#I’m suspending your right to ‘did I stutter’ until you do better
fluent-in-lesbianism · 6 months
the phrase ‘stuttering like an idiot’ needs to be stricken from all forms of media
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corruptedcaps · 3 months
I’ll take it from here
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Alex stood at the front door of Gina’s house and was rethinking her plan when suddenly the door opened and her bully stood right there in front of her.
“Do you have my work done yet loser? That better be why you asked to come to my house after school. I’m suppose to be going on a date with your hot step brother Harry.” Gina snarled at Alex who stood calmly before her tormentor but inside was a bundle of nerves. It might have been a mistake to meet Gina at her own home, it face the bitch home field advantage.
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“N-no Gina I don’t have your homework and furthermore I won’t be doing it or anymore of your work going forward.” Alex said stuttering unable to hide her fear. Gina’s bitchy smirk however turned sour.
“Excuse me? You don’t decide to stop, I’ll tell you when you stop understand? Oooh I was looking forward to getting wined and dined by Harry but it’ll be just as much fun beating you up.” Gina said advancing on Alex who pulled out a large red jewel from her pocket and pointed it at Gina.
“No! Stay back! I didn’t want to do this, but I bought this magic rock, it will strip away all your evilness once I say the magic word. If you just walk away I won’t use it!” Alex said almost shaking. Gina however started to laugh.
“A magic rock? That’s the lamest thing I’ve ever heard! God I can’t wait until I tell all the girls about this tomorrow, they’re going to want a piece of you too. But for now you’re all mine!” Gina said with an evil grin as she advanced again on Alex.
“No please! No go away! Oh the hell with it! Alterexia!” Alex cried out and the gem started to glow. Before long its light was filling up the room and with a boom, a beam of red light hit Gina square in the chest. Then as quickly as it happened, the light died away.
“Wow nice light show geek but if I were you I’d get my money back.” Gina said mockingly. Alex looked at the gem confused, it should have worked. Then suddenly the gem turned to dust in her hand.
“Haha I guess even that’s not an option anymore. Now where were we.” Gina grinned as she stepped closer to Alex. However after one step she felt a sudden pull in her chest. Brushing it off she took another step and this time the pull was so intense that the buttons of her top flew open and she barely grabbed them.
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“What the hell?” She said. It was as if her tits were trying to escape her body. Holding them tight she felt her breasts trying wriggle through her fingers.
“No! What’s happening? Stay put!” She cried but it was no use, with a pop her boobs came from her body leaving her with a flat, bare chest.
What happened next took both of them by surprise as the big boobs hung the air for just a moment before flying over to Alex and diving under her shirt. The very act froze Alex to the spot. It wasn’t until they reached her chest and slid over her own small pair, grafting onto them, that she let out a gasp.
“Ooohhhh fuck what is happening.” She groaned. It wasn’t a groan of pain though, it was one of wet eroticism. Her new heavy pair of tits felt so sensitive, her nipples standing at attention. The combination of both hers and Gina’s boobs gave her an impressive set.
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“W-what the hell is this? What did you… wait, what’s happening now?” Gina said as she felt her head start to itch. Her blonde follicles began to rise and stand on end until one by one they were seemingly plucked by an unseen force. Before long every hair on her head was gone, suspended now in the air above her in a large clump.
Just as Gina jumped to grab the hair it shot across the room to Alex where it hit her softly in the face. It then migrated upwards to her head. Each strand latched onto one of her brown hairs, wrapping around it like a braid until it had consumed it and turned it bright gold. The whole process was orgasmic for Alex.
“Mmmm oh yesss that feels really goooood.” She moaned as her hair grew thick and strong thanks to having two sources. Alex ran her hands through her new hair and played with it lovingly. However she wasn’t happy with how her fingers looked wrapping her hair around them. Her nails were dirty and half bitten from stress. Not as nice as Gina’s pink press on acrylic’s. She suddenly wanted them. She felt she deserved them. Eyeing them with new found desire she instinctively lifted her hands out in front of her.
“Come to me, come to your new home.” Alex said in a new cold purr that came naturally to her now. Suddenly Gina’s arms went stiff and shot upwards. One by one each fake nail snapped off her fingers and flew over to a waiting Alex who groaned as each one pressed onto her own fingers.
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“Mmmm yes these will do nicely. Thanks loser, I’m feeling hawt and bitchy thanks to you. No wonder you were so mean to me, I feel so fucking evil! But something tells me you have more to offer me.” Alex said as she strolled confidently over to a now cowering Gina.
“No please Alex don’t! I’ll stop bullying you and everyone else. I’ll do anything you want just please no more!” Gina said in a whimper. Alex stood over her unsympathetically.
“Why should I stop? I’m close to taking everything you ever had. I just need that deliciously evil mind of yours now and I’ll be the queen bee. You’ve been the model of an evil bitch but don’t worry I’ll take it from here. Oh and it’s Lexi from now on dork.” The new blonde said as she bore down on Gina and placed her new nailed hands onto her enemy’s bald head.
As soon as she made contact she threw her head back in ecstasy as her brain was filled up with fashion knowledge, juicy gossip and evil bitchy talents. Everything that made Gina ‘Gina’ followed effortlessly into Lexi’s head and a new wicked bitch was born. Not only that but remaining physical traits came over too. Tanned skin, perfect eyesight, pouty lips. They were all Lexi’s now.
As the transfer finished. Lexi let out a long cold cackle of triumphant. She felt incredible, unstoppable. She looked down at a catatonic Gina and smirked. She took off her own glasses and put them on Gina.
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“Here loser, I don’t need them anymore, I’m perfection. Thanks to you I’ll be able to slip into the role of head bitch within a day. All your friends will be mine and all your boy toys too. Speaking of which I think you’ve lined up a hot date with my sexy step brother. Mmmm it’s so much badder knowing he sleeps in the room next to mine but after tonight I think we’ll only need one room from now on.” Lexi said grinning wickedly to herself while Gina drool in front of her.
Rolling her eyes Lexi pushed past Gina so she could get to firmer mean girls closet. If she was going to have a hot date she needed to dress the part. After 20 minutes of trying on sluttier and sluttier outfits she finally landed on one she thought would have her step brother creaming his pants.
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“You have such hawt clothes Gina. Or should I say ‘had’. Once I rock Harry’s mind later I’ll have him come over here and get the rest of your clothes. Not like you’ll be using them.” Lexi said smiling wickedly again but Gina again remained motionless.
“Oh it’s no fun bullying you if you don’t react. I’ll have to find a way to give you some of your mind back soon but for now you can stand there and think about how you had everything and now have nothing.” Lexi said sarcastically blowing Gina a kiss before leaving.
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In the quiet stillness of the room there suddenly was the sound of whipping sand. Particles of the magic rock around the room began to coalesce and reform before too long it had completely returned and sat upon the floor in front of Gina.
Gina’s mind was empty, nothing but darkness. However one word started to emerge from the darkness a word she had only heard once. Alterexia. It echoed again and again in her head. It was the only word in there. Her mouth started to move….
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seungs1ks · 2 years
hii can u do dom seungwoo x sub fem reader and can u do teacher x student? only if ure comfortable if not anything would do hehe thank uu <3
hello!! i'm so sorry this took forever, i was a little busy but here it is! thank you so much for requesting and i hope you enjoy <3
teacher's pet. (h.s.w.)
{SMUT. 18+}
pairing: han seungwoo x fem!reader
warnings: dom x sub dynamics, swearing, unprotected sex (with pulling out), slight degradation, orgasm denial, slight dacryphilia, teacher x student
word count: 2.1k
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You nervously fiddled with the hem of your skirt as you waited outside Professor Han’s office. You knew why he’d called you to his office, but that didn’t make you any less nervous about it. For the fourth time that week, your teacher had caught you zoning out in class -- he’d call on you to answer something, only to receive silence as a reply, until he was forced to say your name at a louder volume in order to finally get your attention. The disappointed look on his face made your cheeks hot, but Professor Han still looked so handsome.
Click. Startled, you were snapped out of your thoughts, and you turned to see the door was now ajar. You stood up, hesitant, because you didn’t see anybody.
“Come in,” Professor Han’s voice, firm yet honey-like, floated through the air through the door and into the hallway.
You took a deep breath and stepped into his office to see him standing at his desk, leaning against it with his arms crossed. His glasses were perched precariously on his nose, and he was wearing one of his many dark-toned plaid blazers. Underneath it, you could see he’d unbuttoned the top three buttons of his white dress shirt. His black leather belt had a simple yet eye-catching design on the silver buckle that beckoned your eyes to focus on something you probably shouldn’t have. You tried not to show how your gaze travelled down his long, lanky legs to his deep brown shoes.
“How are you doing?” Professor Han asked. He was looking at you intently. His dark hair, parted in the middle, fell perfectly over his face.
“Um, alright,” you answered softly, hands behind your back fidgeting with nerves.
He cocked his eyebrow and tilted his head. “Are you sure? You seem like you have a lot on your mind this week. Like you’re distracted.”
“I’m sorry, Professor,” you said, bowing your head a little. “I think I’ve just been finding it hard to focus in class, but I’ll do better from now on.”
Your teacher’s gaze softened. “Is there anything I can help with? You don’t have to, but you can tell me if there’s anything I can do,” he said as he walked over to an armchair, taking off his blazer as he did so. As he shed the piece of outerwear your eyes widened as you noticed his suspenders, making the white dress shirt cling to his body and highlighting the man’s lean yet muscular physique.
Fuck. Your breath must have audibly hitched in your throat, because Professor Han was looking at you funny. He had a small smirk on his face. You wanted to run out of the office and all the way back to your dorm.
“Something the matter?” Professor Han set his blazer down across the chair.
“N…no,” you quickly stuttered. You were frozen, your eyes locked onto his body.
“You can tell me.”
“It’s nothing,” you shook your head.
Professor Han took virtually three strides to appear right in front of you. His puppy eyes seemed to study your expression. You stared right back at him, unable to turn away, knowing you looked like a helpless baby deer.
What he said next almost made your knees buckle. “Poor little girl, so out of it,” your teacher half-mumbled, half-sighed. “What’s making it hard for you to focus in my class, hm?” He took off his glasses and folded them, tucking them into his shirt. Leaning down so you were at eye level with him, Professor Han held you in a gaze that sent shivers through your body. “You can tell me, little one.”
You gulped. His face had never been this close to yours before. He was probably the most handsome man you’d ever seen, and would ever see in your life. “It’s you,” you blurted out, your voice breathy in a way you didn’t recognize.
He bit his bottom lip and smiled, like he’d been expecting that answer all along. “Me?”
“Y-you’re very distracting,” you admitted, giving up on trying to censor your feelings. “I’m distracted because I keep thinking about you.”
“What about me?”
“Um…stuff that’s a little, uh, naughty, I guess,” you babbled, heat quickly rising up your cheeks.
Professor Han chuckled, shaking his head. This is it, you thought. I’m going to be expelled.
Instead of scolding you or shaming you like you thought, he smiled and offered you his hand. You just looked at it, unsure of what to do or how to react.
He laughed. “I won’t bite you.” With a shaky breath, you put your hand in his. His skin was soft and smooth. Professor Han led you to his desk, where he backed you up against it -- you gasped when you felt the hard edge of it hit your lower back. “Unless you want me to,” he whispered into your ear. You almost let out a whimper, but you were rendered speechless in shock by your professor’s large hands gripping your waist. “Jump,” he commanded, and without thinking you did as he said, and he helped lift you onto his desk.
Professor Han stood between your spread legs, which instinctively wrapped around his waist. He hummed in approval before kissing you harshly, and your eyes fluttered upon feeling his lips on yours, his tongue exploring the inside of your mouth and making you dizzy.
One of his hands made its way to the back of your head and he yanked it back with a sharp tug on your hair, breaking the kiss and making you yelp. Your professor sucked on and nipped at your neck and your body was on fire.
“Should’ve known you were a naughty girl,” he growled against your purpling skin. “Always wearing short little skirts like these,” he balled the fabric of your skirt in his fist. “You do this on purpose, don’t you? Hoping I’d see? Hoping I’d lift it up and fuck you without even taking it off?”
You could only whine and whimper in response. You knew you were probably embarrassingly wet by now -- the legs around his waist pulled him closer to you in search of any friction to soothe the ache between them.
Professor Han smacked your inner thigh, making you cry out. “Asked you a question, pet. Yes or no, you’re wearing these skirts on purpose for me?”
“Yes,” you gasped, scooting yourself closer to the edge of the desk, desperate to feel him, any part of him, against your clothed core. “Yes, yes, it’s all for you.”
He generously attended to your attempts to get closer, reaching down to grab your ass and pull you flush against him so you could feel how hard he was behind his slacks. You moaned at the feeling of him rubbing against you, your thin underwear soaked through.
“Feel that, kitten?” Your professor groaned into your ear. “Think about it filling you up, m’gonna stuff it all into your sweet little cunt.”
You practically sobbed at his filthy words. “Please, fuck, please, Seungwoo…” you mewled.
Your professor’s eyes flashed with something animalistic. He reached in between your legs, slapped your thigh again and ripped off your underwear, tossing the ruined fabric somewhere in the far corner of his office. “Did I say you could use my name? Who gave you permission to do that?” He glanced down at your exposed pussy, glistening and swollen with need. Then he looked at the wet spot it had left on his pants. “Look at this fucking mess,” Seungwoo muttered, his voice low.
“I’m s…sorry, sir, I’m so sorry.” You were shaking like a leaf. You just wanted him inside you. Seungwoo’s tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip.
“Hm. That’s better,” he hummed in thought. He unbuckled his belt and you almost started drooling. You reached out to help him take it off but he swatted your hands away. “Needy little pet,” Seungwoo tutted at you, torturing you by taking off his belt at a painfully slow speed. “Maybe I should fuck the impatience out of you every day after class,” he mused. “Or in front of all your classmates? You’d like that, hm? For everyone to see how much of a whore you are for me?” He finally unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, along with his briefs, until his mid-thigh. His hard cock bobbed in front of you, angry and leaking at the tip.
“Yes, please, sir,” you rasped. “Want you to use me in front of everyone, please sir.”
Seungwoo groaned, one hand wrapped around his cock and pumping a few times. “That’s a good girl,” he praised you. His other hand cradled your face as he lined himself up at your entrance. He locked eyes with you, and his eyes were dark and hypnotic. His thumb brushed across your lips that were tender from how rough he’d kissed you. “Open,” he ordered, teasing your slick folds with the head of his cock.
You obeyed and opened your mouth. He slid his thumb in, and at the same time pushed his cock into you. Seungwoo hissed at the feeling of you being so tight around him. Your eyes rolled back at how much he stretched and filled you. Moaning around his thumb, you wiggled your hips, already desperate for him to move. His free hand went up your untucked blouse and squeezed one of your breasts hard. “Don’t think about moving around, kitten,” he warned. “And don’t cum until I give you permission,” he added before he began to rut into you.
It was already almost too much to handle. The way Seungwoo mercilessly pounded into you had you lightheaded -- high-pitched whines were leaving you as you bit down on his thumb. “Yesssss,” your professor groaned, his head thrown back. “Fucking. Take. It,” he punctuated each word with a hard snap of his hips, powerful enough to make your entire body move further up the table. You writhed and squirmed. You’d never been fucked so good in your life.
“Sir,” you cried when Seungwoo took his thumb out your mouth and brought that hand down to rub your clit with his long, slender fingers. “Sir, pl-- I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered, staring at how his fingers played you like a piano, and transfixed by his pretty cock disappearing in and out of you. Seungwoo shook his head, panting as he fucked you. He moved one of your legs over his shoulder, the new angle making you all but scream.
“Not until you have my permission,” he grunted, pummeling into you, both of his arms wrapped around your leg, using it as leverage to fuck you so deep and so hard you swore you were fucking dreaming.
You keened when you heard that, finding it impossible to hold off your orgasm. Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes as you begged your professor. “Sir, I can’t hold it, please sir,” you sobbed, starting to tremble. “Need to cum on your cock so bad, please, sir, please please please.”
Seungwoo smirked, looking downright devilish. “Don’t cry, pretty baby,” he cooed. “So cute when you beg,” he moaned, one giant hand moving to engulf your throat. “You wanna cum?” You nodded vigorously, hopelessly. He slapped your clit with his other hand, sending electricity jolting through your body. “Now,” he commanded, slapping it again, and you immediately came undone, your body arching off the desk, trembling. You couldn’t even make a sound; your mouth hung open, your eyes squeezed shut as your orgasm seemed to last for minutes.
“Ugh, fuck, such a good girl,” you could barely hear Seungwoo praise you as your mind was swimming in pure bliss. “Gonna cum all over you, my pet,” he growled, rutting into you and chasing his own orgasm, the overstimulation making your tears flow down your cheeks as you whined like a pathetic injured animal.
With a long, husky groan, Seungwoo pulled out and shuddered as he emptied himself all over your inner thighs. You were still shaking and whimpering from the overstimulation. He held your face in both his hands and gently stroked your cheeks, hushing you. He leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Look at me, pretty,” he whispered, and when you did, he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. He pulled back and studied your expression. “Are you okay?”
You smiled weakly. “Yes,” you breathed. “Yes, Professor Han.”
Seungwoo hummed. “Good,” he pulled his pants back on and got some tissues from a box on his desk. He started to clean you up as you continued to catch your breath. “Such a good girl,” he mumbled, more to himself than to you, as he admired the mess he made on you. “Will you stay after class tomorrow?”
“Yes sir,” you answered a little too quickly, making him chuckle.
“No more daydreaming or zoning out in my class, okay?” He eyed you sternly. “I want to see my little pet do well on the exam next week.”
“I promise, Professor.”
“That’s a good girl.”
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waka-chan-out · 3 years
may i request shower sex with sakusa? ive been living with this thought in my brain for so long
Shower Sex
sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
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i swear every request gets better. thank you for this one, anon! it was fun to write.
disclaimer: in a realistic shower sex scenarios you’d need a whole lot of lube and have a hard time not slipping. that being said, this is fanfiction and i have spared you all from th technicalities :)
post-timeskip, obviously.
word count: 1.6k
content warning: established relationship, shower sex (obviously), unprotected sex, brief oral (m. receiving), mentions of masturbation
It had been two days since you found out Kiyoomi was holding out on you. You were genuinely of the impression that the man didn’t masturbate. It sounded so stupid in your head now. Of course he did. Everyone did. But you had never caught him and never heard him talk about it so it didn’t even cross your mind.
But now you knew that when he was in the shower, he leaned his arm against the wall and thought of you. That image would be burned into your brain forever.
So you sat squirming on your comforter, hearing the running shower as he prepared to come to bed, and all you could think about was him pumping into his hand and biting back noise. You weren’t supposed to be home this early and he knew that. Maybe he was innocently showering, passing the time until you came home, but the thought that he wasn’t was eating away at your brain.
Fuck it.
He left the shower door unlocked. He always did. He didn’t have anything to hide, but you had never taken advantage of it beyond brushing your teeth.
“Babe?” he called, voice muffled by the running water. Fuck. His voice sounded strained.
You pulled back the curtain and stepped into the shower.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Kiyoomi said, voice faltering in an incredulous laugh. A concerned expression settled onto his face, but you couldn’t take him seriously with the grin still sitting on his lips. He stared in disbelief as your clothes were quickly soaked through. You smiled at him.
“Hi,” you said.
“Hi. I didn’t know you were home.” The water ran over you as you stared at each other. He held his arms close to himself, curls flattened against his head and dripping. Glancing down, you could tell your thoughts earlier weren’t unwarranted.
“I was thinking about you at work all day.”
“Omi. Do you understand? I was thinking about you,” you said. You broke eye contact and ran a hand down his slick chest. You trailed down until you reached his pelvis, sliding your fingers over to his hip instead. His stomach sucked in involuntarily, twitching under your touch.
“What were you thinking about?” he asked. His voice was fairly steady but his furrowed eyebrows gave him away.
“I was jealous,” you said, sliding a thumb over his hip bone. He swallowed hard.
“Of what?”
“Your hand.”
“Shit.” Kiyoomi leaned against the wall and groaned. “I regret telling you about that.”
You grinned up at him.
“I don’t,” you said. You let your hand continue traveling along his slick skin until you wrapped a hand around him. His eyes fluttered shut and he exhaled heavily. You just barely moved your hand, touch light and teasing. “Why do you keep this to yourself, Omi?”
“I don’t—” he breathed, gaze returning to your face. “God, you’re soaked.”
“Don’t change the subject.”
“You’re gonna freeze.”
“Then warm me up.” You pushed into him and kissed him hard, laughing to yourself as his hands gently settled on your shoulders. He leaned back and brought you both fully into the stream of water.
It was hard to kiss while being bombarded by heat and inhaling steam, but you both made do. He licked gently into your mouth, still seeming to hesitate even with your enthusiasm. You pressed kisses along his jaw, rivulets of water passing from his body to yours. He let out a shallow breath and tangled a hand into the fabric of your shirt.
“Take these off or you’re going to get sick,” he mumbled. You nipped at his ear and smiled against his skin.
“Fine,” you said. You pushed down your work slacks and kicked them to the side of the tub. He looked a little surprised at your eagerness, but the look of shock on his face grew as you dropped to your knees.
“Wait, I -- oh, fuck.” He sighed as your lips wrapped around him, one hand bracing against the wall and the other settling on top of your hair. You took him into your mouth. It was a little hard to breathe as water ran over your face, but you ignored the feeling. You continued following his instructions as he hit the back of your throat, quickly unbuttoning your shirt and unhooking your bra.
“Jesus,” Kiyoomi muttered, staring down at you. You continued moving up and down his length, adding pressure with your tongue as you went. You looked up as you buried him in your mouth once more. His eyes grew wide as they met yours, and you saw his eyebrows furrow.
“Shit,” he said viciously, tugging on your hair a bit. “Get back up here.” You released him and grinned as you stood. Your face was slick with water and saliva, and his eyes darkened as you wiped at it. “Turn around,” he said. You complied happily, relishing in the way his hands gripped you. One grasped at your hip, the other pushed at the back of your neck so you were pressed against the shower wall. You laughed lightly as you felt him pressing between your legs.
“Hold on, Omi,” you said. He relaxed his grip.
“Are you alright?” he asked. You grabbed onto the shower rod with one hand and used a foot to move your clothes under your feet.
“I’m fine. Just needed to readjust a little.” You turned your head to the other side and tightened your grip. “Now fuck me already.”
“Jesus.” It sounded like he used all the breath in his lungs to gasp out that one word. He grabbed one of your legs and moved it so it was propped up on the lip of the tub. He used the other hand to line himself up with you, then grasped the shower rod right next to your hand. Without much hesitation, he thrust his hips forward, making a strained noise as he buried himself fully in you. You pressed your forehead against the wall and groaned.
