#I’ve always been nervous to share this headcanon for some fucking reason
gremlins-hotel · 2 years
Typing this from Hollywood itself.
I know it’s popular to give Alfred an actor phase, and I agree, but I raise you voice actor Alfred. Impressionist Alfred. Human soundboard type of guy. Apart from talking with basically his whole body, he might not do much physical acting, but let me tell you, Alfred can throw his voice. He can scream his head off like Mel Blanc, he performs sketches as both Shaggy & Scooby when standing in front of his fridge hungry, he can annoy Mathieu with disturbingly accurate Minecraft eating & drinking sounds when they’re eating near each other. This shit is just sprinkled into any interaction with him, but especially if he’s trying to convey a story. He’ll do bad impressions of people he dislikes as a treat.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
Hello! I’ve been back and forth on writing you this bc I’m nervous but eh fuck it, I have no shame. So first off, I just want to say that you, Salome, are an absolutely stunning and brilliant writer. As someone who majored in classical studies in college, I was completely blown away by Fatum Nos Iungebit. The world you built was so deeply immersive and characterization of König, in that story as well as your other headcanons, is perfect. For the past week or so, I’m going to be honest, I’ve been going through your blog because I’ve been so hungry for more and the only reason I haven’t interacted more is that 1. I don’t wanna feel like a creep and 2. I was so scared of you blocking me for ‘’spam-liking” or whatever. I can assure you that I am a real person and I’ve been enjoying everything I’ve seen. I came across one concept however, that definitely got my neurons firing and that’s the idea of belly dancer reader x könig and I have some thoughts I wanted to share with you if that’s okay. :)
So I’ve been a belly dancer for almost a decade (I actually celebrate my ten year anniversary next year!). I was part of a belly dance performance troupe at my old university and I currently dance with a studio in my new city. It’s genuinely one of the great passions of my life. I’ve performed at all kinds of venues and for all different occasions from festivals to galas to charity events to hookah bars, so I definitely have some performing experience under my belt, well as what audiences are like. So when I saw the idea of König being mesmerized by a dancer at a wedding, I went !!!
I want to add the caveat that this is based on my experience as a dancer living in the US, and while I’ve performed for SWANA audiences (which is always an amazing experience 🥰) and non-SWANA audiences, I can’t speak for what it’s like in other countries. So, in my ✨personal✨ experience as a belly dancer going on a decade, it’s pretty rare that men will approach dancers during or after a performance—especially to actively hit on her. And believe it or not, it’s because many of them are actually intimidated! I have seen the most seemingly cockiest, proudest men just stare blankly and stand back while we do our thing. If anything, it’s usually women who approach us, gushing about our performances or asking where they can take classes and stuff. Women tend to be the first ones to get up and dance with us, shower us with tips, etc. (again, very much my personal experience as someone living in the US). When it comes to more family-friendly events like weddings and stuff, we also get a lot of kids approaching and that’s always so adorable and sweet—especially when the little babies think we’re princesses. 😭
So back to König, especially Y!König. 😈 he’s at the wedding. He’s mopey. He’s picking at his plate of chicken and rice. He’s happy for his friend and his bride, but a little bitter and jealous that he’ll never get to be that happy. Then, a mejance (essentially an entrance/overture piece of music) swells over the speakers and out comes the dancer, adorned in an Irina Sheyner number (she’s an absolutely STUNNING costume designer, plsplsplsPLS look her up 😭), veil flying behind her. She does her mejance, a drum solo, and at some point…she does a sword number. The level of control she has to be able to balance the sword on her head in impressive, but König can’t help but imagine what it would be like for to dance wielding his knives in hand. Finally, dancer opens up the floor and in typical faction brings out the bride and groom to dance with her, and then most of the other guests follow. Not König though. He hangs back and watches as this beautiful dancer holds the guests in the palm of her hand. Gone is the cocky, brutal soldier, and only the shy, anxious boy remains, the one who would always be left out of games at recess and who wasn’t invited to birthday parties. König has never been the dancing type, but he can’t even bring himself to offer her a few of the banknotes or dollars or whatever currency he’s using. He just stares, and she’s completely oblivious.
A while later, he’s getting ready to leave, when he spots Dancer. Her makeup and hair still done up, but she’s now fully cloaked and awkwardly lugging her suitcase and bags full of props and other equipment across the poorly paved parking lot. König zeroes in on her and before he knows it, he’s approaching her, asking her if she needs help carrying her stuff. Dancer, surprised but this gigantic man suddenly appearing before her, flashes a winning smile at him and says he can. König easily lugs the stuff to Dancer’s car. She thanks him profusely and just like that, she drives away.
It’s only a few hours later that the obsession starts to creep in. König, who’s ordinarily not a big social media user, is now checking the feeds and stories of his friends who attended the wedding. Finally, he comes across one friend who posted a video of themself with the dancer and tagged her Instagram. König can’t click on it fast enough and suddenly, he’s greeted by dozens of images and photos of Dancer. Some are adorably mundane. He finds out that Dancer teaches classes at a studio nearby, and some of the videos consist of dancer teaching basic moves to the camera. There are other videos of her at the local hookah bar, where she performs on a regular basis. König sees one particularly video of Dancer doing a piece of floor work, that same sword balanced proudly on her head as she’s propped back on her arms, her gorgeous hips undulating toward the sky. König feels a dark wave of heat wash over him. He jokingly thinks to himself that maybe he should take up hookah. But one thing is for certain, she’s going to be his one day. He’ll just have to be sneaky about it, subtle.
He clicks the follow button on Dancer’s instagram. She has a few thousand followers. Surely she can’t notice one faceless profile, right? 😈😈😈😈😈😈
Anyway, that’s all I have for now. I know you’re taking a break from fics but if you see this I want you to know you’re an amazing writer. Lots of love! 💖💖💖💖
Ughhh and another lovely soul 😭💗 I don't know what's going on in here this week but both you and anon have really made my heart swell!
And please please please, spam liking is never frowned upon here (I don't know why anyone would block someone who's clearly not a bot for loving your stuff?!) It's such a delight if I see that someone has liked a ton of things instead of just one. It's the highest compliment and praise! ❤️🥺
And your bellydancer prompt/drabble is so mouthwatering, god. If I'm being honest, I'd read whatever you wrote for this thing in a hot minute because you have the skill and you've done the research (an actual bellydancer in my inbox?! Ok Salome try not to be a creep) and the premise is just. GAH. So good, especially with yandere König! ❤️❤️❤️
I have to reveal I wrote like 8 chapters of a story relatively close to this in the fall: Stalker!König obsessing about reader, invading her DMs on Instagram and literally stalking her. She's not a bellydancer, but damn if I didn't think about changing her into one... :) The story is on hold for now, but here is a little snippet as a thank you gift!
CW: Yandere/Stalker!König, harassing, obsessive behavior
I’m sorry, Liebling. You were too beautiful yesterday. I got carried away.
You wake up just to see that your phone is full of messages. From him, of course. He’s created another account on Instagram.
I’m just a man.
You ignore it altogether, even if there’s messages and emails from other people too. You simply go to brush your teeth, hearing how the phone buzzes on your desk.
I know it was disrespectful. I could never call my wife that. Will you forgive me?
You sigh and finish with your morning routine, but the phone buzzes again.
I sent you flowers. Did you get them?
It’s like he knows when you’re awake, because you can see the messages from your screen without having to unlock it. Even if he refreshed your conversation every minute, every second, he can’t possibly see that you’ve seen them yet.
It bugs you to no end, this feeling that he somehow knows that you’re awake. It’s like he knows your every move. It’s the most unnerving thing, and makes you think about horrible scenarios where he has broken into your house while you’re at work, to install cameras or microphones or something. You feel like you’re about to go mad if this nightmare goes on.
You go to the front door, but hesitate a while before you turn the knob.
What if it’s a trap?
What if he wants to kill you because you yelled at him last night at the pub...? What if there’s a bomb or something that goes off when you open the door, what if he aims at you with a gun from across the street and kills you on your doorstep this morning?
Just what the actual fuck does this guy even want with you...
You sigh with a broken heart and some broken nerves, deciding it’s as good a way to go as any. You turn the knob and open the door, only to find the usual porch, and a large bouquet of dark red roses planted there.
More ice sinks into your stomach as you witness the evidence of him knowing where you live. But the fact that he chose to send red roses… Ugh, this guy is so old-fashioned and so unimpressive that it’s somewhat a dull surprise to actually see flowers on that porch.
Who buys red roses these days?
Couldn’t he have picked peonies or something, something to go with your other decor… Red roses are so eighties, so funeral-like, so boring.
You sigh and go and take the flowers to the trash. Then you walk back to your house, make sure the door is locked tight, and go back to your phone to type a message.
Did you see that?
The answer arrives immediately.
What? ❤️
I threw your flowers in the trash.
There’s bit of a pause after that. Your wannabe boyfriend clearly hasn’t got his eye on you at every given moment. That’s a bit of a surprise, almost a disappointment, actually. But only if you were any more crazy.
The reply comes after about 30 seconds, after a series of Typing… bumping up and down on the screen.
I’m sad.
You get some satisfaction from that, but the first reaction is a tiny, tiny dagger to the heart. You sigh – you do nothing but sigh these days – not only because of his message, but also because you can’t seriously be having a moment of compassion for your stalker, for god's sake.
You make me sad, Liebling 💔 Are you still angry with me?
You throw the phone away and go to make yourself some breakfast, only to stop and turn when you hear the phone buzz again.
I’ll send you more flowers.
You unlock the screen in a frenzy and type a reply in mere seconds.
Don’t bother. I’ll throw them in the bin too.
You have to keep them at some point. Trash bins get full so soon.
You throw the phone away for good this time, and don’t come back to it for another hour. You eat your breakfast with squirming insides and a rattled heart, waiting for someone to come bring you flowers at any given moment.
But no one ever comes.
You check your phone before going to work, but there’s nothing from him there. You go and block his new profile, unsurprised to see that there are no pictures this time, not even a profile picture (well, there is one, but it’s only a black circle), just in case. You don’t know why you didn’t block him in the first place.
There’s a radio silence for a few days. You spend them at the edge of your seat, with lots of trouble sleeping, but soon start to ease into the fact that maybe he finally had enough. Maybe you were not as interesting or attractive as he thought when he met you in person…
Wait, what?
Gosh, you can’t be this desperate... You simply can’t. This has to end.
You don’t talk about him in therapy, mainly to convince yourself that you’re not thinking about him at all. You’re not missing him harassing and stalking you, and you’re not disappointed that he didn’t send you enough flowers to fill your entire bin.
You know you should address this: this crazy need to be something groundbreaking to someone. To want someone to be this obsessed with you, no matter how sick that someone was. You know you would have gone to the police if your stalker was the sleazy, weak-wristed man from the pub. You would’ve packed your bags and moved houses already, changed your name and closed your social media accounts, quit everything if your stalker was small and ugly and weak.
But now that you know he’s relatively good-looking, does something dangerous and has a lot of money, and looks like he could fuck and fight half the city by himself, you’re not in that much of a hurry to go to the authorities.
You’re even a bit sad that your stalker hasn’t given you any fevered attention these past few days... He hasn’t even asked you how you’ve been.
No one has asked you how you’ve been: no one ever does. You have to wade through this life all by yourself: depressed and anxious and crazy. Lonely… And horny.
Gods, you just want someone to hold you at night… Someone strong, and big, someone who would pay a few bills for you, take care of you and give you a round of good sex…
Your phone buzzes from time to time, but there’s no message from him. One night before going to sleep, relatively early, so early that it could be called the bedtime for old spinsters, you break down and cry a little. It’s not a wail: only a soft little sob, a few sniffles and a couple of tears until your nose gets clogged and the pillow is wet.
Your phone buzzes, and you reach for it, feeling so, so pathetic when you hope it would be him.
And the message is from him.
You’re the most beautiful woman on this earth. I know I fucked up. I’m just a horny dog and I don’t deserve you.
You sniffle and rise to sit, your whole system fully awake now. Oh god... You’re so fucked.
The message makes you feel incredibly good and sweet, almost giddy. It feels like he’s kneeled right there in front of you, like a knight who has misbehaved in the throes of his lust. You know it’s ridiculous, but you start to smile a little, and the tears dry on their own. The merry feeling is followed by righteous rage, a little fit, because he’s made you wait for days, he’s tortured you in every way possible, and he does absolutely nothing right.
You unlock the screen and start to type, not thinking it through at all before hitting send.
That’s right.
Fuck… Shit. That was a mistake. No, a huge error.
Why did you have to send that? Stooping to his level, sending stupid things like that…
You put the phone away quickly, then reach for it again to delete what you just send. But it’s too late.
I can be a good dog if you forgive me.
The message is waiting for you already, and when you don’t reply, the oppressive, ominous Typing… hits on the screen once more. God, how could you be so stupid…
I’ll kill anyone you need me to kill. I'll give you money, whatever you need. A new kitchen so you can cook me something nice? I’ll be a good dog, I promise.
What did you even expect?
Everything always blows up when you give him attention: any dumb person knows better than to give this hungry dog a bone. You’re just too fond of digging your own grave, it seems.
There’s no end to the messages: this guy starts typing a new one every time he has sent the last.
I’ll fuck you like a good dog too….
You lean your forehead to your palm, trying to figure out a way to stop this.
And then–
Fuck, now I’m hard
You take a quick breath of air and put the phone away.
Please don’t send a dick pic, please don’t send a dick pic…
The phone buzzes.
Look how hard you make me
There’s a picture attached, but you can’t see it when the screen is locked.
This is what I have to live with, day and night…
Message after message, your phone buzzes, and you check them quickly from your screen, swearing to yourself that you’re not going to give him the satisfaction of opening the conversation and checking the image he sent you. You know perfectly well what you will find if you do that.
But after only a minute or two, you unlock the phone, and open the conversation with your heart ramming in your chest.
Just one quick look...
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Clearly not meant to be
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➹❥ AN: Hello! I'm back and here's a fic for Shinso! *runs away immediately to hide back in the shame box*
➹❥ Warnings: Manga Spoilers! Shinso x Fem Reader Soulmate fic. Angst. Not for those with the headcanon: Shinso is a cinnamon roll. LOL I kid. But seriously tho he's not nice in this.
➹❥ Summary: Just because you're soulmates doesn't mean everything will work out how it's supposed to.
There aren’t a lot of things I regret about my life. But if there were one thing, it would be you. Soulmates were supposed to be our better half. The balm to the fucked up shit that happens in the world. They say the soul marks doesn’t make mistakes, but it did the day it made us soulmates. I wish I had never met you. You may be a pro hero, but in my eyes, you were a villain the day you stepped into my life. 
I was 15 years old when I was accepted into U.A. I was in the general course of U.A., not intending to be a pro hero. My quirk didn’t call for it. But even just graduating from U.A. could afford me many opportunities in the future, so my parents encouraged me to go for it. 
It would be in late March after my 16th birthday that a tabby cat and a tuxedo patterned cat in blackened ink appeared on my wrist. The two cats would chase each other until they got tired and slumped over. Finally, the tabby cat would nuzzle the other cat’s nose. Reenergized, the tuxedo cat would get up and begin the chase again. The inked tattoo of sorts would animate on repeat. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Better than some of the soulmate connections I’ve heard about like sharing thoughts.
Hitoshi Shinso was a bit curious-looking with dark circles and crazy purple hair. Back then, I felt alleviated from panic, knowing that my soulmate was at least someone I knew. A fellow classmate. Not a stranger on the streets that I would have to start over from day one and hope to impress somehow. 
“Please take care of me,” I said to Shinso and bowed.
He bowed in return after an awkward pause and muttered, “Likewise.”
If I had known then that he was lying, I would have never had any expectations from him. Perhaps even resort to drastic methods like mutilating the mark that symbolized our bond. Because even that pain would have been bearable to the pain of knowing you were unwanted and unloved. 
“S-shinso-san, I was wondering if you were busy Friday?” I asked nervously.
It’s been a while since we were revealed as soulmates, and there hadn’t been any meaningful progress between the two of us, and I was beginning to feel impatient. So I thought to make the first move and meet him outside of school to get to know him better. It had taken a lot to muster the courage to even ask, and I was a bundle of nerves despite hoping I could come off casual.
He paused, putting away worksheets in his bag, and looked at me. He examined me for a minute before replying, “Maybe. Why?”
“Oh, uh, I was wondering if you would like to grab a bite to eat with me. The café next to our school just opened up, and I’ve heard good things-”
“I can’t,” He interjected. “I have training with Aizawa-sensei.”
“Oh, right,” I tried not to look dejected. “Maybe next time then?”
“See ya,” he said, walking around me as I stood right in front of his desk.
I watched him leave longingly, wishing he would stay. “Bye..”
I was so nervous. Shinso had finally agreed to walk home with me. I would ask earnestly whenever I could, and he was always busy for one reason or another. I completely understood because he was the only one of the general studies students applying to transfer to the hero courses. And I admired that and supported him wholeheartedly, which unfortunately meant that usually I wasn’t a priority. But it didn’t matter right now. 
I couldn’t contain my excited grin as he and I walked in silence. I kept glancing at him in the corner of my eye, hoping he would say something. 
“So, how is training-”
“Hey, Shinso!” a voice cut me off.
Startled, I turned around to see a blond boy waving at him with another red spikey-haired boy at his side. They casually walked up to us, and a pink-skinned girl was tailing along in the back. My eyes widened at their appearance. They were the kids from Class 1-A I remember seeing during the sports festival after I had been disqualified during the first round. 
“Oh, it’s you,” Shinso deadpanned. “What do you want?”
“Is that something you should say to a future classmate?” the blond with a black strip in his hair shook his head forlornly. It oddly resembled a bolt. I wonder if that was on purpose. 
“You sound confident I’ll make it,” Shinso replied casually. I looked at him, surprised. Of course, he was going to make it. With all the hard work he was putting in, he had to at least be confident in himself. 
“Dude, you’re working with Aizawa-sensei. Of course, you’re gonna get in,” Red cut in.
Was Aizawa-sensei the teacher who perpetually looked like he would keel over from exhaustion?
My head whipped back and forth with the conversation in confusion. 
“How is it?” the pink one also interrupted. “And how haven’t you dropped dead yet?”
“It’s not so bad,” Shinso shrugged. “You have to work hard, though.”
I looked at my soulmate in awe. I always knew there was something different about him, even before the revelation of us being soulmates. He was so determinedly laser-focused that it made me proud yet envious. 
“By the way, the gang is going to that new café everyone’s been raving about. Wanna come?” Blondie said.
I panicked; it took weeks for me to Shinso-san alone. I wanted this day to make some ground between the two of us finally. 
“Guys, maybe we shouldn't,” the pink girl said, looking at me pointedly. “I think we’re interrupting.”
I gave her a quick smile of relief, and she winked back at me in understanding. 
I could feel my soulmate’s eyes on me before he replied, “Oh, this is just a classmate, Y/N. She wouldn’t mind.”
He didn’t wait for my response and started walking away with the guys. My heart was pounding and I stood there, unable to move. The pink girl who had helped me out now looked at me with sympathy and seemed unsure before she turned around to follow the guys. 
The last thing I remember seeing was their backs as I hurried away, my vision becoming blurry with tears.
This time everything was going to go fine. Or at least I was trying to convince myself. After the disaster of Shinso-san leaving me behind, I didn’t think I could muster the courage again. 
Somehow, things had fallen into place, and now I was waiting for my soulmate to show up for our date.
Well, not exactly a “date,” but we were hanging out by ourselves. Nothing school related was going to be discussed. No classmates to disturb us. It was just going him and me.
I took a deep breath, trying to subside the anxiousness that was bubbling up inside.
I had arrived 10 mins earlier than the time we agreed on, and Shinso-san hadn’t shown up yet, but I wasn’t too worried because Akihabara on the weekends was notoriously busy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Shinso-san were a few minutes late.
We agreed to meet and spend a few hours playing games at a nearby arcade. I wasn’t someone you would call a gamer per se, but I could go for a few rounds every now and then.
I consciously shuffled aside as a group of loud teen boys walked past. One of them eyed me in such a way that made me uncomfortable, so I fiddled with my smartphone and decided to shoot Shinso-san a text.
‘Hey I arrived a few mins early let me know when you get here.’ 
The text was sent with a familiar ding, and I stared at the screen for a minute hoping for an immediate reply. But when I didn’t get it, I put the phone back in my pocket with a huff.
I don’t know how long I watched people walk past, feeling melancholy. I reached into my pocket again for my phone to look at the time.
He was 15 minutes late. I took a breath, trying to relax. He probably took the train here and is on his way now. 
‘Shinso-san, did you take the train by chance? They’re running late today.’ Another text said.
30 minutes late.
A lone tear ran down my face. I quickly wiped it. Maybe his phone ran out of battery, and that's why he wasn’t responding to my texts. I pulled up his contact and pressed the green phone icon. I held up the phone with nervousness evident in my person. It rang multiple times before going to voicemail.
“Hey! I’m waiting outside of the arcade like we planned. Just call me back. Please.” 
I hung up and stuffed my hands in my pocket.
1 hour late.
