rakkuntoast · 4 months
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heyyy wonder who did that pfp
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tgcg · 2 months
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happy day of egbert
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TG: dude its the most overwhelmingly basic thing on the planet trust me i literally did all the other settings for you
TG: all you gotta do is point the thing at egbert
TG: half press to focus subject
TG: press down fully and bam done the shit is shot
CG: BUT --
TG: i know youre desperate for this to be rocket science but its genuinely like first grade biz i promise whatever pic you take is gonna be fine
EB: yeah, come on karkat!
EB: i am only going to be the birthday bad ass for like, 24 hours total you know.
EB: longest birthday of my LIIIIIIIIFE. haha.
EB: oh hey, from one birthday-dooms day guy to another…
EB: i am pretty sure you understand the magnitude of what i just said!
TG: alright give us a sec
TG: huddle formation
EB: psssshhh, alright.
TG: youre not gonna fuck this up
TG: your ass is completely secure dude
TG: i got the double foam padded booster seat and you know that shit is strapped on this 5mph drive through quaint ol piss-easyville
EB: you know if it really is so bad you can just re-take it, right?
EB: it is really not worth aggravationing your sponge over.
TG: 'xactly
TG: knights honor that shit isnt hooked up to my ishades and will not instantly forward me a copy in crisp HD of whatever blunder youre cooking in your beautiful nugbone
TG: woah wait youre legit into it?
TG: alright i dig the enthusiasm but maybe we can unwrap that shit when we dont have someone waiting for us
TG: i didnt know you were scoping photography man you shoulda said something!
TG: i promise ill open the pandoras fuckin box of snap addicts anonymous afterwards alright
EB: huh? who is this "egbert" you speak of? i have never heard of such a character.
EB: damn, ok. that does sound like some pretty serious bullshit, but…
EB: whoever that weirdo next to you is kind of seems like he needs medical resistance more than you do!
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keerysfreckles · 2 months
hiii!!!! lando and best friend reader and shes gotten into one of those sad days because shes thinking of how shes never dated anyone or had her first kiss or anything. and he offers to take her out on a date as friends and thats when he realizes hes in love with her (shes been in love with him this whole time). but they dont really say anything, but they just get increasingly more affectionate as best friends as the days go by. and everyone around them can see theyre so in love with each other - 🍒anon
loveless — LN4
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pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, slight swearing
a/n: lando p5 in japan HE WAS SO CLOSE TO BEING ON PODIUM
masterlist !
⋆ ˚ 。 ⋆ ୨୧ ˚
y/n loved her small apartment in monaco. she loved it so much in fact that she's convinced her best friend that she's fine staying in day after day.
however if you got to know y/n, you'd learn this is out of the ordinary for the girl. usually she'd be out partying with lando, or hanging around the other members of the f1 grid. not sulking in her bathrobe and pajamas for three days in a row.
on the fourth day she recieved multiple texts from her best friend, lando norris, asking if she wanted to go out for drinks with him and a couple of friends.
y/n groaned, after reading the messages more than once. she really didn't have the energy to go out. not since her almost date last week didn't go as planned.
she met a rather attractive uni student on tinder, and they talked for a few days to get to know each other. less than a week later they planned to have dinner at a nice monegasque restaurant.
long story short, said tinder date never showed up, and never texted y/n the next morning explaining himself.
before the 'date' y/n didn't really believe in love. so of course, this screwed up with her perception of it even more.
lando was informed about the date, and was happy for y/n. he knew her history of falling in love was bleak, and he just wanted to be happy for her. so seeing his best friend wrapped up in three colorful blankets in her messy bedroom put a damper in his mood.
"what did i tell you about laying in the dark?" lando's voice surprises y/n. she jumps, before pausing her netflix show on her laptop.
"lan? what are you doing here?" she sits up, her eyes adjusting to the light lando just turned on.
lando sits on the edge of the bed, moving the laptop away from y/n, causing her to sit up as well.
"well you never answered my texts about going out tonight, so i figured i'd come here. plus you gave me that apartment key years ago."
y/n sighs. she knows she doesn't have the energy to go out tonight. "do i have to?"
lando sends y/n a sympathetic look. "maybe it could get your mind off that douche who stood you up last week. he obviously missed out on getting to know a great girl."
y/n's heart warmed at lando's words. he always knew how to cheer her up after she fell down.
y/n lets out a groan and falls back onto her pillows, her blankets encasing her once again.
"what if i never fall in love?" y/n thinks out loud. "or never go on a proper date? or mever even have my first kiss?"
lando's eyebrows furrow, "you've never had your first kiss?"
y/n takes the opportunity to kick his thigh, "yes shitbird, you know this." she lets out a small chuckle as he groans from the attack.
lando recalls her words again, "wait you've never been on a date either?"
y/n shakes her head, "nope."
"so that's why you're so beat up about this one not working out. i get it now," lando stands and walks towards y/n's opened closet door.
y/n sits up again, "lando what are you doing? i told you i don't feel like going out tonight."
lando ignores her for a moment as he continues sifting through her closet. his eyes and hands stop on a light purple dress.
"you still have this?" he holds it at an angle so y/n can see from her bed.
she nods, "of course. i've never gotten rid of any birthday present from you."
lando silently takes it off the hanger and throws it on the bed, making y/n confused.
"you and i are going out tonight," lando says confidently. "i'm taking you on a proper date. i'll text pierre, charles and carlos that i'll go out with them some other time."
y/n stares at him dumbfounded. she can't believe lando is taking her out on a date.
"when you say a proper date, what exactly does that entail?" y/n wonders, now removing her blankets from her body.
lando starts looking through y/n's very impressive shoe collection. "a very nice drive to an expensive restaurant, possinly with a candle lit dinner. you and i enjoying the best monegasque food we can. and maybe end the date with a classic near-the-front-door kiss."
y/n's taken back by his words again. she can't believe what she's hearing.
lando places a pair of white heels beside the dress on the bed, and leans forward slightly. "i'll be waiting in your living room, okay?" and with that, he kisses her forehead. the motion's been done a million times, but this time however felt different for the both of them.
y/n stares at her now closed bedroom door, and chuckles in disbelief while picking up the dress. maybe this was the push she needed to get out there again. party with her friends, and maybe go on more dates.
so she did as lando told. she was quick to brush through her hair, and change into the dress and heels. she styled it with silver jewelry and made sure to grab her small handled clutch before leaving her room.
lando stands from the couch. "now i think you look much better in this, than being covered in blankets."
y/n blushes at his words.
"do you have an idea of where we're going?" she locks her apartment door behind her, before lando leads her down the stairs with his hand on her lower back.
lando was starstuck.
during the ride to the restaurant, all the way up until they got the bill. (of course being the gentleman he is, he paid.)
he could barely take his eyes off y/n. he saw them shimmer as she spoke about her new job starting this month. he noticed how excited she got when he parked outside her favorite fancier restaurant.
now he was holding her heels for her, after giving her his jacket once the midnight air hit her skin. they were walking along the streets of monaco, planning on doing a little wrap around the block to get back to lando's car.
as the duo was talking and walking, they're arms kept brushing against each others. y/n couldn't help but giggle almost everytime, thanks to the white wine slowly making it's way in her system from dinner.
lando thought it was the best sound in the world.
on the way back to y/n's apartment, lando contemplated resting his hand over her thigh. she sat towards him, angling her body, so in theory he easily could hold onto her leg. however he refrained, but his heartbeat sped up when he felt y/n grab his right hand. she played with his fingers, and ending up enclosing her hand in his. he hummed at the feeling.
"so, we've done almost everything on my list to get you to have a perfect date," lando speaks as the pair stops right in front of y/n's door.
"what are we missing?" y/n asks, forgetting what he had stated earlier in the evening.
lando smiles down at the girl, his pupils dilating. "in order for you to have a perfect date, we have to have a near-the-front-door kiss."
y/n instantly blushes. she's thought about kissing lando before, but never thought any of her daydreams would become a reality.
lando steps forward and places his unoccupied hand on her pink cheek. he runs his thumb over the skin, and notices her pupils becoming wider.
"so what do you say?" lando almost whispers, the rasp in his voice becoming evident.
y/n looks between his eyes, and can't come up with a complete sentence as her mind falls blank.
silently y/n stands on her tip toes and grabs lando's face between her hands. she brings him down to her to connect their lips.
his taste like chocolate, from the slice of cake he ordered for dessert. hers taste like sugar and cinnamon from the cocktail she had at the end of the night.
lando brings his other hand around to y/n's back. she can't help but smile against his lips at the feeling of his arm around her. in the hundreds of times she's pictured kissing her best friend, it never ended like this.
the two finally pulled away, both of their cheeks blushed and pupils wide.
they both let out a rather large breath, and in the span of three seconds, y/n's opening her apartment door with lando following right on her tail. before they can fully step inside, lando's lips meet hers again, and lando definitely plans on spending the night.
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tlouadditc · 9 months
to the brim ... <3
dom!abby x fem!sub!reader
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!! not my pic !!
warnings: fluff + smut [MDNI and MEN DNI.] modern!au / no apocalypse, established relationship, softdom!abby [?], i couldnt think of good gifts dont mind it, abby is a gamer confirmed bc i said so, breeding [duh], abby has a breeding strap, filthy talk omg :(( ah!! i think thats it
a/n: ever since i read @seattlesellie's ellie breeding fic... i've been a changed woman. so here's my take on abby! p.s.: no desc. of hair, skin color, size, etc. :) this is also kinda long but enjoy my loves!
you and abby had been together for around 3 long, happy years. the happiest years, you could say. it was weird; you never thought you'd end up like this. never.. imagined being happy with someone, especially someone as outgoing and brave as abby. you were complete opposites, you being more introverted and kept to yourself while abby was loud and proud. even the way she asked you out [buying you your favorite flowers, making you dinner, AND two cute little matching rings] was memorable and creative. you've always loved everything about her.
today, in present time, is your anniversary. every year, you attempt to top the last year. always remembering little details and bookmarking whatever she sent you just for this moment. abby's currently at her office job; "busiest day of the year, but i'll be back in time for dinner," she explained earlier that morning. "promise!" you take this as an opportunity to buy her gifts and plan out a romantic dinner for the night.
lately, she's been wanting these lego flower sets [specifically the orchid ones since they reminded her of you.. :,)], so you quickly bought one. that isn't enough, you think, so you also get custom lego keychains of both of you, making them both wear wedding dresses and smile as bright as the sun. while you're at it, you get her favorite cake, chocolate with strawberry sprinkles, and have "happy 3rd anniversary, my love" on the top. you smile as you reach your apartment, already visualizing her surprised face. i'll get her this year, you think as you step inside.
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hours later, you hear a slight knock knock knock on the door. perfect timing, you think, quickly fixing your hair and looking over your outfit. you're wearing a black maxi dress, tight-fitting over your curves, but simple in style. it's kinda casual, but abby insisted on staying home. "it's for my surprise," she argued, a smirk forming on her face as she said it. she always had some quick trick up her sleeve, but you're even quicker.
well. most of the time.
you peek in the peephole, and there she is. she's wearing her glasses today [her bluelight ones you bought for her your last anniversary since she always complained about her headaches], dressed in all black and her hair flowing down her shoulders. her hands hold onto the handle of a medium sized, deep red giftbag. she probably feels your eyes on her, because flashes a pearly smile up to the small opening. no matter how much she smiles, you never get tired of it. you quickly unlock the door and open it widely.
her pale skin turns a slight dusty shade of pink as she looks you up in down, lovingly taking in your beauty. her mouth opens to say something, but all that comes out is a soft, "hi, baby," before she pulls you into a tight hug, exhaling as she wraps her toned arms around you. she feels like.. like something familiar, but nothing you've ever felt before. something comforting. like home.
she pulls back, placing her hands on either cheek. her eyes move back and forth from one eye to another, almost as if she's trying to read your mind, hear your thoughts. "missed you so much, bun." she leans in, giving you two small pecks on the lips before pulling you into one last hug.
"missed you more abs," you murmur, "more than you'd ever know."
she pulls back, smiling as you mirror her expression. after a couple of seconds, she finally looks around the apartment. "babe?" she questions, clearly in shock. there's big, red heart balloons and her favorite candles are lit all around. she's completely enveloped in the candlelit room, gasping when she looks down and sees rose petals scattered beautifully on the wooden floor. you see her eyes lock onto two red, nicely wrapped gifts on the coffee table. "oh. my god," she looks from the living room back to you, astonished. "no, you didn't."
"oh, yes i did," you giggle as you close and lock the front door. she walks carefully over the fresh rose petals into the living room. she sits on the couch, looking up at you with doe eyes. "babe, if this is what i think it is..." she pauses and exhales. all you can do is smile; your excitement cannot be contained. "open them up!" you cheer, sitting down in the armchair beside the sofa.
she picks up the smaller box, cautiously shaking it. she was always great at guessing your gifts. but this time, she furrows her brows in confusion. she shakes it once more, a little harder this time, deep thought written across her sharp face. the scrunch in her nose makes you laugh a bit. "is it.." she starts, but cuts herself off. "i don't know.. actually."
you shrug, "then open it, babe." she sighs before accepting defeat and opening the small package. as soon as she gets the paper off, she gasps and looks up at you. "oh my god!" she exclaims. "wait, are these-" she looks back at the package, back at you, and holds it up to your face. "oh my god! it's us!"
you smile and laugh while she gushes over the fact they look exactly like you two. "how did they get my hair perfect? and the little dresses! i mean, look at it, oh my god." she admires them silently for a few seconds before uttering, "this is gonna be us, bun. i promise."
the uncontrollable urge to smile takes over your face, making your cheeks hurt a bit. she's muttering a thousand "thank you"s before opening the next one; the one you're the most excited about. she's been talking about this since last year, but she never had the time to get it or start it, matter of fact.
she tears the paper once again, immediately stopping in her tracks. her eyes move up to you once again and her jaw goes slack. "oh my FUCKING god," she yells, ripping the rest of the paper off. it's almost like she's a child again; the way her face lights up makes your entire day worth while. she proceeds to nerd out over the set once again, "this is so... oh my goodness i can't even explain how excited i am. thank you so much babe... wow.. i got so lucky..."
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you made her favorite dinner that night, having it freshly prepared for her and still warm on the stove. she just rambles about how she's the luckiest woman in the world to have a beautiful girlfriend and how much she loves you. she continues this throughout the entire meal, making sure she can treat you with the same treatment whenever she can; wiping your cheek when anything got on your face, getting you whatever you needed with no questions asked.. anything. basically, your everyday treatment with her.
after dinner, you both sit on the sofa, talking about your days. mid-conversation, abby randomly gasps.
"and then he was li- uhm... abby?"
"oh my god. i almost forgot!"
"what? what's the matter?"
"your gift!!"
she practically jumps out of her seat, striding over to the counter where she left the giftbag. "can't believe i forgot my gift for my special girl." she scoffs at herself and sits while handing you the bag. it's not heavy, but it's also not lightweight. you scan through your memories of things you've mentioned to her: cats, a wedding ring, books... but it didn't seem like any of that stuff was in here.
you give up, opening the top and looking inside. your jaw drops. you see a long, light pink box. there's fancy gold lettering across the front that you can't read. you take the box out, and unwrap the ribbon bow from around it. as you lift the top up, you see plush flowers and.. a small hello kitty stuffed animal in between the flowers. you squeal as you put the bag down and hug abby tightly, muttering thankyouthankyouthankyou!! all she does is smile and whisper "of course, princess." you think that's it before you realize there's a small pink card and a even smaller box inside the bag.
confused, you pick up the card and analyze the cover. it's a baby princess themed card; such an abby thing to do. you glance over at her to crack a smile, but you realize she has on that devilish smirk plastered across her face. uh oh, you think. "why're you smiling like that, babe?"
"like what?" her smirk grows wider.
that's even more 'abby' like than the card.
you roll your eyes jokingly before deciding to open the card up. inside, there's a paragraph written:
"dear y/n,
happy 3rd anniversary, my love! i'm so glad you're in my life, even after all this time. you'll always be special to me and i see that we will grow old together. i know you've been wanting that bouquet for a while, but i noticed you've been obsessed with something more.."
you glance up at abby once again. she's watching your reaction with that same smirk. what is she up to? you continue to read:
"i hope you noticed the cover of the card; of course, you're my princess, and you always will be. but i always see you looking at baby clothes when we're out, gushing over baby videos at home, etc etc. and even though we technically can't make one.. i can still give you the experience. ;) love your [nonofficial] wife, abby"
you feel your face heat up as you close the card. abby's large, warm hand suddenly starts stroking your leg through the dress, jolting you back to reality. she chuckles, whispering, "mm, you want that, right? you want me to knock you up?" she's getting closer, her hot breath hitting your neck, making you shudder. "want me to fill you to the brim, baby? hm?"
she's kissing your neck, small pecks turning into full-on hickeys. she loves the way you whimper and squirm, the way you turn your head to give her more access. "i'll take that as a yes," she breathes, a small laugh leaving her mouth. her hand travels from your leg, up to your neck and chin, making you turn and kiss her.
