#I’ve already got candle options to burn
alphinias · 1 month
My biggest dilemma of the week is what snack and drink I want to watch Bridgerton s3 with
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mushpired · 1 year
My first fanfic wooo! Some notes, this will include cheating, with slight soap ghost, sadly that’s the pair that has the cheating, but yeah
Also, English is not my first language, so please call out any grammar mistake. Also, I’ve never played cod in my life, enjoy!
The Other Wo(man)
-The other woman, finds time to manicure her nails-
Johnny got out of the shower, his towel hanging within reach, the fog clouded the bathroom, his feet meeting soft rug on his bathroom floor. With a towel hanging on his hips, he got out of the bathroom, not even sparing a look to his mirror, he has been avoiding it lately. He simply stepped onto his bedroom. It was weird being on leave, but it’s not like he had an option, Price basically had forced the 141 to “get rest” even though he hadn’t slept well in a month.
As he stepped into his room, he saw his clothes, the clothes he had planned on wearing for tonight, on his bed, ironed and neatly laying there, ready to be worn. A satin green shirt -it matches your eyes, you should wear it more- he said as he kissed him- and some black slacks, to be paired with black polished shoes, definitely the fanciest outfit on his closet.
After drying himself, he threw everything on, careful not to wrinkle anything. The shoes gave a little tap onto the floor as he walked to the desk that now worked as a vanity. He didn’t wear makeup often, not really an option as he worked, but here and now, he had been using it a lot more often. He looked, bad, to put it simply. His skin more grayish, and his eye bags more pronounced, today he had shaved, but his mowhawk was longer, only having the energy to shave the sides, he didn’t feel like cutting it - your hair has grown- Simon said, -is it bad- Johnny asked, lightly playing with his hair - never said that- he said, as he kissed him, his hand coming up to play with the longer strands falling onto his neck- he shook his head, trying to will that memory to go away.
He sat, facing the mirror on the desk, pulling the makeup he would be using tonight, concealer, foundation, powder, lipgloss, blush, bronzer. All just to appear less dead, with a bit of mascara, to fix his sunken gaze. He started to apply everything, the powder for some reason his favorite step, he remembered his mother, sitting on her vanity, little Johnny by her knees, his mother had been crying, she was reapplying her makeup, the powder on the vanity, brush on her hand as she covered the tear tracks, it was a powder foundation he thinks it was called, at that time he didn’t understand what was happening, he simply stayed there, kneeling by his mother, head on her lap, and his fathers shirt on the floor, a bright red lipstick stain on his collar. His mothers lipstick was pink.
Now he understood his mother, the memory and messages burned onto his brain, but it didn’t matter, it was just an accident, he shouldn’t have snooped anyways, it was his fault, he had simply not been enough, it’s good that Simon had looked for other ways to please himself, it didn’t matter that he did so behind Johnnys back, it didn’t matter that he lied to Johnny, really, it was just fine, it was probably just a one time thing, right? He should just start paying more attention, be more loving, that’s why he invited Simon to his apartment today, a candlelight, home cooked dinner, maybe this way Simon would realize that Johnny really loves him, that it was enough with just him. Right?
He finished applying the makeup, dinner was ready, he had cooked before getting ready. He just needed to set the table, light the candles, the sun had already set, moonlight streaming past his curtains onto the living room, as he set the table, plates, glasses, bourbon, candles, food, fork, knife, napkins, all was ready. He hadn’t even noticed the time, 5 minutes until Simon said he would arrive. He decided to light the candles and wait on the sofa, the gentle flames the only lights, he checked his phone, Price had invited the 141+ Alejandro and Rodolfo to a bar, he even offered to pay, the two Mexicans also on leave after the Las Almas mission, the accepted, along with Gaz, he, of course said no, ghost refusing the invitation, said he had other plans, that was enough to make Soaps heart flutter with hope, hope that Simon was going to arrive for the date at any minute.
It was 9:20, Ghost was supposed to be here at 9, but it was nothing, probably just bad traffic, he shouldn’t think too much about it.
9:45. Johnny had left messages that went unread, the candles were still burning, thankfully they hadn’t melted much. His stomach started to hurt, he would wait a little more.
10:15, just some more minutes, calls went to the voice mail, messages still unread. His heart ached. Candles had melted about a third, he had bought long candles, so they wouldn’t melt too fast.
10:36. His stomach ached with hunger, phone with no messages from Simon, only a few from Gaz and Price, but they were probably some memes he didn’t feel like seeing now, his heart felt like it was burning.
11:23. A knock on the door, he knew it wasn’t Simon, he had read the messages from Gaz and from Price. Tears were forming on his eyes. The knocking continued, now with the voices from his teammates, Price was loud, while Gaz was softer, more hesitant.
-it’s open- he said as loud as he could, knees close to his chest, arms hugging himself.
His captain and fellow soldier entered his house with hesitant steps. They looked at him, starting to open their mouths, before they took his look in.
He probably made quite the image. His mascara had run down with his tears, black streaks on his cheeks. Hair messy, the only light we’re the candles.
-I know- he said -I already know- he choked out, half sobbing.
His friends immediately went to his side, Price kneeling in front of him, Gaz taking his place by Johnnys side. Throwing an arm across his shoulder as his frame shook with the force of his sobs, Price taking his hands as he uncurled himself, knees now apart so he could bow his head, as he folded himself, trying not to choke on his tears and spit. Gaz was saying something, probably trying to give him some comfort as he cried, Price was quiet, only rubbing his hands carefully, rough hands treating him like glass.
He continued to sob, until sleep started to creep on him. Starting to lean to the side, as his head fell to Gaz’s Lap, legs stretching onto the sofa, Price still holding his hands, the last thing he saw, were Prices eyes, full with anger, and pity for his friend and teammate. And he knew, that they had seen Simon, his partner, at the bar, with that pretty boy that looked just like Ghosts old friend, whose name had to do with an insect, and they probably had been doing more than talking.
Simon had cheated on him, had been cheating on him, and now, he would sleep, tomorrow he would answer his friends questions, and cry some more. But for now, sleep was all he could think of, even with his heart full of pain and his empty stomach.
Sooo that was it, I don’t really see Simon cheating on anybody, but I couldn’t get this idea out of my head, mainly because I like to hurt characters that I love. I wanted soap to be comforted, so I ofc added price and Gaz, I feel like they both would like to punch ghost, but the could leave their friend alone. That was it, I really am not good at this or anything. Oh! And I used the song “the other woman” by Nina Simone for inspiration. Thanks for reading!
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pashminalamb · 2 years
CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 800 FOLLOWERS!!!! 🥳✨🎉 You absolutely deserve the success after all your hard work 😤. I’ve been…. eh? If that makes sense? Like I am currently swamped with just everything in life atm but like I’m handling it like a champ (if I do say so myself 😌). Have not had a single breakdown or attack so far since my life got extra hectic again. If that’s an achievement I’ll take it. But like it also sucks cause it’s my birthday week and the universe decided to throw everything at me right now of all times. But it’s cool I shall manage. Sorry abt all that ranting I can get carried away sometimes 😅🥲. Let me know if it bothers you. ALSO it took so long to decide what emoji I wanted, but I have finally chosen one. If it’s not taken already I shall now be known as ✨ anon. Cause it gives me the just-shashaying-through-the-burning-house-that-is-my-life-with-chocolate-milk-and-pair-of-snazzy-glasses vibes you know? Anyways as always I hope you’re taking care of yourself! 2D man will never let you down. Real men ain’t shit anyways. *sends many virtual hugs*
- virtual hug anon (now officially ✨ anon)
Thank you !! (,,>﹏<,,)
Ik it can be hard sometimes, but you got this. It's the little progress that matters, and i'm proud of you for getting through your day
꒰ᐢ⸝⸝•༝•⸝⸝ᐢ꒱⸒⸒˚ ༘♡
Ooh its your birthday this week? *lights up candles*
(pls don't apologize for ranting, its totally fine to yk? its important to unwind once in a while and chill, And I like interacting with people
✨ Anon totally fits the vibe (definitely fits the she's the baddest of them all song)
Gonna go on a lil rant here; i just woke up, haven't been able to sleep much all night cause my uterus is having a heartattack? (idek what to call this level of pain) but other than that, i'm doing p well itching to write this angst scene i was thinking about but yeah and also planning to write for obey me...
So, me & my ex are still friends but the exes before that, makes me wanna crawl into a hole and give myself a timeout girl what were you thinking but like here's the problem : Nice boys = are nice to you, you fall for em and they don't like you back (and i just did something about this last week)
Toxic boys = are mean to you (but kinda have their positive moments even if its rare? that adds to you falling for them), indecisive af and make you question your place? Where do they even get the audacity from? istg the drama I had for 2 years
2D men just hit the spot; like its a two way relationship. they don't text you, you don't text them back, so the both of you are stressing. They cheat on you, you have like a lot of options available and from a variety which includes dilfs, footballers, volleyball players, sorcerers, mafia men, men with quirks, ikyk
Some of the real men are such a disappointment.
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*sending back hugs ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝•༝•⸝⸝ᐢ꒱*
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cocoafueledwriter · 1 year
Mimic prided themselves on being able to read others. Guess it came with the territory of being a shapeshifter. Someone who was meant to take on the form of anything but themselves. Yet, as they sat on the ledge of a rooftop with Flutter not too far from them, they realized something.
They weren’t really sure what was going on in Flutter’s head.
Both of them had quickly fled the scene when the sound of sirens got too loud. Flutter had allowed themselves to be led by Mimic to a rooftop nearby. Mimic hadn’t honestly expected to get this far. Ali warned them that Flutter would be unlikely to actually hear them out. Considering the fact they had never taken the help of another hero or accepted any of the invites to different corporations. Mimic had fully expected Flutter to scoff and fly off into the night, but instead here they were. Staring at each other in complete silence.
“Are you going to say anything?” Flutter questioned. She crossed her arms in front of herself and Mimic felt a wave of anxiety. They tried to find the words. The speech Ali had carefully drilled them on flew from their mind. Mimic’s eyes latched onto the floating book that couldn’t seem to stop flipping through itself.
“Is your book alive?” Mimic blurted. Flutter was taken aback.
“Is that the reason you asked to speak to me?” Flutter uncrossed their arms. Flying a little closer to Mimic. They watched as Flutter’s book finally stopped on a page. Although, Mimic could understand the words for the life of them. 
“Look if that’s the only reason you wanted to talk. Then I’ll be taking my leave.” Flutter sighed, flying back to her original position. Mimic panicked.
“No! I- well-” Mimic stopped and took a second to bring their thoughts together.
“Look, I’m sure you’ve noticed the uptick in criminal activity, and the decline in hero appearances.” Mimic at least hoped they had. If not then this was going to be a really awkward conversation.
“How could I not? I’ve been the one picking up the slack.” Flutter said bitterly. 
“Hey! You haven’t been the on-” Flutter held up a hand to stop Mimic, who had been about to go on tirade it seemed.
“If you’re here to tell me to ‘watch out’ then save it. This kinda comes with the territory.” Flutter looked away. Staring off into the sky. It was getting lighter. They’d both have to leave soon.
“If you’d let me finish then you’d know that I’m asking you to help us.” Mimic finally said. Flutter looked at them quizzically.
“Another hero and I are gathering those that are left. We have an idea of what’s going on, but we need more help.”
Flutter regarded them with cold indifference. Mimic worried they had made a horrible mistake.
“I don’t do ‘team ups’” 
“No, I know! But this is like a case for exception.” Mimic didn’t really know what to do. They had already been expecting this, but Ali really thought Flutter’s magic could help them, and they were going to need every last hero in the area if they wanted to win this. 
“We’re done here. Don’t bother me again.” Flutter sped off into the night before Mimic could even retort. Mimic then took out a phone-like device. Something Ali had made to be an untraceable form of communication. Pressing one of the buttons it buzzed to life and a slightly static voice came over.
“I’m assuming that things didn’t go well.” 
“No, I think we’re going to have to go with plan B.”
AJ picked at her breakfast. Just one of those individual cereal packs. Something the school bought in bulk and basically forced the students to eat with how inedible the other options were. Alyssa sat across from them with her own cereal finished. She gave AJ a look.
“You really shouldn’t burn the candle at both ends. Where do you even go every night?” AJ froze. There it was, the first question. AJ knew where this led. Either Alyssa would be satisfied with the shit answer she was about to give, or their relationship was about to become a lot more strained.
“Night study group. I meet with a few people to go over stuff.” AJ gave a nonchalant shrug. Alyssa looked skeptical, but shrugged her own shoulders in return.
“Yall should really consider meeting up once a week or something.” Alyssa suggested. AJ let out a quiet sigh of relief. No follow questions. No skepticism on why they meet so late.
“I’ll talk to them about it. Do you have classes today?” AJ asked, pushing her cereal to the side.
“I was, but the professor doesn’t feel like teaching today, so not anymore.” Alyssa takes AJ’s unfinished cereal and pours it into her own empty bowl.
“Maybe we could go do something. I hear the markets going on downtown.” AJ offered. While she hated keeping secrets from her friend, she very much enjoyed spending time with her. Something AJ had realized she wasn’t doing enough off.
“Sounds fun! Let me finish this and then we can head out.” AJ nodded, excitement bubbling just under the service.
The market was a lot busier than Alyssa had expected. Although there did seem to be a lot more booths than last month's market. She’s already bought a small squishy frog toy from one of the newest. Something that  was completely useless but sparked joy.
“Gosh, this place is packed!” AJ laughed, swinging an arm over Alyssa’s shoulder to pull them tighter together as they weaved through the crowd. Alyssa frowned.
“If I’d known it was gonna be so busy I would’ve stayed in the dorms. Is it like tourist season or something?” Alyssa sighed and AJ awkwardly laughed in return. They walked in silence for a few minutes before AJ suddenly stopped. 
“Oh my god, the unicorn kettle corn is back!” AJ sped away from Alyssa who almost lost her in the crowd before seeing she’s stopped at a booth with bags of kettle corn all over it. A women behind the table was working with a big machine. Using a stick and heavy duty gloved hand to stir kernels. AJ was excitedly pulling out her wallet while she pointed to a bag of multicolored kettle corn. The person manning the booth happily handed it over when AJ gave them her money. 
“You’re really excited over basically caramel popcorn.” Alyssa approached from behind. AJ turned with her bag of unicorn kettle corn.
“Hey! It’s about presentation!” AJ exclaimed, holding the bag triumphantly. Alyssa was about to say something when an explosion went off in the distance and people began to scream.
Chapter 3
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thetokenmuggle · 1 year
Date Night
M Young Included: M, Jane
“I am sorry i’m so late,” Jane greeted, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. M blinked, he would never be used to the instant transmission thing she did. A second ago M was alone in the kitchen searching for a packet of crisps to munch when Jane appeared. “I am all for being comfortable but I don't think sweats would pass the dress code,” she said eyes raking over M, an appreciative hum escaping her lips. M scratched the back of his neck, he still had to pinch himself when it came to her. “Now as much as I love the view, if we want to go on our date you need to get ready,” she said with a laugh.
M looked away from chewing on his bottom as he tried to figure out how to tell Jane they had long missed their reservation. “Babe,” M started as Jane’s eyebrow quirked up. “Have you been outside in the last couple of hours?” he asked, not liking the way Jane’s face fell.
“It hasn’t been that long right?” she asked. M sighed, he was sure Jane already knew the answer. “Shit,” she said glancing at the clock on the oven. “I am so so sorry, i lost track of time, everything had been going so well but then that company got involved and just ruined everything like they always do, i swear one day i am going to burn there building down,” she said, M wasn’t used to seeing her this annoyed - well at anything that wasn’t his best friend. Oh shit was the company Star Labs, he was 99.99 percent sure that it wasn’t but maybe Minah swayed Jane and Sungjae into working together for something.
“Don’t do that, not that I don't appreciate you dabbling into new interests even if it is arson, i just don’t think i am cut to be a prison hubby,” he said in mock seriousness, earning a giggle from Jane. “But in all seriousness it’s all good, we can always go out for dinner another time,” he said, Jane huffed shaking her head with a bitter chuckle escaping her lips. “No no none of that,” M said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a hug.
“You aren’t mad?” Jane asked. “Most men wouldn’t like their girlfriend spending so much time with their ex,” she said resting her chin on her shoulder. “I wouldn’t blame you if you were,” she mumbled.
