#I’ve been called shallow a few times too but like. darling. you don’t know anything about me.
nightmarist · 1 year
Not to have the pettiest of complaints but I was reminded: I’ve been “scolded” by people interested in me being told “you think you’re so cool :/” and it’s both funny and really annoying.
I assume it’s because I keep people at what I feel is a respectable distance in general and, well, I act overtly polite nearly to the point of theatrics. I can totally understand my brand of personality just isn’t people’s cup of tea, I’m extremely slow in the race so to speak, but it’s always people I’ve only known for like. Maybe 6 months who complain about it. I’m sorry but 6 months (especially talking just once or twice a week at most) is nowhere near enough for me to be genuinely vulnerable around you.
If you mean arrogant than I’m genuinely sorry to come across that way but frankly I think I deserve to be a bit overtly confident without having to explain myself. I was raised “old fashioned” with certain etiquette. Of course I’m going to be, again my version of, a Respectable Distance.
Likewise people I meet talk about “old fashioned” dating and courtship, how much they love pining and pride&prejuduce hand scene and Victorian ankle jokes until they meet someone with the weird countenance of a 1890s Victorian fop with intimacy issues that prefers long play courtship over short term dating. I’m sorry but you can’t speed run my affections within an hour and half, and I’m totally fine walking away from anyone who tries.
When I meet new people I’m going to act different than when I’m around my best friends of 10 years bc I’ve known them for Ten Years. I always assumed that’s. Normal. It’s so wild to me when people are jealous of my relationship with my friends. And even with them I’m a theatrical dandy with a few more swear words and modern colloquialisms. Overall I’m going to act like an anachronic dandy and I neither care nor want to change that, the General Public is a sometimes enamored by it and sometimes put off by it, my usual bank teller calls me dapper and a rando in McDonald’s called me a heathen so like. What about it.
Anyway nothing particularly hurtful or anything, just a few stand out encounters out of a few dozen over the years
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psychewithwings · 3 years
Pt. 1 A Visitor... Once Again  Kirishima x Goddess!reader
hello hello, this is my contribution to this months bnharem collab! The theme was ‘mythology and lore’ and hit very close to my ancient greek loving soul. We have so many wonderful writers and artists that have worked hard so pls check out the rest of the collab here!!!
I’ve been rather ill and so I’ll be breaking it up into parts, part 2 will be out as soon as I am feeling more myself (which will hopefully be next week). Please enjoy a story about 2 of my favourite characters. Kirishima Eijirou, as his hero self (tho with a demi-god twist) and reader! as Kalypso, the goddess, daughter of Atlas, the titan who holds up the sky. Her curse is that she is forced to live alone on an island and fall in love with any visitor who falls to her shores. Once she falls for them, she is forced to ask if they would like to stay and she may grant them immortality if they say yes, and if not? They may leave. They have no way of leaving the island until she falls in love. She is a kind and wonderful character and I have a lot of love for her, (perhaps I relate to her a bit too much) so it is an honor to tell a new version of her story. 
This is set in present day even tho Kalypso is an ancient greek figure, Kirishima is about 25-28 here? Pro hero Kiri!
TW: a small sex scene in the beginning, little bit of dirty talk, penetration
“Fuck, thats it baby, feel it going all the way inside? Feels good right?” You moan into his neck, “s-so good.” He starts to thrust in and out slowly. Your nails dig into the muscles of his back… his… names and faces are unimportant blurs as he continues to thrust inside. Each drag of his cock hits each sweet spot and taps against your cervix. “Fuck~ you feel so fucking good darling, so-fucking-good, perfect, fucking perfect… yeah that's it clamp down on my cock, massage it with that perfect pussy.” His hand slips between your sweat soaked bodies and rubs quick circles over your clit. “Gonna cum for me baby? I can feel it, you’re about to gush~” You cry into his neck, soft tears of ecstasy hitting his skin. You’re close, so very close-
“Hello? Hey!!! Is anyone home?? Hello?”
You open your eyes and the man above you, the cock inside you, all falls away. It had all been a dream… a delicious, wonderful dream. A dream that had been ruined by an incurable racket. You stare groggily at the ceiling. The ache in your core of having been so close to cumming now boils into a rage. “Hello?!?! Is someone here? Hello??” Your brow crinkled in confusion as to who the rasping voice belonged to. You check to see if you had somehow managed to flip the tv on but the screen was dark. “Does anyone live here?” It dawned on you then… It’s a visitor.
You check the clock that blinks 5:37AM. You groan into a pillow and kick your legs in an attempt to relieve the ache. Your bare thighs are covered in your arousal, which has turned into your frustration. You stay lying still in hopes that he will go away, leave you alone, never return. “HELLO????!?!” But he had to stop screaming and it didn’t seem like he was going to until he came into contact with someone… You knew the nature of the curse well enough at this point but you would try to rebel as long as you could…
You flip the covers off of your body and slowly walk to grab a robe to cover yourself with. You stare at your reflection in the full length mirror while you finish tying the robe. “We got this,” you point to yourself, “no falling in love this time, no falling in love no matter what, ever again, you hear me?” You nod back to yourself. “Pinkie swear.” You touch pinkies with the mirror and laugh coldly. “No more foolish love,” you sarcastically remark before opening the french doors and stepping onto the balcony.
You stare down at the man who had been shouting for so long and your heart drops. He’s beautiful, red hair hanging in his face, still wet with the sea. His body must have been designed by the muses and chiseled by delicate hands. It’s clear even through his clothes. Son of Ares? Or even Zeus perhaps? He is interesting, never had you seen a demigod with such clear physical strength and kind eyes. The combination was rare. He gives you a grin which then fades to surprise. “Oh- I am so sorry, my manners,” he laughs nervously before slowly kneeling on the ground. “Great Goddess, I humble myself now in front of your grace and all encapsulating beauty…” You roll your eyes hoping he will take the hint and shut up. It wasn’t any different from the men before him… It was the same shit as always, though you were disappointed, this one seemed different upon first glance. “...your magnificence is profound, you are both elegant and ethereal in your just standing there-” you cut him off before he can continue the asinine speech. “Ya done?” you ask bluntly.
His eyes grow wide and he softly utters a “what?” You roll your eyes and lean on the gold railing. “Dude, it’s 5am, you’re yelling and ranting, can ya just get to the point?” He remains on his knees in a bow. His pitch varies with confusion as he speaks. “My ship, uhh I crashed it on your shore, and I was hoping that you could umm, maybe assist me in getting home? I-” he hangs his head for a moment, perhaps in exhaustion before continuing. “I have no GPS, no compass, not even a map… if I could do it without bothering you, I would, nothing you for help isn’t very manly... but please Goddess, please help me get home.”  You sigh, century after century of the same request has really weakened your patience, though he had asked nicer than most. “You’re stuck here for the foreseeable future,” you smile slightly. You wait for the look of annoyance, frustration, fear… but it never comes. In fact he gives a slight half smile as he stands. “Well, nothing we can do?” he asks. “‘Fraid not,” you sigh. He starts to say something else but he winces. “Are you okay?” you ask, genuine concern bleeding through the nonchalant tone you had been practicing the past milenia. He nods and grabs hold of his side. “I got a little beat up, but don’t worry goddess, ‘tis but a flesh wound,” he tips his head down.  As he raises his head he looks deathly pale. “Hey sit down okay?” you call down to him, but it’s too late. His eyes roll back and he collapses. “Shit-” you mutter to yourself as you run down to him.
He lays there in a crumpled heap, his breathing shallow. “Wish you’d said you were hurt first dummy,” you grumble before assessing the situation. You need to get him to the herbs and the back porch. This wouldn't be easy, he’s big, huge really. But he collapsed on his side which makes things easier. You hook an arm around one of his and the other around a leg. It takes a lot and it's a staring but you manage to lift him on your shoulders. If your father can hold up the sky, you can surely carry this brick house of a man back to the bed on the porch. 
You step into the house while fireman carrying him to the screened-in porch to lay him down on the daybed. You place him carefully in the soft, green covers and he whines softly. “You’re gonna be just fine,” you reassure gently. Your back porch was reserved for growing herbs, arts and crafts, summer sleep, and it occasionally became a makeshift infirmary when visitors came to you injured and in need of patching up. It happened once every few centuries…
You grabbed some fabric scissors and cut away his shirt to reveal what had been ailing him. You hoped for a broken rib, those were easy to heal with a careful dose of leaf from the widows bone flower and some angel root. But what lay beneath was worse than imagined. A deep gash in his side had tried to close over and heal but it’s irritated, angry. The wound is oozing a sickly yellow pus and iridescent ichor. The skin around it is red with infection. This is one of the worst you’d been brought with. You touch his head, it’s hot and sticky with sweat. This wasn’t good. “Wait here, okay?” You grab a clump of angel root and take it back inside to the kitchen, setting it in a pot of water to boil. You grab a cloth and wet it under the sink in cold water.
You place it on his forehead and sit on the bed beside him. His face was relaxed and he was even more beautiful now. You brush the hair from his eyes and smile down at him, there was something familiar about him… like you’d met before. Though no one could return to Ogygia.
You lean down to where you can speak over his heart in a language that cannot be written or replicated... But the meaning of the words would go something like:
You are healing
You are youthful and strong
Your heart knows how to heal because it is made of love
Pure love can heal anything
You are healing now
You repeat this chant until you hear his breath deepen and watch the cut sooth. It’s a small enchantment but it has done its job. Sure, you’re no Circe, or her brethren, but you’re an enchantress all the same.
You rush back inside and grab the angel root, that's now wet and flexible from being submerged in water. You lay it across his wound before wrapping it carefully. “There now, wait here and I’m going to get you some nectar to drink,” He doesn't respond but his face is relaxed, less anguished, less in pain. You sigh in relief, hopefully that will be enough to close the wound in a day or so, else he will need to be stitched up.
You return with a small bottle of nectar and a dropper to feed him with. You coax his jaw to relax with your hand before dropping the nectar slowly onto his tongue. “You heroes are an awful lot of trouble… you know that?” You continue to feed him slowly so he won’t choke. You sigh in relief as the colour returns back to his face. He’s so beautiful he’s almost glowing, you start to reach for him, to brush the hair from his eyes but you stop yourself and turn away. “No, no love this time, remember?” you say to your reflection in the glass of the windows.
His eyes flutter open with long slow blinks. You watch as they focus on you. He blinks again. “Elyssium,” he breathes and you can’t help but chuckle. “No, Ogygia,” you correct gently. “I’m Eijirou,” he smiles. You laugh again. “No no, this island, where you are is called Ogygia, you aren’t dead,” you assure. He blinks up at you still and you curse the gods for creating him to be so breathtaking. “And what are you called?” he asks. He attempts to sit up but finds it difficult. You place your hand on his head, it’s warm and you can feel his brow relax against your palm. “You’re much better now, but just take your time…” His hands touch his torso and then move to his head. “You healed me?” You nod, “I’ll have to sew this one the rest of the way, it was quite deep.” He circles his hand around your arm, his thumb stroking soft circles. “Thank you, goddess,” he murmurs. You pull away, his touch sending lightning down into your fingertips. You don't remember the last time you had a visitor on this island of yours… but none of the previous visitors seemed to matter anymore, even though each one had stolen your heart some way or another. But no- no love, not this time, not now, not again… It hurt, but you suppressed the feelings of desire and brushed your hands down the front of your robe. “It’s nothing, but for the love of the lethe, stop calling me goddess. Kalypso is fine, just Kalypso.”
He grabs your hand as you turn to leave, “thank you... Kalypso, thank you for saving my life.” In all the years you had been saddled with this curse, it was rare for the visitor to say your name... and none of them, had said your name quite like that. 
You pull your hand from his grasp and make sure not to look back, even though you want to. “You’re welcome,” you answer simply, “I’ll uhh- get you some water.”   
to be added to the taglist
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airplanned · 3 years
All the Trashy Novels Part 29
It’s a long one, because it’s the smutty climax.
Part 1...Part 28
Link pulled his horse to the side of the road as they were riding past the wetlands, right before the fork away from Zora's Domain.  She stopped and waited impatiently as he crouched down in the tall grass and snuck towards the water.  What was he doing?  It was impossible to tell with him.
A minute later, he shouted, "Ha!" and stood up with his hands cupped together.  He came up to her horse, lifted his hands for her to see, and uncupped them.  Inside was a dragonfly.
"Oh!"  She slipped off her horse to bow her head over the cave of his hands and peer inside.  When it launched itself upward, she meeped and jumped back, laughing and pressing a hand to her chest as it darted off.  At some point she had taken hold of Link's wrist.
He smiled at her and shifted, twisting their hands until hers was locked in his, and then pulling her off the road and towards the water.  He caught her another dragonfly, and she caught him a frog, explaining its medicinal properties and how one day she would use it to run experiments on him.
"You're already running experiments on me," he said.
"No.  You are assisting as I run experiments on myself."
"What experiments will you run first?"
"I need more data points.  Duration and intensity of the glowing.  I need a survey of the other factors that may be involved before devising a more strenuous set of experiments."
His mouth quirked, as if he were trying not to laugh at her.
She shoved him into the shallow water.  
A second later, he'd grabbed her around the middle and pulled her down with him, and splashing and spluttering, she'd had to fight her way to sitting.  He grinned at her, and she covered his face with her hand.  He took the opportunity to lick her palm, and she shrieked and ranted about how gross he was all the way to the citadel.
There they stopped for the night: one last night sleeping in a bed in exchange for playing princess as the general gave a guided tour and then hosted them at dinner.  But the tour turned out to be much more interesting than she'd expected.  A team of Sheikah had brought in a handful of guardians with the intention of adding them to the citadel's defenses.  They were a bit behind those from the Royal Tech Lab, and had to be aimed manually, but they still outstripped the cannons.  The general and the Sheikah soaked up every word she said, and soon she was gesturing wildly with her arm half inside a guardian, her face streaked with grease.
"The general's in love with you," Link whispered as he walked her to her room.
"Don't be ridiculous."
"Everyone here's in love with you."
"No, they're not.  They're just too far removed from the castle and haven't heard the terrible gossip about me yet."
"Okay, but if you ever need a fake Akkalan boyfriend, I bet he'd volunteer."
"I do not require a fake Akkalan boyfriend."  She paused at her door.  "How is your fake townie girlfriend?"
"We broke up."
"She didn't like that I was leaving town for so long.  And she didn't like that I was going with you.  She's very jealous of you."
"Well," Zelda said.  "She should be.  Everyone here is in love with me."
He nodded.
"Everyone at the castle will be disappointed."
"They'll get over it."
"What will you do the next time you get a bite mark on your neck?"
He lifted his eyebrows.
She lifted hers back.  Then she closed the doors behind her and went to bed, smirking.
They reached the Spring of Power late the next day.  As Link set up camp, Zelda ducked away to see the Goddess statue.  She didn't change into her prayer dress or step into the water.  She couldn't sort what she wanted into words that might reach the Goddess.  She was out of practice praying.  Instead, she bowed her head and clenched her hands before her, gathered all the worry and hope and pleading that tightened in her chest and mentally projected it into the heavens, hoping the Goddess would hear her.
Link gave her a cautious look as she returned.  She realized that she usually left her prayers feeling lost and worthless and small.  Link must have noticed.  He must be expecting more of the same.  But this time felt different.  It wasn't a gladness that she'd heard others describe, but maybe the hope and determination that had pushed her on for the past few days was bolstered by the Goddess.  Then again, maybe it was the absence of a sense of defeat.  She gave Link as honest of a smile a she could as she accepted the bowl he passed to her.
"I'm alright," she said.  "I'm going to figure this out."
"I know you will."  He said it so easily that it disarmed her. 
Because of the depression in the ground, the sun seemed to set earlier than usual.  They ate in silence, and she pretended the warmth on her face was from the fire. 
She snuck a few looks at him--his posture easy, the planes of his face lit orange in the light.  He was handsome.  She'd never thought about him that way before.
She blinked, handed back her bowl, and retreated to her tent.
She arranged everything to her liking. She had a comfortable bed roll and a number of blankets fit for a princess.  She had a soft glowing lantern and a pocket watch and the Sheikah Slate and a journal with a pencil.  She made sure the pencil was sharpened.  She changed into a shirt with fine embroidery around the collar and a softness that belayed wealth, but it was also far too big for her, fitting a bit like a sack that barely covered her rear.  She didn't wear anything else.
She was suddenly overwhelmed with nerves.  But she took a shaky breath and stuck her head out of her tent.  "I would like to run an experiment.  If--if you have a moment."
He looked up from the fire, his interest piqued, and she ducked back into her tent before he could see how badly she was blushing.  Once in her tent, she put on as much bluster as she could to hide her nerves, ordering him to remove his boots and his sword and his shirt.  She thought about asking him to remove his pants, but that seemed a bit pushy.  Maybe she needed to be pushy?  "And your pants," she said.  "But your undergarments can remain."
She then had him lie on his side on her mat.  "You will observe and take notes," she explained, showing him were the pocket watch and journal were.  She tucked her hair behind her ears, lay down facing him, and hooked her leg over his hip.
He looked mildly surprised, but went along with it.  And that was weird, right?  This was weird.  She was taking advantage of how he couldn't deny her.  She was royalty and possibly the key to saving everything he knew from destruction.  Maybe should should find a way to--
"You're over-thinking it," he whispered.  He'd made himself comfortable, resting his head on his arm and a hand on the small of her back.
She huffed.  Then she closed her eyes and worked her hand down her body.
"Want me to help?"
"I don't want you to be too distracted to record your observations."
"Right.  Good.  Because this isn't distracting at all."
She pinched him with her free hand, and he laughed.  It was soft and low and she could feel his breath against her face.  It did more to arouse her than her own hand, which slid between her legs.
His hand moved to her bare hip, and once he did, she could feel how much she moved against him, how much her hips rocked.  He didn't try to control her rhythm or hold her still, and she found her movements growing even more animated as the pleasure built around her.  She bit her lip and breathed.  
His voice was soft like his laugh when he murmured, "What are you thinking about?"
"What you would say if you were talking to me."
"What would I say?"
"'That's it, Zelda. That's so good.'"
Not missing a beat, he said, "You're so good, Zelda.  The way you move, the way your whole body moves.  You're so emphatic.  In everything you do.  Your whole body moves when you talk.  And now, Goddess look at you, the way your shoulders move and your back arches."
Her shoulders rolled even more, her breath coming quick.
"Call me something sweet," she said.  In her head, he called her darling, and it wasn't quite right.  She always stumbled over it.  She couldn't hear it in his voice.
He leaned in to kiss under her ear, sending a shudder down her spine.  He whispered, "You're my peach."
She gasped, her hand picking up speed, a spike of pleasure rocking through her.    His hands wandered inside her shirt, down her leg.  Dizziness crept in around her edges.
"That's it.  That's it.  Let go.  I've got you."
He had her.  He would catch her when she fell.
"Look at me."
She tried twice to blink open her eyes, and when she finally managed, he was there, a heat in his eyes and adoration on his face.  The rhythm of her hand stuttered, and then his fingers had replaced hers, picking up the rhythm she'd set as he pulled her fingers into his mouth.  It all happened so fast that she thrust her fingers against his tongue a few times before realizing.  His eyes darkened and then rolled as he moaned and sucked greedily at her fingers.  The movements of his hand matched her own, except steady and sure when she faltered, when her body jerked, and her breath caught and caught and caught.  Link would catch her.  She threw her head back and grinned, riding every wave, letting herself fall.  She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss as she burned and burned and burned, still smiling against his mouth.
She blinked dreamily up at him, and there was a click as he snapped her picture with the slate.  He turned it around to show it to her. 
She was glowing.  Her whole body surrounded by a halo, her skin golden as if she had become the sun.  The picture smiled dreamily back at her.
"You've been glowing for two minutes and fifteen seconds and counting."
"You timed it?"
"Of course."
She beamed at him, and she could see from her hands on the slate that she was glowing more brightly.  Beams of sunlight radiated off her.  
She reached for Link's cheek and closed her eyes and reveled in the warmth in her chest, the shape of it, the pressure of it.  It was like...happiness?  A warmth of affection that had been there for a while, but had never before tapped into the power of her soul.  She hadn't let it.  She'd held it at bay.  She had pushed it aside to berate herself and turn her insecurities outward.  She'd thought the Goddess was spiteful, but the Goddess was love, and she rewarded those who loved.  To protect her country, she first needed to love it.
"Yeah?" He brushed hair from her face.
"I don't hate you."
"You sure?  That was a little fun."
"Only a little?"
"This is better."
She laughed and dragged him in to kiss her as she glowed.
Part 30
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viking-raider · 3 years
Southern Generation - Part III *Mature*
Summary: Sy and Lily had a harmonious bubble around them, but ripples are sent through it, with an action of Lily’s and the past haunting Austin.
Pairing: Captain Syverson/Reader
Word Count: 6,211
Warning: M - Language, Fluff, Domestic Kink, PTSD, Attempted Overdose, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Teeny White Lie, Stalking and Harassment
Inspiration: It’s Sy, need I say more?
Author’s Note: Loving this story! Much love to @wondersofdreaming​!
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Lily laughed as she played tug-a-war with Aika in the living room, the sound of Sy putting up the last of the siding vibrated throughout the house, with her laughs and Aika's playful growling. The hammering stopped and Sy appeared through the front door, smiling at the two partners in crime.
“I need to go into town.” Sy told Lily, when her attention settled onto him. “The saw blade has dulled and I need to replace it.” He explained to her.
“All right.” She nodded, letting Aika take her rope. “I need to get lunch going.”
“I shouldn't be too long.” He promised, then left.
Sy wasn't gone a minute, when the phone rang in the kitchen and Lily moved to pick it up, before she missed it. “Hello?” She answered, pressing the receiver to her ear with her shoulder and turned towards the refrigerator. “Hello?” She frowned, pulling out food items for her and Sy's lunch.
“How's the business going?” A voice finally answered her.
