#I’ve been playing too many r rated saves lately
neon-danger · 6 months
Judith Ward loves to prey on Alex in my game. Inviting him out and just calling him randomly. She's a predator. He doesn't even like her. I like, uhh, you know what all the ones I know by name were in older games too. I like the updated Sims 4 Don Lothario I guess, I manually updated his design as the old one was just bad and I'd otherwise be stuck with it from my save being old.
New Don Lothario would treat me so wrong and I would thank him
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rosesmith18 · 2 years
Rules of Shipping Fictional Characters Played by Real Minors
Okay, I've made a few post on here making it clear I am a pro-shipper, and explaining in detail how many peoples arguments against pro-shipping are either unhealthy or misguided. With all that said, I've been thinking about a show I loved from my childhood lately; Lazytown.
Now, Lazytown is a great show about great fictional characters, except there is one thing that stands out about Lazytown; it stars a real-life child actor, and with that fact comes a grey area of just how 'fictional' the story actually is.
So, I thought this show would be a great example for the boundaries that come with liking a fictional show starring REAL PEOPLE-specifically child actors.
*Disclaimer: Minor discussions about child porn and pedophila up ahead, proceed with caution.*
Rule 0: 'Pro-shipping' does NOT exist for shows that star child actors! What I mean is, if you ship a child actors character with an adult character(animated, puppet, or otherwise)from any show; that is PEDOPHILA. If you make porn of a character played by a child actor(not voice actor), YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE, and that piece of ART is CHILD PORN! If you SAVE that piece of ART, YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE, and you are now in POSSESION of CHILD PORN!
(If YOU, the person reading this, come across porn[m-rated or r-rated]fanart of characters played by child actors then REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY, pro-shipper or not.)
In animated shows, books, comics, etc a fictional character MAY BE drawn/written to be a child, but that set age has been given to a FICTIONAL being; something that ultimately doesn't exist. Drawing fanart, writing fanfiction, etc(pornographic or otherwise)ISN'T hurting that character, and as long as you are a responsible fan who rates their fanart/fanfiction properly then YOU aren't intending to hurt any REAL children. It's fiction, it's all in good fun and self-understanding as it should be.
BUT, when you do these things for REAL CHILD actors(not voice actors), you are actively taking the likeness of a REAL CHILD. Now, if you make something g-rated between too children; like a wholesome peck on the lips or hand-holding, etc then you're fine. Real kids DO share wholesome kisses on the big screen, hold-hands, hug, and all that. It's perfectly normal, and doesn't infringe on their privacy(at least not anymore then their film/tv roles already have). But, when you take those REAL children, and draw them flirting with adults(animated, puppet, or otherwise); you are putting REAL children in pedophilic relationships. Of course, an innocent school kid crush is one thing, but full-on romantic vibes is another. The same goes for children couples, even if they're both kids, there is a level of wholesome, g-rated-ness that MUST be kept between them; they are NOT just fictional characters for you to play with, they are REAL KIDS.
Because of the above mentioned statements, I have decided to lay out some coherent ground rules for fan artist/fan authors to keep in mind when working with these characters using Lazytown characters as an example;
Do not ship a child actor's character with a character that isn't ALSO a child.
Example: The character, Stephanie, from Lazytown is 8 years old in the cartoon, so if you wanted to ship her with someone else, that other person should be no older then 11 or younger then 5. *These age examples follow several states Romeo and Juliet laws which say; that no minor is to be in a sexual relationship with a minor more then 3 years apart from them, and that no minor should have sex with another minor more then 2 years apart from them.
Do not ship a child actor's character with a character that ISN'T represented as AND played by another child actor.
Example: Stephanie is physically played by a child actor, but the other puppet characters in the show who may be acting as child puppets, are still PLAYED by ADULT actors. This means that you SHOULD NOT ship the character Stephanie with ANY of the puppet characters. On the other hand, feel free to treat any of the puppet characters as you would any fictional characters, and ship them with whoever(besides Stephanie)you like, they're free game!
As mentioned before, do not over step the boundaries of the g-rating when shipping two child actor's characters.
Example: If you want to draw the character Stephanie kissing another child actor's character, you can do that, but KEEP IT WHOLESOME; no making out, or anything like that, just a gentle peck.
You can't age up a child actor's character to avoid claims of child porn. These child actors are real people, and their likeness can not be morphed to your will like a fictional character's usually could be.
Example: If you age up the character Stephanie to be 21 when she met Sportacus, and then write an erotic story about them having sex then you have still written child porn!
You also can't age down adult actor's characters to ship them with a child actor's character. Again, those actor's physical likenesses do not change just, because you draw them to be a little shorter or taller.
NO, You can't start drawing or writing porn about child actor's characters just, because the actor is now an adult. In the show, they are a child, and that is the character you're working with. You can't use the fact that the actor isn't a child anymore, or that your adult likeness of the character is based off the actual adult they've become; it's still child porn! *This is not a case of fictional characters already being lines on a page to make up a human-like appearance.
Example: Both actor's for the child character, Stephanie, are now over 18 years of age. If you start drawing porn of Stephanie now, you are still drawing the likeness of a real child whether that actor is still a child or not.
That's really all the rules I can think of right now, but if I think of anymore I will make a part two, and if anyone reading this has any rules to share then please do.
As much as I am a pro-shipper, it is extremely important to me that we protect the children of the big screen. Too many people separate physical actors from their characters, and that's how we get movies like 'Cuties'. If it were up to me; I would ban child actors(not voice actors)from films/tv, it's just too dangerous a place for them, and no one is looking out for them. If you've got a story about children to tell, write a book or have it animated, don't make real kids suffer for your stories.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Swipe Right {Rowaelin Fluff Modern AU}
Part TWO to Swipe Left {Rowaelin Fluff}
Written alongside the beautiful and talented @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty
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Aelin looked in the mirror one final time. She had to look absolutely perfect, of course, even though she was just visiting Rowan at work. It had been a little over a year since she had met the love of her life in the airport, and life was pretty perfect. 
She had no complaints.
And from what she could tell, the perfection would only continue to grow.
After brushing through her long, golden hair, Aelin slipped on a pair of brown sandals to go with her turquoise t-shirt dress and called it good.
It had been an eventful morning, to say the least, starting with a quick workout and brunch with Lysandra. After that, she’d showered and gotten ready, checking her email for an offer letter from one of the many companies she’d applied to. The paid internship she’d taken had ended a couple weeks back and while Rowan had been more than generous, not asking her to pay rent when she’d moved in, she needed to start pulling her weight.
Rowan said she could pay him in other ways and she snorted and shoved him.
Aelin liked to contribute. She liked to help out.
Nonetheless, she was hurrying down the steps, as quickly as she could, and to her car. Once inside, she was starting the engine and pulling out of the parking space before the radio could even catch up and begin playing music.
She was giddy, could hardly control herself.
She couldn’t wait to show Rowan.
In her defense, though, she was also bringing him lunch just before his lunch period, so it wasn’t all about her surprise. It was about the kind, loving gesture that could only be shown through bringing your significant other food.
She had to make one stop before she stopped at the school, though, and that was the most important of the day.
Rowan turned around and crossed his arms as he looked at his class. “Can anybody tell me who Abigail Williams is?”
He was met with silence.
“You learned about her last year, with Ms. Lochan.”
Not even a blink of recognition.
He sighed and rubbed between his brows with his thumb and forefinger. “First person who can tell me anything about her gets to leave for lunch ten minutes early.”
A male voice spoke up. “She was accused of being a witch, right?”
“Good, Quinton, she was.” He pointed at the student, who was a basketball player. He’d never put any effort into his studies until recently, when he realized colleges care about your grades, too, not just how many three pointers you can hit. “Where?”
Quinton hesitated.
“Starts with a S,” Rowan slowly.
“Salem,” Quinton said, without any hesitation.
Rowan leaned back against the whiteboard, arms crossed. “Very goo-.”
His words dropped off as he noticed a flutter of movement in the doorway out of the corner of his eye. His class had noticed, too, because he instantly lost their attention as Aelin gave him an amused look.
Rowan couldn’t be mad. His eyes softened as he said, “You all remember my-.”
She was met with a series of loud hellos and hollers, which only made her grin widen - and her ego grow to an uncontrollable level, no doubt. 
She held up a bag. “I brought lunch. I didn’t mean to be early. I’ll just…” She pointed to Rowan’s desk in the back corner of the room, indicating her destination.
He chuckled and nodded. He turned his attention back to his class, trying to reclaim their attention. “Alright, next week, we’re going to start on the Salem Witch Trials.” There was a flutter of excitement, which was atypical for sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds in school. “I don’t want to get your hopes up, because yes, it’s extremely interesting, but there’s also a lot of dates or boring stuff.” There was a collective groan, knowing Rowan would give one of his date only quizzes for extra credit. “But...we’re also going to be watching a movie next week. Which leads me to our homework…” Cue the groans again.
“Witches are a commonly adapted piece of folklore in modern media. Monday, I want you to bring in an example of your favorite adaptation of witches from movies, tv shows, music videos, whatever it may be. Wednesday, I want an example of other times there were witch hunts in history, aside from Salem. Not too hard, but we’re going to be taking a lot of notes. Be ready.” He glanced at his watch and saw it was ten til. He nodded his head at Quinton. “Q, you ready for lunch?”
He nodded yes and started packing up his backpack.
Rowan shrugged and said, “I’m feeling generous today. Pick a buddy to go with you.”
Quinton smirked and turned around, pointing to Aelin. “You hungry, Miss G?”
The class erupted into good natured heckling.
Aelin laughed, quietly. “I’m afraid I’ve already eaten.”
“Too bad,” Quinton murmured, earning another round of laughter. “Evangeline, then.”
Evangeline rolled her eyes but began packing up, anyway.
Rowan gestured for them both to go then told the others to get started on their homework, which meant they’d be talking quietly among themselves or on their phones, until the bell rang.
Rowan made his round around the room and ended by his desk, sitting on the edge. His smile had faded, and he wore a concerned frown. “Why’d you come in such a hurry? Don’t get me wrong, I love that you’re here, but...I mean, is everything okay? Did something happen?”
He hated that he had to miss the appointment, but he was saving his vacation days for the months when Aelin would need him home.
“No, nothing, just…” She shrugged her shoulders trying to appear cool and casual, but inside she was about to explode. “Wanted to see you.”
She couldn’t tell if he believed her, he smiled softly, but the wariness was still in his eyes. “Well?” He asked.
She laughed, quietly. “You don’t think I should maybe wait until you don’t have a class of eavesdropping teenagers around?”
She gave a pointed glance behind him and he caught two of his students quickly turning around.
“Maybe you’re right,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. He glanced over at the clock, they still had a few minutes. “What did you bring me for lunch?”
Aelin chuckled before she said, “Ham and cheese sandwich, a bag of chips, and cut up apples with some caramel to dip them in.”
Rowan’s smile was genuine when he said, “You spoil me.”
He reached for the bag, but she snatched it back. “It’s not fair of you to eat in front of your students,” she replied, smirking.
He rolled his eyes, but got back up, making another quick circle around the room.
“Mr. Whitethorn?” A girl’s hand raised. “We have a question about what we can use for our media. Movies are okay, right?”
He figured the question would be coming and he was glad someone asked it, rather than half the class having to scramble like the grade before them did last year. “Movies are permitted, but PG-13 or lower. Can’t be rated R.” There was a chorus of groans. “I don’t make the rules, sorry, but if I did, you still wouldn’t be allowed to.”
The bell rang and as everyone rushed for the door, he called, “Alright, don't forget your homework and have a great weekend!”
They were out the door before he’d finished his sentence. Aelin was chuckling from where she sat on his desk.
In a flash, Rowan was at the door, locking it, pulling the privacy blind and then at his desk. He pressed his lips to Aelin’s and said, “Okay, well?”
She laughed and handed him the brown sack that his lunch was in. Rowan looked at the bag and said, “I appreciate you bringing me lunch, baby, but that’s not what I’m asking.”
The urge to roll her eyes was almost too strong to resist, but she said, “Open the bag, you frantic buzzard.”
With narrowed eyes in her direction, he did as he was asked, and froze. His eyes widened as his hand reached in and pulled out the little black and white ultrasound pictures.
He said absolutely nothing as he shuffled through them, his green eyes growing bright and misty.
Aelin watched him with complete adoration.
“Shit,” he breathed, shaking his head as he met Aelin’s loving gaze. “This is our kid.”
She nodded, a smile breaking on her lips. She didn’t try to stop the tears that slid down her cheek.
Aelin and Rowan had gotten married on the beach, almost six months to the day after they’d met. Neither of them had any immediate family and they both knew the wanted no one but the other for the rest of their days.
They’d suspected Aelin was pregnant a few weeks earlier. Her cycle hadn’t come and Rowan was actually the one who noticed it was late.
Now, their baby was growing and would be there in a matter of months. These were the first ultrasound pictures where the baby actually looked like a baby, not just a blob. They could see the head, the hands, the feet, everything.
“Yeah,” she smiled, and he took her face into his hands and kissed her, softly. “It’s our baby.”
“I’m so sad I missed it,” he whispered. “Instead, I was here talking about shit that none of these kids will remember tomorrow.”
“There will be others,” she promised. “Much more important appointments that you’ll be able to come to.”
His eyes lit up. “When do we find out if it’s a boy or girl?”
She rolled her eyes, kissing him once more. It had been a constant debate for them both the past month. Rowan was adamant it was a girl, but Aelin said she could feel that it was a boy. “She wants to schedule that for eighteen weeks, but says we may not be able to tell until twenty.”
Rowan waited and he asked, “And how pregnant are you right now?”
“Ro!” She laughed but shoved him. “This morning was eleven weeks.” She placed her hand over her stomach, the bump just barely starting to show.
He laid his hand over hers. “Six weeks until I get to see my beautiful baby girl.”
“Or your perfect, handsome son,” she laughed.
Rowan just said, “We’ll see.”
Aelin rolled her eyes and took a bite of his sandwich, which earned her a scowl from him. When she claimed it was because she was eating for two, Rowan couldn’t argue with that.
He sat in his desk chair, pulling her onto his lap as he started to eat. He only had thirty minutes before his next class came in, and he hated to say he was dreading it. As much as he loved his job, he was ready to be at home with his wife, rubbing her belly on the couch in his sweatpants.
Life was never as good to him as it was now before he met Aelin. Things weren’t bad, not at all, but he was never this happy.
Before, he used to love teaching. It was his passion and he was always one of the first into the school in the mornings and one of the very last to leave in the evening. He poured over his lesson plans at home, spent all of his spare time grading papers or homework. But now, he wanted that spare time to go to Aelin. Rather than get up at five-fifteen, and make it to school by six-thirty, he stayed in bed with Aelin as long as he could, sometimes not making it until right before the bell. Those were usually the mornings that Aelin awoke with his first alarm and scooted back into his warm embrace. And then continued to scoot until he had to get up.
She had completely consumed him, but he definitely wasn’t complaining about it. 
And soon, there would be another little person to captivate him, too.
It was a Saturday, and the second Rowan opened his eyes, he realized Aelin was gone. He sat up, slowly, and blinked a few times to clear his surroundings.
She was nowhere.
“Ace?” He called.
“Kitchen!” She called back.
He picked up his phone to catch the time. 9:06. Just when he was about to ask why she was already out of bed on a lazy Saturday morning, the thought hit him.
Their gender reveal party was at noon.
He was up and rushing around the corner, grabbing it for traction as he rushed into the kitchen. His wife had an eyebrow raised, her hair piled into a messy bun on her head. She wore an old shirt from his college baseball days and a pair of his sweat pants she’d claimed as her own once her belly began to get too big for her own comfy clothes to fit. She held a cup of tea in her hands, carefully blowing on it. “Good morning,” she said with a smirk.
He stood upright and leaned on the wall. “Morning, babies.”
Aelin laughed as she rubbed a loving hand over her belly. He’d begun to refer to them as one, and she thought was the cutest thing she’d ever experienced.
“Is that breakfast?” He asked, with a yawn, throwing open the fridge for the entire carton of orange juice.
“No,” she said, with a pointed finger in his direction. “This is for the party, and if you touch any of it, I will kick you in the balls.”
Rowan froze as he turned, the carton halfway to his mouth. He was just now realizing how much there was on the counter. Multiple crockpots, bags and bags of junk, and something in the oven, seeing as how it was turned on and cooking. 
“Exactly how many people are coming?” He asked, surprised.
Aelin shrugged. “Enough.”
At least they had just bought a new house and could fit a herd of people. Either way, Rowan was not a fan of large groups of people. His socially awkward nature prevented it.
Standing up in front of a class of kids? Sure. Easy.
Entertaining guests? Nope. Not his thing.
“I see that look on your face, calm down,” she said, chuckling as she meandered toward him and grabbed him by the hips. “I’ll entertain, you just make sure all the bowls I set out are constantly filled to the brim.”
Rowan grinned, leaning down to press a soft kiss against her mouth. “Alright, I can do that.”
She turned back to the counter, picking her tea back up. Rowan began pulling things out to make himself a protein shake. After blending it up, he hopped up on the counter and looked at Aelin. “What can I do to help?”
“I need you to go pick up the cake,” Aelin said, washing her mug and placing it back in the cabinet.
Rowan blinked at her. “Like the cake? Like the cake our baby is in?”
She rolled her eyes. “First of all, you’re an idiot, you know that the baby isn’t in the cake. And secondly, we’re not doing a cake reveal, remember? But we are having a cake for the party.”
Rowan frowned. “Since when are we not doing a cake reveal?”
Aelin came up between his legs and looked up at him. “Since everyone else in the world did one.”
“Then why do we need a cake?” Rowan asked.
Aelin blinked. “Are you serious?”
Rowan just cleared his throat. “Okay, I’ll get the cake. What else?”
“Hang the decorations I got because I’m short.”
Rowan chuckled as he hopped off the counter. “Fair enough.”
A loud knock came to the front door but before anyone could walk toward it, it flew open and Lysandra came flying in, plastic bags full of decor in each hand.
“Hello, mommy and daddy-to-be!” She sang, setting the bags on the counter and immediately getting to work.
“Or I guess Lysandra is going to take care of that,” Aelin chuckled.
Rowan pressed a kiss to her forehead and went to go get ready for the day while Aelin sat and talked to Lysandra. Just like Rowan, her best friend hadn’t allowed her to lift a finger throughout her pregnancy. He was just entering the bathroom when he heard Aedion enter the house and say, “Good morning, Aelin. You’re looking plump this morning.”
Thirty minutes later, Aedion was riding to the bakery with a freshly showered and shaved Rowan, having been kicked out of the house by Lysandra.
“How was I supposed to know she was going to cry?” He asked, shrugging his shoulders.
“She’s five months pregnant, man,” Rowan laughed. “Her emotions are all over the place, pretty much assume everything might make her cry right now.”
“Huh,” Aedion said, staring out the window. “The pregnant mind is one I don’t wish to understand.” 
“Me either,” Rowan muttered. “Just wait until you knock up Lysandra.”
Aedion groaned. “Yeah, that can wait.”
Rowan laughed as he drove into the parking lot of the bakery and hopped out. He ran in to pick up the biggest, most elaborate gender reveal cake. It was for a small gathering, of course, but for a handful of people, the five tier cake was a bit much.
Which was why Rowan walked ridiculously slowly, cautiously, to the back of the car. He opened the trunk and slowly slid it in.
Aedion was just staring. “No wonder Aelin didn’t want to come pick it up. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for ruining that.”
“Thanks, man,” Rowan mumbled, climbing back in the front seat.
Aedion picked up the receipt and looked at it. “Gods, that’s way too many zeros at the end for a cake.”
Rowan sighed and said, “If it makes her happy, I do whatever she asks.” Aedion smirked. He asked, “What?”
The smirk softened. “Nothing, just… I always hoped Aelin could find someone who loved her the way I love Lysandra. I just didn’t think it would be on Tinder.”
Rowan groaned. The fact that they’d met on a glorified fuck-buddy app brought Aedion a lot more joy than it should have.
“Technically,” Rowan began, “We met in the airport.”
“Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that,” Aedion said, as Rowan slowly pulled onto the road. The drive back to the house was ten minutes longer than it should have been, due to the ridiculously slow speed Rowan was driving at to keep the cake safe.
When they arrived, it was just after eleven and Lysandra was already wrapping up her intense decorating agenda. The house was draped in pink and blue streamers, banners, and little frilly things that Rowan thought were ridiculous and pointless, but he kept that thought to himself.
“Where’s Aelin?” He asked, once he and Aedion set the cake, successfully, on the island.
“Bedroom, dressing,” Lysandra said, still scowling at an exasperated Aedion.
“I’ll be back,” Rowan sighed.
He walked down the hall to their bedroom, knocking softly on the door. “Ace?” There was a quiet answer and slipped in.
She was in her closet, and when he entered the bathroom, she said, “Baby, can you help me put on my shoes? I can’t reach my feet anymore.”
He found her sitting on a small chair, her foot halfway in a sandal.
He laughed and knelt down, latching the shoe around her - honestly, very swollen - ankle and then did the same with the other. He kissed her knee then her pronounced bump, and looked up her face. “Aelin, I love you…but that cake is fucking excessive.”
She smiled. “Yes, it is.”
He rolled his eyes and stood, helping her to her feet as he went.
She was wearing a white dress, that hugged her body, highlighting the pronounced bump that grew more and more every day, and a loose, comfy cardigan. Her hair was piled on the top of her head.
He softly kissed her. “You look so beautiful.”
She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. It was becoming difficult. She sighed and said, “Are you sure I’m not looking plump?”
“Baby, he was just joking,” he chuckled, rubbing her back.
She sniffled.
“Aelin, baby, don’t cry,” he cooed.
“I don’t know why I’m crying,” she said, throwing her hands in the air, “and I don’t know why it makes me so mad that Aedion called me plump, which I am, and why I hate that my house is covered in pink and blue. I mean, pink and blue? That’s so normal, Ro, and I hate normal. Why didn’t we do purple and red? Or, shit, green and gold? I love green and gold. Pink and blue sucks, Ro.”
Rowan just stared at her as she babbled on before taking a long, deep breath. “How about this? Next week, when we start decorating the nursery, we’ll do it in green and gold. Okay? After today, you never have to look at blue or pink again.”
She wiped angrily at her nose. “Fine.”
“Fine,” he repeated, trying his hardest not to laugh. “I love you.”
She leaned up on her toes and he met halfway, pressing his lips to hers. “I love you, too.” She stepped out into the bathroom and made sure that her makeup was still intact and then said, “Let’s go see my fucking excessive cake.”
One by one, their friends showed up. Lysandra made everyone give their official guess as they came in and after everyone had arrived, it seemed the majority agreed that Aelin was correct and there would be a little heartbreaker running around soon.
Even with the pink and blue decorations, Aelin had to admit that everything was beautiful. Lysandra had done an amazing job, which she told her time and time again.
When the time came, everyone filed out into the backyard, Lysandra carrying a bat and a white box. She handed Rowan the bat and Aelin took the box, explaining that the ball inside would explode into a colorful cloud when hit. All she had to do was get it to Rowan. All he had to do was hit it.
“No pressure,” he mumbled, setting the bat down. He rolled up his sleeves, to which his friends whistled and howled, and got a few practice swings in. When he felt he could confidently hit a moving target, he got into position and nodded to Aelin.
Her grin was glorious as she threw the ball.
It was a terrible throw, but Rowan swung at it, nonetheless, and pink dust filled the air.
Everyone erupted into cheers as Aelin yelled WHAT THE FUCK, but when the cloud cleared, and Rowan caught her gaze, she was smiling at him with tears in her eyes. 
Rowan whistled, looking around at their living room, which was full of opened gifts. Their baby shower had been that morning - Rowan had spent it playing basketball in the park with Lorcan - and they had been spoiled.
Earlier that week, Rowan had painted the nursery gold, and it seemed that everyone who went to the shower got the hint that gold and green was the theme.
