#I'm just glad she wasn't biting my feet
msjansaccountant · 2 months
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Penny under the blankets
What a cheeky little munchkin
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ssahotchnerr · 8 months
ALSO ALSO ALSO, Aaron keeping a pair of readers fuzzy socks in his go-bag for reader when a case is rough/they’re in a super cold area/just because 🤭🤭🤭
perfect pair
SCREAMING i'm setting this in the alaska episode it's the first thing my mind went to <33 cw; bau!reader, established relationship, fluff!!!!!
even with the burning fire going, countless chills continuously rushed through your body; you were shaking in place.
upon receiving word the case was in alaska, the customary temperature had been an afterthought. sure, you had packed (some of) your winter trappings; long sleeves, a heavy lined coat, boots. but you hadn't thought to layer, pack a set of gloves or a hat, wool socks rather than your usual cotton ones. rather, the excitement of purely being able to say you're going to alaska, of all places, had taken priority.
even today as you were getting dressed, you managed to talk aaron into lending you one of his favored quarter-zips. 'talk into' was a loose term, he hadn't needed the persuasion; you asked, he immediately accepted - never the one to deny you wearing his clothing, or the extra, provided warmth.
on the bright side, however, you had been hunkered down at the inn with penelope, researching the residents of the small town and not needing to brace the cold. but you might as well been, the heat coming through the air vents wasn't nearly enough, especially when the door frequently opened and the cold air drifted in. the fire was slowly weakening, and just thinking about the cold, made you freezing. the lingering frigidness was numbing your feet within your shoes, your fingers were just as biting - the bitterness was painful.
you were counting down the minutes until the day ended, eager to be warm in the comfort of bed, curled up with aaron 'the furnace' hotchner - the best perk of minimal rooms available and having to double-up. the two of you didn't typically share quarters while on the job, wanting to uphold professionalism, so this was a welcomed treat.
but when aaron had entered (and brought yet another rush of crisp air with him) to regroup with you and penelope, to discuss findings that would contribute to the profile, and hopefully narrow your search down, all he had to do was take one look of you shivering.
aaron walked behind the couch you were seated at, his hand finding your shoulder and giving it a squeeze hello, before heading up the stairs. at the gesture, you were quick to look up and acknowledge him, giving him a soft smile before your attention returned to penelope's screen.
aaron came back down a minute or two later, lightly tossing something onto your lap. it landed softly, but you still jumped a smidge, taking you by surprise.
you were met with your polka-dot fuzzy socks, a pair you hadn't seen in your drawer quite in a while, actually. your eyebrows furrowed in perplexity, grabbing the soft sherpa material and turning the pair over, analyzing as if you've never seen them before.
"you had these?" your eyes shot back up to aaron, arching an eyebrow in an accusatory, but playful, manner. the ends of your lips tugged upwards in a smile, your heart warming.
"given the circumstances, i'm sure you're glad i did." aaron's face matched your cheeky expression, a light smirk on his face. but he dropped the teasing demeanor, his gentleness returning, "i packed them into my go-bag a while ago. i figured they come in handy in one way or another, at some point. for comfort, warmth, when your ice cold feet touch my leg at night." his eyes smiled at you, and you couldn't help but grin.
aaron's immense, loving look was enough to melt everything in you, physically warming you. the sensation started in the middle of your chest, fanning out to the rest of your body, leaving you toasty and almost giddy.
forget the socks, layers, fireplace - all you needed was aaron.
"god that's adorable." penelope chimed in, who had been listening so quietly you'd forgotten she was there, a slight whine present in her voice, "never thought i'd be crying over a pair of socks, but here we are."
she turned back to her laptop, but her fingers paused above the keyboard, as thought came to her. her gaze drifted back towards you and aaron, a tickled glint in her eyes. "wait, i take that back. you two are the most, adorable pair."
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rafescurtainbangz · 4 months
Frat Rafe heartbroken. Wanna see him suffering a little hehe 🤏
Heartbroken - Rafe Cameron Blurb
1k Fluff
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Frat!Rafe x Female Best Friend
Ahhhh thank you for your ask. Poor baby 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Tags: @voyeurmunson @babyyraven @babyyraven @drewstarkeyslut @humanvampire13 @akashababy @dckweed @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @joannamuns9n @marahgubler @h34rtsformilli @romaescapes @jayla @randymeeksistheloml @waywardsoul113 @redhead1180 @beautifuldisaster88 @rafedrewandjjs @xo-billy-hargrove-ox @cutielando
+18 content if you squint
She's perfect. Fuck… Everything about her is too good to be true. She's funny, intelligent, stunning, puts up with my shit, doesn't try to change me. She just likes me for me.
I watch as she lifts her red SOLO cup to her lips, taking a sip. Her beautiful eyes pinch shut, nose scrunched as she tries her best not to gag. “What-” She chokes out the word through a gasp. “What the hell is this?”
“Uhh… Everclear, Hawaiian Punch, and like gin?” I chuckle.
“It's so bad,” she laughs weakly, brushing her hand across her liquor-laced lips. I look down at her chest, catching a little dribble of booze, watching as it disappears between her tits, wondering for the nth time what it would be like to be with her finally.
Tonight. I need to make my move. We've been friends all semester, it's almost over… I've never waited this long for anything in my life. But this is so special I don't wanna rush. She's everything. And tonight, she's mine.
I step a little closer, resting my hand on her lower back pulling her in tighter to me. “Cig?”
She smiles and nods. I wrap my arms around her shoulder, leading her through the packed frat house, snaking through the mess. I catch the eyes of some of my frat brothers, the boys looking back at me with envy. How could they not?
We step through the doors onto the porch. I reach into my back pocket, snagging out a dart for her and me, watching as she pops it between her lips, following my fingers, catching the flame of my BIC. “I'm glad we could get outta there,” I smile.
“That was insane…” She chuckles as she looks at the sea of people littered on the lawn.
Just do it, Rafe.
I take a deep breath, working up the courage to ask her out. I've done this countless times. Why is this so fuckin’ hard? Just do it, Cameron. The fuck is wrong with you? I exhale a cloud of smoke before tossing my White Claw back, finishing it to ease my nerves.
Her face brightens, causing mine to do the same, returning a little grin just seeing her smile. “Baby?” She asks. The rug gets pulled out from underneath me; my heart shattering as I hear that word on her mouth. She bites her lip excitedly, looking toward the road. “Yeah, we're at 119 Maple Street. We can just toss your bags in Rafe’s room.” My muscles tighten as I fight back the emotion brewing in me. “Oh, Rafe. He's just a friend. Sorry,” she laughs in my direction, slapping my chest playfully. “He's my best friend,” she corrects herself. My gaze falls to my feet as I nod in agreement. “You're a block away?” She squeals delightedly as she looks toward the 4-way for the Uber. “Love you too. See you in a sec!”
I stare ahead, physically unable to look at her, knowing that if I do, I won't be able to hold it together. She has a boyfriend? She has a boyfriend that she loves? Loves… How? I reach up, brushing the tears from my eyes before she can see.
She can barely contain her excitement, running down the steps toward the car. Her boyfriend opens the cab; stepping out, his smile matches hers, the other man equally as excited to see her as she is him. The sight of all of this makes me sick.
His lips lock with hers, piercing me like a knife to the gut. Her boyfriend's hands work down her perfect body, twisting that knife further. He's a handsome guy… I can't even deny it. They look good together. I've never seen her this happy. She's fucking glowing: her smile, the twinkle in her eye. I've never seen this side of her… I wasn't even close.
He rolls his luggage toward the frat house as the two chat and laugh. I catch the little emblem on his quarter-zip: Boston College Hockey. An athlete. He walks up the stairs, eyes locked on mine. A smirk spreads on his lips. He's just meeting me, but he recognizes it… I'm surprised. He can see this is not how I was expecting my night to go.
“Uh, hi,” I breathe as I extend my hand, shaking his. “I'm Rafe.”
“Nice to meet you,” he responds, not even half-focused on me as he looks down at her with a smile.
“You in town for the game tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Well, to see her mostly,” he cheeses, eyeing her with the same pride I had mere minutes before as I was parading her through the house.
“Can we set his luggage in your room for now?” She asks me.
“‘Course,” I assure. Her boyfried’s hand snakes around her lower back as he leans in, whispering in her ear, making her blush. Holy shit. My chest constricts as I put the pieces together, just knowing what’ll happen behind closed doors. I'm no idiot. Those two haven't seen each other in god knows how long… They're gonna fuck on my bed.
“Shittt,” he groans. “I forgot my backpack.” He looks down at his phone, opening his UBER app; toggling to the chat. “Be right back,” he whispers, kissing her on the temple before walking back to the road. I look up and out into the distance, trying my best to keep my tears at bay.
I feel her hand on my arm, giving me a little squeeze. “Rafe? Is everything alright?” She asks as she looks up at me. I nod fast, contradicting my own words with my rash response.
“I didn't know you had a boyfriend,” I press the words out, hearing my voice crack with emotion. Heat rises in my cheeks with embarrassment as well.
“Yeah. We just got back together like a week ago,” she breathes.
“I just… fuck. I,” I start, but the words are hard. “I thought there was something between you and I.” I feel my bottom lip wobble. I quickly fish out another cigarette, pinching it between my lips, flicking my lighter, struggling to get it to take.
‘Course there is…” She coos. “We’re best friends.”
Holy shit… I dig my heel into the ground, looking up into the night. Don't fuckin’ cry. Don't fuckin’ cry. Don't you dare fuckin’ cry.
Her boyfriend walks up the stairs, readily pulling her attention away from me. “We’ll find you later,” she ensures, tapping me on the chest before walking away. I watch as the two disappear into the mess of people, leaving me alone. Without her.
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Master List
Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Chapter summary: Jin's form of leadership comes to bite him in the ass, and everyone will have something to say about it. Will they still follow him?
WC: 8k
Warnings: ANGST, fighting/yelling, swearing
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Jimin's head snapped to attention when a knock at the door pulled him out of concentration. His coworker Nina poked her head inside.
"Jimin, there's a girl here to see you."
"I told Sana we would meet after lunch. I'm still trying to catch up on some paperwork from last week." Jimin looked bewilderedly at the stacks of papers cluttering his desk.
Nina shook her head. "It's not Sana. It's some girl named Y/N. Never seen her before. But I'll tell her to come back another time."
Jimin shot out of his chair the instant he heard your name. "No. Don't! I'll see her."
Nina paused as he opened the door to follow her. "I thought you were busy."
Jimin blushed and smiled. "This is important."
Nina gave him a playfully suspicious look before walking back to her desk. Jimin followed her and felt the tightness in his chest release when he saw you sitting in a chair, swinging your feet while you waited. Yoongi was right; you did seem like a little girl, especially the way you curled in on yourself.
"Y/N?" His voice was so quiet he wasn't sure you would hear him, but your head turned in his direction.
He'd been so thrilled by the news that you'd come that he hadn't stopped to think about why until he saw your wide eyes look at him from gaunt features. The last time he'd seen you, you were well fed, energetic, almost glowing. That might have just been the tail-end of the heat hormones, but you almost looked like a different person now. Your skin was ashen, with dark bags under your eyes. It was only a week since he saw you, but it looked like years on your face.
"Y/N," he repeated.
"Surprised to see me?" You asked as you got to your feet and approached the counter once again.
"Yes," he nodded. "But it's a good surprise." He wanted to launch into a million questions, but he hesitated. The last time he tried to really talk to you had backfired. He followed your gaze to Nina, who quickly looked away when she realized she was staring. "Come to my office so we can talk."
"I'm glad you came," he said as he closed the door behind you and gestured toward the chair in front of his desk. "Where have you been staying?"
You looked at your hands in your lap, but didn't answer. "How is Hoseok?"
Jimin tried to smile for you, but it was weak. "Hobi is fine. He's wondering where you've been. He was hoping you would stay. We all were."
"I don't think everyone was," you mumbled. 
"I know Seokjin was just trying to be polite. I would have just been in the way. It's better for everyone if you just pretend you never met me."
Jimin's heart sank. For a moment he had believed you came to him so he could take you home, but you wouldn't make things that easy. "So why did you come here?"
"You said you could help me find a job." He froze momentarily before sitting on his own chair. Was that really the only reason you had come? "I've been looking online for the last week and I just…" you looked up at him and he met your gaze expectantly. "I haven't had a lot of luck the last couple of years trying to pretend I'm Sap, but it's really hard to get a job I can manage when they know I'm omega. So, you said you knew people who would hire me…"
Jimin nodded knowingly. Unemployment was generally considered an alpha problem because many, if not most, omegas chose to stay at home, but that trend had been changing. Omegas faced a lot of stereotypes about not being able to handle physical work (which wasn't true) and for their frequent heat cycles, making employers view them as unreliable. On top of that, you were far from the only omega to not finish high school since the onset of heats made attendance difficult at best. While Jimin was all for omega empowerment, he couldn't help wishing you'd choose to just stay at home with Hoseok. But he was getting ahead of himself. Jimin clicked around on his screen for a moment before his printer began to whir.
"I have a list of businesses that hire omegas, and who give priority to people in your situation." Jimin grabbed the sheet of paper off the printer, but hesitated before handing it to you. "Would you reconsider coming back to the house?"
You sighed and shook your head. "I can't, Jimin."
"You really can. I know that maybe Jin didn't seem so keen, but Hoseok is worried. Yoongi–" he stopped himself from admitting that his alpha was a wreck, but he didn't think he imagined the glint in your eyes as the mention of his name. "He really wanted you to stay. So do I. We want you to be safe."
"It's nice of you to worry," you said, reaching for the paper. Jimin reluctantly handed over, feeling defeated. "I can take care of myself, though. I promise, I'll be fine."
When you stood up to leave, Jimin had the sinking feeling that you really wouldn't be, but there was little he could do about it. He couldn't lock you in this office until you agreed to come home with him. He sighed in resignation. "You can tell anyone on that list that I sent you and put me as a reference," he told you, picking up one of his business cards and scribbling his personal phone number on the back before he handed it to you. "And if you change your mind, you know where to find us. Our door is always open to you, Y/N."
"Thanks, Jimin," you smiled sadly. 
He wanted to do something crazy, like ask you for a hug and maybe try to give you a proper scent mark so that you'd walk out of there with a bit of him, a bit of them. But he could only watch you go.
Yoongi drummed his fingers anxiously on the steering wheel as he drove to pick up Jimin from work. Normally the beta went to and from work with Namjoon or Jin, depending on their schedules, but today the pack alpha had sent a mysterious address to the group chat and told them to meet there after work. The location happened to be in the opposite direction of home from Namjoon's school, so Yoongi offered to pick Jimin up. He was more than happy to do it. He'd been feeling edgy all day with the house feeling so empty, everyone gone to work and even Hoseok mysteriously missing from the house in the afternoon, taking Taehyung with him. Your absence rang from every corner of the quiet house, mocking him.
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When he pulled up outside the shelter, Jimin was chatting casually with some alpha teens in front of the building. He flashed Yoongi a crooked smile, and not the endearing kind, but the troubled kind; the kind that let the alpha know immediately that something was off with his younger mate. He cut the engine and stepped out of the car.
"Hey, Yoongi!" One of the young men on the sidewalk called as he stepped up on the curb and held out an arm for a greeting. Yoongi clasped his hand and bumped his shoulder. "Where you been? Missed you on the court."
Yoongi grimaced. Playing with the kids was one of his favorite things to do with his free days. Jimin liked to act like it was some sort of mentoring program; and maybe it was, but it was very informal. Just a few hours playing around and maybe every now and then Yoongi managed a conversation with one of them and was able to give them some advice, but it wasn't a big deal. Nonetheless, Jimin knew it meant a lot to the young alphas to have Yoongi spend some time with them and treat them like people, something that was frequently absent from their daily interactions, as you well knew. He also knew Yoongi enjoyed it beyond the game.
