#I’ve been trying to just send random asks out every once in a while cos it’s fun and I think it’s important to the tumblr culture eheehee
candycryptids · 6 months
I don’t really know much about your OCs yet apart from a little bit about Tuesday but I’d like to give that question about favorite/comfort food back to you! You can answer for any OCs you want tho, of course! 🫶
🥺 yeah that’s entirely my bad I write stuff but it ends up scattered to the four corners and tucked into Random Tags (trying to do better but alas,) ALSO THANK YOU 😭
I haven’t fully worked out with solid confidence if Tuesday is ever allowed to actually eat or not (gears whirring) but I do have non-xiv au’s where he’s not a robot (and instead just Chuu’s brother lmfao) and in THAT situation his comfort food is Garbage, like, fast-food Cheeseburger With The Works, big soda, and French fries. He becomes a puddle of chronic agonies on the couch and watches How It’s Made. Lmfao. (His favorite food is probably Ramen, though. It’s a bitch to make really good at home so it becomes like a special occasion thing.) IN XIV if he ends up able to eat food (I have justifications-) his favorite food would. Likely end up being things with texture and sensation over taste. Like Grapes (regular or frozen) or like, those really fancy hors dourves (finger foods???) that you KNOW the elite Ul’Dahns (and eulmorans) probably eat at fancy dinner parties. (That aside, he does enjoy cooking, the act of creation is fulfilling and relaxing)
And cos I mentioned Chuu here’s a quick bonus answer
Chuus go-to food is Archon Loaf (optionally dipped in tomato soup.) you can at it one handed, the soup makes it marginally less chewy, and she doesn’t have to stop to eat as many meals cos it’s so nutritionally dense. — Comfort foods end up being things that are really familiar. Garlean MRE’s (made ready to eat) are nostalgic, but if she’s frustrated/stumped on a project she wants a finger food that you can eat a billion of in a row (like. Yknow. Potato chips? But I can’t think of an Eorzean equivalent rn ;w; )
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limalosershq · 4 months
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WELCOME, JUNE! OR IS THAT SEBASTIAN SMYTHE? EITHER WAY, YOU'RE A LIMA LOSER AROUND HERE NOW! Remember to look at our checklist here and then send in your account within 24 hours. That way I can send you the link to the discord server and you can get to plotting with everyone there. We all look forward to rping with you and once again, welcome to the mayhem of show choir!
NAME/ALIAS: june PRONOUNS: any! AGE (21+): 21+ TIMEZONE: aest ACTIVITY: with uni and work, lemme say 6/10!
NAME: sebastian smythe FACECLAIM:  herman tømmeraas AGE/BIRTHDAY: twenty two, july 25th  GLEE CLUB: the warblers SONG CHOICE: touch it - ariana grande MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: sebastian is a junior currently majoring in arts management  LOCATION: sebastian currently lives with his mother and her new, much older husband in westerville in the house she purchased with her money from the divorce. OCCUPATION: being a nepo baby, sebastian has never worked a day in his life <3  CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: sebastian is co-captain of the dalton lacrosse team. 
Sebastian was born in Westerville to two very wealthy parents, but was conceived in Paris. With his father a State’s Attorney from Ohio and his mother an extremely eclectic visual artist from France, Sebastian spent a lot of his childhood between the States and Europe. While Sebastian is the only child of his mom and dad, he has a lot of half siblings from his father’s many affairs over the years. The recent divorce of his parents and his mother’s new marriage certainly hasn’t made anything any simpler in that regard. All he knows is he’s the best looking out of them all.
Sebastian is perhaps the worst person you could ever meet. Rich, privileged, no-filter. It’s shocking he’s made it this far in life without getting punched in the face. He also had a reputation for being pretty sexually promiscuous, which is something he won’t deny. However, Sebastian has begun to notice that he seems to struggle with anything beyond random hook ups. Sex is great, he loves it, but he has never been able to make an emotional romantic connection with someone outside of it. He’s pretty sure he’s aromantic of some description, but is currently ensuring he’s too focused on school and Glee to think much about it. 
If you ask Sebastian’s dad what his son is doing at college, he’ll tell you he’s studying law. If you ask his mother, she’ll tell you he’s studying fashion design. Neither are true, Sebastian just has to lie in order to keep the two paying his tuition. He’s more than happy to be actually studying art management. It’s his dream to become the world’s most power-crazed agent one day. 
In Ohio? No, clearly not.. But apart from that, pretty much. I’ve always dreamed of working my way up in the arts industry so one day I can control it from the inside single-handedly and I get closer every day. The Warblers and the whole show choir thing as a collective also help, seeing just how deranged the types of people I’ll be representing one day can be. I’m building up my tolerance.
It’s hardly a rivalry at all. There are the Warblers and then we have…the other ones. They’re boring. Sloppy. Lazy. Yawning. The only other team I can even remember is the one that’s just the Warblers but I think they’re all lesbians now or something. It’s not a competition, but it’s really funny to see how hard they try. Endearing. 
Well, for one, I don’t even live in Lima.  Westerville is significantly classier. Regardless, my life is headed on the up-and-up. The Warblers will dominate the season, I will continue to be one of the smartest people in my degree and so on and so forth. Do I have many friends? No. Do I have a great relationship with my parents or my 30+ half-siblings scattered across the globe? No. But I have a level of ambition only really seen in dictators, and a level of pettiness only seen in the antagonists of teen girl movies.
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miekasa · 3 years
mie….could we please get college au eren headcanons👉🏽👈🏽
Of course. I’m always thinking about his big head anyway <33 might as well put it good use.
One thing he learned in college is how to make his hyperfocus/fixation episodes work for him; that’s why he schedules all his classes as close together as possible. He’d rather have class back to back for 5 hours, than have it spread out with hours in between lectures, because that increases his changes of cutting.
You can always tell when he’s in class and/or what class he’s in by how much he responds to your messages. If he doesn’t text back at all, he’s in a class that hard or one he enjoys, or both. But if he’s sending you iMessage games, then you know he’s in his elective that he couldn’t care else about (and is probably cheating in someway somehow lmfao). 
He usually puts his phone on dnd when he’s in a class that’s important, but you’re in his favorite contacts, so your messages always ring through. What if it’s an emergency and you need him for something? Advanced Roots of Human Biology can wait. 
Some days there are one or two our breaks between his lectures, that’s just how the scheduling works out. When that happens, he usually sneaks into one of your lectures, or goes to your place to take a nap. Your roommates have become accustomed to him, honestly they’ve been considering giving him a key. 
Once, he didn’t realize that your lecture was basically a seminar, with you, the prof and maybe six other students. He still stayed lmao, and the prof was so amazed by his dedication, that she didn’t even mind. Occasionally, you’ll catch the two of them talking after lecture. It’s pretty cute the way she’s adopted him into the class even tho he’s not on the roster. 
You... have to show him where the library is lmfao. He genuinely has not stepped foot in one until you bring him to one. He likes it tho lmao once he gets used to it. 
Speaking of which, do not give him standard directions to find your classes on campus because all you’ll get is, “Babe, I’m gonna keep it real with you, I’ve never heard of the ‘West Quad’ a day in my life. What building are you near.”
He usually comes to see you in the library after all his lectures are done for the day. Sometimes he does homework, sometimes he’s just fucking around on his computer, sometimes he’s just bothering you. When you have to leave to go to class, he stays behind to watch your stuff so you don’t have to pack everything up and come back. 
Very protective when it comes to keeping your seat for you. No, you cannot take that chair to your table you good for nothing freshman; it’s reserved for you. 
He’ll drag you out of the library if you’ve been cooped up all day, tho. Eren will use his height and his strength against you to get you up. Placates you with kisses when he sees your angry expression, and promises to buy you food.
He takes your backpack for you when you’re walking together,m. His backpack is frustratingly light all the time, even during midterms. You swear all he’s got in there is a pencil and some flashcards. 
If you have night classes, he sticks around to walk you home after, especially in the winter when it gets dark faster. If he’s not already on campus, he’ll walk/drive back to meet you; he just doesn’t like you going home alone. Even if your friend/roommate is in the class with you, Eren will walk or drive the both of you home for his own sanity. 
He plays sports, so he usually has practice most evenings, but he’ll find a way to make time. If practice was particularly brutal, he’ll probably crash at your place.
He loves it when you come to meet him after practice. His whole face lights up and he waves obnoxiously, before he gathers up his stuff and all but sprints towards you. You get a cold water bottle to the face, or a bit of water splashed on you usually, which he takes immense amusement in. 
He knows it’s not possible for you to make it to all of his games, and usually it doesn’t bother him much; you’ve got your own life, and work to worry about. All he asks is that you wear his jersey, or any item of his sports apparel/merch on game day (he’s partial to hoodies).
By the time junior year rolls around, he’s not all that interested in attending parties that aren’t hosted by your friends; so, unless it’s at Connie, Jean, or Reiner and Bertholdt’s place, Eren will usually decline. Even team parties, he’s not crazy about unless it’s to celebrate a championship or something. He’d much rather celebrate with you. 
He does get excited about hosting parties though, and he and Jean become pretty damn good co-hosts. They don’t throw ragers, and that’s probably why Eren likes it so much. It’s usually your friend group and a couple plus ones, some good music, games, weed, and take-out. 
He’ll buy you coffee whenever you ask for it. The first time, he just orders something plain, not really knowing the difference between anything; but give it two or three tries, and he’ll get it perfect. He becomes so good that he can order you something new/different and you’ll love it. 
That’s kind of the start of his own coffee addiction, and more often than not, when he buys you a cup, he’s on his second or third of the day himself. The flavor has really grown on him, okay. 
He much prefers your apartment, but on occasion, he’ll ask you to come to his. You’ve been studying for so long, a change of environment should do you good, he claims. He’s a fucking liar tho because that’s all Eren Talk for “I do genuinely want you to come over, but my plans are to coerce you out of doing your assignments and doing me instead.”
Lmfao he adds you on Apple Watch Rings just so you can see him close his rings every day and laugh at you. Even if yours get closed by virtue of walking around campus or working out or whatever, his numbers are stupidly high because he fucking has practice at least 4 days of the week. 
Of course when you’re running on a soccer field for 2 hours every day, you close your Move Ring five times, Eren. Leave the rest of us alone. 
He buys you guys matching accessories for your keychains. It’s something pretty cute, and slightly random, but it reminded him of you. It also serves as a reminder to himself to take his fucking keys with him when he leaves his house. 
He sleeps like a fucking rock, so do not let him fall asleep in the library. Waking him up is a mission, and he’s never happy to be woken up. He looks kinda cute tho. 
He schedules dates for you and his friends. Usually by accident, but hear me out. Sometimes he’ll make plans with Armin, then forget that he has class or a test or something; so his solution is to text you, “hey, i forgot min and i were supposed to go some aquarium tomorrow but i have a midterm so here’s the pdf of my ticket, go with him for me, thanks babe love u” then, boop, you and Armin have an aquarium date Friday evening. 
The same thing happens with Mikasa, though, she usually catches the scheduling conflict before Eren does, and invites you out herself. You and Mikasa hang out quite a bit anyway, so it comes to the point where she tells you when she’s gonna hang out with Eren, so you can make yourself free for when he inevitably remember he has a game that day. 
Mikasa is most amazed that you’ve put up with Eren this long lmao. You’ve certainly lessened her Eren & Armin babysitting hours, and for that she’s eternally grateful. Also, she’s just happy to have another close friend. She loves Eren and Armin, but they’re not the most social beings, and she was literally their only friend besides the other for all their childhood PLEASE she’s so happy you’re around. 
It’s Mikasa, however, who babysits you and Eren whenever you both get too drunk. Says you guys are two peas in a pod (affectionate<2)
If you tell Eren something important that happened, like an internship you got, or a good grade in a class, or something, he usually relays that information to his mom pls. He texts her every day, and if she doesn’t ask for an update on you first, he gives her one.
Carla calls you sometimes, too. At least once every few weeks, just to check on you herself. She really likes you for Eren, and is grateful someone is willing to put up with her hotheaded son. 
Eren’s always using your fucking chapstick. Always. You know he has his own, so why he needs to use yours is beyond you. Finds time to make some dumbass comment about how it’s an “indirect kiss” every time he uses it too. Like bro, we’re dating, and have had many direct kisses why are you like this.
He posts on Instagram every few weeks or so, but you’re on his story every few days. Usually, it’s just a video of you minding your business and doing your work while Eren slowly zooms in before making some loud noise to surprise you, all so he can get your reaction on video and laugh at it. He’s annoying. 
He’s a bit of a copycat when it comes to the products you use. He’ll buy the same brand of pens as you (for that matter, all of his school supplies mirror yours because what does he know about the difference between A4 and A5 notebooks?), put a little hand sanitizer on his backpack like yours (and a lotion, too, for good measure), he even copies your Starbucks order until he finds one he likes for himself. It’s one of his love languages <3
If you’re wondering where your eyelash curler went, Eren stole it to try it on himself, hurt himself, vowed to never use it again, went back because he wanted to “do it right and not give up,” liked the results when he didn’t pinch his eyelid, and now it’s his. 
That being said, stop trying to put your Fenty lipgloss on him, it’s never going to happen. Eye makeup, maybe, only if you sit in his lap and he can have his hands on your ass while you do it. 
What he does love is letting you do his skincare. He will set aside dedicated skincare nights, he adores it. Easily one of his favorite things ever. 
You have his wallet. Not because he’s your sugar daddy or anything (although, if you want something, he’d definitely let you use his card to get it; and even if you bought something without asking, he wouldn’t think twice about it), but because he put it in your bag once and never took it out. 
When you tried to give it back, he just shook his head and told you to keep it, “I have my ID in my phone case anyway, and you’re less likely to lose it. Plus I put all my cards on Apple Pay, so I’m good.”
When you do make it to a game of his, he’s all over you when it’s over. Not in a cocky athlete boyfriend kind of way; in a very sleepy boyfriend kind of way. He’s usually got ice on at least one part of his body, and he’s got half his body weight on you as you walk to the car. 
By the time you guys get back to your place, he’s practically sleep walking. The only thing on his mind is taking a hot shower to soothe his muscles, and heading to bed. The aftermath of game days aren’t all that bad though, because even if you didn’t show, you’re always there to kiss him when he’s home and massage his shoulders, and cuddle him to sleep; and that’s his favorite part. 
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mystic-sky · 4 years
This is just a request, but do you think you can write something short about gojo meeting his s/o who is a poc and how he’d react to her curly hair 🥺👉🏾👈🏾 the fandom is still pretty new so there’s not a lot of poc drabbles out there if any at all.
Here you go bby, I hope you enjoy 💕✨
Summary: An AU where you’re a sorcerest whose stationed in Japan due to the National Sorcerer Exchange Program I just made up lol. Even though it’s your first encounter Satoru is a big flirt, as usual✨💘
Word count: 1.7k
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It was annoying, being one of the few special grade sorcerers based in Tokyo. Satoru Gojo often wished he could duplicate himself at least three or four times, just to reduce some of the workload stress he had. The older he got, the more he wished he wasn’t the strongest- and that’s a pretty surprising statement on his end.
He felt he couldn’t catch a break. Between special grade work, his students and now looking after Yuji Itadori, who hysterically swallowed a special grade object, he had a lot on his plate.
It was hardly a burden for him. He only wished he could be in multiple places at once. This way, he could make sure the higher ups wouldn’t mess with his students, who meant so much to him.
In sight of the increased special grade activity in Japan and several other countries, the first ever Sorcerer Exchange program was implemented by higher ups across the world. It would ensure that special and first grade sorcerers were evenly spread out and or placed in regions that needed special attention. Satoru wasn’t particularly fond of anything the higher ups did, but this idea wasn’t so bad.
“A government funded, international sorcerer exchange program,” Yaga informs Satoru, who sits across from him, idly drinking his tea.
“And how does this work exactly?” Satoru raises a brow at Yaga before dropping cubes of sugar into his cup, stirring loudly.
“For 6 month spans, high level sorcerers who applied to the exchange will be stationed in different countries to regulate curse activity.”
“Sounds like it pays more. Nanamin might like that.”
“It does, depending on your skill level.” Yaga sits back in his seat. “We’ve already received a few sorcerers from America, Africa, China, Russia-”
“All special grade?” Satoru interjects.
“Currently the exchange program only allows special and first grade sorcerers. Considering the high levels of cursed energy around the world this year, it would be best if we avoided any casualties by placing inexperienced sorcerers in the wrong places.”
“That reminds me. You’re prohibited from participating, considering we’re a red area. Until cursed activity improves here you won’t be allowed to participate.”
“Aww c’mon, you guys suck.” Satoru cocks his head back, sighing loudly.
He already traveled a lot for special grade missions but never for more than a few days. Now there was a whole six-month program and he wasn’t allowed to participate in it? Then again, he couldn’t leave Yuji here with the possibility of the higher ups trying to hurt him again. He promised himself he would protect all of his students.
“There are several meetings I must attend tomorrow and I’d like for you to be there. Don’t be late.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that all you wanted to talk about?” Satoru is already up and gripping the handle on the office door.
“I��ve also decided to assign a co-teacher to your first years, for your shorter stationed trips every now and then. She’s an extremely talented special grade from the exchange program. So you needn’t worry of a repeat of the detention center incident with Yuji.”
He had already swung the door open, towering above your body in the door frame. Your nose is barely touching his jacket, and hand almost touching his chest as you were attempting to knock. You take a step back, a bit startled.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I tried to knock,” you say, looking up at the blindfolded man in front of you. “I’m looking for Masamichi Yaga?”
Satoru is startled by your flawless Japanese, considering you’re clearly not of Japanese descent. He took note of your tan skin and big, curly hair that was pinned back in certain spots to display your face.
What a cutie.
“No, I’m Satoru Gojo. Principal Yaga’s the one sitting behind me.” He’s not entirely surprised by your appearance, considering he’s traveled all over the world to fight curses. “And you are?”
You almost think he’s flirting, considering how smooth the question was. Also, you’re now recognizing who he is, cheeks reddening a bit.
“I’m (Full Name). You’re the special grade I’m going to be subbing with for the first years! I’ve heard great things!” You politely bow a bit.
“I know.” His grin large and cocky as he steps out the way, allowing you to walk in. “No need to be so formal though.”
You’re slightly put off by his attitude, but principal Yaga interjects quickly.
“(Last Name), come in. I’ve been awaiting your arrival. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Yaga is on his feet now, bowing towards you.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I’m excited to work with you all.” You say as he motions you to sit and have some tea.
Satoru has found a reason to stay in the room, plopping down beside you and taking up his tea he had previously abandoned.
“Thanks for sending Ichiji to the airport to help with my belongings. I brought so much stuff, I hope it wasn’t too much for him.” You brain flashes back to Ichiji struggling to hold all of your luggage outside the baggage claim.
“Pffft, feel free to call on him whenever you want. That’s what he’s here for.” Satoru assures you, flashing you a toothy grin. You get the feeling that he probably made Ichiji’s job a living hell.
“I must say, Ms. (Last Name), your Japanese is remarkable. How did you become so fluent?” Yaga asks, filling your cup.
“I’m flattered. I taught myself what I could before attending (insert random ass college name in Japan) University. I’ve always admired Japanese culture so I studied it pretty hard. I can also speak (Native language, if you have one) and (two other languages of your choosing).”
“Wow, your Japanese is better than most locals.” Satoru chuckled. “And you’re pretty too. Lucky me.”
You shifted in place on the sofa. The most powerful sorcerer known to man was sitting beside you and he was complimenting you.
“Thank you,” you say loosely, picking up your teacup.
“Ahem,” Yaga interrupts, earning a tiny snort from Satoru.
“He hates it when I flirt.” Satoru whispers as he leans over towards you. Your face feels a bit hot, and you decide it’s from the steam of the tea in your face and not the handsome man leaning a bit too close to you. You set the cup down after the lightest sip.
“I hate to get down to business so soon Ms. (Last Name), but I’d like for you to get settled in as soon as possible. I’ve mapped out a few assignments for you this week. This is your first.” He slides the first report across the table.
“There have been several reports of abnormal cursed energy in Shinjuku City. It’s likely a special grade. I’d like for you to get to the bottom of it. It shouldn’t be a problem, considering your level of expertise. I’ve forwarded the documents to you as well.” The glint in his glasses makes you chuckle a bit. You flip through the report briefly.
