#I'll have to think hard hard after finishing EP if I include it in his canon or not
pinkyjulien · 1 year
I'm not at all done with Phantom Liberty yet but the more it goes on the more I miss the honesty of the badlands HGHFHGF
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slvttyplum · 5 months
random share but you know the "depressed geto who just needs you sooooo bad to feel better" fic trope? (me and my friend eat that shit up lol). i had a revelation of a related prompt: "geto who is no longer in a depressive ep and his drive is thru the roof" 🤪
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suguru was wearing you the fuck out, you losing your breath and him tying his hair in a bun as you try to catch your breath, the same thing has been happening every single night and even twice a day if he felt like doing extra work.
suguru hasn't been doing the greatest the last three months, and you tried your hardest to help him, but he just needed time, and he got it, a random week he was back to him, feeling better and wanting to do different things, that including you, and he wasn't playing when it came to that.
his sex drive was through the roof and him jerking it wasn't helping shit, he needed your pussy sliding up and down on his every second, he didn't even want to slide out not to cum inside of you, he was disconnected to you and never wanted to disconnect, he didn't realize how much he missed you until you finally laid the pussy on him.
his eye twitching when he first had you slide onto him, that's when he realized he needed you every second of every day. suguru even took days off just to fuck you, he couldn't help it, it felt too good to just stop and pick it up at night, he was going to go on for hours and take advantage of the time he had with you.
“you're the one who took off, not me. i have to go to work.” a pout on your face as you stare at him moving in closer with a sly smirk on his lips as he takes his arm, wrapping it around your waist and moving in for a kiss, his other hand around your neck. he needed you so bad he could barely think, his dick pushing out his sweatpants, you could feel his bulge press against you.
“i'll pay you double what you would've made this whole week. please? i need you.” kissing you again before you toss your bag on the floor and him pushing you into the bed, wasting no time stripping off his sweatpants and getting to work. there was nothing else on his mind beside you, the only thing flashing throughout his head was your pretty smile and the nasty shit he was going to do to you.
those seven days he tore your ass up, you couldn't even form sentences in between what he was doing, your pussy still tingling even after he was thankfully out of you. his cum leaking out of you as you tried to catch your breath, his hands still rubbing over you as he laid in between your legs and played with you, your eyes going blurry from the tears that were forming in your eyes, light moans slipping out of your mouth, you could barely breathe.
your whole body covered with hickies and your knees bruised from you kneeling on the ground from suguru face fucking you, and some of his cum still in the back of your throat from before. it was like he was trying to test hard far he could get away with doing things before you finally told him to stop, but you never did, you just let him keep doing things because it felt too fucking good not too.
even though he was tearing you down and thrusting into you s hard you could barely breathe and tears were sliding down your pretty cheeks, it still felt good to have him inside of you, his dick stretching out your walls over and over again or his dick sliding on your tongue and his cum leaking in the back of your throat.
this was better than anything you've ever experienced and both you and suguru wanted to savor the moments where his sex drive was so high he didn't care he had to pay you back double the amount you would've gotten paid, he just needed you, or he was going to breakdown, you and only you.
your pussy tightening around him every time he finished inside of you, his dick still sliding in and out, the stimulation of how wet your pussy was and his cum mixing together to make lewd sounds, it drove him crazy. sweat forming on his naked body, falling onto your body with every thrust, his body still moving as he ties his hair up so that he can see your pretty expressions to everything he does to you.
pushing into you over and over with no care in the world if the neighbors hear or not, all he knew was that he wanted to be buried inside of you forever and always without a care in the world. his cheeks flushed red from staring into your beautiful eyes and your pussy squeezing around him tightly every time he said something.
his hand on your cheeks, his fingers pushing open your mouth as he slammed into you, gathering his spit and having it slip into your mouth slowing. the feeling of his warm spit sliding into your mouth made you roll your eyes and jerk with pleasure, shortly after closing your mouth with his. his tongue sliding over yours.
“ i love you so fucking much, you're mine.” his eyes piercing into yours as he slams into you once more, his cum leaking into you again, filling you whole.
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ginalongillustrations · 4 months
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Vox Machina Details
I realized that now that I've completed all of Vox Machina, I wanted to show off the symbols I chose for each member and their designs as some of them I'm super proud of! If you're unsure what any of the symbols are meant to convey, just read blow the line.
(side note, I finished her original version at like ep 35 and had worked so hard to stay away from spoilers so I had no idea what most of the symbols meant and was struggling to think of things)
Kraken- I included it because the kraken fight will go down in my personal history as the fight that was the biggest... slog to get through. You felt the weariness of it as shit just kept repeating, and unfortunately half the table was slightly drunk making everything worse, and it was so pivotal because Vax died and that hastened his deal with the raven Queen and it was Keyleth completing her journey and it was Tary's first real adventure. It also was right after my Roman Empire Vaxleth quote so it had to have a place.
Goldfish -iconic
Acorn- so this is one that has nothing to do with her journey, but it's something I chose to symbolize what I love about her. I love her passion for life and her willingness to protect it. I chose it after she went against Grog during the Whitestone Arc and ran back to help the townsfolk fight the zombie giant. I loved it because she refused to let those people fight on their own to live, and it really stuck with me. Her unadulterated anger at the death of the fire ashari and so many other times she cares about life and I wanted to represent that, so much that I included it in her personal symbol at the top of the designs.
Fire - obvious reasons
Raven feather - gonna represent the love of her life
Snowdrop- yeah Vax got two but I'm so glad I did because that last episode had me sobbing just like Marisha and it's such a symbol of goodbye and love and stolen time
She is one of the most straightforward ones, another one that I had help on from the community because I didn't want spoilers but did want to encompass her entire journey and not just what I had seen.
Grizzly paw - for the best companion out there
Gold coins - Her greed is such a defining trait for so much of her journey to the point where it, in part, got her killed by wanting to steal the armour. It is her hating to spend 30 gold on a very useful book, it is so much of her and I love it.
Sun - Paelor, since she was chosen by him
Broom - As much as I wasn't a fan of the broom, it truly is such a big part of her, her fighting technique, and her personality again tied to her greed that I couldn't help but add it.
The gun and the dagger - for the two most important people in her life.
Her ship - It's cute how often she brought it up even when we never once see her at sea. I think Ashley really enjoyed that part of her backstory even asking about it in campaign 2.
Her holy symbol - Sarenrae is the God who has my heart simply for her kindness to Pike. Her warmth and love and how important that relationship is to Pike. More so than any other cleric, it feels like they get each other and I love that. I'm also sad Sarenrae hasn't been around much in the other campaigns. Someone give this God some love please (I'm on ep 46 of c3 so who knows)
The lute - even if they never go on a date during the campaign, that relationship is super important. It was the first relationship I shipped in VM and how often they look out for each other. I'll always be sad Ashley couldn't be there for ep 85
Grog's axe - adoptive siblings for life
Iris - since it's the flower of Westruun, I thought I should add also because Matt was able to pull that out of his ass when asked was incredible and needs to be remembered always.
Glabrezu claw - even if it's not a death we saw, that death echoed throughout the campaign and it affected Pike so much
Scanlan was harder. So many of his moments are intangible. How do you draw a counterspell? A wish? The hunt for drugs that are actually just cooking spices? the meat man? Modify memory? Scanlan will always be MVP of the VM campaign in my eyes, and so it was so hard to do him justice.
The three eyes of Ioun - No one expected Scanlan to be chosen but chosen he was and the world is better for it.
Triceratops - That fight was the first time Scanlan really showed he could hold his own. Hell, the rest of VM came out worse with 5 people than he did. It was the first time you saw how much of a beast Scanlan could be.
Pike's mace- the woman who made him better
The beret - I had just finished the briarwood Arc what I was working on him and I thought this the best representation of Sam willing to just roll with the stupidest running bits.
The Burt Reynolds mustache - His love of disguises and also one of his most iconic lines
The flute - representing his meeting Kaylie and how that changed so much of his journey.
I struggled with Percy and his symbols because I couldn't always grasp what was important and what drove him as tangible things outside his family, Revenge, and Vex. I also just have the most trouble connecting to Percy so I think that played a part.
The bird skull - I felt it showed his connect to others? As it passed through his hands it showed a care for others and I dunno, this one just stuck with me. So it's there.
Black powder -no way in hell I'm leaving Viktor out
De Rolo crest - His family and all that he lost
An arrow - his future, his shining north star, his better half
Black smoke - Orthax and how much control it had over him
Vampire teeth - a bit corny I know but had no idea how to represent the briarwoods so I rolled with this.
Snowdrop - the mirror Keyleth, and if you have the prints next to each other with Vax on the right and Keyleth on the left, the snowdrops mirror. They're the only two of the series to have that (can you tell who my favourite couple is?)
The raven Queen mask - she needed her own spot because she is.. the looming shadow over so much of Vax, his choices, and his story. She is unrelenting, she is ever-present, she is inevitable. And I hate her for it.
The arrow - twins for life
The antlers - This man supports Keyleth's rights and her wrongs and I adore him for it. I love that he says if you're going to your death to fight this dragon then I'm with you no questions asked. He worships her and it makes me weak at the knees.