Lily froze, hand resting on the loaf of bread she was reaching for. “How did you get this number?” She gulped, her heart racing and pounding in her ears.
“I bet once that caveman finishes fixing up the place, it'll look brand new.”
“Ho-” She gasped, a dizzying wave of nausea punched her in the gut, as reality set in.
“Soon, Lily. Soon.” The voice chuckled, then the line went dead.
The phone slipped off of Lily's shoulder and clattered to the floor, alerting Aika, who was chewing on her rope in the living room, and came running in, barking in inquiry and suspicion, standing close to Lily's feet and looked up at her, head cocked to the side. Lily gripped the edge of the counter in front of her, trying to take deep breaths in and out, but her vision swam with an overflow of tears and her chest felt like an elephant was standing on it. She turned and stumbled up the staircase in the kitchen that led upstairs, and went into the hall bathroom, locking herself inside, Aika bounding after her and barking at the bathroom door.
“How? How is this possible?” She trembled, pacing the small space. “I was so careful, so careful. It’s not possible. It’s just a sick joke, from some disgruntled customer. But, what if it isn’t? What if it’s really. Where did I go wrong? I put so many miles between us.”
Her hands shook and she struggled to breath, furious tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. Flashback after flashback rippling through her horrified and panicked mind, her stomach lurched and she dropped to her knees, wrenching violently into the bowl and losing her breakfast into it. She sat there for a long time, before making up her mind, standing up and opening the medicine cabinet, removing a prescription bottle from inside and popped the top off of it. She knew this was a drastic and dark turn to things as she dumped the bottle into her hand, but it wasn’t as dark and ominous, if the voice on the other end of the phone kept their word about finding her, and Lily wasn’t going to take that chance.
She gulped down dozens of the teeny pills, swallowing them down with sink water, then slowly sank down to the floor.
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Sy returned twenty minutes later, with a new saw blade and rumbling stomach. He expected, as always, to find Lily had set his lunch down on the table in the breakfast nook, and was either eating hers as well, or she was patiently waiting for him, so they could eat together.
Instead, he entered the house and heard Aika barking incessantly upstairs, which was unusual.
“Lily!” He called out, rounding into the kitchen, finding lunch foods on the counter, some half opened, and the phone on the floor. “Lily!” He yelled out again, a pit forming in his stomach as he mounted the stairs to the second floor.
He had never been upstairs before, everything he needed in the house was downstairs, the kitchen and half bath, so he was unfamiliar with the layout. But, as he reached the second floor landing, he found Aika standing in front of a closed door, barking, whining and scratching at the wood. He crossed the hall and lifted his hand, knocking softly on the door, and listening inside.
“Lily?” He called, knocking again. “Lily, are you all right in there?” He asked, growing even more concerned, when he didn't receive an answer.
Not waiting a moment longer, Sy pushed Aika away from the door and forced it open with his shoulder. As the door flung open and banged against the wall behind it, Sy rushed into the room and felt his heart plummet out of his body, finding Lily laying on the worn and discolored tile floor. He dropped to his knees as he scrambled over to her, cupping her cold, but sweaty, face in his hands, her eyes were rolled back and half lidded, her breathing was shallow and the scent of vomit permeated in the small space. Sy, despite his heart rocketing in his chest, was reasonably calm, his combat cool kicking in, as he quickly pressed his fingers to the spot under the corner of her jaw, feeling how faint her heartbeat was.
“Shit.” He snapped, under his breath, scanning the room, he found a prescription bottle that had rolled under the lip of the vanity, swiped it up and pocketed it. “Lily.” He called, patting her pale cheeks, trying to get any response out of her. “Come on, Lily. Answer me.” He begged her, patting her cheeks a little harder. “What were you thinking.” He growled, then rubbed his knuckles against her sternum in firm circles.
“Oh, thank god.” He sighed, when she whimpered at the painful rub. “Lily, open your eyes and look at me. Come on, darling, look at me.” He coaxed her, rubbing her chest again, but not with his knuckles, just trying to keep her responsive.
“Sy.” She whimpered, eyes fluttering.
“Yeah, love.” He nodded, shifting to pick her up into his arms and carried her out of the bathroom and down the stairs. “Don't worry, honey, I've got you. I'll take care of you and get you to the hospital.” He told her, carrying her out to his truck and got her strapped into the passenger seat, before hopping in and gunning it down the driveway, relieved at his slight laziness, that he left the gate wide open.
“Come on, Lily. Talk to me.” He told her, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder as she whined and pressed her forehead against the window. “Tell me something, anything.”
“I wanna sleep.” She whimpered, brows creased.
“No, no, you can't do that.” Sy shook his head at her, pulling her away from the window. “What color do you want me to paint the house?” He asked, trying to think of anything to keep her engaged long enough to get her to the emergency room.
“What about purple, with hot pink polka dots?” He grinned, blue eyes light up, but still scared for her.
“I hate pink.” Lily whined, her head moving to rest on Sy's broad and stiff shoulder.
“So, pink polka dots.” He said in a voice that said he agreed with the choice.
“No.” She groaned, shaking her head with a whimper, then fell quiet again.
“No, no! Come on, Lily, don't fall asleep.” He begged her, feeling her body relax against him.
The tires of Sy's truck squealed as he parked outside the hospital, pulling Lily out, he quickly carried her into the emergency room, his usual 'cool under pressure' attitude was starting to slip with the desperate situation. The nurse at the station instantly noticed Sy carrying Lily in and read how bad the situation was, jumping out of her seat and barking orders, while guiding Sy to a place he could lay her down and they could start working on her.
“What happened?” She asked Sy.
“I'm pretty sure she overdosed on these.” Sy replied, taking the prescription bottle out of his pocket and handed it to her. “I don't know why she decided to do it, I just found her unresponsive on the bathroom floor. She was responsive for a few minutes, but then stopped just before we got here.”
“How do you know her?” The nurse asked, reading the name off the bottle.
Sy bit his lip, he knew if he admitted that he only worked for Lily as a handyman, then they wouldn't let him see her until after they had done everything they could for her. So, he fibbed. “She's my fiancée.” He told her, his voice steady and his face gave away nothing, but his concern for her.
“So, her name is Lily Ana Moore?” The nurse asked, reading the name off the prescription label.
“Yes, ma'am.” Sy nodded, though he wasn't aware of her middle name.
“And, you are?” She asked, looking up at him.
“Austin Syverson.” He replied, glancing over to Lily's bed as she whimpered.
“We'll take the best care for her, Mr. Syverson.” the Nurse promised him, resting a gentle hand on his forearm and gave it a tender squeeze.
They tended to Lily, while Sy stepped out into the waiting room, he was too high strung and agitated to sit down, so he paced from the humming vending machine and the automatic doors. His mind roiled over reasons and scenarios as to why Lily would try to overdose. She had been fine, before he left to the hardware store for a new saw blade, playing tug-a-war with Aika and about to make them lunch. What could have happened in the, maybe, fifteen minutes he was away, that was so frightening that she would rather take her life, than to either face it or tell him about it. If she had said something to him, told him that she was afraid of something, or someone, then he would have promised to protect her.
In a heartbeat.
“I’ll protect her from now on.” He muttered to himself, still pacing the room.
Once they were satisfied with how stable she was, then sent her up to a private room for an overnight observation, Sy stayed with her the whole time, never leaving her side, even once she was stable and in her room. He sat in a chair beside her bed, chin resting on his chest as he snored softly, the room was dark and quiet, minus the heart monitor she was hooked up too. It was late, when Lily did finally come back around on her own, sighing and whimpering, her body feeling spent and sluggish. She opened her eyes and instantly recognized she wasn't in her own bed, but a strange room, and panic started to set it, causing her to wake Sy.
“Hey.” He sighed, rubbing his tired face and leaning forward to take her hand in his. “You're all right, Lily.” He told her, his voice rough from sleep.
“Where am I?” She asked, squeezing his hand, like it was a lifeline, calm now that she realized Sy was there, watching over her.
“The hospital.” He replied, thumb rubbing the top of her hand. “I barely managed to get you here, after that stunt you pulled.”
She let out a heavy breath and rested back against her pillow, squeezing her eyes shut. “I'm sorry, Sy.” She whispered, not opening her eyes again. “I didn't mean to scare you.”
“And what did you mean to do?” He asked, lifting a brow at her. “Why would you try killing yourself?”
“It's complicated.” She replied, sighing again and opening her eyes.
“Then, uncomplicate it.” Sy begged her, wanting to understand what she was thinking.
“I can't.” Lily shook her head, the fear that had gripped her before her attempt started to return.
Sy could feel the tremble in her hand as it gripped his, he knew there was something she was afraid of, that she was trying to run and hide from, and wanted to help her so much, to protect her, so badly. He got up out of his chair and sat on her bedside, holding her hand in his lap and gently brushed his fingers against her cheek.
“You don't have to be afraid.” He whispered, gently. “I promise, I will protect you.”
“Don't make a promise, you can't keep, Austin.” Lily replied, meeting his eye.
“I can, and I will.” Sy replied, his stomach twitched, hearing her use his first name. “Is there anything I can do for you?” He asked, lifting a brow at her.
Lily paused a moment, regarding him, then bit her lip. “Lay with me?” She whispered, gulping at the strangeness of her own request.
Sy blinked at her for a moment, it was a bit of an odd request, but, if that's what she wanted of him, then Sy would gladly do it. He nodded, feeling slightly awkward, then toed out of his boots, while she shifted and turned onto her side, so Sy had room to lay down with her. He let her shift, her back pressing against his chest, and tucked his arm under her head, gently pulling the blankets over them and resting his other arm over her side.
“This must be awkward for you.” She mumbled, a few minutes later.
“Actually, it's not.” He chuckled back, his breath lightly caressing the back of her hair. “The most awkward thing that I've ever done, happened on my very first deployment to Iraq.”
Lily turned her head to look back over at him. “Tell me about it?”
Sy smiled at her, biting his lip. “So, it was my first deployment, back in 2004, I had been in the country a week, but hadn't left base yet in that time.” He started to explain to her. “So, my first outing off the base was a decent distance, and at some point, I ended up needing to go to the restroom.”
She laughed, starting to get the picture, making Sy smile.
“Now, I wasn't naive. I knew there wasn't a bathroom for several klicks, and I doubted any of the locals were going to let my ass in to use their bathroom.” He laughed, making them both shake from its mirth. “So, I asked my commander, cause then, I was just some lowly runt, where I could go. He walked away for a moment and came back, carrying a short handled shovel, handed it to me and said, 'pick a spot.' motioning to the wide open field we were in.”
“Oh lord, no.” She grinned, blushing at the thought of digging a random hole and going in it. “Tell me you didn't!”
“Of course, I did!” He grinned back. “I really had to go, and I wasn't holding it for another hour on patrol and three hours back. So, I dug a hole, dropped my cameos and did my business, with six guys, more or less, watching me.”
“Watching you?”
“Well, they had to make sure no one snuck up on me, and tried to kill me.” He chuckled, fully amused.
“You're braver than I am.” Lily said, after they stopped laughing. “I would have held it.” She giggled, shaking her head at the thought, relaxing in his arms.
“I think that makes you much braver.” Sy whispered, feeling the change in her breathing against the skin of his bicep as she drifted back off to sleep. “So much braver.”
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“Sy, you can't sleep on the couch like this.” Lily sighed, finding him on the couch in the living room.
Ever since she returned home from the hospital, Sy insisted on sleeping on the couch, not wanting to leave her alone in the house. She had tried convincing him that she was all right, that he didn't need to sleep there and keep an eye on her.
“You should go home to Austin, sleep in your own bed.” She told him, handing him a cup of fresh coffee.
“I haven't slept in my own bed, in nearly a month.” Sy replied, taking several deep gulps of the hot brew.
“What?” Lily snapped, sitting down beside him, with a cup of tea. “Still!”
“I told you, I've been sleeping at the motel in Celina.” He confessed to her. “I've been too tired most nights to safely drive back to Austin, and it's only a couple minutes from here, instead of three hours.” He told her, rubbing a hand over his face.
“And I told you, you didn't need too, Sy?” Lily sighed, annoyed with him.
“Because, you would have wanted to pay for it.” He countered.
“No, I would have given you the guest room upstairs, like I said.” She countered back, lifting a brow at him. “And, if you insist on staying here, then I suggest you take the room, instead of the couch, so at least then, you can stretch out and not wake up all stiff and uncomfortable.” She told him, firmly.
“Especially, since Aika seems to enjoy sleeping with you.”
Lily had come downstairs at night, several times, to find Sy's long body stretched out on the couch, his head resting on one armrest, while his feet hung over the other one, and Aika's large body laid on top of him, like some sort of furry blanket.
“I've already made it up for you.” She added, getting back up and going into the kitchen.
Sy got up and followed her, setting his coffee down on the breakfast nook table. “Lily-”
“We both know, you're not going to leave me alone in the house, Austin.” Lily huffed, yanking open the refrigerator door. “So, there's no use for your additional discomfort, by sleeping on a couch that has zero support or comfort, especially after you've spent all day breaking your back to fix up my property.” She explained to him, pulling out a carton of eggs and milk, before letting the door of the original Big Chill refrigerator slam shut behind her.
“There's a comfortable bed in the guestroom, that's situated against the window, with a small walk-in closet and dresser, as well as being across from the hallway bathroom. As I said, I made the bed up for you, clean sheets and pillowcases. I opened the window as well, to air it out, since it's usually closed up and unused.” She explained to him, pulling out a pan and setting it on the stove, clicking on the gas burner.
“I do need to warn you, that the hot water tap in the upstairs bathroom, doesn't work.”
“Is there something wrong with the hot water heater?” Sy asked, lifting a brow at her.
“Not that I'm aware of, but I also don’t know crap about them, so I wouldn't know where to look or how to fix it, without replacing the thing completely. But, I don't think there is a problem with it.”
“Why's that?”
“Because, the hot water in all the sinks work, and the hot water in my master bathroom works as well.” She explained to him, whipping up a pancake batter, while the pan heated up. “I just don't understand why the hot water in that particular bathroom doesn't work.”
“Has it worked at any point, while you lived here?” Sy asked, watching her.
Lily paused and sighed, her brow creasing as she stared off in the middle distance for a moment, trying to recall. “I don't think so.” She finally replied, going back to the batter.
“Hm.” Sy frowned, his own brow deeply creased as he mauled over the numerous reasons the hot water wouldn't work. “I'll check it after breakfast.” He answered, pressing his lips together. “Do you need any help?” He asked, watching her fuss over the rest of breakfast.
“Yeah, can you flip the pancakes for me.” She nodded, side stepping the stove, so he could flip them.
Sy nodded, taking up the rubber spatula she was using and gripped the handle of the pan, carefully working the edge of the spatula around the sides of the bubbling pancake, before slipping it under and flipped it, quite unsuccessfully, splattering half cooked batter all over the pan. Lily saw it from the corner of her eye and laughed, shaking her head at him.
“Have you never flipped a pancake before, Captain?” She teased, turning to face him.
“I have, I'm just shit at it.” He replied, grinning at her, but Lily could see the warmth seeping into his hairy cheeks.
Lily stepped between Sy and the stove, gripping his hand, that still held the utensil, and guided him to the other pancake in the pan, gently slipping the edge of the spatula under it, and with a quick flick of their wrists, she helped him flip over the pancake, perfectly.
“See?” She smiled up at him, her blue eyes filled with pride. “You just have to do it quick and steady, like ripping off a plaster.” She picked up the batter and poured some of it into the sizzling pan. “Give it a minute, then try flipping it again.”
With that, she turned back to what she was doing, dicing up some potatoes. “Look at you!” She exclaimed, watching Sy's smooth pancake flip.
“You're a good teacher.” He smiled at her, setting the finished pancakes on a plate beside the stove.
“Would you like bacon or sausage?” She asked, opening the refrigerator again, turning her head to look at him, a brow lifted in curiosity.
Sy licked his lips and got a funny feeling in his stomach, something he had never felt before, not even as a young boy. He felt like he—belonged, here and now, with Lily. It was a natural feeling of domestic belonging, like there was a oneness between them and he had found his rightful place in the world.
“Sy?” Lily frowned at him, concerned.
She saw that far off look in his eye and worried he was having a flashback. She had seen him have them before, and after the first one, where he nearly took her head off, Lily learned not to touch Sy, calling his name, usually, did the trick of bringing him back around. But, this time was different, there was a sparkle in his cerulean eyes, and a soft smile on his lips.
“Austin?” She said, carefully, licking her lips and feeling butterflies in her stomach.
Sy blinked several times and focused on her, smiling completely, warm and happy. “Sausage, please.” He finally replied, cocking his head at her.
“Okay.” Lily nodded back, eyes wide like a doe's. “Why don't you sit down and relax, I can finish up.” She suggested, motioning to the table. “Your coffee is getting cold.”
He kept smiling at her, even as he sat down at the table and sipped his cooling coffee; watching her drop the finely diced potatoes into the pan, stirring them around as they cooked and browned, before cracking three eggs on the edge of the pan and dumped the contents in with the potatoes, then tossed the shells into the empty bowl the pancake batter was in. She kept stirring the browned potatoes and fluffy eggs together, then added sliced up sausage. Finishing it up, she brought the food to the table and Sy served himself, heaping the potato, egg and sausage scramble onto his plate with four large pancakes, drizzling maple syrup everywhere. Lily picked Sy's now empty coffee cup up and filled it with fresh coffee, putting in two sugars and set it back down in front of his plate.
“You know how I take my coffee.” He asked, digging his fork into his mountain of food.
“I've known you for several months at this point, so, it's only natural that I've noticed things about you.” She chuckled, sitting down and making her own plate for breakfast.
“Fair enough.” He laughed, and got down to eating.
After breakfast, and helping Lily wash and dry the dishes, Sy went upstairs to the hallway bathroom to try and figure out why the hot water wasn't coming out of the tap. He tested it, spinning the hot tap all the way over, water jetting out of the shower head. He left it running for several long minutes, touching it periodically, and only found it to be even colder than when it first came out. Pressing his lips together and sighing through his nose, Sy turned the tap off and went downstairs to his truck, taking out the tool box from the back and carried it back inside, removing the faucet cover and checked the valve. He removed the tap handle, unscrewed the plate and reached inside for the valve, finding it was broken.
“There you are, you pesky little shit.” He said, setting it on the sink counter. “I need a new one.” He sighed. “Lily.” He called out, going down the hall to her office.
“Sy?” She called back, her eyes still on the work on her computer screen.
“I found the problem with the shower in the hall bath.” He told her, standing in the office doorway. “I'm going to go down to the hardware store to get a replacement part for it.” He explained, looking her over as she sat cross legged in her office chair.
“Will you be okay, while I'm gone?” He asked, his tone careful.
Lily's shoulders slumped and she looked over at him. “I'll be fine, Austin.” She told him, slightly annoyed with him being so overprotective, though she appreciated it and felt incredibly safe with him around. “Go, and if you remember, can you bring me back some Reese cups?” She asked, as he turned to leave.
“I've got a mad chocolate craving going on.”
“A hot shower and chocolate coming up.” He grinned at her, and left for the store. “Keep an eye on her, Aika.” He whispered to the pup as she laid spread out on the front porch, enjoying the warm rays of the sun; patting her on the head.
Aika huffed at him, before getting up and strolling inside, climbing the stairs and wandering into Lily's office, then laid down at her feet, dropping back off to sleep. Lily smiled down at her, bending in her chair to pat her between her proudly standing ears, then returned to her work. Sy returned an hour later, with four packages of king sized Reese Cups and the replacement hot water valve.
“Christ.” Lily laughed, when he set the candy down in front of her. “Did you buy the store out?” She teased, looking up at him.
“Actually,” Sy grinned brazenly at her. “I did. It was all they had in the little corner store, next to the hardware store.” He confessed, he thought it would be funny to buy them all, and one can never have enough chocolate.
“Thank you.” She giggled, opening one of them up, amused by his sense of humor and popped one into her mouth..
“You're welcome.” Sy nodded his head to her, butterflies filling his stomach hearing her laugh, making her laugh, and gulped as he watched her take the candy whole into her mouth, feeling something stir much lower than his stomach, before turning and going back to fix the shower.
“Is it working?” Lily asked, a little while later, coming into the bathroom to watch him work.
“See for yourself.” Sy replied, turning the tap on and stepping aside.
Lily stepped forward and held her hand out under the streaming water, feeling the pleasant warmth of it. She looked over her shoulder at Sy and smiled at him, proud and amazed. “That's amazing! Is there anything you can't fix?” She asked, drying her hand on the towel hanging on the rack.
“Oh, I'm sure there is.” Sy smiled, leaning back against the vanity. “But, if I encounter it, I'm sure I could figure it out.”
“I'm sure you would.” Lily smiled, patting him on the chest as she went out of the bathroom.
Sy beamed with pride, seeing how happy and proud of him she was, her gentle pat only re-enforcing that fact.
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Later that night, Sy took the duffle bag he had filled with his clothing and other things he needed, upstairs to Lily's offered guestroom. It was a sweet little room, the window let in a lot of light during the day and he could see Billie Marlowe's crops and the beautiful night sky as he laid in bed. The dresser was big enough for all his things. He toed out of his boots and sat down on the edge of the bed, then laid back. It was a comfortable bed, more comfortable than the couch and the bed in the motel room he had been renting.
Satisfied, Sy stood, pulled out a pair of shorts and a black tank top, with a bar of soap, and crossed the hall to the bathroom.
He stood under the hot spray of the shower head, letting it seep into his tired and sore body for a while, before soaping up his body, head to toe, rinsed and dressed, before stepping out of the steamy bathroom. He paused in the hall and turned his head, Lily's room was at the end of the hall, the staircase leading into the kitchen between them, and her door was closed. But, he could hear the soft creaks of her moving about her room, no doubt doing the similar ritual he was, before going off to sleep.
