#I’m up to discuss any of these further too this is fun
reidrum · 6 days
wine or wine not | s.r
spencer reid x bau!reader
a/n: i think i love writing buildup to smut than actual smut, but i hope you guys like this lmk what you think. this was requested with the prompts "look at me when you come on my fingers" and "muttering compliments kissing down their body" and it was so much fun to write aaaaahh, my requests are open so please send more!!! guidelines in pinned <3
summary: you're hopelessly pining after spencer at a rossi party, and when you run into him in the kitchen when you're getting a refill and he asks if you want to explore the mansion with him, who are you to say no?
cw: 18+ minors dni pls, fingering, p in v, nipple play, soft!dom!spence, spencer being ridiculously hot its criminal, ooc penelope but it was for the plot, pining idiots, wine cellar sex wine cellar sex wine cellar sex, public sex, morgan and prentiss being dumb, rossi being a smug lil shit, a dumb ass title sorry i didn't know what else to name it lol
wc: 4.1k
these days rossi was always finding some reason to throw a party at his mansion. you’re not exactly sure what it was tonight, a birthday? an anniversary? regardless, you and the team appreciated the excuse to unwind, dress up, and have non murder related fun.
the sun is setting over the rolling hills the mansion is perched on, and you’re sat at a table with the girls— penelope, jj, and emily discussing penelope’s latest dating escapade. you’re trying hard to pay attention, you really are, but it proves to be difficult when you’re focused on the man showing magic tricks to the kids across the room.
you look on yearnfully as spencer pulls a coin from jack’s ear, all the kids are laughing and cheering and he has the biggest smile you’ve ever seen.
“hellooo?” penelope waves a hand in front of you dramatically, “i’m getting to the good part and you’re off in space!”
you jolt back to the present, “sorry pen, i’m listening i promise. so he shows up to your door with maple syrup and feathers?”
“YES, anyways so then he’s like i have a proposition for you…” penelope continues her story but you can’t help but zone out again. your eyes drift back to boy genius as he finishes another trick for little henry before rising up to his full height. it’s in that moment his eyes meet yours and softens as he offers you a small wave. 
you return the gesture back which causes the girls at your table to look in the same direction and they come to a glaring conclusion too quickly.
“ah, that’s why you’re not paying attention. too busy ogling mr. houdini over there.” jj remarks.
“i am not!” you scoff.
“oh you so are,” emily says, “when are you going to let yourself feel your heart’s full content.”
“first of all, i can’t stand you. second of all, it’s not worth it. he would never feel the same about me.” you say as emily rolls her eyes.
this time penelope interjected, “oh don’t be so cynical. you haven’t even tried how could you even know?”
but you did know. it’s not that spencer didn’t like you, he treated you the same as any team member, but that was just it. you wanted him to see you as more. during cases you would try to impress him or make breakthroughs in the hopes he would tell you ‘good job’. a couple times you brought him coffee when you got yours, just to hear him say your name and thanks. work conversations rarely seemed to move past small talk, but you’re a little sure that’s on your part because he just made you so nervous. and like, he’s a profiler. so you’re sure to some degree he knows how you feel, and it just makes you regress into your safe hole even further because you think he’s being nice by not acknowledging it and saving you the embarrassment.
the girls knew about your harbored crush for a month now, since the last bau drinks night you got a little too truthful during truth or dare. you were much younger in comparison to your colleagues, so they offered their sympathies at your unrequited love and tried to get you to come out more and let loose.
which is one of the reasons you’re sitting in rossi’s living room, wine glass in hand, as morgan recounts the craziest date hes ever been on. the other reason, which you wouldn’t admit to anyone, was so you could admire your (not) lover from an acceptable distance and not risk embarrassing yourself.
so here you are, two glasses deep, rising up from your spot on the floor telling everyone you’re going to get a refill. your heels click against the hardwood floors all the way to the kitchen where you just so luckily run into the (your) man of the hour.
you were looking down at your feet as you walked to the kitchen, your head snapping up to meet the voice, “hi spencer.” you said softly.
“if you’re looking for more wine, i think emily just grabbed the last bottle,” you must have outwardly deflated as he continued, “that bad out there?”
“only so much wine can get me through penelope’s sexcapades and derek’s crazy one night stands.” you joke.
he chuckles back, “oh i know, why do you think i’m hiding out in here?”
you laugh again before an uncomfortable yet strangely comfortable silence falls between you both. unknowingly you both take turns gazing at each other, indexing the others features as if this moment would be the only chance you got.
you’re about to take your loss and leave when spencer speaks up again, “you know, i wouldn’t put it past rossi to have a secret wine cellar somewhere.”
“honestly, you’re probably right. what kind of italian just runs out of wine.”
spencer pauses slightly before saying, “do you want to see if we can find it?”
you look at his eyes again and catch a glint of mischief? concern that you’re wine-less? whatever it is, you take the bait.
“i’m game.”
rossi’s mansion was humongous. it was well known that he was loaded from his years in the bureau and multiple book deals, but holy shit, the rooms just seemed never ending, and none of them were a wine cellar.
“i don’t know spence, i'm starting to lose hope, and debating to revoke rossi’s italian card.”
you’re both in one of the many studies and are about to leave to find another room, when spencer notices a smaller door next to the study. he slowly opens it and peaks inside to find a descending wooden staircase. he looks at you with a smirk, “i think we just found it.”
he holds the door open and gestures you to enter first, following shortly behind you as he shuts the door. he makes sure to check that it’ll still open even after it’s shut, and you both relax a little seeing it still unlock. you move down the stairs, gripping the handrail and praying you don’t trip over your heels and fall to an embarrassing demise.
spencer descends a step behind you, trying so hard not to let his eyes wander down your bare back to the curve of your hips. once he steps off you both go in opposite directions to explore. you take in the vast amount of shelves and wine racks, taking note of how it seems to be separated by year and by type. running your fingers over the labels, you’re intrigued by a shelf with the year you were born, and pause in front of it. you reach up to a shelf that is just a smidge taller than you, hoping to grab the neck of an old wine bottle.
even in your heels you’re struggling, attempting little hops to try and reach. you’re about to give up when you feel a warm hand on your right hip, while an outstretched arm on your left seamlessly grabs the bottle and brings it down to you, “careful sweetheart, don’t wanna break that pretty head of yours.” spencer says lowly.
excuse me, what the fuck did he just say.
you inspect the bottle he so kindly brought down for you, but it’s a futile effort. you can’t even remember why you wanted to see it. all you can think about is your hands clamming up, sending threats to the wine bottle it’s holding. your mind is fogging up fast, and you’re trying to order your brain to say something instead of going mute while he’s still an inch behind you. with his hand on your hip still.
“oh god,” you start shakily, “you scared me spence.” you angle your body to the left so you can attempt to show how unbothered you are and look at his face.
good save (not).
he’s staring down at you with a hint of a smirk on his lips, like he’s keeping a secret from you. his eyes are intently focused on you when he speaks again, “just didn’t want you to get hurt. s’all.”
with his close proximity, you’re sure he can hear your heart beating through both of your chests, hell it was so loud they could probably hear it upstairs. he’s still got you caged in front of him when he continues, “any particular reason for this bottle?”
“yeah no, i just, wanted to see what bottles of wine he had from the year i was born.” you answer, watching as spencer moves back to give you space when you turn to face him.
he nods, “did you know that wine is associated with the greek god dionysus?”
“no i didn’t, actually.”
“it’s really interesting,” he moves forward a tiny inch, “they call him the patron god of wine, but a lot of people often forget that he’s also the god of fertility and ecstasy.”
oh. “ecstasy?” you whisper confusingly.
“yes, he believes when you drink wine it gives you emotional and physical pleasure.”
“how does that even work?” you nervously laugh.
spencer reaches his arm above your head, never breaking eye contact, and grabs two wine glasses by their stems, “you wanna find out?”
with only so many words, you give another nod. he uncorks the bottle with ease and pours out two glasses, with his having a little less than yours, most likely due to his slow but steady return to drinking casually. clinking your glasses, you take a big gulp hoping it’ll satiate the building nerves. but you’re watching the way his fingers wrap around the glass, his veiny hand showing prominently and you’re unable to focus on anything else.
“you know, i’ve been running something of an observation the last few months.”
you take another small sip, starting to feel less nervous, “oh yeah, what about?”
it took everything in you not to spit your drink out all over his suit. 
he nods after another sip, “i’ve been watching you, and not in a creepy way i swear. but i’ve been keeping track of your habits; how you take your coffee, your tells when a case gets too much, things like that,”
that didn’t seem overtly terrible to you, you knew spencer was an observer of his environment, always seeking out patterns to aid his predictions. you’re about to speak when he cuts you off.
“i’ve also been noticing how you seem to change, when i’m in your presence.”
you feel like the sweat and nerves are just oozing out of you at this point, and he continues his verbal taunt.
“i’ve seen your breathing rate get faster,” he moves a step forward, “how your cheeks rise with the faintest red, kind of like right now,” another step forward, “and how you try to avoid looking directly at me because you think i’ll find out everything if you do.”
the room has to be at least a thousand degrees at this point, heart beating so fast it’s probably gone to the moon, and your brain just unable to have any coherent thoughts at the realization that maybe you weren’t as subtle as you thought.
he takes one final step to close the gap between you and delicately places two fingers on the pulse point of your neck, “i couldn’t figure out your heart rate from afar,” he pauses to count, “but now that i know it, i can come to my conclusion.”
the air in your lungs has all but escaped, nowhere to be found. “and wh- what is your conclusion d- doctor reid?” your voice betraying you by dripping with anticipation.
“that i make you nervous. do you agree? do i make you nervous?” he says while you feel the hot breath of his whispers ghosting on your lips.
your mouth opens to say something and then shuts, because what the hell are you supposed to say? any and all logic has left the room, but the last working neuron works to make an unthinkable conclusion of your own. there is no way.
spencer moves his fingers to grip your chin between them, guiding your face to look directly into his copper eyes, “i asked you a question angel, do i make you nervous?”
you’re cornered, “y- yes.”
“why’s that?”
“is it because you’re thinking of me the same way i think i about you?” his thumb starts tracing the outline of your lower jaw. he’s pressed right up against your chest, his other arm covertly moving to snake around your waist. the way you lean in subconsciously towards him, paired with your silence is all the confirmation he needs.
the pad of his thumb traces your lower lip, dragging it downwards a little. there’s a hitch in his breath when his eyes flicker from your lips back up to meet your eyes again. he quietly mumbles, “can i?”
your eyes widen slightly, relishing in the way his arms are holding you firm and steady. this was about to really happen. you’d been pining after him all this time, believing you were destined for unrequited love. but as spencer stands in front of you, looking at you as if he’d been poisoned and the only antidote is your lips, you can’t help but wonder if there’s been a similar weight on his side that’s been holding him back too.
so you nod once again, and trust your voice this time, 
you’re fully expecting him to go into it full force, and kiss you like a man starved. but he lets the premonition bubble for a little longer as he so agonizingly leans down and closes the gap, teasing you with the ghost of his lips on yours without making contact. he waits a moment, and just as he predicted your subconscious betrays you again and you impatiently lean up in an attempt to meet your lips together. spencer can’t help but smile before he softly pressed himself against you.
the feeling of his mouth on yours is something you can only describe as cosmic, like a star exploding into a supernova, emitting a powerful and luminous show of energy. it’s all consuming, the light reaching every neuronal end of your body and electrifying it ten times over. your hands reach up to tangle in his curly hair and he lets out the faintest whimper, spurring you on to grab it more earnestly.
spencer loses all restraint. his hands begin furiously mapping out your body, running up and down your back, reaching down to grasp a handful of your ass. he moves his hands down further to grip your thighs, effortlessly lifting you to sit on the counter behind you. spencer slots himself between your legs and continues kissing you, his mouth marking a hot trail to your neck as he mutters between, “is this okay?”
“please don’t stop.” you moan softly.
his fingers move to deftly slide the straps of your dress off your shoulder, mirroring the movement on the other side while continuing to work his down your neck. he slides the dress far enough down to expose your chest, immediately taking the swollen nub into mouth and running circles around it with his tongue. you let out a sharp gasp at the sudden warmth, whimpers leaving your throat. he repeats the motion to the other one as you cradle his head closer in an attempt to keep him there, as if spencer had any plans of leaving.
he moves his mouth back up to meet yours again, in a lust filled attack sending shock waves straight to your core. you move your fingers to work the buttons of his dress shirt and spencer moves his hand further south and under the hem of your dress, something you don’t notice until his thumbs are rubbing circles onto the plush of your inner thighs. it makes you falter on his last button as he pushes your legs farther apart,  inches closer to where you desperately need him.
spencer looks directly into your eyes as his thumbs reach up to hook onto the side of your panties and slowly move them down your legs. he groans outwardly at the resistance caused by your slickness, “all this for me, baby?”
you’re rendered speechless watching spencer and his ministrations but he continues, “you are so goddamn beautiful, you know that?” his fingers are less than an inch away from your cunt, “i see you walk around the office in those tight pants, your hair and makeup all done, and those blouses jesus,” he reaches your entrance and dives in to collect your wetness, you brokenly moan as he begins to spread it all over. “couldn’t tell if you hated me for the longest time.”
“c- could never hate you.” you whine.
“i know baby,” he slides his middle finger into your hole, “just imagine the fun we could’ve had if we figured this out earlier. but it’s okay, we have all the time now.” he sets a steady rhythm before inserting his ring finger, actively working you towards a barreling orgasm.
“spencer, fuck, oh god.”
“you’re so fucking wet, bet you’re gonna come soon, right? gonna make a mess on my hand?” he baited.
you’re in shambles, one hand deathly squeezing onto one shoulder the other turning white from the grip you held on the counter. the moans won’t stop falling out of you, he works his fingers so skillfully within you it’s impossible to hold any resolve when he curves upwards and hits that spot.
your head tilts back, reeling from the intense pressure coil building inside you, the peak about to hit you any moment now. spencer uses his free hand to move your head back down, “look at me when you come on my fingers.”
that was all it took for the white hot to ravage through you, engulfing every sense and leaving you breathless. he continues moving his fingers through your orgasm, watching as you come back down to him. you don’t waste a second reaching for his belt to unfasten it, slipping your hand down to palm him through his boxers. he moans in your ear as he feels you slip inside, your small hand moving up and down, and getting impossibly harder when you take your hand back up to spit on it to then return to your movements.
you take the moment to lean into his neck and leave bites of your own, finding his sweet spot right behind his ear and sucking hard. spencer’s hands have taken a spot on your lower back beneath your dress, pressing so hard with his fingertips you know there’ll be evidence of this night tomorrow.
“spence..” you mutter in the crook in the neck.
“yeah baby?” he whispers back.
“can you fuck me now?”
he preens at your boldness, and wastes no time pulling his pants and boxers down enough to fully free himself. he pulls you closer to the edge of the counter before pulling his length out and giving it a few strokes. he lets it glide between your folds, gathering your wetness as lubricant as it hits your clit. both of you are panting hard realizing the anticipation has led to this moment. spencer positions himself at your entrance, never breaking eye contact with you, and watches your face drop into a perfect ‘oh’ as he pushes in.
spencer is absolutely wrecked as he hears your breathing pick up, reveling in the vice grip your cunt has on him. you’re no better above him as you’ve broken eye contact to stare at where the two of you connect, watching as he disappears into you and the feeling of being so full overtakes you and you’re letting out soft expletives. he bottoms out and stalls for a minute, waiting for you to signal that you’re okay for him to move. in the time he’s waiting, he takes a moment to really look at your face, how absolutely ruined you look, your cheeks are deeply flushed, hair flying in every direction, and he can’t help but tell you, “you look so pretty.”
your eyes soften as you gaze back at him and nod slightly, and he pulls back all the way to ease in again experimentally. once he hears you moan out loud at the movement, and feels you tighten even more around his cock, he loses any and all restraint he’d been holding onto this entire night.
his hips pick up the pace in harsh snaps to your core, sending ripples of pleasure all over you. your arms are wrapped around his neck attempting to pull him impossibly closer to you, “spencer…fuck…” you drawl with a whine.
“i got you baby, gonna take good care of you, promise,” he says back in between grunts. the sentiment causes you to squeeze on his cock again as he attempts to continue, “if you keep…fuck…keep squeezing me like that i’m n- not gonna last long.”
one hand in his hair and the other leaving dark red scratches on his back, you feel your second orgasm of the night hastily creep up on you. he can tell you’re close and quickens his pace as he thumbs your clit. you moan his name out once more before reaching your peak, feeling like your body is on fire as he continues to fuck you through it. 
spencer feels his own release building up, “wh- where should i..?”
“inside, i’m on the pill just please come inside me.”
it was more than enough for spencer’s movements to stutter as he released his hot load in you, groaning out loud as he finished.
he slows to a half, still hilted inside of you but softening post orgasm. you’re both breathing heavily as you look up at each other and take in the other’s fucked out faces. spencer presses a chaste kiss to your forehead before resting his own on it, “that was..”
“intense,” he quirks his eyebrows at you, “in a really really good way.” you add quickly.
he smiles down at you, “i wasn’t kidding, what i said earlier. i think about you an embarrassingly high amount each day. i’d love to take you out and make this a real thing.”
“yeah?” you gape incredulously, “thought i was the one embarrassing myself if you were able to notice all those things i did when you were near me.”
he laughs, “no, no it was endearing, definitely made it easier to be as forward as i was tonight knowing you wouldn’t freak out.”
you’re about to respond when you hear the door to the cellar open, you’re both hidden from view but know it’s only a matter of seconds before someone catches you. you both look at each other in panic as spencer pulls out of you, tucking himself back in and zipping up his pants. you grab your panties from the floor and begin to pull them up your legs when he notices his come dripping down your thighs. he swiftly gathers the release on his fingers and shoves it back inside you, causing you to let out a near pornographic moan as he pulls up your underwear all the way.
“did you guys hear that?” a voice sounding like emily said.
“see this is why i don’t do big houses like this, too many creepy ass noises.” morgan.
“mansion,” rossi corrects, “and for a couple of profilers, you both are stupid if you don’t know what that sound was.”
your eyes widen to match spencer’s, you’ve been caught.
“was it a mouse or something?”
“no more like, bunnies,” he joked with an innuendo, “come on, i found the bottle i was looking for, let the bunnies do their thing so they can leave and go home to do whatever it is bunnies do.”
“you’re a weird old man david…” emily muttered.
the door closes and you both let out a big breath, and burst into a fit of laughter, “how the hell are we gonna show our faces to him on monday?” you whine.
“that is a monday us problem,” he starts, “but right now, i think it’s time for me to take you home.” he winks.
two stuffed bunnies show up on yours and spencer’s desk on monday. you’re both redder than a tomato as rossi chuckles when he walks by. prentiss and morgan are still confused.
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davidtennan-t · 23 days
This is a PSA that I’ve been debating on posting but it’s gone too far now and I can’t stay silent any longer - if you follow me and happen to be somebody who ships David and Michael in real life, to the point where you’re convinced there’s a secret divorce happening behind the scenes and are specifically talking about Georgia Tennant degradingly, kindly unfollow me or block me.
I’ve put up with seeing a few of my posts being reblogged by people within this circle, but I’m sorry to say, as of late, it’s gotten way out of hand.
I’ve seen comments referring to people who are ‘antis’ as stupid, unintelligent people. I’ve seen comments calling people who enjoy David and Georgia’s content as ‘homophobic’ because we can’t ’open our eyes to the bigger picture.’ I’ve read discussions about Georgia Tennant that go to such degrading and doxing lengths that I could easily get the police involved, it’s that bad.
We are not unintelligent or ‘anti’s’ for enjoying the content of a married couple on Instagram. There is no ‘bigger picture’, and I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but there really isn’t. However, it’s not really that side of it that’s been getting to me - I’m all for letting people believe what they want to believe, and ship who they want to ship, but the levels of hatred and degrading discussion within this circle of people has gotten out of hand as of late.
It’s so horrific seeing so many judgemental jokes and comments about Georgia that have recently turned to bullying or even misogynistic. Saying she’s a ‘typical woman’ for ‘using David’, accusing her of bullying him, and then using her content to fuel your fire is just not it.
David, Michael, Anna and Georgia are REAL people. They are not the characters they played on Staged. I understand there’s nothing wrong with speculating and having fun, it’s not a crime, but what is downright disgusting behaviour is discussing people’s personal lives to such an extent that talking about ‘child arrangement matters’ for people, again, YOU DO NOT KNOW PERSONALLY.
Imagine saying all of this to David or Georgia. Imagine asking ‘so which one of you gets to keep the children when you inevitably divorce?’ Please, think about that for a second. It’s just wrong, in my eyes.
I don’t know them personally. I don’t know what could be going on behind the scenes. But I RECOGNISE THAT FACT and take it no further.
Sorry it had to come to this. But I’m done.
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thepradapariah · 16 days
Astrology Observations
Twin Flames 😇😈, Karmics 🪐 & Soulmates 🕊
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Hello to all the Kosmic Baddies!! And welcome to all the new ones! I ADORE you all. All the positive comments and words of encouragement really make my soul warm and it means the world to me that you enjoy the content as much as I enjoy making it.
You all have given me the energy to write something else! And I appreciate it because I get so bored……………………………………
Thank y’all. Love y’all and I hope y’all enjoy this post. If you aren’t interested in my definitions, you can scroll down to the observations. I promise, I won’t take it personally :)
With Love & Lust,
Unlike most of my other posts, this is a breakdown for how to read soulmate connections in a chart. Most of these observations are ones that me and my sister made just studying couples in pop culture and in our personal relationships. I thought it would be a fun post to write how I categorize these different kinds of relationships.
This post is probably my most subjective in awhile. These aren’t rules, per-say, but they are patterns I noticed when studying different relationships.
First, I will breakdown MY interpretations of what all these different titles mean, and then I will breakdown how they MAY appear in a chart. It is imperative to have the correct birth details for these observations to reign true. In Vedic Astrology, you don’t have to have a birth time because you can use these same calculations through the Moon chart. (Making the moon sign the ascendent. For instance, I am an Aquarius Sun and an Aries Moon, so my Moon chart starts with Aries. So my first house is in Aries, Second house in Taurus, third house in Gemini etc. My sister on the other hand is a Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, so her Moon Chart would be Scorpio in the first house, Sagittarius in the second house, Capricorn in the third house etc. Moon charts are a nifty thing to look at when doing astrological overlays, particularly if you don’t have an accurate birth time).
Again, just a friendly reminder that this is a PERSONAL OPINION piece. Now, for those of you who have been with me for my previous post, you know I’m not talking out my ass. So I can absolutely promise that I am giving you the most educated and thought out explanation that I can give at the moment. I am by no means the final say on ANY of this stuff, I am far from God and don’t want to be the judge or the jury…it is faaaarrr too much work. But please understand that there may be some things in this post you disagree with~ that is LOVELY, share your opinion with me in the comment section, I am more than happy to hear from you and listen to your insight!
But without further ado, let's break this down shall we?
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Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman.: Compare bhakti (def. 1), jnana.
Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
Soulmates are just that– a mate for your soul. This is another soul, individual, or essentially another life force that you just “get”. Every relationship comes with its ups and downs and soulmates always seem to find one another no matter what. I find animals to be some of the BEST examples of soulmates out there. Isn’t it crazy how you can form a bond with another life force? I don’t find it to be a coincidence that animals and their hoomans can even look alike!
But enough with the furry friends, let's talk about hooman friends as well! Soulmates can also manifest as people (duh…)– whether super long lasting or a fleeting moment. Some friendships can prove to be some of the most profound soulmates in the course of a lifetime.
And of course…a soulmate can be a lover. We will discuss what can make a soulmate different from a twin flame further in the post. But yes, soulmates can absolutely manifest as boyfriends/girlfriends/theyfriends/husbands/wifes/partners etc. This is probably the most common and sought after kind of soulmate in mainstream culture, but I cannot express enough how soulmates can manifest in so many different ways. You know how Prince would rock out with that beautiful purple guitar? I consider that guitar to be a soulmate? After all, they shared a vibration and what is a man without his tools? As long as science says that everything is made up of tiny atoms, and each person, place, or thing contains its own vibration, we are bound to time and space by our soul’s connection. These types of connections help us move through the void of the darkness and chaos that is the universe, and we will be defined by the contracts of our souls through lifetimes and eons. (Smeeexxiiii, huh)
Twin Flames:
All twin flames are soulmates, but not all soulmates are twinflames. This is IMPERATIVE to understand when you are defining your connections for yourself. It seems to be trendy in mainstream culture to conflate the two, but these relationships have very distinct qualities and very different karmas (lessons). For the sake of starting on solid ground, let’s say that Twin Flames are like soulmates on steroids. Why? Because the contract level of Twin Flames can be an extremely heightened feeling and bring out the best and worst of ourselves so we can confront ourselves through a mirror like image, a reflection, if you will, so we can truly see ourselves through a 3rd eye perspective. Sounds like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, huh? Well, it kind of is. This may be a hot take, but it is an important one, NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP IN THEIR LIFETIME. I repeat, NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP IN THEIR LIFETIME. Why? Again, because this is HIGH level spiritual work that most souls just aren’t prepared to encounter. To be fair, just because it’s high level spiritual work does not equate to it being “high vibrational”. Most Twin Flame journeys deal with lower vibrations in order to raise them. So don’t confuse the work with the payoff. Twin Flames catapult one’s soul to the next dimension when it comes to spiritual growth and learning. One of the most popular modern examples of a Twin Flame relationship is…drum roll, please…Twilight (Spoiler Alert!). Bella started out as an innocent, run-of-the-mill suburban average teenage boring, blah blah blah, nothing-special kind of girl, with perhaps a proclivity towards darkness, who got entangled with a 300 year old vampire (or however old….), went on to experience the highs and very very very lows of a relationship, flirted with death, lost him, got him again, was deflowered, got pregnant, damn near lost her life trying to give birth and ultimately had to be “killed”/ “turned” by Edward– literally (or figuratively because it’s in a book…) “dying” to be born again and made anew. Essentially growing from an innocent virginal girl, to a very powerful woman & mother. Meanwhile, Jacob, who I would argue is simply a soulmate (see the difference…he was obviously the “safer” choice, but would not have sparked that dramatic of a shift in her soul) just watches from the sidelines. It’s just worth noting how traumatic that entire 4-book series and 5-part movie is from Bella’s perspective, but also from Edward’s. His darkness engulfed her willingly, like Hades to Perspephone. He wasn’t really a willing participant– until he unleashed all his passions and desires onto her. She reflected back to him a purer version of himself that was lost to the past and to his “vampirism”, while she was drawn to him to take her out of the mundane expectations of suburban living. Both parties were made to sacrifice a sacred part of themselves in order to embrace one another, but ultimately to embrace their truest form. For Bella, it was her becoming a mind-bending vampire…a FAR cry from the less than average suburban girl she started as. And for Edward, it was to bring love and happiness back into his life. He had to let go of his “I’m a monster” perspective of himself and see that although he is a lust driven, blood sucking, overly wealthy, perpetual teenager…he is…in fact, worthy of love. Awwww…now isn’t that just…romantic? To the teenage version of me…yes. To the adult version of me who has bills to pay…not so much. However, the story is a powerful one because it clearly illustrates the drama, the passion, the highs, the lows, the love, the lust, the hate, the envy in a spiritual twin flame connection.
(Tangent, but the word envy made me realize another key difference in the twin flame journey versus the soulmate or karmic journey…Envy plays a major part in twin flame relationships. There is something that you feel your twin has, that you feel like you don’t. Going back to our Twilight example, Bella envied Edward for his mystique, and his seemingly other worldly experiences. She envied his relationship to his own darkness. She found him interesting, to say the least. He was a masterful artist, a great pianist, wicked smart, and a selfless individual. Bella, at best, was a mid-level high school student. She didn’t have any talent, any hobbies, any desires. She was very boring and humdrum. She envied him for being so ridiculously complex. She was essentially a blackhole, wanting to be filled by him– sexually, physically, mentally, etc…She wanted nothing more than to dissolve into his world, inheriting his self-hatred and his life issues (like the Volutrie)...she envied his essence. On the other hand, Edward was envious of her purity. He found deep comfort in her lack-lusterness. She was beyond ordinary. So ordinary, in fact, she became extraordinary to him. To see a virginal young woman, full of life, and promise, brought him great desire. A desire he fought for like 3 books/movies. Edward, was by far, the “runner” in this scenario because he absolutely felt that his presence in Bella’s life would destroy her. And for what it’s worth, he was absolutely correct. He demolished her from the inside out– taking her virginity to ultimately making her a mother, an evolutionary act within itself. The triumph of the virgin to the whore pipeline (lol, no pun intended, but pun definitely accepted). Tangent over lol)
BUT what makes them a twin flame specific quality is the fact that you realize, you are actually the same. Edward was equally as dark as he was pure and same for Bella. There was no need to envy one another because they were both capable of all states of being. Edward and Bella are a good and bad example of twin flames, because they are the rare twin flames that stay together. So it’s beautiful they were able to find a middle ground and create a child and merge families–blah blah blah…but, that is pretty uncommon. MOST, not all, but MOST twins do not end up with a happily ever after. They usually are unable to reconcile their souls' differences. These relationships are usually to prepare one another for a high vibrational soulmate.
Karmic Soulmates:
Karmic Soulmates, are souls that have past-life unfinished business OR are meant to inspire a lesson that may or may not be resolved in this life in general. Karma/Karmic is a neutral term, so this type of relationship doesn’t have to be inherently good or inherently bad. It is a relationship that brings forth lessons so the soul can carry out the rest of its karmic mission. These relationships can play out in a romantic way, but they tend to be more on the platonic side. You can be in a Karmic relationship with your mother, brother, sister, teacher, etc. as well as a place! You can have a significant bond with a city, country, place and time. Anything that promotes the soul’s growth through support, challenges and forces you to learn, is a karmic contract/soulmate.
You are certainly meant to learn. But because of Karma being ruled by the planet Saturn, these relationships can go on for a long time, can be extremely difficult and will keep pressisting until the lesson is learned and the karma is fulfilled.
Karmics tend to have a negative connotation, particularly in the youtube tarot world, but it genuinely doesn’t have to be. In fact, I argue that all significant relationships are inherently karmic– be it clearing up Karma from a past-life, or creating new karma for the next.
Always remember, the universe is neutral. Lessons are neutral. Love/Hate is…neutral. We need not judge the nature of any relationship, including our own, if it means to help enlighten, enrich and grow our souls. We are social creatures and we don’t learn lessons about ourselves in a vacuum. Different souls, people, places, and things can trigger our growth in ways that we are incapable of imagining beforehand.
I say all that to say, as one of my favorite quotes from a family friend who passed away years ago said, “some things, you just don’t need to experience”. There will be times in life where you touch the fire and need to feel it to get burned…other times, you will know what that burning feels like and will turn away. This is the perfect system of Karma. Sometimes you will get burned, whether you “asked for it” or not, and other times, you will know that there is no need to even play with the fire to begin with.
So take everything in life with a grain of salt and a shot of whiskey! Life is supposed to be fun…even the not so fun parts! Live, laugh, love, lust & learn! Enjoy the moment.
(This is a great example of a non romantic karmic, he wrote this song for his grandmother who passed & it catapulted him to another dimension career wise)
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Observation 1
Do not underestimate the power of Chinese Astrology
Hear. Me. Out. I haven’t found a more accurate astrology for relationships than Chinese astrology. Crazy, I know. But Chinese Astrology is extremely straightforward. Screw the birth times, you just need a month and year and you’ve got all you need. I always joke that I exclusively date through Chinese Astrology, but I am seriously only half kidding (lol). I kid you not, whenever I study my relationships through this particular astrological lens, I am genuinely AWE STRUCK with how uncannily accurate it is. Try it! Next time you find yourself dating, or even checking the compatibility with your current mate, read a few articles and see how it lines up for you. I’m sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I manifest partners through their Chinese zodiac because I am so passionate about it! It hasn’t let me down yet!
***Note: I don’t have this as an official observation because it’s not astrologically based, but look into numerology as well when studying compatibility! It is VERY insightful.
Observation 2
Usually Twin Flames/Soulmates have Gemini placements somewhere in their personal planets or ascendent
So this take may not sit well with everyone, because you may feel limited in the types of soulmates you can encounter if you don’t have any Gemini placements. Fret not, keep reading, you may fit in another category.
I am not saying that this is the LAW, I am saying this simply is something I have noticed when studying what I consider twin flame relationships. In most Twin Flame/Soulmate relationships, the Zodiac sign of the twin is usually present for BOTH individuals/souls. The psychic nature of Gemini makes it very easy to just “get” someone, and feel as if you’ve known them for years. Have you ever heard two Geminis talk to one another? It can be hard to keep up with them!