He wasn’t coming. I should have known from the first text he wasn’t going to show up. But I tried so hard to believe that he would. That he wouldn’t be that kind of person. I gripped my hand tightly, the same one with the symbol of our bond. And for the first time since it had shown up, I felt contempt and misery. 
I wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand. Only for more tears to take their place. I bit down on my fist to prevent the sobs from breaking out. I didn’t want to appear so vulnerable in front of strangers.
2 hours late.
I had waited. I don't know why but I did. I know I should have left a while ago. But I couldn’t bear to leave. I kept thinking, what if? What if he shows up? What if I was mistaken and he had been in trouble?
The tears had dried up, and now nothing but a fit of stoking anger in my stomach boiled as I left the arcade. My steps felt heavy but resolutely determined. I knew what I had to do now. 
“Why do you want to talk?” Shinso asked as he swung his backpack over his shoulder.
The classroom was now empty, and I had asked him to stay behind.
I gave him a look, and he seemed taken aback by it as if he didn’t expect that from me.
“Why didn’t you show up on Saturday? We agreed that we would meet up at the arcade.”
Shinso rubbed his neck.
“If you had to cancel, all you had to do was reply to my texts or calls,” I said, getting louder and louder. “You didn’t have to leave me there standing for hours!” The anger poured out.
“And who asked you to do that?”
I flinched, hearing his deep voice that almost appeared to be bitter. 
“Why? Because we’re 'soulmates,' " he scoffed. “Do you know why I came to UA despite everything? It was so that I could make my dreams come true. And for that, I will do anything. I don’t have time for a soulmate. You’re looking for something in me that I’m not willing to give.”
“That’s not true-” I was cut off.
“It’s honestly creepy how you keep trying to make me go along with your fantasy.”
Shinso made his way to exit the classroom.
“I want to concentrate on being a pro hero, Y/N. And you need to respect that,” he said before closing the door on me.
A nearby quirk I assumed went off, and the shockwaves from the quirk caused the apartment building my family and I resided in, to tremble.
The disaster sirens that usually went off during earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan started blaring into the night. Except for this time it wasn’t for a natural disaster but rather a war between pro heroes and villains.
“Oka-san and tou-san!’ I called when the building finally settled. “Are you okay?” 
I hid under a table in my room, which I dived under as soon as the sirens went off. I relaxed when I heard their answering call.
“Y/N, we should head down to the building basement and wait until it's safe.”
Well, as safe as it could get. Since the war started, casualties have become a new norm. Every now and then, we would hear about a friend’s dead loved one from so and so. 
I answered back in agreement and slowly started to crawl on my hands and knees from under the table. Just as I was about to stand up, I peeked at the inked soul mark on my hand. We hadn’t spoken in months. It’s the only way I knew Shinso was still alive. The last I heard about him was from my classmates about how he had gotten a license and was fighting amongst pro heroes. 
Despite myself, I had worried at first, but that became second nature to tepidly watching the war on the internet. 
I spied my sweater on the bed, grabbed and shrugged it on.
“Guys? I’m heading downstairs n-”
I didn’t get to finish my sentence as the roof on top of me collapsed. I shrieked as bits of rubble covered my room - coughed as dust collected in my mouth. 
Then darkness as a large of debris landed on top of me. 
A distance away, I heard the sound of the familiar siren still going off. My eyes were heavy, and it was difficult to open them. After several tries, I was able to make out my surroundings blearily. It was dark but a bright light overhand illuminated what little of the room I could see.
My room was utterly unrecognizable. Debris and dust covered every inch, and my bed was destroyed as pieces of wood pierced the mattress. Fragments of glass littered the floor as I tried to feel around and move. 
It hit me. I couldn’t feel my legs. I looked down only to choke on the blood collecting in my mouth. They were trapped under a large wooden pillar.
Nonononononononononono. I tried to lift it, only to scream in vain.
“Oka-san!” I cried out hysterically. “Tou-san! Anyone! Please help me! I can’t move.”
But there was no reply. No sounds. Just the siren blaring over and over again. And the sound of my crying.
My vision became blurry once again, and sound seemed to go in and out. I was losing consciousness. And the last thing I could remember was, for some reason, yearning for Shinso.
Before I woke up, I was surprised to hear steady beeping, not the siren I last distinctly remember. 
A bright light was overhead, soon overcast by Oka-san’s crying face, but her eyes seemed to glow with relief. A flurry of movement later, I saw my Tou-san’s face, whose typically stern face was also wet with tears. 
Someone helped me sit up, and I realized I was in a hospital room with vitals attached to me. My legs were wrapped up, but thankfully I could still wiggle my toes.
I remembered the feeling of acute horror when I realized I could no longer move my legs. But knowing they were ok, though still healing from broken bones, was a solace I didn’t realize I needed. 
Over the following weeks, my parents visited daily as I recovered from the incident, which I later found out was from a pro hero crashing into the building when a villain threw them. The pro hero, Miruko, came in person to apologize and ensure I was ok. It was easy to forgive her when I could see the regret permeating from her despite her nonchalant outward appearance. 
One particular afternoon, when I was waiting for the nurse to come back with lunch, he showed up.
Shinso seemed more muscular than the last time I saw him. Yet he appeared paler, and his dark circles seemed to have spread somehow, seeming healthy and not at the same time. It looked like being a pro hero wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. 
I didn’t say anything to him. Just staring him down and wondering what he was doing here and with flowers of all things in his hands.
He cleared his throat and offered the flowers to me. “These are for you.”
I nodded and took them from him. Still not giving him a verbal answer.
Maybe it was because Shinsou couldn’t stand the awkward silence so after a few mins, he started speaking again.
“I was there that night, Y/N,” he said, scratching his neck. The familiar sight taking me back to when we were attending UA. “When Miruko crashed into your building. I was there with a few other UA kids. But I didn’t know it was your building until it was too late.”
He seemed to choke on his words here. “The mark on my hand started disappearing.”
“And?” I spoke up. “What does it matter to you?”
Shinso’s eyes widened, shocked at the frank statement. “Y/N, listen, I know I said a few things I can't take back the last time we spoke.”
I scoffed,” I think you and I both know you don’t regret it. And isn’t it a shame that you didn’t even know your soulmate was dying a few feet away? All because you didn’t know where I lived. Maybe you would have if you gave me any time of the day.”
He had nothing to say in reply but- “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those awful things to you.”
But it was too late. I didn’t want to hear it. It took a roof to land me to register I was over it. I realized all those months of separation I was still waiting for him despite the fact I kept telling myself I wasn’t. I kept checking the news for anything. A mention. A sighting of a UA student with a brainwashing quirk.
Now I knew for sure that despite being soulmates, some people just aren’t meant to be.
“I don’t want anything to do with you.”
He opened his mouth to say something.
“Please leave.” I looked down determinedly and ready to press the nearby button to call the nurse just in case he refused to leave.
I didn’t dare look back up again until I heard his footsteps receding. I clenched my jaw and looked up at the hospital room’s ceiling so the tears wouldn’t drip. It was better this way. He had all this time to give me a chance, and he never did. It took me almost dying even to notice me. 
That was the type of person I didn’t need nor want. Or at least I tried to convince myself desperately so I wouldn’t call Shinso to come back.
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softluci · 4 years
aggressive affection, i think
(part two here!)
[ @yourlocalsinnamonroll​ (hi!) sent me an ask to do more gen z headcanons and i started working on something for her, except it isn’t actually a set of headcanons, but rather a really long...one-shot? but anyway, i thought of actual headcanons that i can share now, so i can return to my ROOTS hopefully this will do in the meantime. ]
i’m not sure if this is something unique to younger people, but i am one hundred percent sure that younger people do it a lot, just going off of the behavior of my friends and i. (i’m gonna tell you now that this isn’t entirely sfw, so minors dni please and thank u)
but i’ve found that it’s pretty common for friends to be, like, aggressively affectionate with one another, for lack of a better phrase. if not aggressively affectionate, then just really flirtatious, often for no reason, and it is still meant entirely in a platonic sense. some examples of this that i have experienced include, but are not limited to:
“i’m gonna eat you,” “do u wanna make out,” “just remember, no matter WHAT happens, i will ALWAYS wanna make out with you,”  “i have literally wanted to fuck all of you at some point,” “let’s have sex,” “stfu before i kiss you,” [points to lap] “is this seat taken?” “every day i’m like, ‘wow, [name] is so cool, we should make out,’” and so on and so forth.
so you can imagine the fun i’m about to have.
“blindsided,” does not even begin to describe what you’ve done to this man. while his recovery time was quick, he was still so, so confused. 
all he said was, “you look nice today,” why did you threaten to kiss him? was that even a threat? 
he doesn’t know because you said, “stop before you get kissed on the mouth,” but it doesn’t matter because you failed to consider that he is obsessed with you in dire need of a kiss on the mouth, and you, silly thing that you are, just provided conditions under which he can get one. 
that said, have fun trying to explain to this man that you were joking while he’s holding you against him with the most smug look on his dumb little face. if you don’t wanna kiss him, okay, but by the time he feels like letting you go, your face is gonna be scorching and you will have properly learned not to do that again. unless you enjoyed yourself, in which case—
by the way, if you believe in a higher power, you had better pray he doesn’t do this to you because now that you’ve planted the idea in his villainous little brain, he’s just biding his time. so the next time you compliment him innocently, and he says, “be quiet before i kiss you,” like the monster he is, assert your dominance by kissing him first, it’s the only way to maintain your dignity. 
why would you do that to him. he is literally in love with you, you can’t be doing this. he knows he’s an attractive person, but you can’t tell him that, and you especially can’t do it by flirting with him, it’s embarrassingly disarming. especially since he was going to make fun of you once he saw that you were looking at the issue of majolish with him on the cover. he had a plan and everything, and you ruined it. he was gonna say something dumb cool, after which you would be embarrassed , and he would laugh. 
but then you looked at him, said, “i’m gonna eat you,” and his entire plan was thwarted. now you have to stand there and watch him struggle to form a sentence while his face gets red. you should take this opportunity to bite him, give him a little nom on the shoulder or something, just to razz him. it’ll be great, i promise. 
luckily, he can’t even think about doing this to you without having to lie down, so you should be safe—unless, of course, he catches both you and himself by surprise. so if you get nommed on, you had it coming. 
you menace. you absolute villain. you’re laughing. 
levi was about to go into a match he was nervous about, and then you said, “it’s okay, no matter what happens, i will always wanna make out with you,” and then he dropped his controller and blacked out, and you’re laughing. 
you’re terrible. absolutely awful. acquaint yourself with shame while you blow cool air into his face and shake him awake. 
when he does wake up, and he reminds you that he’s the avatar of envy, do nawt be surprised. 
try to explain to him that you were kidding and let it slip that you say these types of things to everyone and you’re getting a tail around your waist. no matter how much he might stutter while he makes his point, the fact remains that he’s the only one you’re allowed to say these things to now. you can do it to the others while he’s not around if you feel so inclined, but he’s going to find out eventually, so good luck explaining yourself while he doesn’t keep his tail still when he uses it to hold you in place. 
your only saving grace here is that he is physically incapable of doing it to you, but, you know. that probably gets overridden by how possessive he’s gonna get.
you’re deranged. or just really confident. or a fool. it doesn’t matter, you fucked up. he said a normal thing, and then you threw him for a loop. 
you were nervous about an exam the next day, he said, “you’re a capable person, you have nothing to be worried about.” 
and then you, evidently forgetting that he is not one of your human friends, said, “flattery will get you made out with,” and tried to walk away. 
first of all, how was that flattery? he was stating a fact. second of all, who said he didn’t wanna make out with you🤨. he never said that, you are making assumptions about him and his character. 
anyway, he has no idea where you think you’re going, but you didn’t make it very far before he caught up to you anyway. 
when he repeats what you said back to you in the form of a question, with that deceptively polite look on his face, know that he is being rhetorical. do not bother trying to explain yourself, it’ll be difficult to do so in a convincing manner while he’s backing you up to the nearest wall. do not be surprised when he takes this opportunity to blindside you with praise, directly into your ear, with that fatally smooth voice of his. and do NAWT be surprised when he pulls back and says, “why am i not being made out with?” with a dumb little smile. it brings him a lot of joy to see you squirm.
you don’t even have a saving grace here. this man is ruthless, he’s gonna do this to you literally whenever he wants, and he won’t even let you look away, let alone run away, so find joy in the monster you have created. 
listen. unless you are genuinely empty headed, there is absolutely no way you did this on accident. 
he wasn’t even doing anything out of character either, it was the middle of self-care night, he was putting moisturizer on your face for you, and he went, “you’re even cuter up close,” which is a normal, tame thing for him to say.
so unless you just have uncontrollable knee-jerk reactions, no way did you say, “so make out with me then,” to this man, by accident.
you’re lucky he has some knowledge of the fact that you sometimes say things that aren’t smart, so he didn’t just immediately jump on you; however, you are by no means in the Clear. 
you blinked and he was nose to nose with you and basically in your lap. now you have to deal with his wandering hands while you try and explain yourself—that is, if you can even overcome how flustered you are, which you probably can’t. luckily, he knows you probably didn’t mean it, but he’s still asmo, so he takes it upon himself to be respectfully heinous like the gentleman he is.
so when he somehow manages to get even closer to you and says, “honey, you should really get a handle on those impulses of yours, unless you plan on following through,” like the bastard he is, know that from that point forward, whatever happens is on you. 
here is another man with whom you have no saving grace; now that you’ve given him the idea that he can be more explicit with you,,, well.
you’re a heathen. why would you do something like this. well, you know what, maybe you aren’t that much of a heathen, considering that you did bake cookies for him. that was really sweet of you, so he thanked you and complimented your skill, like a regular person.
so why, exactly, did you say, “i only accept thanks in the form of kisses, preferably with tongue,” ? something is genuinely not right with you. 
now you have this man standing there, confused and red in the face. he’s trying to do the math, and nothing is adding up. like, it’s definitely doable, he can definitely do that, but, like, why would you make this request so suddenly?
this is probably the only instance in which you can coherently say, “i was kidding, you don’t actually have to do that,” and it almost doesn’t work. 
you absolutely should not have been leaning against the counter because now he’s standing in front of you, and you have nowhere to run. 
however, the thing about beel is that he is someone who flusters people without meaning to, so he has no idea of the effect that his, “are you sure?” has on you. 
luckily, you’re still mostly coherent because you know that beel isn’t heinous like his brothers, so you manage to tell him that he doesn’t have to kiss you if he doesn’t want to because you were kidding. 
you have every right to be surprised when, all of a sudden, you’re sitting on the counter, and he says, “why do you think i don’t want to?” 
do you have a saving grace with this man? kind of. he would never say what you said or something similar, but the next time he compliments you and you choose to be normal and say, “thank you,” he’s gonna ask if he should kiss you, so try not to collapse.
now. he isn’t the Worst Person you could’ve done this with. but by god you are out of your mind.
your first mistake was choosing to lie down next to him, not because you had plans to be a menace, but because he is always a menace and has a thing for reminding you, which he can do more easily when you’re in proximity to him. 
so when he said, out of nowhere, “are you ticklish?” you should’ve just rolled away, which wouldn’t have worked, but it would have been less chaotic then saying, “you are legally required to make out with me before you try and find out.” 
you said it so casually that he was almost stunned into staying still, but his recovery time was excellent.
the next thing you knew, you were laying underneath a very smug, very menacing man, who seemed entirely too prepared to listen to what you had to say for once. 
okay, so, maybe you should’ve chosen your words more carefully, but he was seconds away from tickling you, so you didn’t exactly have time to defend yourself. you can never backtrack with belphie anyway, so it makes sense that you went headlong into your claim, telling him that yes, this is, in fact, the law of the land. 
“i was never one to pay attention to the law, but since you’re being so insistent, i guess i don’t really have a choice—”
leave it to him to pretend like you’re a burden as if he isn’t literally head over heels in love with you like everyone else fond of you. bastard. 
there is absolutely nothing to save you from this man. he isn’t tactful enough to wait for an opportunity to do this to you, like satan or lucifer, so expect to be Just Sitting There when he tells you that you’re required to make out with him right this instant—it’s the law. 
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the196thbattalion · 4 years
star wars human! high school! au
i’ve seen so many headcanons circling throughout the star wars tumblr about high school au’s, so i wanted to share my bit with all of you :D
anakin skywalker
he doesn’t like riding the school bus because it makes him feel extremely claustrophobic, so he scrapped and scavenged up parts to make his own customized motorcycle, which he lovingly dubbed artoo.
the blue and silver detailing was the joint effort of ahsoka and obi-wan, because anakin doesn’t know how to paint.
if he can catch up to the bus, he’ll ride alongside it and flip off the students on it before revving on ahead of them. (the freshmen think it’s the funniest thing in the universe)
probably one of the most well-known juniors in the entirety of temple high school (mostly because of his shenanigans but partly because he’s dating padme fuckiNG AMIDALA, PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE DAMN SCHOOL)
he always wears this worn-down leather jacket his mom gave to him before she passed away, and refuses to take it off, even though it’s somehow “a violation of the dress code and should be outlawed.”
his hair alone has seduced eight different students (boys and girls)
sometimes during study hall, ahsoka or padme will get a hold of his hair and style it into little braids or make a super rad ponytail.
he really likes iced coffee with milk and sugar. he puts in the milk to make it nice and light (it’s aesthetically pleasing, obi-wan!), and then like eight tablespoons of sugar to make it actually taste good.
his favorite class is mechanics, taught by kit fisto.
anakin spent months on a mechanical arm project to replace his clunky plastic prosthetic, and he was so freaking happy when it was finished; he almost cried. (he did cry and ahsoka got it on video)
obi-wan kenobi
a mixture of the soft™, pretty™, hippie™, grunge™, vsco™ and nerd™ tropes.
he really likes peppermint tea with lots of honey but takes his coffee black.
he has had too much tea.
someone needs to stop him.
almost all of his classes are ap courses, and if cody hadn’t been watching when obi-wan was making his schedule, all of them would be.
him, cody and padme have ap english with mace windu, and cody knows how much his classes stress him out, so he lets obi-wan sleep during class and sends him the notes
the only ap class obi-wan doesn’t take is mechanics, and he shares that class with anakin.
anakin and obi-wan are super close with each other. kenobi was there when ahsoka was adopted, and anakin was there when kenobi got his cat. (they were like 5 okay)
“NAME IT C3PO OBI-WAN, OR I SWEAR TO FUCK-” “what kind of name is that, and why would i - anAKIN PUT HIM DOWN!?”.
mr. fisto constantly has to split them up for disrupting the class, but it’s almost like they can communicate telepathically, and the teachers have a running bet
mace windu literally bet $50 on these fucking nerds so you know it’s for realsies
in reality, they’ve just gotten super creative with passing notes.
kind of off topic, but he has these brown harry potter glasses that he uses (kinda for reading???? but mostly so he can do that anime pushing up glasses thing)
cody thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
whenever cody is feeling stressed, obi-wan just does the thing™ and BOOM! happiness.
people think he’s a goodie two shoes, and honestly, it’s really easy to think that. if the iconics are trying to do something stupid, he’s usually the voice of reason.
but parties?
you know what, just ask anakin for the video footage.
ahsoka tano
this hs!au ahsoka tano turned me bisexual confirmed ✔
okay before i go into her style, which is mainly what made me drool over my computer, can i just put skatergirl!ahsoka out there?
spray painting of the rebellion symbol all over the bottom of her board and on items in a couple of the places where she skates the most (like the back of an abandoned car yard)
her instagram is filled with these super cool vhs-tape recorded skate videos (u know)
lots crackhead 3am visits (starring anakin, rex, kenobi and barris) to a gas station to get slushies and grind the shit out of the curb connecting the store to the parking lot
trying to teach anakin how to skateboard but he just can’t figure it out? uh yes
okay okay okay i’m done
for now
anyway, her style???? is so???? fucking????? cool!!!!!
her genetics gave her a 80% of having vitiligo, so it really wasn’t a surprise when patches of her skin got lighter, but it still freaked her out a little bit.
basically, went like this: “DAD, I’M TURNING WHITE!” “???? oh my gosh ‘soka, no.”
she has long braided dreadlocks she dyed a super bright orange with various colored beads woven into them with the help of anakin and padme. she usually styles them into little space buns atop her head.
her entire clothing wardrobe consists of fishnets, neon bomber jackets, at least 11 bisexual beanies™, handmade patchy jeans, white tank tops, and light-up platform shoes.
she doesn’t give two flying fucks about the dress code, and – IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOST BUSY HALLWAY - punched principal sidious over whether or not she “could wear shorts that short” (anakin may or may not have cheered when she broke his nose).
the fetts (chuck have mercy)
*cracks le knuckles* i’ve put it off long enough
we have: fox (24), wolffe (19), cody (17), rex (17), echo (16), fives (16), boil (15), waxer (14), hardcase (13), jesse (12), longshot (8), kix (6), tup (3), gree (2) and boba (9mo)
wolffe is off at college - fox already graduated and moved out, that cheeky little fucking shit - but both still keep in good contact with the fam, and it’s a constant clamor between eleven of the siblings of who gets to talk to them first
fox majored in government/politics, bly is majoring in space/astronomy, and wolffe is majoring in police/law enforcement shit (i don’t know how college works, so sue me)
cody and rex are juniors, and despite their similar looks, the amount of schoolwork each of them completes drastically varies
cody is the honor roll student, valedictorian, whatever you want to call it
rex kinda just either does the work really well or 9/10 times gets distracted by anakin or ahsoka sending him some nice spicy memes
cody tried to tutor rex but it ended up almost landing tup in the hospital
“that’s really simple, actually. if you – vod? rex, are you okay? what are you oH NO TUP DON’T PUT THAT IN YOUR MOUTH-”
fetts on the varsity football team is like a right of passage in the family
right now, only the juniors of the fett family are on the team, but the coach has eyes on fives and echo for next years team
echo, fives and boil are the infamous sophomore trio that pulled the milk bucket prank on the gym teacher, pong krell.
they had to help the janitor (99) clean up afterwards, but they genuinely enjoyed 99’s company, because he’s rad as shit and knows all the secret school passageways.
to be honest, not one person (except maybe sidious) was complaining
that motherfucker makes everyone run like eight laps during gym class
even mr. windu gives them a small smile in the hallways after that
boil says he was blackmailed into it
waxer is a freshman (the poor dude, i’m so sorry), and he always looks out for the nervous freshies
if someone is having a bad day, he’ll give them a lollipop (he carries around a whole bag), a place to sit during lunch, and a shoulder to cry on
all you need to do to find waxer is to locate this long ass line of children
the school counselor, plo koon, sometimes brings his niece numa into school during the day because he can’t find a babysitter, and waxer. fucking. loves. her. PERIOD.
w+n pull these tiny little pranks on teachers, and the staff pretends not to notice, but numa always giggles and gives them away.
boil has a soft spot for numa too, and sneaks her rice krispies.
bonus shit i want to add in but can’t figure out where to put it (or i’m just gonna add it on and shit)
plo koon adopted anakin after his mother died (him and anakin’s mother were good friends), and found ahsoka on the side of the street, shivering like a maniac.
he doesn’t know where ahsoka came from, but he loves her so gOD DAMN MUCH.
he’s the school counselor, and still keeps in touch with a lot of students even after the graduated (he thinks that majoring in law enforcement/police is a bit dangerous for wolffe but he still supports his unofficial but basically son 100%)
yoda is the super old but radically rad english teacher.
his entire point of existence in my mind fic is to troll the shit out of palpatine.
a recent conversation starring yoda and palps: “did you give the students the mountain of extra work i assigned them?” “for the students, that was?” i’m sorry. my bad, that is.” “this is the seventh time, yoda.”
okay but for real
mace windu violently roots for the school football team.