"so pretty like this," she coos in between kisses. she's lost in your big eyes, your noises; lost in you. she toys with the thin straps of your dress, subtly signaling to take it off. you, of course, rush to peel it off. after you do so, you're almost completely naked while she's completely clothed. the drastic difference makes you feel small under her predatory gaze. she taps her thigh twice and demands, "come here, princess."
you straddle her lap, your clothed cunt slightly gaining friction against her pants, making you whimper. "such pretty noises," she murmurs, mostly to herself. her hands rest nicely on your sides, right above your hips. "so, tell me," she starts. "how you wanna do this, mama?"
the new nickname makes you feel a slight heartbeat in between your legs. "oh, you liked that, huh?" she comments, smirking as she looks up at your pretty little face. "well, if you want me to take control, i'll do it. i'll do whatever you want, mama."
"use me," you blurt out, desperately needing her right at that moment. you move your hips back and forth, grinding against her crotch to relieve the ache in between your thighs. abby lets out a breathy laugh, "oh, you want it that bad? god, you're so cute."
before you can respond, she's wrapping her arm around your waist and standing up. you wrap your legs around her waist and your arms around her neck out of instinct. she's walking you to the bedroom, just like her little princess.
when she gets into the room, she lays you on your back, legs behind held back by her large hands pinning them under your armpits. your breath is shaky, heartbeat practically bulging out of your chest. she leaves a trail of sloppy, wet kisses from your neck alllll the way down to your bellybutton. "f-fuck, abby," you shudder, her face getting closer and closer to your heat. "what's wrong?" she asks, "what you need, baby?"
"need you inside," you beg, not caring how pathetic you sound now. "oh, i know, baby," she coos, "but i wanna make this special for you, okay? no rushing. just us."
you appreciate her genuine care with your intimate experiences with her, but at this point, the ache was growing more and more painful as time went on. you whine, moving one of the hands pinning your leg to your cunt. "please, abs. need it."
"fuck, babe," her voice is low and husky, almost a growl. "okay, okay, i got you, mkay? i'll treat you right, promise."
her pointer finger ghosts over your swollen clit, forcing a small moan out. small little circles stimulate your bud, drenching your already soaked panties. she groans, "always so wet f'me, my god." as if she can't take it anymore, she practically rips off the small cloth off your aching pussy. the cold air meeting the warmth of your core makes you gasp, squeezing your thighs together in response.
abby's warmth comes back and divorces your legs apart, pinning them back to where they were originally. "gonna take such good care of you, mama," she mutters, kissing your inner thighs. after what feels like an eternity of teasing, she finally lays small, short kitten licks on your cunt. the small feeling of her warm muscle against your clit relieves the burning ache in your core, but only for a second. she lays a flat tongue, collecting your slick as she moves up. your small "oh"s egg her on, fueling her ego as she spreads your lips apart and latches onto your bud. your moans grow louder and louder, legs slightly trembling from how good it felt. little did you know, she's getting off on your pretty little reactions; she's moaning against your bud, vibrations making your legs shake even more.
"ffffuck-," you cry out, gripping the sheets from pleasure. the vibrations send you over the edge, the familiar tingly feeling in your abdomen unraveling. "m'cumming- oh my god," you wail, attempting to close your legs to get away from abby's tongue. her hands grip your thighs, forcing them apart once again. she continues to suck on your clit, overstimulating you. "t-too much - fuck!"
your juices and her saliva mix, coating the bottom of her chin. she finally unlatches from your sensitive, swollen bud and wipes her chin. "sorry, bun," she says, heavily breathing, "you just taste so goddamn sweet, i had to!"
as abby starts to walk away [you assume it's to help you clean up so you guys can sleep], you slowly drift away into a deep sleep..
"nuh uh, 'm not done with you, mama."
your eyes force open, eyes immediately landing on abby's bare chest. she was almost never topless around you - except when you two showered together - but it wasn't a norm in the house. you unintentionally whisper, "you're so beautiful," causing a wide smile to go across abby's kind face. "thank you, baby," she replied, "c'mere." she patted the edge of the bed. her usual black strap was buckled on, intimidating you from the end of the bed.
you crawl to the edge, sitting on your feet when you reach abby. she giggles, "get on your back, babe. you know the drill." you follow her orders, slightly chuckling at your mistake. as she lines herself up with your slit, she caresses your face, just telling you how much she loves you; "love you so much, bun. i'm so lucky to have you, y'know that, right?" she peppers small pecks along your face in between, smiling at your perfect face.
"'m gonna go all in, okay? jus' let me know when i can move," she warns. you nod, slightly nervous. the strap seemed bigger than usual; a bit wider too. it made you think she'd rip you apart with this thing! but as she bottomed out, the sharp painful sensation was short lived and replaced with a more pleasant sensation, the feeling of being full. and not just full, but full of her.
you start to slightly grind on her cock, trying to get any pleasure. the desperate motion making abby smirk and slam into you again, this time earning a loud, pathetic yelp from you. she continues to slam into you, holding your hips for leverage. "yea, keep makin' those pretty sounds for me," she groans, almost in an animalistic way. all you can do is tell her how good you feel, hands gripping onto her toned biceps.
she brings a hand down, right over your abdomen, pressing slightly. "you feel me right there, yea?" there's a slight bulge where her strap is; the sight makes you drool slightly. you nod feverishly, focusing on her voice and her dick pounding into you. her hips snap back and forth, squishing sounds filling the dimly lit room.
she, on the other hand, is hyper-focused on watching the black silicone disappear inside your gushing cunt, a vague white ring forming around the base of her cock. the sight alone has her pussydrunk and practically forming a pool in between her thighs. "such a messy fucking cunt," she murmurs. "wish i could fucking - shit - fill that little pussy up."
your moans become louder, your grip tightening on the meat of her muscles. your head goes back, putting the hickeys she gave you on full display. "oh, you fucking like that, huh?" she places both hands on either side of your head, still fucking you at a relentless pace. every thrust she does, her tits bounce slightly in front of you. her hair frames her face perfectly, the sweat beads racing down her skin as she pounds into you.
"holy fuck," you whimper. her cock, buried deep inside your greedy little cunt, hits that spongy spot inside of you, making you go insane. she smirks, she knows what she's doing. "what? speak up, princess," she speaks, a mocking tone laced in her words.
"s-so good," a choked moan cuts you short.
"you like the way 'm fucking you? like the way that dick got you going crazy, huh?"
a string of yesyesyes's is all you can get out, too lost in your own pleasure.
"wan' me to fuck my baby into you?" she's out of breath, start to whimper, but she doesn't slow down or stop. she just keeps. on. pounding. she's chasing her orgasm, clit bumping against the base of the strap. you're just a wailing, helpless mess under her, begging for her to cum into you. "i need it, p-please, abs!"
she moans loudly as her thrusts get sloppier, slowing down slightly. you feel a thick liquid unleash into your hole, filling you up. the new feeling causing you to gasp, looking down at where you two met. abby fully pulls out after a few seconds, when a gush of white liquid slowly drips out of your stuffed cunt. she whispers, "fuck, that's a pretty sight to see." using one hand, she spreads you open, your fucked-out hole on display, just for her.
you're still trying to steady your breathing, getting more tired by the second. abby sits on the bed next to you, pulling you into her lap. she caresses your face once again, "did so good f'me, baby. happy anniversary." she kisses your forehead, cuddling you close to her body. before you fully fall asleep, she picks you up, bridal style.
"wh- what are you doing?" you question, half asleep.
"gotta clean you up, babe." she giggles at your sleepy voice.
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after a long, warm bubble bath together and a small cleaning session, you and abby finally lay back on the couch to watch a movie and cuddle.
"y'know what, babe?" she asks, shoveling chocolate cake into her mouth.
"i wish i could actually get you pregnant."
you slightly giggle at that, "me too."
"i also want to marry you. really badly." she's looking at your face now, reading into your soul.
"we should get married," you speak, thoughtfully. what's the point of her bringing this u-
she gets up unexpectedly, walking over to your giftbag. confused, you ask, "what's up?" she pulls out that small box you saw earlier. "oh, nothing.." she walks in front of you, then dips down onto one knee.
you gasp. is this really happening? right here right now?? someone pinch me.
"y/n, you've made me the happiest woman on earth for the past 3 years we've been together. not to mention the first 4 of us being friends. now, i'm not gonna give a long, sappy speech during this amazing moment," she slightly chuckles, "but i want to ask you.. will you be my wife?" she opens the box, a shiny ring glistening in the light.
you can't see it that well since tears well up in your eyes. you could've never asked for anyone better than abby. she's made you a better person overall. she's been there for you, even in your darkest times. you nod, wiping your tears.
she's slightly chuckling, which you don't realize until your eyes clear. it's.. a minecraft ring. specifically a minecraft rose on a thick band of gold. you laugh and let her slide it on your ring finger.
"i'm sorry," she's still giggling as she gets up from the floor, "i saw this while i was out and i was like 'this is perfect.'" you're also giggling, "it is perfect. thank you, baby."
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱──────────
a/n: abby's such a jokester! anyway hope u guys enjoyed this took forever!
taglist: @unicycl @xnoviee @aouiaa @akenosimp167 @njplatesruler [if you're striked out, i can't tag u!! :(]
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captainmera · 4 months
Was evelyn ever ALMOST caught by witch hunters?
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For some reason, I forgot I could just...... Write these little shorts with little illustrations alongside it, instead of drawing out the whole thing and it takes forever. So... here ya go! Two more little drawings beneath the cut with some text!
Roger growled through the gap amongst his ivory. He could not wrap his head around why his rival was standing there with bow and arrow, willing to.. What? Shoot him? For this woman. Barely a Christian woman, even. "What are you going to do?" Roger gestured at Caleb's homemade weaponry. "You're going to shoot me if I don't leave?" "Maybe." Caleb said, still not tensing the bow. "My brother's a real clever guy, he knows a lot about the body. Did you know that arterial bleeding is the most fatal?" "Uh-" "Looks the most accidental, too." Roger furrowed his brows. Caleb's brown eyes were void of warmth. "What are you saying?" "I'm saying I'm holding a bow. I'm saying I'm pretty good at using it. I'm saying I'm a woodsman, you're not. I'm saying that if I wanted to accidentally shoot you and hide your body, I could. And if you were discovered, it's an arrow in you, not an English pistol wound, or a knife. And nobody knows you were ever here." "...You're not serious." "You can always find out." "You're bluffing, I've never seen you use a bow and-" "Leave my property." Caleb repeated. "And if you are going to accuse my friend of witchcraft, you better have more than suggestive or spectral evidence." Roger glowered back, held his hands up in peace, and backed away. "Fine, I will." And left the way he came through the woods. Caleb waited until he couldn't see him any more, before locking the door and pulling the curtains. Roger had never liked Caleb, but before his rival took a break from witch hunting, Roger had at least had a competitors respect for the man. But respect turned to suspicion. Caleb had been acting strange for awhile... Glum and a lot more quiet. Then that woman showed up. And now the cove were against spectral evidences? Caleb had been the most frequent and outspoken about how witches found a lawful loophole by using supernatural means to get away with their crimes. As it was difficult to prove that a witch had tormented someone in their dreams, for example. And Roger agreed! Sure, Caleb was annoying, but they had both been amongst the best and the worst of hunters, being the same age only meant the two lads butted head to stay in their spot as head of a patrol. Being a witch hunter was a competitive sport, almost, it was hard to explain unless you participated. They were not friends, but Roger was sure if the roles had been reversed, Caleb would've been suspicious too and, honestly? Caleb would've tried to save Roger. It was just good sportsmanship. And this whole thing smelled wicked. Caleb turned to Evelyn. "Are you alright?" "I don't know.." She said and looked at her hands. Artemis had crawled out onto her shoulder to give her a comforting little spider hug. "My magic.. It didn't work." "What?" Caleb abandoned his bow by its place next to the backdoor. "It's not working?" "I don't- I was trying to make it work, he saw me. I'm sorry." Caleb lift her chin up. "Hey no, it's alright. Maybe.. You've just been here too long?" "No that's not it. I know it isn't." "Maybe you're ill?" She smiled up at the crease of worry on his forehead. He was trying to sound calm and proper, and she knew that tone of his. That rougher, almost demanding, serious tone. That tone he used with Philip and his friends when they were turning to him for leadership and give them orders - even if he was just as anxious as them.
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His eyes flickered away, noticing that she had caught him spiralling with worries. He shook his head to get out of it and straightened his back. "Are you ill?" He repeated with a softer tone "No, I dont think so." "Not witch-ill, human-ill?" "No... I don't have any symptoms." "Hm.." Caleb thought back at when she had visited him at his job. "Oh, was it the sprig of dill tea?" Evelyn's eyes lit up. "Oh! Oh right that did taste awful!" Caleb couldn't help but break out into a soft scoff. "Well, good to know that folktale is true." "Huh?" "It's said sprig of dill keeps witches and evil away. That's why we drink it at the morrow' meeting." Evelyn's lips pressed into a line, feeling a little silly that she had so readily accepted tea from a bunch of woodsmen-slash-witch hunters. Of course they would be drinking things like that out of superstition.
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"Right." She brushed her vest. Caleb snorted. "Stop it! I was afraid!" "Sorry, sorry. I'm sure it's only temporary." Evelyn looked at her hands. "You think so?" "Yeah. But.. Why don't you stay here, just in case, until it comes back. Yeah?" "Appreciated." "Of course." Evelyn swayed her skirt bashfully. "Caleb?" "Mh?" "Thank you." She pulled him in so she could plant a kiss on his cheek. "You've been my hero today." Caleb's limbs were full of pink and red butterflies. He laughed nervously and swatted his hand around in the air. "Oh! PFSH! O-Of course! I can't just- You're a maiden in distress! It's only the right thing-! Anytime, milady." And theatrically rolled his hand before bowing to her. And that got him in the right height for both of her hands to cup his face. "I think you deserve one more then." And kissed him on the side of his nose, his forehead, and when his smile spread his lips wide across his face, she kissed the dimple by his side. And that was enough. Caleb crumbled, and turned away from her with an incoherent sputtering of words. She smiled. Caleb put his face in his hands to cool, stroked them through his hair and coughed. "TEA?" He offered, gesturing at the stove. "Er- not, that tea, better tea." "Sure." And took a seat nearby him.
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beatteez · 10 months
princess - j.yh
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정 윤호
boyfriend!yunho x afab!reader
genre: smut 18+, fluff at beginning and end a/n: it is 1am and i cant stop thinking about yunho so i've made this. ignore if its bad not gonna edit this till later !!! also its a bit long, sorry not
warnings: teasing, slightly rough sex?? unprotected sex (never a good idea) oral (f receiving) softdom!yunho, sub!reader big dick yunho
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you and yunho laid on your couch watching movies as you do after school. its a cute little so called tradition you have together before having to go to your night class, which you share together.
the soothing silence between you two as the movie plays in the background causes your eyes to struggle to stay open. your head on yunho's thigh as his fingers gently run soothing circles on your scalp.
"tired?" he questions smoothing down your hair.
you mumble something that sounded like a yes in response "wake me up...for classes.." you trailed off feeling too tired and lazy to say much.
his soft giggle fills your ears "will do princess, rest up" his fingers circle on your scalp again lulling you to sleep.
the bell rings for class to end, all thats filling your mind is the way yunho was subtly touching you the entirety of class. the test review was not a top priority in your mind at the moment.
"hmm?" he looks over at you a smirk stuck on his face knowing how he's got you flustered and hot "what is it princess?"
"you're being a fucking tease" you whine out grabbing onto his arm as you both walked into the direction of your homes. lucky you two didn't live far from each other, just a two minute walk down the street.
"and how might i be doing that" he questions. your eyes narrow at him and he chuckles "was it me touching you in class..my apologies your majesty" he steps in front of you bowing.
"you piss me off" now both of your laughs filled the empty street you walked down. you walked towards him forcing your hand into his much larger hand.
"want to come over tonight" he ask spinning you around.
"i have to think about it...yes" he smiles at you and puts his arm around you as you walk towards his house passing yours on the way.
"i just need you to be quiet, my parents are sleeping" he says unlocking the door holding it open for you. you nod walking in, heading towards his room and he follows behind you after locking the door.
"can i borrow something to wear" you look at him as he walks in softly shutting the door.
"i dont know can you?" he places his hand on your hips pulling you flush against him "anything specific you want" his eyebrow raises as your eyes dart to the sweatshirt he was wearing. "no"
"pleasee" you begged.
"babe..i just bought this, you cant take it yet"
"but it would look so good on me, just imagine" you wave your hand in front of his face.
"no" he says kissing your forehead. you let out a groan going to sit on his slightly raised up bed, struggling a little. you feel yunho's hand pushing up on your butt to help you.
"i hate your bed" you mumble out as he stands in front of you in between your legs. his fingers running along your thighs.
