#I'm expanding my fandoms list how cool is that
leonbastralle · 3 months
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here's part 2 of my little review of my 2023 games! somehow this is even more indie than the first half and honestly a lot of games w nonexistent fandoms on tumblr so be the change u want to see in the world i guess!
old man's journey: this is a rly short indie game with an interesting, though very repetitive puzzle mechanic that follows an old man as he goes on an important journey - literally but also figuratively by coming to terms with his past, and at some point the two end up being the same thing. the art style is truly lovely and unique, it gives me big children's book vibes, and the soundtrack is beautiful and touching and so is the story and the ending itself. as i said, the mechanic and actual gameplay could be expanded on, but i knew this going in and played it mostly for the vibes and in that it did not disappoint.
the last campfire: when i talked my wife into playing this i told her it's basically the pacifist puzzle version of dark souls and it truly is. you play as a little ember on their final journey to the last campfire, where all embers go when their light begins to fade. the path is challenging and a lot of embers give up. they become forlorn. it's your desire to help them, if they let you. this game is heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, such a gentle and touching story with a cast of diverse, likeable characters. the puzzles are all in all pretty doable, though they can get pretty intense at times, but there is a story only mode to remedy that! this one definitely is going on my all time favorites list.
lemon cake: who were you before you wandered into this bakery? doesn't matter, because the ghostified previous owner is now holding you hostage as her successor. this is a little sim/time management game w a super cute style where you upgrade your bakery, cafe and garden to keep making new delicious looking treats and serving your customers in the best way possible until you are worthy of your predecessor's famous lemon cake recipe. this game, as games of this variety tend to do, gets a bit stressful if you want to serve all of your customers before they get angry and leave while also needing to keep an eye on your ingredients and ovens and displays. i really liked all the upgrade options that make your life easier, and i loved combining all the cute pastries into new menus every other day or so to keep customers happy. a bit expensive for the amount of gameplay you get out of it but definitely worth it on a sale!
the gardens between: this game follows a pair of childhood friends through their memories together as they prepare for the move that one of them is about to go through and the inevitable goodbye that will precede it. super touching game with a really cool and unique puzzle mechanic in which you manipulate time and objects at different times throughout the puzzles to get to the solution. can make you kind of dizzy because the levels are built like spirals so the camera does a lot of spinning, but i'm sensitive to this and was fine when i went slow and took breaks.
book of travels: hoooo boy this is a big one. this game is marketed as a tmorpg (because the servers are TINY) and it definitely makes it work. most of this game is just exploring around, doing little tasks and finding your way since the game doesn't tell you at all what to do, it's all up to how you play it. do you want to do some combat? figure out what the fuck happened in kasa, the closed capital? become a fisherman? just trade and collect cool looking things? the braided shore is your oyster and it is a beautiful one with the painterly art style and great music and ambiance. still in early access and therefore quite buggy sometimes, but definitely one of my faves w a lot of potential.
capybara spa: made by the same person as lemon cake, you can really see the similarities in terms of the cutesy style, but i think it's a lovely thing to look at. this is just a little clicker where you run a spa for capybaras and their little critter friends and keep levelling up to add more and more spa options and extras to give them the special treatment they deserve! i assume this game could get a bit overwhelming since there's a lot to keep an eye on at all times, but there are no time constraints and no punishment so you can take your time and get sucked in for hours, which this game is very good at doing.
tiny echo: in this point and click game you play as a funky little guy w an eye for a head who delivers letters to their spirit inhabitants with a minimal amount of puzzling involved. i mainly played it because i wanted to check out more games by the book of travels devs, and it was a nice experience, though it also doesn't really stand out for me. very short game, maybe a bit short for the price, but i played it from a shared library so skdjfhksdjf
cosmic wheel sisterhood: i got nothing bad to say about this one. you play as an exiled fortune telling witch who breaks after years of solitude and forms a forbidden pact. the cast of witches (and other creatures) is diverse, i liked both the characterizations and the interactions between characters (also a lot of them are very hot so that helps). the big mechanic of this game is that you use elemental energy to craft your own tarot cards from a selection of card backgrounds and elements and then you use these to tell people's fortunes, which in turn gives you more energy. depending on your selections, the cards will have unique names and different meanings, and i enjoyed seeing all the cards i or others could come up with. the story is intense and emotional, but to me, definitely in a good way. though there are several outcomes and so far i've only tried one. definitely replay value there. just be wary because despite including trigger warnings, they forgot one for cancer so be informed and do not be like me ADJHKAJSDHA
planet zoo: i tried this after i saw my wife play it because growing up i was crazy about zoo empire and zoo tycoon. i don't have much to say about this one because though you have a whooooole bunch of freedom in designing your zoo, the enclosures and even every single building, that freedom was a bit overwhelming for me so i never ended up rly getting into it. also not a huge fan of big capitalism expansion packs system, but hey. it definitely is a pretty, very neat game.
cats & dogs organized neatly: it's like static tetris. but with animals. you click on them and they bark and meow and you can SPIN THEM MANY TIMES as jazzy music plays in the bg. as you go you unlock more funky little boys n girls and they all have funny little bios and names. i broke my brain on some levels but didn't mind looking up some solutions in favor of the vibe! i enjoyed both of these and will definitely play the birds sequel that's set to come out this year! another german dev shoutout these were great games. they're very small and quite cheap but you can also get these on sale for like 2 euros KSJFHAKSFA
toem: truly the year of photography games for me, but i think vibe wise this one was my favorite. just a funky lil guy in a black and white world going on their first photography pilgrimage to toem, the famed natural phenomenon of their world. i loved all the little quests, the different worlds and the endless filter options and the soundtrack was great too. honestly greatly recommend, i don't own this game but i plan to buy it to replay!
pupperazzi: yet another photography game! this one's all about dogs, and it's delightful and wonky and just a good casual time with less story elements than the other mentioned photography games. not groundbreaking but great fun.
luna the shadow dust: this game follows a young apprentice mage back up the tower that he's grown up and studied in to face the consequences of his past mistakes. lovely art style, music, and puzzle mechanics, especially the use of light and shadow. i've wanted to play this one for a while and i'm really glad i did, i liked the story a lot even though it got quite sad.
alba: WAIT this one too is a photography game that i honestly might like even more because its story is so touching. you play as alba who is visiting her grandparents for the summer. the natural reserve on their island is about to be sold to be turned into a hotel, so her and her friend decide to start a petition to save it and help clean up the island and rescue animals in need as well as documenting the wildlife to change people's minds! truly one of the most heartwarming games i played in my life, 10/10 i cried at the sad part sdjkhksd
röki: this one's...a lot. the main character of this game, tove, lives in a little cabin with her dad and her very whimsical little brother who she's basically taking care of on her own because her dad has been incredibly depressed since his wife passed away. when a mythical creature attacks their house and abducts her little brother, tove has to enter a magical mirror world. there she has to help all the other mythical creatures in hopes of reawakening the forest spirits, who have been plagued by nightmare parasites, and finding a way to get her brother back. lovely puzzles and wintery vibes, but a truly heartbreaking story that gets more and more messed up every time she faces a nightmare parasite and with it, more of her past and the events that lead to her mother's death. despite the heavy undertones this is still a good game if you're ok with some tragedy and slight horror elements askjfhakjsfas
stardew valley: i forgot to add this one in the previous post bc i actually played it in early 2023. not my first time and will not be my last time either. still a queen among farming sim peasants and i'm looking forward to restarting our little farm w my wife after the next big update!