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seraphanangelica · 4 years
Can I please have scenarios or headcanons on how bnha characters (any that you like) would handle dealing with a ghost with their s/o who totally believes in the supernatural? Thank you in advance
I absolutely love this idea! As a firm believer of the supernatural myself, there was absolutely no way I could delay this response. So here you go!
How They And Their S/O Would Deal With Ghosts
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💥This guy has only seen or heard about ghosts and spirits from horror movies. That’s all he cares about them. If they’re not in a movie, they have no existence. Of course, every time he says something along those lines, you roll your eyes and laugh to yourself at his blatant lack of attention to the supernatural.
💥You’ve tried, many times to prove just how real they were. And every single time it would go like this:
💥”I’m telling you, Katsuki, I’ve had experiences with them. You just don’t think they’re real becuase you haven’t.”
💥”Your experiences are just things you don’t want to give logical explanations to, dumbass.”
💥His point is proved further when nothing happens. And nothing happened for days after the last time you two had the repetitive conversation.
💥One day, as Katsuki woke up before you, he got out of bed and proceeded to go about his completely non-paranormal life. After giving you a light kiss on your forehead, he went downstairs to start preparing breakfast.
💥He stopped mid-stair though, as he heard another pair of feet pattering down the stairs behind him at a much quicker and softer pace. At first he thought it was you that had gotten up earlier than usual to spend more time with him in the mornings. He turned around to greet you with a smirk, his face falling slightly when he saw no one around.
💥Paying it no mind, he finished descending the stairs, and continued into the kitchen.
💥In the middle of sautéing vegetables, Katsuki reached out to grab the bottle of olive oil that sat on the counter to his left. He froze mid reach as he saw the barstool behind him rotate as if someone were sitting there out of the corner of his eye.
💥”Oh hell, no.” He still refused to take into account anything you’ve said about the matter.
💥Twenty minutes later, you were downstairs and eating breakfast, in the barstool next to the one that moved. You watched in curiosity as Katsuki leaned against the counter in front of you, crimson eyes darting from the empty seat then to you, then back again.
💥You were concerned, to say the least. “Katsuki, are you alright? You’re acting weird. Come sit down.”
💥He only shook his head and took a deep breath, looking you in the eyes. “Tell me about everything you know about ghosts. Now.”
💥And so you did. You told him everything you’ve been trying to tell him since you’ve known each other. The only difference was that this time, he was actually listening as if it were real and not a story.
💥When you finished he shook his head. “Look, I still don’t believe in this ‘ghost’ stuff, but-“ crash!
💥You’re heads snapped over to the source of the sound, your eyes settling on the plate that used to be next to Katsuki. It was now shattered on the floor, the pieces spreading out farther than the counter span. You knew Katsuki was freaking out but concealing it on the outside.
💥You couldn’t help but smile at your husband as his eyes still focused on the broken dish. “Don’t belive me now? We both know that dish was no where near the edge.”
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💀Dabi would be disbelieving, but open to conversation. People talk about anime, right? It’s not real but makes for great small talk. He’d also be stupid. Very, very stupid.
💀The day he walked into the League of Villain’s hideout with an Ouija board under his arm, you thought he’d finally lost his mind.
💀”Are you crazy? Do you know the kind of stuff that happens when you use one of those things? You don’t know what you’re letting in!” You tried to reason with him, even coming up with ways to dispose of it without his knowledge. Unfortunately for you, he knew what you were up to and hid it.
💀”Oh come on. It’s just a little fun,” he teased you one night when he bagan setting it up in the center of your shared room. “What’s the worst that happen?”
💀”Asking ‘is anybody there’ is the stupidest thing you can do becuase thats inviting anything to come into the space. Secondly, you don’t know how to protect yourself against that kind of thing. The worst that can happen is possession, Dabi.” You scolded, leaning against the wall farthest from the board.
💀”Relax, Doll. I have someone in mind, actually. He didn’t really matter much, but I picked this from his wallet,” he reached into his pocket and tossed an ID card in your general direction. “See? Perfectly fine.”
💀It was not perfectly fine. You reluctantly joined him in the game, placing your fingers on the planchette, cringing with every subtle movement the burnt boy made. Because you didn’t want to do this in the first place, you let Dabi carry out the ‘ritual’.
💀As you would’ve guessed, the moment Dabi’s target was acquired, the planchette began moving, much to your dismay. Slowly, the letters formed a sentence. ‘You killed me.’
💀You shot a glare at your boyfriend. “What the hell did you do? Did you seriously just kill a man to contact him?”
💀He shrugged. “I caught the guy stealing from the convenience store, he had to go.”
💀After you both said ‘goodbye’, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched. It practically consumed you as the next hours passed, your eyes always finding themselves back to the abandoned board that still laid on the floor.
💀”WHAT THE FUCK!?” Dabi shouted from the bathroom, his voice one of surprise and confusion. You darted into the small room, expecting a prank left by Twice or blood left by Toga (it happens), and to be pretty honest, you were expecting this too. From the mirror, you could see eight distinct and parallel scratches on his back, too fresh and too deep not to be ignored.
💀Without a word, you bounded over to the closet and wrenched the doors apart with a set purpose. Pushing clothes out of the way, you pulled out an old chest you stored wherever you stayed. Opening the wooden box, you pulled out a match and a bundle of juniper and sage. Lighting the end of the dried herbs, and opening the nearest window, you let the smoke drift to all corners of the room.
💀Dabi watched in confusion and amusement as you walked towards him and started waving the herbs around him, cleansing him as well as the room.
💀“What, Dabi?”
💀”We should do it in a graveyard next time. This Halloween.”
💀”Fucking Samhain? Are you out of your goddamn mind?!”
💀He believes in ghosts now, so you had that going for ya.
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🥦Midoriya would be skeptical about it. As someone who never rules out any possibilities, he has a wide range of knowledge towards that kind of thing. You never knew if someone had a quirk that could control the spirits of the dead.
🥦When you told Izuku that you see dead people, he honestly thought you were quoting The Sixth Sense. You were, in a way. In the same way you were being serious.
🥦You sat on the couch in the living room, remote in hand as you got ready to start a Marvel movie marathon when your fiancé got back from the store downtown. He got called in when someone was murdered just outside, appearing to have been trying to steal some food and magnets. Why someone would try to steal magnets from the convenience store was beyond you.
🥦Sighing, you settled into the cushions, and turned on the TV. Soon you began playing Netflix as you waited. You felt the couch dip next to you. No one was home but you, and you hadn’t heard Izuku get back yet. This was the time she came out.
🥦You faced the girl that sat next to you with a smile. “Looking for Izuku?” She nodded. “He’s not home right now, but you’re welcome to stay with me until he gets back if you like.” She thought for a minute, running a hand through her long hair, then nodded again.
🥦You scrolled through various shows until she pointed at one that sparked her interest. You began playing ‘Supernatural’, watching her reaction to each of the Winchester Brother’s ghostly adventures. “What, it’s not accurate? There’s got to be something that’s right.” You teased.
🥦The girl laughed, the sound never reaching your ears, and shook her head, continuing the show anyway.
🥦A couple episodes later, you heard the sound of keys turning in the lock, signaling your fiancé’s return. You turned to warn the girl, but she was already gone. She liked Izuku, but she was shy; something you learned upon meeting her. “He wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, you know.” You told her in a low voice as Izuku stepped into the house.
🥦He gave you a smile. “Hey, sorry for being gone so long,” he held up a plastic bag full of sweets. “They gave this to me as a thank you for helping them, so now we have even more marathon snacks.” Setting the bag on the counter, he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a firm, loving kiss to your forehead.
🥦”It’s fine, Izu. You weren’t gone that long. I had plenty of company.” You returned the hug, your last statement directed to the girl who was now peeking in from the doorway.
🥦The movie marathon was a blast. You nerded out, quoting almost every line from every movie you watched that night. The girl warmed up to Izuku, you noticed, as she sat on the floor in front of him almost as if she were nervous to sit next to him.
🥦”You can sit next to him, kid. He won’t mind.” You told her. Both pairs of eyes snapped up at your speech.
🥦Izuku looked around to see if there were any unknown guests, turning back to you when he saw none. “Uh, Y/N?”
🥦You ignored him and continued. “He’ll be nervous at first, but he’ll warm up to you. Go ahead. You were in this house long before we came here.”
🥦Izuku screeched like a banshee when he felt the couch sink next to him. Like he was a cartoon, he jumped into your arms, clutching you like he was afraid to lose you. The poor panicked boy didn’t know what to do.
🥦So, you began explaining all that you knew about your abilities, or extra quirk as he said. The girl never left, quite amused by the interaction. Izuku never really calmed down. Sure he’s prepared for it in his journals, but he never thought there would be a day.
🥦”I told you ‘I see dead people’.”
🥦”Y-yeah, I guess you did."
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samwritesforyou · 4 years
We’re gonna be okay
Diego x reader
Summary: You and Diego worked out a system for a situation if he ever comes to your place while being in the highest form of distress and needs your help. He assured you it won’t happen often. Until one night, it finally did.
A/N: i feel like i’ve read the whole tumblr dot com worth of diego x reader fanfics and yet i still wanted more, so the desperate need to finally write something myself has been fulfilled. i would actually love to take requests, so if you want, dont hesitate to message/ask me! im ready to write fics and headcanons :) (my blog might seem new but ive been on tumblr for years and years and i finally dedicated a new blog to mostly reader inserts, either my own or reblogging others)
Warnings: Mentions of a panic attack, gender neutral reader
Wordcount: 3,350
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There was a knock on the door.
It was pretty late, but not too late for it to be Diego yet.
Or so you thought.
You got up kinda lazily from a comfortable chair you had situated in the corner of a room, at first designed mainly for reading or napping, but ending up doing absolutely whatever you could on the spot. Eating pizza, watching netflix, browsing through the internet after long working hours that you put in into your tiny art selling business.
You slightly opened the door and already plastered a semi-fake smile for a possible neighbor, but in front of you stood Diego.
Your dear friend, who was at the moment soaked from the rain outside, with big eyes, fast breathing and bloody hands.
Bloody hands?!
“Hello to you too, friend!” you said quite worried, quickly patting him down for signs of any physical pain. For the first time in a while he seemed fine, unscarred.
Your eyes finally went up, literally scanning his face but it was completely unreadable.
His eyes were wide and he looked as if he couldn’t comprehend what was going on around him.
You looked down again and took his fists into your hands. His own palms unclenched and you could see that they were heavily bloodied.
“Diego.. whose blood is it?”
No answer.
You rushed him inside and closed the door behind the two of you, facing the damn vigilante again.
“Diego, I need to know who’s blood is on your hands,” your voice grew steadier as you knitted your brows together in worry and confusion.
Only then the guy decided to move his arms and you noticed how shaky he is. He connected his two index fingers in the form of a cross, pressing it to his chest.
Your own eyes went wide now as you stumbled back a few steps and your mind went blank.
You instantly remembered a night that happened a few years back. He has come in crumbling through your window and was obviously in some new form of distress, that you couldn’t quite understand yet.
“Diego?” it seemed like your voice didn’t reach his ears, so you tried calling out his name again, getting up from the couch and patting him lightly on the body, to determine any sign of an injury.
It looked like there was none, so you tried to reach his gaze that was somewhat absentminded, all over the place, scanning everything but not meeting your eyes.
He was a tough guy, and you knew it. You knew that if you want to get answers, you need to either get them yourself or make yourself heard, until he cannot ignore you any longer.
“Diego Hargreeves, what is going on?” your voice was soft yet determined.
His dark orbs finally stopped on your face and he just shook his head, his breathing oddly fast for a man who was just simply standing.
You continued to push. You didn’t have the best day either, and to be interrupted at 1am by his visit was nothing new, but you couldn’t let him have this behaviour. Even though you’re friends, that didn’t automatically mean that he could do whatever he wanted.
Throughout the whole night he didn’t say a thing, but when you started adding volume to your voice, he.. he just broke down.
That night, you’ve witnessed Diego experience a panic attack. Caused by yourself.
You couldn’t fall asleep that night, even after you eventually calmed him down and the only thing that was left to do for you was to watch him sleep and slowly rubbing circles on his exposed arm out of the blanket.
It felt like neons before you noticed a first ray of sunshine drawing from the half-closed curtains, making you spring to your feet and drag your ass to the kitchen, trying to think of what to do for breakfast.
When you figured the recipe out and finished cooking, Diego was already up and joined you near the kitchen counter, next to which you had two stools.
He settled on one of them, looking at you.
“Hey,” you couldn’t muster anything better, so you just put a plate in front of him and then sat next to his side, simply digging into your portion of scrambled eggs.
“About last night, y/n..” he drifted off, probably at first deciding that it’s better to fill his stomach a little bit.
In the meantime you didn’t dare to speak up and just waited for him to say something, anything.
When he finished his meal, he finally turned to you with a sigh.
“You know that one guy I told you ‘bout? That we.. we do some vigilante shit together from time to time?”
You just nodded, not meeting his eyes.
“Well. I guess I could count him as a close friend. You know.. and,” this was followed by a slight pause and clearing of the throat.
“He died yesterday. I couldn’t save him.”
Your eyes immediately shot up to Diego and all that vulnerability and hurt that you’ve clearly seen yesterday just overtaking him were completely gone. Now present only a strong facade that he mastered whenever he needed to hide from showing emotions. You hated it.
“Shit, Diego..” you spoke quietly and softly, all the words seemed to have left you in all the things unsaid in your throat. But you tried to continue.
“I’m sorry. And I’m also sorry for pushing you over the edge. I.. I didn’t know what happened so I just acted how we would normally do,” he smirked at that, merely for a second, but you still caught it.
“Look, I.. I know, “ he simply said and then it felt as if he was weighting pros and cons of telling you something else that was clearly on his chest.
“You always help me out. Every single night I come to you.. Why do you do it, y/n?” Diego’s eyes were steadily turned your way.
At the sudden question you raised an eyebrow, “well, I.. I care about you.”
He lightly bit his lower lip and turned his gaze away, clearly thinking about something really hard.
“Okay,” he finally said, “y/n, do you think I could ask you for a favour then?”
At that your eyes met and you felt nervous, for some reason.
You really liked him. Not just like a friend. But you understood that there probably won’t be a chance for you two to ever become a couple (mostly considering that you didn’t believe that he could feel about you this way), so you settled for friendship anyways, since you two really got along well.
And having this handsome tough guy as a friend? Damn, just that is already some kind of luck swinging your way.
But your feelings of course meant that.. you’d do more for him than what you’d do just for a friend. You would get out of your comfort zone just to help him with injuries or hear him talk about his girlfriend (at the time, now they were broken up) and how they argued so much that he ended up on the streets and didn’t really want to go to his lonely place at the gym.
And you took him in. You always did. And since the day you became friends you always care for him.
And you’d care now once again.
“What is it?” in your tone danced a question, troubled with what he might ask for.
“Well, yesterday-“ he cut himself from finishing and cleared his throat, starting over.
“I imagine we’re gonna be friends for a long time, right?”
You just pushed your brows up with a small nod in affirmation.
“I never had.. anyone, really, to help me with the states I often got into,” you immediately thought of Eudora, wasn’t his ex-girlfriend supposed to be his support pillar? Or is he just making you feel sorry for him-
“Or I didn’t ever trust anyone that much, you know,” oh, okay, that kind of explains that then.
“And I guess.. I trust you enough? To share this?” he talked quietly and mumbled a lot so you realised soon you won’t be able to hear him at all.
You grabbed his hands with yours and caught his attention this way.
You were never really touchy together, but occasional hugs and even holding hands was kind of a standard for you from time to time.
His eyes met yours again and you cursed yourself for your heartbeat getting faster. This is not an appropriate moment to get butterflies in your stomach, dammit.
“I’m listening, Diego,” you confirmed, nodding again.
“Okay. It’s- it’s just really h-hard to talk about this,” he stuttered a bit, but with the next breath continued again, “When there’s some situation that’s just completely fucked up, like losing someone close to me, or- or somethin’ else, I don’t know.. I finish what I need at the scene where it happened but when I come home I just,” he breathed some air in and you felt his hands squeeze yours a bit tighter, “I just break down, you know? Sometimes it’s just all too much for me and I don’t know how to deal with it and I would just wanna.. someone to hold me, I guess? Otherwise when someone’s trying to talk at me or somethin’ I just get even more worked up and it’s even worse.”
It all started to come together in your mind. Even though it sounded really strange to hear Diego talk about things like.. wanting to be held and shit. But you always guessed there’s a far bigger sweetheart and a soft boy underneath all those harness and knives.
You tried to pick your words carefully.
“So when I started to ask you shit.. You just flipped. Basically because I was talking at you a lot and you couldn’t take it anymore, right?”
He sighed and looked somewhere up, nodding bit by bit.
“Yeah, yep. That was it.”
You clapped at his hands lightly, to bring his focus back again and he looked at you and mustered a sad, faint smile.
You did the same. In the world you lived in, unforeseen and unfortunate events were happening left and right and thinking about his childhood and everything.. no wonders he developed such a huge reaction and coping mechanism to something catastrophic happening.
“That’s okay, Diego. I’m here for you, I mean it. Let’s just talk about some things what I should and shouldn’t do when you come here in that state, alright? I just want you to feel comfortable.”
“Alright. Thank you, y/n,” he was looking down now, the whole morning kinda failing to meet your gaze and just rubbed his thumb across your hand, which send you heart into a race again.
You slowly let go of him, making an excuse to go wash the dishes.
After a while you looked behind you where he sat and said, “We also need some sort of a sign that you can easily show me, since you’re not really talkative when you get like this.”
Apparently he already used said “sign” somewhere, because he had it on the ready.
It was his hands clutching in fists, index fingers crossing each other in a form of a cross, pressed to his chest.
“Something like this. But don’t worry, I don’t think it’ll happen often. That would be really sad,” he laughed a little and then looked at you somewhat longingly and you averted your eyes back to the sink, nodding.
You almost forgot about that and now it all come flooding back.
Something terrible must’ve happened. You were panicking, but you had to stay strong, for him.
He was still standing in your hallway, with a crossed index fingers pressed to his chest.
“Okay, okay..” you mumbled more to yourself than to him, taking his hands into yours and looking him up and down.
He really seemed.. disconnected. It was kind of scary and you tried so hard not to think about what happened. Or about who died.
“Here, come with me, Diego,” you led him by the hand towards your couch as he was holding onto you, but his usual grip was gone.