The feather - those wings become as much a part of his identity as the broom is for Vex.
The belt - his love for that belt but also his use of equipment. Vax, more than anyone I think, has his identity was tied to his equipment and his icknic moments. His boots, his armour, his belt, his daggers. They make up so much of him.
He's another super straightforward one because we'll, Grog wasn't meant to have a deep and rich and complex character. He has amazing moments but again how do I show them? Craven's edge was something I tried for but it just didn't read as exactly that so I sadly left it out. Believe me, it hurt.
The deck of many things - Those cards were Grog's roman empire and it bit him in the ass at the end and I love it. Also just Travis and his absolute inability to not push the red buttons.
Ale - no group has loved taverns as much as VM, and no one in that group loves a night of drinking as much as Grog.
The Lute - for his best bud
The Mace - for his sister
The shapes - callback to the original audio intro with Grog being first
The bag of holding - few things were as paired as Grog and that bag. No one has their inventory as well organized as that Goliath.
Blondies - I know he was only a portion of it and I think because he was there for the time they mentioned it the most, I connect Tary the most with the Slayers Cake. It's the friendships he formed in his time with the group.
The list - thinking of him saving Keyleth and getting to mark off rescuing a maiden will never fail to make me laugh
The arrow - his best friend
The gun - his other best friend
The book - his many grand tales all documented in one fantastical book
The helmet - I really wanted it in the original design but it just wasn't going to work with the pose I wanted, so it ended up at the bottom.
Yepp so these are the things I connect with these characters the most. It's silly and so much effort for such a small part of the print, but I'm proud of them.
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pardi-real · 8 months
Main Story Ep. 2 / Part 3 / Chapter 1 - Butler's Unity
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[Devil's Palace, Your Room]
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Berrien: "My lord... Thank you for your hard work at the meeting. Please enjoy this tea; it should be refreshing."
> "Thank you, Berrien."
Berrien: "I heard... Haures got ahead of himself at the meeting."
> "Just a bit"
Muu: "Really?"
Berrien: "It's not like him indeed, Haures... he's been acting a bit strange since the last expedition. Always seems rushed."
Muu: "Certainly, his expression seems more rigid than usual."
Berrien: "Indeed, it's evident that, since the last expedition... The influence of that girl is affecting him."
> "She resembles his sister…"
Berrien: "Yes... that's what he said."
Knock... knock...
> “Who could that be?” > “Please come in..."
Lucas: "Excuse me, my lord. Oh... Berrien is here too?"
Berrien: "Yes. I was serving tea to the lord who just finished the meeting. Are you here for some business with the lord too, Mr. Lucas?"
Lucas: "No... a lot happened at the meeting, so I came to check on the lord's condition ♪"
> "Thank you for your concern, Lucas"
Lucas: "Are you okay, my lord?"
> "Yup, I'm fine"
Lucas: "That's good ♪ Oh! Right… This is a good time to tell you ♪ Berrien, I just received a reply from Lord Finlay... We are scheduled to go for another investigation in three weeks."
> "That’s quite soon..."
Berrien: "Certainly, as you say, my lord... This time, the nobles act quickly. It does seem Lord Finlay also understands the gravity of the situation."
Lucas: "Yeah... that's right. Now, we just need to decide who to send on the expedition…”
Berrien: “Yes…”
Lucas: “Berrien, you are hesitating about Haures, aren't you?"
Berrien: "Yes. Normally, he is absolutely indispensable… But my lord, what do you think about Haures... considering his situation?"
> “I think we still need him…” > "Haures' abilities are essential…”
Berrien: "Exactly as you said, my lord… it’ll be completely different without him."
Lucas: "But… Haures’ mental state has been unstable since the last expedition."
Berrien: "Indeed, he appears calm, but... It's clear that he's not his usual self."
Lucas: "Yup... But, considering his abilities, we can't do without him."
> "I don't want to push him too hard…” > “What should we do?"
Berrien: "Hmm... It's a predicament."
~ That night ~
[Devil's Palace, Foyer]
Berrien: "My lord, please over here..."
> "Okay"
Berrien: "Now... Let's embark on our next expedition with the butlers here."
Lucas: "Yup ♪"
Lamli: "I'm looking forward to the expedition with the lord~!"
Nac: "Lamli… This is not a game."
Lono: "Roger!"
Bastien: "Hmm…”
Lato: "Kufufu… How exciting."
Flure: "I-I'm nervous..."
Miyaji: "......”
Fennesz: "Quite a large group, isn’t it?"
Ammon: "True that…”
Boschi: "Hmph…”
Haures: ".....”
Ammon: "So… everybody here, right?"
Berrien: "Yes, that's correct. This time, it's an all-out effort. After discussing with the lord, we decided to have everyone go on the expedition. The mansion will be empty, but we’ll ask the Grovaner family to guard the mansion temporarily.
This mission is very important, considering various things. For such a crucial mission… Let's face them together. We've overcome a lot of things so far... This time around as well, let's overcome it together. 
Of course, including Muu. Please protect the lord up close, as always."
Muu: "Yes! Of course!"
> "Thank you, Muu"
Lucas: "Fufu ♪ Now, I'll explain the strategy. In this operation, we'll split into three main teams ♪ The Archery Team, the Capture Team, and the Guard Team.
The Archery Team will attack with bows when the intelligent angel is flying high. Of course, do not hit it, okay? I want them to bring the intelligent angel as close to the ground ♪.
Then, the Capture Team. This is the most crucial team in this operation. As the name suggests, they will pursue the intelligent angel and capture it.
And the Guard Team. The team to protect the lord... Oops, I almost forgot... This team will also protect the Grovaner family's reconnaissance team ♪
We have three weeks until the expedition. Let's use that time to confirm our coordination."
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snailsgoingdowntown · 8 months
Finished watching hazbin hotel and uh
Spoilers under cut plz don't come for me, I did enjoy the show.
Written at 3am not proofread or edited
While I did enjoy it, it was hard to actually feel any sort of attachment to the characters. I'll do research in a bit since I heard that Amazon Prime only gave them a limited amount of episodes to work with, but regardless, the pace was way too fast. I didn't even realize five months passed because it felt like it was only a week after Charlie's meeting with Adam.
Almost little to no showing of Angel Dust's and Sir Pentious' character development. Angel dust was more focused on, which makes since since he's the original resident of the hotel, the original sinner who agreed to the Hazbin Hotel project.
Yet it was Sir Pentious who got sent to heaven? Don't get me wrong, I think it's great he got sent there, however, in a narrative sense, it doesn't make sense. Throughout the episodes it was indeed that he wasn't a 'bad' guy, more so socially awkward who wanted a place in Hell but couldn't get one. But tell me, was a single episode, not including the last one, that Sir Pentious was the center of attention? Aside from being caught as a spy for Vox?
Aside from the episode where Charlie and Vaggie went to heaven for a meeting and they were watching ANGEL DUST? It was shown he had a crush on Cherri sure, that he was trying his best to get her attention/hook up with her but like... That didn't show me much about his character.
Just that he's a socially awkward shy mess around his crush is understandable, I was like that too. But that's it. Aside from the scene he got dragged into the 'sex room' after announcing he was going to have sex with everyone in the club/bar.
Keep in mind that this ep was supposed to be centering around Angel Dust back in Hell while heaven watched.
And yes, I know it was shown he would die for his friends but to me that barely says anything about a character at all. Just that they care about their friends which is usually the case for many people.
Imo, there was absolutely no hinting at Sir Pentious going to heaven. The series barely focused on him at all, even his eggs/minions were given more attention with Alastor.
Which, btw, are adorable and I wish they were shown more and interacted with the other characters more as well.
Enough about Sir Pentious - now let's talk about the Husk x Angel Dust ship
I like the idea, I can see it happening, and I'm so glad Vizipop didn't immediately get them together, if they are end game. I heard the Twitter said they were but I haven't looked at it yet so I'm not sure if it's true or not. But God, I wish we got more interactions between them. The chemistry is there, both platonic if they aren't meant to be a couple, and romantic if they are.
Niffty - I love you my little bug obsessed queen. But, while it was slightly amusing she was the one who killed Adam, it was also slightly... Disappointing? Like, all of this man power used against him and what killed him was Niffty? Obviously it was to take the audience by surprise, but it doesn't sit right with me. It held no substance - literally just Vizipop going "they'll never expect this!!" And that's it. Just to catch us off guard and was slightly taken as a joke before Lute went to him where the scene became serious again. Which would have been heart touching if their relationship was more drawn out. Show don't tell type of stuff. Which it was but not much.
Also, I did see a post that I'll most likely add here that said Adam most likely felt betrayed by the humans who sinned because he did so much for them as the original human, as shown by the line "ungrateful losers." Which makes sense and I kinda hope that is the case because he does seem very bitter towards the sinners who are, in some regard, still his people - they were still human, at some point. I really hope that they'll be able to show us in detail about how Adam was as a person rather than the Angel and original human known as 'Adam.' His character wasn't deep and it felt more like Vizipop needed a villain to shit on more than anything else.