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diableasura · 6 months
Now that i've watched every one piece movie that isn't a retelling of an anime arc or straw hat chase i'm gonna go ahead and indulge in the very human tendency of ranking them in order from best to worst (SPOILERS!!!!):
One Piece: Strong World. Maybe it's because this was the first movie i watched and my first experience with one piece in animation but strong world has remained my favorite since day one (though the second place is very very close i must say). The straw hats are all great and have their little moment to shine the plot is solid and they do a great job with nami, out of the four straw hats with a movie more focused on them she's by far the one that gets the best treatment. Strong world is in the perfect position of being a pre time skip movie, so it's not dragged down by the expanding cast of post time skip, but also since it was the tenth anniversary movie they put in more effort than with the previous movies and it shows. Also sanjis cowboy outfit instantly makes it top tier.
One Piece: Film Gold. I'm... kind of obsessed with this movie?? Seeing the straw hats in a heist really scratched an itch i didn't know i had but my god does it feel good. The designs really excelled here the crew looks gorgeous throughout the entire movie and tesoro's island is so interesting and fits very well in the one piece world. Tesoro is also my favorite villain of any movie, i've seen people say he's the perfect blend between crocodile and doffy and that's so true lmao. Loved having zoro as the damsell in distress, inject that shit straight into my veins i love it when the strong character is the one in need of rescue. Everyone was very cool during the heist but i remember really enjoying franky and luffy's dynamic cause lbr we're kinda starved of it in the manga so it was nice to see them interact so much here. Overall amazing movie and the only one i've rewatched out of all of them.
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island. This movie has become a cult classic amongst the fandom and with good reason. It breaks away from the loud spectacle of the other movies and is quieter and more unsettling and so far the only example of actual psychological horror in the lore. I've talked about this before but that final scene with the straw hats cheering luffy on even while they're being consumed by the baron and luffy struggling to the brink of death to save them changed me... I love seeing this family love each other so much!!
Clockwork Island Adventure. I know, I know what's the second movie doing so high up... but it was just so good!! It's very short but that's just a benefit to the plot and i love the gimmick of each straw hat being captured one by one till it's just luffy remaining and the one who has to free them (can you tell i love the movies where the straw hats are kidnapped and the others have to rescue them?? that's my drug). Sanji's fight in this movie kicks ass too, the animation is gorgeous.
One Piece: Film Red. This might seem like a sin, to have this movie so far down the list cause i've seen its pretty unanimously tied up with baron omatsuri as the best movie but to be honest i feel like that's just recency bias. The movie is still a spectacle and the songs slap and yes one of them was in the top 5 of my spotify wrapped this year lol. Uta is a good antagonist but i was never that hooked by her shared past with shanks and luffy, mainly because it's so aggressively impossible for it to be canon, it almost broke my suspension of disbelief. Zosan sleeping side by side was pleasing to my monkey brain and it almost made up for including st charlos in the movie seriously what the fuck was he doing there-
One piece: Stampede. The start of this movie is amazing cause they come up with the perfect competition to have all of these pirate crews on the same place but it quickly devolves into a "how many characters can we fit in" contest and the plot quickly turns into "lets all beat up the villain", which is fine! I did like seeing so many characters, at one point half way through the movie crocodile just appears out of nowhere lmao but hey i'm not complaining i love crocodile. Usopp is the straw hat who's focused on the most in the movie and i feel conflicted with what they did with him cause it just felt like they were making him go through his water 7 arc all over again by having his inferiority complex flaring up. And usopps arc was amazing in water 7 but reviving it for this movie felt a bit weird and repetitive. Despite this though i was very happy seeing him getting the focus, usopp is a painfully underrated character so having him on the spotlight is always welcome.
Dead End Adventure. This movie is a lot of fun. There's a bar fight, a secret pirate race and sanji being his sneaky self and helping out luffy during the final fight. Whats not to love?
One Piece: Film Z. Much like Stampede, i really enjoyed the start of this movie cause the monster trio get to briefly fight the big baddie together, but the plot kinda loses some steam for me after that. Also they tried to make the admirals sympathetic cause the villain is a retired admiral who was once their mentor but i really really really dont care about the marines at all so that was a bit awkward. The straw hats look stunning in this movie, i love that in the movies they give them a million different outfits and the ones from this one absolutely slayed.
Choppers Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals. Another fun movie where all the straw hats get a moment be cool. There's a kid on this island who i found completely insufferable but i can forgive this movie cause this is also where zosan have that famous scene where they praise the other to their defeated oponent, which made my monkey brain happy.
One Piece: The Movie. This movie's biggest misstep is that sanji isn't in it, but even with this critical flaw it was still quite enjoyable. Zoro is very funny on his own but add luffy into the mix and their dynamic was hilarious. Usopp as always was great. The villain is small potatoes tbh but not really the important part of the movie, which focuses more on the relationship between the kid they meet and his gramps. The final message was surprisingly very sweet. Also sanji appears briefly in the end credits to appease me.
Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle. This movie is a-okay. The villains are a complete joke and it takes the crew less than five minutes to deal with them. The crew dynamics carry all of my enjoyment with this one.
The Cursed Holy Sword. Yeah... this movie commited the unforgivable sin of having zoro as the main focus and yet managing to do absolutely nothing interesting with him. Even if they did shamelessly create kuina 2.0 with saga, they could've delved into how zoro would react when two different duties (his promise to saga and his position as the crew swordsman) clash against each other... but instead we see no conflict with zoro, even though we all know this situation would be conflicting for him. They just make him scowl throughout the whole runtime and thats just not who Zoro is... Luffy and usopp are a lot of fun though.
TL; DR my ranking is:
Strong World
Baron Omatsuri
Clockword Island
Dead End
Choppers Kingdom
One Piece: The Movie
Karakuri Castle
Cursed Holy Sword
Conclusion: the one piece brainrot is no joke.
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thecedarchronicle · 8 months
i've been curious about this for awhile, so..
the nonsense words one i dont really know how to explain. i did it a lot when they first expanded the name list (i have a percheron named Diverow and my birthday jwh is named Teao. like yes you can tell they're prefixes and suffixes but it's good enough for me) because if SSE isn't going to let me spell my cool names i WILL cut-out poetry my way into a unique name like i'm a white mom in utah desperate for those facebook post name reveal interactions
"more than one" would be if you do them all equally. if you find yourself leaning more towards another option, even just by a little bit, choose that one! or even if you do more than one but you have a specific favorite
obligatory reblog, and add in your favorite horse name/a name you're proud of or really happy with i wanna hearr :D
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wolfjackle-creates · 10 months
Heya, Wolfjackle!!!
