larytello · 2 months
Song was "Butterfly", the opening theme of Digimon Adventure, kinda literally a theme song for my life XD It means so much more to me since 2013 I could spend a day explaining why
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prettyboykatsuki · 11 months
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sworn secrecy | i. yoichi.
✮ tags ; fem!reader(referred to as little sister but otherwise no gendered language), little sister itoshi (rin / sae are your big brothers), boyfriend!isagi, aged-up charas, use of honorfics for rin / sae (sae-nii / rin-nii), sneaking out, very silly. not nsfw but it's there implicitly
✮ wc ; 2k
✮ a/n ; have had bad writers block but this was a lot of fun.
✮ synopsis ; rin has made it very clear that isagi is strictly off-limits. you are not very good at listening.
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It's a miracle you haven't died.
Isagi sits on the edge of your bed, wet hair and shirtless while watching Youtube videos while you stare outside of the window of your bedroom. Both of your brothers cars are still parked into the driveway.
You're screwed, actually. There's no hope for you anymore. You freeze as you hear footsteps in the hallway, shooting Isagi a look. He shrugs at you, a sly grin on his face. Unbothered and amused by the entire situation.
He's not going to be any help either it seems. You step away and crawl over to him in distress, throwing yourself into his lap. He drops his phone on side of the bed with a laugh, as you sit your knees on either side of his thighs.
His hand goes instantly to rest on the small of your back, knocking his forehead to yours. He has the audacity to giggle at you.
"Yoichi," You bemoan, clinging onto him for comfort even though he's most of the problem "How can you laugh in these conditions? Do you know how fucked I am?"
He gives you a wry grin "Well in a way,"
You hit him softly for the crass comment before clinging onto his shoulder. Isagi holds you comfortably, kissing whatever part of your shoulder you can reach. He traces little patterns into your skin, and you let yourself lean into the touch because you're unsure of when the next time will be if either of you happen to get caught.
"Yoichi," You whine again, frustrated and huffing "If Rin-nii catches me he's going to kill me."
He has the nerve to laugh.
"He'll be pissed but he's not gonna say anything to you. He's gonna kick my ass though."
"That's what I'm worried about, you dummy."
"Aw, you're worried about me? Hm? My baby is worried about me?"
Isagis coaxing helps soften your nerves even though it's not fixing the problem. You giggle quietly at the feeling of his lips on your neck and decide you're going to see him again at all costs.
It's a bad situation to be in. Surprisingly, while both of your older brothers are protective of you - Rin is the most strict about why you're not allowed to date his friends. Sae is a lot more lax about it, maybe because he's the oldest with the worst tendency of spoiling you. The only person he refuses to let you get involved with is Oliver and Shidou - but he doesn't particularly care about his other teammates if you're interested.
Rin, on the other hand, has been very verbal about you dating his teammates. A strict no on all of them, every last one - even the good and nice guys like gorilla-king Barou or Musclehead Kunigami. Chigiri is off-limits, Bachira is definitely off-limits, and the list goes on and on.
Of all of them though, Rin has a special disdain for the boy currently sitting half-naked in your bed after having sex with you the night before.
"If I ever catch that fucking freak looking at you, I'll kill him. You're not allowed to date Isagi ever."
When you were a little younger and it mattered to you more - you did try to stay away from them altogether. As the team went pro and Isagi came around more often to practice or bother Rin, the more difficult this ask became.
Isagi is two years older than you, and he's always been so nice to you. You'd only started speaking to him recently. He's attentive and charismatic, and awkward in an attractive way. All of that along with how he is when he plays - nauseatingly arrogant and cocky and so impossibly sexy made in impossible to stay away.
He wasn't always so tempting. But as of a few months ago, you couldn't take his eyes off him. So, at a party and away from your brothers view - you came onto him. He was even nice enough to try and stop you since he probably knew the outcome.
But your crush was only growing in size and you were determined to fuck him at least. So fuck him you did. You'd half been expecting your brothers gloom and doom to come true. You thought you'd wake up to an empty bed and no phone number - figure out why he'd always been so adamant on it.
Your bed was empty, but Isagi wasn't gone, he was making breakfast - grinning at you as you padded downstairs. You realized later that you'd be wiped down and changed sometime in the middle of the night. Turns out Isagi had his eyes on you for a long time, but per Rin's insanity decided not to approach. And now that you'd gone this far, he was determined to keep you.
Bridges burned, you started dating in secrecy. The only person who knows is Bachira. You kind of think Sae found out months ago, but chose not to let it slip. He just occasionally gives you knowing glances and tells you to be safe more often than not.
It's been 6-months and the two of you have been so careful. Isagi is mostly careful for your sake. He's told you more than once that he doesn't care who knows, even if it's Rin.
But you know your brother, and how fucking deranged he tends to be about stuff like this. So you've been sneaking around, doing home-dates or long-drives to avoid things that are too public and it's worked. You've been extra careful when you bring Isagi home - usually choosing to stay at his place.
Rin isn't supposed to be here. He went on a daytrip with his team for some photoshoot and was supposed to be home tomorrow. Sae was supposed to be in the gym. Now they're both at home, and Isagi is sitting in your bed while you're covered in hickies.
And you have not the slightest fucking idea how you're going to get him the hell out without being caught.
"I'm worried Rin-nii is going to fist-fight you." You say sincerely. Isagi laughs.
"I forgot he almost got into with Shidou. And Sae."
You sigh a deep sigh as Isagi rubs a circle into your back.
"I love you," You say with another frown.
"I love you too. Stop worrying so much. It'll be fine."
"You're only saying that because you don't know how much Rin lectured me about you specifically."
"Me specifically? Seriously? Am I that much of a villain to that guy?"
You laugh a little wetly "Yeah, kinda."
"Damn. Tough crowd.'
You both sit together in silence for a minute before sighing.
"Do you think I should enlist Sae-niis help?"
Isagi gives you a confused look. "I thought he didn't know?"
"I never told him but," You shrug sheepishly "Pretty sure he figured it out."
Isagi gives you a little kiss on the cheek "If you trust him, I trust him. We don't talk much but he seems cool to me."
You nod a little before grabbing your phone from next to Isagi - pulling back as you look for Sae's contact.
(sent 11:34am) : my beloved flesh and blood you know i love you with my whole heart yes.
from sae-nii (sent 11:34am) : how much money do you need? (sent 11:34 am) : no no its not that this time.
(sent 11:35 am) : uhm. isagi is in my room. and i need to sneak him out so rin doesn't see. help me. please please please. from sae-nii (sent 11:38 am) : ... you're such an idiot.
from sae-nii (sent 11:39am) : ill distract him. come down in 5 minutes exactly. and don't do this stupid shit again. im not helping you next time. (sent 11:40 am) : thank u i love you ur the best ever. favorite midfielder in the world.
You moan a sigh of relief as you drop your head onto Isagi's shoulder.
"Sae-nii is helping us. We're saved. Didn't even ask about anything."
"We'll have to make it up to him sometime." Isagi offers. You nod emphatically. You're sure he's going to interrogate you later but it won't be nearly as bad.
"We only have 5 minutes. I'll help you get your stuff."
"Thanks baby."
In 5 minutes, you help Isagi get dressed, pack of his stuff in the drawstring bag he brought with him, and give him a few kisses goodbye. You get a text at 11:44 on the dot saying Rin will be distracted for a little and to head down.
Your door creeks as you poke your head down, looking both ways before opening it completely and letting Isagi out. He does the same gesture as the two of you quietly make your down the stairs, Isagi's hand in yours as you trail behind him.
When you're finally downstairs, Sae is waiting at the end of the steps with a very unimpressed expression. You give him a look of gratitude, and he merely shakes his head. You're feeling especially lucky today.
Isagi comes all the way down and you stand next to him. Sae puts a hand on his shoulder and leans in.
"I called an Uber. It'll be waiting at the 7/11 on the corner..." A slight pause "Treat her well or I'll ruin your entire career."
Isagi swallows awkwardly.
"Y-yeah, of course."
Sae gives a satisfied nod before looking at you "I'll talk to you later."
"Yeah, got it. Thank you nii-san." You reply. He softens before shaking his head.
"Go say your goodbyes outside. The Uber will be there soon and he still has to walk down there."
You usher Isagi outside, mouthing one last thank you to your brother before gently shutting the door behind you. Finally at your front door, you get a good look at your boyfriend under the early morning sun.
You give him a long hug, squeezing him tight as the wind passes by. He returns to the gesture, smiling in a goofy way as he pulls away from you.
"Stop looking so sad, baby." He reaches for you, cupping your cheek in his palm as he rubs his thumb underneath your eyes "I'll see you again soon, yeah."
You nod. You really don't want to part with him. Strangely the whole fiasco is only making you feel more fond. You hum, then sigh - giggling a bit.
"Mm, okay. Thanks for being you. Sorry your in-laws are insane."
"In-laws? Oh, am I getting proposed to first? That won't do."
"Stop that, I'm kidding."
"I'm not," He says with a light laugh "Let me win the World Cup first once though." He pulls your hand to his lips, kissing your ring finger and feeling for the size. You flush.
"Stop being so romantic and go home."
He laughs a little again, kissing your hairline and temple before kissing you once on the lips.
"Message received. I'll text you. Love you. Bye baby."
You part with one last kiss, watching as Isagi walks down the sidewalk and disappears around the corner without looking back. A wave of relief passes over you but you'd soon find out how short-lived the moment would truly be.
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket.
from sae-nii ( sent 11:57 am) : i tried to keep him from going outside but he..
The message cuts off as a sense of dread fills your stomach. You turn around slowly only to see Rin at the window, fuming.
Oh, you're so absolutely screwed.
Isagi slides into the Uber with a heavy sigh, before sliding his phone open. A flood of messages awaits him all from the same time. Some from you opening with an apology - more from Rin that are a variety of threats.
He starts laughing in the back of the Uber, barely able to contain himself.
from evil twin (sent 11:56 am) : im gonna fucking murder you.
from evil twin (sent 11:56 am) : i already told her. no you especially. im gonna fucking flay you as soon as i see you.
Isagi laughs as he types back a reply, shutting his phone after putting his airpods in and playing music.
sent 12:08 pm : looking forward to family dinner otouto
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
Since people ask me a lot how to research this or that type of mythology or religion I'll just tell you how I go about researching mythology and religion I'm not familiar with in general.
Keep in mind I'm not an expert. I'm just a guy who reads a lot about mythology.
So first, know what you're looking for. What culture's belief system are we looking at? Because you can't just look at a broad region. If you wanna know about "African" or "Asian" mythology generally that will not help you. You need to be looking at something specific. A specific group or religion.
So let's say, as an example, you want to research the stories and beliefs and history of Tibetan Buddhism. Because that's something I'm looking into researching right now, so I'll take you through my process of getting started on it.
