#I'll tell you that's the least scary part of it πŸ’€
shehsart Β· 1 year
A coworker told me Selena Gomez has a scary internal illness that causes her face to swell
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whxre-bxby Β· 1 year
Mansk(recom) Characterisation
I have Mansk brainrot <3 here's my interpretation of him and some random things I want to point out. Some of it is canon :)
I will totally be adding more things to this as time goes by.
(This is a clusterfuck of thoughts, no order sorry. It's a mess. This has absolutely no structure)
MANSK HAS AN AMERICAN EAGLE TATTOO ACROSS HIS CHEST (I think that's what it is, I'll make a separate post about it with sketches)
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Just like the eagle Quaritch has except its wings are spread above his (massive, sexy) pecs.
(I saw some art and maybe it's not an eagle but a three headed angel of death)πŸ’€
Here is a random picture I found of the back of Mansk's head. <3
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love him sm
The look of DISGUST he has when handling Tsireya (gorgeous queen).
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(ew it's wet, quickly tie it down)
She's wet from the ocean and his hands must have gotten wet and he's all grossed out from the 'fish-lipped alien' and has to touch it.
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Deffo thoroughly wanted to wash and disinfect his hands after.
The man HATES nature. I mean he despises it, on Earth too (whatever was left of it). That's why he is wearing the opposite of Walker's outfits. He's covered, head to toe. Expect for, well head. But everything else can't come in direct contact with nature on Pandora because to him it's scary and gross.
He hates native Na'vi too but once he becomes a recom, it dies down a little. Now, his hate for them is divided between blue forest Na'vi and the water Na'vi.
He still thinks of himself as human rather than Na'vi. I'm saying, when the man woke up from recom, he needed to be alone for the rest of the day while the others were discussing the mission. He just left the room and locked himself in his room, sitting in silence. He didn't want to look at himself in the mirror because it was too much. He just died and now he was back in the form of his enemy. The enemy terrified him because that's how he died in the first place.
While Lyle's first thought would be to pull down his pants and check out (yk) , Mansk would refuse to remove his clothes because he was worried he would lose it if he genuinely saw himself properly for the first time. I'm saying if the man saw all of himself in the first few days he would be so lost in himself and overwhelmed he would break down and cry. He seems like this intimidating tall man who has it all figured out but I'm telling you HE IS A SENSITIVE SOFTIE AND TAKES EVERYTHING TO HEART. He would avoid reflections, keep his head down and prefer not to directly look at his teammates because they were blue too. (Blue Na'vi racist kinda, but with PTSD)
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He is quiet. Not shy quiet, just observing quiet. When he does speak he uses the least amount of words to express himself. Mansk is clever and when he says things they have been thought through by him. He never speaks before thinking. He's confident but doesn't express it. Basically the opposite of Lyle.
He likes wearing his shades because 1. they look dope 2. he isn't happy about being in a Na'vi body so he wants to seem as human as possible. Adding to that, his tail freaks him out. He wishes it weren't there. Sometimes he forgets it's a part of him now and it scares the shit out of him. His new body has him feeling really down because he knows that he can never return to Earth like this.
Grillmaster 100% without a doubt. I love that this fandom just decided that. It fits so well. Can't cook things like pasta or make soup. He can grill and fry shit. That's his thing. For properly baking something he will need luck on his side but it might work.
Another random thing. This man NEVER gets sick. I'm saying he's immune to it all. You're sick? Have the flu? Covid? It never gets him. He's safe with the immune system of a god.
He gets a sore jaw from constantly biting down and clenching it due to stress (just like me fr fr)
Adding to that, he almost always looks like he is in deep thought. He looks almost scary because he seems so intimidating. It's rare when he smiles.
(Quoting Taylor Swift: Yeah, you got a smile that can light up this whole town) :0
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He is the type of person that lays in bed for hours before falling asleep. Maybe because of some fucked up shit he has seen that stays in his head. He also refused to sleep on his back in his new body because of his tail and braid.
If there would be a skiing holiday, THIS MAN SNOWBOARDS. Quaritch would be the dad with skis and a large backpack.
He is super precious and soft. Will never want any of his teammate to know but if he finds someone he likes, he will be silently obsessed. Not in a creepy way, but he can't stop thinking about them. He doesn't fall for people easily but when he does HE FALLS HARD.
