#I'm in danger of actually trying to write this
thisonehere · 2 days
Can you write about Smoke and female reader going on a date and some creep (maybe black or red dragon) walks up to the reader and tries to hit on her and even went far as smacking her butt really hard and Tomas loses his patience overall and beats the crap out of the creep?
My Hero
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Tomas x reader
A/n: Okay, love this idea. I love writing Tomas in such a protective position. Btw, sorry to all the Rachel’s out there. Had to think of some name lol
C/w: Sexual harassment, S/a, mention of blood and violence
Tonight wasn't supposed to go like this. It was just supposed to be a fun little night for you and Tomas to unwind and spend some time together. Madame Bo's seemed like the perfect place to do it. The place as a whole had a really nice vibe always you feel at home . "I'm going to go get us a table." Tomas said to you. You just nodded as you took in the place. The smell of delicious food filled the air as restaurant staff and the distant sound of Bo berating someone. You smiled at it, you haven't been here for so long. "Pick the one with the nicest view." You ask Tomas as you dodged out of the way of a busy waitress with a tray full of food, the sight of it making you more hungry. "You're my nicest view." Tomas said with an abashed smile. You let a light chuckle at this. "Tomas! Really? Go!" You said with a smile.
You watched Tomas's giant figure disappear in the crowd. You waited at the entrance, your eyes wandered around and eventually found their way to the sky as you admired the stars above. It felt so nice to be out with Tomas, it was just him and you, just how you liked it. "Well, hello there." You heard a voice suddenly spoke to you. You looked down to find a stranger in front of you. He wore all black and small like a mix of alcohol and urine. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal a tattoo on his forearm, a clan marking. You narrowed your eyes as you immediately recognized, a black dragon marking. You didn't know the difference, but you did realize just how dangerous this could potentially be. He flashes you crooked smile, making your stomach churn in discomfort. Out of politeness you forced a smile into your face in return. "Um, hi."
"What's your name?" His eyes bounce up and down your body, eyeing specific parts of, you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "Um, Rachel." You lie, your eyes dart desperately inside, hoping that Tomas will come back right now to save you. "Rachel, huh?" He seems to bite his lip just a little. "Not bad for a Rachel..." He mumbles under his breath, causing you to feel more uncomfortable. You didn't like the way he was looking at you, you felt something horrible in your gut as you avoided eye contact.
"You come here often?" At this second you saw an opportunity. "Yes, I came here tonight with my boyfriend." You say, making sure to emphasize the boyfriend part. Hoping that this'll cause him to leave you alone. But he just shrugs at this. "Your boyfriend isn't here right now, is he? It's just you and me." His lips curl as you panic internally. "You know, me and my boys, we come here all the time. We go wherever we want actually, different states, different countries." his eyes gleamed at you expecting you to be impressed with his flex. "Uh, cool." You say awkwardly, trying to think of a way to escape from him. "What's your number? I could take you with me...if you are a good a good girl for me." You smile wanes at this. "Uh, excuse me, I have to go-" You try to quickly walk away, but he side steps you and blocks your path, that gross grin still on his face. "Hey, where you going?"
"Uh, M-My boyfriend's probably wondering where I am. So, I should go." You feel your heart begin to race as you try to get past him. But he's adamant about blocking you. "What's the rush? I'm sure he can wait." He stared at you up and down, the grin still on his face. "Come on, give a chance. I'm a nice guy." At that second, you see Tomas in the distance. His smile slowly fades as he sees the black dragon standing in front of you and the distressed look on your face, causing him to speed up. You drowned the man out as Tomas approached, you felt your heart beat against your chest as Tomas desperately made his way through the crowd of people. You were pretty sure the man asked for your number, he tried to ask what your sign was, he asked if you were even listening.
"Y/n! " Tomas called as he finally made it you. The black dragon looks over his shoulder, his narrowed eyes stretch at the sight of Tomas. He clears his throat and puffs up his chest. "Excuse me? Listen, I don't know who this 'Y/n is, but me and Rachel are having a conversation. Fuck off." He tried to make his voice sound deeper as his eyes darted all over Tomas's large figure.
Tomas steps in front of you, getting in the man's way. "Okay, feel free to talk to this 'Rachel', while me and Y/n excuse ourselves." If you could see his face, the man no doubt was confused. "Wait, what-" but Tomas interiors him, "Excuse us." Tomas gently takes your hand, "Come one." He softly whispers to you as you. "So it's like that 'Y/n', huh?". You avoid eye contact as you pass by him. "Alright then, let me know when you want a real man. I'll be sure to remember that sweet ass of yours?"
You gasp as you feel the sting of his hand slap your butt. Immediately, Tomas spins on his heels to face the Black dragon, who eagerly meets his face with a smirk. "What?". You were in too much shock to speak, you just stared at the two as they stared at each other. "Listen, you better run off before I-" but before he can finish his sentence, Tomas's fist slam into the man's face at lightning fast speed. The man slams onto the ground, a surprised look on his face as he clenches his broken nose. Many people inside stopped what they were doing to peer outside and see what was going on. "Fuckin' bastard, I'll-I'll kill you! And then I'll grab you bitch and-" he doesn't have a chance to finish, Tomas grabs him by the throat and begins to pummel him. You stood there and watched, slightly scared, you never saw this part of Tomas before. You knew he was Lin Kuei, but you never anticipated he could be this brutal.
After a few more hits, Tomas stops stares down at his work. The Black dragon laid unresponsive, his blood painted all over Tomas's fist. He looks at you as if he forgot you were there, a mortified look forms into his face. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...in-in front of you-I-I" he lowers his head in embarrassment, he didn't mean to get so violent in front of you. But the moment the man touched you, everything went red for Tomas. "A-Are you okay?" He finally found the courage to speak. You looked at the Black Dragon and then back at Tomas, "I-I am...Thank you."