So the first thing I do is... google Tibetan Buddhism. Now this is a still-living religion that has continuously been practiced since it's founding, so I scroll past the Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica entries until I find something by the people currently practicing it. In this case, I found an article by the Sakya Monastery in Seattle that gives a basic overview of their beliefs and different types of the religion that is currently practiced. This is what I'm looking for. I want to give myself a fairly good foundation of understanding of what's going on here before I start digging past the surface.
After this, I look for more articles and videos by monasteries explaining the basics. If this were from a religion that is either dead or has not been practiced continually since its founding I would skip all this and just go to the next step. Watching YouTube videos made by outsiders.
So after I give myself an idea of how people who practice the religion present themselves, I go searching on YouTube for overviews. I'm specifically interested in videos made by people that regularly make videos about this kind of thing and take it seriously. Sometimes this can take some digging. Something to look for is people who cite their sources, people who present the facts without outward judgement, and people who acknowledge their own biases while they explain these things.
A lot of these videos often give me ideas for books and primary sources to start referencing. With Tibetan Buddhism there's a lot of the regular Buddhism texts, along with a few others. I'm not looking to become an expert in this religion or convert to it, so I'll settle for reading about these books. I'm fairly familiar with Zen Buddhism specifically and the history of Buddhism more generally so this helps me a teeny bit here but Tibetan Buddhism is very specifically its own thing so I start googling specific stories and types of practices mentioned in the videos and articles I've been using.
Once I have been reading things from various different perspectives and feel comfortable enough to the point where I feel like I could explain the basics to someone who knows nothing about the mythology or belief system, this is the point where I start looking into books. This is also the part where I actually start combing through various Wikipedia articles, following chains and looking through reference sections to see if there's any good sources I should be digging into.
When I look to buy or borrow books, it depends on how in-depth I want to go. As is, I'm probably gonna buy a couple of different books on a beginners guide to Tibetan Buddhism and perhaps something on the history of it. With each book I consider I look up the author. Are they an expert in this subject? Do they practice this religion? Would I rather buy a book by someone that follows the religion or someone that's a scholar of it? Because you will get very different results depending on who is writing it. Things written for spiritual purposes are very different from purely educational books, so what do you want to get out of this research? Are you just looking for entertainment? Do you just want to be more knowledgeable about the world in general? Does someone you love find importance in this subject? Are you doing research for a project? Are you looking to incorporate aspects of this religion into your own life? The types of books you buy or borrow will heavily depend on your intentions and you should be careful about actually reading the book descriptions and reading the backgrounds of the authors to make sure you're buying the correct one for what you're hoping to get out of this.
My purpose in this case is simply feeding my own curiosity, so I'm leaning towards buying Essential Tibetan Buddhism by Robert A. F. Thurman. It's a bit old but it's written by someone that's a professor of Tibetan studies and has translations of some essential texts in it, so it seems like a good starting point for me, and possibly also an ending point. Because like I said, this is mostly about my own curiosity.
If I wanted to dig further I'd probably start looking into the reference sections of various books for other things to read, start digging into lists of primary sources, possibly find free to watch lectures online by people with doctorates in this sort of thing, and read into primary sources I find referenced in the various secondary sources I've been consulting up to this point.
Basically, start on the surface and follow the rabbithole down. And always remember that the perspectives of people who study something in a secular way for a living and people who actively practice a religion will be different from each other. Pick and choose what sources you use depending on what your intentions are. Reading something about Orphic hymns for scholarly reasons or for other research purposes and reading Orphic hymns because you're a Hellenistic pagan who wants to incorporate them into your personal practice are two extremely different things. Both are valid reasons to buy a book on Orphic hymns but the two books that the two hypothetical people here would buy are very very different from each other.
Good luck out there and always be respectful while you're poking around.
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
I haaaasss 27 asks :}
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Yes. Yes it does.
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Thank you! :DD And yeah canon Gregory is just not my vibe man XD
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(Traffic cone in question)
Thank you so much! :DD And yeah I try my best to get up and do something productive/different when I'm feeling down like that. My thought process is "well sitting here and sulking isn't making me feel any better so I should go and do something else" Which just so happened to be breaking out the old sewing kit and making a traffic cone?? XD Well to be fair I've made like 10 of those before but still an odd choice on my part-
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Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked my cars artwork! :DD
And yeah I would draw cars stuff more often but they're just so hard to draw :(
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Idk why they decided to jump into a DLC before fixing the base game, but man I really wish they wouldn't have. 😔
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I'll do my best! :D
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Yes :} or at least I've been trying to-
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Thank you so much! And I did use a pattern to make him. Credit for the patten goes to Tammy Hallam, heres her video on how to make your own too! :}
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As for Glamrock Bonnie,, ehh, its a bit odd to me. Not a huge fan of the color pallet but its not the worst I've seen. I'd give it a 5.5 outa 10
ALSO! I believe Octonauts is streaming on Netflix, but I've also had some luck finding full episodes on YouTube :0
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Thank you! And oh yeah, I feel you on the fandom part. XD That's why I'm still kind'a on the fence and haven't dove head first into my usual angsty stuff. I'm kind'a testing the waters with every post I make to see if I'll collide with the uh, other side of the fandom :x
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Thank you! :DDD
Also Google is a search engine. :0 If you search for Octonauts fanart, its gonna do its job and search for fanart and likely find some of the stuff I made. Notice though that all of my artwork shown on Google links directly back to my blog. Its because Google isn't stealing it, its parting the branches of a bush and pointing "Look! Over there is some Octonauts fanart like you requested!" XD
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There isn't really anything Gregory can do for Bonnie..
Its hard to explain,, but I'll try. Bonnie is missing his leg from the middle of his shin down. So he cant stand up right like Foxy because- well duh, he's missing a whole foot.
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So order to fix Bonnies leg so he can stand/walk like Foxy does, he would need an entire replacement foot with a working joint. This would also mean that the wires in Bonnies legs would have to be replaced and hooked up so that he can control said new foot.
Currently there are no spare parts around that fit Bonnies model.. and even if they did, Gregory wouldn't know how to properly re-wire an animatronic foot. He's smart but not THAT smart <XDD
The only thing Gregory could do is make Bonnie a weird peg leg that makes his current leg longer. Currently Bonnies half leg is shorter than his good leg. But in all honesty Bonnie doesn't really want that.
Having Gregory ducttape this weird goofy peg leg to him would be more embarrassing then what he already has. He'd probably want to salvage what ever dignity he has left and say "ah give it a rest. There's no point. My legs good enough for what its for." <:/
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If I remember correctly... Sometime ago my tablet pen broke. And it took like 2-3 weeks for a new one to arrive. In the mean time I tried to make an art doll of sorts. That doll was Bibi!
I ended up making a lot of goofy posts with Bibi and I as I waited for my pen to arrive. Once it finally did and I went back to drawing comics, I ended making Bibi a reoccurring character. And he's been around ever since!
Now Jangles is a Halloween prop that I bought because I thought it was funny. I was practicing making quilts one time and I made a small blue one that just so happened to be the right size for him. So I put it on and then I thiiink I got the idea to add Jangles to my blog as a joke.? I gave Bibi a "new friend" to celebrate hitting 10,000 followers. The new friend was a cropped png of jangles XD
Eventually down the line I wanted to give Bibi an proper friend. So for Bibi's birthday I drew a comic where Jangles came to life and here we are XD
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Currently I am getting none of those things :x I have a cold so sleep and food is hard :( Thank you though! :D
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:D AW!! Thank you! I'm so glad to hear how I've inspired you! :}}
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XD Thank you so much! And don't worry, I'm pretty confident I'll draw him again someday
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XD Thank you. To be honest I'm kind'a going back and fourth on this fandom. I don't really wanna be apart of the fandom, but the characters are the only thing I'm interested in drawing atm soo-
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Ooo these are interesting! Although absorbing power ups isn't about digesting them. Its something about being human specifically that allows them to absorb the powerups.. 👀👀👀
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My advice would be to use references religiously. That's what I did!
Also thank you! :DD
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Barnaby for sure.
Well, my interpretation of him really-
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@taizarack (Post in question)
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No there's no SpongeBob comic, I just felt like drawing Mr. Krabs XD
Also THANK YOU!! :DD That means so much!! :}}}
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<XD thank you. So far I have some pretty basic ones I imagine. Wally's house is alive and evil, Julie is actually a scary monster but has drastically altered her appearance to look less scary.. Sally is very celestial in nature because she's a real star, Eddie used to be a real human and bleeds and has a heart beat and what not.. uuuuuuh what elseeee,,, I liked to imagine that Sally and Julie came to the neighborhood when they were really young and Poppy kind'a adopted them?? Although I don't know how wide spread that idea is XD
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Thank you! And yeah I'm not very fond of that portrayal either <XD As for your questions..
1: I'm sure there would be somethings that would push his anxiety to the surface. I'm not sure what they'd be but still- I imagine if Luigi was around to see it he would try to get Mario out of what ever situation he's in. If he's in a crowd he'd try to help him slip away unnoticed.
2: I'm not familiar with the giga bell, but if I did add it I'd imagine those would be the side effects yeah <XD Really sore and tired and cant really move for like 3 days :x
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Remodeled or not, I wont be adding any of those animatronics to the Pizzaplex. I already wrote the entire past of this timeline, and those bots all already have a story in my AU. And with their given stories it wouldn't make sense for them to be added to the Pizzaplex.
Of course I cant spoil what those stories are, just know that I have my reasons-
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Oh yeah I forgot to add the colored eye lids to Wally and Barnaby in that trampoline drawing <XD
And yeah! I wanted Wally to be much more expressive so I gave him eyebrows-
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Aw, thank you so much!! Its so cool to hear that you've shared my name with your friends!! :DD
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deadpool15 · 8 months
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Self-care day
"Hello, my beautiful lovely people. It's your girl."That's how you start the videos?" I turn around and look at my girlfriend with a stank face. "Ma'am, I know you didn't just sit there and interrupt me in the middle of my into."
She smiles and shakes her her head. "No, I'm sorry, baby, continue. Finish your intro pretty baby, go on." I suck my teeth, cranning my neck to look back at her since she is trying to persuade me by grabbing my hips. I move myself on her lap because there is more space and cause, why the hell not. "You lucky I love you." I peck her lips before turning around to look at the camera again. "So, like I was saying before, I was rudely interrupted. It's your girl taylor back with yet another video as I promised. And today we have a very special guest, give all you applauds to my girlfriend. I'm gonna like totally insert the audience thing that used to creep me out when I was a kid Kayoung."
"Anyways, today, instead of doing a vlog because it's cold asf in Korea. And I'm from fucking Texas therfore, you know my ass ain't made for the cold. Yea, we will be doing a self-care day with us, and mainly because I just got my period." Chocol starts to chucked behind me, trying to hide from the camera. "Yall have seen my baby Kayoung on camera before plenty of times, so I don't know why she was behind me playing games and shit." I say to the camera, causing her to laugh and wave to the people. "Are yall usually like this? Like, do you curse and tell them all this stuff, babe?" She asked me genuinely, and I wanted to hear my opinion on the matter.
