#I'm a wordy bitch
miss-celestia13 · 1 year
Sometimes, writing is fun and light and easy. It just happens and I trick myself into believing that it’ll always be that way.
Other times, writing is just me staring at the screen, screaming at it, begging it to write itself or asking the useless gods to grant me the brain cells to complete it because it’s broken me down.
I’m just. I can’t. I’ve had enough. I am not made for this life. I bit off more than I can chew and now it’s time to pay up, I am in severe debt. Fuck my life. Fuck the universe for telling me to be creative. Fuck me, fuck this story and fuck everything.
Okay, I’ve had my wee tantrum, now I can think again. This will be the death of me, but it will die first. If I’m going out, I’m taking something to hell with me. Lord knows, the devil might know some tricks to complete it. Plus I just like the idea of asking him; “Hi, would you like to proofread my smutty fanfiction?” I reckon he’d enjoy that, or he’d turn me to ash and I’ll finally be at peace 🤭
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themarydragon · 1 year
I got tagged by the fantastic @jenseits-der-sterne which is lovely, thank you. Nobody ever tags me, and I love these damn things. <3  <3  <3
Most hits: Calm Waters Run Deep, or CWRD, with 146,084 hits (as of today) which is just…? I don’t even know, guys. It’s one of the shortest multi-chapter works I’ve ever posted, so for it to be pushing 150k views across only 11 chapters (and its, you know, six years old) is just nuts to me. I keep hearing that people are finding it rec’d on reddit? Which, also, blows my poor mind. I love that it is so loved. Writing that probably saved my life.
Second most kudos: The Quiet River Rages, tQRR, which is part 3 of Trouble the Water (CWRD, part 1, has the most kudos). I feel like Trouble the Water is just what I’m going to be known for, as a fic writer, and I am totally down for that.
Third most comments: CWRD again, with my #3 spot for comment threads! tQRR has more comments, which makes sense (since a lot of people wait and comment at the end) but my #1 here is Keep to the Stars, which makes my heart glad. I’ve got over 200 comments on Chapter 11 of CWRD, and my favorites are where someone wanted to say SOMETHING ELSE but got short-circuited by the cruel way I ended the chapter. This is also why I have a “tears of my readers” mug.
Fourth most bookmarks: Remember the Spring, the middle installment of TtW and one of my only one-shots. TQRR (#3) and CWRD (#1) also show up here, with KttS as #2. I’m actually stupendously proud of Remember the Spring, and I’m going to be revisiting this style for the totk fics I’m writing I plan to write this winter. I have them outlined and they’re written in my HEAD doesn’t that count?
Fifth most words: Okay so I’m verbose. The #5 spot is Loved and Lost with 90k. I have 1.3 million words on AO3, I’m a wordy bitch. I almost went through and edited the hell out of Loved and Lost so it would be closer in length to Lost and Found (the other half of that fic) but @kathsilver helped talk me out of it. Thanks again for that, kath. <3  My top 4 all have 100K+ (Steel Your Heart at 105k, Higgins’ Song [my beloved][my favorite child][do me a favor and go read about Higgins] at 152k, and Will to Live [god I miss Twitch imma go read that this weekend] at 186k). But my monster is Keep to the Stars, at over a quarter-mil (290k). And honestly it should have been longer, Steel Your Heart should have just ran right along with it but I started writing before the DLC dropped so it is what it is.
Least words is in Promise Kept, which is my one shot of vignettes of a DA:I Inquisitor Cadash and her unrequited relationship with Varric Tethras. I love them and I regret nothing.
Almost all my mutuals are fic writers so if you can see this, I’m interested in your stats. Consider yourself tagged. <3  
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averysmolbear · 1 year
I did all that whining and still somehow wrote 1.1k words anyway. And I'm still not to the point that I wanted to get to yet. I mean I'm closer and I plan on finally fully writing the smutty part instead of hinting at it and fading out from it but wow, I didn't realize how difficult this was going to be for me to do. Mostly because I end up writing an entire dictionary's worth of words when I could probably get to the point a lot quicker. I can't seem to help it though.
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marlenacantswim · 8 months
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tenth doctor the most relatable doctor because i too have a massive ego and ignore people who are attracted to me 💖
closeups (including text and image ID) under the cut, snip snip snip ✂️
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[Image ID: a sketchpage-style series of eight digital drawings of the tenth doctor. they are all bust/torso up, and each is doing a different activity in slightly different canon outfits. the first depicts him in his glasses fiddling with wires. in the next he's wearing classic 3d specs, and appears shocked. in the next he is smiling with his face close to the viewer while donna stands annoyedly behind him. in the next he side-eyes the viewer with a neutral to serious expression. the next depicts his sad, wounded face from the aftermath of the conflict in End of Time Part Two; his suit jacket is slightly torn and his eyes are watery. the next has him examining a chip pierced at the end of a plastic fork he's holding. in the next he stares off to the side, slightly confused. in the last he's wielding the sonic screwdriver, pointing it upwards with a perplexed look on his face. there is penciled text scribbled around the drawings, reading "Ten!", "god complex", "GEEK CHIC", "adhd icon", "everyone want her sooo bad", "baby girl", "go whiteboy go!!!", "farsighted (for the DRAMA)", "stylish bedhead", "there's like, four of him", "SAD.", "WET.", "PATHETIC.", "will not STFU", "has canonically eaten human blood :)", "omfg?!", "needs therapy", "kinda toxic :/ (free my girl martha)", "if a drowned weasel was also the most beautiful girl you're ever seen", "misses his girlfriend :(", "PRETTYBOY", "asexual SLUT", "he's sorry. he's so, so sorry.", and "ALLONS-Y!". there is also sparse radial gallifreyan and crude sketches of the tardis and a chuck converse shoe. /.End ID]
my brain goes "ooooo you are gonna draw tenth doctor fifty bajillion time" and i go "thanks brain you are correct. we are in agreement."
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nessypanda-art · 29 days
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Welcome to the post-finale MOTH comic that has been cooking in my brain for a bit! There's also a slight variation between some pages because I started this earlier this year, so please ignore it if you can!!
Part 1 of 3
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lucem-stellarum · 11 months
Spoilers for the Summit pt 3, and under the cut for length
Damn, and I was so convinced it was actually Alexis too.
William, this was not the time or method to let Vincent learn about the murkier parts of your morality. You could have explained it when you told him he had to run the Summit alone. You were just worried that Vincent wouldn't play along if he knew, and you know what? You'd have been right. Everyone makes mistakes when parenting, but I love-hate to see it here. I love the repeated emphasis that William does love Vincent, because that makes it hurt even worse. There's a specific kind of pain with the growth and realization that your parents are people, with real flaws and that make real mistakes.
I'm not saying that Vincent is perfect, either. Porter was right that he was sheltered about it, but Vincent let himself be sheltered as well. Sam, Fred, and Bright Eyes (yes their storyline was scrubbed from the official canon, but then why does Sam get to make it personal about Quinn's actions on Halloween in their little extrajudicial confrontation? I'm getting off topic. Anyway) all had terrible experiences with other vamps, Adam was in the same clan and we all know how messed up he was. Vincent himself experienced how easy it is to push humans to a sort of second class citizen where it didn't matter if he hurt them or overrode their boundaries since he could just wipe memories and it was for his own survival. Why wouldn't other vamps develop that same sort of moral numbness to other people's pain and suffering? It only takes one remorseless vampire monarch for every single one of them to have to resort to those tactics to protect their own regardless of their own personal feelings about violence. Sort of the "carry a bigger stick" mentality that's ridiculously difficult to deescalate (and that's with the benefit of having human generational divides. with immortal vampires everything is personal).
I do wish that Lovely got to interject a little bit more about all of this. The Bennetts were mainly killed for their part in the Inversion. The Inversion which, just so it's stated for the official record, had a pretty big impact on our vampire listener character. Porter says to ask the Shaw pack if the Bennetts deserved to die, but Lovely was right there. I'm hoping there's a follow up with them and Vincent afterwards where they get to say their piece to him, and maybe it will help Vincent understand why William decided that they had to die. They might have better luck once the shock has worn off a bit, had time to settle in. In universe it's only been, what, 2-3 hours since the start of the Summit? I'm giving Vincent a lot of grief, but as a character he's a lot closer to the stress of it all both physically and temporally. The Summit is his duty, therefore (if William has taught him anything about taking responsibility) the Bennett's deaths are also his fault because it happened under his supervision when (in his mind) he was supposed to make everyone "play nicely together" for the evening. He didn't stop it, therefore it's his fault, and he's made it very clear how he feels about causing violence/death.