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Ooh!!! Such a fun question. So, first off, I love pretty much everything I've written and I'm not afraid to say it. I will say I did a better job executing some than others though.
First, I have to open with my Good Omens fic The Demon Piper. This is the fic that got me back into writing. It is the first story I wrote to completion and was happy enough with to share. I was inspired to write it by someone I was crushing on at the time who helped motivate me and let me brainstorm at them. It's a story that features Crowley as the Pied Piper of Hamlin. I still kinda wished I'd called it the Pied Demon, but, well, the adjective pied is archaic and most people don't know it anymore. So, demon Piper it was. (Also, it's based on a really fun song called The Pied Piper by Heather Dale.)
Next, I'm gonna mention Bring Me Home which is still only on Tumblr. I love this one so much. It keeps expanding on me, but it was my first dpxdc fic. In the process of writing it, I learned so much about DC, so much about Tim and Kon and Bart and Cassie. I made new friends and found a home in a new fandom and found the attraction of crossovers for the first time.
I also have to mention my other long dpxdc fic, Ghost!Robin (which still needs an actual name). I love this one because it was my first time writing such a large cast. I got to learn how to juggle characters and tag dialogue when every line needs some indication of who's speaking. I love how the story expanded so far beyond what I originally planned and I'm excited to get back to it because y'all, my plans for Jason and Robin? I think they're gonna be epic.
Fourth is gonna have to be another Good Omens fic, An Evening In. It was my first attempt at writing smut. The working title of the doc on my laptop is "attempt at E" because I didn't expect to do more than write something for myself. But then I kinda liked it? And showed it to a friend who had written smut before (and she read it over in her cult-church service which thrills me). And she gave me so much advice. The end result was honestly really good and practically every comment has some form of "this is your first smut???"
Fifth... this one will change based on when you ask me. Right now I'm gonna say my newest fic Remember, Remember. It was my first time writing a fic with minimal dialogue that's mostly introspection and covers multiple years of time in 1.3k words. I'm generally a writer who takes her time with a story. Ghost!Robin is currently 16k and covers a single meal, for example. An Evening In is a pwp and 18k and covers a single evening. But this one? Years of time in 1.3k. And it worked. And that's pretty cool.
The theme for what I like the most that I've done? When I try something new and it works. I get really proud when I try something I've never done before and I manage to pull it off. It often takes a few drafts, but I have seen my own improvement and it's amazing.
And again, just because it's not on this list doesn't mean I don't like it. Once I get a bit further into it, I think Carry Your Heart will dethrone one of these and so might Answer My Call.
Edit: half the links I made got removed before posting. I'll fix them on desktop in an hour or so.
Edit 2: Fixed the links!
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commander-krios · 6 months
BG3 fic writing 2023 summary meme
this meme was made by the wonderful @mightymizora, you can get the questions here. I didn't write much bg3 this year seeing as I joined the fandom in October, but here is what I have!
What are your A03 stats? How many words written, how many hits, kudos, and comments? Words: 17k Hits: 2700 Kudos: 359 Comments: 44
Did you have a favourite canon character to write? It definitely ended up being Rolan. 4 out of the 5 bg3 fics I wrote were about him lmao
Did you have a favourite OC to write? Juniper, my tiefling bard. She's a mess and she's absolutely so dumb. I adore her.
Which fic was your most popular? Better Judgment, a Rolan/Tav fic that is getting a second chapter soon!
Which fic was your personal favourite? This is so tough. I love all of them! But I guess the best, for me, is Better Judgment. It shows how much of a fool Juniper is and how exasperated, but charmed Rolan is.
Was there anything you wrote that was a surprise to you? Why? Rolan/Dammon's fic, A Divine Dream. I've been so obsessed with my bard and Rolan that I didn't think I was capable of writing another ship with him. I also got to sneak some Karlach/Wyll in that fic too so it was completely self indulgent.
What is your favourite piece of description you wrote? Why do you like it? I'm obsessed with this description of Juniper as she tends to Rolan's wounds in Nights Like This:
No words passed between them as Juniper’s hand hovered near his jaw, the turquoise glow of her healing magic cool and bright. His skin prickled at the sensation, unused to being tended so. She sang quietly as she worked, ocean eyes focused on his injuries. He could feel his muscles mend, his bruises soothed, the pain he’d felt for weeks fade, all gone in nearly an instant. His lungs expanded with his breath and he finally relaxed under her careful ministrations.  Her voice was captivating. He was a fool, Rolan chided himself, to have never sat and listened to her before. His thoughts were always on Baldur’s Gate, on the future he was building for himself and his siblings. Not on the people around him.  Certainly not on the woman who had risked so much for him when she had no cause to. Rolan studied her in the fire’s glow, lavender skin dulled to a grey in the darkness, a particularly nasty scar harsh against her pretty face. It was, in that silent moment, that he noticed freckles dotted her cheeks and nose, dark against her much lighter tone. He didn’t realize he’d done it until his fingers had already brushed against her face, a soft touch that distracted her from her work. Her eyes darted to his, a searing blue that reminded him of the hottest fires that burned in Avernus. Beautiful, dangerous… fires that could kill. That could cleanse.
What was your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote? Why do you like it? This little moment in Long Rest ranks up there with some of my favorite dialogue that I've ever written in a fic. Juniper is such a tease, it's how she shows affection:
“Ah, well, let’s just say that Alfira will be glad to know that I find someone else more bothersome than her.” “I can’t tell if I’m supposed to be flattered or offended.” Juniper released her hold on his arm and immediately missed his warmth. She ran her fingers across the strings of her lute, the sound calming her nerves. “And where do I rank in regards to Cal and Lia?” “Getting closer to the top of the list the more you speak.” A bark of laughter escaped her mouth before she could stop it. “Oh! Was that a joke?”
What was your overall feeling about your writing in 2023? What were you proud of? What were the highlights? I think this has been my best writing year ever. I joined two new fandoms, wrote 200k words, and just felt more comfortable with my writing than I have in a while. I did have a time where I wasn't writing much at all, the block was so bad, but I pushed through and playing Andromeda Six really did jumpstart my creativity again. I'm proud of the fact that I managed to write so much despite feeling like I wasn't doing anything. Most of it came in chaotically inspired bursts, but I'm proud of it.
What would you like to explore more in 2024? I'd liked to explore more of the companions in bg3, particularly Wyll, Astarion, and Lae'zel. Maybe I can even get some Durgetash written finally.