"Sorry, man. I promise I'll come by later this week," Yoongi told him and meant it. He turned his eyes to Jimin. "Everything okay?"
The beta nodded. "C'mon, let's go."
Yoongi opened the car door for Jimin, then nodded to the guys still standing around before he walked around to the driver's side. He started the engine and pulled into traffic before either of them spoke another word. Silent minutes stretched before them, but Yoongi couldn't take it.
"Are you afraid to kiss me in front of your clients?" Yoongi asked, half joking, although he'd usually get at least a kiss on the cheek from Jimin when he first saw him, even if it was on those afternoons he showed up at the shelter.
"Of course not, hyung," Jimin answered lightly but didn't look in his direction. 
Yoongi reached out his hand to take Jimin's. "Then can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked with a kiss to the back of his hand. 
Jimin's fingers tightened around him and he cleared his throat. "I saw her."
Yoongi came to an abrupt stop a couple meters short of where he meant to at the red light. 
Jimin nodded. "She came to see me at the shelter."
Yoongi turned his head to look out the rear window. "Is she–? Did she–? Is she staying there?" He finally managed to ask, when he really wanted to ask why you weren't in the car with him right now going back home.
Jimin swallowed. "She's too old, hyung," he reminded his alpha and watched him sink back into his seat. "Besides, she said she wouldn't come back with me. She thinks…she thinks it's for the best, and that we were just being polite."
Yoongi leaned his head back against the rest and a thousand protests died on his lips. Jimin didn't need to hear them. "Do you know where she's staying?"
A car honked as they sat in front of a green light and Yoongi slowly pressed on the accelerator. "She wouldn't say, but that makes me think it's the same shelter as before."
"Shit," Yoongi muttered.
"I'm sorry, hyung. I should have found a way to make her stay. I should've called you. I just…it all happened so fast."
Yoongi spared him a quick glance. "Jimin, did you think I'd be mad at you?"
Jimin squirmed. "Not mad…"
Yoongi laid his hand on Jimin's smaller one again. "Jimin, of course I'm not upset with you. I know you couldn't hold her there. If she wasn't willing to come, that would only scare her, and the last thing we need is for her to be scared of the least intimidating member of our pack."
"I'm going to try not to be insulted by that, hyung."
Yoongi smiled in spite of himself. "Damn. Okay. I mean, it sucks. You know I want to find her. But this is good. We know more than we did. At least she knows where to find you if she's in trouble but—oh! Is she in trouble? Why did she come to you?"
"She's not in trouble as far as I can tell. She just remembered that I said I could help her find a job, so she came to see me. It seemed like maybe she was ready to stop pretending to not be Lykos." Jimin almost sounded proud.
"I don't know. All I could really do was give her a list of places I knew are usually hiring and tell her she could use me as a reference."
Yoongi nodded thoughtfully. "That's good. If anyone calls you trying to hire her we might be able to find her," he said, mostly mumbling to himself. 
Yoongi pulled to a stop in front of a large, yellow house. Jungkook and Namjoon pulled up right behind him in the police cruiser. They all stepped out at the same time, sharing a glance before turning their curious and confused eyes toward the property. Yoongi noticed the realtors sign in front with the bold red "SOLD" sign. His stomach flipped. 
"What the hell?" He muttered in a low growl before he made for stairs up to the porch, trodding carelessly over the green lawn. Stomping up the steps, he knocked loudly on the front door.
Hoseok answered the door with a beaming, heart-shaped smile. "Welcome home!"
Jimin watched Yoongi's jaw clench, and he was certain that if it had been anyone but Hobi who answered the door, Yoongi would already be on a tirade. Jimin reached out to grab his elbow, silently telling him to stay calm but also reminding the alpha that he was there as they stepped over the threshold of the house.
"What is this, Hobi?" Yoongi barely restrained his growl, but his discontent was clear. He moved further through the entryway into what would be the living room only to let the others inside. 
"This is our new home," Jin said, standing at the counter where the open concept living room and kitchen blended. Yoongi opened his mouth to speak, but Jin cut him off. "Before you start, let me show you around first. There's so much more room. There's a detached garage where Taehyung can do his painting. There are also three bedrooms upstairs. The master bedroom is absolutely massive. Wait till you see. And plenty of room for the kids," Jin rambled on, setting one foot on the first stair, ready for them all to follow him up.
"Jin," Yoongi said the syllable firmly without raising his voice.
The older man froze and looked down at him in frustration. "Can you at least look around before you get upset."
"So you understand that I'm upset?" Yoongi asked calmly. 
"You're always upset about something," Jin mumbled in response.
"That's not true, Jin. And that isn't the point."
"Then what is the point, Yoongi?"
"Did you buy this house?" He asked through his tight jaw.
Yoongi's citrus went bitter, stinging their noses, and Jin swallowed but stood firm. "Yes. Hobi and I came to look at the house yesterday and made an offer. The seller was highly motivated and we signed the papers a few hours ago."
"You and Hobi? And who else was involved in this decision?" Yoongi demanded, casting his gaze momentarily at the omega. 
"No one. Hobi liked the house, and I bought it."
"Oh, Hobi liked it, so that's all that matters," Yoongi threw his hands up and walked toward the back door.
"Yoongi, it's really a great house. Just take a look," Hoseok tried to persuade him.
"I don't care about the house!" Yoongi snapped.
"Don't yell at me!" Hoseok snapped back, stepping closer, but Jin came off the staircase to get between them.
"How could you two do this?"
"I know you hate change, Yoongi, but–"
"This isn't about not wanting to change!"
"Then what is it about, Yoongi?" Jin tried hard to keep his calm. 
"It's about you deciding we're all going to move suddenly, like we're just pieces of furniture in your house."
"Yoongi, Jin and I have been looking for a house for months," Hoseok reminded him. 
"I know. But I always assumed when you got serious about buying one you would consult us. How can you just make a huge decision like this for all of us?" Hoseok balked at the betrayal in Yoongi's eyes. 
Jin's chest puffed out before he spoke. "We made the decision we thought was best for everyone."
Yoongi shook his head. "Your un-fucking-believable, Seokjin." Jin let out an exasperated sigh. "What gives you the right to treat us like this?"
Jin growled low. "I'm your pack alpha. It's my right to make the decisions I think are best for this pack. You're just upset because you wish you were pack alpha over me."
Yoongi stared him straight in the eyes as he spoke. "I don't, Jin. I don't want to be your pack alpha. I just want to be treated with a little respect." He took a step closer to where he had to look up to keep eye contact. "But if I were the leader of this pack, I'd do a hell of a lot better job than you've been doing lately."
"Yoongi," Namjoon finally stepped in, his voice a warning that Yoongi did not want to heed.
"You think this is easy?" Jin snarled back. 
"It's not meant to be easy! But you see it as a set of privileges when it's meant to be a set of responsibilities!" 
"I am trying to be responsible! I'm trying to build a proper home for our children!"
"Damn it! That's the problem! For your children. Because you're so ego-maniacally focused on these kids you don't even have yet that you don't give a shit about what you're doing to the pack you have right now!"
"That's not true, Yoongi," Hoseok jumped in.
Yoongi held up his hand. "Don't defend him, Hoseok. For the last year you've been catering to him instead of facing the fact that he's changed."
"You used to be so caring about all of us. You had such a big heart when I met you. You were so open and that's why I fell for you. You made me feel so safe. You brought Jimin into your home without a second thought. But now I don't even recognize you. You don't care, do you?"
"That's not fair, Y–"
"You don't care that Tae will have to walk outside at night to get to his studio when his nightmares keep him up? Or that this house is so far from Jungkook's station? Or that you're taking me and Jimin out of the most stable home we've ever known without even asking us? Or-"
"Yoongi," Hoseok gasped, chagrined at the alphas slipped admission. 
"No. Fuck this. I'm leaving." Yoongi hung his head in defeat and shouldered past Namjoon to get to the front door.
"Hyung, wait!" Jimin called, going after him.
"Give me your keys. You're not driving angry like this," the beta reasoned. Yoongi gave them up without a fight and stormed out of the house. The door shut with a thud of finality. 
Jin swallowed in the silence that followed before he spoke. "Let's go see the rest of the house." He turned toward the stairs, and Namjoon made to follow.
"Kim Seokjin." He froze at the frigid tone of Hobi's voice.
"He's just pouting, Hobi. He'll get over it," Jin said over his shoulder.
"Jin," he said more loudly this time. "He is our packmate. And he is just asking us to listen to him. Now you're going to take me home and listen."
When Jin and Hobi arrived at the house the first floor was dark except for the sliver of light underneath the closed door to the spare room, but they could hear Yoongi's angry footsteps upstairs. Hoseok rushed up the stairs ahead of his mate to find Yoongi rummaging through drawers, pulling out shirts he thought were his. It had become difficult to tell the difference between yours, mine and ours. Five years together had made their lives enmeshed in the most intimate and simple ways.
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"What are you doing?" Hoseok asked softly from the door.
"Making it easier for you all to move without me," Yoongi mumbled as he closed one drawer and opened another.
Hoseok's voice trembled as his hands did. "What do you mean?"
"If it's easy to make the decision to move without even asking then it doesn't matter if I go with you, right? So I'm taking my stuff, and you can take the rest."
"Yoongi, that's not true," his omega said, stepping closer to try to stop his hands.
"Hoseok, back off."
He let out a small whimper. "We made a mistake. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, but I know I was wrong, okay? Please, let's sit down and talk about it calmly."
Yoongi held still, trying his best to resist acting out. He wouldn't get violent. He wouldn't get physical no matter how much he felt like exploding. Not to Hobi. "I don't feel calm right now. I need you to give me some space and let me do this."
"No!" He whined. "Don't do this! Don't leave us, please?"
"Who's leaving who, Hobi?!"
"It's not like that, Yoongi, honestly."
"Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?" Jin said from the door.
A growl started in Yoongi's chest when his eyes fell on the alpha.
"It's just a house, Yoongi," he added. 
"Maybe to you. Maybe to you it's just a place to live."
"What else is it then Yoongi?" Hoseok asked, desperate to understand what was going on in his head.
Yoongi sighed and hung his head back to stare at the ceiling. "You guys are so privileged. You don't get it. You grew up in homes that were yours, where you were born and where you belonged. Then you came here to live in your own home. You take it for granted that wherever you go to live will be your home. You don't know what I know. What Jimin and Y/N and even Tae knows! Do you get that this is the only place I've ever felt I belonged? That until I came to live here and you accepted me, that I was only ever a guest wherever I was? Do you know what living with that kind of insecurity is like? This is the only place I've ever felt safe and you've just taken that from me."
"It will be the same at the new house, Yoongi," Hoseok spoke softly. "It will be your home."
"How can I know that? When it feels like you don't want me there because if you did you would have asked about my feelings before making such a huge decision? I feel so unsafe with you both right now. So if it seems like I'm acting childish, maybe I am, but I feel so out of control right now. And if that's how I feel, how do you think she will–" Yoongi's voice died.
"Y/N?" Hoseok asked after a heavy silence.
"She's gone, Yoongi," Jin reminded him and received a black, watery glare in return.
"She's not. Jimin saw her today. She's not ready to live with us but she went to Jimin for help, so she might. Only if she comes here, we'll be gone. And what would she think except that your offer to stay meant nothing and that there is no place that's safe. You're pack alpha. You're supposed to make us safe."
Jin watched Yoongi as he ranted and felt his anger soften. The man was right, he hadn't considered those things at all. If he was being honest he hadn't cared if Yoongi or the others disagreed with their choice of home, but he hadn't even considered that they might have such a strong reaction. The new house was a better one, and he thought that would be all that mattered. When he finally responded, he spoke as softly as he could. "Yoongi, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. Honestly, I didn't know that it would matter that much, and I'm sorry. But you're safe and you belong in our new home just as much as you do here."
Yoongi scoffed. "A year ago I might have believed you."
"What do you mean?" Jin questioned and didn't miss the way Hoseok's back stiffened. 
"You've been pushing us all out ever since you started trying to get Hobi pregnant," Yoongi accused.
"Not this again."
"Yes, this again! Every time Hobi goes into heat you treat the rest of us like we're less important than you. Like you're the main character and we're all just the supporting cast."
"Because he's my husband! He's my omega! This is my pack! If you hate it that much then go find Y/N and start your own! See if I care!"
"Jin!" Hoseok cried as if in pain.
"Fine! I will!"
"Yoongi, no! Both of you stop it. Don't say shit you don't mean. No one is leaving. Fuck!" Hoseok stepped close to Yoongi and cradled the alpha's face in his hands. "Please, baby. Don't leave me. I swear. We can work this out. Calm down, please." A tear dropped down Yoongi's cheek, and Hoseok wiped it away with his thumb. Yoongi wrapped his hands gently around his wrists and pulled his hands away.
"I'm sorry, Hobi. I just…" his eyes flickered to Jin. "I just need some space right now."
He took the bag he had been filling with random t-shirts that may or may not have been his and walked past Hoseok, past Jin and down the stairs. He didn't know how much they heard, but Namjoon, Tae and Jungkook all stared at him as he moved quickly through the living room toward the spare room, which Jimin had been readying for both of them to sleep in.
The others slowly made their way upstairs to see their pack alpha and omega. It wasn't particularly that they wanted to comfort Jin and Hobi, but they all knew there was nothing they could do for Yoongi at the moment, and none of them had gotten the chance to say their piece yet. They found Hoseok sitting on the edge of the bed facing the window that looked out onto the street, while Jin remained by the door, both speechless and not acknowledging the other.
"Are you here to leave us, too?" Jin asked bitterly.
"Hyung, don't get angry with us. Especially when you're the one who caused this," Jungkook spoke softly. Despite being the youngest, he had known Jin longer than anyone, except Hoseok, and he wasn't afraid to tell him the truth.
"I'm the bad guy for wanting to give my family a better home?"
"No, hyung," Namjoon answered as he sat on the corner of the mattress, facing his alpha. "But at any point did you even think to ask us what any of us thought would make a better home for all of us?"
"We've been looking for a long time and none of you have ever said anything," Jin defended.
"You and Hobi have been looking," Taehyung corrected. "You show him things you're looking at. Maybe we should've spoken up before, but we didn't know how. Honestly I've been kind of terrified of what's going to happen and then…this was kind of sudden."
Hoseok turned to see his youngest alpha with a tear-streaked face. "What are you afraid of Tae?"
He sank down onto the bed beside his omega, facing him and letting the contact of their legs sooth his fraying nerves just a bit. "I guess…I don't really know what's going to happen when you eventually have Jin's baby. I'm not sure what it's going to mean for the rest of us."
"What do you mean? It will be everyone's baby. It will only add to our pack," Jin told them, a little shocked by Taehyung's implication.
"Then why does it matter so much if the baby is yours? Why can't it be any of ours? Mine or Namjoon's or Jimin's? If nothing will change between all of us, then why has so much changed already?" Tae wondered in a shaky voice.
"We're still a pack. Nothing has changed. We'll still be a pack," Jin tried to assure him.
"With all due respect, Jin, only you, Hobi and Jungkook know what it's like to have a pack this big." Namjoon shrugged. "The rest of us don't know what happens to other partners when a couple has a baby. We've just been following your lead, and it seems like…I don't know. We get pushed to the edge?"
Hoseok choked down a whine. He didn't know why, but he'd known his husband was struggling for months with his feelings about having a child. When he couldn't get Jin to talk about it, he decided just to support him in any way he could. That had mostly meant going along with his ideas and boosting his confidence. He hadn't realized how much he had been neglecting his other pack members. Suddenly it made so much more sense that Jungkook, Yoongi and Taehyung had been spending so many nights outside his nest when he realized they didn't feel as welcome there. 
