#I’ve been mulling this over
gatheryepens · 1 year
hi!! not sure if you remember but you recommended me rebecca at the start of this year i think? anyways i finally got around to reading it and i loved it (thank u for recommending it omg. it was kinda slow at the start ngl but after a while i felt like i couldnt stop reading it lol. loved the plot twists and that ending)!! are there other similar books or just other book recommendations? once again thank you so muchh <33
Hiii!!! Yes I doo remember, I’m really glad you enjoyed it :). I agree with the start, I think stuff started getting interesting as soon as they got to Manderley - since we get introduced to Jack (Rebecca’s cousin), Mrs Danvers and Beatrice. As soon as we met these characters the narrators doubt in her relationship starts to increase as well as her insecurities - reading her thoughts after all those interactions was when things started heating up!! Now on to book recommendations, I haven’t read a book yet that is similar to Rebecca. The library copy I had of Rebecca compared it to Jane Eyre, I have not read Jane Eyre so I can’t give an opinion. Other book recommendations, my favourite book of the year so far has to be The fountains of Silence by Ruta Septys. I loooooveeeee historical fiction and this book delivered, the writing style was great and the plot was really good (it is also in multiple pov which I reaaaaally enjoy). Other books I’d recommend Book Lovers by Emily Henry, The Secret History by Donna Tartt and Loveless by Emily Oseman. 💖
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isolatedcorner · 2 months
As much as I love “Zoro fell first” hc’s I feel like “Sanji fell first Zoro fell harder” tickles me more because hear me out: Sanji’s emotional intelligence would allow him to spot Zoro’s crush on him a mile away but this man understands everyone’s emotions but his own! He would slowly develop feelings for Zoro under layers of denial, self hate, internalised homophobia and insecurity, and he’d (unconsciously) show these feelings for Zoro through how he and Zeff had been interacting, AKA very emotionally repressed “insults as affection” “begrudging acts of service” Asian immigrant dad type love. What’s worse is he’d already accepted the fact that him and Zoro would never be a thing, both on his end (MEN?? In love???) and regarding Zoro’s reciprocity (he’d never love ME). With Zoro being a blockhead he’d never pick up on Sanji’s thoughts =/= words =/= actions type love.
Zoro on the other hand is someone who once realises what he wants, would 100% pursue it hell be damned, so pining insecure Zoro doesn’t feel that probable. At the most he’d be scared that a rift between him and Sanji would harm the crew, but this would be quickly solved by him consulting Luffy and getting the green light. Anyways I think SOMETHING has to happen for Zoro to suddenly see Sanji in a different light, then his respect-bordering-on-crush feelings for Sanji just whack him in the head like a brick, and he never goes back. Something like Sanji sacrificing himself for Zoro or a similar traumatising incident that makes him go “shit, I gotta marry the cook.” And rest assured Zoro would confront Sanji about it because he doesn’t need anyone’s permission to like Sanji and he doesn’t care what Sanji thinks about it, if he’s grossed out by it then he can fight him like a man!!
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leapdayowo · 1 month
Redstone and Skulk au time!
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To start off with, here’s cat!Tanguish college au
(ignore that I don’t know how to draw people holding a sandwich from memory)
Tanguish is a scrappy alley cat Tango found who one day escapes from Tango’s apartment. Tanguish ends up trying to steal Helsknight’s lunch, but fails at first and falls on his face. Helsknight feels bad and gives Tanguish bits of meat and bread from his sandwich bonding them for life. He then wraps up Tanguish in his theatre cloak (he’s definitely a theatre kid + does historical reenactment fights with swords and such) and tries to take him to a shelter or vet or something, but Tanguish spooks when a really loud car passes by and runs into an alleyway. HK almost decides to leave it at that, it’s not his problem, but then hears Tanguish yowling and hissing and the sounds of another cat doing the same. He rushes into the alley and gets Tanguish away from the biggest cat he’s ever seen (it’s the Demon), but in the process he gets a good slash of claw marks across his face.
From there he takes Tanguish to his place, cleans them both up, and from there they have a bunch of misadventures of HK trying to take care of this scrawny, half hairless cat while also trying to find its owner/take him to a shelter/keep him. Eventually, he would find the Hermits on campus (who I am imagining are a more chill fraternity), and comes across Tango hanging out with Welsknight. Tanguish and Tango are happily reunited, HK looks like he got into a fight with a lawnmower the other night, and Wels takes glee in pointing that out while the two (they’re definitely brothers) are unhappily reunited.
