#I’m very excited it’s been so long since I’ve been on a real vacation
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I’m going on vacation! I haven’t left the country since Dave was a year old (and the catsitters decided to go skiing instead of feeding him properly the last two days) so suffice to say I’m a little nervous leaving them behind. Luckily we have some great friends watching them now so hopefully all goes well!
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thegoldenshi-shi · 10 months
Oh my..I didn’t even realize it has been a month since I have spoken! I did not think it had been that long, maybe 15 days or so, but not a month! I apologize so much, I had thought it had been much shorter of a time and I had planned to speak in maybe a week from then, but life got in the way.
But anyways, I have just been mingling around, relaxing or working. I will reveal that I am not an adult yet, but work still takes up a lot of my time. Along with trying, for my first time, AU August Writing Challenge so that’s taken up my time as well. I hope you don’t mind.
At the moment I just finished work and are going to see my auntie at a camping site. I will admit that I am very eh about that as I have just finished work and want to relax and sleep, but my mom had convinced me haha. I don’t think going to a camping site will be good as I am in shorts (short shorts to be exact) and this time of year there is a lot of miskitos out so I am sure I am going to get bit, unfortunately.
Other than that, my summer has been pretty relaxed and quiet, not really doing anything but having no motivation to get up and move. These days I mostly read, write, listen to music and work. I am also going on a vacation tomorrow, so that is exciting!
The Zine that you and I are in has been going good as well, my art piece is finished but I’m deciding not to hand it in until later incase I want to change something or want to touch up on it a bit. I noticed you handed yours in though, and I love it a lot! The butterfly glowing on Optimus’s finger is such a nice touch, and the colours!! The colours are so well picked out and go well together, and I love the shading, and the background as well, it’s really unique! ^^
Other than me, I love your recent art pieces! The Lambo-verse art was funny, I giggled when I saw it. Sunstreaker looks very confused while Sideswipe looks intrigued! Of course, I love your little persona (?) wearing a detective hat haha! It was a nice touch. As well as the show down art! Oh my did I love reading that, Sunstreaker, against Mirage? That’ll be fun to read/watch about. I love your Mirage design as well, I don’t think I’ve said that. I love his looks and how elegant he looks in your style, especially when he looks at Sunstreaker and says ‘and notoriously cocky.’ It just makes my heart jump because as much as I love Sunstreaker, your Mirage has a special place in there as well.
The rest of your art I unfortunately don’t know much about in terms of their fandoms and all that, but I really love the Multiverse Vistas content piece! The gold with darker colours just makes it..pop out more and become the centre of the piece while not being overwhelming, and the glowing of the eyes drags you to them as if in a trance, even if they are not real. You make them seem so real it’s unbelievable! Actually, as it’s you, it is believable, all your art pieces are wonderful and seem real in their own little ways.
The Sunstreaker with the gum was also a great piece that I enjoyed. Sunstreaker really is a beauty and beautiful, even when he is grumpy haha, I still love him a lot.
I would say more but it is currently 2:44AM and I’m going on a vacation tomorrow! I won’t have much data unfortunately, but I am only gone for a week so that is fine. Sorry for not messaging for a bit, I did not intend for it to take that long and I hope my next message will be in a shorter time, but we shall see. It was great messaging you, Shi-Shi, I can’t wait to speak to you again. Have a great day/night!
Hello there Meister~ (I'm reasonably certain it's you anyway) It has been a while hasn't it? No worries on the time though, real life is a thing, so I'm happy to hear from you whenever you have the time.
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Minus your work, it sounds like you're having a fun, relaxing summer~ I've never heard of Au August, but the concept would be a fun challenge to work on. I'm pretty sure that this is too late, but I advise going with fresh basil to a campsite. Rubbing fresh basil on your skin is a natural and nice-smelling way to keep mosquitos off you. I have baby skin that panics at anything I try to put on it, so I like using the basil leaves instead of a chemical repellant. Downside is you'll smell faintly of Italian food.
So far as the Zine goes, I won't lie I kind of wanted to keep mine back too for the same reasons. BUT. I was afraid I'd forget to post it since life has been kind of demanding and tiring. It shames me to admit I was late on another zine's final submission.
I'm very happy to hear that you liked my Optimus though, I really hope that Mr. Cullen likes it too when he gets the zine....
Mirage vs Sunny makes me so excited! I had the idea randomly one day and went !gasp! How had I not thought of it before?
I designed Mirage to be "old/moonlight glamour" vs Sunstreaker's "new/sunshine glamour" so I'm happy that that came across to you. Mirage is a special bean to me as well. I enjoy Sunstreaker, but I think it's good to take him down a notch or two once in a while and Mirage is perfect for that job. (It's alright though, I make sure he gets pictures like the bubblegum one to keep him satisfied)
I had a lot of fun working on the Multiverse Vistas piece. It took longer than usual to do, with all the layers I used on the character, but it was an interesting challenge. I didn't win anything for it (unless I placed in the popularity category which is doubtful at this point) but I'm flattered that you found Nanook to be compelling.
I always look forward to asks from my lovely anons, but take your time and don't worry about me. Like I've said before, I'll be here when you have time/want to talk. I hope you have a good vacation and a good day/night.
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fair-fae · 2 years
Lil real life update~ mostly just incoherent rambles
I’m starting a new job in January. It’s been in the works a crazy long time now but I didn’t mention anything sooner, which I’m glad for because it has taken actually forever and anything that could possibly happen to delay the process did happen :’) But it finally paid off. I’m quitting my current job in December because it’s the only way I’ll be able to get time off to spend Christmas with my family for the first time in years (since it’s “forbidden” for us to request time off October - early January at my current job). It caused some drama with my in-laws who I guess pre-emptively assumed we were doing “Christmas” in January because “that’s what we always do” (yeah because I can’t get any other time off, not for funsies or our personal preference lol????) but whatever, that’s a whole other thing. I have finally escaped the service industry! As someone with no degree and no “marketable skills,” that’s huge lol. And I am very excited. I am little nervous since I don’t know a lot about the job or what to expect. The hours apparently vary wildly--some times of the years we are off, some times will be slow, some it will be super busy and I’ll be working a lot of hours. I’m not really sure how it will go. I don’t really have the spoons to keep up with overtime let alone fulltime work. But like? I already work 30 hours a week at an emotionally, physically, and mentally draining job. I lose two entire days every week of my life to double-shifts that leave me no time for anything but sleep and hygeine. I feel so busy and so drained I can’t even enjoy my time off or do anything with it. So like, could it really be any worse than that? It also involves some travel which I am really excited for! I do kinda wanna scream because things are going to shit with my husband’s job and he’s talking about us moving back to DC/noVA because that’s where the most job opportunities for him are now that I’ve finally got this job that I sunk a year of waiting and endless hours of paperwork into and I am so tired of moving :))))) But w/e we’ll see how things go. I am ignoring that possibility for now and just going to let myself feel excited that I can finally quit this shit job LOL I know I haven’t talked about my real job a lot here. I’m a hostess at a fine dining restaurant which is one of the nicest places in this combination tourist trap + retirement community I have the misfortune of currently residing in. Along with all the usual fun of working in the service industry, most of our regular customers are rich, entitled old people, and then we get a lot of people coming to celebrate special occasions and expecting everything to be ~*perfect*~ and business people having business meals and thinking they are more important than everyone else in the restaurant. It’s kinda horrible and to top it all off, my boss may actually be one of the worst people I have ever met. I know most people hate their bosses and like yeah, I’ve had bad bosses before, but no, this is beyond the stereotype. She incompetent. She is lazy, won’t do shit, only comes in for two “shifts” a week (by which I mean she shows up like three hours into an actual shift) but then tries to micromanage and do nothing but lecture people and refuse to help solve any actual problems or talk with customers wanting to speak with her. Her shitty attitude toward us is not even a “the customer is always right” thing; she is actively horrible to both her employees and even the customers, like almost actively malicious toward our customers who give her their money LOL. We get bad reviews about her and she upsets so many of our customers. She’s a spiteful, racist, xenophobic, Fox-news obsessed piece of MAGA shit who goes on about her shitty political views at the work place to us and bewildered customers alike. She won’t let anyone request time off for anything but she’ll take multiple vacations a year + time off for plastic surgeries and not even have someone available to cover for her in her absence. Oh and she loves to party and drink with her employees who are younger than her own children, get mixed up in all their drama, and bring her relationship drama about who is cheating on who in her marriage (well, former marriage now lol) into the workplace and like. If it weren’t for everyone else still there, I would love to see this entire business blow up in her face, but oh well. Anywho, I’m excited for the new job but definitely nervous. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’m just so relieved I can quit my current job before I actually snap. I’m really looking forward to the future now. Even if that means potentially moving yet again.
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mountttmase · 9 months
OK, it's the moment
Am I ready? Nope
I will read and cry and love it? OBVIOUSLY
When Mason asked where you’d like to go on a long weekend, the last last place he was expecting you to say was Cornwall. PROPOSAL VACATION
‘Yes please’ you smiled sweetly but he still looked bewildered buy your choice. ‘I know it’s a little unconventional but I spent a lot of summers there growing up and it’s a special place to me. I just thought it might be nice to share that part of my life with you but if you’re happy spending thousands on a private jet to the middle of nowhere then that’s fine too’ OH MY BABY GIRL, THAT'S THE PERFECT PLACE ILL SAY
‘If my baby wants to go to Cornwall then that’s where we’re going. But you best believe I’m finding the best house there’ he told you, causing you to laugh as he scrolled through his phone intently. WE HAD NO DOUBTS MOUNT, WENEED A JACUZZI
Considering you’d been official for over two years, the pair of you hadn’t really been away for more than a night or so just the two of you yet. Mason loved being around his family and friends every chance he got and since you spent most days just the pair of you, you were always happy to branch out with everyone else and just because you were with other people didn’t mean skipped out on alone time as Mason always made the effort to plan things for just you two. OH MY BABY GIRL, SHE'S GROWN SO MUCH 😭😭😭
‘You sure you’ve packed everything, Mase?’ Jaz smiled cheekily but you saw him blush as he rolled his eyes. ‘Don’t want to forget anything do we’ JAZZZZ🤭🤭
‘Yeah yeah, just drop it’ he told them quietly. You could tell he was playing but he sounded a little stressy for some reason. So you didn’t bring it up again even though you wanted to be in on the joke with them. AHHAHAHA POOR BOY THEY ARE STRESSING HIM MORE THAN HE ALREADY IS
Mason had arranged for you to take the train like you did growing up, telling you he didn’t fancy the long drive down however you’d never been in first class before and you couldn’t deny you felt a little smug as you took your seats. He let you have the window seat but used this to his advantage so he could lean on you to look outside, laughing at his excited face when he caught sight of the sea. Parker was also very well behaved as he mostly just slept in between your legs. OMG THEY WENT BY TRAIN (LOZ IS THIS A REAL FOOTAGE OF YOUR LIFE?😂🤭)
‘Not bad huh?’ He winked, jumping out of the car so he could run around to your side and help you out. You arms went around his neck immediately, pulling him in for a quick kiss and his sparkly eyes melted you as you pulled away. OH MY BIG LOVES
‘Neither did I’ he laughed, letting Parker out before grabbing your hands so he could lead you to the door and locate the key. ‘How about we have a little look round, I’ll get the bags in and then we go grab some food?’ He suggested and you agreed as he lead you through the front door. THAT SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN
When you came back downstairs you found Mason sat at the window seat, back resting against the wall at he looked out to sea. He seemed completely in his own world and you almost felt bad going over to disturb him but the loving look on his face as he caught your eyes made it worthwhile. His hands reaching forward to silently ask you to sit with him so you crawled in between his legs as laid your body against his. Both of your arms around each other as he gently left little kisses along your hairline. OMG MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THAT🥹🥹🥹
Even from this angle he was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen and you couldn’t help but reach up to place an gentle kiss on his lips. He kissed you back immediately, moving to cup your jaw so he could hold you in place but you both didn’t take anything further. Both content with lazily brushing your lips together as you held each other for comfort. I'M DYING FROM SOFTENSS HERE
‘I’ve been thinking about tonight’ he told you quietly, thumb stroking your cheek as you nodded up to him. ‘How about I make us some dinner and then we take a drive into town? We can take a walk and get some ice cream maybe and I’m pretty sure there’s an arcade on the pier and I don’t know about you but I’m feeling like a winner’ GOD I LOVE HOW HE ORGANISED EVERYTHING, MY VIRGO RISING IS LOVING HIM
‘What ice cream do you want baby?’ He asked, pulling you into the quiet shop, watching his face light up as his eyes scanned all the flavours. I WANT ICE CREAMM
‘You pick first, I’m still looking’ you told him, noticing how he picked the most expensive cone with extra chocolate around the side and a flake and once the girl behind the counter handed it over to him it was almost the size of his head. ‘Really, Mase?’ You laughed as he smiled at you cheekily. AHAHHAHAH GOOD JOB MASE
‘Go and sit down’ you laughed, pointing to the stool by the window so he would be out of the way for you to pick yours. You decided to go for the same fancy cone as him but you only got one scoop as you were still full up from dinner and once you’d paid you met him by the door. SHE PAID, OH I LOVE THAT SOOOO MUCH
‘Cause you paid for this whole thing, I think it’s only fair i buy you an ice cream at least’ YES😌
‘Well if I’d of known you were paying I would of got a smaller one’ he laughed, squeezing your hand as you made you way down the high street and down to the beach. There were still a few people around but for the most part it was quiet meaning you could take a slow walk along the beach without being disturbed. AHHAHAHA
‘I always listen to you’ he laughed, pulling you in front of him so he could hold you as you walked before stopping to look out onto the horizon so you could watch the sun slip behind the sea. THE PERFECT MOMENT 🥹
‘I love you so much’ he whispered, ‘I love you too’ you told him. Breath caught in your throat at how romantic this all seemed and the way he was looking down at you made your heart race in your chest. I'LL NEVER GET ISED TO THEM SAYING I LOVE YOU TO EACH OTHER
‘Yeah, okay. I quite like the idea of beating you at something’ you smiled, pulling him along as he laughed behind you. He teased you the whole way along the pier about how he was gonna make you eat your words and as soon as you walked in he was straight over to the basketball hoop. I LOVE HER
‘New high score baby’ he teased, pinching your side and you were starting to realise you were in for a long evening. AHHAHAHA MOUNT STOP
You knew Mason was competitive but the fact that it extended to meaningless games like this made you giggle until you we’re starting to get annoyed about all the games he was winning. I WOULD HAVE STOPPED PLAYING AFTER HIS FIRST WIN 🫣
‘Come on Mase, I thought you were good at attacking and defending? You’ve been shocking at both so far’ AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH GOOD JOB GIRLLLL
‘I don’t normally play with my arms, smart arse’ he growled, hitting the puck as hard as he could but it just ended up bouncing off both sides and into his own goal. ‘This is bullshit, you must be cheating’ he fumed, slamming the puck back down and for a second you thought about easing up on him a little bit but he’d rubbed your face in it all night and you figured he could use a taste of his own medicine. You ended up winning 5-0 in the end and he was more furious than you’d ever seen him. I THINK HE DOESN'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE 😌😂
‘Oh come on Mase, you lost one game it’s not the end of the world’ you tried reassure him, walking round to place your hand on his arm but he shrugged you off, mumbling something under his breath as he walked the other way. ‘Mase?’ you pouted, following him outside but he didn’t stop for you. OMG THATS HOW I IMAGINE HIM AFTER A LOST😂😂😂😭
‘Surprised you can hear me over that massive ego’ he murmured, making his way over to the railing so he could look out to sea and even though you knew he was just being silly and a little but hurt you couldn’t deny his words stung a little bit. You didn’t think you’d been overly obnoxious, not half as bad as he’d been but by the way he was reacting to you, you wondered if you’d gone too far. MASON MOUT YOU'RE HIRTING AND SCARING MY BABY GET YOUR EGO DOWN
‘Yeah, let me find someone’ he smiled, eyes scanning the arcade until he saw a little boy in an England shirt. You watched him carefully approach, tapping him on the shoulder and your heart melted as the little boy realised who it was. A look of shock and disbelief taking over his face as Mason knelt down to his level. ‘Hello mate, I’ve got a load of tickets but I don’t have time to change them up. Would you like them?’ He asked and the little boy nodded his head before throwing him self at Mason for a cuddle. OHHHH I'LL START CRYING THAT WAS SOOOO CUTE
‘You alright, mate?’ Mason asked softly before the boy was hugging Mason again. You didn’t often get to see Mason interacting with fans like this but Every time it made your heart soar. He was so loving and soft and you just wanted to kiss him all over his perfect face. I'M NOT FEELING GOOD
‘One more game? Winner takes all?’ He laughed, trying to make it look as though he was kidding but you could see the seriousness in his eyes so you walked him over and you yourselves set up. MOUNT😂
You jumped back, yelping in pain as you cradled your aching hand before looking towards Mason. He was staring back at you with wide eyes and a guilty expression. NO WAY😭😭😂
‘Shit, y/n. I’m so fucking sorry, are you okay?’ He panicked, rushing over to take a look but you held your hand to your chest. ‘Baby? Please I’m so sorry you know I didn’t do it on purpose. Please let me see’ OH HE MUST FEEL SOOOO BAD
‘It’s fine’ you sighed, letting him take your hand so he could inspect it but there wasn’t much to see in the dark. That didn’t stop his from bringing your hand to his lips so he could pepper it with small kisses and even though you were a little mad with him you couldn’t help but smile. OH THE LITTLE KISSES ALWAYS MAKE EVERY HURT GO AWAY
‘Look baby, they’ve got the little seagulls with chips in their mouths’ he told you excitedly, your mind automatically going back a few weeks to when you’d both gone to visit Portsmouth. Taking Summer and Mila for a walk on the beach in the afternoon and it was all going well until Mason was attacked by the same birds for his chips. The memory of him squealing and shouting in fear was still fresh in your mind and you couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of it. ‘Let me win you one to say sorry’ AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH I LAUGHED A LOT, POOR MASEY ATTACKED BY A SEAGULL
‘Well I’m not stopping till I get one. I don’t care how much it costs’ he mumbled, already pressing the button to make the claw go down to grab one. It was halfway up before it fell out and you let him have a few more goes until he offered you a try. It was all in vein though, you not having any more luck than mason and all you seemed to be doing was flipping them over at this point so you told him you were done but he clearly wasn’t. AHHAHAHA NO WAY
It was only a few minutes later when you felt someone brush up besides you and you knew it was Mason instantly. He stopped just in front of you with his hands behind his back before kneeling so you were at the same hight. HE WON IT, NO WAY
‘Would you please accept this seagull as a token of my apology’ he told you seriously, revealing the toy from behind his back with a smile, causing you to laugh as you reached for it. AHHAHAHA I LOVE HIM.