Hoseok reached out to grip the back of Tae's neck and meet his eyes. "Tae, baby, your home will always be with us. And I'm so so sorry for not making that clear enough, and for not discussing it with you before we made such a big decision." 
Tae smiled weakly and wrapped his arms around the omegas middle to bring him closer. It was far from making everything better, but he still appreciated being told explicitly that he was still wanted. "Things might change when you have Jin's baby," he said, not able to keep the worry from his voice even though he kept it quiet.
"Why is everyone so obsessed with the fact that it will be my baby?" Jin grumbled. 
"Why are you so obsessed, hyung? You said the baby will be all of ours, so why does it have to be you?" Jungkook reiterated the question they could never get a straight answer for. 
"I have a family line to uphold. I know you all don't understand that, but it's important!" Jin cried out, finally cracking under the crushing weight of that pressure. 
"Is it more important than not alienating your pack? Is your family–which already has a whole group of kids to carry on its name–is it more important than the one we've spent a decade building?" Hoseok asked, looking at Jin for the first time since Yoongi had left the room.
"No. Of course not," Jin sighed. 
"Since when was it ever important to you anyway?"
"Well, you are my husband. Shouldn't your first child be mine?"
"You didn't answer the question, Jin," Hoseok said sternly, crossing his arms.
"Fine! It's never been important to me. But it is important to them! And I thought maybe if I could prove to my mother that I'm a proper pack alpha then for once she wouldn't look at me like a huge failure!" The loudness of his voice got away from him even though he felt relief for finally getting that off his chest.
"I cannot believe this is about your mother!" Hoseok shouted back. "You're going to risk losing Jimin and Yoongi over your mother, who has never treated you the way that she should?"
"What do you mean lose Jimin?" Jin asked seriously.
"Look around, Jin. Where do you think he is right now? Do you honestly believe that if Yoongi goes, Jimin won't go with him?" Jungkook asked. The thought caused him a great deal of pain. Everyone relied on Jimin, more than he probably knew. But he understood, because even if Jin was being a complete ass, Jungkook knew he would stick with him, too.
"Who else wants to go with them?" Jin looked around the room. Half expecting to see every hand raised. 
"No one wants to go, hyung. Not even Yoongi," Tae told him. "We just want to know it matters if we stay."
Jin rushed to sit behind Tae on the bed, covering the younger man's back with his chest. "Of course, Tae. Of course it matters. I would never want to live without any of you," he promised. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being the pack alpha you deserved and for making you think you weren't important to me. Hobi, I'm sorry for causing all this drama and putting you in the middle of it. I never meant to. I was just-"
"A spoiled brat."
Jin sighed and flopped back into the nest on his back. "Yeah. And I need Yoongi, too. To put me in my place when I'm clearly out of line and out of touch."
Jungkook crawled onto the bed to where his leader rested and pulled back his bangs to lay a kiss on his forehead. "We can all do that. But you do have to apologize to Yoongi…if you want him to come with us."
Jin looked sadly into the betas eyes. "Of course I want him to come with us. How would we manage without him?"
"What if he won't come?" Namjoon asked. "What if…I think she's more important to him than we are."
Hoseok still faced away from the group, but spoke clearly. "She's not. He just knows she needs him, more than we do. Or at least, more than we've been showing him. Jin needs a baby and Yoongi needs that omega if we're ever going to have any peace."
"Everyone get out."
"Hobi, wait–"
"You're in my nest with your work clothes on. Get up. Go get some pizzas because I don't have time to cook tonight. Get cleaned up before you think about crawling in here again."
Hoseok's boys didn't wait to be told twice before moving and getting out of his way.
Yoongi entered the spare room while Jimin was in the bathroom and flopped onto the bed. The beta had used the blankets from your brief nest to make the bed more cozy. Your sweet apple scent was fading, but he took a deep breath in while he could.
"I'm sorry, it's not a proper nest," Jimin said from the door to the bathroom. It could never be a real nest unless it was made by an omega. 
Yoongi raised his hand in the air toward Jimin. "It will be great if you come down here with me."
Jimin did as he was bid and cuddled into his usual spot, draping his body half way over his hyung's. Yoongi took a deep breath of him, lavender and apples and regrets.
"I don't like hearing them fight," Yoongi said after several minutes.
"I know. But it's not your fault. It had to happen eventually," Jimin reassured him.
"I'm sorry," he murmured.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, hyung."
"I'm acting like I know all the right things to do, but right now I don't know. I don't–" Yoongi tried to hold a sob that was caught in his throat. "I don't want to leave, Jimin. Truly. I love it here so much. I love them. All of them. Even Jin. Even when he's being the world's biggest asshole. But he–"
Jimin stroked his hand along Yoongi's chest to calm his breathing. "It's okay, Yoongi. I trust you. Whatever decision you make, I'll be with you. If there really isn't room for you and me anymore, we'll find our own place. We'll find Y/N. We'll make a home together."
Yoongi pulled Jimin tighter to him and sobbed into his shoulder, whispering repeated apologies while Jimin tried to hush him until they fell asleep just like that.
It had killed Yoongi to leave Jimin in the middle of the night to go to work, but he'd made it through the shift with that hollow, numb feeling left in your chest after you've expelled all your other emotions. He didn't realize how many had actually been boiling in his chest and for how long until he finally got them out. He hoped that he'd make it home in time to drive Jimin to work, but when he arrived, only Jin and Hobi were in the kitchen. Their eyes met with his briefly before he ducked into the spare room and shut the door. He knew he'd have to speak to them eventually, but he wasn't ready yet. The raw anger caused by built-up hurts that he let explode yesterday was gone. He almost didn't feel angry at all anymore. But all the hurt was still there, but while he couldn't tell them how to fix it, talking to each other would only risk inflicting more harm. He showered quickly before he sank into bed and fell asleep surrounded by the scent of you. 
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When he woke in the afternoon he laid in bed and listened to the soft sound of Hobi's footsteps moving from room to room, already organizing to move their whole lives across town. The papers had already been signed. The decision wouldn't be changed. It was fine. Yoongi got up and changed into basketball shorts and an old extra large t-shirt (which was in fact Namjoon's), slipped on his basketball shoes and walked straight from the bedroom out the door before he could be caught out by anyone. 
Yoongi kept his basketball in his car because he was always ready for a pick up game. He tended to have a relatively new one at any given time because when all the balls at the shelter inevitably wandered off, he would leave his and go straight to buy a new one or two. He picked up the ball from the floorboard of the backseat where it wouldn't roll around too much and headed into the shelter. 
Nina, or anyone else who might be working, never stopped to ask him what he needed anymore as he strolled past the desk. She merely offered a pleasant 'hello, how ya been?' And let him be on his way. He went straight back to Jimin's office first.
"Come in," Jimin said quietly when Yoongi knocked on his door. The alpha could see the exhaustion on his face as soon as he walked in. "Hey," he smiled tiredly, but he was genuinely relieved to see the man. 
"Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" Yoongi went around the desk to give him a hug they both needed. He nuzzled Jimin's head under his chin, making sure to give him a good scent marking like he had intended to do this morning. 
"I'm alright. Just tired."
Yoongi crouched down to examine the beta's face more closely. There were dark bags under his eyes and an unfamiliar frown on the usually happy man's lips. "Did you sleep after I left last night?"
"Off and on," Jimin shrugged and continued when he saw Yoongi breathe in to speak. "And before you say sorry to me one more time, don't! You're banned from apologizing for anything."
Yoongi closed his mouth to pout for a second before he asked, "for how long?"
"Until you've done something you need to apologize for. And that doesn't include going to work or leaving me on my own for a few hours. I'm a big boy, Yoongi."
"Don't even start, hyung!"
Yoongi chuckled and pulled him in for a chaste kiss before he stood. Leaning against the desk, he took a look around Jimin's small office. "Anything interesting happen today?"
Jimin knew what he meant to ask, but he hadn't seen or heard from you. "Not today."
"Okay then." Yoongi did his best not to sound disappointed. "I'm going to go shoot some hoops for a while and then I'll drive you home. Make sure you tell Joon." Jimin hummed, and Yoongi turned to leave but stopped and hesitated a moment before he asked, "How was it this morning? I wanted to drive you but–"
Jimin waved his hand dismissively. "It was fine Yoon, don't worry. We didn't talk or anything, but we don't normally talk much on the way to work."
Yoongi grinned. "Neither of you are morning people."
"I'm literally amazed we make it to work every morning," Jimin agreed. 
When Yoongi got to the basketball court it was empty. It was unusual, but not a total shock. It was really a lovely spring day out and if the kids wanted to soak up some of the sun's energy, that was perfectly understandable. He didn't mind playing alone for a bit until someone came in; they eventually would. He stretched before warming up a little and practicing his free throws. There was something calming about having a basketball in his hands. No matter where or when, the feel of the ball at his fingertips never changed. No matter where he moved to or who was around to play, there was always a court, always a game. If it wasn't for basketball he might not have met Jimin at the court where Jimin went to meet his friends even though he never played. 
He let his mind wander as he dribbled and shot, all according to muscle memory. There was too much on his mind for it to completely go silent, but he let the thoughts run through him instead of trying to control him, and by the time someone came to break up his solo practice, Yoongi had a plan. 
Earlier in the morning, Jungkook and Taehyung had gone to get moving boxes and soft packing materials. Since then, Jungkook had gone to work and Tae was responsible for getting his painting room packed and cleaned, leaving Hoseok alone in the kitchen carefully packing dishes with one eye on the front door and the other on the clock, just waiting for his packmates to come home. 
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When Jin comes home first, he can't help but feel a short pang of disappointment. He'd been dying to see Yoongi all day, just to be able to look at him and know he was doing better. Even though he knew that was probably too much to expect. Even though he didn't feel like he should be forgiven yet. 
He couldn't believe how thoughtless they had been—how inconsiderate he had been. When Jin first took him to the house, Hoseok fell in love immediately. He could imagine them all there so easily and picture how their lives would blossom and thrive there. He even pictured you there. There were two smaller bedrooms down the hall from the master suite. One would make a charming room for the children, and the other would be a perfect room for you, at least until you got more comfortable with them. There was space for everyone and Hoseok just wanted it so badly. They moved too fast, but it all seemed to fall into place so perfectly. He had overlooked any immediate concerns in view of the future happiness they would all have, and now he felt terrible for it. Knowing he was complicit in how things played out was the only thing keeping him from being cold toward Jin. Even though he still didn't fully understand Jin's own motivations and wasn't ready to talk about it, he knew it wasn't all Jin's fault. And it wasn't only Yoongi that he needed to make amends to, although the others he felt certain he could placate with plenty of TLC and reassurance. What he didn't know now was whether Yoongi would even give him the chance. And then there was Jimin, who hadn't said a word and hid himself away. Hoseok wasn't sure quite what the beta was feeling, but he knew that when he found things too difficult to face, he tended to hide behind Yoongi and let the alpha speak for him.
Hoseok's focus snapped to the door the instant it opened again and was relieved to see his two smallest packmates enter together. Yoongi met his eyes and he couldn't help brightening up just a bit. At least they'd come home. Jimin went straight to the kitchen where Hoseok was wrapping bowls in paper and washed his hands. After he dried them, Jimin hugged his back. Hosek froze for a split second at the unexpected contact before he melted into Jimin.
"Do you want me to order dinner tonight? I've been craving Chinese all day," Jimin said, nuzzling the omegas back in a way that made him want to purr.
"That sounds great, Jiminie," he smiled and missed him the moment the beta let go. Jimin didn't go far though, only pulled out a chair and sat at the kitchen table.
Yoongi took a bowl from the stack on the table and a piece of brown paper and began to wrap it carefully, but Hoseok laid his hand over Yoongi's.
"You don't have to help," he said softly.
Yoongi paused and looked him in the eyes for a long moment. "Am I still a part of this pack?"
"Of course you are."
"And I'm still one of your alphas?"
"Always, Yoongi," Hoseok assured him.
He shrugged and began wrapping again. "Then of course I'm helping. You need me. I'm an expert mover."
"Yoongi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to exclude you. I was thoughtless and I'm really so sorry," he rushed out, unable to go another second without at least trying to put things right. 
Yoongi gave him a half smile. He bit back the knee-jerk 'it's okay' because they both knew it wasn't. "Apology accepted. I'm sorry for flipping out."
Hoseok shook his head. "It was a big deal and you reacted the only way you could."
Yoongi sank into a chair and covered his face with his hand. "I felt like a stupid teenager, yelling at my mom because I didn't know what else to do."
Hoseok frowned and reached for his hand. "I feel terrible that we triggered that for you."
"It's alright, Hobi. What you and Jin did was shitty, but I think I was brewing for a while. I should've noticed last week with how upset I got over Y/N, but I think going to her old apartment set me off. My mom and I lived in a few places like that, and those were the most chaotic times of my life."
"I'm sorry, my love," Hobi said again, stroking his hand. 
Yoongi laughed and looked at Jimin, who was already looking at him. He ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, I get it now." Jimin grinned back, but Hoseok only looked confused. "No more apologies, Hobi. I've already forgiven you. It's done."
Hoseok pouted for a moment. He didn't feel like he'd said enough. "I have to say sorry to Jimin, too. I should've thought more about your feelings."
Jimin shrugged. "I know you won't let it happen again. 
Hoseok nodded and continued. "I need you to know you'll always be a part of this pack. I shouldn't have been in such a rush, but you have to know that it was because I could see how happy we could all be there. I even have Y/N's room picked out already."
Yoongi's back straightened. "Y/N's room?"
"Yeah. I don't know how you would, but I just feel like you'll definitely find her, and she has to be part of our pack."
Yoongi felt the slightest twinge of possessiveness, wanting you to be only his. But his fingers tightened around the omega's. "Thanks, Hobi."
"Does that mean you'll move with us?" Jin asked softly as he entered the kitchen. 
Yoongi looked at Hoseok and shook his head. "Not yet. I think I should stay here a while."
"When I saw her yesterday, I told her that if she needed anything she could come here. Yoongi and I want to stay for a while to see if she comes," Jimin explained the plan Yoongi had discussed in the car. Even though they accepted Hoseok's apology and wanted to stay with the pack, they knew they still needed some time to cool loff from the hurt their packmates had caused, and waiting for you would help, especially if you actually did show up like they hoped. 
Jin nodded thoughtfully before meeting Yoongi's eyes. "That's fine. The house is already listed, but you can stay until it sells. And in the meantime I'll do anything I can to win your trust back. I hope you know how sorry I am for how I've made you feel."
Yoongi nodded but said nothing, knowing that trust could only be built with time.
A/n: i am the tiniest bit sorry about mc being basically absent this chapter. But all in good time i swear. 💜
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Summary: You help one of your friends who suspect she is different, but when Pablo finds the positive test in your shared bathroom, he starts to panic.
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: none :)
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"Oh my God! I'm pregnant! Like actually pregnant!" Amelia said as tears fell down her cheeks and you held her hand reassuring her that she was not alone.
She was in an abusive relationship for a whole year and when she finally was determined to leave, this happens...it was valid that she was sad and helpless.
"I don't want it! He will never change! And he won't let me do an abortion...he will kill me if I even mention it.." she sobbed and you took the test leaving it on the washing machine before helping her up and taking her to the living room to calm down and drink some water.
A few days pass...
Pablo was packing for his next big match in Madrid, when he noticed the test rested on the washing machine thinking he was crazy but those two solid lines made his stomach flip.
He googled "how many lines means she is pregnant?" (ofc he did :) and seeing that it was two his jaw kept clenching as he stared at it in disbelief.
His girl was pregnant...and she didn't tell him. Why?? Is she scared of his reaction?
He heard you come home from Uni and he hid the test inside his bathroom purse before walking to the living room to meet.