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secretjules · 21 days
♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ 𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖌!! ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥
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You feel the rough patter of rain against your skin, each drop a cool kiss from the sky. Beneath you, the cold stone floor presses into your arms, its chill seeping into your skin. It's dark and chilly and... wait a minute, HUHH?? You were just in your room! How did you get here!? You lift your gaze to a small, dimly lit cottage, tendrils of smoke curling from its chimney into the twilight sky. Suddenly, an unseen force stirs within you, and you find yourself rising, your steps guided by an invisible hand toward the cottage. Each footfall feels dreamlike, as if your body moves with a will of its own, drawn irresistibly to the warm glow ahead. You open the door, enveloped by the warmth of the... LIBRARY?!? It's huge inside compared to outside, what kind of place is this??! "Yoo hoo! Welcome to my bookshop, I'm Jules. Have a seat!"
★about me; I'm Jules (she/her), I'm currently a student with a lot of downtime, and I love to daydream! My favorite seasons are summer and winter and I have no idea what I'm doing w/ my life but I'm happy to be here :) I also suffer from severe writers block but bear with me, I love to write I swear.
★about my blog;
My blog is both nsfw and sfw. Nsfw posts will have warnings on them of course. MDNI, goes without saying. Remember, I CANNOT control your media consumption but please heed my rules with respect :D also make sure you read the warnings on my works before you read, you never know. You might dislike the content!
I am no professional writer so if you see any spelling and grammar mistakes that slipped through my editing phases, please let me know!!
I mainly write afab readers for my nsfw works, but try to stick to gender neutral pronouns. Occasionally I'll use fem pronouns if the story calls for it. As for race, I am Mexican-American so on occasion I'll write a blurb or two with a reader who is Latin (mostly Mexican). I'll gladly write for amab reader and other races, just specify in your ask!
I will forever keep my inbox open cause I love to read everyone's requests, but that being said if I feel uncomfortable with any of the material in your request/ask I will ignore it. I'm all for experimenting and writing different kinks as well, but anything glorifying r@pe or pedophilia will be deleted and blocked!
Even if you don't have any requests I love to hear everyone's imagines, maybe I'll turn said imagine into a blurb or short story, hehe. And returning Anons are always welcome here!
And lastly, I don't write for OC's nor do I write my own OC's. If anything I'd only post blurbs or "sneak peeks" of characters from personal stories I've been cultivating on my own. I.e my pen name (Jules) came from my written character "Julienne Fontana" who is a main character in a post-apocalyptic book I started writing at the beginning of the year. (its a WIP)
★¸.•☆•.¸★ ★⡀.•☆•.★
★Stuff I write for;
(I want to expand my fandoms so this list will eventually grow)
Obey me: Shall we Date? - (still finishing the game)
Hunter x Hunter - (still watching)
The Last of Us - (game 1 & 2)
★¸.•☆•.¸★ ★⡀.•☆•.★ masterlist... here! || request status... open ||
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stirringwinds · 1 year
Hi I just spent so long scrolling through your blog, it's an absolute goldmine! I love the way you approach historical hetalia and delve into how these nations feel and interact. This is exactly what got me into hetalia almost decade ago and why I'm still stuck here. The way you characterize the fam is amazing, the dysfunctional relationship betwen Alfred and Arthur, Matt stepping in, etc. I'm rambling at this point but I can't tell you how amazing this blog is and happy I am to find it.
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sorry for taking some time to answer this, but genuinely, thank you so much for sending this sweet message! comments like these are exactly why i've stayed in the fandom for so long. and yes, there's so much to explore with the family in hetalia; arthur and alfred are so interesting to think about, within this 'young ambitious crown prince / shrewd and cunning old king' dynamic, conflicting against those moments where there is some longing for a simpler father-son relationship. and lmao, i owe 'Fly-from-Fornication' to a post listing examples of historic Puritan names. something about its outlandishness to modern eyes, and contrast to how older Alfred depicts himself (charming, flirtatious hollywood showman) was very fun.
the other nice thing about being in the fandom for years is that i've had the chance to meet some really cool people, and imo, the best headcanons often come through that collaboration— bouncing ideas off and researching with friends. in this case, i owe a lot of thoughts about the father/son dynamic, alfred's relationship with matt, matt's characterisation (being his father's sword and first dominion, but who also deals with being overshadowed) — and the expanded concept of Jack (AUS) and Zee/Eleanor (NZ) as Alfred's two other siblings to my friend @historia-vitae-magistras (who created many of the original character concepts for Jack and Zee, particularly the latter, whom we've retconned quite a bit from canon).
it's been three years since i first drew that old US/CAN/AUS/NZ sheet about their rship with Arthur, and i do like that i'm not even close to done exploring that history. there is the warmth, alongside the struggles, complexities, ironies and other contradictions about identity and power that arise when kinship is forged out of the saltwater, steel and conflict of empire. irl, i also ended up writing my dissertation with a focus on british imperial history in the pacific context 😂. there is always more history to layer on, especially when i join it to my headcanons of Yao, Kiku, Yong-soo and the SEAsian characters (who I'm still coming up with names for haha). it's one of my favourite areas to explore because these themes of culturally and ethnically mixed identities and familial ties across national lines are very personal to my own family's history and experiences within the british empire. and generally, i love pulling from what i've learned about history and historiography to approach these characters, so i'm very happy my approach to hetalia speaks to you.
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rhube · 1 year
Meanwhile, on Twitter...
This person makes a thread that starts out like this...
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There is a half-reasonable point to be made in the idea that not everything has to be worked out in meticulous detail and it can sometimes be cool to have mythic mystery. I would say it's fine if people also want to enjoy working out the details too, and annoying if they use details to tell me I'm wrong to enjoy mysterious myth - if that were all they were saying, we could part in peace, but no. This guy specifically hates fandom and equates all fandom with that kind of fact collecting fandom.
A gem from further down the thread:
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And the weird thing is that there are a bunch of people who are *ragingly* on his side. Replies to the QT I saw on my TL:
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They... they really hate fans... wtf wtf.
And no, I'm not linking to it, because these guys seem to be courting the drama, but I am *mystified* at this amount of rage for people enjoying culture. What do they think culture is *for*?
Part of it is they seem to think fandom is turning art into a product, and there is a hate on for 'content creators' that I have seem elsewhere. I, as a fucking Content Designer, really need people to understand that content creators are just *creatives* who are trying to earn money in order to LIVE. Most of the anger seems to be directed at YouTubers making videos that pick over details, but honestly... so?
If that's not for you, don't watch it!
One person blamed fandom lore for the downfall of horror as a genre. Oh my goodness. Like, first off, as someone who rewatched The Terror with a friend recently, I want to tell you that horror is alive and well and doing interesting things. But also... you cannot blame *fans* for what *producers* demand. I promise you that a YouTuber trying to make Tom Bombadil make sense (another complaint) is not driving the kind of films and TV series that are being made. There are issues with the limitations writers have to work within in order to get commissioned (and recommissioned) right now, but they are all coming from executives trying to squeeze every last dollar out of content without, for instance, paying residuals to writers and actors.
It's not because fans love the stories so much they want to know everything about them and even expand upon them.
It just strikes me as so fundamentally opposed to that Henry Jenkins quote that's been doing the rounds on Tumblr again:
Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of the folk.
And it's so bitterly ironic, because their argument stems from a desire for stories to be *more* myth-like.