Speaking of Lovely being oddly quiet, there wasn't a whole lot about Sam being mentioned either. Alexis got brought up, because obviously she would when talking about the amoral and bloodthirsty side of the clan. I think Sam's going to be more pragmatic than Vincent is with all of this, but I can't decide how far he's willing to go about it. Thoughts?
Was anyone else inspired or intrigued by Porter saying that "William always does the right thing"? I was listening (with headphones) out in public before driving home, so the exact wording might be different, but that sounds like there's an interesting story there.
I don't want to have the reputation of someone who just hates on Porter, because damn it I ought to like him more. His character hits so many notes that I like to see. Vincent calling him William's weapon and attack dog? I love watching that kind of relationship and devotion. I've shipped it before, and I will again (though I have to say, that would make Porter's relationship with Vincent so much worse. I kinda want to see the trainwreck of the evil step father). His gray morality, his intelligence, his quick wit, his deft manipulation of people? I can enjoy and envy all of it. But damn his hypocrisy, inconsistency, and that fight is just infuriating. "I can't hold it against you that you act sheltered because you've been sheltered your whole afterlife". Bullshit, Porter, you absolutely did blame Vincent for being sheltered and that's one of the reasons you got in that fight with Vincent in the first place. Porter might not be actively lying to us here, but he's certainly not being truthful. I've already gone through and found quotes to prove it before here. Adding on to the linked post, the way Vincent and Porter are talking to discuss Porter's joining of the clan and how William treated him sounds a whole heck of a lot like Porter joined the Solaires before Vincent did, which only further supports my points there. Ughhh I was in the middle of researching for a different analysis post for other characters; I don't want to be distracted by writing up what I think their fight should have been about. It's almost worse that I don't like him because I keep thinking about how much I should like him and what it would take for me to support him wholeheartedly, flaws and all.
To cap it all off, this subplot has been wonderful so far. I'm happy that someone spelled out all the dirty little secrets for Vincent/Lovely/Us, because my head was starting to spin keeping everything straight and digging up the tiniest insinuations and turning into the Pepe Silvia meme. I know it's not over yet, but I think the evening is starting to wind down for the characters and I'm so glad that it is because the stress and intensity of it all is killing me. I know that this is probably the starting point for more developments later (what is Sweetheart gonna do after all of this in their official department capacity? is any of this going to put David in a rough spot politically? though Sam and Darlin ran into Alexis they didn't really get the chance to weigh in on the whole, y'know, state-sanctioned double murder? where are we going with that little teaser about Quinn having friends in high places? where's Treasure in all of this? Porter's ominous words about Close Knit planning another Inversion-level event??) I'm hoping there's gonna be a bit of a breather. Kudos Mr. Redacted, and thank you.
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authoralexharvey · 3 months
thinking about current pub plans:
ASMLP in October, obviously. I have almost everything together now and could honestly push it up one more month if I really wanted to, but I've spent so much time lately telling people it's out in October it'd probs be confusing to do it any earlier.
Anyway I do want to have two releases next year. I'd love to have ATHD ready to release next year in the spring, and I think I can if I force myself to get my shit together.
And then in the fall next year I'd love to release BTMS. Cause I think that, too, I can get into shape by then.
Also eventually want to release an omnibus of novellas involving the monsters of this world but I need at least one more novella and would need to plot that out... Cause it would be ATHD, ABTB, and.... something. Hopefully a novella that doesn't also start with the letter A.
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clenastia · 7 months
i dont know why the running joke of this chapter is kakashi fearing for his kidneys. where did that come from. WHY did that come from.
i should probably cut that in editing it's a little ridiculous.
except it makes me giggle every time so maybe i should leave it there.
#girl's mind fanfic#clena's writing progress#just have to write ONE more conversation and the whole chapter is done. but DAMN if editing wont be a bitch#still wondering if i should cut jiraiya's 3-page infodump#because while most people dont mind#some people keep commenting saying that my fic is too wordy and i keep adding unnecessary things#and like. they're 1% of reviews but i have the emotional fragility of a china teacup#i cry when i get those sorts of reviews and they ruin my day even tho i get twenty comments who love my rambling#but like. also. i shouldnt delete stuff from my fic just for the 1% of assholes who will say mean things about it#but also i dont want to cry when someone inevitably says something mean about it.#most if not all of said assholes are on fanfiction dot net so technically i could just stop cross posting#except there are people on that site who DO like my rambles so#ugh. why am i such an emotionally sensitive crybaby. my life would be so much better#if i didnt have such thin skin#i'm 90% certain that jiraiya's 3-page infodump is going to get LONGER with editing cause i'm gonna turn it from infodump into#an actual conversation. so who knows how many pages it'll be by the end. the chapter's already 6500 words#which is double my average chapter length#and i DO like the info he presents even if it maybe ISNT strictly required for progressing the story. probably only the last paragraph is#ugh. i wish people would just never say mean things ever. then i wouldn't have a problem with anything xD
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impala-dreamer · 10 months
500,000 words before the main characters even meet? why yes, let's do that. why not?
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kuwdora · 1 year
Snippet Sunday tagged by @witch-and-her-witcher at some point. I have like 30 WIPs but I'm only allowing myself to work on 5 WIPs this month so I can finish stuff. Theoretically. This is a post-book/game canon Ciri thing that is ultimately inspired by @andordean's Blood Ties because that story is still eating my brain. Nevermind I've never managed to finish my other Ciri fic and I've never written Regis before... but hey, there's a first time for everything. Right?
“Are there any memories in particular that have disturbed you of late?” Regis asks. Ciri shrugs and swirls the remaining wine in her cup. She refills it and nudges the folio towards him. “What’s this?” he asks, carefully pulling the folio into his lap but not opening it. “Memories. Or the promise of them, at least,” Ciri says. “Oh?” Regis asks and turns the folio over. Deliberately not opening it. Ciri props her chin on her shoulder and stares at him, wishing she was a little more drunk, but maybe that was just the grief talking. Regis looks up and meets her gaze, politely looking past her thoughts in that vampire way he could do without reading them. He wouldn’t let himself read her mind. Not unless she asked. She should ask. It would be easier than pirouetting around the pain. But whatever titles she now held, she was still Ciri of Vengerberg who always took action, whether it was wrong or right. She was the daughter of Geralt of Rivia, and a witcheress from the School of the Wolf. She understood how to use her accumulated knowledge to assess a situation and attack. It would be better if she got this feeling off her chest herself.
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rain-in-the-clouds · 1 year
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After Dark
Chapter 1: Dammit.
Warnings: Fluff, suggestive themes, swearing, reference to durg and alcohol use.
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Word count: 9,860
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Y/n, an art student who was once friends with twins Yuji and Sukana. When the three were children they spent all their time together, the boys acting as knights for Y/n, but she wouldn’t hesitate to tell someone off for crossing the boys, standing up to anyone even adults. But it was short lived. When they were fourteen, a few years after the twins mom died, thier dad got a better job far away at some prestigious hospital forcing them to move. It was a painful goodbye, filled with promises, some that were kept and others that felt to far to think about. In a rush watching them drive away, Y/n grabbed her bike and rode towards them, speeding faster then her legs have ever gone, ending up just behind their car, both boys watched and waved, some tears in thier eyes, Yuji’s more then Sukana’s. But she stopped just at the bridge, the end of town, skidding into a stop watching them leave finally.
10 years later.
Y/n now a fresh undergrad in the arts, followed a scolorship across the country to further her arts career. Over the years the twins and Y/n kept in contact, emails then texts later, at least once a month she’d call both Yuji and Sukana, catching up needlessly. The two had even video called her when their dad met thier step mom and thier new older brother, and then again after the wedding in junior high. For better or worse the three kept up with each other, but some things were kept secret, events and emotions both.
It was a Wednesday when Yuji got the call from Y/n, excitement spilling like a waterfall. Yuji quickly made plans to pick her up from the airport along with his dad, waiting to tell Sukana so he couldn’t back out at the last second.
