#I'm basing these mostly off TikToks I've seen.
enixamyram · 5 months
My Unpopular Hazbin Hotel Opinions
Chaggie is one of the best couples and is underappreciated because it doesn't follow stereotypical romance tropes that have been forced down our throats by Hollywood for years.
The majority red colour doesn't bother me. In fact I think it works really well as a media tool to make Hell look depressing without being bland while places like Heaven stand out as being really magical because of the variety of color they have in comparison.
Vox, Velvette and Val are all entertaining characters with great designs and while I will enjoy karma and justice (hopefully) kicking their asses at the end, I also hope it isn't rushed and we can enjoy their chaotic relationship a bit longer.
As long as you respect canon, I don't see any problem with having fun with ships, even the OOC ones. (In fact I kinda like RadioStatic as a ship...)
There are no bad songs.
I hope it's revealed that characters like Angel and Husk did genuinely bad things that earned them places in hell. I feel like their greatest crimes being self inflicted abuse with drugs and alcohol takes away from Charlie's goal and the overall storyline.
I understand why people want Angel and Husk to have a relationship that's more emotional than sexual. But it feels a little unhealthy to say they would cut out sex entirely, like going from one extreme to the other is never a good thing.
Saying Niffty is like a child because of her size and goofiness while drunk is really almost dangerously problematic.
Velvette being treated like Val and Vox's daughter also feels really gross to me. Why is it always the women that get this treatment?
Hazbin Hotel is a passion project from an independent creator. Representation is important and great when included but it shouldn't necessarily be a check list everyone has to do. While I would love to see more plus sized characters, Vivzie clearly has an art style and she shouldn't be vilified for that. The same should not be said for mainstream media projects because they aren't telling a story out of love but rather to be popular and they have a much bigger impact on audiences so they should be held to higher standards.
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kerrikins · 2 months
The casting for 4 Minutes, the trailer and the subsequent discourse in the fandom has really reminded me of how far the BL sphere has to go in terms of working past stereotypes and bias. (I'll note here that I actually don't know how much of this has gone on here on Tumblr, I'm mostly talking about what I've seen on Twitter and Tiktok).
From the start it weirded me out to see people say stuff like 'obviously it's JesBible' as soon as the casting was announced. Because like - based on WHAT? Regardless of what turns out to be the case (or what we've seen from the trailer, now), at that point the ONLY thing to go on was stereotypes. Jes is taller and a bit bigger so therefore 'obviously' he's the top, right?
Gross. (And oh, I really need the BL world to give me a show with a big masculine bottom and a shorter top just to see some of these small minds struggle to wrap around the concept, lol.)
Then there's been the absolute obsession with the topic of 'omg is it JesBible or BibleJes' ever since the announcement. I expected it from the fandom, but the extent that it's gone on and then also hearing it from the media as well this week was so off-putting. It's reminded me that people really don't like it when they aren't given immediate confirmation of their biases and pre-defined boxes, and they don't like not being given answers, either.
I'll pause here to say that oh, I so appreciate how both Bible and Jes have handled this. They've both made it clear that it doesn't matter, that it's not relevant. Bible even said at one point that 'BibleJes or JesBible doesn't matter, you should think more about whether it's GreatTyme or TymeGreat', haha. (Also, I just want to say that I agree with what one of my friends on Twitter said - maybe, just maybe, 4 Minutes will be the show where we start rejecting this rigid defining of pairs based on who's supposed to be 'the top' or 'the bottom'? Because personally I think BibleJes and GreatTyme sound a lot better than the other way around, lol.)
Another thing I've seen come up is 'oh it's weird to see Bible being a bottom', 'it's weird to see Bible being submissive'.
Girl, what?
He's an actor. Why would he not play a variety of roles! I never see people say 'oh, it's weird to see ____ play a villain', or at least it isn't something that's been said very often, so why is this coming up here? Again: stereotypes (and a bit of fetishization, probably).
As for submissive - one day people will realize that where body parts are going has nothing to do with submission and the world will be a happier place 😭
This is why I would really like to see BLs incorporate something that I haven't seen much of: switching. Both in terms of changing up what role the actors are playing, but also just straight up acknowledging that not all queer couples stick to rigid top/bottom roles! Of course some do, but some don't, and representation of that might help dispel some of this nonsense.
There's also always a faint whiff of bottom shaming that goes on in these conversations, a view that being a bottom is 'lesser' or 'weaker' and it really bothers me. It's insulting to the actors giving their all to the roles but it's also really insulting to all the queer men out there who are being viewed that way according to sexual preferences. (And that's without even touching on the heavy, heavy whiff of sexism and misogyny attached to all of this, because I'm sure we've all seen people refer to the bottom as 'the wife', etc).
Honestly, it just deepens my admiration for Jes and Bible in taking this on. Jes has already gotten a question about how his lakorn viewers will see him now and I think he fielded that admirably, talking about how he's an actor and he hopes/thinks they'll realize that. There's also a bit of an assumption that lakorn is a 'step up' from BL so I love to see him defying that. He's been very firm on handling the media, too - he had an interview yesterday and TWICE had to shoot them down on the 'BibleJes or JesBible' nonsense.
And of course, Bible, my baby - oh, I admire him in doing this. So many BL acting pairs stick to rigid roles and here he is, in only his second role, being willing to defy those and challenge how the fandom perceives him and take on all the weirdness and hate that he's inevitably going to get through at him. I've already seen some people expressing dismay and saying they can't/don't want to see him in this sort of role, and I'm sure he had to be aware that he was opening himself up to that. I'm so proud that he did it anyway and I hope those people reconsider their notions around top/bottom and their expectation that actors stay in neat little boxes.
And all the above is without even touching on all the delays and the history with 4 Minutes, which already made it a bit messy in the first place.
ANYWAY. I don't really know how to wrap this up, since I'm partly just venting here to get this off my chest. But I really hope that this opens up some conversations in the BL space and creates some change for the better.
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ghostcatssecretblog · 27 days
Attack On Titan: Modern AU
(Or as I call it the highschool sweet heart au.)
Some of you may have seen my post based on my Attack on Titan Modern AU! But I've only ever posted photos. (I have more on my tiktok. Feel free to check it out)
So I'm gonna share my notes from this AU and my personal take on the characters in a modern universe.
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Some starter notes:
I tried to bring elements from the original story over, but obviously, it's not just a complete modern retelling, and to be honest, I mostly focused on Eren bc like...that's my boy. I have some thoughts on the others and they're listed below but I don't touch on everyone bc I just don't have enough thoughts about them.
The modern AU does not take place in our world. It's still theirs, so the setting and map is the same just...modern. You can honestly take this as a reincarnation AU.
So let's go!
• Eren's mom died in a car accident when he was nine. He was there to see it but luckily was mostly unharmed. His mom however died due to the impact.
• His father is a doctor, and because of this, he is rarely ever home, so his brother Zeke has to take care of him. Zeke is overly protective and tries to prevent Eren from doing things he considers to be reckless.
• Zeke and Eren have a weird relationship because while Zeke is the one who raised him and took care of him, Eren resents the fact that Zeke mothers him so much, especially as he gets older and tries to have more freedom to do what he wants with his life.
• As kids Armin, Mikasa, and Eren stuck together. Eren defended them from bullies, but the trio always managed to find themself in trouble. Mostly due to Eren always getting into something or starting fights of his own.