Mansk is self conscious so if he likes someone he will never act on it and never tell anyone. At night when he is alone, he would be going over all the reasons of why it wouldn't work out and why his crush doesn't like him or can't like him.
All he wants is to be cuddled, taken care of and kissed to sleep. Honestly, that's it. He wants to give everything he can to the person he cares about but will need constant reminders that they actually like him back and that he isn't just imagining it. If the person is gone for a few days, his bad thoughts will return and when they come back he will be distant and ask things like 'Sorry, I'm bothering you aren't I? You probably have lots to do.'
Leading to his fam, he joined the military because his dad did and so did his grandpa etc. It's a bloodline thing and because of that, he's never been loved properly and always treated as a soldier in making. He needs to be drowned in love.
SUPER NERVOUS around his crush. Sweating palms, stuttering, all that shit. He's down bad.
Here is him freaking out that they are under attack and yelling "NA'VI" in his super masculine deep ass husky voice✨️
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gorgeous fuckin precious bean
- if ANYONE compliments ANYTHING on him he will never forget it and always think back to that moment
Example : "Hey Mansk, nice shoes/shirt/shades/tattoo's"
NSFW: if the person he likes is wearing an apron with barely anything on or nothing underneath = huge turn on, instant boner, Mansk will become putty in your hands
random: (lyle listens to taylor swift (shake it off while working out))
have a nice day :)
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dropdeadgorgeos Β· 9 months
So this is just like a thought of like imagine (I swear I say that word all the time πŸ’€) if the twst boys(expect orhto and the staff) we like yanderes like... I can't get my head off this subject-
𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕑𝕀 π•šπ•Ÿπ•”π•π•¦π••π•–π••
Riddle Rosehearts:
Tbh I can see him working with Trey and Chenya all to get your love like they all can have a role where Chenya is like the scarast Mitch and he can like stalk you in his invisible form and riddle can make sure your always doing well and IF they hurt you which I don't see it happen but it could riddle would gladly heal you up and Trey could bake for you and protect you.
Ace & Deuce:
Okay so I think this would work as like they both try and like lock you somewhere where only they could find you though that's what most would probably do but whatever and like I don't see much here sorry-
Okay so like he forces you to take pictures with him all the time and always tries to hide your sad face of being trapped in his room so he puts filters on and make you smile and always shows you how much people love your fake smile.
Jamil & Kalim:
Y'all KNOW these guys are working together like they don't even need to lock Y/N up Jamil just needs to hypnotize you and hide the fact your spellee and like they could just walk around holding your hand and they lock you up like Jamil did in book 4 lol see he's my favorite character and he is absolutely horrifying
Okay so like he spells the Apple as a love spell feeds it to you boom! That easy! He doesn't even need to chain you up.
β„π• π• π•œ β„π•¦π•Ÿπ•₯:
HOLY FUCKING GOD OMG okay so like this dude already stalks you imagine him actually taking you as his prey and like chaining you up as a trophy or something like he's already scary you gotta get scarier like god man I don't think I'll be able to live with that.
I don't really see it but that's probably because I'm not a big Epel fan so I don't know much other than he likes being strong or something I'm probably even wrong on that so I'm so sorry to all you Epel fans/simps I can't do this one sorry.
π•ƒπ•–π• π•Ÿπ•’ π•‚π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•€π•”π•™π• π•π•’π•£:
Imagine ge respects women to much to do this 😘 but I mean if he did he'd probably chain you up yeah and just like sleep with you while your chained up and bring you meat eat (so of you are a real plant eater us better get going-)
I can kinda see this maybe he could side with Leona or just keep you there I don't really see it happen but just tell me what you guys think.
π•π•’π•”π•œ ℍ𝕠𝕨𝕝:
Hm....fuck... Your up against one of the strongest (physical form) students how the heck you escaping that??? Your not at least I wouldn't my body is to small and fragle he'll break me the moment we touch bruh.