Sighing, he went into his room, leaving the door cracked open for Aika to come in and out, and crawled into bed, the washed sheets and quilt smelled just like Lily, and he couldn't suppress the moan that escaped from deep in his throat, pressing the quilt to his nose and inhaling deeply. She smelled amazing, he wondered what her skin smelled like, before drifting off.
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Lily wasn't sure what time it was, when she first heard it. At first, she thought it was just part of the dream she was having, but as it came more regularly, she realized it wasn't in her dream, but in the house. Her eyes opened, blinking in the darkness of her room as she laid still in bed, listening intently.
Yes, it was real and in the house, but what was it?
Shaking her head, she threw her blankets back and got out of bed, tiptoeing to her closed door and pressed her ear to the wood. It was a loud whimper, followed by a whine, with other noises mixed in. Daring to open her door, she stepped out into the hall and slowly followed the noise, down to Sy's room. She pushed open his half open door and peeked inside, Aika was sitting on the side of the bed, whining as she looked up at Sy, who was laying on his back, sweaty brow deeply creased and shaking his head, like he was trying to wake himself up, to no avail.
“Move.” He called out, body jerking. “Tristan.” He yelled out, then whined.
“Sy.” She called out to him, standing in the doorway. “Sy, wake up.”
But, he didn't.
Biting her lip, and stepping into the fray, Lily moved to the side of the bed, her stomach clenched as she sat down beside him, waiting for him to suddenly lunge at her, but he didn't. Her heart was pounding as she reached out and gently wiped away the heavy sweat on his brow, he made a sound, between a sigh and a growl as she did, his hands coming up, but fell back to the bed, before reaching her. She frowned at him, stroking the side of his face, his hair was slightly longer than it had been, when he first came. He usually kept it very short, but with her going into the hospital, he had neglected cutting it.
She touched the side of his head, feeling the soft hair just above his ear, then petting down his neck and cupping his cheek.
“It's all right.” She cooed at him in a soft and silky voice. “Ssshh, it's all right.” She spoke to him softly, caressing his bearded cheek with her thumb and rubbed his chest through the thin black material of his tank top.
Sy's wide and alarmed eyes shot open and he snapped upright, gasping for air and shaking, but he didn't lash out at her, like he had on the porch that day. She bit her lip, watching this bear of a man tremble, struggling to control his breathing and so frightened. Lily laid her hand on his tense shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze; Sy's head snapped to the side, looking at her, but not quite seeing her, but the face of the teammate he had been calling out for, one of the first men Sy had ever lost in combat.
“Lily.” He whispered, in a disembodied voice. “What are you doing here?” He asked, suddenly sounding alarmed and panicked, his sweaty body rigid. “It’s not safe, you have to leave, before more of them show up.” He told her, his voice still sounding discorporated.
“Who, Austin?” Lily frowned, shaking her head at him, not understanding what he was talking about. “Who’s coming?”
Sy’s vision hyper-focused on the small gap between them, twitching quickly side to side, like he was trying to reconnect unplugged wires in his jumbled up and confused mind, struggling to remember if he was in reality with Lily or in the nightmare of a long ago mission in Iraq that had gone bad for everyone involved, changing Sy forever, the first hung thread in a thick web of PTSD and flashbacks. But, the gentle touch of Lily’s hands on him, the soft whisper of his name in her voice, the close warmth of her body and her sweet smell gave Sy the traction he needed to pull himself back to reality and consciousness.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, biting his lip, self-conscious. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s all right.” She replied, then wrapped her arms around him, hugging him against her and rubbing his back. “It's okay, Austin.” She whispered into his ear as he buried his face into her neck. “You're okay. Safe and sound, back home, and with me.” She told him, closing her eyes as his arms wrapped around her waist and he clutched her against his sweaty and shaking body.
“I've got you, Austin.” She assured him and rested her cheek against his temple, tenderly rubbing the back of his head. “I won't let anything happen.”
Sy nuzzled his face into her neck, taking deep breaths to calm himself down and took in the comforting scent of her skin as he did, it helped him relax, as did the soft words she whispered into his ear and the soothing touch of her hand on his head or on his back. He didn't want to let her go, afraid that as soon as he did, she would fade away and the nightmares would come back, having only tricked him into thinking it was her.
Even though her heart thundered in her chest, she made a choice. “Come on, Austin.” She said into his ear, patting him on the back and wiggling in his arms, trying to entice him to let her go, so she could stand up.
“Where?” He whimpered into her neck.
She licked her lips. “Come to bed with me.” She told him, her lips brushing the rim of his earlobe. “Let me hold you and keep the nightmares away.”
Sy moaned softly into her ear, but his arms secured themselves around her waist, shifting her into his lap and stood, picking her up, still very unwilling to let her go, even for the minute it would take to go down to her room. So, he carried her down the hall and laid down in her bed, only then, letting her go long enough for her to cover them up and lay down beside him. Sy turned onto his side, wrapping his arms around her and hugged her against his body, his head laying on her chest.
Lily frowned, sympathetically, down at Sy, caressing his head, neck and shoulders, whispering soft things to him, soothing and lulling him back to sleep, with the pound of her heart in his ear and the pillow-y warmth of her skin and breasts under his head.
“My sweet bear.” She cooed at his sleeping form, then kissed the top of his head.
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ambssssssssss · 3 years
“I’m so sorry, Lena,” A harsh cough followed the words and Lena felt her eyes begin to fill with water. She was kneeling in the broken streets of National City at Kara’s sighed, mindless of the destruction around them as the injured woman before her absorbed all of her attention. 
“Hold on, Kara, just a few more minutes.” Lena found Kara’s bloody, shaking hand and grasped it with her own. Kara gave her a watery smile. 
“We could’ve had so much time if I hadn’t been so scared.” There’s a strong current of regret in her tone and Lena feels as if she can’t breathe as she pulls Kara’s hand to her lips and presses a kiss against dirty knuckles. 
“We’ll have time now, darling. All the time in the world.” 
“I thought we promised not to lie to each other anymore.” 
A long, uncomfortable pause followed. Kara’s breath grows more shallow by the second, but her eyes remain the same. The deep blue of her iris shines with that same adoration that Lena had always seen in them, and always felt unworthy of. Kara lifted the hand that Lena wasn’t holding on to desperately, ignoring the way her limbs trembled, to carefully cup Lena’s cheek. 
This is the end. They both know it. 
“No, Kara, please,” Lena can hear the desperation in her voice but ignored it just as resolutely as she ignored the tears falling from her eyes. Tears that Kara barely had the strength to gently brush away. “I can’t lose you again.” 
“You never lost me, Lena, not for a single second.” The conviction in Kara’s voice is broken by the blood that slips past her lips as a cough tears through her throat. She collapses back against the broken asphalt after the fit subsides, landing on uneven ground with a pained groan. “I’ve always been yours, even when I wasn’t.” 
The noise around them barely registers in Lena’s mind. The battle had been over for a few minutes at least, but Lena had paid no attention to the chaos around them. Kara, just as she had done since the day they met, commanded all of Lena’s attention. It isn’t until Kara coughs again that Lena realizes that she hadn’t been unconsciously blocking out anything going around them. 
Kara’s cough echoes of the wreckage of a ruined city around them. If Lena had the strength to pull her gaze away from Kara’s slowly dimming eyes, she would have seen the veritable host of people around them falling to their knees as the consequences of this final battle hit home. They won, yes, but none of them thought that the cost would be so high. 
Lena is dimly aware of another person settling on the other side of Kara, taking her hand and nearly gasping out Kara’s name in a choked cry. Even with the addition of Alex with them, Lena doesn’t tear her eyes away from Kara. 
“I know, darling,” Lena grips Kara’s trembling hand tighter, wrapping both of her own around it and pressing a kiss to Kara’s knuckles again. “I think I always have. I should have said something sooner.” 
“Better late than never,” Kara cracked a smile and just for a second, Lena could believe that she wasn’t watching the love of her life die right before her eyes. “Promise me something?” 
“Don’t blame yourself, for any of it.” 
“Promise me, Lena. None of this is your fault, or mine. It happened, and it sucks.” Kara smiled again as Lena released a rueful chuckle. “But you can’t let this stop you. Promise me that you won’t give up.” 
“I promise Kara,” Lena leans over and seals her promise with a trembling kiss pressed to Kara’s forehead. 
“Good.” Kara’s strength left her completely, her head fell to the ground and if not for Lena’s grip on her hand, the same would have been true of it as well. “Remember, I am always yours. Even when I’m not.” 
Kara turns her head then, to Alex who sits on her left. Words are spoken by both of them but Lena doesn’t hear them. She can’t hear anything over the high pitched sound ringing in her ears and Kara’s last words playing on a loop in her mind. 
They should have had so much more time. They should have had years to be together, truly together. Years without lies and secrets pulling them apart. Years of light and laughter and love, so much love that it would be bursting out of them. The kind of love that couldn’t be contained. They should have had it all but now they only had minutes.
They only have minutes and Kara doesn’t know how Lena feels. A sudden panic seizes Lena as she realizes that minutes are quickly receding into seconds and Kaa still doesn’t know. 
“Kara,” even to her own ears, Lena’s voice sounds so far away. “Kara, I love you.” 
There’s no ignoring the tears now, they fall from Lena’s eyes unbidden. But Kara is smiling at Lena, that special, bright smile that always made Lena feel like she was the one who could fly. 
Kara’s smile remains as her eyes fall closed and her body goes limp. Kara’s smile remains as she exhales, whispering Lena’s name with her last breath. 
Supergirl dies a hero, mourned and celebrated by many. 
Kara Danvers dies to the sound of her sister crying beside her. 
Kara Zor-El dies smiling in the embrace of the woman she loves most.
Lena woke up feeling as if that last image of Kara’s smile had been burned into her retinas. The dream, memory, ends in the same place it always does, the moment before the realization of what she had just witnessed sinks in. Lena wakes with soul crushing despair settling deep in her chest so that her breath in a new day is little more than a broken sob. It takes a few minutes for Lena to gather herself enough to climb out of bed and reach for her phone. The move is calculated. Lena knows that if she had reached for her phone first, she wouldn’t have gotten out of bed. 
Every other day, Lena had been able to push herself through it. She could almost pretend that everything was normal, until she caught herself trying to call Kara and invite her to lunch. Even after two weeks, Lena’s first instinct was still to call Kara. The hope that maybe the dream had been a nightmare rather than a memory and Kara would answer when she called had been all that kept Lena going for the past 14 days. 
The day of Kara’s funeral had pulled that hope to a crashing halt. 
There had been a service for Supergirl the day before. It felt like all of National City had been there, human and alien alike. All the heroes that Kara had worked with over the years were there, a few of them people that Lena had only met briefly before the wave of dark matter destroyed all of their worlds. The Flash had a few words to say. Cat Grant had barely held her tears in. Superman openly cried as he said goodbye to his last blood relative. Lena had watched it all with a blank expression, Alex’s hand in hers. 
Lena had made her way to Midvale on her own and was one of the last to arrive at Kara’s childhood home. Eliza had greeted her with a hug and a far too knowing look. Lena had slept in Kara’s bed and refused to cry until she was sure that no one would hear her. 
Now, Lena pulled on the dark outfit she had selected the night before and made her way downstairs. Alex and Eliza met her at the bottom of the stairs and led her to where Clark and Lois were standing with J’onn. Eliza pulled Lena into another hug while Lois looked as if she was the only one in the room who could understand Lena’s pain. Everyone was treating Lena like she was Kara’s widow and Lena wasn’t sure she would ever recover from that. 
She had Kara had never been together. They hadn’t gone on dates or celebrated anniversaries. They’d never even kissed and yet Lena still felt like a piece of her heart had been broken beyond repair. She wasn’t Kara’s widow but she was Kara’s someday and that was somehow worse. 
How could Lena mourn what she’d never had in the first place? 
Kara’s funeral had been short. She wouldn’t have wanted all of her friends and family to spend hours crying over her. Kara had been a ray of sunshine, a becon of joy. Although tears were shed, everyone wanted to follow Kara’s wishes so it soon turned to a memorial rather than a funeral. As everyone had been distracted by Alex’s story of the first time Kara saved her, Lena didn’t think anyone would notice when she stepped onto the back patio. She nearly jumped in surprise when a masculine voice called her name. 
“Sorry,” Clark said as he stepped up beside her. Lena hummed her acceptance of the apology but didn’t say a word. 
They stood together in silence for a few minutes. If it had been any other time, Lena might have made a joke about a Super and a Luthor but it didn’t feel right with her Super missing. Eventually, Lena can see Clark’s shoulders sag and knows that the silence is about to be broken. 
“She was always so much stronger than me.” Clark speaks in a low, haunted voice. “I’ll never be able to thank her for righting my worst wrong.” 
There’s a heavy set to his shoulders and a distant glint in his eyes that makes Lena feel foolish for forgetting where all this conflict had started. Lex had killed Kara, but it was Clark that turned Lex into a staunch believer in the superiority of man. It was Clark who faced Lex time and time again. CLark who wasn’t strong enough to deal the blow that would have ended all of this conflict. It was Clark’s weakness that had pushed Kara into that position, and Clark’s cowardice that cost Kara her life. 
The urge to hate Clark for his inaction is strong, so strong it makes Lena’s stomach clench and her hands tremble. It would be all too easy to blame Clark for losing Kara, but Lena knows that it wouldn’t be fair to him. There’s plenty of blame to go around but Clark doesn’t truthfully deserve any of it. Lex does. For targeting Kara and dealing the fatal blow, but most of them blame falls on Lena herself. For her own war against Supergirl, for the experiments that gave Lex his powers, for not being strong enough to defeat him on her own. 
Kara would still be with them if not for Lena’s failures. 
“But there is something I can do for her, if you’re willing to help me.” 
It takes a moment for Lena to realize that Clark’s statement had been a request. She looks at him, blinking in askance. 
“Follow me,” Clark, in a move that Lena would never have expected to come from him, gently took Lena’s hand into his own and guided her down the porch steps towards the beach. Agreeing to Clark’s request that she wait there for a moment, Lena tries to settle her nerves. When Clark returns, Lena knows that there is nothing she could have done to prepare herself. 
Clark touches down gently a few feet away from Lena and in the space between them hovers a sleek, grey pod. The black surface on the outside fades to clear and suddenly Lena can see Kara. 
She looks peaceful in death, Lena thinks, like she finally dropped all the weight she had been carrying for so long. 
“On Krypton, when a woman died,” Clark swallows roughly. “It was tradition for the oldest female member of the House to speak Rao’s blessing over them.” 
Clark meets Lena’s gaze evenly. 
“I know that would be Eliza here, or Alura if she had come, but I also know that Kara would have wanted it to be you.” 
“Clark,” Lena hesitated, “Kal, I don’t know.” 
“I know what you mean to her. Meant.” Even though they had been doing so all day, hearing Kara referred to in the past tense hurt deeply and Lena felt the tears welling for what must have been the thousandth time. 
“Okay,” Lena agreed with a shaky nod. Clark handed her a small piece of paper from his pocket and then turned his gaze to the pod containing Kara’s still form.” 
“Whenever you’re ready.” 
Lena was sure that she would never be ready to say goodbye to Kara but there was no sense in waiting. Voice thick with tears and barely above a whisper, Lena began to read. 
“You have been the sun of our lives. Our prayers will be the sun that lights your way on the journey home. We will remember you in every dawn and await the night we join you in the sky. Rao’s will be done.” 
They stood there for a moment with only the sound of the waves crashing against the beach breaking the still air. Then, with a heavy breath like he was steeling himself for the hardest moment of his life, Clark lifted the casket into the air with him. A moment later, Kara returned to the stars that had brought her home. 
Clark returned to the Danver’s household while Lena remained on the beach by herself. There was a fleeting feeling of Lena wishing she had something to hold on to, a memento of Kara’s. The feeling faded only to be replaced with a much stronger wish to simply have Kara there with her. The feeling was strong that for a moment, Lena felt the soft, familiar warmth of Kara’s hand in her own, their fingers resting together easily. As time stretched on, Lena let herself be lost in the phantom feeling of what could have been, until the sound of a car door closing shattered the dream and brought Lena crashing back to reality. 
A reality where Kara was gone. 
Suddenly, the beach felt just as stifling as the house had been. 
Realizing that her moment with the ghost of Kara’s memory was over, Lena turned to make her way back to the house. 
Only Kara’s closest friends remained at the house. Clark, Lois, and Lucy were sitting together on the couch, the two normally argumentative sisters silent in their grief. Barry and Iris were curled together in a chair, Barry staring blankly ahead as Iris watched him in concern. Caitlin and Cisco sat together on the floor in front of Barry and Iris, their shoulders pressed together. Ava sat in the other chair with Sara leaning against her legs, her fingers idly wrapping a strand of Sara’s hair around and around. The other Legends must have gone back to the Waverider. Alex and Eliza sat together on the loveseat and made room between them for Lena. 
It was odd, Lena decided as she took the seat provided for her, to be surrounded by so many heroic figures and not feel even the smallest amount of hope. The Kara shaped whole in the arrangement could not be ignored. No one said a word as Lena sat down and the silence was no less disturbing the longer it went on. 
“It doesn’t seem right,” Cisco broke the silence with a sad voice. “The most powerful person we know.” 
“The bravest and most caring, too,” Barry added just as softly. “She didn’t even ask for help.” 
“You were all busy,” Alex shrugged slightly but Lena could see the tension in her jaw. “You all had your own villains to face and lives to live. She wouldn’t have disrupted that.” 
“She wouldn’t put all of you in danger like that.” Lena’s voice was hoarse from disuse. Not counting her blessing of Kara at the beach, that was the longest sentence Lena had said in two weeks. 
“I did, with the Dominators and Crisis,” Barry’s expression shone with guilt. “She answered every time.” 
“She was like Oliver,” Sara said, leaning further into Ava as she spoke. “More of a hero than any of us will ever be.” 
“All these powers, even time travel, and we still can’t save everyone.” Iris sighed and dropped her head onto Barry’s shoulder. Barry pressed a kiss against his wife’s forehead. 
“We would if we could.” Barry said. “I’d go back in a second if we didn’t have to worry about another Flashpoint. An event like this is too big to go back and change.” 
“Flashpoint?” Lena asked curiously. Alex looked at her with the smallest bit of surprise and a hint of question in her eyes. 
“One of the first times I travelled back in time on purpose, to save my mom. I ended up changing everything,” Barry explained. 
With everyone reluctant to leave, it took little prodding to get Barry to continue elaborating. A conversation about the difficulty of preserving the timeline arose between the members of team Flash and the two remaining Legends in the room. Lena listened with half an ear but her mind was stuck on the comment that had started this conversation. 
It didn’t feel right without Kara in the room, not only in the sense that Lena personally felt as though she was missing an essential part of her being, but in the sense that something about all of this was fundamentally wrong. The only thing about Kara’s conflict with Lex was that Lex was gone. It doesn’t make sense for him to have taken Kara out with him, especially not without Kryptonite. Lena remembered the final blow in sharp detail. The beam that had exhausted Kara was golden, not green. 
A comment about the natural order of time caught Lena’s attention and she pondered the implications of it. The natural order of time ensured that everyone was at the correct time and place, whenever that happened to be in the linear timeline of their own lives. Barry and the Legends are able to move through time as long as they don’t disrupt the natural time. There were few rules for time travel, but the most important was that one could not be in the exact same place and time as they had been before. A person cannot physically be in one specific time and place more than once. 
But, there were ways to send other things through time. The Legends used a ship, and Barry had once sent a message back in time to himself, warning of things to come. The beginnings of an idea began to form in Lena’s mind. Physical time travel was limited, but that didn’t mean that other forms had the same limitations. Unfortunately, Lena was kept from following that rabbit any further down the hole by the group finally breaking apart for the night. Lena forced the questions and ideas from her mind until she returned to National City. 
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Not the future you want.
summary: You don’t want kids and that’s a deal breaker for Harry, until it isn’t.
word count: 3.3k
warnings: angst, happy ending tho.
a/n: long time no see!! I missed writing for y’all SO much but lately i’ve been so busy, here’s a little something i wrote after finishing all my homework, please tell me what you think!
You can find the rest of my masterlist here.
Y/n didn't know how they got here.
Not even ten minutes ago they were wrapped around the covers of Harry's bed after making love, both still naked and sweaty from the previous activities. Harry was showering her with kisses all over her face, paying special attention to her nose and lips. The silence that covered them was comfortable, warm.
Right now all she felt was cold, iced silence filling the room as Harry stared at her with startled eyes. Suddenly, the once safe space they had to feel comfortable being naked in front of the other, was long gone and replaced with an awkwardness in the air. Y/n pulled the covers up to her chest, sitting down on the bed as she watched Harry do the same.
"What did you say?" He said. Although he heard it the first time she said it, he wished with all his being there was some kind of misunderstanding and he got it all wrong.
"Are you upset?" She asked cautiously. "Because you sound upset."
"No, I'm... Fuck, Y/n, I'm not upset." He passed a hand through his face. "Excuse me for being a little offended you don't want kids with me."
"I don't want kids with anyone, Harry." She said, growing upset. "Don't take it personally." Y/n started to look for her clothes that currently were laying on the floor, knowing what was going to come.
"But... baby, why? wouldn't it be nice to have mini us running around?" He sounded out of breath like someone just kicked him right in the stomach. He figured he could at least try to convince her otherwise. "Imagine how cute our babies will look. They'd have your adorable nose, maybe my eyes..."
"H, I'm sorry... kids have never been in my plans, it isn't something that I want." She said slowly, not knowing how Harry will take it.
"Wouldn't you willing to at least try?"
Sighing, she shook her head. "I don't want to do that to my body. I've worked so hard to look the way I do and, honestly? Pregnancy takes a toll on you both mentally, and physically and I don't want that." Y/n got out of the bed dragging the covers with her as she grabbed her clothes and started to get dressed.
At that moment Harry didn't know that, what came out of his mouth next, would either save his relationship or end it for good. "That's so... shallow." He practically spat.
