#I'm glad I caught it towards the beginning of the scene because I can quickly swap things out
inkofimagination · 11 months
if you don't write something about sharing a bed with hasan asap 😓😓😓 jk please 🥺🥺🥺
oh my god yes, the beloved one bed trope!
"Hey, our car is broken down and the mechanic can't fix it until the morning so, uh, we're looking for rooms?" Hasan says, tapping an uncomfortable fist on the dusty reception desk of the only motel in a twenty mile radius.
A young man behind the desk slides his tired eyes up away from his magazine to glance at the man interrupting him, gives him the once over and then leans to the left to see Y/N slumped in the wooden chair shoved up against the wall. The young man lowers his magazine when he sees Y/N and perks up slightly in his chair, eyes still resting on her. Noticing this, Hasan protectively steps in front of his line of sight, blocking her from his view.
"So about those rooms, dude?" he reminds.
The young man looks at him with disdain, few taps on the ancient computer keyboard, he drawls in a monotone voice, "We've got a suite available for three hundred dollars."
"Three hundred? Are you for real? Nah dude. We just need a basic room,"
"We're booked apart from the suite."
"We're in the asscrack of nowhere, man. We just need your cheapest room," Hasan tries to reason.
"That's the thing about the asscrack of nowhere – there's only one motel, and that's us. All we've got is the suite. Take it or leave it," the guy shrugs. "She could always stay with me," he adds, winking at the girl.
Hasan felt that he was about to go off and teach this guy a lesson for being so disrespectful when she held out a hand to calm him down and keep him from causing a scene, "We'll take the suite."
Hasan signs the unreasonable amount of paperwork and then places his hand at the small of her back to guide her to the room, purposely creating a makeshift wall between the girl and the creepy guy whose eyes are still lingering a little too long.
The travelers got to their shitty room and tried to order some kind of food. 
Y/N quickly volunteer to collect it.
"You've got to be kidding me-" Hasan begins, "Oh yeah, great idea Y/N! Let's send the hot girl out on her own into the night in the fucking deep, dark desert with the fucking creepy guy downstairs ready to pounce on you at any-"
She helds up a hand up to stop him, "First of all, i can defend myself so fuck off thinking you're my protector and secondly, thanks for calling me hot," she teases.
She also announced that she was going to sleep on the very small sofa at the side to try and get some sleep before early day starts tomorrow, since there was only one bed in the room.
"I can't let you sleep in there!" Hasan yells, much louder than necessary.
"Why not? It'll be fine. I'm just glad we're in the same room - that guy in the lobby seriously creeped me out."
"Y/N, come on. Your back will be crippled – it gives you enough trouble as it is," Hasan reasons, but she was having none of it.
"Look, rock, paper, scissors! If I lose you sleep on the shitty sofa, if you lose we are sharing."
With a sigh, she realises that this is the only way a decision will be made because she knows Hasan could argue about this ‘till the morning.
Of course, Hasan won because she always throws scissors first.
Hasan finally mutters, "Are you actually ok with sharing?’’
"Hasan, it's cool. I'm good with it if you are?" as she headed back towards the bed.
He nodded his head shyly, a little too quickly to be playing it cool, and then mumbles, "Yeah, of course. Just want to make sure you're comfortable.”
"Are you sure? I can get a little clingy."
Y/N laughs at how serious he looks before reassuring him, "I can handle a little clinginess for one night if I need to."
Eventually, the room fell silent. Y/N’s tiredness from the dramatic events of the day caught up on her because before you know it, her eyes are fluttering closed and, before her mind could think too deeply about sharing a bed with the boy who makes her heart race, she fell asleep.
It must be a few hours later when her eyes blinked open slowly and then closed again. Desperate to regain her much needed slumber, she tried to snuggle further down into the slightly scratchy pillow when she realised that she has been laid on her arm. Giving it a quick wiggle to try and get some feeling back, Y/N turned onto her right side so she wasn't laying on her fuzzy arm again.
As soon as she has turned and settled, eyes still resting shut, she felt the warmth of the body beside her much closer than it was when she drifted off to sleep.
Her stomach feels like it's about to drop when she takes in the view directly in front of her. Hasan was laying on his side, she realised that they both subconsciously were mirroring each other's positions; one arm under a pillow, the other resting lightly in the tiny gap between their bodies. If she would have moved her hand a little bit down, it would be holding his. 
A rustle sounds start coming from next to her and she felt the bed move slightly under his strong frame. 
Scared, Y/N slammed her eyes closed and tried her best to even out her breathing to convince him she was sleeping and absolutely not being a fucking creeper watching him sleep.
She felt feel his arm move from next to hers to probably to rub at his eyes – and then as it lands back on the covers, it's touching hers. Breathe, breathe, breathe.
"Watching me sleep?" Hasan mumbles, no louder than a whisper and Y/N considered her options: ignore him and continue with her acting of being asleep, or admit it, teasing him and steadfastly ignore the wild beating of her heart.
"I know you're not sleeping, Y/N" he whispers again with a small huff of laughter, placing his hand directly on top of hers and giving it a tiny shake.
Decision was made for her.
Y/N slowly cracked her left eye open again, then quickly close it and bury her head into the pillow when she saw his sleepy, grinning face a whisper away from hers, "Nope, fast asleep."
"No fair," he murmurs.
Intrigued by what he means, hand still held in his, she slowly remove most of her face from the pillow, or at least enough that he can see her raise an eyebrow at him, and then you speak.
"Why no fair?"
He smirks, playing delicately with the fingers on her hand and says, "You got to stare at me. I wanna join in."
Y/N huffs out a laugh. Teasing she can do. Teasing is safe, familiar territory. The implications of what he just said – what you know he meant - is not. "You wanna join in lookin' at you? Narcissist."
"No, dumbass, not nearly as interesting as looking at you."
Y/N‘s cheeks flush immediately and she felt her eyes close in order to retain some order of control over herself in this situation. She swallowed as she felt his rough, calloused fingers dance over her wrist, hovering over her pulse point and she felt weak at how exposed he's got her emotionally.
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subcdkate · 1 month
31 Dec 2014 (NYE)
Everybody was in their places as 6pm arrived, along with the first guests of the evening, as I immediately allowed myself to be totally immersed into my Katherine role in front of a large crowd for the very last time. I took on the role of a compliant submissive slave serving the wishes of her Master before her ultimate release. As the club quickly filled to capacity Mary and the bar tenders were being slammed, which caused an early emotional scene from one of the other harem girls. Both Mr. Paul and Mr. Fred swiftly grabbed an arm and led her out the rear of the club. When I was finally able to take a break for a moment and talk with Mary I asked her, "What happened with her? Did somebody make an inappropriate move on her? It feels like it is that type of crowd tonight." Mary always had the inside information because she was the nosey-type, "She's the second harem girl that's not here anymore, and everybody is taking the heat for it."
While mixing several drinks behind the bar Mary also added, "Something is going on tonight. This is not like any other recent gathering I've worked. Plus, I heard from Tommy, one of the regular body guards, that some VIP will be here soon." This was not something that I wanted to hear since I was hoping to ease through my last night without any further complications. Mr. Paul returned from backstage and walked directly toward me, "Glad I caught you on a break, but don't let Fred see you doing nothing." This snapped me back to the reality I was still facing, "How would you like to make some extra cash tonight?" I wanted to say 'yes', but knew better than to respond too quickly, "What would it involve?" Mr. Paul waved to Mary for a drink before beginning his proposition and to give us a bit of privacy in the packed club, "You have choices . . . your waitress position with us, or the new showgirl up on the cat walk" I didn't hesitate, "No more food service? I'm happy be your waitress once again." I looked up at the busty brunette that was pole dancing for the crowd, "Plus, Katherine is no stripper . . . at least not for public consumption."
Mr. Paul suddenly smiled before I interjected, "Your full-time waitress for the evening, with a significant raise." I knew I was pushing things, but I felt for once that I had a slight advantage, "Deal, I can offer you a 50% raise, unfortunately your regular uniform is not here, so just keep wearing your harem girl outfit." He then leaned in close and whispered in my right ear, "I was hopeful that Kate would choose her other option. I just hope you made the right choice." He kissed me lightly on the cheek before finishing with, "All of your loyal fans are going miss seeing even more of you. And so will I."
Suddenly there was a commotion at the front entrance and Mr. Paul rushed over to join the line up on the right side of the door along with 'the boss' and Mr. Fred. Then the door swung open and a loud group of nearly a dozen Arabic men, all dressed in ceremonial robes, entered and were greeted as if they were royalty. Thankfully with so much attention being focused on these men then I felt my evening would be worry free, but I was sadly mistaken.
Leading up to midnight, and after a couple hours of pawing hands and inappropriate suggestions, I returned to the bar and watched one of the strippers work the crowd seated along the long runway. Men were stuffing cash into her garter belt as this sexy slut was now down to her stockings, panties and the lacy garter belt as she performed for the horniest guys
Over my shoulder I heard Mr. Fred's voice, "That should have been you up there." I turned around to face him as he continued, "One memorable night of erotic humiliation would have guaranteed the outcome you truly desire." Normally I would have thought of this as a put down, but for once I saw the look of a caring dominant owner in front of me, "I know I have been a little rough on you, but because of it the sissy girl inside you has been exposed for the whole world to see, and that is all I ever wanted for you. I'm not saying I had ulterior motives that would have helped with our bottom line, but Paul recognized it in you that very first encounter, and he's never been wrong about beta boys like you that deserve to be feminized. We will hate to see you go if you decide to walk away, but you're always welcomed back if you ever change your mind." I was hanging on his every word as he reached out and took my new necklace in his hand, "I see you got Robbie's special gift. Well. I've got one for you too, so come with me."
I was led to the Manager's office expecting some kind of exit interview, but when the door was locked behind me, and the office was empty, I didn't know what to expect. Without saying a word, Mr. Fred walked to the desk and opened a small black box to retrieve a large flesh colored penis shaped butt plug and a large tube of lube. He didn't even need to tell me what he wanted me to do next as I pulled down my puffy harem pants and flesh colored panties before bending over to grab the edge of the desk. I waited there in my submissive pose for what felt like an hour before I felt the greasy tip begin pressing inside and push open my sissy cunt .
He was going almost too slow, as the anticipation of feeling my asshole spread wide and eventually wrap tightly around the thin handle had Kate moaning like a true slut. He paused when I thought I was at my widest before he twisted it twice and then pressed into me even further until it was at its widest point before stepping back and ordering Kate, "Suck that big cock into your pussy like a true submissive whore." I started to reach back when he slapped my ass and screamed, "No hands faggot!" The spank had tightened my grip around the toy in my cunt, which then easily plugged itself inside me as my flesh locked tight around my seductive intruder.
I felt Mr. Fred pull my panties up over my ass so the plug wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, "Don't remove that symbol until you get in your car in the morning...after you have completed your full shift as a harem girl." I was about to stand up when he moved behind me and began paddling my ass until I knew my quivering ass cheeks were turning a bright red, "That is for always being a disobedient sissy girl. I don't want to deal with you as a guy anymore." As he continued his assault he finished his comment, "We could have made you a star in videos as our featured MILF. All of our older clients that have jacked off to Kate love you since you are our only mature woman."
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tuliharja · 2 years
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War ep 11 (short) review
There isn't really much to say (write) -at least for me about this episode. After such a big hype train of amazing fights, I felt like we didn't get a proper breather between everything even though the animators tried adding Zero Squad scenes here and there, and an introduction about Ichigo's true origins.
But somehow...this episode didn't really reach me. I suppose the fast pacing is finally coming back to the animators as I feel like Bleach has so far gone from one climax to another. Little building at the beginning and then bam! Something epic happens. While the structure of this episode followed a similar route, it still felt a bit weaker or it might just be because it came so soon after the Kenpachi showdown. In a way, it's a good thing they're keeping this fast pace because things are progressing quickly and nicely, but building up things can fall flat in certain episodes if things aren't hyped...if it wasn't that, I would say (write) this episode was very solid. Even despite that, it was very solid. I just hope the flashback arc will be concluded in the next episode or even half of it and we'll move to another scene. This makes me already curious since as far as I'm aware, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War will be 13 episodes long. It means they've to somehow wrap nicely things for next season or part 2.
I still think the animation is top-notch and this episode proved it as animating rain is (as far as I know) hard. The fact they made the rainfall at different speeds and showed even separate rain bubbles. I couldn't help but be amazed about that.
Ah, I believe a lot of Gin and Kaname fans were excited to see their favorites in this episode. Just loved scheming Aizen and despite the fact, their experiment 'failed' he just saw it as a new opportunity like a true "villain".
I think young Masaki was very adorable. I really liked her brightness which reminded me of Orihime. Though, the fact she was more stern when needed to be and the stunt she pulled? Yes, made her a bit more different than Orihime which I'm glad about. (Though, I like both of them.) In fact, I think Masaki's stunt toward White was very brave and she was otherwise very brave. I bet that's what caught Isshin's eye with her.
Alright, Quincies were back in the past very posh, lol. Really gave me that upper-class, European feeling at Ishida residence. Young Ryuuken was adorable and I liked the fact he tried to appear very stern and 'I only think about Quincies' future!' Erm, yeah. Doubt that highly.
As a side note, I can see how animators/director(s) are cutting the fan service and some random scenes down such as taka-taka with Toshiro as in the manga when Isshin lifted Toshiro, he was all 'look at the baby!' Made the scene much smoother, yet they managed to still add that Toshiro was younger and a bit immature, thanks to the fact he had secretly eaten that manju yet tried to downplay it. xD Goes to show how much he has "grown" when compared to the present. Kinda made me feel sad for Rangiku that even in the present...she is still Tenth's lieutenant. Oh well. At least she has a trusty captain, so she can now slack in the present time when she wants to, lol.
That last scene in this episode, at the very end, was very interesting as it shed some light on what comes to Uryuu and what he will do...
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
haha no logistics of science and how the world works, don't stop me from writing that cool scene you're so sexy haha
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Hii! Just found your blog thanks to your Hyunjin oneshot and let me just say that the ending was *chef's kiss* so I was thinking if you could probably do a part 2? I don't really have specific plot but maybe Jeongin and Felix get caught spying Hyunjin and y/n?
