#I'm asking you all now to simply unfollow and/or block
which-item-poll · 8 months
Heya! I post daily polls featuring items from various websites and ask "which item would you rather own?" Pretty simple!
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Important Information:
- I just post whatever I find on the internet. You might notice a lot of Sanrio/kawaii stuff and that’s just because I’m obsessed, sorry whfjshf
- Occasionally, I will reblog donation posts here. That's just because this blog gets more reach than my main, and I'm a firm believer in that no one should be struggling to eat/pay rent. If that for some reason bothers you, unfollow or block the "donations" tag.
- Just because I post from a certain website does not mean I automatically endorse or buy from it. This includes sites like Shein, Aliexpress, etc. This is a poll blog, it is not that deep I promise you.
- There won't ever be a "neither" option, if the poll doesn't apply to you, vote randomly or just scroll!
- My queue is set to one post a day at 3pm est (and I post sporadically in-between)
- If an item/design that I've posted is stolen or has been proven to be a scam, PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND I'LL EITHER CREDIT THE ARTIST OR DELETE IT! (I will need proof though)
- Please do not come here to create drama...i literally just want to make polls🤠👍
- Anon hate will not be responded to
- All the items are the EXACT ones you'd be owning, so try to take their color/style/utility and other factors into your decision!
- I do not accept links if you're on anon!
- I delete asks a lot (like an hour-ish after answering) because I dont like to flood my blog with non-polls, but i still wanna answer as many questions as I can! So if you send an ask, just be aware that it might not be up for too long. (same goes for donation reblogs)
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- The websites will be in the tags & I will always credit Etsy/Redbubble/indie sellers! If you want to promote your store DON'T HESITATE TO ASK, I WILL POST A POLL WITH YOUR DESIRED ITEMS!
(Alternatively if you're an Etsy/redbubble/Indie seller that I've posted and you don't want your items up on here do not hesitate to contact me & I will remove it ASAP!)
Disclaimer: The reason why I don't ask indie stores directly if I can post their items beforehand is simply because I don't have the time. Imo I don't think it's necessary either, no store has asked me to take a poll down so far.
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General Tagging:
As of July 1st 2024, I now tag all my items with the category that they are in. (appliances, t-shirts, stickers, home decor, etc). They will always be in plural form.
Home decor
Home accessories
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Tagging For NSFW Polls:
- "Tw nsfw", and "nsft" (these will always be on NSFW polls)
- "Sex toys" (this will be tagged when I post sex toy polls. For example: Dildos, fleshlights, buttplugs etc)
- "Tw slight nsfw" (for very light nsfw content such as: chokers and anything with tiny implications of nsfw)
- "Tw nsfw language" (basically anything non-visual that's nsfw. for example, if I answer an ask about something sex related. this tag does NOT mean swearing, only sexual language.)
- "Tw bdsm" and "tw bondage" (these tags will always be on bdsm content such as ropes, handcuffs, gags, etc.)
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Use my ask box on my blog to submit stuff!
Just give me basic ideas like this!
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Suggest me websites here!
Sites that have already been suggested
Main blog: @nekopuff
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celerydays · 9 months
Hi! I have been following you for some time and I notice you draw more and more Sebastian and Ominis doing stuff that makes me... uncomfortable.....
Sebastian and Ominis are best friends, why people are obsessed with drawing them into weird gay stuff? Seriously.... Why can't be friends.... without all Sebinis... Just stop it...
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Normally I would delete messages or simply ignore the things that make me feel uncomfortable–
But, you're on anon and this is my ask inbox, so I can only assume you want an actual, public response. So alright. Fine.
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Like I said: normally I would just remove odd, uncomfortable, or even outright rude messages without making a whole thing of it. I curate my own online experience and I try my best to live by that rule.
However, I've now gotten multiple unsolicited DMs over the course of a couple of months expressing the exact same sentiment (and nearly word-for-word as this ask, so I highly suspect I already know who you are). I have duly ignored or glossed over them hoping that the person/people would take the hint to simply stop engaging with the same message over and over again. But an anon ask is my last straw, I guess.
So if you are the same person as in my DMs, I'm finally giving you a response (and if you're not the same person – which I highly doubt – then I'm speaking to both of you).
Firstly, I want to say that I am sorry that your worldview is so limited that this is your stance and feelings on gay/queer ship content for Sebastian and Ominis.
Next, I ask that you please:
Don't make your homophobia anyone else's issue but your own. Don't come into DMs/ask inboxes/comments to make your discomfort with the content I create my problem. I don't know what you hoped to accomplish by sending this message but it's unlikely that you'll find the same feelings or sympathy from the person who is actively creating queer/sebinis content.
Curate your own online experience. Once again, do not make your content consumption anyone else's problem but your own. The "unfollow" button is there. Tumblr has a tag filtering system and I try to tag my art and content as accurately as possible. If you do not like something/it makes you uncomfortable, then do not continue to consume it. And if you still decide to stick around for whatever reason, then please keep your thoughts/opinions on this matter to yourself because I can promise that I don't actually care why you would continue to be here and looking at my art if it makes you unhappy.
Widen your worldview and try to reframe your perspective. Consider that Sebastian x Ominis is just as canon as Sebastian x f!MC or Ominis x f!MC. As much as we like to ship our various MCs with the canon characters, MC never actually amounts to canonically being confirmed as anything but being just friends with everyone. Using the "they are just best friends" / "why can't they just be portrayed only as friends" could literally be applied to just about any other non-canon/non-confirmed ship between friends regardless of gender. If even one of them, Ominis or Sebastian, was portrayed as cis female in canon, I would suspect that you would better "understand" why a ship between these two "friends" may exist. Then also consider a cis male MC; it's possible you may suddenly reframe all the interactions between Ominis x m!MC or Sebastian x m!MC in your head to be "totally platonic/friendly". Your issue is certainly not with their canon relationship vs. fandom portrayal (but I think we both know that).
Educate yourself. Go outside and meet and talk to people, I dunno. It is 2024 my dude. I don't even know how you're on Tumblr – the most queer-friendly social media site – with those kind of narrowed views and stigma.
I would like to finish by saying: I don't wish you the best. What I do wish is for you to learn, grow, and be better than this.
And also please stop sending me messages of this nature, because the next ask or DM I get like this, we're moving on to blocking at this point. And if your purpose was to get me to stop, I can tell you that these messages have only fueled the explicit sebinis smut maker in me. 😤
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dootznbootz · 8 days
Can I ask why you hate OdyDio? I’m not super familiar with Greek mythology yet, and I’ve seen OdyDio as fairly popular so I’m curious about the other side lol (I personally don’t ship it just because I can’t imagine Odysseus with anyone other than Penelope tbh).
Because people are literally mischaracterizing both Odysseus and Diomedes to make it work and it spits in the face of what Homophrosyne means 🙃
And people are nuts about it in a way that pisses me off more than any other NOTP/crackship I've had before.
I guess this post, This one, and This one that people have done about vague fandom is a good explanation if that's all you want as I do rant here lol. NGL, I don't...really care if I'm being mean right now. Like block, unfollow, or ignore me. I wanna rant.
Btw, yeah, I'm being a "hater" but I'll tag right so you can block "#anti odydio" if you must.