That next Friday Yuji came bounding into the basement of his and Sukana’s shared house, thier small but tight-nit group was scattered about the large room. Startling half the group, causing Nobara and Maki to yell at him, but through his slight blush and goofy expression he happily proclaimed, “Todays the day!” Completely ignoring the confusion that hit in the room, even his twin was puzzled.
“What the hell are you on about now brat?” His was annoyed. But Yuji just waved off the bitterness in his voice.
“Y/n.” He said it as if it was the final puzzle pice, but everyone was still confused, except his twin. Who’s expression and body language suddenly changed, becoming calm yet ridged, his shoulders relaxed but back tense, unseen by the others, but Yuji saw many emotions cross over his brothers expression in a flash before a small, barely there smile appeared.
“You could have said that sooner!” He screamed, his emotions always coming out as bombastic anger, Yuji’s friends; Nobara, Inumaki, Maki and Panda made it a point to stay away from the easily enraged twin, going so far as to point out everything they don’t like about him. Megumi and Yuta, Yuji’s best friends, saw through Sukana and also found companionship in him despite his rough edges. It seemed Choso, thier older step brother and thier step mom where the only outsiders who accepted him without question. “Well is she here? What’s goin on?” He shot one question after another without care or pause. Yuji simply laughed.
“No she’s not here yet, but her planes gonna be landing soon, Dad and I were gonna go get her.” Yuji paused to give a smug shiteating look towards Sukana, “If you wanna come, I’m leaving for Dad’s now.” Sukana in a held back panic grabbed up his things before bounding towards the stairs. Before Yuji could follow, Choso called from his spot on the couch, Yuji didn’t notice him at first till Sukana started yelling. Yuji quirked his brow in question. But it stayed silent for longer then nessesary, something Choso did frequently.
“Don’t forget the party. Should bring your friend.” His voice was lazy, almost melancholy, stating something obvious, confusing his younger brother. Yuji just nodded, being pulled back to reality by Sukana screaming a string of courses at his twin till he was up the stairs leaving the house. The group looked amongst each other, baffled at what they all collectively just saw, and more confused as to who they were talking about. However Choso and Megumi knew, both having been told, several times, about Y/n from both Yuji and Sukana. The two sharing their own look, knowing they’d have to fill everyone else in.
Y/n was nervous, excited, happy, anxious, and everything in between. The trip had been more stress endusing then she’d had expirenced in a long time. Only sleeping a handful of hours on the plane, by the time she’d arrived her body was sore and mind starting to blow out. Trudging through the terminal till she had to sling her heavy bags over her shoulder, luckily the rest of her things having been mailed to her new ‘affordable’ apartment, with that in mind she moved onward to departcher. So lost in tired thought she wasn’t sure who she was looking for, just knowing someone was bound to be there, but she just couldn’t put it together. It wasn’t until she was through a crowed of people, smushed together and into herself, a familiar voice shouting her name. At the gate stood three pink haired men she never thought she’d get to see again, they were standing side by side; Mr. Itadori, the twins father, was in the middle holding a small cardboard sigh with Y/n’s name scribbled on it. Yuji was jumping, waving his arms with the biggest smile on his face. Sukana was on the opposite side of his dad, one arm waving, still calling her name out. It felt like years passed while she stood thier, longer then normal, watching the three, their unique smiles and energery bringing a comfort and warmth she’d forgotten about in all the years apart.
“Boys!” She called back, her voice braking slightly, with whatever enegery she had left she spent waving back to them before dropping her luggage and charging towards them. Mr. Itadori was laughing, a small part of the past coming back from the shadows of thier memory, bounding at them without pause. Yuji took one step forward, his arms extended out to meet Y/n half way, but Sukana had the same idea, the two ending up bumping into each other. Sukana was about to push his twin away but Y/n was already to them, jumping at them with all her tired might. Small tears created by exhaustion and joy pricked at the corners of her eyes as she connected with the two. Wrapping her arms around their necks, pulling them to her, but they were heavy and off balance, the three only standing for half a second before they went tumbaling backwards. Both Yuji and Sukana were holding onto Y/n taking her down with them, the three old friends found themselves on the hard ground in a tangled mess of limbs. A second fell where they were silent, eyes shifting between each other before a roar of laughter came from them. Mr.Itadori just stood a moment and allowed them their enjoyment, but he leaned over them a second later, a soft smile on his sweet expression.
“It’s good to see you again Y/n, but I think it’s time to get up.” It was said softly, but enough to shock the three into standing abruptly, splitting apart just enough that the boys could sling an arm around her shoulders, caging her between them. Both seemed so boyish in that moment, innocent, happy, time having stood still between them. Y/n, however, was suddenly stuck again with exhaustion, hitting her in waves. In an instant she was actually using them for support, both caught, Sukana broke away to grab Y/n’s small luggage, but was back helping hold her up.
To Y/n it was a haze, the walk to the car felt hours long, but then a blink later she was at her new apartment, sitting on her half unpacked couch. Sukana and Yuji moved around the cluttered space, assumingly clearing a path, or just setting her carried on luggage somewhere in sight. But both said a half goodbye, the words coming to Y/n in mumbled sounds.
When she woke up it was mid evaning, still sluggish but recovering better then she expected. Like she thought, the boys left her stuff in front of the couch, as well as locking the door when they left. Y/n found her phone, seeing five separate text, two from Sukana and three from Yuji.
Yuji’s came seconds after he left, a long poorly written pharagraph explaining what happened, though the information was scattered throughout. Next came 20 minutes later, an invite to a party he and Sukana were holding that night. Five minuets later was an apology, realizing she might not be up to it after all the travaling.
Sukana’s text were to the point, but sweet in his own way. The first was sent the same as Yuji’s, but his was a simple, “Glad you’re back.” Then a few hours later, possibly the notification that woke her up, was the same invitation, but different in that he was more adamant that she stay home and rest. Something she half expected from the fiery twin. She didn’t reply immediately, first washing herself up and stripping of her dirty sweats and t-shirt.
Though she was tired the boys party was in the back of her mind as she moved about the space, from the small kitchen to her one person bathroom, the idea of a night out was quickly becoming appealing. “Putting off unpacking couldn’t hurt”, was her thought. Before she could change her mind she fired off two text, one to each of the boys. To Yuji she wrote, “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ll be there, but I need the address.” Seconds later she got the address along with a big smiling thumbs up sticker. To Sukana, “I’ll be coming to the party. You better introduce me to everyone.” A nonthreat, poking fun at his hatred for large groups and small talk. He only replied with an exasurated angery face. She giggled to herself about the twins, all to happy to be around them again, despite moving thousands of miles away from her family home, she felt like she already knew everything. A glance at the clock told her she only had two hours to get ready. Not having much of her stuff unpacked she was left with few options, settling for a pair of snug taddered shorts and a slim fit graphic tee. She thought herself funny, the shirt was a gift from her friend Tanji, it was white with 90s style art, the words “The world does revolve around me,” was printed across it. At first she thought it was a bad joke, but now seeing where she was and how things have shaken out so far; it made her laugh. Y/n was grabbing up a small purse when a knock came from her door.
Yuji was at his shared house, running around the place setting out stuff for the expectedly big party, music area, alcohol and food, the works. Panicking about a million things, despite having thrown such events many times before, creating a reputation for himself. Their group of friends had left hours prior, off to prep and primp, the only one who stayed behind was Megumi, helping out the twins. Sukana was setting up the music area, moving furniture, placing way too big speakers up in the corners, and setting up an hours long playlist, but he still sent out a mass text with a link to the playlist, allowing people to add or ‘request’ songs, something a rando suggested during one of their first parties, it stuck. Megumi was locking up anything valuable, as well as locking up most of the bedrooms, ending back downstairs with Sukana and Yuji.
Yuji was in the kitchen near frantically putting whatever he could think out when his phone began to loudly ring. Swiping it from his pocket he answers slightly out of breath. “Hello?” It came out as a question through a heavy half gasp.
“Hey Yuji,” It was Y/n. “I need some help-“ She tired to continue but Yuji suddenly worried cut her off in a rush.
“What!? What’s going on?” His voice spiked in that boyish way when he was genuinely freaked out, the volume of his voice had Sukana and Megumi rushing themselves into the kitchen. Sukana looked like he was about to combust, while Megumi found Yuji’s gaze, seeing the panic there.
“What’s wrong?” Sukana questioned in a forceful huff. Yuji threw a hand up towards his brother, waving him over. He was next to him in a heartbeat, both listening to Y/n intently, who had been telling them to calm down from the second Yuji started to worry.
