#I'm gonna die anyway so yolo
hearts4golbach 4 months
hello can you do fella x reader and they have been dating for a few months and tyler announces them on stream 馃槇
btw please don鈥檛 die i love ur work 馃グ馃槆馃檹馃徏
His Little Secret.
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Hansumfella: Tyler x Fem!Reader.
a/n: I'm not gonna die on you guys oml I PROMISE I'll keep feeding you until nature has its way with me xx
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the day Tyler asked you to be his girlfriend was the best day of your life. you two had met through the internet. you started streaming together and eventually hanging out in real life, as well. although your relationship had started out strictly professional, with a couple drinks, fella had admitted his feelings for you that you reciprocated. your talking stage lasted for 3 weeks, and during that time, you two were inseparable.
he took you out frequently, not to mention the way you two streamed together pretty much every night. you kept your talking stage private. only family and close friends knew. you loved how conservative he was since you were as well.
but, the day he asked you to be his girlfriend was much different than the usual, casual dates you went on. it was a beach date. the sun had just started to set whenever he turned to you and asked 'will you be my girlfriend' over a drink and take out. of course, you said yes. the two of you laid in the sand in each others arms.
after that day, you frequently spent the night at his place. you also streamed with him in person now, since you were already there anyway. people had their suspicions, but you always being at his house while he streamed did not help.
you dragged in a chair from the kitchen and sat next to Tyler. he was just about to start his stream. it was your idea to do a truth or drink stream, since he had only ever done a truth or drink hot sauce version. you figured drinking would spice it up a little.
"what's up, guys!" he exclaimed with a smile. the chat was being spammed with greetings to both of you. at this point, they were accustomed to seeing you tagging along for the stream. "if you read the fucking title, you'll know what me and y/n are doing today."
"truth or drink!" you exclaimed.
"just the usual, send a question in with 50 bits, blah blah blah." he peered at the chat then back at you with a smile. he rested his hand on your knee under the table, which was out of the view of the camera. "so, why don't we just get started. i know you guys are creaming your pants with impatience."
he swiftly turned on the text to speech with submissions. the first one came through immediately. "which one is the real skibidi sigma rizzler?"
"me, obviously." you responded immediately.
"you really wasted 50 bits on that?" he tossed up his hands in defeat. "i guess i'm going to have to admit y/n is the real skibidi sigma rizzler." he replied sarcastically. "let's get some actual juicy questions up in this bitch."
the next question interrupted him mid sentence. "favorite position?"
"bruh." he rolled his eyes and glared at me. "i'm gonna have to pass on this one."
you considered your options for a moment, "should i expose myself?" you asked, turning towards Tyler.
"i mean, go for it," he flicked his hand towards the camera, "it's your digital footprint on the line."
"yolo, I guess." you rolled your eyes. "either missionary or reverse cowgirl. next question."
it was hard for Tyler to hide the smirk on his face. you took a peek at the chats to see what they were saying.
'fella DEFINITELY knows something we dont'
'bro knows he's getting it tonight'
'wtf fellas face 馃槶馃槶'
the next request rang from the computer. 'are you guys together or no?'
your heart sank. you looked at fella, but the hesitation made the answer obvious. he looked back at you quizically, and you nodded. you had been dating in secret for 4 months, what could announcing it now hurt?
"yes, yes we are." he grinned, "anyway..."
the chat was filled with people screaming.
another question, which wasn't really a question, came through. 'kiss or it isn't real.'
"I don't know about that much.." you trailed off, raising your eyebrow at tyler.
he shrugged at you, "it's okay with me if you wanna, babe."
him calling you babe made your heart flutter. you shrugged back. "alright."
he pulled you in and pecked your lips, causing a light blush to spread across both of your faces.
the comments made you laugh. "well, know you guys know." you grinned at the camera.
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theweirdoinurhouse 14 days
Phobias, am I right?
Sorry for the bad title, but in my Ted Talk of the day I'll be discussing Tokophobia and thanatophobia (mainly this one). I've seen some talk about them, and want to share my own personal experiences with them and spread more light on the subjects.
CW: Talk of death, pregnancy, childbirth, and rape (very briefly) Please proceed with caution, I don't want anybody to have a mental crisis
So first off, what are tokophobia and thanatophobia? Tokophobia is the fear of childbirth/pregnancy, and thanatophobia is the fear of death. That one is pretty broad. I will section off talking about each of them. Warning, they might be long.
I'll just get this one out of the way. I personally have thanatophobia stronger than tokophobia, and that's because it's literally unavoidable. And that's the main reason I'm so scared of it. Unlike other fears like heights or spiders or snakes, you can decently avoid those. But you can't avoid death. It's always looming over you, no matter how safe you seem. Not to say those other fears aren't valid or anything. They absolutely are. But nobody can avoid death. Not forever anyways.