"Yeah? Try carrying a human being inside of you for nine months!"
"If I could I'd do it since you're being this selfish!"
"Am I being selfish?! Listen to yourself! I don't owe you any explanation regardless of what I want and don't want to do with my body!" She finished putting her clothes on, silently thanking herself for wearing a dress and make it easier to get dressed in between all this mess. "I am not a baby machine, Harry. I don't exist just to get pregnant and be a fucking mother. If you want a baby so badly, then find someone who does as well!"
"But I love you!" He said, not realizing he was being childish.
"Then we can get a pet! It's the same responsibility."
"I can't believe you just compared a human being to a pet, Y/N! Don't be so stupid!" He threw his hands in the air.
"I honestly don't know what you want me to tell you." Y/n crossed her arms across her chest. "I'm sorry that you feel that way but I'm not changing my mind. I understand if..."
"I need time to... think."
"H..." She tried taking a step closer to him, but he backed off.
"Leave, please."
She didn't know if that was going to be the end of their relationship, and she hoped it wasn't. However, guessing by the look on Harry's face, this was it.
Harry's been miserable. He thought he'd only feel like these the first months after breaking up with Y/n but as the fifth month rolled in, he realized there was no way he'd ever get her out of his head... and out of his heart.
Even though he stopped crying in the shower in month three, he was still unable to go to the same places he used to go with her, his heart hurting too much for all the memories that hit him right in the face as he walks into the coffee shop they used to go to every Friday, or the place on the park they used to sit on after buying ice cream from the lovely old man who always gave Y/n a flower. He was slowly losing his mind and everyone around him could tell exactly what was happening. He missed Y/n.
The problem was, he took way too long to realize he made a mistake, probably the most tremendous one of his entire life. He couldn't stop thinking that, if he answered those calls he declined from her, the love of his life would most likely be wrapped around a blanket in his living room, watching the notebook for the millionth time as they cuddled closer and closer to each other. She always let Harry chose the movie, despite she always knew what his choice would be and although she used to get bored at the movie, after a few times watching it with Harry, she grew to like it.
That was who she is. She's always pleasing everyone else, often growing upset when she can get the people around her what they wanted. And that included Harry. She used to put him and whatever he wanted first, always. If Harry wanted to go out, they'd go out. If he wanted to stay in, they'd stay in. And deep down, Harry knew that the reason why he lashed out at her he way he did seven months ago, it was because he knew Y/n wouldn't be able to fulfill the one dream he wanted the most. Or at least, the dream he thought he wanted the most because when his anger went down and he was able to see clearly, he realized there wasn't anything in this world he wanted more than to be with her, and that if he ever went and married another woman just to be a father, that baby wouldn't be half the love of his life, therefore nothing would be perfect and his life wouldn't be as happy as he was when he was with Y/n.
"You have to get out of bed, H." Gemma said as she opened the curtains of the bedroom, making him let out a groan. "Although you're an asshole, it hurts me to see you like this."
"Thanks for the pep talk, Gem." His words came out muffled as his face was still pressed to the pillow. The one from the side Y/N used to sleep on.
"That wasn't a pep talk, knobhead." She sat at the edge of the bed. "I'm just tired of seeing you like this, Har. You fucked up, stop mopping around and own your mistake."
"She hates me."
"She has every reason to," Harry gave her a dirty look. "but, I don't think she does. You know her, she loved you more than anything."
"Yeah, she really did." Harry's eyes filled with a new wave of tears and he choked a sob. "I was so wrong, Gem. I can't believe I yelled at her the way I did." He cried. "I had the love of my life and I made her leave." Now he sobbed.
His sister sighed. Although it was very clear who's fault was, she couldn't help but feel bad for his baby brother. Everyone could see how happy they made each other, always saying they were it for the other. And they were true. That was, of course, until Harry fucked up.
"I'm telling you this because I love you," She started. "You have to move on. It's been five months, H. You made it very clear you both wanted different things, and that's okay. But you have to accept that."
"I don't mean it anymore!"
"It doesn't matter. You meant it back then, and you're not gonna change anything staying in bed and crying all day."
"You're right." He suddenly sat up, pulling the cover off of him. "I should go see her."
"No, that's not-"
"You're a genius, Gem." Harry cupped her face and gave her an obnoxious kiss on the cheek.
"I will get her back!" He jumped out of the bed and trotted to his walk-in closet, stripping out of his pajamas and into whatever pants and shirt he found. "I'll apologize and she will understand, right?"
"Baby brother, I think you're being a little too optimistic." Gemma stood up and walked towards him. "Don't be stupid, an 'I'm sorry' will not fix anything. Also, you don't even know where to find her, or how is she... or who she's with." Harry narrowed his eyes at her. "What? You have to consider all the options."
"I check her Instagram every day, she's not dating anyone."
"She can hide posts and stories from you, dumbass." She crossed her arms. "And every day? Creep."
Harry sticks his tongue out at her. "I also check her friend's profiles, believe me, she's single. And I'm gonna win her back."
"Harry," Gemma started, but he was already out of the run and running down the stairs. "Wait! Where are you going?"
"To her house!" He yelled back from the bottom of the stairs, grabbing his keys.
"Hang on, I'll take you!"
"What, really?" He stopped his tracks, turning around to face his sister.
"If you suffer from humiliation, I have to videotape it." She smirked, grabbing her purse and opening the front door.
"You're horrible."
"Chop, chop! Let's go, Romeo."
"I..." Hiccup. "I hate..." Hiccup. "... Men." Hiccup. "But I love you, Nolan."
"Alright, It's three in the afternoon, Y/n/n. Cut the tequila."
"What?!" She gasped. "It's never too early for tequila." She raised her finger at her best friend.
"C'mon, darling. Let's get you into the shower. Hannah should be here soon too."
"I love you guys." She said as Nolan practically carried her up the stairs and to her bedroom. "And I love Harry."
He sighed, finally entering the room, sitting Y/n on her bed where he immediately collapsed. "I know you do, sweetheart. Now, I want you in the bathroom."
She groaned, extending her hands at him. Nolan rolled his eyes but grabbed her hands to pull from her. He didn't know how she managed to get this drunk at three o'clock, but then again after five months of pretending to be okay, a breakdown was meant to happen sooner or later.
"You're the bestest friend ever."
"Mhm, repeat that when you're sober." Closing the door behind him, he helped her take her clothes off.
"Is Marcus mad at me because you left him to come here?" She asked, pouting. Marcus was Nolan's boyfriend.
"Of course not, don't be silly. He wants to take you out tonight though."
"Yes! Thousand times yes. Count. Me. In."
"What you want is your head on the toilet all night, don't you?" Y/N stepped into the shower but let out a squeal when she felt the cold water hit her skin.
"Let me out, let me out."
"Nope, we need to sober you up so you stay there." He leaned on the wall, waiting for her with a towel in his hands.
After a quick shower, Nolan wrapped her in the fluffy towel and left the room to go downstairs, he figured Y/n could handle herself for a bit while he waited for Hannah to arrive with food. He hasn't seen her this drunk since the day she and Harry broke up, so she still had a lot to let out.
There was a knock on the door and Nolan hurried to open it, thinking Hannah was finally here. To his surprise, instead of their blonde friend being there with loads of food for them to eat, Harry Styles was waiting on the other side of the door, holding the biggest bouquet of pink roses he's ever seen before.
"No, handsome. Go back to where you came from."
"C'mon, Nolan. Is she home?"
"Nope." Nolan crossed his arms, trying to look more intimidating. "She's out there, living her best life."
"Then why are you here?"
The blonde man opened his mouth then closed it again. "None of your business. Look, Harry, let it go. Do you seriously think showing up here five months after with a huge bouquet of flowers will magically fix everything?"
"I need to talk to Y/n, please. I-I messed up, okay? I was horrible to her and I know it, but I want to make it right."
He sighed. "Right now is not a good time, trust me." Harry frowned. "Do you want my advice? Move on."
With that, he closed the door on his face and returned to the living room. He was not going to allow his best friend to get her heart broken all over again over a pair of pretty eyes.
"When you said we'd be going out, I thought you meant to get fucked up, not to sing karaoke." Y/N said as she took a long sip of her drink, resting her cheek on her palm.
"Who says we can't do both here? Besides, I'll be fun." Marcus said.
"I don't sing, my loves. I came for the alcohol." Hannah finished her drink and stood up to walk to the bar to get another one.
"You're alcoholics, both of you."
"I call it, drown in your own sorrow."
"Cheers for that."
After a few rounds, Nolan was up serenading Marcus, completely out of key but no one cared since they were all already a little bit tipsy. Y/N was having a great time with her friends, completely forgetting the reason why she got drunk at three in the afternoon. No one knew what she did to not be hungover right now, but nonetheless, they were glad she was there having fun too.
That was until Nolan noticed Harry walk into the bar.
"Pst, Han." He whispered. "Wait ten seconds then turn around."
She did what he said. "Oh, so he did come."
"Wait, what?!" he whispered-yelled.
"I told him we'd be here." She shrugged.
"Why the hell would you do that?"
"Because they need to talk." Nolan rolled his eyes. "Cut the crap, you know I'm right. Y/n deserves an apology and Harry has one, easy peasy."
"You forgot the part where he broke her heart."
"Hey, I'm not defending him. However, they're crazy for each other and unless they talk things out, we'll have our best friend become an alcoholic."
"What are you two gossiping about?" Y/n said, returning to the table after going to the bathroom.
"About how I need another drink!" Hannah exclaimed.
"Ugh, me too. I'll go this time." She got up again.
"Wait!" Nolan grabbed her hand but Hannah kicked him under the table, making him groan.
"Are you okay?"
"Uh, yes. Can you bring me one too?"
"I got you, babes."
She walked to the bar while humming the song someone was singing up there. "Oop." Y/n tripped over her own feet but before she could fell face down on the floor, someone wrapped a hand around her forearm. "Oh, thank you..." She looked up to see the stranger who saved her and her breath hitched when she saw him. "Harry."
"Hey, love."
"What... how-? Wait, don't call me love!" She crossed her arms, annoyed.
"Y/n, wait, please. We need to talk."
"Oh, no, no. We-" She signaled the space between them. "Have nothing to talk about."
"Listen to me, please. I know you don't have to, and I know that I was horrible and behaved like a proper dick five months ago, but I want to apologize to you, I'm begging you."
She sighed. She looked into his eyes and saw a flash of hurt and regret, his hair also looked a mess and he looked like he hasn't shaved in a while. Maybe he's been feeling as bad as her. Deep down, she hoped he has.
"Five minutes, then I'm gone."
Harry wasted no time and pulled her towards the bathrooms, entering the ladies one and double-checking it was empty before locking the door. "First of all, you have no idea how much I've missed you." She opened her mouth, probably to throw a sarcastic comment but he interrupted her. "Let me finish, please. Last time I saw you... I wasn't nice, at all. I lashed out at you for no reason, honestly. You were right, I've got no say in whatever you want to do with your body. I was a brat and I was mad at... honestly, I don't know what I was mad about. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize this, but I don't need anyone else if I have you, Y/n. You're the love of my life and-" He grabbed her hands. "I love you with my whole heart. If kids isn't something you want, then we don't need it, baby."
"Harry, you don't know what you're talking about."
"Excuse me?"
"You love kids! I know you've always wanted to be a father, and you'll be a great one, one day. You deserve to have the future you've always dreamt of having." She offered him a tiny smile. "I'm not the future that you want, H."
"Y/n, listen to me, you're my dream. You, no one else."
"If we stayed together, one day you're gonna wake up and realize you missed your opportunity of having a family of your own and you're gonna hate me forever."
"Of course not." He said, offended. "How could you say that? I could never, never hate you. I'd hate my life if you weren't in it."
"We want different things. And despite me knowing that, I still walked into this relationship because I was selfish. Selfish because I thought you... you would change your mind."
"You're the most selfless person I've ever known, my love. You're not selfish, I'm an asshole. I didn't listen to you because I always want everything to be my way. But we're a team, we got each other. We don't need anything else."
At this point, Harry was ready to drop on his knees and beg for forgiveness. He was trying so hard to not start sobbing right there, but Y/n looked like she's made up her mind and he felt like his heart was breaking more and more as the minutes passed. He didn't know what else to say to convince her to be with him, and that terrified him.
"I don't know..."
"Please, give me one more chance. Please, baby."
Y/n was really trying to think this through. On one hand, she missed him more than anything, and she's been miserable these past months without her, no matter how much she tried to put on a happy face for everyone around her. On the other hand, she felt like she needed to let Harry go so he could be happy with someone else, someone who shared the same dreams and plans as him. Her blood boiled at the last part, feeling jealous of even thinking about Harry, his Harry, being with someone else.
She had him right in front of her on a silver plate, ready to rebuild their relationship because he loved her too much to let her go.
"I really missed you." She finally collapsed into his arms, holding him tightly. "And I'm so scared of losing you."
"You're not gonna lose me. Not now, not ever. You're stuck with me, okay?" He cupped her cheeks, looking at her straight in the eye. Her eyes were filled with tears but a little smile was forming on her face. "My pretty baby. I love you so so much and I'm so excited to spend my life with you."
"I love you too, I can't wait to be with you forever."
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babbushka · 3 years
I’ve been away from Tumblr for a few weeks now and I come back to all of this 😍 I’m SO excited for summer time fun with the boys! If request really are still open (OMG!), what about Flip and his Mrs having some fun in the pool he built! I don’t mean smut necessarily, but what if he like throws her in the pool and they have a splash fight and he’s holding her up in the water and it’s just a fluffy old affair with the happy couple 😍
1.2k, no warnings just fluff! (set in the Flip & His Darling Jewish Wife AU)
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After a long and brutal winter, and the allergen-ripe spring, Flip can’t even begin to describe how fuckin’ happy he is that it’s finally summer. The temperature topping out around eighty degrees and sunshine has his usually irritated, aggravated, sour demeanor transforming into something a little more eager and excited -- mostly because that means he gets to take the cover off the swimming pool.
When Flip bought the huge tract of land and built you this house all those years ago, it didn’t originally have a pool. That worked out just fine by him, because it meant you could design anything you wanted, and he would find a way to make it happen. Or rather, hire people who knew how to make it happen.
And so you did, and he did, and on this sunny summer day in June, with you lying out in your pretty new bathing suit soaking up the rays, he’s going to take advantage of the crystalline waters of the pool.
“Hey ketsl?” He hoists himself up out of the pool and walks carefully across the patio, the concrete having a tendency to be slippery when wet.
You’re lounging on one of the chaise lounges in the sunshine, skin practically glowing from the oils that he had rubbed into your skin about fifteen minutes ago, making you look like some sort of ethereal pool-side goddess.
“Yes honey?” You grin, sitting up a little on the lounge and lifting your sunglasses away from your face, the oversized lenses trendy for this time of year.
“Why don’t you come on it? The water’s fine.” Sitting down on the chaise, he moves your legs up and over so he can settle them down on his lap, patting the side of your thigh.
“I will in a minute, my sunscreen’s gotta soak in a little longer.” You point to your legs, and Flip only pinches at your calves playfully, “Otherwise it’ll just wash right off.”
“Hmm, how much longer?” Flip starts to creep a little further up the chaise, pulling you fully onto his lap, your laughter warm and bright just like the summer sun.
“Just a minute or two.” You slide your arms around his broad shoulders, his sopping wet hair dripping all over you in the process, but neither of you really mind. “I can think of a good way to keep you occupied.”
You’re both smiling a little too hard for it to be a real kiss, but you manage to get him to pucker up enough that your lips meet with happy sighs from both of your lungs, eyes slipping closed. Flip’s nose nudges against yours happily, and you open your mouth eagerly for him, letting his hands roam all around your body.
“You taste like pineapple.” Flip murmurs against your lips, sucking on your tongue a little, growing hot in his skin.
“Thanks, it’s the pineapple.” You reply cheekily, and Flip cracks open an eye to see your pina colada in the pineapple he cored out for you resting on the small side-table next to the chaise.
“You’re such a brat.” Flip shakes his head, biting your cheek.
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond to that, instead using the position of you wrapped around his body to his own advantage, picking you up and hoisting you into his arms, carrying you over the pool.
It takes exactly two seconds for you to realize what’s happening, and you immediately begin smacking at his chest, clinging to him tightly, laughing all the while.
“Don’t you fucking dare throw me, Philip Zimmerman!” You shout in between adrenaline filled laughter as he begins to pick up speed walking towards the deep end.
“I’m not going to throw you!” Technically it isn’t a lie, instead of throwing you, Flip runs and jumps into the deep end with you in his arms, and your excited screams are cut off by the splashing of water.
Making sure to let you go straight away so you can kick up to the surface of the water, Flip’s already swimming away, knowing that he’s in for some punishment for that little maneuver.
“That’s it, get back here you sonofabitch.” You call to him from the deep end, taking a deep breath before disappearing under the water again.
You’re fast, really fucking fast, in the water. So fast that he doesn’t get too far before you’re popping up in front of him, grabbing his shoulders, and shoving him under the water with a defiant laugh.
Under the water, Flip wraps his arms around your legs and yanks you down too, and when you both surface again, you’re each splashing one another with competitive energy.
Flip’s so handsome in the sun like this, you think. His skin tans so easily, and the rays always bring out his freckles and beauty spots that you love to count in the evenings as you’re falling asleep. He’s in his tight speedo, the gold chain of his magen david sparkling around his neck. You had slathered him in spf oils too, and the sheen of it glistens on his sculpted pecs and arms, his strong stomach and big thighs -- your very own Jewish Adonis.
“Shit, I always forget how good of a fuckin’ swimmer you are ketsl.” Flip manages to catch you and wrap his arms tight around your waist, kissing your neck and cheek in a multitude of wet smacking smooches as he teases, “You sure you ain’t a duck instead of a kitten?”
“Nah that’d be you, katchkaleh.” You tease right back, clinging to him again, your legs wrapping around his waist as you kiss him near the cascading waterfall that splashes into your pool from the rock formation that your husband had built.
You missed this, these afternoons where he doesn’t have to go into work, doesn’t have to go running around the city. Your husband is right here with you, exactly where he should be, kissing you, exactly what he should be doing.
“What do you say to having some friends over for a pool party this weekend? Kick summer off right?” You ask, twirling a lock of his wet hair around and around one of your fingers.
“Fine by me, as long as you keep wearin’ this tight fuckin’ swimsuit,” He toys with the ties of your swimsuit, “And I keep gettin’ to take it off of you.”
“Deal...!” You wink, pulling at the elastic of his speedo and letting it snap against his skin, before wriggling out of his hold and splashing away to the shallow end, craving another sip of your pina colada.
“Oh I’ll fuckin’ get you for that one.” Flip growls from the waterfall, and you only laugh, throwing a sparkling smile over your shoulder.
And if Flip gets lost in the way that you’re so beautiful out here in the sunshine, giving you a few seconds of a head-start, well, who are you to snap him out of it?
Tagging some Flip lovin' friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @miabelay11 @han68000 @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @loverofallthings @groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless @angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975 @cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen @caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @caitlin-was-here @icarusinthesea @princessflip
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
What about Oikawa stealing Ushiwaka’s darling. Not because he wants the darling, but because he wants to take away Ushiwaka’s whole world, same way Ushiwaka stole his in volleyball.
He seems like the type to hold on to grudges, doesn’t he? He’s so vengeful, so quick to spite, and Ushijima wouldn’t know not to show off his precious, vulnerable little Darling… It’d be a recipe for disaster, if their leash ever fell into the wrong hands.
Title: Nostalgia. 
TW: Violence, Physical Abuse (Past and Present), Domestic Abuse, Mentions of Kidnapping, Implied Harassment, and Mentions of Starvation.
To be fair, you’d known Oikawa first.
Or, you’d known of him, at least. You’d been peers, teenagers who just so happened to be students at the same school with a handful of shared classes and enough small, polite interactions to warrant a shy smile on your part or the occasional use of a playful nickname, on Oikawa’s. He was a familiar face, a name that brought up a few fond memories, but you hadn’t bothered to stay in contact. You’d always thought he was too affectionate for your taste, and he thought you were too reluctant to warrant a genuine effort, not that you minded - hell, you hadn’t even thought about him after highschool. In comparison, Ushijima was a friend, a companion, a lover. Your conversations hadn’t stopped at shallow niceties, and there hadn’t been a need for polite greetings, not when his was the last face you saw before you fell asleep at night, when his were the first lips you kissed when you woke up in the morning. Oikawa had been first, but Ushijima had been yours. Even after things got bad, after things got ugly, you’d still known him, and even if you hadn’t loved him by then, you’d felt enough betrayal to be sure that you had, once. That’s not something you could say, about Oikawa.
That’s something you would never get to say, about Oikawa.
You wondered if he still thought of himself as your savior, your guardian, your protector, all the pretty, indulgent things you’d called him after he first whisked you away from Ushijima, from Japan entirely, and gave you an allowance and a room in his villa and an assurance that you’d be welcome to stay until you got back onto your feet, until Ushijima stopped looking for the partner who managed to disappear in the space between one game and another. The first had been discarded as soon as you’d tried to turn down the third, and now, the second was less a gift and more of an obligation, something you didn’t want but couldn’t turn down, not unless you wanted to see how strong a setter’s arms really were. Your last attempt to get away was still fresh in your mind, still painted over your skin in the form of dark, splotching bruises, crawling down your spine and across the backs of your arms, forcing you to pull your sleeves a little lower as the deadbolt on your door clicked into place, your door creaking open a moment later.
You didn’t have to look up to know how it was. It wasn’t like Oikawa would ever let anyone visit you, not when he was so determined to keep you to himself.