He was stood in the kitchen, packing what appeared to be a picnic basket in nothing but a pair of shorts and his face softened as soon as his eyes met yours. OH, WHERE DO I ORDER A MASON?
‘It is, you’ve only got an hour and 45 minutes left of the morning. I’ve done loads while you’ve been asleep’ HEY SHE'S HERE TO RELAX, LET MY WOMAN SLEEP
‘Well I went for a run with Parker, came back and had a shower and went out again to a little bakery I saw in the village. Got us some lunch for the beach in there and a little bit of breakfast’ he smiled, nodding towards plate of pastries that were sat just to the right of him and you felt your tummy rumble immediately. WOW MOUNT AN INTENSE MORNING
‘Holy mother of god’ he he said lowly, his eyes eating you up as he took in your figure. You didn’t think it was anything too exciting, a simple black bikini top and matching high waisted bottoms but you knew it looked good and the fact that the bottom was more of a thong than anything else was a bit risky but it was worth it to see the look in his eye. ‘If there wasn’t other people around I would be on you in a second you look unreal’ AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH MOUNT CLOSE YOUR MOUTH I CAN SEE YOUR SALIVA GOING DOWN
‘I love. You’re such a tease I swear’ he whispered, his fingers dancing along the waistband of your bottoms before trailing them down the tops of your thighs. ‘You wait till later I’m gonna make you feel so good’ his breathed, his lips just touching yours and after a quick kiss he was jumping up so he could whip his top off. GIGGLING 🤭🤭
If the way you felt about him in this moment was the same way he felt about you then you got why he was looking at you the way he was. You saw Masons body often but you never got tired of the sight. His soft hips were a contrast to the hardness of his abs but he was perfect to you in every single way and you had to restrain yourself from reaching for him so you could kiss all over his tummy. WELL Y/N...
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You both quickly got to work sun creaming each other up, Mason paying extra attention to your bum, telling you the only burn you should ever feel there should be from his hand print but the sexy and assertive Mason was soon out the window as he popped on his mask and snorkel so he could go for a swim. I GASPED
‘Come on Parker, daddy will take you for a swim’ AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
There stood Mason, fresh from the sea and shaking his hair at you as Parker did the same, and you screeched as you flew up from the chair. AHHAHAHA, HIM AND PARKER ARE THE SAME PERSON
‘Mason what the fuck’ you moaned, rushing towards him but he somehow managed to grab you and manoeuvre you so you were flung over his shoulder, rushing down back towards the sea and you were sure the sounds of your laughter could be heard from miles away. ‘Please don’t throw me in’ you managed to get out as he started wading in but when the water came to just passed his knees he moved you so your legs were around his waist as he he held you by your bum. His eyes were sparking with joy and even though he seemed to have all the power over you and could literally drop you in the freezing water at any second, you couldn’t help but lean over and kiss him. LOZ, I'M TEARING THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL
‘Yeah, I’m glad we can have some time just the two of us’ you smiled, relaxing at the feel of his lips. ‘Well three of us I suppose’ you laughed, your thumbs brushing along the imprint the mask had left on his cheeks before kissing along the marks and watching his cheeks flush. He was so adorable and you loved the way he still reacted to your touch but it was the reaction of having you wrapped around him that had you feeling something pressing against you that made you eye him curiously. WELL MAYBE IS BETTER GOING HOME
‘I’ve literally got your bare bum in my hands, what do you expect?’ he laughed cheekily causing you to hide your face in his neck as his chest rumbled underneath you. MOUNT 😂
He wasn’t out for long, waking up to complain he was hungry so he dished out all the food he’d bought that morning and you sat in between his legs with your back to his chest so you could still be close. AHHAHAHA THE BABY IS HUNGRY
‘You fancy a bath? That one’s massive upstairs and I really wanna try it’ he smiled, kissing your nose aster you nodded. ‘I’ll go run it for us yeah?’ Ohhhh🤭🤭🤭
‘Come on slow coach, I’ve got it the perfect temperature’ he laughed, watching you undress with hungry eyes before helping you in to sit in front of him. Your back to his chest as you leant your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around your middle. I'LL DIEEE
‘This bath is massive’ you laughed, the water just below your neck. ‘It’s like double the size of ours’ OURS😭😭😭
You let out a soft sigh, relaxing back into him even further as you enjoyed the way his fingers were dancing over your skin but you knew this was only ending one way. Your suspicions were confirmed when his hand hooked under your right thigh so he could lift your leg and place it over the edge of the bath so he could access you better. His left hand reaching for your chest and you bit your lip at the contact. OMG LOZZZZ I WAS NOT THINKING THAT WAS THE FIC YOU WERE TALKING YESTERDAY, I'LL SCREAM HARD
‘I know, but you need to cum first yeah?’ He told you softly, his thumb now back on your clit to help you and the moan that left your lips would of embarrassed you if you hadn’t been too caught up on how he was making you feel. ‘I can feel how close you are, gorgeous. Come on, let it out for me’ I GASPED
‘Shall we get in the shower? Wash everything off?’ You suggested, a cheeky glimmer in your eyes that he caught onto immediately and after a quick kiss he was helping you out so he could pull you into the shower. NAUGHTY
You grabbed his shower gel quickly, soaping your hands up so you could rub it over him under the guise that you were simply helping him wash but it was really an excuse so that you could touch him. Working your way around to his back so you could lean your chest against him and as soon as he placed his hands on the wall in front of him to help him balance, you let your hands trail down to his length so you could start to stroke over him. LOZ YOU'RE GIVING US EVERYTHING IN THAT FIC, OMG
He didn’t say a word, simply hoisted you up and pulled you into his arms so he could hold you. The pair of content in each other's arms as the warm water washed away your sins. Only pulling back to give each other a soft kiss as you laughed at each other shyly. 🥹
‘Why don’t you have a nap then? I’ll go make dinner and check on Parker. I’ll come and get you when it’s done’ OH BABY BOY
‘Well I’m ordering you to take a nap missy’ he smiled, lightly pulling you up so he could help you get changed and once you were he pushed you down onto the bed before dropping a kiss on your cheek. ‘I’ll come wake you up soon okay?’ I LOVE THIS MAN
You were woken up by a strange tussling sound, your eyes opening ever so slightly so you could find the source of the noise and your eyes were on Mason immediately. His back was facing you as he played around with whatever was In his hands and you almost shut your eyes again until you saw what he was holding when he turned slightly. LOZZZ
It was open and you couldn’t see what was in it but you had a good guess from the soft smile on his face as he looked down into it. Suddenly the teasing from his family made sense as to why he had to double check that he’d packed everything and your whole body froze as you realised what this trip was for and Why he was so insistent on you picking somewhere that was special to you. OOOOO😭😭😭
The snap of the box as he shut it made you jump but you shut your eyes immediately to make it look like you were asleep and only when Mason came over to try and wake you up did you look at him. Trying you hardest to pretend like you hadn’t seen what you just had. GOOD JOB BABY. HE WORKED HARD FOR THAT
You were trying to act as natural as possible so he didn’t find out you knew his secret but he seemed to be acting just as oblivious as you were to the point you’d forgotten about it until the next night when you’d finally gone for dinner out somewhere nice. OHHH
‘I have to’ he said quietly before stuffing his hand into his pocket. ‘There’s something I want to give you’ he whispered, placing his hand on the table before pushing a small black box in your direction. OPSSS
A small pair of studs sat in inside, little red hearts carved from some sort of gem whilst tiny little diamonds sat on the bottom of them. They were beautiful and you gasped as your eyes flew up to meet Mason's excited ones. NO WAY LOZ 😭😭😭😂
‘I love them’ you smiled, trying to act as natural as possible and ignore the sinking feeling in your tummy. You felt a little silly for assuming it would be something else now but you didn’t want him to catch on to what you were thinking. Forgetting he could read you like a book and always had been able to. I KNOW SOMETHING ELSE IS COMING AND HONESTLY I WAS JOT EXPECTING HIM TO PROPOSE IN A RESTAURANT SO I LIKE THAT MISLEADING
‘Oh shush’ he laughed, squeezing your hand as he gazed at you lovingly. ‘You being here is more than enough for me’ he told you honestly and you felt your heart thud at the shy look on his face. ‘I’m serious. I know it’s not long but I love getting to do stuff like this when we can’ OH BABY
‘You gonna tell me what’s wrong now?’ He asked, falling into the seat next to you before taking your hands into his. ‘And don’t say it’s nothing cause I know there’s something’🫣🫣🫣
‘Well what is it then? You seem… disappointed’ he noted and you hadn’t realised you’d been so transparent. Then again this was Mason, he could read you like an open book and you contemplated brushing it off but in the end you realised you should probably be honest with him. HE KNOWS HER SOOOO MUCH
‘The box these came in, it looks very similar to a box another piece of jewellery comes in. At first I thought it was going to be something else’ 😌😌😌😭😭😭
‘If it’s not you Mase, then it’s not gonna be anyone’ you told him truthfully, your heart thudding at how his face softened at your words. ‘I told you once I’d made peace with that fact I’d probably always be alone but that’s not what I want anymore’ OH MY BIG GIRL, I'M SOOO PROUD OF HER😭😭😭
‘Yeah, you’re right’ he smiled, wider than you’d ever seen him smile before and it made you want to carry on talking so he would keep smiling. GO GRAB THE RING MOUNT IT'S THE PERFECT MOMENT
‘We’ve come a long way huh? Never thought I’d hear you talk about having my kids when we first were getting to know each other’ he joked AHHAHAHA BOY 😭😂
‘It’s what I’ve always wanted’ he whispered, kissing your cheek softly. ‘Remember that first night I stayed at yours? I came round and we made cookies?’ DON'T START WITH MEMORIES I'M WEAK ENOUGH
‘When I saw you’d put a picture of us on your fridge I told myself I was gonna marry you one day. I know it seems like a lifetime ago but you’ve had me since I first saw you. You know you’ve completely ruined me for anyone else don’t you?’ he smiled brightly before getting serious again. ‘Then when I nearly lost you after my injury, that first night you were home I didn’t sleep. Just held you and told myself I’d never let you slip through my fingers again’ HE IS GOING TO PROPOSSEEEE NOW, PLEASE
‘Everything you’ve just said is all I’ve ever dreamed of’ he told you softly, his glossy eyes looking over into yours before you kissed him softly. ‘We’re soulmates, me and you. I’ve known it for the longest time and I just love you with everything I have’ OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME😭😭😭
‘Wait here a sec, yeah? I’ll be one minute’ he told you, untangling himself from you before dashing inside. You weren’t sure where what was happening but he was quicker than you thought he’d be, the same excited smile on his face and he made you laugh as he came towards you with grabby hands. ‘Stand up for me’ I KNEW ITTTTT, YAYYYY
‘I need you to just listen to me, yeah?’ He chuckled, pulling back so he could hold your hands and look deep into your eyes. ‘I was waiting for the perfect moment but being with you, every moment is perfect’ he told you softly, letting go of one on your hands so he could reach into his back pocket before taking a step back and kneeling down on one knee in front of you. I'M SCREAMING MY LUNGS
‘I love you, y/n y/l/n. So so much. I don’t wanna wait ten years when I’ve known for a very long time that you’re the one for me. I tell myself all the time the best decision I ever made was going for a walk at 1am cause it led me to you and I’d do it again a million times over. In this life and the next and all the other ones that come after it cause you’re it for me and I’m so lucky to have found you. Cause I feel like you were put there just for me to find. This, what we have, I want that every day for as long as I possibly can’ he told you finally bringing his arm forward to reveal another black box, but he opened it for you this time, the ring you were expecting at dinner now sat proudly inside and you felt a shiver run through you at the sight of it. ‘Will you marry me?’ I'M A MESS LOZ
‘Of course I’m sure, you big melon’ he laughed, squeezing your sides. ‘Come on, don’t leave me hanging. Is it a yes?’ YOU BIG MELON,LAUGHING WHILE CRYING
‘It’s a yes’ you whispered, nodding your head furiously before pulling him towards you for a loving kiss. You could feel his relief pouring into you as you held onto each other like you might disappear. Only pulling back so you could rest your foreheads against each other to try and settle each other. SHE SAID YESSS WE HAVE A WEDDING TO ORGANISE
‘Do you like it? I can get it changed if you want-‘ PH SHUT UPPP
‘You could have proposed with a ready salted hula hoop and I still would have said yes’ you whispered, causing him to chuckle before pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose. AHHAHAHA
‘I wish you would have told me that earlier. Would of saved me a lot of money’ he joked and you rolled your eyes before letting him help you up to stand. ‘Oh and before you ask, I got permission’ SILLY
‘No, Freya’ he winked, pulling you into a hug as you both laughed before he sat back to give you some air. ‘Parker look. Mummy and daddy are getting married’ Mason laughed, tapping his thighs so Parker would come over and join you and you laughed at his slow steps. Seemily unphased at how excited you were but you appreciated the face licks just the same. HIM ASKING FREY PERMISSION 😂😂😂
You’d said it to each other tonight already, but you really couldn’t believe how far you and Mason had come. From not wanting to see him and ignoring his texts to sitting here with him now. The love of your life declaring he also wants to spend his life with you and you felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Everything the pair of you had been through, the good and the bad, had led you to here and you were so thankful to have finally found your home. The place and the person you belonged to. WHAT A JOURNEY 😭😭😭
‘The future Mrs Mount huh? Who would've ever thought’ ’YESSSS
‘I love you too, my little mountaineer’ YHEY ARE AT THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN
Ps that's me now
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First of all ILY SM thank you for taking the time to leave me feedback like this for every chapter. It’s so fun to read though and see what your favourite parts are and the fact you do it for every chapter just makes me so soft
I’m sad it over too but they’ll always be there for us to revisit and check on all the time 🩷
They really grew so much and I’m so happy I got to take you in this journey with me I’ve had the best time 😘 THANK YOU SM BESTIE
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Guys, I need a minute
To talk about the absolute OUTPOURING OF LOVE I have received since starting this blog. Not only have I reached 50% of the following I received on my main blog ages ago, which I ran for YEARS to get that many followers, I have done so in the matter of just a month. 
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I credit this in large part to @doctorstrangeaskblog, who both encouraged me to give this whole thing a shot and who gave me a lot of exposure by sharing their well-deserved spotlight. I feel a bit as though I’m just riding on their coattails, so if you don’t follow them YOU SHOULD. GO DO IT.
To be perfectly up front, this was in my own mind going to be my “last hurrah” of RPing. A last chance to enjoy a hobby I have loved since I was about 11. Over the years people I have written with have come and gone, but I remember all of them. The things I’ve written with them mean an immeasurable amount to me. Within the last year or so, all my remaining threads had basically dried up, as most of my writing partners during the pandemic got back to their lives. I myself knew I would soon be busy with not one but 2 new jobs coming up. Still, I wanted to do use the time I had before then to do something I loved one more time before I gave it up for good.  For ages, RPing has been a form of escapism for me from the struggles of my real-world life. It’s been a shelter and a source of inspiration and strength, as well as a way I’ve made a lot of friends over the years. Previously, I had been very private about RPing, since I honestly believed for so long I was a bad writer. Before this blog, it was something I did more privately on tumblr (without tags) or in Google Docs, and yes, back in the day, on MSN Messenger/ IM. At this point, I’m still not convinced I’m really a very good writer, but I am convinced other people at least find what I’m doing here fun, and that’s good enough. If other people get enjoyment out of what I make, I am happy to share it :).
That being said, this was never meant to take off like this, and I never could have predicted or expected it would... I fully intended to retire this blog quietly after my real job TM started, or even earlier. 
But in truth I’m more excited about RPing than I have been in probably more than a year. 
So... I’m not quitting for good. I’m not even planning to go on hiatus. Obviously as my workload changes I might not be on as frequently or able to write as much... but I’m having fun with this and I want to keep at it as long as I’m enjoying the ride. I hope I can continue to make content people like here, though I do have summer job #1 starting up next week... followed by a 2 week or so vacation out of the country, followed by more permanent job starting the week following that. 8′D (Not to mention part of me does want to produce some new content for that other blog, even if only as a labor of love.)
