#I'm going to get a good grade in being happy and normal which is something you can definitely achieve
sonata-stigmata · 1 year
went to fed ex today to send my aunt something and got complimented on my outfit and glasses! :)
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panda-writes-kpop · 6 months
OMG YOUR NAYEON FLIFF ALPHABET WAS ADORABLE I WANTED TO CRY do you think we could get a mina one????
also university is also killing me rn, all of my final exams are next week (I have 4 exams 😭) and ngl I'm pretty sure I'm not going to pass the course ls unless i score like 100% on the final exams 😭😭
Mina ~ Fluff Alphabet (Requested!)
a/n: thank you for the request, anon!!! mina is my top twice bias so of course I can do this for you. i know i'm super late to this but i hope exams went well! quick reminder to everyone that grades don't define you or your intelligence 🫶 but i was mentally wishing the best for you when I first read this request because I understand the struggle. 🥲 You're gonna do great next semester, anon, I know it 🥰
tw: none!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Affection (How do they show their affection? What love language(s) do they use?)
Mina loves spending quality time with you, even if you’re not actively talking or doing something together. Being in the same room as you while you’re both doing different activities is good enough for her - you could be working on one of your hobbies while she’s gaming, for example. Just being there for her makes her so happy.
Beauty (What do they admire about their S/O? What makes their S/O beautiful?)
She admires your resilience and, if you’re more extroverted, your extroversion and friendliness towards other people. You’re stronger than you know, and you always get back on your feet after a bad day, and she respects it. 
Comfort (How would they help their S/O if they were having a rough day?)
A simple Come home when you’re ready. text awaits you on your phone, and when you head home, you’re pleasantly surprised to see her holding a bag of your favorite fast food/takeout in one hand and a video game controller in the other. She doesn’t mind if you want to just eat and watch her game, or if you want to play together, but Mina wants to get your mind off of your struggles, even if it means watching her struggle in a virtual world.
Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
Mina likes being where you are, and if that means that you want to stay in your apartment for the rest of your life, then she’ll stay with you there. Her idealistic future is to be with you, no matter where, when, or how.
Equal (Do they tend to be more dominant or passive in the relationship?)
She’s more passive, but that doesn’t mean that she’s not assertive at times. If there’s something that she thinks that the two of you need to talk about, then Mina will gently bring it up. You may be the one planning most of the dates, but she likes to occasionally surprise you with a date night or two, especially if you’ve been busy or had a rough go at things.
Fight (Would they easily forgive their S/O after a fight? How would a typical fight go?)
Call me biased, but I don’t really see the two of you getting into fights? Mina is a mellow, calmer person, so she tends to get along with most people. It would take a lot for her to raise her voice at you, let alone get into an argument. Not saying that the two of you don’t have disagreements, which are normal and healthy. You simply talk through them with her so you both can understand where the other is coming from.
Gratitude (How grateful are they for everything that their S/O does for them?)
Mina doesn’t often say her gratitude, but it’s often evident in her actions. A hand on the small of your back when you make her breakfast on a busy morning, clean dishes after you come home late from work, and a small note left on your nightstand, thanking you for driving her home last night (even though you do it all of the time).
Honesty (Do they tend to keep secrets from their S/O, or do they share everything?)
Mina can seem secretive to people outside of her relationship, but she isn’t secretive to you. She might not tell you everything immediately, but if it casually comes up in conversation, then she’ll bring it up.
Inspiration (Did their S/O change them, or was it the other way around?)
Mina is inspired by your constant kindness towards her and other people. When she has a bad day, she wants to close herself in a bubble and disappear from the world. When you have a bad day, you take it with grace and try to keep everything moving along while finding reasons to smile and laugh. Safe to say, you inspire her a lot.
Jealousy  (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Mina gets silently jealous, which means that she internally broods a lot while someone is being a bit friendlier than she would like. Her scrunched eyebrows and thin smile, when you glance at her, is a sign to quickly end the conversation and comfort her. She tries to reassure you that she’s not jealous, but you both know she’s lying when she sighs as you wrap your arm around her.
Kiss (How often do they kiss you? Where do they like to kiss you?)
Mina often goes for quick pecks, especially on your cheeks. It’s an easy greeting and goodbye for the two of you. When you’re alone, however, she doesn’t mind kissing you on the lips with more passion. They’re longer kisses, and once she gets her hands on you, she won’t let go until she’s satisfied.
Lazy Day (How do they like to spend days off with their S/O?)
Mina likes to spend her days off at home, but she doesn’t mind running errands or going shopping with you if you like to do those things on the days you’re off. She does tend to spoil you a bit (if you’ll let her pay), but dinner is on you this time, you swear.
Marriage (Do they want to get married? How often do they think about marrying their S/O?)
It would be one of those moments of domestic bliss where Mina looks up at you and wishes that every day would be like this. Next, it comes up casually in conversations at a more frequent pace, and before you know it, the two of you are looking at matching rings together.
Nicknames (What do they call their S/O?)
Babe, baby, darling, dear
A mix of older/newer nicknames - depending on the mood she’s in. A teasing Mina likes to call you old-fashioned names, as they fluster you, but in day-to-day life, babe and baby work just fine for her.
On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it extremely obvious to others?)
Not a lot of people would be able to notice that Mina’s in love, at least at a first glance. It’s the subtle things, like the way her eyes light up when you next her or the big smile she wears when she tells her friends that the two of you have plans this weekend. Her inner circle of friends would know, but everyone else would be clueless.
PDA (Are they very upfront with their relationship, or do they prefer to keep things quiet?)
Mina isn’t huge on over-the-top PDA, but she doesn’t mind holding your hand or giving you a quick hug in public. Kisses aren’t off the table either - a small peck to your lips or cheek will do for her.
Quirk (Some random personality trait that makes them an excellent partner.)
She’s a fantastic listener due to her quiet and caring nature. She just… knows when you need to vent and she’s ready to listen to you. If you want, Mina will give you advice, but if not, she’s more than happy to just listen to you talk all night.
Romance (Are they a born romantic ready to woo their S/O at any moment, or do they struggle to spark romantic moments with their S/O?)
Mina isn’t a born romantic, but she has her moments (that come out of nowhere, you swear) that sweep you off your feet. A teasing comment, the sweetest compliment ever, or an extra bit of affection can send your heart into overdrive as she pretends to have no idea of the effect that she has on you.
Support (How do they help support their S/O to reach their goals?)
Mina loves being there for you, whenever you need her. If you’ve got a big event coming up, she’ll be one of the first ones in her seat. If it’s not something that she can be there for, she’ll text you a supportive message or find a way to contact you so you know that she’s there for you, for the good and the bad.
Thrill (Do they like trying out new things to spice up their relationship, or do they prefer to stick to a routine?)
Mina is a woman of routine, and she likes exactly the way you two have your relationship set up. She doesn’t mind the occasional off-the-cuff date night, but it’s nice to just cuddle under some blankets and watch a movie together for a few nights in a row.
Understanding (How well do they know their partner?)
Mina has a silent understanding of you from simply observing your behavior. The two of you like to go places together, so she naturally picks up on your favorite drinks, food, style of clothing, etc., and you’ll find yourself receiving gifts from her during the holidays or on your birthday that you absolutely love but have no idea how she’d know about that. It’s not like she’d tell you, either.
Value (How important is the relationship to the person versus other relationships and things in their life?)
Mina tries to express to you that you’re one of her priorities. She takes you to meet other people who she deems to be just as important as you - her family and close friends, for example - so you know how much she values you and your relationship.
Wild Card (A random fluffy headcanon that you have about the relationship?)
I love Gamer!Mina, as a gamer myself, so she’d be ecstatic if you had the same hobby as her. Even if you like different genres of video games, you find yourself playing together or against each other. She won’t go easy on you, just because you’re dating, so you better bring your best to the table (even if you’re both playing MarioKart and flying off the edge on every turn on Rainbow Road).
XOXO (Do they like to kiss, hug, and cuddle you? How often do they do so?)
She does, but it’s often in private. When it’s just the two of you, Mina is very clingy. She always likes to be near you, and when she’s near you, an arm is around you or her lips are on you. She does like when you initiate first, and she’s more affectionate when you do so.
Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
Mina simply indulges herself in her hobbies and work more. You’ll be back soon enough, and it’s not like the two of you are running out of moments to spend together. She does call you every night, just to check in on you (it helps her sleep at night, but she’ll never admit that to your face).
Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
You and Mina believe that every big step should be taken together, as a couple. It’s a constant battle of take-and-give between the two of you, where you both are trying to be the givers instead of the takers. Sometimes, however, you need to take so you can give, so you don’t mind going the extra mile for each other when you need to.
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ystrike1 · 7 months
Well, Shall I Murder Instead of You? - By KURANDO Yukiaki (9/10)
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If you've been bullied before you wanted to be saved. It's natural. It's normal, but what happens when a normal person is subjected to the will of abnormal people? Sometimes, they don't become cruel in return. Sometimes, they get used to seeing blood.
It becomes the new normal.
Yūma is an unremarkable boy, with low grades. He attends a bottom of the barrel school. The teachers hate their jobs. Their lives. They do nothing to save him when he is horrifically bullied.
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He's a talented writer who wants to host his own radio show someday. Some of his work has been published. He's good. He could be great. He doesn't dream of revenge. He has very normal dreams.
He just wants high school to be over.
He's a sweet guy.
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This is Ameri. He used to be called Amelie, which is a girl's name. I'm sure that'll be relevant later. He is obsessed with Yūma utterly. Everything he says is planned.
He is the perfect best friend.
He saves Yūma.
He has the same niche interests as Yūma.
He lives alone in the mountains.
His parents are nowhere to be found.
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Yūma goes blind from happiness. He doesn't care when the main bully vanishes. He was a big guy. From a rich family. Forced to attend a garbage school because of his laziness.
Ameri decides to torture them all.
Every bully.
But that's not the end.
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He's still alive.
Ameri brings Yūma down to the basement.
The bully, Nishi, is almost certainly a sociopath. He put Yūma through all kinds of torture. He actually tried to stab Ameri. Ameri defended himself. Ameri doesn't want to go to jail just because some sadist chose to pick on him, and his best friend Yūma!
He's kind of in the right, and that's what makes him so wrong.
He encourages Yūma to kill on purpose. He knows Yūma won't do it. He wants Yūma to be indebted to him.
That's all.
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What if the fun part was all a lie? Does Ameri really want to be a radio broadcaster too? Did he really show up acting like a hero coincidently? Right when Yūma needed to be saved?
It was all planned. Ameri admits it, but the denial in Yūma is powerful.
He doesn't want to go to jail.
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Yokota is a fellow student, who is also being bullied. She wants Ameri to save her too. She also wants to cry on Yūma's shoulder, and enjoy his natural kindness.
Ameri won't allow it.
He's only interested in saving his favorite.
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Yūma had another hero before. A girl named Mao. She tried to protect him when they were little. They go to different schools. She's older, but she still cares for him.
Nishi escapes from the basement, and he kidnaps her.
Yūma realizes there will be no end.
Nishi will never give up. Cruelty is all he has in life. Now he has the audacity to want revenge. After all he did to Yūma. After literally stabbing Ameri. All he wants is more blood.
Yūma heroically tries to save Mao, but in the end he must rely on Ameri.
He's a normal boy, after all.
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Mao notices something wrong.
She used to protect Yūma.
She thinks she remembers seeing someone watching Yūma.
Someone who looks like Ameri.
Someone with the same eyes.
She flees, because she's a normal girl.
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Yokata returns to blackmail Ameri with pictures of his crimes.
He agrees to get rid of her bullies.
He punishes her by making her an accomplice.
His only real interest is staying with Yūma forever.
We don't know yet.
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lowkeyremi · 10 months
Dating the teacher P2 plsssss <3 (if you want to do a part 2)
I was actually thinking about doing part 2 I just wasn't sure when, thanks for prompting me to do it :)) also sorry this took me so long, my motivation is still slowly coming back, which also explains why this is so short
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"Mom I swear the hot cocoa's good! Just try it!!!" Denki tries for the 5th time? You think it's the 5th, you started tuning him out because you're nervous.
It's christmas break for Denki, and you decided that it's finally the time for him to meet your boyfriend... his teacher.
"I'm good hon, I promise." You offer him a smile and he returns it.
"Okay! Anyway, I'm excited to meet your boyfriend. He's nice right? If he isn't I don't think we'll get along. You deserve to be happy after being alone for fifteen years." Denki's been chatting your ear off about Shota for the past two days (since he got back home). He doesn't know it's Shota though.
Denki made one of those ugly sweaters for him, so he could match you and your son. He wants to be a "happy family" his words not yours, you thought the two of you were a happy family, but Denki had said, "we're happy but not complete! Do you know what I mean? I don't know just ignore me." His words repeated in you're head for awhile.
It's true that you're happy.. but are you complete?
You're pulled out of your thoughts when the door bell rings. You can feel your stomach drop, "I'll go get it!" Denki runs to the door, you spring up off the couch and follow after him. He opens the door, "Good evening, Denki."
"Mr. Aizawa?!" Denki yells in surprise. His body twists to look at you.
"Are you sleeping with him to get me good grades?" Denki asks, and you open your mouth in shock.
"Denki! What the hell are you talking about? You get good grades because of your effort!" Aizawa quirks a brow at Denki's question.
"I'm so sorry Shota, come in." Your child is still in slight shock at the fact that you're dating his teacher.. teacher!!!!
The first couple of minutes are awkward. Shota's sitting next to you on the couch and Denki's sitting on the single seater furthest away from the couch. He doesn't say a word while the movie's playing. Obviously he's not too interested in it, he must be thinking you presume.
Shota rubs his large, warm hand up and down your thigh, an attempt to comfort you. "He'll come around, don't work yourself up over it." He whispers into your ear. You really wanted to cry, in your mind you'd hope everything would go well but with the way your son is distancing himself from you... must mean he doesn't approve, right?
"I hope so, I really want him to like you, Sho." Those comforting arms of his wrap around you. Shota Aizawa is the world's best cuddler, and anyone who disagrees can fight you.
Those nerves which just settled jumped sky high once again, "yes, baby?"
"I'm uh- happy for you. Hope you didn't get the wrong idea. I was just kinda shocked y'know. Like, Aizawa sensei of all people.." he trails off not finishing that sentence.
"I can assure you Denki, that I treat your mother well. Just as I take care of all my students. I'm sure you must think I'd be the last person to be domestic." Shota's voice is smooth as always and you calm down a little bit. Nervous breath slows into something somewhat normal.
"That's exactly what I was thinking! You're always in that sleeping bag and stuff. And you're mean sometimes!" Denki whines slightly and you take the opportunity to slip into the kitchen.
You'll let them talk, man to man... or man to boy? You'll never accept time aging up your baby boy.
The kitchen smells delightful, it's just cold enough for chicken noodle soup, so that's what you've decided to make. It's a recipe passed down in your family but you like to add your own little twist which makes it special.
If anything goes with chicken noodle soup it's grilled cheese. The cheese melts perfectly with the bread while it's cooking on your greased griddle. It's only been about thirty minutes since you escaped the living room and you hear Shota and Denki laughing together.
That weight on your shoulders has suddenly been lifted and relief settles in. Thank God, you were scared things would go south.
"Mom, you have to keep him. He told me he took you sky-diving for your birthday! I would have never expected him to go sky-diving but he went because you wanted to." A big smile cracks on your face when you see that glimmering shine in Denki's eyes.
"Hey Mr. Aizawa does that mean I can call you Shota outside of school?!"
"Shota, dad, whatever fits the bill, kid." Shota wraps his arms around your waist and places his chin on your shoulder. (i think i have an obsession with men hugging you from behind)
"That smells so good, pretty mama." He breathes out evenly. Your own breath hitches at the new nickname.
But of course your ever loving son ruins the moment, "ewwwwww disgusting! Can you flirt when I'm not right here?! I might barf in my chicken noodle soup."
Somehow you and Shota roll your eyes in sync and Denki snorts.
"I love you mom and dad." He says softly.
That fucking does it, the tears spill. Happy ones at that. Your son has accepted Shota into his life. You expected it'd at least be a few months, maybe years before he'd start calling him dad, but you figure with no father figure in his life, having one right now must mean the world to him.
"I love you too my sweet little boy." Shota wipes those tears with his big scarred hand.
"I'm actually not little I'm about sixteen years old." He argues.
"You've still got a few months until you're sixteen."
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weemssapphic · 11 months
Hi lovely! Got so excited when I saw your requests was open again, your writing is so addicting 😍
I’ve had this idea since I saw a post with a gif of Larissa holding a teaching pen and I can’t stop thinking about it.
What if Larissa was actually teaching anatomy one day at the school you being the assistant teacher for that specific class and at the same time you being secretly in a relationship with her. So as she teaches the class you become more and more turned on, while she talks about the body not being able to control yourself. Ending up having to take Larissa to her private rooms, saying “teach me anatomy” and Larissa be like “didn’t you pay any attention to me earlier” while getting you to “learn anatomy” on her body. Larissa receiving/reader giving, real smutty and hot! Kinks are more than welcome too, hope it makes sense! x if you won’t, it’s totally okay ❤️
Hello ❤️ thank you so much for the compliment and for the request - I'm so sorry that it took me so long to write this (I wasn't very happy with my first draft and I'm super against posting something I hate). But I hope you enjoy it 🫶🏼
Teach Me
Larissa Weems x f!reader
Words: ~3.3k
Content/warnings: nsfw (smut) - choking, authority kink, praise kink, hair pulling, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, strap-on use
“Good morning, class! I’ll be taking over this week’s lessons until Ms. Hanson is back from her sick leave. Today we’ll be going over last week’s exam, and then if we have time we’ll start chapter 8. Any questions?” Met with a brief silence, Larissa continued. “Excellent. Let’s start, shall we?”
Larissa nodded over at you, a small sign for you as the assistant teacher to make your way down the rows of desks and hand the students back their graded tests. Some of them groaned, some squealed in delight - once you’d finished your task, you made your way back to the front of the room, making eye contact with Larissa as you did so. You found her watching you with a faint smirk and a quirked eyebrow.
God, she was so hot when she did that. The smirk painted on those luscious red lips started a small flame in your abdomen - the blue eyes that bore into your own held just a smidge of teasing amusement as you visibly shivered. Larissa knew just what she was doing to you, she always did - her eyes briefly flicked down your body, drinking in your form, and you felt yourself flush.
The two of you had been in a relationship for several months now, choosing to keep it a secret from your students and most of your coworkers for the sake of professionalism. It was normally an easy secret to keep as, apart from staff meetings, your professional interactions were limited to none - especially in front of the students. Today, however, Larissa was taking over the class you normally assisted for, which was equally delightful and a little nerve-wracking.