You both ended up on a sofa and you really didn’t know how to act around him now, because.. he didn’t talk, didn’t look at you but when he did, his eyes were wide and big and he just seemed suddenly like a small boy to you.
Hopefully he won’t remember this tomorrow, you thought and tried to smile a little bit at him.
“Okay. Can you get your hands up for me, baby boy?” You’ve decided to approach this situation as if you were just babysitting an overgrown child.
Because nothing bad happens to children normally, right? And if you kept thinking about him as usual grown man Diego, you’d lose your mind in the process, wanting to scream and shake him by the shoulders until he spills you what happened.
Being Diego’s friend pushed you to new limits each day, truly.
He didn’t bat an eyelid at your tone change and word choosing, just obliging and putting his hands up.
You helped him to get his knives down and put his black turtleneck over his head, so now he sat shirtless right next to you, hands still smeared with blood.
Goddamit the blood!
You took him by the elbows and lead Diego to the bathroom, where you helped to get the red out of his hands. At the sight of blood dripping down into the sink you deciphered a whimper from him, even through the sound of running water and looked up.
Diego couldn’t stop looking down at his hands and tears were running down his cheeks.
You quickly took his face into your wet hands from the water and forced him to look away and lock his gaze with yours.
“Hey, don’t look at it, okay? It’ll only make you stressed. Until I’m done you can just close you eyes, okay?”
“Oh-okay,” he said and just closed his eyes here and there.
You sighed and tried to finish washing his hands as fast as possible, cursing under your breath pretty often.
“I’m sorry..” you heard him mumble and when you looked up, his eyes were still shut.
“Nothin’ to be sorry about.. We’ll talk about this tomorrow, right? Don’t worry. You’re safe now,” you smiled as you were already wrapping his hands in a towel and his eyelashes fluttered, eyes opening.
You stayed looking at each other for a second longer than necessary, but then you already lead him away to the bedroom area, where you actually tucked him in, wrapping in a soft blanket and then rushed to the kitchen, grabbing a few cookies and then leaving it on a plate next to him on the night table. 
 You almost made yourself comfortable on the couch, when he suddenly called out your name from the bed.
You sprung to your feet, thinking he’s actually hurt but you didn’t notice or that- “Can you... stay with me? P-please?” he asked, disrupting your train of thought. You did expect this, but still felt really shy about that.
Diego is vulnerable right now and does need your help and presence though.
And there wouldn’t be anything you wouldn’t do for him.
“Sure,” and after this simple answer you carefully climbed in next to him covering you both with a blanket and he curled up closer to you, almost immediately falling asleep.
From one point of view it felt like you wouldn’t sleep at all tonight, but from the other one.. you actually fell asleep just as fast as he did.
To nobody’s surprise you woke up first and actually flinched at the sight of sleeping Diego inches from your own face.
Your mind went running with ideas what happened and what’s going on until you realised the real deal and your brain caught up to yesterday’s shenanigans.
It was a wild ride and you were thankful that now it’s - most probably - over.
Your eyes were subconsciously scanning his face, until you realised what you’re doing, but you didn’t stop even then.
You’ve never been this close to his face yet and now you could admire and explore every part of it.
Having feelings for a friend that’s laying in the same bed with you at the moment is really not the healthiest thing that could’ve happened to you, huh..
You actually froze and your heart started racing billion times faster when you realised that you have a weight of his arm around your waist, pulling you closer from his sleep.
He grunted and his nose was now in your hair, shuffling a little to get more comfortable.
You had no idea how to change positions, especially when being held by such a strong arm as his and you got a feeling like Diego might actually wake up just about now, so the best solution that came into your mind was to forcefully close your eyes shut and pretend that you’re still sleeping.
He did, indeed, wake up. You were suddenly pushed to the other side of the bed, arm disappearing from your waist and a waterfall of curses fell from his lips quietly.
You used up all your acting stamina to make a believable scene of you gaining your conscious from the deep slumber that you were obviously in, stretched your arms for a good effect and finally opened your eyes.
You immediately signed up for a staring contest as soon as you looked at him and smiled a little. His face remained unreadable but perhaps a little bit flustered?.. But you may be reading too much into it.
“Hi,” you said with a higher tone than intended and Diego just nodded at that.
You tried your luck by addressing the elephant in the room right away, you never liked ignoring the problems that were always looming over you, “care to tell me what happened yesterday?”
He drew a big sigh and rested his head back on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling.
You couldn’t stop looking at him. At first because you really wanted to know the mystery, but the longer you looked at him, the more you realised that you’re just admiring the beauty that he holds, until his words fell like a dead weight right onto your shoulders.
“I found Eudora’s body yesterday. I couldn’t get to the place in time and someone killed her.”
It felt like what he said was simply a trick of your imagination. You liked Eudora yourself, she was a very intelligent and an interesting person, you two often hung out and that feeling didn’t cease even after you found out that she and Diego started dating.
And even when they broke up some months after, you still found your way to spend time with her. So did Diego.
You wanted to cry, but thought that it might be insensitive towards him, because he was much closer to her than you were, so you tried to swallow your forming tears down.
“I’m.. I’m so sorry, Diego..”
“It’s your loss too, I know it, y/n,” he looked at you with much softer look this time.
“Come here,” he said a little bit hesitantly and opened up one arm towards you.
This was unusual, but maybe last night’s events tore down some walls?.. Who knows.
You almost threw yourself into his embrace and once your forehead rested on his chest, you started crying.
From everything, honestly. There’s been problems at work, your seemingly unrequited feelings for Diego didn’t help much either and now you learned that you lost one of your friends.
He started rubbing circles on your back, just letting you get those emotions out, while you two were hugging each other on the bed in your apartment.
And as you slowly started to calm down, he said a gentle, “it’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay”
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qhazomb · 3 years
I keep pinballing between monster Gordon designs in my head, and the most common contenders have been and owlbeast form like from The Owl House (bc him fluffy), that one humanoid design where his hair is super long and floaty and full of eyes, or a spiky dragon with near geometric scale spikes (bc the irony that his monster form is all sharp and pointy but his human form and personality are so soft and cuddly)
Bubby is usually the fire type of the group, so i always imagine monster Gordon with magma or plasma? Plasma maybe better, fits a celestial theme.
ooooh, that’s neat! i like the idea of monster gordon with plasma and lightning powers might have to incorporate that with the one i’m picturing. imagine electricity arching between his mane tendrils and whiskers and stuff, which signifies that something is about to get plasma breath’d also OOPS THIS PROMPTED ME TO SHARE A LOT OF THOUGHTS SO THIS GOT LONG, putting the rest under a read more ha ha
another thing about the monster gordon au i’ve been thinking about is that he’s not a straight-up cosmic entity like i picture benrey being, but more of just an alien from another dimension, like the critters from xen (he’s not from xen, though. whole ‘nother place entirely!) in this au, i still have gordon and benrey having known eachother as children, only this time gordon was the lil monster kid living in the woods, of course. and also, kid benrey actually saw his monster friend get carted off by black mesa! he saw the company’s logo on a vehicle or equipment or something, and never forgot it. benrey and his folks move to new mexico when he’s like, 13, and ends up befriending their new neighbor- a twenty-something guy named tommy. eventually, benrey learns that tommy’s working for this lab called black mesa, and when he sees the place’s logo he’s just !!!!!! and immediately decides he needs to try and get in that place. he doesn’t know shit or fuck about science, so trying to get a scientist job there is out. but maybe they’re hiring for like, a janitorial or security position? he’s pretty fit, and knows how to mop a floor and shoot a gun. so he goes for that. gordon still completely forgets his human childhood friend, though, awww. though that might be partially blamed on some of the experiments conducted on him. speaking of his time as a research specimen, he actually had it a tiny bit better than benrey did. didn’t take until he was in his teens before a much more caring scientist showed up to make sure he had good mental, emotional, and physical enrichment. and instead of that scientist being tommy, like for benrey... for gordon, it’s coomer. dad coomer momence :) they find gordon much more willing to cooperate after he imprints on coomer, too. and also take note of how active his curiosity is, with the alien asking so many questions and looking for so many answers for about how things work, especially when he hits his teens. somewhere along the line, some ‘mesa higher ups decide to let this xenoguy indulge his apparently scientific mind, and give him a job (he’s still required to check in for tests on himself, and not allowed to leave the facility, though). even tho he’s not an eldritch horror, he’s still got shape-shifting powers, and takes on a human form, both because all the spaces he’d work in were made with humans in mind, and to reduce the number of weird looks from literally everyone outside of sector E. and because he looked human, benrey didn’t recognize gordon at all, but also couldn’t shake this weird vibe he was getting from him. vibe increases after he sees this guy heading to do a dangerous test without one of the fancy hazard suits (being near-indestructable, he doesn’t need one). just before they get to where the test chamber is, and benrey asks him again why he doesn’t have a HEV suit if he’s really supposed to be here, gordon yells “BECAUSE I’M NOT FUCKING HUMAN, OKAY?? Now will you PLEASE let me go do my fucking job, I’m running so god damn late, christ...” the “not human” part is emphasized by gordon briefly showing a glimpse of his true form. which benrey instantly recognizes. ...aaaand then feels bad about the “i need to make sure you’re nice or not, everybody here’s afraid of you” thing. in this case, some of the other employees in sector C were afraid of gordon, as they knew what he was. benrey was a new hire and didn’t (obviously) and didn’t get why some of the scientists and guards were acting nervous around this seemingly friendly (if short-tempered) guy. but now he does. as well as why gordon looked a little self-conscious about it when benrey brought it up. whoops. even though monster!gordon doesn’t wear a HEV suit, he still has trackers that the military use to hunt the science team down. the trackers are just, y’know, in him. and unfortunately, nobody on the team knows exactly where they were stuck in him, and he doesn’t wanna just go clawing himself open everywhere to find the damn things. so the betrayal still happens, though benrey is def not feeling it as much, cause like, he JUST found his old alien friend and was gonna bust him out!! which obviously he can’t do if the fuckin’ military gets a hold of him. but then, he also can’t bust gordon out if he himself gets killed by the military... so turning gordon in is the lesser of two evils. turn him in now, and then try to free him again later. that’s the plan. of course, the bootboys ambushing gordon aren’t at all prepared. they weren’t properly informed on everything about gordon, and for about this whole time, gordon’s been taking on a human form. said form being considerably smaller than his true one. gordon does not black out and get tossed in (the wrong part of) a trash compactor. he does still get pissed at bubby and benrey, though. but this time, he forgives benrey first, as the guy gets way, WAY more emotional over this all than gordon’s ever seen from him. showing off a ton of genuine guilt and regret over it, and also explains why he did it right away (even tho gordon’s still convinced he and benrey never met until the test). bubby mostly just seems scared shitless, oops. but gordo does forgive him before it’s all said and done. they still run into coomer clones and less-than-stable bubby prototypes (which are now just clones as well because reasons). bubby’s not a genetically engineered perfect organism, but a regular/realistic ‘test-tube baby.’ he’s still got a bionic heart, though. coomer’s still a cyborg, too, but not really a super-powered one. his robotic limbs are just advanced in that they’re as dexterous as his old natural limbs, and have artificial touch receptors. they’re also made out of materials that are sturdy as all fuck. they’re just a couple of dudes, as far as physical abilities go. their clones, however? still very fucked up. possibly a little bit more fucked up. this au is also another “not a game” one, and there’s a different reason for why coomer’s clones seem to have a weird connection with gordon/gordon’s brain. bubby’s do, too. those clones aren’t just clones, but also results of genetic splicing experiments. i’ll let you guess where the other non-coomer/bubby genes that were spliced in came from. go on. guess. i haven’t thought about what happens when they get to xen too much. probably just that they fight the nihilanth, since i headcanon that it was indeed still the cause of the xen portals, but benrey ate it to steal its sick boss arena. gordon however wouldn’t do that, as he doesn’t get pissed at any of the team to, y’know, wanna go final boss on them. still gotta be the big hero man (even when he’s not technically a ‘man’). after they get back from xen, tommy prob manages to convince his dad to convince his employers to NOT lock gordon up in a lab again, as it would both mean a lot to his best friend benrey (who is like a little brother to him), and because he’s become fast friends with gordon himself and thus cares about him. i’m also trying to decide if i still want mr. coolatta to be an eldritch being or make him human, too. kinda leaning towards letting him stay non-human, though this time tommy doesn’t have any of the ‘buffs’ i say his adoptive dad gives him in my other not-a-game aus. aaaand that’s all the thoughts i’ve had on this thus far!
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potterlovemail · 4 years
Math Tutor - Drarry Headcanon
(modern au)
Harry Potter wasn’t the brightest student in his classes. Throughout highschool, he managed to be pretty decent in his studies; he had B’s, and rarely any D’s. This pleased his parents greatly— though, they never really were strict on grades, they simply wanted Harry to live on happily and become whatever he wanted to in the future.
James is a professor at Hogwarts University. Basically Duke, but aim just a tad bit lower. Hogwarts was known for having many gifted students attend; no person was the same as the last. It seemed everyone had their own interests.
Though, Harry had no idea what he was going to do. He thought about teaching like his father, but it seemed far fetched. He could hold his own in class, teaching on the other hand— no. Harry hated teaching. Those times teachers would ask him to explain his answer, his mind almost always went blank. Maybe he was nervous, or perhaps he just disliked explaining himself. He’d put the future aside for now. There are more important things to be worrying about.
First day on campus, and they’ve been given their roommate’s name. Harry didn’t really mind having a roommate; just as long as they weren’t horribly annoying. He’d have to share a room with someone named Draco Malfoy. He had no idea who the hell that was. Harry had heard of the Malfoy name— apparently, they funded Hogwarts for a little bit. They were wealthy, Harry knew that much.
On the first knock, who supposedly is Malfoy answers the door. Harry didn’t know what he was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. Malfoy was darn gorgeous. That’s right, Harry was into blokes, and what are the odds that he landed a room with someone as attractive as that.
“Holy shit,” Were the first and only words to leave the stunned male’s mouth. “Nice to meet you too,” Malfoy stepped out of the way so Harry could walk in and drag his luggage along. He does so reluctantly, eyes trailing Malfoy. Malfoy’s eyes were grey, and it was pretty much the most beautiful shade of grey Harry had ever seen. Oh, boy, he was crushing big time.
“You’re staring. Is there something on my face or are you just surprised that I’m your roommate?” Malfoy’s voice cuts through his thoughts. The blond knew where he was at the Popularity charts. “Well- I.. actually didn’t even know who you were till now,” Harry tries his best to stand his ground and not stammer. “I mean i’ve heard of the Malfoy name, of course,” His heavy feet crossed the room, heading to the empty bed which Harry assumed was his. Malfoy had pretty much unpacked everything. His bed looked expensive compared to Harry’s; the mattress looked fluffier, and just comfortable while Harry’s looked flat, and plain. Maybe Malfoy had paid them.
“Alright then. You stay on your side and mind your business, and we’ll be fine,” Malfoy states calmly, sitting down on his bed with a proper posture. Harry couldn’t stop himself from looking just a little bit longer. This seemed promising.
A week of sharing a room, and the two males realized that they literally were opposites. Harry’s closet looked like a jungle compared to Malfoy’s. Even the dark haired male’s hand writing was put to shame with Malfoy’s bloody cursive writing. Damn rich people.
Harry wasn’t proud of it, but they’d argued sometimes. Mainly it was Malfoy complaining about how Harry took too long in the bathroom, and how Harry had used up all of the shampoo. Their mornings usually went like this, and they parted ways for their classes sharing insults.
“Git.” Harry walked out the door first, trotting down the hall to get to his class, bag clutched tightly in one arm. “Prat!” Malfoy bellowed, just enough for Harry to hear as he speed walked. It was hilarious to the blond. Despite this, Harry was still crushing. How could he not? Malfoy just seemed so.. perfect. Gosh, it was still a shock how he had managed one week without throwing himself on the male. If he did that he’d probably be sent to the nurses with a broken nose, or maybe a concussion. He didn’t even know if Draco liked guys.
Second semester, and Harry was having serious problems with Math. Math wasn’t his best subject— it was definitely his worst. One particular evening, Harry’s jotting down notes messily and trying badly to recall everything. He has an exam in about 4 days. He’s so focused, he doesn’t even realize that Malfoy was watching him.
“You seem like you’re actually thinking. It’s hurting to watch,” Malfoy snorts, and Harry’s head snaps up to glare at him. “I’m doing my best to study. I’m not stupid, alright?” He rolls his eyes, averting his gaze back to his near crumpled folder paper. “I didn’t call you stupid. Not really. But, I could help you with that,” The blond offers. “And why would you want to do that?” Harry’s interested, definitely. He would never pass up on that, he really needed the help, but he also wanted to know what Malfoy was up to.
“Just cause. And i’m bored, the poor need my help.” Only Malfoy could make Harry as irritated as this— yet the dark haired male wouldn’t act on his annoyance. He didn’t want to make their ‘friendship’ worse than it was, and besides, he wants to be more than just silly roommates and friends. “Fine. Help me,” Harry groaned, crossing his legs as Malfoy made his way over to him. “Great. Now scoot.”
Malfoy wasn’t a bad teacher, or rather, tutor, at all. He helped Harry with things he couldn’t wrap his head around, and even took the time to explain it thoroughly. Harry couldn’t tell if Malfoy was just showing off, or trying to help.
Harry’s heart felt as if it’d leap up his throat any moment; they’d never been this close to each other. Knees made contact, shoulders touching briefly as Malfoy pointed to certain equations. Malfoy’s hand brushing against his as he stole away Harry’s pencil to demonstrate. All of this made Harry slowly insane.
“You look a little pink. Don’t tell me you’ve got a fever of some sort,” Malfoy comments, pausing his very useful tutoring. “I’m fine, peachy,” Harry shrugged, knowing damn well the blush on his face only deepened.
He was going to die if he didn’t make a move soon.
Harry decides that a week later is when he’ll make the first move. Was it probably the scariest thing he’d ever done? Yes. Merlin, yes. Harry was never an open romantic, he didn’t give out much hints. It was because he just didn’t want to be rejected, but he strongly felt he had a chance with Malfoy. For whatever reason.
So, this is how he did it. “Hey, I need you to errr.. explain this one again to me.” Harry asked, fidgeting with the pencil in his hand. “Sure.” Malfoy peered at the paper, expecting a complex equation ready to be explained, but he was met with something different. Harry had written, ‘You’re cute’ just underneath his notes. Malfoy fought back a smile, looking back up at Harry. “Everyone tells me,” He cooed, and Harry nearly groaned out in frustration.
That’s right, how was he supposed to flirt with the gracious Malfoy; who’s expectations were as high as skyscrapers and the Eifell Tower.
“Thanks.” Draco muttered, breaking eye contact. Harry blinked; it hadn’t gone so badly.
He keeps it up, writing down small compliments where Draco could easily spot them. Each time he did, he knew he was getting somewhere— because Draco had become different. He wasn’t purposely insulting the dark haired male, and if he did, it was jokingly. Harry felt like he was floating. This was all he’d ever wanted since the first day he’d walked in and blurted out, ‘holy shit.’
He hadn’t even realized how fucking amazing Draco’s laugh was till he was the one who had made him laugh. At the end of the day, Harry had finally asked him out. ‘I really think we could make this work. Not the math— but, you and me. What do you say?’ Harry had tried his best to make his handwriting neat and decipherable.
“Hmm.. well, I’m not sure. If I dated Potter would that ruin my reputation? Most likely, yes.. “ Draco looked up at the ceiling as he talked to himself, and Harry gulped. “But, I don’t give a fuck,” The blond adds, and Harry lips curve upwards, later breaking into a wide grin. “So then..?”
“Yes. Prat, I’ll go out with you,” Draco’s rather angelic laugh comes out again, and suddenly, Harry’s kissing him. Draco kisses back quickly, and it’s like a fire lit in both of their stomachs. It was the spark that Harry had been longing for.
Sadly, even after all of that studying, Harry managed to get a 73/100 on the semester finals. Not too shabby, but Draco would definitely have him redo his notes.
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stvlti · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap
I was tagged by @irolltwenties to do the 2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works tag! Thank you, lovely (*˘ ε ˘*)
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Before I begin, let me just tag some friends:
@reaperlight @3dnygma @drowthelynes @transdankovsky @fantomn @lawliyeeeet @dressed-to-keehl @setfa @0akdown @reidsnor @clubolive @mermaides
No pressure, but it would be fun if you guys share some of your works this year ( ˘︶˘ ) let’s see those fics and edits and artworks!! Get the clicks and views y’all deserve 💕 💕
And now, onwards to my 2020 Favorite Works List!
I didn’t write nearly as much as some of you guys did. And though I did exceed my goal of putting out 1 fic per month, I don’t have 5 solid ones I’m proud of. So I’ll just list 4 fics here:
01 // Growing Pains
I’ve always been very nervous about reccing this one, because it broaches a topic that I don’t really have a right to claim? I’m not transgender myself, but I simply adore the trans Dick Grayson headcanon so much it singlehandedly brought me back to the DC fandom and restarted my fanfic-writing habit for 2020 😂😂 plus the writing quality isn’t half bad, and I still really like the idea/metaphor this little story started with and grew from. 