𝔸𝕫𝕦𝕝 π”Έπ•€π•™π•–π•Ÿπ•˜π•£π• π•₯π•₯𝕠:
I feel like the fish mafia are some of the scariest yanderes because like I could see Azul actually using a spell to turn you into a fish or like a mermaid or something in than like he locks you in a tank and sits in his chair and just looks at your beauty and maybe made you sign a contract to forever be his oh! He didn't use a spell your silly ass signed a contract Hehehe hehehe fuck azul's yandere it's scary( I have a fear of being in water to long :'0)
𝕁𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕃𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕙:
I feel like this could work with him and his brother bit also not I can totally see this man using chains like for sure and he changes your emotions from scared and sad that your locked up to happy and loving like fish mafia = scary fucking yanderes
𝔽𝕝𝕠π•ͺ𝕕 𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕔𝕙:
He's... Already scary enough yep he doesn't need to go any farther to give me nightmares he chains me up and I'm as good as dead and I know you are to let's just be honest I think Jade would help him chain you up tbh.
Maybe lock you in his room or the lab idk cause I'm not at that part of the game yet but I know a few things so maybe like that and he would XD omg imagine he forces you to play Mario Kart with him XD just a thought lmao
𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕦𝕀 π••π•£π•’π•”π• π•Ÿπ•šπ•’:
Probably tries to turn you into a fairy or something crap maybe makes you prick your finger so you don't run away and your fast asleep or something and he just watches you and forces you to be his queen I bet on a lot of these you aren't human like they turn you into some sorta creature that's from there home or kind.
Hm... Yep... Yep that's scary alright so like imagine your just living hour life than this 200 year old man short as your dresser walks in and is like "your mine now" he take you home and you wake up the next day chained up and bleeding like.. Lilia I could see them playing rough tbh.
Y'know I don't really see it maybe you do but I don't.
π•Šπ•–π•“π•–π•œ β„€π•šπ•˜π•§π• π•π•₯:
Okay just a funny thought imagine he like ties you up and you guys are sitting together and he just tells you how much he love waka-sama XD and like he just explains it and he's like "oh yeah I love you a nd your here because I love you but I love waka-sama so much I could never tie him up" like boi-
PLEASE tell me if I forgot someone brain not going through
I could imagine Azul sitting as his desk saying a little peom
"Dear the deep blue sea! Let me be the only light you see!"
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Hello! First off all, I hope you are having an excellent day /night! <3
Only if you could, can i request some headcanons of the hashiras (if it's possible all of them, if not, you can choose whoever you want!) seeing reader (who's also a hashira) as an older sibling figure?? Please and thank you β™‘
Oh this would be so sweet
I'll try to do all of them with as much detail as possible bae
This is part one and some of the characters are missing because it's four in the morning πŸ’€
Also I wrote this as a fem reader, but if you'd like another version w different pronouns please lemme know and I'll absolutely do that for you :)
Hashira x Sibling Figure!Fem!Reader Headcanon (Platonic)
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Hes so proud to be your flamboyant brother. You're his almost as flamboyant sister.
He likes to treat you like your his little sister, being all protective and caring, but in reality you're older and you've beat him in combat enough to shut him up at least.
The sense of family is always so nice to have though.
His wives absolutely adore you and you adore them too, and you know that you're always welcome in his home and always will be.
Absolute bone crushing hugs are a daily experience, the man literally bear hugs you like he's secretly plotting your death. Your spine cracks and clicks every. Single. Time.
Not to mention the slaps on the upper back and shoulder he likes to give you when he's talking. It's like he's trying to burp you.
He knows he can talk about absolutely anything with you and you'll understand, you've been there since the beginning after all.
Nothing will stop him from bragging about being your brother. Your bond never ceases to put a smile on your face.
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He has very frequent outbursts at you, but it's fine because you match his energy, and you always yell at him back. He never wins.
You both have such a strong bond, so it makes sense that you both fight like siblings too.
He does hold his tongue on the snarky attitude though, since you always seem to pick a fight with him over it.
But he knows that through all of your fighting and glaring daggers, that he can still come to you for anything.
You also get special treatment because he tolerates you, though he never says it out loud.
He also prefers to go on missions with you to act like the older brother, always trying to protect you and show you that he's stronger. It backfires all the time though, since you literally kick his ass every time he annoys you with that 🦢
He just wants to keep you alive. He wants you to stay with him and keep being his big sister and you know it. He's just too stubborn to talk to you in any way that's not a threat.
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She finds you absolutely adorable, which mirrors the way you see her. She loves you and fawns over you all the time.
