parchment once more, searching for the three words that she knows she’ll never read too many times: I love you.
For some reason, this three a.m. readthrough hits differently. She carefully folds the parchment, places it back on the nightstand and turns off the light. There are still a few more hours left to find sleep.
Hermione tosses and turns as she attempts to focus on sleep and quieting her thoughts. At some point, a flash illuminates the night sky, and that’s when the pieces begin forming more vividly in her mind. The clap of thunder follows seconds later, and with it, a realization is born. As the rain begins its slow cadence of pitter-patters on the window, the brevity of Hermione’s decision hits her with the force of the storm strengthening outside.
I don’t know much, but I know myself
And I don’t want to love anybody else
So let’s break the spell and lift the curse
Remember when we fell for each other head first
There is only one question that forms in her mind. One question that surpasses any of the other thoughts she’s managed to cope with over the last two months. 
What have I done?
None of her previous attempts to move past this matter anymore, even though it’s too late, and there’s nothing she can do. 
Three days later, Hermione is finishing up her night-time routine when there’s a knock on her door. She looks at the antique clock on the wall that reads 10:45. Her heart plummets to her stomach. No one calls this late at night with good news. She stands frozen in place, amazed that the glass of water in her hand hasn’t spilled to the floor as a result of her shock.
Another knock, and Hermione manages to lift her feet from the floor. She reaches over and sets the glass on the counter before pulling her dressing gown tight around her waist. The carpet feels thick and heavy, as if her feet are wading through mud and sludge as she makes the torturous trek to the door. Five steps feel like five thousand. She’s sure all of this has happened in a matter of seconds, but it feels like minutes. Maybe the caller will be gone by the time her eye reaches the peephole.
Her hope is instantly quashed when she peers through the tiny circle to see an older gentleman that she doesn’t quite recognize at first. He’s wearing an overcoat and tan bowler hat, and is looking down at a torn piece of parchment. A pair of cerulean blue eyes drift back up to the number on her flat’s door, and that’s when the familiarity hits Hermione like a muggle slamming into the brick wall that separates platforms nine and ten at King’s Cross Station.
She can feel the blood drain from her face as dizziness overcomes her. Falling forward, she clasps onto the doorknob to steady herself. The noise catches the gentleman’s attention.
“Er, Ms. Granger. Are you home? It’s very important that I speak to you. Please, I mean no harm if you’ll open up.”
Hermione struggles to find her voice to respond. Her hands are shaking so violently that she can barely latch on to the deadbolt that has been fastened for the evening.
“Oh, er, please forgive me. We haven’t formally met, but it’s Mr. Weasley out here. Ron’s father.”
Hearing Ron’s name gives Hermione the strength that she needs to click the deadbolt to the left as she manages to turn the door handle with her other hand. Pulling the door open, she slowly looks up at the elder Weasley.
“Is—is everything okay?” Her voice is raw and weak, and she’s sure the shock is the only thing preventing the tears from pooling in her eyes.
“Er, no, it’s not. May I come in?” His eyes dart around, as if he doesn’t want to discuss the matter out in the open.
Hermione opens the door wider to let him in and manages to shut it when he’s through the entryway. Her free hand fiddles with her wand that’s still inside her pocket—just in case—though she fears no imminent threat from Ron’s father.
"Ms. Granger, I’m sorry for calling so late. I wouldn’t be here at all, actually, if it wasn’t for Harry mentioning—ah, well, that’s no matter...” 
Mr. Weasley is rambling, and Hermione has trouble processing his words. Her breath catches at the mention of Harry’s name, which draws Mr. Weasley’s attention to her, helping him get to the point of his late-night visit.
“Ron’s been gravely injured. He’s at St. Mungo’s now. They brought him in an hour or so ago. Molly and I met Harry and Ginny there as soon as we heard. He’s stable for now, but the Healers are unsure if it will hold.” 
Hermione grasps the back of the couch to keep from collapsing to the ground. A sob bursts from her throat as the tears that threatened moments ago now spill freely down her cheeks.
“Wh-what happened?” 
The words are spoken with great effort.
“We don’t have many details. The Aurors are still trying to clean up loose ends on the mission, but it sounds like the operation was successful thanks to Ron’s efforts. One of the target’s accomplices hit Ron with an unknown spell before he was caught.”
Even through Hermione’s own devastation, she can hear the tremor in Ron’s father’s voice. He’s scared, though he’s hiding it well as he continues to explain what he knows. There’s a sheen in his eyes as the moisture appears, emotions raw as he finishes bringing Hermione up to speed.
