#I’mma a person not a robot
satoshi-mochida · 2 months
HARUKA: Beyond the Stars to be published by PLAYISM - Gematsu
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PLAYISM will publish atelier mimina-developed juvenile science-fiction action RPG HARUKA: Beyond the Stars, the companies announced. It was previously announced as launching for PlayStation 5, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025, however today’s press release from PLAYISM only mentions the PC version and a new 2026 release window. PLAYISM has yet to respond to requests for clarification regarding the console versions.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
HARUKA: Beyond the Stars is a juvenile science-fiction RPG about the intergalactic adventures of the protagonist, Yuuki, and a mysterious girl named Miiya. Set out on a spaceship and explore unique planets. Enjoy a thrilling adventure in the latest 3D anime art style.
Humankind faces its twilight in the far future. Having explored every corner of the universe, people have stopped progressing—their lifestyle now dependent on Energy Capsules, a legacy of their past. Yuuki is a boy living in Spica Village, a base for receiving Energy Capsules from the lunar ruins. One night, he meets Miiya, a mysterious girl who crash-landed due to a spaceship malfunction. Their meeting sparks the beginning of an intergalactic journey in search of Yuuki’s father, who left for space to unravel the mystery behind humankind’s decline!
Key Features
​Your Adventure Awaits – Explore the planets’ vast fields. Fun and excitement await! Scour every corner and solve mysteries!
Thrilling Battles – Fight your way through exciting battles while switching between the protagonist, Yuuki, and the heroine, Miiya. Face off against unique bosses at the end of each episode! Battle your foes while countering their different gimmicks!
​Manga-Style Cutscenes – Part of the story is presented in a manga-style format. Enjoy the story in manga and anime style!
​10 Episodes of Excitement – Enjoy 10 episodes presented in a TV anime series format! Each episode ends with a preview of the next one.
​Extra Challenges – Collect all cat pictures scattered throughout the world and win wonderful prizes!
Yuuki – A boy waiting at home for his father who left for the far reaches of the universe. He dreams of venturing into space someday. He likes tinkering with machines and maintains communications facilities daily. The device on his back is for recovering energy capsules.
Miiya – She meets Yuuki when her spaceship crash-lands on his planet on an out-of-season snowy day. Her bright and carefree personality cheers her friends on. She is a mysterious girl full of secrets.
MukuMuku – Yuuki’s mysterious alien companion. She has a precocious personality and is proud of her beautiful figure. Her pet phrase is, “I’mma protect Yuuki!” She has psychic powers and is always ready to help in a pinch.
Ronado – A butler robot who faithfully carries out his duties of taking care of Miiya. He always puts his mistress, Miiya, first. He can’t say no to Miiya, no matter how unreasonable her requests are. He looks prim and proper but actually has a chivalric and masculine personality, as his speech patterns show.
Julius – A nice young man from a wealthy royal family who comes by private ship in search of Miya. He’s about 17 years old, and has the same thing as Miya, but it’s a secret now…
Cats Alien – The Mutepian tribe possesses technology far superior to that of humans. It looks cute. very cute.
Other – Pleasant characters appear one after another!?
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
Publisher Announce Trailer
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
*appears in your askbox again* hi :3 i hope you don't mind me sending so many asks LOL
how about 2, 5, 7, 12, 25 and a few of your favourite screenshots for nduli :333
Fav canon thing:
Literally everything about him but if I had to pick one, it’s his design. WHO GAVE HIM THE RIGHT TO BE THAT ADORABLE?!?!
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?:
Okay so this is more about all the idiots rather than just him, but it’s “Anything you can do I can do dumber” from Smosh. It’s basically Chungu and Cheezi vs him and Tamka having a friendly competition to see who’s dumber. Goigoi joins in soon after hfhfhfg. It’d be funny if Nduli bragged about building a robot and then having Tamka go “that ain’t dumb, that’s actually kinda smart” 😭
If you want a song he would sing, then it’s “All 2 You” from HB in a really angsty AU where he, Tamka, Neema, and Wakali leave Kiburi’s float permanently and go back to Makuu. For one reason or another, Nduli ends up singing this (with Makuu and Ucheshi as backup singers) and it straight up breaks Kiburi’s heart
Personally, I prefer the first one
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?:
Spinny I’mma be honest, we’re the fandom when it comes to him. He gets so little recognition/fanart otherwise. But I LOVED how we developed him more. In the very few moments where I see him in a fic or Deviantart….at least he exists?
Hc I have:
I actually do have a couple more headcanons for him!
—Nduli calls out bullshit a lot like Elle Woods does in Legally Blonde. The scene where Elle calls out a saleswoman is him calling out an animal’s lies for whatever reason
“Are you sure a croc tried to eat your food? You saw it happen? Well that’s impossible cuz you gotta stick your tongue out to lick that part of the carcass. And fun fact about us crocs, we can’t, well at least we didn’t learn yet. If a croc wanted to taste your food, it’d be gone by now cuz we eat our meals whole! So there!”
It’s part of the charm about being a detective.
—He used to have a crush on Ucheshi when they were kids. He’d get all tongue-tied and giggly, sometimes getting lost in his own daydreams before one of his friends had to snap him out of it and she had no idea (she still doesn’t). He obviously grew out of it over time and they’re still really sweet to each other. Ucheshi loves him like a brother
First impression of him: Acknowledging he exists, at most going “haha derpy croc go brrr”
But like can you blame me, he’s like the CUTEST croc ever
As for the screenshots, I can’t decide. They’re all good lol
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infamous-empire · 11 months
So I watched The Sky Crawlers
Woo boy, this is gonna be a long one.
Alright, so I’ve been interested in Mamoru Oshi films for a long, long time. He’s one of the most acclaimed directors in the anime industry, and most of his films are highly-regarded masterpieces, so I’ve always had an interest in his work. Then I watched Ghost in the Shell and it didn’t do much for me, and I promptly lowered my expectations. Still, I was curious as to whether his other work was any better, and thankfully this one delivered
Firstly, there’s one thing I can’t help but talk about in regards to this film: the atmosphere. This film has one of the most immaculate vibes I’ve seen in anime, and that largely just comes down to how every single part of the film is built to convey it to near perfection. All of the characters, even the more lively ones, are more than a little apathetic with understated expressions, the sound design is subtle and tends to emphasize silence a lot of the time, Kenji Kawai’s musical score is just eerie & haunting.
Hell, even the shot composition supports this (and it should say something that this movie managed to make me catch on to something as subtle as shot composition), most of the scenes are framed in a way where the places they’re in feel empty and the characters seem utterly alone even when in places where there’s other people with them. And this is even further backed up by the fact that the film rarely, if ever, uses background extras, making even the more “crowded” scenes feel pretty empty compared to most anime.
All of this comes together to create a subtle feeling of haunting emptiness which permeates the entire film, a feeling which is perfectly complemented by the character writing. Now one of my biggest complaints with the last Oshii film I watched, Ghost in the Shell, was how barebones the character writing felt, making everyone feel so unenjoyably hollow, but Sky Crawlers manages to rectify this in two ways. The first being that it does feel like there’s a sense of personality to all the characters present, on the subtlest level, even the supporting characters have their own little quirks which set them apart, and the two main leads get some fantastic development, which I’ll get to in a moment.
The other thing I enjoyed about the character writing is how it took the dry hollowness of Oshii’s writing and actually made it a compelling part of the film. The main character, Kannami, is a bit bland on the surface, of the film’s primary characters, he’s by far the least emotive and expressive, always approaching everything with the same look of detached apathy and never seeming that interested even in the ongoing plot. However, this is all by design. He’s a Kildren, someone genetically engineered from birth to be eternally young and fight in this war forever. He has no past to speak of or future to look forward to, no loved ones to ground him or home to come back to, nothing to fight for or believe in. All he has is a robotic persistence to move forward in this war because that’s the only thing he’s ever known. And it’s that same hollowness which makes the film’s ending all the more poignant, he subtly grew to care and love over the course of the film, all climaxing when he finally had something to fight for and believe in at the very end. And even if he’s dead, his and what he fought for will continue forward through Kusanagi.
While I’m on the subject, I’mma also talk about the film’s other lead, Suito Kusanagi, since she’s by far the movie’s most interesting character. Throughout most of the film, she’s something of a mystery, she’s cold towards Kannami and we see bits & pieces of what she does without much understanding of her internal logic. We’re fed details about her one bit at a time and slowly come to understand her more and more in a way which is incredibly engaging for me. She’s a Kildren who’s survived longer than anyone could have predicted, driven to suicidal depression by the monotony of fighting a meaningless, repetitive war while living an empty, repetitive life. Despite her coldness, she’s the most emotional of the characters in the film, as it’s made clear she truly does care about those she fights with and has the most strong emotional moments of the film. And the ultimate resolution of her arc at the end, being inspired by Kannami’s drive to change things and seeing hope in the future for the first time in her life, is just beautiful.