"Ugh..my feet hurt so much" you say falling onto the couch before smiling wide when you noticed him at the door of your shared bedroom.
"How are you amor?" Pablo carefully asked thinking that maybe she was going to tell him now but when she just smiled saying she was alright he knew she was planning on keeping it a secret...but for how long does she think that would work?
"You sure? No sickness?" he poked and she gave him a questioning look wondering what's gotten into him all of the sudden.
"Not really...I mean yesterday morning I was s little sick " she said not really seeing the significance of this but all Pablo registered was "morning sickness" his stomach clenching.
Pablo sat down and she moved to rest her head on his shoulder and he pulled her closer gently kissing the top of her head. He was scared and no doubt shocked but even though it wasn't planned, he would never be angry with her..and would never stop loving her.
"Are you packed for tomorrow?" she said sadly and he nodded reassuring her that he will be back home before she even notices he was gone.
"Impossible Pablito...I'm gonna miss you every hour you are gone..both of us" she said and his face turned serious while she chuckled.
"Me and Pablo 2.0" she said pointing at the big bear Pablo got her for Valentine's Day to cuddle with whenever he had to travel.
"I still give better cuddles than him!" Pablo said proudly and she giggled straddling his lap and kissing his lips a few times before they hugged.
You watched a show for a few hours before it was time for bed since Pablo had to wake up early to meet his teammates and you were really tired from a long day at the Uni.
"Amor? Is there no more pickles?" you ask from the kitchen and Pablo got up walking up to you. Were you just having cravings??
"Um..yeah there are some spears in the fridge. Why?" he asked and she chuckled opening the fridge and taking the jar out.
"So I can eat some duh?"she said biting one and he felt more nervous with every passing moment...maybe if he shows that he know, she won't be scared to tell him the truth.
"You craving them?" he suggested and she just shrugged nodding her head wondering what got him so curious about her eating habits.
"Let's go to bed, mi campeon" she said putting the jar away and they left. She was sleeping peacefully while Pablo could barely stay motionless...he was going to become a dad...like it was scary but also some part of him only wanted that with you.
Barcelona won the game in Madrid and Pablo was coming back tomorrow. He couldn't really contribute much on the pitch considering that his mind was elsewhere but he was glad that didn't cost his team.
"Hola, bonita. How are you feeling? Have you been sick again?" Pablo asked on a FaceTime and you reassure him that everything was fine apart form how much you hated sleeping alone.
"Congrats on a win, my cariño. You looked a little distracted during the game, everything okay?" you ask since Pedri did tell you that Pablo was acting strange the whole trip being quiet and searching some private information online.
"Everything is fine, don't worry about me amor. I've just been a little tired lately. Can't have all games be perfect.." he said and she nodded deciding to let it go for now knowing that if something was seriously going on, Pablo would tell her about it.
On the day that he was coming back, you promised Amelia to go to the abortion center with her. She needed someone there and being her best friend you promised to be her support.
She was still having bruises barely healed form the last time baby's father 'got angry' so it was understandable why she didn't want this to be her life but it was still a difficult choice.
Pablo arrived to the Camp trying to call you numerous times but your ringer was off since you wanted to be fully present for your friend who was getting checked by the doctor.
"Dónde estás querida!?" he said to himself after leaving another voice mail and Pedri reminded him that he can use Snap Maps to pinpoint your location.
He never really does so, but you also never dodge his calls for hours..he was worried and checked to see that you were at the nearby Abortion Center.
Abortion Center..
Pablo started to panic grabbing Pedri's hand and pulling him to the parking lot before telling him to drive as fast as he could. He needed to get there on time..he needed to be there for you..to tell you that you don't have to do this because of him.
"Santa Mierda Pablito! Is she.." Pedri asked after reading the sign and Pablo just rushed out of the car without a reply yelling your name on top of his lungs.
"Ai chico, you can't be yelling! This is a hospital!" one of the older nurses said and he apologized begging her to tell him if she saw you while showing her your picture rested on his arm from his phone.
"Yeah, she went to the second floor" woman said
"Muchas gracias!" Pablo quickly said before rushing up the stairs again yelling your name and you heard him from one of the rooms when Amelia was already done.
"Go, I'm okay.." she smiled and you nodded walking outside seeing Gavi's tearful face meet yours.
"Pablo? Que pasa? What are you doing here?" you ask drying his tears afraid that something terrible happened form the way he looked like.
"Amor, I know..it's okay. I'm not angry...I know we are young, but we love each other and we will figure it all out together...I don't have to travel as much..I won't leave you hanging, I promise...just please don't let them kill our baby!" he held her waist pulling her in and she felt her heard melting despite the fact that this was all absurd.
"Pablo.." you tried to speak but he kissed to shut you up.
"I'm not pregnant Pablo!" you push him back a little having to say that since he was definitely acting crazy.
"What?? But...but your test in the bathroom..and why are you here then?" he said and you smiled shaking your head realizing that you forgot to toss away Amelia's test in all the craziness.
"I'm here with a friend..it was her test...plus you bought be tampons a few days ago because I am on my period, idiot!" you chuckled and Pablo relaxed running his hand through his hair before cheering loudly being sushed again by nurses.
"You are on your period! That's right! Oh Díos mio!" Pablo said and you laughed pulling him into a hug before raising you off your feet and twirling you around.
Amelia's mom came to pick her up and she thanked you for being there with her before you and Pablo went to Pedri's car to get home.
"Okay seriously guys! Are you pregnant or not!? Is that why you were googling baby bottles and best pacifiers online?" Pedri said the moment we came in and you burst out in laughter while Pablo blushed in embarrassment.
"I'm not pregnant. Pablito got some things mixed up Pepi..please drive us home" you say and the boy sighed turning the engine on and dropping you off in front of your apartment building.
"So you were googling baby things??" you ask while you were cuddled up in the living room by the fire drinking some chocolate milk Pablo loved so much.
"Stooop! I thought you were pregnant so I saved some ideas.." he said and you smiled kissing his cheek really feeling better that you have a man who would not leave you alone no matter the situation.
"Can I see it?" you ask and he groans pulling out his phone showing you some pictures he saved on his camera roll.
"All these are for boys? Were you expecting a son, Gavi??" you tease and he tossed the phone to the side ticking your sides before laying you down and hovering above you.
"Don't test me or I might get my son after all.." he smirked kissing your neck before both of you giggled at the whole situation.
Hope you liked it! :))
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
LANA 🖤 I see your requests are open. May I request reader having a super long day, like ACHING bones and all she wants to do is sit down. So lovely caring Joey offers her a seat…on his face 😇 (no me self projecting hehe) ily 🫶🫶
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Under 18's DNI. Word Count: 1.8k
Groggy, unsettled and aching; that was your mood. A bad mood if you could put it bluntly. Work had been over demandingly busy today, you had taken at least 3 sets of pain killers to numb the pain, attempted not to clock watch as time would certainly go slower, you got your head down and got on with it, constantly chanting to yourself you got this, get it done and go home. Problem was there was a grand total of 9 hours of the 'getting it done' to do.
As usual, you were in the biggest rush to return home to your safety and sanctuary, where nobody could disturb you. You dropped your keys at least twice trying to get them into the door to unlock it, giving yourself a few choice words before taking a sharp breath and endeavoured to complete what was probably the easiest move you had made all day.
You stomped through the door, making your presence known, slumping down your bag into the corner of the hall way, dropping your jacket over it and sluggishly dragging yourself into the living room where the sound of life filled your ears. The sweetest view made you feel an inch calmer when you saw the back of his head, a swift turn of it brought you face to face with the utter delight of your boyfriend's features carefully analysing your mood.
"Good day darling?" Joe asked.
"I feel like death so um, no." Your bottom lip pursued to poke out, you almost looked like a dramatic child throwing a tantrum over something so small.
"What can I do to make it better?" Joe reached out his hand toward you, initially you took two steps forward and then halted back into a stood position, arms folded deciding against the embrace of your significant other trying his best.
"C'mon baby, you're home now." Joe mirrored your bottom lip puffing out before standing to his feet and making his way over to stand in front of you. Keeping your arms tightly wrapped, he snakes his arms around you, letting your face fall into his chest where he soothes from the back of your neck down to the small of your back, small subtle kisses adoring the top of your head as he gives you a gentle squeeze of reassurance.
"You're stressed." Joe mentioned.
"You don't say." You replied muffled, being borderline suffocated by Joe's t-shirt. He pulled back to get a better look at your face, bringing his hand to stroke against your cheek.
"I just want to sit down." You sighed out a combination of relief to be able to breathe properly and hoping that you would get your wish.
"Where?" Joe smirked, an eyebrow raising and head tilting slight. The cogs in your head turned until the penny dropped.
"Where do you have in mind?" You decided to play dumb.
"A chair?" He shrugged his shoulders.
"I need something a little more comfortable than that." You looked down slowly before bringing your eyes up to bore into the beautiful brown ones that met yours, batting your eyelashes perfectly.
"I'm sure I can stretch to finding you a pillow." He laughed, your arms returned to their folded position.
"Fine, fine. I have a better idea." Joe did a little hop skip and a jump, landing backwards onto the sofa, slouching ever so slightly.
"How about here?" The wink was wicked and you were already beginning to feel better about the aches you had earnt from work and were more cautious of the aches that seemed to form stronger below. Joe pointed toward his face, making you bite down onto your lip.
"Hmm, my favourite seat." You were a shirt flirt, but he seemed to eat it up, so it wasn't an issue.
"I'm so glad you decided to wear that little slutty skirt today." Joe licked his lips, swallowing saliva practically already tasting you.
"Slutty?" You stopped in your tracks.
"You know how I feel about you in that skirt, haven't fucked you in it so many times for nothing." You both simaltaneously giggled.
Joe made grabby hands at you, advancing you to come closer to him before you sat on his lap, straddling over his waist. He progressed to slouch downward. "Let me take care of you, baby."
"You always do." You moved yourself toward his knee, bringing yourself down to leave an inch of space between your mouths. Joe pressed his lips to yours quickly, they moved in unison smacking together, partially through desperation and partially through lust. You pulled back and when Joe opened his eyes, they looked starved. They sparkled a different type of way, the one that you only saw when he wanted to do naughty things to you.
You hovered upward whilst Joe made work of your underwear, pulling them over your ass and downward, your fingers met half way for you to rid the rest of them before returning back to him.
"You're stressed and I'm hungry, maybe we can help each other out." It's true. Joe was just as a terrible a flirt. A match made in heaven.
You clambered up over him, leaning your knees against the top of the sofa, his fingers gripping into your thighs to keep you up right whilst you adjusted yourself. You didn't even need to sit right down before you felt Joe's muscle reach up from no where, taking his own sample of your sweet juices, the tip of his tongue licking a stripe right through your slit. Your whole body clenched, you felt breathless at first contact, you was not sure how he managed to make you feel so amazing before he had even truly begun.
"Taste so fucking good, my girl." He moulded his finger tips into the fat of your thighs before moving the tip of his tongue against you again, this time brushing right up against your clit. With a hum of appreciation, Joe mustered all the saliva he could in his mouth before pushing down on your thighs to gesture for you to get comfortable.
You were spread perfectly, enough for him to dig in straight away. Joe's hands let go of your thighs and moved up to your hips, flattening out his tongue so your cunt massaged against it back and fourth, his hands moving your body like a puppet for his own enjoyment.
"Ugh fuck." You moaned, throwing your head back, your hands landing on top of his messy curls.
"Mmm." Joe groaned, man handling you further forward so he could reach for your clit, his lips cupping against the aching bud as he sucked furiously, his tongue poking through to flicker against it in a circular motion.
You tugged erratically at his hair, your fingers ravelled around the strands, urging him to go further. "Don't stop." You whimpered, the feeling becoming all too much too quickly. Joe knew how to hit the right spots all too well with you, your body was a temple to him and he knew his way around you. Joe shook his face against you, his lips creating an almost vibrating motion against you, the shock of electricity ran through the entirety of your body within seconds, sending you over the edge. You came with all your might, crying out Joe's name with an almighty roar. Joe lifted you up, letting himself take a breath, using all his muscle to keep you hovered in the air.
"Fucking hell babe." Joe let out a mischievous chuckle. "I think you've got one more in you."
"I-" You didn't even get chance to give him a straight answer before Joe stood his tongue to attention, bringing you down and planting his muscle straight through your entrance and slotted it inside of you.
"Oh my g-" You jolted forward, his thumbs creasing into your skin not letting you go too far, pushing you up.
"Stay." Joe breathed out. Your hips were slightly brought up and then down again and you were bouncing slight against his face until his face was firmly buried and he created a steady rhythm and began to ride his face intermittently. The over sensitivity had you feeling all over the place, squirming and not knowing where to put yourself.
Joe's moans were apparent yet distorted, his own bulge twitched every time you moved a certain way. He snaked one hand up toward your back, whilst the other found it's way through a small gap to lead itself to your clit, the rubbing intensified the sharp feel of the way his tongue felt inside of you. You pushed all your weight against him, taking everything you could get which gathered a whole new meaning of sensitivity rushing through you. "J-J-Joey." You couldn't muster anything more, the combination of his tongue and two fingers pressed against you were enough to make you want to cry.
"Y-y-yes b-a-baby. I'm going to-" His fingers stroked so perfectly through the slick that coated the outside of your cunt, it was a messy situation going on below but it was fucking worth it. Joe pulled out of you just as you were about to cum, his tongue flattening against you once more as you rid against midway of his muscle, your body gave way within seconds after as you bellowed out a not so audible string of curse words.
Your cunt squirted out into his mouth and Joe tasted and swallowed all that you had to give, humming and showing major appreciation to your perfect 'party trick'. His hands returned to your hips, pulling you up to offer you a safe attempt of getting off of him so that you didn't give way too quickly.
"Joseph fucking Quinn." You gave your boyfriend a peck full of thankfulness. "You never cease to amaze me."
"I aim to please, beautiful." He leaned in for a more passionate, short lived kiss.
Joe moved you over to the side of the sofa beside him, you were close to leaning into him for a cuddle but were met by the warm patch where his ass sat. He stood before you, offering his hands out, making those cute grabby hands again.
"Come on gorgeous girl, time for a bath. I'll make us dinner whilst you relax and then we can get the comfy blankets and I'll let you rant to me about your shitty day."
"No need. All is forgotten." You smiled gleefully.
"It is?" Joe returned the sweetness of the smile you offered.
"Because of you."
You still took Joe's hands, you still took the warm bubble bath complete with candles and a glass of wine. You still ate every single bit of food that your man had prepared for you. You still had a lovely cuddle on the sofa and talked about anything but work to keep your mind off of what was now in the past. There was one thing that he missed, the part where you returned the favour once you had gotten in bed.
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eddiemania · 2 years
A Hard Worker! e. munson
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Description: Eddie feels jealous, so he fucks his best friend on top of the car he's fixing.
Warnings: mechanic eddie, dom!eddie, cheerleader!reader, oral sex, spanking, PiV, doggystyle, protective!eddie, degrading/praising.
You felt your feet throbbing the more steps you took. Returning from afternoon cheer practice was always harder than mornings. Carrying the entire day's tiredness, you had to get dressed, arrive at school, practice, and then, with painful limbs, walk back home.
Today's practice, though, was quite surprising.
As you paced, your mind wandered around the events that had taken place. Chance Peterson passed down a message to you through Linda Richards about his feelings as well as a sealed letter, which the girl delivered to you with a smirk on her face.
You were informed that it hadn't been opened by her or anyone else, but chances were she knew about what it contained since her boyfriend was best friends with the jock himself.
You kept on walking, holding it in your grip before the sign you were looking for eventually appeared in your eyesight.
