#I’m still experimenting w the different times for different types of beans
jeezypetes · 7 months
Did you guys know there’s a secret to cooking dry beans that doesn’t take 10000 hours?? Its a pressure cooker. Dry beans to perfectly cooked in maybe half an hour
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
leona, jamil, idia, and malleus w/ a pregnant s/o
anon asked: Hey love your work💕 I was wondering if you could do pregnancie head canons for aged up Leona Jamil Malleus and Idia Its okay if you can't do them.
thank you anon! sorry if this isn’t what you expected cuz i’m not that experienced w/ writing pregnancy headcanons lol, so sorry! i’ll try my best!
leona kingscholar
he would be awaiting for the day of your child’s birth since you announced it to him
so basically it was nine whole months of him being anxious yet excited to meet your child
was he excited to be a father? of course he was, he was elated
he wanted to do his best to treat your child like his whole world, and raise them differently than how he was raised
you assured him he was going to be an amazing father and that everything was going to be alright
he would keep an eye on you 24/7 and not even take his usual, frequent naps just to make sure you’re okay
leona would be there for you 24/7 too, from getting ready to massage your sore back to getting any of your weird cravings
of course when it was early in the morning and you both can finally fall asleep, he would lay beside you, hand on your stomach
“i can’t wait to be a father” “and you’ll be an amazing one”
hes basically more affectionate and pda-y with you 
leona’s not the only excited one, but cheka would check up on you every week, filled with happiness to the brim just by visiting his ojitan and obatan, and also the fact that he’s finally going to have a cousin!
cheka finally has a playmate and won’t constantly annoy leona anymore lol
jamil viper
he would probably be the best caretaker ever
some nights he wouldn’t even sleep to make sure everything’s okay
from tidying the position of the pillows, to making sure you have water beside you, making sure the temperature of the room was just right, even cooking anything you wanted at 4 am
yeah you were carrying the baby, but it was like he was already taking care of a baby
all the worries he had really were if he isn’t able to raise their child well
he wants to be the type of father their child can trust and depend upon and basically tell everything to
“jamil...you’re basically the best father anyone can ask for. you’re already the best husband in the whole wide universe, and this means you’re going to be an equally amazing father.” 
he would massage your back a lot and also brush your hair, make sure that you’re comfortable every step of the way
okay but kalim would be spoiling your soon-to-be-born child with gifts
you both don’t even know if your child is a boy or a girl, but kalim just bought everything cute and appropriate for babies that he saw
he even bought a couple of things for you and jamil
he was also the one who goes out and buys all of the food for your weird, late night cravings
although jamil was slightly anxious, you were sure your child would be thrilled to have such a thoughtful uncle like kalim
idia shroud
okay imo, in the first few months of your pregnancy, idia would be too scared to even go near you
he didn’t want to hurt the baby or anything and he just found it very peculiar that he was going to be a father
he was worried that he wasn’t ready to be one. he thought to himself often how someone like him could even be a father 
you assured him that everything was going to be okay, but he still didn’t really believe you and tried to keep his distance
he was still with you of course, but just keeping 1 or 2 meters away from you (yes social distancing guys)
until one day, you and ortho were hanging out in your room when you felt the baby kick your stomach
you and ortho called idia over and tried to convince him to just touch your stomach at least once
although hesitant, he sat beside you and gently placed his shaking hand on your stomach
when he felt the baby kick, idia felt tears prick the corners of his eyes and started flowing
he might not be a dream father or a ‘typical’ father most kids desire, he was going to try his best to be there for your child
from that day onwards, he practically didn’t leave your side
he was happy to see his little, precious bean when it was time
he also probably recorded every single day of your pregnancy to when your child was born and edited a cute little video for memories
im pretty sure he and ortho both cried when your child was born
malleus draconia
he was scared
of course he wanted to be there for the love of his life, but he was scared he wasn’t going to be enough for the child
he was scared that he was going to harm you or your child in any way
he didn’t want to tell you how he really felt and tried to push his feelings aside, and he really tried his best to be there for you and assure you everything was going to be okay
of course he would go over to lilia and ask him for any advice he had
“not every father is perfect malleus, but it’s better to try your best for the child, rather than to not even be there for them at all.”
wise, old lilia
malleus was always hesitant when he wanted to touch you or cuddle you, but you would get impatient with him at times you just pulled him close to you and just make him cuddle you
with each passing day, malleus felt warmer in a way
maybe from all your hugs or from the fact that he was motivated by lilia’s words and really tried his best, even if he would make some mistakes
lilia would visit you two every single day and spout some old man knowledge and his own experiences
your child would just be blessed to have two very lively and overprotective uncles, sebek and silver
www i had a little trouble writing this >w< anyways i’m planning to finish the 500 followers special soon and possibly open writing commissions after, around may or june maybe :)) shoot me a message if you’re possibly interested!
love, a♕
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free-pancakes · 4 years
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couldn’t sleep last night and decided to elaborate more on this prompt! thanks again for the ask, @agoldenheartedsnkfan​! i ended up changing my original answer a bit as i kept writing
it’s a bunch of levihan fluff and banter and it’s not very exciting, so you are officially forewarned lol
Summary: Levi confronts his feelings about Hange after the Sawney/Bean incident
cross-posted to ao3
“Levi, do you mind holding these for me?” Hange shoved her papers into Levi’s hands and ran back into her office. “Moblit couldn’t carry all my stuff, so this is a huge help, thanks Levi!” “Oi, four-eyes, what’s all this shit for?”
Hange ran back out of her office holding more tools and notebooks. “I’m doing some more experiments on Sawney and Bean tomorrow and I’m setting it all up! Remember, I’ll be meeting up with your squad and Eren later!”
“Hmph. Well you might as well just move your entire office out towards those damn titans, then. Carrying this stuff back and forth is a waste of time.” Hange threw her head back and laughed. “It would take ages to move my entire office out here, shorty! And THAT would be a waste of time!”
Levi rolled his eyes at her comment, and they started walking together to the tents outside the compound where the titans were held captive.
“Thanks for your help, Levi!” Hange smiled widely, and dropped half the things she was holding just to hug him, causing him to do the same.
“Oi four-eyes, we just got here and you’re already making a mess,” he muttered as he immediately started tidying up all the papers strewn across the floor. “Wow Levi, you can’t let a mess sit for even a second before you have to clean it up!” As she bent down next to him gathering the notebooks on the floor, the sweet scent of lavender reached Levi’s nose. “Yeah well good thing you started using the shampoo I bought you, because then this shit wouldn’t be the only mess on the floor I’d have to clean up.” Hange let out a small giggle, “Aw Levi, stop being so uptight! That’s why you have that permanent, constipated look on your face all the time!”
Nifa looked at Moblit. “God you were right, their weird little banter and bickering really doesn’t end, does it?”
“SHHHH NIFA they might hear you! I’d be caught dead if Levi finds out I’ve been ranting to our squad about the two of them! I’m glad Hange’s happy when Levi’s around but honestly I’d like some peace and quiet sometimes,” Moblit sighed.
Nifa whispered, “Hm, well if we said something, maybe they’d finally realize they actually do like each other, maybe they’ll stop fighting all the time!”
“Oh Nifa, with my luck, their banter will never end no matter what happens. Come on, we have a lot of work to do.”
“Ughhh fine,” Nifa said, defeated.
Levi stood with his arms crossed in front of Erwin’s desk. “Moblit said you wanted to see me?”
“Yes. I’m a bit, concerned about Hange. I haven’t seen her since we completed the ODM checks. I’m not entirely sure who really killed Sawney and Bean at this point, but I have some feeling that Hange is still blaming herself over it. I haven’t heard or seen her for the past couple days—I know it’s your day off, but do you think you could find her and see how she’s doing, Levi?”
“Sure.” Levi turned to walk out the door.
“And Levi?”“Yes?”
“I asked you because well…I know you’d be able to bring her spirits back up. It’s been awfully quiet without her around.”
Levi nodded, and left to find Hange.
Levi searched all throughout the barracks—the lab, Hange’s office, the mess hall, and all her usual spots he’d find her sitting and scribbling notes. He checked with his squad and Hange’s squad, and no one knew where Hange was.
It was getting late, and the sun began to set lazily in sky. Levi was about to leave to look through their usual hangout places in town, when he heard Nifa jogging to catch up to him. “Hey Levi! I did notice one thing—Hange’s ODM gear is missing! She must have it with her!” Levi was grateful for how observant Hange’s squad members were, because now, he knew exactly where she was. He reached out to ruffle Nifa’s hair, and headed out.
Levi scaled the wall with his ODM gear, and started walking through the path of walkway around all the supply boxes and materials stored up by the center looking post. He wandered around for a few minutes until he turned around a tall pile of supplies and saw Hange, sitting with her legs dangling off the side of the wall, holding her face in her hands. He was entranced by her appearance, tears streaming into her hands, traveling slowly down her arms. He had seen Hange cry before, mourning over dead comrades and failed experiments, but this was different. Hange was sunshine personified—a fierce fire ever present in her eyes, a person radiating energy and self-confidence every minute Levi had known her. But in that moment, it was nowhere to be found, and it made Levi feel so cold that he shivered where he stood. He woke himself out of his trance, and stepped silently towards Hange. As he got closer, he heard Hange muttering to herself—
“God, Hange. It’s all your fault, you’re such an idiot. You just keep on letting everyone down don’t you? Why can’t you just stop being so goddamn useless?”
Levi stopped at hearing those words and felt nothing but anger—“How could she even think that?” he thought to himself. He was overwhelmed with fierce feelings to protect her and wanted nothing but for her to know how important she was to the survey corps, to those 104th brats, to his squad, to their friends, and more importantly—to him. His chest swelled with emotion, overwhelming his senses. He closed his eyes, took a moment to breathe and calm himself.
He avoided dwelling on these types of feelings, but to his annoyance, he was constantly pestered with comments and questions on the nature of his relationship was with Hange. However, the more Levi let himself simmer in these thoughts, the more he realized that he couldn’t just keep denying how he truly felt. Three years was long enough.
He walked towards her until he was standing directly behind her, looking down at the top of her head, mesmerized by the purple-orange glow of the sunset illuminating the tears on her face, and her flowing locks of hair draping softly over her shoulders—he rarely ever saw it out of a ponytail. “God, even when she's sad, everything about her is still beautiful,” Levi thought.
Hange didn’t notice Levi until she suddenly felt his hands gently cupping her cheeks, which then carefully pushed her chin upwards to look at him. She was startled at first, as she thought she was alone, but she recognized it to be Levi fairly quickly. She found herself staring into Levi’s face, his bangs barely brushing the tip of her nose. She was angry at first, upset that anyone would find the scout’s section commander crying and doubting her own abilities. But as she frowned and opened her mouth to yell and project her frustrations onto him, Levi wiped away the tears on her cheeks with his thumbs and sat down next to her, his actions calming her sudden surge of anger. They made eye contact, and Hange knew exactly what was on Levi’s mind—he didn’t need to say a word.
Hange laughed, and placed her hand on Levi’s shoulder. “You always know what to say… without even saying it, don’t you Levi?”
A few moments of silenced passed.
“Hm. Well, your eyesight might be trash, but other than that, you do know you’re not useless, right?”
Hange looked down with embarrassment, surprised he had heard her talking to herself. She opened her mouth to speak in protest, but Levi gently placed his hand on her head and pulled her into his gaze. “I don’t want to hear any of that nonsense ever again, Hange. Focus on what lies ahead, and I’ll be right here by your side to hold your shit, or whatever you need. Okay?”
Hange’s eyes widened. Levi might not be great with words, but Hange was always good at “translating” for him, or at least understanding what he really meant. “Levi, are you saying… what I think you’re saying?”
Levi was at a loss for words, and beads of sweat instantly started forming on the side of his brow. Hange noticed this immediately and laughed so hard that tears started welling up around her eyes. “Oi four-eyes, this isn’t funny!” Hange kept laughing and laid her head on his shoulder. It took all of Levi’s energy to suppress a smile—he hated to admit it, but her laughter was contagious. “Hange I’m serious, okay? I—“
“I love you too, yknow?” Hange whispered.
Levi’s expression softened at her response. Minutes passed before either of them could say anything. They sat, dwelling on the words they just exchanged, staring out to the vast land in front of them, the last rays of sun peaking over the horizon.
“…How long have you known?” Levi asked curiously.
“Well Nanaba really just pulled me aside the last time we all went drinking about a few months ago, and pushed me in the right direction, I guess. It’s funny, in retrospect, I think the moment I knew that you might be a little more than just my best friend was—“
“At the Sina military ball 3 years ago,” Levi and Hange echoed simultaneously.
“W-wait, you started having feelings for me the same night I did for you?” Hange exclaimed.
“Pfft, pulling those pranks on all those dumb military police morons with you wasn’t bad.” Hange smiled as she reminisced over the trouble they got into that night, the laughter they shared, and… their first dance together. “Hey Levi, the two of us make a pretty good team, don’t we?”
“Yeah, all 3 of us.”“Oi what do you mean by 3 of us? What are you talking about??”
“Yeah, 3. You, me, and your shitty glasses.”
Hange laughed heartily, and kissed Levi on the cheek. He immediately blushed and she giggled more at his embarrassment. She stood up, and said, “Hah, well I guess it’s time to head back. Erwin’s probably wondering where we are, and the debrief meeting is gonna start pretty soon.” She excitedly held her hand out towards Levi to help him up. He couldn’t help but smile at her goofy grin, and grabbed her hand.
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by-kilian · 4 years
i just saw all the stuff going on where weirdos r reposting ur work?? um? do people not know boundaries 💀 its so weird to do that?? i swear ppl on tiktok that discovered ur writing must’ve never read good writing before cause the way they were acting was very obsessive/possessive. like they must’ve been used to type “y/n is a 2’9 small feisty bean with blonde hair and blue eyes and everyone is in love with her but she’s shy 🥺” writing.
another fic writer I follow on Twitter went into detail about how ao3 culture is going (currently changing) to change now cause of everything going on with wattpad and even the influence that tiktok has on things these days. people become obsessive with fic writers & their work, as well as artists that create fanart, it’s scary. like i remember, even with ur work, I was shy with leaving comments and was content with just leaving kudos & supporting quietly. people can be overwhelming now, with more negative results then positive.
im ranting again but i even wrote a discussion post for my college biology class about tiktok’s influence on the food industry & how it’s become a trend to try new foods from different cultures, but not for the purpose of enjoying a food from a different culture, but JUST to record their reactions for likes & views. i have a love/hate relationship w tiktok, it’s scary how influential it is.
It was def borderline odd although I was appreciative of it to an extent. I really wish things did not happen the way they did. It definitely was obsessive/possessive, particularly how they took it and started bothering other people with it and their stories when it had nothing to do with me/my story. I equated it to Stan twitter because that’s exactly what it felt like, just antagonizing people who weren’t me (when these people literally didn’t even know me). THAT bothered me the most, and I do believe it was because no one understood or respected boundaries, not mine or others.
Also, Idk who that writer is but I am right there with them. TT has made fics an…odd place now, not just with the AOT fandom but to my knowledge, several. AO3 has faced a litany of drama / important topics of discussion recently, and while I don’t know the extent of the issues—I do know it stems from some of the stuff going on with Wattpad/TT, and people moving their stuff to AO3 and going wild with it. I’m honestly not happy with it considering AO3 is and always has been open-source and volunteer run, and I would hate to see anything bad happen to it or the terms change. That’s the whole purpose of the website is to be open and for fandoms, and it’ll be ironic and devastating if fandoms are the thing that make it crumble because people cannot behave. 
And yeah, I’m super weary about all the parasocial relationships people are building with authors/artists. It’s one of the reasons I do not share a ton about myself or my face ever because apart from being private, I know from experience that this makes people think they know you better than they do and while not everyone’s intent is bad, it often crosses boundaries and people overstep that line of over familiarity sooner than later. Some authors cross that line too, but that’s a whole other thing. 
It is very scary how influential TT is, especially in this age of the pandemic. Not only are people bored but people want content, but you’re right—it’s really sad how people are doing things just for clicks/likes/views/clout. I hate it all because I’m old and crabby LMAO. (also side note, I would honestly love to read that paper! It sounds fascinating, I love stuff like that). 
And regarding you leaving comments, your comments literally make my day!!! ❤️Not that you have to leave them at all, but I really do appreciate the time you all take to read, kudos, like, reblog, or comment or reply (or if you say nothing at all, you’re still valid to me). It is all incredibly sweet, and I am so grateful for it all. I’m glad I’m finding many of you again, truly and honestly. TY for sending this in and I am so happy we get to talk here now too 😘😘😘😘 
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Terms of Engagement ch.7
Summary: Rus is still a kid himself and with his life turned upside-down, he has no idea how he’s going to take care of his baby brother. Having other kid skeletons appear in his world wasn’t exactly the help he was looking for.
Tags: Pre-Spicyhoney, Underfell Papyrus, Underfell Sans, Underswap Papyrus, Underswap Sans, Undertale Sans, Undertale Papyrus, Babybones, Scientist W. D. Gaster, Possible Past Child Abuse, Skellie Daycare, Growing Up Together, Big Brothers Caring For Their Little Bros, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Violence
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | 
Chapter Six
Read Chapter Seven on AO3
Read It Here!
The artificial light streaming in through the window was already conspiring to wake Rus when the kicked open door finished the job. He groaned aloud, rolling over and yanking the blanket over his head as he mumbled, “c’mon, bro, five more minutes.”
“Is that how you always greet Blue in the morning? Because if so, you and my brother have a great deal more in common than I thought.”
That deep, raspy voice was nothing like the sweeter, higher version of Blue’s. Rus scrambled to sit up, fighting free of the tangled blankets and choking back a scream as he met a pair of crimson eye lights set in a scarred face.
Memory jolted into place and shame came fast on its heels, fuck, how would that have made Edge feel, that the sight of his face scared the shit out of him? Wasn’t like the scars were the kid’s fault or his LV, if Rus was understanding things right.
Edge’s mouth twisted wryly and Rus’s soul ached guiltily. Might not have hidden that as well as he hoped. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. How are you feeling?”
“fine,” Rus croaked, sounding exactly like shit. “better, i mean.”
“Hm.” Edge sat on the side of the bed, his bed, Rus realized, made in the form of a race car like Blue’s was of a Volkswagen beetle. Always those almost similarities, younger brothers instead of older, turn left instead of right, their worlds not the same but still not exactly different.
Edge pulled up the blanket enough to expose his ankle. The testing pressure of his fingers made Rus wince. “Still a little bruised, but you should be all right.” That touch lingered, soothing over the dark spots mottling the bone, until Rus shifted uncomfortably. Then Edge drew away, straightening. “Red wanted to speak with you.”
“yeah, i bet.” Maybe in the time Rus was asleep, he’d come up with some ideas on how the hell he was going to get home. Edge went over to the closet, rummaging through looked like a sparse selection, and finally brought back a neat stack of clothes.
“Here, you’d probably like to change. I’ll wait outside the door if you need help down the stairs.”
“thanks,” Rus said, weakly. Edge only nodded and left, closing the door behind him.
The pants fit at the hips well enough, but Rus had to cuff them to keep from dragging on the floor. That was a novel experience, not too many Monsters back home were taller than him, especially not Blue.
He paused to think of his brother, closing his sockets. Right about now Blue would usually be waking him up to head out to his sentry post. Not today, today he was worried, maybe out searching the woods for him. maybe he’d been searching since last night. There was no way of knowing when Blue discovered he was actually missing and not just slacking off over in one of the Hotland posts, selling hot cats for an extra buck. He knew his brother, so well, and Blue would be frantic by now, Snowdin would have been searched from top to bottom and there was no way to let him know Rus was all right.
Well, mostly all right.
Rus sighed shakily and pulled the shirt Edge gave him over his head. He couldn’t worry about Blue now, worry wasn’t gonna get him home. But as he pulled on the shirt, he could smell the same laundry detergent his brother used, exactly the same, and by the time he yanked it down to his waist, Rus was angrily swiping away tears.
Time to get downstairs and start planning.
He limped his way cautiously to the door and happened to catch sight of himself in the mirror over the dresser. If he sounded like shit, he looked worse, but that wasn’t what froze him. The shirt was plain cotton, worn to softness over many washes, and looked as if once it proclaimed the wearer to be a ‘cool dude’. That was slashed across with red paint and bold penmanship declared overtop, “Bad Ass!”
It made him smile, a little sadly. The Edge he’d met yesterday seemed like the type to wear something like this but it was hard to reconcile that with the sweet kid he’d known, the one who was so awed by his first bisicle.