Everytime I get home and open the door I'm scared someone might be on the other side with a gun. Or when I enter my room. Or whenever I'm walking I wonder if that maybe someone will drive by and shoot me. Lots of shooting thoughts, because it's one of the easiest methods. But no matter where I am I always have the looming thought of dying.
Then there's the fact about mortality. It absolutely angers me. Inside me are two wolves (sorry I have to joke to make myself feel better). One wolf thinks: Why do anything? We won't matter. We won't do anything that matters to the world or people. We're gonna die one day. We're not special. Why try so hard? The other wolf thinks: We're gonna die one day, so why not live life to the fullest? (Can you tell which one I listen to most of the time?)
I try my best to live my life to the fullest. But I'm always so stressed about everything. Then whenever I try to do something "cool" or think about doing something cool, I can only think of how that might make my life even shorter. I watched this one movie where this girl was the embodiment of "YOLO". Guess what? She died.
I don't want that to be me. I don't want to finally decide to do something fun and then die. But I also don't want to stay cooped up my whole life. Every thought I have contradicts each other and it's so hard to live with. I hate thinking about how we're all just going to die one day and that we can't do anything about it. And we have no clue what's after.
I'm not religious. And honestly? That makes this even worse. I have nothing to hold onto. I have nothing to look forward to. I have nothing. 馃構馃構 I won't talk much about religion. Like ever. But yeah, I don't have a belief of what's after, and it's makes the unknown so scary to me. I don't like not knowing. Just endless black? No consciousness? Nothing? Nothing.
I have oh so many thoughts about death. None positive. Sometimes I think about killing myself to escape this sad, non-satisfying world. When I was younger I made this idea with my step dad that when you die you get your own island in the sky and you can make it as perfect to you as you want. Sometimes I want to die to go to my own personal, amazing life. But what if that's fake? What if everything everyone has ever thought of about the afterlife is fake? Not having an answer is scary enough for me.
Earlier today I was helping out at a theater put away some stuff. I was standing on top of a latter. Then suddenly it was getting a little hard to breath and I was crying. Had to steady myself before getting off the ladder. So really other fears that can correspond to death scares me too. How diverse! 馃槃
Anyways that's the basics. Ill just stop it there before it gets too long.
This one will be shorter, so people who don't like reading a lot of words: here ya go.
Remember in thanatophobia I mentioned walking? Yeah sometimes I think about someone 馃崌 me and (bc the government low key sucks) being forced to have a child. TERRIFYING!!! Honestly props to all the moms in the world, i could never give birth.
Whenever I think about pregnancy the first thing that pops up in my brain is that one scene from Alien. You know the one. There is a literal LIVING BEING GROWING IN YOUR STOMACH!!! WHAT?!
The thought just really grosses me out, and I just would have a mental breakdown if I was pregnant.
This one time in like 3rd grade my teacher was talking about her giving birth to her two daughters (no clue why she did). She had to stop because one kid was crying, knees to their chest and rocking back and forth. That child was me. I was absolutely mortified of the idea of giving birth. Still am. People call it the beauty of life. I call it absolutely disgusting (no offense. Omg opinions!!)
Anyway yeah. In summary: I don't like the world 鈽猴笍鈽猴笍
(I did not re-read this, so sorry for any mistakes in spelling or grammar!)
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mangoposts 8 months
This might be triggering to some so TW I'm gonna talk about weight and food and all that good stuff 馃槤
So my whole life I've been on an average weight w muscle and all but I haven't worked out in so long that my somewhat prominent abs have disappeared and I've started getting putting on weight and I'm kind of thinking about stopping eating but on the other hand I'm kind of like why do I even care that much I'm gonna die anyway LMAO
But idk just kinda want to stop existing for a bit
Literally who GAF like you said we鈥檙e all gonna die anyway and we鈥檙e living on a floating rock IN THE MIDDLE OF SPACE if you wanna be more fit do it in a healthy wayyyyy but don鈥檛 stop eating 90% of life鈥檚 joy is eating just enjoy your life and make a weight loss process something enjoyable instead of miserable
Or don鈥檛 do anything yolo life is too short to care about these things
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rantsandeepthoughts 3 months
25 June 2024 Tuesday evening and the 00:00 and morning of 26 June 2024 Wednesday
Note to myself, for it is a significant day. Days. Well. It is. Idk. As I'm typing this, it's 1:12am and my heart is nervous.
It is the first night that I am sleeping over at my new place. My home. Self bought and everything done by me, a place where I'm going to begin with healthy boundaries.
Besides my friends, no one knows I'm spending the night here tonight.