You offered your hand to Tomas. Your lips curl a little into a small but grateful smile. Tomas turned your smile and took your hand, and you both went back into the building, leaving the Black Dragon unconscious on the ground outside.
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CW: Rape, incest, CSA
This is actually not a strictly A Song of Ice and Fire post here, but it overlaps in some ways so I figured I'd write this.
Anyone who has not read the web serials Worm or Ward and wishes to avoid spoilers, don't read this post:
Disclaimer out of the way, I've found striking parallels between fandom reaction for both A Song of Ice and Fire and Parahumans regarding how characters who survived sexual abuse view their abusers, in a dangerously disturbing way.
For this I'm going to specifically be using the examples of Aeron and Theon Greyjoy from A Song of Ice and Fire to compare and contrast to Victoria Dallon in Ward. All three were psychologically and sexually tormented by their abusers during the course of the series. Theon is a young adult by the time Ramsay gets his hands on him, but Aeron and Victoria were both children when they were molested by family members so they will be the main two characters to compare.
In the case of Euron and Aeron, there are a (sadly very vocal) minority who are ready to dismiss Euron's danger to others by specifically using Aeron's abuse against him. Sure, Euron is evil and horrifically abused him and Urrigon when they were children, and it is understandable that Aeron would be mortified of Euron. After all, he tries to warn people about Euron repeatedly, only for his attempts to stop him to all fail.
The response by this section of the fandom to claims of Euron being built up as a major threat are essentially that Aeron's trauma is in the way of his ability to perceive Euron objectively. Is Euron actually as dangerous as Aeron claims? You can say the same for Theon and Ramsay. After all, Theon is half-mad warning Stannis about Ramsay, and Stannis is bringing some Rational Realness to the forefront by saying "what do I have to fear him for?"
Since GRRM is never releasing another A Song of Ice and Fire book it's hard to say what he intends but he could definitely intend for this to be the case. That said, there is a story featuring a similar character that is completed. Ward!
Victoria Dallon's sister, Amy, is a cape with healing abilities, though as the series progresses we know that healing is just the tip of the iceberg; she can change the biological makeup of living things. Amy is adopted, and has never felt any love from anyone other than Victoria. Amy develops deep romantic love for her sister, however, and then begins a series of bad decisions that just serve to deepen her already deep mental breakdown.
Amy proceeds to; alter Victoria's brain chemistry to give her compulsive romantic thoughts about her, then following healing Victoria after a battle, she spends several days alone with her, during which she repeatedly rapes her, erases her memories of said rapes, until her mental health deteriorates even further and she is unable to use her power properly and turns Victoria into the Wretch: a mass of flesh and limbs and heads, rather than anything actually human.
Then Victoria spends 2 years in a mental institution, stuck in a body she hates, all the while fighting the compulsions Amy left in place. When she finally returns Victoria to normal at the end of Worm, it is actually against her will and not because she had a change of heart or got more confident.
Then we get to Ward, where Victoria is the main POV. As is very obvious, Victoria is struggling with extremely intense PTSD, mentioning Amy is enough to trigger a dissociative flashback, and she wants absolutely nothing to do with her anymore: and fucking rightfully so.
Victoria also warns people about Amy. She warns her therapist to try to reach out to Amy before she hurts someone else, she warns literally anyone who will listen about Amy and what she might end up doing. We may not know what it is that Ramsay and Euron end up doing, but we do know what Amy does.
She refuses all help and doubles down on bad decisions, enslaves people with her powers, later imprisons and torments and touches Victoria again against her will, and becomes the dictatorial monster in charge of an entire planet. Victoria's warnings prove to be extremely prophetic and extremely real.
Now lets get into some discourse shall we?
Despite Amy being a rapist who rapes her sister, enslaves others via mind control, and literally never once improving as a person or acknowledging that her actions even caused harm, there are still those who think Amy isn't at fault. Some might find this post, but I don't really care. Amy is at fault for things Amy did. Victoria is not at fault for hugging her sister like a normal human being when Amy is upset, Amy didn't do her a favour healing her because then she just raped her and then really couldn't fix her back to a human body, and Amy isn't absolved of these sins because she healed a lot of people.
Essentially, Victoria is sometimes blamed for being raped by her sister, the rapist, despite Amy canonically being a manipulative lying liar rapist.
Okay so that doesn't seem to related to what the fandom says with Euron and Ramsay, right? After all, we don't really blame Aeron for being molested and Theon for also being sexually tortured and abused by Ramsay, do we? There are factors as to why that is (mostly that Aeron and Theon are men and Victoria is a woman; if you don't buy this argument look at people who say Cersei deserved to be sexually assaulted by Robert or try to use "the times" as an excuse to overlook Daenerys also being raped by Drogo) but there is an overlap here.
Amy being able to get away with that she did only to go on and hurt so many other people is a meta-commentary on the way survivors of sexual abuse are disbelieved or blamed for what happened to them. Naturally, those real like abusers end up going to abuse other people too. Fuck, even in the fandom, Victoria is still fucking blamed for things that she had absolutely no choice in the matter.
Which leads back to Theon and Aeron. Yes, trauma impacts the way you remember traumatic events, and that means objectivity can get lost at times. It can for Victoria and Theon and Aeron. But that trauma, the dissociation, memory problems, all of these together, are there for a reason. And that's because someone came along, ruined another persons life for their own pleasure and satisfaction, and then got away with it.
Victoria warned the world about what Amy would do, and she was unfortunately correct. Theon and Aeron warned others about Ramsay and Euron. Survivors should be believed, and not be dismissed. After all, it isn't our fault that we got abused. People may hear things about Euron or Amy or Ramsay, but the people who truly know who they are---what they are capable of, what they are actually like---are the people they abused.
So yeah, it's kinda fucking lame when I hear someone go "Stannis gonna prove Theon wrong with facts and logic" as if he doesn't, I don't know, have insight into Ramsay's psychology in ways Stannis doesn't. Same with Euron. Same with Amy.
