spyglassrealms · 2 years
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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figueroths · 2 months
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JADE — Angel of My Dreams
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strawberrycherrybaby · 4 months
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stopper-my-heart · 2 months
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This was going to be very short and cute but there was just too much cuteness so now it's going to be longer and cute. In this gif we have:
The tail end of Nick pushing Charlie off of him (which it took him longer to do than was strictly necessary).
Nick, in no hurry to get up, with his hands expecting and ready for more roughhousing (and his face showing happiness at the prospect).
Charlie noticing something and Nick - instead of doing the typical person response of looking towards whatever has caught his attention - just continuing to look at Charlie for a while.
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kurikorso · 2 months
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nostalgia slapped me upside the head a little while ago so i had to draw my favorite dudes ft. the gecko effect
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wouldntbehim · 9 months
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mix: firstprince (taylor's version)
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dawnofiight · 1 month
Now presenting: Lucid (she/they)
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She's a Seer.
Working for the Sodality.
Disguises herself as a dreamwalker.
She speaks in mostly a whisper because she always has a fucking headache.
Headphones are always on her head.
The way she dies is a bit confusing to her and she has yet to understand it so she takes time out of her day to dissect it.
Because why is there fog and why was she on a boat?
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emkini · 2 months
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He looks trustworthy
Inspired by In the Hall of the King Underhill by @hellenite, whose fics have consumed my brain.
Also this is my first colored pencil illustration in 5 years and I did the whole thing in as many hours, it sure as hell ain't no masterpiece but I had fun and that's what matters
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shirozora-draws · 1 year
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I needed an excuse to get myself back on track for all things The Stars and what better way to do it than to answer this art prompt from a comment on the 3rd chapter? The man needs more color in his wardrobe, so let's do that.
Color scheme is heavily inspired by Andor's Mon Mothma & family. My reasoning is that I see their clothes to be a blend of Coruscant and Chandrila, and since Leia and the NR government are both located in Chandrila post-OT I imagine that some of Luke's clothes also come from Chandrila. The man can't wear all-black all the time post-OT, I'm just saying.
That little bit of gray/silver under the collar is the silver chain the mythosaur pendant is hanging from. And as an Asian person I will exploit Star Wars' obsession with E. Asian clothing as much as I want.
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queerdiaz · 8 months
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Okay so crack theory time.
It looks like there's a chair in the bag which kinda looks like a hospital waiting room. So what if they're there waiting for Bobby, Athena, or both, and Eddie says something about hating hospitals and mentions the last time they were in one (okay the lightning strike) and Chimney asks if he's still not over it and Eddie just stares somewhere else in silence but nods. But then maybe, just maybe, Eddie says in a low voice "I love him" which shocks Chimney that he's actually admitting it. And then later when everything is better, Chimney tells Eddie the "tomorrow isn't promised to anyone" line.
And yes, I am very much back on my clown bullshit *HONK HONK*
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aminojackal · 3 months
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Hi chat I've been trying to think of a good caption for like five days and I'm coming up empty handed so. Throws a Clyde at you and runs away
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mangywayway · 10 months
"I want to open up your ribcage, crawl inside and close the door. A niche made just for me, between your heart and your stomach".
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Same version below, just without the written part ✨
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debellatis · 4 months
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something something cat of dreams
Now makes pair with my dog hob
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somegrumpynerd · 10 months
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Good heavens, look at the time! (Points to a clock where every hour is replaced with "gooptales")
@topazshadowwolf's boys will be the death of me please read it it's so good
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cuubism · 1 year
i said i might write something based on Sonnet XVII by Pablo Neruda and well. yeah.
“Have you been thinking much of this time?” Dream asks.
They are at the beginning. The ancient, smoky main room of the White Horse, all the way back then, when that sweet, starlit entity had loomed over Hob with challenge and strangeness and then swept away again, leaving the start of a story in his wake. Only this time, Dream is sitting with him, and the rest of the room is faded out, as it had when Hob had first seen him, this collected truth of the universe.
(Dream does not believe in objective truth—of course he doesn’t, he is made of dreams—though he would not articulate it that way if asked. Hob, meanwhile, knows at least one truth, and it’s what he feels when he looks at Dream.)
“Don’t you think of it?” he asks, wrapping an arm around Dream’s waist, fingers over his hipbone. It is a dream, but that distinction does not matter to Hob much anymore.
“I suppose. I think of much.”
“‘Course you do.” He strokes his hand up and down Dream’s side, and Dream hums. “I wondered about following you. Think if I did you’d have been gone into smoke already.”
“Yes. I did not care to stay long.”
“Nor I,” Hob admits.
“Truly?” says Dream, with surprise.
“Was thinking about you too much,” Hob says. “How could I go back to just chatting with my mates when I had seen you?”
“Why did you stay, then?”
“You have to take time with your mates while you have it,” Hob says. “Didn’t need six hundred years of life to know that one. Just a couple dozen deaths. Had the rest of eternity to mull over you, after all.”
“And did you?” Dream asks.
“Oh, yes.” He pulls Dream close. Slides over until he’s half in his lap, straddling his thigh, perfectly placed to kiss him. Hands on his shoulders, his neck, the sharp cut of his jaw. Once, Hob had held him from afar, like a wish. Now, Hob holds him close, as dream, as friend, as lover, in his human way, with sweat and time and hands.