I was hoping someone would ask for a part two. Kinda why I made that ending lol. I was also just wanting an opportunity to include Jeongin in, considering him and Hyunjin are my biases from Stray Kids. I hope you enjoy this and I'm glad you liked the Hyunjin one-shot! You can find it here, for those who have not read it yet. I would recommend reading it before this one.
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●◇ I Spy ◇●
Pairings: Hwang Hyunjin x Yang Jeongin x Lee Felix x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Dom/Sub dynamics; sub!Felix, sub!Jeongin, sort of switch!Hyunjin?, dom!reader, swearing, impact play, spanking with paddle, voice kink, use of vibrator, pet names, degrading, praise, pain kink, voyeurism, exhibitionism, nipple play, leg humping, Noona kink?, mummy kink, hair pulling, anal sex, unprotected sex (put the rubber on the duckie irl), finger sucking, choking, I guess dacryphilia?, Hyunjin with no pull-out game at all, probably more idk.
English is not my first language; this is not proofread so beware grammar mistakes and spelling errors.
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It had been a month since that night with Hyunjin, and things have become a bit. . . awkward with some of the other members. Specifically, Jeongin and Felix.
The rest of the members just couldn't bring themselves to care.
All of them did agree to keep quiet about it outside of the dorm. They knew the trouble you two would get in if you were found out, and they didn't want that. But they still had fun teasing the both of you. Especially Hyunjin.
A lot of the time, whenever Hyunjin was by himself, one of the boys would tease him by mocking the noises he made or the way he said your name. It never failed to make Hyunjin embarrassed. But that was fine. Because Hyunjin knew that he could always go to you, and you would comfort him.
And that is what Hyunjin had did, a bit ago—which ended up with him in the position he was in now; whimpering and whining quietly as he ruts against your leg.
"You have to keep quiet, jagiya. The boys will hear. Again." You whisper, reaching down to push the hair from his face. He looks up at you, dark eyes pleading.
"It feels so good, though, Noona." He breaths out, moving to rest his forehead on your knee.
Meanwhile, a certain pair of boys happen to walk by your bedroom door at the exact moment Hyunjin lets out a bit of a loud moan. Their eyes widen and their faces heat up as they exchange a glance.
"You'd probably want that, wouldn't you? I bet you want someone to walk in here and see you in this position. You want that, kitten?" They hear your muffled voice say. Felix bites his lip while Jeongin gulps. They'd give anything to be in Hyunjin's position right now. And they don't even know which one that is.
The two boys get the same idea, exchanging another glance before shuffling quietly towards the door. You had purposefully left it open a crack, knowing that it excited Hyunjin for him to know that anyone could peer in and spot him.
Once the two spotted what the scene was inside, they had to stop themselves from groaning. Felix felt his cock begin to strain against his jeans, while Jeongin felt his begin to throb—both of them ashamed of how quickly they got aroused. But, then again, who wouldn't get turned on after seeing what they are?
Felix couldn't help but reach down and begin palming himself through his tight jeans. Jeongin felt too ashamed and embarrassed to do anything. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty and perverted as he continued to watch the scene in front of him. But he couldn't bring himself to look away or leave.
"Noonaaaa. . ." Hyunjin whines softly, tightly gripping at your calf as his movements speed up. You smirk down at him.
"Look at you. You're honestly truly pathetic. Getting off on my leg, knowing anyone could easily walk in right about now," you quickly look to the door, spotting the two boys almost immediately. They freeze. You, however, allow for a smirk to rise to your lips. "Or someone could be watching you hump my leg like a bitch in heat."
You place your hand on Hyunjin's chest, causing him to halt his movement and look up at you with confusion. You gently push him off and help him stand again before making your way to the door.
"Well, well. . . look here, Hyunjin." You say after pushing your bedroom door open the rest of the way. "A pair of perverted boys, spying in on our fun."
Felix and Jeongin can't help but feel small under your intense gaze—and, considering you were much taller than them, they felt even smaller. They didn't know what to do. Your gaze held them in place.
"What do you think we should do with them, jagiya?" You ask, turning to look at, the slightly flustered, Hyunjin behind you. You already knew the answer.
Hyunjin had brought up the idea of inviting Felix or Jeongin with you sometime (he had listened in on one of their conversations where they mentioned how jealous they were of Hyunjin). You, being the open-minded person you were, of course said yes. And now, your opportunity was here.
"I think we need to teach them a bit of a lesson. What do you think, Jinnie?" You ask as you turn towards the two boys in front of you. You watch as their faces light up.
"Maybe," Hyunjin starts, moving to stand next you, "they need a bit of a spanking?"
Felix lets a meek little whine slip, one that causes his cheeks to flush. You and Hyunjin however, your smirks widen.
"Did you hear that, kitten?" You ask, glancing at Hyunjin. "I think Felix wants a spanking."
Felix gulps, wide eyes staring up at the two of you.
"I think so too." Hyunjin responds, seemingly just as excited as you. Jeongin, meanwhile, begins to fidget with his hands.
"Oh, but what does Jeongin want, I wonder?" You say, moving your hands to grab onto the two boys' upper arms. You gently pull them into the room, shutting the door behind you. You stand behind the two, now, while Hyunjin stands in front of them. You place your hands on their shoulders, causing them to tense a bit before relaxing.
"I have a feeling these two would enjoy anything we choose to do to them." Hyunjin says, looking up at you for a moment before looking down at the two short boys. "Am I correct?"
You couldn't lie, it turned you on—the way Hyunjin went from this whimpering and whining mess to the way he is now so easily. Of course, you could easily switch him back to the way he was just before in no time flat. And that, in your opinion, was an even bigger turn on.
The two younger boys in front of you seemed to have grown embarrassed—with how flushed their faces had become, and how silent they became. Cute.
"How funny." You chuckle, walking around the two so you stood in front of them. "Both of them are all embarrassed now, but just a few minutes ago, Felix was shamelessly touching himself while watching us, and little Jeongin here was watching it all happen and didn't even try to hide that he was."
Their faces heated up even more, but their cocks both continued to throb profusely. Neither of them dared to look up from the spot they stared at on the floor.
"Maybe, we should just leave them to take care of their problems on their own: seeing as though they clearly don't want to have fun with us." You suggest, finally getting a response from the both of them. Both of their heads shoot up with wide eyes.
"No! W-We want to join!" Felix exclaims, Jeongin quickly nodding along with him. You smirk, sharing the same amused glance with Hyunjin before you lean down so you're on their eye level.
"Then maybe, you should start answering us when we ask you something, and we might just give you what you want." The two boys nod quickly, now eager to do as you say.
"Well, they can be good. Who would've thought?" You say in a bitter-sweet voice. You then move to stand up straight again, not being able to help being amused by the very noticeable height difference between you and the boys. You then move to stand behind Hyunjin, placing your hands on his shoulders gently. He lifts his hand to lay on top of yours, a motion you can't help but find adorable.
"We have two new play-things for us to use, Hyunjin. What do you think we should do with them first?" You ask, smirking at the way both Jeongin and Felix gulp at your words. "Perhaps. . . we could introduce them to the many toys we have and allow for them to choose what they want us to do to them. What do you think of that, Jin?"
Hyunjin hums, seeming to be thinking about it. You could tell by Jeongin and Felix's reactions that your idea was something of interest to them.
"I think it sounds like a good idea. But do they like it as well?" The boys in front of you quickly nod their head, not wanting to disobey anymore.
"Perfect. Hyunjin, show them where we keep them for me, jagi." You say, giving his shoulders a few light taps. He quickly obeys, walking forward towards your dresser and opening the bottom drawer, where all you toys lay. Felix and Jeongin make their way over to the drawer, shaking with anticipation.
You walk over to stand on the opposite side of Hyunjin—the right side of the dresser. You watch as the two boys peer at the many toys inside the drawer; enjoying the way they gulped at some of them. You notice Felix's gaze seems to linger on your few whips and paddles. You and Hyunjin both can sense his hesitation and shame, and after sharing a glance, you begin to speak.
"There is no need to be ashamed. We're not going to judge either of you for anything," you place your hand on Felix's shoulder, "I promise."
You look up to Hyunjin, who nodded at your statement. "We both do."
You let your hand fall, much to Felix's dismay, but he listens to your words. He bends down and grabs a paddle. He looks up at you, seeming to be asking if it was acceptable.
"That's what you want?" Felix nods. "Perfect. Go wait on the bed, for me, yeah?"
He nods again before walking over to your bed and sitting down, waiting patiently and trying to ignore the straining in his pants.
You then move to stand next to Jeongin. He seemed to be having a difficult time making his decision.
"There's so many choices." He mumbles quietly. You chuckle.
"Take your time. We have plenty of it, anyways." You respond, moving to stand behind him once again and placing your hands on his shoulder. You lean down, placing a soft kiss on the side of his neck. He responds by closing his eyes and tilting his head to the side. "We don't have to use one if you don't want to. It's your choice."
You place another kiss on the other side of his neck before standing up straight again- much to his dismay. Jeongin looks around the drawer once more before his eyes land on something. He reaches down and grabs it before turning around with it in his hand. A vibrator.
You give him a small but kind smile. "That what you want?" He nods. "Alright, after I give Felix what he wants, I'll take care of you."
He nods again. You lean down and give him a short peck on the lips, too quick for his liking. You stand up straight again and look over to Hyunjin, noticing from the corner of your eye the jealous look on Felix's face. You motion for Hyunjin to come over to where you stand, which he quickly does.
You then pull him away from Jeongin, far enough away from the two so you can whisper in his ear without the others hearing. After you give him a command to follow, you pat his arm twice, signaling for him to do what you have told him.
You then walk over to Jeongin, leaning down and whispering in his ear. You explain what you want him to do. "Are you okay with doing that for me, little one?"
Jeongin felt his heart skip a beat at the nickname. He wasn't sure why, but the name made him feel a warmth spread throughout his chest. He quickly nods, excited to please you.
Felix couldn't stop the frown that made its way to his lips. He wanted his own nickname, as well as a kiss from you. And as you begin to walk towards him, he also can't help but stare up at you with pleading eyes, the pout still on his lips. Poor baby.
When you arrive in front of him, you hook your pointer finger under his chin and lean down to press a soft kiss onto his lips. Felix quickly melts at the feel of your lips on his; but before he can get too carried away, you pull away. He lets out a whine and tries to chase after you- causing you to chuckle- but to no avail.
"You'll get more soon, don't worry." You reassure him as you stand up straight again. "Stand up for me, would you?"
Felix then stands, setting the paddle aside on the bed.
"Good boy." Felix perks up at that, his lips twitching upwards as he looks back up at you. How adorable.
Meanwhile, while all this is happening, Jeongin is sitting on Hyunjin's lap with Hyunjin's arms wrapped around his waist. Jeongin has to stop himself from grinding on Hyunjin's hard-on (which was poking his right ass cheek). You had instructed Jeongin to sit on Hyunjin's lap while they watch what you're going to do to Felix.
You lean down again, connecting your lips with Felix's again. He is quick to kiss back, moving his hands to grip tightly at your hips. You turn your head to deepen the kiss as your hands move down to begin to fiddle with his belt. His grip tightens as he feels you pull his belt off and toss it aside— so, you pull away a small bit, close enough for your noses to be touching. He opens his eyes to look up at you.
"Do you want to stop?" You ask, him shaking his head in response. "Let me know if you ever want to stop, okay?"
He nods, and with his consent, you attach your lips again. You then unbutton his jeans, pushing them off his waist so they pool around his ankles. He steps out of them, kicking them to the side right after.
Felix almost bites your lip when he feels your right hand reach behind him and grab his rear rather harshly. He let's out a small gasp and a small little whimper at the action. Right after, he feels your tongue press on his lips. He's quick to part them, allowing for your tongue to explore his mouth.
It was easy to tell that you had a lot more experience then Felix did with that category. He had little to no idea of what to do while you were confident with your tongues actions. He couldn't help but feel a bit insecure about that. Would that make you like him less? Little did he know, that only excited you more.
Whenever you had a partner who wasn't very skilled or experienced, oh you enjoyed it very much. It was one of your favorite things— teaching the innocent ones how to please someone, or giving them the pleasure they rarely (if ever) got to experience.
Felix's hands tugged at the hem of your shirt, shyly asking for you to remove it. You move your hands to grab his, gently pushing them off before pulling away from his lips. "Later."
He's disappointed at your answer, but doesn't press any more. He tries to reconnect your lips, but you place a hand on his chest, preventing him from moving. He opens his mouth to speak, but you're quicker. You spin him around and push him so he's bent over your bed. Felix lets out a gasp that ends with a quiet whimper at your action.
You then bend over right behind him, pressing your pelvis against his ass and your chest against his back as you whisper in his ear. "I can already tell you're someone who likes it rough. You're just a little painslut aren't you? Am I wrong?"
Felix was breathing heavily by now, your sudden action not helping his arousal. Nor does your breath on his neck or your voice help either. Oh, God. . . your voice. . .
He wasn't sure what it was about your voice, but the way your words were spoken so smoothly and how your voice was just that right tone- slightly deep but not too deep- it was so fucking addicting to him. He would happily listen to you whisper in his ear for hours on end if he could. It didn't matter what you would say, he would enjoy every second of it. He may or may not have touched himself while listening to your songs. He always felt ashamed after, but he couldn't help it. Your voice just turned him on so much, he couldn't stop himself.
Felix was brought back to reality when he felt your hand tug his hair so his head was off the mattress, facing towards the two boys that sat in front of you two. "I asked you a question, Felix. I need your answer."
"No! You're-you're not wrong! Oh, Mummy, please!" Oops, he didn't mean to let that one slip, but it did. No taking it back now. However, you only smirk at this while his cheeks turn to a light shade of red.
"Please what, sarang? You need to tell Mummy what you want, I won't know unless you do." You could feel Felix relax a bit at your words. However, his cheeks grow redder and he closes his eyes. He drops his head onto your bed again, trying to not focus on the two people staring at him in front of him.