Aelin sat in the chair, her feet up on the table in front of her. She nodded. Her voice wavered as she said, “I love our people.”
He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to her forehead. He knew this wasn’t a crazy pregnancy crying. No, this was the love she felt for their friends, how blessed and overwhelmed by their own love and generosity she was.
He took her hands and helped her to her feet. “Let’s go get comfy and put together our sweet girl’s nursery.”
She groaned as she moved towards their bedroom. “I’m eight months pregnant. I don’t even remember what comfortable is anymore.”
“Just take off your pants,” he suggested, as they entered their room. “No pants equals comfort.”
She snorted. “You just like me pants-less.”
He shrugged. “It’s a perk.”
As much as she thought he was joking, she did just that, putting on a gigantic t-shirt and some fuzzy socks. In his sweatpants, Rowan followed her down to the end of the hall, to where the nursery was.
She sat in the plush rocking chair they’d bought, knowing they’d be spending quite a bit of time in nursery. Aelin quietly watched Rowan as he worked, humming a lullaby and slowly rocking in the chair. One by one, Rowan built, put together or set up everything they received from the day.
He dragged a big box towards him, puzzled. “What is this thing?”
Aelin smiled. “A cooler with a built into bluetooth speaker and charging station.”
He blinked. “And why does the baby need that?”
“The baby doesn’t, but you do.” She laughed at his shocked expression. “It’s from Aedion and Lysandra. He said it was your bro shower gift.”
Rowan opened the box and peeked inside. “Have I mentioned how much I love your cousin?”
She snorted. “He’s aware of your bromance, yes.”
Rowan grinned as he put the box in the hallway and looked around. “Anything left that has to be put together?”
Aelin shook her head, slowly. “Just stuff that has to be put away.
Rowan opened up a little gift bag and pulled out a little red, polka dotted sundress. “Are you fucking kidding me? This is tiny.”
Aelin’s grin widened. “That’s from Elide. Along with a hundred other little outfits.”
But Rowan was staring at the newborn sundress. “Aelin, this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
She laughed. “Come with me, I’m about to blow your mind.” He raised an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes. “Not like that.”
With Rowan’s assistance getting out of the chair, she led him back down to their room. “I can’t bend over so… There’s a storage box under the bed. Put it up here.” She patted the mattress.
He did as he was told, grabbing a hold of a long, thin plastic tub, it’s lid was snapped securely in place, but it was full to bursting.
Rowan murmured, “She has more clothes than me. How does she already have more clothes than me?”
Aelin chuckled but skimmed through the small outfits, pulling a few of her favorites out. “Because Lysandra is her auntie.”
Rowan took the small blue onesie from Aelin. He held it in his hands, gazing down at it.
Aelin noticed his silence then and her smile faltered. “Baby?”
Aelin was floored when he looked up and there were tears shimmering on his face.
She hesitated, and when she spoke it was a whisper, “Gods, Are you crying?”
“No,” he said, but a tear had, in fact, fallen down his cheek. “It’s just so...small.”
She watched him, smiling softly, as he took in the little outfit. 
“The baby is going to be tiny,” he breathed. “What if I break her?”
He chuckled, brushing it off, but she could see the genuine fear in his eyes.
“You won’t, Ro, you couldn’t.” She reached up and brushed the tear from his cheek, cupping his face in her hands. “She isn’t even here yet and you’re so in love with her. You wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt her.”
He nodded, but Aelin could see the trepidation still on his face. The whole pregnancy, he’d been her rock, the one constant motivator. She knew he was so ready for this baby, that she was already so loved, but it was normal to be scared.
“I love you,” she breathed, rising up on her tiptoes to kiss him. Her belly got in the way and she groaned as she was just barely too short of his lips.
He laughed and leaned down, letting her stand back on her feet and wrapping his arms around her. “I love you, too.”
They went back to the nursery, Rowan carrying the massive tub so Aelin could begin folding them and putting them in her dresser. As he was unwrapping diapers and putting them in their designated drawer, Rowan said, “So I had an idea for a name.’
Aelin paused and turned. “Okay?’
She was having this baby in less thirty days and they had yet to find a name they agreed on. The closest they’d come was with Nora, which Aelin had decided after a day of overthinking, was that Nora was an old person's name. Rowan had said that it was classy and timeless. Nonetheless, it went into the no pile, and they continued looking.
He leaned his back on the gold wall, crossing his arms over his chest, almost like he was bracing himself for her response. “Sloan.”
Aelin tilted her head to the left slightly. “Sloan?”
He nodded. “Sloan.”
“Hmm.” She closed her eyes and repeated the name a few more times, slowly, then with their last name, just to see. At last, she opened her eyes back up to meet her husband’s gaze and said, “I like Sloan.”
Rowan hesitated. “Wait, seriously?”
She laughed, leaning back on her hands from where she sat on the floor. “Yeah, seriously. I love it.”
Rowan still was in shock that she was in favor of a name suggested by him. He was still frozen in his place along the golden wall. “You’re worrying me. Are you feeling okay? I’m calling your doctor.”
“Shut up, you prick,” she said, smiling. They’d finally decided on a name, a name they both loved, a name they both agreed upon.
He chuckled and laid down in front of where she sat, his face inches from her round stomach. “Did you hear that, Sloan? Mama just told daddy to shut up. You should kick her in the ribs for that.” Their daughter did no such thing and Aelin quietly laughed, running a hand through Rowan’s newly cropped silver hair, as he scowled at her. He pressed a kiss just above her belly button. “What about this? Can you tell her how much I love her?” Aelin took a sharp breath in through her teeth as she felt a sharp pain in her side. Rowan’s deep rumble of a laugh traveled across her skin. “That’s my girl.” He pressed another kiss to her stomach, and gazed up at Aelin through his lashes, smirking. “Won’t take orders from a man. Just like her mama.”
Aelin sighed and shook her head. “Already turning her against me.”
“She’s a daddy’s girl,” Rowan muttered, yawning as he closed his eyes. It had been a long day, and he wasn’t even the one growing a human being inside of him. When he looked up at his wife, he could see her exhaustion. “I think we’ve done enough today, mama. Let’s go to bed.”
“Mama,” she repeated, quietly, eyes shining. 
Rowan nodded, slowly, and took her hand. “One more month.”
Aelin brought Rowan’s hand to her lips as she smiled. “Yeah, one more month.”
Rowan was having a beautiful dream, sleeping soundly, when his wife suddenly began shaking his shoulder with the wrath of a cranky, nearly full-term pregnant woman.
He groaned, opening his eyes, just barely, to look up at the alarm clock that sat on his side table. It was just after two.
“Go to bed, babe,” he mumbled. 
“No, Ro,” she said, jabbing him in the back with her knee.
“Ow, Damn,” he hissed, pushing himself up on his elbows with a sigh. “What? Are you okay?”
“No,” she breathed.
His body tensed as he reached over to turn on the lamp, and when he did, he saw Aelin sitting up, eyes wide, a dark circle spotted on their light gray bed sheet.
Rowan blinked. “What? You woke me up cause you pissed your-“
“My water broke, you asshole,” Aelin snapped.
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, eyes wide. He jumped out of bed, grabbing for the jeans he’d discarded on top of the hamper the night before. “Oh, shit!”
Aelin was breathing heavily, and clutching at her stomach. “She’s coming,” she whispered, “she’s coming, she’s coming, she’s coming.”
Rowan was there immediately, sitting on the bed in front of her, taking her hand in his and letting her squeeze as hard as she could. “What do you need me to do, baby?
“Are the bags packed?” She asked, voice tight.
He nodded. “Yes, ours are in the dining room on the way out the door and Sloan’s in the truck, with her carseat, already buckled in and ready for her.”
“You’re such a good daddy,” she breathed, face showing relief  as the pain in her abdomen subsided.
Rowan pressed a kiss to her forehead and said, “Come on, let’s get you changed and go meet our precious girl.”
A slight look of panic crossed her face, but it quickly turned to excitement and adoration. “Okay.”
“Okay,” Rowan breathed, and helped her to her feet. She kept on the oversized tee she had and Rowan helped her slip on some cozy pants and her flip flops before they were hurrying out the door.
The car ride was miserable. They got stuck at every red light along the way and the contractions quickly became stronger and closer together.
When they got to the hospital, Rowan parked as close as he could to the entrance. It helped that it was the middle of the night. After helping her to the door and into a wheelchair, Aelin was met with a nurse and then she was being wheeled away. Rowan, and their bags, just behind. 
“I feel like we forgot something,” Aelin said, as Rowan tied the back of her hospital gown and helped her into the bed.
“We talked about this,” Rowan began, pulling a chair up close to the side, “Fleetfoot isn’t allowed in the hospital, Ace.”
She chuckled, but the gesture was quickly replaced with a contorted look of pain.
“Breathe,” the nurse whispered, calmly, as she finished hooking Aelin up to a series of machines. One took blood pressure, one kept track of the contractions, one monitored her heartbeat, another monitored the baby’s.
Looking at all of the machines gave Rowan a headache.
“How far apart are your contractions, dear?” The nurse asked, taking notes on her chart.
“About eleven minutes apart, but my water broke,” Aelin said, resting back in the bed, trying to get comfortable while she still could.
She smiled and said, “Not uncommon for a first time mom. We’ll keep an eye on it, but for now, why don’t you try and get some more sleep.”
“Sleep?” Aelin asked, her eyebrows raising. “I can’t sleep right now, I’m having a baby. I want my epidural and to push her out.”
The nurse, a sweet-looking older woman named Alis, laughed softly. “Sorry, hon. You can’t get an epidural until your contractions are about five minutes apart. Just relax and we’ll come check on you in a little bit.”
Alis left and Aelin stared after her. “I can’t sleep,” she mumbled, looking at Rowan. “How does she expect me to sleep? I’m about to shove our daughter out of my vag.”
“Great visual, babe,” he sighed, sitting next to her and taking her hand with his free one. His phone was in his other. “Here it is,” he began reading. “In the early stages of labor, mothers-to-be are encouraged to rest and relax. If labor begins at night, it's best to try and go back to sleep until contractions have increased to require all of your focus.”
“Fabulous,” Aelin mumbled. “Can I have my phone?”
“Sure, baby, where is it?” He asked, reaching for her purse.
She looked at him. “I thought you had it.”
Rowan’s brows furrowed. “Why would I have had your phone?”
Aelin’s eyes narrowed. “Because I asked you to grab it on the way out the door when you went back for your tablet.”
Rowan didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. His eyes said enough: Ohhh shit.
She let her head fall back against the pillows and closed her eyes, settling back and trying to get comfy. “I knew we forgot something.”
“I’ll ask Aedion and Lysandra to get it on the way.” He yawned and leaned back in the chair, pulling the ball cap covering his messy, silver hair lower over his eyes.
It was quiet for a minute and then Rowan said, already dozing off, “If you don’t have your phone, I assume that means you haven’t told anyone she’s on the way?”
Aelin replied, “Nope.”
He re-situated his hat and pulled out his phone. Since things didn’t seem to be progressing too quickly, he sent a quick text to their friends, not wanting to call and wake everyone. Save for one person: Lysandra.
Thirty seconds later, Rowan’s phone was ringing. With a sigh, he answered. “Hell-.”
“You didn’t call me on the way to the hospital?!” Lysandra’s loud voice came through to his ear.
“Sorry, I was a little busy trying to get my wife to the hospital,” Rowan said, yawning. “Nothing’s happened yet, don’t worry, I’ll call when things pick up. Her water broke and now she’s being told to go back to sleep.”
“Which I can’t do and my husband forgot my phone!” Aelin said, loudly, obviously frustrated.
There was a second of silence on the other end before Lysandra said, “Seriously? You didn’t grab her phone?”
“Don’t worry, she’s giving me a look that is equivalent to being stabbed, I’m being punished,” Rowan muttered.
“Let me talk to her.”
Rowan held out his phone without any hesitation. He heard Lysandra rattle off a series of questions and Aelin silently nodded along to each, softly biting the side of her finger. It was a nervous ‘twitch’ she’d picked up in the past few months and couldn’t seem to break it when she was thinking. “Okay, I got it. You know where the spare key is and I’ll send you the rest.” He heard Lysandra saying something else and Aelin’s eyes flicked over to him. “I haven't decided yet. I’ll let you know. Love you.” Lysandra replied and then Aelin ended the call, handing the phone back to Rowan.
He had an eyebrow raised, and though every instinct in his body instinct told him not to, he asked, “Decided what?”
She pouted her lips slightly and was about to reply when another contraction began. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, holy shit.”
He was up, his phone forgotten on the side table, and he took her hand. “Breathe, baby. Just breathe through it.”
“I’m deciding,” she said, through her teeth, “if I’m having Lysandra pick something up from Starbucks for you on the way here, or just me.”
He raised his eyebrows, rubbing soothing circles in her back with his free hand, but he said, “That’s cold, baby.”
“Well you forgot your pregnant wife’s phone on the way to give birth to your daughter,” she said, finally remembering to do the breathing exercises they’d learned.
Rowan sighed and said, “That’s fair.”
Aelin ended up having Lys get Rowan his coffee, too. They were even able to get a couple more hours sleep between the contractions, but when Lysandra blew threw the door at five-thirty, a bleary-eyed Aedion behind her, they were both up and Rowan was eating a sad, cold, hospital cafeteria breakfast.
“Oh, bless your hearts, thank the gods I brought real food.” She held up a bag from Aelin’s favorite bakery.
“Chocolate croissants?” Aelin asked, her eyes going wide.
“And they’re still warm, haven’t even been out of the oven for ten minutes,” Lysandra said, handing her the bag. With the other hand she extended her phone.
Aelin snatched both. Rowan knew better than to ask for a croissant. Lysandra held up a cup of coffee to him, her emerald eyes narrowed. “In your defense, she had left it in under the blankets in the bed.”
Aelin was sniffing the croissant as the door swung open, once again, and Alis came in, cheerily asking, “Good morning!” 
“Good morning,” Aelin groaned. “When can we get this thing out of me?”
It had quickly turned from my daughter to this thing as the morning went on.
“I’m going to check where you’re at, and we’ll see,” she smiled. 
Alis eyed the coffee and bag of goodies as she approached, but before she could say anything, Aelin said, “Don’t worry, they’re just for smell. I’m waiting to eat them after baby gets here...which will be soon, right?”
Aedion had made himself scarce the moment Alis ordered Aelin to put her feet up, but Lysandra was sitting on the edge of the bed. Rowan was still eating his shitty cafeteria waffle as Alis checked where Aelin was at. Five minutes later, the nurse was tossing her gloves into the trash and washing her hands.
“I believe your baby girl will be here sometime this afternoon,” she smiled, hands on her hips. “I’ll be in to give you the epidural in a few hours. Until then, continue to relax as much as possible. I’ll bring in more ice chips for you to munch on while you sniff your baked goods.”
She left and Aelin groaned as she let her head fall back into the pillows. “After noon,” she said, making sure the words were separated. “As in after twelve pm, which is still seven hours away.”
Lys patted her hand. “It could be sooner. She might decide she’s ready to be here now.”
Aelin turned and looked at her best friend, a look in her eyes that she hadn’t seen since they were in middle school and beating the shit out of each other in the girl’s locker room. They’d been inseparable ever since. “That would be horrible, too. Because then I wouldn’t get my epidural and I’d be in even more pain.”
Aedion said from the couch, mouth full, “She’ll get here in the perfect amount of time that you get your drugs and you aren’t in labor for two days.”
Aelin looked at him. “What are you eating.”
Aedion crumpled up the wax paper bag it had been in, trying to obscure the chocolate within. “Nothing.”
Aelin’s voice was like ice. “If I wasn’t due for a contraction any minute now, I’d punch you right in the dick.”
The room got silent and then Rowan’s phone rang. He glanced at it. “It’s Lorcan, babe, I need to get it.”
“Go,” she said, smiling wickedly. “Aedion can help me.” She held out her hand, waiting for his to squeeze.
Rowan patted his back as he walked by. “Hope that croissant was worth it.”
He answered as he stepped out into the hall. “Hey, man.”
Lorcan asked, “Your wife push out your demon spawn yet?”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “No, she’s still a few hours away from her epidural and a while from pushing.”
Lorcan’s response was simple. “Gross. Hey, is your substitute giving your finals?”
He sighed, “I would assume, Lor, since they start on Wednesday, and my wife is giving birth to our daughter right now.”
“Fair enough,” Lorcan said. “Elide will be coming by at some point to see Aelin, and I’ll come by after classes end.”
“That’s probably about when she’ll be here, so make sure you call Lysandra first. I might be a little busy,” Rowan laughed.
Lorcan snorted, “Why? It’s not like you’ll be doing any of the hard work. You did your part nine months ago, when you nutted inside of-.”
Probably louder than he should have, in a hospital wing just after sunrise, Rowan said, “Goodbye, Lorcan,” and hung up the phone.
Considering how his best friend usually spoke, Rowan had to admit that the conversation had actually been pretty tame. I’m fact, he was pretty sure that was Lorcan being sweet and caring. Which is why, once he opened the door to Aelin’s room, Rowan said, “Lorcan said good luck.”
Aelin, next to Aedion who was rubbing his now-sore hand, blinked. “Are you sure? That’s uncharacteristic of him.”
“He also says that Elide will come by soon.”
“That sounds more accurate,” Aelin said, then yawned. “Can you at least go get me some magazines or something? I’m bored as hell and hurting like shit.”
His stomach grumbled and he said, “I’m absolutely starving, so what if I go grab some food that doesn’t look like it could come to life and eat me instead, and I’ll pick up that new book you’ve been wanting?”
“You mean you’re going to leave?” Her eyes went wide, filling with tears.
He was instantly by her side, her face in his hands. “I won’t, I don’t have to. I can eat the radioactive cafeteria food and run down to the gift shop for the magazines. I was just going to run to the Walmart that has a McDonalds in it down the road. Two birds, one stone.”
Her eyes were still panicked and Lysandra, hearing Rowan’s stomach growl ferociously again, said, “Ro, why don’t you run down to grab some magazines, and Aedion will go get you food and the book for Aelin?”
It was less of a question and more of a “Get your asses in gear, this is what we’re doing” statement, and with Aelin’s sniffling nod of confirmation. The men were off, Rowan coming back with a few magazines and the sweetest stuffed animal that Aelin had ever seen.
“What is that?” she laughed, eating another bite of ice chips.
Rowan sheepishly held the white ball of fluff in his hands. “I realized that when we were packing her bag, we didn’t bring her anything but clothes and diapers and the essential stuff. And I know she has tons at home, but... I wanted to give her her first stuffed animal, as her daddy, so…”
Aelin’s eyes were rimmed with tears as she said, “Can I see?”
His cheeks burned. “I didn’t have many great options, they’re doing a remodel down there, so… The White-Tailed Hawk was the highlighted animal of the month.” He held the soft bird out to her.
Aelin huffed a laugh as she took the bird into her hands and ran her fingers over the soft fur. “It’s perfect.”
She clung to that stuffed animal for the next few hours as Rowan ate his McDonalds. The book, however, had to wait, because by the time Aedion got back with everything, the contractions were brutal. 
At least Rowan had finished his egg McMuffin before they pulled out the longest needle he had ever seen, making him lightheaded.
He nearly fainted when they stuck that needle into Aelin’s back.
It wasn’t much longer that she grew numb from the waist down, and not too much longer after that she felt the slightest bit of pressure, letting Alis know that the baby was wanting to make her grand appearance into the world. 
Lysandra, much to her disappointment, was told she had to leave while Rowan remained, holding her hand as she began to push. 
“You’re doing so good,” Rowan whispered, five minutes in. “I’m so fucking proud of you.”
Aelin closed her eyes and pressed her sweaty forehead against his, just as she started to push again.
They had both heard horror stories of women who had to push for hours and hours and hours. Thankfully, Aelin was not one of them, because half an hour after the first push, a soft cry filled the silent room.
“She’s here, baby, she’s here.” There were tears streaming down Rowan Whitethorn’s face as the doctors placed the small, wailing infant on Aelin’s chest. The cries quieted almost immediately and he kissed her head. “I love you so much. You did so amazing, Ace.”
Aelin was crying, looking down into the perfect face of her daughter. “Hello, beautiful girl. We’ve been waiting for you.”
Rowan laughed quietly, though even Aelin admitted that it sounded closer to a sob.
About an hour later, a quiet knock came from the door. Rowan opened the door to find Lysandra and Aedion waiting.
All it took was one smile from Rowan and Lysandra began to cry, throwing her arms around him. “Congratulations.”
He hugged her back, trying his best not to tear up again himself. “Thank you. Come meet her.”
After a quick hug from Aedion, Rowan led them into the room, where Aelin, fresh faced and hair in a messy bun on the top of her head, sat in the bed, gazing adoringly at the small bundle in her arms.
“Do you want to meet Auntie Lys and Uncle Aedion?” She cooed down at her daughter.
Sloan was sleeping, but it didn’t stop Lysandra from pressing her lips against the newborn's head, where a striped knit hat was pulled over her tufts of golden hair. 
“Meet Sloan Elia Whitethorn,” Aelin said, quietly, brushing her finger over Sloan's soft cheek.
“She’s beautiful,” Lysandra whispered, and the moment Aelin asked if she wanted to hold her, Lysandra was crying again.
Rowan watched the entire scene play out from just inside of the door, leaning up against the wall. His wife, holding his baby girl. His friends, family, admiring their little creation. There was nothing like it. He had never imagined life could be so perfect, so joyful. He had never imagined he could love someone, two someones, so much.
And to think, he owed it all to a fucking dating app and an absurdly long layover at the airport.
He was so damn happy he swiped right.
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thestarwrites · 4 years
When We Were Young
This is a little flashback fic to when Patho was dating new pro-hero Fatgum, Taishirou Toyomitsu.
Rated R.
This takes place 5 years before the start of "All Right, All Might" and is simply a little taste of what Keri and Taishirou were like together and how they broke up.
SO this is a bit of gratuitous smut, but Toyo is a little bit of a jerk - but remember. This is not the Fatgum we all know and love today. This is a 23 year old immature Toyomitsu. This is just the story of a couple of people who ultimately respect each other, just not working out.
"Hey! Chai! My little gummy bear - where are you? I came home for lunch!" Taishirou looked around their apartment, frowning when he didn't see her anywhere in any of the rooms. He sighed and sat on a chair in the kitchen, "How can she not be home again? What the hell is she doing, why did we even get an apartment if no one is ever here..."
Keri and Taishirou had been dating since her sophomore year in Undergraduate courses and he was a new pro on the scene trying to make a name for himself. It had been almost three years, and they had finally been living together for six months.
The hero picked up his phone from his pocked, clicked on her contact and held the phone to his ear. After one ring it went straight to voicemail. Pulling back he grimaced at the screen - the photo of her he once thought was so cute now seemed to mock him - he hung up - but his text tone quickly chimed.
[Text:Chai] Whats up Toyo? I'm in the library.
[Text:Toyo] I came home for lunch. I wanted to surprise you babe.
[Text:Chai] Oh honey, I'm sorry. Finals are coming up and i need to make sure I get really good grades to get into the masters degree program. All of my studies would be useless unless I got in.
[Text:Toyo] You couldn't have studied at home?
[Text:Chai] I was distracted at home - besides, since when do you come home for lunch? Usually you're out doing hero work until late.
[Text:Toyo] Yeah well usually you're at the campus clinic talking to your mentor.
[Text:Chai] Why do you sound so mad??
[Text:Toyo] Oh i don't know, maybe because my girlfriend would rather talk to crazy people than her own boyfriend.
Half an hour went by with no response and he slammed his fist against the counter, "God DAMN it! I can never say the right things! How can she be mad! I'm doing everything I can to be a top pro!" He sighed and looked to the little cat-shaped candy dish she kept on the table, and he started eating some of the hard candies out of it.
