#I'm always happy to talk about Gummy Worms!
password-door-lock · 5 months
I see you out there tagging posts with "#me and all my gummy worms ideas". You better write those, mister. I reread that fic on the regular.
Lol okay so the thing about Gummy Worms is that I started writing a sequel in like October and it’s basically just Saeran introspecting about his time as an idol and remembering specific interactions that he had with Rika interspersed with a "present day" narrative where he and MC are preparing for a Halloween party that Yoosung is holding, but then Rika shows up at the party and she and Saeran kind of come to terms with the general weirdness of their creative relationship, but then a) I realized that it would be out of character for Yoosung to allow that to happen... like he would not invite Rika and Saeran to the same event... like I don't think he would cut Rika off completely but especially without any context for her actions (outside of what he got from Saeran's album), I don't think Yoosung would want Rika at his Halloween party with his friends whom she victimized like 2 months ago b) I really struggled to make the sequel and the original seem like two parts of the same cohesive set... I think part of this is that Gummy Worms is MC's linear narrative of events that take place over the course of a few month and Gummy Worms 2 [Working title] is Saeran's very non-linear narrative of events that take place over the course of several years. But also, Gummy Worms is generally a pretty fun story and what I've written of Part 2 is a lot angstier and heavier in general, since it's largely dealing with a professional relationship between two deeply troubled people c) While I was dealing with (a) and (b) and also Mystictober, Halloween came and went and every time I think "maybe I should think about reworking Gummy Worms 2" I open it up and see that hALLoWeEN is central to both the past and present narratives, which I feel like would be a pretty weird thing to post at any time other than October
But, all that being said, I feel bad to tease content about Gummy Worms Unknown and Rika without delivering, so my favorite scene from Gummy Worms 2 [working title] is under the cut.
He slept and ate when he was forced to, and filled the rest of his time up with live streams. Life was so easy, a metronome in the background of whatever dance number Rika insisted on playing when tugging at his puppet strings. Saeran didn't know much about himself; he didn't know what he could do outside of what he was already doing. He had no idea who he wanted to be, let alone who he was. All he knew was that he was creating and destroying for Mint Eye, earning them money with every breath he took. That was his job: to make content, not art.
And it was so easy. It must have been the third Halloween that he went to get the tattoo— it was not a sign of defeat. It was pure rage, rage transmuted to become ink as if through an alchemical formula, rage penetrating his skin and leaving its mark on him forever. He was branding his likeness as a product distributed by Mint Eye Entertainment. He had no choice but to live as Unknown, and Mint Eye owned Unknown— so Saeran had no choice but to be a tool, a hit-maker under the discretion of Mint Eye. Easy, easy. Saeran didn't even flinch when the logo was added to his person, didn't cry, didn't register the feeling of it. He was numb to pain already, too familiar with it to care much about the needle carving out a home for itself under his skin.
He went and found Rika afterwords— she was working late, as always, blond curls falling in her face as she bent over some impressive pile of very important paperwork. Her champagne-colored blouse had a coffee or tea-ish stain on the collar, and Saeran wondered if she wasn't really just the same as him— somebody who took advantage of the music charts to claw their way out of a bad situation. Of course she needed to exploit him, he thought, deflating as she greeted him with that familiar cool smile. How else would she stay ahead? How else would she survive? If their positions were reversed, could he really say that he'd be any better than she was?
But he was already in her office, wearing her label's logo on his skin. It was permanent, part of him forever, just like every sacrifice that either one of them ever made in the name of all this. "Rika," he breathed her name, and she looked up, eyes red. From crying? From lack of sleep? Or maybe it was just a trick of the light. Saeran still isn't sure to this day. "I hope you're happy." The words tumbled out, unfair and bitter and entirely justified.
"Oh?" She took some time to process his words, not looking half as horrified as he wanted her to be. "Thank you, Saeran." She didn't even notice the tattoo. The conversation did not comfort him, and he left her office feeling just as angry and guilty as he did when he came in.
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cupidscrule · 9 months
Leon X Fem! reader
P in V, smut
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[ no tw, vanillaish idk ]
1.2k wrd
”Woah, woah, slow down” Leon chuckled as you started explaining another cool story to him.
Your relationship was like the definition of a black cat and a golden retriever. You always have so much energy and are nice to almost everyone. Leon on the other hand is a tough agent who doesn’t really enjoy showing much emotion. He’s pretty stern towards others— but his softspot for you is clear.
”Okay, i’m listening. Tell me” He said while you were walking together with your fingers interlocked.
"okay okay! So THEN after Fluttershy wrote an entire song, rainbow dash just decides to throw it out? Ugh she's such a bitch. Don't you agree? I mean her friend went through all the trouble to try and get them to win the battle of the bands but she's so selfish.." you said, going on about a children's movie. You loved cute things, hello kitty, my little pony, really anything a 12 year old girl would be obsessed with, wearing cute little outfits and rambling about pointless stuff. But hey it made you happy and Leon thought it was adorable
"Mhm, yeah, so selfish" Leon couldn’t help but chuckle a little about how into the movie she was. by now he knew EVERYTHING about these stupid colourful horses, rainbowdash, fluttershy, twilight, pinkie, apple jack, list goes on. Honestly from what he knew rarity seemed like the best- I mean she was a boss bitch.
He found the whole thing pretty amusing, you were just so excited about it and he’s glad you have stuff you're so.. passionate about
"I mean, it would probably get annoying if her friend just wasted all that effort right? " He said trying to show his interest in her story.
"exactly! Ugh finally you get it" you said smiling up to him, leaning closer into his side as you two walked down back home, it was a long day. Like REALLY long, you took Leon shopping, got your nails done, bought some new skirts, and a new album. All that sort of stuff, but y'know dragging Leon aside you cause someone had to carry the shit, you were gettin really close to the outside of your house, skipping beside Leon holding hands. Life was like a dream.
But the long day out had Leon pretty tired— he had to drag a lot of your stuff around and you insisted they go to multiple stores (you tried to be nice and let him pick something out but he was too tired and grumpy, I know right such a dick head?)
When you were about to arrive home, he looked at you as you skipped around excitedly and smiled softly. Despite what he’s put through, he can’t deny that he finds your behavior adorable.
He squeezed your hand and chuckled a little before you guys got in front of your door.
"Oo Leon tomorrow we should watch rainbow rocks, then you'll understand what I'm talking about better" you say giggling as you step into your house, taking off your little boots and walking away from Leon plopping your ass on the leather sofa, even if you were like if you gave a six year old crack mixed with sour gummy worms even you could get kinda tired. Right, ain't that surprising? Little princess bitch face getting tired, after crawling over Leon like a little kid and skipping everywhere, runnin, jumping, god doing everything known to fucken man kind
“don’t know if we’ll have the time because of..” Leon muttered under his breath, he didn’t want to upset you and ruin your mood when you’re so excited.
He walked over to the couch and sat beside you silently and just observed you as you started talking about the movie. He placed a hand over your thigh, brushing up and down just silently smiling hearing you decribe your weird ass fictional horse people argue with other creatures from mythology, honestly sometimes he wondered if you needed to be checked into a mental hospital. Little grippy sock princess
“Wellll, maybe we can watch it tomorrow..” He shrugged. “I mean, i’ll do anything you want” Leon chuckled looking over at you.
He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, his body was pretty warm given how hot the day was and his arm was pretty comfortable.
He kissed you forehead before wrapping his other arm around you, squeezing you a little. You loved when he was affectionate, but not in a creepy way, a cute way. But after a long day a girl can get a bit needy, like sue me but when you have a hot ass man cradling you and taking you everywhere, GOD it's like an angel is sent from heaven to fuck you. But fuck you in a good homemade porno way, not one of thoes shitty ones with a whole plotline. Just straight raw fucking
You turn around, breaking his grip on you before climbing onto his lap, placing yourself onto his thigh "Woah Woah, calm down- y'know I'm tire-" he was trying to speak, silly men. You land a big fat kiss on his lips to shut him up, slowly moving yourself on his thigh, pulling away from him getting a breath, saliva dripping down your face like an animal, staring at him in the eyes, his face slightly shocked you made the first move. But you felt something perk up, bingo. Always know what can make your man want ya
"God I can't just stare at your handsome face and do nothing-" you mutter under your breath, pushing yourself closer into him, kissing his face like a big ol' dog, your free hand finding its way to his jean zipper, undoing it his fat dick springing up, he grabs you by your hips, pulling your panties aside, slapping you onto his cock, a groan coming from his lips, honestly didn't expect the day to end like this, went from talkin ponies to getting your brains fucked out. Like a good girl you ride him, his hands are placed on your hips moving you at a decent pase, bit fast but he did do A LOT of work today, guess he deserves it. Nothing else in the world matters right now, euphoric feeling, he thrusted up into you, taking one hand off your hip and grabbing your face, making you look at him, god his eyes make you MELT. He could take care of you, he was real nice with it. He groped your tits sometimes in public, but just made you love him more.
You're at your high, he knows that. Few more thrusts and you whine, feeling your body melt like butter, your weight collapses onto him, but he's not done practically druling on him, limp body he keeps fucken like a doll, if you still have a tight pussy thats all that matters, few moments and he finishes, pressing you down onto him, filling your cervix, still collapsed on him both of you breathen all heavy. "So babydoll, what happened next?" He groaned, a sly ass smirk on his face. "Mm that cunt rainbow got put in her place and they play fluttershys song" you mutter, pushing on his fat chest, rollin off him like a little kid, pussy dripping. His pants stained with you, and a heavy chest.