"Baby, I've had a YouTube channel since I was in middle school. Me and my followers and I practically grew up together. On some real, shit they probably know more than you." I tell her playfully, trying to get under her skin, until she starts moving me back and forth on her thigh. Shit I forgot I was sitting on her lap. "I doubt anyone of them know you better than me." She says though I can tell if I don't stop her she will turn this video into a fucking sextape. "OK, ok, you're right. You obviously know me way better. Now stop before they end up seeing me naked. "She stops the playful expression glancing at the camera before she takes notice of the strap of my shirt had fallen down. And pulls it up before kissing my cheek allowing me to continue.
"You promised to behave. I'll edit that out, though." Then we continue on with the video when I grab a clay face mask starting to apply it on her skin. "Baby, your skin is good. See yall, that's what being with me gets you. Clear skin and good sex."I say laughing at the camera, stopping when Kayoung slaps my ass. "Behave." That's all she has to say to get me to be quiet. Eventually, the silence starts to roll in, so I suggest we do a Q&A segment. To add a little seasoning to the upload. While applying her face mask, I hand her my phone, showing her some questions people have asked for over some time. She starts to read them out loud so we both can answer them.
Chocolsrideordie1- How long have you two been dating?
"We've been together for about 5 years now. To be honest, it's 4 years if you really think about it, cause it took one whole year for Kayoung to fucking get me." I tell everyone before she speaks up. "She kept making it seem like I was bothering her by asking about her day and just trying to get to know her. I mean, it took me a while because I really wanted to talk to her but thought she was straight." She says while looking at me. "Yea, everyone she thought I, a national walking gay flag, was a straight woman. Crazy shit." We both start dying of laughter before looking at the next question.
Taylorsbuggest- who is the princess in the relationship?
We both kinda sit there confused. After a while, I finish chocols masks. She starts to do mine now, and we are still trying to understand the question. "It's the way we both don't get it. That's throwing me. Not us both being slow." She looks at me, trying to concentrate on the mask and hide her smile. "So, if you mean like youngest, it's obviously me. But if you mean whole leaders towards the role of like just going with the flow and being babied. It's kinda both of us, I mean, people see her on camera and think she is all intimidating and mean and shit. Which I can understand yall, I got a resting bitch face too. But we both enjoy being each other's support system and like to be the baby." She starts shaking her head, trying to deny what in saying. I smile and grab her to pull us closer. "I promise yall this right here is my baby, and she loves it." I read the next question.
Lovingonfood123- What's it like dating someone younger?
"Well, I sometimes find it hard to believe taylor is younger than me. Compared to how we act. I'm not saying I'm childish, but when I first met her, I thought she was way older than 25. She was just so put together and gave me the vibe of someone who had an old soul. She gives the best advice, and it makes me question how many lives she has lived. In a sense, she acts older than me, so typically, I forget she isn't." She finishes up my mask before I grosn in pain. She finishes up my mask beof4 I groan in pain. She looked at me trying to find exactly what area was hurting until she realized my period was still on. She immediately starts rubbing my abdomen.
"Wanna continue, baby, or just lay down?" I contemplate it. I wanted to continue the video before she gave me a look. Knowing I can't refuse. She continues to rub my stomach, further persuading me to cut the video and call it a day. I managed to push through and get her to do two more questions before we call it's quits for the night. She reads the next question, and I can see it in her eyes she is worried about my pains.
Puppylover56-whats it like being a dancer?
I look at her while she starts to explain in detail. She is so passionate about her craft and I love that so fucking much about her. Whenever you mention here, the world lights up. Obviously not as bright as when you mention me, but you get the idea. "It's amazing, I've been a hip-hop freestyle battler for a long time, and I love every second of every competition I've been in. Whether I win or lose, it's always an experience for me, getting to learn from other dancers. Watching them transform on stage, hopping that's how people see me. I want to continue to battle. Going on street women fighter 2 has taught me more about choreography. Before, I didn't worry too much about creating dance moves, I just went with the flow. Wherever music took me, I allowed my body to just go with it. But now I have learned it can be fun to create dances as well. "
Yourbabydaddy34- What's it like being a country that doesn't really accept the lgbt+ community?
I huff out a breath of air once I hear the question, ignoring the pain that shoots up in my stomach. Chocol takes notice and rubs my stomach a bit more firmly. "So, it's not secret that Korea is homophobic. Buy in my opinion, can you name a country that's not. And no, I'm not saying that's a good thing, I'm simply pointing out the facts here. The country's values and the people are two different things. Of course, it can be difficult sometimes, but no one really goes out of their way to stop us from loving each other, so why should we. A long time ago, I was terrified of the fact that I liked girls. I wasn't raised to look down on it or to think it was bad. In fact, I had gay family members, but as my mother likes to tell me all the time, she didn't have a problem with gay people she just didn't expect me to be like this. I relaiz3d that the father she tried to explain to her point of view the more I didn't want to hear it, it was my mother's way of saying she didn't accept me. Now, we are much closer since she has changed her views. But the point of this story was to tell you that at the end of the day, not everyone will like you for you. So why should you sit there and waste your breath on a hating ass bitch?"
I turn around to hear chocol applauding me in the background. "That's my girl." I smile while hugging her. Before she reminds me, we have to end the video now, so she can run us and bathe and relax. I'm trying to soothe my cramps. "OK, everyone thanks you my beautiful bitches for tuning into today's week tonight's vid of the week. I shall upload again next week, I promise. If I don't, you can beat my ass when you catch me on the streets. "No the fuck you can not." I hear her saying while I laugh looking at rhe serious face she is making. "I'm plating yall, shit can't take a joke. Anyways good-night I love you all byee."
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Hi Alex. Is it ok to vent a little bit a lot? It's completely fine if you don't post any response, I completely understand. This is a HUGE experience prompt to respond to.
I was birthed with the male sex (he/him) so you can call me that.
Over the past year and two months, I've been feeling just a little off. I keep a journal, and have since before that moment, so I have my experience written down carefully. In short form, I don't know who I am. In a longer form, I'm a weird, cringey high schooler who doesn't know who they are, who wears a galaxy backpack to school, who is agnostic (Christian, but can't prove it right or wrong), aromantic, and asexual. My experience isn't special by any means, in fact, I think I fit literally every queer stereotype known to mankind? Here's the best part: I live in Oklahoma, the famous place of Nex Benedict's horrific death.
About a month ago, I saw "Celeste" in a YouTube video about some of the hardest, but most enjoyable, games of all time. I looked it over, it's on sale for $5, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford that. So I got it and finished it within 3 days. I instantly recommended it to my brother, who also happens to be a little queer. He loved it too, but I STILL didn't know the backstory behind that game. Then, I saw the video. It was an amazing reading of Celeste, down to every minor detail of the game. One thing that stood out, was the fact that the both the creator, and the protagonist, were trans women. Even better: it was known for being a wonderful story of the trans experience, and I RELATED TO IT. EVEN BETTER: I had now recommended it to practically my entire friend group, including some incredibly religious people. So what was I gonna do about it? Not care, and continue onto the B-sides.
I want to say 5 days ago was when it really kicked in that "wait a minute, I related to Madeline in a very deep way, and she's a trans..." Now this is the climax, get ready. Because I had been journaling for so long, I had already written about my experience since those early days where I had that so-called dysphoria. And after I realized that could be because I'm trans, I immediately asked my parents what my girl names were before I was born. (doctors didn't know my sex until about two weeks before I was due) "Eden" is a pretty cool name, I guess I'll try it. I walk into my dad's office (works from home) that same day after school, and he immediately turns to me and asks: "So why did you need to know your girl names?" I immediately respond with "... idk?" Very convincing, well done. I text him after I flee to my room, "I'm experimenting, don't take that too seriously" He understands, and I'm at peace. Mom also takes it well, and we're good to actually begin the experiments I was "planning".
First up, change the online bios, like Discord. See how it actually looks on me. AAAAND my best friend sees it within a few hours. Not even prompted, we were talking, playing rocket league, and he just "hey why's your bio say you're experimenting with 'Eden' as your new name?" Explained, but he was in a weird spot. "I'm happy and will support you with whatever you **choose**." Key word there, I'm not choosing anything. I'm actually going with the flow so much more than he could imagine. But okay, we've got a pretty good ally on our side! Going great.
Except here comes "Part of Me" with the anxiety of what could happen, why I shouldn't do anything different around peers, and more importantly why I shouldn't experiment with myself. And to be honest, I believe that part of me. There's so many questions that I ask like "but what if it's all for attention?" or "but you always acted like a boy, why are you changing now? or "maybe the other Christians were right. you are a sinner after all, you're a bad person and you DO deserve to die." You know those.
And with those come the questioning part of it. Am I ACTUALLY just doing what I'm doing for attention? Like I said, I'm a high schooler. I'm a future aerospace engineer for SpaceX, I love computers, and I have top 1% test scores as a sophomore. I'm doing good with school, but that's exactly why I basically have one friend who is also up there with me. I'm not here to brag, I'm here to show that I don't get a lot of attention at school, it's basically all family members who care about me. So again, am I just trying this for attention? I don't think so, but that seems like what my brain would want me to say.
And to be honest, I needed this. I vent every day, but to nobody except Google advertisement algorithms out of Google Docs (my journal). I vent and cry into empty space, but maybe this is finally not just to my phone. This is to another human who I think has had a close experience to mine.
And of course I'm not going to ask you "who am I, who do I like, and what's my gender?" But I am going to ask you one thing: What's your take? I mean this is the trans experiences blog, but I'm not sure if I am a trans. I figured this was the best place to get a good use out of my time. Thank you so much for letting people like me do this, it seriously means a lot.
i'm glad that you feel that this is a space where you can comfortably talk about your experience, and question your gender. My advice, is to keep experimenting,and see where it takes you find out what you're comfortable with, it might take time, and it might change. It took me a while to get to where i am now, and even now i'm not 100% sure. i tried different labels that felt right at the time, but they changed later, and thats okay.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Halazia- Yeosang
Pairing- Yeosang x Named Reader
Word count- 2.9k
Includes- Sweaty Yeosang, wall sex, missionary, slight dirty talk, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi
@lovekeeho @abby-grace @wubbster @pondysselth @azeret98
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Series Masterlist 📝Masterlists
📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Yeosang Masterlist
Gifs from @hipster-shiz, @chwejongho, @kangyeosaang
Yeosang Halazia Fancam
Yeosang Halazia Facecam
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"Security will bring you back here after the performance", Yeosang is saying
"But aren't you going to do another song after Halazia?", I ask confused
He told me they're doing two songs so I don't get why I would come backstage after the first song
"Yeah but that's later on. Security will bring you back out if you want to watch it in the crowd or you can watch it back here on the monitor or by the stage"
"I can stand by the stage?"