So in summary, I want to thank each and every one of you who has asked a question, reblogged, or liked something I’ve written. It’s incredibly validating to feel like this time and effort hasn’t just been the dying embers of my cherished memories of RPing and imagining and having fun with writing characters, but perhaps even just the beginning of the next step in that part of my creative journey.  Oh, and especially to that person who sent me their extra Multiverse of Madness movie poster... a very special thanks to you, you know who you are <3. If I give up on finding love and just start a Benedict Cumberbatch-based religion, this is the first thing going in the shrine LOL XD
Lots of love to all of you, and again, from the bottom of my extremely sentimental and sappy heart, thank you all SO SO MUCH for giving me something to smile about. I’m glad I fell into this tumblrverse <3 - Callie (AKA Pizza-Mun)
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reyescarlos · 1 year
10 things for 2023
tagged by @welcometololaland  @reyesstrand @marwani-strickland and @pragmatic-optimist @rmd-writes thanks guys 💕
a fic idea you want to write (or read): i would like to work on the soccer au i’ve been daydreaming about since...what? 2020? other than that, i’d like to pick at the college exes fic. i don’t plan on writing much tarlos this year so that’s all that really comes to mind for the time being
a place you want to go: well, i'm going on my first real proper vacation in ages this year which i’m excited about!  im going with my sister and niece on a cruise to the bahamas. outside of that, it would be great to go to ireland or something. that’s been on my bucket list for so long and now i feel more comfortable with the idea of serious travel since the pandemic hit so that’d be dope
a book you want to read: oof so many books but i’m excited for ander & santi were here by jonny garza villa. that’s the most recent preorder i did. oh! and prince harry’s book. 
something fun you want to do: i want to make good on learning how to roller skate. i got as far as purchasing a pair of skates and teetered around a little bit but i didn’t stick with it last year. maybe now that i’ve moved, i can look into seeing if there are any classes or meet ups. would also be a nice way to meet new people in this area. i also really want to do a consistent book club bc i’ve sadly fallen off with reading books
something you wanna make: this ties in with the first prompt but i want to finish those stories, yes, but i definitely want to branch out and make new stories for other fandoms. i feel like i’ve hit a wall and it’s been making me question my writing abilities way too much. hopefully a fresh pairing or two will make me feel more in sync and get that confidence back
a habit you want to start: getting more organized and having a better routine for both my personal life and work. i'm such a procrastinator, it drives me nuts
something new you want to try: i want to try crocheting, it’s something i’ve always wanted to do but never made any attempts to learn. i really should get a beginner’s kit soon
something you want to finish from 2022: i refuse to drag myself onto goodreads just yet by going on there and seeing how many books i started but didn’t finish bc YIKES. but ideally i would like to complete those books. i’ve hit such a snag, i will not even bother with setting a challenge this year lol
something you want to stop doing: so many things, but definitely would like to scale back on my screen time. my phone is ALWAYS in my hand. it’s so unhealthy 
something you want to keep doing: i want to continue spending less time on here. i’ve become far too attached to popping on to tumblr and tbh it’s truly having a very negative effect on my writing and me in general. so yeah, i think less time on here would be a good thing. i have started with making use of the queue function which, after having this account for 11 or 12 years, i started using for the first time in 2022 and it’s proving to be a happy medium. i still love the show but gah yeah, not really feeling this space in the same ways i have previously and i don’t want that to bleed in to my outlook on the series when it starts back later this month
not tagging anyone as this has been making the rounds already~
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mysstella · 1 year
Day Three-Dec. 15, 22
Hey guys! Today was my first day back at work after my vacation time, how fun. Today felt like it lasted longer than my whole week off. I don’t have all that much to say today, but I will say I have at least one book recommendation. “From Paycheck to Purpose” by Ken Coleman. I started reading it a few days ago, and although I’m not too far in yet, it’s definitely a good read. In the book, Coleman talks about how he went through the struggles that I’m sure a lot of us are facing, being miserable with your work, as well as living paycheck to paycheck. He gives some great insight on how to try and figure out what kind of careers suit you, and focuses a lot on emphasizing that your job is more than just where you make money, it’s where you spend a lot of your time and effort as well, so why stay at a place that makes you miserable. I’m hoping to take lots away from this book as I continue reading it, as I would love to figure out what kind of long term career suits me and what I love to do and excel at. 
I currently just work as a head cashier, and although I love interacting with customers, this job is not something I can see being something long term. I mean honestly, even if I moved up to supervisor or manager, it still would not feel like a real, long term job. 
Okay, now onto the daily update. Today I didn’t do much, other than go to work and watch my little sisters middle school band concert, exciting, I know. I will say, that since I’ve started this Tumblr blog, I’ve been thinking a lot more about my spending habits and my current financial status, which has been quite enlightening, I suppose. Just trying to think about all the places of which I needlessly spend, or how to stop being so careless with my money. I need to focus on not just telling myself that just because I have that money does not mean I can/should/need to spend that money. I need to start making sure I remind myself of my long term goals. Which is mainly trying to figure out a long-term living situation with my long-distance boyfriend, but to achieve that I must focus on being super tight with my money and only spending on absolute necessities. “Do I really need to go out and buy my sister and I dinner?” “Do I really need this shirt?” “Can I live without this thing?” The answer is NO, you do not need it! I’ve really been trying to make sure I stick with this very minimal spending, however its very difficult to break a habit that you’ve pretty much always done. Today, the only thing I spent money on was my lunch, because I skipped breakfast and was starving. But, this is not unusual for me to buy my lunches, in-fact, it’s part of what I’ve budgeted in for. However, for both my wallets sake and my own, another goal I have is to start prepping some simple, easy to throw together meals to take with me to work. My biggest issue with that, is that I’m kind of a picky eater and I get really bored of the same meals everyday, but I am still going to give it a shot. I will try to start implementing this after I go grocery shopping again, so I can make sure I have everything I need for my meals.
Financial Tracker:
Spent today:$5.40
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yellow-the-alien · 8 months
(just wanna preface this by saying that i’m yellow from @rainbowlemonslices and i made this blog so i can ramble about my stuff without clogging up the system blog lol)
ok so as a first post on the side blog, i wanna rant about a possible star wars kintype and hearthome that i might have because i think it might interest people? i dunno but it’s very long so imma put it under the cut
so this whole star wars thing that’s going on all started with the fact that we’re vacationing at disney world, which has a place called something along the lines of star wars land. prior to this trip, i had no idea what star wars land was, and hardly knew anything about star wars. however, my fellow headmates had been talking about it so i decided to ask about it. the moment i was shown what it looked like i was shocked because it looked so familiar, despite the fact that i had never been there before. i did some research on a lot of different things, such as star wars species and planets, and learned that the place where star wars land is set is called “batuu”. everything felt so familiar, but i wasn’t sure if this star wars thing was right.
so, all throughout the day i only had one thing on my mind, and that was batuu. my idea was that going into batuu would help me know if this star wars thing was actually true. it took a little while, but eventually we were able to go in. and the moment i entered i just felt like i was at home. it was so overwhelming that i was just in shock the entire time, and had to have a headmate help me mask. i could’ve sworn that i’d been there before, and it was such an exciting yet slightly terrifying feeling. for the first time since i got on earth, i felt like i was home. the ships, items and and environment just felt so real and so comforting. i felt like i had know that place my entire life. i still am not sure how to put this experience into words.
after we had to leave, i realized what had happened and that hit me like a train. i had been to my home, and i had no idea (and still have no idea) that hen i’ll ever be going back. that was the most homesick i’ve ever felt in my entire life. i was so happy and yet so upset at the same time. it was incredible.
however, this still brings up complications. i found a species that really fit with me, but there very little information on them and i have no clue how or why one of that species would even get to batuu, much less how one would feel like their home is batuu.
i have many more questions that i want to find answers to, and that’s okay. if you’ve decided to read this entire post, the basic general message of this is that sometimes, when you think you know yourself, the world will throw something new at you, and that’s okay. you don’t need to immediately know everything about yourself all the time. not knowing all there is to know about yourself is perfectly okay, and everyone is trying to figure themselves out, so you’re not alone, if that makes any sense.
please lmk if i need to change anything about this, or if you have any questions! i’m still not 100% sure how tumblr works or anything so yeah:)
also it took tumblr several days to actually let this show up in tags so i’m reposting it, this was written a few days ago
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purplesurveys · 1 year
How often do you eat your favourite food? These days a set of chicken and waffles is my current favorite, and I have that just, like...once every 2-3 months. Not very often at all. I don’t think it’s like sushi where I could never get sick of it, so I try not to have it a lot.
Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport? (including planes) Only once - on a plane trip from Shanghai back to Manila. I hate the idea of falling asleep around strangers.
What room of the house are you in right now? I’m at the dining area watching the dogs alternate between affectionately playing and aggressively humping.
What was the last tv show you watched? The Walking Dead. We attempted to watch an episode while in Tanay knowing full well the wifi sucks, but since we were getting bored out of our minds we gave it a shot. Long story short we managed to get to like 3 minutes before accepting the fact that an episode would not be possible to finish that day.
...I ended up looking for the episode’s transcript online and just doing a table read with it so that my sister could know what happened for the rest of the episode. With voices, impersonations, the full package. It was ridiculous but we did manage to kill at least like a half hour with that, so I’d say we were still the real winners that night hahaha.
Have you been using Apple Music? No. I remember using Apple Music a grand total of One Time a few years ago... one of my favorite acts (I can’t remember who it was anymore) did an exclusive thingy on there, like an exclusive song or releasing their album a day before on Apple Music or something like that. Anyway, I put up a free trial just for that promo thing then abandoned my account right after lol. I’ve used Spotify for nearly a decade now.
Do you pay rent for the place you live? How often? Not at the moment. I don’t pay any other particular bills either, but I do hand over a portion of my pay to my parents every two weeks. 
How do you feel at this particular moment? Anything on your mind? I’m doing pretty okay. I have work to attend to all weekend but I’m trying my best not to complain about it because ugh what’s the point.
Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday to? Who’d you go with? Tanay with family.
Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? Well anyone is free to play music out loud if they want to, but we mostly wear earphones. Occasionally we’ll switch on the smart TV in one of the rooms to have a steady stream of K-pop music videos playing. 
List all the colours you’re currently wearing. Black and white.
What’s your favourite type of donut? Anything that isn’t filled, I could possibly end up loving. I LOVE doughnuts and get excited when I encounter unique flavors or concepts hahaha.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? I don’t prepare anything apart from iced coffee; but in the times I get to have a spread with my family I will usually go for the roasted eggplants, scrambled eggs, hotdogs, salted egg, and sometimes the luncheon meat too.
Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Do you light them often? Yeah I have one here but I haven’t lit it in like two years.
When was the last time you went out for dinner? Last Friday was an office day and my team and I had Korean barbecue.
Have you seen all the Hunger Games films as of current? I just saw the first one – and I saw it a lot as it was endlessly aired on one of the movie channels back when we still had cable.
What was the last thing you said to someone else in person? “Is this normal?” The prongs on my laptop charger plug are looking a bit...roasted(??) lately lol so I ran to my sister to ask if her charger looks the same.
Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely? I have a Mac.
How many times do you call someone on the phone a week? As confident as I’ve since become talking on the phone, I still don’t really want to be the one making the call – I’m in the belief that everything can be settled via a chat thread if you just communicate well and concisely enough, lol.
Have you cooked anything today? What was it? I have not.
Do you have a lot of cousins? What are their names? I mean in the context of Filipino family trees then my list of cousins is pretty much endless; but I do have 11 first cousins, with whom I keep in touch the most. For second cousins, I have 3 that I’d say I’m particularly close with but I’ve lost count of how many I actually have.
What does your shampoo smell like? I don’t know, it has a generic shampoo smell. < Same, I’m not picky when it comes to smell.
What about the body wash or soap you’re using at the moment? Just soap. Have you ever had an exotic or unusual pet? The most ~non-traditional~ one we’ve had is probably the chick my sister won at some carnival game. We really tried to take care of him and nurse him and all but he died overnight.
Any movies you’ve seen recently that you’d recommend to me? A few months ago I did a rewatch of Two for the Road, which is never going to be dethroned as my all-time favorite film. It has its kinks and quirks and fair share of shitty dialogue and ridiculous camera angles (it was the 60s – and particular for that movie it was also narrated in a non-linear format, which was unusual for its time) that need to be forgiven, but overall it has a beautiful yet painfully honest story that can only be executed no less by the performances of Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney.
Why did you last go see a doctor? It was in like May 2020 when I got deathly sick, which turned out to be a UTI. Shittiest I ever felt – bones felt like glass and I felt like I was just going to drop dead any minute.
What was the last thing you bought online? New pods for my vape. Where do you usually park your car? We have a carport for it.
Does your mail get delivered to your house or do you have to collect it? It gets delivered directly to us.
Are you more logical or creative? Logical.
Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you? Yes, as soon as I take it out of its packaging. I HATE tags, or at least how itchy they can be.
What is your dream job? Do you think that’s attainable for you? In another world I’d be making the most of my writing hobby as a lifestyle writer/reporter, but given that the money for that line of work will never be sustainable, I’ve had to give it up. It’s definitely attainable and I have some contacts who can make it happen, but it always circles back to the money.
I’d also love to do PR work for companies that I closely follow and am a fan of, like WWE or Hybe. This is definitely more difficult to get to than the previous but I think anything is possible anyway as long as you work towards it, meet the right people, put yourself out there and not be afraid to make mistakes, yadda yadda.
When was the last time you looked at Facebook, Twitter or etc.? Around half an hour ago.
Have you ever been on a train? Where did you go? Once. I just went to Manila lol.
How many times a year do you go on vacation? Around 3-4 times a year, when my dad’s home. We don’t book vacations if we’re incomplete.
Can you curl your tongue or do anything else cool with it? Just curling it is what I can do.
What was the last job interview you went to? It was for my current job back in November 2020.
Do you ever just feel like you need to be alone for some reason? Well yeah, don’t we all get our recharging moments? I’ll sometimes have weeks that for some reason were bombarded with work calls AND face-to-face events, and those would usually knock me out for the rest of the weekend. But sometimes I’ll also want to be alone just because.
When was the last time you wore something totally inappropriate for the weather? Does this happen often? You don’t get such moments here since the climate is pretty uniform all year round (read: HOT), but what comes to mind is my quick stop in Japan, 2016. I was 18, not a seasoned traveller and didn’t do my research at all, and definitely did not prepare any thick jackets or padding or whatever you wear for colder climates; and I had no idea it was gonna be 1ºC in Fukuoka. All I had were t-shirts and the thinnest of cardigans, so suffice it to say I had a shit time LOL. I was begging to go back inside the ship towards the end of the limited time that we had there.
The last time you went out of the house, where were you going and what did you do? My parents and I were headed to the airport to drop off my dad, who was flying out to go back to his work. Pretty straightforward trip; my mom and I went straight home after since it was like 10 PM anyway and we were both tired.
When was the last time someone cancelled plans on you? Were you annoyed? We invited Kaye and Lea to our group’s Christmas party, but they canceled the day of. That entire week leading up to the party I could tell they didn’t feel like going so I wasn’t all too surprised, but I did feel a little bit sorry/regretful since I had gotten gifts for both of them – which are still here in my room, haha.
Do you have a friend that has a tendency to “dump” you whenever they get a new partner? No, but I used to be that friend, regrettably so. For the last three years I’ve been making it up as fuck to those friends.
Would you ever want to go on vacation with just one of your parents? Eh not really, our relationship isn’t cemented on one-on-one time with each other. I’d rather spoil everyone at once, like taking the family out for dinner or booking a hotel for the weekend.
In summer, do you prefer to wear dresses or shorts and tops? Or maybe something else? I prefer going the casual route so I’m more on sleeveless tops, halter tops, etc paired with either shorts or comfy jeans.
Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? Nah.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? I haven’t.
If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? Rapunzel because Eugene Fitzherbert, duh? How many cans of soda would you say you drink in a week, if any at all? 0.
When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? Yes, since my office is here. I do try to split my time here and downstairs so I can have ample playtime with the dogs.
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? I don’t sleep in because I could never. I always automatically wake up at around 7-8 in the morning. How much stuff do you take with you when you go on vacation for a week? I always overpack; my bag for a weekend trip is usually filled with stuff good for 4-5 days, haha. That said, if I were to go on vacation for a week then I would definitely pack twice as much clothes.
How old is your oldest living relative? I have no idea man, I have the biggest fucking family. But as far as I know, oldest would be my maternal grandma who is turning 77 this year. 
Do you know anyone who is an alcoholic? How has that affected you? Yes, a few relatives. I witnessed countless screaming matches and my then-2 year old cousin suffocated to near-death because of it. It made me ashamed of my family for years, and also very fearful of alcohol. I used to vow never to take a sip. Once I got to try it myself, I learned that it is possible to be responsible and disciplined about alcohol and that my relatives were just god fucking awful at handling theirs. I do like to drink, but the motivation to not end up like them is what pushes me to be smart about the shit I drink.
Could you willingly live on a vegan diet? Sure, as long as the resources are accessible and affordable.
If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, are you sad that there’ll never be another book or movie? I wasn’t an HP fan so didn’t really ever stop to think about this.
If you’re an only child, do you wish you had siblings? If you have siblings, do you get along? I get along very well with my sister; I’m not on speaking terms with my brother.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? Since like 2018 or 2019.
What happened last time you got drunk? Skipped out on the fireworks when the clock hit midnight last January 1 in favor of keeping my dogs company, while I did karaoke.
When’s the last time you straightened your hair? No idea. I don’t want a straightener anywhere near my hair.
Do you bite your toe nails? No.
Last thing you said out loud? No idea, I haven’t talked in like an hour.