Also fucking read Ward it hurts as intensely as it kicks ass.
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trippinsorrows · 13 hours
through your eyes + au 2
authors: well....this is happening. don't ask. we're just going with it. gotta read part one before consuming this.
don't know who's interested, so only tagging the people i know have read and would be okay with a tag!
taglist: @sayyestoheav3nn @fearlesschimera @annfg8 @zoeyybellex3 @cyberdejos2
Solana never expected to see Roman Reigns again. Not in person, at least. That up close, especially.
It was a one off. A fluke. An anomaly. Her happenstance literal run-in with quite literally the most dangerous man in their world was just one of those things she'd never forget but nothing beyond that.
She could never forget his intense gaze on her, the heat that shot through her body when he touched her, his arm holding her, protecting her almost from a man who clearly doesn't understand boundaries.
But, while she tried her best to put the weekend's unexpected happening behind her, life, or maybe fate, had another plan in motion. One she could have never expected or seen coming.
She's sorting through one of the few remaining boxes that still needs to be tagged and put out for sale when a throat clears behind her.
Putting down the iPad, Solana stands up, wiping her hands on her shorts and loads up her typical, usual smile. Turning around, she readies to greet the probable customer but falters a bit, taken back by his appearance.
Wild, red hair that's surely seen better days. Tall with an almost lanky build, he wears one of the friendliest grins she's ever seen on a person, let alone a man.
"I'm sorry," she apologizes. "How can I help you?"
Again, he clears his throat, pulling out a wrinkled little piece of paper that seems to have writing scribbled on it. "Yes, I'm looking for a Sol---Solana?"
She laughs at his pronunciation but proceeds to confirm her identity. "I'm Solana."
He makes a sound, slapping his hand against his forehead. "Of course, my apologies!" She giggles. His demeanor is so amenable. "Umm, yes, if you could, umm, come with me?"
At that, Solana's smile drops. "I'm sorry?"
He leans over a bit, and she naturally moves back a little. "I'm sorry." His cheeks are heating with redness. "I'm here on behalf of the Tribal Chief."
Solana goes still. "Roman?" He nods. "He's---he's here?"
When Solana mentioned Roman coming to see her, something she still can't figure out where it came from, she wasn't actually expecting him to follow through on that.
And yet....
The man continues to explain, "he would come in, but....you know."
Yes, she does know. Roman Reigns coming into her little, quaint bookstore would certainly attract an audience and attention, the last two things she wants, that she's ever wanted.
Solana nods.
She should reject it. Should try to find some excuse as to why she can't. Why she's busy. But, she's also not dumb enough to say no to this man.
You don't just say no to Roman Reigns. You can, but it's bound to not end up well. And Solana would rather not find herself on his bad side.
Pushing back her anxiety, she finds herself agreeing. "Of course." Hooking her fingers through the hoops of her denim shorts, she asks, "w-where is he?"
The man whose name she realizes she still doesn't know motions with his arm. "Ladies first."
He really does have a gentless about him that doesn't seem to make sense considering who he works for.
Solana silently and wordlessly follows him out the emergency exit in the back of the store, ignoring the fact that that's probably how he got inside in the first place, which makes little to no sense to her. How did he get by without the security system going off? But, for her own sanity, she doesn't push it too much.
This is Roman.
He gets what he wants.
And speaking of, Solana finds her stomach knotting a bit when she's outside in the alleyway behind the strip. There's three black SUV's with tinted windows lined up, but he's standing by the one in the middle. Leaning against the middle door, his arms are crossed over each other, dark sunglasses hiding his eyes she secretly wishes she could see.
Moving closer, Solana has to take in once again the magnanimity of him. Roman is such a big man, his presence alone something that's both overwhelming and strangely satisfying.
But, when she gets her wish, and he lifts his sunglasses to the top of his head, she finds that feeling in her stomach intensifying. He's raking those beautiful eyes over her entire body, from the top of her head to the sole of her feet.
And Solana is suddenly wishing she'd maybe put on a little makeup or done something more sophisticated with her hair. Not that that seems to stop this man from looking like he'd take her in the back of this alley if he could.
Before she can say anything, the man with the wild red hair is speaking again, his voice suddenly riddled with anxiety.
She gets it.
"Ms. Solana, as you requested, sir." He stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and just when Solana expects him to walk away, leaving her along with the one man she probably shouldn't be left alone with, he continues to talk, offering an unexpected save. "And might I say, my Tribal Chief, she is absolutely beautiful. I mean, if I wasn't already married—" At the same time Solana looks at this strange man confused, Roman's gaze is borderline murderous. "But I am m-married, happily so, might I add. And I would never betray my Tribal Chief—"
"Yes, My Tribal Chief?"
"Leave." It's spoken to the man, but Roman's intense gaze is back on her. "Now."
Sami.....it fits.
"Of course," Sami clears his throat and scrambles away, getting in the SUV that's farthest from them without bothering as so much as a goodbye.
Once alone, she finds herself admitting in that same small voice, "I-I didn't think you'd actually come."
He chuckles, and it's such a beautiful sound. "I'm a man of my word, Solana." He flicks his eyes to her mouth. "I said I would see you again, didn't I?"
He did. She just wasn't counting on it.
Swallowing, Solana toys with the string of her top, unintentionally dragging Roman's attention to her cleavage that's showing more than usual. Of course. "How did you find—"
"That was easy. If I want something, I get it." She should know this, know that this man could probably have her social security number at this point if he wanted. "What are you doing tonight?"
This is escalating. Quickly. So quickly. She should pump the breaks, should find someway to dead this now. But, she instead finds herself answering him, "n-nothing. Why?"
