#I'm gonna reblog this to answer the final question because it's gonna be a long one
greenysoliatre · 2 years
1 + 6 + 25 + 27
Since there wasn’t a specific person I’m just gonna answer these with a few of my Ocs that do have the answers for these specific questions.
Age, Birthday and Star Sign  These three are the ones that have birthdays.
 Krista’s age is the same as Rayman’s (depending on the headcanon people have for his age), October 1st and Libra.
Carmen’s age is mostly 14-16 (depending on the fandom’s age of the Primp magic students. I like to think they’re around 14 to 16 at most here.), August 24th and Virgo
Davis’ age is mostly around his near 40′s, May 13th, Taurus.
Headcanon VA  I have to admit I brainstormed about this the most because I tend to choose voices that are the most fitting.
   Tommy Z's VA would be Lindsay Seidel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEMZvQDIZTU It’s the most fitting I can find for him plus he wouldn’t be the only lad in Dinosaur King that’s voiced by a girl (aka Max and Rod for example) As his Seiyuu would be Daiki Yamashita https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2MN9SpQEFw
Danielle’s VA would be Laura Bailey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfBUQPfuUEk Her Seiyuu: Ami Koshimizu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDi9LSQqTfU 
Keitaro’s VA would be Andrew Francis, though I don’t have a specific Seiyuu for him yet.
Dusk’s VA would be Brittany Karbowski, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYEE_K5wAGI Dusk is similar to Wendy and I can imagine this voice would suit her because of her timid personality. As for her Seiyuu I didn’t really think of one but probably Noriko Namiki who voices Lidelle. 
Carmen’s voice is still in progress but I was thinking mainly Annapantsu because well why the heck not, the singing is heaven’s sent and Carmen is supposed to have a beautiful voice due to her siren ancestry so yeah Anna it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuBP6ODmV8g
City or Country I don’t really understand this question to be honest.
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Honey Girl. Chapter Six.
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Chapter One. Chapter Two. Chapter Three. Chapter Four. Chapter Five. Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight. Chapter Nine. Chapter Ten. Series Masterlist. The Playlist.
Chapter Synopsis - You finally start to appreciate the happiness that having a soulmate brings.
Pairing - Dad'sBestFriend!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader - soulmate au
Warnings - smut. cursing. alcohol consumption. so much fluff.
Age Rating - 18+
Word Count - 5k
Author's Note - the sixth installment!! thank you to everyone who voted in my poll - I listened, and decided to make this chapter as sweet as pie, because I think we all need it. it's nice to have a little break from the angst. just a liiiiittle break though. a tiny one. as always, thank you for all of your love and support and enthusiasm and patience and kindness towards this story. so much love for every one of you. <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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"Are you happy?"
You stretch your feet further into the sand and sit up, wiggling to get comfortable on the picnic blanket.
"That's a big question to start with."
Stella laughs and closes her notebook, deciding to take a different route than originally planned.
"I just mean... be honest with me. I'm not gonna be offended if you say no."
"Do you think I'm gonna say no?"
"Do you always have to answer my questions with questions?"
You tilt your head and watch her, smiling softly.
"I thought this was supposed to be an employee performance review."
"You're not my employee and you know it."
Both of you laugh, the sound whipped away by the sea breeze.
"Then what am I, Stella?" you chuckle.
"You're basically my partner. Come on, we've done all of this together. You helped me build this business from the ground up - I couldn't have done it without you."
You go to protest, so she continues.
"I think you should be. My partner, that is. Obviously there's logistics to work out, but it'd be fifty fifty. You and I, co-owners. It doesn't feel right to me that you're my 'employee'. I'm not your boss. We're equals."
Your mind is running a mile a minute, trying to process what Stella's asking of you. Being her business partner is an opportunity you know is rare and incredibly special - and it could potentially set you up for life - but you can't help but think about the fact it's a big commitment. About home. About Bucky.
"You don't have to answer me right now - I just want you to think about it. We always talked about opening up businesses of our own. I should have asked you to be my partner at the beginning, but honestly... I didn't know if you were gonna stick around. It kinda felt like you had one foot out the door when we started."
You take a deep breath, nodding.
"Yeah. I, uh - I think I did. Don't get me wrong, I was super excited, but the idea of moving away when I felt like I'd just got home was a lot to process. I'd just settled back there, and then I was gonna be packing up all of my stuff again and shipping myself across the country. "
"I didn't realise it was so tough for you, you know. I just assumed you wouldn't mind moving. I mean, you were always up for it, back at school."
"Things changed, after I graduated. I got home, and a couple of things happened and I guess it just... turned everything upside down. Home is different now. In a good way, I think."
"You're different now, too."
You look at her carefully, half attempting to read her mind.
"How do you mean?"
"You're... more grounded. More careful. You think through everything way more than you ever did. Almost like you've realised you're not invincible anymore."
There's a feeling, when you're young, that you're indestructible. Unharmable. Broken bones mend, cuts and bruises heal, hearts and minds forget about their aches if you give them long enough.
Then one day, that feeling is gone. And you realise that you're mortal - made of flesh and blood and bones that will one day be returned to the Earth, whether you like it or not.
Meeting your soulmate is like having that realisation again, but bigger. Again, and again, and again. You don't live for yourself, anymore. You live for them. The pain they'd feel if they lost you is unfathomable, completely unimaginable.
So you become more careful. Less reckless. You drive a little slower, take things a little easier, quit your dangerous hobbies and unhealthy habits. You need to be alive for as long as possible. And you know your soulmate will do the same.
That's how you can tell a Tethered person from an Untethered one. Ask two people to go skydiving with you, and the Tethered one will tell you no. They can't risk it. It's not worth it.
Stella's right. You have realised you're not invincible anymore. You're a little more cautious when you climb ladders, you don't balance precariously on the kitchen counters anymore. You look twice when you cross the street, and don't risk it if there's a car coming and you could maybe get across.
You're also painfully aware that Bucky's older than you. He'll be turning forty in less than two years. Sure, he's not ancient, but it does mean you'll have less time together than Lacie will with Cameron, for example. And that hard truth makes you live a little less recklessly, every single day.
"I guess I just... grew up."
You're honestly not sure why you don't just tell Stella about Bucky. You know she'd understand. But there's a part of you that feels protective over what you have - territorial, even. Your Tethering is sacred, almost, and you feel the primal urge to guard it with your life. To lock it in a box and keep it away from anything that could harm it. The less people that know, the less damage that can be done. Maybe.
"I did too. The world is kinda scary now we're not in that little culinary school bubble, huh?"
"Yeah," you laugh. "We thought that was hard. Little did we know."
"Take your time, thinking about my offer. But just know that I really, really appreciate the fact that you're here. That you believed in me enough to move across the country. It means a lot."
"Of course," you say, reaching across to grab her hand. "I always believed in you, Stella. I always knew you'd do something great."
"We'd do something great. The two of us. Together."
"I always knew that we'd do something great," you correct.
You're starting to believe that, as time goes on. You were born to do this. You deserve to live your dreams.
Let the happiness seep through, you'd told yourself.
It finally feels like it is.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"There's a guy here to see you."
Isabel pops her head around the door, grinning at you like she knows something you don't.
She nods, giggling.
"Let me guess... he's hot, tall, brown hair?"
"Thanks, Isa. I'll be right out. Is it busy out there?"
"It's quieter than it was. There was a pastry rush this morning, but we're good now."
You laugh and hang up your apron, washing your hands quickly before making your way to the café.
You feel like you're having déjà vu, this situation oddly familiar.
Just like Isa said, he's stood waiting with his back to you, broad shoulders filling out his powder blue short sleeve button up.
You're excited to see Rafael again. You've been trying a new cookie recipe for his sister, and you're eager to get him to try it. You're mentally making a note to buy a nice box to put them in when you feel it.
The lights get a little brighter, the colours a little more vibrant. The tightness in your chest eases, allowing you to take a full, deep breath. You can suddenly hear the birds outside singing, melodies drifting through the open doors like a summer breeze.
The man turns around, and it's not Rafael.
It's Bucky.
You're moving before you can even process it, running and jumping into his arms. You inhale, revelling in his familiar scent. He's here. Your happiness has arrived.
"Surprise," he laughs quietly into your ear. "Miss me, honey girl?"
You beam a grin at him, pulling away to look at his handsome face.
"More than you'll ever know."
"Oh, I know. I feel it."
He places a hand over his heart gently, looking at you with pure adoration.
"What are you doing here?"
"It's been a month since your Mom's birthday. A month since I've seen your pretty face. A month too long."
You roll your eyes jokingly, so he continues.
"You don't mind that I'm here, do you? Because I'll go, if it's too much for you. I know me showing up unannounced is a lot to process."
"Don't go," you reply quickly, grabbing his hand. "I want you here, Buck. More than anything."
He leans in and presses his lips to yours, cradling your face in his warm hands. The background of the café melts away, the man in front of you the only thing that matters.
You pull away and smile at him, pressing your forehead into his gently.
"Come back to the kitchen with me. Let's get away from all the noise."
You grab his hand and pull him with you, ignoring the excited giggling from Isabel behind the counter.
Bucky perches against a counter, leaning back to allow you to stand in between his legs. You wrap your arms around his neck and peck his lips, stealing kisses in between giddy smiles.
"I hope you weren't expecting a day full of super exciting adventures. I've got a list full of stuff I've got to get finished by closing."
"Honey, I'm more than content to stay here and watch you work. There's nothing I love more than watching you bake."
You run your fingertips over his face carefully, gently tracing his features as you look at him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. I don't care what we do, as long as we're together."
You wrap your arms around his middle, holding him as tightly as you can.
"I feel like I hit the soulmate jackpot," you whisper.
"No one's as lucky as I am," he whispers back. "Now, come on. Let me see you work your magic."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bucky, it turns out, makes a damn good assistant.
Instead of just watching, he volunteers to help in whatever way he can. You set him onto weighing your ingredients, so you can focus on making and decorating. He takes his job very seriously, measuring down to the precise gram each time. You can't help but grin as you watch him concentrate, determined to get it right.
At lunch time, Isabel brings you both coffee and sandwiches, entering just as you're teaching Bucky how to properly fold in ingredients.
"Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"You could never. Isa, this is Bucky. Buck, this is Isabel. Our best waitress."
He holds out his floury hand for her to shake.
"It's nice to meet you, Isabel. I've heard a lot about you."
"You have?"
Her eyes light up as she looks at you, fighting the smile off her face.
"My honey talks about you all the time."
Isabel glances between the two of you, clearly trying to figure things out.
"And you two are..."
"Soulmates," you say at the same time as Bucky does.
Her jaw drops for a moment, before she laughs.
"Yeah. That makes a lot of sense, actually."
You roll your eyes at her lovingly before Stella's voice calls her name from out front.
"I better go. But me and you are gonna talk about this later."
"Fine," you laugh.
"Nice to meet you!" Bucky shouts after her, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I like that we're just telling people now."
"Yeah, me too, actually. I thought it'd be scary, but... it feels right."
He slings an arm around your middle, pulling you into his side.
"We've still got the two most important people left to tell."
Your muscles tense and Bucky feels it instantly, running his thumb in patterns over your hip gently.
"I've been thinking about it a lot. I'm almost ready, Buck. We can't avoid it forever. Next time I'm home, I think we should do it. We should tell them."
Bucky hooks two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"Are you sure? Once we tell them, we can't undo it. We'll only do it if you're one hundred percent sure."
"I'll be ready when the time comes. It'll be a huge weight off of both of our shoulders, which I think we both need."
"Okay then," he says, kissing your forehead. "Next time you're home."
Isabel clears her throat from the doorway, smiling sheepishly.
"I can't believe I'm saying this again, but... there's a guy here to see you."
You laugh, untangling yourself from Bucky with a kiss to his cheek.
"Send him through. Thanks, Isa."
The man you were originally expecting to see this morning walks into the kitchen, envelopes in his hand.
"Hey, Rafael."
He gives you a quick hug, before waving at Bucky.
"Hey, man. You've gotta be the soulmate, right?"
Bucky chuckles, coming over to shake Raf's hand.
"Yeah, that's me. How'd you know?"
"Are you kidding? You can feel it the minute you walk into the room. There's like, electricity in here."
You laugh, hiking yourself up to sit on the counter. Bucky stands next to you, arms crossed over his broad chest.
"Here," Rafael says, handing you an envelope. "We're having a gala next month, for the charity that has supported my sister. We'd love it if you could come - and bring your date too, of course."
"I'd love to," you say as you read the invitation. "Do you need me to bring anything? You know I'll happily make something, if you guys need it."
"You would?"
"Absolutely! I could bring a cake, if you like? I haven't done a proper, three tiered cake in forever. I'd love to."
"That'd be... amazing. Seriously. We just want to raise as much money as possible."
"Of course. Thanks for these, Raf. How is she?"
"She's okay. She's getting a tiny bit stronger every day, and that's all we can really ask for."
You reach a hand out to squeeze his in support.
"You know where I am if you need anything."
"Of course. Thank you, so much. I've gotta run - I've got like a hundred of these invites to deliver. But I'll see you at the weekend?"
"For sure. See you, Raf!"
"Nice to meet you, Bucky."
"You too, man. Take care."
Isa shows Rafael out of the door, winking at you on her way out.
"Damn, he's handsome," Bucky laughs.
"Isn't he?" you giggle. "Nothing on my soulmate though, I'm afraid."
"Shut up," he blushes, leaning in to capture your lips. "You wanna get dinner when you're done here?"
"Yes, please. I'll show you around my new apartment too."
"Can't wait."
There's not an ounce of tension in your muscles as you finish up your bakes for the day, gliding around the kitchen while Bucky stands and watches your every move.
If you could pause time, this would be when you'd do it. You'd be content to live in this moment forever.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The minute Bucky walks through your front door, he inhales deeply. The entire place smells like you, cosy and golden.
"You like it?"
"It's gorgeous, baby. I love the windows."
He makes his way over to your kitchen, where the glass panes run from floor to ceiling. Sitting on the bench pressed against it, he takes in the view, savouring the feeling of the sun on his face.
You sit down on his lap, draping your legs over him and wrapping your arms around his neck. Nuzzling your face into his jaw, you press a kiss to the stubble, resisting the urge to lick the salt off of his skin.
"Come on," you murmur. "Let me show you my bedroom. The sun sets in that direction, so it's always beautiful in there."
You grab his hand and walk him across the apartment, swinging open the door to your room and pushing him inside.
He takes in the space for a moment before turning in your direction, striding over to smash his lips to yours. You tangle your fingers into his shirt and pull him closer, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth with ease.
Bucky leans in to trail kisses down your neck as he slips your shirt over your head, making quick work of unclasping your bra with skilled fingers. He grasps your chest in both hands, massaging gently as he nips at your throat.
"So fucking pretty," he murmurs. "Haven't stopped thinking about you since you left me."
You whine and unbutton his shirt, shrugging it off his shoulders. You're desperate to see more, desperate to feel his skin on yours, desperate to bare every inch of him.
Your fingers make deft work of his belt, sliding it from its loops and throwing it to the ground. You unpop his button and slide down the zipper, pulling his jeans off his legs in no time. You shimmy out of your skirt, leaving you both in your underwear.
The evening sun seeps through the window panes, illuminating the room in hues of orange and gold. The light hits Bucky's skin, making him glow in a halo of love and adoration.
He walks you backwards, wrapping an arm around your back to throw you onto the white sheets of your bed. Crawling over you, he settles in between your legs, pressing gentle kisses from your ankles to your inner thighs.
"The way you look when you come has been burned in my mind," he whispers. "Need to see it again. It's been too long."
He slides your underwear down your legs and wastes no time, diving into you like a man starved. He devours you, tongue never ceasing it's movements. His hands pry your thighs apart, one arm thrown over your stomach to keep you still. When your muscles start to shake, Bucky doubles down on his efforts, lapping and sucking at you like you're his lifesource.
"Oh, Buck, I'm-"
You see stars as you come, white and silver shapes flying through your vision. Bucky never stops, prolonging your release for as long as he can. When you go boneless, he ceases, pressing kisses to the inside of your knee.
"You okay?" he murmurs, moving so his body smothers yours.
"I'm good," you smile, leaning up to kiss him. You groan when you taste yourself, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"Need you, baby. Please, Buck."
"You sure?"
You smile at him, cradling his face in your hands.
"Couldn't be surer."
He dips down to lick into your mouth once more, shucking his boxers off and throwing them across the room. Slipping a condom on, he lines himself up, eyes meeting yours.
"I need you more than I need air to breathe," he murmurs. "You know that, don't you?"
"Buck," you breathe. "I've been going crazy here without you."
He goes to speak, but stops himself, instead leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"I know," you whisper. "I know."
Bucky slides home in one smooth thrust, both of you gasping. One of his hands finds your hip, the other resting against your throat as an anchor. You wrap your legs around his waist, arms snaking around his shoulders.
"Fuck me, please."
"Fuck," he groans. "I'll be replaying that in my head forever."
You chuckle breathlessly, gasping when he draws his hips back and forward again. He sets an even pace - not too fast, not too slow. He has you right where he wants you, both of your bodies in perfect synchronisity. It feels like the stars have aligned. Everything's fallen into place.
Bucky dances his fingers from your hip to your clit, rubbing firm circles. He plays you like a violin, your muscles tensing as you get closer.
"That's it, pretty girl. Fuck, you're so good for me. You close, honey? Gonna come for me again?"
You nod frantically as he picks up his pace, hips colliding with yours. He groans as you tighten around him, head dropping to rest against yours.
"Come for me, honey girl," he whispers. "Please."
Your back arches as you find your release, nails scratching at the skin of Bucky's back. The pain tips him over the edge, spilling inside of you with a deep groan. He collapses on top of you, both of your chests heaving.
"I think we're naturals at that," you chuckle hoarsely.
"You think it's the soulmate thing, or are we just that good?"
"I think we're just that good," you laugh, pushing him off your body so he lands next to you. You link your fingers with his, resting your head on his chest.
"I need a drink."
"I was just thinking that, actually. You wanna go out? Know anywhere?"
"There's a cute little bar that looks out over the cove - it has good food and good cocktails. You wanna go there?"
"I'd go anywhere with you," he affirms, pressing a kiss into your hair.
"I'd kill for a pineapple margarita right now."
Bucky sits up suddenly, bringing you with him, arms wrapped around you.
"Then let's go get my girl a pineapple margarita."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The golden lights adorn the beams of wood above your head, the deck illuminated in the gentle glow. The ocean waves break the shore in a comfortingly repetitive motion, a calming soundtrack to the evening. You sit across from Bucky at your table for two, the sunset casting orange hues across the horizon.
"It's beautiful out here."
"Yeah," you agree, smiling. "The view is pretty good."
Your eyes haven't left his, lost in the sea blue of his irises. He chuckles, running his thumb over the back of your hand where it rests atop the table.
"This is our first date, you know."
"I mean, we've been 'dating' this whole time - but we've never gone out and had dinner like this. Held hands and all."
"You're right. Our first date of many, huh?"
"Our first of countless," he grins, brushing his lips over your knuckles in a gentle kiss.
"Where do my parents think you are?"
"Visiting a cousin in Nevada."
You laugh, and the sound makes Bucky light up, electricity running through his veins.
"You're a scarily good liar."
"To everyone but you."
"I used to think I was a good liar. Until I met you, that is."
Just as he's about to respond, your waitress appears, two pineapple margaritas in hand. She takes your orders and leaves, smiling at you.
"Oh, shit. She forgot to give us straws. I'm gonna grab some - be right back."
You chase her inside, tapping her shoulder gently.
"Excuse me - could I get a couple of straws, please?"
"Of course. Sorry!" she apologises, handing them to you.
"Thank you! Your shirt is so cute, by the way."
"Thanks - it's thrifted! You're gorgeous, girl. And your boyfriend is stupidly hot too. You're a pretty couple."
