#I'm losing my whole mind over here 😂😂😂
katlovesdbh · 4 months
Man, if I had a nickel for every time Essek Thelyss's disguise was dispelled via Anti-Magic field in a situation somehow related to Ludinus Da'leth, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't alot, but it's weird that it has happened twice.
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wotunciba · 6 days
your "made from scratch" meshes are total garbage. low your voice, babe. and also those hairlines 😂
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Oh, so you're only brave enough to send anonymous hate? That alone proves you know you're talking out of your ass. Why not come forward and face me properly? Or maybe you're one of those big cc creators yourself, huh? I'm dying to know why you're so mad. It's honestly hilarious—you're fuming, but all you can do is hide behind anon. So pathetic.
As for my work being "garbage"—let's get one thing straight: everything I make is free. Unlike your precious creators who charge people for recycling EA meshes with a couple of tweaks and call it "early access". You're really comparing me to people profiting off minor edits? I'm just here making what I enjoy, sharing it with others, and guess what? I don't owe anyone anything. People don't have to download my stuff, and they definitely don't have to pay for it. And you have the nerve to hold me to the same standard as someone who's milking people for money? You're reaching.
Oh, and before you start spewing more nonsense about shadow maps, etc—news flash: just because I don't include them doesn't mean I can't do them. You're telling me to do this and that, but I'm choosing not to. What gives you the right to boss me around? Cry about it. Your tantrum just screams insecurity. Go whine to someone who cares. Oops, seems like you'll have a hard time finding anyone. Tough luck…
And don't even get me started on your whole "before you talk badly about others" BS. If you're so noble, why don't you throw a million dollars at those lazy creators you're defending? You're their personal cheerleader, huh? Licking their boots while they laugh all the way to the bank. Even if I weren't a creator, even if I didn't make cc at all, I'd still have the right to call out their shady practices because I'm a player first and foremost. But look at you, losing your mind over nothing. I didn't even name those creators in my post, and yet here you are, falling apart. Pathetic. How fragile must you be to break down over this?
Honestly, it's kind of sad. You probably sit there behind your screen, day after day, sending hate messages to anyone who criticizes your precious creators. What a miserable existence. I hope someday you grow a spine and stop being such a coward. Good luck with that, though.
You should honestly be thankful I'm not replying to you in my native language. You wouldn't understand a word, and you'd just end up crying about it while sending even more pointless messages.
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Emotions sequel to Lust
Sebastian Sallow x f!Reader
Summary - Anon request for "I will give you my soul and both kidneys for more Sebastian smut 🥲🙏🏻 The day he calls me a “good girl”, I can die peacefully 😂"
Word Count - 1,736
Warnings - 18 + smut, characters aged up, dark!Sebastian, angst, slightly non-consenual consent scenario
A/N - I can die peacefully 😂" okay i messed myself up writing this one 🔥🔥
Sebastian felt the guilt and anger building up now that he felt sober, there were battling it out in his gut. He felt guilty about his intentions behind the potion, but at the same time he still felt angry that that was what it took. Angry at himself for not being more forward and angry at you for the same.
Your legs were relaxed around him as he layed on top of you, you forced him to look at you, "What is it Sebastian?" Your voice was soft and tired.
He sucked in his bottom lip and had a hard time making eye contact, "The potion. I - I crafted it for you and got too wasted and drank it myself."
In your post-sex brain it took you a few moments to process what it was he had just said. You felt the wind get knocked out of you and you felt completely betrayed. You let him make you vulnerable and it was all basically a lie.
You sat up quickly, shoving him off of you and clutching the bed sheets to your chest, not caring that his cum was getting all over it.
"No, Y/N, wait," he grabbed your first as you attempted to get away, but he tugged you to keep you in place.
"I still - I still wanted this. I know you did too. Merlin, you come here every day and it's all I can do not to ravish you. You walk across town like that every morning for me." You could see the arousal returning to his face. He was all pupils and flushed cheeks.
You tore your arm from his grip and stood up with tears dampening your eyes, "Then why didn't you ever? Why use some stupid position, trying to take advantage like that? I am a person Sebastian. In case you haven't noticed I'm the only one you've had for a long time."
Your voice was bitter as you left the room to scavenge for a new set of clothing and clean up the mess that you were. You couldn't decide if you were mad, hurt, scared, or all of the above. The saddest part was it's not like you couldn't have guesses the whole thing was a setup on his part. And you just stupidly fell right for it.
You collected yourself in a hurry and rushed out back to where you lodged with Sirona. You didn't want to think about Sebastian or be near him or talk about any of it.
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You woke up the next morning after having spent a long day battling with yourself over what had happened. At this point you honestly hoped things would shift back to the normal they had been, where he's just busy drinking and leaving you alone. If you were being honest, that probably started the second that you left and he wouldn't even remember what happened.
So, you decided to approach the day like normal. You did take a second look at the reflection of yourself in your mirror before stepping out though. He is still a man, not an animal, he had seen other women in his life in sleeping clothes and not acted like it was anything to blush at.
Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who asked, Sebastian had layed in his bed for the rest of the day without a drop of alcohol. He felt like he was losing his mind because he couldn't stop thinking about you. He felt like a 13 year old boy again, rubbing one out every hour as images of you flashed through his mind. But the images were certainly not as innocent as they used to be.
You seemed so upset with him, but you weren't complaining at all as he dragged you around the house, tearing through your clothes and ravaging your body. You weren't the innocent player you thought yourself to be and he refused to accept it.
You said to him that he should have made a move and just been up front from the start, so that's what he was going to do. He was going to unleash his deepest, darkest desires on you.
He slept restlessly that night with his new plan in mind unable to focus on anything else. He had never craved someone in the way he craved you and after having had a taste with you, he was ruined without you.
He knew Sirona always let you stay at her home she kept here and it wasn't hard to find. It was always possible to find out someone's business here if you wanted to.
He rose early in the morning, probably way earlier than he'd been awake in months if not years. He knew you always came to him just before the sun started coming up so that it would be light by the time you did make it.
Everything in Feldcroft was spread out and people liked their space. Sebastian's home was located on a reasonable little plot of land that offered privacy with the wild shrubbery and trees taking root wherever they pleased.
He decided that he would wait for you in a private spot at the front of the property. He had taken to cleaning himself up and putting on simple thin night clothes just so nobody found him wandering around indecent if they were snooping.
An old oak with a thick base was where he waited for you, it was just private enough for his dirty thoughts.
You were sleepy walking up to the familiar scene before you and that's how you got taken off guard. A hand came down over your mouth and you had no time to react before being carried off with someone pressed against your backside.
You felt the rough bark of the tree as Sebstian pressed you up against it, rubbing himself against your backside and talking low into your ear, "I told you you were begging for it coming over like that. This is what you wanted from me right?"
He bunched up the skirt of your gown and wasted no time dipping his hand between your thighs causing you to cry out in surprise.
"I see you didn't change anything. There's still nothing beneath here but a needy cunt," he used his fingers to spread your lips and your vagina open, betraying you with wetness, "see? You're much too empty, there's a leak we have to do something about."