You're the one who taught her how to braid her hair, and you redo it for her every time she asks because you love her.
Your bond is so strong that your mental link is almost scary. Almost instantly you can tell when there's something on her mind, and she can do the same thing with you.
This was actually how you found out about her crush on a fellow hashira.
Of course you will never pass up the chance to tease her about it, you just wouldn't be an adequate sister otherwise.
She loves to give you an affectionate hug around the waist as a greeting and when she's happy, and she doesn't quite wrap her arms all the way around, only placing them on your ribs under your arms.
She absolutely loves to tell everyone how lovely and pretty and honourable she thinks you are, singing your praise like you do to her. She must've learned it from you.
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He has so much adoration and respect for you that he practically reeks of it when you're around.
Whenever he sees you, you could swear he's twinkling, he just positively lights up when you're around.
Senjuro adores you as well, since you've been there for the both of them and absolutely refuse to pick a favourite, and you act like a mentor and friend to both of the siblings.
Rengoku only respects you so much more for it.
He thinks you're an absolute delight to be around and his cheeks almost hurt when he speaks to you because he's smiling so wide all the damned time.
He even thinks it's cool that you can whoop his ass in combat too, and it makes sense since you've been there with him since pretty much day one to fight and train with him and grow alongside him.
He can always count on you to give the best advice too. If he seeks an opinion, hell come to you first.
He likes to make you laugh too, and when he treats you like family it makes your heart constrict.
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The sweetheart really tries his best to be the perfect brother to you, and he feels so lucky to have you as his sister.
Hes always a good listener but as much as he really tries to remember everything you're saying, it's really difficult for him.
You never see that as a problem though, and it's even a plus that you can tell him your every secret and he won't let that change the way he thinks about you, not like that would ever happen if he did remember.
He absolutely loves to take naps by your side. You two have been practically inseparable since day one and you're always there to be a crutch for him when he needs it.
He loves to watch the clouds with you as well, and sit on the floor while getting lost in thought, comfortable with the presence of his overprotective older sister there with him
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superblysubpar Β· 4 months
I hope this isn’t too personal but would you tell us how your screenwriting process was? I saw that you submitted WCIL as a screenplay and as someone whos scared to stop I’d love to know how you did it
Um this not too personal AT ALL. I really wanna chat about things with you all, whether that's dumb stuff or serious stuff or whatever. My inbox is open πŸ’› Also, I am SO sorry this is so fucking long πŸ’€
My #1 piece of advice is to decide to take the leap. Which, I get, is easier said than done. I had dreams of doing things for the movies one day since I was little, I just let society and myself convince me that dreams like that don't pan out -- except how would I know if I never try?? And it's scary. I have a degree I'm proud of that took me a long time to get for a job I am not pursuing and don't really want to again. It's scary to change directions and take a leap into unknown territory, especially one that's centered around the arts - often looked down on by other people with "real jobs". It's taken a very long time to get here, this community is largely to thank for the chance at this dream, as well as people I've met through this Fandom. I would have never taken the leap without the encouragement of people in this fandom, especially @loveshotzz & @sweetsweetjellybean . But ultimately, I had and have to be the one who has faith in myself.
#2, follow some accounts on Instagram, where ever, listen to some podcasts, etc. A ton of how I found out about these contests is just from listening to The Screen Writer's Life podcast and hearing them mention contsests. Then I googled contests, and found their accounts on Instagram which led me to more, I'll post a few pictures below of some beneficial ones - pay special attention to rules of contests and also the validity of an account - who else follows them, what info can you find about them on Google, can you submit material that's submitted to other contests etc.
#3 - in terms of the actual screenwriting process, I will say I am largely winging it πŸ’› but here's a few things that may help:
I have this book I'm reading (picture below) which turned out to be a pretty standard for the industry? People like Tina Fey have talked about reading this book and then just doing the damn thing in interviews.
I had a few film studies courses over the years, so this helped me understand a little bit of the language used when critiquing film and studying screenplays - but I don't think this is necessary. There's a ton of lower cost online courses, masterclass, free YouTube videos and more if you Google.
Reading other screenplays. Do you have a genre you want to write specifically? Or how about your favorite movies? While there is a sort of standard way to write a screenplay, it's amazing how when reading a variety of scripts, you can see each screenplay Writer's individual voice and vision. Many are free online to read just by googling, at least a version of the script potentially in its early draft stages.