• He was already a bit of a trouble maker, but when his mom passed, he seemed to spiral. Zeke, only being 20 when he started taking care of Eren, means having to juggle college, a job, and raising a child. Needless to say, Eren went unsupervised a LOT in middle school.
• During freshman year of high school, Eren started attending Scout High, where he met a lot of his friends. He struggled at first but eventually formed a rag-tag group that only grew. One of those is Arte, who, like Reiner and Berthold, is a year above him. Their friendship was rocky at first, but they eventually came to an understanding.
• During freshman year, he joined the soccer team. By junior year he became captain.
• During sophomore year, the changes slowly began. Zeke became more overbearing, pushing Eren to be sneaky, and his father was around less and less.
• Then the incident happened. It was during a house party At Historia's right after homecoming. Everything was fine at first until Reiner made a foul comment about Eren's mom being dead. A fight broke out between them, resulting in Reiner having to go to the hospital. Because Arte, and a few others vouched for Eren and said that Reiner instigated the fight Eren got left off easy but was made to go to therapy and was put on probation.
• During junior year of high school, Eren becomes more reckless and starts to isolate from his friends more. He hangs out with the wrong sort of kids (Floch and Samuel), gets into fights more often, skips class, and overall stops caring as much. He picks up skateboarding as a hobby.
Extra notes:
• While he plays soccer he also does skateboarding as a hobby.
• He's into metal bands such as 5FDP and SOAD.
• His grandparents (dad side) are very conservative. They also don't approve of Grisha divorcing Dina and Marrying Carla (partially bc she was younger than him). They tend to favor Zeke and consider Eren to be nothing more than a trouble maker.
• In contrast to Eren's more middle class suburban life, Arte grew up your stereotypical white trash sort of home with a neglectful mother and an alcoholic father
• They grew mostly isolated, living too far from the city to make friends and considered too much of an odd kid to make any at school.
• That is until middle school. When they met Winnie.
• Winnie comes from upper class. She's rich but considered the back sheep of the family and because of this her and Arte become close friends. Closer than friends even
• But in 8th grade they split. Winnie wanted to stay in public school to be with Arte but Arte pushed her away, ensuring Winnie would go to boarding school. Art thought she was better off there.
• Arte then attends the same highschool as Eren their freshman year.
• Arte is friends with Annie (both are lower class and have bad parents) and Hitch - designated sunshine and rich girl of the group.
• Absolutely loves automotive and English classes. They help fix Eren's car on the regular.
• Their relationship when they first meet is weird and mostly bickering. Very friend/enemies through Eren's freshman and Sophmore year.
• Around his junior year he's getting in a lot more fights. Arte helps patch his face up in the boy's bathroom. There's a heart to heart and they become actual friends soon after.
• Arte Annie and Hitch start hanging around Eren's friend group more - leads to Armin and Annie dating.
• For the rest of Junior year Arte and Eren end up sneaking out (arte sneaking into his room, going to the skatepark, wandering the neighborhood, late night McDonald's runs)
• Eventually they end up dating but it's a bit of a slow burn bc neither wants to admit they like the other.
• Arte keeps Eren as far away from their home life as possible bc they don't want him seeing how awful it is but also bc they're fairly certain if he were to their dad hitting them Eren would end up in prison for murder
• Eren does find out via seeing the scars and bruises on Arte and loses his shit
• The one time he did catch Arte's dad putting his hands on them Arte had to drag him back into the car to avoid a fight.
Extra notes:
• AAH have matching friendship bracelets
• Likes music like Radiohead, Nirvana, Deftones...
• They go to football games (hitch is a cheer leader) and Eren's soccer games together. As well as Parties, homecoming, prom (Arte asks Eren for their senior year and vise versa for his), haunted houses, carnival, etc.
• Arte stays over at Eren's a lot bc bad home life.
• They also get Eren into smoking weed. Zeke does not approve.
• Arte graduates first but takes a gap year to wait on Eren so they can apply to colleges together (with zekes help)
• During this time Arte temporarily moves in with Zeke and Eren.
• Unfortunately neither knows what they want to do with their life atm
• I really feel like Eren would be the kinda person to go to a lot of protest though. He probably organizes half of them.
• Arte -> Enginering Major
• Eren -> Social Justice Major
• Zeke and Yelena are married. They end up moving to Liberio, Marley and try to take Eren with them.
• Eventually end up getting dog together named Titan. He's a chow and Tibetan mastiff mix
• He still lives with his grandpa
• His parents are alive they just travel a lot for work so he doesn't see them very much
• It's part of the reason he wants to see the ocean and travel.
• Ends up a marine biologist
• Armin x Annie !
• Takes a lot of IB classes in High-school.
• Likes softer music. I'm thinking Cavetown vibes.
• Her parents are alive! Yay!
• Her, Armin and Eren all lived in the same neighborhood. Armin and Eren were friends first and she joined them when her family moved into the neighborhood.
• She almost had a little brother but he didn't make it. Thus, she projects big sister energy onto Eren and Armin.
• Listens to Lana del Rey and Mitski. Unless she's working out, that is.
• Ends up a physical trainer after highschool.
• Jean x Mikasa bc that boy adores her and would actually give her the domestic life she craves.
Friend groups:
1. Eren Armin Mikasa
2. Jean, Sasha, Connie and Marco are all friends.
3. Annie Hitch and Arte
4. Reiner and Bertholdt
5. Historia <3 Ymir
Porco, Piek, Marcel aren't really ever relevant but I imagine they go to a rival school in Libero. Porco is on the boy's soccer team and he and Eren have beef bc of it.
• Reiner's issues in this AU stem from growing up in a conservative household. His mother is reglious and his dad went out for milk...
• He's also a closeted homo. His feelings for Historia are merely him hetero-compensating. Hence, his issues towards Eren, who is very openly Bisexual. (Also idk but there's homoerotic tension there. Have you seen them fight??)
• But by college he figures his shit out. He's a changed man! I like to think he ends up dating Ploam's OC Logan.
• Anyway, just imagine your stereotypical closested football joke but then he grows up, gets him a bf and a shelter dog and LIVES HAPPILY
• Kinda already summarized her in the previous notes but
• She's still adopted in this au. Her dad still sucks. Her and Arte have bonds bc of it
• AruAnnie! They get cats when they get older. Colossus the maincoon and sphinx (idk what to name it)
• I like Yama's take on her music taste. She definitely listens to Evanescence and Avil Lavigne.
• Professional MMA fighter after Highschool
I don't really have thoughts on Bertholdt, and I'm sorry I just don't have any thoughts on him :p
Sasha and Connie are still best friends! I think It would be really cute if Niccolo was from the same school as Porco and Piek and Sasha met him during a bake sale and liked his baking so much he went into Culinary after HS and ofc eventually got his own restaurant. Sasha is a food blogger and is constantly posting his dishes on the gram which just brings in most business for him. (Listen I need these two TO BE HAPPY)
Marco doesn't die! For once, omg. He and Jean become good friends. He, just as with the show, that starts Jean's character arc. Instead of dying, he ends up having to move away but it forces Jean to realize he needs to open up and make friends with other people too.
That's all I have so far! But feel free to ask questions about the AU!
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stormblessed95 · 3 months
Stormy - I have been wanting to start reading Brandon Sanderson's cosmere? books, but I can't figure out where to start.
I have seen conflicting arguments. Some say to start with "Mistborn" (which is my default thinking, as it was the first), some say to start with "The Way of Kings".