"Thatcher Tires"
It was 9pm. The sun had completely gone down and the only light on the street you found yourself in was occasionally flickering. You tightly gripped the garage door before sliding it, revealing Eddie's half-worn overall, and half of his tank top-clothed torso covered in greases and stains.
Iron Maiden was blasting on the speakers, making Eddie unable to hear you enter. You swore this boy would get murdered one day.
He was the only one inside the store, and since his boss was missing, he had stayed overtime for whatever reason. Maybe he was too interested in the car he was working on or had gotten into an argument with his uncle back home, but either way, you were glad you did not walk here all the way for nothing.
Your friendship with Eddie wasn't considered weird or confusing to the surrounding people until high school. By the time you were a freshman, he was already a senior. It didn't take long until you became well-liked and even quite popular.
Everyone liked you. You were kind, polite and sweet so when everyone saw how close you were with your best friend who, while you were in middle school, had created a pretty scandalous impression, they assumed the worst for him and even tried talking you out of spending time with him.
Eventually, you had reached your senior year, which he had failed twice due to his low grades despite you trying to help him out of his D's and C's.
You walked towards the black Mercedes he was under, placing a paper bag of food on its hood before making your way to the speakers, turning the record off.
Eddie immediately wiggled out of his position, his hand over his heart as he panted, "Jesus!" he groaned, causing you to lightly smile, "Did I scare you, poor thing?" you innocently glanced at him, "Spare me."
He looked at the hood of the car, sending a glare at you, "You're not allowed to place stuff up here, y/n" you rolled your eyes at his words, approaching him, "You should be thankful I walked after practice just to bring my best friend something to eat," you punched his arm.
"Righ blessing us with your appearance after going M.I.A for a week," he scoffed, opening the bag, "I'm sorry, but you know we're preparing for the match this weekend." you sat next to him.
You did feel slightly bad because you knew he was right.
"Why did you stay overtime?" you questioned, stroking the boy's hair before putting them in a bun as he unwrapped his burger. Eddie always relaxed when you touched his hair, leaning against your hands. "I had nothing better to do." he took a bite.
"Plus, it's a nice car, isn't it?" he glanced at the vehicle with admiration. Ever since he was little, he fancied expensive and nice-looking rides. You hummed in agreement, watching his bangs slightly sticking on his glistening forehead as he ate.
"What's this?" he asked, his gaze traveling down on the envelope you had inside your grip. You glanced down, shaking your head with an awkward smile. "Nothing important."
His eyes narrowed, yet he said nothing to you, "Just... foolish boys," you pressed your lips into a thin line, striding around the garage in your cheer uniform.
"Ah, did you get a love letter, sweetheart?" he spoke with fake awe, before throwing away the wraper in his hands. You nodded in response, making your way to him.
"What does it say?" Eddie asked, but you simply shrugged, "You haven't opened it yet?" he questioned, "No,"
"What are you waiting for?" he encouraged, placing some of his tools inside a box next to the car. You gave the envelope another glance before carefully opening it, taking the letter it contained out.
You began reading it, Eddie's eyes fixated on you, but once the words on it sunk in, your eyes had gone wide, your cheeks beginning to heat up. "What? What's wrong?" the curlyhead asked, getting no reply from you.
"Sweetheart?" he called again, this time approaching you before his hand attempted to take the paper. You quickly shifted away, making him look at you with confusion, "y/n," he chased after you as you quickly paced away, taking your waist in his hands before slamming your back on his chest, "Eddie no!" you tried to escape his grip in vain before the boy successfully took the letter.
"You are so stunning. I'm losing my mind every time I come across you at school," he read out, your fighting not preventing him the slightest from continuing, "You make me feel like a fucking pervert whenever I touch myself to the thoughts of your beautiful body in my hands," he paused for a second, visible disturbance in his eyes, "Eddie!"
"I want you to be mine. I want to touch every single part of you. Meet me at the benches at eleven o'clock tomorrow, Chance."
He expressionlessly folded the paper, about to place it beside him when you reached to grab it out of his hand. "I told you to stop!" you glared at him. "So what are you going to do?" he avoided your eyes with a stiff look on his.
"Will you meet him? Your jock friend, who wants to touch your beautiful body?" he moved his head to the direction of the letter, his hands crossed over his chest, "Maybe I will," you were unsure about this, you just wanted to piss him off and cut the protective act he always tried to sell you.
"Let me guess... Your other princess friends encouraged you? Hm?" you rolled your eyes at his choice of words, walking close to him, "If I want to meet him, I won't listen to them, or you," you looked up, defending yourself, but he only chuckled.
"So defensive, and for what? A fucking brainless douchebag who just wants to take your panties off?" you raised your eyebrows, slightly pushing him, "Because that's why a dude would only approach me right? To fuck me." you gritted your teeth.
"I didn't say that," he did not break eye contact once, his head moving closer to you, "You know damn well what kind of guy Chance Peterson is and what he has said about me, you just want to act all defensive because you're pissed that I'm looking after you," he spoke.
"Whether I decide to go out with him, I know what he wants. You're not my dad to tell me what you feel about anyone that is interested in me, Eddie!"
"Oh, so you just want to get fucked, don't you?"
Your eyes widened before your palm met the skin of his face, slapping him out of frustration, immediately bringing your hands in front of your mouth after the realization hit you.
Eddie hissed, his palm patting the soreness on his face, "I'm so sorry Eds!" you touched his cheek with worry, your spare hand on his chest, "God, I'm so sorry!"
He did not respond, something that worried you even more than the redness on his face. "I don't want his hands anywhere near you," he clenched his jaw when your eyes locked contact with his. You frowned your brows, your hand letting go of his cheek, "You don't have to prote-"
Before you could question him, he spoke. "I'm not-" he paused, hitting the table next to him when his hand reached your waist, pulling you closer for his lips to touch yours.
Your eyes remained open, surprise making you unable to move, "I'm just fucking pissed," his head moved next to yours, lips near your ear, "Pissed that someone like him wants to touch my little girl," he whispered, your cheeks heating up.
His little girl...
You would have never believed neither that such words would come out of his mouth nor that they would have such an effect on you. His arms remained on your waist, "I almost lost it when you told me Mark Peron took your virginity last year," he sighed, "I'm not proud about it, it's just..." his forehead was placed on your shoulder, "I wanted to be the one that-" he stopped himself, moving away from you.
You were finally able to look to his entire figure walking away, the sweet taste he had left on your lips making your fingers brush over them.
"Let's go, I'll drive you home," he said, grabbing his van keys off the floor before you ran and took them out of his hand, "You wanted to take my virginity?" you eyed him, but he avoided contact, "I just wanted to make sure it felt good," he mumbled.
"Oh, I should be thanking you then!" you smiled sarcastically making him shake his head, "Let's just go, y/n," he's about to slide the door but you stay behind.
"Thank you for fantasizing about jumping me Eddie! You're the best!" you slide the door back close, giving him a judging glare as you stood in front of him, "Don't look at me like that," he swallowed, "Why? Does it make your dick hard?" you scoffed.
His hand took your wrist, minimizing the distance when he once again kissed you, but this time you did not hold back. Your hands were instantly wrapped around your best friend's neck, pulling him even closer before you found yourself pushed against the cold wall, his knee managing to make it's way between your soft thighs.
He kept restraining himself from shifting his hands lower to your ass, but a loud groan left his lips once you guided them there yourself, keeping yours over his, encouraging to squeeze you tightly.
You threw your head back in pleasure, giving him the perfect chance to kiss and bite your warm neck, "So you did just want to get fucked, hm?" he smiled against you, making you whine in pleasure, "Because deep down, my little girl always happened to be a secret little slut,"
You returned your lips on his, the skin of your belly feeling his hard cock against you, "Eds," you moaned, causing him to sigh deeply, "Just tell me yes and I'll take you right here if that's what you want." he spoke firmly, his hand beginning to play with your panties under your skirt, pulling the elastic and letting it snap back against your skin.
"Yes, ye-"
He forced his tongue inside your mouth, pushing you back inside the workplace before his hand reached beneath your thighs, the boy pulling you on him.
Quickly, you felt the quick movement of spinning before you found yourself laying face down on the cold surface of the freshly fixed Mercedes.
He stood between your spread legs, lifting your skirt slightly before a groan escaped his lips, "What an ass..." you whined, trying to support yourself on the hood.
"Next time we argue you won't act like a deprived little whore," he leaned down, "Got it?" his left hand tapped your back. You kept your mouth shut, slight curiosity keeping you from agreeing when a scream escaped your mouth, his hand harshly spanking your ass.
"Answer Ms. 'beautiful body'," he rubbed your freshly red flesh, "Got it," you bit your lip, slightly arching. You felt ashamed, but you wanted more. His dominance made your cunt ache, a wet stain becoming visible on your pink panties.
"You like that don't you? Having your best friend call you a slut, his slut. I just can't wait to see how well you take my fucking cock," another spank followed.
"Eddie," your feet found his thighs, pulling him closer. The boy lost his balance, slightly falling over you before chuckling. His lips began kissing your ass. He licked and kissed hungrily, unable to get enough of it.
"See baby, how could I let any asshole kiss my little girl's beautiful ass? I'm so selfish, I want it all to myself," he lifted the bottom of your panties, licking a good strand of your exposed pussy.
You moaned loudly, holding back from hitting the car's hood. You needed to grip onto something desperately.
Maybe he was right. You felt like such a slut letting Eddie do this to you but it felt so damn good.
Spanks came one after the other, your ass feeling sore and painful, "Eds please, it hurts so good," you whined, a satisfied smile on his lips.
"Get on all fours for me, my beautiful," he dragged you lower on the car by your thighs, "Please fuck me," you cried out arching like a cat in front of him.
His dick ached as he watched you in your tiny skirt. You looked adorable, offering all your body to him. The boy pulled your underwear on the side wiggling his tongue against your folds. "Tastes like heaven," he moaned against you, caressing your back.
You loudly groaned, taking your shirt and bra off with out his call. He obviously hadn't noticed...
He kissed and sucked your pussy, the absence of fabric on your soft back making him look up, eyes secretly widening. He didn't hesitate, immediately reaching to touch one of your tits before continuing to suck you off.
You placed your hand over his larger one as he massaged you. Eventually, he managed to put yours under his, palming your own chest with you.
"Eddie- feels' so damn good!" you cried.
"Cum. Cum on my face, please goddess," he groaned, sloppy sounds of him eating your cunt filling the entire garage.
"Give me your sweet cum, please baby," he practically whined, his hand lightly slapping your tit.
You couldn't help it anymore. You let it all out, your body started to shake yet his tongue remained attached to you, patiently waiting for your leaks to reach his mouth.
"Mm, good girl," he praised, caressing your ass.
"I thought..." you swallowed, trying to catch your breath, "I thought you weren't allowed to place anything on the hood," you sighed, listening to his soft chuckle, "Stuff on the hood can cause damage. Your naked body is a blessing." he bit you softly, making you giggle.
The metalhead didn't waste any time before gently lifting you to place you on your back, finally watching your blushed face.
"Who's my naughty little girl?" he spoke softly, caressing your cheek, "Me," you grinned, bitting your lower lip.
"I'm your..." your confidence died down when you realized the position you were in, and acknowledged the way he was staring into your eyes, "Yes?" he hummed.
"Your naughty girl..." you whispered shyly, avoiding his eyes, "Excatly. See how easy you learn things?" your knee brushed his erection, making the boy moan.
He pulled down his overalls, palming himself over his tight boxers to ease some of the pressure. You took the chance to sit up and carefully begin undressing him off his tank top.
His tattoos came in display in front of your face before you started placing sloppy kisses on his belly, "Beg," he made you look at him.
"Beg me to fuck you," he spoke with a baby voice to you, your eyes looking at him with desire, "Eddie, I need you," you kissed him, "I need you inside of me, please." you moaned, "Please baby," you formed a hickey under his tattoo, one that he visibly appreciated.
"Spread those thighs for me, goddess," he smiled, softly pushing them apart, "I haven't done this in a while Eds," you nervously spoke when his lips found your forehead, "I'll take good care of you, don't worry,"
His tip started, rubbing your wet entrance, making sure every inch of you was wet and ready for him. Eddie slapped his dick against you a couple of times before slowly and steadily pushing the head inside of you.
You moaned, feeling your body being lowered down back on the cars cold surface, your best friend's body coming down with you. His lips played with your neck, a few hickeys being left.
Your hands moved on the back of his head, releasing his hair from your hair tie before running your hands through them, "More?" he bit your jaw, "More." you breathed feeling his dick sliding all the way in, "Oh shit!"
He began thrusting inside of you, at first softly before his pace fastened up, the sounds of your skins contacting each other feeling the room, "Eddie!" you pulled his hair, earning a loud grunt from him, "Want to cum again don't you?" he huskily spoke, when you nodded.
"Cum you fucking cockslut," he whined, "Come around my dick," he went slow but hard, making sure you took every inch of him.
You cried out loudly, your nails digging his entire back as your legs wrapped around his waist, "Let's see if that little cunt, Chance, can pound you like this," he moaned, his face buried in your neck.
The knot in your stomach finally released, warm cum running down your legs. Eddie immediately pulled out, beginning to pump himself over your belly, "Can I?" he questioned, and you nodded when you felt him leaking on your skin.
"Ho- holy shit," he cried, kissing your thighs individually, a few minutes passing by in silence for you both to catch your breaths.
"We should get going," he then broke the comfortable silence, a smirk plastered on his stupid face, "What? Why?" you frowned, worried that someone was here, "You have a date tomorrow," he winked when you hit his back, a chuckle escaping his gorgeous lips.
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emlee81 · 2 months
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Joel/Ellie- Comfort
Joel is sick and Ellie takes care of him. Some minor swearing but mostly angst and fluff.
"Joel?" Ellie was kneeling beside him, worried sick. Joel must have eaten something bad. He'd been sick as a dog for two days straight and Ellie wasn't sure what to do. It wasn't like she had access to medicine or a doctor.
Joel groaned loudly, raising himself up and puking in an old metal bucket that Ellie had found in the house they'd taken shelter in.
Ellie moved away, going up the stairs to collect some snow from outside to use for Joel to drink. It was freezing out and Ellie hurried to return to the warm house.
Surprisingly she'd located an old space heater in one of the bedroom closets and was shocked to find that the electricity was still working. Ellie wasn't sure how long that would last but she wasn't going to question it.
She stomped down the stairs, just in time to see Joel stagger to his feet. She quickly hurried over and helped him position himself so he could pee.
As soon as Joel was ready, Ellie turned her back and pretended not to be weirded out by this. She knew Joel didn't feel good and that he had reluctantly accepted her assistance.
"I'm finished," Joel gasped out, staggering back to the old, thin mattress and collapsing upon it, hardly able to move.
Ellie took the bucket outside but not before setting the plastic pitcher filled with melting snow next to Joel and ordering him to drink something.
As soon as Ellie returned with the empty bucket, she went and rummaged around in her bag, pulling out a loaf of bread she'd stolen from a gas station just down the street and some little cups of applesauce.
"Did you steal those?" Joel asked, frowning disapprovingly at Ellie who busied herself with taking the small foil top off of one of the cups of applesauce.
"Shut up, asshole," Ellie snapped. "We need food. Especially you."
"I'm not hungry," Joel moaned. "My stomach feels like it's on a damn roller coaster."
"Joel, just try some bread. You need to eat something."
Begrudgingly Joel accepted half a slice of bread and slowly raised it to his mouth, taking a tiny bite and chewing it as if it were dried codfish.
"Thanks, by the way," Joel said gruffly.
"No need to get sentimental about it. I'm just doing what you would if it were me who was sick."
"Yeah." Joel reached for the pitcher of melting snow and took a sip. Ellie noticed that today he at least had some color to his face. The last two days he'd looked pale.