“I skimmed this one on the flight. Whatever it is,” you begin, taking out your phone, “seems to be luring children. This corresponds with the rise in missing childrens’ cases I read about in Shinjuku.”
You place the article on your phone down on the table for principal Yaga to read. You liked to do your own research on locals news to see if curses had any sort of correspondence with a certain area’s events.
“You think a curse is kidnapping children?” Satoru suggests.
“It’s just a hunch. It’s nothing I haven’t encountered before.” You bite the nail on your thumb, realizing the inevitable.
“Unfortunately, if I’m correct, those children most likely aren’t alive.”
You stand up, firmly.
“I trust you’ll take care of it then,” Yaga hands your device towards you.
“Most definitely,” you look at your watch. “And I’ll be done before dinner.”
You offer the principal a smile before you slip on your trench coat, eager to take on your first mission.
“By all means, it can wait until the morning after you’ve rested.” Yaga persists.
“Nope! Not when children are potentially involved. I can’t risk it.” You straighten your clothes, and bow once more. “I’ll report back soon.”
“(Name) doesn’t let jet lag stop her from doing her job. What an admirable woman.” Satoru cooed.
“Well, Gojo-san, it was a pleasure meeting you.” You begin to wave but Satoru is on his feet, and right behind you, making you stumble back again.
“Oh no, I’m coming with you.” He grins. “I’ve gotta see what the most powerful special grade sorceress is capable of in person.”
While you had heard of your own nickname before, you hated when people called you that. You tried your best to be humble about it. There’s always new ways to improve your cursed technique, even if you don’t know how yet.
“So you do know who I am,” you shifted your stance, hands on your hips.
“I’ve heard a few things,” he says slyly. “But I’d like to see them first hand.”
“Hmph, alright then. I suppose you can show me around Shinjuku. It’s been a while since I’ve been there.” You flip your hair, making your way towards the door.
“And it’s your lucky day, I feel like showing off.” You say, peaking over your shoulder.
“Great, it’s a date.”
You stop dead in your tracks, just two steps out of Yaga’s office.
“Even after four years of university in Japan? I said, it’s a date.”
The door shuts behind him, and his grin is even more smug.
The audacity.
“You’re not going on a date with me unless you ask me properly.” You roll your eyes, swaying down the steps. So this was Satoru Gojo.
“C’mon sweetheart, we’d be iconic as hell— the strongest man and the strongest woman? We’d be unstoppable.”
“I don’t even know what you look like underneath that thing.” You say, motioning towards his blindfold.
Oh , but you lied. You’d seen his Instagram.
He was a selfie fanatic. That and a cake fiend.
“Wanna see right now? Will it change your mind?” His voice low and steady behind you.
“I’ve got a curse to excorcise.” You roll your eyes, speeding up ahead of him. It didn’t help much considering his legs were so long.
“You know you wanna,” he bends down, voice deep in your ear.
“I’m not listening~
You’re far ahead of him now, attempting to hide the heat on your face and hearing deep chuckles echo behind you.
“Ah, this is going to be the best six months ever!” He laughs heartily.
A small smile crept on your lips.
Maybe it would be.
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mermaidxatxheart · 3 years
Better Together Chapter 5
Here's the next chapter. I hope you like it. Comments are always welcome. If you'd like to be added to my tag list, send me an ask. My works are not to be posted anywhere.
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: violence, panic, swearing probably.
Chapter 4
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Chapter Five
Leaves whip across your face, scratching the bruised skin of your cheek.
Dirt shifts under your feet.
Your fingers slip on Poe’s shirt and you struggle to regain your grasp.
Panting echoes in your ear, mirroring your erratic, pounding heartbeat.
Roots seem to stretch out of the ground, determined to trip you.
You can’t see more than a foot in front of you.
You stumble, crashing to your knees.
Poe’s grunt is muted, soft, as he lands next to you. Your entire torso feels like it’s on fire.
You want to stay down, to just give up.
But you can’t.
Not yet.
The river is ahead of you. You can hear it.
You start again, ignoring the burning in your muscles.
The trip back is impossible. Too long. Too far. Your urgency makes you clumsy. Your injuries make you weak.
Blaster fire snaps and crackles over your head and you yelp, ducking out of reflex. Poe shoots over your shoulder and you hear the grunt as one of your pursuers goes down.
You have to outsmart them, lose them before they can follow you to your ship. Everything will have been for nothing if that happens.
It takes more time than you can afford, but finally you can board. You guide Poe to the built in sofa and run to the cockpit, getting ready for take off.
Your hands are shaking.
You can’t breathe.
Your vision is doubling.
It’s blurry.
You smash the buttons, definitely not being careful. The engine rumbles after too long of being dormant. You push the throttle to full blast, not caring if you burned down the entire forest.
Fuck this planet.
You plot a random course, jumping to hyperspace the second you can. You run back to Poe, grabbing the cart of medical supplies. You don’t care about your own wounds, only focused on him.
“They probably,” he starts and you nod, jabbing him with a bacta shot.
“I know. I’m taking precautions.” You mutter, avoiding his face. You can’t look at him. Not now. Not after everything.
“Hey, do you think,” he starts and you clench your jaw together as you wrap his bleeding leg as best you can. “Do you think Leia is sobbing uncontrollably right now because she misses me so much?” He asks, hissing quietly.
“Yes.” You reply, tying it tight.
“It’s worse than I feared.” He continues and you push yourself up, heading back for the cockpit, not waiting to hear what’s worse.
You take your natural seat, the co-pilot’s chair and take the wheel. Your hands are scraped and bloody from falling, among who knows what else. The secret stitches all over your body pull uncomfortably, you’ve probably ripped them open. They were crude to begin with.
You can’t just sit here. You have to look for tracking beacons. You force yourself to stand and head back through the cabin, avoiding Poe, even though you can feel his dark eyes on you.
You don’t blame him for hating you. He’s in this mess because of you.
You search the entire ship, maintaining your isolation until you drop out of hyperspace. There’s no tracker inside. There’s a decent chance that the ship was never found in the first place. But you have to be sure.
You head back to the cabin and guide the ship to an asteroid, landing on the dark side. You don’t notice the bloody hand prints you’ve left everywhere, mind too wild and overwhelmed with panic.
“Y/N.” Poe starts and you ignore him, grabbing the oxygen mask and lowering the ramp. It’s cold outside the ship, cold enough to turn your fingers blue.
Good. Maybe they’ll freeze and fall off, and then you can’t hurt anyone else.
You climb all over the outside of the ship, checking in absolutely every little space that could hide something like that, but there’s nothing.
Hesitation eats at you.
You take a minute outside, hiding like a fucking coward, before going back in and starting the engines once more.
“Find anything?” Poe asks from behind you. You jump, smacking your hand on the hyper speed lever as you try to turn.
“Damn it.” You curse quietly, holding your throbbing hand to your midsection. “Go lay down. I’ve got this.” You tell him, turning back around, trying to get your heart to calm the hell down.
“Y/N,” he starts, but you can’t take the look in his eyes, the ones filled with regret.
“Go. I didn’t find anything.” You say shortly and he eases himself into the pilot’s chair-his seat.
He looks over the console, reading all the flashing lights as easily as a second language. “But you’re still light speed skipping?” He frowns, turning to look at you.
You don’t try to make him understand. How can you? Your last gut instinct turned out so bad, he can’t possibly trust you again.
“Safety precaution.” You mumble, flipping some more switches.
He studies you for a minute, the silence dragging on and you want to scream at him to stop, to go away. But you don’t. And the silence drags on.
“Alright.” He says finally. “But you’ll need my help.” He finishes and you squeeze your eyes shut before nodding. You start the flight sequence, your broken heart doing little twists in your chest. You don’t know if this is going to work, or if there’s even a need for it. But you’ve committed now, you have to follow through.
The ship lifts and you hover before punching it to hyperspace. Radar is still clear as you course correct around crazy land masses. Spires of solid rock shoot straight into the sky as you maneuver. Poe’s grip is tight on the wheel, he’s nervous. He doesn’t trust you.
And just as well.
But the realization still hurts. Your best friend has lost all faith in you.
You flip the next switch, lining up the next location and Poe initiates, sending you back into the seat with a painful grunt. He glances at you, but you won’t show weakness, not when he was nothing but strong for you. You can hide this.
Water reflects a brilliantly lit sky, two suns reflect off a glittering lake, almost blinding you as you rocket towards the tree line in the distance. Radar is still clear.
Again, another planet where you’re steering for your life, praying to the Maker that you don’t crash.
Another, and then just one more.
Poe is silent through the whole thing. Realizing you were wrong, you were never being followed, you cheeks heat with shame as you plot the course for home.
“Go clean your hands, I’ve got it from here.” He says finally.
Carefully, painfully, you peel your hands off. The skin, sticky with blood and cuts adheres to the wheel, pinching and pulling as you lift them. Fresh blood rushes to the surface and you hurry from the cockpit to the refresher.
You turn on the water and scrub your hands, removing more skin than you’re cleaning, doing just as much harm as good. Your reflection taunts you in the mirror, staring at you, blaming you. Wildly, you fling it open, exposing the cabinet behind with all of Poe’s things; medicine, shaving supplies. The tightness grows in your throat and you drop your gaze, scrubbing harder, as if that could make everything go away.
Your nose burns and your eyes blur and you sniffle. Maker, you’re fucking crying while Poe is in there, flying the entire ship by himself while he’s injured and you’re in here, crying like a little fucking girl because you feel guilty.
The ship drops out of hyperspace and you crash back into the wall, head smacking the corner of the shower stall. Pain flares down your neck as you struggle to regain your balance.
Poe’s voice comes on the speaker. “Sorry about that. Had to drop out early. Making our descent now.” He tells you.
“Do…” you cut off, your voice rough, and so fucking weak. “D-do you need help?” You manage and the silence drags on.
“No.” Comes the short reply.
You want to wail, to cry. To tell him how fucking sorry you are! You’re sorry for the kiss, and for getting him caught— but he won’t wanna hear your pathetic excuses and bumbling.
You slide to the floor, knees pressed tight against your chest as you try to breathe, try to steady yourself. The tight space helps, and acts as a compression unit. But it’s not enough. Not after everything you’ve done.
You can feel when the ship makes landfall and panic rises in your chest, sheer, blinding panic. The engines cut off and you hope Poe walks right off the ship to get looked at. Your ribs ache with the effort of holding everything in, of being silent.
And then a short knock on the door jolts you. “We’re here, Y/N. We’re home. Open the door.” He says, there’s something strange in his voice and for a moment your heart stutters in your chest. How sure are you that what you brought with you is actually your Poe? Does the First Order have capabilities on this level?
“You go ahead. I’ll b-be out in a minute.” You call and he sighs.
“Open the door.” He repeats.
“Poe, I-... I just need a minute. Please? Go get yourself taken care of.” You plead.
“You have to get looked at, too.” He reminds you.
“I know. I will.” You promise. Just not anywhere he can see you. There’s an uncomfortable moment of silence before you hear him turn and limp away.
You can hear him speaking at the bottom of the ramp, but then there’s a commotion and he’s shouting. Your name is mixed in and you scramble back from the door, already trapped, nowhere to go. Poe’s shouting gets louder, more frantic and tears finally escape as you shove yourself into the shower, twisting to hide. Clearly, this isn’t the resistance you left, the First Order got here before you, tricked Poe into landing. Now they’re going to finish what they started.
The door to the stall is pushed back, revealing a face you thought you recognized, but maybe your mind is playing tricks on you again. Blood loss is making you disoriented.
“Hey, Y/N, glad you’re back.” They say with a smile that seems to warp into something wicked. “Got something for ya, gonna make you feel real good.” He says, already reaching for you.
“No! Don’t touch me! Don’t touch m—“ you thrust your arm out to fend him off, but he jabs a huge needle into the crook of your elbow and you cry out as it pinches. “No,” you croak, already feeling weaker. Your knees no longer support you and you slump, falling right into their open arms.
“Get a table.” He barks over your head and you try to struggle. “Sh, sh, sh. It’s okay. You’re home now.” He promises, scooping you up and setting you gently on a flat surface. Foggy memories try to claw through the sedative, trying to warn you.
You try to roll off the table, you need to escape, you need to make sure Poe is safe. This is all your fault.
“Whoa, whoa. Easy, Y/N.” He says, catching your wrists and securing them to the table. You try to scream, looking around frantically. Faces are blurry, dissolving as the sedative claims you. You can hear Poe shouting your name as he tries to reach you. People are holding him back, stopping him from taking your hand.
“Give her another dose, she’s fighting it.” The man above you says. The last thing you see before everything goes dark is Poe, fighting to get to you.
The hike to their base is long. It takes about half a day for them to march you back there. Made worse by the fact that your arms are bound so tightly behind your back that you’re losing feeling.
Poe keeps looking at you to make sure you’re okay, but other than that, he won’t talk to you. You want to tell him you’re sorry for getting him caught, for kissing him and distracting him. And the way he won’t talk to you, the way he keeps cutting off your sentences tells you that he blames you, too.
The troopers are content to watch you trip and fall, laughing as they drag you to your feet again. Sometimes they’ll even purposely trip you just to watch you struggle.
One time in particular, if you had just fallen where their boot caught your ankle, you would have been fine. But you try to right yourself, stumbling forward awkwardly for a few steps before falling and bouncing your head off a rock. Your name manages to hiss through Poe’s clenched jaw, but other than that, nothing. You’re hauled unceremoniously to your feet and shoved forward, but you can feel blood trickling down your face.
They finally lead you into their base, sore and bruised, dragging you through the sterile halls until shoving you both into a room.
It’s a dark room, red lights dotting the walls sporadically. In the middle, two upright restraining tables facing each other.
Just like in your dream.
Chapter 6
Everything Tag List
@everythingisoverrated @psyched2b @shreddedparchment @bitsandbobsandstuff @after-avenging-hours @alexblrus @thinkingsofamadwoman @i-dont-want-to-be-called @thefridgeismybestie @fortheloveofallthatsholy @crazychaotic @pleasureoftheguiltiestvariety @redstarstan @justreadingfics @themistsofmyavalon @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @wkemeup @thiccbinch @glide-thru @elliee1497 @ellaenchanted91 @part-time-patronus @janeyboo @scarlettwitcher @thirstybitchqueen @stuckonjbbarnes @barnesandco @geeksareunique @nicoleplacee @lexshead @gambitsqueen @lokisironthrone @imanuglywombat @also-fangirlinsweden @ravenesque @murdermornings @countryrockmama @starbuckie @kato-ptris @mandos-crest
Star Wars Tag List
@bookishofalder @doctor-warthrop @acrossthesestars
111 notes · View notes
eltanin-malfoy · 3 years
The Portend (His Royal Highness II)
word count: 6.7k
warning(s): cursing, anxiety
a/n: hi all! i just wanted to say that i know this chapter’s length is SO different from the first one’s but that’s because that one is, again, 2 years old and was written all at once. the other chapters will also be fairly long from here on out. i hope you enjoy this one!
taglist: @drawlfoy @war-sword @lilyreachelcassidy @socontagiousimagines @andreasworlsboring101 [@kaibie @regalillegal @mayorofzillyhoo, i know you all wanted to be tagged in the full-length HRH and this is pretty much it ig. please let me know if you’re still interested and want me to add you to the permanent tag list for this series]
reply to this post or send me an ask/dm if you want to be added to the tag list for the series or for all of my fics!
HRH - Table Of Contents
Y/N placed her palms flat on her desk as if doing so would bring any sort of change to the absolute hurricane that had begun its wrath within her stomach. She tried to imagine she was somewhere else for a second. Why would any rational human being do this to someone? That too to someone with as much responsibility as she had. Oh, right… she’d forgotten. Prince Draco was far from rational. Far from being a human being, even.
She looked down at the paper trays with guest lists upon guest lists kept before her, shifted them to the side and planted her face on the wood. That’s better , she thought. Now no one else can see how fucking ridiculous I feel right now! She tried to think about what the hell she’d done to him to make him act so horribly towards her. What could she have possibly done in a past life that would have resulted in her having to face such a… conundrum? She’d thought it was hard enough having to bargain with the King and Queen over how much detail could possibly be squeezed into cake decorations but had no idea a situation even more stressful could and would arise.
How could she let herself get so weak? How could she not bring herself to be assertive? She could have just said no, right? It wasn’t that hard. He hadn’t been nice at all. She took a deep, deep breath, trying desperately to calm her brain. It had begun to run from thought to thought, imagining every possible scenario that could go wrong. She had so much work left to complete on her own, and god knew how much attention and criticism she might face at and after the ball.
And the way she’d freaked out in front of Draco as well! She was sure he must’ve been at least a little put off by how strongly and emotionally she’d reacted so quickly. God, not that that should matter that much but… if they were supposed to work together for a highly publicised ordeal, they had to get along, right? Right? She hadn’t meant to do that. It’s just that he’d already shocked her a bit by slipping into her office so unexpectedly. And then he’d gone on and rushed to… that . Not to excuse what he did but perhaps she should’ve realised she didn’t need to panic so much over it either. She knew she was having a hard time with her anxiety…
Nevertheless, she brought her hands to the edge of the table closer to her and pushed herself up. She looked forwards, turning slightly to face the window she was looking out before everything turned to shit. The scenery was still gorgeous, albeit not that comforting anymore but looking out at the wide expanse of a beautiful garden would bring just about anyone some tranquillity. She had been thinking about how lovely the weather was today, how nice it would be to go for a walk after she’d finished up with her work. Maybe she could even head downtown for once and meet some old friends. But no, no one was happy just giving her a single moment of peace. Even fate was bent upon just giving her as much to stress about as was possible.
She looked down at the paper trays she’d just abandoned. Administrative work could distract her a bit, couldn’t it? All she had to do was send RSVP reminders and reach out to the guests and performers coming in from out of town about their travel and accommodation details. As well as request the performers for the outlines of their performances and send them contracts saying they’d stick by the approved setups. They couldn’t have a repeat of last year’s embarrassing The Hobgoblins’ performance. To be very brief, it had gone sexual. (The King and Queen’s expressions during it were still popular reaction gifs) She picked out one of the lists and opened up her laptop, finally beginning the work she’d been putting off all morning. It seemed so much easier and more comforting now that she had the much more disturbing dilemma on hand. She corroborated the list in front of her, adding ticks and crosses to the list to mark invitees as having confirmed or not. She then compiled their contact details and created a template for emails to send to those that had yet to confirm their attendance and travel itineraries. After this, she did the same with the list of performers, making sure to add enough information to their emails regarding the outlines they should send back.
And there… most of her work was done already, wasn’t it? Now all she had to do was proofread these, make sure all of the addressees were receiving the appropriate emails and well, press send. It shouldn’t take too long and then she could… She could get back to stressing about the problem fucking Draco had landed her in, goddammit! She was right back there again, her stomach beginning to swirl dangerously. She tried to take in a few deep breaths, forcing herself to get back to work. It wasn’t that hard. It wasn’t that hard!
Never mind, she couldn’t deal with it right now. She… Well, she needed a break. Or maybe she just needed to leave work early today. It was fair game after what the hell Draco had just unloaded on her. It was time she gave her intern some actual responsibility anyway. He was a sweet little fellow, straight out of university. Had his head in the right place but wasn’t particularly good with all the practical work yet. She’d assigned him some random organisational task she knew wouldn’t take her more than a minute and wasn’t going to bother checking because she thought it was simply too easy. Hopefully, he’d been able to do it to her standards.
She sat back in her chair and raised her hands up to her head, stretching out her fingers and breathing in and out deeply through her mouth. She was going to do this. She was really going to handle this (easier) bit of the work off to the intern and he was going to do it just fine. Just fine. Maybe she might have to assist him with it a little bit but it was going to work. It would work. Yes, it would. She shook her head to try and shake off some of her anxiety and stood up, closing her laptop’s screen and picking up the tray of guest lists. She walked out of her office and into the large room outside of it, which had a small group of cubicles placed in the middle.
While the rest looked rapt in their work (an exaggeration, to be sure, a lot of them were chatting with their co-workers and eating snacks), she noted her dear intern was just sitting idle which both made her feel hopeful and worried. He was sitting with his laptop closed, one hand tapping on the table’s surface, the other holding his phone.