(I’m going to marry you, Russy.)
Rus shoved that memory back into the mental box at the back of his mind and headed out the door. Edge was waiting and again Rus was struck by how damn tall he was. It was one thing to notice it when he was sitting down, something else entirely when Rus was standing next to him and actually had to look up.
“Let me help you,” Edge said, reaching for him. Rus shied back, almost stumbling as his weak ankle protested.
“no! No, i’m good, thanks, i got it.”
If he didn’t already feel like shit, then the flutter of emotion that crossed Edge’s face would’ve done the job. The briefest flicker of obvious hurt, quickly masked.
Rus swallowed hard, “sorry, i didn’t mean--”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Edge said gruffly. He went past Rus, keeping a careful distance between them and headed downstairs.
Well, fuck.
He was feeling raw and unnerved, but there was no reason to take it out on the guy who was only trying to help him. Rus heaved a mental sigh and hobbled down after Edge, following him into the kitchen.
Red was already sitting at the table and the spread of food around him made Rus stare in drooling shock. There was a heaping plate of pancakes, melting butter oozing down the sides from the top of the stack. A plateful of brown sausages next to a bowl of cheery yellow scrambled eggs, golden hash browns, and fluffy biscuits alongside an open jar of bright red jam, a sticky spoon poking out of the top.
“mornin', bean pole,” Red mumbled, shoveling in another bite. “grab a plate and we’ll talk.”
Rus didn’t have a stomach to rumble, but damn if his soul didn’t give a lurch like it was about to hop out and load up a plate of its own. Rus hastily grabbed a plate and filled it, moaning aloud as he scooped up his first bite of syrupy pancake.
“this is so good,” Rus said around the mouthful. The look Edge sent him was so much like Blue, a pointed ‘Really? Those are your manners?’ stare, that he couldn’t help grinning sheepishly, swallowing before he repeated. “it’s great. considering some of the crap you cooked up back in the day, i gotta say, seeing you making decent food is probably the freakiest thing here.”
“nah, this ain't me,” Red said around his chewing. Edge swatted him on the back of the skull. Looked like he was less restrained with challenging his brother’s manners. Red swallowed and gave him an unapologetic grin. “sorry, bro. anyway, i don’t do the cooking, ‘bout all i can handle is reheating and dishes.”
“oh.” Rus managed a smile for Edge, trying not to let his gaze linger on the heavy crack through his socket. There was no good way to explain that it wasn’t the scar that put him off, it was what it meant. That innocent kid suffering and some part of Rus still believed he could’ve stopped it. If only, if only, and yeah, he hated that crack, hated it. But for right now, delicious pancakes were the game. ”edge, this is really amazingly good.”
“Thank you.” To Rus’s delight, his cheek bones went faintly pink. That scarred face was like a mask overtop the kid he’d known and every once in a while, the kid would peek out shyly. “This is somewhat more expansive than we’d normally have, but since we have a guest for breakfast--”
Red interrupted with a loud guffaw, “yeah, he put on the ritz for you. stay as long as you like if it’s gonna get me this kind of spread.”
Delicious as the food was, that reminder made Rus’s appetite wane. He managed a few more bites, not wanting to waste the food when he damn well knew himself how scarce supplies could be from time to time. In the end, Rus had to push his plate away, only half-eaten. Red was already finished, his plate practically licked clean and Edge only began eating after they finished, polishing off the cooling food and, yeah, maybe his manners were a little better but he still ate hungrily.
Red poured out coffee from a carafe, pushing mugs around the table. “okay, rus. now that we’ve got the eats outta the way, we need to figure out how the hell you got here. i’m guessin' you weren’t trying to show up at our door.”
Rus shook his head. “sorry, but no.” He took a sip of the coffee and almost gagged, “what the fuck is that?!”
“Chicory,” Edge said. He didn’t even bother to stifle his amusement and Rus pretended not to see he was finishing off the leftovers from Rus’s plate. “It’s easier to get and cheaper than coffee, but it does take some getting used to. Here.” He went to a tall cupboard and rummaged, bringing back a small jar. It was honey and Rus took it gratefully, stirring in a healthy (or not so much) spoonful. His next sip was still lingering bitter, but not quite that dark-roasted nightmare of the first.
“happy now?” Red asked lazily.
Rus was about to answer when Edge said, stiffly, “Yes.”
“good, then let’s get started.” Red leaned forward, elbows braced on his knees and his crimson gaze intent, “start from the beginning. tell me everythin', every detail, don’t care if you think it’s stupid, got me?”
So Rus did. Every detail, from getting up that morning, the way he’d been thinking about him and Edge, remembering them for no particular reason he could come up with. The way he’d felt agitated, almost urged to head downstairs to check on the machine. Despite what Red said, he still felt stupid describing how the machine made him feel, like it wanted to be used.
But the Fell brothers only listened intently and Edge nodded grimly as Rus haltingly explained how just being around the machine made his bones crawl.
“...and that was when i shortcutted out. i was trying to shortcut out to my sentry station, but--”
“wait,” Red interrupted, latching onto that eagerly, his sockets narrowing. “shortcut?”
With a jolt, Rus realized Red hadn’t been there when Sans taught him and it seemed he hadn’t figured it out on his own. “um, yeah, it’s kinda like teleporting. sans figured it out and he showed me how, before we shut down the machines.”
“Like teleporting?” Edge paused as he was clearing the table with a stack of plates in his hands. He looked a hellava lot more shocked than Red, sockets wide and astonished.
Red waved it off. “not that much of a surprise, bro, we know the docs were tryin' to find a way outta the barrier. okay,” Red said, slowly. “so you usually take a shortcut to your sentry station. you ever shortcut around the machine before?”
“loads of times,” Rus shrugged. “that’s how i got the damn thing to snowdin to begin with, i don’t even know how you two managed to move it.”
“we’ll go back to that. show me how a shortcut works.”
Red raised brow bone and asked with sardonic politeness, “you wanna get home to blue?”
“um, yeah.” Guess Red had some asshole left in him. Rus looked around uncertainly. “i’ll go out to the living room?”
“wherever works, try it.”
Rus nodded and took a deep breath. Shortcutting was easy once you knew the trick of it. Drawing on his magic, the picture of where firmly in his mind, and all he needed to do was step through the void and--
Rus choked on a scream, every atom in his body felt like it was tearing itself apart from the inside in agonizing slow motion. The sear of pain blinded him and he nearly fell, saved only by Edge catching his arm and hauling him back upright. Thoughtlessly, Rus lurched into those strong arms, clinging as the pain slowly, slowly ebbed. They slipped around him after a startled moment, then pulled him in close, settling Rus to sit on bony legs as Edge murmured soft, wordless noises of comfort.
“oh, oh fuck,” Rus sobbed. His hands fisted into the shirt beneath his cheek bone. Little aftershocks were still spiking through him, vicious needle jabs of pain. “oh, that hurt so much.”
“easy, easy,” Red said, behind him, clearly upset, “shit, sorry! i thought somethin' might happen but I didn’t expect that!”
Rus barely heard him. He looked up at Edge, his vision blurred with tears as he whispered hoarsely, “i can’t shortcut.”
He’d been able to shortcut for some fifteen years now, it was his escape, his power, and to lose it felt like he really had lost a leg.
“I’m so sorry,” Edge said, softly. Offering gentle sympathy even though his face was proof he’d gone through so much more than Rus could imagine.
Thoughtlessly, Rus raised a hand, tracing that crack through his socket with a timid fingertip. He’d kept it for the effect, Edge said, offered to let Rus kiss it to make it better. That socket widened but Edge didn’t draw away, let him trace the ragged line down his cheek bone.
Then his sense kicked back in and Rus realized he was damn well sitting in Edge’s lap, groping his face like some kind of pervert.
Rus took a deep, shuddery breath and lurched unsteadily to his feet. “can i go outside and smoke here?”
“sure, go ahead,” Red said. His crimson eye lights searched Rus’s face carefully. “don’t wander too far from the house.”
Rus nodded and fled.
He walked slowly upstairs to get his cigarettes, where once he would have simply shortcutted up. Didn’t think about that, only rummaged through his hoodie for his smokes and lighter.
Downstairs, he hesitated at the front door. His shoe was stained with marrow, dried into dark splotches. Rus’s mouth tightened grimly as he shoved his bruised foot into it anyway, not bothering to tie them as he slipped out the door. The artificial light was at its highest, close to simulated noon, damn, he had slept a long time.
Rus dusted off the porch and sat down, shaking out a cigarette and lighting it despite the trembling flame of his lighter. The first rush of nicotine into his magic soothed him and Rus sat there, smoking quietly, but he couldn’t quite relax. He could still feel the low thrum of the shielding magic around the house, essentially checking and rechecking him for Intent, and finally, Rus stood and took a few steps away until the feeling faded.
From here, he could get a pretty good look at the town. If it was maybe a little dingy-er than his version of Snowdin, that wasn’t the only change. Instead of the bright, elegant sign lettering for Muffet’s Bakery, there was bold, plain one declaring itself as Grillby’s. He was too far away to see inside, but the Monster stumbling out the door didn’t look like they’d stopped in for a pastry.
The only Grillbie he knew was a Fire Monster who lived over in Hotland and she wouldn’t have been caught alive in Snowdin, since she was pretty much sure the snow would snuff her out two steps in.
He wondered if this world’s Muffet was in Hotland, if she ran her bakery out there and did she stop at a sentry station sometimes for a hotcat, or whatever they had here? Was Edge friends with this Grillby, did he stop in to get all the gossip? What else was not quite the same, tipped to one side and wrong? He didn’t know, but it was something to think about, wasn’t it. Better than remembering that he was stuck here and the wall surrounding Snowdin was in sight, a magic-soaked barrier to keep out whatever horrors lived in the Woods.
He stood there, lost in his wondering with nothing but miserable time to do it in, and that was how the children found him. The same kids he’d seen yesterday or maybe not, Rus couldn’t be sure.They approached him curiously, warily, all of them in worn clothes showing neat patches and clomping around in an older siblings’ hand-me-down boots. But their cheeks were full and their eyes were bright, interested in this new stranger in their midst. The pack of them were standing around the mailboxes, huddling together as if by sticking close, maybe Rus wouldn’t see them staring.
They almost looked familiar, another sidestep away from his world.
“hey,” Rus called out to them. A half dozen pairs of eyes went wide, one kid muffling a startled shriek and Rus shook his head. Kids. Looked like they were about the same even in different universes. He crouched to put out his cigarette in the snow before shoving the butt into his pocket. “hey, you guys want to see a magic trick?”
That got ‘em. Rus reached into his pocket and pulled out a G coin, weaving it easily through his fingers. It was a cheap trick but it do look impressive to a kid, and soon the boldest of them left the herd, creeping in closer to watch with wide eyes as Rus spun the gold piece through his fingers, walking it across his knuckles in a spin and a dance.
Since he didn’t grab the brave one and eat him or something, the other kids seemed to decide he was safe enough. They all crept closer, a collection of wide eyes and runny noses, watching as he switched hands, staring as that coin pirouetted and twirled across the backs of his fingers.
He ended with a flourish, the coin spinning up high for Rus to snatch out of the air. He bowed grandly and the kids gave him a smattering of applause.
“ah, but i’m not finished! watch this.”
He crouched down next to the bold kid and showed him the coin. “i bet you can blow this coin away. wanna try?”
The kid nodded furiously and Rus went through the whole show of it. Waving it around so all the kids could see, carefully palming it before holding out his empty fist for the kid to blow on. The round of gasps that came when he opened his hand to show the ‘vanished’ coin was better than any applause from doing card tricks at the NTT resort.
“oh, but wait!” Rus reached behind the kid’s head and ‘plucked’ the coin from thin air, showing it to them all. “Didn’t get far, did it? Here, kid.” He flipped the coin and it spun in the air, head over tails. The kid fumbled for it, wide eyes shining almost as much as the coin.
“For me?”
Again, that memory of the bisicle, of Edge’s low, childish whisper as if he couldn’t believe anything so wonderful could be his. This time it was almost paralyzing, Rus standing with his grin frozen even as the child’s smile began to wobble.
“um. yeah.” Rus fumbled for words before that smile could disappear. “yeah, it’s...it’s all yours, big guy.”
The kid didn’t even say thank you and Rus didn’t give a shit. It was all right there, in those wide, wide eyes and all the kids surrounded him as they walked away, chattering excitedly. Rus watched them go, the turmoil of his emotions swerving into a new direction.
“That’s the second time I’ve seen that trick and I’m still not sure how you did it.”
If he wasn’t already a skeleton, Rus would have jumped out of his fucking skin. As it was, he jerked so hard he almost toppled into the snow, his sore ankle raising everloving hell. Edge was a few feet away, hands tucked into his pockets and a faint smile playing on his mouth. Maybe Rus was getting used to that scar, he actually relaxed to see it was only Edge.
“a magician never reveals his secrets,” Rus said breezily. Then curiously, “you remember that?”
“Of course. That was the last morning I saw you.”
Edge reached into the front of his shirt and pulled out a chain and Rus blinked when Edge showed him that dangling from it was a G coin, as untarnished and shiny as the day he’d given it away.
“you kept it?” Rus asked, disbelieving. He reached up to touch it without thinking, hesitating inches away, his hand curling into a fist.
Edge didn’t seem to notice. His wry grin was softer, teasing. “Well, I had to. It seems that my world doesn’t take G with the Queen’s face on it.” Then he sobered. “I wouldn’t have used it, anyway. You gave it to me.”
“i…” Rus didn’t know what to say to that. He looked up into Edge’s face, searching for any sign of that kid...kids. He looked around wildly, but all the sprogs were gone. “shit! that means he won’t be able to spend that!”
“I’ll take care of it. It was kind of you, to give him that.”
Rus shrugged uncomfortably. “no big deal, it’s only a g.”
The way Edge studied him, deep crimson eye lights resting on Rus’s face, was unsettling in a way Rus couldn’t quite explain. “You still do that, too.”
“do what?” Rus asked distractedly. Another cigarette sounded great right now and he started rummaging for the crumpled pack, fishing one out.
“Deflect when someone compliments you.”
Rus froze, unlit cigarette clenched in his teeth. No fucking way, Edge was hardly more than a baby bones when they closed off their machine, he didn’t need late-day psychoanalysis from someone who slept with a teddy bear. Rus shook his head, trying not to snap as he said, “i do not! it’s not a big deal, that’s all!”
“You do, but that’s all right, Russy.” Edge smiled and there it was, always in that smile. Little Edge, the kid who sat in his lap for stories. “I don’t mind telling you again. Excuse me, I’d better catch them before they try to use that coin in the shop.”
He strode off and Rus watched him go. Putting this version of Edge on top of his memories was almost exactly like trying to compare this Snowdin to his own. Not quite right, tipped a little to the side, and off.
He still wasn’t sure whether it was a good or a bad thing.
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eye-cri · 4 years
aaaa I just couldn’t resist wanting to do this! Alphabet hcs (Fluff/Sfw style~) 
I’m gonna do this for both Najlynn and Aidma!!! 
A is for Adventure: something they haven’t done but have always wanted to
Both: Travel around the world and experience different cultures and have pure wild adventures to get to see beautiful sights. And they’d also want to help those they see that are in need of help and put them in a good place.
B is for Butterflies: How they act when they’re nervous
Aidma: Fidgets a lot. Usually she’ll fidget with her hands and kind of shift in place. It seems to get on other people’s nerves though.... 
Najlynn: Her feet tap a lot on the floor and she’ll fidget her tongue in her mouth. Her eyes can’t seem to stay focused either. 
C is for Crush: what is it like when they have a crush? How do they know/act?
Aidma: She’ll be blushing more around them. When she gets even just a simple complement she’ll go shy mode. But she can still interact with them casually of course. She’d most likely find out about the crush when she’s taking one of her nature walks. Shy complement giver but she wants to show that she notices the little things about her crush. 
Najlynn: Smiley smiley :). She’ll be your little comedian. She makes people fall for her through her jokes for the most part. She’d give you complements confidently a good amount too~
D is for Date: describe an ideal date for them
Both: They don’t really have date ideals just as long as both sides enjoy the time spent together that’s enough for them ❤ 
E is for Essential: what is one thing they could NEVER go without
Aidma: Well,,, support. trauma still haunts her to this day and she appreciates every bit of support she gets. I don’t think she’d still be here if she hadn’t had support.... 
Najlynn: Her close friends that understand her thick and through. They are her shields from the hate she gets for just being her (because she’s  pan-sexual and poly-amorous).
F is for Favorite: a favorite anything- food, place, smell, book, etc.
Aidma: Spicy chips are one of her favorite snacks. Any lake/pond is a favorite place of her’s. wood, flowing water and however Zeus smells are her favorite scents. :> Her favorite books are academia books. 
Najlynn: Macaroons with whipped cream and coffee is her favorite snack. Cafes, parks and board walks are her favorite places. Flowers, books, freshly gritted coffee beans and grass are her favorite scents. Her favorite books are also academia books (but she leans towards light and romantic academia books). 
G is for Giggle: how they laugh/what makes them laugh
Aidma: Usually it starts out soft and she’ll be covering her mouth but it goes further it’d get a a bit louder and she’ll be clutching her stomach. Sometimes she just bursts out in loud laughter but tbh its rare. 
Najlynn: She always purses her lips before laughing. always. And she never holds back, she can sometimes be the loudest laugher which can sometimes cause people to look at her weirdly but she never notices it.
Both: They both snort a bit in their laughs and i find that really cute uwu
H is for Holding Hands: Do they like holding hands? Are their hands warm or cold? Pinky promises?
Aidma: Y E S PLZ. her hands are warm uwu. also a big yes for pinky promises. Pinky promises are extremely important to her and if you break it then you break a lil piece of her :( 
Najlynn: handholding is such a cute thing to do in her eyes so yes. her hands are actually cold! Pinky promises she sees as cute childish things to do. she usually doesn’t take them seriously but if the other person takes them seriously then she will too. 
I is for Inside Joke: something they do that everyone thinks is funny but they don’t understand
Aidma: When she’s mad at Zeus she’ll call him pin-chan or pinny just because he hates it. He said “those are to much of childish names” for him lol. He especially hates it when its in front of people. 
Najlynn: She likes adding the word girl in the most serious of sentences. ex “I am sorry for the death of your father girl”. Some kind of dark humor that is..... 
J is for Jinx: Are they Superstitious?
Both: No, they usually make fun of superstitious people together. 
K is for Kiss: how do they kiss?
Aidma: usually soft, and full of emotions. They leave you with a nice fluttery feeling. But when she’s horni she’ll be very passionate and you’ll be left to have to catch your breath. 
Najlynn: itty bitty kisses and even though they were little, because there were so much you have to catch your breath. 
L is for Love Languge: what is their love language? How do they give and how would they like to receive love?
Aidma: whether subtle or not, she gives constant reminders that she loves them. gifts, hand holding, cuddles, hugs and ect are her ways of expressing love. But she prefers to be shown love physically. You don’t even have to say the words to her, but affectionate touches are her favorite way of getting love.She also likes looking into the eyes of her lover lovingly and seeing the same look on their face looking at her (even tho she’s really shy about this).
Najlynn: She likes whispering sweet nothings to her lover and seeing their reaction. That’s her favorite way of showing love. She also likes getting shown physical affection.
M is for Meant to be: how/when they know someone is “the one”
Aidma: That when she spends time with them, it seems to go by so fast. That’s honestly what she really wants with someone. 
Najlynn: That they’re okay with how she wants the relationship to be and it actually ends up working out. it never seems to work out with any body like this and she just wants someone who is cool with being in a polyamorous relationship. 
N is for Nickname: a nickname they would have or their favorite thing to be called
Aidma: her nicknames are: Adi, Didi/Di, Dia and, Mani
Najlynn: her nicknames are: Naji, Naj, Nana, JeJe (its pronounced zhe zhe) DISCLAIMER: NEVER CALL NAJLYNN, LYNN. just don’t. She hates it and will end up breaking your arm if you do. 
O is for Organization: are they clean or messy?
Aidma: clean for the most part, sometimes she is a little messy but later she’d end up cleaning it up. But she can get really messy on stressful days.
Najlynn: I mean, she’s kinda messy but her sister always ends up nagging her to clean up after herself so she ends up cleaning it up. 
P is for Pet Peeve: What’s something they absolutely CAN’T stand?
Aidma: Strangers and non close friends who don’t get personal space. and constant small noises(like the ticking of a clock).
Najlynn: Being asked personal questions from non close people. like yeah she’s an open person but not that open. 