I already didn't care for it in the first place, (I've vented about it before) as I agree, OdyPen are literally soulmates. To the point where they have their own WORD for their love. And yet people will fucking insist that "Oh, Odysseus and Diomedes are more compatible". WHERE?
The Odyssey is literally about him trying to go back home to Penelope and their son. And even in the Iliad, Odysseus mentions her. The Odyssey only mentions Diomedes three times and never once by Odysseus (once by Nestor, twice by Menelaus) so... that goes to show how Odysseus feels about him. 🤷
I was just neutral about the ship existing because it's like one of those absurd crackships to me but with how popular, fanonized, and just...With HOW people have behaved about it to me ;~;
Ofc, I'm a huge Penelope fan but even with Diomedes, you can't go into his tag without OdyDio. I'm not even joking. I'm sad I've had to block Diomedes' tag as well because people don't tag right AND don't apparently see him as more than Odysseus' "fling" ;~; (I mean at least Penelope and Diomedes can relate to the fact that it sucks that a lot of people are only caring about them because of Odysseus and not because of who they are. :/ )
Even with OdyPenDio. I've noticed that it mostly means OdyDio (+ Pen in the footnotes) :/
Just in general, with my own reading of the Iliad, I...WHERE?! xD Where is the "ship"? They are comrades and they're very different from one another personality wise. Sure, they're a good team in combat but in life??? They are not "likeminded" at ALL.
They also have a fairly large agegap, Odysseus being one of the older kings while Diomedes is one of the youngest. I have them around a decade apart in my writing If you bring up pederasty, you will be smited. You're fucking disgusting. They also have very little in common other than them both being Athena's pets (which um. Penelope is one too, you know?). Odysseus is a fucked up lil warrior trickster who loves his wife and child more than life itself while Diomedes is a young child soldier boy who is incredibly duty bound and war is where he feels most comfortable.
Diomedes would not put up with Odysseus' rambling about his family and Odysseus WANTS to talk about that. They're like co-workers.
Diomedes is a younger king who looks up to all these older and more experienced kings. "Notice me, senpai" energy, and I love it!
That's just the Canon texts itself as to why I just simply disliked it. The fandom was... yeah ;~; made me hate that it even exists. (Not all! Some of y'all are incredibly kind and respectful of boundaries and I appreciate that! It's just that...Some were not.)
I mean I've had to deal with Aphobia surrounding my OdyPen and along with some asks/people in the past who were TRYING to make me write about OdyDio despite the fact that I've never liked it. "Hey, I know you don't like this thing, but maybe THIS will change your mind. You have fun ideas so I wanna see what you do with OdyDio!"
Do you know how shitty that feels? 😞 To have people, WHO KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE SOMETHING, try to make you like it? By sending you links and "headcanons" that will "still work in your writing?" Sending in your asks, DMING YOU SOMETIMES.
That was like, a year ago and thankfully it's stopped for the most part but I was in such a funk that I didn't even wanna write ANYTHING for a while.
Funny enough? I USED to have this "Oh, Odysseus and Diomedes are exes who fucking hate each other." idea where I aged up Diomedes to make it work, which I now no longer have because I realized I only wrote that way because I thought I HAD to in order to get people to be nice to me. ;~; Because if they're romantic at some point but simply don't click, maybe that'll be enough. To get people to just shut up and stop sending me things. (fuck the anon who sent smut last December. you suck.)
I changed that (now it's Greater Ajax who's his ex. lol. idk ask about it if you want.) because I realized yeah, it was making me unhappy and because I felt like I HAD to. ;~;
I also think it's weirdly because some Odysseus fans almost block out the Odyssey, you know, HIS story, and pretend like he didn't do everything to get home to his loved ones.
I've seen some ridiculous shit about Penelope as well. >:( like holy shit, misogyny everywhere.
"Oh, she didn't trust him and made him cry when she tricked him. She's abusive!" Literally one of the most stupid things I've ever fucking heard. She HAD to be sure it was him and when she knows for sure, she apologizes, explains, and kisses him. Kisses that he desperately and happily returns btw.
"After all Odysseus goes through from the Goddesses, he's afraid of women so he and Penelope separate." ...WHAT?! He literally wants to "embrace in love in their bed" as soon as they stop crying! And she holds him back only to know Tiresias' prophecy, which he DOES TELL HER BTW, before they DO "show love".
"Penelope becomes Odysseus' and Diomedes' surrogate!" ...Wow. Just wow. Love how people will talk about how ancient men in the past only saw women as "breeders" as though they're any fucking different with THIS fucking take.
It's annoying that I'll post a headcanon on tumblr and then the tags are "This but with OdyDio." or that people will often only like/reblog my ODYSSEUS shit and not my Penelope. ;~;
I love how people will be adamant about how "Odysseus never cheated" (true), and yet have him with Diomedes :/ Like at LEAST have OdyPen agree to have an open marriage before they're separated if you're going to pull that stance. (also give Penelope a girlfriend if Odysseus gets a boyfriend, you cowards)
So many people for some reason only see Penelope for what she is for her husband and that's all. As though that's all she is. And as if Odysseus isn't as intertwined with her as she is with him.
I just... stdrfgyh ;~; I wouldn't hate it so much if people were nice about someone not liking it but the fact that I literally cannot escape it and because some people were just so pushy, I just negative memories I guess.
Either way, I love Diomedes and Sthenelus together :) whether as a QPR or romantic or whatever, those two are like bonded pairs that cannot be adopted separately.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I'm Stepping Away For A While...
Over the past week, and then some, I have been called a multitude of names in an effort to make fun of me and rude names including wh*re, p**sy, bitch, a liar, a fake, etc. I've been told I'm a fake/bad ARMY, a fake jikooker, etc. Ive had people call my friends deragatory names and misgender them. And I've also had someone in my DMs try to gaslight me into believing that this was not harassment or Bullying, but that I should apologize to my followers for threatening to block people and that people were just expressing strongly worded commentary over how my actions hurt them. And that I needed to take responsibility for creating the drama at all. And none of that is okay, and honestly it's been a lot. And the way people just brushed over the name calling and harassment regardless of if they disagreed with me or liked me, that was a lot too.
Blocking people to curate my space is not harassment or bullying or disrespectful. Its simply protecting myself and trying to curate a safe space for me personally. Nor have I ever started a hate campaign to try and drive another blogger off the platform. And if a post of mine encouraged people to send messages or hurtful asks to someone else, and I KNEW about it, I would've said something and asked them to stop. Sharing an opinion or disagreeing with someone is not me sending anyone hate. Nor would I ever want that for anyone regardless of any disagreements we had over whatever topic.
I've lost quite a few followers over the past week, people believing things that are being said and that's fine, i was never here for the numbers anyway. Id rather you unfollow or block me peacefully if you dont like me or my posts. Some of the people engaging with this hate against me were honestly surprising. But it is what it is. But I don't feel safe in this space anymore. I honestly haven't for a while. Blogging isn't as fun anymore. I don't want to post while it feels like a chore. And that's not because of anyone or anything in particular. I opened this blog because it brought me joy and it was fun. And it's really sad that something that brought me happiness is no longer doing that for me. It's not just all this drama either. It's probably been awhile coming, making my timeline posts for longer posts felt more like something I had to do for you all instead of something I wanted to do for me. And that's not what I want for this space.