You thank her and laugh, returning to Bucky with a grin on your face.
"What's got you smiling?"
"The waitress called you my boyfriend."
"Huh. As much as I love the commitment... boyfriend kinda sounds like we're in ninth grade, doesn't it?"
You throw your head back, laughing with your entire being.
"That's what I thought. There's gotta be a better word. Partner? No, that makes us sound forty."
"I am almost forty."
Bucky rolls his eyes, but he can't wipe the blinding grin from his face. He takes out his phone and snaps a quick picture of you, admiring the way the breeze caresses your face as the setting sun beats down.
"Sneaky," you tease. "Let me see?"
He hands you the phone, letting you look through. You swipe right one too many times, and accidentally land on a picture of a blueprint laid out across a kitchen counter. His kitchen counter.
"Babe... what's this?"
You don't miss the way Bucky's cheeks heat up, blush creeping across his chest that's exposed by the V neckline of his blue button up. He stutters for a moment, before finding his footing.
"They're blueprints. Plans for a house."
"A house?"
"I want to build a house."
When you keep looking at him softly, he doubles down.
"I want to build a house for us."
Your breath hitches in your chest, the world going silent momentarily.
"You... you do?"
"My Dad worked in construction my entire childhood. I watched him build houses, apartment buildings, bungalows... everything. I've always wanted to do it, but never had reason to. Until now."
You squeeze his hand, urging him to continue.
"I've been planning it for upwards of ten years. But I'm taking it more seriously, now. Those blueprints are the final ones. It's all mapped out, down to the square inch. I've made some modifications for you, obviously."
He zooms in on the picture, pointing out areas on the plans.
"I've added a big island in the kitchen with a tonne of storage in it, for all of your supplies. I know you have that huge mixer, so I've made sure there's enough space for it to fit underneath with the doors closed."
You take a deep breath, lump in your throat forming unwillingly.
"Up here, there's a window at the top of the stairs. I've added a sketch of a bench which I'll upholster, so you can sit and read in the sunlight."
Tangling your legs with his under the table, you urge him to continue.
"I've also made sure there's a balcony off the master bedroom that overlooks the garden. I know how much you love sitting on yours in your apartment at home. There's probably like a hundred more little modifications for you, but those are just a few."
Tears are running down your cheeks freely, emotion escaping you like a flash flood.
"If it's too much too soon, please tell me. I won't be offended, baby. I know it's a lot."
"It's perfect."
You jump up from your seat and around the table, throwing yourself into his lap to kiss him happily.
"I can't wait to build a house with you, Buck."
He grins at you, joy radiating off him in waves.
"I love you."
He blinks back tears for a second, processing the words he's been waiting to hear for what feels like an eternity.
"I love you too, honey girl. My pretty baby."
He leans in to kiss you tenderly, the rest of the world melting away. It feels like it's just the two of you, floating on cloud nine.
Suddenly, you get it. You understand why people say this is the greatest thing that'll ever happen.
It is. They were right all along.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
After several pineapple flavoured cocktails and a taco or four, you and Bucky take a slow stroll home, hand in hand along the sidewalk.
"You wanna have a sleepover tonight?" you ask, digging your heels into the ground to stop yourself from skipping with glee.
"Can't think of anything I want more," he chuckles.
You walk a little while longer, content to bask in the comfortable silence.
"Guess what happened a few days ago."
"What, honey?"
"Stella asked me to be her business partner."
He stops where he is, turning to face you but never letting go of your hand.
"Wait, really?"
"And how do you feel about that?"
"I was unsure, at first. But I'm going to do it. I've been thinking about this for a while, actually. We had to take a business class in culinary school, and I actually learned a lot. I've had a business plan for the future of the café drafted up for months. Numbers, locations, investors, everything. I'm really serious about this, you know."
He's gazing at you like you hung the moon, eyes bright and adoring.
You sit down on a bench, looking out over the coastal path. Bucky joins you, arm heavy over your shoulders.
"I can't stay here."
His head whips around.
"I mean it, Buck. I like this city, I do, but I just can't settle. It feels like a placeholder until I can go home. And it's not fair to Stella, if it feels like I'm half in half out."
He goes to speak, but you're on a roll.
"I'm suggesting that we franchise the business. It's the logical next step anyway, it was just a matter of choosing the right location. I'm proposing somewhere a hell of a lot closer to home. To you. To my parents. And that means we'll have one branch on the east coast, and one on the west. We can start filling the middle, in the future."
"Are you... are you sure?"
"I've never been surer of anything, James Buchanan Barnes. I wanna start my life with you. Telling my parents, building a house, furthering my career. I'm ready, now."
Bucky grabs your face in his warm hands, kissing you with more passion than you ever thought possible. It's all the answer you need.
"I want you to read over my plan, when we get back to my place. But it's tight, Buck. I've been perfecting it for months. There's no way Stella can say no - I've made it so she won't want to. Besides, she just wants me to be happy. And this... this will make me happy. Happy beyond words."
Bucky stands up, wrapping his arms around your middle to bring you with him. He spins you around, laughing when you squeal in surprise.
"I'm so proud of you, honey baby. I love you so much."
"I love you," you grin. "More than I ever thought possible."
Bucky practically carries you home, both of you giddy on excitement and hope.
You wake up tangled in his arms, sunlight beaming down onto your skin through the open window. Happiness, you think. It's finally here.
Happiness. It's finally here.
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tag list part one -
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fangirl-dot-com · 8 months
Chapter 17 - I Ain't Worried
The ending of this chapter was my absolute favorite to write! Me and my Americaness is shining bright in this chapter! I live in Florida for half the year for uni - so I love the state. Logan also needs lots of love and a forehead kiss :D
I'm so sorry for the last chapter, but wait to send me the therapy bills cause the next chapter is gonna be a doozy (I apologize in advance)
Like always comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and comments are always welcome! Much love
Max jumped at the sheer volume of your voice. Last he knew, you were all the way at the Williams garage. It wouldn’t be possible for you to possibly be able to scream that far. Yet, you were known to surprise him. 
What he didn’t expect was for you to be dragging one Logan Sargeant by the hand. The latter looked almost…scared? The Dutchman quickly put his data pad down and turned to your direction. By now, you had dropped the American’s hand and was pushing him closer. 
“Just tell him,” you told the blond, who was currently digging his feet in the concrete. Logan only rolled his eyes as Max lifted an eyebrow. He looked between the younger two, waiting for someone to spill the beans. 
You huffed, since Logan was taking too long. 
“Logan here wanted to see if you’d want to join us at the beach after the race today to celebrate points last race. Since there’s really no good beaches in China. ”
A squawk came from the American. “I didn’t want to ask, you did.” 
Now, that could have hurt Max’s feelings, but he really didn’t know the American well enough to be offended. 
The senior Red Bull racer shifted his stance. “Sure. I mean, who’s coming?” 
Finally, Logan spoke up. “Well, right now it’s just us because someone,” he gave you a look, “jumped the gun on the invite. I was going to send a text out.” He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground. 
Max thought for a moment. All you had to say about the American was nothing short than amazing. And for just a second, Max felt pretty bad as he looked at the two of you, who were waiting for an answer. 
He raised his eyebrows. “Sounds like fun!” 
With the way Logan’s head whipped up and the hope in your eyes, Max knew he made the right choice. 
“Perfect,” the William’s driver whispered, not in full belief that THEE Max Verstappen was going to go to the beach with them. 
You playfully punched his arm. “I told you!” you all but whispered as Logan smiled down at you. 
The three of you kind of stood in awkward silence, until you grabbed Logan’s hand once again. “Come on, we got to go find your other half!” 
Logan didn’t get a say in anything else as you dragged him in the other direction, back to the McLaren garage. 
A laugh from behind Max startled him a bit. He looked over his shoulder to find you manager looking fondly at your disappearing figure. Another eyebrow raise silently questioned the man. 
Vito caught his eye and gestured to you. “It’s great to see her making friends. Well, more than just Arthur and Ollie.” 
Max just hummed as he put a hand across his forehead to be able to see through the bright Miami sun. Yes, it was hot and the beach was the last place that he wanted to be after a sweaty race. But, you and Logan seemed so hopeful. He could see Kelly now approving of how he was letting loose a bit. It had been too long since he allowed himself to have fun. 
A ding of his phone had him looking for the rectangular device. He let out a dry laugh as he saw a text from Charles. 
Emotional Support Rival  
I hear the kids have roped you in as well to go to the beach after this? 
Mad Max 
Yep  Couldn’t say no to the puppy eyes  And it’ll be fun to let loose, ya know?  Also, who else is coming 
Emotional Support Rival 
Yeah  And the American kid too  He’s strangely growing on me  Uh, it’s Lando, Oscar, Alex, George, me, Logan, and then the kid 
Mad Max 
Ah, cool  And same  Well, good luck today 
Emotional Support Rival 
Yeah, yeah, yeah  I’ll try to stay out of the gravel  :D 
The emoji made Max shudder as he stared at the little smiley face that you had roped Charles into using more often. He could take it from you, but not from anyone else. 
You suddenly made your way back into the garage, a bit out a breath. 
“You done running everywhere?” Vito questioned, handing you a bottle of water. 
“Yep! Beach trip is a go!” You fist pumped. “I’m so glad I brought my swimsuit.” 
You started to ramble about everything you wanted to do at the beach. A few key words such as “recreation of the beach scene from Top Gun” and how “oddly strange it was that Logan reminded you of Ryan Gosling in the Barbie movie.” Everything just made Max chuckle to himself. 
He was a bit nervous that he wasn’t starting pole today. Charles had just nabbed it out of his grasp. You had surprisingly gotten back up the grid after what happened at Suzuka and then a placing of P7 at Shanghai, your lowest finish yet. 
Shanghai Results 
Max Verstappen – 25 points 
Charles Leclerc – 18 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 15 points 
George Russell – 12 points 
Lando Norris – 11 points 
Oscar Piastri – 8 points 
Y/n L/n – 6 points 
Alex Albon – 4 points 
Logan Sargeant – 2 points 
Carlos Sainz – 1 point 
Fernando Alonso – 0 points 
Daniel Ricciardo – 0 points
Lance Stroll – 0 points
Yuki Tsunoda – 0 points
Pierre Gasly – 0 points
Nico Hulkenberg – 0 points
Zhou Guanyu – 0 points
Esteban Ocon – 0 points
Valtteri Bottas – 0 points
Kevin Magnussen – 0 points
But now you were starting back at the top with him and Charles. 
Starting Grid 
Max Verstappen 
Charles Leclerc 
Y/n L/n 
Oscar Piastri 
Lando Norris 
Logan Sargeant 
Alex Albon 
George Russell 
Carlos Sainz 
Fernando Alonso 
Lewis Hamilton 
Lance Stroll 
Daniel Ricciardo 
Yuki Tsunoda 
Valtteri Bottas 
Pierre Gasly 
Esteban Ocon 
Zhou Guanyu 
Kevin Magnussen 
Nico Hulkenberg 
“Our starting grid looks promising today at the 2024 Miami Grand Prix. Now, the Williams seem strong today as Logan Sargeant qualified his highest position yet. He seems like a man on a mission for a podium. We’re glad to see that Y/n L/n is back up top following her crash back at Suzuka and then a low finish at Shanghai.” 
The camera focused on you in your car, waiting for everyone to flee the scene. You caught the lens and gave a small peace sign, before suddenly becoming embarrassed as you put your visor down. It was finally time for the race as everyone got off the starting line. 
Sure, you could have been even more nervous after your crash, but you had just shrugged everything off and got back to it. 
“We see the drivers in the formation lap now. There goes our race leader Max Verstappen followed by Charles Leclerc. Now the drivers we are going to be focused on today are the Williams drivers, Logan and Alex. We want to see if Sargeant can keep his cool in the hot seat, both figuratively and literally as the temperatures are high today.
“All the drivers are back in their spots and now they patiently wait for those five red lights…
And it’s lights out and away we go at the 2024 Miami Grand Prix. There goes Max Verstappen, already pulling away from the very beginning. Down they go toward the first corner and CHARLES LECERLC GOES OFF THE TRACK! But it seems like he is back on and I’m getting radio of no damage so he’s still in, but what a start. 
“Y/n L/n is up to second with Oscar Piastri now in third with Logan Sargeant who has gained a position. Lando Norris is behind him with the other Williams car making him a Williams sandwich.” 
“Alright Mitch. Can we try to convert this into a win maybe?” You pressed the radio on as you had been called into the pits right behind Max. 
“Ah, that’s a negative kid. Max has been given the priority for this race.” 
“Boooooo. Max is a certified rookie-hater.” 
“Seems like Y/n L/n is not happy with that team call.” David Croft chuckles after listening in on your radio. 
“Who is currently behind me?” You asked as the last lap was nearing. 
Mitch responded. “Piastri is behind, but Sargeant is in DRS to him.” 
When she said that, your heart did a little jump. Secretly, you were hoping that Logan would get the jump on Oscar. (But no one had to know that.) 
With two more laps left, you needed to check in one again as you could see a vehicle catching up. 
“Mitch, status for the car behind me please.” 
“It’s, uh…Is this correct?” You heard her whisper to someone else. 
“Uh Mitch? Priorities please!” Your car jerked around the corner that sent you into the last lap. 
“Sargeant is 2.385 seconds behind you and not gaining. So just get across the finish line.” 
“Yes. Logan.” 
You didn’t even realize that you had crossed the finish line. 
Max crawled out of his car and raised his hands once he was out on the concrete. He turned and expected you to immediately run toward him like the last 1-2, but you never showed up. All he could see was you hunched over…a Williams?
When did that get there? 
“LOGAANNNN!” you yelled down into the cockpit as you were practically in there with the American. 
He batted you away so that he could get out with you. And once he was out, he was glad that he was ready for you as you jumped into his arms. Your helmets clashed as the two of you came together, but you could deal with a concussion later. He gently placed you back on the ground, but was again bulldozed over by his teammate. 
It was at that moment you noticed a Dutch driver standing by himself, a bit dejected. You quickly jogged over and jumped on his back. 
“Maaaaxxxxx, another podium baby!” 
The Dutchman was glad that he had his hands on your legs as you leaned back and almost fell over. 
“Kid are you trying to kill me?” 
“Yes, you rookie-hater. Are you ever going to let me win?” you whined as he let you back down gently so that the two of you could get weighed. 
“There will come a time kid. You have to be patient.” 
Once your helmet was off, he could see your pouted lips. “I don’t want to be patient.” 
Sadly, Arthur was off getting trained for endurance racing and wouldn’t be back to a race until Monaco for Charles’s home race. So, your favorite interviewer was not there after the cooldown room. 
Yet, it was enjoyable due to the blond in the room. The three of you watched the TV and winced as you saw Charles go off the track. 
“Sheesh,” you grimaced. 
Max sighed, “And he said he’d try to stay out of the gravel.” He looked over at Logan. “Nice job on the overtake with Piastri.” 
Logan kind of just stared at him for a moment before coming back to reality. “Thank you. He went a bit wide, and I tried to keep my elbows out." 
You punched him in the side and he let out an oof. “Keep your elbows out my ass. You drove phenomenally.” 
The podium celebration was amazing, but you were looking forward to one thing and one thing only. 
“Alexa, play I Ain’t Worried by One Republic.” 
Sand kicked at your feet as you ran behind Logan as he threw the egg-shaped ball at Oscar. The Aussie may have fumbled a bit, but he was able to run down the long stretch toward the opposite’s goal. 
“Max!” he yelled and threw the ball to the unexpected Dutchman. The ball hit Max’s head and tumbled to the sand. You threw your hands up in frustration. 
“Max!” you groaned. The remaining boys of Lando, Alex, George, and Charles all laughed at your frustration.  
“What! This is not football!” He pointed to the American football in the sand. Charles leaned down to pick it up. Surprisingly, he twirled it well in the air. 
“Technically, it’s American football!” Logan yelled from the other side, where you were standing with your hands on your hips. 
George took the ball from Charles and chucked it to Lando. The Brit should have been looking the other direction, because to him you came out of nowhere and bulldozed him over. 
Logan put his arms up, pretending to be a field goal. “And tackle!” 
The curly-hair boy pretended to spit out sand as you stood, football in hand. 
He looked up at you in amazement. “Where did you learn to tackle like that?” 
You spiraled the ball perfectly back to Logan. “Live in Texas for 5 years. If there’s nothing bigger there than sweet tea and Bucees, it’s football.” 
This time, Oscar was able to get the ball and run all the way to your “end goal.” 
“This was so not Top Gun,” George sighed as he kicked sand. “The shirtless ones always win.” 
“Uh George?” Logan asked, making the taller Brit look up at the other shirtless drivers. You were technically shirtless as you only had your bikini on. 
A bigger sigh left George’s lips. 
“So can we all agree that I’d be Maverik?” 
“Logan, if anyone was Maverik, it’d be me. Y’a know, main character vibes. You can be Rooster.”
“Doesn’t he die?” 
“No silly, that’s Goose in the first one.” 
“Who would I be?” 
“Bob. Oscar, you’d be Bob.” 
