#I'm always yapping
laylawatermelon · 5 months
Side Eyes or Raised Eyebrows
Buddie: Marketing Tatic or Something Else?
Hello! Back on my big brain I cant sleep stuff.
I've been a Buddie fan for over a few months now (idk how time works) and have lived through the beautiful bi buck confirmation.
Now I do have some think pieces about queer representation in American media and in different countries (i literally spend all my time watching tv I'm a conessiur or sorts) and how they differ on impact/deal with issues etc.
What I woke up thinking about is something that's bugging me a bit about Oliver and his interviews.
If we're (both the ga and buddie fans) supposed to be convinced about this new relationship the writing and promotion MUST be changed.
Let me explain.
Tommy, Tevan whatever you want to call it is Buck's newest relationship.
It's a new relationship with a similar set up/feeling around it.
The only way I think Buddie can be override/mitigated is if they have a doctor love interest who consistently stays over the course of seasons who has their own backstory and storyline.
I'm starting to swing my eyes at ABC and their marketing team now.
Madney's wedding coming up and we barely saw either of them ( granted kudos on keeping this all under wraps y'all) and they've been hanging a shiny bell in front of us as distraction like a baby.
Look at the shiny buddie then BAM character death!
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Please don't take this serious, please don't take this serious, Tim! PLEASE don't take this serious.
But anyways, I have been thinking about Oliver and all of his recent press and just the way Busdie has been uttered and whipped around like a tennis ball.
He currently has a boyfriend but the way it's been discussed and portrayed has me a bit dazed.
I wanna be a bit objective (I'm asking the big questions here)
The main problem is the Buddie relationship and how it's portrayed/written and had continued to be this season.
If you compare the past seasons and how they've developed as let's face it a couple, because there's no way to deny it as they've been written to parallel in unverse and other show romantic heterosexual relationships.
They quite literally qualified for a queer platonic relationship (if you wanted to view it that way. I however have not. I say let the gays free!/j)
If they intended for it to be platonic let it BE platonic.
They shouldn't be doing an if, of the gender was swapped would it be romantic/ship coded?
They literally have that in the show already. Bobby and Chim, Bobby and Eddie, hell Chim and Eddie (do they even have solo scenes together???).
Bathena is a blatant parallel. The main one almost beat for beat is the orchard shooting and the hostage situation. (Pretty sure it's the same season I believe)
But those are just some examples of the show.
My main gripe is if it's not about buddie don't make it/lean to heavily into it as it can backfire.
I'm not gonna lie, bi buck episode was a bait and switch (beautifully done and still very infuriating all the same).
Oliver I gotta bone to pick with you (I really don't I'm side eyeing the network i know they approve questions).
He's also a Buddie warrior so I can't really fault him on how he talks about it it's been like 6 years he's had the same partner with the domestic (cough sexual tension cough) with.
So I don't really blame him tbh.
*Swings around and points fonger at marketing team*
It's all your fault.
I know the episode will feature Madney (duh it's their wedding episode and I'm ready to cry) but I'm pretty sure there could've been another way to advertise this occasion.
Use flyers (similar to the ones used to say that one of the dispatch crew was attending) to get fans buzzed about watching the show in a few weeks as though they're rsvp'ing, talk about past scenes, more interviews centering the couple and what they thought about the episode, a promotional photoshoot?
Photoshoot in a magazine with jlh and Ken would've been really cute. Madney fans would then be happy. (I'm included🙋🏾‍♀️ give the beautiful couple their photos i wanna see it😤 my little queer heart and eyes demands it)
Literally would've been the perfect time to pair up with some wedding magazine or something. Literally a million ways to go about it.
Madney in formal wedding clothes, then a dystopian kind of dress clothes to reflect the chaotic wedding ending.
Use a highlight reel.
Similar you are cordially invited to a 911 wedding -
Show madney karaoke, engagement ring being missing, proposal, hugs after hostage, this season cute date idea and excitement for the wedding then a simple where's chimney.
Then put the bachelor stuff then have him crawling.
Something as simple as that puts more of the focus on madney visually and marketing wise.