Mother and father have gone to Malaysia for a night, to settle some court proceedings about my late uncle's property. I told the 3 younger siblings that I made plans with the married sister. And i told married sister I'm using her as alibi, she thinks I'm staying over at a friend's. Since. Well. I've not informed anyone of my family about the home I've purchased for myself.
Came here straight from work. When i was considering this earlier in the day, i was thinking I would chicken out and take the last bus back to my parents place. But then, with the more assured assurance that parents are spending the night away. I decided to yolo and just do it.
I had teh tarik ice for dinner and cheap bee hoon with long beans vege n sweetsour fish (sad 4 pieces). I hope the teh tarik don't keep me up.
Assembled a bunch of my IKEA stuff. The bamboo bench, the Nissafors trolley, another plastic shelf thing. Hung up the noren. And one ikea curtain for my room window. Opened the mattress packaging. Mopped a bit. Tidied a bit. Actually now that I'm counting. I assembled 3 things only ^__^"" took about 30mins each.
Anyway... staying here. First night. I'm feeling really nervous. Excited. But also that ever present paranoia. Like mother might suddenly video call me demanding where i am. Or someone gonna rob me or break in. Or something might happen and I die here and only 2 of my friends know I'm here and know the address. Hh who is in Japan now. And Nin who is a busy busy teacher who tbh barely replies msgs at times. And Yun who's in Melbourne so.... hah.
Well, hopefully if such a thing does happen. They'll start looking for me after 24hrs. But yeah. That's the paranoia speaking.
It's a much more quieter neighbourhood. So every sound feels. Like, what's that.
I wonder what time I'll fall asleep.... shall scroll scroll until i can sleep.
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under--pluto 3 years
why is season 3 so good wtf
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pixie-dust-and-pain 3 years
Summary: As much as you love Bucky, you draw the line at slang. However, someone has been teaching Bucky slang and he may have just used it at the most inappropriate time ever
Warnings: swearing, shreksual innuendo, just bucky being a general dumbass, unedited
Word Count: 993
a/n: I've had the idea for quite a bit and I really wanted to write it. It could've come out better, I think, but meh. Also I can't fucking spell Teusday
You may not know what an endoplasmic reticulum is, but you do know that if Bucky keeps this up, his nose is going to be bleeding by the end of today.
"You're sleeping on the couch," You hiss, drawing away from Bucky, who's clearly enjoying himself.
"Aw, but why, doll? I thought this was fun?" he inches closer to you, hands ghosting over your sides as your back hits a tree. And then he begins to tickle you.
The series of curses that escapes you is creative, to say the least. You spout out quite a few suggestions regarding what might happen to his 'yoghurt shooter' if he doesn't stop his wretched attacks, none of them working in his favour.
"So violent, doll," he tsks, and you smack the back of his head in response.
The leaves crunch under your foot, and you bend over to pick one up, "See this?" you ask him softly, and he nods.
You throw the leaf back down, watch it gently sway then fall, before stepping on it as hard as you can, "That's gonna be your pretty little head if you don't stop," you smile sweetly, and he stares at your shoe for a long minute before nodding.
Grinning, you lace your arm through his and begin forward.
"Sometimes," you explain, "when things get too much, I come here. It's peaceful,"
Bucky glances around skeptically, "To a graveyard?"
You elbow him, "The dead won't judge me for crying over The Song Of Achilles, now will they?"
"I beg to differ," he starts, but you cut him off.
"Then beg,"
He pauses, mulling over it, "This is another meme reference, isn't it?" he asks, pronouncing 'meme' and 'mimi', and you chuckle, shrugging.
"Sort of,"
He huffs, pouting.
"Are you sure we won't die?"
You roll your eyes at him, "Babe, we literally just jumped out of a helicopter, like, last Tuesday. I think we'll be fine,"
"If this place is haunted, I'm leaving you as sacrifice,"
"So romantic," you sigh, still aggressively crunching the leaves.
"Why are you letting out years worth of trauma onto those poor leaves?"
"Shut the fuck up, Bucket," you say, leaning into him slightly, crunching the leaves even harder.
"It's almost like you want me to tickle you,"
"I will murder you, you fucking cretin," you hiss, glaring at him, but freeze when you see people, grabbing onto Bucky even tighter.
"Ouch, what the-" you shush him, pointing at the funeral that's taking place. Not the best time to come out for a walk, it seems.
"What do we do?" he whispers to you, and you shrug. It would be a little rude if you sat on a bench and read, wouldn't it? And it's not like you could read anyway, not with all these sobbing people around.
Slowly, you begin walking, not making eye contact with the funeral procession and leading Bucky by the arm as you make your way down to a random grave and crouch by it. You hope nobody will notice that the grave you're crouched next to is fifty years old.
A lady strays from the people she's with, standing at the edge of the group, awfully close to where you and Bucky are.
"I'm sorry," Bucky, the kind soul he is, says to her. You want to face-palm.