So I'll be stepping away for awhile. When or if I come back will depend on if I can get that joy back for doing this and I feel like this can be a fun corner of the internet for all of us together again. And also for if I feel like I can do this without it being so mentally draining and just not good for my mental health like it has been lately.
I'll leave my blog here and my masterlist because I know that a lot of people enjoy the archive of some past content I have cataloged there. I don't want to take that away from anyone for that reason alone since I want people to be able to access that content if they can't otherwise find it. I also want the option to be able to come back to this blog again at some point. So I don't want to delete it or say I'm stepping away permanently, nor do I want people wondering what happened to me or anything. I just need a break. I do apologize for all the post series I have started that are remaining unfinished now for a little while.
If you want to unfollow me knowing that I'll be absent from here for awhile or for any other reason, that's totally fine. Honest. No hard feelings. I wish you well and hope everyone will continue to do well and enjoy the next few months of music, content and love from the members. Maybe I'll try to be back in time for JJK1 whenever that happens.
Again, this is just something I need. I'm okay, I'm not hurt or upset. I just need a break. I appreciate you all understanding. I'll still be in this fandom and be ARMY for life. I'll still be around for the next day or so. Thank you for understanding. I do love you guys and hope to back as soon as I'm able to.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Another entry. Firstly, Still With Me? Did JK release a new song that I didn’t know about? Secondly, I would rather speculate that a song is about someone then a hand gesture that a lot of people do.
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I saw them coming at us for paying attention to numbers and 11/08 even though that's way more real than whatever tf this is. Like... aren't they embarrassed????
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Anyway guys, I have an announcement to make.
Attention please!
Thank u ☺☺
Okay so I've been getting alot of frustrated asks mad at tkkrs and antis on twitter, right? Unfortunately I tend not to post them because I don't wanna bring too much negativity on this blog. Especially when some of those things are vile AF. Anyway, the point of this post is, My friends and I are in a Jikook discord and a few of us do this thing on twitter where we fight antis and shit especially when they come to Jikook spaces.
As we know recently a big Jikook account with 15k followers was attacked the other day for liking a post from an anti. But she had no idea that person was one. She just liked the post coz it was Jikook related. It's an easy mistake to make, really. She tried apologising and explaining she'd blocked the anti but these assholes didn't listen. They went though her profile and started commenting under all her regular, normal tweets that she was an anti and should be ashamed of herself or whatever. They were determined to give her no peace whatsoever.
When called out themselves, one account shamelessly said that they were antis and proud. That they didn't pretend that they don't hate Jimin. This really made me mad. It's not the first time they've been quite proud of the Jimin hate they partake in. Tkk accounts will gets thousand of likes on a post hating on Jimin and this ain't right. An anon sent in an ask venting about us being cowards and I agree. They attack Jikookers and these jkkrs end up deleting their Jikook posts. THIS SHIT AIN'T RIGHT!!! Its not.
They do this thing where they move in balk. My friends and I tried to back this account up. Encouraged her not to let them get to her. But it dont matter that 5 people are on your side if 30 people are telling you to kill yourself its just... /sigh/
This account is still running. But they had to unfollow everyone they follow and start from scratch. This ain't right guys. Its just not fair no matter how u look at it. I think we need to start giving tkkrs the same energy they give us.
Simply ignoring them is NOT working. We don't go to them, they come to us. I think its time Jikookers fought fire with fire. Which is why I'm making this post. A few of us had the idea to create a Jikook fighting discord.
If you are reading this and are tired of taking shit lying down. If you have wanted to fight these people but you were worried that you are just one person and won't make a difference. If you see the Jimin hate and wish there was something you could do about it, I come with an offer. Fuck tkkrs. Fuck antis. Fuck solos and fuck ot7 accounts that call out the vermin but then delete their tweets when they start to loose followers. Fuck all these people. Lets do something about this, ourselves.
Tkkrs are the ones causing chain reactions. If they didn't attack Jimin, Jimin solos wouldn't attack V and JK. (Yesterday I saw an art of JK with a dirty diaper and I just...🤮) If they shipped in peace and didn't attack Jimin literally all this shit wouldn't be happening.
I say we give them a taste of their own medicine. So if you see this post and you agree that enough is enough, then come join us here.
If you can't join then spread the word. Time to defend Kookmin and Koominers. Fuck this shit. The vermin have ran rampant for long enough. Photoshopping Jimin getting blown by band pd wasn't enough. Now they're editing him into porn. Guys, they've go10 too comfortable. Let's do something!
1) Create a separate twitter account before you join us. Safer not to use your main
2) ONLY Jikookers allowed in this discord. If you are not one of us we will know.
See you soon. I hope some of you consider. This shit has to stop. Kookminers assemble!!
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Bless 💜
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hot-take-tournament · 8 months
Omg the reblog person is so real for that. I understand that Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm so liking doesn't functionally do anything but I get extremely anxious about reblogging so the guilt trips are really awful for me (and I assume it's the same for others with similar issues.)
Uh- bit of a tangent/rant below. For context I'm an "Audhd-er" (I think that's the term people use, it means I'm autistic and I have ADHD)
I understand most of the time they are over-exaggerating their feelings on the matter. In posts about reblogging stuff from writers and artists it's always kind of a "LIKES DO NOTHING SHOW YOUR LOVE WITH REBLOGS LIKES MEAN NOTHING"
I've always found that a bit odd. As someone with two mutuals (one of whom is rarely online) and 1 normal follower my reblogs really aren't gonna do much so I mostly reblog stuff my mutuals might like and occasionally make my own posts. (Keeping everything else private for the most part) When I get a like it always brings a warm fuzzy feeling because it means someone enjoyed my reblog or post enough to share with me that they liked it.
I've only had one post that breached containment and it was a fun weekend of checking out the blogs of people who liked it! All in all I think maybe people are just unaware of the anxieties that come with being online and the people who experience those anxieties are too anxious to really speak up about it. I mean look at me I'm chilling behind an anon mask rn (I rarely send an off anon ask lol.)
For a website dubbed by its users as the neurodivergent website, some people forget to consider that learning and working within the culture of a social media platform can be extremely stressful for many types of people, let alone an autistic person such as myself (the ADHD doesn't help either). Some of us would prefer to lurk in our private blogs, only coming out of our comfort zone when we feel ok to do so.
All in all, a reminder to reblog is perfectly fine, but please refrain from the guilt-tripping and social obligation type of thing— or at least be aware of it and try not to be offended if one of your mutuals struggles to reblog.
Now this is all my personal perspective, other people will likely have completely different experiences but I wanted to share in case people were confused on why it's an issue for some people. Thanks for reading this whole thing and I hope you have a lovely day <3
I think I get what you're saying -
For a lot of people it genuinely takes a surprising amount of guts to put themselves out there on the internet in any way, even if it's anonymously, and that includes things as simple as reblogging a post.
It's not just Tumblr either. You also see it on Reddit and Twitter, and in online games where people just want to keep to themselves and not interact with strangers. Some people just want to lurk, maybe liking or upvoting, but not commenting or reblogging, because that feels like making yourself more "visible" somehow, in a way simply liking posts doesn't.
It's difficult to put into words, but I feel it's kind of like being in a university lecture with 50+ strangers. Liking is sitting in the back quietly taking notes. Reblogging is like putting your hand up and giving an opinion when the professor asks for one.