“Hi, Colin!” Y/N said and he jerked forwards in surprise, dropping his phone to the floor. “Oh… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”. Colin shook his head as he picked it up and looked it over, “It’s no problem, miss… My phone is just fine. Are you alright? I know the prince was just in your office, he came to ask me where it was first! I was so excited and I asked him for a picture but he said he was in a rush! I can’t believe I’ve managed to have a conversation with one of the royals already!” Hmm… “have a conversation” was probably a stretch but… she chose to ignore that. The boy was definitely an optimist and she couldn’t fault him for that.
“That’s lovely, Colin. I’m sure you’ll get to talk to him and the others again. I had some work for you if you’re up to it.”
“Yes, of course! Does it have anything to do with the prin-”
“Let’s calm down there, Colin. I trust you’ve completed what I assigned you earlier?”
“... Oh, yes I have!”
“That’s great.”
She set the paper tray on the side of his desk and he looked at it for a few seconds before looking up at her again.
“So… what do I have to do?”
Y/N gulped and laid out the lists for him, beginning to explain to him the meanings of the markings she’d made and the emails he had to look through and send off.
Beep, beep.
Y/N kept her phone pressed between her shoulder and her ear as she walked around her apartment. She was holding a large iced vanilla latte in one hand and her purse in the other. She knew she needed to set something down but felt too jittery to do anything but pace around with her stuff. It was probably partly inspired by the amount of caffeine she’d drank that day but hey, that didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Today was also a terribly tense day, wasn’t it?
Beep, beep.
She took a nice long sip of her latte, relishing in how nice and cold it was. She had the air conditioner on and had taken off her blazer but it still felt like she was this close to overheating. This sudden heatwave throughout the country was absolutely unwelcome as far as she was concerned.
Now if only Pansy’d pick up so she could get some clarity on the situation. Suddenly the dial tone ended and she heard the crackling of breathing through the speaker.
“Hello, Y/N?”
She smiled and finally set her purse down.
“Hi, Pansy! It’s so nice to finally hear your voice. Are you free to talk?”
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting, I was just sending off this email but now I’m free for a bit, yes. And Jesus, Y/N, is something… up?”
“Oh, nothing… it’s just… the prince really got me gobsmacked today.”
She hears her gasp over the phone.
“Oh my, the prince?! Well then… I certainly wasn’t expecting that. Although, I suppose… it’s not so far off for the prince to bother you when you’re working at the palace...”
“Pansy… that’s beside the point.”
“Yeah, okay, so… what happened? You have to tell me now.”
“I will but you need to promise me you won’t get mad or jealous of me or anything. I didn’t choose to be a part of it.”
“Of course I won’t be mad. Why would I be?”
“Well, you know, your history and… how you were off your trolley about him as a teenager?”
“Oh, bugger off, babe. That’s not even true anyway.”
“Oh, really? I can vaguely recall someone crying and taking care of him for weeks after he was attacked by that bird he harassed in the first place.”
“I was just… overemotional.”
“So what, okay? So what if I liked him for a while? There’s nothing there anymore. Even waking up to him the next day after the… you know what between us, I was just repulsed. And you thought he was fit too! So. And I feel like I only just liked him because I thought my parents would be happy with us together.”
“That’s… fair. But yes, you’re right, I’ll get back to my story then.”
“Yes, please.”
Y/N started to unbutton the collar of her shirt, beginning to feel hot again. She took another sip of her latte.
“Well, basically, I was just sitting in my office, you know, minding my own business, when Mr Royalty just busts in and starts talking to me.”
“Oh, dear.”
“Yeah, I know right? Anyway, he got straight to it and asked me to be his date to the coronation ball.”
“Holy shit! That’s… never mind, but you said no, right?”
“Well… at first, yes. But then...”
“You what? That’s so unlike you, Y/N, come on…”
“I know, okay… I shouldn’t have. I just started to feel bad for him and I... Should I get out of it? I’m thinking I will. It’ll be stressful, won’t it? I just… I don’t know what to do about it, okay? I’m lost. Help me.”
Pansy fell silent for a second and Y/N undid the whole of her button-down, setting her drink down onto a table as she headed into her bedroom to look for a lighter change of clothes.
“You know the first thing I’m going to tell you is you owe him nothing. I know you felt bad for him but he really shouldn’t have asked you that with no context or anything. He was the one in the wrong here for sure. It’s sweet of you to accept his offer but you don’t have to keep up on it if it’s really stressing you out so much. Also, the fact that you accepted such a spontaneous offer makes me a little sceptical of the power play there...”
“You’re right. Also, I think it definitely wasn’t nice of him but he wasn't mean about it or anything. He was definitely adamant but eh....”
She set her phone onto her bed and turned it to speakerphone, opening her wardrobe and taking out a t-shirt and some shorts.
“At the same time… when we look at the positives, they are fairly significant. You’ll likely have to give in… not that many hours in exchange for a pretty fun night. You know the service at royal events is amazing and if you’re literally the date of the guy the event is being thrown for, the King being crowned that night… I’m going to guess you’ll get so much from that. You’ll obviously get some… fame and have to pack on some PDA there and what not but that means free stuff, great clothes, who even knows what else. You’d just have to work extra hard for that time and balance the work, but I thought you said you were done with a lot of the stuff already.”
“That is … true.”
“But you’re not happy with that, are you?”
“You don’t have to say it like that. It’s just… actually I don’t have a counterargument for that. The perks do sound pretty good.”
“Right? But you know, there might be criticism or hate or something you might get.”
“Well… I’ll also get paid to advertise things after that, won’t I? And free things and VIP invites to places I wouldn’t even have been able to enter before.”
“Well, yes, but… maybe that’s something of an exaggeration, you know. Not every brand or group or whatever is that fixated on how much publicity they can get.”
“... I mean, aren’t they?”
“Okay, yes, they are. I think you should do this.” Y/N laughed as she took off her skirt. She sat down on her bed in her underwear, lying down so her head was near her phone.
“This was a very helpful call. Thank you.”
“I do agree, I think I was a huge help.”
“I concur. Again.”
“Thank you! Now, can I request an invitation to the ball as well?”
She giggled and sat up, crossing her arms. “Of course I’ll get you an invite, Pans!”
“Great. I was expecting that. I’m not missing you floundering around, having a… Cinderella moment for the world.”
“A Cinderella moment?”
“You know, getting a chance to dress up like a princess for a night? It’s weirdly literal too, it’s just for the night and then you go back to being normal again. Unless… the prince charming decides…”
“Shush up!” Y/N felt her face beginning to heat up. Not for the second time in one day… She sighed. And… partly because of the same person too.
“I’m sorry, darling. I hope I didn’t say too much there. You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah of course. It’s just a problem I’m starting to recognise with me. I keep getting more aggressive and emotionally charged than I mean to be.”
“I get that… you could try meditation, you know. Or you could join my yoga class, it’s pretty relaxing. The teacher has a nice butt too.”
Her evening was fairly relaxed after that. The call with Pansy had seemed to fix the problem. Well, not exactly “fix”, more like change the way she looked at the issue so it felt all the lighter. And it worked pretty much the same. She began to feel so much better about the decision she’d made. After all, even if it was destiny or whatever, she’d been chosen for a reason, right? She’d managed to get Draco’s number off of Pansy. (“ It’s from… way back when so forgive me if he changed his number to get me off his back or some shit. ”) And… on a caffeine high, she had decided to text him almost right away.
Hi, your royal highness!
It only took a few hours but soon she was privy to:
Where did you get this number?
Got it from a friend. It’s Y/N btw :) should’ve said that before.
Oh, right! That makes sense. How’re you doing?
I’m alright, thanks. What about you?
I’m okay.
Listen, I was thinking about what happened today.
And now I’m wondering if we could meet tomorrow? Morning, if possible? It’s urgent.
Y/N squinted down at this message in confusion. What was this suggesting? Was there something wrong? Was he going to retract his offer? She knew there must be some kind of administrative work they’d have to log but was it really that serious already?
Sure, I’ll be free to meet before 9:30.
That is not what I was thinking of when I said morning :(
What, do you wake up at 4 o’clock or something?
No, I meant that that was too early!
She rolled her eyes. She should have seen that coming. He wasn’t exactly known for being put together. Or spiritual, for that matter.
We can call now if you really want.
No, it’s okay. It’s better we talk about it in person. I should try and wake up earlier anyway.
As you wish.
So I’ll meet you tomorrow then. Let’s say, 9 am sharp?
Perfect. I get dropped to the main drop off point at that time anyway.
Great. See you xx
See ya x
Y/N set her phone on her counter and put it to charge for the night. What the fuck? What was happening? The sleep she’d been looking forward to seemed to have suddenly drifted away. What was she going to have to worry about tomorrow morning?! She shifted under her sheets, turning where she lay to face the other side and look out her bedroom window. It was a clear, clear night. If she looked hard enough, she could probably see the edge of the royal estate. But then again, she really didn’t want to. She turned to the other side and just stared at her closet.
She wasn’t sure when her mind got tired of imagining potential disaster scenarios for the next day but Y/N woke up to the sound of her alarm ringing at 6:45 am. She reached over to her nightstand and turned it off, sitting up in bed and looking out the sun already shining bright in her window. It was barely May but the days had already begun to increase in length.
Since she’d woken up with ample time to complete her routine, she did everything she could to pamper herself, spending almost an hour in the bathroom. She even changed into her nicest formal clothes after, a white pantsuit with dark detailing. She packed her work bag with the essentials, her laptop, her water bottle, her royal admin ID, her wallet, stationery and her phone. She felt very prepared for once. Whatever was coming her way would be taken care of as needed.
She had a comfortable trip from her apartment building to the estate, the state-sanctioned car ride feeling a lot less bumpy than usual. It was still just as clear as it was last night, but the car’s windows were tinted so the sun’s rays felt like they barely even touched it. There was only the slightest hiccup when the driver slammed the brakes too hard all of a sudden and made Y/N’s face hit the seat before hers. OUCH!?
It didn’t take very long for the car to get to the palace, stopping at the main entrance pavilion. She didn’t notice anyone there yet and checked the time. It was still only 8:53 am. She had enough time to walk to the administrative wing, leave her things there and come back with time to spare. She walked through the hallway and towards the next hall which she knew led her to-
“Fuck me!” “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Hi, Y/N.”
She had her hand on her heart, trying to slow down her breathing as she looked at the blonde who had bumped straight into her. He had his hands in front of her to catch her if she fell. Thankfully, she had just missed falling.
“What the hell is it with you and giving me heart attacks?”
"I promise you that wasn’t my intention.”
“Well, I’d sure have hoped it wasn’t.”
She sighed and dropped her hand to her side, looking up at him with an eyebrow raised.
“So, yes. Um. Can we walk or something? I don’t want to be standing here and have someone walk in on us?”
“... Draco, what do you have planned exactly...?”
She looked up at him quizzically and smirked. He managed a small smile but shook his head.
“God, get your mind out of the gutter! I just mean… this is stressful, okay?”
“Well, I’d like to drop my things off at my office if you don’t mind.”
“Alright, I’ll wait for you by the admin wing’s garden exit.”
Y/N had decided to leave her blazer on her chair and all her belongings except for her phone on her desk. Hopefully, Colin was good enough as a guard or she was getting robbed. Either way, she could spot a tall blonde’s head nervously bobbing above the hedge next to the exit. His face was a concerning shade of pink, goodness could only hope he’d put on an adequate amount of sun cream.
“Yes, hi.”
He managed out, looking toward her walking out now.
“Are you okay? You look… red.”
“I’m fine.”
“I mean, are you sunburnt?”
He brought a hand up to touch his cheek.
“No, but that’s a good point. Let’s stand in the shade.”
She stopped where she was and he walked in to meet her. She felt her insides begin to do the jitterbug in anticipation. What could possibly have him so on edge? What was wrong?
“I’m really very sorry about yesterday. I wasn’t exactly thinking very straight when I came to see you. In hindsight, I know it got on your nerves and everything and I should’ve been a lot better at telling you about it.”
“It’s no big deal now, honestly.”
“Okay, but that’s not exactly why I called you. The thing is, there’s going to be a lot of PR work at this ball. I didn’t realise it before but Mother told me she’s arranging a meeting with our publicist for us today. And the publicist is never there just to take the piss. This is serious now. Like, even more than I thought it was.”
“I- what do you-”
“It’ll be very pressing, I would never hold it against you if you decided to pull out.” He stared into her eyes with a pensive expression on his face and Y/N felt whatever response she had been planning just vanish from existence. She pretended to have comprehended everything he said, but could only really think of saying one thing right then… That’s what she said... but that would be inappropriate. He soon got conscious and looked to the side and she felt the cogs in her brain begin to work again.
“The thing is my mother was getting a little impatient with me and telling me it was time for me to tell her who my date for the ball is. My parents have been begging me to find one unless I want to risk an arranged marriage, it’s a long story. So, I told them I’d find a date for myself and that they don’t need to worry. The truth is, I didn’t actually bother to find one and it was starting to get a little late. You know there’s only one month left till... right, you know. So… she came to talk to me about it over lunch and she told me I had to tell her who it was so she could arrange everything for us. I started to think about whom my parents would be okay with me going with and whom I would be okay with and well… you were on top of the list.”
“I’m hoping that’s a compliment.”
“It- it is. I told her your name and she was satisfied with it, I think. And then I was scared she’d come and talk to you immediately so I ran to you first and just asked you about it then. Again, I’m sorry it came out as forcefully as it did. I didn’t mean to… get you stuck in this whole thing.”
He took a deep breath and looked back at her again. Her stomach seemed to begin buzzing as she felt her anxiety grow. This was not going to go as smoothly as she expected, was it? The queen, and most likely the king as well, knew. Although that wasn’t exactly unanticipated, it gave everything a sense of finality. Like, she didn’t have much legroom here at all.
“Anyway, that's what happened. I’m sorry, again.”
He looked at her as if he was waiting for her to yell at him. She wasn’t intending to and just turned to the side, trying to calm her racing heart. She needed to make a decision, didn’t she? And who knows what kind of problems would face her, either way, she decided to go? It seemed like teasing to dangle this lux option in front of her just to draw it away. Draco annoyed her.
Looking at how strangely afraid of her he looked, she couldn’t help but notice how very much he started to look like the Draco she used to know. Little and arrogant and scarily afraid of his parents getting upset with him.
“You’re fine. I… I’m going to need some time.”
“That’s okay. You can take as much time as you need. The problem is, I have no idea when today my mother is going to pull you out for the publicist meeting.”
Y/N huffed slightly and covered her face. So, what was she going to do? What was she going to do?
“I’m in.” She’d set her mind to it, hadn’t she? She’d made a promise to the prince, and his parents knew of it already. She’d already told Pansy she was going for it. Well, all of those things and also the prospect of fulfilling a childhood princess fantasy seemed more enjoyable than anything. There was something so gratifying in that idea, dressing up well and being pampered and showered with affection and just… pretending to be a princess. What could be more fun than that?
“You’re sure?”
The answer was nothing.
Most likely.
“Well, I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”
“So do I.”
It still hadn’t really sunk in yet that she was actually going to do whatever this would entail. Sure, she’d been dreaming about it the day before but it seemed completely different now. Her gut seemed to be calmer now, signifying that perhaps her intuition hadn’t been completely off guiding her in the direction it had.
What’s sad was Y/N was still lost about this after Narcissa had whisked her away into one of the palace’s many giant bedrooms. She was sitting on the bed, still in her work clothes, stressed after having had to explain to Colin how to decide how accommodations would be settled for the guests and the performers coming. She’d been expecting the meeting with the publicist and Draco to happen but she was lost as to what was taking place right now.
Narcissa approached her with a clipboard and a pen. “Now, dear, I just need you to sign these first.” Y/N took both from her and glossed through the texts.
A non-disclosure agreement and an employment contract…
“I’m sorry, your majesty. Do you mind me going through the documents before signing them?”
“Absolutely not, sweetheart. Though do try to rush, we have appointments we need to get to in time.”
“Thank you, ma’am. Honestly, ma’am, I’m not too aware of legal jargon like this. Could I please ask you to explain the purpose of this agreement?”
“Well, when any…”
She seemed to want to say a word but held it back, twisting her tongue around in her mouth as she thought of what to say.
“Person unfamiliar with our ancestry and our policies gets… involved with a member of the family, we have them sign one of these in order to protect our privacy.”
“I see…”
That seemed very… imperialist of them. She began to skim through the document, trying her best to understand it based on what little knowledge of this she had. It all seemed par for the course except for the last clause.
“I’m sorry again, ma’am. The others make sense to me but this one: 11. Covertness, it’s quite vague, the “other actor”…?.”
“To be transparent, the King and I posed the covertness clause as a protective measure. We don’t need Draco learning about this agreement and growing wary of all of us. We’re doing it to protect him more than anything. You are not to revert any of this portion of our meeting to him and he mustn't ever come to know of this agreement or the contract at all.”
The Queen suddenly seemed scarier than she ever had in all the years she’d known her.
“Well, that’s- I’ll have to think about that for a second.”
She started looking through the employment contract. It was similar to the one she currently held, nothing too special, except for the fact that it detailed that she was entitled to a lump sum of £200,000 at the end of the event, assuming she kept up her end of the agreement. She paused for a moment and just stared at that number.
“Is this a misprint by any chance, ma’am?” The Queen leaned over and looked at where she was pointing, then shook her head.
“No, it is not.”
She took a deep breath. That would be much more than enough to have her set for life and for a private event planning business alongside. It would take her 10 years to even come close to earning as much. She continued reading the document. She was supposed to participate in a few publicity stunts, make it clear “she had good intentions” and was supposed to disconnect from the prince entirely after the affair was over. Those terms didn’t sound too harsh, now, did they? A little acting and ghosting for 200 grand? It didn’t sound like much. Even a real big shot actor wouldn’t get paid half as much for such little work. And the part about her leaving the prince alone after was a little strange, but she supposed it made sense, what with the royals’ obsession with keeping their family all blue-blooded. Draco had been the poster child for that kind of thing growing up. And she likely didn’t have an ounce of it in her.
Why were they even that desperate anyway? This seemed huge. It might boost the prince’s reputation a bit but… what else was there to this? She knew the country was not doing the best in terms of international relations but did this really hold that much weight along those terms? Surely, there was something here she was missing. Regardless, 200,000 quid for a little work and a lot of fun was too amazing an offer to turn down. And so, Y/N signed both papers and handed them back to her. Jesus Christ, Draco’s impulsive decision was about to get her rich. Quick. She certainly hadn’t been expecting this.
She handed the clipboard back to the Queen who smiled and took it back quickly, setting the papers into a folder which she kept in a decorative paper bag. Not a bad hiding place at all. She walked outside for a few minutes, before reentering, followed by a squat old lady well-dressed in mauve and a younger woman wearing similar clothes. The Queen ushered towards either of them and began speaking.
“Madam Malkin and assistant, this is miss Y/L/N, the crown prince’s date to the coronation ball, miss Y/L/N, this is Madam Malkin, the family’s official stylist and designer, and her assistant.”
Y/N raised her hand out for her to shake, and she did so, firmly. “It’s so great to meet you, Madam.”
“Pleasure as well, love.”
She retracted her hand, looked over Y/N’s outfit and began whispering to her assistant.
“Well, to be very honest, I feel we don’t have to worry about my wardrobe as much. I know I probably don’t meet the royal standards but… I was planning on buying this really nice dress online anyway. I could show it to you and have you approve it if that would be fine.”
The Queen looked at her vacantly, her eyebrows raised and her nose pinched in the slightest. Then her expression settled and she exchanged a look with Madam Malkin before looking back at Y/N. Madam Malkin maintained an unamused expression, then began to speak.
“ I hope you know we’re not going to let you just wear a dress you bought online to the ball… We’ll tailor one for you. And your other clothes will be picked from contemporary designers ourselves.”
Y/N just looked at her silently, nodding and blinking slowly in assent.
An hour or so of Y/N having to change into various clothes behind a divider and then show them off to the pair of them passed quickly. It was very fun knowing she’d get a bunch of very nice clothes out of this (even custom made underwear so her clothes fit her right over them!), and she thought the royal family was really being very generous with all of this. Lots of money and clothes? There had to be some kind of catch, right? Something that would make this hard to keep up with? What was it? Just the stress of all the work that’d pile up? That didn’t seem like enough. Everything was not going the way she was anticipating. It was going a hell of a lot better. Mostly.