“Well i can’t say i love it, he is pretty handsome but i am not worried, its your job, your clients wouldn’t last a minute without you,” M said trying not to laugh as Jane nodded, hair tickling his neck.
“Honestly you have no idea,” she said pulling away from M. “You really aren’t upset about me ruining our date night?” she asked softly.
“One who said our date night is ruined?” M asked raising. “And two i am really not upset about anything though i think i am going to buy you a good old fashioned muggle watch so you don’t lose track of time,” he said. Jane opened her mouth to apologize again but M stopped her with a kiss.
“Why don’t you go wash up and change it something more comfortable, i’ll muster up something for us to eat and then we can have our date night,” he said. Jane murmured a fine heading towards the staircase.
“So this is nice,” Jane said as she walked into the dining area. M nodded from the kitchen, he was a tiny bit proud of what he had managed in that half an hour. Unfortunately they did not have a ton of options, their grocery shop was long overdue but he did manage to whip up a simple beef stirfry with what they had. He had set the table making sure to use Jane’s favorite dining set and wine glasses. He used the candles his mother had bought home after her last trip to light the room, he had no idea what the scent was, something floral, but it was nice “That being said, should you have been cooking shirtless?” she asked, sipping on her wine.
“Strictly speaking no,” M chuckled placing a the plates down. “There were a few near misses,” he said, he had to dodge some oil spitting up from the pan. “But somehow i’ve managed to escape with zero injuries, must be because i was cooking for you,” he said .
Despite rolling her eyes there was no denying the smile on Jane’s face. “You are lucky i love you otherwise this cheesiness would be too much ” she muttered, shaking her head. “Anyway, why were you up when I got back?”
“Because I missed you,” M said with a big cheesy smile trying not to laugh at the face Jane pulled. “Nah i was watching a movie while going over the books but then got sucked into the movie,” he said.
“So you weren’t waiting for me?” Jane pouted. “So much for feeling special,” she teased.
M laughed. “Well how about we watch a movie after this, you pick but if it is french movie please have the subtitles added my French is still so so,” he said.
“Fine, I will suffer from subtitles that usually miss a bunch of context and cover half off the screen,” Jane said. “But don’t say that you are getting so good at it,” Jane praised. “But if you want, I know a spell that will help,” she offered. M shook his head, no he wanted to prove that he can learn on his own without magic.
“Nope, I am going to learn it by myself,” M said. “The muggle way,” he said.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
(okay hol' up, i just followed you recently despite visiting your blog for over a month now, but you followed me back and i'm short-circuiting) Congrats on 1K! Thought I'd send in an idea for the event - something lukewarm for Priest!Toji and a Witch!Reader? I'm thinking 1600s trial vibes but I know whatever you write will be dope <3
You said 1600's trial vibes and I heard the ghost of Victor Hugo go "hey you remember that one book I wrote" and I said "uh wasn't that set in the 1400s, though" and he said "mmmkay, so? you gonna write this shit or not?"
So here I am.
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Bewitched: Preist!Toji Fushiguro x Witch!Fem!Reader
wc: 1.1k
tw: NSFW
1K Follower Event Masterlist
"Recite verses from the Holy Book, take the sacrament, and I will let you go."
You turn your head away from the priest, who is holding out the cracker and wine.
"I cannot do that. It is a--"
"Against your religion!" The priest finishes for you, throwing the wine and cracker onto the floor. You flinch, feeling the wine splatter the tips of your bare toes. "And why have you given your soul to the devil? What does he hold over you that cannot be forgiven by God?" The broad-chested man reaches a hand out to touch your chin with his crooked index finger, but you step back, keeping your eyes on the stone floor of the chapel.
"I have not sold my soul to the devil," you reply, gripping your hands by your sides. "I am not a dark witch."
"Please do not tell me you think there good witches or bad witches," he laughs, stepping over the mess he just made and advancing upon you in the robes befit for a holy king. "A witch is a witch. And you will be hung or burned at the stake if I say so."
"Then kill me," you gripe. "But you will suffer the wrath of a thousand others if you do."
"You are ill," he pleads with you, his green eyes searching your face earnestly. "Come, be saved by the power of God and--"
"Your god does not exist," you retort, but you can't seem to catch the hand that strikes out at your face. You stumble against a pew, bringing a hand up to your face.
"Blasphemy! Repent, witch, or you will burn in Hell for eternity!"
I've got one last trick, you think to yourself. One last option. But I would be breaking my own rules to do it. The priest continues to advance on you, and you muster up the last bit of magic you can to cast a final spell. You don't even need to speak, the thought of the old words is enough.
At first, you don't think the spell has taken effect, but when the priest stops and blinks three times, you inhale deeply, hoping the effect of the love spell is strong enough to save you.
The priest stares at you for a long time before exhaling shakily, clasping his hands together. "I would be remiss if I did not permit you to take sanctuary here for the evening," he finally murmurs, mesmerized. "You are welcome to stay in the comfort of my chambers." He swallows hard, and you nod, silently thanking your magic for the quick solution.
"Shall I call for someone to light the fireplace? I would hate for you to catch a chill."
"I'm fine," you whisper, curling under the sheets in the large four-poster bed. "Thank you." The priest has changed out of his vestments, now clothed in simple pair of pants, and his black hair is visible, laying against his forehead as he settles into the chair beside the bed.
There are only three other women in your situation - witches who have bewitched priests who sought to murder them. You vowed as a young witch to never put yourself in this situation, for the risk of the spell not working was higher than the reward of it actually taking effect in the way you want it to. But it seems this priest already had wavering faith, which strengthened the hold of your magic on him. He looks at you with a lost puppy gaze, the scar on his lips parting as he drinks in your visage in his bed.
"Your scar," you whisper, reaching your hand out to touch it. "Where did you get it from?" The priest kisses your fingers, then murmurs,
"A witch scarred me as a child when she attacked my family." You hum, frowning.
"I am sorry to hear that. Such a malicious act for no reason..." The brutish man leans into your palm, and you stroke his face as he sighs.
"May I join you in the bed? Feel free to say no."
"You may." In the waning light of the sun, the priest climbs into the bed with you, wrapping a strong arm around your figure.
Before he blows the candles out, he whispers, "Goodnight, my love."
And the lights go out.
Your hips bang against the dresser as Toji rocks into you, his muscled body hovering above yours.
"Excellent... sermon today," you moan, leaning your head back. You don't really think it was an excellent sermon, but his infatuation grows stronger every single time you praise him.
"Enough about that," he whispers, leaning down to kiss you. "I love coming back to your embrace. You're so perfect..."
For the past three months, you've been living in the church and carrying on a relationship with the priest inside. And you have to admit, beyond his staunch and unmoved exterior, Toji is softer than you ever imagined he would be.
"I'm gonna cum..." he whispers, bracing himself for the sensation. "Oh, my--" The hiss Toji lets out is divine, and the feeling of his cock twitching inside of you is just as amazing.
"Toji, that feels so good..." you moan, and he laughs, kissing down your neck.
"You love it when I cum inside of you, huh?" You nod, kissing him again as he carries you to the bed, covering you with the sheets and smoothing your hair away from your face. "I love you."
"I love you, too," you admit, touching his face before curling up and drifting off to sleep.
But you awake in the middle of the night, and upon finding the other side of the bed cold, you sit up and look around the room. "Toji?" You slide out of bed, feeling the stickiness between your legs but ignoring it and wrapping yourself in a shirt discarded on the floor. You open the doors to your shared chambers and walk through the church, peeking around every corner and even daring to look in the confessional box. But there's nothing.
And then you hear a soft whispering, and you creep into the main sanctuary, seeing Toji kneeling at the altar. You hold your breath to hear him better, and you pick up the words,
"Forgive me, Lord, for lying with a witch... I cannot be parted from her, and she believes she has cast a spell upon me... and in essence she has. But I am sure if I remain by her side, she will be converted and--" You turn quickly and rush back to your chambers, sliding back into the bed, shaking.
No, you hadn't truly escaped. Your magic hadn't worked.
Toji had bewitched you, and now, you couldn't leave him.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
😏 Hey, it's me, back again. On my knees, begging for more filth. I want some post mountain grovelling. I want Geralt on his knees. One of Jaskier's hands in his hair, holding his head still. The fingers of Jaskier's other hand in Geralt's mouth. <insert Gopher gif here>
Not exactly filth? There is smut... but it caught plot. For those wondering... Jaskier's hair and beard looks something like this.
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Rated: E
Length: 2.5k
CW: dom/sub vibes, subspace, oral sex
Fear was not something that Geralt was accustomed to feeling. The trials had made sure of that, but the trials were created with monsters in mind, not bards. There had been a time when being afeared of Jaskier would have seemed preposterous. The worst thing that could have happened was the bard getting too close to a fight and getting hurt because of Geralt, but even then, Geralt had never been scared of Jaskier, more scared for him. Losing Jaskier to the witcher’s way of life would have been unforgivable, so Geralt made sure it didn’t happen.
Jaskier was gone.
And yet he still wasn’t safe. Geralt had torn his own heart into pieces to keep Jaskier safe, and now fucking Nilfgaard was destroying everything. Rumour had it that the army were looking for Jaskier, looking for a way to Geralt and to Ciri. So it was time for Geralt to swallow his pride and make amends. He’d travelled to Oxenfurt with his young ward in tow to search for his dearest friend, the man he’d broken. Ciri had been a surprising blessing in his life. Just like Jaskier, she had brought light to his life when there had been none, and he was beginning to realise that isolating himself did not make him stronger. His friends, brothers, lovers were more deadly than any sword or sign. Alone he was just one man, motivated by survival and a sense of duty.
For Ciri he would tear down the Continent.
For Yennefer he would climb the highest mountain.
For Jaskier…
He sighed. For Jaskier he would break his own heart, and for Jaskier he would try to make it right again.
It was more terrifying than any manticore or griffin.
A knock on the door, that’s all it would take. Instead he was just lurking outside the office, an elaborate “Professor Pankratz” painted in fine golden calligraphy on the panelling. Geralt pinched the bridge of his nose, every instinct he had was telling him to run, take Ciri back to Kaer Morhen for the winter and leave Jaskier. Surely no harm would come to him at the academy.
“Are you going to stare at my door all day, Geralt, or shall we go inside?”
Geralt’s eyes widened as he spun around to face his friend. He hadn’t heard Jaskier’s voice in years but there was no mistaking the lilting accent and the playful way that he spoke. No one else spoke quite like Jaskier. The bard’s voice may not have changed but Geralt was taken aback by Jaskier’s appearance. His hair, which had always been short and scruffy in the decades that Geralt had known him, was now long, the ends ticking just below his chin. The long locks were tucked behind one ear, and his fringe had grown out. But it was the beard that really drew Geralt’s attention. He’d never realised that Jaskier could grow a beard, he’d never even seen the bard with stubble before, and yet here was Jaskier sporting a thick beard that was as rich in colour as his hair, no sign of any grey despite his age.
He looked beautiful.
Piercing icy blue eyes burned with cool fire, and Geralt was reminded why this trip had worried him. Jaskier had been his most loyal friend, and despite his profession, the bard was dangerous. His tongue was sharp and his temper was short, for Lillit’s sake, he’d even tried to condemn a man to death with the blasted Djinn.
“Well? Come on, witcher, get inside or get out,” Jaskier said with the cool authority of the professor he had become. Gone was the eighteen year old fool that Geralt had met in Posada.
“Right, yes,” Geralt grumbled and stepped aside so that Jaskier could open the door. He trailed in after the bard, feeling very much like a dog with his tail between his legs.
“I never expected to see you at my door, Geralt,” Jaskier muttered as he busied himself around the room, sorting out his books and scrolls from his satchel, carefully placing his ink bottles on the messy desk, and shrugging out of his teaching robes.
Underneath the dark robes, he was wearing an elegant dark green doublet with matching breeches, gold thread stitching at the seams. To Geralt’s surprise, the bard's doublet was fully buttoned, hiding both the chemise and the mass of chest hair that Geralt knew was underneath the emerald fabric.
“I never expected to come,” Geralt admitted.
“Excellent, now you can leave again, it was good to see you old friend. Close the door on your way out.”
Jaskier’s words stung, a dagger between his ribs, poison running through his veins, but Geralt couldn’t give up, not without a proper fight. “I came to apologise.”
“Oh, ho, ho, that’s rich, witcher. What’s next? You’ll go and fetch your Child Surprise?”
“Ciri,” Geralt mumbled.
That seemed to have an effect, Jaskier froze, his back to Geralt. The bard slowly spun round and peered at Geralt. “So you finally found her?”
“I did.”
“Well, I’ll be damned,” Jaskier sighed, pushing his hair from his face and scratching idly at his beard. “Did she mention me?”
“She did.”
“So, tell me Geralt, are you here because you want to apologise, or because the princess demanded it?” Jaskier’s tone was sharper than any witcher sword, this was the man who had destroyed a knight’s honour with a few well-placed rhymes and catchy songs just because he had insulted Geralt, and Geralt wasn’t used to being on the receiving end.
“Nilfgaard are coming, Jaskier. I couldn’t leave you in danger. They are looking for you, because of me.”
Jaskier scoffed, throwing his arms up, almost knocking an ink bottle flying. “Nilfgaard, wow. Yup, yes, should have expected that.”
“I’m here to protect you,” Geralt growled, “and- and because I miss you.”
“Miss me?” Jaskier hissed, stepping forward so that there was barely any space between them, his sweet chamomile scent now flooding Geralt’s senses. “You should have led with that, witcher.”
“Fine, you want to apologise. On your knees, grovel. I won’t follow you blindly again, Geralt. I need to know you won’t hurt me. You want to protect me?”
“Yes,” Geralt answered without hesitation.
“Then know that no one on this Continent has ever hurt me like you did on that fucking mountain. Forgiveness will take time,” Jaskier said haughtily, and Geralt dropped to his knees. He finally saw Jaskier’s rage for what it was; a shield. Jaskier was trying to protect himself… from Geralt.
“I am sorry, Jaskier,” Geralt said, his voice shaking but sincere. “I only ever meant to protect you. I lashed out. I was hurting after Yennefer. I shouldn’t have said those things to you, but-”
“Hollow excuses.”
“But I was scared,” Geralt finally glanced up, and oh what a sight. Jaskier was looming above him, his hair almost coppery in the candle light. He looked like a messenger from the gods. “My life is a dangerous one. I fucked up Yennefer’s life with one breath, how could I possibly risk doing the same for you?”
“You already did.”
“But you’re alive,” Geralt whispered quietly.
“I would have rather died, Geralt,” Jaskier hissed.
“Don’t be so dramatic, bard.”
“If it meant giving up my life with you. Life with you was the greatest adventure, there was never a dull moment. I got to live every single day. Now look at me, I’m trapped in a cage without the best friend I’ve ever had,” Jaskier spat. “So you’ll have to do better than that.”
Geralt lowered his gaze once more. He was running out of options, but there was one more card that he held close to his heart, rarely even admitting it to himself. They say that love can conquer anything. It hadn’t been true for him and Yen, but perhaps the sorceress had been right and their love was just an illusion created by his wish and the spell she’d cast on him.
“I love you,” he whispered, loud enough for human ears to hear but still a quiet admission, one he’d never said out loud before.
Jaskier didn’t say anything. Instead, there was a gentle tug at Geralt’s hair as Jaskier pulled the tie from its place. Geralt stayed still, letting his words hang in the air. The bard’s fingers began to gently run through Geralt’s hair, each touch sending warm tingles down his spine, and he felt his breathing relax almost into a meditative state. Jaskier had done this before when they were on the path, braiding Geralt’s hair whilst he meditated, but this felt different, there had never been this spark burning between them before.
There had never been those words lying heavy on Geralt’s tongue before. “I love you, Jask,” he repeated, his voice more slurred this time and he felt almost as if he had been drugged, his head feeling foggy. The haze got thicker with every stroke of Jaskier’s hand through his hair.
“Oh, dear heart,” Jaskier cooed, his voice sounding almost like a dream. “You have no idea how long I’ve yearned to hear those words.”
“I’m sorry,” Geralt mumbled. “Forgive me, Julek.”
“In time, my darling, in time,” Jaskier breathed, his scent sweeter now, something akin to arousal. It was hard to tell through the fuzziness in Geralt’s head.