Several posts and videos have suggested that no matter where you start you don't read them in chronological order?
Help a girl out? 🙏
-From Fantasy girl who is getting really tired of TikTok trying to convince her ACOTAR is the greatest thing since Tolkien. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Friend, if all booktok is giving you is ACOTAR then you need to expand your algorithm! Lol I'm MORE than happy to talk cosmere and reading order!
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SO it's important to know that there really isn't a right or wrong way to do this. Everyone will have their own preferred reading order, or the way they did it. As for the chronological comment, it's because each series takes place at a different point in time in the universe.... It can get a little confusing, and I wouldn't necessarily worry too much about it. Lol if you get really into the cosmere and want all the lore, the timeline of each story on each planet, the 17th shard or coppermind websites do a great job and you could spend DAYS going through it all. Lol but it's also spoiler galore, so I would stay away until you read through the books.
Sanderson himself does say that he breaks a ton of rules of writing/in fantasy in the way he starts The Stormlight Archive. That's his center piece of the cosmere really and he personally recommends reading that one after he has earned your trust as an author. And that's fair because boy does that series have a long, slow and confusing start. But DAMN does it pay off. It is my FAVORITE cosmere series. I named my BTS blog after it 😂😂
The cosmere is an multiverse made up of multiple different book series taking place on multiple different planets, each planet is ruled by different shards (their "gods") and they all, in some ways interconnect, mostly right now in smaller ways, but things are coming together more and more. Finding Easter eggs from different series is one of my favorite things. You also have one character, who is a world hopper (there are lots but he is the main one we see) who appears somewhere in every single series. You can read by series.... You can read in publication order.... You can read in phases.... Lol truly, you can't go wrong!
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Mistborn is a great start if you want to try that. It's one of his most well known, but it is not his first published work in the cosmere! It's set on the planet Scadriel. It's a solid series, super strong AND it's a great way to *ease* into it, especially if you are newer to fantasy. Which is sounds like you are not! But still. It's the classic fantasy tropes with Brandon's own take/twist on it. Prophecy chosen one hero, an immortal evil god-emperor, a plucky found family band of misfit rebels, with book 1 being a heist story with magic. It's got a metal based magic system that's one of the most unique hard magic systems I've read
Mistborn starts with the Era 1 trilogy, which includes:
- The Final Empire
-The Well of Ascension
- The Hero of Ages
- The Eleventh Metal (novella)
- The Traveler (short story, only found online)
Era 2, which includes:
- The Alloy of Law
- Allomancer Jak (short story)
- Shadows of Self
- Bands of Mourning
- Mistborn: Secret History (novella)
Mistborn will continue into 2 further eras as well in the future on Scadriel. They haven't been published yet, all we know about it is that Era 1 was your classic epic fantasy trilogy world set up for the most part, Era 2 is set 300 years after the end of era 1 and has a steampunk western feel to it. (It also has lesbians with guns as a side couple/character, and one of my FAVORITE cosmere couples in the main pairing). Era 3 will be set more modern fantasy/magic, he said think 80s/90s, and Era 4 will be a scifi/fantasy feel set in space!
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You could also start in publication order with Elantris. His first book ever published, and you can low-key tell. It's still a great book, but it's not as strong as the others and so I tend to rec this one as definitely please read it, but maybe not as an intro to Sanderson as an author. Elantris is a standalone and set on the world of Sel. This world has two other novellas set in it, which are Emperor's Soul (one of the best novellas I've ever read in my life) and the Hope of Elantris. Emperor's Soul is the story of a prisoner tasked with reconstructing the mind of the Emperor to save her own life. Elantris is based on a magic system that broke, triad narrative structure and heavy political intrigue that is told in a way that won't go over my head
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If you want to ease into the world by way of Graphic Novel, check of White Sand. It's set on the world of Taldain, takes place timeline wise WAY EARLIER than most of the other cosmere and is just pretty fun honestly. There are 3 volumes total.
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Warbreaker is one i used to recommend to my friends all the time as an intro to Sanderson as it was super fun, super colorful, a standalone and a fantastic read with a great romance subplot. Since it's a standalone, alot of people find it less daunting to pick up and it hooks a lot of people in to wanting to read more of his stuff. It's set on the planet Nalthis and has one of the more obvious crossovers in the cosmere into another book series. Characters (and a sword) from this book, also appear as side characters in the Stormlight Archive. Brandon Sanderson also gives a download of Warbreaker for free as an ebook on his website. This is a story of two princesses (sisters) who grew up knowing their lot and fate in life, and then suddenly they have to switch. It's got romance, politics, intrigue and crazy twists and a color based magic system.
My husband started with Stormlight Archive and has zero regrets. Lol and lots of people do start here and love it. Because again, no wrong way to do this! When I mentioned earlier that it really throws you into the deep end, it does. The first boom has a prelude that shows events 5000 years ago, then a prologue with events 5 years ago, then ch 1 with events 6 months ago, then you finally get to present day with the MCs and have no idea how they got to where they are or what's happening at first. Lol but it's got horribly broken characters who are just desperately trying to save themselves and then the world. It's the most badass fantasy world with epic anime level fight scenes, an intricate and so cool magic system and a truly unique world that you are fully emersed in. The video above is like my favorite trailer make people watch to say "read this!!"
Stormlight is set on Roshar and includes:
- The Way of Kings
- Words of Radiance
- Edgedancer (novella)
- Oathbringer
- Dawnshard
- Rhythm of War
- Wind and Truth (releasing Dec 2024)
And the latest release will conclude the first arc of the Stormlight Archive. He plans to have another arc in this series as well with another 5 books and a few more novellas.
You could also start with a few of his newer cosmere related standalones as well! This are all newer releases that he did as secret projects and could all be good entry points into the cosmere as well with a good fun standalone read!
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Tress of the Emerald Sea is set on Lumar. It's like pirates of the Caribbean meets Princess's Bride
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Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is set on Komashi. Two people find themselves switching bodies, have to solve a mystery to save their respective people's and slowly fall in love along the way (inspired by Your Name)
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And The Sunlit Man, I wouldn't read this one as an intro to the cosmere personally, but you could! Its main character is actually one of the side characters from the Stormlight Archive and is set way in the future from that time as well as on a different planet, Canticle.
You can also just jump into some novellas instead if you would rather. There are two novellas out now that have no connection to a series (yet) but are part of the cosmere and set on different planets.
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell is my other favorite cosmere novella and is INCREDIBLE and is set on Threnody
Sixth of Dust is set on First of the Sun
This is old, so missing some of the newer books, but still a great resource:
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And if you've made it through all that and are still a little like okayyyy but where do I start??? Some extra resources....
Brandon explaining what the cosmere is himself
Brandon recommended where to start:
If you want the closet to chronological, I'd go:
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Publication Order can be found here, the cosmere books are in Green:
And personally? I'd start Mistborn or Warbreaker. Unless you are fully ready to dive deep into trusting him with a story lol then full send it with Stormlight Archive.
AND if you are reading these, please feel free to DM me to chat about it or send your reactions or anything at all!!
Good luck! Hope I didn't just confuse you more!! Lol
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spacexfucker · 3 months
I wish I'd had the wherewithal at the time to properly document in real-time the influx of new people into Fandom spaces online during the start of the pandemic.
There's a very interesting set of people who, because they were spending so much time indoors, decided to navigate online spaces for more content of their favorite media. And, in doing so, dipped their toes in the first few inches of Fandom space.