"I wanna-"
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stardustloserdoll · 9 months
Hi! I saw your post about writing about Jake and Johnnie and I'm so happy! There's not enough fics about them.
Can I request fic Jake x reader and reader is Johnnie's cousin and lives at his house because she's new in LA?
And one day Jake and Johnnie eat super delicious dinner at his house and Jake is surprised how good hai friend cooks but he just says "YN made it". Jake thinks he somehow missed information about his friend's new girlfriend.
And it took several weeks for Jake to meet her and fall in love with her, but there was still this misunderstanding.
How do you think this situation could be resolved with a happy ending?
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johnnies cousin
female reader
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“well here’s your room.” johnnie said pointing to the empty bedroom. “call me if you need any help.” i nodded my head and set down my things on the floor. “thanks johnnie!” after a few hours of unpacking, my room was finally done. with a satisfied sigh i began walking into the kitchen to prepare some dinner.
once i finally finished cooking i called johnnie to come eat, moments later johnnie came into the kitchen his hair disheveled as he rubbed his eyes. i smiled setting down his plate and mine, "i made us some dinner." he walked over and sat down trying it "y/n, this is really fucking good." i smiled and sat down joining him to eat "thank you."
"oh yeah, im going to be out tonight. im gonna explore LA." i mentioned between bites. "cool have fun. im having a friend over too just for a bit." i nodded my head and ate the last of my food heading to wash my dish. "well, the foods on the stove if you want more. later." i said grabbing my keys and purse. "see ya, thanks for dinner."
“dude this foods really good!” jake said as he scarfed down his food. “y/n made it actually. she’s new to LA and she’s been staying with me for a while. you’ll meet her soon.” johnnie responded, making jake raise an eyebrow, ‘johnnie has a girlfriend and he never told me?’
weeks passed by and jake was getting more and more desperate to meet y/n. "when can i meet your girlfriend hm?" jake smiled as he handed johnnie a gummy worm "girlfriend? y/n isn't my girlfriend. did i not tell you she was my cousin?" jakes eyes grew wide "OBVIOUSLY NOT." johnnie laughed "i forgot to tell you that, my bad."
"shes home right now actually, wanna meet her?" johnnie asked. "oh yeah sure, if she doesn't mind." johnnie shook his head "nah she wouldn't. i always talk about you to her. she always asks the same thing about when she can meet you." johnnie laughed as he led jake to y/n's room.
knocking on the door y/n was heard on the other said saying "coming!" as the door opened they were met with y/n smiling up at them. jakes mouth opened when he saw how pretty johnnies cousin was. "close your mouth jake." johnnie mumbled, making y/n laugh. "whats up." y/n asked.
"y/n this is jake. the guy i talk about non stop to you." y/n smiled giving a friendly wave at jake. jake gave a wave back "nice to meet you y/n." jake responded shyly, his face turning slightly red. "nice to meet you too jake. i heard a lot about you." y/n smiled. they all stood there awkwardly in silence waiting for someone to say something. johnnie whispered something in jakes ear making jake nod his head. "so.. y/n, would you be interested in hanging out or something?" jake asked. "i'd love to."
these past few weeks jake and i spent everyday together. one day as jake was dropping me off he stopped me "y/n. i wanted to tell you that uh.. nevermind." i closed the door and sat back down in the seat "whats wrong, you know you can tell me anything." i said placing a hand on his arm. "i like you and i was hoping you'd say yes to being my girlfriend." i smiled leaving over to kiss his cheek "i feel the same way, of course."
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moons-cozy-corner · 1 year
Rescued Pt. 5
The apparently long awaited part 5! Thank you all so much for the love on this series, this was never expected!! <3
ALSO! I am trying to post every Monday from now on (when I can, I'm still getting used to college), so if you like this, perhaps you'll like my other stuff! Mostly whump, plus an original project that is in the works. The first chapter is already out, so please go check it out that would be awesome I'd cry happy tears: Arnin and Daren | First Impressions
Anyways, to the writing (currently eating gummy worms :P)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
TW: Previous captivity mention, stalking, explosion, ptsd, pet whump, dehumanization
Being the county's biggest villain wasn't much of a title, but it scared the hospital into kicking out their precious pet. One step closer to being back in their arms.
The organization would be a difficult break, especially with an angered Hero in range, but it would work. Whumper just needed to wait. They needed patience.
And patience was what the county's biggest villain was known for.
The bed didn't feel real.
Really, nothing did. There were so many unfamiliar sounds, feelings, objects--things Villain remember knowing but simply felt foreign to now. Years in a dingy basement would do that to a someone, he supposed.
And he used to be a someone.
The Organization had no bedrooms, but Hero worked in his office so much after Villain's disappearance there was a mattress in there. Now that Hero took over Superhero's office, his old office was where Villain was staying. Villain was locked in, by request, and hidden in the corner, away from any windows, with his eyes clenched shut.
Still, it was all to bright. Too much noise, too much everything. It made his ears ring and head spin, even with his eyes pressed so hard against his own arm that his vision was turning white. The hospital wasn't any better, but at least Villain had the constant, rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor. The nurses were a huge annoyance, too, but at least their visits came with food. Unlike most of Whumper's visits.
They thought Villain hadn't heard; the nurses, that is. Or maybe they didn't think about it. But either way, Villain did know; Whumper was free. And Villain knew Whumper; smart, cunning, evil. They would get what they wanted. They always did, in time. And right now what they wanted was Villain. No, not Villain.
They wanted Pet back.
His body churned, and he curled into himself, grasping his stomach and holding in the cries. Holding in the tears, too. Whumper never liked tears. Whenever the pillow was wet, it would get taken for a week.
So instead he lay there, listening to the cars buzz by. There were no cars when they were with Whumper. All quiet, all the time. "All peace", as Whumper would say. Until they wanted Pet to break the silence.
Villain started nipping at his knuckles. The tears were coming, whether he liked it or not. He was never very good at this, even after years of being trained to be good at it. Stay still. Stay quiet. Pet had already messed up by talking to Hero. Opening their eyes. They had been humming, for Christ's sake. When Whumper got their hands on it, Pet was dead. Worse than dead.
It threw it's pillow against the wall, tears having fallen to the fabric. It didn't deserve a pillow anyways. It never did. When it got back to it's Master it would beg for forgiveness. Apologize, make sure Master knew that it knew it didn't deserve a pillow or mattress. Or blankets. Or any privilege Master had ever allowed them. And Pet would be okay with it. It deserved that treatment. It deserved worse.
"Villain?" A soft knock whispered against all the other noises, a voice lifting above it all regardless. "Can I come in?"
Pet stayed silent. The door slid open silently, and Hero walked in. Pet imagined behind shut eyes what Hero would see; a skeleton of a man, abandoned of any protection from his skin other than a loose shirt and shorts given to it by Hero. The silence told Pet all they needed to know. Hero was disgusted, and it made Pet's guts swirl.
His voice was apprehensive. Not soft, exactly. Not calm. Apprehensive, as if talking to a skittish cat. A dangerous animal. A starved Pet, that could either go mad or break at any given second. "Villain, do you need another blanket? It's cold in here... Why are you on the floor?" Pet could feel Hero's warmth next to it, making it realize how cold it really was in that tiny office.
Hero didn't make any moves to touch or bother Pet. He seemed to notice, however, that Pet wasn't asleep. "This... this is okay. If this is what you need to heal--to stay quiet, keep your eyes closed, whatever this behavior is--that's okay. Just remember you don't have to. You're allowed to talk and to see and- and to be warm, baby. You're safe here."
Villain's knuckles shook, the bitten parts throbbing. It's not safe here It's not safe here It's not safe here It's not safe here It's no-
Strong hands took Villain's wrists and he screamed. He screamed and flailed before correcting itself, falling to an apologetic heap on the floor but the grip didn't relent. "You are safe here, Villain! Gosh- get up off the floor, please, just- c'mere."
The warmth that surrounded it was extreme. It wasn't soft or subtle. It was harsh and suffocating. Hero's chest moved up and down slowly, but Pet's did the opposite. The only reason Pet didn't struggle was because they couldn't. Stay still, Master had said. Stay quiet.
Until I find you.
It was hard to behave in such strange circumstances. Maybe Master would be merciful if Pet begged for forgiveness hard enough. If they explained how hard they had tried. It knew the only thing that could bring it mercy was to not screw up again, but it found itself seeping into the warmth that suffocated them.
I just want to be better. I just want to be safe.
And then it passed out.
Villain went limp in Hero's arms. His eyes were wet and red and raw. So was the expression on his face. A face that used to be soft and happy, sly with smirks and big smiles when he would successfully prank the hero. Nimble hands that once tended Hero's' wounds now cut up and bony.
Hero just wanted Villain back.
But Villain wasn't Villain anymore, and that was the sad truth. It would take a long time for their lover to heal physically, and even longer mentally. But whatever happened, Hero promised himself and Villain that he would be protected from Whumper until the ends of days. So that maybe Villain could be happy once again.
Hero set Villain back down on the mattress, the same one Hero had spent countless nights sitting restless on trying to find Villain. The thrown pillow was placed back under his head, and a blanket placed over his brittle limbs. Hero watched as his lungs slowed to a normal speed. Far from a calm speed, but better than it had been. He hoped Villain would at least sleep for a few hours. He deserved that much.