He pulled his hand back to spit on it before not-so-delicately applying pressure to your clit. His other hand had remained clamped to your mouth so you hadn't had the chance to say a word, but he whispered to you as he removed it, "You're going to be a good girl for me and be quiet right? You don't need everyone to know you're letting the town disgrace fuck you."
Your breathing was heavy as he removed his hand you drew blood from your lip biting it and trying to stay quiet. He let you rest for just a moment while he used both hands to pull the dress over your head discarded it on the ground.
You whimpered when he continued his assault on your sensitive spot, being unable to deny how good it felt and how turned on you were. He placed kisses on the soft skin of your neck before he took a good look at your full exposed figure.
He inhaled sharply, "Fuck, everything about you is perfect. And you're all mine out here, so exposed and engulfed in the pleasure of it."
You felt a bit ashamed at how close you were to the brink of an orgasm, but couldn't stop yourself from begging quietly, "Sebsatian, please don't stop. Please - "
He sunk his teeth into your shoulder and everything felt like it was too much; the rough bark on the tree, the pleasurable pain of his bite, the white hot feeling bubbling over form his rough finger tips.
Sebastian pulled you into his body, away from the tree as he clamped a hand over your mouth to cover your cries of ecstasy. You fell apart on him whether you wanted to or not, eyes squeezed shut tightly while he holds you close enough to force you to feel his solid cock.
"That's right, just like that. So quick for me today, you understand the urgency since the sun's about to come up right? You can't let anyone see you like this."
He let go of you and you stumbled forward, catching yourself on the tree to find steady ground. Sebastian wasted no time pulling his pants down to start stroking his swollen cock, wrapping a hand around his balls and squeezing them.
"Would you prefer to my balls slapping against your ass with every thrust or do you want to look at me while I ruin you."
You sheepishly turned around to meet the wet sounds of him jerking off. His cock was red and swollen and you couldn't keep your eyes off of it every time he pulled towards himself and the head peaked out of his foreskin.
He approached you and squeeze your backside, indicating for you to jump so he could pick you up and fit impale you between himself and the tree.
You wrapped your legs around him and he kept his eyes glued to your face the whole time he rubbed himself across your entrance. He entered you slowly at first, shuddering at the sensation of how good you felt.
"I love you, Y/N," his words were low and husky before he crashed his lips into yours with desperation and started fucking you at a much more aggressive pace.
You could feel him stretching you out and his pelvis was bumping against your still sensitive clit with every buck of his hips. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and you met his lips, tongue, and teeth mirroring his intense desire.
"F-fuck, Y/N,"
"Cum for me Sebastian, please," you whined, "finish making me yours,"
"I - I'm close - just for you. You're such a good girl, such a good little hole," with that he finished inside of you, fucking you until he couldn't catch his breath.
He rested his cheek against your shoulder as he continued to hold you up against him.
"That's what you wanted right? I told you I couldn't stand it anymore. So I took you."
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Stop it, that fic was everything! My favourite one so far! I'm the one who did the back and forth with you over that scenario so this is gonna be a long ramble 😂
'Go and sleep with your kid' ARE YOU KIDDING ME 💔😭😭 broke my heart just picturing Leah and Jordan in bed clinging to Bug who's none the wiser, that night is definitely filled with the two of them constantly reassuring each other that Bug is safe
Why did Bug crying for her blankie make me tear up?! Baby girl had no clue just how terrifying that situation was 💔
Leah losing it and getting physical was heartbreaking but satisfying because whoever that was deserved it and she's protecting her baby but you know just how much fear is driving her in that moment
Jordan being aware but not completely aware, just constantly saying 'you're okay, mummy's here' is so gut wrenching 😭
Them both going into the instinctive mama bear modes, Jordan with comfort and Leah with confront and protect! Both different styles that kinda reflect their parenting styles (Jordan giving hugs no matter what and Leah being a bit more firm and to the point)
Millie being the one to try and pull Leah away (LOVE the implication of try in the fic, nothing can stop an angry and scared mama when it comes to protecting their baby) and the fact that not even the reminder of potentially being banned is moving Leah, nothing gets through to her until Jordan speaks 😭
Leah holding Bug AND Jordan close is such a perfect touch, sounds like Leah is trying to keep her whole family in her arms 💔 wanting to protect both of them because someone has just done something she hadn't even thought about potentially happening
Heartbreaking how this happened (I'm assuming) at Meadow Park, the home of the Arsenal women. The place where Leah and Jordan met, where they went from friends to girlfriends. Where they've been raising their baby girl but also where the scariest thing has happened. Such a bittersweet taste left in my mouth at the thought
Love how quickly everyone sprung into action, Jordan clocking it straight away and darting over, Leah barely having time to realise what's happening before she's following Jordan and everyone at Arsenal AND Chelsea darting over
The check up on Bug, logically they know the time between Bug being picked up and Jordan getting there would have had slim chances of anything happening to her but the reassurance was what they needed to finally feel like they can retract their claws in a sense
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Bug slept in Jordan's arms after, I feel like in that moment Jordan needed to hold and know that Bug was okay but Leah needed to know that both of her girls were okay hence her holding them both earlier and watching over them later
Leah's little watery eyes and trembling voice once it finally sinks in what's happened, love that it was Kim's pep talk that let her put her guard down a bit to fully feel what's just happened
Once again, I love Kim's little reminder at the end to them that Bug is safe and for them to just forget about any football training, diets or balanced meals for their careers and anything outside of the four walls of their house. Just to hold their little one and soak in the moment of their little family being safe and together 😭❤️
Truly loved what you did with our ideas and am so glad I rambled with you that day because its given me this fic 😭😭 thank you so much!!
I'm so glad you enjoyed everything!
Bug has no idea what's just happened to her while Jordan and Leah have been stressed since it happened. She has no idea why she's being let into their bed or why they're holding her so much but she doesn't mind at all
Jordan absolutely couldn't make sense of what had just happened, not truly so she clung to the only thing she could, which was Bug and tried to settle her own feelings as she settled Bug.
It absolutely happened at Meadow Park as well which is meant to be a safe space for Bug but ended up not being is the most bittersweet part of it all because Bug has no reason to fear anything there which is part of the reason she just went up to the fans.
Bug has no reason to fear anyone and Leah and Jordan didn't think she had to fear anyone too.
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ju-vondy · 3 months
Jason's past info reveal on EP. Five X My own thoughts...
After playing the latest episode of MCL New Gen I had to do this post because when Jason told us about his father I almost fell of my chair screaming "OMG I WAS RIGHT???!!!!!" For those who didn't play the episode 5 yet: 🚨⚠️spoilers 🚨⚠️
So... I had this feeling that Beemoov was going to introduce a family drama for Jason, particularly involving his father, to justify his poor behavior, ya know? Like...: the typical story where the teenager loses his father, faces family problems and ends up becoming bitter and tough because of it. The whole "family is a mess" narrative LOL (I honestly hate that concept of "You can heal she/he" thing that usually come together with this kinda plot, that's why even though I made a difficult past for Jason in my fic, he secretly goes into therapy often... so Candy won't need to worry about being a damn "healer" for him 😂)
In fact, I even considered killing his father when Jason was a teenager in my fanfic because I was so sure his dad was dead. But then I thought, "No... Beemoov wouldn't use that cliché of the man who lost his father too soon and had to take on family responsibilities at 18, right? What a drama!"