"Use the paddle. Please." He whispers almost inaudibly. He knew he didn't need to be ashamed or embarrassed, none of you were going to judge him for what he liked; but he couldn't help it.
"There you go. All you have to do is ask." Felix nods as best as he can, immediately hating the feeling of you leaving your spot. You were so warm compared to the cool room, and now he had to feel the cold again.
Fortunately, he was quickly distracted by the feeling of his briefs being pulled down off his waist; just enough to expose his little bum to you. It was cute how small it was, but you loved it. How could you not? It was just so adorable.
You couldn't stop yourself, you just had to touch it. So, you reach both your hands out, placing them onto his naked rear before squeezing roughly. You had to stop yourself from laughing at how your hands looked big compared to his tiny little cheeks. "You have such a cute ass, sarang." You whisper. "It's a shame you have to hide it."
Felix blushes at your words, moving his arms to cover his face. His way of responding to your words is him pushing his hips back against your hands. You chuckle. "Alright, I won't keep you any longer."
You then reach over and grab the paddle as he uncovers his face and turns his head so the side of his face is pressed against the mattress again. His eyes squeeze shut as he awaits the first hit.
You raise up the paddle, swinging it downwards until it makes contact with Felix's ass. Felix lets out a deep moan-which was then muffled by your hand-at the sudden burst of pain. His hips involuntarily jolt forward, causing accidental friction on his cock.
"Again! Please do it again, Mummy." Felix exclaims (it being muffled by your hand), loving the pain and lingering sting the paddle left behind.
"Gladly, but as much as I'd love to hear all your beautiful noises, you have to keep quiet. We don't want the others to hear, do we?" Felix shakes his head, so you pull your hand away, only for him to grab it and stick two of your fingers in his mouth. He opens his eyes and looks back at you, the look on his face seemingly innocent and turning you on even more.
You raise the paddle again, Felix moving his gaze to watch it closely. As you bring it down and make contact with his rear again, he can't help but let out another moan. He knew he would, that's why he stuffed your fingers in his mouth.
Before he knows it, you strike him once again. And again. With each hit, Felix's hips jolt forward against the bed and broken moans fall from his lips. His usual deep voice turns high pitched as each whine falls from his lips, them being muffled by your fingers.
With each jolt of his hips, his cock continues to gain more and more friction, causing his orgasm to approach faster. The friction mixed with the pain of the spanks is so fucking amazing to him. He couldn't explain just how amazing it was. But that's okay. He didn't have to.
A small pool of drool begins to form in the corner of his mouth as he continues to suck desperately on your fingers. Felix begins to whimper as the knot begins to form in his stomach. It was too fast. It couldn't be over that quickly. You barely did anything with him. He needed more. He needed to be touched. And in all honesty, he didn't know if he needed it to be by you, Hyunjin, or even Jeongin. All he knew was that he wanted at least one of you to touch him-preferably you or Hyunjin (or both).
"No more. Please." Felix says after removing your fingers from his mouth. You look over at him, checking to be sure that that's what he wanted. "Please."
You give him a nod, tossing the paddle aside after that. That's when you get another idea. A smirk rises to your face as you look over at the two boys waiting patiently for their turns. You then lean down so you can whisper in Felix's ear.
His eyes widen as he listens to your idea. He visibly gulps as you pull away slightly, just enough for him to be able to look back at you. "How do you feel about doing that?"
Felix glances away for a second, thinking about your proposal. He hesitates for a moment, and you sense this. "We don't have to do that if you're not comfortable. You don't need to feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to."
He nods, understanding right away. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before looking at you again. "I want to do it."
You give him a small smile, then leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Alright then."
You stand up straight again, looking over to Hyunjin. You raise a finger, motioning for him to come over to you. Jeongin gets off his lap and sits on the cushion beside him while Hyunjin stands and begins to walk over to you.
Meanwhile, Felix was removing his briefs before getting on his hands and knees on the bed while you were putting away the paddle and grabbing out a bottle of lube. After you closed the drawer again, you turn around and find that Hyunjin was now standing right next to the end of the bed.
You walk over to him, and when you arrive next to him, you grab his hips and move him so he's standing behind Felix. You move over to stand beside him, opening the bottle of lube and squirting some onto your hand. "Get undressed for me, will you?" Hyunjin nods, quickly removing his shirt and discarding his pants and briefs soon after. You smile at him. "Good boy."
The smell of berries fills your nostrils as you begin to spread the lube on Hyunjin's cock, slowly jerking him off as you lean down and connect your lips with his.
Hyunjin let's out a few small whimpers in your mouth as your hand continues its slow movements. It felt so good. However, he couldn't let himself get too lost in the pleasure because soon after, you pulled your hand away while disconnecting your lips. "You know what to do now, kitten."
Hyunjin looks down at the awaiting Felix as you grab a kleenex to wipe off your hand. Felix's ass was still slowly turning redder with each passing minute and visible marks from where the paddle hit began to form as well.
Hyunjin takes a step forward, placing his one hand on Felix's waist, revealing on how his hand was also rather large compared to Felix's tiny waist. He then grabs the base of his lubed up cock, rubbing it against Felix's puckered hole and spreading some lube onto that before pushing in.
". . .OhmyGod. . ." Felix whispers out at the feeling of Hyunjin's dick stretching him out. His arms are quick to go out, the top half of his body falling down onto the mattres. Hyunjin slowly eases himself in, so it does take him a bit to bottom out, and when he does, he halts his movements so he can give Felix some time to adjust.
While that was happening, you had arrived in front of Jeongin. "Stand up."
He quickly does, so you step forward and lean down to connect your lips. And just like you did with Felix, your hands swiftly begin to work on removing his pants.
Once his pants are around his ankles, you push off his briefs and he kicks both off to the side. You then pull away from him and move around him and sat down on the little loveseat you had in your room. "Come sit on my lap, little one."
Jeongin blushes, the nickname causing more butterflies in his stomach as he sits down on your lap. Both of you face Felix and Hyunjin as you reach over and grab the vibrator he had picked out. That's when you took the time to appreciate the sight Jeongin had gifted you.
His thighs were beautiful, like a blank canvas. Oh, how you wanted to cover them in bruises. "Such gorgeous thighs you have, Innie."
Your free hand begins to rub up and down his inner thigh. You feel him tense up a bit when your nails lightly scratch his thigh on accident. Oh, so he was a sensitive one. Even better. "And sensitive, too. How did I get so lucky to have a perfect little toy like you?"
Jeongin blushes heavily at your words. He was perfect to you? That alone boosted his confidence. However, his thoughts were cut short when you gently drag your nails on the underside of his cock. He let's out an involuntary whimper at your action, arching his back a small bit. "Noona, please don't tease."
You chuckle. He was so fucking cute. "Sorry, little one. You're just so adorable when I do, I can't help it. I won't tease you anymore."
You turn on the vibrator, the lowest setting to start off, with before pressing it against the base of his cock. And when you do, Felix pushes his hips back against Hyunjin, telling him that he wants him to begin moving. So he does.
Felix has to bite your bedsheets to stay quiet, the feeling of his hyungs cock inside of him just so amazing. Felix has fingered himself before, but the poor boys fingers were just too small to hit his sweet spot, and he always felt too embarrassed to buy himself a toy to use. So really, the only way he could get himself off was jerking off and that was great, of course, but it got a little boring after awhile.
But now, here he was: getting the pleasure he really hasn't had very well before. And getting it from one of the two people he's had a liking for for years. And oh, lord did it feel fucking amazing.
The way Hyunjin's cock was big enough to brush all the right places in Felix with no struggle at all. And the way it stretches him out so good and wide so easily. All of it caused the tip of his dick to be dripping onto your bed sheets with each thrust.
Meanwhile, Jeongin had his head turned to the side so his face was buried in the crook of his neck so his whimpers and moans could be muffled. You had turned the vibrator up a notch and was now running it over the tip of his cock—where he was most sensitive. His hips kept bucking upwards and his legs constantly trying to close as the vibrations send pleasurable shocks throughout his dick.
His noises were beautiful, nothing like those obnoxious moans you find in porn that are obviously fake. He let out the most beautiful little high pitched whimpers, moans, and little sobs of pleasure. The only unfortunate part: he had to keep them muffled in order to keep from the boys downstairs from hearing.
You grab the hem of his shirt and bring it up next to his face. "Bite down on this and don't let go."
He obeys, turning his head and biting down on his shirt. You give him a kiss on his cheek, whispering a quick: "Good boy."
You then turn the vibrator up a notch, causing Jeongin to let out a muffled sob as his eyebrows furrow and he bites down on the fabric as hard as he can. Your free hand moves down so you can begin to lightly drag your nails from the v-line of his pelvis up his torso. His muscles tense as your nails gently rake over the valley in between his abs before reaching his pecs. Jeongin's breath gets caught in his throat when your fingers begin to play with his left nipple. His back arches when you give a little pinch, followed by a rather loud whine. This causes you to chuckle. "You're so sensitive, little one."
"F-Feels so g-good, Noona!" He stutters out, arching his back when you roll his nipple between your fingers. You chuckle again.
"I know it does." You then turn the vibrator up to the final level, causing Jeongin to throw his head back against your shoulder and let out a few more sobs as a few stray tears fall from the corners of his eyes.
The two boys in front of you had been going at it for a while now, Hyunjin letting out small grunts and groans while Felix couldn't help but let a few deep moans pass his lips.
Hyunjin reaches down and wraps his hand around the front of Felix's throat before pulling him up so his back is against Hyunjin's chest. Felix responds by reaching up grabbing onto Hyunjin's wrist tightly with one hand while the other reaches back and gripping onto his shirt. Hyunjin's other hand reaches down and wraps around Felix's cock; quickly jerking him off in sinc with every thrust.
"Does it feel good?" Hyunjin whispers into Felix's ear before nibbling on his earlobe. Felix's nods as best as he can.
"S-so fucking good, Hyung. Oh, my God." Felix responds, throwing his head back. The knot in his stomach continued to grow with each hit on his prostate and each jerk of Hyunjin's hand. "I need to cum. Can I cum, Hyung?"
Hyunjin shakes his head a bit. "It's not up to me." He then looks over to you, taking a moment to appreciate the view of Jeongin before speaking. "Noona, can we cum?"
You look over to the two boys in front of you, smirking as you look at the beautiful state the two of them were in. Both of them wore a thin layer of sweat on their bodies and both had flushed faces. But Felix looked it be in more of a messy state then Hyunjin. "Go ahead. Let go when you need to."
With your permission, and a few more thrusts on Hyunjin's end, Felix's orgasm quickly washed over him and he found himself arching his back and biting his lip to keep from making any noise. His release spilled all over Hyunjin's hand and your bed.
Hyunjin didn't stop his thrusts, still trying to chase after his orgasm as well. But it didn't take long for his climax to wash over him, the feeling of Felix clenching around him pushing him over the edge.
Felix groans quietly at the feeling of Hyunjin filling up his hole even more, loving it. Felix fell forward on the bed, seeming to have gone limp. His breathing was heavy as he feels Hyunjin pull out of him before falling and laying down right next to him. Felix bites his lip at the feeling of Hyunjin's release flowing out of his hole. He wasn't sure why he enjoyed it so much, but he did.
During that whole shenanigan, Jeongin's whining started to become a bit more frequent along with the bucks of his hips and arches on his back. "Are you close, little one?"
He nods desperately, still not letting go of the shirt in his mouth. "Can I cum? Please, Noona, it feels so good."
You chuckle, pinching his nipple once again and causing him to arch his back. "Of course, love. Whenever you need to."
A mantra of muffled 'Thank you's fall from his lips as his orgasm washes over him. He can't stop himself from dropping the shirt from his mouth as he let's out small whimpers and whines. "Noonaaa." He drags out as his hips continue to buck up. "Feels so good."
When the last drops of his release is out, you turn off the vibrator and set it aside, reminding yourself to clean it later.
As Jeongin and the other two continue to breath heavily as they calm down, you can't help but smile as you look over at them all. You had three eager little play toys now, all of them so pretty. And they're all yours, all willing to do anything to please you. And all three of them loved you, and you loved them back.
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chefdoeuvre · 4 years
Kelly Severide
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Pairing: Kelly Severide x Sister!Reader
Description: Being a badass just runs in the Severide genes.
Words: 2,479
Requested: yes by @ticklepete; Could you possibly do a Kelly Severide x Sister with #29 & #30. In my head she's a skilled firefighter on squad 3 (first fem to be on squad) and her and Kelly have a very close relationship but they also fight like your typical brother and sister. I also see Herrmann and a sorta father figure to her since Benny was MIA but you don't have to incorporate that. Make it your own! All I ask is that you make her a total badass please 😁😁
Warnings: complete 'badassery' and language.
A/N: I just love powerful women. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.
Kelly Severide, he was the bane of your existence, but he was your brother and you loved him nonetheless. However, when it came to being competitive the number of challenges you'd give each other could go on for days. The last time it happened Herrmann had to put a stop before either of you could trash his bar. Everyone knew the day he challenged you to make Squad would be the day he would have to end up eating his words. So that's exactly what you did, you worked your ass off and became the only woman to ever make Squad. To say Kelly was proud of you would be an understatement. But then again that was just a backstop for him to push you to be your best because he knew you were an amazing firefighter from the day you started at 51. Among the Chicago Fire Department, they all knew the Severide siblings were one of the best firefighters their city ever had.
Here you were, sitting boredly at the Squad table with your feet kicked up while spinning from side to side in Kelly's, unsaid but still claimed, chair. The other guys were playing poker with their snacks while you flipped through a book, not really reading it. Kelly was off talking to Casey about who knows what when he came bounding into the apparatus floor with a wide smirk.
You looked up at your brother with a flat look, "what is it now?" You asked nonchalantly.
"I have a new challenge to propose." Kelly said with a shit-eating grin.
You kicked your feet off the table and sat up, suddenly intrigued by the topic.
"Alright, spill." You spoke up.