Hero didn't move either way. He sat in the office chair and watched his lover sleep less than peacefully. And as they watched Villain, all other worries seemed to seep away, all focused on him. Just him.
So when the alarms started blaring all around them, when the lights flashed red, when Villain began to scream, covering his ears and clenching shut his eyes, Hero cursed and ran. He ran, locking the door behind him. Locking away his love, for his own safety.
And as he ran down the halls, guards moving this way and that, a burst of light came running towards him. A flash of orange, of red, of white. It was blinding, but a single shape penetrated the blinding fullness of light. A shadow of a person leaning over Hero, muttering words he could barely understand. But he did, through the ringing of his ears and the smoke in the air.
Take this as a warning, Hero.
Then all went dark.
taglist: @alwaysalilhigh @nicolepascaline @whumped-inc @littlespacecastle @hollowgast1 @edkore @ramadiiiisme @writereleaserepeat @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @robinwrites @aswallowimprisoned @whumblrwork @cepheusgalaxy @tedrakitty @delicateprincepaper @alwaysalilhigh @0eggdealer @subval01 @ifthisislifeidontlikeit
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
more cress thoughts and reactions (if i wasn't lazy i would start numbering these)
WHAT is with this lunar guard and WHY would he randomly choose to help these guys. since he's a Named Character (but i already forgot) i'm demanding a pov chapter immediately. probably won't get one until we trust him tho rip
NO WAY SCARLET CAN'T DIE OMG - oh thank goodness she's been taken hostage. that's better because it means she has a chance
what is it with cinder and her tendency to pick up strays?? first thorne now the blondie
cinder got that medical rizz (got blondie to take his shirt to staunch blood)
wait how does blondie know that cinder is the lost princess?? did i miss something??? maybe it was something cress mentioned
"Thorne thought maybe it was best for her to practice (cutting bonds) on herself anyway" DAMN BRO COLD
i wonder if the programming making the sat invisible still applies now that it's crashed. if not we're about to have a big problem on our hands
"somehow she’d never worked the sensation of prickly facial hair into her fantasies. She would amend that after this." MISS GIRL WHAT???? that said i find the diction of 'amend that' there's just something so detached about it lmao
no i agree cress WHY would you give a newly blind man a knife
her hair is getting cut off <3 "It felt as though twenty pounds had been cut from her head" probably because it HAS girly. haircuts are literally magical. feel sad?? get a haircut
"It's not your fault" damn thorne i really appreciate how conscious he is of cinder's and now cress' self blaming problem even though he doesn't act like he's all compassionate. softie
grossed out by thorne kissing a 16 year old even if it was just her hand (someone play sixteen by ayesha erotica)
omg i thought the kids were talking about PRIZE MONEY for a BOUNTY and that we were about to see someone properly threatening appear, not just gummy worms fkshfsdkh. LOVE erland for indulging the children. he seems like a fun uncle type figure to have. i wonder how much those kids make him grieve for his daughter. OMG CINDER MENTION IT I NEED ERLAND'S REACTION
omg cress' descriptions of earth make me feel like i've been taking it for granted <3 i love her to death and i wish her all the happiness in the world
i LOVE thorne's no nonsense attitude, especially when it conflicts with cress' fantasies. yeah!! shake her!! wilderness survival king
tf??? i've never heard of a green sunset????? i'm assuming that this is a rural thing or i'm just gonna pin it down to random radioactive scifi reasons
thorne you know what OTHER than constellations would rule out australia?? THE SAND WOULD BE FUCKING RED. i would know because i did a 6 week cross country road trip across the desert from east to west and back again. i get that he's blind but surely cress would have noticed and thought to mention it (catch me looking for the southern cross constellation whenever i go to the northern hemisphere since it's the only one i can consistently recognise)
whenever cinder gets glamoured she always snaps out of it immediately. even kai, the few times it's happened to him. it's honestly VERY disturbing to read it from scarlet's perspective where she's completely unable to (also now i'm finding kai sus. does he have the implant against his knowledge?? he got out of it with pain but wolf literally got SHOT and stayed glamoured)
cress' backstory is intriguing, ESPECIALLY because idk how she's alive. does experimenting really make her THAT worth keeping before her hacking skills came to light?? why does sybil want to keep shells alive in the first place?? she seems very down with eugenics
holding onto neurodivergent coded cress and defending her with my life. of course some traits overlap with her trauma and being isolated for so long
only just remembered this but i guess now my theory of cress not being fully lunar doesn't hold up now that i know her parents. but with what she's saying about her backstory, makes sense why she doesn't identify with lunars that much
maybe it was thorne that i decided was bi??? just by seeing this line about blackmailing a hot pilot if he were in her position??? now that i think about it he had a similar line about kai or something. anyway with thorne saying he would have blackmailed someone i reckon he's just putting on a facade so no one sees him as a softie. but it's still funny to just make characters queer. it's a coping mechanism
OMG NOW THAT THE SATELLITE HAS CRASHED THE LUNARS ARE EXPOSED. I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT. but the spyware should ALSO be down unless specific feeds went directly to the palace
this read has been such a treat for me!! i mentioned this on a reblog of one of my first cress post, but for those of you who haven't seen it when i was like. 5. my library had this picture book of the biblically accurate grimms brothers rapunzel. BEAUTIFUL illustrations. i was a silly goofy little kid obsessed with morbidity and i LOVED the gory illustrations of the prince's eyes getting stabbed out by thorns and him wandering around the forest all bloody and blind. i tried to find it online but couldn't!! the closest thing to it was rapunzel by sarah gibb which isn't gloriously violent anyway. i want to see if i can hunt it down irl and let you guys know which one it is but i used to frequent three different local libraries + the school library of my primary school was basically my own playground so i can't remember where i used to read it ;-; but yeah all this is to say i'm obsessed with cress as a retelling of rapunzel by far as someone who has a long history and grew up with it <3
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Seventeen P5-8
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Seventeen Series
I had basically been in this lovey composed state for the rest of the day utterly smitten, once classes were over I walked along with Zart and Fry to the nearby seven eleven store, where Zart and I worked part-time he sat on the counter leaning his head on his arm waiting for potential customers, and I did some stocking. I kept an eye on Fry as he stood by the wall of slushie machines watching them rotate the icy drinks, I know He and Zart went out before my shift and they both now had a signature smell about them so I knew they'd pretty much be like this all night but I kept an eye on them both just in case... I heard the bell on the door but didn't think much of it continuing to stock the shelves but I stopped short as I noticed the familiar blue and white uniform of the cheer team They were all here clearly on their way home from practice today, they came in grabbing some snacks, some bags of chips, some chocolate, gummy worms and other such stuff I looked but I couldn't see y/n so I just focused on working 
"Uhhh excuse me" Teresa Snapped to Zart as she and the girls wanted to get some of the hot snacks from behind the counter but he was just kinda out of it 
"Did you not hear me?"
"I heard you... Perhaps if you said please I'd wiggle a little faster" he says 
"Excuse me! Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that!" she snapped 
he glanced down at his name badge a moment "I think...I'm Zart. Or I'm reading his clothes. Fry! who am I?"
"This ladies asking who I think I am"
"I think you're a wizard man..."
"Ohhh so zart, or wizard you can choose madam," He told her
"I'm telling my father about this!"
 "You want a hot dog or not?"
I did my best not to laugh as he actually served them and they paid, I focused on my stocking
"Hi" I heard behind me making me turn and there she stood
Y/n, in her cheer uniform with her bag over her shoulder holding the strap, her pompom's leaking from the bag a little 
"Oh uhhhh -" I jumped doing my best not to panic or blush but where I jumped I knocked the display and knocked everything I just stocked onto the floor "Hi, how can I help you?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spook you," she says coming and helping me pick everything up
"It's okay, Thank you"
"It's alright it was my fault."
"No no it's okay, How can I help?"
"I wanted a cherry slushie but it doesn't seem to work"
"Ohh Cherry?"
"Yeah the cherry handle is always a little funny" I explained so I headed over with her "What size?"
"Just a medium" 
"Okay" I smiled grabbing the medium cup and having a small argument with the handle for the machine with the cherry flavour but eventually I got it to actually come down and fill up the cup, once it was nice and full I added the lid and a straw "Here you go"
"Thank you very much" she smiled "You uhh you're in my physiology class right?"
"Yeah, I am,"
"I thought so, well I best go pay" she smiled
"No no uhh don't worry about it, it's on me"
"Awww that's so sweet, thank you" she smiled sipping her slushie "We'll I'll see you around"
"Yeah see you... be uhh be careful. Not to freeze your brain" I told her and she giggled 
"I'll try, thank you" she smiled giving me a little wave before she headed off out with the other girls 
I smiled so widely so so happy! I talked to her! 
"You gonna pay for it then?" Zart asks 
"Alright, I'm coming" I sighed 
I headed home through the darkness kicking the front door shut behind me and I saw my dad sat much as I saw him this morning reading at the table but the paper had now been replaced with a book dinner on the table already
"Hi" I smiled
"Hey kiddo, you're late tonight"
"yeah, we had a delivery at work and Zart was zonked so" I shrug unpacking my lunch bag into the kitchen and such like 
"When isn't he" he laughs "But you know my rules"
"No partaking" I laughed "Until I'm twenty-five"
"When you're brain is finished developing do what you want. not until"
"I know," I laughed "I'm pretty convinced Fry and Zart may have erased some brain cells" I laughed "Where's mum?"