Going back to the agency he was working for, he sighed, going about his patrols uneventfully for the rest of the day. With All-Might around, sometimes there were multiple days when no villain attacks happened. But when he saved people - did he get as much praise from his significant other? No. She was wrapped up in All Might's every interview, TV appearance, and victory. She had little figurines and posters of All Might around their apartment, she even still had the stupid doll she had on her dorm room bed when he met her. It was from when she was a kid. She was such a fangirl, it was pathetic honestly. All Might was old enough to be her dad, and here he was - her age, young, handsome, and with a potential to be a really great hero!
Fatgum sighed and looked down, he wasn't even in his full hero form today. He thought he and his longtime girlfriend could have a nice lunch and maybe fool around - lord knows they hadn't had sex in a while.
Keri came home around four to take a shower and get into some comfortable clothes. She sighed, her brain was so overworked with so many case studies, but she knew if she really wanted to achieve her goal of becoming a Hero Therapist, she had to work hard. She was also extremely angry with her boyfriend for saying she wanted to spend her time with crazy people. How dare he? She always supported him wanting to become a hero, she was trying to be a hero too - in her own way. But he didn't seem to think she was doing much of anything.
After she got out of the shower, she sat on her bed, wrapped in a towel, and she picked up her All Might doll, "All Might... you wouldn't think I'm wasting my time, would you... I'm sure if you were struggling you'd want to talk to someone about it." She hugged the old doll to her chest and sighed, "I know Toyo says I'm almost twenty-three and I shouldn't be still playing with dolls and stuff, but... lately I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to. Toyo has been so strange lately."
Sighing she gently kissed All Might on the forehead and set him back on the nightstand on her side of the bed, moving to get dressed.
The door opened then, as she was standing in her bra and panties in the doorway.
Closing her eyes she tried to take a breath. It wasn't worth it. He was lashing out.
He walked into the bedroom, thinking to apologize, when he saw her in her underwear. Smirking he pushed his hood back, "Well well well... look at this delicious snack right in front of me."
Her cheeks flushed and she turned her head, "Welcome home, Toyo." She said softly.
Crossing the room to her he pulled her into his arms, "Were you waiting for me to get home, babe?"
"Course I was," she lied, putting a smile on her lips as he leaned in and kissed her.
"Mm... been thinking about how bad I've wanted to rail you into our bed lately... hm? You gonna be a good girl for me?"
"Yes," she blushed and bit her lip.
He smirked and when she turned to go to the bed he smacked her ass, "That's right little girl, get on the bed for me," he purred out as he started to take off his uniform, the bulge in his pants already evident, "You're so pretty, gummy bear."
She sat on the bed, waiting for him, at least he seemed to be in a good mood. He stood in front of her, his cock lolling out of his pulled down boxer briefs. Keri had to admit, he had a nice cock. It wasn't too long, but it was girthy and was uncut, he also kept himself trimmed. From all the junk food he ate though, his cum never tasted good.
"Be a good girl and open that pretty mouth for me," he smiled, running his fingers over her lips. As she opened them he chuckled and moved to smear his cock along her open lips, precum sticking against the pink flesh as he pushed his hips forward. Taishirou sighed and held her head tenderly. Whatever problems they had in their relationship, he was never cruel during sex. He did love her body, thought she was a goddess. And when she wasn't being so 'Difficult' he thought she was God's gift to the earth. But he had been thinking that less and less, "Oh that's it baby, take me in - good girl."
She moaned softly at the praise, sucking him off, until he pulled out of her mouth with a wet pop, a string of saliva still connecting her to his head, "Toyo - did I - not do well?"
"No- no baby you did perfect. I just want to be in you babe, hm?"
Nodding she let him push her back to the bed, Taishirou was always the dominant one in their relationship. He had been her first everything, so she let him always set the pace, even if sometimes it made her uncomfortable. He settled over her and pushed her panties to the side, giving her slit an experimental swipe with his fingers, "A-ah!" she gasped softly.
Chuckling darkly he kissed her stomach - which made her flinch - "You're already so wet for me, gummy bear..." he gave another uncomfortable kiss to her stomach, "Why do you hate being kissed so much on your tummy?"
Keri blushed hard, "B-because, I told you... I don't like my stomach."
He sighed and pulled off her panties, "You're perfect the way you are," he tried to soothe her as he pulled off his own underwear, "Trust me."
She just nodded, she didn't believe him, but at least he was done kissing her soft flesh for now as he mounted her. Hooking her legs over his hips she closed her eyes. Somewhere, she was still mad at him, still mad that he was able to get her so hot for him when she didn't even want to talk to him. After the nth time of him belittling her career path. So in her mind - she allowed herself to imagine it was All Might on top of her. Calling her sweet names and fucking her with the gentle motion of a lover.
Fatgum pushed into her and bottomed out with a groan, he set a pretty fast pace- but not brutal. He was already too close from being in her mouth. Fucking her always felt strange. At first, it was exhilarating, because of her quirk, when she came undone, he could feel the high she felt. But now, it just freaked him out. He hoped to get off first so he could just not care about feeling what she felt while she was getting off, sometimes she could control it, but he didnt wanna take the chance. Something was off tonight though, she sounded more turned on than normal, and she kept her eyes shut as she held onto his hair and back. Her moans were absolutely sinful though, so he kept fucking her into the mattress.
He was just about to get his release when she gasped and clenched around his cock, achieving her own - usually she didn't cum from just vaginal stimulation - but suddenly, there it was. His eyes opened to see her body glowing pink as she came around him. And he could feel the bliss and the warmth and the wistfulness that came with her orgasm. Suddenly he pulled out, not having finished, "God DAMN it, Keri!"
She whimpered at the sudden loss of him and opened her eyes, panting, starting to calm down. She saw the look of uncomfortable disgust on his face and she felt so ashamed - and he started to feel it too, "I- I'm sorry Toyo--"
He felt terrible for making her feel terrible, but he was already here, "How many times have I told you! I don't want to feel what you're feeling! It fucks up my own orgasm!" He shouted at her.
She pulled the blanket up to cover herself and she looked down, tears spilling from her cheeks.
"God you're such a freak!" He yelled, "We can't just have a normal night fucking at home! - Why is THAT THING out? I thought it was in the closet!" He pointed to the Young All Might Doll beside the bed.
"I was just looking at it!" She was still panting, trying desperately to control her quirk.
Her felt her embarrassment, "If you love All Might so much, why don't you just go fuck him! He's so busy he won't even notice you're never home, and you don't care about hero work, and you just want to read your stupid books and talk to your stupid patients! He won't even notice you don't support him and you won't fix dinner most nights, and you complain when we have to go to hero events!"
Her face turned dark, "You know what Taishirou! Fuck you!" She cried, "You're so self-centered! I'm trying to become a hero in my own right and you never support me! All I do is support you!"
"You're trying to be a glorified therapist! Your quirk is annoying and stupid. Its not even good for anything!"
She closed her eyes, sending waves of guilt out toward him, "Get out. Get out of this room I'm packing all my things and going to my parents."
"What!? If you leave -- If you leave it's OVER, Keri!"
"Good! That's what I was planning on anyway!" She screamed and threw the bedside lamp at him, "GET OUT!"
He grunted and dodged the lamp, "You're just a stupid Kid, Keri! That's all you're ever gonna be!" He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and stormed out of the room, slamming the door. He went into the bathroom and she heard the shower turn on.
Sniffling she started to get dressed, crying as she packed all of her things into a suitcase. She would have to come and get the rest with her father at a later date. But for now she wanted to go. She filled her backpack with all of her school things and her laptop. She made sure to pack everything All Might she brought here, in case Toyo wanted to destroy any of it. She wouldn't let him.
Taking the key with her, so she would be sure to come back, she left him a note on the table before she also left the gummy bear plush toy he had gotten her for one of their first dates;
 Goodbye Toyo. I'll be back for the rest of my things. -Keri
Going home again was horrible. She cried in her room for hours, thinking someone she loved so much could hurt her like this. Eventually she turned on the news, hoping to catch a glimpse of All Might to keep her calm. She needed to hear that brave "I am here" so desperately.
But he wasn't on the news all day.
 In fact, he wasn't on the news for the next month...
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Penelope spent her life writing love letters, which didn’t seem like a terrible idea until the letters were mailed out and Schneider received one of them. Hoping to fool their exes, they agree to fake a relationship. But are they lying to everyone around them, or to themselves? aka my To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before-inspired AU.
Penelope x Schneider, ODAAT. available on ao3 with extra author’s notes.
Chapter 3: Penelope tries to bond with Alex during movie night; he and Lydia bring the family’s donations to Goodwill. Schneider returns from vacation and confronts Penelope. She panics.
While Schneider was away with Nikki over the weekend, Penelope splurged on a trip to the movies--luring Alex with the promise of food he didn’t have to sneak in.
She was trying to focus on silver linings instead of her anxieties about Elena, and the upsides included her new availability for Alex. Twice as much parent to go around could only lead to more bonding, right?
He had lobbied for an R-rated comedy, which she was definitely not willing to pay for. On her own, she would’ve headed right for the newest Bradley Cooper drama, but no amount of chocolate could convince Alex to sit through that.
So they compromised on an action movie--which would have the added benefit of covering up the sound of her soda later. Agreeing to buy concessions for Alex didn’t make her a different person. Her discount snacks were better than their overpriced junk, anyway.
He grinned at her over his bucket of popcorn while they waited for the lights to go down, and she considered her bribery a success. See, she could be the cool mom. Even if she had Raisinets in her cargo pants.
“Hey, Mom?”
“Do you still miss Max?”
Where did that come from? The question hurt, mostly because it was so unexpected. With Max exiting her life right before Lydia’s stroke, neither Alex or Elena had mentioned him much in the last year. They’d all had other things on their minds.
She let the pain pass by before she answered.
“Yes, Papito, I still do. It’s hard to let go of people you love. Sometimes, a part of you misses them even after you’ve moved on.”
He nodded, sipping his soda.
“Do you think you’ll start dating again anytime soon?”
That question was even more out of character for her son, whose world had been so often self-centered since he first came into it.
Penelope narrowed her eyes at him. “Why are you suddenly so interested in my dating life?”
“I was just wondering.”
”Well, I’m having fun the way things are. You and me, catching a movie on a Friday night, mother and son time with Elena away. Why would I want to date when I could be doing this?”
She grabbed a handful of popcorn and caught the way he cringed. Or flinched. Whatever it was, there was guilt there. Her mom radar went up.
“Alex, what is it? Is something going on?”
“It’s nothing!” He assured her in a rush. “It’s just...I kind of--did have a date.”
“Yeah. You wanted to go out together, so I rain checked it with Chloe for next weekend. But I mean, let’s be real, Mom. This can’t last forever. I’ll go off to college too, or modeling school, whatever, and then who will you hang out with?”
The trailers started playing, just in time, letting her wallow until the movie started.
Penelope couldn’t keep the sadness off her face as she watched Alex settle in with his snacks. He was growing up so fast on her. Too fast. And Elena was practically out of the house already.
She didn’t want to date just to avoid being alone, but hearing that concern from her teenage son? Ouch. So much for being the cool mom.
Now Penelope was glad that they’d picked an action flick. She was ready to watch some stuff blow up.
Alex emerged from his room the next morning waving his phone at her.
“Mom, that was the third text I’ve gotten from Elena since she left reminding us to take that stuff to Goodwill.”
“Good morning to you, too,” Penelope replied. 
She was almost out the door, but her son had the luxury of sleeping in on Saturdays until baseball season started. He was taking full advantage of it.
“Seriously, she woke me up--and I need my beauty rest. She’s not gonna stop bugging me until you drop it off.”
“Alex...” Penelope shrugged into her coat, kissing her Mami on the cheek in thanks for the quick cafecito she had substituted for breakfast. “It’s all boxed up, we finished it before she left; it’ll get there.”
“I’m just saying, she’s gonna start texting you next, and I don’t think you’ll enjoy the lectures any more than I do.”
“Well, I’ve got plans with Jill today--and I’m about to be late. Mami?” She raised hopeful eyebrows in Lydia’s direction.
“Can you go with Alex to the Goodwill donation dropoff? I won’t be back until dinner.”
“Si, Lupita. Go have fun with your friend, we will handle it.” 
“Great. Thanks. The things I’m getting rid of are in my room, next to the closet.”
“You know, this would be much easier if Schneider had not taken his girlfriend on a vacation.” Lydia frowned. “He could carry much bigger boxes than myself or Papito.”
“Hey, I can lift heavy stuff,” Alex protested. 
“Yes, but you should not have to! You should save your strength for wooing your future wife.” Lydia patted his face.
“Luckily for us--and Alex’s future wife--none of the boxes are all that heavy,” Penelope said. “And there aren’t too many of them. Now, I really have to go. I’ll see you both tonight.”
Absorbed in work and school, Penelope didn’t give their Goodwill donations another thought until Tuesday, on her way out of the hospital. The two boxes she’d packed in her room were gone, concluding that chore.
Or so she thought.
Penelope was  digging in her purse for her keys when she saw Schneider striding her way. “Oh, hey! I thought you were gonna be off the grid with Nikki for another couple of days.”
“No, that trip is kind of...over. That whole thing is kind of over.” 
Hurt crossed Schneider’s face before he buried it. He was really good at that, she’d learned--mostly from moments when she was the one hurting him. Way to go, Penelope. 
“I mean, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
“Eh, I will be. Eventually. It’s not like we were engaged, right?”
Schneider shook his head. “That’s not why I’m here, though. Nikki may have dumped me for one of the jock dads at St. Bibiana’s, but that doesn’t mean I think you and I should blur the lines on the rebound.”
She stared at the creased blue paper he held up as he continued.
“Not that I’m not flattered, obviously. You’re the most badass woman I know, an amazing mom, anybody would be lucky to--”
Penelope’s field of vision narrowed to the letter in his hand, a letter that she definitely recognized. She didn’t hear the rest of his sentence. She could only hear her heart pounding in her ears, making her wonder if she was about to pass out there, next to her car.
How did Schneider get that? What was happening right now?
“I found it slipped under my door when I got home. And honestly, Pen, if you needed to tell me this stuff, you could have just done it in person--we’ve had enough late night chats that nothing’s really off limits at this point.”
She took a deep breath, trying to focus on a technique that worked for her during panic attacks and after nightmares. Since the moment felt like an actual waking nightmare, slowly counting backwards didn’t help much. He was still there. Waiting.
“Schneider, that letter--it’s not what it looks like, I swear. I don’t want to date you. At all. I wrote it because...”
She was still trying to find the words to explain something much too complicated for a parking lot when she saw motion past Schneider’s left shoulder.
Max was exiting the hospital and heading straight for them, holding a bright white envelope in one hand.
It didn’t take a genius to know what he was coming over to say.
Which was good, because Penelope’s mind was not exactly in top condition. It was already a five-alarm fire up in there, and every part of her was screaming I cannot deal with this.
In the fraction of a second she had to consider her options, Penelope acknowledged that the mature response would be to face it now--to explain the situation to her ex-boyfriend and her best friend at the same time.
Or, she decided, as she felt both men’s eyes on her and her palms started to sweat...she could do literally anything else.
Going with her first impulse, Penelope reached up and grabbed Schneider’s shirt with both hands, pulling him toward her. Before Max could get one step closer, she kissed Schneider like her life depended on it.
She couldn’t have explained to anybody why kissing Schneider seemed like a better idea than letting Max think she was still pining over him. Right then, she just needed Max to stay back. To leave them alone. 
Did it work? She wondered. She couldn’t check without breaking off the kiss, but the silence seemed promising.
Of course, the quiet only emphasized the situation she was now in. She was kissing Schneider. She was in a hospital parking lot, a few yards away from her ex-boyfriend, kissing Schneider. 
Pressed against her, Schneider didn’t react. Not after the initial moment, or several more. He let her kiss him, but he didn’t kiss back. And that was fine, Penelope told herself. That was better.
“Thank you,” she said when she let Schneider go. He stood there, flushed and baffled, looking at her like he had never seen her before. 
Though confusion was written all over his face, Schneider nodded. “You’re...welcome?”
Penelope wasn’t willing to push her luck any further. She couldn’t avoid the embarrassment forever, but at least she had managed to postpone it until she got home. She needed time to figure this out.
Without another word, and without glancing back to where Max was probably still holding his own letter, she got into her car and drove home.
Her reprieve was brief, not that she’d expected any different. She caught the aroma of dinner as soon as she walked through the door, and barely had time to praise her Mami’s cooking before Schneider arrived.
“Oh, good, Schneider, you are home from your vacación,” Lydia said. “I made enough for you to join us, just in case.”
“Hey,” Alex added from his spot at the table. “You’re back early, right?”
“Yeah, Nikki and I broke up.”
Schneider offered that explanation to Alex, but he was looking at Penelope. She shook her head in response, hoping the tiny movement would go unnoticed by the others. Hoping that Schneider would understand. Not now. Not in front of the family. Please.
His shoulders tensed where he stood, like her silent plea was a blow he had to absorb. But when he finally looked away from her, smiling at Lydia and taking his seat, Penelope knew he would let it go for now. “So you can see why I needed a nice, comforting family dinner this evening.”
“Oh, pobrecito Schneider,” Lydia said, patting his back before she sat down across from him. “You can do better.”
They were waiting for her to settle into her place at the table, but Penelope couldn’t join them until she knew for sure. She headed for her bedroom, straight to the spot where her army duffel would be. 
Or where it used to be.
“Mami?” She returned to the table and sat, trying to sound calm. “What happened to my duffel bag?”
“I don’t know,” Lydia said, pouring herself some rum as though her daughter’s world wasn’t spinning out of control in front of her. “Where did you see it last?”
“I keep it in my closet,” Penelope snapped back. “It’s been there for years. Where did I see it last,” she added in a mutter.
“You do not need to take that tone with me,” her Mami scolded her. “I did not touch your ratty old bag. I do not know where it is.”
“Well, I know I didn’t move it, and it’s gone. So can anybody explain to me how it up and disappeared?”
Lydia thought it over. “I suppose...if it was in your closet...it might be at the Goodwill.”
She clamped down even harder on her temper. “Why would it be at the Goodwill?” 
“As I said, Lupita, I have done nothing wrong. But your boxes were next to the closet. So if it is missing, that may be why.”
“It was just an old duffel bag, right, Mom?” Alex was halfway through his dinner, but he couldn’t ignore the tension in the room. “You can get a new one.”
“Not everything’s replaceable, Alex. That old bag had a lot of memories attached.” She picked up her fork and tried to focus on her food while her mind reeled. It also had five incredibly personal love letters tucked into the inside pocket. Letters she’d never wanted their subjects to read.
Now Max knew she never got over him, and wanted him back. God, after more than a year, how pathetic he must think she was. 
And that didn’t begin to address the other letters. How long until those came back to haunt her, too? What about the man currently watching her while he ate, pretending that he wasn’t? How could she possibly explain any of this to Schneider?
She stabbed at her salad, lost in thought until she was done eating. 
Worried she might snap at him next, even Schneider was quiet during the meal. The scraping of utensils against dishes filled the silence until Penelope cleared her plate and went to her bedroom.
Schneider swallowed loudly after Penelope left, but didn’t offer up his usual attempts to paper over the unease that lingered behind her. 
Instead it was Lydia who broke the silence. “Lupe hasn’t used any of her old bags in years. I do not understand why she is so upset about this one.”
“Maybe she’s going through menopause,” Alex offered up.
Schneider’s fork clattered loudly onto his plate. 
Lydia shook her head. “No, that can’t be the problem, Papito. She is far too young.”
“It can start between the ages of 40 and 50,” Alex argued, ignoring the way Schneider was gaping at him. “Mom’s just inside the window.”
“This is very inappropriate talk,” Lydia scolded him, standing up to clear the rest of the plates.
“Elena wouldn’t stop lecturing me about it, okay? She wanted me to be ready when it happened in case she was moved out already. You know how she never shuts up.”
Schneider left Alex sitting alone to go find Penelope--normally she would be back out with the family after dinner, but if she was going to try this hard to avoid him, she wasn’t giving him much choice. 
With Lydia at the sink and Alex’s face in his phone already, Schneider doubted the others would even notice him gone. 
He tapped lightly on her door. “Penelope?” 
The long silence wasn’t comforting, but eventually he heard a quiet “Come in” and let himself in. 
“Hey,” he said as he shut the door behind him. “You know, Max seemed just as confused as me, back at the hospital. He just sort of stared at me, once you drove off, for the longest five seconds in history, and then he left without saying anything.”
“Yeah?” Penelope was looking at the floor more than him, but he could tell she was listening.
“Yeah. I think he wanted to talk to you too. Which made me even more confused. What’s going on?”
A brisk rap on the door sounded before it opened--not giving either of them time to respond. 
“It’s time for dessert,” Lydia told them. “What are you two doing in here?”
Penelope ignored the gossipy insinuation in her tone--she knew better than anyone that it was her Mami’s way of hoping something interesting was about to happen, whether it actually was or not. “We were talking about dessert, actually. I was asking Schneider if he wanted to go with me to get ice cream.”
She raised her eyebrows, hoping he would follow her lead. “What do you say? Dessert run?”
Whatever he was thinking, or feeling, Schneider kept it to himself. “Sure, Pen. Sounds good. My treat.”
“Oh, Schneider, you are such a generous man,” Lydia told him with a hand on his arm--laying it on a little thick even by her usual standards. 
“Mami, calm down. It’s ice cream, not new shoes.”
“Lydia, did you want new shoes?” Schneider perked up, and Penelope grabbed him by the arm to pull him past her mom before they could get any ideas. 
“She doesn’t need you to buy her shoes. Let’s go.”
Penelope rushed him to the door with one hand on his back, nudging him forward as she opened it.
She was in such a hurry, she almost shoved him directly into Ben--who was standing on the other side, hand raised to knock. 
“Oh, hey, Penelope. Is this a bad time?”
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saviorsbookcafe · 4 years
The Savior's Book Café in Another World: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Forced to Another World
Translated by: sydney Proofread by: Necro
A glowing white sphere is floating in a pitch-black space.
It’s the size of the palm of my hand, almost as if the sun had shrunk into this sphere of light.
From the sphere, a low masculine voice is talking to me about various things, but I’m only listening to it absentmindedly, feeling far from reality.
Why am I here...? Is this a dream?
A dream where I’m in this place that makes no sense, where a sphere that also makes no sense is talking to me.
“Are you listening? Tsukina Mizumori, I want you to go to a world that’s different from the one you’ve been living in until now.”
This sphere, who keeps repeating itself and calling my name as if to confirm that that’s me, calls itself God.
This sort of thing has been popular lately, hasn’t it, I think in the back of my mind.
Transportation to or reincarnation in another world has been a popular concept in recent media.
Despite having been told by my friends I’m such a bookworm that ‘bookworm’ seems like a word made up just for you, I actually haven’t read much of this genre.
Maybe I’ve been wanting to read them, if I’m dreaming about it. Maybe I’ll go buy one when I wake up.
As I’m lost in my thoughts, the sphere in front of me begins talking to me again, its tone somewhat disapproving.
“Are you going to answer me?”
Dreams like this certainly don’t feel as realistic after turning thirty-three, or rather, this dream feels too childish to feel realistic.
For a moment, I thought maybe I’ve been stressed lately, but recently each day has been fulfilling in some way, so that can’t be it.
There hasn’t been much trouble at the job I’ve been working at for years, and I’m on good terms with my coworkers.
My relationships with my coworkers rarely change on a personal level, but we’ll talk at lunch, and occasionally we’ve gone out together after work to enjoy ourselves.
The bookworm that I am, I usually want to read immediately after work, so these relationships are perfect for me.
Today too, once work ended I went directly home and wanted to get right to reading, so I should have finished eating dinner and opened up my book.
And then suddenly I was here.
“Hey, this is important. Will you actually listen to me?”
“I am listening. Why do I have to go to some other world?”
As if in a good mood because I replied, the sphere starts spinning around me.
The light from the sphere isn’t that strong, but because everything else is pitch black, it felt painfully bright.
Come to think of it, even though it’s pitch black in here, for some reason I can see myself clearly.
“The selection is completely random. I’ve already sent several others to the world I’m about to send you to. You’ve been chosen, just like them. To become a Savior and save the world.”