Like... you think the Iliad be out there listing all Agamemnon's ships and no one in Ancient Greece was geeking out over it? Calculating how many sailors that meant etc etc? The Iliad is a text that reached us because people fuckin' MEMORISED the lore.
Is it my kind of lore? No. I can't be bothered to learn Dragon Age dates and I didn't even realise the revolution in Detroit: Become Human was all meant to happen within a week because Oh My God, why would I care? But it's OK that other people do.
Our brains all work differently, and that makes us useful and fun to be around in different ways.
I'm also just thoroughly confused that these people don't see themselves as fans, or differentiate their kind of fandom from "fans". Like... grow up. You're engaging in fandom right now. You're being nasty about it, but you only care because you like stories too.
There isn't a single right way to like stories. No story is even the *same* story twice, because in each reading the reader brings different things to it and takes different things away.
Fandom is glorious in its multitudes. Let people who geek out in a different way to you have their own corner and get on with it.
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scorchieart · 2 years
Scorchie's Follower Celebration Thingy [CLOSED!]
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Hello friends! Hope everyone is doing great as we dive into September 😊
I wanted to give a SUPER BIG THANKS to each and every one of you awesome internet nodes for welcoming me into this fandom and chatting with me, reading my writings, and just the all around goofiness of the past few months. Y'all are the real stars ✨
I really wanted to do something for the 100 mark, but real life slipped time away and I don't want to miss this next milestone. I don't have a cool prompt list to offer, but what I do have is a pile of fic ideas brewing in the pot for months now that I've been simply dying to tell you all about.
But I am notoriously indecisive ('tis a blessing and a curse) so I thought some audience participation might be fun. Below the cut are 6 multi-chapter fic ideas and their pitches. I'm asking YOU lovely readers to let me know which one you'd like to see written first to help celebrate 🥳🎉
Each of the following fics has at least a basic outline written, but I've listed them in order of how concrete the story is and/or how excited I am to write them. Of course, the final decision rests in your hands, dear viewers, so do keep in the mind the power you wield in determining the next few months of my fledgling writing career.
More details for the voting below, now on to the pitches! ⭐⭐
Note, all these ideas are for Ikemen Prince. I promise one day I'll expand my library to more series, but for now these guys are still on the brain. Oh, and these aren't the final titles of the fics, just some placeholders for your convenience.
Jin's first year at the palace New title? New father? New brothers? Jin didn't sign up for this, but reality has something different in store for this young prince as he learns to navigate palace life, charm the nobles that loathe his existence, learn what it means to be a big brother, and watch his new family grow. (This one has been in the works since Jin's route release back in March, and I've already got a chunk of it written cuz I'm so excited. This all started from the question: "What happened when Jin first met the other princes?" and it was all downhill from there. Needless to say, it'll be riddled with spoilers for pretty much all the princes' routes.)
Prank boi Clavis finally gets a taste of his own medicine Sariel takes tiny Yves and Licht (and a hyperactive Clavis) into town for the annual Winter Market, but when Clavis sets his eyes on an exotic stand filled with dangerous goods, he ends up biting off more than he can chew with his brothers in tow. (This one is the shortest of the bunch. Just a bit of slice-of-life in the lives of some mini princes being funny kiddies. When I tell you the flashbacks scenes in-game are my favorite parts...)
The eldest 3 go on a hunting trip (begrudgingly) It's time for the young princes to take part in high society. That means fancy balls, hunting trips, and waaaaay too long cramped carriage rides. The real question is if they'll catch any game before they end up hunting each other! (Another slice-of-life scenario, but I wanted to try a hand a writing perspective from multiple protagonists. I have 6 chapters planned and the POV shifts between Jin, Chevalier, and Clavis as the story goes along.)
Straight Eights continuation Basically the continuation of the modern high school AU I started a few months back. Chapter 1 is posted already if you wanna take a look at how that setup went.
Murder in the gardens? Detective Licht is on the case! Another gala, another migraine. Licht sneaks out of the palace to escape the party scene, only to sneak onto a murder scene! Guards and nobles swarm and catch sight of the Brutal Beast standing sword in hand and bloodied atop the dead body, but while the crowd is calling for punishment, Licht requests pardon and proper investigation when his brother looks him in the eye and boldly proclaims "It wasn't me." (Probably the most nebulous idea of the bunch because I have zero experience writing mystery, but I really wanted to delve more into Licht's character and how he reacts to different scenarios. It'll have the usual lot of gathering suspects, interviewing and investigating, and maybe even a spunky sidekick to lighten the mood with witty one-liners. Also the "Herlock Sholmes" character from Ace Attorney looks like Licht in detective getup and I got hooked.)
Clavis & Leon go on a mission, but neither is too happy about it It's Clavis's 15th birthday, but no one is paying any attention to him. Granted, there's a mass kidnapping case going on, but that's no excuse to ignore the third prince! All evidence points to the culprit targeting Prince Silvio's birthday party next month. Eager to prove himself to Sariel and Chevalier, Clavis requests to head the investigation, but how's he supposed to look cool when they make him babysit 3 of his younger brothers at the same time? (Another Clavis? Ye, what did you expect? Again, this is selfish wish-fulfillment of me wanting to see Clavis and Leon interacting more, but with a road trip mixed in!)
There they are! Hope you enjoyed that brief peek into my wacky brain space!
How to cast your vote ⭐
Just leave a comment on this post or send me an ask or a DM with your ranking of the above pitches from most to least interested to read. (for example: 2,4,6,1,5,3)
I'll keep the voting open until Saturday, September 17. Afterwards, I'll do some magic number crunching behind the scenes and post the results.
A few notes about requests ⭐
Experience is the best teacher, as they say, and I've definitely learned a lot more about writing since I started posting. Namely what I enjoy and do not enjoy writing, how to balance different characters and their voices, juggling genres, and a lot lot more! I have plans to experiment more with them in the future and I'm so excited about it! Mondo thanks to everyone who's let me bounce ideas off them, given me advice, and offered feedback on my work. You guys actively shaped the writer I am today.
But since I'm still in the process of developing my writing voice and the end of the year is bringing a lot more real-life responsibilities, I will be closing my ask box to writing requests at the same time the voting concludes. So if you have an idea you'd like to submit (first of all, thank you so much!), you've got until Saturday, September 17 to send it in. Details for posting requests can be found on this post.
To all the people who have sent me requests in the past, you guys are so super awesome and creative. To the requests I have not completed yet, trust me they're on the way. And to awesome people along for the ride, I hope you'll look forward to what I have coming in store 😉
Last thing, I pinky promise ⭐
I just wanted to thank you all again for the wonderful memories. This is the first fandom I've actively participated in and uploaded content for, and the fact that this many of you like the randomness I've been posting really and truly means the world to me.
To all the friends I've made along the way, and to the new ones I have yet to meet, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I honestly wouldn't have kept up with it all for this long without you guys.