"You are now." Roman kicks off the SUV and instead moves toward her. Instead of backing away like she did with Sami, Solana stands still, only silently and internally panicking when he snakes his arm behind her and jerks her toward him, into him, into his body. Solid as steel. He's so big. Naturally, her hand moves to his chest, something Roman notices and smirks at. This man. "I'm fighting tonight. I want you there."
It takes her a second to think about what he's referring to, and then it hits her. WarGames is tonight. It's one of the few main events he still participates in. She hasn't attended an event in years. It's never been her setting, but instead of finding a way to tell him this, she's still limited to one to two word response.
His smirk deepens as he brings his hand to her chin, thumb glossing over her skin. "I'll send a car to pick you up."
Picking up on something, she asks, partially concerned, partially flattered almost. "You-you know where I live?"
Roman's eyes continue to study her face, and she's never felt so under pressure. Like this is a test of some sort that she has no idea if she's passing or not. "I know a lot about you, Solana Miller, but there's still more I want to know." Oh my god. "Wear red."
Just how much does he know? Had he looked her up? Done research on her? Why? What would be the reason? What's so interesting about her that not only has he gone out of his way to gather information on her, but beyond that, is now seeking more info.
It just....it doesn't make sense.
Eyes shutting a bit from the overwhelming nature of this all, she finds herself asking in a breathy voice, "w-why?"
And as if she wasn't already an apprehensive mess, Solana's knees nearly give out from under her when he dips his mouth near her ear. "I like seeing you in my color." She exhales shakily and nervously, as he ghosts his lips over the shell of her ear. "Though I'd rather see you in nothing, but we'll work up to that."
That's not exactly what she was asking about, but regardless, it takes the pure will of God for her to not pass out when he finally pulls away, the lack of his touch on her body something she notices almost immediately.
Roman lifts his hand and snaps, not even a full minute later, one of his men emerging from the passenger side of the SUV to open the car door for him. "I'll see you tonight, Solana."
He can clearly see the reaction he's evoking from her and obviously finds great enjoyment in absolutely toying with her sanity. It's something that leads to her asking, "How-how do you know I'll be there?"
She never accepted. Never agreed. Never mind the fact that she's already thinking about what she owns red that could work for the event....
Roman gives her a curious look followed by another chuckle that she finds so much more attractive than she should. He answers so easily and confidently before climbing in the truck, door being shut for him,
"Because you're just as intrigued by me as I am by you."
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nogenderbee · 1 day
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕦𝕥𝕖 𝕪𝕖𝕥 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕧𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @stellas-starry-stories13 request: woahhhh your inbox is still open
i have t requed genshin from you in a while 🧐🧐🧐
how abboutttttttttt
lyney, freminet, maybe heizou?
with a gf whos mute but has like a ton of personality
like who knew movements of hands and words on a paper could get so chaotic and like could be so expressive???
idk if you get that but wtv
stay hydrated bee!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ I mean~ Last time it was 10 and now it was 15 hihihi
Anyway MY SHORTIE BOYS ONFHAJDHDHS you can tell I'm excited I could write for them >w<
Either way~ I hope you like it!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Lyney is a percpetive man. So when you're mute but still expressive, he'll always notice it if he's around
✧ he may be quite a rambler sometimes but whenever he hears or sees you even reaching for your pen, he'll immidietly shut his mouth and wait for you to write what you want to tell him
✧ no one better talk when you're trying to write and show the text... he can accept talking when you're writing but when you finish, he'll quickly shut up the person
"Hold on for a second. I believe my lover wants to tell us something."
✧ he'll be a bit more polite if it's Arlecchino though... or anyone dangerous for him for that matter
✧ he also gets the hang of what your different hand movements mean overtime!
✧ for example, if you're excited you'll swish around the paper energetically, but when you're sad you'll do so a bit unwillingly... And when you're angry? You sometimes rip some paper off by the strength you use on it!
✧ and you bet he won't hesitate to point it out~ Not in necessarily teasing matter though... usually he just wants to appreciate it a bit~
@bleachtheidiot @stellas-starry-stories13 - come get your charming magician~
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✧ Heizou as detective is rather perceptive person because of his experience in that field
✧ so despite you being mute, he quickly noticed all your qualities~
✧ he adores how you could express so much without even saying a word... And the more time he spent with you, the more he knew!
✧ he likes how he could immideitly guess how you're feeling just by how your eyes or hands move within time of a second
✧ he doesn't say this out loud just like that though... he finds it much more interesting to just keep it to himself~
✧ though if you ask him if he's bothered that you can't exactly say what you think... he won't hesitate before explaining it to you
"Boring? Are you kidding me? You're the exact opposite of that! You're literally so expressive with your body language. Don't think it goes unnoticed around me~"
✧ honestly, he doesn't even need to look at paper or your sign language to know what you're talking sometimes... he sometimes just guesses what you wanted to say by your energy alone
✧ of course he'll tease you about it... it's his character after all! But he always makes sure to read or see everything you wanted to tell him with utmost attention
@bleachtheidiot - come get your flirty detective~
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✧ Freminet is a rather shy person so he always valued acts of service a bit more than conversations
✧ not because he hated them, but because they always carried stress alongside...
✧ though with you? Maybe at first he felt forces to talk more... but soon he finds the fact you can just sit next to each other and write
"I know I can talk... but... writing with you just feels so much better... It's like we're having our moment no one knows about... T-That was weird, wasn't it? Uh... Sorry..."
✧ despite not being mute himself, he still prefers to write in one notebook with your instead of talking out loud
✧ as for your way of writing... he can't help but smile gently every time he sees your hand moving fastly around paper when you're excited to tell him something
✧ he never dated to comment it, not wanting to accidentally push you away... but he most definitely noticed it and actually found that adorable about you~
✧ you're probably also the reason why he now carries small notebook and pen with you. Both, in case if you forgot yours, and if you two were to fill your notebook too quickly accidentally... And just because he feels calmer when he has it~
@bleachtheidiot @miya-akane @stellas-starry-stories13 - come get your shy diver~
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greatwyrmgold · 11 months
You know that anime about a white-haired immortal with immense magical power and how the short-lived (mostly human) people they meet on their globe-trotting journey change them? I am, of course, talking about both Frieren: Beyond Journey's End and To Your Eternity. But despite their superficial similarities, Frieren and Fushi are very different.