For the interviews they could've split it between Oliver talking about bisexuality and the other two talking about relationship and the high beats and low beats and how it felt to play.
How their relationship developed as costars and what the characters mean to them.
Split it down the middle so both fans are appeased.
I am a fan of all characters and this is really funny because I the first half of this one morning I woke up before the scene was even mentioned being cut but i was like there's a shift in something and it's not good🤣 as expected something went wrong)
Though I'm pretty sure the fans of both will be happy because Buddie are going to be the comic relief so they'll have a decent amount of time as the blockers so to say because we will know who's gonna kidnap Chimney. He only had one enemy??
But yeah this was a Tuesday thing I wrote and it's now very hilarious in hindsight and in the future.
Happy Madney day i guess!
This will be linked to Twitter cause whew...
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tinukis · 3 months
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sabo redraw 🎩💙
timelapse and reference under the cut !
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loganswdc · 2 months
who wants to go commit a crime with me !!!!
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i am actually ready to go start a war for logan , the way he's been treated and all this new information after carlos has been signed is absolutely incredulous . the weak goodbye to logan . the 8 posts about carlos and how excited everyone is to work with him . and nothing about logan . i know this is about carlos , but seeing logan be so insanely under-appreciated is sickening , honestly . it's something we always knew , but seeing it practically pushed in our faces even further is genuinely disgusting . and i'm genuinely excited for carlos !! i hope things go well for him !! but logan is the driver i will defend first and the driver i will always support above everyone else , no matter what . and i can't fathom what logan is going through right now .
i hope he's somewhere in florida , fishing on a boat with his family . i hope he's got a good support system around him . and i hope that he know we're all proud of him . that we'll still be here , we'll follow him wherever he goes . and i hope he's able to rest , knowing that the team that's been so adamant about destroying him recently will finally be out of his life: he'll be free of them :')
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areyoualexander · 1 month
I'd like to say that I don't have a type but I do and it’s guys with long hair and an earring who never shut the fuck up.
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coolsvilleprincess · 5 months
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Cleaned up some sketches cause I need to post and also I miss them terribly 13 ghosts come home pleaseeeeee!!!
There were Shaphne ones too but they took up their own page so I'll clean them up later.
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angel-fruitcake · 3 months
it's wild to think that when castiel was first introduced into the series, the writers didn't foresee how big of an impact he would make on the fandom, or how much potential he had as a character.
i mean they were going to kill him off in just a few episodes (!!) like just throw him away, no more castiel angel of the lord who pulled dean out of hell. his handprint was branded on dean's skin. call me crazy but that seems like a pretty significant role for a character to play.
idk how the writers hadn't predicted just how much the fans would absolutely adore this fierce yet gentle, weird yet charming, offbeat yet incredibly attractive character that they had created.
all i can say is, thank god they saw the fandom's overwhelming response to him and rewrote his story. supernatural wouldn't be where it's at today without this angel
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thunderc1an · 24 days
btw everyone- Im not going to be making a 2024 version of the big Warriors: The Prophecies Begins drawing I do every year. I'm planning on skipping the year 2024, since I think the 2023 version is actually spectacular, and I want to let myself grow as an artist some more before I tackle it again.
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childofsardior · 2 months
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Mixology King 🍸
The kids love playing pranks on poor grandad Kamek
I'm having a lot of fun with the ✨ Summertime Series✨ u.u
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Mist and Alpha late night talk be upon ye. Their relationship is very important to me.
It's quiet on the roof. Getting there isn't easy, but once settled, Mist relishes in the sense of peace that washes over her. Tonight, though, she only gets two lungfulls of smoke before a voice cuts through the relative silence of the night.
"Got one for me ?"
How Alpha always manages to find her hidding spots is beyond Mist's knowledge.
"Die," she grumbles without looking at him, even as she extends the pack of cigarettes toward the fire ghoul.
The fact alone that he lights it without flourish tells Mist Alpha is preoccupied. That and the tension sitting heavy in his broad shoulders.
"You good ?" he rasps after a long inhale, voice always a bit veiled, scratching in his throat.