"is that so?" his eyebrow lifts again "should i get a little stool for my princess?"
your eyes roll annoyed at his teasing.
"you have been teasing me all day yunho" you look down at his fingers, they have been inching closer to your core by the second.
"i don't know what you're talking about" he mumbles, his hands pushing up your skirt then running up your torso gently pushing you to lay back. you lean back on your elbows, bringing your legs to sit on his shoulders.
he kisses your leg sliding your shoe off, repeating that on the other leg. his kisses migrate up towards where you want him the most.
his fingers pushing against your clothed clit, a soft groan is heard from him as you lean your head back.
"you're so wet already" he rubs small circles over you pantie clad clit.
"because you teased me all night.." a soft moan falls from your lips followed by a whine, wanting more. his fingers barley touching you because of the panties you had on.
he ignored your comment and hooked his fingers around the waistband of your panties pulling them off slowly, your slick sticking to the panties.
"fuck" he groaned, pulling them off at a faster pace. his fingers rubs against your clit before he drags them down slowly inserting them into your soaking pussy.
you move your elbows from under you and lay down fully on the bed more soft moans falling from your lips as he slowly pulls them out and then slowly pushes them back in.
"y-yunho, please, you've been teasing all day, just make me feel good" you whine wanting more from your boyfriend.
his eyes meet yours and he chuckles "whatever you say princess" his face comes down, lips connecting to your clit instantly. your hand comes up to cover your mouth, remembering his parents are in the room next to you sleeping.
the feeling of his tongue lapping at your pussy is making your thigh close around his head. he chuckles against your clit sending a subtle vibration through you.
"shit yunho" you whimper as your hands reach down placing them on his head as he sucks at your clit again harshly, his fingers still working inside of you.
the thought of his parents hearing you like this is making this experience better than normal. you and yunho usually try to avoid doing anything when people could have a chance to hear you two for both of your comfort.
your pussy clenches around his fingers, his lips parting from you.
"close already?" he smirks, his fingers pushing deeper, earning a whimper from you as you nod looking up at him. he pulls his fingers out of you slowly, your pussy clenching around nothing from the sudden emptiness.
"baby.." a whine escapes from you. he shh's you undoing his pants.
"want you cumming around my cock" he says pulling you towards him, helping you off the bed. you start to get down on your knees to help him some but he grabs your arm gently.
he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, kissing you softly and lovingly. your arms wrap around his neck gently, his hands landing on your ass roughly. you whimper into the kiss, your hand reaching down wrapping around his cock.
he pulls away slowly a soft moan falling from his lips as you move your hand up and down along his cock.
"you drive me crazy" he whispers kissing you again turning you around and bending your upper body down over his desk.
you look back at him and see him jerking his cock a few times before lining up with your entrance.
he slides in, the new full feeling making your legs want to give out. you put your head into the crook of your elbow supporting your body against the desk. the stretch always feels like its your first time again from how big he was.
he groans gripping onto your hips, his nails likely going to leave little crescents in your skin. he bottoms out and holds still for a second. you pull your hips away wanting him to move but his hands hold you still.
"dont move, you feel too good.. dont want to finish that soon" he chuckles. after a few seconds he pulls out slowly moving his hips a slow steady rhythm.
your soft moans are muffled by your arm, yunho's groans quiet enough to not draw attention.
his hips speed up and you clench around him sucking him in.
"just like that princess, fuck, you aways take me so well" his hands slide up your stomach pulling you back against him. he leans down kissing against your neck as his hands travel up more pulling your bra down, pinching your nipples between his thumb and index finger.
you moan a bit too loud and one of his hands come up around your neck, squeezing gently. it surprisingly muffling any noise you made from the lack of air.
"baby.. im gonna.." your hand met his hand that was messing with your tits, dragging it down to your throbbing clit. "please" you whimper.
"anything for my princess" he says in a deep tone. his fingers rubbing quick circles around your clit as his thrust speed up.
you could tell his release was nearing from the urgency in his thrust. your moans became more needy, your pussy clenching around him. he bends you back down over the desk.
"come on, cum for me princess, feel good just like you wanted"
you felt the pleasure take over your body, your legs getting weak, his thrust in you sending you into overstimulation.
incoherent whines fall from your lips. you feel him pull out, then feel warm liquid land on your ass. yunho's groans filling your ears.
he leans over your body "did i please my princess?" he questions chuckling.
you turn around to face him nodding, face red, little sweat beads on your forehead.
"come on, lets go shower" he whispers kissing your temples.
you pull on his arm looking up at him.
"hmm?" he turns back towards you looking down at you "whats wrong baby"
"i love you"
"i love you too princess"
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mxqdii · 9 months
Theodore nott or Mattheo riddle x Gryffindor fem! Reader fluff and maybe soft smut and she’s reading in his lap while he’s leaning against the bedpost reading with her holding the book and Turing the pages while she keeps reading it and it’s super smutty and she just traces his arm veins while they read (and if you decide to make it smutty pls make the reader LOVE LOVE LOVE his hands, abs, arm viens-) can it be a longer fic?
I love ur work so so so much!!
the tension - m.s (18+)
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pairings: mattheo riddle x gryffindor reader
summary: i know it's wrong, but it feels so right.
warning(s): hand kink, hickeys, kissing, dry humping
(this fic is giving slow down by chase atlantic)
not proofread
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the smoke of mattheo's cigarette making the air thick and hazy, me sat in his lap reading my book.
we have a little challenge going on at the moment, which was his stupid idea
basically we see who can last the longest without kissing, sex, touching.
it's one hell of a teasing game
i let out a shakey breath as i turn the page of my book, mattheos hands on my thighs.
his thumb starts making circular motions, moving closer to my inner thigh.
my breath hitches and i can almost feel the smirk on his face
"mattheo.." i say shakily
"what is it princess?" he asks
i sigh, trying to shift my attention back onto the book, but getting distracted by his fingers, the veins on his arms, everything about him.
"see something you like?" he says and i grab his hand, staring in amusment.
i trail my fingers over the veins, going all the way up to his upper arm
"oh so thats what you're into?" he says, throwing the book somewhere across the room.
he flips me over, hovering over me, my hands pinned.
"the bet" i remind him, which was a mistake
his hands start trailing all over my body, making me feel overheated
"mm, i'm sorry princess but i'm not one to loose a bet i made, so either give in or we might just have to continue reading" he says and i groan
"oh thats right, gryffindors are supposed to have determination right? thats a shame on your part" he says, getting off of me making me scoff
"mattheo that is not fair!" i whine and he looks at me in confusion
"it's the deal we made" he responds and i roll my eyes
i try to ignore that feeling in my stomach, but i can't i need his hands, all over me.
i need to feel him.
i hesitatingly get up and throw a leg across mattheo's lap, straddling him
his hands grab my waist and my desire fills more and more with lust
"fuck the bet mattheo, i loose okay? i loose-" before even finishing my sentence, he grabs the back of my hair, pulling me in to kiss him
the desire that was originally on my lips now soothing, letting myself go on autopilot as he takes over.
he flips me over again, him now being on top of me
he starts trailing kisses down my neck as i let out heavy breaths
i've been without him for so long, the feeling of him on top of me enough to leave me sated.
he takes his shirt off as well as mine and he grabs my hips, sitting me on top of his lap, this time facing him
his hands glued on my waist as he starts kissing my neck again, causing me to jut my hips forward.
all of a sudden, i start grinding on him, his hands guiding me through it.
"fuck dont stop" he hisses in pleasure
i feel that knot in my stomach forming quicker than expected, tolerance to pleasure not as high as it used to be because of the bet
i throw my head back, trying to keep quiet
"let me hear you" he says and i let out a whine, our thrusts in rhythm now, hitting my heat perfectly.
"i-i-" i try to speak but fail, the pleasure being overwhelming
"cum for me baby" he whispers in my ear
feeling every part of my body tense up, speeding up to meet an unforgiving pace.
his hands gripping harder on my waist send me and him over the edge, letting go completely.
he groans, cursing out profanities and i let out a long whine
i rest my head on his chest, letting out shakey breaths
"good girl" he says, stroking my hair.
i don't know how i lasted through that bet, i'm never gonna be able to go a day without mattheo again.
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nthee · 4 months
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summary: a slight, or well, not-so-slight blunder led to the unfortunate events of him losing his memory — his memory of you and anything related to you.
characters: riddle roseherts, silver, lilia vanrouge
contains: angst with a bit of fluff, gender-neutral mc (uses second person view aka "you"), the reader blushes (described to be flushed)
notes: title is from see you again hehe :) i just thought it kind of had amnesia trope vibes idkkk dont ask me why atp, inspo comes from anywhere fr. also SURPRISE IM BACK let's ignore the fact that it's been 5 months tho i was so burnt out :(
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“Let me help you with that. [...] What? You're staring.”
“Ah, it's... it's nothing, sorry.”
The close proximity is enough to make you go insane. Perhaps it's better if you just took the time to actually fix your tie this morning. That way, he wouldn't be so close! So close that...
Oh Seven, what if he hears my heartbeat?! Ack, calm down, calm down! I don't want to scare him of, what if he thinks it's — I'm creepy?!
“You seem flushed, [Name]. Are you alright?” his movement stills while holding onto your tie, and you mentally facepalm.
Riddle's hand makes its way to your forehead, the back of his hand pressing onto your skin, before realizing he's wearing gloves. He clears his throat at the mistake, opting to feel your temperature using the back of his wrist — the exposed skin between his sleeve and glove.
“Temperature is normal... a little bit warm, but nothing serious.”
“I'm alright! It's nothing, really.”
Too close, too close, too close!
Riddle retracts back, almost as if he could hear your pleas. He sighed, clearing his throat as his eyes wander around — look everywhere, anywhere but them, Riddle.
“I should — ah, we should get to class...” you reminded. You mirror his actions, averting your gaze.
“Right. Class.”
He offers an arm, one that you graciously take without a second thought. “Let me escort you there. I did hold you off for several minutes.”
Excuses! Riddle's mind yells. You're falling for them!
He doesn't care in the slightest — just as long as you're there to catch him. Though he knew you for a grand total of five days, he knows you'll be there.
“Have I... met you before? I have, haven't I?”
A bittersweet laugh escapes your lips, startling Silver in front of you. You pull yourself together, smiling as you gaze into his eyes — the same eyes you'd lose yourself in, letting the time pass doing just that.
“Once upon a dream, right? That's what you were going to say?” you wipe a tear from the corner of your eye, thankful you laughed first before the waterworks arrived. Thank goodness, he can't see me sad.
Silver's eyes brightened, his eyelashes fluttering in disbelief. “It's... it's you. I meet you in my dreams! Everytime I close my eyes, I... I see you.”
His hands are softly holding yours as he speaks, his thumb tracing your skin delicately — like you were glass, or a treasure. It's enough to make you swoon, just as he's always done before.
“Don't leave my side.”
He thinks it's selfish to ask that from a stranger. But you are no stranger. You know the truth, but he suspects it's destiny — that you've actually met, talked, danced before, only well, it was in his very own dreamland.
You can feel the tears again. Maybe this isn't so bad? Or, at the very least, this isn't the end.
“I wouldn't even think of it.”
“Are you a friend of Silver's? I don't think I've seen you around before.”
Those words were uttered before you could even process the initial news of Lilia's predicament — before your heart could even let it sink in.
You could only choke back the words threatening to slip off your tongue, lest it sound like utter crap to someone who just lost his memories.
You and I are more than friends. You play— well, played lighthearted tricks on me. I fell for them. I fell for you.
“You... could say that,” was all you could muster up. There was no point in explaining more, he wouldn't understand them.
There was understanding to his nod, a subconscious feeling of something nestled deep in his heart.
“Are you troubled? You seem to be.” his tone is soft, yet firm. Lilia had always been that way; a mentor, father (or, father-like to ones who don't know he was actually one), shoulder to cry on, wise fae to depend on...
A lover. Was a lover.
Now, all was left was Lilia before he even got to know you.
Lilia Vanrouge, a schoolmate of yours, once again.
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← | © nthee, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, adapt, and use my work in anything that associates directly with ai.
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privitivium · 3 months
hi im requesting this one again cuz i dont remember if i sent it 😭 so um
submissive!teacher x mean!dom!ftm!reader, edging and lots of teasing, especially if its abt his wife and stuff :3 like just kissing his legs and biting at his thighs while hes begging to cum, no actual sex tho!!
— 🍸
you did not. good thing you did!!
sub amab teacher x mean dom ftm reader...,,,
cw; edging, teasing, mild overstim, degredation
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staring up at him boredly between his legs while ghosting your fist along his cock. you think it hurt him more than nibbling inner thighs while hes begging to cum,,, you clearly had a thing for bullying him,,, something he mildly encourages without conscious decision - a whiner, such a fucking whiner !! talking about, "please, please, please, i've been so good, please let me cum." uhhh!! no, you don't think so... you've barely started your reign of overstimulation and he's folding so quickly? you think he just likes begging. it is, afterall, his favorite thing to do. "... please? hug me..." after cornering you in the hallway - quickly, when no other people were crowding the halls. so needy. i mean, at least you had a bit of class... boxers nearly dripping with your own slickness - cunt producing more than needed ! seriously, how embarrassing... yet here you were, such a trooper ignoring your aching core to finger yourself and instead nipping at the flesh of his thick thighsㅡ
"eww, bro..." you knew how much he hated you calling him bro as a discreetly dating couple,,, giggling to yourself as you jerk your hand roughly around the base of his girth - flicking your tongue out; "look at that, your tip is all dark..." guiding his cock upwards; tip flushed and weeping cum for him to see. you glance up to see him already staring at you - his eyes flit away from yours; "does your wife know how to do it like this?" you hum inquiringly, proceeding to sound disgustingly innocent as you jerk your hand briefly -
"... i dont think she does - if you keep coming to me with problems like these, sir..." making sure to quiet your voice, teasingly and slowly circling your just underneath his head; "so embarrassing... you like a guy more than you do your wife... that's gonna be so painful for her..." you coo, gently blowing on his flustered cockhead - nearly ghosting your lips against him before pulling away at the last second. and he cries out as if he was in pain. writhing in his chair, gripping the arm rests, trying so hard to restrain himself from touching himself or shoving you down onto his prickㅡ"a-ahnnh.. s-stop... please. been so good." have you? have you really? obviously, you don't think so...
"you're such a disgusting pervert..." dipping inbetween his thighs and nipping softly, edging closer toward his groin - his cock twitching in your hand and he begins to squirm... spreading his naked legs open ; his pants pooling at his ankles - getting his chair all messy as cum dripped down the base of his cock and down his balls and... down to his chair... yuck. "... really, you have no shame do you?" he smelled so good though,,, the smell of his sex. burying your face into his inner thigh and your hand leaving his slickened prick to hold onto his squishy thighs, nipping and leaving little hickies near his sack - he was just so lovely, you felt like a zombie... nibbling to get a little taste of his flesh coated in a thin sheet of sweat - before you were gently taking him back in hand.
it wasn't long before he couldn't hold back... too excited to hold back-!! whimpering softly and scooting closer - a soft mantra of fuckfuckfuck leaving his lips as his lower intestines coil - that lovely fucking feeling of an orgasm, the product of his lovers teasing-!! letting his orgasm wrack through his body - jerking up into your hands and fucking himself into your first before - "ah,"... ㅡ you were admiring the cum in your hands before looking at him playfully disdainfully...
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dreamauri · 1 month
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♪ — 𝟱 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗦, 𝗟𝗦𝟮 logan sargent x fem! reader (fluff) “. . . using his five senses, these are his favourite things about you.”
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( requests | taglist )
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Logan absolutely loves seeing you danceing and having the time of your life
it makes him all giddy and happy inside
watching you forget yourself and follow the beat or jingle, he cant help but admire the sight
if youre dancing at a party or at home in a game of just dance, you know he's hyping you up
"that is . . . not-" Logan tried to hold in his laugh, sitting on the couch watching you play just dance (and recording for later). "SHH!! Let me concentrate!" you hushed back, trying to copy the moves only to gey a lot of errors snd red. Logan put his hand over his mouth, watching you you eventually trip and sit on your ass in surrender. "I dont like this routine." you grumbled, watching the blond get up to lift you back on your feet.
It's becoming a regular activity where the two of you are caught in a crowd,
wheather at a concert or in a street or even at circuits by fans or reporters.
His biggest worry with these things is losing you in the sea of people,
so when you grab onto him it eases his mind that you’re close and that he won't lose you.
“Y/n?” He called looking behind him in search of you. When he felt the little tug on his pinky finger he knew you were somewhere behind him in the crowd of people. The football match had ended and the halls to the exits and parking lot were packed. The only thing keeping him in his head was you holding his pinky and with him still.
Although not it’s something from you in particular, Logan associates incense with you.
He finds it a really calming part of you.
You usually light one up when studying. The scent fills the apartment if you forget to close the door or if you study in the living room.