Larissa was a force to be reckoned with. You’d seen her address the entire school plenty of times as principal, but there was something about seeing her take control of a classroom that was unbelievably arousing. She spoke with such passion, making sure to involve the students and encourage them - somehow, she managed to create a collaborative environment where even the shyest of students felt comfortable enough to speak up.
You couldn’t help but think that, if you’d had a teacher like her when you were younger, maybe you’d have learned a thing or two in anatomy class - perhaps even enjoyed the subject.
Or maybe not, you reasoned, as your eyes fell to Larissa’s backside, perfectly displayed in her form-fitting dress, when she leaned over her desk to rifle through a stack of papers. Maybe you wouldn’t have been able to focus on a single damned word.
And as anticipated, as the lesson progressed, you found it harder and harder to concentrate. You tried, you really did - keeping your eyes mostly on the students or on your notes, rather than on Larissa, trying to soak up every word that was being said in case your assistance was needed. This proved more difficult than you thought it would, as even Larissa’s voice, authoritative yet soft, served to get you worked up. But you were almost successful - until Larissa found that she had just enough time left in the lesson to start chapter 8 and reached into the drawer of her desk to pull out a pointer.
You watched, mesmerized, as she extended it and walked up to the blackboard. If anyone were to ask you what was drawn up there, you wouldn’t have been able to say, even though you’d prepared the lesson yourself due to Ms. Hanson’s absence - your mind went blank as your eyes were glued to Larissa’s hands. Long, red-tipped fingers gripped the pointer firmly, flexing around the little stick. Her other hand waved around animatedly as she spoke.
You squeezed your thighs together, growing more uncomfortable by the second as the dampness between your legs grew. You’d always loved how she spoke with her hands - right now, you couldn’t help but ponder what else she could be doing with them. How those long fingers could reach deep inside of you, curling against your-
The shrill sound of the bell ripped you from your trance, signaling the end of the lesson. Students began to rise, gathering at the door to shuffle out of the classroom and to the cafeteria for lunch. You swallowed hard, your eyes finding Larissa at her desk as she packed away her laptop and some papers.
You were on your feet the second the last student had closed the door behind themselves, taking long strides towards Larissa’s desk. She raised her head and smiled at you.
“Darling, I-”
Your lips met hers in a desperate, sloppy kiss, a needy moan clawing its way out of your throat. Larissa let out a chuckle as you deepened the kiss, her hands coming up to cup your cheeks as she pulled back.
“What was that for?” she asked playfully, humor dancing in her eyes. “Not that I’m complaining…” Her lips curled up into a smirk.
“That was for how hot you look teaching.” Your breaths came out in ragged puffs as you captured her lips once again. This time, Larissa let out a soft moan, fisting the front of your shirt and pulling you closer.
“We have a few hours until the next class… Everyone else is at lunch,” you mumbled against her lips.
“And what would you like to do with all that free time?” Larissa’s voice was low and raspy - it only served to turn you on further.
“You could teach me anatomy?”
“Were you not paying attention earlier?” Larissa teased.
“Nope,” you murmured. “I think I need a private tutor.”
“And you’re certain I’m not too distracting?” she purred.
“Rissa…” It came out whinier than you intended, but that didn’t appear to matter much: Larissa grinned against your lips, pressing one final kiss to them before allowing you to drag her through empty corridors all the way to her private quarters.
Larissa had you pinned against the door the second it closed behind you. Her hips pushed into yours as she clicked the lock, and then her hands were on either side of your head, trapping you against the oak as her lips found your neck. She sucked at your pulse point, her teeth grazing over the sensitive skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“Tell me, darling,” she purred, her voice dropping an octave, her warm breath washing over your ear. “What do you remember from today’s lesson?”
Your breathing stuttered in your chest - if it had been hard to think before, well, now it was simply impossible. All you could focus on was how Larissa loomed over you, her body pressed against yours, her lips on your ear. The heat at the apex of your thighs was becoming unbearable.
“I-I don’t know… just- your hands,” you stuttered out sheepishly - that really was all you remembered, Larissa’s fingers flexing as she spoke, how they-
“Funny,” she whispered into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe. You felt your knees begin to give out - if Larissa hadn’t been pressing you to the door, you might’ve collapsed on the spot. “I don’t remember that being a topic in today’s lesson. Perhaps it’s better we start with the basics then, hmm?”
Before you could come up with a suitable reply, you felt Larissa’s hand close around your throat, her fingers applying gentle but firm pressure, flexing against your sensitive skin. You met her gaze to see blown pupils gazing hungrily down at you, painted lips pulled into a seductive smirk.
“Think you can be a good girl for me?” Larissa’s eyes were hooded as she looked down at you, applying just a little more pressure to the sides of your neck. You nodded fervently, not trusting yourself to speak, and Larissa grinned.
She let go of your throat, ignoring your whimper of disappointment, and turned to stroll nonchalantly towards the bedroom. “Give me 2 minutes, then you can come,” she called airily as she disappeared into the hallway.
They felt like the longest two minutes of your life. When they were over, you headed after her, your spine tingling with excitement. You walked into the room to find her sitting on the edge of the bed in her bra and panties, legs parted - her heels had been kicked off, her dress discarded.
“Now, is that how you think you should address a teacher?” Larissa raised an eyebrow, lips turned into a disapproving frown.
“Uh… Principal Weems?” Your face felt hot with embarrassment, but then Larissa grinned and let out a pleased hum and you found yourself growing hot for an entirely different reason.
She spread her legs and your eyes fell to the damp spot at the center of her panties. You felt your mouth go dry and you took a few steps forward, until you were standing between her legs. She made no move to touch you - she simply watched you with an amused grin plastered on her face.
“Why don’t you show me what you know, darling? My body is at your disposal…”
You didn’t need to be told twice - you lunged forward, planting a sloppy kiss to Larissa’s lips as your hands began to trail down her body, finding the clasp of her bra and quickly undoing it. You slid the straps down her arms and dropped the garment onto the floor, focusing your attention on her now exposed chest. Your lips trailed down her skin until they found one of her breasts, and you began to litter the soft mound of flesh in little kisses and bites.
“Take my nipple into your mouth and suck,” Larissa instructed, her voice slightly breathy but still firm and commanding. You did as you were told, sucking on the small, rosy bud and feeling it harden under your tongue. “You may bite - gently.” You grazed your teeth over her nipple before biting down, feeling Larissa arch into you and hearing her sharp intake of breath.
“Good girl, now the other one.” The heat between your legs grew as Larissa commanded you, and you mirrored your actions on her other breast.
You left a trail of kisses down Larissa’s stomach - the soft swell of which was so tantalizing that, with a cautious glance up at the blonde, you sunk your teeth into her flesh, biting down gently. A strangled gasp escaped Larissa’s throat and she looked down at you in amusement.
“Getting a bit bolder now, are we?” she teased, clearly enjoying the way your cheeks went pink. “I’m not stopping you, darling.” With her permission, you spent a few more minutes loving on her stomach and hips, biting and sucking, then soothing the little marks you left with a gentle lick of your tongue.
Soon, Larissa began to squirm beneath you, giving your head a gentle push. You settled between her plush thighs then, taking a moment to give them the same reverent treatment as Larissa let out quiet sounds of pleasure.
You pressed a soft kiss to Larissa’s cunt through her underwear, before pulling the garment down her legs to reveal her dripping sex.
The scent of Larissa’s arousal hung heavy in the air, she was already so wet for you - you licked your way up her slit, taking a second to worship her folds before finally circling your tongue around her swollen clit. 
“Fuck, Riss, you taste amazing,” you groaned. You felt Larissa’s hand on the back of your head, then a sharp tug at your hair. Larissa looked down at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I-I’m sorry, Principal Weems,” you breathed out. 
“Good girl,” Larissa purred. The hand holding your hair loosened its grip and you resumed your ministrations against her clit, flicking your tongue over it in little kitten licks.
Larissa arched her back off the bed and rolled her hips against your face. Ironically, considering the lesson, you knew her body well by now - you knew she wanted you inside of her. Happy to comply, you began to tease her entrance with your fingertip, earning yourself a breathy whine from the blonde.
“Enough teasing,” she murmured, and you slipped one digit into her hole, slowly pumping it in and out, before adding a second. Her walls stretched around your fingers and she let out a soft hum. 
“Such a good student,” she teased, her voice breathy. “Quick learner.” You could almost hear the smirk in her voice, and it only served to turn you on further - you were certain your underwear was ruined.
Your fingers found a steady rhythm inside of her, curling into the soft, spongy spot that had her writhing beneath you. Using your other hand to hold Larissa’s thigh and steady yourself, you wrapped your lips around her clit and sucked, letting out a wanton groan as you felt her begin to tremble.
Larissa came undone beneath you, letting out a drawn-out moan as her hips bucked erratically against your face. You continued to fuck her through her orgasm, until she stilled beneath you and allowed herself to sink into the mattress. 
You crawled up Larissa’s body, settling on top of her and pressing a bruising kiss to her lips which she immediately deepend with a low groan as she licked her arousal off your tongue. 
“Principal Weems?” you mumbled against her lips. She hummed in response. “You said I could do anything, right?”
Larissa grabbed a fistful of your hair and gave it a sharp yank, the pain sending a shiver all the way down to your toes. Her painted lips were pulled into a devilish smirk and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. 
“And what exactly are you proposing, darling?”
You bit your lower lip, blushing as you reached for the drawer of Larissa’s beside table - her smirk widened and she rested her head back against the pillow, watching you intently. 
You pulled out the harness and dildo that rested in the drawer, your blush deepening as Larissa hummed her approval. She never took your eyes off you as you tugged the harness over your hips, tightening the straps and securing the fake cock in place.
Larissa squirmed impatiently on the bed, already spreading her legs for you. You could see how wet she was and your own clit ached at the sight. Larissa reached out for your hips and you caught her wrists, pushing forward and pinning her arms over her head.
Larissa’s pupils widened at the action, a gasp escaping her lips, her hips squirming.
You reached back into the drawer with the hand that wasn’t holding Larissa’s arms in place and pulled out a burgundy silk tie, dangling it in front of her face. She grinned up at you, giving you her best, innocent doe eyes.
“Go ahead, darling, I’m waiting,” she teased. You tied Larissa’s wrists to the headboard, making sure it was tight enough to hold her but loose enough so it wouldn’t hurt.
“That okay?”
After giving her wrists an experimental tug, Larissa nodded in confirmation. You pressed a searing kiss to her lips, before trailing kisses down her body, caressing her bare hips with your hands. You stopped at her inner thighs, taking a few moments to worship them with kitten licks and litter them in little bruises until you felt Larissa squirm desperately beneath you. The low whine that she let out was so delicious that you groaned into her pussy, and she bucked her hips up impatiently.
You placed a hand on either one of her thighs, spreading her legs open for you. She bent them at the knee and titled her hips up eagerly.
“So pretty,” you groaned as you zeroed in on her dripping cunt, taking the fake cock in your hand and teasing her hole before sliding easily inside of her. Larissa’s lips parted to let out a gasp and she squeezed her eyes shut as she got used to the sensation of being stretched out. 
When she opened her eyes again, she gave you a nod and gently bucked her hips. You began to thrust the cock in and out of her, finding a slow and steady pace at which to fuck her.
Leaning over her, you continued your rhythmic thrusting as you wrapped your mouth around her nipple, flicking your tongue over it as your other hand began to fondle the soft swell of her breast.
Each flick of your tongue and thrust of your hips drew an even filthier moan from Larissa’s lips as she rolled her hips against you. Looking up at her through your lashes as you sucked on her breast, you could see her wiggling her arms against the restraints. She gazed hungrily down at you, eyes heavy-lidded, lips parted sensually. 
“Kiss me,” Larissa demanded, and though you didn’t think she was in a position to be making demands, you couldn’t resist - you wanted to kiss her so bad, so you did. Your mouth left her nipple in favor of pressing a bruising kiss to her mouth, which she immediately deepened with a breathy sigh. 
Your tongues danced around each other, Larissa’s breathing hot and heavy. You swallowed her soft moans and low grunts as you reached deeper and deeper inside of her, tilting your hips in the way you knew would bring her the most pleasure.
Her thighs began to tremble against your hips and she arched her back off the bed, her front pressing insistently into you - her skin was warm and slick with sweat.
One orgasm turned into two, turned into three, until Larissa wrapped her legs around your hips to pull you flush against her.
“I-I c-can’t…” she murmured breathlessly. “P-please…”
“Shh, it’s okay.” You caressed her cheek lovingly before pushing yourself up and carefully sliding the dildo out of her. Before removing the harness and tossing it to the ground, you undid the tie around Larissa’s wrists, placing a gentle kiss to each wrist before allowing her to drop her hands to her sides.
You crawled up the bed next to Larissa and snuggled against her, your own breathing almost as labored as hers. 
“Was that okay, love?” you asked, pressing a kiss to her flushed cheek. You could feel her nod against you, a small smile playing upon her lips.
“Mmmh, thank you, darling,” she murmured.
You reached over her to check your phone - you still had an hour before your next class.
“Close your eyes and rest,” you whispered. “I’ll be right back.” Larissa hummed in response and you went to fetch a warm, damp washcloth and a glass of water, which Larissa drank as you cleaned up traces of her arousal from between her legs. Then you snuggled up next to her and allowed yourself to fall into a light sleep, her arm slung loosely around your waist.
The sound of your phone’s alarm 40 minutes later had you groaning and burrowing your head deeper into the crook of Larissa’s neck.
“Do we have to teach today? Can’t we just cancel the classes and stay here?” You gave Larissa your best puppy-dog eyes and biggest pout, but you knew as soon as she chuckled and kissed your forehead that your pleading wouldn’t work.
“After how much work you put in to prepare everything?” Larissa teased, and you rolled your eyes and huffed. “Tell you what.” Her voice dropped an octave and she moved her mouth to your ear - you had to clench your thighs together in response. “If you’re a good girl this afternoon, then I’ll show you what I know tonight.” You had to bite your lip to keep from moaning as Larissa’s breath washed over the shell of your ear, raising goosebumps on your neck. With that motivation, you allowed yourself to be ushered out of bed and dressed yourself for your afternoon classes - only now, the ache between your thighs was even worse than it had been that morning. How you were going to survive the rest of your classes and be a good girl, you had no idea.
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storiesconsumemysoul · 9 months
I don't know how to articulate this perfectly but I'm so happy for how the show is portraying Renna's desire for an emotional "connection" with Egwene as genuine because it highlights, to me, a crucial underlying aspect of Egwene's psyche going forward. A particular allergic reaction she'll develop let's say. The Seanchan are messing her up in about a thousand different ways but one of the more prominent ones is that it completely F U C K S with her relationship to power/authority. Especially within the context of a personal relationship.
Egwene is absolutely the embodiment of the "I'm going to get a good grade in ________, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve" meme. Which initially, while very strong-headed and singularly motivated, does make her quite amenable to being governed. She's a Grade A+ Student(TM) with a healthy dose of "respect authority" and "give benefit of doubt to the system and its enforcers" that generally comes with that. The only real conflict for her then was whose authority and which hierarchy of knowledge she was acquiescing to, Nynaeve/The Wisdom or Moiraine/The Aes Sedai.
Then she's made into a Damane. With all the horror that that entails. An absolute governing of every aspect of her being, a ruthless domination of her body, a weaponization of her mind against her. A complete stripping of personhood and agency while in the same breath exalting her power that is being put to "proper use". Now all of that is already enough to severely break her amenability to authority and people having power over her ever again. But it's more than that.
The horror is encased in intimacy. This forced intimacy that invades her body both on a physical level (all the ways in which her body is literally controlled directly by Renna) and magical level (the high/rush of touching the One Power even when done forcibly and against her will that is facilitated only through a connection with Renna). And Renna wants to have a third in genuine emotional intimacy. Renna sincerely wants to be close to her. She genuinely feels good and exhilarant when they're "connected". She offers, what are in her eyes, kindness, consideration, and thoughtfulness to this person who is, surely, resisting and defying merely out of stubbornness and spite. She is legitimately seeking a companion in Egwene to face the Last Battle with and make a stand for the greater good. Renna knows she is right and she wants nothing more than for Egwene to truly see that too. Why can't she see what is good for her?
If only ... she'd just ... submit. To being loved and held and ruled in the right way. For her own good.
To me, every interpersonal conflict that Egwene finds herself in, in one way or another, is tainted by this aspect of her time as a Damane. Renna poisoned her ability to navigate an interpersonal conflict as anything but an existential power struggle that she MUST win. No matter how much true love and care each party holds for the other, no matter which of them is right or wrong. Her sense of identity cannot survive anything else. Especially when it's with someone who does legitimately, in one way or another, have power over her and isn't afraid to exercise it.
I just ... I really love Egwene and I think her effed up relationship to power is really really interesting and heartbreaking actually. And this doesn't even scratch the surface of the lasting damage the Seanchan deal her.
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galene-gothic · 11 months
୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊ I hope this reading found you in good health, every reblog is appreciated and thank you for everything :) ˖♡ ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 🐇 ꒱
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⸼ ۫ ︎︎⊹ ! 🪡︎ Pile 1 ꒱
꒰ Connecting with your inner child ꒱
Mentally, you were not doing very well as a child. You were raised in a way where your family or caregivers made you feel like it was alright for you to be mistreated. Due to how you were treated at home, people treating you unfairly in other environments, such as, school, etc. felt very normal to you, ofcourse, it hurt you but you knew that your family would not have your back so you had to stay quiet about it. You chose to live in a lie, you were in denial of your parent or whoever raised you being a bad person. You idolised them throughout your childhood and let them get away with everything. They didn't even apologise when they hurt you, they didn't take accountability for their actions, they made you feel like everything was your fault. When you made a mistake, even if it was a tiny one, you were heavily criticised. For most of you, you were even called names, names that no one should call anyone and especially not their children. You were extremely critical of yourself, this is heartbreaking. You likely grew up in an environment where, people were hypocritical, for example, your parents are both alcoholics who curse a lot and are abusive (this is a similar situation to most of you) but they expected you to be nice, gentle and you were not allowed to make mistakes. I'm crying, I cannot deal with how heavy this energy is. Your childhood was so lonely but you chose to blind yourself to that by idealising it.
Your family members might have used you to lie to others, lied on your name, etc. and you were a child, twisted the story whenever you tried to stand up for yourself, etc. Some of you had a single parent, divorced parents or just problematic parents which caused you to be exposed to alcohol, sex, jails, etc. quite early on in life. Physically, you were a good kid. You wanted to get good grades, have a good reputation and you worked hard on it. However, it was not a natural wish, it was forced upon you so that you could gain your parents approval. You were not loved even when you achieved things but you kept on pushing. Your parents might have told you things like "you need to work hard so that you can clear ___ exams and then become a successful government servant/doctor,etc." and you heard it so much that you naturally thought that your parents would only love you after you achieved that milestone. You enjoyed it because that was the only way you could possibly have hope for the future. You were so young but you still tried to have routines, etc. Honestly, you were the parent here. You were working hard so that you can provide for them in the future and you were just 9 years of age at that time. You were considered to be a gifted kid or a trophy kid and you enjoyed that validation because you were denied of basic emotional nourishment, validation and affection that a kid should receive.