I've seen most of these types of people on tiktok where it's fairly easy to access introductory Fandom content like fan edits and what are essentially AMVs. Because of the nature of those searches, most of the results at first are very surface-level. Nothing too crazy, just screen grabs, scene breakdowns, thirst traps, etc.
But, as is the nature of getting into a tag on tiktok, eventually the algorithm starts pushing you deeper content the more you interact with a tag. And suddenly, you're getting in-depth breakdowns, shipping content, and then, slowly, content that starts slipping away from strict canon.
So these people, who likely didn't necessarily anticipate the depth of Fandom or understand its quirks and layers, are thrown off. You see "discourse" at this level by people who have never been in Fandom before getting really pissy about things like crack ships, aus, or anything that isn't very strictly canon/explicitly said. Purists who don't want to be associated with the other people who have been in Fandom spaces for longer.
Now, this happens all the time even before the pandemic but because of both the pandemic and the popularization of titkok, this particular fan is a much larger part of Fandom. There's a lot of them and new ones every day and none of them know how Fandom works, what the like general rules and etiquette are, and a good chunk are very resistant to critiques on how they interact with fandom spaces.
The biggest culprit are people who, through tiktok, have literally been influenced to find fanfic. But not based on what they actually would like to read, but what they hear that everyone else has read or is reading again. Unfortunately, the fic that has had the most traction and spread on tiktok is Manacled, a Harry Potter fic. Anyone familiar with ao3 can look this up if you don't already know about it. And if you'd read the tags, I'm sure you could piece together why exactly a fresh new Fandom recruit or even just a regular person who happened to enjoy HP years ago would come across something that is being passed around as good and enjoyable and a way to relieve their favorite series may have terrible consequences.
Then there was this frankly huge influx of people who had never read fic before and had no idea how to parse the system of tags on ao3 reading a book about their favorite characters in a very dark, riddled with triggers, extreme AU. A lot of these people were basically following a trend. And most of the videos I saw talk about Manacled did not really do it justice in terms of preparing their audience for exactly what this fic had in it, nor how to properly interact with the Fandom space and ao3.
People were reading Manacled but not paying attention to tags and then making videos basically slandering the author for the story, hate reading it to talk shit and make hate content. But, on the flip side, there are people who loved it and wanted physical copies.
Unfortunately, this is where a singular tiktok comes into play in which a friend videoed gifting her friend a bound copy she'd made herself of Manacled. And like on tumblr, when certain posts get a threshold of interactions, it breaks containment. This caused another small influx of people who had never been introduced to Fandom, let alone fic, to flock to ao3.
At this point, we start getting into you-all-are-going-to-get-sued territory.
A large number of people read Manacled and other, mostly very popular dramoine, fanfiction. An undetermined amount of those people then, after seeing the video of the binding, began searching for ways to purchase a physically bound copy for themselves. For whatever reason, most were not willing to do this themselves, and so this is where the etsy listings came in.
There was a small boom of etsy listings for bound copies of mostly Mancled. In fact, you can still find these up. This, obviously, is both very illegal and very fucking insulting. This is a very big legal issue. In response, at least at the time, several of the bigger, popular fics took down their work from ao3. Which unfortunately didn't do much because in response, people who had downloaded the first prior were sharing those downloads with heartbroken fans.
You'd think that after being told that selling fic is illegal that people would stop. But they don't. If you take a look at one of the etsy listings, some of these are being sold for over 100 dollars. There's been a small push by parts of Fandom that have been around for a while to go to etsy occasionally and mass report these listings, but it's not really stopped anyone yet.
Fic authors have made a ton of requests either on tiktok or through ao3 for people to not do this. But, because most of these people don't know Fandom etiquette or even care about actual law or respecting authors, these requests have been mostly ignored.
Over the years as an author and someone who has also just read a lot of fic, there is a ratio involved in fic metrics. Generally, you can usually expect about 10% of the hits value for kudos and anything from 1% to 5% of the hits value for comments.
Due to the influx of people with no understanding of fic Fandom etiquette, if you look at the metrics for Mancled, it has over 8,300,000 hits. But its kudos and comments do not reflect the usual ratio.
There is even a strange crossover with goodreads where you can literally find reviews for Manacled. Which is honestly probably one of the most interesting things Ive seen. There are actually several dramione fics you can review on goodreads.
I'm still trying to process how some people's first introduction to fic was Manacled. I'm not saying the story isn't good or isn't well written. But, you have to admit it's a very strong first foray into fanfiction.
All of this to say, when you run into someone starting fights in Fandom space about canon or shipping, I'd say there's a good chance that you're interacting with someone fresh into the space who's entire online experience has likely just been Facebook and fan edits on tiktok. Metaphorically, a group of people who only have ever used salt and pepper on tv dinners arguing about your wine pairings, seasonings, and why you deviated from Marie Callender's fettuccine Alfredo recipe.
As a disclaimer, not all new additions to Fandom are bad. It's great to grow. It is interesting to see how a lot of antis come into the space, though.
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tamaruaart · 9 months
Hi :)
About me ★ :
I mostly go by Tam or Rua but I also go by a LOT of other nicknames! (Tamarua, Tamari, Tama, Tamachi, Ruma, Tammy, Tamithy, etc... I'm on par with Mr Jalapeño fr 😼) I'm a digital & traditional artist and I mostly draw my OCs or characters I like.
I'm in A LOT of fandoms (LMK, JTTW, The Great Comet, Blood Meridian, Greek Myth, EPIC, Hamilton...). This blog respects and supports the LGBTQ+ community :> (WHERE ALL MY ACE BUDDIES AT??).
My preferred pronouns are She/They but I don't mind if you refer to me as a they/them or he/him. I'd say I don't usually get mad, and my humor is very... Uh, what's the word? Questionable? Yea, very questionable- I speak English and Croatian (🇭🇷)!
What art program do I use? ⁠★ :
I use Clip Studio Paint and Ibis Paint (If you want to know what brushes I use feel free to ask!)
Socials ⁠★ :
-Twitter: (@TamaRuaArt)
-Pixiv: (@Tamachi)
-Reddit: (@TamaRuaArt "Tam & Rua✩")
-tiktok: (@/tamaruaart "Tam✩")
(but I literally don't post anywhere else so- 💀)
Rules? ⁠★ :
-No offensive comments on certain groups
-No NSFW in my asks or replies
-No politics
-Keep your comments relative to the post
-No heavy-religion based topics (Unless that's what the post is about)
-No racism
-No sexism/misogyny/misandry (This is not a safe space for radical feminists who hate men)
-No homophobia or transphobia (nor hate to any other sexuality), this is a safe space for LGBT!!
If you don't follow these I'm just going to block you :D
What is this blog mostly about? ⁠★ :
OCs!! Well, I mostly use it to talk about my JTTW/LMK OC Zhaoyan (or just Zhao).
Zhao is a Celestial Witch who was brought along to the journey (against her will) as a healer for Tripitaka. Basically, she has the power to heal any wound, illness, disease etc. And general sorcery.
Besides that it's just whatever this stupif mind of mine is currently hyperfixating on
Notes on your OC's story? ⁠★ :
For now my tumblr blog is the only place where you can find out about her.