Fave moment (besides the obvious):
"Ka-Pow!!" The boy ventriloquised. Lego Robin sailed through the air in his fingers. One stubby, outstretched leg made contact with a Lego henchman, knocking all the surrounding baddies over like bowling pins. "Sorry Mr. Bad Guys, guess it's way past your bedtime too!"
"Good job, Robin." The boy lowered his prepubescent voice and tried to affect Batman's gravelly timbre as much as possible. In his other hand, he walked Lego Batman across the floor of the crime scene. "How about we round them up and leave it for the Commish? It's getting quite late."
"Oh oh! Can I have cookies on the ride back?"
The boy swivelled Lego Batman's grinning face around. "I don't see why not."
Another night out in Lego Gotham City, another day saved by the Dynamic Duo. This called for a celebration indeed. The boy set the pair of heroes down by the Lego Batmobile and reached over to his own plate of Alfred's after-school chocolate chip cookies. He took his sweet time with the last piece, savouring each bite, sighing at the way it melted on his tongue.
02 // Transference 
This is my best-performing fic in terms of the kudos to hits ratio, so I feel validated in being proud of this one :’) It’s a pretty good marker of the distances I’ve covered since getting serious about reading the comic source material end of 2019, as you can see from the much broader and varied cast of characters I focused on for this story. It also definitely cemented - to me, at least - the fact that I can write action scenes. When I went into “Second Chances” (a fem Jay fic) earlier this year, I was so nervous about writing the action sequence there, because I’ve never written a serious action scene up until that point! To me, this fic definitely showcases the growth I’ve experienced as a writer this year ^_^
When the trio return, Ivy takes her place at the meeting table with a severe expression on her face. She chooses her words carefully, when she speaks. "The odds aren't pretty. We just accepted 100 refugees over the weekend, and the Green is still repairing itself after last week's attack."
Rose exchanges a glance with Jason. He gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, though he's not looking any better than she feels.
"But, each and everyone of us stayed behind to defend the Garden, because we all believed in giving a sanctuary for the civilian survivors out there.
"So bring them here. I'll take them in."
No sooner has Ivy finished the sentence, than Zatanna and Constantine have fired up their teleportation portal, and Harley's cheerful "Good luck!" is lost to the mad dash off to the rescue mission. The rest of the Shadowpact scramble after Rose as she launches herself through the portal—
—and slams into Arsenal, pushing him out of the way seconds before a meteoric explosion of green fire incinerates the very spot he'd been standing in.
03 // Paying It Forward
This one is important to me if only for the reason that it’s the first time I’ve written character dialogues that flowed. And I didn’t even need to plan them out meticulously beforehand! Do you know how rare that is for me as an ESL writer? Dialogues have been the bane of my existence since I started writing as a wee teen. Luckily, the Titans TV show has some solid character dynamics for me to fall back on. And from there I started reading NTT era Dick & Donna, and I just fell in love with their friendship. And now, I can turn to this fic as proof I still got it whenever I doubt my abilities as a writer c:
Fave moment:
Dick glanced at her, eyebrows raised. "She ran out on you?"
"No, no, we never really... I don't think it counts as running away if it never led to anything more."
"But you wanted it to be more." Dick paused, taking in Donna's silence, which would've fooled anyone else but him. "You still want it."
"I-- yeah." Donna sighed and held her hands up as if to say you caught me. "I'm... Sorry? For stealing your girl?"
Dick laughed, bemused. "She was never mine. She knew what she wanted, what she needed - and I wasn't in the right place to give her that."
"And you? You think I'm what she needs?"
"Better you than me. You're Donna Troy. Older, smarter, prettier..."
Donna gave him a deadpan stare.
"... And you know who you want to be. She likes that in a partner. I'm still figuring that one out for myself." Dick stretched his arms up and then leaned back into his seat, lacing his fingers behind his head as he stared up into the ceiling.
04 // When I'm down on my knees, you're how I pray
I’m including this one just to showcase I got the range, babey. And honestly, the fact that I was able to write this fic and actually receive positive reviews for it was a surprise to me too!! This was the first time I ever attempted to write a real darkfic with dead dove subject matters, and I managed to nail the emotional manipulation, somehow ;__; It was a real learning experience too, learnt so much about Catholicism just to write about Dick’s guilt issues in an AU setting nobody asked for 🤡
Fave moment: (dead dove warnings apply)
"Not at all, Richard," Roman said. The boy would come to him, eventually. "Now, it's getting late. If that's all, I'll have Jason fetch your room keys. Seven Hail Mary's before bed, and think about everything we've just discussed. Tomorrow we'll do a proper debriefing."
"I... Okay." For a moment, Dick sounded like he had more to say. Instead, Roman heard a muffled sniffle, one that Dick likely tried to disguise with a hand over his mouth. Silly boy.
"Thank you again, Father," Dick said, after a beat.
"All in a day's work, my child." Roman unlatched the door and stepped out of the booth. He nodded at Dick as the younger man ambled out of the booth after him. "Goodnight now, Richard."
As he set off for the living quarters, Dick called out. "Wait!"
Roman turned around, inclining his head.
"Will you stay?" The candlelight chased shadows away from Dick's face, and for one glorious moment, Roman could see the depth of the desperation shining in Dick's blue eyes.
"Guide me through my prayers. Please."
Roman smiled.
Oh did you think I was done? 😂 It did say Favourite Works and not just Favourite Fics, so I gotta include this one on the list too:
05 // 2020 Jason Todd Birthday edit
I said Robin Jason deserves better and I meant it! 👏👏 This edit took me 12 hours and 67 layers ‘cause I made a mistake on like my 8th hour into the editing process o__o but it ended up being my most popular serious graphic edit, so it was worth it. I guess! 
I mean the likes to reblog ratio is still fucked but hey, I broke 1k, which is more than I can say for any of my other edits
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auredosa · 4 years
malistaire nsfw headcanons?
Funny story: this anon has asked me 4 times for NSFW Malitaire stuff and the only reason I haven’t gotten around to it is because I specialize in the other Drake brother. But I still have some stuff for poor revived-him-like-three-times Mali. 
Anon, today your call has been heeded. Sorry it took so long. 
- Malistaire, like his brother, likes being topped. He grew up in a society where you had to "earn your honor" and this caused him to become a bit of a masochist. 
- He met a lot of one-time flings at Dragonspyre Academy and at the Command Academy. He did a lot of exploring sexual orientation wise and found a lot of admirers due to his magical abilities. 
- When he moved on to the Command Academy, the surveillance got tighter and it became much more difficult to sneak away with someone. He never seemed to click with anyone because they were all too afraid of the name "House Drake" to get involved with him seriously. He did, unfortunately, get a lot of people offering him money or a higher position in return for blowjobs and the like on school grounds. 
- He's demisexual and due to the fleeting nature of young love, he never went anywhere with anybody sex-wise. The only people who stuck around long enough in his life were all people he viewed platonically.
- That having been said, Sylvia was the first person he genuinely cared about that he got sexual with, and he was very nervous about it, not just because he was inexperienced, but because he was a strong necromancer and didn't want to hurt her. 
- Malistiare has one over Cyrus in girth; Cyrus has one over him in length.
- Malistaire likes having his hair pulled, which I think I've used before in another headcanon post, and he also likes being tied up, and edgeplay. He's used to having all the power; he wants someone to take the lead for once. 
- Being a necromancer who looks death in the eye and doesn't blink, he's also in breathplay. Sylvia was iffy about delving into this kink of his because she was very particular about his health and didn't want him to actually be sent ove the edge.  That would kinda suck. 
- Malistaire wanted to have a one-night stand with Diego because they were both fantastic duelers with huge egos and huge dicks. Sorry, had to get that one off my chest. This neve went anywhere, though. Maybe this particular headcanon can be a joke one. 
- He actually can't last that long in bed, which was perfectly fine for him and Sylvia while they were together because it just gave him more time to pleasure her. It all worked out. 
- He likes pleasuring himself to the point where his vision gos dark and he almost passes out. In other words, he really enjoys testing his limits (much to Sylvia's dismay).
- He likes having pain inflicted on him, and also likes seeing bruises and welts on him and his partner. His brother doesn't, you know, because they're opposites like that. 
- He had a pretty good idea of what he liked by the time he was a teenager, and one of the things he liked was putting stuff in his ass. (God, I'm still laughing at this sentence). Dragonspyre was a pretty strict society, but they also had a wicked black market, and Malistaire found ways to get whatever he wanted to experiment with into his dorm. 
- He shared that dorm with his brother, unfortunately, but Cyrus would just get so embarrassed or irritated at his twin's shenanigans that he never put up much of a resistance. He also agreed to "magic them away" when the dean came to do inspections. 
- Using death magic during sex is dangerous. There are just too many things that could go wrong if a necromancer's magic went haywire during intercourse. In the Spiral, there's a material called Silencing Stone that can render a wizard's magical abilities useless. Malistaire had a pair of these (which used to be Sylvia's) and always put them on in the bedroom.
- Being a necromancer, Malistaire's sex drive unfortunately took a nose dive as he got older. This really didn't bother Sylvia and Mali, though. They just loved each other in other ways and were perfectly happy with their lack of an active sex life.
- He first learned about sex through books. Many nights of his boyhood were spent with a book full of smut or erotic drawings under his sheets. He, of course, told Cyrus to keep his hands off them. 
- He tried to fuck ghosts once. Just once, though. The spirits just laughed at him and said they'd be waiting for him on the other side. That put an end to his investigation pretty quickly. 
- Yes, yes he can suck the soul out of someone's dick. He did that to a poor sap during his Command Army days and they were lying in the infirmary for days before being discharged. It was brushed off as him not being fit for war, and Malistaire never said anything to contradict that. Since then, he has been afraid of oral sex. There. Hope you liked remembering that one shitpost.
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nuptia · 4 years
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SUBJECT  LINE  ONE   :       on  the  importance  of  talia  hopton  and  her  involvement  in  wren  jones’  life       [       featuring  an  exploration  of  young  female  friendships,     growing  up  with  distinct  feelings  of  inadequacy,     and  the  burden  of  trying  to  save  a  girl  not  meant  to  be  saved       ---       as  loving  expressed  via  a  headcanon  dump       ].
ACT  ONE   :       your  lives  begin  in  parallel. 
she is the fourth child of d - lister superheroes (heroes are tiered based on their powers + given a commission that roughly amounts to your tier added to how many people you’ve saved that year --- d is the second lowest rank). her parents swam at the higher end of working class, with each child an attempt to make something SPECTACULAR. talia is the only one of her siblings to have powers, which is why it comes as such a disappointment that her powers are so weak.
while wren is a blast of quick humour and soft smiles, talia is quiet. her classmates would describe her as mousy, if they were to describe her at all. she blended happily into the background, all tender and raw at being seen, while wren drew her out and showed her off. she didn’t do so well in school, mostly because her father’s strict training meant she couldn’t devote herself to much else; however, she did like art class, especially when they were given cameras and allowed to take photos over the weekend. her bedroom was decorated with pictures of anything and everything. 
talia can use her telekensis to draw objects towards her, as long as said objects are no more than feet away, and weigh no more than ten pounds. very handy for pulling the remote towards her, much less handy for stopping villains. 
THEORETICALLY, she knows she can draw together dust particles from the surrounding air and use it to slowly damange someone’s lungs, but she’s never tried this --- she did used to make small balls of swimming dust to amuse wren, though. 
utterly sure that his daughter’s powers would manifest into something stronger, her father made her keep up a pretty strict training regime from the ages four to sixteen. she is phsyically very fit and able from this, but her powers have not grown any stronger. 
she resents her father deeply for this, every inch of her life under demanding control from him; her sleep schedule was tightly monitered, her meals were kept in constant check, and her free time was limited to an hour each day (which she often used to sneak out and chill with wren).
and so god loved all his children equally, but my father is no god --- he is a man split with dreams bigger than me, unable to see that i’m but a child. 
at sixteen, talia goes through a bit of a breakdown. she’s at a party with wren, her first high school party, and she’s downing shots like she won’t ever have this chance again --- she might not, after all. wren drives her home to their dingy little place, and talia stumbles inside to find her father waiting for her. 
the two argue loudly, brutally, with talia bursting into tears; her little sister, mallory hopton, wanders downstairs in the midst of this. brimming with anger, talia goes to attack her father, and mallory wanders into the crossfire. the fourteen year old is pushed about ten feet back at an intense force, causing her to hit her head and pass out for a few seconds.
there’s no lasting damage to mallory --- and later, mall will crawl into talia’s bed and holding her close, murmuring that it’s okay, it didn’t really hurt, it’s alright.
talia’s father doesn’t wake her the next morning for training.
ACT  TWO   :       wren  jones.
it’s easy to pretend their meeting was inveitable. they were both the useless children of great heroes, they were both searching for someone to look out for them, they were both desperate to be seen; the truth, however, is that they liked each other for far less interesting reasons --- wren was the first person to smile at talia when she entered the CHILDREN OF SUPES weekend group and the two fell together quickly after that. that’s all it was, really: one smile. 
any time the other is free, they’re together. wren and talia are joined at the hip, calling each other every night, talia’s one hour of free time devoted to her best friend. it’s a cliche sort of friendship: they wear friendship braclets that they promise they’ll never take off, they tell each other every secret, they share a diary between them.
wren [whispering loudly]: i met a boy. talia [a pause is felt, long and drawn out, as sticky as the soft bubblegum still staining her tongue]: oh? wren [quick to notice, embarrassed at her revelation]: you’ll like him. i swear you will. he’s so (...) he’s so nice. ---- and talia already knows she’ll hate him, because that sigh-touched voice was once meant just for her.
the answer is simple: yes. but i’ve never been in love with wren --- it wasn’t ever like that (we did kiss once at new years, both nervous that no one else would want us --- i think we were always nervous about that). i wasn’t jealous because some great love of mine was being stolen away; it’s just that....wren was the first thing that was ever truly mine. and i was hers. and then, suddenly, very suddenly, it’s like we barely knew each other. how do you even prepare for that? HOW DO YOU EVEN PREPARE FOR ---
elijah is everything that talia isn’t. he has an easy charm about him, he blends in well with everyone he meets, and he’s powerful. it radiates from him, this disgusting potential, and soon enough wren’s friendship necklace is replaced by one that elijah bought for her. 
it doesn’t hurt. or, talia never says that it hurts, which is basically the same thing. right? wren still loves her, she just --- doesn’t spend as much time with her, or pick up her calls. one night, wren leaves without even saying anything to talia, whisked right out of their small town. 
talia gets accepted into community college on a photography course. there’s pictures of wren in a scrapbook below her bed, but she doesn’t look at it anymore. 
she has an easier time in college than she does high school. she falls in with a group of friends, big enough that she doesn’t feel destroyed if one or two of them leave her.
the last one is the only person who works out because, in her second year, she has a big fat ‘oh god i’m a lesbian aren’t i’ ephinany at a bathroom in a frat house after kissing maria. 
wren [her voice is shaky, weak, the same broken tone it had the night she left]: can you -- can you hear me? it’s (...) wren, do you remember me? i never knew if he...he said that he made the people forget me, and that’s why....i wouldn’t call unless --- please. i can’t do this anymore, talia, please, please, if there’s any part of you that still knows who i am --- please.
at 3am, you receive a strange voicemail from wren. it’s the first time she’s contacted you in three years. at 4am, you’re in the car with maria and you’re driving over the elijah’s huge fuck-off apartment building. 
maria waits outside in the car, but talia goes into the building -- bullshitting her way through the guards, kicking open elijah’s door with impressive force (all that training paid off, huh?). talia grabs an unresisting wren, tugging her free from the house. elijah tries to intercept with a quick word, but talia pushes a knife to his neck: try it. fucking try it. 
the two leave -- and, for a time, wren’s free (perhaps it’s important to note that talia still wears the necklace that wren bought for her, perhaps it’s important to note that wren cries softly into talia’s arms all night, perhaps it’s important to note that maria makes them both warm tea and strokes wren’s back --- this is love in its purest form).
the apartment is cramped, but they make it work. maria studies to be an engineer, talia finishes up her photography degree, and wren starts waitressing. 
ACT  THREE   :       the  aftermath  of  loving  a  lit  flame.
maria and talia have a mutual, amicable break-up. maria moves away to california and talia throws herself into her work.
at twenty five, maria is arrested for a crime she absolutely did not commit, but the police and jury were apparently convinced she’d done it. maria is sentenced and wren is (...) all alone. 
as of right now, talia is still in prison. 
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vagarius · 4 years
misukazu 21
(if you saw me fuck up the other one no you didnt)
questions from this post, and answers originally written for this thread!!
If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?    their canon first meeting is already so good SHDGFLJASHG but if i had to choose a different one that's still within the context of mankai... meeting as kids and losing touch and coming back together completely different at mankai
What song fits your pairing the most?    uhhHHhhHHH i don't have a real answer but i do have a partial playlist for one of my misukazu aus and the only two songs in it are furaregai girl by sayuri and champagne's for celebrating by mayday parade and i feel like that says enough sldhgalsdhfalsh
What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?     ALL MISUKAZU AUS ARE GOOD but. i really love any au where their first meeting is in the future and both are still kind of lost but they're Older and it's hard to let themselves fall into the easy trust they find in canon. i just think that'd be neat.
Favorite canon moment of them?     THERE ARE SO MANY but the one that immediately comes to mind is misumi carrying drunk kazu to bed (latest bday line) because drunk kazu is so soft and it implies that misumi wanted to wish happy birthday to kazu pretty late... what did he want to give him...
Least favorite canon moment of them?     hmm... there's not really one i can think of??? IM SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY I LOVE ALL THEIR CANON MOMENTS
Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)    this is somehow both vague and very specific but i think misukazu gives off this vibe: He's beautiful. I can't tell him. or "Kazu is always beautiful~" Don't call me that, Kazu thinks. I'm not. so... insecurities i guess ????? AJSHAJJD
Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?     THIS IS GOING TO SOUND SO CHEESY but i love how /real/ they allow themselves to be around each other. misukazu at their best is when one thinks "you're you. and i love that you" and the other knows this. i just. THEY VALIDATE THE OTHER SO MUCH CRIES
Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)     this isn't a "least fav" so much as "it makes me sad" but if either of them showed any sign of not being interested anymore the other is more likely to give up then push anything. sort of like "it was bound to happen, so i'll enjoy now until they drop me" or EVEN WORSE they think the other would be better off without them and pushes them away. so yeah the fact i can see one of these happening makes me sad.
If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?     they give off "everyone knows we're dating but us" energy but at the same time i feel like they'd acknowledge there's something and just not define it bc a) they don't need to (misumi) or b) they're too nervous to (kazu). in other words i think one day they are holding hands and misumi says "kazu? is this dating?" and kazu holds his breath before asking "do you want it to be?"
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?     i think theyd be hilarious in any sports animanga (kazu is manager tho bc noodle arms but maybe they bond when misumi walks him through some of his usual training menu one night - ahem. anyway) BUT ALSO horimiya au...
How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.     AJDHAJDHSF I REALLY LOVE THEM SO IT COMES PRETTY EASILY... but sometimes you try to put them in tropes and realize they would Just Not Work Like That. idk where i'm going with this. but yeah. anyway 3 for sankaku.
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?     in terms of what i ship, i tend to ship kazu and misumi individually with a lot of dif charas AJDHAKD. but in terms of like... in-universe "rival" pairings: kazu side: tsuzukazu (maybe, lbr it would take them 273924 yrs to actually get together), kazu x someone from winter (i... have my reasons but they'd take longer than what this answer entails) misumi side: ... surprisingly none that i can think of ahdjahd
Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)     you know that tweet that's like "sometimes a ship is just your two favs"? yeah that's misukazu for me. but if i had to choose... misumi AJDHAJHDSF I HONESTLY WASNT THAT INTO YUME UNTIL THESE TWO CAME AROUND (NOT COUNTING 707)... but yeah if they wanted to hold me in their arms i wouldn't oppose
Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?     OOOOOH BOY well. i think it could be either of them. i don't think they'd break up for lack of love but too much love and wanting the other to be happy and thinking that the only way to give them that is to let them go. so i guess the question is which of them would be more likely to be selfish and hold on. thinking this way, i think misumi would be more likely to break-up, bc kazu has lots of friends who are better than him!! and misumi is more ready to leave if he thinks he needs to than kazu is. now im sad.
Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?     THE NUMBER OF TIMES I'VE BEEN CALLED KAZU KIN... in all seriousness kazu's struggles with speaking out and (shinobi spoilers) his uncertainty over his future hit real close to home... while i don't relate as much as misumi, his struggles always manage to tear my heart into pieces... ((oversharing alert) i guess what really separates me from misumi is his struggle with his desire to connect with family who has treated him poorly... whereas im more "lol fuck you") tldr i relate to kazu slightly more LOL
Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?     i never disliked them but i was NOT expecting either of them to shoot up so quickly into my favs list ahdjahdjf. also i started shipping them Immediately After reading summer main story so there's that
On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?    as of september 28th 2020 i make up 11/78 fics on ao3 in the romantic misukazu tag and 2/12 in the platonic one. i may have brainrot.