"If you want", he nods
I really don't know what to do
I've never been backstage at a performance before
I've never dated a musician before and definitely not an idol
I didn't even know who Yeosang was when I approached him at the cafe I go to everyday during my lunch break
I just saw a really attractive man with an adorable birthmark by his eye and I went right to him to talk to him
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I'm normally not so forward but I just felt a pull towards him and I went with it
He was shy, stumbling over his words then told me he doesn't date because he can't be seen with a girl
I thought that was weird but I figured that was just his way of rejecting me
It sucked but I took it in stride, apologized for bothering him and went on my way thinking I'd never see him again
He was just a random guy in a cafe
Until a few weeks later when I heard his completely sexy deep voice behind me in the cafe again
He asked to speak to me and he asked if I knew who he was
I said no, as I didn't even know his name and asked if I was supposed to know who he was
That's when he explained that he's an idol and the whole debacle of an idol dating
I told him he didn't need to explain anything to me but he stopped me, saying he was explaining because he wanted to date me but wanted me to know what I would be getting into if I agreed
I wanted him, I agreed with everything he told me and we've been together for three months
I've listened to ATEEZ songs, I met his members and I've been to photoshoots, music videos shoots and practices
But never a performance
I've watched them on YouTube but not in person
This is a first, for their new song Halazia
I don't know the song as he asked me not to listen to it so I can hear it for the first time now
Needless to say I'm excited and Yeosang looks so fucking hot in his white button up and tie, black pants and red jacket, his black hair parted down the middle
I love how the makeup artist did his makeup, leaving his birthmark I love so much exposed
ATINYS are right, he is a prince
"I'll see you after the performance jagi", he says
I nod, "Ok"
He comes closer, his fingers tucking some hair behind my ear, his soft lips pressing a sweet kiss to my lips
Of course I want more, I want him, but I refrain from too much pda
All too soon he pulls away, tells me he has to go and I follow security to the stage
They put me right in the front of the crowd, some ATINYS giving me curious looks that I ignore
ATEEZ comes out and gets into position for the song
I'm excited to hear the song
I know it's blown up and popular but of course everything ATEEZ does is amazing
The music starts, cape pulled off of Yeosang, his body immediately falling into the choreo
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I move my head along to the music, the lyrics and song so good so far
I wonder when Yeosang is gonna sing
He doesn't get many parts in songs and it's a damn shame
His voice is beautiful, deep, haunting at times
I love his voice so much
I watch my baby move into the middle of the guys, my mouth dropping when his deep voice sounds in the room
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I stare at him, letting his voice wash over me as he sings and I'm so fucking surprised, awed, proud, everything all at once
I also realize that he's dancing as he's singing and it's fucking impressive
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His fucking arm muscles bulge through the jacket and I'm so turned on, my panties drenched
I love his arms
I love when his arms flex when he's holding me down during sex or I'm grabbing hard on his upper arms
I love feeling his arms around me and I feel so safe in them when he holds me all night
He moves to the side of Seonghwa as Seonghwa sings the chorus, leaning to the side, looking fucking hot
God I'm such a sucker for my boyfriend
Yeosang moves to the middle, singing and dancing and I know that it's "that move" that ATINYS talk about when referring to the choreo
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They did the move before but I know this time it's the one where ATINYS say Yeosang looks so hot in the music video and during performances say he's the newest member of the demon line
He's front and center
And everything ATINYS have been saying is right
I watch him dance hard for the dance break as the music swells, then they all pose as the song ends
Holy shit, that song is fucking amazing, so fucking good
The guys turn to the crowd and my eyes are on Yeosang
Breathing hard, dripping in sweat, his hair soaked in it
God I'm so fucking turned on
ATINYS are calling the guys names, cheering, and I yell Yeosang's name, waving at him
His eyes find me and he smiles, wiping his face, then gives me a heart with his hands and I fucking swoon
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He looks away because I know he has too and I just admire him from my spot
When they turn and leave the stage, security escorts me out of the crowd
I hurry through the hallway of the venue, right into the dressing room
He's already waiting for me
"Baby!", I smile, going straight into his arms
"Hi jagi", he says, hugging me tightly
"You were so good baby!", I squeal
"Yeah?", he asks shyly
"Of course Yeo. You're voice baby, it's so deep, so pretty", I gush, "And your dancing. Fuck baby the way you move is so hot. You're so hot. I think you got every girl in the room turned on"
He chuckles softly, "All I care about is if you were turned on"
"Oh definitely Yeo. Of course I was. I have the sexiest ATEEZ member for my boyfriend", I smirk
"Mm yeah?", he smirks back, "Well I got the sexiest girl in the world for my girlfriend"
I just smile as he one ups me
He leans down, his lips capturing mine in a kiss that heats up almost immediately
"Oh god get a room!", Wooyoung yells
"Good idea", Yeosang whispers after pulling away
He takes my hand and leads me out of the dressing room and down the hall
He pulls me into an empty dressing room, closing and locking the door then immediately pushing me against it
"Don't you have to perform again?", I ask, hoping he doesn't have to right now
As much as I want him, I don't want him to get in trouble because of me
"Not for awhile", he confirms, crashing his mouth to mine
His tongue pushes in my mouth, playing with mine and I moan loudly, my fingers in his sweaty hair, pushing it off his forehead
His hands move around me and pulls my skirt down, my hands already undoing his pants, pulling everything down
His arms move around my waist, easily picking me up, leaning me against the wall
A tearing sound reaches my ears and I realize that he's ripping my panties off
"Again Yeo?", I smirk against his lips as he throws my ruined panties behind him
He has ripped almost every pair of panties I own off me
I had no idea he was that strong or that he has that many hard muscles from the clothes he wears
Needless to say I was shocked the first time I saw him completely naked
Shocked and so turned on
"When you learn to stop wearing panties around me, I'll stop ripping them", he murmurs, his lips pressing kisses against my neck
"Iiii...I won't be www..wearing any for you to rr..rip", I gasp, his kisses feeling so fucking good
"Exactly", he says, his fingers, moving to my pussy, touching me softly
I gasp as he groans in my skin, "So wet for me already"
"Please Yeo", I whine
"Begging already baby? I haven't even put my cock inside you yet"
"That's what I'm begging for", I plead, wanting to be filled up by him already
Dying to be filled by him
"I'm coming jagi", he says, aligning his cock to my entrance
"Fuck", I moan, his cock moving inside me, spreading me so pleasurably, impaling me on his length, "Yeosang. Fuck. More baby. All of you"
"Mmm that's what I like to hear", he groans, shoving the rest of his huge cock inside me
Yeosang has a massive thick cock
I must have stared at it for a full two minutes the first time I saw it, with him eventually asking if I was ok before I snapped out of it
Since then, I learned to take him easily
Crave him inside me, crave his hands on me, his lips on mine, the feel of his hair in my fingers, the sound of his breathing, his moans, the feel of his body against me
I just want him all the time
Because I love him
He doesn't know it yet and I don't know when I'll tell him but I'm head over heels in love with him
He's just so easy to love
His mouth presses against mine again and I fall into his kiss, my arms tightly around his neck, my fingers in the sweaty soft strands of his hair, his hips moving faster, his cock dragging in and out of me so fucking blissfully
He feels fucking amazing, forcing me open as I tighten around him over and over
"Fuck jagi", he groans against my lips, "Feels so good for me baby. Always so good"
His hands grip my ass hard, lifting me a little higher, his cock pumping into me at breakneck speed
I moan loudly as his head rubs against my spot, his cock going so fucking deep
"Don't stop Yeo, fuck don't stop!"
He laughs so sexily, turning me on that much more, "You're so pretty baby, getting ruined by my cock"
I love being wrecked by him and he knows it
Shoving the jacket down his arms, he takes it off throwing it on the floor
As he pounds me into the wall, I pull his tie over his head, then unbutton his white dress shirt
That comes off and I pull him right against me, his sweaty skin on me
It doesn't bother me
On the contrary, I love feeling his sweat against me
He's so fucking hot with sweat filling his hair, running down his body and it turns me on
He smells like Yeosang and yeah I've lick his sweat off him and it tastes good too
"I'm all sweaty jagi", he grunts as his cock plunges into me, my pussy clenching him over and over, "But that turns you on doesn't it?"
"Yes Yeo", I whine, "You turn me on baby. So fucking much"
He chuckles so sexily, "I know. You're pussy is drenching me, so fucking wet and dripping to the floor"
I know, I feel it
His just that good with his cock
And with his fingers
And with his mouth
Fuck his tongue is almost as good as his cock
His tongue licks the skin of my neck, then sucks softly
I moan, burying my hand in his hair, wrapping my fingers around the wet strands
My other grips his shoulder hard as he moves to another spot on my neck, sucking hard
His hand moves my hand from his shoulder, gripping my wrist as he slams my arm above my head, holding me tightly against the wall
The strength that this man possesses is fucking insane and a total turn on
He holds me with one hand, cock fucking into me so fast and hard, mouth sucking on a third spot on my neck
Ecstasy takes over, stars blast in my eyes as I shout his name, coming hard
"Good girl", he groans in my skin, "My baby girl feels so good"
My legs tighten around him, wanting to keep him inside, the pleasure so fucking good
"That's it baby", he whispers, kissing my lips softly
Falling into his kiss, he lets go of my arm and I wrap it around his neck
He keeps his dick inside me, rolling his hips, grinding into me and it feels fucking good, giving me continuous pleasure
Pulling back, I turn his head softly, I press my lips against his birth mark, planting kisses all over it
God I love this little piece of skin on his gorgeous face
I know he can be self conscious about it but I tell him over and over that it's beautiful just like him
"Baby", he whimpers, skin trembling as I trail kisses from his birth mark to his cheek, his jaw and starting down his neck
His skin is so soft, so smooth, so pale and beautiful against my lips
He's beautiful
"Sangie", I murmur, my hand squeezing his bicep
"Yeah jagi?"
Lifting my head, I turn his face back to me, softly touching the side of his face
"I love you Yeo", I say softly
I don't know why I said it or why I feel like I had to do it now
I just know I wanted him to know
He stops moving, his eyes widening, surprise on his face
"I love you", I repeat, "I just want you to know"
He pulls me away from the wall, moving us to the couch, his body on top of mine
He looks in my eyes, running his fingers in my hair
"I love you Jo", he says softly
It takes a second to process what he said and when I do a smile bursts on my face, "Yeah?"