No one could've guessed that you were struggling because not even you were aware, you seemed to be doing really well physically, achieving your goals and looked happy while doing so but you felt empty on the inside. You were critical of yourself, including your appearance and picked out every flaw of your body. Emotionally, you had issues at school too. Even though, on the surface you seemed very confident, that confidence was solely reliant on the validation that you would receive for accomplishing something. Your parents seem to have been very serious about your future, they probably enrolled you into a good school where kids with rich parents also used to go and you felt really inferior to them. You became emotionally reactive and immature as the years progressed because you were just a kid who didn't have their needs met. No matter how hard you worked, you felt like you were an underachiever. This makes me sad, I'm getting the vision of a kindergarten student receiving silent treatment from all the other students around them and then going home, studying, probably taking care of a younger sibling and having the mother come home and beat the child over a small disagreement at dinner. You deserved better, you really did. You deserve all the love in the world. Please take good care of yourself. Physical or emotional abuse and neglect seem to be a theme here.
꒰ How did your inner child imagine your teenage and young adult self to be like ? ꒱
'You can be anything' is the slogan of Barbie and as a kid, there are so many possibilities, we're more imaginative than ever. We imagine what our teenage and early adult days will look like. We'll look at who they (your inner child) wanted to be, how they envisioned your teenage and young adult self and days to look like.
Your inner child expected you to have romantic experiences. They imagined that you'd have a crush on someone and receive proposals. They imagined you as someone who had beauty and style on their mind, almost 24/7. They imagined you wanting to buy make-up products, clothes, bags, etc. and actually receiving them. They imagined you as someone who could do something artistic like play instruments, dance or draw. They imagined you as someone who is caring and has a gentle attitude. They imagined love letters, friends and just a lot of emotional involvement. They imagined you being able to physically cry to a friend or a lover who will actually listen to you. They imagined you feeling content in life and gaining a lot of wisdom. They imagined you being able to let go of anything that has ever hurt you. They imagined you living a life full of hope. They imagined you feeling loved, happy, going to bed after having a good time with friends or partner and tired after such a fun day and wanting to wake up every morning. They imagined you having a lot of passionate experiences and knowing how to let go of anything that makes you feel stuck. They imagined you to look to your past and life lessons to help you gain clarity. They imagined you as someone extremely successful too. "I'll have my life figured out by the age of 18." They imagined you as being composed, forgiving and decisive. They imagined you kind of making a change or something. Maybe, just being a good influence and having a good character. They imagined you having a lot of experiences and learning from them. Knowing how to live life. They imagined you being able to release past guilt and grief, they imagined you having a healing group environment. They imagined a 'happy ever after'.
꒰ What kind of a Barbie have you become ? ꒱
The kind of Barbie that you've become is kind of reckless. You've become kind of impatient too. You've become very cautious of things and end up projecting a foolish or immature image in order to be underestimated so that people don't try to get between you and your goals. You are kind of a thrill chaser as a Barbie but it's because now, you understand that you are more than just the expectations placed upon you. You've become a Barbie who can sometimes be overly optimistic. Your Barbie's name would likely be something like 'create your own identity Barbie' or 'self love/respect Barbie'. However, you're also a Barbie who's accepting themself or has already accepted themself. I think you're going through some sort of a reality check just like Barbie did or you've already undergone it. You've become the cycle breaker Barbie of your family. You're an independent Barbie. You're a Barbie who's focused on shadow work and healing. You've grown to be extremely courageous and are little by little, letting go of the limiting beliefs placed upon you. You're a Barbie who breaks past the identity that others had made for you to fit into. You have a focused mind and have self respect. You are a self controlled individual and try to be as accountable as humanly possible. You're a truly lovely Barbie.
꒰ Messages from your inner Barbie ꒱
"Always take time to be grateful for yourself, your body, your heart, your life. Fill your cup first and this will extend outwards."
"Be so graceful and beautiful, inside out that everyone's eyes will be on you and they'll see you as an inspiration."
"Ask yourself if the highest version of you would do that."
"Participating will help you learn better."
"You deserve everything good and divine."
"Your actions and priorities should align with your needs and desires."
⸼ ۫ ︎︎⊹ ! 🪡︎ Pile 2 ꒱
꒰ Connecting with your inner child ꒱
I think for most of you, a male figure really affected your mindset as a child especially. You used to think about this man a lot, maybe it's your father or grandfather. They taught you a lot about power and social status. They might have told you things like "be friends with this kind of people, don't be friends with this kind of people." This man was definitely very ambitious though. However, your mental well-being as a child seems pretty good. Situations at home seemed to be under control, nothing for you to worry about. You really respected this man though. They made you feel safe and protected. They taught you a lot about discipline. Mentally, you were able to grow and flourish because of the environment. You were pretty logical, even as a child. You set out goals for yourself that you wanted to achieve, even if it was something as simple as "I want to be able to take a bath by myself." You learnt how to be firm and decisive. Either, you were a single child or just not willing to share your things, food, snacks, toys, etc. Did you come from a wealthy family? You might have been kind of a show off as a kid, no shame ofcourse, you were a literal child. You were physically and materially taken care of though. You knew how to flatter your parents in order to get what you want and often, you did not even have to flatter them, they just wanted to give everything you wanted. However, sometimes you had to do things by yourself or you actually wanted to? You wanted to be self reliant or were forced to be.
Your parents might have been really busy or even away from home, your needs were taken care of but there were times when you felt lonely. However, because of the support of your parents, you dealt with it pretty well. For the rest of you, you might have had major issues emotionally, I heard 'seperation anxiety'. Maybe, because you were a rich kid who used to show off your wealth, others used to leave you out or tell you hurtful things and you'd be really sad about it. Some of you likely struggled with insomnia quite early on in life. You might've witnessed a death or a loss of a loved one quite early on too, before that you might've been really happy but temporarily, you were really hurt and sad. Oh, also a financial downfall might've occured. There were also some family feuds, I think it could be over inheritance or money. You felt quite bored though, like you had money but it failed to entertain you. Maybe, whoever this male figure was, had to move away and you were left feeling really anxious. You could've been quite cold and for most of you nepotism or connections did help you. As, you were a child, your decisions were definitely influenced by others. You might've been mean to others too. Emotionally, you started being more comfortable as you continued growing. You felt quite excited about life and started being more optimistic. You were inspired by the people you watched to become successful and happy. You were excited about possibilities and were passionate about almost everything.
꒰ How did your inner child imagine your teenage and young adult self to be like ? ꒱
'You can be anything' is the slogan of Barbie and as a kid, there are so many possibilities, we're more imaginative than ever. We imagine what our teenage and early adult days will look like. We'll look at who they (your inner child) wanted to be, how they envisioned your teenage and young adult self and days to look like.
They imagined you starting over. They imagined you confessing all the bad things you've done and being able to move on. Did you watch a lot of shows like 'mean girls'? They imagined you being kind of two faced. They imagined you facing a lot of betrayals. They imagined you not being able to trust people easily and letting people into your life only if they deserve it. They imagined you watching what you'd say to others, it's because you've been taught to care about reputation. They imagined you hearing rumours and gossip about yourself and going "and I was like, why are you so obsessed with me?" They imagined you taking responsibility for your own actions and apologising to those who you've wronged. They imagined you having your life together, and being able to take care of yourself and responsibility over your finances. They imagined you treating everyone equally and with respect. They imagined you sharing your wealth with others (charity, etc.) They imagined you being grateful for what you have. They imagined you having others try to help you financially too. They imagined you as someone generous and compassionate. They imagined you being at peace with yourself and being able to reciprocate others' love and affection. They imagined you being really kind and taking care of others out of goodwill. They imagined your life being extremely dramatic. They imagined people being exposed and you having to remove them. They also imagined you making assertive decisions and being able to see things clear. They imagined you being open-minded and taking time out to sort out your feelings and confusion. They imagined you knowing and setting your boundaries. They imagined you being able to be really calm about decision making. They imagined you having a purpose, a direction in life and going after that. They imagined having to let go of a lot of emotional ties and you being calm despite all of it.
꒰ What kind of a Barbie have you become ? ꒱
Mentally, you have a lot of thoughts racing which cause you to lack balance. Your thoughts don't seem to be organised. You tend to be overwhelmed quite quickly and are prone to impulsive behaviour. Your time management skills seem to be lacking too. Maybe, you're burnt out and really need a time out. You seem to be quite abundant financially or will be. You're quite confident and boastful too. You know how to value yourself and take good care of yourself, physically. You are grateful for everything that you've achieved so far. You seem to be quite content and satisfied, especially financially or achievement wise. You seem to have success in all areas and might be quite popular among others. Your wishes seem to be fulfilled and even emotionally, you're quite happy. You are an entertaining person and have entertaining people around you. Whenever, you're feeling sad, you always find something or someone to be grateful for, to be happy about. Emotionally, you've grown to be accepting of loss and change. You might be adjusting to a different way of living life. You have a lot of hope for a fresh start and are healing as a person. You've let go of the past and don't let it affect your present, any longer. You're resilient, and know how to overcome your problems and rise to the top. You know how to learn from the past, even though you might've struggled with complete ruin at some point. I wonder what your Barbie would be named 'learnt her lessons Barbie' or something along those lines.
꒰ Messages from your inner Barbie ꒱
"Don't take action just for the sake of taking action."
"Maybe you expected a lot because you were willing to do that for them."
"The grass is greener where you water it."
"Be honest with yourself."
"Don't worry about things that will never happen."
"Happy heart, private life, peaceful life, abundant pockets."
"Dopamine detox is important for you, having a phone addiction will not help."
⸼ ۫ ︎︎⊹ ! 🪡︎ Pile 3 ꒱
꒰ Connecting with your inner child ꒱
Mentally, you were suffering. You might've been a child who worried a lot. You felt lost and might have even had anxiety that might've not been diagnosed. You felt like none of your wishes came true and used to have moments when you used to lose hope. "I used to pray everyday but my life just kept on getting worser." You were a child so ofcourse you didn't know yourself but the loss of purpose that you felt made you feel miserable. There were events and occurrences that led you to feel insecure about yourself. People used to have unrealistic expectations of you and when you failed to match up to them, you felt awful, they made you feel like it was your fault. You might've spent your childhood in a very monotonous manner, go to school, come home, study during holidays and go back to school again. At that time, the only thing that kept you going was the blind faith that things would eventually be alright. Some of you used to have suicidal thoughts, some of you used to wish that you never woke up. You are really courageous. You might've had to travel sometimes but it was still kind of monotonous
You were just going to the same place again and again, every vacation, just rotting in a house at that place. You were very restless physically, while some of you took up sports or something like that, some of you used to just walk around a lot, could not sit in one place for a long time. This is actually truly depressing, you used to wait for things that you never received, the help that you never received. Emotionally, you repressed a lot of trauma. You used to be really guarded as a child, so, I'm not getting what exactly happened. You used to be very forgiving though. Any expression of pain and anger caused you to undergo even more pain and sadness so you naturally started suppressing all of it. You kind of stayed stuck to those heartbreaks and suffering, you've just internalised and kind of saved all of it. It's like, you saved something to a private file but forgot the password and it turned out to have a deadly virus. You've always let go and forgiven but it took a toll on you mentally and emotionally especially since, it resurfaces as you continue growing. I think inner child healing is extremely essential for you.
꒰ How did your inner child imagine your teenage and young adult self to be like ? ꒱
'You can be anything' is the slogan of Barbie and as a kid, there are so many possibilities, we're more imaginative than ever. We imagine what our teenage and early adult days will look like. We'll look at who they (your inner child) wanted to be, how they envisioned your teenage and young adult self and days to look like.
BLAIR WALDORF !! They imagined you as being kind of selfish. "You need to be cold to be queen, forget boys, keep your eyes on the prize, Jenny Humphrey. You cannot make people love you but you can make them fear you." They imagined you partying and stuff. They imagined you as someone who respects themself. You might've sometimes fantasized about hitting people who tried to mess with you on the nose. They imagined you as someone quite courageous, someone who runs after their goals. They imagined you accomplishing things after things. They imagined you having a dramatic life though, heartbreaks, mental illnesses, etc. They imagined you undergoing life changing events and gaining morals. They imagined you as someone really loving and compassionate too, when needed. They imagined you having a lot of inner strength and being able to overcome self doubt. They imagined you as someone with a strong sense of responsibility. Even as a kid, you were aware of the demons inside, you imagined being able to tame them through your experiences in life. They imagined you always winning. They imagined you receiving romantic proposals. Being invited to lunch, parties, etc. They imagined you following your heart and being really chivalrous. They imagined you being quite sensitive emotionally and also graceful in everything you do. They imagined you being swept off your feet and having a lot of warmth in your life. They imagined you meeting people who you're attracted to, etc. They imagined you having an active imagination, and using your charms and emotions in order to attract partners. Maybe, your inner child is in love with the idea of love. They imagined surprising and exciting events occurring in your life. They imagined you exploring your passions. They imagined you having a good nature and falling in love with people with a good character.
꒰ What kind of a Barbie have you become ? ꒱
'Never gives up Barbie' that's what most of you have become. You guys have a poor work ethic and no motivation or discipline. You should try to set out goals for yourself. You also struggle with teamwork and might be going through a rough patch currently. I'm getting loneliness and misalignment here. You want to grow but do not have the commitment to. You have been left out quite a lot and might be used by others. I think that this is not your true essence, you're just going through a really rough patch and have been in this energy for so long that, you aren't sure about who you are. Some of you are very young so naturally have not started working on yourself, yet and most of you come from a place where most people never tap into their full potential. You come from a place where if you are trying to get better people get offended, like, "who do you think you are?" You kind of let others take advantage of you. Shining bright means receiving hate and hate scares you. If not, atleast, you tend to be overwhelmed by other people's opinions. You seem to have a history of having gotten ganged up against and it's so scary to you. People who see your potential and see you rising, try to intimidate you. I think you are working on building stronger boundaries though, at this point. You might've or still struggle with people pleasing tendencies, so, you tend to compromise a lot for people who do not deserve it. Most of you are burnt out too, maybe, you worked so hard in school or whatever for your entire life but now you just cannot find yourself being able to do anything anymore. This is changing though, you are changing emotionally and it will start to affect the way you act too. You're shedding your old skin right now, most of you are done with being in the sidelines, you wish to be a winner. One thing about you is that you never give up. You're constantly evolving yourself and pretty much being born again. You are going through a hard ending that is starting to feel easier now that you can see it as a new beginning. Take care, rooting for you !!
꒰ Messages from your inner Barbie ꒱
"Not sacrificing will sometimes be your biggest sacrifice."
"Be afraid not of going slow but of standing still."
"Negatives count."
"Slow progress is still progress."
"It's never too late to start."
"If grief is the price of love, tears should be your only proof."
"Maybe, you expected a lot from them because you were willing to do the same for them."
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waitineedaname · 1 year
Um. do you think about how mr & mrs kageyama are undoubtedly on the Good-er side of the Parents scale but also are probably viewed differently by ritsu and shigeo. like i think about how ritsu probably had to be the easy one (the one that doesn't need you to care about them and comfort them) since shigeo has probably come home beaten up and bloodied enough times for the both of them?? also i feel like they might've said something like "well shigeo you don't HAVE to do [thing that will make any parent happy/proud] right ritsu :)" at some point. like idkkk i feel like that is definitely part of why ritsu feels so pressured to be twice as good at whatever he does (to make up for whatever mob lacks) but also if anyone said that to me i'd kill myself on the spot because it puts Zero trust in mob's abilities? like i feel it doesn't give him a chance to try because well ritsu will do it anyways why do i need to :/ (but then body improvement club happened. W)
anyways i just thing his parents (unintentionally) put sooo much pressure on ritsu. like the bar for being Good is drastically different for ritsu and shigeo*. and pre-claw ritsu thought that half of this pressure would probably disappear if mob did what he was ""supposed"" to do as the Older Sibling which might be one of the many many reasons ritsu thought he hated him?
*marathon arc is the first instance that comes to mind cuz...idk..before it happens they're like Hm. we should go wait in the middway of the path for shigeo (who waited for ritsu at the finish line?🤨). and after it they're like hehe ritsu got 9th place and shigeo did his best :) (this just sounds. damn. the bar's that low/high?). and both of these are normal! considering how shigeo and ritsu are! but i also feel like they're only normal because that's what you'd expect from shigeo and ritsu respectively which kind of. fucked up my worldview.
okayyy this got long. Sowwy. 😆
the kageyama parents make me NUTS when I think about them too hard bc they're probably the best parents in the series and definitely the most normal, but with being normal comes very normal flaws and parenting fuck ups, like comparing their sons. like comparing kids against each other is a very normal and common thing for parents to do, but it fucking sucks, and it's only made worse with the specific baggage the brother have
they absolutely put so much pressure on ritsu, which is one of the components of him snapping in the cleanup arc. he's like,, the ideal that they compare shigeo too, like they're always like "shigeo, why don't you get better grades, like ritsu. shigeo, why don't you stop doing weird things, like ritsu." I feel like the best example of this is these two pages from the cleanup arc (chapter 23, if you're curious)
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literally every day I think about "ritsu is way smarter than I am. he doesn't do anything weird" [panel of ritsu looking so fucking haunted]
I'm going to put the rest of this under a read more because I had a Lot To Say
anyway, this sets up the expectations for the two of them. shigeo is the one who struggles at school, who messes up, whose psychic powers do weird things. ritsu is the star student, the perfect son, the Normal One. neither of these expectations are fair to them at all, especially since shigeo works really fucking hard when he sets his mind to something, and ritsu has to wear the mask of normalcy and perfection even if it doesn't feel right. it puts too much pressure on ritsu and sets mob up with the expectations of failure! goddammit!!