So, today I'm here to justify the plot I thought about to you: I didn't kill off Jason's father in my fanfic because in my mind it would be too obvious and cliché. Instead, I wanted to explore a different angle that still included family issues and could add depth into Jason's character. But then... I realized that my own story also ended up being quite dramatic LMAO 🤣😅🤐
The way I created Jason's family tragedy, I know it got intense, and sometimes I feel like such a villain for it (~crying in author language~). For a kid, it must be very though waking up from an accident and listening "So... Your father is in a coma. We don't know if he'll wake up or no. He can live but he can also die suddenly, be prepared." And then you wake up everyday hoping your father will wake up but he didn't and you get nothing instead of a fake hope that the next day will be different... You are unsure if he's going to live or die. You didn't lost the person, but you lost its presence, voice, bad jokes, caring, etc. However, you still don't want to lose hope. So, for Jason kid it was like "I'll do my best everyday so when papa wakes up he'll be proud of me :D"
I decided to put Jason's father (I named him as Gregory) through a coma when Jason was a kid for two main reasons: 1) Give Jason a motivation and 2) don't make him deal with "taking care family matters out of the blue" once he was too young.
> That leads to his uncle (named Viktor) accompanying Jason's growth and teaching him everything about the family business, being a leader and etc. Of course Viktor had an aggressive method once Jason father's part of the family is crap and cruel (as I shared on this post).
Despite growing up with his uncle filling his head with nonsense about love being a weakness and such things, young Jason didn't want to be bitter and iced-heart like that. (Yep, he was a hectic kid but that doesn't mean he was evil, he just liked to have fun messing around.) He remembered his father being kind and gentle, almost as if he wanted to break the tough mold of the family. But later Jason faced many disappointments because, being from a wealthy family, (BTW, I got kinda sad when Jason said they were not rich in the EP 5, but now that's done and I don't regret describing his family the way I did once we didn't have any information hehehe) many people around them were fake. He also suffered bullying for being skinny, so... All of those bad things led him to think around the age of 16-17: "Well, there's no other way. When I'm not at home I'll have to put on this mask that my uncle taught me so others won't walk all over me."
However, internally Jason still held hope that Gregory would wake up someday and... Within his good heart, there was the desire of wanting to make his dad proud ~if he woke up~ Jason had as a kid > it still remained there in his mind, so he gave his best effort in everything they put he to do back that time. But at a certain point there was so much pressure on the poor boy that he ended up having a breakdown. 'Do this' 'Don't do that' 'Be perfect' 'Get good grades' 'Blah blah blah'... At the age of 18-19 Jason found himself having like those "I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" moments of life LOL 🤣 He never really liked everything the Mendal stood for, anyway. He always found it a drag to attend luxury dinners, close deals and pretend to be someone he wasn't… Jason ended up becoming a rebellious young-adult despite being studious and dedicated to his goals.
And then things got worse when Jason was near his 20-21 years old: his father sadly woke up in a minimally conscious state. (So: today his father is not dead, but he's not "living" as well. You know? When someone is awake but can't talk, move, etc. sometimes the person can exhibit limited and inconsistent responses to external stimuli, but that's all.) I think that was the "breaking point". Jason got deeply disappointed: He felt like everything he had done in his entire life was for nothing. As a result, the dark-haired began to exhibit dysfunctional behavior, skipping work at the family company, arriving late etc, etc. Viktor took advantage of this moment of weakness and convinced the board/the general council that Jason became irresponsible, went off the rail and therefore was unfit for any leadership position and would never be good enough to take the vice president or president's company role. That made our hated beloved protagonist really angry, it felt like a big betrayal for him. Following that, in a fit of impulsivity, Jason had those moments of "'Fuck you guys. I don't need you idiots. My family sucks and I'll prove them that I can make it on my own without using my father's name.' And that's why he resigned from his position and began working on something else, which would later culminate in the founding of Goldreamz. (Fortunately, this was the moment he decided to start seeing a therapist again, for our sake's.)
Well... I gave you too many spoilers of the fic already, so, basically: Jason’s past sucks and his journey in my point of view is intertwined with themes of redemption, ambition, growing and a desire to protect those he cares about besides his own heart ~which he chooses to not open up with random people. He's not an asshole/jerk, but he decides consciously to behave as if he is one because a bunch of internal reasons. (His therapist is still trying to work on that btw 👀) Jason only shows his truly self when he with his mom, brother, close friends and some of his mother's relatives. (And hopefully, near Candy... As time goes by and they fall for each other) Selective behavior, ya know? It is common for people undergoing therapy to selectively share their true feelings and thoughts with a trusted inner circle, while emotionally protecting themselves from others. Besides, we must remember that therapy is a long and sometimes non-linear process: Jason may resist complete changes, preferring to maintain a protective behavior while slowly working on his internal issues. Jason does not intend to change it, actually. He's happy with only the people he cares about knowing who he truly is... He's like: "bitch, I don't care" about the others. 😅😆
With all of that said: I can’t wait to delve deeper into Jason's motivations in my upcoming chapters, exploring the intricate web of personal and professional stakes that drive Jason’s actions. 🤭 Stay tuned for more revelations and twists 🤪
If you’ve been following my fanfic, let me know your thoughts on Jason’s development and how you think his backstory ties into the larger narrative. And if you’re just catching up on the game itself (MCL New Gen), what do you think of the latest episode? Let’s discuss!
If you're not following my fanfic, I recommend you read this post first 😅 Thank you all for supporting my work and crazy ideas 💖
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agirlwholovesrockstars · 10 months
you're Gareth's.... WHAT?!?
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summary : Eddie is furious seeing you with someone else after you told him, he's the first ever guy that you became friends with.... surprise at the end! 🤫
warnings : 18+ Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, reader and Eddie are both 20, Gareth is 18, use of y/n, Eddie will might be so mean to reader but she doesn't mind it lmao, a very fun mini fic hehe
what to expect : angst at first and fluff at the end 🤭 some comedy parts as well
note to reader : I think I'm just gonna focus more on my mini fics as for now hahaha I really need to finish my degree or else it would finish me 🥲
author note : help- can you imagine Eddie being absolutely an asshole to you for completely misunderstood the situation and you're just like 😂
"Oh, it's you again" you say as you fixed the music tapes on the table
A mischievous smile is sitting on his face as he says "Aww- you're not happy to see me?"