There was a low whine, that Geralt vaguely registered as coming from him. Heat was beginning to thrum through his body, and he slowly realised that at some point he’d shut his eyes, completely submitting to his bard in his attempts to earn Jaskier’s forgiveness. He felt Jaskier’s fingers cupping his cheek, hooking under his chin. Geralt whimpered as he struggled to open his eyes.
“There you are, Geralt,” Jaskier whispered, “apology accepted, dear heart.”
“I know, I know, I’m here,” the words washed over Geralt like a warm breeze.
“I- I- want…” Geralt didn’t know what he was asking for or what he wanted, but his head was spinning and suddenly the hand in his hair wasn’t enough. He’d gone so long without seeing Jaskier, and now that they weren’t together, it was like a dam had broken. All the things he’d been denying himself for years…
“Shh, Geralt, I’ve got you,” Jaskier hummed, and before Geralt could protest, he felt the press of Jaskier’s fingers at his lips. Eagerly, Geralt opened his lips, taking the digits into his mouth and sucking gently. He gazed up at his bard, drunk on the feeling of his own arousal.
Geralt had never seen Jaskier in his element at Oxenfurt before but the calm way in which Jaskier commanded the room was enticing. This was Jaskier’s office, his space. Geralt was the guest here, not the other way round. Usually Jaskier had to fit into Geralt’s life, but now it was Geralt’s turn, kneeling at the professor’s feet, a willing student, begging for another chance.
“Geralt?” Jaskier asked, cocking his head so that his long hair fell in front of his eyes. “Do- do you want this?”
Geralt hummed around Jaskier’s fingers, nodding his head. It felt like a stupid question. How could he not want this? It was everything he’d never let himself dream of. He tried to say yes, but the word was muffled by Jaskier’s fingers.
“Gods, darling, you look so beautiful like this,” Jaskier cooed, and there was a sharp tug in Geralt’s head. He moaned around Jaskier’s fingers, vaguely aware that his cock was now painfully hard in his trousers. “That’s it, my love, sing for me.”
Geralt moaned again, sucking at the fingers in his mouth, enjoying the weight on his tongue. He’d never done anything like this before, but with Jaskier it just felt right. When he’d come to Oxenfurt he hadn’t expected anything like this to happen. He’d been praying to whatever gods were listening that Jaskier would forgive him, anything more than that had been an impossible dream. Geralt’s eyes fluttered shut and he hummed happily, shifting his weight until he was in a more comfortable position, the one he used for meditating. Like this, he could sit at Jaskier’s feet for hours should the bard wish.
But instead, Jaskier pulled his fingers from Geralt’s mouth. The emptiness left an ache deep inside Geralt that he hadn’t expected, but Jaskier’s other hand cupped his cheek, tilting his head so he was forced to look up at the bard. There was an undeniable fondness in Jaskier’s eyes, and between the beard and the extra weight he’d put on now that he was settled at Oxenfurt, he looked so warm… cuddly.
And Geralt wanted him.
“Can I- do you want my cock?” Jaskier stumbled over the words, a break in his previously mask of calmness. “We don’t- it’s just a suggestion…”
“Yes,” Geralt breathed, gazing up at the man he loved. In fact, he could think of nothing he wanted more in that moment. He swallowed, his mouth dry as he shuffled forward to nuzzle against the bulge in Jaskier’s trousers. Jaskier groaned as Geralt mouthed at his erection through the fabric. “Please, Jaskier.”
“Go on then, witcher, please me.”
Geralt’s fingers shook as he untied the lacing at the front of Jaskier’s trousers, and they moaned in unison as he finally took the tip of Jaskier’s cock into his mouth, the taste of precum bitter on his tongue.
“Gods, Geralt, I never thought I’d see the day…”
Geralt just hummed, licking at Jaskier’s slit before bobbing his head, slowly taking more into his mouth. There was another tug at his hair and he hummed, relaxing into his movements as Jaskier slowly began to rock his hips, gently thrusting into Geralt’s mouth. All the while, a steady stream of soft praises fell from the bard’s lips. Geralt had never felt particularly aroused from sucking cock before, but at Jaskier’s feet, the gentle words lingering in the air and the rhythmic touch of fingers caressing through his hair, he was closer to cumming than he thought possible.
He gasped as he pulled back, biting back a moan as he rested his head on Jaskier’s thigh. “I- Jask, fuck…”
“Shall I take you to bed, darling?” Jaskier cooed, gently pulling Geralt to his feet.
His legs were shaking and he fell into his bard's waiting arms, burying his nose in the crook of Jaskier’s neck. Geralt hummed as he kissed Jaskier’s neck, the soft bristles of the bard’s beard warm against his skin. “Your beard is soft,” he murmured, running his lips along the edge of the beard until they were ghosting over Jaskier’s lips, a tease of a kiss yet to come.
Jaskier laughed, pressing their foreheads together. “The luxuries of Oxenfurt, my dear witcher.”
“Smells good too,” Geralt hummed, finally capturing Jaskier’s lips in a chaste kiss. The bard moaned quietly and his fingers dug into Geralt’s side, pulling him closer. “Smells like home.”
After a few moments of being lost in each other, Jaskier finally took Geralt’s hand, lacing their fingers together and leading him through the office to the bedroom that lay beyond. They had a long way to go before Geralt was truly forgiven but this was a start.
This was their start, their new beginning, a new chapter in their adventure.
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
dorm friendly magick for broom-closeted student witches
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Got roommates that aren’t into witchcraft/magick? Can’t burn incense in your dorm room? Don’t have time for elaborate rituals between studying for exams and writing papers? I’ve been there. Here are some of my favorite undercover spells and rituals for witches living that college life. 
Journal Magick
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Keep a manifestation journal! Find a journal that really speaks to you and makes you feel good every time you open it, whether it’s a bulky leatherbound tome or has a holographic cover and hot pink pages -- what matters is that you feel a connection to it. 
Every morning, write down the things you want to manifest in your journal in the present tense, as if they had already happened. [Note: this works better if you are writing the same thing every day for at least a few weeks. Consistent intent is key!] 
For more information on this type of manifestation, just search “scripting” on YouTube and you’ll find approximately 642934 videos on the subject. 
This is a really great technique for closet witches, because no one is going to be suspicious of you writing in a notebook -- plus, it’s normal for people to want to keep their journals private.
Work with correspondences just like you would for a normal spell! You can print out photos of herbs, crystals, tarot cards, astrological signs, or moon phases that correspond to your intention and glue them into your journal (or draw them, if you have artistic talent). You could even get an essential oil that matches your intention and dab a drop of it on the page. You’re essentially creating an altar dedicated to your intention, just on paper instead of in a physical altar space.
Tap into the magick of color by writing your intentions with a pen in a corresponding color (green = abundance/wealth, pink = love and friendship, yellow = academic success, etc.).
Tea and Coffee Magick
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Tea and coffee are already essentially potions, and no one is going to think twice about a college student drinking a lot of coffee/tea. 
Coffee is associated with grounding and protection, and it adds energy to any spell it is added to. Black tea is associated with protection, courage, and abundance. Green and white tea have their own, slightly different magickal uses. Based on these correspondences, you can use coffee and tea as a base for undercover potions!
For mental clarity and memory retention, brew a mixture of black coffee, lion’s mane, chaga, and ginger. For a caffeine-free alternative, brew an herbal tea with rosemary and peppermint. 
To cleanse negative energy and release stress, brew a mixture of black coffee, Ashwagandha, cinnamon, tulsi or basil, and Eleuthero. This is based on a Four Sigmatic blend, lmao.
For a sneaky prosperity spell, brew a mixture of black coffee, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and vanilla. Yes, that is essentially pumpkin pie spice, and yes, you can use a pre-mixed pumpkin pie blend instead of buying the individual spices.
I could go on, but you get the idea. You can customize your morning beverage to suit any magickal or spiritual need. 
Most plants have medicinal uses that are the same or similar to their magickal uses. So if anyone asks, tell them you’re adding these extra herbs for their nutritional and/or medicinal value. 
You can also charge your tea or coffee with crystals. Just set a small crystal associated with your intention (amethyst for mental clarity, black tourmaline for protection, citrine for prosperity, etc.) next to the mug for a few minutes, or place it on top of your coffee maker. Be sure to charge both the crystal and the drink with your intention!
Candle Magick
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If your dorm lets you have candles then congrats, because candle spells are both super powerful and a super easy way to hide your magick in plain sight.
Find a candle in a scent and color that match your intention. For example, you could use a pink, rose-scented candle for a love spell. 
You can find custom spell candles made by witches for witches on Amazon and Etsy, and these have the added bonus of having been specifically created for magickal use. Some of the businesses I’ve personally had good experiences with are Art of the Root (available on Amazon), Esoteric Arts (available on Etsy), and Crystal Journey (Amazon). 
That being said, I’ve gotten good results with $1.99 scented candles from Walmart, so please don’t feel like you need to spend a fortune on special candles for your spell to be successful.
In a pinch, an unscented white candle can be used for any intention. You can get these at the dollar store, and it’s never a bad idea to have a few on hand.
Oil Magick
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Your dorm has a no-open-flames rule, so candles and incense are out of the question. No problem -- you can get similar results with essential oils. 
An essential oil literally contains the concentrated essence of a plant. Magickally speaking, this makes them a powerful way to add some oomph to your spells. They’re also commonly used for aromatherapy, so your roommate probably won’t be phased by you diffusing them in your dorm.
You can create custom EO blends the same way you would create an incense blend, by combining different plants based on their correspondences. You can also buy pre-mixed blends online if you’re feeling lazy or if you have a certain blend you know you’re going to use a lot like, say, a focus-enhancing blend for studying.
Another option, and one that’s more traditionally witchy, is to use magickal oils/ritual oils. A magickal oil is an oil that has been created for a specific magickal purpose -- it’s like a spell in a bottle. A ritual oil is created for a specific use in magickal ritual. You can find tons of different ways to incorporate these oils into your daily life for some very subtle witchcraft.
You can create your own magickal oils by combining herbs, essential oils, and crystals that match your intention, or you can buy magickal oil blends from witch-owned businesses. Art of the Root has my absolute favorite oils -- I have like six different blends, and they’re all ridiculously powerful.
Some ways you can use magickal oils: 1.) wear them as a body oil, 2.) diffuse them like you would an essential oil blend, 3.) use them to anoint and bless objects, like tests or study guides, 4.) add them to spiritual baths, and a million more. [Note: many magickal oils come with real herbs and resins in the bottle. These chunky bits could damage a diffuser, so do keep that in mind.]
Personally, I wear magickal oils on a daily basis in the place of perfume, since most of the ones I own smell really good. As I apply them, I say a small incantation to power them up. For example, if I’m wearing an attraction oil, when I put it on I’ll say something like, “I am powerfully attractive to the people and things that will improve my life.” Which oil I choose to wear depends on the day and the area of my life where I want some extra help. 
Tech Magick
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The nice thing about being a witch in the 21st century is that, if all else fails, you can keep your entire magickal practice contained on your laptop and/or phone. And even if you’re not doing 100% of your witchcraft in a virtual space, you can still use your technology as a tool in your practice. 
Pinterest is the ultimate visualization tool. You can create a virtual altar to a deity or spirit guide by dedicating a Pinterest board to them, or create vision boards for the things you want to manifest, or create a brainstorming space to plan your full moon rituals... the possibilities are endless. 
Keep your Book of Shadows and/or manifestation journal in a Word document. If you’re really concerned about privacy, you can even password protect these documents. Another pro of an electronic Book of Shadows is that most word processors have a “search” function that lets you look things up more easily. 
Make a devotional playlist for a deity or spirit guide. Making Spotify playlists for my deities is one of my favorite devotional acts! I’ll put together all of the songs that remind me of that deity, and I can listen to it anytime, anywhere to instantly connect with them. And don’t be afraid to ask your deities what type of music they like -- you may be surprised by the answer!
If any other witches have similar tips, feel free to add onto this! This is just stuff that I’ve found works for me, but magick is deeply personal and everyone will do things a little bit differently. 
And not to shove my content in everyone’s faces, but I did just post a spell to enchant your school notebooks on my YouTube channel, so check that out if you’re interested!
9K notes · View notes
ggukkieland · 4 years
📕CURRENT READS (2020 October)
🌹 Fics I’ve enjoyed reading this October, with some few unread ones (still have 4 to 5 days to finish!). Waah I have read a lot 😲 I can’t believe I’m almost complete with this list 🥳. Usually when I post and organize the list, half of it are still on #toread status. I thought of curating Halloween-themed fics 🎃 but I ended up reading any genre anyway😁.
Again, credit goes to these awesome writers! Sending them lots of love and virtual hugs 🥰🤗💜🥰🤗💜🥰🤗 .
✅ -  done reading   | S (smut) F (fluff) A (angst) 
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🥕[Ongoing Series - to check weekly] 
Still reading the ongoing series from last month’s reading list, whenever there is an update 😊
I Feel You in my Heart by @purpletaecup - MYG |  exes au, second chances, some chapters have smau elements | A, S, F (really good story development 😭)
[7/?] nearly 2 months after their divorce, yoongi and y/n wade through the aftermath of the fallout by themselves. yoongi is moving on with someone else while y/n finds herself stuck in waves of anxiety and depression. soon enough, they are brought together again by an unfortunate accident
If it Harms None, Do What You Will by purpletaecup - JJK | smau, comedy, supernatural au, fantasy au, witch!reader, demon!jungkook | F, S  🎃
[6/?] it’s the beginning of October and green witch y/n has been preparing for all of the spooky activities she needs to do for all hallow’s eve. one of her older friends gives her a ritual candle for protection. a couple of drops of blood and a wonky magic circle later, there is a high level demon sitting on the floor of her living room.
We Live with a Ghost by @smaubts - JJK | smau, comedy, ghost au, roommates au | F  🎃
[6/13] when jungkook convinces his roommate, y/n, that their house is haunted by an evil ghost, they decide their best option is to contact with it and make it leave but end up summoning an actual ghost by accident.
Swan Black by CharWrites [AO3] - JJK | fantasy, supernatural, enemies to lovers, dark fantasy, apocalypse, Fae!Jungkook, Fae!Yoongi, Fae!Taehyung,  LOTR/Mortal Instruments/Labyrinth vibes | A, S (I love this! It’s like watching LOTR 😍)  🎃
[10/?] So's twin brother, Jimin, has been kissed by darkness: an evil that has spread across the land and has claimed many souls. They only have weeks until the darkness consumes him. Once consumed, he will be governed by the unsullied: a powerful race of Dark Fae that has overtaken the world.
So seeks out a rogue Fae Prince, Kook, who is her only hope, if she can survive his deadly charms and irresistible lure especially when he is much more interested in possessing her, mind body and soul.
Third Wheeling by @taetaewonderland - MYG |  strangers to lovers au, ceo!yoongi | A, F, S 🥰
[1/?] Min Yoongi is a strict man. Time is money to the CEO of Kisung Connected. He isn’t interested in conventional things or wastes of time. He’s an asshole. But, you didn’t realize until it was too late. Until you met him at the club and it changed your life forever.  
Bad Friends by @hollyxqx- MYG | friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, neighbor au, college au, fwb au | A, S, F (what a good angst 😥)
[1/3] hooking up with your childhood best friend was never your plan, but neither was falling in love with him either. he’s troubled but his heart is gold. when you move away for college, things start to take a turn.
House of Lilies by @suqakoo​ - JJK | mafia au, arranged marriage au | A, F, S
[3/?] Jeon Jungkook is the only heir to Dal Gurimja. He is the poster child for mafia bosses. He’s a feared hit-man among the underground world, and a successful CEO among the socialites of Seoul. Pair him with a castaway girl who’s been out of society for twelve years, and… what do you get?
Your Eyes Tell  by @njkbangtan - JJK | soulmate au, enemies to lovers au, roommates au, sugar baby (but not really), slow burn | A, F
[5/?] You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It’s simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if…Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?  
I hate u, I love u by @bbangpanmen - JJK | fwb au, friends to lovers au, smau | A
[17/23] he uses you to forget her; you let him because you love him.
Puzzle by @kimvvantae - JJK | fwb au, friends to lovers au, college au | A, S, F (I’ve read this before, around 2018-19 and I thought it was discontinued. Glad there’s an update ^_^)
[7/?] the line between friendship and something more has never been crossed  - but that changes after a break up and a drunken night, when you not-so-accidentally cross this line to something much more. what happens when after this accident your non-matching puzzle pieces seem to match in a way you’ve never imagined?