As Kelly went on with his proposal Squad had seemed to stop what they were doing and turned their attention to the both of you. The two of you were so engrossed in discussing the challenge you didn't notice Squad calling out to everyone in the firehouse to gather around to witness yet another 'Severide Sibling Face Off' as they liked to call it. Herrmann stood with his arms crossed, if the two of you came anywhere near his bar during this competition he wouldn't hesitate to rip the both of you a new one. Sure he loved you two like his own, but there is one thing you don't do, and that it mess with a man's precious bar.
By the end of your conversation, the entirety of the firehouse was gathered around the apparatus floor awaiting your decision.
Without a moment to spare you spoke up with a wide smile, "challenge accepted."
Kelly laughed, "be prepared to lose this time."
"Oh please, I can beat you any day." You mused with a smirk.
"It's on, Y/N. It's on." Kelly concluded.
Once the two of you shook hands and turned around you stopped in your tracks with a shocked face. Everyone was staring back at you two, some with wide smiles at the sibling rivalry others in irritation, mainly just Herrmann.
In all actuality, Kelly had challenged you to something you guys always did when running drills. The person who could climb to the top of the firehouse the quickest would win. Knowing this the two of you spent all week training enlisting the help of your friends.
"You're lucky you're my favorite." Herrmann grumbled from the top of the firehouse as he timed you for the fifth time that day. What could you say? You had a lot of free time this shift.
"Glad to hear that, Hermie." You grunted pulling yourself over the ledge and hopping onto the top of the roof.
"Another record. I swear every time you do it again you have more energy than the last attempt." Herrmann shook his head in disbelief, leaning back in the lawn chair he set up.
"Maybe it has something to do with the feeling of beating Kelly." You shrugged taking a gulp of water.
In the midst of you and Herrmann both making your way down from the roof the announcement system went off signaling a call. The two of you quickly bolted to the apparatus floor and hopped into your respective trucks. Once you pulled up to the scene Kelly, Boden, and Casey scanned the area. It seemed like it was a routine house fire. A redhead who was covered in soot came running up to you and Stella, the only women in 51 who, by chance, were standing beside each other.
"Help please, my daughter!" The woman frantically pleaded.
You turned to look at Boden who gave you a nod of his head. Pulling on your gear you and Stella took the second floor to scan while the rest of Truck and Squad split up and did the same with the basement and the first floor.
Stella took one side of the hall as you took the other searching for the young girl. Stella called out to you and said she had found nothing. You reassured her to just head out and said you were on your way to the last room and you'd meet her back outside. Just as you stepped into the last room, which looked like an eight-year-olds dream bedroom, you heard a cry. You kneeled down to be met with a strawberry blonde whimpering under the bed.
"Hey, sweetie. I'm Y/N, I'm a firefighter and here to help." You introduced to the frightened girl softly.
Seeing the smoke beginning to seep into the room you quickly turned your head to the girl once again.
"Can you come out so we can go see your mom outside?" You asked the girl gently as you reached toward her.
She quickly grabbed ahold of your hand as you pulled her out from under the bed and pulled her small frame into your arms.
"Y/N report!" Boden's urgent voice came from your walkie.
"I've got the girl and we're heading out now." You replied quickly as you stood up.
You hiked the girl up your hip as you covered her body with your turnout coat and instructed for her to keep her head tucked into your chest. You stepped out of the room running down the hall and down the stairs. Just before you neared the entrance it burst into flames as you backed up shielding the girl with your body. Out of the corner of your eye you caught sight of a side door and without a second thought, you bolted toward it. Pushing the door open you were greeted by the green grass, a driveway crowded with cars, and the side of the neighboring house. You peeled off your SCBA mask and took a much needed breath of fresh air.
In front of the house stood every firefighter in 51 staring at the house with open mouths. Kelly's mouth had dried when he scanned over the firefighters of Squad only to see that you weren't there. His heart stopped for a moment when he looked to Boden with wide eyes.
"Y/N? Y/N!" Kelly shouted into his walkie while simultaneously hoping on his life that you miraculously got out before the entrance went up in flames.
You however were too busy trying to find your way around all the parked cars. You didn't know how they managed to fit the two cars in a driveway only meant for one car, but you did your best to squeeze your way through. While the rest of 51 was frantically waiting on your arrival and for the fire to be put out you grunted your way past the first car. You looked down at the girl who was gripping onto you tightly.
"You alright there, kiddo?" You asked rubbing your hand down the small girl's back. You received a nod and a hum in response as you set out between the second car. During this entire feat, you hadn't realized that your walkie was switched off when you curled into yourself to protect the girl from the blaze.
Exhaling a deep breath when you squeezed out from in between the house and the second car you made your way down the length of the driveway. The first people to see you were Sylvie and Gabby as they ran to you with a gurney. You set the girl down on the gurney as she thanked you when a bigger body came barreling into you. It took you a second to gain your composure, but you soon saw the tuft of salt and pepper hair beside your face. You were quick to reciprocate the hug and squeezed your brother tightly. Digging your head into his chest you heard everyone from 51 cheering at your safety. Kelly reluctantly pulled away and cupped your face as if to make sure you were real.
"Damn it, Y/N." Kelly sighed as he pulled you into his arms again.
"You really thought that would've taken me out?" You questioned with a muffled voice into his chest.
"Not funny." Kelly ruffled your helmet hair.
Pulling away you saw Herrmann making his way toward you as you run into his open arms.
"Glad you're alright, kid." Herrmann laughed at you squeezing his torso tightly.
You pulled away before adorning a wide grin staring back at your firefighting family, "and the legend of Y/N Severide lives on." You let out a giggle. You were a badass and there was no denying that.
Heading back to your trucks with wide smiles you turned your head to look at your brother and lieutenant, "you ready to get your ass kicked tomorrow?" You asked in a teasing tone.
"In your dreams, baby sister." Kelly scoffed.
"You won't be saying that when you're crying at your loss." You stuck your tongue out at Kelly childishly.
"We'll see about that." Kelly shook his head as the truck pulled away from the scene and headed back to the firehouse.
The rest of the shift droned on for a few more hours with less exciting calls until it was time for everyone to head home and the next shift to take over. Walking down the driveway Kelly came up behind you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Ironically enough after spending day in and day out together at work you'd see each other at home too. You two were roommates but surprisingly enough you hadn't gotten sick of each other yet.
The next shift came as quickly as the last one had gone and the topic of conversation for everyone was about the challenge that was to take place at the end of the day. Somehow people had already picked sides and were caught up arguing every time they didn't have a call to attend to. It was a pretty even split between the people on your side and Kelly's. Of course, all the girls were in favor of you as well as Herrmann and Mouch. The rest of Squad was with Kelly, mainly because he was their lieutenant and they would never admit it but they were afraid of what he would make them do it they chose you over him. Casey and Boden decided to be the mediators because they didn't want to get involved in the sibling wars. Over the course of the shift every time you and Kelly passed by each other you gave matching glares, something about sibling rivalry always brings out the scariness of people.
Just as the clock hit the next hour, meaning your shift was finally over, Herrmann jumped up from his seat, "alright everyone, the 'Severide Sibling Face Off' has begun." Herrmann announced as he pulled out the timer he had stuffed in his pocket.
Your head snapped up at Herrmann's loud voice, exchanging a look with the person beside you, which was Stella. She ushered you out of your seat and led you to gather your rappelling gear. After getting everything situated you had met with Kelly at the bottom of the firehouse. Casey and Boden stood on top of the roof, Herrmann in between them with his timer in hand. Everyone else was gathered behind the two of you already placing bets on who was going to win.
"On the count of three! One, two, three!" Herrmann counted off as you and Kelly set to climbing.
As the two of you made your way up cheers were heard from your fellow firefighters.
"Getting tired?" You asked Kelly in a teasing tone pushing yourself to stay ahead of him.
"As if." Kelly scoffed doing his best to catch up.
A few minutes had gone by and the cheers had only gotten louder. You were a few feet from the top, your muscles burning already. With a final grunt, you pulled yourself over the ledge and toppled onto the roof. Heaving out a sigh you looked up to see Herrmann beaming at you.
"My fellow smoke eaters we have a new record!" Herrmann cheered.
A few moments later Kelly lugged himself over the ledge only to plop himself over you.
"Ew, you're sweaty." You scrunched your nose too tired to push him off.
"Just a congratulatory hug." Kelly teased as he squeezed you tighter.
Once he pulled away you stood up as Herrmann continued to clap loudly.
"The new record time is 5:47!" Herrmann announced.
From below loud cheers erupted, Herrmann walked up and patted you on the back, "nice job, kid."
You smiled widely before turning to face your sweaty and out of breath brother, "take that!" You jumped up and down.
Kelly simply rolled his eyes in response, there was one thing that was rarely mentioned. The majority of the time you’d beat him anyway, but he was fine with it if you kept making him proud. However, he wouldn’t tell a living soul that. You stood there celebrating with a wide grin on your face. After heading back down to the apparatus floor a chorus of cheers surrounded you. Once everyone dissipated and started talking to each other about the bets they had made you turned to Kelly with a smirk.
“You’re losing your touch old man.” You teased playfully.
“I’m not even that much older than you.” Kelly scoffed.
You took a step toward the taller man and pulled him into a hug, “you know I love you even though you annoying the living hell out of me, right?” You asked leaning your chin on his chest to look up at him.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Kelly ruffled your hair.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Watch the hair!” You pushed Kelly’s hand away with a scowl.
“Like I said, I wouldn’t change it for a thing.” Kelly shrugged as he brought his hand up to your hair again.
“Bro! Watch it!” You shoved his hand away laughing.
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peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Moodboard for the series (don't judge me I usually do gifs, this was something new. Also, I could not get the collar to look right)
So I meant to upload this yesterday but I lost control of it and then got busy, so here's a little over 3k for you!
Also, tagging @snowstark because this is our baby. Ao3 version here!
Idk what to tag this. Dark themes, spanking, forced to choose a punishment, uuuh, not sure what else. Enjoy!
Bucky knows when Peter is going to have a hard time adjusting to Tony being gone. It had been close to a year since Bucky started working for Tony, and he's gotten familiar with all of Peter's little quirks.
And he knows the slight pout Peter sports as he waits beside Bucky for Tony to come to the door, means Peter's going to be a slight handful.
But Bucky can handle the teenager. He's been in charge of Peter's safety for long enough. Aside from Tony, Bucky knows how to get Peter to do as he's told.
Tony comes down the stairs, suit tailored and travel bag in hand. "What a sight," he grins. "My pets waiting for me."
Bucky clenches his jaw at that, but he doesnt say anything. Peter though, steps up to the Superior nuzzling into Tony's chest.
"Don't go," Peter whined. Bucky watched with a familiar jealous rock in his gut, but he stays still.
"I'll be back in five days," Tony sighed, kissing the top of Peter's curly hair.
Peter's in a pair of soft blue jean shorts and a faded Yankees sweater, the bottom cut off to show off his midriff.
Tony pushes Peter back a little and smiles fondly down at him, fingers fixing the collar around his puppy's neck, little bell tinkling.
"You be good," Tony orders, leaning down to kiss Peter's pouty lips.
Peter sulks as Tony steps away, towards the door and closer to Bucky.
"I'll be back late," Tony hums, patting Bucky on the cheek. "I'll see you both when I get back."
And with that, Tony's gone. Bucky rubs at his cheek with a slight scowl. Its a new thing, Tony touching him. And Bucky doesn't like it.
Peter spins on his heels the moment the door is shut and storms off, making Bucky sigh explosively before making his way after him.
Alpine slows him down by weaving between his legs, meowing needily.
"Damn cat, go away," he snaps, nearly kicking the thing before remembering she's Peter's.
The door to Peter and Tony's bedroom slams and Bucky sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
So it's going to be like this then. Bucky decides to let Peter wallow on his own. Sooner or later his emotions would get the best of him and he'd come out for comfort. Bucky wouldn't force him to before then.
Its the same song and dance. Peter cries when Tony's gone, he doesn't eat much, and just kind of sulks around the house.
If he were a real puppy, Bucky could just imagine him crying at the door with his tail tucked between his legs, looking extra pathetic.
It was during these days when Tony wasn't around that Peter got a little less obedient.
Most incidents Bucky kept to himself. Little scenes of Peter acting out of his emotions. Tony didn't need to be informed of everything.
The bigger incidences though was definitely taken to Tony. They hadn't had an incident in a while -not since Peter ran out and Bucky got shot.
Peter had been terrified after that, refused to leave the tower even with Buck and Tony there with him.
Tony had punished him good and hard for that -it still makes Bucky's stomach roll at the thought of Tony hitting Peter. Bucky still remembers how small he looked when Tony had guided him back into the penthouse.
His eyes all red, tear tracks down blushed cheeks. He had been trembling slightly. It had made Bucky sick to his stomach.
But Peter hadnt done it again. When Tony left, Peter stayed put.
"Peter, time to eat," Bucky called after knocking on the bedroom door. Peter had been locked in there for most of the two days so far Tony's been gone.
He sulks under his covers, and when he does come out, its with a pout. Something Bucky is used to.
"M'not hungry," comes Peter's petulant response through the door.
"Yes you are, pup," Bucky sighed. "Come on, out with you before I come in there."
"Said I wasn't hungry," Peter spoke, voice raising a little. Bucky cocks an eyebrow, then tries the handle of the door. Its locked.
"Peter, open this door."
"No," Peter said.
"You open this door or I'll kick it down," Bucky threatened. Peter's never locked his door before.
"Do it!" Peter snapped. "Then Tony'll be mad at you and send you to the basement!"
"Oh for fuck's sake," Bucky muttered under his breath.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, override the lock for Peter's door," he says, looking up at the ceiling.
"I am sorry, but the lock is manual, it will have to be unlocked by Peter, Mr. Barnes."
Bucky growls, clenching his teeth.
"Open the door, Peter," he tries again.
"C'mon, pup, open up," Bucky sighed. He really didn't want to break down the door. What has gotten into Peter? He's never like this.
"Nuh-uh," Peter said. "Leave me alone."
"You know I can't do that, Pete," Bucky huffed.
"I don't need a babysitter," Peter called out. "I can take care of myself. Tony doesn't need you anymore."
"You've got five seconds and then I'm breaking the door down," Bucky said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Peter says nothing. Bucky begins to count. He thinks Peter will crack when he reaches two, but the boy doesn't make a sound.