Q is for Quiet: What do they do for peace of mind
Aidma: Nature walks, eat sugary foods, cuddle with her lover or get her emotions out by drawing
Najlynn: Scents really have a calming affect on her so she’d try to go somewhere that has one of her favorite scents. cuddling with someone also calms her pretty well.
S is for Soft: Describe their softest feature
Aidma: smile, laughter, basically her whole body. :3
Najlynn: her voice is loud but somehow soft?? idk how to explain it. her lips look so soft when she smiles i wouldn’t be mad if u wanted to kiss her right there when she smiles. 
T is for Telephone: are they a talker or a texter? How often do they use their phone? (modern au ofc)
Aidma: she switches btw liking to talk over the phone/facetime/txting. Usually, she doesn’t use her phone much, like around 1h some days or 5h other days. depends 
Najlynn: She likes txting better. sometimes she likes to facetime but its rare tbh. she uses her phone a lot, like around 7h. 
U is for Unique: a random quirk they have
Aidma: not really a quirk but she mocks ppl’s voices a lot. 
Najlynn: She can tell someone’s relationship with their family by first glance. lol idk how i thought of that.
V is for Valentine: Are they the type to celebrate or not?
Aidma: Even when she didn’t have Zeus by her side she loved valentines day. Although she did get a bit jealous of the happy couples she was happy for them.
Najlynn: Surprisingly, no. She doesn’t have any ill feelings towards it, she just doesn’t care for it.
W is for Wholesome: something extremely pure about them that makes you just *uwu*
Aidma: I know I already said this but she loves physical affection and imagining some Fluffy Adius scenarios really warms my heart 🥰
Najlynn: She’s just soo understanding!! I adore her for her supportive side. 
X is for Xenia: How they would entertain a guest/show hospitality
Both: Cook some bomb food and sweets, (modern au prt) and offer to turn on the tv. lol but they’d probably talk over the tv.
Y is for Youth: A fond childhood memory they have
Aidma: uh............................................... okay well.......... when she first met her older sister (Amalie) They were in hiding but here’s the thing, they had Iasona who was still a baby at the time with them cuz Iaso’s mother had been killed right after she had birthed Iaso and then Iaso had been thrown out left to die. But Amalie found her and took care of her. After a a year and a few months when Amalie found Adi they decided to go into hiding and Adi thinks that time in hiding, taking care of Iasona was “a calm in the cruel storm”.   
Najlynn: meeting her little siblings for the first time. She immediately adored them all.
Z is for Zzz: Sleep habits. Do they cuddle in their sleep? Talk? What do they dream about?
Aidma: She’s the biggest sleep cuddler. She doesn’t talk in her sleep (she’s quite happy for it). Nightmares unfortunately happen at least every week for her but her dreams are usually either totally chaos or, its of what she wanted her childhood to be. 
Najlynn: Sometimes she’ll cuddle but it’s not often. Yeah she does talk in her sleep (when she and Adi have to camp out on a mission her sleep talking annoys Adi to no end(cuz she’s do damn loudd))  Sometimes she has visions in her sleep but she never remembers them. When she does have nightmares, they’re creepy asf. Her dreams usually have clouds in them for some reason idk y. 
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xxsanshinexx · 5 years
The Definition of Love
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Shoutout to @soulofatiny for inspiring this work
Characters: Wooyoung x Reader
Words: 5835
Summary: You only knew the textbook definition of love, but really, was that the same as the real thing?
Love was a thing you only knew the definition of. Categorized by the dictionary as a noun and occasionally a verb. In one sense, it was an intense feeling of deep affection. In another, it was a great interest and pleasure in something. In all these definitions though; they merely just gave love a general description, pushing the words off into another adjacent category like interest or affection. Never once did the definitions give you any insight into what love really was.
What it felt like.
It happened on your third month of eleventh grade. Students were rowdy. Teachers were starting to fully feel the nuisances that came with description of their jobs. The administration was struggling to adjust to the new characters littering the school grounds. And then there was you, avoiding all of the above as best you could. You swerved around gaggles of friends at lunch, doing your best not to get too involved with the little greetings here and there; truly you didn’t want to be bothered on your free period. There was only one place you wanted to be, the library, a place where you could truly do whatever you wanted with little restriction.
The librarian, an old woman by the name of Mrs. Yang, never seemed to pay you any mind as you sat in the back corner reading a book or dabbling on your laptop. You had gained her respect by being the only student who visited the place on the day free books were being handed out. Unlike the other students who came for the extra credit promised by their teachers, you had came for the sole purpose of getting free books. The words free and books delighted you separately and together? Well it was your absolute dream.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Yang,” You greeted as you stepped into the always cold library.
“Ah good afternoon Miss Y/n.” She smiled and turned back to the book that was splayed across her desk, “How are you today?”
“I’m good Mrs. Yang, and you?” Truly you didn’t mind talking to this woman. She was always kind and never dragged on like most of the other older people you had talked to before.
She smiled, not picking her head up from her book, “I am just splendid, dear.”
You nodded in response and began to walked to your corner, which had beanbags and books piled around it, “That’s good to here, Mrs.”
“I take it you’ll be where you always are?”
“I have nowhere else to go, Mrs. Yang.” You joked though there was a lingering pang in your heart as you flopped down onto the antique bean bag. Since the beginning of your high school experience, you had been mainly alone. Sure you knew everyone, had occasional chatter with those around you, but ultimately, it was you and your books. Everyone else was too caught up in the idea of highschool; the parties, the people, the sweetly sick love- and you just couldn’t be apart of it. It’s not as if those things didn’t interest you, or that you didn’t want to try them out at least once, it was more that those types of things never seemed to come your way. Acquaintances never invited you out, class parties never seemed to really include anyone outside of that circle, and you didn’t talk to enough people often to feel any sort of strong attachment to them.
The thoughts just made you sink a little further into the dust ridden seat. You had at least another hour until you had your next class, maybe you could catch up on homework or read a book or something. A small huff of internal annoyance left your lips as you reached into your backpack, pulling out your laptop and headphones- deciding that watching that movie for Lit would be the best option.
Who knew The Great Gatsby would be so dreadfully emotional. Having only watched barley forty minutes of the movie, you knew the rest of the film was going to do you no good. At least the entire thing was interesting, as you would later have to begin a report of the differences and similarities of the movie and book. A boring lesson that you had done a hundred times prior. You took in a deep breath and went to press play again, the eyes of DiCaprio beginning to haunt you on the screen, when a voice interrupted your actions.
“Um, excuse me?” The voice was timid and you furrowed your brows before you looked up. In front of you was a boy who made you wish you had taken a deeper breath as all the air left your lungs. You had never seen him before, you were sure of it as no one else in your grade had such angelic features and ashy hair.
You forced yourself to remember how to breathe, “I-um yeah.. Yes?”
He chuckled a little at your ragged response, the noise akin to music, “The librarian told me to come talk to you, said you had out the only copy of Billy Elliot left.”
Of course a book would be the only reason a good looking stranger would talk to you, “Oh um, yeah, sorry. Do you need it right now?”
He shrugged a little, eyes wandering over your lazy form squished into the bean bag, “Just soon. I need it by break so that I can do the assignment.”
“It’s no problem, you can have it.” You said, reaching forward into your backpack. Billy Elliot had been an interesting book, and while you hadn’t entirely finished it, you didn’t have the heart to deny him it, “I’m almost done anyways and the ending was already spoiled-”
“Keep it.” He suddenly said and you couldn’t help but frown.
“I’m sorry? I-I thought you wanted to read it-” He waved his hand and you stopped your words.
“I want to make a deal with you instead?” His voice sounded unsure at the proposal, like he was still sifting through its agreements.
“A… a deal?”
He nodded his head, as if he agreed with your words. “Yeah a deal, you keep the book but I get to hang out here with you while I read it.”
The proposition made your face grow red, and you fumbled to find the right words for a second. “What.. W-Why in the world would you want to hang out here? And you don’t even know my name.”
“Yeah I do, the librarian told me it’s Y/n.” The cocky smirk made you roll your eyes.
“Okay fine, I don’t know your name.”
“It’s Wooyoung, you could have just asked,” A small smile spread across his lips at how flustered you were, “So deal or no deal?”
“It’s a deal…”The words felt funny coming off of your lips, “i guess.”
“Sweet!” He cheered and flopped down in the bean bag adjacent to yours, his shoulder nudging against your own as he made himself comfortable. His proximity made a set of fresh nerves cloud your system. You hadn’t really been this close to anyone, much less a cute stranger, in a long time.
“Am i that exciting?” You turned your head slightly, just so you could see his head laying back lazily against the torn blue leather. The sight sent a weird, racing feeling into your stomach.
“You seem interesting Y/n, I mean your hanging out in a deserted library watching- is that Leonardo DiCaprio?” He eyes trailed from yours to Leo’s, the actor seeming to captivate the boy who couldn’t seem to keep his mind on track.
“You were saying, Wooyoung?” You smiled a little at his behavior. He was rather interesting.
He shook his head and forced himself to turn away from the screen, joyful eyes looking up to meet yours. “Oh yeah! You’re watching DiCaprio, slumped in a bean bag with literally no one around you. That makes you interesting to me.”
“Thanks.. I guess?” You laughed a little, having never been complimented as “interesting” by anyone before. It was all rather surreal and you couldn’t decide if you were dreaming; knowing how often you found yourself trapped between the world of books and ideas.
“It’s a compliment, I don’t find a lot of people interesting Y/n.” He smiled up at you and it seemed as though time stopped for a few seconds. An electric feeling coursed through you at the happiness he held in his toothy smile, especially since all of his emotions seemed directed towards you. That odd feeling in your stomach shocked you a little, leaving you tingling from head to toe. You were sure if you looked the hairs on your arms would have been standing straight up. It didn’t make sense, the feeling of excitement he gave you, it didn’t add up or match with any of the things you had read or learned. Maybe it wasn’t a thing you had learned yet, or seen in some book; no boyish smile could make your heart dance so fantastically.
And if it weren’t for the bell that snapped you from your thoughts, you might have realized what you felt was the beginning of the definition for love.
And damn, did that small kindle of love grow as you learned more about Wooyoung than just his name.
“Y/n!” The boy who made your heart race in funny ways yelled, bounding through the sea of students to get to your side. Ever since your initial meeting, you had noticed Wooyoung a lot more around campus and in your classes. Apparently you did have him in your history class as well as math; with him sitting in the back and you always in the front row. You had no idea how you had missed a boy like Wooyoung in your classes, but you just blamed it on the fact that you were never very observant of the people; focusing more on the material than anything.
Now though, you could never miss Wooyoung. In little less than a month of knowing him you could already spot his head in a crowd, his brash laughter amongst ceaseless chatter, and his voice in a loud room. It was odd how attached to him you were already, though the attachment was certainly not one sided.
“Hi Wooyoung,” You gave him a little smile as he slowed to a stop besides you, a giant grin on his face.
“Do you think you passed the math test?” His first words were breathless, but there was still that hint of enjoyment in eyes as nervousness seeped into his tone, “I sure don’t think I did. Might have to just pull some of my charms out on the teacher.”
You scoffed as you turned into the hallways that would lead to the main exit of the school, “You can’t seduce your math teacher to give you a better grade.”
“What? Don’t think a married man like Mr. Creed would like a fine ass person like myself?” He gestured to all of him and you rolled your eyes, fighting the stupid blush that always wanted to appear on your cheeks whenever he brought his features to the spotlight. Him and his dumb grin always made you feel such sparks across your skin.
“Truly his loss,” You sighed, playing into his fantasy, as you came to a stop on the main steps of your school, “but no, I don’t think you’ll be able to seduce a 60 year old man to change your C to a B.”
“Bummer, I really didn’t want to have to study.” He pouted and turned to you, smiling at the amusement that laced your eyes. Wooyoung was always just so fun to watch and listen to. You always found yourself giving him your full attention no matter the topic, for he always was just so animated in whatever he did.
You shook your head at his antics, “So what are you going to do instead of studying?”
“Ice cream.”
“Ice cream?”
“Yeah, ice cream.” He nodded and reached out to grab your wrist, the area exploding in a sensation of pricks and tingles, “How about it? I’ll even pay.”
You fought the feeling his light hold had on your hand, and mustered up a little smirk, “You had me at you’ll pay.”
“That’s the last thing I said!” He laughed but nonetheless began to tug you in the direction of whatever ice cream shop he dearly wanted. It wasn’t the first time Wooyoung had tried to drag you off on an after school adventure. The first time was only a week after you had met each other and he profusely whined that he had no one to go get pizza with, and you just couldn’t say no to his pout. You knew he had other friends, like the 12th grader Yunho and the 10th grader Jongho, yet he always made time for just you. A part of you wanted to feel touched that he always gave you the time of day and the other part told you that’s how friendships worked.
The shop was only a block from campus, it’s vibrant colors almost visible from the steps of school. You had only been here a few times before but you remembered how nice it was. The smell of sweets wafting through the interior and the pleasant songs reverberating against the walls. Wooyoung pulled you towards the door where a smiling ice cream cone was plastered against the glass.
“What kind of ice cream do you want?” He asked as he pulled you to stand in the little line that had formed. You were surprised this place wasn’t busier despite school being out.
“Um I don’t know?” You mumbled looking over the array of potential choices, “Everything looks good. Maybe just like vanilla or something though?”
“That’s pretty basic Y/n.”
“Oh I’m sorry what are you getting mr. exciting?”
“Strawberry but maybe cake batter, maybe both if I have enough money.” He grinned and pulled you in front of the case, to get your orders taken by the unhappy college student. You had ended up with something simple, mainly due to the fact that there was just too many flavors to choose from and you wanted more toppings than actual ice cream. Wooyoung, however, had gotten enough ice cream to feed a small family and enough toppings you weren’t sure what happened to all the dessert underneath it all.
“Don’t you think you went a little...overboard?” You pointed at the mountain of whip cream atop his dessert. You were sure you could see it swaying in the light breeze outside the shop.
Wooyoung chuckled a little and picked at the cream with his spoon, “Come on, they gave me a discount!”
“Cause you bought out half the supplies!” You argued, taking a bite of your own ice cream.
“Just means I’m a good customer,” He rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat.
“Just means you don’t know how to spend your money.”
“Are you jealous of all the stuff I got?” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down as he lifted up a spoon of pure whipped cream.
You huffed and looked down, swirling your plain vanilla with your spoon, “Nope, not at all.”
“Sounds like you are.”
“I am not-” You shook your head and looked up, only for a small handful of whip cream to come in contact with your eyes and nose. You let out a squeak at the sudden feeling and scrunched your face up at how cold it all was. And you knew your culprit immediately by the way his laugh resonated with your ears, “Wooyoung!”
He just continued laughing, loud and abashed, as you wiped away the mess from your eyes. You could see him, his head tilted back and his mouth wide open emitting a noise akin to music. There was such a light to him in that moment that you couldn’t help but begin to feel giddy as well. Usually you would have been pissed that someone had just thrown their food in your face, but you couldn’t be mad at Wooyoung. He was so happy about his harmless prank that it almost didn’t feel fair to take away the victory from him.
“Thanks a lot, Wooyoung,” You shook your head, fighting the smile on your face, as you tried to flick some of the whipped cream in his direction. And it worked, with the little cloud of white finding its mark on his nose and splattering across his cheeks. He let out a shrill shriek of surprise, no doubt startling others around you, as he stiffened up in his seat at the contact with the cold topping.
He pouted as he made contact with your sheepish eyes, “I guess I deserved that.”
“You think?” You laughed and he couldn’t help but mirror your actions until the both of you were but a mess of laughing teenagers, dessert toppings covering your face and happy tears leaking from the corner of your eyes. It had been awhile since you had laughed so heartily with someone, so purely, without a single care in the world.
Wooyoung was the first to settle down, “You’re a mess.”
You scoffed at his statement, “You’re not much better.” He grinned at the lazy retort and you felt time stop once again. The smile was radiant, like the sun above had kissed it with light. You knew Wooyoung had a pretty smile, you knew Wooyoung was pretty; but something about that moment felt so different. The way his lips twitched up in pure bliss, his eyes were alight with that life you yearned for, and his whole body seemed to exude a sense of joy that was hard to come by- it made you stop and wished you could have taken a picture. With the splatter of whipped cream coating his nose and cheeks, it was a moment of perfection and one that made your heart beat in unknown rhythm, made your stomach fumble with an emotion you weren’t sure of. All you knew was that you wanted to stay in this moment for a little longer.
Wooyoung’s smile softened a little as he stared at you, and he reached forward to hand you the array of napkins on the table, “Here.”
You gave him a faint smile as you took the napkins from him, to clean up the mess he had made of you externally, ignoring the tickling feeling that soared up your arms as you lightly made contact with his hand, “Thanks.”
But a couple of napkins couldn’t clean up the mess of your heart, your mind, your body- the mess of you he was making with his dumb smile, his pretty eyes, the life that surrounded him. The way he was making you feel so spectacular despite barley knowing him.
It wasn’t for a few more days that you got your answer to the feelings that seemed to only come out around him.
“Good morning class!” Mrs. Choi greeted as the bell rang and all the students shuffled into their seats. You had already been there minutes before the bell rang, glued to your seat in the back as you read through your previous lecture notes. Mrs. Choi was a great teacher yes, but Psychology was but a broad topic and you always had to review, “Today we will be switching gears from bad to good.”
“Bad to good?” A student from the front pipped up as Mrs. Choi flicked on the PowerPoint presentation, the colors on it a bright contrast to the rather monotone room.
“Yes from bad to good. We’ve been focusing on the negative reactions certain things have on the brain and body and I think we need to get into a little more light hearted topic before you all leave for break,” She reasoned and gestured to the display, which now read “positive emotions” in white bolded letters. “We’ve been talking a lot on how anger affects the body and how sadness can make you do incredible things-” She talked as she sat down on the table in the front, eyes scanning the room of students who were skillfully note taking, “-and now it’s time to talk about how good emotions affect the body, like happiness. Now, can anyone tell me something that would make them very happy?”
“Winning the lottery?”
“My family?”
Mrs Choi nodded along at the suggestions, “While some of your ideas of things that cause happiness are very.. Material, substantial things such as people or life achievements cause a great deal of happiness.”
“So like passing a test you studied for or coming in first for something?” Mrs. Choi gave a nod at the question.
“Yes, with things like that we are much more susceptible to long term happiness rather than with things such as the lottery or money. Could anyone give me a noun, and technically a verb, that many humans consider holding a lot of happiness?” You frowned at her crude question as well as the rest of the class. There were too many things that could cause a lot of happiness, and that would probably have to do with the perspective of the person in question as well.
“You all are looking at me like you’ve never experienced this!” She laughed and changed the slide, pointing to the one word in the center, “Love is what many consider to be the peak of happiness. I’m sure many of you have experienced such a thing once in your life.” Your eyebrows furrowed as her knowing smile. Sure, you knew you were loved and you were loved by some, but you weren’t sure you would have considered that peak happiness. You felt happier that day at the ice cream shop with Wooyoung, than you did when you were around your parents most of the time.
Mrs. Choi smiled at the students giving her funny looks, “I know what you all are thinking, I’m not incredibly happy with my parents? My siblings don’t give me that peak feeling of happiness? Mrs. Choi you’ve lost your mind!” She stood up from her spot on the table and began to walk around as she talked, “It’s good that your mind first went to your parents and family members; however, that’s not the type of love I was initially talking about. The Ancient Greeks had love separated by family, romance, friendship and the love for humans. We call these storge, eros, philia, and agape respectively. The one that tends to invoke the highest feeling of happiness is Eros, the feeling of romantic love.” Her words settled with you oddly as you wrote it down without question, “Eros is the feeling most of you will experience in full during your years here. How many of you have feelings you can’t explain when you’re around someone? That sinking in your stomach? The flutter of her heart? The joyous feeling you get when around that one person”
You couldn’t help but gulp when she spoke. She was asking all the questions you had been asking yourself. “These feelings have multiple meanings, yes, but they all have one distinct connection-” Your phone buzzed quietly on your desk, and you looked over to see Wooyoung’s silly contact picture hovering above the meme he had just sent you. A small smile made it’s way onto your face, and that fluttering feeling sank into your bones, as you turned back into your teachers words. “-They all have a distinct connection, and that connection is love.”
It was as if a jolt had gone through you, casted straight from the heavens above as her words went through your head. Love. It made your stomach sink… it made your heart flutter… it's what made you feel so giddy. The pieces seemed to fall into place as you looked down at the profile picture on your lockscreen, the name seeming to ring in your ears without even haven been spoken, and you swallowed thickly at the realization.