"So am I," she sighs, "my mother is a good woman," she flinches, "was, I mean,"
Bucky nods, understanding, "May her soul rest in peace, yolo,"
You and the lady freeze, and you turn to him, eyes wide.
"...What?" the lady sounds confused. You're confused, too. Maybe you heard him wrong.
"Yolo. I hope she got to spill the tea before she rip-ed,"
Oh God, you're both going to die.
Bucky Barnes is a member of the avengers, and he absolutely refuses to attack a civilian, claiming it goes against his code. This does not, however, automatically mean that a civilian follows the same code.
The lady's hand whips back before she slaps him, as hard as possible.
You're already leading the confused Bucky Barnes away from the crying lady, who's summoned her whole band of people around her, telling them what Bucky's done.
"You asshole," the first punch comes at Bucky, who doesn't block and lets the man hit him.
"What the fuck?" you hiss at him.
"I might hurt the civilians," he says, solemn as ever, and you clench your jaw at the sight of the blooming wound. He's going to get a black eye.
"I'm sorry, he really didn't mean that-"a man swings a punch at Bucky, who just stares instead of blocking it, and you block for him, basically throwing the man backwards.
"Did I do something wrong?" Bucky sounds nervous, and you're sighing.
"Run," is all you say before the two of you take off. Bucky is far faster than you, but he's also faster than the mob you're trying to outrun.
Once you've lost them, you stop, turning to Bucky. You're panting and sweating, but he looks as fresh as a fucking daisy.
"Bucky, darling, light of my life, what the fuck was that?" you ask in between gasps and pants, trying to catch your breath.
"I was only offering my condolences?" he sounds confused and a little offended, and you facepalm.
"Dearest," you begin, resting a hand on his shoulder, "I'm going to ask you something and you have to promise to answer me honestly,"
He nods, still confused.
"Who taught you those words?"
"Sam," he states, a little hesitant, and you rise up to press a chaste kiss to his forehead, then his cheek, and then you hug him. Your hand gently traces the black eye he's got, one that will probably heal in a bit, and you hold him tighter. He wraps his hand around your waist, the confusion practically radiating off him.
"Doll?" he begins, only to be cut off by you.
"I'm going to strangle Wilson,"
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Maybe some outcodes: It's the great day and of course they are nervous till they see s/o coming holding a flower bouquet in a beautiful dress(wedding time;3)
Awww this is wholesome.
Time for weddings! Hell yeah.
I'm gonna make all these boys cry -w-
Error- How has he come so far? A long time ago, maybe a few years, Error was nothing but a machine that wanted everyone around him to die. He hated the 'rejects' the ones that were AU's and he only liked the original or classic, as he called them. Now look at him, on his wedding day, trying not to glitch out too badly and bluescreen. What the hell is he doing with his life? Why was he getting married? He should be out there deleting the au's! They were cluttering up the world but here he was in a damn suit! UGH! Ink looks at him and laughs, tilting his head to the side "oooo someone's looking cranky~" He teased making Error snarl the best he could which just made Ink laugh harder. Fresh and Echo were also there, why? Because they decided to come. Once again, ugh. After everything was settled and worked out Error was standing in front of flowers knowing that S/o was going to be coming out soon. He couldn't stop himself from glitching out, shifting where he was standing. He could see Ink crying with blue shapes in his eyes, Fresh smiling rubbing his back, and the other 'bad' Sanses were sitting around. Killer seeming annoyed and Axe kept looking over at the cake which Error hoped he wouldn't go and try to eat it. Nightmare also seemed annoyed and Dusty looked excited mumbling something like "I've always loved weddings!" ugh shut up Dust, you're annoying and stupid and he hated you. Error felt someone poke him making him jolt quickly stepping away and he saw Echo who smiles the best he could "Hey Error... you seem stressed" Error huffs in annoyance and crosses his arms over his chest snapping "sTrEsSeD? mE? nOo-nOoOoO I MeAn wHy wOuLd i bE StReSsEd? It's jUsT My W-W-W-WEDDING!" he saw Echo's smile drop making him sigh and he reaches up, putting his hand on top of his head shutting his eyes. Dammit. "l-lOo-lOoK I'M SoRrY. i dIdN'T MeAn tHaT I'M J-J-JuSt sTrEsSeD AnD..." Echo holds up his hand to stop him and shakes his head, smiling a bit as he talks "It's okay, I'm not upset. Just know that S/o loves you and they're going to be very happy with you" then he turns walking back to his seat to sit down. Annoyingly he needed to sit beside Ink... blah. Finally music started to play making him tense up and he quickly looks forward holding his hands together his glitching getting worse then the doors opened to show S/o who started to walk down, holding flowers and they were wearing such a nice dress... suddenly the music got outdone by a loud ringing sound. It was coming from Error, who glitched out.