Soooooo…..I feel the same to be true when it comes to these kinds of intense relationships.
It is also worth noting that Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury/Hermes in Greek Mythology is the only God that can travel between Mt. Olympus (Heaven, so to speak) and The Underworld (Hell, if you will). I think this is important because it demonstrates why Gemini placements in particular can experience a love of such depth. It can go into the pits of hell and to the glories of heaven with ease, making it one of the most valuable placements for a twin flame relationship.
Another note is, in traditional tarot, The Lovers card is depicted by the twins. I feel this is a significant indicator of a deep soulmate connection because of the telepathy and how intertwined lovers/gemini energy can be. The inherent closeness of these soulmates is intrinsic to closeness that is required for any level soulmate/twinflame. Nonverbal communication can play a major role in these types of connections. As chatty as Geminis can be, it’s what they don’t say that ACTUALLY matters. Only another Gemini person would understand that.
Now, Virgo is also ruled by Mercury, but Venus is in detriment in the sign of Virgo. I don’t think Virgo fits this description as well, because Virgo is inherently about solitude, represented by The Hermit in traditional tarot, making it more about virginity/purity than about a 3D twin flame physical connection. To be honest, I just haven’t witnessed it as much when dissecting charts, but I will study it more and perhaps my opinion will change. But as of right now, I don’t believe Virgo placements depict as strong of a connection as Gemini in this case. Feel free to prove me wrong! I’m always open.
Back to Geminis…It seems so weird that Gemini energy would be the ones who attract such intense relationships because they seem so, unloving…but one of my favorite Gemini on Gemini relationships is Courtney Love (Gemini Sun & Moon) and Kurt Cobain (Gemini Moon). Ooof. OOOF. But it was like they had their own language and lived in their own world. Now, that relationship ended up in tragedy…but hey…they had some “fun” moments. They were so similar and too similar at the same time, that it fueled an outwardly bizarre connection, but to them it made perfect sense. This is the power that a double gemini connection can have. Minus to tragedy part.
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Observation 3
Twin Flames almost always have the SAME zodiac placements or DIRECT OPPOSITE zodiac placements.
This rule, without fail, is one of the most important and powerful observations that I have come across. If you are checking the zodiac for twin flame compatibility, I will almost say YOU MUST have the same or opposite placements in the big three (rising, sun, moon) and/or Venus and Mars.
This can be ANY SIGN in ANY HOUSE.
For example: You have Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Cancer, Rising in Sagittarius…Your twin could have Sun in Virgo, Moon in Taurus, Rising in Aries. Because the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, you could experience a twin flame relationship.
Another example: You have Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aquarius, Rising in Pisces…Your twin could have Sun in Libra, Moon in Leo, Rising in Aquarius. Because the Moon and Rising are in the same sign, you could experience a twin flame relationship.
You can mix and match, as long as something mixes and other things matches (lol). I’ve seen so many charts of couples that share placements or have opposite placements and immediately I go “uh! Twin Flame!”.
I think this is due to the illicit push and pull nature/mirroring nature of Twin Flame relationships.
This is where “real” science comes in. All energy has an action and a reaction to create equilibrium. This is why this particular observation is so important. As I’ve stated from the beginning, when it comes to Twin Flame relationships, they are meant to teach, expand, challenge and heal, so it makes sense that you would be met with the opposite force and attract one another OR the same force and repel one another. (Let’s talk physics…think magnets…two positives and two negatives repel, but a negative and a positive attract…woot woot! Call me Bill Nye biiisshhhessss) The entire effect is to make your soul ebb and flow so it can reach a state of neutrality. You want someone to challenge your opinions and your sense of self so you can know what/ who you are. If you’ve never had a mirror, how do you know what you look like? Again, the same is true when someone is so similar to you. You may look at them and go “wow, is this how I come off?”. Just to reemphasis, I don’t want this to come across as an inherently negative thing, it doesn’t have to be. It just usually requires a highly developed spiritual understanding to see that. This particular alignment can give the “can’t live with em, can’t live without em” feeling.
If you have complementary placements, like your Sun is in Capricorn and your partner has their Moon in Taurus, this may be more of an indication of a soulmate connection. The same can be true if you are both air/air or air/fire or water/water or water/earth.
Now, another way you can see it is if you have opposing elements. But, I don’t think it reads as strong as actual zodiac signs.
Just to be clear, all my examples thus far have been using Sun, Moon and Rising, but this trick can extend to Mars and Venus. So let’s say you have Venus in Cancer and your partner has Mars in Capricorn…it counts!
Observation 4
For long-term compatibility, your partner’s Venus will be the same as one of your placements in your big three or your venus– ESPECIALLY WOMAN in Heteronormative connections or Males in same-sex relationships.
Trigger warning for those who are sensitive about pronouns…please use your imagination. I am talking about ANCIENT astrology, so it is rooted in traditional gender norms. You may disagree, that is fine, no judgment, but for the sake of this observation, you can bear with me…or ignore it. The choice is yours!
Now, I am talking about a man’s Venus placement here. In traditional astrology, Venus indicates the man’s wife. So if your “man” has Venus in Pisces, you may have Pisces Sun, Moon, Rising OR Venus/any other water placements. This would make you complementary. In fact, I would say if his Venus placement aligns with your chart, other placements in the chart won’t matter as much.
For example, You are a Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Aquarius Rising. If your partner is a Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising, BUT their Venus is in Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra…you’re in luck! From the big three, it may seem as if you are completely incompatible, but low and behold, your partner loves what you are putting down, so the “differences” may not be so different after all.
Venus is EXTREMELY important to long-term relationships. So is the 7th house. I won’t go down that rabbit hole for this particular post, but keep that in the back of your mind.
These connections may not be as intense as Twin Flame, but this is certainly a great indication for a wonderful connection. Let me say, like I said in the beginning, not every soul needs to experience a twin flame connection for its evolution. If you are wanting something more grounded, then follow this rule of thumb when checking initial compatibility with a partner.
BONUS: If your person’s Venus falls in your first house, this is a great indication of producing love at first sight! Now…other placements matter, obviously, but this is an extremely powerful indication of strong, immediate, attraction.
Side Note: For Women, you would look at your Jupiter placement for compatibility with your “husband”! I find that you can also use this rule for Mars when it comes to “boyfriends” as well.
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Observation 5
Synastry and Overlays Matter!!!!!!!
Synastry- When comparing two natal charts, this calculates the planetary alignment between two individuals.
Examples- Mars conjunct Venus or Sun trine Saturn
Overlay- When comparing two natal charts, this calculates how a person’s planets fall into another person’s house system.
Examples- Person A’s Jupiter is in Person B’s 8th House. Or Person A Venus sits in Person B’s First House.
(if these are new concepts to you, I HIGHLY suggest you do some research. Tumblr has some wonderful posts dedicated to these practices that are highly informative. I would love to do posts concerning synastry and overlays in the future!)
Okay, this may be the MOST important observation, but it is more advanced than Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus compatibility. This requires you to have knowledge of the WHOLE HOUSE system (sorry, western astrology) and deep comprehension of planets, conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares and aaaaallll that good stuff.
My sister and I LOVE synastry and overlays. It really puts entire relationships into context to see how your chart lines up and what underlying energies you’re dealing with, regardless of the actual placements. How the planets react to one another and how those planets show up in your chart is MUY IMPORTANTE! Chances are, if you’ve read these other rules and they haven’t resonated with you, I guarantee, you’ve had a relationship that is based more on planetary alignment than zodiac compatibility.
(Just to be clear…this is why I started off with Chinese astrology…Chinese astrology is INSANELY accurate and doesn’t require nearly as much study as what I am saying here. DO NOT underestimate the power of Chinese astrology when it comes to compatibility. I love how accurate it is with very little information.)
With this rule, you don’t need birth times, but my goodness do they make an impact when doing overlays. If you don’t have accurate birth times, always remember you can do it off the moon chart, which essentially makes the moon the ascendent sign. Just know, for an accurate overlay, you will need to use the moon sign for BOTH charts. It will not be as accurate if you use your birth chart with an accurate birth time and overlay to their moon sign. It isn’t “wrong” per say, it just isn’t nearly as precise. You want to use the same charts. Moon charts overlay one another and natal charts overlay one another. If you have both birth times, then do both! Go wild! The more the merrier!
Now, I am not going to go in depth about what these two practices mean, because that’s an entire post within itself and I wanted to keep this one “short and sweet”. But I will say, for a rule of thumb, if you have strong trines, oppositions, and conjunctions with a person, that is an indicator of a twin flame, soulmate, and karmic connection. If you have Saturn, Pluto, Venus, Neptune and Mars with low orbs, this can indicate a soul contract/intense connection. If yours or their placements sit in your 1st/7th/8th/12th house, this can be a VERY strong indication of a powerful & spiritual connection. There are plenty of ways this can be mixed and matched. The relationship between two charts is so important, they are a study within themselves. I am only scratching the surface here, so if you are a novice, again, I cannot express enough how exciting it is to do some digging when it comes to this stuff in relationships.
There are plenty of free synastry calculators online, so please use them as a resource– even if you don’t understand the calculations, it is important to see the results. These placements can truly unlock a much deeper understanding of your relationships that you just won’t get when it comes to looking solely at your charts at face value!
Let me know if you’d like me to discuss these topics further moving forward! You know I love to spread the knowledge, and there is just something so sexy about synastry and overlays…it’s honestly one of my favorite parts about Vedic astrology!
Bonus: North Node/Rahu and South Node/Ketu can play a VITAL role when determining what kind of karmic relationship you are in.
Just kidding, there is no test, because I’m too lazy to grade anything, BUT here is an example of what I’m talking about when combining the previous observations. I am not doing a super deep dive, but I want you to see how everything overlaps and intersects.
Let’s use Rihanna and ASAP Rocky as an example. Their connection hits on a few different cylinders. Rihanna is an Aquarius Sun and ASAP Rocky has his Venus in Leo. Why does this matter? Although Rihanna is an opposite, so Sun opposition Venus, which is twin flame-y, she is a FAMOUS, CREATIVE, ENTERTAINER and MUSE…this is ALL dealing of the 5th House/Leo energy, so it make sense…for now…as to why he would be attracted to her. She has No Leo placements in her big three, but because it’s the opposite, we go to that push-pull magnet thing I was talking about earlier. As far as how their relationship will play out long-term, I have ZERO idea, but I can say their attraction to one another is very real, but it will probably be volatile at times because of the Sun Venus Opposition. I’m sure her ego will cause difficulties to his love language, BUT he may be able to take it, because his Venus is ruled by the Sun. See how layered and complex it can be? And we are just looking at one placement. They work because he enjoys the attention that she brings (not in a vampire way, just in a “wow, isn’t my lady so cool” kind of way) and he allows her to shine without dimming her light, while she enjoys the fawning that he gives her. He loves that his partner is larger than life and Rihanna is larger than life because…well…she’s Rihanna. She is able to appreciate him, because at this point in time, he doens’t in any way seem like he is trying to compete with her. He is a confident person who can stand beside and behind such a force, BECAUSE he has such a strong Venus placement.***
Relationships aren’t black and white. These are just observations and rules/patterns that I have found to be true. But as you’ll see, as I have presented, some things will contradict, some things won't make sense, what makes sense for one chart doesn’t make sense for another. Etc… This is such a fun topic because it really is like a puzzle. And it really is a case by case basis. The more in depth you can look at a chart, the more knowledge you can walk away with.
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Oof….okay, what a ride! (Can you believe I had the intention of this being a short post. HA!) I hope that you were able to take something away from this post and learn something new! As you can see…there is a very intricate science behind how soulmates/karmics and twin flames work. It is so much deeper than saying “oh wow, that’s my twin flame”...like…maybe? I feel mainstream spirituality/astrology/tarot has taken that phrase and run with it. And saying “if you identify as twin flames then you are” is misleading. It really isn’t something you “identify” with. They either are or are not your twin flame. There isn’t an in between. It is not ambiguous and it can be fact checked. Also, twin flame makes it seem like you can only have one…I don’t think that’s the case. I think you meet as many “twins”/mirrors/soulmates/karmics as you need until your soul learns the lesson. Have you ever felt like you just keep meeting the same person over and over and over again? That’s because we are talking about soul recognition and not necessarily 3D body recognition.
You may be attracting different “people”, but you could be attracting the same “spirit”. So don’t always get so hung up on a particular person. TRUST ME BABES, if there is unfinished business, that same energy will come back around over and over and over and over again until you geeeetttt ittttt.
Another note is, if you’re like me, and you have exalted Venus in Pisces conjunct Ketu…then every relationship feels twin-flame-y. Why? Because I have my relationship planet tightly conjunct my south node, so I am on a spiritual journey on my own when it comes to relationships…my twin flame is most likely…Jesus Christ…sooooooo……yeah. (I kid, I kid, but not really. My placement can indicate being a nun…and trust me, after dealing with the crap I’ve had to put up with when it comes to these men folks, I have absolutely considered giving my body to God…cuz these men just don’t do right…lol…anyways…) Men and relationships have become my life’s work…which is why I am here sharing this information with you today. Each relationship is very nuanced but all have similar themes.
I am very much into tarot and astrology and all the things, but I do feel like there is a fad going around about this twin flame business. And as much as I enjoy a tarot reading popping up on my tiktok talking about my “twin”, I am always acutely aware that it can be a mislabeling and inspire people to put up with all kinds of crap for the sake of the label. If you’re going to be in a shxtty relationship, then be in a shxtty relationship, but don’t misuse the word. Twin Flame does not automatically translate to terrible, explosive, runner-chaser relationships and it does not excuse poor behavior. There is a difference between someone who is making mistakes because they are trying to learn and someone who is taking advantage of someone who won’t stand up for themselves. Sometimes, someone you like, just doesn't like you and your ego in tandem with your fear of rejection/abandonment is preventing you from actually growing and pursuing a relationship that would benefit and promote your soul’s growth. It’s almost like getting stuck on level one of a video game. Until you beat that internal need for validation from one specific person/soul…you’ll never get to play the next part of the game. Now…this isn’t me saying that soulmate/twin flame/karmic relationships don’t have their downsides, but I am saying, at least know the kind of energies you’re dealing with before you go putting pressure on a presumably less evolved/knowledgeable individual expecting them to “challenge your soul” and you haven’t even challenged yourself. This whole twin flame ordeal is like handing a toddler some markers and leaving them alone in a room full of white walls– it is bound to get messy. Soulmates are a BEAUTIFUL thing. And very rarely, I mean VERY rarely can a twin flame move into a more relaxed “soulmate” relationship. It is not impossible, but the amount of effort that is required to transcend, is unbelievable. BOTH PARTIES have to be spiritually mature and aware to do the work. This connection is NOT one sided…BOTH individuals are required to learn, grow and HEAL. Mind you, healing is the main reason for these kinds of relationships. There is no way to heal when your relationships keep pouring salt into an open wound. People can get caught up with and hang on to people for far too long because of a mislabeling. It is equivalent to a misdiagnosis from a medical doctor. Sure, you may have a cold, but if they misdiagnose you with a broken leg…are you receiving the right treatment? NO! And now you won’t heal properly! TO BE CLEAR…I believe in fate– so if you meet someone and you have an extraordinarily intense connection, you probably fit one or more of these rules and THAT IS why I am making this post. I want you to do the research for your own sanity so you can express FREE-WILL in whether you want to walk down that path or not with a certain individual– while also knowing the other person has free-will too. No label, or synastry, or overlay, or Chinese compatibility will change the fact that you may be fated to meet someone, but free-will may take you down different paths.
On another, equally important note…It is also possible to end up and stay with the wrong person. It is! You may look at a chart and follow some of these patterns and realize, you have NO BUSINESS with that individual. But people end up with the wrong people all the time. People have wasted LIFETIMES with someone they had no business with. But their ego decided they were a “soulmate” or a “twin flame” or they aren’t “healed”/spiritually awaken enough to realize they can do better…and low and behold…they were wrong and they wasted precious time. Now they’re miserable, can’t figure out why, and they end walking straight past a real soulmate in a supermarket…unable to even recognize them because they are so bogged down and clouded in their unhealed ego and a bad relationship that has cut them so far off from their own divinity, they can’t recognize love if it smacked them in the face. DON’T LET THAT BE YOU!
THERE ARE LEVELS TO RELATIONSHIPS!!!!!!!!! Not every soulmate will be as intense as the next. Not every boyfriend/girlfriend will be as compatible as the last. Love is a game of musical chairs. There is movement, there is stillness, seats get taken away, and eventually, there is a winner. And babe, it will ALWAYS be you. You will always be the last one standing when it comes to relationships because you have free-will. (Let’s not forget the importance of the 1st House/7th House axis. You vs Relationships. It is as equally you as it is them.) You are bound by nothing. You are bound to no one. You are love. You are light. If you do the work, you may find a wonderful, loving, long-lasting relationship full of romance, but this is not guaranteed. You AND your partner have to choose each other every single day. The best relationships require discipline, work, forgiveness, “God”/some higher power, and love– no matter who you cross paths with in this life…you have to do this for yourself first and foremost. Alas, if you are too caught up in people who won’t meet you in the 3D, let alone the 5D…you will always fall flat of what you are looking for. The chair will always be ripped from under you when the music stops. Always. All of this is irrelevant if it doesn’t come from within. And this is why I want to express it one last time…NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE A TWIN FLAME CONNECTION. You don’t understand how much you have to overcome rejection, overcome fear, overcome lust, desire, ego ALL the things, to open yourself up enough to join forces with another soul and try to tackle life together. Your ultimate lover is not your savior– they are your equal. You have to save yourself. You are not your ultimate lover’s savior. THEY have to save themselves. You ain’t super(wo)man and they aren’t either. Your partner has to be willing to do the same work…THAT’S what makes them a twin. It is not because they are treating you like shxt, babes…
Learn the lessons. Do the work. Love every bit of the journey…especially the crappy parts, because THAT’S what will make it all worth it in the end and you’ll enjoy the beautiful parts as much as the Greek Gods enjoy sweet nectar and ambrosia.
Why is this important to differentiate? Why now?
Now, one thing is for sure…and two things for certain, I am psychic and I have seen in my crystal ball that there is heavy energy of union in the atmosphere. I am hoping that whoever stumbles upon this post, is on the path of self-discovery which ultimately leads to liberation because not all union is good union. (I think covid brought in a lot of bad unions for example…but that is another topic for another day). The days are getting darker, and the evil forces are getting stronger (am I being dramatic enough for ya?) so it is important to know exactly what we are all up against. Only few are chosen to be in relationships that are led by light. There is so much overwhelming darkness now and I don’t want anyone that I am influencing to fall into the trap. There is potential for WONDERFUL, POWERFUL, SEXY, LOVING, LONG-LASTING & HIGHLY SPIRITUAL unions right now. But you may be tempted by something that seems beautiful and it is nothing of the sort. So please, do your research. Love with all your heart. Let spirit lead you! Let love find you, there is no need to seek it out! Take calculated risk! Open up your heart chakra! But ultimately, always be mindful of the wolves in sheep's clothing.
Ciao ✌🏾
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
dying for you to right more of javi and reader!!! maybe them discussing having a baby or javi forgetting to pull out?? love the breeding kind from your last fic ❤️❤️
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: In my mind, this is a prequel to All Roads Lead To Someone. It was supposed to be cutesy, but it turned a little filthy too and suddenly it felt like he wrote himself. I hope you enjoy it, friend! 
Summary: The beginning journey of trying for a baby with your husband, Javier Peña. 
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (MDNI!), established relationship, you indulge in Javi’s breeding kink, daddy kink if you squint, unprotected sex, p in v sex, fingering, creampie, dirty talk, fluff & fun, domestic javier is sexy and charming and filthy, so much in love, riding, fingering, cumplay
Word count: 2.3k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48106387
Javier raised a brow as you presented him with an empty blister pack. He was sitting on your shared couch, waiting expectantly for an explanation to what he could only assume was a lousy gift.
Unsure of what to do, he took the blister pack from your hand, stared down at it with a puzzled look upon his face for a moment before looking up at you once again, “This is the surprise? You got me empty foil and plastic? Are you losing it?”
You had told him to sit down and stay seated as soon as he had arrived home from work, pulled at his jacket to undress him and pushed him towards the living room. There had been a snarky comment about how eager you were, though when you hadn’t straddled him, but rather left him again, he had drummed his thighs impatiently until you had returned.
“Shut up, I’m not losing it,” you bit back, snatching the pill packet from him again to which he frowned. 
“Hey, give it back, I was just starting to like it,” he teased you. 
You twirled the empty packet between your fingers for a few seconds, then took a deep breath, “It’s my birth control. All gone. I’ve not gotten any more at the drugstore. Like we talked about.”
Javier’s mouth fell open. He sunk further into the couch for a moment, trying to process what he had just heard and you allowed him the time it took to register the words you had spoken. 
After a few more seconds, he suddenly sat up straight again. He placed his hands on his knees and pushed himself to stand, not giving you time to say anything as he quickly closed the distance between the two of you to kiss you. You dropped the blister pack on the floor.
His hands came up to cup your face, holding you gently as he covered your mouth with his own. You responded by gently grabbing a hold of his wrist with your free hand, thumb rubbing soothing circles into his skin. 
“When can we start trying?” Javier asked when he pulled back to catch a proper breath. He was beaming like a little boy on Christmas morning, grabbing a hold of you to lift you off the ground and into his arms. He spun the both of you around once and you squeaked his name. 
“Well, the doctor said most people should be able to start trying already a month or two after stopping the pill, but he also said that anything could happen,” you explained when he put you down on the floor again, “Which means I’m open for business, baby.”
You leaned in to whisper the rest of your sentence in his ear, “Time to fuck a baby into me, Javier Peña.”
Then you pulled back with a satisfied smirk, because Javier was completely lost for words, and you found as you looked down, that he was also starting to get hard. It gave you reason to taunt him, “That gets you going, huh? To knock me up?”
“Don’t,” he groaned as a warning, holding his hand up to say stop. 
“It does,” you giggled cutely, but there was something more devilish about it. You reached out for the buckle on his belt, carefully undoing it until you could pull the belt from its loops. You let it fall to the floor with a soft thud, going for his zipper afterwards, “I think we should practice our magic; we have to do it a lot in the coming months.”
Javier said your name softly and when you looked at his face, you saw him with damp eyes. It caught you off guard, “What? What’s happening? Is something wrong?”
“You’re actually gonna give an old dog like me a family,” he stated tenderly, and your first response was to chuckle softly in disbelief at him. He found your eyes and furrowed his brow. 
“Hey,” you reached out to cup his cheek when you realized that he meant what he said, brushing it soothingly with your thumb, “Of course I am. Who else would be better than you? I can’t wait, baby. You’ll be the best daddy out there.”
Something shifted then. Javier leaned in to kiss you once more, this time with a little more confidence in the way that he carried himself. He reached for your clothes too now, pulling at your dress’ hem to lift it over your head, discarding it on the floor and finding your mouth afterwards again.
You pushed him backwards, mouth still on his, until the back of his knees hit the edge of the couch. You broke the kiss by pushing him to sit down again, stepping back afterwards to take off your shoes and socks, then undo your bra to slide it off your arms. 
“Gonna be such a pretty momma,” he said as he watched you undress except for the wedding ring on your finger, lifting his hips off the couch to shove his jeans and underwear down over his thighs until they hung around his knees. 
You hooked your thumbs into your underwear, pulled them down so you could shimmy out of them until they fell around your feet. Javier swore from his seat on the couch as you revealed your whole self to him. squeezing the base of his cock as he started hardening fully. 
You went to straddle him with a sweet little smile, hooking your leg over his thighs until you had a knee on either side of his lap. You were positioned right above him.
Javier placed his hands on the back of your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh whilst you grabbed at the backrest of the couch. He looked up at you with his brown eyes which had gone darker with desire, “Gonna take real good care of you, make sure you have everything you need and want.”
“Yeah?” You said with a dazed expression as one of his calloused palms slid around your body and between your thighs. He teasingly dipped a finger into you, but only to the first knuckle. 
“Oh yeah, so tell me what you want, mi amor.”
“You, Javi. Need nothing but you to cure me of this baby fever,” you moaned softly, gasping as he left you empty once more but even more so as he guided his cock into you in the next moment, “Need you to come inside.”
“Jesus,” he swore, finding your hips to fully push you down onto his length. You gasped at his generous girth, walls fluttering around him from the slight burn that it always caused as your body did everything it could to engulf him. You could feel his zipper gnawing into your ass, but it wouldn’t matter once you started moving on him. 
When you finally felt the front of his thighs against the back of yours, you stopped moving to breathe in through your nose to steady your heartbeat. Your pulse was skyrocketing at the feeling of being so close to him despite the years that you had been together. No one had ever made you feel like this.
You kissed him deeply. He pressed his thumbs into the front of your hips, digging all ten digits into you possessively just to hold you in place as you sucked on his tongue, pulled at his bottom lip and moaned into his mouth. You’d move soon, you promised yourself, but not before his hands started to hurt a little from impatience.
“Ah,” you whined as you pulled back, but only to rest your foreheads together. 
“Move your ass, baby,” he ordered with a slightly ragged breath, swatting your ass, “You’re gonna make me lose it.”
“Maybe I want you to,” you replied after gasping, but followed through on his command; lifted your hips off of him only to sink down dangerously slowly again. You moaned in unison, and whereas you would’ve liked to go so slow that you’d have him begging you to fuck onto him properly, your willpower to tease was gone at the first stroke of his cock inside of you.
You stared into his eyes, licking your lips as you wiggled a little on his lap. He groaned quietly, and you swirled your hips once and then twice, setting up a rhythm that had you both gasping soon.
“Yes, that’s it, use me, you look so pretty,” he panted as you lost yourself on his cock, leaning back a little to change the angle and riding him in earnest to chase an already climbing high; he always loved you milking him anyway. Plus, the sweet and domestic moment you had shared just minutes earlier was enough to have you both desperate for a hurried fuck. It would have you closer to your shared wish quicker than if you took it slow. 
You held on tightly at the back of the couch, daring to lean just a little further back until the angling of your hips made his cock nudge against the front of your walls. You ground your hips down to feel the thick head of his cock ram into your g-spot, and you cried out his name before speeding up.
You started bouncing then, and Javier followed you by bucking his hips up into you until you moved in a well-known unison. There was no doubt: You just fit.  
Pleasure tightened in your stomach as Javier fucked up into you, and you knew you wouldn’t last long. Everything about the situation and his body molding yours was intense. You needed to come, and you gave everything you had in you to reach your goal. 
The thing that sent you over the edge was when he buried his face between your bouncing breasts, his open mouth kissing your cleavage before moving to one nipple and sucking it into his mouth.
“Javi,” you whimpered as a last warning. 
And then you came, hard and fast, muscles clamping down on his stiff cock that responded by twitching inside of you. He was so close, and you egged him on.
“Fill me up, daddy, please,” you begged desperately, moving erratically onto his cock despite your sensitivity. 
“Chica sucia,” he praised with a groan, looking up at your face again, “Gonna—  mierda, gonna pump a baby into you… y-you want that?”
“Yes! Fuck yes, please,” you nodded, mouth hanging open from the sweet pain of oversensitivity. 
Javier spilled inside of you a moment later. You stilled your hips, letting him bury himself inside of you as he pulsed through his orgasm and coated you with himself from the inside. 
“You know— hah,” he cut off for a moment, catching his breath and leaning his head back against the backrest of the couch. He let go of one of your hips to run a hand over his face, fingers carding through his hair with a breathless chuckle, “I think that was quite the practice round.”
“We may have to repeat that, I think, just to be sure we were doing it correctly,” you responded, voice oozing with post-coital bliss. 
When you were just about to get up on your feet again, Javier took your hand and pulled you back down. He carefully laid you down on your back, “Not going anywhere. We need to make sure that it works, mi amor.”
“Someone’s been doing their homework,” you noted, but grimaced at him a second later. He had gotten up to tuck himself back into his boxers and pull up his jeans. You wiggled a little on the leather couch, “I don’t want to scrub come off the couch later, and you, mister, you just want to look at me being naked in your living room.”
“Is that a crime?” He asked, reaching for your dress on the floor. He slid it under your ass, “There.” 
“I’m not law enforcement, but I don’t think so,” you bend your legs and spread them for show, feeling his seed drip out of you and onto the dress. Javier sat down by your feet, looking at the mess he had made.
“I think the way you just behaved on top of me is illegal in at least one country,” he said absentmindedly, reaching between your legs to push his come back inside of you. You squirmed at feeling his fingers inside of you.
“Guess I’m a criminal then,” you moaned.
“Criminally sexy,” Javier turned his palm upwards to press his fingers against your g-spot, making a come-hither motion until you lifted your hips up from the couch at the stirrings of a second orgasm. 
“Some scientists actually believed that you increased the chances if you made your wife come after pumping her full of come,” he told you as if he was giving a lecture, “The pelvic floor muscles were supposed to contract and make it fucking stick.”
“Yeah?” Your breathing was speeding up again, clit throbbing despite being untouched. The wet squelching of his fingers in your cunt were filthy, getting dirtier as another wave of your wetness mixed with his come. 
“Yeah,” he was calm, working his fingers a little faster and more determinedly, “Come on, I can see you’re close, baby.”
“I’m coming, fuck— baby,” you suddenly announced, voice high-pitched as the first wave of pleasure washed over you. Your legs fell inwards and your hands came down between your thighs as if they could help with the intensity, but you cried as the world around you shrunk into nothing, but the feeling between your legs as you rode the wave. 
“That’s it,” Javier chuckled as he pulled his fingers out of you, wiping them on the dress. He let you breathe for a second before continuing, “Want a glass of water?”
“I can get my own water,” you started to get up, but Javier pushed you down on your back once more. 
“You better get used to this, momma, stay,” he got up from the couch, heading for the kitchen, “One water coming up.”
You cursed him with a smile on your face as you heard glasses clinking in the kitchen drawer.
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starsinmylatte · 4 months
𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚖𝚘𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚘𝚐
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Here is my submission for @kentopedia's wonderful Love Through the Ages collab!
➻ Summary: Trapped in the gilded cage of Victorian high society, you were determined to rebel. You ran the streets in disguise at night and threw yourself into your work as a typist for Scotland Yard during the day, rejecting the label of “quiet, submissive woman.”  Further rebuffing the ideals of your time, you scoffed at the idea of love and marriage, but a certain blonde Detective Inspector always seemed to make your heart flutter. You’re assigned to work a case under him, and your feelings only grow more complicated… but will your budding romance be able to survive one of history’s most infamous murderers?
➻ Pairing: Nanami Kento x afab!Reader
➻ Rating: Explicit (18+, minors DNI)
➻ Word Count: 8.2k
➻ Warnings: Explicit sexual content and Discussions of the Jack the Ripper case/thematic elements related to the case/time period (rape, poverty, etc.)
➻ Song recommendations (in order):
Toxic- From “Promising Young Woman” Soundtrack performed by Anthony Willis  Les feuilles mortes- Jean-Michael Blais The Swan- Camille Saint-Saëns
➻ Author's note: I did a ton of research to make sure I had my details correct, so there are tons of easter eggs hidden in the fic. I had a lot of fun with this one!
Join my taglist here!
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Colors flew through the air as you tossed various skirts, bodices, and any other accessories unfortunate enough to catch your ire clear across the room. They hit your quilted bedsheets with an audible thunk as Misato shook her head at your antics, tsking at you from the corner. 
“Love, you’ll be late if you carry on like that. Wipe that scowl off and pick one already.” 
You shot the maid another half-hearted frown, looking as grim as a young woman clad in only her chemise, garters, and stockings could. Misato strode over with matronly confidence, snatching the next garment out of your hands before it could grace the top of the pile. She held the bodice up, inspecting it in the clear morning light before giving a brisk nod. 
“Right then, this will do. It’s posh enough to keep your father happy without all those extra frills and ruffles you hate. Grab that skirt, and let’s get on with it.” 
You did as you were told, albeit extremely unenthusiastically. Misato hummed soothingly, draping the familiar weight of a corset around your waist. This was a dance you knew the steps of all too well. You fastened the busk up quickly before bending down to grasp at the foot of the bed, adjusting your decollete into the supporting garment. Misato tightened the laces systematically, just as she had done for every year you’d been old enough to dress as a woman. 
Standing back up, you moved your body around, wincing and rolling your shoulders as you reacclimated to the squeeze of the steel boning. 
“I’m sorry,” you murmured, dropping your head in apology at the sight of her soft frown. “I know I’m bull-headed, and I know it only causes trouble for you.” 
With a gentle sigh, the maid slipped a muslin camisole over your head before moving to fasten a bustle around your waist. “I understand, love. But you’re a woman of society, and you’re to dress as such. Now, bear you in mind, I’d rather die than see you in trousers like the men, but I think there’s a middle ground to be found yet.”