Later that night, Tanguish escapes again and follows Helsknight home. When HK discovers this, he begrudgingly texts Wels to tell Tango Tanguish is with him (having not thought to grab Tango’s phone number earlier). There’s probably some joint custody thing that happens and Tanguish gets to eat muffins from two different friend groups now :3
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And on the other side of the multiuniversal coin: dog!Helsknight college au
This one is not as fleshed out, but essentially Helsknight is Welsknight’s dog who he keeps on campus, but HK has gradually grown to hate Wels. The coliseum group are all dogs too, and one day at the dog park, Helsknight runs away from Wels. He then stumbles across Tanguish (not a cat) who is getting harassed by these guys he used to steal things with along with other petty crime (not a crowd he wants to be with anymore), and when things get violent, Helsknight jumps in and attacks the guys (except Tanguish). Tanguish freaks out, but is trapped in the alleyway and can’t escape from this aggressive dog attacking everyone, so he holes up on a dumpster. When all the aggressors are gone, HK barks at Tanguish which scares the young man enough that he tries to scale the alley wall instead of get off the dumpster. He slips and falls down painfully next to Helsknight. More concerned if he broke a rib and finding some blood on him, he doesn’t notice HK checking him over until a rough paw tugs at his shirt.
He cautiously lets HK sniff his face and hands before getting up and slowly walking himself home. HK looks scary and is a big dog, but for some reason he has chosen to stick by Tanguish. They get to Tanguish and Tango’s apartment (roommates :3) and Tanguish has to introduce Tango to the Big Scary Dog that saved him and wants to be their third roommate, only to find out the HK is Welsknight’s dog who ran away a few days ago. At any mention of Wels’ name however, HK pins his ears back with a low growl. Regardless, Tanguish and Tango try to take HK back to Wels, and when they do everyone can tell just how unhappy HK is with Wels (he just doesn’t like the man’s vibes). Not knowing what else to do, Welsknight lets HK stay with Tanguish and Tango as a trail run to see what happens.
So yeah, Tanguish ends up with a big scary dog who keeps unwanted people away from him :3 HK eventually gets less hostile towards Wels over time, but still is not very friendly towards him. And yeah, dog versions of the coliseum crew playing in the dog park :3
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Last one :) warden!Helsknight au
even less fleshed out than the other two. I like the idea of Tanguish being able to do the shrieker sound, but then thought what if he could actually summon a warden with it?
So Tanguish is an inexperienced witch (maybe, or is just magical) who can do basic ice related magic, but one day he steals from a woman part of a larger crew of bounty hunters or something, and he gets chased down by them. He gets corner in a strange part of the woods and does the shrieker noise three times to ward them off, which doesn’t work until after the third try a tall armored warden!Helsknight emerges from the soft soil and scares off the bounty hunters.
I don’t really have much else in mind except Tanguish sitting on Hk’s shoulders while the two try and figure out what to do in the world (which is very vague I know). I’m not sure what HK’s relationship to Wels is like or if Wels would also be a warden (if he was I imagine he’s been on the surface much longer).
uhhh yeah! If anyone wants to run wild with any of these ideas, go for it! Maybe just mention me as an inspiration if you make something from these, but yeah they are free for anyone to develop further if you wish :)
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poebrey · 15 days
I think what threw me off with the epilogue now that I’ve had time to digest it is that it felt so final for Michael. I’m so used to seeing everything through her eyes in real time as she lives her life as the protagonist that when we fast forwarded to the middle I guess it felt like skipping a few chapters of a book. I get why they did it, there may not be any opportunities to see her in the future so they wanted to take what they could get, but until then a part of me was in denial that the show was ending. It just felt like maybe they would pick up again next week and we would start all this over again
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pisoprano · 5 months
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ofmermaidstories · 7 months
one of my (creative) resolutions for next year is to whinge less about writing being hard. 😔 it’s not hard—it’s just a fussy process sometimes that also has to compete with me like, doing other things. 💀
i’ve been feeling a lil disconnected from the community, thanks to a deadly combo of a) just not reading x reader stuff at the moment and b) not having a faster output on my own pieces. 😔 for better or for worse, tumblr is a ecosystem that relies on constant output, and i am not a sprinter in that regard; i am unforch a long distance ambler. 😔😔😔 but this disconnect has meant that i’ve kinda lagged behind with an empty waterbottle and am now asking myself what i want my priorities to be: do i keep running the long race or switch over to the sprint track?