Fushi starts his journey as basically a shapeshifting infant, moving forward on instinct more than anything else; one of the first people he meets is a four-year-old, and she has to teach him a lot. Luckily, Fushi's good at learning; he changes a lot in his first few years of life, and changes at that speed pretty much any time he isn't being a nokker-slaying hermit.
Frieren, on the other hand, is mature and stagnant. She's been around (and not hermit-ing) for well over a millennium, and the Frieren we see in flashbacks to a thousand years ago is almost identical to the one we see at the start of the series. Frieren barely changes at all, compared to someone like Fushi; the changes she undergoes are remarkable only because she's not used to any change.
I bet a story where the two of them met and decided to travel together for a while would be neat. They're similar in some ways, but they're fundamentally very different in ways I think would make their interactions quite entertaining.
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as much as i despise john house tbh i wish we'd gotten more episodes with him . . . partly for more of that sweet sweet Daddy Issues content but also. because there are so few scenes with this man i have to do so much fucking guesswork when writing him
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byanyan · 1 month
oughughhguh chatting w/ moon about potential muse dynamics and making myself cry as i realize that byan, for all they hated being stuck with foster families, loved having younger siblings in their lives. they LOVE being the coolest person in the world to someone who's younger than them, and honestly?? they love looking after younger kids, too.
also crying bc i'm realizing they especially loved having younger sisters, in part bc it was the perfect excuse to do & enjoy things that were considered "girly" or otherwise "too feminine" when they were less sure of & less comfortable in their gender and/or when the environment wasn't particularly accepting of an amab kid loving pink & glitter & wanting to wear skirts
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it's like. everything happens so much. it's all happening right now but at the same time nothing is happening whatsoever. it's a liminal space of an existence. it's slowly crushing me under the weight but when I look up there's nothing actually bearing down on me. there shouldn't be any weight. something is wrong but nothing has happened. I'm simultaneously overwhelmed and utterly bored. nothing is happening and maybe that's the everything that's happening. maybe the everything is the nothing. we aren't there yet but it's all so imminent. either everything is going to crash down or nothing is. I'm just waiting to figure out which.
#I refuse to be upset at anyone. I have so much love in my heart#but I'm going to pack formal clothes for my sister in my own bag just in case. she doesn't need to know that.#you couldn't pay me to care or to stop caring. it's cognitive dissonance#because I know this won't always affect me but it's my whole world right now#I say I don't care and I mean it but at the same time I care more than anything else#it's actually almost scary how much I relate to dark alley#not in a ''I'm in a mentally dark or dangerous place'' way but in a ''yeah I compare myself to others too much'' way#and then I try to make excuses so it can make sense to other people so they won't think the worst of me#like literally I'm trying not to think about fall but it's right around the corner and I'm. falling into it I guess#pun intended of course. I don't want to lose all my friends#I want to be one of the kids who gets invited to people's houses for lunch after church and I know I never will be#because that's the kind of thing that's only for the kids who are going someplace. not the ones who stay#I'm feeling very selfish and it's probably bc I'm tired lol this happens sometimes#I'm gonna make dinner for my family and then I'll feel better skskskskk#Lu rambles#sometimes I think I could write poetry#I feel like once my vacation is actually imminent I'll feel better I just haaate the point we're at right now#which is like. it's SOON but not THAT SOON so I feel like I can't do anything bc I'm just waiting for things to get going :/
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chronosbled · 9 months
{ I noticed that lots of people tend to forget that Dickson is a mentally unstable individual who will do anything that he deems necessary to get what he wants all because he speaks to their muses and such with nothing but smiles and compliments.
Dickson is NOT a kind or compassionate person, nor does he care about those that he isn't actively pursuing for the sake of genuine friendship or genuine obsession (love in his eyes). Being kind and compassionate is nothing but another mask that he wears from his various collection when he deems it necessary. As an experiment, along with his condition that makes him unable to properly form and convey emotions (which was only worsened by the experimentation he underwent), Dickson is almost 100% incapable of feeling genuine emotions that belong to him and him alone. He has a habit of using the things he's learned from others by watching them when he's trying to portray his own "feelings" towards others and that's the main issue. Those feelings aren't his ACTUAL feelings, they're someone else's, how someone else he observed for years would react.
If someone were to somehow have the ability to strip him of his masks (his "emotions" and "feelings" if you would call them that), they would find nothing but an empty and broken shell of a person who doesn't know how to do anything but obey someone's orders or someone who completely disregards himself (as in his own well-being) when it comes to endlessly toiling away at his own experiments — and despite his experiments revolving around people who have been fucked over by life, making his own attempts to somehow benefit them — his motivation for said deed was not 100% done out of his own desire to do so, but done because (once he was finally able to recall more about his parents from his childhood) he remembered how the both of them desired to use their skills for good and to help those who cannot help themselves. Thus he applied his parents' feelings to himself and uses that core fundamental as the basis of his entire existence (after his grandfather is finally dead and he doesn't have an actual purpose anymore).
Another reason why Dickson shouldn't be underestimated (and simply chalked up to be the sweet, handsome gentleman) is because of the fact he isn't afraid to use and abuse people for his own gain. He will hurt people. He will manipulate people. He will blackmail them and torture them just like he was. And above all else, he WILL kill people. Dickson is not afraid of getting his hands dirty nor is he afraid to take people hostage and brainwash them to do his bidding if he finds it too much of a hassle for himself (or simply because he won't get caught this way if others are watching him). Before Dickson was able to take care of himself and do things for himself, his grandfather had him work as an assassin of sorts (or rather a mercenary if that's what you prefer to call it), granted he wasn't great at it in the beginning because he was very clumsy and wasn't quite sure of what he was doing, but in the end, he still killed people and usually in various creative and cruel ways too if the opportunity to do so provided itself. Additionally, Dickson will also go to any lengths he deems necessary to make sure his target doesn't come out alive, such as the time he chopped off his own hand in order to free himself so he could proceed to kill his client's target.