One last thing about the character writing, having a strong backbone of characterization makes some of Oshii’s other writing quirks work a lot more for me, specifically the lengthy philosophical discussions. Mitsuya infodumping about the nature of the Kildren works really well since it also doubles as her having an existential crisis and being able to unload about it to someone for the first time to the point where she’s breaking down in tears by the end of it. Or Kannami philosophizing about the monotony of Kildren life near the end, which feels earned rather than forced since it followed up on almost two hours of him slowly coming to terms with the nature of his existence.
The fact that I’ve rambled about this film for paragraphs and paragraphs without even talking about the themes yet is a testament to its depth and attention to detail, but let's get on with it. Fundamentally, Sky Crawlers is a war film, but it’s also a commentary on the frustration of our generation and on the nature of war itself in relation to modern society. It’s about the monotony of living life in a world which increasingly drives you towards pessimism and depression. The Kildren are people who have no hope for the future, the overly commercialized society which created them to fight in their wars has stripped them of any chance of a life beyond war and exploitation by the megacorporations who built the infinite meat-grinder they have no choice but to fight in. And without anything to look forward to or dreams to strive for, how do you meaningfully mature and grow as a person? How do you meaningfully develop a sense of time or continuity when every day is the same and you can’t even form new memories because of that? And without memories of the past or dreams of the future, how do you even form a reliable sense of self? These questions are at the core of this film, and they make its ending all the more powerful to me: Kannami and Kusanagi do finally find some sense of resolution at the end of the road, when they each find hope that one day they’ll be able to change the system. It’s only when they find hope in tomorrow that they begin to truly move forward. And Kannami’s death only enhances this for me, an acknowledgement that trying to change the world and truly progress is nearly impossible, an insurmountable obstacle which few might ever be able to achieve, but it’s still worth trying, worth moving forward, regardless.
I’d also be remiss not to mention the tourist scene. A bunch of tourists come to the base and treat the war they’re fighting in like a team sport they use to entertain themselves from a distance, then proceed to offer shallow pity when one of the Kildren is shot down and dies in front of them, offering vague platitudes about “fighting for a peaceful world” that not even the Kildren believe in. It’s a truly biting commentary on the sensationalization of war in modern media and adds weight to Kusanagi’s words later when she talks about how War is necessary in society because the idea of ongoing conflict in the world makes people living in peace behind the lines feel good about themselves by emphasizing the importance of peace. Plus, the scene of Kusanagi calling out the tourists is a great moment for her
One last thing, I got a lot of enjoyment out of comparing this film to Eighty-Six, my second favorite anime, since there’s a lot of interesting similarities to dig into. Narratively speaking, both are about a class of people designated to fight in someone else’s war and how they cope with being born on the battlefield & having no future, as well as having one of the main characters being one of them who’s survived longer than everyone else. Both commentate on the relationship between war and peaceful society (hell, Kusanagi’s scene of calling out the tourists feels like something right out of 86), and both have some incredible CGI fight scenes.
Presentation-wise, the film was great. The 2D animation is masterfully crafted and brilliantly subtle, and the CGI, while PS2-tier, is honestly really well-integrated, so I didn’t get any uncanny valley feelings. The music is incredible, easily one of Kenji Kawai’s best soundtracks.
So, yeah, this film is a masterpiece and I loved every second of it
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cringywhitedragon · 8 months
Even if I know next to diddly squat about Gudum other than Giant Robots and inter-Solar system colonial wars and stuff I do remember seeing that one shitty Gundam FMV game and chuckling to myself thanks to a Rerez video.
Like the plot barely lines up with the show as seriously as a person knowing nothing about the series might just be confused at the intro bit and think it was some random ass Joe who had a little too much to drink at the pub one night who just happens to drive into a military base, hijack a mecha (and try not to die), and just kinda sit there like “Who are you people!?”
“Aright I’mma be straight *hick* with you people. My name is Obi Wan Kenobi and *hick* this here is Qui Gon Gin from the Planet Vulcan and if you… *hick* Freddie freaks don‘t let me take the Spaceball One here to Tattone to stop the Dalek invasion then I’m going to melt your *hick* brain with a lightsaber and send my army of Xenomorphs after your commanders. I’m looking at you too, Dark Helmet. Because I’m an Avian form the planet Avos.”
-Some Random ass with a “Totally not” stolen Gundam (Aka Reshi just pulling a BttF by pulling a lot of sci-fi jokes out of her a*s)
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3wisellamas · 3 years
Just Rewatched Books 1 and 2, here’s a bunch of observations and wild, probably completely false theories!
Because dangit, this is how I get my kicks.
-In The Unfinished Car, it was One who Tulip was ultimately speaking to towards the end.  It was One who expressed guilt over allowing the car to happen.  It was One who she finally convinced to let it go as it was, stop trying to fix everything, and even break the car again to restore the turtle peoples’ way of life.  And, it was ONE, not One-One, who jumped into her arms in the end, and made these particular faces, meaning he probably wasn’t entirely emotionless and robotic as conductor:
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(apologies for TV pics on these.  ^^; )
-Also, while One-One normally talks in his two different voices, and even converses/riffs on himself, in that scene before his voices combined back into One’s they were literally finishing each other’s sentences -- syncing up again!  Does this mean that One-One is actually just...out of sync, rather than completely broken? 
-I don’t think Amelia was going to the roof of her old university after Alrick’s death to jump.  In The Past Car, she’s clearly on the ground while the roof...flattens?  She literally watches it disappear right in front of her!  And the train tracks are already in place when she gets up there.  So, it might have been less that the train found her at her lowest point, but that she found the train -- and went right up to investigate it!
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-And here’s another juicy Amelia theory:  Throughout Book 1, One-One has a tendency to use the words “gone forever”.  He uses it while telling Tulip what will happen when her number reaches zero (making her think she’ll die, when really he just means leave the train forever), then he uses it a second time while in Amelia’s tape, describing “Amelia” (actually Alrick, remember we were led to believe she was Alrick at first), who IS dead.  And the final usage is after Tulip has her exit restored, and One-One says again that she’ll be “gone forever”, but, in this case, he clarifies that that’s a GOOD thing.  So, what if, when One learned about Alrick from Young!Amelia, he used that same phrase, telling her he was “gone forever” -- One meant this as a comfort, maybe even a misguided attempt to convince her she should be happy he’s gone (like, it was One’s way of saying “He’s no longer in pain”), but to Amelia, it’s just reminding her of why she’s on the train in the first place.  Thus prompting...you know.
-Okay, last observation about that damn Amelia tape:  While in there, The Cat mentions that the memories are recorded as the passenger stores them, meaning there may be biases / misremembering / other things that not only change the memories to trap passengers in them, but also change what VIEWERS would see as well -- like how Amelia kept the memory of her wandering the streets after her husband’s death “at a distance”, which prevented Tulip from getting close.  So...what if more elements of Amelia’s tape weren’t 100% accurate, due to misremembering things, convincing herself certain things were true when they weren’t, maybe even her age or the tape itself degrading over time, etc?  Maybe even Alrick wasn’t remembered 100% accurately, with her grief clouding her memories and making him seem like a different, more ideal person?  (I’m bringing this up because MAN did I have a realization later on...)
-After Atticus was turned into a Ghom, the first thing he did was attack Tulip, but he hesitated, allowing her to escape -- as if he remembered being her friend.  And, then, when he was freed from the tube, right next to both Tulip, a passenger whose nice tasty life he could suck out, and the Steward, a robot, the first thing he did was attack the Steward.  Just as he was trying to do before getting Ghom-ed!  So, I think it’s safe to say, that, if the Ghoms really are transformed denizens, they still possess some memory of who they used to be and what they were doing before they were transformed.  So...what does it say, then, that every non-Atticus Ghom we’ve seen has been trying to kill passengers (and NOT hesitate and let them go)?
-Tape Car time.  So, if that’s the only car with its universe projected on the OUTSIDE, then that not only means the train, the wasteland, etc are all fake and part of the car’s projection, but...also the Engine, the control console, and One(-One)?  Does this mean he was a fake conductor, too?
-And then, to make this even more of a mind screw...the Mirror World is apparently NOT a creation of the train, since MT / Lake has been with Tulip since the beginning even in the real world, and she was eventually able to leave the train -- when it’s shown that train-created items (like, say, the device Jesse was wearing when he got his first exit in the Mall Car) CANNOT go through exit portals.  (But, then, for some reason, the handcuffs Mace had slapped onto MT also didn’t go through the portal with her?  Meaning they were from the train?  IDK.)  Point is, though, the Chrome Car is a projection of the train, which itself is not real, as a projection of the Tape Car...but it’s connected to the Mirror World, which is connected to both the real world and the train?  Does this mean the real world is part of the Tape Car’s projection as well?  Is this a damn Matrix situation?
-There’s more Mirror World emergency services than just the Flecks -- remember the two paramedics that showed up in the Chrome Car to take care of Mirror Atticus and Mirror One-One?  I honestly wonder now if they used to be reflections as well, who chose to keep their memories but not be cops?
-Alright, this is my most out-there theory, but I gotta say it.  Mace and Alrick look slightly similar, at least as similar as a human and a featureless reflection cop can look -- the square jaws especially.  And his voice also sounds a LOT like Alrick doing his robot voice with that modulator.  So...maybe a connection there?  Mirror Alrick decided to keep his memories after his death?  I know I’ve seen this theory floating out there before, so it’s not new, but I just had to add it.  But, then, another implication if this is true:  Did he do this to keep remembering Amelia?  And...Mirror One-One wasted no time at all in getting a hold of the Flecks, maybe because they’ve been keeping in contact with him through that car, and Amelia by association?