It's true that only reblogging actually contributes anything functionally, but there are plenty of people, especially neurodivergent people, who might struggle with that kind of thing, but still want to show some appreciation, or just save it as a bookmark.
So, I think that's partly why that kind of guilt-tripping or threatening reblog bait can be so stressful. Tumblr is a comfort app for a lot of people, who just want to curate their own little private space. Reblog baits are like someone banging on your door, telling you that you're actively doing something wrong by keeping to yourself, and (in the case of "I'll block/unfollow you if you like/read but don't reblog" baits) people will hate you for doing it.
It also implicitly takes away the sense of control you have over your own personal online space. Ideally, you should be able to do whatever you want with your own blog - no one should dictate your own online experience. So, if you just want to reblog things you like or want to share, at whatever pace you feel comfortable with, there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.
But reblog baits seem to suggest that you shouldn't have that control, and there are certain things that you have no choice but to put on your blog, and it has to be right now. And I feel that sense of having control suddenly snatched away from you without warning could also be a major source of anxiety for a lot of people who see Tumblr as a source of comfort.
With all that in mind, while I do believe that it's not quite this simple, considering artists and writers, and especially those who rely on commissions, do need exposure from reblogs, I also feel it's difficult to blame people for finding very aggressive reblog baits stressful, especially when you're suddenly blindsided with them.
At least, those are just my initial thoughts based on what you said, but absolutely let me know if you disagree with any of this or feel I misrepresented what you meant <3
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gracieart · 1 year
You’re seriously going to take drawing requests from A Court of Thought?!? Someone who routinely lies, gaslights, bullies, and blocks Elriels? You were truly one of my fave people on this platform but watching you pander to Eluciens…whew, the respect I’ve lost.
Hello anon. I seem to have upset another one of you.
First and foremost, I am going to draw whatever I want and I'm not going to apologize to you. Let me just get that out in the air.
And for now, we are just going to ignore how you seem entitled to me, my art, my free time, and what I decide to do so we can quickly address your concern here.
I want to preface this by saying I sat on this ask for hours because I was genuinely so confused where this came from. I literally had no idea what you were referring to. I thought ‘A Court of Thought’ was you trying to criticize me for taking art prompts for A Court of Thorns and Roses and that you were saying I do all those things you mention. Which, as you can imagine, made me very sad.
But it finally dawned on me (after one of my friends pointed it out to me) that you were referring to the comment I replied to from the blog ACourtofThought.
After that realization, your comment started to make sense… for the most part.
Now, I have never once spoken to or even heard of this person before they commented on one of my posts. I know absolutely nothing about them. I’ve never even seen one of their posts. But if what you say is true, then you should know there is no possible way I could have even heard of them before, as I have a long list of anti tags blocked and have a strict no negativity policy on all my blogs. If you knew me at all, or if I was one of your favorite people on this platform, as you claim, then you should know that about me at the very least. I make it very very clear I do not deal with that kind of negativity.
And you know, not everyone in this fandom chooses to surround themselves with negativity. I hope you free yourself from this, truly.
I am not upset that you talked down to me, hurt my feelings, and insulted me. No, I’m mostly upset about the fact that you immediately jumped to the worst conclusions about me. The fact is I simply replied to a nice comment I saw on a post I made. That’s it. You saw that and thought “Wow, this woman is siding with this person I really dislike. And she obviously knows exactly who this person is and why I dislike them so much. So how dare she!”
…That is what you thought, am I wrong?
This is unwarranted and out of context. I am not “pandering” to Eluciens. I was simply asking my very kind mutuals, who happen to like that ship, if they had any prompts they wanted me to draw. And I tagged Elucien in that post so it reached other people. I have so many nice and genuine friends on here who ship all kinds of things, and I want to create something that makes them happy too. Is that a crime?
What if I told you I’m the exact same person I’ve always been? What if I told you that all the while I’ve been one of your “favorite people on this platform,” I’ve been doodling Elucien for some of my longest friends. Would you still have had any respect for me left to lose if you knew that all along?
I won’t talk about the ships here. If you want to know about that, go see my response to the other ask I answered yesterday.
When I first saw this ask, I’ll admit it upset me very much. So much so that I couldn’t get anything done for most of the day because I was so sad that someone would say something like this to me. But I’ve had a whole day to think about this, and I’ve come to one conclusion: I really don’t think you had much respect for me to begin with if you are so quick to turn around and talk down to me and insult me after I seemingly did something to offend you.
And if I did offend you, you could have easily just unfollowed me and moved on. But… you chose to go out of your way to insult me. Why?
I am sorry you are stuck in a place where you feel like you have to assume the worst of people. I’m sorry you have found yourself surrounded with so much negativity in this fandom. Fandom is a place for people to come together because they enjoy something, and I am truly sorry you’ve fallen into the part of the fandom that doesn’t comprehend that.
I’ll never begin to understand why people can’t see that kindness is so much easier. But at least I have a lovely circle of friends on here I can fall back on. Friends who have different opinions, who ship different things, or like other stuff. Friends who are in a completely different circle, but are the kindest, most compassionate people I’ve ever met.
Anon, I truly wish for you to find that for yourself. Try surrounding yourself with kind people who like different things. You will be so much happier. Trust me. There are so many nice people out there once you step outside your own circle.
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deep-sea-anemone · 3 months
I don't know you, I don't know who or what you ship, but my understanding of anti vs. pro means being anti vs. pro-shipping children with adults and if you think the majority opinion is that that is perfectly fine and normal, you need to go outside and touch grass.
I assume you're referring to my addition on that poll post. I'm happy to clear a few things up.
Firstly, Proship IS the default opinion and only in recent years has this anti-ship ideology come about (I have my own theories as to why that is, but that's its own can of worms and I specifically just want to adress this ask).
Any Pro vs Anti definitions were made up and forced on proshippers (again, because pro is the default and Antis are new). As such, Antis have skewed the meaning of proship into basically stating that "all proshippers like and endorse this content, and do not discriminate between content or judge the individuals who make it". This actually goes against what proshippers believe. The entire pro-ship philosophy can essentially be boiled down to "don't like, don't read".
There is a whole hoard of fiction that grosses me out. For instance I hate yandere and non-con, and find incest and minor/adult relationships incredibly gross. I even block the "age-gap" tag because even if they are both consenting, having that much of a power imbalance wiggs me out. I've unfollowed some of my favorite artists because they've posted dynamics and scenes that I don't like (Most recently I unfollowed a very popular artist because I found out they ship Sukufushi: a ship between a 16 year old and an ancient demon possessing another 16 year old. Since it's fiction and not reality, you get these wierd nuances that could never happen in the real world and it is up to the individual to decide what they are comfortable with).
A lot of proshippers actually WILL tell you that people who like pedophilic ships or other dark content (such as rape and snuff fics) ARE gross and sick in the head and that the people who think otherwise are delusional. That doesn't mean that I don't believe that they don't have a right to create that content. I just want them to keep it away from me. Hence why I have those tags blocked on tumblr and why I filter them out when I search for fics.
The proshipper philosophy isn't that problematic ideas/ships are good and should be celebrated, and everyone certaintly doesn't believe that it is "perfectly normal", we just think that if you don't like it then, rather than berating the "freaks" who do, simply block and move on and do your best to keep them out of your thoughts, because ultimately, as disgusting as it is, there is no actual harm in it.