Wooyoung made you feel all the things connected to love.
You were in love with Wooyoung.
“Most of the time we do not realize it until odd, simple moments. Yet, such love has the greatest effect on our minds and bodies.” Mrs. Choi’s voice lingered in your head as you continued to gape down at your phone, heart now beating wildly at the realization that set your bones on fire, “Love is but a very funny thing.”
Love was but a funny thing indeed.
A thing that made your heart race and your breathing become erratic as the bell rang signalling lunch. Everyone in your class rushed to the door but you took your time to pack up, trying to calm yourself from the inside out. Now that you had a title for all the emotions and feelings, everything made so much more sense. You just didn’t think the realization of such a pure thing would make you have trouble breathing.
You stumbled out of the classroom door and let out a sigh of relief when you didn’t see Wooyoung right outside of the door. At least you were granted a few moments to get your heartbeat back to normal. You slowly began to walk towards the library, praying to whatever Gods above that the knots in your stomach would go away before you reached your little corner. There was no doubt in your mind that Wooyoung would already be there, with snacks for the both of you, sitting on the bean bags in the back corner that no one ever bothered.
And you were right, noticing as soon as you walked through the library’s doors, that Wooyoung was stretched out across to bean bags, his phone high in the air above him. No doubt he was scouting out the latest meme or TikTok, a thing he had failed to try and get you into. You walked over to him trying your best to project a facade of normality, especially as he turned and flashed you that bright smile you had come to adore.
“Y/n! Did you get that meme I sent you?” He said sitting up so that you could sit on the second chair that he was previously lounging on.
You took your spot with a small smile, doing your best to not show any other emotions except mild amusement, “Of course. It almost got me in trouble in Psyc.”
Wooyoung gave a little chuckle but there was a glint that came into his eyes at your words and it worried you, “Mrs. Choi didn’t take your phone?”
“She loves me too much to do that,” You rolled your eyes but at the mention of that damned word your heart sped up erratically again, your stomach knotted and your ears roared. The close proximity between you and Wooyoung became all too prominent and you flopped back into the seat, hoping maybe the jolt would shock your body enough to stop the feelings that had ahold of you.
Wooyoung raised an eye at your behavior as he sunk into the seat next you, head tilted so he could stare at your face. Even if the pair of you had only been close friends for a month, he could read you like an open book. He knew the second you walked into the library that something was bothering you; with the way your lips were in a tight line and your left hand was shaking uncharacteristically. He knew you were bad at hiding your emotions despite what you and others believed.
“I’m sure she did,” His voice dropped in volume and you closed your eyes to resist looking over at him, knowing that that intoxicating feeling would overtake you again. You hadn’t decided if you liked it, the tingling and the sparks, even if they always followed you around when you were with one of your favorite things. You just couldn’t really believe you had fallen in love and you didn’t know if you wanted any of the repercussions that came with it.
“Y/n.” Wooyoung’s voice finally registered in your mind and you nodded in acknowledgment.
“What’s wrong.” He said it like no question and you refrained from sighing. Of course Wooyoung would know something was up immediately.
He scoffed and turned on his side, giving you his full attention and you couldn’t help but glance over to his captivating eyes. They were entirely full of worry, “Don’t lie to me Y/n… just tell me what’s wrong.”
“I just… I learned something today,” You managed, tearing your eyes away from his as he cocked his head to the side. There was a roaring in your ears as you spoke and a sinking in your gut; but something wanted you to just tell him your epiphany. A part of you wanted to sing it to the world and it took every ounce of willpower not to just say it. You knew, internally, you just wanted to say it. Maybe than the dumb butterflies would leave your stomach.
“You seem pretty shook about it? What’d you learn about? A war or something?” He continually questioned and leaned his head down, hair brushing against your shoulder and your lips tightened into a straight line at the tingling contact.
“No… um it’s a.. It's something about myself.” You stuttered out, eyes wandering to your fingers in your lap, running your fingertips over your nails to try and ease your nervousness. You could feel your body tightening, in your back, in your arms and legs, all due to this odd stress that had been thrown upon your body as soon as Wooyoung laid his head against your shoulder.
“What is it than?” You could feel his breath against you shoulder as he pulled your hands away from one another, fearful you would somehow find a way to rip off your own finger. He had never seen you so fidgety, so nervous; and he had been with you the day you had a giant history presentation.
The way his fingers curled around you hand softly made your mind draw a blank, as your stupid heartbeat picked up into a sprint. You could only focus on the way his thumb softly drew circled on your knuckles, a thing you had told him you did to calm yourself down. You watched him, drawing shapes on the back of your hand gently, and spoke the first cohesive sentence you could form. “In psych they… we were talking about that feeling of butterflies... and electric jolts and such...and how… how i-it can mean your in love.”
He laughed a little and squeezed your hand in his own, that once unknown feeling encompassing your figure tenfold, as his words came out in a coy tone, “How’s that a bad thing?”
“Because I feel it all when i’m around you.”
You just had to say it. Maybe it was the way his tone made you jolt with energy or how carefully he caressed the skin of your hand. Maybe it was just the fact that with every second your mind kept screaming to tell him everything. It was the fact that all your nervousness seemed to fade, the stress that was weighing on your body, all faded into background noise at your words and you felt so much better.
Wooyoung’s quiet laughter made you furrow your brows in confusion, especially as he spoke in a light hearted tone, “Your confession was a lot more poetic than mine was going to be.”
“What?” You were thoroughly dumbstruck at his words and you could feel his smile grow against your shoulder.
“I was going to tell you today too, but it was going to be through some dumb meme… i’m glad i waited.”
“Wait.. you.. You...me?” You stuttered, getting frustrated with your brain as you tried to form an understandable sentence.
Wooyoung just laughed and lifted up a little, so you two could make eye contact as he spoke, a new seriousness in his gaze,  “I get those same, stupid butterflies when I’m around you too, Y/n.”
You could only stare at him as you croaked out, wonder-struck by the whole situation, “When?”
He smiled at you, a whole other look of fondness on his face, “Our little ice cream date. Not just anyone will let me pelt them with dessert toppings and let me live.”
“Dumbass,” You mumbled but a little grin grew on your face, as well as a blush as you pulled up your hands to cover your face. Wooyoung reluctantly let go of your hand and instead watched as color rushed to your face, and he could tell it was due to excitement rather than embarrassment.
He reached out and cupped the side of your face, a new sense of confidence taking hold of him, and brushed down your hand so you could see his smiling face, “Yeah, but I want to be your dumbass.”
“My dumbass?” You voice was quiet and questioning, because you couldn’t believe the way his smile was making you giddy or how you really just wanted to reach out and hold his hand. Or the major fact that he wanted to be with you. You believe that was the real reason to why you could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
He laughed, hot breath fanning against your face, as he stroked your cheek with his thumb, “Yeah, your dumbass. So… is it gonna be a yes or no?”
A smile grew on your face, as his fingers trailed over your skin leaving a trail tingling sensations, “Yeah…. Yes you can be my dumbass.”
For once in your life, Wooyoung looked bashful at your acceptance. A timid smile grew on his lips as he retracted his hand from your face and moved it to encase your own, fingers intertwining almost like it was second nature for them. His voice was wavering a little as a spoke, “Can.. can we finish up that Billy Elliot movie?”
“That’s the question you ask next?” You laughed a little and leaned back into your seat, training your eyes to take in all that was Wooyoung. His ashy hair always styled neatly, a smile that left you feeling woozy, and eyes alight with a life that made you want to stare at them all day. Adding all of his physical features with his personality; one of childlike playfulness and a caring only found in the most compassionate people, it made sense. It was no surprise, you thought as you looked at him taking in the curve of his shy smile, that every little thing he did made your heart race, your stomach knot, and your bones alight with a newfound sensation. You smiled a little at his new timid nature and squeezed his hand a little tighter, enjoying the feeling, “But yeah… we definitely can.”
You now knew the definition of love.
And it was everything Wooyoung was.
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softscholasticism · 6 years
•delilah, darling•
rami malek x oc | ch. 2
a/n: ahh im so sorry that i made y’all emotional with the first chapter... um this one isnt any better... sorry?? anyway, once again, thank you so much for reading, THANK YOU FOR 500 FOLLOWERS, and if you’d like to be tagged please let me know:) AND THANK YOU FOR BEING SO PATIENT
word count: 6k+
warnings: angst, manipulative boyfriend, and deacy gets super pissed at the end so yeah. ALSO MARY DOESN’T OWN GARDEN LODGE OR EXIST IN THIS UNIVERSE, BC FICTION. also this chapter isn’t that great so i guess that’s another warning.
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chapter one
C H A P T E R T W O: you get away with murder
Summer, 2010
The Garden Lodge was quiet this morning. Delilah had received the Lodge from Uncle Fred in his will along with a rather large sum of money. Jim had lived with her for as long as he could until he had passed at the beginning of the year. She lived a quiet life, mourning the loss of so  many people in her life. Even with Freddie’s death being so traumatic for her, she couldn’t be prepared for Jim’s death. She had been with him right until the end just as he had been there for Freddie. She had spent the last 6 months going through the motions of life, using a scheduled life as a distraction from the emptiness of her Godfather and Jim’s passing.
She hadn’t been the same since November 24, 1991 and it showed. She barely talked to her family and only spoke to Phoebe, Roger, Brian and her parents when she put it in her schedule. Of course, her parents understood, John had stepped down from his position in Queen due to Fred’s death becoming too much for him as well as needing to focus on his family and being there for them. The only thing that kept Delilah going was the small, golden locket that hung from her neck. Delilah was a woman now, no longer the little girl that been playful and so loving, she believed she had been a woman since Freddie’s passing. She longed for hope and joy she had once found in her Godfather, she wanted it so desperately but she didn’t know how.
On a day like today, Delilah had planned to go through her typical regiment. She woke up, drank coffee, read a book, gardened, ate lunch, read some more, call one of her uncles and her dad, ate dinner, went to bed but not before curling up with tears shining in her blue eyes.
When Delilah was eight, she remembered Freddie talking about the “in-between moments” where life is just kind of mundane and thoughts aren’t distracted by activities. In her 29 years of age, she now understood what her Uncle was talking about. She shrunk back into her mind, allowing memories of her past to overwhelm her. Delilah pretended that her blanket was a pair of arms, trying to form some kind of comfort  and fill the void that had raged upon her. The void filled her like a wildfire, the flames swallowing every sense of peace she had and left her with ashes of her past. She could try to pretend like everything was okay, but once she wasn’t distracted her thoughts came back to haunt her, breaking her heart all over again.
Something was different about this day however, Delilah was out gardening, the sound of tourists coming to visit the lodge and leaving presents or notes to her Uncle. She didn’t mind however. Delilah understood what is was like to mourn, so it didn’t bother her that people came to leave anecdotes about Freddie, in fact she thought it was lovely. People saw just how special Fred was in the same way that Delilah did, so who was she to deprive people of expressing their feelings when she felt the same way? The brunette enjoyed hearing people singing to the Garden Lodge or just the white noise of people reminiscing about her Godfather while she gardened. So here she was, picking some weeds out from the flower bed, softly smiling at the buzz of Garden Lodge. She worked quietly, her hair pulled back in a braid due to the Deacon gene of fluffy hair, the other workers in the Lodge moved around as well, gardening or cleaning amongst other jobs.
Suddenly, the shrill ring of the telephone roared over the tourists and workers, taking Delilah out of her focus, a worker came and fetched her saying that it was her father. Delilah’s eyebrows furled in confusion, typically she was the one to call him after she had finished her work in the lodge. John knew that she needed to keep her schedule and that she didn’t much like change in order to stay sane, so Delilah figured this was something important. Her stomach dropped at that thought, the last time someone called her it was always brought bad memories. Calls always meant that someone had passed or became sick or would ask her about Freddie. She liked to start the calls because it gave her control over the conversation, distracting her from the in-between moments that she hated.
Solemnly, she nodded her head, taking her gloves off she walked inside to the phone that the worker was carrying. Taking a deep breath, she spoke, “Hi, Dad.” Her heart was beating rather quickly in anxiety, not knowing how to react to this change in her daily regiment.
“Delilah, darling!” Delilah winced at the nickname, not wanting to think of where her family had coined that phrase. “I’m sorry for calling you so early, but I wanted to ask you something.” John was nervous, his niece had voiced her dislike of change but he wanted her to live, not just go through each day doing the same thing over and over again. He didn’t want her to become like him and he was afraid that that had already happened.
“That’s quite alright, Dad, I was just gardening. What’s up?” Her hands were shaking, this was so different, she despised different. John proceeded to explain that he needed a book to read that someone had told him about, of course, John couldn’t go and get it himself because he much preferred to stay home. He mentioned that all of her other siblings were either gone or busy and couldn’t go get it and that she was the only one who could do it. “What about Mum, couldn’t she go get it for you?” Delilah knew how busy her siblings always were, so she understood, but the idea of leaving Garden Lodge was a daunting task.
“No, no your mother has friends over. Please could you do this for me, Delilah?” John felt horrible. In fact, he didn’t need the bloody book at all. He just wanted her to get out of that house and do something. “You could go to that one coffee place you’ve been dying to try because they have special type of milk they use in their drinks. And yes, Bri and Rog did tell me that you talked about wanting to go by it, so I know that you want to go.” And there it was, Delilah knew why he called. He might’ve needed the book but she knew how badly he wanted her to go out and away from the  place that haunted her dreams. A somber feeling washed over her, her father just wanted her to get better, he understood her best and she recognized his desire for her happiness when he probably was feeling the same as she was.
Delilah nodded her head, “Of course, Dad. I’ll go get it for you and the coffee, I’ll grab one for you too if you’d like?” John laughed in victory and did a little happy dance around his telephone, expressing how that bringing him coffee would be lovely. He told her how proud he was of her and to be careful. Delilah shook her head as she giggled at her father’s antics and told him goodbye. She told the worker to fetch her car and soon she was off, the people in front of the lodge recognized her and tried to get close but she was faster. While she did appreciate their love for her uncle, she didn’t want to be hounded by them.
The ride to the bookstore was calm, on the inside she was freaking out at her schedule change but it felt almost rebellious in a way. Her fingers shook with excitement as she parked, stepping out the air felt lighter. The bookstore was a petite building, the inside was warm. As she walked around looking at the Lodge, Delilah realized that the Lodge had begun to grow cold, yes, she had the workers company along with her two dogs, but it still felt so empty. She knew why it felt empty, but she wanted to hold onto the memories that were held in Garden Lodge so she stayed in it. The small store had bookcases that touched the ceiling and had multiple bean bags or couches so people could sit and read. It brought back a childlike awareness that she barely let herself experience.
After grabbing the book her father needed, she walked around for much longer than she needed to, buying multiple novels in the process so she could have more to read in the Lodge. She had already been through most of the books in the Library that Freddie had turned one of the cat’s rooms into, the ones she hadn’t read were either things she read as a teenager or were silly things like dictionaries or encyclopedias that she had no patience for. Once Delilah had purchased all of the books she acquired, she began her walk to the coffee shop. Luckily it was a block away so she didn’t need to drive over there.
A soft clicking noise sounded from across the street, Delilah didn’t think anything of it though. She walked inside the coffee shop and was immediately hit by the strong smell of espresso, soft indie music playing in the background. Much like the bookstore, this coffee shop was so warm and cozy. There was also an upstairs spot that was considered a study area and had whiteboards and bean bags as well as couches with too many pillows. She had barely been in the building for five minutes and she was in love. Delilah still felt uncomfortable with being out in public but she was comforted by the soft atmosphere.
Making her way to the cashier, she was  met by one of the most beautiful men she’s ever laid eyes upon. He was tall around the same height as Uncle Brian probably. He skin was a deep brown, his eyes the same color, he was muscular too, much to her appreciation. “Excuse me, can I help you?” Delilah blushed and quickly apologized, not realizing that she had been staring for much too long. The man, Charles as his name tag provided, laughed lightly at her demeanor, saying that he didn’t mind. “What would you like?” Charles was intrigued, the woman had looked familiar and it did help that she was quite gorgeous.
Delilah, wanting to escape from her embarrassment, asked for a simple latte, something she was familiar with and comfortable with ordering. She rapidly paid and made her way to one of the small, two person tables, waiting patiently for her drink while wallowing in her distress. Delilah realized she had allowed herself to get stuck in her brain again because suddenly, Charles was sitting in front of her, holding her drink. She jumped practically out of her seat, not at all easing her nerves in front of this gorgeous specimen.
At first glance, Charles thought the woman was unique, she seemed shy and reserved, immediately he wanted to get to know her better. She seemed familiar and he couldn’t understand why. Maybe she had been to one of his gigs with his band or maybe she worked somewhere local, Charles couldn’t place his finger on it. He placed the drink in front of her and asked if they had met before.
“Oh, I don’t think so,” she laughed, hand covering her mouth, “I tend to stay at my home, I’m just running an errand for my father.” Charles nodded, understanding that people could seem familiar but really had never met.
“I see, you don’t explore the town?” The man winked, he had started to get where he wanted to go, the woman was attractive and sweet, he figured a date would be fun. As he waited for a response, Delilah nodded her head, because it was true, she never explored the city, she wanted to but it was too much of a risk for someone to recognize her and too often she saw something that reminded her of Jim and her Godfather, it was too much for her  to handle. Charles however, a man she had just met, who seemed interested in her, was proposing an excuse to leave the Lodge, in a flirty manner at that.
“No, I suppose I don’t, but I would like an excuse to, I perhaps.” Delilah flirted back, her hand sliding towards his own. He noticed what she was doing and knew he was on the right track to what he wanted. Charles stood and grasped her hand, kissing it lightly.
“I’m afraid I have to go back to work, but I’m free on Saturday.” A blush rose to Delilah’s cheeks, she sipped her latte and nodded. She had never been in a relationship before due to her being scared her heart was going to be ripped apart even more than it already had been. But Brian and Rog had been adamant that she needed friends or even a boyfriend, she figured she would make them proud.
Charles knew he had to initiate because this woman was so shy but he didn’t mind. “Let’s say seven o’clock?” He grabbed a napkin and wrote his number on it, handing it to her, enjoying the redness that fluttered and grew deeper than humanly possible. Delilah nodded, grateful that Charles left her to her coffee as she tried to comprehend what had just happened.
The brown-haired girl turned the napkin over, blue ink scribbled across but could clearly read a number and the words “see ya on saturday, love xx”. For the first time, in what seemed like forever, Delilah had plans during the weekend, something she hasn’t allowed herself to have since Fred’s death.
She called Brian and Roger immediately, realizing she had to figure out what one did on a date.
“Love, you need to hurry up or else you’ll be late.” Roger exclaimed, not helping with Delilah’s stress levels, Brian was currently deciding which shoes his niece should wear. Delilah had settled the plans with Charles over text, they were going to meet at the coffee shop and he would drive them to the restaurant. Delilah suggested somewhere small and local, preferably not busy as well as them meeting up at a neutral site. She didn’t quite trust him yet to expose where she lived. Luckily, he complied and told her not to worry about dressing up either, he was adamant that she was comfortable for their first date.
Brian settled on some white chelsea boots to go with the high waisted Levi’s and coral blouse. He grabbed the shoes and walked over to where the brown haired woman was sitting and handed the shoes to her. Delilah smiled softly, adding the finishing touches to her look before putting the boots on with shaking hands.
Delilah had never allowed herself to get close to anyone besides her immediate family including Brian, Rog, and Phoebe. She had tried to a few times previously but everyone just wanted to meet her dad or ask her uncomfortable, intimate questions about Freddie that she didn’t have the strength to answer. So, she gave up the pleasure of having friends and kept to herself. But now Delilah was nearing thirty, it was time she broke out of her shell and make her life more worthwhile than the same repeated schedule every day.
“Alright, I think I need to get going. Are you guys going to hang out here for a while? You’re more than welcome to stay of course.” Delilah stood, grabbing her keys and purse, wringing her hands in nerves.
“Yeah, love. We’ll stay here just in case you need anything.” Roger wrapped an arm around the woman, kissing her cheek. They were just as nervous as she was, Delilah had been through so much heartbreak in her life and Roger as well as Brian didn’t think she could handle another one.
A huge weight was lifted off of Delilah’s shoulders, she had her uncles to watch over her just in case anything had gone awry and she couldn’t be more grateful for them. With this release of tension, Delilah kissed and hugged both of her uncles and set off, the workers all wishing her good luck as they finished up their duties and head back to their homes.