ultimately, no matter what fancies i get into my head, my biggest sense of creative satisfaction comes from seeing my ideas through. so beyond whatever momentary sillies you might see me indulge in, here, i think from now on i’m just going to make a concentrated effort to do the best by the WIPs i actively promise. 💪🏽✨
anyways. hello and happy sunday. 😌 let’s go into december ready to take on the new year when it comes. 🤜🏽 ✨
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mauveflowers · 8 months
Did the filial piety addicts ever fell for Yoohyun's "I- hate-my-caretaker" trap? From what Diarma said they know exactly what Yoojin's death gonna do to Yoohyun. Why did they hesitate for so many years? Could the filial piety addicts ask the contracted S-classes to kill Yoojin on the street? It wouldn't be suspicious since he was beaten to death before.
I think for the most part Yoohyun’s act worked, and the filial piety addicts believed Yoojin didn’t matter to Yoohyun as much as he did and does.
I’m not sure why Diarma waited as long as he did to make his move but it’s likely the amount of influence the filial piety addicts can exert on other worlds is greater the closer that world is to destruction. In recent translated novel chapters they mention the “protective barrier” around Earth was thinned, and if totally lost forces outside their world could interfere more easily.
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In relation to sending other contracted hunters to take care of Yoojin, they certainly could have. However that wouldn’t serve them as well as trapping him in a dungeon. Diarma’s goals with sending the Lauchitas were two things: 1. killing Yoojin and 2. forcing Yoohyun to sign a second contract.
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If Yoojin was killed on the street by a random hunter they wouldn’t achieve their second goal. Additionally Yoohyun would be much more pressured to agree to their contract conditions if Yoojin was trapped in a place Yoohyun truly could not reach.
Diarma admits he didn’t expect Yoohyun to actually die. He and other filial piety addicts assumed he was the same as the other born s-ranks (which is thanks to Yoohyun’s deception.) Other born s-ranks would not go so far as to sacrifice themselves to save another person.
If those filial piety addicts were clued in to how much Yoojin meant to Yoohyun they would likely have tried to kill him even sooner. With Yoojin out of the way Yoohyun (if he were the same as other born s-ranks) would be able to “move on” sooner.
With nothing to “tie him down” to this Earth he might be more amenable to the filial piety addicts proposals. (If he were the same as other born s-ranks.) Ironically doing that would have defeated their own goals, because Yoohyun would have died either way. Either by dying in Yoojin’s place or killing himself because he lost Yoojin.
TLDR; So, yes, I think Yoohyun successfully fooled the filial piety addicts into thinking he didn’t care about Yoojin. However he couldn’t hide it entirely. In the end they still tried to use Yoojin against him but that backfired worse than what they were expecting.
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fellhellion · 9 months
“Miguel cheats on Xina and is so callous in his explanation of said act because it comes from a place of self sabotage” is one of those readings where I really like it’s implications and agree it’s plausible for Miguel to do that, but also think it’s harder to textually support.
The difference in Miguel’s reaction between Xina vs how he handles Gabriel is. Incredibly stark.
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I think reading self sabotage here with Xina only really works with the cruelty of mocking Xina as she leaves or making a face at her that doesn’t seem to hint at remorse if you read that self sabotage as being either unconscious, or a deeply suppressed. Which are plausible for the character as I’ve said; but I’d argue aren’t supported within the textual presentation we are offered here into Miguel’s supposed emotional state.
Compare and contrast to the confrontation with Gabriel. Miguel is still being a dick, but it’s not the active aggravation like towards Xina, more a sense of condescending pity.
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Most critically, you have the time to taken to offer small insight into Miguel feeling guilt at Gabriel trying to forgive him and retreating from that. It’s a reaction no one other than Miguel is privy to and hints at that feeling being aggravated and then suppressed. Most notably, it’s just. Not something we see replicated in his interaction with Xina.