You smiled at her, grateful for the affection, “I know, but I’m still glad to hear it.” 
“Who knows… Maybe you’ll finally attract a husband who’ll let you run as wild as you’d like.” The older woman teased you, pinching your cheek affectionately as she slipped several layers of skirt over your head. Her loving prodding pulled an imperceptible flush across your cheeks, and you distracted yourself with the buttons of your bodice. “Lord knows some of those peelers can’t be too horrible to look at.” 
“Love,” you scoffed, choosing to ignore the way your mind immediately wandered to a certain stoic, blonde detective, “is for little girls who still believe in fairy tales.”  
You continued on, selecting a hat from a drawer. “I work because I want to do something important… something beyond embroidery and gossiping at garden parties. There are people out there who need help, Misato.”
The maid laughed softly, pinning your hat at a perfect, jaunty angle. “I’ve known that since you stood at the height of my knee, but I can still hope to see you happy.” 
You bade Misato goodbye with a quick kiss on the cheek, finally venturing out from your family’s warm, comfortable house to wait by the road for your carriage. An icy breeze brushed past as soon as you stepped outside, ruffling through your skirts and causing you to shiver. As you waited patiently, the damp air slowly seeped under your multiple layers of clothing; the strangely oppressive chill only took a few moments to carve beneath your skin like an icy dagger. 
Normally, little birds would flitter throughout the small yards alongside the street, filling your morning commute with their cheerful racket, but there was only silence today. Your only companions were the ever-present fog and smoke that blanketed the city, but today, they seemed so much thicker than usual, making the overcast sky feel even more bleak. 
Thick tendrils of gloom trailed over the cobblestones, swallowing the flickering gas lights one by one. There were no people on your street this early, no signs of life to be seen anywhere. Another shiver shot down your spine, but this time, it had nothing to do with the cold. The world was grey and eerily silent as the fog finally reached you, blanketing your entire body with frigid mist. The downy hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end; everything felt off… like an ill omen.  
A moment later, the clacking of hooves on the cobblestone echoed throughout the street, and a familiar carriage finally appeared in the gloom. You barely waited for it to come to a stop before you opened the door and climbed in, not caring to observe the proper etiquette. 
“Cold, miss? It’s a chilly mornin’ innit?” The driver chuckled, shouting loudly as he snapped the reins, urging the horses to return to their steady gait. “Don’t worry; we’ll get you back inside soon enough.” 
“Ah, yes… It is a bit chilly.” You smiled and brushed your actions off with a laugh, but the feeling of dread still weighed heavily on your heart. 
Even the horses seemed restless, rolling their eyes and tossing their well-groomed manes back and forth as they plodded eastward. You were grateful to finally see some sense of normalcy as you reached Victoria Street, where people of all ages milled around, setting up their businesses both on and off the street. Shops opened their doors, and street vendors set out their wares, squabbling loudly over placement and price. You smiled wryly as a young boy snatched a steaming pie from the corner of a table, eyes shining with delight as he shoved the greasy pastry into his mouth. He disappeared into the teeming crowd with the shopkeep still blissfully unaware of the theft.
The sight was as endearing as it was heart-wrenching; the cute little boy probably stole out of sheer necessity. If he hadn’t stolen the pie, there was a good chance he wouldn’t have eaten at all today, even in this area of the city. You suddenly felt guilty that you had the privilege of being able to turn down breakfast. 
“So much needs to change,” you murmured, drumming your gloved fingers against the lacquered side of the carriage. Most of the people from the upper crust simply wanted to hide the poor away; their attitude was just to keep them out of sight and out of mind.
Your thoughts continued as you looked off into the alleyways and then glanced eastward to where the worst parts of London were concealed. If your family had their way, you’d have never known those parts of the city existed; you’d have been kept on a pedestal in the opulent West End. To them, all you needed was decorative knowledge meant to accent your pretty face and attract a rich husband, but no one had counted on your tenacity. You had been too intelligent, too fierce of a little girl, always demanding answers from your tutors, rejecting their half-baked excuses about the world and how it worked. 
 Before long, you figured out that not all people grew up similarly. You fished stories out of maids and butlers, learning about how other people suffered in the cruel workhouses and filthy alleyways hidden in the background of the city you loved. But the most appalling thing by far was how little your parents and their wealthy friends seemed to care.  
When you turned ten, you convinced Misato to help you sneak out for the first time, mainly by threatening to go even if she refused to be your accomplice, and from that night on, you began exploring the real London. When your parents thought you were safely locked away in your room practicing embroidery, you were actually exploring the streets wearing ragged clothes “borrowed” from the nearest bin. It was dangerous and wholly irresponsible for a lady like yourself, and if anyone found out, your reputation and life would be ruined forever…. So, of course, you loved it.
“It’s no wonder I ended up here, in the last place a ‘lady’ should ever be.” You murmured, smiling as the carriage finally jolted to a stop outside the stately, brick-and-stone building at 4 Whitehall Place. The driver opened your door with practiced ease, and you entered Scotland Yard’s world of cops and criminals. 
“Odd, there’s so few people here…” You murmured, arching an eyebrow in curiosity as you walked in and reached your desk. 
Typically, the station was filled with men waiting on their orders for the day or waiting to go on patrol. The few men who were present milled about restlessly, and most wore the trademark blue peeler uniform. However, two men were notably different; they were dressed in everyday clothes and stood off to the side of the Chief Inspector’s office. If you didn’t know better, you could’ve guessed they were gentlemen who simply wandered in off the streets. 
“I haven’t seen those two before. They must be detectives.” You pieced together, noting the tension that hung heavily around them. 
The two men were certainly young to be detectives, but one seemed more experienced and slightly calmer than his counterpart. They each wore black frock coats and trousers, but from there, the appearance differed. The composed man had kind eyes and tawny, disheveled hair covered with a bowler hat, whereas his friend sported a red vest, fluffy hair, and no hat. He looked younger and full of nervous energy; for some reason, his hair seemed oddly…. pink?
You sighed, chalking it up to a trick of the light as you set up your desk for the day. In a valiant attempt to neutralize your own nervous energy, you began to clean your typewriter, stealing glances at the young detectives, trying to parse together what was going on from snippets of their conversation. 
“Do you really think- how long will it take?” 
“I don’t know, just wait and see.” 
Suddenly, two more men you did recognize walked into the room without fanfare. Chief Inspector Yaga led a tall, serious-looking blonde man over to the others, and your heart fell through your chest at the expression on his face. Not many of the detectives treated you well, but in all the time you’d worked there, Detective Inspector Nanami Kento had never failed to greet you with a small smile and a polite greeting every morning at the bare minimum. 
This morning, however, his expression could have cut through stone. The stoic man’s lips were set into a cold, hard line, and he didn’t even notice your presence. His dark eyes glittered in intense concentration, and the two young men snapped to attention as soon as he approached them.
Something has happened. Those aren’t the eyes of the gentleman I know… that’s the gaze of a detective entirely focused on his case.
Scotland Yard and its detectives were no strangers to tragedy and brutal events. They carried the weight of investigating the most unspeakable acts people could inflict on each other, but you had never seen DI Nanami look quite this grim. You watched the four men talk quietly for what seemed like ages before they finally walked over to your desk. Chief Inspector Yaga looked you up and down with a critical gaze as if to size you up. 
“How can I help you this morning, sir?” You met his eyes calmly, the feeling of dread rising, squeezing your heart once again. 
“You’ve been with us for almost two years now, correct?” His gruff voice rumbled through you like thunder promising an oncoming storm. 
“That’s correct, sir.” 
“And you’ve never had any-” He paused, gesturing around as if searching for the correct word, “trouble with the cases up until now?” 
Nanami’s chiseled jaw clenched as the Chief Inspector questioned you. He seemed to be looking just past your face, staring at a spot on the wall in a manner that seemed as though he was willing it to spontaneously catch fire. You didn’t try to hide the way your brow furrowed in concern at the question.
“Trouble, sir?” 
He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Deep, dark bruises were blooming under the man’s eyes; it looked as if he had gotten little-to-no sleep for weeks. “I know you’ve certainly heard… more than a few disturbing things in your time here. The paperwork you tend to has details of crimes, and you’re around the men every day….  God knows they don’t know when to hold their tongues.” 
You nodded along, still confused and growing exponentially more concerned. His words were true; you’d certainly heard more than your share of gory details from the policemen as they returned from their patrols, whether it was just accidentally overheard or they told you directly as if it would impress you. 
“Well… It is never enjoyable, but I deal with it in the same way the men do, sir.” You pointed out deftly, unwilling to seem fragile. 
Nanami remained grimly silent, but a small smile played across the corner of his lips as Yaga watched you closely. After a moment of silence, the burly DCI sighed again. “Then there’s a job for you. I am about to ask more of you than I would like to, but you’ve excelled at your current position, and this situation calls for related skills.”
For the briefest moment, you could’ve sworn that you saw Nanami’s fist clench at his side. Still, the stoic man stayed silent as Yaga continued on, “You’ll be working under DI Nanami, and your main responsibility will be to organize and keep a running record of the evidence as it comes in. You’re to help them keep track of any papers they need to revisit during their investigation. Other duties will be assigned as needed.”
Yaga nodded stiffly and walked back to his office, shutting the door firmly as if to signal the finality of his decision. You looked up at Nanami with concern, as the man had barely moved since he arrived at your desk; he still looked silently furious. “Are you… do I need to do anything right now?” 
His mood seemed to shift to calm in an instant. “No, nothing right now. I’ll have a file to give you as soon as I return, but I do need to introduce the case to you so that you’re not blindsided when you… see it.” 
Nanami motioned for the two young detectives to step forward, “First, this is DC Itadori, and this is DS Ino. They will also be working under me for this case; if you have any issues and I’m unavailable, you can go to them.” 
The two young men tilted their heads in polite acknowledgment as they were introduced, each giving you a small smile, almost like the one Nanami usually reserved for you.
Ino spoke first, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Even under these circumstances.” 
Itadori nodded enthusiastically, “Yes! It isn’t often we get to work with a-”
“And I think it’s time for us to go secure transportation to the scene. You’ll have to excuse us.” Ino butted in quickly, placing a firm hand on Itadori’s shoulder and hauling the young man away, blatantly ignoring his noises of protest. 
You turned back to the Detective Inspector, whose expression was unreadable as he sighed, “He means well. Please forgive him.” 
A small, reassuring smile touched your lips as you gazed up at Nanami, “I’m not offended, Detective. I’m no shrinking violet and a bit of levity won’t go amiss every now and then.” 
Your small quip made the blonde man chuckle lowly despite the situation. “I’m well aware. But this case….” His expression shifted once again. “I don’t like involving you in it.” 
Hurt shot through you, stabbing through your heart with a dull ache. You had worked alongside him for two years, and he’d never seemed like the other men who constantly doubted your abilities for the supposed sin of being born a woman. You liked this man; you had trusted him.
“Do you really not think I can be of help?” You frowned as indignation seared through your veins.
You must’ve looked truly hurt because Nanami shook his head. “It has nothing to do with ability. You should know that I hold your abilities in high regard, but…” he said softly, “this case- it’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before, and you should never have to see things like this. No one should.” 
Your firey attitude froze instantly, turning to shame as you realized his true intent. “Forgive me, I’m used to….” 
A flush crept across your cheeks as you took a deep breath, smoothing the fabric of your skirt and regaining your professionalism.
Why is it so easy for me to make a fool out of myself in front of you? 
“ I understand,” he murmured, studying the typewriter in front of you with a strange intensity. “You may as well come into my office and have some tea.”
It took you no time at all to understand exactly why everyone seemed on edge and why the Detective Inspector was so affected by the case. You had read files of violence, murder, and rape before, but what Nanami had to sit down and tell you was beyond all of that. There was a monster, some sick freak brutalizing and murdering women throughout the streets of Whitechapel. He toyed with and desecrated their bodies, and all evidence suggested that he had acted multiple times and was going to continue unless he was caught or killed. This wasn’t some random act of criminal violence or murder of passion committed by a jilted lover…. this was something only the devil himself could be capable of.
The warmth of the teacup against your hands brought you some comfort, but you couldn’t bring yourself to drink any of the tea. Your stomach roiled violently; you were suddenly immensely glad you’d skipped breakfast as Nanami softly explained what had happened to the women and the events that led to Yaga deciding that you’d join his team. 
“They found another body this morning,” he spoke plainly, but his deep brown eyes roamed over your face, his expression full of gentle concern. “Worse than the last, even.”
You glanced at the thick file in front of you, your stomach lurching as your eyes landed on the sketch of the previous victim. If it was only growing worse… God, you couldn’t even imagine…. The room suddenly felt too hot, your corset too constricting as you leaned forward, fighting the bile that rose in your throat. 
Nanami was by your side instantly, his large hand warm and soothing on your back as he knelt beside you with surprising grace. “If you don’t want to do this…. I understand. I swear I do. Just say the word, and I’ll have you home.”
It took a brief moment, but you swallowed thickly and straightened up, your eyes glittering in determination as you gazed down at the kneeling man. “No. I can’t- I won’t- sit idly by, knowing I had a chance to help, even if it’s just in a small way.” 
An entire moment passed as the two of you stared into each other’s eyes. Nanami rested his hand on yours for a brief moment, giving it a gentle squeeze, and you could feel your brain short-circuit. You were much closer to a bachelor than society would deem appropriate, but the desire to uphold proper values wilted against your need for comfort. 
The moment was over quickly, and the Detective stood, brushing dirt off his tan pants. “It’s time for me to head out to the crime scene. I’d like you to use my office while I’m gone.” 
Nanami gave you an achingly soft smile, the exact smile you had craved before he tugged his coat on, slid his unique, round glasses into place, and left the room. 
Weeks turned into months, but the monster who called himself Jack the Ripper still hunted the women of Whitechapel. It didn’t take long for the press to run with the story, drawing more attention to Jack than his victims. An endless flow of letters and tips began to pour in every day, and the monster had even penned a few himself, mocking the police for not being able to catch him yet. 
You spent every day working beside Nanami, who insisted you move into his office, claiming you could work more comfortably there. The attraction you felt towards the stoic detective grew as you spent more time with him, sharing the intimate workspace. He was always so busy and stressed beyond measure, but he was unfailingly kind and considerate of you. In return, you went above and beyond your assigned duties to care for him. You ensured that Nanami ate as regularly as possible, brewed him tea when he was having a particularly hard day, and provided him companionship. 
You had always known that Nanami was intensely intelligent and focused, but he truly gave all of himself to this case. Unfortunately, the Ripper seemed to be a shade able to pass through walls for all the helpful clues he left behind. You watched, feeling utterly helpless, as the pile of bodies grew and the dark circles under Nanami’s eyes deepened. Despite putting on a brave face, he seemed frustrated and permanently exhausted; if you had to guess, he even slept at his desk some nights. 
As the case progressed and even more women were killed, Nanami made it a point to make sure you were safe, even though you lived on the opposite end of London from where the murders occurred. You reassured him that you’d be fine, but he still gifted you a small firearm, a Derringer, that you kept tucked in your handbag every single day as both a good luck charm and a deterrent. The detective also insisted on escorting you home at night, and on the rare nights he was unavailable, he sent Ino or Itadori in his stead. 
However, most nights, you only waited inside for an hour or two before sneaking back to the streets. You were convinced the people who frequented the bustling pubs and taverns of Whitechapel had to have more information. Many people weren’t keen on sharing any information with the police, but you knew they’d talk amongst themselves and certainly to a pretty girl at the bar. You knew it wasn’t smart, but you were determined to help in every way possible; too many women were living in fear. However, a small part of you did know that you were also desperately trying to ease Nanami’s burden. 
Even though you were determined, you still felt incredibly guilty about the situation. It would undoubtedly drive Nanami mad with worry if he knew what you were up to, but you promised yourself that it was safe enough, that you’d always sneak back home before nightfall. You had even planned only to visit pubs on Whitechapel Road itself, knowing that proximity to the main road made your outings safer. Weeks passed as your covert outings continued without a hitch, but one night, everything changed. You had been far too distracted by the bartender you were conversing with, and before you realized it, the sun had fully set. You might’ve been right on the main road, but you were alone in Whitechapel after dark, where the monster was certainly lurking in the shadows.
Every bump in the night made your heart seize in fear as you started down the street, desperately heading back toward safety. You managed to make a decent headway, but the sound of a familiar voice stopped you dead in your tracks. Nervously, you glanced around to find DC Itadori at the building right in front of you, blissfully unaware of your presence as the young man chatted with a passerby.
You knew that the proper thing to do would be to approach him for help, to admit that you had made a mistake, but you couldn’t ignore the small voice in the back of your mind that whispered, “You know he’d tell Nanami, right?”  
Telling DC Itadori would be bad enough, but the thought of his mentor being disappointed in you or even hurt by your actions made your heart lurch. 
“It’ll be just a quick detour,” you promised yourself as you turned and headed down the closest alleyway.
Your journey was fine for the first few minutes, but it didn’t take long for you to garner unwanted attention. Your dress lacked the finery you usually wore, but it was still the dress of a respectable woman, and this dark alley was no place for any woman. Drunken men leered at you from every shadow, trying to coax you closer. You ducked and weaved your way out of their clumsy attempts to grab you, but you were forced to run down alley after alley to avoid them. The familiar weight of the Derringer that you’d tucked into your garter was the only comfort you had as you fled deeper and deeper into the heart of Whitechapel. An icy chill crept down your spine as you grew painfully aware that you’d gotten lost in the maze of alleyways. 
Thick, oppressive fog curled throughout the already cramped alley as you hurriedly turned the next corner, only to hit a dead end. Your blood ran cold, and tears of exhaustion and fear ran down your face as you glanced around, desperately trying to figure out where you were, but it was useless. The fog was too dense, and you were too lost. Two sets of footsteps were still following you. You could hear them approaching faster and faster,  and you shrank back into the corner in fear, reaching under your skirts for the cool metal of the pistol as a last resort-
Suddenly, you heard the sounds of a brief scuffle around the corner, followed by the sickening crunch of a nose shattering. A man yelled out in pain; you could hear him sprinting back down the alley as another voice rang out into the night, “Miss, are you alright?” 
You could’ve wept at the achingly familiar, husky tone as your Detective Inspector appeared out of the gloom, lantern in hand. 
“I seem to have made a mistake,” You managed weakly.
Nanami froze instantly at the sound of your voice. He raised the lantern to illuminate your tear-stained face, and a look of sheer horror broke over his handsome features. You crumpled against the wall, and the Detective Inspector rushed forward to support your body, his strong arms cradling you with breathtaking gentleness. 
“Are you hurt?” He asked quickly as his gaze scanned you over systematically, desperately searching your body for any sign of injury. 
“No, just cold, afraid….. and more than a little ashamed. Thank you for saving me.” You admitted meekly, fighting the urge to lean into his warmth. 
Nanami groaned audibly in relief, tipping his head back as if thanking god. His arms tightened around you slowly as he embraced you, holding you against his broad chest while you shook with latent fear. You flushed furiously as you reciprocated his embrace, drawing enough comfort from his presence for your heartbeat to calm. 
“You’re trembling,” he murmured, voice low and soothing. “let’s get you somewhere safe, and then you can tell me why you’re out here.” 
“I can’t go home. It’s too late; I won’t be able to get back in until morning when my maid returns. Perhaps I should rent a room here for the night? No one will know me this far out. I do have some money.” You rambled, trying to keep from crying even more.  
Nanami sighed, stepping back slightly to look into your eyes. “I’m not leaving you out here alone. It won’t be ‘proper,’ but I’d like to take you somewhere where I know you’ll be safe.” 
You felt a pulse of clarity flow through you, and you placed a hand on his muscular forearm, gently squeezing it in reassurance. “I trust you.” 
The detective’s warm, brown gaze softened as he saw the honesty written across your face.
“One more question, then. Do you think you’re up to walking? I could carry you, but that may draw more unwanted attention.” 
You shifted on your feet, testing them out. “I think I’ll be alright.” 
Nanami smiled down at you before deftly unfastening his tan, woolen greatcoat. He draped it over your shoulders with heartbreaking gentleness, ignoring your mild noises of protest as he secured it around you. 
“It’s cold tonight,” was all he said as he offered you his arm.
You held onto him tightly, instantly comforted by his solid frame and the quiet strength Nanami carried himself with, even in a tense situation like this. You had never been more terrified only moments ago, but now you felt safe and protected, almost warm despite the cold air around you. 
“Thank you…. It is quite comforting.” You murmured.
Nanami smiled down at you briefly before guiding you through the maze of alleyways, letting you dictate the pace. Funnily enough, the fog seemed to dissipate as the two of you walked down the streets of London together. You could see the stars twinkling above you, and if you didn’t know better, the two of you could’ve been a couple out on a nighttime stroll together. 
Time passed quickly as you walked together in comfortable silence, and soon, you arrived at a comfortable-looking townhouse near Bedford Square. Nanami unlocked the door without any preamble, ushering you inside out of the cold. He led you up the stairs into a tastefully furnished drawing room with a beautiful bay window that overlooked a moonlit garden.
“Please, make yourself comfortable,” he encouraged, leading you towards a plush settee. Nanami busied himself with lighting the ornate fireplace as you curled up against the arm of the furnishing, still wrapped up in his coat. You snuggled against the soft wool, surreptitiously enjoying how it smelled of his fresh, woody cologne undercut with the deeper scent you could only describe as his. 
As soon as Nanami finished tending to the fire, he began to pace around the room in a manner you knew meant that he was thinking deeply about something. 
“What is it?” You asked softly, almost afraid of the answer. 
He took a deep breath and stopped pacing, turning to look at you. Nanami’s expression held no anger as the firelight flickered across his face, but a profound sadness filled his beautiful brown eyes as he spoke, “I don’t think you understand what it would’ve done to me if you were the next body found.” 
You dropped your head, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as Nanami continued his pacing, “When I realized it was you in the alley, I- I thought the absolute worst had happened.” 
He ran his hands through his hair, pacing even more frantic as he tousled the normally neat blonde strands. “You must know by now…. You have to know…”
Nanami turned to you once again, dropping his arms to his side in defeat. “I love you.” He rasped, voice raw with emotion. “I’ve known for months. I didn’t think I could court you properly until I caught this bastard, so I didn’t say anything. You don’t deserve to be associated with me if I fail, but after tonight, I just can’t take it anymore. I understand if you say no, if you need a better man, but-” 
He didn’t get to finish his sentence. In the blink of an eye, you flung yourself across the room and into his arms. Nanami caught you in surprise, scarcely able to believe he wasn’t dreaming as you clutched desperately at his sides. Uncontrollable tears fell from the corners of your eyes as you gazed at him in unabashed adoration.
“I love you too,” you confessed, “ I don’t think a better man exists.” 
That was all the encouragement he needed. Nanami smiled lovingly, softly as he leaned down to press a slow, feather-light kiss against your forehead. You sighed in bliss, and the detective breathed deeply as if he hadn’t had fresh air in months. Months of stress and fear melted away from both your bodies, the negative emotions paling in comparison to the warmth of your love. Nanami ghosted more kisses across your cheeks and nose, taking his time to savor every inch of your beautiful skin before finally pressing his lips against yours. 
The kiss was soft and sweet. Your eyelashes fluttered shut, and you acted purely on instinct, leaning further into his embrace. One of Nanami’s strong, steady hands moved to cup your waist, holding you like precious china as your lips parted from the chaste kiss. As you shared another intimate breath, his other hand slid under your chin, tilting you forward to capture your lips again. 
“Marry me.” He mouthed against you, voice rough with emotion. “Let me protect you, love you, worship you. I want to hold you in my arms, to keep you by my side until I die.” 
“Yes,” you nearly pleaded, clawing at the material of his blue vest in an attempt to somehow pull him closer. “Kento, please…. I’m yours.”
He groaned desperately at the intimacy of his first name on your lips as his hand moved from your waist to wrap around your back possessively. Nanami trailed his other hand to cup your jaw as he kissed you even more passionately, almost devouring you whole. You had kissed before, but it was only mild, adolescent flirtations with boys you didn’t bother to remember; it was nothing like this. This kiss was searing, threatening to burn you from the inside out if you stopped for even a second. Your chest lay flush against Nanami’s, your body moving against his in a way that made his trousers grow uncomfortably tight. 
Nanami realized instantly and broke the embrace, stepping back to hide the way his cock strained against the fabric. The desirous look in your eyes and your attempt to follow him nearly shattered his resolve completely, but he touched your shoulder gently. 
“It will get increasingly hard for me to remain the gentleman you deserve if we continue.” He warned breathily, a light dusting of pink gracing his cheekbones. “If you need, I can go stand outside until morning.” 
A whimper left your kiss-swollen lips. Your body ached in a way you’d never felt, craving the sweet burn of his touch in places you’d rarely explored yourself. The world felt hazy and syrupy as you tried to regain your mind, but it was a futile task. Your breasts felt heavy, your nipples sensitive as they rubbed against the fabric of your chemise. 
“That’s not what I need,” you pleaded, and Nanami shuddered. 
“Can you tell me what you do need?” He murmured, taking a tiny step towards you. 
“Kento, I-I’ve never done this before,” you stammer, blushing furiously and shrinking back in embarrassment. 
Immediately, Nanami is at your side, holding you tightly once again. “That’s nothing to be ashamed of, darling. I wouldn’t love you less either way. All it means is that we’re on equal footing here.” 
He pulled you into another hug, intent on soothing you further as your mind spun. 
“You’ve never….?” You questioned softly. 
“No,” Nanami murmured, “I haven’t been with anyone.” 
“That does make me feel better,” you admitted, biting the swell of your lower lip. “What I’m feeling right now is new…. strange, even. I want you to touch me so badly that it hurts.”
Nanami groaned again, pulling you against his broad chest; he could easily feel your heart racing, and he wasn’t faring much better. 
“Do you want me to touch you now, or do you want me to wait?” He asked, voice deadly calm. 
“I think I’ll die if you wait,” you pleaded, pawing against his vest again. 
He chuckled roughly, grasping your wrist and pulling it to his lips. Your breath hitched as he kissed the tender skin of your pulse point, savoring the way your pulse raced under his touch. Without further preamble, Nanami reached down for your skirts, slowly drawing the fabric up past the soft leather of your garters. He reached down, tracing up your thigh with his fingers until they caught the cool metal of the Derringer, which you had completely forgotten about. 
Nanami tugged it free as he kissed you once again. He smiled into the embrace, pulling you with him as he stepped over to set the small gun on a nearby table. You glanced at him in astonishment, unsure how he had known. As soon as the firearm was safely put away, he scooped you up into his arms with another soft laugh, “Darling, what kind of detective would I be if I didn’t know?” 
You smiled up at him, “I suppose you do have a point, darling.” 
He sighed in bliss as you turned the affectionate nickname against him. You traced your hands up Nanami’s broad chest greedily, slipping them over his shoulders for support as you leaned in for yet another desperate kiss, unable to sate your desire for his lips. He somehow managed to walk and return the kiss at the same time, only stumbling slightly as he brought you into another room. 
You giggled against him, and he smiled, devouring the sweet sounds and eager to hear more. Nanami leaned down, setting you gently on his large bed. He pulled back to gaze at you in utter adoration, loosening his golden cravat and undoing the buttons of his blue brocade vest. He discarded them both, leaning forward to cage you between his arms as you drank in the sight unashamedly. 
“You know it isn’t proper for me to see you in just your shirtsleeves yet,” you teased, snaking your hands up his arms and growing bold enough to nip at his bottom lip. 
“I don’t think anything that we are about to do is too ‘proper,’” Nanami smiled affectionately as he circled his hands around your corseted waist, pulling you forward to sit at the edge of the bed. He unfastened your boots, caressing your stocking-covered feet gently as he set your shoes to the side. Afterward, his hands returned to your waist, meeting in the middle to trace over the small buttons of your green bodice. 
“May I?” He implored, voice low and breathy with anticipation. 
You nodded, biting your lip nervously. “Please.”
Nanami’s deft fingers began to undo button after button, exposing the other layers of clothing underneath as he went. You’d chosen to forego wearing a camisole, as none of your outerwear was fine enough to need protecting, so he was immediately met with the sight of your corset and the lip of your chemise beneath. The silken chemise you favored was thin enough to be nearly transparent, and Nanami’s breath hitched at the sight of your pebbled nipples peeking over the top of your corset. 
He knelt slightly, enraptured by the sight of your breasts rising and falling with every breath you took. Nanami stared at you ravenously as his breathing grew heavier. You blushed prettily, shrugging the bodice off as the once-stoic detective’s tongue darted out to wet his lips. His hands dug into the fabric of his duvet as he fought the urge to caress and kiss every part of your body. 
“I want to explore every part of you with my hands and tongue,” he confessed with a groan. “I can’t hold myself back much further, but promise that you’ll stop me immediately if I make you uncomfortable.” 
You noticed the pupils of his brown eyes were blown wide and dark with lust as he looked at you, fully enraptured but waiting for your response. His expression forced an involuntary whimper to tumble from your lips, and the heat in your core spiked once again. 
“I promise, but please… I didn’t think I could feel something like this.” You begged sweetly, guiding his large, warm hand to rest on the swell of your breasts.
He caressed the area gently, watching your face as his clever fingers explored your soft curves. You sighed in delight as he squeezed and traced the barely-covered skin, prompting him to investigate further. His fingertips grazed your nipple, and your back arched instantly, mouth parting in a perfect “O” at the waves of pleasure that shot through you. Nanami’s gaze grew half-lidded and hazy; he squeezed the small bud in response, and you outright moaned as your core clenched in need. 
“Feels good?” He purred, utterly shameless in wanting to learn your pleasure. 
You nodded vigorously, unable to speak, as you pulled his other hand to your back. He knelt on the floor, pulling you to stand over him as he reached around to unfasten your skirts and small bustle. They dropped to the floor, and he leaned forward to pepper kisses across your stomach and the tops of your thighs. You couldn’t feel his lips directly for the corset and chemise still in the way, but you could feel the warmth of his body close to yours. The intimacy of him kneeling before you, kissing your body so hungrily, made you throb with need once more. Acting on pure instinct once again, you began to rub your thighs together, desperate to relieve the ache.
He reached for the strings of your corset, successfully untying the knot. Nanami felt around for a moment before leaning back to look the silk and leather garment up and down. The detective chuckled lowly, “Would you mind helping me, darling? This is the first I’ve dealt with a corset, and I’m afraid it’s not as straightforward as the other layers.” 
You gazed down at him in adoration, guiding his arms to grasp different parts of the lacing. 
“Pull here…. and here.” You murmured, and the corset loosened under your combined ministrations, finally becoming loose enough for you to unfasten the busk. 
Nanami watched breathlessly as it fell. He grasped the hem of your chemise, the final major barrier separating him from your soft skin, and rose from his kneeling position to pull it over your head. Finally, you stood before him fully topless, and he shuddered in desire as he removed your drawers. 
He picked you up again, setting you back on the bed to work on the layers of his clothing. You whined in protest, wanting to undress him as he had explored you, but he simply shushed you, only speeding up his movements as he spoke through gritted teeth, “Darling, I promise you that we will have ample time for you to undress me later…. but right now, I need you, or I’m going to fully lose my mind.” 
Nanami was barely able to choke out the words as he threw his shirt aside, granting you a beautiful view of his muscular chest and the smattering of honey-blonde hair that covered it. His arms were just as well-built, and you bit your lip once again, squirming on top of his sheets as you watched him. Nanami hooked his fingers into the waistband of his trousers, drawing your attention to a patch of coarser blonde hair that trailed down his lower stomach, hinting at what you’d see next. 
You felt hot, fully and shamelessly filled with lust as you stared at the outline of his thick cock tenting the fabric. Nanami groaned as he saw your reaction, palming his erection as he started towards you, only clad in his trousers. 
“Lay back for me, darling,” he cooed, guiding you onto the mattress. It dipped beneath his weight as he joined you, running his fingers over your leather garters. He pulled them down with his teeth, pressing kisses to the bare skin that forced a litany of moans and pleas from your lips as he rid you of your stockings. Dimly, you realized the space between your thighs was sticky with your own arousal. Nanami realized a split second after you, trailing his fingers up to your core after disposing of the garters and stockings. 
“You’re beautiful, gorgeous…. Perfect.” His deep voice rumbled against your ear as he traced his finger through your folds. You shivered and moaned in response, your legs falling open even further, begging for him to explore more. He slid up on the bed next to you, leaning down to kiss your bare, sensitive breasts as he toyed with your soaked cunt.
Nanami carried on like that for a few minutes, noting that you grew the most desperate as he circled the small pearl of flesh at the top of your sex. He caressed it, noting with no small amount of satisfaction that his ministrations made you beg for more and whimper his name. Tension coiled in your stomach as he gently circled the puffy bud and kissed you passionately, relishing the taste of his name on your lips. It didn’t take long for that tension to snap in your stomach like an elastic band, and your back arched off the bed as you came hard. 