His favourite part is that the smell sometimes sticks to you after an hour or three, which usually tells him how long you’ve been preparing for exams.
Sometimes, you light one jokingly, pretending to cast a spell.
“Calypso,” You pleaded, trying to hold in a smile as Logan sat on the chair, face in his hand, doing his best to hold in laughter as you circled the smoking stick around his head. He had his bags packed, ready to leave for the airport for the next race only for you to stop him and push him in a chair. “Give Logan a win, you bitch. This is the 7th time I've asked. please, thank you. Also, make Max crash out- actually, the whole grid. cradh them all out. cheers."
Logan's favourite part of the day is hearing you talk.
It doesn't matter what about.
Whether it's work, or something you're passionate about, or even gossip or just vents.
You have all of his attention.
youre the onky thing he hears, 100% of his concentration is on you.
its also very evident on his face and reactions, he practically turns into emojis,
'guess what!! i got the job!' 'You got the job! Told you could do it🤩'
'logan!! Person A cheated on Person B!' 'WHATT?? 😨'
'i love this course!' 'which one the one with friend? the assignment you had fun doing? 😊'
"Wait, wait. start over because I'm very confused." Logan told you, moving to sit closer to you so he can hear over. "What are you confused about?" You'd ask, and just like that, Logan would repeat everything you said, his facial expressions contouring to show concentrated blondie confused about the gossip you just spilled.
chapsticks have flavours. And logan is lucky that you have plenty because it makes kisses more delicious.
he already feels like he melts every time you kiss him,
now imagine double the effect with flavoured kissies!! hes not pulling away
"oh, but baby, you're so sweet" he protects if you try to part
he pouts and chases your lips and licks them if he manages too, might even bite yoir lower lip to keep you close.
"hm!" he hums surprised by the new flavour, momentarily licking just a bit to familarize himself with the flavour before going back in deeper with the kiss, holding your waist to stop you when you try to pull away. "Logannn," you whine against his lips but a moan only left your throat feelinghim tilt his head a little. "No one's looking," he mumbled to assure you. "You're like my very own cherry tree." he chuckled before kissing you, more softly this time.
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chaoticharrington · 1 month
Chapter Two: The Ticket and Your Shitty Car
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Pairing: Professor! Steve Harrington x Best Friends Dad! Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Lots of angst (sorry folks), mentions of anxiety and bullying, cigarette smoking, Eddie and Steve being sexy, kissing 👀, Reader is in their mid 20s and Steve and Eddie are in their early to mid 40s. Lemme know if i've missed anything.
Summary: After a few weeks of getting closer to Eddie and Steve feelings bubble to the surface
Authors Note: I'm so excited for this chapter and the rest of the series i've been having so much fun writing this! I've never written angst before so i'm interested in the response it'll get! And I pinky promise ya'll are getting smut in the next chapter 😈 7k words
**Chapter One Chapter Three Chapter Four**
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A couple days had gone by since your first interactions with the two men that have been plaguing both your waking thoughts and your dreams. You’ve woken up more than once this week from your body buzzing and your panties soaked through. Lips on skin, rough hands on your hips, deep voices whispering in your ear. Groaning yourself fully awake and grabbing your vibrator to finish the job, that isn’t nearly as good as whatever was happening in your dreams.
Because of these dreams it made it impossible to look at Steve during class, only looking when you absolutely had to. Avoiding Mr. Munson was a bit easier, he either wasn’t home much when you were with Violet, or he was in the garage. You convinced yourself that you would just eventually get over your little crushes, and if you just avoided them long enough then things would go back to normal, and you’d have your sanity back.
But things didn’t quite work out that way. After you had gotten your ticket on the first day, you decided you would just pay it off yourself, to avoid another possibly embarrassing interaction with Steve. You had your parking pass now so you wouldn’t get another ticket. But you had a busy week with assignments and kept forgetting to take care of it. By the end of the week, you had completely forgotten about it, until Fridays sociology class. It was a normal class; Steve was talking about the theoretical approach to sociology. At the end of class, you were supposed to hand in your paper on Social Darwinism, you had spent many late nights making sure that this paper specifically was perfect. The problem was that when you were meant to hand it in at the end of class, you couldn’t find it, and you were starting to panic. Almost all the other students had left or were in the process of handing in their papers and you were left anxiously digging through your bookbag.
“Oh, how the tables turn, need some help there?”
You freeze, looking up from the familiar black converse that you could see next to your bookbag. Your anxious eyes are met with playful honey brown ones, that make you relax slightly.
“Sorry no I’m good I know it’s in here somewhere,” you reply a little anxious. You didn’t want your professor to think that this was any reflection of you as a student or your work ethic.
Steve watches you dig through your bag for another few seconds when you finally find it, in a folder you don’t remember putting it in. When you get the folder out of your bookbag, the ticket sitting at the bottom of your bag falls out onto the floor right at Steves feet. You’re too busy to notice, trying to make sure all of the pages of your paper are in order, and you have all your sources. When you finally look up from the papers in front of you, you see Steve holding the ticket that you got on the first day of school.
You panic and look up and into his eyes, he doesn’t look mad, but he looks confused. “I thought I told you I’d fix this for you if you ever got a ticket. Why didn’t you tell me?” he said.
“I- I didn’t want to bother with you something so silly, I was going to pay it, but with a bunch of papers due, I just forgot I’m sorry,” you blurt out.
Steve raises his hand to silence your apologies casually, and you’re ready for him to yell at you or at the very least be disappointed in you.
Shit, why did you not just pay it the day you got it?
“It’s not your fault honey, there’s no need for you to apologize, okay?” he says warmly. Your shoulders relax a bit more, his voice giving you reassurance.
“I swear I really did mean to pay it, I just didn’t want to bother you,” you confess.
Steves eyes soften. “Y/N you are never a bother, plus it's my fault for being the worst teacher in history and not giving you a parking pass.” He jokes.
“Steve you’re one of my favorite teachers, nowhere near my list of worst teachers.” You reveal.
He smiles widely and raises his eyebrow; you swear you can feel your insides thaw. With the playful look on his face, he almost seems younger, you could only imagine how attractive he was when he was younger, even just a glimpse is enough to make your stomach do flips.
“Oh so there IS list? Well, I demand to know where I am on your favorite teachers list, maybe it’ll give me motivation to try harder in class.” He winks at you in retort. You swear you could cum in your pants right now, how dare he be so beautiful and perfect, and funny.
You think hard for a second, you can’t put him first you think his ego probably couldn’t handle it, also it would just bring you more embarrassment. But he very easily is your favorite teacher, he makes jokes during class, makes sure his lectures are easy to understand and enjoyable, and seems to genuinely care about all his students, it’s very hard to rank any teacher above him.
“I hope your ego can handle it Steve, but you’re second.” you gush.
“You wound me, SECOND? That’s basically failure I demand to know who could possibly rank higher than me?” he jokingly stands up straighter, adjusts his tie, and holds his hand to his heart.
Damn, you hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Uh, Professor Buckley, my Gender Studies Professor, I love her class,” you confess.
Steves eyes couldn’t roll farther back into his head even if he tried, you almost worried that they’d get stuck.
“You’re telling me, my best friend has already won you over? I’ve sat in on some of her classes and there is no way that Robin is funnier than I am!” he exclaimed as he puts his hands on his hips.
“You know Professor Buckley.. er Robin? Also, you definitely top her in the funny department, how did I know you wouldn’t be satisfied with second.” you retort easily. You could get used to this, the casual flirting, smiling with your professor, it felt easier than breathing. Once you got over the fact that he was one of the most handsome men that you’ve ever seen in your whole life.
“Know her? She’s been my best friend since high school, and a major pain in my ass. Second place is basically losing, everyone knows that babe.” The pet name slipped off his tongue so effortlessly.
Your eyes must have gone wide because Steve looks slightly embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck.
Babe babe babe babe babe babe babe HE CALLED YOU BABE
“Well then I guess you gotta step it up Professor.” you reply, trying to ease the tension in the room.
He smiles at you gratefully, “yeah I guess so,” he chuckles.
“Anyways I don’t want to keep you again for the second time this week, I’ll see you in class on Monday Steve.” you say as you go to stand up and walk past him. You’re about halfway to the door before you hear him call out.
“Hey, wait up, uh why don’t you come with me to my office so I can get that parking ticket taken care of for you,” he explains.
“You sure? I don’t want to make you late for your next class.”
“I’m the one who got you into this mess, please let me help you fix it?” he asks gently.
“Lead the way professor,”you answer playfully.
He smiles that flashy Steve Harrington smile and shows you the way towards his office.
“It’s just down this hallway,” he shares.
Then you feel him put his hand at the small of your back guiding you into a room on the righthand side, his touch lights your body on fire. It takes everything in you not to lean into his touch. You can smell his cologne, now that you’re so close to him. It’s a fairly clean scent with hints of musk and spice at the end, a more modern scent then you expected from a man his age. It only makes you want him more, to lean in closer and smell his scent mixed with the cologne.
You’re snapped out of your daze when Steve picks up the phone receiver and punches in a phone number. His fingers almost covered the buttons on the phone, and it made your legs squeeze together, thinking back to the multiple dreams you had about those specific fingers all over you. Steve looks up at you smiling lightly, surely just trying to fill the silence that filled the room. You hoped he hadn’t magically learned how to read minds in the short walk from his classroom to his office or you’d be toast.
His office wasn’t anything glamorous, it was an average size, with a nice desk and comfy looking chair, and big window with a view that overlooked the campus. The only thing making it uniquely his are the loads of pictures of him and Professor Buckley, and a few other guys and girls that looked around his age or maybe a bit younger. Documenting various birthdays, weddings, and get togethers.
While Steve is on the phone you take a moment to look at them, you see a picture of Steve being Professor Buckleys best man in her wedding to a pretty woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes. They all looked so happy, it made you smile, it looked like a really special day. Also noting that there are no wedding photos of him or pictures of him with a girlfriend, making your heart internally soar.
When you finally tear your eyes away from the photos, you hear the end of a conversation Steve is having with someone on the phone.
“Thanks again Reg, I promise it won’t happen again. Yeah, you too, take care. Say hi to the wife and kids for me," he said.
He puts down the receiver and looks at where you’re standing, and gestures to the photo you’re looking at.
“Yeah, Robins wedding! It was a really great day,” he reminisces. He goes onto explain that Robin ended up marrying his ex from High School, Nancy Wheeler. You smile and nod along to the anecdotes he talks about that day, trying to absorb everything he tells you about his life like a sponge.
“And by the end of the night Lucas and Max lead everyone in a impromptu sing-a-long to Never Ending Story, It was hilarious,” He says. You could combust, you can see just how clearly he loves his friends and how much they mean to him. He shakes his head and smiles wide at the memory, his smile being infectious, you smile back at him.
“Sounds like really good time Steve,” you reply.
“Yeah, it was, it really was.” he shares, he seems a little lost in thought for a moment before smiling up at you. “Sorry I don’t mean to bore you with my stories of the old days, I don’t get to gush about the people I love very often, so its nice to have someone listen," He confessed.
Your heart melts, he’s such a sweetheart. “No no please, I enjoy hearing them, makes you more a person than just my teacher. Plus, maybe at some point you’ll slip up and tell me something embarrassing about yourself. Then you’re done for Harrington,” you jab.
     He raises his eyebrows at you and looks impressed. “That’ll never happen, I’ve never done anything embarrassing in my life ever,” he states sarcastically.
     “Well, I’ll just have to ask Professor Buckley, my favorite teacher, about it won’t I?” you interject.
     His face goes from his handsome boyish grin to fake terror in a split second, “I will give you whatever grade you want in my class if you don’t do that, she’d go on for hours, might even keep you after class just to rub it in my face.”  
     You could tell that there was some truth to his words, and you know your gender studies professor well enough to know that she really would just rip him a new one. You giggle back at him, unable to keep it in.
“She really would tear you to shreds, wouldn’t she?” you cackle. His face softens, “Yes she’s evil, just awaiting my downfall I swear!” he smiles softly at you.
You both look at each other a bit longer before Steve clears his throat. “Anyways um, I talked to the guy in campus security and you’re good to go, you don’t have to pay the ticket,” He spoke.
You had honestly completely forgotten that was the reason you were even in his office; his demeanor makes you feel at home in your own skin and were just happy to not have anxious thoughts rolling around inside of your head.
“Oh, right yeah, thank you so much, you really didn’t need to go through all this trouble for me,” you said.
“No trouble at all, really. I should probably get going though, my next class starts soon.” he explained looking at the very expensive looking watch on his wrist.
You try your best not to show your disappointment, wishing to stay in this little bubble with him a bit longer.
“Of course, yeah. Thank you again Steve,” you respond.
He leads you back out the door with his hand on your back again, maybe this time a bit firmer than the last, and you weren’t complaining. You both wave your goodbyes for the weekend before you head out to the parking lot, and he heads towards his next class.
You were relieved to be going home, this first week of school has tested you mentally and emotionally and you were ready for a little break. You hop in your car, and twist your key in the ignition, but to your surprise, instead of your car roaring to life like it usually does. It just stalled, unable to start. You try the ignition a few more times before you rest your head on your steering wheel.
Just your fucking luck
You take your phone out of your jean pocket and call Violet to see if she knows any good mechanics in the area. But you only get her voicemail. “Come on Vi,”you mutter to yourself, trying her cell again and again. Only to get her voicemail each and every time. You couldn’t very well leave your car in the parking lot overnight, then you’d surely get another ticket. But what other option did you have?
You make the decision to call Violet’s home phone, thinking maybe she’s too engrossed in a TV show or something to see her phone going off. It rings a few times before someone picks up.
“Munson residence.” a deep familiar voice answers the phone.
“Hi Mr. Munson, is Vi there?” you reply.
“Nah she left about an hour or two ago to head to work, everything okay?” he asks a slight concern in his voice.
“Oh uh yeah, my- my car just isn’t starting and I don’t know any mechanics in the area who could come and take a look at it,” you respond anxiously
You hear what you assume is him blowing out some smoke from his mouth, you shake your head trying to stay on track.
“Any mechanic out here is gonna charge you an arm an a leg to come look at your car right before the weekend, let me come and take a look at it myself,” he suggests.
Your body runs cold, you couldn’t deal with another interaction with BOTH of them in the same day again, you’d burst into flames.
“Oh gods no that’s really okay Mr. Munson. I’ll just leave my car here overnight its no big deal, I’ll just walk home its not that far,” You babble anxiously.
You hear him scoff on the other end of the phone, “What do you mean walk home? Where are you Y/N?” his tone getting a bit more serious than the lighthearted goofy tone you usually get from him.
“I’m at school, it’s fine really, my apartment isn’t that far from-,” you squeak.
“Let me just grab my tools and I’ll meet you in the parking lot, which building are you in front of?” he interjects, you can hear some rustling on the other end of the phone.
“I-,“ you think about arguing with him but you know that in the end Mr. Munson is a stubborn man and you will lose. “I’m in front of the Humanities and Social Sciences building, its right by-,“ you confess.
He chuckles “Oh yeah I know the one, be there in a sec, hang tight.” he says before hanging up the phone.
You bring your phone down onto your lap in defeat. You hide in your car until you see his car pull up, you don’t need anyone seeing you, especially a certain sociology professor. His big black truck pulls into the space next to you, and you get out of your car to greet him.
“Hey thanks for coming all the way out here, I hope I didn’t take you away from anything or anyone,” you look up at him innocently. He stands about a foot away from you, but even then, you could see just how much taller he is than you. He could probably use you as an arm rest.
He gives you an easy-going smile, “No problem at all sweetheart, I’m happy to help!” You give him the keys and he goes to try and start the car and it stalls again and he clicks his tongue.
Your mind going back to the dreams you’ve had of his tongue on you, on your skin. You shiver at the thought, and you squeeze your arms around you willing yourself not to fall apart.
Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice, too preoccupied with opening the hood and looking inside. He takes off his leather jacket and lays it on top of the hood and rolls up his sleeves. He fiddles around inside of the hood for a few seconds before popping his head around the corner.
“Looks like your spark plug is shot, I have an extra on me in case of emergencies, it’s your lucky day pretty lady,” He announces cheerily.
Pretty lady
“Oh, thank you Mr. Munson, you’re a life saver!” you beam.
He looks at you again one more time, studying you for the second time this week, he looks like he’s contemplating something in his head. His eyes are like lasers on your skin, heating you up from the inside.
“It’s Eddie, you can call me Eddie honey, you’ve known me long enough.” he says as he smiles at you, the edges of his eyes crinkling.
You can’t help but smile back, “Okay, thanks, E-eddie,” you stammer out. His name feeling so odd on your tongue, he’s your best friend’s dad, would Violet think its weird that you call him by his first name now?
He smiles contently like he made the right decision and goes back to working on your car. You lean against his car just watching him work, seeing how his hands knowingly move on all the parts of your car that you don’t even know the names of, only being able to identify the windshield wiper fluid cap and oil fill cap. You look at his now uncovered arms that you didn’t see the last time you got a good look at him, you could see right near his left wrist Violets name tattooed in beautiful cursive, and D20 right above his left elbow. You see how veiny his hands and arms are, probably due to years of playing the guitar and working on various motorcycles and cars.