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I don’t think any of this particular reading I’m offering here negates the obvious regrets Miguel holds regarding Xina into the future of 2099 though.
Like regardless of whether you choose to read it as active disregard or an unconscious self sabotage (or both), it’s very obvious Miguel holds a lot of regret regarding tarnishing that friendship (and the unspoken love that was present there) and this manifests in one of the most notable ways through the ambiguity to his reaction to Lyla’s confession.
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Like. You can essentially read quite a plurality into Miguel’s deflection/bemusement here. From his deeply complicated relationship to love and self hatred, to the fact that Xina becomes retroactively intrinsic to Lyla and that aspect offering the scene a completely new dimension, tinged with palpable regret.
I think it’s entirely plausible, given the ambiguity where Miguel’s reaction comes from to argue for that being present within this scene given not only its presentation, but that guilt over Xina is something we see present in Miguel.
#I don’t know if this is anything I’ve just been mulling over it#tldr I like the self sabotage reading and think it’s in character but I have my doubts about it being something you can substantially#evidence in the text#it’s weird because like. I think PAD’s authorial intent of Miguel just being a misogynist here actually makes the most sense w the#way the scene is presented. but because PAD is so allergic to having people criticise Dana the SINGULAR time Miguel verbally condescends#abt Dana is trying to bait Xina’s pride where he essentially implies she’s always been leagues smarter than Dana#which like. okay. but why wouldn’t that pattern of behaviour and thinking manifest literally anywhere else in that relationship#if you’re intending me to read this as a critical aspect to why Miguel is involved w Dana in the first place#(real reason seems to be just. this bizarre aversion 2099 has with actually having the cast react to Dana’s actions as more than#those of a hapless ingenue#) I’d like to be yknow. shown it more????#so you’re just sitting there going why tf was Miguel so needlessly cruel to Xina because you just don’t. imo. get that much of a tangible#establishment of condescension being a cornerstone to Miguel/Dana’s relationship#so ur just like well that was needlessly cruel. and bizarrely so given how palpable Miguel’s regrets are now#so ur just left there w a scene that is structured in such a way as to characterise Miguel as supposedly#being genuinely callous to his ex lover and best friend#BUT because the condescension isn’t reinforced at all beyond that one line#appears like a bizarre one off that hints at deeper if unacknowledged feeling in Miguel#and it’s THAT tension imo between the authorial intent and it not being that well executed that actually provides the most fertile soil#as it were. for the reading that it’s a self sabotage#which again let me be clear I do enjoy and think is plausible#I just think PAD fell ass backwards into creating the circumstances that imply it sbxhxjcjc#tunes talks 2099#long post
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silkjade · 5 months
fighting the urge to block over something so trivial ( ≖ _ 。 )
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sebsxphia · 3 months
if there was a war and peace au with rhett abbott and bob floyd, which characters do you think they’d be?
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akkivee · 7 months
it’s my personal opinion!!!! putting that out there first lmao!!!! i’m extra so i also included quantifiers to rank lmao so from best to worst!!!!!
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scarrletmoon · 7 months
my go-to when ppl are in a bad mood is to just give them space and maybe do something nice for them that i don’t have to do in their vicinity. like make pancakes for my grumpy sister but i make sure i’m quiet abt it and i’m not in the room when she eats it. mostly tho i just avoid them and let them work out their bad mood on their own time. if i can’t avoid the person like if they’re my coworker or smthng i try to keep my interactions w them as short and to the point as possible.
wait so just trusting someone to get through their bad mood by themselves and just being there as support if they need/want it is………fine? i can do that?