-Now, for the inside of the Tape Car.  Specifically...what the hell is this thing?
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That...looks a little like One.  And during that scene in which MT / Lake is wading down the canal towards the tape -watching room to get her number, the camera actually focuses on this thing for a few seconds -- not enough to really call attention to it, but enough that now that we’ve seen One himself if stands out on a rewatch.  So, what is it?  It looks kinda like it’s watching over the whole Tape Car, with its one eye light thing?
I’ve got two theories that kinda work together on this one, neither of which are very likely considering I’m probably just taking a small background detail way too seriously, but come on, I’m having fun:
-If the inside of the Tape Car is the only real part of the train, and even One(-One) himself is fake...then that’s the REAL One, overseeing the train’s core operations but not interacting directly -- that’s what all the other robots, including One-One, are for.
-I’ve always kinda had a feeling that there’s a Zero to go along with One -- come on, it’s an obvious joke, what with robots running on binary and passengers needing to get their numbers to 0 and whatnot.  So, for now, I’mma call that thing Zero.
-One last Amelia Takeover Theory.  We know, from the Tape Car, that One-One is pretty hands-off about a lot of the train’s operations, his lack of hands aside -- he doesn’t seem to actually visit the Tape Car until something goes wrong there, and grabs his attention -- like Lake smashing up a few Porters.  So...why were One and Amelia there in the past?  Sure, two passengers boarding at the same time and sharing a number is unusual, but One even says it himself, it’s no big deal, on the train anything can happen.  So, why WERE they there?  Maybe it’s because something happened with Amelia in that car...like her waking up before the number-engraving process was completely finished?  (And she smashed a Porter for good measure?)
-Things required to wake a passenger, according to One-One:  Robots, coding, and juice boxes.  (Things required to wake a passenger, according to Lake:  Flicking them on the forehead with metal fingers)  What if one of the actual purposes of the Stewards is to manipulate the pods and wake the passengers inside, and then slip out unnoticed so they can start their journey?
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gemtail · 4 years
RWBY Character Statuses V8:E6
Ruby: Oh my god, the news!
Weiss: Oh crap! Atlas is screwed!... why weren’t those big airships useful?!
Blake: *panicked cat noises while watching the news*
Yang: This just in! The river of styx heading for Mantle! And it’s got GRIMM!! Fuck off, Ace Ops! We don’t have Penny!
Jaune: Harriet, are you fucking kidding me?! THERE IS A GIANT GRIMM RIVER NEXT TO US!!
Nora: Zzz...
Ren: Too busy to brood over being a huntsman.
Oscar: Hmm... I’m gonna get abused for the duration of my stay but... why not stay and try to get some redemption arcs going?
Ozpin: Great minds do think alike! Yes, let’s trick our enemies into being good guys again!
Qrow and Robyn: Plotting ironwood’s downfall
Ironwood’s angels... I mean, Ace Ops!
Marrow: Ma’am, incoming transmission... oh shit, it’s our old friends.
Vine: Seems to be the only chill guy out of the group.
Winter: I’m sad I’m about to force my friend into doing something she doesn’t want to do and that we let a creepy old man get into her head and may have killed her. I’m also angry at my coworkers for objectifying her... but I won’t say that out loud because I still love the taste of Irondaddy’s boots.
Ironwood: *waiting for the ace ops to come back and deepthroat his boots*
Schnee family
Jacques: Don’t care. He can stay in jail. He can be eaten by grimm for all we care.
Willow: Don’t know but it’s probably like this: ONE SHOT! TWO SHOT! THREE SHOT! FOUR! TAKE THE BOTTLE TO THE HEAD AND HAVE-
Whitley: Really regretting not taking some fighting lessons like his sisters did at the moment. Protect the precious bean!
All of them after the Griiver of Styx supersoaked Atlas: OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT!
Penny: Windows update 15% complete.
Cinder: I’m an awful person. It would be a shame if my backstory suddenly came about and made everyone feel sorry for me... I’m totally not planning Salem’s demise secretly like I did for my stepmother... and I wish Emerald would just STOP being a useless lesbian!
Salem’s lapdog Tyrian: Hey, girl! Watts just gave me a call! He says hi! Also he hacked the maiden so Cinder can download her powers!
Watts: FINALLY! I CAN GIVE MY BOSS A CALL! I need to tell her I just brainwashed an innocent girl by using the power of technology.
Mercury: Screw you, Cinder! I’m one of the cool kids now! See ya later, nerds! I totally didn’t just screw myself out of being under your protection and can now receive full punishment from Salem if I screw up! I work alone because I’m cool!... Emerald, stop being a simp!.. I'm not gonna miss you! ...probably... maybe.
Emerald: How can I make Cinder love me? ...To simp harder or not to simp so hard? That is the question. Also, screw you, Mercury! I simp over whoever I want!
Neo: I hate my job.
Salem: Ah shit. Better abuse Cinder and then promise to lift her up again by letting her have the maiden powers so she stops her vendetta against me for now. Gotta act like I love her so she works for me at the moment... I don’t actually care if she gets the maiden powers, I just want the relics so I can flip the gods off again.
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looniecartooni · 4 years
DGM Theory: Could Komui Lee be on the Autism Spectrum?
Warning: Spoilers and clunky theory (I haven’t done something like this in a long time and it is nearly midnight). I am not an expert on Autism nor do I know if the author is either. The only credentials I have is I have friends and have known people on the spectrum and I was given a hasty diagnosis at age 7 of a “slight case of Asperger syndrome” (a “milder” form) and have some relatable qualities with Komui. I do not intend or mean to offend anyone on the spectrum nor do I mean to insult the character. I’ve just seen a couple people do a thing like this with characters like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch and Santana from JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure and even a couple Steven Universe characters. I’m just a little copy cat who thought they could throw another character in the mix that maybe people can relate to instead of the generic Sheldon Cooper/ Good Doctor kind of representative. And who knows... maybe I’m wrong and he has ADHD or something. But of course... in the end it won’t matter because in the end, Komui will just be Komui. No labels attached. This theory will not change that in any way. Komui is Komui and we love him- so let’s dive in!
(Also- sorry. No pictures this time. Its too late at night to find any)
For those who are unfamiliar with the Great Komui Lee, he is the branch chief at the European Black Order. He however spends a lot of time in the Science Department, helping out with research and making sometimes very weird and crazy inventions that tend to annoy the whole order in some way. But he has 99% of the scientists’ respect. The other 1% is murderous rage...
People think he’s weird and crazy, sometimes even fear him. But they still respect him because under all that goofy hyjinx and over the top personality is a caring Branch Cheif who has done his best to make sure the order is a lot safer and nicer than it was for its residence and staff (including his sister who he went there for).
One characteristic of Komui that I personally think is a sign of Autism (or at least something I relate to) is what appears to be special interests.
Those familiar with D Gray Man know Komui isn’t very fond of doing his job. So much so he had to get an assistant to make sure he did his job. Before that, the Science Division had to make special handcuffs to make sure he didn’t run away a super long distance.
What Komui would rather do is make robots based in his image to “help” members of the science division (usually becoming the cause of much chaos with at least one exception when another one of his other inventions got into the wrong hands and the robot kind of helped out). He thinks very dearly of these robots and hates seeing them get destroyed, even if they hurt his beloved sister.
*side note: There are sometimes misconceptions that Autistic people can be seen as self centered. While this may not have been the author’s purpose in creating the character- she probably just wanted to make Komui more fun and silly with making his creations based off his own image as joke, it kind of ties into this theory. It has been displayed quite a few times that Komui isn’t self centered which I shall get into later.
Speaking of his sister, Lenalee Lee, could also technically be seen as something (or rather someone) he prioritizes care on. The reason Komui ever joined the order was because the order took his sister away from him and performed horrible experiments on in order to make her an Exorcist (soldier of the order who fights Akuma for those unfamiliar). While that in itself may not be an Autistic trait, the degree he goes to express his care for her could be.
Many times Autistics are misinterpreted as stoic and lacking emotion (even putting it as a symptom on some websites). But as Autistic Youtuber Princess Aspian puts it, Autistics can be sometimes more emotional or overly emotional (okay- those aren’t her exact words, but you get the gist). Komui will burst into tears and hug his sister at the very mention of her ever getting married (a common anime trope for dads and older brothers of girls, but as mentioned before he gets emotional with his robots too).
Relating back to this, he goes above and beyond to keep his sister safe. You can’t ever breathe a word that you may have an interest in Lenalee or else yo may receive a good whacking from one of his robots. Bak Chang (another branch chief who has a bit of a creepy obsession with Lenalee) was faced with numerous traps when simply trying to give her flowers. Who took the time to put up all those traps? Komui. Who joined a corrupt organization, changed it up, and works hard despite hating the work at said job because he knows his sister is a chosen Exorcist and therefore wants to make her feel safe and happy? Komui.