“So, what are you going to school for?” he says, looking at you through the corner of his eye while he works.
“Psychology mostly,” you reply easily.
“What do you want to do with it? Your degree?” he responds.
“I’d love to work with kids, I felt like no one ever listened to me as a kid, so I’d love to be able to be a safe space for kids to express themselves.” You shared, this was something you’ve been passionate for a while, wanting to work with kids. Giving them something that you never got when you were a kid, a place where they felt understood even if they didn’t feel like that at home.
He looks up at you from his work with an impressed look on his face, “That’s really fucking cool Y/N, I wish stuff like that had been around when I was a kid. Woulda made Middle School and High School a lot more bearable for me, trust me.”
Your heartbreaks at his confession, you figured that he probably wasn’t always the suave sexy metal head that he is now, and he probably got teased a lot when he was a kid. It reminded you of your own experiences in school, teased and never really fitting in anywhere. Violet went through something similar except it never really seemed to bother her, she was always the type of kid that always knew who she was and didn’t let anyone get in her way. You always admired that about her.
“Honestly me too,” you confess.
Eddie raises an eyebrow at you, “No way, You and Vi had loads of friends in Middle School,” he says.
“Yeah, in Middle School sure, but high school was brutal without her there, kids are mean.” You say sadly, rubbing your boot into the asphalt trying to wash away depressing memories of eating in the bathroom and crying yourself to sleep at night.
Eddie scrunches his eyebrows together and nods knowingly, sharing that feeling. “Yeah, teenagers are fucking assholes.”
You nod knowingly, as Eddie steps around the front of your car to get into the driver’s seat, scootching closing to you, grabbing the side of your waist as he passes you. You take a shallow breath, and your mouth runs dry. His hand felt so perfect on your waist, like it belonged there… and then your mind wanders to Steve, his touch felt the same way.
Eddie got into the front seat and turned your key in the ignition, and sure enough your car roared to life.
“Huzzahh!” Eddie cheered, getting out of the driver’s seat and bowing to you. A smile plastered across his face in triumph.
“There ya go honey good as new, although you should stop by the house sometime, so I can put a new battery in your car, it looks like it’s about to take a shit on you, and I want you to be safe during the Winter.” He says casually wiping the oil and grease off his fingers with the rag in his tool kit.
He wants you to be safe
“That would be great, thank you again, honestly I don’t know what I would have done without you. What do I owe you Eddie?” you ask. Surely, he’d want some compensation for driving all the way out here on a Friday, probably ruining his plans to come help his daughters best friend with her car.
“On the house, and don’t fight me on this I’m not accepting any money from you.” He says slightly stern but in a way that makes you smile lightly.
“I’ll figure out a way to make it up to you or something, do you like cookies? I’ll bake you some cookies for all your help,” you insist.
“IF you happen to make double chocolate chip cookies and bring them over to the house, for Violet of course, I wouldn’t say no to one or two,” he says slyly.
“I’ll bring them over this weekend.” you say determined to not be in debt to him.
He packs his tools back into the trunk of his truck and shrugs his leather jacket back on, “I’ll hold you to that sweetheart.” he winks at you before getting back into his truck and waving to you as he drives off the lot.
You get back into your newly fixed car and drive home to your apartment, first thing on the agenda, a very cold shower.
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The next few weeks had been an absolute whirlwind of epic proportions. Steve came back with your grades for your latest paper, and when yours got passed to you, at the top of your paper, “SEE ME AFTER CLASS” was written in blue pen. After class he explained that he was “very impressed” with your work and effort you spent on your paper and asked you to be his TA and help him a couple of days a week. Help him with grading papers, answering any questions your classmates had on assignments or class subjects, and help with lectures for upcoming classes. You couldn’t have said yes faster, not only did you have a huge massive crush on him. But you genuinely enjoyed his class and were excited to prove yourself. On those days you spent most of the time after your classes, spent huddled in his office with him grading papers or talking about different upcoming subjects you were going to learn in class. It was becoming one of your favorite parts of your day, you always left his office in the best mood. Plus, the flirting and your attraction to him only grew during this time, you noticed he started going more and more out of his way to touch you, or holding eye contact with you longer than was probably appropriate. You welcomed it, Steve made you feel like you were on cloud nine, some nights the two of you were left in his office until after dark, after all the work was done, just flirting and talking about life. Eating shitty takeout food that he’d grab from the cafeteria or the two of you would order in.
He always treated you with respect letting you talk about your feelings or whatever was on your mind, you eventually opening up to him about why you wanted to go into psychology, and he opened up to you about how he hadn’t always been the way he is now, and how there are parts of his past he’s ashamed of. The two of you bonded over your lack of family you had in your life, you told him about your parents basically ditching you after graduation and he told you about how his parents cut him off when he told them what decided what he wanted to do with his life and hadn’t heard much from him since. He reassured you that the only family that actually mattered was your chosen family and the people who love you that you let into your little corner of the world. You talked about your views on the world and your dreams. You liked that about him, that he listened to you and how modest and genuine he is, you assumed at first glance that someone with good looks like him and his upbringing he’d have an large ego. Which wasn’t entirely wrong, but not in a bad way. You’d come to really like Steve Harrington, he had an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match.
Which made it even more confusing on the days that you didn’t spend in his office. See you had saved up enough money for school and your expenses for the first couple of weeks, but that money only stretched so far. So, you looked for a job, and you became desperate. Being in a college town, good jobs that weren’t already taken by other college students were far and few between and being a TA wasn’t enough. So, one night after school when you were at Violets, Eddie overheard you talking about your dilemma, and offered you a job working for him. Eddie worked as a record producer and worked closely with a few music managers who were looking for social media manager. Which you happily accepted, there were no set hours and you could do a majority of your work in your pjs at home unless you needed to get Eddies opinion on something then you’d spend time out in the garage with him while he gave you advice or things the label is looking for in terms of the clients image or engagement numbers you needed to hit.
Sometimes you’d even make up excuses just to go over and spend time with him in the garage. He was patient with you while you slowly opened up to him about things that had happened over the past few years that you never wanted to worry Violet with, cheating boyfriends, bad friends, financial problems, and he took it all with stride, listening to and giving advice where he could. He’d spend time reminiscing about the “glory days” when his band, Corroded Coffin, used to play gigs every weekend at the hideout, a small bar on the outside of town. Or when he was in high school, he ran a club in school called the Hellfire Club where all his friends would play DnD, he even showed you that he got Hell Fire tattooed across his knuckles. You’d spend hours over there just tucked away in Eddies little corner of the house, sometimes he’d play songs for you on his guitar, or when he found out you had never played DnD he spent a few nights teaching you all the basics in case you ever wanted to play. You liked the way you felt when you were around Eddie, in a similar way that Steve did, Eddie quieted your thoughts of self-doubt and anxiety that usually swirled around in your head. You really liked Eddie, and it made your feelings even more confused because you felt guilty keeping all of this from Violet. You didn’t know how she would react to you having a crush on her dad, and you never wanted to put your friendship with her in danger. She was basically the only family you had, and you intended to keep it that way, even if it meant keeping your crush on her father a secret.
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It all came to a head about a month later. You were staying late in Steve’s office grading papers while he was reading over some scientific studies that he was going to go over in class that following week. You were reading over a specific paper, a girl who sat behind you in class, who giggled at Steve during the first day of class. She had a lot of typos in her paper, and you had a hard time following her methods and asked for Steves opinion. He got up from his desk and went over to the other side of his desk where you were sitting, hovering over you so his face was close to yours. You loved when he did this, being able to see the honey bits in his eyes or the way his eyebrows scrunch together when he was thinking really hard, or how he ran his tongue along his lips to wet them.
 For some reason the air in the room seems extra electrified, the tension being so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Your breath hitched as he got extra close to read a specific part in the paper, you could smell his cologne so clearly it was intoxicating. Steve turned to you to tell you what points to dock from her paper, but you didn’t hear a single word he was saying, it was all drowned out by the lust you felt for him. You think he could sense it too, his eyes kept flickering between your eyes and your lips.
Oh gods was this really happening?
You could see his face getting closer and closer to yours, you closed your eyes, bracing for impact. Your heart was beating faster than you ever thought humanly possible. And then, he kissed you. More intensely than you’d ever been kissed before, he started out soft, testing the waters. Slowly brushing his lips against yours, working up intensity until his tongue prodded your lips asking for an invitation in. The invitation happily accepted by you, you welcomed him in with your lips and sighed into the kiss, allowing your hand to grasp at the hairs at the nape of his neck. He held onto the side of your face like if he let go, you’d vanish. You kissed like this for a minute or two, lips melding together and tongues intertwining. He tasted like his spearmint gum that he chews sometimes, and his lips were softer than you ever thought humanly possible.
But as quickly as it started, it stopped. Steve de-tangled himself from your grip and stood back.
“Fuck, holy shit, I- Y/N I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done that. I’m your teacher for Christ’s sake… FUCK!” he shouted.
You jump at the volume of his voice, you were not used to this Steve, or the tone he was using. He paced around the room for a few minutes, and you looked at your shoes embarrassed. Embarrassed because you weren’t sorry it happened. You had been dreaming for weeks about what his lips would feel like or what he'd taste like.
“I’m not Steve, you don’t need to be sorry because.. because I wanted it to happen, I’ll only be your student for a few more months and then after that we can do whatever we want,” you blurt out in desperation. Allowing the thoughts and dreams that hide in your head to spill out of your mouth. Steve sighs and sits back down in his chair, taking his glasses off his face and pinching the bridge of his nose with his middle finger and thumb.
“I- I think you should just go Y/N, I need to figure out what to do. This shouldn’t have happened and I’m sorry it did,” he murmurs.
His words act like daggers in your heart, stealing all the breath from your lungs. All the worst-case scenarios that played out in your head when you felt insecure, now playing out right in front of you. You were angry, you know he feels the same way but he’s too much of a coward to do anything about it.
“Fuck you Steve, fuck you!” you bite out through your teeth, not allowing the tears to flow from your eyes, just yet. He just rejected you, the last thing you wanted was for him to see you cry. You pack up all the things that had been splayed-out all over Steve’s desk, shoving them into your bookbag, and storming out of the room.
Before you’re even out of the building the tears start streaming down your face, you choke back sobs as you get into your car. You bury your head in your hands, your shoulders shaking from how hard you were crying. You can’t go home, you thought. Not to an empty apartment where it’s even more apparent just how alone you are.
You put the key into the ignition and go to the only other place in town that you can think of going to, Violet’s house. You prayed to any god that could hear you, that Violet was home, but Eddie was not. You did not want him to see you like this, especially over a guy. He’d heard all the pathetic stories of love that hadn’t worked out you didn’t need to add another to the list.
Somehow luck was on your side with this, Eddie’s car was not in the driveway, only Violets. You get out of the car, not even bothering to lock it and run up to the door and let yourself inside with the key Violet had given you after your first week in Hawkins. Tears still streaming down your face, you take in your new surroundings; Violet was sitting on the couch watching some dumb rom com and eating popcorn. She looks startled by the sudden intrusion and the state you were in. Your mascara all smudged, and you had tears streaming down your face.
“Y/N? What happened?” she coos. She gets off the couch and walks over to you, her face softens when she gets closer to you, her face now shrouded in worry. She pulls you fiercely into a hug and just lets you cry on her shoulder. Eventually she brings you over to the couch and she gets you to tell her the events that have unfolded. She listened intently while you told her about your professor and how you felt about him, and then about how he rejected you after a mind-blowing kiss. She held your hand the entire time, rubbing soothing circles into your hand.
Just as you had finished telling her what happened you heard the familiar jingle of the doorknob and the heavy boots that followed. You couldn’t look at him right now, not when you looked like this.
“Hey, hey party people, I didn’t know you were coming over tonight I shoulda got more beer from the store!” Eddie sang. The closer Eddie got to you he realized something was off and stopped in his tracks.
“Now’s not a good time dad,” Violet said, still focusing her attention on you.
“What happened? Y/N are you okay? Are you hurt? Did something happen with your car?” his questions flying by you a million miles a minute. Too exhausted to say anything you let Violet speak for you.
“She kissed a guy at school, and he rejected her,” Violet says as softly as she can.
“Y/N kissed a guy at school?” he said, you could hear an edge in his voice that made you flinch slightly.
“Yes, dad god did you have to repeat it? She’s been through enough tonight. Come Y/N lets go upstairs.” She says clearly annoyed with her dad’s lack of empathy.
You couldn’t bear to look at Eddie, so you allow Violet to usher you upstairs into her room. You two cuddle up in her bed, she lets you borrow some clothes to spend the night in and gives you a makeup wipe to wash the mascara and mostly cried off eyeliner off your face. You felt so taken care of by her, you remember you used to do this for her in Middle School when boys would be shitheads to her, it took a lot to break Violet, but boys are the worst.
At some point Violet fell asleep when you guys were listening to a true crime podcast, you felt your tummy grumble and slowly slipped out of her room to find a snack in the kitchen. You were so worked up after the incident with Steve you had forgotten to eat something more than a few handfuls of popcorn. Downstairs was more quiet than usual, you couldn’t hear soft metal music coming from the garage or Eddies light humming. You assumed maybe he had gone out for the night.
     Until he scared the shit out of you sitting at the kitchen table, silently. He looked upset, nursing a glass of amber liquid in his hand.
“Holy fuck you scared me, warn a woman, jeez!” you say, sounding a little more like your normal self when your alone with him. Usually, Eddie would retort with a smart-ass remark, but instead you got silence and a slight sad smile on his face. You sense he’s not in the mood, so you move farther into the kitchen to grab yourself an iced tea from the fridge and make yourself a sandwich.
It was usually never this awkward between the two of you, it broke your heart a bit. You just lost Steve and now it felt like you were losing Eddie too.
“Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?” he asked quietly.
You jumped a little not expecting him to speak. Trying to word things very carefully so there was no confusion.
“He kissed me and then I kissed him back, and then he broke off the kiss and told me to leave.” You sigh sadly and take a big gulp of your iced tea.
“Idiot.” he muttered under his breath.
You thought that’s what you heard but you didn’t know for certain.
“What?” you question.
“I said he’s an idiot.” he said a bit louder for you to hear clearly.
That made your aching heart flutter inside your chest. Men are impossible to read.
“Oh.” you murmur, not really sure what to say.
“He’s an idiot because I’d never let a girl like you go,” he says calmly.
You heart could beat outside of your chest right now, his words set your skin on fire. But you were simultaneously hit with overwhelming guilt. Violet. Your best friend. The one sleeping soundly upstairs who would never do anything to hurt you.
“Yeah, but there’s a lot more at stake here,” You say trying to tread lightly.
He abruptly pushes out of his chair and heads to the garage door. “Yeah I know.” he says, sounding a mix between disappointed and angry.
You could feel a new rush of tears welling in your eyes, not only did you lose Steve today, but you were going to lose Eddie too. Two out of your three safe spaces, gone in one day. You felt so small, like you were free falling and you couldn’t grab anything to save yourself.
“What do you want from me Eddie?” you say defeated, barely above a whisper.
Eddie stops at your words, opening up the door to the garage, so close to freedom. His eyes now soft, seeing the state of you. “Nothing sweetheart, I want nothing from you.”
You just nod at his words, slouching your shoulders trying to protect your broken heart. Willing yourself to accept the fact that you lost both of them today, and there’s nothing that you can do to change it. You look at the floor, watching your tears slowly cloud your vision. You just hoped he left the room before you start actually crying.
Then you hear the garage door shut and feel the last of your heart shatter with it. You look up to confirm what your heart already knew, that Eddie was gone.
But where a closed door should be, showed the outline of Eddie standing in front of a closed door. You tried to blink away the tears, to try and figure out if you were seeing things correctly. The look on Eddies face was between a mixture of pain and confliction, his fists squeezed at his sides.
“Fuck it.” is the last thing you hear him say before he takes long strides over to you in the kitchen. Now right in front of you he cradles your face in his hands and kisses you firmly. You wrap your arms around his neck, forcing him to stay. His calloused hands wiping away your tears. You moan into his touch, opening your mouth and allowing his tongue to dance with yours. He kisses you with such passion, showing you with actions he what couldn’t say with his words. You push him impossibly closer to you, willing the two of you to meld into one if that what it took, not letting him have the chance to leave you. He takes that as an invitation to lift you up and put you on the ledge of the kitchen counter. Your legs caging him in on either side of his body.
“Please don’t go.” you mutter wetly between kisses. Eddie moves from your mouth and leaves kisses from the edges of your wet eyes to a part on your neck that made your skin irrupt in goosebumps.