Race Results 
Max Verstappen – 25 points 
Y/n L/n – 18 points 
Logan Sargeant – 15 points 
Alex Albon – 12 points 
Charles Leclerc – 11 points 
Lando Norris – 8 points 
Oscar Piastri – 6 points 
Carlos Sainz – 4 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 2 points 
George Russell – 1 point 
Fernando Alonso 
Daniel Ricciardo 
Yuki Tsunoda 
Lance Stroll 
Pierre Gasly 
Zhou Guanyu 
Esteban Ocon 
Valtteri Bottas 
Kevin Magnussen 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Championship Standings 
Max Verstappen – 150 points 
Charles Leclerc – 95 points 
Y/n L/n – 65 points 
Lando Norris – 61 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 49 points 
Oscar Piastri – 45 points 
Carlos Sainz – 33 points 
George Russell – 31 points 
Fernando Alonso – 23 points 
Daniel Ricciardo – 21 points  
Alex Albon – 20 points 
Logan Sargeant – 17 points 
Lance Stroll 
Pierre Gasly 
Yuki Tsunoda 
Zhou Guanyu 
Kevin Magnussen 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Valtteri Bottas 
Esteban Ocon 
Constructors Standings 
Red Bull – 215 points 
Ferrari – 128 points 
McLaren – 106 points 
Mercedes – 80 points 
Williams – 37 points 
Aston Martin - 23 point
Racing Bulls – 21 points 
Alpha Romeo 
y/n.89 has posted
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y/n.89 highway to the DANGA ZONE - podium (with my favorite American and teammate) and some well deserved beach time after
liked by logansargeant, arthur_leclerc, b0x_b0x_nightmare and 73,295 others
maxverstappen1 uh I was on the podium too??
y/n.89 we're all tired of you being on the top step charles_leclerc yes, let's have the poor people have a chance landonorris POOR PEOPLE?? YOU MAKE MORE THAN I DO oscarpiastri you're getting paid??
sargeant_log this post has signaled the Americans
maxverstappen1 I'm your only teammate??
logansargeant and I'm the only American driver?? y/n.89 oh be quiet
emotional_support_rivals I was thankfully at the beach, and let me tell you - an exact replica of the top gun beach scene
lestappenlove lemme guess...Logan is Maverick? y/n.89 NO HE'S ROOSTER
y/n.nation our girl looking prettyyyy - mystery boy must be keeping her happy
maxverstappen1 has posted
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maxverstappen1 the progression of the day : sun time, burnt time, shade time
liked by y/n.89, maxverstappencom, dutch_lion, max_max, and 2,948,923 others
max_fan lobster max is back
kellypiquet did you remember sunscreen?
maxverstappen1 yes y/n.89 no he didn't
lestappenlove max in a bucket hat is something I didn't know I needed
redbullracing should we add umbrellas to the car?
f1_group I wonder who won the football game
y/n.89 Logan, max, oscar, and I won - while Lando, Alex, George and Charles LOST alex_albon it's because somehow you are freakishly good at the sport, Logan grew up playing it, Oscar grew up with Logan and Max just wins everything charles_leclerc Max is a certified everyone-hater
formula1_power this beach trip is my Roman Empire
logansargeant has posted
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logansargeant my job is beach
liked by williamsracing, oscarpiastri, freedom4logan, and 95,294 others
y/n.89 your fans scare me just a bit
logansargeant they don't bite y/n.89 YES THEY DO
williamsracing FREEDOOOMMMMM (did we do that correctly?)
formula1_fan Logan on the podium has boosted my morale for living
cota_official can't wait to see you again in October! (maybe top step this time?)
author guuyyyyssssss cota_official sorry... usa4logan HELLO??
oscarpiastri happy for you mate
barbie and what a great job you do at beach Logan
charles_leclerc has posted
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charles_leclerc beach, please
liked by alexandrasaintmleux, arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 1,843,923 others
sharl16 its the return of the blue filter
cha_cha_red the caption is giving "72 best beach instagram captions to share your vacation fun"
y/n.89 do you have his search history or something? charles_leclerc quiet or I'd have to drop something ferrarifan what do you know
ferrari_failure glad he's having some fun
red_flag the groups' captions hit hard - I'm dying
maxverstappen1 why don't you just say the word??
landonorris cause he's under contract charles_leclerc legally I can't say can't say anything, read my lips y/n.89 why is he crying, and what does that have to do with "pitch perfect" ??
scuderiaferrari remember to use sunscreen!
alex_albon has posted
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alex_albon freedom or whatever
liked by lilymhe, albon_pets, logansargeant, and 835,920 others
alobono love the matching Williams tank-tops with Logan
y/n.89 sun or whatever
logansargeant sand or whatever oscarpiastri beach or whatever landonorris the sea or whatever
aa_on_top why he walking like that?
y/n.89 chafing alex_albon SHUT UP georgerussell63 penguin
williamsracing you look great Alex
y/n.89 not williams flirty on the main @.lilymhe they're trying to take your boyfriend lilymhe they can have him :) alex_albon LILY??
fan_of_f1 probably the only one who doesn't need sunscreen
albon_alex23 not Alex getting bullied on HIS post
landonorris has posted
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landonorris my toes got wet
liked by oscarpiastri, y/n.89, lnfour, maxfewtrell, and 839,183 others
lnfournation big stretch
la_la_lando is he napping??
y/n.89 it was all too much for little Lando Norris maxverstappen1 couldn't handle losing at football landonorris I was JUST resting my eyes charles_leclerc suurreeee
ln_4 suns out, tits out too I guess
last_lap_lando are those....weights??
y/n.89 he said it was for the "pump"? idk if he found it tho y/n_nation she is really coming for them all today
mclaren watch out for sharks!
lando_norizz oh to just lie down on the sand and play with my best buds
oscarpiastri has posted
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oscarpiastri I'm bob
liked by mclaren, lilyzneimer, auzzieauzzieauzzie, and 834,294 others
top_gun_enthusiast f1 & top gun crossover when??
y/n.89 Logan would go nuts - he has a crush on tom cruise logansargeant Y/NNNNNNN oscarpiastri it's true
oscah81 an aussie in his natural habitat
osc_pastry florida?? oscah81 the water??
hoe4oscarpiastri bless George and his shirtless pictures influences
danielricciardo can't believe you didn't invite me????
y/n.89 there was only room for one aussie plus we've already been to the beach together?? carossainz55 it's ok, they forgot me too Daniel landonorris guys be quiet, you're making y/n cry cause now she feels bad charles_leclerc she already cried because she saw a lonely crab DO NOT make it worse
mclaren ice bath thirst traps coming next?
micLaren_bois ahhhh thank you y/n for this content
georgerussell63 has posted
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georgerussell63 gave out a master class on shirtless posts today
liked by carmenmmundt, mercedesamgf1, russellgeorge, and 194,284 others
russellgeorge the king of shirtless pictures has arrived
king_george63 when did George get a jeep?
y/n.89 he didn't, he asked these random guys if he could take a quick picture and ended up breaking the wipers logansargeant it's true, I was there georgerussell62 y/n you do not need to tell all my secrets. do I need to call toto? y/n.89 you don't scare me cause he liked me more than you mercedesamgf1 play nice George - toto
he-just-tUrned-in0-me the second picture is everthing
y/n.89 he ate the sand right after georgerussell63 Y/N!!!! alex_albon you new here? just ignore it
george_at_merc this just ties all of their posts together
williamsracing has posted
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williamsracing podium, points, and some all American football
liked by f1, y/n.89, logansargant, arthur_leclerc, and 803,195 others
logan4freedom GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS
williamspookies GOD BLESS AMERICA y/n.89 AND GENTLEMEN logansargeant START. YOUR. ENGIIINNNEESSSSS alex_albon I am only slightly concerned
f1mia glad to have you all here! until next year RAWWRRRR
charles_leclerc can you please take out the gravel pleaasseeee
b0x_b0x_nightmare this year's podium was so wholesome
best_rookie I knooowww, max with Logan and y/n was a trio I didn't know I needed
tomcruise great job @.logansargeant, glad I got to watch
logansargeant OH MY GOSHHHHHH y/n.89 he just died but can you give miles teller my number please? maxverstappen1 y/n no, you have a boyfriend???? y/n.89 he's the one who told me to ask??????????
box_box_official this weekend will always be on repeat
williams_fan this whole weekend was so wholesome, can't wait for more
author oh, uhhhhh readers what did you do? author get your therapy bills ready?
formula1_fanatic can't wait to see what the rest of the season holds :D
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @cassie0sstuff @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19
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alexsoenomel · 6 months
Camping Shenanigans
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Summary: You like both brothers and you decide to go camping for Sam's birthday.
Pairing: Sam x Reader x Dean Winchester
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI , implied smut, kissing, fluff
Word count: 4.9k
Note: Not beta read. It has been sitting in my drafts for months. Enjoy!
Like/ reblog or both if you like it :)
"Camping? Are you serious?" 
"Yes, Dean, it's my birthday," Sam answered. 
"It was my idea," you chimed in as Dean shot you a death stare. "Kinda," You added.
It wasn't actually your idea. You just asked Sam a simple question:
“What’s something you always wanted to do but never had a chance to do it?”
He said camping. 
"Why do you ask?"
"Your birthday is coming soon!" You told him and stuffed your face with some scrambled eggs you decided to have that morning.
"So?" Sam was a bit confused. He never really cared much about his birthday. 
"Let's do something fun for your birthday. Every year is the same; Dean celebrates his birthdays hammered and dodging STDs like bullets, my birthdays are depressing because I'm always broke or sad or both, and yours…it's like you don't have birthdays." 
"So,do you wanna go camping for my birthday?" 
"Yes! And we can celebrate in nature with lots of alcohol." 
"I mean sure, but Dean's gonna –"
"Oh fuck what Dean says he's coming too."
"It will be fun Dean, besides spending time in nature will be good for you," Sam said.
"Actually, concerning amount of booze and chicks with daddy issues are the only two things that are good for me, not this!" He still kept protesting.
"You're going, Dean!" Sam told him. 
"Fine, but if a snake bites me, I'm shaving your head!" 
"Yeah, yeah! Pack a bag, we're going tomorrow morning!"
"TOMORROW MORNING?!" Dean’s voice went an octave higher.
"Yeah, and I'm driving!" Sam smirked. 
"Not a chance," Dean simply said before taking a sip of beer. 
You and Sam found a wonderful campsite in Greenheart National Park in Wyoming and decided to book it, long before telling Dean. Two nights under the stars in the middle of nowhere sounded wonderful, but Dean still wasn't impressed. Even after telling him, it wasn't a traditional campsite – it had toilets, outdoor showers and all-inclusive breakfast, lunch and dinner – he still wasn't impressed. Dean being Dean - he was protesting and whining, right until you actually sat in his car and he started the engine. He didn't like the idea, but it was Sam's birthday tomorrow and he would go to the ends of the Earth for his little brother. 
The drive was long and seemed endless. Between trying to get comfortable, taking a nap, listening to music and eating snacks because of boredom, you couldn’t wait to spend time in nature and watch the stars. Sam was visibly excited, asking Dean every two hours where you were, explaining how to set up a tent, telling fun statistics about bear attacks which made Dean a bit uneasy. Sam’s inner child was slowly healing and yours was just happy to tag along. Dean's on the other hand…his inner child just wanted to get back to bed.
“This is going to be fun!” You laughed. “Dean, get ready to fight bears!” 
“Shut your mouth!” 
After approximately 13 hours you finally arrived, far away from civilization. Everything was green, the sky was blue and the air was fresh. It was almost 9pm and even though it was May, it was a bit chilly.
"You will all get your tents, feel free to set up anywhere you like, but please don't go far away from the station," The bold man was speaking, aka the owner. He was a middle-aged man, very athletic and taller than Sam. Nice obnoxious smile too. "Dinner is in an hour and if anyone has to shower, showers and toilets are behind the gazebo. We will start the bonfire at 11pm if you wanna join. I'm making some good ol' homemade chips. Hope you enjoy your stay and please if you have any questions, concerns, I'm here."
"He seems nice," You whispered.
"Yeah, and bold," Dean added, clearly trying to sound funny. He tried and failed.
“He might be bold, but next to him you’re just a scrawny little bitch,” you clapped back, hoping it would sting him. 
“Ouch!” It did. 
Sam laughed.
“So, do you want to share a tent?” You asked the brothers as they shared a look of concern. 
“Well…” Sam started, but was unable to finish his thought.
“Mmm..” Dean too.
They didn’t like the idea, so naturally you decided to go with it and ask the owner to give you the biggest tent he could find. “For the three of you?” The guy asked, pointing a finger at Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. You were the last one to get your tent. Some people already found their spot and set up theirs.  
“Yes, the biggest one please. I don’t wanna be suffocated by these two.” 
The guy chuckled. “Roger that!” He then went into the storage room and started rummaging through his things. After a minute he came back holding a large black bag. “Here you go!” He said and tossed it to Sam. “That will do!” He also gave you three sleeping bags and you were off.
“Thank you so much!” You said. 
You found your spot far away from people next to a pine tree that was sticking out from the rest of the forest that was behind you. The hill was beautiful, grass perfectly cut, the sky covered in stars like freckles scattered all over, while the air felt colder than an hour ago.
“I have no idea what I’m doing!” Dean said, trying to see which part of the tent goes where, while you used the flashlight on your phone to guide him. 
“Let me!” Sam said and gathered all the poles in one pile. He read a thing or two about different types of tents and recognized you got the one with a porch aka ‘the fancy one’. 
“Well happy birthday Sammy!” You told him. “Congratulations on being one year closer to death!”
“Wow (Y/N), you sure know how to make a man feel like crap!” Dean scoffed. 
“What’re you talking about Dean? I praise him all the time. Both of you!”
“Yeah, praise my ass!”
“You do have a great ass!” You winked at him. Dean just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms looking offended. 
Sam laughed at your joke. “Thank you, but it’s not midnight yet!”  ***
An hour later, Sam finally set up the tent and Dean was already on his second beer. This campsite was known for having unlimited amounts of booze and Dean was one happy camper when he found that out. Meanwhile Sam was really proud of himself for setting up his first tent. It was spacious and brand new. When you put the sleeping bags in, you realized you were going to get squished by the brothers. The tent was big, but not big enough.
You liked that idea, considering your long history of liking both of them and not being able to decide. It had been over ten years and you still couldn’t decide. They both had qualities you desired in a man and were special in their own way. Sam’s height and intelligence made you want to climb him like a tree and never get down, while Dean’s perfect smile and snarky humor made you want to make him whimper under you. They were childhood friends and lived across the street, and since your parents liked to hang out you would see them almost every weekend.
Once they moved across the country you still stayed in touch - texted and called every once in a while, but your heart was aching for them. You missed them dearly. It all fell into place once you saw Sam one random Monday morning on campus at Stanford and your shenanigans started again. Dean decided more education was too much for his brain, so he opened a small music store in San Diego and was doing surprisingly well. You started hanging out again, going to pubs, having movie nights, game nights…
You and Sam would also visit Dean and everything seemed to make sense once again. You were like three peas in a pod – same but slightly different.
Over the years you learned how to ignore your feelings and push those thoughts away, and yet sometimes you'd catch your stomach flipping every time they would bring up past relationships or flings. They both didn't want to settle down, and while you liked the idea of it, you were picky and hadn’t found someone who was worthy of you to settle down with.
"Shower and alcohol?" You asked Sam, since Dean had already showered and was now on his third beer.
"Yes please."
Showering in nature was a first for you. You thought you were going to freeze but surprisingly even though you did, it felt amazing on your skin. You enjoyed the wind making you shiver. 
“How was it, Sam?” You said, stepping out of the shower in nothing but a towel. Sam actually took the time and got dressed in the wooden shower cabin.
“Cold.” He answered, his voice shivering. His wet hair was slick back, a blue shirt accentuating his muscles, while the gray sweatpants he wore particularly outlined his cock, making it hard to focus.
The things I’d do to that man are ungodly and borderline illegal.
“And refreshing,” You added. 
“You should get dressed before you get sick.” 
“Okay, mother!” You rolled your eyes and went back to the tent.
Anything for you, handsome!
Dinner was delicious – Dutch oven mac and cheese. Everybody got one big full plate and it was better than you could imagine; very salty and cheesy.
It was nice to sit and look at the bonfire while eating your favorite childhood meal but soon you just wanted to get away from the people and loud noise. You stuck around for a few minutes, watching the fire and chatting with a few nice girls you met while waiting for dinner before your social battery completely died. You excused yourself and left. You weren’t in the mood for small talk anymore – Sam and Dean were a lot better at it than you and they were a lot more social too. You decided to watch from afar and sit on the porch swing that was looking directly at the bonfire surrounded by people having a great time. You were sipping your beer watching the fire go wild as the bold guy threw a few branches, making it stable enough to actually start making his homemade chips in the skillet. You felt like a kid again. The beer was just enough to relax you even though the taste wasn't the best. The stars decided to shine that night, while the crescent moon was too shy to show its whole face.
“Having fun over there?” You heard a familiar voice and saw a shadow of a person approaching you. It was Dean. 
“Yeah, just don’t feel like talking to people,” you told him. 
He sat down next to you and put his beer bottle next to yours. You exchanged looks in semi- complete darkness and made a toast. 
“Happy birthday to Sam!” You said, looking at Sam who was talking to a guy much shorter than him.
“I swear it was yesterday he was learning how to walk,” Dean told you. 
“You sound like my mother,” You chuckled.
Your mind was getting tired and since the swing was made out of wood, you were struggling to get comfortable. Your head decided to rest on his shoulder as you took a sip of your beer, eyes still on Sam. Your hands wrapped around his arm as you lifted your legs on the swing. His arm was firm and he smelled too good for your own good – something between leather and pines surrounding you. He seemed to be tense though, or at least that was what you thought.
“Dean, I don’t bite, unless you want me to! Relax!”
You couldn’t see but he just rolled his eyes and scoffed. “I’m relaxed!” 
“Well damn, you have been working out then!” You decided to compliment him. As much as you loved roasting him, making him feel good was also important to you. 
“Not so bad for a scrawny little bitch, huh?” 
“Shut up!”
The night was growing cold and you were getting tired. You didn't know the time, since your phone was back in the tent, but one thing you knew – it was time to go to sleep. The Winchesters were having a great time lingering in the crowd so you decided to leave them to have their fun and go to sleep. 
"Guys, I'm gonna go hit the sack!" You shouted from afar, since you saw, they were talking to someone – a man you didn't know and didn't want to know.
"Are you sure, (Y/N)?" Sam asked.
"Yeah I'm tired! Good night, guys!" 
"Good night!" They said in sync.
You snuggled up in your sleeping bag, shivering from the cold and realized; since you were sleeping on the ground you won't be able to get one hundred percent comfortable so the only logical thing was to take melatonin for sleep. That magic pill could make any surface feel like clouds and on top of that made you actually have nice dreams, since you didn't dream as much.
You took one pill and chugged a good amount of water. You were out in about 45 minutes.
Sam's lips were on your neck, kissing, biting, making you shiver; while Dean's lips went lower and lower. You didn't know which name to moan first, hell, you didn't know where you were, but it was blissful and a whole lot of sinful.
Dean's lips reached your panties and before he moved them to the side, he placed a kiss making you squirm. Sam's large hands were playing with your breasts while he couldn't separate his lips from your neck.
As soon as Dean's tongue touched your throbbing clit, you arched your back in pleasure. He was slow, and with the combination of Sam's rough kisses, your body was overwhelmed and feeling nothing but intense pleasure.
"Dean!" You whispered. “Dean!”
"(Y/N)?" Dean mumbled, his eyes half open, even though he couldn't see shit. 
"Sam! Fuck!" This time, a whisper, sounding more like a light moan of his brother's name.
"You kiddin'?" He was now fully awake and fully aware you were in fact not trying to wake him up.
"So good!" 
"I'll be damned!" He whispered, not really sure what to do. Sam wasn't saying a word so he figured he was in a coma since he had too many beers a few hours ago. You were squished between them but somehow ended up being closer to Dean so he decided to snap you back to reality.
"(Y/N)!" He whispered, this time a little bit louder. "Wake the hell up!" He said, trying to shake you to wake you up.
"Huh, what?" You finally mumbled as he violently pulled you back to reality. It took you a couple of seconds to realize it was, all in fact, just a dream.
"You snore like a buzzsaw!" He lied.
"Oh sorry!" 
And without saying anything else, you both went to sleep. It took Dean a couple of minutes though, since he couldn't stop thinking about what he heard.
Dirty girl. 
Was the last thing he thought before passing out.
The next morning you woke up well rested but in pain. Your body felt stiff until you stretched and actually got out of the tent. It was cold during the night, the air was fresh, but with the first rays of the sun came the heat, and you weren’t awoken by the sound of your alarm, it was the heat and stuffy air. When you looked at your phone, it was almost eight in the morning and time for breakfast. You were alone in the tent, Sam and Dean were already up. You got your toothbrush and toothpaste and went to do your business. You couldn't stop thinking about the damn dream. It was too vivid for your own good. The way Dean kissed you with his perfect full lips, Sam’s hands on your hot skin, their moans, groans and big girthy co-
“Good morning, princess,” you heard Dean say as you waited in line to get your breakfast sandwich, still sleepy. He wasn’t a morning person whatsoever so hearing him sound this jolly was strange. 
“Morning,” you didn’t even bother to look at him as you turned around and went to find a place to sit. People were already chatting, having their morning coffees and enjoying the fresh air, while you struggled to exist. It was too early to think, too early to speak and too early to be a human. 
Dean followed you after he poured himself another cup of freshly made black coffee. 
You lazily opened your sandwich from the wrapper and took a first bite; ham, cheese, ketchup, lettuce…usual stuff. It was a little dry for your taste buds, but it wasn’t bad. 
“How did you sleep?” Dean asked, sitting next to you. 
“Like a baby,” You mumbled, chewing. You could feel his eyes on you, as you turned to look at him, he was indeed staring back at you with a little smirk on his face. “What?” 
“Oh I bet you slept real good,” he teased. His deep and raspy voice was too close to your left ear, sending shivers down your spine, all over your body. You ignored it.
“What are you implying, Winchester?” You asked, genuinely confused, not really thinking about…oh. OH! You remembered. The dream. Maybe he heard you mumbling in your sleep. Do I sleep talk? You still played dumb.
“Dream a little dream of me and Sammy, eh?” His smirk was still there, you knew he wasn’t going to let it go. 
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” You replied. “Where’s Sam?” 