He smiles softly, nodding, "Yeah jagi. I....I think I fell in love with you after our first day hanging out. It...it was just so quick"
"I know what you mean baby. I fell in love with you so fast too", I answer, "I love you so much Yeo and I just want you"
"I'm yours jagi. Always"
"I'm yours too Yeo"
"I'm never letting you go", he whispers
"Don't", I murmur, "And I'll never let you go either"
"Deal", he smiles
"Deal", I nod
"I love you so much", he tells me, then his lips are against mine in a passionate loving kiss
I move my legs around his waist and he slips back inside, filling me perfectly
He moves slow but hard, in and out, my hips moving with him, meeting his thrusts
His arms move around me, holding me tightly, my hands on his back, slowly moving up and down, feeling his muscles move with every thrust he gives me
I love feeling his muscles, anywhere on his body
He grinds into me as he slides back in, his pelvis rubbing my clit each time, sending sparks of bliss down my spine
Each thrust brings me closer and closer, tightening around his thick cock harder and harder, my pussy holding his length in a death grip
It's like my body doesn't want him leaving, wants to keep him right where he is, nestled deep inside me
"Jjj...jagi....I'm....I'm gonna cum", he murmurs, his body shaking slightly
"Cum for me Yeo", I whisper, then pull him back into a kiss
His cock throbs inside, his warm cum spilling inside and that sets off my own orgasm
Moaning in each other's mouths we cum together, bodies pressing against each other as close as we can, clinging onto each other
It feels fucking incredible
He kisses me deeply as the pleasure slowly fades, relaxing into each other
I move over on the couch so he can lay next to me, both of us looking in each other's eyes
"I love you", he says, smiling
"I love you", I tell him, my fingers playing in his hair
"Well I had no idea tonight would turn out like this", he laughs
I giggle, "Me neither. But I'm happy I told you"
"I am too. And I'm happy I told you how I feel too"
"Me too", I smile widely
God we sound like two love sick teenagers
It's kinda great
"Yeosang!", Hongjoong calls as he passes the room, "Where the fuck is he? I'm gonna kill him!"
We both burst out laughing
"He's gonna have a heart attack one of these days", I chuckle
He nods, laughing, "Guess I should go so he doesn't have one"
"I guess", I smile, "But I get you all to myself later, right?"
"Definitely", he agrees, "Now kiss me so Hongjoong can find me, yell at me and we can get on with the performance"
Laughing, I pull him closer, his lips on mine in a kiss full of love
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lipshits-continuous · 11 months
I know your degree isn’t all maths, but do you have any tips/tools for studying maths at uni?
Hello, sorry this is a few days late, I wanted to give you a proper answer /lh
These are in no particular order of importance:
If you are having trouble with a particular concept or area, talk to someone. A fellow student, the lecturer, your academic advisor, your tutor (if you uni has stuff like tutorials), are even someone from mathblr. In one-to-one conversations, it's often easier to to ask specific questions and for the person helping you to try to frame things in a way you understand
The flip side of this is try helping other people that are stuck. Explaining things to other people helps make sure you understand them. There have been occasions where a certain proof or concept has clicked for a second time when I've explained it to someone else
Practice problems and exercises are invaluable. Not only are they great for building understanding and strengthening memory (as well as developing general mathematical rigour), they're also a pretty effecient way of identifying things you don't understand as well for you to work on. I think I've talked about this before but my revision strategy is to do problems to identify what I'm weak on, and then go over the notes of the weak points and do problems on that specific area until I'm comfortable answering questions in that area again, then repeat.
Remember to take breaks! When you're trying to tackle a particularly hard problem and you're getting nowhere, take a break and focus on something else (probably not other problems). Sometimes inspiration will hit whilst you're not actively thinking about the problem (this has happened to me many times, especially whilst I'm showering haha). Or when you then go to return to the problem, you'll get back into it and realise that the answer was actually no that hard after all, you were just fatigued by spending so long on it. Obviously this won't always be the case, there will be problems that you will need to ask for help on and that's okay too. Learning is about admitting you don't know things
Remember to have fun. University can get really intense and draining and it is good to find some balance outside of that. You might not always find that balance during term time (I'm still working on it myself but my terms are short(ish) but very dense with no reading week so it's quite intense) but even little things like setting aside an hour or two just to listen to music or play a video game can help.
Sort of related to the last point but also read about maths outside of the modules you are taking, especially if they are starting to feel like a slog. Try to find things that remind yourself why you enjoy maths and why you wanted to study it. Sometimes that won't work and it might be a sign you aren't enjoying your degree as much as you thought you would (this happened to me with physics and is part of the reason I switched to doing more maths). Something that I like to do is look at module options for later years in my degree and see what things look exciting.
Get used to self-study because it's a really helpful skill. If you're lecturer didn't explain something well or you missed a lecture because of illness or whatever, you're gonna have to catch up and the lecture notes/textbook are the first port of call (as well as a friend who did attend the lecture, but they might be busy). But developing the skill before you have to do revision for exams is quite handy and independent learning skills come in very useful when you go on later to do research projects. This also includes being able to find other resources that help you understand things, like other textbooks or YouTube videos and finding out what works before for you.
A small sidenote for studying in the UK, especially if you're starting in September/October is to expect lecturer strikes. As it currently stands, it doesn't look like universities are budging so be prepared for disruption. I can't really speak for how this affects specific universities other than my own so I don't want to make general claims.
All that said, these are what I've personally found useful so some people might disagree with me or have other things they'd also suggest (if that's the case please add onto this post).
If you're starting after summer then I sincerely hope your A Level results are what you hope for and that you get into your first choice!
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axvwriter · 2 months
Hello!! I saw you reblogged the oc ask game, so I'd like to ask 🎵🕑💢💔🧭💡 about Bobo, please! If that's too many, then just the ones you want to do!
🎵 What would your OCs favorite song(s) be?
🕑 What time does your OC generally wake up at?
💢 What's one thing that's sure to piss off your OC?
💔 Have they ever experienced heartbreak?
🧭How easily can they find their way? Do they get lost easily?
💡 What's an idea that they once had that made others go "That's not gonna work," but it still worked?
Thank you!
🎵What would Bobo's favorite song be?
I'd say it's the first song she heard from Baentu, which I give a little snippet in Baentu's ref. Gosh I still need to set something up before I feel like I can share Baentu. Which so far is mostly resting on me actually designing the man-eating beasts in the Mycelind Kingdom but I just haven't yet. (I think it's mostly because finding the refs I want takes longer now as I have to consider if what I'm looking at it ai-generated or not.)
I only have a few words of the song as I'm not musically-inclined. My idea being behind it that it's a heartbreak song but Baentu's aludes to it not really being one, just a bit of poking fun at love songs, break up songs, and such as Baentu's aroace. Don't know if I can actually get that idea across if I ever do attempt to write the lyrics. Which would be all I'd be able to do, I can only roughly read sheet music. I'm thinking it would be in the rock/metal genre with some screamo elements. (Keep in mind my grasp of music genres is kind of weak.)
Actually these two songs are what inspired/caused me to base what type of music Bobo likes. Sun Killer by Spiritbox and Promise by Voyager. (text links are to youtube videos)
🕑 What time does Bobo generally wake up at?
I actually still haven't figured out her schedule- I want to be wild and say 4 am but really I should plan out what her schedule usually looks like so I can have an actual answer.
Okay I penned up a rough idea of what her schedule could be and I hope it's not realistic and that I can fine-tune it because I have it suggesting to me that Bobo does wake up at 4am and goes to bed around 11pm. Which would be roughly 5 hours of sleep... which again we pulling into the fantasy/videogame logics as how can someone survive years of so little sleep? Adults are supposed to get at least 8 hours of sleep (unless they have lucky genetics) and anyone younger tends to need more sleep than that.
I know she's going to have several different schedules for different days too as I didn't cover international affairs, working out, fight practice, time to visit Baentu, and such. Actually I should try figuring out what all the government official positions would be and that might help me better fine-tune her schedules. I know I have ideas for their being councils to handle certain parts of the government.
Twst Bobo should take advantage of her situation and let herself get more sleep but she doesn't want to struggle with fixing her schedule if she ever does get back home. Plus she can use all the free time for studying (like geez Grim and MC must have terrible grades as surely it's like them skipping middle school and going straight to high school) and for getting to try things she never had time for before. Like woodcarving, painting, and with some outside encouragement, video games.
So uh, tldr: Bobo has a habit of waking up at 4 am.
💢 What's one thing that's sure to piss off Bobo?
Poking fun of the people from her kingdom. Trying to suggest that her kingdom isn't made up of humans or that they're all freaks. Along with just not taking the threats her kingdom faces all that seriously. Calling her a child, immature, someone incapable of running a kingdom. Also just disrespecting boundaries, whether that be her own or the others' around her. She's also a sore loser.
For example, Twst Bobo will snap if someone won't stop trying to touch her face. Most likely this type of provocation will cause her to physically lash out, whether that just be slapping a hand away or trying to squeeze someone's fingers with the idea to break them before snapping out of it. I know already that when it comes to VDC, Bobo cries out of anger that NRC loses. She's quite loyal so despite thinking the song Vil commissioned is generic and lame, that's her team! Bobo then holds a grudge against Neige, but I can't see her actually lashing out at him as he's depicted as so nice. So she'd probably just come off as grumpy in Neige's presence.
Basically Bobo has a temper that can flare up when it comes to pitting herself and those she cares about against something/someone else. Otherwise she tends to be able to keep it under control. If her temper breaks, she's usually able to reclaim control over herself rather quick. Usually she attempts to deal with her anger when she works out. Sometimes she gets way too invested in competitions and losing will upset her greatly.
💔 Have they ever experienced heartbreak?
Well I do have it planned than in her adult years that she'll probably have a few failed relationships, so I would think that counts? So she never really experienced any in her childhood. The closest she got in childhood was having a little kid crush on a rock-metal idol. Which of course didn't progress further than that. Though I suppose that just covers romantic heartbreak. I've usually only heard heartbreak when speaking of romantic feelings.
She was definitely heartbroken when her parents suddenly died when she was just eight-years-old. I think I have heard heartbreak being used in terms of familial bonds. Bobo had nightmares for quite a while when they died and actually couldn't sleep without a couple of plushies too. I haven't decided if the plushies are bats or goats. Eventually she did stop having nightmares but it took a little longer for her to no longer need the plushies to be able to fall asleep.
🧭 How easily can they find their way? Do they get lost easily?
That's a bit of a tough one to answer. Bobo does like to explore when she can, but she's grown up with tech that she's never had to worry about not having a signal. Tech that's set up to alert guards to her last location if it were to die or something were to go wrong. It's hard to say she can get lost when her kingdom's version of a phone/tablet can easily guide her back.
I do want to say she won't get lost all that easily as she has a rather great memory. So she takes notes of certain landmarks to give her a vague idea of the path she's taking and thus can backtrack if needed. Though if she were to fall somewhere with no easy way back up, then Bobo could possibly get lost. Especially easier for her to get lost if everything looks the same. With her eyesight, landmarks are usually certain glowing mushrooms and/or something that stands out in color.
💡 What's an idea that they once had that made others go "That's not gonna work," but it still worked?
I have several ideas and points for what Bobo's life may be like, mostly her childhood, but I haven't thought out too many specific stories. So I don't know if she's ever had a crazy plan that worked out. I feel like characters that are able to pull off wild stunts are usually ones that think outside of the box and/or not considered someone who thinks rationally/reasonably.
I'd like to think Bobo is quite reasonable. Even if she were to give an idea that causes others to doubt, she'd likely explain it until others can see what she sees. Also she likes to have others understand any of her plans so they can help correct any bits or give better ideas if they have them. If it is a wild idea that others may doubt, she might not even give others a chance to hear what the idea is.
Like the only one I can think of that counts would be the alt-route I wrote for Twst's Phantom Bride event. Bobo wasn't confident her idea would work, but she was certain that at the very least it could buy them all more time.