“Fuck, you feel good,” he grumbled, slowly starting to grind into you.
“Better than your hand?” you teased. You were breathless and a little cold, but you couldn’t help teasing him. He let out a haggard laugh.
“Shut up.” You could hear the smile in his voice even as he began moving faster, pushing you harder against the linoleum wall. He had never taken you standing before, wanting to keep you comfortable, but something about the way your legs ached and he desperately gripped both you and the shower made your brain go fuzzy.
His pace picked up and he grabbed your jaw in his hand, forcing your back to arch as he pulled you against him. He was breathing directly in your ear, sending shivers down your shoulders as an aching heat began blooming below your stomach.
“Fuck, Omi,” you whined, reaching your free hand back to bury in his hair. This seemed to spur him on. His hips somehow moved even faster and the fingers that gripped your jaw slid up and into your mouth, focusing it to hang open. His other hand lifted away from the shower rod, skimming down your body and stopping between your legs. He began circling your clit with two quick fingers. You let out a gasp as he forced you to climb faster.
“Come with me,” he groaned against your ear. You nodded eagerly, mouth lax around his fingers. His breathing began ending in curses, huffing against the back of your neck. You shivered and your hand tightened in his hair.
“Oh fuck,” Kiyoomi grumbled. Your grip in his curls seemed to be the last straw for him. Your breathing came in gasps as his arms locked around you. His hips stuttered out of time and his voice came out in loud swearing. His hand continued moving on your clit, sending you over the edge close behind him. You both froze against each other for a moment, suspended in time as your eyes locked shut and you rode out your highs.
Kiyoomi’s face fell against your shoulder as he loosened his grip on you. You could feel him start to laugh through his panting. You gasped as he pulled out of you, then smiled. As your head cleared, you noticed you were both shaking.
“Oh, fuck,” you said. You turned around, holding a hand up into the stream of water.
“I blame you,” he said, pressing a kiss against your forehead. He shivered and wrapped his arms around you, trying and failing to rub warmth back into your body. “Now we have to take a cold shower.”
“We?” you laughed. He hooked his chin over your shoulder and held you tightly.
“I’m not letting you out until we’re both clean.”
“Omi, we’re gonna freeze to death!”
“Should’ve thought about that before you interrupted my shower.”
You hit his arm playfully.
“Really, you are welcome to do that again,” he said. He pulled away from you and grinned, planting a quick kiss on your lips. “Just, warn me first so I can save you some hot water.”
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tyonfs · 4 years
dress up.
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❝ i was trying on something. could you tell me if you like it? ❞
PAIRING ▸ mark lee x reader
WARNINGS ▸ dirty talk, raw sex (pls use protection), overstimulation
WORD COUNT ▸ 2000 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ this was a request from anon for a frat boy!mark smut! i sort of ran with it, but i love mark lee so it was fun to write ♡
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Being a frat boy, athlete, and unfortunately, a bit of a heartbreaker, it was inevitable that he would be classified as bad news. Add you to the equation and he was the physical manifestation of a typical rom-com trope. He figured it was supposed to be you chasing after him, but the fact that it was the other way around took a slight blow to his confidence.
But that didn’t stop him from pursuing you.
And here he was, anticipating your presence on a Friday night at a frat party. He hung onto some false sense of hope that kept him from consuming any alcohol, despite Taeyong and Johnny’s attempts to get him to drink. You and Mark had been flirting for a while now, but neither of you had made a move on each other. Mark was hoping that would change tonight.
“C’mon, Ma-ark,” his friend, Na Jaemin, slurred. “You gotta let loose. Take a shot with me.”
“Jaemin, you’re sloshed, dude. Also, I won’t until—”
A notification flashed across his phone screen, the banner name displaying your name. Mark’s cheeks heated up, his mouth going dry as he stared at his phone for a moment. He turned it off and then on again, checking to make sure the notification was real. He sank back into the couch to make sure only he had eyes on his phone screen.
you: mark
you: you up?
mark: of course. what’s up?
you: i was trying on something
you: could you tell me if you like it?
mark: oh fuck
mark: yeah, go ahead
A few minutes passed by and Mark’s heart was racing. He stared at the texts again, wondering if this was really happening, then cringing at the realization that he had actually sent an “oh fuck” when it was supposed to be confined to his thoughts. Without giving Mark any warning or time to brace himself, you sent the picture.
There was something about mirror pictures that drove Mark crazy. Seeing you posing in front of a full-length mirror with black lingerie hugging your curves and a mini pleated skirt that barely covered the swell of your ass was giving him a hard-on. He wasn’t sure he could contain himself and this shocking development between you two was messing with him.
Mark grabbed a pillow from the couch and placed it shamefully on his lap. No one was paying attention to him anyways, but he had to take extra precautions.
mark: fuck are you wearing that rn?
mark: god, you’re driving me crazy
you: if that’s the case then why don’t you come over?
mark: now?
you: you know where my apartment is
you: i’ll be waiting ♡
Mark got up in an instant and made his way to the door. He had to have saved someone in his past life for this sort of luck. He was caught up in disbelief that you, the girl of his dreams, had made a move on him. There were plenty of girls that Mark had gotten caught up with in the past, but none of them had ever made his heart race like you did.
Johnny stopped Mark before he got to the door, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Whoa, where are you running off to?”
“Oh, shit, I forgot to ask.” Mark grinned, insufferably cocky. “Do you have a condom?”
Johnny’s eyes practically sparkled, digging into his pockets upon his best friend’s request. “Attaboy.”
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You looked straight out of one of Mark’s fantasies when you opened the door and let him in. It wasn’t even the short skirt or the lingerie peeking through that got to him. What sent him over the edge was Mark’s sweater over your body; it was oversized on you, but Mark knew it looked better on you than it ever could on him. Mark had given it to you a few weeks ago when you were cold, but he never expected to be the one taking it off of you.
“Hey, frat boy,” you teased, then pouted lightly. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long.”
Mark snapped out of his daze and walked in the apartment as you closed the door behind him. “Wait?”
You tugged at the hem of his shirt and Mark took the cue. He grabbed the back of his shirt at the nape, tugging it off and tossing it to some corner of the room, exposing his bare chest and abs. He let out a hiss through gritted teeth as you ran your hands down his chest and to his belt.
“Wait for me,” you explained. “I just wanted to get you so worked up so you could ruin me.”
That was all Mark needed to hear.
He picked you up effortlessly and brought you to your bed, dropping you down on it and crawling on top of you. He caged your frame with his larger one and crashed his lips onto yours. It was messy and rushed, but so full of passion and longing. Mark poured out his emotions and frustration into kissing you, running his hands down your gorgeous body as you arched your back against him.
“God, I’ve been wanting to do this for months,” he growled when he pulled from the kiss, moving his lips down to your neck. When he heard a soft moan escape your lips, he started sucking harsher, blooming dark hickies along the side of your neck. “I’m gonna make you wish you never made me wait.”
You wrapped a leg around his torso, which he appreciated, if a smooth roll of his hips was anything to go by. But you wanted more—more contact and more friction. You curled your fingers in his belt loops and pulled him down on you.
Mark sat up, pulling you up along with him. He adored your beauty for a moment before tugging his sweater up and off of you. A grunt escaped his lips at the sight of your body, lace lingerie still hugging it. He stuttered out a curse before he kissed you again, tugging your skirt down your legs, which you kicked off.
“Leave the lingerie on,” he ordered, a hungry look in his eyes. He slid his finger underneath the strap along your thigh and snapped it, making you wince. “I can’t let all your efforts go to waste after you dressed up for me, doll.”
“Please, Mark,” you begged, wrapping your arms around his neck, “I want you to stuff your cock in me.”
Mark went to take off his pants in less than a second. You watched him strip down, his bulge not doing much to hide the fact that he was huge. You realized that that cockiness of his is completely warranted. You helped him tug his boxers down, a soft gasp escaping your lips when his cock sprung out, slapping against belly.
Mark gazed into your eyes as he slid his hand up your thigh, making his way to the apex of your legs. He tugged your panties to the side, delighted at how it clung to you. He’d truly be a happy man if he could have you underneath him every day for the rest of his life. Mark slid two fingers against your slit, smirking at how wet you were already.
“Is this for me?” he cooed as your hips bucked up into his touch.
You nodded, eager to just have him in you. You were all for foreplay, but your walls were throbbing with how much pent-up sexual frustration you were experiencing. There were so many opportunities after tonight, but right now, you needed Mark.
Mark suspended himself over you, propping himself up with an arm. He hooked his fingers under the elastic of your panties and teased your slit with the head of his cock. A whimper escaped your lips.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked.
You pressed a kiss to the column of his neck. “Of course.”
Mark’s Adam’s apple bobbed; he was nervous. He was about to fuck the girl of his dreams, so how could he possibly be calm? But when you gave him that dazzling smile of yours, his heart thundered in his chest. He needed you.
He slowly entered you, eyes fixed on your face with rapt attention, indulging in the expressions you were making. For someone so sly and teasing, you had become pliant under his grasp, like a handful of clay that Mark could mould into his own liking.
“Mark,” you whined in an almost depraved way.
“Fuck,” he groaned once he was fully inside of you, your walls pulsating around him.
He started at a languid pace so he could adjust to you. To his satisfaction, you were vocal during sex; you moaned, whimpered, and gasped out Mark’s name whenever he thrusted into you. You were also so damn tight that the slightest movement made you tighten around Mark’s cock.
He held your thighs with a bruising grip as you pressed your breasts up against his chest. Your head went fuzzy as Mark pounded into that one spot mercilessly. But god, the way he growled out your name under his breath as your hips slapped against each other each time was sending you over the edge.
Your nails dug into his back, leaving trails of white-hot pain that compelled Mark into thrusting harder into you. He grinned, a little unhinged, and sped up at the encouragement of your moans. The way he looked at you when he thrusted, though, was so fragile; he found you so heartbreakingly gorgeous, and it didn’t help that he was falling deeper and deeper in love with you.
“Mark!” you cried as you were reaching your high.
He could get lost in the way his name tumbled from your lips. He slowed down his thrusts in exchange for deeper ones that brought you closer to your climax. Mark kissed you again, slower and more passionate. It was somewhat out of place given the magnitude of what you two were doing, but it confirmed for you that he didn’t just want you for sex.
You squealed out his name again, the pressure blinding you. You clenched around him as you came undone, shooting stars flashing behind your eyelids. Mark fucked you through your orgasm without any semblance of mercy. You crooned out a few broken moans, eyes half-lidded as you held onto Mark, your release dripping down his cock.
“Look at me,” he ordered, dark eyes clouding over. He could hardly keep his release at bay, but when you looked up at him with those innocent, doe-like eyes, it became impossible. “God, are you even real? You’re so fucking gorgeous.”
Mark gritted his teeth, a strangled groan leaving his throat as he pulled out and released over you. His cum spilled over your thighs, staining the lingerie you had worn just for him. Mark was completely out of breath so he collapsed next to you, rolling over so he could hold you in his arms. You happily complied, cuddling up to his warmth.
“Please don’t let that be a one-time thing,” Mark murmured in your ear, brushing aside strands of your hair.
“Maybe if you let me be your girlfriend,” you said with a smile, making Mark go wide-eyed.
“Really?” He couldn’t conceal the happiness behind his words.
“On one condition, though,” you said, closing your eyes as that feeling of his cum between your thighs. You reached for his pants that he had strewn aside beside you and reached into the pocket, pulling out the condom that Johnny had given him. “Use this next time.”
“Shit,” Mark mumbled.
You giggled at his reaction, but Mark only smiled brighter, embracing you tightly in his arms. He pressed a kiss against your forehead, cheek, and then your lips. He was a pure romantic when it came down to it, especially when it came to you.
“I also have a condition,” he said.
“Yeah?” you mused. “What is it?”
“Dress up for me next time.”
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Crimson Ties (Bela Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 2
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village
Rating: T for language and mild medical drama
Warnings: Typical Vampire shenanigans
Genre: Hurt + comfort
Summary: Bela is somewhat unprepared to deal with a soulmate who has no clue about her condition, her family, or any of the village's secrets. Thankfully, her sister Cassandra is more than willing to be a bad example. Also there's some fluff.
Notes: For reference, each of my soulmate stories take place in their own contained timeline, since they each involve different types of soulmates. So in this one, Cass doesn't currently have a soulmate.
Previous Chapters: 1: Stem the Flow
2: Tangled Strands
A gentle humming fills the space around you, as fingers slowly run through your hair. As far as you can tell you had fallen back asleep, for several hours, and you were just now waking back up. No longer holding you down, your soulmate is curled up next to you. There’s still a needle in your arm, much to your irritation, but now you can finally see what it’s connected to: An IV for a transfusion. Explains why I’m feeling so much better than before, you think. Then you’re turning your head to the other side, eager to finally get a good look at your soulmate. Instantly you’re blushing, tongue tying itself into a knot, because wow are you lucky.
“Feeling any better?” She asked, as soon as your gaze met hers. You try to stutter out a confirmation, but you’re too distracted by the soft curve of her smile to speak, and barely even manage a nod. That beautiful smile grows wider in response. “Good. I couldn’t stand the thought of you suffering more, after what you’ve already been through.” Now her smile fades, and she looks away for a few moments. Watching it makes your heart ache. So you swallow the lump in your throat, willing yourself to relax, before trying a little comforting of your own.
“I am safe now, am I not? Moreso, we have too much to talk about for us to dwell on the ill circumstances of our introduction. Let us cherish this time, in respite, with our hearts open wide to one another,” you said, donning your softest smile. Somehow your words fulfill their purpose, and your soulmate is once again grinning. Slowly she leans forward to rest her forehead against yours. Then she’s speaking, voice as smooth as the sheets you lay on.
“You are right, of course. I simply wish I could have saved you sooner,” she replied, tone betraying the sadness that her expression otherwise hid. Before you can protest, she continues talking, and you soon forget all about your qualms. “To think I don’t even know your name yet… nor you mine, I suppose. Let’s remedy that, yes? I am Bela Dimitrescu.” Something about her last name feels familiar to you, but not to the point of clear recognition. Instead of inquiring, you return her favor, giving her your own name. She repeats it back a few times, letting the syllables roll off her tongue, and you feel your heart skip a few beats. “A lovely name for a lovely soul, perfectly paired.”
A pause, followed by Bela reaching out to examine your IV. Following her gaze, you turn to the metal hook adjacent to the bed, where a blood bag hangs. Only a few drops remain inside. Just as when you first awoke, Bela gives a soft hum, then rises into a sitting position. Your first instinct is to copy the motion, and you’re relieved when (this time) she doesn’t push you back down. Both of you quietly inch your hands closer until they’re laid on top of each other.
“I wish I knew more about medicine, but unfortunately my family is more experienced in the creation of wounds than the treatment of them,” Bela said, scowling. Confused, you tilt your head at a slight angle, watching her with interest. Am I supposed to know who she’s referring to? My memories of the past couple days are still hazy, you think. “Do… do you remember how you ended up in the dungeon? I know you wanted to speak of happier things, and we can, soon. It’s just… Knowing how you arrived here may help me deal with the consequences of freeing you. Mother will be dreadfully upset that I’ve interrupted a draining, even if we are soulmates.”
“Wait, are you saying…? The intimidating giantess who strung me up and attempted to bleed me dry… is your mother?” You asked, jaw nearly dropping to the floor. This was an unexpected development, for sure.
“You didn’t know?” Bela replied, eyes going wide for a moment. Clearly she wouldn’t have said anything if she realized you weren’t already aware. Suddenly the tension in the room is palpable, with an uncomfortable silence overtaking the two of you. In the moment, you cannot even bring yourself to look at Bela, too stunned by this new knowledge. Eventually she breaks the silence, voice sounding unsure for once. “I realize that this is a lot to take in, if you need time to process it, I… I can go. But you need to understand that our situation is far more complicated than it might appear. We cannot survive without the blood of others- it is what sustains us when nothing else can.”
Now you’re staring at her like she’s crazy, and she’s standing up, moving to the other side of the room. She draws back a curtain, gazing out into the snow covered hills. Every muscle in your body is urging you to run while she’s distracted. Thread of fate be damned, this went far beyond anything you had ever imagined having to deal with. You come so close to ripping the IV right out of your arm. But a gentle tug on your soul string makes you pause, remembering all the times this bond gave you hope in dark times. Had she felt the same way, all these years? What had she gone through, in this absurd castle, on the very edges of civilization? You pull on the red thread, feeling a wave of composure wash over you.
“It appears there is much I need to learn. But is that not the very nature of our connection? We know, simply, that we are bound to each other, though we know not what shapes our souls take so that we might put them together, nor even what roles we must play. I cannot say that I understand your plight, my dear, but I will try, as is my obligation, and my honor,” you said, wishing you could hold her, and cursing your IV. As soon as the first word leaves your mouth, Bela is turning around, watching you with a bittersweet expression. Once you’re done she’s moving closer, as if reading your mind, extending a hand to cup your cheek. Then she leans forward to press a brief kiss to your forehead. “Oh, how I have longed for this- to be with you, to get to know you.”
“As did I,” she murmured. You can’t help but lean into her touch, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment. “Perhaps I should introduce you to my family? I imagine you’ll be needing breakfast anyway, and bringing human food back to my quarters would raise more suspicion than I’d like.” Well, the moment couldn’t last forever, could it?
“Only if you promise that your mother won’t suspend me by my wrists again. Or by any other part of me. Shall we simply put suspension off the table altogether?” You asked, half teasing. To be entirely honest, you were equally worried about Bela’s sisters. Well, the people you had heard other prisoners whispering about, who were the daughters of the giantess, and by connecting a few dots were also, presumably, Bela’s sisters. Apparently they preferred to play with their food. Unless, of course, Bela was one of the daughters you had heard about, and would have easily torn into you if not for your connection. Let’s not dwell on that concept, you think, glad to be distracted by your soulmate.
“I will not let anyone harm you anymore, my beloved. My mother would not stand so firmly in the way of my happiness,” Bela reassured, though you detected a hint of uncertainty in her tone. Still, there wasn’t much you could do other than trust her. “Now, let me take care of your bandages, then we’ll head downstairs…”
“Who the fuck is this?” An unfamiliar voice asked, as you meandered down the corridor, arm around Bela for support. As soon as she hears the person speak, your soulmate is freezing in place, casting a worried glance over her shoulder. When you turn as well, you spot someone dressed almost identically to Bela. However, the woman wears a yellow pendant, as opposed to a red one, and her hair is a dark brown. It feels safe to assume that she’s one of the sisters you’ve heard about. Which understandably makes you nervous, to the point where you almost want to hide behind Bela. Instead, you stand tall, attempting to seem unfazed by either her presence or her vulgarity.
“Mind your manners, Cassandra,” Bela hissed, taking more of an aggressive stance than you had anticipated. “This, dear sister, is my soulmate. And if you even think about harming them, or getting in our way, I will tear you apart.” While you’re downright shocked at the intensity of Bela’s statement, her sister doesn’t look at all impressed, and eyes you with minimal interest. Better than looking at you with hatred, right? Apparently not, as Bela moves to stand between the two of you, eyes narrowed. There’s a clear stiffness in her posture that leaves you anxious. Cassandra seems to notice it as well, and laughs, before taking a few steps in your direction. Then your soulmate mimics the movement, forcing you to do so as well.
“They’re human,” Cassandra snapped, pausing to sniff the air and scowl. “Here I thought your soulmate would have to be special, if they’re to compare to your ego. You’re disappointed, aren’t you? Having to settle for this.” With that she shifts, flesh writhing, making your stomach churn as you watch her disintegrate into a cloud of… flies? What the hell is wrong with this family? Can Bela do that too? I hope not, you think. Soon you’re pulled from your thoughts, however, as the swarm circles around you, single insects occasionally surging forward to cut at your skin. But Bela is grabbing you by the sleeve and tugging you to her chest, moving against a wall so that her body shielded your own. Your eyes clamp shut as you shake in her arms. When the buzzing stops, it is quickly replaced with cruel laughter. “That fragile, hmm? I can’t wait to see what mother thinks. See you at breakfast, sister!”
Then the two of you are alone, still pressed against the wall, staying still until the sound of footsteps fade. You’re stunned, unsure of how to react. The fact that a few drops of blood roll down your cheek only makes things worse. Still, Bela managed to prevent you from getting too hurt, and the few wounds on your body are negligible. Ever filled with gratitude, you hold her close as you try to stutter out a few sentences.
“Is she always this hostile, or am I truly not what you had expected? No, pay me no mind, it hardly matters. Thank you for protecting me,” you whispered. In response, Bela gives you a little squeeze, then pulls back enough to wipe the blood from your face. There’s a hint of something odd in her expression, which you interpret to be related to her apparent ‘need for blood’. Thankfully, she is in perfect control, and does not frenzy the same way you had read about fictional vampires doing. But she does hesitate, words dying on her tongue, like there are a thousand things she wants to say, and no words to say them with. “It’s alright, my dear. Let’s just go to breakfast, like we planned, and hope your sister behaves better when supervised.”
Bela nods, quickly, before taking your hand in her own. Whatever awaited you in the dining room, the two of you would be ready. Hopefully.
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yourenotacat-writes · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 No. 1 You Have to Let Go
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Link/Hylia ⊹ OoT-ish ⊹ ~1.6k ⊹ T
[Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics (severe), Manipulation, Touch Starvation, Eye Injury (mentioned), Reincarnation]
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It’s always in that timeless place where they find each other again.
Their rest coming to an end as destiny draws them back together, as she finds herself standing once more in Kokiri Forest. Or rather, the memory of it. Devoid of the children, the fairies, and the innocence. Suspended in time, much like the two of them.
She smooths non-existent wrinkles from her white gown and runs a hand through her hair, bringing it over her shoulder in a way that feels suddenly and inherently human. Long dormant butterflies flicker in her belly as her gaze falls on the tree house. How long had it been? A few hundred years? A few thousand?
Her heart stutters at the thought. She takes the ladder two rungs at a time, hoisting herself up until all that separates them is a flimsy white curtain. Slow and uncertain, she steps across the terrace, composing herself with a breath, and then finger by finger, grabs the fabric and pulls it aside.
And he’s right there—hardly the hero she knows, but always the young boy she expects. Lying on his back, slingshot in hand, and deku seeds strewn across his stomach. His fingers curl around the band, drawing it to his shoulder before launching one at the ceiling. He doesn’t look up as he grabs another.
“You really can’t take a hint, can you?” he asks.
She laughs, closing the curtain. “If you didn’t want me to find you, you’d pick a better hiding spot.”
He snorts and sets the seed into the sling.
It takes restraint not to run to him, to wrap him up in her arms and plant kisses to his skin and tell him how desperately she’d missed him. She had initiated affection too early once before, making him even more impossible to deal with, and knew better by now. He’d resist less if he thought it was his idea.