“Oh, then if there are others it’s fine if I don’t go, right?”
As if taken by surprise by my response, the cheerful sphere stops right in front of me.
The sphere floating in the air of course does not have any facial expression, but I know that it is surprised.
It stays still for a short while, then begins moving frantically around my face in disbelief.
“I’m talking about transporting you to another world, you know? That’s supposed to be popular in your world’s books! The other kids went happily!”
“Well even so, it’s fine if I don’t go. I don’t care if you want me to save the world or whatever, if there are already others going then they’ll do it for you.”
“No, no no no!”
It looks like the sphere had begun sweating as its perfectly round shape collapses a little, and it moves back and forth violently as if denying my words.
Whether this situation is a dream or reality, my answer is one and the same: No.
“Why would I accept? I can’t even believe that the others went.”
“They were excited, so they didn’t fight it. You’re the first person to say no.”
“Excited? Oh, come to think of it, you said “the other kids,” didn’t you. Were the other people you sent young kids?”
“Yes, they were all in their teens.”
Then why are you sending someone in their thirties like me, it’d be fine if they were all younger.
“If I were in my teens like those kids, then I might have gone happily too. But as you’d expect, when you get to my age, you think a lot more.”
Just hearing the phrase transported to another world is a little thrilling.
The self-proclaimed god in front of me casually explained it earlier, but it sounds like this other world is like the world of an RPG.
Me, playing a major role in a world of swords and magic, meeting new people and going on adventures in a world overflowing with things I’ve never seen before.
But once I think about it, I realize that it’s certainly not all going to be so charming.
“You said it’s a world with fighting, right?”
“Yeah, that’s why I’ll grant your wish before sending you there. When this world’s humans travel there, they obtain tremendous amounts of magic. With that power, even just by learning one type of Great Magic that only Saviors can wield, you can bend the world to your will. That’s why the humans of that world call you ‘Saviors.’ So I’ll grant you anything aside from magic powers. Well, if you say you want even more advanced magic than that, I can do that. The other kids asked for strong weapons or improved physical abilities. Oh, and there was one girl who asked to change her appearance.”
“I’m not good with pain, or rather I avoid situations where I might get hurt. And I’m the type of person to feel guilty even over something like killing a bug, so no matter how many weapons or physical abilities I get, I won’t be able to kill any monsters or anything.”
I take the sphere’s sudden silence as a chance to keep talking, and open my mouth again.
“You know, when you get to my age, you’ve already built a life for yourself. Yes, it’s not like I love my work, or that I love the world I’m living in. But my life here is stable. I make a living, and have friends to keep me company. A new world certainly sounds thrilling, but that would mean completely starting over in a new environment. It sounds like it’ll be completely different from the world I’ve been living in so far, so I’ll have to throw away all of the knowledge and culture I’ve learned and start over, right? Meeting new people sounds nice, but I’d be starting over in a place where no one knows me. It’s a little late to give up my house, my work, and all my friends around me to restart my life.”
Just thinking about it, there are too many cons.
It’s already a pain just to transfer jobs or move houses, but switching worlds would be even worse.
“Even so, I need you to go. It’s basically mandatory, or rather it is mandatory,” the sphere begins in a quiet voice, a complete change from it’s loud voice until now.
Some part of its voice is forceful, and I know I am losing ground.
“I already told you, I can’t fight at all!”
“That world’s balance is maintained just by sending humans from this world. It’s a world where, even if you don’t save the world, just being there as a Savior with lots of magic will keep the world stable, and bountiful resources will be born. Since the others I’ve already sent will fight and learn Great Magic, I personally don’t mind if you just live there quietly.”
Now I really have nothing to argue.
At this point, there’s no sign that I’ll wake up, and I’m starting to sense that this isn’t a dream.
The only thing that can pull me out of this incomprehensible space is the self-proclaimed god in front of me.
And at this rate, it doesn’t seem to have any intention of returning me to my original world.
But if this is reality, then if I mess up here, that might cause problems for me later.
After giving me a moment to wonder what to do about it, the sphere spoke up apologetically.
“I’m sorry, but I have no choice but to send you to the other world. In exchange, I promise that I’ll grant any of your wishes. Don’t you have one? A dream you had in your old world, for example. If it’s something that can come true even in a different world, then I’ll do everything I can to make it happen.”
“A dream...?”
I’ve been earning my living on my own, with no desire to get married, and I’ve never even thought about having kids.
My time to myself is so valuable that you could say I’ve never felt it necessary to spare any for others.
Going out with my close friends sometimes was enough engagement with others for me.
So for my life plans, I thought I would stay single and work until I retire, and then maybe I’d open a small shop.
A small book café with my favorite things -- cooking and reading.
A store with my favorite books from around the world, surrounded by quiet antiques.
I wouldn’t even need to profit, I just want a relaxed shop where a few regulars come to read, and even if people are there, I can read with them.
Though it’ll be in another world, is this sphere saying I can make that dream come true right now?
I’ve already made a plan, and I’ve been saving, but I thought that was just a crazy dream that would never come true.
Now that I think about it, aren’t all of my savings from these years meaningless now?
That makes me a little angry.
In either case, if I have to go.
There’s no reason for anyone to complain if I take as much from this god as he took from my life’s plans.
There shouldn’t be anything wrong with taking as much as I can as compensation for suddenly being tossed into a new world.
If I don’t, I’ll be out in the cold in a world I don’t know anything about, a dangerous world with monsters living in it.
“It’s really okay for me to just live a quiet life, right?”
“Yes, that’s fine.”
“You said you’d do anything, but can I wish for as many things as I want?”
“Yes, but...well, everyone until now only wished for one thing each.”
“Huh? You didn’t tell them they could ask for multiple things?”
“Why? They thought one was enough, and so they just wished for one thing and went, right?”
“No, I think it was just a simple misunderstanding.”
This is bad. This sphere seems like a good person, but that might not actually be the case.
No, the moment it showed up with this story, it proved it isn’t a good person.
This is so complicated that it’s best to just try wishing for something.
I try to remember what this God said about that world.
“Um...there’s monsters, a demon king, and several countries. If there are warring countries, then there are allied countries. Is the currency, language, and fundamental knowledge the same no matter which country I’m in?”
“How do people know about our, or the Saviors’ existence?”
“Hm, most countries want Saviors. I mentioned it before, but when humans from this world travel to that world, they obtain tremendous, no, you could even say phenomenal amounts of magic. They’re something every country is desperate to get their hands on.”
“So if, for example, I didn’t tell anyone, would people know I was a Savior?”
“Upon arriving there, the Savior’s Mark will appear on your body. If that’s seen, people will probably figure it out.”
“Mark? You don’t mean like a tattoo, right? I want to avoid pain or any flashy symbols.”
“It won’t hurt, and it’s nothing flashy. It’s more like a design that will appear on you.”
“Then can I choose where that mark appears?”
“That is possible.”
“Then, somewhere it won’t stand out...can I put it under my hair or something? Like, on the back of my head under my hair, so even if I put my hair up it won’t be seen.”
I lifted up my hair and pointed to a place on the back of my head.
My hair goes just past my shoulders, and I’ve never dyed it before, but it’d probably be perfect if my hair was black to hide that Savior’s Mark.
“Understood. But that’ll only work for normal magic, if you use Great Magic, it’ll glow and stand out.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, and I’ll make sure never to use it in front of people.”
For now, it looks like I’ve gotten the fundamental culture of that world and how to hide that I’m a Savior.
No matter how much it’s asked of me, the fact that I can’t fight won’t change.
Even if I have the strongest magic, I’ll always lose to an enemy.
Having lived for three decades and then some, I know myself well. 
I can’t fight like the protagonist of a story.
If I could, I’d like to live quietly, so I want to hide the fact that I’m a Savior.
Now, I have to figure out what country in that world I’m going to.
If I end up in a strange country, then far from running a café, I could get caught up in war turmoil, or threatened by monsters.
If there’s a peaceful country that can protect itself, that would be best.
“As of right now, is there a country that’s very peaceful and has a solid defense?”
“Yeah, it’s big but there is one. The royal family aren’t strict about their status, and are advocates for peace. And their knights are very skilled, so the country is rarely damaged even by violent monster attacks.”
“I want a small café I can live in within that country’s territory, somewhere sort of secluded from any towns. Like in a forest that doesn’t stand out too much.”
“There’s a thick forest somewhat away from the towns, so I’ll put it there. Briefly imagine your ideal café in your head. I’ll make one based on that. But since the forest is dense, I don’t think you’ll get many customers.”
“It’s not like I really want to work that much. I just want to be able to enjoy my cooking and reading.”
As I said that, I realized that this lifestyle isn’t guaranteed to work.
It’s not complete, I still need to do something about living expenses and all.
That is to say, even if I got my café moved to the center of the city, if customers didn’t come in, the café would go out of business.
And I want an environment where I can collect and read all kinds of books.
“I’ll want to be able to get books from all around the world, ingredients and other daily necessities every so often, so is there anything you can do about that? Oh, and money.”
“You have a lot of requests...well, alright. How about this?”
As soon as God said that, a sparkling antique-style locket appeared in front of me.
The pendant is entirely silver, a flower design atop a diamond-shaped locket, threaded onto a thin chain.
In the center of the flower sits a small, translucent blue stone.
As I reach out to the gently floating pendant, it drops into my hand.
It’s lighter than I expect, and simple but a nice design that I like.
The metal of the pendant, the perfect size to fit in my hand, is cool against my skin.
I open up the locket, but there’s nothing inside.
I look over at the sphere, not knowing what to do with this pendant.
“When you squeeze that, a search screen like on a computer will appear in your mind. You can type letters just by thinking of them, so you’ll be able to summon things using that search bar. Because it’s god-made, it won’t break, and to anyone but you it’ll be a normal necklace. Money included, you’ll be able to summon most anything.”
This is a pretty useful necklace, even if I end up in an unsettling place, worst comes to worst I can just hide away in the café.
From now on, this pendant is my lifeline.
I squeeze it tightly in my hand.
As long as I have this, I’ll be okay, but what if I lose it, or if it’s stolen?
“Is there any option for having it automatically return to me if I lose it, or it’s stolen, and ensuring that no one doubts the things I summon with it?”
“...I’ll add them.”
It feels like the sphere floating in front of me is getting a little tired from my thoroughness, but this isn’t any time to hold back.
This is a matter of life or death.
It’s clear that if I don’t confirm everything I can think of, then whatever happens next will be bad.
“There aren’t any family registries there, right? Even if it’s not on paper, I want to have a story for where I came from.”
“Then, let’s say your village burned down during the war, and you were the only survivor. The war orphans there get a fixed status, so you won’t be discriminated against.”
“You said the languages are the same as my world until now, but does each country have its own language, like English and Japanese? If so, then I want to be able to read and understand all of them.”
“You can already understand the languages, so you can speak them, but anything else I’ll make sure you can automatically understand.”
Since I can get anything I can think to ask for, that in itself actually makes me uneasy.
But even if this seems greedy, I have to take what I can get and ask what I need to know.
Despite living in a world that only knows peace until now, I’m being suddenly taken into a world with fighting every day.
I don’t plan to hold back here only to die in another world.
“You said that I’ll have lots of magic, right? What kind of people can use magic?”
The sphere that had been quickly answering all my questions until now let out an interested sound, and began moving around me.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, I was just thinking that out of all the people I’ve sent to that world, I’ve never gotten that question before. I will give anyone what they request, and answer anything they ask. But I don’t give things people haven’t requested, or provide detailed answers to questions that haven’t been asked.”
“In other words, none of the people you’ve sent know anything about magic?”
“That would be the case. As for your question, you Saviors have magic, but don’t know any spells. To put it in the words of your world so it’s easier to understand, you have unlimited magic points, and you have magic commands. But you haven’t learned a single spell.”
“In that case, how do you learn magic?”
“You have to be taught by the people living there, or teach yourself with books.”
“Great Magic too?”
“You’d have to find fairly old books and learn from them. The theory of it is difficult, so you probably won’t be able to use it just from reading about it. Even if you are a Savior, you’d need a considerable amount of studying. And I said this before, but to me, the Great Magic that only Saviors can learn is like a bonus. The humans there seem to want you to become the kind of Savior who develops or protects the country and brings peace to the world, but if I had to say, I think of you all as the type of Savior who balances the world just by being there.”
Then there’s no need to learn Great Magic, I thought, but then I wondered what would happen if a Savior who’s learned Great Magic is in a country that attacks the country I go to, and got a bad feeling.
“By the way, will I be able to use some amount of magic just by reading the magic textbooks over there?”
“Hmm.... Each Savior’s magic sense differs, so it’s hard to say for certain. But for general spells, if you practice a few times then you should be able to get them. The more you use them, the more powerful your spells will become, and the more the amount of magic you have will increase.”
“You said that you’ll give anyone the things they request, right? Then if I say I want to be able to use Great Magic from the start, what would happen?”
“Of course, I would give it to you. You will also gain more magic to match those spells.”
It really feels that the one who asks is the one who wins.
Receiving these spells without any practice seems like something I’d be criticized for, but when it comes down to that or my life, my life is obviously more important.
By making sure I have Great Magic here, I should have more magic than the other Saviors, and I can enjoy the benefit of having that Great Magic.
“What kind of things does Great Magic include?”
“There is no good way to explain it aside from saying that there are various types.... There are types like offensive magic with the strongest offensive power, defensive magic that can put up the strongest barriers, or recovery magic that can heal any wound or ailment.”
“Offensive magic and defensive magic can exist at the same time? Doesn’t that mean one of them isn’t the strongest...?”
“That’s where it’s up to the user’s magic and sense, and how much experience they have.”
“I see.”
I bring my hand to my mouth and think for a moment.
Absolutely not offensive magic, since I won’t be able to use it fully, and I wouldn’t be able to attack someone in time.
Recovery magic sounds good, but the chances of me dying before I get to use it seem high.
“Can I learn multiple types of Great Magic?”
“That’s hard for any Savior to do. Just using one spell will have you bedridden for days from magic deficiency. It’s a fine thing that’ll make your head explode the moment you learn a second type.”
“Then please make me able to use defensive Great Magic from the start.”
Magic I can use to protect myself in an instant, this feels like the best thing to raise my chances of survival.
Even if I’m attacked, if I can dodge the first attack and gain some distance, then I can use that defensive magic to escape.
Although if I die from the first attack, or can’t gain any distance and panic, it won’t help me.
If I’m able to learn other types of magic from textbooks, then I want to try learning it myself.
“By the way, do you personally think that I’ll be able to use ordinary magic without a problem?”
“Yeah, I think you’ll be able to use it just fine.”
“I see. Then...what will happen to my existence in my world up until now?”
“You’ll have died when you were young. There’s no better way to explain it, but as for your environment, there won’t be anything unnatural.”
Well, that’s alright. If I went missing, then my coworkers and friends would be worried.
In that case, it’s better that they’d never met me in the first place.
“If your mind or situation changes and I can go back to where I came from, then you’d put everything back to how it was, right?”
“I don’t think that day will come, but, well, if it does, then I promise.”
As I looked at the sphere, my mind turned, thinking, is there anything else, is there really nothing else?
That is to say, I can’t say that my head was calm at this point.
I can see that I’ll be thinking, I should have asked for this too.
"When I go there, will I be able to contact you?”
“Normally this would be the end. At most, I might go check up on you occasionally.”
“Then, can you make it so I can contact you? And so you’ll grant my wishes at that time?”
“Alright. But this time you only get three. You can’t wish for more, and I’ll only answer your call and grant your wishes three times.”
“Thank you very much.”
“However, I will not get involved with the life or death of humans. I cannot bring any human back to life nor take the life of any human.”
“Understood. Oh, there’s one more thing....”
“There’s more?!”
It feels like there is fatigue and grief in God’s voice, but I ask for everything I can think of without holding back.
Ultimately, God’s form crumpled twice more, and its previously perfectly round form had now turned into a sort of bean-like shape.
Its light had dimmed, and it feels like it’s flickering a little bit.
Despite being sent by this terribly depressed God, I don’t have any regrets.
If I need anything else, I’ll call this God without any hesitation.
And thus begins my life in an alternate world, filled with extremely real dreams.
With no exhilarating adventures, no fighting, where I’ll do all I can to avoid interacting with the outside world -- that kind of life in an alternate world.
To the young people who are also travelling here, I’ll tell you now that I will leave saving the world to you, so I’m sorry, and thank you in advance.
Translation Notes:
“the selection is completely random”: in the manga this got very mixed up (partially due to my unclear translation) so I’ll just clear it up here -- God didn’t choose who is going, he is simply the (unfortunate) messenger of this whole thing
“the other kids went happily”: the word in Japanese here is 子 ko can be used to refer to someone younger or lower in status, so God uses this to refer to all of the Saviors, no matter their age. however it can also be used to refer to what the English word “kid” refers to -- someone in their teens or younger (depending on the context), which is where the initial misunderstanding of “the other kids” comes from in Japanese
"family registry": this is essentially a government record of you and your family members that you would have a copy of, and you update it when you have kids or when someone dies (it’s a little similar to a birth certificate or something)
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confused-stars · 4 years
hawksweek2020 - Day 5: Insecurities
Pretty Bird
(or: someone just give him a hug please im begging you)
It had been eight months since the Winged Hero Hawks had made his debut. The spotlights hadn’t let up since then, and he hadn’t stopped moving.
At his first hero ranking, he’d already made the top twenty, popularity polls adding a huge bonus to the sheer number of successful rescues he’d already pulled off with seeming ease. And it was easy, to him. Saving people came as naturally as breathing after all the training he’d gone through.
 Charming the masses? That was also easy. A smile that was just smug enough to make him interesting, and just warm enough to have people believe he was genuine. Words that sounded a little too blunt but were carefully picked and made the public love him for his honesty. A wink thrown in at the right time, a strategic placement of his wings in front of the cameras. All of that had been training.
 This was just another one of those things, another side of hero work that he hadn’t experienced before but should have been fine with.
He should have.
So why exactly did he find himself hiding away in a storage closet?
Keigo pulled his wings tighter around himself and tried to count to ten under his breath. He got to seven before there was a knock on the door.
Ah, shit. They knew where he was.
Of course he was already going to have to answer for running out and messing up the schedule the way he had, and he didn’t even know how long he’d been here, but he still didn’t want to be talked to.
 “Go ‘way!” he called back, and his voice sounded way too shaky and not enough like his hero persona at all. “I’m fine! I just need a minute!”
 A pause. “… Hawks.” The voice was softer now. He knew he’d heard it before, but his panicked mind wasn’t supplying him with anything. “Can I come in if I close the door behind me?”
 Keigo furrowed his brows. Why would she do that? Wasn’t she here to drag him back out? But saying no would probably make them break down the door or something. He twisted the feather he’d kept stuck in the lock around until he felt it click open.
 He straightened up where he was sitting in between a bunch of nondescript storage crates and cleaning supplies, his wings folded neatly against his back even though he just wanted to curl them around his body again.
 The door opened a moment later, and Keigo could have slapped himself for not recognizing Midnight’s voice when she’d been outside the door.
She must have had a photoshoot here today, too. He vaguely remembered that this was supposed to be the place where she most often did her modelling work. She was in her hero costume, though lacking her usual accessories, and she was holding the shirt that he’d left when he’d hurried out of the studio.
 He caught it when she tossed it at him and freed his wings of feathers for a moment so he could pull it on, slotting them back in place after.
“… thanks.” He flashed Midnight one of his trademark smiles, and from her furrowed brow she wasn’t buying it in the least.
 Keigo wondered just how much of a persona she was putting on for her hero work, and how much of it was real. There was no way all this 18+ nonsense could be her entire personality.
 Keigo thought she was fun to watch, sure, and definitely capable, but she’d always seemed very… fake to him. There were just some heroes who were so obviously playing a role, and unfortunately a lot of the female pros who were being pushed into the ‘sexy lady hero’ stereotype came across like that. Keigo was always glad he was a man, or this might have very well been his fate.
And he’d proven today that he was not cut out for that.
 Midnight kicked one of the crates aside and sat down on top of it, one leg over the other, and watching him closely.
“First model shoot?” she asked, “They can be a little awkward.”
 Keigo sighed and dropped his smile, shrugging a shoulder. “It’s not… I’m good at what I do.” That sounded very defensive. But he was! He was good at this! He had no problem with the posing, even though he hadn’t exactly practiced that before. It had actually been a lot of fun, in the beginning.
 “I didn’t say you weren’t,” Midnight pointed out, “Just that it can be awkward. I’ve been doing this since I was your age, and don’t tell anyone, but that was a while ago.” She winked at him and Keigo huffed a laugh. “But, even for me it can get… a bit much at times.”
 Keigo looked back at her with more intent this time, studying her face. Did she enjoy what she did? Well, she had picked her own brand, and she got more choice in what she did than he ever had, but she’d also picked that brand as a teenager. Playing into the R-rated hero thing got her a lot of fans, of course, and modelling contracts, and adult merch, and a ton of other things, so it had been a clever move for her career. But to constantly be seen like this? Keigo nearly shuddered at the thought.
 Midnight met his eyes and smiled, a little more gentle, and Keigo remembered that she, in fact, was also a high school teacher. “Don’t look at me like that, bird boy. I love what I do. It’s normal to get overwhelmed. Happens to the best of us. Just last week, I witnessed Present Mic screaming into a pillow for almost ten whole minutes.”
 Keigo pulled one of his wings across his lap and smoothed out some feathers. They’d been groomed extensively before the shoot, but he’d gone and gotten them all ruffled up again. “… is the pillow okay?” he asked after a moment.
 Midnight snorted. “That’s what we keep Eraser around for.”
 Would Keigo ever have any real friends among other heroes? He sure hoped so. He had never really had the opportunity to make friends.
 He looked down at his wing. “… I don’t like being on camera shirtless.” And in a room full of people, too. He pulled up his shoulders a little. “I mean. I know I’m objectively hot, right? This is all… very marketable.” He gestured down at his body, and then at his face.
 He'd been lucky to grow up attractive, he’d been told that many times. And yet.
“It doesn’t make sense. I just… they didn’t warn me beforehand, and so when they told me to, I just took it off and I started feeling worse.”
Letting go of his wing, he instead traced his fingers along his chest, where there weren’t even visible scars. “It’s stupid.”
 “The way you feel about your body is never stupid,” Midnight said, voice surprisingly firm.
Keigo jerked his eyes up to look at her.
“It’s unreasonable. I should be fine with it. Plenty of people are gonna look at these photos, and they’re not gonna think ‘oh, look at Hawks, he’s way too skinny to be attractive’ or ‘he’s tiny, how’s he supposed to save people’ or ‘hey, doesn’t Hawks look kinda like a girl?’. That’s just me thinking that.” He waved a hand in the air vaguely and sighed, feathers fluffing up as he did so.
 Midnight was still watching him. Keigo hated it. She seemed to be seeing right through him, and he himself didn’t even know what she was seeing.
“I have a feeling it won’t help any if I say I think you’re cute,” she finally said, “Because this is about you. This isn’t going to change, no matter how many crazy fans in the streets scream that they’d love to have your babies.” She paused. “Or… eggs.”
 Keigo couldn’t help the surprised laugh, and he tried to give her a half-glare. “I’m pretty sure I’d have perfectly human babies, thanks.”
 “I’ll believe that when you prove it,” Midnight teased, and Keigo realized she’d done that very much on purpose to distract him from his doom and gloom.
 She was a pretty good hero, he decided. The best heroes had to be the ones who knew how to help other heroes, and not just civilians. “I should probably get back out there and finish the shoot, huh?” he asked, glancing at the door.
 Midnight clicked her tongue. “Or you walk out there, apologize, and fly home like a good boy.” She met his eyes and winked, and Keigo blushed maybe a little bit, though he would deny that to his dying day. That was just how she was though, and her flirty nature was enough to keep him somewhat grounded and from letting his thoughts spiral again.