The Lesson/Min Boy by @adventuresinwonderlust - MYG | bad boy!yoongi, dom-sub elements, enemies to lovers, brat!reader | S, A, F
[6/8] No summary provided but it’s the twisted story between bad boy Yoongi with angsty backstory and this brat/rich kid. I really liked how it was written though.  I made a mistake of reading part 4:  Two Months Too Long, which should’ve been the 6th story to read if you follow the author’s sequence. 
Popular-ish by @hansolmates - JJK | popular!jungkook, college au, fwb to lovers, shy!oc | F, S, A
[9/?] drabble series: you are way out of jungkook’s league. Or is it the other way around?
Date Me by @latetaektalk - JJK | enemies to lovers, fake dating au, rich kid au | A, F,
[prologue + 1/?] when obnoxiously rich and spoiled frat boy jeon jungkook comes up to you one day and asks you to fake date him for money, you definitely should have said no. because before you knew it, you were going on insta dates with him and having lunch with his equally obnoxiously rich and spoiled friends.
All Over You by @zibermuda - JJK | enemies to lovers, nerd!jk, fuckgirl!reader | S, F 
[2/?] you don’t usually go for the quiet, nerdy type, but Jungkook’s by far the best looking guy in your year. You just can’t help yourself. You have to have him. Small hiccup; he hates you
Effortlessly by @gyukult - JJK | friends to lovers, neighbors au, 
[8/?] “Reciprocate feelings?” Jungkook crosses his arms before he continues, “They should know that you’re the only girl in my life.“ Jungkook has been your best friend and neighbor since you could remember, but what you can’t recall is when your feelings began develop for him. 
HEI$T: A JJK Fic by lucidly [AO3] - JJK | heist au, action, bangtan are thieves, vigilante au | A, S
[3/?] Six years after being thrown into the world of forgery, espionage, and heists, Mona and her team face competition like never before: The Bulletproof Boy Scouts, a fabled Korean gang of thieves that everybody seems to know, but no one has seen. When she comes face to face with all 7 of them, Mona knows: they're real, and this job won't be like the others. For years she has followed the money, but could it be time that she follow her heart instead?
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🥕[Completed AUs/Series-  to read]
✅  - done reading (also there seems to be a lot of JJK fics)
Creep @xjoonchildx - MYG | S, pwp, yandere ✅
Guilty @xjoonchildx - KNJ | A, S, mafia au, second part of Guarded AU (an awesome JHS series) 
Chapter One: How Odd  Chapter Two: Incheon Mall Tube Tops  Final Chapter: Is Something Burning?  Epilogue: Better Than Okay
Paddle with Me @yoongs-jeontae - JJK | A, S, enemies to lovers, camp counselor au, pwp   ✅
Hate Me @themfchase - JJK | S, collegel!au, enemies to lovers au, fuckboy!jk, pwp  ✅
Devil in a Blue Suit @yeojaa - JJK | F, S, idiots to lovers, established au, good boy!jungkook  
main story  ✅ + drabbles  ✅
Sweetest Crush @minjoonalist - JHS | F, S, brother’s best friend au 
Fake Love @aquaminwrites - JHS | F, S, A, fake dating au, enemies to lovers  ✅
Faded Love @jamaisjoons - PJM | A, S, marriage au, infidelity ✅
Brown-Eyed Baby @vinterjeon - JJK | A, S, F, exes to lovers, single dad!jk 
01 02  ✅
Why We Got Married @ktheist - KTH | F, S, arranged marriage au, slow burn ✅
Lonely Hearts Club @dovechim - JJK | S, F, enemies to lovers, wedding au  ✅
Come to Me @jeonsweetpea - JJK | S, A, F ,friends to lovers, college au  ✅
Satan on the Strip @noir0neko - JJK | S, A, demon!jungkook  ✅  🎃
No Face @seokoloqy - MYG | A, S, F, demon au, supernatural au  ✅  🎃
Take a Chance @crystaljins - JJK | A, Hanahaki au, co-workers, very angsty but Seokjin provides comic relief
01 02 03 04 05 06 07  ✅
The Lottery Offering @skswriting - JJK | A, F, S, werewolf au, sort-of arranged marriage au  ✅
A Beautiful Epiphany @onherwings - JJK | A, S, F, friends to lovers, unrequited love, artist!jungkook  ✅
Au Naturel (sequel) - drabble, established au  ✅
Broken Dreams @ddaenysus - JJK | A, soulmate au, unrequited  ✅
And Mended Hearts (sequel) - A, S, soulmate au, college au   ✅
Coin Toss @yoondoze - JJK | A, mafia au, detective au, exes au, plot twist 👀  ✅
I Knew It Was You @hoseokmylovesworld - JJK | S, F, werewolf au, college au  ✅ 🎃
Little Blue @pars-ley - JJK | F, S, friends to lovers, college au, with TW   ✅
Little Blue Pill @dreamescapeswriting  - JJK | S, pwp, friends to lovers ✅ 
Smitten @megahwn - JJK | F, S, arranged marriage au, strangers to lovers au   ✅
Hit Me with Your Best Shot @namfine - JJK | S, pwp, martial arts, friends to lovers  ✅
Slow and Steady @yoonia - JJK | S, A, artist!jungkook, infidelity, established au   ✅
Cockblocked @mercurygguk - JJK | A, S, F, friends to lovers, roommates au  ✅
 everything I ever wanted (drabble) - morning after  ✅
What are you Afraid Of? @cupofteaguk - JJK | F, avatar the last bender au 
Part 2 (prompt: if you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed) - avatar au, F, S
demon-etized @jungkxook - KNJ | S, youtube au, ghost hunter au  🎃
Spellbound @jeonseok - JJK |  F, slight S, demon au, crack, romcom  ✅ 🎃
Raising Demons (sequel) - fluffy, smut, established au, crack  ✅ 🎃
What’s in a Name? @minsimagines - JJK | A, F, demon au, soul selling scenario, romance  
01 02 03 ✅  🎃
The Big Yellow School Bus  [15k] fringesofsanity [AO3] - JJK | S, A, F, noona, fwb au  ✅
once bitten, twice shy [5.6k] obiwrites [AO3] - JJK | A, F, implied S, exes au, parents au   ✅
Lose Somebody [26k] @kooala - JJK | A, F, slight S, exes au, camping au  ✅
Oh What a World [100k] @taestybae - PJM | A, S, F, fake marriage au, fallen idol au (been wanting to read this since July (!), will finally get to reading this 🥰)
series masterlist [18 chapters + epilogue]
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okay I just realized they��re all JJK drabbles 😅
Incandesce @eunoiabliss - 544 words | JJK | fantasy au, fluff  ✅
Forgetful Confession  @suhdays - 991 words | JJK |  fluff, slight angst, college au, friends to ???  ✅
Club @taleasnewastime - 2k | JJK | fluff, bestfriends  ✅
JJK Reincarnation drabble @ktheist - 571 words | JJK | F, reincarnation (?) | love love this 🥰  ✅
Pup @whipped-for-kpop-fics​ - 1.5k | JJK | F, humour, werewolf au, established au | this is cute and funny 🤣  ✅
A Line Crossed @underthejoon - 723 words | JJK | A, bodyguard au ✅
Rousing Rendezvous @rookiegukie - 1.5k | JJK |  smut, frenemies with benefits, modern royalty au  ✅
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imkylotrash · 3 years
Hi could you write one with fairy!student!reader x Silva, at the beginning of their relationship and it's Saul's birthday and reader doesn't know, what to give him and finally decides to give him something that she made with her magic, something connected to her magic that will allow them to find each other?
This is so cute and wholesome 💛
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"What would you get someone for their birthday who literally had everything?” you ask Stella. She’s currently painting her nails and listening to music but you’ve dared enter the tiger’s den in search of answers. 
“Are we talking about anyone specific because my birthday is eight months away,” she smirks knowing full well that you can’t tell her who it is you’re talking about. She found out about your relationship about a week ago and had sworn to keep it a secret though constantly making comments about it. However, it did mean that you had someone to discuss these things with. 
“Just a hypothetical question,” you say innocently. She’s been stalking just about every single guy at school trying to find out if they’re the one you’re dating and you’re not about to tell her that she’s looking in all the wrong places. 
“I suppose I’d get creative. Get them something from my heart rather than materialistic.” Once she’s finished with her hands, she starts working on her toes always wanting to look perfect. You can’t fathom how she has the energy to always look so put-together. It’s a miracle if you have time to wash your hair in the morning. 
“But creative how?” you whine wanting her to tell you exactly what to do. You’re at a loss and desperate seeing as Saul’s birthday is in two days. You have no clue what to give the man who quite literally already has everything he wants. 
“Hon, you’re in a school full of magic. You have magic. Figure something out.” She has a very good point. You a fairy and full of magic but you have no idea how to combine that to make a gift for Saul. Once you realise that Stella won’t be of any more help, you decide fresh air is the best option. Hopefully, it can help clear your head and maybe have some sort of epiphany. 
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” You spin around to find Saul standing there. 
“I’ve got a free period. It seems that’s all we have so close to graduation.” You feel your cheeks burn still not used to knowing that tonight you’ll be sleeping wrapped in his arms but right now you can’t do anything. 
“Those teachers are too good to you,” he smiles and you just can’t help yourself. 
“I know one teacher in particular.” No one’s close enough to hear you but even if they were, it would’ve been worth it to see the shock on Saul’s face. Clearly, he’s not used to this either. 
“Now you have to skedaddle. I’m in the midst of an epiphany.” You shoo him away as he laughs and that’s when it hits you; the perfect gift idea. You spend the next 48 hours figuring out how to do the magic correctly and testing it with yourself. It’s worth it when you finally can say it works to your satisfaction. And just in time too. You were supposed to meet with Saul 10 minutes ago. You grab everything and hurry to your meeting spot. 
“Sorry, I’m late. I was finishing up your gift and completely lost track of time,” you ramble quickly climbing the tree. It’s an old look-out post that’s hidden in between the trees. No one uses it anymore now that the barrier is up meaning it makes for a perfect hiding place. From here you can see the sky clearly and all of the grounds but the branches keep you hidden. 
“It’s fine. There’s no rush,” he laughs having already set everything up with a few candle lights and a blanket to sit on. A stack of extra blankets is in the corner in case it gets cold. 
“Happy birthday,” you smile wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. It’s the first kiss of the day making it feel that much better. You can’t resist the urge to gently bite his bottom lips earning you a soft moan. Everything seems heightened when you spend the day pining after him and then finally getting to touch him now. 
“Best birthday already,” he whispers when you pull apart. You decide you’re too excited to see his reaction to wait. You want to give him his present now. 
“I didn’t have time to wrap it. So, close your eyes and hold out your hands for me.” He does as he’s told with a smile that quite literally takes your breath away. How does he get hotter every time you see him? Carefully, you place the stone in his hand waiting for him to open his eyes. 
“A stone,” he says surprised which you don’t blame him for. It’s the kind of gift that requires a little bit of an explanation. 
“It has my magic in it. I’ll always be able to feel it even if it’s hundreds of miles from me. So, when you go on the road I’ll be able to come with you in a sense,” you elaborate seeing the joy in his eyes. 
“That’s amazing,” he whispers holding up the stone to expect it. There are certain perks to being a mind fairy. 
“That’s not all. You can talk to me through the stone. Just hold it in your hand and think of me. It’ll transfer your thoughts to me,” you proudly explain. It took a long time to figure out how exactly to transfer part of your magic but you’re so glad you made the effort, seeing Saul’s face now. 
“I love it, thank you.” He holds the stone tightly in his hand and you give him a minute feeling his emotions overwhelm him. This thing between the two of you have been a whirlwind from the get-go and the emotions feel much more intense than anything you’ve experienced before. You thought it was just because you hadn’t been in many relationships before Saul, but you knew he felt the same way. 
“Now we can always find each other. No matter what,” you smile. He kisses you again but this time it’s soft and gentle. You stay in the watchtower all night cuddled up looking at the stars. At no point does Saul let go of the stone. You don’t say anything but it makes you happy that he liked it. You’d worried it might be too much but it turned out to be just right. 
Tagging: @grey-girl @intoanothermind @artsyle @anreeixcobra @kingunder221b @lflores2008 @alexiapayne12 @quarterback-5 @estelmei @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody 
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art-vvitch · 2 years
Alright. I am presently doing this spell as I write this so this is a log so far of how it’s going, what I’ve used, and any extraneous notes.
Candle: I’m using a yellow, tapered votive candle with yellow specifically to represent intelligence, learning, memory, and joy.
Kitchen sage (rubbed sage): Wisdom
Rosemary: memory, clarity, intellect
Cinnamon: Energy and success (I used already ground up cinnamon out of the spice cabinet)
Oil: I used regular vegetable oil but if you have special ritual oils that match your intention then that could work too
Gloves: I’m in the habit now of putting on gloves (latex or non latex, something to protect your skin, doesn’t matter) before applying oil and herbs to candles. This is especially important if you’re using essential oils because those are more concentrated and could be potentially very harmful to your skin. 
Something fireproof to burn the candle on
PLATE/TRAY/WHATEVER FOR DRESSING THE CANDLE: Mine is a tin “serving platter” I got at the dollar store that I poured my herb blend onto in order to roll the candle in the herbs
OPTIONAL (I already had these so I used them as well): Carnelian (creativity, because my studying is for my comics workshop specifically), fluorite (mental clarity, peace), regular white quartz (amplifier for energy), previously made spell bottle for creativity (too much to get into right now LMAO)
Frankincense for cleansing my tools and space
Okay. So, I lit up the frankincense and cleansed what I had. I don’t have special incantations or anything, I literally was just saying like “This is now cleansed, this is now cleansed too, etc”. Once that was done, I blended up the kitchen sage, rosemary, and cinnamon in my teeny tiny mortar and pestle but I imagine a food processor or herb grinder could do the trick. If all else fails, just mix how you can. 
I put on my gloves and dabbed some vegetable oil onto my fingers to rub onto the candle, and then I poured out the herb blend onto my tray for rolling the candle in it. I used a bit of extra herbs to try to sprinkle onto the tapered part to really get it as coated as I could and talked outloud about what I was doing this spell for. After that, I lit it.
It’s currently surrounded with the crystals and my little spell bottle for the extra oomph and has been burning beautifully for about an hour now. I think it is a success.
Miscellaneous notes under the cut. 
So far, I’ve been pretty focused on what I needed this spell for! I’m trying to catch up on work for my online comics residency but taking a break now to have a bite to eat and log this for future reference. I’m sure there are color and herb substitutions that can be utilized here if you don’t have what’s listed. 
Whenever I try to do spellcasting I always try to include one thing that corresponds with success to ensure a more successful working. Most of the time it’s cinnamon, either in stick form or ground up as I used here, because it’s what I have on hand and I like the smell. 
IMPORANT: I have ADHD and am currently medicated but please do not try to do this as a substitution for any kind of medications, in lieu of studying, or anything else. This working is meant to be used in conjunction with studying, with what you  normally use to try to help focus, etc and not as a substitution for the above. Please witchcraft responsibly!
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everlarkficexchange · 3 years
How Katniss Everdeen Got Her Groove Back
Author: @hutchhitched
Prompt 34: Modern AU where a forty year old Katniss has shut herself off from the world from fear of getting hurt. After her sister dies she realizes how isolated she is and now wants to open herself up to love, but hasn’t a clue where to begin. Everlark HEA - the details of how they meet and what Peeta’s been up to are entirely up to you. :) [submitted by anonymous]
Ratings/Warnings: E
The room’s dark. There’s only one small lamp burning in the corner, but that makes the single candle in the cupcake brighter than it would have been if the entire area were lit. It’s a somber celebration, but that doesn’t make much difference. It’s as it should be.
“Happy birthday, dear Katniss… Happy birthday to you.”
As the last note fades into silence, Katniss whispers a birthday wish and blows out the candle.
“Happy birthday to me,” she mumbles. She’s alone and tired and feeling older than she thought she could. In the grand scheme of things, forty isn’t that many years, but the difference between her fourth and fifth decades seems like lightyears. She’s halfway (or more) through life, and she’s hiding from it.