She crosses the room, settling on the low stool near his bed, and clasps her hands around her knees, reveling in his presence alone. The seeds burst as they snap off the ceiling, floating back down in little bits of dust, dissipating from existence before they reach the floor. For a long minute, neither says a word.
She clears her throat and sits a little taller. “You know why I’m here—“
“Sure do,” he interrupts. “And I told you last time, I’m not going back.”
Last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and—
She sighs. “We don’t have a choice.”
“Whose fault’s that?” he asks, tugging the band back tighter.
It stings, like it’s supposed to. It’s probably her face he’s picturing pelting with seeds anyway. Despite the slight rise in her chest, her voice stays level. “That’s hardly fair.”
“Few things are.”
“I only did what you asked, you know,” she says softly.
The slingshot and seeds vanish into thin air as his gaze finally meets hers, lacking any of the warmth that she remembers. He sits upright, head tilted and smile bitter. “But when I changed my mind, told you I wouldn’t be your pawn anymore, you respected my wishes then?”
Anger burns like bile in her throat, and she swallows it down, biting out, “I won’t have this conversation with a child.”
He rolls his eyes. All at once, his body grows up, shoulders broadening and sprouting ancient withered armor. His tunic shreds into vines, coiling through the cracks in the chainmail and jutting out into leaves. He sloughs off his skin in one quick droop, in favor of something skeletal and monstrous. His face stays intact aside from the deep gouge carved underneath his eyebrow to his ear, streaking his cheek in a deep red of blood and gore. It trails over his lips as he grins and asks, “Better?”
Her hands slap over her eyes, and she yells, “Gods, can’t you just act like an adult?”
He snorts again, muttering, “Yeah. I’m good at that.”
A stillness falls over the room, and when she lowers her hands, he’s Hylian again. Sandy blonde hair brushing the tips of his ears, nose pointy and crooked, caught somewhere in his early twenties. Not quite a man, not quite a boy, but an amalgamation of every life he’s lived, every hero she’s loved. Her heart betrays her, and she softens, hands itching again to reach out.
He faces the window, legs crossed and elbows pressed to his knees, as his palms cradle his chin. Outside the clouds part and the sun shines a little brighter, illuminating his skin. He sighs into it, closing his eyes. “I always forget you’re like this.”
“Like what?”
He smirks. “Impatient.”
A strand of hair falls into his face, curling over his eyebrow, and her fingers twitch with temptation. When he doesn’t push it back, she takes a breath, tethering herself to her last sliver of restraint, and stands. She settles down beside him and ever so slowly runs a finger across his forehead, tucking the hair behind his ear before tracing down his jaw. His mouth opens in a sigh, light and involuntary.
Her heart hammers, drowning out her own voice as she whispers, “Aren’t you?”
He swallows hard. “I don’t get anything out of this.”
“Of course you do,” she says, gentle, feigning sadness.
“Like what?”
“A good, good life.”
He looks at her, head falling to his shoulder, and laughs. “Until I meet you.”
She furrows her brow and pouts, ignoring the anger spooling like thread in her gut. “Why do you insist on blaming me?”
“Because it is your fault,” he says matter-of-fact. “You’ve done nothing but use me from the beginning, and I was dumb enough to let you. I don’t have any skin in this game, and I never have. I know that now. It’s your war, Hylia. Not mine.”
In a blink, her face hardens. She drops the heartbroken shtick, and the z catches in her mouth like a hiss as she corrects him, “Zelda.”
“Hylia,” he spits back. “You can fool yourself all you want, but I know who you are, and it isn’t her.”
It’s obvious she’s touched a nerve, and she bites back a smile, hiding the fact that she enjoys it. Scooting closer, her thigh presses against his, and she lays her hand on his shoulder, thumb rubbing along his collarbone, voice sickeningly sweet. “But I am her.”
He shrugs her off with a scoff, taking a moment to steady his breath, to rein in his emotions, before saying, “If you want to keep up this charade to satisfy yourself, fine. Just find someone else to be your weapon.”
“That’s ridiculous,” she giggles. “No one could ever replace you.”
“Then we agree. End the cycle here and let me go.”
His gaze bores straight into hers, and it’s cute, how he thinks he’s the one challenging her. As if he isn’t exactly where she wants him.
As if he ever had any control here at all.
Sunlight drains from the room, clouds growing darker and consuming the sky, as the beginnings of thunder rumbles in the distance. She pushes more hair back behind his ear, cocking her head and smiling wistfully for his sake. “I can’t do that, my love.”
Closing his eyes, he exhales, slow and shaky, and she marvels at the way his fingers twitch, at how much he’s fighting it. His teeth grind as he pleads, “Please. I’m tired, Hy. I’m so tired.”
Both of her hands cup his cheeks, and his whole body trembles beneath her.
“Do you have any idea what it’s like to fall in love with you?” she asks. “I could probably do it a million times, in a million different ways, and never be satisfied. And I want to, because you’re perfect. You always are.”
His face pinches together. “Don’t.”
“But you are.” She kisses each cheek, plants another on the bend in his nose, and then moves towards his lips, hovering just out of reach. “Don’t you like it too? That feeling that we’re meant to be?”
A whine escapes his throat as his mouth opens, unable to speak.
“Aren’t you the one who always falls in love first?” she asks with a laugh.
Gathering the last of his strength, he says, “Only because I don’t remember what you’ve done to me. Not until I come back here, and then it all—“
Lightning cracks outside the window, and his eyes cloud over, pupils dilated and irises razor thin, completely unseeing, as he slips into a memory from a past life, then another and another, reliving the pain she’s inflicted on him. His body rooted in place, open mouth gasping and tears welling in his eyes.
She shifts closer, cradling him into her chest, and kisses his hair. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
Her heart never pounds faster than when he’s weeping in her arms. He circles her waist, hugging her tight, finding comfort where none exists.
“Let… me… go,” that still defiant part of him begs as his body pulls her closer, desperate for affection.
Smirking, she runs her nails along his scalp, scratching in that way she knows he likes, and he immediately folds, melting into her. She keeps him trapped in his memories a moment longer, savoring in his rare neediness, his incessant pain. How long had it been? A few hundred years? A few thousand?
Finally, when she’s had her fill, his breathing slows and his vision returns, but he doesn’t let go. She laughs a little, still stroking his hair. “What do you say? You and me. One more time.”
He hesitates, then buries his face into her neck, planting a kiss to her skin and nods.
“We’ll fall in love one more time, and then I’ll let you go,” she says, like she always does. “I promise.”
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maybe-theres-hope · 3 years
Tarlos ficlet - “You Like My Costume?”
For all y'all firefighter!Carlos babes :) 
@howtosingit @pragmaticoptimist34 and anyone else who likes this kind of thing <3
1.6k | ao3
TK is actually kind of bummed to be working on Halloween.
Sure, it’s not like he has to work Thanksgiving this year--he somehow finagled the day off and he has yet to tell Carlos that he will be making a surprise visit to the ranch for dinner and he absolutely can’t wait to see his fiancé’s face when he walks in--but he was kind of looking forward to doing the cutesy couple’s costume thing. He’s a sucker for that kind of thing, and he’s bummed, okay?
They’re out on a call that’s frankly more of a time waster than anything else since the fourteen year old in question wasn’t actually suffering from alcohol poisoning but rather he’d yarfed because his friends had dared him to drink a teaspoon of dish soap--honestly, kids these days--so things are looking pretty mellow so far for the evening. He half expected full-moon level type calls tonight but in all honesty he’s been kind of bored. Which really makes it doubly crappy to be working. There’s not even any excitement. 
“At least we’re off at 11, you’ll get to see the last of the trick-or-treaters,” Nancy says with a smirk. 
“Who trick-or-treats at 11 p.m.?” he asks. “By then it’ll just be the dumb teenagers TP-ing old people’s houses and that’s if anyone actually does that anymore.”
“What, you’re too old and married for those kinds of shenanigans?”
“Screw you, I’m not old, and I’m not married yet,” he quips back at her.
“Mmmhmm. Coulda fooled me.” She’s smiling her mischievous smile, the one she gets when she’s contemplating how to jump-scare him in the bunk room in the middle of the night because one time he yelped in such a high-pitch that she nearly peed herself laughing, and she’s been trying to recreate it ever since. 
“Hey, the thrill is not gone, I can promise you that.” Now it’s his turn to smirk back at her.
“Ugh ugh, okay, don’t wanna hear about it.” She waves her hands in front of her face like she’s shooing away fog. “And TK? I mean that. Whatever it is you’re going to be doing tonight, I never wanna hear about it, okay? Just...please. Keep it in the bedroom. Everyone’s going to be making enough assumptions as it is.”
He turns to look at her from the driver’s seat, puzzled. “What do you mean, tonight? What’s so special about tonight and why are people making assumptions? Carlos had to work until half an hour ago anyway, so we’re probably both going to just pass out when I get home. Also, what do you mean ‘assumptions’?”
She just smiles at him again. “Just drive, Strand.”
When he pulls the rig into the bay at ten minutes past eleven, TK just wants to shower and collapse. Boredom held out for only so long before giving into three separate calls where the patient coded on the backboard. He’s tired, he’s hungry, and he feels like he will never be clean of all the sweat. His fingers are aching and his shoulders are sore. He’s never been more ready to just slip into their sheets at home and pass into blissful oblivion. He can’t even make himself look up from the floor as he walks toward the locker room. 
“Hey TK! Why don’t you say hi to the new probie?” Mateo’s voice is nearly a giggle, and it actually causes TK to lift his head. With great effort. 
“Huh? We have a new probie? Whose first shift is on Halloween? Who did he piss off to manage that?” TK asks, following Mateo through the kitchen.
It’s Paul who answers from where he’s leaning against the archway leading back into the bay where the ladder truck is parked. “No one. You might be a little peeved that he took your old turnout gear, but I really, really doubt that.”
“What?” Now TK is just thoroughly confused. 
“Yeah,” Marjan says when he rounds the corner, “and it doesn’t fit him all that well, but I also highly doubt you’ll be upset about that either.” She’s practically glowing with mirth. 
“Okaaaay...what’s with everyone? Is this some kind of Halloween prank? Is someone going to jump out and scare me?”
“Trust me, it won’t scare you. Just...don’t scar the rest of us once you see it. Behave yourself until you get home,” is Nancy’s last line before she turns and practically runs up the stairs. 
TK darts his gaze around to the rest of them, brow furrowing. 
“Just go, man. We’ve been keeping this from you for like a week and we want to see the fruits of our labor,” Mateo says, shoving at TK’s shoulder so that he walks toward the ladder truck.
Still confused and slightly nervous, TK rounds the back of the truck and looks around to see what it is they’ve conjured up to prank him with. He scans the floor, wondering if someone in a scary mask will slide out from under the truck. He moves around to the other side while still in the team’s line of sight, looking back at them for some kind of indication that he’s on the right track. Marjan points subtly up and he follows with his gaze. 
His mouth goes instantly dry and his breath stops. He might gasp, but he can’t be sure.
“Hi babe. Happy Halloween,” Carlos croons in a low voice, though he’s blushing slightly which removes some of the effect. 
TK can only stare. His old turnout gear, indeed.
His fiancé his perched on top of the truck, casually leaned against the ladder and looking down on him. His hips, clad in baggy pants only held up by bright suspenders are slipped forward just so, inviting TK’s eyes to travel up the long line of his glorious body. The AFD t-shirt is straining at the seams, defining every muscle in his abs and pecs, the suspenders caressing against the hard planes of his chest, peeking out from the turnout coat hanging open. 
When Carlos notices where TK’s eyes have gone, he lifts himself out of his ridiculously sexy lean to stand and shrug out of the coat. How on earth anyone can make the removing of standard-issue PPE look so goddamned alluring, TK will never know. The movement causes Carlos’ shoulders to flex, and the cotton of the t-shirt nearly gives out. TK catches a peek of his own name in bright orange lettering across the back of the coat before it’s casually flipped over one massive shoulder, clinging to one finger. 
“I...holy shit,” is all he can say. He has been robbed of his entire vocabulary. He can hear his team snickering at him from the kitchen, but he pays them no mind. The view from here is much better. 
Carlos blushes a bit more, and tosses the coat down to TK, who catches it dazedly. Then, he watches as his absolutely gorgeous fiancé nimbly climbs down the footholds on the side of the truck like he’s done it a thousand times before, and between drooling and sucking in subtle breaths of air TK’s eyes are drawn directly to his ass. It’s a marvelous sight. 
Dropping down lightly onto the floor with a tiny bounce in his step, Carlos turns to face TK in all his glory. TK’s gaze once again runs the gambit from his shoulders down his torso, right down to his own spare pair of boots. 
Carlos saunters closer, knowing full well what he’s doing and loving every minute of it, the bastard. “So, babe,” he says in that same low voice, closer this time. “You like my costume?”
TK still can’t really form words. He might stutter a bit, but he’ll deny it later.
Carlos leans in close--presumably to deter their audience from hearing his next words, which are whispered directly into TK’s ear. 
“I chose to dress up as your secret fantasy,” he says, his lips caressing the shell of TK’s ear. He shivers, though from the words or the touch or the outfit or all of the above, TK can’t say. The next words he hears don’t help matters much.
“What do you say I rescue you from work? Take you home and give you some mouth-to-mouth?” 
TK can hear the desire behind the words, but he can also hear the tiniest giggle at the blatant dirty talk that Carlos actually doesn’t do that much of, and it makes his heart melt. This man is everything.
When he regains some coherency, TK decides to give back as much as he’s gotten. He runs his hands down Carlos’ torso, nearly dropping one suspender completely off his shoulder with his vigor in grabbing a handful of pectoral muscle. 
He leans back in and says into Carlos’ ear, “Well, have you still got your uniform in your car? It might be a bit big on me, but I think I’d look good in nothing but your utility belt. Should I handcuff you to the bed, firefighter Reyes?”
He leans back just enough to catch Carlos scrunching his eyes shut and biting his lip--desire written into every line of his face--and suddenly remembers their audience. This is not a free show, no matter how much help they provided Carlos in surprising TK with this. “Take me home, now.”
“You got it, babe.” With that, Carlos bends down, grabs TK by the waist, and lifts him like he weighs nothing. TK is thrown over his shoulder in a full fireman’s carry to the tune of his team, his friends, whistling and catcalling as he’s carried off to Carlos’ car. 
Yeah, this is a good Halloween. Maybe the best one yet. 
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lillupon · 3 years
AEV Deleted scene(s) immediately following the events of chapter 21 + commentary
I fiddled with the idea of giving AEV minwon a long talk followed by a smutty ending, but I ultimately decided to scrap it. Their relationship is too complex to neatly tie up all the loose ends within a chapter, or even two. Attempting to do so would just needlessly drag out the fic; it’s really material for a sequel. Mingyu and Wonwoo have been apart for many years. During their separation, they’ve grown and changed as individuals, and they will need time to re-learn each other. There are many insecurities regarding age and experience to address, and they will have to reconcile who they were with who they have become. There’s a lot they need to unpack before they get back together and I don’t want to write that lmao (ah… the real reason appears… it’s too much work and I’m tired ;w; writing longfic is hard). Anyway, I think the end of chapter 21 was an appropriate place to close.
In the bonus below, they fall quickly in to bed together because I was being self-indulgent. But I’m not really sure if it makes sense for them to pick up right where they left off and bang in the car. At the same time, they’ve never been able to keep their hands off each other, so… I dunno! If you like the idea of them fucking, you can accept it as canon. If you like the idea of them taking their time, talking things through, that works too.
I will leave it up to your imagination <:
What happens next...
They kiss! Right there, in public, where anyone could walk by and see them. Because it doesn't matter now—they're both adults. Mingyu is no longer his student, hasn’t been for five years.
The kiss starts chaste at first: two people who have been separated for years, unsure of how they will fit together. Their mouths meet, Wonwoo's lower lip slotting between Mingyu's. For a brief moment, they part. And then they're kissing again, and each time, their kisses grow longer and deeper. Mingyu cups Wonwoo's neck in his palms, hands sliding back to tangle into short locks. A firm yet gentle grip tilts Wonwoo's head. Wonwoo moans, and it flips the switch on everything. 
Mingyu's tongue delves into his mouth. His body awakens under Mingyu's touch, fire surging in his veins and arousal roiling between his legs. They're in public, but Wonwoo can't help himself: the first dribble of slick leaks free. He can tell the exact moment Mingyu catches scent of it. A growl rips through Mingyu's chest; Wonwoo can feel the vibrations of it. 
They don't even make it as far as his apartment. Mingyu slides into the backseat of his car, Wonwoo slipping in after him. It's reminiscent of all those years they had sex in a Walmart parking lot. Except this time, Wonwoo is the one who initiates. He's the one who presses Mingyu against the angle of the seat and door. He makes himself at home between Mingyu's legs and kisses him with all the hunger and passion that he has tamped down for years. 
Meanwhile, he's fumbling with Mingyu's belt. The heel of his palm bumps against Mingyu's straining erection. Finally, he works the belt free. Pops open the button. Yanks down the zipper. He jams his hand down the front of Mingyu's pants, both of them breaking the kiss to moan. The burning hot and solid heft of Mingyu's cock feels so good in his hands. It's even better in his mouth. 
Wonwoo wastes no time closing his lips around the head of Mingyu's cock, moaning as the salty taste of precum bursts across his palate. He kisses and licks and slurps, drinking up the ambrosial liquid bubbling up at the slit. And then he swallows as much of Mingyu's cock as he can down his throat. Above him, Mingyu groans, hands flying to Wonwoo's hair and hips jerking. There's a thunk as his head falls back against the window. What Wonwoo can't fit into his mouth, he curls his fingers around. Sheathing his teeth, Wonwoo begins to bob his head up and down. Every time he rises, he swirls his tongue around the head of Mingyu's cock. 
Mingyu is barely restrained energy beneath him: his stomach is taut as a drum. The muscles of his thighs flex and release and shake with tension. Mingyu plays with the short hairs at the nape of Wonwoo's neck, low murmurs of praise punctuated by groans when Wonwoo sucks and licks him just right. 
Wonwoo is high with the knowledge that he is bringing his alpha this much pleasure. His head is blissfully empty of everything except for the sound of Mingyu's moans and the stretch of his mouth around Mingyu's cock. 
"Fuck, I'm close," Mingyu grits out. Wonwoo responds by stuffing Mingyu's cock down his throat. Mingyu's hand on his hair tightens, keeping him in place. Tears spring to Wonwoo's eyes. Mingyu's shaft goes rigid on his tongue and then begins to pulse hot and thick spurts of come down his throat. 
Wonwoo, moaning, swallows and swallows. There's so much of it. It spills out the corners of his mouth. Under his hands, Mingyu's hips spasm, and all of it is so hot that Wonwoo can't help himself. Without a single touch to his cock or hole, he begins to come, making a mess of his briefs. Wonwoo pulls off Mingyu's cock with a wet pop, cleans it up with laps of his tongue. Doesn't let a drop of come go to waste. 
Mingyu groans. “God, how are you this fucking per—" He cuts himself off and hauls Wonwoo up by the collar and kisses him, hard. 
They make it back to Wonwoo's apartment, the edge of their hunger slaked just enough to make the commute. Mingyu can't keep his hands off him. Kissing and mouthing at Wonwoo's neck and jawline and generally being very distracting, as Wonwoo fumbles for his keys. He's not in heat, but it sure as hell feels like it. At this point, his hole is so ready to be filled that it hurts. Slick drips down his inner thighs. Wonwoo wants to cry, he's so frustrated by his stupid door. Mingyu's making the task even harder by setting a proprietary on his ass, finger slipping between his asscheeks to rub at his clothed hole. Mingyu's grinding softly on him; Wonwoo can feel the hard ridge of Mingyu's erection on his hip.
Mingyu lays him down on bed and undresses him. Tugs down his trousers and finds out that Wonwoo has soiled his pants. "When did this happen, hm?" 
Wonwoo, embarrassed, throws a forearm across his eyes. “While I was sucking you," he mumbles. 
It isn’t long before Mingyu is pumping three fingers in and out of Wonwoo's ass. His other hand plays carelessly with Wonwoo's cock.
Mingyu still knows exactly how to touch him, how to make him squirm. His hips swivel of their own accord, bearing down on the fingers inside him. 
Wonwoo is lying on his stomach, a pillow beneath his hips, when Mingyu slides into him. Wonwoo reaches behind him to grab Mingyu’s ass, forcing him closer, urging him to go deeper. 
"So good," Wonwoo moans, voice thick with pleasure. He needs to know: "Is it good for you too?" The words are stuttered, punched out of him with each thrust.
Mingyu drapes himself over Wonwoo's back, planting a forearm by his head so he doesn't completely smother Wonwoo beneath his weight, but Wonwoo wants to be smothered. Mingyu drops a kiss on his shoulder. "Yeah," Mingyu breathes. "S'good for me too. You feel so good."
Their first fuck is hard and fast and exactly what Wonwoo needs. Mingyu ends up hauling Wonwoo up onto his hands and knees to better pound him. He digs his fingers into Wonwoo’s waist, pulling Wonwoo onto his cock every time he plunges inside.
It isn’t until their next round that they slow down. Mingyu lies atop him like a heavy blanket, his groans and ragged breathing hot against Wonwoo’s ear. He fucks Wonwoo with slow and deep rolls of the hips. Under him, Wonwoo has fallen apart into a moaning mess. 
His whole world narrows down to the place where they are connected. He swears he can feel it, the pounding of Mingyu’s heart against his back, the way his own heart beats in resonance. He can’t believe how good it feels to have Mingyu inside him, around him. It’s overwhelming. Wonwoo’s eyes go hot with tears. He buries his face into the sheets below. The next moan that leaves him almost sounds like a sob. 
Mingyu stops moving. Nuzzles against the nape of Wonwoo’s neck. “Hey, are you okay?”
Wonwoo nods. Doesn’t trust his voice. 
“Wonwoo?” Mingyu tries again. 
Wonwoo exhales shakily. “I’m okay. It’s just a lot. But in a good way.”
Mingyu hums an unconvinced noise.
“It’s good, I promise. Oh, god—please don’t stop…” 
Afterwards, they lie curled on their sides, pressed chest-to-back. Mingyu’s knot is lodged inside him. 
“I swear,” Mingyu says, nuzzling his neck, “I just wanted to talk to you, but you are irresistible.”
Everyone can smell it on Wonwoo when he goes to work the next day: an alpha's claim. No one mentions it because as teachers, they are nothing if not tactful. But Wonwoo catches the subtle flaring of their nostrils as they detect a new scent on him. Some of the nosier teachers even watch him as he limps down the hallways, wrecked by Mingyu's knot. 