"Alright, last chance."
Bucky tries the handle once more before stepping back. He lowers his shoulder, ready to drive it into the wood before slamming into the door.
The frame splinters and the door slams into the wall with a deafening crack.
Peter jumps from his spot on the bed, eyes wide and mouth gaping in shock.
"What is going on with you, Peter?" Bucky demands, a little fed up with his behavior. "You've never acted like this before."
Peter's shock falls away to anger, eyebrows furrowing and arms crossing.
"Get out."
"No, you need to tell me why you're acting like a brat," Bucky demanded, crossing his own arms.
"M'not a brat," Peter snipped, little bell sounding as Peter turned his head away from Bucky, glaring at the wall.
"No? 'Cause you seem pretty bratty to me," Bucky challenged.
That gets Peter standing from the bed. "I'm not!"
"I'm not going to fight with a fucking child," Bucky muttered to himself. "Go into the dining room and eat your lunch."
Peter sets his jaw. Its cute. Little thing trying to be tough.
"I said I'm not hungry."
"Well, Tony wants you to eat," Bucky tries. Usually talking about what Tony wants would get Peter to do as he's told. But it doesn't work today.
So Bucky grabs Peter by the upper arm and pulls him out of the room. Peter grunts, digging his heels in, but he's small and doesn't have much muscle.
"Eat," Bucky demands, gesturing to the food he sits Peter down in front of.
Peter glares up at him, though its not as effective as he thinks with his pastel blue tshirt and matching collar.
"I hate you," Peter bites out.
"Good for you, now eat your God damn lunch before I force feed you."
To say the next three days is difficult is an understatement. Bucky has no idea why Peter's acting out the way he is, but he's had enough.
On the fourth day, Bucky actually swatted him! Peter looked up at him with wide eyes, mouth clicking shut. Bucky instantly felt sick, but he forced himself to stand his ground even as hurt and anger filtered through Peter's features.
"You hit me," Peter said. It made Bucky feel even worse, but he didnt back down.
"You're being bad," Bucky said. More anger filtered in, and Peter reached forward to try and shove him.
Bucky caught him by the wrists and Peter yelled loudly, beginning to flail.
"Peter, stop it!" Bucky snapped, pulling the pup in close and pinning him against his chest. He doesn't have room to thrash now.
"I hate you! I hate you!" Peter yelled. Bucky can hear the beginnings of tears in his voice. "I don't want you here! I want- I want Tony!"
Bucky holds Peter as he chokes on his tears, forcing Bucky to carry his weight when Peter stops holding himself up.
Bucky let's him cry it out, walking him to his bedroom. The door still wasn't fixed -Bucky didn't have time, what with Peter acting out.
He deposited Peter onto the bed. "You can come out when you're done being a brat," Bucky said shortly. Peter just fell to his side, wrapping his arms around a pillow and drawing up his legs.
Bucky walked out and flopped onto the couch, leaning his head back and staring up at the ceiling.
Maybe Tony would know what Peter's problem was. Just because he's never acted like this since Bucky moved in doesn't mean its never happened before.
Bucky's never been more glad when Tony arrives the next morning. He's exhausted. Tony -the perceptive bastard- notices right away when Bucky greets him at the elevator.
"What happened," Tony demanded. Bucky let out a sigh, shoulders slumping just a bit. He didnt like feeling like a whiner, and explaining to Tony what the past five days have been like definitely makes him feel it.
"I don't know whats gotten into him," he finishes with. He just wants to sleep for a couple days. He's never felt more like a babysitter than he does now.
"Oh, I do," Tony huffed. Bucky raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "He's jealous."
That throws Bucky for a loop. "Jealous? Of what?" He can't help but demand incredulously.
Tony smiles knowingly and lifts his hand, brushing his fingers over Bucky's jaw, pinching his chin and giving a little shake.
"Of you, pet," Tony hums, looking amused. "He's used to getting my full attention. I think he's feeling a bit misplaced."
Bucky lifts his head, pulling his chin free from Tony's grasp and taking a small step back.
"He's got no reason to be jealous of me," Bucky grunted.
"No?" Tony asked. "Lets go see our puppy then, hmm?"
Bucky frowns as Tony walks past him into the penthouse. Our puppy?
He quickly spins on his heels and follows after Tony. Theres a disapproved hum when Tony notices the door leaning against the door.
Peter scrambles from the bed, rushing over to Tony and crashing into his chest. Bucky keeps his distance, hands clasped behind his back.
"I missed you."
"I'm sure," Tony hummed. "Bucky told me about your behavior while I was gone."
Bucky winces in sympathy at the tone Tony uses with Peter. The pup steps back from him, brows furrowing.
"I don't want any excuses," Tony interrupted. Bucky watched as Peter's demeanor shifted. He knew he was in trouble, he could see it in the way Peter's shoulders slumped.
"Go wait for me in your room," Tony continued. "And when we're gone, we're going to have a talk."
"But, Tony‐" Peter began. Tony grabs him by the arm and yanks him towards the elevator that leads to the basement.
"Go," he snaps, features twisting into a look of anger. Bucky holds his ground, but he wants to rush back out of Tony's line of fire.
Peter shrinks at the tone. He doesn't try again, just makes his way to the elevator, like a dog scurrying out of trouble with his tail between his legs.
"Are you really going to punish him?" Bucky asked, following Tony towards the elevator Peter had just disappeared through. "If he's just acting out of jealousy-"
"His acting out got me a broken door and a puppy with an attitude problem," Tony said. "I brought you here to take care of him while I'm away. His behavior hindered that and that won't do."
Bucky follows Tony into the elevator. He doesn't say anything, just stands beside Tony, watching the floors pass in glowing numbers above the doors.
When they reach the basement floor, the doors open and Tony steps out, already heading for the door that leads to Peter's room.
"Come on, pet," Tony calls over his shoulder. Bucky's legs work without him, taking him out of the elevator and into the main room.
"I'm not a pet," Bucky grunted. Tony glances over his shoulder, smirking. His blue eyes shining with amusement.
"I beg to differ," Tony hummed, before reaching a hand out and clasping Bucky by the back of the neck.
Bucky allows the Superior to pull him closer as they make their way to the door.
Buck decides not to argue the issue. Better to keep on Tony's good side.
Tony opens the door, and Bucky's eyes widen at the sight of Peter on the bed, naked. Hes on his elbows and knees, pert little ass up in the air.
He's hidden his face in his arms, and doesn't realize Bucky is here with Tony.
"He does paint a pretty picture, doesn't he?" Tony murmurs lowly, arm still wrapped around Bucky's shoulders, nosing at Bucky's jaw.
"I can leave," Bucky says lowly, glancing from Peter to Tony.
"No, I want you here," Tony decides, shutting the door. Bucky chews on his inner cheek, staying close to the door as Tony walks over to the wall of -Bucky feels his stomach drop. He doesn't know if he can watch this.
"M'sorry," Peter whines, turning his head to see Tony at the wall.
"I know you are," Tony said, looking over the items hanging on the wall. Bucky's never seen so many switches and floggers before.
"But that doesn't change the fact that you were a bad puppy."
Peter's breath hitches and he hides his face again. Bucky watches Tony pick out a flat leather paddle from the wall. One of the less intimidating items hanging on the wall.
"How many hits do you think he deserves?" Tony says, catching both Peter and Bucky off guard. Peter's head turns, wide eyes locking onto him before he seems to shrink, hiding his face away again, but not leaving the position Tony most likely trained him to be in.
It takes Bucky a moment to realize Tony was talking to him, and he blinks, looking over at the Superior. "What?"
"You had to deal with his poor behavior for five days, so you decide his punishment," Tony said.
Bucky looks wide eyed at Peter, pale and naked except for the baby blue collar around his neck. He shakes his head.
"Come on, pet," Tony goads. "What does he deserve?"
Bucky hears Peter whimper at that and he feels his skin crawl. He shakes his head again, feeling sick. "I can't."
Tony's mouth drops in a frown, looking disappointed. Bucky doesn't care. He can't.
"Fine," he hums. "Then fifty hits."
Peter lifts his head, breath hitching and tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Ten for each day."
Bucky feels his throat closing up.
"N-no," Peter sobbed. "No, please, Tony!"
Tony looks at Bucky, challenging glint in his Extremis blue eyes. "Bucky doesn't want to choose, so I'm chosing for him, puppy."
Peter turns to look at Bucky, pleasing with a trembling breath.
Bucky digs his nails into his palms. He looks from Peter to Tony, then back to Peter.
If Bucky chooses a lower number, Tony may not agree to it. But Bucky doesn't want Peter being hit -especially in front of him.
"Twenty," he manages to say, unsticking his throat. His voice is tense, body rigid and hands clasped behind him. Outwardly, he looks calm and collected, but inside he wants to do nothing but run out of the basement.
Tony doesn't say anything for a moment, and Bucky's sure its just as long for Peter as it is for him.
"Alright, twenty it is," Tony agrees. Bucky feels the muscles in his shoulders unwind a little at that.
"Count them out, pup."
Its the worst few minutes of Bucky's life. He served tours over seas. He's killed people with his bear hands and lost an arm, and he'd go through all of that ten times if it meant he didn't have to be in the same room as Tony and Peter right now.
Each smack has Bucky's pulse spiking, each sobbed out count down like agony. Its a punishment all its own to be forced to stand by while Peter cries, the loud smack of leather on skin filling the room.
The worst thing is Bucky is the reason he's got twenty spanks in the first place. Sure, its less than fifty, but he's still the one who offered a number.
Bucky doesn't even care anymore about Peter's behavior. He just wants Tony to stop.
Peter's ass is just as red as his face, and his breath hitches on cries, but the boy doesn't move. Bucky has no doubt if he had, the punishment would be far worse.
"Twen-twen'y," Peter finally gasps out wetly, dropping onto the bed.
Bucky restrains himself from rushing over there and scooping the boy up. His nails dig painfully into his palms.
He watches Tony do it instead. Watches as Tony's hand turns soft, scooping Peter up and settling him onto his lap, careful of his poor bottom.
Tony smooths Peter's curls from his forehead, muttering lowly against Peter's cheek as the boy cries, arms lifting to wrap around Tony's shoulders.
Tony glances up at Bucky and nods. "Come here, pet."
Bucky's too concerned with Peter to argue the pet name. He makes his way over to the bed in three long strides and sits down beside Tony and Peter.
Peter peeks out from Tony's neck, eye red rimmed. His breath hitches.
"M'sorry, Bucky," he cries, voice reedy and wobbling with tears.
"Thats alright, Pete," Bucky said softly.
Peter tucks himself back into Tony's neck, allowing the Superior to smooth his hands up and down Peter's bare back.
"Go with with Bucky, pup," Tony says a moment later, once Peter's tears have tapered off a little. Bucky's eyes widen at that, but he can't do much else, because Peter's crawling out of Tony's lap and settling into his own.
Bucky doesn't know what to do. He's wearing cargo pants, and he can't help but worry they're too rough for Peter.
And then he's stuck on the fact that he's got a very naked Peter in his lap. The boy leans into Bucky's chest, head resting on his shoulder.
Bucky settles a hand on Peter's lower back -as low as he dares- and rubs circles into his skin.
"I think its time we had a little talk," Tony said, looking first at Peter, then at Bucky.
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lavaffair · 4 years
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A secret santa fic for my secret santa @ideasthatbuildcities​! Pregnant Kagome and inugang on Christmas! @inusecretsanta​ @iyfss​
I hope you like it! I had so much fun writing this. Happy Holidays :)
Read it on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/28332135
or read below!
Thursday, December 24. Christmas Eve. 2:00 PM
“Hello.” sang the soft and comforting voice behind the phone.
“Mama!” Kagome greeted excitedly, “I finished it.” She placed her phone between her shoulder and ear, cranking her neck to the side just to look at her creation.
“Just in time too! Was it easier to finish after I helped?” Her mother asked curiously. Kagome smiled, beaming at the bundle of fabric in her hands happily.
“It definitely was mama. Who knew sewing a little fire rat robe would be so difficult?” She placed the red robe back onto the table and held her phone to her ear again. Noticing the slight soreness coming from her neck she rubbed it with her hand. While working on the robe she would absentmindedly tilt her neck to the right and keep it in that position for a long time.
“Hmm. Although it may not be made by the same materials as Inuyasha’s I believe the difficulty to make both versions is the same.” Her mother laughed lightly, “But I’m sure it came out great! You need to send me a picture before you bag it, dear.” Kagome could hear her mother fumbling in the kitchen with what she could only assume was tea. It was past time for breakfast, and still too early for lunch. She knew both her mother and grandfather would be drinking some tea around this time like they did every day.
“It’s almost identical! I am glad he keeps it in our closet. Easier for me to borrow it and to put it back where it was.” Kagome placed her mother on speaker and opened her camera app. Her mother was preoccupied with handing her grandfather his cup of tea, which allowed her to snap a few photos of the mini fire rat robe.
Happy with the way her photos looked, Kagome bunched them all in one message and sent them to her mother. A wispy chime came from her mother's phone echoed into her ear and she heard a loud gasp.
"Kagome! He's going to love it!" The crack in her mother’s voice could not be hidden which caused tears to prick into Kagome's eyes. "I can't believe you made me a grandmother, although I knew it would happen one day. Now for Inuyasha... he isn't going to believe he's going to be a father." Kagome wiped the stray tears falling from her eyes and was eternally grateful that Inuyasha was out with Miroku at the moment. He never likes it when she cries, and he always tries to get to the bottom of the situation so he can mend it. Whether he caused her to cry or it was an outside source, Inuyasha would do his best to comfort his wife.
"He won’t believe it but he's going to be the best father ever." Kagome sniffled as she continued to catch her tears. "He's been on his feet the last week checking up on me because I've been so emotional." It was particularly difficult to hide her excitement on learning she was going to be a mom. Inuyasha's nose is sensitive thanks to his demon blood, and he has been concerned for his wife. For the last month Kagome's been moodier as she has caught herself getting upset at things that never bothered her before. As the days went on, she started feeling sick in the mornings and had to take off running towards her bathroom with her husband right behind her.