“He went Dora the explorer around the park.” 
Sam was both night and day. He enjoyed both darkness and light. The darkness was for reading and the light was for hiking and jogging.
After you finished breakfast, you poured yourself a cup of coffee that was now lukewarm. It still tasted like coffee when it touched your lips and still gave you that kick you needed. 
Dean was still keeping you company for some reason, he was close, too close and kind of getting on your nerves. You had a feeling he wanted to ask you something but swallowed all the words in the English language. You assumed what he was curious about, you just didn’t want to embarrass yourself. We are our egos after all, and in time we learn how to tame that part of ourselves and not let it control us. You weren’t going to blush and get flustered in front of Dean Winchester.
“What’s the plan for today?” You asked. 
“Did you dream about sleeping with me and Sam?” Dean evidently didn’t register your question. And he finally found the words. You choked on your coffee not expecting to be hit with a question. You didn’t expect that kind of question.
“You did!” He said as his face lit up in a second. 
“No, I didn’t.” 
“Yes, you did.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did.” 
He was a child. A man-child. He wasn’t going to let it go, not until you confessed. Sighing in frustration, you calmly put down your coffee-stained mug and looked him in the eyes. They were beautiful, greener than the forest around you.
“I did,” you confessed. 
“Yeah, I know I heard you,” he smiled, showing off his perfect teeth. He was beautiful but you still wanted to punch him in the face. 
“Can I drink my coffee in peace now, please?” 
“Yes, you may, sinner.”
The embarrassment you felt disappeared as soon as you saw Sam coming back from his little, to quote Dean, ‘Dora the Explorer’ adventure, all sweaty and ready for a shower. You weren’t embarrassed, you were horny. 
“Morning Sam!” You spoke. 
“Sleep well?” 
“Oh yeah, you bet she did!” Dean told him. You rolled your eyes.
Sam gave him a confused look not getting the joke. He doesn’t know.
“Awful, your brother kept making happy noises all night,” you lied. Figured you would get back at him for being a dick. Dean’s mouth slightly opened. 
“Dude, gross!” Sam’s reaction was more than welcome considering Dean hadn’t stopped annoying you ever since you had a bite of that dry sandwich. Once he left to shower, you turned to his older brother. 
“Don’t fuck with me!”
The day was cloudy and cold. Some people were playing board games and listening to music, some were reading their favorite books, while others went to explore the national park. You immersed yourself in the book you were currently reading, while Sam and Dean played Monopoly under the kitchen gazebo that wasn’t just a kitchen, it had a space for everything; space where you could sit and relax, a table, and two couches placed right across each other. A multipurpose gazebo: kitchen, dining room and a living room. Well, Sam was teaching Dean how to play and Dean was losing and cursing every few minutes.
“You were never good with money, Dean!” You chuckled, eyes still on the page you were reading.
“And you’re loud!” He sassed. You lifted your head to look at him and he just gave you a wink. You knew damn well why.
You elected to ignore it. 
Soon enough, it was lunch time: delicious goulash and for dessert, a slice of apple pie. 
“Warrior food!” Dean said, stuffing his mouth. 
He wasn’t wrong. The food was fresh and absolutely delicious. 
“Do you guys want to play volleyball after we eat?” Sam asked. 
“You’re joking?” Dean lifted his eyebrow. “I don’t do sports and I especially don’t do sports after lunch.”
“Grandpa!” You said and told Sam to count you in. 
 A few minutes later, the bald, good-looking dude came to say there was going to be another party, from 7pm to when everybody goes to sleep. He also said there was going to be lots and lots of alcohol considering it was a goodbye party. Dean was excited, you were too busy reading your book and Sam finally bankrupted his older brother. 
You ended up playing volleyball with Sam for almost two hours. He asked the bald guy if they had any volleyballs after lunch and the guy was more than happy to be of service. There was a small chunk of land which they turned into a volleyball court, far away from people who were hanging out around the gazebo and far away from Dean who decided to take a nap after eating too many slices of pie.
“Are you enjoying your birthday so far, Sammy?” You asked as you served him the ball which, he slammed a little too hard and it flew across your head. 
“Oops!” He said with an awkward smile. “Best one so far!” 
“Told you!” You raised your voice going a few steps away from the court to get the ball.
As you were playing and growing tired, you couldn't help but notice how tight his black t-shirt was, perfectly hugging his body as he started to sweat. His hair still a little damp, slick back and tucked behind his ears, his lower lip between his teeth trying to concentrate on the ball in the sky – the man was simply gorgeous. It was hard to concentrate on the damn game when your mind wandered.
How does his lips taste? Does he have a big dick? Probably. The man is huge. FOCUS! 
So many questions and no wins.
After losing 3:0, you decided to take a shower and get ready for the party. You were in the mood to drink and not get nervous around both brothers.
It was getting cold, so after a quick cold shower, you decided to wear your favorite pair of gray sweats and a very old Led Zeppelin hoodie your dad gave you a long time ago.
People already started drinking by the time you finished getting ready. 
"Hey, nice hoodie you got there!" Dean commented as soon as he saw you. One of the things you absolutely adored about Dean was his awesome music taste. You were both old schools. 
"You've seen me in this at least a hundred times Dean!" You chuckled. 
"And every time I'm going to tell you how awesome it is," he said proudly. "Where's Sam?" 
"Yeah, you know Dean, after physical activity you get all sweaty and gross," you told him and took a paper cup filled with red wine from the table under the gazebo. Suddenly, the familiar melody of Toxic by Britney Spears blasted through the speakers.
"It was sweaty and gross alright," Dean joked and like always, you rolled your eyes, and took a sip of the wine. It wasn't too sweet and definitely was cheap considering how watered down it was.
After three cups, you grabbed your fourth one as your vision started to blur. Your thoughts were scrambled, between being nervous because of Dean's annoying teasing, and not giving a flying fuck about anything and just wanting to let loose, but there was a sense of tranquility in them. You loved the idea of him knowing your dirty thoughts, and you loved even more watching Sam being simultaneously confused and stunning while listening to you two bicker. The alcohol wasn't helping you. The undying need to be in a delicious Winchester sandwich only grew stronger with each sip…
You saw Sam coming from the toilet after the shower and something in you snapped. You swallowed nervously before chugging the rest of the wine and decided to toss all the fucks you had out the window. 
“Hey, handsome!” You said, seeing his face change from content to a little nervous. You'd never called him that. 
“Hey!” Was all he could muster.
“In the mood for a drink?” 
“Sure,” he said. “But only one, and I'm out. I’m tired.” 
“Okie dokie.”
Sam's drink of choice was beer. Dean was somewhere in the crowd, nowhere in your sight. Perfect.
“Cheers!” He said. No matter how big or small his smile was, his dimples would always show on his cheeks and you found it adorable. He was adorable and his lips were much more kissable after almost four cups of wine. 
“Cheers,” you smiled back. “To you Sammy!” 
“I didn't tell you but you're a solid volleyball player.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “A solid player? Really? You won 3:0.” 
“Well, yeah because you're short, and for some reason your focus was nonexistent but your serve was excellent.” 
“I'm short?” You weren't offended by any means, he was in fact much taller than you, but still surprised he said it so bluntly. 
“Short and sweet?” He corrected himself with an awkward smile before taking another sip of his beer. 
“Sweeter than sugar, sugar,” you didn't know where that came from. It sounded kind of lame, you thought, so you quickly changed the subject. “And my focus was nonexistent because of your sorry ass.” You said before playfully tapping him on his shoulder.
Something about the innocence of that man made you absolutely feral. You had a feeling he wasn't so innocent behind closed doors. The idea of his lips on yours didn't want to leave your mind as your eyes couldn't stop staring at him with pure, drunken adoration. 
You wanted to speak but something told you to not use a single word of the English language. Instead, you pulled him by his black hoodie and crashed your lips on his. Surprisingly, he didn't pull away, his body was stiff for a few seconds before letting go and deepening the kiss, making you balance yourself on your tiptoes. You felt him cup your left cheek with his free hand as you bit his lower lip, earning a moan from him. His nose crashed against yours, tasting alcohol mainly from your lips, Sam felt his cock getting hard. It hit him that he was wearing gray sweatpants so naturally that was a sign to pull away. People around you were too busy singing ABBA songs to give a fuck. 
“Well…” Sam said, not knowing where his thoughts were as he instinctively looked down and saw the outline of his cock. “Crap.” 
Your gaze followed and you were happy it did. He was big, bigger than you'd imagined.
"Sammy, is that a gun or you're just happy to see me?” You winked. That was horrible. 
“Shut up,” he sassed back, giving you a bitch face he would always give to Dean.
He covered his groin with his hands, looking around awkwardly to see if anyone was looking. Of course they weren't. Everybody was either drunk or high or both. 
Suddenly Sam's gaze was fixed behind you as he visibly clenched his jaw. You turned around and of course it was Dean.
“Oh there you are!” You said with enthusiasm and kissed him, pulling him closer by his jacket. 
Sam was stunned, while you could feel Dean smiling before kissing you back and letting you put your tongue in his mouth. You wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the softness of his puffy lips on yours. He was a lot gentler than Sam – more innocence but still the same amount of passion. 
When you finally broke away, your drunk self just mumbled, “You two are irresistible.” 
Sam was still visibly confused while Dean couldn't stop smiling. 
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | extras | Yn tells Lewis she's dating Mick
― Summary: Yn and Mick finally broke the friendship barrier and started something else. It's time Yn tells her brother what's going on between her and his teammate. ― Word count: 1k ― A/n: This can be read as a stand-alone, but it’s better when you’ve read the series. ― Warnings: curse words; mention of anxiety; typos - not proofread.
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There was a knock at Lewis' hotel door and he rushed to open it, confusion written on his face since nobody told him someone would show up. The second he opened the big wooden door he smiled, though it only lasted for the blink of an eye because he quickly gathered how Yn seemed apprehensive.
His sister was wearing one of his Merc white shirts paired with sweatpants and slippers. Her curls were up in her head messily gathered together by a colorful hair tie.
"Hey, bitsy, what's up?" he asked while opening the door wider for her to get inside. Yn did exactly that, running to one of the big armchairs in the room and folding herself there like a cat would.
"How would you feel if I told you I'm dating someone?" She asked before Lewis could say anything else. That was his sister, she would rush through things when nervous, too many expectations would make her feel sick and Yn hated feeling sick, so it was normal for her to just blurt her questions or confessions whenever something important was on the line, just like she was doing at the moment.
Lewis arched his brows, "Ok, I guess, as long as you're happy. But do you think you're ready for a new relationship?" he asked genuinely interested in her answer.
"I don't know, but I really like him, Lew. And I always wanna be around him, it's just...I- mhm I've never felt like this before." She confessed, eyes cast down. It wasn't that Yn was afraid of Lewis judging her because he would never, but he was her older brother and she held his opinion on the highest space. She was just afraid to let him down.
"I'm happy for you guys, then. Is Mick going to tell me too or-"
"Wait! How'd you know it's Mick?" Yn eyed Lewis up and down and he gave her one of his signature laughs.
"You think you're folling people? Be for real, Yn. Everyone knows or suspects. And even if you weren't obvious, I'm your older brother, I know you. I knew you were interested in him from day one didn't I?"
Yn huffed, rolled her eyes, got up, and then crashed on the oldest Hamilton hugging him.
"Thank you. I was a bit taken aback, afraid you were gonna be mad because I kind of promised to stay away."
"I knew if you truly liked him you wouldn't be able to stay away, bitsy."
She breathed in his scent and took a step back. Lewis caught a single tear on her cheek and held her face with both of his hands.
"You're safe with me. Spill it," his gentle tone made yet another tear roll down, and Yn chuckled holding back a sob.
"I'm afraid." Her voice was a weak whisper, but the British heard her perfectly. "I think things may be happening too fast, and I want them to go like this, but I'm also scared of all the attention we're getting. I mean, everyone is talking about us, and we haven't even started dating officially. I'm scared of how this can go and I don't want you to be caught in the crossfire, Lew. The media is always looking for things to point out when you're the subject and I-"
"Hey, breathe." Lewis held her face tighter as if by doing so he was holding her together too. Yn closed her eyes, breathed in and out following his lead, and then they sat on the edge of the bed. "Don't worry about me. I'm the oldest. I can take care of myself." There was a hint of humor in his comment and Yn chuckled.
"I know, but-"
"No, Bitsy. No buts. Stop worrying about me. I'm happy you're with Mick. If I had to choose a guy from the Grid it would most likely be him. I've seen the way he treats you and how careful he is with you. He's a good guy. Please, don't let your anxiety get in the way. People will talk about us it doesn't matter if we do things right or wrong, at the end of the day, you do what you gotta do to be happy, you hear me?"
Yn nodded, tears flowing down her face again. "Thank you, Lew."
"You don't have to thank me, Yn. I always going to have your back. Now, where's your phone, I wanna talk to your boyfriend."
She rolled her eyes chuckling, "he's not my boyfriend...we haven't discussed titles yet."
"You two are so oblivious," Lewis rolled his eyes exaggeratedly and unlocked Yn's phone, "if you change your password to his birthday instead of mine, I will be hurt," he tried to lighten the mood again, already searching through her contacts for the Schumacher's name.
"Hey, Mick...Can you come to my room real quick? I gotta talk to you...Yeah, my sister is crying here, and...yeah...yeah...I'm waiting."
"What the heck, Lewis?!" Yn screeched and Lewis just laughed.
It was barely a minute after and there were frantic knocks at the door. Lewis got up to answer and Yn buried her face in her hands, embarrassed by whatever prank her brother wanted to throw.
When Mick got inside he had his cheeks flushed from using the stairs and eyes wide, "what happened?" he asked and Lewis crossed his arms trying to hold back his laughter.
"Nothing, Mick. I told him about us and he wanted to prank you or embarrass us together, I dunno," Yn got up from the bed and she smiled at his reluctant face. His eyes were traveling between the siblings, but his body was turned in Yn's direction.
"Well, there goes my older brother's fun," the Hamilton sighed, and Yn rolled her eyes yet again that night, walking to Mick and hugging him. "Welcome to the family, Schumacher," Lewis smiled at the blonde.
"I'm sorry to inform you that it can get crazier than this." Yn adverted.
"I won't mind it if it means I got you," he whispered and she smiled.
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: It's been forever since I last updated it, but I'm gonna start working on it, I promiseeee <3 we're having this series finished in no time! I hope you guys liked this extra, let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment/ask and reblogging *mwah*.
Taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @mellowpizzapuppy @mickslover @dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @non-stop-imagines @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @saintlewis @fdl305 @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @smiithys @shhhchriss @f1kota @lunnnix @leclercsluv @baby-is-crying @balekane_mohafe @uuuseeerrr12 @karmabyfernando @crashingwavesofeuphoria @81astri @pinksstrawberry @callsign-scully @moonyschocolate3 @v1naco @dearxcherry @p8dris (let me know if your tag was supposed to be only for my other works and you don’t wanna be tagged on the series! <3)
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Pairing: Ethan Landry x female! reader
Summary: After a very special encounter at Chad's party, Ethan decided to reach again
Genre(s): pre-smut (?), fluff
Warnings: cursing, mentions of a blow job
Taglist: @seriluvsya @h34rtsformilli @bella7866 , join here
A/N: I'm sorry for being a fucking tease, I just have no idea how to continue it
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𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚗
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"I- I told you, I don't do one-night stands," he desperately argued.
"I told you I did, and you still agreed," you tilted your head.
He sighed.
"Calm down baby girl-"
"Could you please stop calling me that?!" he whispered-yelled, looking around to make sure no one heard you.
"Why?" You were still looking through the bookstands.
"I don't like nicknames as it is, especially not that one,"
"Oh," you stopped, "I wasn't replacing your name with anything, Ethan, I'm just pointing out one of your many characteristics," you turned to him, eyes finally on him.
He readjusted his backpack nervously, avoiding the powerful gaze.
"What? You're seriously gonna stand here and straight-up lie to yourself and say you're not baby girl?"
He adorably blushed from the apple to his cheeks, to his ears, reaching all the way down to his neck, "That's-" he tried to snap out of it, "That's not the point,"
"You were the one who brought it up," you shrugged resuming your search, "Besides, you can barely call that a one-night stand,"
"What would you call it then?"
"A... consensual exchange of pleasure between two very stressed students,"
"That's a very long way of saying you-" he clenched his jaw.
"I... what? Sucked you off? You're right, although I gotta thank you for that, I'm so much better and mouthfuls now," you winked at him, "Great stamina by the way," you hit his shoulder.
"Listen," he placed himself in front of you, "I know you don't give a shit, but I do,"
You took a deep breath.
"It was a big deal to me,"
You couldn't help but slightly cringe, but gave him a chance anyway, he looked so desperate you almost felt bad for him, "I ask again, why?"
"Because," he cleared his throat, "It was the first time that's ever happened to me," he confessed, his tone barely above a whisper.
You were taken aback, "Bullshit!"
Someone from a few rows back let out a loud 'Shh'
He apologized before looking back at you with comical confusion, "What do you mean bullshit?"
"It means you're a fucking liar,"
"Why would I lie about that?"
"I- I-" you shook your head, "I don't know, but I just- I don't believe you,"
"I don't know whether to feel flattered or offended," he let out.
"There's just no damn way you're a virgin,"
"What-" he scratched his head, "What makes you say that?" he put his hand in his pockets while pursing his lips.
"Uh," you were still shocked, "Your- your face, for one," you gestured, "Puppy eyes, fleshy lips," you kept thinking, "For fucks sake, Ethan, you're a swimmer!" you kept moving your hands, "I've seen you in a fucking speedo, water dripping, you're a 6 foot something muscular eye candy!" you laughed in disbelief, "You're sweet, you're super freakishly smart, you've read, Jane Austen, Agatha Christi, and Leigh fucking Bardugo; sure, you're Starwars fan and you know way too much about Mike Flanagan, but come on! Anyone and I really mean, anyone would gladly overlook that," you tried to recover your breath, "So yeah, I'm sorry for not beliving you about being a virgin,"
He furrowed his brows, "When did you see me in my speedo?"
"That's the part you're focused on after I ranted about how great of a fucking catch you are?" You widened your eyes, "You're unbelievable, I meant that both as a good and a bad thing," you pushed him out of your way, "And to answer your question, I walked a friend who's on the female swim team to her practice yesterday, I'm not a fucking stalker for Christ's sake," you clarified, "And the rest of information you told me yourself,"
You referred to two nights ago when Chad threw his birthday party, he actually introduced the two of you that same night, he thought complaining about schoolwork was enough to make a good match.
You sat on top of one of the tables, "Look, I'm sorry for... seducing you if you will, and then leaving without a trace," you couldn't completely hide the fakness.
He looked down, "Thank you, for the apology and confidence boost,"
You chuckled, "I meant all of it,"
He nodded trying to hide his very strong flush.
You scanned the boy infront of you, a part of you didn't wish to see him after the 'incident' let alone talk to him, but if you had to be honest with yourself, you were more than glad to have him chasing you around campus all day trying to find even a speck of courage to walk up to you. There was a slight moment of excitment in your eyes, as you noticed he was struggling with himself wether to stay or not, he made his choice by resignating to place his bag on the table next to the one you chose, you knew what he was doing, trying to make it seem as he planned all along to work here and 'conincidentally' run into you. You made your choice as well, by getting up and snatching the notebook out of his hands.
"Obviously you have fucking good hand-writing," you scoffed leafing through it, "And is that-" your eyes squinted, "Fountain pen?"
"Y-yeah," he aswered.
"Of course it is," you pulled out a chair to continue your observation in a more comfortably postition.