Secondly, Antis seem to believe that we proshippers endorse gross/dark content in real life. I assure you that that is NOT the case. And if an individual does, in fact enact their ficticious-but-irl-illegal fantasies, then that is not an example of the pro-shipper caving in and acting out their sick desires in the real world. It is the case of a REAL LIFE pedophile (or whatever) coming into fandom spaces and then interacting with or creating dark content. Is it possible that this happens? Sure. That doesn't mean that it is the default or even common, and basically every proshipper is in agreement that they are disgusting individuals. Again, this is because proshippers believe that fiction should remain fiction. Any time that make-believe turns into real-world actions, it is no longer make-believe and is now a real danger. Antis refuse to see the difference between the two.
You also mentioned touching grass which I think is a little ironic. The proshipper philosophy is that as long as fiction remains fiction, it has no bearing on the real world. It is Antis that have a hard time recognizing that playing pretend isn't the same as physical wrongdoing. Hence, why proshippers use the term "touch grass": it's meant to remind people that there is more to life than fantasy and online discourse, That it's important to log off and go "touch grass" to remind yourself that there is a difference between the tangible real-world and the imaginary scenarios that people create in their heads.
If you (and others! This isn't meant to be a callout, just informative) have difficulty comprehending this, I encourage you to consider the following scenarios:
1) Murder Mysteries: just because someone writes someone getting murdered, does not mean that they would want to see it happen,and certainly not commit it in real life.
2) BDSM: no party that willingly engages in bdsm is truly getting hurt (except to the extent that they want to be). Smacking someone during sessions does not mean that that person would ever do it in real life, and certainly wouldn't support others doing it
3) rape fantasies: this sort of goes along with bdsm, but there is a large difference between having faith that your trusted partner would never hurt you and only acts out a scenario because you ask them to, and being forced against your will to engage in harmful and/degrading sex acts.
4) Shooter Games: For a long time, people believed that playing violent video games corrupted children's moral and made them crave violence and increased the likelihood that they would want to renact that violence and turn into school shooters. There was actually a study done a while ago examining the link between video game violence and real life consequences....and they found nothing. There was no correlation between committing fictional violence and real world impact.
Fiction =/= real life.
Secondly, Antis have a tendency to invade people's inboxes and leave hate comments everywhere. Sometimes this is just saying "this is gross", but often Antis start harassment campaigns, recruiting multiple individuals to scare and intimidate people whose content they don't like (One tactic is to dump hundreds of graphic, gory images into peoples inboxes. I'm sure you can see how that would be traumatizing). Antis also have a history of doxxing people and causing this ficticious content to cause real-life harm to come to people. This is especially concerning since one of the most common things Antis like to parrot is some variation of "kill yourself".
A lot of Antis actually ARE proshippers, they just don't realize it because they get so caught up with the Anti's hate philosophy that they believe that willingly not engaging with content that they don't like (rather than harassing and condemning people who do) is what proshippers stand against. This is why some proshippers use the terms "anti-harrasment" and "pro-censorship" rather than proshippers and antishippers because it helps to clarify what the pro-shipper philosophy ACTUALLY is.
*phew* that was a long post, wasn't it? Let's both go touch grass together 🤝
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why people care about your opinion when u are a tae anti is beyond me. Jkkrs are already seen bad and now we have u and mrs-monaghan to make it all worst (and the fact that somehow both of u have a platform and a bunch of fans who listens to whatever u have to say, wow). In the end, you r setting jkkrs up. You probably will say that u dont care about what people say and think and blablablabla, which is worrying. How can someone not care about being seen as an anti of a person that their fav loves very much? U dont like to be put in a box, but there is a name to people in this fandom that behaves like u, yk? Its called being a solo (or akgae, considering your hate towards tae), and thats what u are.
Hi anon,
I'll answer you and hopefully this answers a lot of past, present, and future people who will want me to meditate on my behavior, change, repent (lol).
I'll use my terms since I don't use the other ones. Also, let's break this up into parts to clear some stuff up:
why people care about your opinion when u are a tae anti is beyond me.
People don't really care about my opinion, though. They really don't and I don't write for people, I write for me. You have no idea the number of people that have me blocked. I am blocked and unfollowed everytime I don't write an ot7 love and peace post, for disliking Tae, for saying Jimin doesn't want to perform Tony Montana, for saying Jimin was sabotaged, for agreeing with some pjm stuff, for not loving Jungkook like I love Jimin, for saying Jikook has had breakups, for loving Jimin too much.
So yeah, people don't care about my opinion. But now I'm wondering...if you don't care about my opinion, why haven't you blocked me and why are you in my inbox?
Jkkrs are already seen bad and now we have u and @mrs-monaghan to make it all worst (and the fact that somehow both of u have a platform and a bunch of fans who listens to whatever u have to say, wow).
Again, I don't have a bunch of fans. And also, don't you dare say that Shaz is making it worse. She has never said anything bad about any member. I even asked her publicly what her opinion on Tae was and this is what she said:
So yap all you want, but there is nothing to criticize her about. If you are there reading her posts, well that's on you. Block her too?
But also, we don't speak for all Jikookers. If you don't like what we say, open your own blog so people scrutinize your every word. You will find how exhausting it is...but not gonna lie, it's fun.
In the end, you r setting jkkrs up. You probably will say that u dont care about what people say and think and blablablabla, which is worrying. How can someone not care about being seen as an anti of a person that their fav loves very much?
I don't care because I'm not going to do something just because Jimin does it. I'm my own person with my own opinions and ideas. Caring about what people say is for someone who is a teenager or someone insecure. But I'm an adult who has gone through some serious stuff in life and I do what I want. People in fandoms move and think in herds. I'm past all that. So yeah, I don't care about setting jkkrs up either. If you want to defend jkkrs or anyone, set up your own blog and fill it up with happiness and butterflies and you will see how hard it is because that's not how real life works. Unless you censor yourself so much that it's no longer you really speaking.
U dont like to be put in a box, but there is a name to people in this fandom that behaves like u, yk? Its called being a solo (or akgae, considering your hate towards tae), and thats what u are
Well, I don't care about this fandom so call me whatever you want. I call myself someone who thinks for having eyes and ears to notice what is pretty obvious, an adult, or simply someone who dislikes someone else. Don't pretend that you love every person you have met in your life, anon. Why should I love all the members in BTS if I don't even like some of my family members? Also, Tae is not the only member I don't vibe with. And I don't even hate Tae. I hate his very obvious behavior.
If I really wanted to hate Tae, I would post all the asks in my inbox of people who agree with my observations. But I try and try not to. But in the end, I do what I want so I end up posting the tamer ones.
So I've addressed your message. If you have a problem with Shaz, go to her but also don't hide under the anonymous button.
And if you have a problem with me, block me. And let me tell you one more thing....
I really don't care.
Thanks for stopping by and thank you for sharing.
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cleanlenins · 1 year
Okay, so Twitter nonsense is bringing more people to Tumblr. I was going to make this post before, but it slipped my mind. So I am making it now.
How and When to Block People on Tumblr
There are a ton of helpful posts floating around about all the little things to make Tumblr more fun, but in my opinion this is the most important. THIS is what stops tumblr from being a rotted cesspool. So, I'm going to tell you how to use it.
There are 2 Types of Blocking people on here. The first is the block button, the second is the filtering.