Mist shrugs vaguely, eyes finding a star and latching onto it. There's a long silence, an unusual display of patience from Alpha, before she sighs in defeat.
"Worried about Omega."
A gush of winds raises goosebumps on her skin. She should have brought a jacket. It becomes a bit more bearable when Alpha reajusts his stance and the heat he naturally radiates washes over her.
"Yeah, me too."
Smoke billows in front of them as it escapes their mouths, curling in hypnotizing shapes.
"...don't get me wrong, I love Terzo, I think he's a great guy, but..."
"He's human," Alpha finishes for her, "mortal. And Omega is not. I mean not really. No one's eternal, but us ghouls come close."
With a heavy sigh, Mist nods, lower lip bitten raw and stinging.
"Omega always had a big, bleeding heart. If- when he loses Terzo to human fragility, he's going to feel it with his entire being."
Alpha grunts in agreement. There is no way Omega won't fall appart at the loss of his lover, no matter the circumstances.
"Can't get too close to humans. Will just bring pain."
Mist huffs.
"Fuck you, Secondo and I are just a thing of convenience, nothing more."
What a poor liar Alpha can be, when it comes to these matters, a tremor in his voice and longing in his eyes. Mist raises an eyebrow, tilting her head toward him.
"I didn't even mention him."
Shoulders sagging in defeat, Alpha runs a tired hand on his face, through his hair. Mist wonders if he still struggles to sleep, or if he stays up late just to catch a break, have a quiet moment to himself. If so, her presence doesn't seem to bother him; after all, he sought her out in the first place.
"You still having nightmares ?"
Mist tenses.
"Fuck d'you think i'd be doing here if I wasn't ?"
Alpha doesn't answer. Mist bites her lip, inhales, exhales, shaking off the guilt churning in her guts. It's instinctive, biting when she feels cornered, when a touchy subject is on the table. And if it was anyone else, she probably would storm off. But this is Alpha. The fire ghoul knows, and understands.
"Sorry. I meant, yes, I still have them."
Somewhere in the night, an animal screeches. A cloud momentarily hides the moon. Nightmares are terrible things, forcing Mist to face her deepest fears without being able to do anything about it. She doesn't remember when it started, but now she can hardly spend a night without having her own mind playing those cruel tricks on her.
Some nights, when Mist wakes up with the taste of bile in her mouth and torn sheets sticking to her clamy skin, she forgets where she is. All that she feels is how small and lonely she is.
"You don't have to sleep alone, y'know."
It's as if Alpha read her mind. A tempting offer. Mist considers, stomping on the butt of her cigarette.
"You'd hold me, sparkling ?"
The light tone she tried to inject in her voice falls flat, as does the nickname Alpha hates so much. As it is, he only hums and finally turns fully toward her.
"You know I will. If you let me."
The cloud drifts away, silver moonlight pouring once again on Alpha's face, highlighting the deep scars on his cheek, the days old stubles, the crease between his eyebrows.
"Alright then."
They stare at each other in silence for a while. There is something off with Alpha's expression, like he's trying very hard to school it into his usual bitch resting face. Mist is not sure how to word the question she's burning to ask.
"Do you- did something happen ? You look...upset."
The way Alpha opens his mouth in an instant, ready to retort, lips starting to pull back in a snear, reminds Mist of herself just a few minutes ago. But then he looks away, shoulders and chest rising with the inhale he takes.
"Got into a fight with Pebble."
"Again ?"
Mist isn't sure what Alpha and Pebble's relationship is. Most Siblings and a few other ghouls are convinced they hate each other's guts - and given the amount of screaming matchs they get into, it's a fair assumptions. But Mist knows damn well it goes further than that.
She knows they both respect each other, despite everything. She knows Pebble tends to seek Alpha's gruff approval, even if the earth ghoul would vehemently deny it and possibly comit murder if anyone mentionned it. Mist has keen eyes, and she can see that Alpha orbits toward Pebble much more than you'd expect. That he looks out of the earth ghoul and genuinely seems to care about him, in his own way. Their fights tend to get to both of them, no matter how much they try to shrug them off.