Another thing that makes Komui seem like he could be on the spectrum was the fact he did start off as anti social. Naturally, having your last living family member who was only four taken away from you by a mysterious church organization would make you very bitter. According to an off panel “ask the characters questions” kind of thing (called “Komui’s Discussion Room” that he never shows up for) Komui wasn’t always the friendly, emotional, unintentionally-havoc-reeking goofball we all know and love. I don’t have all the details (and neither does the author- she’s setting up something- I know it!) but it took a very friendly and active cook named Jery to help break him out of his shell. And according to another off panel, he and that chef are best friends.
One thing personally I’ve seen and relate to is sometimes the fact that while someone on the spectrum may seem anti social, they either just don’t want to be bothered as their focused on something else, or they just need a friend to relate to or help break them out of their shell. (*side note- please ask your friends or potential friends if they’d like to talk to you before trying to break their shells. Give them the option before forcing yourselves upon them. They probably would like to talk, but they also might be focused on something else. They are humans after all). Komui had a lot of years of guilt and anger built up in him and probably kept it to himself so the Order wouldn’t know why he joined. To have someone open up and be nice to him probably made him not only be able to be the Komui he is now but also really brighten up the Order. What’s more, he’s supposedly very attached to this friend as well, going as far as occasionally helping in the kitchen. I guess we can thank Jery for Komui being friendly and kind (Jery needs more respect guys!!!)
(Holy cow this is getting long! I’mma need to make more parts...)
I wasn’t sure at first I could have a lot to go on, but now thinking about it more and more, I think I have a lot more to go on. Now I’ve mostly related this part to myself and stuff I’ve heard in comparison to Komui’s demeanor. I’m going to nrrd to do more research, but I’d love to hear what you guys think. Do you think Komui is on the Autistic spectrum? Could it just be trauma? Is he the Autistic idle we all need represented in our media?
Share your thoughts and research and I’ll try to make a part 2!
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fyregrl · 4 years
Age of Ultron AU
Welcome back to the crazy train.
I know a lot of people don’t like AoU, and I respect that. Joss Whedon ^&%$@# it up pretty bad. But the whole dark, almost horror-movie-esque feel to it, plus a few certain plot points, and the introduction of new and interesting characters could have made it really awesome. So I’m gonna try to wipe this thing down and see if I get something nice.
My thoughts are currently more tangled than the cords in a school computer lab, so I’mma just use bullet points.
First thing’s first, the twins aren’t working with freakin’ Nazis. HYDRA has it’s moments of cool-ness, but at the end of the day, that’s still what they are. Maybe they still get their powers from HYDRA/the Mind Stone, but accidently or something (they can still work with Ultron, since he wasn’t part of HYDRA, and their wanting to take down the Avengers is valid).
The Lullaby is still there, but it’s not Nat only being there to fix Bruce, or for romantic purposes. It’s her looking out for him and wanting him to trust her. Like she said to him, all her friends are fighters, but Bruce tries to be calm and passive because he knows he’ll win. Natasha has spent her life around people who kill and spy and use her for it. She wants someone in her life who she knows is different.
Also, accidental or not, he never does a freaking face plant into her chest (what the fondue even was that).
Thor doesn’t throttle Tony. He’s upset but not that upset.
It is acknowledged by at least one Avenger other than Tony that Ultron isn’t entirely his fault. He apologizes for what was supposed to be a peacekeeping program going completely off the rails.
And now, for the main event:
Clint doesn’t have a secret family in a secret house in some rural area.
Instead, he has a certain one-eyed dog in an apartment in NYC. Take a second and join me in imagining the Avengers riding the bus or something instead of their supercool jet, and walking into a little, highly chaotic apartment that reeks of coffee.
No, this does not mean Clint and Natasha can be a couple. I don’t care how much basis Clintasha has in the comics, or how you interpreted their interactions in The Avengers. I firmly stand by them being chaotic best friends.
To be honest? I don’t really feel the need to ship Nat with anyone. I guess if I had to pick someone it would be Bruce, but she doesn’t need a romance. I enjoyed her and Bucky being a couple in the comics but in the movies is ship him with Steve way harder.
Back to the plot.
The Avengers go to fight Ultron, steal the Cradle, team up with the twins, Nat gets caught, yep yep yep.
Pietro and Wanda explain themselves, and Ultron’s plan. I guess Vision is still made. The team suits up.
When Bruce goes to rescue Natasha, she doesn’t kiss him and shove him down a pit (srsly that was a low blow). Maybe she just gives him a pep talk. Or he does the I’m-Always-Angry thing again because that was legendary.
Sam is at the battle. I know he was tracking down Bucky but seriously the city was flying. They were fighting flying robots and Falcon was left out?
Pietro doesn’t die.
I mean, really. I know there were licensing issues but really? What’s the point of having superspeed if you can’t outrun bullets? They literally showed him being faster than guns.
Maybe Pietro still gets shot even, the Avengers just rush him back to HQ and he gets better.
So I guess Clint is still established as a dad.
Wanda and Vision staring at each other romantically while Pietro gives Vision a death glare in the background. Clint finds it hilarious.
Yay everything is peachy ok nothing else that’s the end adios bye!
Credit scene: Steve walks into his apartment. It’s dark. He looks up and sees someone sitting at his kitchen table. Steve automatically reaches for his shield, but then he sees in the little bit of light
just the edge of a red star on the person’s shoulder.
“...Hey Steve.”
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thessalian · 4 years
Thess vs D&D Plotting
No, but seriously, our next D&D session is going to probably wind up deep discussion about personal responsibility vs personal freedom, revenge and what is just and what happens when the two meet and when they don’t, what you owe your loved ones ... deep philosophical stuff.
And I get to not only participate in that conversation but also decide when and if a truly epic time comes to crash a purple worm through a wall and interrupt the whole thing, just to see what they do.
And I have a week in which I have few to no obligations in which to figure that out because it’s my birthday on Wednesday and I have taken my traditional birthday week off. And even had enough leave days to take the following Monday, so once again I can skip the worrying about staying up late with my D&D group.
I’ll rant about some other shit later, probably, but right now I’m tired, Thursday was ... well, a Thursday (my Thursdays are almost always shitty; I am Arthur Dent born again, I swear), and I really don’t feel like ranting. Instead I’mma veg out and ponder picking up DA:I again. Or maybe a hidden object game. Or, like, poke at Baldur’s Gate 3 some more, see what the new patches have in store. The format just doesn’t really do it for me. I like my tabletop-to-video-game adaptations more along the lines of Shadowrun Returns ... which I could also maybe pick up again.
And do not. Get me started. On fucking Werewolf. I saw the reviews, I heard the shitty voice acting, I saw the robotic cutscenes and the loosey-goosey combat with all the weight and impact of being hit with a Pringle, and I don’t want to be Grizzled McLonerDude anyway. If we were going to have a Werewolf: the Apocalypse made, maybe something with the set-up of Shadowrun Returns and the graphics of Baldur’s Gate 3. If your nine-foot-tall furry killing machine going on a bloody rampage isn’t going to look impressive anyway, at least do a situation where you can pick your auspice and tribe and fill out your party with companions whose skill sets complement your own. Also don’t fucking talk to me about the enemy AI; normal humans who see crinos-form Garou are supposed to go temporarily insane, not stand there plugging away with a shotgun even while you’re clawing them in the face. Also-also, I get that there have to be limits, but let’s give a little respect to the glabro and hispo forms, okay? I loved going dire wolf in the middle of a fight and sliding into the middle of combat to get my jaws around Important Guy’s throat while everyone was busy freaking out over the crinos-form nightmare making abdomen confetti.
...Look, I was already disillusioned about this fucking game. Thing is, I wanted to be pleasantly surprised. Instead I was vindicated when I didn’t want to be vindicated. I wanted to be wrong.
I was not wrong. WOE.
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janetbrown711 · 5 years
. There’s a difference between being brave and being suicidal Louie webby
“You excited for tonight?” Webby asked as she adorned a set of her Granny’s pearls and styled her hair into a nice and neat updo that reminded Louie of old photos of a younger and happier Beakley, but God knows he’d never tell her that.
“Excited? Try ‘kinda dreading’. I have to stand around for at least a half-hour saying hi to countless, and I mean countless, duck cousins. Nothing could be more dreadful about this wedding,” Louie complained.
“Oh come on Lou. Where’s your bravery? It’s your family, what is the worst that could happen?” She asked.
“There is a difference between being brave and being suicidal Webs. I am not going to say ‘hi’ to every single one of those weirdos. I swear, some of them might actually be lunatics. I just don’t understand them,” Louie shook his head.
“You’re so dramatic,” Webby rolled her eyes, “I’m sure it’s just your lack of understanding that makes you paranoid. And besides, one could very easily consider Donald or your brothers lunatics so maybe don’t be so quick to judge,” Webby warned.
“Alright, fine. I’ll at least shake hands but I swear if they try to say more than small talk I might have to leave,” Louie said.
“I’ll take what I can get,” Webby kissed his cheek before heading off to the bathroom.
“Oh, and don’t forget, you have to try to talk to Granny like a human being tonight. No being an awkward robot around her,” She added.
“What?! You never told me I have to do that! She scares the crap out of me,” he proclaimed.