“Will you two stop for five seconds!” Even Megumi heard. “I’m okay you dorks! God you two I swear, always jumping to the worst thing.” She began a ramble, something that had Megumi unexpectedly laughing, the twins both looked like a deer in headlights. For a flash they didn’t register what Y/n was saying. “Boys!” Got their attention back finally.
“Sorry!” They both shouted in unison.
“Look I messed up during the move. My complex is getting fumigated. Apparently they sent out warnings weeks ago, but mine got sent to an old address. I’ve pretty much been kicked out for a week.” She explained in a rush, standing on the sidewalk outside her apartment, one duffel bag on the ground and a small backpack slung around one shoulder as she paced back and forth.
Yuji interrupted again, after clapping a hand over Sukana’s mouth, only somewhat muffling his yelling. “What? How’d that happen.” Yuji was almost scary calm, nonchalant even. “It sucks but, why don’t you crash here for a week?” He spoke similarly like his Dad, soft, kind, but an ernest demand. Sukana stilled and Yuji dropped his hand, but his eyes were the same, a fire behind them. It was silent, the three thinking.
To Megumi it seemed like the three were somehow communicating telepathically. From a glance it looked like Sukana was glaring at Yuji, but recalling he’s stairing at the silent phone. Yuji, who was a little easier to read, was staring at the ground, digging an invisible hole. But what felt forever long, was only a minuet of quiet thinking, Y/n answering.
“Yeah..Okay.” Her voice was calm, relieved even. The twins both relaxd as well, but were still doing the silent talking thing they do before Sukana cut in.
“Yuji will come get you, we have a guest room and everything.” The other boys squinted their eyes at the tatted twin, both confused about what he thinks ‘everything’ is. Another beat, “Well? Go!” He gestured wildly towards the door, supersizing Yuji back into the moment.
“Wha- The party? Dude?” He wasn’t stoping Sukana from ushering him towards the garage door, but was puzzled nonetheless. Y/n was still on the phone, clearly hearing all of this. Sukana again spoke in a huff.
“Gumi and I got it, just go before traffic gets bad.” Yuji shot a glance to the aforementioned friend, who simply shrugged.
“Okay.” Yuji nodded to Sukana before holding the phone back to his ear. “I’m leaving right now, just wait by the gate. Yeah, I will, o-okay- bye.” Sukana was curious but didn’t stop his brother. As fast as the call came in it was over, Yuji leaving for downtown, while Sukana and Megumi were left to finish setting up the house. But in the back of all fours minds was this lingering question, an odd awkward feeling.
Some 40 minuets had passed, Y/n stacked her bags and was sitting on them, lazalie leaning against the metal gate. Checking her phone ever few minuets, but even with the busy traffic Yuji was their faster then she anticipated. The drive back wasn’t nearly as long, but it was full of a so for table warm silence between the two. It was changed when they arrived back at the boy’s house, the party was past full swing, the house overtaken by what seemed like half the collage. Yuji pulled into the garage, the music was muffled, but the intense bass and fast beat still came through. But both just let it roll off them with a rocous of laughter.
“Will just lock your stuff in the car for now.” Yuji said sheepishly, eyes scanning his phone. “Well let’s go meet the gang.” He said though there was a layer of nerves behind his expression. Y/n didn’t call attention to it, just let it sit in the back of her mind.
The two made their way through the main room, once big and roomy now packed and cramped, bodies smushed together, sweaty and dancing; the music so load it felt like her eyes were shaking in her skull. Yuji led her to a thin set of stairs, the walls lined with faux wood panaling, and it had no light except for the upstairs that leaked down; through the thin door was the basement where Yuji and Sukana’s friends were congregating.
The vibe amongst the group was vastly different then the raging party just up the stairs, it threw Y/n off. For the first time in a while she felt uncomfortable under the groups gaze, though she wasn’t sure who was who yet. But the twins were right there, Sukana appeared out of thin air beside Y/n, opposite Yuji.
“Guys, this is Y/n.” The spunky twin gesture to Y/n like she was a new invention, it made her smile. Sukana was not smiling.
“Fuck, how lame can you be?” He was glaring again, a natural state for him, overly annoyed with the situation. Y/n just started laughing again, truly she’d missed these moments with them.
“You two haven’t changed, ya know that?” She spoke through burst of laughter, clutching her stomach for support. Not really composing it herself, Y/n waved at the group. “Hi everyone. Sorry bout that.” A few forced deep breaths and she was back to a semi calm state. Some of them waved in return and some said their own ‘hello’ back. Yuji’s smile grew while Sukana rolled his eyes, Y/n couldn’t prove it but she’s sure Sukana was remarking under his breath. Yuji gestured again but this time to the group.
First point to a lithe brunette, “This is Megumi.” He planned on introducing them one by one. Sukana held it back, but in his mind he was laughing uncontrollably. Megumi gave a soft smile and an even softer, ‘hey.’ Next to him was a slightly taller brunette, he was skinnier in the face though. But he interupted and introduced himself first.
“Yuta.” He extended his hand that Y/n took, he was kind, Y/n could easily see why Yuji liked them. The next were two who kept shifting from anilitacal to reserved. Yuji just looked at the pair with the same expression Y/n has seen him give teachers in the past.
“This is Nobara and Maki….Why do you two look like that?” Both just scowled at him.
“Like what?” Nobara said, squaring up like she was going to throtal him. “Sorry Y/n, I just can’t imagine these two having a childhood friend who hasn’t strangled them!” What was first directed towards Y/n quickly came back to Yuji, who was obviously holding in a laugh.
After a bit and all the introductions out of the way, Y/n was standing with Sukana and Megumi, the two halfassed explaining the set up of the house, ultamitly confusing Y/n, but she let if go, knowing she could always explore later. It was turning late into the night and Y/n had a spike of energy.
“Ya know I feel like goin upstairs for a while.” She proclaimed to the two next to her, but loud enough that Yuji heard, he simply waved in response.
“Know the way?” Sukana asked, it could have been a teasing joke, but he was serious. Y/n nodded.
“I’ll be fine.” She patted his chest before turning for the stairs, stopped by Megumi.
“Stay away from any punch.” It was a genuine warning, the sudden vibe that hit the boys was sad but not shocking, they could hope that nothing could happen, but, though the boys would never admit it aloud, were relived that Gumi voiced the concern and warning.
After Y/n was gone Yuji and Sukana let out a sigh, one of relief and one of exhaustion. Maki asked the obvious question. “What’s going on now?” Neither answered, Yuji was rubbing his neck with his eyes closed while Sukana grabbed up a loose pack of ciggertts, Yuta answering for them.
“I believe their reeling.” He said so matter-of-factory, yet so sweet. Megumi nodded along.
“Yeah, been a busy day.” If this group was having a conversation, somehow they made it seem like it was never actually with each other. “Go outside to smoke!” He suddenly shouted, not having to look behind him to know what Sukana was going to do. The fiery twin’s eyes flared, but nothing came of it, he opened the one window and crawled out of it to smoke, effectively leaving the conversation entirely. Yuji chuckled while dropping his hand and head.
“Yeah it has been.” He leaned back on the couch his body relaxed, “Just glad it’s done.” His friends could guess, Megumi and Yuta especially, but ignored his vege sentence. The lull in the conversation didn’t last. Yuji glanced around the room and between his friends, noticing someone missing. “Where’s Choso?” He directed his question at Yuta.
He paused while gazing at the ceiling, genuine or not, he was thinking. “He said he had to do something at the shop….I think he should be here by now.” The words left him in a quizzical tone, leading Yuji to believe he wasn’t actually sure. But nothing came of it, not immediately; Yuji pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to his older brother.
Y/n nodded earnestly, “Will do.” Was last said before she was up the stairs. It was still packed, but the groups of people had become closer, but more spread out, allowing some space to open up. It took a second for Y/n to make her way to the kitchen, but was happily surprised to see it mostly empty, except for a few people huddled in the corner near an open window. She found a cooler filled with cans and bottles. She grabbed three small cans of a salty seltzers, gorse but will give a nice short buzz. With that thought in mind Y/n waisted no time in slamming all three of them, standing a moment, allowing her body to process the alcohol. While standing there she focused on the music, it was still so loud but it felt far away; the closer she listened the louder it got again, but any annoyance was wiped away when Heat Waves, a favorite came on. Not thinking she quickly made her way to the living room where meny people were dancing and lazalie swaying to the music. It was a slowed remix of the song, but it still pulled Y/n into dancing. Unbeknownst to her, a dark pair of eyes found her from across the room, following her to the ‘dance floor’.