He growled praises into your ear, teasing his fingers into you as your cunt spasmed around nothing. “My future wife… a goddess.” 
Your eyelashes fluttered shut in a moment of discomfort that soon gave way to the blissful feeling of being filled. There was no pain as the other women had complained of; your world was a haze of syrupy bliss as your lover prepared you with his fingers, gently stretching your velvet walls. 
Nanami rutted his hips against the bed, delaying his own pleasure until you were ready for him to truly fill you. The two of you moaned and sighed, almost in sync. 
“You’re so soft and wet,” he cursed under his breath. “I won’t last much longer… Do you think you’re ready?” 
You leaned up to kiss him passionately, mouthing your desperate assent against his lips. Nanami unbuttoned his trousers, unclothing his lower half in record time as you lay back against the sheets, eyes fully glazed over with lust. He spread your legs, slotting his hips between them, and you felt the swollen tip of his cock kiss your needy sex as he positioned himself properly. The two of you were panting, moaning together like animals in heat as he pushed in slowly, desperately trying not to hurt you. You cried out at the stretch, digging your nails into his back, the pain pulling another guttural moan from your lover. Any discomfort quickly turned to blinding pleasure as he sank into you fully.
Nanami paused arduously, his cock twitching, desperately begging for him to move. 
“Tell me… when.” He forced the words out through gritted teeth, his expression almost a grimace as he fought the urge to thrust into you. 
The warmth and pressure of his body, the feeling of being stuffed full, the feeling of his cock twitching inside you… It was all too much. Your fingers scrabbled at his back, desperate for purchase, as you whined, high-pitched and needy in response. “Now, please- oh, God. Need you now.”
Nanami groaned as he began to move his hips slowly, dragging his thick cock along your velvet walls. He began to move slightly faster as you writhed beneath him, your mind too sex-addled to form a coherent thought or sentence as his swollen balls slapped against you. 
Your future husband fucked you slowly but thoroughly, filling the room with the salacious sounds of your lovemaking. A familiar tension began to build in your core, and Nanami groaned as your walls squeezed his cock. Unlike earlier, there was almost no warning as you shot straight over the edge of a mind-shattering orgasm, and you cried out desperately.
Nanami growled and cursed against your neck as your cunt milked his cock, desperately begging to be filled. 
“So close. Need… need to pull out.” He rasped, almost whining as he left the plush warmth of your sex. You watched him in a lust-filled daze, melting against his sheets as Nanami leaned back, furiously stroking his cock. He grunted and moaned shamelessly, hips still shallowly thrusting against his hand as he desperately sought bliss. His head tipped back as he panted; you could see a beautiful, rosy flush color his chest and neck, and you wanted nothing more than to kiss every inch of it. 
Nanami’s thrusts started to falter from their original pace, and you watched, wholly enraptured, as his brows furrowed and his perfect mouth fell open. He came a moment later with a hoarse cry; thick ropes of his seed coated his hands and stomach in spurts. He stroked his cock a few more times, fully milking out his orgasm before collapsing on the bed by your side. You both lay there in silence for a few blissful moments, basking in the warmth and security of each other’s arms.
“I love you,” you whispered, breaking the silence with a smile. 
“I love you too, my darling future wife,” Nanami murmured back, entwining his hand with yours.
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Tagging some friends: @pseudowho @saradika @thefact0rygirl @babygirl-leon-kennedy @hereforthesunrise @ashotofspotchka @ironandglass @amyroswell @cassandrablacker @lady-valtieri @justanothersadperson93 @orangecremepuff @belle-smith07 @outspokenbrat @enchantedsylveon @khaleesihavilliard @spam-love @silverliningsandstorms @msniks @panteramarron @eldritchbeauty @unoriginalidea @cindyneko-strider @markleeisdabestdrug @gabbyburgers @its-chickenwing-450 @luneariaa @akiiireix @tojispookiebear @dangoank0 @ifuckinghateschool @barryatsumu @voids-universe @mahgyu @themoonmonologues @byul9158 @starlitnotes @makingtimemine
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teabutmakeitazure · 5 months
Pinprick in the Backdrop (blurb)
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>Yan! Chrollo x Fem! Reader
>Word count: 2k (exactly)
>a/n: this was a heat of the moment writing
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You are surprisingly awake considering that you only had 3 hours of sleep in the last 2 days. It’s probably the caffeine but you would rather not admit it. Especially not when you woke up to Chrollo reading beside you in bed after you had flat out refused to share a bed with him. You haven’t slept since.
Despite all that, the exhaustion and deliriousness shows in your movements and conversation. Had you been cheated out of those 3 hours of sleep as well, you would probably have started hallucinating. Regardless, bitterness has been a loyal companion to your words ever since you left home. You suppose the companionship is justified, for when you are snatched away from your home and threatened with heinous things in sugar coated words, that is the only thing you can use to retaliate with.
The marble of the kitchen counter digs into your spine as you lean against it. It’s a dirty shade of dark grey granite that you don’t particularly like, and it also reminds you of Chrollo’s eyes. Other than that, the open kitchen facing the living room reminds you of your apartment. It’s a sad reminder but omnipresent and ever annoying.
Your lovely… partner (because you still can’t bring yourself to verbally give him any proper relation to you) is almost back and you are certain he will be in a good mood. He’s been in a good mood a lot lately. It almost seems suspicious. Chrollo is usually happy when he’s planning something with a very high success rate. Having the suspicion that he is up to something without having any means to find anything further is not fun.
Whatever. You open the door as usual when he knocks the way he showed you, and immediately turn on your heel, all patience gone due to your tired state. Chrollo follows behind you, hair down (something he does in front of you a lot after you compared his hair to the receding hairline that Dory’s father has) and hands inside the pockets of his fur lined jacket. The sofa is where you decide to settle with a book in hand (it’s Kant of all possibilities), clearly wordlessly screaming to be left alone only to have Chrollo settle right next to you.
A few moments of silence pass before Chrollo clears his throat. It fails to gather your attention so he does what he does to get you hissing at him. It works instantly and is 100% effective - so far anyway - in grabbing your attention and focus. Thus, with one smooth motion, he slides up to you, thighs colliding gently. It’s like you got an electric shock, the way you jumped and squealed. You immediately shift to the other end of the sofa, book thrown onto the space between you both, and glare daggers.
“Now that I have your attention,” Chrollo says, elbows resting on his knees, “there’s something we need to discuss.” A comment is already on the tip of your tongue, and you halfway open your mouth to let it out but Chrollo cuts you off. “We need to speak about sleeping arrangements.”
You give him a look that says ‘I would rather not’ but humour him anyway. “There’s no need. I get the bed, and you take the sofa. Like we agreed before.”
“Yes, but you aren’t sleeping.”
“I’ll take the sofa if you want the bed that much.”
“That isn’t the issue.” Chrollo sighs, a sight so rare you had to rub your eyes. “It’s your sleep. Darling, if you don’t sleep, you’ll start hallucinating.”
“I think I already am.” You give him another look with a brow raised. “Did you just sigh?”
He mirrors your expression. “I did.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe my eyes.”
Confusion grows on his face, but Chrollo instantly pushes it aside. “It’s almost sunset. You should go to bed as soon as it gets dark. You can lock the room if you like. As long as you sleep that is.”
Your other eyebrow raises as well. The devil himself negotiating with you? That too with good intentions? How rare. There must be a catch somewhere. “I’m sure a measly door lock won’t ever stop you,” you accuse. Though your words are often honeyed, the bite they have is always delivered.
Chrollo tilts his head, doing that thing he always does when you are being unreasonable. He tilts his head and gives you a smile before reassuring you that he won’t do any such thing. The promise he makes of not ‘pouncing on you’ or anything similar does little to satisfy, yet you agree. If he is offering something sincerely, you would be a fool to refuse it.
It’s been four hours in bed.
You still can’t sleep.
If the heaviness behind your eyes is anything to go by, your body is extremely exhausted. Even with so much exhaustion, your body refuses to succumb to sleep. It’s probably due to the presence of your ‘favourite’ person. Not even the door and walls are able to minimise his aura.
You can quite literally feel his existence. It’s agonising. Although the curtains are drawn and it’s completely dark, it still does not help in the slightest. A reminder of Chrollo’s promise comes to mind, and you huff out of annoyance. Who does he think he is anyway? Him and his tacky jacket with an upside-down cross. Sure, he’s some sort of bigshot criminal, but he likes philosophy. Philosophy. The only thing about him that stands out is his perspective.
Another huff, and you turn to the other side. If he thinks he can scare you with his mere presence and take away the peace in your life, he’s wrong. And you’ll prove him wrong by going to sleep! Before that…
You wiggle out a hand from under the covers and tap the empty space of the king sized bed just to be sure as your eyes adjust to little lighting in the room. The only source is the street lights outside behind the curtains, so it doesn’t surprise you when it takes a few minutes. Upon discovering no warm human body with you in bed, you retract your hand and snuggle in. However, a familiar silhouette in the darkness causes you to rise abruptly.
“Mama?!” Eyes widened, you lean towards it, hoping to confirm your suspicions. Though you are now squinting and almost able to make out the figure, disappointment accompanies the revelation of the silhouette’s identity.
Phone’s flashlight now turned on, you are face to face with none other than the man who promised not to enter the room. “I’m sorry to disappoint you. Believe me, if I could, I’d turn into your mother only so that I wouldn’t have to see you so disappointed.”
An offended gasp escapes your mouth, and you huff for a third time before going back under the blanket. Bitter betrayal is all you can feel with only a hint of embarrassment (because why should you be embarrassed? he is the one who snuck into the room. how did he do that anyway?)
The mattress dips under Chrollo’s weight, and the curtains are promptly drawn to let light in. You immediately scoot to the farthest edge of the bed, only to be followed by Chrollo. Out of pure spite, you try rolling again yet fail as you take a fall to the floor. However, not even such a thing can deter you as you cross your arms, turn your back to the bed and remain lying on the floor.
There is nothing in this world that holds the power to stop you from being petty. Nothing. If he won’t respect your wishes, then he can have a try at sleeping on the floor with you.
You can hear the springs of the mattress, probably from him moving, and then footsteps. They sound like they’re coming from the other side of the bed and- is he coming your way? Why is he standing near you? You can hear a chuckle before you see him lie down on the floor right next to you, facing you with a smile. That bastard…
You huff for a fourth time before standing up. One knee on the mattress, you manoeuvre yourself to quickly go back under the covers and starfish before Chrollo makes his move. Smug victory makes you smile but the expression is quickly wiped off your face because the fiend has settled on the gap between your right arm and leg.
Another try it is then. This time, you curl into a ball, taking the entire banket with you, and settle on the corner of the bed. The attempt also proves to be feeble because he sits right next to you and rests his head where your shoulder is.
Now you have had enough. With the blanket wrapped around you, you simply get up and head for the bedroom door only to find Chrollo already standing there. How this demon incarnate can move so quickly, you will never understand. Thus, after your betrayed gasp, you make a beeline for the bathroom and lock the door before he can put his foot in the gap like last time. You are successful in this, and you celebrate by calling him an idiot in your head.
But what now? You’re inside the bathroom with a huge blanket wrapped around you. This is no place for a night’s rest, but you also don’t want to go out there where he is probably waiting for you. Goodness, you can already see the smug smile on his face as you come crawling back. Fine then. You’ll stay here until you feel sleepy.
And you do. You pace back and forth in the little space you have, huffing at your situation for the umpteenth time as you curse out Chrollo and the woman who birthed such an imp. Minutes blur as you continue back and forth and every single profanity you know has been uttered  at least thrice. When your legs deflect the curses back at you tenfold, you end up standing in front of the bathroom door with your ear pressed to the wood to listen to any sign of life in the bedroom.
When you feel somewhat sure of the room’s emptiness, you quietly unlock the door. After several seconds of waiting, you open the door just a crack, and when no one has yanked it open in your face, you open it yourself. The hinges creak a little, making you cringe at the noise, but the lack of human presence in the room and the closed door gives you comfort.
You immediately head for the bed, its tempting call beckoning you over. However, you are halfway there when a voice whispers right into your ear. You jump immediately, heart hammering inside your chest and a scream erupting from your throat out of surprise. A shadow stands as you turn to look behind you, no aura and no detected presence. Adjustment of your eyes to the light reveals Chrollo, a hand on his mouth in what you assume is a stifled laugh.
Disbelief and anger make themselves known, and you are quick to curse him out to his face. He, on the other hand, promptly composes himself. It is when your little fit of anger is over that he strikes. A hand reaches for your face, and although you flinch, you do not fight back. Chrollo’s palm cups your cheek as his thumb rubs the skin under your eyes and he smiles at you like he’s admiring a piece of gold jewellery he just polished.
“Get some sleep,” he says. “Your steps are becoming disoriented. I won’t bother you again.” The hand on your face retreats, and the door to the bedroom closes. As you stand in the middle of the room, the blanket still wrapped around you, you think over one question. How could he have noticed such a thing in such a dark room?
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Never Hold Back Your Step... Part 8
Hello! It does look like there is only one more chapter to write on Paper Hearts so yay!!! I'm not sure how much longer Sweet Home Indiana is but it's nearing it's end too.
Steve is never going to go to another party after this, Eddie gets book two of the Boy with a Bat, and they have a frank discussion about how Eddie gets paid for his less than legal side gig.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
trigger warning: homophobic language by an OC.
At least the swim team knew to how to throw a party. Lyle was hosting and even though his family wasn’t well off, not like Steve’s parents, there was still enough room for the whole team and a few of their friends to have a good time.
Granted there wasn’t any booze, not openly anyway, but there were ice chest after ice chest of canned sodas. And all kinds, too. Steve was on his third Coke and had already sussed out the dude with the beer and was working his way over.
Going right up to the guy was asking for trouble that neither of them wanted.
The music wasn’t too loud, but you could dance to it in the main part of the house. People were actually laughing and having fun.
Which really should have been Steve’s cue. The universe was out to get him and wouldn’t let him have a moment’s peace.
He had almost reached the guy with the beer when Ezra blocked his path.
“Hey, Steve,” he greeted syrupy sweet. “I’m so glad you made it out. I wasn’t sure if you would come without Eddie Munson.”
Steve frowned and tried to move around his co-captain. “I go lots of places without Eddie. I went to nationals without him, didn’t I?”
Ezra put his hand on Steve’s chest to stop him. “Sure you did, but we didn’t win nationals now, did we?”
Steve looked down at the hand on his chest. “We swam our hearts man, the other teams were just better. Hell, that team from Georgia was on fire.”
Ezra snorted and rolled his eyes. “They only got where they were because they were black. They didn’t have any real talent. Not like us. Not like you and me, Steve.”
“Are you saying Lyle and Nick held us back?” he asked with his brow furrowing deeper in his confusion.
“We’ve always known that Lyle is a strong swimmer and not a fast one,” Ezra moaned waving the drink in his other hand around. “But he’s all this shit town has on offer.”
Steve gently pushed Ezra off of him. “Hey, how about not talking shit about the actual host, man.”
Ezra rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he huffed. “That’s not even why I’m over here. I’m here to warn you about Munson.”
And there it was. Everyone in his life had felt the need at some point in the last six months to warn him off the super senior.
The other boy leaned in close, his lips a snarl. “He’s a queer, a little faggot boy,” he hissed, the spit landing on Steve’s face. “It’s the town’s worst kept secret.”
Ice slid down Steve’s spine. Oh shit. Of all the places he thought the other co-captain was going to go, that was not it. Drugs. DND. The ranting on table tops. All that slid away to sheer terror.
“And you better not bend over in the showers,” Ezra continued, “a pretty thing like you would just be his type.”
Steve’s eyes went wide. “Wha–what do you mean?”
“Everyone knows that if you can’t pay for your weed,” Ezra sneered, “that he’s willing to take a blowjob as payment instead.” He leaned further into Steve’s space, so that they were almost touching, the stench of weed radiating off the other boy in waves. “I saw Harry Masters sucking him off for a gram of the good stuff.”
Steve stomach lurched and swooped, bile rising up in his throat. Harry Masters was on the baseball team. He was tall, good looking, with that devil may care charm of Rob Lowe. Looked like him, too.
“What he does or doesn’t do doesn’t effect me, man,” he said, trying to aim for nonchalant and missing by a mile.
Ezra laughed in his face.
“Dude,” he cackled, “if you didn’t want people to think you’re down bad for ‘the Freak’ maybe rein in the eye fucking. I’ve seen the way you look at him and it makes me sick.”
That was when Steve got it. He had been wondering what the hell this conversation was.
“Oh my god!” he laughed. “Fuck, man, you were scaring me for a second there. You’re just jealous I don’t have the hots for you.”
Ezra pushed him. “The fuck I do, Harrington!”
“No, no!” Steve crowed. “I’ve got it all figured it out. All the times I caught you staring at me, all the times I felt someone watching me, all the times you’d try to keep me late after practice. You wanted me all to yourself.”
His co-captain turned purple with rage and swung at Steve, but before he could even flinch, there was someone at his side, holding Ezra’s wrist to keep the hit from even going anywhere near Steve’s face.
“Eddie!” Steve breathed. “What are you doing here?”
Eddie smiled at him with that soft dimpled grin Steve loved. “Hey ya, Stevie. I was just plying my wares when I heard the commotion and came over to make sure you were all right.”
“So you are my good luck charm,” Steve said brightly.
Ezra wrenched his arm out of Eddie’s hand. “This doesn’t concern you, Freak!”
Eddie leaned in close and cocked his head to the side. “It does, because you were talking shit about me and Stevie, here. And as Stevie’s good friend, I’mma gonna come to his rescue. Now, you’re going to skedaddle on home and sleep all this off.”
Ezra spat in his face. “Or what?”
The older teen just smiled menacingly. “Or else that gram you smoked will be the last you ever smoke, because I’ll report to you for doping for matches.”
Ezra paled and he gulped. “You can’t do that! I’ve never done anything but weed.”
“That’s true,” Eddie admitted. “But they’d have to do this big investigation and your name would be dragged through the mud. Or you could toddle off and go to college and leave this town in your rearview mirror.”
Ezra turned on his heel and ran out of the house as if the hounds of hell were on his tail.
Steve shook his head. “You do know this is where all the allegations about you being a devil worshiping cult leader come from, right?”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “They can think all they want.”
Eddie and Steve talked about what Ezra had said about how people make payments for their weed.
“I won’t deny that people have offer to blow me or even have sex with me in exchange for drugs,” Eddie said as they lay curled up on his bed. “But I’ve never taken anybody up on that.”
Steve twisted his head to look up at his boyfriend. “I can’t say I’m not pleased to hear that, but is there a reason why?”
“Several,” he admitted pulling Steve in closer. “One is that there is an actual fucking pandemic going on regarding gay men, and I wouldn’t trust those assholes even with a condoms. Another is that if I say yes to one, then I’ve got to say yes to next guy. And as my supplier wants actual cash for his product, blow jobs aren’t currency in any country I know of. And despite what Ezra said, most of the people offering aren’t men.”
Steve hummed as he snuggled under Eddie’s chin. “I can see that. Any other reasons why you won’t?”
“Does having a super hot boyfriend count?” he chuckled.
Steve kissed the underside of his jaw. “That’s a very good reason.” His hand slipped down his boyfriend’s side and to his belt. “A super hot boyfriend who is very grateful for the rescue.”
Eddie moaned as Steve’s fingers ghosted over his zipper. “Yeah and how are you going to show that gratitude?”
Steve slid down Eddie body and undid his belt. “I was thinking it was such a shame you didn’t get those blow jobs when your cock is so delectable.”
Eddie gasped and threw back his head as his super hot boyfriend’s breath felt hot on the front of his boxers. “God, baby. Show me what you’ve got.”
And Steve spent their evening doing just that.
Steve fidgeted nervously at Eddie’s locker after school. He had finished the most recent comic with only a week of school to spare. He had made sure that Jonathan and Nancy weren’t staying after school for any reason so they didn’t see him make the hand off. He knew he should have just done it at the trailer, but with him cutting it so fine before the end of the year, he didn’t want to make Jeff and the others wait for it.
Eddie loped over to his boyfriend and looked around. “Hey, sweetheart. You okay?”
He thrust the comic at Eddie, his eyes downcast. “It’s the most recent comic. There’s an explanation like before. But please don’t let people see that part.”
Eddie cradled the comic to his chest. “I’ll be careful, I promise. I’m guessing this means you aren’t coming over tonight?”
Steve shook his head. “Lucas wants to go see the latest Bond film, but his friends don’t want to go with him...”
“So you offered to take him,” Eddie finished. “That’s sweet of you.”
Steve snorted and shook his head. “His parents think I’m taking him to ‘Meet the Littles’ or some shit like that.”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “Yeah, that’s more like the Steve Harrington I know and love.”
“I’ll call when I get home, though...” he muttered, running his fingers through his hair.
“Okay,” Eddie murmured. “Well talk then.”
This time Eddie went straight to the back page to read the explanation first.
“Hey, Eds,
Again there are parts in between this, parts that don’t include me, that I’ll some day tell you all about. But I’m focusing on the parts I was part of. This time it all started with what the kids thought was a new species of lizard and turned out to be the beginning stages of an Upside Down monster. One they they dubbed the demodog.
I can just picture you frowning as you try to remember where you heard that from and the answer is you heard it from me. You asked me what it was and I told you it from one of their game thingies, but that’s only part of it. These demodogs have flower faces and run on four legs. They are part of a hive mind that allows them to communicate with each other.
Dustin had taken one of these things home and it ate his cat. His cat. You can be disgusted, I know I was. He had originally gone to Nancy’s for help but she had gone off with Jonathan about something related to Barb Holland. This was right after our fight at the Halloween party.
I was on my way with roses to apologize to her, when he intercepted me. And the rest is as they say is history. I would do anything for that kid now.
The other players are Lucas Sinclair and Max Mayfield. I don’t know if you need to know that, but I feel like you have to understand that for the rest of it to make sense.
I have so many tales to tell you but I can’t because it could get you hurt and that is the last thing I want to do.
Also, (blurred words) show you all the times I was brave, that I did the (more blurred words) when it came (blurred words) because I love you so much and (blurred words again) less of me.
Your Stevie”
Eddie hated how easy Steve had pegged him for frowning at the name like he said he would or how he knew he would be disgusted at the poor cat. He stared at the blurred words for a moment before his own eyes welled up.
Steve had tried writing over the parts with what were clearly tear drops but all it had done was make it worse. Why he didn’t just write again, Eddie didn’t know.
But Eddie could now make out the words, “Also, I wanted to show you all the times I was brave, that I did the right thing when it came to it, because I love you so much and I didn’t want you thinking less of me.”
He flipped back to the beginning and started reading. It was thrilling and exciting. That was if you didn’t know it really happened. And happened to the sweetest boy he had the privilege of knowing.
He wiped away his tears and made a promise to whatever it took to protect this boy with every fiber of his being. Because by god, someone had to.
Part 9
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suppose-i-was-worm · 1 year
By Virtue of Being a Frog
**it's not great, but here's my birthday fic for myself. Enjoy!**
Look, Danny wasn’t sure what happened. First he was just Danny, hanging out in Gotham on a school trip, and next thing he knew, he was a frog. Now, he didn’t know much about Gotham, but he figured frogs weren’t… common.
He could probably turn back- enchantments didn’t tend to stick on ghosts, but where was the fun in that? With a ribbit and a hop, Danny was off and away, fleeing with the rest of his be-frogged classmates. Except that his fleeing was with purpose. He wanted to get as far away as possible as fast as possible. He knew the class had been in the Diamond District- near a place called Robinson Park, and that Robinson Park was the last place any of them wanted to go.
So there he went. It wasn’t often he was able to get away from his classmates on school trips, so this was a prime opportunity. Even at the age of 18, he wasn’t really allowed to leave the group. But now, escaping in a city that had it’s own guardian ghost? Sign him the fuck up!
Danny dodged between feet, turning himself intangible a few times in order to not get squished, and soon the musty streets turned into lush grass. Croaking, he hopped further into the park- it was gorgeous, all overgrown and blooming. Sam would love it.
Part of Danny wanted to keep this gem in the heart of the darkest city in America to himself, though.
He heard some rustling in the foliage as he hopped through the jungle-like park, but paid it no mind. There was too much to see and to smell to worry about some wildlife.
Except for the frog thing. He’d forgotten about the frog thing.
An honest-to-Ancients hyena lunged out of the bushes and snatched him up. Danny croaked in surprise, feeling himself become dizzy as the canine beast started to shake him about.
It didn’t occur to him to drop the transformation, not until after a young man caught up to the hyena and made it drop him.
“I am very disappointed in you, Bud. We have had this discussion before- if you continue to attack small wildlife every time Harley lets me visit with you, I will not visit again. Do you understand?”
The hyena yipped and bounded off into the foliage, and the young man knelt down to inspect Danny.
“My apologies, he gets excited. Why not come with me and I will get you patched up appropriately?”
There was something to the cadence of the man’s voice, the soft accent, and the emerald eyes that made Danny freeze up.
He allowed the man to scoop him up, and felt himself be carried away. Something in him said that this man was the safest option for him now or ever. The stress of the last hour finally took it’s toll, and Danny felt unconsciousness wash over him.
“It’s a frog, Damian.”
“What is your point? I found it injured and it has not woken up. Fix it.”
“I’m not a miracle worker!”
Danny woke to a heated conversation over his head. He was pleasantly moist, surrounded by soft things, and overall, fairly content. The safe man was still here, and still safe, and Danny felt better than he had for the last four years.
Or the last… thirteen? How long had it been since he’d been adopted?
“Timothy, please.”
There was a pause, and Danny cracked open one eye. He was nestled in a small damp towel, and the two voices were coming from above him.
“Hey, it just moved!”
Danny opened his eyes fully to look up at his savior. Getting a much closer look at the man forced a startled noise out of his tiny froggy body.
“It is scared, Timothy, back away.”
“You back away! You’re the one frowning down at him from point-blank range!”
Both men started to move away from Danny’s nest, so Danny croaked another protest.
His big brother’s face was looking down at him, older and alive, and even if it was a doppelganger or a dream, Danny wouldn’t let him get away. Not this time.
It finally dawned on him that he could transform back, so with a leap (assisted by some flight and minor intangibility), he sprung from the cardboard box and into the air, where he allowed the enchantment to slough off, landing feather-light on his feet.
He turned to find a sword and some sort of projectile weapon aimed at him.
“Who are you, and how did you come here?”
Danny raised his hands quickly, his eyes darting around to look for possible exits. Sure, he knew he could just vanish, but even a decade after the fact, he couldn’t get rid of the habit.
“Uh, yeah, sorry about that. I was a frog? And now I’m not. Not that I was a frog to start with, I was visiting Gotham with my school and we were all suddenly frogs, and then there was a hyena so now I’m here? Wherever here is?”
The person who was not his brother put away the projectile.
“There was a magic user attack in the Diamond District yesterday- he was pretty passionate about amphibians.”
“The others who were affected returned to their normal state within three hours, Timothy. I do not understand why this one did not.”
Timothy shrugged, opening his mouth to answer, but the man who was not not Danny’s brother continued.
“Or why he looks like someone who ought to be dead.”
It was Danny’s turn to shrug.
“I mean, in all technicality, I am? But also, did you say it’s been a day? My friends must be worried. Can I… go?”
“You are what?”
Timothy was looking at him curiously, and maybe!Dami was glowering. Ah, familiar.
“Dead. Technically. Oh, wait, you gotta promise not to tell. The Anti-ecto Acts would have my hide on a stick.”
Probably!Dami grabbed Timothy by the arm and pulled him away from where Danny was standing, muttering something in a low voice.
Too bad, Danny had enhanced hearing. Thanks, death!
“I suspect this is a League plant. He looks too similar to- He looks familiar, and in only the way one of Talia’s ruses to kill me would.”
Damn, okay, upgrade from probably to definitely. Except… Damian had been the Demon’s Heir, he would never address their mother by her first name.
Danny chose to feign cluelessness when the two turned their attention back to him.
“What are you here for?”
With a shrug, Danny continued his charade.
“I’ve never understood that question. What are any of us here for? That’s like asking what a prisoner did to get jail time. Crimes.”
“You have come to commit crime?”
Whoops, here’s to forgetting that League trained assassins were generally literal.
“No, that’s how prisoners get jail time. I’m here to live fast, kick ass, and eat grass. Veganism isn’t a phase.”
Ancients, what was he saying? Time to make an exit- but he would be back. He couldn’t live without Damian now that he knew his brother was alive and no longer under Grandfather’s thumb.
“Anyways, I gotta jet- smell ya later!”
Before either of the other men could react, Danny turned intangible and invisible, sinking through the stone floor and zipping his way back to the hotel he was supposed to be in.
It didn’t sink in until after the lecture from his teacher.
“Wait, was that the Batcave?”
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allysunny · 6 months
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New Year's Kiss | Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
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ˡᵒᵛᵉˡʸ ⁿᵃⁿᵃᵐᶦ ᵃʳᵗ ᵇʸ ᵈᵒⁿᵍ ᵉʳᶻʰᵃⁿ
Synopsys: You and your husband Nanami were invited to the Jujutsu High New Year party. You love him, and he loves you, and he's sure as hell going to let you know when he kisses you at midnight.
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: Fluff! Good old-fashioned tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship, suggestive themes (but nothing explicit), Nanami is an amazing husband as always, cw: Gojo Satoru, not proofread. If I'm missing anything, please let me know.
A/N: Hey everyone!! I realised I hadn't written anything for Christmas or New Years, and I was kind of sad about that. I might still post something Christmas related after this, just not sure which fandom I'll do it for.
Anyways this is something short I decided to write for y'all because I missed writing for Nanami so, so much, and he was the perfect person for this trope. I also had a lot of fun writing Yuji, Megumi and Nobara (you'll spot a few easter eggs from the JJK Official Fanbook!), they're all very fun.
I hope you guys enjoy it! I had a great time writing this!
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“Yes, and he also had this weird mop of hair on top of his head – if you added a black streak, I’m pretty sure he could’ve been emo. He used to style it like this –“ Gojo went on making gestures with his hands, pushing his hair aside to form a quick side part. “And it’d be all over his eyes. And he always had this look of utter boredom on his face, quite like the one he has now, and – “
“Satoru, that’s enough.” Nanami sighed next to you, interrupting his coworker.
“Awww, but she deserves to know the total nerd she’s married to! You might be one good-looking hunk of meat right now, but I still remember the days when you were just a scrawny little boy who had never felt the touch of a woman.” Gojo went on with a huge grin, turning to you.
“Alright, that’s it. We’re getting something to drink.” Nanami gently took your hand and led you away from Gojo, who started to chase after you, rambling about your “former emo man”, but eventually gave up and searched for someone else to bother.
You chuckled into your hand and looked up at your husband, whose face was contorted in an expression of annoyance – you were far too familiar with that look, which graced his features whenever he came home from overtime missions, or any of his coworkers were involved. But you were also familiar with that same look fading away as soon as you give him some attention. Your husband is, deep down, first and foremost, a domestic man.
“A side part, Kento?” you smiled, releasing his hand momentarily only to hold onto his arm.
“Must we really discuss my questionable hairstyle choices right now?” he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, which only amused you further.
You knew Jujutsu High’s New Year party would be a tough invitation for your husband to accept.
“Darling, I deal with them every day. Why would I willingly be with them on the last day of the year as well?” He said, taking off his glasses, an action he often did when tired. “All I want is to stay at home with my beautiful wife, cook some of her favourite dishes, and watch the fireworks from our backyard.” Unfortunately, no matter how many kisses he gave you, he couldn’t convince you to stay in.
“I want to meet your friends, Kento.”
“They’re hardly my friends,” he grumbled. “And you know them already.”
“Hardly. I want to meet the people you work with. You’ve met mine. What’s so wrong with that? Besides, it’s a party. I know it’s not really your thing, but there’ll be food and drinks, and it’d give us a reason to dress up.” Was your plead.
“We can dress up at home –“
“It’s not the same.” You pouted, placing both of your hands on his cheeks, forcing him to bend down and look you in the eye. “Please? It’ll be fun, I promise. And if anyone’s being too annoying, we can leave and cook up something at home. How does that sound? Please, Kento. Pretty please? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you in a tux. I really like you in tuxes, you know…” Your hand dropped to his shirt and fiddled with its collar as you gave him you best seductive look. You knew your little games stirred him up often – that smart mouth of yours had landed you in trouble quite a few times (although you never complained), and you were counting on it to help you out right now.
Nanami only sighed and dropped his head in defeat.
“Ah! Yay!”
“But we’ll leave if anyone crosses the line.”
“And I’m bringing something of my own. Who knows what food they’re going to serve in there.”