No one could really blame her for running—not with the experiences she’s faced. Her father gone as a young man leaving Katniss, her mother, and her younger sister Prim alone with practically no income and empty stomachs that gnawed at her insides for months as she fell asleep. Her mother falling into addiction to anti-depressants and opiates leaving Katniss to keep the household together so she and Prim wouldn’t be taken by child services and separated. Her beloved sister gone in a house fire that ripped through the apartment building where she’d stayed while enrolled in med school in a neighboring state. That’s enough tragedy for any one person, and that doesn’t even count her own pain and disappointments during the past forty years.
She’s suffered plenty of both. There’ve been days when she has no idea how she continues to function, but she puts one foot in front of the other repeatedly, doggedly, hoping against hope that something will go right for her. The odds should be in her favor, but they never seem to be. Instead, she watches as the world goes by and wonders if she’s brave enough to step back into society and join the rest of the living. She’s been in mourning for long enough.
Forty. It’s a scary number, but it’s also a little motivating. With a shake of her head, she decides. It’s time. Prim would want her to be happy. She’d be furious at the way Katniss has shut herself off from everyone in order to protect herself. If there’s anything that can drive her out of her shell, it’s thinking about the disappointment that would shine in her sister’s eyes if she were still alive.
“It’s time to rejoin the living, Everdeen.”
Her voice is small as it echoes in her empty apartment, but that’s not the intimidating part. What’s terrifying is that she has absolutely no idea how to get back out there. It’s been almost a decade since she bothered, and she can’t help wondering if maybe she’s waited too long. It’s possible there’s an expiration date, and she’s past it.
It’s late, and she’s tired. Heaving a sigh, she heads to her new bedroom and plugs in the airbed to blow it up. Her belongings won’t arrive for another few days, and the thought of sleeping on the hard floor is the reason for her last minute purchase at the local department store. Shaking out freshly laundered sheets as she retrieves them from the dryer, she inhales the clean scent and tucks the corners onto the air mattress. A pillow and blanket that made the cut when she purged her possessions before her interstate move provides a tiny hint of home. Flicking off the overhead light, she closes her eyes and drifts into sleep. She counts the fact that she only wakes from nightmares three times as a win.
“I like that there,” she mutters to herself as she adjusts the picture on the shelf to the left of her television. It’s her favorite of the ones she and Prim took together before her sister started med school.
They’d been so happy, arms wrapped around each other and a rare smile gracing her own lips. As it always had, Prim’s grin stretches across her face, and her blue eyes snap with excitement in the image. She deserved so much better than to become a human torch because someone was stupid enough to not know how to douse a grease fire. The senselessness of it all hits Katniss again. Someone cooked dinner, and that act killed her sister. Prim, who only wanted to heal people, died because an idiot didn’t know how to make bacon and then tried to douse the flames with water.
A knock sounds at her door and shakes her out of her reverie. She isn’t expecting anyone, but a second knock convinces her she shouldn’t ignore it. It could be her landlord, and the last thing she wants is a grumpy Haymitch Abernathy yelling at her because she’s inadvertently broken some rule she doesn’t even know exists in the first place. Tossing her braid over her left shoulder, she crosses her apartment and answers the door.
“Can I help you?”
She’s surprised she can get the words out of her mouth. The man standing there definitely isn’t her landlord, and he’s not old, grumpy, or drunk like Haymitch obviously has been every time she’s seen him. The guy standing in front of her must be about her age, maybe a few years younger, and he has shockingly blue eyes which remind her of her sister’s, as well as the same ashy blonde hair that falls in a shock of curls over his forehead. She has the sudden urge to reach up and push them back, but she keeps her hands at her sides. It would be exceptionally inappropriate to grope a total stranger, even if he is standing in her doorway with a smile and a paper bag that smells something like heaven.
“I’m Peeta. Peeta Mellark. Your next door neighbor. I brought you some pastries.”
“Pasties?” She squeaks out the word and immediately wants to smack herself. She sounds a little like a mouse, while his voice makes her insides vibrate. Also, what did she just say?
Peeta does a double take before bursting into laughter. “Pastries, not pasties. I’m not into that— Well, I mean…uh… I mean, I could be, but not the first time I meet a woman.”
His face is bright red, but hers feels like it’s flaming. She can’t believe she said that and crosses her arms unconsciously to cover her breasts before uncrossing them just as quickly. She’s not sure which is worse at drawing attention to the fact that she has nipples that pasties would cover, and… Hell, she’s spiraling.
“I’m sorry,” she babbles. “That was unseemly.”
“It’s fine. Hilarious, actually.” He grins and gives her a onceover, which makes her blush even harder.
“Well, pastries make way more sense and smell a lot better. But, why?” She’s not sure if that sounds rude or not, but it’s better than what she’s already blurted.
“I’m a baker,” he offers in explanation. “Just a little welcome to the building, uh…?”
She can’t think. He’s staring at her, and it makes her extremely uncomfortable in a very peculiar way. She’s not able to name it, but there’s something bubbling below the surface. If she concentrates really hard, she could probably identify the feeling. However, that’s not an option when Baker Boy is standing there with a perplexed look.
“You are?”
“Oh! Sorry, sorry,” she mumbles. “I’m Katniss. Katniss Everdeen. Just moved in. You probably already knew that. I, uh, thank you. This is great.”
“You’re welcome. Welcome to the building, Katniss, Katniss Everdeen. Let me know if you need anything. I always have eggs and sugar and more.”
“Yeah. Think on it.”
With that, he disappears into his own apartment, and she’s left holding the bag. Literally.
In a trance, she crosses to her kitchen and sets the pastries down on the counter. Flustered, she pulls a bun out and sinks her teeth into a little bite of decadence that’s got to be illegal in all fifty states, Canada, Mexico, and half of Europe. It tastes so good it’s sinful. It’s doughy and filled with cheese, and she moans so loudly she wonders if he can hear her through their shared wall.
“Sweet Jesus,” she mumbles. “That’s the best thing I’ve eaten in a long time.”
She sits there with a grin on her face for a stupid amount of time before realizing she’s hungry for more, and it’s not necessarily baked goods she wants.
Katniss rounds the corner and smacks into a wall. With a loud oof and a screech, she flails in her attempt to stay upright and keep her groceries from falling around her. Just when she’s about to lose it all, strong arms grab her and pull her upright. Relieved, she looks up and falls into the blue pools of her neighbor’s eyes.
“Easy there,” he says with the hint of a smile. “Where’s the fire?”
She almost says, “In my pants.” She really does, but she’s made a fool out of herself enough with him already. She frees herself from his clutches and congratulates herself on remaining calm, and then she sees what he’s wearing. Which isn’t much.
“Holy hell,” she murmurs at the sight of sweat-soaked skin and form-fitting running shorts.
“Sorry. I just got back from a run.”
“I…yeah. I see that.”
She can see some other stuff, too, and it is impressive. She can’t stop looking at him. He’s absolutely gorgeous, and she’s just told herself a few days ago that she needs to get back out there and has no idea how. She did say that, and here he is. She doesn’t even have to leave her building to find an opportunity. There’s no way she’s this lucky.
“Can I help with those?” He nods at the bags she’s holding and reaches out to take the ones hanging from her wrists. He brushes her hand with his, and her insides sizzle.
She’s going to seduce him. Or let him seduce her. Or get him drunk and take advantage of him. Or something.
Every single fiber in her body tingles. It feels like waking up after a decade long nap and feeling simultaneously ravenous and powerful beyond belief. As he follows her into her apartment, she scans the area and decides to just go for it. What’s the worst that can happen? Her neighbor hates her? Well, that would be terrible, but she can move. That’s how turned on she is by him. She’ll risk a broken lease.
“You can just put them there,” she says softly and runs her hand down his arm. He freezes and looks at her, and she stands her ground. Maybe she’s not thinking straight, but she wants him. Now.
She presses into him and trails a finger down her bare chest. She wipes a sweat droplet from his skin and bites her bottom lip.
“Yes, Peeta?”
“I’m not misreading this, am I?”
She wraps her arms around his neck and tips her head back. “No, I don’t think you are.”
“Fuuuuuuck,” he drawls.
Looking directly at him, she says, “I really hope so.”
“Oh, hell.”
His mouth captures hers in a searing kiss, and she turns off her brain. She has no intention of thinking, only feeling for the next however long. His tongue is in her mouth, her hands are on his ass, and his sweat dampens her clothes.
Peeta hoists her into the air and wraps her legs around his waist. He stumbles backward to deposit her on the edge of the countertop and rucks up her shirt to slide his hands along her waist. Frantic, she tugs at his waistband, indicating she’d prefer he lose the shorts, and he growls into her mouth when she slips them over his hips. She cups his backside, pulling him between her legs and moans against him.
“Please,” she gasps. “Fuck, please.”
He’s frenetic, all power and kinetic energy as he rolls her leggings down her thighs, baring her to him. When she bites his lower lip, he grunts and shoves his hands between her legs. He pushes inside her roughly, and she whimpers at his pace. His thumb’s on her clit, and his middle finger plunders her as their tongues tangle and dance together.
She’s got him in her hand, jerking and tugging as he swells in her palm. It’s a solid weight there, but she wants it inside her. She doesn’t have time to look. She’s too enthralled in what his lips are saying as they mate with hers.
Katniss tugs one of her feet free and yanks him to her with her legs. His shaft is hot against her slit. She begs for him with her hands and body, but he pulls back slightly to catch her gaze.
“Are you sure?” he asks, his voice ragged and broken. She nods frantically, and he moans in the back of his throat. “I’ll pull out. I promise.”
“Okay,” she agrees.
She’d agree to about anything as long as he gives it to her hard. Then he’s inside her, stretching her as she calls his name. He’s big enough that it’s uncomfortable at first, until her body adjusts to the intrusion and she’s aching for more. By the time she’s relaxed, he’s pumping into her with her name falling from his lips as he bites and licks at her jawline.
“Tug my hair,” she manages to instruct, and he yanks on her braid so hard her eyes water. It’s sexy as hell, and she grapples at his back in an attempt to pull him further inside her. He’s good at this, she realizes. Really good at it, and she thanks her lucky stars she’s the fortunate recipient of such a fantastic experience. He’s doing everything he can to make it good for her, and it really, really, really is.
What they’re doing is so messy, but she doesn’t care. She owns bleach and anti-bacterial cleaning supplies. She just purchased them, in fact, and she’s going to need all of them if the mess between her legs is any indication. She’s quickly losing control, fucking against him as hard as she can.
Skin slaps together, sweat pours off them both, and he nuzzles his face into her shirt. If they had more time, she’d take it off for him—maybe she’ll wear pasties next time just to blow his mind—but they’re careening toward a climax faster than she knows how to handle. She’s desperate for more friction, so eager that she rubs herself as his thrusts stutter and falter.
“I gotta pull out. I’m gonna— shit!”
He yanks free, and she catches the sight of him before her eyes roll back in her head. His skin is pink and glistening with moisture from her body. The first splash of his climax hits warm and wet on her leg, and she arches her back as waves roll through her. Her hand cramps as she contorts it. Her hips buck, and then she’s reaching for him. She clings as her body tenses and releases repeatedly.
When it’s over, she huffs several breaths before blinking open her eyes. Her t-shirt hem has fallen against her thigh, and it’s marked with his ejaculate, as is most of her thigh and stomach. He pants into her ear, but he doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to let her go. That’s fine with her, although it surprises her how affectionate he’s being in the aftermath of a quickie in her kitchen.
“Katniss, that was—”
“Something we need to do again.”
“I think it gives new meaning to the phrase ‘welcome wagon.’”
“Because you want me to ride you next time?”
“Next time?” His eyes are blown wide, his pupils dilated as he realizes what she’s saying. “You want there to be a next time?”
“I’m not sure I want this one to be over.”
He flushes at her suggestion, but he’s a very helpful neighbor. Before he leaves to head back to his own apartment, he cleans up and then eats to his heart’s content. She’s pretty satiated from his visit, too.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
The sad thing is that Blake's most healthiest option romance wise is someone who gives her space and willing to let her go. Sun fits this description perfectly. But they went with a codependent toxic relationship partially held together by guilt in which one side is clearly submissive and the other too worried and insecure.
Yeah, tbh, the send off to Sun at the start of volume six made me think they would pick up the relationship where it left off eventually for a couple different reasons, but one of them was this reason.
I want to preface this post by saying that A. I don’t really like Bumblebee and I don’t need a reason to dislike it even though I have reason to dislike it, B. I’ve shipped BlackSun from Sun’s first introduction, and C. also I’m coming at this as someone who has been in a co-dependent relationship, so all three of those things means I’m naturally a little biased. I’m not pretending this is all a super objective, impersonal interpretation. This is just me talking honestly about my thoughts towards a ship I don’t like. Bees, I’m sorry if this shows up in your tags, Tumblr is being screwy and I’m not trying to rain on anyone else’s posts. I’m using filterables and putting this under a keep reading to try and make it easier for Bumblebee fans to not see this.
I had - when I saw season six’s opening ep - given the show mad props for writing a romance driven relationship where the partners didn’t have to stay together all the time to still care about each other and be secure. It felt like the perfect move to me to get some distance between their characters while firmly establishing that Sun had never done the things he’d done ‘to win the girl,’ and didn’t consider himself ‘letting Blake go.’ Sun not only being willing to spend this time away from Blake, but to not even need it really said, and to have his own stuff he needed to do as well... All of that felt like a healthy, independent relationship. I don’t mean to get personal on main, but I’ve been in a relationship where I felt partially responsible for my partner’s happiness and he tried to do things like keep me from my friends or guilt me into things. I ignored the red flags because our relationship was important to me, but it made me feel pretty unhappy because I was always worried that if I didn’t do the things he wanted, he would get upset and over-react, and put himself down until I built him back up, and if we didn’t spend the majority of our time together, he would start talking about feeling like I didn’t really care that much about him and how lonely he felt. This was really exhausting to me, especially since I’m an introvert.
Sun always seemed like such a good partner for Blake because he was always so self-possessed, so confident in who he was already, independent and happy and accepting of Blake’s independence. Sun was always there for Blake, but he also was the one usually pushing her towards interacting with others too, they were able to go do separate things and even go on completely different missions with confidence and without drama. For a character who had previously been in a destructive, possessive, controlling, abusive relationship, it had seemed like a scene that clearly established Blake and Sun’s relationship as one where Sun wasn’t expecting Blake to stay with him all the time, respected her goals and her independence, and had his own life and his own friends too. I had kind of just assumed that the choice to have Sun leave the group and go to Vacuo was to further their relationship. Upon rewatching the scene later now that I know that the writers were already starting to try to implement Bumbleby, I can see how the show writers might’ve been intending that scene to be an amiable goodbye where Sun confirms to Neptune that they aren’t actually an item with his ‘it was never about that.’ But I just have to shake my head, because I was giving the writers credit for something they didn’t do.
Instead, they were trying to tie off the relationship between Sun and Blake by having him leave, not cementing Blake’s independence and Sun’s encouragement of that (and they tied it off badly imo because Blake freakin’ kissed the boy lol.) And once they had Sun leave, they started setting Blake up with Yang. I want to clarify that there’s nothing wrong with the writers deciding to go with Blake x Yang, and the ship itself was not a totally baseless one. I’m personally disappointed that one of my favorite RWBY ships isn’t going to be endgame, and I personally don’t like the idea of Blake and Yang as a couple. But my problem isn’t really with the ship itself, it’s with how the show writers have chosen to write the ship in execution.
Getting past the queerbaitery nature of Bumblebee as a ship, the choices surrounding Blake and Yang seem faulty on both sides (which I also think is important to remember. I’ve seen loads of people recognizing that Bumblebee as written in the show is destructive to Blake, but I’ve seen much fewer people talk about how it’s not the best for Yang too.)
Let’s start from the fact that Blake is an abuse victim. She was previously in a relationship with Adam and talks about his destructive and violent behavior. Blake has a really hard time trusting people because of how Adam had acted. He was explosive, manipulative, and he got angry at and hurt Blake specifically for leaving him. The last thing Blake would need is a relationship where she feels personally responsible for the stability of another person. The last thing she needs is to be pressured into staying with someone. The last thing she needs is to be expected to be with that person without the option of ever working with others. The last thing she needs is to be in a relationship where she can’t be apart from someone even temporarily without that person getting anxious and insecure or without having to feel guilty and like she did something wrong.