“Louie, she’s gonna be your Granny-in-law tomorrow. I think it’s best if you start having normal conversations before it’s too late,” Webby sighed. Louie pondered what exactly she meant by that,
but he still couldn’t grip a reality where he wasn’t at least a little bit afraid of Mrs. Beakley at all times.
After all, she wasn’t necessarily the warmest person when they told her they were dating, or when they told her they were engaged.
“Fine, I’ll... try. But only for you,” Louie sighed.
“My hero,” she popped her head out the door just to smile at him. That stupid cute smile made him want to actually actually mean it, but Beakley really was scary.
This was going to be a long, and difficult evening.
They stood at the door for what felt like an eternity, even Webby couldn’t deny that. Her one regret was wearing heels, bringing flats, but not bringing them to the dinner because “she’s endured torture before”. Biggest lie she ever convinced herself of.
There were somehow many, many more members of the Duck family than Louie remembered. There was Gladstone and whoever he was dating today, Fethry and his brother Louie had never met Abner, this guy named Gus, Donald and Daisy, Della, this old lady who he vaguely remembered someone telling him was his Great Aunt or something??? Her name was Lulubelle and she was a lot like Fethry. Figured they were related somehow. There were also a ton of other people that he just straight up couldn’t recall. He glanced at Webby every once in a while for support but it didn’t look like she knew them either.
The biggest problem of the night though? Dewey was drunk before he even got there (along with hypeman and apparently boyfriend Dante) and Della and Daisy were having some sort of squabble about arm wrestling, which put Donald in the most awkward position in history. Also, Launchpad crashed into someone's car
"This is going to be fun, right Louie?” She asked him, elbowing him slightly when she saw the grimace on his face as he was flipping through what was going on in his brain.
“Right,” he gave back a very forced smile. Webby rolled her eyes.
“Just behave yourself. We don’t need two drunk Duck brothers. And if I have to wake you from a hangover, I swear, I will use a bucket of ice and make it as painful as possible,” she threatened.
“Okay, okay, I get it,” He chuckled, but Webby was not assumed. “I’ll have fun, it’s cool. I can be charming. I bet I can fix all of tonight's problems in no time.” That made Webby laugh.
“I’m sorry Lou, but there are just some things you can’t fix. Besides, we have a schedule. Toasts and food and stuff, remember? Just keep it cool,” Webby reminded.
“Right, keep it cool,” He nodded slowly. Together, Louie and Webby took their seats in the middle of a long table that allowed them to look at the ocean of guests (some that he honestly didn’t recall inviting to the dinner because this was supposed to be smaller than the wedding, but he had let Donald send out the invitations so maybe that was his doing). He had sat down for no more than three seconds when a drunk Dewey stumbled towards him and swung his arm around his brother.
“You know what I love about you bro?” He grinned cheekily.
“Dewey, I swear to god-”
“It’s that you jsut.. you’re so... you so natural. Like no other. Original gangster right here. you lie like legend. I lovvvveeee that,” he said.
“That’s great Dewey. Drink some water,” he handed him a water bottle, which Dewey accepted before Dante swiped it away.
“Uh uh uh! No water til’ 12. We made a deal,” Dante teased.
“A deal?” Louie’s eye twitched as he turned to Dewey.
“Sorry brosef. I’mma gonner,” he kissed his fingers and did a peace sign before running off with Dante. Louie shook his head.
“Guess I’ll just ask Huey to give tonights toast instead of Dewey tonight,” Louie sighed.
“That sounds fair,” Webby nodded along, eating a piece of bread.
“I’ll go tell him. Text me when the food gets here, I’m starving,” Louie stood.
“Good luck. I believe in you,” they shared a brief kiss before Louie found his brother with Violet and Lena in the corner.
“You guys still working on those bets?” he asked snidely.
“What do we look like? Of course,” Huey rolled his eyes.
“What’s the status?” Louie asked.
“Lena has won three, with a total of $25 since the shrimp doesn’t suck, I won one for a total of $5 for Donald only tripping once in the past 5 hours, and Violet is holding the lead with a total of $35 for one bet of Gladstone finding over 10 20 dollar bills today alone. I’m really hoping Dewey leaves his drunk shenanigans to tomorrow because I really need this win,” he whispered that last part to Louie.
“We can hear you, you know that Red? And you’re right. You should be afraid. Be very, very afraid,” Lena smirked.
“Speaking of that, can I borrow fifty dollars?” Huey grinned to Louie.
“No, ask Gladstone if you want money, he always has a lot to spare. I do need to talk to you though,” Louie grabbed his brother’s arm and pulled him aside.
“I need you and Dewey to switch when you’re doing your best man speeches,” he explained.
“Wh-what? Why? It’s not like Dewey is dead, he’s just drunk. He’ll be fiiiiiine,” Huey tried to escape.
“No no, it has to be you Huey. This is our event and Dewey cannot give a speech that hammered,” Louie said.
“My speech isn’t even ready! It’s only one paragraph so far!” Huey pulled out a crumpled and sweaty piece of paper from his suit pocket.
“Bro, I don’t care. If that’s what you have to work with, it’s what you have to work with. If you don’t want to give the speech, sober Dewey before dinner is done,” Louie challenged.
“You and I both know that’s a fool's errand,” Huey scoffed.
“Fine, then give the speech,” he crossed his arms.
“Okay, okay. I’ll fix Dewey,” Huey decided.
“Great, you’re fantastic,” Louie shot finger guns before quickly getting out of there and back to his seat.
“So? How’d he take it?” Webby asked before taking a drink of water.
“He said he’d rather sober up Dewey so I’m letting him,” He grinned at his fiancee.
“You’re insane,” Webby noted.
“Oh, I’m not insane. Just... a visionary on a mission. I did say I could fix all of tonight's problems,” he grinned even more.
“That’s what that was about? Alright, go ahead. I’d like to see how this all turns out,” Webby held back a laugh, but Louie noticed.
“Why? Do you not believe in me?” he questioned.
“Louie, of course, I believe in you. Just not about this,” she quickly took another drink.
“Oh yeah? Bet.”
“Excuse me?” Webby turned her head.
“Bet. If I don’t solve all of tonight's problems then... I won’t wear my favorite hoodie for two whole months. And if I do... you can’t pick all the restaurants we go to on our honeymoon. I’ll at least pick every other night,” he proposed.
“Oooh, that’s intriguing...” She pondered it. “Make it three and we have a deal.”
"What about the schedule?" Louie asked.
"That's on you hon," she raised her hands in the air. Louie considered this deal a moment longer before nodding.
“Fine, it's a deal,” they shook hands.
“You’re so gonna lose,” she smirked at him.
“No, you,” Louie smirked right back. He kissed her on the cheek before running off to who knows where.
“Webbigail, where on earth is Louie running off to?” Beakley asked, appearing to have been just within earshot the whole time.
“To go do the truest of fool's errands; Try to calm down and fix the Duck family.”
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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ariana-maryse · 4 years
back again! with rainbow cookies! (which are chocolate chip cookies with m&ms) priest is on netflix so i watched it & remembered how much i love black hat's dramatic ass 😂 got any good monster movie recs? i need some more monsters in my life. i definitely need some lady monsters too, if you don't mind helping a monster lover out
Omg YES. Those are one of my faves! It’s like you just knew. Black Hat is SO dramatic and Karl Urban is already hot, so adding in his wonderful performance makes for a villain that managed to outshine a priest - which, for me, is a big deal. I have a priest thing, like, hardcore. 
Absolutely! Yesss, lady monsters. I’m sorry if you’ve already seen everything I suggest but I’mma try my best. Also I’m going with all genres and throwing in some other media types as well because I must, apparently.  Also I’m sorry this is a novel, holy shit.
Vampire Movies: Dracula (the Bela Lugosi one. I’m not a fan of the Gary Oldman version,) all the Blade films, Lost Boys, Ultraviolet, Interview with the Vampire, Vampire in Brooklyn, Twilight (I know everyone shits on it but there’s so many babes in the films,) and Only Lovers Left Alive. Vampire Shows: Hemlock Grove (I didn’t finish it, but it has Bill Skarsgard, Famke Janssen, and Dougray Scott in it so even if the story isn’t that strong, there’s that,) What We Do in the Shadows, and Sirius the Jaeger if you fw anime.
Werewolves (besides those that are in any of the above): Red Riding Hood, An American Werewolf in London, Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf Too, and if you’re into vidya games you can make werewolves on the Sims.
Ghosts: I’m obviously a big fan of Thirteen Ghosts, Candyman, Beetlejuice (there’s also an animated series!) Crimson Peak, The Crow, Ghost Ship, and Sleepy Hollow.
Demons/Angels: Constantine, Jennifer’s Body, Hellraiser (just 1 and 2 - after that it gets so campy,) Legion, Dogma, Bedazzled, Little Nicky (100% for Rhys Ifans,) Insidious has some interesting lil friends, and if you fw anime: Blue Exorcist, Claymore, Demon Slayer, Fire Force, and Inuyasha all have actual demons. Some others have similar variations and I’ll mention those in “other,” 
Robots/Androids/Cyborgs (I’m going with they count): AI (peep Jude Law,) Avengers: Age of Ultron, Robots (you may not wanna smash any of them, but it’s a classic,) and Archer (hella cyborgs.)