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hms-tardimpala · 19 days
Years ago, I went to an elementary school that was legit run by a museum. Like, they would display collections at our school when it wasn't on display at the museum and we learned a lot of weird and random things through hands-on projects. The one that always gets a big reaction is our 1st grade science project had us mummify a duck.
Anyway, one of the things we learned to do was very basic bookbinding, but it was taught to us sort of as a historical, people don't bind books like this anymore, type of thing. I stumbled upon some dead blogs last year showing finished, bound fics and I was so excited to learn that, no, this is still A Thing That People Do
Now, I've been pointed to you as someone active in the craft and your work is lovely. I particularly loved your binding of A Complete Kingdom by absolute legend Komodobits. It was so clean and the colors were lovely and your lighthouse motif was spot-on.
I want to learn bookbinding, too, but I'm not sure where to start. Any advice? How did you get started? What tools or materials do you wish you'd invested more in sooner? What did you wish you'd known before you got started? I would appreciate your insight and perspective.
First of all, thank you so much for reaching out. I apologize for the time it took me to answer you: I was overwhelmed. I didn't know I'd really been noticed. Thank you for your lovely compliments, they filled me with joy <3
I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability, even though I still see myself as a beginner (I started in july 2022).
I started by stumbling upon this video. It served as an introduction to some basic bookbinding steps and gestures, and the stitch shown here to sew the spine is still the one I use to this day. It will only show you how to repurpose an existing cover to bind a fic in, however.
Wanting to make the whole book myself, I looked for another way to learn and found this book. And it's so good that I haven't needed to find another source of information since then. At the time I bought it, it was easy to find and not to expensive in my country, but I don't know what its situation is today where you are.
I know others learned through youtube tutorials like Sea Lemon's or DAS bookbinding's, but I didn't go that way, so I don't have recommendations.
What I can recommend is checking out ArmoredSuperHeavy's blog (their pinned post contains a link to the free bookbinding manual they made, which seems to contain the same things I learned from my book). They created the Renegade Bindery discord server. It's a wealth of knowledge and a very welcoming place (I tried it but left because I'm not good at navigating big servers, but that's just me). That's the beating heart of the bookbinding community, in my opinion.
You can get started with very rough tools, if you're not sure you want to invest right away. There are perfectly decent bookbinding kits online that will generally contain a plastic bone folder, an awl, needles and thread, and that's enough to get started. A simple cotton or linen thread waxed by pulling across a candle works great. I bought pieces of pleather made for home decor to start with, and I'm glad I did because you're always gonna make mistakes when you start, and ruining good fabric feels terrible. But now fabric is the thing I invest in the most. I buy my bookbinding cloth from Schmedt (warning: it's expensive, and may not be the most practical for you depending on where you are in the world) and I'm slowly gathering a collection of varied colors.
If you buy good tools and good fabric from the start, don't be disappointed when your first creations don't look as good as the ones you see on tumblr. You'll have to learn and get good in order to use your tools and materials to their full potential.
The great thing about bookbinding is that you learn at least one new thing every book.
I'm thinking about your questions. There's not really something I wish I'd known before I started, I think I elvolved in the most organic way as a bookbinder. As dumb as it sounds, my best advice is: try stuff, and make plenty of mistakes. Mistakes are the most efficient and fastest teachers.
Don't waste money on a small shitty guillotine if you think you're gonna buy a real one in the future (my ream cutter cost 100€, it's very good, I needn't have bothered with a 50€ one before), you're under no obligation to trim your books.
You're under no obligation to buy a Cricut to make your books look like those you see on tumblr, with vinyll titles.
I don't quite know what to add. I hope this was at least a little helpful, and not just useless rambling. Thank you againg for your lovely message, and I hope you have lots of fun <3
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multitrackdrifting · 10 months
In light of the recent Limbus shitshow, are you still gonna finish up library of runia or are you just done with Projmoon?
Well I can't refund it so the least I can do is play it - but I don't plan on publishing my lobcorp video that's about 2-3 hours long for the time being. I probably won't resume streaming Ruina however.
It leaves a bad taste in my mouth if people would use a labour of love of mine to say "hey look there's something good here", I know there is something good there - but the CEO and his unquestionably stupid decisions makes the game impossible to talk about. I'm gonna be honest as far as boycotts go you and I probably know people who play league, overwatch or cod or something (maybe) or play something from a company with just as bad of practices that are either not as publicised or simply too far in the past for people to care.
I don't expect people to boycott nor do I think it's the bare minimum standard, people I know, especially those with larger platforms refuse to post about it even if they do play it or still keep up with it but yeah it's basically branded as a game now because of the controversy.
The thing about boycotts a lot of the time and I know this will be kind of bizarre to hear but I think they're very aesthetic in nature in that a lot of people usually clamour for them when they have less stakes in the matter so it's much easier to put pressure on others to do something they would not do for League (Riot Games), or Overwatch (Activision Blizzard).
This exact scenario has actually arisen with people talking about the game in that way and honestly it's not even like a what-aboutism kind of thing it's like, people really do not truly care about the ethics of the situation a lot of the time and many others simply do not know when they make their game-playing decisions, so it's really difficult to get mad about in most cases. That said, this game is niche enough where people probably know, but I wont assume their reasons for playing. Some people, however, are reveling in the backlash about the game bc they're not real fans or something for being upset about seemingly capitulating to reactionaries. This exchange I saw earlier honestly boggled my mind lmao - when the dog whistle is loud as fuck.
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We don't have the complete facts, but unlike the nuance enjoyers on youtube & twitter that doesn't automatically mean I'm obligated to financially support a company because I obviously am concerned about the broader company and their job security.
On one hand it makes me frustrated beyond all belief that the decision makers (because lets be real falsely assigning blame to the artists, programmers, writers etc. at pmoon that aren't in a decision making role) are stupid that their art has to be undermined. Yeah, I don't doubt that there is more to the situation but if you make a tweet saying "we didn't do shit and we will sue u lol" and then announce a new banner the next day of course people are going to think you're a slimy company.
I'll put it like this anon: I might enjoy LCorp & Ruina privately at the very least, but Limbus is probably the most embarassing piece of media to be openly associated with, especially when you have people reveling in that a lot of women & lgbt+ members are going to be "filtered out" of the company by what they're reductively describing as "drama". Whether people boycott or not is up to them, but I'm waiting to see if they just brush it aside and pretend like nothing happened over time - I won't spend or post about the game, but I expect we won't actually see a genuine resolution until Canto IV ends and they realized that they didn't actually net anything from firing the artist or capitulating to an audience that will just as soon threaten their financial stability the moment they're validated for having achieved this outcome once before.
It's completely embarassing to be an open project moon fan right now, and honestly I could care less whose comfort media it is, I don't really care what they post or like - for me personally, this ordeal is so shameful that a video I worked hundreds of hours on is probably never seeing the light of day. That's about the gist of how I feel about how icky it is to even bother talking about their games. Fanart is one thing I guess, maybe I'll rb some from time to time, but honestly yeah I don't feel like making anything PMoon related pretty much until we have clear cut facts and if we never get it then yeah I'll just make peace with the reality and stop caring about Project Moon.
To answer your overall question, I probably won't bother making anything anything content wise for the game or even bother talking about it outside of DMs with my friends because yeah it's pretty much embarassing as fuck to even associated with this world. I think the art here is good, in terms of its writing & the artstyles of each of the games, I respect what is made there - but unfortunately we're the laughing stock of every other gacha community & honestly Idec about the hypocrisy of it all, I'm just astounded that they keep making it worse without ever really getting to the heart of the backlash. For LCorp & Ruina fans specifically I feel for them because it's not like they could've ever foreseen that this whole gacha endeavour would send everything up in smoke.
As for being Project Moon's strongest soldier (joking), I have less than zero interest in promoting their work until I have a decent confidence of vellmori's side (which I suspect is not even known because of either unknown factors, or a generic NDA that prevents them from commenting on their contract termination, not that unusual, especially if some kind of severance package is offered alongside it). Basically, I don't want to do any heavy lifting, even though I don't have that big of an audience, it just feels gross to bring them money when KR fans are outwardly begging other fanbases to stop playing and whether you do or not is up to you, but I'm personally just waiting till they shoot themselves in the foot enough times to completely walk away from this community/world. I do think that expecting everyone to express a deep remorse about a situation they did not create nor can they really control for the time being and self-flagellate about it is stupid though.
Hope vellmori & the pmoon staff get an equitable outcome out of all of this because as mad as I am I'm not so selfish as to think that having a dumb boss means you should have no job.
tl;dr - I don't want to openly associate with the "brand" even if the company =/= the community, it still feels weird, but that is just my own choice. I don't expect others to boycott. I'm waiting to see what happens, but judging by the reactionary replies to the latest banner it's probably nothing good in our future if Limbus survives this ordeal - since you will mostly have people who revel in the exodus of LGBT+ & women from the fandom.
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bitbybitwrites · 10 months
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - Recipe and Song list - Chp 10, 11 and 12
Here is the music/recipe wrap-up for chapters 10, 11, 12
You can see the info under the cover art by @datshitrandom
Some spoilers are below, so if you'd like to read the fic first, click here
Click below for the recipe and song lists for:
Chapters 1, 2 and 3, Chapters 4, 5 and 6, Chapters 7, 8 and 9
To see the YouTube playlist for the fic, click here.
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Chapter 10
Mood music/Music in the chapter
That wasn't me.  I liked tea parties, making soufflés and petit fours, and belting out show tunes. 
Soufflé (you know if it's Kurt, it's gonna be a rum chocolate one!)
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I shared what I thought would have been Elizabeth Hummel's petit four recipe in chapter one. Here are a couple of other recipes I can see Kurt making.
Chapter 11
Mood music
Kurt laughed at Blaine as they stepped out of the taxi in front of the Chinese restaurant where Mike’s party was being held.  Red bags in hand, Blaine was practically bounding on the tips of his toes in excitement. “What has gotten into you?”  Kurt asked, marveling at the enormous grin plastered on the other man’s face. “Kurt, “ Blaine had this incredulous look on his face as he addressed him.  “Have you never been to Jing Fong before?” “Um, no?” “Wait, wait . . or had dim sum, like ever?”
The mention of Julliard again started to make Kurt's pulse race.  He quickly selected a bao (pork bun)  from one of the bamboo steamer baskets littering the table.  As he bit into it to distract himself, Kurt savored the fluffy bun and the sweet and savory pork inside. 
Brittany pulled Kurt out of Blaine’s arms and into the kitchen.  “Oooh, Kurt can you make me the pretty pink unicorn drink you made me last week?” She giggled excitedly and clapped her hands as Kurt nodded. Britany practically skipped away after Kurt as she followed him into the kitchen.
Tried to think of what Brittany would consider as a pink unicorn drink that Kurt would have made her. Here's are some ideas ( I imagine, whatever it is, the rim would be covered in pink sugar crystals or some sort of rainbow edible glitter, no?