The reveal about Vaggie being a former Exorcist was foreseen by many, meanwhile i thought she was the daughter of carmilla carmine because they look similar + implied military like background before the reveal + the duet they had when Carmilla was talking to Zetial and Vaggie singing about how she wants to protect Charlie or something. Ig they had the 'duet' because they were both about protecting someone. But I do like how Carmilla was like "bro it's so obvious you're a former Exorcist - the eye, the fucking angelic weapon you have there."
What I didn't like about the reveal was how Charlie just... Hated the fact she lied? I think anyone would be upset about that, I would be, but that's just it. She's just upset she lied which again, makes sense. But Vaggie killed her people, Adam even said she was one of his best girls. Meaning she probably killed hundreds if not more - and charlie wasn't upset about that part? She did question if their relationship was a lie, which makes sense, but the genocide of her people, the one that her gf took part in, wasn't mentioned after it was first revealed to her. That part was literally just... Thrown out the window. And on multiple occasions it was both shown and told that Charile, the princess of hell, loved her people. But it looked like the team/Vizipop decided to forget that part when it comes to the big reveal that Vaggie was an angel or whatever you want to call her.
I do like how In the end, the audience is reminded that Alastor is not a good guy. He's a horrible person, treating Husk like a pet and most likely only lets Niffy do as she pleases because he finds it amusing. Either that or they have a lot in common, and I do mean a lot. I wish this relationship between the three was shown more, developed more. But if I must add... Some scenes with Alastor... Truly felt like a Tumblr moment. Fan fiction. BUT I adore how at the end he's weak compared to some and that his deal is most likely the only reason he has any power at all. The mini break down he has? Beautiful. Prior to this he was shown and told to be this all powerful being until Zetal stepped into the ring, until Adam fucking bodied him which I love. He's a coward, he's awful, he's horrible but is shown to be able to feel attachment - I don't think he truly cares for the hotel staff. There might be a fondness but no real connection which is shown, thankfully instead of it just being told.
Then there's the discourse of his usage of Voodoo... I'm not properly educated in the practice so I have no right to comment on it.
Lucifer... My dorky little man... Beyond depressed just like me /j
I like him, love him even. But I was hoping he would be a bit more... Sinister. Instead he's a broken man who gave up on nearly everything but his daughter. Which I kinda like but also don't - it's a love hate relationship. But he's adorable so he gets a pass
Okay. I'm going to be the one who says it - I don't like Charlie's and Lucifer's demonic forms. They look nice, sure, but not king and princess of hell -like. It gives off Tumblr girl vibes which is fine. But I still don't like it. Literally uwu human cats. Which is adorable but adorable does not fit well with... Whatever this is. I wish it was more... Animalistic, barred fangs, skin stretching out, more like a demon you would typically imagine.
Also, while I do understand why Charlie didn't want to kill Adam it was... Bleh. Like girl, you already killer many of his Soilders why would you let their leader live? Idk maybe I'm thinking about it in the wrong way.
The three Vees/V's.. All horrible as ppl, especially Vlatoino, the other two as just as bad since they know what's going on and are either ignoring it or encouraging it. Vox is a slaty ex and Velveet(?) Is just trying to vibe but the other two won't let her.
Again, ironic considering what I write. As I always say - I don't condone any sort of abuse, sexual or otherwise, in real life.
Also did Lucifer sleep with Eve?
Why did Vizipop say him and Lilith were HAPPILY married when she's on a beach sun tanning in heaven and he's always 5 seconds away from jumping off the nearest building?
So many questions that will hopefully get answered in the 2nd season. And hopefully they'll be able to flesh out the characters and their backgrounds more, their personalities and how they either improve or decline as a person/character.
I have more to say but it's 3am and I'm pretty sure this is gonna get me death threats because hey, it's the internet. Just look at Twitter lol.
Please remember that I am not a film critic, I am just stating how I feel about it.
I watched it, enjoyed it, but still have icks about certain things with it, as anyone else would. Would I watch season 2? Yes, because I like the overall concept but I just wish they were able to do more with it.
I had someone ask if I would write for it, and honestly, I don't know. Maybe, maybe not, only time will tell.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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I See You Han Ye - Official
I've been posting a little irregularly lately because of travel and work, but also because I was obsessively watching Legend of Anle. I finally finished it up! All 39 episodes plus the little bonus snippets at the end. Don't worry, no spoilers here, just figs.
I really love Han Ye as a character. He's excessively noble and good, and I adore him for it. Gong Jun did a beautiful, nuanced job playing him. He's such an internal, controlled character that I think it would be easy to have him come off as flat or two-dimensional. Kudos to Junjun - he's really worked hard on his acting, and it shows.
Gong Jun had a few really powerful scenes that I am not going to mention to avoid spoiling them, but you'll know them when you get there. I'll have to do a post on my thoughts on the show later, after all the eps are freely available.
Anyway! My fig friend (who is primarily a doll collector) was tracking the official Legend of Anle dolls, and gave me a heads up when they were released. (Super cute by the way) I did a quick search to see if any official figs had been released, and sure enough, there was. The same manufacturers that had produced the Word of Honor official figs had produced two figs each of the main characters - Prince Han Ye, Ren Anle, and Luo Mingxi, as well as a prop set. The other figs are cute, but I gotta draw the line somewhere or else my entire house just becomes Figville, Population: Too Many.
So, I just bought both of Han Ye, plus of course the prop set. I do love my props! They happened to land in warehouse the same time I was sending out an air package, so they arrived speedily on my doorstep in about 10 days. Here they are:
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I don't have enough picture slots to do both at once, so today I'll post about the bottom two sets - the seated Han Ye and his props, and next I'll do the one with the veil.
You know I don't like to compare figs to each other, because each fig set is delightful in its own way, and in the case of the fan-produced ones, made with a tremendous amount of love and care.
However, since these were commercially mass produced, I feel fine saying that while these figs are cute, they are not as cute as the fan-produced ones. I've clearly been totally spoiled by my fig makers, in the best of ways.
BUT...you will be the judge!
The inspiration for this fig appears to be this scene:
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He's in his study (surrounded by his props!), his hair is up in this guan we see in the picture, the outfit looks very similar to this, and he's holding a fan.
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Like all PVC figs, this arrived in a sealed foil pack.
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As you saw, he arrived with his chair separately.
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Just like the Word of Honor official figs, this set also had the Tofu / Koitake brand names on the soles of the boots. Just like those figures, these also had the pants with the boots hidden under the fig - always a nice touch.
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The fig sits very well on the chair. No issues at all with him sliding out or wrongly positioned or anything at all. I don't need to stick or glue him down, and I don't need to put him on a fig stand.
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You know I love that they included his ring! I want replicas of all his rings on this show.
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Like most figs in chairs, he doesn't sit fully all the way back in the chair. I think the proportions for the legs would be too long if they did.
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As I mentioned before, the chair is well done. It's sturdy because it's so wide, and because he's leaning on one of the arm rests rather than standing straight up without further support.
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You can see the pose really well from behind here - I like it! This scene was so cute in the show.
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That is one big topknot! He looks good with his hair pulled back in his standard court look, but of course I love Han Ye's half-down hair the most.
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He has a very cute little side profile with the little tiny nose!
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They have his beauty mark under his eye here.
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And we're back around. You can see a bit of the detail with the fastenings on his yuanlingpao, but otherwise his outfit is extremely plain. Which is a pity given how gorgeous all his costumes were for this show. I've noticed Tofu / Koitake doesn't tend to put much printing or patterns on the costumes themselves - it's generally just color based.
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Even his guan doesn't have a ton of detail.
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Alright! That's the full pic set of the fig itself.
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The prop pack came individually bundled, with a box card. That made me laugh … I've never gotten a box card for a prop pack before! Sometimes I don't even get box cards for figs!
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You can see here that there's a cutout in the desk for the fig's legs.
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It's a cute set! I'd love more props for figs in general.
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I did very briefly consider buying two sets of the props so I had an extra for one of my other Hanye figs, but in the end decided against it.
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And here he is with the full set! Very cute.
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Here's a top down version too so you can see him hard at work.
This fig looks quite a bit different than most figs that I have. To illustrate, here's a comparison:
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I thought, oh, alright, his face is pretty wide. But then I compared it to a wider faced fig:
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I'm just not sure. Maybe it's because of the molded nose and mouth. Also, I guess I keep comparing him to A-Xu, which doesn't make a whole ton of sense! I think I just automatically pair him up in pictures.
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Here we have the box card and box for Han Ye, and here's the same for the props:
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And just like that, I've hit my 30-picture limit per post. Come back tomorrow to see veiled Han Ye!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 459
Scene Count: 31
Rating: A hard working Prince
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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femmefaggot · 1 year
Hi! So either you said “call me grins” or “call me, *grins*” and either way hello and if I wanted to experience your BEST hyperfixation what would it be and how should I consume it?