The drive to the cafe was much easier this time, Delilah knew what she was doing and hadn’t felt this excited about something in, forever it seemed like. As she parked, she saw Charles waiting for her with flowers, her favorite ones too: daisies. Delilah had no clue how he had known that she loved daisies but she didn’t care because here was an extremely attractive man, with flowers for her, about to take her to dinner, what more could she want?
“Hi, love,” Charles voice was even more smooth than it had been when she had first met him. He looked at her up and down as he approached her, “my do you look absolutely ravishing.” He sighed, kissing her cheek before presenting the flowers. Delilah’s blush wrapped around her cheeks to her ears, flattered by the show of affection of an outsider which of course, Charles was very excited to see the rosiness appear.
“We have reservations soon and it’s about a five minute walk, is that alright?” Delilah was still quiet, her nerves trying to dampen but she let out a smile and nodded. He brought his arm out for her to grab and together the two walked to a small restaurant that seemed extremely modern, but not noisy or busy much to Delilah’s appreciation. A waiter brought them to their table, the restaurant had a warm vibe to it as the couple sat down. The tables were a dark wood, one soft light over their heads along with a candle placed on the table. It was everything Delilah would dream of for a first date location-wise. So far, she was quite impressed with Charles decisions.
“Thank you for bringing me here and the flowers.” Delilah spoke softly, placing her hair behind her ear. Charles smiled one of the whitest smiles she had ever seen and put his hand in hers across the table.
“You deserve everything and more.” Delilah could melt into the chair and would be perfectly fine. Together they continued dinner, making conversation. Both were asking questions about each other’s family but Delilah was delighted when she realized that Charles wasn’t prying. That may have been because he didn’t know her past or who she was associated with or that he could tell that family was a tough subject for her. He never ever pushed her and she couldn’t feel more satisfied with this date so far.
His eyes shifted to her locket, he remembered seeing it the first time he had seen her, he figured that she wore it often. “I like your locket, where’s it from?” He saw her hand move towards the locket,  the light glinting off of the golden jewelry. It looked old, worn from use. It took her a while before she spoke, when she looked at him, her eyes were watery and Charles was worried he hit a soft spot.
“I got it from my Uncle when I was 10, he passed away a little after that.” Delilah sniffed and looked back down at the locket, twisting the chain in her long fingers. Charles grasped her chin, he didn’t say anything because he didn’t know what to say. His family was large, he didn’t know what it was like to lose someone so close. So, he figured just being there for her would suffice. Again, he didn’t pry because he felt as though it wasn’t his place.
Delilah was at a loss of words, on one end, her heart was aching at having to think about the loss of Freddie but the  other end was filled with so much joy because Charles didn’t try to make her feel better, he didn’t try to ask what happened or try to make the loss seem less than it was. He just proceeded to care for her and hold her, and for Delilah that was enough.
The date ended with Delilah insisting she paid for dessert. Charles had done so much and treated her with so much care, Delilah couldn’t remember the last time she had this much fun as well as how nice it was to have a companion that was relatively the same age instead of 60 year old rock stars (even though she loved them more than anything). After paying for dessert, Delilah and Charles walked out, not before Charles held the door open and placed a warm hand to her lower back. He further wrapped his arm around her leading her to her car. As the two walked closer to the car, she saw two very familiar faces waiting for her by the car thus causing Delilah’s heart to come to a full stop.
There at the end of her car was Roger and Brian. Roger Taylor, famous drummer of queen and car extraordinaire and Brian May the actual guitar hero, Delilah’s uncles.
“Oh my god.” Delilah quickly turned Charles around to face him away from them. She grabbed her phone out of her pocket and quickly realized that she had never updated Brian and Roger, she had almost 50 texts and at least 20 calls from both. Since Delilah never goes out, they worry about her constantly and like to be updated.
Delilah didn’t want to have to break the news to Charles like this, the date had been everything she wanted and so, so much more. She couldn’t bring herself to be frustrated at Brian or Rog, they were just looking out for her, Delilah’s anxiety however, was becoming a monster because this would make or break the desire of a second date.
Charles eyes drew concerned, Delilah’s whole demeanor changed within an instant. He moved to turn around and see what she was looking at but her grip was surprisingly too strong.
“Charles, I need to tell you something,” Her hands were white with how hard she was gripping him. Charles’ hands moved to her waist in order to ground the anxious woman. “You must understand that I didn’t tell you this because I was worried that you would think differently of me. It’s also not exactly my favorite subject because it brings bad memories that I would rather not think about.” Delilah continued to ramble until Charles placed his hands from her hips to her cheeks.
The woman sighed, Roger and Brian were about to approach when she shook her head, motioning for them to stop. Charles moved to see what was bothering her but again, she held him tightly. With a large inhale, she spoke.
“My family is famous.” That was so not how she had meant to word it but, it was too late. “My dad was a bass player for a band called Queen.” She watched as Charles eyes grew as wide as saucers, he realized why she had seemed so familiar from the first time he had met her. One of his musical idols is John deacon because he inspired Charles to play bass in his band. Charles had countless books and posters about Queen and read so many things on John’s bass playing, he was a very strong Queen fan. He didn’t know how he hadn’t realized it earlier but then again, this was only their second date.
He didn’t continue, not exactly knowing what to say because how does one react to the fact that they’ve got a famous girlfriend or partner. She continued to explain who her dad was and that Brian and Roger were her main source of contact since John preferred to stay quiet, which Charles knew of course from his research.
As she finished, Delilah allowed the man to turn around and come face to face with the people he had been idolizing for his entire life. Somehow during their date, the topic of Charles’ band never came up so she had no idea that he was a) a bass player or b) a huge Queen fan, so the prospect of meeting the two didn’t seem like a big deal, in the grand scheme of things.
This was it, Charles thought, this is how I’m going to be successful.
Fall, 2010
Delilah was backstage at one of Charles’ concerts, thinking about the time when he had broke her the news that he just so happened to play bass in a band and that she knew who her parents were and looked up to John. However, instead of getting the spiel about how he wanted to meet her parents, Charles respected her boundaries and allowed her to make the call for when they should meet.
The club that the gig was in was dark and filled with smoke. The only light source being the lights from the stage that bloomed with color and reflected off of the instruments and faces of the crowd. Delilah had been to many gigs, never fully in the crowd though. It was difficult at first for her boyfriend to get her to come but she came nonetheless. Charles’ concerts were much different than the ones she had been to, the crowd was only of hundreds and not hundred thousands, the band (known as Cash Only) played in very small venues with closed roof which was of course, a stark contrast to the Wembly’s and Budapest’s among other famous Queen venues. In a way, that’s what Delilah loved so much about these concerts, they didn’t allow her to think of her childhood, the just focused on music and the feeling that it brought, not the memories of Freddie’s warm hugs or encouraging words, or the luxurious things that her father and Roger would take them to do. Charles’ concerts allowed Delilah to enjoy music again.
This quickly became Delilah’s new and improved schedule, instead of staying at home all day and doing nothing, she hung out with Charles and went to lunches and fancy dinners. Delilah was content, a word she hadn’t used since in a very long time. She talked to her family more, even her siblings seemed like they wanted to talk to her! The concerts really helped to because while they were a great distraction from her past, they also let the woman pretend that for a second, just a small moment, that Delilah was back in those massive arenas with deafening screams. Delilah could pretend that Jim and Freddie were there and by the time Cash Only set was over, her blue eyes would by red from tears. Charles never questioned it, Delilah had opened up to him about her struggles with Freddie’s death as well as Jim’s. While Charles was a big Queen fan, Delilah noticed, he only ever asked about her father.
This normal schedule of concerts and hanging out would pass on for another month into the anniversary of Freddie’s death. Delilah had already told Charlie that she would prefer to be alone because she would be having her father, Rog and Brian over  the whole day. The four of them would all hang out together just supporting each other. Phoebe would come over later for supper, he much preferred to spend the day alone typically.
The morning of the anniversary rolled around like a thunderous cloud, black and thick with moisture. Delilah’s body felt heavy and her head pounded. The Lodge seemed especially empty on a day like this day. Charles had still never been to the Garden Lodge mainly for safety reasons, so it was still just the workers and Delilah. Delilah had her nails painted red in representation of AIDs awareness, sparkly of course because Freddie was known for his extravagance. The sunlight shone through the window and gleamed off of her bright red nails as she put her locket on, immediately sending her into tears of pure anguish. Her brain was going through the torturous moments of having to relive her last moments with a very sick Fred. As the years passed, missing him would never ever get any easier but this year felt especially gut-wrenching because it also meant the loss of his husband too, Jim.
By the time John had arrived, Roger and Brian were cooking breakfast, Delilah sat on a stool at the table with a large blanket surrounding her. No one spoke. No one needed to. They just needed each other’s presence and comfort to get through.
Throughout the day, the Lodge was quiet, the workers had warned them not to go outside because hundreds of mourners were at the gate of the lodge paying their respects. Delilah’s heart warmed because it didn’t matter that Freddie’s death was almost twenty years previous, he still had such an impact on such a large audience, she could never ever turn the mourners away from the Lodge if it meant that they got to pay their respects.
By the time Phoebe had shown up, the four people were sat on the couch, tears still falling silently. There was nothing to ease the hurt, their friends and family were taken and there was nothing that could bring them back.
The sky grew dark meaning this wretched day was almost over, Charles hadn’t texted Delilah all day thus bringing surprise to Delilah when she had seen that he had texted her. Don’t check the news right now. The text had said, which of course prompted the brunet to check it, she suddenly had thousands of notifications once she opened the app, after finding the culprit of all of this mayhem, a gossip organization was talking about Freddie’s death and had pictures of all of the mourners outside of the lodge when suddenly, a picture of Delilah and Charles popped up on the television.
The reporters spoke about how there were numerous sightings of the “mysterious Deacon” and further questioned where her father would be. Delilah’s heart stopped, for so long she and her father had stayed out of the limelight. Luckily, there were no pictures of her father, just ones from the 90’s. But Delilah knew how the media worked, now that someone knew something about her whereabouts, this would spiral in the frenzy of trying to figure out where not only she went burt where her father went too.
Winter, 2010
The media had stayed relatively calm, Delilah still stuck with her schedule she had created with Charles. Of course, there were still pictures but somehow Charles always ended up standing in front of her and the camera, flashing a darling smile at the paps. It confused Delilah, she didn’t understand why he felt the need to stand between her and them or that he had to give those ridiculous smiles. Delilah just kept pushing through, living life whilst attempting to get over her past.
Christmas time rolled around quicker than Delilah could’ve imagined and the inevitable question came from her boyfriend. “I think I should meet your parents.” He didn’t ask it as a question, he never did, he normally just said it and that was it. Charles’ nature almost seemed non-negotiable, Delilah was starting to feel uneasy about what kind of relationship she was in with this seemingly sweet, rugged man.
Up until Christmas came, Charles wouldn’t stop talking about how excited he was to meet the John Deacon. He no longer would ask questions about Delilah or ask her about her day, all he cared about was Queen and specifically her father’s roll in it. She didn’t really mind at first, understanding what it was like to have someone to look up to. She was so grateful that someone appreciated her father as much as she did and thus she didn’t quite mind answering a question or two about the luxuries of rockstar life.
Her relationship was going on 5 months long, yet it no longer felt like a relationship. It felt like the only person that was contributing was herself and even then it was barely. The separation didn’t help that Charles’ band was growing more popular (thanks to the paparazzi pictures finding out who he is), this made Charles much more focused on music than actually kissing his girlfriend hello. Yet, despite all of this, Delilah was still deeply in love with him, when he would kiss her, fireworks spread throughout her body. She longed for touch she didn’t allow herself to have but with Charles it was so easy to let herself go. So, he stayed.
Christmas was a quiet affair, all of her siblings were present with their S.O.’s, the warmth of the Deacon household was christened with Christmas. Delilah loved Christmas, it was always so warm and fuzzy. It also was the best because her older siblings used to sneak her eggnog that had a kick to it and her siblings actually spoke to her. Charles was a hit, her siblings and mother doting on him and making sure he was well fed.
“He seems nice.” John whispered, standing next to Delilah handing her the alcoholic drink. Delilah nodded, feeling at peace with how well having someone meet her family went. The rest of the holiday continued with presents and even Charles got a bunch of nerdy bass things from John. There was so much laughter, if only it had lasted so much longer.
A couple days later, Charles had completely ghosted Delilah. No texts, no calls, no emails, nothing. She didn’t want to seem clingy by sending him a constant stream of worried messages. Roger and Brian were kept in charge with making sure everything was okay, Deaky’s orders. Anxiety pooled in Delilah’s stomach. This went on for another week, she even went to the coffee shop he worked at only to discover that he no longer worked there. He could be dead, he could be hurt, hospitalized, anything, and Delilah was stuck not knowing what was going on.
On the eighth day of not knowing where her boyfriend was, Delilah received a text. We’re over, been seein one of the band’s fans, hope you don’t mind if i keep the bass stuff. And just like that, another rock bottom had been hit. Delilah read the message over and over again, trying to see if it was real, if it was Charles and trying to understand how everything in her life had changed within the matter of seconds, again.
The deep feeling of anguish roared into her chest, the brunet threw her phone across the room, catching the attention of Brian and Roger. This feeling she had wasn’t grief however, it was embarrassment, loneliness, heartbroken. The two men ran to her and grasped her shoulders trying everything to get her breathing to slow. The sobs were harsh, chest wrecking, her sweet, sweet Charles was gone. Someone normal and kind, who cared about her, gone. Delilah couldn’t understand what she did to deserve this life of sadness. The dark cloud that was once black over her head had started to become a lighter grey, but storms come and go, this time it seemed just as strong as the others.
All Delilah wanted was to be normal, to love and be loved. She didn’t ask for her family to be what it was, she didn’t ask for her family to be affected by this wretched disease. No, all Delilah wanted was a sense of normalcy in her shrouded world.
At some point one of the men had gotten up to get Delilah some water, Delilah didn’t know who and she didn’t care. All she could do was focus on the weight of the locket that brought a fraction of comfort. A shrill ringing overtook her ears, someone answering it, again, Delilah had no clue who was talking, her brain just running through the recent events.
The telly in front of her turned on, Roger’s hands shakily holding the remote. Images of her home, not the Lodge but her family home. Images of her dad, mother, and siblings talking and laughing. These would be normal pictures, family pictures that could’ve been kept for a keepsake. But they were in the news, a detail Delilah noticed was that it was Christmas. The only one who could’ve taken these pictures was… him. Her life, her private life not to mention her father’s life was exposed for the world to see. They had took such care of everything, keeping everything quiet and not trying to be bothered and all of that was being blown up right in front of their very own eyes.
This heartbreak was much worse, she knew she let everyone down. The Deacon family was very cautious about bringing outsiders in and Delilah broke the most important rule they had. The Deacon’s wanted a quiet and private life, but Delilah had to go and ruin everything.
Roger and Brian were trying to talk to her but still, her ears didn’t put together the functions needed for her brain to register the words. Nothing made sense, everything was going so well, but Delilah had to get close to someone like she did with Freddie, Jim, her siblings, friends from school, etc, and the end result turned catastrophic.
The tears poured out again, there was no coming back from this. Her life would be absolutely insane for a while now, paps trying to get more of her privacy that she clung to, people trying to learn more about who she was associated with. Brian’s arms held her tightly, whether that was to restrain her from doing something bad or for comfort she didn’t know. Delilah’s brain was going a million miles a second, trying to ground something.
The front door to the Lodge slammed open. “Delilah!” Her father roared, steam-rolling into where she was. The hairs on Delilah’s neck stood, her father knew how to use his words to tear someone apart piece by piece. She had heard plenty of stories and had even witnessed it once herself. Her regularly friendly father was pissed. Her mother was behind John, trying to hold him back, they both had tears streaming down their eyes, disappointment laced within them.
“How could you?” John whispered, he was so frustrated with his daughter that he couldn’t even think to notice how upset she was. “You ruined our privacy, your damn relationship and decisions ruined our lives.” He went on and on for what seemed like hours, using his words to pick apart every insecurity that she had to emphasize just how bad this whole situation was. Brian, Roger, and Delilah’s mother kept trying to get Deaky to stop but he kept going and going. By the end of the monologue, there was nothing left of Delilah’s heart. It was so broken that there were no longer pieces, it was just dust that was carried off into the wind.
For her whole life, Delilah just wanted to please her family, she just wanted to be like her Daddy or Uncle Freddie or her Mummy. Delilah wanted happiness but it seemed she would never happen again for her. There was nothing left for John to feast on it seemed. Everyone stood silently, not knowing what to say, tears were coming down in waterfalls, tears that should’ve been gone but Delilah figured with all of her sadness, they wouldn’t go away.  Roger moved to talk but John had one last thing on his mind, he looked at Delilah right in her blue eyes and spoke, not caring that they shone with tears just like they had when Freddie had died.
“I don’t want to see you anymore,” he whispered, almost too soft for her to hear. Her mom protested, saying that John was not thinking straight. “I don’t want to have any calls from you, texts, books, movies, dinners, lunches you name it, I don’t want it Delilah. You ruined our bloody lives, just like you ruined Fred’s” None of it made sense, nothing made sense. John turned on his heel and walked out, not caring about how the screams of anguish twisted his heart, not listening to Brian and Roger or his wife. He was blinded by madness so harshly that he couldn’t see that he had obliterated any kind of relationship that he had had with Delilah.
As for the brunet, she couldn’t take it anymore, she had to get out of the Lodge, not knowing where, she just knew she didn’t want to ruin anyone else’s lives like she thought she did.
tag you’re it: @ironqueen98 @bellamy1998 @missmercurythekillerqueen @philosophical-dumbass @deacydeacy @wanderlustnightwanderer
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matronaa · 6 years
Jungkook “fuckboy?” drabble
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1,637
Genre: Fluff/mentions of smut?
Okay look its about 1 in the morning while im writing this and i just got done literally scrolling thru @jungshookz  e n t i r e page and honestly ive been delusionally laughing over her stories for like an hour and a half like the tattooartist!jungkook fic legit killed me i love it  and i’m probably going to force my friend to check her out because legit i love it so much and she seems like such a funny person and if she sees this 1) ily and ur writing and i wanna be friends but idk how to start a conversation because im a awKwARd bEan and 2) im sorry for probably spamming ur notifications with likes okay i couldnt help it so now im inspired for the first time in a while to write but im way to loopy to put together an actual fic so enjoy this ig
Okay i should stop rambling (okay just note that im so sleep deprived that i had to google ‘words for excessive talking’ to remember the word rambling because im an idiot and i cant think and ooo its 1:11 am rn make a wish b*tches)
Okay im sorry ill begin~
A/n all of this is completely unedited and if bad grammar annoys you srry not srry
Lets talk about what fuckboy!jungkook is oki
I feel like in reality there are just a bunch of rumors about him but hes so smol and hes the quiet type so he doesnt have the energy to dismiss them
Like im sorry soft jungkook is way to good in my mind rn okay #cuddles4days im not in the mood for him to strangle me with his amazing biceps
you never rlly met him in the 4 years of going to the same highschool as him (since you’re in those smart people classes like humanities) until senior year
You and him had the same AP Lit. class lmao english class is  l i t
Which surprised you bc of the rumors like i thought he was a badboy ?? arent those normally idiots ??