 “… I have responsibilities,” he protested half-heartedly, though home sounded very good right now. He hadn’t been living in the apartment long, but it was his and it was safe. He didn’t have to be Hawks there.
 Midnight waved a hand at him. “They must’ve gotten a bunch of pictures they can use. You’ve been here all morning, and it’s almost four now.”
 That late? Oh, shit. Keigo had a patrol at six. He’d need to pick up some food on the way. But, hey, at least patrol was going to make him feel less shitty about himself. He stood up and brushed himself off. “You’re probably right, Midnight. Thanks.”
 Midnight got to her feet as well, and Keigo nudged her arm with his wing.
“Kayama is fine, you know? No need to be all formal with the hero names.”
 Keigo never liked when this happened. He shifted. “I prefer Hawks.”
 Midnight’s gaze was too knowing, but he didn’t think that she knew the full extent of why he didn’t use his other name.
“Hawks it is, then. It’s a good hero name anyway. Very catchy.” She nodded her approval, and he smiled as he moved past her – only to be stopped by her hand wrapping around his wrist.
 “Okay, I know you barely know me, but I want you to listen to me. Because you’re just a kid, and you’re taking your first steps into this mess of a professional world. Are you listening?”
 Keigo nodded.
 Midnight’s gaze was serious. “No one can tell you who to be, Hawks. No one can tell you what to do with who you are, either. You want to save people, you’re good at that. You clearly don’t like this aspect of it all, and that’s fine. Not everyone is born for this. Being a hero isn’t about looking sexy, or letting them treat you like a piece of meat. It’s about finding danger and facing it to keep others from getting hurt. And you’re doing that. So you can damn well decline any of these publicity engagements that have you doing things you’re uncomfortable with. They’ll tell you to just go through with it, and not make a fuss, but they’re wrong, okay? Set up your boundaries now, because you’re allowed to. Do you hear me? You’re allowed to.”
 Keigo nodded again, a little dazed from her intensity. Or maybe her quirk. But she wasn’t using it right now.
 Midnight let go of his wrist, and placed both hands on his shoulders. “I look forward to seeing more of what you can do. Up in the sky, not on some advertisement for a product neither of us is ever even going to use.” She raised a hand and put a finger under his chin, forcing his head up a little. “Now, don’t look like a scared little bird that’s just been a cat’s plaything for the past ten minutes. Or else there’ll be rumors about the two of us and this closet.” She laughed, and Keigo swallowed.
 “Uh… yeah. Okay. Okay.” He was very off kilter now. Did she have that effect on everyone?
 Midnight looked him over, and then gave a satisfied nod. “Good. Now, remember that you’re an ass kicking, whip smart, devastatingly handsome young man, and get out there.”
 Keigo blinked at her, stood still for another second or so, and then turned and opened the door, his shoulders set, and the weight of his wings still heavy on his back.
He couldn’t wait to spread them again and get back to doing his actual job.
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talesoftextposts · 3 years
Exactly! Crestoria is not the only game they don't really keep tabs with. A while ago i played a saint seiya game by them and it had many many issues. If you cannot have multiple games with quality than please don't. Is bad for us and the employees, those poor people must be going crazy :c
At first I liked kasque, quite different than what I would expect from a goddess, but I ended disliking her...
I feel kinda bad for aegis just being a punching bag for jokes and Yuna just being there to look pretty, they have a lot of potential for the story. Like you said Yuna had a great point and a good reflection moment but whatever eh? Aegis too, I felt his story like a punch on the gut because I tend to be like him and the queen, but again, whatever...
I do the arena for the free stuff too! I am not competitive at all XD
hello again anon!! im going to do another readmore gksghkeg
yeah i honestly...ugh. i have just a lot of issues w bamco in general but i also Do Not want them to pay attention to me jic they tell me to stop making memes or something stupid like that— like genuinely instead of making the game more functional or adding like...idk. any story or shit that makes Sense they just added things like the transcendence board which is just. for ppl who already maxed out their ascension boards?? after like 6 months??? Y'ALL... ik for a while too the phantom tower was Waaayyy too difficult but i think they nerfed it back to normal considering i can now clear thru level 40 at least :/ but overall the game is just. geared towards ppl who drop fucktons of cash on it. if you look at the ppl in the top 3 in arena rn? you KNOW they've spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on this game. what the fuck.
also minor gripes are just...they don't add very many new units anyway, compared to like even asteria, and i get that there's effort for the whole models or w/e but...i mean if rays can do it... and i don't mean that in the rate that banners are released, bc those are...kind of annoyingly often as of late (looking @ all the crestoria cast alts) but the fact they're only for 1 or 2 charas who are Only ssrs, and it genuinely makes r and sr stones and sr charas just...obsolete and useless imo? like i genuinely have EVERY sr AND r full awakened/ascended which. is probs partly due to the drop rates being Absolute Garbage, but thank god they implemented a pity system, right? ...right? [tired sigh] i've saved enough for julius who has been in crestoria for 228 days, bamco, fucking release h—
i also want to add that i've contacted support MULTIPLE times abt issues w the game and they have legit just told me "hm sucks have u tried playing the game w all other apps closed" like yes, bamco, but that's not the problem??
SORRY for several paragraph rant abt the gameplay i just have some very strong opinions LMAO
i understand not liking kasque! tales antags...and characters in general, actually, are rather hit or miss. i personally just love evil women so im rlly in love w her GSKEHGESKHG
but as for the aegis and yuna things... YEAH. i rlly love them both and it's been extremely disappointing to see how they've been treated by the story :( like even if yuna's acting silly to cover her own feelings, it would be nice to get those scenes we get in other tales games (like...idk even the scenes in xillia like where alvin and elize sit and talk in the park, and leia talks w i think jude or milla depending on the route?) considering it's like...is penelope going to be okay? can she ever go back to her?? is she okay just crossing the sea and leaving her, even if there's really no choice??? sorry for the character introspect i just have a lot of thoughts—
aegis too, it's like. i don't mind teasing to an extent, but i really feel sometimes they go too far w it :( esp in like. events and the character episodes moreso than the main story (tho i could be remembering incorrectly) which makes me wonder if they just have different writers for each but even THEN like the main story still fails to act like yuna and aegis Exist half the time?? and JEEZ yeah i am constantly thinking abt aegis and queen rebecca, esp imo it's just a very... well first of all, that has to be Traumatizing As Hell but second of all i strongly headcanon he was unable to say it bc he didn't mean it and also i have a headcanon that the whole event has kept him from ever saying the words "i love you" ever again so that's that on THAT. (these are my headcanons pls don't send me hate over them they're not canon i promise—)
and honestly same!! i used to be sss rank and then i stopped caring abt arena for a bit and dropped a couple ranks...oops. i'm currently s-5 and had to FIGHT to keep myself there this season. it's not that i rlly care abt winning or being high ranking. or first, even, i just want the prizes from being at a certain rank/placing tbh. which is why.....................................oh im so tired of the ppl with lvl 120 fully awakened new ass units like i GET IT you have MONEY but i am not spending that much on a mobile game!!
ANYWAY thank u for coming to my ted talk omfg im so sorry this is so long (again)
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amouthfulofforevers · 4 years
For the shyan week’s free day, I decided to make a rec list with my favorite shyan fics I’ve read so far. All these writers are fantastic and deserve all the kudos and comments, I love all these stories!
Fics with a star on the side are big favorites of mine.
if you go down to the woods by Siria | T |  1,752 Words | ☆
The footage shows Ryan Bergara walking into the woods.
The footage shows Ryan Bergara walking out of the woods.
Like You Want To Be Loved by poetdameron | T |  16,535 Words | ☆
"Settle down with me", Shane says without thinking and as Ryan looks at him with wide open eyes, all he can think of it's how many of Ryan's secrets he knows, how Ryan likes his coffee, and the fact that he has loved him since the moment Ryan first looked up at him and smiled.
Early Morning Conversations by idonthavelungs | G |  594 Words
Sleeping in a dead person’s bed in a house that’s probably haunted doesn’t exactly make sleep come easy.
Horror and Chill, Baby by Squeakyshroom | E |  6,206 Words 
Ryan won't chill, so Shane gives him a helping hand.
Or: Ryan's straight but not when Shane touches him like that.
Let the Sunshine Burn Your Eyes by YogurtTime | E |  6,577 Words | ☆
An innocent man of taste and leisure, Ricky Goldsworth, just wants to check into his hotel room, but gets into an altercation with the concierge while a mysterious gentleman in expensive-looking clothes watches nearby.
Kismet. by poetdameron | E | 18,625 Words | ☆
Everyone is born with Gifts. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t ask for it.
Shane never thought he would meet the only person in the world he can touch without killing them, let alone fall for him.
un poco loco by sanjariti | T |  2,468 Words
(told in a linear date timeline)
In which Ryan Steven Bergara loves Shane Alexander Madej so much, he plans their one-year anniversary gift 6 months in advance. But what sort of gift requires so much planning?
And they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates) by Squeakyshroom | E | Chapter 5/5 | Complete |  25,690 Words
Shane and Ryan are roommates who fuck, but with rules.
(Now if only they'd stop breaking all the damn rules)
Por Favor, Sweetheart by carrieonfighting | T |  7,859 Words | ☆
Two dorks raise a baby and don't even realise they're doing it together until it's too late
Alternatively, Ryan Bergara is Trying His Best Thanks
Thursday: Turquoise Taupe by shaniacbergara | G | 3,142 Words
Shane Madej’s hometown is…well, a little bit different than most. He and Ryan take a trip there.
When It Happens by Anotherlostblogger | E |  8,790 Words |☆
At some point Ryan and Shane stopped being just friends. That tension has been there just thrumming under the surface, waiting for the right moment to be released but it’s like a valve, slowly turned so it starts out trickling until they’re caught in the overflow.
in the drift by lorena_estrella | G |  624 Words |☆
After losing his brother in a Kaiju battle, Shane never thought he'll trust anyone again. Then Ryan happened.
Pacific Rim AU
ready if it happens with you by sarcasticfishes | E |  4,319 Words |☆
It’s not a thing. Ryan’s just a little… touch-starved. Intimacy-starved.
Shane passes behind him when he’s sitting at his desk, idly touches Ryan’s shoulder, thumb brushing the curve of his neck — and goosebumps erupt down the length of Ryan’s arms.
In His Brown Eyes by poetdameron | E | 9,866 Words
As a kid, a shadow lived in Shane's room that became his friend. All he can remember of it, it's its beautiful brown eyes.
As an adult, Shane meets Ryan and his beautiful brown eyes that are familiar.
Collide by needywitch | E | Chapters 2/2 | Complete |  35,310 Words |☆
Ryan is desperately in love with his best friend.
I Don't Want to Sleep Alone by Anotherlostblogger | E | Series | 3 Works
After Ryan gets really shaken that night at Yuma, Shane is left to deal with the aftermath.
Rough water by heyghouls | Not Rated |  9,092 Words
Ryan's apartment gets flooded. He doesn't have anywhere to live in the meantime but it's a good thing his good friend Shane lives close to the office. Shane happily offers him a home and the boys are forced to face their unresolved sexual tension.
One apartment, two boys with raging attractions towards the other and one undeterminated stay. What could go wrong?
Playing It Cool by poetdameron | E |  27,494 Words | ☆
Ryan needs a new roommate, Shane needs a new place. They both work in the film industry, like the same weird crap, love the same movies, and would die for pop corn. It's a blessed match!
There's only one tiny detail Kelsey may have forgotten to tell Ryan about Shane's acting job.
universal truth by lorena_estrella | G | 276 Words
Shane has no idea how he got so lucky but he isn't complainig either. For the next thousand years, all he wants is to love Ryan
Old Sins Cast Long Shadows by MercurySkies | E |  15,442 Words
Sin /sɪn/ noun 1. an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. 2. any thought or action that endangers the ideal relationship between an individual and God. 3. any diversion from the perceived ideal of human living.
And Longer If I Can by poetdameron | T | 6,315 Words
After Shane makes an "odd" question, Ryan can't stop thinking about the possible implications of it, obsession over the one conclusion most likely to (not) be: Shane is breaking up with him sometime soon.
Thank you, Satan by Squeakyshroom | E |  7,426 Words
Ryan breaks his arm and Shane takes care of him. It’s not weird...until it is.
Or: Ryan wants Shane. Shane wants more.
won't you ride on my fast machine? by ElasticElla | M | 1,678 Words
“So? Lovers’ quarrel? Work gone wrong? Bad family barbecue that ended abruptly when you accidentally came out by making a pun about your poor math skills?”
“That’s way too specific to not be real,” Ryan accuses.
A Ghoul's Guide to Life, Death & Afterliving by MercurySkies | E | Chapters 21/21 | Complete |  57,013 Words |  ☆
'Shane was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that, to quote ‘the’ Charles Dickens with an emphasis on the 'dick'. They didn’t tell you the great Victorian novelist was also a grade A asshole in high school but then again what do they tell you in high school? Shane Madej was dead, as dead as one disembodied soul standing seemingly above his own corpse probably can be.'
(a moment) by thisissirius | M |  1,437 Words
ryan is shivering when they get back to the motel
contrapposto by spoopyy | T |  7,301 Words |  ☆
Ryan works in a museum. Shane doesn't understand art. They fall in love.
meet me halfway by poetdameron | T | 12,346 Words |  ☆
In a world where everything changed over the night, Ryan and Shane's minds connect miles away, making Shane the man of Ryan's dreams. Literally.
the summer is ended and we are not saved by anarchetypal | E |  1,733 Words |  ☆
Ryan drops the holy water gun with a shout and stumbles back, fueled by blind panic as he turns and sprints past their sleeping bags for the attic door.
Behind him, he hears Shane sigh almost calmly despite his flesh still burning. “Don't— C’mon, seriously, do we really have to make this a whole thing— You've seen horror movies, you know how this is gonna—” Apparently still annoyed, he breaks off, and the door in front of Ryan slams shut on its own.
Ryan skids to a stop and reaches for the knob, rattling it ineffectively. “Shit, shit, shit—”
“So many horror movies,” Shane says, voice much closer now, and Ryan spins around. “I’m just saying, can we not make this a thing right out of TV Tropes, you know, that’s just boring for both of us.”
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bylerboyfriends · 4 years
"I heard that movie sucked" for whoever you want💕
“Where have you guys been?”
Mike, Lucas, Will, and Dustin were walking down the steps into the Wheeler basement when the voice of a red head startled them out of their chatter. “How’d you get down here?” Mike asks.
“Your mom let us in hours ago,” Max says, gesturing to El. “Told us you guys were in the basement. Clearly she was wrong.”
All of the boys looked at each other with wide eyes. “You didn’t tell her, did you?”
Max looked Mike up and down, his panicked posture amusing her. After a few tense seconds, Max comforts the boys. “No. Figured I could use it as blackmail later. Now, answer my previous question. Where were you guys?”
Will answered excitedly, “We saw Child’s Play!”
“It was totally awesome! But... rated R. Hence the reason Mike’s mom wouldn’t let us go. Hence the reason we had to sneak out.” Dustin continued.
“I heard that movie sucked.”
Will and Dustin react as if they had been shot. The other two boys just shrugged, seemingly agreeing with the statement.
“It didn’t suck!” Will argues.
“Yeah, it didn’t suck,” Lucas says. “But it wasn’t really that great either. I mean, so many things didn’t make sense. Like why would they sell the doll after a satanic ritual was performed on it?”
“The store blew up! It would be impossible to know which one had been possessed!” Will rebutted, Dustin agreed with a frantic nodding of the head.
“The dude had a bloody hand,” Lucas argued back. “The fabric would have been stained.”
“Well, the doll was being sold by a hobo, he probably found it in the wreckage and cleaned it up a bit to make a quick buck.” Dustin said, as if it was common sense.
“Okay, it was fine!” Mike said, seemingly in hopes of ending the argument.... “Until the doll started making facial expressions and killing people on it’s own. And it bit the mom! Which left unrealistically deep teeth marks.”
Will flopped on the couch beside El, already tired of the disagreement. But Dustin wasn’t finished defending the film.
“It was POSSESSED by a HUMAN! And HUMANS can make facial expressions and BITE PEOPLE!”
“Okay, well the electrocution of that doctor was disgusting and the visual was not needed.”
Will joins the argument once again from his spot on the couch. “Really, Mike? You’ve seen worse.”
“I have! But I don’t want to be reminded of that while I’m trying to watch a movie with my friends!”
“Oh boo hoo. Are you going pansy on me, Wheeler?”
Mike pauses for a second, he didn’t expect Will to get so defensive over what he thought to be a pointless argument. He decided to respond flirtatiously to ease the tension.
“If that’s what ya want, sweetheart.” He winked with a smirk on his face.
“Gross!” Shouted El, who had been silently observing the heated discussion from the middle of the couch.
“Agreed,” said Max, “Disgusting. But also... thank you for changing the subject. Was scared you boys were going to ruin the movie completely.”
“Why does it matter? You said it sucked,” Lucas commented, after silently chuckling at Mike’s bad flirting.
“No, I said I heard it sucked. But now that I’ve seen how riled up it makes you boys, I want to see it for myself to take a side of my own.” Max stands up from the couch and looks back at El. “Wanna come with me?”
She grabs Max’s hand and they say goodbye to the boys before climbing up the stairs and leaving the Wheeler residence.
Lucas and Dustin glance between the other two boys, look at each other, and come to a silent agreement.
“Well! Dustin and I should head out-“
“I thought we were all gonna sleep here?” Asked Mike.
They both stayed silent for a moment, thinking of an excuse.
“I need to... brush my cat. Like badly.” The curly headed boy responded rashly.
“Oh yea! You did tell me about that, Dustin! Your mom said she’s got this weird condition in her fur that can cause her to inflate if it gets too long, right?”
“Exactly! And yanno, my mom is out with my aunt so... it’s up to me to save my cat’s life.”
“Yes and I’m going to tag along! For-“
“Moral support!”
“Moral support!” Says Lucas, “In case we’re too late and the cat... explodes.”
Dustin nods in agreement. Then both boys dash up the stairs, leaving Mike and Will alone.
Will was still looked upset, which both scared and confused Mike at the same time. He really didn’t think the argument was that serious. He takes a deep breath and sits on the opposite end of the couch.
“Will? What’s wrong? I-I didn’t mean whatever I said. I didn’t know the argument was that serious to you or I would have taken your side! I swear! I just- I just like when you get passionate about things... it’s cute.”
Will stares at his boyfriend for a few long seconds, causing Mike to get redder and redder. Then he laughs.
“It’s not funny...! It’s very unsettling when you and Max do that...”
Once he has settled down, Will attempts to explain his frustration but falls short because of self-doubt. “It’s not... it’s just... never mind. It’s stupid.”
“Will, nothing you say is stupid.” Mike takes the other boy’s hand. “Tell me.”
He takes a deep breath before coming clean, “I just... I really liked the movie because it... the main character reminded me of myself. You know, in the upside down? I mean demagorgans and dolls are two completely different things but. We both had to survive it, you know? It made me feel like I wasn’t alone. I’m not as much of a freak for having a story no one believes. It’s hard to explain-”
“No, I get it,” Mike says. “I’m sorry, Will, I wasn’t even thinking about that.”
“...I’ll forgive you...IF you quit feeling guilty and come cuddle me already because you’re right.”
“Right about what?”
“That electrocution scene! It freaked me out.”
Both boys laughed before tangling their bodies and holding each other close.
it’s FINALLY DONE!! thank you so much for the request, Jack!
I’ll finally start on another one, but please be patient if it takes a little while. Online school has started back, I’m working 2 jobs, and I’m rehearsing for a musical so I AM going to do requests in my inbox I’m just vv busy. Thanks!
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Smokey brand Postmortem: You Suck
I don’t really talk about my love for Mortal Kombat near as much as i do for Marvel, Fate, Star Wars, or Batman, but i adore that bloody franchise. Seriously, the vast majority of this blog is just Marvel and Star Wars content but, i mean, I'm an Eighties baby. That was a massive chunk of our childhoods. See? Even in an essay bout Mortal Kombat, Marvel and Star Wars found it’s way into the conversation. I have a problem but that’s not the problem i want to address in this essay. The problem i have with this one, is the f*cking Mortal Kombat release that just dropped. F*ck did they get so much wrong! I haven’t felt this frustrated with a movie since The Old Guard. I wanted this to be a Comparison but, as i tried to coalesce my thoughts about both films, it became mad apparent to me that the Nineties version of this movie would runaway with it. How is it possible that a film which came out twenty-six years ago, sh*ts all over one with modern shooting techniques and effects? How can a PG-13 movie, saturated with tongue-in-cheek camp and constant nods to the camera, do the Enter the Dragon knock-off franchise more justice that the blockbuster, R-rated, third attempt? Yeah, so this is a postmortem now.
Issue: Cole Young
Why? F*cking why? Listen, I'm all for reimaginings. I love when people can take an established work, recontextualize it, and present something new but familiar. That’s why i keep seeing Batman movies. You can only tell that dude’s story so many times but it’s how you present that story which grabs me. I like the idea of Cole. A fresh face for the audience to view these fantastical circumstances through? Good idea. I hate the execution of Cole. Punk ass weenie who literally develops powers by getting his ass kicked, portrayed by an actor who can’t act, but brought in because of his stunt background, only to nerf the physicality of the role, relegating dude’s greatest strength to his greatest weakness? F*cking, why?
Fix 1: Drop Cole Young, Start Liu Kang
Look, Liu Kang IS Mortal Kombat. He’s their Ryu. He’s their Link. He’s their guy. Drop the family. Drop the Scorpion stuff. Drop the professional fight thrower shtick Build him up as a dude who learned all of this in the Buddhist orphanage he grew up in, denying all of it as just legend and storytelling, until he’s attacked by Sub-Zero. Force him to fight Subby-boy, only to get his ass beat without his Arcana, but have Jax save him just in time. Basically follow Cole’s plot going forward with an emphasis on Liu’s training.
Issue: Shang Tsung
Listen, Ng Chin Han is a get. Dude is a decent actor and i enjoyed he take on the shapeshifter but come on? If you’re not trying to do a Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, you’re doing it wrong. Shang Tsung should be snarky, quippy, and overconfident. This dude has won nine straight Mortal Kombat tournaments. It’s fine for him to be conniving and deceitful, Deadly Alliance, but this version of Shang is just too flaccid for the title. Hell, when Tagawa came back for the game, he STILL exuded that same smarmy energy and it was perfect.
Fix 2: Give Shang Tsung more agency
I, personally, love smarmy Shang Tsung but if you want to go different, go brutal. Make Shang the spear head of the offense. Give him a seen where he is just mowing down jobber monks in Raiden’s temple before getting real intimate with Hung Lao. Have Tsung absolutely brutalized Lao as Liu watches, breaking his neck before sucking the sole out of his limp body. You got an R, Lean into that sh*t. You gotta give Liu that Chan moment. Lao’s death not only establishes Shang as a straight up force, but activates Liu’s Arcana, fulfilling the prophecy.
Issue: The f*cking prophecy
Bro, you gotta get rid of all the Scorpion prophecy sh*t. That doesn’t fit. It doesn’t make any sense. The prophecy is supposed to be a foreshadowing of Outworld’s downfall. Tying everything to Scorpion and Sub-Zero just because Ed Boon loves the character is kind of ridiculous. And that’s coming from me, a guy who uses Scorpion as his main since MKI. I love Scorpion, Dude is my favorite character in the entire franchise but giving him such a prominent role in this first film was a mistake.
Fix 3: Make it the Shaolin Prophecy
Have Shang Tsung send Sub-Zero into the Shaolin Temple with a team of Jobbers, probably Tarkatan or other Lin Kuei, and murder everyone. It is whispered that a great champion, kin to Master Kung Lao, would defeat the armies of Outworld, sealing Earthrealm off from the Emperor's grasp. baby Liu and Kung are saved, sent off to an orphanage in the US where they grow up in an orphanage run by a weird old man who tells stories. Eventually, the two separate, Kung returns to their homeland, Liu stays in the states, and they live their lives. Fast forward a bit and Shang gets wind that there are two survivors and he dispatches Sub-Zero to go after Liu. Fast forward to the temple, Liu reconnects with his cousin, Kung, who explains his powers activated during a battle against, let’s say... Baraka? Raiden feels it, recruits Kung Lao, who has been training in the temple ever since. He spars with Liu, teaching him the secrets her learned from Master Bo Rai Cho, until Raiden’s Temple is singed. Everything lays out like it did in the film except Liu watched Lao die at the hand of Shang, his Dragon Arcana activates, and the Sorcerer knows he dun goof’d.