"Besides," Ellie added. "If something happens to you, I'm screwed."
Joel released a weak chuckle and it made Ellie feel better. If the old fossil was making an effort to laugh, he must be feeling somewhat better.
"Yeah. But well, I'm glad I have a semi decent nurse looking out for me."
"I tried." Joel noticed how embarrassed Ellie appeared but he knew she was secretly pleased about what he'd told her.
"You've done good, kid." Ellie couldn't stop herself from smiling.
"'Course I did. You taught me well."
Joel reached out, gently grasping one of Ellie's hands and looking her straight in the face.
"I sure did, Ellie."
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what a perv!
pairing: ronald weasley x fem!reader (usage of she/her pronouns)
request: based on a request in which ron is obsessed with fem!reader's breasts and snape notices ron's fascination, calling him out by saying, "I would greatly appreciate it if Mr. Ron would stop looking at Miss (reader)'s breasts and pay attention to my class."
warnings: embarrassment on ron's end, kinda fetishizing the female body/obsessing over woman's breasts cus it's ron and snape isn't afraid to call ron out
note: back to writing, i am! it has been a looooong time, but I'm ready to update and get on track!
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y/n's head was turned towards professor snape, hearing every word of caution and wisdom that fell from the man's mouth concerning the creation of draught of living death. her front, however, was in direct view of one ron weasley, and his eyes were not focused on his professor.
instead, they settled on a pair of breasts belonging to his lab partner, y/n l/n.
ron wasn't a pervert by any means, and that was true. he was a hormonal boy who was interested in the female body - a specific someone's body, but that is besides the point.
severus snape didn't think so, as he noticed the boy's gaze. the professor paused his lecture before taking a breath, "mr. weasley, i do think it would greatly benefit your grade if you stopped looking at ms. l/n's breasts and paid attention."
immediately, ron's face grew hot and he ducked his head, ginger hair falling over his eyes. his fingers became the most interesting thing he had seen all his life, and he didn't want to look up and notice how y/n had pulled up her blouse, making sure no cleavage was showing.
snape's face grew into a slight smirk, content in embarrassing weasley for such an act. he continued on with his lesson, making sure to go without missing a beat, and eventually let the students off on their own. he'd be coming around to check their excuse of a potion.
ron balled his hands into fists and he looked up at y/n, noticing that she'd become interested in biting her bottom lip and trying to focus on the potion. he mumbled, "i'm sorry about that, y/n, truly."
y/n glanced at ron, her cheeks feeling hot, "it's alright, ron. sorry if i distracted you."
ron's heart dropped. that's the opposite of how he wanted her to feel or even say. "no, no, sweetheart," he began, "it wasn't you. i just, i'm not a perv, promise. just get distracted sometimes."
she felt her cheeks get hotter as her eyes kept moving from her textbook and then to ron, "distracted?"
ron groaned, dreading this conversation, "well, yeah, by your breasts. the shirt does wonders, they look...great?"
he cringed as the words came out of his mouth, and y/n couldn't help but laugh. she smiled, "well, thank you, ron. glad to know that you're not a perv, but isn't that something all pervs would say?"
she laughed again at ron's face turned into one of horror, and once he realized she genuinely wasn't pissed at him, he cracked a smile. ron gave her a look, "i genuinely am sorry if i made you feel self-conscious or anything."
y/n reached across the table and laid her hand atop of his, "it's alright, ron. i was just taken aback by snape's sudden announcement. but thank you for the compliment."
ron nodded his head, "okay, glad we're good, sweetheart."
the two sat in silence, neither one wanting to move their hands until ron held onto her's a second more, "can i take you out sometime? maybe to hogsmeade?"
y/n's features fell into a smile and she crossed her legs under the desk, feet kicking lightly in excitement. she nodded, "i'd love that, ron."
harry and hermione couldn't believe their ears and turned towards one another, eyebrows raised, "what?"
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2012aura · 1 year
set up !
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summary : continuation of free treats.
warning : disgusting fluff.
pairing : college!ellie williams x black!reader
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it had been a couple days since ellie had requested your "finsta" account and you finally decided to post just because. you had recently hung out with dina and another friend from campus and she took some photos of you all during the day, so you just had to post them.
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liked by elliewilliams, dinawina and 12 others
blackmacmiller beating the poor allegations & no mac miller dress up today! jk i miss you both sm rn @dinawina @jjessiemessy !
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dinawina pls come over i’m BORED! & ellie is hereee!
> blackmacmiller GET OUT MY CMMTS!
jjessiemessy COME OVER IM WITH DINA!
> blackmacmiller are you guys lying rn …
> dinawina no ….
no matter if they were lying you were already packing your bag full of clothes, face masks, and snacks. you tied your hair into a quick puff, not caring how messy it looked and started on your way to dina's dorm room which was only a couple minutes away. you arrived on side b in under five minutes, scanning your keycard on the door and letting yourself in. you walked up the stairs to dina and ellie's dorm and quickly knocked on the door. you heard giggling and running to the door and dina answered it a few seconds later. "beating the poor allegations, cmon now!" dina laughed as she let you in, letting you instantly become at home with the two other familiar faces. you said a quick hello to ellie and jessie, as they sat on the floor playing some video game on the tv. this was nice, everyone just hung around and was friendly, and you could use a break from reality. you emptied your bag out on dina's bed, the snacks you bought falling to the side. "guess what i bought guys," you said with a huge smile on your face.
"ALCOHOL?" jessie yelled, rising to her feet and taking huge steps towards you. "no idiot, i bought baked goods from the shop! they let me take leftovers home today!" you said excitedly as you unpacked the goodies while walking over to the coffee table that was placed in the middle of the room. went back over to the bed, grabbing the shorts and tank top you bring to change into, just to make yourself a little more comfortable. you stripped right there in front of them, it wasn't weird between you, dina, and jessie to just strip and ellie was too distracted by the game to notice. but out of the corner of her eyes, she could see you sliding the shorts up your legs and placing the tank over your head and down your torso. she wouldn't mention it though, it wasn't that big of a deal.
"alright party people, LET'S EAT!" you yelled excitedly, grabbing a fruit tart from the nicely placed baked goods. letting the fruit and dough fill your mouth with its amazing flavor, "you know last week, i worked overtime to help the night shift! it was so fucking fun" you sounded muffed because of the tart still in your mouth, but you dragged the end of your sentence on. "oh my god, does that mean you got to work with the cute junior?" jessie squealed, picking a chocolate muffin from the table and taking a bite. "you mean sam, the guy whos like my cousin? gross jess ... just gross but yes i worked with samual." you jokingly said, watching as dina laughed at jessie. "hey at least i want a dude, you two cant pick someone for the life of you!" jessie defended, letting a sly smirk rise to her lips.
"i see why they call you jessie messy now," dina laughed as her head came crashing on your shoulder, you pushed her off with a shove. making her push you back, you enjoyed this, the unity between you all. you could see ellie grabbing a fruit tart too, her eyes widening with how good it was, "shit i might have to go to bushes more often! this shit is good!" ellie exclaimed, making you all fall into another fit of laughter. "I'm glad you like it ellie, and hey if you come by more often i can slide you more free treats," you said as you smiled at her. jessie and dina made gagging and kissing sounds as you both spoke. you hit the back of their heads, "shut up guys, omg let's do face masks, i bought so many!" you got up and ran towards the bed, grabbing the face masks and then running back.
you laid them all out on the floor, letting the girls pick which one they wanted. dina chose a blueberry-themed one, jessie an apple one, ellie chose the orange and you were left with strawberry. "we are gonna look like ten-year-olds, that's so funny!" you said as you opened the package. you placed the mask on your face and smoothed it with your fingers, and so did the rest of them. "jessie move over, i wanna play too" you said taking the controller from near her feet, they were playing mario cart. "i claim princess peace ellie, don't try to be slick," you said, moving the curls that were now stuck down to your forehead. "alright princess, looks like I'm going with mario,' ellie joked as she took another bite of the nearly gone tart.
by this point you both were six rounds in, jessie and dina were gossiping as you kept beating ellie in this childish game. "damn mario, what happened, ain't you supposed to win?" you joked, elbowing her softly to try to distract her. "cant with those hyenas back there gagging on air" that made you laugh so hard you let go of the controller, letting ellie become first place again. dina and jessie now laughing with you, you realized what ellie had done. oh that sly bastard, "cheater!" you yelled as you grabbed the pillow from behind you and hit her head. making her raise her hands in defense, "i am no such thing!" she yelled back, moving the pillow swiftly and refocusing her character. that's how most of your night was spent, eating baked goods and a bunch of junk and playing stupid video games.
"guys we should play a game, TOGETHER!" dina made sure to include that, making you and ellie's small talk stop and focus on them. "okay d, whatcha got in mind?" ellie said as she scooted closer to the pair, and you did the same. "truth or dare," jessie said evilly, letting a sneaky smirk onto her face. you and ellie both groaned, letting out a mixture of fine's and okay's as you all sat in the circle. your and ellie's knees touched, you never really noticed but ellie was buff. her arms and thighs were muscly, like some sort of eighties eye candy, and you wanted the bait. "okay ill ask first, ms. strawberry shortcake over there, truth or dare." you thought for a second, no matter what, they would lead the question to ellie somehow so you chose the easiest option. "truth," you said confidently, letting jessie think of her question for a second. "is it true that you are super single and ready to mingle" jessie said between breathy laughs.
"way to kill me with the cringe, but yes," you replied, laughing at her idiotic antics. now that, made a smile go to ellie's face, she was so happy you were single. "now my turn, dina, truth or dare?" you asked, patiently waiting for her to answer. "truth," classic dina, never wanting to be a risk taker. "is it true ... you have a super crush on jesse- not our friend but you know ... the dude" you made sure your question was as clear as daylight. "wow getting to the point, okay, yeah sure i do!" she squealed out, hiding her face in her hands. jessie laughed, "dina you have to date him! dina and jesse sitting in the tree-", "enough" dina whined out. "now it's my turn, ellie, is it true you are seeing someone right now?" dina knew it wasn't true, she just wanted to see how you would react. no matter how hard you tried, dina could see right through you, the ways your eyes lost their light quickly.
ellie's eyes widened a bit before answering, "oh shut up dina, you know that's not true." ellie said as dina laughed. "I'm bored dina, can we go to the store" jessie wined out, getting up from the floor and starting to throw a jacket on. "yeah jess lets go, you kids be good." dina said as she quickly threw her jacket on and zoomed out the door with jess. they set you up! you knew it, those sneaky little girls! you looked at ellie, "so uh, do you have any hobbies?" you questioned, moving your body to face hers. "yeah i do, firstly i play sports here but in my free time, i draw and play guitar," jesus you almost melted under her gaze, and she played sports, and guitar? you were like putty in her hands and she didn't even know it.
dina and jessie didn't arrive until the next morning, but your night with ellie was spent talking and playing video games. like a first date kind of, at least that's what you would call it in your mind. in the early morning when dina and jessie came back, she found you both on the couch, with your limbs tangled within each other. being the sneaky devil dina is, she took your phone, snapped a picture, and posted it to your instagram.
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blackmacmiller a lil surprise for you
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WHY CLARITY JUST CAME ON AW MAN! NOW I GOTTA WRITE AGAIN! also this turned into a social media au quickly .. haha.
part 3
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backmuscles21 · 3 months
I'm Right Here
Recombinant Lyle Wainfleet x Reader
Summary: Waking up as a recom wasn't the hardest thing you'd be doing that day. I did a little extra bonus for this boy, I had an idea but she was short. She's at the end.
Warnings: smut, explicit language, shower sex, public sex, humiliation, PDA, public nudity, size kink, biting, sub/dom undertones, quiet sex, porn with plot.
Waking up blue was hard to endure, you were now multiple feet taller and you had a tail. Not to mention all your senses were dialled up to 11, you heard a soft groan next to you, and you turned your head over to see another Na’vi body waking up. You could only tell who it was thanks to the tattoo on his shoulder, Lyle Wainfleet, you felt your ears flick as he woke up. You were calm, you woke up and just wanted to lay there, looking at your hands and seeing blue freaked you out but you were told what happened and you calmed down.
You remembered; you signed up for this.
You slowly sat up and the staff disconnected you from all the wires and just in good time too, Lyle was having a freak out. You pushed him down by his chest, you put your face in front of his and tried to be calm.
“Lyle, Lyle baby. It’s me.”
He recognized your voice, he remembered it, his ears twitched, but he didn’t stop trying to get away. So, you did what you thought best, you climbed on top of him straddling his waist and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“It’s okay. It’s Project Phoenix. We signed up for this. Remember? I’m right here.”
You could see all the staff around you looking at the two of you curiously, it only now occurred to you how secret you kept your relationship. The only people that knew were those extremely close to you and it wasn’t really by choice, Lyle just can’t keep his hands to himself and he likes to brag. His hand came to rest on your hips and slowly trailed down your thighs before he gripped your hips to roll them over his.
“Lyle, not here,” you were embarrassed and the scientists were staring, you looked over your shoulder to see them trying not to look.
Lyle slowly sat up and kissed your cheek, “who else is up?”
“So far, just us. But Lopez and Ja are here too,” you pointed to behind you and Lyle looked over your shoulder at their bodies.
“When will they be up?”
“Soon, they got dosed right after us.”
“Who else is here?”
“That I know or heard, Quaritch, Z, Prager, Mansk, Zhang, Walker, Fike, Warren, and Brown.”
“I’m glad we both got in.”
“Back together even in death.”
The scientist came up and told Lyle she was taking his IV out and removing all the other wires. “You two can go shower then get dressed, we wake up the colonel last.”
Lyle smiled at you, you knew what he was thinking, he wanted to know what his new body could do. He stood up from the recom-sized bed and picked you up with him as you spoke his name in protest.
“The showers are down there, there are clothes in there too. Also, there are separate rooms for males and females,” a scientist informed the both of you.
“Got it,” Lyle said as he walked down the corridor.
“You’re not listening to her are you.”
“Hell, no. I just got you back. Plus, I wanna know how this body works.”
“So, I’m your test dummy.”
“You betcha. Come on, you haven’t thought about what’d be like to get fucked in this new body.”
“I can’t say it didn’t cross my mind when I saw you lying in the bed next to me.”
“Exactly baby, so no fussing,” he tapped your ass as he pushed the door open to the men’s shower room.
He set you down as he pulled off his hospital gown then yours.
“Damn baby, look how muscular we are.”
You let out a loud laugh, of course, that would be on his mind in addition to sex.
“And look at these,” he reached out to grab your tits, “smaller than before,” he pinched your nipples and you whimpered, “but just as responsive.”
His smirk was making you whimper more as your brows furrowed, he was humiliating you and you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it.
“Come here baby,” he lifted you up and walked the two of you towards a shower stall and turned it on.
The warm water cascades down onto your bodies, it feels nice to feel the warm water washing away the tank fluid off your body. You felt him press you against the shower wall, you could feel how hard he is, and it made you whimper out. You could feel how long he was against your thigh, there was no way this could fit into you.
“You’re bigger than before, so much bigger. I can’t-“
“Shhh, baby. You’ve taken me before. You said that when we were in our human bodies and I made it fit.”
“Stop being so cocky.”
“Can’t help it, baby. You’re just too tiny. Even now, still the shortest.”
“Hey, for the record they measured me at, 7’9.”
“Awe, princess, I’m 8’8.”
“Shut up.”
“Come on, you’re just as cute as ever,” his hand ghosted over your cheek before slipping a hand between your legs. “This should be easy, looks like the anatomy is the same, just bigger.”
“Maybe now you’ll find the clit.”
“Hey, I always make you cum in the end.”
“Yeah, after I help you.”
“You haven’t helped me in a long time princess.”
“Yeah, but you still-“ your words were choked back by him pushing the head of his cock into your opening.