“Everyone was apprehended, and Ron appears to be the only one who got hurt. We should know more in the coming hours.”
Hermione can only offer a blank stare as she processes the information. His letter said it would be a dangerous mission. He didn’t sound as if he was hopeful that he’d come back alive. Or maybe he was hoping—no, don’t think like that. It was her fault that he’d gone in the first place. By some miracle, he was still hanging on, and the haziness of Hermione’s previous decisions about their relationship begins to give way. The fact that his father is there in her flat informing her has to mean something.
“Why are you here?”
It comes out harsher than Hermione intends, but after their less than amicable meeting at the gala, Hermione can’t be bothered with pleasantries. Even if his wife’s behavior was ruder than his own.
The older man pulls out a handkerchief and wipes beads of sweat off his brow as he sighs deeply. 
“Ms. Granger—”
“Right, yes, Hermione. I am aware that we did not get off on the right foot. I’m sorry I never introduced myself on the night of the gala. We weren’t expecting Ron to have a date. I’ll admit that Molly and I were ignorant in the way we treated you that night, and for that, I am sorry. Nothing can take back our words, nor can it change the way others view you based on your blood status, but please know how wrong we were. 
“Ron was devastated after you broke things off after the gala, and I suppose that was largely due to our behavior. It’s clear to us how much he loves you, and we don’t want to stand in the way of that. So, when Harry mentioned you had asked for news and wanted to come tell you, I insisted that I should be the one to see you. Please don’t let our ignorance stand in the way of your happiness.”
Hermione stands there, listening to Arthur’s apology. While she appreciates the olive branch, part of her can’t help but feel that it’s too little, too late, and a new wave of tears flood her eyes as she sees those exact words in Ron’s letter. She offers a curt nod to let him know she appreciates the gesture, even as her voice can’t find the words.
“I won’t keep you. I should be getting back, but Ron is in room 408. You are on the approved list as a family member if you decide you want to see him, and Molly’s agreed to let you stay with him if you’d like.” 
Arthur gives a weak nod as he dabs his forehead once more before making his way to the door. It takes Hermione a moment to realize what’s happening, and as soon as everything processes, she’s pushing herself off the back of the sofa and calling out to Arthur.
Look at this heart shaped wreckage
What have we done?
We’ve got scars from battles nobody won
We can start over, better
Both of us know if we just let the broken pieces
Let the broken pieces go
“I’m coming! Please, er, if you don’t mind waiting. I just need to get changed—”
“Of course.”
Arthur offers a paternal smile as Hermione rushes into her bedroom and throws on the first thing she can find. She almost forgets to grab her bag as she throws on her coat and locks the door behind her.
Moments later, they’re entering St. Mungo’s, and Mr. Weasley leads the way through the main hall to the lifts. It’s only as the gate shuts that nerves begin to bubble up in her stomach. She’s been running on the adrenaline of the news, and now she can’t help but wonder how the rest of Ron’s family will react when they see her. Or, what’s worse, how Ron will react if and when he wakes up.
When. It has to be when.
As if sensing her trepidation, Mr. Weasley places a reassuring hand on her shoulder. The lift opens, and the first person she sees is Harry in the waiting room. Her feet gravitate toward him of their own accord, and when Harry sees her, he meets her halfway and wraps her in a tight hug.
“He’s going to be okay. He has to,” Harry whispers in her ear.
Hermione nods, forcing her brain to believe his words. When they let go, Ginny hugs Hermione next, which helps her feel more relaxed. 
Maybe this isn’t so bad after all.
After one final squeeze, Ginny lets go so Hermione can follow Arthur down the hall to Ron’s room. He opens the door, and Hermione enters the sterile, white room. The most color she sees is his shock of red hair against the fluffy white pillow that’s cradling his head. Her heart begins beating faster as she spots his mum sitting vigil at his side. 
Mrs. Weasley looks up to see the two standing there. A hard, stony look immediately sets on her face in defense before it softens slightly. She stands and walks over to Hermione. She knows that she’ll have a harder time winning over the Weasley matriarch based on this interaction, but if Ron wakes up—and will take her back—she’s willing to do anything to make it work.
“Let’s give her some privacy, Molly. The healers will call us in if he wakes up,” Arthur coaxes his wife out of the room as he gives Hermione one last reassuring smile.