They get their honeymoon. Mingyu fucks him over every available surface in his apartment: in the shower, over kitchen counters, up against a wall, over the back of a couch. Mingyu even holds Wonwoo suspended in the air as he fucks him, Wonwoo's legs wrapped around his waist. The position has Mingyu's cock reaching deep, and the display of alpha strength has an orgasm shaking out of Wonwoo within minutes. 
But as amazing as the sex is, what Wonwoo loves the most is the aftermath: Mingyu holding him and kissing him softly. Wiping him down with a washcloth and then carrying him to the bathroom. Mingyu prepares for them a post-sex meal. Even feeds him.
They spend a lazy Sunday afternoon together. Wonwoo's belly is pleasantly full from the lunch Mingyu had made: soy-glazed pork belly and stir-fried vegetables on rice. 
They're lounging on the couch, Wonwoo curled up against the arm of the sofa with a book in hand. Mingyu has fallen into a food coma and is using Wonwoo's lap as a pillow. Mingyu isn't even doing anything—blissfully asleep—and he is still distracting. Wonwoo has read the same sentence in his novel twenty times. 
With a sigh, he tucks a bookmark between the pages and lightly tosses the book onto the coffee table. He gazes at Mingyu, eyes following the straight slope of Mingyu's nose down to his lips. The years have been kind to Mingyu, turning him from a boyishly charming kid to a devastatingly handsome man. He is truly the alpha of Wonwoo's dreams, and Wonwoo thinks, with a thrill of excitement-fear-anticipation, that he might be able to fall in love with Mingyu, if he hasn't already.
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beanieblanchett · 3 years
iii. “use me but as your spaniel”
Paring: Cate Blanchett x fem reader
Warnings: professor student relationship, slight smut, masterbation, dom/sub undertone, dirty talk
Read Chapter 2 here
(Sorry for the long wait I have been caught up with my personal and academic life lately🥺I know I’ve been a complete ass making people wait for so long. I’m so sorry)
*not my edits*
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The day has been long.
There’s a clock in your bedroom. An old fashioned one, and you could hear the second hand ticking in your room: time passes in the unit of a second at a time, and you are so aware of every second that has passed.
It is painful, really. You try to focus on the reading for your psychology class, but there’s an unsettling feeling in your chest, as if something is suspended in the air, waiting to fall.
To fall. Like gravity, so natural and irresistible. That is how you feel right now as you sigh and look at your planner for the third time in the past hour, a scheduled appointment for office hours with a professor, the professor…...highlighted in yellow, like the color of the sunlight that is now resting outside of your window.
And so you are thinking about her again. The other day when she was explaining the literary devices that Ovid used to show the depth of love. Love, when the word falls out of her mouth you can’t help but tremble. You take in a deep breath as you wander around the meeting link on the canvas site. There’s still 10 minutes before the scheduled time. Even though she has always said in the lecture that anyone’s welcomed to join the meeting room, you decide to wait. The amount of hesitation and a mix of other feelings pumping in your heart scares you. You hate to use the word love lightly, but what other word could you use to describe that feeling that’s dancing in your chest right now? that hopeless attraction, that constant longing you have for her? When you’ve barely even talked to her, you’ve fallen for her. You feel utterly alone, slightly ashamed, and immensely terrified.
You curse under your breath as your eyes refocus on the screen, dragging yourself back from your thoughts, you’re almost late. And so you click on the link, your body tense and your teeth biting your lower lips nervously as you enter the waiting room.
“Well Hello, so how are you doing today?”
She greets you with a smile, her voice reaffirms her presence and makes your heart miss a beat. She’s wearing a white shirt, the first three buttons casually opened, elongating her elegant neck, exposing her delicate collar bones...and the a peek of her cleavage that makes your cheeks burn. Yet you can’t take your eyes off, a silver necklace draping from her neck down to inside her shirt...almost luring you.
“Can you hear me alright?”
She spoke again, and you’re embarrassed by your lost focus...on her. It still feels slightly unreal that she’s addressing you—you’ve gotten used to not answering her questions, as you know someone else always will.
“I’m sorry...yes I can hear you. I’m doing good.” You open your mouth to realize that your voice is a little raspy from not talking all day.
She is looking slightly tired but genuine and kind as usual, staring into the camera with a satisfied smile as she nods to your answer. You can hear her clicking as you both fell silent. You try to focus on the presence of her so as to stop your thoughts from running into wild places, but that seems to do the opposite job.
“So I see you’ve got a 90.5 on your last essay, which isn’t bad at all.” She said with a keen smile as she praises you, which soon turned into a look of curiosity as she raises her eyebrows, “with such a grade you’re not required to come see me, but you still choose to. I wonder if you have any specific questions for me?”
“Oh…” no, you don’t really have any, but you look down on your notes for things you’ve prepared for this meeting, “I just wonder if you have any suggestions for my writing, you know, where can I improve, because I’d like to get a better grade for that upcoming essay.”
“Hmmm..understood.” She nods again, and you can see her eyes quickly scanning through your essay as she speaks.
And her left hand, that was supporting her chin, is now resting on her left cheek. And—an observation that scorched your cheeks—her fingers are now unconsciously touching her own lips...in a most casual, most usual but also insanely sensual way.
“Will you give me a minute? I’d like to inspect your words more closely so I can give you better suggestions.” She lifted her eyes to look at the camera with a subtle grin.
“Oh sure. I’m in no rush.”
Her fingers returned to her lips after she’s done talking. long, beautiful fingers that you have dreamed and thought about. You’ve imagined them on your face, on your hand, on your body...in your body...without realizing how bold a move you’re making, you feel your own touch on your thighs, moving closer and closer to the center before you find yourself messaging your desire, already aroused, over the thin fabric of your panties.
You gasp at the pleasure, a silent one, and then a louder one. You look into the screen to see her now flipping through a book on her desk, (Metamorphosis, you suppose, as that’s what your essay was about), feeling more daring and slipped a sweaty hand into your pantie.
You’re wetter than you expected, providing an easy entrance for your own finger. Your breath gets heavier and heavier with your slow thrusts, trying to maintain your posture until a soft moan slips from your lips.
She’s still intensely focused on the book, and so you gathered the courage and whispered her name, “Cate….”
“Cate...Cate…..” you say to yourself, words muffled with your now loud moans, which is not getting more and more intense as you get closer to the climax——
“Okay I think I’m done here,” she looks up to you, her sudden words scaring you, ruining your orgasm and now your pussy is pathetically wet, and exposed in the air.
She doesn’t seem to expect your response as she proceeds to give you a few suggestions about your writing. She praises your interesting perspectives, and points out a few flaws in your analysis, raising some other questions regarding the texts. As always, she seems to be most genuinely interested in your work, analyzing it as if it’s the work of Ovid himself. Her voice is incredibly captivating to you, and to your swollen desire, but her highly professional manner turns you on even more——the thought of you being naked with your ugly desire, almost dripping in such an academic discussion...how sinful, how humiliating, how dangerously attractive.
“Now would you mind sharing with me the passage you’ve chosen for the upcoming essay? The Shakespeare one.”
“Oh yes. Of course.” You nod, looking down to your notes to avoid looking at those eyes, and looking at your own picture on the screen. You could imagine yourself right now, cheeks red and sweat on your forehead, how weird she must have thought of you to be.
“I’ve chosen the passage in the Midsummer Night’s Dream. Helena’s confession and pursuit of Demetrius. I find that speech of her quite touching...the devotion of putting oneself in such a lowly place, almost an act of submission, but also an act of great courage, to go against societal norms…”
You pause yourself there to look up at her, she’s nodding and smiling as always, but in her eyes, you see almost a tint of a fleeting, mischievous smirk? you must have made a mistake. And you must have been illusioned by your heating desire, so you shake your thoughts and continued: “it’s this passage,
‘Use me but as your spaniel—spurn me, strike me,
Neglect me, lose me. Only give me leave,
Unworthy as I am, to follow you.
What worser place can I beg in your love—
And yet a place of high respect with me—
Than to be used as you use your dog?’”
Finishing off, you look up again, and you feel yourself shaking.
Silence. And you think you see that mischievous smile in her eyes grow stronger. You’re almost certain, yes there’s definitely something behind those eyes. Those eyes that shine with kindness and professionalism, sparkle with interests and curiosity...there must be something behind those eyes.
And now they’re staring at you.
“Professor?” You feel unease, breaking the long silence that felt like forever.
“Is that for your essay or is that for me?”
Your heart either stopped beating or was beating at an unnatural rate, you opened your mouth to find yourself stuttering, “I...this...the essay...sorry?”
She did not respond, but her eyes now burning with a wanton look.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Your voice is shaking.
“Oh yes you do.” She says, stopping the screen share of your essay so that you could see her and only her——eyes filled with mysterious lust, a smirk emerged on her face.
“You thought you muted yourself, didn’t you? Or did you think those filthy little noises that your pretty mouth was making could escape my ear? But I’ve heard them all, even those wet noises coming not from your mouth but from somewhere else. And did you think I didn’t notice you, looking like you’re having too much fun biting your lips with watery eyes in my lectures?”
Her stare was intense, burning you to the ground, to your knees, stripping you bare and making all your attempts to act decent seem useless and pathetic.
“You are quite a daring one, but a bashful one at the same time. How interesting.”
“‘To be used as you use your dog’...now look up and answer this: is that what you want from me?”
(To be continued.)
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Please Fix the Story Pt 20 - Sci Fi
New part! I've felt more inspired lately, and am happy to share the next installment of the PFTS series.
Warning, a little bit of angst ahead.
Masterpost linked here.
“That’s amazing!”
Pausing in my exercise with the Mech, I turned to look over at Liam who was standing off to the side of training room. He was watching me with bright eyes, a small container and a water bottle held tightly in his hands.
I stood in the training room holding a sword, practicing different strikes, while the Mech behind me held its own large sword, mimicking my movements through the Connection. The distance between us made it more difficult, but I felt the stuttering in its attacks slowly smooth out as I practiced.
I made an overhead swing, feeling the mild throbbing at my temples increase as the Mech made the same movement just a quarter second behind. Now, finished with the set of attacks I had set for myself, I sheathed the practice weapon and turned towards my enthusiastic audience.
“Hey, Liam!”
Severing the Connection with my Mech, I felt relief as the mental drain halted. Now free to move around, I walked towards him with a smile. “What brought you here?”
He grinned shyly. “I wanted to see you practice. Your control is amazing! I can’t believe you can Connect with your Mech from that distance. Also…” He hesitated, “You seem much more comfortable with a sword than you did with the pistols, no offense.”
“None taken. The sword IS much more comfortable.” I thought about the memory fragments of me refusing to give up using a sword. “I just think I might not be meant for ranged weapons.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy! Here you go.” He reached out, holding up a container of water for me to drink from.
“I also brought cake.”
I nearly choked in the midst of taking a drink. “Really? You didn’t have to. At this rate you’re going to spoil me.”
“Good.” Liam clutched the container to his chest, looking pleased. “You deserve it.”
“Whatever you say.” I shook my head, finished my drink and then paused. “…Can I ask you a question?”
His smile faded at my serious tone. “Go ahead.”
“Your mental barrier… if it’s up all the time, how are we standing so close together? Also, you’ve handed me things, and even touched me when you helped me up that one time, right?” I felt excited internally, but tried not to show it. “Does that mean I’m not affected by your barrier?”
“… I wish that were true.”
My heart sank with disappointment as Liam sighed, looking down at the ground. “With people I trust, the barrier shrinks. The more I trust them, the smaller the barrier is. My parents can stand close to me.” His eyes turned towards me again, and then back down. “You… you can get closer than anyone else.”
Liam reached out his hand, and following his lead I reached out as well until our palms touched. He studied our hands with a fascinated but sad expression.
“We are so close, it almost seems like we are touching. But there’s still a barrier.”
“So I’m not touching you?”
“No, not directly.” He looked like he wanted to cry. “I can’t feel it. It’s just the barrier.”
“… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m used to it.” Shrugging, he grabbed my hand and led me over to a nearby table and chairs. “Honestly, getting as close as this is already a miracle.”
I sat down on the chair, watching as he set up the cake on a plate with utensils. “So you really trust me, huh?”
The movement of his hands paused as he ducked his head, blushing. A mumbled “yes” made it to my ears. Chuckling, I didn’t push him any further. I sat and ate, enjoying the cake he had brought. We didn’t talk, but it was a comfortable silence.
I feel like I’ve known him forever, but I just met him recently.
Putting the odd thought aside, I finished the cake and stood up, brushing the crumbs from my uniform.
“Well, thank you for the delicious cake! But now, I'm afraid I have to get back to practice.”
Liam stood up as well, his expression concerned. “Really? Already? I thought the doctor in the infirmary told you to take it easy after the strain during the mock battles?”
“Just a few more practice swings, it will be fine.”
I don’t know how I’m going to save the world without a Connector. The best I can do is try to become as strong as possible, and hope my mind holds together long enough.
I took a stance near my Mech once more, drawing my practice sword. Glancing over at Liam, who still looked worried, I grinned. “Want to join me?”
“No, I’m terrible with a sword.” He slowly returned the smile, and sat down on the sidelines. “I’ll just watch you from here. Make sure not to overdo it.”
“I know. Just a little more practice.” I made the Connection, pleasantly surprised when my head didn’t ache right away. “Honestly, I think I’m tolerating the mental drain better.”
Liam didn’t seem reassured. “Be careful.”
“Be careful.”
I swung my sword in a quick practice swing, and laughed. “I’m always careful.”
“Says the woman who is going monster hunting.”
“You don’t have to come along.”
I was pulled into a warm embrace. “And let you face danger without me? Never.”
I blinked, mildly disoriented by the sudden memory. They had been coming more and more frequently, as if my mind was desperate to piece together who I had been before I arrived in this world.
“I’m fine…” I blinked again, but the forest in my memory didn’t fade away, but simply overlapped with the practice room around me.
Where am I?
I tried to look around, but everything was fading into darkness. “I’m…”
Liam’s panicked shout followed me into oblivion.
Well, at least I recognize this place.
I woke up in the infirmary, groaning as I held my pounding head.
“You’re an idiot.”
The stern voice of the doctor pulled my attention, and I looked up at the middle-aged woman who was glaring at me from a few feet away.
“Wow, your bedside manner is so warm and fuzzy.” I mumbled, rubbing my forehead.
“My bedside manner is saved for patients with a brain. You obviously lost yours somewhere, so you get tough love.” She waved a scanner over my head, frowning. “I told you to take it easy after you passed out during the mock battles!”
“I did! I haven’t done any fighting since that day.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What were you doing in the practice room, then?”
“Practicing with my sword?”
“WHILE Connected to your Mech from 20 feet away?? You didn’t think that might cause a bit of mental strain??!” She sighed, staring up at the ceiling hopelessly. “Lord, give me strength to deal with young, dumb students.”
The doctor sat down on a nearby chair, staring at me seriously. “You have to listen to me, Alaira. This is really important.”
“Okay.” I sat up in bed, folding my hands in my lap and trying to appear attentive. “I’m listening.”
“Your powers have grown. You were already S level when you underwent your health check at the beginning of your second year, but now… it’s at least multiplied by 10.” She shook her head. “We don’t even have a ranking for your power level. I don’t know what’s happened in the last month, it’s almost as if you’ve become a completely different person.”
I am a completely different person… at least I think I am. Is it because I’m in Alaira’s body now that her powers have changed?
I had no way to explain that to the doctor though. “So the power increase… that's a good thing, right?”
“It would be… if you had matched with a Connector.” She sighed. “With your current power level, your mental degradation rate has sped up exponentially.”
“The passing out is just one of the early signs, Alaira. Have you experienced anything else? Headaches…”
I thought that was just my personality.
“Hallucinations… flashes of people or memories that aren’t real or never happened?”
I sat silently, stunned.
No… It can’t be. The memories in my head… the mission… Alaira’s memories of dying in a fight against the Hive… me waking up in a different world… could it all be just my mind breaking apart?
She watched my facial expression and silence with a frown. “So it’s even worse than I thought.” She brought up a holographic file and made a note.
“No. No excuses, Alaira. You are temporarily suspended from duty until further notice. I can’t risk your safety any further.”
“But, I’m the strongest Guardian we have!” I was desperately grasping at straws. “You can’t sideline me! What if I found a Connector?”
The doctor shook her head. “I don’t even want you trying to match right now. It takes mental power, and could be the tipping point to full mental degradation.”
“No. Alaira. You’re suspended. That’s final.”
The bright blue words appeared in front of my eyes. I glanced over at the doctor, who didn’t seem to notice them.
Is this real? Am I really here for a mission to save the world? Or is this just a product of my mental degradation?
“Do you understand, Alaira?”
“I do.”
She relaxed. “Good. Then return to your dorm and rest. I’ll notify your father to come pick you up.” She gathered her things and stood up, giving me a sympathetic smile. “I know it’s hard, but put being a Guardian, the Hive, all of it to the side right now. Just focus on your health.”
“I know.”
“And Alaira?”
“Stay away from your Mech and the matching center, okay?”
“Of course.” I smiled. “I’ll just stay in my room.”
I snuck out of my room that same night.
I don’t know what’s real and what’s not… but I really don’t want to risk world collapse and soul destruction. Those both sound pretty bad.
As I crept through the hallways towards the Match center, I thought through possible plans to get me out of this situation.
First. Let's try matching again. If that doesn’t work… Maybe talk to Alaira’s father? See if there’s any research in slowing the progression of mental degradation?
I heard a security guard coming down the hallway. Panicking, I hid in the nearest classroom. The floor was ice cold even through the cloth of my uniform; my heartbeat was loud in my ears as I listened to the guard pass by on the other side of the door.
Either way, I can’t get caught just yet. I can’t risk missing what might be my last chance to match.
The guard had moved on. I waited a few moments just to be safe before opening the door and sneaking down the hallway once more. My mind was racing, circling around the disturbing idea that it was too afraid to touch:
The possibility that everything I thought was real was actually just my mind breaking down.
Am I really Alaira? Why does the man in my memories keep calling me Bel?
Who am I?
What is real?
It was agonizing, every moment of uncertainty. Questioning every memory, every conversation.
I pushed it from my mind, focusing on each step ahead of me. I needed to get to the Match Center.
If I can match a Connector, it will resolve my mental decay, and then I’ll know what's real.
I tried really hard not to think about what would happen if I still couldn’t find a Connector.
I quietly opened the door to the Match center.
“Match unable to be made.”
At the sound of the cold, robotic voice, I froze in place. For a wild moment I wondered if the match computer had sensed me walking in the building, and decided to reject me at the doorway just to save time. But reason set in and I recognized the figure hunched over the panel:
“Unrecognized tester. Please let down your mental barrier to proceed with Match testing.” The voice echoed around the room, seeming to almost physically strike Liam as he slumped further in front of the glowing panel.
His hands tightened into fists as he pressed them harder against the machine. “I’m trying to let it down. Just run the test!”
“Please let down your mental barrier to proceed with Match testing.”
“Just let me test, dammit!”
“Please let down your mental barrier to proceed with Match testing.” Despite his franticness, the voice was cold and unchanged.
“PLEASE!” His fist struck the panel as he slumped to ground. “Let me try. Please…”
He was crying, and my chest hurt as I watched. “Please… let me match her.”
“… Match unable to me made.”
“Liam.” I whispered his name, feeling as if my heart was tearing in half.
“Please.” He sobbed into his hands. "I can't... I can't put it down... I just want to help her... please!"
“Please. Let her go. I’ll do anything.” His voice was shaking with fear, his wide eyes staring at me as I was trapped in place, unable to move.
“Just give up. This is her fate.”
“Let her go!” He reached forward desperately, unable to reach me. “BEL!”
“Liam.” I was crying, unable to control it.
These memories can’t just be hallucinations. They are too real. I looked over at Liam who was striking his fist over and over against the panel, ignoring the blood staining the surface as his skin tore under the repeated blows.
He’s just hurting himself. It was painful to watch. I have to stop him.
I started to walk forward, my hand reaching out…
Before I could call out, I felt a sharp prick on my arm. I tried to turn to around and look, but soon a burning sensation was building deep in my muscle and my mind went blank.
“Liam…” I tried to call him once last time, as the drug injected into my arm forced me into unconsciousness.
Okay this whole passing out thing has gotten really old.
My mind grumbled as I slowly regained consciousness. I blinked, trying to clear the blurriness in my vision. Did a security guard find me? If so, their curfew enforcement is pretty insane if they are knocking out students.
The room around me slowly came into focus.
Wait… this isn’t the infirmary.
It was a pale grey dorm room.
This isn’t’ my room either. Feeling uneasy, I looked around, barely able to move. My limbs felt as if they were filled with lead, my head foggy.
The dorm room was clean, with barely any personal items on the desk and dresser. On the wall was several posters of famous Guardians, a calendar was pinned nearby with a vigorous Mech training schedule.
I have a bad feeling about this…
“Alaira, you’re awake!” A voice called out from the doorway, sounding pleasantly surprised.
I turned my head with great difficulty, my eyes widening at the sight. “…Chris?”
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” He smiled at me, grabbing the chair from the desk and dragging it to the bedside before sitting down. “When you asked me not to take you to the infirmary, I was worried I was doing the wrong thing.”
He seems… different.
“…” I wanted to shake my head, but felt to weak. “No… I was in the Matching Center…”
He frowned at my words, looking confused. “Matching Center? We ran into each other in the hallway. You were on the verge of passing out, and asked me to take you back to your room. “ Pausing, he shrugged embarrassedly. “Then you fainted. I don’t have access to the female dorms, so I brought you to my room instead. I hope you don’t mind.”
“…Liam.” It was difficult to talk. “Where’s Liam?”
“Liam? Do you mean Prince William?” Chris seemed even more confused. “He took leave and returned home after you passed out during your training.”
“I think he felt a little guilty at not being able to help you match. Not that it’s his fault he can’t form the Connection.”
“I saw him.” I tried to focus my thoughts, but they kept scattering. “I saw him in the Match Room.”
Chris leaned forward, reaching for my hand. I pulled away, but was too weak to break his grip. “Alaira. You’re undergoing mental degradation. The doctor in the infirmary said you were already in the late stages. It’s common to have hallucinations, memories of interactions with people and conversations that never happened.”
I blinked. Could I have imagined the whole thing? Did I want to think that Liam was in the Match Room trying to save me, instead of running away without telling me?
How far gone was I? What was real, and what was just my mind degrading?
Something’s not right.I remembered the needle prick in my arm, and brought my free hand to the spot in confusion.
“What are you rubbing your arm for?”
“I… was stuck with a needle…”
He shook his head. “That didn’t happen. You hit your arm on the wall when you passed out, so it might be a little sore, but that’s it. There was no needle. Your brain just came up with a reason to explain the pain.”
“It’s okay, Alaira. It’s okay.” Chris squeezed my hand. “It’s normal to be confused, and a little paranoid. Your brain is breaking under the strain of the Connection to your Mech. We’ll help you. You’re going to be okay.”