Choso stood against the mantel, his large frame slouched forward as he watched and took large slugs off his cheap beer. That’s when he saw her, totally unaware of who she is, but he had this feeling, recognition when he saw her, but he also knew he’d never met her before. When she was near the center, having danced her way there, a thought came into Choso’s mind. But he was abruptly stopped by his phone vibrating against his leg. He thought about ignoring it, stairing at his leg for what felt like forever, but he begrudgingly pulled it out and scanned the text that was sent to him. Yuji.
“If you’re here come down to the basement.” It was straight forward indicating how serious he felt. Choso sighed dramatically to himself, roughly scrubbing a hand over his face. Discarding his beer he slung his jacket around his shoulder and headed for the basement; all the while his eyes would drift and sway back towards the mystery girl still dancing away. He scrunched up his face when he finallly rounded the corner down the stairs, confirming to himself that he’d be back up in no time; with that in mind he picked up his pace and strode through the door.
The group in the basement had thinned out, half passed out, Maki and Nobara, while the others were on and around the couch. Sukana and Megumi were the only two standing, by the ‘bar’. Choso’s entrance had the awake ones shifting their collective gaze to him. His brain froze for a second, but the blaring music behind him kept him semi focused on getting back upstairs. He continued further into the large basement, discarding his coat behind the bar with Sukana, before heading for Yuji and Yuta on the couch.
“I’m here?” Choso was always quiet, distant, especially when he was getting annoyed, but if he was comfortable around someone the more he’d relax, say more the five words. But his question was left hanging in the air. “Yuji?” He said with a bit more force behind it, causing Yuji, Yuta and Sukan to raise their brows at the eldest. “You told me to come down here. Why?” Choso always felt like he was speaking another language, having to brake everyone of his thoughts down. Yuji finally got the hint and remembered what was going on. It was at that moment Choso realized Yuji was drunk, or stoned, some combination of the two. Yuji having the highest tolerance in the group, was also the easiest to hide his intoxication.
“Thas’ right…” Yuji blinked, forcing his eyes to focus, but still having to glance to Sukana to remember what he was saying. “Our friend is here, I, I wanted you to meet ‘er.” The longer he spoke the more his words blended together, he was starting to lean against Yuta who was dead eyeing Megumi, his eyebrows raising and glaring at the younger brunette in a frantic manner. Megumi was holding in a laugh, having to grip the bar’s edge for support.
Sukana was smiling to himself, pouring he and Megumi another shot, having enough with the beating around the bush he proclaimed as loud as he could, “Just don’t hit on her dude!” He was so loud even the passed out girls heard him. Choso’s expression turned to frustrated shock, rarely does he get angry or annoyed with his brothers, but whenever they even insinuate that he sleeps around it boils his blood, its just not the truth. The room was. silent, Sukana was staring Choso down, Yuji was lazalie nodding along, drifting further by the second, trapping Yuta on the couch till he was completely passed out. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t want to defend himself again, didn’t want to let Sukana get to him again. Instead he huffed to himself, a growl like sound leaving him before he left the basement.
Upstairs the music was bumping so hard it felt like the house was shaking, which it probably was; Y/n was still in the living room converted dance floor, ignoring the world and others close around her. Choso had to wade through the crowd, people passed normal intoxication were bumping and crashing into each other left and right. When he got back to the living room it had repopulated a considerable amount, the music having called the herd of 20 something’s to rymithcly bounce around. Near the center was the mystery girl; Choso was surprised to see someone let go in such a way, it fascinated him to no end. Choso stood out of the way for a bit, watching the mass of bodies move around, eyes losing and finding the girl, he wanted to talk to her, but she seemed so far away. But the change in music was to his favor, lulling him out of his corner and into the sea of people. His tall frame had him towering over most, but he ignored the awkwardness that seemed to cling to him, and began to move with the music. The song itself was odd, off beat, Sail, a remix of the song; it was his perfect rhythm.
He was able to let go, something about the moment had him dropping walls, the deep base drop into the rapid change called Choso to continue forward. Though he was egaarly enjoying his time, even with the crowd bumping into him, it all felt right. But the middle of the song threw him off, the speed picking up for the climax was almost hypmatizing, so much that when he bumped into the mystery girl, her side into his front; both were jolted back into the present. Something that’d been happening a lot that day. Choso was lost in her eyes and expression. Sweet and far off, but her eyes held a thousand stories, a color like gold highlighted by blue flecks; so starkly different from Choso’s own gray ones.
Y/n had been in her own world while she danced, losing herself to the music, oblivious, unaware; uncaring who she collided with. Until she rammed into the sturdy frame that had been pseudo dancing with her. All at once she was struck with many feelings and vibes that oozed off the man. He was familiar to Y/n, but she couldn’t place him. Something about his stoic yet soft expression reeled her further in, the way his eyes bore into her, it suprisingly had her feeling shy. Time stood still between them while the rocous of people around them moved onward. Choso was a master of micro expressions, but his control failed, a smile charming and swave bloomed across his lips while he gazed down at the mystery girl. In response Y/n uncontrollably, awkwardly laughed out, a nervous sound that caught in her throat. Choso found the sound to be too cute, his own laugh leaving him in a roar. Before either one knew it they were both laughing, red in the face, but still oddly swaying to the music.
A bit of time had passed, a few songs at least, they were both sweaty, breathing heavy, and bursts of laughter still came from them. But the entire time neither of them spoke a word, a whole conversation having been had stricktly through body language, expression, sounds of affirmation; it was strangely intimidate, but totally comfortable. It stopped when there was a longer then average pause in the music, whether it be an odd song coming up, or the playlist resetting, a beat passed between Y/n and Choso.
Choso had another moment of charm brake out, leaning down to be eye level with Y/n, his voice was low, “Wanna step outside?” He was pointing towards the balchony while he spoke, small beads of sweat trickled down his brow, Y/n was also sticky from the continuous dancing and later laughing. The quiet didn’t last more then 10 seconds, roaring back to life as Stressed out pumped everyone back up.
Y/n had to shout her reply, “Yeah that’d be nice-” but she didn’t get the sentence out before someone bumped into her, sending her into Choso’s chest once again. However this time he caught her, loose arms wrapping around her own frame.
Another bout of laughing came from Choso, the rumbaling feeling moving into Y/n while she was pressed into his chest. But through the loud of it all, she could feel his heart beat. Calm but hard, like a deep beating drum; she found it soothing. Choso’s grip tightened slightly around Y/n, he began leading them through the living room, but not towards the balchony doors, but to the stairs. Y/n didn’t question it, but kept observant; mostly of the others around them. But he stopped once they rounded the corner, just inside the staircase.
“Sorry about that,” He was rubbing the back of his neck and face of sweat, flustered or nervous Y/n wasn’t sure, the staircase now almost pitch black just behind him. Y/n waved it off.
“Oh don’t worry about it..” But she trailed off, also suddenly uncirten. However Y/n wasn’t allowing another beat or lull to happen. “But what are we doing here?” She quirked her brow, leaning against the wall as she did so. Her question seemed to have remained him of why they were they to begin with.
Choso took a few large steps down before calling back up to her, “Just need my jacket, be right back.” He was again down the stairs and behind the door in seconds flat, but Y/n appreciated the moment of alone, a moment to quickly compose herself. Her heart was pounding against her chest, and she was unnessesarilly hot. The cool wood paneling helping her relax and calm her nerves.
Choso however was met with a strange sight in the basement. Maki and Nobara had disappeared, or left he didn’t care which in that moment. Inumaki and Panda were planted on the floor, one playing a game on the old crt and the other laying on his back zoning out towards the ceiling; Yuji was full passed out, splayed out over the whole couch. Yuta wiggled free at some point and found a spot in the beat up recliner, he too asleep. But the true oddity was Sukana and Megumi, neither were there. Choso took all of it in but immediately put it on the back burner, beelining to his jacket then back to the stairs.