“Thinking about me, beautiful?” Even if you looked away, kept your eyes trained on your comforter and your hands curled around the stiff fabric, his voice was unignorable, throaty and low and arrogant, as impossible not to hear as his touch was to feel, the latter coming in the form of a gentle nudge to your shoulder as he walked by, dropping his gym-bag somewhere near your dresser as he always did, after he got home from a long day of drills and practice matches. He had his own room, or, he had somewhere to spend the night when you proved too temperamental to sleep next to, but he seemed to prefer yours, his possessions outnumbering your own, even in a space that was supposed to be yours. That, or he just wanted to make sure you’d never forget whose thumb you’re living under. “C’mon, don’t leave me hanging,” He added, when you stayed quiet for a beat too long, when you wasted another dear moment you could've spent worshiping the ground he walked on. “You already know what I want to hear.”
“I don’t have much to think about,” You admitted, scowling while Oikawa was too preoccupied with prying off the jacket of his track-suit to notice the small display of rebellion. “You took away my books, before you left.”
“And your consoles, and your notebooks, and all the toys and luxuries and shiny things I’ve given you, all of which you’ve never thanked me for, by the way.” This time, he bothered to turn towards you, to idly wave you over the side of the bed with a sympathetic, synthetic smile. You knew better than to disobey him so blatantly, but that didn’t stop you from flinching as he reached down, cupping your face with both hands and leaning down just enough to push a soft, fleeting kiss into the top of your head, his lips lingering against your hair as he went on. “And you know why I had to take them away, don’t you?”
You did. Oikawa tended to justify himself, whether or not you wanted to listen. “Because I tried to escape?”
“Because you tried to do something you’d regret,” He corrected, pinching your cheek. “This is a deterrent, and necessary one, to make sure you have time to reconsider what you tried to do. If you get out, you’ll go home, and if you go home, you’ll be running right into Ushiwaka’s arms. You’ll be making everything you’ve done so far pointless, you’ll be making everything I’ve done for you pointless. That doesn’t sound very fair, does it?”
“It doesn’t sound like something you should have a say in,” You retorted, unable to keep the aggression from working its way into your voice, seeping into your words like a venom you should really, really choke down. In response, he moved to pinch your cheek again, but you were quick to bat his hand away, stubborn reflex rising over common sense. You didn’t want him to touch you. You didn’t want him anywhere near you, and suddenly, that seemed more important than what might happen if you tried to force him away. “It sounds like it should be my choice, not yours, and it sounds like you’re trying to take that away from me.”
“This is why I need to take it away from you.” This time, it didn’t seem like he was trying to comfort you. It was an explanation, a fact, something you should nod and accept and believe just because it’d be a little more convenient or Oikawa, if you did. “It’s just not what you’re made for. Ushiwaka did too much damage, I can’t expect you to fend for yourself, just yet. But that’s why I’m here, alright? I just need to make sure you don’t do anything you’ll--”
“Wakatoshi used to say he was trying to take care of me,” You mumbled, pressing your curled fists against your thighs. “He said that when he broke my phone, and told my friends I didn’t want to see them anymore, and drained my savings accounts. He said it was all for my protection. He said he was trying to help me.”
“But I’m not like him,” Oikawa assured, but his voice was strained, now, forced out through gritted teeth. “I promise, everything I do, I do because I have to--”
“He said that, too. He said it a lot, when he locked me in the basement, when he waited until I was begging to be let out to bother bringing me something to eat.” You paused, letting out a dry, humorless laugh. It was that, or give in to the tears slowly building up in the corners of your eyes, just beginning to blur your vision. “It’s funny. When you first flew off the fucking handle, I kept telling myself ‘at least this one remembers to feed me’. That became ‘at least I’ll always have dinner’, and then ‘at least he doesn’t do it on purpose’. Still, Wakatoshi never hit me. He was rough, sometimes, but he never hit me. Not you, though. Wakatoshi would try to calm me down when I was upset, but when I fuck up around you, you just keep hitting me, and hitting me, and hitting--”
You should’ve been expecting it. Oikawa was terribly predictable, and you should’ve been expecting it.
And yet, that didn’t stop you from screaming as his calloused palm made contact with your cheek.
It was a righteous kind of pain, a fulfilling pain, the kind that reminded you that this was how things were, now, that things were how things always were, even if Ushijima’s violence wasn’t as easily provoked. Oikawa’s actions were all purposeful, all conscious, unforgiving and harsh and ruthless as he wrapped your hair around his fist and bent you over, forcing your face into the mattress, mercilessly ignorant to the way you writhed under his weight and struggled to breathe against sheets and material and so, so much anger, it was hard to believe he hadn’t managed to suffocate you, yet. “Ungrateful bitch,” He spat, his free hand already reaching for something to make your lesson stick, something to make your lesson hurt. “I’ll show you what he would do, if you talked to him like that. By the time I’m done, you’ll be crying for me to make you forget about that bastard.”
That was right. That was so, so much better. It always felt better, when he stopped trying to be nice, when he let himself be cruel. You didn’t enjoy it, but you were grateful for it. You cherished it.
It helped you remember why you’d always kept a safe distance between you and him, back in highschool.
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malfoysbtch · 4 years
Unexpected Changes
Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
Summary: You’ve been best friends with Draco since you were children but you’ve had feelings for him for most of your friendship. What happens when Blaise lets your feelings slip to Draco?
A/N: I’m still working on part 3 of Uneasy Promises and figured I’d post this in the meantime :)
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You pushed through the crowd of students, desperately trying to reach your room before your best friend caught up to you. You couldn’t face him at the moment, not after what Blaise had done in potion’s class. You were actually avoiding Blaise as well, as he knew what he was doing, and he had promised you he would never tell anyone your secret.
You had grown up with Draco Malfoy, your parents being very close friends which allowed for you to see each other very often. Of course, you had an innocent childhood crush on the pale, blonde headed boy, but you had never expected it to blossom into full blown feelings in your later years. You had pushed them away as soon as you noticed yourself feeling them, as you didn’t like change and were scared of your dynamic changing if you told him of your attraction.
Upon reaching your personal prefect room, you plopped down onto your bed, staring at the top of the canopy. You didn’t know how you were ever going to face him again and you even considered just avoiding him until holidays and then figuring it out from there. ‘There’s no avoiding him, you heard him pushing Blaise for answers before you even made it out of class,’ you thought to yourself. You groaned, reassessing the situation, wondering if there was a way you could pull it off as a dumb joke.
Earlier in the day you had been walking to your potion’s class with Draco, laughing and joking along the way. You had actually been quite excited at that point to see how different the class would be with Professor Slughorn as a teacher; you had no idea at the time that it would turn into a complete disaster when you least expected.
Towards the end of the class, Slughorn introduced a potion he had brewed to show the class called Amortentia. Many of the girls in the class were very excited, as Amortentia was the strongest known love potion in existence. Slughorn proceeded to explain to the class that the smell would be different for each of them, as they would smell what, or who, they desired the most. Your mind instantly went to Draco and your cheeks flushed at the thought; you had always loved the way he smelled, finding comfort in the scent that invaded your nose when he would hug you.
The tall blonde noticed the flush in your cheeks and began pinching them and making fun of you, “Merlin, you have a crush, don’t you?” He laughed as you swatted his hands away, grumbling under your breath and crossing your arms. To you, this was almost as good as a verbal confirmation that he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, as he merely laughed and poked fun rather than seeming curious about who it was you had a crush on. Blaise actually joined him, which caused irritation to begin to rise; you wanted him to stop before he said too much, though it was already too late.
“Why don’t you go smell it, Y/N? You can finally tell us all about your feelings for Malfoy when you smell him,” Blaise teased, causing the table to go quiet and your head to turn quickly in his direction. Your heart dropped and you didn’t dare look at Draco, despite the feeling of his eyes burning into your back as you packed up your things. Rushing out of the door, you found yourself pushing through groups of students who had been released from their classes, fighting to reach the comfort of your bed.
Now, as you lay in your canopy bed, you thought of what would happen if he did feel the same way; you wondered how it would feel to have him lying beside you, holding you close. You wondered what it would feel like to be intimate with him, having him touch you. ‘Maybe he feels the same and it’ll all be worth it,’ you thought, enjoying the idea of what could be. But then, you wondered, what would happen if he didn’t feel the same? It seemed as though he gave up much quicker than you expected, he wasn’t knocking on your door trying to talk to you. Did this mean he was avoiding you as well? You couldn’t bear the thought of losing your best friend and only person you ever fully trusted and enjoyed.
Finally deciding that your own mind was the worst place to be at the time, you pulled yourself off of your bed and down the stairs. You ignored the whispers and stares as you made you way to the couch where Blaise sat. “Where’s Draco?” you were short with him, letting him know you were still angry with him. His face fell when he looked up at you, his smile quickly turning into an expression of guilt. “Y/N I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t-“
You cut him off, “It’s fine, we’ll talk about it later, where is he?” You weren’t trying to be rude to your friend, even if you were angry at him, but you knew if you waited too long you would chicken out. He studied you for a moment, trying to understand your intentions before speaking, “He went to the astronomy tower. He really wanted to speak with you.” His words were full of meaning as he gave you a pointed look, telling you that you neededto speak with him.
With a nod, you walked out of the common room into the dungeons. As you made your way to the astronomy tower, you tried to come up with what you were going to say to him, though every time you tried, it made you even more nervous. You weren’t sure how you were going to do it considering you couldn’t even think of what to say to him without freaking out. Should you just come right out with it? Or should you explain how it all began? You huffed, running a hand through your hair as you turned a corner that lead to the stairway up to the tower.
As you reached the bottom of the staircase, you finally made your decision and quickly stomped up the steps. Draco whipped around as you burst into the room; you seemed to be angry and he didn’t know exactly what to think or do in the moment. “Before you say anything, I want you to hear me out,” you had stopped a few feet in front of him and spoke fiercely, giving him no choice but to listen. All he did was cross his arms and give a nervous nod, signaling for you to continue.
“You may not feel the same but I’m so tired of hiding everything. Do you know how long it’s been since I really just thought of you as a best friend, Draco? We were children, it was just supposed to be a stupid crush, it wasn’t supposed to turn into more, I wasn’t supposed to have feelings for my best friend, and I wasn’t supposed to have smelled you in the Amortentia potion earlier today, but I’m sick of hiding it. You have to know, whether it changes everything badly or not, I love you.” You took a very deep breath, as you had talked quickly with no breaks to allow yourself to properly breathe. You took in Draco’s expression; he seemed to be deep in thought, a smile taking over his lips, though you were unsure of what this meant.
His silence stretched on for what felt like forever as he stood in front of you, looking incredibly handsome with his hair messy and his cloak laying sloppily on his shoulders. “It does change everything, Y/N,” he spoke quietly, and your heart dropped at his words, your feet seemed to step back by their own will. He shook his head vigorously, walking closer until he was inches away. “It changes everything because you finally did what I couldn’t. I was too afraid of ever losing you, but I can’t take it anymore I need you,” he had placed a hand against your cheek while the other pulled you against him by your waist. Your heart thumped rapidly against your chest and your breathing became shallow as he placed his forehead against yours, his eyes traveling down to your lips. He finally pulled you in, placing a gentle, hesitant kiss against your lips. When you kissed him back, placing your hands on his chest, he seemed to relax and kissed you deeper and more fervently, making up for all of the time you guys had kept your feelings to yourself. His lips melted with yours as they moved together passionately, almost desperately, as if neither of you could get enough of each other. He backed you into the wall, his hands roaming under your shirt and over your back and hips as he tucked his face into your neck, leaving kisses over the skin that was exposed. Your hands created a complete mess of his hair, tugging at his silvery blonde locks while you pulled each other closer.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he breathed. His chest was rising and falling quickly, each of you out of breath. You smiled, looking up at him as your hands roamed his chest before resting on his shoulders. “You have no idea.”
You closed your eyes, taking in the way his hands felt against you, finally holding you the way you’d always imagined. This didn’t help in the process of trying to calm yourself down after the events that had just occurred. “You’re mine now, darling,” you opened your eyes to see him biting his lip, smiling down at you with a gleam of excitement in his eyes. “And you’re mine,” you reached up and kissed him again.
The two of you left the astronomy tower after hours of talking, kissing, and holding each other; everything you had each wanted to do for years but were too afraid to act on. That night, you spent the night in his prefect dorm and talked about years of memories that were now so different since you knew the others point of view. As you dozed off, you felt him push your hair out of your face and plant a kiss on your cheek. “I can’t believe you’re finally mine. You’re my forever and I’ll always protect you.”
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allegra-writes · 4 years
“About you”
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Tom Hiddleston x Reader
General audiences
Warnings: None
You and Tom have been friends for a while, and even though you have a huge crush on him, nothing’s ever going to happen between you. You would know, you tried. He just doesn’t see you that way. Or does he? 
“Maybe if I ask you why don’t tell me, I won’t try hard enough…
I refuse to give it up, my lady” 
About you - Hola a todo el mundo
‘Hurry up, y/n, we’re gonna be late’ Your best friend, Mary, pulled out your earbuds, effectively pulling you out of your musings.
'I’m coming, I’m coming!’ You replied, walking faster after her. You ajusted your earpods and your coat firmer around you, not that it did any good. Why did you decide to wear a dress on such a cold night? Probably for the same reason you had accepted to go out on the first place. That reason was currently standing just a few yards away from you, waiting for you girls outside the station and looking down at his phone: Tom William Perfect Hiddleston. Blonde hair, dreamy eyes and a smile that could melt glaciers. Always kind, always funny, always dangerously charming. He looked up and met your eyes, and that aforementioned smile took over his face, warming you up inside. Huh. Seemed you were right about those glaciers after all. Feeling the heath creep up your cheeks, you couldn’t help to smile back.
'Seb! Oh my gosh it’s so good to see you! We missed you so much!’ You heard Mary say and took your eyes off of Tom’s. Seb, Tasha and Nick, the rest of your group of friends, were already there as well. Apparently you had been too busy staring at Tom to notice. You wished you could say that had never happened before, but sadly it was quite a common occurrence.
'Seb, you look great. New York did you good!’ You stood on your tip toes to be able to hug your much taller friend.
'Darling, you look gorgeous as ever!’, Seb replied, holding you tight to him. Over his shoulder you thought you saw a flash of something crossing Tom’s face, but it was gone as soon as it got there and you wondered if maybe it was just your overactive imagination, always looking for signs that weren’t there.
'Well well, that’s enough, let her go, you’re going to end up smothering her’ Tom reproached jokingly, placing a hand on Seb’s right shoulder and he let go of you.
'Ok, now that everyone has had their fill of dear Sebastian here’, Mary suggested 'what do you guys say if we actually get into the underground station so we can get going and maybe make it to the play on time for a change?’
You did exactly that and soon the six of you were packed into a carriage full of people. Mary and you got seats and Seb stayed close to you, but Tom and Nick ended up on the other side of the coach. You weren’t sure where Tasha was. You turned up your music but after a couple of minutes, Mary was tugging at your earphones one more time.
'Tom is staring at you’, She whispered conspiratiorially, 'Again.’
'You’re delusional’ You replied without lifting your eyes.
'I am not such thing!’, Mary insisted 'Why do you think he’s even here, taking the tube with us? He does have a car, you know’
You made a face, you hated that car. It was ostentatious and flashy and always calling the wrong kind of attention. Namely, the attention of shallow and plastic looking women who threw themselves at the car’s owner. But then again, as far as you knew, he maybe even enjoyed that.
'Maybe he feels like drinking tonight and doesn’t want to have to worry about driving’ Was your nonchalant response.
'Oh, please! He never drinks. Not more than exactly one beer.’
'Maybe he will tonight!’
'That’s not it and you know it! Sebastian, back me up here!’
'Oh, would you look at that! Tash has found a seat. I’ll go ask her if I can sit on her lap’ And with that, he was gone.
’… Coward.’
'Seriously, Mary, would you just let it go? Please?’ You pleaded, resting your head on the cold glass of the window, felling suddenly very tired.
'Ok, hun, this isn’t like you. Tell me what is going on?’
'Just drop it, please. He doesn’t like me that way,’ you said weakly, trying not to let the hurt show in your voice.
'And how would you know that?’
You finally took your earphones off and turned to face her.
'Because,’ You looked at your best friend in the eyes and confessed 'I have already asked him out’
Her face immediately fell and for the first time, she was left without words. It took a few moments for her to ask, really softly,
'And he said no?’
'He said yes’
’…I’m sorry, I’m not sure I’m following, you’re going to have to explain’
You sight deeply, you didn’t really wanted to remember that night. The memory of it still brought tears to your eyes. However, you swallow hard and tried to relate your story through the knot in your throat.
'Remember that night last summer when I dragged you guys to see that band with me, Louden Swain?’
'The one with the hot singer, yeah.’
You shook your head. Trust Mary to forget what she had eaten for dinner, but to recall the hot musician from three months ago.
'Anyway, remember how you guys all had something to do the next day, because it was Thursday night and you all left as soon as the show was over?’
You waited for her to nod before you went on 'Well, Tom and I stayed behind, so I ask him if he would like to have a beer with me. And we went to a pub near by…’ You trailed off remembering that night, how Tom would throw his head back laughing at something you said and everything felt just so natural, so easy.
'And? What happened then?’ Mary urged you on.
'We talked, we laughed, we had a nice time. It was… Just like we always are. He was my friend Tom. He didn’t flirt. He never tried to make a move.
“He’s Tom, he’s shy! And he’s a gentleman, he wouldn’t try to…’
'Mary,’ you cut her off 'I’ve seen him with women, being all smooth talk and debonair. He just wasn’t like that with me. After the pub, he walked me home and when we got to the door, he hugged me goodnight. He hugged me’
You sighed deeply, and blinked hard trying to get rid of the sting in your eyes.
'Maybe he got nervous…’ But she sounded unsure. You looked at her, trying to will her to understand. You wished for the thousand time you were like her, guys just seemed to gravitate towards her wherever she went. And why wouldn’t they? She was beautiful, funny and moved with confidence, always knew what to wear or how to do her make up. You weren’t like that at all.
She fell silent after that and eventually, you pulled your phone out to turn your music on again, but found you had a new text from Seb.
She’s right tho, you know
It was all it said. You turned around looking for him and finally spotted him a couple seats farther back, with Tasha firmly on his lap, seemingly completely at home there. 
What do you mean?
You sent to him. A few seconds later, your phone chimed again with his reply.
Tom has a crush on you
You stared at those six words an embarrassingly long time before your brain started working again. When it did, you typed,
Not you too. It’s not like that. You guys just don’t know.
This time, his response took a little longer to arrive.
About the time you guys went out after that show and how he froze and didn’t kiss you at the door when he should have? Yes I know, he told me everything about it. In. Excruciating. Detail. And about how you didn’t call him the next day or the day after. He sulked 'bout it for weeks.
Seb was still typing when you interrupted the rest of his tirade with
I thought the guy was supposed to do that
He started typing again and soon you got another text, this one exasperated.
ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?? For all your talk about feminism and equality and empowerment he thought if you still liked him YOU would call HIM. He thinks you friendzoned him that night.
Your obnoxious answer was
He never made a move
You looked over at Seb just in time to see him rub his face with his hand in frustration before texting
Not every guy needs to go for the kill on the first date you know? Some of them actually care about more than sex. There are some gentleman left out there.
You caught his eye as he placed his big hand on Tasha’s naked tigh. He winked at you and sent
Not me, tho. I’m a pig
That made you laugh out loud.
You looked out the window and saw there was only two more stations left before Picadilly. You were almost there. Your phone ringed with another text from Seb again.
Go on, you. Prove me wrong. Ask him out.
You bit your lip and looked at Tom, apparently deep in conversation with Nick. Not even the ugly fluorescent lights from the tube could make him look bad. It was unfair, really. You took a deep breath and before you got nervous and changed your mind you text him
Wanna do something together after the play?
You saw as he felt his phone vibrate and opened your text. His face lit up with the big, boyish smile that you adored. He bit his own lip and raised his eyes to meet yours through the crowded carriage and as his expression softened you were finally sure that your friends had been right all along. Because he was looking at you like you were everything that existed in that moment. There was no carriage, no crowd, not anything. It was just the two of you.
Anything you want, I’m yours
A text message wasn’t supposed to leave you breathless. But sure damn it did.Not to be bested, you sent back
What I want is for you to kiss me goodnight this time
There. There was no mistaking now, that wasn’t a "you’re my friend” kind of text. You literally couldn’t make it any clearer to him.
The train came to a stop and you had to get off, so he couldn’t answer. But as soon as you reached the stairs, you felt him entwine his fingers with yours.
And as soon as you got out the station and into the street, you felt him tug on your hand hard, making you turn around and crash into his waiting mouth. That’s when the world really stoped. That’s when everything truly disappeared. The dark, loud, bussy streets suddenly went pitch black and silent.
It was as if you had never been kissed before. As if you had never felt soft lips pressing on yours, nibbling them, coaxing them open, warm breath mixing with yours, big hands cupping your cheeks carefully, delicately, a tentative tongue licking your parted lips… All too soon it was over, but he didn’t let go of you just yet, and you didn’t try to get away. It was like gravity, there was no resisting it. He finally rested his forehead on yours and whispered against your mouth
'How about I just kiss you hello?’
The end.
This was the very first fice I ever wrote, back in 2018 and I realized I never posted here. Such a trip through memory lane! i hope you didn’t find this too cringey, cuz it will always hold a special place in my heart💖
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ververa · 4 years
“I see red...”
Request: hiiii could you do a Lenore Osgood x fem reader fic (smut) where the reader would call her mommy/daddy and Lenore would call her princess or some cute pet name
A/N:  I know I'm the worst for taking so long 🙈🙈🙈 I apologize, but school and everything has been pretty hectic lately. Also I'm kinda struggling with writing, not to mention that smut definitely isn’t my strong suit, so I'm sorry if this is bad 🙈 I did my best.
Hope you will enjoy it!!!