Nah my bby is a smart nugget, he just likes to look hella bf 25/8
First day of school cliche where you show up late to class and have to sit next to him because i  d i e  for those plots okay
But you dont know thats him because you’ve never seen him, so you’re confused on why most of the girls keep glaring at you
But soon enough you catch on and you’re like fml
And then the professor is like “where you are sitting is your assigned seating for the rest of the year” and you’re like f m L
He ends up introducing himself to you because i mean like table buddies
But hes really nervous because hes a cute little bean and you’re hella cute cuz lets be honest ur probably wearing like basic black leggings and a hoodie with your hood over your head to hide the bed hair you didnt feel like brushing that morning
Oh, just me? Okay…
He likes ur name because it rolls off the tongue and he thinks it suits you even tho he doesnt know you
Yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You dont really think hes a fuckboy because he seems so nice and he has the cutest lil bunny smile sEE
That is until after school u end up getting to ur locker late because u left something in one of your classes
And u see him pinning a girl against the lockers down the hall
And ur like well shit nvm
And u quickly get ur shit and go because das  a w k w a r d
But then he sees u run off and hes like awh crap i dun fucked up
A few weeks go by and u notice he barely really comes to class so u usually sit alone
On days he does come his chair seems extra close to yours and he’s basically smothering you
But u dont mind because he smells nice
And on the days he does come you get kinda excited because
1) you get a partner who doesnt expect you to do all of the work
2) this boy cute when he gets all intelligent
Ur  like “yes pls continue speaking about the essay we are writing that i have no idea is on because i kept getting lost in the sound of ur voice”
He notices when u zone out because you start staring at his lips when hes talking and he thinks its the cutest thing
One day u get assigned a week long project and ur close enough friends with jungkook to basically scold and force him to come to class all week
But only if he can force u to come to his house to work on it after school
Which you’re low key nervous of because ur going to a ‘fuckboy’s house’ by yourself
And u dont wanna do the dirty because ur a pure child haha not for long
But you agree anyway
And honestly even after the project is done (which you got an A on) you continue going over to his house because his bed is comfortable and he always has snacks
And his mom loves you
Like legit on days you dont go the next day you do she’s like “wheRE WERE YOU”
When the semester is over the professor lets you pick seats but you both enjoy each other’s company so you stay seated together.
finally ur at his house one day and ur just laying on his bed scrolling thru insta and he’s sitting on his bean bag in the corner on his phone and u look up at him and realise
You like him
Like a lot
And u mentally face palm because this was not supposed to happen
But it happened and you’re too far down the hole to climb out
Sometimes u end up napping at his house after school because his bed is more comfortable than yours and one friday night u wake up in his arms
And its like the best feeling ever
Its so warm and hes so cuddly hes like latched onto you
You stay under the warm blankets before you question when he even got in bed since he was playing video games before you fell asleep
And then his phone lights up and ofc you check it for him bc ur a nosey bitch
But not before you observed how adorable he was while he was sleeping
Nope not creepy at all
its his friend tae texting him (you didn’t really know his friends since you had different friend groups)
You check it and its smth like “stop staring at y/n while shes sleeping and reply u creep”
And you’re like w a t
So you scroll up and see that while u were sleeping jungkook went on a full rant on how cute u are and how whipped he is
And ur like holy fadoodles dis boy likes me
And so u decided to text tae like “this is y/n, does he actually like me”
Which turns into you both having a convo on how thirsty jungkook is until he wakes up
Hes like wtf r u doing and he snatches the phone and reads through your messages with tae while u like sit up to stare at him
And he’s still half asleep so it takes him to realise whats going on
“Omfg y/n i can explain-”
He starts rambling about how long he had been crushing on u and that he didn’t want to tell you because you seemed uninterested so he kept it a secret and never told anyone
And honestly he was freaking out because the onE tiMe he tells anyone that he likes you, you find out
But while he’s rambling you’re coming up with an excuse to text your mom that you’re spending the night at his house, so you just say he’s not feeling well and his parents are gone for the weekend.
Lmao she doesnt care she’s just like “lmao ik ur lying but have fun dont get pregnant”
Or Maybe thats just my mom idk
You have to shut him up by snatching his phone out of his hands and kissing him
When you pull away you’re just like “you talk too much lmao”
You explain to him that you like him too and u just get under the covers again and snuggle up next to him, and he wraps his arms around you
And you stay like that for a while before hes like “its late you should get home”
And you tell him you’re staying the night whether he likes it or not
And he is so down for that
But then you end up just spending the weekend there because why not his parents love you
And every night is just filled with cuddling, watching netflix, making out, late night snacks, etc.
Saturday night he gets a lil touchy and soon enough ur like straddling him and grinding your hips against his
But then he’s like “Ive never done this before” and you c o m b u s t
Ur like aren’t you like the school fuckboy how have you not done this
And he tells you its all just rumors and hes too lazy to set the record straight
And you basically decide to take things slow that night since it was you’re first time too and honestly it was so cute
It wasn’t really steamy rough sex it was more soft fluffy love making that is filled with giggling and exploring and appreciating each other
That was definitely the night you fell in love with him
Which is big because you thought love was gross
The next day you’re cuddling and he’s like “you know ur my gf now”
And ur like duh
You start going on cute dates after that like going to cafes or amusement parks
He loved taking you to the beach during the summer because u looked gr8 in a bikini
You found out you were going to the same college with was fantastic, so you decided to rent an apartment together nearby the campus instead of living in a dorm.
Which normally you’d be against because moving in together so quickly ?? but you felt different like this relationship was going to last
Lmao jk gotcha bitch
My baby is too pure and innocent to cheat
Well innocent until you both get into bed and then oh lord it gets steamy
He wants to experiment with like e v e r y t h i n g and honestly you were down
But ofc you set some boundaries.
There were lines he couldn’t cross
I mean sometimes he tried but you shut that down real quick
Overall your relationship was perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend
I mean he brought you pizza rolls and dr pepper to ‘study dates’ how could you not love him.
Oml it took me over an hour to write this its like 2:30 am why am i awake anyway imma go to bed now, idk ur name jungshookz but pls write more fanfics i need more to read late at night okay gnite
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luvdsc · 3 years
Hihi Cat! I've come to deliver some good news! (This is pretty long huhu ToT)
MY ERB HAS BEEN APPROVED AND I CAN PROCEED TO RECRUIT PARTICIPANTS!! Ahh it's been such a blessing to be able to proceed immediately! I've actually hit my target amount of participants in less than a day (IT'S CRAZY) but I'm gonna collect more responses cuz the more the better! (Would you wanna check the questionnaire out? I can PM you the link!! :3)
Also also I PASSED THAT FINALS! The one I took a day after my vaccination (1st dose) ToT GAHH I'm so happy I won't even ask for more, it's enough :3
I've been writing my thesis during this sem break but it's progressing pretty slowly cuz I've been so drained from last semester and the vaccine itself. Huhu but I've written a brief rundown for my proposal so there's a rough idea there, just needa rly assemble it into a clear narrative. And yes I agree! Psychology studies are a beautiful fusion of science & human essence imo, and its fascinating learning more abt ourselves and how we as the human species progress in life ya know? 😌
I got my second dose exactly a week ago and got the same side effects - headache, arm soreness, hunger, fatigue; I felt like a fusion of psyduck & snorlax HAHAHAHA 😂 - it wasn't anything serious so yay I'm fully vaccinated! (in a few weeks time keke I'll be)
HAHAHAHA my vaccination appointments were pretty eventful. The nurses and volunteers were all so warm and friendly! I'm the type of person who feels whatever's being injected into me, it's not the pain that I wanna distract myself from (it wasn't pain tbh) but that sluggish discomfort I get from the needle ejaculation >//< sooo as they showed me the vile and syringe before injecting me, I prepped my Yangyang photocard in my hand. During my second dose, the nurse thought I had some fancy way of taking a video when in actual fact I was just looking at my Yangyang photocard hehe UwU she asked me whether I wanted to see the needle going in (smtg I can't look at tbh) and I was like HELL NAH ToT
And also some recap from the previous ask!
There's no need to apologise for the delayed response okie!! UwU my sem break is ending this week, but I've spent my time completing my academic research trainee tasks (transcribing audio clips), I've also created the content & design for my uni's newsletter, did some thesis writing, and I took a course on financial planning on Coursera to prep myself for the adulting life ToT
And idm sharing my back up / failed topics! I didn't have a lot of cards in my hands, but here are some of em!
1) time perspective and meaning in life 2) anticipatory nostalgia 3) not a topic but a variable! fragility of happiness / happiness aversion
what ideas did you settle on for yr art pieces? If you dm sharing, I'd love to hear abt it! 💖💖💖
Tbh I can't think of a fav ice cream flavor hmm 🤔 i rly didn't think it'd be so hard thinking of a fav ice cream flavor but the first that comes to mind is green tea! I like them milky flavored ice cream😍 though my fav from this ice cream place I go to is thai milk tea, it's so fragrant and milky!! 🥺💖 I just got myself a tub of milk & biscoff gelato keke UwU what's yr fav ice cream flavor? :3
For my course structure:
We have 2 long sems (Jan - Apr, & Aug - Dec, 16 weeks) & a short sem (May - July, 9 weeks)! Our sem breaks are only around a month then it's back to sleepless nights ToT AND YES those weeks were the most stressful weeks ever 🥺😭 I'm glad I'm graduating soon for that reason 😂(though idk what awaits in the working world ToT that is another fear I have :/)
Thank you for being part of this journey and being open to listening to my lil adventures! 🥺🙆🏻‍♀️💖😭 esp w the amount of responses and ppl helping me, I feel a lil more motivated to work and excel in this pregnancy (thesis, I call it pregnancy cuz it's around 9 months too HEHE) Since the pandemic, it's been pretty hard separating studies & hobbies :/ I've learnt it the hard way from my period cramps last sem (mine's the severe type where you can faint ToT), and it was also on my last paper for finals !! Very traumatizing ._. but I'll continue to manage myself better! :3
Huhu Cat since you're working now, I also wanna ask abt yr experience in job seeking! Cuz unemployment is a real deal here esp. w everything that's going on :') I don't have working experience either (only had 1 through internship) and it literally feels like I'm going into the unknown ToT I've been running over some case studies and assessments just to better prep myself for this. Do you have any advice as someone who's already working? UwU
Take care and stay lovely as always!! 💖💖💖
hi, sweetpea !!!! 🌸 omg major congratulations for getting your ERB approved, honey bee !!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 that’s absolutely amazing, and I’m uber proud of you 🥺💗💗 also, it’s wonderful that you hit the required number of participants so quickly !!!!! (And I would love to participate if the questionnaire is still open 🤧)
AND HECK YEAAA CONGRATS ON PASSING THE FINAL TOO 🤩🤩🤩🤩 big congrats to you all around, miss smarty pants 💓💓💓
Oh gosh, I hope you got to rest during your semester break too ): you’re working so hard, please remember to take care of yourself !! 💕 your mental health is more important 🤍 have you finalized your proposal now? And omg yes exactly !!! It’s so interesting to see the thought process behind an action and how it can be manipulated or influenced by various stimulants or there’s also the argument between nature versus nurture too and how that affects psychology and it’s just all so cool to learn about 🤩
Omg you had so many symptoms, I’m so sorry to hear that 😭 I only had a sore arm, but that’s what happens when I get any shot 🤧 I hope you’re feeling better now 💘💘
I’m really glad to hear that the nurses and volunteers were kind and friendly !! it’s always comforting to have nice people as doctors, especially when you’re trusting them to stick a needle in you bshdjdjdkd omg yangyang to the rescue !!!! 💞💞 we’re not allowed to record record any medical appointments, like I think the nurse thought the person in front of me in line was recording when they were getting their vaccine and said they weren’t allowed to do that 😅 and aaaaa I always have to look when they inject me, I don’t like being taken by surprise 🤧
oh my gosh you were so productive over your semester break !!!! :o and oooo you do content & design for your school’s newsletter? Do you do stuff like graphic designing and write articles? 💓 and how was the financial planning course !! Did you learn a lot? Did you like the studies? :’)
aaaaa those topics sound so cool ??? 🤩🤩 I would definitely be down to read about those omg 💛
for my 3D design class, I decided to do lightbulbs and flowers as my overarching theme for my art pieces !! I included a couple pictures below under the cut at the bottom 💓 the first one is a soft sculpture made out of newspaper, and there’s a pencil next to it for size reference, the second one is made of wires that I shaped myself, and the third one is made of foam boards that I cut and assembled myself as well 💕 and I included a picture of my final painting project! it’s a triptych and I believe the size was like 18 x 24 for each one? If you click on the picture, it should be better quality!
omg I love green tea ice cream too !!!!! 🍵🍦 I like going to somi somi for their matcha and milk swirl ice cream with red bean taiyaki 💚 I only had thai milk tea ice cream once, but it was phenomenal 🤩 I wish they sold it near me too !! milk and biscoff :o I’ve never tried that flavor! I’ll have to see if it’s sold around here :’) green tea is my favorite, but I also really like everything but the... from Ben and Jerry’s !! 💛 also alcoholic ice cream.... like there’s this one kind where it was a breakfast esque type with vanilla, corn flakes, and bourbon, and it was delicious 😋
omg what 😭😭 you’re basically going to school year round with no break bahsjdjdjdkd when I was in uni, i had a month off for winter break (usually something like dec 9 - jan 9) and then mid june to mid September off, so around three months of summer vacation? Your school schedule sounds absolutely brutal 💀💀
and omg of course !!! Thank you for letting me be a part of the journey 🥺💗 bdjdjddj pregnancy omg that’s such an interesting way of seeing it :o sending you all my love and support for a successful delivery of your thesis baby 🥰🥰 oh yeah, it’s definitely been a struggle to separate everything, especially when the lines between home and workspace blur with online school or working from home. And oh my god ???? Are you okay ?? Did you go see a doctor or take any medication? I hope you’re feeling better now !! Please take care of yourself 😭
ah, I got my job through my internship, so I’m not sure how helpful I will be 😅 but during the process of interviewing for internships, there were several rounds for each company that range from a group interview, a one on one interview, video interview where they give you random questions that you have to answer on the spot (some of mine were discuss the stock market, give a sales pitch on something you’re interested in, etc), a test, etc. I think it’s different depending on the job you’re going for, but that’s what I had to do in the business field! It’s important to study and prep for all of this!! It’s like taking an verbal exam for one of your classes. And also make sure to study the company’s website and familiarize yourself with what they do/sell.
My one piece of overall advice would be about interviews! Interviews are important in which the person interviewing you is seeing if you’ll be a good fit with the company, not in terms of skill, but personality. They already know you’re qualified and have good skills - that’s how you got the interview. With the interview, they’re essentially trying to see how personable you are and if you will work well with their team. Some people are so intent on proving their skills that they kinda just rattle off all their achievements and whatnot, and it’s like... the interviewer already knows this, it’s all on the resume they reviewed when they decided to give the interview offer. Be friendly, open, maybe make a little small talk at the beginning (“hey, how are you? any weekend plans / how was your weekend?” This is what I did for all my business interviews, and I got an offer back from every one 🤧💗), make appropriate jokes / be a little funny, just show that you’d be a fun person to have in the office whom people will want on their team, but that you will also be dedicated to the job and work hard 💘
And thank you so much, honey bee!!! 💞 I hope you’re doing well and having a good week , and please take care as well 🌷🌷
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flippinoptimist · 7 years
> Vel : Meet a nerdlord
Today at 2:45 AM
deputyheadmistress Alright, someone talking to you on my behalf about a lack of privacy got to me a bit. But I'm not upset with you for how the internet behaves.
flippinoptimist thats lurky, theyre a little closer to omniscient than is average for most beings, and like kind of giving advice, and they mean well i think they meant it mostly to make me stop chargin around in like, manic mode, though, even if stuff relatin to you was the causal start of the chain sorry you got dragged into it miss granger, and that i wasn't doin the tact thing
deputyheadmistress I didn't mean them, I meant the thread about different faux book titles. But a close to omniscient being is, I suppose, something I'll also have to get used to. I'm at least a bit used to manic teens, though it's not the best way to get shocking information.
flippinoptimist i think my earth age would technically start with a two, but thats sorta recent after you spend enough time around here you get used to the like, multiverse
deputyheadmistress Can we, perhaps, stop talking about the multiverse for a few moments? And talk about something a bit more grounding, like your particular brand of magic. I'm very curious.
flippinoptimist sure its sorta a fusion of everything ive run across, since the inherent stuff that my ~destiny~ tried to put on me isnt the same kind of stuff as the place where im learnin the inherent is more of a "woo, heres a big abstract concept, you are an incarnation / channeler of a shard of it, neato"
deputyheadmistress That sounds like a lot to dig into, but alright.
flippinoptimist the school part is about how you can structure thought and energy flow into symbols and runes and things i'm focusin on artificing ..and the inherent part has given me a knack for illusions i cant figure out how to actually cast spells but im good at making things!
deputyheadmistress Oh! I was very good at ancient runes during my time at Hogwarts, and while I haven't managed to do much with it since graduation, other than an enchanted bag, I'd be really curious to see what similarities there might be. I wonder if you can cast spells. Logic seems like it'd point to yes, but if you're from somewhere else...
flippinoptimist id be curious about them!  i know the words to a few spells but ive never seen  them and do naut have a wand of the kind you are thinking of the wands i know about / make each have a specific spell in them, and are locked to create a specific effect that triggers when a gesture or word or w/e happens
deputyheadmistress That's terribly inefficient.
flippinoptimist sure, its Terrible
deputyheadmistress ... Is that referencing those historical people of note who end up being so infamous people associate them with the word 'Terrible' as well?
flippinoptimist naut much different than having a necklace that makes you invisible though yes! it also enables a billion terrible puns
deputyheadmistress I was curious. It's a bit strange to add it yourself, don't you think?
flippinoptimist (ba dum tsh)
deputyheadmistress Oh.
flippinoptimist it is
deputyheadmistress Well, that explains that, doesn't it?
flippinoptimist but my species has this thing, where on adulthood we each replace our kid name with an adult Title
deputyheadmistress Oh, it's a cultural thing.
flippinoptimist yeah, and i chose a human one
deputyheadmistress Alright. I read a little bit on that.
flippinoptimist because humans are neat and i like them
deputyheadmistress Oh! Well, I'm glad you like humans, then.
flippinoptimist and i respect a lot of the cultural things i see in most of the human places i have found
deputyheadmistress Good, I was about to ask that.
flippinoptimist also everything that comes out of japan is amazing
deputyheadmistress I don't know how I could let you use a wand from here, but I want to try.
flippinoptimist id love to try if you can think of a way! i am pretty good at establishing first contact with new universes, and i could get you alien tech and magic to check out if you wanted for various definitions of alien
deputyheadmistress ... Alien tech won't work so well on Hogwart's grounds. I had to heavily modify this computer so it'd function here.
flippinoptimist i am curious about how
flippinoptimist alllsooo....  ill have to find a copy of the magic version of getting around from place to place
deputyheadmistress Oh! I wrote a whole thesis on how to make magic more compatable with muggle text over the summer, let me...
flippinoptimist but i know where to find it!  couple of steps and itll work out okay
deputyheadmistress I'll send it to you later. It's a bit lengthy, and I have to type it up here. Alright, I'll hold.
flippinoptimist okay i hate to say this because i am definitely interested in exchangin data and showin things, but it feels rude not to remind you before we get much further that a step of getting this to work is probably going to involve me (random internet stranger) havin to figure out what your coordinates are, so i can write them in the format needed for the circley part i can get you the circle rune pattern either way, but if you want a way to actually use it, id need to basically track your IP but, like, fancy and involving you running a thing on a computer let me know if you want to do that part, but heres the circle diagram
flippinoptimist -- flippinoptimist began sending file : transportationcircle.pdf --
deputyheadmistress I have been warned about random internet strangers.... I may have to work on protection wards for a moment, for the sake of safety.
flippinoptimist sure thing i highly advise not using that w/o fillin in coordinates the way it says, and also not without knowin your home coordinates if you step through that thing, the only way back is to know how to write your home address, you know?
deputyheadmistress Alright
flippinoptimist to find home coordinates, install one a these chat programs, and send me a private message, i can use a couple a tools to trace the connection from there and get your code
deputyheadmistress This is certainly the sort of decision I want to be making at five in the morning. Alright, I've got everything set up. What is life without adventure, and the chance to make the headmistress mad at me.
flippinoptimist lol the decision will still be here at not five in the morning, but you wont be able to blame it on the time then shit i should give you the programs shouldnt i -- Discord, Trollian! --
deputyheadmistress Thank you.
flippinoptimist i have a set of coords i can give you that are explicitely for being a neutral place to meet people, but the sky isnt done yet so its janky lookin but!  the building is finished
deputyheadmistress I've chosen a fairly neutral place for the moment, don't worry.
flippinoptimist ok!
deputyheadmistress > Message him on Discord. This will be absolutely fine. Totally.
flippinoptimist > He messages her back!  About two minutes later, he gives her the number version of her coordinates, which she can use to get back home from anywhere.  He also gives her the coordinates to the convenience store, which he mentions is "a pocket dimension under construction"
deputyheadmistress > She'll... Write that down and probably not do anything with it for a while. > If he tries to look at her coordinates directly, it will really really not work, as if his machine were glitching, but he can probably go a few miles out for a nice view of a scottish country side.
flippinoptimist > Neat!  He ..does poke that far, but then sets his machine to go back to looking somewhere else.  The coordinates are saved, but he promises to himself to not use them. if somebody gives you coordinates, you can go places, or people w/ yours can send you stuff or come visit
deputyheadmistress Alright. This is going to take a bit of getting used to, but if you want to come over you can.
flippinoptimist > ..man, he was supposed to be in time out, but lately he'd been doing so well ..until today.. and he'd been leaning into choosing the Chaotic choices more and more often... > What good was putting yourself in time out if you didn't stick to it?