Fresh- In a world where you don't feel emotions, you most likely think you'd never get married well Fresh didn't exactly have many emotions, only the ones he faked, but he was still getting married and brah he was so happy! He was getting married to his pretty radtastical datemate. Of course he all up and told them that he don't got no feelings up in his body but they told him that they didn't care! They loved him and if he wanted to be with them, he coulda and he thought that that was such a chill way to say it. He didn't wanna be a buzz kill, nah not at all, so he agreed to date them. After a while he started to grow slightly attached to them then more and finally they got real close. Now they got here! They were getting all up and married! Human thing, weird way ya dig? He thought it was pretty cool anyway even if he's gotta wear this unradical outfit. He looks around messing with his 'YOLO' glasses, shifting on his heels just rocking back and fourth. Damn he's so crunked about this stuff brah! Everything looked so nice and colorful, there were quite a few people around too which was fancy. His 'brothers' were here too. Error and Geno and he was... nervous. It was a weird feeling deep in his body like a cold feeling. There were a few emotions he could feel like fear and anger but other than that he ain't got none. So not dope my radical freshy fresh reader. Half of him wanted to move from where he was standing to go and talk to his bloods but also... he couldn't bring himself to move. It was like his feet melted to the groudn ugh this body wasn't melting like Geno did, was it? He huffs in slight annoyance but blinks when he heard a voice from beside him "hey Fresh!" he turns his head to see Blueberry who grins at him holding his hands together. Blueberry... that's the Swap one, his brother stole him once, interesting time that was... he grins and holds up his hands in finger guns "ey yo brah! What up? Glad you could get in this neighbrohood to come and see my funky cool wedding brah" Blueberry laughs nodding in approval and starts to talk "Of course, you did invite us so why wouldn't we? Brother is excited to be here too!" Fresh looks over at where Stretch would be, standing and slightly glaring at Error with his hands in his pockets. Rightttt... oh wait Blueberry was saying more stuff "I hope you like the gift that I brought for you and S/o, it's awesome that you're both getting married. I hope you're still part of my friendship group with Error" Fresh laughs nodding to show that yeah, he was! He was going to say something else but then the music started making Blueberry gasp "Oh geez! It's starting!" he hurries off to go and sit down making Fresh blink again. Oh dang brah that was quick. He moves his arms behind his back and looks over to see S/o starting to walk in making him pause oh wow that's a weird feeling that just shot through him... why is water coming from his eyes? Well it's more magic but... wow.
Echo- Time to get married. Did Echo really think that he was ready? No, but he asked, and his datemate said yes and he was so happy but also... nervous. Was this really it? Did he finally get his happy ending? He was almost dying almost every day, every time he woke up he thought it would be a time that he dies, but he hasn't yet and he's so happy! It's scary though. What if they decide not to show up? Or they do and later on regret it? It isn't fair! Why did his mind mess with him like this? Why did he hate himself? The thoughts kept rushing through his mind making the little bit of a soul he had left shake and shutter. Should he run? Should he try to get away? He wanted to be with S/o forever though and this was a good way to make it! His breathing started to come and go faster and faster; but then he heard a voice come from right behind him "Echo the main man of the story tonight. How do you feel?" he pauses when he heard the voice, letting out a shaky breath, and turns his head to see Reap floating above the ground, his legs crossed a relaxed smile on his face. Why did they invite him? Echo sighs rubbing at his face with his hands "I feel like I'm going to be sick" Reap tilts his head to the side and hums softly then lowers down to the ground his feet, which were bare which kind of annoyed Echo, touching on the floor and he starts to talk "yeah, that's normal right about now. Sometimes nerves get the best of you mortals or whatever you call yourself" he spoke with the last part in a teasing tone, making him hum in annoyance "just relax. I know S/o loves you, I mean they have to, if they're going to marry someone that I should have come for myself yeeeeaaaarrrrrs ago" Echo sighs shaking his head and rubs his fingers on where his temples would be muttering "just... go away Reaper I'm not drunk enough to deal with you" Reap holds up his fingers in peace signs and floats off to go bug whoever else. Echo wished that his brother was here for this, that would make him feel so much better! He reaches up touching at the scarf around his neck, making him smile a little. What was he talking about? His brother was here just not in body! The thought made him sigh, shutting his eye socket mumbling "I'm going to keep living for you Pappy" he lifts his head nodding to himself and looks over at the door when he heard the music start up and when he saw S/o coming in with such a beautiful dress and the flowers? He started to feel strange, like he would start crying. This was crazy! His datemate was beautiful and so sweet and amazing and they were going to be stuck with him? They WANTED to be stuck with him?! He reaches up wiping away the tears that rolled down his cheeks. He was so happy.