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Lenore Osgood x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW
Word count: 1,548
You laid on Lenore's king sized bed, sprawled out – just the way the older woman liked. Your hands rested on both sides of your body, your nails were digging into satin bedding as you desperately needed to keep a hold of something when Lenore made your legs spread in one swift move. It never took her too much effort. Just a simple touch of her delicate hands, her nails lightly scratching, leaving white marks on your sensitive skin - were enough to turn you into a mess. It always worked the same. It drove you crazy every damn time without fail. Lenore knew it and took great pride in being able to make you feel that way.
As your legs parted, making enough space for Lenore, she crawled onto the bed, positioning herself between your thighs. You watched her, but didn't move, remembering the rule - no touching. You knew better than to disobey Lenore. You knew that being a good girl and following the rules could be far more rewarding than misbehaving. And the truth was - you were happy to comply. You would do anything, everything for her. Whatever she wanted you to be, you would be - because nothing could compare to the feeling she gave you. Nothing compared to her and nothing had ever felt so good as being with her.
You liked the way she looked at you. You liked the way she touched you. You liked all of it more than any words could ever describe. And Lenore was well aware of it.
Lenore smiled looking at you. You adored that little smirk - the sign of satisfaction on her face, almost as much as having her hands on you. She was clearly pleased with the fact you had no panties on. You were wearing only a skimpy, black nightgown - the one she bought for you and liked so much. It wasn’t a coincidence. She knew. You had been thinking about it. Dreaming about it. Dreaming about her. She had you wrapped around her finger. She had you right where she wanted to - ready, eager, at her beck and call.
“Take it off, darling,” she said, lightly pulling at the lacy material and giving you some space.
You nodded, sitting up and stripping off the thin fabric. That’s what she liked. Obedience.
Lenore took in your naked form and smiled contently, dreamily even. That grin itself was enough to make your head spin. You definitely could lose your mind for that woman. You did lose your mind and there was no turning back…
“Lie down” Lenore ordered and you obliged immediately. “So eager, aren’t you, darling?” she chuckled, shifting, sitting in a more comfortable position.
You blushed, nodding. There was no use denying, you were way too obvious to try and do so anyways.
“Well well, then I should probably give you what you want, hm?” she said, tracing her fingers across your thigh and closely watching the way your body responded to her touch.
“Please…” you gasped.
“Please what, princess?”
“Please, touch me” you looked at her pleadingly.
“Hmm...I don’t know. Should I do it?” she teased and chuckled, as you rolled your eyes. “I need to think about it,” she said in an indifferent tone, looking at her nails instead of you.
“Please please… mommy” you pleaded, knowing it would work, as it did every time.
Lenore’s eyes widened at the title you used. It wasn't the first time you called her mommy. It probably wasn't the last time either. At least she hoped so.
It didn't matter how many times before you had called her that. It didn't matter how many more times you would do it. She could listen to it all the time. Again and again. And the power that one simple word carried would never decrease.
"You are such a good girl for me" she praised "I guess I should reward you, hm?"
You nodded eagerly. Ready and waiting as you always were for her.
"Please…" you said softly, as Lenore positioned herself between your legs once again. Her hand slid up your thigh, making you shiver. You arched your back, giving her an invitation.
"That's my girl" she chuckled, bringing her body down on top of yours - accepting the invitation.
Her lips found yours within seconds. Her hands got a hold on both your wrists and made you move them up, keep them above your head. She shifted to grab them both in one of her hands, so that she could use the other as a support. She held you like that for a while. Her lips trailed down your chin, down the center of your neck. 
"Keep them here" she said, pecking your lips, before letting go of your wrists.
You complied, as you always did. You kept your hands up, out of the way, curling your fingers and biting your lower lip, as Lenore explored your exposed skin. She explored it with her hands, with her lips, with her tongue. She was in no hurry. She let herself enjoy all the ways your body responded to her actions. You made soft sounds as she worked, sighs, giggles, a sudden intake of breath - as she moved and her lips met your stomach. She stopped then and moved forward, placing a few kisses up the space between your breasts.
She didn't keep you waiting too long. She never teased too much. She wanted to hear you moan, scream her name. She liked to watch you whine underneath her. She liked to watch you burn with desire.
Lenore raised your legs higher and you wrapped them around her. The fabric of her silky, red robe was tickling your exposed skin. 
Her lips met yours again, and as they did she entered you, inserting two fingers inside you, sliding deeper, watching you closely as you arched your back and gasped. She smiled.
"Look at me. Look into my eyes" she demanded.
Your eyes met her blue ones, which were now almost completely black with lust. Lenore smirked, before leaning in and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, pumping her fingers in and out. You kept rolling your hips, searching for even more friction.
"If you keep doing it, I'll stop" Lenore warned and you immediately stopped. You didn't want her to stop. Not when you were so close.
Her lips moved to suck on that one, particularly sensitive spot in your neck that only Lenore knew existed.
"Oh!– Uh!– Lenore" you moaned, momentarily closing your eyes.
"Who?" she pulled away to look at you with one eyebrow raised.
Your eyes opened as you quickly corrected yourself.
"M-mommy" you said, your voice shaking.
"That's it, princess" she smirked, before continuing kissing down your neck. Each peck of her lips on your sensitive skin was leaving you breathless, pushing you further to the edge. Her touch was gradually setting you on fire. You closed your eyes and drew in a hitching, shallow breath. 
"I'm gonna-" a whine escaped your lips "I'm gonna… cum"
"Cum for me, sweet girl" she said in a low voice, curling her fingers inside of you.
You gasped then moaned. And for a moment all you could see was red… Nothing in the world compared to that feeling. You had never felt anything so strong as you did with Lenore. She got your mind flying high, yet kept you completely conscious at the same time. Conscious and incomplete. 
Lenore watched as you fell apart underneath her and then observed how you slowly came down from the blissful state you were in. She stared at you with a small smile on her face. Her nails were lazily drawing different shapes on your abdomen, as she waited for you to catch a breath.
It took you a moment to finally be able to open your eyes. As you did so, you turned your head to look at her. Lenore looked into your glazed eyes and brushing your cheek asked,
"How did it feel, sweetheart?"
"Amazing" you said and met her smile with one of your own.
Lenore moved to sit up and reach for a cigarette, though before she could you rolled over and straddled her lap. The woman hummed contently as you wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her. She placed her hands on your hips to pull you even closer. The action made you smile against her lips.
Lenore's nails dug into your back and you continued kissing down her neck and cleavage until you reached the bottom of her robe's neck. She gasped as you kept placing kisses all around the neckline. You pushed down the edge of her robe, exposing her shoulder, giving your lips more skin to conquer.
"Since I've been good, it's time you let me have a taste of you" you said at which Lenore's grin only got bigger.
The heiress undid her robe, exposing her naked body. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer. The excitement of what was next took your mind over completely.
Having Lenore's hands and lips on you felt  amazing, blissful. Though being able to return the favor felt even better. You hadn't even started yet, but you already were ready to pray and beg her for more.
Tag list: @midnight-lestrange​, @natasha-danvers​, @stopkillinglilyrabe​, @welshdragonrawr​, @saucy-sapphic​, @yang12e​, @xixxiixx​, @pradababey​, @marvelfansince08love​, @scoumastersarahismyname​, @misssmephisto​, @queeniesstrudel​
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captainmarvels · 4 years
wicked games [25]
Summary: Time is frozen in place as shit hits the fan. Can this be undone? Or is it too late?
Pairing: CEO!Tom Holland x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1837
Warnings: Swearing and infidelity; blackmail
Author’s Note: A NEW UPDATE!!!!! Sorry for the long wait but I hope this chapter is worth it! This chapter is also mainly from Harrison’s POV so I hope you enjoy! also: @rocketman-s​ is the alpha in this bitch
wicked games masterlist
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The setting sun showered the living room in orange and pink hues. An empty wine glass sat alone on the coffee table, condensation dripping down the sides.
“What is taking them so long?” 
You were pacing back and forth in front of the TV, your footfalls thudding quietly against the hardwood floors. Mary was sitting on the couch, face in her hands.
“It does not take this long to get back from-”
“Patience, love. We’ll hear the elevator any second now, I’m sure-”
As if she had manifested the sound herself, the elevator bell announcing an arrival rang out through the silent apartment. 
You ran to the foyer, where you greeted with an all-too familiar smile.
“Darling,” Tom whispered as you ran into his arms, tears already streaming down your cheeks.
“I… It wasn’t me, I swear.” You managed to get out between the sobs racking your body. Your knees gave out as your emotions rolled over you, and Tom held onto you tightly as you both fell to the ground. 
“Shh, I know, love, I know…” His hands ran up and down your back, his touch drawing you back as you tried to control your breathing.
“Tom…” Harrison’s trembling voice echoed around you. 
Tom helped you to your feet, his hands never leaving you as he turned to look at his best friend.
The look they shared sent a shiver down your spine.
“You said you had some explaining to do. Well?” Tom’s grip was tight on your waist, the grimace on his face showing no remorse.
“Why don’t we make ourselves more comfortable before Haz’s confession, hm?” Mary was leaning against the wall, her gaze never straying from Tom as the three of you made your way to the living room. Tom let go as he paused in front of Mary. You could barely make what he said to her.
“Thank you. For being here when I couldn’t.” Mary simply shook her head, giving him a pat on the arm before she passed the threshold.
“Ready to confess to your sins, Osterfield?”
You followed her as she sat down on the couch, but Tom maintained his distance, opting to stand behind you as he glared at Harrison.
“Haz,” You said. “What’s going on?” 
Harrison wringed his hands, his gaze falling from Tom to the floor as he steadied his breathing. 
“I want… to preface this by saying, I didn’t think anything would come of it, I really didn’t.”
“Spit it out, already.” Tom said, venom lacing his words.
“Dom knows about you two. I… it slipped out a few weeks ago, but I never meant for anything to happen because of it, you have to believe me. I was convinced he had already figured it somehow and if he already knew, what was the harm in confirming it, right?” Sweat was beading up across Harrison’s forehead, his lips quivering as he met your gaze. 
You didn’t know what to think.
But you knew how he’d react. 
“Tom,” You whipped your head back, your hands grabbing his before he could move. The fury clouding his eyes was not a good sign. 
“Tom…” You whispered, your eyes threatening to well up. “Look at me.”
“Fucking…” He took a deep breath, his eyes falling to meet yours as his jaw clenched. “How could… how could you do this? You…” 
“Please,” Harrison whined. “You know me, mate. You know I wouldn’t do this if it weren’t…”
“That doesn’t make this hurt any less, Harrison. We promised him. Promised.”
Mary’s voice did not waver as she stared at her friend. But doubt clouded her gaze as she spoke.
“Nothing trumps that. And you know that better than anyone.”
“I know, Mary. But I can…” Harrison dropped his gaze to the floor once more, his hands fidgeting with the cuffs of his jacket.
Tom’s hands were still in yours, and you refused to let him go, even when you heard Harrison walk away without another word.
“Don’t. Tom, please…” You cupped his face, his gaze protesting yours as you both heard the elevator doors open.
“I can’t... “ Tom whispered, a tear gracing his eyelashes. 
I can’t do this.
Harrison’s fingers thrummed against the steering wheel, his breathing shallow as he drove past the painstakingly familiar iron-wrought gates. His phone screen was lit up, texts from you and Mary filling up his notifications as he made his way down the winding driveway. Once he pulled up to the main door, he turned the engine off and ran an anxious hand through his hair.
I can fix this.
That’s what Harrison had wanted to say to Tom. But he couldn’t get the damn words off his tongue. 
I can fix this.
He would regret betraying Tom like this forever, but he knew he had to do this. It was long overdue.
The front door swung open as Harrison made his way up the stone steps, his hands growing clamier with every second. 
“Such an odd time for a visit. Didn’t think to call ahead, Osterfield?” Dom’s voice made Harrison wince as the door shut behind him. 
“Figured you would try and avoid me if I did. Best to be prepared,” He retorted, his voice wavering under pressure.
“And to what do I owe… the pleasure of your company?” Dom sneered, chuckling under his breath as Harrison began to fidget with his hands.
“You can’t keep doing this.” 
Dom’s gaze flitted up, amusement dancing in his eyes. 
“Keep doing what, exactly? Use your words, Harrison.” 
“You can’t keep fucking with Tom. You’ve done more than enough damage, as it is.”
“And who do you think you are to tell me what to do, hm? You think you can come into MY home and tell me-”
Pulling out his phone, Harrison stopped Dom right in his tracks as he flashed the screen at him.
“You seem to forget who receives all the company emails, and can see every staff member’s activity. These look familiar to you, sir?”
Harrison swiped through his email screenshots, a look of horror crossing over Dom’s features as he realized what he was looking at.
“How did-”
“It seems this… woman forgot to send these emails to your personal account, sir. There are quite a few… inappropriate messages and, well… certainly some not safe for work photographs attached as well, it appears.” Harrison pulled the phone out of Dom’s grasp as he met the man’s aggressive stare. “I wonder what Nikki would have to say about this…”
Dom was seething, and Harrison had never felt as powerful as he did in that moment.
“Very clever, Osterfield. Looks like you have picked up a thing or two from your time working with me.”
Listen to me, Dom. You and I both know what this will do to your marriage if Nikki finds out. But I can make it all disappear… if you do as I say.”
Dom moved to speak, but Harrison glared at him.
“I am still speaking. Tom is more than worthy of this company, and that shouldn’t even be something up for debate because he has proved himself over and over again, only for you to be a complete arse who took advantage of his emotionally unstable son with addiction issues. You could’ve helped him, but instead you used him, as if he were nothing more than a pawn in your game.” Harrison could feel the pent up anger starting to spill over as he continued.
“The boy needed to learn a lesson, Harrison. You’re not a father - you don’t know it’s like to see your child amount to nothing when you have given them everything! I needed to know he would take the situation seriously -”
“You are no father to him, Dom. You have been abusing and using Tom for years, and you want to claim that as parenting? All that you have put him through made him the way he is, but he is better now. Better than I’ve ever fucking seen him.”
“Don’t talk to me about my children-”
“Shut up, for Christ’s sake. I don’t need to hear your pathetic excuses. You already know what I have on you. Make sure the case is dropped and your ‘testimony’ is wiped from the record. And while we’re at it, I’m going to need you to rewrite the terms of Tom’s trust.”
Dom paled at Harrison’s words; sweat slowly rolling down his forehead as he stammered on his words.
“What about Tom’s trust?”
“Write yourself out of the terms. Terminate all conditions of the trust, and remove the company from the living trust’s properties. Tom wants the trust commandeered under his name. He is not a child, Dominic. And I will not allow you to continue ruining his life. You are done controlling him.”
“Those conditions are a fail-safe, and you know it just as well as I that Tom is not fit for CEO.”
“We’ll cross that bridge if we get there. But, I believe in him. Besides - Tom has the full support of the board behind him,”
“The board knows?” Dom’s eyes widened at the news. “I haven’t spoken to them-”
Harrison smiled. “They were briefed on the situation this afternoon, behind closed doors. It’s in the by-laws, Dom. Should an interim CEO be declared without board approval, the board can deliberate and either support the interim, or have the replaced individual return, under their own conditions. You have no say on that. The twins were removed from company premises just after I arrived here, I believe” Harrison checked his watch, noting the hour before meeting Dom’s gaze of disbelief.
“You son of a-”
“Save the pleasantries for later. The board wants to meet with you first thing tomorrow morning; they are concerned about the actions taken behind their backs. I would be more careful, if I were you.”
Harrison began to head for the door.
“And if I don’t follow through?”
Harrison paused, a shadow crossing over his features as he turned.
“If the trust’s attorneys do not hear from you in 24 hours, they are prepared to have you served and due in court before the end of the week. I wouldn’t want to delay any of your ventures for… personal reasons. Besides,” Harrison continued as he grasped the front door’s handle. 
“I have some mail for Nikki that’s scheduled to arrive in the morning if I don’t receive confirmation from the attorneys and police.”
“She knew this was coming.”
Harrison paused. “Who?” He asked, his voice barely a whisper.
“The girl. I tried to convince her into signing the document herself… for his sake. She refused, but I knew she wouldn’t breathe a word of what happened to either of you. Don’t forget; Tom isn’t the only one involved in this, boy. You can’t protect them both.” Harrison’s grip on the door handle tightened, his knuckles turning stark white as he shook his head. A small, dark chuckle escaped him.
“I look forward to hearing from you. Have a nice night, Dominic.”
@cherrynat​​ @anytimebitches​​  @jobean12-blog​​ @emotchalla​​ @illletitgrow​​ @cloverrover​​ @justaveryobsessedfangirl​​ @ssweet-empowerment​​ @killmongerdreams​​ @spideytrxsh​​ @eyestheyseeyou​​ @aussie-mantle​​ @spidergirlwanab​​ @i-think-i-am-adorable​​ @amanda51015-blog​​​ @princessskylarsblog​​​ @whoneedsalifeanyhowxx​​​ @chinalois​​​ @darkerthanspace​​​ @slighttinsomniac​​​ @curlytomholland​​​ @wanderlustomaha​​​ @hollandazing​​​ @mendes-marvel​​​ @wowspideyholland​​​ @shelivesin-daydreams​ @tellurfriends​
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Always Welcome | Victor Von Doom
✦ pairing — Victor Von Doom x gender neutral!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.6k
✦ modern AU
✦ summary — you go to your closest friend Victor for comfort, feeling like you’re about to lose yourself after a stressful week filled with nightmares.
✦ request — Could I request a Modern!AU with Dr. Doom with prompts S5 and F6?
✶ S5 - “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
✶ F6 - “Every inch of you is breathtaking.”
✦ warnings — light angst, very light mentions of self-harm, fluff.
At least it wasn’t raining, only a little too cold to take a walk in sweatpants and a hoodie. Unsurprisingly, you didn’t find the cold comfortable, not now, not alone — not after the shitty week you had.
You looked up at the bedroom window as you stopped in front of the familiar house. The lights were off. There was a possibility that Victor was still up, but you realized too late that you should’ve texted or called before appearing uninvited in the middle of the night.
You, however, rang the door and nervously waited. Playing with the strings of your hoodie, you wondered if you should leave now yet your other hand had a mind of its own and you pushed the doorbell again.
Guilt squeezed your heart as Victor opened the door, confusion and sleep clear in his face as he squinted to see who it was. “Shit, I woke you up...”
Relieved to hear your voice and not somebody else’s, he shook his head, inhaling sharply in attempts to keep himself from yawning. “You didn’t. Come in.”
He shivered as the cold temperature seeped into his house. You shook your head too. “No, no. Go back to sleep.”
Before you could turn around, he took you by the sleeve of your hoodie and pulled on it. “Please, come in.”
He tugged on your sleeve again, eyes on your scared face. He could tell you were hesitant, guilty even.
Victor managed to make you lose your balance as he pulled you into the house.
Placing your hands on his arms to steady both him and you, observing the bags under his eyes, you opened your mouth to make up an excuse.
Victor assured you, “I was already awake, I promise.”
Avoiding his eyes, you nodded lightly. He closed the door behind you, keeping his other hand on your arm and his eyes on your face. The light could have been tricking him, but he didn’t remember you looking so tired last week.
You timidly rested a hand on his side, taking a shallow breath in. You then sniffed.
“Hey,” he mumbled softly, “what’s wrong?”
You shook your head, breathing shakily as you avoided looking at anything close to him. “W—what if I—“ you interrupted yourself with another shake of your head. Yet you gave in and told him what you had been dying to get off your chest the entire week, “I’m scared,” you rasped. “So fucking scared, Victor... Nightmares are coming back.”
“Have you been stressed out lately?”
You nodded, almost shyly.
“Oh, (Name)” he sighed sadly. “It’s okay, darling, we knew it would happen while you get used to your new job.”
“I feel like I’m going to lose myself.” Your voice shook through the admission. “Again. We know how that went before.”
“Don’t do that to yourself.”
“Do what? Be realistic? Be ashamed of how much I’ve tried not to think about that again? I can’t help that.”
Rubbing your arms up and down, he said, “You are here. You could be anywhere else, you could be hurting yourself, but you are here with me. You did that, (Name), you had a thought and made a choice. That’s what matters.” Slowly, he trailed his hands up your arms and rested them on your neck, ready to hug you.
You didn’t make a sound nor push him away, you merely avoided his eyes. Not looking into his gentle gaze was the only thing keeping you from crying.
“I’m proud of you. And I wish you weren’t minimizing your progress because you’ve had a few bad days, but it’s okay. It’s normal, and you’re only human.”
Carefully, he hugged you by the neck. You hugged back, wrapping your arms around his waist.
He was warm, warmer than the pile of blankets you had used in vain to protect yourself from the cold. Your roommate had worriedly told you that you didn’t need that many blankets — they didn’t understand what was going on. They worried for which you were thankful, they didn’t want you to get sick.
But sickness wasn’t the issue. Unless loneliness and a mind that reels over the smallest things counted as a medical condition.
“Don’t let me go,” you pleaded.
He tightened his arms around you, chest to chest with you as you curled up around him. Your face found its place in the crook of your neck. “Never.”
You inhaled deeply, nuzzling onto him as you did so. Your forearms were firm against his back — for whatever reason, you clung to him like he would only ever be your source of comfort, as though nothing else could ground you.
Both of you knew such a thing wasn’t true, not to that extent — but for Victor, it was nice to be needed, and for you, it was nice to be assured that it was okay to need somebody.
You lightly parted from him, looking down. Your eyes finally fixed on his bloodshot ones. You wanted to oh so badly ask why he was so tired, but words got caught in your throat.
He was always so nice to you, uncharacteristically patient. And at this moment, he was looking at you with tenderness, seeking the assurance that you were okay, that you wouldn’t give up on yourself.
Unwrapping an arm from his waist, you curled the one still around his tighter on his form. Your free hand, angled so his cheek would fit on your palm, rested on the side of his face.
“Are you tired?” you asked, softly, afraid he would say yes.
“Not much. I’m sure you are.”
Abashed, you nodded.
Your thumb traced his nose, and you entertained yourself with following the movement of your finger with your eyes. “I don’t wanna go, though.”