Last time you laughed your head off? Last weekend when I was watching that episode of Dish Granted where Steven and Tony had to make a cake of Zach Kornfeld’s head. I know they tried their genuine best but the cake ended up so hilariously horrifying that I ended up pausing the video one too many times to just throw my head back and laugh.
What do you want right this second? I would love to be able to snap my fingers and have all the weekend work I have done in an instant.
How are you sitting? Cross-legged on my bed.
Your mood? A little sleepy, otherwise bored.
Did you sleep alone last night? Yep.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? No.
Do you find piercings attractive? They can end up being so but I don’t look for piercings.
What were you doing last night at midnight? Probably playing a few rounds of In the Seom while having my coffee.
Will you have sexual intercourse within the next two weeks? No.
How many cigarettes have you smoked today? None.
Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? Sometimes.
Do you like potato chips? Eh, just certain kinds. I love when they’re baked though.
Do you give out second chances way too easily? No, quite the opposite.
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rainbowpairofdice · 1 year
Doly, Doly, Doly! My dear friend, I’m sorry for going like a week without sending a message! This week really got away from me. How’s your vacation been? How’s Hail Mary? I hope you’re doing well!!!
Oh my brother always hated having to share with me cause you know I was the annoying little sibling who wanted to play with all the stuff he had. It was the only way I played like any video games until I was in my preteens and got a wii and DS but I’m not sure which one was first lol. But I still tried to play games on his stuff.
We definitely would! There’s so many concerts I wanna go to and I can’t wait till I feel comfy enough to start going back to them!!! I’d absolutely go see Niall in a heartbeat. There’s just something about live music that really is magical. And it’s also one of those human moments of “I’m in a room full of all these people and we’re singing the same songs and love this person on stage.” And what a feeling that is. Especially for an artist that makes you feel like at home, that is truly special.
How exciting! Let me know how you like it once you get it! I found that I enjoyed it quite a bit! And I’ll have to see if I can find them! I took photos of that installation like six years ago now!
I want a Louis hoodie so bad! I have one of his shirts but it’s kinda old, too small and the back art on it is peeling. My favorite YouTubers announced they got married recently and oh my heart, it was so sweet. For streamers I feel like I rarely catch the streams live so I watch a lot of vods or people editing down the streams to the important/good bits. I think I said I tend to wear a normal like baseball cap? I’m not sure how else to describe it but I wear it when I’m having a bad hair day or just don’t wanna deal with it. I got to wear my beanie today which was nice since I rarely get to! It was pretty cold so it worked great when I went out/had to let my dogs out. I will say, I think I prefer ice skating to roller skating! I’ve been roller skating a normal amount and I think I’ve only gone ice skating once but it was so fun cause it’s just so different! I’d love to do it again. Italy! How exciting! I bet it was beautiful. I know this sounds crazy but I’m not sure of the last time I had a mango/if I’ve ever had one really. I know I’ve had kiwi but it’s been a very long time so I dont remember much about the taste. Cleaning carpet is awful! I’ve stained my carpet horrendously by accidentally leaving a tube of black paint out and stepping on it 😐 and then a blue drink spilled on my beige carpet sooo. I like it in my room but probably nowhere else in a house.
I know this isn’t as long as the others but I feel im blanking on what to talk about atm buuut I’ll still do a speed round of course!!!
Since it’s the holidays: if you have a Christmas tree, do you prefer a fake or real one? I understand the appeal of a fake one 100% because there’s no cleaning up, watering and throwing it out like a real one and plus it’s a one and done payment for years to come! However, im a sucker for a live tree. I love smelling the tree in the house and I love going to pick one out!
Do you dilly dally? Like when running to the store are you someone who gets everything they need and then goes straight to check out or do you kinda get pulled in by other things not on your shopping list? I feel I can do both but I absolutely dilly dally more than anything. I get distracted easily like when Walmart was open 24/7 my dad and I would just be like “we should go get snacks” at like 1am and then we’d be there for an hour and a half… it’s why my mom refuses to go inside Walmart with him.
Do you prefer to use the stove/oven or the microwave? Like when I make soup I make it on the stove my friend makes it in the microwave. And like a stouffer’s meal I make in oven every time my friend will just the microwave. Like even when making water I’ll boil the water instead of using the microwave. I hate using the microwave for most things I’m not sure what it is or why but it just feels better using the stove/oven.
When it comes to jewelry, do you prefer gold or silver? I personally prefer silver. I think it just looks better on me! But I feel that I don’t wear much jewelry anymore at all.
I can’t remember if I’ve asked but which do you find more interesting or even scary? Space or the ocean? I feel both are equally so fascinating but also absolutely terrifying!! I love the ocean though, I used to want to be a marine biologist sooo and someone tried to tell me we’ve explored a lot of the ocean so there was no point in being a marine biologist and I almost lost my mind cause anyone and everyone know how little of the ocean we’ve actually explored!
Do you enjoying sparkling water? I personally am not a big fan. I just don’t like the taste of almost jay of them! I think it’s very rare for me to find one I like.
What was the last movie you watched that had you thinking “I’ve got to tell everyone to watch this movie” because you enjoyed it so much? I’d say mine was probably Glass Onion and Nope. Also, what’s an underrated movie you think deserves more love?
Okay, I think I’m done for today! I’ll talk to you soon!!! Hope you’re doing well and are having a good day/night! ❤️
Hello, lovely!! Happy Louis Tomlinson day!! 🥳✨🥳✨ I can’t even believe he’s 31 like- time is truly and illusion cause he doesn’t look a day over 25!! Also, Merry Christmas Eve!! May you spend this day filled with the love and joy from friends and family!!
I totally understand!! I, too, have fallen behind on my Christmas asks this year. It’s been tough to find the time to send these asks, so no worries, love!
My vacation has been going very well!! The next couple of days are going to be me just trying to soak it all in!! The days are counting down and before I know it, I’m back in the cold again. 😵‍💫 how are you on the weather situation? I heard it snowed pretty bad in the southern states, so I wasn’t sure if you were affected? I haven’t read Project Hail Mary since I landed last week. It’s one of those things where I have to be in the mood to read it. But I definitely will get back into it at some point once I’m back home!! I like it too much to just abandon it!!
I think all of us younger siblings are embedded with the ability to annoy our older siblings into either 1.) letting us play video games with them or 2.) doing everything in their power to make sure we’re not two feet within the proximity of their gaming systems lol. It’s the annoying young sibling to gamer pipeline!!
You described the concert experience to a tea!! Two days ago, I went to see a Latin reggaeton duo that I’ve been listening to for as long as I can remember!! It was a magical experience in that arena and I would do anything to relieve it again!! Can’t wait for what next year entails for live music!!
Are you talking about Jenna and Julian? I saw!! I’m so happy for them!! I remember watching the one really old video where they both try MacBook filers. Julien had me in tears that day because of how hard I laughed!! I only wish the best for them!! ✨ wait, you’ve never had a mango? Oooo, if I can send you a box right now, I would!! It’s not mango season here on the island or else I would send a picture of what I believe are the best mangos! When they’re just ripe, they’re so sweet, yet tangy at the same time!! Highly recommend!!
Speed Round Answers!! Fake/real Christmas tree? All my life, I’ve only ever had fake Christmas trees, so I’d probably say that only because of convenience! If I had my own proper house, then I’d say yes, probably! Even if it’s just for one holiday season!! It sounds like something nice to have and I do like the smell of pine trees lol. When you get the chance, I’d love to see a picture of your tree when you can!! Do I dilly-dally? I can wholeheartedly say that I’m a dilly-dally kind of person!! I have to go down almost all the isles to find things that I would like, both when I’m grocery shopping and clothing shopping; hell, even just window shopping when I’m not buying anything!! Lol. I think I get it from my mom cause she’s the same way I am where she has to go down every isle, unless she’s in a rush for one specific thing. I’m definitely someone who’s down for snacks in the late hours of the morning lol. Microwave/stove? For convenience, I’m a microwave user, but I’ve also realized the importance of using a stove to reheat food! Especially things like leftovers, they taste better reheated on the stove than using the microwave!! Unless it’s like 3am and I’m hungry for something I’ve set aside, I’ll just pop it in the microwave and hope for the best lol. Gold/silver? Depends on what I’m wearing that day, but I would probably say silver! I think it goes with everything a lot better than gold does. I say, as someone who doesn’t wear jewelry all that much except for their ear piercings that have mismatched earring on that follow no specific pattern whatsoever. Space/ocean? Both are equally as cool as they are absolutely terrifying!! While there is still so much of the ocean that hasn’t been discovered, I can agree and say that we can definitely keep it that way!! I’d say space travel (I wouldn’t go up into space myself, but the idea of it does sound exciting nonetheless). Sparkling water? Not a big sparkling water/soda drinker. It doesn’t really taste like anything (even though water doesn’t have a taste anyway) and the carbonation isn’t really my favorite. I’ll only really have a carbonated drink when I’m out and that’s all they have to offer. Other than that, I’ll take a juice/plain water any day!! Movie to inform the masses? I haven’t watched a good movie in a long time!! The last movie I saw in theaters was My Policeman. Just out of the sake of my lack of movie engagement, I’m gonna say that!! It has a really good message about love and loss, especially in a society that didn’t allow that kind of love to happen. While many current places are still restricting lgbtq+ people today, it shows we have the ability to move past that kind of mentality in the upcoming years!! Underrated movie? Hmmmmmm…. I’m not sure. I’m gonna go with the easy answer and say the Andrew Garfield’s adaptation of The Amazing Spider-Man. I really enjoyed those movies when they came out and seeing a lot of people undermine the cinematic masterpiece that it is makes me sad. I haven’t seen Nope, but I heard a lot of good things about it. Never heard of Glass Onion though. Might have to take a look.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season, love!! Sending all the love to you and your family/friends/whoever you choose to celebrate this year with!! I’ve truly enjoyed talking with you this December!! Until the next one 💕.
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kratomkittycat · 2 years
Updates on hobbies I’ve developed since I stopped taking kratom extract
Right now, it is the morning of day 18.
I still haven’t heard any updates about when the drug test will be, and I’m anxiously waiting because I really should be trying out those Red Dawn shots I bought while on vacation. Especially since I don’t know if they are real or not, and I don’t wanna be devastated after getting excited for weeks.
My new job starts in less than 3 weeks. I have a lot of stuff that I’ve been wanting to get done for a very long time, and won’t have time to do once I start working. So I have a plan to get it all done before my start date.
It didn’t work out with Brendan, unfortunately. I kept asking if he wants to hang out with me and my friends or go on a date, and every time, he either didn’t respond, or said he would let me know and then never did. So I gave up. But I’m still feeling ready to meet someone to go out on dates with, and I hope I can go more places where I can meet those types of people.
Yesterday, I bought an autumn scented lotion. It smells really good. I am planning on buying another autumn fragrance before I start working, so then I can switch between them. I want to just wear regular perfume for work (so I don’t have to keep re-applying it), and alternate between the lotions each weekend.
I also found a place in my city that does eyelash extensions, so I’m planning on making an appointment with them for next week or the week after.
I haven’t lost any weight. I keep losing and gaining back the same 3 pounds. I’ve been seeing a personal trainer since the beginning of July, and have been eating a fruit or vegetable before meals. Today, the scale said I weigh 156.8 pounds. For now, I will keep doing what I’m doing, because since I’m not rapidly gaining, I must at least be doing SOMETHING right. But I hope my nutritionist appointment this month will help me more.
I haven’t done anything with my songwriting this past week because of lack of motivation. But I am hoping to put some piano chords on logic for my newest song before my next voice lesson (which is in a week). I should also find a new open mic to try out, and set up a day (before work starts) to copyright a new set of 10 songs. Those will be my goals for the week.
So those are the updates on how last week’s list of hobbies went. Here is a couple more hobbies and goals I’ve been filling my mind and time with:
1. Cleaning and decorating my room for fall
2. Re-doing my wardrobe
3. Starting to practice driving 3 times a week
0 notes
thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Animator!Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: None :)
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When a character in Y/N’s new animated video looks a lot like Corpse’s avatar, people are starting to suspect whether it’s a pure coincidence or sneakily intentional. Corpse is quick to put an end to the debate though.
Requested by Anon. Thank you so much for your request hun! Really sorry for the long wait for the fic to be posted but I still hope you come across it and give it a read and if you do so I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
“Hi everyone!“, Rae, aka the creator of today’s lobby, greets us all as we pile in one by one, excited to start the stream. 
I am especially excited however because I haven’t participated in a stream in quite a while seeing as how I’ve been very busy with my original content - animations. I made an animation talking about my vacation to Canada over the winter about two years ago. In my defense, it was a long video and I hadn’t posted in so long that I wanted to make it a special comeback - sort of - and something to repay my audience for their patience. I got too carried away in the gaming world and forgot my main field which is animation.
“Hi guys! Missed ya!“ I greet them for myself too, genuinely happy to be back seeing as how it’s been so long since I’ve talked to them or played Among Us with them. Maybe that’s another reason why the animation took so long to be finished: I lose motivation when I’m not social and since I don’t leave my house a lot when I’m working on a project, these guys are usually my only social interaction and without them I turned into a literal bum. “How have you all been? How’s it going?”
“It was barely going, to be honest.“ Corpse says with a huff of laughter.
“Yeah, it was super boring without you! Glad you’re back!“ Poki interferes too, her statement widening my smile.
“Aww thanks guys! I’m glad to be back too, feels like it’s been forever since I last was in this Discord server or in an Among Us lobby.“ I say, throwing a quick glance at my chat to see the excited comments left there by my viewers.
“Oh, and congrats on making it on Trending! I was overjoyed when I saw your video on the Trending tab, you don’t even know.“ Rae gushes, bringing a slight blush to my cheeks - yeah I know, I suck at receiving compliments about my work, I’m working on it though!
To be perfectly honest, that video didn’t deserve to make it to Trending. Hell, the chances of it making there were nonexistent considering my channel’s rather small and has a tight-knit community of about two hundred thousand people only. And I don’t mean that as though it’s a bad thing, I’m just using it to set the scene of how impossible it seemed to me that a video of mine would make it to Trending.
“Um yeah, thank you so much, Rae. Honestly, I need to thank Corpse for that.“ I say, my blush deepening as my cheeks grow even redder. “People thought the character in the animation was him so they had to investigate.“
Yeah, apparently a fan of mine who watched the video recognized the character of my boyfriend as Corpse and immediately took to Twitter to let people know what they’d found and man did it blow up. Anything involving Corpse blows up nowadays but I still owe him a ‘thank you’. One I bet he won’t accept. I know him too well at this point - I know he won’t take any credit for it whatsoever but oh whatever.
“My phone got blown up the day it was posted, holy crap.“ Corpse laughs, “I was so taken aback, in all honesty. I was like: yeah, no shit, Sherlock. - Thought everyone already knew we were dating. Like, the confusion really caught me off guard. I thought we were being obvious.“
Well....I guess that’s one way to reveal a relationship you’ve been keeping secret for months now.
“Thanks, babe. Couldn’t have done that any more originally, I guarantee.“ I sigh, tangling my fingers in the roots of my hair as I feel laughter bubbling up from my stomach to my chest, begging for me to let it out.
“Wait...“, Rae is, unsurprisingly, the one to break the silence that commences on our friends’ part, “WHAT?!“
“Yeah, I second that...“ Poki is quick to follow, “WHAT!?“
Oh here we go....
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn  @chicken-taco-burrito
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qyllenhaal · 3 years
❛ Bunny ❜
Series: The Devil I Know
Senator!Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 4.9k~
Summary: Reader Surprises Chris on their week long vacation together with something that he's been begging for for a long time
warnings: 18+ only!!! Unprotected sex, daddy kink, dom/sub elements, roleplay, creampie, breeding kink, cumplay, age gap (reader is in her late 20s)
A/N: I'm hoping to start taking requests soon! I've been so busy with life that my ideas for this series are drying up.
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Y/n would be a damn liar if she said she wasn't turned on by the roleplay idea that Chris brought to her and the way he kept calling her his "bunny." She scoffed at him and rolled her eyes at first, it just sounded so ridiculous to her, but the more she thought about it. the easier it became to envision it happening.
Her in a Playboy bunny costume sounded so basic to her, but the excitement in Chris's eyes showed that it meant something to him.
She felt guilty as he explained how boring his sex life was before meeting her. He was trying to make her feel better about the idea, and feel a sense of pride, instead she felt loathsome. She wasn't able to determine if she felt more sorry for him or his wife. Their marriage was dying anyway and was going to die whether or not Y/n was in the picture, but she still felt awful about being the final death blow to their multi-decade marriage. He wanted to take her up to his father's cabin up north while his wife stayed home? It sounded good in theory but something about it made it hard for her to say yes.
"C'mon, you deserve a break. You've been working your ass off to get Withers primaried and you actually have a chance of unseating him. Don't you think you should relax? You work so hard all the time honey."
It was all too enticing to say no; to be whisked away from an entire week and ravished by her lover.
"There she is," he teased when he saw that smile forming on her face, "I knew you'd come around to it. I'm going to make sure you don't lift a finger, and you get to taste my famous ceviche."
He kissed her cheek and let her get back to work before she could come up with a reason that causes her to change her mind.
Y/n kept her excitement to herself but she was over the moon. Once she let the guilt simmer, she began to fantasize about the possibilities of an entire week of having Chris all to herself without interruption. They'll be able to act like a normal couple if only for a week.
She got herself through two weeks of more tough work, but it was fulfilling to know that she was succeeding in her work, and that she had a trip with Chris on the horizon.