Aliens: A fair amount of the Marvel films, but my personal faves are Venom and Thor: The Dark World - the elves are pretty damn hot, the Men in Black franchise has some good ones, The Faculty, Rocky Horror Picture Show, District 9, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Chronicles of Riddick (Karl Urban is up in this bitch, too!) Star Wars obvi, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Rihanna, always hot,) and Futurama is basically all aliens.
Clowns: It (all the films,) Clown, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and Terrifier. Also Archer has a few episodes where there’s a whole clown gang.
Other: Sinister has Bughuul, Dead Silence (if you’re into puppets. If not, it’s still a cool film,) The Brothers Grimm offers a lot, Ferngully has Hexxus, League of Extraordinary Gentleman, The Mummy (Imhotep and Anck Su’Namun are fine,) absolutely anything made by Guillermo del Toro, The Babadook can shapeshift and I wasn’t sure if he qualified as a ghost or not, American Horror Story has everything: ghosts, demons, withces, vampires, clowns, etc., Black Phillip’s human form in The Witch, Coraline (the other parents,) Pagemaster has this Jekyll and Hyde scene that’s nice and spicy, Courage the Cowardly Dog has Queen of the Black Puddle and some other great ones, the hormone monsters in Big Mouth are pretty legit. I’mma get into anime and video games now so if you’re not feeling that, I totally get it if you stop reading. Or if you did like a million words ago.
Anime: Ajin, Devilman Crybaby has all the demons, Bleach has kinda ghosts and the Hollows/Arrancar (plus fillers featuring vampires and sword spirits that are all beasty,) Swordgai isn’t that strong of a show but they basically all get possessed, D. Gray-Man has demonish creatures and some vamps, some of the Shinigami in Death Note aren’t bad, some of the evolutions in Digimon are pretty hot ngl, and there’s probably more that I can’t think of rn.
Vidya Games: In Skyrim (and TES in general) you get vampries, werewolves, elves, orcs, lizard folks, and then all the Daedric Princes. The Legend of Zelda series offers some good shit; Prince Sidon in BotW, Twilight Princess comes through with Ganon, Zant, the darknuts, and Death Sword. All the games have some good shit. Same with Final Fantasy - in 12 alone there’s the Espers and Vayne post transformation. The Jak and Daxter series, the tyrants in Resident Evil, and in The Arcana some of the card.. spirits? Idk what they’re called but they’re lowkey hot.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
I feel you with that “Joker killed a god” stuff, but what gets me as well is whenever I see those discussions over “strongest group btwn P3-P5” I’ll see some comments saying Futaba could hack into Aigis and defeat her that way. And idk... that always really bothered me. Sure P5 already treats Futaba like a hacking god, but could she really hack into Aigis? I personally don’t think so, and even if she could, I doubt it would be for very long. Unless Futaba really is just that good *rolls my eyes* but what do you think?
Welp this one is new for me ;w; Welp, I can add it to my list of other takes I don’t like when it comes to hypothetical fights (under the cut for length):
Joker killed a god (so much wrong there)
SEES has Aigis so they win (I’ll def talk about this one since it’s relevant)
PT are more physically capable/have had more training so they win (I’ll explain this one too) 
P1/2 can use real guns and Personas in the real world so they win (usually when P1/2 are in the mix, I do think they could have a surprise advantage, but its not like P3-5 can’t use Personas IRL....it’s just that they’ve never had a chance....also the gun thing.....which I’ll get to, also they forget Aigis/Naoto have real guns dfklsjafjal)
P5 kids can use guns so they win (it’s similar to Aigis I’ll get to it, also did we forget about Naoto and Aigis????? ksldjfa;kjdfa;jf also those aren’t real so they are SOL if they aren’t fighting in the Metaverse)
Now I can add “Futaba hack win” to this list DX
Never stating if we are doing it ala PQ style (aka we’re ripping people out of their main game timeline, aka teens vs teens), or if it’s Arena style (aka we’re doing it as a sequel and it’s adults vs teens),I mean their strength is different between PQ and Arena so it’s fair (plus Labby and/or Sho might choose to side/help on P4′s side which is also important), basically there needs to be some kind a rules/basis of P3/4 chars so we know what version to pit against the PT otherwise it’s anarchy and we’re getting nowhere
Not stating which terrain they are fighting on (it is kiiiiiinda important, hometeam advantage)
Assuming a certain terrain is an insta win for a certain group (reality/Tartarus is a bit more of a struggle without evokers but not impossible, also SEES is kinda honorable and wouldn’t like the disadvantage even if it was still doable without evokers....except maaaaybe if lives are on the line that is kfljsafdajf, TV world is the most neutral but it really depends if it’s Arena style or not cause that determines if there is fog or not)
For reference, personally I’d put it at P2IS/P2EP>P3/P4>P5, still working on where P1 goes tbh so there are def gonna be changes, same with PTS, P2 manga is probs gonna be with the other P2 cast. And this list is my personal opinion AT THE MOMENT (cause I just know Atlus is gonnna screw over P3/4 in Arena 3, either cause they need to weaken them with it not making sense or they are gonna nerf them cause they haven’t been active in a long while >.> which def shouldn’t have been the case after Arena or at least Ultimax but nope still tier 1 Personas 8U) regardless if it is PQ or Arena style. It’s mostly cause 1) fusion spells (P2/3/4 have them, even tho P4 doesn’t call it that, it operates EXACTLY like a fusion spell so I’m categorizing it as such) and 2) P4 kids.....are pretty strong to hold their own/beat people who have upgraded Personas.
.......sorry side tangent there’s gonna be like 1 or 2 more but they are in relation to the topic (and it’ll be at the end) falkdsjakfj. But yeah that’s BS. And def something Atlus would do except they forget that the teams have hard counters against that. >.>
(might change if I remember something but atm I’mma just say it) Iirc Futaba’s Persona doesn’t usually hack people, her only two hacks in battle are against her own mother (”hacking my cognition” my ass, you just imagined it there, how about you imagine your mom away???? oh wait that should’ve happened before the damn fight and thus us not needing a fight so stupid!) -ahem- and when we get a insta hold up (which is really just her blinding the damn enemy it’s nothing hacky about it....so stupid)
Aigis literally willed her way out of someone remote controlling her, not even hacking, like a literal remote designed to control her and kill SEES....and she broke free of it. 
Arena style wise, Fuuka was able to break Labby free of control too, tho that was non-hacking and against a weakened god (would not be surprised if she trained that to Rise, and/or because it’s Futaba and not a god, Rise could probably do it as well.....since Rise knows how she just wasn’t strong enough against Kagu...but Futaba isn’t Kagu 8U). 
If it’s non-Arena style, it’s possible that Fuuka (and by extension Rise) could be susceptible to someone interfering with their Navi-ing, as seen with Chidori messing with Fuuka (even after she’s evolved)......but only Chidori has shown to have that type of ability not Futaba (and Chidori isn’t even a hacker so “hacking” isn’t really what’s going on ksdajf;a). It’d probs only work pre Arena (cause Fuuka is supposedly super strong in Arena), but it’d require Atlus to create a damn ability for Futaba that doesn’t exist yet. Also iirc Chidori’s really was just used to mask her/team’s whereabouts and used to relay a message (not mine control Fuuka)
if Futaba HAD this type of power, A) P5 would be a walk in the park, B) she would’ve used it iirc
In case Sho/Labby are allowed, Labby was also able to break free of her own remote control in Ultimax (thanks to S!Labby)
Fun fact, not a point, but apparently Aigis can possible reach her sister’s but not if they are being mind controlled (or “hack” as she said in Arena). I dunno something to note kfsljda;jf
So like.....no......I don’t think she could “hack” them. Hell, I don’t even think Sho was hacking Labby, I think he just has a similar remote control that his dado had (which he probs got what he needed from hacking the Kirijou/or his dad giving him info....need to replay Ultimax a bit tbh, but low key I think they just like using the word “hacking” fksdlajaj;fdjfkd), and Futaba would need to do that prior to the fight. And that’s not even counting that it’ll actually work (because of reasons listed above).
Now for the side tangent, it’s funny people think her hacking Aigis means insta win (or that Aigis is an insta win), and that the “PT are better cause they trained and are more physically fit plus they have the outfits that help them” and like no????? P3/4 (freaking they train too sakdljfa;jf what the hell?) but they also have crazy physical abilities. You think Chie can just punt a giant robot and not have her leg broken? Or Mitsuru can crotch shot a shadow with her boots and walk away fine? Like an 80 ft robot is a normal enemy for the IT, both SEES and IT are taking face shots from TANKS on a daily! Why else do you think SEES/IT can survive Takaya/Adachi’s bullets (or Jin’s bombs)? It’s because of their Personas that ANY team can survive being set on fire or electrocuted! XU The PT’s outfits are just a physical representation of their status as Persona users in the Metaverse tbh, it’s a cosmetic symbolism, doesn’t mean SEES/IT don’t have it too (and they should if they go into the Metaverse).