“Alright, deal. I’ll help.”
With this said, he quickly bent over, hands coming to hold the back of your thighs and lifting you up. Your legs instinctively locked around his waist, and you laughed loudly, still cupping his cheeks.
“But I deserve compensation. Now, and then.” He murmured against your lips and swallowed your giggles as he kissed you deeply. Nanami would do anything to hear the sound of your laughter.
You held onto him tightly and he led you to the bedroom. The compensation was his, but you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it as well.
Which brings you to the present.
“Come on, cheer up. It’s just Satoru, he’ll get his hands on a cupcake or follow a pretty girl outside and leave us two alone.” You offered him a smile, but instead of returning you one of his own, his eye twitched slightly.
“Satoru. Sounds pretty friendly to me.”
The expression on his face was enough to make you break into a fit of laughter. Nanami was not usually a jealous man. He trusted you immensely and had never doubted your loyalty and love for him. But when it came to Satoru Gojo, he could get almost childish. “I don’t like how he looks at you, as if he could crack you, steal you away from me. He’s far too arrogant for his own good” he had revealed to you once after you’d ran into him at the supermarket. You could only smile and kiss him gently, promising there was nothing to worry about. No cocky white-haired man would ever take you away from him.
“Kento, come on. Don’t tell me you’re jealous.” The word hung off your lips with a tint of amusement to it, and he scoffed, looking away as pink coated his pale cheeks.
“I’m not jealous. I just don’t like – “
“How he looks at me. Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard all that before.” Tugging on his arm, you made him turn in your direction, completely facing you. You ran a hand through his jaw and grasped his own, kissing his wedding band with such delicacy, it was almost surreal. “It was friendly, you’re right. Because that’s all Satoru and I will ever be. Friends. Hell – I can’t deal with him for more than 20 minutes straight. I’m not sure that’s very friendly.” This earned a chuckle from him.
“And there’s no need for you to be jealous. I chose you, didn’t I?” you smiled, and Kento’s hand slid from yours to cup your cheek.
“And I still can’t believe it. You’re my dream come true. I love you.” He pulled you towards him, but before your lips could touch, a cheerful voice could be heard calling out your name from across the room.
"Hello! Ah, Nanami-san! Good evening!” Itadori Yuji exclaimed with a smile, fiddling with his dress shirt to make it appear smoother.
You gave your husband an apologetic smile and turned to the young boy. You loved Yuji. You’d met him a few times, and quickly became very fond of the pink haired student. He had no one, no parents, no relatives, no family, so you sort of made it your unofficial job to look after him. He looked up to Kento an awful lot, and clearly saw you as a mother figure. In fact, he’d once even called you “mom” while asking for some salt when he was over for dinner one night. His cheeks had become pink, and he mumbled out a string of apologies before you just chuckled and said it was fine.
The boy wasn’t your own, but you treated him like he was.
Nobara and Megumi followed behind him, so you offered them a polite wave as well. The trio was always together, and although he fought hard to keep up his professional and cold exterior at work, you knew how proud Nanami was of his students. A big ball of mush he was, you knew that for sure.
“Hello there, you two. How are you enjoying the party?” you asked, knowing Nanami would prefer to keep to the sidelines.
“Oh, we’re having a great time!” Yuji replied with a bright smile. He lifted his hands, both holding onto two fried chicken pieces. “Have you tried the fried chicken? It’s to die for, although I’m sure Nanami-san could it better.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, that’s disgusting,” Nobara chimed in with a sigh. “Nanami-san, your red bean buns are incredible! Inumaki’s had like – what? Five, so far? He’s stopped saying tuna and will only say anpan, it’s incredible.”
The kids laughed and you laughed along with them.
“Thank you, Nobara. I’m glad you and the others liked them.” Nanami replied cordially. He still had trouble finding that balance between being a teacher and talking to his students outside of class – after all, he wasn’t as reckless as Gojo who behaved like an adult instead of a teacher. Discipline was needed in an educational setting. But you’d also taught him he needed to loosen up a bit, and he was sure trying his best.
“If you want to, I can give you the recipe. It’s fairly easy.” Was that a smile?
“Oh, really? Thank you so much, Nanami-san! I can’t wait to try it at home!”
While Nanami and Nobara discussed a few of the dishes being served, Megumi took the opportunity to silently approach you.
“Nanami-san?” he asked, and it took you a while to understand he was referring to you instead of your husband.
“Oh, hello there Megumi. How are you?” you offered him a sweet smile which he shyly reciprocated. Megumi was the quieter of the three, and you could see how much Nanami saw himself in his demeanour. It was fun to see how alike they could be, even if Megumi had been raised by loud and extravagant Satoru Gojo.
“I’m fine, thank you. I’m really enjoying the poetry book you let me borrow.”
“Oh!” you nodded. You knew him to be an avid reader, and since he liked mostly non-fiction, you decided to share some of your books with him. He was currently reading your favourite poetry book.
“I didn’t think it would be my type, but the way the author crafts imagery with his words, it’s just…” Megumi shrugged, trying to find the right words. “It’s fantastic.”
“Which poem are you on?”
“Last one I read was the one about the moon? The moon and the mountain?”
“Ah, yes! That’s Kento’s favourite,” you smiled again, glancing to make sure all was okay with your husband. He seemed to be deep in conversation with both Yuji and Nobara and your heart got all warm and fuzzy. “I like the one about the birds and the sea. I think it’s near the end though, so it might take a while for you to reach it.”
“Birds and sea. Got it.” Megumi nodded. “I’m having a hard time finishing it, actually. I’ve gone back and reread some of the poems I liked so far a few times. They calm me down. I don’t want to finish it and put it down.”
You gave him a quizzical look, then shrugged.
“You can keep it then.”
Megumi looked up, eyes wide in surprise.
“Wait – what?”
“Yeah! I mean, if you’re liking it so much, you can keep it.”
“But – Nanami-san, it’s your book.”
“And it has helped me a lot back when I needed it. Now it seems like you need it more than me.” You replied nonchalantly. It was true. That poetry book had helped you some dark times, but now it was time to pass the torch to someone else. Megumi was a very sweet kid, and very bright too. You knew he’d take good care of it.
“Wow, I… I don’t know what to say.” He mumbled. “That’s very kind of you, Nanami-san, but I can’t take it. It’s yours.”
“And now I’m giving it to you. So, it’s yours. Think of it as a New Year gift. Alright?”
Megumi smiled and nodded.
“Thank you.”
Just as you were about to reply, your husband gently held you by the waist and pulled you close to him. You got the hint, and decided to help him out.
“Well guys, it was great chatting with you three,” you said, smiling at them. “Kento and I are going to grab something to eat and then probably find a place to watch the fireworks.”
They nodded in understanding – they knew how Nanami was when it came to other people and didn’t want to bother him any further. Especially when he seemed to be so at ease with his wife. They thanked you two profusely before walking away, leaving you with your husband.
“They love you,” he said, turning you to face him and taking one of your hands in his.
“Well, I love them too. They’re great kids.”
“Yeah. That, they are.” You could tell Nanami’s eyes were gleaming with pride, and you hid a cheeky smile. You turned on your heels and walked towards the tables full of food, pulling him along with you.
“How about we get something to eat? I’m starving, and really want to try some of that fried chicken!”
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The rest of the evening went well. It went excellently, in fact.
You got to meet Jujutsu High’s faculty, Masamichi Yaga and Shoko Ieiri (whom you’d run into a few times already), eat some nice food and exchange pleasantries with people your husband knew.
After a while, you two decided to retire to a calmer corner, since you knew how small his social battery was. And you couldn’t lie – you wanted your husband to yourself for just a few minutes. He looked far too handsome in that sweater of his (for a man who wears suits so often, seeing him so casually did things to you). Your tux idea was quickly discarded once Gojo announced that it was going to be something more casual instead of a formal party, but Nanami made sure to promise you he’d wear one for you soon.
You chatted for a while. About the party, about his coworkers, about his job and yours. When you first started dating Nanami, he was working as a salaryman, but that didn’t quite make him happy. He was all about being efficient and making money, but you could tell he was miserable at that 9-5 job of his. That’s when he quit and became a “high school teacher”. After a few months, he laid out the truth. Told you about cursed spirits, about what he truly did. It was hard to take in at first, and part of you thought he was insane, but it eventually sunk in.
Suddenly, the chattering around you two got louder and louder, and people started walking towards the doors.
“It’s 10 minutes to midnight! Everyone, let’s go outside!” Someone shouted and you took it as your clue to do the same. Nanami held your hand and led you outside, quickly finding a quiet spot among the trees that, while secretive, still allowed you a nice vision of the night sky, and the place where you presumed the fireworks would be in.
“Thank you for coming, Ken.” You told him, enjoying the intimacy the trees provided you two with. “I know you’d much rather be at home.”
“Nonsense. You know all I want is to be with you. I’ll be fine as long as I’m by your side.” He said, dropping his head to kiss your forehead. Your cheeks heat up. Even after all these years, a simple gesture as a forehead kiss could make you melt inside. You loved this man with your whole being, and you felt nothing but lucky and happy in this moment.
“I promise to make it up to you when we get home. Start the New Year on a good note,” you murmured, hands trailing the neckline of his dark blue sweater. Nanami dropped his head lower and whispered into your head.
“Oh, I’ll make sure you will. You might’ve forgotten, but I was promised compensation on two occasions…” His voice sent a shiver down your spine, and you clutched his shirt while letting out a shaky breath. The effect this man on you was crazy – something worth studying, because just his words could make you lightheaded.
A few meters away, you could hear people start to cheer and yell.
“5 minutes to midnight!”
You smiled.
“You know Kento, those kids really do look up to you. I think you’re their favourite teacher.”
“I’m serious. You’re all cold and distant on the outside, but I know you have a soft spot for them. I see it in the way you look at Yuji.”
Nanami looked away, but not before you could see something like grief briefly flash through his eyes.
“He… He reminds me of Haibara.” He said, voice soft and low.
You knew about Haibara Yu, your husband’s best friend when he was younger. He’d told you about him once. How he was so lively and full of energy, how he could become friends with anyone instantly. How he couldn’t save him in the end. Even if you didn’t know him, it was clear the young pink haired boy would remind Nanami of his best friend.
You placed a reassuring hand on his bicep. “Hey,” you mumbled. “I bet he’s really proud of you.”
Nanami sighed and nodded.
“I just… wish he was here to see it.”
You smiled sadly, and took both of his arms on your hands, forcing him to turn to you. When he refused to meet his gaze, you held his face, forcing him to look into your eyes.
“Hey. He is. Can’t you feel him? He’s right here with us. And he’ll always be here.” You touched his chest, right above where his heart would be. Nanami looked down and wiped a tear that had fallen down his cheek.
“I love you. So much. You’re the light of my life, and I’m so grateful to have you by my side.” He whispered, kissing your hands.
“I love you too, Kento. More than you could know.”
“Thirty seconds to midnight!”
“I’ve really enjoyed this past year,” you smiled, taking his hand, and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Me too.” He replied.
“Ten!” Everyone cheered in unison.
“We truly did make some incredible memories together.”
“And next year, we’ll make much more.” Nanami assured you. This time, it was him who squeezed your hand.
You walked, taking Nanami by the hand with you. Your spot was nice, and you were sure you’d have a nice view of the fireworks, but better safe than sorry.
When you two found another place you were comfortable with, he stood by your side, hand carefully wrapped around your waist. The trees were no longer hiding you two, and you could see just how many people were outside.
You grinned. What an amazing year it’d been.
Nanami squeezed your waist reassuringly. He loved you. So much.
A year had passed.
A year full of memories. Laughter, tears. Good and bad moments. Memorable and forgettable. It had been an incredible year for sure.
You were certain the next one would be too. As long as you had your husband by your side.
“Happy New Year!” Everyone exclaimed, and suddenly, the sky burst into a hundred different colours.
Brilliant bursts of deep blues, radiant reds and shimmering golds painted the night sky, each explosion echoing in the distance. The symphony of loud booms was accompanied by the sounds of students and teachers alike cheering, yelling, and talking. The bursts of light illuminated the darkness, casting a fleeting glow on their faces and brightened the figures of those jumping around and expressing their joy.
You could only stare at the beautiful display in front of you. Swirling patterns and vivid colours painted an ever-changing masterpiece in the black canvas of the sky, turning into sparkling glitters before fading away gracefully.
Meanwhile, Nanami turned to look at you, taking you in. The lights contrasted on your face, and your eyes seemed to shine as you looked in wonder at the fireworks before you. How could he get so lucky? A beautiful, intelligent, kind, and caring woman. You were the whole package. And you had decided to love him and only him.
You caught him staring at you and giggled, but before you could open your mouth to speak, he’d done it first.
“I love you.”
You chuckled and furrowed your eyebrows. Still, he wouldn’t allow you to speak just yet.
“I want these to be the first words I tell you this year. I want these to be the first words I tell you every morning when we wake up, and every night before we go to sleep. I want these to be the words I tell you when I get home from a tiring day, or when I’ve achieved something I’m proud of. Thing is – I love you. Darling, I love you so much. And I want to say this as many times as I can. You are the greatest gift I could’ve ever asked for. You’ve saved me. I was empty before I met you. You’ve brought so much joy into my life, and nurtured my heart back to health, something I thought was impossible after I had witnessed so much death and loss.” Nanami took both of your hands, and you could see his eyes were sparkling with tears.
“What I’m trying to say is – I love you. I’m a better man when I’m with you. You make me a better person. I want these to be the first words I tell you this year, tomorrow morning, tomorrow night, and whenever I can. I will tell you how much I love you until the end of time, because you are everything to me.”
You looked at him through tear-filled eyes. After such a heartfelt confession, you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t think any words could ever express just how deeply you loved Nanami Kento. No words would ever be able to capture your feelings, and just how far you would go for this man.
So instead, you let your actions speak for you.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him down to you, kissing him. He was quick to reciprocate, tongue coming up to trace your lips, which you gladly parted. His hands were resting on your waist and bringing you impossibly closer to him. You poured your heart out in this kiss, letting it tell your husband all you knew words couldn’t.
And by the way he was kissing you back, you knew he understood.
After a while, you two parted for air.
Chuckling, you moved his blonde locks out of his face so you could look into his beautiful hazel eyes.
“I love you, Nanami Kento. I would walk to the end of the world for you. I don’t think any words can describe what you mean to me, but I promise to try. And if words aren’t enough, then I’ll show it to you, every single day, for as long as I live.”
Nanami brushed a strand of hair from your face, and kissed you once again, this time softly, as if you were sealing a secret promise.
Maybe you were.
“Happy New Year, my love.”
“Happy New Year, Kento.”
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Nanami deserves the absolute best. I wish you all an amazing year, and I hope you have an incredible day!
151 notes · View notes
batbabydamian · 4 months
🦇🐥 Batman and Robin (2023) #6 rambling and screaming crying throwing up about a single page
so right off the bat, i'm adding these panels to the Ms. Hall is Shush conspiracy board - the first suspect in mind for who could train Zach would be Principal Stone, but Ms. Hall is conveniently placed in the "teacher's pet" panel HMM
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Damian's history with Zsasz is mentioned again! any further reference to Streets of Gotham ends here once Damian and Zsasz face off, but i'm not complaining when Damian gets to kick his ass again LOL
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AAH SUCH A COOL PANEL!! i rambled enough about Cizmesija's impact shots last time, but this is just. SO COOL... DAMIAN'S POSE, the light streak from the eyes, the jittery effect at the point of impact from Zsasz's front to his back - LIKE DAMN, YOU KNOW THIS KID HIT HIM HARD
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ok i was gonna shut up about the impact shots but to accompany the Robin panel, THIS SICK BATMAN PANEL!! THE SPEED LINES ALONG HIS WHOLE ARM, the hilarious waves of that hit going through Zsasz's face asdfg, the cowl and cape silhouette in the back - and the KRAK SFX!! it's got a bit of that gritty splatter effect Cizmesija uses so either another smooth choice by letterer Steve Wands or extra kudos to Cizmesija!!
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i thought the action would be my favorite aspect of this issue, but it was THE EXPRESSIONS. from Damian's frustration here (his glare and his seriously gritted teeth) to the page that brought me to my knees lol
a breakdown of my breakdown for this page:
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DAMIAN'S WIDE EYED EXPRESSION AT BRUCE'S COMPLIMENT, THE SHINE IN HIS EYES!! what gets me about Bruce’s praise is how specific it is, especially pointing out Damian’s storytelling 😭 Bruce already knows Damian’s technical art skills are amazing!! storytelling through comics is a whole different skill and Bruce recognized that!! 😭 no wonder Damian is so touched, Bruce is paying attention 😭
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HOW HE BURSTS ABOUT HIS PROCESS AND THEN THE LIL ASIDE OF “I love those…” HE'S SO CAUGHT UP IN HIS JOY PLEASE I’M COUGHING UP BLOOD THAT'S SO CUTE 😭 happy Damian is my weakness i mean LOOK AT HIM OH MY GOD the wide smile his lil fist and the pointing, he cannot contain himself!! 😭
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his art is so fun, i'm glad we get to see more of this!! the shadow of Bruce and Damian over the pages is a neat touch too! Damian expanding from realistic renders to this manga style on top of these amazing comic layouts…Bruce is right his growth is crazy 😭
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to add on to Damian's progress from Bruce's eyes - Detective Comics (2016) #1003 was the last time Bruce acknowledged Damian's art!
the return of Flatline!! for this last bit, i'll be referencing Lazarus Planet: The Next Evolution (2023) since that's Nika's last notable appearance!
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Nika calling Damian out on not contacting her asdfg she mentions something similar before, and i could only imagine it's been months since then considering that issue came out a whole year ago 😭
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besides Nika meeting Bruce, the most important thing that needs to be addressed is if Damian's aware that she resurrected Ra's and finally, what they could have discussed??
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ending note, upgrade from earbuds in Batman and Robin (2011) to headphones haha wired earphones only!!
118 notes · View notes
blessedwithabadomen · 3 months
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in love with the mess - day eight
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : smut (oral m & f receiving), angst, drinking, little bit of fluff
length : 5.6k
tags (let me know if you want to be tagged!) : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81 @flowery-mess @shilohrosechicken @justeli6 @starvingarsyn @floatinglikeaswan @somebodyels3 @kageyasma @spikeisdaddy
a/n : It's @spikeisdaddy's birthday today! Hope you enjoy the chapter 😉
day eight
We spent the night away from each other and even though we’d all just agreed to only focus on having some fun, it felt like the loneliest night yet. I found myself tossing and turning and reaching out for people who weren’t there. It seemed stupid, really. We’d only done the whole sleepover endeavour once, yet I missed it as if it was the norm. I was tired and restless when my alarm went off. At least today involved no travelling. As much as I enjoyed getting around, I needed a restful day.
If the universe decided to be gentle with me and allow me one.
I was in the middle of trying to decide whether I should call Lia or finally get back at my roommate and whatever bad news I assumed she had to tell me, when my phone displayed a new, private message from Noah.
Noah How did you realise you enjoyed giving blowjobs
I was still in shock at the words I was reading when another text came in.
Noah Okay maybe it was rude to assume you enjoyed giving blowjobs, dismiss that part Aubrey Noah, my love, I’m going to need a lot more context for this question Noah Absolutely not Aubrey Give me your room number, I’m coming over Noah Folio’s here Aubrey FINE come to mine then No more excuses
Noah, luckily, obliged. I didn’t have to kick Oli’s arse into gear for another two hours, really, so there was more than enough time to deal with whatever Noah needed to discuss. Not that I didn’t have an idea what was on his mind. But I wouldn’t let him off the hook so easily. He’d have to say it out loud to get any help from me.
When I opened the door to Noah, he was blushing deeper than I’d ever seen him and I couldn’t help pulling him down for a quick kiss just for the sheer adorableness. Then I pushed him into the room, walking him backwards until he sat down on the edge of my bed and mustered him from above.
“So?” I asked, eyebrows raised. “What possessed you to get up this morning and type that exact message into our chat?”
“Nothing, it was just a question!” Noah exclaimed as if I would believe it.
“Sure. You just happen to wonder, out of nowhere, about giving blowjobs.”
“What if I am?”
“You’re not though.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do.”
He tried to look stern, but the lingering red colour on his cheeks didn’t do him any favours. We were at a stalemate, staring at each other, trying to force the other to budge through the sheer pressure of silence. But he had no idea how stubborn I could be.
He broke sooner than anticipated.
“Fine, Folio made a stupid comment about when I was going to suck Oli’s dick and then it wouldn’t leave my head.”
“Because you’re interested in it?” I asked, carefully, stroking his head as I stepped a little closer. He immediately spread his thighs so I could move between them, looking up at me with wide eyes.
“I don’t know,” he answered, honestly. I could see the torment in his eyes, the question of whether he dared to go further, of what he wanted, of what Oli would let him do.
“Well, I guess you won’t know unless you try. But…” I sank down on my knees in front of him. “I could always show you how it’s done, if you're nervous about that.”
Noah’s laboured breathing was answer enough and when my hands reached for his belt, he leaned back instinctively, giving me more space to work with. I made quick work of undoing his belt, opening the button and fly of his trousers. He willingly lifted his hips so I could push the fabric down, immediately removing his boxers along with it.
Noah was hard. My mouth salivated just from looking at it.
“Thinking about doing this to Oli got you all excited, hm? He’s gorgeous, you know. I got to see it once, up close, just as hard as you are now.” My hand softly grabbed onto his dick, giving him a few teasing strokes. He sighed in relief. “He came all over my chest. But you? You get to come in my mouth. If you want to.”
I fluttered my eyes at him. Noah couldn’t nod fast enough, holding eye contact with me as I lowered my head and gave him a long lick, tasting all of him from his base to his tip.
“You want to start slow, you know?” I mused, before repeating my action. “Tease him a little. Get him all hot and bothered.” My hand was moving when my tongue wasn’t on him. “See what he’s into.”
I let my tongue twirl around his head a little and then, almost unexpectedly, engulfed it in my mouth. Noah groaned beautifully, a hand now holding the back of my head, I wasn’t even sure if he was aware of it. I tasted the precum already dripping, savouring the slightly bitter taste just because it was him before moving away again.
“Putting your mouth on him is when it gets really good. Don’t aim for too much if you’re not used to it.” I took him a bit farther into my mouth, just for a moment, then I withdrew. “Try to figure out what he's into. I think Oli can be pretty loud so that wouldn’t be a problem.” I grinned up at him, but he didn’t manage to look back at me for long.
As soon as my mouth was on him again, he threw his head back, eyes closed in pleasure. It was straining to look up at him from my position but I couldn’t help trying to see every now and then, trying desperately to commit the image to mind.
Noah was turning into a moaning, trembling mess, quickly. I was rhythmically moving my mouth over his dick now, taking him as far as I comfortably could, my hand covering the rest of his length. He was heavy on my tongue, slightly thick, perfect. His hand was fully grasping my hair now, bordering on painful, but I enjoyed it all the same. I knew he was going to come soon.
Going a little faster still, working my mouth and hand in tandem, it didn’t take much more for him to fall apart. His deep groan vibrated somewhere deep inside me as he came, keeping me in place as I swallowed it all, just as I had promised.
When I finally pulled off, Noah bonelessly fell backwards, breathing hard and I had to chuckle at how my efforts had worked out.
“So, what do you say?” I asked, even though I was unsure he was hearing me just yet. “Want to give it a try? I could shoot Oli a text right now.”
I didn’t expect him to agree.
“Text him,” he murmured. “But stay.”
I wasn’t one to refuse. My underwear was already uncomfortably wet. Now I was getting to see Noah give Oli his first ever blowjob? It was going to be the most delicious torture.
Still, I crawled up onto the bed quickly, taking Noah’s face between my hands and making him look at me. His eyes were glazed, but his mind seemed clear.
He pulled me down for a kiss, not caring where I’d literally just had my mouth.
“So sure.”
Aubrey Come over. Noah wants to blow you.
Noah had barely come back to life and managed to get properly dressed again when a knock sounded through the room. Of course, Oli would waste no time at all after getting that message. I opened the door to a very flustered and out-of-breath singer, even though the way from his room to mind hadn’t even been remotely long enough to get so worked up. Apparently the idea was more than appealing to him.
“Is this for real?” he asked the second he entered the room, moving past me just to check if Noah was really there. “Because if not I got a boner for nothing.”
I didn’t know what, exactly, I had been expecting. But it surely wasn’t Noah all but flying off the bed, pressing Oli against the wall and falling to his knees.
“Someone's eager,” Oli chuckled, lifting Noah's head with two fingers under his chin to force him to look at him. “Let's see what you got then.”
I found my place on the singular armchair in the room, right next to them, seating myself on the arm rest to assure I would have the best view of it all. Noah deftly pulled down Oli's sweatpants, revealing both the fact that he wasn't wearing any underwear and that he was growing considerably harder with every passing second. For a moment, Noah hesitated, hands resting on Oli's tattooed thighs, before looking up at me. I gave him a quick nod. It was all the reassurance he needed.
If Noah had indeed not touched a single dick that wasn't his own, he did a mighty fine job of hiding it. I watched in awe as he teased Oli with his hands, then his tongue, quickly reducing the other to a man made of nothing but groans and desire. The heat between my legs was becoming almost unbearable at the sight in front of me, two absolutely gorgeous men completely lost in their lust, but touching myself wasn't an option. I couldn't risk missing a single moment of what was happening.
“Fuck, Noah,” Oli moaned. “Don't…” How voice wavered a little as Noah wrapped his lips around his cock. “Don't take me too deep, you gotta sing tonight.”
With a hand in Noah's hair, Oli tried desperately to control the other man's sloppy but eager actions. Noah's nails were clawing into Oli's thighs, desperate for something to hold onto. My hands balled into fists at my sides, my thighs clenched. I hadn't entertained the idea that watching a man I was attracted to give a blowjob to another, equally attractive man could be a major turn on, but my bodily reactions were impossible to ignore.
Abruptly, Noah took Oli deeper, much deeper, leaving him to fall apart in an instant. Under chants filled with more profanity than I had ever heard, Oli came in Noah's mouth, back arching away from the wall, eyes squeezed shut. As soon as the feeling started to subside, Oli let go of Noah's hair and sunk down into his knees in front of him.
“Fucking hell, I told you not to do that.” His voice was harsh as he scolded Noah, but his fingers were soft as he wiped Noah's mouth clean. “You better rest your voice for the rest of the day.” Oli's eyes flickered up to me. “But I think there's some more work for your mouth to do.”
Suddenly, both pairs of eyes were on me. Oli’s face showed a grin, while there was nothing but hunger to be found in Noah’s glance. If it hadn’t been so fucking hot, it almost would have been intimidating.
In a few short steps, Noah was stood in front of me, heavily grasping my wrists to study the way I was still forming fists with my hands.
“On the bed. Now.”
“Voice rest, Noah!” Oli called from where he still sat on the floor. I studied him for a moment, looking utterly fucked out, eyes still half-lidded, pants still shoved down, not even bothering to tuck his dick back in. It shouldn’t have looked so tempting, really. Then I remembered Noah’s stern voice and when I looked up at him, I knew I better do as told.
He let go of me as I stood up, letting me crawl onto the bed until I was laying on my back in the middle of it, knees propped up and slightly spread to let my skirt fall open just that little bit. It wasn’t even close to being enough for Noah. With a predatory groan he came to kneel in between my legs, roughly pushing the fabric upwards and my thighs further apart and -
“Fuck,” he mumbled, hands tightly holding onto my legs, but his eyes were fully fixated on my left thigh.
I knew he had seen a hint of the tattoo before, as had Oli, but none of them had had the chance to admire it from the position it was meant to be looked at. The snake curled around my upper thigh, its tail end right in front in the middle, going around it once and then ending on my inner thigh, the snake’s tongue out, just mere moments away from my panties, as if ready to pounce any minute. Noah traced it, all the way, fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake. I gasped when they reached the sensitive skin on the inside of my thigh, so close to where I wanted him. But before I could even think about begging, pleading, crying for more, his mouth descended on my flesh, leaving a bite on the head of the snake that bordered on pain. I moaned all the same, the pure satisfaction of the sensation overpowering any possible negative feelings.
“You’re fucking naughty, you know that?”
I wasn’t sure if I had ever heard Noah talk like that but combined with his low voice it left me trembling. His fingers were now at the edges of my underwear between my legs and then, without any warning, brushed my clothed centre.
“And so wet. Did you get off on blowing me or watching me suck Oli off? Probably both. Probably doesn’t take much to get you in this state.”
It didn’t. Not when it came to those two. Every look, every touch, every kiss constantly threatened to soak my panties. In fact, it routinely did. I was twitching under him now, unable to keep my reactions under control at the proximity of his face to my pussy. He finally took pity on me, roughly wrecking the panties from my legs, pulling them down and throwing them some place I couldn’t see, before grabbing and spreading my thighs again. I didn’t have it in me to feel self-conscious at the way he mustered me, committing my naked form to memory, I just needed his hands or his mouth or anything.
“Stop moving,” he grumbled before finally putting his mouth on me and I couldn't hold back a shout, the nerve endings firing through my whole body, and raising my hips up to meet him. “I said. Don't. Move.”
Suddenly, an arm was draped over me. Opening my eyes, unaware they had shut in pleasure, I saw Oli, kneeling on the bed next to me with a smirk and holding me down. “Better listen to the man. You want to be a good girl for Noah, don't you?”
I simply moaned in return, letting Oli hold me down as Noah’s tongue licked my wetness, teased my clit, somehow feeling like he was everywhere at once. I was already so impossible turned on that any playing he did with me was solely for his own pleasure - I was moments away from falling apart. Especially when he decided I was more than ready for two of his fingers inside of me, lean and long and hitting my spot so perfectly. I mewled and trashed against it all, only kept down by Oli’s strong grip.
“Such a whore for a little action, aren’t you? You’d be begging and pleading if your brain was working enough to let you speak.” Oli’ voice was so low, drenched in his accent as if it was coming out thicker than ever when he was turned on. His free hand travelled to my neck, testing my reaction if he squeezed its side a little and all I could do was arch further into it, taking it all, whatever either of them would be willing to give me.
Noah’s fingers were moving faster, the noises seemingly echoing through the room from how drenched I was and then, finally, finally, he started flicking my clit with his tongue in exactly the way I needed, hard and fast.
“You couldn’t be loud on the bus,” Oli said, “but you better be as loud as you can now.”
Staying quiet wasn’t even an option. Not when my orgasm washed over me, still rising and rising with Noah’s face between my legs, my hips buckling so violently even Oli couldn’t hold them down completely. I came with a scream, all tension releasing into the feelings of overpowering lust paired with utter trust as I was surrounded by the two men I couldn’t stop thinking about.
Comin down happened gradually, my mind a haze. I whined when Noah removed his fingers but couldn’t help but moan when I saw my wetness clinging to his face, cheeks flushed red but looking so content. Oli was softly petting my hair, all dominating features about him vanishing as checked up on my, making sure I was okay.
When Noah crawled up onto the bed with us, curling up next to me, effectively caging me in between them once again, I knew I was more than okay. I couldn’t even dream of being anything else.
Noah ended up pretending he had woken up with a sore throat which caused everyone to accept his choice to be on vocal rest immediately as long as it meant he could do the set tonight. Oli and I had trouble keeping our giggles to ourselves every time someone around us mentioned it though. Only after giving Noah another stern talking to about being more careful when sucking someone off next time he was on tour. He hadn’t fought back, but the rolling of his eyes had said it all.
By early afternoon, Bring Me The Horizon had completed their soundcheck and left for food somewhere else, citing to be sick of catering at venues. I declined the invitation to come along and instead grabbed a plate of whatever the location had deemed “Mexican food” and retired to Oli’s dressing room. As nice as the peace and quiet was, I was aware I didn’t have all that much time to relax. And I desperately needed to call my roommate. I’d left her waiting for long enough.
“Would you mind moving out for next month?”
The question hit me like a ton of bricks. And not just because it was the first thing she said to me instead of greeting me like, you know, a normal person.
“I’m sorry?”
I tried recalling the current date but came up short. End of January though, surely. She couldn't seriously expect me to find somewhere new in a matter of days, right?
“My boyfriend got kicked out of his place so he’s moving in here.”
“I… I have nowhere to go,” I stammered.
Well, she surely wasn’t going to be any help.
“What if I say no?” I asked. Maybe I would manage to find something for March. Mid-February if I got really lucky.
“Well, l already talked to our landlord and I’m the main renter on the contract so I was able to change your name to his.”
“So you already kicked me out, basically? What the fuck?” I didn’t even bother to keep my voice down. Asking me to move out was one thing, admitting that the decision had already been made without informing me at all was very much another.
“Yeah, sorry,” she replied without much remorse at all. “You can pick up your stuff before the first right?”