The actual meeting she’d been waiting for all morning was finally occurring. She was seated in a meeting room opposite the Queen and Draco and their publicist. It was weird seeing them like this. It seemed like a strange grown-up parent-teacher conference.
“So, our point is, we need to have you both make it clear to the public that there is a strong relationship between the two of you.”
The redheaded man droned on at the head of the table and Y/N looked over at Draco who glanced at her as well before both turning to look at the man.
“It’s Percy, right? I’m just a little… I’m sorry if I just don’t know my current affairs well enough for this but… why?” Y/N gulped, crossing her arms tightly after asking this question. It was quite bold of her for sure. She could only hope she wasn’t violating anything by asking this. “She’s not wrong.” Draco chimed in, ”You never had to do anything like this, mother.” The Queen smiled but shook her head. “Things just aren’t the same anymore, are they?” She looked over at Percy to continue.
“We now live in a world of social media and tabloids and none of that will work towards the image we need to create.”
Draco seemed to be satisfied with that and just looked at Y/N silently, who could only really do the same at this point. “I’m sorry, again, I… think I’m missing something here. What “image” are we trying to create?”
Percy and the Queen exchanged a long look, where she pursed her lips and shook her head somewhat disapprovingly. She then nodded and he began to speak.
“Miss Y/L/N, to be very frank, the kingdom isn’t doing amazing. In terms of international relations and funding and… most importantly, resources and trading. We’re afraid we’re losing allies and we cannot risk anything. We not only need to increase viewership and publicity of the ceremony and the ball, but we need to raise the reputation of the family and the prince in the public eye. It’s… a trend at King’s coronation balls for royals or other elite families to offer their daughters’ hands in marriage to the crown prince or king. Our prince is bent upon not getting into an arranged marriage and having to reject offers is a lot more publicly disgraceful than you might anticipate. As you might know, the country wasn’t even on speaking terms with one of its neighbours because centuries ago a crown prince rejected an offer for marriage and an alliance with them. We cannot risk having that happen when we’re in as dire straits as we are.”
Y/N could only look up at him with her mouth agape. They were serious. This was why it mattered so much to them. This was why she was being paid to do this. In case they offended an ally or just any other country. Because of the prince’s idealistic desires for romance or whatever it was. Although she couldn’t really fault him for that, his father hadn’t had to do the same and she’d heard the conditions for some of those alliances and the situations they landed themselves in the future were never that positive.
She nodded up at Percy. “I understand. I should probably read a bit more on the news and the family anyway. I tend to avoid it.” Percy barely seemed to notice her response and started to talk about strategies and actions that needed to be taken. The meeting ended with Draco and Y/N agreeing to keep up with their public profiles and maintain a good reputation on them. They were supposed to interact more publicly for the time being while Percy laid out more intricate publicity stunt plans.
As she left the room and started to walk back to her office, thinking about what work she had to do, someone tapped at her shoulder gently. She turned around to see the very same prince that had dragged her into this mess staring down at her.
“Again, I’m sorry.”
Him saying that like this made her feel guilty now.
“It’s- it’s really okay. You don’t have to say that.”
“I feel like I have to. You’re barely getting anything for doing this for us.”
“That’s- that’s not true. I’ll have my fun, won’t I?”
“Well, whatever it is, what I told you yesterday, the offer still stands. I’ll get you anything, I’ll buy you a mansion, whatever you like.”
“Not that I’d ever decline you giving me anything… you really don’t need to. Thank you for the offer, though.”
Y/N bit her lip and smiled up at him, waving him off as he made to leave, pretending like that was really the truth. She watched him as he walked to the other end of the hallway. She was going to have to keep up this lie all the way till the event. It definitely wasn’t going to be easy. She began to clench her jaw, setting a hand on the wall as everything rushed through her head.
This was exactly like Cinderella except she had no evil stepmother or fairy godmother or glass slipper or a prince charming on a quest to find her, just a lump sum, publicised PDA and more acting than she realised. And absolutely no way out of seeing the story through anymore.
a/n: there will be a hell of a lot more draco in the next chapters, stay tuned!
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dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
Perfectly His
Yandere! Pro Hero! Shinsou Hitoshi x Fem! Reader
***18+ Fic***
If you’re not 18, leave.
Warnings: Implied kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, really soft and sensual??, D/S dynamic, use of Sir and Kitty/Kitten, the sex itself is pretty vanilla, a little bit of unhealthy co-dependency maybe?
Also, there’s *looks side to side nervously* hand holding *GASP* like...HAND HOLDING? IN THIS HOUSE? I’ll allow it just this once...maybe...
Word Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: Hey! I’m alive!! So...I had a wierd ass dream, you know the ones that constantly change scenery and make absolutely no sense? Yeah. And in part of said dream I was on the floor, needy as all hell, looking up at someone (I can’t remember the face lmaooo) and my exact words were “Please fuck me, Daddy”. Yeah, I know. How horny can I get right? Not much context, but I know I felt neglected and forgotten and desperate which is where I got the inspo for this :D I woke up horny as all hell and emotionally distraught. 
The whole Yandere concept gets a bit muddled and lost ‘cause reader’s got an extreme case of stockholm, but whatever, if you don’t like it go cry about it idgaf.
This is kind of  a part 2 to Perfectly Fine
 Anywho, Enjoy~
Hitoshi knew two things this very moment. One, you were absolutely perfect for him since the beginning. Two, he had no doubt in his mind he’d trained you well. 
He’d opened the door to a beautiful sight. There you were on the floor, on your knees, hands on your lap and palms up, displaying a fine crafted deep purple leather collar with a little silver bell on the front. And you were in his favorite piece. A lacy lavender set that hugged every curve perfectly, a frame to hold the jewel that is you. Your eyes were half lidded as you looked up at him, lashes nearly flooded and chest heaving with every breath you took. You looked so wrecked, so needy. All for him.
When he first brought you here, brought you home, you were a shy, timid thing. He could still remember the first time you crawled out of that room, searching for the comfort of his warmth. You were so shy, but so bold. You knew how to ask for what you wanted, for what you needed. After that, it wasn’t hard to tame you, since you were never really wild in the first place. And he liked that. 
He didn’t like easy, no, but you weren’t really quite easy either. You were simple, compliant, but he had to earn your trust. You didn’t just blindly follow his lead, but looked before you leapt. You were cautious, but you weren’t a brat about it. He never had to punish you for anything, nor did he ever want to. You’re perfect to him, and have been from the start. And now, look at you, waiting ever so patiently. You hadn’t spoken, barely even moved for the minute he spent staring down at you after he’d closed and locked the door. 
Finally, he moved, only taking a couple long strides before he was mere inches from you and you strained to look straight up at him. His large palm moved to cup the side of your face, and you nuzzled into it, relishing in the small sweet gesture. You missed this. Missed him. He could feel it, see it in the way you moved, the way you closed your eyes and leaned into him without a sound other than your contented sighs. 
“What is it, Kitten? What do you need?” Your body visibly shuddered at the sound of his voice, a little sigh escaping your lips before you let your eyes flutter open and look at him again. He could see the way your pupils dilated when you peered up at him. “Please, Sir. Fuck me.” He felt his cock jump in his pants. Perfect. Just like he’d trained you, tell him what you need, no beating around the bush, no shying away. 
He knelt down in front of you, his hand still caressing your cheek. You were so needy right now, so raw and vulnerable. He realizes why. He’d been so busy with hero work he hadn’t even touched you in over a month. Whenever he managed to get home you seemed to always be asleep even if it were the middle of the day. Now he knows it’s because you’d try to wait for him, hoping he’d come back sooner, finishing all your duties around the house as you did so.
“I’m sorry, Kitten. I’ve neglected you haven’t I.” He didn’t phrase it as a question, he knew he had. But he’d gotten off early tonight, meaning you were up waiting for him and he finally came home early. You nuzzled into his palm with a small nod and a whimper, the tears you’ve held back beginning to fall. Normally you wouldn’t be so emotional when it came to sex. But you weren’t only sexually frustrated, you were emotionally exhausted as well. 
He hadn’t been home to hold you, to cuddle you or kiss you like he used to. He didn’t come up behind you while you were cooking to pepper kisses down your neck and squeeze your waist. You didn’t get to play with his hair when you were on your back, his arms around your waist and head on your chest as you watched some random movie. You hadn’t been able to touch him in so long, and he could tell you needed him now, for more than just sex.
He grabbed the collar and slipped it around your neck, the gentle graze of his fingers on your skin enough to send fire through your veins. As it clasped he leaned in, slotting his lips against yours softly, sweetly. He could feel your lips quivering, the emotions you’ve been feeling all coming out at once. He broke the kiss all too quickly for your liking, but you held yourself still as he stood, then suddenly scooped you up off the floor. You managed to loop your arms around his neck before he started walking, and only a few paces later you were being set down on the bed.
Wordlessly, Hitoshi stripped you naked, tossing the lacy garments away as he eyed your body up and down. His hands trailed up your skin, squeezing and pinching anything he could grasp. You were a gasping, squirming mess, and even though you kept yourself quiet, he knew how much you needed him. He slipped a finger down between your legs and the mess you’d already made there made him groan. You were dripping for him, when he’d barely even touched you. So perfect.
It wasn’t long before he’d stripped as well, kneeling between your legs and sliding his pretty cock between your slick folds. He’s so pretty, all lean muscle and pale skin. You could stare at him all day, drown in his voice and let yourself live in the ecstasy that is Hitoshi Shinsou. 
With little warning or prep he pushes himself into you, his thick head slipping past your tight ring of muscle easily due to your wetness. Even just that feels like heaven, your body shivering at the contact. He leans over and grabs both your hands, pinning them by the side of your head and lacing his fingers through yours, before kissing you deeply as he pushed into you. The moment was so intimate, so close and so euphoric, your cunt fluttered and squeezed around him as you came hard, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as he bottomed out and stilled inside you.
You both had to catch your breath, and he leaned his forehead on yours as he spoke softly. “You’re such a good kitty, so good for me. I’m sorry I left you all alone baby.” You hiccupped as you cried more, your legs clamping around his waist to hold him there like he’d disappear if you didn’t. “I know you didn’t mean it. B-but I missed you s-so much.” He shushed you and kissed you again, squeezing your hands. “I know Kitten, I know. You did so good for me, waiting for me, telling me what you need. I’ve got you now, sweet thing. Let me take care of you.” 
With that, he pulled his hips back and pushed forward, taking slow, deep strokes, making sure you felt every inch of him. He reached so deep, pulled beautiful sounds from your throat, your nails biting into the backs of his hands but he couldn’t care less. Not when you were begging him to love you, begging him for more. So he obliged, slamming his hips against yours as you cried out, shoving his tongue deep into your mouth as the sound of wet skin slapping skin filled the room, mingled with muffled whimpers and moans.
You didn’t even need to rub that little clit of yours to cum a second time, your legs locking up and shaking around his waist, pleasure crashing over your body in powerful tidal waves, the air knocked from your lungs as the muscles in your stomach tensed and your cunt clenched tight around Hitoshi’s cock like a vice. He gave a couple more deep thrusts before he released inside you, warmth flooding your belly as you both came down from your highs. 
He finally released your hands and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you. He rolled the both of you over and looped his arms around your waist, holding you tight to him as tears fell once again. He decided he’d never neglect you again, never make you so desperate for his touch that you were so distraught. As much as he loved seeing you so wrecked for him, he never wanted to see you so lost, so longing for anything he could give you. No, he’d spoil you always. 
Because you were perfectly his.
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horansqueen · 3 years
New Angel - Chapter 14
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story masterlist [x]
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chapter 1  ☆ chapter 2  ☆ chapter 3  ☆ chapter 4  ☆ chapter 5  ☆ chapter 6  ☆ chapter 7  ☆ chapter 8 ☆ chapter 9 ☆ chapter 10 ☆ chapter 11 ☆ chapter 12 ☆ chapter 13
☆ written from Niall’s pov ☆ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ☆ AU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ☆ 2.7k ☆ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox!  ☆ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
When I pushed on the door of the library, I felt lighter and I had a smile on my face. I was even starting to wonder if maybe I should give up on a love and sex life altogether. I knew it could bring joy and happiness, but at the exact moment, all it did was confuse me and make me nervous, and honestly, I didn't need that.
I smiled when I noticed Millie sitting behind the counter, her head leaned against her hand and looking down, probably deeply lost in a book. I stared at her a few seconds and saw her look up at someone who came to ask a question. She got up and they talked so I decided to walk the aisles to find something new to read. I ended up with a book full of random thoughts and sat at a table near the counter to make sure she'd see me. It took my friend only a few seconds to notice me and her lips curled as she raised her eyebrows. I waved slightly at her and checked my watch. I still had about ten minutes to wait and I just opened the book to start reading. It's only when I felt someone sit next to me that I got out of my thoughts a bit but I still had to blink a few times to get back completely to reality, turning around and smiling to Millie who leaned her elbow on the table and placed her chin on her palm, staring at me.
"I'm glad you came." she whispered, making me raise my eyebrows.
"I said I would, did you doubt it?"
She shrugged a shoulder and looked away. "When Louis said he'd come, it was a 50/50 bet to take."
"Perfect. That's the first thing you'll write down on your list."
She raised her eyebrows a bit surprised and I just got up and walked back to the desk where one of her co-workers was now sitting. I sent the girl a big smile and bent down slightly, asking her for paper and pen. She smiled back and started playing with a lock of her hair before nodding and giving me a few sheets and two pen. I walked back to Millie with a winner smile and she rolled her eyes, chuckling as I sat back down.
"T'was easy."
"With those eyes and that smile you can clearly get anything you want." she pointed out, rolling her eyes again.
"You almost sound jealous."
I gave her a sheet and a pen as she sighed, taking the pen in her hand and scribbling at the top to make sure the pen was working.
"I am." she confessed in a whisper. "It must be amazing to be you."
"Can I remind you that the girl I thought I'd spent my life with has broken my heart?"
"And then came back. I don't think you realize how lucky you are. Not about Grace coming back, but about everyone falling in love with you super easily." she explained, staring down at her sheet.
I looked at what she was writing and smiled sadly. 'All The Things I Hate About Lou'.
"How many times did you have your heart broken, Niall?" she continued, drawing hearts next to Louis' name.
"What do you mean?"
"How many girls did you fall for that didn't love you back? How many girls did you date and loved actually left you? How many of them made you cry?" she elaborated, making me frown slightly. "And I'm not even asking about the girls you just wanted to shag. I'm pretty sure not many refused."
"I've been through unrequited love, too, you know." I shook my head. "I know how it feels."
"You probably broke more hearts than the number of times yours has been broken." she added slowly with an other shrug and a sigh. "I'm not saying you didn't hurt or that your pain is not real or important I just mean..." she paused and shook her head, her eyes finally meeting mine. "I just mean that it must amazing to be you."
"Maybe it's time you see that it's also amazing to be you, Mill." I pointed out. "And the fact that Louis broke your heart doesn't mean you're not incredible, okay?"
I grabbed my pen and started writing X's on all the hearts she had drawn and finally added the number '1'.
"Now write down how unreliable he is."
Millie looked up at me and her lips curled a bit before she chuckled. I waited until she was done and grabbed my sheet too, making a long vertical line in the middle before writing 'Grace' on the left and 'Summer' on the right. I separated both their cases in two too, writing 'pros' on both sides and then 'cons'.
I stared at the sheet for a minute or two and finally sighed. I had no idea what to write. Not because they didn't have qualities and flaws, but because I knew it would bring me closer to a decision I was clearly not ready to make.
"You don't have to write anything right now." I heard, feeling Millie's hand on my shoulder.
I kept my eyes on the sheets and licked my lips, nodding slowly and finally, I folded the sheet and put it in my back pocket. Millie got up and I did the same, forcing myself to put a smile back on my face and I walked past her. She followed me outside and when we were out, I stopped and turned to her, raising my eyebrows. I decided to put anything that had to do with love away for now, burring it deep in my brain for a while, focusing only on doing fun things.
"Okay, so what's your routine after work?"
She looked a bit surprised but finally turned around, pointing at a small restaurant not too far. "I go there first."
"Alright, let's go there, then."
I followed her inside and she ordered three pieces of pizza and three water bottles. The person behind the counter smiled and prepared the food, putting every slices of pizza in a different box. I watched Millie pay and grab the bag the guy was handing her before sending him a smile.
"Thanks Jon, I'll see you tomorrow."
We walked out and I raised my eyebrows, looking at her with an amused smile. "You literally know his name?"
"We all work around each other so we sort of see each other often. Not just with Jon but with other people too." she clarified, handing me a box. I grabbed it and she looked again in the bag for a water bottle, giving it to me too.
"Please, tell me the other pizza is not for Louis."
She looked up in my eyes and her lips curled. "No!" she chuckled as she started walking quicker. I followed her in an alley but frowned as I pushed my hands in my pockets. I was not sure why we were there but I didn't even have time to ask. I saw my friend bend down near a man who was sleeping and whisper something to him. He jumped slightly and she laughed, handing him a box and a water bottle. He sat up and grabbed both a small smile on his lips.
"What is it today, Millie?"
"Pizza." she pointed out. "How are you today, Ernie?"
I watched her interact with a homeless man just standing there and wondering who the hell was this girl I thought I knew, and why didn't I try to find out more about her before,
"Is your friend mute or just dumb?" the man asked, making my friend laugh.
"I'd have to pick the latter."
I frowned at her and took a step closer. "Hey! That's rude!"
"Ernie, this is my friend Niall. Niall, this is my friend Ernie."
I sent him a small smile and a head nod before Millie sighed and got back up, telling him she was leaving but that she'd be back the next day. She walked past me and I was about to follow her but finally took the few steps separating me from Ernie and handed him my box.
"Thanks, kid."
I nodded again and turned on my heels, jogging slightly to reach Millie who just looked at me with her lips curled on the left. I raised my eyebrows and shrugged, pushing my hands back in my pockets. "What?"
I could hear in her voice that she was thinking about something but I couldn't decipher the way she was looking at me. I smiled back at her and finally cleared my throat. "Okay, what's next?"
She took her slice of pizza out of the box and took a bite before handing it to me. "Once a week, I go to the movies and the other days, I just go in the old dvd and vhs shop where they sell old movies for a buck or two."
"And what's today?" I replied, my mouth full of pizza. "The shop. Cinema is on thursday because it's pay day."
"Makes sense."
We walked inside a small shop and the bell placed on top of the door rang gently. She waved at the employee and he waved back before she chose an aisle and tilted her head on the side to read the titles. It took her about five minutes before her lips curled and she grabbed one. It was a tape and I started wondering if she even had a VCR to watch it.
"This. Did you ever see it?"
She handed me a box and I raised my nose up when I noticed Leonardo Dicaprio on the cover. I turned the tape around and noticed the incredible landscapes pictured. The images would probably look even better on DVD or in 4K but I didn't mention it and just nodded. It was her routine, not mine, and I was extremely curious to find out more about her.
"Nop, never."
"It's a good movie, with a few French actors."
I followed her to pay and the guy behind the counter smiled and nodded. "Ah, nice one."
"I know right? I think I'm gonna keep this one."
"A movie where Leonardo Dicaprio goes nuts? Good idea to keep it." he added, making her chuckle.
"And the girl is nice to look at, too." Millie added, making the guy nod frenetically.
I looked around the place, quite surprised at how many choices they had. How many nice places like this was I missing on? And why didn't I ever hear about them?
"What did you mean when you said you'd keep this one?" I asked when we walked out.
"Oh, when I bring back three movies, I can trade it for one. I do that sometimes."
I turned to look at her and she did the same just to send me a smile before turning her head back in front of her. We kept walking but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I thought I knew Millie but I had just realized that there were so many things about her that she didn't share and that I didn't take the time to ask, I knew that even if our friendship was not recent, our bond and how close we were was pretty new but at the same time, I felt like there were things I should know about her.
I should have checked where I was going because once again, I ended up running into a trash can on the sidewalk. Millie started laughing and I groaned, taking my hands out of my pockets before getting around it and walking quickly to her.
"Shut up." I mumbled, making her laugh even more.
"You don't seem like the clumsy kind of guy, I'm just surprised every time you run into something, and it seems to happen a lot!"
"Yea yea, how about you stop laughing and we just go back home to watch that movie?"
We had to watch the movie in her room for the simple reason that the videotape recorder was there and it seemed like way too much trouble to plug it in the living room. I made popcorn but Millie opened a few drawers and placed candies on her bed and it made me smile.