flippinoptimist crazy o clock in the mornin probably aint the best time for first impressions, though its temptin as hell.  i could send across some small magic gunk and weird alien snacks as a proof of concept, and meet you like, tomorrow or another day soon?
deputyheadmistress That sounds good! I'll send you some magic things too, then.
flippinoptimist sweet!  we can compare notes
deputyheadmistress > Time to gather some of George's jokes and some magical candy.
flippinoptimist > He would send an invisibility ring, a few novelty disguises, a small opal that made anyone within line of sight experience a slightly sweet taste (in a well-shielded bag), and a variety of alternian mass-produced snackfoods labled in a clearly alien language.  Ones he thought might not creep out humans too bad.
deputyheadmistress > Bertie botts every flavor beans are a necessity, though she does make sure to include a carefully penned note about what flavors he may come across that are less pleasant. Chocolate frogs are included as well, of course. Things that turn skin different interesting colors, fireworks that make flame animals bound through the air.
flippinoptimist > He is going to admire the hell out of and carefully store these for later perusal.
deputyheadmistress > He also gets a somewhat large coinpurse that he can shove his whole arm in and still seem to not run out of room.
flippinoptimist okay this is a pretty neat bag stupid question and no i am not going ot try, what happens when you turn it inside out
deputyheadmistress You could turn it out for a really long time. I think it'd be annoying to stuff it back in though
flippinoptimist okay, what if i went for a swim in the ocean with it is there a limit?
deputyheadmistress Of course there's a limit. But it can hold a tent or two, several thin blankets, changes of clothing, general everyday use things, and of course money. Thin things work better, obviously. You could probably fit thick blankets, but it'd be way more annoying both to put them in and pull them out.
flippinoptimist that makes a lotta sense and is pretty interestin i have a tech way of carrying lots of stuff, but you mentioned tech was sad
deputyheadmistress Oh! I have a print version of the paper I was going to type up.
flippinoptimist ive got an amulet thats basically like a mr potato head that disguises you all the runework lines up so you can unclip parts and clip in different parts
deputyheadmistress > Send that along, also. There's moving pictures involved, with her pictured. Oh wow.
flippinoptimist modular!
deputyheadmistress I don't think describing it as 'Mr Potato Head' is reassuring, for a disguise, but a modular disguise is interesting.
flippinoptimist it only works when everything is seated in firmly and shut, but its also sort of like legos > He .. sends a modular disguise amulet over too, with a couple of bits and pieces it only does disguises for my species, but hey, maybe thatll be handy
deputyheadmistress Maybe.
flippinoptimist pro tip if you are ever going to go to a place with my species, ask them which color of person is best for you to be can of worms subject really
deputyheadmistress That sounds racist as hell.
flippinoptimist oh yeah
deputyheadmistress Joy.
flippinoptimist p much sometides people call the usual empress "fish hitler" most of the dudes i know are huge rebels
deputyheadmistress The magical world just recently got done with a war similar to Hitler's.
flippinoptimist but!  there are placeswhere things are fine its just good to check if a place is one of them first
deputyheadmistress So I'm a little sick of that.
flippinoptimist i hang out in like three different places where she got deposed differentamounts of time ago yeah thats aight
deputyheadmistress At least there's that.
flippinoptimist speaking of humans, its great how often its naut like that like, sometimes, but anyway people can be pretty cool when teyre given teh chance
deputyheadmistress I do like to believe in the inherent goodness of people, despite how much bad has happened.
flippinoptimist i think people can choose how theyre gonna be theresa lotta nice reasons to choose not to be a dick
deputyheadmistress I should hope you wouldn't need reasons, but yes there are reasons to be nice.
flippinoptimist sometimes bein mean is tempting, otherwise people wouldnt do it you get all wrapped up in somethin, dont see all of it, then suddenly you get a reality check an gotta go "hey is this where i wanna be" and then people ignore the question because they dont wanna think about it and then its sealed, theyre dicks and theyll stay that way
flippinoptimist till they look around again
deputyheadmistress I suppose.
flippinoptimist i spend a lotta time thinkin about it i was a jerk when i was younger, and i decided to be nice instead so i spend a lot of time talkin to dudes who are or were also jerks and we all get better! cause i can help them find the reasons they need to start
flippinoptimist also jerks are sometimes kinda hilarious, and theyre often pretty good at shit.  otherwise theyd have learned better when they ran into a problem they couldnt solve w/o help.
deputyheadmistress It's getting a bit late. I think I should probably turn in for the night, before all of the teenagers wake up and need scowling at.
flippinoptimist that is probably a thing i hope you have a good night miss granger it was nice meetin you
deputyheadmistress It was really interesting talking to you, Vel.
flippinoptimist i try for interestin
deputyheadmistress Do you really need to try?
flippinoptimist not really
deputyheadmistress Have a good night. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
flippinoptimist bye!
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Gettin’ to Know Me. 😉
Rules: Tag 5 witches you wish to get to know better. Repost—do not reblog.
How old are you? — 16. Whoa, shocking, right?
What do you go by? — Free, or Eph. I’m cool with either one.
How long have you been practising witchcraft? — I started practising witchcraft in February 2017, so a little under one year. However, I’ve been a strong believer of the Pagan Paths for a little while longer; as I’ve been following Norse Paganism since March 2016, but I’ve only recently started witchcraft. c:
What type of witchcraft do you specialise in? — Hmm, I’d probably say Hedge Witchcraft & Divination; as my path was built up onto the Hedge after I kept experiencing over-exposure to the other side, and I wanted to learn how to keep myself from being scared upon waking up & seeing the dead in my room. And divination, I’ve always been the sort to experience very specific Deja vu whilst asleep or lost in thought; but I never remembered it until doing the act, as any sorta typical Deja vu moment would do, until I had a very specific thought about one of my best friends—and low & behold, she experienced the thought detail for detail only a week or two later. So! Instead of freaking out alone, I took it upon myself to learn the beautiful art of divination; specifically dream & tarot. c:
What aspect of witchcraft are you best at? — Well, as stated above; I have an uncanny amount of luck with Hedge Witchcraft & Divination. However, I’ve noticed that I’m specifically fortunate with blessings; sigils; and warding magick. Crystals and anything to do with accent herbs or plants, too. I dunno, honestly.
What is a big goal you are working towards/have already achieved? — Hmm, I guess my big goal is to learn as much about witchcraft and the different paths that I can; for personal benefit, and to help teach others about the craft. And I’m not being specific about new/baby witchlings out there; I want to be able to express knowledge to those who are a little bit sceptical, or towards those who downright hate on witchcraft & practitioners, due to the old stories of Salem. Not that I believe that my word alone will change their frightened minds, but still! I’d love to learn all about witchcraft, because I find it interesting; and want to. c:
Who do you worship? If you worship anyone at all? — Well, I follow Norse & Celtic Paganism; though I do happen to follow Norse Paganism, predominantly, and I do believe in each & every single God/Goddess/Other of both religions. However, I tend to sit beneath Loki’s Hearth; and focus & follow on his teaching.
What’s your aesthetic? — Nature; trees, forest wildlife, owls, mountains, lakes. Although I’m a big fan of cemeteries & graveyards, too! I love reblogging scenes from cemeteries, or of singular graves in a beautiful scenery, or something! :3
What are some of your favourite smells? — Hmm...I really love the smell of firewood being burnt; or coal fires; or log burners. It just has one of those smells to it that makes me feel all happy & cosy, and I love passing by fields where the farmers are burning wood, or houses where someone has a fire going. Like yas.
Do you collect anything? — Jars, books, crystals, jewellery, owl ornaments, and plants. Although! I’ve recently started working on building a bone collection, for different practises that I have yet to dabble with directly, because...bones! c:
What are your favourite tools of witchcraft? — Crystals, tarot cards, sigils, and herbs. Sea salt mixed with some water is also a favourite, and incense! c: 
What’s a non-witchcraft pet peeve of yours? — Noisy eaters, or people moving my shit two inches to the side. Like, you’re ruining my aesthetic, stop it. Or, people who are just loud for no fucking reason; which makes it difficult to live in a bungalow with my mother...because she does all of these things. -_-
What’s a witchcraft pet peeve? — Well, I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this one: but I really hate the witches who try to make white witches feel like scum, in comparison to POC witches. I’m not talking about the witches who try to give everyone a fair chance to be recognised; and that book document going about where only POC witches are allowed to add their spells? I think that’s gr8. However, there’re certain witches on this site who behave as though white witches should be throwing down their hats, and proclaiming they’re bad people; specifically because of their skin tone—not because of anything they have very specific control over, like an argument that took a turn b/c they chose to let it. :/
Like, I’m sorry to all those tumblr witches who think that white people should be treated like scum, because our ancestors (and present assholes) treated POC like scum; but I don’t agree with you. And I’m not a straight white cis girl who is racist & privileged, so the fuck outta here with those anon hate comments; I’m fully for #BlackLivesMatter & the support for POC that has been rocketing recently, but I just don’t agree with the treatment that y’all are giving white folk. I mean, I’ve seen literal posts where witches are demanding that their followers don’t buy from small businesses (such as those on Etsy, etc.) if they’re run by white people, because “POC are more important.” Like sure, Barbara; but deliberately attempting to ruin people’s passions? That’s not a way to help the movement for equality go forwards; it’s discriminative in it’s own way, ya walnut.
Sorry, I went off on a rant. xD But might as well be detailed, so that I have something to reference, when all of the haters come & claim that I was shoving my opinion down their throats. I hope I was respectful as possible with my opinion, bc I honestly know that a lot of witches I follow are cool beans about white people & such; or at least don’t flat out try to run people outta business, and I really just wanted to state my opinion that my biggest pet peeves are the witches who try to ruin lives and slap “POC” onto it to make it seem justified. c:
Good advice not relating to witchcraft that you can give? — Okay, so there’s this Welsh folktale that I’ve been told since I was a little girl; called Gelert. It’s a very fascinating story, and I would recommend anyone to go read it, tbh. Anyway, it’s a story about this loyal dog to the Prince Llewellyn; who protects the Prince’s baby from a wolf that has been terrorising the countryside for the past couple of months, whilst his beloved owner is out hunting for the same creature. Llewellyn returns; and sees the room of his baby destroyed, blood on the blanket that had been in the crib, the baby missing—and Gelert laying on the floor, soaked with blood. Immediately, Llewellyn loses his shit & decapitates Gelert, without taking a moment to look around; and then...he hears his baby crying. He rounds the side of the tipped over crib, and finds his kid; and the body of a wolf mangled to pieces, and Llewellyn realises his mistake of decapitating Gelert, but now it’s too late, and his mistakes haunt him for the rest of his days. He buried his most trustworthy companion, and placed a stone on his grave, and blah blah.
Anyway, my advice is to keep a level head in situations that you might find emotionally distressful. Don’t act on your first emotion, because you might end up causing more hurt than relief. Look at the situation; look at every possible angle, and once you’ve done that, make a decision that will benefit everyone. c:
Do you have any good advice pertaining to witchcraft that you can give?— Not really. The only advice I can hand is to question everything; never give up on researching things, even if you stumble across a blog that seems to be legit AF with their fancy spells & recipes, always double check; always triple check; check until you’re 100% certain that the magic you’re thinking of performing isn’t harmful towards you or your surroundings. Also, don’t allow others to declare to you what makes a real witch, or any of that shit; we’re all individuals—so own it.
Do you have a familiar? — Yes, I do! n w n My deceased cat was my beloved familiar when he was alive, and it would seem that he’s not straying too far into the afterlife, as he is often with me in both energies & spirit; I’ve bumped into him on the other side, too. He’s such a brilliant cat, and I’m so blessed to have him as my familiar; he’s always there for me, and offers me guidance & protection. c:
Altar? — Not yet! Since I recently moved from my old house, I had to take down the starts of my altar back there, and I haven’t had time to start building it up. ; - ; However, I’m planning to start building it up over the Christmas break, because I feel unsettled without a visible representation of my worship in my bedroom. :c
I was tagged by @insert-a-catchy-name-here — thank you for tagging me, dear!
In turn, I’ll tag the following people — @lunaesteria, @eyeliner-of-cups, @orriculum, @onyxmagik, and @maddiviner...because y’all are honestly the only blog names I remember straight off the top of my head. xD Plus, I do wanna see this lil tag catch on, because I think it’s pretty sweet. c: x
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
Not broken
Day four of Feuilly week ! And siince it’s Asexuality Awareness Week, well.... Kinda wrote itself (not it didn’t, I had to kick it along).
Modern AU, Feuilly-centric, 1638 words
Also on AO3 !
For the longest time, attraction had been for Feuilly the greatest riddle of all. He could understand part of it, of course, knew that it was divided into different categories. Like how he could spend hours just watching the way the hair of the person sitting opposing him in the train fell around their faces, or hands moving gracefully around. Sometimes, he sketched them out, to remember them. Sometimes, he just watched. That was aesthetic attraction. Or like the first time Montparnasse was brought into his foster family, ad he decided immediatly that he wanted to be close to that strange, sullen boy with dark brown eyes and the blackest hair he'd ever seen. That was platonic attraction. That, he could feel, very well.
Romantic attraction, he did feel, a lot. Not to say that he was a fickle heart, but he didn't need much to develop a crush on someone. Of course, he didn't call them "crushes". He didn't call them anyone because he didn't tell anyone, just harboring this delicious heart-clenching sensation, spending sleepless nights after sleepless nights building fantasies of a perfect life with his beloved. He rarely declared his feelings. First, because he tended to fall for boys more than for girls. The first time he had tried to confess to a boy, said boy had made fun of him in front of the whole school, breaking his heart. And he quickly learned that those kinds of affection could be very badly received, not to mention leading to a beating. Second, because he didn't want to get his feelings hurt too much. He didn't look that good, he didn't have all those qualities other people seemed to have, so why would people choose him ? So he kept quiet, cultivating his little crushes in silence until they either went away on his own or developped into something stronger than kept him awake at night and filled his stomach with delicious butterflies.
As for sexual attraction.... Almost as soon as he learnt about sex, Feuilly had wondered if there wasn't something wrong with him. Because surely, he was missing something. Be it a cue, an information, or some more important part of something, maybe himself ? That could explain how he didn't feel attracted to people around him, no one. Oh, he still fell in love, but when he heard other people refer to someone as "sexy", it didn't hold any meaning for him. He first figured that he had a "type", a very precise one, and the one they were talking about simply didn't fit that type. But after a long type, he finally realized that no one fit the type. He could recognize that someone had beautiful legs, nice-looking muscles, a gorgeous face, hands that he wanted to hold. But it didn't ring any bell for him. He liked to look at them, wanted to draw them, wanted to date them even, but never did he feel that pinch, that drive to get them to bed. He did, once or twice, because he was curious, and it felt good, but still, something was lacking.
And the years trickled by, one by one. And still, no one came by . To be fair, Feuilly was quite busy. He had taken two jobs to be able to live on his own, and with the commute, he often didn't have any time for himself. He met people, sometimes, at work, or the rare times he went out to drink some coffee. He dated a few, he even had sex with them, which was good or average, depended. He convinced himself that what he felt was accurate enough, it was enough. He didn't really mean anything else in his life.
But still, sometimes, he felt like something was missing. Like he had something, in his brain, that had been switched off permanently. Was it a sickness ? Was it maybe linked to a memory he had repressed ? Was it trauma ? Bad experience ? Who knew ? He felt anxious, sometimes, when the idea that, maybe, something happened, something that was hidden in a corner of his mind, something he wasn't aware of. And that small secret was poisoning him. Surely it was bad, right ? Since everyone seemed to feel sexual attraction to the extent that it was present everywhere, in books, movies, advertisment even, it was important and ever present. And for Feuilly not to feel it, it meant that something was probably wrong. He didn't pay too much attention to it, at least when he could avoid it. But sometimes, in the middle of the night, it all came back, and it scared him. It scared him a lot.
Until that evening, where a coworker of his dragged him to a meeting, arguing that he would certainly meet a lot of fascinating people with very interesting ideas ("and maybe the love of your life !" was added with a nudge and a wink). Feuilly half-expected some kind of organized meeting, with an orator, maybe a conference of some sorts ? There was an orator, a blond man standing on a table and talking about equality and freedom. But there were people throwing around jokes too, someone who looked very bored by what was happening and was alternating between sketching something and needling the orator, a calm-looking man who calmed the conversation from time to time... Finally, the orator stepped down from his stand, and the crowd broke in several little groups. Feuilly made his way to the table where the blond man was sitting, with the calm-looking man and another one with glitter in his hair. When he stopped near them, they glanced at him in perfect unisson. He introduced himself, half-expecting a lukewarm welcome or a few generic polite words. Instead, they seemed delighted to see him. The glittery one pushed a free chair and invited him to sit, and the blond one immediatly asked for his opinion on their latest subject at hand. And soon, they were engrossed in their conversation.
Feuilly went back to the meetings. His schedule was always hectic, but he did his best to make some time. Les Amis de l'ABC, especially their core, were a lively bunch, very friendly, and they welcomed him as one of their own immediatly. Enjolras looked up to him, Combeferre always asked for his advice, Jehan discussed litterature with him, Eponine made fun of him (in a brotherly way of course). He sometimes sat with Grantaire and they sketched the others, and Bahorel loved mock-wrestling with him. He felt at ease with them, they respected him and never judged him for his stances and ideas.
That evening, he was sitting with Enjolras after the meeting. Both were tired at the end of that long journey, and they were just chatting, waiting for the others to finish their own discussions. To be fair, Feuilly was stalling a bit, enjoying the atmosphere despite his brain being clouded by fatigue. It was probably that fog that made him finally spill the beans about what he felt. He didn't want to burden Enjolras, he didn't even mean to, and he couldn't even say what the conversation was about, but suddenly, he was talking about everything he'd ever felt on the subject. And Enjolras, instead of laughing at him, or worse, telling him that he was a lost cause and should check in at the nearest psychiatric ward, just nodded and said :
- Yes, I know what you mean. I'm like that too.
It was only thanks to the chair under him that Feuilly didn't sprawl on the floor. He looked at Enjolras with widening eyes, and managed to stammer :
- You w-what ? You t-too ?
- Yes. I mean, I've been in your shoes. I've gone through the same questionning. And let me tell you, you're not broken.
Feuily didn't think he'd ever hear those words one day. Not that they would hit so hard. Tears sprang from his eyes, and before he could stop it, he was crying, hiding his face in his hands. It was too hard to stand straight, too hard even to stay upright, and he laid his head on the table, still weeping. There weren't dramatic sobs, or huge tears. Just the calm ones that came with the relief to know that he wasn't broken, and there wasn't anything wrong with you. Enjolras was stroking his hair, in a calming manner. He didn't try to stop him from crying, and Feuilly was grateful for that.
After a few minutes, he calmed down enough to sit straight again. He wiped his face (Enjolras politely looked away), then, when his voice felt solid enough again, apologized :
- I'm sorry, I didn't...
- Don't be, Enjolras interrupted. I know how it feels.
- So... I'm not.... there's nothing wrong with not feeling that kind of attraction ?
- Nothing wrong.
The blond was smiling, a brilliant smile that Feuilly couldn't help but answer to.
- It simply means that you are asexual, the blond explained.
- Asexual ?
- Yes. It means you're not sexually attracted to other people. It's as valid as an orientation as any other. There's a whole lot of possibilities, that are included in the asexuality spectrum. Like, for example...
Feuilly listened to Enjolras' explainations about asexuality, demisexuality, and all those other terms he never heard of and now wanted to know more about. He felt well, happy and... home, in a way. There was a warm feeling in his stomach, that he would remember later, the kind of warm comfort only reassurace could bring. The reassurance to know, after all these years, that he was not broken, that there was nothing wrong with him. He was asexual, and that was normal. He was normal.
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nivko-blog · 7 years
People Who Work
leading healthy lifestyles can still be attainable! 
I am okay with where I am currently physically and all I want to do is take care of my body so I’m able to perform better at my job and further enjoy all the things I love that life has to offer like activities, sports, food, fashion, etc.
This shouldn’t be difficult or impossible and I should never feel hungry or tired. The goal is the opposite, and that is to increase my satisfaction by making good choices.
I want to feel better mentally and physically so I will very much enjoy exploring what works for me as an individual to ultimately lead a healthy, active, and interesting lifestyle.
Taking care of my body and mental health is a lifelong process and not just a passing fad.