"PTA meeting"
"Ohh okay" I shrug gathering a drink and my dinner to take upstairs "I'll be in my room"
"Hey! Not so fast. Physics" he says snapping his fingers at me 
I sighed getting it from my bag and handing it over he checked it often glaring at me 
"Not too bad, go on you're clean"
"Yes! Thanks, Dad" I smiled grabbed my stuff and bolted upstairs to my room I had dinner at my desk as I did my homework and any reading and such I needed to do all with my headphones in listening to the Heathers soundtrack thinking of my sweet little y/n, as soon as I was done with my work and dinner I climbed into bed and hugged my pillow "Ummmmm y/n" I smiled squeezing the pillow tightly giving it some little kisses 
I woke up fairly quickly which was unusual, but the reason was I was being beaten up! 
"Ahh what the hell!" I yelled kicking Sonya off me "The fuck are you doing in my room!" 
"Don't ever do that again!" she says before going to leave
"I don't even know what I did!"
"Don't talk to y/n"
"How do you know about that?"
"The rest of the cheer squad told me."
"You're a flag girl. You're not on the cheer squad"
"No! but I will be when either Lisa transfers or Teresa kicks Alexandra out. But even still you can't talk to the cheerleaders so don't!"
"I'll talk to whoever I bloody want to!"
"No, you can't! because now the track team is coming for your ass and the whole school knows what you did, you can't just talk to the cheerleaders and expect to be fine" she says 
"She spoke to me, we weren't at school what am I supposed to do?"
"you nod and be silently respectful," she says "I'm serious do not. do that again" she says heading off for her shower 
I sighed and turned over hugging my pillow. 
I sighed and eventually forced myself out of bed and got dressed grabbing my stuff and already putting a headphone in before I even went downstairs, 
"Hey somebodies grumpy this morning," My mother laughs as she served my dad his eggs 
"You alright kiddo, something up?" my dad asks as he immediately notices I was in a bad mood
"Ask Sonya" I snapped "Bye," I told them before heading out shoving my other headphone in and going to wait by the road and soon enough Sonya joined me 
"I'm-" she began
"You're not sorry. you're only saying it because Mum made you. if you don't mean it don't say it"
"Fine" she snapped as the bus arrived so we got on and I just ignored her leaning my head against the window and trying just to get myself through the day, Once we got to school I was again the last one off and I just headed through to my locker and grabbed my stuff for the day I noticed Thomas wasn't here but I didn't question it I just headed to my first class and immediately I sighed as I saw the chairs in a circle I found my seat and collapsed in it watching as everyone else headed in and found their seats too and soon enough the lesson began even if I wasn't at all listening and after a while, I saw a small bit of paper fall onto my desk, I picked it up before the teacher saw and unfolded It 
'You R Dead Newton' 
I glanced around and saw who wrote it as he was glaring at me 
Ben Smith, he's the smartest guy on the track team which is sort of like being the tallest drawf, while also being class clown the humour of the team as it were and no that's not a compliment, he and y/n used to date given that most of the track team dated the cheerleaders but they broke up last Christmas.
He sat in his seat four or five around from my own glaring at me in his track pants and blue and white letterman jacket with his name on the back. 
I just stuffed the note in my pocket zipped up my hoodie, putting up my hood and pulling the strings hard so I could basically hide myself inside. 
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fonulyn · 5 months
I'd love to hear about your domestic piers thoughts!
Also what kind of dogs would he like? And is he more of a dog person than a cat person? Or like an all animal kinda person?
Oh and with the gummy worms, are we talking sour or regular?
i think he'd be an "all animals are amazing" kind of person but mostly a dog person. he'd love taking them on runs, maybe hiking with them, and playing with them in the yard, i see him coming home and like six dogs immediately piling on him because they're so excited to see him!
and honestly I think he'd like medium sized to big dogs. the kind you can pet and hug with a bit more force if that makes sense? i'm always tempted to give him and Leon a Finnish Lapphund bc it's my favorite but as far as I know there's like ...two of them in the US lmao. but honestly I could see them just rescue older dogs and offer them their last happy home too. but Piers definitely would have the energy for puppies too. lol maybe he plays with the puppies, while Leon naps with the old timers :'D
i was thinking the regular ones but honestly i think anything goes lol.
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boiler-city · 7 months
Maulbuster x Reader,,, Pleas,,,,,,
Maulbuster,, save me Maulbuster,,, Maulbuster x Reader * Would invite you to her plays, no questions asked. Loves seeing you in the crowd amongst mostly moles(even if you're a mole yourself she'll still be able to pick you out). She always gives it her all but when you're there she tries to give it 101% to really wow you, even though she already does. * Maul can sing opera, be it on stage or in private she'll serenade you to your or hers hearts content. She can just sing in general too, but her favorite is opera to sing. * Maul has a sweet tooth, a very big one at that. She'd be so happy if you'd bring her something to snack on or perhaps even something for dessert! Would be even more smitten if you offered to feed it to her yourself. Her favorite is snail cake and gummy worms(or just regular worms). * Loves picnics, for the love of god please take the woman on a picnic date she would be ecstatic to find out you did that for her. I'm talking a sunny day out in the park, under a tree with a little gingham blanket spread out, picnic basket with dishes spread out for the both of you, the whole nine yards! There is no way faster to win her heart over. * Usually exhausted after a days work, usually just wants to go home and sleep or read. Would be happy if you were there to listen to her talk about her day for a little or maybe off back rubs. She needs it.
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grishaverse (mostly soc) fics
since i've now posted over 20k of fic for this fandom i figured i'd do a little collection post for them 👀
when i'm beat up and alone, 1.4k words. jesper has a very bad day and gets beat up for his efforts. It’s a testament to his fucked up state—the reason he should never touch another drop of alcohol, a promise he has made far too many times—that they get the jump on him and he can’t reach for his guns in time, long-trained reflexes impeded by just about everything this shitty day has thrown his way. His head meets concrete and the world slides away for a brief, but far too crucial moment. -
live to fight another day, 2.6k words. five times jesper says "this is how we die" and one time he refuses to say it. His mama presses her lips to his forehead, tugs him down to match her height once more. She smiles, bright as the sun above their heads. The tear tracks down her face turn golden. Then those gentle, oh-so-gentle hands move to his chest, and Aditi—beautiful, loving, stubborn woman that she is—shoves. -
anything for love and war, 587 words. jesper gives wylan a key and freaks out about it. But insecurity has always been a loathed companion following his every step, and Jesper has always talked too much. Everything suddenly feels too fast, like he’s falling from a precipice he didn’t even have time to see. He’s never been here before, he thinks with an edge of panic. -
with bloody feet across the hallow ground, 8.9k words, ongoing WIP. everyone is fucked up in a more magical way, kaz is the barrel itself, the wraith receives prayers, wylan still crawls out of Ketterdam canals, jesper loses his soul during a game, and nina dabbles in necromancy. How then, the Wraith muses as she watches Ketterdam come to life with the approaching dark, is it possible that he doesn’t scoff at her mere existence—when faith is engraved into every tool her hands reach for, when the torn loom of her being is stitched up with the very thread that fills his floors with every new prayer a poor soul utters somewhere in the streets? -
all i ever wanted was to be of use, 5.6k words. jesper and kaz are missing inej and don't deal with it in a healthy way. kaz uses wylan's past to get to jesper. He knew the sanctuary he had found would be temporary, that his father would find him again to finish what Wylan failed to do back in the canal. He’d been foolish when he hoped it would take its time. All this time where he thought he had found happiness, he’d instead gotten complacent, let himself be lulled into a false sense of security with Jesper’s laughter and kindness. He should have known better than think he could build himself a home amidst these people.  -
please forgive my ugly, 2.1k words, ongoing WIP. jesper, up to his neck in debt, gets evicted and moves in with nina and inej, finally accepting that he needs help. The last time, Jesper tells himself on his first night, the last time things were this bad, he’d gotten Inej stabbed and irreparably damaged his relationship with Kaz. “This action will have no echo,” Jesper laughs joylessly into the rain thundering down on the bus stop roof. At least this time he alone has to bear the consequences. At least this time he doesn’t have blood on his hands. -
like a true survivor, 2k words. alina climbs into the car trunk of some strangers and ends up as a road trip buddy for the crows. She’d climbed into the backseat, with the Suli woman joining her on the other side. The Zemeni man had slid into the driver’s seat with a bright grin—Alina is pretty sure he was the one who kept laughing last night—and promptly held out an opened tub of gummy worms towards her. She hadn’t taken one until the man pointedly ate one himself as though to convince her they weren’t poisoned.