Sure Dickson may have been more hesitant to do terrible things when he was younger, like when his late fiancée, Janus, wanted him to help her murder various people simply because she felt like it and he didn't want to participate, but that's Dickson was a lot more weak-willed and timid during his childhood. Back then, he didn't have almost any drive to do anything because he wasn't conditioned to be subservient yet. Granted he still would listen to his grandfather's orders without question, but Janus hadn't fully established that kind of FULL control over him since he'd only known her for a few years, thus that lack of control over him is what ended up leading him to kill Janus when she finally got fed up with him enough to begin beating him (that day anyway, considering she was always abusive towards him). That fear he possessed from his childhood years (something I've already established in posts before) had changed into anger (another thing I've already established in past posts) before he finally ended up snapping all together and stabbing Janus to death, regretting what he had done for only a few moments until that dissipated as well because he simply couldn't bring himself to care. The fact that he stored her body in a freezer within the basement of the Simmons Estate only serves as a reminder of how he started in his mind.
One of the biggest reasons why people should remember that Dickson isn't just a pretty face is the HUGE fact that he basically has his own servant (more like mind slave) that both he and Janus shared together when she was still alive, that he ACTIVELY participated in breaking on the days he had suffered himself (granted he was made to believe it was alright by Janus, but that's besides the point). This point here is a perfect way to represent just how broken and unstable Dickson is as well because normally Dickson was the one who tried to keep Janus from tormenting Belphegor (the name Janus decided to give the boy despite him already having a name) and was often the one trying to tend to whatever wounds Janus had created, be them physical or mental ones (though Dickson was only good at mending physical wounds). In Belphegor's mind, Dickson was going to become his savior at some point due to the fact he showed more compassion towards him than Janus did, but this sentiment ended up proving false the day Dickson murdered Janus. Dickson's once gentle and caring demeanor towards Belphegor ended up changing into something more deranged and it only proceeded to get worse once Carla died as well — gentle gestures of affection soon became more aggressive and agitated, once soothing and comforting words became accusatory and possessive, promises of better treatment and freedom became guilt-tripping and manipulation — eventually leading for Belphegor's mental state to be completely broken down to the point he became a puppet for whatever Dickson desired.
Now, you're probably thinking "but hey, doesn't this contradict everything you've posted about Dickson before? You know, the stuff about him not wanting to be like his grandfather and such?" And in a sense, yes, I did contradict myself, but at the same time... I didn't. Why? Because Dickson didn't want to become like his grandfather or Janus or any of the people who tormented him for the entirety of his life, but when you are basically a prisoner within your own home and are subjected to abuse for so long, you generally end up developing Stockholm Syndrome and that's basically what happened to Dickson. The abuse and torment are what lead up to Dickson basically becoming his grandfather and Janus, but he only realizes this once he joins the BSAA and meets Chris and his team. Why does he realize this? Well, that's because of the simple fact that they all treat him like an ally and not a tool. They slowly begin to make him realize that he isn't just an object for someone's desires nor is he just a toy that will be endlessly used until it's broken and tossed away. They made him feel something that he's never felt before: human. They made him feel like he was an ACTUAL human being and not a monster, that he wasn't some kind of murderous and heartless creature, but instead was their close friend and even a part of their little family, which is something that Dickson has always wanted so desperately deep down inside of his very being. Not his grandfather. Not Janus. Not his mother or father. Not Carla. Dickson. Something that HE wanted. One of the very first and only things he's ever wanted in his life. Granted he still wears his various masks around them, but that's because he doesn't know how to stop nor does he want them to know just how inhuman he really is.
^^^ And this whole above paragraph really does help to show just how broken Dickson is and how even just a little bit of love and care towards him can make him into a completely different person, especially if we jump back to this line here in the first paragraph: "Dickson is NOT a kind or compassionate person, nor does he care about those that he isn't actively pursuing for the sake of genuine friendship or genuine obsession (love in his eyes)." The only reason he cares so much about Chris and his team is because of the simple fact they tried to develop genuine friendships with him to the point he had become obsessively in love with each and every one of them (some in platonic ways: Chris, Philis, Finn, Jill, Steve, and some in romantic ways: Victoria and Piers).
But back to the topic of the mind slave, due to the fact that Dickson had finally come into contact with people who... understood him in a sense for lack of a better word... he began to think that he could actually be something other than a tool and because of that, he also believed that maybe Belphegor could be more than a tool as well. Of course, due to being completely broken by Dickson, there wasn't much that could be done for him in the ways of... fixing him so in the end, Dickson simply continues to use Belphegor for whatever he deems necessary but instead of treating him as badly as he had before, he now somewhat treats him as he used to (though he can still be rather harsh when he isn't in the greatest of moods).
So with all that being said, I advise you all (especially those of you with muses that are seeking out romantic affairs with Dickson) to proceed with the utmost caution when doing so because there may come a point where Dickson doesn't care about your muse anymore and simply chooses to discard them (minus Crystal of course because that's his wifey). }
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kingdomoftyto · 7 months
"Carlos, if you could just pause your experiment for a second--if you could only hear me out, hear my hypothesis! I think once you understand the science of the situation, you--" Carlos opened the door. He was crying. She had never seen him cry. He was overwhelmed and unsure of how to express his emotions, since he usually only did so in carefully worded sentences, not with water from his body. "The science of the situation?" he snarled. "That Otherworld. I was trapped there, Nilanjana. I couldn't see Cecil for ten lonely years. I was kept away from the people I love, in that desolate place where you never get hungry and you never have to drink water and so you never live. It is a place that devours. It is a place that is empty. That is the science of the situation, and I study it so I can fix it. Only I can do that. Only these experiments can do that. I'm sorry, Nilanjana; I'm not going to stop so you can tell me what science is."