At the time, Kagome was beginning to have her suspicions, but she was not ready to fully think about it yet. Her thoughts would linger on the possibility of her being pregnant, and in turn her anxiety would flare up. Inuyasha caught every mood swing come off her and he was starting to get frustrated on how useless he felt when he tried to help his wife. When Kagome had brought up her plans to go visit her mother at the shrine for the weekend, Inuyasha perked up immediately and supported her idea all the way. If he could not figure out how to help Kagome, maybe her mother will. Moms knew how to fix almost anything, and Kagome's mom was well known for her skills in parenting. While Kagome went back home for the weekend, Inuyasha stayed home and continued as usual with work and did not suspect anything more. He knew she was going to be in good hands.
"I still can't believe we found out on Saturday." Kagome said in disbelief. A little smile formed at her lips at the memory.
"I still can't believe you were in denial." Her mother teased in good spirits.
The young woman laughed, shaking her head in reply. "I believe it was more fear of the unknown than denial, mama." Her fingers lightly smoothed out the fabric in front of her, "I didn't know what to think." Now finished with her project, Kagome began to put the red thread and needles into the small tin bucket of sewing supplies.
"Meanwhile I knew immediately the minute you showed up." On the other side the phone call, her mother sat down at the table and sipped her tea. Smiling fondly at the memory of the moment they both found out the news. Unbeknownst to her, her daughter was doing the same thing as she cleaned up her work area.
When Kagome had arrived at the shrine that Friday she was weary of how she felt and how to tell her mother. Luckily for her, her mother was as observant as ever and picked up on her daughter immediately. The lack in appetite and the anxiety coming off of her made it easier for her mother to come to her conclusion. It was not until the next morning when she found her daughter heaving into the toilet that her suspicions turned real. Her mother sat her down in her old bedroom and looked at her knowingly.
"Kagome... are you pregnant?" She remembered her mother asking. Their hands were tightly held within each other’s and Kagome knew her mother could feel her shaking.
"I- I don't know? I think I am but... I'm nervous to find out." Kagome admitted. Her voice began to waver from the nerves, and her stomach was flipping into knots. Could she really be pregnant?
Why don't we take a test? Would you like to?" Her mother asked in a soft and reassuring tone. Although Kagome was nervous beyond belief, her mother was helping her feel comfort in the mess of anxiety she was feeling. Hesitantly, she agreed, and they quickly left to the pharmacy to buy the pregnancy tests. They decided to buy four tests, just to be sure there were no duds when she took the tests and they made their way back to the shrine.
Everyone was home when they arrived back, and that only made Kagome more nervous. Her mother squeezed her hand tightly before letting her daughter lock herself in the safety of the bathroom. It was a shaky and uneven experience but Kagome was able to get all four tests done. She opened the door to let her mother in as they patiently waited for the results to show up. Kagome hugged her mother to find comfort, and her mother hugged her and rubbed her back.
As they waited, the nervousness Kagome felt was starting to be replaced with excitement at the thought of the tests being positive. She has always wanted to be a mom and once she met Inuyasha the need only grew more. She knew the two of them would make great parents to their hypothetical children, but she had not expected it to happen around this time. They had been married for almost two years, and they are careful when they have sex but there are days when they both get very carried away. As unexpected as this was for Kagome, she is a little surprised this did not happen sooner.
One minute felt like eternity as two lines began appearing on all four of the tests and Kagome's breath hitched in her throat. She squeezed her mother harder in reaction to the scene in front of her, a huge smile decorating her lips. Both women began laughing from happiness and shock while tears fell freely down both of their faces. They made so much noise that Kagome's brother Sota, and their grandfather came running towards the bathroom in alarm.
"What has happened here!?" Her grandfather asked in alarm. Sota looking confused as well, he peeked into the bathroom and stared in amazement at the four white tests sitting on the bathroom sink.
"No way! Sota exclaimed, his eyes almost bulging from their sockets. Kagome no way! Her brother hopped excitedly.
"What is it Sota?" Asked his grandfather who still did not understand.
"Gramps, you're going to be a great gramps now!" Sota practically yelled in the older mans ear, his mother and sister too busy crying to give either of them a good explanation. Grandpa Higurashi watched as his daughter in law wiped his granddaughter’s cheeks free from tears as his own began to fall.
"Oh, Kagome! He wept with a big smile on his face. "You have made me the happiest grandparent on earth, to be blessed with a grandchild while I am still here with you all!" The older man hugged his crying granddaughter as tightly as he could and happily wept at her shoulder. He had always wanted to be a great grandparent but he had not expected it to happen yet. He knew with his oldest granddaughter there would be a possibility, but he was getting older and weaker as he clung onto his wish.
"Of course you would have a great grandchild, grandpa! You will not be leaving us yet." Kagome sniffled as she hugged her grandfather back, the only other remaining male member of her family. The only other man who resembled her late father so closely, along with her younger brother Sota.
"You excited to be an uncle?" Kagome beamed towards her brother who was now coming in to give her a hug.
He laughed loudly, a hint of nervousness still lingering within him, "My niece or nephew are going to have the best uncle they could ever ask for." He sniffled, "Be ready to raise soccer stars."
Kagome laughed at the fresh memory of her unexpected announcement and felt so lucky to have such a wonderful family by her side. As she placed the tin can back into her supply closet, she went to grab the green holiday bag that would hold the small fire rat robe. "I can't wait to tell him." She squealed with her mother still on the line. She heard her mother laugh and could practically see her beaming with a cup of tea in her hand.
"Tell us about it tomorrow at dinner. I need to know how he and everyone else finds out." Her mother reminded her. "I want to know it all!"
"I promise mama. Inuyasha and I will be there around five tomorrow. I can't wait for dinner either." Kagome folded the red bundle neatly and placed it at the bottom of the bag, just above the single pregnancy test wrapped in tissue paper. She covered the red robe with more tissue paper and hid the little bag underneath her side of their bed. "I'll see you tomorrow mama. Love you."
"I love you too, dear." The call ended, and Kagome was left alone in her bedroom again. Inuaysha would be home soon, and she needed to clear up the scent of her tears so he would not worry when he came home. Some time to air out the house with the windows open should do the trick.
December 25. Christmas Day. 6:00 AM
Kagome and Inuyasha had awoken to a light snowfall in the early morning of Christmas. It was a cold morning and Kagome did not want to get out of her warm bed, much to Inuyasha's complaints. Out of the two of them, Kagome was always the one to sleep in while Inuyasha was the early bird. There were mornings where she could easily convince her husband to sleep in longer with her and cuddle the morning away, while other mornings he would stay in bed with her after a long night of rendezvous. Either way, she loved when he pulled her closer to him to breathe in his scent and feel his natural warmth, something she was desperately missing on this winter day.
The half demon poked his sleeping wife's cheek gently, with just enough pressure to get her attention on him. "Wake up, Kagome!" He loudly whispered, "Everyone's gonna be here in two hours. You hafta get up!" He urged her by continuing to poke her soft and squishy cheek.
His sleeping wife groaned, "Get back in bed… they can wait for us..." She groggily replied. She could feel the pad of his finger poking at her face, the longer he did it the more alert she became. She growled in annoyance at her husbands successful attempts to wake her and she wished her growls could be as terrifying as her husbands were. She freed one hand from the warm confines of their fluffy blanket and slapped his hand away. This only led to further failures as Inuyasha's poking stayed in place since he was much stronger than his sleepy wife.
"Inu..sha... noooooo." His sleeping beauty complained, "Stop ittttt." Her attempts to sound mad were failing, as she could hear herself sound more like a muffled child than an angry woman. She slapped at his hand again but instead was pinned down by her very annoying husband, who had decided to lay his entire body on top of hers.
Kagome opened her eyes and glared at his amber ones who were filled with mischief. "Why." She sounded fully awake now!
Inuyasha laughed at her, "Since ya wanta stay in bed all day when we got people comin', I guess I'll get into bed too and humor ya." He snuggled into her, his arms incasing her head between them as he laid his head into the crook of her neck.
"I can't breathe you know." She laughed, "You wouldn't want to squish your wife would you?" She decided to poke his cheek in retaliation to his earlier actions. She felt him growl at her playfully, his body making hers vibrate along with the sound.
"'Course I don't. I'd rather she get her lazy ass up instead." He teased. He licked her ear in another attempt to try to get her up and he felt her body jolt as his tongue flicked her earlobe a second time. The dainty hand that was poking his cheek now pushing at his chest to get him off of her.
"Okay! Inuyasha, stop!" She giggled, "You know that tickles! No!" She shrieked, making his ear flatten onto his head as he started tickling her sides.
"Do ya promise!" He boomed, laughing at her expense. He knew his girl well, and if gentle pokes did not get her up then torturing her with tickling will. He could feel and see her squirm in protest as she tried to push him off of her, laughing and gasping for air. Her uncontrollable laughter was contagious as he too laughed along with her, grinning wickedly because he knew she was trying to give him an answer.
"Yes!" She gasped, "I swear!" Her laughter growing louder, "Please stop!"
Inuyasha's grin only widened, "That's not what ya tell me when I'm on top of you in other ways!" He was mesmerized the way her eyes scrunched up as she laughed, and at the way her lips looked while she laughed. Whether she was laughing by force or laughing in reaction or something, Inuyasha knew he was one lucky bastard.
She gasped at his reply, "This is different! You know I hate tickles!" She giggled cutely, "Inuyasha!" Tears fell from her eyes now and they made her pillow wet. God, she hated getting tickled!
"Awright!" She heard her husband yell, and then his tickling fingers stopped. Kagome opened her eyes and gasped for air, her husband looking as smug as ever. "Good morning sleepy head." He kissed her on the forehead, on her nose, and then left a lingering kiss to her lips. "Merry Christmas."
Annoyance quickly subsiding, Kagome kissed him back. "Merry Christmas. Now get off of me." She requested, even though it sounded more of a demand. Inuyasha quickly got off of her and pulled her up with him. Watching as his beautiful wife rubbed at her eyes and yawned like a kitten. She stared at him sleepily before getting up to stretch. She could feel his eyes on her, burning her and lighting her up on fire which only woke her up faster.
"Man.. if the gang wasn't comin' over so early I'd take you here an' now." He eyed her hungrily. Kagome blushed, loving the way he still could give her that reaction after being together for so long. She walked up to him and kissed him once more, soft and lingering and filled with love.
"Maybe after dinner you can get some desert." She winked up at him. His white, fluffy ears focused just on her and standing up on command. "Inu," she kissed his lips again, "Could you make me some hot chocolate?"
He pulled her closer in and kissed her again, never getting tired of her sweet taste. "Comin' right at cha." She gave him the smile that made him fall in love with her, the smile only made for him before turning around to head to the bathroom. Immediately walking to the kitchen to make her favorite drink, he added some extra mini marshmallows in the mug because they were her favorite. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo would be here within the next hour and a half and they had a long day ahead of them. He could hear Kagome humming from their bedroom, the water running while she took her shower and hoped she did not take as long as she normally does.
Inuyasha stirred the hot contents inside the mug, careful to not spill any marshmallows before setting her cup aside. He went to pour in some hot coffee into his own mug and stirred in some sugar. He heard the familiar squeak of the shower knobs turn and was left surprised at how quickly Kagome finished up, his silent wish being granted. While he waited for her to get dressed he sat down on the kitchen island and drank his coffee, his only entertainment being their twinkling Christmas tree and the steam coming off of Kagome's hot chocolate.
After a few minutes he heard little footsteps coming from his bedroom and the scent of vanilla and strawberries that followed it. From around the corner Kagome walked out already dressed and holding a little green bag. Inuyasha quickly picked up on her nervousness and got up to meet her halfway. "Kagome? You okay?"
Kagome looked into her husbands amber eyes, concern etched within them and her anxiety subsided a little. She can admit she was nervous about how he would react. She knew he'd be excited, and very happy about the news but she also knew that he never thought he would be a father. Inuyasha has been alive for over 650 years, and when he had first told her she was a little in shock but quickly put it aside as he was part demon and all. His older brother being a lot older than him, and still alive. Demons and humans had lived together peacefully for a very long time, and Kagome found herself falling in love with one.
Inuyasha had had a very hard and unfair life, especially in the earlier times of it. With him being half demon, he was victim to prejudice and thousands of attempts of people and demons trying to kill him. He survived it all and survived to see the attitudes towards demons change from humans. He still gets mistreated by individuals from both sides due to being born half human and half demon, but he has met many more who accept him for who he is. He has found a family within friends who accept him, a loving and beautiful wife he does not deserve, her amazing family, and he has also mended his relationship with his full demon brother.
"Hey, I wanted to give you your first gift in private." Kagome started, her voice giving away how nervous she was. "It's your biggest gift of the bunch." She smiled. Kagome handed him the little paper bag and watched as he worriedly and excitedly placed the bag on the island and began opening it. He kept looking at her to make sure she was okay, as he could still sense her anxiety.
"Is this why you've been so nervous this week?" He asked her. He carefully took the tissue paper off of the bag and heard her breath hitch and slow down, her reaction answering his question.
Inuyasha looked at her one more time before he dug into the bag and felt fabric at the bottom. Confused on as to why clothes would make his wife so damn nervous, he pulled the bundle out of the bag and was met with a small red shirt. "What?", he quietly asked himself. Careful with his claws, he unfolded the red shirt and was surprised to see that it was not a shirt at all. It was a smaller version of his fire rat robe. He eyed the item carefully, knowing that the only way this could be made was by Kagome herself.
"I-" He started, "Kagome..." Inuyasha's eyes widened as realization hit him like a truck. This small fire rat robe was small enough to fit on an infant, and why would Kagome make something so small if there was no infant? As his amber his met her brown ones, a smile formed onto his face. Before saying anything more he investigated the bag once more to see if he missed anything. There wrapped in red tissue paper was a plastic pregnancy test, with two blue lines bold and clear on the results screen. The half demon immediately pulled his anxious wife into his arms and held her tightly.
"No way! Babe, we're pregnant?!" Inuyasha excitedly yelled. He took her face into his hands and left kisses all over it, making sure he kissed away the tears that were falling from her eyes. Her hands cupped his cheeks and she looked into his wide, excited eyes.