When the door closes behind them, Hermione walks up to the chair Molly was perched at and takes a seat. She moves the chair closer to the bed as she observes Ron in his sleeping state. A tear slips down her face as her hand reaches out to take his. It isn’t cold, but it’s also not as warm as she’s used to.
“Please wake up. You have to wake up,” she pleads, choking back a fresh wave of tears.
I can’t find you in the dark
Will we get back to who we are?
And I can’t fix this on my own
Our love is still the best thing I’ve ever known
She’s not sure how long she sits there, watching his chest slowly rise and fall as he breathes. No matter how hard she tries, Hermione can’t look away, for fear that his breathing might stop if she does. She’s so focused on his chest, that she doesn’t see his eyes flutter open. 
His voice is breathy, with more rasp than she’s used to, but she’d have given all the gold in her Gringotts vault to hear her name on his lips again if she had to. He lifts the hand that she’s holding, and Hermione leans in closer to press her face into it.
“You came,” he whispers.
Unable to contain herself any longer, she lifts off the seat and leans over him, capturing his lips with hers. They’re cracked and dry, no doubt from being undercover in who knows what kind of conditions, but none of that matters. Ron’s alive, and he’s kissing her back.
Look at this heart shaped wreckage
What have we done?
We’ve got scars from battles nobody won
We can start over, better
Both of us know if we just let the broken pieces
Let the broken pieces go
“I’m so sorry.” The apology seems frail as she mutters the words against his lips.
His other hand reaches up to tuck her hair behind her ear and wipe the tears from her face. “It’s okay.”
“Don’t ever do something that stupid again.”
“Only if you give me a reason not to.”
Let the broken pieces go
Just hold on to each other tonight
“I will, I promise.”
She pulls away to look into his tired, bright blue eyes that carry the hope she feels in her chest.
“Does that mean…?”
“Are you sure?”
“I don’t know what life is going to throw at me, Ron, but I only want to take it if you’re by my side.”
“It’s about time you came to your senses.”
The hand that’s still cupping her cheek adjusts to pull her back to him as he does his best to crash his lips into hers for a searing, though still tender, kiss. His breath is hot as he groans against her mouth, solidifying their reunification. There’s an unspoken agreement to let the broken pieces of the past go. 
Tonight, they’ll start over, rewriting the stars to match their love story the way it’s meant to be.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
You Never Walk Alone | Chapter 1
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Poly!AU?, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Student!reader, Omega!Seokjin, Alpha!Yoongi, Beta!Hoseok, Alpha!Namjoon, Omega!Jimin, Beta!Taehyung, Alpha!Jungkook
Summary: You live a quiet life in your late grandfather’s cabin in the woods. You go to school just to graduate and get your diploma, not to make friends or stand out from the crowd. That was until one day, you enter your home to see a pack of wolves that need shelter.
Your life is either uneventful or really sucks. No one really notices you as you live your everyday life. Loneliness has become your best friend. 
Chapter warning(s): Bullying is mentioned, reader is alone. Please read at your own discretion.
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((Bolded words are spoken through mind link))
You pressed the button as you saw the bus coming to your stop. Tapping your card, you stepped off, with your headphones in your ears, playing a song. You watched as other students met up with their friends to enter the school together. You weren’t like them. 
“Move aside, loser.” Someone bumped into your shoulder. He snickered and hi-fived his friends before walking away. Sighing, you shook your head. 
“Ugh, a sore sight to see in the morning.” Your usual bully, Kira, snorted as you opened your locker. You rolled your eyes, ignoring her as you arranged your books. 
Thankfully, she didn’t cause much harm and was mostly verbal, which meant it was easy to block her out. She only picked on you because you were alone. 
“Don’t you ever get tired of just talking, Kira?” You sighed as you closed your locker. 
“If I’m one step closer to getting rid of you, I don’t mind.” She shrugged, laughing with her group of girls. You just walked away, heading to your class. You sat in the back, away from everyone else. 
“Class, let’s start.” The teacher came in with a bored look on his face. No one wanted to be here, including you. But before your grandfather passed away, he made you promise him to at least graduate high school before you did anything else. You didn’t have to go to college but you had to at least graduate high school with a diploma. 
“Hey, loner.” Someone threw something at your head but you ignored it, kicking the paper ball aside with your foot. 
“Why do you eve bother showing your face?” The guy behind you kicked your chair. You sighed, knowing this was their tactic to try and get a reaction out of you but you weren’t going to give them the time of day. 