I used the software, free version, Celtx to write WCIL. It was very user friendly and easy to pick up, and I think gives you a great gateway into how to write a screenplay. However, the free version was pretty glitchy, and now that I know I want to do this more, I'll be investing in Final Draft (pretty standard in the film industry from what I can tell). Aside from this sort of teaching me the layout, Google and interest and like I said, reading other scripts, got me into the flow of how to write one.
I had a pretty clear vision of WCIL because of already writing the fanfic. For me, having the clear outline helped immensely. And then, for me, it helped to do the straight dialogue from beginning to end, with no action or scene headings, THEN I went back and filled these pieces in. From all my research (and that book I'm reading) dialogue is the most important part of your screenplay. As the writer of a movie, it is not your job to descibe the setting and the emotions and the costumes in immense detail. Your job is the story, and it's everyone else's job to bring it to life. So that leads to - just letting things go - realizing "hey as much as I love this scene, is it important to the story? Why or why not. What needs to be cut for it to fit? Do I need this piece of action or is the dialogue enough Etc."
Lastly, honestly just googling questions I had - anything from page numbers (a page typically equals about a minute for example, which is why the standard maximum page number usually is 120) to how to show an interruption in dialogue, to what should be capitalized and what shouldn'tΒ  - Google is your friend. The screenplays of other movies are your friend. The more resources you read the more you learn and absorb.
I really hope any of this helps!! If I can do it, you can do it! Good luck πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›
Highly beneficial accounts to follow to start off with. But there's so much more!
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The podcast I listen to:
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The book πŸ’›
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natimiles Β· 6 months
SO LIKE... I'm a hoe for Theo and I will forever love his route even though I wish the story wasn't squeezed to death by a month. 😞
I wanna take a moment to to adore the fact that this grumpy ass guard dog has so much little brother energy I can't help, but scream (IRL I will be too scared too, but he's really funny when he's being bullied I'm sorry). I mean irl I'll probably bite his hand and tell him to leave me tf alone, but God he's adorable and scary with his older brother. I still feel heartbroken though because of... Well backstory reasons (if you know you know).
Alsoo.... I adore his frenemy... Probably bc he's my frenemy. My God I have such a love-hate feeling with this flirty mfer it's not even funny. I did legit hate him at first though and I still kinda do especially because he does creep me out a little with his flirting like... I get it's an act for the most part, but much like he hates how unreadable Dazai is, I honestly have a hard time reading him too. Still though, I feel really heartbroken for this dork. Yet I also wanna smack him in the face with a broom bc holy shit he needs a reality check. Like SIR this is not okay... Also I love the way this guy just had this pouty face, kinda makes me wanna bully him a little (even though I'll probably be to scared to bully him just like with Theo). Irl I'll probably absolutely hide from him though like the flag and absolutely wouldn't tolerate his attitude (I know he'll actually be understanding, but that'll take a long time to believe...) I feel bad, but like that's the honest truth.
I wanna befriend Issac, but I'll probably be scared to approach him. I mean we probably won't have much in common bc I'm anime/ manga/art-ish hoe, but something about him makes me wanna befriend him (possibly marry him)? He just looks so friend SHAPED even though he hates it...
Also I hc Levi with gifted kid burnout (totally not bc I'm sorta projecting myself onto him). Bro undervalues himself way too much... I was also gonna add that IRL every brother in the game will probably hate me solely bc I absolutely have no confidence and I rather hide especially to due the fact that I'll be far from home. πŸ’€ I also probably be too scared to talk to Levi and Mammon even though I love them very much. Idk as much as I like tsun-tsun, I genuinely be to dense to understand and absolutely to sensitive to the shit they'll say.
Sill though, Levi is an mood and if I manage to not be... A weirdo, I'll probably get along with him the most ( even though he'll be yelling at me to finish the fucking manga properly). Mammon though... I love this dumbass, I truly do, but I swear we'll drive each other insane.
Also adore Levi when he's cocky (even if it'll start sting), I just swoon over a character who lost his confidence finally getting it. It's just.... Amazing. Mammon being the big bro... 😭 Oh how my heart burst.