Humming, he unconsciously nuzzled against your hand. “You don’t have to go. You know you're always welcome to stay.”
Your eyes fell on the smile he gave you, genuine and welcoming. Your gaze stayed there, mapping the stretch of his face, the shape of his lips — it wasn’t the first time you did it, yet it felt different.
Leaning down, he rested his forehead on yours. Gaze searching for his, curious as to what he was doing, you found yourself willing to get lost into his eyes and never come back.
“Just kiss me already,” you mumbled, gauging his reaction. The second the words left your mouth, you realized you could’ve been ruining the only relationship outside of your family and roommate that you had left — the only relationship you had built purely on your own.
He inhaled heavily. “Okay.”
His eyes lingered on yours, searching for doubt and nervousness but finding patience and a twinkle that hadn’t been there seconds before.
Victor slanted his head, nose bumping yours as he did so. You inhaled his breath as he softly placed his lips on yours. He wished the kiss could’ve been slow, perhaps romantic, but he couldn’t get enough of you, and he got lost in the passion that had swarmed around you both for a while now.
You gripped the back of his neck, wanting him even closer. The small gasp he let out allowed you to dive your tongue into his mouth and in return you whimpered. He was so warm now, almost burning you like the taste of coffee that lingered on his tongue coated your mouth.
Both of you pulled away from the kiss at the same time. Victor brought you onto his chest, hoping to savor the moment for a few more seconds.
Breathing in the smell of his deodorant, you hummed in appreciation as your hands traveled down his arms. Your own arms wrapped around his torso. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” you admitted, knowing there was no way he would ignore your comment. His warm shirt partially muffled your words, yet you knew he heard you just fine due to the change in his breathing.
“Because you knew I’d be a good kisser?” he teased in an attempt to not deviate from what had just happened.
You lifted your head off his chest, resting your chin on his sternum as you looked up at him. “And a cocky one, it seems.”
“I hope I’m not ruining anything between us.”
“Not at all. Unless you think so?”
“No.” Dropping a kiss on your forehead, Victor smiled against your skin. “Should’ve kissed you sooner, huh.”
“Much, much sooner.”
He agreed, “Definitely. I don’t know how I kept myself from doing it... “Every inch of you is breathtaking.”
A yawn interrupted your answer, making you blink rapidly.
“We should go to bed.” He untangled himself from your embrace, moving his arms off your body. “Do you need water before going to sleep?”
You shook your head. “Do you still have some of that coffee blend—“ you stopped yourself upon seeing him glare at you. “What?”
“Maybe the nightmares would get better if you stopped drinking coffee so late at night and before bed!”
“I’ve been stressed and I like the taste,” you defended yourself, motioning for him to lead the way already.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to stay over. And it wasn’t uncommon for him to sleep on your bed either. You wondered if this would change, if it would be awkward after that kiss.
He settled on his preferred side as though nothing had changed, sighing quite happily as your shampoo filled his senses.
His arm draped over your form as you got comfortable beside him, lightly bringing you closer.
“Sleep,” he told you. “I’ll be here. Nothing bad will happen to you.”
You hummed, eventually resting your head on you instead of the pillow. Your breath didn’t take long to fall into the rhythm it did when you were asleep.
He stayed awake for a moment, letting your presence calm you. Your breathing eventually lulled Victor into sleep too.
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anonniemousefics · 4 years
The Nine Terrifying Moons | Masterlist
Based on the response to this post. :) Oh, yes, we’re doing the thing.
Cross-posted to AO3.
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Fandom: The Folk of the Air | Jude + Cardan
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
Chapter One: The First
I am trying to keep my hands from shaking while I’m holding the test strip. There’s one pink line, and I’m waiting to see if there will be two. I think I already know the answer, but I’m holding my breath like it’ll make time go faster anyway.
If I ever imagined this moment, which I don’t remember ever doing, but if I did, I would have imagined it like the commercials that would run in the background when my mom would watch tv while she cooked dinner. If those were to be believed, I was supposed to be in an all-white, pristine, upper-middle-class bathroom, gasping with tears of joy while I hid my pearly white smile behind trembling fingers. My partner would be hugging me from behind, elated and definitely not about to make any crude jokes about the virulence of his sperm.
None of this is happening.
I am in a Target bathroom stall, surrounded by Target-red walls. Cardan, my husband and the High King of Elfhame, is on the other side of the red walls, trying to distract himself with the automatic paper towel dispensers. He’s waving his hand in front of it every couple of seconds; I can hear it each time the motor dispenses paper. I wonder how long of a trail he’s created at this point, but it’s the least of my worries.
“Cardan, you’re wasting paper,” I tell him anyway. He does it again once more; I can practically feel his petulant glare through the wall.
“How long is this meant to take?” he asks.
“It’s only been thirty seconds,” I tell him. “It takes two minutes.”
“I will die of old age by then,” Cardan mutters to himself, which I know he finds funny, because he’s immortal, and he waves his hand by the paper towel dispenser again.
I think I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.
Cardan had not been keen on this particular trip to Target, which is saying a lot, because he’s usually so fond of it. He had wanted to cut our trip to the mortal world short, head back to Elfhame and its royal healers and midwives and have me submit to their inquiries and tests, as all queens and lovers of the High Kings of Elfhame have before me.
But I just needed a minute to think. I needed to process this, with Cardan alone, and face the impossibly difficult questions we’ve been avoiding since this became a question. And if this is true, if I really am with child, with Cardan’s child, I don’t want the first people to know to be a bunch of faerie midwives. I want to tell Vivi and Heather. I want Taryn to know first. And I am filled with loathing when I think about how protected and insulated I’m about to become when the healers and midwives know. How the people will cease to see me as their High Queen and rather as the incubator for their Prince.
I want to eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry’s. This is all happening so fast.
I glance back at the test strip. Stand and flush the toilet. Step out of the red walls.
Cardan’s raised his dark eyebrows, his hand arrested halfway to the paper towel dispenser again.
“Well?” He looks guarded, unsure of how he’s supposed to be reacting. I hand him the test and step up to the sink, turning on the water to wash my hands. I can see him in the mirror behind me, in his tight pants and boots, The Ramones T-shirt he’s borrowed from Vivi. He’s turning the test over and over in his hands, like he can’t tell which way is up. Same, honestly. My head feels like it’s detached from my body.
“It’s yes,” is the only dumb thing I manage to mutter as I soap up my fingers. Just like the commercials.
“How can you tell?” Cardan’s only looking more confused.
“The two lines.” I turn off the water and tear off part of Cardan’s paper towel train. “The two pink lines mean yes.”
Cardan looks up at me. His chest is hitching in shallow breaths.
“We should be celebrating,” he says, but it comes out like he’s trying to convince himself. So he tries again, squaring up his shoulders with a bit more enthusiasm. “We should be celebrating.”
“Mhmm,” I try to agree with a tight nod. I think I’m going to be sick. Again. Cardan searches my face, his gold-rimmed eyes flitting over the lip I’m worrying away at.
“You do not appear to be particularly celebratory,” he points out, but, then, neither does he. His cheekbones are tingeing red.
“It happened so fast, don’t you think?” My voice sounds almost breathless. It feels like a relief to point out, and that relief is contagious. Cardan’s shoulders sag a little bit as he lets out a breath.
“Lightning fast,” he agrees. He’s white-knuckling the pregnancy test.
“Careful -- I peed on that,” I point out, and, as if I’ve instead told him it’s on fire, Cardan hurls it into the trash with a disgusted huff.
I think for a moment about fishing it back out again, the only bit of evidence that I have that what’s going on inside of me is real. That the legacy we wished first wished for together in the dark, in each other’s arms, not even a month ago, is happening now and fast and there’s no going back. The time for second-guessing was over.
But a disconcerting combination of nausea and hunger hit me in the gut all at once, and I’m reminded that I have plenty of evidence and I’m only going to get more. If I really want to, I’ll just pee on another stick later.
“I need Starbucks,” I spout at the same moment Cardan sighs, “I need a drink.” And we share a quick smile.
At there’s still this. This has not changed.
And I should be enjoying that as we leave the bathroom and Cardan lifts the glamour he’d left at the door to give us some privacy. The “Out of Order” sign vanishes. But instead, I’m thinking of everything that is going to change. Of everything that ought to change, immediately, if at all possible.
I find myself unconsciously reaching for Cardan’s hand, and when I grab his palm and entwine our fingers, he’s squeezing mine back, hard. He knows. The worries and arguments past are resurfacing in his mind, too, and, for a moment, he wordlessly anchors himself to me.
We’re walking past customer service, following the alluring scent trail of coffee and baked goods, as I began to look at the other moms shopping. Their cute messy buns and their athleisure, pushing expensive strollers while their kids gnaw on the season’s latest teethers. And I’m struck, once again, by how much I don’t know.
Really, what are we doing here? Of all the people in all the realms, I think we are the last two people who ought to be becoming parents.
For one, I am an unrepentant murderer. Raised by an unrepentant murderer. Who murdered my own mother in front of me. This is not a person who ought to be cradling newborns.
And Cardan? The twice-cursed High King of Elfhame? Raised by house cats, beaten nightly by his own brother. Simultaneously spoiled and neglected. Is such a person even capable of cradling newborns?
And we’re about to be parents. I need to be reading more, I think. I need to have a plan. We never made a plan. We hadn’t had time to make a plan.
I pause a moment near the checkout lines, pulling Cardan to a stop beside me.
“I’m going to buy a few things first,” I decide in that moment. “Vitamins. Maybe some parenting books.”
“I don’t see the point,” Cardan retorts, straight-faced. “We have plenty of house cats.”
I narrow my eyes up at him as he smirks.
“That joke will be hilarious in a few weeks,” he tells me. “Just you wait.”
“I really doubt it,” I frown, and he’s still smirking when he drops my hand, stepping in front of me.
“My darling Jude,” he cups my face in his hands, and for a moment, his face is all I’m seeing. His expression is soft and tender across his beautiful features, and if our child is even half as good as looking, I am going to struggle to not let it have its way in all things. Or I’m going to want to strangle it. Some days, it’s a coin toss.
“You are the most fearsome and glorious creature I have ever had the privilege to behold,” Cardan is telling me. I’m struck once again by the marvel that he can’t lie and what he is saying must be true. In our five years of marriage, it is still sometimes hard to believe.
“And you will be the most fearsome and glorious mother,” he goes on. “I could not conjure up a more perfect mother for my offspring if I tried.”
“I think that says more about your lack of imagination than anything else,” I quip, but my cheeks are smiling in his hands regardless. He smirks back and quickly kisses me on the lips, once, twice.
“I am happy at this news,” he reassures me, as if he has sensed this whole time how overcome I am.
“I am, too,” I say, and I mean it. Truly. I’m a mixing bowl of emotions. My gaze drifts toward the store. “But we do need parenting books…”
Cardan kisses me quick one last time before releasing my face.
“I will procure your coffee,” he says, taking a step back, and it’s impossible not to look him over, his long, lean body in tight, black pants and worn t-shirt, his messy, black curls around the points of his ears. I have modern science to thank for keeping my womb empty these last five years. Chastity certainly had nothing to do with it.
“And Cardan?” I call after him. He turns. “A cake pop, too?” I ask, already in the clutches of a craving.
He looks intrigued.
“Is that what it sounds like?” he asks.
“Ball of cake on a stick,” I explain, kind of gesturing with my hands as if it will help. Cardan nods, determined.
“Then we will be needing several,” he declares before heading off toward the smell of coffee.
I shoulder the bag I borrowed from Heather and then stuff my hands into the pockets of the yellow sundress I’m wearing, one of a few mortal things of my own I keep at Vivi and Heather’s for visits. I’m on my way to the books section when I start to slow down near a display of newborn onesies.
It isn’t as though I never wanted to be a mother. I supposed there would come a day when I would have acquired all the knowledge one needed to be a mother, and then I would, I don’t know, award myself a medal or a pin and be declared Ready.
Taryn hadn’t been Ready. She would be the first to admit that. Not that I don’t love my niece with my entire heart. But Taryn’s daughter was a handful. Little Eva had been colicky and prone to getting her days and nights confused. For that entire first year, every time we saw Taryn, it seemed she faded a little more: the bags under her eyes greying, her auburn hair growing longer and frayed, everything but her breasts shrinking in size. Of course, it wasn’t permanent. Eva learned to sleep eventually, and to walk and eat and use a toilet, and, now that she was a robust and energetic five-year-old, Taryn was more like herself than she’d been in years.
Still. That first year, though.
Time and time again, Cardan and I would exchange glances while Eva squealed and squalled. It was always a silent No, thank you, please passing between us. We’re just fine without, thank you. Between the battle for the crown and undoing a curse, we’d had quite enough excitement, and so I eagerly welcomed Vivi regularly smuggling me little moon-shaped packets of pink pills from the mortal world. I took them each morning, like clockwork, with relish – it meant I could enjoy my freedom, our freedom as long as I wanted.
I’m not sure what happened in me. One day, I was calling it freedom. The next, it felt like an empty vessel.
We’d gone to visit Taryn and Eva at their estate for a summer solstice brunch. Vivi and Heather had come, and The Ghost was there, too, swapping stories and laughing with Vivi. I’d stepped out onto the terrace to call in Eva for food when I’d spotted Cardan. He was helping Eva climb up a tree, holding her hand while she balanced on a branch. Her wild fox hair was blowing in the late morning breeze that carried her giggle up to the house. Then she leapt at him with a delighted squeal, and he caught her and spun her around so that she squealed some more. And that look of sheer joy on his face when she did. His unguarded laugh echoed up through the grassy hills. I felt my heart crack open.
No, thank you, please suddenly felt very unadvised.
“What have I done to deserve such a face?” Cardan asked me, leaving a lingering kiss close to my ear. I guess I was looking a little amorous when he and Eva came inside. Little Eva was trotting off to the kitchens as I wound my fingers against the buttons of Cardan’s doublet, keeping him close for a moment longer.
“You looked happy,” I said as his hands slid around my waist. I looked up into his dark eyes, warm only for me, and saw he was smiling. “You looked like you liked doing fatherly things.”
He pulled me a little closer, a little tighter.
“I think I did,” he admitted, perhaps hardly believing it himself.
And then it happened. The unspoken shift, the change in the air. It seemed to crackle in the space between our gaze, and it took a fair bit of restraint to not pull him into the nearest coat closet and tear off his clothes. Taryn was calling us anyway. The servants had set the table, and no one would be seated until we had taken our chairs, even in this little family arrangement. Taryn was set on Eva learning courtly manners by example.
Courtly manners. By example. Taryn had the best intentions for Eva, but the phrases make me snort even now while I peruse baby clothes in Target. What example did we set in Faerie? One of murder and deceit and betrayal and lewd behavior.
The same day that I’d watched Cardan play with Eva, he abruptly ended dinner in the palace’s great hall to hoist me into his arms and carry me out, away from every one’s gaze, away from even the guards.
“What has gotten into you?” I kicked my feet and pounded at his shoulders – not particularly hard. Look, I’m not going to pretend this isn’t a game now. I could cause damage if I wanted to. I don’t.
Cardan set me on my feet, only to seize my waist in one arm. We stumbled into an alcove in the wall as his head dipped to my neck, his other hand catching us against the wall. Delighted shivers danced down my arms as his lips brushed the spot below my ear, and I couldn’t hold back a gasp.
“You couldn’t lie to me now even if you wanted to, wife,” Cardan murmured, kissing my ear. He wasn’t wrong. I ran my hands up his deep blue velvet doublet to his shoulders, and bent into his embrace. His hands began to roam my waist, my hips, pulling at my skirts.
“I’ll tell you whatever you like if you’ll keep doing this,” I whispered back, flushing. When he pulled back from my throat, there was a wicked, sneaking smile on his reddening lips.
“You don’t despise the thought of bearing my children,” he said, like it’s a revelation. I blinked. Had he been thinking about our previous exchange all day?
“I despise the thought of bearing any children,” I clarified. “It’s not some honor unique to you.”
Cardan gasped as if he was wounded.
“You could not have cut me deeper,” he teased, as I wound my fingers into the soft hair at the nape of his neck. “I thought I was special.”
“You are,” I said, tugging at his hair. “Because if I’m to bear any children at all, I would like them to be yours.”  
The smile that spread over his face then was far from wicked. Cardan was flushed and delighted in a way few got to see, and his arms squeezed around me, lifting me to him as he crushed his lips to mine.
“Cardan,” I laughed against his fevered kisses, my cheeks hurting. “I didn’t mean right this second.”
His lips were swollen when he pulled back, the pupils of his gold-rimmed eyes blown wide.
“Then practice with me,” he said, his breathing ragged. “Like swordplay. You’re always saying I’m rubbish at practicing.”
“You really are,” I gasped against his mouth.
In the last five years, I’ve grown no better at resisting the pull of his desire. If anything, I’m only worse. I couldn’t think straight there in his arms. I wanted to drown in his contagious idealism. I wanted to be set aflame by his soft lips and his body against mine.
With my arms thrown over his shoulders, his lips slid against mine, over and over, our hearts pounding in time together. And then he lifted me off my toes so that he could push us both through our bedchamber door.
A shoe slipped from my foot, and he stumbled over it, kicked it to the side, without releasing my waist. Only when the back of my legs pressed against the bedframe did he pull back from my mouth, breathless. And then he pushed me back onto the bed.
I stretched out on the lush duvet, my whole body thrumming as my heart battered my ribcage. But when I looked up at his face there at the foot of the bed, his expression had darkened in the candlelight.
“What is it?” I pushed myself up to my elbows. “Why are you stopping?”
Cardan suddenly looked as if he was at war with himself. Even though his chest still heaved, he inched to the bed and stepped back again, his dark brows furrowing together.
“Cardan…?” I sat up, alarmed at his hesitation.
“Do you think I would be any good at it?” he blurted out. “At being a father,” he clarified, and winced as if he already knew and hated the answer.
I slid to the edge of the bed and reached for his belt. Pulled him closer.
“You are as equipped for the task as I am,” I said, looking up at him with what I hoped was a provocative smile. He slid his long fingers into my hair, and I needed him closer. “If you’re terrible at it, then I will probably be worse.”
I meant it in jest. He’d always liked this side of me before, my dark, warped cruelty. But this time, his fingers tightened suddenly in my hair.
“Shit.” The word slid out of him like it was being dragged. His hands dropped from my hair, and he stepped back to look at me. He drew in a sharp breath.
“You think I would be a terrible father,” he said, which was hardly fair. That wasn’t what I said at all. I sighed hard, ruing the direction this was going – further from the bed.
“I think neither one of us knows what a good father looks like,” I said. Cardan only gave a painful chuckle.
“We are both quite familiar with terrible fathers,” he said. “I think you, of anyone, would be able to recognize a terrible father when you saw one.”
“And that is the last time you will compare yourself to Madoc,” I said, in horror. “If that is the standard for terrible fathers, then you’re angelic.”
But Cardan gave me a look of slit-eyed skepticism, so I stood from the bed and stepped to him.
“And, really, what does it matter right now?” I asked, lowly, holding a hand to his face. He leaned against it. I was almost ready to start begging. “I am not falling pregnant tonight. We have time to learn these things, if we want to learn them at all.” I lifted onto my tip toes, brushing my lips to the hollow of his cheek.
“Just come to bed,” I whispered there, and I saw his eyes fall shut, his dark lashes against his sharp cheekbones, as he turned to meet the slant of my lips.
“I want to be good at it,” he murmured against my mouth, as I dragged him toward the bed.
“Then you will be,” I insisted just before he cradled the back of my neck, sinking into our kiss as we tipped toward the mattress.
We have time. It’s an easy lie to tell when you’re in Faerie. Time stretches on, limitless and unending. There shouldbe time, endless amounts of time, to learn all you need to know – about anything. There should be time to become the person you’d always wanted to be.
I had had two months since that first conversation. Even less time since the others. In Faerie, that’s hardly a lunch hour.
I am reeling. I’m in Target with a red basket full of prenatal vitamins and snacks and pregnancy books, and I am absolutely reeling.
After I check out, I find Cardan sitting on the curb with a Starbucks bag that’s the size of a large gift bag and two venti Frappuccinos. The one he’s nursing is strawberry-pink and looks full of cream.
“They didn’t have wine,” he tells me, handing me mine. It’s drizzled in caramel, and I’m not sure it’s what I would have ordinarily chosen, but right now, it smells perfect.
“Probably for the best,” I say, and hazard a glance at his expression. It’s dark and troubled again as he squints against the sunlight. His legs are drawn up, and he’s resting his elbows on his knees, like he’s hunched under a weight. Reality’s given him a hard jolt since he kissed me in front of the newborn onesies.
I take a long sip of the Frappuccino through the green straw.
“Cardan, if you don’t want to do this--” I start, and his head jerks up.
“I have always wanted this,” he snaps, looking defensive, and then he’s looking at his boots again.
“Okay.” I sit back, extending my legs.
How do I do this? I have no blueprint for this. Floundering, there’s only one rope I know to pull, the one that’s always saved us: honesty.
So, I go on.
“I’m terrified, too,” I say. I spread the yellow fabric of my sundress over my knees. “If that’s any consolation. I think I’ll be happy eventually, but right now, I’m completely freaking out. I can hardly form a coherent thought. How many cake pops did you get?” I cock my head at the large Starbucks bag.
Cardan shifts it in my direction.
“All of them,” he says, glumly.
I raise my eyebrows as I peer in the bag. Oak will be excited, at least.
“I hate myself for being so terrified of a thing I desperately want.” I look up at Cardan’s confession to see his face twisted in loathing, and my heart twists right along with it. I know this pain, the agony of fearing what you love.
I could lie to him; I probably should. I should tell him right now that I know without a shadow of a doubt he will be a perfect father, that he’s beyond everything that had been done to him, that none of it had ever touched me either. But I don’t lie to him anymore.
Instead, I hand him a cake pop.
“That strikes me as a waste of energy,” I say, and nudge him with a coy smile. “There are so many other things you could hate yourself for.”