“I love it when you shut up sometimes.”
His thrusts started fairly even and slow before speeding up to the point where you couldn’t even think, his fingers were instantly on your clit. Normally he didn’t start that fast, but this body didn’t have as much stamina as his last did. However, the ribbed parts of his cock were adding so much stimulation that it didn’t matter because him just penetrating you was enough to make you squirm. It happened quickly, you were both cumming, and your hands gripped his shoulders for dear life.
“Fuck, that was hot.”
“Neither of us lasts as long as we used to and these bodies are younger,” you said with a tired smirk.
“I knew right away my stamina has been fucked.”
“I think we both took a hit.”
“Well, we both came now let’s do what we were supposed to do.”
As you both stood in the stall and helped each other wash each other, others were waking up and entering the men’s shower room.
“Bro, you don’t even know,” Lopez shouted to Ja who was next to him.
“Look who’s up,” Ja said with a smirk.
“If it isn’t the two horniest people this side of Pandora.”
“You know you aren’t supposed to be in here.”
“That’s what I said but someone only thinks with his dick,” you said peeking over Lyle’s shoulder as his body covered yours from their view.
“You two fuck already?” Lopez said.
“What do you think,” Lyle smirked over his shoulder at Lopez and Ja.
“You two really are the horniest people this side of Pandora,” Ja said.
“How was it?” Lopez smirked.
You rolled your eyes.
“Bodies are the same. Just like getting off in human bodies.”
“You probably still fumbled,” Lopez smirked back.
“He was surprisingly apt. Other than the fact that both our stamina’s suck,” you said from behind Lyle.
“Well feel free to continue. Everyone else is up except the colonel. They are waking him up shortly.”
“Good to know, Lyle wants to be there for that. If he can keep his hands to himself. This motherfucker tried to fuck the moment he woke up. I swear the scientists almost died.”
Lopez let out a belting laugh as he started his own shower, he laughed again as he heard your soft ow after the sound of a slap bounced off the walls.
A few hours later you were there with pretty much everyone else as the colonel slowly woke up, Lyle was right next to Quaritch’s bed. As predicted, he was extremely combative, he punched a few people and threw them around. Lyle tried to handle it, pushing the scientists out and multiple people held Quaritch back as he fought. But eventually he calmed down and Lyle told him what was going on and he settled down more.
So, there you were watching your colonel get a wrap on everything by watching his human self talk about what was going on. You remember watching yours, you looked so tired, you don’t remember being that way. You talked about why you wanted this and why it would be great, you think it was more of a way to convince yourself at the time.
Then you were being informed of your mission: take down Jake Sully.
That night was interesting, there were a few rooms for the recoms, they were to share a room. It was two bunk beds on either side of the small room, four lockers and a nightstand between the two bunks. It wasn’t too bad; you weren’t really spending much time in here it was just for sleeping. You did get a state-of-the-art gym which made everyone happy so that’s all that really mattered to everyone.
As it turns out, bunks were assigned and it just so happens Lyle is right underneath you with Zdog and Mansk in the other bunk. You were more surprised they didn’t do two rooms, one for the girls and the other for the boys and just make theirs bigger but apparently not. It worked out better for you anyway, you would always have Lyle with you and no one would be the wiser. Except for everyone on your squad, you and Lyle didn’t hide shit anymore and he was so cocky about it.
You were both so open, like during the briefing Lyle just had you sit in his lap. When you slept it would be in his bed, when you went out for your mission, you’d sit next to him on the plane and he’d stick close to you well out in the forest. Not to mention anytime you were training, you loved to spar together only for him to say stuff like ‘looks like I win again.” Or ‘I got you under me again’ or better yet when he learned his sense of smell and he could smell how much he was turning you on ‘do you like when I have you pinned this way?’
That first night was one for the books, it was probably the hottest thing the two of you have ever done. You were both very okay with semi-public sex but this was a whole new level. You were supposed to be sleeping but Lyle was currently taking you to pound town as he roughly thrusted into you. You can feel your legs shake and you try to stay quiet but he’s going so fast and so deep, you feel the tears slide down your temples. You try desperately to keep your moans in check, trying so hard to swallow them but it’s not working. Lyle places his hand on your mouth and pushes his head into your neck as he bites lightly, careful not to pierce you with his new fangs.
“Wouldn’t want to wake anyone up. Z and Mansk are right there,” Lyle whispered into your ear as it flicked in response to his breathy moans.
He keeps his pace rough and fast; it wasn’t long before he had you cumming and shortly after himself. Your lips attached to quiet both of you down. As you lay there tired and spent with Lyle still inside of you, you feel yourself succumbing to the sleep pulling at your eyes.
“You guys are gross,” Zdog says as she rolls over to face the wall.
Lyle smirked at her then back at you and slowly pulled out causing you to whimper, he laid down next to you and pulled you into his chest. You both fall asleep and, in the morning, you get up and get dressed as though nothing happened and clearly Zdog is not impressed.
“If I had known you wanted to join, I would’ve let you,” Lyle said with a smirk as he walked off from you and Zdog leaving both of you slightly blushing while she held a smirk.
“A sub with two doms, she couldn’t handle it,” she spoke up and Lyle laughed as he was already halfway down the hall.
All you thought about was being fucked dumb between two doms.
A bit of a bonus: This randomly occurred to me and it needed to be written but she is so dumb.
You knew you had stuff to do before you went out on the mission, Lyle knew that but regardless he still wanted a piece of you. So, you devised a plan, he laid on his back with you on top of him and his dick currently balls deep in you. You braided your hair well you kept him warm, but he wasn’t having it so to prove some semblance of dominance you rocked your hips while you continued to braid your long hair.
But that still wasn’t enough for him so he was going to take charge and he did, he thrusted up into you. You moaned and hissed at the same time, his smirk and slight giggle made you whimper.
He’s humiliating you again and you’re eating that shit up.
But that doesn’t matter because he does it again and this time it has you stopping what you were doing to curl in on yourself and grip the sheets by his head. He snickered at your reaction, he liked witnessing you trying so hard to have control and something as simple as him taking what he wants has you crumbling.
So, he continues.
He waits a moment before doing it again and this time you can’t help but lay your body against his as you feel everything, he’s giving you. he stops for a moment, enough of a moment for you to tie off your braid and have him flip you over to rut into you.
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igot-sarang-ggg · 2 years
You're Mine (Pt. 3 Yandere Dio Brando x Reader)
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Small Summary: Your family gave you to Dio in exchange for money and riches. Dio took a liking to you even though you would reject him and even fight him so he wouldn't touch you. He began to have a liking for that.
Small mentions: SPOILERS, f!reader, manipulation, toxic relationship, Yandere Dio, ownership, biting, marking, possessiveness, suggestive praise kink
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Why?! Why am I the only one that lives?! He killed those girls like it was nothing. Why?!
I was the only one that didn't throw myself at his feet. He's had countless women and he choose me, the only one that wasn't as interested in him as the others were. He sucked their blood and disposed of their bodies. Where do I go? Where can I hide? I need to escape him before he gets to me.
"Where are you, my princess?" Dio called for me, his voice echoing throughout the mansion, "You can't hide from me forever." I knew I couldn't go far from him, the last I heard was that Enyaba was teaching him how to stop time. I don't understand what she meant by that, but I know I'm in danger with each passing second. He may have stopped time a few times already and maybe watching me now.
Why can't you just let me go, Dio? I rejected him and would even fight against his hold at times, and yet... he still wants me. What makes you want to have me? I don't want to be here I need to escape. I made my way towards the front door opening it, the sounds echoed throughout the empty mansion.
"I see you're trying to leave me," His voice sounded closer I turned around, and he was standing at the top of the staircase, "You can go, but you won't get very far." When I opened the door there was a bird... a falcon to be exact. It stared at me with what I can sense was murderous intent. A chill went down my spine as I made eye contact with it, "I won't hurt you... just let me pass." The bird opened its mouth, and no sound was heard but I knew something wasn't right. I quickly shut the door, there was a loud thud that followed. That bird must be one of those things with supernatural powers.
I looked at the stairway, Dio was no longer there. "Where did he go?" I said to myself as I looked around and couldn't find him. If I were to somehow make it out that bird would come looking for me or he'll send his men to come and look for me. He's watching me I know that, I can still feel his presence nearby. 
I walked up the stairs, I excepted my fate being with Dio. I stood at the entrance of his room, "Princess I've seen you've given up on trying to leave, why's that?" I was now sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around me as he placed his head on my shoulder. "I don't have anywhere to go... and if I did leave you would punish me for it." He tightened his embrace a bit, "I would punish you for leaving me... I must know, why do you want to leave? Didn't your family bring you to me? Were they not drunks and only cared about money? My love, you're better staying here with me." 
He kissed my neck leaving a trail of kisses on my shoulder and back. I closed my eyes to hold back any tears. "I promise, I'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated." Before I know it, I was now pinned onto the bed with Dio hovering over me. "Now, now, princess don't cry." He wiped away a tear that slid down my eyes, I hadn't even noticed the tear had escaped my eyes, "I won't be rough with you this time around. Think of this as a gift from me to you." He gently placed a kiss on my lips. "Lo-lord Dio-"
"I want you to call me just Dio. Now that you're mine, formality is not needed from you. I want to hear you say my name until you can't anymore." My heart raced as he was now forcibly kissing me. I was glad it didn't go beyond that.
On that day I became Dio's property. I'd try escaping a few more times after and he always found me and punished me. I gave up and was now by his side when he needed me and when he didn't need me. "Good girl. You've learned your place. You're all mine and no one else's."
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Request for One-shot are open!
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
More stories with hopper, love your writing🫶
Down the hall
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Pairing: Jim Hopper x fem reader
Summary: tonight is the night of graduation sleepover, and the start of many new things…
Word count: 1'747
Warning: shower sex, oral [male receiving], degrading kink, pet names, dirty talk, feelings because I couldn't help myself, age gap, EVERYONE IS OF AGE, I was going for a loving and fake hating type thing with hopper, I think that's it let me know if I missed anything.
I don't have an age restriction since I know people underage are reading "certain" content with that being said what you consume is your choice! I will not be held responsible for any of it .
Universe: best friend's dad
A/n: this was meant to be done a lot sooner but I wasn't finished with it then when I was I edited some things.
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤️
School was out. you had just graduated and honestly you were surprised you did since you ditched so much [and failed a few times] but nevertheless you made it out of the hell you called school. you flipped your teachers off as you grabbed your diploma making your way to a giggling eleven and her dad. Hopper the chief of police. it was obvious he hadn't been home yet, a box of sugar donuts in his arm and a smile on his face as you got closer. you bite your lip looking over the older man.
It was moments like this you were glad El couldn't understand certain things because if she could you two would not still be friends, having become close after she arrived. You were one of the only friends she had that wasn't part of Mike's group. you had been to her house before but tonight was a different type of hang out; it was a celebration for you two because you graduated and during this celebration you'd eat junk, watch TV maybe Dance or whatever and you'd be spending the night.
"You know it's not good to flip off your teachers." Hopper smirked, opening the passenger door for you, el hopping in the back as he walked around and got in.
"You gonna arrest me chief," you teased, taking a donut from the box. Hopper chuckled, shaking his head. He couldn't deny that he liked the fire that you had.
The ride back consists of plan making for tonight and you trying to get under Hopper's skin. you sat back sucking the sugar coat from your fingers, moaning in satisfaction. El was fast asleep in the back leaving you awake with him. He would glance your way occasionally before straightening up in his seat.
"So um– I'll be in my room while you two have fun. I'll be just down the hall" he states, breaking the tension. you pout looking over at him and he looks your way confused.
"You're not gonna play with me while I'm here tonight? I was hoping we'd have some fun too."
your hand sneaks across the console brushing over him in his uniform pants. He slaps your hand away shooting you a glare.
Fire burns a little to bright if given the fuel
"I'm your best friend's dad, this isn't appropriate" he scowled and you only grinned in response. He scoffs parking in the drive thru. He's headed for the door, going in quickly without turning to look your way.
You pull the handle for your door, sending it open as you jump to your feet.
You pull El's door open, waking her.
She sits up with a dopey smile rubbing her eyes and you smile back, grabbing her wrist to take her into the house for the night. Tonight would be one to remember.
It's about nine.
Eleven and you are in your PJs, a bowl of half eaten lays and wrappers littered around the floor as you both giggle at the screen.
You have the sudden urge to go pay Hopper a visit so you sit up from the bed telling her you need to go do something, she waves you off engrossed in the show.
You crept down the hall looking for his door, finding it ajar. you enter, feet taking slow and small steps, halting in place when you hear the shower running.
Would he have left the door open as an invitation if he didn't want you to come find your way in?
You take this as your opportunity to look him over in all his glory. In one hand he had the cloth, soapy and wet and the other was running through his soaked hair as the shower ran over him. You let your tongue run over your lips nervously before pulling your shorts and top away.
The Door sliding open alerts him from his thoughts. His eyes wide as he takes in your appearance before they quickly meet yours with what you'd describe as hatred and lust but you swear it's a facade.
"What the fuck are you doing kid!" He whispered. He didn't need to ask though, he knew what you were here for and he can't lie to himself and say he wasn't hoping you'd show up.
"I'm just here to shower with you" you bat your lashes not missing the glance he shoots towards your bare breast. He groans in frustration before he's got you by the arm pulling you in.
He immediately turns you around so your backs against the wall causing you to gasp at the force you hit it with.
"You're a little whore you know that," he began moving his hands to the slope at your waist. You nod with a grin. He scoffed, pushing you to your knees. Your face to face with his hardened length, lips parting slightly in awe.
"Well, go on then. Suck it" he snapped, taking you out of your gaze. Hopper wasn't going to be gentle and nice with you, he was going to be mean and you loved that feeling when your heart tugged in hurt and Desire, you hoped his was something similar just with different words.
You don't need to be told twice, taking him in your small hand working in a back and forth motion as your lips wrap around him. You hollow your cheeks, sucking till he's engulfed as deep as you can take him, Loving the sickening burn and taste of him. He grunts, taking your hair and forcing you further till you gag.
I can take him, I can take every inch.
"Yeah that's it," he blurted, thrusting forward as your hands brace themselves on his thighs, fingernails leaving crescent moons for later. He tries to stop the quack in his thighs and the roll of his eyes but he's far from in control with the warm heat of your mouth and the slippery feeling of your saliva as you pull back giving his cock that pretty shine. Your eyes flutter dazed, a low moan muffled by his cock as you let yourself relax.
"I knew it. you dirty girl, You're a terrible influence on my daughter. Should I tell your parents you're taking my cock like a slut while your best friend lays in her room?" He pulled you from him, a slap coming to your cheek as you caught your breath, thighs pressed together for friction.
"Answer me. I haven't even stuck it in you yet and you've already gone dumb," he tsked, getting no response as you sat there pathetically peering up at him. He swears he could cum just looking at you like that.
The water only drips lightly on you as Hopper blocks it with his larger frame hair wet on the top of his head.
"Or is that what you need to get you talking?" He asked, receiving a nod from you.
Pathetic and beautiful
"please," you begged, only for him to grab you from the floor like you weighed nothing. Hopper was strong compared to anyone you'd ever been with, and you wondered about all the other ways he could toss you around.
"Put your legs around my waist" he commanded, one arm around you while his other slapped his cock against you, playing with your wetness to make sure you could take all of him.
You did as you were told, wrapping your legs around him so they'd hold you close to him. Your breast against the hairs on his chest has your nipples hardening as he angles his hips so he can thrust up into you. Your back hits the cold tile, sending a chill over you with a faint gasp.
His hands are on either side of your head letting you catch every pleasurable sound falling from his lips with his head in the crook of your neck. The wall and your legs support you while he slams his hips to your ass causing your soft moans to blend with the warm pressure of the shower.