What made you decide to ship them?     TBH I FINISHED THE MAIN STORY AND WENT "OH MY GOD... THAT'S MY SHIP" but now that i'm here i continue to ship them because they have the potential to bring out both the best and the worst in each other and i'm all about that
Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)     angst. i just. angst hurt/comfort all the way. im so sorry babies.
lol you thought there would just be 21 ANYWAY EXTRA 1: how do they spend breaks/vacation?    they'd travel a lot when they're older!! kazunari loves to travel and misumi would follow kazunari anywhere (also, new triangles!!) so they go somewhere new whenever they have the time. however i think eventually one or both of their future careers will take them anywhere and everywhere anyway, so their "ideal vacation" might turn into an evening in, cuddling and catching up (as if they didn't already send play-by-play updates over the phone of whatever they did during the day)
EXTRA 2: first date?     i don't they ever have an explicit first date, but if asked they'll cite the time they had a picnic in the park turned triangle hunt turned accidental dip in the duck pond. at least, kazunari will. misumi just tilts his head and wonders what you mean.
EXTRA 3: gifts?     IM FEELING REALLY CHEESY SO I'M MAKING THIS ABOUT ANNIVERSARY GIFTS they both end up getting each other jewelry (although kazu was really really nervous bc he wasn't sure if misumi would wear it). kazu gets misumi a bracelet (with triangles, of course although misumi only wears it sometimes because he doesn't want to lose it) and misumi gets kazu a pair of triangle earrings "so we can match!" and kazunari combusts at the implications
EXTRA 4: sharing clothes     THEY'RE ACTUALLY AROUND THE SAME SIZE (and tend to wear baggier stuff barring kazu's skinny jeans)... but they have completely different Styles so it's still really obvious when steal each other's stuff ahdjajdkaf. as cute as kazu would look in sumi's sweatshirt i think the much more likely scenario is kazu wrapping misumi in his jackets because this boy nEVER BRINGS HIS ANYWHERE anyway just. accidental shared wardrobe misukazu.
EXTRA 5: lake house au    consider: kazunari living in a house on the shore of a lake for a summer for Art Purposes (and a little bit for Dealing With Life purposes but he's not gonna admit that) and meets his lake neighbor misumi who kazu thinks might be a ghost or spirit for a while but he actually just lives further down the lake and misumi unknowingly helps kazu with his Life Issues and maybe they fall in love
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
fsk emotions: the playlist
(i’d like to apologize in advance for how long this is going to get. UPDATE: yeah, this is around 4k, i am So Sorry.)
in case y’all weren’t aware, i have fitzskimmons emotions ALL THE TIME. my poor friends have to deal with me texting them at 11 pm like “i’m freaking out about fsk again” embarrassingly often. so, i figured i’d try to share some of those emotions with y’all, in the form of songs from my private fsk playlist on spotify. 
that playlist is 63 songs long. hopefully i will not feel the need to talk about ALL 63, but i’m not going to make any promises. y’all know what i’m like about this. i’m planning on giving you a list of the songs for your listening pleasure, and then go into detail about the lines / vibes from each song that i think especially fit the ship. we shall see how this goes.
just a warning: my music taste is very all over the place. i associate the sound of 80s love songs with fsk, so there’s gonna be a few of those, but also some weird obscure indie songs and some pop and just... bear with me, okay? these songs are in no particular order, because i have no idea how to make a “”legit”” playlist or whatever the heck y’all are doing to make such good mixes. i’m just gonna stick a tracklist here and move on.
can’t fight this feeling // reo speedwagon
gravity // sara bareilles
new year’s day // taylor swift
don’t go breaking my heart // elton john & kiki dee
dancing in the dark // bruce springsteen
born to be yours // kygo & imagine dragons
i choose you // sara bareilles
ordinary people // john legend
carry on // fun.
blackbird // the beatles
thunder road // bruce springsteen
the long and winding road // the beatles
the archer // taylor swift
army of angels // the script
paper rings // taylor swift
lucky // jason mraz & colbie caillat
wonderwall // zella day
team // noah cyrus
i melt with you // modern english
cornelia street // taylor swift
coroner’s report // molly ofgeography
two // sleeping at last
fair // the amazing devil
arms unfolding // dodie
making love out of nothing at all // air supply
all the song explanations are under the cut, because this is going to get long. there’s also ten honorable mentions if you manage to make it to the end of this. let’s get started!
1. can’t fight this feeling // reo speedwagon
i felt legally required to put this one first because i literally named my magnum opus after it. i like this song a lot on its own, but it specifically reminds me of fsk because the idea of your partner(s) as the place you will always gravitate towards is peak fsk for me. also, these three are canonically each others’ reassurance and rock and i’m just... i love them a lot, okay? this song’s imagery and lyrics have come to be inextricably associated with fsk for me and i love it a lot.
important lyrics: “And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night”
“And if I have to crawl upon the floor, come crashing through your door Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore“
2. gravity // sara bareilles
this one goes second because it’s probably my favorite song of all time. i play it on repeat whenever i’m feeling sad or anxious or pining or happy or just... anytime, lmao. but i also think it’s a very fsk song, and more specifically the fitzdaisy relationship! not only does it have more of that “gravitating towards each other” theme (more literally in this case), but the lyrics are also... very much fitzdaisy, i think, who are very much each others’ safe space and have been vulnerable with each other from the very beginning.
important lyrics: “ Oh, you loved me 'cause I'm fragile When I thought that I was strong But you touch me for a little while And all my fragile strength is gone”
(although really every single lyric fits really perfectly, so go and check out this song! it’s genuinely my favorite song ever and i think everyone would benefit from a listen or two)
3. new year’s day // taylor swift
the most underrated song from reputation, this song is probably the most INTENSELY fsk song i’ve ever heard. these three have grown up together, have changed together, have left their mark on each other in ways that can never be undone. the thing i’m most nervous for in the series finale is the show completely ignoring that impact (along with all three’s relationships with coulson and may especially!). no matter their romantic configuration, none of them would be the same if they hadn’t known the others. and new year’s day really articulates that, along with a really sweet feeling of trust and the image of them cleaning up together after a party - which makes perfect sense when you think about canon, and how they’d stick together even after leaving the life-changing experience of shield. even though there’s no more life-changing adventures, they’re still going to be together, and that means something. y’all, this song is really good and the best fsk song ever and you NEED to listen to it.
important lyrics: “Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you And I will hold on to you”
“Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere”
4. don’t go breaking my heart // elton john & kiki dee
look, just let them be happy, okay? also, i really love the trust aspect of this song, which i associate intensely with the fsk relationship. after all of the betrayal and pain and suffering they’ve experienced, i really love thinking about how much all three must trust each other, even in canon. also i wrote a fic where all three danced to this song and now i won’t ever get that image out of my head.
important lyrics: “Don't go breaking my heart I couldn't if I tried Honey, if I get restless Baby, you're not that kind”
“And nobody told us 'Cause nobody showed us And now it's up to us, babe Whoa, I think we can make it“
5. dancing in the dark // bruce springsteen
okay, this song is a bit darker than the others but i am a secret lover of springsteen, shh. also the mood works VERY well for three agents of shield who haven’t gotten a break since they left college. i really like the idea of them making their own happiness in the middle of the darkness together, because that’s part of why i’m so emotional about them! they are each others’ safe space and protector!
important lyrics: “You can't start a fire Sitting 'round crying over a broken heart This gun's for hire Even if we’re just dancing in the dark”
6. born to be yours // kygo & imagine dragons
heck yeah, let’s talk about the fact that no one in the ot3 would be the same if they hadn’t met the others! not just that, but the fact that they support each other and are a big reason why each of them have made it through the pain of the series with, like, less trauma then they could’ve. fitz was there for daisy when she developed her powers and is the one who talked her into coming back in s4, daisy was there for jemma when she came back from maveth (and in the framework), and jemma and fitz have been supporting each other since they worked things out in s3. also, they know each other insanely well and i think this song does a great job of expressing that!
important lyrics: “I never knew anybody 'til I knew you I never knew anybody 'til I knew you And I know when it rains, oh, it pours And I know I was born to be yours”
7. i choose you // sara bareilles
they! change! together! thank you for coming to my ted talk! also, i’m just... very obsessed with the idea of them choosing to be together, choosing to try to work through their problems, even when there have been so many. i am also obsessed with the idea of them spending their lives together. leave me alone.
important lyrics: “We are not perfect we'll learn from our mistakes And as long as it takes I will prove my love to you I am not scared of the elements I am underprepared, But I am willing And even better I get to be the other half of you”
8. ordinary people // john legend
i really, really love this song, actually? i’m a big fan of a lot of his music lmao. but i like this song specifically because it’s about how complicated love can be sometimes, and i think fsk’s love gets really complicated sometimes! and like, despite it all, they love each other and they’re trying to work it out. but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s really hard sometimes! (shoutout to the fic i titled with a lyric from this song that exemplifies that exactly)
important lyrics: “I know I misbehaved and you made your mistakes And we both still got room left to grow And though love sometimes hurts I still put you first And we'll make this thing work but I think maybe we should take it slow”
9. carry on // fun.
first off, this song has INTENSE post-framework fitz vibes. this is very much how i headcanon his relationship with violence works after they escape from the framework and fuck canon. but also, just, the idea of them all healing together? the idea of them moving on together after shield? poetic cinema. chef’s kiss. they’ve all changed SO MUCH since the show started, and yeah, not all of that change is good! but at least they’re still together.
important lyrics: “You swore and said we are not We are not shining stars This I know I never said we are Though I've never been through hell like that I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back”
10. blackbird // the beatles
i don’t know what about this song reminds me of jemma but something in this song reminds me of jemma, and fitz and daisy helping her heal. regardless, i am So Into them helping each other heal! mostly because the way that the show refuses to give them a break is SO FRUSTRATING. (also it tends to involve them being soft with each other and i am Weak.)
important lyrics: “Blackbird singing in the dead of night Take these broken wings and learn to fly”
11. thunder road // bruce springsteen
this is probably my second favorite song of all time. i am Absolutely Unbiased For Sure. regardless, i adore the imagery of this song, the contrast between the poetic feeling of it and the down-to-earth lyrics. this song, to me, is about people coming back to each other at the end of a long long journey. being in love while tired and recovering from a long, painful, messy life. and that just fits them... so well.
important lyrics: “Well now I'm no hero That's understood All the redemption I can offer girl Is beneath this dirty hood”
“With a chance to make it good somehow Hey what else can we do now Except roll down the window And let the wind blow back your hair? Well the night's busting open These two lanes will take us anywhere“
(y’all do not understand how hard it was to not copy All The Lyrics. you really really have to listen to this song.)
12. the long and winding road // the beatles
EXACTLY THE SAME THING THAT I SAID FOR THE LAST SONG. god this song works so well for them. they are never going to be able to leave each other because they’re so interconnected and yeah, part of that is circumstance, but so MUCH of that is CHOICE. they CHOSE to spend time together, they CHOSE to spend time together, i’m getting emotional over here.
important lyrics: “The long and winding road That leads to your door Will never disappear I've seen that road before It always leads me here Lead me to you door”
13. the archer // taylor swift
this is THE definitive daisy pov song. try to tell me i’m wrong. you can’t. daisy showing vulnerability is a BIG DEAL because of how easily she deflects things! she shows vulnerability to people she loves, most notably mack, coulson, fitz, and jemma! it physically pains me to think about how much she trusts them, y’all. there’s also this sense of melancholy throughout the song, because she’s never going to be the person that she once was. I’m Upset, Y’all.
important lyrics: “Combat, I'm ready for combat I say I don't want that, but what if I do? 'Cause cruelty wins in the movies I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you Easy they come, easy they go I jump from the train, I ride off alone I never grew up, it's getting so old Help me hold onto you”
14. army of angels // the script
this song is courtesy of @theclaravoyant, who recommended this as THE fsk song, and i think she’s very right! they fight TOGETHER, y’all. i’m very emo about it. their love is TRANSCENDENT and helps them OVERCOME their obstacles and i’m Really Upset About It, okay?? this song especially sounds like jemma’s voice, but it works so well for any of them and i Love It.
important lyrics: “When they got me cornered Close to giving in Oh I feel you round me like a second skin”
15. paper rings // taylor swift
*sobbing* i just want them to be HAPPY. i think part of my feelings about this song stem from, like, how fsk manages to find love during really, really dark times? and manages to be in love with each OTHER during the events of the show, which are VERY DARK as i think we can agree. and yet they managed to get together! and they managed to stick together! and idk, y’all, i’m just so soft for permanent partnerships and people being Married(tm) and this song brings that in SPADES.
important lyrics: “Kiss me once 'cause I know you had a long night Kiss you twice 'cause it's gonna be alright Three times 'cause you waited your whole life”
“I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings Uh huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this“
16. lucky // jason mraz & colbie caillat
this song just SCREAMS domesticity to me and no it’s absolutely NOT because i used a lyric from this song to title my collection of domestic fsk ficlets, i have no idea where you would get such a ridiculous idea. they are all BEST FRIENDS okay and they’re in LOVE and they come HOME TO EACH OTHER at the end of the day. they genuinely like spending time together. god, this song is so cute, i love it so much.
important lyrics: “I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday”
17. wonderwall // zella day
before you tell me i’m being stupidly cliche, look at the artist. and then realize that the artist doesn’t make a different for how cliche i’m being. first off, this is such a wlw song (google that one car commercial if you don’t believe me) and skimmons is kind of. my peak wlw song. but also this song is so lovely because it’s about people persevering through challenges to be together, even their own feelings, and that’s VERY good and VERY fsk. i’m just very gay, alright? leave me alone.
important lyrics: “And all the roads we have to walk are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you But I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me And after all You're my wonderwall”
18. team // noah cyrus
this song is from @bobbimorseisbisexual’s fsk playlist (thanks al i love you) and it’s VERY GOOD for this ship. god, i have so many emotions about them being on the same team (which is part of why it’s so FRUSTRATING when the show tries to split them up-). especially because trust is such a big aspect of their relationship? look, these are three people who have been betrayed a lot, even by each other. it’s so IMPORTANT that they trust each other to be on the same team!! (also this song is one of the only songs i’ve ever heard that’s apparently singing to both a man and a woman, and i’m gonna ignore the fact that it’s a duet. let me have my poly songs.)
important lyrics: “Whenever you're winning I'll give you strength, boy And I'll share your name, girl 'Cause I'll always be on your, I'll always be on your team Yeah, I'll always be on your team”
19. i melt with you // modern english
this song is sponsored by @florchis, who not only was the person that first told me about this song but also named her entire fsk collection after one of the lyrics. she has very good taste. first off i love how high-energy and happy this song is. declaring your love for someone is a VERY fun thing to do in the best of circumstances! and i just love the idea of them taking time for each other in the middle of all of their shield business. i love them so much, y’all.
important lyrics: “Moving forward using all my breath Making love to you was never second best I saw the world crashing all around your face (let me hear you) Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace (c'mon)”
“I'll stop the world and melt with you You've seen the difference And it's getting better all the time There's nothing you and I won't do”
20. cornelia street // taylor swift
YES, i know this is the FOURTH tswift song on this list. she’s really good at songwriting, okay? also... y’all.. the VULNERABILITY. the LONGING. the idea of having to deal with the very real fear of loss fits VERY well for a ship where everyone involved is in mortal danger three times a week. also, the idea of never being able to separate the memories of a place from the people? that’s peak fsk. i know i keep saying this but they’re all HUGELY INFLUENTIAL on each other and it’s a BIG DEAL!! they’re never going to get over this relationship, this love, and I’m Never Going To Get Over Them.
important lyrics: “And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends I'd never walk Cornelia Street again That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend I'd never walk Cornelia Street again”
21. coroner’s report // molly ofgeography (aka @ofgeography)
first off, everyone should listen to this ENTIRE ALBUM because it’s VERY GOOD. secondly, i know this song is really sad but imagine this as steeling yourself for the series finale. canonverse fsk hurts SO MUCH, y’all, and i love them so much. the metaphor in this song is *chef’s kiss* and the guilt of losing love is.... yeah. i’m sad. please be sad with me.
important lyrics: “How do you bury love, and what gets carved into the stone? If I had waited by the window would love be safe and back at home?”
“We held hands in the procession, black and veiled and strange You said, ‘love was good when love was here,’ it didn't ease the ache“
22. two // sleeping at last
okay i definitely think that part of this is me being an extreme 2 and therefore considering this song the Peak of Romance. which is probably a little unhealthy but leave me alone. i don’t know enough about enneagram types to diagnose any of the ot3, but definitely this song resembles all of them to some extent, especially daisy. (i am in pain.) this song, to me, feels like daisy pining for fs in canonverse. (i am in PAIN.) she would ABSOLUTELY give parts of herself up for them and count on the fact that they wouldn’t notice. god, this hurts so much. i love this song so much. if it helps, i think in a happier universe they all also sacrifice parts of themselves for the others? which hurts too but in a good way.
important lyrics: “Tell me, is something wrong? If something's wrong, you can count on me You know I'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat”
“I just want to build you up, build you up 'Til you're good as new And maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself too“
23. fair // the amazing devil
this song is CRIMINALLY unknown. GO LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW AND THEN MEET ME BACK HERE. this song just screams fsk at me. the humor, the depths of love, the good-natured resentment, the depths of love... god. it’s so good. i definitely think the strength of their emotions for each other overwhelm them sometimes. i think they find comfort with each other, i think they tease each other, i think they’re disgustingly in love all the time. god.
important lyrics: “She promises to fight them all when it all becomes too much And he, he curses at the world for Leaving him behind and he's falling out of touch And she is stronger than he's ever been he knows And she brushes her hand through His hair, he's got so much fucking hair”
“And he holds her close just to keep the world at bay And when they're sure no-one can hear them She'll turn to him to say, she'll turn to him and say It's not fair, It's not fair how much I love you“
(yes i DID copy more than i’ve been copying for the rest, because the songwriting in this song and album are PHENOMENAL and YES i will harass y’all until you listen to it because LOOK AT HOW GOOD IT IS.)
24. arms unfolding // dodie
i know, i know, this is a really short song. but it’s really pretty and i think it fits daisy, like, extremely well. think about daisy during early s4, specifically. she loves them enough to break down her walls. that’s what this song is about. and that’s what i’m gonna go cry over now. god this post is so long what the heck.
important lyrics: “Hope I'm not tired of rebuilding 'Cause this might take a little more I think I'd like to try Look at you And feel the way I did before”
“You know I could live without or with you But I might like having you about“
25. making love out of nothing at all // air supply
okay, so i admit it, i’m actually a HUGE fan of really cheesy 80s music. but i really love this song for them? especially jemma. i think it fits jemma really well. first off, it’s that good old vulnerability with admitting that she doesn’t know everything! and it’s admitting that she specifically doesn’t know what she’s doing with this relationship! and admitting how much she loves both of them even though she might not have wanted to! and i think she’s just... so amazed, so so amazed at the way that fitz and daisy are able to forgive and be loving even when they’re in the worst situations? which is definitely a big message of this song. (oh jemma, i love you and your violent tenancies. i see al’s valid criticisms and i am Loving You Anyway.)
important lyrics: “I know all the rules and then I know how to break 'em And I always know the name of the game But I don't know how to leave you And I'll never let you fall”
“And I don't know how you do it Making love out of nothing at all”
jesus CHRIST this got long. i actually also had a bunch more songs that i didn’t have a LOT to say about but i thought they fit anyways, so uh, honorable mentions:
can’t help falling in love // elvis presley (”wise men say only fools rush in / but i can’t help falling in love with you”)
the longest time // billy joel (they’ve influenced each other)
after all // peter cetera & cher (they’re never going to be able to forget the influence they have on each other)
leave a tender moment alone // billy joel (daisy pov for skimmons. that is all)
she // dodie (i am Soft and Gay and skimmons is also Soft and Gay)
bremen // pigpen theatre co. (honestly idk what to say here, it’s just The Vibe)
say something // a great big world (similar vibe to ordinary people)
saturn // sleeping at last (Science and also Influence On Each Other)
celeste // ezra vine (thanks to al for this one too, i REALLY want to write a fic about them and this song at some point)
 you’re the inspiration // chicago (i just love the sound of this song. also i think all of them - but jemma especially - are inspired by the others to be better)
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Imagines with Taromaru (BNHA X Reader)
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I couldn’t resist! This doesn’t even make sense I just had to write something with Taromaru! >.< 
Taromaru’s the cutest anime dog I’ve ever seen! So think of it as a bit of a cross-over? Sorta... anyhoo... I couldn’t resist lol this is also inspired by that Teen Titans episode “Can I Keep Him?” and also just think of if it as like 1-A having a tiny puppy instead of a wolf-dog and these are all headcanons with you, the reader, having the sweet little puppy as a pet and 1-A getting to share the experience whenever you bring him over!! 
And partially based off of my own puppy who has a bad habit of stealing... certain articles of clothing...
With this one! I will also make separate works with Taromaru as your pet~! 
Living in the dorms meant a few things, and one of those was ‘No pets’, obviously.