I don't necessarily blame the kageyama parents, I mean like I said, this is a very normal thing for parents to do, especially with kids so close in age. I've been compared to my stepsister, I've seen this happen to friends who are close in age to their siblings. it sucks ass, but it's a very normal flaw for a family to have. but also, even though the series really emphasizes that psychic powers are just a normal thing, I don't think the kageyama parents were equipped to deal with the specific issues their kids have bc of psychic powers. I can't help but wonder how much they know about that part of their sons' lives... the more I think about it, the more I think that ritsu definitely didn't tell them the truth about the first ???% incident, he definitely lied to protect his brother because I feel like they would treat shigeo differently if they knew he almost killed his brother and several teenagers at age ten. and it's unclear how much, if anything, they know about the major arcs of the show. do they know ritsu was kidnapped? do they know shigeo was trapped in a mental hellscape for six months? I'm pretty sure ritsu actively hid the events of the world domination arc from them. we see their mom watching the news report in the confession arc -- did she see her son on the screen?
idk, I just get the impression that the brothers don't really let their parents into that part of their lives, which means they still get treated normally but also means their parents don't really understand them. I think that's part of why reigen was so important to mob's development as a kid, because he gave him a person he could go to about things he couldn't talk about with his parents. it also means ritsu was especially isolated because he didn't have that kind of person, at least not until he and shou became friends
also what you said about ritsu being the "easy one", that fits directly into the way I think about both of the kageyama brothers being autistic. I think mob was much more visibly autistic, probably needed more support, and because ritsu didn't need the same support, everyone assumed ritsu must be allistic. I think he knew he was the "easy one" between the two of them and I think that got wrapped up in him masking a LOT to make things easier on his parents so they could focus on shigeo. this kid is so damn undiagnosed that I don't think he even realizes he might also be autistic until his teenage years at least
something something psychic powers as a metaphor for autism something something ritsu desperately trying to seem normal because he doesn't have powers, but also desperately wanting to get powers and stop having to act normal. this kid is so fucking sick of masking.
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rosewaterandivy · 10 months
10. a kiss is not enough
Summary: Rumor has it, that hometown hero-turned-teacher Steve Harrington is hot for teacher. The English teacher next door to him at Hawkins High, who also happens to be his childhood friend, that is.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x chaotic!dumbass reader
W.C.: 4.5K
Warnings: No use of y/n - reader goes by the nickname Trouble instead, cursing, sexual situations - SMUT & idolatry (my usual bullshit), real-talk with Nancy Wheeler, idiots still being idiots, Modern!Teacher AU, English teacher reader, History teacher Steve, slow burn, friends to lovers, romance.
A/N: Holy shit, I can't believe we've come to the end (or is it 👀) of this series! When I started this, I had no clue how many people would respond to Trouble and Steve's idiots-to-lovers story - but I'm so glad that they did! This series will always be near and dear to my heart, for a variety of reasons, but primarily for the people it brought into my life (here's lookin' at you, babe!). This isn't a goodbye from Trouble and Steve so much as a see you later - don't hate me too much! Poetry excerpt from John Keats. 18+ mature content (minors dni). Reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated, please let me know what you thought; enjoy & thanks for reading! 💜
series masterlist | playlist - newly updated!
Trouble’s playlist from Steve: trouble will find me
Steve's playlist from Trouble: rebel without a clue
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previous || epilogue
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Now, May, Finals Week
“Just think about it, kid,” Hopper says on his way out your classroom door. He’d requested a meeting during your conference block, when normally he’d amble in under some pretense just to shoot the shit.
You nod, at a loss for words. It’s not like you needed yet another thing on your plate— waiting to hear back from admissions and not spilling to Steve or the gang was bad enough.
Yeah, you’d applied for grad school (even though grad students were the worst) and Hop had been contacted as a reference, which prompted his little visit today. Apparently, the district had approved a stipend and sabbatical for faculty furthering their education in graduate school.
“I’d like to recommend you,” Hop said matter of factly, sitting in a desk across from yours. “Maybe not for the sabbatical until you’re further along in the program, writing your thesis and whatnot.”
“I, uh–” you stumbled to find the words. “Cart, horse. I haven’t been accepted yet.”
He leveled you with a look, “Are you shittin’ me? Of course you’re getting in.”
You swallowed audibly and busied yourself emptying your desk for the summer, “Well, time will tell I suppose.”
“This isn’t—” Hopper paused in thought. “This isn’t about Harrington, is it?”
“Huh,” you nearly yelled, clutching the cardboard box for dear life. You had been so careful too.
He cracks a smile, “I saw the pair of you at graduation, you think you’re so slick.”
That brings a smile to your face, good ol’ Hop sussing out the goings on like he’d never left the force. 
“It’s nothing.” You assure him, “We haven’t— We’re professionals, okay?”
“I know,” he nods, voice lowering as if he could spook you. “I’m happy for you, really.”
A small smile breaks across your face, “Yeah, uh, thanks.”
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Finals done and grades posted, you’d never been so happy to get home. Had plans to pour yourself onto the couch and not move for 72 hours. 
But life (and Steve) had other plans.
He was sorting through the mail, chucking envelopes into various piles on the countertop. The loft was quiet that afternoon— Eddie had a gig in Indy that evening and Robin was crashing at Vickie’s for the night. Steve hummed a tune to himself, the occasional slap of paper hitting the granite punctuating it.
“Oh hey,” Steve turns with a large envelope in hand, “This looks important.” Tosses it with freakish accuracy, the white paper landing with a thwack where your shorts had ridden up against your thigh. 
Distracted by whatever drama was unfolding on TV— something about a crew working on chartered private boats— you mindlessly slip your thumb beneath the lip of the envelope and tear it open. 
It’s only once you’ve pulled the papers from it that you glance to see what’s what. The university’s crest shines like a beacon, your thumb worrying over the topmost letter. Steve, the bastard, has stopped his mail sorting and turned toward you.
He leans lazily against the counter, a knowing smirk fixed on his lips. You scramble up from the couch with the papers, too nervous to see for yourself. “Here,” you say, thrusting the envelope and documents to his chest. “Can you—”
Pulling you to his chest with an arm, he brushes his lips against the crown of your head. “Sure, honey.” You wrap your arms around him, burying your face into his chest— warm and familiar.
“You know,” he drawls, “The big envelope generally means something good, right?”
“I know,” muffled against his shirt.
He chuckles, hand coming up to cradle your head. Steve clears his throat, reads the opening of the letter in his best announcer voice. “Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that…”
The rest is drowned out by the rushing of blood in your ears, the tears pooling in your eyes breaking free to cascade down your cheeks. He squeezes you tight abandoning the acceptance letter and letting it flutter to the floor in favor of drawing you closer. Steve kisses you, licking your own tears into your mouth, your taste onto your tongue. And it’s so weirdly hot that your heart starts fluttering again, like you’re seeing him for the first time.
Because of course, just as things were going right something had to come and throw a wrench into things. 
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Plans for lazing in the early summer forgotten, the next few days saw you coming and going from the university campus for orientation, meetings with faculty, so on and so forth. As you were leaving the grad student mixer, a professor peeled off from a group of faculty to flag you down with a call of your name.
You turn, not recognizing them from the English department. She’s an older woman, has maybe a few years on your mother, and is swathed in a lovely linen dress— the cool elegance of minimalist style.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Holland,” she says shaking your hand. “I’m on the admissions committee and was very impressed with your work on Dante Alighieri.”
“Oh, thanks!”
“And you studied Italian as an undergrad?”
That brings a smile to her face. “Perfetto,” she says with a perfect Italian accent and waves over another faculty member. “I only ask because there’s a summer intensive in Italy beginning next week that I think you’d be perfect for.” 
Your mind reels. The new professor introduces himself and echoes Dr. Holland’s sentiments— a summer session of classes in Italy, in partnership with Università di Bologna, the oldest university in operation in the world. Scholarships that would cover the cost of tuition, travel, and accommodations for you to peruse.
What the fuck.
Vision swimming, you somehow come back to the conversation at hand. Dr. Holland presses a folder to your hand, “I know you were planning on taking the introductory grad school courses over the summer, but I hope you’ll consider joining us in Italy instead.”
You nod, gobsmacked and make your way to the car. Settling into the sweltering seat, you start the car and call Nancy. If anyone would know what to say in this situation, it would be her.
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“That’s the thing,” you sigh, wine glass in hand as you slump on Nancy’s couch. “We’re not anything, haven’t discussed it. I mean, sure, we fuck like rabbits, but aside from that?”
She blows a raspberry and sips from her glass. “He’s in love with you, get over it.”
You jerk up, “Okay, maybe,” you allow. “But he hasn’t said anything.”
“And you won’t pony up to do it yourself?”
A scoff as you drain your glass. “I’m sorry, have you met me?”
Nancy laughs at that, loud and bright. “Unfortunately, yes!” She refills your glass before continuing, “Let’s be honest, you’re both hopeless when it comes to eachother.” She raises her brow before you can balk, “Full offense intended.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”
She hums at that, head cocked to the side in thought. Her nail taps against the glass with a soft clink. A bite to her lips before she heaves a sigh, “Sometimes he just needs a push.”
You narrow your eyes at her. “I am absolutely not telling him he’s bullshit, if that’s what you’re after.”
Nancy, to her credit, winces uncomfortably at the memory. “No, no,” a shake of her head. “Absolutely not, you would never.” She sets her glass down carefully, giving you her full attention. “What I’m getting at is this: do you want to be something with Steve?”
She lets the question hang in the air between you. 
“Because if you don’t know Trouble, you should back away now.” A low warning tone. “You’re it for him, have been since he laid eyes on you, but you’re both too scared to do anything about it.”
You drain your glass to the dregs and hastily take your leave. At the sound of the door closing, Nancy grabs her phone and brings it to her ear, “Hey Harrington, I need a favor…”
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Returning from a less than helpful hang session at Nancy’s, you find a post-it note left on your bedroom, door that reads ‘meet me at our spot on lover’s lake. - s.’
Prizing it from the wood grain, you make your way back to the kitchen to scavenge for something to eat, in an effort to soak up the remnants of wine in your system. Opening the fridge you spy another post-it stuck to the topmost shelf: ‘get your ass down here, i’ll feed you soon enough. - s.’
With a laugh, you let the fridge door fall shut and grab your keys.
He can see you now, just barley, even in the indigo dark. Wonders to himself, how are you even real? How is it that you’re mine? An explanation that won’t ever come. 
You slip into the cool water of Lover’s Lake like a dream, with nary a sound. Steve stumbles after you on the piles of clothing you’d left behind—bunched up denim shorts here, a threadbare tank-top over there, the silk of your thong musky and damp. 
Fisting his shirt to pull it up and over his head, it falls to the forest floor behind him, jeans shucked off and tossed elsewhere, boxers joining your lingerie by the shore. His patience is wearing thin as you wade further and further from him out into the lake. 
Little minx, he smiles and takes a breath before diving beneath the waves. Arms cutting through the placid water at a quick pace until he’s occupying the space between your bare legs, and coming up for air. 
One arm drags you near, lazily pressing you close, tight around the small of your back as the tide breaks around your waist, minute movements almost imperceptible— the slow roll of your hips against his.
Water shallow enough to tread and keep you buoyant. Steve kisses you slow and sweet, pulling you flush against his chest while you writhe under the water’s surface. Body slick and wanton and arching into his own. 
His dick jumps when you lift yourself to drape your arms around his shoulders. A sharp breath replaced with a shaky exhale as he brings his forehead to rest on yours, dark eyes taking in the exhilarated flush of your body. 
And Steve knows, under his skin and tucked into the cage of his ribs, near the beating of his anguished heart, that you’re the only thing left in this world worth worshipping. To keep you, and render you a flightless bird, to clip your wings, would be all for naught.
He has to let you go again, and so soon after you found him. From perihelion to aphelion before the moon’s full turning. The soft curve of your throat drawn taut as you glance upward, marvelling at the stars and planets in the northern sky. 
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” Your voice is a husk, low and hoarse, in the dark. “Its loveliness increases, it will never pass into nothingness.” Your eyes, once fixed on the sea of stars above, shift to him once more.
Closer to the shoreline now, and unbeknownst to you, Steve had gently waded you both inshore, until he could draw you toward the dock. 
You let him walk you back until you’re flush against a mooring pole, wood rough against your moon-bathed skin. Body yielding to him as both his hands slide beneath your bottom, squeezing the soft flesh of your ass before he pulls you forward by the hips.
“S’okay, honey,” He mutters—right into your panting mouth with a sultry pull of his lips. “I’ve got you.”
“Steve,” You gasp, “This is unfair.” Your body jerks with every teasing kiss from his lips that he laves and sucks to the column of your throat.
He ignores you, crawling his hands onto your hips to keep you from squirming. Works his thigh in between your legs for good measure. Once you’re settled, he moves one hand to your center a finger trailing up and down your slippery folds. His mouth latches onto the spot that makes you keen, just behind your ear. You fist his hair in both hands at the same time he slips a digit inside.
But Steve doesn’t move. Other than his tongue’s soft licks on your neck and into your kiss-bitten mouth, he doesn’t move at all. He happily lets his finger rest inside of you, gathering your juices all over his hand.
You whimper, trying to shimmy against them, anything to create more contact. Its intrusion lights a terrible match inside of your body, and goddamn it, you want to a forest fire.
Calming breaths in and out. Steady head, steady heart. When you’re able to meet his gaze again, you take a moment to see him as he truly is: dappled in moonlight, forelock hanging in front of his eyes, his entire focus trained on you.
It feels like an eternity passes before he finally lets you have another—adding one more thick finger inside, stretching you as he moves them both around, curling them, scissoring them, pumping them in and out.
Steve sucks enthusiastically on your sensitive skin and lips, fucks you with two fingers almost wildly, and your body responds with fervor. You gasp and moan, arching back into his hand, goosebumps blooming all over your shoulders and down your arms and legs.
You shake like a leaf in his arms, not knowing if it’s from the cool night air or due to the man before you. 
Instead of increasing his pace, Steve continues to stroke you with his fingers, slowly prodding at your entrance with a third. Your eyes roll back and get lost in your head as you lean back with a whimper.
“Just trying to get you ready.” He murmurs, so soft and low that your heart stills.
Your legs wrap around his back loosely as he holds you still, his previous two fingers pushing inside gently. The third finger meets resistance as you tense up. “S-sorry,” You whisper, “I’m…” 
Your head knocks back against the wooden pier. But you move his hand back and try again. He’s so tender and sweet with you as he turns his head to place kisses on your cheek and ear.
You blink owlishly, trying desperately to weave your threads of thought together. A shake of your head to rattle them loose. A sweet smile up to Steve, a barely there kiss to his lips.
Your eyelids are heavy, breaths heaving from your chest. Steve commits to memory the way your lids flutter when he touches you.
You gasp and moan, arching your chest into his and pulled as taut as a bow sting—back forming a crescent-shaped arc, a sliver of the moon radiant in the inky blue reflection of the water.
“C’mon, that’s it, honey. You’re so close. Almost there… Good girl… Good girl.”
With a cry, you come undone, rolling your hips every which way as you reach orgasm on Steve’s hand. His voice continues to praise you, lips kissing your sweat-slicked collar, bristles on his cheek and jaw tickling your sensitive skin.
Coming back to yourself, you shiver bodily. And Steve looks at you as if you hold infinities in the palms your hands. 
You reach for him reverently, desperate for his shape of beauty and noble nature. A dream realized, a wish granted, gentle and true. You feel brave enough to shift and stroke him with determination.
You whisper, "Missed you," eliciting a shudder from him as your palm grips him tenderly. 
Relishing in the temperature of his body, you sigh. Spreading the beaded precome at the tip of his cock up and down his shaft. Steve groans, head falling to yours.
“Missed you more,” He hums, eyes heavy-lidded and lustful. 
Gasping as Steve guides your hips with one hand, and grips himself with the other. Slowly and without haste, he fills you inch by inch until he’s so deep inside you think he could burst from your throat.
You whimper. There aren’t enough words to describe it— the gratifying sting, an all-encompassing and chilling burn, a mystifying and utter fullness that nearly brings tears to your eyes. You’re fearful to move, to lose this sensation, and afraid to feel what comes next. But you know that you want it.
Steve kisses your lips tenderly, babbling praise, whispering affirmations, soothing the shock that surges up your spine with his warm palm. Slowly, he rocks you back, as water lapping against your thighs, holds onto your body with one hand, smoothing the hair that falls over your face with the other.
You’re gripping him so tightly it takes some effort to slide even an inch of him out— and there’s many inches of him. Sweat collects on your brow as you grind, dragging against his length, forcing shudders to course all over both your bodies. “Is this okay?” you cry, delirious, “Steve? You feel so good.”
He moves in you, like a prayer.
A groan escapes him as his hand squeezes your back just a little too hard. He’s holding back, trying to prolong your pleasure, but his own is chasing him down, only a few steps away from pouncing.
You coax it towards him with faster snapping of your hips against his, clawing at his back, nibbling on his ear. “Come on, lover… just a little more.”
With a grunt and a shudder, and a hard kiss to your lips that makes your teeth clack against each other, Steve thrusts one last time as deeply as possible, riding out his orgasm as he pulls your hips against his. 
The two of you feel rooted together, sticky with sweat and so tightly flushed that you’re not sure where he ends and you begin. Your body slumps as you drape your arms over his neck. Steve turns his head to kiss your shoulder before making the effort to pull away, your shaky legs held in his secure grasp.
The black slik of night gives way to the earth’s rotation, stars and moon bending to the will of gravity. Splashes in its silent, dark depths as you broach the shore. A little shaky on your feet, but he’s close behind, sultry and brilliant like the summer morning quickly approaching.
Whispers and murmurs tucked between fervent kisses as you dress. Fabric sticking to damp skin as his hands roam. Frenetic movements as he backs you up against the car, the coolness of it causing you to shiver. 
“You should do it,” he rasps against your lips. “The Italy thing, you always loved it there.”
“How did you–” you sputter.
You can’t see him roll his eyes, but you just know. “Nance, who else?” 
The warmth of Steve’s body burns against you, a hand threading through your hair half-convinced the moon is hiding there, hanging like a jewel in the night. And you’re a mess when you kiss him. Your breath is warm and so sweet, and the center of his chest squirms like something alive. 
In that moment, you love him but can’t tell him, not yet. You decide the sun that will kiss freckles to his face will do it for you.   
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The song of summer sings out as you load your suitcase into Nancy’s car a few days later. The trunk slams closed and your back is pressed against his chest, his arm hanging casually around your collar. It is the end of May, the first bloom of summer balmy on your skin.
Steve had not taken the news of Nancy driving you to the airport well.
At all.
A sponged necklace of kisses to your throat as the light creeps in. Sheets kicked to the edge of the bed so you’re tangled up in him. Skin already glinting gold in the summer sun. Twisting in his hold, desperate to glance at the time. “Steve,” muffled against the heft of his shoulder, “I gotta go, Nance will be here soon.” 
The turn of his weight bearing down, trapping your body under his. A cruel circle of his hips has you shuddering. His breath ghosts along your skin, “Baby, baby please.” Nose trailing down from your sternum to the swell of your stomach. Pausing there for lips to lave kisses on the curves that trailed to your hips. 
Eyes dark and heady with promise, “Just a taste.” Lips and mouth delving lower now, fingers parting the cleave of your cunt with a squelch. He hooks them back into his mouth with a groan. “Mmm,” he slurs, drunk off your arousal. “You taste good, sweetheart,” His nose bumps against your clit, “Like honey.”
Breath stuttering in the cage of your ribs, you fist his hair in one hand and tug. Steve moans overtly, pupils blown wide while he’s face deep in pussy. “Steve,” Your voice trembles. He glances up, smoldering and glorious, drinking you up. “Ah—fuck,” before you’re overtaken again.