So yeah Aigis, or even guns, aren’t a deciding factor, esp when SEES/IT are shown to be able to handle/beat Aigis/Labby just fine klfjsdajfa Hell iirc they HAVE to beat (at least Shadow) Labby to even continue the series sdkaflajfja And she was tortured to be a literal fighting Machine! 
So yeah, hacking isn’t an isnta win (also forgetting Fuuka is a hacker too fkdasjfl;), Aigis/Labby isn’t an insta win, guns aren’t an insta win. 
“But Shinji died from a bullet” but Shinji nothing. 1) He didn’t have any armor on, and most IMPORTNATLY 2) He was willing to die, and considering P3 really puts an emphasis on will to live being a crucial part to summoning a Persona......and thus him not having his Persona activated at all made him not get the nice Persona perk that we usually have. 
But will Atlus do it despite it not making sense? Probably! Cause the PT are oh so special! uwu Even tho they’ve yet to prove themselves in being better than at least SEES/IT, let alone P1/2 cast. .....stupid temp buffs..... >.> can’t do anything without your stupid deus ex machina temp buffs can you Joker? Tbh, other Persona chars beating “Full Cognition Joker” would be the most Persona thing out there, so I don’t even think FC!Joker would win (not that there’s really a good organic way for him to get that back). “Full cognition Joker is like god level!” oh didja hear what other Persona chars like to do to these so called “gods”? 8U
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consummate-deviant · 5 years
Regarding Entrapta and Autism
Howdy!  Merry Holidays, locks and tumblrs.  Winter is coming soon!  Everyone excited about that?  No?  Really?  Just me?  Aww, well alright.  I ain’t your dad.
Another short one this week.  Didn’t plan on writing anything, but then, I never really do.  Got into an Entrapdak sorta mood, and scoured the internet for stuff relating to the ship, and I happened upon a post... somewhere (My memory isn’t great, and I’m in more places for this fandom than I’d care to admit)... that stuck with me.  The post alleged that Entrapta couldn’t be autistic, because if she were, she would have to be high-functioning autistic, and high functioning autistic adults don’t behave like she does.
Now, I’m not gonna sit here and pretend that this is a perspective that’s particularly widespread or popular around these parts... indeed, the post that made the claim was the first time I’d ever heard it... and was quite possibly a deliberate troll.  I couldn’t even find it again when I searched for it to do this post.  I planned to ignore it... but it’s a viewpoint that just wouldn’t stop nagging me, y’know?  After a few days I decided I had to go ahead and disagree with it, just for my own peace of mind.  Well, this is my blog, after all! So I reckon I’mma do that now.  Read on if ya want... or don’t... you know the drill by now.  
So, like, I feel the best way to start is to break the statement down into its component parts.
1.) Entrapta would have to have a high-functioning variation of autism.
2.) Adults with such disorders don’t behave like she does [with the implicit modifier of ‘in the real world’]
3.) Because 1 and 2 are incompatible, Entrapta isn’t autistic
I don’t feel like statement 1 can really be contested.  “High Functioning Autism” is more of a colloquial category than a medical diagnosis, but even in that capacity it’s only meaning is “person who has symptoms of autism, but no intellectual impairment”... Given her status as Etheria’s smartest woman, we can safely assume that Entrapta has no intellectual impairments, so indeed, if we are to assume she’s autistic, we would have to assume she was high-functioning.  
Statement 2 is where the argument falls apart, because it makes the same assumption that a lot of flawed character takes about SPOP peeps make: that characters in a fantasy setting can be compared 1:1 to people who live normal lives in real society.  
With regard to the assumption that High-functioning homies in the real world don’t behave like Entrapta... well, first of all I wonder how many such people this person has ever interacted with in a more personal setting... because I know quite a few who do... but second of all I do see what they mean in everyday social interactions.
Autistic =/= stupid, and by the time they reach adulthood, many people on the spectrum, either thanks to having a good support network or simply years to engage in trial and error, do get the hang of ritualistic social interactions.  Autism entails a lack of ability to intuit appropriate responses/behaviors in social situations, but with enough study of the same interaction multiple times, it gradually becomes less a question of intuition and more a question of analyzing data, which is considerably easier to do.  With enough time, support, and dedication, an adult on the spectrum can navigate social situations independently... maybe even find success in customer service jobs, provided said customer interactions are highly-ritualized, tend to follow a predictable series of conversation branches, and there’s a supervisor/manager nearby to take over if a customer breaks the script for some reason.  
So yeah... in public, you don’t see many adults who would be considered high-functioning and on the spectrum behave like Entrapta does... but, like, do you see what those adults you’re comparing her to have... that she clearly didn’t?  The support of understanding adults who patiently guided them as children, and time to practice social interactions in a safe environment.
Entrapta, if pictures are to be believed, was raised by robots.  Robots she probably designed herself... and thus which probably aren’t any more socially capable than she is.  The small number of humans she interacts with are: a.) Subservient to her, due to the caste system of their society
b.) kinda... super, duuuper intimidated by her small army of robots... perhaps correctly so, as it would turn out, but still. People on the spectrum don’t magically get better at social interaction because they age... it’s not like hair growing or vocal pitch shifting... it’s the result of patient work and the opportunity to develop.  Entrapta had neither, so obviously, in spite of her age, she’s not nearly as socially developed as a woman her age would probably be had she been born into the real world.
...Also, she’s ADHD-coded, too... so that doesn’t help her much.  
And so we reach the end of another one of my things I sometimes write.  This one had less point than even my other things I sometimes write, but I had to write it, so here it is.  Look, I’m *not* an expert on autism, I get that, and if I have something factually wrong, I encourage anyone to correct me.  My one claim to any amount of understanding about autism is the relatively unremarkable happenstance of living with it for a few decades.  I’m not saying that denying Entrapta is autistic-coded is inherently wrong... though that’s a character interpretation I can’t personally say I agree with...  just that this argument, specificially, doesn’t jive with me. 
Soo... hey!  If you’re gonna drink a hot beverage, make sure it has some peppermint flavoring in it... unless you’re allergic to peppermint, ‘cuz then that would probably be bad... otherwise do it!  It’s December!  December and Peppermint go hand in hand, right?  No? Really?  Just me?  Aww, well alright. I ain’t your dad. 
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
For the ask, Red Vs Blue
favorite male character: Now, this is a tough one because Felix is the one I actively fan out over these days, but I actually recently realized I had to quit watching the show altogether because it’s absolutely not the same without Church. favorite female character: I still miss Tex. least favorite character: GENKINS. I thought he was gonna be cool; HE WAS NOT prettiest character: I mean, based on the way the Director looks and since Church is a clone of him, I’mma have to say Church. Now, why not just say the Director? Because I like Church better as a person and I’d rather give him the award. If you want me to answer actual non-headcanon things, then we go right to Locus/Sam Ortez. funniest character: I mean Church getting 300% Done with everything was half the charm of the show favorite season: I am torn because S7/Recreation has LASER FACE CHURCH WITH SHORT-TERM MEMORY LOSS and S13 has FEEE-LIX, FELIX THE DOUUUUCHE favorite episode: Again, S7 “Watch the Flank” has Robot Church being Robot Church and S13 “Prologue” has Felix turning on the charm to bring down an entire prison ship and how do you expect me to pick between these two things favorite romantic ship: Non-crossover: One of the few good things about the post-Church era was the Grimmons shipteasing. Crossover: Kinda getting into Leonard Church/Mukuro Ikusaba (DanganRonpa) because she’s the kind of hotheaded soldier he would adore and also she needs a devoted boyfriend favorite family ship: I think Church and Carolina are the only functional set of relatives in the entire series but hey, they work favorite friend ship: Any day that Church admits he genuinely likes Caboose is a good day (which is why I can’t just say S13 for having both him and Felix, because he seemed to want to avoid Caboose like a turret gun in the Chorus Trilogy despite Caboose angsting on him and that kinda soured that broTP in general) worst ship: Church/Tucker bores me, and that’s just me being weird again because there’s nothing wrong with it otherwise
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tyranttortoise · 5 years
I’m not the anon who asked but can i please get that soulmate with sans’ brother’s s/o thing but with the papyrus personalities?
*I wanted to get an imagine out quick because I’ve got friends flying out tomorrow for my birthday (which is the 17th!), so I won’t have much time to write anything for a couple of weeks.  We’re going to New Orleans, and you guys remember how much I love that, so I’m super excited.  I need a vacation so bad, and I can’t wait to see them.  
I think this meant with Papyruses in general, so here’s the other half of an imagine I did a while back where you’re dating Papyrus, but soulmates with Sans.  
In this one, you’re dating Sans, but soulmates with Papyrus.  I’mma stick most of it under a cut.
UT!bros*You’re dating Sans.
Papyrus doesn’t understand the resonance – not at first, at least.  It comes as a tightness in his SOUL, an elation whenever he’s near you, and a feeling of uneasiness whenever you’re away.  At first, he considers it a feeling brought about by genuinely wanting to be your friend.  After all, you’re dating his brother, so he knows you’re a great person.  You exchange numbers almost immediately, and Papyrus even surprises himself with how eager he is to text you and call you.  