Ethan didn't know you that well, but he sure as hell wasn't going to try and take something from you, so he just proceeded to grab another set of things for another homework. You on the other hand, wasted no time in reaching the very end of the pages, where the good stuff was, the free space whre everyone draws terrible sketches, writes pending tasks or random thoughts in any way shape or form; and yet it seemed he didn't have anything, just purely white paper. You rolled your eyes, there had to be more to him, something to make him more interesting that the perfect and sweet guy you gave a blowie to, something that could justify why you wanted to fuck him so badly right now, the urge had to be justified with something else than the cutest nerd you'd ever seen, but he didn't seem to help you.
In a breef moment of boredom, you wondered about his intentions, more specifically why he wanted to talk to you in te first place, what would he win out of an apology or simply a glimpse of regret? Did he regret it? Maybe. Perhaps he didn't regret what happened (clearly not by the way he was moaning so loud you were sure the entire crowd heard him), perhaps he just regreted there was no chance it could happen again.
"Ethan," you said softly, eyes filled with intention, feline almost.
"What?" he turned to you.
"I know you're not here to make me feel bad," you reached the cover of his book and slowly closed it, purposely making your bodies closer, to which you heard his breath hitched, "Would you like to walk me back to my apartment?"
He gulped, "Aren't- aren't your roommates there?"
"On a friday night?" You asked rhetorically, "What a silly question for such a smart little brain,"
Lmk if I should do a part two, I just don't know how to continue it so if you have any ideas pls send them it would really help a lot
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lambertdiary · 1 year
Misunderstood maybe? Like the reader thinks dalton likes chris, because dalton tells her about his crush and everything. So the reader avoids dalton because she thinks dalton doesn't like her. But actually dalton is really in love with her. Make an angst but happy ending please. Thank you. xoxo 🥰
A/N: I loved writing this so much! This isn't exactly what you requested but thank you anon so much for the request, I'm sorry it took so long to post but I hope you like it! likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🥰
Word Count: 2.2k+
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of drunk characters, language, angst, fluff
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Truth or Dare
It was a little past midnight, and Y/N was currently sitting in a dark living room across from Chris and Dalton and a bunch of other drunk teenagers. They arrived at this party hours ago but as people started to leave the small group that was left was guided to that one room. One of the guys that was part of the frat house entered the room with an excited smile. He held up an empty bottle of alcohol as he shared his idea of playing truth or dare.
Everyone exclaimed in disgust at the same time, some people starting to get up “What are we? 13?” Someone said on their way to the door.
“Come on, we are doing this” He replied as he stopped the other guy. Somehow he managed to convince everyone there to play truth or dare.
It started off boring, nothing interesting enough was happening that some people ended up leaving. The questions were dumb and childish, and the dares weren’t fascinating for anyone. At some point the bottle landed on a kind of drunk Dalton. A lot of people there knew him, meaning a lot of people knew how reserved he was and that he probably wasn’t gonna answer any of their questions or do any of their dares.
“Truth or dare?” Someone asked him.
“Truth” He replied right away.
“How old were you when you had your first kiss?” Some people rolled their eyes at the question, but his answer was a little more… interesting.
“Uh- 19” He hesitated. Y/N looked around at all the girls there, wondering if it was one of them who kissed him for the first time.
Everyone looked at each other and almost let out a laugh “Is the person that gave you your first kiss here?”
Dalton didn’t say anything at first, but he looked around and having everyone staring at him for too long made him nervous “Chris” He finally said.
The whole room looked at her, sitting there with widened eyes. Deep down she knew it was his first kiss, but the confirmation made it somehow worse, feeling bad for taking away that special moment from him.
Y/N looked down, a little disappointed she never realized the way Chris and Dalton acted around each other. She has had feelings for him since the moment she saw him, they became good friends but she always wanted to be more than that. She never made a move though, scared that maybe he would reject her and she would have to live with something like that for the rest of her life. And now, that came to her without even trying.
The game kept going, it was finally getting more interesting. Some people kissed, some people discarded pieces of clothing, others were jumping to the pool in the freezing night and a few moved to a ‘more private’ room. But it seemed like some people couldn’t drop Dalton’s confession, and were taking every opportunity to tease him about it. So when the bottle landed on him again, they had their question ready to go.
“Do you have a crush?” Everyone was looking at him.
“Yes” He simply said, not wanting to be the center of attention.
“Who is it?” They insisted. Y/N looked at him expectantly, nearly crossing her fingers.
“Okay, everyone out!” Someone else from the frat house entered the living room yelling and interrupted the game, he started to walk every person out, begging them to leave.
Y/N, Chris and Dalton exited the frat house. The first two were fine but Dalton… He still had to figure out how to control himself. Y/N made sure Dalton made it back to his dorm safe, and before saying anything she left their building and walked to her own, too tired to think about what had happened.
The next day she saw a message from Dalton asking her if she was hung over. She didn’t want to think about him, so she just ignored him and started her day. Truth is she was hung over but that’s not what was keeping her in a bad mood all morning. Instead of paying attention she was replaying Dalton’s answers, and she was trying to come up with a plan to get over him.
Ignoring him would be hard but it would be doable. She removed his contact from her phone and deleted any incoming message or call. They never saw each other around campus unless they planned it, so she was sure she could easily avoid him, as long as she didn't stay in her dorm for too long.
“Class dismissed! Please make sure to finish the exercise by tomorrow, and do it with your partner, it’s important you work with each other on these things” Their professor said before leaving the classroom.
Y/N gathered her things as she turned to her partner “Can we work in your dorm?”
“Why? Is Annie driving you crazy?”
“No” Y/N chuckled “But I need to get out of my comfort zone” She said not giving any further explanation.
The days went by and she still hadn’t talked to Dalton, ignoring all of his texts and calls, being aware of her surroundings at all times to make sure she wouldn’t run into him and crashing with her friends in case he came to her dorm. She had to admit that it was a little extreme, but it was better than having to see him.
It was now Saturday and Y/N always slept in, but with her current plan of avoiding her friends at all costs she had to come up with something. She decided to go to town with her roommate and eat some breakfast. Annie was the first person she met when she got there so it was safe to say that they were close. She knew pretty much everything about Y/N, and even though she hadn't seen her enough the past week she knew there was something wrong. Although her suspicions appeared when Dalton started showing up at their door almost every day, looking for Y/N and begging her to tell him where she was. Or at least to ask her to pick up his calls.
“So are you finally gonna tell me why you abandoned me?”
“What? I didn’t abandon you” Y/N replied.
“Y/N, you have barely been at our dorm this week and today, a beautiful Saturday, you woke up really early to drag me here” Annie was making good points and she knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid this conversation “Something is going on and I wanna know what it is”
Y/N sighed and thought about it for a second “My chances with Dalton are down to zero”
Annie knew about her feelings, and she used to tell Y/N all the time that she was sure Dalton felt the same way about her “I’m sorry honey, what happened?”
“The party I went to, we played truth or dare-”
“You went to a frat party to play that?” She asked, interrupting Y/N, her face was a mix between confusion and disgust.
“Annie that’s not the point” She apologized and let her friend continue “Anyway, they asked Dalton who his first kiss was and who his crush was and both answers were Chris”
Annie furrowed her eyebrows “I didn’t know Chris and Dalton knew each other before college”
“They didn’t…”
“So what you’re saying is…”
“Yes, he just had his first kiss” Y/N rolled her eyes at Annie “Why does everyone keep getting so fixated on that? It’s not a big deal”
“No, you’re right, sorry” Annie decided to let it go “So… Chris and Dalton?”
“Yep” Y/N replied, looking at her empty plate “Am I stupid or what?”
“Y/N you’re not stupid, I don’t think anyone could’ve known that they felt that way about each other”
“Yeah well I should’ve known, I spend a lot of time with them but maybe I wanted to ignore what I already knew”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better there are tons of guys out there. This is what college is for” She exclaimed “Don’t let some dude bring you down like that”
“He’s not just some dude though” Annie looked at her with a defeated expression “You know how I felt about Dalton”
“I know but still! There are frat parties like every other night. Go to one, have fun and forget about him” Y/N just nodded and remained completely silent.
Annie didn’t wanna entertain the conversation any longer, it was clearly just making Y/N sadder than she already was so she just shared random stories about her week, completely excluding the fact that Dalton came looking for her. They ended up leaving 30 minutes later, and Y/N agreed to go back to their dorm.
The day went by and Annie managed to keep Dalton off of Y/N’s mind and she was thankful for that. The thought of Chris and Dalton hadn’t left her brain since the party but she was finally giving it a rest. Currently they were in their room catching up with their favorite tv show, fully absorbed by the screen, until someone knocked on the door. 
Y/N froze, scared that it was who she thought “I’ll get it” Annie said, hoisting herself from her seat. She opened the door and rolled her eyes at the person on the other side “What’s up?”
“I know she’s here, her bike is outside”
“Brilliant! Now you’ve become a proper stalker” He crossed his arms took a deep breath. He didn’t have time for this.
“Annie, please”
“She doesn’t wanna talk to you, mate”
Y/N was still on her seat, debating whether or not she was ready to confront him. But ultimately decided she wanted to get it over with. Joining her roommate at the door, she opened it all the way to allow Dalton to see her.
“Can you give us a minute?” Y/N asked. Annie sighed and stepped out of the room.
“I’ll go get more snacks” She said before leaving.
They both waited for her to fully disappear, and once she did Y/N signaled Dalton to come in.
“What is going on?” Dalton began “Why have you been avoiding me this entire week?”
“I haven’t” Y/N said nonchalantly, pretending it hasn’t been killing her.
Dalton bit his lip and stared at the ceiling “Y/N we see each other every day, you think I didn’t notice your absence?”
“I’ve been busy”
He didn’t know how to proceed, getting an answer out of her was harder than he thought “Will you please stop ignoring me?”
“Look, I’m not ignoring you, okay? I told you, I’ve been busy”
“But I miss you”
“Why would you miss me?”
“Because you’re my friend and I-” But he stopped himself.
“I don’t understand why you’re doing this” He said, avoiding the question.
“Giving you and Chris more space, that’s what I’m doing. You should be thanking me”
He widened his eyes in disbelief “What are you talking about?”
“What you said at the party” Dalton was lost, he didn’t understand a single thing and it was obvious on his face “Please, save it”
“Y/N, I want to understand, I want to make it better” He said, giving her an honest smile.
She propped her hands on her hips and gave him a look that told she was probably giving up on her act “It’s okay, you don't have to” Dalton stared at her and waited for an explanation, still not aware of the issue “It’s not your fault you fell for someone else, and it’s not fair that I wanted to make you pay for it”
This didn’t clear things up for him, if anything he was more confused than before “What?”
“Yeah, I never meant to get in the way of you and Chris so maybe this is for the best”
“There is nothing between me and Chris” He clarified, still not understanding why Y/N would think that in the first place.
“But what about your crush?” She asked him slowly.
“You think that’s how I feel about Chris?” 
“That’s what you said the other night”
“I didn’t say that, I never revealed a name when they asked me that question”
“You said that she was your first kiss and that you had a crush-”
“Yeah, we kissed once but I never said I had a crush on her” Y/N was tugging at her lower lip, worried she got mad over nothing “Y/N… Do I really have to spell it out for you?” He got closer to her.
Y/N could feel her heart fluttering in her chest when he reached for her hand “I like you, and didn’t want to tell you like this, but you left me with no choice” He was impressed he got the confidence to tell her how he felt.
Y/N on the other hand was speechless, she really had to stop jumping to conclusions “I like you too” She admitted blushing when she met with his blue eyes.
He was relieved to say the least, but now he wasn’t sure what his next move would be. 
“I’m sorry I avoided you all week” She apologized. He raised his eyebrows at her finally admitting to it, an 'I knew it' expression taking over his face.
“I will think about it” He joked. 
Y/N rolled her eyes and was about to say something, but Dalton pulled her closer to him, brushing their lips together and kissing her deeply at last. 
“You have no idea for how long I’ve been wanting to do that” He said before kissing her again.
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tag list! @emilyahgreen27 @chloekienzle @llvmos @mayathepsychic1999 @daltonshotgf @i2raggi @taymour13 @maddiescinema @fluentmoviequoter @omgrachwrites [If you wanna be removed from my tag list please let me know!]
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yagirlwrites · 9 months
(Not) My Baby (4)
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Synopsis: Y/N makes a decision with the help of her friends but Rafe isn't going to like it.
A/N: Not me posting this at 1am on a Thursday lmao! Y'all it's finally here! Part 4! I have been in such a massive slump and had huge writers block for many months. Honestly don't know how I wrote this tbh🤣 That being said I'm not super happy about my writing here but I'm posting it because y'all deserve to get it immediately, you've waited long enough! Hope you enjoy this part! Love you all❤️
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it's not to be copied, transferred or translated. Reblogs, comments, feedback are always welcome and appreciated❤️
Happy reading! 🥰
(Not) My Baby (Part 4)
"So what are you gonna do?" Y/N sighed at her friend's question. She knew it was wishful thinking that they might finish breakfast before Stella brought up the issue. To be fair to her, she hadn't mentioned it all night and Y/N managed to actually get some sleep because of it.
But now it was time to face the music and deal with her problem. Fuck.
"What are we talking about?" Lena's voice came from the doorway, the girl looking like she had been through the wringer. The girls at the table almost giggled at her messy appearance, given her usual insistance on being put together at all times.
"Well, hello to you too. Couldn't be bothered sending a text that you'd be home late? Again?" Lena blushed at Stella's words, knowing she was right and she had messed up. Yet again.
Since her and Kelce started dating she had become more and more forgetful of their rule - always let each other know where you're staying the night. They had a few rules in their roomate agreement, this one being the most important one. Hell, she invented the rule herself. And yet, here she was, constantly breaking it.
She knew Stella wasn't really mad, but it still made her feel embarrased. How she let a guy distract her like that so often, she didn't understand.
"Yeah... Sorry." She let out a sheepish smile and Stella rolled her eyes, motioning her to join them at the table.
"While you were getting busy with your man, we have been in a crisis!" Lena's eyes widened, slightly concerned, slightly suspicious.
"Expand." Y/N's head met the table and let out a muffled groan. Lena looked at the girl in confusion.
"What happened??" Stella folded her hands, getting ready for a dramatic retelling. Y/N remained face planted on the table while Stella caught Lena up to the latest drama.
Many 'he did whats' and 'oh my god's' later, interrupted by both Stella's and Lena's laughter at the sandwich incident, Lena was finally in the know about the Rafe situation. And boy was she loving it.
"I fucking knew he was into you! I knew it-"
"Can you please not?" Y/N had gotten up from the table and planted herself on the couch mid-story, not wanting to deal with any of it so early in the morning. Or ever. Preferably she would deal with it never. She just wanted to go back to bed and sleep for several weeks. She was exhausted.
Lena and Stella gave eachother knowing looks but said nothing further about it. Instead they plopped down on the couch either side of her and Y/N knew the ordeal was far from over. They wouldn't let her keep ignoring it. Sometimes she hated having friends who knew her too well.
"So what are you gonna do?" This time it was Lena posing the dreaded question.
"I don't know." It was an honest answer. The only one she had. But she knew her friend would not be satisfied with it.
"Well what do you think?" Y/N closed her eyes, trying to mentally prepare for everything that was about to unfold.
"I don't know...." She sounded tired. And Stella felt a pang of hurt on her friend's behalf.
Lena, however was not going to accept that as an aswer. She was a doer, she always thought three moves ahead and prepared for everything. 'I don't know' was not in her vocabulary. Usually that was someting Y/N loved about her, but at this moment she resented it.
"Well lets figure it out." Lena started. "It is a good opportunity."
"I know that." Y/N begrudgingly admited.
"So what's holding you back?" Y/N looked at Lena as if she was stupid for posing the question. Lena was not bothered.
"Don't say it's cause you don't like him because I know that's not really the reason. You're pragmatic, you know this is a good chance to network. So I'll ask again. What's holding you back?"
While Lena was right about her being pragmatic, she just didn't understand how big of a factor her dislike for Rafe was in her dillema. Whereas Lena couldn't fathom why she'd let something silly like that get in the way of a good opportunity to make connections, she felt sick to her stomach at the thought. The mere idea of being on his arm while he flaunted her was making her flushed with anger. She knew she couldn't explain it to her friends though, so she didn't even try.
"I don't know. I just hate the idea of giving him what he wants and seeing his smug face-"
"You're getting something out of it too." Lena, annoyingly pointed out.
"Not as much as him." At Y/N's words, Lena finally grinned.
"There it is." Lena's words made Y/N look at her in confusion.
"What's holding you back. You think its an unfair deal. He's getting more out of it than you are." Lena explained.
Y/N's brow furrowed in thought. Stella was quiet the entire time, knowing not to interrupt the two girls when they're debating something. She learned long ago it was a bad idea. It was best to let them figure it out and not get involved.
Y/N realized Lena was right. She was feeling resentment because she felt like she would be giving him a lot more than she'd be getting in return and it made her real mad.
"Yeah... I guess so." Lena nodded.
"Good?" Y/N asked, exasperated.
"Yes, good. Now we know the problem. Now we can solve it." Lena said as if it was the simples thing in the world.
"Oh it's that simple?" Y/N's sarcasm was felt but ignored as Lena continued.
"So what do you want?" Y/N looked at her confused, again.
"What do I want?" She repeated.
"So what do you want that he can give you?" Lena asked again. Y/N frowned.
"Yes. He's getting the better end of the deal. So even the odds." She was explaining it as if it was obvious. Y/N didn't think so.
"I don't want anything from him."
"Don't be stubborn." Lena interrupted. "There's always something you can get from someone. It's just a matter of figuring out what you want."
"I don't want anything from him!" Y/N repeated, a bite in her voice.
"Now you're just being childish."
"Let's not get nasty." Stella finally piped up, seeing that this was not going in the right direction.
"How am I being childish?" Y/N bit out.
"You're letting your feelings cloud your judgement. Stop letting your dislike of him lead the converstation." Lena spoke evenly, making sure not to push Y/N further than she had. They could both be stubborn and they knew it. Lena didn't want to fight. She was just trying to help her friend. The problem was she wasn't always the best at showing it.
"Okay, lets take a step back." Stella interjected. Hands up in what she hoped was a calming gesture.
"I think what Lena is trying to say is that you might be holding yourself back from something that could benefit you because you're letting your feelings for Rafe get in the way of seeing the bigger picture."
"I don't have feelings for Rafe." She quipped back.
"You know what I meant, Peach." Stella's use of her nickname softened Y/N's features some. She was realizing Rafe was now causing her to fight with her friends. The thought infuriated her. No way.
Y/N sighed and closed her eyes, trying to clear her head. They were right. When it came to Rafe, he always managed to unhinge her and anger would lead her actions. But she was smarter than that. She wouldn't let him get in the way of her friendships. And she wasn't going to let him being a dick be the reason why she misses on a good opportunity. One that could do her a lot of good in the future.
That's when it hit her.
When she opened her eyes her friends were looking at her with bathed breaths, anxious for her next move.
"There is something." Lena smiled.
"But he'll never go for it." Y/N was doubting herself. It was crazy.
"Babe, he's in a position where he can't refuse you. He's got a lot to gain from this but he also has a hell of a lot more to lose if you say no." Lena reasoned.
"She's right. I'm pretty sure you could get a kindey out of him if you wanted to." Stella joked and the girls laughed.
"That's a bit much, Pumpkin." Stella beamed at her friends words.
"All we're saying is, he won't be able to refuse you. He's desperate. He needs you." Lena explained.
"Okay." The girls grinned, Stella jumping up in excitement.
"So what is it?!" Y/N smirked. Oh it was a good one and he was going to hate it so much. The thought made her giddy.
It had been days since the sandwich shop. Since he poured all his shame out to her and asked her to help him. Since he embarrased himself thoroughly and put his fate in her hands.