Chapter 12
Mood music
I want to say thanks again to all the folks who have been reading along with the fic. I really appreciate your kudos, comments, and just the time you're taking out of your lives to spend with these versions of our favorite characters.
I mentioned on A03 we aren't done with these boys yet - there's more story to come. I'm just going to be a bit busy with family things and some traveling in the next few weeks, so there's going to be a little wait for chapter 13. And I think it's a good one!
I'll catch up with responding to some of your past comments as well!
See you soon!
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mieowkoid09 · 1 year
Take my Ramblings on how I think relationships work between the Lustrous because 2/3 of my personality is made up of these gems' dynamics
So before I get into the main meat of what I think, I should probably talk about the families. first of all. I think that the families can have romantic relations between each other. Insert booing and rocks being thrown. Okay wait! let me explain myself before ya'll start abusing your rocks you heathens. basically, this is gonna get into territory that i'm not fully equipped to explain, so you know how the "Uchihas" from naruto are? they basically inbreed with eachother ya know but they still aren't fully related at all so they can have healthy kids but they still share the same dna, you could even say they share the same "structure"? yeah, thats basically how I think the gem family relationships are. they do share the same structure and name and call themselves family but they don't have to restrict themselves to JUST being siblings, they can be lovers too. they can call themselves "brothers" while being romantically involved. they aren't like us and they don't share the factor that we could produce unhealthy offspring if they are involved with their sibling, since they can't have children nor do they have blood!!(thankfully, since that would be insanely gorey) and I may be wrong but I don't think that the term for "Brother" in japan is only limited to siblings. fact check me if i am in fact wrong please.(Btw i'm not in the naruto fandom at all, I've just watched some theory videos and watched some video essays, also i watched a few episodes of naruto when I was younger)
Now, before I get myself hit with more rocks. time to talk about how I believe the gems' relationships are. mainly the romantic ones since tbr, romantic relations are some of the most complicated things ever and that's probably why we're so drawn to them (sorry romance nonfavorable/romance repulsed aromantics, you will be missed)
I personally think that romance in the lustrous world, is actually incredibly discouraged. these gems can still enter romantic relations but it is incredibly discouraged because, we have seen what happens when these gems lose that person that they love.
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They go absolutely crazy. they even break themselves. and this is off topic but now that I think about it, Diamond and Bortz's relationship is like how trans people see other trans people who look more like what they want to look like, at least from what I've heard from some videos on youtube. and ngl, its kinda scary- anyways, back mostly on topic with Rutile. I've recently watched RGU(Revolutionary Girl Utena) and tbh, how Rutile treats Padparadscha kinda reminds of how Utena treats Anthy. Utena practically puts Anthy on a pedestal and wants to help Anthy end her job as the Rose Bride even though, Utena practically knows nothing about Anthy because Utena projects what she thinks is right onto Anthy, although it isn't entirely off, Utena doesn't even try to understand Anthy. JUST LIKE FREAKING RUTILE AND PADPARADSCHA- Rutile and Utena practically lose their identity when they lose Padparadscha and Anthy. just- UGH it's so good. Now time to stop talking about Rutile, and go to our very shiny friend and my Autoromantic/Panromantic/Polyamorous headcanon, being Diamond, since they were the one to bring up the fact that Cinnabar may have Romantic feelings for our beloved Phosphophyllite.
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Dang both Ventricosus and Diamond ship CinnaPhos. they can't get a break lol. especially with most of the fandom practically shipping them lmaooo. And this is just a little headcanon but I think Diamond used that "Are you gay?" card on Cinnabar when Cinnabar was rambling about how much they "despise" Phos because that's practically what happens when these gems lose the ones they love. They probably start blaming the ones that got taken before they start blaming themselves because it practically starts becoming a pattern in Yellow's case. omg now I can imagine Yellow just talking about their romances with their former partners lol. and now that I think about it, Yellow did blame Zircon for being an idiot for trying to save Yellow, more toned down than Cinnabar's rant and how much of an idiot Phos was but still, that stings. and now this has become not just a little headcanon and more of a parallel it seems. wow, how we can change during writing.
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Also- possible romance between Aqua and Emerald???
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Eh probably. anyways ima end this tangent even tho ima probably gonna get a lot of backlash from the people in this fandom for my controversial opinions but that's fine, hopefully. yeah no i'm probably gonna get murdered.
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mashihope · 1 year
❥ [DKB] Their makeup is done by their crush (Hyung line)
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(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)
• Members: E-Chan, D1, Teo, GK, Heechan
• Group: DKB
• Warning: Mentions of food and the word "kill"
• Synopsis: You wanted to practice your makeup skills and decided to ask him to be your model. Little did you know, you're actually his crush!
[Note: I have zero knowledge about makeup, some things will probably make no sense at all, sorry about that]
Maknae line
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He didn't think much about it when you suggested practicing your makeup skills on him.
He was just happy to be able to help you :) (and be with you, of course)
He kept looking at every single thing you did, from your hands moving around the table to prepare the stuff you needed, to your eyebrows frowning every now and then while trying to be focused.
He knew you didn't realize it but whenever you messed up a little bit, your nose scrunched in the cutest way possible, making his eyes shoot hearts towards you 🥺
He tried to throw a few encouraging words here and there, with a soft tone in hopes he wouldn't startle you; "Oh, so you're going to use that now? It will probably go well with that color you used before!" (while giving you a sweet smile and a thumbs up), "I see, you're using this to tone down the eye shadow, nice move"
You've been quiet most of the time, wanting to do a perfect job (perks of being a perfectionist) without getting distracted with the fact of being so close to Changmin's face (if only you knew he was trying to put that thought aside too...!)
He couldn't help but daydream while looking at every single feature of yours, not even trying to hold back a smile, but you thought he was just being his usual nice self.
He looked peaceful and relaxed on the outside but he actually got really shy and nervous every time your eyes met, feeling those stupid wings flying inside his stomach and making him wonder if you would actually hear how loud his heart was suddenly beating...
"Changmin... have you eaten?" but you heard his stomach growling instead, making him blush.
"Uh..." he couldn't help but let out a nervous giggle, he was so embarrased.
"You're lucky that I'm here, coincidentally my mom gave me this morning some *insert a korean food here* that she made. You should try it, she's a really good cook!"
Having to spend time with you and actually eating something your mom has made? He should buy some lotto because today's his lucky day!
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You were friends with Heechan, you didn't actually know Dongil.
The thing is, their stylist had to go home that morning because she didn't feel okay, and Dongil had already made a promise yesterday that he would make a Live with Harry at night after practice.
Heechan knows how good of a beauty vlogger you are, so he recommended you to Dongil.
You were surprised by the time you arrived at the practice room, he looked so shy, unlike in the random videos you had seen around YouTube before.
He was so polite, however, and bowed a few times out of nervousness, "I'm D1 but you can call me Dongil. I hope we can get along nicely"
"Hyung, we're not filming an interview, take it easy" Harry was dancing around the room while listening to xiker's Tricky House, unbothered.
"He's right, try to think of me as your usual stylist, okay?" you smiled, making your eyes almost fade away and showing a little dimple.
"Heechan, I'm gonna kill you after this" he felt his ears getting warmer after that, making him even more nervous.
"Okay, we'll start with sorting out the colors that will potentially look good on you, based on your skin tone, hair and outfit" you said in a excited tone, opening your makeup bag.
"Do you do this often? It looks like you know what you're doing" he said half smiling, while "playing" with his ear.
"Oh, so he didn't tell you? I have a YouTube channel, I guess you've never came across it before" you giggled while holding an eyeshadow palette beside his face, trying to see if any of those colors would work.
"Really...? We actually have a friend who..."
He started to talk non-stop about said friend, making Harry laugh in the process, already invested in BTS' ON choreo.
"That's... nice" it was cute, he was cute in fact, the way he had been rambling about it.
"By the way, you have a really pretty skin tone" you were putting a little bit of foundation on his face, thinking that he really didn't need that much because his skin looked good already.
"You're welcome... I mean! Thank you!" if he had been sitting on a chair, he would have fallen to the floor. Harry laughed once again (messing up the steps), amused by his older brother's suffering.
"Heechan didn't mention you'd be this cute, what a surprise"
The blush on his ears spread to his face and prayed that you wouldn't notice.
"Hey, my mom uses that" he pointed to the perfume bottle that was sticking out of your bag, and talked about how nice it's scent was and how much he had missed it.
"When I was on my way to this room, there was a certain scent in the hallway that reminded me of a trip I made with my siblings last year, it was the first time we were going on a trip together without our parents and it made really good memories... Turns out you were the one behind it!"
He didn't know what to say after that, so he talked instead about that time he went on a trip with his parents, the butterfly that scared him when he opened the bathroom door, the shirt he bought in the store that was next to the hotel and somehow what he ate yesterday.
"Dongil?" "Y-yeah?" "I'm done"
He was startled to hear those words, "No! I-I'm sorry, I'll be quiet from now on, I swear!"
"Oh, silly, I mean I'm done with your makeup!" you giggled, giving him your pocket mirror. It seems that he hadn't noticed that he had been talking for the past 20 minutes.
"Oh... I... Actually look good?" he was shocked as if he had never seen his own reflection before.
"Of course you do! You did the most part of it, honestly. Anything would look good on you"
"Oh, uh... Would you like to stay for a while?"
"I can't, but we can catch up another day on that story about that little boy who mistook you for Sunwoo from The Boyz!"
Dongil received a message from Heechan during their Live, "So, how did it go? :)"
"Y/N looks better in person than in the videos!"
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Seongsik accepted quite fast... Helping you and actually having to pass some time with you, why wouldn't he?
Actually, he didn't really have anything better to do and was feeling really bored before you visited the dorms, but you will never know that.
"Did you think about anyone else before me? Ah, of course you didn't, you would never find any other face like this out there"
A quiet "wtf...?" almost escaped your lips, you silently judged him after whatever it was that he had going on.
When you turned around to face him again, he was sitting on the kitchen's counter, trying to look like a model with his gaze upon the horizon...
But he actually looked stupid.
"I should have asked Seongmin", you mumbled under your breath, already tired like a kindergarten teacher that has to look after a bunch of wild and hyperactive kids.
He looked confused when you told him to sit on an actual chair, "But I looked stunning sitting up there though...?"
You were debating between cleaning everything up and going home or actually doing his makeup; you didn't know if he was acting like that for real or just to annoy you, but he was doing a great job.
You tried to remember why you chose to do this in the first place every time he threw a pickup line... A LOT OF DUMB AND CHEESY ONES.
"Aside from being sexy, do you know what else I do for a living?"
"Seongsik, that's not how it works."
For some reason, he couldn't stop picking things up from the table, playing with the brushes and trying to tickle your face.
"One more time and I'll shove this pencil up your-"
"You're trying to look so serious, for what? You haven't smiled once since you came earlier" he tilted his head, looking surprisingly cute (but you'll never admit it though)
"I'm worried" "Why" "You didn't smile after I opened the door"
You rolled your eyes, unsure if he was joking or not because you were actually wearing a mask when that happened.