"I'm working, Eddie" you replied as you directly look on to his eyes
You move over aside to arrange the vinyls alphabetically, he followed you
You shake your head to his mannerisms but a fond smile is now on your face
"Come on, Y/N- can we hang out later?" He begs with that "you can't say no" freaking eyes are now staring at you
You sigh "Alright, fine- Eddie- baby" you tease as you pinch his cheeks
Eddie suddenly felt this hot raging fire on his whole body at that moment
You left him on the aisle, giggling to yourself after you saw him, frozen dead cold on the same spot- he can't move
He always liked you but he never dares to try ruin his first friendship with a girl
You always liked him too- despite his facade persona to scare away bullies, he is one of a kind, heart of gold guy you've ever met
He met you in the same place, the place that you work, the only record store in Hawkins, Indiana
You moved last year and ever since he laid his eyes you- he knew that you're the one
He can't believe that you accepted him as a friend- at first he'll thought you'd be so rude to him because of his appearance and of course he always got his insecurities get the best of him- he thought you're too good for him
Way out of his league
But after he learned about your personality and you've never looked at him in the eyes of judgement and you always speak with so much honesty whenever you talk to him
He felt safe and he can fully trust you
He never expected that you and him will be friends, they way you both clicked- he thought he was just dreaming
Still, it's unbelievable to him that he's the first ever guy that you ever had as a friend
"Dumb pricks" he said to himself
Eddie followed you everywhere you go while you're work- sometimes he is absolutely so insufferable but most of the time? You don't mind it
Maybe being steady or keep calm don't exist on his system whenever you're around
He is always and never did once stayed away from your sleeve
It's so silly but so cute at the same time
When you feel worried, mad, frustrated, sad, he's just right there for you and you'll do the same thing with him
He's just.... the best
You approach him with a sweet smile "Eddie, come on" you reach for his hand, you tug him with you as he automatically intertwined his hold with you
You both went to the backdoor, you gave him a wrapped up present
He furrow his brows at you, instantly observing the thing that you just gave him
"No tricks?" He inspects the entirety of it
"No tricks, this time- Ed's" you winked
He raises his eyebrows at you
"I'm serious, Eddie just open it before I lose it" your excited face falls out of annoyance
He tear the wrapper and he almost fell down as you hold him by his shoulders
"You- what?! Y/N!" He laughs happily as he covers his mouth in shock
"Shh!" You whisper-shout "it just got here yesterday, every employee gets a free vinyl- but instead I'm gonna give this one to you"
You giggled as you watch him completely haywire over the gift that you just give him
"Metallica : Master Of Puppets" Album
"Y/N, sweetheart" he utterly speechless in front of you
"You're welcome!" You smiled widely at him
He hugged you as he breathes on the crook of your neck as he held the back of your head
You melt with it
He whispers to your ear "I adore you so much, Y/N- thank you"
You hummed, he pulled back as he offers his arm to you
You both inhale the pepperoni pizza and root beer float
He gave you the last slice as he finishes his drink
He smirks "Hey, Y/N"
"Yeah?" you reply as you continue to chew
"Close your eyes" he says to you
You squint your eyes at him "Eddie- if this is a joke- I'm gonna get your ass-"
He frowns "I promise- it's not a joke!"
You roll your eyes at him
He grew frustrated "Just. Close. Your. Damn. Eyes"
You swallowed your food "Okay, fine"
You could hear him picking out of his leather jacket
"Give me your hand" he announces
You knit your brows together
"Ah! No peeking!"
You chuckled "Right, okay"
When he puts something on the palm of your hand, it almost felt like a piece of paper
"Now, open your eyes"
It is a piece of paper
You intently watch him
"Take a look" he smirks at you
Oh- gosh- you know that look
You braced yourself
The moment you see "Jim Henson's Labyrinth starring David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly"
You squealed in excitement as he throws his head back in laughter
You say sorry for the disturb customers but you can't help it
"Movie tickets?" You say with a gleeful smile
You noticed it's two tickets
"You bought two?" You held up the two tickets, your genuine smile still lingers
He starts to become shy and he wishes that his cheeks are not flaming red, but it does
"Uh- I bought two just in case- if- if you want someone else to come with you" he stammers as he can't hold his gaze on you
"Eddie is the only one who can make flustered look adorable" you think to yourself
Your eyes soften, you get up as he watches you go sat right next to him
"My dear Eddie- you know I don't have a lot of friends- you're coming with me!" You tap his nose
He purses his lips as he can't form the words that he wanted to say to you
You lay your head against his shoulder as he gulped- he must keep his compsure being this close to you
"Happy Friendship Anniversary, Ed's"
You already graduated and he's only got one year left to finish, so you're helping him
"So, how's the campaign?" You asked him
You know how passionate he is whenever it's about his love for his favorite game
"Fucking Awesome!" He exclaims as you laugh at his antics
He goes all the way talking about how it happened and about his new friend that he just forgot to mention his name, he just loves that you really do care about his most beloved stuff
Whenever it's about music, film or D&D- you are there present- listening to him
Eddie finished his school works nicely done, without your help- he wouldn't be able to get through this far, he will make that snatching his diploma into a reality
He can feel it, 1986 is definitely his year
He's about to tell you how his day went until he saw someone with you
His heart dropped to his stomach when he continues to watch you
Why is he feeling like this, you're not even his
Why does he feel jealous?
You hugged and kissed the guy on the cheek that he just called his new friend, few days ago
And a new found band member for Corroded Coffin
He is now regretting his decisions, he wished that guy that you're holding right now didn't exist in the first place
He's staring at him like it he was about to disintegrated into ashes
He left as soon as possible he doesn't wanna stay there for too long
You got confused every 3pm- Eddie visits you and you're both get home together when your shift is finished
You two should've been eating dinner by now
Maybe, he's just busy studying for the finals
You haven't seen or heard anything from him ever since he didn't showed up to your usual routine together
"Hey!" You can finally spot him at your favorite ice cream place
When he doesn't receive your energy back at you, your face falls as you walk slowly towards him
Something in the air feels different
He doesn't even acknowledge your presence
Whatever this is, you don't take it by heart
You sat down across from him, you tried to look for his eyes but he keeps avoiding it
You already seen him get mad but... this is more than just being upset over unnecessary stuff
"Eddie? Is there something wrong?" You ask him softly
"Isn't it obvious?" He snaps at you
The moment he finally looks at you, piercing cold glare that he gives you, it shocks you
Still, you won't take this by the heart
"Eddie, you know could tell me anything? What's wrong? What is going on with you? I missed you- you didn't even called me back for days!" You reached for his hand but he moved away
You frown, you still don't understand where this is behavior coming from
"Will you just leave me alone?!?" He spits at you angrily- he stormed off
You're dumbfounded with mouthing hanging open
This is the very first time that he did this to you and you want to know why
You followed him, you reached for his arm but he yank it off
"Eddie- I'm trying to help you! What the hell is wrong with you?!?" You shout at him
He halts his tracks and turns to look back at you
He's shooting daggers at you with his glare as he walked back at you
"I don't fucking know? Maybe you should ask your boyfriend" he retorts
You crossed your arms against your chest- you laugh incredulously "Are you born yesterday? Eddie?! I don't have a boyfriend you know that!"