You try to brace yourself for his length as it slides into places that have you greeting the stars as you levitate with pleasure. Nothing could have prepared you for this. The shallow breaths on your skin, the easy glide of his cock like you had just given yourself to him mind, body, and soul and you guess you did because you changed his name like prayers.
He wasn't sure if he could hold on much longer. Not like this, not when you were whimpering and shuddering as if you were possessed with your walls clenching around him like he'd leave you but he knew he'd never be able to do that.
He moved his hands from the wall gripping your thighs and he hoped he'd bruised your skin so anyone who saw would know you belonged to someone. He knew el was down the hall probably wondering where you were so he picked up the pace; going harder, faster and deeper if that was possible because he already felt like he'd pushed himself deep enough to have your poor cunt burning tomorrow but he didn't really care.
he'd lost all control when he let you in the shower with him so he wasn't going to hold back because you knew what you got into when Came to him.
Your voice was practically gone leaving behind nothing but pathetic yelps as he repeatedly hit that spot inside you to have you holding on to him weakly. Your toes curled and your eyes rolled. you'd never felt anything like it, like him and you were sure you never would do this again and that brought sobs from you.
Hopper pulled out of your neck his eyes meeting yours in confusion thinking he might have hurt you.
"Baby what's–"
"I don't want you to stop, I don't ever want you to, please," you begged with glossy eyes.
He sighed, kissing your cheek before an almost endearing smile came across his face.
"I won't baby, I won't. I'll just keep ruining this pussy for you," he groaned, feeling you clamp down on him.
Now being realistic here he knew that he'd have to stop but he'd keep going as long as he could and when he did stop, you came around him with your lips on his, tongue tasting his canned beer and cigarettes and he knew in the back of his mind even as he washed you and himself clean with affection kisses like it was the last time,
That you'd always be over, just down the hall…
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teenandbeyond · 2 years
Hi dear, may i ask for Raph x broadway musical actress reader headcannons pls? And remember to hydrate love 💗
Raphael x Fem. Broadway Reader
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Thank you, you too! Edit: Honestly, I wrote this way better originally, but my computer randomly decided to update and Tumblr doesn't automatically save, soooo yeah.
Want more from me? M a s t e r l i s t 2
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
🧶The Mutant of the Opera🧶
Warning(s): ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Among your admirers, there's one special turtle who's your biggest fan.
The first thing about you that Raph fell in love with?
Your voice.
It was strong and soulful, drawing him in, but warm enough to keep him rooted one night at practice.
It was your third musical, first in New York, and you were a supporting character, so you didn't have to come every night considering you didn't have many parts.
And opening night? He was mad you weren't the leading role.
You had the looks, the voice, and the charisma.
Hence, the giant turtle currently on the roof ignoring his communication device.
He made sure to show up each night, soon coming to the roof mere moments before you appeared. He had you timed.
🎶"Lift your head up, darlin'!... Never let them see ya' down. Never be afraid of yourself, keep your feet up off the ground...as you fly! To the sky! Reach your dreams, way up high!"🎶
He hoped to see you again.
And he did, the next year, you were a main character, yet not a leading role.
He hated not being able to watch you like everyone else.
But you had such a presence, it honestly didn't even matter.
And after that musical, you had a fanbase.
Raphael created an anonymous account to fanboy with the others.
Then he was waiting, waiting for you to come back.
Then news came, you were coming to New York to stay.
You lived there now!
And a year and a half later, you got that leading role.
"'Bout time. She ain't fit for anythin' else but lead," Raph complained.
"What're you talking about?" Mikey peeked over his shoulder at the newspaper article Raph was reading.
"Don't worry about it--"
"That broadway star you have a crush on?"
Raph scoffed, awkwardly looking away, "It's not a crush..."
"Dude, you've been talking about her for at least three years. It's a crush."
"Is not!" he weakly defended.
It kinda was.
He didn't tell anyone about the magazine he stole that you did an interview in.
And he refused to actually show Leo how excited he was when he came home with a poster of you for him.
He was excited for tomorrow night, you got a role that you deserved and he couldn't wait to see you play it out.
He was not ready
Your voice sounded different, a good different like you've been working hard on it. It had a different strength to it.
You pulled off a dark, edgy look quite well
And combined with your stage presence being stronger than ever, he was quite flustered by your performance.
🎶"I might be the good girl goin' bad. Getting hotter by the degree. But this freedom makes me glad. I'm happier just bein' me!"🎶
Okay, yeah.
He could admit the dark look was hot on you.
Well, what he could see from this angle anyway.
By the time the show ended, he hadn't even realized it.
No one had, you were that captivating to your audience.
Thundering applause.
And then the musical was over.
But something, something that night had him following you as you left the theater after everyone was gone, your shoulders sagged in relief as you stopped in the alley for a moment.
"Sheesh. That was so nerve-wracking! I hope I did well..."
Are you crazy? You could've been a tree and still be the star of the show, Raphael thinks.
"But I suppose I always get nervous the first night..."
He might have a thing for your voice.
You bite and release your lip as you go into thought.
"Now I have to drink all that wine by myself, everyone kinda just dipped out on me. Even the staff left..."
And the worst thing happens.
Raphael unconsciously adjusts his footing and you hear movement.
"Who's there?"
Raph wished it wasn't him.
Your arm snapped up in defense, "I have pepper spray and I'm not afraid to use it!"
He couldn't help but smile at the cute case the painful spray was in. If not for the contents inside, it wouldn't be very intimidating.
"Come out! I know you're there! Don't bother trying to leave now!"
Fierce little thing, aren't ya'?
"I don't wanna scare ya' doll face," he graces you with a response after some silence.
"I don't scare easily, I lived in Baltimore for a while, so I've seen a lot."
"You ain't seen me."
"Try me."
He sighed, time to scare his crush.
He eased down and out of the darkness, hands up in surrender.
You dropped your pepper spray in shock.
"Well. You're right, I haven't seen someone like you, before."
Your eyes were wide, trying to process what you were looking at.
"I won't hurt ya'...I was just watching you--That don't sound right, uh..."
You tilted your head, the large man--was he a man, he seemed more like an animal...a shell, a turtle--seemed to be more afraid than you were.
"Are you male?"
He didn't expect that to be the first question you asked...he didn't expect you to ask anything at all.
"Yeah. I'm a guy, why?"
"Just checking...I...I know some animals are genderfluid or whatever. I don't know how it is for...turtles, right? You're a turtle. Not a tortoise?"
"I'm a turtle."
You blinked, "A...big...turtle. I don't remember them being that big."
"Mutant turtle, princess."
"You're not scared?"
"Honestly? I'm too confused to be scared at the moment."
"Suppose that's fair."
You apprehensively put away the pepper spray after eyeing his weapons. "I'm [Name]."
"I know."
"I-I didn't mean for that to sound creepy...I just--I'm a fan..."
A giggle bubbled from your chest, "You're a fan of mine?"
"How could I not?"
Then he continued to go into a ramble.
Which was flattering.
"Eh...That's so embarrassing."
"It seems you've been watching my work for a while."
"I've watched every show you've done here."
"Really? Where? I would've thought you'd be noticed for sure."
"The roof."
"The roof? You could hardly see much from up there."
"Well, I mainly just listen to ya'. I see what I can."
Raphael did not expect to get a private performance in the empty theatre.
After double-checking everyone was gone and the cameras were off, of course.
You were such a doll and ordered pizza, too.
He snuck in a little wine.
No one had to know.
He'd crack some jokes in between, cutting off your singing and trading it for laughter.
"Raphael--let me--let me finish!"
He had lots of fun.
And during the ordeal...he found his heart beating even harder for you.
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guentzel · 28 days
“ is… that my shirt you’re wearing? ”  goldynado 👀🫢
you know the way directly into my heart
Nolan showered, did his postgame stretches, and even got through his postgame interviews without noticing a damn thing. Not even his mother, who was prone to comment about anything and everything he did, made a comment when she came down to drop off Levi.
Holding her close to his chest, cheek pressed against the top of her head, he tucked his nose under the collar of his shirt and sighed, sinking down into the plush clubhouse chair. Everything ached, but that was to be expected after playing nine innings of baseball. He was just glad that they'd won--it alleviated some of the strain from his shoulders, and maybe the media would stop chomping at the bit for heads to roll.
Against him, Levi was nothing but dead weight, her entire body relaxed. It wasn't late, but she had to be exhausted, having sit out in the blistering afternoon sun and undoubtedly full of pretzel bites and ice cream. She wasn't sticky to the touch though, so that saved him the trouble of having to put a cranky baby in the bath. He could change her into her pajamas and get her back to sleep no problem.
He inhaled slowly, deeply, and released, hot breath dancing along his heated skin beneath the shirt. God, he could fall asleep here--
"Hey, Nol, I'm ready to go if you are."
Goldy's voice jerked Nolan back to reality in an instant, all thought of sleep leaving his body in one swift movement. Blessedly, Levi remained asleep, one of her hands fisting into his shirt as she moved her face closer to his neck.
Above them, Goldy chuckled, deep and amused, the way he always got when he was watching Lars at BP or watching Levi try her shot at one of the many milestones in her life. It was with a fondness that Nolan didn't know how to describe, but always left him feeling tender and warm. Raw.
"Yeah, I'm..." Nolan said as he struggled to his feet, his mouth and body trying to keep up with his brain. "I'm ready."
"You look like you were asleep."
"Was about to be. Been a long week." Nolan rested a hand against the small of Levi's back as he tried to gain his balance. Around them, the clubhouse was still alive with chatter, other teammate's families coming in, and a few straggling reporters trying to get one last soundbite out of one of the more chattier guys. "Ready for the day off."
Goldy's smile widened, finally showing just a hint of teeth. Flustered and sleep-addled, Nolan could quite figure out why he was looking at him like that, until it all clicked in crystal clear clarity: day off. Mom was gonna look after Levi. Victory sex--or at least a semblance of it.
Pleasure began to stir in Nolan's gut at the thought, but he smashed it down and rolled his eyes at Goldy instead, who didn't look even remotely ashamed. Instead, he held his hands out. "I'll take her for you, so you can grab your stuff."
While reluctant to do so, Nolan really did need to get his things packed before they were there all night. As gently as he could manage, he passed her over, and Levi just curled into Goldy just as easily as she had him. Not for the first time, he marveled at what his life was, and how easily everything slotted into place. He felt he didn't deserve it, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.
His locker wasn't too far away, and he began to sort through his things, throwing his street clothes into his backpack and grabbing the random items that were strewn about, talking to Goldy all the while. When he turned, throwing his bag over his shoulder, Goldy paused mid sentence, staring at Nolan's bicep with a hard to read expression.
"Is... that my shirt you're wearing?" Goldy asked, voice painfully neutral.
"What?" Nolan frowned, looking down at himself. He was wearing their standard BP shirt, with the birds on the bat emblazoned across his chest. It looked just the same as every other shirt he's ever worn, but as Nolan plucked at the front, he could feel his face begin to warm.
It was too loose through the chest and arms. The sleeves hung down a little more than he remembered, brushing his forearms and didn't hug his biceps at all. Even when he looked further down at his sweatpants, he could see the hem hadn't settled where it usually was. It was a dumb thing to notice, but after wearing the exact same shirt for over a decade now, you noticed when things didn't sit quite right.
Or, you know, when the shirt you're wearing isn't yours.
Nolan liked to think there wasn't much physically different between him and Goldy, but he's worn the man's shirts enough at home to know different. Bigger biceps, slighter bigger in the chest, definitely longer torso...
Just to be sure, he checked the left sleeve. His face felt like it was on fire at the 46 he saw staring back at him.
"I guess so," he croaked, tugging awkwardly at the shirt again. It was so painfully obvious now that he knew--the shirt reeked of Goldy's cologne, of his deodorant. But they had practically lived inside the other's skin for years now, their clothes intermingling, what was once his now becoming theirs, so he shouldn't be so shocked that this happened. But it'd never happened in the clubhouse. They'd always been good at separating home from work, and now he felt... he felt...
"I like it," Goldy broke him out of his stupor, hand reaching out to gently stroke the 46 between his fingers. "It looks good on you."
I look good on you.
Nolan couldn't suppress the smile that spread across his face even if he tried. That was a new feeling that he hadn't felt before in their relationship: a feeling of being owned, of being his. Yes, living together, sharing their things, raising Levi were all aspects of their relationship, but at times, it was hard to feel like they belonged to each other anymore than that. He knew Goldy wanted him, their earlier conversation highlighted that, but this... this was a different feeling than to be wanted.
He'd never been lusted after. Or, at least, not in a very long time. Not in a way that mattered to him.
"I think we have a couple of extra jerseys lying around at home," Nolan said, deeply enjoying the way Goldy's eyes darkened, the way his body listed forward. Despite all of that, Levi was still safe in his arms, protected. "If you want to see just how good it looks."
"Good thing we have all day tomorrow."
Nolan grinned, and had to bite down on his tongue to stop from kissing Goldy. They weren't really a 'secret', but they weren't anything public, and both of them intended to keep it that way for as long as possible. Instead, he said, "Let's get home. Levi's exhausted."
"She's not the only one."
As they began to make their way out of the clubhouse, saying goodbye to teammates as they went, Nolan allowed himself to enjoy this moment, to be present in it. Before he was traded to the Cardinals, it wasn't something he really found himself doing. It was always go, go, go, do as much as you can as fast as you can, and forget about the simpler things in life.
But now that he had it, now that he realized what he was missing, he was going to enjoy it as much as he could, for as long as he could.
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abovexhorizons · 3 months
@haemoxin continued from here!
Their voice was nothing like she'd anticipated; though in truth, Isa was just glad that they could speak at all. Not a mindless drone or hulking monster ready to crash down upon her.
The flask presented and the "help offered" made Isa almost leap off the ground in joy, though she remained grounded; her mind, telling her that this could still be a threat.
As seconds passed, she made a decision to accept the help; if it were poison or another deadly substance, she'd be dead anyway. If it did help, then she'd taken a positive gamble.
The drink was surprisingly lumpy; not at all as smooth as the outside would suggest. It's flavor, bitter and harsh as it ran down the back of her throat, stuck to her mouth like a thick jam.
As she sat there, she could feel her muscles slowly recovering; the few wounds that'd been inflicted slowly easing themselves shut, the pain dissipating from her feet from the hours spent running.
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"Thank... You. I appreciate it, truly."
It wasn't a perfect miracle cure, but it was better than sitting there, damaged and waiting for death.
"I must ask you, since you seem capable of speech; have you seen a Kitsune around here? Tallish, crystalline hair, tail jutting out of her rear?"
Despite the pain she was going through, Isa was ever focused on Rika; her heart, thumping in anticipation at the thought she might finally have a lead. Despite telling herself to calm down, to not over-excite herself, Isa couldn't help it.
Hope was a tremendously powerful drug to the mind.
Pushing herself to stand with a heavy grunt, holding her midriff with her forearm, biting her lip to keep herself steady. The damage was mostly past, but the pain remained; it would take more than one flask to get her back to better health.
But time wasn't on the knights side, nor would she accept it again; her mind was set on finding her friend, no matter what she had to push through. Even if her body broke, her will would carry on.
Leaning against a small counter in what she could only describe as a kitchen - a small bench for eating, perhaps, and a few cabinets for storage alongside a primitive cooking space - she'd take her sword out, assessing the intensive damage.
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"Looks like I'm going to need to get this repaired before I do anything... One more swing and I reckon I'd be down to my fists. Do you happen to know where I can go to get this repaired?"
The thought of taking one of the swords on the ground crossed her mind, though that was pilfering from the dead; Isa may not like her family nor its traditions, but she was still raised as a knight.
And a knight would never desecrate the deceased.
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