“Never baby, m not goin anywhere I promise.” he reassures nuzzling his nose against a sweet spot on your neck. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Feeling a little better than you did a minute ago. Kissing Eddie made every other rational thought cease to exist in your brain. Just you, and Eddie, your bodies moving in tandem with each other. Harmony.
***Reblogs/comments are appreciated***
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bbyquokka · 11 months
watch me
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pairing: bang chan x fem reader
genre: idol au, smut – 18+ is strongly advised!
synopsis: just as you and chan were about to have an intimate moment, you both get caught. however, you don't mind if more than one person watches
warnings: she/her pronouns, established relationship, voyeurism, exhibitionism (the rest of the members watch), finger sucking, oral (m+f), vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (p in v), creampie, cum on body, pet names, masturbation, clit play, breast/nipple play, minuscule amount of spit play, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, rutting and grinding, overstimulation, sub-space, aftercare
words: 5.7k ~ (5,747)
♡ m.list — ♡ you can also read it on my ao3
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dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
soft groans and moans fill the bedroom. your knees sore and tender as your fingernails dig into the soft yet sturdy flesh of chan's thighs.
his head kicked back, plump lip caught between his teeth as he groans. his hips moving at a slow and sloppy pace. the pleasure your mouth is currently providing him is too much for him to bear.
your tongue strokes the underside of his fat cock. his tip hitting the back of your throat with each thrusts. chin coated with drool, cheeks stained with tears and lips swollen.
it's been too long since you both were able to pleasure one another. chan's cock is sensitive from the stimulation that he has dreamed of for months. his body shakes as he holds back his fast approaching orgasm, wanting to save it all to dump inside you and watch it slowly trickle out.
the boys are staying at jeju island for an episode or two of skz talker. you got invited by chan (with permission from the manager and filming crew) which you happily said yes to. it's been months since you last saw your partner, as well as everyone else, so you were ecstatic to be invited. 
upon arrival, everyone rushed around the house they were going to stay at in an attempt to claim bedrooms and roommates. as per, chan chose the biggest bedroom in the entire place which also came with a huge glass window that allowed people downstairs and in the hallways to look in.
whilst you and chan spent a few seconds cuddling and embracing one another on the bed, the members made it be known that they were going to go out and explore the area before filming was to start again. when you looked up at chan, he had that mischievous smirk on his face, a smirk that makes you melt and know exactly what he wants–leading you to your current situation.
“fuck, i've missed this mouth so much.” chan groans as he strokes your hair slowly. he looks down at you, cock twitching as the sight of your closed eyes and stained face. you give him a hum as a response, the vibrations traveling up his shaft and to his balls.
he grips onto your hair gently, fingers buried in your locks as his hips move a little faster. his cock stretching the corners of your mouth and saliva continues to pool and spill down your chin. your oxygen intake is little to nothing considering chan's size and thickness, meaning you have to pull away for a few seconds to catch your breath.
chan strokes your swollen lips as you pant, his eyes clouded over with lust. he cups your cheek gently, stroking it with his thumb as you nuzzle into his soft and warm palm. 
“i've missed this. i've missed you yn.”
“mhm, me too chan.” you whisper as you look up at him. you wrap your hand around the base of his cock, pumping him slowly and rotating your wrist at his tip. chan grunts softly, watching you lean in and kitten lick his tip. the salt from his pre cum coats your tongue.
he gently pulls you onto your feet, arms around you. you grin as you kiss each other messily. tongue and teeth clash and collide together. saliva pooling and mixing together. chan's hands roam your body, his fingers dancing along your naked skin before pinning you up against the glass. he fumbles around at your clothing, desperation kicking in before muttering a “fuck it” and hosting you up, legs around his waist and cock poking at your clothed core.
your hands roam to the back of his head, fingers buried in his locks as you occasionally tug at the roots causing chan to moan. your lower halves pressed flush against each others.  
he bucks his hips into you, thrusting and rubbing himself on you. the warmth from his length plus your own saliva coats your panties and seeps through the material, making you feel sticky and uncomfortable. he lowers his head onto your shoulder, forehead landing on your shoulder blade as he pants. he clings onto you as he ruts against you desperately, your fingers tugging at his hair as you occasionally kiss and suck on his earlobe.
a knock on the glass makes you both jump and look at who may have caused the noise. both of you freeze for a split second before chan smirks. a flustered looking stray kids staring at you both, mouths agape and cheeks pink with obvious boners.
cupping your ass cheeks in his warm hands, chan looks at you with a smirk. he tucks your hair behind your ear slowly before trailing his fingertips along your jawline to your bottom lip.
“we have company.” he hums.
“seems like it.” you whisper. chan strokes your bottom lip slowly with him thumb, teasingly letting it slip between your lips.
“shall we invite them in?”
“you mean like, let them join in or?”
“not so much as join in darlin'. i'm a jealous man, you should know that but i don't have a problem with letting them watch us.” he purrs, thumb in your mouth.
you whimper softly as you grip onto his wrist gently. you wrap your lips around his thumb, suckling and swirling your tongue around it. you put on a little show, putting in that extra effort as you know that the members are watching you–and it gets you just as excited.
the burn and ache you feel between your legs increases the longer you feel the pairs of eyes on you. you grip onto chan's wrist, your eyes meeting his lustful eyes as his bottom lip is caught between his teeth.
“you want to fuck me, channie?” you ask sweetly. he nods. “you want to fuck me in front of the members? have them watch us and put on a little show?”
“do you mind? it has been a while for all of us after all and i know how much the members love your gorgeous, beautiful naked body.” 
“t-they do?” you flush pink as chan nods and leans in. 
“they do.” 
“o-ok. then i don't mind having them watch.” you giggle. chan hums and kisses your forehead gently.
“then strip, get on the bed and wait for me whilst i set some rules for them all.” you nod eagerly as you strip yourself of your clothing. heart pounding, adrenaline and lust rising as you skip to the bed and kneel in the middle, sitting back on your heels as chan speaks to the members.
you watch through the big glass window as chan explains the rules. the members listening and nodding whilst asking questions to which chan either nods or shakes his head at. the members agree to the rules before slowly walking inside, chan being the last to enter the room.
you look at all eight members, feeling vulnerable but also excited at the same time. your naked body on display for hungry eyes to see. you watch their eyes flicker over your body, checking out your curves and every detail and texture your skin holds. seeing you in a new light sets sparks and energy to set their nerve endings on fire before pooling down south.
“now–” chan starts as he takes the remainder of his clothing off. his defined body making your breath hitch in your throat and become nothing but a puddle on the sheets. no matter how many times you see chan naked, you're always in awe of how handsome and defined he is. “do we all remember the rules?”
“no touching unless yn says it's ok or gives us the go ahead to do so.” minho speaks.
“we are only allowed to watch and not engage with you both unless either of you give the go ahead.” seungmin mumbles, the palm of his hand already massaging and squeezing his own length through his clothing.
“and–” chan asks with a raised eyebrow
“and make sure yn consents and is ok with anything we wish to do.” they all chime in to which you giggle at.
“good.” chan grins, clearly pleased with how well he has trained them. he places one hand on your cheek gently, tilting your head so you're looking at him. 
“are you sure about this?” he whispers as he strokes your cheek gently with his thumb. you lean into his soft palm, nuzzling your cheek into it.
“100%? you're not just saying that to impress everyone, correct?”
“i trust you and everyone in this room chan. i trust you all with my whole life so this isn't uncomfortable for me. i want to do this.”
“ok pup. but you remember your safe word right?”
“island. my safe word is island.” chan gives you a gentle smile and a hum.
“please us it yn.” you look to the side at a concerned yet flustered minho. “if any of us do or say something that makes you feel uncomfortable, please us it.”
“for sure! we want you to feel good just as much as we do. we might not be doing anything to you per say but we are watching you both have an intimate moment.” felix chimes in.
“don't worry fellas. i'll be vocal–in more ways than one.” you give them a wink which causes them all to flush.
“gosh, you're so cheeky and adorable.” chan groans before kissing you hungrily and with such force, you fall onto your back. the soft sheets caressing your back as chan hovers over you. he situates himself between your legs as he drags them loosely around his waist.
his tip rubbing and teasing your folds, coating his skin in your slick. he cups both your breasts, massaging them as he forces his tongue past your lips and into your mouth. you grip onto his shoulders, hips bucking to feel his length rub against you, desperate for some friction.
the lack of oxygen becomes apparent to you both but the want and need to feel and hear one another much greater. chan's groans mixing with yours. sloppy, wet sounds of his length rubbing between your folds. the sheets rustling with each movement. 
tongues colliding, teeth bashing. it's messy and needy. you grip onto his shoulders, nails digging into his shoulder blades as you pant against his lips. he lets out a low groan at the sight of your flush cheeks, swollen lips and glass eyes before dipping his head low to capture your sensitive nipple between his lips.
“fuck.. chan.” you moan breathily , head tilting to the side. you make eye contact with minho as chan flicks your nipple with his tongue. minho swallows thickly, unable to avert his gaze from you as you stare at him.
as you stare at minho, you let out soft and gentle moans as chan nibbles and plays with your nipples. minho swallowing thickly, his palm increasing on his length as he rubs and squeezes himself. your eyes flicker to all seven members noticing how they're all fixated on you and what chan is doing and making you feel.
this is the first time you’ve done something like this. exposed yourself in front of many as well as let them all watch chan do explicit and lewd things to you; but you enjoy it. the ache between your legs and your slick that's coating your folds tells you that you love this more than you thought.
have all eyes on you and be reduced to practically nothing as they watch. the power and hold you have over them makes you power hungry, makes you want to ‘put on a show.’
you buck your hips upwards, rutting against chan's length. he squeezes and massages your breasts whilst his teeth tug and nibble your nipples. he leaves soft purple bruises on your skin before kissing up your neck to your lips where his swollen lips meet yours in another sloppy and uncoordinated kiss.
you grip onto his shoulders, nails digging into his blades. chan holds your waist in both hands as he rubs against you, matching your tempo. his length slips up and down between your folds effortlessly, his red cock head bumping against your clit which causes you to moan in his mouth.
you hear the rustling of clothing and zippers being pulled down from the side. mumbled grunts and sighs as the members pull down their pants and underwear, letting it pool by their feet. hands gliding up and down their angry cocks, thumbs teasing their pre-cum coated tips. eyes rolling to the back of their heads as they provide themselves with pleasure whilst watching wishing they were in chan's position.
“chan, please.” you whimper softly.
“please what?” he coos.
“i need you inside. i need to feel you.” 
“you've always been a needy pup haven't you?” chan hums teasingly, his fingertips slowly gliding down the valley between your breasts to your navel before stopping just above your clit. you swallow as you watch, breath hitching in your throat.
“why don't we show them, mhm? show them how needy you are.” chan moves from between your legs to kneel behind you. he gently lifts you up so the upper part of your body is resting against his thighs, positioning you so your intimate area is easy to see.
you let out soft whimpers of embarrassment. your heart beating against your chest rapidly. you're embarrassed but also enjoying the attention.
all eyes are on you. everyone is thinking of you. everyone is doing or wants to do something to you. 
you watch the members' eyes flicker down your body as they take in the curviness of your breasts, your soft skin and your soaked folds and swollen clit. you automatically shut your legs, much to their (and chan's) dismissal.
“ah ah ah baby. show them.” chan's hot breath tickles your ear lobe as he leans down and pries your legs wide open again. your core clenches, eyes gazing at the many hard cocks in front of you.
thick, thin, big and small. some with neatly trimmed pubic areas, some naked and some barely trimmed at all. each of the members having their own style of stroking their cocks.
felix, jeongin and changbin, for example, like to stroke themselves slowly. they like to take on the pleasure, soak up the scent, the feeling and the sounds. changbin's eyes would roll to the back of his head, lip caught between his teeth.
jisung and minho like to be fast, eagerly chasing their high. one hand around their cocks, the other massaging and playing with their balls. they're vocal, very vocal willingly letting out each whimper and groan that builds in the back of their throat or chest. beads of sweat dripping down their temples and their thumbs rubbing their cock heads with the occasionally running the fingernail along their slits.
hyunjin and seungmin, however, like to tease themselves. they purposefully stroke themselves at a fast pace, wrist rotating at their tips. once they feel the pressure build and build, threatening to snap, do they slow down and squeeze the base of their cock to calm themselves down. the pressure building and becoming painful for them both but they enjoy it a little too much. 
“you're all so pretty.” you mumble “so many pretty cocks.” 
“do you like it darling?”
“does it make you wet seeing this many dicks hard for you?”
“fuck yes!”
“then show them, pup. play with your pretty pussy and show them how horny and wet you feel.”
you swallow as you look up at chan. a smirk on his lips, his eyes filled with nothing but lust and playfulness. 
“go on.” he encourages “show them. imagine it's me if you have to.” 
you close your eyes slowly as you trail one hand down your body. your body jerks a little as your fingertips come into contact with your sensitive and neglected clit. you breathe a shallow breath of relief as you rub two fingers between your folds, coating your fingers nicely in your juices.
using the same two fingers, you rub slow circles on your clit. bolts of pleasure shoot up your spine. heat piling in the pit of your stomach as you rub. you groan softly, chans' name rolling off your tongue effortlessly. you feel his fingers combing through your hair, his voice soft and assertive as he praises you.
you hear multiple “fucks” and “wows” from the members. their gaze burning holes into your body and setting your skin on fire. your toes curl against the sheets and thighs shake as you rub fast circles on your clit. 
“open.” you hear from above. your eyes flutter open to see chan's face above yours. you open your mouth slowly only for him to spit on your tongue. his saliva slowly trails out of his mouth, rolling off his tongue for it to land on yours. you instantly close your mouth and swallow, grinning as chan smiles at you and strokes your bottom lip gently 
“such a good pup.” 
you mewl as your fingers dip inside your core. the warmth and wetness of your walls coats your fingers nicely. you thrust your fingers slowly at first before picking up the pace as you clench around your own fingers and the pleasure becomes too much.
chan reaches down and rubs your clit unexpectedly which makes you moan loudly and back to arch up off the bed. the sloppy sounds of your wet cunt mixes in with your moans and pants. the members struggling to hold back their orgasms, waiting for when the real show starts.
“chan. chan–fuck! chan please!” you beg, not knowing what or why you're begging. everything is just babble, mind mushy.
“so beautiful when you're like this, pup. makes me want to breed you all day and night.”
“yes! fuck please chan, please breed me.” you whimper, fingers moving quicker.
“have you been a good pup?”
“yes. so good. been very very good for you.”
“are you going to cum for me?” you nod your head yes frantically, the knot in your stomach tightening and tightening with each thrust and rub.
“cum. gonna cum–hng!” your eyes squeeze shut as you pull your fingers out of your pulsating pussy. chan continues to rub your clit through your orgasm, your hands bundling up the bed sheets into tight balls. your thighs shake, clit becomes sensitive to the point where you're sweating and you have to push chan's hand away gently.
“holy shit yn.. that was hot.” you look at jisung and give him a soft and lazy smile.
“want to taste?” the words rolling off your tongue so quickly, it takes a while for your brain (as well as everyone else's) to catch up. chan looks at you with a slight shocked expression, jisung's eyes widening a little at the offer.
“i–i. uh…” he swallows, eyes flickering from your juicy cunt to chan.
“it's ok, jisung. you can taste.” chan says. jisung nods timidly, slowly walking to you the best he can. his eyes fixated on your cunt the whole time as the members watch jisung with some jealousy hitting the surface.
“taste you how?” jisung asks with a raised eyebrow. “like, lick your fingers or–”
“you can taste me directly, sungie.” you purr.
“o-ok.. oh fuck, shit. ok.” jisung clears his throat and kneels on the bed. he pushes his long hair back before dipping his head low between your legs. your scent hitting his nostrils which causes him to shiver and cock to throb.
he gently holds onto the back of your thighs and gently pulls you closer to his face. his tongue glides from your core to your clit, which causes you to jerk at the contact. jisung pants heavily as your juices coat his taste buds, his eyes widening before lapping at your core.
you groan softly as you watch him hungrily taste you. your fingers buried in his hair before reaching to the back of his head and pressing his face flush against your cunt gently. low groans emit from his lips as you slowly grind on his face. jisung's tongue slipping inside your cunt and nose bumping against your clit.
chan swallows as he watches the scene unfold in front of him. his mind hazy and slightly confused due to the fact that he is enjoying someone else get his partner off. he absentmindedly strokes his own hard cock as he watches you grind on his best friend's face, tugging jisung's hair and moaning his name like a mantra. 
he watches you beckon felix over for a kiss. he watches his two best friends pleasure his partner, felix kissing you sweetly yet needily. his hands playing and massaging with your breasts.
“keep going, ji.” you hum. “if you keep going like that, i might cum again.” 
“fuck me yn. you taste so good.”
“shh and keep going.” you whine. jisung hums softly before continuing with the ordeal. you go back to kissing felix and letting him play with your breasts.
seconds later, the overstimulation gets too much and jisung drives you to your second orgasm (with felix's help, of course) your slick coats jisung's lips, cheeks and chin. you giggle as you watch him pull away and lick his lips, his mind in a haze before him and felix return back to watching you both.
as you open your mouth to speak, chan pulls you onto his lap suddenly. his back resting against the headboard of the bed, his gaze dark and lustful. it's suffocating.