I do 100% plan to write an AO3 fanfic regards her one day (because she honestly has so much lore that isn't even jttw/lmk related). But not any time soon, I'm very busy with school and I still have to work her whole character out before I start writing. When I do publish the story I'll announce it here :D
Is this blog R18?⁠ ★ :
Not really, I'd say more 13-14+
Suggestions/requests? ⁠★ :
Sometimes? But only for close moots
Do I do coms? ⁠★ :
My Playlists:
Zhaoyan but as a ⁠★ Playlist ★ :
Quanshuǐ but as a ⁠★ Playlist★ :
Concept Cabin:
The Vengeance AU ⁠★ :
-Greek Mythology (Hades/Hades II, The Odyssey and The Iliad, Paris: The Musical, EPIC: The Musical)
-Lego Monkie Kid
-The Prince of Egypt
-The Great Comet of 1812
-Blood Meridian (I'm adopting kid idc)
If any of these things sound right up your alley, feel free to stay! :D
I mostly post about Greek Mythology, Blood Meridian and LMK on here though-
OC related things:
-OC introduction (Outdated, currently working on a new one!)★ :
-OC chibies ★ :
-OC (Zhao's) family tree ★ :
-OC ages ★ :
Free chibi OC commissions (closed):
OCs ⁠★ :
#lmk oc; Zhao- Any posts about Zhao
#lmk oc; Yueliang- Posts about Yue
#lmk oc; Quanshuǐ- Quanshuǐ posts
#lmk oc; Yuǎn'ān- Yuǎn'ān posts
Miscellaneous ★ :
#tam rambles- Pretty self-explanatory. Just me rambling~
#tam answers- Answering asks
#my art- Art made by me! :D
#Polly & Olivia- Posts about my cats!
ALT account: @tam-and-her-bullcraps (beware for it's a mess there-)
And that's basically all you need to know about me
buh-bYEEEEE 👋
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catbountry · 1 year
It's hard trying to talk about the shift in fandom culture without getting off track and talking about many things at once, because change can never be attributed to one thing alone. It's a collection of multiple factors that happen at a certain place at a certain time that shape the broader culture around us. And right now, a lot of that shaping is being done by TikTok and Twitter. Internet content, i.e. creative works, should be bite-sized and digestible. There's always been a flood of low-effort fan content spewed into the shapeless mass that is the internet, ephemeral and disposable. But it feels different now. Like the algorithm incentivizes such low-effort content. I would much rather read someone's long-winded essay on why they agree that my OTP is amazing rather than a quick little text post written by a high schooler that isn't funny, witty or memorable featuring said OTP. But the latter still comes to my attention anyway.
The internet is still mostly text based, but it's increasingly being replaced by video and audio. Podcasts, video essays and streams provide background noise for when we're doing other things. I really, really would love to see some long-form fic by a seasoned author that doesn't fucking suck. I'm sure it exists, but I'm counting on the judgement of my friends to recommend me these things. Fic isn't shareable the way fanart is, and long form fan comics were already rare. God, remember Cuanta Vida? I don't think a single long-form TF2 comic aside from that has ever been drawn to completion. That includes the official comics as well. It's been 10,000 years, Valve, please.
Working on my own long-form comic, I've had to cut corners to keep from taking too long between updates and even that doesn't work since production slowed around summer of last year. I know people are reading them, they have a ton of hidden bookmarks and thousands of comments. I know the content of these comics, as well as my soured reputation, have made sharing them publicly harder. But like... man. IDK.
Look, I just don't want to see some cringey 50 word text post of my OTP on my dash that feels like this thing meant to be quickly read and shared as just another piece of content. It feels hollow. It doesn't reflect the passion I've seen from fans on their creative output for over a decade. I've been spoiled. My standards are too high.
I hate the algorithm. Me and my homies all hate the algorithm.
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taehyungfirst · 4 months
I watched 8 episodes of the drama so far.
Took me a sec to get into it but it's actually really good if you know how to separate it from the actual members' lives, personalities, and dynamics lol.
The actor portraying Tae's hyyh character felt off at first but I think it's more of the haircut? It makes him resemble real Tae less, but it fits with the story. He plays his role very well .
Of course, nothing like Tae in real life (and nor should he be), and as a character, he annoys me in some moments, but it all makes perfect sense given the context of the show, and how he's raised. I like him!
Every character ultimately has a complex story, along with various flaws, and each one makes mistakes throughout, which keeps the plot and story interesting. They FEEL like real people with real complicated emotions, and thoughts (for the most part) and the characters' personalities have definitely been written to fit the backgrounds they come from.
The show gives a lot of insight into hyyh, long with details and context we haven't see before and it all ties together nicely.
I keep forgetting about the actual bts music videos because I've been getting so into it, lol. In terms of writing, probably one of the better kdramas that I've seen? Some parts I'm not a fan of, but it's definitely keeping me on my toes and excited to watch more. Every actor does his role well and omg I hate the parents of most of these characters so much it's not even funny.
If anyone is a fan of the hyyh storyline, and is capable of watching it without bts goggles on, I'd honestly recommend! Definitely intriguing!
Min Cein (character based off of Yoongi's hyyh character) is my favourite so far!
(Lastly, I saw that clip where people were acting like it was vmin reincarnated, and while the scene makes perfect sense given the context of the show, I really want to know what fans of the actual members are smoking to think Tae is like that in real life.)
Hi! Thank you for sharing your thoughts <3
I was planning to watch the drama because I really like hyyh storyline, the actors didn’t stop me because I have no problems with them not exactly resembling bts members (it’s impossible, too), I’m just too busy to keep up with a drama ):
I saw a Cein tiktok lately and I think he’s one of the few who got a good resemblance with a member… by the way yes, if you are able to differentiate a made up storyline from the members actual lives you will enjoy it more, my problem was mostly with vminies projecting that clip on Tae irl because Tae has never behaved like that, never said something like that and he never even shouted at anyone 😭
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I finally started reading Good Omens (NO SPOILERS! I've already spoiled myself enough.) and this is so far (59 pages) one of the best things I've read. It's so clever and fun, and I must have left a dozen "hehe" notes on the sides of my book (in pencil. I only just started writing in books and I would die before I used any sort of ink that could seep into or smudge on the pages.).
What I can't stop thinking about though, is that one woman who named her sons, I think twins?, Crowley and Aziraphale. Because, alright, my opinions may be a tad skewed bc I started being interested bc Tumblr and tiktok have bombarded me with details about these two from the show (Tumblr also some book stuff) that gave me some preconceptions but,,,,
Lady, how did you not notice that this could be interpreted as like, romantic? They have the most 'married couple' vibes on multiple occasions.
Spoilers under the cut! I go on a gush.
They are hilarious.
"Well I'll be damned"/"It's not too bad when you get used to it"
The start of this book, ugh, and yes, I'm back to the book now, this is my book rant and I'll take it to whatever direction my brain wants to, the fucking, the song choice for the Bentley to play!! It's so clever!!
"It wasn't a dark and stormy night. / It should have been, but that's the weather for you. For every mad scientist who's had a convenient thunderstorm just on the night his Great Work is finished and lying on the slab, there have been dozens who've sat around aimlessly under the peaceful stars while Igor clocks overtime."
And later on fucking BOHEMIAN PHAPSODY PLAYS- excellent music choice btw- AND IT'S SO GOOD
The pacing and detail work is just phenomenal in this book, PHENOMENAL
"For Americans and other aliens" (paraphrasing) had me chuckling out loud. Been identified an alien.