I was grinning at u ^^ but realized that was perhaps something a period should be included in right after posting
umm BEST is soooo so. hard to say. but I'll go the safe route and say buffy which is... somewhere online?? there's TOOO many streaming services but it's also a rly old show so not hard to find elsewhere
UMMM if u meant mood wise, I'd say that one is best consumed a few eps a night maybe
AND IDK if u prefer books or smth the stormlight archive is an undertaking (<- thing who isn't even finished yet) but the audiobook is decent <- best consumed during a thunderstorm
IDK ABT GAMES UHHH play red strings club sound of the summer 👍 not what id call a hyperfixation but smth that every once in a while ill think abt and have to sit down and fight the urge to replay <- best consumed while feeling at odds with humanity
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Never Let Me Go Ep 7 Live Blogging
Watching this during the break between my lectures. Also I finished watching Strangers From Hell yesterday and I'm still kinda in that mindset, so hopefully this will keep my attention
Just kidding, Part 2 has no subs + they're pillowfighting on the bed in part 1, so I feel awkward watching it in public. Will watch after I get home - now to reblog Strangers From Hell gifsets instead heh
Episode 7: Good Fortune
Part 1
oof pillow fight in bed, can't watch this in uni esp from where I'm sitting
ah fuck i knew someone was gonna see them looming over in bed. at least Palm's mom didn't make it a bib deal
David's gonna proposeeeee
Palm orchestrating a romantic moment with the dirty cheeks - it's giving me War from YinWar flashbacks
damn not Phum also being like hmm you're a good guy, huh but apparently you blamed Nueng for initiating the kiss - he and the viewers have some stuff in common ig
the endless school fighting when it comes to Phum
damn Ben reflecting on his shortcomings that he denied his involvement because he was a coward and selfish; not as brave as Nueng, which he was impressed by. Interesting self-examination because honestly they're pretty rare in BLs
Ben and Chopper convo - I hope Chopper's not the one who released the photos please - I wonder how much Ben knows about
Nueng's really caught up on the fact that Palm brought him to this romantic ass beach that: the server's boyfriend took her on a date, is perfect for proposing, Palm thinks is romantic.
aww proposal
it's good for Nueng and Palm to get to see these happy gay adults in love and thriving
Part 2
oh good there's eng subs now
i'm gonna lose my fucking head it's gonna start rolling palm is giving nueng a foot massage/wash like their power dynamics already goes so hard but this is actually about to send me to an early grave
Palm has been sooo smiley this episode and probably also last episode since getting here
100 baht per day from 500 baht/hour expectations lmfao
plsss quitting after half a day is killing me. things i should've done at my last internship
Nueng straight up asking Palm if he's included in the people Palm loves. ahh them shouting "Please keep Khun Nueng safe" and "{lease keep Palm safe" and "Please keep us safe"
rip both of them getting bad predictions
the reason Palm's father and he owe this family is because they paid for Palm's surgery and "Gave them new lives" but is this new life just for their benefit? no sir you can't lose your life for them.
so true you tell him Nueng that nobody's the owner of his life (did Maggie previously say this too?)
Part 3
so Tanya's still alive as expected, but in critical condition
so did Chopper's father kind of admit that he called the hit on Tanya? or is he somehow a red herring cuz we're getting hints too early?
lmfao they're getting married a day after proposal
So it wasn't chopper who released the photos but Phum paid Palm's basketball friend to do it?
Palm's mom taking a chance again at this gay wedding to ask Palm what's between him and Nueng - "Are you having an interclass romance between a boss and his servant?"
Palm's mom reads him so hard "I can see it from Chiang Mai!" and then asking him if they've kissed
oh now she's talking about why she left his dad and Palm
interesting that she brought up her husband stifling her with his love, wonder if Palm will take something from@that
girl why's Palm smiling like that, does this dumbass already love Nueng?
Part 4
everybody loves this part, i'll watch it at one watch through maybe? it's taking me 3 hours to watch this ep cuz I'm distracted
ahh boyfriends while on the island, I'm assuming we're gonna get some more sadness when they get off the island
kiss ahh
ah fuck palm's father arrested
Got spoiled on before watching:
just a few moments from preview of last ep and a few screenshots on twitter but nothing much
just kidding i went to check the on-air thread for which pars have subs and apparently they're boyfriends in part 4 and have a good kiss
Overall Thoughts:
Thankfully we got to see more of what's going on with people outside of Nueng and Palm's bubble and it's all going to shit while Nueng and Palm are being cute and giggly lol
Thoroughly enjoyed the ep, and stood against my mild obsession with Strangers From Hell.
Fave Scene:
The kiss scene probably? Or is it the pillow fight? Or maybe Palm washing Nueng's feet
Posts I made
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere:
1: 17k || idk after that and also there may have been missing subs for at least part 2
12 hours later 
14 hours later actually
Part 1: 641k || 2: 538k || 3: 423k || 4: 462k
Avg: 516k
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious): 
6 days later bc last time was a day late
Ep 1 - 1: 2.074M (+103k) || Avg: 1.322M (+61k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 2 - 1: 1.328k (+56k) || Avg: 1.066M (+49k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 3 - 1: 1.133M (+53k) || Avg: 985k (+50k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 4 - 1: 1.365M (+64k) || Avg: 1.056M (+58k) || Max Part: 1
Ep 5 - 1: 1.175M (+102k) || Avg: 1.024M || Max Part: 1 (also part 3 with kiss has 1.143M)
Ep 6 - 1: 1.219M || Avg: 953k || Max Part: 1
0 notes
candlestickbud · 3 years
Worthy of Betrayal Pt.1
Howzer x Jedi!GN:Reader [Ep.11 Spoilers]
Description: After the bad batch drop off the weapons to a client of Cid’s, she calls them in for a favor and asks them to help some royal Twi’leks on Ryloth.
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Warnings/Notes: I'm predicting that this fic will have 5 parts. Possible smut in the future. Mentions of guns and child kidnapping, minor cussing. Sorry if the story is a little off, I was in a rush to finish. Hope you still like it though!
“What do you mean we have to go back!”
Hunter rose his voice at Cid from the comms on the ship. We were on our way back to Ord Mantel after dropping off weapons to some Twi’leks, a client of Cids. As they were already halfway to the destination, Cid called up the batch to inform us that we had to go back, but this time the location was on Ryloth.
“Hey, you still owe me, remember? Now tell goggles over there to get to Ryloth. I need you to rescue this kid named Hera Syndula, the twi’leks, her parents run Ryloth so we’ll be getting some big bucks, so I suggest you get moving, got that?”
Hunter sighed, “Mind telling us what we have to do to get out of dept?”
“Tell you what, let's say you don't mess this up, and you'll be out of debt. Just fell the big guy to ease up on the mantel mix, wouldya, ” Cid said before hanging up.
Hunter rubbed his face trying to shake off his tiredness.
“What's the word, Sargent, ” Wrecker asked.
“Tell Tech to relocate the route to Ryloth. We have another mission, but this is a mission we can't mess up. We need to save some senators kid.”
“Another senator? They aren't a separatist, are they? There's no way-”
“I didn't ask, and either way we have to take this job to get us out of that debt, ” Hunter cut off Echo, “and besides it's not a senator, just their kid.”
Echo glared at Hunter, “Well you should understand why I plan to not work with separatists, ” he said pointing his cybernetic socket arm at Hunter.
“Wait so who are we saving, ” Omega asked from her room.
Hunter pushed his way past Echo to talk to Omega, hearing Echo scoff as he walked away.
“That kid from earlier,” Hunter said softly.
“Hera? I knew she was in trouble! How can I help,” Onega exclaimed excitedly?
“I’ll let up know once we land. The empire will be there based on what that client said earlier. That's what they needed those weapons for.”
“That could mean that Crosshair would be there, ” Tech yelled from the piloting seat.
“Good! We need to talk some sense into him, get him home, ” Wrecker said.
“I don't think he wants to come home, ” Hunter said coldly.
“Doesn't matter, we need to get him back and remove his chip or whatever.”
Hunter opener his mouth to say something back, but instead walked away to the pilot's seat.
“We should at least try to save him, ” you said sternly.
“Cant save someone that doesn't want to be saved, ” Hunter barked back.
“In case to haven't noticed, we don't know what he wants. That chip is controlling him!”
“I agree with Y/N, ” Wrecker barged in.
“That's not the mission.”
Howzer took off his helmet to ruffle his hair. It was a humid night on the planet of Ryloth, and he's been running around trying to capture a child named Hera with a squad of clone troopers.
“Hey boss, do we stun her or shoot.”
“Stun! She's a child, has some empathy. Besides, I'm sure they want her alive, otherwise, we have no leverage over Cham.”
“You got it, captain.”
There was silence as the squad walked through the place, flashlight in hands and visors on night vision mode as they searched for the child. This seemed very wrong to Howzer. What would the empire want with a child if they already have Cham? Leverage, but for what? They don't plan on hurting the kid, do they?
“What do you think they'll do with the kid, ” Howzer asked his squad.
“Who cared, she's a traitor to the empire. She's lucky she isn't dead yet. Speaking of traitors, don't we have orders to kill whoever betrays the empire?”
“What? That's ridiculous, we should just imprison them, and still, she's a child, soldier. We aren't killing her, ” Howzer scoffed.
The squad quietly whispered to each other. Suddenly a ship hovered over them, landing a few feet behind where they were.
“Stay cautious, that could be their backup.”
“Shoot to kill or stun, ” a trooper asked.
“Stun. I won't tell you again, ” Howser said through gritted teeth.