And yet the show has her in a relationship with someone that has abandonment issues. The show has her promise to stay with Yang in a moment of huge trauma, Blake crying out a desperate denial to the accusations of the abusive ex who had made her life hell, after he tried to again separate her from anyone she loved and she was forced to kill someone she had once deeply cared about. It was also a really weird choice of the writers to have the characters respond to a question over if they’d ever thought about working with other partners with dismissive and cold behavior as if the very idea was somehow wrong (especially since Yang spent quite a bit of time pre-volume six working with Weiss and Blake spent so much of her time working with Sun.) And the writers chose to frame Blake and Yang leaving on temporary separate missions in volume eight to result in insecurity and anxiety from Yang and guilt for Blake. On top of that, Yang is a person with a strong temper and aggressive tendencies. Although she seemed to be trying to work through those problems in seasons four and five, Yang backslid and seems just as controlled by her anger and her insecurities as her volume 2 self now, who had lashed out at Blake and angrily pushed her for not listening in ‘burning the candle.’
As for Yang, she lost her mom when she was very young (Ruby was a toddler,) and her dad temporarily shut down after that. She soon found out her biological mom had left her when she was a baby and spent her whole life wondering why while her uncle spent that time flitting in and out of her life and taking on dangerous missions - the same types of missions that had killed the woman who had raised Yang for the first part of her life. Yang has deep seeded fears of being abandoned and losing her loved ones, and she also has a history of trying to take care of and support the people around her even at her own personal expense. While Yang’s more selfless moments in season five - like giving up her dream of getting answers from Raven to follow and protect Ruby even when she clearly wasn’t wholly healed from her trauma - are admirable, what Yang absolutely doesn’t need in a partner is someone who she feels like she has to protect and save and sacrifice for. What Yang absolutely doesn’t need in a partner is someone she feels like she can’t rely on to be there for her. What she doesn’t need in a partner is someone who can’t give her stability or struggles to trust her. What she doesn’t need in a partner is someone who won’t call her out when she goes a little too far. And yet the writers chose to put Yang with someone who runs on the regular, the only member of their team who thought Yang might be lying about Mercury, someone who needs time and distance when Yang clearly needs someone who is consistent and present. And then the writers made it so that Yang and Blake spend very little time with anyone else. The writers made it so that they can’t be apart without guilt and anxieties.
And you guys, Blake in seasons 6-8 feels so needy. She’s consistently in need of saving, consistently doesn’t stand for herself, seems like she needs a lot of reassurance in her relationship, she’s consistently waiting for other people to make moves, etc. Even when Blake convinces Yang to divulge top secret information to Robyn, when Ironwood confronts them about it, Blake backs up and leaves Yang to explain their actions. In the early seasons, it feels like Yang cares more about their friendship than Blake does and that she’s putting in more effort, which don’t get me wrong, makes total sense since Blake had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and Yang’s clear anger problems (and her using a laser pointer to try and force Blake to talk to her,) might’ve made Blake hesitant to get close to or open up to Yang. But while it no longer feels like Yang cares more, it still feels like Yang puts in more work. Yang is constantly reassuring, protecting, comforting, and stepping up for Blake, while Blake is so passive and acts so dependent that I personally can’t help but feel like Yang must be exhausted. Yang needs stability and reassurance too, Yang needs a partner she can talk to and rely on to be there. When the writers did write Blake as trying to comfort and take care of Yang, it was way too much and had undertones of ableism. And I know, I know they had this ‘we’re taking care of each other’ moment when they were fighting Adam, but that’s just what we were told for one scene, and not what we’ve actually seen in their relationship.
The worst thing is that it didn’t need to be that way. Bumbleby could’ve been a really good ship that built on their foundation. Blake used to be an independent, brave, strong, active character. Blake stood up for herself to Weiss, told Ozpin to his face that he needed to do more for the Faunus, used to have a great, creative fighting style, used to be this sassy girl who’d banter with Sun and with Yang and when she did start opening up to Yang, it was a great way to start evolving their characters to be a strong relationship. In V3 when Blake admitted that she had doubts about Yang due to her past experiences with Adam, but opened herself up and decided to trust Yang anyway when Yang looked her in the eyes and told her sincerely exactly what had happened... That was so great and it really showed off the dynamic the two of them were starting to adapt. CRWBY might’ve immediately separated the two, but A. Seasons four and most of season five had great set up for them to work through their problems and then continue to grow that great dynamic we started seeing in the first three seasons. And B. their respective arcs continued their growth as characters even apart from each other. While I wish that RWBY had let the two work some of this out together, the growth that we were getting did make them more suited for each other. I’ll always ship BlackSun. But Yang getting a hold on her emotions, maturing, starting to work through her abandonment issues, and displaying just what a caring, honest person she was, at the same time that Blake was working through her past and her fears, learning to let people in, strengthening her resolve, and coming into her own as a leader... Come on, those two characters could’ve easily developed a good, healthy, strong, independent relationship and I’m legitimately sad that’s not what we got, especially since we sacrificed so much of Blake’s personality to get a worse ship.
I don’t even know what to say about it, tbh. Idk what else the writers expected us to think with how they wrote things. I’ve heard before that there was probably a cut scene in volume eight that included Yang and Blake fighting (which would then justify Yang and Blake’s reactions when they reunited,) and I do believe that, but the writers chose not to include it, and that made them look worse as a couple. Just like they chose not to include a scene where Blake and Yang work through the problem of Blake having left Yang without a word of explanation at the end of Volume 3. And they didn’t include a scene where Blake explains herself and Yang realizes that maybe she was being a little shortsighted about the trauma Blake had also gone through. And they didn’t include a scene where Blake actually learned that she didn’t have to protect or take care of Yang in volume six. And they haven’t included a scene where Blake puts just as much effort into their relationship as Yang does. And they didn’t include a scene where the two make it clear that they’re fine being apart. If anything, CRWBY has established the opposite, and it isn’t enough to just say that they’re taking care of each other, when they don’t show that to be the case. 
Sun being not only willing to let Blake be with others, go her own way, and be her own person, but encouraging of that, made him a very compelling romantic prospect for her. Unfortunately I just don’t see that with Blake and Yang. Their relationship feels co-dependent, and maybe it’s just my personal experience talking and making me chafe, but I personally just don’t like it.
However, fans have been queerbaited long enough. So personal opinions aside, CRWBY give Bumblebee some confirmation you fucking cowards.
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
Spellbinding (Chapter Fourteen)
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Summary: While dealing with a surprising new development in their relationship, Loki and (Y/N) are stuck in the middle of an explosive feud between Steve and Tony.
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I’d call this a filler chapter but I absolutely love writing about the Avengers as a whole! I also thought we needed a little break from the plot for some team bonding before things get too crazy lol I hope that you enjoy!
Chapter Fourteen November 22nd, 2015 Avengers Tower, New York City (Previous Chapter)
“You read this book when you were how old?”
(Y/N) smiled mischievously and turned her attention back to reorganizing her closet. “I was seven. I checked it out from the library without telling my Aunt Evelyn and read it late at night; I couldn’t sleep without my nightlight on for months afterwards but I’m glad I read it, since it’s a literary classic and everything.”
Loki let out a half-laugh and turned the page of his book. “Well, if we’re ever blessed with children, I think we should wait until they’re at least twelve to introduce them to Dracula. Perhaps even fourteen.”
In an instant, Loki froze and it dawned on him what he’d accidentally said. (Y/N) was also frozen, her arm still extended to grab a hangar from inside the closet. “I-I…I just meant…I’d like to…” Loki cleared his unusually tight throat. “I, ah, wouldn’t mind having…you know, children. Someday. With���with you.” Dammit, I’ve made a mess of things again, Loki inwardly groaned.
They’d only been together for a little over four months and it was much, much too early in their relationship to bring about the subject of children. But after he acknowledged his love for (Y/N), it was challenging for Loki to envision a future without her in it and lately, the idea of a more permanent future with the woman he loved was all he could think about. He knew that his girlfriend liked children; back when she still worked at the New York Public Library, he’d fondly watch her helping them with their homework or reading to them and since officially becoming the Cosmic Sorceress, she’d visited the children’s ward at the nearby hospital once a week to cheer up the young patients. And despite what others might believe, Loki also liked children and the thought of being a father one day – while admittedly a little nerve-wracking – was not an unwelcome one.
Just as (Y/N), with her (Y/E/C) eyes widened in shock, opened her mouth to reply, there came the sounds of voices shouting angrily from the common room down the hall. In an instant, Loki and (Y/N) summoned their magic into the palms of their hands before sprinting out of her suite and down the hallway.
Steve and Tony stood on either sides of the common room and were fully engaged in a blazing argument by the time Loki and (Y/N) arrived. Skidding to a stop beside (Y/N), Loki’s first thought was that he’d never seen either man as angry as they were now, even during the Battle of New York.
“Because you flat-out refused to listen when I said to wait, three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are at the hospital in critical condition!” Tony yelled.
Steve stepped closer and shouted back, “And if I hadn’t acted when I did, an entire apartment complex would’ve been demolished anyway and dozens of people would be dead! Those agents would be fine right now if you hadn’t hesitated to use your scanners!”
“You mean, if I hadn’t stopped to think the situation through?!”
“You’re acting like a civilian, Stark, not a soldier! Our job is to make the tough decisions as quickly as we can for the benefit of the whole, we don’t have the luxury of holding committees for every choice we make!”
“Bullshit, it’s better to weigh options instead of barreling in without a plan; that’s what you’re best at, though, isn’t it? If you hadn’t made the dumb-ass decision to crash that plane in ‘45, you and Carter-”
Before Tony could finish his sentence, Steve landed a punch on his jaw that sent him staggering backwards. Tony quickly surged forward to retaliate, but Loki used his magic to halt his movement while (Y/N) used hers to stop Steve. “Enough!” They dissolved their magic and with matching looks of contempt, both Steve and Tony turned and stormed away, leaving Loki and (Y/N) to gape at each other in shock.
“Yeah, that was a continuation of what happened on the Quinjet.” They turned and watched Bruce step out of the elevator with a weary expression on his face. “I’ll explain everything to you both, but can we do it in private? The rest of the team’s at each other’s throats and I don’t want all the fighting to accidentally trigger the Big Guy…”
After leading the scientist into (Y/N)’s suite and subtly lighting one of her calming lavender-scented candles, Loki sat beside his girlfriend on the sofa and listened as Bruce talked. “This arms dealer was holding an entire apartment building in Luxembourg hostage, said he’d blow the place up if his demands for more guns weren’t met. Fury sent Steve, Tony, Bucky and Clint this morning; the plan was to surround the building and find a way in before going after the guy, but he decided he didn’t want to wait any longer and turned an automatic timer on for the explosives. Cap sent the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in to clear the building and Tony said to wait for the agents to give word before ordering Bucky to take the shot, but Steve didn’t listen. Bucky took the shot, got the guy, but the explosives still went off.” Loki and (Y/N) exchanged looks of confusion, and Bruce continued. “There was a pressure timer hidden in his hand, they call it a dead man’s switch; Tony scanned and saw it at the last second, but Steve was already giving the order to Bucky.” Bruce started pacing as he ran a hand through his hair. “It’s like a civil war; Clint and Nat are taking Tony’s side, they think Steve could’ve waited a little longer, and Sam and Bucky are on Cap’s side.” He snorted in derision. “Thanksgiving dinner should be a blast this year.”
(Y/N) nodded, a saddened expression on her face, but Loki furrowed his brow. “Thanksgiving? You host a dinner of thanks on Midgard?”
“I’ll explain it to you later.” She flashed him a brief smile before returning her concerned gaze to Bruce. “Is there anything we can do?”
“You both should probably just stay out of it; they might come around faster if they see that you’re neutral in all this.” The scientist walked to the door. “I’d better go down and talk to Fury, so I’ll see you guys later.”
Once Bruce closed the door behind him, (Y/N) threw herself back against the cushions of the couch and sighed. “How could something like this have even happened? We’ve been such a strong team these past few months and now…”
“They’re both strong-willed men and stubborn in their own right, you know that. Each holds steadfast to their beliefs no matter the consequences; this is a trait of theirs I’ve both admired and admonished in all the time I’ve known them.” Loki admitted. “But Banner is correct, any attempt of ours to help may only worsen the situation for everyone.”
Taking in (Y/N)’s troubled frown, Loki decided to try distracting her from their fighting teammates, laying down and resting his head in her lap so that he was staring up at her. “So, a feast of thanks sounds…quaint.”
As he’d hoped, she relaxed as she gave him a look of amusement and began running her fingers through his hair. “It’s more than that, silly. In America, it’s a day where we give thanks for our lives and the people in them. We sit around a table for dinner and let our loved ones know just what they mean to us, that we cherish and appreciate them, no matter any differences…we might…we might have…” (Y/N) trailed off, pausing a moment before gasping in excitement. “Loki, I think I may have either a brilliant plan or an insane one!”
“I know just what you have in mind, darling. Let’s go!” They both hurried to the living room closet and tugged on their coats and scarves; they had a long, long day of shopping ahead of them.
Although he’d acclimated fairly well to Midgard in the months since his arrival, one of the things Loki still utterly despised about the realm were its ‘grocery stores.’ They were crowded, lit by horrendous fluorescent lights and stocked to the brim with inedible, overpriced food; whenever he’d been asked to accompany one of his fellow Avengers on their shopping trips, he would come up with every excuse under the sun to decline their invitation. But he decided to put aside his displeasure for the benefit of his girlfriend and teammates, resigning himself to pushing the rickety metal shopping cart up and down the aisles as (Y/N) read off her hastily-written list.
Their shopping trip had gone far better than he’d imagined and in no time, they were carrying their bags into the lobby of the Avengers Tower.
“You know, we’re going to need an extra pair of hands to help us with the cooking on Thursday.” (Y/N) pointed out as they stepped into their team’s private elevator. “I’m not very good in the kitchen, as you already know, but I’ve always been able to bake pretty decent pies.”
Loki nodded. “All right, so who did you have in mind to help?”
At that moment, the elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal the smiling face of his golden-haired brother. “Ah, there you are! The J.A.R.V.I.S. just informed me you had returned from your outing, was it productive?”
“…You could call it that.”
The tone of his girlfriend’s voice prompted Loki to glance over at her; she was looking from Thor to him, her eyebrows raised and a triumphant smile spreading across her face. Finally understanding her words, Loki’s smile morphed into a look of absolute horror. “Oh no, no, no, not him…!”
“Wait, you guys cooked all this? Without burning the kitchen down?”
Loki couldn’t help but give Bruce a pained look. “Believe me when I say that it was not for lack of trying, Doctor Banner.”
Since they wanted dinner to be a surprise, they’d prepared each dish in one of the kitchens used by the new S.H.I.E.L.D. organization; unfortunately, in their attempt to be secretive they were forced into cramped quarters with rather primitive kitchen appliances at their disposal. And to add to Loki’s growing list of responsibilities, he was forced to babysit the love of his life and his brother in order to prevent the dishes from being ruined by their absolute lack of culinary skills. More than once, he had to use his magic to protect the food he’d cooked from (Y/N)’s over-zealousness with the spices and at one point, he was forced to quickly talk Thor out of using his lightning to rapidly cook the turkey. Hopefully it’ll all have been worth it, Loki tiredly thought to himself.
As if in-tuned with Loki’s inner monologue, Bruce nervously adjusted the sleeves of his coat and replied, “Well, I hope this works and doesn’t just end up making everything worse.”
“You and I both, Doctor.” His eyes were drawn to the elevator as its doors opened, revealing (Y/N) and a cart filled with the feast they’d cooked, and he hurried over to meet her. “Everything’s going to plan so far, they think that it’s only the seven of us for dinner.”
With the help of Bruce, they went about setting the enormous table. “I just sent Thor to fetch Team Cap, so they should be here any minute.” Once they finished, (Y/N) removed her apron and smoothed out her skirt, her anxious expression softening a fraction as she turned to the two men. “Now we see if our brilliantly-insane plan will work.”
Loki had just enough time to lean down and press a reassuring kiss to his girlfriend’s forehead before the elevator doors once again slid open.
“Mmm, smells good in here!” Tony grinned, walking up to (Y/N) and handing her a bottle of wine. “I had Pepper ship one of my best labels over from Malibu for the occasion.”