Except you weren’t always one to pay attention to the rules, but especially not when you found this little puppy just wandering about all by himself, looking so cute and happily barking at you. He was the cutest little Shiba Inu puppy that you had ever seen in your life. And he let you pet him as he gave a happy whine when you gave him little head scratches.
You didn’t see a collar on him or anything, so you decided to give him a name. Taromaru sounded like a good name.
How could you not take this precious little baby with you home? You couldn’t resist as you brought him to your house with you and he quickly became your new pet. Taromaru was so cute though that there were times where you just couldn’t resist and sometimes took him to the dorms, by sneaking him in of course whenever it was lunch and dinner time and took him out whenever he wanted to go outside. You quickly learned that Taromaru was a very smart little puppy as he seemed to quickly adapt to the surroundings of UA and understood that this is where you lived.
You were a lot more cheerful because of this sweet little guy, and your classmates all noticed the change in your demeanor, especially your closest friends Izuku, Shinsou, Uraraka, Todoroki and hell even Bakugo noticed how annoyingly happy you had been lately.
“Hee-hee I just got a really good feeling lately… it’s a new year, and sure some shit’s happened and it’s only the beginning of the new year but still! I have a good feel about it now!” You brushed it off to Izuku, Shinsou, Uraraka and Todoroki, and they didn’t entirely buy it but gave you the benefit of the doubt.
“Mm-hmm.” Shinsou clearly didn’t believe you, but for some reason didn’t wanna press on it.
“Okay, I suppose you have a point.” Izuku believed you a little bit more though as he gave you a smile and as you smiled back at him nervously, thinking that you had successfully lied about Taromaru. Why were you lying about him? Well it was more because of the fact that he at times was IN the dorms and now some of your friends were wondering why their shoes were found outside and then there was last week’s incident with the trash bag suddenly being found spilt in the kitchen.
Iida was furious and there was no way you could come clean about that, but you were acting weird lately and it didn’t go unnoticed by your friends even though you were trying so hard to keep this a secret.
He was your secret pet. Was it against the rules to bring an animal into the dorms? Absolutely. Iida was going to kill you with lectures if he ever found an animal in the dorms, but you couldn’t resist. And it was only sometimes, not all the time! Just on the days where he was being too cute for you to resist and on the days where he actually followed you to school…
One day was one of those days and you realized that he was barking at you as you entered your dorm-room. “Taromaru?! Shhh…! You were supposed to stay home boy… oh… they’re still suspicious about the last time you were here…” You quietly scolded the happy puppy, who was just loving the way you were petting him on the head.
“I can’t just leave you in my room… but I can’t let you run around either…” You whined a little bit as you thought outloud on what you could do for the puppy, and the only option you could do that would be the best possible thing since you knew the puppy would make some kind of mess if he was left inside a building all by himself. “If I let you run around outside… you’d come back right?”
Of course, you could trust the pup to actually listen because he did know to stay within the school grounds, but you weren’t sure just how MUCH you could trust him.
On top of that…
The second you and everyone arrived back to the dorms they were met with a HUGE mess… there was food all over the floor, spilled milk and orange juice, the trash can tipped over and the pillows from the couch were chewed up…
You turned white as all of your classmates took this horror in, “W-What in the world has happened to our dorms?!” Iida was the most horrified as several others also chimed in to express their shock and confusion.
“This looks like the aftermath of a bad party…”
“Looks more like a miniature tornado hit…”
“This tornado has teeth apparently.”
But then the wiser Jirou pointed that out as she picked up a pillow that had been chewed up with the felt and plush exposed and spilling out of the open seams that had been torn open with a sharp pair of jaws.
That made you increasingly nervous as you broke out into a sweat and tried to not say anything, “I-Is it a rat?!”
“Or a raccoon maybe?”
Others started to speculate that some kind of creature was probably lurking about though since some of the food was eaten.
“That’s likely. Given that this has happened before, so classmates please be on the lookout! We’ll have to seriously sanitize this entire building if that’s the case… ” Iida shuddered in disgust at the thought, but he started to think that there must have been some kind of creature, probably a raccoon, in their dorms and they would have to clean the place after they find it. And he put Kouda in charge since he could probably call the creature and urge it to leave so that way they wouldn’t have to savagely kill an animal.
This completely unnerved you though because you had a feeling that Taromaru was still in the building, and now everyone knew that SOMETHING was in here, and it was one thing when only one student was aware of having a small animal in the building with no one else knowing. But now the other twenty-one students knew there was probably a small animal in the building and now the chances of finding him were bigger.
“What’s up with you (Y/N)?”
While you were sweating bullets Shinsou seemed to catch onto how nervous you were, as if you knew something that the others didn’t, “W-What?! What are you talking about?!” You shouted, and suddenly felt more than one pair of eyes on you. Bakugo, Izuku, Uraraka and Todoroki all to be precise as they looked at you for an answer.
“You seem anxious…”
“Is everything okay?”
“You’re acting strangely lately.”
“So spill it already, stop fucking hiding.”
Izuku, Uraraka, Todoroki and Bakugo each asked you respectively, but you couldn’t just tell them straight-up because you knew one of them might tattle. Maybe not Uraraka though, her you could trust. Maybe even Todoroki too since he wasn’t one to follow ALL the rules, although considering his last interaction with a ‘mutt’ you weren’t certain how he’d react to a little puppy.
“Me?!” You pointed at yourself with a nervous grin, “Yeah! Everything’s fine! Why wouldn’t it be?!” Lying was something you weren’t as good at as you thought, now Shinsou and Bakugo were just leering at you for answers… until you screamed so suddenly to try and distract them.
“AHHHHHHH! I SAW A TAIL!! A TAIL!!” You quickly pointed forward so that way they could hopefully believe you as the five of them immediately whipped their heads around to see if there was something there. And with your telekinesis quirk you lifted yourself away from them fast to run around the corner.
“HEY! Where are you going?!”
You could hear Bakugo calling out for you the second you disappeared, he knew it! He knew you were hiding something! But you were going to deny, deny, deny, even if you got caught. Except you weren’t going to get caught, you weren’t!
“Does this belong to you (L/N)?”
You jumped, screamed and flinched when you heard a very calm voice, and saw that it was no one other than Shouji, carrying the tiny little puppy in a pair of his arms. Taromaru looked very comfortable and happy, like he trusted the large boy as he barked happily at you.
“Taromaru!” You didn’t mean to excitedly exclaim his name, because now that more or less was a way of saying ‘yes’, he belonged to you.
“I’m not sure if Iida’s going to like this.” Shouji was concerned and while he certainly liked seeing such a cute little dog he knew that the uptight class rep was NOT going to like this very much. “Okay, okay I know, I know you’re right… Taromaru trashed the place… he didn’t mean to, and I swear I didn’t take him with me! Today… he just… followed…” You nervously giggled as Taromaru jumped out of Shoji’s arms to make his way into yours, panting happily as you pet him.
“Guess he didn’t want to leave you.” He was oddly understanding, and it was clear he was going to keep your secret, for as long as you wanted to keep it that is. “Shouji you’re a life-saver, thanks for finding him, I honestly wasn’t sure if I was going to find him later on once I found out he followed me and-“
“(Y/N)! Where the hell are you?!”
Bakugo’s voice made you freeze and stop mid-way into your sentence as Taromaru whined upon hearing such loud volume, and quickly he jumped out of your arms to run off, “Taromaru don’t-!” You called out for the dog but he took off running fast. Man that little guy was fast…
Shouji wasn’t sure what to say once Bakugo showed up, so he had no choice but to hold his tongue as you tried to look innocent and crossed your arms, “What the hell was that?! Just running off on me like that!”
It wasn’t just him, Todoroki, Izuku, Uraraka and Shinsou had followed because they were concerned for you. And didn’t find that thing with that tail that you claimed to see, but were certain that you had to have seen it.
“We’ll need your help finding that thing you saw.” Todoroki wanted to be polite to you though since Bakugo was just screaming at you.
“And who the hell is Taromaru?!”
Oh fuck, Bakugo heard you say his name?
“Taromaru? What a cute name!” Uraraka couldn’t help but chirp though, even though she was wondering who that was, as was Izuku and Shinsou. They didn’t know anyone named ‘Taromaru’.
“Who’s Taromaru?” You kept your arms crossed and looked away and feigned innocence but all it did was piss Bakugo off. “I heard you! You said it!” He pointed at you angrily, but you kept denying it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You uttered as Bakugo practically screamed in annoyance, “DAMMIT (Y/N) STOP LYING TO ME!”
Another scream suddenly and thankfully interrupted as it urged you and your friends to rush forth to find a very scared Aoyama having jumped into a startled and struggling Mina’s arms. “I felt something brush up against my leg!” He practically cried as Mina grunted from how heavy he felt in her arms, “I couldn’t see it… he just suddenly jumped in my arms…!!” She exclaimed, being brought down to her knees because Aoyama was a bit too heavy for her…
“Dammit Aoyama…” She whined as they hit the ground and you tried not to snicker, “So it is a creature.” Todoroki believed you now when you said you saw something, but he, like everyone else, assumed it was a raccoon or even a rat. And Uraraka was starting to believe you too, but Bakugo, Shinsou and Izuku knew better than that.
“That’s right! I thought it was! I know what I saw!” You claimed, ignoring the small sigh coming from Shouji. He didn’t recommend deception but knew you didn’t want to give up your puppy so he didn’t say anything.
“Who’s Taromaru?” Bakugo asked you again, he wasn’t going to let you not answer his question as you swallowed, “A new friend…” So you answered him, and it wasn’t a complete lie so that came off a little bit easier but Bakugo was still skeptical.
“Oh yeah?” He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at you while Shinsou was also giving you a look while Izuku just looked worried for you.
“Hey! Look a puppy!” Kirishima suddenly exclaimed, and rather happily when he actually saw Taromaru come his way, especially when the little pup stopped to happily pant up at him. “Oh God! There’s a dog… it’s a dog, hey it’s a dog!” “Awww… look how little he is!” And Kaminari and Sero quickly noticed once they heard Kirishima say that there was a puppy here.
“Arf arf! Arf! Arf!”
“Awww he’s so cute!” Kirishima couldn’t help but fawn over how cute the tiny dog was, kneeling down to pet and scratch the little doggy’s ears as Taromaru happily whined and let himself be pet and scratched. “Aww… he is…” Sero and Kaminari couldn’t resist him either, Taromaru was being so cute that they had to pet him.
Oh no, you thought, hoping that your loud classmate didn’t catch Iida’s attention, although you were glad that at least it was Kirishima that Taromaru ran into. “Puppy…?” Izuku wasn’t sure he heard right, and hoping he didn’t. “Puppy?! Where?!” But Uraraka hoped so, and she quickly ran to where Kirishima was, with you following quick and an irritated Bakugo in tow while confused Shinsou, Izuku and Todoroki followed, as did an exasperated Shouji.
“Oh my goodness! It is a puppy!” And Uraraka promptly beamed when she saw the doggy being pet by Kirishima, “He’s adorable!” Yet the redhead and his friends didn’t seem to stop to think and wonder why was a dog in here and HOW did he get in here?
“HI!” Uraraka just cared about saying hi to the cute little thing as she gave him a sweet little pat on his head as he barked happily, earning a huge ‘AWWWWW!’ from her, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero.
“What’s a dog doing here?” Finally, the sensible Todoroki pondered outloud when they saw the dog and that’s when he, Izuku, Shinsou and Bakugo began to think that THIS was the reason the dorms got trashed. However, then those four immediately turned to look at you and made you flinch and freeze in fear.
“W-Why are you guys looking at me like that…?” You asked them very nervously even though you crossed your arms to try and look innocent.
“Oh look! His collar says his name’s ‘Taromaru’!” You shut your eyes in frustration when Kirishima read the collar and gave away the puppy’s name which made Bakugo growl and glare at you. You lied… he knew you did but still!
“It’s nice to meet you Taromaru!” Uraraka happily greeted the excitable puppy who was loving all the attention he was getting from everyone, “A new friend huh?” Bakugo asked you in a very irritated tone as you sighed, “I was technically telling the truth… he IS a new friend… that came with me without any permission, I need to take him back home now-.” Rather than explaining yourself, you had to make your way over to get your little puppy before he runs off again…
“You’re not off the hook!” But Bakugo made sure to let you know because he was still pissed at you for lying to him. How could you not tell him you got a dog?! And on top of that you got a dog! A dog!
“Okay, okay! Just let me take care of it!” You exclaimed in mild annoyance, going over to Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari and Uraraka to retrieve the little dog. “So he’s yours (L/N)? He’s so cute…” Kirishima asked you, almost unable to really stop paying his attention on the happy puppy. “Hee-hee, yes he is… I just got him… he kinda stowed away though so… that’s why the place is a mess…”
“Ohhh little naughty guy… wait a minute, so YOU chewed up my shoes?! Aww man…” Kaminari thought it was cute until he realized that Taromaru had to have been the one who chewed up his shoes. “Hehe yeah and Iida’s, and Ojiro’s, and Bakugo’s, and Aoyama’s…” Sero then listed off several ruined shoes that apparently Taromaru had to have chewed up and ruined over the past week.
“HEY! You mean that little shit’s the reason why my favorite shoes are completely fucked?!” But Bakugo was furious when he found out that apparently Taromaru demolished his favorite shoes. “B-Be nice now Katsuki he didn’t mean it… he’s just being a puppy…” You had to defend your pup though especially when Taromaru started whining.
“Aww… well we have to make sure he leaves here without Iida seeing him, he’s going to lose if if-“ Uraraka wanted to help you get Taromaru out of here, but right at that moment is when Iida arrived to see all of his classmates huddled up for some reason.
“What’s going on here?!” He asked somewhat sternly, since they were supposed to be finding the intruder that trashed the dorms, but then he saw said intruder. “Ah! I-Is that a dog?!” Iida didn’t mean to freak out, but animals weren’t exactly his forte since for some reason they didn’t like him…?
“Woof! Woof! Woof!”
“I-Iida! Y-Yes he’s… please don’t be upset, h-he didn’t mean to-.” Izuku knew how much you loved Taromaru, he could see that you really adored the puppy and didn’t want you or him to get in trouble so he defended you and him. “Who does he belong to?” Iida kept his voice level even though frankly, he was furious.
You sighed heavily and raised your hand, “Before you get mad… I just wanted to say that I didn’t bring him here on purpose… today…” You mumbled that last part quietly, “You let him in here on purpose before?!” But based on what you were implying, Iida came to the conclusion that apparently you let him in here OTHER times deliberately, which explained some of the messes and trash littered all over the floor from last week…
So you had no choice but to explain that you didn’t MEAN to let him make a mess, and that it just happened because you let him wander about the school grounds, but that he somehow got in the dorms because Taromaru was VERY smart.
However, naturally you had to endure a lecture from both Iida AND Aizawa and now you had suspension along with a full day of cleaning the entire building top to bottom to make up for Taromaru’s damage. On the bright side, at least you had miraculously gotten permission from Aizawa to bring Taromaru over under the promise that you keep him under wraps and don’t let him make anymore mess. You were more than happy to take up that promise as Taromaru basically became the ‘mascot’ of 1-A.
Taromaru was a sweet dog, and he had a LOT of new love for his new friends, but especially if it was you, and Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima and Kouda. 
“A-Ah…! Taromaru! Don’t lick me!” He tended to lick Midoriya’s face in the morning to wake him up, even though the wet tongue felt kind of strange. Still Midoriya always smiled at him and pet him, because he took a fast liking to the puppy. He was sweet and cute, and Taromaru kind of reminded him of you because you always made him happy too...
“I can see why (Y/N) took you in…” Giggling a little bit, he found the puppy adorable and was honestly happy to have him as their class’s mascot.
Although he was a little bit difficult for some, particularly Todoroki who was hopelessly awkward with most people, and that included animals. Such a tiny little thing, Todoroki would sometimes just stare at the dog curiously, wondering and almost envying what an easy life he had. Didn’t have to worry about having a quirk, didn’t have to please anyone, all he had to do was sleep and eat, and get pet…
Then when the dog barked at him happily he wasn’t sure what to make of that, “Do you want something?” Like the dog was going to answer him, it was a dog. Yet Taromaru still barked at him, tail wagging as he ran a circle around the bewildered dual-haired boy.
“He wants you to pet him…” You chuckled in amusement at poor Todoroki’s cluelessness. The poor thing’s probably never had a pet though, so of course he didn’t know how to react or respond to a tiny animal. “I see…” Todoroki’s never had the chance to be around many animals, that was true, and obvious.
“Arf! Arf!”
So it felt kind of strange to kneel down for the first time, but you helped him by telling him to offer his hand out for the puppy to sniff. Taromaru sniffed the hand and happily started to lick at it vigorously, an action that made Todoroki visibly cringe as he instinctively retracted it as you snickered and laughed.
“Hey! He licked you! That means he likes you!” You chirped rather happily, which didn’t ease Todoroki’s confusion but when he saw that happy, dopey look on Taromaru, he felt strange. In a good way that It was his right hand that he used, but still. If that little puppy actually liked him enough to give him a lick, then that meant he had to have been good right?
And then the puppy jumped and even put his paws on his legs, which made him flinch a bit, but he still smiled at him, and decided that maybe this puppy wasn’t so bad.
He wasn’t the only one who thought so, almost the entire class quickly took a liking to Taromaru, and Taromaru liked them too. Kouda loved to play with him and talk to him, which made it easy to give him commands, and Satou and Shouji also really enjoyed the dog because Taromaru was very friendly to them both. Something that surprised Shouji because most animals found him too scary-looking, but not Taromaru. So it was nice to have a little puppy rest in his lap and wag his tail at him happily.
And the girls ADORED him and thought he was the cutest little thing ever, along with Kouda’s bunny of course. Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Mina and Hagakure especially cooed over how sweet and cute little Taromaru was and always pet him whenever he was in the room.
“He is just too cute (Y/N)! I love him!” Uraraka had the little puppy in her lap as he leaned up to lick her face, “Ah no!” She playfully squealed as Mina had to lean in to pet him, “He’s too cute! I’m so glad Mr. Aizawa let you let him have him on some days!”
“I know! I just adore him that I can’t help myself… thank goodness for that…” You smiled as it was Yaoyorozu’s turn to pet and love Taromaru. “Oh Shiba Inu are so cute, you’re so cute~.” She was babytalking him, and Taromaru instantly took a liking to her as he nuzzled into her, climbing up her chest so he could lick at her face. “Oh my!” And she giggled happily as Jirou, Tsuyu and the other girls found it absolutely endearing.
“Tell me about it…”
Tsuyu and Jirou both smiled as Uraraka, Hagakure and Mina all exclaimed “AWWWWWW!!” at Taromaru’s cuteness, but the guys…
“That dog is so lucky and he doesn’t even know it!! How can that be fair?! Why is he the one getting so close to the girls?! Just because he’s a small animal?! I wanna be the one tasting Yaoyorozu’s face and in her lap!” Mineta vented to Kaminari and Sero with tears in his eyes and a clenched fist, wishing it was HIM in Momo’s lap and licking her face with his hands on her chest while also being loved by the other girls… that should be him! Not some dog!
“Cuz he’s actually cute AND sweet you little creep…” Sero was a nice guy, but didn’t really put up with Mineta being disgusting like this. “Yeah but… I AM a little jealous of that pup…” Kaminari didn’t approve of Mineta being extra gross, but he WAS kind of jealous at how a small dog got so much attention from the girls.
That being said, not ALL the guys were crazy about Taromaru. Especially not Mineta, Bakugo or Iida. “Taromaru! Sit down and no licking!” He often scolded him at dinnertime whenever the dog crawled under the table and licked at everyone’s feet as Ojiro, Midoriya, Hagakure, Kirishima and Sero had jumped due to the dog licking at their legs. 
Taromaru always came out whining whenever he was scolding. Iida didn’t necessarily dislike the dog, but he didn’t have the best luck with animals and was a little uncomfortable around them. Taromaru was especially willful as he didn’t really obey him unless you were there. “No likcing Taromaru.” You had to make him stop as Iida slumped in slight defeat.
“I’m not sure having a hyperactive puppy in the dorms is a good idea (L/N)…” Iida had to vent his slight frustrations to you while you were holding Taromaru in your lap after dinner. You stuck your tongue at him while your puppy happily whined and wagged his tail.
You understood where Iida was coming from though, “He’s a bit of a troublemaker I know but don’t worry Iida, I got this… besides… he brings a little excitement don’t you think? Look at him.” You held up your puppy and waved his little paw at your class rep.
Iida HAD to admit, the puppy WAS quite endearing, but he just wished he was a little more of an obedient dog. “Will you be a good boy and start listening more Taromaru?” He leaned in to ask the puppy, and Taromaru barked happily in reply and then gave him an affectionate lick across the nose…
“GAHH!! Dog germs!!”
Ever the germaphobe Iida ran off in horror to find the nearest bathroom as a means to wash his face and get the ‘germs’ off of him as you laughed your ass off and held your confused puppy. “Hee-hee good boy Taromaru!” You had to praise him for that. As much as you adored Iida, seeing him get so flustered and rattled up especially over something like germs.