“I mulled over you like fine wine,” Hob says, twisting his fingers in Dream’s hair, and Dream smiles. Hob kisses him again. Sips of his mouth like mulled wine, indeed. But his love for Dream is nothing so fleeting as spice on his tongue.
Or as fleeting as Dream sometimes thinks it will be. Dream is a living love poem to creation. But he does not know how to be loved in the way Hob wants to love him. In the way Hob does love him. Hob thinks that Dream knows how to be loved as a dream is loved, as a hope is loved, as an ideal is loved: held in glass, or in the sky, distant, perfect, disappointing up close. Parts of him are held as bubbles in different souls, but never in entirety.
He knows how to be loved as a nightmare is loved, bloody fear and history, raw closeness, curling in the humors of the body. He has been loved as a story is loved, which is to say, as creation is loved, as transmission is loved, as distance, as connection, as hearts on radio waves, as endings are loved, the pathways of him, container and fill.
Dream does not know how to be loved as a person is loved.
Hob loves him still when he grows teeth, and when a sweet taste comes to his mouth. Hob loves him as potential, as uncertainty. Story unset in stone. In softening belly and uneven step. Hob will show him how to be loved as a person is loved, because Dream is a person, especially when he insists he is not, and Hob loves him as one, has loved him as one, and Dream, who is used to being loved as dreams, cannot comprehend this.
He asks, sometimes. Why? Not even in a hurt, self-hating way. In a genuinely curious way, for he is not used to it. Hob hasn’t had the answer to that. Just trust that I do.
This moment, kissing Dream in the smoke of memory, is an answer. This is the beginning, but a fragment of words comes back to him, read in the between-time, when they were apart.
“You wanted to know why I loved you.” His lips are to Dream’s skin as he speaks, moved to his throat, his chest, pulling open his high collar, as Dream shivers under him. In the Dreaming, things can be like other things in a way that makes no sense in the Waking; Dreaming-sense is like a collage, the distant truth of collected fragments. And so touching Dream’s skin is like stepping out into the earliest morning, before the human world’s woken up, and feeling what’s un-meant to be felt.
“I do not think love needs a why,” Dream says. “Yet I have wondered.”
He gets it, Hob thinks, except that he doesn’t let himself.
He traces the harsh line of Dream’s collarbone with his mouth. Dream is full of harsh lines and seems incapable of letting softness stick to his bones. “‘I love you because I know no other way than this.’”
“I am familiar with the poem,” Dream says, but his voice is caught on Hob's words, his long fingers disbelieving in Hob’s hair.
“Are you?”
“Between shadow and soul is where dreams reside,” says Dream.
“And what about Dream?” Hob says, looking up at him, stressing the singular.
Dream’s lips purse, and Hob goes back to kissing his chest, up his sternum, over his heart. “I know,” he says between kisses, “no other way. Than this.”
Dream tangles him up, long arms, legs curled together, shadow and star around him. Hob’s loved him so long that he doesn’t remember what it was like not to. He has been tangled up in Dream since the beginning. It is what he is.
“A dream resides where it is wanted,” says Dream, finally answering his question. His voice has roughened, his breath has quickened, affected by Hob’s touch, by the words of the poem. Each lick, and kiss, and bite coils the Dreaming closer around them. One day it might be harder to wake up than to fall asleep.
“It’s wanted,” Hob says, and claims his beautiful mouth, pressing him back against the wall. His hair in its uncontrollable frissons, his eyes in their changeable void, his needy starvation of a thousand unanswered love poems—this kiss is a response to those missives. Dream is in the shadowed parts of him, in his turning points, in the words he speaks. Hob sees his answer in the tears that bead along his eyes but refuse to fall, in his darkness and whimsical creations, and his surprised, gentle pleasure when he’s kissed.
Hob loves him so. There’s no moral or end to that story. Hob’s love for Dream is. Full stop. End of sentence.
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deoidesign · 4 months
Wait wait wait, I saw in your tags that's Time and Time Again is ending soon? But I've only just found it! (through the animation you did, it and your comic are so well done)
Ah, yeah.
So by "soon" I really mean "sooner than I think I would like" and it feels much sooner to me as the writer than I think it will to you all as the readers.
But, Time and Time Again is pretty much exactly 2/3 of the way through right now. Webtoon gave me the end date before I even finished my first season, and I've been trying to fit in all the things I wanted to get into the story before it ends...
It's why my hiatus has been taking so long, I'm trying to write to get as many moments and as much development as I possibly can, with really limited time! And... also admittedly to prolong how much longer it's sort of "around" in my life.
Because I know once it is over, I'll move on to the next comic! and 3 years just doesn't feel long enough to have Adam and Steve in my life haha
But, yeah. it's getting "close" in a way that it's starting to make me sad. like this time next year it'll probably be over.
It's okay of course, it's the nature of stories that they will end. I'm working really hard to make it satisfying despite Everything, and I'm really proud of everything I've done so far.
And my next comic will be even better for what I've learned here!
So, sorry to everyone, but I promise I'm gonna make it worth it.
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