You’re desperate, and he can hear it in your voice. A quiver in your throat, you swallow thickly mouth falling open in a pant. His fingers work into you easily, dragging exquisitely along your channel—warm and wet, only growing more so with every thrust of his hand. You mewl, hips bucking up as he sucks your swollen clit. 
Legs thrown over his shoulders, as he cants your pelvis forward, arm heavy against your stomach to bully you in place. “Sweet girl,” He coos, lips ruddy and wet with your slick. “Doin’ so well for me.” You shiver in his hold, sunbeams hazy with orange glow, the refracting light makes a halo to crown him and for a second you feel blind.
Then you feel something pulled taut in your belly. A chord stretching like a rubber band before it snaps. The wind up is excruciating, Steve’s litany of devotions falling in hushed murmurs from his lips. His fingers plunging up into the chasm between your legs, pulling away wetter each time.
He bends back down, tongue circling your clit at a dizzying pace. A third finger slides in impossibly, a keen igniting from your throat—high and whimpering. God, you’re so close. You babble, hands scrambling purchase against his dewy skin.
“Come,” he commands, “Come for me right now and I’ll fuck you through it, how you like. Then I’ll make you come again and we can go.”
“Oh my god,” you thrash on the bed, hair sticking to the sheen of your face, hanging on by a thread as his fingers drive into you, on a mission to break either the bed frame or your brain, both were fine. In a rush. Can’t quit now. A little bit more. Your entire body is folded against him, insides fluttering desperately, maddeningly.
“Everyone’s gonna know,” Steve promises, “You stumbling in there.”
The image flashes through your lust-addled brain, the telltale sign of him screwing you stupid— lips swollen, legs wobbly, outfit crumpled up, smelling like him and sex in front of all your friends.
“You want it, don’t you, want them to know you’re all mine?” He smears your wet around the sides of your cunt— spit, slick— up to your clit. And then he pushes you like a button, flicking the pad of his thumb upwards and grins at the way you jerk in time.
“Stevie,” you mewl, “Steve.” The syllable breaks, your panting comes out in choked babbling.
You drily sob out something broken, a tiny echo of affirmation as he keeps fucking into you like he could break through. He’s really abused your pussy this morning, maybe gone too far, but every time you come like this, it’s like he’s seeing something holy. 
“Oh my god…!” It’s a small shout as you shatter, and it makes Steve’s spine light up as you rub your face further into the pillow.
“Praying to me, sweetheart?” but doesn’t stop those tiny, hard circles, doesn’t stop melting into your body, his dick pulsing as he ruts against the sheets. “You can keep doing that,” he urges, “I like that.”
So, you’re not surprised when the two of you stumble into a nearly finished breakfast, as predicted, in a terrible disarray, and Robin crosses herself before promising, “I’m getting you two a goddamn chastity belt.”
On the couch, Eddie clicks the remote to a new channel, snapping his ring-clad fingers with an offhanded, “A-fucking-men.”
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As much as you tried to tell yourself that this wasn’t goodbye but instead see you soon, it didn’t stick. But the ache in your gut did—low and menacing, growling like an animal. 
Eddie and Robin were easy, promises to stay in touch and bring back the best candy. Your parents were less so, tight hugs and dried tears on cheeks. 
Steve, however, you needed to brace yourself for. Short of chaining yourself to Nancy’s car, you weren’t sure how you’d escape with your dignity intact. He was already kissing on you, soft and sweet, as Nancy slid into the driver’s seat while Eddie and Robin waved goodbye walking back inside.
You slip from his grasp in a flash, pulling him by the belt loops to knock hips. “Stevie, lover mine,” you sing, his palms cupping your ass as his hands slide into your back pockets.
What a word.
You think about it every waking second—the way he stretches in the morning, how he sings in the shower, dances in the kitchen, smiles and beams at anyone who passes by—how good he is.
How you love him.
“Mm—” raspy, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
Feet walking you closer and closer and you’re pressed against him. Nosing along the column of his neck, nipping at the delicate skin there, watching as his throat bobs when he swallows. 
Hands free themselves from denim confines, a thumb caresses the small of your back. Steve pries your hand from his chest, and brings it to his mouth, placing a tender kiss against your palm. 
You hum as his lips brush your skin, observing as he meanders to the thin flesh of your wrist. Hazel eyes near golden in the morning sun as Steve looks to you, face open and fond. Lips featherlight when they kiss your thundering pulse.
Only then do you start to break. 
You thought you were prepared. But it steals the breath from your lungs, levelling you to ruin, a creeping sense of hopelessness in its wake. 
He’s quick to notice, crushing you to his chest and hand cradling your head. Soothing murmurs of “S’okay honey, we’ll be alright,” and the rasp of your name. Fingers brushing hair from your face with a soft smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
And it is hard to leave him, but you can do difficult things.
Forehead bent to yours, back warm in the sun’s decorous rays, a searing tear-laden kiss and you’re off. Turned back in your seat to see him recede in the distance until he’s a mere speck on the horizon as Nancy tugs you forward.
All the goodbyes had all been said, save one thing lodged in the depths of your throat. 
I love you. 
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97 notes · View notes
rhoorl · 10 months
Working Title | Chapter 10
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo/OFC
Rating: Mature, 18+, for the love of all things please don’t engage if you are a minor ok? 
Word Count: 7.6k
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Chapter 10 on AO3
Chapter Summary: We wrap up the first day of shooting and Dieter and Belle hang out later that night.
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, which is obvious at this point. And dun dun duuuunn…. We get some smut in this one. Let me know what kind of stuff I need to put in here for warnings - I don’t want to spoil anything (there is no P in V in this chapter, but Belle enjoys herself). There’s some angst and a discussion about intimacy issues. Ryan deserves his own warning because that dude seriously can fuck off. Also, a blink if you miss it ED reference.
A/N: These two have not shut up in my head so here's a quicker-than-normal update. I’m a bit nervous about this one, but we’re on the path for these two to have some more um…fun. (As a reminder, I don't have a beta so all mistakes are mine!).
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Once you both straightened yourselves back up, you and Dieter walked out of the trailer in giggles, basking in the moment you’d just had. Your mind drifted off to what he could have in store for you later, but that’s quickly erased when you spotted Meredith walking toward you.
“Hey, I’ll meet up with you later?” You looked at Dieter, who gave you a knowing nod and a small, but encouraging, smile.
“Good luck.”
“Hey, Belle, you good?” Meredith walked up, brows furrowed.
“Ah, uh, yeah. All good.”
“C’mere,” she motioned for you to follow her.
Ugh, she is totally going to shut this shit down, isn't she. 
You stood in front of her and cautiously looked her in the eyes, “What’s up?”
“Look. I’m not trying to get in your business, I don’t really care what you do in your free time unless it starts to mess with work, but don’t pay any mind to Aubrey – she’s a grade-A asshole and not at all Dieter’s type.”
“I know what she did, showing you the photos. She's just trying to rile you up. She's like a goddamn shark and smells blood in the water, but seriously she can fuck right off. Earlier when I was getting him ready, do you know what we talked about?” You shook your head. “You.”
“Yup. Look, he has an interview and photoshoot tomorrow, something that his agent organized. Originally I was going to go work on it, but with it being so early in the production I didn’t want to leave you by yourself, that would be like leaving you to the wolves,” she chuckled. “So, I was going to ask if you wanted to take my spot but Dieter actually brought it up first.”
You were trying to process what was happening. Meredith was seemingly okay with whatever was going on between you and Dieter and wasn’t chastising you about it. She’s almost … encouraging it?
“I think you should do it. It would be great for a few reasons: One. You are talented and can definitely benefit from the exposure. Make a connection with the photographer, you never know what could come from it. Two. Dieter requested you, so it would make him happy, and lord knows we don’t want him getting pissy. And three. It would give you guys a chance to…I dunno…spend a day together away from set.”
“Wh- Meredith, we aren’t… I mean…”
“Oh stop it. Seriously, I wasn't born yesterday and I can see how he looks at you, hell how you both look at each other. I'm not here to tell you to date or fuck or whatever the hell you want to do with him. But, I will say, I’ve never seen him this … relaxed…so early in a shoot. He seems happy and lighter and I think that’s maybe because of you and your little trip yesterday.”
“Ha, yea that seems to be the talk of the set, isn’t it?” The reality of the situation started to flood back again – the photos, the comments, the looks, and the whispers from the set.
“Look, you’re young.” You roll your eyes because you know by Hollywood standards mid-30s was practically ancient. “You’re in a beautiful place and a handsome man is losing his shit over you…take advantage of it and have some fun!” She smiled, grasping both of your shoulders and shaking you slightly.
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Lunch was set up for the cast and crew in a ballroom. Walking in, you spotted the back of Dieter’s head sitting at a table with a couple of the writers and the assistant director. They’re all pouring over scripts and you can see Dieter animatedly talking. 
Scanning the room, you clocked Aubrey looking at you and you wished you could go over there and smack the ever-living shit out of her, but Indy bounded up to you, pulling you back to reality.
“Babe! What the fuck? Where did you go?”
“I don’t want to talk about it here,” your eyes go from left to right.
“Got it, but are you … good? Dieter was in such a shitty mood during that last take.”
“Y-yea, I’m good. Really good,” you smirked which made her playfully slap your shoulder. “But shh, I promise I’ll tell you later. Did you eat already?”
“I did, they’re gonna call us back to do some blocking soon. But make sure you eat something, please. I know how you get when you’re busy.”
There she was again being the mom and looking out for you.
“I promise, Ind.”
“Ok, I gotta go pee but I’ll see you in a bit, love ya!” She gave you a quick hug.
A loud whistle cut through the room, pausing everyone’s conversations. It was the assistant director giving a 10-minute warning before everyone was due back on set.
It was one of the downsides of your role. You had to be ready for everyone else’s beck and call, which left zero time for yourself. Makeup artists and hair stylists had to be on for their clients, so that meant little time to eat, or even go to the bathroom. 
After a quick scan of what was left of the buffet, you grabbed half of a sandwich and some chips, figuring it was the most portable option, and headed back to set.
On your way back, you were intercepted by Danny.
“Hey, Belle!” He smiled at you.
“Um, listen, uh… Dee wanted me to give this to you.” He tried to discreetly hand you an envelope that looked very much like the jacket for a room key. “Don’t open it…it’s the room key,” he whispered.
“A room key? Wait what?!” you whispered back, eyes furrowed.
“Yea, he said to use it for later-” he cut himself off, hitting his forehead with the palm of his forehead. “Shit, he was supposed to talk with you before. Um…uh. Just uh, pretend when he brings it up?”
What the fuck is he even talking about?
“Um, okay, Danny.”
“K, um…I’m gonna… go,” he gestured behind him, clearly flustered that he foiled whatever plan his boss had in mind.
You tucked the key into your bag and kept walking, making your way to the chairs set up behind the monitors so you could quickly sit and scarf down your sandwich. A presence was suddenly behind you and you tensed up thinking it may be Aubrey or someone else, but you relaxed when you saw Sam.
“Hey doll,” he said in his low, Southern twang.
“Hey, Sam. Your hair is actually looking pretty good for after lunch,” you smirked. “Here, let me get you set up.” 
He motioned for you to stop, “Nope, you gotta eat, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere…so…you doing ok?”
You were thankful you had just taken a bite, so you had a few seconds to try and figure out how to respond. “Hmm…yea, all good.”
“Ok, cuz you looked like you were about to throw up earlier,” he chuckled.
“Oh, yeah, well, some shit came up that I wasn’t really prepared for.”
“Photos from yesterday?”
“Jesus, does every fucking person here know?” He nodded. “Ugh, yeah. And I was a dumbass and looked at some comments and … how do you do it, Sam, when people say shit about you and what you’re up to?”
He let out a long sigh, “It’s definitely not easy, but I have it a lot easier than you ladies that’s for damn sure. You just gotta ignore it, otherwise, it’ll really fuck with your head.”
“Ok everyone places please, can we get touch-ups done please?” The assistant director called out.
“Ugh fuck,” you groaned as you took one last bite before wrapping up the rest of the sandwich. “C’mere, Sam let’s get you sorted out and back to looking handsome," you winked as he rolled his eyes.
The two of you walked to where the next scene was going to be filmed. Once you added some more powder to his face, you turned your attention to Indy, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw Meredith and Dieter walk up. You slyly snuck a quick glance over to him and he smiled at you.
The scene took about an hour, but everyone was in relatively good spirits. Again, it was so mesmerizing watching Dieter work and you tried not to stare at him when you were called over for touch-ups between takes.
The fatigue of the day started to creep up on you. Standing for the majority of the day wreaked havoc on your lower back and shoulders and all you wanted to do was sit down and relax, but there were still several more scenes to get through that day.
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“Ok, that’s a wrap on Dieter for today!” 
Dieter gave a quick wave and thanked the crew on his way off of the set. You saw Aubrey starting to make her way over to him, which made you internally roll your eyes. She was doing her job, after all, but she still annoyed you.
“You ready to go get back into your comfy clothes, Dee?” she asked as he handed her his suit jacket. 
“Uh, yeah…I got it, Aubrey. I'm a big boy, I can handle changing out of a suit,” he chuckled. "I'll leave this for you outside of my trailer."
“Well, if you need any help, just let me know,” she winked.
He turned to find you, a smile washing over his face as your eyes connected. He walked over toward you, his hands at his tie, loosening it before unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt.
“Hey! So Liz is almost here, I was going to go see her and we’ll probably have an early dinner together if that’s ok? Can we hang out later?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Come to my room later. I thought maybe we…I don’t know, could watch a movie or something…unwind a bit."
You smirked, “You trying to do the whole Netflix and chill thing, huh?”
He blushed, “Uh…no, I figured we could just stay in tonight since it’s going to be an early morning…” he leaned in closer to you, his lips hovering near your ear. “However you want to chill is definitely up to you.” He pulled back, giving you a wink. “Danny has a key for you.”
“Uh, o-ok, yea sounds good.”
“Dee!” Liz waved at him as she walked through the lobby, a phone in each hand, balancing her computer bag on one shoulder and her weekender bag on the other. A valet was following behind her with the suitcases.
“Jeez, Lizzie, how long are you planning on staying,” Dieter chuckled, giving her a kiss on the cheek as he took her bags from her to carry them.
“You know me, I need options,” she teased. “So, how’d it go today?”
“Not bad. Had a bit of a rough finish to that first scene but I think we got it well before the last take, so I’m not too worried. The writers have already started rewriting shit, which is kind of annoying.”
“Well, you know how it is. Once you all get to set they start to get more … creative. I’ll talk to them though to see if I can get some intel,” she winked. “How’s Belle? Did you talk? Seriously, if you need me to fuck off tonight, I totally can!”
“You just got here, besides, it’s our tradition to have dinner on the first night of shooting," he smiled as they made their way to the elevators. "And yeah, I talked with her. Only shitty part was that I wasn’t able to get to her before someone showed her the photos.” He sighed.
“Ugh shit, I was worried about that. How’d she take it.”
“Not well. She practically ran off from set, when I found her she was in tears.” A wave of sadness returned to Dieter’s eyes as he remembered how defeated Belle looked when he walked into the trailer. “She fucking looked at the comments…”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yea. So needless to say, that led to us talking…and then not talking,” he winked.
“Ooookay cowboy, don’t need all of the details.” she chuckled as they both stopped in front of the elevators.
“Anyway, she still has a couple of scenes left to shoot and then they have to clean up and get ready, so it’s going to be a while. I figured you and I could get an early dinner and then you can relax…I’m sure you're tired.”
“Sounds good, don’t forget though, we have an early start tomorrow…keep that in mind when you’re enjoying your, uh, evening.”
“Ha noted. Hey, for tomorrow, do you know who is doing wardrobe?”
“Ugh yea I do hold on, let me check.” She checked one of her phones, going to an email with the full list of who was working. She had already swapped out Belle’s name for Meredith’s. “Ok… wardrobe…looks like it’s…Aubrey.”
Dieter groaned. “We’re going to need to change that. Can you work on that?”
“She’s your wardrobe person, Dee…she’s harmless.”
“Nah, not so much. She and Belle…it wouldn’t be good.”
“Ah, gotcha. Okay well, let me see what I can do, no guarantees though.” She started frantically typing away on her phone. 
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The rest of the afternoon went by rather quickly. Dieter checked in a couple of times, letting you know he and Liz were going to dinner at one of the resort’s restaurants. He also sent a message saying he missed you, which kept a permanent smile on your face the rest of the day.
Every time your phone buzzed, your heart skipped a beat, hoping it was a message from him. Although she didn’t say anything, Meredith smiled to herself, noticing the change in your demeanor from the morning.
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"Ok, that's a wrap for today, everyone. Thanks for a great first day. Let's do it all again tomorrow!"
There was a smattering of applause as everyone started to scatter from the set. You, Meredith, Brianna, and the rest of the makeup and hair department went to the trailer to put things away and clean up.
"Ok, I think that just about does it. Hey Belle, you're good to go, I know you have an early morning shoot…thanks a lot for doing that!" Meredith gave you a knowing smile.
"Oh ok, sounds good. Uh, thanks for today Brianna, you did a great job! For tomorrow, just remember the setting spray for Indy and please remind Sam to stop touching his damn hair so much," you chuckled as you gathered your things.
"You got it, I'll see you later!"
You weren’t quite sure where Indy ran off to, probably somewhere with Sam if you had to guess, but she wanted you to text her when you were done.
Belle: Hey, we’re done. Where are you?
Indy: I’ll be right there.
While you waited for her outside of the trailer you decided to text Dieter.
Belle: Hey! Just wrapped, so I'm headed up.
You figured he was still busy so you had time to quickly freshen up, hopefully with Indy’s help. It made you feel a little intrusive to go into his room without him being there, even if he gave you permission. Your phone buzzed and you looked down expecting to see a text from Indy.
Dieter: nice! We're wrapping up soon, Lizzie wants dessert. You'll beat me but please make yourself comfortable. I'll be there soon.
Dieter: Order yourself some room service…get whatever you want.
“Phew, what a day huh?” You looked up to see Indy who was eyeing you quizzically. “So…what are you getting up to tonight?” She waggled her eyebrows.
You shushed her as you both walked towards the elevators. 
“Well, Dieter gave me this.” You showed her the room key as she tried to stifle her screech.
“Holy fucking shit Belle!”
“Yeah, he told me to go in and make myself at home and order room service,” you giggled, trying to contain your blush.
“How long do you have?” The elevator dinged and you both got in.
“I don’t know, he said that they’re wrapping up but I feel like I don’t have a ton of time.”
“Hmm ok, so a shower is probably out of the question.”
"I need to change out of this, I've been wearing it all day."