“Yah, I’m talking to you. Are you deaf?” He continued. 
“You think you’re all that?” His deskmate snickered, throwing another paper ball at your back. 
When the lunch bell rang, you slung your bag over your shoulder and went out the backdoor of the school. You always took your bag because one time, you left it in class, the other students thought it would be funny to throw your things into the pond. 
It was a quiet, small field, your usual spot being under the big tree. This had been your secret spot for a long time. Well, it wasn’t really a secret. It’s just that no one comes here. 
“A few more hours to go.” You sighed as you sat down and took your lunch box out. It was just a mix of leftovers from last night. 
You slowly ate by yourself. At first, it felt really lonely and sad but you’re used to it now, after years. 
“We’re running laps today.” Your gym coach said and everyone let out groans. He didn’t care about anyone else so he blew his whistle and went to take a seat by the bleachers. You wordlessly began your run with the other students. 
“Jimin! Run!” Jimin fell to the side, letting out a whimper. He pushed himself to stand up, shaking his head to get his vision straight. Looking left and right, he saw his brother fighting.
“We’ll find you again! Just run and don’t look back!” 
His older brother howled and Jimin took a small step back before running off. He needed to find help or his brothers were going to die. The forest never seemed to end and all Jimin saw were the same tress and shrubs. The sounds of fighting were gone and it was silent now. 
“Hyungs? Tae? Jungkook?” 
He let out a whimper when he heard nothing on the mind link. Jimin wanted to turn back but he remembered his brother’s words to run and hide. Being an omega, he wouldn’t be able to help much. 
“I swore I heard something.” There were voices behind him with footsteps. Fearing that people knew he escape, Jimin took off again. 
Jimin saw a small house there. Even if he risked humans finding him and killing him for trespassing, he knew this was his only hope now. He saw an open window by the side of the house and used his hind legs to push him in. 
As he ducked down, he noticed how dark the house was. He didn’t smell anyone currently here. 
“Please... hyungs... Taehyung... Kookie. Please say something.” Jimin tried to connect with his brothers but there was no reply from their side. He could only pray that the worse didn’t happen. He hide his head between his paws, his ears pressed against his head. There was a wound on his side but that was the least of his worries now. 
“Only one more year of hell.” Jimin heard footsteps approaching. It was a female. He stood up, looking around in panic. Where could he hide? 
You took your keys out, opening screen door followed by the main door. Work always left you tired, drained and hungry but you needed it to survive. Plus, the restaurant owner always let the staff take leftovers home. 
“Ugh, I need a shower.” One thing you hated about working at a barbecue restaurant was the smell afterwards. 
You dropped your bag when you saw something on the ground. Frozen, you leaned down to touch the small drop on the ground. The crimson colour was a dead giveaway. 
“H-Hello? Is someone here?” You called out. 
“Are you hurt?” You asked. 
You jumped and turned around to meet a pair of eyes in the dark. Squinting, you reached for the light switch and turned it on to see a wolf or very large dog. He was trapped under the folded chairs that he knocked over, struggling and whimpering pitifully.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright.” You rushed over and helped lift the chairs up. The wolf was quick to back away, as if he was the one scared of you. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” You sat down, holding your hands up in surrender.
Slowly, he took cautionary steps towards you, sniffing you slightly. You let him sniff your hand and that was when your eyes caught the deep, bleeding gash on his side. 
“You’re hurt.” You pointed out. He just stared at you. You stood up, startling him slightly. You went to your kitchen to grab your first aid kit. Your grandfather got hurt often so you had put one in the house to treat him. 
“Will you let me help you?” You asked before you got closer. As a sign of trust, he laid down, exposing his side to you. 
“It’s going to sting.” You shook the antiseptic spray. You didn’t know why you felt the need to explain each step to the wolf as if it would understand you. Maybe it was just the nerves. Sighing, you sprayed the purple spray, making the wolf hiss slightly. Taking some gauze, you cleaned the wound like you would with a normal human wound. 
“I should be googling this.” You took your phone out to research how you should be treating an animal wound. Fortunately, you weren’t too off. 
The wolf stood up to let you wrap the bandage around his ribs. You secured it and it was done. Then, you proceeded to clear the area and throw all the used gauze away. 
“It’s so late.” You went to take a quick shower. When you came out, you made some fried rice for yourself and sat by the couch. 