I hung up. I knew that if I attempted to say anything else, I’d turn mean and cruel and as much as I felt like she deserved it in that moment, that simply wasn’t who I wanted to be.
Sitting in the dressing room, silence engulfing me, it was like my body couldn’t decide whether it wanted to let me get into a rage or break out into tears. Either way, I was restless, panicky, unable to process what I’d just been told. I stood up so abruptly, the forgotten about plate on my lap clattered to the floor loudly. At least I’d already finished my meal - I doubt I could stomach any food right now.
I needed something to do, though. The band was still gone but the time suggested that Bad Omens would start soundchecking right about now, so I ventured into the main room of the arena. Anything not to be alone. Noah stood at the sound desk, chatting with Becky, the rest of the band already on stage and fine-tuning their instruments. I joined the two of them, ready to scold Noah for talking, but he turned to me and, in the quietest voice imaginable, told me he was only whispering. Promise.
“Don’t overdo yourself at soundcheck,” I warned him still. “Oli’s going to kill you if you can’t sing.”
He simply shook his head with a smile and brushed his hand against mine as he made his way to the stage.
“Anything I can do?” I asked Becky. “Oli’s gone, so…”
“Actually, yes!” she beamed. “One of our techs is running late after visiting family yesterday so if you’d like to be the hands to my brain and don’t mind me ordering you around a little bit, you’re more than welcome to help out.”
“Believe me, you can’t be worse than Oli,” I laughed. The heaviness of my phone call was still weighing me down, but Becky’s sunny being made me feel lighter immediately. It was far from the worst way to spend my time.
Noah made it through his set and with the help of a lot of shutting up and taking care of his throat, I was sure the absolute majority of people never even noticed his struggles. It was still decided he’d sit out on Antivist once more, so while Bad Omen’s packed up and left, I did my best to keep busy. I was basically begging people for jobs, double-checking if Becky really didn’t need anything more from me (I was torn between believing she could handle it and wondering if I’d maybe done so badly she simply didn’t trust me around her equipment anymore), even Oli was annoyed when he couldn’t find anything else for me to do. My frantic attempts not to let a single thought occur were intermittently interrupted by Noah texting me.
Noah You’re a right worker’s bee tonight, aren’t you? Aubrey Cutest bee you’ll ever see
I cringed the very second I sent the message. Why would I even text something like that? My mind was clearly driving me insane. I was still trying to figure out if there was a way to delete my message and pretend he’d never seen it when his reply came in.
Noah You’re the bee’s knees I don’t actually know what that saying means Do bees have knees? Aubrey You’d think I’d know all about the birds and the bees but unfortunately not in the literary way
I put my phone away as Bring Me The Horizon were about to take the stage, lending my hands to a few of the workers in the most menial ways to make sure the show would be perfect. It mostly involved me holding things or carrying them from one place to another. It sort of felt like they were humouring me, but I appreciated it nonetheless.
About half an hour later, they saw me off, thanking me for my work and telling me to enjoy the rest of my night off. It wasn’t really what I wanted, but there was nothing to do. So I set out to find a vacated seat somewhere high up in the arena where I wouldn’t bother anyone and pulled my phone back out. It seemed Noah had been providing me with a string of consciousness. I scrolled through his messages with a smile until I reached the end.
Noah Wish you were here with me
What followed was a picture of his face, half of it under the water of the bathtub he had apparently gotten into, wet hair proving he’d already dunked his head all the way before, big, brown eyes staring back at me. The soft, relaxed expression on his face made me want to throw my phone away and run to him.
Aubrey I’m surprised you’re fitting into the bathtub Did you even get your feet in? Noah Very spacious bathtub
Another photo, now facing away from him, most of his body hidden under a thin layer of bubbles, showed that he did, indeed, fit quite well.
Noah Definitely place for you here too Aubrey I feel like that heavily depends on what you aim to do with me in there
I knew what I expected. Flirts. Inappropriate comments that I would give back twice fold. Dirty thoughts, dirty words. Possibly a picture or two than promised more. But none of that appeared.
Noah Make you sit between my legs so I can embrace you A little massage for those hard working muscles Definitely enough space to wash your hair Hold you close until the water turns cold Wrap you up in one of those fluffy towels Fall asleep with you
It didn’t matter that I was sitting in a massive, 11,000-capacity arena. It didn’t matter that Shadow Moses was currently making the whole place shake. That I was surrounded by people focused on nothing but shouting out the lyrics so loud they would drown Oli out. All I knew was that I was staring at Noah’s words and I couldn’t breathe.
Was this the same man that suggested all of us only being in this for a bit of fun? Who didn’t want anyone to get too close to him? Who was so convinced of his own shortcomings that he wouldn’t even dare try? It didn't make sense.
I pulled up the last photo again, just for something to do, for something to look at, while I tried to make my mind up about what to do. About whether I should let myself fall and allow this… sweetness that didn’t have anything to do with hooking up in my life. Or if I should push back, call him out on it, stay strong, keep our resolution.
I found myself zooming in on the picture. A bottle of wine. Empty. Another one reflecting in the mirror, half full.
Aubrey Are you drunk? Noah Would you mind?
There was an anger rising up in me, a bitter taste that suddenly has a clear origin. So it wasn’t real. The clarification that sounded through his text hit me in the face with force. It wasn’t him changing his mind, it wasn’t him opening up and actually wanting more. It was simply him being wine-drunk, needy and alone. I didn’t care how soft his words were. Not when I was sure he wouldn’t have typed them quite the same sober.
Noah I miss you, angel Already Come over when the show is done
I stared at the words. My heart wanted to jump at the chance, tell him yes, yes I’ll come to you, take whatever he would give me, indulge in the brief idea of this being more, him being serious, him wanting me for real. But I couldn’t. I simply couldn’t. I’d fucked up before, back in Manchester, in a different way. I wouldn’t let us go down that path again. I couldn’t let him change his mind on a whim, again, and again, and allow myself to believe.
Aubrey I’ll see you tomorrow
The tears started pooling in the corners of my eyes before I’d even properly shut the door to my room behind me. Everything I’d been trying to push away caught up with me all at once. Noah being unpredictable in his actions and his words. My roommate all but kicking me out. No job lined up once this tour ended.
I dragged myself under the shower, trying to wash away the bad feeling, thinking I could hide my tears if only I stayed under the stream of water for long enough, but my hair had been washed and conditioned, my body shaved and scrubbed and taken care of and I still couldn’t stop crying. It felt pathetic and weak. I should be able to handle this better. I’d always been able to handle myself.
But it was all too much, this time around. I’d never had to deal with the loss of a place to stay, no job prospects and the reality that I was catching feelings for people who didn’t reciprocate them all at the same time.
That was a lie. I wasn’t catching feelings. I was deep, deep into them already. There was no way to deny it anymore, not even to myself. The way my belly fluttered when I saw Noah or Oli wasn’t pure sexual attraction. Wanting to hold their hands, fall asleep next to them, sharing everything I could with them wasn’t platonic. Needing to get my hands on them, have their hands on me, feel them all over and inside wasn’t a friendship.
A sob wrecked from my mouth as I desperately tried to go through the motions. Drying my hair. Putting on a shirt to sleep in. Brushing my teeth. Yet I couldn’t stop. Every time I thought I had a chance of calming down, another wave of despair came over me and held me under.
A knock on the door made me jump, then freeze in the middle of my motions. Surely no one would come around this late? Maybe someone had the wrong room. I’d simply ignore it.
Another knock. I put my hand over my mouth to keep the sobbing at bay, trying not to let the person know I was even there. Angrily, I wiped a tear away that had slipped between my fingers and tickled my lips.
“Aubrey.” Oli’s voice was unmistakable. “Aubrey, I know you’re there. I can hear you crying.”
Fuck. There was no way I’d be able to get rid of Oli, no matter how much I hated the idea of letting him in and letting him see me like this. But my feet carried me even before I’d actively made the decision and when I saw him standing in front of me, all soft and worried, remnants of make-up lingering on his face, I all but fell into his arms. I only realised that there was something in his hand when he struggled to hug me back.
“Alright, on the bed you go, I’ve got you a hot chocolate and there’s a few pieces of chocolates in the pocket of my hoodie unless you’ve just crushed them.”
And just like that, I broke out into tears once again.
Oli ushered me on the bed, making sure I was tucked in nicely as I sat against the headboard before sliding under the blanket himself, his warmth immediately transferring to me. He handed me the mug, which felt like pure love between my fingers, and then scattered a few individually wrapped chocolates in front of us. When I leaned into him, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as if it had always meant to.
“Talk to me, love,” Oli whispered into your hair and it was all it took for my worries to pour out of me. Well, most of them. The mess in my head about Noah and him stayed hidden, tucked away in the fathers corners of my brain.
Oli held me close, letting me talk and talk and drop tears on his hoodie until I’m all cried out.
“How long have you known?”
“About the roommate situation? This afternoon. The job thing… well, it’s been an ongoing problem.”
He squeezed my body against his and for a moment it felt like he squeezed at least some of the pain away. I didn’t tell him that, but I buried my face a little deeper into his neck.
“Have you talked to your parents? Moving back home and asking for help is probably the last thing you want to do, but, you know…”
The question is enough to let tears well up again. So much for being cried out.
“I…” I swallowed, trying to force the lump in my throat to disappear. “I don’t speak to them anymore.”
Oli pushed me away a little bit, just enough to see my face, but still holding onto me.
“What happened?”
Somehow, the fact that he sounded genuinely shocked made it worse.
“It turns out, dating a girl was enough for my father to assume the devil had gotten into me. And my mother just follows whatever he says. So now the only contact I have with them is my father sending my mails about how to return to the good side of life and renounce the evilness that is being queer and me deleting them unseen.”
“Fuck, Aubrey, why didn’t you tell me?”
Why didn’t I tell him? I wasn’t so sure anymore, now. I knew we had drifted apart a little over the past year, keeping in contact but never actually seeing each other. I should have trusted him more.
Oli’s hand was gentle on my face as he moved my head toward him and pressed a short kiss to my lips. “Fuck them. We’re in this together, yeah? We’ll figure it out. Promise.”
And somehow, I believed him.
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A Fresh Start [5]
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: use of fake name, reader’s on the run, grogu is a menace, jealousy, pining (is that a warning?)
Word Count: 4,913
Summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night,  you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a  far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be  exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more  and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly  head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
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Chapter Summary: Nima thinks you and the Marshal are cute. Cara thinks you and the Marshal are cute. Mayfield just runs for his life.
     "too shy to say, but i hope you stay." -Billie Eilish  
 Two weeks flashed by in a blink of an eye, and Din Djarin and his son had fallen into a new routine⏤ one with you as a staple addition to it. Din had been so sure that their lives had been perfect on Nevarro before you, but you swept in and created a space for yourself that was now essential. The sound of your voice, your laughter, your steps padding across the floor had seamlessly become a part of the soundtrack of his and his son’s life.
 “The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round,” You sung to Grogu who mumbled the repetitive words while miming the spinning motions you made with your hands. His large brown eyes were focused on you with great intensity. “The wipers on the bus go…”
 “Swish, swish, swish.” Grogu mumbled the words in Basic while waving his arms side to side to mimic the motion of wipers. You clapped your hands excitedly, and Grogu giggled and bounced at the praise.
 Din leaned against the wall with his arms crossed as he watched the scene unfold in the living room. Grogu had finished with breakfast and now sat on the couch in your lap. He was half tempted to call Cara and let her know he was taking a sick day. If he wasn’t so sure she’d see through his excuse and mock him for it, he might’ve tried.
 You turned your head to meet his gaze, and Din tensed at being caught staring. He pushed off the wall and walked over. You lifted Grogu in the air, rocking him to make him laugh, and Din scooped him from your hands to curl into his chest. “Are you having fun, ad’ika?” He asked as Grogu buried his face into the crook of his neck. “Are you having fun with Soran?”
 “ ‘lek!” Grogu cooed.
 “Do Mandalorians have any rhymes or songs?” You asked.
 Din titled his head. “I know a lullaby, but it’s not like the ones you sing with him.” He rubbed Grogu’s back. “Thank you for the songs.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and Din elaborated. “Grogu has gotten better with some words in Basic. I was worried.”
 “Don’t be.” You rose from the couch and walked around to stand beside him. “The book I’m reading says that kids who are raised in a multilingual home take a little longer in their language development. It’s completely normal.”
 Your words soothed his quiet concerns. To be honest, Din hadn’t been as worried about Grogu’s speaking habits since you arrived simply because he had become more vocal. Add to that the fact that he’d be starting school next week, brightened his mood even further. Grogu would only learn more and more from there. Din began to walk towards the door while still cradling his son in his arms. You stayed one step beside him with a sweet smile decorating your soft features. The warmth in your eyes when you stared at Grogu always brought a smile to his own face.
 “I’ll bring home dinner from the new place that opened up in the plaza.” Din said. “Don’t worry about cooking.”
 “Ooh, yum.” You playfully tugged on one of Grogu’s ears making him squeal again. “Hear that? We’re getting noodles for dinner tonight.”
 The dinner situation had oddly been settled without much discussion. A pattern had just clicked into place. Din would come home and remove his helmet to eat with Grogu while you got some time to yourself, then you would come out to watch Grogu while he cleaned up from his day out in the city. Finally, he’d don his helmet once more and the three of you ended up spending time with one another before Din would take Grogu to bed. Sometimes, you’d even eat dinner with them. Din and you would find a spot on the floor, like a picnic, and sit back to back while Grogu ran circles around you both sneaking food from every plate he could touch.
 “Noodle.” Grogu bounced in his arms and repeated the word over and over as if the chant would bring forth the food immediately.
 Din held his arms out for you to take Grogu from him. “Only if you behave, ad’ika.”
 “Tell your dad that you always behave.” You gasped, as if appalled at his statement. “You’re a little angel, aren’t you?”
 “ ‘lek!”
 Din chuckled with a shake of his head. He loved his son more than life itself, but angel would hardly be the word he’d use to describe Grogu’s menace-like tendencies. It was his mischievous nature that Din loved so dearly. If there were trouble in a nine mile radius, Grogu would find it. And if there wasn’t? His son was hardly hesitant in starting the mayhem himself.
 “Oh,” You said abruptly, “Don’t forget, Grogu’s appointment is at 2 today.”
 Din nodded, thankful for the reminder, and mentally made a note. This would be Grogu’s first appointment with the local physician and he wanted to be present for it. He believed you to be more than capable of taking his son on your own, but Din worried how Grogu would handle being in a medical facility. He wasn’t sure how much Grogu went through while in Gideon’s hands, and Din wanted to be there to support him in any way that he could.
 “Thanks. I can meet you there.” Din replied. He leaned forward to rest his forehead against Grogu’s⏤ smiling when the boy wrapped his arms around his helmet in response. “Be good, ad’ika.” Din leaned back and after a beat he offered you a small nod. “I’ll see you this afternoon, cyar’ika. Call me if you need me.”
 “I will. Bye, Mando.” You replied. As he stepped out the door, you stayed in the doorway to allow Grogu to wave at him. Din smiled to himself and readjusted his gloves to give his hands something to do. He would be lying if he said that he never had the urge to rest his forehead against yours when saying good-bye in the morning. A fact that he tried very, very hard not to think about.
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 You sat on the couch reading one of the many books from your past library on the holopad in your hands. As it turned out, after successfully guessing your last used password from a year ago, you were able to access all the books you had downloaded during your training years. Right now, the relevant ones you were reading all dealt with pediatric development and care. It hadn’t been a topic that particularly interested you back then. You learned what you had to in order to properly treat any younger patients, but that was it. Now, you found the topic exhilarating.
 The more information you absorbed the better prepared you were to take care of Grogu. That was your thought process at least. Doing a good job was about more than just ‘doing a good job’. Grogu had quickly become an important part of your life, and you truly cared for the little boy. More than just Grogu, his father had grown on you as well. Living in this house with them, becoming a part of their daily routine, made you feel like you belonged somewhere. It was something you hadn’t realized you missed until you got a taste of it once again.
 “Patu.” Grogu cooed.
 You looked up from your holopad to see him standing at your feet holding up a piece of paper. He had been drawing on the floor in the middle of the living room. “What’s this?” You set aside the holopad and picked him up. The picture he drew was a scribbled version of you holding a mass of green with big arms. “Aw, is this me and you?”
 “ ‘lek.”
 “I love it.” You said with a waver in your voice. A picture drawn in crayons shouldn’t mean so much to you, but you were already making plans to frame the paper and hang it up on the wall where you could see it every single day. “Thank you, sweetie.”
 You pulled him closer to cuddle him in a hug, but Grogu surprised you by lifting his hands to pat your cheeks. The cheek patting was hardly new, but then he lifted his head to press his forehead to the middle of your face⏤ the closest he could reach to your forehead. It was the action you watched Mando do to Grogu all the time. A sign of affection. As if the picture wasn’t enough to send you over the edge. You felt your eyes well up with tears and felt so silly at the notion that you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Grogu pulled back and tilted his head in question.
 “Happy tears. I’m happy.” You shook your head and lightly bopped him on the nose with your finger making you giggle. “You made me very, very happy.”
 If there was one thing you had learned about yourself in the three weeks you had been here it was how unhappy and alone you were in Tatooine⏤ hell, even in Coruscant this last year. You knew, you understood, but you hadn’t truly realized until you began to make new connections. It was all so overwhelming and it left you an emotional mess.
 “How about we leave the house early?” You sniffed. “We can go say hello to Peli and Nima, and then pick up lunch.”
 Grogu was just as happy as you assumed he’d be at the prospect of leaving the house. It took you only a few minutes to clean up a bit and get Grogu into his pram before the two of you were out and traveling to Peli’s shop. In your time here, you had learned the layout of Nevarro well enough to get around without much issue. There were still a few places you needed instruction to get to, but you were fairly proud of how settled you had become.
 You heard Peli’s shop before you saw it, and Grogu’s pram sped up a bit in excitement to see Peli. He zoomed through the shop with practiced ease and you followed behind at a casual pace. It seemed the shop wasn’t overly busy and Grogu led you through the garage out to the back yard which Peli used more as a junkyard.
 “Green bean!” Nima yelled in greeting.
 She poked her head up from a pile of scrap metal to bounce over to the pram. Peli followed next and both women stood around Grogu cooing and chatting with the small child. You chuckled and lifted a hand to wave. “Hi. I’m here too.”
 “Yeah, but you’re not nearly as cute.” Peli replied bluntly.
 Nima lifted her gaze to you with a shrug. “No offense.”
 “I’ll try to push through the pain, but I don’t know how I’ll sleep tonight.”
 Peli picked up Grogu and began to bounce him on her hip to his delight. Nima tickled his belly once before drifting closer to where you stood. She crossed her arms with a smirk. “Things seem to be going good.”
 “Yeah.” You nodded. “They are.”
 “Well, I am very happy for you,” Nima set her hand on your shoulder, “But I am also incredibly disappointed because now I don’t have a drinking partner.” You let out a laugh and gave her a light shove. Nima decided to wrap her arm around you instead. “Real talk though, it’s good to see you enjoying yourself. You can show me gratitude for finding you the job by joining me at the cantina tonight. It’s singles tuesday.”
 You shook your head. “Okay, first off, why would they have a singles night on a Tuesday? Why not the weekend?” Nima just shrugged. “And unfortunately I can’t. Mando is picking up dinner for us from that new noodle place.”
 Nima pulled her arm away to pout. “Can’t you just take your part to go. Hanging with me tonight will be so much more fun than eating in your room alone, I promise.”
 “I’m not gonna eat in my room.” You shrugged. “Usually when he brings dinner home, we eat together. We just pick a spot on the floor and sit back to back. That way I can’t see his face while he eats, but we both get to spend dinnertime with Grogu.” Her comical pout slowly turned into a mischievous smile. You furrowed your brow at her in mild concern. It was never good when she got that look. “What?”
 “Marshal Mando is bringing dinner home for you guys to share.” Nima repeated what you said, and you weren’t sure what she was getting at. “Together. Kind of like…” You raised an eyebrow at her, and she shimmed her shoulders, “A date.”
 Your eyes widened. “What? No. No, no, no. It’s not like that. It’s not romantic.”
 “You sit on the floor together. Food spread out around you like a picnic.” Nima said slowly. “How much space is there between the two of you? Or do you literally sit back to back?” At her question, you felt your cheeks grow warm in embarrassment. It was literal. The two of you didn’t necessarily touch, but the last time this happened if you had leaned back even a little you would’ve been able to rest against his back. Nima bounced in place. “That’s so cute! Ah, okay, you definitely can’t come to singles night then.”
 “Stop.” You held a hand up to point at her. “You always do this. Remember when you visited me during training and convinced yourself I was having a love affair with my professor?” Nima’s features turned sheepish and she mumbled a response under her breath. “What was that?”
 “I was wrong.” Nima sighed. “But in my defense, the two of you had some very intense chemistry.”
 “We didn’t. He was married. To a man.” You shook your head. “You literally imagined everything. To which, I will commend your active and creative imagination, but you’re wrong.” You reached out and placed both your hands on her shoulders. “I love you, but you’re very, very wrong.”
 “Boo.” Nima dragged the word out, her pout returned.
 You laughed at her disdain and she easily rolled into a rant about a customer she had to deal with earlier in the day. Her claim about Mando lingered in your mind, but you shoved it out of your head with gusto. Your first week here had been a bit awkward, but the last two had been a dream as everything seemed to fall into place. Mando had become your friend. It was more than you could ask for considering he was your employer. The last thing you wanted to do was mess that up by catching feelings.
 “Hey!” You and Nima paused in conversation to see Peli coming over with Grogu. “Bright eyes here is hungry. You gotta get him out of here before he starts snacking on my stuff.”
 You held your arms out and Grogu excitedly leaned out to fall into them. “Are you hungry, sweetie? You wanna get lunch?” He clapped his hands and you chuckled. “Alright. Say good-bye to Peli and Nima. Can you say bye?” Grogu waved his little hand and you decided to continue holding him rather than setting him back into his pram. “I’ll see you guys later.”
 “Message me if you change your mind about tonight!” Nima waved.
 You walked out of the shop with Grogu’s pram following after you. Mando had taught you how to program it to the arm band he had given to you. Nevarro’s streets were busy and you greeted familiar faces and you passed them. Anytime you had Grogu with you, more people stopped to say hello just so they could have a moment with the adorable child in your arms.
 “Hey,” You held Grogu’s hand and his small fingers wrapped around yours, “We were supposed to meet your dad at 2, but should we pick up lunch and surprise him at his office?”
 Grogu squealed in agreement and you were unsurprised by the response. You had learned that Mando was a fan of the sandwich shop owned by a local couple and as you’d have to walk by it anyways to get to the station it seemed ideal. It didn’t take long to pick up some food, and the owners had gifted Grogu with some free, blue cookies.
 It didn’t take long to get to the station from there, but in that time Grogu had managed to gobble down every single small cookie they had given him. You set the bag of food in the pram so you could brush the crumbs off of his clothes. “I’m starting to think you eat this messy on purpose, kiddo.” He giggled innocently and you shook your head. You picked up the bag of food again as you entered the station. One of the two rotating receptionists sat behind the desk as usual. “Hey, Thilxi! How’re you today?”
 “I’m doing well.” The Rishii woman replied. Her feathers were a mix of black, tan, and a pretty shade of orange. “Are you looking for the Marshal?”
 “Yeah, is he in?”
 “Mhmm. Go on back.”
 You thanked her and took the side hallway to get to where the actual office sat. The only person sitting in the room was Cara who was currently reading through a holopad. She lifted her gaze at the sound of your approach and a smirk crossed her features. Before you could speak, she called out, “Hey, Mando. We got some citizens here with a request.”
 You recognized the sound of Mando’s heavy boots. He began to ask what he was needed for, but his modulated words came to a halt, as did his stride, when his eyes landed on you. Mando’s head tilted in question. You held up the bag of food with a smile. “Lunch request.”
 “Buir!” Grogu blurted. “Skraan. Skraan, Buir!”
 Mando chuckled and crossed the space in a few easy strides and scooped Grogu from your arms. “Hey there, ad’ika.” He rubbed his son’s head and tugged lightly on a ear making Grogu giggle and grab at the hand. Mando focused on you. “You didn’t have to do this.”
 “We were already out.” You shrugged. “Figured we could just leave from here to the clinic. You aren’t busy are you?”
 “No. Not at all.” Mando nodded his head back toward the doorway. “We can sit in my office.”
 “Skraan.” Grogu grabbed at the edge of Mando’s helmet.
 “Call me if you need me.” Mando said.
 Cara, who was still grinning, nodded, “Sure thing, boss.”
 “Nice to see you, Cara.” You gave her a small wave before following after Mando. She returned your greeting with ease. You hadn’t actually been to the back part of this office yet, but through the door was just another short hall that led to a generator room, a storage closet, and Mando’s office. There was also a door at the very end of the hallway with an ‘exit’ side hanging above it.
 Mando set Grogu down on his desk while you glanced around. It was a small and rather plain space. A large window on one side allowed natural light in, which was nice, and there was a desk in the center of the room. The swivel chair behind the desk was olive in color and it matched the double cushioned couch sitting under the window. Behind the desk, on the wall, were a few drawings made by Grogu.
 “What does ‘skraan’ mean?” You asked. “Is it like ‘hungry’? I always notice he uses it around the time I’m about to feed him.”
 Mando let out a short laugh. “No. Fair guess though. It’s slang for ‘meal’.”
 So the green gremlin was just demanding his meal time. That sounded about right. You set the bag of food on the desk and Grogu immediately rushed to grab it. Mando scooped his son up again before he could shred through the brown bag to get to his sandwich.
 “No, no.” Mando said. Grogu let out a soft whine. “Be patient.”
 You began to unpack the bag while glancing over at Mando who was bouncing Grogu while chatting with him softly. As you began to throw away the bag into a bin nearby you heard Grogu patting his hand against his father’s chest repeatedly.
 “Oh. You know what? He hasn’t used the bathroom since this morning. I can take him.”
 “Don’t worry. Start eating, I’ll be back.”
 You watched Mando leave with Grogu and turned back to the food. In the silence, it occurred to you that this was a half planned idea considering it wasn’t like the two of you could just sit on the floor here. You rubbed the back of your neck and tried to puzzle this out.
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 Din’s morning had been busy. There had been a mess on the tarmac where scheduled landings got tangled up causing a number of near crashes. The team there should have been able to manage it on their own, but tempers flared and he got called there to witness. Din spent his morning babysitting temperamental pilots and flight crews.
 Needless to say, he really should’ve tried to call in sick.
 Din kept telling himself he’d at least get to see Grogu and you sooner than dinner time because of the clinic appointment. He never expected you to show up at the station with his son and lunch in tow. Din was beyond grateful for his helmet because if Cara saw the dumb smile that spread across his face she never would’ve let him live it down.
 He stepped out of the bathroom with Grogu only to immediately be met with a sly grin on Cara’s face. He slumped with a sigh. “Don’t.”
 “I didn’t say anything.” Cara replied. Din tilted his head in exasperation and Cara just laughed in response. She leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms⏤ preening as if she had just won an award. “It’s just… interesting.”
 Grogu grunted and began to pat his chest again. Knowing exactly what his son wanted, he knelt over and let Grogu down. He didn’t hesitate to rush away back to where his food was awaiting him. Din turned back to Cara and he pointed at her. “No.”
 “Soran bringing you food and a visit from your son in the middle of the day just for the hell of it before you both take him to the doctor for a school registration check up feels very⏤ what’s the phrase I’m looking for?” Cara hummed then nodded her head. “Domestic. Wife material.”
 Din set his hands on his hip and chose to keep his stance as casual as he could. His face felt hot and he knew he was bright red under his helmet. He already knew how attached he had become to the domestic energy that surrounded his home life. From day one, Din enjoyed that. Even back when things were still awkward, the moment he came home that first day to dinner being ready and Grogu calling out to him he had been hooked to that lifestyle. It was after that, much more recent, that Din realized it wasn’t just the domestic nature of things he was growing attached to.
 It was you.
 Din liked coming home to you. He liked watching you sing and dance with Grogu in the kitchen every morning. He liked the moments he got alone with you. It had been an accident the first night he stepped out of his room after putting Grogu to bed and ran into you in the kitchen. He had donned his helmet just to go get water but stayed there for a full hour just to talk with you. Now, he made it a habit.
 You were the first woman he had any semblance of feelings for in quite some time. In the past, any sort of attraction he felt was easy enough to ignore. He’d climb aboard the Razor Crest, fly off to work on the next bounty, and that was it. It was done and over. Din was learning that trying to ignore an attraction he felt for someone he lived with was much, much more difficult. He had to forget it though⏤ had to push it aside. You worked for him, and Din would never forgive himself if he jeopardized the new routine Grogu had become accustomed to. If he made you uncomfortable, chased you off, Grogu would miss you so much.
 Cara making comments with the words ‘wife material’ was only going to make this a million times harder.
 “The two of you are cute is all I’m saying.” Cara shrugged.
 Din grunted out a response which made his Deputy just laugh. He sighed and left for his office. It only took him a few steps in the hall before he heard Mayfeld’s voice. When Din got closer, he could see you sitting in one of the seats parked in front of his desk, Grogu in your lap eating, and Mayfeld was leaning against the front of his desk right beside you.
 “I can’t believe you haven’t been to Jay’s place yet.” Mayfeld chuckled. “Best place to eat in all of Nevarro. No doubt.”
 “Oh yeah?” You asked, helping pinch off pieces of Grogu’s sandwich so he didn’t just inhale the entire thing⏤ a terrible habit his son still had.
 Mayfeld shifted on the desk so he was closer. “They have some great mixed drinks too. Maybe I can take you some time.” Din felt his chest tighten in discomfort. A flash of anger mingled with the new sensation, and his hand curled into a fist involuntarily. “You free this weekend?”
 Din took that as his cue to close the distance. He didn’t like the idea of Mayfeld taking you anywhere at any time. He didn’t even like the idea of Mayfeld thinking about doing that. You let out a light chuckle and shook your head. “Sorry, I’m busy this weekend with, uh, Mando. He said he’d take me to…the…lava plains?”
 “Mando?” Mayfeld repeated. Din saddled up to stand in view and leaned against the open doorway with his arms crossed. Mayfeld’s eyes drifted over to him and Din could see panic settle in the man’s eyes. “Mando!” He scrambled away from you and nearly fell when he reached the end of the desk sooner than anticipated. “Hah, hey, I was just keeping⏤ I didn’t know she was⏤” Mayfeld motioned toward you then shook his head. “I’m gonna go work.”
 In order to leave the room, Mayfeld had to walk past him and Din didn’t make it easy for him. He stayed exactly where he was, following the man’s movement slowly with his visor, as Mayfeld struggled to squeeze past him without actually touching him. When he stumbled out and hurried away, Din looked back to you who stared at him with a wide grin. He felt his irritation melt away at the look on your face.
 “He’s nice.” You chuckled. “Also, sorry I used you as an excuse. I kind of panicked when he asked me out.”
 Din shook his head. “That’s fine. I don’t mind.” He straightened his posture and hated how awkward the next words out of his mouth felt. “Do you… Do you      want to see the lava plains?”
 “It’s on my to-do list for sure.” You nodded. “I feel like every time I walk down the street I hear one of the droids advertising the plains and the hot springs.” You handed Grogu another bite of his sandwich. His child was so enthralled by the food that he was barely aware of anything happening around him. “Besides, anything would be better than going on a date with a stranger. Nima asked me to go to this singles event tonight, and I have no idea how she can go to those things.”
 Din stiffened at your words then scolded himself for growing tense. You weren’t his in any sense other than employer/employee. Din had no claim to you whatsoever which meant he had no right to feel any shred of jealousy⏤ either with Mayfeld or with you attending a singles event. He was paying you to watch Grogu and, by association, paying you to be around him. Besides, it was foolish of him to think this wasn’t something that would come up. You were a ray of sunlight after a dark and stormy day. You were refreshing. A breath of clean air after months of stale hyperspace. Smart, funny, kind, caring. Not to mention gorgeous. Maker, Din would crawl across the sands of Tatooine, under both suns, armorless, if it meant he could just touch⏤
 No. He had to stop. That line of thought was the opposite of helpful.
 Din cleared his throat. “You and Nima?” He tried not to let any disappointment show. He steeled his voice with practiced ease. “Are you going out with her tonight? I know we haven’t talked about it, but if you need a night off…”
 “No way.” You grinned then motioned to Grogu who was still happily settled in your lap. “I told her I was busy. I got a date with this cutie and some noodles.” You tickled Grogu who squealed in response, eager to play. “Don’t I, sweetie?”
 Din was smiling like an idiot again.
 Maker, was he in trouble.