It has been days of radio silence. He was getting antsier every second, feeling like he might crawl out of his skin in suspence. Truth was, he had no idea what was going to happen. She really didn't like him and she could refuse to help him so easily, leaving him the deep deep hole he dug for himself. She didn't owe him anything. He wasn't great to her in the past and he regreted it. Had regreted it for a long time. He tried making things up with her for months but she was so unreceptive to his efforts, and then she pushed his buttons and he'd lose himself all over again.
And now he was at her mercy. She could embarrass him by telling the whole world about what he had done. Or she could just ignore him, letting him stew in his misery. Leaving him stranded and giving his father the perfect opportuinity to cut him off for good. Disown him even. He was losing his mind.
It has been days and everyone around him could feel his sour mood. He was twitchy, easily irritable, incapable of focusing on anything and constantly fiddling with his phone. Constantly writing and deleting texts, to what they assumed was the same mystery person.
None of his friends knew what the hell was going on with him but none dared ask, knowing it would most likely end with him shutting them out further. He was moodier than usual, which they didn't think possible.
Kelce and Topper knew the only person who could ever affect him like that was his father. Or Y/N. Both in very different ways, of course, but in simmilar intensity.
His friends never knew what it was that him and Y/N had going on, never understood the odd relationship. They knew they'd get punched if they brought it up though, they learned it the hard way.
His father was a whole other story. They both knew, for the most part, how Ward Cameron treated his son. Having grown up with Rafe, they'd seen enough of their fraught dynamic to understand there were serious issues there. Their friend never confided in them fully though, preferring not to talk about his father at all. But every once in a while he'd get that glazed over look in his eyes, the dark cloud around him palpable. They knew then that something had happened involving his father.
This time was different though. He wasn't depressed, he wasn't angry from an argument with his dad. He also wasn't buzzing with nerves and excitement from a row with Y/N. It was unusal and unnerving and the entire appartment was enveloped in the odd energy.
So when Kelce had insisted he needed a night out Topper agreed. Kelce had demanded he needed to unwind and that after football practice he expected his two best friends to take him out for drinks and help him get his head straight. They agreed, Topper knowing Klece's plans had nothing to do with his own well being - and Rafe because Kelce rarely ever expressed that he was having issues, usually the most chill out of the group. It made him feel too guilty to reject him. Even though he'd rather do anything but go out tonight.
But there he was, waiting for Kelce to finish up his practice so they can go to the bar where he fully intended to excuse himself after an hour. The sun was just beginning to set as he fiddled with his phone in his hands, willing it to do something, snap him out of his misery. The orange and pinkish hues enveloped the sky as he heard someone approach him in the parking lot. He was leaning on his car as he looked behind him and nearly dropped his phone in shock.
There she was. She was standing right in front of him, the last rays of sun casting a halo around her. She took his breath away.
For a moment he stood there gaping at her, not quite able to process that she was actually here after days of no contact, after days of him wishing she'd call or text or even email him, give him anyhing to go by.
She cleared her throat, breaking the awkward silence. He snapped out of his daze and took an unconscious step forward. She eyed him warily. He looked rough. As if he hadn't slept.
A sliver of guilt crossed through her but she quickly crushed that down. This whole situation is his fault and she had every right to take even more time, than just a few days, to get back to him. She reminded herself to keep her head in the game, to not get distracted.
"Hey." She spoke first.
"Hey." He sounded breathy, unsure.
"Can we talk?" He nodded, nervous to what she was there to say. He wasn't sure how she found him but guessed she probably talked to Lena. Lena would know he was waiting for Kelce.
"I've thought about your proposition." He gulped, bracing himself for the worst.
"Yeah?" He wished she would just rip off the band-aid and reject him instead of dragging it out.
"I've realized you'd be getting a lot more out of it than me -"
"What do you want?" He interrupted her, cringing inwardly at the sharp glare he was met with. But he couldn't wait another second.
"For future notice, I want you to not interrupt me again." He almost rolled his eyes, almost.
"Noted. What do you want?" He sounded nervous and she almost smiled. Almost.
She looked to he right, taking her time to apreciate his vehicle, letting him stew for a few more agonizing moments while he waited for her answer.
He looked at her, impatient, ready to jump out of his skin, shake her, fall to his knees, beg her to just say it.
Her eyes met his again and she smiled. It was a beautiful sight, but he quickly realized the smile was one of mischief. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. She glanced back at his car. Then back to him. Then back to the car. Then back to him. She gave him a pointed look, raising her eyebrows.
He looked on in confusion and she rolled her eyes at his ignorance.
"The car." She finally spoke. His heart was hammering in his chest from the suspense.
She looked back at the car and he followed her eyes finally realizing what it was she was saying.
"No way." He spoke before he could even process his words. She nodded her head.
"Okay." She shrugged, swiflty turned around and started walking away. No look back, no explanation, no chance to barter. Panic rose in his chest.
"Wait!" She stopped in her tracks but didn't bother turning around. His mind was running a thousand miles an hour. This couldn't be what she was asking of him? Surely she wasn't that crazy? Surely she didn't expect him to give her his car.
His car. A black, 1967 Ford Mustang, complete with white stripes. A picture of sleek elegance and power, with the classic leather interior and and an upgraded motor, the rev of which caused goosebumps to rise on his skin every time he turned on the key. His pride and joy. The first thing he ever bought for himself. His father protested, of course he did. He would have preferred a more modern vehicle, something that showed status. Not an old muscle car. But Rafe was adamant and as soon as he turned eighteen and got access to his trust fund, he found Clarence and never looked back.
She was his most trusted companion, which is why it was hitting hard that Y/N wanted to take her from him. Couldn't she have picked anything else?
"You seriously want me to just give you my car?" His voice was incredulous. She turned around and calmly walked back to him, as if she had all the time in the world.
"Of course not. I'm not that cruel. Or crazy." She smirked while he looked at her in confusion. What was she getting at?
"I don't expect you to give it to me. Not forever anyway." He blinked at her, still confused.
"I want free use of your car for... In the name of fairness, let's say I'd get to keep it for as long as this charade lasts." His heart was slowing down some, glad she wasn't insisting on actually taking his car from him.
"So... when was it you told your family we were dating, again?" He gulped, redness on his neck and cheeks visible.
"Three months ago" he almost whispered. Her eye twitched but she forced herself to stay calm. The prick.
"And how long did you tell them we've been together?" He gupled again. This was more and more emabrrassing with every minute.
"Three months." She swallowed down her anger that was rising again at his bullshit.
"So let's say six months backlog... and however long this continues. That's how long I get to keep the car. That sound fair to you?"
He wanted to say no. To argue. To call her crazy and beg her to pick something, anything else. But by the look in her eyes he knew it would be pointless and only serve to further his embarrassement. She was determined. This is what she wants. And he has no choice but to give it to her. He has no fucking choice and she knows it.
"Fine. But-" she interrupts him before he can finish his sentence.
"Gas included." He nearly choked on his saliva at her words. She was pushing him to his limits. She wanted him to pay for her gas too, while she drove his car around flaunting it in his face. The redness on his face was now also from anger. She was enjoying this.
"Fine. Fine!" She smiled.
"But that's it!" He continued. "I agree to this and we have a deal? You'll do it? No second guessing, no going back on it. You'll do it?"
He was looking at her with such desparation it tugged at her heart. This really was important to him.
"Yeah. Yeah I'll do it." She nodded along with her words.
He felt like crying. It was as if a ton of weight was lifted off his shoulders. He was still upset about Clarence. Obviously he was. But mostly he was relieved and happy that he wouldn't have to be embarrassed in front of his family. That she was going to do it. She was going to help him. He wanted to hug her in thanks or yell at her for manipulating him. He wanted to pass out from all the stress - of the situation, of the past few days, of suspence.
"So when's this wedding?" She dreaded asking because if there's anything this situation had taught her is that Rafe always can and will piss her off more than she thought possible. Every single time.
He was nervous again. He sighed and Y/N knew she wasn't going to like the words that came out of his mouth.
"Two weeks." He finally said.
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @lovelornanonymity @mentallynot-here @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @goldenjo @emeloyy @kanib45 @clinelyn @magnificantmermaid @hey-sunrisee @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @bookaholics-stuff @zzzina7 @fangirlwithlou @namelesssav @rafesxgold @cmac-writes @malfoytargaryen @alinaharlow @mveggieburger @theyluvmesblog @withbeautyandrage @sierrahhh @harrys-humble-housewife @piceous21 @vifuckingp @ditzyballerina @xoxo3m1ly @jessmaybank @whore-4-drewstarkey @palmwinemami @mew227 @dustbunniess @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @starkowswife
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
sup yall we're vibing here
anyway. hey, my name's freddie, and i'm finally trying to write an actual intro/master post which... we'll see how this goes.
important stuff is highlighted in orange.
so, basic stuff:
as I said, my name's freddie. he/him pronouns. i'm a college student (majoring in accounting, might add a psych minor). not gonna say which college but i'm currently in california.
i've been on tumblr since 2019 i think? not under this account, this started as a fandom account and then spiralled out of control... really fast. um, my regular tumblr which i've not actually opened in ages is @chronicchthonic14 so. yeah.
not particularly relevant to this blog, but i might mention it at some point so, i have autism and adhd. and some other things but. like. that list is very long and those are the two most relevant because i promise if i come off wrong/mean, i didn't mean to, i just forget to make my words normal. but. those are the two most referenced. if for whatever reason someone wants to know more or has questions you can send an ask ig?
i'm scottish, born there. moved to US when I was four. finishing uni and moving back.
some quick warnings
this blog definitely contains cursing/vulgar language, whatever you want to call it, so if you're not comfortable with that, probably not the blog for you, as i don't tag cursing or anything for you to filter out.
if, for whatever reason, if i ever reblog something that contains a slur (against racial minorities, queer people, anything) i will ABSOLUTELY tag that though.
also if anyone has any trigger warnings they think any content needs, please let me know-- asks, dms, comments, reblogs
the cursing thing also applies for sort of dirty jokes? think that only applies to like. two posts and very not explicit. those aren't currently tagged but if they get any more explicit they certainly will be.
queer identity because the explicit reminded me, i'm asexual, and probably straight. maybe bi? dunno, don't particularly care. and i'm trans. ftm. this isn't the blog i talk about that on usually though, unless it relates to a specific ask or a fandom thing.
which, getting into what this blog is for because i can't think of anything else i need to add here (guys let me know if i forgot important stuff, please, i'm an idiot!!! i will forget the important stuff and write random shit instead!! i've already deleted three tangents from this!!)
fandoms!! ones i write and/or post about or will potentially post about
percy jackson extending to hoo, toa, tkc (definitely post way less about this), mcga (again, way less). haven't read TSATS or COTG yet, but spoilers are fine. i post way more about minor characters. write fanfiction for and have some posted (both on here and ao3) and a bunch of snippets.
dcu-- films, comics, animated shows, all of it. personally, my favorites are young justice (the comics, not show version), new teen titans, and batman inc (batgirls, nightwing, and red robin esp). late 90s yj run is my favorite, and i loved the DCeased event. favorite batman comic is definitely court of owls run. no fanfics posted, but some on docs.
mcu-- way less so, but have a stucky oneshot. slowly making my way through in timeline order.
throne of glass. i'm an aedion and chaol apologizer because they do a bunch of dumb shit but then WHO DOESN'T in this series. fanfics in doc, not posted.
this would go on for ages if i listed everything so instead, here's an ask i answered on my fandoms/genres and everything. feel free to send me asks about anyone. if you send me something about radium girls i may cry though (tears of joy) so there's your advanced warning.
main things you'll see on my blog are incorrect quotes, snippets, and the occasional fic
my... idk, contact policy? seriously what do i word this
asks are always open, anon is on.
if you send hate... whatever. i'll probably delete it.
unless i find it funny. then I'll post it. there's really little you could say to me that would hurt.
when i say asks are always open, you can drop anything you want.
literally anything
you need to vent? want advice? want to request headcanons? request a fic? give me a prompt? ask random things about me? something else I've forgotten? go right ahead
if you want to ask me to update my fics? go right ahead. sometimes i forget i didn't post something.
send as many asks as you want, i don't care if it might be spam
i can't promise i'll respond to asks in a timely manner, sometimes i open my inbox and forget they exist for months, i'm sorry. if it's something you really want answered you can send another one
dm's are alright? if you want to be friends or something, go right ahead.
anyone can reblog any of my posts/comment/heart, i don't care. you want to heart 50 things in a row? i adore you. if i had kids, you would get my firstborn
if we're mutuals you can ask for my insta/give me yours.
now, other accounts:
anyway, i think that's it?
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doiesfav · 1 year
*˚:✧Mr. No Name - Mark ||
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“happy birthday dear nameless guy”
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Pairing: nonidol! Mark x fem! Reader
Plot: After breaking up with your long time boyfriend your friend took you to a party to get over it, you weren't feeling it but when you arrived, you met a stranger there who made your heart feel warm again.
Genre: strangers to idfk! AU, fiction, short story
Contains: alcohol, reader almost giving head and swearing LMAO
wc -> 0,8k
A/n: Happy birthday to Markie poo, hope you have a great day ayeyeyeyye :))))) Thanks for all the support and would appreciate reblog or follow♡♡♡♡
banners and dividers are self made
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''Come on let's go, I swear is gonna be fun'' You rolled your eyes, your friend already insisted like hundred times so you had no more options. ''Okay I'll go, but I'm leaving as soon as I get bored'' Then you dressed up in pretty clothes, nobody wouldn't dress up in pajamas at a party, right? ''Done, let's go'' You two left your apartment and went straight to the location.
''Honey, don't tell me you still aren't over Jaehyun, he literally cheated on you! Look, that's why I'm taking you outside'' She was right, you needed to get over it, it was obvious he was toxic, and you ignored it when you two were in a relationship, maybe because of love? but it wasn't exactly love. Anyways it was all over, you broke up with him and blocked him without giving him a chance to explain himself.
Finally arriving, your shoulders were getting more and more relaxed throughout the night, you drank some alcohol but you weren't drunk at all and most importantly you were having fun that's until you saw a familiar figure. Jaehyun, your ex, was at the party too. Your friend didn't tell you about this, but she probably doesn't know either. Too bad that he also saw you and went directly in your direction, you went quickly upstairs hoping that he would stop following you, then you entered the bathroom and closed the door but he already knew where were you.
''Hey y/n come out, we need to talk'' he said on the other side of the door, you didn't know what to say so you just stayed quiet and stepped back. ''y/n seriously, come fucking out'' and he started to try opening the locked door. ''go away Jaehyun'' finally you said something but he didn't stop, you were so sad because of him just a few days ago and now you are having fun watching him trying to get to you. ''Excuse me what the fuck are you doing'' an unexpected voice came out of the bathtub which surprised both, Jaehyun and you. And before you could say anything he interrupted ''dude go away, she doesn't want you anymore, get it?'' He was a good talker, that mysterious guy that you didn't notice had some charisma.
''Who the fuck even are you, and why are you with me girlfriend'' Jaehyun said but you were sincerely confused, he still treated you as his girlfriend? ''Jae, we are not together get over it'' Said the girl who wasn't over him just a few hours ago. ''man, I don't think is worth knowing who I am and I'm with your ex dumbass'' He caught up on you while smirking. ''y/n come fucking out, what the fuck are you guys even doing?'' Jaehyun still insisted but it was getting tiring. ''dude, go fucking away if you don't wanna hear what are we doing together'' That was it for him, he hit the door hard but what it did was hurt his fist, alcohol had taken over him and it was obvious.
''okay I'm staying until you two fucking leave'' he said confidently, ''Alright bet'' you said and went over to the blonde haired guy that kinda saved the situation. ''Can I suck you off?'' you whispered in his ear lowly enough so Jaehyun couldn't hear it. And the guy whose name was unknown nodded. You unbuckled his belt with the intention for Jaehyun to hear the metallic sound, which he probably did ''What the actual fuck was that sound'' He questioned loud enough, ''I don't know man, probably my belt'' the blonde guy answered. ''y/n are you giving him fucking head? WHAT THE FUCK OH MY GOD'' He screamed which made you startled at first, you never heard Jaehyun screaming before, he was taking all his anger out.
''You better meet me tomorrow bitch'' and he stormed off, you found that reaction of his funny as he never showed his emotions that much. ''Sorry you had to go thru this, um'' you wanted to know his name, ''Yea no worries, no need to know my name, and probably the funniest thing that happened on my 24th birthday'' So it was his birthday then why he was all alone by himself in the bathtub? You were getting more and more curious, ''ohhh, happy birthday then'' you said hoping for more interaction but he seemed like he was going somewhere else. ''Thanks, by the way you are really pretty'' not gonna lie, it made you more red than you already were. ''If so you could give me your number you know'' which he did. ''Thanks for today, hope you can help me tomorrow'' You said with a joking tone. ''Sure, bye see you next time'' he waved ''Bye, mr. no name'' And you waved back, and you saw him chuckle repeating those words, ''Mr. No name''
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Short cute story for birthday Mark :))))) Also thanks for all the support ive been getting lately, i really appreciate it love you guys <3
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creampuffqueen · 2 months
I saw that post you reblogged about being open to followers asking about your fanfics, so I'm going to take you up on that. I wanted to ask if you have a favorite among the works you did for the Yangvik Week, but maybe that would be too unfair. So my question is: can you tell us what you, the author, like about each of those works specifically, or if you have a favorite line from them? (Bonus: was there a challenging part?) It's always so interesting to hear a writer be meta about their process! Thank you 🩵
Ahhh thank you so much for asking!!! You’re right, choosing a favorite would be very difficult and would probably end in like. A 3 or 4 way tie lol. But i would absolutely love to share my thoughts on my fics and some of the behind-the-scenes things about writing them!!
Gonna go ahead and put this under a cut because i have zero doubt it will get very long haha. Read on for even more yangvik ramblings :) 
Cover Story: 
The part about this fic that was the most fun to write and the part that was the most difficult to write happened to be the same thing - figuring out their secret mission. I truly have to give my props to f.c yee here; writing spy missions is not as easy at it seems! I had to figure out a realistic way to get Yangchen and Kavik alone in a room together, AND in a situation where their only way out was to kiss, without it feeling too contrived. Which meant I was having to think of backups for my backups. A lot of “okay, here’s a way they could get out - how can I make that way impossible?” I truly am quite proud of how it all turned out in the end!
Another favorite part was undoubtedly writing Kavik being absolutely head over heels the entire time. It was the first time I’d written from his perspective, and his head is quite fun to be in. His pining definitely created a few of my favorite lines from this one, such as “In this room full of beautiful things, she’s still the most captivating.” Or “The glow from the fire makes her gray eyes look like molten pools of silver. For a moment, Kavik nearly forgets where he is.”
Also, this entire interaction: ““I think we’re a bit past caring about how I feel about a plan; tell me what it is.”
“You need to kiss me.”
I made myself absolutely cackle with delight when I wrote it. It was so fun.
And then I’ve already shared in another post how I ended up entirely rewriting the entire kiss scene. It just wasn’t hitting in the way I wanted, and I’m much, much happier with how it turned out when I wrote it the second time.
I’ve also particularly enjoyed seeing peoples’ interpretations of this one! Some people think that Yangchen is totally oblivious to how hard Kavik is crushing, while others think she totally knows but is pretending not to. I won’t give an answer as to which is correct, because I think it adds a lot more to be ambiguous enough that it could go either way!
i can’t read your mind (though i’m trying all the time):
Little warning here because this fic is nsfw, so if you’re not comfortable with that topic of discussion feel free to hop ahead to the next section!
I think of all the fics i wrote for yangvik week, this one was the most challenging. I came up with the premise for this fic (yangvik bathtub sex) well before yangvik week, but planning out my fics for the event gave me the motivation to actually Write It. But even after decided I wanted to write it, I spent a lot of time waffling around with it, not totally sure how I wanted to take it. Add in at the time I was really struggling with my self confidence as a writer, and that led to me just being generally unhappy with the whole thing. 