"Why don't you buy 6 or 7 movies at the same time? That way you don't have to go back there every day." I proposed, throwing some popcorn in my mouth and leaning against the wall with her.
"I can't know which mood i'll be in. It's a spur of the moment thing." she explained as the movie started. "Plus, I love going there."
"And what do we do after watching the movie?"
"It's dinner. Then shower, a few episodes of a netflix show, and bed time."
We watched the movie for a while and I had to admit the plotline was good, even if a bit fucked up. Millie was also right about the girl : she was very nice to look at and somehow, it made me glance at her.
"That girl is hot as fuck." I admitted, making Millie burst into laughter as she pushed an other candy in her mouth.
"I know right! And she's your type, too! I knew you'd like her!"
I blinked a few times and once again turned to my friend, leaning my head on the wall. I hated when she said that. I knew she didn't mean anything by it but I didn't want to admit that I would use some sort of base or mold to pick a girl. I hated thinking that I was shallow to the point where other girls who were not 'my type' wouldn't catch my eyes or stand a chance with me. And most of all, I hated that Millie saw me like that. I was about to start a discussion about it when Millie talked again, her eyes still glued on the tv.
"What about you?" she glanced at me. "What's your routine?"
I crossed my arms on my chest and shrugged a shoulder as my nose raised up in a grimace. "I don't have a routine anymore. My routine used to be with Grace and when she left, it became netflix from when the sun rises until it would set."
The fact that it was just being clear to me made something twist in my stomach. Who the fuck was I? Could I remember who I was before Grace? And now, with Summer, was I really myself?
I took the sheet out of my back pocket and unfolded it just as Millie handed me a pen and a book to write on. I looked up at her and sent her a small smile before writing under the cons in Grace's column. 'She decides everything'
"You know, I think that's part of why you annoyed me so much." Millie admitted. I looked up from the sheet and sent her a frown. Her traits softened and she sent me a sorry smile. "She would just tell you what she wanted and what to do and you'd never argue. She was bossy and controlling."
I couldn't pretend she was not right and I nodded with a sigh. "You know the worst? Summer is exactly the opposite. She's super compliant and it can get quite annoying."
Millie raised her eyebrows at me. "Well I guess you found something to write in the cons for Summer."
I sighed again but louder this time before looking down at my sheet again. I wrote down what I had just said and shook my head a bit. It was pathetic that the first things I thought about writing were flaws and I closed my eyes, letting my head fall against the wall in a loud noise after closing my eyes. "This is ridiculous, I can't choose."
"Hey, relax, it's just day one."
I felt my friend move on the bed and forced myself to open my eyes, noticing Millie was now facing me with a small smile. "We have 6 more days to fill that sheet." she slapped gently my thigh with the back of her hand and licked her lips as they curled more. "Trust me."
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hteragram-x · 4 years
Firefighter AU (again)
It’s been a while since I posted anything about this AU, but I got some inspiration and finished new short story. This time about Virgil and Remus briefly discussing their jobs and characters. I think you can read it separately and still get what’s going on, but if anyone’s interested I’ll link previous related posts.
[HERE] is the introduction, [HERE] are some general HCs, and over [THERE] you can find previous story where Remus and Virgil met for the first time :>
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Word count: 1348
Relationships: technically Dukexiety, but they’re not there yet
TW: mentions of fire (what a surprise), mentions of dead animals, mentions of a car crash, swearing
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The phone rang for about half a second before Virgil picked it up and gave his practiced introduction. It was calm and quick. Then he fell silent and let the woman on the other side of the line speak, listening carefully and responding with a few instructions. In an even voice he explained that the team has already been sent, that the fire engine was on its way. That there was no need to panic and that someone else has already called and now the only thing she should do is patiently wait, sit at a safe distance from the flaming car, and keep him updated if anything bad happened before the brigade arrived.
He made sure the woman was safe, said goodbye, and let the conversation end.
 Then he leaned deeper into his chair with a heavy sigh.
“I have a question!”, the loud yell right behind Virgil nearly sent him flying to the floor. He glared at Remus, clutching his headset and trying to readjust it before it slid off his ears. Why was he still surprised by these random outbursts? He should have gotten used to them weeks ago.
“What kind of question”, he asked in a tired voice very much aware that getting mad at Remus would only make his behaviour more annoying. Or worse… it’d make Remus upset... “The one I answered forty nine times already or something new?”
“A new one!”, Remus beamed sitting on a spinning office chair and moving closer to Virgil. “And if you’re exaggerating anyway you could’ve said sixty nine. That would’ve cost you nothing.”
“It would also cost you nothing to not say that right now, and yet you did”, was a slightly drained response.
"I always do!”, Remus giggled in a surprisingly cute way and leaned even closer, still remembering to not push Virgil too far from the desk. They were both currently at work, so distracting his co-worker too much and slowing down his response for even a few seconds could have potentially tragic consequences. Remus was definitely a careless person, but not when it came to other people’s lives. That fact was often shocking even to those who knew Remus for a very long time.
Virgil lifted an eyebrow making a “go on” kind of gesture with his right hand.
“Okay”, Remus started excitedly sounding as if he was trying to hype himself up to do something difficult. “How do you do it?”
Virgil lifted his second eyebrow in a silent question.
“I mean: how do you stay calm during the calls. Why do you even work here? I can scare you by saying “boo” in quiet monotone. And then you talk with panicking people who just crashed their car into the lamppost like it’s nothing!”
To Virgil’s credit he put a lot of effort to making his brain not fixate on the “Why do you even work here?” part of Remus’ words and not see it as a kind suggestion to fuck off. He mostly failed, but the intensions were there.
“I- I’m not sure”, he responded carefully after a moment filled with sounds of a chair squeaking under Remus who was usually unable to stay still for more than four seconds. “I have a separate… headspace for work, I suppose. I dunno how to explain it. Just like… switching to a different mindset when it’s something professional. Don’t you have the same thing with putting down the fire? I assume you don’t stare creepily at other people when you enter the building that’s in flames”, he added with a small smile, reminiscing their first encounter.
“Usually I don’t”, Remus answered with slightly disturbing, cheerful honesty that Vigil learnt to expect from his chaotic co-worker. “But, yeah… you’re right. I can be calm when I’m professional. And I’m way less tempted to taste fire when I’m fighting it. You know? Like… you don’t think so much about eating a bear when it’s chasing you down the extremely narrow path where trees are getting closer and closer until the forest gets very dark and there is no way to escape anymore.” Remus finished a rushed sentence with wide, light-hearted smile that lit up his face not unlike a lighter with which he almost singed his moustache on regular basis.
Virgil blinked at him and slowly shook his head.
“O- One thing at a time, okay?”, he answered finally. “Let’s leave the bear out of this for now. I know I shouldn’t ask, but did you just say that you’re ‘tempted to taste fire’?”
“Yeah!”, Remus answered with enthusiasm sending Virgil another bright smile that somehow still looked nice despite some unhinged glint always present in his green eyes. “You can make so many tasty things with fire. Like grilled vegetables! Or…”
For some reason, the fact that Remus was vegan never failed to astound the confused operator. Maybe his dietary choices would be less unexpected if he also didn’t rate every dead animal he ever saw on the street on a scale from ‘probably inedible, not enough fur’ to ‘no one touch that! It’s my lunch’.
“…or potato chips!”, Remus finished a long list of foods. ”Those are kinda made with fire?”
“…yes?” Virgil said carefully, not really sure where this line of logic was even going.
“See?! Fire makes tasty things. Ergo, hypothesis, fire is tasty too!”
“That’s… that’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard today…”
“Well, jokes on you, because I’ve said something much more stupid only twenty minutes ago. You just weren’t there!”
“I’m not sure this defence is as strong as you think…”, Virgil sighed, annoyed at himself for a tiny bit of fondness that seeped into his voice. “Anyway! Please don’t eat fire.”
“Fine”, Remus said tipping his head back with a huff. “You’re so boring.”
“And you’re a dumbass. I can’t believe I was scared of you at first…”
“You were?!”, Remus asked delighted despite knowing this information before. It was always nice to hear that he actually frightened someone, even if it was a guy scared of drinking with a straw for the fear of chocking on it one day. Or maybe especially if it was that guy.
“Shut up…”
Surprisingly, Remus did fell quiet. They sat in silence for a few minutes glad that the phone stayed silent as well. It was nice to have a few minutes of peace and calm before someone else needed help. It meant that people were safe and it let them just appreciate each other’s company in the half-empty office.
“By the way… I do get the whole ‘work mindset’ thing”, Remus continued suddenly as if they never stopped or changed the topic. “It’s like I have a separate brain and personality that kick in when it comes to these things. I see everything differently.”
Virgil nodded in understanding.
“I’m less scared when I know I have to help someone.”
“Exactly!”, Remus exclaimed, once again almost making Virgil fall out of his chair. “I have that too, but I become more serious instead! So you’re a coward, but a protective one. Got it.”
“Get out of my office.”
Remus laughed and didn’t make a single move to exit the room. He sat more comfortably in his chair, reaching into a pocket for his favourite lighter with luminescent tentacles painted over sparkly black background. It was one of the most “Remus” things Virgil has ever seen.
The next stretch of silence didn’t last as long as Virgil would have wanted. After about a minute his phone rang again, distracting his from very vivid visions of the firehouse burning to the ground because of Remus’ negligence. He gave his colleague a brief smile and promptly answered the call, his head immediately clear – the thoughts about anything irrelevant temporarily forgotten. Few seconds later the alarm went off and the dishevelled firefighter jumped off the chair with a serious expression. He gave Vigil last look seeing his focused eyes and calm, patient face. Then he switched his own brain into appropriate mode and run out of the room towards Roman and the rest of his brigade.
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Next part is [HERE].
My one-person general taglist: @imma-potatoo
My one-person taglist for this AU: @isabelle-stars
I used the term “taglist” very loosely here :D
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passivenovember · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
I was tagged by: @cherrydreamer @gideongrace and @neonponders thank you so much!! I love talking about myself. Love hearing my own voice, so this? Far out.
I’ll tag: @coffeeandchemicals , @disdaidal (if you fancy)
How many works do you have on AO3?
31. I’ve been thinking about deleting or possibly orphaning a few. Maybe consolidating some of the one shots into a single chapter work, just to clean things up a bit.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Stranger things - Harringrove. 312,628 words to right the wrongs. I’ve tried writing for Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as well, but they aren’t a very welcoming fandom.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Swallowtail, Walking Home (v)., The Tourniquet, mama said to smile while I still have teeth, Strain Through a Clean Napkin, and If Snow Loves the Trees and Fields.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to respond to everything. It’s very rare that I get a comment on my work, so when I do I like to show that I appreciate my readers interacting with me. It often feels like I’m writing stuff for myself alone, or like I’m sending little message bottles into the sea, waiting for a reply.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably Smoke, Lilies, and Jade.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I don’t usually write cross overs but with my recent interest in the Fear Street Trilogy, I’d like to cross those bridges.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh, sure. I find it’s often on the work that I put the most of myself into. There’s one ao3 user in particular who obviously doesn’t ship Harringrove but still finds it within themselves to read all of my longest fics and complain about their endings. 
My most negative experience happened when I signed up for the 2020 Harringrove Holiday Exchange. Smoke, Lilies, and Jade got 50 negative comments from one person and the user I wrote it for told me they never really planned on reading it, so. 
This random asshole made me cry for what felt like no reason. At the end of the day, those who did read it and those who’ve stumbled across that one since continue to ask for me to expand on the world I created, and I’ve been going back to edit whenever I can.
Such a weird experience.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I don’t, but I’d like to. The closest I’ve ever come was for Things I Know to be True, my Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind AU. I’m just not very good at it. I’m easily embarrassed and my fear of failure has my creativity in a goddamn headlock.
Kelly made me promise, however, that I would write my BDSM vampire fic someday, so. We’ll see. Just gotta practice a little bit first. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Probably not and honestly? If it ever did happen I’d draw blood when I tracked them down.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I’m a firm believer that all fic should be automatically available in every language once posted. I know that’s not really possible for ao3 but hey. I can dream, right?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Unfortunately no, but I’d be SOOOOO down to give it a try. Especially with someone who’s strong suit is smut because mine is angst and world building. We could make beautiful music together.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Harringrove. I will be here long after everyone has packed up and left shop. This place and these people are my home.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Things I Know to be True. I get messages about it all the time, but. I’ve hit a wall.
What are your writing strengths?
World building, OCs, dialogue
What are your writing weaknesses?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m a bimbo so I try to avoid it. The last thing I want to do is offend someone.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Frerard :/
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It used to be Super Dark Times but If Snow Loves the Trees and Fields has stolen my heart. Angst, humor, fluff, budding relationships, growth, change, heartache. 
I know exactly the story I want to tell. I’m proud of my work.
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Author's request (please read under cut)
[FORSYTHE, on Motherlobe intercom] Attention Agents! It has come to my attention that, due to technical issues, messages concerning missions directed to me have been going through the Interns' channel. Please not that this channel is for the Interns recreational use and not to be used for Agency purposes.
(deactivates intercom) There, Raz. That should hopefully stop it. I'll make sure to find out how the heck messages for me got in your inbox.
[RAZ] Thanks, some of those were getting ....weird.
[FORSYTHE] Yes, I've noticed. It seems some of our field agents have been the victims of Confusion attacks.
[RAZ] Ooh! Who do you think it was? Maybe-?
[FORSYTHE] That's official business, Vodello. Off you go.
[RAZ] Yes, Ma'am....
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Hi there, Author here. I would first like to say that I didn't want to write this, but I had to otherwise this issue I'm dealing with would build up and I might've done something I'd regret.
I would like to talk about something that has been bothering me for a while now. Maybe Raz and Hollis' conversation above the cut might have provided a bit of a hint. It's nothing major, I just feel I need to adress it before it actually starts to become an actual problem for me. But I've spend some hours at work mentally preparing this bit, trying to find the good words for it.
It's about a series of Anon Messages for Agent Forsythe that I have been getting in my inbox lately. And I say 'messages' instead of 'asks', because they aren't asks. You probably have seen them. They are mostly "mission reports from agents in the field" type of messages and those of the same type.
I don't mind random and silly asks. They are fun to do. I don't mind getting these 'reports' either, AS LONG as they help to add some lore to the AU. Like one of these asks mentioned Loboto, I could use that. It started out fun at first. But they have started to get increasingly harder and more frustrating to answer. They aren't all bad, but once they start going about Evil towers, floating eyeballs and a freakin' dragon being summoned... I just get the feeling you're missing the point of what this blog is about. This ain't a Supernatural AU or a blog about the daily missions of Psychonauts Agents. It about Family in all its shapes and sizes.
LIke I said, I didn't mind getting these, but I need to think about the consistency of my Content. Because every Ask that I answer helps me build my AU up. It's how Raz got Basophobia, how he and the Interns have a Sibling relationship with each other, how the Advanced Intern program got created. Some things are completely different than I first envisioned it, BECAUSE of those asks. You guys are my co-writers. You give me inspiration and motivation.
Those other things are ...bland filling.
So this goes out to the Anon(s) of those messages. I'm not angry at all. This is not an accusation of any sort. I'm not asking you to stop sending me stuff. I'm just asking you to start sending asks more relevant to the AU.
I hope you understand why I wrote this.
Right, I am a nervous wreck right now. I'm gonna relax and unwind.
Thanks guys. Never forget you are the best and you're making writing this AU possible.
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hotpinkhoshi · 5 years
the pact (1)
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pairing: jinyoung x reader
genre: romance, smut, a lil angst
warnings: sexual content, cursing, alcohol, cliche fwb to lovers, fuckboy!jb
word count: 6.5k
summary: you desperately need to get over your decade-long crush on lim jaebeom, and your close friend jinyoung needs to get over his ex—so the two of you make an arrangement: just sex, no feelings. what could go wrong?
A/N: this is the first fic i’ve posted in yearrsssss so please be kind! also, if there are any weird formatting issues please let me know, i had a hell of a time posting this and mostly could only edit on my ipad so it’s been rough. hopefully it looks normal on both the app and desktop website but if it doesn’t, send me a message!
↳ index here
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This was not how movie night was supposed to have gone.
You’d had a rough day at work, only looking forward to one thing all day—having all your friends over for your monthly movie night that inevitably always ended up as a mess. Your co-worker, Yugyeom, and his best friend Bambam were usually the culprits, turning every movie into a drinking game. You’d come to expect it after the third time you’d had to push Bam out before he puked on your carpet.
Your two bedroom apartment was barely big enough for you, your roommate, and your four closest guy friends, but you made it work every month and it was just what you’d needed tonight after the day you’d had.
It wasn’t usually difficult work managing a bookstore, but this week had been one of your lowest yet with sales, and you’d had to field multiple customer complaints as well as employee drama. It’d been enough to build tension in your shoulders and make you especially thirsty for Yugyeom’s special sodas—three parts alcohol, one part Sprite.
It didn’t help that you’d just seen your longtime crush, Jaebeom, post on his Instagram story that he was out with a mystery girl you didn’t recognize but had everything you didn’t. Stylish clothes, ridiculous curves, natural beauty, and most importantly, she had Jaebeom.
You’d been pining after Jaebeom for as long as you could remember—since you were in middle school with him and Jinyoung, at least. You’d had a decent amount of boyfriends in the ten years that had passed since then, yet you couldn’t shake your infatuation.
To make your infatuation even worse, three weeks ago, you’d been out with the guys and when you ran into Jaebeom, he was three shots deep and you ended up making out with him in the men’s bathroom. It wasn’t quite the romantic encounter you’d built up in your head, but still. He had a way of kissing you that made you feel like maybe he’d been wanting you just as badly this entire time. But then that was it—besides a couple of random text messages, you’d barely spoken to him since then.
So you’d gone a little overboard and ended up on the kitchen floor, your head resting on your roommate Sana’s lap while Transformers played in the living room and the boys argued over autobots and decepticons.
“I just—he texted me last week, I told you, right? He asked what I was doing, but it was two in the morning so I didn’t see it until I woke up...”
Sana stroked your hair and let out an exasperated sigh. “You want me to be honest with you, right?”
“Yes, please.”
“Jaebeom is a textbook fuckboy. He texted you because he was horny and his other playthings probably ignored him, so you were likely the first female’s name that he saw while scrolling through his contacts.”
It was a harsh truth, but deep down you knew she was right. Still, it wasn’t so easy to just brush it off and forget about it. You couldn’t help wondering what exactly was wrong with you, why you weren’t good enough for him. Sure, you were a little bookish, and you weren’t skilled in the art of seduction, but he had kissed you. That meant something, didn’t it?
“Besides, I don’t even get why you like him so much. He doesn’t even have a real job—“
You interrupted, “He’s a musician!”
“—I said a real job. He’s not a musician, he’s a DJ that sometimes posts half assed thirty second clips on Soundcloud with vaguely sexual titles.”
You pouted, knowing that she was right, and buried your face into her lap. “But he’s so pretty,” you whined.
Sana rubbed your back like the good best friend she was. “I know, Y/N. I know. But he’s a scumbag, and there are better guys out there. Like, millions of them. He’s not worth laying on your kitchen floor crying over.”
“Who’s she crying over?”
You lifted your head to see Jinyoung standing in the kitchen doorway with the empty bowl of popcorn. Sighing, you pulled yourself up from the floor and slumped against the counter. “Is Jaebeom dating someone?”
Jinyoung raised an eyebrow and set down the popcorn bowl, then grabbed a fresh beer out of the fridge. “How should I know?”
“I don’t know, you’ve known him forever,” you replied with a shrug. “Don’t guys like, tell each other that stuff?”
“No,” Jinyoung answered with a snort. “We say, ‘hey, what’s up, man? How’s life?’ And then we give a noncommittal response, say we should grab a drink sometime to catch up, and then we never do.”
You pursed your lips together, crossing your arms. “Well, he posted one of those mirror selfies with some girl I’ve never seen before. The caption was ‘late night with bae’.”
You were saved a snarky response from Sana when there was a sudden raise in the volume in the living room, indicating the guys were getting out of hand again. Someone was yelling about spilled soju and Bambam was making noise simply to make noise, it seemed.
“If they stained the couch, I’m going to kill them,” she muttered before huffing off, prepared to put her foot down and wrangle the boys back to a reasonable sound level. Your neighbors had already called the landlord last week when Jackson stood out on the balcony belting out Boyz II Men at passing men and women.