“Geez! I forgot you’re here.” You nearly dropped your plate of food. The wolf sat next to you, eyeing your food. He looked at it then looked at you, blinking before returning his gaze to your food. You weren’t dumb to know that wolves obviously cannot eat kimchi fried rice. 
“Let me see what I have.” You put the food down and went to the kitchen to retrieve the chicken. As you waited for the water to boil, you saw the wolf getting closer to your fried rice. 
“Yah!” You shuffled over and hit his snout. He shot you a glare, growling to expose his canines. 
For a second, you cursed yourself for forgetting that you’re dealing with a wild animal. You cleared your throat, making the wolf look at you. 
“I’m already making chicken for you. Just be patient, alright? You can’t eat that, you might die or something.” You told him, standing up and rushing to the kitchen. When the chicken was done, you placed it on a paper plate and slid it over to the wolf. He stared at it, before looking at it and sniffing it. Lifting his head, he gave you a flat look. 
“Stop looking at me like that. Animals can’t have seasoning on their food so appreciate it. I could have left you hungry.” You sassed. You swore the wolf scoffed at your words. 
Still, he took a bite and it wasn’t long until he polished the entire plate. You threw the paper plate and washed your own bowl. 
“You can stay the night if you want. But you’re staying down here.” You headed to the storeroom to get some spare blankets that your grandfather had kept for the winter. 
“Here.” You laid it on the ground in a cozy corner with some pillows from the couch. The wolf sniffed the material putting on hesitant paw before sitting down. You watched as he turned around in the spot, pushing the things aside before he got comfortable. 
“Goodnight.” You wished the wolf and went upstairs to your room. You didn’t sleep yet, you stayed up for a while more to finish your homework. 
Only when the clock hit 2 am, then you realised that you needed to go to bed or you wouldn’t wake up for school tomorrow. As you stacked your finished papers and put them in your bag, you thought about the wolf. 
Was he okay?
“He’s a wide animal, he has probably lived in conditions much worse than this. This is a luxury to him.” You laughed to yourself. As you settled in bed, waiting to fall asleep, a cry made you get up. 
“Wolfie? You okay?” You turned the lights on and went downstairs. He was sitting on the blanket, a tensed look on his canine face. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked softly, sitting in front of him. What he did next totally caught you off guard.
He suddenly came close to you, standing in between you legs and leaning into you. His head was on your shoulder, his muzzle nuzzling against your cheek slightly. With shaky hands, you wrapped one around him while the other stroked his back. You never thought you would be sitting in your living room, at 2 am, comforting a wolf with hugs. 
“It’s alright.” You cooed. 
He seemed to be better when he pulled away, even licking your cheek, which made you cringe a little. 
“Go to sleep.” You stood up to leave when there was a tug on your shirt. He bit the end of your shirt, pulling you back gently. He didn’t want you to leave him alone. Sighing, you tugged your shirt back. 
“You want me to sleep here?” You interpreted. Looks like you were correct as the wolf let out a small bark, letting his tongue hang out of his mouth. 
“Ugh. Fine!” You went upstairs to grab you pillow and blanket. You laid down beside the wolf when he decided to get under your blanket and squeeze under your arm. It almost looked like you were spooning him, with him being the little spoon while you were the big spoon. 
“I swear, you could be a human.” You rolled your eyes as his ears twitched. He scooted back so his back was flushed against your front. 
“It’ll be okay...” You yawned, mumbling from the pure exhaustion. 
It felt weird that someone was in the house with you. You were used to the quiet, the loneliness that even having another being, human or not, felt different. 
The last person that was here with you was your grandfather but he died two years back. Even then, you were alone in school and at work. The only person you felt you needed was your grandfather. Now that he’s gone, you were truly alone. The sudden appearance of the wolf made you feel self conscious but at the same time, a part of you wished he would never leave. 
It was about 5 am when the wolf was whimpering and kicking around slightly in his sleep, waking you up. He looked like he was having a nightmare. 
“Hyungs! Please don’t go! Tell me that you’re all okay. I didn’t mean to abandon you.” Jimin cowered in fright.
“It’s okay.” You stroked his fur in attempt to calm him down. Lifting the blanket, you noticed that he bled through his bandage from all the moving. You pushed yourself up and went to get the first aid kit. 
“Wake up. Let me change your bandage.” You shook him and his eyes fluttered open. You swore you saw tears in his eyes. 
“Were you having a nightmare? Do wolves have dreams?” You thought.