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chaoslynx 3 years
hey, I'd like your input on a certain question I have pertaining to a hypothetical alternate ending of banana fish (the one where ash survives his stab wound). if you're not sure how to answer, that's completely fine, but I've seen so many people in the fandom claim so many different things about what would have happened if he survived, and I'm searching for a solid opinion.
I think the majority of the fandom can collectively agree that ash didn't need to die in order to heal from his trauma. I've see a lot of idiots say that even if ash lived, he would never heal or escape his past trauma, and so dying was the best outcome for his circumstances, which I'm sure the majority of us with more than 1 active braincell knows that's utter dog shit, and that survivors can heal no matter how big of a wound they may need treated.
however, I've seen people say that dying was his best option, NOT because he wouldn't have healed from his trauma, but because he wouldn't have the chance to heal considering the fact that he'd always be hunted down by his enemies. I've also seen people claim that even if he moved countries, he'd always be in constant danger because people would never stop looking for him. that he, as well as eiji, would have to live in fear and would never find peace due to the enemies ash has made during his lifetime.
I'm not sure what to think of this. I believe he'd be able to fake his death, borrow a new identity, and fake a passport to get on that damn plane headed to Japan. some have said that he wouldn't be able to due to his criminal record and so he'd never be allowed on a plane, which I also believe is dog shit. if that blond can scam millions of dollars out of and buy a condo right across from his #1 enemy without being caught, he can fucking travel. it's absurd how part of the fandom STILL underestimates his abilities, considering that he's shown time and time again of how capable and intelligent he truly is.
If you're able to answer, I'd like your opinion. we've established that survivors are able to heal no matter how big the baggage, but do you think he'd get the chance to heal, or would he always be on the run? would he forever be preoccupied with running from his enemies, or do you think his enemies would die trying to find him? I personally think that since his #1 enemy, D*no, is charred to a crisp, that he'd be somewhat safe from the rest. I don't think they'd even find him in an entirely different country in an entirely different continent.
but what do I know, honestly? maybe Yoshida confirmed that even if he did survive, he'd still be on the run until he died. I know she's said that murderers didn't deserve happy endings (bullshit, considering the circumstances that ash was in), but I'm not sure if she's clarified whether he would be on the run if he did hypothetically live. what do you think? no pressure :)
First of all, I'm a big fan of ignoring things Yoshida said.
I'm glad we agree that trauma survivors can heal! Also a big fan of that. Not gonna discuss that more here since we're already on the same page 馃挅
Before I get into whether or not Ash could ever escape from his enemies, I'd like to establish something about myself and my beliefs. I, personally, think that living is always going to be the better option. I am not going to be taking this question as a "could Ash have escaped his enemies, or is it good that he died?" That's not the problem here. The question I'll respond to below is "could Ash have escaped his enemies, or would he have always been on the run?"
This is an important distinction, because the first question implies that some lives just aren't worth living. I think your intentions here were good, so please don't take this as an attack on you in any way! But I'm not a fan of "living in fear [or living any other way] is worse than death" for a number of reasons. For one thing, dying is permanent. Once you die, there's never a chance of it getting better. It's literally a permanent solution to what often has the potential to be a temporary problem.
Also, any sort of "death is better" logic is a very slippery slope to be walking. If death is better than living in fear, is it also better than living with a permanent disability? With a chronic illness? At what point is it bad but still worth living through? Will Ash, on some level, always be living in fear due to what's likely post-traumatic stress disorder? Healing is obviously possible, but healing means learning how to cope better with a history of trauma, not getting rid of it.
So we're essentially asking the same question that we've already established the answer to: Is it better to live than to die? And, uh, yeah. Yeah, it is.
So anyway, moving onto the question I believe you were intending to ask: Would Ash have been able to escape his enemies?
Yeah. He would have.
For one thing, most of the people who actually gave a shit were already dead. Sure, the Corsican Foundation still existed, but most of them probably didn't think much of Ash besides him being Dino's favorite. There were those who saw Ash's mind in action during that month he spent with Dino during canon, but without Dino there, they have no reason to want Ash dead. Same with the ones who wanted Ash dead before the National Health Institute arc, if they weren't already dead themselves by the end of canon (like Kippard).
If Ash weren't going after them, I don't see why any of them would go after Ash.
Yut-Lung arguably had more enemies than Ash did by the end of canon, which was even Blanca's excuse for agreeing to work for him, but I don't see anyone arguing that Yue should have died. (I believe that he was canonically killed by one of his enemies at some point after Garden of Light, but does that mean that those 7+ years of freedom that he lived were pointless just because they came to an end?)
As far as traveling, yeah, Ash absolutely would have been able to fake an identity if he needed to. Like you said, he's done worse, and it's not like he doesn't have the connections for it. Although ...