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zooone · 10 months
hello!! I've just found your blog here and I've been really wanting to try and write for wilbur like you do!! though I'm new to writing, could you give me some tips on when you're new to writing? :DD
hi!!!! im so sorry it took me so long to answer this i was trying to gather up as many tips as i could ^_^ im sooo honored that youre asking for my help it makes me so happy!! here's a ton that ive learned just based off my experience, im no like professional and this is all just tips ive accumulated to my style over time 
–one, and i think this is the most crucial in a fanfic setting, but CAPTIVATE YOUR READERS!!! 
when i write, i try to replicate books as best as i can (more on that later), but this is the one thing that a book author could get away with that a fanfic writer cant. 
because your piece is only something that people will find through scrolling and its (more than likely) not a fully fledged book, people are more inclined to click off if you dont IMMEDIATELY captivate them. 
i often see people begin a fic with a couple paragraphs of context (and again this is absolutely no hate to anyone who does this, its just what ive found to work best) which can be interesting if done right, but chances are that readers wont enjoy it if you hand everything to them on a silver platter. they stay engaged when you keep them guessing or predicting. 
and i get thats difficult to do with just a tiny little blurb!! but when i write- no matter if its 100 words or 10k words, i ALWAYS start off with dialogue. quotation marks are the first thing that people are drawn to and i find it catches people's attention more when there's immediate action. 
the exception i have is with the gr!wilbur fic; i tried to set the scene a little bit without giving too much information, and then i started it with one of my favorite starters:
"he stomped away from her on the rooftop as she followed after him."
i remember researching "how to start a book" cuz i was so unmotivated with a blank space, and then i found a video that talked about a book (i cant find the video nor the book) that began with an intro along the lines of this. 
it seems so simple but it does so much. it introduces the main characters (gr!wilbur and angel), shows the setting (rooftop), and sets up a conflict that can keep readers engaged (why is he stomping away from her? why is she following?)
it was such an actually life changing thing to find and its just so creative. 
–two, make sure that youre making it clear whos talking!!
this is a bit more difficult if youre someone like me who doesnt like the you/your or even the i pronouns in fics (idk it just seems too personal to me, i like to think of the reader as a character in itself), but it is still equally as important to establish whose speaking in the text. 
look at the difference between;
"hey- i didn't expect a hello from you, but a thank you would at least be nice!" she yelled as he speed-walked away with his grumpy walk and stone shoulders. "i'm talking to you!"
"and i'm not," he grumbled, fiddling to put his hood back onto his head as a way of closing himself off. 
"just-" she flapped her wings, trying to be alongside him. "just have some gummy worms, please?" 
"hey- i didn't expect a hello from you, but a thank you would at least be nice!" she yelled as he speed-walked away with his grumpy walk and stone shoulders. "i'm talking to you!" "and i'm not," he grumbled, fiddling to put his hood back onto his head as a way of closing himself off. "just-" she flapped her wings, trying to be alongside him. "just have some gummy worms, please?" 
its the same words and the same text and the same dialogue but the second is just SO compressed and confusing to read "especially if you have a character talk like this" "and then another piece of dialogue with nothing in between" 
another thing i like to do to establish this is have alternating dialogue. this was difficult to do since gr wilbur isnt exactly the talkative type, but i wouldnt make angel speak in one paragraph, and then the next speak again. if that makes sense. 
like this;
"i want you to have them right now," she enunciated her words, crossing her arms and trying to copy his expression. she was fighting her usual bright smile under her pursed lips. "in front of me." 
"you look like you haven't been taking care of yourself," as she spoke through a pout, he could feel his face warming up, like tiny little punching bags beneath his skin. "i wanna make sure you're eating." 
its reallyyyy obvious that when there's a conversation, its two people speaking. and from just a reader's standpoint, i began to read the second pragraph as if it was wilbur speaking. which of course didn't make sense. 
so even if character 2 (wilbur in this case) doesnt speak, i try to add either a description (what are they doing? even if character 2 isnt responding, how are they reacting to character 1? whats their body language? facial language?) or a small tinyyyy bit of dialogue. 
–three, sometimes less is more!!! 
a lot of the times when i try to paint a picture, i end up over explaining things and the meaning of the words get lost when i use too many of them. 
you could have the most profound description thatll make readers wanna tug their hearts out, but if its too overused then it kinda loses its meaning. its like the dynamics of a song in the sense that the loud parts are only loud because there are super soft parts. 
heres an example i have from one of my older fics;
"Your teeth bit on the inside of your cheek as you sat down, more closer to the stage this time. Your knee rose and fell quickly as your leg bounced with nerve."
it may not seem like a lot, but chances are that people already understood the fact that the reader was nervous, so showing that she bit her lip AND was bouncing her leg was just counterintuitive. 
there are so many more examples of me doing this in the past but umm i dont wanna unearth those anymore
dont get me wrong; you should still add descriptors, but just dont overdo it. and sometimes i see people who have the opposite, in the sense that they dont have enough descriptors and its equally as confusing. so find a happy medium!! 
example of not enough;
"hi wilbur!" she spoke. 
"hi, angel," he responded. 
"how are you?" she smiled with a giggle. 
he sighed happily at her laughter. "i'm good."
im so guilty of this honestly and im so rusty cuz a huge factor of it is practice!!! 
–four, this kind of links to the last one, but Little Details. 
this might just be a personal preference, but i love little details When theyre done right!! 
one of my favorite people who does this is the infamous writer . u know her . u love her. @harbingerofheartbreak my very good friend 
i first noticed this in her fic, "archangel," soot;
"i know he's a prick. do you think i want him to teleport to me everytime i have a fucking mental breakdown?" you slammed the sponge down and turned to him, pointing a soapy finger.
reading the words "soapy finger" like actually changed my life in a way i didnt know was possible. just the adding of small details that arent just "she shrugged" or "he sighed", but instead adding to the setting and scene and adding special little details Without Overdoing It!!!
it just . ugh . i dont know if its just a writer noticing these small things, but i find it really cool how it adds so much and makes you really feel like the author put work into making those tiny little things. 
also another huge personal preference but i really love alliteration and play on words type stuff. i will always sneak in a little alliteration just to keep my work interesting with a certain flow to it. also (if your reader is anyone like me), putting a little alliteration adds emphasis and attention to certain things. 
its really really nice, but the accumulation of all these little details takes SO much attention and so much practice, so dont be frustrated if its difficult to think of on your first couple tries!! 
–five, dialogue!! 
i spoke about trying to replicate books as best as i can, and dialogue is one of the most important things in that sense. i often see fics who show expression through dialogue, and i used to do it too, but it just looks generally unprofessional (imo!!)
for example;
"WILBUR!!" she screamed. "WILBUR GIVE IT BACK!!!- I'LL KILL YOUUU!!"
wilbur laughed. "i-i dont... know what y-you're talking about..-! haha..."
"wilbur!" she yelped, suffocated through her laughter. her lungs betrayed her as she playfully slapped him. "wilbur give it back- ill kill you!" 
wilbur frantically looked around, his hands behind his back and his eyes wandering. "i dont- i dont know what youre talking about." he spoke, in a sing-song tone.
kinda an exaggeration but ive seen so many fics write dialogue like the first one and idk if its another personal preference, but it just doesnt seem really professional. and usually when you put all the emotion into dialogue like that, it takes away from the emotion you could incorporate into a character's actions or body language or even their thoughts. 
i try to avoid writing dialogue in all caps or with too much punctuation or stuttering, because again, less is more. but also dont do too little;
“see wilbur it wasn’t so difficult was it?” she giggled, and the noise stabbed wilbur a thousand times in the stomach.
“actually it was,” he bit the inside of his cheek, rocking back and forth on his heels with nervousness. “my bed is a literal stone i wish it were made out of feathers."
“see, wilbur? it wasn’t so difficult, was it?” she giggled, and the noise stabbed wilbur a thousand times in the stomach.
“actually, it was,” he bit the inside of his cheek, rocking back and forth on his heels with nervousness. “my bed is a literal stone. i wish it were made out of feathers."
it may seem minuscule, but things like this can ruin the flow of your work. what keeps me engaged as a reader is the plot or the writing style or the characters, not the fact that i have to slow down to remind myself whos talking or where they were supposed to pause when they spoke. that kinda stuff just unmotivates me to read it, if that makes sense. 
one of the most powerful things ever is foreshadowing and as above so below has a TON of it. idk if i can share examples cuz a lot of it is foreshadowing for the sequel, but i like to picture foreshadowing as a sort of inside joke. its special cuz it feels like a little secret between you and the author that only you know. it also shows that you have a coherent plan and youre not just writing on the fly. its professional and its personal. 
another huge thing is connecting. wrap the story up the same way you began it or make small nods to it as you go. 
in the beginning;
she had a lot of questions about wilbur. 
not the type of, "what's your favorite color?" or "what's your favorite band?" questions. more like, "on a scale of one to ten, how much does being a murderer really affect your mood?" 
all of these questions would go unanswered. including "what's your favorite band?" no matter what, she just could not crack the code of wilbur soot. 
to say he was intricate would be an understatement, and her ongoing curiosity would surely be the death of her. 
unless he had something to do about it. 
at a turning point;
“so, what’s your favorite color?” she asked in a light tone, licking at her ice cream.
a wave of dismay washed over his face. he couldn’t think. “t-teal?”
“really? i wouldn’t have guessed that,” she swung her legs beneath the bench, clearly unbothered by wilbur’s confusion. “you don’t really dress like a teal-lover. do you think the moon is real?" 