As the elevator got to your floor, Indy jumped out and pulled you down the hallway. “Ooo yay! Ok, so what do you wanna wear? Something that's probably easy to take on and off…Ow! That hurt," she giggled as you playfully slapped her arm as she unlocked the door. "Ok, strip, we are doing a full reset."
She made a beeline to your room where she promptly started to rifle through your drawers as you peeled out of your jeans and took your tank top off. 
"Here's this…put this on," she handed you the obnoxious hot pink lace thong she forced you to buy a few months ago when you were looking to spice things up with Ryan. She then tossed you a simple pair of black lounge pants that came to your mid-calf.
"Really, Ind," you held up the thong with an eye roll.
"Yes, and honestly you should be proud of me. I was first going to suggest no underwear at all…and then I was going to give you the volleyball shorts…so this is really good for me. Growth I'd say," she said sarcastically which sent you both into giggles.
Your phone buzzed.
Dieter: We're wrapping up and I'm headed upstairs. You get in ok?
"Fuck, Indy, we need to hurry. He's on his way back."
Belle: Awesome, see you soon. And yeah, all good!
You both frantically looked for a top, deciding that the bra you had on could stay. You bickered back and forth on the top before you landed on an old concert tee even though Indy let you know her annoyance.
"I wanna be comfortable Indy, we are just gonna hang out and watch a movie or something."
"Uh ok sure. Listen, you should probably also lay out your clothes for tomorrow while you're at it," she winked.
You didn't want to put any pressure or expectations on what the night would bring but ultimately decided that future you would appreciate it since you had to get up at an ungodly hour. 
Checking the time, you gave yourself a quick spritz of body spray and pulled your hair out of the clip, letting your loose waves cascade down.
"Shit, I need to go. Wish me luck?"
"You got this babe!" Indy smiled, smacking you on the ass as you walked out. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Actually…in this case, yes please, do whatever I would do!" She shouted down the hall.
You had just put the key into the door to unlock it when you heard the elevator ding. You turned your head to see Dieter rushing out, a bottle of something in his hand. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you.
"Hey…I thought you were already here…you changed," he quickly closed the distance between you both, stopping just in front of you. 
"Ha, yea…sorry. Fifteen hours in jeans is my limit," you chuckled.
"Well, I'm not complaining, so don't apologize. I just figured you'd ordered your food already, here let's get inside," he opened the door, ushering you in.
He had changed too. He wore a light-wash pair of jeans with a simple plain, black T-shirt. It was distracting how handsome he looked in such a simple outfit.
"Here, order whatever you want," he handed you the room service menu as he put down the bottle he was carrying and emptied out his pockets onto the kitchen island.
*What ya got there," you nodded toward the bottle.
"Liz got me some sparkling wine, to celebrate the first day of shooting. I…uh…honestly don't drink a lot these days, but I figured maybe we could share it?"
"Y-yea sure!"
He smiled, seeming almost relieved by your answer. He moved to grab a couple of glasses from the cabinet behind you as you kept perusing the menu with your back to him. You didn't notice him approach you, until you felt his hands reach around you, effectively caging you in as he set a wine glass down on either side of you. The warmth you felt on your back from his chest made your breath hitch, and goosebumps followed as you felt him lean forward.
"I missed you," his breath felt hot on your ear.
It made you dizzy how he could go from being cute and flustered one minute to so seductive in a matter of seconds. But here he was kissing your neck, making you forget where you were. You bit down on your lower lip to stop the moan that almost inadvertently came out.
"Decide on what you want?" He said into your neck.
"To order, anything look good," he pulled away from you and headed around the island to where he left the bottle. You couldn't concentrate on anything other than his forearms as he worked to get the cork popped off. He was oblivious to your ogling and carried on filling your glasses.
"Um. Yeah…let me call it in." You walked over to the phone. "D'you want anything?"
He smirked before shaking his head. "Uh, no I'm ok…for now," he handed you a glass and you clinked them together as you placed an order for a club sandwich and fries. 
"Wanna sit?" He gestured to the couch in the living room once you hung up the phone.
"Oh my goodness, please. I've been wanting to sit all damn day," you sighed.
He smiled and led you to the couch and you sat crisscrossed facing him, his hand coming to rest on your thigh. You both chatted for a bit, catching up on the rest of each other's day while sipping on your drinks as you waited for your food to arrive. It was fun to just relax and laugh, Dieter was so easy to talk to. 
He set his glass down on the coffee table, you noticed that he hadn’t really drunk much of it. Yours was almost empty, making you a bit self-conscious, but you finished it and also placed it down on the coffee table
"So whatd'ya wanna watch?"
"Honestly, whatever is fine. I can't guarantee that I'll stay awake through the whole thing though," you yawned.
"If you're tired, baby, then we can go to sleep after you eat."
Did he say "we"?
"You…ah, you can go to sleep," he shook his head, realizing his slip. "After you eat."
"I wouldn't want to dine and dash on you." You looked up at him through your eyelashes, feeling a bit bolder thanks to the liquid courage.
“Oh we would not want that…c'mere," he leaned back into the crook of the couch, his arms extended inviting you in.
You snuggled your head into his chest, his broad shoulders wrapping you in an embrace. You sat like that for a few moments, feeling the rise and fall of his chest and his heartbeat against your ear.
"Looks like you have some options," he said as he kissed your temple and you felt the prickliness of his beard.
This sweet yet simple gesture shouldn't have affected you the way that it did, but you closed your eyes and tried to regulate your breathing, managing to squeak out, "Mmm, which are?"
"One, after you eat, we could watch a movie and if you fall asleep you fall asleep…here. I'd prefer to tell you goodnight than have to send you a text." You felt him smile into your hairline, giving you another light kiss on the forehead. He cleared his throat before continuing. "Two, you eat, and then go back to your room, which while not my first choice is perfectly acceptable."
"Are those my only options?"
"Hmm. Or, while we wait for your food to get here, we find something a bit more…stimulating…to help keep you awake."
The drop in his vocal register sent an electric current down your whole body. He lightly traced circles on the top of your shoulder with one hand and along your thigh with the other, causing your mind to get foggy.
"Hmm, you pose some c-compelling choices," you shuddered as he shifted to start peppering kisses from your neck down to your collarbone. 
He stopped to look up at you with a smug smile, clearly having fun seeing how his actions affected you.
"Glad to hear. You know, I can help build an even more compelling case if you'd like," his fingers threaded through your hair as he leaned in for a kiss.
Being reunited with his soft lips again made you ache for him. You kissed him back deeply, opening your mouth hoping he'd explore like he did earlier today. His whimpers made you lose all semblance of thought – your body just took over. Before you knew it, you had moved to straddle his lap, which caught both of you by surprise. He stopped to check in on you, searching your eyes as you gave an encouraging smile and a small nod.
I want this. I want him.
His hands moved from your face down your body. You felt the pressure of each of his fingers as he worked his way from your upper back down your spine to your waist, hugging your curves before ultimately stopping on your ass. 
I guess he’s an ass guy.
The urgency of your kisses was enough to give him the license to squeeze and caress you more. Your body responded to his touch and, as if by instinct, you began to rock onto his lap, slowly grinding and feeling his length growing. You were a bit self-conscious at first, but the sounds that caught in his throat continued to encourage you. On one of the passes he made with his hand, he inadvertently caught the hem of your shirt, causing you to tense, and bringing you back to reality.
"Shit, sorry," he quickly pulled back, returning his hands to your waist.
"No, that's ok," you panted. "I-I want you to." You moved his hands to the bottom of your shirt as you looked up at him, his eyes dark. "But c-can we turn the lights down first?" You didn't mean your voice to sound so small when making the request.
He pulled back more, resting his back and head against the couch as his brows furrowed. "Now, why would I want to do that?" He smirked. "I wanna see you baby."
You shook your head and looked down.
Ugh, stop it. You're going to ruin things and make it weird because you can't shut the fuck up.
"I can see the wheels turning sweetheart, tell me what you're thinking," he leaned back up rubbing his hands up and down your arms.
You felt vulnerable and exposed, even though you were still fully clothed. Your insecurities were right at the surface and it felt raw. In other situations, this would have made you completely disassociate and shut down, but Dieter’s concern made you want to chip a bit at the wall you had built.
I guess now is a better time than any.
"Look, I know you told me I didn't have to explain, but I want to…at least some of it…if that's okay." You went to shift off of his lap, but he brought a firm grasp to your hips, keeping you where you were.
"Of course, tell me whatever you feel comfortable with. I'm here," he gave you an encouraging smile.
You took one of his hands off of your hip and interlocked your fingers so you were holding his hand. His thumb went back and forth over the back of your hand to comfort you.
"Sex…intimacy…it’s hard for me, but I'm sure you gathered that already," you chuckled, trying to ease some tension. "It's always kinda been that way…I guess. Some of the…there’s been experiences that have made me hate my body and…I don't know." You shook your head trying to center yourself.
He listened intently to every word you were saying, attempting to keep a neutral but comforting expression. 
"My last relationship…Ryan…he fucked me up in ways I didn't even realize, still don't to be honest. D'you know for the last…fuck…year, that we only had sex with the lights off?" That caused Dieter to scoff and grip your hand even tighter. "Hell, it was almost always over so fast that I usually was able to keep my shirt on, which was for the best honestly. It's like…I was there as a means to an end or something for him, ya know? Which was fine because… after what he'd said…it almost became like a vicious cycle…I…uh, this probably makes no sense." You felt yourself start to ramble, unable to really articulate the full source of your uneasiness, but Dieter's grasp on your arms grounded you.
"Hey…look, Belle…this is definitely gonna be easier said than done, but I want you to approach this, us, with an open mind. I know I don't know the whole story, but I'm not him. I think you're beautiful, so fucking beautiful…will you let me show you how special I think you are?"
Ugh, he busted out those eyes again. I can't resist this man.
You nodded and he tentatively moved one hand up to cup your cheek, leaning forward again and wrapping his other arm around your waist. He started kissing you again, starting off so tenderly before growing more and more passionate. You couldn't help your panting as he tugged on your hair, exposing more of your neck and letting him trail kisses down your chin, to your neck, and across your collarbone. The hand on your waist started to inch its way to the hem of your shirt until eventually his fingertips successfully breached the hem of your shirt and started to skirt upwards. 
Just before his fingertips brushed across your skin, he pulled back to check in with you. You nodded again and he kept his eyes locked on yours as he moved his hands up. You could barely feel his fingers brush against your skin, that's how delicately he was treating you but it was still enough to cause you to shudder. Your breathing picked up and hitched when you felt one of his palms fully secured at your lower back.
"I knew you'd feel soft," he said as he peppered kisses up from your neck to your lips. 
He moved the other hand to where your waist dipped. He rubbed circles with his thumb as you felt the other four fingers each apply just the slightest bit of pressure to move you closer toward him. 
The closer distance allowed you to more easily run your fingers through his hair. You remembered the growl from earlier in the day when you tugged on his curls so you did it again, smiling against his lips when you heard that sound return.
You began to rock your hips again and pressed yourself forward to push him back against the couch so you were towering over him. Again you felt him smile against your lips as he moved both hands to your hips, helping to guide your grinding even more.
The internal battle was starting to wage in your head. Your heart and body wanted to take over and completely pounce on this man. You'd seen his movies and although it was all simulated, if he was even half as talented as his on-screen portrayals showed, you knew you were in for a treat. But, your mind, that pesky thing that never shuts up, started cycling through all of the negative self-talk that has become second nature for you.
This guy has fucked supermodels, who do you even think you are. He's gonna catch one glimpse of your stretch marks and want to gag.
Your weight fluctuated during your relationship with Ryan, sometimes not by the healthiest means. But little offhand comments here and there made you want to hide yourself from him, no matter the size you were. But here, with Dieter, he was radiating warmth and reverence. And you wanted to reward his patience and care.
Pushing aside the negativity, you pulled back and rested both hands on his shoulders, trying to catch your breath. Concern was etched across his face, but it quickly evaporated as you moved your hands down to your shirt and slowly pulled it off. You closed your eyes as you got the fabric over your face and pulled it off of your arm. When you opened your eyes, you weren't prepared to meet Dieter's gaze right away. Your eyes looked down before making an attempt to look at him, nervous to see what his reaction would be.
What you see was him slack-jawed and scanning your body like he was trying to commit every freckle, blemish, and curve to memory. His breath hitched as he looked at you and you felt his hands, which were resting on your thighs, twitch.
You both stayed looking at each other for a few more moments before he cleared his throat. "I fucking told you you were beautiful."
Seeing his reaction, gave you a much-needed confidence boost. If there was anyone who could erase and repair the damage left by Ryan, you felt as if Dieter was the man for it.
"Show me,” you whispered.
Those two words lit a fire in him. He brought both hands up to your face as his lips crashed into yours. He worked one hand down tentatively, gauging your reaction. Not seeing any resistance, he palmed one of your breasts on the outside of your bra. Your whimper was almost instantaneous, causing Dieter to buck up into you. 
His other hand went to move your strap down, but you decided to do one better and undid your bra, letting it fall in between you. Without breaking his gaze, Dieter grabbed it and flung it behind the couch.
"Jesus, baby…you're so fucking gorgeous…better than I imagined, and I have a really active imagination." His chuckle did wonders to break the tension and keep your mind at ease.
He seemed eager to explore the new territory you offered him, kissing down your neck as he palmed one of your breasts, lightly grazing his thumb across your nipple. You could feel the slick pooling between your legs. You felt everything short-circuiting as he took your other breast in his mouth, swirling his tongue. It was a combination of this act and who was doing it to you that was sending you down a pleasurable tailspin. If you didn't know any better, it felt like you could come just by him doing this, but you knew that certainly wasn't happening.
With Ryan, orgasms were few and far between for you. He didn't listen to what you wanted, or care, and he would complain when you took too long. As a result, you got very convincing at faking it, anything to get him to stop and just get it over with. After a while, he stopped waiting for you all together and would just move to get his release and call it a day.
"D-Dieter, I…nghh ahh," you moaned as he moved his mouth to your other breast, which was apparently more sensitive.
"This feel good, baby?" He panted against your skin.
"Mmm, y-yea. I…I, shit."
"Let go, c'mon I got you."
You threaded your fingers through his hair, bringing his face even closer to your chest, if that was even possible. He briefly took the one hand that was teasing your nipple off and grabbed your hip, encouraging you to go back to grinding him like you did earlier. Your breathing picked up and you could feel him, thankful for the thin fabric of your pants which made the friction more intense.
"That's it, baby, c'mon now…" he encouraged.
You surprised yourself by how quickly you felt yourself on the precipse. For the first time, maybe ever, you were fully present. Mind and body connected. As he sucked, licked, and nipped, you felt something snap in your mind, like a damn breaking, and you were reeling, reveling in the ecstasy of your release.
You were all moans and pants, as Dieter whimpered into your skin. You felt him tilt his face ever so slightly so he could watch you come undone and you didn't even care. Your head was thrown back working through the after-effects, as Dieter moved to pepper more kisses up into your neck, whispering praise and telling you how pretty you sounded.
As your breathing regulated, you brought your head back level, looking at Dieter. 
"Baby, that was so fucking hot," he kissed you, one hand at the back of your neck and the other around your waist.
The events of the last few moments caught up to you. You were on Dieter's lap, exposed from the waist up and working yourself down from one of the biggest orgasms you had experienced in years all from his mouth. You wanted to show him some care too and moved to the waistband of his shorts before he stopped you, looking a bit sheepish.
"I…uh, I'm gonna need a minute."
You furrowed your brows, not understanding what he was implying. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm…um, more than okay," he smirked. "Can't remember the last time this has happened, ha, I can usually last a lot longer I swear." He blushed.
And then it hit you. His whimpering and panting weren't to encourage you, it was because he came with you.
"Shit, really? But I didn't even do anything…"
"Oh yeah you did," he chuckled. "You sounded so pretty," he gave you a chaste kiss on the lips. "You felt so fuckin soft," he kissed the tip of your nose. "I…couldn't help myself." He finished off kissing your forehead.
You brought both hands to the back of his neck to bring him in for a kiss, running your fingers through his curls as both of you smiled into the kiss. And then you heard a knock.
“Room service!”
You tensed and then scrambled off Dieter to find your shirt and your bra.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get it…Ah, I’m coming one minute!” he shouted. “Fuck, ah…shit,” he looked down to see a wet spot in his crotch.
“I can get it, don’t worry,” you quickly got your bra back on and threw your shirt on as you padded to the door, opening it to see an older man with a tray. “Hi, thank you so much, I got it!”
He seemed a bit surprised to see you, probably because he had heard Dieter’s voice.
“Here you go, Mrs. Bravo,” he went to roll in the cart before you stopped him.
“Ah, I can just take the tray, thank you so much,” you smiled, wanting to get the door closed as soon as possible. 
Just then, Dieter came up behind you, handing the man a folded-up bill, “Thanks Lou, that will be all.” He stayed pressed against you so you hid the mess that was his jeans.
“Mahalo, Mr. Bravo, have a good night, sir.”
As the door closed, Dieter looked at you with a smirk.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh, nothing Mrs. Bravo,” he winked.
“Ha, I was so overwhelmed, I can’t fucking think straight,” you blushed and saw the corners of Dieter’s mouth turn up.
“You can eat on the couch. I’m gonna go…ah…change.”
“Oh sure, yeah, don’t worry about me.”
He carried the tray to the living room, putting it on the coffee table before heading off to his room. You turned your head to watch him just in time to see him pulling his T-shirt over his head. You immediately snapped yourself around so he wouldn’t catch you staring. You saw the slightest glimpse of his back and shoulders and it sent a tingle down your body. You were then thankful for the fact that you were wearing black pants because you knew for sure there would have been a visible wet spot if you had on a lighter color.
You pull the top off of your plate and start to dig into your sandwich. You were mid-bite when you heard footsteps behind you. Dieter had switched into a slouchy dark gray shirt with gray shorts.
“How is it?”
“Mmm, good,” you said through a full mouth. “You’ll have to let me know how much I owe you,” you added once you swallowed your bite.
“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” he laughed as you rolled your eyes. “How’s Jurassic Park sound?”
“Oh my gosh, yes! But I apologize in advance for quoting it.”
It was cute that he remembered it was your favorite movie. As the opening credits started, Dieter quickly got up and headed to the kitchen. He came back carrying a small box of cookies with a smirk on his face.
“We’ll need something sweet,” he winked.
He helped you finish your fries and once you were done, you leaned back against him on the couch. It felt so natural, so normal, as if you’d done this for years. You felt his chest, firm beneath you as his arms wrapped around you, rubbing up and down your arm. His heartbeat was strong in your ear, and you felt as if it was going a little bit faster than it should. It was his breathing though, that soothed you and lulled you to a relaxed state. Your eyelids started to feel heavy.
“Belle, hey baby.”
Dieter’s voice sounded far away, but you realized it was because you were waking up. You blinked and saw him looking at you, the beautiful John Williams score playing softly in the background over the end credits.