Peace and love, and keep rocking on! 👊
- Scorchie
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sunnysssol · 1 year
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by three different people AHWJFIDJ @gremlins-hotel , @fumblingmusings and @modernday-jay !!! Thank you guys for the tag! 💖 Sorry it took me a while to get to it 😭 depression on top of hell week is a different kind of beast. Anyway! Onwards!!
What book are you currently reading?
☆ I haven't read much books at all this year, but I really wanna pick up Dune again! I got halfway through Dune Messiah in 2020 and it's been forever 😭 My reading list is ever expanding, I just really need to find time and motivation 🥲
What’s your favorite movie that you saw in theatres this year?
☆ I have not gone to the theaters at all this year! I've been out and about but yeah. All the movies I watched this year were watched from the comfort of my own bedroom. But as for my favorite movie this year, it's either "Pearl" by Ti West or "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once" by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert. I liked Pearl better than X just because... Idk, I think I was more disturbed by the emotional drama than the actual story LOL and as for EEAAO, that one is a classic I feel like I've seen at least five mutuals rave about it JDJCJ and it's well deserved! I wanted to watch it with family but I kept chickening out– it hits a little too close to home I think 🥲 then there's Incantation too, that movie had some really unsettling imagery and I got really invested into the story of the main character trying her absolute hardest to save her daughter against the powers of a hostile otherworldly being. It's really neat!
What do you usually wear?
☆ I live in a tropical country, so it's the shirt-shorts-flip flops combo usually LOL although once in a while I'll switch it up and wear pajama pants :p
How tall are you?
☆ I'm 5'3", or 160 cm !!!
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
☆ Cancer! Not sure about any celebrities, but I do share my birthday with the debut of the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit in 1989 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I thought that was cool LOL
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
☆ I go by Sol, which is more of a pseudonym than a nickname. But I also use Marie, which *is* a shorter version of my real name and also, I have used "Peppa" very recently because my profile pictures when I was in the middle of my "join as many discord servers as possible" phase was Peppa Pig and it stuck 😭
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
☆ Not yet, but i'm getting there! Getting that education and whatnot 🤓
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
☆ I am deeply in love with one Alfred F. Jones ☝
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
☆ I'm good at everything but also bad at everything 💖 I hope that helps!
Dogs or cats?
☆ I can't choose 😭 they are both so important to me actually
What’s something you would like to create content for?
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
☆ The Walking Dead!!! But also, perhaps cartoons because I've been watching Adventure Time and Bluey 🗿
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
☆ Not to be a downer but this year as a whole sucked LOL some significant highlights in the lows of course (e.g. meeting my besties, getting back into an old beloved fandom, etc), but I just really thought things would be different by now. Guess not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
☆ All talents are hidden if you're anxious enough 😏 (it's lying. for some reason people always believe me 😭 I only use it for stupid shit too so HEJFJD)
Are you religious?
☆ Religion interests me, if not for the historical and cultural impact then maybe for the art that is created because of it! My religious background is Roman Catholicism, born and raised and all that, but my family stopped going to church a while back and we haven't gone back since unless it was for a wedding or a baptism. Do I believe in the Christian God? Not really... I do believe there is a higher power out there, if that makes sense. I just don't subscribe to the ideas of any religion. I guess this makes me agnostic.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
☆ 600 million dollars in my bank account 💅
Tagging @myrddin-wylt , @daisy-dumpling , @majormeilani , @j0succ and whoever else wants to do it!! 💖 and if I tagged you there's no pressure to do this !! Jdjfjfjf 💖💖💖
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cloudburst-ink · 2 years
Hi Corvus!! 3 and 12, if you're still taking AO3 wrapped questions? 😊
Hello friend! I most certainly am!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I think I am so far most proud of Desperate Measures. As with many things I write, it was an amusing idea that turned into an amusing little fic, and it was only ever supposed to be something small. Now it's already novel-length and we've still got some more chapters to go!!
Aside from that obvious answer though, I think maybe my upcoming one shot that will be expanding on Servant of Dawn. I think that idea has a lot of potential and thanks to some DMs with a Discord and fandom friend, I may be using it as the template for my first publicly released original work. We shall see!!!
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Ehehehehehe you've activated my trap card!
That's a joke... kind of.
You see, back in the day, when I was part of the Shadowhunters fandom (now I'm not too active there), I had SO MANY WIPs that I actually used a Kanban board to manage it all.
Now, I'm someone who generates... a LOT of creative ideas. I mean, a LOT. So when I started keeping them all stored in a pretty little database on Notion and organizing them by status, it looked really cool. And it was also super overwhelming.
This resulted in complete artistic burnout for like... well over a year. During which I created pretty much nothing.
Granted, the burnout was not solely contributable to that, but it definitely didn't help.
KinnPorsche has pulled me out of that burnout and brought me back with a vengeance, but I don't want to make that mistake again. So I actually actively refuse to keep todo lists for creative endeavors any more, much to the chagrin and frustration of many of my peers.
I figure that if something is important enough or interesting enough to me, I'll remember it again later.
So, with that in mind, I know that both Desperate Measures and Simple Little Secrets will probably bleed into the new year. After that, there may or may not be another trade or collab with @staykimchay, we shall see. We've mentioned one but as we all know now, I'm a troublemaker who refuses to keep lists. 😇
And, hopefully, I'd like to get moving on publishing something original. It will be gay and magical and hopefully a bit sexy, and that's all I've really got nailed down for it so far.
That's all I've got off the top of my little head. Thanks so much for asking! 🥰
For anyone curious, here's a link to the original questions. 🖤
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magnuficentwo · 1 year
1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 for Borderlands
[From this !] Thank u for the ask now I get to practice my VIOLENCE
1- The character everyone gets wrong
Hate hate hate hate hate how so many people write Rhys. Rhys is a character who's whole appeal {personally} is that he is very much Just Some Fucking Guy. Before the stories of Tales happened, Rhys was just some random dude who wanted to make it big, and afterwards, when he gets the opportunity to, he's still Majorly not his own person. He's influenced by the player in a meta sense, but also by Ugly John. This guy's identity is based off what the situation demands and what other people expect of him, and yet no one ever seems to acknowledge it, favoring instead his fucked up relationship with H.J as the sole atribute of his character [and this WILL pop up later trust me].
The guy has potential and the game acknowledges it (by the games own words, he rebuilt Atlas, became the CEO and even invented some cool new tech along the way), but he is NOT ALL THAT and I'm TIRED of people acting like there is that much substance to him. Just say you want the white men to kiss, stop putting on different hats on this guy and acting like hes all that
4- What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Moxxi slander. I swear, anyone who says Mad Moxxi is "annoying" or "a bitch" is 20% of the time a misogynist and 80% of the time a Handsome Jack sympathizer who thinks that she should've had some pity on The Active Space War Criminal. And this person did exactly that so yk how it is
6- Which ship fans are most annoying ?