He hadn't brought up his little idea since she'd agreed to go on the trip. It seems as if he forgot all about it as his shock that she said yes had consumed his thoughts. Y/n couldn't let it go though. She couldn't stop thinking about it now that they were going to be gone for an entire week. She could wear that little get up for days and give him a sight that's going to be etched into his brain until the day he dies. Y/n loves that she has that effect over him; the ability to make his heart race and his cock hard with just a simple look.
It was not a cheap costume to buy because she didn't just want to buy any regular costume that could be bought at party city. No, she wanted something that was better quality and could endure Chris attempting to tear it off her body. She paid extra for the shipping so she had it in time.
When it was finally in her possession, she stared at it in awe. She was tempted to put it on, to see how she looked in it, but she wanted it to be a surprise for both herself and Chris. The material it was made of felt nice; the entire costume looked like it could've been owned by a real playmate. It wasn't often that Y/n felt overwhelmingly sexy, but she did just simply staring at the costume in its precious box. Chris was up in age, she hoped he didn't have a heart attack.
"It's so beautiful up here."
When Chris said a cabin up north, she didn't think all the way up north in Maine. But it was perfect. Only two weeks into fall but the trees were filled with vibrant red, orange, and yellow leaves.
The cabin was near a river that held the reflection of the trees. It seemed as if it had gone untouched for years, but it was filled with pictures. Y/n could pick out the face of a younger Chris in some of the photos, but everyone else was unrecognizable.
"That's my grandfather," he interrupted her thoughts when he caught her lingering on a particular picture.
She glanced at him before bringing her eyes back down to the image again. "You look so much like him," her fingers skirted across the glass. She felt a weird pang of longing hit her in the stomach. It's as if Chris wasn't just a few feet away from her. Maybe what she felt inside was shame disguised as something else.
"C'mon," he grabbed the framed picture from her hand and placed it back where she found it, "I wanna show you something."
Y/n trailed behind him, her hand in his, as he guided her through the house and up the stairs.
Chris led her upstairs and to another set of stairs. He took her to a dusty attic which somewhat confused her. Then grabbed a box that looked older than her.
"Remember that time you tried to show me that constellation...what was it...Be- Belt- B-"
"Yea that was the one," he took the top off of the box and she peered into it, "now you can show me other star thingys in the sky."
She laughed but wrapped her arms around his neck. It was an unsuspecting gesture from him, but she welcomed it nonetheless. He could get really sentimental at times and it would just make it harder on her that she couldn't publicly love on him.
"It's great Chris. Let's just hope the skies are clear one of these nights."
He smiled and kissed her cheek for the nth time today.
"Alright. I'm gonna go get started on my famous ceviche. You enjoy yourself however you want. Walk around, explore the place," he stroked her cheek before leaving her alone to go get started on dinner for the two of them.
It had been a long day of driving and all Y/n wanted to do was go to sleep, but something was buzzing inside of her. She hated that Chris's dinner and "famous ceviche" was probably going to go to waste because if her plan works successfully then he isn't going to give a damn about dinner.
Y/n made sure she packed the box holding the costume at the very bottom of her suitcase. She held her breath as she held it up in the air and stared at it. She's sure that she could wear a garbage bag and Chris would still want to fuck her but she couldn't stop herself from being so nervous about putting it on.
She did it anyway and was relieved when what she saw in the mirror looking back at her wasn't so bad. In fact, she looked sexy. The look was complete with the bunny ears and bowtie. She wore a simple lipstick, one that was going to be smeared later on, paired with coats of mascara. At the end of night Y/n wanted to see the proof of his handiwork.
Even though she knew he wanted this, she was nervous about how he'd feel about her "act". She's been deliberating for a week whether or not she should go all the way with the fantasy but why not? Chris deserved it after convincing her to come on this trip. Besides, he works hard too.
"Hun, the food is ready!"
A few seconds of silence didn't make him flinch, but after a few more minutes passed and he didn't hear footsteps coming down the stairs, he was confused. Another call of her name resulted in nothing but silence; she didn't even respond to "Button."
She could be asleep, he thought, but he was still curious. If she was then he could at least catch a glimpse of her sleeping peacefully, put the food away, and then come join her.
"Y/n?" His voice got softer as he approached their bedroom. It was cracked enough for him to see that the light was on. He pushed it open and there his girl was. On the bed and dressed like she stepped out of his dreams.
"What is this?" His laughter was mixed with interest and disbelief. Just some time ago she was vehemently saying "no!" regarding his idea and now she was dressed like a Playboy bunny.
"Do you like it, daddy? I got it just for you."
Chris felt himself hardening in his jeans. Sheer tights stretched over her thighs and he just wanted to rip it off her body. She looked good enough to ruin.
"Of course I like it Button," he cooed as he approached her waiting body on the bed. He touched the material of her outfit still in a state of disbelief. This was his ultimate fantasy.
"I'm glad you like it. I did it just for you daddy," her voice was soft, girlish, and coquettish as she palmed his cock through his jeans. He swears he could cum just from this if she kept it up. He grabbed her hand to stop her.
"You're a naughty little bunny, aren't you?"
"Nooo daddy I've been good," she inched herself backwards on the bed before slowly turning onto her stomach all the while keeping eye contact with him, "I've been a good girl."
"I suppose you have," he didn't even try to argue against her claims. That pout on her lips made him incredibly harder.
Chris ran his hands over her ass and she mewled softly at his warm, strong hands on her. Y/n closed her eyes, a cocky smile on her lips knowing that she probably turned his brain into mush. She pushed her ass into his touch for more.
"The things I want to do to you..."
"Tell me daddy. What do you want to do to me?"
"Uh uh, you don't go demanding things around here. You've been a good girl, but I can easily change my mind. I can make you take my fingers and edge you while you wish it was my big cock splitting you open, but I don't think my bunny wants that."
She pouted and pressed her face into the bed. Chris chuckled at how easily her demeanor changed. He put his knees on either side of her legs and grabbed her hips to drag her ass to his pelvis. She gasped at the swift movement whimpered when he started to mime fucking her.
"Oh baby you look so good like this. I don't know if I want to keep you all pretty and in this costume while I fuck you, or take it off of you and ruin that cute little face of yours."
He had plans to do both, but he liked to hear her whimper when he told her about the utter filthy things he was going to do to her. If she thought he was going to rip it off of her without savoring how good she looks then she's wrong.
He's so grateful that he packed that polaroid Y/n gave to him as a birthday gift. It was how he got around her "no pictures" rule. She never let him take pictures of her, not even on the second phone he bought just to contact her. How could he not document how she looks after cumming hard for him? Or when he leaves a trail of white all across her bare chest? He often had to rely on his memory, but he planned on this trip being different.
"Stay just like that Bun."
Y/n broke her character for a little bit, rolling her eyes and relaxing her arched back when he left the room. Sometimes he did little things that annoyed her, but the way she jumped back into her character when she heard him come back showed her that the annoyance was just a façade.
"So perfect," the camera's shutter fired and the camera spit out the first ever photo he has taken of her.
Y/n wanted to protest against him, but she stayed silent. It wouldn't hurt to have a few polaroid's as keepsakes; she even looked back at him and made eyes at the camera.
Chris could spend all day photographing her, but the strain in his pants was becoming too painful. He placed the camera down and stood at the edge of the bed.
"Come put that pretty little mouth of yours to use."
Y/n hopped up from her position and found herself on the floor in between his legs as he sat on the edge of the bed. She clumsily fumbled with his belt and fastener on his pants. "Eager little bunny, slow down a bit," he taunted.
She tried to listen, but she's desperate to get him in her mouth. His hard cock springs out from its restraint and almost hits her cheek. She gasps lovingly at the pre-cum seeping from his blunt head. She wanted to taste it, but she didn't do it without Daddy's permission. Instead she wrapped her hand around his length and squeezed him.
Chris watched her stare at his cock in awe, like she wasn't already familiar with it. She gave him a few languid pumps and he sighed at her soft touch. He thought about how beautiful it would be to paint his cum across her breast. She looked like an absolute sex-pot; it was hard for him to control himself.
"That feels so good, bunny. You're such a good girl — keep pumping me...a little faster bun... good girl," his praising voice was as smooth as a cat's purr. Y/n felt the presence of her arousal when her sex pressed against the material of her costume.
The pre-cum oozing from his tip made her mouth water. He didn't instruct her to do anything further, but she couldn't stop herself from wrapping her lips around his length. He didn't seem to have a problem with it either because he sighed and pushed her mouth further down on his cock.
"You're so beautiful like this bunny...my precious girl," he cooed between breaths.
Her mouth felt like heaven, her warm tongue laving him with saliva and washing pleasure over him. He felt the muscles in his lower abdomen spasming as she sucked on him faster and feverishly. The concentration on her face was so cute to him, but greatly juxtaposed by the light makeup that was beginning to smudge on her face.
His cock hit the back of her throat and she gagged on him. Y/n tried to pull herself off, but he kept her still, forcing her to relax her throat while he filled her mouth.
"That's it girl — fuck — you're going to make me cum. Is that what you want? Me to cum down that pretty throat of yours?"
Y/n tried to shake her head no and say out loud, but she was muffled by his cock. She loves to watch him jerk over her tongue or other parts of body until he cums, but she wanted him to cum while he was fucking her; he could always paint her tits later.
"You don't want me to cum down your throat bunny? Where do you want me to cum?"
Chris knew she was unable to answer, but that was apart of the thrill. His ego was through the roof and the sense of power he felt because of this was astounding. She made him feel so many things at once, but all he was concerned with now is seeing her body shiver with pleasure.
He let go of his physical grip on her and she took the opportunity to come up from her. Her lips were pink and there was a line of saliva collecting her mouth to his cock.
"Look at you, so pretty," he petted her as he stared into her eyes that held a glossy look of desire for him and him only, "get on the bed bunny."
He wanted to worship her. He wanted to make her cum over and over again until his name was the only thing left on the tip of her tongue. As she laid out on the bed for him, in a costume just for him, he wondered how he got so lucky with her. They were so different, but they were somehow meant for each other.
"You're so gorgeous," his hands glided down her stocking-covered thighs. He squeezed her flesh and he groaned as if he could feel what he was doing to her. She made him dizzy just from how beautiful she was.
Y/n's body anticipated every stroke of his hands on her body. He didn't leave an inch of her exposed skin untouched. He touched and looked at her like she might disappear at any moment. It was his mission to memorize how her body feels under his touch.
"Daddy," she whined, not being able to stand to ache between her legs anymore. She isn't sure what she wanted him to do, she just wanted him to do something.
"Be patient, sweet thing. Let me take in how beautiful my little bunny looks."
"You like when I dress up for you, daddy?" She further parted her legs as a suggestion for him to place himself between her legs. Chris picked up on what she was doing, but he didn't follow through.
"My perfect little bunny," his voice trailed off as he palmed her breast through the costume.
Y/n moaned and arched into his touch. It wasn't long before he was pawing at the top of the costume to free her breast. The costume was tight against her body, but he managed to get what he wanted. He cupped her tits before he leaned down to wrap his lip around her nipple. His thumb teased the other one, stroking it to life. Her delightful sighs sounded heavenly.
"Feels so good," Y/n whined. She tried to grind against him in desperation but he wasn't having any of it. More of his weight was pressed against her to keep her still. He switched over to sucking on her other nipple. His eyes met hers before lightly closing from the feeling of ecstasy.
The mess that was forming between her legs was becoming unbearable. Y/n knew for a fact that she soaked through her costume and with just one swipe of his hand, Chris would be able to feel it. She didn't say anything but she was just so impatient and wanted him to give the same attention to her sex. But he wanted to savor her in this costume before he takes it off of her and just fucks her in the bunny ears.
"This body is so perfect."
As his hands slowly slid across her stomach, the cogs began to turn in her head; she wanted this night to fulfill all of his fantasies.
After taking his sweet time with her body, Chris was finally getting her out of the costume. It won't be the last time she wears it this week, but it was bittersweet to see her out of. However her body alone was driving him wild. She still had the bunny ears on which made her look incredibly cute.
"My lil' Bunny has been so patient for me," he kissed her cheek before moving to kiss the front of her throat, "I'm gonna reward that pretty pussy of yours."
Y/n felt the lust boiling over as Chris moved down her body and his was finally home between her legs. "You got so wet for me bun," he taunted her. His fingers prodded at her slit but didn't push in all the way like she needed. It was torturous to tease her when she had been such an obedient girl for him.
He didn't keep her waiting for long. His tongue was diving through her silky folds to get a good taste of her.
"Undress daddy, baby."
The gruff of his voice made her feel even wetter. She often teased him for being so much older than her but oh did she love all the psychical manifestations of his age. The grey in his hair drove her wild, and she loved how grey his beard was whenever he grew it out.
She grabbed at his soft cotton t-shirt and pulled it over his head. The light dusting of grey hair on his chest tickled her fingertips. She couldn't stop herself when she leaned in to nip at his collar bone. Her lips were so sweet on his body making his head spin. She started tugging at his pants while her lips were still on his skin. He did most of the work, but he didn't care, he just needed to be freed of his restricting clothes.
Y/n wrapped her hand around his cock and gently pumped him.
Chris sighed into her ear, "wanna cum on my tongue or my cock bunny?"
"Your cock daddy! Bunny needs your cream inside of her," she whined.
He thought about fucking her the entire drive; his mind thinking of all the things they could do alone, but he never thought he be blessed with this.
"My little bunny wants my cock? You want to get on all fours and show me how dripping you are?"
Y/n nodded her head, eyes wide with lust and her bottom lip slightly poking out.
"Good girl. Show daddy just how pretty you are."
She moved from his arms and laid her head against the bed as her ass stuck in the air. Chris got off the bed and stood against the very edge. His strong hands laid gently against her ass and he pulled her puffy lips apart with his fingers.
"Fuck girl," he groaned, unable to contain the desire he felt," you're dripping. You're dripping for daddy, aren't you? I thought you were a good little bunny, but only slutty bunnies get this wet."
Her body tensed when his left thumb dragged against her clit. It was swollen and so sensitive to his touch.
Chris's cock was hard and ready to be inside of her warm silk. He had brought the condoms that felt like nothing along with him; two boxes since they were going to be together for six more days.
She heard him tearing something up, but she looked back at him and reached up at him.
"What do you mean 'no'?" He furrowed his brow but still held the half ripped condom wrapper in his hand.
"No condom daddy. I want to feel all of you."
He groaned and he felt his cock become impossibly harder. They had gone back to condoms because Y/n said stopped taking her birth control when she stopped speaking to him, believing that they were possibly going to stop this relationship. She also said she was going to start again, but he just could not remember if she said her doctors appointment was happening this month or next month.
"Are you on the pill?" His tone had a hint of excitement to it, but ultimately he was concerned; she was always strict about protection.
"I don't know," she said feigning innocence, batting her lashes at him and wiggling her hips in anticipation for his cock. This little character she decided to adapt was driving him crazy.
"Don't lie to me girl," he gripped her arm and she whimpered. His rough handling of her had made her even wetter.
"I'm not! I really don't know daddy!"
She knew, and he knows that she does, but he was too weak by the sight of her bent over in her little bunny ears with her wet cunt exposed to him. Her ass began to sway from side to side, calling him to come closer. But what she wanted him to made him think to himself: 'is she fucking crazy?'
"I need you so bad daddy. Please ruin your little bunny," her voice was sweet as candy.
Chris always wanted her but something about this unlocked a deep hunger inside of him. The risk of this made his heart race and sweat form on his skin, but he wanted this just as bad as she did.
"Baby," he placed a hand around his cock to help guide it inside of her, "I'm gonna ruin this pretty fucking body of yours."
He fully sheathed himself inside of her and Y/n sighed with tenderness. The small touch of his hand on her lower back felt so incredibly intimate and she was grateful that he convinced her to come on this trip.
"You feel so fucking good girl," he pulled out just a few inches only to push back in, "I'm going to fill you up. Is that what you want, pretty baby?"
Y/n is unsure what is more taunting: the tone of his voice or his increasing pace. Both of his hands now grabbed her hips and she swooned over how large they felt holding her. He dragged her back onto his cock until he was nearly pounding her. Each thrust was ruining her softly.
His thrust became more wild as he felt her walls grip his entire length. She felt so warm and wet around him. He missed being bare inside of her, feeling her entirety from the inside.
Soon her little bunny ears were falling off of her head as he fucked her hard. There was something so intoxicating about ruining everything that's so perfect about her. He loved that she gave him permission to do so too.
"Look at me," he said through gritted teeth. He grabbed her arm and forced it against her back. Y/n twisted her upper half to look up at him. She placed her hand on top of his for a glimmer of intimacy in this moment of nasty brutal fucking.
"I'm gonna pump you full of me, bunny. Good girls get all my cum."
Every time he slid home inside of her, stretching her completely, she cried out louder. Her thighs trembled and shook with each thrust into her. He was fucking so hard it was almost mindblowing. She always teased him for being an "old man" but he was proving that his age didn't hinder him from pounding into her.
He was getting closer and closer to slipping over the edge. She just feels so warm and tight around him, her contracting walls inviting him to cum inside of her. He loved being able to see her face as she hit every spot inside of her that made her toes curl.
"I feel that pussy tightening up," he spoke breathlessly. He tried to concentrate on his words but her wet cunt rendered him speechless. "Cum for me bunny."
Y/n began to meet his thrust. Lust bloomed in her stomach when she imagined feeling him empty inside of her. They were so incredibly close and if they kept this up they could cum together.