“Hey…sorry I fell asleep, I told you,” you smiled, still trying to wake up. “I should go.”
“You don’t have to, just stay here,” he kissed your temple. “I know that sounds like a line, but we can just sleep…please?” 
Those goddamn puppy dog eyes again. Fuuuuck. Who am I to resist his request?
“We don’t have to do anything, I…it would just be nice to be close to you is all,”
“Uh, yeah sure.”
“Yeah?” He got the biggest grin and when you nodded to confirm, he shot up and brought you with him. He held your hand as he led you down the hall. 
“Ah um, go ahead and make yourself comfortable, I’m going to make sure everything is locked and turned off, kay?”
Dieter left you in his room and you went to the ensuite bathroom to pee. Coming out of the bathroom, you saw Dieter walk into the bedroom. He looked nervous, but excited as he fidgeted with his hands.
“Do you have a preference?” he pointed to the bed.
“Ah, I’ll take this side, I guess. Is that ok?”
“Yeah, sure.”
You both somewhat awkwardly made your way to the opposite sides of his king bed, pulling back the sheets.
Holy fucking shit. I’m getting in bed with Dieter Bravo.
You both crawled in and faced each other.
“Comfy? Need more pillows or anything?” Dieter half got up ready to go fetch whatever you needed.
“N-no, I’m ok.”
“Ok good,” he turned to the nightstand next to him, taking off his glasses and placing them next to his phone as he turned off the lamp. You followed his lead and turned off your lamp too.
He left the blinds open, so the moonlight shone in, illuminating his face. You studied each other’s faces again while exchanging coy smiles. 
“Did you set an alarm?”
“Oh shit, yes, I need to do that.” You got up and reached for your phone double checking that all four of your alarms were set. “Shit, I’m going to need to charge this.”
“Here, use mine,” he reached for your phone, plugging it in once you handed it to him.
When he turned around he moved a little bit closer, resting his hand outside of the covers on your hip. As if the magnetic pull was turned up a notch, you moved yourself closer to him.
He cleared his throat. “I meant what I said, we can just go to sleep. I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying anything.”
“I know.”
“But, can I hold you?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You turned yourself around, moving yourself further back until you felt his chest again. He was so warm, like a furnace. 
“Where do you want my hands - over or under the covers.” He whispered in your ear.
“Under is good with me.”
Your thought you felt his cock twitch at that, but you reasoned away that he was shuffling. 
You didn’t realize how big his hands were until his palm was splayed on your stomach, holding you. It felt so strong, so secure. It didn’t take long before you felt his breathing slow down and you turned your head enough to see his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful as he slept and you wished you could turn to face him just to study his face and commit it to memory. But you didn’t want to move a muscle for fear of waking him. His breathing, low and steady, lulled you off to sleep soon enough.
You stirred at one point in the night, turning before realizing how cold the bed was next to you. You reached out your hand instinctively to feel Dieter’s warmth, but you were met with emptiness. You opened your eyes and noticed the bed was empty and Dieter’s glasses were missing from the nightstand. 
You got up and saw no sign of Dieter in the room.
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Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N: There’s still a lot Belle needs to work through regarding intimacy, so as much as I wanted these two to just go at it and go further, it’s going to take time.
As always, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my little story. I appreciate all of the kind comments, reblogs, and likes …it makes my day!
Tag list: @musings-of-a-rose / @legendary-pink-dot / @bitchwitch1981 / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @gracie7209 / @amneris21 / @pastelnap / @maryfanson / @sunnywithachanceofjavi / @sin-djarin / @winchestergypsy90 / @for-a-longlongtime /@harriedandharrassed / @titlee78 / @midnightraain / @poodlebae / @partyofone3413
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gatitties · 1 year
Happy Valentines?
Manager Miniseries
─ Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─ Summary: You are not having your best day, and the date does not match your mood, luckily everyone seems to notice and help
─ Warnings: none
7 < 8 > 9
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You breathed in nasally, fingers on the bridge of your nose, frowning. You normally weren't in a bad mood but just today, February fourteenth, Valentine's Day, it had to catch you on your period.
You were more easily irritated or could change your mood quickly, not to mention that you had an incredible urge to cuddle and snuggle with someone or between lots of blankets. But no, your life wasn't that nice and your grades weren't good enough to miss classes, so now you were holding back from kicking all those girls who squealed every time they saw Oikawa do something cool in practice.
You had nothing against the holiday, but the fans were being a pain in the ass today.
"(Nn) if you keep frowning like this you will get wrinkles."
You turned your head in the direction of the boy, who was passing a towel around his neck, looked at him with an even more frown, throwing a bottle at him that hit the pretty face of the dark-haired man.
"Shut up trash."
Oikawa squirmed on his spot, complaining about the pain in his nose, he thought that his manager was a combination of Iwaizumi and Kentaro, which sent a shiver down his spine. He expected his manager to be in a good mood today but it seemed to be the opposite.
Iwaizumi held back a small laugh upon seeing the scene and Kentaro came over to acknowledge the good job you had done beating up his captain, even advising you on other methods.
When everyone went back to training Kunimi sat up, not wanting to have to exert himself any further, glancing sideways at his manager who seemed more irritated than usual. He sighed rummaging through his pocket, finding some of your favorite candies he dropped into your school bag without you noticing.
He narrowed his eyes, putting his index finger to his mouth, then pointed to your deep frown, Kindaichi nodded in understanding to move closer to you.
"(N) are you-"
You looked at the boy abruptly, he gasped when he saw the deadly face he had received, from one moment to the next your face relaxed when saw such a baby. You sighed, rubbing your temples, pouting a little and standing up to the first year.
"Sorry Kindaichi, I'm in a bad mood."
Without expecting it, you wrapped your arms around the boy's waist with force, hiding your face in his chest, he tensed up, blushing completely, a hard blow to Kindaichi's heart.
"I-I should get back to practice."
He ran off, stumbling continuously until he was warming up like the others. Watari, who had seen the scene, took advantage of the fact that you seemed a bit calmer to approach you. You two looked at each other in silence, the libero just caressed your back in circles to comfort you somehow, he knew it was better not to have a conversation when you were like this.
You nodded to thanks, allowing him to resume his training. Back on the bench Kunimi patted your shoulder for support and you didn't even bother telling him to get back to practice, it was a silent mutual agreement.
The rest of the practice passed quietly as the coach took out all the fans who were breaking in with their screams or throwing things. You swore you saw a bra go flying onto the court, but you weren't going to take care of those things.
Of course, your torture did not end, since as soon as you arrived at class many girls piled up to leave gifts for your teammate, you reluctantly accepted them. But hey, you were so hungry for mood swings that if a couple of chocolates disappeared, nothing would happen. You smiled mischievously, rubbing your palms as began to savor the expensive sweets.
Yahaba was passing through the corridor to go to the cafeteria, he observed how you had the face stained with chocolate, you looked at each other and you narrowed your eyes, frowning. Yahaba felt a chill and raised his hands peacefully.
"I won't say anything if you share me."
You shrugged, it's not like you cared that Oikawa ran out of his beloved chocolates. You sat together complaining about things in common or how anyone hadn't given him anything for Valentines. When recess ended, you two collected all the evidence that could incriminate you, and held hands as if you made a pact not to talk about it.
But the last three hours seemed like forever, you were too tired to have to endure another few hours in the pavilion with a bunch of hormonal girls. Although you somehow understood them, the Seijo boys weren't not bad at all.
Your aggressive behavior did not go unnoticed by the third-year meme lovers, clearly noticing that their manager was around those days.
"(N), you look so pretty today."
Makki stormed you from behind with a tight hug, planting a short kiss on your cheek, you seemed to relax a bit in his embrace.
"Yeah, today you look good, I mean, you always look good, you know."
Mattsun caressed your hair, ruffling it, normally you would look at him badly and hit his shoulder but today you allowed to be gently caressed without paying attention to your tousled locks. You just enjoyed being pampered for once. Oikawa who watched the scene puffed out his cheeks like a child, remembering that this morning he tried to hug his manager but was almost bitten by you.
He glanced sideways at Kentaro who was warning him with a look not to dare come near you again or this time he would be the one to bite him.
"Th-thank you guys!"
You blew your nose with a handkerchief now hugging Mattsun, you had changed from being completely calm to crying hugging the duo, but those caresses felt so good after such an exhausting day enduring fans in love.
Everyone was touched to see how the normally uninterested manager today sought attention and pampering. Even Iwaizumi and Kentaro hugged you lovingly trying to calm your small sobs of joy. Finally you also let Oikawa hug you but they all glared at him when he tried to run with you in his arms, however the vice captain threw a ball at him stopping his feet.
Usually you were the one who had to take care of such a chaotic team, but today it seemed that the roles had been reversed and now everyone wanted to take care of you, one way or another everyone was able to show their little love.
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tealeafgrimm · 1 year
Wrongly Accused
Fred Weasley x Reader
Words: 1.1k
Summary: You didn't like him. And for a good reason. At least that's what you thought. But as it turns out, the reason for your quarrel is not his fault at all.
A/N: I am so sorry! I'm very stressed with my job at the moment and just can't find enough time to write. I really want to get back to my schedule, but for now I think I'll just post whenever I can. So please bear with me. I hope you still enjoy this one-shot.
That was just your luck. Of all people, you had to work with HIM. Of all the people in the class, he was the one. You didn't know whether to laugh hysterically or cry. If you hadn't been completely wrong, you could have sworn that Professor McGonagall had even smiled slightly when she had read out your names. The old witch knew exactly what she had done. You were sure of that.
While the whole school (apart from maybe the Slytherins) loved the Weasley twins, you were at war with them. Well, actually, only with Fred Weasley. Since your first year at Hogwarts, you couldn't stand each other and you always clashed. And he was the one you were supposed to be with, preparing your transformation project? You would have been better off with Moaning Myrtle. You'd have been able to stand her better than Fred Weasley's face.
And Fred, too, was thunderstruck at the mention of your name as his project partner. While his twin brother laughed, Fred gave you a scathing look, which you were only too happy to return.
"Now that the groups have been divided, please get together to discuss the next steps. Remember, the grade of the project is one third of the final mark. Therefore, I advise you to make an effort. Transformation classes will be cancelled for the next three weeks so that you can use the time to complete your project. If you have any questions or problems, please see me in my office hours," Professor McGonagall announced, before gesturing for you to get together in your respective partner groups.
Neither Fred nor you moved. Only when Angelina Johnson hinted to Fred that she needed his space to work with George did he reluctantly stand up. Inwardly you grinned that he had to make the first move. Your pride wouldn't have allowed it. With an expression on his face as if he had been told he was to spend the next three weeks alone with Professor Snape, he dropped into the chair beside you without saying a word.
There was an unsettling silence between you before you decided to say something.
"Okay, listen Weasley. I know you don't care about your grade. But I do. And I'm not going to let your incompetence get me a bad grade at the end of the semester, understand? So, if you still want to enjoy your life, I suggest you follow my rules and at least use your remaining brain cells on this project."
"And why should I do that?" asked Fred, annoyed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Because you don't want to know what happens if you don't. I'll meet you in that empty classroom on the third floor during normal hours, understand?"
"Like I'm scared of you," he laughed maliciously, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, I never said anything about being scared. But I happen to know all those secret passages you always use. And it really would be a shame if the teachers knew about them, wouldn't it. And I also know that the little 'accident' the Slytherins had last week wasn't Peeves' fault. Maybe I should clear that up sometime too," you hissed at him. With satisfaction, you could see the colour drain from Fred's face.
“You wouldn’t”, Fred hissed. “Try me and find out”, you shrugged your shoulders, clearing your desk, ready to leave the classroom. “Don’t be late Weasley.”
You didn't know how you had survived the next few days without being at each other's throats. But with each day your emotions bubbled more and more.
After barely a week, you finally had enough.
"Say that again and I swear to you Weasley, you'll wish you'd never been born!"
"Sitting here with you makes me wish that all the time!"
"You're such an ignorant idiot do you know that? Life is not just a joke!" Your voice was getting louder and louder and you could hear the vein at your temple throbbing.
"And you're obnoxious! Do you even have friends at this school? I don't think anyone likes you anyway!"
"I have friends! Imagine being friends with people without constantly doing something at someone else's expense!"
"You're one to talk! You're always up in my business!"
"Well, YOU deserve it! After all, you started it!"
For a few seconds Fred looked at you in amazement before exploding.
"I started it? You're just way too sensitive. How vindictive are you? Just because I threw food at you once when I wanted to hit Lee?!"
Now you were speechless. Perplexed, you looked at Fred.
"What are you talking about?" Your voice took on a normal pitch.
"Well, the first year Halloween feast? George and I wanted to start a food fight. I wanted to throw mashed potatoes at Lee, you leaned forward over the table and I hit you right in the face?"
You remembered the situation that you hadn't thought about it in ages and began to laug out loud.
"I haven't thought about that at all!", you snorted as Fred looked at you open-mouthed.
"I don't understand. I thought that was the reason we were fighting?", he finally asks as you wiped away a tear from the corner of your eye.
"What, I wouldn't have been mad about that! I'm all about that Potions lesson where you deliberately threw that stinky tincture at me that made me come out with pustules all over my face!"
Now it was Fred who started laughing.
"Oh, you think that's funny huh?" you asked angrily. You had spent hours in the hospital wing before Madame Pomfrey could make the painful pustules disappear.
"That wasn't me! That was George!", Fred finally replied, trying to suppress another laugh.
"That wasn't you at all? It's still not funny!
"I'm sorry, you're right. I just can't believe that all this time we thought the origin of everything was two completely different things. And in the end, I wasn't even involved. And just so you know, George felt awful afterwards, he just thought your hair was changing colour. He wanted to apologise but he didn't know what to say."
For a while you sat next to each other without saying anything. Finally Fred held out his hand to you. Wonderingly you looked at him.
"Well, I guess now that we know that I never actually did anything to you, we can bury the war hatchet, can't we?" he asked and winked at you.
"Hmm, I don't know, depends a bit on how the mark turns out for our project," you replied, smiling at him before returning his handshake.
"I still think you're taking the whole grade thing too seriously. Maybe we should just..." But before he could finish his sentence, you raised your hand to silence him.
"Don't finish that sentence Weasley. You may not have done anything then, but that doesn't mean I can't change my mind. So get to work and you're not dismissed until we finish the assignments."
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mostautisticangel · 1 month
vent post about my shitty life and my shitty mom
so during the pandemic i discovered i was most likely adhd and autistic. since then I've just self-diagnosed. It explains a lot of things going on with me.
Most of such things are interactions with my mother. Specifically my mother. I think my dad might be autistic but i'm not sure. he's not as bad as mom but he's still a shitty parent.
So my mother is the absolute peak of Strict Republican Christian Homeschooling White Mom. Every stereotype you can think of, she has (except having like 6 kids, THANK GODDESS). And that means that I, a queer autistic creature, do not fit into her picture perfect little Good Christian Family.
Ever since I was little I was obviously neurodivergent. I was every single stereotype except the fact I was a girl. I went to public school for two years: preschool and kindergarten.
Turns out, I was """gifted""" wow! not like that phrase means anything to autistic people! So mom signed me up for this fancy hybrid private school. I went two days a week, wore the ugliest fucking uniform you've ever seen, and all the kids thought i was weird.
I don't remember much of it (thank goddess) except how much i hated it. I went there for two years. then mom found this homeschool community group thing and signed me up. I've been in it since 3rd grade. we buy the books, do the assigned work, and meet with the community once a week.
I forgot to mention my dad is in the military, so we moved a lot. a LOT. my current best friend i haven't even known for a year. i've never been friends with anyone for longer than 3 years. But military brat trauma is a separate post this is about my neurodivergence.
(I wont be naming specific states for privacy so bear with me) The first place we lived since joining this group was okay. I met some people, two of which i think were neurodivergent, the rest were typical Christian kid assholes.
I specifically remember this one girl who was my friend (well, what 9 year old me thought was a friend) who was really nice to me and seemed to like me but she always insulted my interests and called me weird.
There was this other boy, who i still know and is still an asshole. He would literally go through my backpack and take out my stuff and bully me for it. I used to take stuffed animals and my little pony fanfiction to school to show my one nice (probably neurodivergent) friend. What kind of person does that. what the fuck.
so we moved away from there and to a new place. this was at the end of 2019. we bought an rv, thinking we'd only be in this stae for 18 months, and we could travel! we could go up to canada!
i was already MASSIVLEY against the idea of the rv. when my mom made the announcement i BROKE INTO TEARS. i still remember it. i am very emotionally attached to my Things, and having lots of Things makes me happy. the thing about rv living is that you don't have Things.
I'm just now realizing this is like a trauma cocktail i have. we have queer kid trauma, autistic kid trauma, van life kid trauma, military brat trauma, going through tween years during covid trauma, christian kid trauma, living in The South trauma, you want it come get it folks.
anyways, i had to put all my shit in a storage unit and was never the same. i legit blacked out most of the time in the rv because of how fucking horrible it was. i just sat in my room on my goddamn kindle fire all day because mom wouldn't let me have a phone.
At this point in my life, i was a gacha kid. no no, don't panic, i was a normal one. i thank my lucky stars for that. so i decided, fuck it, secret youtube channel. here's the thing: we werent allowed youtube. at all. under any circumstances. still arent. technically we're not allowed any internet use besides like google or something. because everyone on the internet is a pedophile.