“Of all the animals it had to be a dog…?” Shinsou knew you were hiding something, but why did it have to be a dog? Now Shinsou didn’t really have anything against dogs, he was just more of a cat person. “I couldn’t resist his face when I saw it! I mean look at him!” You beamed as you showed him Taromaru in your lap as he seemed REALLY comfortable before perking up to look at Shinsou.
“ARF!” He happily barked at the brainwasher, who just gave him a look in return, because Taromaru WAS really cute, but Shinsou was a devoted cat person, and would never admit it because he thought cats were cuter, “Your puppy dog eyes won’t work on me...” Shinsou spoke to the dog as if he was going to get a response, and to his shock, Taromaru jumped out of your lap so he could lick at a disgusted Shinsou’s face.
“Gah! He’s got… dog breath…!” He exclaimed as you burst into laughter at his expense. Shinsou did pick him up so you could have him back, and also wash his face because man that dog did NOT have pleasant breath… and now THAT was the class’s mascot?
Yes. Yes he was.
Taromaru was actually really good for the class, because petting him actually eased the classes’ stress at times, and somehow the dog knew how to be comforting to someone who was having a bad day. And having a little puppy to pet and play with made the students of 1-A feel better and a little happier, especially if it was Kirishima, Uraraka and Kouda, three of the most prominent dog-lovers in the class, aside from you of course.
“Who’s a good boy? You are! That’s right!” Next to you, Kirishima seemed the most attached to Taromaru because he was so cute and so sweet he adored the pup. “Yes he is~!” You sang-songed and baby-talked which infuriated the HELL out of Bakugo.
Unlike the rest of his classmates, he didn’t take to the puppy nearly as fast. In fact, he didn’t seem to like Taromaru much at all. But the puppy returned the feelings because Bakugo yelled at him and now he growled at him and avoided him at every turn.
“What are you looking at mutt?” He would ask the puppy, who angrily barked and then growled at him, which actually provoked Bakugo to growl back at him, until Taromaru barked again and ran off. “Oh sure run away!” He didn’t care if the dog liked him though, not really. It was just annoying that everyone in this damn place, especially you, loved him so much.
Even when he was being a little shit and causing trouble for everyone still, as he was constantly playing about with everyone. And still had an issue with taking shoes… Again. “Uwah! Non! Non! Taromaru!” Aoyama had nothing against the puppy though, but he really didn’t want to have to get another pair of shoes again…
“Ah! Taromaru! No!” Ojiro actually loved the dog, but Taromaru had a fixation with his tail and always caused him pain whenever he felt those little teeth dig into it…
“I’m gonna get you!” Dark Shadow actually really liked the puppy, and Taromaru always wanted to play with him and the puppy ran away with a happy bark as he jumped away from the shadow’s arms. Tokoyami didn’t have a problem with the puppy, even if Taromaru often barked at him (by dog instinct) and constantly tried to ‘attack’ him which resulted in just jumping and putting his little paws on his legs.
He loved being chased, and you were often the one to chase after him so he didn’t cause anymore trouble for anyone. Right now you were chasing him down because this time it wasn’t shoes he stole…
“Taromaru! Drop it!” You called for him and had him cornered as he had something in his teeth, growling at you playfully as you tried to take back the article of clothing. It was definitely a cloth of sorts, and a light shade of grey, but Taromaru took off running before you could make out if it was a sock or something. And once he took off you could hear your classmates shouting in the common room.
“Don’t look!”
“What is that?!”
You ran back to see Taromaru, having a match of tug-o-war with Sero, but the latter didn’t want to hurt the little puppy’s teeth. “Ohhh please! Just… let it go…!” Oh God why did some of his classmates have to be here?
“Taromaru! Drop it!” Finally, Taromaru got the message and let go, but sent Sero tumbling backwards as he let out a small shout and felt the puppy jump on his chest and then take off running again.
You, Mina, Kirishima and Kaminari were snickering at poor Sero’s expense before you tried to see what it was that Taromaru took and picked it up. “Eek! No don’t touch that!” Your embarrassed classmate cried out as you dropped the cloth, and once it hit the floor you saw it… a pair of briefs…
“Ah it’s underwear… it’s underwear… again…” You blushed quite heavily and averted your eyes as Sero quickly picked up and hid it behind his back, “I-It’s not!” He exclaimed in embarrassment and blushed madly while his friends were all just laughing at him.
“Guess Taromaru likes your underwear…?” Mina asked the mortified Sero who quickly yelled back at her, “It’s not just me! I saw him take some of the others too!” It was true, Taromaru gained a habit of stealing underwear so he could chew it up…
You sighed and shook your head, “I’m sorry Sero, I need to make him not do that…” He already stole a VERY mortified Izuku, Iida and Ojiro’s undergarments, and it was bad enough when he was biting shoes. This became a quick and new bad habit…
“Kouda! Please get him to come back!”
“Taromaru! Don’t go that way!”
Your eyes went wide when you heard Tokoyami and Kouda’s voices calling out to the puppy, who came back quickly with an article of dark purple clothing in his mouth. Something you could only assume was underwear and you had to hold back ANY snicker that wanted to leave you, especially when you saw Tokoyami arrive, looking unusually irritated and partially humiliated.
“Don’t. You. Dare. Laugh.” 
He outright warned you AND everyone else in the common room, as Kaminari already closed his mouth with his hands when Taromaru barked happily with the underwear still in his mouth.
As much as you wanted to make a joke, you knew that this had to stop, and thankfully Kouda managed to convince the puppy to let go of the undergarments… but then he went back to run in another direction to find someone else’s…
“AH! Taromaru!!”
The trouble neverr stopped and the fun (and humiliation for some) never ended...  
Taromaru was much too quick, and just seemed to be a troublemaker by nature, however, he ultimately didn’t do anything too-too bad. And honestly still served to entertain and put your classmates at ease because he made them all happy.
“You’re a handful boy… do you know that?” You asked the puppy in your lap at the couch of the now peaceful common room, with your closest friends Izuku, Shinsou and Uraraka with you. Taromaru only barked in response as he nuzzled you lovingly, earning a chuckle from Izuku, an “Awww~!” from Uraraka, an ‘ugh’ from Bakugo who just leaned against the wall of the room and a scoff from Shinsou.
“Maybe… but… I’m glad we have him now.” Izuku said exactly what you were thinking, “Me too!” Uraraka quickly agreed with him, and you knew that the rest of your classmates could agree that Taromaru made a wonderful addition to the class. Even if Bakugo wasn’t crazy about him, at least he made you happy…
“So am I…” You smiled softly as you pet the happy and relaxed puppy as Taromaru gave you a very happy ‘ARF!’
“Kaminari…” Mineta was grinning widely as Kaminari perked up to see his tiny friend in the empty common room, along with the tiny puppy staring right at him with a pair of… briefs in his teeth? “Ohoho… are those….?” Kaminari was aware that the puppy had a habit of stealing underwear, but were those really…?
“They are!! This little guy helped me find the motherload!” Mineta happily exclaimed, cheeks red as he held all the underwear in his arms as Taromaru barked at him with his tail wagging. Taromaru knew those scents very well, and was happy to steal them, albeit without any idea of what Mineta intended to do with them…
“Whoa... those are... actual underwear.... you really just... took them huh? Ehehehe... uhhhh… are they at least… clean…?” Kaminari was visibly uncomfortable and flustered just seeing this, his friend really had no standards did he? And had no idea why he even asked that question, but if Mineta was really going to do what he was afraid he’d do he hoped they were at least clean since he was certain that this was definitely crossing a line...
And he cringed as soon as he heard a rather loud, firm SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFF…
As Mineta pressed his nose against the crotch of the red fabric, his entire little body shuddering in pleasure as he gave a huge, trembling sigh, “They are not… no… they’re very not clean…” He gave Kaminari a huge, nauseating grin with blood running down his nose which kinda made him back away ever so slightly.
“So many panties so little time…” The little pervert drooled as he had several other briefs among him that he was shamelessly sniffing and it honestly unnerved Kaminari. Man, that little dog loved underwear, and it wasn’t even for perverted reasons unlike Mineta here…
“I love this dog… he can stay, he is the real hero here…”
“I dunno man… I don’t think-.”
“What are you little perverts up to?!” You sharply and somewhat angrily asked the two boys as Mineta and Kaminari jumped in horror when they saw you with your hands on your hips, looking quite pissed, with an equally pissed-looking Shinsou with his arms crossed.
They were caught in the act, along with Taromaru just barking happily at you as your pissed look quickly melted and you knelt down to pet the puppy, “Aww you’re the only innocent one at all here Taromaru.” You cooed at the little guy which made Shinsou roll his eyes.
“Innocent you say? That’s not true actually (L/N)! He’s the one who’s always stealing everyone’s underwear! I’m the one who caught him in the act and he stole all of these panties!” He claimed, pointing at the pup and then at all the briefs that you DID recall Taromaru stealing, but at least he was just being a curious, innocent dog, Mineta was being a perverted, disgusting dog…
You just glared at the little creep, “Oh yeah?” Might as well punish him by scarring him for life, “I don’t get you Mineta… why are you so vile? I know Taromaru did take the underwear, but that’s just him being a dog, dogs are curious about the scents left on by people they’re comfortable with. You… you’re just being disgusting, humans are NOT supposed to smell each other like that, or at all…” Even though you were trying to chastise him, he was STILL sniffing each of the undergarments he held in his arms while you had to hold it in as you watched him practically inhale the smell of the red briefs, the dark purple briefs, and then the orange ones and grey ones and white ones with a glittery lace…
“Panties sometimes have fallen pubes in them you know that right?” You wondered if he had ANY standards at all, but he just grinned at you disgustingly with blood on streaming down his nose and getting on all the underwear. “Oh I know… but I don’t mind…” His words and expression made Shinsou sneer at him in absolute disgust.
But then he saw you smirking, “Mineta I’ve been around during laundry day, and had to stop Taromaru because he has a habit of taking underwear so… I know whose is whose and… those belong to Kirishima, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Ojiro and Sero.” You finally revealed whose underwear it was Mineta was sniffing as the little pervert’s eyes went wide as he stared at the undergarments he carried in horror…
And screamed bloody murder as he promptly dropped them all to the floor, falling to the ground and staring with the most distraught look you had ever seen on him and practically foaming from the mouth as if his soul were about to leave him as you burst into raucous laughter and pointed, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Kaminari and Shinsou were both mildly horrified, disgusted and amused when they realized that it was apparently some of the GUY’s underwear that Mineta had, and somewhat relieved but still disgusted by what their classmate had done. “Ohhhhh dude…! HAHAHAHA! That is SICK!” It was still gross and perverted but Kaminari still laughed at his friend’s expense and pointed at him along with you, and Shinsou couldn’t hold in his snickers or the laugh leaving him especially when he saw you with your phone out, having recorded the whole thing.
“You’re bad (Y/N)…” He complimented you with a smirk as you shared a fist-bump with him, “I know~.” Giggling you recorded Mineta’s expression and then at Taromaru who was innocently panting, “Good boy Taromaru~.” You smiled as you knelt down to pet your sweet, happy puppy who barked at you, all the while Mineta was still trembling and looking quite nauseated and horrified…
“That dog is evil… pure evil…” The grape boy shuddered, and didn’t even notice the rest of his classmates come in. Including the VERY angry, VERY humiliated owners of the underwear who quickly snatched their undergarments back from the ground, only to cringe when they found blood and drool on them…
“Great... he touched it, now I have to burn it…” Sero muttered and shook his head as the other embarrassed and flustered males nodded in agreement, and you made sure to go and tell Iida what Mineta’s intentions were to do and that you were kinda happy that it ended up being the boy’s underwear instead of the girl’s.
“Iida… I think Mineta could use some detention, or ideally expulsion?” You asked the class rep now that you showed him some bonafide proof of Mineta smelling your classmate’s underwear. “Effective immediately…” The taller male muttered as calmly as possible even though he was visibly shaking with annoyance, disgust and anger.
Aizawa didn’t trust to leave Mineta alone in the dorms and clean everywhere, so he gave him at-home suspension for about a week along that required him to tend a one-hour ‘respect women’ class on each of those days. “Atta boy Taromaru.” All you could do was praise Taromaru though, even though you had a feeling the dog didn’t know what he was doing, he nonetheless gave you and the other girls a week off from that pervert.
“Very good boy!” And Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Mina, Jirou and Hagakure all surrounded you and him so they could pet the puppy for being such a good boy and gave him praises such as “Good boy!” “You’re such a good boy!”
You could tell the puppy loved it as he would get on his back to let all of the girls pet him and he gave them sweet little kisses, much to the guys amusement and Bakugo’s annoyance.
“Hee-hee… Taromaru~. I love you~.” You giggled as you pet the little puppy on the top of the head as he happily panted and wagged his tail.
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blitz-and-hearth · 5 years
Some empty cups family trans headcanons because I’m feeling dysphoric after being called she all Thanksgiving and need that good shit right now (tw for talking about periods, dysphoria, and transphobia) And when I say empty cups, I mean all the empty cups so long post beware 
Blitzen figured it out at a very young age, his father Bili had some nonbinary leanings (but didn’t know it was a thing when he was young) so he encouraged little Blitz to experiment with gender expression to his heart’s content  
He was probably about 7 or 8 when he decided to start going by male pronouns 
Blitzen is his birth name, dwarven names are usually pretty gender-neutral. He didn’t feel like he needed to change it 
Thanks to both male and female dwarves growing beards he’s pretty comfortable in his own skin even after puberty. He does end up getting top surgery the very minute he can though. Has no plans for bottom surgery 
It's just a transmasc thing
And you know he’s always wearing suits and ties not just because they’re fashionable but make him very euphoric
Dwarven culture isn’t much better than humans when it comes to accepting trans folk, however, they do consider cosmetic surgery a craft, so their own rules mean they have to respect any and all transitioning surgeries  
Mostly Blitzen just doesn’t talk about it much unless someone else brings it up. His father never made a big deal out of it so neither does he
Mostly situational dysphoria, when he’s around his mother or other people who knew him before he transition, other dwarves who can better tell the different subtleties of cis dwarf gender, and of course on the dreaded shark week 
Humans and Midgard are both awesome because they see the beard and can’t tell the difference between “male” vs “female” facial hair like other dwarves do. Very easy to pass there 
Hearthstone obviously was not in a safe place to explore his gender growing up
On top of all the other shit he had going on during his childhood he was constantly feeling wrong and uncomfortable in his own body 
Lots of dissociation and frustration
Alderman wouldn’t let him cut his hair, forced him to wear dresses, and constantly said shit like “bE mOrE lAdYlIkE”  
Hearthstone finally figures it out after accidentally stumbling across some websites while trying to research magic. It's just a post on a blog about some spell for good luck to help with transitioning but it’s how he learns being trans is like a real thing 
It was both great to know there were other people like him but also like the worst possible news because he knows he could never ever come out and transition while living under his parent’s roof 
He was only about 13 and lots of tears were had that night
The very next day he has his first period and just can not anymore 
Full snap, cuts his hair short for the very first time, binds his chest grabs what little he owns and gets the hell out of there that day 
Meets Blitzen like right after so needless to say he didn’t get much time to explore. He wasn’t about to come out to someone he just met, that shits scary what would he do if Blitzen didn’t accept him? He wouldn’t be strong enough to try world jumping for weeks and wouldn’t survive in Nidavellir without the sunbed 
Blitzen had his suspicions but obviously understood why he’d be nervous about coming out, so he just kept his mouth shut about it until Hearthstone felt like talking about it 
I’ve made a post about this before, but it happens on accident while Hearth is changing because a) he wasn’t allowed to lock doors growing up b) wouldn’t notice if you knocked to see if he’s in there anyway 
What’s not reflected in the comic is Blitzen silently screaming because Hearth has been using ace bandages to bind does he know how dangerous that is???? But he didn’t say anything about it right then because this was a sensitive situation and he wanted to make sure Hearthstone knew he was in the same boat and nothing would change before starting to scold him  
Hearthstone cried a lot
It's a big moment that builds their friendship and later romantic relationship and after that Hearthstone starts being a lot more honest about his past with Blitzen
Hearthstone isn’t his birth name, his dead name is probably something to do with flowers, super feminine and he hated it. He doesn’t have a real reason for choosing Hearthstone since it was a bit spur of the moment when Blitzen asked his name. Blitz later asked if he’s sure that's what he wants to go with and Hearthstone decides to stick with it 
Part of the deal with Mimir was his parents forgetting that he was born female. It really was no question at all which choice he’d take 
(Inge remembers but respects his pronouns because she’s a fucking decent person) 
It’s the only reason Alderman didn’t constantly misgender and deadname him. Being in his old home and seeing his father still reminds him of how it used to be though 
Hearth has more bad dysphoria days than good. Blitzen is always right there to tell him he looks handsome and very masculine today. Blitz doesn’t have as many bad dysphoria days but you bet your ass when he does Hearthstone will absolutely provide a constant flow of compliments until he starts to feel better   
Hearthstone used runes to transition because if you’re trans you’ve totally daydreamed about how awesome and less scary it would be if magic was real. He offered Blitzen to do the same but Blitz had already had top surgery and doesn't really want bottom surgery so he turns it down 
Magnus was also encouraged to try exploring his gender from a young age by his mother 
I mean.... Just take a moment look at Magnus’ mom for a sec 
Yeah that woman ain’t straight Magnus had a good childhood while she was around 
I still think it took him a while though
Just because he didn’t really think about it much until puberty happened 
He was just starting to think about his gender when his mother died 
Later looking back it makes him really sad that he never got to tell her
Then he was homeless and a bit busy 
He learned Blitzen and Hearth are both trans pretty quick though 
I think this is even mentioned in canon that there's not a lot of privacy living on the street 
Probably got an idea when he ran out of pads 
Magnus: Fuck I’m out of pads and still got like three days left :/ Blitzen: *handing him some spare pads* Here I got you covered kid Magnus: ?????? Why? do you have these???? 
He’s a little slow on the uptake bless him 
Eventually, he sees Blitz and Hearth’s chest scars and is like OH 
He starts asking them both a lot of questions, still thinking its just innocent curiosity but Blitz and Hearth are sharing knowing looks the whole time
Sure enough like only a few days later he’s like “I think I wanna go by Magnus now” 
His mother had mentioned to him that’s the name she’d have gone with if he’d been born male and he liked it enough to keep her wish 
I wanna say his dead name starts with a B? I dunno why    
Birthdays don’t mean much to Magnus while homeless but Blitzen and Hearthstone get him a binder for his 15th birthday, refuse to explain where they got it 
(Blitz made it but Hearth was the one to steal the materials he needed) 
Magnus obviously never had the option for medical transitioning while alive and homeless, but if given the choice he’d probably get on T but not have any surgeries
Jack is a sword who canonically picked his own name and it’s talked about there being female swords despite having no genital or way to tell, all living weapons choose their own gender he’s trans 
Samirah can’t remember not knowing she was a girl 
Like Alex she probably just knew from very early 
Her grandparents are mentioned being a bit more forward-thinking so while they’re probably not happy per se they allow her to experiment anyway, thinking it a phase 
It’s not a phase 
Her grandparents mess up her pronouns often and don’t get it all, but its happened less and less the longer she’s been going by female pronouns
They eventually arrange her a properly planned marriage once they realize she’s not changing her mind about being a girl, much to her pleasure  
Wearing her hijab and following other classic Muslim gender rules, like having a betrothed and not being alone with a boy, make her very euphoric and happy 
She knew right away Magnus was trans too since she like... literally handled his soul when taking him to Valhalla
Seems like something a Valkyrie would be able to tell 
Sam is very excited because this is the first time she’s met another trans person but doesn’t know how to bring it up 
I’m picturing it happening after they meet Thor when she and Magnus are talking by the campfire 
She just awkwardly blurts out “So uh gender huh?”
Magnus has no idea what she’s trying to say at first but once he does he’s very excited to talk trans with her 
ftm and mtf solidarity bitch!!!!
Then Alex gets thrown into the mix 
She doesn’t know about any of this  
Eventually, Sam finds the time to talk to her about her gender, and naturally Alex is ecstatic. It's part of why he takes such joy in being Sam’s chaperone
This happens pretty soon after Alex arrives in Vallhalla 
But Alex doesn’t find out the rest are trans too till much later 
It just sort of slips out from Blitz, a mention of feeling a bit dysphoric that day and Alex is like “!?!!!!” 
After hearing a bit more about Alex’s past Blitzen goes to Hearth and suggests he talk to her 
They have a very good venting session about growing up trans with shitty shitty parents 
Alex learns about Magnus last 
It’s when he comes to Magnus’ room after celebrating and Magnus got covered in chocolate 
Magnus has his shirt off and Alex sees his binder and is just like “!!!!!!” 
Magnus is a bit flustered but doesn’t really mind being seen shirtless since its Alex and he already knows he’s trans too so he’s not about to get attacked or called a slur 
Just like... Alex realizing his whole new little family is trans 
Just the whole empty cups fam being trans and all having very different ways of experiencing and expressing it but supporting each other through it all. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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