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florenceafternoon · 5 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
Really, we shouldn’t be surprised by now but I have more amazing jily AU fics to share because the writers of this fandom are incredibly talented and I have my screen report to prove it.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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serendipity by desperateforsanity (on ao3)
Modern college/uni AU. Dearest Students and Staff, I am pleased to announce Hogwarts University’s fourth annual Pen Pal Program. Upperclassmen and sophomores likely remember and cherish the memories of their previous penpals and are excited to make another friend this year.
TW: for the later chapters for discussions of grief and its effects on one's mental well-being. For the most part, though this is a fun fic full of great banter!
The Frenzied Misadventures of Balcony Man and Window Woman by @clare-with-no-i
prompt: "It's 3am why are you outside my window- are you trying to rob me?"
It feels necessary to preface this entire thing with the fact that, yes, James had good reason to be dangling precariously from a third-floor balcony, and anyone who says differently is simply attempting to smear his good name.
At least, that’s the story he’s sticking to.
Hijinks & Shenanigans
mellow is the man (who knows what he's been missing) also by @/ clare-with-no-i
Earl's Court. 24th May, 1975. Led Zeppelin live in concert like you've never seen them before.
FEATURING: prolonged eye contact, deeply metaphoric descriptions of cigarette smoke, painful levels of detail about makeup, and a special one-time performance by Two Teens In Love! OR: the "we made eye contact at a Led Zeppelin concert but my friends pulled me away to mosh before I could come say hello" AU
So when I say that I saw this unfold frame by frame in my head, I mean the writing is on another level. The way that I could almost smell Earl Court ... I regret waiting so long to read it. Also, found out this is written by the same author as one of my favourite jily fics foreigner’s god so that explains it “I'm not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me.” ― Sally Rooney, Normal People
but he’s a little bit too far away by @firefeufuego
Historical AU. A decade after they met as cadets for The Times, the toll of James chasing stories in war zones is starting to hit home for Lily.
Taking A Shot At You by @annabtg
Modern AU. Lily Evans, pharmacist, has to work all day and night on New Year's Eve - and ends up ringing in the new year with a bloke who just got himself a dog bite.
The Right Track by BeeDaily (on ao3)
Co-workers modern AU. When James is first handed the train ticket, his immediate reaction is to laugh openly in his father's face.
the horoscope by lirians
Modern AU. James stops momentarily to give way to a bunch of rambunctious teenagers on the pavement before he regains his step. Lily has come to a halt a bit further, waiting on him.
“Horoscopes?” he asks as they move onwards. He’s relieved that any awkwardness between them is apparently gone. “How so?”
“Marly sent me mine this week because it said I would meet someone from the past again,” she explains. “I’m still not sold on the idea of it, but isn’t this weird?”
I was inspired to read this by this art
The Falcon and The Squid by @jfleamont
There's a Lego Millennium Falcon that needs to be built. There's also a bet, a ring and a bike.
Put it all together and what do you get?
Leda's jily will always be a favourite of mine. They're idiots in love your honour
Glastonbury by elanev91 (on ao3)
Prompt: we're at a music festival and you crawled into my tent when drunk and fell asleep, now you've woken up bewildered and to be honest I should be more annoyed but you're just so good looking
One Day at Time by @sweeethinny
Single-mum-lily AU. One day at a time is the mantra Lily uses to keep peace inside her mind, but there are days when it's simply impossible and in the end all she needs is a glass of wine, a cozy hug with her boyfriend, and a serious talk with her son.
Note that you can read this as a stand-alone one shot but it's part of a series that takes place in this AU
For All My Life by aheartcalledhome & SecondJadeofLan (on ao3)
When saving the bees ends in a happy family.
pumpkins and blueberries by evotter (on ao3)
Modern soulmate AU. In which Lily Evans hates puzzles, Marlene McKinnon is a coffee-making goddess, and the stuffy manager with the unkempt hair just so happens to be Lily's soulmate. In the wise words of Mary Macdonald, nothing is scarier than a relationship. Especially if it's with your soulmate.
After Moon by lovesickjily (on ao3)
When the universe sent Lily back in time for some inexplicable reason, she didn’t realise that she’d fall for the charming, messy-haired Prince along the way, nor did she realise that she’d see him once again.
here's to never growing up by elixirsoflife (on ao3)
Chat fic where a group chat documents the lives of four highly dramatic teenage boys as they navigate their A Levels.
Or, like, die trying.
Okay, I rarely ever read chat fics, they're just not my thing. BUT this one had me wheezing on my way to school. It's crack. Just treat it like crack
Ice Baby also by elixirsoflife
Modern college/uni AU. In his defence, James never expected to meet his soulmate at thirteen minutes past eleven on a Sunday morning when he’s aiming a puck at Sirius’ balls.
Or: call me sweetheart again and I'll punch you in the throat.
Not a Clue by PotterandEvans (on ao3)
Modern college/uni Quarantine AU. Lily stood in the doorway of the flat, looking at the boy in front of her. She had spent most of the last two years keeping her distance from the annoying piece of work, staying away from his ego mostly. “Come in.” She said, stepping away from the doorway to let him into the flat that she usually shared with Remus.
"Ah, so kind." James muttered as he walked inside, his heavy bag weighing him down. This really was not the ideal situation, for either of them. But he had nowhere else to go, so staying with Lily Evans it was going to have to be.
they were zoommates (requires an ao3 account) by elanev91 (on ao3)
Modern college/uni Quarantine AU. Lily's on lockdown and, because she can't help herself, signs herself up for a whole bunch of extra (and free) work with her ad agency. Minerva, her boss, assigns a cheeky social media manager to her team to help her. Also, Marlene discovers TikTok (this is nowhere near as important to the narrative as its inclusion here suggests).
And You Heard About Me (Ooh, We’ve Got Some Big Enemies!) by @wearingaberetinparis
Fame AU. Lily Evans is a Grammy-winning singer-songwriter and global superstar, who recently broke up from her latest and long-term actor boyfriend Amos Diggory. James Potter is a professional football player who plays as a forward for Manchester United and has never been quiet about his celebrity crush: Lily Evans. When Lily Evans thus plays at Wembley Stadium - a place he is more than familiar with due to his being part of the England team - he just has to go and see her perform, embracing his inner, besotted fan boy, while the woman on stage is completely oblivious to his presence. Or is she?
The most unrealistic part was man u winning (but it's James so that explains it). Regardless, I started this fic while waiting for my final grades from last year to come through, and while they were disappointing, this sure wasn't. I was crying so hard that I fell asleep. Then I woke up and continued the fic and suddenly I was giggling along with Lilly. Anything and everything Mary writes is a masterpiece. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.
it continues (the beginning doesn't matter) by whitesunlars (on ao3)
She is the last person he expected at his door at that exact moment, despite feeling unsure about the fact that she managed to track down his address, he agrees to go out to coffee with her. A lot could be said about James Potter, but nobody could claim that he had good self-preservation skills.
They meet in a bar. Mistakes happen. They learn to keep going.
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mishwanders · 10 months
A little birdy told me that you might take writing requests
So…can I make the Old Man flustered????
Asking for a friend 👉👈
It has been a while since I’ve done a request, but I love making old men blush, so hell yeah I can write this one lol.
Characters: LU Time x GN!Reader
A/N + Warnings: Time gets picked on by the others for being smitten. Safe for everyone. Written by Mishwanders - pls do not repost.
“Old man, are you blushing?!”
Time sighed as the sound of the Vet’s voice reached his ears. He closed his eyes, trying to wish himself away from this moment as he shook his head in defiance, but the Rancher came in next with another comment, one he entirely disapproved of.
“What’s got’chu flushed redder than a hot summer day?”
Time opened his eyes and narrowed them at the two in an attempt to intimidate them from furthering their questions. It worked on Twilight. But not so much on the Warrior though. That one and Legend both had sly, mischievous grins plastered on their faces.
“Aw c’mon Sprite, what’s wrong? Who has you all hot and bothered?”Wars asked, leaning his good hand on his knee.
Time scoffed at the notion and muttered. “No one has me hot and bothered, it just hot. It’s that simple.”
“Nah I ain’t buy it, you didn’t even turn that red in the depths of death mountain.” Wild chimed in from the pot over the fire. “Someone’s gotten into your head, that’s for sure.”
“Could it be our new companion?” Sky asked, a sly grin creeping up on his lips as well as he joined in the jesting.
Time folded his arms in front of him, rolling his eyes in response to their comments. “You all are unbelievable.”
“Oh come on old man, there’s nothin’ wrong with being smitten.” Four stated.
“I’m not smitten!” Time countered
‘Yes you are.’ The Fierce Deity chimed in from his mind.
“Well if you’re not then you don’t mind our new traveler finding out.” Hyrule said.
Time narrowed his eyes at the shorter man by the fire. He wouldn’t dare.
Never mind, he was a Link. He very much would dare if it was in good fun for him.
“What you all talking about?”
Your voice almost startled Time out of his metal armor, jumping at the sound as he whipped his head around to face you. The others snickered at him, but thankfully Twilight had enough grace in him to give the old man a bit of a break.
“It ain’t nothin’ you need ta’ worry about.” twilight replied, patting you on the back.
“Yeah, why don’t you take a seat? Foods almost done any way.” Wild stated, stirring the pot.
“Here, you can have mine!” Wind interjected, moving off of the log next to Time and settling on the ground by Hyrule. The kid looked just like the others, a mischievous grin he couldn’t hide.
Little shits, all of them.
You gave your thanks to the youngest of the Chain, taking your seat beside Time. Even the mere existence of you within arms reach of him had a way of making his heart race.
Maybe the others were right…
The food was passed around the group and thankfully the others had stopped their pestering and resolved to discussing amongst each other (thank you goddesses). You and Time had been carrying on your own conversation, one he’d been following easily, enjoying listening to your little stories and easily amused by your excitement of being in this other Hyrule. He was so relaxed that when your cloth covered hand touch the corner of his lip he almost didn’t flinch.
He did slightly, until he realized you were wiping away the smidgen of food from his face. He looked down at you as you gently wiped it away. Goddesses, even just the small touch of your cloth covered fingers against his cheek was enough to turn him into the visage of a deer caught by a hunter. His cheeks were redder the Goron Ruby, feeling the heat of Death Mountain practically burning his cheeks at the small, helpful action. That’s when he what’s the small chuckle from the Vet reach his ears.
The boys were were right and Time knew they were never going to let him live this down now.
Hylia, help him.
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apeekintothepantry · 4 months
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Happy Pokémon Day! February 27th is the anniversary of the first two Pokémon games’ release in Japan, and it’s a minor holiday in my house, as a fun excuse to make Pokémon inspired food, watch some Pokémon shows or movies (we’re going to watch Netflix’s new Pokémon Concierge this year!), and get excited about upcoming games and releases. This year, we’re making a Pokémon Sword and Shield inspired burger-steak curry and I’m making a dessert from the Pokémon Cookbook by Victoria Rosenthal. It’s one of my favorite fandom cookbooks – all the recipes are vegetarian or vegan, to get around the awkward question of where does the meat in the Pokémon universe come from?
But that’s not all we’re making! Ever since Nicki and Isabel were released, I’ve been dying to do a post about them and Pokémon’s infamous “Jelly Filled Doughnuts”, better – and more accurately! – known as onigiri.
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Pokémon was released in the United States in 1998 via two Gameboy games: Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. The games quickly caught on to be one of the biggest pop culture phenomenon of the late 90’s and early 00’s, and as a kid at the heart of this explosion, I can’t overstate how much of a big deal it was. One of the great things about Pokémon – and probably why it has such lasting, widespread appeal – is that there are so many ways to interact with the franchise, and the marketing doesn’t skew hugely towards one gender or the other. Cool, tough Pokémon like Charizard got pretty similar billing to cute, pink Pokémon like Jigglypuff, and there were so many options for potential favorites that it was easy for any kid to find some creature to attach themselves to.
One of my petty complaints with Nicki and Isabel’s collection and books is the almost complete lack of mention of Pokémon and other anime that was really popular among kids in 1999. I know AG probably didn’t want to shell out for licensing deals with Nintendo or The Pokémon Company, but their stories just don’t feel accurate without discussing their prized binder of Pokémon cards or begging their parents to take them to see the Pokémon movie in theaters. Maybe the authors were just a little too old to get caught up in Pokémania?
I’ve also always thought its close overlap with the Beanie Babies crazy helped get millennial children like me very into the “gotta catch ‘em all” aspect of the franchise. Is this why I’m such a crazy toy collector as an adult? Who knows.
The Pokémon anime was one of the main ways kids like me got hooked on the franchise, because not everyone was allowed to have a Gameboy of their own (me), and not everyone liked video games, but even if you didn’t like video games, the cartoon might appeal to you. Although it was far from the first Japanese cartoon to air on US television, Pokémon was one of if not the first truly mainstream favorites of the 1990’s. 4Kids, the company in charge of dubbing the show into English, decided that American kids wouldn’t understand or be open to certain aspects of the show that reflected its Japanese roots, and so made a lot of strange choices in rewriting the script. One of the most notorious was deciding Brock’s rice balls were actually jelly filled doughnuts:
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Onigiri – also known as omusubi or nigirimeshi – are balls of rice with a variety of fillings inside. They’re often compared to sandwiches, as an easy, quick, cheap meal or snack that combines carbs and other ingredients. While the concept of taking a rice ball and stuffing it full of other tasty treats goes way back to ancient Japan, the triangle shape became popular in the 1980’s thanks to a new machine that automated the filling process. Further developments over the last 40 years have created unique ways to prepackage onigiri without making the nori wrapping sticky. The ones we made were an attempt at recreating the “Hawaiian” (spam and pineapple) rice balls from our favorite food hall back in DC. One of my favorite pandemic indulgences was getting take out from the food hall, which often included a sampler of some of my favorite onigiri, and I haven’t been able to find anything close to similar where we are now. One of the many reasons I’m excited to move!
Even as a kid, I wasn’t convinced the food in the anime was fried dough with fruit jelly inside, because they sure look like rice. I also think 4Kids didn’t anticipate that Pokémon’s widespread popularity would inspire many of its fans – including me – to become absolutely obsessed with Japanese food and culture. I would’ve been more excited if they’d just been straight with me and shown more Japanese food on the show, and then probably begged my parents to make it or take me to a restaurant that made it. While I can’t confidently cite numbers of how many other people were first exposed to Japanese culture and food through Pokémon and franchises like it, I do think it’s a bit of a missed opportunity to highlight how things like this exposed kids like Nicki and Isabel to parts of a culture outside their own!
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daddy-dins-girl · 8 months
Playdate - Chapter Three
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Y'all asked for it! (bunch of bad influences if you ask me 😛)
Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
AO3 link
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 || Chapter 4
Marcus Pike x f! Reader x Dave York
Word Count: 11.5k (I'M SORRY???!!!)
Chapter Summary: You get needy. Dave gets bossy. Marcus gets stuck in the middle.
Notes: Ok we definitely have to show some love for Marcus in this one since he was left out a fair bit in the last, but not to worry, Dave certainly isn’t going to allow you two to have too much fun without him ;)
Chapter Warnings: 18+ MDNI. Ok here we go... F/M/M threesome. Cucking/Wife sharing. Derogatory Language (in this house we do not apologize for Dave York or his sinful mouth). Orgasm Control/Delay/Denial (Dave is a menace and we don't apologize for that either). Cockwarming. Dry humping. Daddy kink. Praise kink. Soft!Dave York (but rarely). Dom!Dave York (that's more like it). CozyHusband!Marcus Pike (protect your heart, or you'll fall in love). Oral sex (m and f receiving). Rough oral sex. Biting (just one bite). Slaps/spanks/swats (just a few). Sex toys (m and f usage). Anal play/fingering/plug (f receiving). Unprotected P in V sex. Rough P in V sex. Creampie. If I missed anything else I'm sorry but there's a lot... Lmk if you find something!
“Baby?” You whisper into the darkened bedroom, snuggling up a little closer into Marcus’ naked back and he hums affirmatively that he hears you. It's late but you can't sleep. You know you should, since you both have work in the morning but suddenly sleeping seems like such a waste of time when you know there's something so much better you could be doing with your very handsome, very naked husband.
“Are you… awake?” You begin teasingly, your fingers dancing along his side and then smoothing down over his abdomen and retreating lower and lower until you reach his happy trail and tentatively threaten to go lower still.
“Honey,” Marcus groans slightly, his voice thick with sleep. “I have to be up in…” he pauses to look blearily at his watch. “Four hours” he finishes with a deep sigh.
“Four - what? Why?” You immediately question. It wasn’t even quite midnight yet and the two of you typically didn't get up until around 7.
“Conference call. London office” he mumbles into his pillow before nestling further into it. He doesn’t have to turn around and look at you to know you’re pouting behind him and he releases a sigh and rolls over to you anyway.
“I’m sorry” he says genuinely and you frown, feeling guilty for making him feel bad. In his defense, you’ve been exceptionally needy lately and taking it out on him (not that he seemed to mind, however).
“It’s ok baby, I’m sorry. I forgot you had to be up early tomorrow, go to sleep” you tell him, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
“Maybe um…” Marcus begins, rubbing the back of his neck. “Why don’t you text Dave, he’s always up late”
“What?!” You ask, taken aback. You had yet to even say one word in your little group chat. So far it had only been Dave and Marcus and even they hadn’t said much. They hadn’t texted at all actually since the last time Dave was over when it was just the two of you a couple weeks back.
“Well we’ve talked about it right, we want to see him again” Marcus reasons with a shrug. “Maybe you should let him know”
It was true, you had discussed it after the last time with Dave and you had both agreed you wanted to try it again, this time with all three of you there. You decided to give it a little bit of time though. For starters you didn't want to seem desperate, and secondly Dave had a life, presumably, that didn't revolve around your and Marcus' eager sex drives.
“Why me?” You ask incredulously.
“I don’t know, just, you haven’t said anything in the chat yet, might be good to let him know that you’re interested too, you know? Let him feel good, let him know you’re thinking about him” Marcus shrugs again.
Part of you does wonder if any of that could be true. Surely Dave had to know you're interested, you thought you'd shown that to him (multiple times, thank you very much Dave). Then again, you had the same doubts yourself before your solo session with Dave, wondering if he was really all that interested in you as he hadn't directly addressed you about it so maybe Marcus was on to something. Besides, everybody likes confirmation, you think. Likes to feel wanted and know they're wanted, that someone is thinking about them.
Yeah, maybe Marcus was right.
“Plus knowing Dave he can probably get you off with a fucking text message, that guy is… I need to start taking notes” Marcus huffs a moment later and that earns a little giggle from you.
“What should I say?”
“I don’t know, something sexy” Marcus says, playful little eyebrow raised at you.
“Hmmm” you think for a moment and Marcus settles again, this time facing you but closing his eyes like he’s at least going to attempt to get some sleep. You roll onto your back and reach for your phone on your night stand and tap it against your chin a few times while you think of something to say and then it comes to you and you quickly open up your group conversation and your fingers fly across the keyboard and hit send before you have time to talk yourself out of it.
Missing my Daddy tonight… wish he was here to tuck me in 🥺
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, nerves unsettled as you see the three dots appear on the screen just moments later.
Naughty girl, shouldn’t your husband be doing that?
He’s tired 😞 you quickly type back and you don’t even notice Marcus had reached for his own phone until his message appears on the screen next.
She wore me out, York. I’ve tapped out, need a pinch-hitter here. comes Marcus’ reply and then you look over to see him toss his phone onto his own night stand before he gets comfortable again, places a kiss to your shoulder and murmurs a goodnight, seemingly fine to leave you to your messaging with Dave so he can get some sleep. Not only does he trust you, but regardless he’ll see the messages in the morning.
Ah, a needy little slut then Dave responds and you can see the little smirk that must be on his face right now.
Bet you’re already wet just lyin’ there, huh? Waiting for that needy little hole to be filled up good
“Oh fuck” you whimper softly, suddenly wishing Marcus could be wide awake to take care of you the way you're aching for. As it is you’ll have to do it yourself, though you’re starting to think it won’t be so bad with Dave on the other end of the phone to encourage you. One hand slips under the comforter and smoothes down the plane of your stomach but stops just shy of your waistline and you hastily type into your phone again, best you can one-handed, an idea striking you that you think will get Dave worked up even further which should only work to your benefit, you hope.
May I touch myself, please? you ask sweetly in an attempt to stroke his dominant ego.
Jesus, got two cocks at your disposal and still not enough for ya, huh? Sounds to me like someone needs to learn a lesson in self control
Damnit. Your attempt to get Dave riled up seems to have backfired and now you’re going to be paying the price. Your hand falls away from your waist and comes back up to hold your phone so you’re able to type two-handed once again. You’re about to reply and object to Dave when another message from him pops up before you have a chance.
I think I want you to wait. Both of you, come to think of it. I’m out of town but I’ll be back Sunday. Usual time work for you guys?
Sunday?! It was only Wednesday night now. He expects you to go nearly four days without fooling around with Marcus? That will be nearly the longest you’ve ever gone since you got married three years ago.
Four days... moments ago you were whining that you'd have to wait four hours, in hopes Marcus would have time for a quickie before work, and now you had to wait four days?! You're not sure you can.
Daddy, please you try in a desperate plea.
Argue with me and I’ll make it another week Sweetheart he responds immediately and you pout, despite the fact that he can’t see you.
Besides, good things cum to those who wait 😉 He replies cheekily.
But bad little girls and boys don’t get to cum at all he follows up threateningly and you swallow the dry lump in your throat.
You’re not sure how Marcus is going to feel about any of this when he sees what transpired while he was asleep, how you’ve accidentally cockblocked him for the rest of the week. But really this was his fault. He told you to text Dave in the first place knowing full well neither of you could ever predict what the man might say or do.
Tell me you understand baby he says when a minute goes by and you’ve left him on read.
I understand 😞 you quickly send back. Yes, Sunday, usual time.
Good girl. Get some sleep. And baby?
I wish I was there to tuck you in too 👅😈
You let out a groan at the teasing little tongue emoji he's used (the devil tracks though, you'll give him that), bringing your phone down to clutch at your chest. Of course Dave could simultaneously rev you up and shut you down, the tease. You’re beyond horny now with not only no one to relieve it, but now you’re apparently not even allowed to relieve it yourself. You suppose Dave would never know, but truly the little game excites you and you know it’ll just be that much sweeter a release if you do play along. Marcus may take some convincing. But then again, maybe not. He’s surprised you well enough so far.
The next few days seem to drag on relentlessly. If anything, knowing you can’t get off makes you even more insatiable. Thankfully Marcus seems to be in the same boat so he doesn’t immediately push you off of him when you climb into his lap while he’s watching tv or sitting at his desk in his home office he uses occasionally and the two of you make out like teenagers, pawing at each other over clothes and grinding against one another until you’re breathless.
“He wouldn’t even have to know” Marcus whines into your throat one particularly heated session, the head of his hard cock pressing against you through layers of clothes. He had already managed to get you down to just your t-shirt and underwear as you sat straddling him in his office chair but thankfully he was still confined behind the thick material of his jeans.
“Baby” you whimper, clutching at his shoulders. It was Saturday morning, you could go one more day.
You think…
But then, oh but then, he rocks forward and his clothed cock notches at your entrance, pushing the thin cotton barrier of your panties inside of you along with his tip and your resolve nearly crumbles.
“Oh fuck” you let out in a tiny gasp.
“Let me take care of you Honey, please” Marcus begs, face nuzzled into the side of your neck as his lower half continues to grind against you causing a delicious friction. “I’ll make you feel so good”
You know he would, and you want him to. More than anything. Well, maybe not anything, because what’s playing at the back of your mind is how good it’s going to feel to share this intense relief soon enough not only with Marcus, but with Dave as well. You let out another little whine as Marcus' hands on your hips push you harder into his lap and your eyes slam shut as your resolve threatens to break once and for all.
You hear the clink of Marcus’ belt buckle and your eyes fly open to look down to see him hastily tugging at it and finally your brain catches up to your frantic libido and you put both hands down on his to stop him.
“No, fuck, please” Marcus huffs, forehead coming down to rest against yours as his breath comes out in short puffs, trying to get himself under control. He knows he almost had you.
“Baby, I really want to, you know I do” you begin, softly assuring him and rubbing a hand up and down his arm. “But just think how amazing tomorrow night is going to be. It’s what I want, for both of us and… I thought you did too” you try, a little pout on your lips.
“Fuck” Marcus curses, removing his hands from his belt to grab the sides of your face and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m sorry baby.” He continues a moment later. “I wanna give you what you want, of course I do. It’s just hard. Like… really fucking hard” he emphasizes his point by rutting against you once more and you laugh.
“For me too baby” you promise him, a deep sigh leaving your lips as you snuggle your face into his shoulder.
And it was. Torturous, even. Men can whine all they want about blue balls and about how much harder it is for them, but you know full well in this moment you're giving Marcus a run for his money for sure.
“I haven’t wanted you this bad since our third date” you confess and that catches his attention. He lifts your chin to look at you.
“We didn’t have sex until our fifth date” he reminds you.
“Oh, I’m well aware” you say, rolling your eyes playfully. “Could've had me on our third” you shrug innocently and his eyebrows shoot up.
“At the museum?!” he asks, shocked, as he recalls your third date together.
“Plenty of dark corners” you shrug mischievously. “I would’ve let you” you tease, a grin crossing your lips and he huffs a breath and lets his head fall back.
“Jesus, if you’re trying to get me to not fuck you right now, this is not the way to do it” he groans and you let out a laugh but decide to let him somewhat out of his misery and push yourself up out of his lap and shimmy back into your earlier discarded leggings.
“Make you a deal,” you say suddenly, an idea coming to mind. His attention seems peaked as he straightens back up in his chair and leans forward slightly.
“If we can restrain from driving each other crazy the rest of the day, we can reward ourselves by going to sleep with you inside me again” you propose, leaning down to kiss his cheek.
“Oh my god” Marcus groans, rubbing his hands over his face and you smirk. You knew he loved that the first time you’d done it. You’re not sure how it’s going to go this time though, given how close to the edge you’ve both already been for days but you want to try. You hadn't done it again since the first time, when you were too worn out to do much more than hold him inside you. Anytime he'd been inside you since then you'd both been far too ravenous to even consider it but tonight seems like a promising opportunity to try again. You just hope you can both handle it.
“Now go cut the grass or check the chemical levels in the hot tub or I don’t know, go to Home Depot, whatever the fuck you men do on Saturdays to keep yourselves occupied and your minds out of the gutter” you tease, swatting at his shoulder and he catches your hand and pulls it to his face, kissing the inside of your wrist.
“Fine, evil woman” he sighs and you giggle. “Last time I ever encourage you to text with Dave again without supervision” you hear him grumble under his breath as he gets out of his chair and places his hands on your hips to push you out of the room with him, your laughter at his playfulness following you out into the hallway.
Thankfully you both manage to keep busy with little chores and errands throughout the day and when he finally sinks inside of you that night it’s like all the pressure of the world is off your shoulders and nothing else exists but the two of you. You’re surprised and yet not that he behaves himself and doesn’t try and move or fuck you. Just stays buried inside you with his face in your neck, breathing you in and whispering little adorations against your skin while he plants tiny kisses there and you sigh as your arms wrap around his at your waist until you both fall asleep.
You wake up the next morning to a note on the empty pillow beside you, informing you that Marcus has gone for a run, and that tracks for him. Typically when he’s stressed he runs and the way you’ve had each other worked up the last few days you won’t doubt if he sets a personal record for distance today. You sit up in bed and reach for your phone to check your notifications and see a message alert for your group chat with you Marcus and Dave and you don’t fail to notice how your heart beat speeds up instinctively before you’ve even opened it.
You press down on the notification and hold your breath when the page opens up.
Hope you two have been behaving yourselves because if you think this is punishment, you haven’t seen anything yet.
His vague threat hangs in the air and sends heat straight to your lower abdomen and you wiggle slightly in your seated position on the bed.
Marcus had replied with a single emoji that made you laugh out loud.
You pull your lip between your teeth, debating writing a reply. You want to, but you don’t need any more encouragement for your aching and needy cunt. Your fingers hover over the keys for several long moments until you finally think 'fuck it’ and type out a response anyway.
Being so good for my Daddy 😇
With that you toss your phone onto the bed and head off to the bathroom.
It’s a cold shower kind of morning.
The rest of the day goes by mostly uneventfully. You’ve taken some of the edge off with your cold shower and Marcus with his run and you’re both seemingly able to function again as real human beings and not horny teenagers ramped up on hormones. You go out for brunch together, then the farmers market and finally a pit stop at your favorite coffee shop before heading home to bide your time until Dave comes over.
By the time dinner is over you’re both checking your watches nearly every five minutes while you snuggle up on the couch watching tv, pretending not to notice when either of you does it until finally it hits 9:00 and a shudder of anticipation rolls through you. Marcus sits up a little straighter, smoothing his hands over his thighs and releasing a deep breath and you pull your legs up under you and reach for your wine glass to take another tentative sip to calm your nerves.
In the past Dave had been extremely punctual, but tonight, of course tonight, he was not.
Minutes tick by and you’ve already refilled your wine glass and Marcus’ for another while you wait impatiently. Finally both your phones ding at the same time and it’s comical the way you both scramble for the two devices lying on the coffee table, eager to read the message.
Sorry, flight was a little delayed getting in, set me back a few minutes. Leaving my place now. Why don’t you two start warming each other up, I’ll be there soon. Don’t have too much fun without me though.
You and Marcus both share a look before Marcus types out a quick reply, giving Dave the door code and telling him to let himself in when he gets here and then he’s up off the couch and a you shriek in surprise when he hauls you up as well, grabbing one of your arms and legs and tossing you over your shoulder in a fireman’s carry and practically running to the stairs.
“Oh my god, Marcus!” You’re giggling uncontrollably at his eagerness as he bounds up the stairs to your bedroom. He reaches the top of the stairs and to your very delighted surprise he lands a little swat to your ass and you jerk in his arms.
“Baby,” you whine. The giggles are gone in an instant, your voice breathy and trembling.
He eases you down his front until your legs wrap around his waist and he kisses you deeply as he walks you into the bedroom, holding you up at the end of the bed before unceremoniously tossing you onto the mattress and your giggles are back at his edgy playfulness.
He’s still standing and he reaches behind him to tug his shirt up and over his head before he kneels down on the mattress, crawling over you like a predator stalking its prey and forcing you to lie down underneath him.
“Baby, holy shit, you’re so fucking hot right now” you praise him, bringing a hand up to push through his hair and you don’t miss the blush that rises in his cheeks. He’s trying, and he wants this, but you know he’s still a little outside of his comfort zone to be dominant towards you so you try to make sure you constantly reassure him.
“Yeah?” He asks shyly and you nod your head enthusiastically.
“See for yourself” you challenge, taking his hand and putting it between your bodies and sliding it down, down, down.
“Fuck” Marcus huffs, pushing his hand down inside your shorts and underwear until his fingers are met with the sticky mess between your legs. “Goddamn, I love how wet you get” he hums against the side of your face, trying to control his breathing.
“I love how wet you make me” you counter and he groans before kissing you hard, unsure how much more of you talking like this to him he can take if he’s still got to have some semblance of control of himself until Dave gets here.
“Fuck, let me go down on you, please” Marcus begs between heated kisses, his fingers deftly exploring you below and you let out a whine but shake your head.
“Baby, I’ll cum, fuck, I can’t” you shake your head again. Your hands come to clutch in his hair as his fingers continue to lazily stroke you and your hips involuntarily rock into his hand, desperate to chase his touch.
“I can’t wait any longer” Marcus argues weakly. “Please Honey” he pleads and you don’t know if you can take it anymore but you're pretty sure the moment his tongue hits your aching core you'll fall apart instantly. You're dangerously close already and he's barely done anything.
“Fuck” you sob. You’re going to break, you know it. But you’re only human and you fucking tried, nobody can argue that. Your soft moans and whimpers fill the otherwise silent room as Marcus' mouth slowly transcends down your body until he's at your waist, hands at your hips with the material of your shorts in his grasp and he looks up at you with those puppy dog eyes of his, silently asking for permission and you feel the last ounce of your resolve finally crumble. You need this, and one little firm nod of your head towards Marcus can get it for you.
Before you have a chance to give in, however, you hear the distinct sound of a throat clearing that isn’t you or Marcus and you push away from each other like you’d just been burned.
You both turn onto your backs, propped up on elbows and look dead on to the source of a good portion of the reason for your pent up sexual frustration, the one and only Dave York. He’s standing at the end of the bed, casually rolling his shirt sleeves up to his elbows as he clicks his tongue in disapproval.
“What did I say about having too much fun without me?”
“We weren’t - we didn’t - Daddy please, we waited, just like you said” you blurt out hurriedly in a weak attempt to explain. Thank god he hadn't walked in thirty seconds later, you think idly.