"Give it to me daddy" she whispered, staring back at his face, "please cum inside of me...I've been such a good girl...I need it so bad."
Chris's thrust got sloppy as the muscles in his lower abdomen began to spasm. His entire body felt like it was on fire. Y/n started cumming around his cock and her pussy tightening up hugged his cock and milked him. "Fuck!" He grunted loudly as he fucked the both of them through their orgasms.
Despite her body being too hypersensitive to take anymore, she whimpered when he pulled out of her.
"Keep that ass up in the air."
Chris grabbed her ass cheeks to spread her open. "Push it out for me bunny." His cum came seeping out of her hole and slid through her folds. He spread it around her sex with two fingers before pushing it back into her hole. She gasped when she felt him slide back into her. Her walls clenched around his fingers, still hungry for more. He wanted to fuck her again, but he was too tired to go again.
"You're going to wear me out girl," he joked, laying next to her on the bed. She looked just as tired as him but that look in her eye indicated that she was completely satisfied.
"It's been a long time since you've fucked me like that. I think I should wear that costume more often."
He placed his palm against her face and she leaned into like she always did. She closed her eyes and felt lulled by the sound of his now steady breathing. This moment together felt like it could last a lifetime. Y/n wishes that they could just stay here forever instead of a week. If she never had to think about an empty promise ever again, she'd be content for the rest of her days.
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eclectickss · 3 years
A Little Bit Jealous
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: smut, a lil alchohol
Summary: You are a very flirtatious person except with Wanda...
wanted to write something before vacation as i'm still drawing blanks on PGATW! Not checked or anything oopsie. <3
You were the most flirtatious person you knew... and it was a little bit of an addictive habit. Not really a good one, either, but you didn't care enough to drop the act. You have had multiple people confess their crush on you, which inevitably ended a friendship or two, but most of the time it was just an awkward conversation about how the excessive flirting is just a platonic love language to you.
Part of it was due to your desire to make other people happy and feel good about themselves, and the other part of the habit acted as an emotional reflex. It was your go-to way of avoiding your feelings, as it also provided a boost of serotonin to witness people's reactions to your comments. So yeah, it was literally addicting.
And maybe you knew that... but at the same time, it was a part of you. You couldn't find reason enough to quit.
There was one person though, that you couldn't bring yourself to flirt with.
Wanda Maximoff.
And it wasn't like you hated her or anything... it's just that flirting with her would be real to you. It wouldn't be a game. It would make your inevitable crush on her a reality that you could never dream of passing up.
And maybe you knew that... but you would never admit it to anyone. You wanted your relationship with Wanda to be as genuine as possible, so avoiding your feelings was the way to go.
Wanda didn't really like that, though. She wanted you to flirt with her. She was jealous.
A knock was heard at your door as you were making your finishing outfit touches for Tony's fundraiser party, pushing the rubber back onto your earring. You opened the door to find Wanda in a sparkling red dress, and you willed everything in you to not stare at her image, much less make any comments. She had on a pair of matching heels and vibrant red lipstick, and her hair was pulled into a loose braid that cascaded down her back.
"Hey," You breathed a soft smile, begrudgingly peeling your eyes away.
"You ready?" You knew she had on a grin behind your back as you went to put in your last earring in front of the mirror.
"Yeah." You turned back around to face her.
"You look lovely, by the way..." She said as she followed you out the door.
"Oh... thank you. You too, Wanda." You bit your tongue. Yes, I might look lovely, but you are stunning, baby. A small blush lit your cheeks that you hoped the Sokovian couldn't see.
"Are you excited for the party?" She attempted to make conversation on the way to the elevator.
"Uhh... yeah! I love spending time with everyone when we're not on a mission. It's fun. Plus everyone is always drunk at the afterparty, and it's a great source of entertainment for someone who doesn't drink." You smirked, remembering the last few parties very vividly.
"Right..." Wanda reflected on what happened last time with a tinge of embarrassment. "I think I'll join you in sobriety for this one."
That made you laugh, remembering her previous situation with alcohol.
"Remind me why you don't drink, though?"
You faltered, not wanting to get too deep into a conversation at the moment.
"Uhh... My dad.."
"Hey! Hold the elevator!" You released a breath that you didn't know you were holding as Natasha walked up to the doors. You whistled when she stepped inside.
"Whew Nat! Who are you after tonight? You look hot, honey! More than normal, at least!" You jokingly raked your eyes down her body as she laughed.
"Oh, shut up. I just thought I might have a little fun tonight." She rolled her eyes.
"Well save a little bit of that fun for me," you smirked as she hit your arm, missing the blush on Wanda's cheeks as you talked with nat.
The time for the afterparty had finally arrived as the team had found themselves crowded on the couches once again, inebriated except for you. Wanda had failed at her word of sobriety, but not by much. Tony had found an empty bottle around, so everyone was getting ready for a game of spin the bottle: seven minutes in heaven.
To your surprise, Wanda wanted to go first. You didn't know if you wanted it to land on you or not, but you would find out soon enough that maybe the Sokovian had made it land on you.
"Alright, Wanda. You game?" You smirked.
"I'm the one who spun it, you idiot. Of course, I am." You laughed as the two of you headed over to the storage closet.
"You know, I could have bet that you couldn't avoid alcohol tonight. I should have." You said as you shut the door behind you.
"Oh, come on. I had one drink." She rolled her eyes and you laughed, but no time passed before she asked a question. "How come you don't flirt with me?"
This caught you off guard as your expression dropped.
"Umm... huh..." You had no idea how to respond.
"Oh come on. You practically undressed Nat with your eyes in the elevator and you were all over Sam and Maria tonight. You don't do that with me. Do you not like me, or something? Why am I any different?" She looked genuinely hurt, and you decided at that moment that you couldn't hold back what you felt for her.
You bit back any comments about jealousy or desire, but for once, forced yourself to spit out your feelings.
"Because... Wanda. If I flirt with you, that means it's gonna be real."
"What is going to be real?"
"My feelings for you are going to be real. I wouldn't be complimenting you to give you a confidence boost, it would be to be vulnerable with you. I wouldn't be undressing you with my eyes just to say that you look good, but because I actually want to undress you. And that's too many ideas and thoughts for me to hold onto, Wanda. And if this conversation made you uncomfortable... you can understand why I don't flirt with you, Wanda." You thinned your lips and leaned back onto one of the shelves, nervous for her response.
"What if I don't want you to hold onto those thoughts?" You looked up.
"What are you saying..."
"When you compliment me, I want to know that it's real. When you dance close, I want to know that you feel the same desire that I do. When you roll your eyes at me, I want to know that it's only because I made you feel that way. And when you undress me with your eyes, I want to know that you're actually imagining pulling my clothes off piece by piece, taking your time to treat me right."
Wanda was now standing right in front of you, breathing as heavily as you.
"How many minutes do we have left?" You whispered.
"five and a half."
"No time to waste then," You crashed your lips into hers, relishing in the touch that you never imagined you'd be allowed to have. A little headstrong, you backed her up into the opposite wall, picking her up and holding her against the shelf. Her thighs hugged onto your waist as your hands made their way around her body.
You moved your lips down her neck as you worked to hike up her short red dress, earning a groan when your hands found their way to her ass.
"How long have you been wanting to do this, darling?" Wanda smirked through a heavy pant.
"Ever since we met, baby. I glanced at you and knew I should stop myself before I even started. Why, what about you?" You placed her back down on the ground as your lips drifted onto her chest and your hands found her inner thighs.
"Ever since you made a suggestive comment to Nat. I realized how much I wanted it to be me."
"Jealous, are we?" You smirked against her skin.
"I never said tha- oh," She moaned as you grazed your fingers over her panties.
"Try that again, baby."
"Ok, maybe a little bit."
"Good girl." You nearly whispered as you pushed the fabric aside and slowly dragged two fingers through her cunt. "You're so wet for me, Wanda. It's hard to think I've denied this from you for so long."
"Yeah, well you can make up for it now, darling." Wanda groaned as you continued to lightly stroke her pussy.
"What do you want me to do, Wanda?" You smirked up to her and she glared at you but gave into begging anyways.
"I want you to shove those two fingers inside of me and fuck me like your little jealous slut. I want to come undone to you, darling... I want to be yours. Take me, please."
Both of you knew that Wanda had long since won you over, but her words sent shocks down your spine as you pushed your fingers in. You didn't hesitate to pick up the speed, watching her expressions to see what she liked and didn't. After a curl of your fingers, she gasped, and you grinned.
You continued to work at that spot, slowly working her clit with your other hand.
"Do you wanna cum, Wanda?" You teased and she quickly nodded. You picked up the pace of your pumps and strokes one more time before finally feeling her release. As you slowed her down, you brought your lips back up to hers.
You slowly slipped your fingers out and brought them up to your mouth, groaning as she watched you with lust.
"How much time do we have left?" She croaked, a knock at the door coming shortly after.
"Not happening." She grabbed your wrist and teleported the two of you to her room.
"Are you two good in there?" Steve's voice came from the other side of the door. "Hello?" Another pause. "I'm coming in." He opened the door, but nobody was in there, returning to the group. "It's empty."
Everyone looked confused.
"Hey, Jarvis?" Tony yelled. "Where are Wanda and Y/N?"
"Ms. Maximoff brought Y/N up to her room."
"About time." Nat giggled, followed by everyone else. Of course, everyone already knew.
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 14
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
Going to Florida on vacation also seemed to be the perfect time to find out where the other boys came from and their pasts. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
Chapter warning(s): The boys share their pasts, which can be rough. Mentions of suicide, past abuse, PTSD. There’s also quite some drinking in this chapter.
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“He’s fine. Just a little bit too much sun.” You chuckled in a whisper, tucking Jin under the blanket. With that, you exited the room with the 6 others. The oldest had felt a little faint after playing in the sun, which led to his current state.
“We should-”
“Ugh, one minute.” Jimin took his phone out of his pocket, walking away to answer his call. You and Jungkook looked at each other, shrugging. You headed to the living room, with you draping your legs over Hoseok to watch television, not that Hoseok minded.
“Jin hyung is asleep... That means his snacks are unguarded!” Jungkook shot up from the couch, running to the pantry.
“Nothing stand between him and food.” Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Namjoon shook his head and chuckled, bidding all of you goodbye before leaving with a book tucked under his arm.
“What’s for dinner?” Yoongi asked.
“I think steak and pasta.” Jungkook said, mouth stuffed to the brim with cookies. The staff that worked here had the same schedule as those back in Korea.
“What shall we do tonight?”
“I don’t know. We should stay in on our first night. To just... chill.” Hoseok shrugged and everyone nodded in agreement.
“Even when we put a vacation notice out, work doesn’t seem to stop coming.” Jimin stormed in, complaining. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at his best friend, shifting to let him sit on the couch.
“That’s what you get for opening a new place 2 weeks before the vacation. And a big place, with a lot of manpower needed.” Jungkook scoffed. Jimin sighed, full of regret. He had opened a new male host lounge for ladies 2 weeks ago and safe to say, the business was booming. His phone was ringing non-stop from wanting business partners.
“I’ll just leave it to the others to handle.” Jimin said.
“Yeah, put the phone away. You’re here to relax.” You put your hands behind your head.
“I’m guessing you did the same?” Yoongi faced you.
“My family knows I’m on vacation. There’s an emergency number if they really need to reach me, which I doubt they will. It’s my last vacation before I have to hear my mother start nagging me again.” You rolled your eyes.
“Nag you?” Taehyung tilted his head.
“My brother’s, her star child, is coming into town with my very pregnant sister-in-law for the birth of her second grandchild.” You explained and the boys all nodded, understanding. At the ball where they met your parents, there was a brief mention of your older brother.
“I was an only child. Never had siblings. Omma was worried that if she had another, he or she would come out sick like me.” Jimin forced a smile.
“I’m sorry, Chim.” You reached over to hold his hand.
“It’s okay. Fortunately, Yoongi hyung was there to break me out of the hospital.” He turned to the older, who was sitting on the adjacent couch, sipping from his red wine glass.
“You broke him out of a hospital?” Your eyes widened. Yoongi let out a long sigh, placing his glass on the table.
“Since she couldn’t figure out the reason why Jimin was always sick, Mrs Park thought the only way to provide Jimin the care he needed was to lock him in a hospital.” He explained. Jimin cleared his throat.
“I first met Yoongi hyung at a martial arts convention. Since I used to train in kendo, omma let me go but I couldn’t participate in the demonstration. When he found out that omma checked me into the hospital, he got me out and brought me to join the family. Even when I was sick, Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung took care of me.” Jimin gave a small smile.
“I mean, since we’re telling our family stories, my mother abandoned me when I was younger, at an amusement park. I joined an orphanage after.” Hoseok said.
“Yoongi hyung’s father adopted me to be hyung’s playmate but that was it. We could only see each other during playtime. Other than that, I stayed in the small hut in the backyard.” Hoseok continued.
“It was practically a tool shed with a mattress.” Yoongi said bitterly.
“Yoongi, so your father...”
“He was rich, powerful, as was Namjoon’s father. We had been friends for a long time since our fathers were friends. After our fathers died, we dissolved their associations and formed our own.” Yoongi explained.
“I see... I didn’t know both your fathers were also... in the same line of business.” You tried to speak.
“With the way my father treated Hoseok and my mother, we don’t bring him up. Same with Namjoon.” Yoongi said but there was a warning tone in his voice.
“I-Is it, my turn?” Jungkook lifted his head.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” You comforted. Jungkook took a deep breath, shaking his head. If anything, he trusted you and wanted you to know his background.
“I was quite a small kid, so I was generally quite quiet in school. I had one older brother. Mum and dad worked a lot so it was mostly my brother and me. At first, hyung was the best brother I could ever ask for. He took care of me, protected me, everything.” Jungkook gulped.
“Then one day, he started treating me like I was invisible, at school and at home. That progressed to him hitting me and bullying me, hurting me.” He said sadly.
“Jungkook...” Jimin said sadly.
“Namjoon hyung was passing by an alley when my brother almost beat me to death. He brought me to the hospital to get treated. Since then, I’ve been living with him.” Jungkook finished.
“Did your parents come find you?” You asked.
“They never believed me when I told them hyung hurt me. He must have told them I ran away or something since he thinks he left me for dead.” 
“But you’re stronger now.” Taehyung patted Jungkook’s head. Considering Taehyung didn’t start his background story, the others assumed that he already told you about him.
“Dinner is served.” The butler informed, breaking the thick tension in the air from all the heavy conversations. 
“I’ll get the others.” You said, going to head upstairs. The first person you checked on was Jin, he was still fast asleep, which you let him be. Namjoon was standing in the hallways, outside of Jin’s bedroom.
“I heard what the boys told you.” He said. You nodded your head in acknowledgement.
“(y/n), I think you know that with such backgrounds, it’s not all black and white for them. On top of always falling ill, Jimin lived with a fear of being a burden, like how his own mother treated him. Yoongi hyung lives with the guilt of how his father treated Hoseok. He feels the need to make it up to him with his life.” Namjoon started.
“Hoseok is afraid of abandonment. Taehyung dealt with meltdowns, panic attacks, so much trauma. You’ve seen it, he’s still not over what happened to him.”
“And Jungkook, I can’t tell you the number of times I had to stop him from taking his own life. He was afraid of being hurt by the one he loved, just like before.” Namjoon sighed.
“I know, Namjoon. It must have been a lot for you and Yoongi to face, along with your own fears. But look at who you saved. Where would they all be now if you and Yoongi didn’t help them?” You placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Everyone comes with their own battle scars. But that’s what makes us human and survivors, right?” You smiled.
“You always know what to say, doc.” Namjoon chuckled.
“Of course. I’m the best, am I not?” You nudged him, making him laugh even more. With that, the two of you headed downstairs to the dining room, where the others were seated around the table. Namjoon sat at the head of the table while you sat between Jungkook and Yoongi.
“Let’s eat.” Namjoon waved for the wait staff to bring in the trays of food and pour the drinks. Even if the dinner was quieter than usual, it wasn’t suffocating. You’ve reached a new level of understanding with the boys. 
“What shall we do tomorrow?” Jimin asked. 
“I wanna go look around the city. If possible. Maybe buy some things for myself.” You shrugged.
“Yes! Shopping! We’ll come too!” Taehyung and Jungkook cheered. You smiled, somehow knowing that it was going to be chaotic with the boys. Hoseok clapped his hands in excitement. 
“What if I wanna go on my own?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“No way! It’s not safe for you to be on your own.” Jungkook shook his head, putting his arms in a cross. 
“Are you saying I am not capable to defending myself?” You asked him with a smirk.
“Ooh, you’ve done it now, Kook.” 
“Yeah, even I don’t go there.” Yoongi decided to join in on the fun of teasing the maknae. Jungkook’s eyes widened when he realised what he did, immediately facing you and rubbing his hands together in an apologetic matter.
“I’m sorry! You are very much capable of defending yourself! Even better than me or anyone else because you’re a strong, independent woman! I would never doubt your strength! Please don’t kill me!” He rambled on. You threw your head back in laughter, reaching over to pat his head. Even the others just looked on in amusement. 
“Alright, let’s stop teasing, Koo.” You said. 
After dinner, everyone was gathered back in the living room, watching some show that was playing on the television. 
“The night is young! We should party!” Hoseok declared. 
"This is not going to end well.” Yoongi clicked his tongue with a shake of his head. It was obvious he had to deal with his drunk brothers multiple times before. 
“I brought drinks and snacks!” Jungkook brought two big trays out, one with different alcoholic drinks and the other filled with snacks, courtesy of Jin’s stash. You took a bottle of beer. Hoseok and Namjoon did the same, clinking bottles with you. Jungkook grabbed some soju.