“I’m crazy to think you even understand me.” You chuckled to yourself as you cut away the bandage and replaced it with a new one, securing it with the metal fasteners. 
This time, you didn’t clear the things. You just pushed everything aside and laid down to sleep. You definitely needed more sleep but you only had one hour left, which would have to suffice for now. Casually, you threw your arm over the wolf, snuggling into the warmth of his fur. 
“You’re nice and warm.” You mumbled sleepily and began to drift off again. 
You and the wolf jumped at your sudden alarm. You felt him slip out from your grasp, sniffing your phone and pawing at it in annoyance. Chuckling, you reached over to turn it off. 
“I have to go to school. Which means you’ll go back, hmm?” You hummed. Holding a hand out, you let the wolf put his head under it. 
“Breakfast?” You giggled and he barked. 
Standing up, you gathered your blanket and pillow, bringing it back to your room before you washed up. You brushed your teeth and combed your hair. When you entered your bedroom to change, you saw the wolf walking around, sniffing the area. 
“Are you done?” You raised an eyebrow and he turned around to face you before snorting and sitting down on the carpet. 
“I need to change and no way are you staying in here.” You pointed to the door. It looked like he was rolling his eyes at you before he strode out of there and you closed the door. You changed into your school uniform. 
“Breakfast time.” You went to the kitchen. You made a sandwich for yourself, not having much time. 
“Fine, you can have one piece of bacon.” You tossed him one. He jumped up, catching it in his mouth before gobbling it up. He obviously wasn’t happy with the boiled chicken yesterday but you didn’t really have anything else to give him. You knew he was over it when you dropped the chicken into the water and he gave you the same flat look with his ears folded down. 
“I’m sorry, okay? I don’t want a dead wolf in my hands.” You scoffed and bit into your sandwich as you waited for his food. 
“Here you go.” You placed the plate of food down and sat in front of him as he ate. He stopped and looked up to meet eyes with you. There was a blush on your cheeks as you were caught staring by a wolf. 
You coughed and looked away as he continued eating. Subconsciously, you reached out to pat his head again. 
“I’ve always been alone here. But with you here, even if it was only for one night, made the house feel that much more lively. It felt nice. So thank you for that.” You whispered. 
“You don’t have to always be alone.” Jimin said softly in his head.
“Alright. Let’s go.” You quickly stood up. The wolf followed you as you wore your shoes and locked the door behind you. 
“Goodbye. Stay safe.” You bent down in front of him. He licked your cheek, nuzzling against it softly. His soft fur tickled your skin, making your laugh. You turned to walk to the same bus stop that you go to everyday. But the crunching behind you made you turn around. 
“You can go! Your friends might be looking for you.” You chuckled. He walked forward, standing beside you and looked up at you. 
He followed you all the way to the bus stop. He kept his distance as he saw an elderly couple also waiting for the bus but you could see him sitting there, watching you. 
Soon, the bus came and you turned to look at him. You waved at him with a small smile and stepped into the bus. Looking out the window, you saw him turn around and enter the forest once again. 
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wavyhairedbabyy · 3 years
Karl Jacobs x gn!reader
tldr: Reader is having a tough time during finals week. Karl helps them.
CW: 2 swears (not at each other). Other than that v fluffy. Let me know if anyone finds anything :)
a/n: I appreciate anyone who may have been waiting :) this was essentially what I wished would’ve happened while I was studying for the biggest exam of my life (╥ ‿ ╥)
edited yet?: yes
Y/n stared at their laptop screen, their brain failing to retain any information from their study guide. This was what they had been working on for the last 4 days. It was finals week, the finals week after a long semester of online school. Whoever thought online school was easier than in person school was fucking lying to themselves. Y/n also lied to themselves, believing they could do both work and school during a pandemic. Between finals and their job, the stress began to weight heavy on their shoulders.
Tears brimmed y/n’s eyes. Their brain had been active since they started work at 8AM. Since they got back home and started studying, it began to crumble as each hour passed by. At this point, they didn’t have the time or willingness to stop studying. Tomorrow was the day of their most important exam, the exam that would decide whether or not they would graduate. This was the last night they had to make sure they understood all of the information given to them on the study guide. With an attempt to read the same paragraph for a fifth time, tears started to fall from their eyes, quickly turning from a sob to cry.
Karl sat in their shared bedroom, doing some of his own work to prepare for his upcoming projects. Usually they did work together, but he knew y/n needed to stay focus and that was impossible when they were feet away from each other. He was waiting for them to come cuddle up with him after they were finished studying. He loved the idea that he was their comfort at the end of each long day.