Issue: Fights
The fighting sucked in this, man. It was shot like none of the principal actors were physical enough to pull off the fight scenes, which is ridiculous, because that opening scene was exceptional and those dues are old as f*ck. The dude who plays Scorpion, Hiroyuki Sanada, is f*cking sixty, man. You’re telling me these youngsters with actual stunt backgrounds, can’t give me a scrap as entertaining as a sixty year old man? Word?
Fix 4: Oh, there’s a lot here, bud
First, shoot the scraps better. Holy sh*t, that Taken editing was stupid. We live in an age of John Wick, The Raid, and Jason Bourne films, but you chose to shoot these scenes like this? Really? Bro, no. Hell, the fights in Enter the Dragon are some of the best I've eve seen and that motherf*cker dropped forty-eight years ago. Just do whatever he f*ck they did, just do it with a modern twist. Two, cast motherf*ckers that can believable execute the choreography. The chick that played Sonya in the first one, had to learn her fighting n set during the downtime of production because she as late to the shoot. THAT chick was a more believable fighter than the dude who played Cole and that was his f*cking job before he was an actor! F*cking, how?? Three, hire better stunt coordinators. These fights needed to be plotted out much better. Sure, fatalities are cool and special moves are awesome but they aren’t necessary. Liu Kang through one fireball in the first MK film and it was ll the better for it. I don’t need giant flame dragons and head claps and sh*t, i just need brutal, intense, violence inflicted upon a person. These people are in the fight for their lives. I need to feel that. Four, hire more jobbers. Too many actual named characters died in this movie. Too many actual named characters appeared in this movie. Why the f*ck was Nitara in this?
Look, there’s still SO much i would change about this flick. The costumes, the tone, the choice in music, the writing; All need to be adjusted. I would hold Scorpion back until sequel. Have him breaking out of the Netherrealm as a post credit stinger or something. This movie is broken and i think that’s because WB just made this thing to secure rights or a a backdoor pilot for HBO max content. Either way, this movie is bad, man and it didn’t have to be. You can make dope ass, martial arts films, on the cheap, especially when you “ground them in reality.” Why the f*ck didn’t that happen here? How the f*ck is the budget so high, and the film so cheap looking? I miss the ingenuity of the Eighties. Cats had to figure out how to make sh*t work because CG was too expensive. Now, that sh*t is everywhere and it’s a detriment to film. That sh*t takes casualties out of practical films and Mortal Kombat is definitely one of those.
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Cerebus #15 (1980)
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If the story so far had revealed that Cerebus has a vagina, I could make a hentai joke here.
The first time I encountered hentai was at an anime convention at a Red Lion Inn in San Jose in 1994 or 1995. I went to the convention by myself because I had recently fallen in love with the cartoon Sailor Moon and wanted to get some Sailor Moon LaserDiscs unless it was actually Sailor Moon dolls I wanted. It was so long ago, how am I supposed to remember?! They had a room where they were showing movies and one of the movies I watched was Sailor Moon R: The Movie. It was subtitled which was great because then I had the story memorized for all the times I watched my non-subtitled LaserDisc. But that wasn't the pornographic anime I saw! I don't even remember what that was but I watched some tentacle fucking movie late at night in a dark room with a bunch of other sweaty nerds. I didn't know that was what was going to happen though so I didn't have my dick in my hands like the other guys probably did. I was as shocked as anybody when they first find out that cartoons where women get fucked by tentacles exist! I mean, how many penises does an alien need?! I grew up thinking the little gray aliens had zero! That Red Lion Inn was the same one where I played in a couple of Magic the Gathering tournaments. Being in a dark room with a bunch of horny anime fans was less awkward and uncomfortable than playing Magic the Gathering against Magic the Gathering fans. Most of them probably couldn't believe they were actually playing against such a cool and handsome dude. It really threw them off their game when I would say things like, "Yeah, I've touched a couple of boobs. I attack with my Serra Angel." I know what you're thinking: "Anime, comic books, and Magic the Gathering?! This awesome dude must have owned every single Stars Wars figure too!" Aw, you're too kind! I'm blushing! But obviously I never owned Yak Face. "A Note from the Publisher" is still being published so I guess Dave and Deni are still married. In his Swords of Cerebus essay, Dave Sim discusses "Why Groucho?" It seems to mostly come down to this: Dave Sim enjoyed the characters of Groucho Marx as a teenager and memorized a lot of their lines. He also mentions Kim Thompson's review of Cerebus in The Comic Journal (the first major review of the series) in which Kim praised Sim's ability to make his parody characters transcend the parody to become unique creations of their own. This review gave Sim the confidence to put Groucho in the role of Lord Julius. Which worked out so well that Sim later adds Oscar Wilde, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Margeret Thatcher, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Woody Allen, Dave Sim, and the Three Stooges into the story. I'm sure I'm missing some but I can't remember every aspect of this 6000 page story. Was The Judge also a parody of somebody? Was the Regency Elf based on Wendy Pini? I don't know! I'm sure I'm missing a lot of references in Cerebus simply because I haven't experienced all the same knowledge sources as Dave Sim. Just like I'm missing a super duper lot of references in Gravity's Rainbow because nobody in the history of ever has experienced all the same knowledge sources as Thomas Pynchon. I've been reading Gravity's Rainbow (for the first time but also the third time because I'm basically reading it three times at the same time. You'll understand when you read it) and I'm surprised by how funny it is. I don't think anybody ever described it as funny or else I'm sure I would never have stopped reading it multiple times prior to this time when I'm actually going to finish it. Although I suppose when I read Catch-22, I had done so on my own so nobody ever told me how funny that book was either. But for some reason, Catch-22 lets you know it's going to be a funny book pretty quickly. Gravity's Rainbow is all, "Here is a description of an evacuation of London which is just stage setting because, you know, the bombs have already blown up, but it makes people feel safe. And after that, how about a scene where this guy makes a bunch of banana recipes for breakfast. Is that funny enough for you?" Oh, sure, there are some funny moments like when that one guy pretends a banana is his cock and then some other guys tackle him and beat him with his own pretend cock. But there's a gravity to the scene that doesn't lend itself to the reader thinking, "Oh, this is a funny book!" But if you make it far enough, you start realizing, "Hey! I'm not understanding this!" So then you reread the section and you start realizing, "Hey! I'm laughing at this stuff! This is pretty funny!" Plus there are a lot of descriptions of sexy things that I'm assuming are really accurate because Pynchon is obsessed with details.
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Anyway, I was supposed to be talking about Cerebus, wasn't I?
A Living Priest of Tarim crashes Lord Julius' bath to scold him about a party Julius is giving in a fortnight (which is the amount of time your kid has lost to a video game). I don't know why the priest has to declare he's a living priest. You can tell that by the way he's shouting and foaming at the mouth. Although this is a Swords & Sorcery book so I suppose there are many dead creatures that also shout and foam at the mouth. Sometimes I forget I'm reading a fictional book and wind up ranting and raving about stuff that I'm supposed to just assume is fine. Like when I read The Flash and nothing in it makes any sense at all because The Flash should never have any trouble stopping crime or saving people from natural disasters. The comic book should be over in two pages. Even the writers, at some point, realized how ridiculous Flash stories were and decided the only way to make them believable was to have The Flash battle other super fast people. But that just meant Flash stories basically became bar-room brawls. Two people with super speed fighting is the same as reading a story about two people without super speed fighting. Boring! Some writers even decided that maybe a telepathic monkey would make things more interesting and I suppose telepathic monkeys make everything more interesting so kudos to them. I was going to go on a long rant about telepathic monkeys but then I realized how much I love the idea of telepathic monkeys so why should I create an argument against them? More telepathic monkeys, please.
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This made me laugh out loud. Not as much as the chapter in Gravity's Rainbow where the old woman forces Slothrop to eat a bunch of terrible candies. But then it isn't a competition, is it? I mean, I guess it's a competition for my time which is why I haven't written a comic book review in a week or more. Blame Thomas Pynchon for being so entertaining (and also Apex).
Baskin, the Minister for Executive Planning, has come to let Lord Julius know what the revolutionaries have revealed while being tortured. The only bit of useful information was one prisoner's last words: "Revolution...the pits." Cerebus immediately assumes "the Pits" is a location and not a summation of the prisoner's feelings about revolution which led to torture which led to his death. Cerebus, being the Kitchen Staff Supervisor, begins an investigation into The Pits. His first step: threatening the Priest of the Living Tarim. Which makes me realize I transposed the word "living" in the previous encounter with the priest and went on a digression that makes no sense to anybody who has read and somehow remembers that particular panel. I'm sure they were scoffing and snorting and exclaiming to their pet rat, "What a stupid fool loser this Grunion Guy is! Living Priest of Tarim! HA! Ridiculous! What a moronic mistake! He has made a gigantic fool of himself!" I don't know that the almost certainly imaginary people who called me on my mistake as they read this have a pet rat but I do know there almost certainly isn't another imaginary sentient being in the room with them. Cerebus learns that The Pits are Old Palnu that lies under current Palnu. It was destroyed in a massive earthquake long ago and the new city built over the top of it. It's like a Dungeons & Dragons module but with a lot less treasure.
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This scene reminded me that I need to finish rereading The Boomer Bible: A Testament for Our Times (which is what it was called in the 90s but is just as accurate for today).
Cerebus and Lord Julius engage in another typical misunderstanding (it's not hard when only half of the people in the conversation care about making sense) which ends up with Lord Julius deciding that the location for the Festival of Petunias will be The Pits. This complicates Cerebus' job of not allowing Lord Julius to be assassinated because the assassins are most likely housed in The Pits (along with their giant snakes (*see cover)). Lord Julius, Baskin, and Cerebus descend into The Pits to find a suitable location for the Festival of Petunias. In doing so, they wind up in a trap and confronted by a masked revolutionary of the "Eye of the Pyramid." Which is odd because you usually have to murder at least a dozen kobolds and several goblins before you reach the room with the boss in it.
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Typical unbalanced beginning level module. A giant snake as the first encounter!
Cerebus manages to defeat the giant snake by crashing it headfirst into a wall. The wall winds up being a key support structure and the roof collapses. Everybody makes it out alive but the masked revolutionary evades capture. He will be back next issue to ruin the Festival of Petunias. Aardvark Comment is still just a mostly standard comic book letters page. I'll probably stop discussing it until people start criticizing Dave. Right now it's just "This comic book is great!" and "Keep writing, Dave, and I'll never think ill of anything idea you espouse!" while Dave replies, "I owe my fans everything! I can't wait until I can stop feeling that way and start jerking off onto my art boards and selling those as pages of Cerebus!" Cerebus #15 Rating: A. Good story, good Lord Julius dialogue, good Living Priest of the Living Tarim scenes. I wholeheartedly endorse this comic book and Dave Sim. No way a guy with a sense of humor like this is going to go off the rails, right?!
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otakucalsama · 5 years
cal’s bella x wolves fic recs
hello! this is cal here (obviously) and i’m just reposting this. i made it a while back, but the links didn’t work, so now i’m redoing it. this time, i’m going to make it smaller, with more posts, instead of larger in one post. so without further ado, here is my bella x the wolves fic recs. also, this is only for completed fics, so if you have a story i didn’t add (that’s complete) send me a link and i’ll read it and then decide whether to add it or not. i will not, however, take any bella x edward, bella x jasper, or bella x jacob fics. 
other fic recs here
last updated- 12/2/19
j a r e d x b e l l a
i. firebound by someryn / m / 70-75k, multi-chaptered / complete
After the battle with the newborns, Bella stumbles into an entirely new destiny. She’d thought she’d already made all the hard decisions. Now she doesn’t know if her world is falling apart or finally falling together. Bella/Jared.
ii. she belongs with me by booksteaandcake13 / m / 70-75k, multi-chaptered / complete
A fan fiction about the imprinting on Bella by Jared. When Bella goes looking for Jake, she meets Jared instead. How do they make their relationship work, and how does Jacob deal with it? Will Jacob find a new romance?
iii. a difficult choice by nefertel / t / 25-30k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella breaks free from Edward to visit Jacob but something happens that no one expected. What will happen to Bella and Edward. BXJ pairing. Rated T for now may change to M.
iv. seven days by lilyaurora / m / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
“Please. I’m begging, just… just talk to me. Please.” His heart ached as he watched her eyes fill with unshed tears. Her long, beautiful hair moved fluidly as she shook her head in reply, not trusting her voice. He reached towards her, wanting to comfort her. But she pulled away, a gasp on her plump lips, eyes wide
v. the man who can’t be moved by vampirefairy13 / t / 10-15k, two-shot / complete
Songfic. Despite being imprinted on by Jared, Bella chooses another, his sworn enemy. When all his previous attempts to change Bella’s mind fail he is forced to wait where they first met hoping she will come to her senses. But what if it’s too late?
p a u l x b e l l a
i. no more secrets by just lil ole t / m / >1k, one-shot / complete
Paul loves a challenge and she definitely fits that bill! AU, ONE SHOT!, Rated M mostly for language
ii. redemption by khyharah / t / 35-40k, multi-chaptered / complete
Redemption can come in many forms. For some, it’s finding the light at the end of the tunnel. For me? It came in two forms: a red-haired vampire out for vengeance and a 6'4", copper skinned man….. No man isn’t right. GOD would be closer. Oh, and he just happens to turn into a giant wolf and kills vampires. But really, that’s just a bonus.
iii. holy crow by geezerwrench / m / 15-20k, multi-chaptered / complete
The feather Paul found was a confirmation of what he already knew. Bella is the imprint he requires, but maybe he’s just what Bella truly needs. Written for Afke in the 2014 2nd Annual Tricky Raven Author/Artist Silent Auction. AU. Paul Lahote, Bella Swan
iv. hot headed angel by obsidian stained roses / t / 25-30k, multi-chaptered / complete
IMPRINT STORY: After Edward left, I couldn’t function. I didn’t think I’d ever move on with my life. I was trying for Charlie and Jacob; but it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t good enough for anyone; I just wanted Edward. It wasn’t a life without him. But life has purpose, and after Jacob broke his promise, I found my purpose. I had someone to live for. I had Paul. P/B A/U OOC
v. life in la push by ifeelittoo / k+ / 20-25k, multi-chaptered / complete
What if Charlie had lived in La Push? Bella moves in with him, and everything goes down differently. Will Bella still fall for Edward? Or will a member of the pack appeal to her?
vi. listening to your heart beating by kaialuna / m / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
A little one shot trying to get my writing back after a long setback. Paul finds and imprints on Bella in the woods after Edward leaves. Can she be healed by the quiet warmth of his presence and the gentle thrum of his heart beat.
vii. hearts in sync by untamed loner / m / 30-35k, multi-chaptered / complete / sequel- hearts ever right
When Charlie gets called away to testify, Bella moves to La Push where she meets Paul. It doesn’t take long for the two to form a bond unlike any other. As Paul convinces her to talk about her past, it becomes clear. She was always meant to be HIS.
viii. harmonic convergence by nostalgicmiss / m / 90-95k, multi-chaptered / complete
When Bella comes to stay with Charlie, his first inclination is to keep her away from the vampires and send her to school on the Reservation where she’ll be protected. Her life changes forever when bad boy Paul comes out to play. A/U, BxP, Rated M
ix. big bad wolf by kaialuna / m / 10-15k, one shot / complete
A slap derails Bella’s life. She’d never hit someone before, ever. Now all she can think about is Paul. Odd little one shot. Not my best writing but thought I’d post it anyways.
x. shades of the past by mysteriouslyme / m / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
When he left, she was left broken. When the world was left devoid of warmth, he defrosted her frozen sheilds of self preservation, helping her piece back together what she had forgotten.
xi. paul’s girl by sweetashuney / m / 50-55k, multi-chaptered / complete
Takes place in New Moon. After Paul imprints on Bella they become close. But how will they fare when the Cullen Family comes back? Will Paul be able to keep Bella’s heart or does she still belong to a vampire? M for lemons and language.
xii. poisoned love by 9poisonivy9 / m / 45-50k, multi-chaptered / complete
What if, when Jake took Bella to meet Sam and the others, Paul imprinted on her. Can Paul fix Bella or will she be the broken girl forever? And will their love survive the newborns and Victoria?
xiii. somewhere i belong by juxtaposed92 / m / 55-60k, multi-chaptered / complete
Bella ran away from an abusive relationship and who should she run into other then the pack? She falls in love with Paul, who has in fact imprinted on her, as they all try and help her escape her dangerous ex.
xiv. my savior by teamjacobrulez / m / 30-35k, multi-chaptered / complete
In the midst of her near death, he was the only one who was there to save her. When everyone else had abandoned her, he was the one who came to give her comfort. When no one else loved her, he did. After suffering a bad heartbreak, can she love again?
xv. believe by bexxyy / t / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
When the wolves are in trouble, a former legend comes to life. All Bella can do is sit and wait but sometimes you can see more than you believe from the sidelines, based on the Quileute legend about the Thunderbird.
s e t h x b e l l a
i. the clearwater solution by shadowpast620 / m / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
Seth does what no one else has been able to do – stop Bella from marrying Edward.
ii. unintended by jasper’sdarlinbunny / k / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Set during New Moon. A little Oneshot about Seth/Bella and a little thing called Imprinting!
iii. tradition by notashamedtobe / m / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
Some traditions change with time, only to get better. This is an entry from the Tricky Raven’s winter contest. It also checks off my desire to write Bella with all the wolves, minus Colin and Brady. I might add to it later on, but it’s done as of right now.
q u i l x b e l l a
i. closure by lilyaurora / t / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
Some Fluffy Fluff lol
ii. promise me by just lil ole t / k+ / 4-5k, one-shot / complete
What if Bella and Quil grew up as life long friends? How would their lives have turned out? AU, Rated K, ONE SHOT, This piece won Third Place in Tricky Raven’s Twitterpated in Springtime One Shot Competition! :D
iii. walking away by betterintexas / m / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
A different take on the Breaking Dawn wedding. What could have been. Entry to the Tricky Raven Silent Auction. Prompt provided by GeezerWench.
iv. love in an elevator by lilyaurora / m / 5-6k, one-shot / complete / sequel- be mine bella
“Quil!…I swear to god if you press another button on that panel, I’m gonna kick you right where it hurts!”
v. i’m yours by pengins.are.lovely / t / 40-45k, multi-chaptered / complete
After Jake ditched them both, Quil and Bella strike up a friendship, which turns into something more.
vi. that’s not what i expected by carliecullenblack by just a kiss contest / t / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
ENTRY FOR THE JUST A KISS CONTEST: Jake sends Bella away in New Moon after he first phases and Quil finds her crying and upset. The two connect over the loss of their friend in an unexpected way.
vii. i’ve always loved you by knblair86 / 40-45k, multi-chaptered / complete
Imprint Story! After Jake gets ‘sick’, Bella starts hanging out with Quil. How will they help each other heal? What happens when the Cullen’s come back to town and Will Victoria finally get her revenge? Please give it a chance!
viii. well ain’t that something by wolfpull85 / t / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
Bella goes to La Push to confront Jake after he disappears but finds his friend instead and a whole world she didn’t expect opens up.
e m b r y x b e l l a
i. gettin’ game by just lil ole t / k / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Embry’s struggling to find his game…to catch his girl. He goes to his best source of manly advice for some suggestions. ONE SHOT!, AU
ii. brown sugar by geezerwrench / t / >1k, one-shot / complete
Looking at her, he realized he didn’t really want to know the answer after all—to either question. Perhaps later he would, but right then, in that moment, it didn’t matter. Written for the Tricky Raven Weekly Fanfiction Flash Fic challenge prompt #36. AU Embry Call, Bella Swan
iii. how do i love thee? by chrissihr / m / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
AU: Embry and Bella are lying in bed one lazy summer Saturday morning, basking in the sunshine pouring through the slats of the blinds like cats in a sun puddle as Embry recites “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…” and shows her. Pairing prompt provided by Afke Deen for the 2nd Annual Tricky Raven Author & Artist Silent Auction. One-shot, COMPLETE.
iv. bella on ice by kookykatie / t / 3-4k, one-shot / complete
Set in New Moon, in February. Bella is moving on with her life after Edward left and has taken to Jacob and his pack of friends. They can get her to do many things she wouldn’t normally do, and they take advantage of that in this particular story. Embry/Bella pairing, Jacob only loves Bella as a best friend.
v. bella’s insecurities by sfj0813 / t / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
Bella thinks she’s not good enough for Embry. Oneshot
l e a h x b e l l a
i. lost and found by sophieangel69 / m / 1-2k, two-shot / complete
After Edward leaves her Bella bumps into Victoria but is then saved by a passing werewolf. (Dub-con) Challenge
ii. magic on the cliffs by whitewolflegend / t / 1-2k, one-shot / complete
“Am I so horrible that no one will want me?” she whispers to the she wolf after a few minutes of silence. Leah held back another snarl and cursed Jacob in her mind before pulling back so she could look Bella in her eyes for the first time. Gasping as she felt the world around her shift and latch onto the woman crying in front of her, nothing mattered but her.
iii. moonlight sonata by izzyiniguez / t / 6-7k, one-shot / complete
Bella/Leah. Leah imprinted and kept it to herself, eventually the wolf will be let out of the bag.
iv. acceptance by mskathy / m / 7-8k, one-shot / complete
Written for the TwiSlash Unveiled Femme Slash Contest - Leah struggles with her self-identity and Bella just wants someone to love. When Alice sets them up on a blind date, they each find more than they had hoped for in each other. Lemons, femme slash.
v. secrets of the heart by sparklingfae / m / 2-3k, one-shot / complete
She was tired of waiting..tonight was the night that she would reveal the truth to her imprint. FemmeSlash warning.
b r a d y x b e l l a
i. all for you by welsharcher / t / 50-55k, multi-chaptered / complete
The meeting with the wolves didn’t go quite as everyone had planned. Especially not when a wolf imprints on Bella. Bella/Brady.
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dark-naruto · 5 years
Hi!! ❤️❤️ I was wondering what your top Naruto fics are?? Doesn’t have to be sns (though that’s the best), I just really crave some fanfic 😭 thank you!!
i’m SO SORRY this took me so long to complete; i know i said it might take a while but i still never meant for it to take THIS long;;; i’ve been really busy lately and when i actually get some free time i just don’t have any mental energy left😫 ANYWAY, this is by no means an exhaustive list of my faves, but my memory’s p terrible, so this is the best i could do😭 I’M SURE there are many excellent fics that i just couldn’t recall on the spot, but I TRIED😣 listed in no particular order:
40m² by winterdesu: rating: mature; words: 11,544; post-war cohabitation; nar & sask emotionally support each other, cook together, and grow a balcony-full of houseplants. a smidgen of angst.
Scores, Settled by hanakage: rated: M; words: 8,908; bartender naruto, ad-exec sasuke. sasuke goes to the bar naruto works at during the world cup to research an ad campaign he’s working on. naruto shares his love of football w him and stuff… idk it’s rly cute i’m bad at summaries just read it lol
Advantage: Us by sirona: rating: Teen And Up Audiences, words: 30,947; tennis au; the boys meet when they’re kids at a tennis camp and then go on to compete against each other at Wimbledon when they’re older! idk if u can tell but i looove sports aus, even though i know NOTHING about any sport lol. there’s a short vignette that follows this fic, Home is where you are, rated Mature.
bleary by upottery: rating: Explicit; words: 2,813; this one’s basically a pwp, but w a looot of emotions and intimacy and j u s t 😌 it’s v soft n good and i love it. ninjaverse!