#Tyto listens to WtNV#spoiler warning I guess for a book that came out a few years ago now#anyway yeah hi I finished the book#the resolutions to the plot and to Nils' character arc were pretty good. nothing to write home about but fun and serviceable#I personally get annoyed whenever a story pulls a ''you thought this romance would end with these two TOGETHER? lol NOPE''#like we get it it's more realistic for whirlwind romances to end in a breakup and sometimes it's better for people to just stay friends#but firstly this isn't real life; it's fiction. with narrative devices and such.#and secondly WtNV of all media does NOT get to preach about realistic relationship trajectories when its lead fell in love at first sight#lmao I'm just saying. I'm not MAD about it or anything it just made me roll my eyes.#ANYWAY. that aside: it was good. and I do genuinely like the friendship Nilanjana builds up with Darrell at the end#but obviously the real star of the show was Carlos and the completely unprecedented character depth that they smothered him in.#not ONLY recontextualizing over a year's worth of the podcast but ALSO saddling him with LAYERS of guilt over the events in this book#he *KILLED* the *GODDAMN* *CENTIPEDE*#after his beautiful little speech about not killing things just because we don't understand them!#he was just SO traumatized by his time in the Otherworld and SO afraid for his family after Janice nearly got Got that he KILLED IT!!!#and THEN!!!! not only do they find out that the centipede wasn't responsible for the destruction!!#but it turns out it was HIS OWN MACHINE THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#his attempts to keep everyone safe were what actually caused the danger!!!! AUGH HE WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP#HE'S JUST SCARED AND HE WANTS EVERYONE TO BE SAFE AND NOT EXPERIENCE THE SAME HORRORS HE DID AUGHDUSHGHDH#...anyway yeah back to my regularly scheduled episode listening tomorrow
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This is "The Doctor", a resident of the nightmare realm, who has been there long enough to have been almost completely corrupted. His face is normally just a pitch black void hole but sometimes you can see eyes and/or teeth in there
He wants to help people, but he's almost completely lost his mind, and can sometimes act a bit... Feral.
Surprisingly, the nightmare realm's usual effect of making people lose every memory of their life before they ended up here, hasn't managed to take away his medical knowledge. He's still very smart, despite everything.
Unfortunately he seems to scare off most people who he would otherwise have helped...
#my art#Ok okkkk so this guy is from the world in my mind I live in parallel to reality#But I wanna make some of the guys from there into ocs too because they're neat#Love this guy. He's kidnapped me several times (LMAO ok there's context but I'd have to write a damn novel to explain that)#Oh and the nightmare realm isn't the world in my mind. Well it's a dimension in a multiverse I travel in there#But uhhhhh I spend basically all my time in the nightmare realm now bcause I like the vibes#But before that... I just spent time with various video game characters#Asriel from undertale became a scientist that created dimensional portals. And we kinda found the nightmare realm on accident#We don't talk much anymore but y'know. Every once in a while I'll visit#Last time though he had been forced into working for an evil agency that was trying to harness my demi-god like powers#Because in the universe in my mind I'm a shape-shifting horror that cannot truly die (I respawn)#I actually nerfed my own powers in-universe because I hadn't been to responsible with them in the past#Well I gave the ability to regulate my powers to a sort of evil-ish counterpart of myself (void)#And then we made a deal to cut eachother's power down to a reasonable level#And now neither of us can re-acquire that dangerous level of power#Uhhh. Isn't that kinda how the things in harry potter work? A vessel with a chunk of your power in it? Idk#Anywayy_yyyys#Void decided to do some trickster shit and tried to absorb me for my power and become a god recently.#So I was like ''ok no more chances bitch'' and finally reduced her to a basically mortal form and banished her#To some random dimension I probably won't ever go to.#(She's been a problem for yeeeeaaaarrrrsss but we were occasionally chill so I didn't wanna do it but y'know.)#We even kinda accidentally had a magic-baby??? Sorta? There's no better way to explain that one but yeah idk where that chick ran off to#Y'know I refer to void as she mostly but she's kinda just whatever she wants to be in the moment. Fucking chaos incarcerate#Her original job was absorbing forgotten ideas. Characters or concepts or entire worlds fogotten by my mind#Woukd become part of her#UUhhhhhhhhhhhhhm.#Oh and void was in charge of the evil organization that wanted to harness my power.#She had possessed the leader of some government scientist lab thing.#And. Well. Yeah.#Congrats to anyone who reads all this and I'm sorry for the brief glimpse into complete derangement
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marchlione · 2 years
#took a look at some meta posts about characters in tw#and holy shit ppl who are anti scott are like ???#there are somethings about the writing that make me dislike his character#but that's not him it's the writing#he's very bbc merlin arthur coded in that way#but at the same time ppl who are like#he treated his friends like trash#treated stiles and derek like shit#and i'm just-#did-did we watch the same show?#when stiles is in trouble in s3 first person he calls is scott#scott is so so gentle with stiles#and in the case of derek they didn't get off on the right foot#but also why are you picking on scott?#stiles was straight up ready to kill him/let him die#and yeah scott isn't always dropping everything and running to stiles when he's in danger but cut him some slack?#scott's the one who was turned into a werewolf#scott's the one trying to adjust to this new world and very often scott isn't ignoring stiles for no reason#it's usually because he's trying to accomplish some other task#and really stiles had had moments of actual shittiness to scott too#straight up ignoring scott's calls#pelting him with lacrosse balls#like yeah that was for “training” but he also took petty vindictive pleasure in doing that#so it's not big bad scott abuses poor wittle stiles#it's two teenagers who are doing their best and are sometimes shitty to eachother and sometimes miscommunicate w eo#although i will concede to that one post where they point out the problem with scott's character and why he isn't as likable#is that he isn't given any flaws? he doesn't have to overcome anything that comes at a cost to him and he rarely ever has sacrifice#he never has to make the tough decisions#and the writers shove it down your throat that he is good and right and perfect#he's like mcu t*ny stark in that way where the writers clearly had a favourite they'd bend over backwards for