"Yes Inu, we are pregnant." She laughed as more tears formed, "You're going to be a dad Inu."
"Yes!" He boomed loudly, his voice echoed in the kitchen as his picked up his crying wife and spun her around. "I'm gonna be a dad!" He kissed her, "You're gonna be a mom! My kids gonna have such a great mom!" He took her lips once again into his and kissed her with so much love and desire. Out of all the time he was alive, he never thought he would ever become a father to a child. When he met Kagome, he knew he had his shot because he finally found a woman who loved every part of him. He had found someone who would love him unconditionally, and therefore would love their child with even more.
Not letting go of her, he reached for the little red robe and stared at it. "When our kids born I'll haveta take it out and wear my old robe with theirs." He wiped another tear from Kagome's eyes, "Kagome. My wife, the mother of our child. God, I love you." He pulled her into his chest and felt her arms wrap around his neck in an embrace.
"This is the best gift you have ever given me, and you have given me so much. No one else has ever loved me the way you do. Has given me a chance to live happily, to make friends, to trust others more." He kissed her forehead, tears spilling out of his own eyes now. "I feel like I was born just for you, and all the bullshit I had to go through my life has led me to you and only you."
"I love you, Inuyasha." Kagome said muffled, her lips hidden within her husbands warm embrace. She lifted her head up tp stare back at him, the smile made just for him on her face. "I will love you and our baby forever, unconditionally, and with all the love I can give you both."
December 25. Christmas Day. 8:30 AM
After some quick freshening up and some makeup both Inuyasha and Kagome did not seem to look like they cried at all. Once dressed and prepared the couple quickly got started on preparing breakfast for themselves and their friends. Every year the group opens gifts in the mornings and share breakfast together, each year the location changes and this time it was hosted at the Taisho's.
As soon as the pair were finishing up with preparing breakfast, their friends had arrived all together with boxes wrapped in festive paper and bags full of goodies. Inuyasha helped Miroku place all of their gifts below the tree while Sango and Shippo helped Kagome bring the plates to the table. The house smelled amazing, and the morning chill outside had no match to the warm and cozy atmosphere inside of their home. After finishing up with the tea everything was ready to eat. The group of friends gathered at the table and enjoyed the delicious homemade meal. After Shippo and Inuyasha fought for seconds and Miroku brewed some more tea it was time to open presents.
Once everyone sat around the Christmas tree the volume in the room intensified with everyone speaking over one another. A lot of "Pick me to go first!" and "Where did you put my gifts?" were being thrown around the room back and forth. Kagome was growing impatient and irritated with how no one seemed to listen to her and clapped her hands loudly. "Alright, alright!" She noticed Inuyasha's ears flick at her loud clapping and she blushed, "Sorry Inu," she apologized.
Kagome stood up and tossed some pillows at everyone in the living room, "We will go one at a time and exchange gifts in order. We still start from the person closest to the Christmas tree. Which would be Shippo." She sent the fox demon a friendly smile before sitting back down next to her husband, who was playfully whining about going deaf from his wife's thunder like clapping. She lightly swatted his arm in reply, "I'll give you something to whine about."
She swore she heard him say "That a threat or a promise?" but chose to ignore it.
Shippo grinned cheekily and grabbed four little boxes from under the tree. "Open them all at the same time, wait for my signal" he practically jumped like a rabbit as he handed each person a box.
He sat back down on his cushion and opened his arms as his signal. He watched excitedly as his friends revealed the frames of pictures they had all taken together throughout the years, reveling in the gasps and praise they made. Shippo was the youngest looking of his friends at 20 years old, although he was very close in his demon age with Inuyasha. He had lost his family when he was only a kit and lived the majority of his life alone until he met Inuyasha. There were many moments where they would butt heads and argue over small things but as they grew the arguing faded and their relationship as brothers progressed. Due to his lifelong friendship with Inuyasha, he met Miroku, Sango, and Kagome and they have all become his family.
"Oh Shippo!" Kagome and Sango cooed, "This is so thoughtful of you!" Kagome finished.
Miroku agreed, "Shippo this very kind of you to make."
"Oi, Shippo..." Inuyasha asked grudgingly, "What's the meanin' of this eh?" The half demon pointed at another frame of Inuyasha and Shippo together where it was clear that Shippo had drawn him with clown hair, make up, and a nose.
"I had to make our picture together a little more accurate." The fox demon grinned at him. He quickly ducked down at the molded paper ball Inuyasha threw at his head.
"If it were accurate ya should have drawn yourself with diapers and a pacifier!"
"Boys, boys please. If you want to kill each other do it outside." Sango chimed in. The demon boys grumbled and said nothing more, "I guess it's my turn!" she sang.
Sango revealed three boxes and handed them to Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo which caused the three recipients looked at Miroku in confusion. "Sango, you're not going to give Miroku his?"
Miroku laughed, although it sounded more like a cough while Sango blushed deeply and looked away, "Sango uh... gave me my gift already." Miroku explained.
"Ohhhhhhh!" The curious couple yelled in unison, while Shippo could be seen shaking his head with a sly grin on his face.
"No wonder you've been so under control, Miroku!" The fox demon teased. Miroku cleared his throat and chose to stay silent while Sango's face rivaled that of a tomato.
"Oh just open your gifts already!" The blushing woman squeaked before taking her spot back next to her fiancé. The three teasing friends all laughed but it was quickly drowned out by the sound of ripping paper. Many ooo's and aaa's were heard echoed around the living room as the boxes were opened. Each box was filled with different items for each individual person, each carefully picked out by Sango. Kagome's box was very pink and glittery. The box was made up of cute and subtly scented bath supplies since Kagome loved to take baths and some of her favorite candy. For Inuyasha, his box was filled with instant ramen, Chapstick, and socks.
"Ya really got me socks huh?" he asked with a huff.
Sango nodded with a huge grin on her face, "Well until you stop walking barefoot everywhere and conform to slippers, I think socks are a good middle ground for you."
Inuyasha heard Kagome giggle which caused him to roll his eyes in return, "Thanks for the extra ramen."
Shippo gave no time for anyone to reply because of his loud, excited gasp. "It's a box full of food!"
Miroku laughed, "Babe you're such an enabler."
"Well," she pointed towards Inuyasha, "I did give him a shit ton of ramen, and Kagome more bath time amo... but they're addicted." She shrugged.
"It can't be helped Miroku!" Kagome followed, "We're lost causes. Just give us what we need to survive and keep moving."
"There's lollipops and honey butter potato chips" the fox beamed, "Sango thank you, thank you, thank you!" He hopped in his seat like an excited puppy.
The group laughed in unison and as the wrapping paper was tossed together in a pile, Miroku handed everyone their small gift bags. Miroku was very simple when it came to gift giving, he always had been. Miroku was a pretty simply guy; the only thing he really cares for is Sango, sex, and success. He likes to call it the "The Three S's".
Sango, Shippo, Inuyasha, and Kagome opened the little boxes where a bracelet with three purple beads lay inside. "They are protection bracelets," Miroku started. "We all know I come from a line of monks, and as unholy as I am in some cases I can still stake some claim. If you wear them, you will always have protection. Master Mushin and I made our prayers for a few days on each of them."
Overcome with emotion. Sango leaned towards her soon to be husband and gave him a chaste kiss. "Now I see why you wanted me to open this one here." She leaned her head on his shoulder, "Thank you my love."
"How the hell did two lechers make somethin' so holy and sacred? Mushin's got half of what you have when it comes to bein' holy!" Scoffed Inuyasha.
Miroku laughed, "You know as they say, two halves make a whole." Everyone groaned in unison, and the raven haired man received some eyerolls from almost everybody in the room.
"Right! Well, Inuyasha and I are last!" Kagome beamed happily. She shot up from her seat to go fetch their gifts when a clawed hand gently brought her back down. She stared at Inuyasha, confusion painted onto her face. She watched him stand in her place instead with a huge smile on his face. "Inuyasha?" She soft asked.
"Before we give you guys the gifts under the tree, I wanna show you what Kagome got me." His smile grew wider, "Its gonna blow your minds." He walked into their bedroom as fast as a bullet and left everyone but his wife in confusion and curiosity. The anxiety was coming back into her, but it was quickly being drowned out by her excitement of their announcement. She and Inuyasha both knew their friends would be supportive and as excited as they are.
As quickly as he came Inuyasha appeared by Kagome's side with the little green bag. "Kagome made me somethin' really cool," he began to dig into the bag. "She worked all week on it and I wanted to show ya before I put it on." Lifting out the little red robe, he dropped the bag near Kagome and used both hands to fully show off the small clothing. He watched proudly as everyone's eyes widened in pure shock. Besides him, Kagome stood up in a fit of uncontrollable giggles, "Surprise!" She shouted. "We're pregnant!" In her hand laid the positive white pregnancy test.
Sango got to them first, and successfully almost tackled her best friend down if it were not for Inuyasha's hand on her back. "You're pregnant!" She shouted, "You're going to be a mom! I'm going to be an aunt!" Together the girls began to jump up and down as they became overcome with emotion. Tears were spilling down both of their faces as they celebrated within their own little bubble.
Inuyasha stared at Sango with an arched brow, "What about me?" Suddenly he was pulled into the hug by both women with an expression that held instant regret. "Yeah I shouldnt'a asked."
"My friend!" Miroku spoke next, "You are one of the luckiest men alive. Marrying Kagome, and now expecting a child." He stood up and patted his long time friend on the back. "We are both very lucky men."
The half demon let out a pained grunt from being crushed by his wife and his best friends fiancé. "I don't feel too lucky at the moment, monk!" He was able to push himself free from their grasps as they continued their insane bear hug. Shippo was next to walk up to him with a grin and a twinkle in his eyes. He took the red fire rat robe from Inuyasha's grasp and held it up.
"You know if I had this back when we first met we would have looked like a dynamic duo." Shippo started, "But then I'd look too much like you." He handed the little robe to Miroku so he could see the hard work that Kagome put in it.
"Who's the one who ran away every time I fought a demon?" Inuyasha sent him a shit eating grin, "Cause it wasn't me."
Shippo was going to counter back, but the squealing behind the men stopped and two watery eyes women appeared before them. Sango grabbed the little red robe from Miroku and admired it fondly. The rest of the gift exchange was completely forgotten by the turn in events. The room was filled with love and excitement at the announcement of their friends incoming member of the family.
"Merry Christmas?" Kagome cheered with a stuffy nose.
"I'll be a little corny here but this is definitely the best gift of the night." Miroku stated matter of factly. "We will have a new member of our family soon."
Shippo laughed, "I can't wait for that! We'll be the best uncles ever!"
Kagome pulled Sango into a one-armed hug, "And they will have the best aunt ever."
The group continued giving their last set of gifts from the exchange. The final round from the married couple were just as amazing, but the best gift of the day was still voted as the pregnancy announcement. As their morning continued, and the gifts were all opened and set aside they decided to watch The Grinch as they do every year. After this Christmas, things would never be the same again. Next time the holidays come around, there will be a new family member to spoil with love and presents. Hopefully with some little white ears to match.
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fieryanmitsu · 4 years
The Heart-Pounding Sunrise Trek of Bonding | A3! | “Take the Stage” Fanzine
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I am very honoured to announce that I am one of the contributors for the recently released A3! Take the Stage Fanzine! It was such a great experience working with so many talented artists and writers! Everyone's pieces turned out AMAZING, and I would highly recommend to check out the full zine! The fanzine can be downloaded for free here!
And, now that the zine has dropped, I'm able to share my piece with you all here! This story is based on the "Campfire Bonds" event and stars Muku and Citron as the focal characters!
Please enjoy~!
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THEME: “Campfire Bonds” event
CHARACTERS: Muku Sakisaka, Citron, Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Tsuzuru Minagi, Itaru Chigasaki, Tenma Sumeragi, Yuki Rurikawa, Misumi Ikaruga, Kazunari Miyoshi & Izumi Tachibana
My fanfic masterpost: Here
AO3: Link in my Blog Menu
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Muku stared intensely at his phone as he checked for the umpteenth time that he had set his alarm properly. Seeing that the numbers really did read ‘3:00am’, he locked his phone and placed it beside his pillow. 
“Ugh. I swear I can still taste the tabasco in my mouth even though I brushed my teeth,” Tenma groaned as he entered the tent.
“Did anyone get a normal chocolate for the s’mores?” asked Kazunari, looking up from his phone. 
“Izumi liked hers!” Misumi chimed in.
“That’s just because she’s a crazy Currian! No one would normally like a curry-flavoured chocolate,” Yuki snapped back.
“Anyway, everyone’s here, right? I’m gonna turn off the lights,” Tenma announced. “We have to get up early tomorrow, so we should sleep now.”
A flurry of mumbled goodnights flew around the tent as their leader turned off the lamp. Before long, the air was filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and light snoring. 
However, sleep continued to elude Muku as he stared fretfully at the ceiling of the tent—his brain whirring with his anxieties. Though the Summer Troupe’s first two plays had gone well, deep down, Muku felt that he had barely squeaked by with his performances. He knew that he was still the weakest link, and was terrified of dragging everyone else down. 
Just once, Muku wished he could give back to the ones who continually helped him so much. But, he didn’t even have any special skills—like Yuki or Kazunari—that he could put to use for the Summer Troupe or the Mankai Company. 
So, when Izumi had first announced this training camp, Muku had immediately volunteered to be one of the organizers, even though he had never taken on such a role before. At the time, it had seemed like the perfect opportunity to prove himself and be helpful to the others. Surely, even someone as untalented as him could manage to do this much.
Inspired by a scene out of a shoujo manga, Muku had manically researched to formulate a grand plan. First, they would strengthen their bonds as they hiked side-by-side through bountiful nature. Then, they would share a heart-racing special moment together as the rising sun etched its image into their memories. Plus, with the fresh mountain air, he was sure they would get more mileage out of their vocal exercises. 
However, when they had gathered to discuss the itinerary, his excitement had quickly been extinguished when his plan had been met with unenthusiastic faces. Some of the Company members hadn’t seemed interested in witnessing the sunrise, and many others had groaned about the early start time. 