“Alaira? Do you hear me?” Chris called out, concerned.
“I’m… not going to give up. I have to face the Hive. Save… the world.” My thoughts were still jumbled. I wasn’t sure if it was from the drug or mental degradation. What was real and what was fake was blurring.
“You’re not going to be suspended. You’re going to be the most powerful Guardian the world has ever seen, and you’re going to save humanity.”
I looked over at Chris, feeling confused. He wore a pleasant smile on his face, his posture relaxed, but his grip on my hand was just a little too tight, and his eyes…
… His eyes were different. The color, the shape, was the same… but the way he looked at me had changed.
“Who are you?” I asked quietly, forcing the words out through slightly numb lips.
He looked shocked. “What do you mean? It’s me, Chris. We’ve known each other since the first Mock battle in school.” He chuckled. “You kicked my butt, remember?”
“Now I know you aren’t Chris. You haven’t yelled at me that 'you’re going to follow your dream and I can’t stop it' this whole conversation. You’re not Chris. “
He laughed, a light, easy sound. “You’re right, I’ve changed. But I’m still Chris, I promise.” He reached out and patted the back of my hand, still grasped tightly in his own. “You see, I came to a realization: I was jealous of you.”
“I know, right? Self-insight from me seems like a foreign concept. But from the first day I was in awe of your skills, jealous of your level S abilities.” He sighed, leaning back, still holding my hand, ignoring my attempts to free it. “My only consolation was that you were a loner, that you couldn’t find a Match. It was the one thing that I beat you in.”
“I kept trying to brag in front of you, hoping that you would recognize me. Hoping that you would tell me that I was the real deal, that I was a true Guardian. But that doesn’t excuse how poorly I treated you. How my friends treated you.” His regretful gaze held my own. I felt trapped in it. “I’m sorry. I will do better going forward.”
“…” My head was starting to clear, but it was a slow process.
“Seeing you pass out after our fight… seeing you in the infirmary today… in the hallway just now… I can’t ignore this.” He sighed. “You’re breaking down, right in front of me. And I can’t let this happen… not when I can stop it.”
He got off of the chair kneeling next to the bed. He reached out with his other hand, holding mine between both of his palms.
“Alaira… you’ve already have a high resonance match with me. I can save your mind, and help you save the world. It’s such an easy solution.” He smiled at me, without any sign of reluctance at all.
I felt a silent scream of terror and rage build up in my chest. I wanted to reach out and stop him, to silence his next sentence. Despite my wishes, however, his words came out all too clearly:
“I’ll be your Connector.”
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because-of-a-friend · 3 years
Royalty!Hoshi AU
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Thanks for the request @toffeechuu !!! I really hope you like it, it’s a little outside of my usual writing comfort zone so I hope I pulled through with this one lol
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Obviously it was a no
You knew that the answer was an absolute no
You knew you were meant to be the sole ruler of your kingdom
And that if you ever married, it would have to be an arranged one that proposed tactical advantages for your kingdom
There was no way you could be with just anyone
But... Soonyoung...
His parents had worked in your household his entire life so you had known him for almost all of your own
You could distinctly remember meeting him for the first time
You had both been so young
You walked into the stables to greet your favorite of the palace horses
And promptly ran into Soonyoung who was there helping his father 
“Hey watch where you’re going!” he exclaimed, worried that you had been hit with the pitchfork he was using to shovel old hay out of the stables
“You can’t talk to me like that!” you scrunched your nose at him, extending your hand expectantly, waiting for him to help you up
“I can talk to anyone any way I want” he grumbled, but did grab your hand to pull you to your feet
“Don’t you know who I am?” 
You could easily cringe at how snobby your younger self had been
“Should I?” Soonyoung responded casually
That’s when his father walked in
“Soonyoung, you should treat their majesty with respect!” he pulled Soonyoung into an upright position before having him bow to you
“Your majesty, this is my son, Soonyoung, please forgive his behavior”
You nodded as a sign that it was ok, seeing how red Soonyoung had turned and not wanting to cause anymore trouble
You and Soonyoung interacted often, seeing as you spent plenty of time at the stables
It was nicer out there, away from the hustle and bustle of the palace
And you got to wear play clothes when you went out, which was hardly ever allowed otherwise
And you loved the horses
So you and Soonyoung saw each other often
When you were young children, your time together mostly consisted of running around the palace grounds and playing games you had never really gotten the chance to before
As you got slightly older, Soonyoung taught you how to brush down and take care of the horse that had been dedicated as yours when you were to start riding
And then Soonyoung became an official stable boy at the palace
You tried not to think too often about how he had shot up suddenly one year, his height overtaking your own quickly as the two of you first reached your teen years
But there were times when you’d both be in the stables together, and he’d reach over you to grab reins for a horse, or a brush to groom one
And you couldn’t help but blush every time he leaned over you, towering from above
When you finally started learning to ride, Soonyoung was right next to you the whole time
He’d lead the horse for your first few times riding
And he’s guide you through directing the horse when you started out on your own
Then he’d ride alongside you as you started to get better and riding more independently
Then it became almost a daily tradition for the two of you to go out together
And then spend hours afterwards caring for the horses and walking around the grounds until you were both expected somewhere else
And as you got even older, more adult responsibilities were expected of both of you
And you knew better than to talk about your issues with your subjects
But Soonyoung was your friend
And you really trusted him
So one night you sit together under the moonlight and tell each other everything 
This becomes a tradition too
You sneaking out of your window when everyone else in the palace is asleep and running to meet Soonyoung for late night heart to hearts
You both spill your deepest secrets to each other and every thought and complaint and wish and dream
You know Soonyoung better than anyone in the world and he knows you better than anyone else
For the longest time you chalk it up to him being your best friend
But one day you run out to find him in the stables 
It’s early so the sun is just rising
Soonyoung is coming to the stables from the outskirts of the palace grounds
The sun is illuminating him from behind with pinks and oranges
He’s wearing a loose, flowy shirt with high-waisted pants
His suspenders have slipped off one of his shoulders
And he just looks so... stoic as he’s making his way through the tall grass towards you
(My obsession with Pride & Prejudice is showing)
There’s a look on him you don’t see often
And you feel this weird feeling in the deepest part of your chest
Like a bubble slowly building inside of it
And it makes you want to burst
If that image of him wasn’t enough
When he approaches you, he greets you with a soft “Hello, your majesty”
And something about the tone of his voice
It feels like the bubble has reached all the way up to your throat
“Hello Soonyoung,” you say gently, “you seem... serious today”
“Just have lots to think about,” he gives you a very small smile
And then suddenly he goes off and you don’t see him for the rest of the day
It’s the first time since you’ve met that you haven’t spent hours of your day with Soonyoung
And you’re just kind of miserable for the whole day
And that night you’re so anxious to sneak out and see Soonyoung
He’s already there at your usual meeting spot
He greets you sheepishly, scratching the back of his head and apologizing quickly for not joining you on your ride that day
“That’s quite alright, Soonyoung, I’m only hoping you’ll tell me why” you say cautiously, hoping you’re not pushing something you shouldn’t
Soonyoung chuckles before extending his arm
You link yours in his, letting him lead you down a path around the palace
At first he skirts around what he’s thinking about, talking about how his day went and then asking you how yours was
“Honestly it was sort of lonely”
He looks guilty for a moment
There’s silence for a bit
“Oh please tell me what you’re thinking of Soonyoung,” you tug on his arm
He clears his throat, looking at you for a moment before avoiding eye contact
“I was offered an apprenticeship in town,” he finally admits
“Oh Soonyoung that’s wonderful! I mean, that’s a great opportunity!” you exclaim, feeling so proud of him
“It is, isn’t it?” his voice sounds sour
“Do you have doubts about it, Soonyoung?” 
“I suppose I do, your majesty...”
“Can’t you just call me by my name, Soonyoung, just once?”
“I would if I wanted to be beheaded,” he laughs lightly
“Oh please, like we’d ever participate in such barbaric practices... and like I’d ever tell on you!”
“I know you wouldn’t” he smiles, tugging you slightly closer
“But really Soonyoung, going to live in town and getting all that experience. It would open up so many more opportunities for you and your life. What’s there to stop you from going?”
He smiles at you again
But this time
His smile breaks your heart
There’s so much sadness behind it
“I’m not sure,” is all he says. “Now besides getting ignored by your best friend, what else did you do today?” he jokes as he continues walking
Soonyoung has awhile to give his answer about accepting the apprenticeship
You can see it in his face the whole time he’s considering it
His brow is always frowning with worry
You wonder what it’s like inside his head, to be that worried 
You don’t have to wonder for long
Your parents call you in for a meeting one day
And drop the bomb that you have been betrothed
You try your best to hide your displeasure out of respect and understanding the situation you’re in
“I thought I was to be the sole ruler of this kingdom” you say in a measured tone
“Yes,” your father sighs, “but... times are changing, things are more... complicated”
You practically flee from the meeting once you realize there was no way to argue against it
You shut yourself in your room for the rest of the day
You only come out when it’s time to sneak out and meet Soonyoung
You fly across the grounds to find him
Soonyoung is smiling when he sees you approaching but then his face falls when he notices that you’re crying
“Your majesty? What’s wrong?”
“Soonyoung they- they promised my hand in marriage to a prince, I- I’m to get married,” you panted out before your crying overtook your voice
Soonyoung gladly overstepped his boundaries, pulling you into a hug to comfort you
But over your shoulder, his own face is contorting into pain
He too knows the reality and gravity of the situation 
And that there’s not much he can do
“I-” he starts before doubting what to say to you
“What do I do, Soonyoung? I can’t do this” you say when he doesn’t speak up
“You... don’t want to be married?” he pries
“I don’t want to be married to him,” you whisper
Soonyoung stutters for a moment before deciding what he has to do
He can’t let you risk your throne and kingdom for him
“I’m taking the apprenticeship”
You pull away from him immediately
“What?” is all you can say
“I’m- I’m leaving” he tries to say it confidently 
“Oh,” you feel pathetic for a moment, “I’m happy for you Soonyoung. I just-”
“Just what?”
“I just thought that maybe you weren’t going because...”
Soonyoung pulls a rather ugly expression onto his face and you immediately wince
“You are royalty. If I refused your friendship, it would have been disrespectful”
“Please don’t do this Soonyoung,” you beg
“That was the only reason I was your friend, because I had to be,” he finishes, stepping away from you fully
But you don’t miss the way his voice cracks or the tears beginning to fill his eyes
“Soonyoung wait, can we just talk-”
“I’m leaving tomorrow. Goodbye, your majesty”
Soonyoung turns and walks into the darkness
Your whole world feels like it’s ending
Every day you spend without Soonyoung and getting closer to your wedding day, is another day you feel your happiness dwindling
You try to spend time in the stables but it doesn’t feel the same
And you constantly run into Soonyoung’s father
Who happily tells you how much Soonyoung enjoys being an apprentice 
And you’re getting tired of feigning support and joy for Soonyoung when you miss him as much as you do
So you begin to avoid the stables altogether 
Soonyoung is doing well at his internship 
But every day feels just as joyless for him as it does for you
He hates having to live without you
One day he’s strolling to the local market
His path is interrupted by a parade of carriages
There he is, Soonyoung thinks, the groom to be
Your wedding is coming and soon you’ll be married
The town is suddenly filled with people from the other kingdom, getting ready for the wedding
Soonyoung runs into two of these people at the market
He finds them odd immediately
They’re dressed in all dark clothing and whispering to each other as they side-eye everyone walking near them
Soonyoung moves closer under the guise of inspecting the fruit on the far left side of the stand he’s at
“Yes but do you have the poison, it must be delivered by tonight” Soonyoung’s ears perk up with the words
“Of course I have it, can’t lose what our prince needs to gain complete control over this kingdom”
Soonyoung’s heart stops
They’re going to poison you
Soonyoung runs to the palace
The whole way from the town
He reaches the palace by nightfall
And barges straight into your family’s first meeting with the prince and his family
You’re staring at him wide-eyed 
He’s dripping with sweat, panting so hard he can barely talk
But he can point out the two men from earlier at the market
“Poison,” he pants, “they have poison. They mean to poison your majesty”
A gasp flows through the room before there’s silence
The palace guards take over the two men before searching them and finding the poison
Needless to say, the wedding does not go on
For days everyone is worried for the state of the kingdom
Apparently the king and queen had no idea their son meant to poison you
So there were days of negotiation of peace for your two kingdoms
It was agreed eventually that if the prince faced consequences dealt by his own kingdom, then your own would not declare war
When announcements of the agreement were made, the whole kingdom sighed in relief
Soonyoung hears the news while still working at his apprenticeship
After he had saved you, the castle kind of went into complete shut down
So he just sort of went back to town to continue his work and wait it out like everyone else
Then he gets an official invite to the palace 
It’s a dinner to thank him for saving your life
When he arrives he doesn’t even make it to the front door before you appear, running across the yard to greet him
You take him by surprise when you hug him, in broad daylight, in front of everyone
But he quickly returns it
“You know, my parents are very impressed by the man that saved my life... and took care of me my whole life”
You step back and grab his hands to lead him inside
But he tugs you back and stops you from walking further
“Um, your majesty, I need to tell you something,” he says softly
“Soonyoung, honestly, you saved my life, I think you can use my first name”
“What I need to say, your majesty, is that, I didn’t mean what I said that night. I truly care for you and every day without you was misery” 
You grin up at him, “I knew you didn’t mean it, I know you better than that. But that other stuff was a nice new touch”
He smiles down at you and allows you to lead him inside
The dinner is grand and your parents fill the time with praise for Soonyoung
Afterwards, they excuse Soonyoung but ask you to stay behind
He waits outside at your usual hang out spot
You sneak out to see him
You both beat around the bush with small talk for awhile as you start your usual walk around the palace grounds
“My parents have decided that if I get married, it should stay within the kingdom” you finally say
“Well, there are plenty of nobles to chose from,” he hums
“Actually my parents have decided that if we’re keeping it within the kingdom, rank does not matter as much. But that part doesn’t matter anyway, I believe they may have already found me a match”
“Oh... who is this match?”
“Well, he grew up close to the family. He knows the ins and outs of the palace. And he’s currently an apprentice and shows a lot of promise, at least in my parents opinion”
Soonyoung stops walking
You stop a few feet ahead of him, staring up at the moon
“And the best part is... I love him”
Soonyoung doesn’t think he’s ever felt happier
“And I would like to marry him, being that he loves me too”
Soonyoung rushes at you
He kisses you hungrily and practically pulls you up off the ground
“Of course I love you, [Y/N], I’ve loved you forever”
You grin, “I like the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth”
“Well, [Y/N], you should know that I’ll happily marry you, and be with you always”
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senju-sekhmet · 3 years
The Leash (Part 12, Fin.)
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Summary: Your rescue was supposed to be as smooth as these missions can be. However very quickly, Tobirama faces off against an enemy that has no form, color or smell - and time is running short, very fast. Unless he figures out what truly holds you hostage, your life will be lost. Warnings (for the finished work): Blood, illness, descriptions of heavy injuries and graphic violence, torture (both depicted and implied), needles, morally grey territory, human experimentation, panic attacks, character death, angst with a happy ending ~8600 words (this chapter, finished work: 83.600) Previous: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; Part 10; Part 11
Read on AO3!
Final chapter! To all the brave souls that kept up with this fic until now: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! <3 Disclaimer below, as always!
DISCLAIMER! My super self-indulgent work comes to an end! I hope this makes up a bit for all the angst that happened and - stick around until the end for more notes from silly me <3
The burn had faded.
Abruptly as ever, and it was followed by nightmares that you knew well. Nightmares whose intensity paled in comparison to being burning alive, but nonetheless nightmares they were. They also passed, and back you were in nothingness. Drifting under the surface that you couldn’t break through.
You had not died, had you? They had kept you alive. They still were. It must’ve been Hashirama. Maybe Tobirama had been there, too. 
It was so tiring to think of all this.
The darkness began to stretch. You still were suspended in it, held down - bound somehow - but the nightmares didn’t return. Instead a different kind of sensation set in: itches. Everywhere. Inside, outside - wherever that was, anymore. A headache, maybe? You felt… warm. It became uncomfortable quickly, but nowhere near the sensation of withdrawal - which might be because alongside all this came numbness. As though someone had cut the chains of suspension, lowered you down and put a weighted blanket over you. It still was confining, but in a way also a shallow repose.
You were too frightful to trust it.
You didn’t know what was happening anymore.
You just wanted to rest, but the itch and the aches everywhere were keeping you from it. How annoying.
His heart beat achingly and there was a tightness in his chest that felt awfully familiar. The only reason he wasn't being crushed again by heartache again was his brother tending to you.
It had been twelve hours since Tobirama and his brother had literally pushed you off of the verge of death. Now, it was time to pay the price for keeping your heart beating and your lungs breathing.
Violent shivers ran through your body, the sheets were drenched from sweat. Hashirama was inspecting ink on the seals that kept supporting you - ensured your heart beat strongly, upped the blood pressure, sustained your organs more than your body would right now. Wordlessly, Tobirama handed him new drenched parchments to replace the dried up ones at the centers of the seals that released the medication they each had been soaked in.
His hand trembled slightly. "The severity-"
Hashirama cut him short firmly. "Her condition is critical, but stable. All she needs now is time." His brother gazed up at him. “You should rest more, Tobirama.”
His scarlet eyes glared at him, lifting from your pitiful form only momentarily. “I will once Y/n is better.”
It wasn't the first time Tobirama had spoken up. When the true brunt of the overload had started to hit you initially, he nearly panicked - what little peace of mind he had found combusted in an instant and his concern for had him back in a vice grip. His brother on the other hand had not been impressed; he had known it would come to this and his confidence alone had reassured him. Time and again he had told Tobirama it was going to be fine.
All it needed was time.
The man didn’t question his brother, of course - but it wouldn’t easily quench his worries, either. Not when you were lying here, trembling, feverish - whimpering. And he - helpless to do anything but watch. Like before.
He was tired of seeing you teetering on the edge of death with no means of pulling you back. He didn't want to wait anymore for your recovery, he wanted things to start becoming better now. He was tired of being helpless.
He'd spent every waking second by your side until he knew you were well again.
More time passed.
Possibly. The blanket didn’t lift. The nightmares - the nightmares didn’t return, either. That surprised you. The circle… the circle was broken, somehow.
Was this death then, after all?
The itch had faded too, slowly - the uncomfortably warm sensation, the aches - it all went away. You were your sweet nothingness, far away from all you had endured, your horrible memories.
No pain.
You could stay here comfortably. If this was death, then you were fine with it. Though you felt one ache still - Tobirama. 
He would never forgive himself. If only you could tell him, one last time - that you were alright, that he gave his all. That you loved him and would do so forever.
That sorrow haunted your bliss. And it wouldn’t fade. Quite the contrary - it became stronger and stronger. The stronger it became, the more sensations and thoughts broke through. At first, your mind began to shake off the dark stupor that held it captive until now. Your thoughts became clearer. The process of all you went through - the lack of nightmares now, the breaking of the agonizing routine that previously had governed your life cruelly - it could, should mean one thing. But you didn’t dare to delve into the thought more. Instead, you focused on the sensations that you picked up. Presences. You didn’t feel alone in your darkness anymore. Someone was watching you. You knew them well. Countless times, you’ve traced over his chakra network gently as an inward embrace too tender to put into words.
He must be doing the same. Occasionally, there was another presence you could identify too, after your mind cleared up more: Hashirama’s. 
It made you reel - with excitement. It must mean one thing?
And yet no matter how much you wanted to reach out - you didn’t exactly know how. It wasn’t like you were asleep. Either they put you into this state - or maybe you were too weak? - but every time you tried to shake off the nothingness that had become your comfortable cocoon, you ended up exhausting yourself to a point your mind started to drift away again. Maybe not yet.
You kept on digging your way out bit by bit, every time you felt able to. Senses were returning. At first, there was touch. Perception of yourself - not in the abstract sense, but in an acute way. Your legs, your arms. Your chest. The beating of your heart. Your hand being touched, Tobirama’s chakra warmly hailing and covering your network. At first you simply basked in that sensation. You wanted to return the gesture, but it wasn’t possible - that frightened you, but you didn’t question it. Yet. You just continued to work your way out of this. Every now and then, someone would grasp your jaw to pour a liquid in - the leash, you realised. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t resist it. After touch came hearing. There wasn’t much, really. The birds chirping outside. Conversations between Tobirama and his brother, though you were too tired to follow them, really.
Finally - finally came your eyes. When you opened your eyes again for the first time in who knew how long, your lids felt as heavy as leaden blankets. You almost wanted to close them again directly, figuring the endeavour was just too tiresome.
If it wasn’t for the face by the side of your bed.
His scarlet eyes lit up in a rare streak of excitement. Excitement you could identify as such, at the very least. He suddenly was closer - you realised he must’ve gotten up from his chair to sit by your side - you felt a warm sensation on your hand. His was on it - and already, his chakra moved over your network. That you still had no access to. “Y/n?”, the jitter in his baritone voice was unlike him. Frightened, almost.
You forced yourself out of the proverbial swamp to give him a better look-over. As per usual, his facial markings were painted on perfectly, the black undergarment he wore when neither in battle nor in formal attire was spotless - and his white hair, spiky as per usual.
You realised then, you had thought you never would see his face again. 
His brows furrowed and his lips formed a thin, turned-down line. “Y/n?”, he inquired again, now growing more worried. Something wet rolled over your cheek. A sound - you were sobbing.
You really were here, again. With him. 
“T-Tobi…”, you croaked out, choking on your own voice. It didn’t sound like you. Raspy, blocked. Withered from not being used. More sobs followed that you had no control over.
Tobirama’s expression grew heartbreakingly sorrowful - his lower lip trembled. He nodded jerkily and extended a hand to cup your cheek gently; wipe at your tears tenderly. Carefully. As if too much pressure might harm you. He opened his mouth, closed it again, and then finally - “I’m here.” The jitter was gone from his deep voice. It was reaffirming now.
“I-I t-thought…”, you took a deep breath, working through every word slowly. “... I d-d-died.” The tears continued to roll down your cheeks as Tobirama caressed you.
Now he sounded decidedly pained. Haunted. “You almost did.” In an ironic way, his brutal honesty was reassuring. This really was Tobirama in front of you. “But you’re safe now. You’ll make it, Y/n.” With the determination in his voice, there was no question about that bit.
Suddenly, you felt an urge quell within you so desperately you were overwhelmed to even get the words out properly. You’d have moved on your own to sit up, were it not for the fact just keeping your eyes open was tantamount to running uphill at full speed. But you needed this, now. Badly. Achingly. “H-hold m-me, please,” you stuttered with your rusty voice.