There's at least 3 doodles of snake Crowley I've drawn in the book so far.
Also the bit about this being the most repaired book? I would've died of that was any of my books, grieving, but I admire all of these people so much. The sheer DEDICATION!!
Really hoping I get this book signed at some point, even if I just about die of anxiety and embarrassment if I ever get the chance.
Also, it took me, honestly, way too long to recognize David Tennant played Crowley in the series/ the bits of the series I've been force-fed by tiktok and Tumblr. Not because I'm blind to faces (partially, maybe) but because it took a whole fucking slideshow with both Crowley and The Doctor from doctor who for me to realise it's the same DAMN ACTOR!! LIEK, I KNEW I NO GOOD AT RECOGNIZING ACTORS BETWEEN ROLES IF I HAVEN'T SEEN MULTIPLE THINGS THEY'VE BEEN ON AND REMEMBERED THEM AS THE CHARACTER THEY'VE PLAYED TO THEN MAYBE UPGRADE ONTO KNOWING THEIR NAMES LIKE CHRIS EVANS AND HUGH JACKMAN BUT COME ON! My brother was laughing at me for that. How do people just, recognize others without the set context they were in at the time?
Anyhow. Back to this BRILLIANT BOOK!!!
Crowley is like, so me coded.
Wasn't feeling Crawly, changed it to Crowley. Only man-shaped, not man.
I too, wasn't feeling my og name and changed it slightly while it's still based on the first one, and am only human-shaped.
There's too much going on in my brain and I forget my vessel is a human being at some points, purely because I don't see the vessel as who I am.
I have in fact just noted 'Transphobe' next to the bit where Crowley is handed the Antichrist and has to sign a damn thing like it's a post package and told "Not [Name you literally chose for yourself, A. J. Crowley], your real name." mostly for myself because I'm funny like that, and bc it's my book copy, not because I don't understand the significance of "true names" or whatever. Sigil names, now those are cool. I'd make me one if I didn't feel like it'd be more intricately connected to me and in turn more vulnerable.
This book. This book I swear-
I've had such a hard time reading printed books after so long reading only fanfics online and this? This is perfect. It reads like the most fun fanfic I've ever read.
Like that one dp x DC fic where Danny wanted a grimace shake and it was spilt on the road or sth even if he said it was mediocre.
The brilliance of Crowley's sinventions (hehe) are so good.
I have doodled 👀 over Hastur saying he tempted a priest. Because I somehow didn't expect it.
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This is comedy to me. I adore it.
The footnotes too. The one about the added verses where God asks Aziraphale where his sword is 😭 and that literally everyone recognized his handwriting as the one who added them in 😭😭😭😭
This is gold, man. Exactly what I needed to get back into physical reading. My eyes could for sure use a break from my phone.
Also, the little tongue my book has as a built in bookmark? Bring that back. Bring books with that feature back. I love this thing so much. Even my school books had it when I was younger, WHERE IS IT NOW?? HAVING MY OWN BOOKMARK IS ALL FINE AND DANDY BUT THIS IS ELEGANT, AND PRETTY, AND PRACTICAL, COME ON!
End rant uwu <3 I must sleep
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This may piss some people off, but idrc.
Given recent events in the US I see a lot of violent rhetoric being pushed by leftists, and I feel like it's important to evaluate our own beliefs on utilitarianism.
In leftist spaces we generally combat the utilitarian beliefs that certain individuals are more important/have more value than others. There's a general acknowledgement that those in higher positions, or who hold more privilege are treated as if they do hold more value by our society, and that this is very flawed. We recognize the issues in assigning MORE worth to some people and not to others. And we like to think we personally wouldn't assign value to people, yet as soon as someone does something we don't agree with (morally or otherwise) we switch gears. I'm not saying to be nice to everyone that we disagree with, but I am saying that everyone, even those who have done the most vile and unforgivable things have an intrinsic value as a human being, and deserve to be treated like one. For example, we know that the American prison system is fucked and actively detains and strips the rights from the poor and disadvantaged. And generally, we don't seem to fault the individuals, looking instead to the system. We advocate for rehabilitation of prisoners because we still see them as humans worthy of life. But when someone does commit a crime that is seen as irredeemable, that changes. Then it's okay that their rights are taken. It's okay if we misgender them. Hell, it's even okay if they are killed, because they've lost that value to us now. Do you see where I am going with this?
Recently I've seen self-proclaimed leftists saying in TIKTOK COMMENTS that they would love to see someone go on a manhunt to kill Nex Bennedict's killers. And while I obviously do not condone their actions, I hope it doesn't sound crazy for me to say that I don't think this is right?? It's unfair that they killed Nex Bennedict, but it is also not fair of us to sentence these teenagers to death because we have determined that they have lost the ability to be valued as a human being. What they did is unforgivable, but that doesn't mean we should strip them of their humanity because of this.
As humans, our worth should not be equated to the worst thing we've ever done. We all have worth because we are human. Assigning worth to people based on anything else is such a slippery slope because it's so arbitrary of a concept. If we can agree that all killers lose their value and deserve to die, then we'd have to define what specific circumstances makes someone a "killer." Otherwise, that might include accidental killings or self defense. But even then, this ignores the possibility that people can and very often do change. How do we judge someone's worth on something we can't all agree upon? It hurts to say that a killer deserves the basic right to life when you know that their victim absolutely did too. But they deserve to live and exist just as much as we all do.
And yes, killing can be substituted in for anything here that we find ourselves devaluing others based upon. No one deserves death. No one's life is any more or less important than anyone else's.
I would like to specify that there IS nuance to this, and not every situation is just black and white. By violence I am mostly referring to the sentiment that some people deserve death or deserve to be killed. I am not referring to violence in general, or violence against oppressive systems/individuals as I am aware that social change is destructive and that sometimes that requires violence. I know that I specified self defense mentioning the broad definition of a killer, and that is regarding the fact that in some cases killing someone else is legally and/or societally just. That being said, even someone killed in self defense did not deserve to die.
These conversations are difficult to have because it's not something we really want to accept. There are some horrible people in the world who do horrible things. But they are human too.