I don't know if I've ever fully explained it in a fic or on here, but here's how I usually write post-canon.
Ash and Eiji stay in NYC. We know that moving back to the States and staying there is possible for Eiji, because ... it's what he does in canon after Ash's death. It's mentioned in GoL that Eiji moved back before he even healed completely from his gunshot wound, and that he got his Permanent Resident Card five years later.
As far as Ash, as much as a fucking pain in the ass it would be for him, I usually write him as actually testifying in court against ... fucking everyone. He gets help with this from Max, of course, and also from Jessica (who leaked Max's investigation, including the evidence they obtained from Frog, to the media in episode 23). In return for his testimony, he's granted total witness immunity for his crimes. ((Keep in mind that I know nothing about legal processes and how this would actually work in real life, but for fanfiction purposes that's how I choose to write it.))
So basically: Fuck Yoshida. Fuck death. Live your best life. YOLO.
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mook-pooltable 6 years
Spaz Henry AU
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: au where henry is joeyish but still the protaginist
unhealthily talkative skittle:he's completely reckless
he would want to see what would happen if he ran towards the monster instead of away from it
to see if he could scare the monster
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds-:he licks the record when he finds it
and tries to use norman as a jungle gym
bendy; kills norman in front of bendy
henry, waving both arms to catch bendy's attention; HIIIIII
literally every other henry; why are you like this
Halfus: hdjdddks
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: once he tried to draw bendy in a flame design hawaiian shirt
yknow like the kind guy fieri wears
unhealthily talkative skittle: oh god
Lili: He still drinks all the soup that's the same
unhealthily talkative skittle: he drinks ink instead
regrets it instantly
tries to drink thinner
to get rid of the taste
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: jeufebeh
Lili: Drinks ink again to counter that
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: he tried to dive headfirst into one of the flooded hallways
Halfus: He smashes all of Sammys instruments and axes his way to his sanctuary(edited)
Lili: He breaks the axe faster than in canon because he just swings it at everything
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y es
he just keeps getting axes
unhealthily talkative skittle: yeah
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: from who knows where
unhealthily talkative skittle: out of nowhere
Lili: The organ groans at him and he smashes it
Halfus: Mango
He wanted to dive into the one where Inky appears at the end of 2
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y es
Halfus: and he ends up on Demons head
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: ironically enough, he DOESN'T immediately smash up bertram
he tries to play on him instead
Halfus: free ride
Lili: He tries to play with Bendy like he's a cat
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes
Lili: He thinks Bendy is adorable
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: laser pointer and all
when THIS henry is high on paint fumes, he's comically serious and does a batman voice
unhealthily talkative skittle: yeah
that is
the oldest joke
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes exactly
unhealthily talkative skittle: but he would say something similar
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: (he was the blacksmith all along)
unhealthily talkative skittle: 鈥淲HERE'S THE JANITOR"
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: ncjsndi
unhealthily talkative skittle: 鈥淐LEAN THIS SHIT UP"
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y e s
this henry is just
unhealthily talkative skittle: the worst
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: if markiplier was the protagonist of batim
Rosie: He's a spaz-case.
He would have markiplier's voice and (mostly) his personality.
Lili: XD he's the best I love him
Now the real question is: What's Joey like in this AU?
Rosie: Stone-faced serious.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: batman serious
Lili: (Rosie you better document this for Mook-Pool)
Rosie: Feck, what's the name of that steel faced guy from Fantastic 4?
He would be like him.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds:he refuses to swear ever and is a ridiculous dork when caught off guard
Lili: What's his motivation
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: the first thing that comes to mind for this dynamic is henry as deadpool and joey as cable
Rosie: OMG YES
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: joey's motivation would be to revolutionize the animation industry
Lili: Oh my god
But... Murder
unhealthily talkative skittle: ohhhhhh god
oh god
oh fucking god
henry as deadpool
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: henry is obviously less killhappy
but still as reckless
unhealthily talkative skittle: since he can't die
Rosie: Joey would be the pefectionist guy who has power to control metal (I think that was his power) with the metal mask. The one who's the arch enemy of the fantastic 4.
Why the fork can't I remember his name?!
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: magneto?
no doctor doom
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: magneto is against the xmen
Rosie: Joey is frigging doctor doom.
Henry is Squirrel Girl
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: jdjxjsndn
Rosie: He's a masculine Squirrel girl
Squirrel girl is canonically the most powerful and undefeated hero Marvel ever created. Henry is the guy version of her
Lili: I don't know where this is going anymore
Also what the fuck
Rosie: She's defeated Doctor Doom with Squirrels.
unhealthily talkative skittle: the joeyest henry
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: its himmm
Rosie: http://marvel.com/universe/Squirrel_Girl#axzz5GMqiHWGt
Lili: Okay what happens when he meets Alice
unhealthily talkative skittle: he calls her pretty
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: he flirts with her
unhealthily talkative skittle: all women are queens
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: he calls alice a thot when she steals boris
unhealthily talkative skittle: 鈥渢hat freakish, misshapen eye is looking lovely today"
[gets smacked]
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: boris is his precious bean and he loves him
Rosie: 鈥淚f anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this building and then myself."