“We were just… playing” you shrug, feigning innocence.
“Mmm” Dave hums, seemingly mulling over whether or not he believes you. His gaze darts over to Marcus whose erection is straining against his sweatpants and then back to you, squirming under his gaze in your tank top and soft cotton shorts.
“She telling the truth, Pike?” Dave asks, turning his head back to Marcus who nods his head.
“I’ll admit, I tried” Marcus confesses, turning to look at you. “She um,” he begins and you can hear the nerves in his voice. You turn your head to look at him and see his cheeks burning bright crimson. You put a hand on his leg to reassure him.
“She was a good girl for you” he finally lets out and you smile at him, giving his thigh muscle a little squeeze of encouragement.
“Hmm” Dave shrugs, processing the information. “I honestly didn’t think you'd last twelve hours, let alone four days. Color me impressed Sweetheart”
His praise makes your whole body flush with warmth and without giving it another thought you get up onto your knees and crawl down to the end of the bed before him, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck.
“Do we get our rewards now?” You ask sweetly, eyelashes batting up at him and the corner of his lip curls into a dangerous smirk.
“Here’s the thing Sweetheart,” Dave begins, reaching behind him to grab your hands and pull them away from his neck and you frown, already worried about where this is going.
“You, I’m not so worried about. You could come a dozen fucking times and still beg for more but Marky Mark over here” he continues, his head turning slightly to look at Marcus. “Well, we already know from past experience he needs a lesson in common courtesy”
“Oh fuck” you hear Marcus groan as he collapses back onto the pillows and runs his hands through his hair.
Dave is of course referring to the time when Marcus had jerked off in the chair when you had been fooling around with Dave on the bed the first night you met and Dave had admonished him about orgasming before you did.
“Now, while I do admire your stamina Pike,” Dave continues, acknowledging that Marcus had after a while managed to get himself readied for action again. “I’m still a very firm believer in ladies first” he comments, looking back at you with a sly grin.
“And to be honest, I don’t trust you” he shrugs. “You look like a fucking geyser ready to blow”
He's not wrong, you think to yourself but don't say out loud.
“Pun intended” he adds a moment later.
“So,” he trails off as he bends down to pick up a bag off the floor you hadn’t noticed earlier (which in turn just makes you wonder how long exactly had he been standing there watching the two of you. You idly wonder if he had really even been running late or was he just waiting outside wanting the two of you to squirm).
He stands upright again and pulls a small box out of the bag and tosses it to Marcus who scrambles to catch it and your eyes are locked on your husband, as curious as he is to see what’s in his hands.
“Shit” he grumbles, turning the box in his hands and you crawl over to him, kneeling at his side and grab for the box to inspect it.
EDGE. Maximum Control Adjustable Stamina Ring
Your fingers trace the words on the unassuming dark blue box and you bite your lip.
Dave bought your husband a goddamn cock ring. Your cunt clenches down around nothing as arousal floods you all over again. You don’t know why, but this is one of the hottest things that’s ever happened to you.
You take a breath, reigning yourself back in as you steady yourself and lock your gaze onto Marcus. Toys for you were one thing, you had already acknowledged that you were fine with it, but you hadn't discussed any of that for Marcus and the last thing you want is for him to be uncomfortable (or rather, more uncomfortable than what he's already agreed to).
“You okay?” you ask, barely above a whisper, meant only for Marcus to hear and thankfully he nods his head and pushes himself up so he’s seated with his back against the headboard.
“Fuck. Yeah, yeah I think so” he says between short breaths and you crawl onto his lap and kiss him. It’s slow and romantic, despite the fact that you’re clutching onto a sex toy that your shared lover just brought over. You pour everything you have into the kiss, letting him know without words how much you love him and how much he means to you. You continue kissing, neither of you noticing how the mattress dips behind you under Dave’s weight until you feel arms wrap around your middle that you know aren’t your husbands because his are smoothing up and down your thighs that are straddling his hips.
You lean back from Marcus and your back hits Dave’s hard chest as you realize he’s kneeled behind you and his hands go to your waist to tug at the hem of your tank.
“Take this off baby” Dave mumbles into your ear and you quickly oblige him, pulling the garment up and over your head and tossing it aside, leaving your top half bare as you’d decided to go braless tonight.
“Good girl” Dave praises, hands back at your waist and Marcus is practically trembling in front of you, bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he watches the other mans large hands roaming your body. Dave was right, he does look like a geyser about to blow.
“Put it on him” Dave instructs next and Marcus quickly reaches down to shove his sweats down to his thighs, his cock springing free before your eyes, hard and positively leaking for you. Apparently he had decided he's more than fine with what was happening and you're thankful for that.
You feel Dave’s hand in yours and look down to see that he’s wrapped your slender fingers around a small bottle of lube and you pop the lid open to squeeze a few drops into your hands. Dave takes the box from your other hand and rips it open, passing it back to you and then settling his chin on your shoulder so he has an unimpaired view of what you’re about to do.
“Oh shit” Marcus’ eyes close tight as you wrap your oiled hand around his length and give him a few practiced strokes, lathering him up with the lubricant before taking a few more drops from the bottle and significantly coating the thin black silicone contraption that’s in your other hand.
"Good baby?" You ask one final time, just to be sure and Marcus gives an enthusiastic nod behind closed eyes.
You position the large opening over his erection and bring it down to his base and then pull the drawstring until it's tight, giving the end a little tug to be sure it's secure but not too tight and Marcus twitches in your hand.
“I’m a little jealous Pike” Dave remarks casually from over your shoulder while you continue to lazily stroke Marcus. “You’re probably about to have the best orgasm of your life”
“Oh fuck” Marcus groans, head falling back to smack loudly against the headboard.
“But, gotta take care of our girl here first” he continues and now it's your turn to turn bright red.
Our girl.
It sends a little shockwave down your spine and you shudder.
“How do you want him to make you cum baby?” Dave whispers sinfully into your ear before lathing around the edge of it with his tongue.
“His mouth” you answer far too quickly. You’ve had days to think about how you wanted to finally cum and the answer in your head was always the same; by Marcus’ skilled tongue.
“Thought you’d say that” you feel Dave smirk against your cheek. “You wanna sit on his face?” Dave asks and as much as that definitely tempts you, you shake your head.
“Want you to hold me, play with me” you whimper, taking one of his hands in yours and bringing it up to cup your breast. Having both of their attention on you at once was definitely high up there on your list of fantasies and you wanted to take advantage of it whenever the opportunity presented itself.
“Yeah you do, such a good fucking girl” Dave growls before he pushes back from you and snaps his fingers at Marcus.
“Up” he commands and Marcus scrambles immediately, making room so Dave can take his position, your hand falling away from his throbbing member in the process.
You and Marcus are both up on your knees in the middle of the bed, half naked while Dave sits fully clothed comfortably seated in with his back against the headboard. You shuffle closer to Marcus and he takes your face in his hand and kisses you, moaning into your mouth as he practically swallows you whole. Your breathing is heavy as you meld into his mouth and let him take control of the kiss, his tongue probing deeper inside and tangling with yours until you're both breathless and you regretfully pull apart.
“Take these off” he whispers, tugging at your shorts and you oblige him, pulling them down along with your underwear and Marcus helps you out of them before you do the same for him and you're both fully bare.
“Lay down honey” Marcus instructs and you nod your head weakly, crawling over to Dave and turning in his lap so you're seated between his bent legs, your back to his chest and hands resting on his knees because you have a feeling you’re about to need something to hold on to. Dave’s hands come down to start kneading at your shoulders and your head falls back to rest against him. Only in your wildest fantasies had you ever thought you’d have two men showering you with attention at the same time and it was absolutely everything. Dave’s masculine scent assaults your senses as you snuggle further into him, eyes closed as you feel Marcus lower himself to lie down between your spread legs and run his hands up your thighs.
“All right Pike, put this little bitch in heat out of her misery” Dave sneers against your ear and a shiver rakes down your body as your hands clutch tighter to his knees.
Marcus, thank God, doesn’t waste another moment and lowers his head between your legs to lick a broad stripe up your center with the flat of his tongue and a loud gasp rips from your throat. You nearly came already at the first press of his mouth to your heat.
Dave’s hands drift from the tops of your shoulders down to your breasts, gently kneading them in his large hands and then he takes one pert bud between his thumb and index finger and squeezes, pulling on it just hard enough that it edges that fine line between pleasure and pain and you cry out.
“Oh you like that” Dave chuckles from behind you. And fuck he's right, you absolutely love it.
“Like it a little rough from your Daddy while your sweet boytoy licks between your legs huh?” he’s growling now into your ear and your eyes shut as you nod your head. Marcus is expertly teasing you down below, his tongue swirling your clit before pushing back through your folds and then nuzzling his whole face into you and your hips chase the pressure of the mouth.
“Answer me” Dave barks, landing a harsh swat to your already overly sensitive nipple and your body jerks in response.
“Fuck, yes, I love it Daddy. Oh fuck” you whine, desperately writhing between the two men who are pulling you apart piece by piece.
Dave doesn’t give you any reprieve, just lowers his head to your throat and bites down, causing you to cry out before he soothes over it with his tongue and sucks the flesh into his mouth and it mirrors the way Marcus sucks your tender pearl into his mouth and you instantly fall apart, not able to hold on any longer.
“Oh my god, yes, fuck fuck fuck!” You cry out, shaking in Dave’s arms, clutching desperately to him while you ride out your orgasm and Marcus laps up every drop of your rush of arousal. You look down to where Marcus is between your legs and see that his right hand has disappeared somewhere between his body and the mattress and you don't have to guess where. He's moaning as he continues licking into you like a man possessed who simply can't be stopped and your hand comes down to grip in his hair, forcing his face to stay buried in your cunt while your other arm reaches behind you to secure Dave to your throat.
"Fuck, again. Give her another" Dave demands of Marcus who groans into your throbbing center and nods his head dutifully as he doubles his efforts with his tongue, working your clit even faster before he plunges two fingers inside of you. You hadn't even had a chance to reel back from your last orgasm before Marcus is pushing you towards another. He knows your body too well. Where to press, where to lick, kiss, apply pressure. He plays you like a fine tuned instrument while Dave continues his assault on you from above and it's not long before you're wailing out in pleasure a second time as Dave murmurs over and over in your ear what a 'good girl' you are.
“Oh my god, oh my god” you’re panting heavily, trying desperately to catch your breath and calm your racing heart as you come down from your high. Dave has switched to soft kisses and licks to your neck while Marcus still languidly licks your folds, moaning into you as he tastes your release on his tongue.
“Marcus, come here” you say suddenly, waving your arm out in an attempt to reach for him. Marcus gets up to his knees and shuffles forward and you grab for him and kiss him hard, moaning into his mouth when you taste yourself on him. He pulls back when the lack of oxygen forces him to and to your surprise he grips the bottom of your chin and turns your head to Dave and you take the hint and plunge forward to kiss him as well, letting Dave have a taste of your long awaited release.
“Tastes so much sweeter when it’s earned baby girl” Dave smirks against your lips once he’s pulled back.
“And how’s our boy doing?” He asks next and both you and Dave turn your heads to Marcus who’s sitting back on his heels now with his hand wrapped around the base of his dick, precum leaking steadily from the head that looks red and angry.
“Barely hanging on here” Marcus admits breathlessly, the little toy wrapped around him restricting his blood flow and maximizing his pleasure to unprecedented heights.
“Go on baby, go give him some relief, he’s earned it” Dave tells you before landing a little swat to the side of your hip and you too get up on your knees and lean down onto your elbows, placing your hands on Marcus’ hips as your mouth envelops his throbbing cock. You should probably be a little embarrassed that your ass and cunt are on full display inches from Dave’s face the way you’re bent over Marcus with him behind you, but you’re so worked up that you don’t give it a second thought and pour all of your attention into Marcus.
“Oh shit. Fuck!” Marcus’ eyes close and his head falls back while his hand comes to play with your hair, brushing it away from your face as you bob up and down on his length, messy strings of saliva following the path of your mouth. You make sure to kiss, lick and suck on every inch of him, worshiping his cock and murmuring breathlessly about how much you’ve missed it and you hear the tiniest whimper of 'oh fuck' from him above you. You moan into him when you suddenly feel Dave’s hands gripping at your ass, spreading you open and Marcus’ head shoots forward again to see what he’s missing that’s got you doubling your efforts around his already leaking dick, taking him hard and fast down your throat.
“Oh my god, she likes that” Marcus smiles widely, fighting desperately to keep his eyes open while you swallow down his cock with renewed enthusiasm at whatever Dave is doing behind you.
“Course she does, dirty little slut” Dave huffs, planting little kisses to both of your cheeks while he continues massaging them in his hands and you moan again into Marcus, taking one hand from his hip to wrap it around whatever part of him your mouth can’t reach.
“Oh shit, fuck, keep playing with her ass” Marcus begs, and you’re not sure who sounds more wrecked right now, you or him as you moan wantonly into his groin. You’ve never heard Marcus talk like that either and it turns you on even further.
You jerk forward slightly in surprise when you feel something cold hit the soft flesh of your ass and dribble down between your cheeks and then you have to pull your mouth off of Marcus as a loud groan escapes you when you feel it warming up when Dave’s finger chases the path of the lube that slides down your crack. Your whole body tenses up in anticipation of what’s to come.
“Relax baby, relax” Dave soothes, his one hand smoothing over your left check while his other swirls a finger teasingly around your puckered entrance. “Focus back on Marcus, take that cock back into your mouth baby” Dave instructs softly and you let out a little whine but obey, putting your mouth back on Marcus and your husband reaches down and places his hand on the back of your head, not forcing you closer, just holding you there and letting you know he’s with you, gently massaging the back of your head.
"Oh my god baby" Marcus whines like he's physically pained by how much pleasure he's receiving and you hum around his cock, sending little vibrations through it and a slew of curse words leave his mouth.
“Mmmmnnnffff!” you moan into Marcus as the tip of Dave’s single digit finally passes the threshold and dips just inside of you, gently working in and out and around. He’s barely past his fingernail but even that is more than you’ve ever had back there before and the new sensation has you reeling as a pressure builds up you’ve never felt before. You focus on Dave’s words though and keep your attention on Marcus the best you can, swallowing around his cock and taking him as deep as your throat allows until you feel his hips gently thrusting into your mouth and you moan and nod your head for him to keep doing that.
“Yeah, fuck her throat, little whore fucking loves it” Dave snarls and it spurs Marcus on, his grip on the back of your head a little tighter as he pistons his hips back and forth. It's not near as forceful as when Dave has done it to you, but it's certainly taking all the work away from you. It's a blessing because your concentration on blowing him was completely shot the moment Dave pressed his finger inside of you.
“Oh fuck!” You suddenly rip your mouth away from Marcus when you feel a hand between your legs, fingers circling your oversensitive clit and at this point you’re not even sure whose hand it is and you don’t care either. You're on the brink of orgasm once again.
“Honey please, god I’m so close. Fuck, don't stop” you hear Marcus whining above you and suddenly Dave’s finger pulls out of you, leaving you feeling empty and he lands a sharp little smack to your ass.
“Nobody likes a cocktease, don’t be a brat” You hear Dave seethe from behind you and feel a hand clamp down on your mound and squeeze and you quickly realize it was Dave’s fingers that were pleasuring you just moments ago that have now stopped entirely. You hadn't meant to stop pleasing Marcus but you only have so much concentration when the familiar waves of an encroaching orgasm sneak up on you like that.
“Keep it up and you don’t get to cum again” he threatens and you know he’s serious. Your mouth is back on Marcus in an instant, sucking and stroking him with renewed enthusiasm and Dave’s hands leave you all together to drop down at his sides so he doesn���t further distract you. It's probably for the best. Certainly in Marcus' best interest anyway.
“Oh my god baby, yes” Marcus encourages you as you bob up and down on him, taking him as deep as you can and holding until you gag before you pull back up to take a breath but continue working him with your hand, paying special attention to his head as you rapidly stroke and squeeze him.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum” Marcus warns and before you even have a chance to wrap your mouth back around him, he does. Hot spurts shooting up to cover his stomach as you continue to jerk him until there’s nothing left and he falls back to sit on his heels again.
“Holy shit” Marcus exclaims, chest heaving. “Fucking hell baby” he breathes before he lunges forward to kiss you harshly. It’s all teeth and tongue and frantic and uncontrolled, not like how Marcus typically kisses you and you’re smiling against his lips, knowing you’ve just absolutely rocked his world.
He releases you and then reaches down to his slick cock, pulling the tie loose so he can pull it over his dick and toss it off to the side of the bed, hands coming down to his thighs as he takes deep steadying breaths.
“That was… Jesus” he trails off, shaking his head, chest heaving with his efforts to breathe.
“I love you baby” you tell him, pushing forward to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“I love you too” he breathes. “Fuck, I think I love you too York, Jesus fucking christ” he jokes, running his hands through his hair and you laugh out loud.
“Who knew Dave was such a talented gift giver” you tease, turning back to look at Dave who’s smirking behind you and simply shrugs his shoulders like he’s got lots of secrets about him you simply haven’t discovered yet.
“I have to go clean up” Marcus announces, looking down at the mess he’s made of himself. “You can um, thank Dave for me honey” he winks at you before he leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead and then he’s pushing away from you and gets off the bed and wanders off towards the ensuite.
You turn over so you’re facing Dave and push his knees down and he brings his legs together so you can settle down over top of them, sitting on his thighs. You can see the outline of his length underneath the dark material of his pants and you know he’s hard. You shuffle forward just slightly and bring your hands to his shirt and start popping the buttons open one by one until his shirt falls open and you’re able to rake your fingernails down his chest. You turn your head as you hear the shower come to life a few feet away from you and then turn back to Dave and lift your shoulders in a small shrug.
“I am under strict orders from my husband to thank you” you say teasingly, pushing the shirt down his shoulders and surprisingly he lets you. His gaze is locked on yours as he watches your meticulous movements, pulling the shirt completely free from him and then bringing your hands to his belt next and pulling it free.
Once his pants are open he helps you by lifting his hips and pushing them down his legs along with his boxers and you pull them completely free from him until he’s naked beneath you. You haven’t seen him like this since your first time together. Even when he’d fucked you the last time he kept his clothes on. You take a moment to appreciate his body, fingers trailing from his broad shoulders down a hard chest wall to a slightly softer middle and then tapered waist. Marcus was a little more fit, more defined, but Dave was definitely bigger, larger and you held an appreciation for both their body types.
Your gaze comes back up to find his locked onto you and you feel suddenly shy that you were all but just ogling his body. He doesn’t let your nerves linger though, he takes your face in his hands and pulls you forward and kisses you, soft and deep, tongue dancing gently with yours and you hum a content little sigh into his mouth.
“So,” you whisper against his lips, pulling back just slightly. “How would you like your payment?”
Dave gives you a mischievous little grin, his hands smoothing over the soft skin of your lower back as he gestures with a nod of his head towards the end of the bed.
“Why don’t you go see what other gifts Daddy brought in his bag of tricks, hmm?” he tells you and you waste no time scurrying off to the end of the bed to grab for the discarded discreet little black bag from earlier.
You hold open the bag and peak inside and bite your lip when you see what’s waiting for you, reaching inside to grab the soft pink object and pulling it out to inspect it in your hands.
“It’s brand new. I just cleaned it, you know, beforehand” Dave explains. You’d seen the empty packaging sitting in the bottom of the bag too so you knew you didn’t have to worry.
“How efficient of you” you raise an eyebrow at him. You’re glad he thought of it too, so you don’t have to sit for god knows how long while you wash it and wait for it to properly dry.
“Told you I’d get you a toy baby. You like it?” Dave asks as your fingers trace the delicate shape of the silicone plug in your hand. It’s about three inches long, the tip is rounded and tapered to be a bit slimmer than its long neck, then there’s a narrow stem followed by a flared base. You look back over to Dave and crawl back over to him, settling in his lap and kissing him soundly. Your nerves are skyrocketing again and you need to just be anchored for a moment. Part of you wishes Marcus was here to do that for you but you can still hear the shower running, as it hasn’t been that long.
Dave thankfully senses your anxiety and he slowly smoothes his hands up and down your arms and your sides as he continues kissing you, seemingly fine with letting you take all the time you need until you’re ready and you have to say, that might be one of the most amazing things about Dave. He definitely has his rough, dominant side but he still manages to make you feel safe at the same time, like you know if you really didn’t like something or want him to stop, he would. And he also seems to just have a sixth sense for your body already. He knows when he can push you and when he needs to pull back and you’re beyond grateful for it. Although you had initially wanted all this and to explore these things, a lot of it was still new territory for you and Dave treated it as such while maintaining this balance of having a hint of softness with you when you needed it, and showing you no mercy when you didn’t.
“You ok?” Dave asks after a couple minutes of kissing and touching, after he’d finally felt your shoulders settle as you sunk further into his lap and his embrace.
“Yeah, I think so” you nod your head.
“It’s just practice baby” Dave assures you, knowing you’re not ready to take him back there yet. Thankfully though you had been somewhat prepared, knowing this might be coming tonight as he had mentioned it last time. You spent a little bit of time online researching and made sure you knew how to properly prepare and clean yourself so you wouldn’t have any embarrassing messes. That had been part of your biggest fear about the whole thing, secondary only to how much it could actually hurt but the more you had read about it calmed some of your nerves. Most articles mentioned that as long as you or your partner took it slow it could be quite pleasurable and though you barely knew him, you did trust that Dave has no interest in hurting you and he seems pretty well versed in every aspect of the bedroom play you’ve tried so far so you’re confident he knows what he’s doing.
“Um, by the way, before we do anything…” You begin, remembering something you had wanted to bring up with Dave but seemed like too intimate a conversation for a group text message. “I just wanted to mention, and, I know the first time was like an accident and if anything my fault, but um…” you trail off again, nervously wringing your hands together and Dave’s hands come down to still them, holding them in his firm grasp and he looks you in the eyes.
“What is it, you can tell me. If I did something that you weren’t okay with…”
“No” you shake your head immediately. “It’s not anything like that, it's just… Well, Marcus and I, we’re not exactly you know trying, but we’re not not trying for a baby. We just kinda figured if it happens it happens and, I just, well I’m not like on any birth control so…” you trail off again, Dave’s single nod letting you know he gets where you’re going. You can’t have him cumming inside you and potentially complicating anything between you and Marcus. You’ve been not not trying for a little over a year now and it hadn’t happened yet and neither of you are sure if it ever will but having Dave in the mix now you just need to be careful. The first time he was inside you he didn’t pull out, though in his defense you nearly forced it out of him the way you were sitting on top of him and your orgasm came hard and fast out of nowhere, you could hardly blame Dave. The second time you’d been with him he had pulled out, despite you not discussing it first and you were grateful for that.
“Of course, I understand” Dave nods his head. “And uh, for whatever peace of mind it’s worth, after my girls I had a vasectomy so… no worries here”
“Oh, good” you sigh with relief. You’ve had a period since your first encounter with Dave so you weren’t worried yet anyway but it’s nice to know you don’t have to worry at all anymore. You also knew that Dave had a clean bill of sexual health too, as him and Marcus had discussed it before your initial meeting so now you knew you were covered on all bases and free to do as you pleased. And you intended to do just that.
“But I mean I wouldn’t, you know, normally, unless you wanted me to” he explains and you feel your cheeks heating again. You’re sitting here naked in Dave’s lap discussing whether or not he’s going to cum inside of you while your husband takes a shower in the next room.
“You just let me know baby” he winks at you, settling your nerves again and pulling you back in for a quick kiss.
“Lie down on your back” he instructs a moment later and you crawl off his lap and lay down on your back in the middle of the bed.
Dave gets up on his knees and makes his way between your spread legs and grabs for the toy in your hand and the discarded bottle of lube on the mattress from earlier. You take a deep breath as Dave also grabs for a pillow and fixes it under your hips to elevate you off the mattress slightly.
Before things have a chance to go any further however, Marcus emerges from the bathroom, a billowing cloud of steam following after him as he wanders back into the bedroom, towel secured low on his hips.
“Hey” he greets a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Dave’s completely naked on his knees between your legs while you lay there spread eagle with your head down at the foot of the bed near close enough to be hanging off of it. It must be a sight for your poor husband.
He looks over at Dave and sees the little pink toy in his hand and though he’s never personally used one either he knows exactly what it is and he swallows the little lump in his throat. You had told Marcus what Dave had said to you last time and told him that you were excited but nervous about it and Marcus had encouraged you to try it if it was something you wanted.
“Just in time for the big show” Dave announces to Marcus, tossing a wink towards your husband who lets out a small laugh, thankful that somebody was able to break the tension in the room. Of course it was Dave.
“I um, I don’t have to stay…” Marcus says, looking at you now and shrugging his shoulders. He’s not sure if you’d be more or less comfortable with him there and you’re not either but at the end of the day Marcus is calming and you know that’s what you need right now.
“Stay” you answer a little too quickly, reaching out at him with grabby hands like a needy toddler and he chuckles but walks over to the end of the bed, grabs each of your hands in one of his and kneels down on the floor behind your head.
“Second best view in the house” Dave winks again at Marcus and now it’s your turn to laugh at how strange this whole situation is. Marcus may calm you but Dave calms the entire room, doesn’t let the awkwardness or tension linger and it’s exactly what both you and Marcus need.
“Ready?” Dave asks and you nod your head quickly.
“Mmm hmm” you say, sounding uneasy even to your own ears. You do want this, but you can’t help that you’re nervous.
“Hey,” Marcus’ soft voice says from above you and you tilt your head back to look up at him and he gives you a warm smile.
“Spiderman kiss” he smirks and you let out a little laugh but tilt your head back a little further and he brings his down until your lips meet in an upside down kiss. You’re both smiling like idiots the entire time your lips meld together.
Neither of you see Dave watching the sweet and intimate interaction, nor do you know the slight pang of jealousy he feels in his chest at how much love the two of you have for each other that he’s never known himself.
Marcus pulls back from the kiss and you bring your head back up to rest on the mattress as your attention goes back to Dave who’s now thoroughly slicking up the small pink toy in his hands before squeezing some extra lubricant onto his fingers and finally between your cheeks. A shudder racks your body when you feel his fingers trace your entrance, spreading the oily slick around everywhere to ensure you’re prepared and then he brings the toy down and notches it at your puckered hole.
“Go slow” you say, taking a steadying breath and Dave nods at you, his free hand coming down to squeeze your thigh reassuringly.
“I’ve got you” he promises.
You squeeze Marcus’ hands a little tighter and he bends down to kiss your forehead but his gaze is trained on what’s happening at the opposite end of the bed where Dave slowly begins feeding the toy inside you until the tip finally pushes past the tight ring of muscle and your hips lift off the bed slightly.
“Ohhhhh” you moan loudly once it’s nestled just inside you and Dave is grinning at you from between your legs.
“Good girl, such a good girl for me baby” he praises. “Fuck, look at you” he says, a little breathless and it turns you on knowing how much he likes it. The way Marcus grips your hands even tighter lets you know he doesn’t mind it much either.
“Does it feel good baby?” Marcus’ voice is suddenly in your ear and you close your eyes, nodding your head. There’s pressure, but a good kind of pressure and it doesn’t hurt like you feared it might.
“Just a little bit more, you still OK?" Dave asks and you nod again. His hand leaves your thigh and he brings his thumb still slicked with the lubricant down to rub small circles on your clit and a little sob escapes you.
“Yeah, that’s it, fuck” Dave curses, slowly and cautiously prodding the toy a little further while he stimulates the bundle of nerves between your legs and you’re whining and mewling underneath him, silently begging for more. You feel the round base rest against your ass and you let out a loud moan, knowing it’s all the way inside of you now and Dave’s hand that was feeding you the toy comes to rest on your hip and gives it a small squeeze.
“Good fucking girl” he growls as his thumb continues working your clit and you’re writhing on the mattress, rocking your hips into the pressure of his hand.
“Oh my god baby” Marcus groans. His hands leave yours but reach forward so he can grab both your breasts in his hands and knead them in his palms, his mouth going to your throat to kiss and lick every inch he can reach. “You’re so fucking hot” he mumbles between kisses.
Dave’s hand leaves your sex and you’re about to whine in complaint but then he’s grabbing both of your legs and pulling them straight up in the air and letting them rest on his shoulders as he shuffles forward on his knees and suddenly you feel his throbbing length between your folds, pushing through your lips to coat himself in your slick before he’s at your entrance and slowly pushes inside.
“Oh my god” you practically jolt off the bed when Dave enters you, still getting used to how he stretches you and with the toy in your other hole you feel so incredibly full that you already know you’re not going to be lasting very long.
“Oh fuck” Dave groans once he’s buried to the hilt and he takes a moment to pause. “Gripping my fucking cock so tight baby, Jesus you feel so fucking good”
“Fuck. Move, please” you cry out, reaching your hands behind you to grab a hold of Marcus’ head and keep him close, burying your fingers in his hair for something to hold onto.
One of Marcus’ hands leaves your breast and the way his breathing picks up and his sucking on your neck gets sloppy you know he’s jerking his cock and a fresh wave of arousal hits you.
Dave begins rutting into you. His hands are gripped tight around your thighs as he slams his pelvis into yours over and over. He knows you’re close already and need the release and he also knows he won’t be too far behind you, the way you’re clamping down on his dick like an unrelenting vice grip.
"That's it, dirty fucking girl. Letting me fill all your fucking holes hmm? So goddamn full aren't you baby?" He asks before landing a hard slap to the side of your ass.
“Ohhhhh fucckkkkkk” you’re practically sobbing as Dave continues to rail into you, pummeling you into submission with every deep and sharp thrust of his hips. You feel so full everywhere, like you’re about to spontaneously combust if you don’t cum soon. Your legs are trembling as Dave holds them up in the air, toes curled tight and everything feels so good everywhere you feel like you could scream. This is one of the prime examples of Dave pushing you to your absolute limits and your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head as you take, take, take. Desperate for everything he has to give you.
“Oh my god, please, please, please” you beg. You’re so close, just waiting to be tipped over that edge. You need that final push.
Marcus turns out to be the one that gives it to you. His other hand leaves your breast and snakes down between your legs and expertly rubs your clit just the way he knows drives you crazy and you cum loud and hard, pushing up on your elbows as your whole body thrums with an unwavering energy that pulses through in little shockwaves for what feels like forever. You can feel the release gushing out of you from your prolonged orgasm.
"Fuck, that's it baby, cum all over this cock. Fuck you're so good" Dave growls as your hips continue chasing down your high until finally, once you've given all you have to give, you’re panting and heaving and collapsing back down onto the bed. Marcus’ hand leaves from between your legs and comes to gently brush the hair from your face as he peppers little kisses all over your cheek, murmuring his love for you and how beautiful you are.
It’s a stark contrast to how Dave continues pounding into you with reckless abandon. His thrusts are starting to get sloppy, his grip around your thighs bordering painful and his eyes are slammed shut and teeth gritted as he nears his own completion.
“Fuck baby, where?” He asks, sounding about as wrecked as you feel and you reach up and grab his hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze.
“Inside, fuck, cum inside me” you cry out and moments later he does, filling you with rope after rope of his warm spend until his hips finally begin to slow and he eventually pulls out of you, lowering your legs down and sitting back on his heels in exhaustion.
Another strangled moan escapes, this one from behind you as Marcus’ forehead comes down to rest on top of yours and your whole head is reeling, all three of you orgasming within moments of each other is probably the single hottest thing you’ve ever experienced.
“Holy shit” you breathe, heart hammering in your chest. All three of you are panting and breathing heavily as you come down from your peaks. Hands are everywhere, stroking and squeezing and reassuring and at this point your brain can’t even discern who’s who and you don’t actually care. Your smile reaches ear to ear and you just lie there a moment longer with your eyes closed, taking it all in.
Finally after everyone’s had a chance to catch their breath you feel Dave gently pulling the toy out from you and you actually groan at the loss. Dave leans over you, planting little kisses all over your abdomen and telling you what a good girl you were over and over and it warms your entire body.
“Baby…” you begin a moment later, tipping your head back again to look at Marcus who once again surprised you with his stamina, orgasming a second time tonight. “Again?” You raise an eyebrow at him and he blushes furiously and nods his head.
“Told you you were fucking hot” he admits, shrugging his shoulders. “And um, to be honest,” he’s speaking lowly now in your ear, just for you. “My hard on never fucking went away. Even in the shower. I don’t know what that thing is that Dave brought for me but… we’re keeping it” he proclaims and you laugh.
You tilt your head back up and raise slightly on your elbows so you can look at Dave. He’s still sitting back on his heels, hand absentmindedly running up and down your leg as he takes a moment to collect himself and enough energy to get up off the bed.
“I think we’ll keep Dave too” you mention, giving Dave a playful smile and he grins, giving your ankle a little squeeze as he winks at you.
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