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ravenwolfie97 · 8 months
okay i have to talk about this because it's been really bothering me lately and i need to say something before i explode
so lately i've been noticing on many videos, shortform or otherwise, that they include subtitles! awesome! super helpful and cool
but idk if it's always been a problem and i'm only noticing it now, or if it's gotten particularly bad lately, but... recently a lot of those subtitles are really really bad
slight tangential anecdote: i used to do some freelance captioning work in between real job hunting, and it was a good experience. i was already interested in doing it, obviously, but i was coached on proper captioning etiquette and guidelines to make it look as nice and readable as possible while also transcribing the audio as best as i could before my superiors would touch it up. so i do know a thing or two about proper subtitling, but even if you didn't you would Know that there are some serious problems right now
i'll give a few non-specific examples (bc i'm too lazy to hunt them down to show you). there is a pretty popular (i think) youtube shorts personality who mostly does reaction-based videos, like i think it's actually mostly tiktok stitches reuploaded to yt shorts. but anyway this person, along with most other tiktok people who have subtitles for their lil internet rambles, are probably only basing off of their voice, like there's some kind of auto-caption that gets most of the words right, save for a couple small ones. i can understand that especially for the reaction/vlog crowd who are just trying to pump out videos, but like. i also follow john and hank green. they also reupload their tiktok stitches to yt shorts and have subtitles. and guess what? they're flawless. immaculate. you Can change them. or maybe they just talk better idk my point still stands that there is issue here stemming from having the computer do it with minimal to no touch-up. which leads me to my next example
one of the first nails in the coffin recently was this one pokemon youtube shorts guy i kept getting where he'd look into old game saves. all of the videos are subtitled, but similar to the tiktoks, it appears to be transcribing the voice on its own. what's worse and the most important here is that - remember - this is a series of pokemon videos. saying a pokemon name and expecting an AI to understand what that is out the gate is insane. and it doesn't. any time a pokemon's name is said, it just spews out words that are vaguely similar-sounding standard english words. and it's never the same each time too, which is fun. this is where taking the time to edit or even give a smidge of a damn to the craft of your video really would mean a lot, because for as many as i've seen it turns me even more off every time i see those shitty subtitles. but unfortunately that's not the worst i've seen in the last few days
the one that hurt me so much i physically could not stand it, to the point that i left a Comment on how bad it was, was an edit of a streamer's twitch VOD. normally, this streamer uploads snippets of their streams to yt shorts and has really good and well-edited captions there! i usually have nothing to complain about from this guy. but this one particular video... i don't know if it's because it's an older VOD and someone's just been holding on to it for months, or if it was a huge rush job, or What. but this video had literally the worst captions i had ever seen. they were just slapped down in chunks, not even lining up with the people who were talking, a negligible amount of punctuation, literally the barest minimum of effort. but that's not all! let's not forget that this is an edited clipshow, and there are Effects and Transitions for not only the video itself but the text as well! so SOME amount of effort was put into this because it got actually edited into a decent-sized video instead of just being a small clip. it's literally makes me sick i am so unhappy about it
main point, TL;DR, moral of the story: for the love of all that is holy, please remember that captioning is literally an accessibility feature. some people cannot hear or are unable to listen to videos sometimes, and i can't imagine what a hearing-impaired person who relies on subtitles to engage with videos would think watching either of my last two examples. what makes it worse, too, is that i can't even tell these people to hire someone to do it for them, because oftentimes they DO have people to do that work for them. and they still fuck it up. and then they continue on, to churn out more content. ugh just take a moment to remember that captions are not just for engagement. they're a tool, and some people can use only those as their guide through your video. don't make it impossible to parse. the purpose of them is to be read and understood. and you can't do that if the sentences are in overlapping chunks or if your words are too non-standard to be translated by a computer
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treestomeetyou · 1 year
I have a very similar experience. I obviously get wanting to look at the positives, but I also think it's important to understand the full picture. A lot of the talk I've seen online surrounding autism has made me realize that people don't really know just how shitty it can be sometimes.
Autistic people aren't just "a little quirky". In fact, some of the most talked about symptoms were the least of my concerns growing up. My emotional maturity has always been...not great. I struggled with anger and I had outbursts so bad that I would sometimes end up getting in fights or breaking things. And I had these all the way up until I was in high school. I thankfully had therapy and it's not as bad as it used to be, but my issues will never be completely gone. I've also had sleep problems my whole life and I don't really have the ability to be in certain high stress situations. That takes a lot of things off the table that I otherwise would have loved to do. I also can sometimes shut down when I get overwhelmed which is similar to a depressive episode (something I also have and experience) and depression is often a symptom autistic people experience but for me it was a seperate diagnosis. There are also people who have it worse and may never be able to live on their own, and who have problems that are even more serious and it feels like we're just...not allowed to talk about that. I have been called ableist more times than I can count by people who didn't realize I was autistic, just for trying to talk about these things, or for saying that I wouldn't wish this on anyone else.
A lot of people seem to think it's a fun thing to have and that's just not the case. It sucks. I wish people would understand that there's a difference between hating myself for being autistic (which I don't, I'm actually very upfront about it) and wishing that I didn't have certain symptoms. I'm not "masking" because I don't want to get angry and yell at my friends and family every two seconds! I did everything I could to get past that because it was the right thing to do for the sake of the other people in my life. I was bullied in school as a kid (mostly for the anger stuff) but as an adult I have experienced more shaming from within the autistic community than I have from outside of it. I should be able to talk about both the positive and the negative side of autism. There's normalization, and then there's presenting an idealized fantasy version of autism that rarely ever actually exists. (I also wish people would do actual research instead of just...basing their views of autism on a tik tok they saw somewhere, but that's a whooooole other conversation lmao)
Sorry, I didn't mean for this to get so long. I'm just very passionate about this. I hope you have a good day. ✨️
never apologize for making it so long it’s nice to hear from other people. i feel like autism on tiktok is just some kind of new age manic pixie dream girl. like she’s quirky and she has funny little habits but it’s “breaks the fantasy” when she has issues that can make her unpleasant to be around.
i always joke that i don’t drink a lot because i’m kind of a bitch when i drink, but it’s just sensory overload that makes me a deeply unpleasant person. i don’t want to be like that, i put in a lot of work to not be like that. but that work takes a lot out of me and i resent that. i agree with you that i wouldn’t change myself, i’m autistic and that’s an unchangeable part of me. but it’s so hard to make people understand that it’s a still a disability. that there are things i can’t do. i will require certain supports my whole life. the toxic positivity around autism (and neurodivergent people in general) online gets on my nerves. i can love myself and find positives in myself while still being upset about how i struggle
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phantomcat394 · 2 years
I've been wondering what to post on here for a while and then I realized how many headcanons I have about different shows and movies. This first post will be based on NBC Hannibal. Some of these I found on social media (TikTok mostly) and some are just weird ones I thought of.
First, I'm just going to jump into the sexuality/gender hc's. These will include Will, Hannibal, Alana, and Abigail.
Will Graham: My thoughts on his sexuality and gender are fairly popular but make too much sense to not mention. Gender: trans ftm
pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: bisexual with a lean towards men
Hannibal Lector: My thoughts on Hannibal's sexuality and gender might be popular, might not be, I'm not rlly sure. Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: pansexual
Alana Bloom: I haven't seen many headcanons for Alana, so this is mainly based off of my analysis. Gender: Cisgender
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual with a preference for women
Abigail Hobbs: I haven't seen any headcanons for her yet unfortunately, so if anyone who sees this has ideas, please comment them :) Gender: demigirl
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Omnisexual with a preference for women
These are all the characters I have thought of in depth so far, if you are planning on commenting please remember to keep everything kind and don't judge others or you will be blocked💜
Here's a Random meme for the road:
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mcchipisfried · 1 year
I'm just in thinking mode cause I needed to sleep this off so I wouldn't be mad but I dont mind getting spoilers you know?
I have this bit with a friend where I yell in all caps when they threaten to send me spoilers but they respect that one time I said no and it bothered me and they never actually send me spoilers for anything unless I ask for specific trigger warnings so I can be aware of certain things but at the end of the day its not gonna ruin a good story y'know?
Like I KNOW that I've told myself that a good story will drop hints of certain events happening and that a story creates a starting base that leads to events happening and a good writer knows to not have a twist for the sake of catching the audience unexpectedly but this spoiler pissed me off. Mostly because I didn't get to control the fact I saw it (it was in a picture sliding thing on tiktok and it had the automatic swipe so I didn't even process the fact the first image said Good Omens Leak before I saw it) and it genuinely pissed me off because everyone (Neil) has been in a "wait and see" kinda moment which considering how hard everyone worked on the show, is completely deserved. Its not gonna ruin the show I dont think. Like I think all of us are still gonna scream and cry and laugh and maybe even put on a gorilla costume and jump out of a window but idk. Its more out of respect for them (the writers, actors, Mr. Pratchett, behind the scenes people we never think about and there's too many positions that go into producing a show and I can list them all out) that I'm annoyed. Not mad but just annoyed.