He scoffs "Sure, yeah, Whatever you say, Y/N- good fucking night" he left with that, leaving you alone in the streets
If things are not serious, Eddie think you're cute with that angry pout that you just did
You almost missed the sentence that he just let it falls between his lips
He's acting like this because he thought you had a boyfriend?
Oh my, my, my.... He is jealous
You went home afterwards after your weird argument with Eddie
You just had a thought that maybe... Eddie encountered your....
"Hey, Gareth" You called at him while he is resting comfortably on the sofa watching cartoons
"Yeah?" He glanced at you while devouring buttered popcorn
"Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Yes" he got up and he switched off the TV
You remove your sling bag and you pulled your cardigan sleeves up and then heat up the chicken noodle soup that your mom prepared earlier
He sats himself in the front of the table facing you
"Okay, tell me what is it, Y/N?" He asks with a mouthful of popcorn
You rest your palms on the table leaning forward
"You're a new student right?"
"Yeah" he furrows his brows
"and you told me, you already found a new friend"
"Yeah?" He chews slowly
"you also mentioned that he wants you to become their drummer"
"Yeah?" He is so confused
"you're late for dinner few days ago because you told me that you attended an D&D campaign"
"Y-Yeah, what? Where is this leading to?" He pushes away his popcorn bowl
"Your dungeon master might've been..... Eddie Munson?" You duck your head down and slowly raising to see his reaction
"Oh! Yeah! That's right! That's him!" His eyes sparkled immediately, the moment you mentioned his name
Both of them forgot to mention of the names of the people that just they met- too excited for the fun happiness moments to spill
You rubbed your eyes using your index and your thumb finger but a smirk sitting on your face
Gareth notices it and as he says "Wait- isn't that your?-"
"My bestfriend? yeah" you shrug
He finally understands the situation "Don't tell me something happened-"
"It already did" you say with a sigh as you turn off the heat and grabbed a bowl as you pour the delicious soup that is waiting for your taste buds to devour
He laughs "So- wait- you both got into an argument because he thought I was your boyfriend?!"
You nod as you laughed at him as well
"Who's gotta tell him?" He smirks at you and you grin at him as you ruffle his hair
"I'll handle it, just pretend that you didn't know anything" you wink at him as he agrees to this little mischievous plan
You're so amused at this and you're enjoying at the thought of Eddie is absolutely so freaking possessive and jealous with you
Jeff knits his brows together at his friend
"You're been acting weird a lot lately" he says to him
"Piss off, Jeff!" He grumbles
"Woah- there, my bad" he throws his hands up in surrender
Gareth spots the two of them until he gets the chance to tell Jeff why
Both of them shared knowing looks and smirks
Jeff pushes Gareth away as he tries to run off
Eddie came back with a sandwich as he eats it with no energy, staring at the space for hours
Jeff stifled a huge fit of laugh as he watches his friend
He leans over closer to him "You seriously have no idea do you?"
Eddie stopped chewing his food as furrow his brows at his friend
An eat-shiting grin on his face "Maybe try to learn the situation first before assuming" he raises his eyebrows at his friend
He swallowed as he rolls his eyes at him, but he takes his words carefully
"Eddie!" You start banging on his front doorstep on his trailer
He standing still on the closed door as he huffed
"Christ! Eddie- I know you're in there!"
A moment of silence goes on and on
You clicked your tongue "Fine, I'll just go back home with my boyfriend" you turned around to leave
You smile to yourself and it worked- he swing the door open, almost breaking the door for open it wide- he stepped outside
Oh- shit- he is just wearing black sando and gray sweatpants, he looked good
You're only wearing a hanging blouse, denim shorts and a jacket- you hair falls so easily pretty
He never looked at you for days and he missed seeing your beautiful face
You squealed in excitement as you wrapped your arms around him
He wants to hug you so bad but pride get the best of him as he only pats your back unenthusiastically
You scoffed "What's your damage, Eddie?" you pulled back as you rest your hands on your hips
He is now missing your warmth and touch- my god- your scent is addicting
"If you're mad at me just fucking say it to my face!"
He steps forward at you as he takes a deep breath, he looks straight into your eyes
"You lied to me, you told me for the first time we've met- I was the only guy that you ever talked to or even connected genuinely, I know it's only been a year of our friendship but it felt so right and real to me"
Your eyes soften with his words until
"But that fucking guy you're with, the one that I saw- I know you don't deserved to be treated like this but I am pushing you away now before you could hurt me"
You tried to kept your cool as possible but you can't help but feel amused by this....
He really does love you isn't he?
But you want him to pour it all out for you, completely unfiltered
"Am I still your friend or not?" You bite back
"No- I don't think so" he laughs in disbelief
"Then what are we?!" You step closer
You can feel it- he is fighting back but you want him to say it
Do it, Eddie- just fucking do it
You sigh in defeat as you turn your heel around and walk away, he takes your hand
"I want us to be-" he blurted out
You squint your eyes at him "To be what?"
He shakes his head at you as he thinks to rephrase his choice of words
"I love you, Y/N!" He yells it all out the moment he can feel that your hand is slipping off from his grip
You look back his eyes are longing for you
But he frowns after his confession, he ducks his head down- he looks he's about to cry
"I understand- you got yourself a boyfriend and I'm willing to be your just-"
You're taken him aback as you pulled him by his shoulders
You kissed him, his eyes might bulging out of his skull of what you just did
He breathes heavily but finally got taken control of his system as he grabs you by the waist, you gasp as he deepens the kiss
He is the happiest man alive
You smile through the kiss and you throw your arms around him and you can tell by the way he moves his lips onto you, desperate to feel your lips onto his and to taste you
He cuts off the sweet moment as he looks at you directly and watching you closely
You tilt your head at him as finally let out laughter that has been fighting out of your mouth
He is confused but a crooked smile is growing on his lips
"What's so funny?"
You're still laughing as you moved yourself closer to him, you give him one more peck to his lips
Your laughter died down but still you're giggling
He raises both of his brows begging for an answer
"Eddie, my baby" you play with his lavish long brown hair bangs
His hands still rests on your waist, he's watching you lovingly
"Gareth is the one that you're mad at? Right?"
His forehead easily scrunches up at his name as he nod
You pursed your lips as you begin to say
"He's my cousin, Eddie"
You started to laugh again as you take in his expression of hit of moment realization
His hold you on falls as his legs starts to wobble as he takes his seat
He is still wide-eyed as he looks at you
"Are you being serious?"
"Yes, I am, Eddie"
He smirked and still feel a hint of hurt the way you played him in the most infuriating scheme ever
"You got me all feeling dumb, sweetheart, that is one of a hell tricks that you've ever done"
You bowed down at him jokingly "No worries- about the past night- I just wanted to know-"
"To know about what?"
"That you're saying the truth about your feelings" you shyly say
He smiles at you feeling relieved that he belonged to you after all of this time
You crouch down at him and this time he kissed you unexpectedly and you give it back at him
He holds your cheek and runs his thumb over it
"I love you too, Eddie" you say to him
Oh- his eyes shines so bright at the time he heard those words that he's been waiting for his entire life
As much as you want don't want the moment to be over you announced
"I'm gonna be late for work" you stand up as he stands up as well
He tuts as he blocks your way "Ah-Ah! You're not going anywhere" his eyes darkened and your breath gets hitched at the tone of his voice
You chuckled "Eddie! I might get fired!" He tugged your hand on the way into the front door
"Nah- call it a day off- just say that you're sick" as he licks his lips and rolls his eyes as you look at him innocently
"You're not going to get away from this, Y/N after you what you just told me that you love me!"