“Whatever you say, Captain, ” the trooper said with an annoyed tone.
Howzer placed his helmet back onto his head, getting his gun ready and placing it in stun mode.
“I have eyes on them!”
The troopers began shooting blindly at a group of troopers, a Jedi standing in front of then reflecting the shots with a child behind them.
“Hold your fire, ” Howzer exclaimed.
The troopers ignore him.
“I said, hold your fire!”
The troopers looked at each other in confusion and disgust.
“They're wanted by the empire! We need to kill them, they're traitors.”
The troopers began shooting live rounds at the squad.
“But they have a child with them! Stop!”
Howzer put his gun in the gun holder that held itself on his waist, pushing a trooper back. One by one, the trooper squad of 5 became the squad of 2.
“You're not fit enough to be Captain! You're a trait of to the empire! We have to kill them, now!”
“No! This is wrong and you know it! Snap out of it how can you not see that this is wrong, ” Howzer said before being pushed to the ground by Hunter.
“See what you did! You're a traitor, ” the trooper said trying to shake out of Wrecker's grasp.
“You, be quiet, ” you yelled at the trooper.
You walked up to Howzer, cocking your head to the side slightly.
“Hunter, there's something wrong with his chip.”
Hunter looked up at you, scrunching his eyebrows together, “How can you be so sure?”
“He seems...different I can feel it.”
Hunter looked at you and then back ah Howzer, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pushed him up to his feet. You walked towards Howzer and removed his helmet, eyes widening, surprised with how attractive the clone was. You looked at him, placing your hands on his face, inspecting him. Howzer attempted to back off, but Hunter held him in place. He flinched as you placed a hand near the left side of his head, closing your eyes as you felt his chip through the force. You opened your eyes, staring into his eyes, only for him to nervously look away.
“He has his chip, but it's damaged, ” you looked at Hunter as if you were asked for permission.
“Fine. You deal with him. We cat have him running back to the empire to inform them of our arrival. We can't have any attention, this is a stealth mission. We need to focus on saving the kid, ” Hunter said, shoving Howzer towards you.
You caught Howzer and placed your lightsaber close to his face, only for him to flinch against it, his head laying on your shoulder, “Try anything stupid and I'll kill you on sight, got that?”
“I thought that wasn't the Jedi way, ” he said with caution.
You retracted your saber and placed it back on your holders, “There is no Jedi way, ” you scoffed, putting his helmet back on. You knew it would possibly be a distraction to you.
“What do I do with him, ” Wrecker asked, picking up the trooper he held captive.
“Woah, ” the trooper yelped.
Hunter looked at Howzer and then the trooper.
“His chip is active,” you said.
Hunter paused for a second in thought, “Stun him. Look, we’ll look over here, you and Omega look over there, that way we’ll have a better chance of finding the kid.”
“You got it. Cmon, Omega, let's get ahead of them. I think Hera will be pleased to see that you're the one rescuing her, ” you said as you pushed Howzer forward, grabbing Omega’s hand as you led her away, Hunter stunning the clone from behind.
You and Omega stared at Howzer as you walked through the gravel trail.
“Uhm...Why do you two keep starring at me,” he asked.
“To make sure you don't try anything funny, ” you lied.
“Your chip isn't working. That's pretty rare for a clone, ” Omega explained.
“What is this chip that you guys keep talking about?”
You sighed, ” Well, the clones, you included, have these chips that were implanted in you when you were, I think a stage 1 embryo?”
“Stage 2,” Omega corrected.
You chuckled, “A stage 2 embryo, and these chips were implanted in you by the Emperor to have you murder the Jedi. Nearly all of them were killed during order 66. I survived it by chance.”
“Oh…so that’s what that was. I’m sorry.”
You looked at Howzer in confusion, “W-What?”
“I’m sorry. That must’ve been hard to go through I had no idea. When I was out on a mission, we were working with a Jedi and just out of no where, everyone aimed their blasters at the General. They had told us they were traitors to the republic, betrayed the Chancellor.”
“Yeah, that’s because we found out he betrayed us. He was working with Count Dooku.”
Howzer shook his head in disappointment, “You must hate us then, clones.”
You looked at Howzer, sighing as you let go of his shoulder, “No, I don’t. The clones, it’s not their fault, what they did. They’re all being controlled by these chips, being controlled by the empire. I made my peace with the clones once I got informed of this by the batch.”
Howzer walked by your side, “So those troops back there, their chips are also defected?”
“They were, but we got help with removing them. Having the chips mean that’s you’re still a threat. They could activate at any time.”
“Why not stun me? Like him back there.”
You thought for a moment, “Just because your chip isn’t activated doesn’t mean your not with the empire. For all we know you could still be loyal to them. We didn’t wanna risk the possibility of activating your chip, and we couldn't have you go off to the empire.”
“Oh. What do you uh plan on doing with me once you find the kid?”
“If I’m being completely honest with you, I’m not sure.”
“Well, that’s reassuring,” he chuckled nervously.
He scratched the back of his neck, looking at you as if hesitant to ask a question.
“I can feel you looking at me. What is it?”
Howzer looked away, “U-Uhm I was just uh…” he stuttered, “Uhm, where were you? During order 66.”
You smiled at his struggle, a smile still placed on your face when he asked the question.
“I uh I was actually in my ship. It was on a mission I was in with my droid to Ord Mantel, I was supposed to get intel on this bounty Hunter I’ve been hunting down. My droid saved me from the clones.”
“Lucky you weren’t assigned with a squad.”
You chuckled, “Yeah really.”
You and Howzer heard rustling from a bush that was up ahead. Howzer got in front of you, trying to take a closer look.
“Come out! We know you're there,” Howzer yelled.
You grabbed Howzer’s shoulder, “Maybe you should keep it down. If it’s Hera, she could be scared since you are supposed to be hunting her down,” you rolled your eyes in his idiocy.
“Oh, uh, right, ” he backed up.
Howzer removed his helmet. He's very well aware that citizens are often scared of the armor rather than what's underneath it. You glanced and him in admiration until you heard the bush rustle again.
“Hera? It's me and Omega, remember? We were selling those weapons to your uncle, ” you said calmly.
Slowly peaking out from the bush, you saw Hera’s head, “Omega?”
Omega waved at her, “Hello,” she smiled.
Hera got out from the bush, “What are you doing here?”
“We’re here to rescue you.”
Hera looked at Howzer with wide eyes, “H-He’s”
“Not with the empire,” Howzer said confidently, “Not anymore that is.”
“They’ll kill you,” Hera said walking towards Howzer.
“Not unless they catch me,” He smiled, patting her head.
You smiled at his kind act, “Hunter, we found Hera. We’re on our way back,” you looked at Howzer, “What are we going to do with...,” you whispered into your commlink.
“Hey! I never got your name, ” you said nervously.
“Oh! Uh, the name’s Howzer, ” he smiled, “What about you?”
You chuckled, “In your dreams, pal.”
“What are we going to do with Howzer, the clone.”
You heard Hunter sigh into his commlink, “We’ll stun him when we leave. Take him back with you in case we get spotted.”
“Hunter, we can't just leave him here. Hera knows him, he could be useful to us.”
There was no reply.
“Yeah, ” he sighed, “I'm here. Look just get over here we’ll talk when you get back.”
You walked over to Howzer with a smirk on your face, “Lucky you, Hunter doesn't want to kill you, ” you swung your arm over his shoulders, “Now you're really fucked.”
Howzer looked at you like a confused dog, “What do you mean? What you think I can’t handle a couple of clones and a Jedi?”
You laughed, “We ain’t your typical squad,” you smirked.
He got in your face, “Try me. I’ve been with many squads. What’s so different about you guys?”
You inched closer to his face, “I guess you’ll have to find out.”
There was a pause until the both of you burst out laughing.
“Cmon, we gotta get back to them.”
“You got it, General.”
You stopped in your tracks, looking back at Howzer. You were going to say something but decided to let it go.
“Cmon girls. We have to get back to the ship.”
“Coming, ” they said laughing.
“I never noticed how nice your hair is, ” you said ruffling Howzer’s hair.
He kindly swatted your hand away, “Thanks, ” he said while rolling his eyes.
You looked at his face, eyes scanning over his scars. You choose not to ask him about them. Not yet anyway. The girls whispered and giggles to each other throughout the walk to the marauder.
“What are you two talking about?”
“Nothing, ” they chuckled devilishly.
Both you and Howzer looked at them questionably, the at each other.
You shook your head, “Kids, huh?”
“Reminds me of my younger days, making fun of brothers for having a crush. Of course, that was before order 66. Good memories.”
The four of you continued to walk and began to see the ship, with Hunter sitting at the entrance of the ship.
“Took you long enough, ” he said as he got up, “We need to talk.”
You nodded, “Ladies, ” you smiled down at Omega and Hera, “into the ship. Omega show Hera our little secret since she’ll be with us for a bit.”
“Ooh! Good idea. Hera, follow me.”
The two children ran their way into the marauder, Howzer squatting down on the floor, patiently waiting for an invitation inside. Hunter grabbed you and pulled you off to the side, away from Howzer.
“Look I don't want to take him with us. He seems sketchy.”