big news, cant wait to talk about this with my therapist
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courtjester69420 · 6 months
Misc es thoughts:
Post Bhaalspawn reveal Es is like, way more of an actual person (read: maybe 20% of a real person now!) because having an explanation for the urge that exists almost outside the boundaries of his body is so hugely relieving he’s able to ease up on the #repression a little
the #repression, it’s like. How much of you is tied up in the urge, how much of you is just the blood and the viscera and the ecstasy of murder. Es sure as hell doesn’t know so it’s just All Repressed. no more any of it <- doesn’t even realize he’s doing it and thus has no way of examining or fixing it
His ThingTM is like 50% subconscious repression of his entire psyche and 50% massive brain damage
I could go on a 30 min ramble about gale and es but essentially their thing is like. Gale is such a weird little freak to me, i think he finds all the things Es does that would be an insane red flag to anyone else endearing (sometimes despite himself). Like his way of showing affection is so intense and his whole Thang with Mystra has definitely made him insecure about how wanted he is by romantic partners. So when astarion quietly lets him know that Es spends his entire trance staring at him basically every night his response is “aw that’s kinda sweet 🥰”
And Es’ thing with Gale is like. Represses the Urge. It feels so bad. Immediately rewarded with wizard who is just straight up nice to you. Neuron activation (the single neuron he has left… SAD)
Needless to say it’s toxic 🥰 but I also think it works. Mutual put your partner on a pedestal but they’re both insanely forgiving of each other’s flaws so it never comes up. Their friends hate them
Post game Es follows Gale back to waterdeep. Obviously.
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scorpi-o-moon · 2 months
Collar bone tattoos that say “dyke” on one side and “faggot” on the other. On my gender-fluid collarbones. Ooooooooh baby the spectrum of my love is not fully visible to the human eye.
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krushkreates · 2 years
i’m making up siren/mermaid lore bc we have none and canon is a suggestion to me!!!
it’s all over the place but i need to get this all down
mermaids are the umbrella magical race term for both of them, but sirens get their own seat in the ruling council (much like gavin explained how succubi and incubi get their own seats).
mermaids are NOT shifters, but fall more into the spectrum of the vampire’s relationship with magic.
they mainly live in the water, but there are a couple different kinds that live in more amphibious environments, preferring to sun themselves on rocks instead of floating in a reef. mermaids have a call like sirens, but it’s only to attract mates and prey (most of the time, their calls are used ONLY for mates as they’re great hunters)
taking inspo from h2o, best mermaid show you can be turned, tho the process is tedious and quite painful. many don’t go down this route. empowered people wishing to be turned often lose all of their powers, and if they don’t, it’s a mere fraction of what they used to have. for example; a fire elemental becomes a mermaid and loses most of their magic. however, they can warm the water around them and are immune to any underwater vents or volcanos. if an unempowered person turns, they only gain better eyesight and hearing.
to transport a mermaid is similar to transporting aquatic life. this is why the council has their meetings once a year to discuss mermaid-specific issues.
sirens are shifters! the turning process is far less painful and lengthy than a mermaids. they align more with a wolf shifter’s relationship with magic. able to learn more and empowered people always keep their magic.
a siren’s call is the most dangerous thing about them. they are known to lure whomever for whatever they want. often times sirens are compared to sex demons, since their calls tend to be more lust driven than anything else.
when an unempowered person is turned, they gain better hearing and eyesight, and exceptional illusory beauty. essentially, when they use their call, a person that answers will see their desired partner or “type” or “dream person”. this is similar to sex demons, but sirens don’t physically change themselves. think of it as a funhouse mirror. you, yourself aren’t changed, but the mirror has been warped to change your appearance. that’s illusory beauty. it’s only on when they use their call, otherwise a siren appears as they are normally.
sirens live on land only, but many live in costal cities, as they are particularly fond of the ocean. a water elemental siren may spend more time in the ocean or take a job involving the beach/water.
can sirens and mermaids intermarry and reproduce?
yes! sirens are mermaids, but mermaids aren’t sirens. however, their DNA is similar enough that many half-siren half-mermaid children have been born over the years.
it’s difficult to be in a relationship with each other, as one is water-only, and the other land-only. research has been done to try and shift a mermaid, but results have been disappointing.
how long do they live?
mermaids and sirens are not immortal, contrary to popular belief.
they have an above average lifespan, with mermaids averaging 200 years and sirens living an extra 10 years (data on sirens has been little).
do these races face discrimination?
yes. sirens in particular are always compared to sex demons, and their reputation for luring in people has only amplified that. most sirens don’t use their call for evil, and puberty is an especially hard time for them. calls from sirens in puberty are random and happen uncontrollably. many sirens have been bullied due to their magical race and are viewed with the same disdain as demons. many go incognito and suppress their auras to avoid any potential problems.
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foxiams · 1 year
alright so i’ve decided to develop an oc because it’s been a while, she’ll def have verses for touchstarved, bloodborne and ffxiv, and rest as i go, but i want her to be a dark fantasy gal 🥺🥺🥺
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