I also ended up getting discord. i had so much fun. i made so many friends and one of them invited me to join a queer server. this is where i got better.
being a Sheltered Homeschooled Kid, I didn't know much. i say much as opposed to anything because i watched she-ra and s1 of the owl house was out so yeah. i knew they existed. but not much.
so i learned lots of new terms and went "hey! i might be one of these!" idr my first label, I think it was pan. which was actually right. at the time i was %100 convinced i was cis. i even made jokes about it. then one day the egg cracked and i was like "oh im transmasc." i also adopted the aroace label by then.
one of my old friends from that old homeschool group reached out to me and asked if i knew about discord. she thought we would be able to play minecraft together over it. i said yes. i invited her to the server. she was really nice and respectful and found out some things about herself.
but her parents went through her phone, found out, and called my mom. cue the trauma.
i remember this so distinctly. that night, both of my parents yelled at me for """talking to strangers on the internet""" I'd lose all my devices for a month. which was insane because what else was I supposed to do? all my stuff was in the storage unit.
the next morning i got a yelling at because """gay people are bad"""" thank GODDESS they found out in that tiny window of time i identified as cis but asexual. if they thought i was trans or queer i'd be dead. (i am trans AND queer. i have no doubt that they wouldn't disown me if they knew.)
then she went through my yt channel and boy oh boy did i get lucky. she only watched a few videos. she watched the one of me making my intro. i used the song "honeypie" bc i thought it was vibey and funky. mom got mad because "you know this is a song about sex, right?" blew my little 12 year old mind. im autistic i'm so fucking bad at metaphors. so fucking bad. then she just told me to delete it. so i did.
and my main oc was supposed to be a boy but for some reason she didn't say anything? he wasn't even a femboy he was very masc looking with a masc name. so. weird. then again, my mom thought fucking Wriothesley from genshin impact was "trying to look like a girl" so who knows whats going on in that head of hers (fr tho?? WRIO?!?! HUH?? IS IT CAUSE OF THE EARRINGS??? IM SO CONFUSED LITERALLY HOW??? dont show her venti ig)
so i just gave up trying by then.
mom got much more aggressive in the rv. she yelled at us for almost every tiny little thing.
and my new class? hell. jail. hate them all. (except you caleb you were a sweetheart.) there was stereotypical racist sexist homophobic country boy who borderline sexually assaulted me so thats fun. (whats more fun is that he's coming to visit this summer! la-dee-fucking-da!!!) a weeb with concerning opinions on women, and just the most autistic fella you've ever met. that was caleb. ily caleb you were the only one keeping me sane. he liked to talk about his lizards and his goats and lord of the rings and i could listen for hours. i mightve been in love.
the teacher was nice though. she was the racist country boy's mom. i say "teacher" but she was just like the one in charge of making sure we all followed the curriculum. our own parents were our actual teachers. still, that class was a nightmare. for three years i had to endure it. AND WE WERE ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE RV FOR 18 MONTHS. FUCKING LIARS.
anyways we moved to my grandparents so my dad could find a non-military job and we could buy a house. i joined a local volunteer program and met my current best friends, @aubreymonobry and @tboymagnus i literally love you guys so much you don't know how much you saved meeeeee <3
we had fun. i moved away again once dad got a job and we got a house. i joined a new class. same program, new people. we had: peak annoying gen z boy, most basic white girl you've ever met (affectionate) girl with highly concerning views, and guy who i am literally in love with hnggg he is so silly and goofy RAHHHH and actually nice and respectful im gonna dieeee <3
so now i'm here. im not going back to that class. im doing %100 homeschooling next semester. BUT i dont have to learn latin anymore and i wont have to read a book a week so thats good. ive been learning how to mask better and i think its working. i got all my stuff back and have cluttered up my room to the max and i actually feel happy again. sure, mom might be worse than ever and the career path i'm studying for is absolute shit and the economy is in shambles and i might get murdered for literally existing and i live on the whims of my borderline alchoholic and emotionally abusive mother BUT WE STAY SILLY! I AM OKAY!!! I WILL MAKE IT!!!! I WILL MOVE OUT AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE SOON!!!! I HAVE MY FRIENDS! AND THE SILLY LITTLE GAY PEOPLE ON MY PUTER!!!
i might revisit this post a few years later and add on to it. for now, im just a silly teenager doing things that make me happy and doing my best to survive. i think that's the best i can do
if you read this far, wow thanks, friend. :3 hope you have a good day <3
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cleake · 2 years
Tom Riddle Headcanons
I feel like his character is very misunderstood when people are writing him, but this is just my own opinion. Just some things I feel like suit him. I am not really close with Harry Potter but this is mostly about how people portray Tom when writing which I feel is not accurate to his character, but then again this is my own view on him, please don’t kill me :)
Warning: English is not my first language, I'm sorry for any errors
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-First thing I don’t think he would be very sexual. He wouldn’t, first of all, care about sex, or maybe even feel disgusted by it, that people are created by this pathetic thing, where they get close and intimate. That is just a thing that normal people do and it sometimes creates a new soul. He would be not happy that he is here by it, something that muggles can be created by.
-I feel like he wouldn’t talk to others at all. Only in class, to show them his genius and make them jealous, but never in private. He wants to be untouchable to others, he sees himself as something that they can’t have or reach. When someone tries to talk to him he’s very stiff and only says a few words in a polite way but only to get the person to go away.
-If someone gets to be his “friend” it has to be for some reason, Tom wouldn’t just hand out with people. He chooses them for his reasons, but not only for the evil ones. Maybe he somehow likes their way of thinking, or maybe enjoys their presence and it calms him down. Even though he may have some people closer to him he still doesn’t see them as friends, more as places he can go to when needed and he knows that he’ll get what he wants.
-I sometimes see him as conflicted with himself, especially at the beginning of his education at Hogwarts. He may feel a bit different from the others, he didn’t see why for a long time and it kinda angered him. He thought of himself as less, he saw how others in school behaved and how things were so easy for them with making relationships, learning, and just being happy. Tom felt like he wasn’t happy and was so jealous of others, he felt like he deserved that feeling too, maybe more than the others. So he would grow to be more and more cold, trying to be “normal” to feel good for himself for once, and becoming selfish to feel something else than burning in him jealousy.
-He’s a great student, but teachers see him as too ambitious, and sometimes he overdoes his works and they become less understandable to others than Tom. It made him angry that teachers told him to slow down or try to be less. He puts his whole self into his education, it makes him feel like he has control and is better than everyone else. But for the sake of his grades and relationships with his teachers, he does his work like a normal, average student and puts his ambition into learning dark magic in secret. This makes him feel proud of himself, that he doesn’t let others get him. 
-He sees the romance with other students, that they start with years to choose their people. It was so wired to Tom how they would just be so linked to each other. It made him uncomfortable seeing how they kissed or hugged. It was nothing special, how is it to them so special? And why is it not to him? He felt it was such a waste of time, he saw how this “love” thing also harmed others. For a long time, Tom was disgusted by this pathetic muggle neediness, but he also felt confused. Why do others have it, and he doesn’t? He’s better than them, how come it didn’t happen to him? Because he doesn’t want it or fears it? He starts to question human feelings and his own, angry that he has them, but still too much in love with himself to be angry at him. He was confused about how it didn’t happen to him, he saw it was so easy then why not him? He was just thinking logically, it is normal, right? Why is it out of reach for him? Of course, he didn’t want himself to fall for someone, he just wanted to see that someone may be interested in him. 
-If it happens, if someone gets interested in him he’ll be unable to do anything. It happened, so that means he’s normal but is this good or bad? He doesn’t want to be ordinary but he doesn’t want to be seen as nonexistent too. Now, what to do with this someone? He knows how to make them in pain, or them to be happy, he just doesn’t know what he wants for them. Maybe he’ll just watch for some time, observe how it works, maybe it will be useful for him. So he just ignores the person that’s clearly interested in him. He watches them while they aren’t looking, trying to figure it all out. He doesn’t feel anything for them, but it is normal for humans to respond to this kind of feeling, right? Just to make himself look good he walks up to the person, it doesn’t matter what they are doing, and just says their feelings out loud. Of course, they are embarrassed by his blunt words and afraid that he just said it so early, it probably means that he doesn’t feel the same. They are surprised when Tom says that he agrees with their feelings, but he says it with a blunt look on his face, just smiling at the corner of his lips for a moment, and walking away. Now he has to be more present in this persons day to day life. 
-Well he at least tries, with a lot on his mind he sometimes just forgets the person and their needs. So he isn’t very present in this loose “relationship”. But he understands that he has to, and needs to find out what is so pleasant in this thing. He shows up to them after class talking about some usual things. He observes them and how they react to certain things, he sees they are nervous but does nothing about it. He is very polite to them, cracking a smile or a few to make them feel more comfortable, that is how it works, right?
-He helps them with school work and spends free time with them. He is quite surprised that he’s enjoying the moments with them, but it’s still not because of them, just situations they are in. He doesn’t want to attach himself to them, this is just an experiment. He and the person are still very distant from each other but he tried his best to make them more comfortable with him, to unravel them and figure them out. He makes notes on what “couples” do with each other, but he’s so uncomfortable with these actions, he won’t perform them. He knows the psychological tricks to do on people, and he’s more willing to do them. 
-After some time of this “relationship” the person becomes more attached to him, and he sees it. They are more comfortable with him, sharing their thoughts and feelings. This is a bit uncomfortable for Tom, he doesn’t really know how to process the things they are saying, he feels his emotions but the emotions of others are out of reach for him. He knows what they mean but can’t relate to them and it becomes a problem. The person seeks comfort in Riddle but he’s closed and only can try to make them feel better. Sometimes they cry in front of him, he just sits there, thinking is this this “love” that everyone is so crazy about? There was this time when the person was so broken and sad they couldn’t stop crying and Tom was there with them. He didn’t know what to do. Suddenly the person wraps their hands around Tom, their face in his shoulder. It makes him jump a bit. He looks at them, they are in mess. He feels how pathetic they are, but swallows the urge to call them out. He hates the feeling of a trap in their arms, how heavy they are, and the tears soaking into his robes.
“Stop that.” He says with the calmest tone he can, but his disgust is not hidden. They, a bit scared let go, looking at Tom with worried eyes. He sits there for a minute, processing what happened and that it’s over, and just stands up, leaving them alone. He couldn’t take the sudden contact. It made him feel like crawling out of his skin. 
-He understood that what he did was painful to them, and probably the trust he built with them is gone, but he wasn’t ready to let go. He shows up to the person after one of the classes and asks for some time alone. They of course are a bit uncertain but they agree. Tom goes with them to the end of the hall and tries to explain what happened. He truly says that it made him uncomfortable, apologizing for his reaction. The person doesn’t really understand why Tom was uncomfortable but accepts the apology. 
-He tries to show affection to the person but it’s hard for him to understand it. He sees what others do while being in relationships but it makes him very uncomfortable. He shows them “affection” by giving notes to learn from, listening to them, and hanging out with them in his free time. Sometimes he will force himself to gently stoke their shoulder, or give them an awkward side hug, he tries to be normal. But it’s clear that he fights with this thing. The person would lose their interest in Tom, they got close to him and his mysterious and unclear behavior made them unhappy, no longer linked to him. So they “break up” with him. Tom doesn’t feel bad because this ended but because he failed at his task. And it makes him bitter, he completely ignores the person and forgets them, while focusing on his deeds.
-After that Tom learns how to ignore everyone around him and just care for himself, not opening up to anyone anymore in an intimate way.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
I don't know if this is planned out well but maybe ash gets bullied at school bc fez didn't come to his eight grade graduation because he needed to help Lexi and then they have an argument when fez comes home?
I like this a lot! I hope it's what you were thinking of, the pov is a little odd but I tried my best! This isn't completely proofread cuz I have a terrible headache.
I'm sorry again for not posting, I should have been and I'm sorry. I hope this is good.
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Ash always thought that he had a fair life.
He was born into drugs and violence but was also born into a job, a lifetime job where he could kick ass and take names beside his favorite person in his whole world. He was always safe, even if he was in unfavorable environments, he never got terribly injured other than a broken arm when he was three and that one time where he ate to many pot brownies (which he did not know were pot) and threw up all over the inside of his grandma's car.
But he was happy and he got to do whatever he wanted.
Minus one thing; he never really got to do well in school because his mind was always elsewhere and the adults around him didn't really care too much. That is until Lexi came into the picture.
He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't the slightest bit jealous when Fez started to spend all of his time texting and talking with the young, bright girl. But once Ash met her and actually sat down to get to know her, he began to understand why Fezco loved her as much as he did. She was special and inspirational and a little bit insane.
But when finding out that Ash didn't attend school or when he did, he failed, she was really mad at everyone involved; especially Fezco.
Fez didn't go to school as much as he should and ended up failing out at the ripe age of sixteen. But he was met with support from his grandma and never really saw the importance behind finishing school. The same attitude applied to Ash when he didn't do very well early on in school so he didn't push the kid to go.
Trying to fix family trauma and poor life choices, Lexi immediately made it her job to enroll Ash back in school and get him tested to see where he lies in the academic timeline. She stayed late to help him study for the test and helped him catch up in places where he was lacking like history and english. He didn't struggle much in math and science since his job since birth really revolved around the two subjects.
He ended up passing the test and it was calculated that he fell around the seventh grade mark. It matched his age pretty well so he didn't feel like he would stick out like a sore thumb, but he didn't really know how to socialize with people his age without corrupting them with his ways of life.
But he did well.
Better than Fez or him could've possibly imagined.
He passed seventh grade with an 85% and even got an award for being the most improved at their award ceremony at the end of the year. Lexi and Fez were there front row, along with Rue, and they cheered and clapped and made him feel appreciated in a way that he never felt before. He was finally doing something that he was supposed to and he was doing good too. He was talking to people his age and making friends, getting out in the world in a safe way, doing normal pre-teen things with other appropriate, safe people.
He was beyond proud of himself and it changed his whole outlook on the world and where he thought he was going in the world. Just because Fez wanted to deal drugs and be a stoner for the rest of his life, it doesn't mean that Ash had to do the same thing with his life.
And he didn't want to be Fez, even though he loved and looked up to him more than anyone.
By the time eighth grade came and went, Ash was increasingly more nervous about his middle school graduation, knowing that he would soon have to enter high school but also that he had to walk across a stage that looks out over hundreds of people.
It scared him more than he could put into words but he would never tell anyone, not even Lexi even with how supportive she was about everything that had come before.
When he started to think of people to invite to his graduation, his mind immediately went to his main three people; Lexi, Fezco and Rue.
Rue would be there without a doubt cuz she never has anything better to do, so he could check her off the list.
Lexi had promised him, the minute she found out about the graduation, that she would get Fez dressed up enough to go out and sit there in the audience to cheer for him and Ash tried to put the anxiety and worry out of his mind the minute she promised him that. Lexi never broke her promises.
But she did.
He never realized the repercussions that would come following his graduation when only Rue stood up to cheer for him. He didn't have his phone on him so he didn't see the missed calls and missed text messages that came from both Fez and Lexi, explaining that they couldn't make it because Lexi and Cassie had a full blown fight and that Lexi needed to go to the ER.
Ash was angry, sure, but at first his disappointment was covered by his worry for Lexi. The anger and fury that came later stemmed from the bullying and nagging that he was getting from the other students following graduation, teasing him for not having parents, teasing him for not having parents, for not having anyone.
He kept it on the down low, not wanting to make Fez or Lexi feel bad.
Until Fez asked him if he was excited for high school.
"You think I'm the slightest bit excited to go into another four fucking years of school only for you not to show up?" Ash asks as cool as he can, his eyes slitting as he stares at Fez, shocked that he even would ask him that.
"Man, who put a stick up your ass-"
"You! And Lex!" He yells, his face reddening with anger as he remembers and feels the humiliation he felt the day of graduation. "When Rue stood up and you weren't fucking there, I was worried- fucking worried." He laughs bitterly, looking down at his fists that are clenched in his lap.
"I don't know why you're so angry dude." Fez huffs, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed firmly in front of him, head shaking in confusion. Ash can feel the tears rising in his eyes, frustrated and angry at Fez's obliviousness.
"The amount of shit I got from the other kids there, kids who had their parents, their grandparents- hell, their fucking fourth cousins." He sniffles, rubbing his hands down his face as he blows out a breath and Fez lets out a quiet sigh of realization. "I get that you were there for Lexi but..." He trails off, looking up at his brother with wide eyes, practically breaking Fez's heart as he approaches his younger brother.
"But I shoulda been there for you." Fez mutters, reaching forward to place his hands on his brothers shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug as Ash cracks a bit, a tear sliding down his cheek as Fez pats his back reassuringly.
"Yeah- fuck." Ash laughs tearily, gripping the back of his brothers shirt as his shoulders relax a bit, happy to finally have his frustrations out in the air. "I'm sorry."
"Stop fuckin' apologizing. It's on me."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht
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iwaizumisbabe · 2 years
REPLACED; Oikawa T. < Kageyama T.
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→ in which (y/n) got tired of being forgotten by Oikawa and found someone new
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→ Oikawa Tōru x gn!Reader < Kageyama Tobio x gn!Reader
→ ???, break-up, drama
→ 0.7k
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"Okay, break!" yelled Iwaizumi. The boys were already well past their actual break, but the captain apparently hadn't seen fit to release the players for their water break.
The brown-haired setter literally ran to his sports bag, which for once was next to his water bottle, to text you that he had completely forgotten about your date and if he could make up for it this weekend.
When he turned on his phone, he directly saw your 0:27 voice message at the top of his notifications.
He tapped it, entered his PIN and played the message immediately.
"Listen Oikawa. I'm tired of getting dumped over and over again. This is the FIFTH time THIS month alone that you just don't show up for our dates. It's-" your voice was interrupted by another, louder and deeper.
"(Y/nn), are you coming? The movie is about to start," Kageyama called, probably, from a little further away.
"Yes, just a moment Tobio!" you shout, "It's over. I don't want to hear from you anymore. Don't call me, don't text me, don't come to Karasuno, and if we ever meet again, pretend we don't know each other and I don't exist!"
Only now did Tōru see that the image next to your name consisted only of the gray icon. (Y/n) blocked me, fuck!
The brown-haired man stared at his phone. Even after minutes, he didn't take his eyes off your chat. And when his phone went off, his gaze was like locked with his device.
After minutes of silence, Iwaizumi wondered why his best friend did not give the usual speech and then sent the team back to play. Therefore, he told the boys that they were allowed to overstay their break today and best to sit out, after all, the weather was quite nice for mid-November.
The players didn't complain, because normally Oikawa didn't give them an extra long break and made the training extra hard. They all knew it was for their own good. Without the captain's efforts, they would never have gotten as far as they did.
So while they were going out, Iwaizumi made his way over to Tōru, who was still staring at the screen of his phone.
"What's wrong, Shittykawa?" wordlessly, the brown-haired man turned his cell phone back on and played the message one more time. Iwaizumi couldn't help but laugh.
"That's not funny, Iwa! I really liked them," he narrowed his eyes in offense.
"You didn't," Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. Who is he trying to foul?
"Sure I do!!"
"No, if you really liked, or loved them as much as you claim, you would never have treated them like that. No one treats someone they love with as little respect and seriousness as you did," said his best friend with a serious voice and an equally serious look.
"That's not true at all!" he muttered.
"Of course that's true," Iwaizumi laughed again, he just couldn't stay serious. The vice-captain actually liked you quite a bit. You didn't deserve to be treated like that by the boy in front of him.
"You just left them to Kageyama like that. If you'd had even an ounce of feeling for (y/n), this never would have happened!"
And then something clicked in Oikawa's head. Maybe you weren't as important to him as he thought. Maybe he only wanted you because it was obvious that Kageyama had a crush on you since the first grade of middle school. He had only started something with you because he wanted to hurt Kageyama, but he hadn't managed to do that. Again, he lost to the annoying, blue-haired king of the court.
"And if they really mean as much to you as you just claimed, then stick to what they said and let them be happy with Tobi. You know they had a crush on him in middle school, they probably still do to this day."
Again, it clicked. And this click was much worse. His eyes grew huge as the realization hit him. He had only been a substitute, a substitute for Kageyama Tobio.
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2022 | @iwaizumisbabe
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