He says dramatically as you snorted at his actions like he's going to die when you're not with him
The moment he lets go of his grip on you, you ran off and he chases you as you shrieked by the time he carried you away from the behind
He gets inside, ignoring your protests and puts you down on your feet as he kicks the door shut
You both stare at each other, hearts full of love and joy as you both share the same smiles at each other
He happily hugs you as kisses you so slowly and so heartwarming
He flashes you with those doe eyes again
"Stay with me? Please?" He finally says as he kept his eyes on you
"Alright, Ed's- I'll stay with you" you giggle
He cheers in victory as he swooped off your feet as he captures your lips to kiss again
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
Okay....Another one for the dirty headcanon game
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks / having marks left on them?)
Parental, I'm gonna need the skinny on Manny, Angel, Gilly, Coco & RIZ!!!! 😩
🌺🌺🌺🌺<- Your flowers in advance😘
the way i have been marinating on this for all of these boys. have i delved into yet another mayans rewatch????? PERHAPS!!! no one can prove anything 😂
thoughts below the cut! 👀
manny???? manny with no damn surname??? i know deep down in the corners of my soul that this man is fully aware that he was put here on this earth with a neck like that because it was made to be kissed and bit on. he is too smart to not know that. i know he knows it and i know he enjoys it. he can ink that shit up all he wants but it's not gonna stop me!!! that's for damn sure! 😈
and i also think that he is the type to reciprocate in kind, too. he knows better than anyone that kissing on his girl's neck is gonna turn her into a puddle 'cause it does the same damn thing to him. and i know he's the type to hold your jaw while he does it too to give himself better access. he's not a man that's gonna be stopped once he's set his mind to it. i also think he's the type to kiss your hands and knuckles too. just so he can look at you while he does it. as far as marking goes, i think he'll do it if he knows that his girl is into it but i feel like he doesn't do it in the possessive way that other guys do sometimes. he knows he's got you he doesn't have to worry about things like that. and he's right! 😌
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you and i both know that Angel is gonna kiss you wherever he can reach at any given moment. he doesn't care. he will find a way he will make it work. any exposed skin is fair game. lounging on the couch in shorts? congratulations: thighs and calves covered in kisses. cooking in the kitchen wearing a tank top? winner winner- you are no longer cooking because he is kissing all over your shoulders and arms and you're not about to burn yourself trying to stop him. thought you had about five seconds of privacy going from towel to pajamas after your shower?? sike!!! you already know what happens next 😈
i also think that Angel, with a leg/torso ratio like that, is definitely the type of guy to go weak in the knees when his girl does that thing where she starts off kissing him on the lips but then kisses down his whole chest and stomach when she's dropping to her knees to go down on him. like he's already stoked because he know what's about to happen, but then she does that???? he's done. game over. everybody wins. he's also got an unspoken but perfectly well-known rule that for every mark he gets he gives one in return. it's only fair that way, after all. and he's not wrong! he's gonna pretend to pitch a fit about it though.
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Gilly "i'll kiss you wherever i can reach while i'm holding you someway somehow" Lopez. cupping your face with both hands while he kisses you on the lips. hands on your chest while he's kissing your neck. slipping them into your back pockets or in the waistband of your jeans while pulling you closer and kissing your jaw and shoulders. hands on your thighs and ass when he's got you on your back kissing down your stomach and between your lips. Gilly said kissing is a full-body activity and he ain't ever been wrong!
all things being equal i think that Gilly is the type to lose it just a little bit when he's got someone who is just very gentle and soft with him when they kiss him. there is a time for being rough of course of course but Gilly who has seen and done and been through so much definitely still double-takes when his girl just peppers soft little kisses in passing. a peck on the cheek or the shoulder when she walks by or doesn't want to distract him from whatever he's doing but still wants to give some affection. i dooooo think that this man will get weak if you kiss his hands. pressing a kiss to his palm when he's holding your face, kissing his knuckles when you're holding hands. he's all about it. new level also instantly gets unlocked the second you suck on his fingers i don't make the rules but i do know that that's one of them 😏
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I think that Coco is another one who is very touchy when he's kissing but it's 110% about making sure that you are just as in the moment of it as he is. if he's kissing you AND you can feel his hands and body against you everywhere there is no way you're thinking about anything else besides him and that is exactly what he's looking for. he doesn't really care about PDA all that much, not when he knows that behind closed doors he can have you pinned back against the wall with your hands gripping onto his shirt or running through his hair. there's no contest there for him. he knows what he's about.
Coco's also the type to try and roll his eyes and call you childish when you leave hickeys on his neck where the guys will be able to see them and give him shit about them. but you also can't help but to notice that he never actually tries to stop you. you also notice that you'll catch him looking at them in the mirror in the bedroom or the bathroom and smiling after the fact when he thinks you aren't paying attention. he's not one who is much for thinking about the past unless it's something like that. how could he not?
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Michael Ariza, mi amor. the man who deserved to be showered in 1000 kisses on that show and got none 😭 whenever I think about him I always think about that scene where he's playing guitar and sprawled in the girl's lap at the clubhouse. I just. i KNOW my man wants to be laid up like that with his girl all the time. got easy access to kiss her legs and grab her hand to kiss that too. gets to pull her down and have her kiss him on the lips. all that soft mushy stuff?? sign that man the fuck up he's all but begging for it. he just wants someone to hold his face while they kiss him and I personally don't think that's too much to ask for 🥹
I doooo however think that he is not the type to really be into being marked up or do a whole lot of marking. I've got no evidence to back that claim except a feeling in my gut. he's not gonna pitch a whole fit if it happens (or maybe he will 😂) but if he sees it's gonna he is gonna distract and divert somehow.
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godddd these boys. they'll be the end of me. 🥵
Dirty Headcanon Game
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raine-kai · 1 year
Luffy and the Limitations of Reality
Today I finally got the time to watch the Gear 5th fight episodes, and I had some thoughts. (Well. It's less that I had time, and more that I was paying no attention to anything else because my brain was full of One Piece so I decided to embrace it.)
First off, SEVEN EPISODES??? Wow they really milked it 😂 I don't remember how many chapters it was but seven would be almost a whole volume and I don't think it was that. (Yes, I know, old news that the anime will milk these things for all they're worth, but still.)
Secondly and most of all, though, I want to talk about what Gear 5th, and Luffy's use of it, tells us about him.
Luffy is excellent at working out clever ways to fight opponents, even when it seems impossible, and training himself up to impossible lengths, using everything he has at his disposal.
But Gear 5th is a little bit different in that it's literally world-bending. The fact that he could use it more or less instantly could be the fruit communicating to him via their compatibility...or it could be that Luffy is always pushing the boundaries of reality in his mind.