After the meeting, Citron had clapped him on the shoulders, looked him in the eyes with a mysterious, all-knowing smile and said: “Do not worry, Muku! Your idea is most wonderful! Everyone will be super duper happy when they see the sun grating them! I will make sure of it—trust me!”
Though his brain continued to worry and fret, Muku clung to the words and reassuring grin that the Zahran man had given him that day and allowed the darkness to finally lull him to sleep…
The next morning, with much struggle—along with Citron banging some pots and pans together—the two organizers managed to wake up their fellow troupe members and line them up outside of their tents. Though, they may as well have still been laying in their sleeping bags. Masumi was draped on top of Tsuzuru’s back, fast asleep. Itaru was crouched on the ground, muttering to himself with a half-dead expression on his face. Even the ever-chipper Kazunari had his chin propped on Misumi’s shoulder, both of them nodding off despite being on their feet.
Citron came to stand beside Muku and nudged him gently. With a gulp, the pink-haired boy mustered all of his courage and stood up as straight and tall as he could manage.
“G-Good morning, everyone! Thanks for waking up so early to join us for the first item on our itinerary today: the ‘Heart-Pounding Sunrise Trek of Bonding!’” Muku announced. “I know that it’s silly to want to follow someone who’s more annoying than the itchiest bite from a mosquito that arrived earlier than the usual mosquito season—”
“Muku, literally no one said that,” Yuki interrupted with a sigh. “Just lead the way.”
“O-Oh right! S-Sorry!” Muku responded, snapping out of his rant. “P-please follow me and watch your step!”
As Muku led the way to the forest trail, with the others shuffling groggily behind him, he couldn’t help but cringe as he heard someone yawn loudly and another person let out a groan.
“Ugh, this sucks…” 
“Masumi, stop it! The Director wouldn’t be happy to hear you say that,” Sakuya protested in a hushed tone. “Look! She’s enjoying herself, so you should copy her.”
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, after all… Muku thought to himself, worrying at his bottom lip.
“Muku, why don’t you tell everyone about the path?” Citron suddenly said from behind him. “Did you not do lots of the research?”
“Really, Mukkun?” Kazunari asked, perking up and looking more awake than earlier. 
“O-Oh, yes! Apparently, this path dates back to the Sengoku era. Monks used it as part of a pilgrimage route and this campsite actually used to be an aesthetic training ground,” Muku explained.
“That’s actually really cool,” Tsuzuru remarked. “Who knew that there was so much history in a place like this!”
“Ah! That signpost there marks the quarter-way point! We can take a quick rest here!” Muku explained, noticing that they had lost a few members. 
“I-I can’t go on…” Itaru wheezed as he finally caught up to the others several minutes later.
“C’mon Itaru, we’re almost there! You can do it!” Izumi chirped encouragingly, passing the salaryman a bottle of water.
“It’s okay, Itaru! You will soon have your senses delighted by a surprise up ahead! Tell them about it, Muku,” Citron implored.
“Y-Yes! Ummm… Just down this path is a beautiful waterfall that the monks used as part of their training,” Muku responded, taking the older man’s cue. “I… I actually purposely picked this path because it would take us by the waterfall. Legend says that, if you make a wish there, your deepest desires will come true! So, I thought that you would really like to see that, Itaru! Maybe it’ll help with your next gacha pull in your games!!”
“Seriously? Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.”
Muku felt his heart flutter as the others started chattering excitedly about what wishes they would make. With this renewed vigour, their group continued on their hike, making a stop at the wish-granting waterfall on the way. 
Then, almost an hour after they had left their campsite, Muku spotted the sign marking their final destination.
“We’re here, everyone!”
There was a collective sigh of relief as the members of the Mankai Company cleared the last steps and planted their feet on the plateau. However, their mutters quickly died in their throats as they came face-to-face with the view before them. A forest of trees spread out endlessly ahead, surrounded on both sides by jagged cliffs. The sun peeked above the horizon of the valley and the sky was dyed a gorgeous blend of soft oranges, pinks and straggling blues.
“Amazing!” Sakuya breathed softly. “This is beautiful, Muku!”
“Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe it!!” Kazunari added, immediately taking out his phone.
“You did good, Muku. Here’s a triangle!” Misumi said with a smile, handing the pink-haired boy a smooth and shiny triangular-shaped rock.
“Yeah… It made waking up worth it,” Masumi murmured, showing a rare smile.
“This was great, Muku. Thanks for planning this for us,” Tenma said, punching him lightly in the arm.
“Yeah, seriously! I’m so glad that someone was able to plan a normal activity for this training camp. Unlike a certain someone’s crazy ‘Russian Roulette S’mores’ idea,” Tsuzuru said with a sigh, throwing a baleful glare at Citron.
“Oh, Tsuzuru! You wound me! I put so much thought into making an unforgiveable event for everyone!”
“I think you mean ‘unforgettable’,” Itaru piped in.
“Look here, it’s not ‘Russian Roulette’ if all of the options are weird!” Tsuzuru exclaimed in exasperation.
“No kidding! I can’t believe I had to eat that awful wasabi chocolate because of you! I thought my mouth was on fire!” Yuki added, jabbing a finger into Citron’s chest angrily. “You’re lucky this sunrise made up for that atrocious game!”
As Citron dramatically crumpled to the ground from Yuki’s attack, a hand clutched over his heart, he turned his head towards Muku and shot him a wink.
At that moment, Muku felt a rush of warmth surge out of his chest and envelope the rest of his body. As he suppressed the tears prickling behind his eyes, Muku thought that he could now truly understand the meaning behind all of those times his shojo manga had compared someone’s smile to the brightness of the sun.
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Writing this story was such a fun challenge for me! I had to work with a word count restriction, but I also wanted to make sure I somehow included every other character from the event — so it was definitely a juggling act, haha! It was also my first time writing about both Muku and Citron, so that was a new challenge in itself. Especially since I wanted to make sure I did two of my favourite characters justice!! In the end, I'm really happy I had the opportunity to write this and am so thankful that I was able to be part of this zine! Again, do check out the full zine if you have a chance!|
As always, thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment if you have any thoughts!! Any reblogs are always appreciated!!
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fotfotssmile · 6 years
My Little Mochi 💉
Chapter 2: Jiminie
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There was nothing but silence. No matter what I said, no matter what I did, there was just no response from the broken, but beautiful boy. It was like he was frozen, stuck on pause if you like. He wouldn't move from the same spot, he was just stood in the middle of the main room staring at the wall with those deep and sorrowful eyes. I wish I knew what he was thinking at the time, so then maybe I could have helped, but it was clear to me that he wasn't going to let anyone or anything know. I mean I didn't even know his name, and I was itching to know.
I poured a glass of icy cold water and made my way back to the boy who was starting to shake a little. I tilted my head a little before holding the glass in front of the boy. "Here...I'm not quite sure if you're thirsty, but it might help calm you down a little." I started with a small smile. "It's fresh I promise" I urged him into taking it, but he wasn't moving for anything. "Come on boy...there must be something I can do to help" I sighed putting the glass of water on the coffee table.
"J-j...Jimin..." A small voice spoke out and my ears twitched a little as the voice was so sweet and soft.
"W-what did you say?" I turned too face the boy, I was so surprised and lost in the boys voice I didn't even hear him properly.
"J...Jimin...not boy" His voice replied a little unsteady and I couldn't help but smile widely showing my bunny teeth which I hated with a passion, but I just couldn't contain it.
"Jimin..." I repeated to myself. Jimin definitely fit the boys character. Adorable, quiet and fluffy. "Jiminie!" I basically yelled a little excited at the nickname that just popped into my head.
"J-Jiminie..." Jimin's gaze reached up to mine and I was so shocked that he was actually interacting with me.
"Mhm...Do you like it?" I asked just to make sure it was ok to call him it, and he just answered back with a little nod and I noticed the corner of his lips curve up slightly. I felt somewhat proud that I managed to make him smile, even if it was just a little. "Jiminie it is then!" I clicked my fingers and Jimin clapped his hands together before shuffling a little closer to me. "Are you hungry Jiminie?" I continued a little worried that he hadn't eaten at all. Jimin replied with a shake of his head. "You're not much of a talker are you?" I questioned looking down at him and he shook his head again before looking down like he had done something wrong. I placed a hand on his bare shoulder which made Jimin flinch a little, so I pulled it away quickly noticing how much it affected him..."It's ok...I won't hurt you...I don't know what happened before, but I'm here to look after you, that's what I intend to do" I reassured, before I could say anything else Jimin reached out his small, cute and slightly chubby hands and took the glass of water I had placed on the coffee table mere minutes ago and he quickly downed it desperately. "Wow...you were thirsty" I chuckled a little and when he looked up I could see the embarrassment in his face, as his cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. "Don't worry, you can drink as much as you want. I have plenty more where that came from" I continued to chuckle as I sat down on the couch making room for Jimin to sit next to me. I patted the space and gestured for Jimin to join me. "Come sit with me. We can watch whatever you want" I smiled softly. The hesitation in his eyes was clear as day, yet he still slowly shuffled his way over to the seat next to me. As he sat down he shimmied as far away from me as he possibly could. I guess he didn't fully trust me, which was understandable, he'd only known me for less then an hour..."Anything you'd like to watch?" I asked turning to Jimin who was bouncing his knees up and down uncontrollably. I started to flick through the channels waiting for a response from Jimin, but he didn't seem to have a reaction to any channel. "Nothing peaks an interest huh? Well don't blame you...nothing ever good on TV these days" I stated and then I noticed Jimin staring at a certain DVD on the coffee table. It was 'Avengers'. "You like Avengers?" I questioned picking up the DVD case. Jimin chewed on his bottom lip before nodding nervously. "Who's your favourite?" I continued and Jimin suddenly lit up before desperately pointing at the picture of The Hulk on the front cover. "Ahhh you like The Hulk...I like Iron Man" I admitted showing off my Iron Man socks which won a giggle from Jimin and in that moment my heart skipped a beat. His giggle was so gentle and smooth...I wanted to hear it again..."I'll put it on for you then" I nodded before placing it in the DVD player ready to press play. I then caught a glimpse of Jimin's milky white skin. It looked just like porcelain, so delicate. It was extremely distracting. "Umm Jiminie, would you like to borrow a top?" I asked shuffling in my seat a little, this made Jimin pull up the sleeve of his shirt and jumper to cover his revealed shoulder, then he shook his head to say no. "Are you sure? I don't mind, and you're shoulder won't get cold" I explained. It took Jimin a few long seconds to think, then he looked up to me with a small gulp before nodding and mouthing a small 'please'
I made my way into my room before opening the drawer full of my plain white t's, the only problem was they were all oversized. I tried to find the smallest size I had, purely because Jimin seemed to have a small figure. The only small size I had was a large, yet it still looked like it would drown him. I shrugged and took it back to Jimin anyway. "Here you go Jiminie, you can wear this. It might be a little big, but it shouldn't be as bad as the ones you're wearing now" I handed it to Jimin who took it with his smol hands. He looked around a little anxiously and I was confused to say the least. "Something wrong Jiminie?" I asked and he just looked down at the top then back to me. It took me awhile to catch on, but I realised what he meant in the end. "Aish, sorry Jiminie...I'll turn around" I apologised before turning around to give him some privacy. The urge to turn around just to catch a glimpse of his doll like skin was unreal...lucky for me there was a mirror that showed me Jimin changing into the top. I felt a little guilty and perverted, but holy mother of all things perfect it was worth it. What I saw wasn't what I was expecting at all. His chest was muscular and you could see his collarbones clearly sticking out. My eyes travelled down a little further and my jaw dropped. My eyes were stuck on his perfectly toned abs...They weren't too hard either, they were subtle and that's what made them even more irresistible. I was surprised to say the least. This cute and shy boy had a body like a god...I could see the V line starting at his torso, but at that point I knew my limits and I looked away, even though I would have loved to have seen the whole thing...
I heard the shuffling of Jimin's body then a sudden light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and Jimin was wearing my oversized top and only my oversized top. He had taken his jeans off too, showing off his thighs and I could feel my cheeks burning up. I covered my mouth in order to stop any unwanted noises escaping. He looked beyond cute...beyond perfect...he was an angel.
"t-thank you..." Jimin choked a little and my eyes glistened as I watched him get comfy on the couch. I had to pry myself away from staring too long. The last thing I wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable. "Y-you ready?" I asked with a small stutter and Jimin replied with his usual small nod. I pressed play and the movie started. I did well to focus at first, but my attention slowly began to divert to Jimin. I was intrigued to see his reaction to the film and honestly I was so glad to see how happy he looked. He was so invested in the film, he rarely blinked. I loved watching how he would get excited every time The Hulk came on the screen and how he would lean forward in his seat just to get a closer look at all the action scenes.
As the film went on I noticed how Jimin's eyes started to slowly close, then he let out a little yawn. I watched as he slowly laid his head down on the side allowing himself to fall into a deep slumber. I waited until the film was finished, even though I wasn't paying much attention to it, I just wanted to make sure Jimin was lost in sleep. I stood up once the film was over and turned off the TV before admiring the heavenly breaths Jimin was giving out as he curled up to the edge of the couch. I finally decided to pick him up in my arms gently. As I did I heard a soft mumble, and I lulled a little melody in hope to send him into his deep slumber and to my luck it did. He turned in my arms and snuggled his head into my shirt. I felt a little flushed and as much as I would have loved to have slept with Jimin like this, I knew it wasn't fair on him, so I took little steps towards one of the many spare rooms in the house. I put him the closest room to mine, just incase something we're to happen.
I carefully lowered him down onto the bed before tucking him in and checking he was fully covered. Once I was satisfied I looked down at the sleeping Jimin who had curled up into foetus position. I pulled myself away from him and turned out the light before closing the door.
It had been a long night...when I checked the time it was 5 in the morning. I stretched out my arms with a loud yawn before heading to the comfort of my own bed. I was still mesmerised by the holy site of Jimin...He was so perfect beyond belief. It was hard to believe someone like him even existed, and for such a boy like him to go through a traumatic experience...I couldn't even begin to think what it was...
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