While Jinyoung rinsed out the popcorn bowl, you scrutinized him. He was an acceptable man, right? He had a steady job at a publishing house, he was polite, kind, and made you laugh. He always surprised you with advanced copies of your most anticipated reads and he was probably the source of half the sales at your store. And yet, there were no butterflies when you looked at him. Not like there were when you saw Jaebeom.
But he was attractive, objectively. Jackson had told you the last time you’d bothered him for advice that the best way to get over someone was to get under someone new. And sex didn’t always have to mean anything between friends...
“Why are you staring?” Jinyoung asked when he finally noticed you were practically studying him.
You shook your head quickly. “Nothing.”
After grabbing a water bottle to sober up, you headed back into the living room to finish watching the movie. Clearly this train of thought was the result of too many special sodas, considering you’d never once in your life looked at Jinyoung as more than a close friend. It had always been about Jaebeom for you.
Besides, he’d dated Yeri for five years. Two of those were long distance while she studied in the states, and they’d broken up just a couple of months ago not long after she returned. Maybe that was why you’d never seen him as an option.
Two hours later, Bambam and Yugyeom had abandoned your movie night after being invited out to a new club by some pretty girls. It was predictable at this point, and you’d rather have them getting smashed out on the streets than in your apartment.
Sana had left you, Jackson, and Jinyoung with the task of cleaning up fallen popcorn and throwing away the many empty bottles scattered throughout the apartment. She’d cleaned up last month, it was your turn this time.
You felt almost sober by the time everything was cleaned up and Jackson left to meet up with the other boys, unable to resist a night out. By the time you collapsed onto the couch and switched the TV off, the only remains of your alcohol was the heaviness in your limbs.
Jinyoung dropped onto the couch next to you, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “Tired?” he asked you, brows raised.
“A little.” You shrugged and pulled your legs onto the couch underneath of you, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Mostly just exhausted from the week. I think it’s just now hitting me.”
“Mm,” he agreed, letting his head fall back against the back of the couch. “Me too. Tonight’s the first time I got to leave the office before eight o’clock.”
You scoffed, shaking your head at him. “You work too hard.”
Jinyoung chuckled. “I like my job. I enjoy the work, most of the time. Keeps my mind occupied.”
That, you understood. You’d always been one to ignore your life’s problems by throwing yourself into work, and you knew it was one of the reasons you’d never had a successful relationship and found it hard to keep friends outside of the circle you’d always had.
Or, there could have been one other reason you hadn’t ever been able to stay with one person for too long—Jaebeom. As pathetic as it sounded, you’d always compared other guys to him, and they fell short every time.
You caught your mind wandering to him yet again and mentally slapped yourself. That was it, you had to find a way to forget about him. Once and for all.
“How did you get over Yeri?” You asked, somewhat abruptly. It caught Jinyoung off guard, you could tell. He’d been broken up with her for almost two months now, and hadn’t mentioned her in almost as long.
Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows, chewing at his lip for a moment as if carefully choosing his words. “I don’t— I mean, maybe I’m not. Over her.”
Now it was your turn to be surprised. “You’re not? But it’s been two months, and I just kind of figured...”
He shrugged. “Some days are better than others. But every now and then, I feel like... like I’m still waiting for her to come back, and my whole life is on pause until she does.”
As far as you knew, Yeri had been the one to end things. Jinyoung was just too busy with work, he stayed late almost every night and she’d gotten tired of trying to schedule quality time with him weeks in advance. At least, that was as much as Jackson had told you.
You had no idea it would still be weighing on him, though. Jinyoung, of all people, was rarely shaken by anything. Always calm, calculated, and steady. No matter how long you’d known him, this was possibly the most he’d ever opened up to you.
“Sana thinks I need to get over my crush on Jaebeom,” you said as a slight change in subject, mostly because you had no experience in comforting Jinyoung and couldn’t begin to think of a proper response. “You know, for good.”
“You do,” Jinyoung responded with a light chuckle. “You’ve been obsessing over him since we were teenagers, and I have no idea why.”
You propped your sock covered feet on the coffee table, tipping your head back against the couch. “I don’t really know, either. I guess I just always thought... he’d settle down and want something serious, you know? He’d be done with the partying, the one night stands, the DJing, and he’d want...”
Trailing off, you chose not to finish the sentence because it was just too pathetic to say out loud. He’d want me.
Jinyoung was silent for a while before he leaned his shoulder into yours, a subtle gesture of comfort. “You deserve a lot better than him.”
When you were silent in response, Jinyoung nudged you again, more firmly this time. “Hey, you believe me, right? Don’t waste your worries on him, Y/N. There really are millions of better guys out there.”
Truthfully, you wanted to believe Jinyoung but there was still that nagging voice at the back of your head. Every relationship you’d ever had, and there weren’t many, had ended terribly. You’d been cheated on, lied to, and straight up ghosted. It was hard not to think maybe you were the problem.
You weren’t the most beautiful girl out there, you’d accepted that long ago. Not that you were hideous, but you knew there wasn’t much about your appearance that stood out to the average passerby. Looks weren’t everything, but they were still important.
“Would you have sex with me?” You blurted, realizing maybe you weren’t so sober after all. “I mean, hypothetically?”
Jinyoung’s eyes widened and he stifled a cough, looking at you like you had two heads. “Sorry?”
“I mean,” you cleared your throat and stood up in front of him. Long sweater, leggings, faded makeup and all. “You’re a guy. If you saw me at a bar, or just walking on the street. Would you want to have sex with me?”
The tips of Jinyoung’s ears instantly turned a deep shade of pink and it looked for a moment as if he was trying to keep his eyes anywhere except your body. “I—“ he shook his head, then finally made eye contact with you. “Yes.”
It was a new feeling, seeing Jinyoung flustered like this. It didn’t happen often, but you had to bite your lip to keep from grinning. It occurred to you, suddenly, that Jackson might have been onto something.
“Do you want to... now?” You asked, faking confidence. Sex between friends didn’t have to mean anything, and you both had people you needed to get over. It made sense, at the end of the day. And you trusted him, you realized—a lot.
“Stop being ridiculous,” Jinyoung replied, shaking his head once more. “Why are you asking this right now?”
You took a deep breath. “You want to get over Yeri. I want to get over Jaebeom. It makes sense, right? We’re adults, we’re friends, and it wouldn’t be anything more than physical. Whenever we need to let off some steam or get our minds off of them, we can help each other.”  
He looked away again, but you could tell with the way his jaw worked that he was considering it. Still, maybe he was the wrong person to ask. Jinyoung had never had casual sex, at least not that you knew of. He was a serious relationship kind of guy. You may have been better off asking one of the other guys.
When he answered, your eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Really?”
“You might have a point,” Jinyoung admitted. “Part of the reason I can’t get over Yeri is because she’s the only girl I’ve ever been with. Memories of her are everywhere. But maybe,” he sighed, running his tongue over his lips. “Maybe we could make some new ones.”
The corner of your lip quirked up and you felt the satisfaction of winning, which truly didn’t happen often with Jinyoung. He was one of the most stubborn people you’d ever known, always having a comeback or a way to turn it around in his own favor.
“So...” you started, trying to hide your fidgeting fingers in the sleeves of your sweater. You decided to just go for it, lowering yourself onto the couch with your knees on either side of Jinyoung’s hips.
It felt awkward. This was your childhood friend, and you were about to have sex with him with absolutely no feelings involved. But as you settled onto his lap and he slid his hands up your thighs, you began to relax.
“So,” Jinyoung repeated, gripping your waist under your sweater. His hands were big and warm, and you instantly felt safe in his grasp. “I’m going to kiss you now. Is that okay?”
When you nodded, Jinyoung leaned in slowly and carefully until his lips just barely brushed yours. He was gentle at first, until you tilted your head and kissed him back, your hands resting experimentally against his solid chest.
To be honest, it wasn’t bad. Jinyoung’s lips were soft and plump, and he kissed politely, waiting for permission to deepen it further.
So you gave it to him, sliding your arms around his neck and bringing your body flush against his, allowing his tongue entrance into your mouth. The two of you kissed until you were breathless, and you silently thanked the gods that Sana was a deep sleeper and there was little to no chance she’d walk in on you with your tongue down Jinyoung’s throat.
As polite as Jinyoung was, he didn’t hesitate to trace his hands up your bare sides, leaving goosebumps in his wake. It had been so long since you’d been touched like this, you’d forgotten how good it felt to be pressed up against a warm body, both of you desperately trying to get closer.
Even though he’d agreed to sleep with you, for some reason you were still surprised when you felt him harden underneath you. Part of you had been expecting him to end up repulsed or chicken out.
Something about the way he felt underneath of you had you rolling your hips into his, the obvious bulge in his pants pressing between your thighs just right. You let out a breathy moan into the kiss and Jinyoung pulled you down against him more firmly, one of his hands slipping down between your legs to rub you through your leggings.
A surprised moan slipped out and Jinyoung pulled away abruptly, his eyes searching your face for any sign of discomfort. “Is that okay?”
You nodded quickly, grabbing his wrist and pressing his fingers back against your clit, sending warmth throughout your entire body. “Feels good,” you whispered, and you swore you felt Jinyoung’s cock twitch in his jeans.
“Bedroom?” Jinyoung asked, his fingers still drawing slow circles that were starting to make your brain fuzzy.
“Please,” you responded, and before you could make a move to stand up, Jinyoung was grabbing your thighs and wrapping them around his waist, lifting you from the couch like you weighed nothing. When had he gotten so strong?
He somehow got you to the bedroom smoothly, only stopping once to press you into the hallway and scatter kisses across your neck. Then he finally set you down after shutting your bedroom door behind you and you took the opportunity to lift his shirt up over his head.
You knew Jinyoung worked out regularly, but you had no idea he looked like that under his clothes. A firm chest, wide shoulders, and an actual six pack. If you’d known he was this ripped, maybe you would’ve tried to make this arrangement sooner.
“Seriously?” You asked, running your fingers down the lines of his abs. “Have you always looked like this?”
Jinyoung’s ears flushed again. “You know I like exercising. What did you expect?”
Shrugging, you settled your hands at his belt and ran your fingers along the metal of the buckle. “I don’t know. Now I’m a little scared to take your pants off, I mean, what have you got hiding there?”
He cringed, grabbing your hips and pulling you against him once more. “Oh, god. Please never say that again.”
Your giggle was cut off by Jinyoung’s lips pressing into yours again. This time the kiss was more heated, wet and punctuated by little nips to your lower lip. When he finally rid you of your sweater, you were so turned on you forgot to be insecure about him seeing your body for the first time.
Jinyoung laid you down on the bed, cradling his hand behind your head as it hit the pillows. His lips were on your collarbone in an instant and you slid your fingers through the soft strands of his hair, tugging in appreciation when he started sucking a hickey into your skin.
Tracing your sides with his fingertips once more, Jinyoung squeezed your hips and pulled back, sitting back on his heels to look down at you. His eyes raked your body from your face down to your waist, to where your legs were spread for him to lay between.
“Should we—“ Jinyoung swallowed, rubbing his thumbs into your hips. “Should we make some ground rules?”
It was fitting that he would be the one to suggest boundaries, but he had a point. Just because you trusted him and were both aware that it would be just sex, no feelings, didn’t mean it couldn’t get messy.
“Good idea,” you breathed, pushing hair out of your face. You’d never done this before, you didn’t even know where to start.
“Honesty,” Jinyoung started, his face looking quite serious despite the fact that he had a massive bulge in his jeans and he was naked from the waist up. “We tell each other what’s working, what’s not... what feels good, what doesn’t.”
Nodding, you agreed, “And, we have to tell each other if we start sleeping with someone else.”
“Or if we start to fall in love,” Jinyoung said, catching you off guard. Love? It hadn’t even crossed your mind.
He seemed to catch himself and cleared his throat, and you tried to ignore the adorable blush that was creeping onto the apples of his cheeks. “No feelings, right?”
You held your hand out. “Deal.”
Jinyoung smirked, then reached his hand out to clasp yours, shaking it just once. “Deal. Want me to eat you out now?”
You coughed in surprise. Was he always this forward with girls? If so, what was Yeri thinking walking away from him like that?
When you realized he wasn’t kidding, not even a little, as his hands played with the waistband of your leggings, you nodded once. “Okay. But I’m not—I wasn’t really expecting anyone to see me naked...”
Though you knew there was no good reason to be insecure, it was just Jinyoung, you squirmed your hips regardless when Jinyoung started to remove your leggings. “You want me to be honest?” He asked, tossing the ball of fabric behind him once you were left in just your bra and underwear.
“That’s the idea, right?”
“Right.” He scooted down the bed and laid between your legs, his shoulders nudging your knees apart to give him more room. “I don’t care. Most guys don’t. Besides, the underwear is cute.”
Blushing, you turned your face towards the pillow. You vaguely remembered mindlessly picking out a pair of snowmen underwear, simple cotton hipsters that were far from seductive. Though he said he didn’t care, you couldn’t help the knot of embarrassment in your stomach.
“Shut up.” You chewed your lip, then lifted your head to look down at him. “Guys really don’t care? About... what it looks like down there?”
Jinyoung held back another chuckle. “No. You care way more than we do, apparently. At the end of the day, if it’s the right guy, we just want to be inside of you. And if it’s really the right guy, we just want to make you feel good. Nothing else matters.”
It relieved some of your anxiety, but you still couldn’t look at his face as he pulled your underwear down your legs and tossed them to the floor. You trusted him, more than most guys you’d ever met, but he was about to get closer to you than even some of the men you’d slept with.
“Relax,” Jinyoung whispered and you conceded, laying your head back against the pillows and closing your eyes. “Tell me if you want to stop, okay?”
You nodded, tapping your hands awkwardly against the covers until you felt his fingers intertwine yours, holding them against the bed next to your hips.
He started slow. Kissing your thighs, building it up, getting closer and closer to your heat before finally, he licked one single strip from your entrance up to your clit. You whimpered involuntarily, not realizing how sensitive you’d be.
How long had it been, anyway? At least six months since the last time you’d had sex, and much longer since you’d had a man’s face between your thighs.
Then he locked his lips around your clit, alternating between flicking his tongue and sucking, until you were squeezing his hands so hard you were sure you left nail marks in his skin. You had to remind yourself Sana was just a couple of rooms over, and though she was a deep sleeper she’d most definitely wake up to you moaning at the top of your lungs.
“Faster,” you told him, still unable to open your eyes but he listened immediately, quickening the pace of his tongue against your clit. You whined breathlessly, hips lifting in an attempt to just feel more.
Jinyoung let go of one of your hands only to slide it down to meet just underneath his chin, taking the wetness that had gathered on two of his fingers before slowly inching them inside of you.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, moving your now free hand to clamp onto the back of Jinyoung’s head, fingers tangling in his hair. “Deep. Deeper, with your fingers,” you told him, words rushing together because you felt like you were going a little bit insane.
So he obeyed, pushing his fingers through your walls until he couldn’t go any further. He let you adjust, then began a slow, delicious pace inside of you. You could feel sweat pooling in your collarbone just from the heat Jinyoung was making you feel.
“Pull my hair,” Jinyoung whispered, and you didn’t have time to question it before you were doing as he said. He moaned into your clit and you arched your back, your mouth gaping open just as you remembered you needed to stay quiet.
He knew what he was doing, you could tell that much. Not only that, he enjoyed it. You could tell just from the quiet groans he’d let out when you clenched your walls around his fingers, like he was getting as much pleasure from this as you were.
“J-Jinyoung,” you stuttered, feeling the pressure start to build in your belly, your toes beginning to curl. He stared up at you, mouth still buried into your pussy. “I’m... I’m close, but I—“ you groaned. “I want you. Please.”
Within a second, Jinyoung was slipping his fingers from your folds, popping them into his mouth to get a taste and using his other hand to undo his belt. He worked fast, pushing his jeans down his thighs and kicking them off the bed with his underwear.
“Nightstand,” you breathed, taking your opportunity to check him out, head to toe. His dick was pretty. And that was truly the first time you’d ever thought that about anyone. You shifted your hips on the bed, desperate to have him fill you up.
It was new to feel this needy, and for Jinyoung of all people. The guy you’d known since you were both in your awkward phase, scrawny limbs and terrible clothing. He’d seen you throw up on your own shoes, and you’d seen him dance to Backstreet Boys at your high school talent show.
And yet, here you were, naked and wet underneath of him as if none of that mattered.
Jinyoung shoved his hand into your nightstand drawer until he found the box of condoms, grabbing one and tossing the nearly full box to the floor in his haste to get inside of you. You watched as he rolled it on, and it finally hit you that this was happening. It was almost too late for either of you to change your minds.  
“This is your last chance,” you said, finally looking up from his cock to his eyes. “If you want to stop, if you think it’s a bad idea—“
Jinyoung cut you off with his lips once more, his hand grabbing onto your thigh to hook it around his waist. “I’m not changing my mind. Are you?” He whispered against your lips and you felt him hard against your stomach.
“No,” you answered. “I want it.”
He pulled away and locked eyes with you, a smirk on his lips. “Oh yeah?” His tongue ran over his lower lip and he reached down, guiding his cock up your folds until the head nudged your clit. “I can tell.”
Even though he was clearly just as desperate, you blushed and pinched his arm. “Are you going to fuck me or what?”
Jinyoung’s eyes lit up and he chuckled, lowering his hips until you felt him at your entrance. “I had no idea you had such a dirty mouth on you.” He paused for a moment, making sure you were ready, then pushed inside of your heat.
While you’d just had his fingers inside of you, you would’ve never been able to tell with the way you squeezed around him. It was uncomfortable at first, but the feeling ebbed away quickly the more of him you took inside.
“Oh,” you breathed, and Jinyoung echoed your reaction with a groan.
“Tight,” he whispered, dropping his head down to your shoulder.
As soon as he’d filled you to the hilt, you couldn’t help the whimper that slipped from your lips. It was the best kind of stretch, putting every one of your nerves on edge. He stayed like that for a long moment, letting your walls adjust to his length.
When you couldn’t take it anymore, you shifted, tightening your leg around his waist. “Move. Please.”
Jinyoung’s movements were controlled and slow, but it was as if he knew all of the sensitive places in your body already. You gasped, your hands sliding up his back until they gripped tightly to his shoulder blades.
The way he fit inside of you felt incredible, and you weren’t sure it had ever felt quite like this, even with ex-boyfriends. Everywhere your body met with his felt like it was on fire, and as Jinyoung quickened his pace, you found it harder and harder to stay quiet.
His name fell from your lips over and over, and you could tell Jinyoung was holding back—when he lifted his head from your shoulder, his brows were knitted together in concentration. You slid your nails down his back, relishing in the way he shivered in response.
“God, you’re driving me insane,” he said, his voice low and strained. “Spread your legs more. Yeah, just like that.”
“Mm, faster,” you told him, clenching around him once he was all the way inside. “You don’t have to be gentle with me.”
“Fuck—“ Jinyoung groaned, hands squeezing the sheets where he held himself above you.
If someone had told you twelve hours ago that Jinyoung would have you covering your own mouth to muffle your moans while he drilled into you, you probably would have thought they were crazy. But here you were.
Jinyoung reached down, slipping his hand under your back to unhook your bra, pulling it off in one smooth movement. He cursed under his breath once you were exposed to him completely, breasts bouncing each time he filled you up.
“God,” he whispered, hand trailing down your chest until the tip of his index finger grazed over your nipple, a featherlight touch. You shivered, arching your back towards his hand. “Tell me what you like.”
Normally, it took you months to let your boyfriends know what you liked in bed and how you liked to be touched, but honesty was your number one rule in this agreement. There was no point in holding back.
“I like it deep, just like this,” you told him. Jinyoung seemed to just know already, or maybe that was how he liked it too. He was always the intense type, it made sense if it had transferred over to the bedroom. “I like it when you tell me how it feels, what you want to do.”
Your words were finished off by a moan that you were sure Sana could have heard if she weren’t asleep, and just the thrill of being caught was enough to send a wave of heat through your body.
When Jinyoung locked eyes with you, there was a hint of something new, like you’d unlocked a part of him that you’d never seen before. He smirked.