Rhack shippers. No doubt. Partly because of my own personal gripes with how this dude is characterized {see: number 1}, but also because it's genuinely just so boring 😭 you can write this ship a thousand different ways but ultimately it boils down to "We need these white men to kiss" and nothing else. Also the whole "this guy manipulated this other guy for the entire time they interacted and then tried to kill him" thing.
8- Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about.
There's nobody who is good in this game I'm sorry to all apologists out there but all these guys suck ass. This isn't a competition about who's most morally correct it's about who your favorite criminal is ok
9- Worst part of canon.
The way they don't expand on lore, not even a little 😔 Please just tell me how ancient eridian people got their hands on an Atlas gun all of a sudden. Or at least tell me something about Sirens. How does the magic in this universe even happen. For the love of God HOW did Pandora GET LIKE THAT how is anyone there LIVING. PLEASE just CRUMBS OF INFORMATION you can't have me guessing everything you're presenting !!
+ How they don't expand on characters. Like come on let me hang out with these guys they're so cool :(
12- The Unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them.
Tannis Tannis Tannis I love you cringe fail autistic woman. I don't see nearly enough appreciation for her. Matter of fact, I see a lot of people hating on my girl like :[ Leave her alone. Here's my comprehensive list of reasons why you should actually like Patricia Tannis.
1- So smart. She seems to be one of the only 5 people who know anything about the setting and who actively tell you about related history. She's one of the only sources of knowledge on Eridian culture we have in-game, which means this also extends over to Sirens, magic and the vaults. Relevant stuff yk !!! /// 2- She's COOL LOOKING okay. Her design is more down to earth and restrained compared to other characters, and it makes her stick out a little more imo. It's also just wonderfully practical which fits for her being a researcher and scientist. /// 2.5- Girl... pretty... /// 3- This woman is so autistic have I mentioned that yet. Because she is. She unfortunately does fall in some pitfalls in terms of stereotypes {I.E: nerdy personality with tendencies to be rude to people, the whole facts and logic thing, etc} but also damn she is so relatable. I too feel nauseous at the thought of a social interaction but still actively crave to have conversations with other people. I also struggle coming up with words at the time of most need. I too have like 3 people who actively take me places and make me feel comfortable (SEE: Roland, Lilith, the VH in some cases). I too humanize objects and talk to them because of loneliness. That's so true. She's so real for that.
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aelaer · 1 year
Hey, there! For the ask game: 😎, 🎬, 📗, 🌻, 🎁?
PS, I've been a fan of your works since forever <3
Ugh I was mid-writing this and tumblr ate it :( I want to say "thank you so much!" and also ask how long forever is, because I'm definitely in the fandom-old category these days with my 20 year fanfic anniversary coming next year :B But seriously, whether it's 10 days or 10 years, it is super appreciated <3
Now let's try this again. From this post:
🌻 How often do you read your own fics? Pretty often! If I'm in the middle of fanfic-reading nights (which come on-and-off throughout the year) and I don't see anything new interesting, or don't feel like reading an old favorite, I'll go to one of mine that scratches the itch I want itched. I definitely write what I want to read, for the most part. There's only a couple fics that are exceptions for exchanges as experiments and pushing my own boundaries.
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about? I may be in the minority of writers that have been writing for several years (at least I think I am), but the answer is actually no. Lord knows my dad has asked me several times over the years why I don't, and the answer simply is that I enjoy playing in other worlds that happen to be currently under copyright. I enjoy expanding on worlds that already exist rather than creating one fully from scratch.
I mean if I really enjoyed Wizard of Oz or the original Sherlock Holmes it might be different, but dealing with the publishing world is also a serious pain in the ass and I'd rather just keep writing as a fun hobby as opposed to something I depend on income for. My creative side definitely burns out, so I find having my creative stuff such as art and writing as hobbies rather than job-dependent good for my artistic health in the long run. Any aspiring writers/artists here should keep that in consideration as they go into school and then the job world; it's not always a bad thing to keep your passion as a hobby. Depends on your personality!
(I definitely prefer the stability of my current job!)
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast? Oh this is a cool question. Uhhhh. Yeah, the Earth-197320 series, which is basically one long fic split into sections as I find time in my life to write it (the final part has like over 40k written or something like that, so it's coming along!) Everyone in the MCU is still cast as they were. I don't have too many OCs in the fic and I'm terrible at fancasting - for OCs in the past I usually start Googling lists of actors and actresses of the right heritage and/or age range and go from there.
There are a couple though, most of which are seen the most in the still-unpublished last part, but they all make at least one appearance earlier in the series. So I'd need an eastern Asian woman around 40-60, a Hispanic or Hispanic-passing man from 35-50 (Latinx appearances vary quite a bit!), and a black woman probably 30-50. But I don't know actors/actresses well enough without really doing deep dives into these profiles, which I've only done for one fic that basically co-starred the OCs xD
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original? Varies for each fandom. For the ones I read most in:
LOTR: Canon compliant/canon gap-fillers. There's a lot of years to fill in. The occasional canon divergence works for the really, really, really good authors. Minor canon divergences like "dead Gilraen early on" for Aragorn is fine. The one exception to this rule is modern AUs where the characters slowly relearn their past selves or have to act like, the heroes their past selves are. I wonder if those fics are still around... it popped up here and there in the mid-late 2000s. If they are, I should download them from ff.net before the site is wiped off the face of the earth.
BBC Sherlock: Really went with "anything goes" in this fandom. I found myself enjoying wild AUs the most than any other fandom here. That said, the top of the top list still tend to be canon gap-fillers or canon divergences, even though the AUs were quite a lot of fun.
MCU: Canon-compliant or canon divergence (especially after Endgame haha). I do not tend to prefer huge world AUs (like no superpowers) or fusions (like they're students at Hogwarts). I find that a fic can still be wildly original while still being canon compliant/canon divergence. A great example of this is Signature Move, my favorite MCU fic. It's canon until after Endgame then goes into a fully original story that turns canon divergent, but still feels more original than most "high school" or "high fantasy" fics. If I cannot recognize the character anymore from his core personality, I grow less interested in the character. I can go on this topic for *ages* though, aha.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share? Here's another one. I literally wrote this snippet in the wee hours to scratch an itch that like, there's no other fics that exist out there to scratch it. It's another one of those "this probably won't ever get completed/published properly" fics.
Also, the snippet's called "yet another kidnapping" because I've written this trope a stupid amount of times. It's not my fault it's such a fun way to make characters meet.
When Tony woke up again, there was another man in his cell.
Under the single dismal light bulb he couldn't make out much of his features. He sat in the corner, slouched, a head of dark, tangled hair shot with strands of grey obscuring his facial features. His clothing was dirty and, in a word, weird. It looked like he was wearing some sort of long Ye Olde Tunic that went to his thighs. All blue, too. One leg lay out in front of him while his head and arm rested on the knee of the other. Interestingly, there were metal bands on his wrist, slightly lit by a small green light on each of them. He wondered what those were for.
The man didn't acknowledge him as he pulled himself into a sitting position. Maybe he didn't hear him and realize he was awake. "Hey."
The man didn't lift his head. "Don't talk to me."