“did you have your fun, pup?” 
“mhmmm” you hum, holding onto chan's shoulders. “did you enjoy watching me, channie?”
“very. jisung and felix did such a good job and you did too, pup. i think you deserve a reward.” chan reaches behind and grabs the base of his penis. he gently taps your sensitive pussy to which you kneel up enough for his tip to breach your tight cunt.
with a shaky breath, you slowly lower yourself down on him. his thick cock stretching your cunt, stinging a little in the process and knocking the air out off your lungs. your eyes squeeze shut as do chan's, his grip on your hips tightening.
“you're so tight, yn.”
“and you're so big, chan.” 
you lower yourself down until he is balls deep inside you. your ass cheeks flush against his thighs, cock touching untouched territory making you feel full to capacity.
“chan. chan, fuck..” you groan. chan grips onto your ass cheeks as he guides you up and down. he doesn't give you time to adjust, loving how tight and warm you feel around his cock.
“so tight. so warm. i love this pussy so much.” chan moans as you slowly start to ride him. you tense your thighs to help with the motion, chans fat cock stroking your walls deliciously.
both of you soon get caught up in the moment. the sounds of skin slapping on skin mixes together with your soaked cunt and desperate and whorish moans. moans from the members heard behind you as they watch chans cock disappearing inside of you, your ass cheeks rippling and red hand marks on the skin.
“chan, i cant. deep.. so deep.” you moan. chan hushes you by pressing his lips against your own with such force, it knocks the air out off your lungs. holding onto your lower back, he lowers you down on the sheets, cock still driving deep inside you.
the new position allows chan to freely take your legs and press them against your chest, lower half high up which allows him to piledrive. you gasps, tears trickling from the corners of your eyes. your breath hitches multiple times, bed squeaking and skin on skin slapping due to the sheer force.
the members watch in awe, shock and admiration as they watch their leader reduce you to nothing but a blubbering, sobbing mess. the incoherent mumbles and words you babble ring in each of their ears, fists stroking their hardened cocks faster and faster.
chan's cock strokes your insides so deliciously. your juices coat his dick nicely, core sloppy and loose which allows him to freely slide in and out as well as angeling each thrust to hit your g-spot; which he does in record time.
stars in your peripheral vision. sweat coating your body. your senses in overdrive as pleasure takes over every fibre of your being. the grip chan has on the back of your thighs is so strong, he leaves faint red marks behind. 
his own mind and body slowly being reduced to nothing as he watches you whither from underneath. your eyes clouding over with lust and adrenaline, a dumb smile slowly forming on your lips. his name rolling off your tongue with little to no effort.
he briefly wipes away beads of sweat that roll down his temples, his hair curly due to it soaking the salty moisture.
“kiss. want kiss. chan, please.” you babble. chan lets go of your legs and lets them freely fall by his sides. he leans over you, resting on his forearms by your head.
“my sweet sweet pup.” he whispers before kissing you. it's sloppy but slow with more passion and feeling into it. he caresses your tongue, swallows each moan and drop of saliva. the new position allows him to still be able to fuck you deep but slow and sensual. you loosely draped your legs around his waist, locking him in and keeping him close with your feet.
“god you feel so good around me yn. so tight and warm.” chan groans against your lips.
“more.” you mumble “i want more.”
“so greedy. i'm giving you all i have yet you want more.” chan coos.
“i'm so close to cumming.” hyunjin mumbles as changbin nods, agreeing with his statement.
“on me.” you babble. “cum on me.” 
hyunjin and changbin look at each other, swallowing thickly before looking at chan. he simply shrugs.
“give her what she wants.” he states. hyunjin and changbin walk to you as chan kneels up, keeping his tempo of his thrusts.
you watch the two men with half lidded eyes as they pump themselves fast, chasing their own highs. with spluttered words and tense muscles, hot cum shoots out onto your body from the two men causing you to giggle and moan softly.
“fuck..” they both fuck themselves in the palm of their hands, riding out their highs to calm down. strangled moans and ‘shit!’ heard in the background as jisung, jeongin and seungmin also reach their highs, desperately catching their cum in the palm of their free hand.
minho and felix struggle, wanting to mark you with their own bodily fluids but also not wanting to disrespect you. after battling back and forth, minho mumbles a “fuck it” before walking to you and instantly coating your skin. all the while, your clit is being played with by your own fingertips, core clenching around chan as heat pools and tightens in the pit of your stomach.
“it's ok, lix.” you coo. felix joins in, also releasing onto your body with a heavy sigh and deep moan before backing away. 
“happy now, pup?”
“no? why?”
“because you haven't given me what i want.” you purr.
“and what's that?” chan raises his brow.
“fill me up. i want to milk your fat cock dry.”
“jesus fucking christ.” chan groans as he grabs your hips tightly. he picks up the pace of his thrusting, skin slapping on skin once again as he fucks you into the mattress. your walls tighten and tighten around him with each thrust, body shaking and quivering as chan drives you to your third orgasm of the night.
“you're going to milk me dry, mhm? let me spill my seed deep inside you.”
“yes! yes please chan, please!”
“fuck, you're the death of me yn!” with a grunt and a few more thrusts, chan stills himself as his cock and balls twitch with each hot release of his cum that coats your walls nice and thick. your body shivers and goose bumps rises as you feel him, his hands gripping your hips tighter than ever, his mouth agape and eyes squeezed shut.
he slowly and shallowly starts to thrust again, fucking his cum deep inside you but also driving your orgasm closer and closer to the edge. you reach up, gripping and digging your nails into chan's arms as your core clenches around chan's length. 
legs trying to close as they shake. your orgasm knocking the air out off your lungs and make you feel light headed. your juices coat chan's cock, mixing and spilling onto the bed sheets as he slowly pulls out off you. you pant heavily, body shaking and feeling weak.
mouth and throat dry. body tender and sore as well as being bruised up. you hear each of the members rushing around, in and out of the room. clothing and bottles being gathered up as well as a flannel. it's all distance noise, a faint buzz in your ears as you feel high and dizzy.
“hey.” that soft voice you recognise so well comes through to you. your chest heaving as you struggle to maintain your breathing. “it's me, you're ok. i've got you.”
chan tucks your sweaty hair behind your ear gently, stroking your cheek. he pecks your lips tenderly and sweetly as you mewl and grip onto him.
“come back to me baby.”
“more…” your voice rough and hoarse. chan simply shakes his head no.
“no more. you're exhausted darling. we can't put your body under any more strain or pressure. you have to come back to me.” 
“want.. m–more.” you whisper. chan hums a soft and gentle tune from a song you love. your eyes slowly close as you listen, mind clearing up as you loosely hold onto him.
“good pup. i'm going to wipe you down now, ok? jisung and felix prepared a warm bath for you. changbin has even said we can use his lotion that's for sore muscles and bruises.”
“mhm.” is all you can manage to say. you feel a soft, lukewarm flannel being pressed against your intimate area as chan gently cleans you up. from the side, you feel baby wipes cleaning up the cum that's on your naked body. 
your eyes flutter open to see who it is to be met with a shy hyunjin and minho who delicately wipe away the fluids.
“thank you, yn.” hyunjin says.
“for what?”
“for letting us do this and watch.”
“it's ok. you don't need to thank me.” you laugh sleepily.
“we didn't make you uncomfortable, did we?” seungmin asks from the side who is currently cleaning up the bedroom.
“if we did, please tell us yn!” jeongin pips up, fresh bedsheets in his arms.
“you didn't! it was fun. should do it again.” you giggle to which chan clears his throat before scooping you up in his arms gently.
“wont be any time soon though! you're all mine pup so don't be getting any ideas!” he looks at all the members individual. “that also includes the rest of you!”
they all mumble a “yes chan.” to which you giggle at before resting your head on his shoulder. chan carries you to the bathroom as jisung turns the bath taps off.
“are you ok, yn?” jisung asks, worry lacing his features. felix walks in and places two big fluffy towels on the side.
“yeah. you're not hurt or anything?” felix asks as he stands next to a concerned jisung.
you laugh softly, hissing a little in pain as chan lowers you into the warm bubbly water.
“i'm fine. tired and hungry, but i'm fine.” you reassure the two men to which they let out a breath and nod. “you both did good too. you're really good at eating pussy, ji.”
jisung sputters and shifts his weight from one foot to the other. he rubs the back of his neck shyly before muttering a thank you. felix laughs softly as chan gets into the bath behind you, giving the two men a look that politely says “leave”
“hey ji. yn said she's hungry so why don't we gather everyone and make chan and yn some food!” felix suggests. jisung agrees, leaving you and chan alone together.
you let out a soft sigh of content as you lean against chan's chest. your eyes close slowly as the warm water relaxes your body, making you more sleepy.
“you did good pup. i'm proud of you.”
“thank you darling.” you mumble as your eyes slowly close. chan squirts some shampoo onto the palm of his hand before massaging it into your hair and scalp.
“do you really want to do it again?” he asks suddenly.
“what? have sex with you? always.” you smirk. chan rolls his eyes and laughs
“no silly. i mean do you want them members to watch us fuck again?”
“mhm, maybe. do you.”
“did you enjoy it?”
“honestly.” he pauses for a few seconds. “yes.”
“oh!!” you sit up suddenly and spin around in the tub to face a flustered looking chan. “so you like it when other people watch us! what about when jisung and felix were doing stuff to me?”
“i-i liked that too.” chan mumbles. “a lot more than i thought i would.”
“and here's me thinking you'd be jealous.” you say with a smirk.
“oi! i still get jealous. you do remember who you belong to, right?” you lick your lips before straddling chan's lap to sit flush on his dick and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“i belong to someone?” you smirk. chan growls as he holds your waist. “i think i need reminding.”
“better yet, i think my pup needs to be taught a lesson or two.” he slowly pushes and pulls your hips so you grind on his cock slowly. the water splashing around in the tube from the motion.
“ya think?” you say playfully.
“oh i know. i need to teach you and everyone else who you truly belong to.”
“and who do i belong to, channie?” chan leans in and ghosts his lips along the shell of your ear. one hand coming up to cup your tender breast, fingers rolling and pinching your sensitive nipple which causes you to shudder and your moans to echo in the bathroom.
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note: this was requested by anon! requests are closed in order for me to catch up.  don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. curious as to what is next? here is my wips list! i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
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tags(open): @sstarryoong ; @septicrebel ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer ; @telesvng ; @oshimee ; @fairylouist
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seungmin4president · 7 months
My love ive come to harass you at work🤭
but imagine.
Channie and Seungminnie each holding one of your legs up in a v-shape, alternating dipping their cocks into you, just like edging the fuck out of you with little thrusts back and forth😵‍💫
"Just so fucking needy. Cunt is trying to hold on to me so I don't pull out" Seungmin would chuckle and be so fucking mean!!!!<33333333
Okay I just got off work and OH MY FUCKING GOD ESTEE. You are soo UGHHH I love your mind sm
you keep trying to clench onto their cocks but they're just too fast for your mind to process.
"P-lease need it s' bad." You plea, your hand goes down to grab Chan but Seungmin smacks it away.
"Ah ah ah. No touching daddy or sir without permission unless you want this to go on longer." Seungmin then takes to of his fingers to gather your arousal to spread on your clit, getting a high and loud scream from you in return.
Chan brings his had to cover your mouth so you wont scream as loud, as for the last time they did something similar and let you moan freely the neighbors complained about it. "Sh babygirl, If you keep screaming like that you'll get us in trouble with the neighbors."
"Hah knowing the slut she is she probably wants us to get another complaint." Seungmin adds two of his fingers into the mix of his and Chan's cock dipping in and out of your cunt.
"F-fuck gonna cum please make me cum." You find space to say in between moans, your voice muffled under Chan's hand but audible enough for them to understand.
"You wanna cum? Beg then." Chan moves his hand from your mouth after Seungmin said that, stopping his movement, leaving Seungmin as the only source of friction you have.
"Please make me cum I've been so good f' daddy and sir just wanna cum so bad." Chan and Seungmin look at each other as if they're communicating with their eyes and after Chan gave seungmin a nod he started to pound into you, his cock hitting your g-spot repeatedly making you scream and your back arch.
"Babygirl what did daddy say about being loud?" Chan gives you a look that sent chills down your spine, making you cover your mouth with your hands but still they didn't cover your screams at all not when Seungmin's cock is currently abusing your g-spot, and Seungmin knows that, thats why he has a wide smirk on his face when he feels you clenching around his cock.
"You gonna cum?" Seungmin asks and you nod desperately.
"Cum then. Make a mess on sir's cock like the good whore you are." With Seungmins permission you finally release a long awaited orgasm, your legs shaking as Chan puts his lips on yours to tone out your moans, its a messy kiss, teeth clashing together and tongues exploring each others mouths.
Seungmin gives a few hard thrust before cumming deep inside of you, placing soft kisses on your stomach as you both get down from your high.
Chan soon takes Seungmin's spot, rubbing his aching tip on your hole receiving a whimper from you.
"It's not over yet babygirl daddy has to have a turn too, right?"
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I had so much fun with this honestly i love you and your dirty mind.
❗please dont copy my work❗
❗©️seungmin4president ❗
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
heyy can you do a bill smut (dreads 2009)?? uhm so the reader sub!fem is taking a shower then bill decides to join it starts off as innocent hugs and touches then one thing leads to another and bill is like bending her over and fucking her roughly then picks her up by her thighs and placed her on the sink counter and began eating her out? dont write if your uncmfortable and add what you want in it love your writing btww!! x
Hi lovely ofc!
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PAIRINGS: Bill (idk what year) dreads era x Female reader CONTENT: FLUFF (only a little) + SMUT SYPNOSIS: You were showering and suddenly Bill comes in, he decides to join you and exchanges hugs and sweet touches. Then when one thing leads to another things become spicy. A/N: eating a burger rn WARNINGS: bill!dom, reader!sub, p in v, eating out, praising, fingering, sucking on fingers, rough kissing (literally one mention of it at the end)
I got into the shower, I had had such a long day, completeing schoolwork for my college degree. Bill was so lucky, he just had his band, making shit loads of money.
I turned on the water, washing my sweat filled body with soap, making sure to get every crevice. The water fell down onto my body, washing all the soap away.
As I was cleaning myself I felt 2 familiar arms wrap around my waist, "Hi prinzessin" he smirked and kissed my neck lovingly, "care if I join?" I smiled "not at all" I kissed him softly and continued to wash myself.
"Bill have you been using my expensive shampoo again?" I groaned, noticing the huge portion that was missing that I definetly did not use. "Maybe..i'm sorry it just smells so good! Don't get angry!" he whined, holding me close and peppering kisses everywhere on my face, I giggled and kissed his lips softly "it's fine, I could never be mad at you, you're so perfect" I smiled and started to wash his hair, rubbing the shampoo in and massaging his scalp.
He groaned lowly, enjoying it a little too much. "Calm down Bill" I chuckled and washed it off for him. "You know I can't control myself when you give me those massages" he pouted.
Me and Bill were so happy together, he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world, like I'm the only one that he'll ever love. (see what i did there? teehee) He was so kind, gentle and delicate, nothing like I've ever experienced before. In my past relationships I was treated like shit, like a fucktoy they could just use whenever they wanted, I only did that to myself because I wanted some sort of love, even if it was just one sided. But then I met Bill.
As I was applying shampoo to my hair, I felt something hard press against my back, it didn't feel like a hand or fingers or even an elbow. My eyes widened when I realised what it was, I turned around and looked down, his rock hard cock standing an inch away from me. I then looked up at him, a mischevious look planted on his face.
He whispered in my ear sensually "bend over, now" I gulped, nodding and bending over, putting my hands against the shower wall. He grabbed my hips and positioned himself at my entrance. "You ready shatz?" he called out, "mhm!" I responded.
And with that he pushed his cock into me, stretching me out, the water falling onto us didn't help so he quickly turned it off. He pulled my hips closer to him and started to pound his length into me, every inch that went back in and back out was agonizing. I moaned loudly, desperatly trying not to slip from all the water beneath us.
He continued his brutal pace, slamming himself into me, making me scream out in pleasure. Bill never went this rough on me, I don't know what switched in his brain but I could tell he was super turned on, almost drunk on my pussy.
"Mm! Yes!" I moaned loudly, his cock repetedly abusing my hole. Bill pounded into me relentlessly, growling lowly with pleasure as he felt my wet heat surrounding him. "You're so fucking sexy y/n..fuck" His hands gripping my hips tightly, digging his nails into me. I hissed at the pain of his nails but the pleasure made me ignore it.
He continued to thrust into me hard and fast, the sound of slapping skin filling the shower. "Fuckk!" I cried out, his cock hitting deep inside me with every stroke, making it impossible to not scream every time.