"no, bad question. hmm. what’s your favorite band?”
his heart fell into the pit of his stomach, thorns poking at his sides creating a terrible sting on his abdomen. he opened his mouth to speak- maybe cry and release his feelings; but nothing came up. not even an answer to her stupid question. it was nauseating. 
she began talking about the sort of music she liked, but none of it struck his brain. he felt sick. he wanted to scream and sob and punch something. but he sat still like he was posing for a renaissance painting.
at the end;
she still had a lot of questions for wilbur. 
not the type of, "what's your favorite color?" or "what's your favorite band?" questions. more like, "wilbur? hello? please help- this hurts- are you still there?" 
and she was starting to lose hope in the fact that those questions might be answered. 
one things for sure; her curiosity will be the death of her. 
unless he's got the courage to do something about it
even just the slight nod to the beginning gives your readers a reminder of everything, and drawing back to your beginning is like wrapping everythint up with a nice little bow ^_^
–seven, characterization and descriptors 
this could also connect to one of the previous tips, but Stop Describing Characters So Much when theyre introduced!! 
if you're introducing a character, dont give an entire paragraph to describing their height, eye color, hair color, clothes, etc. its boring and doesn't engage people and it messes up the flow. 
dont get me wrong, you can mention those things in quick passing so that your reader isnt confused (ie "his brown hair stood up, still clinging to the static electricity from his hat." or "her white dress went along with the patterns of the wind") but having just one big long paragraph like;
"wilbur was tall. very tall compared to everyone else. he had brown eyes and bushy eyebrows that carried his emotions. he wore a gray hood that sometimes covered his face. he wore a bag that slung across his torso. his brown hair was usually uncombed and messy. he had bags under his eyes."
its just generallt not interesting enough!! tell me about his body language; whats his posture look like? does he hold his head up high with confidence? is he slouched over in careless sadness? 
pick a signature trait for your character and make it THE most noticeable thing when theyre first introduced. 
angel is naive and optimistic? shes gonna sound stuck up and unrealistic to such an extent that its almost annoying. 
wilbur is grumpy? the first thing hes gonna do is be super duper mean and hurt everyones feelings 
quackitys a jokester? first thing he does is tell wilbur to literally take his shirt off 
there's such a power in establishing a character into a certain category and playing with that. think about their characterization; is this category gonna change? will it change positively or negatively? will it change quickly? what makes it change? why? theres SO much to he said about character arcs in itself. 
another huge thing about characterization is just being realistic. it doesnt really apply to au fics like gr!wilbur, but if youre writing a blurb about wilbur at a concert- im so sorry but there is barely a chance that hes gonna go up to one of his Fans and instantly fall in love with them. 
and everyone has a preference of course!! if thats your kind of jam, go ahead im not judging. but as a personal preference, i don't really enjoy it when the characters dont seem realistic or wilbur's dialogue is definitely not something that he would say. 
but again, at the end of the day, everyone has their preferences and by all means tweak your writing to YOUR standards!! write whatever makes you happy!! dont let some writer named zone let you dictate how to write and what you should or shouldnt write. it should all be with your own preference (and also respecting other peoples boundaries ofc) 
one of the biggest mistakes ive made as a writer was robotically writing, or in other words only writing so that i could Produce something and get a couple notes on tumblr and thats it. doing that is what made me fall out of love and with writing. 
aasb was the first fic i finished on my own accord, and of course i had friends like flore and carrie to push me on to continue, but i wrote it because it was an idea i loved. not because i wanted to post it for the people of tumblr. thats one of the beautiful things that flore taught me, whether it was unintentional or not, but its helped me so much. 
and a ton of these tips takes Time and Practice as everything unfortunately does. ive certainly improved my writing game since like 4 years ago from both reading and writing to pick up certain little traits that ive loved from other peoples works and incorporated it into my own style. 
i think the person whose had the most influence on my writing is. in fact. florence harbingerofheartbreak. and im not even saying that cuz shes my friend im genuinely so amazed by her work and her stuff is severely underrated 
and also this is only a fragment of tips, there are a plethora of actual professionals that could give out their tips but again at the end of the day its all what You Do. 
and by all means id loooove to read any of your works (not just this anon, any of your guys' works) so please please please dont be afraid to send em to me!! i hope these tips help ^_^
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oc-aita · 1 year
AITA for selling my soul to make my sister immortal without asking her first?
I (17M) and my sister (24F) live together in California with her roommate, who I'll just call D (25M). Our parents are both dead and she tried her best to take care of us, but even with D helping with rent, food, etc. we were still struggling to get by.
So then she decided to sell drugs. I don't know where she even got them from or why she thought it was a fucking good idea but whatever. She kept selling more and more different things (including weapons!) and getting involved with local gangs.
She didn't even tell me at first! I found out when one day, after being alone ALL DAY waiting for her to come home, she came back covered in blood and told me she was ambushed and nearly got shot to death, and she had to kill someone.
I told her I wanted her to stop before she got hurt but she just kept doing this shit, and even started robbing places! She robbed fucking banks! D didn't stop her cause he's a pussy and "hates confrontation" so he was of no help. Idk how tf a guy who "hates confrontation" is a drug dealer and bank robber but w/e.
I was so scared to lose her, she's the only family I have left. I didn't know what else to do so I went online to vent on a message board. I ended up finding some guy called InfernalDante69 (ugh I know) and he started talking to me about occult shit.
I thought it was weird af but my sister wouldn't listen to me and I was tired of spending every day worried she wouldn't come home. Dante offered to sell me an old book he had which he said "Had spells to help".
I still thought he was nuts but I was desperate. I bought the book and the next week it came in the mail. He even sent a post card and a bag of gummy worms but they melted in the mail so it was just a weird squishy lump. I didn't eat that shit cause wtf I'm not gonna eat food a stranger occultist on an online forum sends me.
I think he meant for me to find some kind of like, Idk money spell or something so that she wouldn't have to do this shit anymore and we could afford to move somewhere else.
But I was so scared of losing her that I tried a spell that would make a person immortal. I had to sell my soul for it. I didn't actually think it would work but it did.
After my sis and D left I preformed the spell and summoned a demon. I always thought demons would be scary but he seemed kind of freaked out. Looked like an owl. Idk.
Anyways he said that if I sold him my soul I could make her immortal so I did. But he didn't say how it would work, I thought maybe it would just make her really lucky and she wouldn't ever get hurt?
But one night she and D walked to a local store and some guys tried to mug them. She was drunk af and instead of following D and running she tried to fight them with a broken bottle.
She got stabbed in the stomach and the guys left, and D called an ambulance. But on the way there she died from internal bleeding. D came home and told me and I was so fucking upset, I thought maybe the spell didn't work, or it had just been some kind of fucked up dream or hallucination.
But then the next morning we heard her bedroom door open and she just fucking came out into the living room? D started freaking tf out and crying and then she started yelling.
I told her what I had done, I thought she would be happy but instead she was fucking FURIOUS. She asked me how I could do that shit without even talking to her first, I told her I didn't want to lose her but she didn't want to hear any of it.
But the thing is she now uses her immortality to do even more bad shit, since she doesn't have to worry about dying. Now all the local gangs and drug dealers are calling her the "Red Ghost" because no matter how many times they kill her she just comes back. People are sending literal hitmen after her because she's causing so much trouble.
But she still seems mad at me, she barely ever talks to me, she doesn't trust me anymore.
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bakedbakermom · 2 years
Hey teacher if you actually think taking a socially isolated six year old, sitting her down with the class, and then letting them talk about ALL THE THINGS THEY DON'T LIKE ABOUT HER is an acceptable way to treat a child then we do not have a different approach when it comes to child development, we have a different approach when it comes to being a human fucking being.
I Do Not Care what class rules she struggles with, that is abuse.
Hearing my daughter cry for the last few days as she recounts what she's feeling in that classroom... I can't explain what that feels like. When she was born, and I held her for the first time, I was Changed. I've tried to explain it so many times and the best I've got is. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. When his heart grew three sizes and it broke the little box? I felt that. I felt my heart growing inside me as a physical sensation so strong it was almost painful. It's beyond words.
The pain I feel for her now is beyond words in the same way. I am physically sick for her. She has been pouring her heart out to me. The phrases she uses:
I just curled up in a ball at my seat and was crying. Teacher may was well have written "Talk about Stupid (name)" on the whiteboard.
I'm worried I'll never be able to be happy at school again, and then maybe I'll never be able to be happy at all ever again.
Imagine if someone took a tiny baby, and they just put it in the trashcan. Teacher does that to me over and over.
Teacher only talks to me when I'm doing something wrong, I'm scared to go talk to her when I need something.
I'm a good kid! I know I am! Why can't Teacher see the angel in me?
I'm always crying at school and I hate it because they all think I'm a baby.
Teacher is always frowning at me. I hate my whole life right now, except my parents.
And she was singing the "I Wish I Wasn't Different" song from the Movies episode of Bluey. And she's got a fucking stress rash on her hand because she can't stop picking at herself.
I am astounded by the depth of her pain and I'm only feeling the echo of it in that piece of my heart she made.
This woman made my child feel that. To say I am incandescent with rage is barely scratching the surface.
I kept her out of school today (and gave her the best self-care a 6yo could ask for*) and feel massively guilty I haven't taken more action much sooner. She WILL NOT be made to feel this way one more goddamn minute. Tomorrow we talk to the principal and we will make them make this right.
* Last night she was telling me it felt like her heart used to be all pink and happy and now it's blue and has a frowny face and tears falling down, and then it broke in half and now this half is all the way down in my KNEE (I am raising a delightfully dramatic child).
So today, we had a Fix Daughter's Heart Day. I let her download a few cute but dumb apps on her tablet and she got to play them in her jammies during breakfast - that alone broke 3 boring routines that she finds tedious. We went to Build A Bear. Frankly, we went a little nuts at Build A Bear. We got junky mall food for lunch. We went to the little candy store that has "disappointing gummy BEARS but the best gummy WORMS in the whole world."