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes exactly
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: how does he react to sammy
unhealthily talkative skittle: I drew it in thirty seconds what are you talking about
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: (also if this joey were to be stuck in a room with all of our other joeys, he would be In Suffering)
Halfus: HES G R E A T
unhealthily talkative skittle: if this hen were in a room with the other hens, they'd be in hell
and same with joeys
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes
unhealthily talkative skittle: someone would pick them both up and switch their places
Lili: What do we call this AU
unhealthily talkative skittle: boss swap?
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: Hyper Henry and Serious Joe
Halfus: dick aura swap
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: jdjfnskd
unhealthily talkative skittle: impulsivity
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: I like boss swap
Lili: Boss Swap!Henry and the Lost Ones
unhealthily talkative skittle: for once, he might feel bad
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: the one time hes actually serious for real
unhealthily talkative skittle: he'd try and comfort them
he might be very dadly for a while and gather them for some Wholesome Human Interaction Time
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes
hed try to adopt them all
unhealthily talkative skittle: story time with henry
Lili: :) yes
unhealthily talkative skittle: the lost ones would like this happy, giggly man
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: henry; guess im just tough
joey; just yesterday you were crying over the lost ones
unhealthily talkative skittle: he's actually really soft on the inside tbh
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: hes soft but hyper
hes still henry after all
unhealthily talkative skittle: yeah
Halfus: my joey would be super into that henry like oof
Lili: He's just as much a dad as any Henry
Rosie: He's a cross between Markilpier and Squirrel Girl.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y es
unhealthily talkative skittle: oh god
Lili:He adopts everyone but aggressively
unhealthily talkative skittle: 鈥淚 LIKE HIM! HE'S FUN!" - Halfie's Joey
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes
Halfus: XDDD
Lili: 鈥淚鈥檓 your dad now"
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: this henry is the henry of the chair saga
Lili-: Holy shit YES
unhealthily talkative skittle: 鈥淚鈥檓 your dad now"
"what did i just fucking say"
Halfus: c h a i r s
Lili:I love him so much
Rosie: Squirrel Girl may seem silly, but she can actually be very serious at times and she's very intelligent. So is Spaz Henry.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: boss swap henry would absolutely play with chairs for actual hours
unhealthily talkative skittle: I actually can't
i gotta go home
i'll draw him on paper when i'm there tho!!
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: home in saaafe
lfls hen scolding spaz by dragging him around by the ear
Lili: I don't know that acronym
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: like father like son
Lili: Ah okays
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: aka rp henry
hen; you could get yourself killed!
spaz; yolo
Lili: When Spaz sees all the pentagrams he demands to know why he wasn't involved
Why did he leave anyways?
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: he left because he and joey got on an argument and he overreacted
Lili: It was over something small but Hen just escalated the argument beyond reason before shouting "I QUIT" and Joey is just left completely confused
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y es
Rosie: That, or Joey lost his patience with his flighty friend.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: or both
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racheljoyscott 7 years
Is it bad I feel a lot like Rachel? With the knowing that you probably won't live that long thing? I've always had a feeling that I would die young for as long as I can remember, and it feels like I could never imagine myself getting married or having kids or even collage. I lot of what she wrote and said really relates to what I feel. It's kinda weird, but if my feeling are true guess I'm gonna just try and live my life like Rachel did. Idk at this point, everything is so weird
No it鈥檚 not weird at all. A lot of people don鈥檛 understand this, but聽her feelings weren鈥檛 uncommon. I feel the same way too which is one reason why I relate to Rachel. I know another friend of mine who thinks the same way. It鈥檚 an anxiety.
Interestingly enough, a study was done about this in 2009 by聽Dr. Iris Borowsky a researcher at the University of Minnesota. Almost 15% of 20,000 teens felt they weren鈥檛 going to live old, leaving them getting into drugs and unsafe behavior聽because they think they're invulnerable to harm.聽That behavior threatens to turn their fatalism into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So my advice is to not live thinking you are going to die young. I used to live everyday with that yolo mindset and I fucked myself up in many ways. Before doing things I鈥檇 say it won鈥檛聽matter anyway and do it, even knowing it was wrong. It became an excuse for me. 聽If you mean be kind like Rachel, sure I agree haha.聽
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dorenarox 6 years
I love the fact that, in simpler times, I would have gotten torched for this. :3
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