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rabbit-exe · 2 years
sometimes I see posts on here criticizing someone for saying something completely normal and being like “this person is EVIL and you SHOULDN’T REBLOG from them” and then they give some utterly benign reason as to why this person is satan incarnate and it always makes me think jesus christ do you people have ergotism? st anthony’s fucking fire?? what spore-infested rye have you been eating that makes you think anyone you disagree with even slightly is some sort of actively malicious force seeking to harm you specifically. I promise you don’t have to uphold this weird moral panopticon where everyone has to be squeaky-clean perfect utterly unobjectionable and you have to take everything anyone says ever in the most bad faith way imaginable anymore I promise it’s fine, but if you do feel the need to do that, do it among other weird moral panopticon people, because one of you will eventually say something slightly disagreeable and the war waged against no-one for no real reason will continue to your satisfaction
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byanyan · 5 months
ㅤbeen thinking today about how byan's anger can be really scary to witness... it's very... raw. anger is the emotion they feel the most intensely, and the one they filter the least. it's raw, it's heated, and it's very instinct-driven — they have very little control over it, and they're certainly not thinking before they do or say anything. impulses are followed, whether it's to lash out and cause harm to whatever has hurt them, or to throw or break whatever is within arm's reach just to release even a little bit of the energy that's overwhelming them. they don't know what else to do with it. literally no thoughts, all that their mind can focus on is the emotion; they just want to get it out and stop feeling this way (and/or ensure the person who's pissed them off gets what they deserve) and they'll do whatever it takes to ensure that. i think that lack of control really shows too, like it's palpable in the air and adds an extra layer of discomfort and uncertainty if you're in the same room as them. concern for one's own safety is valid in such a scenario too tbh, because they have hurt people in the past who they never would have caused harm to normally (both directly and indirectly; sometimes by their own hand, other times as an unintended consequence of them throwing/breaking something). it's not something they're proud of, but they also just... don't know what to do about it. ...they're honestly afraid of their own anger, at times. afraid of what they're capable of and what they might one day do.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
yk i still haven't done ffxiv 6.3 n the curiosity n anticipation is still driving me. crazy. a bit. yes.
#🌙.rambles#dedicated to moonlight.. words cannot express just how much i look forward to finally listening to it#N THEN THE RAIDS. MENPHINA'S MY DEITY MY GODDESS MY BELOVED.#halone bb too hlfkdajlfksd women....... n then. SORRY I LOVE THE OTHERS TOO BUT LET ME BE BIASED FOR A MO#n then zero. my wife. she's. she's. AAAAAA SHE'S SO !!!!?/1/! >< sorry zero is like. My Type. she's so. she's so Yeah#bbg that hat n the purple color scheme n then the n then the n then the UHHH YK YK EVERYTHING#hflkasjfkd.. i miss ffxiv honestly. i haven't been able too play properly in so long#goddamn my mind rlly ain't it rn i'm sorry for a lot of things n then i'm still.. stressed bcs#arghh my memory returns at the worst time i have to write so much. i want to i need to i#time's going by so fast 😭 now that i've actually started writing here it's a bit dangerous bcs#i have smth due in 2 hours n i'm nearly done but. yeah. n i have a few more due tomorrow too n then#today was.. a lot. i'm sorry. i wish i cld say more rn but. fuck#n then the future too bcs prom's like the day before our family vacation somewhere n yh T_T#excited i miss my aunt from the usa a lot she was my inspo as a kid n now i. still do rlly look up to her. that diligence n dedication is#ahh no i'll cry wait#my aunts from my dad's side rlly influenced me a lot. n then. i'm prolly yeah rlly similar to ^^#hfdaskfjsdfhasld i'd say she was the person who like. idk along w my other aunt (my dad has just 2 sisters n that's it for his siblings) n#my love for astronomy. my love for science n earth n the universe as a whole#oh dear i still remember i still remember.. looking at those books. such a curious young child. my imagination n curiosity was rlly so. yh#thinking of those times reminds me of kh too n i'm really trying not to cry rn bcs i still remember sitting on the floor n#i can't rmb which ps model it was anymore n i'm too emotional to search it up rn#but i rmb the start so well.. n. i don't remember it very well in fact i barely remember it at best but#i must've heard dearly beloved right? kh1. n it. brings back a lot of memories#was never rlly exposed to kh2 sadly. but kh1 was.. yeah. i barely remember i was so young but. yeah. yeah.#kh3 i finished n it's still very special to me despite its faults yk? like ffxv too. i rlly.. rlly want to play the other kh one day#especially 1. it's just. too special to me. n then aha i rmb.. i rmb earlier first time listening to it properly bcs on spotify n all n#i was gna cry fr :^) it brings back so many memories. not just of kh1 n my childhood but.. other memories too n my youth in general#how i want to hold on so badly. sorry ik i keep on saying 1/2 but yh 1.5/2.5#AGHHH MY BRAIN IS NOT FUNCTIONING RN sorry if i like make any mistakes i'm not. thinking a lot rn but you get what i mean#'AT DUSK I WILL THINK OF YOU' IM NOT OKAY IM GNA CRY FUCK BYE
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dredshirtroberts · 2 months
had a dream where i'd ended up following a group of lads a bit like they were the pied piper, and then had to stop a bit i was doing about pretending i was at a church thing because i got too into it and said we should pass the peace around in a closed room where everyone but me had COVID.
so i'm doing super good and normal about things so far.
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