“Hyung? You want one?” Jungkook offered a filled shot glass to Taehyung. Taehyung, who doesn’t usually drink, shrugged and accepted it. Yoongi stuck to his whiskey like always.
“Honestly didn’t think the drinking was gonna start on our first night here. But I’m not one to complain.” You shrugged. 
“We’re on vacation. It’s always drinking time.” Hoseok said. 
“I agree!” Jungkook grinned. You snorted in response. Jimin decided to have soju with the other two, taking an empty shot glass. Jungkook happily filled it up for him. 
“Hey...” Jin stood at the stairwell. 
“Hey, Jin. How are you feeling?” You asked as you stood up to head to him. Jin gave a small smile and a thumbs up. 
“Are those my snacks?!” His eyes widened as he marched over. 
“Shot?” Jungkook offered as a consolation. Jin glared at the maknae but took the tiny glass, glancing over at you. You shrugged, nodding your head in approval. Hoseok and Taehyung shifted to give Jin space to sit down. Everyone with their drinks, cheered to your first night on vacation, taking a swig. You leaned against Jimin’s side. 
“Do you want dinner, Jin?” 
“Nah, I’m fine with the snacks and drinks.” He waved you off. 
“Alright but if you feel dizzy again, stop and rest. And tomorrow, please remember to hydrate yourself when out.” You lectured. The boys all groaned, even if you were only directing your words at Jin. 
“Now you’re nagging.” Taehyung boxed his ears, whining. You rolled your eyes, reaching to smack him. 
That night, when all the boys retreated to their rooms, passed out drunk, you were in your room spending some alone time. There was a knock on your door and you stood up from your bed, shuffling over to see who it was. 
“Hobi?” You were shocked. 
“C-Can I come in?” He rubbed the back of his neck. You nodded your head, stepping aside for him to enter. 
“Can’t sleep?” You asked softly. 
“Just a lot on my mind.” He admitted with a soft sigh. You sat on your bed, legs dangling off the side. You patted the space beside you and Hoseok gladly accepted, sitting beside you as the moon shined in. 
“Bringing up the past isn’t easy. It opens a lot of scars you thought were healed, memories that you thought was locked away, feelings that you thoughts were gone. It’s okay, Hobi.” You whispered with a soft smile, wrapping an arm around him. Hoseok placed his head on your shoulder. 
“It’s okay.” You comforted. 
“She left me there, all alone. For strangers to take me. And I probably will never know the reason why until the day I die.” He said aimlessly.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Hobi.” You squeezed his hand. 
“Yoongi hyung still feels so guilty for what his father did when he adopted me. But I always think that even if he did treat me badly, I still got to leave the orphanage and meet Yoongi hyung.” 
“And then you met the rest of the boys. Look how inseparable you all are now.” You stroked his head. 
“I also got to meet you.” Hoseok added. 
“I’m just there to clean your cuts and take care of you when you’re sick.” You laughed. 
“That’s not true. You mean a lot to me and everyone else, more than you’d think, (y/n).” Now, it was Hoseok holding your hands, looking into your eyes, his full of honesty and sincerity. 
You woke up the next morning, rubbing your temples, feeling the slight effect of the alcohol from the night before. Hoseok was still passed out beside you, sleeping soundly. You got out of bed quietly, washing up before heading downstairs. The house was quiet, signalling that maybe no one else was awake, still sleeping the alcohol off. 
“You’re up?” You nearly jumped when Yoongi appeared, drinking a cup of iced coffee, his hair slightly damp and messy from his shower. 
“Yeah. I need a hangover cure and a coffee.” You went to the kitchen. The maid brought you a cup of water and the small bottle of hangover cure. You downed the bitter liquid following that with water.
“Here.” Yoongi fixed you an iced coffee of your own. 
“Thank you.” You sipped it.
“Hoseok... he’s with you?” Yoongi cleared his throat as he asked. You nodded your head with a hum. 
“Yeah. He came over to talk then we just fell asleep after.” You explained. Yoongi gave a nod, moving to sit out on the deck. You trailed behind him quietly, taking the seat across him. All you heard were the crashing of the waves and the strong wind rustling the trees. 
“I’m part of the reason he’s like that.” Yoongi spoke. 
“Why do you burden yourself with that?” You asked back. Yoongi blinked, seemingly surprised by your words. 
“You know it’s not true, you know that Hobi doesn’t think that, and yet you force yourself to live with the guilt. You know that you’re not like your father, whatever he did to Hobi was out of your control.” You said. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yoongi said with gritted teeth. 
“Exactly, I don’t. But what I see is you feeling sorry for yourself and Hobi being worried about showing his emotions because he doesn’t want you to start feeling guilty again.” 
“He said that?” 
“Not exactly. It’s pretty obvious to a bystander.” You shrugged. 
“Yoongi, I have better things to do than to stand here and taunt you. The only people there were you and Hobi. Will anyone ever understand what each of you went through? I don’t know. You and I both know that Hobi holds whatever happened close to him. But he sees the light, even in a dark situation. If he can do that, I don’t see why you can’t.” You said. 
“I know.” Was all he could reply. 
“I’m going to check on Jin, okay?” You stood up. But you were yanked back by your wrist. Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his face into your middle. 
“I hate that you’re right.” He mumbled. You let out a soft hum, patting the top of his fluffy hair. When Yoongi released you, you looked down at him. 
“You saved so many of them, Yoongs. Give yourself more credit. They all look up to you for a reason.” You laughed. 
“Go check on Jin hyung.” He said, patting your hip. 
“Right on it, sir.” You saluted. That made Yoongi break out into a small smile as he watched you leave. You hummed a random tune as you headed upstairs to see how Jin was doing today. 
“Doc? You’re here.” He slowly opened his eyes, squinting to focus his vision on you. He gave you a sleepy smile. You smiled softly as you nodded, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear as you placed your hand on his forehead. He wasn’t warm to the touch. 
“How are you feeling?” You whispered. 
“Okay. Sleepy... Hungover.” He chuckled, a little embarrassed. 
“I’d bet. You can come down later to get some hangover cure. Luckily I told the butler to stock the house when we arrived yesterday.” You patted his shoulder, making him laugh. 
“(y/n)!” When you exited Jin’s room, you saw a shirtless Jungkook barreling down the hallway, headed straight for you. You jumped back but he caught you.
“Good morning, Koo.” You said in amusement as he hugged you. He mumbled something in his sleepy stupor. 
“What are you saying? I can’t understand you.” 
“I went to your room to look for you but you weren’t there. I thought Hobi hyung was you but it wasn’t. Why is Hobi hyung in your bed? Where were you? Ugh... I have a headache and I’m hungry.” He rambled. 
“Alright, alright. Slow down. I went to get some coffee to help my hangover and was with Yoongi on the deck. Then I went to check on Jin. Hobi just stayed the night after we talked. I have alka seltzer to help your hangover and I think the chefs are cooking hangover soup for all of us. Would you also please put on a shirt?” You answered all his questions, ending with one of yours. 
“I’m sleepy.” 
“I thought you were hungry?”
“I don’t know! My head hurts.” He whined. You sighed, patting his back as you led him back to his room. 
“You stay here. I’ll bring you a hangover cure then you can see how you feel after that.” You instructed. He nodded his head like an obedient child. You went downstairs to get a small bottle and a glass of water.
“Thank you.” He received the two, drinking one after another, cringing slightly at the bitterness. 
“It should help your headache and funny stomach. I’ll go check on the others to see if they need help.” You told him, tucking him back into bed under the blanket. 
“Will you come back?” He held your hand. 
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seokahwrites · 3 years
NUISANCE | chapter 2 (or, i hate him so much my heart skipped a beat)
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| lawyer! jeon jungkook x lawyer! reader
| all you wished for was a relaxing two weeks in a big ass boat eating some big ass shrimps, away from the real world. but instead you’re stuck with your arch rival with no means of escape — and goddamit why does the bastard smell so good.
| 2 BROOKLYN 99 REFERENCES TELL ME IF U CATCH THEM; paragraphs dedicated to jungkooks back muscles; im so sorry like a few parts were really thirsty; but there’s a very sweet paragraph dedicated to jungkook’s smile; reader and jungkook bonding???; jealous reader; smug jungkook; love sounds like hate; a lot of plot convenience if you haven’t noticed
| hello everyone! first off THANK U FOR THE MASSIVE SUPPORT ILY. i feel like this could’ve been better but i’m not sure how. but no they’re not moving too fast bc… well 😃😃 also i’m planning on writing more serious pieces after this series even though i’ve barely started :P anyways, i hope u all have an amazing day lots of love
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“What kind of neanderthal doesn’t go outside for two days?
Jungkook asks through the open bathroom door as he’s sitting on his couch, your mouth still too foamy and minty to give him a quick-witted answer.
You spit into the sink and glare at him through the mirror, “I was being productive and I cooked horrible food all day,” you splash water on your face and pause at the door frame on your way out, “Unlike some people that spend their hours hunting for their next prey.”
You don’t stick around to watch the way he rolls his eyes, walking over to your bed to grab the orange wrap skirt and white top for today’s outfit. But you couldn’t really put it on since someone was still in the room.
There isn’t an inkling of a thought in Jungkook’s doe eyes, the time it was taking for him to get a hint was more than enough for you to pass your eyes over his black tank top, stinky green shorts and dark sandals. How did he look better than you in a tank top? Fuck him. Wait, no he doesn’t. Still, fuck Jungkook.
Once your eyes are back on him, the fiend has a shit-eating grin on his face as if he’d just caught you red-handed in the middle of a dirty sin — you were just judging him.
You raise your eyebrows in an attempt to maintain your composure, “Well?” And wave the clothes in your hands to help him understand the situation.
No sound comes from the ‘Oh’ of his lips, his small brain finally coming to terms with reality. But just before he heads out the door, “We’re having lunch at the deck,” and he doesn’t wait for an answer, slamming the door behind him.
Who the hell did he think he was?
Now, you didn't have to go along with Jungkook’s plan — hell, it was probably the last thing you wanted. However, does going to the rooftop deck to have a nice lunch and a-little-too-early drinks really sound like a bad idea?
And the answer to that question is what led you to pulling your clothes over your head and reassuring nobody but yourself that, “I’m only going because of the fucking food,” cursing Jungkook here and there too, of course.
Just before heading off, you grab the cruise’s complementary sun hat, a long string of pastel beads for your neck and your favorite pair of sunglasses — not that you were going to use them for more than keeping your hair away from your face anyways.
Breathe in, Y/N.
You’re out the door, “I’m ready.”
Your exposed skin stings as you feel Jungkook’s eyes go from your leg exposed from the slit of your skirt, to your fluttering stomach and slowly — as if he didn’t want to miss a single detail — up, up, up, until his gaze meets yours. And that look is back, the one he’s only ever used whenever he couldn’t hide what he truly felt for you: aversion.
Yet, instead of the slander you were expecting, Jungkook does nothing but shake away whatever was on his mind and lock the door. Beep, And he goes the entire way to the elevator without uttering a single word.
Still, even if the silence was deafening you don't make much of a fuss, only observing Jungkook’s silent figure as he stared ahead and around anywhere he wouldn't have to meet your eyes.
He was a pain in the ass even when he wasn't speaking.
You’re the first to exit, part because you were excited to get a breath of fresh ocean air and part because you couldn’t stand whatever the hell was happening in the elevator.
There were half naked people everywhere, kids running around and chasing after each other through the zig zag of chairs and tables. From the wooden floor to the samples of blue and yellow on the umbrellas, cups and slides, the view was the very core of vacation.
Jungkook suddenly stands before your wide eyes and takes you by the wrist, taking the lead as he shoves his way to the stairs that lead to the highly-expected rooftop restaurant, the place safely guarded on the opposite side of all the commotion.
As your sandals flip-flopped against the wooden stairs, you start to see a flood of blue and beige chaise lounges, white coffee tables centered in the space of each one and the alabaster bar surrounded by people in all sorts of summer attire. Maybe Jungkook was onto something.
Speaking of, he grabs your shoulders — ruining the view as always — and pushes you down the first empty couch he finds. “Stay here, I’ll get us some food.”
You don't fight him on it, deciding to just let the sea breeze caress your face, closing your eyes and taking it all in. Things were nice.
That is until you look at the entrance and see Jungkook talking to the same raven-haired girl from yesterday. The sight bothers you and you can’t quite put your finger on as to why, perhaps it was because he could’ve at least had the fucking decency to not hit on people while he was ordering your food. God. Only he could put a stain to an otherwise perfect morning.
And you could’ve looked away, but just as a bee is attracted to pollen or a driver is allured with the sight of a car crash, you simply couldn’t — not that you were attracted or allured to Jungkook in any way, though.
The woman’s cotton cover up flowed with her hand as she playfully hit Jungkook on the arm. You envy her, you’d never touched an implant before. Jungkook crosses his arms at this movement, probably thinking his biceps were going to pop out even more. Your body threatens to convulse in second hand embarrassment.
But the lovebirds are interrupted when the cashier calls out for Jungkook, his order ready and trayed up. You look away and could only hope it was just in time for none of them to notice that you were ogling, but Jungkook’s mystery girl catches your stare and her angelic smile dissipates in front of your eyes. Chills, literal chills.
You feign surprise when Jungkook sits beside you, placing the tray of colorful drinks and drool-worthy pasta on the table with a clang.
“I hope the mimosas are a good enough treat for your highness,” he bows his head.
You can’t repress your squeal nor your smile as the glass meets your lips and you have a real summer drink for the first time in forever, the girl’s glare fading with every sip you take. Jungkook simply watches, amused when you down half of the drink in one go.
You’re content, only with a simple worry in your mind. “What time is it?”
Luckily Jungkook had brought a watch on his wrist, your phones long forgotten on the nightstand, “One something,” he grabbed both plates, handing over yours, “Why? Gotta run away from me again?”
You try to scoop as much chicken, sauce and pasta as you can twirl on your fork, practically salivating once you're munching down the food. “As a matter of fact, I do.”
Jungkook crosses a leg over the other as he eats the chicken from his own plate, “What are you up to today?”
Huh. You asked yourself the same thing. “I actually have no idea,” you admit, “I just saw the words massage and wine and thought ‘I have to go’.”
“Of course,” and he doesn’t sound the least bit surprised — or judgemental, at that. “You did the same exact thing at the last firm getaway.”
Your hand flies to your mouth, “Oh, God. Why would you remind me,” Jungkook is slapping his knee at a miserable attempt of stifling his laughter, “Nothing will ever compare to the misery of being surrounded by a bunch of sobbing tipsy widows.”
His laugh only booms alive and you try to convince yourself that it scratches your ears, but it doesn’t and you find yourself giggling as well. What the hell was in that mimosa?
“God, youre such a fucking idiot.”
“Lower your voice, boozer,” you slap his thigh — hurting you much more than him — and catch a few glares in your direction.
Jungkook drinks his entire glass, “Eh, screw them,” not sparing a second thought to the strangers, “Are you heading to the fifth floor again?”
The alfredo pasta in your plate has been reduced to nothing, “Yeah, why?”
“I’m heading that way too.”
You snort — you know, like a wild boar. “Gonna meet up with yesterday’s catch?”
He has a conceited smile on his face and you fear the next words to come out his mouth, “Maybe,” he places his plate on his lap and leans closer to you, his breath tickling your ear, “Jealous much?”
You push him away, drinking the rest of your orange juice. Scoff (again). You’ve never met someone so egotistical. How dare he?
“Don’t act like being seduced by an incubus like you is such a big deal,” you hope to poison him with your words but he only bites down a sweet smile, “And it’s not like she’s seen anything that I haven’t in the past two nights.”
Goddammit, Y/N. Where the fuck did that come from?
Jungkook drapes an arm over the couch, “Someone’s been enjoying the view.”
You try your best to scowl at the demon, but when your eyes accidentally tarry on Jungkook’s collarbones and arms — why is it always the fucking arms? — for a few moments too long, red paints your cheeks instead and you simply fiddle with your empty glass.
Jungkook’s victory weighs heavy on the lifted corners of his lips as you wait for him to finish the rest of his food — he ate like a five year old.
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“This is where I leave you, I guess.”
The walk to the fifth floor was a quick one, you and Jungkook standing in front of the familiar entrance, that same chalkboard from yesterday scribbled with roses this time.
A woman is the one welcoming you at the door today, the same list and my-boss-forced-me-to smile on her face, just like yesterday’s guy.
“Ms. L/N,” she calls out as you and Jungkook come closer, “You must be the last couple to join us today!”
She manages to sneak her way behind you, pushing both of you into the dim room before her words could even reach your eardrums. Did she say couple?
Jungkook attempts to correct her, “I’m just here to drop her off—,” to no avail.
The woman has a menacing smile and look to her eyes that shuts the both of you right up, “The first activity was just about to start,” she rushes to the exit and shuts the door, but not before a friendly, “Have fun!”
Was this cruise actually full of psychos?
You and Jungkook are frozen in place, only noticing the handful of couples sitting on the floor, the petals spread across the room and romantic candles sticking out the walls, a moment too late.
“Welcome! Welcome!” An elderly woman approaches you, her short hair wrapped in a pink bandana, the boho print matching the rest of her clothes and chunky jewelry, “I’m Hattie, your instructor. Why don’t you two sit down so we can start?”
Though you're both in shock, none of you attempt to make an escape, taking quick but hesitant steps to the last empty space in the back. A flustered Jungkook is the first to talk once you’re sat down, “What the fuck, Y/N?”