“Next time,” Jinyoung started, thrusting deep inside of you, “you won’t have to keep quiet. I’ll take you to my place, and when I’m inside of you, you can be as loud as you want.” His hand slid down your torso, over the sensitive skin of your stomach until it rested on your hip.
Next time. Just the idea of being with him again, though you probably wouldn’t admit it, excited you. It filled your mind with a flash of scenarios and possibilities, all the different ways he could make you feel good.
“Jinyoung, I—“ you moaned, biting hard onto your lip to silence yourself. Jinyoung brought his other hand to your mouth, thumbing your lip until you were forced to stop biting it.
“Would you like that?” he asked, the pace of his thrusts quickening. “Maybe I can bend you over the back of the couch, windows open for everyone to hear you crying out. Is that what you want?”
Your eyes squeezed shut, gasping as the mental image went straight between your legs where he filled you up so perfectly.
“Answer me.” His voice was deep but stern at your ear, and you knew his question was not rhetorical.
“Yes,” you replied, digging your nails into his back. “God, yes. Make me scream your name, Jinyoung.” And he almost did, as he attached his lips to your neck and bit down, teeth scraping against your tender skin just as he slammed inside of you.
You were close again, and you knew it wouldn’t take much more to send you tumbling over the edge. His thrusts were so deep and powerful that you knew you’d be aching tomorrow, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Can’t get enough,” he said, voice husky and low against your neck where you could tell he was working on marking you. He could’ve left the biggest, reddest hickey for all to see and you couldn’t have cared less right now. It didn’t even cross your mind that this was meant to be just between the two of you.
You whimpered when his hand drifted from your hip to the place where your bodies met. He placed his thumb right against your clit and pressed quick circles into your most sensitive spot, and you had to restrain yourself from moaning out.
Jinyoung must have sensed this, because he pulled away from your neck and stared down at you, slipping his opposite thumb into the wetness of your mouth. “Suck.”
If you weren’t close before, you were now. You wrapped your lips around his thumb and did as you were told, hollowing out your cheeks and sucking on Jinyoung’s digit as it rested on your tongue.
As his gaze locked on yours, you found yourself unable to look away. He commanded every bit of your attention, his eyes filled with desire and pleasure that you were responsible for. Your heart pounded in your chest, overwhelmed with need.
Although Jinyoung didn’t say a word, you could read it in his eyes—cum for me. He drew tight circles against your clit, his fast pace relentless inside of you. His stamina was something else, you thought to yourself. He didn’t even look mildly tired out.
You grabbed at Jinyoung’s wrist with your hands, needing something to grip onto but you also desperately needed to keep your mouth occupied so that you didn’t wake your roommate and the neighbors with your cries.
Then something snapped. The tension got to be too much and your orgasm crashed over you like a tsunami, causing your back to arch and your thighs to shake, caging Jinyoung’s waist in and slowing his movements.
He still fucked you through your high and kept his fingers moving until he was sure you had come down. Once he was, he brought a hand up to push your hair away from your face, pressing his lips into your forehead.
“Good girl,” he whispered and you sighed, your limbs finally relaxing in exhaustion. You would’ve never guessed that Jinyoung would be the one to give you what was possibly the best orgasm you’d had in years. Polite, calm, and serious Jinyoung. The same Jinyoung that could barely look you in the eye when you wore a bathing suit in front of him.
His climax wasn’t far away, you knew that much. And you were thankful too, because you were already starting to feel sore and overstimulated, and you weren’t sure how much more you could take.
You wrapped your arms around him, your fingertips gripping deep into his skin, undoubtedly leaving scratch marks down his back. It was only fair, you figured. You slipped one hand into his hair and tugged, harder than before.
“Shit,” Jinyoung moaned, his thrusts becoming less controlled and more shallow. You pulled his hair again, your nails scraping against his scalp, and that was it for him.
He pushed inside one last time, his cock so deep inside of you that you couldn’t help clenching your walls around him as he came. He was mostly silent save for one throaty groan into your neck, a sound you were sure you wouldn’t soon forget.
You felt him relax a long moment later and he slowly pulled back away from you, stroking the side of your face with his fingertips. “That was...”
All you could do was nod, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. “Yeah...” Your heart was still racing from your orgasm, but the haze of your desire was starting to fall away, reminding you of reality.
You’d just had sex with Jinyoung. One of your best friends. What would happen now? Would it be awkward from now on, now that you’d seen each other naked? You’d literally had him inside of you. Something told you it’d be difficult to come back from that.
Jinyoung finally pulled out of you a moment later to remove the condom and put it in the trash, and you were eternally grateful that you had the master bedroom with the attached bathroom. For one, you could watch his backside as he went to get a washcloth, and you also didn’t have to leave your bedroom until both of you were fully cleaned up.
You shifted on the bed while you waited for Jinyoung to return, trying to ease your worries. The two of you had been friends so long, you figured it would take more than one hook-up to ruin it all.
Once Jinyoung came back with a wet cloth and climbed onto the bed, you told yourself you’d worry about it tomorrow.
You both got cleaned up and while Jinyoung got dressed, you grabbed your robe and wrapped it around yourself so that you could walk him to the door. Both of your footsteps were as silent as possible, careful not to wake your roommate.
“Jinyoung,” you said, as he slipped his shoes back on.
“Thanks,” you whispered, chewing nervously at your lip. You didn’t quite know what you were thanking him for, but you felt the need to say it anyway. Some part of you felt so grateful to him that you couldn’t let him leave without making him aware.
Jinyoung’s lips quirked just a bit. “You too,” he tucked your disheveled hair behind your ear. “I’ll talk to you later, alright?”
You nodded. “Drive safe.”
The moment Jinyoung was out of the apartment, your body leaned limply against the door as you stared up at the ceiling. No, this was not how movie night was supposed to have gone.
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district2001 · 4 years
Seventeen AU: 14th member
ERA: Henggarae/ Left & Right
Jangmi x SVT 
Recap: Jangmi starts missing home, so Dino & Josh try to cheer her up
Words: 2.3k (I clearly didn’t want to work on my assignment)
AN: Requests are OPEN: Please please please send me what you want to see from Jangmi. I’m also open to feedback :)
Jangmi’s Masterlist
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“Love you too. Look after yourself.” Jangmi waved into the camera, as her parents faces were replaced with the ‘Call Ended’ screen.
She placed her phone on her bedside table, and sighed, before walking over to the wall next to her bed. They had only moved dorms a few day ago, yet Jangmi had managed to find time in redoing her entire collage of pictures.
The photos were evenly scattered, covering the entire wall. There were photos of her family, her friends, her members and random scenery shots she’d taken during all their trips. 
She pulled the one of the pictures of her family off the wall, and sat back down on her bed.
It was taken during Seventeens first, and only, visit to Australia. Her parents had taken all the members out to lunch, and Mingyu had insisted on taking a picture of just her and her parents.  
She was standing in the middle, right behind her parents seats. She was wearing a frilly strap dress, and her hair was nicely plaited into 2 pigtails, courtesy of her mum. Both her arms were wrapped around their shoulders, and she was grinning from ear to ear.
“What are you looking at?” Jangmi jumped at the sudden noise, and looked up to find her roommate leaning against the door.
She turned the picture around to face him. Dino squinted, before walking into their room, and grabbing the picture out of her hands.
“We need to go back soon. I heard your grandma tell Joshua that he was her favourite member.” Dino chuckled. “Since I’ve improved by English, I’ll definitely steal his place.”
Jangmi grabbed the picture back before sticking it back up on the wall. “Hate to break it to you, but her favourites Seokmin.”
He groaned before lying down on his bed. “How can I compete with that?”
“You can’t.” Jangmi said in a matter-of-fact tone, whilst reaching over to hold another picture; this time the photo iss with all her cousins back in 2015- the last birthday of hers she’d spent back home.
The conversation ended there, with Chan going back on his phone, probably texting his younger siblings.
Jangmi continued staring at the picture, holding the corners tightly in her hand.
“Jangmi-ah!” Why are you crying?”
She looked up in confusion, furrowing her eyebrows. She wasn’t crying.
Only when she touched her cheeks, did she feel the wet tears.
“I- I -don’t know” She stuttered, furiously wiping away her tears. “I’m fine. I’m okay.” Her voice betraying her by cracking at the end of her sentence.
She dropped the picture into her lap and started sobbing into her hands. She didn’t even know why she was crying. She was doing absolutely fine 10 seconds ago.
But the tears were coming out like a waterfall, and she could feel her breathing slowly becoming irregular, making her take deeper breaths to grasp onto some air.
“Hey hey hey.” The bed sunk next to her, as Dino pushed her into his chest. “It’s ok. Everything’s ok.” He’d heard his hyungs use that phrase often, when reassuring the other members- except he had never got a chance to use it. Until now.
His smooth demeaner didn’t help, as Jangmi’s breathing before more ragged and irregular, her body shaking through her muffled sobs.
“I need you to breathe for me” Dino pleaded, his voice raising after seeing the state of mind she was in.
He didn’t know what to do. Usually when she showed signs of panic, the hyung’s took care of her. He just left the room to bring her tea.
“Keep breathing. Take a deep breath.” He instructed, as he quickly ran to get his phone, which he had left on his bed.
He sat back down next to her, and called the group chat, hoping someone would answer.
Immediately when it started ringing, he switched over to the chat function. “Anyone at the dorms?” he texted. Not wanting to scare them. He could handle it.
He looked back up at his twin maknae, who was still struggling to breathe, and forcibly placed her hand on his chest. “Breathe with my heart. Slowly. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out…”
He kept repeating those words, when he got a notification that someone had replied to his text. He quickly unlocked his phone, and let out a small sigh in relief to see Joshua’s message.
“I’m here. What’s up?”
Dino called Joshua and was overjoyed to hear his voice after 2 rings.
“Can you come into my room? Jangmi just started sobbing for absolutely no reason” The words tumbling out of his mouth at an incomprehensible speed.
“On my way.”
Dino was grateful for Josh being the one who was coming over. Josh and Jangmi had a close bond- being the English foreigners of the group.
He turned back to face Jangmi; whose breathing had thankfully gotten a bit more stable.
“You’re doing good. You’re doing good.” He encouraged, rubbing her back.
He heard footsteps from the corridor and gave a weak smile once Shua barged into the room.
“Go make some tea or get her some ice-cream.”
Dino stood up and left the room, to obey his hyungs’ orders, whilst Joshua took her place on the bed.
He cupped Jangmi’s face, forcing her to look into his eyes.
“Are you ok?” Josh asked in English, frantically searching her eyes for some sort of answer.
Jangmi slowly nodded, taking in a deep breath.
“Good good. Breathe with me.” Josh grabbed her warm hands and placed them on his heart. “Follow the beat of my heart.”
Jangmi nodded, her breathing slowly easing during the next few minutes.
Once he was satisfied that her breathing was normal, he opened up the middle draw of her bedside table and pulled out her asthma puffer.
He handed it over to her, and whilst she used it, he pushed the stray hairs stuck to her face.
“What happened?” He whispered gently, when she placed her asthma puffer down on the bed.
Jangmi started playing with her hands on her lap. “I miss home.”
Josh leaned in closer. “What? I couldn’t hear you.”
“I miss home” A small sob left her lips, as she curled back in on herself.
He shifted down on the bed, until his back touched the wall. He grabbed Jangmi’s right hand and placed it on his lap, playing with her fingers.
“We all do.”
“No you don’t. No one does” Jangmi sighed, raising her voice a little. “They all can go home whenever they please, and their schedule lets them. Or their family can come up here to visit. They just need half a day free to visit. I need a freaking week. Do you know how rarely we get a week off?”
“Jun hyung and Minghao hyung are used to flying back and forth between China and here so often before COVID. Do you remember Minghao flying out every weekend? Between promotions. Plus they always talk to each other in Mandarin.”
“I speak to you in English, plus Vernon.” Josh's tone resembled one he would use on a 6-year-old who just fell off their bike, but he thought it was appropriate as their maknae looked so broken and fragile.
Jangmi gave a weak chuckle. “It’s different. It’s not just the English. It kinda comes hand in hand with the other stuff. But you still have family here. You can visit your aunts, your second cousins. Plus we always go back to LA for promotions.”
Josh nodded his head, “true true.”
Jangmi continued. “Everytime we talk about tour; I keep asking them to visit Australia. Even if it’s not our own concert, I’d be happy with KCON.”
“I’m just so sick of not being able to go back when everyone else can.” Her voice cracking. “I haven’t gone home in 4 years.”
Her hyung held her tightly, as she broke into sobs once again. Josh rocked Jangmi back and forth until she had no more tears left to cry. He’d learnt from his experiences it was often best to let her release her emotions, and then figure out ways to solve it.
Jangmi looked up once hearing front door being slammed, and quickly shifted her position, using her hands to dry her tears.
“It’s pointless hiding it, isn’t it?” Her voice sounding hoarse and cracking at the ends.
Josh chuckled, using his fingers to tuck her hair neatly behind her ears. “Doesn’t matter. I’m pretty sure Chan’s giving an over the top version of what happened.”
Jangmi groaned. “Can you tell Seungcheol hyung I’m fine.”
“I can’t lie to your dad like that.” Josh gasped dramatically, causing Jangmi to smack the back of his head. “No more bracelets for you.”
“Who said I want your childish bracelets anyway?” Jangmi joked, causing him to tackle her on the bed.
“Take that back.” Josh instructed, whilst tickling Jangmi.
“Never” Jangmi yelled, trying to squirm after his grasp.
Their fight continued for a little bit, only stopping when Jangmi announced that if she was tickled again, she’d wet the bed.
They sat in silence for a second, Jangmi using that time effectively to catch her breath.
“Thank you though.” Jangmi smiled at her hyung.
Josh squeezed his way between the way and Jangmi, before pulling her closer to his chest.
“You still haven’t told me what caused it.”
Jangmi stayed silent for a second, before little out a small sigh. “I got a reminder this morning, on my Calendar saying my flight was tomorrow. And that’s when I realised that I would have been seeing my grandma and family in a few days. And then when they called me, I felt so bad because they kept talking about all the fun we would be having if I was there. But I’m here, cos of fucking Covid, and not there. I’m on my last packet of tam-tams, and I’m pretty sure my vegemite is expired.” Her string of words ending with a small sniffle.
Josh opened his mouth, but closed it again. He didn’t know how to make Jangmi feel better. It’s true that the foreigners all missed home, but there were instances where Jangmi felt alone. He always complained about missing home, but he usually went there a few times a year. Jangmi, on the other hand, hadn’t been attacked by venomous animals for quite a while.
“I promise when this whole pandemic is over, we’ll go visit.” Josh held out his pinky.
Jangmi raised her eyebrows. “That’s a pretty big promise you got there.”
“I never said when.” Josh wiggled his pinky.
“Fineeee.” Jangmi looped her pinky with his, and they shook on it
Three knocks on the door, made them turn around to see Chan walking in with cup of presumably tea.
“Chan! Don’t spill any, I don’t want my socks to get sticky everytime I walk into your room.” Seungcheol huffed from behind him.
“Doesn’t that happen anyway.” Mingyu said in passing as he walked down the corridor.
Jangmi gladly accepted the warm milk tea, and took a sip. It was her favourite Dilmah tea, but because of her stupid diet, Chan had only put in one sugar.
“I wanted to put sugar, but I didn’t know if you wanted some.” Chan stood opposite her, watching her carefully.
Josh stood up, grabbing the tea from Jangmi and placing it on her bedside table, pushing some random rings which eventually fell on the floor.
“Actually.” Josh announced. “I think Jangmi and I are going to go on a Maccas Run.”
“We are?” Jangmi questioned, wondering when she even signed up for this.
“Yes we are.” Josh confirmed. “And we are going to get some shrimp on the barbie from a kbbq place. And then we’re gonna drink some ‘Fosters’ until 3am.”
Seungcheols eyes widened. “You are?”
“She barely drinks.” Chan objected quickly. Not wanting his drinking habits to pass down to his twin-maknae.
“Please never use Australian slang ever again. I will stop complaining about ‘Sunday Morning’ if you stop.” Jangmi begged, internally dying at him butchering Australian English. She’d text Felix about this nightmare later.
“Ok ok. But are you still down for a Maccas run?” He switched back to English
“I’m on a diet.” Jangmi sulked.
“We just finished promotions a few days ago.” Josh tried to reason with her.
“We’re shooting the music video to ‘24H’ soon though.” She pointed out.
“I don’t know what you both are saying in English, but I’m not going to object getting some fast food. I’m not going to endorse it either. As the lead-”
“Cut the crap Seungcheol.” Josh interrupted. “No one’s here to tell you off.”
Seungcheol waved his arms frantically. “Just do whatever you want. Be safe obviously. No one listens to me anyway.”
“You got that right.” Jangmi jumped out of her bed, before grabbing one of the jackets hanging in her closet.
“Isn’t that my-”
Jangmi grabbed her phone, before stuffing into her trackie pocket. “Can’t talk Chan. Gonna get food.”
Jangmi walked out the door first and as Josh was about to follow, Seungcheol grabbed his arm. “Tell me after, yeah?”
Josh nodded in confirmation. “I think you’ll need to speak to management about this.”
Their leader furrowed his eyebrows in concern. “Is it serious? Is she ok? Chan said she had a meltdown after looking at a picture.”
Josh gave a supportive smile. “She’s alright… I think… for now. She’s just homesick.”
Seungcheol mentally relaxed. “We’ll talk about it later. Thanks for looking after her.”
Josh opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by Jangmi’s scream coming from the front door. “Hurry up! I want an Apple Pie.”
He chuckled, whilst shaking his head. “Talk soon,” he said as he left the room.
“Bring me back some fries!” Seungcheol shouted.
“And some nuggets!” Chan added.
Jangmi rolled her eyes, as Joshua grabbed his shoes.
They had just left their apartment and were waiting for the lift when their phones started vibrating like crazy.
Jangmi quickly opened hers up to find the groupchat being lit up with different McDonalds orders. Even from Wonwoo, who had gone back to his parents’ place for the night.
She shut off her phone without replying, and shoved it into her pocket.
“How mad would they be if I just seened them, without bringing back food?”
Previous: Privacy
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
OKAY. The only reason I’m sending this into you is because you seem to also be a fan of Taylor’s music. I hope you don’t mind! :)
This isn’t really a request, more like 2 random HCs I had while listening to Evermore. I’m not asking you to writing anything if you don’t want to. I just thought they were interesting!
Senario 1: what if in the RFA-universe MC was their version of Taylor Swift.
(Meaning her music was known world-wide, she had a massive fan base, she was known for writing stories about her personal life experiences and any album she released would go #1 immediately). Imagine one day she is sitting at the piano writing a song about a young women who turned down her engagement to the love of her life because she was suffering with mental issues (Champagne Problems). IMAGINE how sad the RFA+V+Searan would be when they think she is writing this from personal experience.THEY WOULD BE SO SAD. LMAO.
Senario 2: this one is a little more angsty
Imagine Saeyoung has been working on a task Jumin gave him for the past month. Imagine MC writing Tolerate It while sitting alone on the roof or in their shared bedroom. Imagine her telling herself that it’s all in her head but her insecurities get the better of her. Imagine Searan not knowing how to help but trying his best. Now I’m just sad..... T-T
bOnuS: imagine their reaction to No Body, No Crime. They would be like: “Mc? Did you kill someone?????” Lmao.
Wow genius stuff right here ! Also YES I love Taylor Swift... I have since fearless but honestly I’ve only listened to the entirety of her newest 3 albums oops
This will be multiple parts, also headcannon style? Imma play around w that tell me if you hate it tho
I showed this to my sister (who hasn’t listened to Taylor since 1989) and she goes you NEED to write this
MC is the in-universe Taylor Swift
Part 1: Sad Lyrics
A lot of these are them thinking the songs are about them
Zen (Champagne Problems):
He tries not to bother you while you’re writing
If you’ll let him sing with you to work on songs you’re planning on collaborating w guys on (think exile) he’s so there for you
He loves singing and has always loved your songs
But, as an actor himself, he respects the process and the alone time you need when you’re working on something new !
When he hears you singing Champagne Problems
Turning down a proposal because you just weren’t there mentally
Why is he... crying all of a sudden
I’ll tell you why bc if you don’t cry listening to the bridge of Champagne Problems you’re stronger than me
Waits until the piano stops
Then comes in
He has tears literally running down his face
“Zen! Are you okay?”