When you want to block someone, simply go to their page and click the little person icon.
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When you click it, it will give you the option to block them.
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Click that, and you've blocked them.
Blocking someone doesn't hide their posts from you, it just makes it so they can't see your posts.
If you don't want to see a specific person's, you are going to have to FILTER them.
To get to filters, first you are going to have to go to your page and click the Settings.
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When you click the settings, it's going to take you to these options. Click on account settings.
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Then, you are going to go down to Content You See. Click on that.
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Then, you are going to have the option to filter things. There are two kinds of filters.
The first is filtered tags. This blocks posts that are tagged a certain way. They are great for blocking fandoms you have no interest in, as long as a person tags them.
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The second is Filtered Post Content. This looks at the words in the post and filters them out. INCLUDING the person's URL.
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I usually overkill it and just put a url in both of the filtering. But it SHOULD work if you just put it in the Filtered Post Content.
Fantastic job! You now know how to block someone! That brings me to the second part of the post.
When should you block someone?
The answer is easy: If you don't like what they post? Block them.
You don't need to moralize it. If you don't like the content they post, and unfollowing them didn’t help because your mutuals reblog their stuff, then block them.
Literally, I have blocked people just because I hated how they formatted their posts. I've blocked people just because I disliked the frequency that they posted. I've blocked people because I just didn't vibe.
No one cares. It's not gonna cause drama. If you don't like them, block them. Your dash is made up of stuff you like. Blocking and filtering someone is just getting them off your dash so you can see the stuff you do like.
Someone makes the dumbest argument about your fave character? Don't start fandom wank, block them.
Someone is acting like a bitch in your ask box? Block them.
Someone likes a ship that you don't like? Block them.
Someone tells you rudely that your fic is ooc? Block them.
Someone uses too much orange when they draw? Block. Them.
There is never a bad reason to block someone.
Heck, I'm sure at least one person will block me if this post gains any traction.
No need to argue and try to prove you are the better person. Shitty people don't listen anyways. And it doesn't have to be that deep. Just block block BLOCK and move on.
You'll be happier that way. Promise.
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hadeon · 9 months
Ooc: another announcement/boundaries
I come back here after noticing a weird phenomenon in the fandom. Yes I did leave, even blocking tags and unfollowing a lot of people, and this is coming especially from some friends who realised it as well, since I totally cut everything with the fandom and I don't really know what's going on lately.
What "phenomenom" I'm talking about? The blantantly copying, of course.
What I mean by that is that some of us realised that some people in the fandom, instead of coming up with original ideas, decide to shamelessly copy our concepts and make it their own. And it's not only with others who deoncelerized, no, sometimes it's even with ocs who are still -lers.
Now don't get me wrong, I think gatekeeping especially in the art community is disgusting, I cannot stand people who are like "you're not allowed to use the same poses or colors as I do." Because it's absolutely stupid, you cannot copyright things such as colors or poses.
But when it's about characters... It's a little more delicate. Especially in such a small fandom, where it's impossible that it is a "coincidence" if your character happens to have the same gimmick or color palette as another.
Maybe for some of you, it's alright if someone gets inspired by your oc to make their own, and it's your choice. But listen: if you really want to use the same gimmick as another oc, maybe ask first? Instead of blantantly taking the concept and claiming it your own, making people believe it's your original idea when it's pretty obvious you just ctrl c ctrl v someone else's oc. And what's the most hurtful is to see that these "bootlegs" are often more popular that the originals.
So I'm coming here to put a quick boundary:
Please, even if I left the fandom, do not shamelessly copy Ranler's concept. If you really want some kind of radioactive oc, please be original. Come up with your own concept and idea, and do not, under any circumstances, copy anything I did, I'm just not ok with that. I've been here since early 2021, been working on my oc for so long, and I would be really upset if someone copy paste his whole concept and design and claim it at their own.
Along these lines, I am also not ok if you "impersonate" Ranler. What I mean by that is, I'm not ok if you roleplay as him, or create a blog acting as him (example: I left the fandom but you still want a Ranler onceler blog, so you make one yourself). It makes me really uncomfortable. I don't really think anyone would be THAT attached to him, since I got lot of hate when I first made him, but tbh I'm just writing all that as a "I warned you" if I see anyone copy my stuff and use it as their own. Don't cry if I DM you saying you copied me. Like I said, this fandom is so tiny you CAN'T pretend it's a coincidence, it's simply impossible, and it makes me really uncomfortable to see some of my friends' concepts are being shamelessly ripped off and they somehow get more popular [isnt it funny how the 2021/2022 wave felt excluded and our concepts disliked but now so many people copy them? Crazy]
Anyway, that was just me writing down my boundaries. If you read this, I really hope you understand. And if you're reading this and copied someone's oc, I really hope you reconsider what you are doing, and maybe ask the original owner if they are ok with it, and do not be upset if they tell you to stop, you should respect people's boundaries, and you'll always be at fault for shamelessly copying an idea someone spent months or more writing.
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vanteguccir · 1 month
I need some advice pls
so me and one of my “friends” cut contact. She unfollowed me on every social media without an explanation. So I unfollowed her and blocked her number. The problem is that I’m gonna have to see her every day next school year and sit next to her in a few classes. I’m also on the same volleyball team as her. last summer she was my best friend but I wasn’t hers. I always texted first she never did. I told her all my problems and struggles and she always said “yea I know how you feel I was there too” if doesn’t matter what I struggle with, she’s always “worse”
every fucking time she gets blamed (cause it’s her fault most of the times because of how she acts) she brings up her mental illnesses and how she was in mental hospital. That was literally February last year. Like- you can’t blame every mistake you do on your illness. she also put herself over anyone else, what isn’t really a problem but it becomes one if you ONLY do it (my opinion). She only checked up on me when I was at such a low point that even my parents noticed. i don’t feel comfortable in our so called “friendship” anymore. I haven’t since quite a few months but I was too scared to admit that cause I thought I’d hurt her feelings with that.
now my problem: as I said, I have to sit next to her in a few classes next school year and play volleyball with her. I don’t know how to not make it awkward. I don’t know what she feels about me after all. I don’t know if we ended our friendship on bad terms cause on my side that isn’t the case. I don’t know if I should talk to her, ignore her or act like nothing ever happened. maybe you know what to do? If not that’s fine.
have a great day and stay safe and hydrated <3
hi honey baby!!!
it sounds like you're in a really hard situation, and it's understandable to feel conflicted about how to handle it! ending a friendship, especially one that has become uncomfortable or toxic, is never easy... I'm so sorry you've been through all that ;(
what I can help you with is, before deciding how to act around her, it's important to acknowledge your own emotions. if you're comfortable with the idea that the friendship is REALLY over, then there's no need to force yourself to rekindle it
now, about approaching her, you could choose to be polite without going out of your way to engage with her. it could be the least "awkward" way to go through classes and volleyball without reopening old wounds
but, if you feel there are unresolved issues, you could consider having a calm conversation with her, it could be an opportunity to clear the air, express your feelings, and find a way of leaving it all behind, even if the friendship doesn't continue
OR, you can simply act as though nothing has happened, focusing on your own life and letting her take the lead if she wishes to discuss anything, it can help you avoid unnecessary stress! BUT it might leave some things unresolved ;(
regardless of how you choose to do that, it’s important to establish boundaries... if you've decided that you no longer want to invest in the friendship, make sure that you maintain those boundaries, especially if she tries to re-enter your life in a way that makes you uncomfortable (it can happen)
also, PLS prioritize your own mental health and well-being!!!!! surround yourself with people who uplift you and make you feel valued. if the situation with her becomes too stressful, consider talking to a school counselor or another trusted adult about how to handle it, maybe even ask to change your sit (in my vision, the classes together can be more tough than the games)
bringing the classes and games to the table, ik you'll have to interact with her regularly in both, so try to mentally prepare yourself for those encounters. focus on your tasks, like learning in class and playing volleyball, rather than on your personal issues with her! if you can compartmentalize, it might help you stay focused and less anxious (I used to do it many times)
now, if she initiates a conversation, you can decide on how to respond based on how you're feeling in the moment... it's totally okay to prioritize your own needs and peace of mind!!!!
