#I'm going to be better
unstationarywagon · 1 year
I want to do yoga, it makes me feel good and keeps me healthy.
I want to work out, I have some weights and I could really benefit from some HIIT.
I want to get a saxophone, I played in school and I really want to learn ska style.
I want to learn a new language, I have a program picked out and I just need to pay for it somehow.
I want to play my guitar, I never learned but it can't be too late to try.
I want to meet people, my social life is severely lacking and I don't have many friends to talk to.
I want to do things. why can't I do things? why do I just freeze when I actually have free time and end up doing nothing? zoning out watching youtube, staring at my phone, scrolling scrolling scrolling scrolling scrolling. am I wasting my time? could I be doing more? I should be doing more.
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captainjonnitkessler · 8 months
You know I used to think "tumblr's absolute refusal to actually engage with the Trolley Problem in favor of insisting that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is just a short-sighted idiot is really fucking annoying, but I guess it's not actually doing any harm".
Anyway that was before we asked tumblr at large to decide between "guy aiding a genocide but making progress elsewhere" and "guy who would actively and enthusiastically participate in a genocide and would also make everything else much, much worse for everyone elsewhere" and the response was that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and that anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is a short-sighted idiot.
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basshole-astard · 1 year
PSA: i keep seeing posts about staying cool in extreme heat that include advice like "gatorade is bad actually!" and "don't drink fruit juice it'll just dehydrate you!" and neither of these are true!
regarding fruit juice: there's apparently a misconception that Any Sugar At All will dehydrate you, and that's simply not true. yes, sugar will make you pee more when consumed in large amounts, but 1) the natural sugar in fruits won't do this to you 2) great news! a lot of fruit juices exist without any added sugar in them! 3) honestly even having a glass of the fruit juice with added sugar won't completely dehydrate you as long as you're also drinking water throughout the day. if its hot you deserve a cold treat of a drink!!! can't go wrong with fruit juice!!!
regarding gatorade: maybe this isn't an every day drink, but guess what: if it's 110F/40C or hotter outside, and you don't have AC, or you're moving around a lot outside of the AC, and you're sweating buckets: that's when you drink a gatorade.
gatorade exists to replenish all the electrolytes (salt) and glucose (sugar) that you sweat out. YES it is meant for athletes to drink during intensive work outs and not necessarily for people who aren't doing that kind of exercise. BUT GUESS WHAT! when you're sweating buckets because you had to walk to the bus in extreme heat, that's intensive exercise. please feel free to drink a gatorade after that! that's its intended use case!!!!
no: neither of these drinks should be a total replacement for water. but drinking a lot of water and then treating yourself to a fruit juice with lunch is a good idea!!! drinking a gatorade becuase you just had to walk for 20 minutes in the heat is a good idea!!!
Please Stop Spreading Misinformation About Drinks!!! It's fine if you drink things that aren't water!!!! Yes you should probably always be drinking water but drinking something else As Well isn't going to hurt you!!!! okay!!!! its fine!!!!!!
honestly so long as you are consistently getting Any (non-alcoholic) fluids in you, you're doing great!!!!!! okay!!!! i love you stay safe <3
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sermna · 3 months
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they abandoned it for a reason.
I have this recurring dream where I'm in a bathroom or locker room with a nonsensical layout and dark, green tiles. There's not blood or a figure, just this idea that I need to leave now or I might never leave at all. There are no posters, no personal belongings, nothing but smooth tile and a horrible sense of dread. The corners are dark. Something is on its way.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Soup solves everything.
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the-maw-consumes · 2 months
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tippenfunkaport · 8 months
You know, it would be amazing if Hollywood learned the right lesson from the success of Nimona. Something like "Hey, maybe don't throw out a nearly done movie as a tax write off" or "people want queer stories" or even "don't be afraid to take some storytelling risks and be original" but you just know they're going to come away with some absolutely batshit takeaway like, "next time delete all the evidence and burn it to the ground so the gays can't make us look bad!"
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sirfetchd · 7 months
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I am participating in the March 2nd shutdown for Palestine.
Read more about it here.
for more info on actions to take for Palestine: ceasefiretoday | the BDS movement's website
places to donate: Palestine Children's Relief Fund | CareForGaza | Operation Olive Branch | eSims for Gaza | Pious Projects | Mutual Aid Diabetes
And of course, don't forget your daily clicks.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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hrokkall · 3 months
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Yeah sure I'll let this one free into the wild
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egophiliac · 11 months
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officially at the point where we're starting to see where it's all headed and I am just going NYEEHEEHEE in delight at it all. ahhh...next week can't come soon enough...
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tedkaczynskiofficial · 11 months
I love Zutara as much as the next girlie, but I think people romanticizing Zuko catching Azula's lightning in the Final Agni Kai are doing Zuko's character a massive disservice. He would have done that for anyone. Not just anyone in the Gaang, anyone.
He did it for the division he ended up getting burned over. He did it for his subordinate that was going to fall to his death after the ship was struck by lightning. He did it for Lee, when he was kidnapped by Gao. He did it for Iroh, when he confronted his dad and tried to break him out of prison. He did it for the whole Gaang at the Western Air Temple. He did it for Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda at the Boiling Rock.
His whole character revolves around saving everyone else first. Hell, he tried to save Zhao of all people! There's no way that would have gone well for Zuko if Zhao had actually taken his hand. He always does what he thinks is right first before considering his own safety.
Zuko always saves other people. Even if, especially if, he can't save himself.
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chinzhilla · 2 months
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wake up babe new cringefail babygirl sammon doctor just dropped
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ohitslen · 2 months
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Average university experience
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Dick "I was a terrible older brother and I need to make up for it" Grayson and Jason "for the love of god leave me the fuck alone" Todd.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 23 days
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I'm not going back to Gusu with you.
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messrsbyler · 1 year
you. yes you, person with rejection sensitive dysphoria. this message is for you. your friends DON'T hate you. they aren't mad at you. they aren't talking behind your back or wished to cut their friendship with you. they love you and treasure you and they are good people who wouldn't hurt you like that! ok, that's all. have a nice day.
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