Tobirama hesitated momentarily and stopped his caressing motion on your cheek. He swallowed, indecision clear on his face, “I’m not sure if I should-”
“D-damn it,” you hissed, each second letting your ache for him to be nearer grow more painful. Your sobs came out as wheezing sounds now, increasingly frustrated by the moment that really just lasted so very shortly.
Suddenly his arms wrapped around your chest and his warm face buried itself in the cold crook of your neck, letting you tilt your head to smell his hair. The fresh scent of his - when was the last time you’d smelled it? Whether it was sheer force of will or actually more hidden strength, you willed one of your thin arms to rest on Tobirama’s back that was heaving intensely. He was careful to not put any weight on you except for the contact of your bodies, his chest covering yours - you knew it, but all that mattered was he was here. The sheer purity of the moment snuffing out the ache, the fear - all of the torment and agony of the past days, weeks, whatever it has been.
You simply basked in this as you closed your eyes to feel the connection not just physically, but also from his chakra.
You made it.
Although - “My c-chakra,” you whispered questioningly, not bothering to form a full sentence nor break the silence - the serenity - longer than you had to.
Tobirama’s breath came warm against your skin. “Sealed, right now. I’ll open it up-”
He wanted to move. “No,” you replied swiftly, with as much firmness as your weak voice could muster since your body certainly wouldn’t hold anyone back. “Stay.”
Wordlessly, he settled back against you to let the moment continue. Your damn chakra could wait, it would be muted anyway, wouldn’t it?
No matter how long you wanted to stretch this all out, tiredness was beginning to grip you. And despite the fight you put up, you couldn’t help the hand slipping off of Tobirama’s back and your eyes involuntarily closing, every now and then. You hated it. You’ve been away for too long.
Tobirama felt it too, of course. Despite your protest, he pulled back slowly to resume holding your hand gingerly in his. His scarlet eyes had a reddish hue to them now, but his expression was mellow. “You should rest again, Y/n.”
You huffed. “I b-believe I r-rested enough.”
A fine smile formed on his slips and he shook his head. “Not nearly enough, I’m afraid.”
You rolled your eyes in response. “T-tell me f-first. What h-happened.” And your tone left no question about how much you wanted to know, now.
Which Tobirama recognized easily with a sigh. He took a deep breath and his gaze wandered to the ceiling, his deep voice neutral now. You knew what this meant. “We’ve almost run out of leash and it was just through a trick that I learned the final secret to this damn drug. Had it taken any longer, the withdrawal might have killed you. It is thanks to Hashirama’s expertise the chakra overload didn’t, actually.” His effort to keep his voice neutral was failing slightly as the tremble returned to it.
So that was the itch, the ache. Interesting, because for chakra overload - you really hadn’t felt much.
“We managed it the same way we did during the withdrawal,” Tobirama explained, “But the reaction became severe nonetheless. You ran an extremely high fever we had to cool down and it was only due to sedation you weren’t in pain,” his eyes had wandered back to your face, studying it cautiously now. Almost as if he was searching for evidence to the contrary.
You, on the other hand, had to muster all your left energy to process the information and most looked as though you were ready to crash at any given second.
Surprisingly, Tobirama continued his explanation, even though his gaze became more worried. “The seals stabilised you throughout the rest of the overload reaction, which was… intense.” He paused for a moment, his voice having become more quiet. Once more he had to clear his throat before he found his voice again, visibly struggling to find the words and yet speaking clearly nonetheless. “Your condition still became critical. Like said, had it been any other than Hashirama healing you during the last withdrawal, you might have died.”
You exhaled breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding. Your gaze drifted over your blanketed self as the realisation hit you more and more. 
Might have died.
Close. Everything had been so close.
You’d been running from one danger into the next, life being threatened each lasting second, no break in sight.
“Y/n,” Tobirama’s firm voice became more distant as drawing breaths was becoming harder again and you forcefully swallowed down tears. “Y/n,” he called out again, less firm - a hand stroked up your forearm gently.
“I d-don’t,” you began, trying to wrenched the words out past your sobs, “It’s- d-damn it!”, either your voice got stuck or the wheezing breaths made it to hard, but you couldn’t articulate the overwhelming amount of shock that coursed through your veins. At least you thought it was that. More like a conglomerate of shock, existential pain, sorrow and ultimately, despair.
Tobirama watched helplessly as you fell apart more and more, his eyebrows furrowing in a most desperate way. Once more he reached for your face but this time, his palm stroked your hair gently as his lower lip quivered in search for better words. He didn’t have any - most likely because he felt much the same, if you were to guess. Finally though - “You’ll be fine,” his baritone voice but a whisper, “You’re safe now.” Over and over again.
“I’m here for you.”
Although the moment wasn’t filled with serenity, you needed it. You needed to hear it - over and over again, to feel him caressing you, his chakra like a warm blanket on your network. 
You survived, that was one thing.
But the danger - the danger was over.
Exhale. Relax.
Eventually, the tears stilled and your breath evened out. Exhaustion claimed you fast now, but you wanted to keep gazing at his face. Tobirama’s expression had grown more mellow. He allowed it, for a bit longer. Eventually though - “Rest now, Y/n. I’m not - you’re not going anywhere. Allow me,” he pulled the blanket down your chest.
You still were littered with seals of course, but Tobirama’s fingers had already settled right in the middle of your chest in the center of the intricate chakra seal. A brief glow later, you could access your sluggish, muted chakra again. The comfort in that feeling alone sent you further down into drowsiness.
A pitiful sigh escaped your lips.
He covered you up with the blanket again. You thought you might have heard him again, but you couldn’t make out any words. Already, sleep had claimed you.
The next few times you woke didn’t differ much from one another; usually your strength lasted only long enough for you to open your eyes and stay awake for a short period of time before sleep claimed you again. Even so, the intervals began to increase and as they did, so did your strength to move your arms at least. It was frustrating nonetheless - lying flat on your back only was entertaining for so long. The spirit and mind weren’t as broken, worn out and torn as the rest of you, it seemed.
“I think I’ll go crazy at some point,” you huffed lowly. It was evening and the room was drenched in beautiful, reddish hues of the evening sun. “There really is nothing to do.”
Tobirama was sitting in the chair beside your bed, slowly raising up an eyebrow as his lips formed a fine smirk. “If you’re complaining again, then you must be recovering well,” he observed with dry irony, which you could only roll your eyes at. He had kept his promise - being there for you, any waking second. You suspected he knew since he administered the leash to you - and therefore he was well aware when you’d be awake again to talk to. Whenever you opened your eyes, he was there.
It was comforting. You weren’t doing well on your own, right now.
“Honestly Tobi, I want to see you bed-ridden for what -  weeks?  - you’re the one who quite literally has to be tied down before he’d actually rest, no matter what,” you scoffed back.
In ever so slight amusement, he pursed his lips more. “Don’t talk like you’re better at it, Y/n. I know for a fact were you able to, you’d be getting out and about even when you really, really should not.” The unspoken ‘like you had been’ hung in the air almost tangibly as you stared at him. You’d never hear the end of this.
“The ceiling, this room and its window can only entertain me for so long,” you pouted.
Tobirama’s smile grew more sympathetic. “It’s only going to get better now.”
You sighed. “I know,” you couldn’t prevent frustration leaking into your voice. Then, something occurred to you. “I noticed,” you began slowly, shifting ever so slightly to face him more. “I’m not… having these nightmares anymore, at all. After I’ve taken the leash. In fact…,” a frown formed on your face. “I do not dream at all. Did... did you do something to it?”, frankly you found the question pointless. You know he had to - you’d been getting the leash for an agonizingly long time now, and that definitely had changed.
His smile faded ever so slightly. “I did. During learning how to create the leash itself I realised it doesn’t require the exact psychotropic agents they tortured you with necessarily. Just something to latch onto, if you will. So right now, you’re just getting a light tranquilizer alongside the leash.”
You had to snort then. “I figured. Explains why I feel like crashing every time I’ve taken it.” He nodded solemnly in reply. Then, a smirk formed. “And why I feel so damn hazy all the time.”
Now, he rolled his eyes. “I’d consider it a positive side effect, to be honest.”
“To actually force me to rest?”
He sighed exasperatedly. “Certainly,” his tone was caustic. “Judging by how sharp your tongue has gotten again, I’m sure without the tranquilizing base solution of this leash, you’d be moving way too much right now.”
Your lips formed a kissing motion. “You love my sharp tongue, though.”
His eyebrows shot up instantly at the suggestiveness of the statement, but he couldn’t deny the chuckle that rumbled in his chest. He was too proud to answer verbally, though. Still, you were sure there was something of a reddish hue around his facial markings.
“Honestly, you should be glad I’m not making an offhanded comment about how my love keeps me tied to this ‘leash’, Tobi.”
That instantly let his deep voice rise in volume as it became quite stern. He had crossed his arms in front of his chest. Now, you were definitely sure he had gotten red.
You merely chuckled in reply that Tobirama found difficult to join in, but the proverbially ruffled feathers smoothed out again quickly. It was how you knew he was relieved - making fun at his expense without getting a smart remark in return. In a sense, you were quite glad you were able to again, really.
Besides, you didn’t exactly with the dead, dreamless sleep the tranquilising base of the leash provided. Your brain had been served excellent fodder for nightmares - drugs or no - and you didn’t want to revisit any. Was it an easy way out? Maybe, for a time.
Until you felt ready to tackle… everything again.
Fortunately though, recovery did speed up more and more. Each dose of the leash forced you to sleep it off for a handful of hours after which you felt rather groggy, and clouded of mind - under normal circumstances, you’d start to refuse to take medicine of this kind eventually, but this time you knew it truly must not be delayed. Not that Tobirama didn’t diligently make sure you always were right on time with it - at first he had to help you take it by supporting your chest, neck and head pretty much. By now, you managed to sit up straight already, which was a huge relief. A step closer to leaving this bed. Your muscles still groaned and ached from wounds you had suffered what seemed eons ago, on top of the general soreness you still felt due to damages you had taken during the withdrawal.
“Shouldn’t these have healed by now?”, you complained as you once more had settled against the headboard of the bed, letting out a low groan.
Tobirama withdrew after having helped you up there with his hands under your shoulders. He had refused to at first - you needed to  rest  still of course - but you threatened to just do it yourself if he wouldn’t. With gritted teeth he had pretty much hefted you up, under the premise you wouldn’t push yourself. The pain you felt now made him look like he was ready to yank you back down if you did so much as whimper again.
“Normally, they would have,” he explained sternly, his scarlet gaze inspecting you. “But without one’s own innate chakra reserves and your poor condition overall, it is unsurprising they did not heal well. Plus, you suffered again during the withdrawal.”
You sighed and opted to refrain from showing any more signs of pain or weakness. It made sense, of course. “Just my luck,” you muttered under your breath.
He had settled back into his chair and crossed his arms. “We will be able to start healing you again very soon, Y/n,” he supplied slowly. “We’ve already started to remove the seals that sustained you and increase your capacity to receive chakra again.”
That had been a relief - seeing the ink wiped off of your skin as a visual reminder things were, in fact, getting better. The biggest of them being the chakra seal on your chest. Not that you had been afraid of it - but as a person that naturally was very in tune with your own chakra as everyone in your clan was, it had felt… looming. The muting component of the leash was bad enough, but by now, you had gotten used to it. The fact you were in a safe environment helped a much greater deal, though. Still - “How… how’s work on the cure coming along, Tobi?”, you inquired suddenly, sheepishly, almost.
He leaned forward on the chair and exhaled a heavy breath. “Slow, but… steady.” He gazed up at your eyes with a solemn expression, neither sugarcoating the facts nor being overly harsh about it. “It’s possibly going to be as complex as the leash. But I’ll get there.” You wouldn’t question his determination. “We have time.” That probably was about the only advantage to all of this right now.
A smile formed on your lips. “Thank you.” 
You beckoned him closer with a wave of your hand which he followed hesitantly by settling down on the side of your bed and a questioning glance. Your hand snuck around the back of his neck to pull him closer to you, your fingers lacing into his short hair as his forehead rested against yours. You felt the tension in his shoulders as your free hand trailed up them to cup his face, but his eyes closed slowly and he exhaled a gruff breath. His chakra coated your network warmly already as you tried to return the notion as best you could, which wasn’t much. He simply sighed in return and allowed you to caress him for a silent moment.  
Offering a small bit of comfort when really, it was him who poured all his energy into aiding you.
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips with such tenderness you felt his chakra flutter.
He swallowed before answering. “I love you too,” he coarsely answered, rough from emotion as one of his hands reached around your chest again to pull you even closer.
You couldn’t remember the last time the two of you had shared an intimate moment like this - and you knew well how he felt about them in a semi public place like this one.
The fact he relatively willingly permitted it was quite saying something.
The fact he actively pulled you even closer did so even more.
Slowly your lips ghosted over his in the utmost tender motion, gasping slightly when he met them with equal softness of his own.
Just a few more moments you allowed yourself this, you wanted to keep him as close as possible right now - before pulling back ever so slightly. When he opened his eyes again, his scarlet gaze was on fire. You didn’t need words to know what he felt. Once more your thumb gently stroked his cheekbone before you leaned back against the headboard again and he withdrew, ending the chakra connection with a final warm caress over your network.
Another day later, you had shedded the last of the seals that had been sustaining you. Hashirama examined you after and was quite pleased, even. Finally, you were on your own again, in a sense. It was a freeing sensation albeit one that came with a tinge of fear. You still weren’t cured yet and had precious little time in which you didn’t sleep off Tobirama’s version of the leash. After you inquired exactly what kind of tranquilizing agent he had used, your considerations as to why your sleep was so dead and dreamless were confirmed: it didn’t just endorse rest, it muted all kinds of emotions, good and bad. It was numbing. 
You still weren’t sure how to feel about that - on the one hand, it felt too easy to escape from memories you did not want to deal with that definitely had been haunting you before the withdrawal cracked you. On the other hand, you just weren’t ready to deal with more, now. What you did know for certain was that Tobirama had put consideration in picking the tranquilizer as the base for the leash.
Like right now, when you were fighting against the haze in your mind and the heavy fog that tried to push you back into sleep. You had slept enough. You simply wanted to be awake for now. With a low groan you lifted yourself up to sit in the bed, ignoring the aches flaring in your arms, back and abdomen. Momentarily, your vision blackened, but you stabilised yourself swiftly with your arms on each side.
You must’ve pulled it off earlier, since Tobirama was not here yet - either that, or something happened. Your thoughts were too muddled to consider it more. Dazedly, you started at the window that let the morning sun in while trying to form another thought.
Tobirama’s days had settled into a routine that pretty much was dictated by your waking hours. Without death breathing down your neck and the constant feeling of a looming heart attack, there was little to put the man off, really. As expected, your recovery would be slow and arduous, but you’d make it. He’d be there for you throughout every bit of it as he promised, and he was very intent on keeping this promise. With the modification to the leash, you were resting a lot better too, which in turn improved Tobirama’s sleep. After he had administered the first dosage of the leash with the tranquilising base solution and you had drifted off, he himself had slept for a good fourteen hours.
It had been one of the hardest battles of his life.
Not that he allowed himself any complacency, though. In fact the word barely existed in his vocabulary, but especially so right now - you still needed the cure for this leash. 
Unfortunately, developing one proved to be a lot slower than copying the leash. And this was not because your life did not hang in the balance anymore - it was because Tobirama had no testing modality outside of the six prisoners whose lives, alas, still needed to be preserved carefully. And with your life saved, the necessary precautions for experimentation had risen an annoying lot. Except for Kimi, who had been tethered to Tobirama’s very own leash, he had put them all under Zenji’s leash and instructed the interrogation squad’s members on administration intervals and the likes of the drug. All he had to do was produce the thing in a large quantity, which by now had become a well-practiced process.
Zenji in particular had a slew of colorful insults ready for Tobirama, including himself, his brother, his family, his whole clan, Konoha - and yet it was with a sly smirk Tobirama’s iron grip on his jaw silenced him, wrestled his mouth open and poured the leash in.
“Now you can experience your own masterful work firsthand. It’s poetic, really,” he commented cynically, watching Zenji’s pupils dilate already.
“There’s no… cure… for the leash,” the man slurred hatefully, grunting in pain.
Tobirama’s smirk grew and he raised both eyebrows. “You made predictions about the possibility and impossibility of things before, and yet here we are Zenji,” he leaned in closer. “With your help, no less.”
The prisoner’s unfocused gaze looked for Tobirama’s arrogant face, but the psychotropic agents were overcoming him more and more. 
“Now you’ll be of equal use again.”
He didn’t stick around for the torture anymore; there was no need. What he needed were these six as outlets for his experiments on a cure. Since the muting component faded, it came down to breaking the seal of the disrupting component somehow. However there was no trace of the seal as such once the drug was ingested - only in the way the disruption was branding itself into the victim’s body. Of course Tobirama well understood how the seal as such worked, but that meant he also understood countering it was a difficult task exactly because of that. Quickly it became obvious he needed more than just to unravel the disruption’s brand; whatever achieved this needed to be woven into the cure much like the leash was created. It would need to be a key that would unlock the chains of the leash.
He was lucky to have such skill in the weaving process as such, by now.
His first experiments were rather edgy. The substances used were primitive in comparison to the leash and aggravated the prisoner’s health to such a degree in one case, Tobirama was forced to provide extended medical support. Ikuro was squinting a lot at the proceedings, although everyone understood there was no alternative.
What time he didn’t spend experimenting or in the laboratory was spent within your room - when you were awake, or at least trying to be awake. Exhaustion and the tranquilizer both sapped consciousness from you a fair deal, but as your strength returned to you slowly, so did your capacity to stay awake for more than a few minutes at a given time. It was the hugest relief - to see you becoming yourself again, truly. Your smile, your laugh, the quips you made - the smart glint in your eyes.
The way you started to refuse to rest.
Of course you had quickly guessed it was no coincidence he has used this particular tranquilizer as base for the leash. But the reason was not to keep you literally too knocked out to move about.
The scars you bore were not just physical, inward and outward. There was a lot of mental damage that Tobirama had gathered enough clues towards already before you had hatched your withdrawal plan. This substance - this substance might be an easy crutch for now, but he refused to let you carry more weight than you had to right now. It was a selfish decision he made for you, he knew that.
Since you never protested, he figured you were in silent agreement, for now.
After the last of the seals were removed from you, it was time for the next step in your recovery, which he had discussed with his brother at length already, before you’d wake regularly. Once you were stable - and had not received any chakra for quite some time - they could finally start healing you properly again. 
“It’ll be complicated,” Hashirama warned. “The withdrawal has damaged the functionality of her organs. The injuries she received during her imprisonment are not the ones I’m not worried about.”
Tobirama wasn’t, either. Those were simple in comparison. The withdrawal had wrecked you from the inside out - alongside your body’s reaction to it. He frowned. “You assume we may not heal everything?”
Hashirama clicked his tongue. “I’ve learned not to make any assumptions when it comes to this drug, to be quite honest,” he muttered in a rare streak of bleak irony.
Tobirama could only huff in response.
They’d have to give it their best. If there was anyone who could do it, it was his brother, after all.
Today was the day - after his brother’s evaluation of your state yesterday, they’d start to mend the real damage today. Both were on the way to your room. It was still early in the morning and Tobirama couldn’t deny having sound sleep at night was quite a blessing after the nightmare he and you had suffered. Even so, you should be asleep still at this time.
He opened the door to your room silently - only to find you sitting in bed already, staring out of the window. He spoke before his mind could even process the angered worry that filled him. “Y/n,” his tone firmly questioning - for now.
Your head snapped around to your new company, startled. The look on Tobirama’s face was one you knew well - he’d start scolding you any moment now with how deeply he was frowning already. Hashirama on the other hand, bright as ever - broadly smiling. How these two were brothers, you sometimes really had to wonder about.
“Tobirama, Hashirama,” you nodded, smirking. The urge to just sleep again had subsided somewhat, though your mind still was foggy. Sitting up was an exercise on its own, still, not to mention the pain you felt.
“Why are you awake already?”, Tobirama shot back instantly, rounding the bed swiftly. You’d like to think there was worry attached to the sternness of his tone. “Did something happen?”
You sighed softly and smiled. “No, don’t worry. I just didn’t want to sleep any more, that’s all. I’m much the same I was before.” You really refused to say you were fine. Someone who couldn’t sit up for longer periods of time without pain was not fine.
Tobirama stayed silent, but his scarlet gaze was inspecting you closely. You rolled your eyes and lowered yourself back onto the bed before he’d tell you to, unable to prevent a quiet groan from escaping you.
“Careful,” he stepped closer instantly as worry flashed in his eyes, but you waved him off quickly.
Hashirama cleared his throat then and stepped closer to the other side of the bed, practically beaming now. You raised an eyebrow. “We’ll start mending your injuries again today, Y/n,” he announced with no small amount of pleasure.
Your eyes widened. That would be a huge relief - literally and proverbially. However, you were hesitant to feel hopeful just yet. Frankly most of your mental power went towards processing the announcement still. “How much of them?”, you inquired, when you found you couldn’t come up with a smarter way to articulate your budding worry over the resilient hope that formed.
Tobirama answered solemnly. “You’ve not received chakra in quite a bit now, so there is some capacity to work with. But the damage you suffered was very extensive and will require multiple sessions, most likely.” His voice had become softer, though you focused on the information mostly.
“I will start with the most vital damages,” Hashirama continued, “Seeing how the wounds you received from the stone have begun healing on their own by now, albeit slow. I know they’re most painful, but we must ensure you first recover truly from inside out. Bones, muscles and skin come second.”
You had to give a snort at that, earning you a puzzled look from Hashirama and a raised eyebrow from his brother. “Apologies,” you amended quickly, “I understand. It’d just be nice to move without pain again. Or at all, and not just lie still.”
Tobirama cut in sternly, quickly. “You mustn’t, yet. Healing anything is only going to help if you don’t squander it by pushing yourself too much too fast, Y/n. You know that.” The warning in his tone was clear. And you knew he was right - one of the most basic principles of all medical jutsu - like surgical sutures, they needed time to kick in fully. 
Hashirama was more accommodating. “I can ease it somewhat, of course.”
Tobirama’s glance shot towards his brother. “It’s vital to focus on the most important injuries.”
He rolled his eyes. “Let’s get started.”
You couldn't help the chuckle that bubbled up while you rolled up your gown. Hashirama’s warm hands gently placed themselves on your abdomen, and already you felt his chakra spreading in your network, his presence becoming more prominent. Your eyes locked with Tobirama’s who had crossed his arms again, giving you a tender smile that you returned; a different kind of warmth blossoming in your chest. Then, you let your head rest on the pillow and stared at the ceiling before closing your eyes as his brother’s work was unfolding.