I wish I had gotten the option to swipe away (I sound so serious guys im laying in bed procrastinating on a Phantom of the Opera sapphic rewrite I'm making I promise I'm a Silly™) just cause I KNOW that moment whether its a big build up or a totally funny Residents On the Own Side Essentially Cryptids Moment™ would have been amazing and IT STILL WILL BE i just wish I hadn't seen it but its okay. Some things are just out of our control. And maybe the resident Newt Pulsifer on Amazon should stay away from computers.
Also thank you to everyone that made it nearly impossible to find the image on here (I had to check so my other friend wouldn't be spoiled. Twitter is off limits for the next few days though)
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flightfoot · 2 years
The saltdom is big? Is that salt among all fandoms or just specifically miraculous? Anyway it’s nice to see it go away whether it be from people moving on or just creating a self contained corner for themselves. It was really bad in 2019-2020 and season 4 inspired a lot of people salting on Marinette though I’m not sure if tumblr was exposed to that, it was mostly TikTok, instagram, YouTube, and twitter people who were the loudest advocates against her. For me I’ve gotten the impression that ever since risk and strikeback and the final lady our scene of them hugging the fandom has been far more positive. Also season 5 despite the angst is more positive as well.
Specifically Miraculous. There are other fandoms with similarly proportioned saltdoms, like the Harry Potter and Encanto fandom, but it's rare for most saltdoms to be this big proportionally to the main fandom.
Yeaaaah I didn't see as much of the salt towards Marinette during season 4 on like, tumblr and AO3. It existed, certainly, but even during that entire season the "Alya and Adrien and the class team up to beat up on Marinette, so Marinette moves away and gets them suspended or exposed for their horrific treatment of her or get thrown in juvie, something to ruin their lives as revenge" contingent was still bigger and more popular than the "Marinette screwed up and needs to apologize to her partner and promise to do better" contingent, at least on AO3.
I've seen a bit of the Marinette salt on Youtube, she's not well-liked on there, and REALLY not well-liked for her actions during season 4, which... okay, I think that she didn't treat Chat Noir very well during that season, either, to tell the truth (I particularly didn't like her plan to manipulate Chat Noir into revealing his identity to a third-party without his knowledge or consent in Ephemeral). That seems to have been the intention though, judging by her tearful apology at the end of Strike Back.
That did mostly die at the end of the season though, since Ladybug's back to treating Chat Noir like a partner more instead of just a subordinate, and hasn't gone behind his back or kept him out of the loop again, as of yet.
Here's the thing: most of the season 4 salt towards Ladybug was actually based off of stuff she'd done, and stuff that had hurt Chat, specifically. Most of the people who were upset at her for that wanted Chat Noir to be treated better, as opposed to wanting Ladybug to be punished, so once the season ended and Chat Noir was no longer being hurt and the relationship between them was somewhat mended, a lot of the salt subsided. The salt there was GENUINELY based off of the show and the characters in it, rather than just a desire for a revenge plot.
As such, it's not a surprise that people have been a lot more positive with season 5. Most of the saltdom who just cared about Marinette getting to tear down anyone who opposed her and be worshipped unconditionally didn't watch past season 3 and just operate in their own little salt world based on that, while the more salty Adrien fans who were upset about his treatment in season 4 (especially by Marnette) either left the fandom entirely after that season ended, without delving into endless vengeance AUs, or were mostly satisfied with Adrien being treated better NOW at least. (I'm in the latter camp. I'm a lot more charitable towards people hurting Adrien once they stop doing so and are unlikely to do so again).
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I just LOVE Amber! I honestly think out of all the girls, she would be the most positive girl for him to be around. I’m always hoping to see more content with the two of them.
The other two….I’m just not sure about. I liked stas in the videos, and I think she gets more hate than she deserves. Sure, I understand why a lot of the fandom don’t like her. But we don’t know everything that happened in full detail. You know what they say about assuming…
And the other, Shea, the history with her seems a bit odd. But again, we don’t know every single detail about the two of them. And quite frankly it’s none of our business 🤷🏼‍♀️
I honestly feel bad for Colby. No matter what he will get hate for any girls he’s seen with. Must be exhausting for him. The fandom needs to chill tf out a bit. I understand having a ‘celebrity crush’, but hell you gotta know you won’t ever be with him. (Sorry this was a long post lol, but I’ve been holding this in for awhile. Btw love your tumblr! 💕)
oh i love amber as well. i found her just before she started hanging out with colby so it was perfect timing when they started collabing. i love the two of them together and i hope that they collab again soon. i genuinely love every video they've made together.
as for the other girls, i get the sentiment of not wanting to assume or not know the whole picture, and i agree with that for the most part. personally i have always been of the belief that if colby is happy, than i'm happy for him. even if i don't like them, i'm not gonna be upset at him for hanging out with them. especially with shea. he clearly is happy when he's around her, and bc of that i wouldn't want him to lose her if he really does feel the way i assume he does feel.
but, just bc we don't know the whole picture, doesn't mean we're wrong for noticing what we can see and judging based off of that.
with stas, i'll hand it to you, a lot of the stuff i've heard is mostly hearsay. i haven't seen too much. but i have seen enough stuff (like her mother sharing their location when they were in europe and fans hitting her up bc of that, her roommate liking fandom related tweets some of which were about shea, stas liking tweets about colby, stas answering questions fans have had about colby, her taking credit for his outfits, the malishka bs that happened from europe) to make me question whether or not her intentions are pure. bc at the very least, she interacts with fans a lot, and if for argument's sake everything about her was a lie or bs, she HAD to have seen fans congratulating them being together when they were in europe. there's no way she didn't, especially when it was some of her closet fans literally saying it. so for her to ignore that and not come out and say "hey guys, me and colby aren't together" is enough of a red flag for me to side eye her until shit like that changes. and that still isn't the case.
as for shea…. i literally have ss of the shit she has done over the years. her liking comments about amber that were negative, her apologizing to her gcs first and letting them spread the message she was sorry until finally posting something about it on twitter, her telling a gc that andrea had a bf and that was why her and colby weren't dating when they were hanging out even tho andrea herself never told her fandom about this guy until they broke up, her leaving winky face/hearts comments on edits shipping her and colby together, her pretending to not know a fan publicly she was bad mouthing to a gc even tho she blocked them, her liking shipping comments on tiktok only to later like comments saying 'all the shipping ruined colby and shea's friendship', i mean… the list goes on and go. there is proof of her weirdness. and again, even if there is more to the story, the little bit we have seen is enough for me to not like her.
but that being said, all of this is why i also ignore both of them as best i can. i don't pay attention to either of them until someone brings them up on here, and even then, i usually try to tell the person (at least as of recently) to just ignore them bc it ain't worth it.
do these girls get hate for unnecessary things?? oh for sure. and i don't advocate for it. i wish they didn't get hate at all, even if i don't like them. that's why i think it's just better to ignore them, especially if they upset you.
at the end of the day, colby deserves to have friends that are girls without there being drama. it's really that simple. and it's a shame that i don't think that will ever truly happen.
and thank you, i appreciate the love :)
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