 Rules that I generally follow:
1.  Drinks:
a. No sugary drinks: like soda and juices.
b. No added sugar: drink your coffee or tea without sugar. The first 2 weeks might be tough but I guarantee that you won’t be able to handle any added sugar if you stick it out.
c. Limit alcohol intake to occasionally.
d. Avoid cream in your coffee. Milk is okay but don’t overdo it.  A cappuccino or a latte in the morning is okay (no sugar of course).
e. Stay hydrated with a lot of water. I sometimes squeeze a lemon or lime into my water with a little of blossom water and add different herbs like mint or basil for variety. You can also use natural sparkling water.    
2.  Food:
a. No processed food: like chips, prepackaged/frozen and/or precooked food.
b. Checking ingredients when buying food from the store. No preservatives, added sugar, sodium, bad oils, etc.
c. Replace simple carbs, such as white bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes with complex carbs, for example, whole wheat pastas, brown rice, whole wheat or rye bread.
d. Avoid cheap desserts and sweets. Instead of having that every day, replace with having seasonal fruits daily. Treat yourself to a nice, unique, and interesting dessert once a week by visiting interesting gelato, dessert shops or bakeries. The idea is to turn it into part of a social experience or adventure instead of the daily habit of eating sweets made out of low quality sweeteners like corn syrup typically found at convenience stores and supermarkets.  
e. Do not skip any meals. Make sure you have a filling and satisfying breakfast, lunch and dinner. Avoid eating right before going to bed.
f. Stick with methods of cooking that require minimal oil, for example: steaming, sauté, grilling (avoid frying).
g. Use healthy ingredients for dressings and sauces, for example: olive oil, vinegar, lime, lemon, tahini, yogurt, pepper.    
h. If still hungry between meals, healthy snacks are okay, for example: a handful of unsalted raw almonds w/out dried fruits, cucumbers, carrots, celery, or a piece of fruit  
i. Make sure your meals are balanced with a variety of good ingredients (vegetables, protein, and complex carbs) so you are satisfied. A typical day, for example, may consist of the following (several examples for each meal but again it depends on what’s available to you):
 plain yogurt with mixed nuts and dried fruits.
 2 poached eggs with a piece of whole wheat bread, with tomatoes and cucumbers.
baked sweet potato with walnuts, cinnamon, and raisins.
avocado toast with some pine-nuts, olive oil, and pepper.
Wild salmon, with asparagus and brown rice.
Some kind of beans with khorta (steamed leafy greens) and a piece of rusk. 
Chicken breast with salad (base could be cabbage, lettuce, arugula, spinach, or other) with whole wheat pasta and tomato sauce.
Grilled mushroom with onions and roasted beetroots and lentils on a bed of steamed broccoli and parmesan cheese with a piece of whole wheat bread.  
3. Activity:
a. Try to maintain a moderate level of activity throughout the day by walking to places instead of using a car, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, whenever possible of course. Take nice walks whenever possible, maybe during work breaks.  
b. Go to the gym at least 3-4 times (45 min each) a week whenever is convenient for you. With regards to the type of exercise, try to balance between cardio, flexibility, and strength, but most importantly do things that you enjoy. for example: gym classes like yoga and boot-camp work for me. But you can do things like swimming, cycling, weights, jogging, etc. As long as you’re getting in all three elements cardio, flexibility, and strength your body should feel pretty balanced.
c. Weekends can be made fun and active by choosing to go to the beach, hiking, playing tennis or football with family and/or friends. However, I do like to have a full day (during the weekend) of complete relaxation by staying in and doing nothing. I find this important to gather my energy and focus for the upcoming week.
d. Sleep at least 7 hours a day
e. Catch-up with friends once in a while over coffee, interesting dessert, or a quick bite. Or as it is perfectly put by the Swedish “Fika” :) 
Wait! did someone say Swedish Fika could lead to world peace???  
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sevensity · 7 years
Hiya! Can I request RFA/Saeran+MC going grocery shopping together? Could you also include which aisle they would spend the longest time in? I hope that's not too much >.
Here ya go! Grocery shopping is nice because there’s a lot of food and I’m quite fond of that stuff.
Ok but this boy knows what’s up
He’s been to the grocery store so many times, he canprobably finish all his shopping with his eyes closed (or at least one of themclosed if you know what I mean hahahhaha sorry)
He’s like those moms who are into super couponing probablybecause his own mom was too
He has a whole binder full of coupons waiting to beused, and he’s categorized them all according to types and %off.
Even if you’ve been grocery shopping before, goingwith Yoosung is a whole other deal
Jeez is it intense
Though who knew browsing the vegetable aisle with this boy byyour side would prove to be such an enlightening experience?
Unless you tell him you already know most of the stuff he’s saying, Yoosung will not hesitate to stop in front of every single thing and tell you about its various uses in cooking, or just life in general
And by every single thing I mean every single damn thing, even if it’s considered elementary knowledge
“This is a banana—“
“I know Yoosung,I know.”
He’ll also teach you really simple recipes while youload up your cart with food
“If you have trouble sleeping, heat up some milk andsprinkle some powdered nutmeg into it!” actually very comforting imo
“For really brown bananas, if you don’t want to eatthem or can’t use them at the moment, put them in the freezer and you can makeyummy banana bread with them later!”
“If you ever slice apples and want to prevent themfrom turning brown, just dip them in a bit of lemon juice!”
Thank you Yoosung Sensei
Every time you go grocery shopping together, you knowyou’ll return home feeling like you just took an intensive nutrition class
Spends longest time in:
Literally everywhere????
The only aisle he doesn’t really visit is the liquor aisle, but other than that he’ll spend the same amount of time in each place. Occasionally he will steer clear of the milk section after remembering some, ah, unpleasant memories
Okay so he’s not quite a dolt when it comes to grocery shopping that’s for sure, like he knows about the basics, and of course he’s a beer expert
Though he is nowhere close to being on Yoosung’s Godly Grocery level
and Zen will never admit that he doesn’t know jack shit about what he buys most of the time
He’ll try to seem knowledgeable just for you, and he does want you to eat healthy (”Fruits and vegetable ares good for the skin! Though my skin is already amazing enough.” thank you zen that makes me feel so much better about myself)
But he’s not sure what to do with 90% of the stuff he puts in your cart
When you guys go home, he’ll sneak a phone call to Yoosung, list all the items that he bought, and Yoosung in turn will teach him a few possible recipes
Tbh usually such a phone call would sound like some shady drug dealing cuz it starts all like:
“Hey, Yoosung,” Zen casts a wary eye around before whispering, “I’ve got new goods.  Can you hook me up with some plans?”
But it’s okay, you’ll relax once you hear them talking about the properties of lettuce
“Zen, let me get this straight. You bought a whole octopus…without actually knowing how to cook it?!”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Well, I can’t be her knight in shining armor if I don’t know how to deal with a mere octopus!”
When Seven hears about this, he’s all like “move aside fabled evil dragon, the princess in the tower is now guarded by a wriggling, squishy octopus. How will Zen slay the mighty beast?”
Spends longest time in:
Cosmetics aisle! And I mean spends a loooooooooooooOOOng time. He wants you to try stuff on. Then he wants you to give him a makeover. Then he wants to take pictures. Then he finds new products to try. The infernal cycle begins again. 
She never really had any  time to go grocery shopping before, and soshe would just buy her meals from the convenience store
So the first time you went shopping together, oh boy was this girl lost
Although she knows all the fruits and vegetables and different types of meat, so the basics,  she just doesn’t know what to buy because there are so many choices??
She just wants to buy everything and try it all 
And so she does
You’re zooming around all the aisles, and soon each of you have your own cart chock full of food
In the end, two end up buying too much and invite Yoosung over to help y’all cook 
“Okay, I get that you wanted to buy a lot to get variety, but that does not explain why you had to buy 10 packs of meat and a total of 5 types of squash,” says Yoosung, mildly exasperated. 
Spends the longest time in:
The bakery section! She likes to look at their desserts to get inspiration, and will sometimes by those that catch her fancy. Although she also does spend a lot of time in the coffee section, however, there usually isn’t a lot of variety so she tends to be a bit disappointed. 
h a H
Jumin Han grocery shopping?
“Why go to the grocery store when the grocery store could come to you?”
babe PLS
“If you really want to make food yourself, why don’t you just order the ingredients online?”
Because grocery shopping is fun? sometimes
If you’re so insistent about going to the store, he’s 100% down to open one someplace in the building just for you.
Once you turn down all his extravagant ideas and manage to drag his fine ass to the store, Jumin is frowning.
Just like Yoosung, he’ll stop in front of every product there is. But this time, he’ll talk about them from a business perspective.
“If a watermelon costs this much for one pound, then for it to be of a profitable price, the amount of edible watermelon must be equal to—”
“Jumin we’ve been standing here for ten minutes.”
He’ll still occasionally stop to calculate the price per consumable unit though
Mutters to himself the whole time
But he proves to be immensely useful 
You’re comparing two types of dumplings, different companies, slightly different prices
“Jumin, which one comes out to be the best buy?”
Hoooooooh he’ll go all out 
He compares approximate size of dumplings, nutritional values, price per unit, reputability of manufacturer, you name it
So when you go grocery shopping, always bring yourself a Jumin Han to buy the best products in the store
Also because this rich boy is really cute when he wanders around, a little crease between his eyebrows, whispering equations to himself under his breath as he trails behind you like a little kid
Spends longest time in:
Pet food aisle, duhh. Would never dare feed Elly ‘commoner cat food’, though he’ll consider it if you make some brand suggestions. On a side note I feel like Jumin has tried Elly’s food before, especially if it’s something she seems to really like. “Maybe I can replicate this taste but make it something safe for humans to eat?”
First of all, you guys are never both walking.  Either you’re in the cart and he pushes, or the other way around.
Here’s the thing though, he’s not so much in the cart as under it
I saw a picture of this but I can’t find it… you know how there’s usually a rack beneath the cart? Yeah, he just lies down on that.
If you leave him under the cart and wander too far away, he will yell “MArcO!” until you answer “polo” in an equally loud manner
This has gotten you kicked out more than a couple of times
“What do you mean soda and chips aren’t enough to sustain the human body?”
“What’s a vegetable?”
It’s like, he knows of the stuff, but he’s never seen any in person
“Wow…that’s…is that really an orange? In flesh????”
“This is edible?” he says, holding a pack of shrimp in his hands
While in the frozen food section: “I wonder what would happen if we blended a pizza, and then used that pizza to make pizza sauce for another pizza? Like…pizzaception.”
you guys actually tried doing that but regretted it because that shit was disgusting
Food puns
He will try to be more serious if you tell him, but why would you? 
Saeyoung makes grocery shopping seem like an adventure
Spends longest time in:
I mean when he’s under the cart he doesn’t really have a choice so he’ll chill there and contemplate whether or not he should lick the floor while you get the food.  However, if he’s the one pushing you, you bet he’ll head straight to the snack section. That’s his turf. Will glower at those who dare approach his precious chips. “So um Saeyoung are we just gonna wait around here and chase people away all day or…?” 
He’s the type of kid that has absolutely no idea about anything
He’ll point at a cabbage and call it a cucumber
He says carrots grow on trees
You get a lot of stares because he calls everything by the wrong name with so much confidence
The baby is super proud of himself and you don’t have the heart to tell him he’s wrong
That changes when Yoosung goes shopping with him once though.  Yoosung almost cried when Saeran asked him what this weird, round white thing was called (answer: an oinion. HAH SAERAN IS LIKE AN ONION, HE HAS LAYERS HAHAHAHAHHA I’M SO FUNNY)
Yoosung lowkey kidnaps Saeran and they have a study session together where Saeran learns about the marvelous world of fresh produce
But once you go back to the store together after he studied hard, it’s so precious
Saeran correctly identifies most of the stuff, but after every time he names something, he’ll glance at you, as if waiting for your approval
once you give him a tiny nod, a smile playing around your lips, his eyes will just light the fuck up and ;sdfja;lskdfjaslkdfja the baby bean is gonna blush a lil’ because w oW he did it???
Saeran reverts back to a toddler when y’all go to the store, you better hold his hand or he’ll wander off and get lost in another dimension
Spends longest time in:
ya, the ice cream section. you can get ice cream on a stick?? w h at???? a pre made ice cream cone???? w HA t??? I CAN BUY TWO LITERS BUCKETS OF ICE CREAM??? W  H AT?!??!??!?! It’s a Saeran heaven and half the bill goes to his own, full cart of ice cream. 
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pyrocicle · 7 years
{ Ribbons }
Tap, tap, tap. Soft but distinct footsteps echoed across the antivoid. She didn't really need to walk, but it helped her feel more connected - unlike the first version, she wasn't immune to the disassociation caused by the emptiness of the whiteroom. It'd taken a while to find who she was looking for; there were any number of Errors, but only one Null.
"you're a difficult one to track down."
{ with guest star @errorinjudgment }
Null's hanging by his ankles when she locates him, swaying forward and back on his bright blue threads of magic with an absent, almost blissful look on his face. Something about that particular type of movement aids him in maintaining his calm, which is entirely necessary when he keeps finding himself back here without explanation. He doesn't want to be here, and has taken dissociation into the realm of meditation.
"h-h-hello." He chimes in that pleasant-if-not-so-distorted tone of his. "that is intentional." An eye cracks open for a good look at his latest guest, first traveling up and down the whole of her form, then settling on her face and staying there almost challengingly. "familiar. do you know crow and dove?"
Ribbons tilted her head at him, liquid-looking eyes seeming to splash with the movement.
"hiya! I know them, yes, though they don't know me. that's intentional, too." She laced her fingers together behind her back, rocking back on her heels, then up to her toes with the snarky grin so common to them. Short, dark green hair bounced with each movement. "a little birdy told me you've been having problems."
"problems? my wh-whole existence is a problem, lady." He lowers himself down onto the imaginary floor then gets to his feet to stand a respectful but already rather comfortable distance from the somewhat familiar woman. Her eyes hold his interest for a while then drift back down to what she's wearing, now commiting her appearance to memory. 
"i ta-take it this is a business call, then?"
"I feel for you, glitchbean. friendly business!" She held out a hand. "you can call me Ribbons, for disambiguation. I'm... mm... here with proposal. not that kind, of course." Black coat, gray pants, cool, dusty green shirt and fur. Black boots with spiked soles. The pendant Dove wore had a bright red gem in it for Ribbons, and the lovely, complicated bow tied around her neck mimicked her eyes, the colors on it seeming to splash about like a liquid. She's small, and both sturdier than Dove and less squishy than Crow. A happy medium, perhaps. Her style certainly was a happy medium between the two!
"heh. gl-glitchbean." The use of the term of endearment is enough that Null feels comfortable brushing off his remaining paranoia. Ribbons has put him at ease, an advantage gained simply by being who she is and knowing what she does. He takes her hand and gives it a firm shake like a proper businessman, his hand radiating that same dry warmth her lesser alternates are familiar with. 
"oh, not that kind of proposal. wh-what a shame. nevertheless, i am l-listening."
It's soothing. She's icy cold, fingers as short and stubby as ever. She tilted her head to one side with a giggle, another familiar gesture that proves she's who she appears to be, squeezing back firmly. 
 "keep sweet talkin' like that and it might turn into that kind." She stood up straighter, eyes focusing onto his. "you and I are beings with purpose. destruction's in your nature, salvation in mine. but we both know that there are some places that just can't be saved. all the LucK and determination in the multiverse couldn't set things right. and denying our nature is... unpleasant."
"you're c-cold." He notes aloud, shuffling closer to her upon realzing that he rather enjoys that contrast. His eyes match hers, focused and a little stubborn, comfortable but still rather serious. "your flirt game is just as st-strong as theirs, i see. you are correct. denying it has been... painful. are you asking me to destroy something beyond sa-sa-saving for you?"
"I'm always cold. you're warm." She scootched closer to him in return, resting her shoulder against his. With a jacket that thick and floofy she should be overheated, but she's just... icy. "well someone had to start the trend~"
Her expression changed from playful to grim in a blink. "I am. there is one that has become... painfully obvious. so much so my little Dove's flown the coop."
"i do believe that de-destruction can be an act of mercy." He tries to look grim, but fails. As much guilt as it comes with, he can't help smiling. What a confused monster, or glitch, he's become. "if there's really no helping them, why not give them a quick and pa-painless end? all the better if they're..." His eye socket twitches. "i-insulting to start with. you already know how i feel about the e-extent of widespread deviance."
"I do, yes. I don't always agree, but I certainly understand the sentiment and it's been known to factor into the choice to mark a timeline." She grinned back at him. "the proposal is for a partnership, in fact. I've uncovered a number of timelines where it would be more merciful to give them a clean and painless end. the little Doves can only do so much, if there's no hope then... why leave them to suffer?"
"y-you send dove to repair broken timelines? tha-that is admirable, and explains some things about her. if only i had the patience for it myself." He laughs a little. There was a time that he too would have preferred the route she's taken. Perhaps he'd still prefer it, were it not for his unique affliction.
"the answer is... ye-yes. i would love to help you. this is just the justification i need to stop putting off the inevitable. i know that i can't resist forever, not with this anger threatening to boil over every moment i spend pretending to be a pa-pa-pacifist."
Ribbons grinned broadly. "bingo, bingo, bingo! give the bean a prize!" she giggled and clapped. "good! excellent! far better to put destructive proclivities to a productive use than allow them to affect that best left alone, yes?"
"ye...-yes." He had to pause for a moment there, expression very thoughtful and slighlty pained. It's not easy to accept that he might not be entirely in control of himself if he fights too hard for too long, but such is life. He'd always been particularly good at going with the flow prior to his accident.
"would you care to give me the details on this world you want wiped clean?"
Ribbons smiled kindly, patting his shoulder lightly. "we all have ugly sides. alright, let me see..." She pulled out something that vaguely resembled a pair of short chopsticks, until she pulled them apart. Ribbons, like the one around her throat, stretched between it, before changing to an image of that particular world's Load Screen.
At the top left corner is a universe designation; below are profile pictures of the inhabitants. Dove is a question mark. Asgore's been Xed out, Sans and Papyrus have a green border. The others have red borders. There are five SOULs on the screen; Dove would have replaced Justice, and Chara hasn't fallen yet.
"wh-what in all the worlds..." The Error squints at the page. Asgore is gone that much is obvious at a chance, and Chara still isn't present? Toriel a single mother? And why the green border around himself and his brother? He shakes his head, trying not to think of it that way, trying to tell himself that he's not Sans anymore.
"interesting. please explain?"
The Patch giggled at his confusion.
"this is a universe designation. tells us what sort of variant it is, in this case, a 'swapped fell' timeline. that means Asgore's taken on Toriel's usual role, Mellow," she tapped the Sans, "has taken Papy's, and so on. The X means that she failed to befriend Asgore, the green borders mean she befriended Mellow and Papy. I believe... mm, yes, she'd reached Waterfall but gone no further. You see how there are only five souls? Dove was meant to replace the Justice child, but her soul is... unstable. I'm sure you've noticed. She needs a chance to heal before she dies, or her soul will simply shatter rather than being able to be collected. Evidently that wasn't possible here."
"i'm familiar with the variant and generally... not fond of the i-inhabitants. that explains why asgore is the first out of the picture." Predictably, he looks pleased, grin spreading and eyes brightening a touch as he looks and listens, piecing her method of illustrating the timeline's variables together. "fell and swap... two of the most abomination-prone iterations of our world. this will be rather fun."
"I think you'd rather like this one, but given they have no hope left... best to let them have a peaceful end. perhaps you'll get to see a happier iteration later." She looked grim, but managed a smile in return. "shall we, then?"
"no." He mutters, giving her a pat on the shoulder. "let me think this way. otherwise, i w-won't be able to do it. let me fuel my hate." And just like that, he's right back to the act. Is it an act? It's hard to tell and at this point in time even he's not entirely sure how he feels about this. "i'll consider it a te-te-test, on my part. i need to understand what's going on with me, and i... well i can't do that if i never try making a more. it's e-e-experiment time."
He clasps his hands together in front of himself and draws a deep breath. "we shall."
"fair." She nodded, taking a deep breath. They have to think different ways, but that's alright. It'll keep them more balanced if they're not simply an echo chamber for each other. "excellent. an experiment is just what the good doctor ordered." She clasped the... tablet? ribbontop? back together and returned it to her jacket, then held out her hand again.
Null takes her hand and gives it another firm shake before using it to pull her into a hug, complete with a soft, warm sort of laugh. He hadn't realized that he'd missed her half as much as he did. Well, he'd missed... others hers. Close enough. "tha-thank you. this should be beneficial to everyone involved. call me when you're ready."
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