What ended up happening was that I put it on the back burner for a bit, wrote some of my other fics for the event, and then came back to it. Having finished some other fics gave me the little boost I needed to push past the corner I’d stuck myself in (what felt like at the time endless dialogue) and finally write the whole thing. 
Random side tangent: i did not write my yangvik week fics in order lol. It ended up being Day 1-4-2-3-5-6
Anyway. Favorite bits? Quite a few haha
“Yangchen’s eyes don’t leave his, stormy gray meeting ocean blue. Kavik would drown in them if she’d let him.” <- I posted this one as a snippet but I still just love it so much. They’re so utterly whipped for each other it’s crazy.
““Kavik, I’m tired,” Yangchen breathes.
His lips still. “Do you want me to stop?”
A pause. Then, slowly, she drags their joined hands upwards until one of his palms is cupping her breast, showing him where she wants to be touched.
“No. Don’t stop.””
^ I had been planning out this specific bit pretty much since I got the idea for this fic. So I’d been hanging onto this for a few months. Finally getting to write it down was so incredibly satisfying. I HAVE to write my scenes in chronological order. Sometimes if I have ideas for single lines or specific words I want to use I’ll write them down just so I remember, but if it’s an entire exchange like this I force myself to wait for it.
I originally intended to write this fic going at an even slower pace, which looking back now is kinda crazy haha. It’s already got quite a slow buildup. But when I was writing I came to the conclusion that things needed to heat up at least a little bit, hence all the heavy making out that happens. 
“Seated above him, Yangchen has to look downwards in order to connect their gazes. A queen sitting on her throne.” <- I was very proud of this line and the imagery it evokes, and I was very glad to hear that others felt the same! I had several people point out just how much they liked this part, and it’s always very gratifying as a writer to hear that a scene created the feelings you were going for.
The premise of this fic is basically Yangchen going “I want that man on his knees and whimpering” and Kavik going “yes ma’am”
Another random fun fact: it’s a blink and you’ll miss it kinda mention, but the thing that brings them both over the edge during this is making eye contact with each other ;) 
And last but not least, I find it very funny that this fic is the most popular of my yangvik week fics, at least according to the stats on ao3. It has by far the most comments, kudos, and hits. By a long shot. 
Oh my god, you guys are so horny!!! (says the horny bitch who wrote the fic)
i’m glad i get forever to see where you went:
So, although this fic was certainly the one with the darkest topic, I think I enjoyed writing it the most. It was an extremely cathartic write, and while I was writing it the words just seemed to flow nonstop. The whole fic came so easily to me, and with very little prior planning. Part of it might be that it was a very different writing style than what I usually use, with it being a more broad overview of an ongoing situation rather than one specific point in time. I really enjoy fics written in that style, and I was very excited to finally create one of my own!
Now for some random notes about the content of the fic itself. I don’t think I mentioned this in the end notes of the fic itself, but there is a reason that Yangchen and Kavik are living near the Eastern temple rather than the Western. In some random, older A:TLA media, it was said that Yangchen retired to the Eastern Air Temple, and she spent her last few years living in a hermitage near the temple. I suppose that narratively it makes more sense for her to live in the west, but I decided to go with it to sort of keep it ‘canon compliant’. I wonder if that will ever get retconned now that we have more content about Yangchen.
But I digress. A part I really enjoyed about this fic was being able to intersperse all the heavy moments with little tidbits that show just how much these two love each other. Even aside from the big, grand, devotion that they show, I also liked showing that they still flirt, they still banter, they still cuddle and watch the sunset together. Just casual moments of a long-time love. 
“Life continues on, though. The endless wheel of time won’t stop turning, even for the most powerful being in the world.” <- Very proud of this line. It just came to me right in the moment and it felt so perfect. 
“Perhaps a part of him is just hoping they’ll adjust. She’s still Yangchen, whip-smart and compassionate and always ready with a quick remark. She’s still every bit the woman he fell in love with, just a bit more forgetful these days. They’ll get through it, surely.” <- Again, very proud of this part. It accomplished several things I wanted to convey: showing the passage of time, as this isn’t something that just happens overnight. It’s a slow, progressive thing. Also adding in some more slightly positive views of Yangchen, as I’d just put her through a whole lot in the previous scenes and felt I needed to add a reminder that despite it all, she’s still Yangchen. And lastly, also adding in Kavik’s sense of desperation that things get better. Or, at least, that things don’t get any worse.
“He loves her, though. The world is always changing, and nothing is ever constant. The deepest truth that he knows in his life is this: He loves Yangchen with everything he has, for everything she is.
He loves her. He squeezes her hand while she sleeps, finally at peace for a change, and hopes that it’s enough.”
^ Yet another part I love. I just really loved my writing in this whole fic. I don’t really have much to add but I just had to put it here because I love it so so much.
Now, for the final scene. I was considering having this not be the last scene. I was going to make it worse. I had a few ideas, all incredibly angsty. Something like Yangchen getting hurt (working ideas were her leaving the fire on and forgetting about it or getting into a situation where she needed to bend a certain element but forgetting she could bend it) or her actually forgetting Kavik’s name for little bit. But in the end it didn’t feel right for the direction I wanted to take this. I wasn’t writing angst for angst’s sake. I didn’t want to end the fic on such a bitter note, on a feeling that all was lost for good. There needed to be some hope still left. Which is why I ended up going the direction I did with it. 
I was veryyyyyy proud of myself for the total genius moment I had in the final scene. Namely, Yangchen starting to return to herself when Kavik hands her the glider. It’s very subtle because in these kind of situations, it’s not like the person comes back to the present all at once. It’s very gradual. But, if you read closely, Yangchen begins to calm down when she gets the glider. Both because it’s something familiar and personal, and because it’s meant to mirror the scene in Legacy where Kavik originally hands her back her glider. Now, in order for this to happen, I had to backtrack very far to get this moment. Like; okay, Kavik hands Yangchen the staff and it helps. Why does he bring the staff with him? Oh, what if he’s using it as a cane! But wait, I never wrote him as needing a cane in previous scenes. Ah, he gets out of bed too fast and pinches a nerve in his back! (sorry Kavik).
And last but not least, the final scene, where Yangchen finally admits out loud how scared she is and she and Kavik both cry, probably has to be my favorite scene of this entire fic. Possibly one of my favorite scenes that I’ve ever written. It was so incredibly cathartic to write. I’m being completely truthful when I say I teared up while writing it. Yes, it was incredibly devastating, but very beautiful in its own way. It was just the culmination and release of all the heartbreak earlier in the fic, and gave way to the wonderful moment of Kavik promising to always be there for her, whether she remembers him or not, which is everything she needs to hear in that moment. I just really love it.
Breakfast and a Braid:
This one was pretty short and sweet so there isn’t a whole lot to say about it writing wise haha. I think the biggest challenge was getting them to the point where Kavik could talk about what he was doing while braiding her hair without the situation feeling too forced or awkward. I think I ended up doing okay, though!
Also while writing this and looking through the fic I realized that I mentioned the gong of Jonduri… the gong is in Taku. *facepalm* I’m gonna have to go fix that at some point. Whoops. 
When Yangchen says that she doesn’t remember breakfast being delivered, it’s meant to imply that she was sleeptalking again, the way she did to Boma at the beginning of Legacy. And I’m not sure why but I enjoy the way I wrote her waking up at the start of the fic. I think it’s just some funny imagery, of her startling awake and throwing her papers everywhere.
Another thing about the writing process of this one is that the part that goes “Tangles removed, Kavik draws his hands smoothly through her thick tresses. Yangchen nearly arches into his hand, like a cat-goose getting its back scratched. If she could purr she’d probably be doing it.” actually had a duplicate paragraph written a few paragraphs before it. I’m very glad I read through this one again, because that would have been awkward lol. I ended up liking the second use of it more, so I rewrote the paragraph earlier in the fic so I could keep it in this spot. Still not totally sure how I basically managed to copy an entire paragraph without realizing it!
“Still, she can’t resist reaching behind her to grab at his collar, dragging Kavik towards her for a proper kiss. He puts up no resistance, grinning softly as Yangchen presses their lips together.” <- and of course, writing kisses is one of my favorite things, so it’s no surprise that it’s one of my favorite lines in this fic :) 
Something Nice:
Not entirely sure why, but of the 6 fics that i posted for yangvik week, this is probably my least favorite 😭😭. Again, no idea why. Like i can’t even pinpoint what i don’t like about it, but whenever i compare it to the others i wrote i just feel. Kinda ‘eh’ about it.
I am however still patting myself on the back for the bit about the wool on the kuspuk being from Nujian’s older sister. I very clearly remember having this complete enigma while planning it out and being like ‘YES ITS PERFECT IM A GENIUS!!!’. So that’s definitely a positive.
Other positives include writing some team Yangchen shenanigans. I really love Yangchen’s team avatar in the books, and so whenever i can i try and include them in my writing, even if it’s just a little mention. But being able to include full on conversations in this fic was very fun.
Although I don’t feel completely satisfied with how this fic turned out (again, for reasons I’m honestly not quite sure of) I do still have a favorite line. That being “Even after she calms, a small part of her wants to stay there forever, held in the little bubble of Kavik’s embrace, safe from the needs of the world.”. I just loved showing how safe Yangchen feels when she’s with Kavik, and how she can just be herself around him. 
The other part i really enjoyed writing with this one was the PINING. Oh the pining. It’s always so delicious. And then the moment at the end where Jujinta interrupts them hehe. I’m definitely a sucker for the ‘moment interrupted’ trope… which i’m now realizing might be a bit obvious considering my other works… oh… oh dear…
darlin’, oh, you see i’ve never felt this way before:
Almost all of my writing is very ‘flying by the seat of my pants’ style as I very rarely go into anything with a concrete plan, but this one was EXTRA off the top of my head. I had a vague idea and a vibe to go off of when I started writing, and I’m pretty pleased with the results!
A few highlights of writing this include: contriving ways to get Kavik shirtless, letting the air nomads be the thirsty mouthpiece of the fandom, and pretending I’m back in middle school and turning absolutely everything into a ‘that’s what she said’ joke
I included this fun fact in the notes on the ao3 version but if you only read it on tumblr you might have missed it! When Kavik is playing the string game with the kids and he makes a shape called ‘the polecat-wolverine’ it is for multiple reasons. 1. ‘The wolverine’ is an actual shape that can be made during the real life string game that Inuit and other Indigenous groups play, and 2. The name ‘Kavik’ means wolverine! He was showing the kiddos how to make his name :) 
I also loved getting to include some more air nomad culture in my writing. The ‘holy day’ they are celebrating is completely made up, but loosely inspired by the Thai Buddhist festival of Songkran. As well, the nature of many of the conversations in this fic led me to basically do a deep dive into how i think the 4 nations view sex, desire, sexuality, etc. Which then led me to retroactively go in to throw in some demisexual Yangchen vibes, which is my personal headcanon of her sexuality.
I think the biggest challenges in writing this fic were, first of all, having little more than a vibe as my concept, and then also figuring out how to spin the ‘jealousy’ prompt into a way that I liked. I very much wanted to stay away from the usual interpretation of jealousy, as I simply don’t think it fits Yangchen and Kavik’s relationship with each other. So I did my best to show that Yangchen isn’t jealous of the other nuns because they’re ‘trying to steal her man’ or that she’s jealous and thinks Kavik will like another girl more than her or anything like that. She’s jealous because she already has to share so much of herself with the world, and doesn’t want to share what she has with Kavik as well. She isn’t at all threatened by other women appreciating his good looks, but she gets very bothered when the conversation starts veering towards more personal things about him. Hence why she stops the teenagers’ conversation when one of them mentions his ‘dreamy eyes’ when the other two had previously been saying far more suggestive things.   
Yet another challenging part of this write was when I decided I wanted to go down the love confession route. I wanted to make it clear that it WAS a love declaration, but without an ‘I love you’. Again, I feel very strongly that Yangchen and Kavik never fully define their relationship. It just… is. So it was a fun challenge to try and write something akin to a confession/declaration without going the typical route. I did consider having them say the Big L Word, but I couldn’t manage to fit it in where I mentioned it was the first time they said it, but at the same time didn’t make it this super huge deal. Of course they already know they love each other; they don’t need to be waxing poetic about it to make it clear, though. I’m pretty happy with what I managed instead!
There are so many standout lines in this one that i adore, but I think most of them come from the final part. I love a good ‘sleepy pillow talk in the morning after’ kind of vibe (in fact, I’ve been considering adding a part 2 to ‘the push' set the morning after) so it was lovely to get to include one here.
I’m very especially proud of the imagery right here: “Yangchen wakes up in shades, consciousness seeping into her bones with each exhale of breath. The pre-dawn light creeps through her window, casting the room in a soft, dreamlike haze.”
And again with this one: “He stretches, long and languid, yawning so widely that Yangchen can hear his jaw pop. His fingers tangle with those already on his cheek, bringing her hand to his mouth so he can begin to kiss his way up her arm, tracing the pattern of her tattoos.” (non-lip kisses my ABSOLUTE BELOVED).
“Rather than fall further into her trap, Kavik shuts her up by tackling her into the bed, making her shriek with laughter when his hands dig into her sides to tickle her mercilessly.” <- I really loved how I portrayed Yangchen in this whole part. She deserves to just let loose and be silly!!!!
“Avatar Yangchen belongs to the world before anything else. Yangchen will always be the Avatar; even in death her spirit will remain to continue the cycle. She holds the world’s biggest blessing and its heaviest burden. It will always have a claim over her.
But right here, her world is just this: the blue of Kavik’s eyes, the safety of his arms, and the love that she can feel pouring out of his very being.”
^ Made myself almost cry with the duality of it all. He’s literally her safe space. I’m never gonna feel normal about them.
This ended up getting… so long lol. If you stayed til the end, thank you very much! I hope you enjoyed getting some insight into my writing thoughts and parts I enjoyed about creating my fics! And again, thank you so much for the ask!!!
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nerdierholler · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely person 🌹
Your kind words on the things you reblog mean a lot <3 And I always look forward to reading your writing whenever you share something, there's something about the way you capture daily life moments that's so good. (Also: love love the animal facts you share!)
Here’s a romance-themed OC question for any OC(s) of your choosing (no pressure to answer on Valentine’s day itself, or at all):
What combination of random objects would your OC use to describe their LI? What do they represent? Bonus question: What would their LI use to describe them?
Thank you so so much for all of these wonderful words <3 Sorry this took me so long to answer. The week go away from me but I've finally gotten a good afternoon to answer. I'm gonna answer for Ethan and Adam and it kind of turned into a ficlet about just one object.
It doesn't come as a surprise to Ethan that no matter where he looks around Wayhaven, he finds things that remind him of Adam. What does surprise him are the things that catch his attention. Logic says every gray t-shirt or pair of sunglasses would be the likely culprits but instead today it's passing by an old building made from simply but solidly hand carved stone blocks. From a distance the lines seem perfectly straight, ordered row after ordered row forming an unmovable wall. It's only when one gets close that they can see the undulations in the joints, the individual chisel marks that make each block unique. For how many centuries did people pass their skill down from one to another? It's entirely possible that the man who made the blocks in Wayhaven would have used the same techniques as the man who built the keep that Adam grew up in.
Stone is a strong durable material. It's heavy and difficult for most to move or change, but in the right hands it can be made useful and accessible. The truly talented artists can turn the hard surface into soft pliable flesh, or at least the illusion of it. Stone cannot stop being a stone after all.
As Ethan passes by he reaches out and absently runs the tips of his fingers along the building's wall. It's solid and cool to the touch but he can feel every bump and pit created by years of wear and tear. They are imperfections that make it perfect. Poured concrete and blocks cut with modern saws create smooth surfaces that lack personality. They're missing the mark of their makers. Ethan can only hope that over time, he'll be able to leave his mark on Adam, and if he's very lucky he'll be able to carve out niche just the right size for them to fit together.
More random things under the cut
Other things that randomly make Ethan think of Adam:
Wine: It's because Adam drinks his blood from a wine glass so every time Ethan sees a bottle or pours himself a glass, he can't help but think of Adam and their different potential paths. He tries not to space out too much at the store lol
The smell of leather: Of course the Agency has the best SUVs, leather seats and everything, but really it's the well maintained leather from Adam's car the comes to mind when Ethan smells it. The antique store is dangerous. Heck, even that one nice chair in the waiting room can be a problem.
For Adam:
Sunny breezy days because they remind him of Ethan's personality.
Any classic film star. Nate watches old movies from time to time and there's something about that old Hollywood leading man style that makes him think of Ethan. Should Ethan ever decide to wear a 40s or 50s style suit Adam might just swoon. Now I'm having thoughts about a not-a-date night where the little theater in Wayhaven does a classic movie night and Ethan and Adam go together. Adam just looks like he's in pain the whole time so Ethan thinks he's have a terrible evening when in reality Adam's trying to hold himself together and not think all of *those* thoughts.
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noirandchocolate · 5 months
:) If you have the time and would like to, I wondered if you’d share some of your favourite j-pop / anime songs? I think you have excellent taste whenever you share your opinions, so I’d love to listen to your favs.
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for sending this, I love getting asks and you're so sweet. PS your art is super cute, love your colors! (I'm gonna reblog some as soon as I'm done answering this. <3)
...wait. MEG!??!?!?! i THOUGHT I recognized that art style! OH MY GOD how long have you been following me and I didn't know?? ;___;!! Hello how have you been!? AAAAAAH!
Okay, I will calm down and. Answer the question asked. XD; Anime music! Here's some tracks I really love, in no particular order and also I'm all over the place style-wise.
"Blue" from Cowboy Bebop is one of my all-time favorites. Honestly the whole Cowboy Bebop soundtrack is amazing and lives up to the hype for sure with its jazz/Old West style with spacy and harder and more modern vibes.
"Ashita Kuru Hi" from Kobato. was the next one that popped into my head! This song gets several different versions throughout the anime, because it's a tune the main character sings all the time, different verses for different events. It even gets a Christmassy reprise in one episode! This is the full, basic version of it featuring music box. But this piano-opening version with more sweeping instruments plays over the finale credits... While I'm at it, I WILL plug the entire soundtrack. It is ADORABLE and is nice sweet background music for work and study.
Gotta give a shoutout to Mob Psycho 100's opening themes for sure. They're all so good and seat-dance provoking. "1" is my favorite of them, it's so intense!
"Yuzurenai Negai" from Magic Knight Rayearth is really nostalgic for me, being the theme from one of the first anime I ever bought bootleg fansubs of from a shady man at a monthly comics expo. XD It's definitely a "classic anime" kind of song, with that adventurous shoujo feel.
"Matsuri Uta" from Blue Seed is one I was introduced to without having ever seen the anime it's from and I still like it. It has a slow, quiet start and is just a very pretty piece. (I like to sing along to it, hehe.) Here's another arrangement without the lyrics but with more instruments.
WHILE I'M ON Megumi Hayashibara...I'll also rec "Give a Reason" from Slayers. It's so punchy and upbeat and really inspires a person to get up and GO! You know what? Here's "Get Along" too.
I could recommend any of "Cardcaptor Sakura"'s opening and closing themes, but "Hitorijime" sticks out to me as a funky little track that's just extra fun to listen to. In the same vein is "Groovy!" and the video features a hypnotically bouncing Kero-chan so you can't lose.
I could fill an entire post of its own with Sailor Moon music but instead I will gesture wildly at "Moon Revenge" from the R Movie and yell that it features one of my favorite things in any anime song--vocals by the cast.
SPEAKING OF...here's another one of my ultimate favorite anime songs of all time, "Yamerarenai Yamerarenai" from Tenchi Muyô! The entire main voice cast going absolutely ham in character singing about all the little pleasures in life. Absolutely delightful!