I don't know if I could be of much help, but if you need any more advice, I'm always here for you 🩷
also, let me know how it goes (if you're comfortable telling me)
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009720kakashi · 10 months
Rules Update
Low/medium activity for now
It's not a hiatus. I just think my writing does deteriorate with high activity. I tend to lose the character then in my opinion. Also since I do try to write somewhat decent English and I'm not a native speaker replying to my threads takes me hours at times. I do have a life outside of tumblr and cannot take these hours multiple times a week I'm afraid. Still I'm always open to threads and love to get asks of course! I just want people to know that I might need a moment to reply but I will.
Now to the general rules:
Hey all! I go by Mhiyah and rp for 15 + years meaning yes, I’m an adult and so is the character. 
I do not want to interact with minors and I do not want them to follow the blog. I’m dead serious on that. No exception. It makes me uncomfortable. Please respect that.  
Please note the following rules:
1. I’m not a native speaker in English. I do my best but there will be mistakes. Please be lenient. 
2. No godmodding and don’t force your headcanons about my character on me. I’m very willing to adapt to the things you have created for your own character but not when it comes to my character. Also please note that if I make mistakes with your headcanons it’s not on purpose. I do my best but for many characters there are a lot of headcanons. Usually I try to check them again before replying. This is not possible if I reply on a mobile device though. Just tell me and I change the reply. 
2. No pairings with minors obviously.
3. No exclusives. 
4. No trigger warnings. I don’t do them. I just write with adults (as stated above) and I’m not responsible to curate other peoples internet experience. This is a public platform and naturally I won’t write gore or explicit sexual stuff on an open platform. However I do write an adult Shinobi. They are killers. People tend to forget that. So blood, wounds, fighting etc. comes with the source material.
5. No stress please. I’m a relaxed person and I do this for fun. It’s strictly character here. You won’t find me post all that much completely unrelated to the character or rp on this blog. If I do it will be deleted after a short period of time. I refuse to participate in any tumblr animosities. If people have problems with each other don’t drag me into it. I won’t take sides. I will block the person who pressures me into this stuff.
6. No hate of any kind. If I see any hate (be it homophobic, transphobic, racist or whatever) on your blog I block you immediately without any comment. I don’t want to interact with stupid hateful people. It’s as easy as that. 
7. If a rp blog posts too much ooc stuff I will unfollow it. I don’t automatically follow back. I also unfollow if I get the idea that you were not all that interested in writing with me after all which is totally fine. However then it’s pretty futile to have a thread in the future. If I unfollowed you but you are in fact interested in writing with me just drop me a note. I really am here to write. I barely ever read other people's threads. So I follow who I write with or want to write with. I’m also mutuals only. The exception is of course ‘ask’ which I will reply in character.
8. I won’t necessarily reply to threads in order. That is because sometimes I need to think about some replies longer than others and thus need a moment before replying. Some threads are also longer and take more time to reply to simply due to the length of them. It has nothing to do with you, your character or your reply. I just want to give you a decent answer because that is what you deserve for taking the time and effort to write. I also schedule replies to keep the blog active.
9. I don’t expect anyone to match the length of my replies. I sure tend to babble sometimes. However if I constantly just receive one or two sentence replies to a long paragraph  I will get the feeling that you are not awfully interested in the thread and then I’ll probably drop it. It’s just no fun for me then. It’s the same if everything I write is ignored. I usually do quite some research especially when it comes to fighting scenes and the jutsus used in these scenes. Fights are very difficult to write. So if a jutsu, attack or block fails (which they should at times of course) please tell me why so I know what to do with it. Usually there is enough room for interpretation after all. Also keep in mind that with battle stuff we eventually will have to go for exits and end the thread otherwise one character ends up dead :D
10. Relationships: Yeah well, that’s a difficult issue. I do not see Kakashi enter into a relationship. He sure has sex but definitely has issues committing to someone. He does not easily open up. Someone would have to be very understanding and persistent I suppose. As for sexual relationships. I think he does have those but no strings attached. 
11. I also tend to write him a bit more ‘serious’. There are two sides to him. One being rather goofy and the other being very serious. I think to a certain degree he tends to hide behind the goofy side. Though it definitely is a part of his character too. However he has had a very rough life and lost almost everyone dear to him. 10 years of ANBU sure did not help his mental health either. Caring for Team 7 pulled him out of that darkness a bit but that also was not exactly a win for him considering he did not manage to keep the team together. Sasuke lost to Orochimaru, Naruto went with Jiraiya and Sakura with Tsunade. It was quite a short lived experience. Kakashi has to deal with a lot of guilt and self-doubt and has a very low opinion of himself. That shines through in his dark moments in the anime and manga. I don’t think he ever overcame that really. He maybe can accept that others do not think that about him. It does not change that he thinks himself to be a fraud. He avoids the topic to the best of his abilities. 
12. The mask thing: I don’t think there is much depth to this really. Honestly he does reveal his face for instance while eating in the anime and it is absolutely impossible to hide your face constantly. Especially on missions. Also in the anime he is clearly sitting without the mask while Rin tends to his wounds. This is probably the one headcanon I have since it has never been confirmed. For me he started wearing the mask as a kid because he has a heightened sense of smell. To deal with that the mask helped and that’s it. Additionally he does have a pretty face but never gave the impression to enjoy attention. For that the mask also helps. Now he is just used to it and it still has it’s merits. However he will pull it down and not make a fuss about it. Just with Team 7 a bit for the sake of it. 
13. I'm afraid I'm very bad at plotting. Often enough it does not work out the way it was initially planned. Kakashi just has his own mind I'm afraid. I prefer spontaneous writing without plotting since it leaves more room for writing in my opinion. Plotting always makes me feel restricted in my reactions and at times forces me to go what I would consider ooc to adhere to the initial idea and I really don't enjoy that. Maybe I misunderstand plotting though however this is my experience so far with it more often than not.
14.I have a job.
15. Profile pic by and used with the permission of kpc-usagisan.tumblr.com
16. I also cosplay
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
Hey, is us being unable to send a reply from a sideblog an intentional setting? /genq
We specifically wanted to do this so that our fictives can post replies without outing our main as being a system. I understand if it is intentionally turned off. We just weren't aware that it was possible on tumblr until now.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Afaik you simply cannot reply from sideblogs or send ask messages. DMs, yes, but that's all. Only the main blog can send ask messages and reply to posts if that's enabled.