"...yeah. It's fine, we'll get over it, I just...wasn't even trying to piss him off, you know ?"
Yes, Mist does know. Whatever bound those two share, it's torny and full of knots, a difficult thing that's still strong enough never to let them severe it. She hopes the squeeze she gives to his shoulder is enugh to convey her understanding, all the reassurances she doesn't really know how to put into words.
It seems to be, if the way Alpha leans into it with the faintest hint of a purr is anything to go by.
Her musing is interrupted by a jaw-dislocating yawn.
"C'me on. It's so late it's almost early," Alpha mumbles, rubbing his eyes.
They don't speak of the fire ghoul's offer again, but when Alpha steps into his bedroom, Mist is right behind him.
Maybe, tonight, warm limbs will ward off the horrors of the night.
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digitalcarcrash · 9 months
macdennis and their sweater paws
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gnomeantics · 1 year
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bring-cringe-back · 4 months
Okay I might just be reading too much into this. But while I was watching the episode *cough cough* procrastinating *cough cough I realised that they don't show how the Doctor and Ruby got there.
And I know that it's probably just meant to be vaguely like 'they just went for fun'.
BUT this is the third episode in a row where we haven't seen them arrive. And for 73 yards it was clearly a doctor who episode when it started but it immediately gets rid of the doctor. ( I know that for 73 yards and for dot and bubble it was because Ncuti Gatwa was filming other stuff but let me cook) In Dot and Bubble you could effectively be forgiven for assuming that it was a random Black Mirror episode or something similar until the Doctor turns up, and tbh if you were just flicking through channels and haven't been watching Doctor Who you could probably basically not know for much longer. In Rogue they are just there, except for the title screen (the same for dot and bubble) you could basically watch it as a Bridgerton episode until the Chuldur turn up.
(And there's whole other rant about how the Chuldur fits into the theory about this basically being a TV show within a TV show, I don't know the name for this theory)
But anyway these episodes are increasingly separated from the Doctor and Ruby as plot points particularly in the beginning of episodes. They are more and more like an excuse to tell the story or explore the topic that the writers want to explore. Which isn't totally different from the occasional episode of previous series, but this is a lot more in my memory at least from previous series. So it feels a lot like they are skimming over the more sci-fi doctor who elements. Which fits in in my mind to the idea that the 'One who waits' is a representation of story telling. I've seen theories that it's Ruby but she doesn't know it which makes sense, I think it would also make sense for it to be her parent(s) who left her, or alternatively just it's own thing all together. But it feels very like that bit where Amy is living a life and starts to realise it's all fake.
The narrowing down of these episodes into not showing them arriving, and at least in Rogue - I can't remember in the others - not showing them leaving the story, feels very different.
It feels more and more like story telling. They have covered fairy tales, Period pieces/Romance, Dystopia, War/SciFi, Musicals, Political Drama. They are also showing the doctor playing his role, something that we see companions doing often enough but we seldom see the doctor doing it.
In Space Babies he is scared of a new creature. In the Devil's Code he sings a song that makes little sense in the story, he doesn't question the road making noise. In Boom he's more himself but it's also the closes to his 'normal' environment. In 73 Yards they just fully remove him from the story, which I realise was done for filming requirements but would have been so interesting to see the doctor in a Political drama. In Dot and Bubble he plays the role of the outsider bringing information to those living under a Dystopia, how is he UNABLE to access the inside, sure he plays a role that's fairly similar to himself but Doctor Who is really Dystopian.
In Rogue he is becoming more and more his role, he is playing the role of a sort of Elizabeth Bennet style character, a strong romantic interest for the brooding man. Which is great, he makes fun of the genre, but he is hyper aware of the genre and still ends up in its pitfalls. He trusts a man so quickly he ends up handing over his sonic, he gets proposed to and basically immediately accepts. Now I am really hoping that Rogue gets to stay around I really liked him as a character, regardless of which theory of his identity if any are true. But the Doctors reaction to him is still a little out of character, he is feeling what he is SUPPOSED to feel and he is acting how he is SUPPOSED to act.