What the hell. Of all things he was expecting his cell buddy to say. "Well, that's rude."
The man didn't reply and, fine, if he wanted to play that game Tony was happy to oblige. He didn't need this asshole to figure a way out of there.
…..scene break cuz i didn't write the filler...
When he looked back at the man, disbelief was written all over his features. "You're real?" he whispered. 
Tony snorted in disbelief. "Seriously? Of course I'm real."
The man pulled himself to his feet, slow and unsteadily, and walked closer. As he came into the light, Tony could see that his pupils were blown wide. 
"Jesus, what're they giving you?" he asked.
"I don't know," he said. He swayed, then lowered himself to the ground again, now just a few feet from him. "I keep seeing things. I thought—I  thought you were just another hallucination."
"Nope. Tony Stark in the flesh," he said. In the light, he could see the cuffs even better—and the man's hands, which were heavily scarred and slightly shaking. They were older wounds, though, that was clear. "What's your name?"
"Stephen. Stephen Strange."
What a name. But he wasn't a completely heartless bastard and he wasn't going to mock his drugged out cellmate, who was looking at the wall as if there was something worth looking at there. "What're you in for?"
Stephen blinked and tore his gaze from the wall. "What?"
Drugged out of his mind, right. "What do they want with you?"
"Ah. My ah, my powers."
An enhanced human; he figured it was something along those lines with those cuffs. "And what are those?"
Stephen muttered, "Go away," swatting at something only he could see, then said, "Magic."
Tony waited for his answer for another three seconds before realizing that *was* the answer. "Magic? Like 'You're a wizard, Harry' magic?"
"Sorcerer," he said as he swatted the air again.
Was there a difference? He didn't think he'd get a clear answer currently. "Right," he said instead. "And what exactly does that entail?"
"Uh, lots of things."
He waited. Nothing. "...like?"
And that is all that may ever exist of that. For whatever reason, I really, really enjoy Stephen Strange meeting various Avengers AUs. Especially if it's mid fight or in less-than-perfect circumstances for one side. I tend to make that side Stephen because I'm biased and I find the idea of this super powerful guy appearing harmless at first until a Big Reveal absolutely hilarious. I will read seemingly-harmless-until-provoked Stephen + anyone until the end of time. Sadly it's not a genre heavily explored.
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cadmusfly · 2 years
(highseasgirlbossing) (og fiction ask meme) 6 8 14 24 30 :3
Original Fiction Ask Meme
6. Are there particular authors/artists you feel have influenced your work?
*deep breath* this is not an exhaustive list but
Jenna Moran, China Mieville, Diana Wynne Jones, Terry Pratchett, K. A. Applegate, Mark Z Danielewski, ... Andrew Hussie, reading way too many SCP Foundation articles at a young impressionable age
Like I have a lot more favourite authors, but these ones are the ones that shaped a lot of my writing opinions, worldview and/or writing style, I could expand on each one but generally my writing style and what these authors have influenced me-
I'm aiming for weird, whimsical, amusing to me, horrifying at times... and kind.
Don't know if I succeed but hey that's the aim
8. Do you work in a linear way or do you skip around?
Writing wise, mostly linear. It's inefficient but I think I just... feel better knowing that I've laid the groundwork for what I'm doing
Like I test-wrote the scene about the witch protagonist meeting the rest of the boat lads, and then now that I'm actually hitting that scene, I'm taking bits of the test-scene but making different decisions because some of the assumptions I had didn't hold up when I actually got there
14. What’s your favorite thing you’ve written so far?
Honestly I like reading my work because I write the stuff I want to read, but I really like the poem The Wires
in terms of prose, at the moment I'm really happy about Aphrodite on the Shore of Cythera the weird nautical horror short story about consensual vivisection and naval officers but mostly because that's the thing I've finished most recently.
There's an older short story I wrote for uni about a princess who turns into a bird monster that's pretty sweet too and I got full marks for that assignment lol
In terms of fanfic it's either the minecraft youtuber fanfic that ends in melancholy decapitation and eldritch gods eating timelines, or the tabletop rpg fanfic involving the canonical event of ronald reagan being shot with a flaming bullet (and also has an attempt at smut but not involving that president)
24. How would you feel if people started writing fanfiction about your story?
i would die of happiness about any fanwork whatsoever
my boyfriend is like "what if people write fanfic shipping the wrong pairings like the witch and the captain" and i'm like "dude i don't care because holy shit it's still cool"
i mean it's a bit of a silly dream that might not happen but damn, the idea of having a fandom for a work and entertaining people with your own stuff and influencing them enough to do that, that's amazing
30. What do you want your readers to come away with when they’ve finished reading your story?
I... don't really want to say that I want people to definitely come away with something, because I think it's subjective. Like yeah I have a lot of intentions when it comes to writing, and SbS has a lot of themes that I've actively thinking about when writing it
but the themes are kinda more for me, and whatever a reader would take away from SbS is not necessarily what I intend
Mostly if people actually read it I want them to have fun, I guess! Or if they didn't like it I hope they bowed out early enough to not have their time wasted!
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killerandhealerqueen · 3 months
for the qs for fic writers- 8, 9, 10
Took, my beloved! Thank you!
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
Hmm...I did a fanfic to the song from Wicked "Not That Girl" for Killer and Healer, but another song I think would make a great fic would be anything from the EPIC: The Musical? Like...you see what I'm getting at?
9. How do you find new fic to read?
Um, if I'm either tagged in a fic or I see a fic that a friend reblogged. Sometimes I'll go into the "fandoms" tab on ao3 and search through the fics if I'm absolutely desperate but that's only happened with a few fandoms. Most times I get my recs from people on here
10. How do you decide what to write?
Whatever comes into my head and doesn't leave me the fuck alone. Or I watch something/read something and think to myself "Oh, that would make a cool fic" or "I think that scene could be expanded on a bit"...basically whatever scratches my creativity itch is what I decide to write. Sometimes just scrolling through writing prompts/prompt lists sparks something. Just depends
questions for fic writers | send me asks
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erthlyheavn · 1 year
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@winters-club said:
My bestie and fellow woman of culture!
You know I love interacting with you and you know I adore your muses, also I officially welcome you to the large ass multi fandom multi muse club with a forever expanding muse list
You can never leave 😈
Joking aside you're just a precious bean who's always down for some chaos, as well as just being an epic bundle of creativity and I adore your art!! You actually really inspire me and help me to be better both as a writer and an artists
Stay cool and I hope we write for many years to come cause my stubborn ass ain't leavin'
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GAHHHH!!!! I'm not good at expressing my emotions so I compensate by sharing memes to show how I feel lmao. But you have no idea how touched I am that YOU are inspired by ME. 'Cause I'm pretty sure it's the other way around.
I'm just astounded by you and the emotional maturity and thoughtfulness you have when it comes to your writing even though you're younger than most of us here lol.
And good, because my stubborn ass isn't leaving either so I guess we're both stuck each other for the forseeable future <3
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