For this blog, it's set to 'Members and tumblrs following for 1 week can reply'. If you cannot then either you just followed and the 1 week isn't up yet, or there's a bug. In which case you'll need to contact support, or unfollow and refollow to reset the counter.
However there might be a 'bug as a feature' in which if I blocked your main account with my main account, you may not be able to reply to posts on this side blog. I'm not sure if this is still a bug or if it's been fixed. Or if it's a feature of the block system. Tumblr is garbage at transparency, imo.
Connie / mod party cat
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demonsfate · 4 months
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munday topics ! // accepting // @electricea asked . . . 6, 7 and 8
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6. excessive ooc
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Honestly... for the MOOOST part, I don't care about "excessive ooc". even though I tend to worry that I post too much ooc LOL. yes, ppl can have "personal blogs" to post ooc stuff to but like. I just understand that behind the muses, there is a real person with real feelings who might wanna share lil details of their lives. Especially when they have more followers on their rp blogs who are more likely to listen & respond than their personal blog does.
There are a couple scenarios where I will draw the line. That being if there is just no in character content. Like they've been logging on every day for weeks just to make several ooc posts and nothing more. Then I may unfollow just because, at that point, I question if I'll ever be able to actually write with them because they're not giving any ic stuff lol. Or when like they just SPAM the dash with reblogs that have NOTHING to do with their muses. I'm not saying musings or aesthetics posts - because those still pertain to the muse. I'm saying when they reblog stuff from other fandoms that have zilch to do with their blog. For example, it'd be like if I were to start reblogging lots of Death Note, lots of Supernatural, and lots of Bluey despite the fact that my blog is Tekken lol. Now that I find annoying bc I'm wondering really WHY can't you use a personal for that? Of course, ppl are always free to do what they want with their blogs - but that's one thing I don't get.
7. DNIs in rules
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I'm like what you were saying, I will follow them if it's somebody I know I'm not gonna end up writing with anyone due to different fandoms or having never followed each other. Or if like, they have concrete proof that this person is to be avoided. But liiiiike... when ppl just drop a username in a DNI and has no other available information... I just can't help but wonder if that person did anything or if it was a personal spat between the two muns. Especially because I've been a personal "victim" of ppl telling their mutuals to not interact with me, that I should just delete, and saying just horrible untrue garbage about me. All because I wrote with sb they didn't like. (Though they were also infamous about pretending to be somebody's friend, then dropping them and suddenly acting like they're the Worst Person Ever with no actual evidence)
I understand if muns wanna set boundaries even if they simply don't like the other person, or they had a personal drift or whatever. But like... I'm gonna be honest, there are def ppl in the RPC that I don't care to see on my dashboard. But I don't think I'll ever have a DNI. I just use X-Kit, X-Kit Rewritten, and the Tumblr block feature to avoid them. Which yes, sometimes they might still "slip through" but like... if I just see them once in a blue moon, it's not gonna matter much to me. And this even applied to those who bullied me as I mentioned above.
So yeah, I do try to follow DNIs if it's one of my mutual, but I do often question the validity (sorry but with the past, I can't help but to) and well... I also have to apologize if I end up writing with sb in a "DNI" because I swear it feels like more and more ppl are having DNI lists now and it's like... when you're following nearly 200 people, it's probs hard to remember who's in a DNI and who's not, y'know? But like I also said, usually those in DNI lists tend to be in different fandoms than I am, anyway.
8. reblog karma
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I don't follow it. I mean, of course, I'll always reblog posts from the source & send people in one (WHEN it's applicable. Obvs I'm not gonna send a smut / ship meme to somebody who my muse has no relation with) But like... people rarely follow reblog karma so I just see little point in enforcing it lol. Like even IF somebody does reblog from the source, you can always tell they reblogged it from you without sending you one. And honestly? I don't get wtf people even do that for when it comes to munday asks or headcanon asks. Like why? There is literally zero excuse for it. Shy? Send it through anon. It doesn't fit your character? It doesn't have to because it's just asking my character / or the mun a question. Like literally. That shit actually annoys me but again. What can you do? I'm not gonna demand ppl ... but I still never understand it.
And I understand some ppl say it clogs up the activity if it's reblogged straight from them. But honestly... I've just never had that problem before lmao. Like I've had personal blogs reblog memes I've made and those memes can get up to 20+ notes, and it still never bothers me. (Especially when a lotta times in Modern Tumblr Age, notifs for a single post tends to become one block)
I could actually complain more about this but uhhhh. I think I'll leave it at that. djfndjsf
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purlturtle · 6 months
soft asks 18, 24 😊
Thank you for asking! (list of questions)
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
I've never been big on them, actually, AFAIK - though I have to say, I don't remember a lot of my childhood anyway. I was just talking with my wife today about how I had a stuffed racoon as a kid, named Pascal, which at some point met its demise in the dryer (he managed the washer okay, but the dryer's heat was too much). I honestly don't even remember if I was upset or not - that is how much of my childhood memories are lost. I guess probably I was, but I simply do not know.
Today I *have* a few stuffies, and if I feel really bad, I hug them - but those are extreme situations, that don't happen very often. I like stuffies nevertheless, hence why I have them, but they're more of a decorative thing than for cuddles.
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
I answered a similar question, "what calms you down", just now, and that covers most of it. Beyond that, my main de-stressing go-to is: CAN I DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS?
And the answer is No so often.
Like, US politics. They stress me out so badly, but I cannot do anything about them! So I:
unfollow almost all news accounts on SocMed; I get my news via two reputable sources' RSS feeds, one national one local, and even on those I:
block key words, names, phrases that I just don't want to see because it upsets me, I can't change it, and it won't influence my behavior (boycotting, voting) - there is no point letting all that shit drag me down every day when all these things apply. I don't need to wreck my mental health for the sake of "bearing witness" - that's for like the international press, for governments and NGOs, for accountability. Not for individual people whose mental health cannot handle all that shitfuckery that's going on. (I LOVE XKit's "Block This Post" feature and use it very liberally.)
I also unfollow users/accounts who reblog too much upsetting stuff - this is less about specific key words to mute, and more about how some people tend to look at things, and therefore reblog things that fit into that worldview. Some people are really angry, for example, and reblog a lot of angry stuff, or put angry tags - I'm not about that. I don't want my Tumblr time to make me angry. I have enough anger within me already anyway.
focus on those things that I *can* do something about. As in, I try to only reblog political stuff if there's actual advice, links, etc. on *what to do*, such as mutual aid links, instructions on how to contact a representative etc. And outside of social media, I have a few matters that are dear to my heart which I donate towards, and I have pretty solid voting stances, and beyond that I try very hard not to care.
(side note: I will NOT reblog anything that tries the "why is no one talking about" or "if you care, you MUST reblog" or "I dare you to reblog" or other emotional blackmail route of engagement. I hate it, on a visceral level; my care, my compassion, is a very finite resource, which I have to be very very guarded with, and this is the single quickest way to turn me off of that specific matter, no matter how good of a matter it might otherwise be. Hard fucking pass, goodbye.)
Phew! That got long! But yeah, I've been pretty passionate and diligent about this in the past few years; caring too much got me into a big mental health crisis in 2022, and so I *have* to be more mindful about it. I don't want to go off social media completely, because I have friends here and it brings me joy, but I do adhere closely to the above rules.
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