Natasha did little to hide her amusement at his words. “You just couldn’t resist, could you? And you,” She turned to shoot Clint a glare. “If you don’t stop fidgeting, Barton, we’re going to have a problem.”
“I can’t help it, this stupid suit’s uncomfortable!” Clint grumbled; once Natasha returned her attention to the others, the archer rolled his eyes and whispered to Loki, “Damn straight jacket. (Y/N) forced you into one too, huh?”
“Yes, I-” The sight of Steve, Sam and Bucky entering the room behind Thor caused Loki’s words to die in his throat and as the others caught sight of them, he surreptitiously summoned his magic into his hands in case a fight broke out. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted Thor and Bruce exchanging weary looks.
Steve’s face was a mask as he stepped forward. “Stark.”
All Hel broke loose; Steve and Tony lunged towards one another, their struggling forms barely held back by Bucky and Clint. A cacophony of shouting quickly filled the room as both sides began arguing with each other, but just as Loki raised his arms to use his magic, (Y/N) calmly stepped forward and walked in between the warring groups. The shouting and struggling instantly stopped as they gawked at (Y/N), but she merely smiled warmly at them as she spoke. “Thank you all for coming to our Thanksgiving dinner, Loki and I are glad you were able to make it. Bruce mentioned that you usually don’t celebrate together, but this is my first Thanksgiving with you all and I wanted to mark the occasion with my new family…all of it.” Her words seemed to have their desired intent, as both Steve and Tony relaxed their stances and the others backed away from them. “Now, we should start eating before everything gets cold!”
Needless to say, dinner was a tense affair. Where there was usually the sounds of deafening chatter and laughter, there was quiet murmuring and stoic looks. Loki watched (Y/N) with equal amounts of admiration and sympathy as she tried her hardest to engage their teammates in conversation with one another and with each failed attempt, he could see a little more of her heart breaking. After learning the difficult truth about her parents and having lived so long without a family, (Y/N) deserved to have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with her friends. They all did, really. This has gone on long enough, Loki thought to himself as (Y/N) silently stared down at her plate; after a slight moment of hesitation, Loki got to his feet.
“I’ve done a fair amount of reading about this country’s Day of Thanks, and the custom of expressing what one is thankful for whilst surrounded by their loved ones piqued my interest. So, let’s begin.” Loki swallowed thickly, looking around the table at his teammates’ confused faces before settling on (Y/N)’s. “I’m thankful for you, darling. You came into my life at a time when I believed I could never be deserving of love and you showed me not only was I deserving, but that loving you would make me a better man. You’re the love of my life, and believe me when I say that all our lives have been blessed since meeting you.” Loki and (Y/N) shared a smile and as he turned back to address the others, he felt her take hold of his hand and squeeze. “And I know you may find this difficult to believe, but I am also thankful for all of you. When I first joined the Avengers, I was bitter and filled with resentment at the prospect of serving out my sentence on a planet I despised with people I despised even more. But after a short while, once we’d come to understand one another, you accepted me as your teammate and friend. Well, some of you more than others.” His eyes flicked to Tony, who hid his small smile behind his hand, and to Clint, who gave him a small shrug. “I value our kinship above all else and on this Day of Thanks, I implore you all to remember our bonds with one another. Severing those bonds on account of a petty disagreement is something you all will come to regret in the future; take it from me, I have firsthand experience in that particular department.” He and Thor shared a knowing look as he took a seat; although he wasn’t comfortable expressing his emotions so openly, the look of pride in his brother’s eyes had made it worth it.
The table was quiet for several moments, until Steve cleared his throat. “Well, I’m, ah…I’m thankful that after coming out of the ice to an unrecognizable world I was able to find such great friends and teammates in you all.” His azure eyes flicked hesitantly over to Tony. “We may not get along all the time or agree on everything, but that doesn’t mean we should allow ourselves to become divided.”
Tony’s face remained unchanged throughout Steve’s speech and when he got to his feet, Loki could practically hear the others’ sharp intakes of breath. The billionaire held Steve’s gaze for a heartbeat before offering him his hand over the table with his trademark smirk on his face. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, ‘Roid Rage.” The two men shook hands and the room almost instantly relaxed; Loki exchanged looks of triumph with his co-conspirators as dinner continued, satisfied that their plan had been successfully implemented.
“Dinner was delicious, by the way.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, darling, though I’m not sure what the others thought of it.”
“Well, they were a little too distracted to hand out compliments on food, wouldn’t you say?”
The pair had decided to spend the night catching up on their reading but instead of utilizing the library, they had made themselves comfortable in Loki’s bed with their books and plenty of blankets. Loki sat up against the headboard, his legs stretched out across the mattress and his ankles crossed, and (Y/N) was leaning against his side, her head resting comfortable in the crook of his neck and her free arm holding Loki’s around her waist. They sat in comfortable silence as they read their own books, occasionally permeating the tranquil atmosphere with light conversation.
“Um, Loki?”
“Hmm?” Loki could feel (Y/N) shifting beside him, so he tore his eyes away from his book and watched as she marked her page and set her book down on the bedside table. Setting his own book aside, Loki adjusted himself so he could see her face better. “What is it?”
(Y/N) bit her lip and played with the sleeve of her sweatshirt before answering. “We’ve been so busy planning Thanksgiving dinner and trying to get the team back together that we haven’t had a chance to talk about what you said the other day.” Loki’s brow furrowed in confusion, and the corner of (Y/N)’s mouth twitched. “About wanting to, um, have children. With me.”
“Oh.” Loki felt himself pale; he’d completely forgotten about his slip-up and being reminded of it caused panic to flare in his chest. “I-It was stupid, (Y/N), I just…we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, I only meant-”
His explanation was abruptly cut off by (Y/N), who had covered his mouth with her hand and was shaking with suppressed laughter. “I always love those rare moments when you’re the one to get flustered; a little line always forms in between your eyebrows.” She leaned forward and pressed a brief kiss on the spot before moving her hand from his mouth to cup his cheek. “I was surprised by what you said the other day because I didn’t realize that you’ve imagined the same future that I have.” (Y/N) shyly looked down but she reached for his free hand and intertwined their fingers together. “I may not have much experience with relationships, Loki, but I love you with all my heart and if there’s anyone I want to share that wonderful future with someday…well, it’s you.”
A grin slowly formed on Loki’s face; removing one of his hands from hers, he gently took hold of her chin and coaxed her to look at him. “Really?”
She nodded, her (Y/E/C) eyes sparkling with happiness. “Really.”
Surging forward, Loki held her face in his hands and smashed his lips against hers. (Y/N) made a sound of surprise before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing back with equal vigor; Loki eventually found himself lying flat on his back while (Y/N) straddled his waist, one hand clutching her hip while the other traveled up and down her spine as they kissed. (Y/N) pulled her lips away from his and just as his throat made a noise of protest, she began kissing along his jawline and down his neck; needless to say, his annoyance quickly morphed to groans of satisfaction. Only when her soft lips brushed against a particularly sensitive patch of skin near his collarbone did Loki lose all restraint; he flipped them over so that (Y/N) was pressed against the mattress and after grabbing her hands and threading their fingers together, he held them over her head and hungrily attacked her eager lips with his own until an unfortunate lack of air forced them to break apart.
“I said I’d like children with you someday, Loki, not today!” (Y/N) exclaimed breathlessly, a dazed sort of smile illuminating her face as she looked up at him.
Loki let out a laugh before kissing her forehead and rolling off to lay on his back beside her; try as he might, he couldn’t keep the broad grin off his face. “Apologies, my love, but you’re entirely irresistible. If I’d known there were kisses like that in store for me, I’d have told you all that ages ago…”
Later that evening, (Y/N) was fast asleep against his chest and the sounds of her quiet snores filled the room as he stretched out on the bed in contentment. I suppose there’s only one thing left to do, Loki thought tiredly, pulling (Y/N) closer and glancing over at the bedside table that hid the engagement ring before sleep finally claimed him.
A/N: Wow, that was a lot of fluff! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter Fifteen
Spellbinding Masterlist
Tagging: @nexiva @ravenclawbitch426 @cminr @confusedfandomwriter @momc95 @nickkie1129 @austynparksandpizza @brooke0297 @destructivebliss @outoftheregular​ @itscomplicatedx​ @0-artemis​ @vivloki​
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subbing-for-clones · 3 years
The Alpha and The Omega Part 3
Alpha Maul x Omega Reader
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Word Count: 5k
WARNINGS: Mentions of murder, talk of slavery, mentions of guns and other various bounty hunting shenanigans
      Maul didn’t know what to expect when he entered your ship; he had tried not to have any expectations. The main entrance opened up to the cargo bay that took up the whole footprint of the ship. He could see the cryo-freezer and storage in one corner and made a mental note to look into getting one for his own ship; he may not mind the smell of the bodies he collected but he preferred the idea of handing in quarries that weren’t decomposing by the time he turned them in. Labeled crates of food supplies and ammunition lined the walls along with a surprisingly high amount of medical equipment. The center was left open, for training purposes he guessed. He had thought that this layout was fairly standard for a high-ranking hunter and despite his best efforts not to assume what he would find on the upper level he was astonished.
    You obviously lived here full time on the ship you had fondly referred to as the Wolf, the hatch opened up into a hallway from where he could see the door to your cabin left open. He fought the urge to look inside out of respect and followed you through the common area toward the cockpit. He did allow himself to stay a few steps behind you so he could glance around.
    The kitchen had been expanded from a small standard kitchenette to a more comfortable cooking space with a large pantry. A quality wooden table sat off to the side with some kind of potted green fern in its center, rather than a flimsy durasteel counter. Plush rugs of different colors had been scattered along the floor and a doorless closet imbedded in the wall showed massive amounts of folded blankets and extra pillows along with other soft looking comfort items. Post cards from countless planets littered the walls surrounding the space. You had even managed to fit a sofa and bookshelf in one of the corners without making it seem over crowded.
    He didn’t say a word as he sat in the co-pilot’s chair beside you, setting his worn bag on the floor next to him. You had even managed to decorate this space; warm blankets hung over the backs of the chairs and photos of you with other hunters hung on the walls that lacked control panels. Some of the photos were located in bars, others looked like more traditional hunting parties; friends with their arms around each other in front of massive beasts that lay slain. In one, he recognized the Mandalorian he had met on Tatooine pissing into a Sarlacc pit with you laughing boisterously in the side of the frame with your head thrown back. Something in his hindbrain whispered to him.
Omega makes it home.
He blinked his attention back to you when he realized you had said something.
“You alright Maul?” you asked him again when the fog left his eyes.
“Yes, my apologies, I have just never seen a ship like this before.”
“Yeah, I move around a lot so over the years I made it more comfortable. Easier than having a home base like some of the others try to keep, cheaper too,” Maul nodded in understanding before turning back to you once you had broken through the atmosphere and started tapping away at the nav computer.
“Where are we going for the first quarry?”
“We’ve got a runaway wife of some rich wannabe crime lord. Need to bring her back alive for the whole sum or dead for only twenty five percent. Last seen on Anaxes, guess she liked tinkering with the ships back home, probably hiding out as a mechanic or something there. I want the whole purse. I know you like bringing them back cold but I’m not settling for a fraction of the price.”
“Runaway wife should be easy,” he folded his arms as he studied the hologram the puck projected.
“Should be, I’m not worried about her. She’s young and pretty, I’d be shocked if she didn’t have at least a few guys keeping an eye on her; but them we can kill,” you pulled back a lever and the stars stretched around the Wolf throwing the two of you through hyperspace. You leaned back in the chair and kicked your feet up.
“Listen, I’m not one to beat around the bush. I picked her to grab first because I doubt we’re going to run into a situation with her where my life will depend on you not fucking me over,” you turned your head to meet his eyes that were already on you, “I know you’re a dark force wielder and I know you can feel that I am a force user too.”
Maul’s top lip pulled up in a snarl and his eyes narrowed, “are you a Jedi then? Have you orchestrated this to trap me?!” the hilt of his saber flew out of his pack and into his hand but he hesitated to ignite it when fear pheromones seeped out of you.
Your scent gave you away but your posture didn’t waver, “I used to be, years ago. I was kicked out of the order when my gene presented,” you chuckled, “my master found me naked and writhing on the floor of my room,” your chuckle had grown to full-fledged laughter, your shoulders shook at the memory all but forgetting the pissed off Alpha at your side.
“I- I still remember the look on his face. Fucking horrified when I had my first heat,” you took a breath and wiped a tear from your eye, “they told me I had to leave before I could even face the trials for my knighthood,” your expression turned slightly solemn, Maul had relaxed in the seat next to you. He didn’t think they would throw out one of their own simply because of a biological mutation.
“I’m not doing this to trap you or anything like that Maul,” you turned again to face him, “Bane helped me out after I lost everything I ever knew. I heard a rumor that you didn’t know you were an Alpha until recently either. I’m just trying to return a favor paid to me.”
Maul turned to watch the stars as they flashed by, dropping his saber back into his pack. He hated the Jedi, he had even hunted a few who had left the order or were kicked out after breaking their precious code; but you were different. Cast out because you didn’t fit into their mold, not unlike him.
“Don’t get me wrong,” you caught his attention again, “I don’t dislike all of them. It’s been years since I’ve seen any of them but I don’t plan on burning the temples to the ground. If you want help with a bounty or need some underworld information I’m your girl; if you wanna fuck with the Jedi you’re on your own. You and Cad are the only ones who know about that past and I plan on keeping it that way.”
“I understand.”
You stood and nodded to the door, “come on I’ll show you where to put your gear.”
    He followed you out of the cockpit and into the common area where you pointed to an empty cabinet, “so, Sith are back huh?”
He went rigid as he put his pack with all its contents still inside on the shelf, “why do you assume I am Sith and not just someone who dabbles in the dark side of the force?”
You leaned against the wall and crossed your arms, “I lived my whole life at the temple. I never saw or heard of you or anyone who looked remotely like you there so I know you’re not a fallen Jedi. You have a light saber so you’re also not some self-taught back water force sensitive individual. That only leaves one option.”
“I’m not a Sith anymore, my master thinks I’m dead and much like your own desire to keep your past private; I’d like to keep it that way as well,” his eyes narrowed again. He was equally annoyed and impressed by your deductions and his hind brain spoke again.
Omega is smart.
He was already tired of this intrusive voice in his head. Perhaps it was a mistake to come with you after all. His scent had turned abrasive in your nose and his signature was wavering.
“Hey, calm down there, Alpha I’m not here to mess up what you’ve got going for yourself. I’m just trying to make sure you’re not going to slice my head off of my shoulders with that pretty red blade of yours.”
“No, I’m not going to kill you. I just want to make a life for myself.”
“Good,” you turned to another cabinet and pulled out a few extra blankets and a pillow and made up the sofa for him, “you can sleep here, it’s more comfortable than it looks, I promise,” with that you turned away from him and made you way to the cabin.
“Oh, ‘freshers the last door down this hall. Won’t be long until we arrive, rest up if you can,” with that the door hissed behind you and locked, leaving him standing alone in front of the sofa with much to ponder. Even out of your immediate presence, your scent permeated the air around him and wafted out of everything in the room. It was difficult to think, surly not all unmated Omegas were so intoxicating. He shook his head and softly walked down the hall and stepped into the fresher.
    He almost smiled, almost. Why had he expected a standard washroom? Of course you had a full sized -sanistream shower and a deep tub instead of a sonic. Another plush carpet lay underfoot with soft towels hanging on a bar. Various perfumy bath oils and soaps sat on the counter top in a decorative array along with a few candles. He was starting to wonder if you really were the renowned bounty hunter, ‘Meg, he had heard about or an imposter living a lie. He would soon find out. He splashed some cold water on his face before wandering back to the sofa you had made up for him.
    He removed his cloak and kicked off his boots, setting them both to the side before laying down and pulling the blanket over himself. It was soft and warm, more so than anything his master had provided for him. It smelled like you too, he tried not to think about the fact that it gave him incredible comfort and eased both his worry and his tensed muscles. Wrapped in your scent he fell asleep faster than he ever had before in his life.