His attention was quickly pulled away from his work when he heard sniffling and quieted whines coming from the office. He already had a hunch of what was going on. He knew y/n was too determined for their own good. Getting up from his chair, he made his way out of their room to see what was causing his significant other’s distress.
Karl’s heart shattered when he found y/n crying at their desk. He saw their screen opened to their study guide, quickly realizing the cause of their cries. Knocking on the door, he whispered, “Y/n? What’s going on, baby?”
Upon hearing him, y/n quickly wiped their eyes and paused their sniffling. They answered as evenly as they could, “Nothing crazy, baby. This exam just has me really stressed out. I’m scared I’m not going to pass. I just needed a quick cry and then I’m getting back to work.”
Karl’s brows knitted together in confusion. He didn’t understand how they could continue to work in the mental state they were in. Karl knew y/n and knew they needed a break or their state, and memory, would get worse. He shook his head and began walking toward them, “Nope. We are going to bed and you can keep going in the morning.”
Karl picked their significant other up, carrying them bridal style into their bedroom. Almost immediately, y/n started to move around in an attempt to break free from his grasp, “Karl, I can’t! Tonight’s the last night I have to study! You know this will make or break my college career!”
“I know, baby but just listen to me,” he said, string them on the edge of their bed and kneeling down to their eye level. He held their hand with one hand and wiped any remaining tears with the other, “You’ve been working and studying your ass off for the last 4 days. I know you feel like you can’t take or don’t deserve a break, but you definitely need one.”
“But Karl-”
“No, no ‘buts’. You know I’m right. Going back to work would not help you at all right now. You would go back to that screen, get frustrated and end up breaking down again. That’s not happening on my watch,” He stood up and brought them to their feet. “C’mon, let’s get ready for bed. We can wake up a little earlier tomorrow. I can make breakfast while you study if that makes you feel better.”
Before they could go anywhere, y/n wrapped their arms tight around Karl and shoved their face into his chest. They let out a sigh as Karl reciprocated the hug, a small smile creeping on his face. They looked up at him, resting their chin on his chest, “Can we have omelettes tomorrow?”
Karl laughed and nodded, “For you? Anything.”
Y/n smiled before leaning up and giving him a soft kiss. They pulled away, keeping their noses touching, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
If you liked this fic, check out my others:
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ketamineharry · 3 years
The Family We Choose - Harry Lewis
Requested: Yes ~ Hi Nikki, hope you are well! I was just wondering if you could write an imagine where the reader doesn't want biological kids (if you are comfortable writing about it) and Harry finds out either through a discussion or a sidemen video or really however. The ending would be completely up to you and how you see fit. I just adore your writing, especially about Harry. Thank you x
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Four years had passed since your miscarriage, everything seemed to have fallen into place. You had graduated with a first degree in psychology and had applied to do a masters in counselling. Harry had flourished in his YouTube career, his sub count reaching a number that he could have only had dreamed of, four years ago. Your relationship went from strength to strength. However, despite all of that, it was clear that Harry wanted to be a dad. As much as you loved Harry, you couldn’t bring yourself to try for another child any time soon. The trauma you had been healing from, was still too fresh for you to risk opening up that wound again.
No matter how hard you tried though, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him. Even with all the therapy sessions that you attended, mixed with the fact that Harry insisted that the miscarriage wasn’t your fault — you couldn’t help but blame yourself. It was your default, considering it was your body that had failed with carrying the baby to full term. Yet, with each passing day Harry tried to hint more at the fact that he wanted to try starting a family again.
It all got too much, when he had purchased a baby grow, wrapped it and placed it in a gift bag. Leaving it on the kitchen counter for you to find. Which left you no choice but to nip it in the bud. As much as you hated the thought of disappointing Harry, you couldn’t let this go on. The more that he hinted, the worse that you felt. Which just perpetuated a nasty cycle of guilt.
Baby grow in hand, you went to find Harry. Who, was more than likely in your shared bedroom streaming. The nerves and knots in your stomach multiplied tenfold as you made your way up the stairs. A prominent lump in your throat formed, just at the thought of disappointing him. You waited for Harry to end his stream, before entering the bedroom.
You sat down on the bed, opposite Harry. As you passed him the gift bag, you made direct eye-contact for the first time. A sigh escaped your lips, as you placed one hand in the other, trying to comfort yourself.