He chuckled at my cries and screams, "so good for me aren't you?", I nodded lazily, unable to speak from all the waves of pleasure going through my body.
Finally, I felt my stomach tighten a little bit, "gonna..cum, fuck!" I managed to blurt out, "cmon baby cum with me" he demanded, going faster. With one last deep thrust I came on his cock, I felt him throb for the last time before pulling out and spurting his cum all over my back and ass. "Good girl..such a good girl" he panted.
He cleaned off the cum and as I was about to get a towel he stopped me, "I'm not done with you..need more" he picked me up by my thighs and shoved me onto the bathroom counter in a hurry. He got onto his knees and spread my legs wide open, exposing my wet cunt to him. He instantly dove for my clit, shoving his face into my pussy. I moaned as I felt his tongue lick my sensitive bud, "holy shit!" I moaned loudly, my hands flying to his hair and tugging on it as he ate me out so perfectly.
He groaned at the pain, but not in a bad way..In a way where he was liking it? I smirked and continued to pull on his hair, gaining the same reaction as before.
His arms wrapped around my legs and pulled me closer, shoving my pussy into his face even more as he devoured me. I felt him put a finger in my hole, then two. I moaned as he licked my pussy and fingered me at the same time.
How was he so good at doing 2 things at a time? I would never know.
His fingers felt amazing in my pussy, ramming into me and also curling to hit my sensitive spot. Don't even get me started on how good he ate me out. It was like a state of euphoria, a high almost. It felt so good I was convinced I'd been drugged. He retracted his fingers and stuck his tongue deep into my pussy. His tongue piercing skimming against my g spot.
I moaned as he plunged his tongue into my wetness repetedly, taking it in and out, in and out until he moved back to my aching, swollen clit, desperate for attention again.
He put his fingers back in and started to thrust roughly, squelching sounds coming from my cunt from all the juices. I moaned loudly "gonna cum again! Fuck!" he smirked on my pussy and went harder, curling his fingers faster and licking my heat at an ungodly pace.
I cried out and came all over his fingers, he chuckled and pulled his fingers out, licking all the juices off his fingers, he stood up and put his fingers in my mouth "taste your juices baby..don't I make you so wet?" I nodded and sucked on his fingers eagerly. He withdrew his fingers and a string of saliva followed. He smirked and crashed his lips into mine, kissing me roughly.
E/N: HEY MY LOVELY PEOPLE!! tysm for the person who sent this request I loved writing it! Sorry it took so long to come out <3
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cloudcountry · 1 year
mushrooms and mayhem
Genre/Tropes: Mutual pining!! Jade uses a LOT of pet names!!
Summary: In order to get back at Octavinelle for messing with them, some Heartslabyul students stir up trouble for you. Jade, funnily enough, doesn't like that very much.
Author's Comments: BUCKLE UP GUYS I WROTE AN ANGRY JADE!!! I'VE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE ABOUT THE SIDE OF JADE WE DONT RLLY SEE THAT MUCH FOR A BIT SO HERE IT IS!!!!!!! He's also mildly uhhh possessive so yeah. There is physical violence here also so watch out for that!!
The leaves on your succulent were starting to shrivel.
Tilting your watering can towards the plant, you let the water pour and soak into the soil. Humming a tune to yourself, you watered the rest of them carefully. Setting the watering can down once you finished, you took some time to check on Jade’s mushrooms, which were growing right next to your succulents. He insisted on placing your plants right next to each other, and even though you didn’t understand his reasoning, you agreed.
(Succulents needed quite a bit of sunlight and very little water, while mushrooms needed darkness and a moist environment. They could not have been more different, but Jade made it work somehow.)
He was so cool.
The log seemed to have housed the new mushrooms beautifully, their little clusters slowly making their place in the rotting wood. You felt happy at his success, knowing how much Jade was looking forward to his mushrooms growing.
Taking out your phone, you took a quick picture of them and sent them to him.
Your mushrooms are doing great!!
A smile worked its way onto your face as the little bubble at the bottom of your text changed to read. Of course he had his phone on him, he always responded to your messages very quickly. The small typing bubble popped up in the other corner as you stared down at your phone, waiting anxiously for his response.
Thank you for checking in on them, Little Pearl. I appreciate it.
You squealed at the nickname, doing a little dance before clutching your phone to your chest. The nickname was something you adore, but had never quite gotten used to.
With hearts swarming around your head, you set the cloth back in place and picked back up your watering can. You might as well check on the rest of your plants too, since you had the time. You went to check in on your spider and snake plants, both of which seemed to be doing well too. You felt your spirits droop a bit when you realized you’d have to leave your little sanctuary, but cheered up when you realized that you could now go see Jade. Unlocking your phone again, you started to type out another text.
No problem! Anything for you!
You stopped, heat creeping up your cheeks.
Wait, was that too forward? What if he thought that was weird?
Steeling yourself, you didn’t hit backspace and kept typing.
I’m heading over to the Mostro Lounge to see you, so wait for me there!
Sending it, you started at your phone and waited for a response. You never had to wait long, and like always, he began typing quickly.
I’ll be looking forward to it.
This time he sent you a picture of your favorite drink, Floyd’s eyeball in the bottom corner of the screen making you choke on your laughter.
Apologies for Floyd. He insisted he say hi to you.
Beaming at your phone screen, you savored the moment before slipping it back in your pocket. Placing the now empty watering can on the nearby table, you began your walk back to the front of the botanical gardens.
“Stupid…Gonna get them back…come on…now…nobody…”
Stopping in your tracks, you strained your ears to catch bits of the conversation. It seemed like they were talking around the area in which your succulents were, but they didn’t sound like Jade or Floyd. You began to move closer, this time slowly, holding your breath and silencing your footsteps just like Floyd had taught you during last year's Beanfest. As you peeked into the clearing in which your plants were, you took notice of three figures around Jade’s log.
“Hey, doesn’t the Prefect come around here sometimes to check on this piece of trash?” one student asked, nudging the log with his foot, “Aren’t they supposed to show up soon?”
“Nah man, they just left. I made sure to watch out for them.” another student answered, “This is the perfect opportunity to get back at those Octavinelle bastards. We shouldn’t waste it.”
You narrowed your gaze, eyes flickering over each of their figures. All of them were relatively tall. Two had brown hair, one was blonde. All of them were Heartslabyul students. You definitely hadn’t seen them around before, but you could ask Ace and Deuce about them if they did anything fishy.
The group circled Jade’s log, throwing off the black cloth, your eyes widened as one of them raised their foot, clearly about to smash the log to smithereens.
“Stop!” you yelled, jumping out into the small clearing, “What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Ack-! It’s them! Dude, you said they’d be gone by now!” one of them hissed, taking a few steps backward.
“Idiot, it doesn’t matter! They’re magicless, we can take them!” the one who had his leg raised over the log smirked at you, “What, you don’t want to see this log gets smashed? Is it important to you?”
“You want to get back at Jade, right? Well that log isn’t his! It’s my mushrooms. You’ll be destroying someone else’s things.” you lied, brain running a mile a minute to get his mushrooms to safety.
“Hm. I don’t believe you.” He snickered, stepping away from the log, “But hey, if we need to beat you up before getting to the main event, I’m game.”
You steeled yourself against the three students, sneakily removing your phone from your back pocket. A quick few taps and you sent your location to Jade’s phone. He knew where you were, but sending him your location would tell him everything he needed to know.
You were in trouble.
“Why are you so intent on destroying those mushrooms?” you asked, trying to stall for time so you could figure out a way to save them.
“What do you mean, why?” one of them scoffed, stalking towards you with a fearsome glare, “Azul messed with one of our friends. Cheated him out of a deal. We’re going to get him back tenfold!”
Azul doesn’t do that. He’s just smarter than the rest of you.
“Then go for Azul. Why go for the Leech brothers?” you furrowed your brow, “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“That’s none of your business!” he yelled, leering at you as he got a bit too close for your comfort, “Quit talking and scram!”
“No. I can’t let you destroy my plants!” you shouted, holding your ground as your heart pounded in your chest.
“Grah! Whatever, just smash it!” he huffed, grabbing your upper arm harshly, “This bitch isn’t going to let it go.”
A loud smash echoed through the greenhouse before you could process what had just happened. Tears filled your eyes as you gazed upon the broken log, the mushrooms Jade tried so hard to grow scattered across the ground as the other two boys stomped mercilessly on them.
“You bastards!” you screamed, punching the one that grabbed you hard in the stomach.
He staggered back in surprise, clutching his stomach with wide eyes. His two companions began to laugh, cracking their knuckles as they surrounded you.
“Aww, did that upset you? Why don’t you run to Jade then?” the blond one mocked, pulling his fist back as if about to punch you.
You got into the fighting stance Vil had taught you, prepared to defend yourself so you could do just that.
“They don’t need to.”
That voice had never sounded so beautiful to your ears, the blood rushing to your brain and the adrenaline running through your veins doing nothing to stop you from turning your back on the enemy. Jade stood in the pathway, eyes dark with rage. You briefly registered one of the students grabbing you again as his eyes flashed dangerously,
“Oh my.” he hummed, stepping into the clearing, slowly taking off his gloves, one finger at a time, “It seemed I’ve stumbled upon a scuffle.”
“Jade, I’m so sorry. I tried to stop them-!” you called out,  squirming in the student’s hold, “I promise I tried.”
“I know you did.” he met your gaze, the rage giving way to something soft and affectionate for a moment, “Let me take care of this, dear.”
“So these were your mushrooms!” one of them shouted, putting his fists up as he eyed Jade, “This is to get you back for what you did to our friend!”
The one holding you yelled in agreement, tightening his grip on you and you tried kicking and punching and anything to get out of his hold and go to Jade.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I’d have to give you a good squeeze…and we wouldn’t want that.” he hissed, clenching his fists, “I don’t like it when people touch what’s mine.”
The first punch thrown was caught in Jade’s fist as he threw one right back. Your eyes widened at the display of strength from a man that always seemed so composed, often staying in the shadows and lurking while his twin started the fights. Watching him fight now, you were aware of the raw power he possessed, and knowing that power was being let loose to protect you made your heart seize.
The fight was over before you could even process what happened, the tight arms of the Heartslabyul student sliding away from your form as he rushed to defend his friends. You could do nothing but fall to your knees and watch as Jade’s dark eyes turned to you, the three students groaning in pain on the ground.
“I do hate getting physical. I’m sorry you had to see that.” he murmured, stooping down to your level, “Are you okay, Little Pearl?” 
“I’m sorry too.” you mumbled, falling face first into his chest as the adrenaline slowly left your system.
“Oh, sweet thing…” he hummed, petting the back of your head, “Thank you for trying to protect my mushrooms. Don’t put yourself in danger like that next time, okay?”
“I didn’t want to make you sad. I know you worked hard for them.” you said, peeking up over his shoulder at the three students, “I’m…I’m sorry it got to that.”
“It’s okay, dear. It’s not your fault at all.” he smiled, teeth sharp and dangerous, “They dared to cross me, and that is the treatment they shall receive. I can always grow more mushrooms, but I could never replace you. Please be more careful.”
You said nothing, opting to hold him tightly instead. He cooed comforting words into your ear, rubbing circles on your back.
“I’ll call Floyd over here to make sure they’re taken care of. Rest assured, they will not touch you or your plants.” he said, hands slowly leaving your skin as he stood up, “Follow me, dear. Let’s get you fixed up...and that drink I promised. It’s on the house.”
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moongumi · 1 year
just wanna share a nsfw thot 🤭 you know with how big the na’vi are. i was thinking about how you would get annoyed because you wanna take our na’vi’s dick all at once but being frustrated to the point of tears and then our na’vi chuckling and that he’s gonna work you open until you’re wet enough and tells you to be patient and that we’ll get what we want
⁀➷ ∵  ❝ try harder❞
⟶ navi!oc x reader
⟶ cw. short thirst, navi!oc, human!reader, size difference, smut, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, established-relationship, alien x human, teasing + etc.
⟶ wc. 1k+
⟶ note. : ) tryna get back into it, i've been so busy these days hope you enjoy! I'm working on more requests now! i dont think i nailed the request BUT I TRIED
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the waves crashing gets louder the more frustrated you get. you huff your breath at him. his skin glows as darkness looms over you, his light blue skin and dark stripes adorn the bright flecks of colour that reflects the moonlight on his skin.
“hfmp–” you groan getting off the ground onto your knees, feeling the tightly woven straw floor underneath your bare skin. the moonlight shines beautifully through the window, shining in your eyes.
he moves, lifting his body off the ground with his hands to right where you did. he lays, head resting on the hand-woven and stuffed pillow. he’s comfortable, resting his arms under his head in a cocky manner. throwing your leg over his waist, you slowly lower yourself onto him. it just won’t fit. “fuck–”
“it’s so cute watching you try,” he cooed, a smile stretching over his pretty face–a chuckle leaves his lips soon after. he moves his hips, nudging upwards for you to try again.
“shut up, roa,” you whine, hands resting by his sides getting frustrated with your incapability. your head only gets hotter, heat suddenly feels like it's burning through your whole body.
tangaroa’s grin turns into a smirk. his pride is filled–your small human body, struggling with the sheer size of him fuels his lust. he sits up on his arms, his face coming up to yours–he hums, letting out a quiet coo, “my little human, so small–incapable of taking me. do you want my help?”
“no,” you spit, stubborn and determined to get it in all on your. his teeth show, his smile couldn’t get any bigger, god, he’s fucking loving it–he likes the way you're so strong-willed.
it wasn’t the first time you’ve had sex–every time it’s big, the pain feels good–the stretch is so intoxicating but usually he helps you, warms you up–he’s good at it.
it was getting to a point where you were feeling soreness in your own arms and legs, maybe it was time to give up but hell, you weren't going to give up. “i can do it.”
he takes his bottom lip between his teeth, his large hand resting on the small of your back and he pulls you up slightly making your core gush–you sounded ready to him, maybe you only needed a little push. his hands are hot, your breathing labors watching his eyes flicker between yours and your plump lips, “okay, try again, my love.”
the metkayina men are a lot bigger than the others. larger in every single way. even straddling his waist was almost a struggle in itself. you take initiative, dropping lower on his body. his cock stands tall, soaked in your attempts. sitting on it’s shaft you ride on it, rubbing its length between your swollen lips–gosh, the sounds they make, is like music to his ears.
his lips part, and he lets out a pleased sound. he makes the most pretty noises, you feel the lower part of your stomach warm the more his voice sings to it.
the head is thick, larger than the shaft, that in itself was stopping you–the sheer girth and weight of it. “you can play on it all you want, i know you want me inside of you–all of me.” he enjoyed the way you were practically teasing and edging yourself but it was hard for him to hide his own desires.
his hand takes hold of your jaw gently, he brings your face towards his–eyes darkened and his lashes long, flutter against your cheeks. he parts his lips more, he wants it–he knows you do too. you press your lips against his blue ones, the kiss wasn’t slow or gentle at all. its rough, teeth clanging together–his fangs bite down on your lips as they intertwine just like he was trying to devour you. you turn your head, deepening the angle allowing him to only need the slight swipe of his tongue to enter you. his tongue engulfs you, tasting like pure honey–sweet and impossibly delicious. moans leave your lips, getting swallowed by his lips.
his free hand makes it’s way toward your bottom half, gripping your cheeks in them. he parts your cheeks, hearing the way your arousal smacks and sticks to you. “let me help you.”
“but i wanted to–” your lips quiver as if tears wanted to release. frustration to the max, to the verge of tears.
“i know, i know–but i can’t wait, fuck–i want you too much.” he groans through the kiss, rubbing your nape gently to reassure you, “next time, you can take your time–you’ve teased me all day, i can’t help it–you are too fuckable in our clothes.”
his lips leave yours to bite and mark your neck. he sucks and presses his fangs into your skin. his arms are long enough for him to prod his fingers that tickles your core to navigate toward your heat.
it was the first day you truly felt like you belonged here, he'd adorned you with leathers, beads and shells. practically making it known that you were his for his entire tribe to see. it was the most exposed you've ever been but, you didn't feel strange–no, because here everyone was dressed that way–no one looked at you differently. only him, his eyes glued to you all day in those small pieces of clothes.
he feels how much wetter you’ve become already, practically dripping–he breathes heavily onto your collarbone, dropping his head down to suckle at the skin of your breasts, marking the heavily as you could cover them.
his thick fingers poke and pry at your raw and pulsing lips, overused from the attempts of pushing him in. he tuts, feeling bad for you, “at least you tried, hm? such a good girl.” he chuckles, teasing you to get a cute reaction from you.
you whine and pout at him. pushing your ass back into his fingers making them dip into your cunt a bit. you muffled a moan, pushing your head into his braids.
“do not keep those noises to yourself, if you do–i will stop.” he presses his lips to the shell of your ear, "be patient, hm, and you'll get what you want from me."
“okay. please, roa, don't stop."
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© moongumi 2022. all rights reserved, do not copy and publish my writing anywhere else.
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