While it could easily be a bit of both, Luffy's comment that he can do everything he wanted suggests to me that it's more of the latter.
This means, to me, that Luffy has always felt a little bit caged inside his own head, trapped by the boundaries of reality and physics. That Gear 5th to him is breaking free of these trivial cages that have always limited him, and allowed him to have the time of his life.
There's something that resonates with me about that, feeling trapped in your mind and discovering an outlet through imagination and joy that cut through and reshape a dark, serious world.
One Piece is full of metaphors and references and I'm sure we've barely scratched the surface of what Sun God Nika means, and who Joy Boy was.
But I feel there is something momentous about having Luffy be so good at using his Nika powers, with very little learning curve. Something that suggests an enormity about how he fights all systems that limit him all the time, including physics and reality itself.
He's always done silly things in battle—the first examples that come to mind are the time he tried to eat Crocodile and water Luffy and gomu gomu no boh—and Gear 5th harkens back to those with Kaido demanding that Luffy take the fight seriously. But things like grabbing lightning or peeling up the ground? Luffy has these extremely wacky ideas and as soon as he sees that he can make the ground change form to suit him, he immediately starts playing with that.
One Piece has always had a huge theme of freedom, and I like that it takes this theme to extremes—freedom even from things like physics which will forever constrain us.
It's redefined the shonen genre, and continues to do so by defying and subverting genre conventions again and again.
I've been a One Piece fan for over twenty years, and most of the long-running stories that I was a fan of twenty years ago have waned in my esteem; yet here is One Piece, still waxing, still growing in its scope and impact. The queer representation that used to be considered questionable has become something largely seen as very positive—not through retconning, but through expanding the in-world representation of non-cis characters. (I still live in dread that one day this will be taken away, but until then....) The story has had its ups and downs, but it always introduces something new to drag me back in.
Today, it's the notion that true freedom means even freedom from physics and the limitations of the material world, and that could so easily be silly...and it IS silly, but in a way that continues to make me invested in the story, and love Luffy ever more.
Kaido keeps telling Luffy to be serious, calling him a child...but he loses. All this time, he's been waiting for Joy Boy, but when he meets him, he ridicules him.
There's something in here too about the power of childish fun, embracing your brain's weirdness, and not minding when people call you names.
But when I put it like that...hasn't that always been ONE PIECE in a nutshell?
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animezinglife · 7 days
Sending this here because I didn't want to clutter that post.
I won't get mad at you for having an opinion different than mine 😂 don't worry.
I guess your opinion of Hazelwood is like mine with Colleen Hoover. She's just not for me.
Also my main issue with SJM is that she seems to have no idea where Acotar is going anymore. She takes too long between books and then forgets the original thought she'd had. She keeps changing her mind and retconning things.
Also if you have any romance book recs , I'd love to take a look.
I'm glad, and likewise! I've gotten a lot better over time in terms of pickiness towards books, and I fully acknowledge that there are two different types of "good" books: books that someone loves and enjoys, and books that are genuinely well-written. Ideally, those overlap, but not always.
I think my issue is more with the idea that seems to be prevalent that SJM somehow "is" fantasy, or that her books are at all an accurate representation of the genre when that simply isn't true. There's room in the genre for different types, but I personally can't look at someone who's only ever read SJM and call them a fantasy reader--they aren't. They're a Sarah J. Maas reader.
I had to switch to audiobooks to overlook her grammar and punctuation errors. Again, that's something an editor should be helping with, and I can't understand why better quality work isn't being done. All writers make errors--none are perfect. Yet there isn't an excuse for the volume of them in her books given the resources at her disposal and investment publishing companies have made in them.
The lack of consistency also frustrates me. I don't understand why she "undoes" so much without providing appropriate context or reason, and for me, that even comes down to the fundamentals of the story. This could be helped somewhat with adequate worldbuilding, yet when it comes down to it, even the Night Court could at best be described as, "Whatever Feyre and Rhys want it to be." Or, it's culturally/politically whatever the plot needs it to be at that specific moment.
ACOWAR felt like the end of the series to me, so I think you bring up a good point with her not knowing where to take the story anymore. Maybe she does, and maybe she doesn't. There's always been a lot of aimless writing throughout the series, and each book could easily be cut down about two hundred pages without losing any substance or necessary detail.
There's a lot of room for complexity and intrigue she simply never digs into.
What are the consequences for the bargains being made (besides the short-sighted death pact)?
What do the people of Night truly think about a twenty-one-year-old human girl who became High Fae yesterday being made their High Lady?
What is the depth of the impact of Feyre's and Tamlin's actions to the survivors in Spring? Their lives were uprooted because their High Lord made stupid decisions and their lives were worsened because of a messy breakup.
SJM does deliver on the romance between Feyre and Rhys. I wasn't as sold on Nesta and Cassian (even if I love Cass). I'm curious to see what she will do with either Elain and Lucien or Elain and Azriel (or Azriel and Gwyn).
Aside from the first book (which, let be real, was completely unnecessary given the direction things took), the romances aren't at all my issue with her writing. The worldbuilding has always been an issue: there's no grounding, technology makes no sense, and fashion seems completely random in Night.
The retconning is inexcusable. It's very clear to me that regardless of what she says, she had very different plans for Tamlin at the start of the series. I always thought he and Feyre had no chemistry and that the whole thing felt forced, but she gave no such indication of awareness in the book. Feyre, in my opinion, immediately had more chemistry with Rhys, and while I think it was obvious something was inevitably going to happen between them, SJM took the easiest routes possible for herself (story be damned) and made Tamlin a mindless villain.
Did I ever like Tamlin? No.
Did I think he and Feyre needed to be together at any point? Definitely not.
Do I think he deserved to be written better and for his character to be given more nuance after spending an entire book with him? Absolutely.
I'm worried about what she'll do with Lucien, Elain, and the Autumn Court. Lucien has been my favorite from the beginning--I joked early on about him being exhausted from carrying all of Prythian and the entire first book on his back. Elain has tremendous potential in her own right, and so does the Autumn Court.
I would actually rather see SJM slow down in her writing. I think the speed shows when the story and characterization becomes messy and careless.
It depends on the type of romance you'd want. Carissa Broadbent is the complete opposite and not only digs into multifaceted characters, complex political systems, and intricate psychology, but she pretty much never comes up for breath. Each book in every series she writes gets better as it goes along. My favorite is her Crowns of Nyaxia series, but The War of Lost Hearts (an earlier series of hers) certainly checks the high fantasy worldbuilding boxes on a entirely different level. Every point that I feel SJM misses, Carissa nails.
Be warned: she will gleefully make you question quite a bit about your own morality.
It's not strictly fantasy romance, but Katherine Arden is also excellent in both prose, character complexity, nuance, and worldbuilding (the same strengths Carissa shares). I recommend The Winternight Trilogy.
If you're looking for something quirkier with a wildly twisted sense of humor, T. Kingfisher's Paladin's Grace is a great option. Her characters are also in their thirties/early forties in The Saint of Steel series. There are a few typos I recall seeing and the (obviously) intentional use of run-ons during humorous action scenes. The first two books are great. I did want more out of the third one, personally.