Y/n was still in the stairway, watching the few people who walked by, the sounds of the door suddenly opening and closing called her attention back to the now ready Choso. The two watched a cluster of people move through the hall back into the living room, all the them clutching onto each other, like a school of fish riding the current. Once the hall was clear enough the two left the stairway for the balcony.
Day was gone and night had set in. Without looking Y/n guessed it was around midnight, the air was starkly cooler then the humidity in the house. The balcony was big, double opposite staircases, it didn’t match the rest of the house, but it matched the garden below. The two weren’t alone out there, a few people were sitting on the stairs and some down on the grass, but it was quieter and calmer. Y/n moved to the railing immediately, leaning over to see below, though it was unecessary. Choso found her odd antics endearing, watching her live in her own reality. He didn’t put his jacket on, just layed it over the retailing while digging out his pack of ciggeretts. For a second he glanced to Y/n feeling an underlying insecurity; but she didn’t bat an eye at him. Shockingly she watched him in the queer ritual of lighting a cigarette, snagging when his lighter started to go out, more suprising to Choso was her pointing to he pack in his hands.
“Would you mind if I bum one? I left my purse with my friends and I don’t know where it is.” She was being sheepish, her own similar insecurity, her eyes looked everywhere but Choso, the closest thing being his hand. Choso was taken off guard by that, but thinking about it he wasn’t the only smoker in his circle of friends. He chuckled at her, causing her to reel back, finally making eye contact again. “What?” She questions as a reaction.
He waved a hand, “Nothing.” He passed one to her. “Don’t worry about it.” In that instant so much weight and awkwardness was washed away but such small actions and words. Y/n gave a shy smile in return, but when she tried to light it the lighter was completely dead. She grumbled and cursed under her breath to herself, another quirk that had Choso looking closer, smiling more, something was so familiar; but he just couldn’t place it. It had him leaning in, cigarette between his lips, a quiet “here,” as he gently pressed the cherry of his to her’s, sucssfully lighting the wanted nicotien. Y/n was locked into his grey eye’s. In the night light they looked like a brightly lit moon, glowing against his dark eyelashes and strip tattoo. All the small details of his face were etched into Y/n’s mind in that micro moment. Ending as fast as it began Choso was leaning with is back against the rail staring up at the house, Y/n decided to hoist herself up on the railings edge; sitting beside Choso, but just far enough that she could swing her legs freely.
In the house Megumi and Sukana were walking through the house slowly gathering people up, shooing them out of ‘restricted’ rooms, and outright sending them home. Those who were too drunk shared cabs and Ubers. By the time the two met back up in the living room half the party was gone or unconscious.
“No ones left upstairs.” Megumi spoke like he was reporting in from a mission, his own little quirk. “I think everyone else is leaving on their own.” He seemed annoyed by that fact, but it also seemed to be purely surface level. Sukana sighed, the tension he’d felt slowly leaving him.
“Good.” Sukana was dramatic in his body language, he turned around the room, his gaze sweeping over everything, hands firmly on his hips. “Okay, should we get the others up?” He half turned to Megumi to ask his question, somewhere in his head he knew what he wanted but knew he couldn’t just do what he wanted.
Megumi let out his own sigh, “Yeah probably.” Megumi rubbed his hands over his face and through his hair the craving for sleep creeping into his eyes. Sukana clapped a hand on his back, starting to lead him towards the basement.
“Let’s go.” He half mumbled out, but as they walked he continued to scan the rooms, looking for anything out of place or broken. What he wasn’t expecting to see was Choso leaning over a girl that looked like Y/n; but it was too fast, doing a double take showed him no more then his older brothers back. “What the fuck.” He spoke aloud, much louder then he thought, startaling Megumi.
“What?” His brows were knitted together and eyes slanted into a quizzical glare. He darted his gaze around, head turning to see, but he found nothing off. They’d stopped just in the hallway, Sukana was staring at the floor, rationalizing what he maybe just saw.
The fiery twin shook his head, “Nothing, just tired.” He forcefully shrugged it off. “Let’s go.” Again he led them to the basement. Megumi stayed a step behind, looking behind, curious as to what threw Sukana off.
Outside while the two relaxed, simply enjoying the night air, they both noticed the party starting to thin out, even the few people outside with them were starting to scurry away. Yet the music played on, the lights stayed dim, both had long been done smoking, just sharing idle conversation.
“Do you go to the art school?” Choso was facing the opposite way now, leaning over the railing, eyes lazalie sweeping over the garden. Y/n nodded first, half glancing behind her before hoping off the railing.
“Yeah I do. Moved here for the school, among other reasons.” She was a little vege but Choso didn’t push. “I mostly work with paint, but I’ve been studying dance too.” She was gazing up towards the sky as she spoke, something in her eyes was hopeful.
Choso smiled, his eyes soft, “That’s cool, are you entering the scolorship contest?” Absentmindedly Choso reminded himself of a current stresser. “It’s gonna be starting soon.” He was forcing back a grumble, frustratingly nervous about the whole debockle. Y/n shook her head while leaning a bit closer, baring her weight on one foot.
“Nah, not my kinda thing, despite the opportunity, I don’t do well under pressure like that.” She admitted, more to herself then to the man next to her. It had Choso letting out a laugh.
“I feel that.” His smile was bright and genuine. “It really is a bitch, but-“ He cut himself off to mull it over in his head, “It’s fun somehow.” Y/n turned her eyes to him while he spoke, seeing the sine that came from his random enegery. It was like he was convincing himself and well as Y/n.
Then the information sank in, “Oh- You’re in the contest? What’er you studying?” A part of her was excited that she might get to see him again after that night.
“Yeah I am. But I don’t actually go to the school. I take elective classes, kinda. There weird but I enjoy it. Figured the scolorship would help out with my work.” Choso felt like he hadn’t talked this much in months, his voice was starting to feel rough, but he felt so comfortable and welcomed, he found himself furthering the conversation far more then he normally would. Y/n was growing more fascinated as they continued, the more she learned the more she wanted to learn.
“What do you do for work? Tattoo artist?” She questioned half joking, her big smiling eluding to the fact, but the silence that came from Choso told her she was right. A uncontrollable laugh spouted from her. “Wait really? I was just guessing.” She was beaming, “That’s awesome.” Choso gladly returned the smile and laugh.
“Yeah I am.” He spoke through the end of his laugh. “I own my own shop.” Y/n was stunned by that.
“Really? But-“ She stuttered to find her words. “You’re so young.” It was a fact, but it was suprising to Y/n nonetheless. “That’s amazing.” She said finally, her astoninship shown clear in her complamint. Choso was surprised by her reaction, expecting the usual unsatisfied or disinterested comment.
“Thank you. But I’m not that young, unless you wanna say 27 is younger then whatever the average is.” He was sporting a cocky almost smug expression, fully swear he was able to again his dream sooner then most. Y/n lightly nudged her arm against his.
“Whatever, gonna act like thats not impressive. Psht.” An unserious scoff was her final rebuttal. Choso just shook his head half heartedly. A final lull washed over them but it felt okay, natural. Behind them the party was about over, but music still played though muffled. A covered song, Dammit (After Dark) began to play, one both of them knew; unknowingly between the two of them both had voted for it to be played near the start of the party. The intro had them swaying slowly as they stood. When they glanced at each other another small laugh came from it.
“Would you like to dance?” The words surprised Choso as he spoke them, but no part of him questioned it, leaning into the feeling, taking that first step closer. Quietly Y/n’s breath caught in her chest, suddenly not feeling the cold of the air.
“I would.” Slipped from her as she stepped closer, barely touching his chest. the song grew quiet, he wrapped his arms around her again, holding her completely against himself. When the final couros came on the two stayed moving at thier own slower speed, finding solace in this unique moment. Neither heard the song change, just knew it was slower, totally lost in the sight of the other, not realizing they were closing the small gap between them. Choso was leaning down before he could think about it, his hands gliding up her fram to hold her face, guiding her into a kiss. She followed his movements eagerly, following but allowing to be led, until thier lips were connected.