Spacey ramen and the idiotic two by taeggukswitch (rooxynroll): rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 10,950; idiots in spaaaaace! nar is a pilot and sasuke’s a programmer, they meet when they’re paired up for an exploration trip. as one of the author’s tags says, ‘they’re intelligent af but also share one brain cell’ and this is extremely correct. it’s just a v cute and enjoyable read! 
prairie town by applecrumbledore: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 8,698; sasuke’s a research scientist who moves to a small town; his car breaks down and he meets hunky local mechanic naruto. i’m sooo bad at summaries lmao, but this is super soft and sweet and i read it whenever i’m feeling down as i consider it to be a p reliable cure for depression! 
Realization (In a Drunken Haze) by playitagain: rating: Mature; words: 25,509; major warnings for alcoholism/alcohol abuse, so if that’s something that really bothers you, you should maybe avoid this one! personally, i think this is the most realistic depiction of alcoholism & recovery i’ve ever read in a fanfic- so often, even when it’s pretty clear that one of the characters has a drinking problem, it’s never really addressed, or even if it is, there isn’t a realistic portrayal of the recovery process. like, the character will just fall in love and then miraculously get over their problem and then it’s happily ever after. and while having a caring, supportive partner can be an essential part of recovery, love isn’t a magical cure, yk? ANYWAY, nar’s an english professor working toward his phd, sasuke is a student (not in any of nar’s classes) working on his master’s degree. iirc, sasuke’s age was ever specified, but i don’t THINK it’s implied that there’s any more than a few (maybe 2 or 3?) years difference between them, so no ugly a/ge g//ap business going on here. nar’s in steadfast denial throughout most of the fic that he’s an alcoholic, but with sasuke’s support, he finally starts on the (sometimes bumpy) road to recovery.
What about you? by cambion: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 14,974; nar’s two best friends both come out to him, forcing him to get introspective about the exact nature of his feelings for sasuke. this one’s ninjaverse, with sasuke AND team taka back in konoha, and idk it’s just v gooood…
here comes the sun (and his kid, and a whole lot of love) by moonwatcher: rating: Explicit; words: 34,808; modern, single parent au. this one does have past ss and nh, but they’re really almost never mentioned so even if that’s typically a disqualifier for you, you still might enjoy this one. sas n nar meet at a pta meeting at their kids’ school, where nar is also a teacher. there are a looot of cute sasuke & sarada moments in this, some cute nar & boruto moments as well (no himawari in this fic tho; both guys each have only one kid), and some gooood mutual pining. it’s just really sweet and cute and i liked it a lot!!
Tough Love by Rasengan22: rated T; words: 5,729; this one’s p angsty compared to most of the other recs on this list; sasuke’s suffering from PTSD and depression following a car accident, and he’s isolating himself and having difficulty leaving his house as a result. he’s successfully managed to push most of his friends away, however naruto proves to be incredibly persistent and won’t give up trying to help him. as someone who is struggling with a lot of the same issues that sasuke is, this one hit home really hard for me. i just WISH i had a naruto who refused to give up on me;;;;
Change by stammi_vicinora: rating: mature; words: 18,378; naruto convinces sasuke to take an unprecedented day off from work, and sasuke uses his free day learning to relax and unwind a bit w his bf. this one’s just really fluffy and sweet!!!
All things of dearest value hang on slender strings by sirona: rating: Mature; words: 15,713; hokage naruto and anbu captain sasuke. during a particularly hot summer in konoha, naruto plans a beach festival for all the villagers. this one’s really fun and cute, and it may already be on virtually every fic rec list ever made, but it’s one of my faves so i still have to include it!!
Love Is Blind by OfFansAndFlames: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 992; after an accident causes him to lose his vision, sasuke plays it pretty safe for the first couple of years, until naruto convinces him to put his trust in him and take a risk: by going for a ride with him on the back of his motorcycle. this one’s short & sweet, and i just loooove the element of taking a leap of faith with someone you feel safe & comfortable with to do something that’s seemed impossible to you for so long. it reminds me that with the right support, you can do things that have seemed beyond your capabilities and find a new appreciation for life! ❤
the hard-knock life of a walmart cashier by geminiuchiha: rating: General Audiences; words: 26,650; nart & sask are college students and co-workers at walmart in this one, and it’s just!! rly funny and cute!!! i know i’ve described p much every fic so far as cute sdjslfjdssd but that’s my favorite kind of fic, so !!! mutual pining ftw!!
Mirai Kissaten by fourangers: rating: General Audiences; words: 3,586; despite the fact that he doesn’t really like coffee, sasuke ended up becoming a regular at a coffee shop near his work. it might have something to do with the cute owner that always serves him when he stops by every evening on his way home. this is a really cute coffee shop au, super fluffy and sweet!
and, last but not least! 3 of my faves by kinomiakai:
A Night of Poor Choices by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 13,134; sasuke is convinced by his friends to go out to a bar with them to celebrate hitting an important financial milestone in a video game they’re developing. since the bar scene really wasn’t for him, he found himself wandering outside the club, where he meets a very cute dog leashed to a parking meter. a few minutes later, he meets the dog’s very cute owner… this one is just extremely cute!!! kurama’s an adorable stinker who’s far too smart for his own good n___n
Rebuilding by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 25,705; this one is ninjaverse, post-war, and i mean, it’s p much essential reading imo!! reading it was extremely healing for me, so if u (somehow) haven’t read it yet, i really can’t recommend it enough!! so so sooo good!!!!!
Enter Naruto by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 112,230; sasuke and naruto are both college students in this, with sas studying creative writing and nar studying psychology. sasuke takes his professor’s advice and goes to a cafe looking for inspiration, where he ends up meeting naruto! this is another all-time fave!! i save re-reads for when i’m really depressed, bc it always makes me feel better;; it’s just… r e a l l y sweet and good 😌💗
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A View To A Winchester (Part 11)
Series Page
Summary: Julie’s starting a new life after divorce in a home with a very nice view.
A Dean X OFC story. I got this idea staring out the view of my home office window and thinking how nice it would be to have Dean Winchester to ogle.
Section Word Count: 5,570    
Section Content: fluff, flirting, angst, R-rated language, show level violence
Dean sipped slow at the steaming black coffee he’d picked up on his way to Cas’s house. Way too fuckin’ early. A dude in his sixties, walking a yippy Yorkshire, squinted hard at Dean biding time in Baby outside the tiny two bedroom cottage belonging to Castiel Novak. Tempted to give him the middle finger, Dean instead opted for a two finger friendly salute with a grin. The elder man continued down the sidewalk, his reflection eventually caught by Dean in the rearview mirror. He passed behind the Impala, stopped right at the tailpipe, and took a mental note of the license plate.
“Come on, man.” Dean mumbled to himself. “I can only handle so much stupid this early. The POS dog saved its owner, pulling him across the street and yapping the whole damn way.
He yawned and leaned back in his seat. The time on his watch confirmed it was way too early to be up and out of the house on a Saturday morning. Especially when he wasn’t on a job. Especially when, if Cas hadn’t shown up, he’d probably be in Julie’s bed sleeping. He grinned. Probably not sleeping.
No, Dean was pretty sure he would have woken Julie up very early to do more of what he wished they’d done last night. When he’d gotten back to his house after saying goodbye, he’d attempted to explain the term cockblocking to Cas. Cas had sat on the couch with perfect posture. He listened, as he always did when Dean explained something, with that dazed and confused expression. Dean paced back and forth in a state of irritability and arousal. “Do you know how long it’s been, Cas, since I’ve had a piece of ass?”
“I believe you’ve gotten pieces of ass more recently than I have, Dean. My last sexual encounter was with the reaper, April.” Cas had experienced much in his human form, but he still felt like an innocent, humorless child to Dean in moments like this.
“Piece of…” Dean shook his head. “Nevermind. Look, it’s been a long fuckin’ time, okay?”
Cas stared at the cushion between his open legs, processing. “My intrusion prevented you from reaching orgasm with Julie.” He stared back at Dean with a head tilt and puppy dog eyes. “I am sorry.”
Dean cleared his throat. “Whatever.”
Cas had then gone on about the troubles he was having with Jack. Dean took it all in and promised he’d come over bright and early the next morning to try and talk to the kid. Cas still looked perplexed as Dean scooted him out of the house, explaining they wouldn’t be playing cards that night.
The grass in front of Cas’s house was drenched in dew. A thin film of grey fog hung low in the air. Dean sipped hard and long at the coffee. He let the strong brew settle on his tongue and inhaled the dark roast aroma he craved. He needed the caffeine to do its job this morning. He’d only clocked a couple hours of sleep. It was nothing new. But he could usually catch up on the insomnia in the late morning when he was home. Not today. There were things on his agenda after he took care of this unpleasant family business. They would require way more energy than what he currently had to expend with Jack and Cas.
Julie is number one on my to do list. The other items being all the things I want to do to Julie.
His cock had begged for attention all night and morning. Even now, sitting in the driver’s seat, he could feel his semi press with insistence against the denim. But he’d refrained. It wasn’t like he hadn’t beat off to thoughts of Julie before. It had become a daily, sometimes multiple times a day, occurrence since that first night after he tasted her cobbler. He’d dropped the phone immediately after the text conversation had ended, letting her know how good her sweet treat had been, and jerked off imagining how sweet she tasted.
After getting a hint of what she tasted like last night, he was hell bent on having her wrapped around him the next time he came. He leaned back in his seat and tilted the rearview mirror to confirm he had that cheesy ass grin on his face from his thoughts of her. This is bad. The dissatisfaction of how Julie was getting under his skin battled with the want to experience this other feeling fully. You’re just gonna fuck it up. Can’t do normal. Tried it once and it didn’t stick. And, she’s too sweet to hurt.
Lisa had been sweet, too. But Lisa had a streetsmart edge that made her a kickass single mom long before Dean came into the picture. Plus, Lisa and Ben had the benefit of having their minds erased - thanks, Cas - of Dean’s existence after he’d put their lives in danger from being a part of his. If Dean tried the experiment again with Julie, there’d be no “Men in Black” take-it-back wipe. The once angel, now human, had lost his power after the final battle that had righted this world back on its axis two years ago. Jack was all human now, too.
The lack of celestial backup had been the hardest adjustment after over a decade of relying on it as a fail-safe. Dean could only imagine how it was for Cas. They’d had a few heart to hearts over whiskey, which now knocked Cas on his ass after one shot. The brother from another father had been to the mat for him and Sam more times than Dean could count. Helping save the world and giving up everything that made him special dropped Cas into a world of trivial every day that he would never snap out of. Not until he died. Which was another mindfuck for Cas. After centuries, he would die. There would be a finality to all of it. But, I’ll have my own version of heaven to look forward too, Dean. That’s something. I won’t be swallowed up by the empty and cease to be. My soul will be at peace. Dean had clapped his friend’s shoulder as he cried, realizing the same would happen to Jack. Someday.
After two years of keeping your nose as far out of normal as possible, you’ve got to go and mess with this sweet woman.
Dean tilted his head and started that inner debate he’d done too many times lately. To be fair, she started sniffing around me first.
Get off your high horse, asshole. You’ve been sniffed around dozens of times before and steered clear. You’re lonely and she’s so far from what you deserve that you’re curious. You wanna see if you can make something stick. Like Sammy has with Eileen.
Sammy’s moved on and is trying to build a life. Why shouldn’t I?
Because you’re a speeding train with non-existent brakes heading straight towards the edge of a cliff, that’s why. Fucking train wreck on bow legs.
The phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out. Julie was calling. It was 7:30 am. The emotional lashing removed from his psyche, swiped away with Baby’s windshield wipers. It was replaced by that feeling she’d been stirring up within him more lately. It was more than arousal. He denied himself to define it. If he did, it might disappear.
He accepted the call on the fourth ring while clearing his throat. “Well, good morning, beautiful.”
“Hey, Dean.” Her voice was lighter this morning, more like the tone he was used to hearing. Not that he at all minded the lower, commanding pitch of the indecent woman he got a preview of last night. Shit. His erection was growing. He shifted in his seat.
“Couldn’t wait for me to check in first, huh?”
She laughed. “Guess not. I didn’t see your car when I got up this morning. Things okay?”
“Yeah. Things are good.” He grinned and tapped a button on his phone.
“Are you trying to FaceTime me?”
“Sounds dirty.”
She laughed again. “Everything sounds dirty to you.” She sighed trying to sound done with him, but he knew she wasn’t. “Hold on.” He held the phone back. His screen only provided a quick preview of his own state. Bags under his eyes and unshaven, he didn’t look as put together as the night before.
The screen switched to a view of Julie. Her brown hair was up in a bun. The hair looked freshly washed as did the rest of her enticing olive colored skin. When I make her blush it’s got splotches of cotton candy pink all over it. He appreciated the slope and curve of her neck. Big, brown almond-shaped eyes stared him down, studying him, from behind glasses. He’d put her in the role of hot librarian in a few of his release sessions. He particularly liked the one where she was bent over a desk and he was fucking her from behind hard enough to knock books off nearby shelves. He had a sneaking suspicion she’d be up for that kind of roleplaying. He really liked her in those tight button up shirts she wore to work a lot.
Her voice brought him out of his erotic daydreaming. “You’re lucky I’m presentable. Or, I would have denied you.” She quipped. There it was, that little hint of dominance. It came out on occasion and thrilled him with the facets and possibilities of this seemingly normal, but very interesting, woman. “Where are you?”
“Outside Cas’s house.”
“You’re over Cas’s already?”
“Yeah. He asked if I’d talk to the kid. I had to get here early.” She sipped at her large mug of coffee and sat at her kitchen table. “Jack’s apparently planning a trip to visit a girl he met online. Was going to buy a plane ticket and leave today.”
Julie’s already big eyes widened farther. “Wow. When you say kid…”
Dean scratched at the stubble. “He’s twenty. Kid to me. Plus, Jack’s also…” He opened his mouth to attempt a description but shook his head instead.
Julie grinned. “Special?”
Dean nodded. “Must be hereditary.” Or a common “I was once an angel and I’m trying to figure out how to be human” thing. Fuck my life. How would this woman ever understand and be okay with even an ounce of this insanity?
“Still there? I think you froze.”
Dean had gone into his thoughts long enough for Julie to think the connection had been lost. “I’m here.” He cleared his throat. “It’s been tough. Cas tried to shelter him from a lot of things. Can’t control him anymore.”
Julie shrugged. “Well, no, of course not. He’s his own person. He’s going to have to make mistakes and learn from them.”
“Yeah. This might end up being more of an intervention for Cas, I think.”
She gave him a slight smile. “I hope things go well.”
“Thanks.” His mouth perked up. “What are you doing later?”
Julie grinned. “Wasn’t planning on much today. Run some errands after breakfast. Lazy Saturday.”
“Can I come by?”
Her eyes lit up. “Of course. But you might want to rest up first. You look tired.”
He puckered his lips together in thought before he asked, “are you planning to wear me out?”
She nodded. “Lots of pent up frustration I need to get out.”
His tongue swiped over his top lip. “Can’t wait.”
That produced a giggle and shake of her head. “Bye, Dean.” She waved a few fingers in front of her face.
“Bye, Jules.” She ended the call first. He didn’t think he would have been able to. He much rather preferred hiding in his car, staring at that pretty face, than having to go and do something even close to parenting with Jack. Hell, I’ll be parenting Cas today, too.
He groaned along with the hinges of Baby’s driver side door as he got out.
Dean drove back into his neighborhood and past Julie’s house around two o’clock. Her little blue compact wasn’t under the carport. Damn toy car. He shook his head. At least it’s a Chevy.
Dean had taken a sensible approach with Jack. When he got down to the nuts and bolts of it all, the kid was bored and looking for an adventure. And horny as hell. Something Dean could easily relate to at that particular moment. It took some time, but Dean convinced him to save up his earnings from his upcoming summer job. If things were still hot and heavy long distance with this girl, he should take a trip to see her in Texas during Winter break. For now, Dean enlightened him to the beauty and intricacies of sexting and phone sex. Jack was all smiles by the time Dean had left Cas’s house.
Once Dean pulled into his own driveway, he texted Julie. Just got home. Going to pass out. Call when you get home. I’ll jump the fence and be right over. He smirked, happy with the blend of eagerness and cheese in his composition. A decision to shower before his nap set him back fifteen minutes. The warm water relaxed and the steam released the residual alcohol from his pores. Sleep was merciful and came as soon as his head hit the pillow.
He stirred and was half-woken up to Wes’s voice drifting in from his open bedroom window. A pillow was about to be used to muffle the disruption when he identified another voice and cocked his head to listen.
Brigida? What the hell is she doing here? Dean moaned. Ugh, am I gonna get cockblocked by the feisty little Italian mother, too?
“It’s not like Giulia. I told her to come by and pick up some sausage and peppers I made. She said she’d be by around 11:00. And, now, she’s not picking up her phone. It doesn’t even ring, Wes. Just goes to that voicemail. And the map thingy says she’s here still. What does that mean?”
Wes mumbled something Dean couldn’t quite make out. He reached for his phone on the nightstand and checked the screen. No notifications appeared. He tapped his messages to make sure he hadn’t missed a reply from Julie. Nothing. His lips pursed. He tried to call her. Straight to voicemail. His heart sped up when he noticed the time. Six o’clock.
Dean shot up in bed, already dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He pulled on some sneakers and hurried out to the backyard.
Brigida stood near the divide between Julie and Wes’s backyard. A large aluminum tray rested on her forearms and her purse dangled at the elbow. Wes was at his grill down near the edge of his own driveway. She and Wes both turned to Dean at his approach toward the fenceline.
“Dean-ah. Have you seen Giulia today?” There was no smile on her face in the greeting. The little lady was on a mission.
“I haven’t, Brigida.” His hands gripped the fence. “Everything alright?”
She shook her head. Her mouth opened and shut. “I- it’s not like her.” Her lips began to quiver.
Aw, hell. Dean jumped over the fence and rushed to Brigida. He pulled one of the patio chairs close to her short, stocky frame. Easing her to sit, he removed the warm tray from her grip and placed it on the table.
Wes came to her side with a pair of greasy tongs in hand. “I’m sure it’s nothing and Julie’s alright, Mamma.” Wes bumbled out the soothing statement. A stale stench of alcohol and pot emanated from the hippie.
Dean knelt down to talk to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Did you knock on her door, ring the doorbell, Brigida?”
She nodded.
He pressed further. “Don’t you have a key? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you let yourself in to check on her.”
“Wes told me he saw her leave earlier. And, I didn’t want to go in there by myself.” Her eyes darted to Wes and back to Dean. She leaned in and tried her best to whisper. “I thought, if she was home, she might be busy and didn’t want to walk in on… well, now that I know you were at your house and alone…”
Dean waited for more clarification. Someone else might have missed the tiniest of smiles on her aging lips. But, not Dean. “When I talked to her this morning, she said she might be seeing you later. Told me she had a nice time on your date last night.”
Wes tapped his tongs together at that bit of information. Dean smiled. Warmth shot over his cheeks. “Ah. Well, when I got home this afternoon her car wasn’t here.”
“When was that?” Brigida asked.
“About two.”
“Should we call the police?” Brigida pulled her phone out of her purse.
Dean shook his head. “Police won’t do anything. They’ll say it’s only been a few hours, really, since anyone’s heard…”
“It’s not like her.” Brigida repeated. “Something’s wrong.”
Dean nodded and patted her shoulder again. He’d only known Julie for a few weeks but even he knew something wasn’t right. From their texts and conversations, he’d found out a lot about the relationship she had with her mother. They were extraordinarily close. Their communications were daily.
Brigida wouldn’t be left waiting around without an explanation. Julie would have known it would result in a car ride over to check to see what happened. It made no difference that her adult daughter was competent and independent. Even if there was some possible hanky panky going on with Dean, Brigida made it abundantly clear she’d knock on doors and ring doorbells and wait in a backyard until her daughter told her everything was fine. This woman, who immigrated from Italy with no more than an elementary school education, was a fierce protector who would not be ignored. Dean made a mental note to not get on her bad side.
But first, they had to find Julie.
“I saw Julie leave around ten. I was working on the garden.” Wes piped in.
By now, Samuel had come out of the house and wandered over to the discussion. “What’s wrong?”
“Julie’s missing.” Wes stated.
“Missing?” Samuel’s eyes bugged out in alarm.
Dean stood up, his hand still on Brigida’s shoulder. He could feel her beginning to shake. “She’s not missing.” He attempted to defuse the escalation and nodded down to Brigida. “We’re just trying to figure out what might be keeping her out this long. She hasn’t been in contact with anyone.”
Samuel nodded back at Dean and placed a hand on Wes’s shoulder as well. Dean knew Samuel would try to redirect his partner with the phrasing of his words. “She did leave around ten. I was taking care of the flower beds out front.” Samuel snapped a finger. “She talked to that woman passing out those flyers, Wes.”
Samuel clarified. “Missing dog. She came by our porch and asked if we’d keep an eye out, right before she went over to Julie’s.”
“Pretty chocolate lab.” The expression on Wes’s face about the dog matched Brigida’s, thinking about Julie. “Where’s that flyer?” Wes slipped from under Samuel’s grip and went towards the direction of the grill. Man needs a leash. Dean shook his head.
Samuel sighed. “Julie seemed to know her. They talked for a few minutes at the end of her driveway. I’d gone back into the house for something. I saw Julie’s car driving up the lane when I came back out.”
“But, you’ve never seen that woman before?”
Samuel shook his head.
Wes shot back with the flyer and handed it to Dean. Aside from a picture and the name of the dog, there was only a number to call if someone could provide information. Dean turned the paper over but there was nothing on the back. A detail about Wes and Samuel’s house popped into his head. “You guys have one of those doorbell cameras, don’t you?”
Samuel smiled. “Yep.” He pulled out his phone, already going into the app to pull up the time in question.
“How about I get you something to eat, Mamma?” Wes asked Brigida.
She waved a hand in silence.
“Here it is.” Samuel passed his phone over to Dean.
He squinted at the video, impressed with the image’s clarity. His eyes widened in recognition. “Son of a bitch.”
“What?” Brigida, Wes, and Samuel asked in unison.
“I’ve seen Cocoa’s owner before. Last night, actually. At the restaurant we went to. She did know Julie.” Dean’s mind started putting puzzle pieces together.
“Maybe she’ll know where she was going.” Brigida exclaimed.
Dean raised a finger and pulled out his phone. He copied the number from the flyer into his keypad and dialed. His mouth pursed when it went straight to voicemail and he listened to the generic robot voice repeating the number. He waited for the beep. "Hi, I've got some info on your lost dog, Cocoa. You can reach me at the following number." After leaving his cell contact he hung up. He turned to Brigida. "I'll see what I can get out of her when she calls back."
"But, she'll be all hopeful about Cocoa," Wes began.
“What restaurant?” Brigida stood up. “We should go over there and talk to her.”
Dean nodded with caution. “Absolutely, Brigida. I’m going to go and do that right now.” He forced her to stare at him. “You’re going to stay here, with Wes and Samuel, in case Julie comes back home. Alright? I promise, I’ll let you know if I find out anything. With your permission, can I go into Julie's house with you and take a quick look around before I head out?”
“Of course.” She patted his cheek. “Such a good man.” She fished the key out of her purse, ready to walk up to the sliding door.
He shot Brigida a smile, attempting to hide his own worry. “Let’s get you inside so you can wait for your daughter to come home.”
Dean had inspected every room in Julie’s home. His inner radar picked up nothing weird or unusual. He wished he had his EMF meter with him. Next time I’m here I’ll do a proper sweep for her. When Julie’s back. Just to make sure she won’t have an unruly specter to contend with after this is over. And she’s back.
All he deduced was proof of a life being unpacked, reorganized, and put back together again. He’d stolen a few seconds in her office to stare at the picture of a teenage Julie with her awkward prom date. In her bedroom, he sniffed at the perfume bottle holding the scent she’d worn last night. Though nothing was amiss, the tangible remnants of her existence filled Dean with dread. Here. Then gone. In an instant. So many people in his life had disappeared like that. Not Julie, too.