We stopped at the grocery store and got a little bit of junk food, a stuffed toy from the impulse aisle, she picked out a card for her dad for valentine's day, and we chose the stuff to make her favorite dinner, which is also the one she likes to help with - she pushes the switch on the Cuisinart to shred the cheese, it's adorable and slightly terrifying and she is drunk with power, giggling the entire time. She got downtime to craft and color and read while I cooked and helped her with words.
And the whole time, we talked. That was the best part. She talked to me, and I talked with her, good stuff and bad stuff and silly stuff and sweet stuff, and I swear we really Saw each other today.
I checked in with her about the color of her heart a bunch of times throughout the day. (Her answers were incredibly specific, btw.) Tonight at bedtime she said it was all the way pink again, and it was shaped like a cat and it was purring and making biscuits.
I am trying my ass off to be the mom I wish I'd had, the mom she deserves, the mom who protects her and uplifts her and cheers her on and comforts her and teaches her. This shit is HARD. This shit is WORTH IT, but this shit is hard.
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keefwho · 11 months
October 21 - 2023 Saturday
My life doesn't have to be a tragedy.
I find myself doing a lot of talking here and not enough doing. Thats always been the problem. Thats what I'm doing right now, I'm basically just here to complain about the same old feelings and problems again. Not that they are especially acute right now. It just gets agonizing living in the same self made minor hell. It's like I'm never truly happy or I never truly feel secure. There's always something eating away at me, a feeling of dread and failure. Maybe I base my self opinion too much on what I'm doing and not enough on how hard I'm trying. And maybe I'm also not trying hard enough, not enough to make me proud of myself. Really all I can do it my best but I'm not even doing that right now. I'm wallowing, I wallow a lot. I want to be sad and helpless because deep down it's how I've learned to get the human connection I crave. But it doesn't even give me that, it gives me sympathy that I can't even appreciate because I'm literally not trying to get out of it. Even when I'm brutally honest with myself about this fact, I keep doing it. Thats what makes me feel like I'm broken. I know the problem but I haven't been able to make it go away. It's like I can't change. But I know if I keep trying, something will click.
I just took a hit and I'm going to do Inktober while it kicks in. Then I planned to play Legendary Tales until I sober up. This is something I wanted to do yesterday, I want to get immersed in this game for awhile. I think it'll be fun. I want this.
Also I admit this time I'm getting high because I'm trying to avoid my feelings right now. I shouldn't do that and don't intend to make a habit out of it. I'm just trying not to do the same thing I do every weekend.
This morning I woke up with Daisy in call. It didn't last long though, she had to do some chores on her own. Right after, I showered and made sausage with rice, an oatmeal cookie, and a pear cup for breakfast. After that mom took me to Seeley to pick up a pumpkin at the store. I also got a meat stick and some gummy worms. And chips. I fumbled at the checkout multiple times but I didn't feel too awkward about it, they were honest mistakes and I was just trying to figure out what I did wrong. That cashier wasn't having it though, I'm upset I had to be "that" customer.
When I got home I took a small hit and did Inktober which it hit in the middle of. I had planned to dungeon crawl and I did but I spent a good half hour watching a youtube video about exploring dead games. When I did dungeoning I hung out in David's server and listened to them talk about drama that happened last night were someone had snapped at everyone and it was apparently a very big deal. I didn't really say anything, I was just there. I got off to make homemade soup for lunch which turned out good, 6/10 at least. Daisy was free towards the end of that so we hung out until I was done eating and carved pumpkins together. We watched Over the Garden Wall while carving. I attempted nightmare moon's moon and Daisy did a generic celestial design. Her's turned out great, mine was very rough. Mom was even questioning what it was supposed to be. Maybe tomorrow I can tidy it up with this machine mom has that's like a drill so I can smooth out the inner edges. When we were done she went to pick up her mom at the airport. I opened a drink and watched twitch/played TOTK untill she got back. I switched over to dungeoning and we hung out until bedtime.
Today I felt very depressed and was worried it would affect others, thats why I didn't speak in the group VC earlier. I also didn't want to affect Daisy's night so I didn't say anything about it. All day though I just wanted to talk about it because I feel insecure. I want to make sure I'm accepted even when I'm depressed about dumb things even though I know the answer already. Maybe I'm just farming sympathy though. I try not to bring anything up unless it's prompted. I'm just so out of touch with myself lately. I don't understand myself so I fail to understand others. I lowkey hate myself so I lowkey hate others. I feel alone because I am, I'm locked in my own mind behind my own defense mechanisms. I always feel like talking about it will make it better, especially with the person it directly effects. But I'm not sure it does, at least for very long. I'm always afraid I'm only doing damage to the relationship like I subconsciously try to do constantly. Is this just another way to intentionally destroy everything?
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felixwybou · 1 year
Trick or treat
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My name is Félix Wybou and I am going to talk about my favourite snack, sweet and candy. It's also something that I would always eat when I'm hungry, I love It! That's why I will give you a bit more information about It.
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Sweet and candy  
Sweet and candy are two terms often used interchangeably to describe confections that are sugary and delicious. Sweet refers to anything that has a sugary taste or flavor, whereas candy specifically refers to a type of confectionery made primarily of sugar or syrup, along with other ingredients like flavorings and colors. Candies come in various forms such as hard candies, gummies, chocolates, lollipops, and more, and are often consumed as a treat or dessert. While sweet and candy can refer to similar things, sweet can also describe other food and drink items that have a sugary taste, such as desserts, fruits, and some beverages.
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Description of the most common ones
Hard candy = These are candies that are made from boiled sugar syrup, and often come in a variety of flavors like fruit, mint, or cinnamon. They have a hard, crunchy texture and are enjoyed by slowly dissolving them in the mouth.
Gummy candy = These candies are made from a gelatin or pectin base, and come in various shapes like bears, worms, or fruits. They are chewy and often have a fruity flavor.
Chocolate candy = These candies are made from chocolate, which is derived from roasted cocoa beans. They come in various forms like bars, truffles, and bonbons, and have a rich, creamy flavor.
Lollipop = This candy is made from sugar that has been melted and molded into a hard, spherical shape with a stick inserted into it. They come in various flavors and colors, and are enjoyed by slowly licking or sucking on them.
Fudge = This sweet is made by mixing sugar, butter, and milk or cream together and heating until it reaches a soft, chewy texture. It often has added flavors like chocolate or nuts.
Overall, sweets and candies come in a variety of forms and flavors, and are enjoyed by people of all ages as a delicious treat.
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Haribo is a German confectionery company that is best known for its gummy candies. Founded in 1920 by Hans Riegel, the company's name is an acronym for its founder's name and the city where it was founded (HAns RIegel BOnn). Haribo's most famous product is the "Goldbears" gummy candy, which was first introduced in 1967 and quickly became popular around the world. Haribo also produces other gummy candies like Happy Cola, Twin Snakes, Peaches, and many more. In addition to gummy candies, Haribo also produces licorice candies, marshmallows, and other sweets. Today, Haribo is one of the largest confectionery companies in the world, with production facilities in several countries and a wide range of products enjoyed by people of all ages.
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Gummy Bears Haribo
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dmc-tings · 3 years
Hi! I heard your requests were open and I wanted to request how the DMC boys (Dante, Vergil, Nero, V) would celebrate after their s/o accomplished something. I'm a week away from graduating and it's been stressful but I'm so close! Thank you in advance.
Awww yeah!!! Glad your getting ready to graduate!!! I'm happy for you! I hope you take some time for yourself, and relax! Hope you enjoy this! I kinda winged it, and assumed you were talking about college. Sorry if that wasn't what your moving on from.
The moment you burst into the shop, ecstatic, your boyfriend picked up on this
He hopped up, as you strode in proudly, holding your certificate of completion
"I did it! I finally got it!"
Dante held his arms up in the air, waiting for you to tell him what you got
You put the paper in his face
He backed up abit looking at the paper, taking it in his hands
"Sweet! You passed.... college?"
You rolled your eyes, "Not just college dumb-dumb, I passed my classes and got my degree. I can be a doctor."
Dante scratched his head, "Well... what do you wanna do?"
You looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully
Your big dummy waited for you, with big eyes
"How about just a movie night? You'd been working alot lately."
He smiled at you, "Sounds good to me!"
You both spent the next few hours getting snacks, drinks, pillows, blankets and movies
Now, all snuggled up, with your personal devil heater
You both spent the night watching movies
Eventually getting to the point, where Dante fell asleep
His head in your lap
Every so often letting out a content purr, as you stroked his hair
Overall a good indoor celebration, just to two of you
He had been waiting for the good news
You walked in, feet dragging
Your friends wanted to go out and party, but you declined, knowing that Vergil was waiting for you
He looked up as the door opened
He stood to greet you and noticed your demeanor
"Well?" He asked, raising a brow, like an expecting father
You smiled at him, holding up your certificate
"Right here." You smiled at him
For one of the few times in his life, Vergil gave you a genuine smile
He gave you a kiss, then turned you around and pointed at a bag
"Get dressed. I have something planned for you." He left you alone, opening a portal
You made a face, confused.
Vergil always had a thing for the flare and dazzling
You shrugged, getting dressed
It was a glorious blue dress/suit (I aint gonna describe it, it can be whatever you like)
After you where dressed, Vergil returned, taking your hand
"Come. Our arrangements are finished."