Okay last one for this post because this is probably way way too long as it is. "Party Night" from Di Gi Charat! Specifically the Hyper Parapara version. I love this shit so much. This is the music video version because I can't resist, but here's the full song.
Okay! I'm outta here! Thank you again for asking, it was fun to follow my stream of consciousness and just post whatever fun thing popped to mind next. XD
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softmick · 11 months
was tagged to answer @callivich's questions by @jrooc and @lingy910y! thank you thank you 🙏 also i got rambly and nsfw please forgive me.
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? we drag ourselves hand over hand by jesuisgourde. i read it for the first time pretty recently and i've read it at least five or six times since. there's untagged major character death, okay? there’s uncertainty and hope and grief and anger. it is well written and feels authentic. there’s also sweetness and family and love. it is Fucking Sad. it is painful. but it’s so worth it! no one needs to know how many times i've read the taming of mickey milkovich by @whatthebodygraspsnot it's between me and god. but if you’re into upset mickey acting out and ian being rough and sweet all at the same time and setting things straight and hot bjs, you should also read it. and i have only indecent things to say about and i'm your warm receiver by @metalheadmickey FAVE. i think i commented something about secondhand subspace and i am not kidding. it does things to me.
also cooperative gameplay by grayola. i've only read it twice but i'm new here and it's long so it feels like a thing.
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? you may have noticed i will always reblog mickey's brown sweater. haters are WRONG. and the 5x10 dugouts scene because bloody kisses are hot and i love fictional violence. and also that scene in the hallway with that fucking purple robe. i can't remember the episode but it’s the scene where ian looks like he's gonna devour mickey and mickey is just having the time of his life.
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? thinking about mickey and the gallaghers all the time. mickey and carl are besties and they do the dumbest, shadiest shit together. i think they like exploding things and playing with fire and pulling off semi-dangerous pranks. they love to shoot together (ian isn't allowed to come because he's better than they are). they have the same taste in video games and they are insufferably competitive. they're both the biggest softies with animals (the whole cat thing in s1 never happened in this house). actually they're both just huge softies in general. like they're all family oriented but i think lip tried to impose his will cause he thinks he knows best and will try to Teach Lessons. and debbie struggles sometimes because her siblings have been assholes to her at times and i think she might want to reciprocate sometimes. and ian is torn between finally prioritizing himself and mickey sometimes. but i think carl and mickey are just no questions asked generous and showing tf up regardless of how they feel about a situation because that's what family does. and also they are chaos uncles and don't even try to hide it. they're giving the kids sweets at all hours and toy guns and encouraging rough play. when the kids are teens they're the ones giving them their first beers and telling them they're overpaying for weed. they're gonna be on speeddial to pick them up from parties and the police station. i also think that when carl leaves policing (because just no) and ian finds what makes him happy, carl joins mickey in security. mickey and debbie are legit close friends. mickey doesn't like to talk to mandy about his relationship b/c she always takes ian's side or makes assumptions about mickey because of their past. but debbie is a great sounding board and i think mickey is good for her too. they're honest with each other in a very matter-of-fact way. mickey appreciates having someone besides ian really consider him. debbie likes being treated like a capable adult. and mickey respects her and takes an interest in her job. and they both feel strongly about self-advocating, ie not taking any shit. whatever weirdness the gallaghers had about debbie's sexuality mickey DOES NOT. i think they go out to gay bars together sans ian and have beers. and mickey will tease debbie about her taste in women but also be her wingman. he’s surprisingly good at it and can actually pick out good matches for her. they tag team planning family events and eventually rope in tammi. they make the holidays so nice and fun and start new traditions.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? literally anything from @darthvaders-wife. i went to patreon for her uncensored kinktober stuff but her notting hill comic is so good i cry. also really enjoying @gallavichonly's style esp their mickey. the energy is just perfect! and i think about @harukanaaaa's baby ian often. he's so precious.
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? 🐙. shameless gave me so many Disappointments and Sorrows that it's taken my fandom consumption to new lows. in a good way! gallavich's canon development is so goddamn tragic that fic writers can put them in any hurt/comfort/sick/angsty/death situation and i will enjoy it and ask for more.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? mickey's floopy hair and million layers and cutoff shirts and his whole Deal immediately read so queer to me. it may just be me. i want his aesthetic. anyway i love gnc/trans mickey. also aging, hairier, and/or chubby husbands. i love cam's abs and noel's tiny waist as much as the next guy but sometimes i want ian and mickey's bodies to be as soft as their hearts. they're so horny for each other i just think they'd both be into there being more flesh to grab and bite. and i want graying hair and wrinkles and glasses and sex that's maybe less acrobatic but just gets nastier and more intimate. also i need ian 'i love smells' gallagher to drag his face through mickey's sweaty armpits more often and give mickey chest hair cause ian loves rubbing against that too. and i want mickey pulling on ian's beard and playing with his leg hair. idk i'm just thinking about their soft bellies and sweat-matted happy trails rubbing together. look i'm a little worked up about them and perpetually horny. someone should stop me because i am embarrassing!! also we need more fisting. as much as we love ian's hands, mickey loves them more and he is not scared. put one inside him.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? why didn't we get them dealing with 3x06? what happened to yevgeny? was he mickey's or not? and regardless, how did mickey and ian deal with losing him? why'd they do svet so dirty? she just wanted stability and family and honestly i think svet+gallavich and svet+kev and v were both promising dynamics. hated the way they wrote fiona out. and then never mentioned her? i wanted more gallagher siblings screen time and i specifically mean ian, debbie, carl, and liam. i still don't understand what happened with the house. carl's money paid for it but in fiona's name. then she gave it to debbie? lip couldn't have sold it no matter who sided with him so what was the point of that storyline? also s10-11 were all over the place tonally.
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thegeminisage · 6 months
as someone who wasn't around in 2014....can you tell me what it was like? (stucky) can you give me a taste of the gardens of babylon etc
what was it like...this is such a fun question i want you to know i gave serious thought to my answer and also discussed it at length with my 2014 friend last night and i know already it's gonna be so long. sorry that i answered your ask at fuck o clock in the morning i am scheduling it to go up later and also at the time you sent the ask in to make sure you see it
ok so like. i mean, you're on the fandom website, right, so i assume youve been in fandoms. idk if youve ever been in a really, REALLY big fandom, at the same time that said fandom was also producing content (even if the source material was not). think d*stiel post nov 5, or undert*le circa late 2015/early 2016, or z*lda after totk came out, or h*rry p*tter as the seventh book was being released. (i'm censoring to avoid a false positive of anybody's blacklist except in the case of the last one, which i am censoring out of <3 disrespect.) like there's something REALLY luxurious about being in ANY large and active fandom and it's mostly the power of crowdsourcing. st*r tr*k 2009's tarsus iv headcanons. the storm trooper lore re: the f*rce awakens before the second two movies came out. everyone just kind of agreeing that dean w*nchester was a teenage hooker. you know?
like, that's "just fanon," sure, but part of the beauty of it is that no one person makes up fanon, we all gather in the biggest writing group in the world and collectively go insane and bat ideas back and forth. there are a hundred THOUSAND fics about bucky barnes on ao3 and that's just the people who were writing, not even counting artists and gifmakers and meta-writers and people who just reblog stuff. i can't possibly begin to put an accurate number to how many people are in any given fandom at any given time, but imagine (on the low end, i'm sure) there are THOUSANDS, perhaps tens of thousands, of people going nuts about stevebucky at all times. tens of THOUSANDS people doing "yes and" with each other on the internet 24 hours a day seven days a week. it's just like being in any fandom, you log on to your dash and see what the mewchies posted while you were gone, but in a fandom so huge and so active you were getting bombarded with idea after idea after idea every single second, so if you don't like one you're spoiled for choice in what you engage with next. it didn't even matter that cap3 was two years away or that it sucked when it finally got here because we collectively wrote cap3 a million times over. like, genuinely, it was a mass creative exercise. it's the biggest writing group in the world. for better or worse, we were shaping our own version of that universe, without any input from or regard to the people who actually created the characters and movie, in a way that compelled most strongly to our own tastes and demographic.
what made this particular movie/fandom special though was a few things. firstly i still genuinely believe it was ahead of its time...marvel shit pre disney was allowed to be political in ways it is ABSOLUTELY not now. like, cap2 could say "the government is secretly full of nazis and they all need to burn" in 2014 two years before the 2016 election and 7 years before jan 6. like you just couldn't say that now. "war bad" is an oldie but goodie, but "our entire government is corrupt and needs to be torn into flaming pieces and cast into the potomac" is um. pretty radical. so is, by the way, "men as victims" and "men having emotions" etcetc. like, not in fandom, fandom all but invented that shit, but as far as dumb superhero movies go. i can't tell you the number of metas i read AND WROTE discussing steve rogers and masculinity and how all that was portrayed, intentionally or not, in that fucking film. i had entire separate universes built up in my head for steve who was born a cis girl and steve who decided later in life that "nonbinary" or "trans woman" was a better fit and then steve who was born as a cis boy and remained a man his whole life but felt weird and different ways about being queer which clashed with the weird and different ways BARNES felt about being queer. i'm not saying the film (or the fandom! good lord) was perfect, it was a product of its time, but it was also WAY ahead of its time too. it was weird to expect the next film to come out and actually, like, be good. it wasnt, but we fully believed it would be and that wasn't delusional behavior because the last one had been. i would never have that kind of faith in a marvel project now because they've been bought by disney.
oh yeah and that's the other thing too like. speaking of queer people. gay marriage wasn't legal in the US on a federal level until 2015, and you couldn't just flip on your TV and see them whenever you wanted. ten years doesn't seem like that long ago in the grand scheme of things but like, we lived on glee and cw/mtv queerbait (disclaimer that i personally only participated in cw queerbait) and that was it. we had crumbs. and like when people write gay characters theyre Just Gay, but if you decide to be crazy stupid in a slash fandom you can decide these layered characters are gay and that's even better rep than um whatever was going on in other pieces of media. these guys are both so lonely and out of step with time and lack other people with "shared life experiences" (girl what the hell was that) and their connection w each other keeps them afloat in a world that doesn't want them so like of COURSE it seems like it's supposed to be romantic. and like, i could and did make myself and my tumblr buds crrrazy (and got made crazy by them) thinking about:
how steve's size when small and again when big interacted w his gender identity and his sexuality and how that sexuality manifested. barnes's identity As A Man hinging on his ability to go to war for his country bc Thats What Men Did but now he's no longer fit because theres worms in his brain. loss of bodily autonomy which usually happens to women and natasha being later in that journey than steve and bucky are and so close to being at peace with it but not there yet. stigmatization of seeking treatment for mental health issues lessened by the presence of sam who could have been a Macho Tough Guy but actually gives off strong Talk About Our Feelings And Be Soft vibes. don't even get me started on the relationship (predatory) between steve and rumlow and how it parallels the one between barnes and pierce (and if any of you motherfuckers BREATHE a word of that h*dra tr*sh p*rty shit in my direction i will END you) and the stigma that comes from being preyed on when vulnerable As Men. steve's depression and ptsd and him getting triggered by, yes, the fucking ALS ice bucket challenge. the collective belief that he was conscious when he was frozen even though nobody said that so that he and barnes could have that in common too. the headcanon about barnes having roma heritage - shoutout to not easily conquered my beloved, and the 14k smut coda i wrote for it✌ speaking of smut, i would be remiss also not to mention there was a STRONG element of collective lust involved. i'm immune to 99% of it bc im ace but the winter soldier was uh. VERY graceful. you know? i didn't write 14k of porn because i was uncompelled. we were on one. we went fucking crazy. fandom in general but especially big fandoms have a kind of nonstop endless well of creative energy born from obsession that is the absolute envy of people like my mortal enemy grrm. we NEVER quit.
also, HISTORY (and other vaguely educational subjects). we were all so desperate to know how steve and bucky would have lived in the years we couldn't see them it sparked a sitewide interest in 1940s american history. there was a thing about bananas tasting different now because of a plague. m&ms being invented as wartime candy. stuff about how shoebox apartments looked and how rations worked. 1940s recipes and radio shows. the 1940s queer movement and how it interacted with ballroom dancing and private drag get-togethers. how amputations work and how prosthetic limbs work in real life so we could extrapolate it to fantasy. how to hand-draw that fucking arm in photoshop. why soldiers are trained to say their serial numbers when captured. what ww2 was like. what dog tags are for. what did they get in the ration packs. what brand of cigarettes did they smoke. what brand (and i am being so serious, i STILL own a tube) of LIPSTICK did peggy carter use. caloric intake of someone with a 4x speed metabolism and how much famine peanut butter he'd need to eat daily to keep from starving to death. oppression of irish immigrants and their children/grandchildren back in the 1940s. the difference between conservatives and fascists, back when there was a difference. what activities generally took place on these mysterious but ever-present new york city docks. just exactly HOW many terrible movies and tv shows has sebastian stan been in ranked by his resemblance to james buchanan barnes in each one. (i personally went through his entire imdb list at the time and then made a venn diagram.) electroswing! teachers and professors would have killed for their classes to have the kind of enthusiasm a bunch of mentally ill teenagers and 20-somethings on tunglr dot edu were showing about this one very specific set of subjects. this film also sparked my love of fight scenes. if you've read this fic or this fic and liked the Big Fight Scenes in them, you can thank cap2 for leading me down that path.
and then yes there was also discourse. my personal most hated thing was the above mentioned h*dra tr*sh p*rty (DO NOT GOOGLE THAT, i will just tell you it's nazi rape porn🤢 and i hope everyone involved is having a bad day today) and also the fact that SOME FUCKING PEOPLE can't understand "don't be shitheads about a fanfic where the author can see you doing it." but then ofc people were also sexist about nat and racist about sam and minimalizing those guys (and every other character besides tony really but sometimes him too) for the two white male leads was a whole thing. and on the funnier side of things you had (justifiably, i suppose) bitter st*ny fans who HATED what those two got in avengers and got real mad when stucky started outpacing them on ao3. and people complaining about the characters being too uwu soft. and then other people arguing whether or not barnes counted as disabled when he was missing a Whole arm. and THEN discourse about was it ethical to remove the arm and build him a new one ESPECIALLY without his consent (if people don't know they're being ableist in their fanfics hypothetically is it still ok to kill them with hammers?) and why was tony doing it if that guy killed his parents and is it ok that we keep making tony not that mad about his dead parents is it not enough that barnes stole his limelight as the guy who gets shipped with steve but what if all three of them fucked but can you really fuck the guy who offed your folks but ACTUALLY isn't it cringe to like tony anyway since RDJ and gwenyth paltrow are bad people and who says chris evans are sebastian stan are such good people etcetcetc. and let us not even get started on the plausibility of the avengers tower fanon after age of ultron came out and it turns out nobody became friends and they all still hated and mistrusted each other. and whether or not the avengers could be considered found family if the other characters were constantly getting shafted into being barnes's little support animals. and then ofc every once in awhile one of the actors of people involved creatively would say something ranging from mildly controversial to absolutely horrible on the internet and we'd all fight about THAT for awhile like a dog with a bone. i mean. typical infighting of any fandom tbh.
but i was very happy. it was all the most enormous thought experiment and creative endeavor (and semi-educational adventure??) that we all participated in daily for like two-ish years without stopping ever. i loved doing it. AND, when you click with a piece of media like that, you also click with other people who clicked with that same piece of media, so in addition to the sheer level of dopamine going into my brain at all times i also formed decade-long friendships that will certainly last the entirety of my lifetime, and when we're in our 90s in nursing homes i will be able to say, "we are friends because i wrote 14k of smut for your fanfic" or "we are friends because i couldn't get enough of your gifsets" or whatever because you know, we quite literally went to stucky together.
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
thanks for the tag @signiorbenedickofpadua! gonna put this under a cut since it's a little long :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Just under 77,500.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, just Sandman – but I do have an unfinished MCU story that I'd like to get back to, and there are definitely other fandoms I'd like to play around in at some point. I'm pretty unfocused, it just depends on whatever tickles my fancy.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Kind of Blue, a kind of fire (443) In the February Sun (437) let your heart be light (381) Headache (356) First Time (322)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to every comment! (Although I'm super behind right now. Sometime soon I'll have a nice long self-indulgent afternoon of re-reading comments and finally responding.) I like to respond mostly because, as someone who reads a lot of fic, I get really excited when an author responds to my comments, and I want people who read my work and take the time to leave a comment to have the same feeling :) Also, I just feel like it's polite to say thank you when people say nice things!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I... don't really write angst. Like, at all. I am all about fluff and disgustingly happy endings. I have a WIP that has a fairly angsty beginning/middle (the shellshocked WWI veterans one which I swear to God I will finish), but even that will still have a happy ending (maybe a little bittersweet, but not angsty).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ummm all of them?? Like I am genuinely not sure that one rises above the others in terms of its happiness.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I never have! I'm grateful to be active in a fandom that is almost universally kind and supportive! Also I don't really write the kinds of pairings or subjects that might draw the ire of the general public, tbh, so that's probably part of it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! At the moment mostly M/M since I'm still very Dreamling obsessed, but also F/M. I don't generally get too kinky or monsterfuckery with it, though. Pretty much just regular-degular sexy times around here.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really! Nothing against them, just haven't gotten a spark from that kind of idea. Wait, I take that back. A while back I started a Clintasha fic set in the Station Eleven universe. I never finished it, because I feel like I need to re-read the book in order to do so, and I haven't done that yet. But I'd definitely like to.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. I would love it if that happens someday! I've considered translating my own fic (I speak fluent German, so it's not outside the realm of possibility), but I'm not sure I'm up to that kind of project at the moment.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I've had some fun brainstorming sessions and just back-and-forth reblogging with mutuals and trading ideas, but never actual co-writing. I'm open to the idea, but I would hesitate to inflict my writing process on anyone because it is extremely slow and piecemeal. I feel like a lot of co-writing relationships these days are developed on Discord, and try as I might I just cannot become an active Discord user.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh, lordy. Genuinely not sure how to answer this. If you go back to like... my very first childhood OTP, it'd have to be something like Han/Leia. But I've never been active in online SW fandom and never written that ship. I mean, Dreamling is obviously a contender. I do also love Stucky and Clintasha, although I'm not really into the MCU these days. I've recently been jumping on the Steddie train, but it remains to be seen if that will last or not. Going back a little farther, I'll never not be a Spuffy shipper. And I'll admit to Nine/Rose and Ten/Rose, and (wince) some JohnLock tendencies. But I really don't think I can point to a single all-time fave!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I have anything that's published (or at least begun publicly) that won't ever be finished – hope springs eternal – but I certainly have things I've started and abandoned in my personal WIP files. I've got several Dreamling-related bits and bobs that may or may not ever come to something, and maybe 2300 words of a Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries fic that will probably never see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I have a good ear for dialogue, and I'd like to think I come up with some nice metaphors/similes and descriptive language.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing lmao. No seriously though, just sitting down and getting a first draft done is the most challenging part of the whole deal for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it's fine and can add some interesting color! Just make sure there's a way for people who don't speak the language (or who are using a screen reader) to understand what's being said.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First I ever wrote was Star Wars Expanded Universe (now Star Wars Legends) fic in elementary school. First I posted on AO3 was a Lizzie Bennet Diaries 5+1 – which, looking at it for the first time in many years, is actually pretty okay! I did something kind of interesting with the form, I think. I think I must have had a fanfiction.com account at some point but I truly cannot remember if I ever posted anything there... I can't remember my username and I don't even think I have access to the email I used to sign up with.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Among the Stars We are Reborn, for sure. I'm really proud of what I accomplished with that story, and to be honest I wish it had gotten as much attention as some of my other fics.
this was fun, thank you! I know this tag game has been going around and I'm not sure who's done it already and who hasn't, but I'll tag @valeriianz @landwriter @teejaystumbles @tryan-a-bex @cuubism and @tj-dragonblade (and as always, no pressure, just for fun!)
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