YES! Let’s all agree that ONE MONTH IS TOO SHORT! At least Ikesen MC had 3 months before deciding to stay in the past. It bugs me that we have such a short time with them. I understand they didn’t want really long routes or whatever, but... damn Cybird, ONE MONTH? But it’s still better than ELEVEN DAYS, right? Yes, I’m talking TO YOU, Mystic Messenger.
HASIUEHASIUEHAS, he calls us hondje but he is such a puppy! Like Vincent just goes β€œBe nice, Theo. Shut it, Theo” and he just β€œFine, Broer…” HIUSAHEAUISHESAIUH. But yeah, I know! It’s been a while, but I played his routes... Interlude helped a little to remember some things. And damn… it’s a lot to take in and develop IN ONE MONTH, CYBIRD! For both of them, really. I hate Vincent’s ending Irl I’d probably not get too close to Theo but not because he scares me, but because he’s rude HASIEHASIUE.
I. LOVE. ARTHUR. This bitch has so many issues. He’s another puppy that just wants (and needs) to be loved πŸ₯Ή And I love their relationship! Frenemies? Yes! Besties? Yes! Best wingmans for each other? Yes! LOVERS? FUCKING YES! I wanna smack his face with my face. Or with Theo’s face, whoever is closer, HASIUEHASUIEHSA. But even if it's a platonic relationship, Arthur is such a good friend. He really cares for others… He’s the one who helps Theo in Interlude and it’s precious πŸ₯Ή
Me and Isaac don’t have anything in common. Would that stop me? Absolutely not. Just come here and let me love you, you awkward hedgehog! I LIVE TO LOVE SHY MEN! He would be a good friend too! If he considers you a friend, it means so much to him! But I’d rather marry him, HAISUEHASUIHESA. And we would bond over the things we like, even if they’re so different. I like the stars, but I don’t know much about them, so he could teach me. And I could tell him about all my favorite animes, mangas and games.Β 
Ooooh! I searched for it and… I can totally see Levi! People tend to think Satan is the only one that’s actually smart, but they all are smart in their own ways. I feel Levi is not appreciated enough, even in-game. Sometimes he’s there just to be funny and to be the awkward, shy guy. My baby doesn’t deserve that, he deserves so much love. Also, I think Mammon totally has ADHD. He’s good with math, as long as you explain it to him as if you were talking about money (his hyperfocus). Belphie is smart too, he sleeps in every class and he still has good grades.Β 
Irl I’d get closer to Levi and Beel first. I love cooking, so Beel would love me quickly. I wouldn’t help Belphie because I’d obey Lucifer and stay away from the attic, HAISEHASIUEHSA. Mammon is the type of friend I could have and that I would want to kill every 2 seconds, but I couldn’t leave him alone or he’d get in trouble and get himself killed. But out of everyone, I think Solomon is more the type of friend I usually have? I don’t know why though, I just have this feeling about him, AHSIEUHASUIEHSA.
I LIVE FOR A COCKY AND CONFIDENT LEVI! Gimme moooooore! I was looking at some random screenshots I have here and I found one of him, I think it’s from that beach Devilgram. The one we have an animation from him… I don’t know the name, HAIUEHASUIEHSA. But the point is: Levi can be assertive and confident when he really wants (or needs) to!
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Ignore the awful quality. I had to play at the lowest quality because my phone wasn't the best at the time, AHSIUEHSA.
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bisluthq Β· 1 month
it's like the dear john mayer-esque guitar riff but on steroids. imgonnagetyouback has straight lyrics lifted directly from one of their songs and the opening melody from another song, he could well and truly pull a cruel summer-deja vu on her over it if had the audacity (he doesn't). //
Speaking of lyric lifting, I saw an old interview where Taylor was talking about how much she LOVED John's song "In Your Atmosphere." She went on a rant about how SHE called it the "LA song" because there's an "adorable, precious" part in the song where he says he's "not gonna go to LA anymore," because the chick he's broken up with lives there.
ANYWAY, I then clocked that this lowkey sounded like Cornelia Street 1.0, SO THEN I LISTENED TO IT and hear the lines, "All the streetlights say nevermind" (I ask the traffic lights if it'll be alright...) and "I'll watch your life play out in pictures from afar" (so I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep).