      You did not find sleep on the way to Anaxes. Despite sinking into your soft bed, despite surrounding yourself with all of your favorite pillows and blankets and even trying to meditate, you could not ease your thrumming heart. Why had this Alpha’s scent been so strong? It made your mouth water and your thighs clench. He had released a new wave of soothing pheromones when he fell asleep and yet they did nothing to calm you. You ached to crawl onto the sofa with him and wrap yourself in his arms, to burry your face into his scent gland and bare your throat for him to… Maker what the fuck? You were disgusted with yourself. An ex-Sith and an ex-Jedi? Gods the trouble that would cause, such wonderful, inebriating trouble.. no.
    You wanted to comm someone to ask them about it. You couldn’t call Zeni or Coth, they had been trying to set you up with a mate for years, they would tell you to just get it over with. Couldn’t call Fett, it had been awkward to say the least since you gently turned down his offer for courtship. You looked over at the hat that you had just hung from your bed post. Maybe Bane could tell you what this was all about? He had had a mate before and wouldn’t give you the same answer as Zeni. You sighed heavily, missing Master Plo’s wise words and wished to hear his voice again. Would it be a terrible idea to make a stop on Coruscant and try to visit when you had fulfilled your current obligation?
    Probably. Maybe not? You huffed frustratedly and buried your face into one of the pillows for the tenth time. Bane, you’d comm Bane when you had a chance after picking up your privately commissioned bounty. Just as you attempted to close your eyes again a quiet beeping rang out from the vambrace you had discarded on your side table. You groaned unabashedly and smacked the button to turn it off. You still had some time and your stomach was grumbling so you didn’t bother to change out of the long shirt and baggy pants you wore. Pride be damned.
    Still, you tried to be quiet when you left your room to put the caf on. Your eyes immediately fell on him. Chest rising and falling steadily, wrapped up in the blanket you had given it, he was clutching it to his nose. The crease in his brow and frown on his lips gone; lost in his slumber. He was handsome when he wasn’t irritated, hell he was handsome when he was too. You watched him for a moment a voice in the back of your mind whispering.
Alpha looks warm
Alpha looks safe
Oh fuck no. You grimaced at your Omega brain that rarely reared her head. You turned and started rummaging around the pantry, working by the light that poured out of the door to your room so you wouldn’t wake him.
      When Maul did wake, it was to the smell of hot caf and cooking meat. He sat up slowly and looked around before he saw you leaning forward over the counter, face lit by a data-pad, sipping out of a steaming mug. Your eyes flashed up and met his, “Caf?” you offered.
    He grunted and nodded his response before standing and making his way behind you, looking through cabinets. You smirked down at your data-pad and without turning to him, held out an empty mug you had gotten for him. He took it with a quiet thank you and filled it. His smokey spice filling your nose in this proximity and without your knowledge, your sweet earthy smell filling his.
    He peered over your shoulder at the data-pad you were reading from. With a sigh you pressed a button to it projected the hologram, desperate for a little space you sidestepped slightly. It showed the blue prints for the assembly yard you suspected she had run off to hide in.
“It’s going to be highly populated,” he stated simply.
“We’re not grabbing her from the assembly line. She may have a price on her head but I’m not keen on the idea of explaining that to everyone and their supervisor.”
“Follow her home after her shift then?” he took a long drink of the caf and plated the both of you some of the meat before sitting at the table. At least he has manners.
“Precisely. Boss said she took a bunch of cash with her so I’m guessing she’s got an apartment outside the complex instead of sleeping in the employee housing. I got an idea where she might be working within the facility…”
    For the next hour the two of you ate as you pointed out where they worked on the simpler components. Based off of her limited knowledge she was most likely working with less complicated, smaller parts of the ships. You had pointed out the where those were and when he asked how you learned this you showed him how to find and read the blue prints and get the shift change schedules. All tools of the trade so to speak.
    You had taken a shower and after landing outside the city, started to gear up in the cargo bay. He watched with a confused look in his eye as you strapped dual blasters into your shoulder holsters and a large knife onto your hip. Pulling on your mid-thigh length coat, you filled one of the pockets on your utility belt with a few darts of different colors and a blow gun on the opposite side.
“Why not just bring your saber?” you must have looked at him like that was the dumbest question he could’ve asked, and it was.
“You’re kidding, right? You are not bringing yours,” you held up your hand and started counting each finger as you spoke, “for one, it’s a highly populated area and we are both in hiding. Two, we’re bringing her in alive and as unharmed as possible. Three, even if we were bringing her in dead, in a low pop area there’s always the chance someone could see and word travels fast. If you’re going to thrive in this line of work, you’re going to have to branch out,” you rummaged through the large locking cabinet before handing him a mid-sized blaster. “It’s set to stun for now,” you pointed to show him how he can set it to kill and got him a knife.
He took them with a growl, “I am quite familiar with other forms of weaponry thank you very much.” You just raised your palms up in mock defeat with a scoff.
      Two days. It took you two days of staking out the assembly facility before you found her. Two days of distracting heavy breathes. Laying so close to him, peering through scopes at entrances during shift changes from rocky terrain had you irritable to say the least. At least he was quiet, kept that damn sultry voice to himself. If he was as affected as you, he had the common sense not to let it show. Little did you know; he was. He kept the sights glued to his face so you couldn’t see how blown his pupils were. You let out and audible sigh of relief when you finally did spot the pretty blonde woman. Her hair tied back and a much too large jumpsuit billowing off of her form. You watched as she mounted a speeder bike and took off away from the complex. You had rented one in town when you first arrived claiming to be in the market for a ship.
    You turned to Maul already at the controls, he simply nodded his head for you to climb on behind him. He didn’t miss how you jumped at the silent command, despite trying to touch him as little as possible. You kept your eyes on her through the electrobinoculars while he navigated from a safe distance behind her. Your free hand was grasping the loose fabric of his tunic at his lower back. Your touch felt electric to him.
    You watched her dismount and silently followed her through the apartment complex, it was run down and had a rusty smell that wafted off the walls. Just before the door could hiss closed behind her your boot caught it, the fail-safe caused it to whoosh open again. As you rushed into the home with Maul on your heels you withdrew your knife and before she could even blink her shock you had spun her around with the blade pressed to her throat.
“Well, you are a pretty little thing, aren’t you? Now why would a woman such as yourself be running from your doting husband?” you taunted her. You weren’t usually so hostile to unaggressive quarries but you were still bristling at the effect that Maul had on you. Some should-be-dead instinct telling you to show him you were strong. She whimpered as Maul smirked and handed you his set of binders before doing a perimeter scan of the apartment.
“P-please don’t take me back to him. I can’t go back. You must understand. I… I know you do!” Your brow creased at her statement before it hit you. Maul was in the back room so his scent wasn’t fogging your mind and with your nose so close to her scent gland there was no mistake. You bound her hands behind her back and pressed your leg to the back of her knees; forcing her down into a kneeling position on the floor.
“Shit,” Maul reentered the room in a hurry at your curse, eyes searching for some kind of trouble. You watched it hit him as hard as it you. Your eyes locked on him as he sniffed the air and pull his top lip back in a snarl. She was another Omega but, she hadn’t been marked. No Alpha’s scent had mixed with her own and you looked at her as confused as Maul did before she turned her attention to him.
“P-please Alpha. Help me, don’t send me back to that- that monster. Please Alpha…” she was trying to shuffle over to where he stood on her knees. Maul had expected her scent to be as strong as yours was to him. Before this woman, you had been the only unmated Omega he had met but she was nowhere near as intoxicating as you had been, as you are. She was annoying, a nuisance, weak. Nothing worth protecting. You reached down and dragged her by her bound hands back to where you had put her and kneeled in front of her.
“What the fuck are you doing married to a beta?” your finger jabbing her sternum in an accusatory manner.
“I’m not his wife! Fucker bought me!” you cringed at the term. Bane had warned you about Omegas being bought and sold but you had yet to run into any of them.
Maul wanted nothing to do with the woman before him, he saw her as a feeble and overly fragile but a fleeting thought of you being taken by slavers and sold to someone else fluttered through his mind.
No one takes Omega
He growled his disgust at the idea. You thought for a moment, weighing your options.
“Where were you taken, before you were sold?” your eyes held her gaze unblinkingly in the dimmed room, Maul had moved to stand closely behind you.
“Trandoshans, they came and took me from a cantina on Tatooine.”
You rolled your eyes at her so hard you risked giving yourself a headache.
“What in the absolute fuck were you doing on Tatooine without an Alpha to protect you?” you stood and paced around the room, “Fucking stupid ‘mega,” you cursed under your breath but loud enough that she could hear you. “You don’t have to be a hunter to know the whole planet is a slaving capital!”
“I know… I know!” she had dissolved to tears and sobbed her lamentations, “please, please don’t take me back to him!”
“Oh shut up!” you returned and slammed your balled fist into her chin, knocking her unconscious. Maul watched with a pleased grin gracing his face, you pointed your finger in his direction still fuming, “don’t you start with me too. Take her on your bike back to the ship. I’ll take her bike. I have to think about this.”
He growled but kept the smirk while he hoisted her up onto his shoulder. He paused just before passing you utterly amused and whispered, “Ah yes, let the anger fuel you,” before he left. You shook your head and pinched the bridge of your nose.
    You didn’t want to admit it but he was right. These years of faring on your own had been on one hand, great, incredibly fun even. Living outside the code was unrestricting but, on the other hand, you had wondered if your soul had darkened along with everything else. Times were not always good. You honestly wished you cared. You wanted to care so badly but, in all honesty, you didn’t. At this point in your life the force power you carried was just another blaster in your arsenal. Another set of binoculars in your pack. You didn’t, couldn’t let it guide you like it once had.
    To your relief, he had followed your instructions; he had left with her. You took her bike and made your way, a little slowly. Enjoying the fact that you could barely smell him from your current position. You had hoped that you would get used to it but you still hadn’t. ‘The Bitch’ you like to refer to your Omega brain as, her voice just continued to pop up with intrusive thoughts. More so than after being around any other Alpha. You wondered if the woman he carried at the moment had a similar experience.
    The hull was open and Maul had loaded the woman and the bike into the cargo bay. She was starting to stir as you brought the bike up next to his. The fear in her eyes returned as her consciousness did and she started to shriek causing both you and Maul to wince. You grabbed a rag and shoved it into her mouth to stifle her sobs. Once again you knelt down next to her, “Maul, tell her to be quiet so that I can explain something to her.”
“Why would she listen to me?” you rolled your eyes.
“Because you’re an Alpha, a particularly… pungent one as well, I’m assuming she lies on the more subservient spectrum as far as Omegas go, she will obey,” you turned your attention back to the woman, tears streaming down her face. As you had guessed she immediately silenced at his command.
“Now then, listen closely. Nod if you understand me,” the woman nodded still wide eyed at you, “good. I have to take you back. If I don’t the bounty will remain open and someone else will come to collect. You can’t just run off again either. Well, you could, but odds are your ‘husband’ would just rehire me to come pick you up and he pays well so I would take it. You have two options. One, return and play the good wife and deal with whatever comes with it. Two,” you reached into your pack and took out two differently colored capped darts, “I slip these into your bra, you let me freeze you like a good little girl and return you home to collect my pay. After he unfreezes you, you stab him with the green one to knock him out; anywhere in his body. Then inject the black one into his neck to kill him. Once he’s dead you can escape and no one will bother to come looking for you because there will be no one to put a bounty on you.”
She weighed your words heavily and you practiced your patience, truly sympathetic to the woman. You were an exception, Omegas were strong yes but, most were incredibly subservient; even without an Alpha. She mumbled something behind the gag and you scoffed before removing the rag and she gasped.
“I want the darts,” her conviction was steadfast and you breathed a sigh of relief, “put me in the freezer with them and I’ll take care of the rest.”
    You reached your hand into her shirt with a slightly apologetic look while you nestled each dart under an individual breast, she nodded her thanks after you reminded her which was which and helped her to her feet. You gave her one last look before taking the binders off. Maul watched you hesitantly as you guided her into the freezing chamber. She gave you a sad yet thankful smile, it was slight but as you pressed the buttons and activated the gasses it froze on her face. Soon, she’d be free. You guided the block into the freezer storage and locked the door behind her before allowing yourself to ungraciously slide down the wall until your rump hit the floor with a soft thud.
    Almost forgetting you weren’t alone you tossed your hat to the side somewhere and ran your fingers through your hair and rubbed one of your eyes, exhausted from her emotional affliction.
    Maul could smell your distress, his instincts told him to comfort you, to hold you and tell you that everything would be alright. That he’d protect you, that he’d never let anyone lay a finger on you. That your fate would never become hers. Instead, he settled for sitting beside you with his legs crossed, without looking at you he spoke, staring down at his feet, “you gave her a way to take her own freedom.”
You hummed, just acknowledging that you heard him and sat next to him in silence for a few minutes. His pheromones were comforting, his presence was soothing and for the first time you didn’t fight the effect they had on you.
Alpha will protect me.
    Once again you shook ‘the bitch’ away and made your way to the cockpit. You flew closer to the shop you rented the bike from and opted to keep the other Omega’s for yourself. While Maul was returning the bike, you pressed a few buttons on your vambrace, calling Bane. Within a few moments the side of his face appeared in the hologram. Blaster fire whizzing by his head.
“You alright ‘Meg?” that raspy voice you loved sounded frustrated with whatever mess he was currently in.
“Yeah I’m fine, listen I got a question for you when you’re not busy.” He took a second to face you head on with a smirk, “What makes you think I’m busy?” as if on que a bolt took the hat right off his head and he cursed. You laughed and shook your head.
“Just contact me soon, don’t die out there old man.” He grunted in response and the hologram dissipated right as Maul was sitting down in the copilot’s chair.
“One down, where to next?” he eyed the comm that Bane had appeared from warily.
“Smuggler fucked over Jabba, a Talz. Last seen heading towards Hoth; no doubt to escape the heat literally and figuratively and hide amongst the Wampa. Can you take us up? I’m starving.” He nodded and took your seat while you headed back to the common area. You doubled over and clutched your stomach, “shit,” the pain all too familiar but coming much too early.
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daydreamidea · 2 years
Thin streams of smoke seemed like no issue in Helena’s initial planning for the night, the idea being that candles would be a more sensual option for her and Devens night in. One candle was not all she had used however, and soon enough she wound up cursing herself out and trying to open every window she could and pulling down fire alarms which blared away. She was pulling out the last of the batteries when she heard the clicking of the front door opening, looking down the hall at Deven already snuffing out some candles.
“Dev don’t worry! I’ve got everything under control! You just settle down and wait a minute?”
“At this rate you’re burning the place down, I’m helping.” Deven finished blowing out, pinching the wicks, and otherwise killing the candles he came upon. Helena noticed as he came fully into their home that he looked strangely… wet? His hair usually stayed in place the whole day with the product he wore, slicked back and ombre blonde. His make up didn’t appear to have run, but looked far duller than normal, and the top of his shirt was unbuttoned, which was normal, but seemed less so out of preference and out of annoyance.
They both walked together through the house dousing the little flames before coming to their bedroom, which clearly was meant to be the epicenter of romance, but was mostly a flickering, slightly smoky, very waxy mess. The curtains had been pulled shut, but in the clearing measures the whole window was opened, a portion of the candles having gone out on their own already. “Why did you come back so early?” Helena spoke while walking the unequally lit room, “I was hoping to fix this disaster before you got back. It was supposed to be really romantic you know?”
“Believe me when I say there is nothing I would have enjoyed less in this moment than a candle lit home.” Deven pulled Helena into his chest, and she could feel the strange wetness in full. He wasn’t drenched but certainly not just sprinkled on.
“Hun why are you back so early?”
“Someone was smoking in the bathroom and set all the sprinklers and fire alarms off.”
“Oh Dev! Do you want to get changed and cleaned up or-“
“No. No, I just want to spend some quiet time with my fiancé. And honestly that is all I want, just a quiet rest of the day. Sorry if I seemed pissed off with you, but I’m just burnt out after what happened at the store and,” Deven kissed Her on the cheek. “The perfect way to recover would be getting every fire hazard in our home cleaned up.”
Helena shook her head and gave him a kiss herself. Over the next hour all of the tea lights, scented candles, and cheap little things were placed either into the trash or safely packed away in their new candle drawer. Helena’s prayer candles made their way back to their designated places, and though the evening was far less steamy than expected, or should one say smoky, Helena was still able to get in a lovely and relaxing day with her fiancé. Deven never managed to buy any of their groceries that day, but it only served as an excuse for them to go together the next morning.
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