He led you through the portal
You were greeted with the sight of Nero and Dante dressed like waiters
You giggled at Dante who was fussing with the bow tie
Nero gave you an awkward smile, pulling out your chair
The pair served you both and left you two alone
"Im proud of you." Vergil spoke, "I know you worked very hard for it."
You nodded your mouth full, the food was good
Vergil looked at you, despite the food stuffed in your mouth, he smiled again
'Boy,' you thought, 'I must have hit the metaphorical lotto.'
You swallowed. "Your smiling awfully alot tonight, is something in your mind?"
Vergil's smile dropped, and his face flushed, just a bit
You leaned over your food, "Verg? Are you ok? Are you going to leave again?"
He had a habit of leaving alot... and then coming home whenever
His gaze shot up to you
"Actually what I'm about to ask you will keep me from leaving so much..."
He stood up and walked over to you, getting on both knees
He looked you in the eyes and took both of your hands in his
"I wanted you to ask you to be mine."
You cocked your head, "What? Vergie, we're-"
You where hit in the head by something
You turned your head to see Dante, wide eyed and pointing at Nero
Scowling you looked at what was yeeted at your head
It was a small black box
Your eyes widened, slowly picking up the box
Vergil gave another smile, "well? Do you-"
He was cut off by you grabbing him and pulling him into a kiss
Then a hug, staining his suit with tears
"I suppose this is a yes..."
Dante gave a wolf whistle
You woke up the day after graduating
But you weren't at home...
Nero looked at you smiling, a big smile
You rubbed your eyes
"Nero, why are we in the van? And why did Nico let you take it?"
He didn't say anything, just turning back to the road
Your doofus had been driving all night
You walked to the passenger seat, opening a drink
Which you spit out, you saw the signs headed to Six Flags!!
"Hey! Not all over the dash! Nico is gonna-"
You cut Nero of letting out an excited squeal
Nero gave a chuckle, "But I did. And we've got a hotel for after. We'll be here for a few days, to relax and have fun!"
He hopped out of the van, slamming the door shut
You followed, rushing to the gates, sadly sadly line was starting to grow despite how early it was
Nero grabbed your hand, flashing some VIP passes at you
He pulled you to the non-existent line for the VIP's
You pulled ahead of him pulling in to the first ride you saw, the Superman
You both strapped up, you wiggling excitedly
Nero laughed at your excitement
This is how you both spent the day
In the hotel, Nero ordered out and you guys laid around resting for the next day
"Nero, what brought on the va-kay?"
He shrugged, eating another gummy worm
"You'd been working hard for your degree or whatever, so I figured you could use some fun." He answered, nonchalantly
You smiled at him
He always acted like a punk, but you knew he really cared
"Thank you..." You sat up from your laying position and scooted over to him
He looked away from the TV and at you, raising his eyebrow
You gave him a sweet kiss on the lips, which he returned happily
V attended your graduation with your family
Even the dinner following it
He lovingly held your hand, taking your shared nighly walk
"Well? What's next for you, Love?"
You pondered the question, not sure
Shadow padded next you, letting you pet her smooth fur
Griffon scouted ahead, just in case, "Look kid, you gotta wanna do something. You didn't work all that hard work, for nothing."
V silenced the bird with a look, then turned his kind gaze back to you
You bit your lip, in thought
You already knew the answer, but you didn't know how V was going to react
"Love?" Your hand started to shake in his, he took notice of this and it made him nervous
"I... I want to stay here. With you." You whispered
V raised his eyebrows, this surprised him
"But I tho-"
"Well I did but... I dont want to leave you behind..."
He stopped walking, stepping infront of you, he pulled out a key
You looked at him, "Wha-"
"This is for our apartment. It's still here in Red Grave. But... I know you still wanted to study more, so I relocated us to the other side of the city... Closer to the school you wanted to study at..."
He looked abit hurt, he really wanted you to achieve your dreams
And didn't want to hold you back
You looked at him, "Already?"
He nodded, looking at your hand still holding his
You stood on tip toe, kissing his lips
Then pulled away, "Thank you so much. I didn't think i-"
V smiled, "Dont. I can see it in your eyes how grateful you are. Come. We need to go home. I want you to see the apartment."
Once you both made it home, you opened the door
It... it was decorated like you thought V would decorate
Very Modern Victorian style
It even had a fireplace!!
You gasped, walking in the apartment, feeling the velvet couch and recliners
You looked and saw a bookshelf, smiling
The rest of the bedrooms even the bathroom had the same vibe
V really put did himself
"I love it."
V smiled and wrapped his arms around you
"Im glad you do. And we're not that far from the shop or your schooling. But I can think of something that will make your feel better."
You laughed at him, planting a kiss on his neck
"Im sure you could~"
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magpiemorality · 4 years
I'm kind of in the mood for some platonic everyone! Could I request something like a board game/card game night scenario with everybody in either a canon setting or maybe a highschool/college au (whatever you feel like, I just want to see them all happy 🥺🥺)
Hi! I hope your prompts are open (if not feel free to ignore this!) Maybe middle school aged Anxceit? (Platonic or Romantic) If you do this thanks! - Anonymous
Combining them together for some middle school aged sides with bestest buds (and maybe eventually something more, but that’s up to your interpretation) Anxceit! 
“But I hate monopoly!” Roman whined, throwing himself dramatically over the couch. Logan just shrugged and kept on setting the board up while Patton helped his dad make the popcorn and set the snacks into bowls for his friends. Sleepover night was always a high energy affair, and Virgil was starting to show signs of tiredness already. He leaned into Janus’ side, blinking heavily while Logan and Roman bickered, hugged his friend’s arm tight to his chest and sighed silently when Janus wrapped an arm around his back in return, the firm embrace as grounding as it ever was. 
They exchanged quiet smiles while the noise continued around them, unmoving even when Remus returned from the bathroom and vaulted onto the couch to sit upside down next to Janus and immediately start talking his ear off, smacking obnoxiously on his jawbreaker and laughing it off when Logan primly informed him he was probably going to lose all of his teeth. Virgil huffed softly at the thought as Remus started to list all of the benefits of such an outcome one by one (including but not limited to; no longer having to eat the crusts on bread, getting a set of gold or cyanide-hiding fake teeth, and some rather more x-rated ideas that Patton’s dad just sighed at). 
Monopoly went as well as usual, which was to say that- while Virgil and Patton were out pretty quickly and instead moved on to making up a funny story with the dog and the thimble, and Remus gamely stuck to his quest of getting all the properties with letters of his own name- the battle between Logan, Roman and Janus was beyond fierce and ended abruptly when Remus outed Janus for cheating. Again. They mutually agreed (aka Patton loudly decided for them so they’d stop arguing) to finish with the game and go on to movie watching, settling in comfortably while tempers simmered down and Patton’s dad bid them all goodnight. 
And from then they were unsupervised. It was a Friday night, they were kids in the prime of their sleepover years, and Patton’s dad had invested in some high quality ear plugs. The night had just begun.
Over the course of the next few hours Remus nearly lost a tooth in a pillow fight with Roman; Patton span on the spot so much he nearly fainted, but retained his title from the last week; Roman’s switch was kindly donated to Virgil to play on while the rest of the monsters- Janus included- ran wild until well past midnight. 
But there was one tradition that had to be observed once the sugar highs wore off and that was truth or dare. They’d exhausted almost all of the dare possibilities over the past six months of the school year of sleepovers, but everyone knew (apart from Remus, he was desperate for anyone to enable him to do wild things like in the movies) that the real goal was to get the juicy gossip out of each other. 
Each boy curled into his space, spread over the living room in their sleeping bags. Logan had the big couch, Janus and Virgil shared a massive double airbed, Roman took the small couch and Remus and Patton had claimed the double mattress this week, topping and tailing only because Remus had wriggled around so much, initiating and promptly losing several tickle fights, that he’d ended up completely turned around. 
“Truth or dare, Logan?” Roman asked, picking the last of the gummy worms out of the bowl. All eyes turned to Logan, who rolled his eyes but pretended to think about it. 
“Truth, I suppose,” he replied, getting comfortable against the pillows. “But nothing bad!”
“No Remus, you’re not allowed to ask anymore, remember?” Janus cut in quickly, to Logan’s visible relief. “How about, um, if you had to date anyone in our year, who would you date?” 
A chorus of ‘ooh’s and ‘ew’s met the question, but they all fell quiet when Logan pursed his lips. 
“Probably... one of you?” He suggested. “It would be strange to share my life with anyone else.”
Patton nodded his agreement, clapping his hands together, but Roman pouted. “No you have to choose! Which one of us?” 
Virgil threw a cushion at him. “Shut up, he doesn’t have to choose, that’s unfair.”
“Fine, but now its your turn. Truth or-”
“Truth, duh. Is it gonna be-”
“Who do you like?!” Patton burst out, clapping a hand over his mouth after blurting the question out. “Oh gosh, sorry. It’s just- you said three weeks ago you thought you kinda liked someone and I’ve been trying to figure it out ever since!”
Cheers accompanied Virgil’s pained groan, and even Logan chuckled when he threw himself down and grabbed a pillow to hide his head. They forgot to wait for his answer when Remus discovered a smooshed chocolate on the floor and shoved it in his mouth, prompting Patton to lunge at him and try and get him to spit it out. Virgil caught Janus’ eye when he resurfaced, and he snorted when Janus made a face, crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. Crisis averted. 
For now. 
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