The kiss started soft, tentative. His were slightly chapped, his face cold. Her whole being was on fire, warm and so welcoming. The tenderness of it was a surprise, but that quickly melted into something more passionate. To deepen the kiss Choso leaned further in, one hand leaving her delicate cheek, smoothly drifting down her neck and top her back, stopping at the small of her back. He fiddled with the hem of her shirt and shorts, dipping under the fabric with just the tips. Y/n let her hands roam up his chest over his shoulders and into his long black hair; pulling him closer as she went, though she was still having to stand on her toes to fully deepen the kiss. Hesitantly Choso slid his hand lower, asking for permission to continue, her reply was swiping her young between his lips. He cupped her ass and pulled her closer, dropping his other hand to her hip her held her from to him. Both explored each others mouths, Y/n letting a moan slip between them when she felt his tongue piercing against the flat of her tongue. The sweet moan that came from Y/n had Choso groping her ass a little harder, his other hand dipping under her shirt, splaying out over her ribs. His hands were cold, so cold Y/n gasped, a shrill sound but one of pleasure.
However the moment was cut short there, the small second of separation had both of their eyes open, and out of their peripheral they both saw someone. Y/n snapped her head to the side first, squinting at the glass door, Choso followed suit, but when they both looked, no one and nothing was there. Y/n even blinked a few a times, trying to reset the image in her brain, whereas Choso just focused through the glass, a small thought that maybe it was one of the guys, but he couldn’t be sure. Both were now catching their breath, Y/n’s whole face was tinted pink, Choso’s black strip was highlighted by the blush of his cheeks.
Neither knew what to say, but neither of them wanted the situation to turn awkward, both ending up saying in unison, “I’m sorry.” Earning a giggle from Y/n and and chuckle from Choso.
“Don’t sweat it.” Choso tried to seem cool and collected but his smile and glowing eyes said otherwise. “I mean it was forward of me.” He was struck with a ping of concern, not wanting to come off as that guy who can’t take a hint. But Y/n surprised him again.
“Maybe a little but I wanted it too.” Y/n was still in his arms, something Choso wasn’t thinking about, not until she affirmed the mutual desire. It had a relief filled smile take over Choso. “Though…” Y/n spoke then paused, wondering if the man holding her was having the same realization; but looking up at him told her he was clueless, in fact he seemed worried. He let go of her but only took a small step back, no longer caging her against himself. Y/n rushed to answer, “Well it’s just that,” she paused to motion between them, “We, or at least I don’t know your name.” She was bashful about it, a feeling embaressed that she never asked. But Choso was hit with the realization in that moment, a silent ‘oh’ left him, but was clear in his expression.
“We don’t do we. Ha.” He was speechless, not sure what to say. However Y/n knew what was on her mind.
“What’s odd to me is this weird feeling,” she again gestured to Choso, more in his general direction, “About you, like I know you or something.” Her eyes were squinted, as if inspecting him. “But I don’t think we’ve met before…Have we?”
Choso shook his head. “No I don’t think so.” He ducked his head and dropped his eyes, “But I know what you mean. Since I saw you in the living room I thought I recognized you.” He admitted, something about the candor of this conversation was opening both of them up.
“Thought?” She asked in return, though she wasn’t truly expecting an answer.
“Well- Like the feeling is still there-“ Choso cut himself off, looking closer at Y/n’s face. “I don’t know but I think it’s your eyes.” Y/n absentmindedly opened her eye’s wider. “They seem so familiar to me.” That charming smile returned, he couldn’t help but wiggle a complement in, “Or maybe they’re just that unique.” He was almost smug about it. Y/n scoffed.
“Whatever. “ She very jokingly shoved at his chest. “Smooth.” But she still couldn’t help the smile or rush of blood from her face. “Seriously though. It’s a little odd, right?” She swayed where she stood, “Kinda like dejavu but not exactly that.” Choso nodded along.
“Yeah I get it.” He let out a coy chuckle to himself, “Maybe we have somebody incommon.” He wasn’t being serious, a part of Y/n knew that, but it made something click in her brain.
“What if we do?” She said as if it was the missing number in a calculation. Choso was skeptical.
“Yeah but what are the odds?” He exaggerated his expression of disbelief. “Like didn’t you just move here?” He looked around to emphasize his point. “Not trying to sound like a dick here, but how many people could you know yet?” It was then, Choso’s words triggered something in their brains. Both looked each other dead in the face, then their eyes darted to the house, then back to each other.
“Holy shit.” Y/n was more than shocked, her eyes were wide, but suddenly so many things made sense. Choso was equally if not more stunned.
“Oh…” He’d taken another step back, one hand on his hip and the other nervously pawing at the pack of his head. Y/n had her hands cupped over her face, the only thing visible was her wide eyes. But a part of Y/n was also relentless, needing solid proof she said one thing.
“Choso?” Though his name came out as a question, and the situation did not call for it, it had a shiver run up his spine.
“Y/n.” Was his answer, though he couldn’t look at her, fearing he might implode from embarrassment alone. It was all that she need for confirmation.
She nearly threw her hands to her hips, eyes boring into the concrete, “This is awkward.” It wasn’t a question, nor was it directed at Choso, but the simple fact stated aloud allowed both of them of let out a sigh of half relief. “Well…”
“Yeah…” Choso was had turned a full 180 and was facing the house. “I-um… I’m sorry about this.” He glanced to Y/n who was also looking at the house. She turned to him when he apologized.
“No. Don’t be, I mean we didn’t know. But I-I get it, I’m sorry too. Sorry it’s awkward at least.” She admitted the last thought, unsure of how she feels. “But what, what’er we supposed to do about..” Y/n gestured with her head towards the house, “With them.” Choso let out a fast forced breath, internally he wanted to explode.
“I don’t know. Do we say something? Keep it to ourselves? I don’t know.” Choso listed the options the two had, but none of them made the two feel any kind of ease. He rolled his head back and let his arms drop to his sides. “Do we even have to say anything?” He said somewhat defied.
“It’s not not an option…Right?” Y/n was rationalizing, but she still gave voice to the idea. Choso looked towards Y/n.
“Seriously?” Y/n nodded in response. “Well, yeah, that’s not- it wouldn’t be lying, not technically.” Even he didn’t believe what he was saying. Y/n nodded again.
“We just bumped into each other.” Y/n had her hands out and was again facing Choso. “We just started talking and introduced ourselves?” Choso was now the one nodding.
“Yeah, and now…” He ducked down a bit to get a better look through the glass door. “We’re just meeting back up with them?” He stood up, his brows upward in that, it’s a vegue explanation but not unbelievable way. Y/n was almost mimicking his expression.
“Yeah. Okay. Well, we should probably go in.” She took the few steps towards the door but stopped short, looking back and waiting for him. He snapped to it, swiping his jacket again then he was behind her in three steps. With a deep breath both went through the door and almost bolted for the stairs to the basement. Neither one paying any mind to the now virtually empty house, or the fact that the music had stopped long ago. They stopped just shy of the door, the dark staircase nearly completely concealing them both, neither could make out the others face. But both let out a breath, calming themselves the best they could before walking into the basement.
Whatever they were expecting was not what they walked into. The basement was essentially empty, Yuta, who was just starting to walk up, was still in the recliner. Sukana was sitting at the bar, facing away from Megumi who was behind the bar. The enegery of the room was weird. Their entrance just added to it. Sukana sipped around to face them, his face in a scowl. No one had to guess what he was thinking.
“Where have you been?” It was more a command then a question, and it wasn’t clear who exactly he was asking. But neither of them got to answer, “I don’t care. It’s late.” He wasn’t making the best sense for being the only totally sober one, but the three assumed he was just barking out his thoughts. Y/n saw the oppratunity to jump in.
“I still don’t know where my room is.” It was ment to be a question but it was more a statement left in the air. Choso snapped his attention to Y/n.
“Your room?” He did question.
She nodded in the affirtive. “Yeah my new place is being fumigated, I’m stayin here for the week.” She said it as if she’d simply forgot to mention it. Choso was the one failing at hiding his surprise. But he nodded as if he just didn’t hear the first time.
“Makes sense.” He said with a shrug. Sukana interrupted the small conversation, grabbing Y/n’s hand to place a set of keys in her palm.
“Come on. I’ll show you.” He began to walk away knowing Y/n would be just behind him. And she was, but she did stop.
Not fully turned around she looked at Choso, “It was nice meeting you, Choso.” A soft smile and small wave and she was gone up the stairs with Sukana. A barely audible “You too.” Left Choso, but it was for only him to hear. Now it was only Himself, Yuta and Megumi in the basement. Feeling maybe a bit to comfortable he let out a deep long sigh before flopping on the empty couch.