You sighed and nodded in agreement, “Yes, I know but I'm sure he means well. I'll look after him but Hunter, something tells me that we can trust him. Howzer seems like a good guy. Hera seems to trust him and she knew him when he was working with her dad.”
Hunter looked at Howzer to see him awkwardly wave at him.
Hunter cursed, “Fine, but if anything and I mean anything, happens, he's off the ship.”
You nodded, giddily walking over to Howzer, then clapping your hand on his shoulder.
“What’re you doing just standing here like an idiot? C’mon,” you snickered.
“Well, excuse me for trying to be polite, ” he smiled, Hunter glaring him down as you all entered the ship.
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goldngguk · 6 years
red // 05
part one of trilogy series
warnings // fluffy cuteness, jealous kookie
word count // 2.3k
trilogy masterlist
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Don't do it. It won't end well, you know that. You can't let this happen. But then again, maybe there's no point in trying. Maybe this is all inevitable. Maybe you don't have a choice. Do we ever?
She was startled awake to the sound of loud vibrations against her bedside table. The wood trembled from the sensations of her phone as it received a new message. She groaned, rolling over and stretching for the device.
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She laid her head against her pillow trying to recall what her dream had been about. It didn't really even feel like a dream. It was more like the voice in her head speaking to her through the darkness. But what was it talking about? Too exhausted to think or get up, she set her phone down only to watch it vibrate again when a new message popped up.
《???:》 Y/n?
She blinked at the unknown number for a few seconds before remembering who it was. She had given him her number at the café the day before during their conversation. She immediately added the number to a new contact.
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Jungkook sat on a couch in his dorm room pleading with himself not to sound so cringeworthy. Forcing a conversation with her was something he did not want to do, especially if it was about something as unimportant as her obviously messed up sleep schedule.
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He chuckled at the message causing Yoongi to look up from the burrito of blankets he had wrapped himself with. "What's so funny?"
Jungkook glanced up at his older roommate before shaking his head. "It's nothing, hyung. Go back to your nap."
"It's okay. I should be getting up now anyway. They'll call us down soon." Yoongi rolled out of bed and Jungkook's eyes went back to his phone.
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After showering and finishing her hair and makeup, Y/n headed for the filming room.
"Hey, Y/n!"
Jimin jogged up beside her. "How are you today?"
"I'm good, thanks. I'm ready to get to work."
Jimin giggled. "Me too. I don't like to sit for too long." Y/n smiled and the two walked together to meet the group.
"Oh, look who's late," Jungkook said when Jimin entered the room.
"I am not late!"
"Everyone else is already here though," he smirked. Hobi laughed and punched him in the arm.
"You haven't even started yet! Besides, Y/n came with me!"
Jungkook's eyes flickered towards hers as she followed Jimin into the room. He felt his stomach drop. Why is she with him? Were they together? What were they doing? He watched the questions consume his mind. I don't like it.
Y/n took a seat next to him, immediately making his negative thoughts disappear. "Hi," she smiled.
"Hello." He tried to choke back the next sentence, but it seemed he couldn't help himself; it just slipped out. "You look pretty."
"Oh, thanks," she replied before turning her attention towards the staff who would be directing the episode.
Jungkook nodded and looked down to play with his thumbs. I can't believe I just said that. It seemed like all of his confidence from the night before flew right out the window when he saw her come in with Jimin. Of course, he wouldn't be a problem for Jungkook; the golden maknae who could do anything. At least he hoped not. He really hoped not.
The staff finished putting the set together and began to record. The first episode of the second season (ep. 21) of Run would be a relaxed episode, saving the more intense games and plots for later. Today would be a board game competition. “You will split up into two teams of six and play two out of three games. The third game will be all vs. all. If the winner of the third game is from the losing team of the first two games, the team can avoid the punishment picked by the staff.” The members nodded and began to decide their teams. The first group included Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Hayden, Hobi, and Maya. The opposing team was made up of Jin, Mason, Namjoon, Y/n, Jungkook, and Cyrus. “Now that the teams are made, we will discuss the first game. It's water beads. There is a piece of filter paper placed on a hollow stand. Each of you will drop a bead or a drop of water onto the paper. The person to make the beads break and fall through the paper is the loser.”
Each team took turns adding beads until the overconfident Kim Seokjin decided to push his luck and dump a straw full of water onto the paper. Needless to say, the paper broke and Jin's team lost the first game. “Well that didn't go as planned,” he shook his head as Jungkook slapped his shoulder.
The second game was a test for the BTS members to see how many English words they could memorize on a card in ten seconds without the help of Culture. Jin recited five of his six words, while Namjoon got all of his. “Dog, dinosaur, duck, jello, jam, jerk, cracker, crocodile…”
Jimin snickered before attempting to mock him. “Crocodoll,” he said with a roll of his tongue. Hobi joined his fun, giggling, “Crocodiiiile.”
Jungkook went last. He looked up in thought before remembering his words. “Stream, strong, streamer, rabbit, ring, rocket. Was that it? I think that's all I have.” Everyone praised him for his memory and dialect.
“That was really good, Jungkook!” Y/n said, patting him on the back. His cheeks turned rosey and he smiled back at her. After watching the other team crash and burn, it was decided that Jungkook's team was the winner of the second game.
The third game which would be played individually was Uno. Within a few times around the circle, Y/n was the first to go out. She jumped from her spot and took a seat on the couch behind them. Taehyung seemed to not fully understand the concept of the game. “Tae,” Joon said, slapping him on the knee. “You didn't say uno. You have to draw four cards.” This went on for a while until the members made a game out of it.
“Okay guys, he gets it. You have to let him say it when he lays his card down.” Without even realizing how it happened, Taehyung went out and got second place. Hobi was right behind him.
After a few more rounds, Y/n laid her hand on Jungkook's shoulder and discreetly held up a 1 until he realized. “UNO!” He gasped. “Uno, uno, uno, uno!” He flung his final card across the room causing everyone to bust out in a fit of laughter. Only a minute later did he play the card and get fourth place.
“You would have lost if I hadn't told you,” she giggled as Jungkook held up his hand for a high five.
“They didn't even notice!” They both laughed as they watched the game continue until it was just Jimin and Yoongi left. In order to save time, the boys decided they would draw cards. Whoever held the highest card would be the last winner. Jimin drew a green eight while Yoongi played a red reverse.
“What is that worth? Did we even establish this card?”
Jimin waved his hand at him. “It's okay, hyung. I'll allow it. You can redraw.”
“Awww,” Y/n cooed. “Jimin, that's so sweet.”
Jungkook's gaze shot between Jimin and Y/n. Sweet? What is that supposed to mean? Does she like him? He could feel his face heat up for the hundredth time that week and his fists clenched into balls-- not that Jimin was any threat to him. He couldn't possibly be.
Yoongi drew a draw 4 card, making Jimin the loser despite his good sportsmanship. “That's okay, Chim. You're still the best sport here.” At this point, Jungkook's blood was boiling. Jimin was stealing all of her attention. He needed to do something, anything that would bring her back to him. He noticed the way she leaned on the couch, exposing her hand on the cushion next to him. He slowly crept his hand closer until his fingers feathered over hers. She immediately looked up at him, but she didn't withdraw due to the considerable amount of butterflies fluttering in her stomach. What is he doing?
He mentally celebrated his success before pulling his hand away. Jimin who?
The twelvesome wrapped the shoot and the staff declared dinner would be ready soon. The punishment for Jimin's team was to clean up afterward.
“Hey, Y/n. C'mere for a sec.”
Hayden and Maya were still standing in the middle of the room. She turned in her heels dramatically and made her way to them.
“So, Maya's been filling me in on a few things-”
“Oh good god, Maya what did you tell him?” She asked her sternly.
“Just what he needs to know. I'll be going now.” She winked at Y/n and left the room with a swing in her step.
“I swear that girl gets on my nerves sometimes.”
“Don't change the subject. As your very best friend, I demand to know what's going on between you and Jungkook.”
“Hayden, nothing is going on between us! We literally met three days ago, and you know Maya! She's always trying to hook me up with random people. This is no different.”
Hayden nodded his head, staring at her suspiciously. “So you would tell me if something was going on?”
“Of course! What about me do you not know?”
“Okay, Y/n. I believe you. I just think Jungkook might have an eye for you.”
“Good grief.”
“That's all I'm saying. He's showing signs and I think we've all noticed.”
“Kay Sherlock, I'll be sure to keep you posted. Can we go eat now? I'm starving.”
“Yeah yeah, let's eat. But seriously-”
After an uneventful dinner, everyone turned in for the night. When arriving at their dorm, Y/n shoved Maya inside and kicked the door shut behind her. “Why would you talk to Hayden? We talked about this. It's nothing and I don't understand why you keep insisting that it is.”
“I'm sorry, Y/nickname. I didn't think you'd be that pressed about it.” Y/n followed her into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
“I'm not pressed, Maya. I'm tired. You always do this. Every time I interact with a male that isn't in our band, you blow it out of proportion. I don't want a boyfriend. If I did, I would have one. But I don't. I thought that after everything I went through with Luke that you would understand that.”