He plops down onto the bench next to you, pulling you into the biggest hug, which you, of course return
“We don’t have to get married. I’ll never pressure you like that. Are you okay? Do you need to talk about it?” He’s rambling
“It’s just a song Zen”
You have to rub his back to help him feel good enough to get through a sentence without crying
“I thought... I thought that really happened to you.”
Oh Zen, they’re not all based on your personal experiences
“It was so good though! It’s going to have everyone crying. Please tell me it’s on your next album.”
You have tears bc he’s so sweet !!
of course it’s on the next album
Yoosung (Coney Island):
Is dead silent when you’re writing
You literally don’t even notice he’s there
He gets jealous when you FaceTime other artists to work on a collaboration
They are literally so much better than him
And you’ve dated all these famous people
WHY are you with him !?
when he hears you playing Coney Island
“Did I do something wrong!?”
“What? No? Of course not Yoosung”
Then why were you singing that
Not everything you write is what you’re experiencing right now
You had to explain to him that that song... you wrote it visualizing the pain you would feel if you lost him
For real ??
And then he spirals into telling you how you’d be better off with one of your co-writers or whatever
But... you didn’t write the song thinking about your team
You wrote it thinking about him
It’s hard for him to understand
But when the album comes out... he listens to that song a lot
And still sobs like a baby every time
Jaehee (Exile):
Loves and respects your work
Not all your songs are her sort of thing
You make your newest albums a little more chill so she’ll enjoy them
You’d never tell her that though
You’re literally in a call with the guy you’re collaborating with working on exile
Singing about a failed relationship... for the second time
And experiences with bad relationships in general
It makes her worry that she messed up
Is this about the fight you two had a few months ago!? Did she make the same mistake? Are you thinking of leaving her
Waits until the call is over
“The song sounds beautiful.” Is all she can say
But you know her
“It’s not about you Jaehee”
“I love you like crazy the song isn’t about you”
Needs lots of affirmation bc that SCARED Her
The song is so good but she can’t listen to it more than like once or twice
She’s embarrassed that she thought it was about her
Little does she know you did write some songs about her... but only the happy ones
Jumin (Tolerate It):
He’s been busy with work
Buys a radio station that only plays your music though so he can listen to you all the time
Falls asleep to your singing voice bc it’s so comforting
You’re the media’s favorite couple
They’ve been speculating the two of you have been dating for a few albums now
Paper rings kinda gave it away huh
You thought he was working
Worked through writing a song about love that isn’t well-reciprocated
Honestly... you’re crying while writing it
It’s about an ex !! But also some lines make you miss getting to spend time with Jumin
He just stands there in the doorway
He doesn’t interrupt. Waits until your done
Heart breaks to see you crying
He’s shed a tear or two
Kneels down next to the bench
“I’m so sorry” is all he can say
“No!” Another tear down your face. “It’s not about you!”
He’s gently wiping away your tears
“I haven’t been here enough for you.”
“I’m okay. It’s okay. It’s not about you.”
“But it’s a wake up call. I’m building a home office so I can spend more time with you.”
Not a bad idea.
707 (Marjorie):
Again you are braver than me
Anyways Saeyoung can’t get it through his head WHY you like him / started dating him
Your relationship is completely off the radar thanks to him
Which means you DON’T write songs about him much because you don’t want speculation
You wrote this one after you read a sad fan fiction
I literally can’t sing during the bridge of this song I CRY
He listens to you. As you sob through the song. About how the person’s beloved died but they can still hear her and feel her in themselves
He sniffles
Interrupts you partway through
“Baby? Are you okay?”
You sniff and nod
“Is your mom okay? Your aunt? Your friend? Did someone die? Are you alright?”
“Yeah I’m alright.”
But... you’re crying so much how are you okay
“I’m going to need to work on singing this without being emotional” you joke, wiping your tears
“Wait... it’s not my fault right? I didn’t die or anything.”
“Huh!? No. This is about a fanfic”
He laughs, pushes you lightly
V (Illicit Affairs):
He sits with you during your songwriting process
Sometimes will even suggest lyrics to you if he’s feeling bold
He’s shocked with how quickly Illicit Affairs comes to you
Singing about breaking off an affair that has torn you apart and feels one-sided and
Uh... are you okay? You never mentioned something like this before
“My Love,” he stops you, “did this happen to you? Did somebody do this to you?”
“Oh. No I’m okay.”
You’re smiling
He was so worried
“And this isn’t about us right?”
Of course not. Everyone knows the two of you are together
“Of course not.”
He smiled. “I was worried about you.”
You giggle, kissing his cheek
“You showed me colors I can’t see with anyone else,” he recommends. “Or something like it.”
“V? Are you okay?” How the tables have turned.
“That’s how I feel about you. All love though. No angst.”
Saeran (This Is Me Trying):
This one is actually about him
You try to only work on your songs when he’s working or when he’s out
You try to spend as much time with him as possible to help with his coping process of everything that’s happened to him
But it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
He wakes up in the middle of the night with a nightmare
Hears you singing in the other room. He knew you did this at night, it’s okay with him but... he really could use your help right now
Pads over to the door, standing outside until he can gather the courage to interrupt you
He feels pitiful
And then he hears you singing about how you’re struggling with your relationship and everything going on but you’re trying your best
He just sits outside the door. He can’t confront you right now. You’re feeling this way because of him. Maybe he deserves the nightmares
Luckily you’re planning on going to bed and see him when you try to leave the room, curled up on the floor.
“Did you have a bad dream?” You ask, joining him on the floor, pulling him close to you
All he can do is timidly nod
“Come in next time. Nothing is more important than you. I promise you that.”
He shakes his head. “I’m making things hard on you. With your job and your mental health and you trying to help someone so broken...”
His voice cracks. He wants to cry
There’s so much you could say.
This song is too sad
Later you’ll add a line about wanting him. Wanting to be with him despite all the trouble
But for now... you’ll be with him
Holding him.
Taking him to bed
Hugging him
Staying awake a little longer just in case he gets another bad dream
You were trying your best. The best thing you could do was be there by his side
He slept a little lighter. It was comforting to know that even though it was hard for the both of you, you were doing it, and you loved him
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bluerosesburnblue · 4 years
Guidelines for Submitting Asks
Hello! While answering questions is fine and I love talking lore analysis, my personal opinions, and even OCs with people, I do have limits to what I will and won’t talk about. I’ve put together a few guidelines that I’d appreciate if people could follow. These are just a few bits of etiquette, but they should help me out quite a bit
Please try not to send multi-part asks with too many separate messages to them. I don’t mind a couple, but after about three messages it gets really hard for me to parse what exactly you’re asking from me or even talking about. There’s also been issues in the past where random parts have gone missing. Succinct is best!
If you are an anon sending multi-part asks, please sign them in some way. Most of the time it’s impossible for me to tell which messages are from which anon, which can make the multi-part messages... confusing
If the main gist of your message is “Yes, I agree with *rephrase of thing that I’ve said in a post recently* without adding anything new to the discussion... please don’t send it. While I appreciate that you liked it, I honestly don’t have anything to say to those kinds of messages and I’ll likely delete them
I don’t mind fact-checking things (that’s... basically what my blog’s become) but try to keep the things you’d have me fact-check substantial. If it’s something you could answer for yourself with a little bit of research (such as “is X character in this game?”) then please do that instead. I do a LOT of research when I fact-check things and I know where to look to find the answers, so I’d like it if people could respect the work that I put into the answers I give. Treating me like a personal search engine is disrespectful
This is more of a personal request, but I’d prefer it if anons wouldn’t essentially make their own posts in my inbox. I like keeping anon open so that people with anxiety problems can still interact and have a good time on here, but I am NOT a substitute for you having your own blog. I’ve gotten a lot of asks in the past that read less like anyone wanted to interact with me and more like they were just trying to push their own post through my blog with established followers. It’s extremely rude. Please keep in mind that this is a PERSONAL blog and that you’re interacting with a real person running this. I like interacting! I don’t like having my blog co-opted by faceless individuals
Stop asking me about Kingdom Hearts fandom drama. I did not pay any particular attention to it in the past, I don’t pay any particular attention to it now, and I’m happier not knowing about it. I’m serious. I asked nicely, I’m not doing it again
This is nothing I haven’t said before, but I find myself having to repeat these every couple of months so to try and avoid that in the future, I’m making it my pinned post. Break these rules, and your message will get deleted. Break several at once and I’m probably going to block you
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
mutuals (pjmxreader) [bonus:celibacy]
Tumblr media
~mutuals~ [youtuber!reader x idol!jimin] social media AU
synopsis: park jimin is a (slightly problematic) idol singer, and he becomes completely smitten with a youtuber after stumbling upon her dance cover to his own song.
genre: fluff, a good dosing of cracK, literally two seconds of angst blink and u miss it
word count:  2.3k
[A/N]: thank you for all the love you’ve given mutuals! can’t believe it’s only been like one week since this blog has been up hehE enjoy this drabble of thirsty!jimin after he found your video. if you have no idea what i’m talking about gO READ THE FIRST CHAPTER
series masterlist
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           When JinHit first hit record sales with the success of Jimin’s mini album, and RAPLINE’s first title single a couple years ago, Jin finally gave in to Jimin’s begging and gave all the artists their own personalised studio in the JinHit building. It’s where all the greatest hits on the charts are written. It’s practically the modern eighth wonder of the world, considering the names and talent that have graced the walls. 
          Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon all have their separate studios to write, produce, and record in, and all three of the small rooms are located next to each other. Partially because of design and common sense, but also so all three friends can conveniently annoy each other when needed. Jin’s office isn’t too far away either, just across the floor. Usually, if they’re all working in the studio, they’ll walk over to Jin’s office during lunch hour and leech off his amazing personal pantry in his office. The office is much, much bigger than their studios, and Jimin never fails to remind Jin that. 
          All three artists have grown a little attached to their studios. It’s where they do what they all love most, after all. Yoongi barely lets anyone into his ‘Genius Lab’, and ever since a staff member accidentally messed with his coffee machine, he hasn’t let anyone step foot in. Nobody’s even allowed to come inside Namjoon’s studio during what he calls his ‘namjoon talent time’ which is basically just a period of time before comeback season where he locks himself in the studio, writing music 24/7. 
          He occasionally asks Jimin to listen to his unreleased files for suggestions, but other than that, noone except Yoongi goes inside his studio during ‘namjoon talent time’, and Namjoon only reluctantly lets him in as his bandmate. Not that Jimin minds, he hasn’t been let inside since he accidentally mistook Joon’s studio for his own and brought one of his one-night-stands over. Joonie was horrified, and made Jimin sanitise, wash and clean every part of the room, all while he cried about how his ‘baby was molested’. It was traumatising for both parties. 
          Out of the three, Jimin’s the least protective over his studio, even though he’s the one who put the most effort into it. He’s spent years perfecting it, making it the best place for inspiration and writing music. Everything in the studio has been personally chosen and thought out by him. The snacks and custom mini fridge, the wall of his entire discography, trophies, music awards, and his personal favourite, the official JIMIN logo sign above the couch. 
          It lights up in purple.
          Despite being a pretty stereotypical assholey partying douche idol, Jimin’s likes to think he’s actually quite talented. He’s been named ‘Most professional idol’ on every single online survey he can find (He’s also always voted for ‘Most handsome’, but that’s besides the point), and it’s true. Jimin never sells himself short. He is a professional musician, singer, and producer. He writes his own music, choreographs his own dancing, and uses his platform to spread positive, meaningful messages. There’s a reason he’s so internationally successful, and it’s because he’s talented. 
          Maybe right now isn’t a great example of his talent. Jimin was in his studio, holding his head in his hands. Sure, he’s a globally recognised and accomplished songwriter, but to be honest, he hadn’t written a single piece of original JIMIN music since he wrote ‘Filter’ with Namjoon months ago. He was in the biggest creative slump in his entire career. He had tried almost everything, co-writing, exercise, music samples, playing around on instruments. Hell he even tried music therapy. Whatever melody he tried to create, whatever lyrics he tried to write, it all came out sounding like garbage. 
          Yesterday was a little bit of a blow to Jimin’s ego. It was three in the morning, and he’d been in the studio for seven hours, with only one verse written. 
I love to let loose,
Have you ever tried eating moose?
It’s all so bananas,
Tony fucking Montana. 
          Yeah, it’s pretty embarrassing. It’s not even a verse, it looks more like a kindergartener’s attempt to write poetry. For the first time in his life, he doesn’t really feel like writing music or putting his thoughts in a song. Jimin is just plain out of ideas. He has nothing to write about. And if he doesn’t have good content to put out, he’d rather not put anything out at all. 
          But he still hates it. All his life, he’s coped by writing, singing and dancing. This writer’s block has been too frustrating. Too many sleepless nights and crumpled papers have been wasted over it, with no progress or music in result. Plus, Jin might be one of his closest friends, but Jin was also a boss, and he still needed more tracks for Jimin’s big comeback, happening end of the year. 
          He can’t help it. Jimin has nothing left to write about. He opened one eye when he heard the distant ding of his phone coming from somewhere in the studio. Grumbling incoherently, he opened the notification, to find… you. 
          Jimin’s mouth was hanging open the entire video. His eyes twitched the tiniest bit and he almost dropped the phone when you said his face was “decent”, but he had to watch it again, because the first time around, he didn’t hear a word that came out your damn mouth. He was otherwise… preoccupied. No matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t tear his damn eyes off the screen. Curse Min Yoongi for sending him this. 
          He even cringed when he had to bring his sleeve up to wipe the tiniest bit of drool off his face. Practically salivating. What the fuck? How old was he? He was Park Jimin, why was he popping a boner from watching some stranger on the internet dance to his songs? He’s been in the industry for way too long now, he was practically immune to scantily clad women prancing around him. So why he completed concentrated on your stupid little crop top? Not to mention, you were practically insulting him at this point. What was so special? 
          For one moment, Jimin forced his eyes off the screen, wondering if the sleep deprivation had really affected him that much, or if this was another side effect of the writer’s block he’s been having. It’s the partying ‘clean act’ ban Jin’s been forcing me to go on, he thought, even though Jimin wasn’t totally convinced of that. (Despite swearing not to, he looked straight back to down at his phone afterwards to reply the video.) 
          He was so fixated on the screen, he didn’t even notice when Yoongi flung the door open and walked inside. Jimin only lifted his head when he heard Yoongi’s obnoxiously loud groan. 
          “What- When did you get here?” Yoongi recently went back to a fan-favourite hair colour of his, and Jimin was still not used to seeing him with bright mint coloured hair. In his opinion, he looked like a highlighter, but Yoongi seemed to not mind it. 
          “I’ve been standing here for the past two minutes, drinking my coffee. The fuck you watching on your phone that’s got you drooling?” 
          “NOTHING.” Yoongi narrowed his eyes, and before Jimin could even move away, he managed to snatch the phone away from Jimin’s hands. 
          “What the fuck- how? You know, this is why your fanbase thinks you’re a cat.” Yoongi ignored his words with ease. “Oh my god,” He said. “Are you watching the video I sent you? I didn’t expect you to actually watch it.” 
          “I always watch my fan’s videos after a comeback!” Jimin insisted, clawing upwards to steal his own phone back, but Yoongi kept slapping his hands away. 
          “Yeah, but this isn’t a fan. This is just like, one of your fanboys and a girl roasting you.” Yoongi stared back at Jimin suspiciously when he tried to defend himself. “Why were you watching this girl dance like a starving man, Chim?” 
          “Just, because- what- I was nOT watching her like a starving man. Don’t look at me like I’m some kind of a pervert!” Jimin finally managed to grab ahold of his phone again, and he threw it behind him on the couch, away from Yoongi. 
          “Hyung,” He sighed. “I think maybe it’s Jin’s new ‘clean, good boy’ rule. Along with this stupid fucking slump I’ve been having these days, I just don’t feel great, okay? So don’t be so fussy with me. I can’t write, I can’t party… If I want to ogle over some random girl on the internet, I will.” Jimin cringed once the words came out of his mouth, but Yoongi slowly nodded, sitting down on the couch. 
          Min Yoongi may be a little too gay to understand Jimin’s womaniser ways, but the frustration behind not being able to write music, that, he understood. “You’re trying to justify being a perv by using your mental problems, but I’ll talk to you about that later on.”
          “Chim, we all have our slumps. It’s honestly a wonder that this is your first serious creative block. Me and Joon, and every single artist in the world, is bound to go through that at some point. It’s not the end. You’ll still be able to write good music soon, you’re a good writer.” Jimin refused to meet Yoongi’s eyes, even if what he was saying did make a little sense. He just chose to stay silent. 
          “You just have nothing left to write about. You can’t keep living like this though, Chimmy. It’s unhealthy.” 
          “What do you mean, unhealthy? I’m perfectly fine, thank you.” 
          Yoongi stared at him deadpan, gesturing to the entire state of his studio. “It’s a complete mess in here,” He said. “Plus, I don’t think you’ve left this studio for days. The others may not want to say it to your face, but we’re all a bit worried about you. Stop forcing yourself to ingest all these redbulls to try to keep writing.” 
          “When inspiration comes, it’ll come. You can’t force it, it doesn’t work that way. What you need, is a break. Go back home for once, maybe visit your mom. And for god’s sakes, take a shower please. Trust me, okay?”
          Yoongi doesn’t like admitting it, but he’s the most caring one out of their friend group. Anyone can tell from the look in his eyes right now, that he’s genuinely concerned about his friend. He’s also the one with most sense, but Jimin will never tell him that, because his advice, no matter how sensible, is useless. 
          All he’s known is singing, writing, and throwing himself in work. To just stop? Even if it’s to take a short break, it doesn’t feel right to Jimin. Instead of telling Yoongi his problems, he just poked his tongue in his cheek. If lightbulbs actually popped up above people’s heads when they had a good idea, a massive one would’ve appeared on top of Jimin’s. 
          “I’ve got it!” He said, excitedly. Yoongi sat up straight. “You’re going to take my advice for once?”
          “No, of course not, Hyung. Don’t be silly.” Yoongi slouched his back again, closing his eyes. 
          “I’ll just hit this girl up!” Yoongi’s eyes snapped open. 
          “Yeah! Who knows, y’know? Maybe I’ve been keeping myself to Jin’s rules a little too well. It won’t hurt the company if I let myself go just once. Blow off some steam, come back fresh and recharged.” Jimin rubbed his hands together like a bad Disney villain. 
          “It’s too early for this.” Yoongi whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
          “It’s three in the afternoon.” Yoongi ignored him. 
          “You really aren’t going to take my advice, huh.” 
          “Nope!” Jimin said, popping the ‘p’ annoyingly. 
          “You promised Jin you’d go celibate.”
          “I said I’d clean up the partying act. I don’t recall taking a vow of celibacy.” Yoongi just sighed, and fell back down on the sofa, mindlessly sipping at his coffee. 
          Jimin hesitated. “You’re not going to… tell me not to? Or give me another one of your eco-feminist speeches again?” Yoongi shrugged. 
          “You’ve heard it too many times. Plus, I have a feeling this is going to be funny.” 
          “Funny? Hyung, what part of this could possible be funny to you?” There was a brief pause filled with awkward silence, before Yoongi blinked slowly. 
          “When she rejects you, of course.” Jimin threw his jacket, aimed straight for Yoongi’s head. His stupidly fast cat-like reflexes managed to dodge it, but Jimin scowled at him nonetheless. 
          “She’s not going to reject me.” Jimin walked over, picking up the very same jacket he threw at Yoongi, before plopping his sunglasses back on his face. “No woman has ever managed to reject me before, and I intend on adding her to that list.” He pursed his lips. 
          “Plus, she’s super hot. Great ass. Attractive people attract attractive people.” Jimin turned his phone back on once more to sneak one last peek at you in the thumbnail of the video, before stuffing his phone into his back pocket. “I just need to get it out of my system. This might be what I need to get me out of this creative rut!”
          He could’ve sworn Yoongi muttered something under his breath, something along the lines of ‘fucking asshole’, but he chose to ignore it. 
          “Alright, well, see you, Yoons!” Jimin practically skipped out of the studio, startling the producer’s assistant outside with his slightly disturbing enlarged grin. 
          “Don’t come crying to me when she refuses to get in your pants, you fucking diva!”
          Jimin continued walking towards the elevator, but he threw up his middle finger behind him. 
[taglist:] @notmontae97​​ @lucedelsole97​
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