Yuta, now fully awake, was leaning on his knees, a hand rubbing at his eyes. “What happened?” It was a question, but it was perpousfully vegue. Choso just scrunched his nose, propping his head up on his hands, eyes barely open despite being wide awake.
“Nothing. Just a long night.” It came out far more defensive then he wanted. From the bar Megumi scoffed loudly.
“Bullshit. You walked in here like you had a rod for a spine.” Megumi knew better, so did Yuta. “What did you do?”
“Did you hit on her?” Yuta asked, needlessly leaning closer to ask his smug question. Megumi moved to stand behind the couch, looking down at Choso.
He groaned out, flustered, dropping his head face first into the learther. He didn’t know how to answer, knew these two would see through him immidatlly. They took his actions as a half answer in the affirmative.
“So what did happen?” Megumi asked, baring his weight on the back of the couch. Yuta leaned in again, percosionary to hear better what Choso might say.
“It’s not- It wasn’t- I don’t want to talk about this.” Choso was having an argument with himself by that point, a losing one. “Just…flirting. Okay? It was awkward and I just want to forget it.” It was his way of telling them to drop it. Yuta and Megumi shared a look, acknowledging the weird vibes their elder was giving off, his vegue defensive answers. They knew something was up.
Sukana gave the quietest house tour ever, walking Y/n through the house, in and out of the living room and back down a hallway she didn’t know was there, to a short staircase leading up to a three door hallway. Sukana opened the one closet to the stairs, a fairly big room on the other side that was modestly furnished. A twin bed and a small desk with matching nightstand, Y/n’s bags were on the bed. Y/n turned to thank Sukana but he cut her off.
“Did something happen?” He was stoic and serious, his eyes anylitcal. He stood in the doorway, unmoving like a wall. Internally Y/n screamed and panicked, but she held her composure.
“What? Nothing happened? What are you talking about?” SHe played the confused cared, fanning the idea that he could be talking about anything that happened that night. But he wasn’t havin it.
“I dont really believe that.” His words cut through like a hot knife. “I know him and I know you.” He spoke in facts, but Y/n was gonna deny till she was blue in the face.
“What are you on about? Seriously, nothing happened.” Y/n leaning against the doorframe in the hopes it would make her words seem more genuine. Sukana shook his head.
“I know what he’s like, people fall for him left and right. And its not like your looks are a secret-“ Sukana cut himself off quicker then a match could’ve been lit. Y/n gave him a coy look.
A cocky smile gracing her face. “My looks? Aww, thank you, Kana.” Using this as the perfect moment to slip his nickname in. And like she expected he clammed up.
“Don’t, that’s not what I ment.” His tone turned whiny, shoulders dropping. “Whatever, just- I’m leaving.” Sukana quickly turned to leave was almost down the stairs.
“Night Sukana.” Y/n called to him from the doorway.
Y/n was now alone in her tempoery bedroom, in a rush of excitement layed in exhaustion she crashed onto the small bed, eyes gazing out one of the windows. She couldn’t help but replay the night in her mind, analyzing every decision she’d made, everything that led her to that moment. The only conclusion she could make was that she was excited for the next day.
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how many chapters do u think afs will have 😭? I've been wanting to read the series for a while now but i have a tendency to forget what happened during the previous chapter(s) when reading ongoing fics and so i have to reread 💀 so im waiting tor them to finish 🥹 IK ITS LIKE A STUPID PROBLEM BUT ARGEHSHSHSH sending hugs and your writing is so *chefs kiss* 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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Okay, so I am very very very very VERY bad at judging how long one of my fics will be 😬 Here are some examples:
When I started this, my thought was 'this'll probs just be like a 5 chapter drabble series about domesticity' and now we're on chapter 15 lolol
Once upon a time, I planned out a three chapter drabble using one of my OCs and the Avengers as just a fun 'look my baby is meeting superheroes!' and then it turned into a three book series. First book being nearly 400k words
In my original work, I tried to limit myself to only 150k words for book one and I'm tiptoeing toward 200k (which is going to be my absolute nightmare when it comes to editing but we're not gonna think about that right now)
So basically what I'm saying is even if I gave you an actual answer right now the chances are I will be very wrong hahahah. I totally understand wanting to wait until things finish (believe me I've had my share of heartbreak over fics that haven't updated since 2007🥲), but unfortunately any answer I give would be wild and inaccurate. Sorry! But thank you so much for the hugs and I'm glad you like my writing style!!
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tsaritsa · 1 year
me: i'm going to write cullen smut :)))))) me:
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troublewithvampires · 11 months
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@rejectshumanity said: do you listen to music while your write? do you have ideal writing circumstances when you can do a lot of drafts or tackle really long ones very easily? if you are writing a wrong reply that’s not working out, do you save what you have to be continued at another date, or do you scrap it and rewrite? does the total amount of threads you have going on matter to you, or just how many you owe?
(roleplaying habits - open)
do you listen to music while you write?
not typically! i definitely do sometimes, but i find that music is actually really distracting for me when i do anything creative. most of the time, i put on long video essays or movies i've seen before and just listen to those as background noise. i find writing in silence to be pretty difficult, but music doesn't work for me.
fun fact, for years one of my go-to background noise movies to write to is kung fu panda. i am not kidding.
do you have ideal writing circumstances when you can do a lot of drafts or tackle really long ones very easily?
i'm one of those people who has pretty fickle muse at times, but honestly. the best circumstances for me to write in are when i have a chance to curl up somewhere warm and zone out to some background noise. i also find that outlining my replies in advance really helps, especially for long ones, so i try to do that when actually writing is a struggle.
also, long replies are actually a lot easier for me than short replies most of the time, haha!
if you are writing a wrong reply that’s not working out, do you save what you have to be continued at another date, or do you scrap it and rewrite?
if i'm trying to write a reply that's not working out, i do usually take a step back and try another day. that's actually one reason i'm so slow LMAO. i really struggle to completely scrap my own writing, even if it's not working, so i don't usually scrap replies that aren't working.... but it does take me time to really work through them.
i'm trying to get better at killing my darlings, for lack of a better way to put it :'p
does the total amount of threads you have going on matter to you, or just how many you owe?
i think i might not fully understand this question, but i've been having trouble properly tracking my thread count for a few months now, so i guess mentally i'm better at keeping track of the ones i owe replies to? i need to sit down and make a new tracker sometime soon.
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vohunara · 2 years
SPECIALIZATIONS — We know scholars aren't exclusive to their Darshans if they don't want to be. That being said, Kaveh is a mastermind from the Kshahrewar, but has also taken specific classes from other schools for no purpose other than hunger for knowledge.
Haravatat is almost his second Darshan, though he will never claim to be a specialist or dedicated researcher from it. However, he shows up fairly frequently in the audience of any debates and would hardly turn down any "challenges" to be on stage against someone else's theories/opinions.
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rosiegirlie · 5 months
Your story is simply fantastic! I keep reading the chapter, thinking that it will end soon and how sad that would make me. But it kept on going, and then I checked the number of words, and holy shit! I fell in love at that moment!
Billie is out of this world. She is basically eternal; she is such a complicated character. She went from being the most carefree person in the world to being insecure about herself. While every other girl there lived a very basic lifestyle before, and when they came there, their lifestyle changed, and they became more carefree. Billie did the complete opposite. She went from living in the circus, where she was able to travel, dress as she liked, be with whoever she liked, and not being insecure about her appearance, to someone who was now basically put in a box and had to follow all those rules that did not make sense to her.
Her relationship with Rosie is the best thing. Because it is not too slow, but it is not fast either. They both like each other very much, but they don’t know how to act around each other. This story is not about how Billie and Rosie finally got together; it’s about them figuring out how to stay together in this mess.
Rosie’s and Billie's world colliding is fantastic because they are completely different; their lifestyles, personalities, way of thinking are worlds apart but still so beautiful. They are both so in love because they are people who have lived their lives, and now they have found the one.
Cannot wait to read the next chapter! I love it way too much 🥰🥰🥰
okay but i'm !!!!!!!!!! wowowow so touched and grateful for this message !!! Like I've been geeked all day thinking about this so thank you my dear anonymous friend for the love ! Truly I'm so glad you're enjoying Billie & Rosie as much as I am and that you picked up on all of the vibes I was trying to put out ! It really sounds like you clocked exactly who I was trying to have Billie be and that makes be beyond happy omg. Thank you so so much for reading !!!!!!!
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