He gives me a wicked smirk and, instead of taking the cake pop I’ve offered, he seizes my other wrist and takes a large bite out of the one I’d claimed for myself. Feigning exasperation, I stab at him with the leftover stick.
“Does this not strike you as problematic?” he asks a moment later, his cheek still full of cake.
“Yes.” I reply with a stoic nod. “The fact that you just ate a pregnant lady’s cake pop is both striking andproblematic.”
“I mean this repartee you and I enjoy.” He wipes at a bit of icing at the corner of his mouth with his thumb. “A child ought to know his father loves his mother and vice versa, should he not? I would think that sort of thing helps.”
I feel the heartbreak behind his words as if it were my own. In his mind, he’s now on an endless search for every moment in his childhood that went wrong, every little action he ought to do the opposite of. I know. My mind’s been doing it, too.
I scoot a little closer, nearing his warmth, so that I can lean against him. He rests his head on top of mine.
“But you’re my nemesis,” I say, softly.
“Jude,” he says it like he’s scolding. “Not in front of the children.”
“Do not say ‘children’.” I jab him again as he presses his lips to the top of my head. “Your wishes are too powerful, and there is room in here for only one.”
Cardan’s slipped an arm around me, and I tilt my head back to look at him. The corner of his mouth is tugging upwards, slyly.
“Tell me I’m too powerful again,” he murmurs as he kisses my cheek.
“Later,” I promise, and I reach for another cake pop.
There will be time for all that later.
It’s a lie I get used to telling.
Tags. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list.: @yellowavocadopit
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always hate me
pairing: endings, beginnings! frank x reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, sex, drugs, cheating, creative liberties with endings, beginnings plot, time jumps, angst
based off “always hate me” by james blunt and “we don’t belong together” from sunday in the park with george
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I never meant to hurt you, it’s just something I do, I guess it’s not a good excuse. And she will always hate me, no matter what I say and there is no mistaking the love is gone.
   - Y/N! - Frank rushed out of his loft, trousers still not completely buttoned as he rushed after his friend. For someone wearing skinny heels, she sure seemed to walk fast enough, or at least faster than he could manage to run. - Y/N, wait up! C’mon!
   - I cannot believe you. - she stopped, turning around to look at him yet still maintaining quite a distance from him as if they were standing on a frozen lake with a ridge between them. Her eyebrows were furrowed, regularly calm and soft eyes wide open with trembling lips as she tried to hold in the tears that wanted to escape out of anger. - I cannot believe you did this to Jack. You’re fucking disgusting, Frank!
   - Y/N, c’mon. Let me explain. - she gave him no time to recover as she started to walk again away from her, heels clicking away at the run down asphalt. She was disgusted at him, mad even. 
Frank had always been a wild card, ever since they had meet back in university and Y/N had learned to accept it. He could do some bad things but they never harmed anyone, Y/N always believed he couldn’t harm anyone or at least do something with the intention of harm anyone but here she was. The last thing she had expected to see once she came into Frank’s loft to drop Jack’s new manuscript was him with his face between Jack’s new girlfriend, Daphne. After all, it seemed like Frank was indeed capable of hurting someone and suddenly all the apologies, all the protection she had gave him looked hypocritical and she felt like the stupidest girl alive. With that in mind, the last thing she wanted to hear were Frank’s apologies and explaining of why he was sleeping around with Daphne.  
    - Y/N! - Frank managed to catch up to her, grabbing her forearm before she could walk away once more. - Y/N, stop. Let me explain, okay? 
    - What is there to explain, Frank? I found your with your face between Jack’s girlfriend’s legs, the same girlfriend he told us he’s in love with. - she sighed, hitting his chest. - Are you in love with her, Frank?
   - Y/N, listen ...
   - Are you in love with her, Frank? - she punctuated every single word, not allowing him to say another word. If he spoke, she would give him and allow him to gaslight her even more. The man, however, merely stared at the ground, almost feeling the burning sensation of her eyes on him. - Answer me!
   - No, I’m not. - the words came as a cold hurting truth.
   - You’re sickening. You are so fucking sickening. 
   - You promised me you would be my side through good and bad, this is bad, Y/N, this is bad, this is the worse I can do. Now what, are you just gonna quit being my friend? - he pointed at her, hurt at her words. 
    - I never thought the worse thing you could do would be to Jack. - she shook her arm out of his grip. - Goodbye, Frank. 
    - Y/N, wait up. C’mon, you’re getting all fired up for no reason, I met her first.
    - What is this? Fucking kindergarten? You’ve never loved or been interested in a woman other than to fuck her and when Jack finally fucking finds someone who he’s instantly interested and in love with, you ruin it. - she pointed her finger accusingly at him. - Oh and you better tell Jack about it or I will. 
With the threat left in the air she entered her car, locking the door as Frank called her name once again. This time Y/N wasn’t gonna be soft, no, she was angry, she was angry at him. Heartbroken even as she thought of all the times she had covered from him, how she had lied to the people in her life and defended him to those close to her. She had done so much for him ever since they were stupid teenagers finally out and about in the world of adults and for what? For him to betray him like that just stung. 
    - Y/N, where are you going? It’s 5 AM. - William got up from his bed. finding his fiancée going through their dresser, getting dressed in a frenzy. 
    - I have to go for a few minutes. A friend needs help. - she pushed some yoga pants in, pushing her hair out of the way to try and look presentable.
    - You mean Frank needs your help. - Y/N shut her eyes forcefully, letting out a tired breathe as she turned to see her husband to be sat on his bed, all knowing look on his face. - Didn’t you do the same thing a few days ago? 
   - I know Will but he needs me. - her fiancé merely let out a sigh, climbing out of bed to walk up to her, a tightened expression on his complexion. - I’ll be back in just a few, I promise. 
    - It’s not that, darling. You’re always going off to help Frank and that was ok when we were kids in university but now? He’s not a kid anymore and he doesn’t need to have you constantly bail him out of sleazy bars when he’s high off his boat. 
     - He’s my friend, Will. - she raised her hand to cup his cheek but he merely pushed her hand away. - Not everyone matures at the same time. 
     - I can’t spend my life competing with Frank for my wife’s attention. Whenever he calls you drop everything to go meet him, you never tell him no and I don’t think you ever will. 
     - Will, c’mon, it’s just a few tim ... - before she could finish her sentence her phone rang again, Frank’s photo for the very first frat party the two had met lighting up the room. - We’ll have this discussion later.
     - No, we won’t, Y/N. If you walk out that door, we’re done. 
     - What? 
     - You walk out that door and you might as well never return, Y/N. I will not compete with Frank over my wife’s attentions.
     - You are being ridiculous! He’s my friend, I have to help him! - she gestured, her heart picking up a pace as the ring on her finger suddenly seemed to burn as if it no longer belonged there. As if she wasn’t worth it anymore. - Will, please. 
     - Just go, Y/N, I know you want to. 
Looking back, I guess I’m holding on to the good we had but I know that it’s wrong to ‘cause in the end she’s never gonna hold my heart. And now she knows, she doesn’t wanna know me, I’m not supposed to be the one who’s lonely. I never thought I drown in my shallow heart.
"Sorry, the number you have dialled isn’t available. Please leave a message after the tone” was the only thing to come out through his phone after what felt like hours and hours of being on hold. Two months. Two months ever since Y/N had spoken to him and Jack had pretty much thrown him aside after he told him about Daphne. 
For hours, every single day of every single week of every month he would call her and try and get through but it never did. Despite countless messages left on voice mail, they never got a reply and every time he tried writing to her, it would return to him unopened. At this point, Frank was just waiting for her to say something. She always did, she never got mad at him for too long yet this time, this time he didn’t even see her around. He’d tried to get hold of her at her job only to be escorted out and he had even tried to get Jack to deliver a message yet between Jack and Y/N, he wasn’t sure which one hated him more. He was sure of what hurt him more and that was Y/N’s loss. 
He missed her. He missed meeting her at the very old coffee shop where the waitress constantly complained about the kettle giving her electric shocks whenever she turned it on but what made her miss more was the season. Christmas. Christmas was always Y/N’s favourite and she would drag Frank down the streets to look at the lights and buy roaster salted and sweetened nuts in those little paper bags which always left a grease stain in the bottom and constantly broke loose. 
He sighed, dropping his phone on the table as Jack made his way to the table. Jack had agreed to meet him, mostly due to Frank telling him he could punch him in the face but mostly because in the heat of the moment, he had never actually gotten to apologise to him. 
     - This better be quick. - the Irishman sat in front of him, a look of pure disdain on his face. 
     - How are you? - he didn’t know how to start or what to say so Frank guessed following rules of etiquette sounded the best. 
     - How do you think I am? All I keep thinking is I could’ve stopped, I could’ve dropped you when you fucked up the first time but no, I kept you around and for what? For you to sleep with my girlfriend?!
     - I ... I didn’t know it was that serious and we had slept together before you two ev ...
    - Oh fucking save it, Frank. - he rolled his eyes. - At least admit you fucked up. You never admit your wrong doings and to be honest I don’t know what I was expecting from this, you never admit to doing anything wrong. You didn’t admit to breaking Y/N’s engagement and you won’t admit any wrongdoing in sleeping with Daphne.
    -  Don’t fucking say I broke her engagement. - his pupils dilated as he rose up from his seat, hands gripping the table so hard his knuckles turned white. - I would have never done that to her!
    - You fucking did! You destroyed her engagement just so she could pick your high off drunk ass from the curb and you refuse to admit it just like you refuse to admit you screwed me over. No matter how many times you tell yourself you didn’t do it, you still did it. - Jack, on the other hand, was calm, merely drinking from his pint as if the man in front of him was as calm as him. - Why did you do it? Why did you sleep with Daphne after you knew we were seeing each other? I don’t fucking care if you had slept with her before we started going out but you still did it after you knew we were dating. 
    - You know what you did.
    - What I did? Frank I’ve spent the last years cleaning up after you and being supportive to you. Why did you do it? Be honest for the first time in your life, man up. 
    - You told Y/N to go on a date with William. - the words came out coated in shame. Sometimes you forget how small something can be until it spirals into spite and anger towards someone and that, that Frank could never ever forget. He could still hear it in the back of his mind, smell the scent of the room as he walked in at the wrong time to see his best friend tell her to accept William’s date offer. He still remember her wariness of it, questioning him if it was the right choice while Jack reassured her it would only be of good to her. - You told her to go out with William after I told you I was in love with her.
    - Is this about Y/N? After all this time? 
    - You were supposed to be my friend and you told the woman I loved to go and date another man. You went behind my back.
    - Oh please, Frank you’re delusional. You weren’t in love with her, you just wanted to sleep with her and you’re mistaking that for affection. 
    - Do you know how fucking painful it was when she got that fucking cheap ring on her finger? To know it was because you told her to go on a date with him? 
    - Did you actually slept with my girlfriend because I told Y/N to go on a date 7 years ago? How childish are you? You wanna know why I told Y/N to go on a date with William? Because you were not and you will never be ready to be in a relationship. You’ve never cared about anyone but yourself and you certainly never cared about Y/N. 
The truth hurts. Truth has always been hurtful even if one seeks it but when one isn’t looking for truth, it just ... hurts. In this case, it particularly made Frank go back to that night 5 years ago. He didn’t remember it much, he was too drunk and in all honesty too high to remember it but flashes came back to him. The blue Fiat 500 Y/N still drove to this day parking in front of him, opening the door and finding her sat in the driver’s seat, tear stained cheeks, hands furiously gripping the wheel as if it stopped her from crying and ringless finger. He remembered asking if she was okay and her turning to face him, forced smile on her lips before she said yes. He should’ve asked more. Y/N was not one to easily open, a scar of past relationships which was already there when they met so he never forced her to do so despite her screaming silently for help. She was always there, somehow smiling and saying she was okay. 
He never not asked anything of her. Since his very first year of university she was there but he couldn’t honestly find five moments where he had been there for her. After she had taken Jack’s advice, he almost secretly resented her for not seeing his affections but now, now it just looked clear why she hadn’t seen them. He hadn’t shown it to her. He hadn’t called every night to ask how her day was, he hadn’t brought her flowers during Valentine’s day when no one cared to do so, he hadn’t told her he loved her. That’s where it laid. William, despite his own narcissistic manner, was very much ready to shower her in affection. Maybe William wasn’t good for her but Frank definitely wasn’t too. 
He left the table without much word to Jack, getting in his car and driving room, memories haunting him. Jack wasn’t fully right, Frank cared about Y/N but until now he had cared more about himself than her. Survival’s instinct, think about yourself first not to get hurt yet here he was. 
In other situations, Frank would’ve just driven all night, probably found a bar and a beautiful lady to forget that although Jack wasn’t 100% right, he was right in believing Frank didn’t deserve Y/N. In all honesty, nobody did. She was too good in a world that punished kindness more than evil. 
Someone once had told him that nothing good happened 2 AM, that if you’re up past 2 AM to just go to sleep and as 1:59 flashed on his phone, Frank decided that, for the very first time in his life, he was gonna go home. Nothing good was gonna happen now and as he stepped inside his house, he started doubting it. In front of him was the same girl who now hated him, holding a box, both of them seemingly not expecting each other. 
   - I ... I came to pick some of my stuff. Jack said he was meeting you. - ever the calculative and smart woman, she started the conversation while walking towards the door.
   - I’m sorry. - he blurted out, years and years of regret weighting his words. She stopped in her step, almost unsure of what he had said, turning around to stare at him as if he had said the weirdest thing. - I’m so sorry for fucking up, for sleeping with Jack’s girlfriend, for breaking your engagement, for not being the friend you were to me. I’m sorry and I know I screwed up and never actually apologising for it. 
   - You didn’t break up my engagement, Frank. You’re not that good at screwing up my life. 
   - Jack told me, Y/N. You don’t need to spare me.
   - I’m not sparing you, I’m telling you the truth. You didn’t break off my engagement, I did. I realised that if I’d rather be with you and reply to all your calls than being with my fiancé, it was not gonna be a very happy marriage. What hurts is that I believed you were actually redeemable and that it was a phase but it’s been years and you’re still a teenager. 
    - I know, Y/N. Trust me, I know and I don’t have anything to tell you other than I’m sorry. 
    - Why did you do it, Frank? You’re not in love with her, you didn’t go with her once Jack broke up with her. Why did you do it? Why would you destroy someone’s relationship? For what lust? I’m pretty sure you can get every single woman you set your eyes in. 
    - Childish reasons. - he had no right in telling her that he loved her. Frank had no place in confessing his feelings, at least not now, not as the person he was. She, however, took no pity in his answer. - I know you need your time.
   - No, Frank. No, I’m done with your terrible excuses so please tell me the the truth. Tell me why did you sleep with Daphne. - she was almost begging, trying to have some faith int he man she always believed to be somehow redeemable but yet again Y/N always expected him to somehow get better. He never did. 
   - It was Jack who told you to go out with William, wasn’t he?
   - What does that have to do with anything?
    - I was in love with you and he knew it, he fucking knew it. I know I should’ve told you  but I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you, and I know I should’ve ... I don’t know what else to tell you or what I should’ve said when you told me you were going out with William. 
    - You could’ve told me not to go. You could’ve told me you were hurt, relieved, bored ... anything. You could’ve told me, you could’ve told me what you felt back then and you didn’t. You always hide behind this smooth facade and I’m ...
    - Would you have cared back then? If I had told you anything? There was nothing to say so I didn’t tell you. You wouldn’t accept the mess I was, what I did which you always knew which I thought you were a part of.
    - No, you are complete, Frank. You are complete, Frank, you all alone but I’m left unfinished and diminished with or without you. We do not belong together and we’ll never belong together. What would made it so right together would just made it all wrong. We do not belong together and we will never belong together.
    - I know but if ... if you could just ... just find it somewhere to forgive me. I will apologise to Jack how many times you want, I’ll go celibate. 
    - There’s nothing you can do, Frank. I’m done. - she opened his front door leaving him in his living room alone with his thoughts and the sound of the door closing harshly
She said “you lost me baby”, no matter what I say the love is gone ...
everything taglist: @connie326​ @lookiamtrying​
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Meet me out by the Bridge.
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Virgil, Logan,  Nico Flores, Roman, Remus
Relationships: Familial Logan &Virgil,  Logan x Nico
Additional Tags: suicidal idelation, angst, non graphic suicide attempt mentioned in the past, sad boy logan hours, sad nico flores hours, angst and fluff, angst with a happy ending.
Word Count: 1110
Summary:  Logan wouldn’t say he’s suicidal. He just walks out to the bridge and climbs over the wrong side to sit and stare at the stars.
Notes: hey, here’s some angst. @psychedelicships
Logan wouldn’t say that he’s suicidal.  No, he’s never harmed himself unless it was by accident, like that time during Roman’s birthday party when they all went to try to skimboard and he busted his knee open on the board.  Sure, he didn’t go get stitches for the injury and now there’s an ugly ropey scar on his knee, but it wasn’t intentional.  Yeah, he may skip a meal, but he always makes sure that he’s in a healthy weight range.
So no, Logan wouldn’t say he’s suicidal.  He just walks out to the bridge and climbs over the wrong side to sit and stare at the stars.
He thinks that he’d never have the courage to die inside.
The stars are pretty tonight.  He looks up, tempting fate, sitting on the wrong side each night it gets rough- it’s only once or twice a week, so he’s fine.
He’s not suicidal.
Logan knows the signs, he saw them in his little brother, a brother who’s now in therapy and getting better slowly after he threw himself off the dock last february, hoping the fall would kill him.
Spoiler: it didn’t and Roman’s twin had been the one to jump in and save a Virgil who hadn’t even tried to save himself when he hit the ice cold water.
Logan doesn’t even realize that someone is already there when he climbs over nearly a week later.
That is, until he speaks.
Logan started and almost fell as he saw the other teen.  He’s pretty, with wavy dark brown hair and golden eyes, hidden behind his glasses.  He’s tan and Logan can’t see much else in the half light, but he likes to think that he had freckles that blended well with his skin.
The boy gives a half laugh.  “Come here to hang?”
Logan notices the rope.
“No.  Just to think.  Sometimes I think about..”  He waves his hands vaguely in front of him and gold eyes gives a bitter laugh.
“Me too.  Uh, you can call me Flores if you want.”
Logan looks down at the river below, it’s too shallow to break a fall, and he looks up to meet Flores' gaze.  “You can call me Logic.”
Flores nods and seems to whisper the word, as if he’s seeing how it feels in his mouth.  “I like that.  What brings you out here?”
Logan shrugs.
Flores sighs softly.  “It gets loud in my house.  Thirteen siblings will do that to a guy.”  he twists the rope he’s holding before tossing it over his shoulder, away from him, to the safe side of the railing.  “I don’t really get time to think.  Or tell my parents about anything.”
Logan looks up again and Flores is smiling at him, but there are tears shimmering in his eyes.
“I know that feeling.”
They part ways that night, after climbing back to the right side of the bridge and Flores gives a hug, smelling like carnation and bell pepper as he has Logan promise to not kill himself.
Logan wonders what Flores thinks he smells like.  Probably paper and sea, that’s what Virgil had told him one night when he came to sleep with Logan after a particularly bad dream.
He doesn’t see Flores for a week after.  Not until he’s on the wrong side of the bridge and a body is climbing over, muttering something in Spanish as he readies a rope.
Flores drops the rope and his shoulders sag.  “Logic.”
“You told me not to do it.  Why are you here?”
Flores sits and scoots to sit next to him and they sit in silence for a moment, legs swinging as they watch the river and the stars.
“I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking.”  Flores finally says and Logan nods.
“I don’t blame you, thinking is cumbersome at best, a hassle at worst.”
Flores gives him a watery smile.  “Yeah.”
Logan rested his hand close to Flores, a silent invitation and a moment later, there’s a warm hand in his and Logan feels the tiniest bit less alone.
“Before you ask, I’m here to think.”
“About what?”
“The stars.”  Logan tilts his head back.  “They’re all dead.”
“Really?”  Flores sounds interested and Logan nods.
“Yeah, so many light years away that by the time we see it, they’ve already died, but we won’t ever see it in our lifetime.  I’ve always wanted to go out looking at them.  It makes sense you know?  Dying with the dead.”
“That sounds poetic.”  Flores murmurs.
Maybe it does.
Flores gives him a feather soft kiss on the cheek when they climb back to the safe side and a whispered promise to wait a little longer, to stay alive for a few more days.
Logan doesn’t know what he’s feeling, but maybe it’s hope.
They arrive at the bridge at the same time a month later, Logan with nothing but what he’s wearing and Flores with a newer looking rope, which he drops as he runs across the bridge and into Logan’s arms.
“Logic, help.”
Logan holds him tight and runs a hand through Flores’ hair as they both sink to their knees, both shuddering with quiet tears.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”  Flores switches to Spanish and even though Logan can’t understand it, he holds Flores close as they rock a bit, just enough, as if to say: I’m here, I’m real, stay for yourself if not anything else.
And Logan whispers it into Flores’ hair.
“Stay darling.”
And Flores just nods.
They both go to Logan’s room that night and fall asleep tangled together.  It is safer that way, and even when the morning comes and Flores is slipping out Logan’s window, he steals a kiss first, just a quick one on each other’s lips.
He tastes like caramel Logan realizes later.
“Meet me out on the bridge?”
How could he ever say no?
It becomes routine to go to the bridge each night and kiss or talk, to simply look at the stars while holding hands.
“You’re the first person that’s understood me in awhile.”  Flores says.
Logan just kisses him gently and wraps a hand around the back of Flores’ head in response.
It’s soft, two boys that don’t belong at home, two boys that met when they were gonna end it all.
And it’s not perfect, Logan knows that they both need help, he needs to desperately see someone about his mental health, and Flores too, he needs someone.  But as long as they’re there for each other, to pull them from the brink-
Logan will gladly meet Nico on the wrong side of the bridge.
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