Just like when Tobirama had healed you before, the procedure became something of an internal massage of all the parts of you that had been tortured, abused, beaten. Suffered under the withdrawal of the leash, withered and strained. Without your own chakra at your disposal, it was extremely difficult to trail alongside them, but frankly the thoroughly comfortable feeling that settled in was quick to make your eyelids leaden again. 
Very carefully, he first tended to your heart and lungs first - strengthening attacked tissue, mending microscopic damages and if needed, precisely cutting away whatever scars your body already had formed to let real organ matter regrow there. Whether it was your imagination or not you couldn't say, but you thought your breaths became deeper and your heartbeat slowed down into a more powerful rhythm. His attention shifted to other organs then: liver, kidney, the gut - and much in the same manner, they tended diligently to the damages. 
A stray tear of relief ran down your cheek as shivers ran up and down your spine. 
Finally came the injuries inflicted by the torture - process here was more difficult. The gentle, healing massage took on a more forceful note, as though he had to work out kinks in stiff muscle that had not been used much. Almost pinching here and there when even your tardish chakra felt the tear of inferior scar tissue that had formed due to a lack of attention and use. You felt the old wounds warm up ever so slightly, promoting blood flow as well as making the matter more receptive to his care, although the time he spent healing here was notably shorter compared to what they had done before.
It was uncomfortable - not the smooth procedure from before but the quite literal rebuild of what you knew was broken and had been healed broken. Every now and then you’d huff or grunt when the unpleasant sensation bordered pain, but you kept yourself in check - Tobirama was still watching, and you didn’t want him to worry again.
Eventually, Hashirama withdrew as quietly as he’d begun.
You had difficulty opening your eyes again. All of you felt warm now, refreshed - revitalised. The sleep that wanted to overcome you now wasn't the heavy exhaustion you permanently felt, it was pure comfort. It was the same feeling you had after visiting a hot spring after a day of training. The feeling of the sun on your skin on a rare lazy day, a peaceful day.
Peaceful. That was how you felt.
Hashirama was beaming at you, but Tobirama was wearing a slight frown again. “Are you alright?” - the discomfort hadn’t escaped his notice, of course.
You cleared your throat, swallowing down a hoarse lump. “Yeah,” nodding slowly. “Better than before,” you dared a brave smile.
His frown deepened, but he didn’t comment further. In the end, this was necessary - like many other things had been - and so, he’d accept it. He - you - had no other choice.
Hashirama cleared his throat. "I managed to heal quite a bit, more than I expected, in fact. Of course there still is work to be done, but the damages the withdrawal created I believe I will be able to manage with time and patience.” He gave you an appreciative nod. “You're a tough woman." He chuckled brightly.
Tobirama’s mien grew more tender as his frown smoothed out, a light smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
It was difficult not to get intoxicated by his optimism, especially when you felt the way you did now. "Thank you."
"The next session will have to wait since I used an extensive amount of chakra now. And as for the injuries you suffered…" Hashirama knit his brows. "... those will require more work. Your body started to mend those already. Unfortunately in inferior ways, due to your poor condition."
You gave an awkward shrug, as much as that was possible in bed. "I felt that, yeah." 
Tobirama's frown returned somewhat again, but he didn't comment. 
Before either of them spoke again, you did - with an idea that had hit you just this moment. Something that jolted through your system more uncomfortably than the hope had done before, despite being much the same feeling. "So, since I need to rest so much now…", you gave Tobirama a meaningful gaze he held entirely neutrally, "... couldn't I actually -" You paused. Suddenly, you felt silly, but with the expectant glances on you, you swallowed it down and continued. "Could I perhaps rest at home? I'm stable now, and this room is starting to drive me insane."
Tobirama sucked in a sharp breath through his nostrils, hands gripping the fabric of his black shirt more tightly as he spoke up promptly. "Y/n, as much as I'd like to grant you this, we must consider-"
"Absolutely. I'll stop by to help to heal you again." Hashirama cut in, grinning broadly.
Tobirama's mien turned positively furious at being blindsided by his sibling. "Anjia!"
Hashirama was unfazed. "Patients recover better in homely environments. Y/n is stable, like she said - you saw it yourself, Tobirama. Also, you can ensure even better that she rests well."
"That-", he clenched his teeth at having this argument used against him, but just a moment later, the heated fury had subsided to a smoldering kind of anger that gave his sternness a cutting edge. "She still is in poor condition and should be hospitalised. If anything changes, here is where the aid needed will be."
Hashirama held both palms up and tilted his head. You, on the other hand, were rolling your eyes and waiting for your moment to chime into this conversation. About your own damn self. "I don't see what should happen. So long as the leash is administered on time - which you have been doing - and she rests properly, she's going to get better now."
Tobirama was losing ground and worse yet, he realised this. To his own brother no less. He bared his teeth slightly. "I can't be there every moment in case she needs help. And I won't allow just anyone into our house."
Now was your chance. "Actually, you can." Tobirama's head snapped to you and the furious gaze bored through you. You didn't flinch though. "You can just leave a shadow clone with me. If I need help, you can teleport over. But as you know," now you raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "I'm mostly sleeping and resting."
Tobirama pinched the bridge of his nose as he often would when frustrated. "Y/n…", he began slowly, but you didn't let him start.
"You're with me so much anyway. I'd feel a lot better at home. And you can work there, too. It's easier for everyone."
His expression grew more mellow and his hand dropped as his irritated mien fell. Your pleading glance did the rest. "Fine. But if anything - anything at all - happens, I'll get you back here right away. No discussion." Then he frowned again and any trace of mellowness was wiped off of his face. "The same goes for you not sticking to your bed rest."
You grinned brightly already. "Naturally." You'd find your way around once you could move more again, of course. 
Hashirama clapped his hands then cheerfully. "Right then!", he beamed at his brother who just gave a scowl in return. "I'll see you soon. Mito and I will visit, anyway. Until then," he waved, and already was on his way out before you could raise your hand to wave back.
Tobirama sighed. "Regular visits are just another downside," he stated perfectly blearily.
You chuckled. "Cheer up. We'll have a lot more privacy. And…" you paused for a moment, fumbling with the blanket draped over you. "Finally, no more lonely nights."
He turned around to you, eyebrows knitted in a sorrowful fashion that told of the shared statement more than words could. Still, "That… is correct." He stepped closer to the bedside, an utterly warm smile forming now. "It's been a forlorn and cold place without you, Y/n. I’m... beyond relieved that will change now."
With all of the comfortable peacefulness you felt from the healing procedure still, that statement alone made your eyes tear up already in a most soft way. "So am I, Tobirama."
He bent down then and reached under your haggard body with his arms; one gripping your chest tightly, the other wrapping under yours knees. Bridal-style he hefted you up easily - unsurprisingly. Even before your capture he could handle you well. Now your weight was a joke. Closely cradled against his chest, you let your head rest against him with a content sigh. His warm breath hit your face as he bent over briefly to kiss your forehead gently, making you shift your gaze to meet his. The scarlet irises were swimming with a kind of love that alone made your renewed heart pump vigorously. 
Already the world around you lurched and a moment later, you were in your bedroom. Your tired gaze found it to be exactly the same it had been before your departure on that fateful mission - one that most likely changed your life forever, you realised. Sparsely furnitured, but practical. A large bed in the middle of the room, adjourning the wall - and broad windows on two walls, overlooking your small garden. 
“Welcome home,” Tobirama whispered down to you, a slight tremor to his baritone voice. 
“I’m glad,” was all you managed before yet another pure tear rolled down your cheek.
Slowly, he walked to your side of the bed to settle you down as gently as possible. The softness of your own sheets, your own bed elicited a small groan from you and you couldn’t help but bask in the moment with a content mien. “At times, I thought I’d never be here again.”
Tobirama swallowed hard, and when you gazed up at him you saw his jaw working. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Y/n.” The sheer determination these words bore had the warm feeling blossoming in your chest again, but you could only nod in reply. And words might be a sob right now.
“I’ll get you different clothes.”
“No, wait,” you shook your head. He paused mid-walk, having already made for the wardrobe, to give you a questioning glance.
“Come here.” You patted his side of the bed, and nodded.
He quirked an eyebrow up. “Y/n, it’s morning.” Of course, only Tobirama Senju would object to getting into bed again just because of the time of day. 
You rolled your eyes. “I’m going to crash any minute now anyway, so you might as well come here now. I can change later.”
With a wondering glance still he slipped to his side of the bed, scooting closer to you as you wrestled yourself to lie on the side. Once he was close enough he assisted in pulling you over, but you weren’t done yet - your arms snuck around his chest and wordlessly, he drew you close to him in a tight embrace. You nestled your face into his chest again as he locked his arms around his, letting his head rest on yours and your legs intertwined. In this position, you could hear his slow, even heartbeat. The steady rhythm was enough to elicit a whole different kind of serenity from you that doubled the warm, comfortable tiredness you felt, but you weren’t quite done yet. Just a moment longer.
Tobirama’s hands ran soothing motions over your back. Yours did the same, feeling the tension ease out of his muscles with each passing second as your caresses drew a content rumble from him.
“Not such a bad idea, was it?”, you giggled quietly.
Tobirama huffed. “How will I get out once you’re asleep without waking you, Y/n?”, he accused playfully, but you could hear the smile from his tone alone.
“You’ll find a way. After all, it’s most important I  rest .” You jabbed playfully at his side - just about the only spot Tobirama might be the slightest bit ticklish.
He shrugged it off with a chuckle. “You are absolutely correct. I will.” He tightened the embrace somewhat more, a hand reaching up to the base of your neck to massage your scalp. “So, sleep now. I’ll be here when you wake.”
With your eyes closed now, it was a matter of seconds until sleep overtook you. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
A wholesome kind of rest wrapped around you, drowning all sensations out in the comfort of Tobirama’s arms.
You were home. _________ AAAAAAND! That’s a wrap on the Leash. Let me know what you thought of it - and let me just say THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH for reading it all! I definitely, really, REALLY loved seeing the returning likes/reblogs for all these parts - thanks a lot! That being said - IT WOULD SEEM... Tobirama hasn’t found the cure yet, has he?! Which means... yes! I’ll write a sequel - it won’t be as big as the Leash at all. Possibly an epilogue or a little miniseries dealing with the consequences of all this - but it’ll get a wrap, eventually!
But! Happy ending <33
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kpop-zone · 3 years
Selfish | Jihyo
Hogwarts AU | Enemies to Lovers | “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck this shit. Fuck.”
Wordcount: 3,890
A/N: Sorry if the formatting is weird, but Tumblr won’t let me post anything on my computer, so I had to post this from my phone 😬
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When Jihyo saw you running through the hallway, she could immediately feel anger seething within her, and she called your name with a sharp tone.
“Oh Jihyo, fancy meeting you here.”
After hearing her voice, you had stopped running abruptly and were now grinning at her sheepishly, pretending like you didn’t know why she was staring you down.
“Stop feigning innocence, Y/N. You’re late. Again! Snape will for sure deduct some points from Gryffindor.”
Jihyo felt like ripping your head off. Of all the Gryffindors you were by far the most reckless one and usually involved when your house lost some points in one way or another. Your favorite activity was to prank Slytherins which always led to particularly hard punishments for your house by Professor Snape, the head of Slytherin. But you just didn’t seem to learn from your mistakes.
“You’re late too though...”
You smirked cheekily, causing her to get even angrier.
“Yeah but I have this opposing to you.”
With her right hand, she pulled out McGonagall’s letter that allowed her to be late for classes if her position as prefect required it and waved it in front of your face.
“That’s unfair.”
You pouted and Jihyo had to suppress her laughter. It was a little unfair indeed. She had simply overslept this morning, but as a prefect, she rarely got punished for anything. But she always told herself that she deserved those benefits. After all, she had to deal with you and your shenanigans almost every day.
“It’s not. I had some...important stuff to do this morning. And now go before we’re even later!”
She lied and you rolled your eyes before starting to run again.
Like expected, both of you arrived late to class and Snape gave you a lecture about the unreliability of Gryffindors for almost fifteen minutes. At the end, he took away some points from Gryffindor with a smug grin tugging on his lips, causing Jihyo to curse you silently. She was sure that Gryffindor had only lost the house cup championships to Slytherin because of you the past years. This year, she had to put a stop to it. Talking with you, however, wasn’t useful. The two of you were in your fifth year already and not once had you listened to her. She had to find another way to keep you in check. The only question was how... The options had thinned out over the years and it seemed like she was only left with one by now. Despite hating you with a passion though, that option seemed to be a little drastic and Jihyo had shied away from pursuing it until now. A fact that changed, however, when she walked into the Gryffindor common room that night.
“That was hilarious...”
“You should have seen Sejoo’s face.”
“I would have never dared to do that.”
Agitated chatter was filling the whole room and Jihyo immediately knew that something bad must have happened; something that most likely was connected with you in some way.
“What happened?”
Jihyo huffed while plopping down next to Jeongyeon on the couch.
“I don’t think you want to know...”
Her friend responded hesitantly and Jihyo buried her face in her hands in desperation.
She asked although she already knew the answer to her question.
“Yeah...Let’s just say the incident involved Y/N, Sejoo, the ‘Ossio Dispersimus’ spell and... a 200-points deduction for Gryffindor.”
Hearing the statement of Jeongyeon, Jihyo’s head snapped up and she looked at her classmate bewildered.
“200 POINTS???”
She yelled, causing the surrounding Gryffindors to look at her in shock. But Jihyo couldn’t care less about them. Enough was enough. You could be glad that you weren’t in the room right now, because she was sure that she would kill you if you were standing in front of her in this moment. You had once again ruined the championship for them with your selfishness and she was tired of it. You had to disappear. If you weren’t part of the student body anymore, Gryffindor couldn’t lose points because of you. And there was one easy way to reach that: she needed to get you suspended for the rest of the year and she already knew how.
If there was one person in this school that hated you more than she did, it was Snape. He had tried to get rid of you on several occasions, but your misdeeds had never been severe enough to make him reach his goal. But if she would help a little, she was sure that they could get you out of the way with joined forces. It was a risky scheme, but Jihyo was sure that she could come up with the perfect plan. For two weeks, she martyred her brain to find a way to set you up while protecting her own reputation simultaneously. Coincidentally and much to Jihyo’s chagrin, you didn’t get into any more trouble in those two weeks. On the contrary, you actually stood out for behaving extremely exemplary. You were the first one to appear in every class and the last one to leave because you offered your help to the teachers who often made you stay longer to clean up the classroom. You also didn’t roam around in the hallways anymore after curfew and didn’t even prank the Slytherins. In fact, there were now other Gryffindors that did more mischief than you.
Your good behavior didn’t manage to lift Jihyo’s mood though. If any, it made it worse. Now that she had finally decided to take action against you, you were playing innocent? Of course, her conscience was immediately telling her to stop her plan and to give you another chance. But her brain strongly opposed to that idea. Your good behavior wasn’t enough to erase all the trouble that you had caused the rest of the year. Therefore, she decided to follow through with her plan, even though her bad conscience heavily weighted down on her.
On the due date of her plan, Jihyo went to the library, tightly clasping a letter in her hand while nervously looking around. Being secretive definitely wasn’t her strong suit. As a prefect, she usually advocated honesty and compliance, so everything that she was doing right now went against her principles. She kept telling herself that it was for the good of Gryffindor, but the little voice in her head kept telling her that she was acting out of pure selfishness and it took all of Jihyo’s strength to muffle it. Arriving in the library, she scanned the students and soon found the perfect protagonists of her scheme. There were some first-year Slytherins roaming the aisles, apparently searching for some books to help them solve their Transfiguration homework. Their school supplies were scattered across a table next to one of the huge windows in the library and Jihyo approached it while skimming her letter one more time.
If you want to learn some curses that they don’t teach at school, come to the Forbidden Forest at midnight.
Jihyo cringed at the primitivity of the letter, but she knew that it would work. Slytherins were overachievers with an affinity for illegal activities. They would be too intrigued by the offer to turn it down. After looking around one last time to make sure that no one was watching her, Jihyo dropped the letter on the table of the first years before scurrying off. Her heart was beating out of her chest and she felt like she was close to passing out. She didn’t know how anyone could enjoy going against the rules; she felt absolutely miserable right now. Not being able to be around people any longer, Jihyo wanted to rush off to her dormitory, but before she could leave the library, someone suddenly called her name.
Jihyo didn’t need a second to realize who the voice belonged to and her body froze instantly. Had you caught her red-handed? For a split second, she considered running away, but before she had the chance to, she could already feel your hand on her shoulder. Reluctantly, she turned around with guilt reflecting in her eyes, ready to get yelled at by you.
“Um...I know it’s a little late, but I wanted to apologize to you.”
You mumbled sheepishly and Jihyo’s jaw dropped. That was definitely not what she had expected to hear from you.
“I know that I’m the reason for a lot of your worries and I also know that I took it too far with the incident with Sejoo two weeks back. I’m really sorry about that and I will try my best to make it up to you and the whole house. I’m proud to be a Gryffindor, so I want to make you guys proud in return too from now on.”
You continued while firmly looking into her eyes as if you wanted to convey the seriousness of your words by allowing her a glance into your soul. A glance that Jihyo didn’t want, because she could feel the complete sincerity of your apology and it made her actions even harder to bear. Why did you need to tell her all this now?
“Um...i-it’s a little late for regret now, don’t you think?”
Jihyo stuttered, trying to sound snappish, but her bad conscience forbade her to harm you even more. You didn’t seem to notice the lack of sharpness in her voice though. Instead, you looked like a beaten puppy who was painfully aware of their misdeeds.
“I know and I’m really sorry. I hope you know that this is nothing personal. I’m really grateful that you’re our prefect, no one would be better at this job than you. I’ve never meant to upset you with my actions.”
You smiled sadly, managing to break Jihyo’s heart. What had she done? You didn’t deserve to be suspended and she didn’t deserve your kind words. What person would set somebody up like this? She needed to get that letter back. Panicked, she looked over your shoulder to the table of the first years, but to her sorrow, the Slytherins were nowhere to be seen. They must have left the library already. Looking back at you, she could see that you were anxiously waiting for some kind of response and she would have loved nothing more than to give you the chance to explain yourself. Maybe the two of you had started off on the wrong foot right from the start. But there was no time to talk right now; she needed to get that letter back first.
“I need to go.”
Jihyo exclaimed breathlessly before running out of the library, leaving you behind with a confused expression on your face. Frantically, she ran down the corridor while scanning the passing people. Yellow, blue and red uniforms passed her by but not a single green one.
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck this shit. FUCK! Where are those little brats??”
She cursed under her breath as she reached the stairs. She had no idea where the Slytherin common room was and even if she did follow another Slytherin student there, she would not know the passwords to enter. Desperately, Jihyo grasped her hair and turned around her own axis. What was she supposed to do now? The castle was too big to find the first years. Panicked, she walked up and down the corridor, trying to think of a way to prevent the fatal consequences of her plan from happening. Her only chance was to stop the first years from going to the Forbidden Forest tonight. If she could intercept the Slytherins on their way to the meeting point, they couldn’t get caught by a preofessor and the letter wouldn’t come into play. It was the only way to make this right.
Therefore, Jihyo reluctantly went to the Gryffindor common room where she waited on the couch in front of the chimney like on pins and needles. The hours passed painfully slow, but after a while one fellow student after the other left the common room to go to bed until Jihyo was the only one left. 11:45, the clock face read, causing her to jump off the couch and to stumble to the exit. Under no circumstances, she could let the first years slip through her fingers; she needed to stop them. Being allowed to roam the hallways after curfew as a prefect, Jihyo didn’t worry about running into any professors and headed straight to the entrance hall where she was just about to open the heavy double doors when they suddenly swung open without her help.
“Oh Ms. Park, I’m glad to meet you here. Look who I’ve found loitering outside.”
Mr. Filch croaked smugly while dragging two of the first years from the library by their robes.
Jihyo tried to fake a smile, but on the inside she felt like dying. How was she supposed to change the course of these events now?
“What a lucky catch. Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Filch. I can take them to their head of house.”
She tried to pull the first years to her side, but Mr. Filch tightly clasped their uniforms.
“It’s ok. I will accompany you. I want to propose some punishments.”
He giggled ugly before shoving the scared Slytherins forward. Reluctantly, Jihyo followed them to Professor Snape’s office while martyring her brain to find a solution for this hopeless situation. But there didn’t seem to be one. Before she knew it, Mr. Filch already knocked on the dark oak door to Snape’s office which swung open a second later to reveal the irritated-looking professor.
He grumbled and Mr. Filch snickered silently.
“I’ve found two of your students outside. After curfew.”
Mr. Filch put exaggerated emphasis on his last sentence, causing Professor Snape to grunt angrily before motioning all of them to come inside. He looked at the two first years in disgust, making Jihyo wonder why he was the head of Slytherin in the first place.
“P-professor Snape, we can explain.”
One of the Slytherins stuttered anxiously before pulling out Jihyo’s letter from his robe, causing her breath to hitch in her throat. She couldn’t just rip it out of the younger student’s hands and destroy it, right? That would be too suspicious. Instead, she had to watch how Snape took the letter and started reading it grimly before his face lit up suddenly.
He mumbled, looking happier than Jihyo had ever seen him before.
“Let’s pay Professor McGonagall a visit.”
Before anyone could disagree with him, Snape already scurried out of the room and the rest of them had to follow him wordlessly. Jihyo didn’t know who looked more miserable right now. The two first years or herself. All of them slouched their shoulders and regret was written all over their faces. Filch and Snape on the other hand resembled two Cheshire cats, especially after bolting into Professor McGonagall’s office.
“Y/N has endangered the lives of two first years. I plead for an immediate suspension.”
Professor Snape blurted out before giving the other professor the chance to process this ambush. Jihyo had never been more distressed in her life to have a plan of hers work out just like she had wanted it to.
“I beg your pardon?”
Professor McGonagall asked confused, causing Snape to snicker in amusement.
“These two students here have willfully been lured into a life-threatening situation by Y/N L/N, your student.”
He repeated himself while handing over Jihyo’s letter. Silently, the head of Gryffindor read the harmful words before sighing in desperation.
“That is a severe delinquency indeed...but I’m sure there must be an explanation for this.”
Professor McGonagall was quick to jump to your defense, causing Jihyo to draw hope that was destroyed a second later though when Snape scoffed dismissively.
“Yes, there is an explanation. Y/N L/N is a danger for this school, or have you forgotten about the incident with Sejoo only two weeks back? As a responsible head of house, I can’t tolerate such behavior.”
He narrowed his eyes and Professor McGonagall straightened up defensively.
“I haven’t forgotten about that, but if I may remind you, it was your student who used a slur about Ms. Park’s decent here that caused this whole incident.”
She bit back while pointing at Jihyo who flinched in surprise. What did Professor McGonagall mean by that?
An unsettling feeling started to form in Jihyo’s stomach, and she gulped thickly. What if everything wasn’t like it had seemed?