“I’m not ready to try for another baby yet, Harry.” You told him, breaking the silence that had been comforting you for a few brief moments. He simply nodded, you could see he was mulling over the information you had just provided him with.
“I understand. But, I was thinking, because I know how much you want to be a mum too… whether adoption would be an option for us? It wouldn’t have to be a baby, there’s so many children out there that need loving homes. Despite the little donny not being ours biologically, we’d still be their mum and dad.”
“I can’t promise anything… but I’m willing to go through the process. We might find the right child for us, we might not.”
A long six months had passed since Harry and yourself had applied to be prospective adoptive parents. You had gone through various tests, had to provide recommendations, and had to undergo a DBS check. You were just hoping that you would find the child that you wanted to adopt as your own after how rigorous the background tests and paperwork was.
It was a wet Tuesday afternoon when the phone rang. You decided to answer, as Harry was far too nervous. He sat right next to you though, trying to gage what the person on the other end of the phone was saying. He took your hand in his, rubbing circles into your thumb; an attempt at trying to calm himself down as well as trying to get you through the phone call too.
“Hi, is this Miss Y/L/N and Mr Lewis?” The feminine voice on the other side asked. You confirmed that it was you, as you nervously anticipated what she was about to say.
“I’m pleased to inform you that you’ve been accepted to adopt. We have also found a child that we would like you to come and meet tomorrow. It’s a little girl, she doesn’t have any health issues and she is three years of age.”
You agreed to go and meet your prospective child, the excitement finally hitting you. Although you weren’t going to be this child’s biological mother, you were sure you could be able to love her as if she was your biological daughter, and that’s all that mattered really.
You turned to Harry and told him, as you both jumped up and hugged each other. Being able to bask in your excitement for a few moments.
“I always wanted a little girl, and I guess we don’t need to go through the many sleepless nights.” He beamed.
The next day, you were woken up by Harry. As you rolled over, checking the alarm clock next to you it was nine in the morning. Harry being out of bed before you, meant that he was beyond excited. He loved his sleep more than anything.
You both got dressed and made your way to the adoption agency. A mixture of nervousness and excitement filled the car journey. Neither of you knowing what to say, but enjoying it nonetheless.
As you walked in hand in hand, the confirmation that you were doing the right thing by yourselves set in. The children’s finger paintings that hung on the walls, was something that you were missing in your house. It was going to be chaotic, but living with Harry already provided that. It wasn’t going to be out of the norm.
A social worker, the one who you had assumed had phoned you escorted you into the office. She went over some of the essentials, things you needed to know about the process, things you were and weren’t allowed to say in order to not only protect yourself, but the child too. After the brief meeting, you were told that she was going to go and get the little girl, and told you to sit there.
A few moments later, the social worker emerged again, this time with a little girl in tow. A brown teddy girl hung limply from the girls other hand, as she hid behind the social worker. Obviously a little bit timid.
Harry got up from his chair, and walked around to her, bending down on his knees before offering her a handshake. “Hi little lady, my name’s Harry. What’s yours?”
“My name’s Olivia.” She responded, her voice small. Still unsure.
You got up from your chair, following Harry’s example and bending down on your knees too.
“I’m Y/N.” You said, introducing yourself. “That teddy bear is really cute. I used to have one, just like him called Mr. Snuggles.” You continued, giving the girl a small smile.
“Did you have to rescue him from the hundred acre wood too?” Olivia asked, intrigued.
“Oh, I had to fight off the fiercest lions and snakes for him.” You responded, playfully. Which caused Olivia to giggle.
“So, Olivia… we were wondering if you’d like to come out on a picnic to the park with us?” Harry asked her. “We can make sure that teddy comes along too, we promise that we’ll fight off any lions and snakes that threaten him.”
“As long as you push me really high on the swings.”
Harry nodded, assuring her they had a deal. Olivia took your hand as you led her to the car, and strapped her into the children’s car seat that you had purchased the night before.
Harry drove you the short distance to the local park. She took Harry’s hand this time, still clinging onto her teddy bear. Which you presumed provided her with a sense of security that she craved.
As soon as she entered the playground, she made a beeline for the swings. Harry, having to hit a slow jog to be able to keep up with her. He fulfilled his promise of pushing her as high as he could, whilst not going too high for fear of scaring her. As you looked on and watched, you knew that Olivia was the little person that was going to make your family whole. She fit perfectly. She was the family that you had chosen.
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