The three of you become mostly inseparable.  If Sans doesn’t invite you over to their house, Papyrus calls you up with a spaghetti invitation.  The two of you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, re-creating the cooking show Chopped that Papyrus was blown away by, while Sans acts as a rather biased judge.  Papyrus sends you pictures and texts every day when you’re away, and it’s beginning to seem like you talk to Papyrus more than your actual bonefriend.
Papyrus is satisfied with being your ULTIMATE BEST FRIEND EVER until you start staying the night at the skelebros’ house.  At first, he was excited at the idea of a sleepover, and he got into his best pajamas (the ones with MTT in robot form all over them) and popped a huge bowl of popcorn, preparing for a movie marathon.  You end up sandwiched between the brothers, covered in a big blanket, but after three movies, you’re exhausted and start to nod off.  Sans wakes up at some point and nudges you awake so the two of you can go upstairs to rest in his bed, and Papyrus… attempts to stall you.  You brush it off as him being eager to finish the last movie, but Sans’s smile seems different when he cracks a joke toward his brother.
Papyrus doesn’t even berate him for using a cheap pun.  
That night, while you’re sleeping in the next room on Sans’s mattress, Papyrus can’t stop rubbing his palm against his sternum and wondering why he feels so… anxious.  
You didn’t sleep well, but you felt like you had the worst case of heartburn ever and internally admonish yourself for having late-night pizza before bed.  Something seems off with Sans, however, and he’s not in the bed when you wake up.  Over the next few days, he seems to become more and more distant, picking up extra shifts and only giving you one-word replies when he texts back.  
It comes to as no surprise when he breaks up with you a week later.  “just not compatible.  sorry, kid.  but hey, no hard feelings, right?  paps would be really upset if you stopped coming by the house, so if you still wanna be friends…”
UF!bros*You’re dating Red.
The moment Edge meets you, he realizes that the universe has an even worse sense of humor than his brother.  
The pull in his SOUL is unmistakable; he’s no fool, and he knows that it’s clearly resonating with yours.  However, his brother’s arm is around you, and you’re laughing at something Red’s said – some stupid joke, he’s sure – which only serves to deepen his scowl.  
How could you – you of all the people out there, the one that’s dating his brother – be the soulmate of the Great and Terrible Papyrus?  He’s outright rude to you from the start, refusing to use your name (“HUMAN, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DIRTY DISHES IN THE SINK LIKE MY LAZYBONES BROTHER!”) and jumping on you over every small slight in an effort to drive you out of his house.  He even surprises Red by snapping at him when Red tells him to chill out, and then sequesters himself in his room.  
His SOUL is vibrating so hard that he feels like he’s going to break apart, but he pushes it down.
Wait… it isn’t vibrating at all.  It’s clenching tight, yes, but the vibration he felt was his rattling ribcage.
He tries to avoid you, but one day, you confront him and straight-up get in his face, demanding to know what you did wrong and why he hates you so much.  Edge attempts to flee the conversation (he can’t think over the pounding in his skull, or the way his SOUL feels as if it’s writhing within his body), but you block his path and jab a finger bravely into his chest, lecturing him over his behavior.  Red isn’t around, and you’re determined to make peace with his brother so you can feel comfortable hanging out at your bonefriend’s house.  
Edge can only stare, his expression stricken, as you muster up every bit of your courage to demand to know why he hates you.  
However, you weren’t expecting to choke on the words…
Tears cloud your vision as the word hate catches in your throat.  You’re not even sure why you’re crying – or why your chest feels so tight.  Are you on the verge of an anxiety attack?  Was this a mistake?  Or –
– or is it just that the idea of him hating you hurts?
That’s absurd.  You barely know each other.  Still, as soon as the first tear rolls down your cheek, Edge shocks the hell out of you by gathering you against his chest.  His hold is borderline tender, and for a long time, he doesn’t say anything; he simply holds you while you calm down.  
… Is he shaking?
“I DON’T…”
He hesitates, and you attempt to lift your head, but he holds you tighter, refusing to allow you to look at him.  
The two of you don’t speak of what transpired in the hallway that day, but Edge is noticeably nicer to you.  He never mentions the resonance to Red, so his brother remains oblivious.  Of course, you and Red eventually go your separate ways, and you don’t see Edge for several weeks.  
And then, you run into him at a grocery store… and your heart feels like it’s fluttering.  
US!bros*You’re dating Blueberry.
Stretch knows what’s happening the moment he meets you.
The resonance is strong enough that he can feel it in his entire body, however, he’s had enough experience with concealing his true feelings that it doesn’t show.  He had been eager to meet you – his brother has been going on and on about you for weeks, so he knew you had to be a great person – but he never expected his brother’s datemate to be his soulmate.  
He plays it off spectacularly.  He’s friendly toward you, makes plenty of puns (you always laugh at his jokes, and whenever you both end up firing off puns together, Blueberry pretends to be so exasperated), and spends plenty of time hanging out with you and his brother.  He’s always there to offer advice, his sends you memes late at night, and he can kick your ass in every version of Mario Party there is, and yet… he also always gives you and Blue your alone time.  He gives you space, or naps on the couch, and you end up considering him your best friend.
He never tells Blueberry that you’re his soulmate.  He would never do that to his brother, who’s obviously head-over-heels for you – and you love Blueberry, too; Stretch can tell.  Blue’s the kind of person that would break up with you if he knew, and Stretch can never allow that.  
After all, he just wants his two favorite people to be happy, and he’s content with you as his best friend.  Just having you around is enough to make his soul sing.
Who says soulmates can’t be platonic?
SF!bros*You’re dating Blackberry
*heh.  guess i’ve just got that shit of luck, huh?
Mutt should have known that he wouldn’t be worthy of a soulmate.  After all, he’s spent a good portion of his life feeling guilt-ridden and worthless, constantly trying to make up for his previous bout of selfishness.  
So, it comes as no surprise that he would get tested here.  
It also comes as no surprise that he doesn’t react to the resonance.  He could never do that to his brother.  Blackberry’s been a touch-starved mess, yearning for love and affection, and he finally has it from you.  And you’re good for him!  You temper him, keeping him grounded and from having his anger make him impulsive.  You give him a kindness that no one besides Mutt has, which only makes Mutt’s soul swell even more with admiration.  
The three of you spend a fair amount of time together, since it appears that Blackberry feels the most at ease when he’s around his brother.  Mutt, however, avoids being alone with you, and aside from the occasional joke and wink thrown your way, you never become great friends with him.  Although he acts normally around Blackberry, he keeps his guard up, and always seems to twist any efforts you make to get to know him back onto his brother and how magnificent he is.  
Whenever you’re sleeping in Blackberry’s room, however, Mutt spends the night outside with his hood pulled up, chain-smoking dog treats and clutching his chest.  It’s hard to ignore the throb of his SOUL, but he does his damnedest.
Though, he resolves never to drink around you for fear that he’ll get too drunk and blurt something out – or even worse, try to hold you.  He knows that all it would take is one hug, and all his years of repentance would be out the window.    
(*Imagine Masterlist)
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dramat-ique · 4 years
leo i have a question. should i read that FF fic you keep reblogging art for even though i know nothing about final fantasy at all? asking for me
Asdfghjkl honestly??? Yes. Do it. It’s so good. It’s the kind of fic where you don’t really need much prior knowledge?? Because none of the stuff that happens in the game itself has much effect on the fic. It’s mostly just like. Background information that you’d miss? Context and stuff. Straight up you could probably guess at any blanks you’re left with but because I’m Big Nerd I’mma just list the information that feels important bellow.
So like.
Lucis: The nation the story takes place in. This fic takes place mostly in the main city “Insomnia”. Regis is king of Lucis and Noctis is the prince. Most of the characters here work for the royal family. Cor Leonis is a crownsguard, pretty much the kings personal army. Ignis is Noctis’ retainer, and Gladio is Noctis’ bodyguard. They’re all around the same age, but Gladio and Ignis are a bit older than Noctis.
Niflheim: another nation that Lucis is at war with. There are reasons for this but mostly unimportant. They’re the “bad guys” so to speak.
MT: Short for Magitek. This is important for this one lmao.
To tldr; An MT is i robotic/magically opporated soldier Niflheim produces. As it turns out, MT’s are actually made by taking people (more specifically, clones of the crazy guy who developed this tech) and injecting them with what is essentially demon blood until they basically turn into magical miasma that can be used to possess suits of armour, essentially.
In canon a main character, Prompto, turns out to have been a clone rescued from the MT facility as an infant and adopted into a Lucian family before he could be turned into an MT.
In this fic, Prompto isn’t rescued until he’s in his early teens (he’s the same ish age as Noctis) and he’s sort of halfway between MT and regular human. And he’s spent his whole life in a training facility.
And thats about it. But really any gaps you can probably figure out for yourself? There are other characters like Clarus who’s Gladio’s dad and the kings bodyguard but they’re all sort of minor enough that you can figure it out. Lots of stuff gets explained anyway as the characters themselves figure stuff out.
ESENTIALLY I very much recommend it if you’re looking for something to read. It’s sweet, funny, emotional and just some good found family shit. The fic is Poor Wayfaring Stranger and you should read it!!
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