He refused to rile up Julie’s mother with any more fear than she was already producing. She gave him an unexpected, long, and strong hug for a woman of her diminutive stature. “Find her, please.” He gave her a slight smile and rushed out into the backyard only to freeze on the lawn, unsure of his next step.
Possible ways to track her down ticked through Dean’s head. I could call in that favor.
A scroll through his phone’s contacts skidded to a stop. “Detective Tullman.” The thick southern accent answered.
“Marty. Dean Winchester.”
“Ah, Dean.” Dean had heard that particular phrase with that hesitant inflection countless times by a select group of people. These individuals crossed paths with Dean in his other line of work. Everything they knew of the world had been upended in an instant; usually the instant when Dean showed up on their doorstep. An encounter pulled them into the nastiness that lived under the translucent veil of normality.
“What can I do ya for? Aren’t in a jail cell sleepin’ off a bender, are ya?” The detective’s tone changed as Dean knew it would. What had started out a year back as a collaborative and mutually beneficial meeting on a standard bail enforcement job escalated into something much worse. Marty called Dean to relay his skip had been found; shot by a security guard after a bank robbery attempt in Newark. He was in an ambulance headed to the trauma center at the nearest hospital. His accomplice had escaped and was on the loose.
Only problem was, Dean was staring at his skip in a backyard that belonged to an apparent girlfriend. Was he sure they had the right guy? Dean sent Marty a picture of the person he was watching. The detective high-tailed it to the house a mile from the crime scene. The fucking thing shed its skin in the tiny yard while he and Marty looked on in bewilderment over the top of the wooden fence.
A chase ensued near abandoned train tracks. Marty bum rushed it to the ground but got overpowered. The monster pulled a knife from its boot and raised it over its head. Sunshine glinted off the blade as it readied to sink the tip into the detective’s chest. Dean shot the knife out of its grip. He followed by firing two silver bullets into its heart. What he was pretty certain was the dead body of a shapeshifter slumped on top of Marty.      
Thoughts and details came together in Marty’s head once the shock wore off. The body in front of him was the other bank robber. He, or it, had known the skip for a while and were low level partners in crime. Dean suggested the shifter may have had a hard on for the other guy’s girl, who thankfully wasn’t home. Most monsters also battled human vices. Lust and greed were a common denominator.
The detective came up with a story to cover their combined asses. They both spent a couple hours at the shootout location rehashing it over and over. Dean watched Marty hold his shit together quite well with a ton of law enforcement, CSI, and emergency personnel swarming like bees for evidence and details.
Dean and Marty bonded over cold beers at the closest bar. Dean found out Marty had been deployed to Iraq back in 2003. He’d been on the frontline of war for two years. He was a reliable, steadfast soldier. Nervous before a battle, but willing to put his life on the line for the greater good. They had a lot of commonality when it came to bloodshed. The nightmares that collided and crept into their days without warning simply involved different enemies.
“I need some help.”
Marty chuckled. “Ain’t gonna cost me my badge is it? I know I owe you my life, but I still got a wife and kids to feed.”
“Shouldn’t. Friend’s gone missing. It’s only been half a day, but it’s not adding up.”
“Local friend?”
“Yeah. Pike Creek.”
“Whaddya got for me?”
He smiled and rattled off Julie’s full name and the license plate he’d committed to memory. “Drives a blue, compact Chevy,” He added. “Five foot five. Long brown hair, probably in a ponytail, brown eyes, wears glasses. Italian, if that helps.”
“She cute?” Marty asked.
“Alrighty, I’ll have some guys keep an eye out in the area.”
“I’m gonna do my own investigating. Appreciate it, man. Thanks.”
“Thank me if I find ya somethin’.” He hung up.
Samuel popped into Dean’s view from under Julie’s covered patio. “What are you going to do when you get to the restaurant?” The balding man folded up his glasses and hung them from the collar of his t-shirt. Dean had learned from interactions over the past two years that Samuel was sharp and much harder to misdirect than Wes.
“Just ask this woman some questions.” Dean began his cut through their backyard to shorten the walk back to the house. He wasn’t keen on hopping the fence again.
Samuel kept pace with his quick steps. “Why would she answer any of your questions?”
“She saw me with Julie last night. I’m not some random stalker.” He tapped Samuel’s elbow. “Don’t you worry. I have some other tricks up my sleeve.”
“I’m sure you do.” His tone was hopeful.
Are you really flirting with me, dude? Now? “Listen, Samuel. Would you sit with her? I’d ask Wes, but…”
“Brigida doesn’t need unintentional, emotional triggering.” Samuel nodded. “You’ve got my and Wes’s number, right? Call one of us with good news.”
When Dean slid into Baby’s driver seat fifteen minutes later, he’d donned a suit that had been hanging in his closet, unworn, for over six months. That was the last time he had impersonated an FBI agent. The badge was still in the jacket’s inside pocket.
His hunting trips, the ones that had always really mattered, were few and far between now. Six months ago, he’d introduced himself as agent Agent Barrow on that excursion near Atlantic City. The four-day ghost investigation ended with a salt and burn. The corpse was found buried on the grounds of an abandoned chemical plant.
Noxious fumes had permeated the air around him with each shovel full of earth. The stench seeped into and clung to the well-creased suit pants. He should have changed before the dig; that is, if he’d remembered to bring a change of clothes from the motel to start. He was getting rusty from a lack of daily discipline, forgetting what had become rote for decades.
He remembered hiking back to Baby around two am, exhausted, after exhuming the remains. There was no way he was contaminating the car’s interior with that smell. So he drove back to the motel wearing only his boxers, dress shoes, socks, and his watch. The stinky clothes were stuffed in a garbage bag. After he helped the soul find peace, his reward was walking through the motel parking lot, up a flight of stairs, to his second floor room in only his skivvies. Had to get the damn suit dry cleaned, too.
Dean caught a light whiff of the chemicals, hopelessly embedded in the suit threads forever. His mind raced with a million thoughts driving to Makenzie’s steakhouse. But Julie was at the forefront of them. It was a long twenty minute drive.
Find her, please. How many times had he heard similar distressing requests? Hundreds, maybe. All of them had a missing loved one they were desperate to track down and bring home safe. How many times had he not been able to do that? Not today. He shook his head and tried to smile. She’s not done with me yet.
Julie’s voice bubbled up into his mind when he glanced at the passenger seat.
“So, Baby belonged to your Dad?” She attempted some conversation as Dean raced to beat the reservation.
“Yep.” He responded, eyes on the road swerving in and out of traffic. Once he was happy with his spot in the fast lane, no one in front of him for a good stretch, he cocked his head in her direction. Her eyes, big and brown, inspected the interior while her hand clamped on the door handle. “Pretty, isn’t she?” Dean smirked, proud.
“She is. Almost as pretty as her owner.” Her gaze locked onto his lips.
“Hey now.” He put on the show he knew she wanted and licked them nice and slow. “She’ll get offended, you thinking I’m prettier.”
“I’m sorry, Baby.” She stroked the dash. “It’s true, though.”
Dean laughed. “I’m pretty, huh?” He shot back at Julie and glanced in the rearview mirror before crossing over three lanes of traffic to get off the interstate.
Julie gasped. “Going to kill us before our date even gets started. If you’re going to drive like a maniac, you should at least be wearing a seatbelt.”
Baby careened down the ramp. When he got onto the avenue, his grip lifted off the wheel to fasten his lap belt. Both hands raised up in the air and he used his knee to steer. “Happy?” He reveled in her surprised reaction. The combo of scared and pissed off made her look even cuter.
“Okay, show-off.” She pointed at the wheel. “Hands at ten and two. Now.”
“Bossy.” He mumbled, returned his hands to the correct placement on the wheel, and pretended he wasn’t turned on by her commanding behavior. Slowing down in traffic, he shot her a sassy grin. “You done?”
“Done? “With you?” She tossed back with an equal amount of sass. “Just getting started.”
His ringing phone shot him out of his recollection. A glimmer of hope filled his voice as he answered. “Got something for me, detective?”
“Not sure if it’s anything good, my friend.” Marty was a straight shooter. “Officer found her car in a shopping center parking lot. Mile down the road from her house, in your neighborhood.” Marty was very good at his job. He didn’t miss a detail and double checked every bit of info. “No one in the vehicle. I’ve asked my guy to go into the stores and ask around. Have her paged, if needed. As long as we don’t get another emergency that takes him away, he’s on it for the next hour.”
It wasn’t bad news. Yet.
Part 12
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aurantia-ignis · 5 years
Track 05: Confused Heart
Tales of Graces Anthology Drama CD Summer 2012 (Rough translation)
Sophie: We reached the Enclave in a heartbeat.
Asbel: Somehow... we made it here alive.
Richard: What kind of facility is this?
Asbel: There's quite a crowd here. Is it some kind of festival?
Sophie: Dalen's gone inside there.
Asbel: Let's go!
Richard: Right! Sophie: Okay!
Malen: T-thank you.
Pascal: What do you think, Captain?
Malik: Not bad. She's quite pretty, too. Got the makings of an actress.
Hubert: You can't be thinking of letting her pass!
Malik: Hey, you're making it sound like you don't want her to succeed.
Pascal: Why are you saying such mean things?
Hubert: N-no, it's just...
Malik: You just don't want a certain someone to get the wrong idea, hmm?
Hubert: H-huuuuuuuh??? Save the ridiculous sleep talk for when you're sleeping!
Asbel: What... what's this?
Sophie: Cheria and Hubert! Pascal and the Captain are there too!
Richard: What on earth is everyone doing here?
Pascal: Okayyyy, next!
Dalen: Ahem!!
Richard: Dalen! Asbel: Duke Dalen?!
Dalen: I've come from the kingdom of Windol. My name is Dalen. Today, I intend to stand on the stage that I have been dreaming of through these long...
Pascal: Ah, you can leave out the detailed greetings.
Dalen: Is that so? Well then!! No sound of thy whip, hissing and shifting... To cross to yonder Barona... In the light of dawn, with the wind surround... Valkines Cryas... (based on a piece of Japanese poem)
Malik: To think that Duke Dalen recites poetry as a hobby. What a surprise.
Dalen: If I hadn't been born to a warrior's family,  I'd have liked to become a man of theatre, making use of these proud vocal cords. Now that Windol has regained its peace, although it's a little too late, I thought about chasing the dream I had in my tender youthful years...
Richard: It's not too late, Dalen.
Dalen: Your Majesty! What are you doing in such a place?
Richard: I've been wondering for a while now, what you were hiding from me. I didn't think you'd be sticking your head into something like this.
Dalen: My apologies. Since I've become Your Majesty's right hand, you've been working even on my behalf, and I thought perhaps I would have a bit more free time.
Richard: I'm not blaming you, Dalen. Why didn't you tell me about something so interesting earlier?
Dalen: Your Majesty!
Richard: Malik, Pascal! Is it all right if I join you here?
Asbel: Hey, Richard! You what?
Hubert: Cousin Raymond?!
Cheria: Barry too?!
Raymond: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh heeeeeelp!!!
Barry: We can't stooooooooop!!
Sophie: Asbel!
Asbel: Raymond! Barry! Hang on! Demon Fang!!
Sophie: Dragon Dash!
Raymond/Barry: We... we're saved!!
Pascal: Sophie!! You've come for the audition too?
Sophie: Au... dition?
Asbel: What exactly is going on here?
Cheria: Actually... blah blah... blah blah...
Asbel: I see. You're helping with the Fendel Theatrical Troupe. Sounds like you've got your noses in a troublesome grind again.
Malik: What's with that? You're gonna help us too.
Asbel: Me too!? Mm... But I don't really have any experience with plays...
Richard: That's fine, isn't it? Even without any experience, there could be some amazing talent sleeping within you.
Dalen: Lord Asbel, you should try a taste of everything while you are still young!
Asbel: E...even if you say that...
Raymond: If you're so reluctant to do it, don't bother!!
Asbel: R-Raymond?
Raymond: Those without skill, and those with no passion, have no right to stand upon the sacred ground that is our stage!
Hubert: You're filled with overwhelming passion.
Raymond: But of course! For the sake of this production, I've travelled far from Strahta.
Malik: You could probably have done that in Strahta. After all, you have the funds for it personally.
Barry: I told him that too, but he wouldn't listen.
Raymond: My talent has to be recognized in places beyond my hometown. Against the backdrop of the world, people will burn into their eyes the moment when a huge star is born! Now, Barry! You've prepared the guitar?
Barry: Why am I being dragged into this...?
Raymond: Ready, go! Sorry to keep you waiting! This melody~~ Happy, refreshing, refre-oh-so-shing!! Raymon and!
Barry: Barry's...
Raymond: Break, heartbreak! Laugh and let it fly...
Barry/Raymond: And be forgotten!
Raymond: My my, Mr Barry. Have you any thoughts of what kind of confession you'd like to have?
Barry: Well, I suppose... It'd be best if I could do it romantically.
Raymond: If it's romantic you wish, what about a night in the Great Strahtan Desert? Unlike the devastating day time, the night is shingling cold, and as you gaze up at the shining stars... Looking at those stars, you say...
Barry: I can see so many stars, tomorrow's going to be fine weather. Ouch!!!
Raymond: You idiot! You're not the blockhead lord, so stop saying such ordinary stuff!!
Hubert: ...Cousin Raymond...
Raymond: You should be saying 'Cheria! Your beauty shines brighter than any star' there!!"
Barry: I mean, whatever, but you're... not giving up at all, huh?
Raymond: The words 'giving up' are not in my dictionary! Anyway, stop saying stuff that isn't in the script! Do it like we arranged!
Barry: I-if I follow that according to the script, it's just filled with me getting hit by your paper fan! In any case, you're so persistent! Cheria this, Cheria that. She rejected you clearly, didn't she?
Raymond: Whaaaaaaaat!? You're no better, thinking of Cheria as you sing to your own accompaniment in the middle of the night!
Barry: H-how did you know that? Wait, no, I don't do that! That's just... practice for our regional promotions!
Raymond: Sneaking around sullenly like that is even more disgusting. If you're gonna open your heart with love, you have to be bold! Bold and honest! Right, Cheria?
Cheria: Please, just stop.
Raymond/Barry: Noooooooooooooo!!
Pascal: Riiiiiiight. Okay, okay, thank you. Let's have the next person!
Richard: It is my turn.
Asbel: Richard!?
Richard: Still...? After all this, we still don't have enough...? Do we still... need more power? At this rate, I might hurt Asbel and Sophie... No... they haven't betrayed me... They're my... friends.... Friends... Urrrrrrrrrrgghhh!!
Malik: What... what powerful acting!
Dalen: I... I feel the kingliness of you, Your Majesty!
Richard: Well, something like that.
Sophie: Richard, you're so cool!
Asbel: You're amazing.
Richard: This much is easy enough.
Malik: With this, he's definitely snagged the leading role.
Pascal: So the question is who will play the heroine, then. It's a pain, but I guess I'll just have to do it.
Hubert: Huh, you're going to be the heroine?
Pascal: Being heroine is a huge burden. As an organizer I can't just leave it to other people to handle.
Hubert: That means... King Richard and Pascal will be playing the lead role and the heroine. Depending on the context of the plot, maybe... they would...!
Hubert: P-please let me audition too!
Malik: Whoa, what's with this all of a sudden?
Hubert: I... I have to take some responsibility for what I did earlier.
Cheria: ...He's so easy to understand.
Malik: Right?
Asbel: Hubert... Can you actually act?
Hubert: To be honest, I don't know much about acting... but if it's something like the Sunscreen Rangers...!
Asbel: Huh? Sun??
Hubert: We'll be preying upon dead fish! Bam! Bam! Bababam!! Beach Brigade, Sunscreen Ranger Red!!
Asbel: Red...
Cheria: He should be blue, right...?
Sophie: Yes. Hubert is blue.
Richard: He's blue.
(aoi means blue, but also refers to newbies lacking in experience)
Malik: In many ways, he's blue.
Hubert: Ughh...
Pascal: That's so niceee! So fun!! Let's all do it! Sophie, Cheria, come here!
Cheria: Eh??
Sophie: Okay!!
Pascal: Let's go! We'll be preying!
Cheria: U-upon dead fish!
Sophie: Bam! Bam! Bababam!!
Pascal/Cheria/Sophie: Beach Brigade, Sunscreen Rangers!!
Pascal: Yellow!
Cheria: P-pink!
Sophie: U-um...
Pascal: It's violet!
Sophie: Violet!
Pascal: Goooooooo!!
Pascal/Cheria/Sophie: Boooooooooom!!!
Pascal: Did we get a liiittle too enthusiastic on that?
Hubert: That's not just a LITTLE!
Pascal: I've always wanted to do that! Sunscreen Rangers are so cool!
Hubert: You think so!?
Pascal: Of course! Bam! Bam! Bababam!! That's the coolest part!
Hubert: Not like that! This way! Bam! Bam! Bababam!!
Pascal/Hubert: Bam! Bam! Bababam!!
Malen: I've never seen that expression on Hubert's face. I thought I'd already moved on but... It's strange. I'm a little jealous.
Cheria: Malen, it's not weird at all. I understand your feelings. A maiden's heart is complicated, after all.
Malen: Cheria...
Malik: All right! Any more applicants? Don't tell me that's all we got!
Asbel: Won't you be acting yourself, Captain?
Malik: I've got my hands full as the director. So I'd rather not.
Sophie: Director.
Malik: Yes? What is it?
Sophie: I'll apply too!
Asbel: Sophie?! Not you too...
Sophie: But I don't know what I should do...
Richard: Then, how about you read this book?
Sophie: Ah, okay.
Richard: Cheria, will you assist Sophie?
Cheria: Hm? Ah, all right.
Sophie: Oh no. I can't read this...
Cheria: I'll read the difficult parts. Sophie, you read the speech parts here.
Sophie: Okay.
Cheria: The old man set out on a journey with the little girl called the Apple Princess. While they travelled, many weakened fairies came to the Apple Princess to ask for help.
Sophie: For the sake of everyone's happiness.. I will give you these apple petals!
Cheria: The Apple Princess gave out the petals that had been on her hairpin to all the fairies. But once she did that, the Apple Princess became weak herself.
Sophie: I... can't see anything... I can't... hear anything... But I am very happy. I wonder why? Grandfather...
Cheria: The Apple Princess glowed, and her body was absorbed into the flower field. And then! The flowers in the field that had wilted from the winter wind began to blossom with vigor. The wilted tree suddenly began to sprout leaf after leaf of emerald green.
Sophie: This is where I wanted to be. I'm the guardian of this tree!
Cheria: And from then on, the tall tree in the flower field grew ruby red apples just as adorable and beautiful as the Apple Princess.
Sophie: The end.
Asbel: Sophie...
Richard: That was beautiful, Sophie.
Pascal: Amazing, Sophie! I was touched!
Sophie: R-really?
Cheria: You were very good, Sophie!
Asbel: Yeah! That was awfully impressive!
Malik: To think there was such outstanding talent hidden in our midst.
Hubert: I agree.
Sophie: Asbel, won't you try it too? Let's all do it together!
Richard: That's right, Asbel. Of our friendship trio, you're the only one who hasn't auditioned. It feels a little sad.
Asbel: But I... have no confidence.
Cheria: You can do it, Asbel!
Asbel: Oh well. I'm just gonna try the audition, that's all!
Sophie: Yay!
Asbel: Ah, um... I'm Asbel Lhant!
Malik: Yes. Why are you applying?
Asbel: Why!? Uh... Because everyone else said 'you should try it', so.
Raymond: See that! That's the special line said by those who pass! Saying "I'm auditioning with my friends!" and then the friends fail, and somehow you're the only one who clears the audition! I won't forgive this!
Barry: Be quiet!
Malik: Well then, Asbel. Perform something for us.
Asbel: Perform!? Um... um.. Ah, r-right. Umm... I... I'll do some impersonations!
Richard: I.. impersonations!?
Asbel: I thought I taught you to maintain your guard until the battle is finished.
Sophie: Who...?
Asbel: C...Captain Malik
Pascal: That's so different!!
Asbel: Th-then, how about this? So, the boy who abandoned his family now thinks to be lord?
Hubert: I got it! Cousin Raymond!
Asbel: It's you, Hubert.
Hubert: Huh? How is that me!?
Asbel: Then, take this! I'm Pascal! A 22-year-old female!
Pascal: Who's that?
Cheria: I don't know...
Asbel: What do you mean, don't know!? I even said her name! Why can't you all tell?! Argh, I'll do that one! Huaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!! Frieeeeeeends!!
Richard: It's no good. I have no idea who it is.
Asbel: Why?! That's you, Richard.
Richard: Are you making a fool of me?
Asbel: No, I didn't mean it that way...
Sophie: Oh no, poor Asbel...
Asbel: What... what do you mean by 'poor Asbel'!!
Malik: That will be all! With that, we're ending the auditions for our members. We'll have a conference to decide those who pass... Well, actually, there's no need for that. All right, I'm announcing our new members.
Asbel: Oh man... this is nerve-wrecking. But if I end up taking to the stage, I'll have to leave Lhant. Man... What a dilemma.
Malik: First up! I think nobody will have any complaints about our choice of King Richard.
Richard: It is my honour.
Malik: And next, Hubert.
Hubert: Huh?
Malik: Whether or not you seize or flob this chance is up to you! Got it!?
Hubert: R...right... I'll do my best!
Malik: Next, this person has lots of other claims on his time, so I considered for a while...
Asbel: It's okay, I'll make time somehow for---
Malik: Duke Dalen! Won't you join us?
Dalen: My! Even if I have to push this old body to the limits, I will bring my best to the stage!
Sophie: Asbel, what's wrong?
Asbel: It's... it's nothing.
Malik: Next, we have the supporting female roles. Cheria, Pascal, Malen. I'm counting on you.
Cheria: What??! I didn't take the audition.
Malik: You read that passage with Sophie, didn't you? Wasn't that an audition?
Cheria: ... oh, all right.
Malen: U, um, is it really okay for me to join in? If Hubert doesn't want me to...
Pascal: Ah, you don't have to worry about that forehead-glasses dude!
Hubert: Wha-! Forehead-glasses dude!!
Malik: And! Of course, we mustn't forget the slice of humour necessary for every play. Right, Asbel?
Asbel: Of, of course! That's right! It's a little sad to be stuck in the comic relief role, but everything is an experience! Right! I'll do my best!
Malik: Raymond, Barry, it's your turn!
Asbel: Noooooooooo!!
Raymond/Barry: Understood!!
Asbel: Um... Captain...
Malik: Call me Director.
Asbel: D-Director! Aren't you forgetting someone?
Malik: You don't have to remind me. The star performer has to be announced last.
Asbel: T... that's right!
Malik: I'm sure this person will be the key to the whole play. Sophie! That's you!
Sophie: Me?
Richard: That was a wonderful reading. I'm happy to be able to act with you, Sophie.
Sophie: Richard...!
Malik: Well, that's about it. All right, those whose names were called, I'm counting on you!
Asbel: Whaaaaaaat!??
Pascal: All right, guys! Let's do this!!
All: Yeaaaaahhh!!
Asbel: No way... I'm the only one who failed.... I'm the only.... who failed... I'm...
Malik: Come on, stop moping there.
Asbel: Let me mope! I only took the audition because everyone was being so pushy about it! And yet I failed!! How pathetic. Sob....
Malik: I have something else I want you to help us with. So stop crying.
Asbel: Huh?
Malik: The truth is, we haven't finished the script yet. We've got the general keypoints down, so do you think you can put them together?
Asbel: You want me to... put the script together?
Malik: That's right! It's up to you, Asbel.
Asbel: ...right, okay! I'll do it!
Asbel: Um, but... Even with general key points... I have to write the script, right? What a huge responsibility. Ahh, hmm, let's see... Looks like there's just stuff about fighting with a sword, making the dialogue funny and touching.... and.. that's it?! That's all the 'keypoints'? Hey, wait, Captain! No, uh, Director. Hey, wait up! This is impossible!!!
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