After what seemed to be hours of silence, he decided to finally make moves, "now or never", he couldn't stop thinking about it.
"I think this lipstick shade would look gorgeous on you, don't you think?", he said nonchalantly while looking at the lipstick container you were closing after putting it on him.
"I'm already wearing-"
You looked at him without realizing he had already got closer to you...
But didn't have time to react once you felt his lips on yours, a soft kiss filled with love and adoration.
You suddenly forgot about the makeup session, with wide eyes and red cheeks after he broke the kiss, checking your reaction and worried of you getting mad at him.
But he actually laughed when he found out that he had made your serious and annoyed façade disappear.
"I guess the boys were right and you do love me after all"
"Shut up" you approached the sink to wash your face in hopes it would stop burning (but failed)
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You were able to see all the question marks above his head, trying to understand your words while leaning on the wall with crossed arms, (you know, trying to look like the baddest bad boy... keyword, "trying")
You were holding back a giggle because his eyes were all above the place, in hopes they would land on anything that wasn't you.
"...why me?" is all that he said after processing your request, finally looking at you, "why not?" "...but why, though?"
Once you got him out of his confused state, you had to keep repeating the same words, "no, you don't have to pay me. No, Brave Entertainment didn't send me. No, Gwanghyun, I don't wan't money" (funny enough, someone outside passed by while listening to Lisa's Money)
He is really stubborn, and he couldn't help but think about how this could be seen as how their stylists work almost everyday, refusing to let you do it for free.
He had to drink a whole water bottle before sitting down LMAO
Once you sighed after giving up, he tried really hard to go back to his "bad boy" self, but he was just an anxious mess overthinking every single word that miraculously came out of his mouth.
"Would you mind if I...?", he asked showing you the screen of his phone, where it seemed to be his (also) "bad boy" playlist.
He felt better after the music started to play because he thought it would help him relax, but...
He noticed you were paying attention to the lyrics when you frowned, as if you were judging him now because of the words that rapper just said.
"Why did I get myself into this?", those words were echoing in his brain because you were quiet, almost too quiet...
"Wait", he suddenly froze after noticing the shapes you just made in his cheeks with a soft pink blush, "Did you just...?" "Yup 😊" "Did you seriously just...?"
You laughed, being no longer able to hold it back. He looked at you in disbelief, "Why would you put hearts on my cheeks? Do you find it funny? Do I look funny to you?" he gestured his hands around his face, making the situation look even more funny.
You made a bet with him; if he made a Live like that, you would accept the money he already decided to give you but if he washed his face before the Live he would have to accept only cute outfits from the stylists from now on.
...guess who's paying for everything on a date next friday?
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He overheard you talking about it with Changmin on his way to the practice room.
When he was about to go through the door (none of you knowing he was there yet), you lowered your voice and told Changmin that it would be your first time doing someone else's makeup and you were actually really scared of doing something wrong.
He leant on the wall waiting until the leader left the practice room.
"Hey, you, stop. Well, no, don't stop, but, you know what I mean" he was mumbling because his heart started to beat fast when you turned around and looked at him.
You tried to explain him what you wanted to do, which he nodded to with a comforting smile after you finished.
He could see that you didn't feel confident at all, so he made a promise to himself that he would make you smile at least one time, in hopes that would make some of those negative thoughts go away for a while.
"Okay, so" he held your cold hands after noticing they were shaking, "you can start by telling me what kind of style you're going for"
"I... I don't actually know, to be honest... I just wanted to try something that could look good on you..." you were looking at the floor, not even daring to look into his eyes.
"Do you have any ideas to work with?" he placed his hand sofly on your chin, trying to make you look at him.
"Hmm... I saved some of your Twitter photos earlier, but I don't know if you would like any of those"
That made his heart beat faster again, you've just admited you have photos of him on your gallery, OF HIM, not even Junseo or Yuku!
"You can do whatever you want with my face, I'm sure anything would look nice. I've seen a lot of your posts before, you always look good no matter the makeup style, so I guess you could even turn me into V if you wanted to"
"Why would I do that?" you raised an eyebrow, almost offended by the way he suddenly implied he didn't already look good.
The next 15 minutes passed surprisingly quickly. He was lost in thought about what he could possibly say to make you feel better after you became even more quiet, as if you had got mad earlier.
You assumed he was the one who got mad at you, judging by the expression on his face, so you were worried and decided you wouldn't say anything else that could annoy him.
"Why did I have to f*ck things up this much? He probably thinks I'm annoying :("
And then, when you turned around after picking up a brush, he greeted you with one of his "ugly" but funny faces, catching you off guard.
You stumbled and fell to the ground while laughing, out of all things you could have expected him to do, that surely wasn't one of them, but it wasn't unusual either.
"If you find dumb things funny, you should watch that new movie, are you free next wednesday?" he said without actually thinking about the meaning of the words that just escaped his mouth, starting to blush almost as much as you.
"I... You... Let's get on with this!" you tried to focus on what you were supposed to be doing, trying not to overthink what he said nor read too much into it.
He smiled to himself, proud of his little but brave achievement... I guess working for Brave Entertainment has its benefits after all?
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More than anything, I want to make a living doing something creative. I want to draw, I want to animate, I want to write, I want to film, I have so many ideas but no skill and no attention span. Neither of those are insurmountable hurdles, I can improve both with practice, but the more I observe creative industries the more I realize they're not nearly as lucrative as they appear from the outside.
Before I deleted my twitter account, one of my mutuals was a professional animator who has worked on dozens of shows for Disney and Warner Bros, and they're struggling to make ends meet. They're more talented than I could ever dream of becoming, and they have to couch surf in order to not become homeless. A ton of Emmy and Oscar award winners, the best of the best of the best, live in squalor and can't even afford insurance. They're all living the dream, they're undeniably successful by every other metric, but financially they're in the hole.
What chance do I have? If they couldn't make it work, how could I?
A youtuber I've followed for years just posted a video saying they have to give up animating for the foreseeable future because their art has done irreparable damage to both their wrists; they have chronic pain, and even after six months of physical therapy they simply can't work anymore. They're famous, they have millions of subscribers and thousands of monthly patrons, and their livelihood just went up in smoke.
Again, what chance do I have?
If I put in the effort to get good at something, even half as good as any of these creatives, even 1% as good, I'll be in the same miserable, penniless boat as they are. It feels like fighting against entropy, a ton of hard work to try and stave off the inevitable. If you let up for even a second, you lose so much progress that it doesn't seem worth it to keep trying. I will never be as famous or as talented as my favorite artists because I don't have the temperament to keep going against the odds. I'm weaker than they are. They have every right to be proud of their work for its own sake, but they still have to eat. You can feel good about making something, but if it doesn't pay the bills it's hard to stay motivated.
The dream of making it big and never having to work again is just that, a dream. It's like winning the lottery; yeah, sure, "somebody has to win," but that doesn't mean you will, and there's no correlation between input and output; the odds are so long that spending ten or a hundred or a thousand times more money doesn't significantly increase your chances of winning. A million times zero is still zero. In the case of art, hard work does not guarantee success. It's all random! A handful of people make it big by chance and the rest of us look to them as inspirations, but even if you do EXACTLY what they did you're not gonna wind up like them.
The act of creation should be emotionally fulfilling, AND you should be able to make a living doing it...
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ofpineapplesanddawns · 7 months
How about some Peter Vincent x Thorne Jamison, haven’t seen them in a while.
Some ideas:
1. Doing a photoshoot in some sort of queer magazine (no idea if something like this exists…?) to announce their relationship publicly, driving each other - and everyone else nuts 🥜
2. Peter agreeing to be in a music video for one of Thorne’s songs. They drive each other and every one else nuts 🥜
Actually that’s all I got, lol. Good luck 😉 x
There are queer magazines (though the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are GQ, the one that called David the sexiest man alive, and there was one that interviewed Matt Smith about being the Doctor before I think even DW magazine did), but I dunno shit about how interviews work so let's go with the music video one.
On with the fic!
"Do people even still watch music videos?" Peter asked as he stared at his reflection, carefully applying eyeliner.
Thorne clucked his tongue, elbowing Peter, which nearly resulted in an eye poke with the little pencil. "Course they do! Sure, it ain't as often on TV, since all the music channels seem to be nothin' but reality shows now, but youtube's the place to post 'em anyway!"
"And why do I need to be in this?" Peter asked, putting the pencil down and grabbed for the hair spray to help give his hair a bit more lift. He could see the poor makeup artist in the reflection of the mirror, not sure of what to do.
Peter had dismissed her, telling her he could do his own stuff. He sighed and turned to face her, gesturing to Thorne. "Just doll up his face, fucker needs to hide the bags under his eyes anyway."
"Excuse you, did ya wake up on the bitchy side of the bed today?" Thorne huffed as he sat down in a chair and the makeup artist came over, getting her stuff ready for the diva.
"You know how I woke up, pissed and annoyed that I got asked at the literal last second to be in this stupid music video. Don't know why I need to be, I'm sure there are a lot of other gothic people you can pester."
"Yeah, but none of 'em can pull off those painted on leather trousers like you can, sweetheart."
Peter coughed hard when he sprayed the can again, startled by the boldness of his flirting, and right in front of people too! "For fuck's sake..." He coughed again, setting aside the can.
He knew he looked good in leather pants, but God damn, Thorne did not need to say it like that, especially when there were people around. They were barely open about the relationship as it was, didn't need the rumor mill goin' batshit over this. "I better get a hell of a paycheck for this." Peter snapped, walking over to where the wardrobe person was.
They were quick to hand the outfit bag with Peter's name on it to him, looking anywhere else but at him. He ignored the cackling from the idiot in the chair behind him and snatched the bag. "Gonna get dressed, hopefully you'll be mature when I get back!"
"No promises~!" Thorne called out in a sing-song way as Peter left the area.
Filming wasn't exactly... going well.
Whatever was meant to happen in this video seemed to result in a lot of pauses because Thorne was getting too handsy with the actors in it.
Well, he was mainly handsy with one, and that was Peter. Far too often Peter had hands on his thighs, his mesh-shirt covered chest, and five times he had his ass grabbed. Hard. Granted, Peter would be all for this normally, but not on camera, not in front of so many other people, and not when he was basically sober.
"You're makin' what was supposed to be a few hours into a fuckin' full day thing, Jamison!" Peter snapped when the exhausted director called for a ten minute break.
"'s not my fault you're a tease in those pants." Thorne grinned. "They really give your ass some much love, practically a compliment."
"You're the idiot that had them picked out for me!"
"And I was right in my choice. I know what looks good on a guy." Thorne said with pride. Then he leaned in close, his eyes sharp and hungry. "And I know I'm gonna have so much fun takin' 'em off you when we're finally finished today."
Peter snorted. "Yeah, but only if we actually finish this stupid shoot, which you keep delayin'."
Thorne pulled back, shrugging, smiling. "I'll behave. For now."
Peter doubted that.
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