Hattie seemed to have been saying something when Jungkook whispered a tad too loud, both of you putting on a smile when she looked. “I have no idea what’s happening either,” you grit through your teeth,
Once she looks away, you and Jungkook take a breather.
“I legit didn't see anything about onboard couple’s therapy, I was really tired,” you rub between your brows, “You can go, Jungkook,” your head gestures to the sealed exit, “I can take the embarrassment. Plus, that’s kind of the whole point.
“But that guard lady locked us in here,” his fading hope is visible in the way he buries his head in his hands, seemingly forgetting who he was with when he asks, “Am I really stuck here with Y/N?”
Are you fucking kidding me. You can’t believe you were empathetic with the monster for even a second. “Don’t be over dramatic, it’s only until six.”
His shock takes over his hands and the volume of his voice when he hits his legs, “WE’RE GOING TO BE HERE FOR FOUR HOURS?”
The murmurs and whatever that instructor was saying, are quickly silenced.
“We’re sorry,” you apologise on his behalf as he struggles with reality, “Please, continue.”
She coughs and puts back that old lady smile of hers, clasping her hands together, “As I was saying, we have three tasks ahead of us,” she puts up a finger for each one she lists, “A loving touch, a loving conversation and a loving drink.”
Her voice is drowned out by your dread, your eyes glancing at the couples holding hands and touching, whispering what were surely forbidden secrets into each other’s ears, the candle wax melting and falling in a picturesque way and how the music was crispy to the ears. It was all so… romantic.
And then there were you two idiots that stuck out amidst the crowd, both awkward yet number one is redder than the roses and number two was sweating like a hog. I’ll let you decide which is which.
Hattie’s words are what bring you back to the present, “For us to loosen up, we will begin with the loving touch session,” please say massage, “Each couple should head up to their respective massage rooms.”
At last, the sun is found in the storm.
You follow with an excited sway when Hattie finally comes to bring you to your room. She closes the door behind her with an, “Enjoy!”
A masseur is waiting on the opposite side of the massage bed with welcome arms, “Good afternoon, Mr. and Ms. L/N.”
Jungkook raises his hand, “I’m actually Jeon, she’s the only—.”
“My mistake, Mr. and Ms. Jeon,” Goddamit, Jungkook can’t you say anything helpful for once? “Which one of you will be massaged first?”
You practically leap to grab the robe in his hand before Jungkook could steal the chance, pointing to the jade door, “Is this the changing room?.”
The man nods, a little taken aback from your excitement.
You're out of your clothes and in the backwards robe in the blink of an eye, laid down on the bed in less than a minute, your head now resting on the top of your crossed arms.
“So, Mr. Jeon,” you feel a cold oil drizzle over your back, experienced hands spreading it across your back, “You’ll be placing your hands—,” wait, where did they go, “— right here.”
And just like that Jeon Jungkook’s hands were on your bare back, the concept of a loving touch finally flickering in your mind. His hands were a little more rough and shakier than you would’ve imagined.
Why was that going through your mind?
You should’ve been wishing death on him, yourself and everybody else in the boat, shouldn’t you?
“A loving touch is all about, not only a physical connection but really feeling your partner’s body, go ahead.”
Jungkook, being the pet he was, followed his orders and he did it a little too well, he slowly moved his hands from the knots on your shoulders to the very low of your back and you’d be lying to yourself if you said it felt horrible.
“It’s connecting on a whole new physical level with the other,” Jungkook’s hands travel to the dimples of your spine and linger for a moment too long, but they quickly come back up and focus on the crevices of your neck instead, each movement seemingly aiming for all of your stiff muscles.
Not too bad at all.
The masseur’s philosophical rant about touch and love is completely ignored, your mind hyper focused on every inch of skin Jungkook set his fingers on, his hands sailing further down the sides of your body, the extra attention he pays to your waist not unnoticed.
Oh, God. What did you just say?
No, no, no.
Perhaps it was just low enough for nobody to hear it—
“I guess that means you should switch now,” the masseur chuckles with a cringed tone.
It was not.
You prop yourself up and look at Jungkook who you could only hope wasn’t laughing at you, your eyes glassy and pleading for something unclear.
And the bastard was snickering, looking in no direction in particular with a blush to his cheeks and a mocking, lip-biting chuckle on his face.
Once you’re up and standing, it quickly dawns on you that it’s Jungkook's turn. Meaning you had to touch Jungkook and massage Jungkook and touch Jungkook.
The world did hate you.
Jungkook realises he was taking too long and mutters a quick, “Uh,” before pulling his top over his head and you shut your eyes — weren’t you Ms. Jeon, though?
The masseur has to call out your name for you to open them back up again, Jungkook laid on the bed with his head on top of his arms.
“I suppose you know what to do, Miss,” the man smiles.
“Yeah, Y/N,” he exhaled and you can hear his smug, “You know what to do.”
The square footage of Jungkook’s back intimidated you the tiniest bit now that it was splayed out before you, you must admit. Still, you place gentle hands on his back and you’ve confirmed once and for all that those bumps were indeed not from a disease but muscles. Rock hard muscles.
You don’t even remember you had to repay him the favor of embarrassing you — because yes, it was his fault — as you get lost in every dip and fold of his skin, your fingers moving on pure intuition.
The curve of his back, the ridges of his shoulders and the little jolts on the surface of his skin, you could feel all of it.
A hand to your wrist jolts you awake, Jungkook stirring with a glaze to his eyes as you both look up at the masseur, “It’s time for your next activity, Miss.”
Oh, God. What just happened?
You cough and don’t bother to excuse yourself as you leave the room, Jungkook grabbing your forgotten clothes and putting on his robe as he follows behind you.
You try to shake away the burning that creeps it’s way to your fingertips and cheeks as you sit back down on the floor. But it doesn’t work, your sweaty palms joining the party instead. Great. Just great.
Hattie’s voice saves the day, “I hope we’re all relaxed and ready to converse with our partners,” not at all, “If you could all just face each other, cross your legs and hold hands. This intimacy is important when facing important feelings and questions with your partner.”
As if Jungkook slathering oil on you like you were a nice roast chicken wasn't enough, now you had to hold hands with him. Is death still an option?
You’re facing each other, Jungkook’s palms up, “Shall we?”
Uneasiness settles in your stomach, a feeling you’ve never felt with Jungkook before. Sure, you’ve felt judged or uncomfortable but never truly uneasy. Maybe it was just your body reacting to the physical trauma you had to endure.
You nod.
“You know,” Jungkook seems to still be waking up, “You’re not too bad with your hands,” and he laughs.
But it’s a welcome sound that unbundles your nerves in the most peculiar way, your own smile coming back. “You’re not shabby either.”
“I could tell—.”
“I suppose you honeymooners didn’t hear my explanation,” None of you bother to correct her anymore as she places a deck of cards between you, “But all you need to do is pick a card in turn and answer the question. Don’t forget to look into each other’s eyes,” she winks and stands up, making her way to the front of the crowd.
“I guess this is when we start asking each other the questions,” the cringe in your tone is all that rasps your ears as you hold hands… with Jungkook.
“Go ahead,” his head points to the pile of cards in front of you but his eyes only look at Hattie and the way she seemed to ignore every other couple in the room except the both of you.
You breathe in as deep as you can, your hand grabbing the first question, your uncontrollable blush heating up tenfold when you realise this was probably even more intimate than the event-that-shall-not-be-named that occurred in the massage room.
Your mouth stumbles before properly saying, “How long have you been together?”
But Jungkook doesn’t seem as embarrassed as you, the same tint painted on his cheeks but he manages to laugh all the same, your chuckles joining his.
“I’d say about two years?”
Sly bastard. “I’d say two years too.”
He’s the next to grab a card, placing both of your hands on his left one before reaching.
“This is a great one,” he snorts, putting on a serious face when he replaces the card with your hand, “Are there any issues you’d like to bring up?”
You throw your head back just like the exorcist girl, and cackle— were you okay?. “Well, where should I start?”
This was actually kind of fun.
“Okay, but let’s be real for a moment,” he lightly squeezes your hands, “What is your issue with me?”
Or, maybe not.
“Well,” you curse at the old woman for putting you this close, your eyes left with close to no space to avoid Jungkook’s, “There’s just this way you look at me.”
Your gaze is back on the confused boy, the furrow between his brows strong enough to be considered a wifi connection. “What are you talking about?”
“Like—,” you try to come up with some way to explain, “—The first time we met, right? It’s like, you just go silent for a few seconds and literally look through my soul. It makes me feel like I murdered your entire family.”
Jungkook’s eyes grew wide with every word you spouted, the flush on his cheeks practically steaming from his skin.
Did he seriously not know? Oh, well.
“I’m just gonna go ahead and grab the next one,” you say to the top of Jungkook’s head since his face was pointed to his lap.
“Oh, God,” you squeeze Jungkook’s hands with a little more force than necessary, but at least it makes him look up, “You ready?”
“What do you love most about your partner?”
Now that was a real couples’ therapy question. Great job, Hattie.
“I think you should answer this one,” you seem to state the obvious, “Since I was the only person to answer the last question.”
Jungkook’s shoulders fall from their perfect posture, “Fine.”
His eyes have that same glint you mentioned before as he scans you up and down. Was that the fifth time today? New record, guys.
“I guess,” he purses his lips with a slight smile, “She always knows how to make a moment memorable. Oh?
Your palms were sweating once again and you wouldn’t have taken note of it if you weren’t holding Jungkook’s goddamn hands at the moment. Why you of all people?
“Coming of a little strong, partner,” the nervousness in your giggly tone ever the obvious thing.
A small smile, “What about you?”
Oh, right. You needed to answer.
It wasn’t like you were an actual couple, “Uh—,” but why is the air between you so thick?
You struggle to find an answer and decide to go with the first thing that pops in your mind,“Well,” Shut up, Y/N, “He always manages to sneak his way in my thoughts.”
Why didn’t you shut up?
However, at this Jungkook smiles, but it isn’t the taut one you’ve seen hundreds of times before, no. Jungkook’s entire face scrunches up and the moons under his eyes seem to have constellations that creased outwards; the way his nose rumpled, his cheeks puffed up and his front teeth steamed the spotlight. Jungkook wasn’t smiling, the boy in front of you was beaming.
And he was beaming at you.
“Next one?” He asks, his face still shining.
You can’t even move at the sight.
Shuffle. “What is your favorite memory with your partner?” He puts it down, “I have like three answers for this one.”
The lightness is back in an instant and you keep that picture of Jungkook on the back of your mind, “You do?”
“Yup,” he pops the P, “First, at the last Christmas party, I go to take a piss at the men’s bathroom, as one does.”
“Please, don’t say it,” you groan and you can’t even hide your face because Hattie would probably slap your hands into Jungkook‘s.
“But, wait,” he feigns shock, “I hear someone gagging in a stall, more specifically a woman. And who else could it have been but the Y/N L/N.”
The almost forgotten memory of you retching your heart out in a smelly toilet and a suited Jungkook carrying you back to Seokjin comes back, and though it’s fuzzy and the mere thought of it is dreadful, Jungkook’s laugh is contagious, even to you now.
“Ah, I never thanked you for that.”
“You don’t need to—.”
“I didn’t finish,” you look at him disillusioned, “And I shouldn’t, because Mother Jin rubbed it in my face the rest of the night about how I was the boss and he was the lousy, underpaid assistant.”
“Classic Jin,” he chuckled. “Okay, second of all, when you threw a coke at my face two seconds after meeting me.”
“Ha, ha. Very funny, Jungkook,” your voice is dry, “But to my defense—.”
“I looked at you weird, totally a justifiable course of action,” he raises his brow, “What about you?”
“What about me?,” Your confusion is cleared up when you’re reminded that you were simply playing a silly card game, “I would have to say… Watching your boss throw a drink at your face after you asked her to make you a partner in the firm.”
Jungkook seems to have buried the memory, “What is it with you people throwing liquids at me?”
You put a thoughtful hand to your chin, “You just have a very drink throwable face.”
He’s quick to snatch your hand back into his and it doesn’t even ring in your mind, “Another one.”
Groan. “Fine, uhm—,” you purse your lips, “Honestly? Maybe, right after that when you were on the sidewalk crying and piss-drunk and you just kind of talked to me.”
Jungkook’s surprised expression has a genuinity to it, “Oh, no. What did I say?”
You shake your head as if to say ‘Nothing’, “You were just going on about how hard you’ve been working and you couldn’t even go out with your friends and you didn’t look at me in the eye even once,” you’re staring into the empty space, “You just said ‘this was a nice dream but I have to wake up now’ and blacked out.”
Your giggle is akin to a little schoolgirl’s and you look backat Jungkook, the night sky in his smile back once again. Hm. Cu—
Hattie claps and the noise bounces you back from your trance. You whip your hands out of Jungkook's hold, afraid they were going to end up drenched from your heart palpitations — Seriously, why was it so hot in the middle of the ocean?
You avoid Jungkook’s searching eyes to the best of your abilities. This could only be a fever.
“We seem to have reached the end of our loving session,” the biggest smile on her face, she can’t wait to get rid of us, “Each couple’s loving drink is awaiting at the exit. The robes are complementary, please do not forget your possessions and stay in love!” Thank God.
You’re on your feet in no time, practically jogging to the exit when Hattie suddenly grabs hold of you, making Jungkook stop in his tracks.
“You two kept on interrupting my class,” she narrowed her eyes but there’s a nicety to her, “But I let it slide, it’s not like I haven’t dealt with worse. Plus, you two have something special that most of the other couples in this room didn’t have.”
A woman scoffs at Hattie’s words when she passes by with her own wife.
Your lack of response is filled with Jungkook’s curious words, “And what is that?”
She leans in a little closer, “Shine,” she whispers this time, “A shine to your eyes and a shine to the way you dance around each other, it’s envying.”
The shine she was referring to was surely the dislike you had for each other. Surely.
You were so sure that you wouldn't stick around for another crazy word of hers and you go back to your almost-running pace to the elevator, not looking back to check if Jungkook had followed behind you.
Why were you so embarassed?
You reach your room in no time and hide yourself beneath the sheets. For a few moments you don’t move, as if you were waiting for something, or someone, to come knocking at the door; and when no one does, your chest weighs a little heavier as if you were disappointed.
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“Are you telling me that Jungkook made you moan?” Jin’s voice shrill through the speakerphone, your knees to your chest as you sat at the balcony.
“That’s besides the point, Jin,” you groan, “But, yes.”
He hisses through his teeth, just like the snake he is, “Yeah, there’s no coming back from that.”
“Please,” you’re begging at this point, “Help me.”
“I don’t know what to say Y/N. The symptoms you described don’t sound like the flu, it sounds like raging thirsty hormones.”
Beep, you hear through the glass doors, making you turn, “You’re the worst,” the handle was rotating, “I gotta go, Jin. Love you, bye,” you whisper into the microphone as you grab the phone and make your way into the room for who knows what reason.
And there you were, like a fucking idiot, standing in the middle of the room when Jungkook walks in, scratching the back of his neck when you lock eyes.
You bite your lip, “Hey.”
The air weighs down with words that wanted to be said and the uncertainty of what they meant, and nobody says anything as you fidget with your skirt Jungkook makes his way to his pile of clothes.
You watch as he digs his way and he seems to be looking for something.
Does he need help—
“Fucking hell, Y/N?”
Excuse me?
You come closer to his little circus act with your hands behind your back, “What?”
Jungkook stands up and you can feel his breath on the tip of your nose, “Where’s my shirt?”
Now, you were truly baffled.
“What shirt?”
He goes to the bathroom and continues his search for said shirt, “My hawaiian shirt,” his voice echoes, “It’s pink, it looks exactly like yours.”
Wow. And he picked on you for that on your very first night together. Wow.
“Why would I steal it?” You start searching through the pile of clothes on the chair, sure to find something.
“I didn’t say you stole it,” Jungkook is striding towards you, “You could’ve just gotten them mixed—.”
His sentence never finds an end when you stand up and turn at the very same moment he comes behind you, your bodies clashing and falling to the floor with a bang. Jungkook is on top of you, the only thing stopping your faces from touching being his upend arm, you don’t even notice your hand was holding onto it until you feel something flex beneath your fingertips.
Could this day get any better?
It takes a few moments for any of you to move, but when you do it’s up and rushing, both of you dusting off your clothes as if there was anything to dust off and staring intently at the ground.
“Uhm—,” Jungkook is the first to break the silence as he grabs something from behind you, “Found it.”
And you both wait for someone to say something else, still no one does and Jungkook puts the shirt back in the pile, walking towards the door.
But just before he could take those final steps, you grab him by the wrist and breathe out. You hated this.
“Look, Jungkook,” he does, “I’m really sorry for running off, I just felt really weird, you know?”
He early waits for you to continue.
“It’s just—,” you let go of him, your fingertips burning from the touch, “—today was a lot. I think we’ve never had real, sober time together that lasted for more than an hour and there was so much touching and talking,” you find yourself rambling, “It was just, really overwhelming because we’re not that close, “So, let’s just go back to insulting each other every two seconds and have a good dinner?”
He seemed to be expecting more, but if he was he doesn’t say a word about it and puts on a happy façade, “Only if you promise to not moan in the middle of our meal.”
Your expression falls flat. “You know what, forget it—.”
“Fine, fine,” he puts his hands up in defeat and unlocks the door, “They’re serving sushi tonight,” he doesn’t wait for you as he heads to the elevator, “So hurry up, dumbass.”
You smile, tucking your hair behind your ears.
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