AND the thing is, a few months ago, a similar thing happened. I was going through an old playlist she'd made and there was a few John Mayer songs. Tell me why Comfortable is literally just The Way I Loved You (John's Version). Tell me why the bridge of that song starts with the line, "She thinks I can't see the smile that she's faking" and the bridge of TWILY starts with "he can’t see the smile I'm faking." Tell me why she emphasises the word Comfortable in the song. Tell me why the intro to TWILY on the Fearless tour sounds IDENTICAL to WCS and why the performance involves her fantasising about running off with her GUITAR PLAYER.
Another one was Waiting on the world to change and... Change. Then there was Slow Dancing in a Burning Room and like... half the songs she wrote about him (and the bridge of DWOHT lmao). Oh, and she didn't explicitly mention this one, but 83 is interesting cause it's like John's Version of seven and he says he "wants to be superman" which is😭 and then there's the whole "Half of my heart is the part of a man who's never truly loved anything" (which he changed to "half of my heart is the part that YOU GO that's never truly loved anything" the 1 time they performed it together because he's... EVIL) to "you never loved me... or her... or anyone... or anything" line in IKYWT.
Anyway, in conclusion, this woman should NOT be allowed to date musicians (at least not one's whoose music she actually listens to😭). It does scary things to her brain.
(The Way I Loved You clip in case you were curious. It starts sounding suspiciously WCS-y around the 1:10 mark)
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shoyoist Β· 1 year
NOOO THE YELLINGGG i bet hanma doesn't even think he's being harsh cuz he's just havng fun with you guys AHHAHA it would be all
k : "can you stop that?!?"
h : "stop what"
k : "acting like that"
h: "how do i act??"
k: "like an asshole"
but the jiu jitsu thing is so true tho since in film (at least to me ASDFSD) a lot of small sorry dean assassin archetype characters use a lot of jiu jitsu and even in tr rindou uses jiu jitsu!
sidenote tho: is dean an assassin?? i kinda get that vibe from them in this selfship and its really cool like people honestly don't expound on themselves too much in their selfships likee :( tell me about youu yk??
and who knows! maybe hanma thinks its cute when you're squaring up to him like that HAHAH
- πŸ¦† (OH NOO this was a really long one i'm so sorry)
shuji doesn't think he's doing anything wrong but actually he's scaring the three of us to BITS 😭
and yes! one of dean's roles (along with shuji, because we're in kisaki's team remember!) is to play the part of tenjiku's personal assassin. instead of hiring independent hitmen and subjecting our organization to that risk, dean and shuji clean up after traitorsβ€” dean takes care of things as quietly and carefully as she can, but shuji likes making a mess πŸ’€ and they also do the stalking/tailing whenever we suspect a mole or if we think we've got an enemy on our trail.
+ they do special recruitments! like me for instance. when izana asked kisaki for a solution to their lack of reliable medical assistance, kisaki did some digging and discovered me, and dean and shuji did a background check on me personally to make sure i was clean before kisaki, kakucho & izana met with me to talk me into joining.
i dont do much work out on the field. my primary role is to deal with any injuries that the executives (and the whole upper echelon in general) come to me with. apart from that, i help the other execs with paperwork, and i continue my personal work in the medical field now within tenjiku, but when they bring someone in to be questioned? i do that<3
i play good cop and shuji usually plays bad cop, except it's me calmly asking a question and then gesturing to shuji and telling whoever it is that "if you dont give me the answers i want, you'll be dealt with. accordingly." and shuji grins down at them from where he's standing behind me, holding an axe over his shoulder<33
he got the axe specially for times like this (he's only actually used it once or twice, it's too messy to actually fight someone with that thing) and he just waves it around, circles our captive while holding the axe blade so close to their throat, just bringing in the element of fear!
other times, it's dean that plays bad cop. dean is a lot more violent than shuji is (we dont allow shuji to be violent towards the people we're questioning. he goes overboard πŸ™„).
i tell dean beforehand exactly where to use their knives to cut the captive open where it'll bleed enough to scare but not to actually become fatal, and if they act up while i'm questioning them, dean follows my instructions and uses their knives to make thin, precise cuts that bleed seemingly "too much."
then i tell the captive that dean stabbed them specifically in a place that will make them bleed out and die (the scary amount of blood coming out is a convincing factor for this lie) and that i'll save them only if they hurry up and answer my questions.