It just feels to me like an increasing number of these episodes are more and more story like and more and more separated from the more Doctor Who elements. And the lack of an introduction of how they get there, and the lack of them leaving in the TARDIS is so unusual to me and stands out to my brain so much.
It feels like they are removing elements that don't fit the genre. Anyway not sure if that makes any sense but I'm vibing with it.
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erial-c · 2 months
i headcanon that honey had a phase in their early teens they thought they were too mature for games like roblox but now they've gone back to it for the nostalgia factor and they love it
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summerblueringo · 4 months
now you are making me think about the fact seb and kimi are actually complete opposite, but seb didn’t fall for kimi because of his face he fell for him because he actually treated him like a person when no one else did while kimi didn’t fall for seb because of his flirting skills he fell for him because he could see his sweet personality under all the façade and it’s making me insane thank you so much
🫡 always happy to do my duty and cause strangers online to spiral about simi!
actually anon, if you don't mind me hijacking this, one of the things that fascinates me about them is how even though they seem to be complete opposites, they're actually so similar in the ways that matter.
and this is something they've told us! Seb literally said that even if they "look very different from the outside in terms of what people think", they "share a lot of the same values" and when asked what was it about Seb that he liked, Kimi answered "very similar feeling [...] way of thinking"
Seb is famously the type to try and make people feel welcomed, but Kimi is the one that Seb names as having welcomed him when he was a rookie in F1.
We see Seb as the extrovert and Kimi as the introvert, and while i think these labels are mostly correct (lol at Seb wanting to talk while Kimi was either sleeping or watching a film during flights), which one was most likely to be out partying? Kimi. Which one was most likely to get an early night's sleep? Seb. (to the point that he declined Niki Lauda's invitation to watch Rush with him because he had to sleep.... honestly Seb, what is wrong with you??)
They're both very familiar with being criticised for the stupidest things (Kimi for eating an ice cream, Seb for waving his finger, and so many other nonsensical things). They're both F1 nerds (remember Kimi correcting Seb about Senna not debuting in Lotus?) Seb needs a supportive environment to thrive, but so does Kimi.
And these are things they know about each other. We can only infer, or read small bits of information, but they're very aware of it. Which I think links back to your examples, with them seeing beyond the surface (a surface that a lot of times was projected onto them by others) when it came to each other. And they clearly liked what they saw.
I truly believe that part of the reason Seb was so happy about Kimi's return in 2012 was that he was getting back someone who he could relate to so well, and likewise for Kimi when he said that Seb would bring a good team environment in 2015.
where was i going with this? idk. your ask plunged me deeper into thinking about simi, so thank YOU.
i guess my point is they're different in ways that make it fun, and they're the same in ways that matter. sadly the latter also includes fashion, but only the bad choices:
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bitchslapblastoids · 2 months
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miyamoratsumuu · 1 month
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post may or may not be cringe, but we're rolling with it 🤙🏼
I dreaded having to do this (again) all year long, but guess who's going on a semi-hiatus!!!! hint: me ☝🏻 (I'll call it semi bc I'll prob be lurking around here and there still, lmao)
most of you may know, but I've been super busy with school lately given that I'm graduating this year, sooo I'm predicting it rn I won't be able to write anything for a while 😞
it's not that I don't have free time at all, it's just that everything that's been on my mind lately is shoolschoolschool, and I almost never think of anything else 😭 + I can't find it in myself to have the mental capacity to balance everything I have going on here and aiming to be at the podium once graduation comes around
though I will be posting chapter 6 of push & pull this week, AND maybe a teaser for score his heart?? but idk, we'll see! if I do end up posting both of those, I think that'll be it for a while
I'm so sorry to be letting anyone down, especially those who have been enjoying my ongoing series so far</3 I promise that once I make the time to write in between school and my social life outside of tumblr, I'll be back to writing/posting better than ever!!
I'll just take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting me and my works this past summer vacation!! I truly believe I wouldn't have been able to survive the summer heat without you all 🤕
thank you all so so much, I hope you understand!! as I mentioned, I'll still be lurking around the app and answering asks/messages if necessary!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCH, I'LL BE BACK BETTER THAN EVER, I PROMISE!!<33
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