“That still doesn’t justify the endangerment of fellow students.”
Snape tried to distract from the misdeeds of his own student, leading to a stare down between the two heads of houses. The tension in the room increased with every second until the door of the office suddenly swung open. Inside came Filch accompanied by you, causing Jihyo’s eyes to widen. She hadn’t even noticed that the caretaker had left the room.
“I’ve taken the liberty to bring L/N in.”
He snickered before shoving you into the room.
You ended up standing next to Jihyo and looked at her nervously.
“W-what is this about?”
You stuttered, trying to sound relaxed although a slight trembling in your voice gave away that your heart had to be pounding in your chest.
“You have been caught red-handed. It’s over.”
Snape grinned while pointing at the letter in Professor McGonagall’s hand. Confused, you frowned, obviously not being able to know what he was talking about.
“Why would you lure them into the Forbidden Forest?”
The head of Gryffindor asked in disappointment and you looked at Jihyo for help.
“I did what?”
The confusion and fright in your voice was unmistakable and Jihyo hung her head in shame.
“Quit playing innocent Y/N. We have all the proof we need!”
Snape yelled causing you to flinch in shock. In reflex, Jihyo immediately grabbed your hand and you squeezed it tightly.
“You’re going down for this! You lured two first years into the Forbidden Forest. They could have died if Mr. Filch wouldn’t have found them in time. I will not let this go until you are suspended for the rest of the year.”
With every word more tears started to pool in your eyes and Jihyo couldn’t manage to avert her gaze from you. You looked so helpless right now and all she wanted to do was to save you from this horrible place.
“I-I don’t know what you are talking about. I have never seen this letter before. Why would I Iure first years into the Forbidden Forest??”
Your voice cracked in desperation, but Snape just kept on accusing you aggressively. After all, you had a history of pranking Slytherins. Jihyo couldn’t imagine how wronged you had to feel right now, and she gently rubbed your hand with her thumb, not knowing whether she was trying to calm you or herself down by doing so. She knew that she could end all this by admitting that it had been her who had left the letter, but despite being a Gryffindor, she wasn’t brave enough to do that. How was she supposed to explain it? How would she be supposed to ever look into your eyes again?
“That’s enough. We’ve understood your point, Professor.”
Professor McGonagall eventually ended Snape’s rant before looking at you with a sad face.
“I see how this incident is out of character for you, Y/N. Nevertheless, I have to agree with Professor Snape, the evidence is overwhelming. Therefore...you are hereby suspended until we can prove your innocence.”
Your jaw dropped, hearing these words from the head of Gryffindor and you looked at Jihyo as if she was your last hope. But she wasn’t strong enough to save you. Instead, she flung her arms around your neck and pulled you against her body.
“I’m so sorry.”
She sobbed, not being able to hold back her own tears anymore. Suddenly, however, she could feel how you started to stroke her back soothingly.
“Hey, it’s ok. This is not your fault.”
You tried to calm her, apparently not suspecting her betrayal in the slightest.
“Y/N, let’s go to your dormitory to get your belongings.”
Professor McGonagall asked you and you pulled away. With a light smile tugging on your lips, you reached out and gently wiped away the tears that were streaming down Jihyo’s cheeks.
“Don’t be sad, your job is actually going to be a lot easier from now on. Although I really would have loved to celebrate our victory in the championship together at the end of the year.”
You chuckled sadly to cheer her up before trying to turn around to leave but Jihyo held on to you and crashed you into her body again. She couldn’t bear to see you cheering her up any longer. Not after what she had done.
“It was me. I wrote the letter.”
She whispered into your ear while new tears streamed down her cheeks.
In disbelief, you separated your bodies and stared at her with betrayal written all over your face, causing her to avert her gaze. Her guilt was squeezing all air out of her lungs and she waited impatiently for you to expose her. This charade was unbearable.
“And here I was thinking that you were starting to like me back... What a foolish thought.”
You chuckled, causing Jihyo’s head to snap up. Slowly, you started to back away from her while grabbing your forehead in disbelief and Jihyo shakily reached out for you.
The words in Jihyo’s mind were all jumbled and the only thing she could utter was your name. Why weren’t you yelling at her? Why weren’t you standing up for your innocence? Your calmness and the disappointed look in your face was slowly killing her. She needed you to punish her for her betrayal, but you didn’t show the slightest inclination to do so.
“No, it’s ok. Don’t worry about it.”
You mumbled, still seeming to be dazed due to her confession.
“Y/N, what are you doing? You should expose me...”
Jihyo shook your shoulder lightly, but you only smiled at her.
“Yeah you’re probably right. But I won’t. I could never hurt you like that.”
You shrugged while trying to remove her hand from her shoulder but Jihyo only tightened her grasp.
“What are you talking about, Y/N?”
She furrowed her brow in confusion although the blurry picture in her head was slowly starting to get clearer, revealing a truth that she would have preferred to keep ignoring.
“I genuinely hope that you’re happy now, Jihyo. That’s all I ever wanted. You should look out for Sejoo and his gang though. They don’t like to see a muggle-born in such a powerful position and I don’t know what they will do now that I’m not going to be there anymore.”
With that, you removed her hand from your shoulder and walked up to Professor McGonagall who looked at you apologetically before giving you a sign to leave the room. One last time, you turned around and nothing hurt Jihyo more than to see that the sadness in your eyes still couldn’t manage to erase the affection that reflected in them. She had been so blind all this time...
Who would have thought that she had been the selfish one all along?
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | Wearing Lingerie For Them [Request]
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[BTS X Fem!Reader]
You nervously toyed with the strings of the dressing gown you were wearing, this would be the first time Jin would see you in something like this and you were a little nervous about this. Sure he'd seen you naked a billion times but this was lingerie and lingerie for your honeymoon,
"You okay?" His voice came through the bathroom door of your hotel and you hummed in response, you'd been planning this for a while. You wanted to wear something special for him on your honeymoon night and this was it. The white bra and matching panty set looked great on you, the way it pressed everything up and held everything in place, you felt pretty - which wasn't something you said about yourself a lot.
"I'm coming," You whispered walking over to the door and opening it, the second the door open Jin's eyes were on you staring at the way you looked. His mind racing as he looked at the white lace, you looked almost as beautiful as you did in your gown earlier in the day.
"When did you get this?" He chuckled as you walked over to him confidentially and sat down on his lap, he ran his hand over your cheek lovingly making you snuggled your cheek against him and lean into his touch.
"Tae took me shopping before the wedding, do you like it?" You whispered in his ear, you knew just how to work Jin up and he adored you for it.
"I love it babe," He whispered back to you staring into your eyes for a couple of seconds just smiling, he'd been doing it from the moment you kissed at the altar.
"Mrs Kim." He smiled brightly roughly spinning you both around so that you were below him now, he chuckled as you let out a squeal of excitement and then he just stared at you. Wondering what he'd done to deserve someone so beautiful, kind and considerate.
"Jin?" You panicked watching as a couple of tears rolled down his cheeks but he kissed you, assuring you that they were happy tears. Happy that he finally got to be with the love of his for the rest of his life, he snuggled his nose against yours before bringing you into a romantic kiss.
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This was going to be the only way to gain some attention from your boyfriend than so be it. You walked past Namjoon in the hall smiling sweetly as you clutched the oversized coat around your body, it was a freezing cold day and yet you were in nothing but an oversized coat and an underwear set you had been dying to show off to Yoongi all week but he had been too busy with his work to notice you.
"Hi baby are we still on for dinner tonight?" You asked cooly as you walked into the room and locked the door behind you, but he was to focused on the work he was doing he hadn't even heard the bell go off when you entered the room.
"Yoongi?" You giggled looking at him but he hadn't heard you at all so you turned his chair around and made him face you,
"When did you get here?" He asked slipping his earphones out and going to stand up when you pushed him back down into the chair and smirked at him,
"What?" He questioned knowing that smirk all too well so you took a couple of steps back from him before untying the front of your coat and letting it drop to the floor. His mouth hung open seeing you in the black and red laced underwear set, the top half was a sheer dress type with matching panties, you strolled back over to him and straddled him on the chair.
"Will you finally pay attention to me?" You begged him looking into his eyes with big pleading ones, he growled picking you up and carrying you over to the sofa that was in his office.
"Is someone feeling a little needy?" You nodded at him and he kissed you roughly as he sat down on the sofa with you on his lap.
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Normally Hoseok would be the one to buy all of the underwear you would wear, you wanted him to be the one in charge of what he saw you in but when you'd been out shopping that morning you saw it and couldn't resist.
"Hobi?" You called out when you heard him walking into the bedroom, you'd just been trying it on not intending to show him tonight but now he was home there was no point in wasting all the effort it put to put on.
"Yeah?" You could hear in his voice that he was stressed so this would be a good stress reliever for him, you opened the door slowly and stood in the doorway smirking at him. His eyes travelled up your body and almost popped out of his head as he stared at the mint green lingerie dress you were wearing, he blinked a few times trying to figure out if this was some kind of dream he was having.
"Stressful day?" You questioned acting innocently as you walked over to him, pushing him to sit down on the bed where you then began to rub his shoulders and strip him from his clothes.
"Y-Yeah we had a bad day." He stuttered out watching as you got off the bed again and sank down to your knees in front of him, his eyes held onto you as you pulled down his trousers,
"I'll run you a bubble bath, give you a massage and then you can wash off in the water okay?" You asked him wanting to do anything to make his day better but he growled at you, picking you up and pinning you below him, it was clear there wasn't going to be any kind of massage happening that night.
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This was all Jungkook's idea, he was positive that if Namjoon saw you in the underwear he would finally admit how much of a crush he had on you, so that was what was happening.
"Namjoon?" You called out looking at yourself in the mirror as you hid behind the door of your bedroom,
"What's up?" His face was in the doorway and the moment you locked eyes you wanted to take everything back and stop what you were doing but it was too late to go back now.
"I wanted your opinion on something," You stuttered out coming out from behind the door and opening it for him, his eyes almost dropped from their sockets as he saw you standing in the light blue underwear set.
"Y-Y/N?" He stuttered out licking his lips, he wanted to look into your eyes but he couldn't help but stare at the way you looked in the underwear. How much more amazing it made you look than he already thought but the longer he stared the worse you began to feel about it,
"S-Sorry Jungkook said-"
"Said what?!" His eyes were locked with yours now and he could tell you'd gotten nervous about the outfit,
"You look incredible Y/n, what did he say?"
"He said that if you saw me...You might finally admit your crush for me." You admitted slowly not knowing how to bring up the topic of discussion but a smirk was forming on his lips,
"He did?" You nodded and he chuckled wrapping his arms around your waist and drawing your body closer to his. His lips were hovering above yours, barely touching you but it had you whining out for more from him,
"He was right."
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This was supposed to be a sweet outing and yet here you were dragging Jimin into one of the lingerie shops that you always shopped in you'd been desperate for a new set since he insisted upon ripping all of the ones you wore for him off your body whenever you were at home together.
"How's this one?" You questioned coming out of the changing room, of course, you couldn't wear the matching pants that came with the bra set you were wearing but the suspenders and bra looked good for now. Jimin looked up expecting to see you in something a little less revealing but dropped his phone when his eyes landed on your body.
"Babe we need to go home," He grumbled looking at you and licking his lips, you could already see what his problem was already and you smirked at him.
"I'm not done, I have 4 more I want to try on." You showed him the sets you had picked out but that only seemed to turn him on more and he stood up, pushing you into the changing room.
"Then we're going to have to take care of my problem first babe if you're insisting on staying here," You giggled wildly as he pinned your chest to the wall and pressed his hard-on against your ass making you squeal a little.
"If we get caught-"
"We won't, now be a good girl and get on your knees."
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It was the first time you were going to be wearing anything like this in front of him so it was safe to say that you were nervous, you looked at him with a nervous smile and he chuckled looking at you.
"What's up? You look scared..." It was his birthday and you'd just gotten back from a meal with him and the rest of the boys and now you were getting ready to strip for him.
"Nothing I just...I wanted to do something for you." You slowly unzipped the back of your dress, letting it fall onto the floor before you stepped out of it and stood in front of him dressed in nothing but a red bra and panty set with black lace.
"Whoa," He whispered feeling as though he was stuck to the chair as he took in the way you looked, you smiled confidently as he just stared at you taking every angle of you in as if it was the last time he would ever see you.
"You look incredible." He whispered pulling you to stand in front of him so he could run his hands up and down your body, along the fabric and smiling to himself as you shivered from his touch.
"Needy?" He chuckled looking up at you as you whined whenever his skin came into contact with yours,
"That's an understatement," You'd been needy since the moment you got dressed that night with ideas of how the night was going to end with him.
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You'd done everything you could to get Jungkook to give you attention today but his head was in his game rather than you, you'd walked around the apartment in one of his shirts, sat on his lap, sang loudly to annoy him and even kissed his neck trying to gain something but his eyes were glued to his screen controller in hand.
"Kookie." You snapped looking at him, you were dressed up in his favourite lingerie set and yet he hadn't moved, the set was designed to look like a school teacher outfit...only more sexualised than real teachers would have been.
"Jungkook," You stood in front of him kicking the controller to the side and placing your foot on his thigh, slowly trailing it higher until it reached his crotch, his eyes landed on your body and he gulped. Whenever you wore that it meant you were in charge for the night and he was going to be in trouble,
"O-One more game?" He asked shyly looking away from you for a second but to you, it was a second to too many and you forced him to look at you,
"You've been bad," You whispered in his ear, bending down and giving him a kiss in the neck but he whimpered as you came into contact with him.
"No more gaming today baby." You whispered back to him, laying him down on the bed as you kissed down his neck. 
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @snowy-meowl​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @lynnthevirgo​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-atic-blog​ @rjsmochii​ @callingmyangel​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dreams, Chapter 14
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
Title: Dreams, Chapter 14
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1976
Summary: Once more, a moment at the bar shifts the relationship between Sam and the reader irrevocably. 
Warnings: angst, FLUFF, swearing, s l o w  b u r n, this section has a little gentle smut 
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           It was sweet, actually, taking things slowly enough that Sam didn’t feel an acute sense of betraying Dean. You started kissing in stolen moments like teenagers, accidentally honking the horn of the Impala before taking over from the day shift and walking in shyly with swollen lips and mussed hair, tasting the orange juice off of his lips after breakfast.
           Never more than that save a fumbled glancing grope here or there, Sam sometimes having to break away for a long walk in the brisk winter air before going to sleep with you at night, you taking extended showers to deal with the building tension. He simply wasn’t ready, and the additional closeness was already so much more than you’d had anyway, almost too much stimulation to handle. Not that it really made sense to you, that this was somehow different in his mind, but it didn’t matter.
           Dean came to you in your dreams with increasing regularity. He started teaching you how to go to places you hadn’t been, or hadn’t been with him, slowly reconstructing the bar and the cabin so you could show him around your new life. Sam had been right, of course, and Dean did love the bar as you showed it to him, scuffed floors and ever-present stickiness of the cash register included.
           It felt pretty real. And who’s to say it wasn’t, because it was really Dean and it was really you, the whiskey really poured and made his lips taste peaty like they always had. More than that, it was enough. You were able to relish your time together, drink Dean in while you slept feeling less desperate knowing that you’d see him again soon. The days got easier too, waking up warm inside from Dean and outside from the firm protection of Sam’s body. Neither Winchester ever told you what they did or talked about in their time together, but Sam got looser and looser. You had almost forgotten how goofy he could be, how enthusiastic and fun he was Before Everything, but the longer he spent dreaming with Dean the more he reminded you of that guy—the affectionate, quick-witted boy you’d split cans of Spaghetti-o’s with at Bobby’s a lifetime ago.  
           Going to work felt like a little game sometimes. Periodically one of the customers would comment on the way Sam always seemed to wait until you were right in front of the fruit before going to refill it so he had to press the length of his body against yours. Often you’d have to help him finish his side work before closing up together, having hung off him all night in a way that prevented him from getting everything done until it was just the two of you together in the darkened bar cutting up limes as your shoulders brushed against each other. The regulars thought you were finally comfortable enough to show them a little PDA, that you’d been secretly like this all along, and there was no other explanation you could give them. Like everything else, you rolled with their assumptions and got that same giddy-hot feeling in your chest and throat every time they said it—like you were being teased about some juvenile crush.
           The Wednesday it finally happened you were having a normal day at work, catching those little jabs after Sam snaked a bottle opener out of your back pocket while you rattled a shaker of martinis. He kissed your hair with a smirk when he passed by you, carefully not jostling your arms as you poured the drinks into chilled glassware. When you went to refill Joe’s pint of Spotted Cow, you noticed the tap start to stutter and foam the last dregs of an empty keg and raised your head to tell Sam it was out.
           He was leaning on his elbow, ankles crossed where the long stretch of his body met the floor and talking to Jake, clearly telling some joke from the way Jake cracked up and gave him that snapping handshake men often exchange instead of hugs. The smile on his face was just smug enough to show he knew whatever he’d said was funny, and more than anything he looked relaxed, looked comfortable. Looked like he belonged there, the reflection off green glassed whiskey bottles making his eyes seem lit from within. You decided to change the beer yourself and leave him in peace; the bar was slow enough that he could handle it alone for a few minutes, limited cocktail experience or not.
           Every time you went into the basement at work to change a keg you were amazed that Sam even fit in the room where they were stored; it was back at the end of the walk-in cooler with ceilings so low even you felt claustrophobic there. Aluminum kegs in varied states of fullness stacked by their respective lines, marked by stickers and tags of indeterminate ages, were in a sort of half-organization around the walls. Based on how fast Sam changed them when one went empty, you were pretty sure he would know instinctively which ones were which, but as it was you had to climb around the makeshift aluminum jungle gym to trace each looping hose back to its source. You finally found the empty Spotted Cow and the line that would tie it to its respective tap in the corner. To get there you’d had to hop on top of two others, one foot on a fresh Bud Light and the other on some Coors while your spine curved to avoid hitting your head on the ceiling. Unfastening the tap from the empty keg, you yanked back to tug it off and slipped on some extra moisture on top of the metal. It sent you off balance enough that you grabbed at the tubing at the end of the tap you were holding in an effort to stay on your feet.
           The hose pulled out of the line system and sprayed the rest of the beer within all over the room and you, brown ale getting in your mouth and eyes and sending you careening to the ground, tugging the empty keg on top of you with a huge clatter. You rolled it off of you, thanking God it was empty, and tried not to think too hard about the age of the beer remnant mixture leeching off the cement floor into your t shirt as you got up. By the time you got back to your feet, Sam was standing in the doorway, slightly out of breath with a look of concern on his face.
           “Are you okay? What happened?” he asked, surveying the scene.
           You still had the keg tap and hose in your hand, completely detached from the wall. “I was going to change the Spotted Cow but I couldn’t reach the back so I had to climb and then I…slipped.” Sam’s face smoothed in relief when he saw the smile spreading across your face. “And broke it.”
           “But you’re okay?”
           “Probably going to have a pretty kickass bruise tomorrow and I’m covered in beer but yeah, I’m okay. Sorry I pulled it out; do you know how to fix it?”
           Sam smiled, his dimples carving into his cheeks. “I’ll figure it out.”
           You pouted around your embarrassment and sheepishly handed him the tap. “I should probably get back upstairs,” you offered, shaking your wet shirt away from your body.
           “I’m, uh, I’m ready.” Sam murmured, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.
           “Do you need me to go get tools or something?”
           “No—I mean, like, ready.” He raised his eyebrows meaningfully and the emphasis crashed into you hard enough that it almost sent you careening back into the kegs.
           “Ready ready?” you breathed, sounding stupid and not caring, wanting to bound over and leap into Sam’s arms.
           “Ready read—” and Sam was cut off by your lips on his, taking a sharp inhale against your cheek as he kissed you. After a beat of electric shock Sam twined into the hair at the nape of your neck, his fingers hot from washing dishes and soothing in the air of the cooler. You slid down the soft flannel of his shirt and wrapped up fistfuls of it, desperate to have him closer, closer, closer, feel the firm slopes of his body when you weren’t sleeping. He groaned into you and it sent a shudder down your spine as you slipped down the edge of his jaw to kiss along the broad expanse of his neck, tendons squirming under your lips and the thrum of his blood pumping fast and hard.
           Sam moved a hand to your lower back and bent down to scoop under a hamstring, gently but swiftly lifting and spinning so you were pressed up against the doorframe by his body, hitched up in the air to better reach his face. You gasped and felt Sam’s smile against your mouth, wrapping your legs around his waist and greedily roaming the muscles in his chest as they flexed to carry you. The way the wall pinned you to Sam made it so easy to rock into him, feel the metal of his belt buckle through the worn cotton of your jeans and the heat seep through his shirt into the sticky beer drying on yours. “I—oh fuck—” Sam stammered between kisses as you rolled your hips, trying to balance the need to catch his breath with the pent-up magnetism between you. “We have—Jesus Christ, ah—there are customers upstairs,” he finally spit out.
           That zapped you back to reality, finally breaking away to press your forehead against his. “Fuck,” you moaned. A long second passed, sharing air between you and Sam as he held you suspended. “Do we care?” you murmured hopefully against closed eyes, smiling.
           Sam chuckled, breathy and low as he lowered you to the ground softly. “Unless you have another way of paying rent.”
           You gently knocked your head into Sam’s chest. “Man, couldn’t sit on that for a few more hours? How am I supposed to work the rest of the night?”
           He ran his tongue over his molars as he grabbed the tap from where it had fallen to the ground, accepting the gentle teasing. “I just—I don’t know, you were just standing there and it all kind of—it just made sense all of a sudden.”
           “The stale beer did it for you? If I knew that I would’ve broken all of the lines ages ago.” You bit your lip against your smile, suddenly a little bashful and exposed and feeling every drying drop of beer across your chest.
           “I um, might have another t-shirt in the car if you want me to check.”
           “Thanks. I can get it though, can I have the keys?”
           Sam snaked a hand into his pocket and you could see the muscles in his forearm ripple as he grabbed them for you. He handed the keys over, his face open and vulnerable even with the hint of smirk. Tapping the keys against the doorframe you stalled for time, wanting more than anything to have even just an hour without responsibilities. You reached out and stroked his arm. “You’re sure about this? It’s okay if you’re—”
           Sam’s head bobbed quickly. “Yeah. Yes, I’m sure.” He looked solemn, resolute in a way that reassured you. “I’m sorry it took—”
           “Nothing to be sorry about. I just wanted to check.”
           He closed the step between you, tucking a chunk of hair behind your ear and gazing down into your eyes. “I know. And thank you for that.” He kissed you on the forehead, grinning into your hair. “Now go change, you smell like a frat party.”
           You pushed playfully against his chest and made your way upstairs, leaving him smiling at your back as you walked away.
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 15
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
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