it works every single time! kisaki loves me for it because it's such a good plan<3 all of tenjiku just comes to me every time they have a difficult time cracking a captive, and it only brings my name higher on the bar. it's like "rekha ramirez from yokohama tenjiku?? people say she has a way of forcing open anyone's mouth."
so the moment i step into the room, it instills fear into them. they're so afraid of what's happening, and when i get dean to cut them open and lie to their faces about how they're going to bleed out and die within a few minutes, they believe me! in their desperation to be saved and their terrible fear of being on the brink of death, they honestly tell me everything they know.
and i tell dean to patch them up (or i call shuji in for the kill, depending on what the captive has done or confessed) and go write up my lil report and hand it to kisaki, who gives me a kiss for the good work<33
++ hehe dw about making your asks long! my answers are always super long anyway 😭 i hope you're enjoying this HAHA<3
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ficsforeren Β· 2 years
First of all, hiiiiii! How are you doing? I missed you! I hope you’re well and your baby is doing well too. So I’m not really big on zombie apocalypse settings because I’m a wimp and I get scared easily. But is there a happy ending there where… you know like Eren or the reader don’t die and end up happy together. Or because it’s based off of that Will Smith movie then Eren is going to die and then they find out there’s actually a larger community of human beings than expected and at least Eren dies knowing Y/N is safe
And so I have a theory about The Lies We Told. You said no happy ending right? It’s mentioned that Y/N’s great great grandfather wiped out Eren’s family. And now all of a sudden Eren ends up near the castle with his memory wiped and he’s badly injured? So what if the original plan was to send Eren to infiltrate the castle or I don’t know he was supposed to kill off the royal family. Now all of a sudden he gets injured and he lost his memory. So the original plan is out the window because Eren is now in love with Princess Y/N. Aside from the whole love triangle thing with Armin, what’s gonna happen if or when Eren gets his memory back? Are there more Jaegers or enemies of the royal family plotting to wipe them out? Oh my god, does Y/N end up dying in Eren’s arms? Cause Eren did request from King Erwin that all he wanted was to be with his daughter…
The last song broke me and in the original ending Eren died so for your knight!Eren series would Y/N die this time? Or would that be too predictable. Or would you pull something similar to the manga where Eren dies at the hands of the one he loved the most and wow I can just go on and on.
Let me just end off with thanking you for the last song spin off. I really needed that happy ending where Eren doesn’t die and gets to see his kids grow up and be with the love of his life. And most of all, I get to imagine where Eren is in love with me and we have a stable home life
I’ve noticed you’ve been popping out fics left and right. I hope you’re prioritizing your health and getting plenty of rest. Do you also have any tips for writer’s block? Iβ€˜ve been struggling with it for months and it’s just been a road block.
Anyway, sorry for the spiel. But bottomline I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself!
HELLO THERE, DARLING!!!! I'm so so so so sooooo sorry for the late reply omg I keep answering my new asks instead of my older ones I'm so stupid forgive me 😭😭😭
I've been well, thank you for asking! I hope you are too ❀️
omg you don't have to read it if zombie au isn't your cup of tea, darling, I can understand why it would be scary! I tried my best to not make it scary though. I've been focusing more on the fluffy, slice-of-life parts where they get to be besties and fall in love and everything. as for the ending, I can't say anything yet because I don't want to spoil it to my readers but if you're expecting a happy ending... well, remember that I'm kanayama. I'm allergic to happy endings, apparently πŸ’€
your theory for the lies we told? close, but not quite. I wish I could tell you the whole thing but I have to keep my lips shut for now. Thank you for sharing your theories though! It's very interesting to see my readers coming up with theories for my fics lmaoooo
you're very welcome, darling! I'm glad you liked In Another Life! I hope I could post another chapter soon. I'm trying to finish Never Let Me Go atm but after that, maybe I can go back to rockstar eren hehe
tips for writer's block? umm well every time I have one i just close my macbook and watch movies/tv shows instead. it can take my mind off things and i can get some inspirations from there so i'll feel motivated to write again. just remember not to force yourself to write. writing, for me especially, is supposed to be a way for you to escape reality. it's a stress-relief so what's the point of writing if it will only make you feel even more stressed? just do it when you feel like it ❀️
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