“I know. You're right. I just get so excited when you loosen up. You work so hard all the time and I care about your feelings. I want you to be happy.” Exiting the bathroom, the two sat on their mattresses to face each other. Maya looked into Y/n's eyes, reading her like an open book. “I know you're lonely,” she spoke softly.
“I'm not lonely, My. I have the greatest friends in the world to share my life with. And I know you care.”
“That's not what I meant,” she said tilting her head endearingly.
“I know what you meant. But I don't have time for that kind of thing. In our career, you have to decide what you want; love or success. You can't have both. Between the touring, the practice and recording, red carpets and events, press following around every corner; it can be too much for some people to understand.”
“I think there's someone who understands that perfectly.”
“Which only means double the time apart.”
“So celebrities and normal people alike are both no-nos.”
“Now you're getting it.”
“Okay! Okay, I'll leave you alone. Just- at least think about it. I really think having a little fun could be good for you right now.”
“If it will make you feel better, then fine. I will. Now go to sleep.” The girls each climbed into their beds-Maya almost immediately drifting off. Before Y/n could shut her eyes, she heard her phone vibrating.
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a.n. // DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE TIMES IN THE TEXTS. THEY ARE NOT CORRESPONDENT TO THE STORY. Oooh, who's Luke? And what does he have to do with you?
taglist // @darkdragonskies @kalisica
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akatsuki3519 · 7 years
Your top 5: favourite 'One Piece' characters, least favourite 'One Piece' characters, anime guys, anime guys that you would date (:P ;)), waifus, favourite opening songs, favourite anime endings, manga, favourite non-anime shows and favourite anime!!! That's quite a list!! Obviously, please feel free to pick the ones that interest you the most!! :D If I think of any more....I'll be sure to put them in your ask box!! ;)
Thanks so much for these, they’re great!!
Favourite One Piece characters: (I have SO MANY, but I think this is accurate! :P)1) Roronoa Zoro2) Monkey D. Luffy3) Trafalgar Law4) Jinbe - if he doesn’t join the crew I’m gonna riot, he’s just the best:’)5) Donquixote Rocinante/Corazon 
Least favourite One Piece characters:1) Blackbeard/Teach - one of my least favourite anime characters EVER, I can’tstand him!! I can’t wait to see him get his ass kicked…2) Akainu/Sakazuki - I hate him too, for obvious (spoiler filled) reasons…3) Trebol - he’s so annoying… >.4) Charloss - I wanted to just say the Celestial Dragons as a whole (except onefamily who shall remain nameless because massive spoilers) but that’s kinda cheating, so I picked my most hated one >:(5) Hody Jones (I just mildly dislike him lol)
Anime guys:1) Killua Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)2) Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri on Ice)3) Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)4) Makoto Tachibana (Free!)5) Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist)
Anime guys you would date: (this one was actually REALLY difficult, I changed my mind so many times and had to discount some of my faves for various reasons XD)1) Kiyoshi Teppei (Kuroko no Basuke) - he’s an actual angel 2) Trafalgar Law (One Piece) - okay, so he’s kind gruff and messed up but he’s actually a great person, even if he won’t admit it… :’) I was gonna say Roci but I figured Doffy would likely kill me so maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea lol3) Asahi Azumane (Haikyuu!!)4) Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)5) Sakuragi Rokurouta (Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin) - a bit of acurveball perhaps, I haven’t seen this show in quite a while and rarely talkabout it (partially because although it’s excellent, it’s very graphic and Ifound it very hard to watch), but I remember loving this character so much,he’s such a sweetheart and really looks out for the younger kids in the show
Waifu’s:1) Yona (Akatsuki no Yona)2) Nico Robin (One Piece)3) Celty (Durarara!!)4) Bishamon (Noragami)5) Machi (Hunter x Hunter)
Favourite opening songs: (okay so for both OP’sand ED’s, I took into account the video for the OP/ED as well as the song,otherwise it would have taken me days to decide!! >.1) Death Parade OP (Flyers by Bradio) - so, SO catchy! 2) One Piece OP 16 (Hands Up by Kota Shinzato) - the song never fails to cheerme up and the footage in the OP is excellent too (and spoiler free! :P)! I haveto mention that this is tied with OP 14 (Fight Together) though… sorry I knowthat’s cheating! XD I prefer the video of OP 14 (has spoilers though) but thesong of OP 16 so they kinda add up to me loving them both the same in the end!3) Haikyuu!! OP 4 (Fly High!! by Burnout Syndromes) - love the song and it’svisually STUNNING as well, the camera angles are phenomenal!! 4) FMA: B OP 5 (Rain by SID) - again, love the song and video 5) Kuroshitsuji Book of Circus OP (Enamel by SID) - and again, love the songand video! I particularly love how the credits are incorporated into the OPtoo!!
Honorable mentions: I feel the need to say I adore all the Durarara!! OP’s, bothNoragami OP’s, Akatsuki no Yona OP 1 and Naruto Shippuuden OP 6, I feel reallybad I couldn’t include them!! >.
Favourite ending songs: 1) Bungou Stray Dogs ED 1 (Namae Wo Yobu Yo by Luck Life) - beautiful melody and beautiful animation 2) FMA:B ED 2 (Let It All Out by Miho Fukuhara) - one of my all time faves!3) Parasyte ED (It’s the Right Time by Daichi Miura) - beautiful, beautiful song!4) Aldnoah.Zero ED 1 (A/Z by Hiroyuki Sawano, vocals by Mizuki) - I love all the music in Aldnoah.Zero, it’s composed by Hiroyuki Sawano after all :P5) Battery ED 2 (Wakamono no Subete by anderlust) - stunning ED… not so good show lol… this one JUST won out over Tokyo Ghoul ED 2 due to the video being gorgeous
Honorable mentions: Baccano! ED, Rainbow ED (first time I heard Galneryus and was blown away by the vocal range), Haikyuu!! ED 3, SnK ED 1, Kuroshitsuji ED 2, Higurashi ED 2, HxH ED 5, Durarara!! ED 2
Manga: (I’m excluding HxH because I’ve only read/amreading the Dark Continent arc in the manga lol)1) Akatsuki no Yona2) Noragami3) Ao no Exorcist4) Rurouni Kenshin5) Kuroshitsuji 
Favourite non-anime shows:1) Dexter - still haven’t finished it, oops…2) Masterchef - I’m obsessed with food/cooking programmes in general lol3) Daredevil - I really enjoyed the first season a lot! 4) Casualty - haven’t watched it in a few months… >.5) Game of Thrones - I’m only on like season 4 but I quite enjoy it tbh lol
I don’t watch much TV at all but I’m probably forgettingsomething… I also really liked Doctor Who when David Tennant was the doctor, notso much now though
Favourite anime: (I’ll probably change my mindtomorrow but anyway :P)1) Hunter x Hunter - this is definitely no. 1 anyway 2) FMA/FMA: Brotherhood - can’t decide, sorry… T.T3) One Piece4) Code Geass5) Kuroko no Basuke
Guilty pleasure anime! :P (one you sent me after this message! i.e. shows I liked that a lot of people didn’t. Therearen’t many of these tbh because I’m very selective with the shows I choose towatch, so I’m also gonna include ones I’m embarrassed I liked lol…)1) Sword Art Online - I really liked the first half a lot, and I also thoughtthat scene in the parking lot near the end was really good lol. I definitelydidn’t hate the second half of the series as much as some people… 2) Black Bullet - I really enjoyed this one okay lol3) Highschool of the Dead - listen, Ecchi aside, I thought this show was prettygood… the Ecchi was SO unnecessary though, it really annoyed me, it wouldhave been a great show without it!4) Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo ‘Shounen Tanteidan’ Yori - okay, so I gave this a 6 and gave it a pretty hard time when I reviewed it, my main thought after the last ep being ‘what was the point in that??’, HOWEVER… I really enjoyed and looked forward to it every week? So I dunno this is a weird one for me lol5) Kuroshitsuji II - PLEASE DON’T DISOWN ME GUYS I’M SORRY! XD This season was objectively awful, but I didn’t hate it for some reason…? I mean I definitely didn’t love it either lol… but I don’t think I had as strong a hate for it as the rest of the fandom… it was a really messed up season though, Alois creeped me out big time… 
Favourite anime endings: (the other one you sent me after this message!)1) Code Geass (R2) - there’s a S3 coming out so I guess you could discount this as the ending of the series now lol… but it was fantastic T.T AND I don’t think I had it spoiled for me beforehand! Massive plus! :P2) Kimi no Na wa - is this cheating? >.3) Hunter x Hunter (2011) - Yes, there are some loose ends (that are continued in the manga), but I think even as a stand alone show the ending was very satisfactory, I loved it!4) FMA: Brotherhood - just a really satisfying and complete ending! 5) Clannad: After Story - I was just so relieved it ended the way it did, I couldn’t have handled it otherwise haha… T.T
Honorable mentions: ACCA, Shouwa Genroku, Angel Beats!
And that’s it!! :D Thanks somuch for these they were such great asks!!
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spreadplaylist · 7 years
This month's SPREAD Artist Spotlight is a dear friend of mine, Tina Mathieu. Let's get a closer look at her life and her music!
Tina: Hey there.. My name is Tina Mathieu. I’m a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. I moved out here by way of NYC, where I spent roughly 15 years writing and playing acoustic soul music. Within the past few months, I released my first indie r&b single and ran my very first official trail run... uphill - So i’m kinda feelin’ myself. ; )
Dan: Haha hi Tina! Those are definitely things to be proud of. I'm so excited you're our SPREAD featured artist this month! Diving right into your life and career a little more, how long have you been a songwriter/artist?
Tina: I started writing my own music after I stepped away from musical theater back in 2003. I was 22 with a broken heart and a cheap classical guitar. Typical story. I’d been writing poetry since I was a child - and somehow the ability to turn my words into melodies just clicked.
Dan: And when it clicks it's the best feeling ever. Since you have been writing for a while I am sure you have some sort of routine. Describe the place that makes you feel the most inspired creatively.
Tina: The mountains and the shower… recently I began trail running through the Santa Monica mountains. Moving through the open air, surrounded by 360’ of a world reminding me how small I am gives me major perspective - I become elevated in every way. I usually record voice memos while I hike and continue playing with those ideas once I’m home... washing all the dirt the off. The shower makes me feel like I can sing anything.
Dan: More power to you on trail running. I don't think that's something I could ever have the endurance to do! But if we're talking singing in the shower, I definitely feel like Beyoncé the moment I step in, even though I definitely don't sound like her...
Quickly moving on to get that image out of everyone's head...I know you are a very motivated and driven person. Do you have a personal mantra that helps you get through each day? If so, what is it?
Tina: These days when I feel like so much is out of my control, I like to stick with “One day at a time” and the serenity prayer... Accept the things I cannot change - the courage to change the things I can - and the wisdom to know the difference. Oh wisdom…
Dan: I've never actually heard that prayer. That's something I may have to adopt. I definitely use the day-at-a-time mantra or I tend to get overwhelmed.
So, now that you have released a new single, I know you are trying to get out and perform in LA a little more. Coming from experience I know that's a blessing and a curse. What do you think is a misconception people have about performing?
Tina: That bigger notes mean better singer. This is especially true in musical theater or televised singing competitions. I’ve had lots of internal struggles with this misconception. After dealing with vocal nodes, I had to start letting the strengths within my tone, emotion and storytelling depict my artistry - rather than belting my life away.
Dan: To be honest I think reality singing tv shows have done some hurt to singers because everyone watches them and then expects everyone to have a huge, belting voice. But we have to make room for the soothing, sultry vocals too. ;)
If you can pick, what song of yours are u most proud of? Why?
Tina: I’m super proud of two songs. ‘Downward Spiral’, my first single that I released, was a long time coming. I wrote it about 2 ½ years ago in NYC after dealing with some family turmoil. I’m proud of it because I actually followed through with it. I’ve written tons of songs and always found excuses to not finish them. When I released ‘Downward Spiral’ I felt ready. I had no excuses left.
I’m also very proud of the next song i’ll be releasing in October, ‘Ring Off’. Reliving the discovery of an affair is probably the most raw i’ve been in songwriting yet. It still hurts when i sing it and i think it makes people uncomfortable… which means I did my job.
Dan: I've heard both and I have to say they are both chilling. I don't even know if I could pick a favorite. And again, congrats on the new single!
I know that this journey is hard to follow through with sometimes, and its easy to get caught up. So throughout your years as a songwriter, who is one person in your life that has influenced and pushed you to be where you are now?
Tina: Influenced and pushed are two different things for me. I’ve had several artist and musician friends that have inspired me immensely. My family has always supported and believed in me. But as for pushing me to where I am now... I did that. Lots of people gave me advice and thought I was wasting my talent by not following through for so long, but I couldn’t do anything until I was ready - from the inside - an inner push that was long overdue.
Dan: I'm so happy to see that push now, because you're amazing! It's crazy how we can hear kind words and support from so many different people but we equally have to hear us say it to ourselves, too. With this unstoppable Tina, describe a typical day in your life. What are you doing? What do u enjoy the most about it?
Tina: I’m a mom - so everyday starts the same... I have to wake up way earlier than I prefer to blindly pour apple juice for a 4 year old dude. I also work in tv production so I’m often juggling a freelance lifestyle which allows me the opportunity to make music. I try to hike or trail run whenever I can squeeze it in. Also, Target. I’m mostly at Target.
Dan: Target always saves the day. Also, you are my hero. Now that we've seen a glimpse into your grind, and that you are not holding back in your music making any longer, what do u think is the biggest misconception people have about working in the music industry?
Tina: That you get discovered and industry people figure everything out for you and you just get to sing and make money. EASY. It couldn’t be more of the opposite. Being an artist is running a small business - the financial investment, the self promotion, understanding the convoluted money splits on the back end of a song... I mean you really have to love the ‘making music’ part of it.
Dan: You have to love it almost more than anything else. There's so much more behind the scenes that people do not think about. Being where you are today, and having just released an awesome single, if you could go back in time to the Tina Mathieu who just started out as a songwriter and artist, what is a piece of advice you would give her?
Tina: Be nice to yourself. It’s ok to tell people that you are a songwriter. You’re not a phony. And you don’t have to hide behind other people’s success… you deserve your own.
Dan: Preach, girl. Also discussing your day-to-day life, how do u manage a busy schedule and stress? How do you recharge when u need to?
Tina: I try to stay as organized as possible - Google docs run my life. Hiking and weed are my stress relievers. Often paired together. :)
Dan: We definitely need those stress relievers to get us through the business. Breaks away from the madness are so important.
A part of this business also includes of failed attempts or let-downs. I feel like they are so common you can easily lose track. Tell us about a time that you feel like you failed musically. How did u overcome this?
Tina: When I found out I was pregnant, I felt like I completely failed musically. I had yet to put out a single, yet to release an EP… and to be honest, I thought that being a mom meant that I had run out of time. I wrote a depressing song that day (that no one has ever heard) and decided to accept my failure as an artist. Luckily, being a songwriter is simply a part of me that won’t go away. It took a few years to start finding my way again - but I’m actually better than I was before and now I have someone very special to impress.
Dan: You are a natural songwriter. I don't think it could go away if you tried to make it! I am really touched by your answer, and I can't help but be grateful for all the badass moms we see in the industry that are killing it. Ya know, Pink, Beyoncé, Adele to name a few... It gives me hope that other moms will be inspired to keep going; that they're not done after having a kid. And I'll be the one to say I am SO glad you didn't give up. We desperately need your music in the world. Also...your kid is ridiculously cute I can't handle it. He'll always be your number one fan!
What is a defining moment of your career and how has it affected your life since?
Tina: Releasing ‘Downward Spiral’ is the most defining moment so far. When I teamed up with the Los Angeles Songwriters Collective for their 2nd EP, I committed to myself that it was time follow through. The past few months have been non-stop songwriting, studio time, gigs, co-write sessions, networking and supporting new artist friends. Making that one commitment changed everything for me.
Dan: I have such a big smile on my face. The gears are turning and there's no stopping now!
Looking to your inspiratioins, tell us about an artist/songwriter who inspires u. What would you like to emulate in your own artistry?
Tina: Erykah Badu is my all time favorite artist. Unique in every way. Her voice, words, melodic decisions, storytelling... honest & confident.
“She’s Clever.”
John Mayer is my favorite lyricist - I try to learn a lot from the honesty and details in his poetry. I may or may not have a lyric tattooed around my wrist. (Shhh.. I’m a fangirl!)
I’m not looking to emulate them but rather let what I love in these artists innately come through me - kinda like osmosis.
Dan: You said something SO important right there. I think up and coming artists struggle a lot when they're first releasing music. They listen to their favorite artists and then try to sound like them, but the key is letting what you love about them show in your own way! Ah, I could scream! Nail on the damn head.
So what artist/album/song have u had on repeat lately?
Tina: 90’s male R&B slow jam Playlist - Ginuwine, Dru Hill, 112, etc..
Julia Michaels - She is an effortless genius.
Kehlani - Obsessed with her.
Fiona Apple, Tidal - because her words never go out of style (and I still need a dictionary to get through some songs...)
Dan: What a good ass mix! If people reading this have not checked those artists out, GO! Some of them have been featured on SPREAD before... ;)
Laaaaaast but not least at all, how can we check out ur music and stay up to date with ur releases/posts? Anything we should especially be on the lookout for? ;)
Tina: I’m mostly active on Instagram - @tinamathieumusic. You can listen to ‘Downward Spiral’ on SPREAD CH. 4 - Feels and also stream or download it anywhere music exists. I have a few LA gigs lined up for Sept / Oct, which I’ll be announcing soon - and my newest single, ‘Ring Off’ will be available this fall.
Dan: Y'all heard it from Tina herself! If u haven't already, go check out her new single, 'Downward Spiral' on SPREAD CH.4 and go follow her! LA people, make sure u go see her live to because her music and her voice slays. Thanks again, Tina, for being SPREAD CH.4's featured artist. I'm super excited to see where this next year takes u! :)
Thank you everyone for joining us for this month's SPREAD Artist Spotlight! I hope you have let out all the FEELS u can before Friday because a whole new playlist is coming! And it's gonna end with a bang 🎊
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