I recently read The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst and can say I will gladly pick up more of her books in the future. She has a lovely, gentle command of language, and this book in particular is the definition of cozy. The romance is light, but it's very sweet. This is a whimsical read perfect for a cottagecore crowd. I will say while I felt the last act wasn't as strong as the rest, it was still more than worth the read.
I haven't yet read Hoover, but I've heard quite a few similar opinions. At the end of the day, something not being for us doesn't mean we're against the author's success or bashing anyone else's opinions. It often means we either value different things in books or our opinions have been formed through different experiences.
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campbyler · 6 months
HELLO I just finished catching up, started around Christmas time. The summer vibes were just what I needed to fight the January blues, omg. So descriptive it feels like I’m actually there in the sunshine when I read it, fr. It’s also healing part of my inner child that never got to go to summer camp and have that experience. But now idk what to do with myself now I’ve caught up haha, guess I just gotta doom scroll this whole blog now while I wait for 9.2 🤭
((I admit I was very sceptical of this fic at first, cause I couldn’t imagine byler working so well if they were anything but attached at the hip and bffs since the start, and while I still somewhat think this, it just *chefs kiss* works so well for this au. Btw I felt this way about stranger things itself, I’m not in to horror and everyone and their mom was losing their minds over s4 of the Netflix monster show, so I wasn’t interested. But one day I just got curious, and now here we are 😂 my most favourite shows/movies/stories I got in to this way, now I think about it….))
Yeah. Three cheers for neurodivergent Mike, too!!! 🥳 Can I ask - are any of the writers using their own experiences? For adhd, asthma, anxiety etc? Just curious, but you don’t have to answer this part.
AHHH i'm glad that the feeling of Summer is palpable and that your inner child is healing 💛☀️ and hopefully you survived the wait for 9.2 as well!!
that's a super fair skepticism tee bee atch! we honestly had them a lot more hostile towards each other in our original draft and ended up altering it to be this quasi-rivalry bc it didn't feel like Them otherwise. we are definitely happy with how everything turned out and we're glad you are too!! also i am a fellow s4-bandwagoner who was skeptical of the show itself for a very long time so i'm right there with you 🫡
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pianapplez · 7 months
Hello there 👋👀,
So I just found your blog and had a lot of fun scrolling through all the pjo show crit😂 I couldn't help but notice that one tag you left on a post where you said you had some beef with Annabeth's portrayal in the books 👀 Would you mind elaborating on that if you're comfortable with it🙈? Because I absolutely share that sentiment, but it's sooo veeeery rare that I see other people express anything like it... I've found that trying to be a part of the fandom can be pretty alienating most of the time, if you're not exactly the biggest most devoted Percabeth shipper...😅 And often any criticism leveled at Annabeth just gets you a smack with the "internalized-misogyny" hammer... it's even worse in the tv show now due to... obvious reasons...
Again just if you're comfortable with answering of course🙈 There is a reason I stayed on anon after all...😅😂
Really glad you asked because i finally get to ramble about this heheheh (going forward, know that i skimmed over The Last Olympian to have a clearer sense of what I meant because that's the book where Rick fumbles her character more than the others)
i'm gonna try to make as much sense as possible but short answer would be, she's underdeveloped. Long answer:
She really got on my nerves in the last two books, with the whole Rachel debacle and then the Battle of New York. I can't really remember a single moment in those books where she and Percy aren't bickering or having heated discussions, which really made me question their friendship status. Of course, it's not like friends can't fight and it obviously builds up the (romantic) tension between them, but it got unbearable at one point.
I understand she's a teenager in an incredibly stressful situation that didn't even get to have a normal upbringing- she grew up way too fast (run away at 7, head counselor at 12) while also not really maturing, which is not a problem for a character, if it is handled properly. Given the fact that I am writing this, Riordan did not.
On the surface, my biggest beef is that Annabeth is not exactly held accountable for her actions (ie. treating Rachel a bit like shit and going off on Percy for a bunch of stuff.) I know Percy is to blame a bit here: as far as we know, in TLO he basically cuts the greek world out of his life as much as he can as a coping mechanism. And while yes, he never apologizes either, he doesn't give her nearly half the hard time she gives him: always either giving him the cold shoulder (there must be at least one example of this in the entire series but i cant be bothered to look it up sorry) or starting an argument only to then storm off (see the "you're a coward, Percy Jackson!" scene, which is not the fairest example since she was confronting Percy about ignoring camp but also was a bit too harsh about it) (especially after finally reading the prophecy and being under the impression that he was absolutely going to die when he turned 16 lmao) or just straight up storming off (see, Annabeth reacting when Rachel shows up for the first time during the battle of new york). While most of these feel, at least to some degree, fairly justified given how the entire situation does an absolute number on her emotions, she comes off a bit brattish and like she's trying to rile Percy up, especially when it comes to Rachel, which in the context of a battle that could mean the destruction of the world.... Well, it reads as a bit childish to me, and i wouldn't exactly have that much of a problem with it if it was dealt with in some way (a two-way apology would be nice).
After that first impression, i realized that Annabeth is barely ever anything else other than a plot device (when relating to Luke) or a love interest (when relating to Percy). This might be because the books are on Percy's POV. Hell, on the third book he's even conflicted when Annabeth is considering joining the Hunters of Artemis, aka, when making a choice for herself would mean he loses her (which is fine and dandy but it feels like Percy is more upset about her choosing her own path rather than being sad about not seeing her as often); we really only get a few glimpses of her, as in, actually her when she's on her own.
Obviously it's impossible to talk about Annabeth without touching on percabeth, which also is, in my opinion, what hinders Annabeth's character the most. On paper they sound great. The guy whose fatal flaw is loyalty falls in love with a girl whose been let down by people over and over, and she decides to never give up on the boy whose always had people give up on him (can't find one of the million posts that talks about this right now but it always goes something like that) And yeah, the bickering is really well written! But that's literally as far as it ever goes: they don't ever seem to have fun together, because 8 times out of 10 the bickering ends up being passive aggressive, and mostly done by Annabeth. My biggest gripe about percabeth is that their friendship seems to be based off... shared trauma. Literally. Other than going on quests together we are given no examples of them hanging out, nor a reason why they would want to spend time together in the first place, not even a shared hobby. Yes, in the fourth book they had a movie "date" planned but of course they didn't even get to it, and surprise surprise, they had a minor discussion, and surprise surprise, Annabeth was passive aggressive again. It's hard to picture them having fun together when even the author doesn't write in any scenes in which they get along smoothly (and before you say anything, a scene in which they get along where neither of them is about to die, and they're not talking about previous adventures. Gets a bit hard then, doesn't it?) It's even harder to picture them as a couple when the moment she gets upset about something, she starts coming off as emotionally manipulative (see, again, literally any conversation with Rachel or about Rachel)
To be fair, the books are relatively short and don't allow many "filler" chapters, if you will; there's always something happening to keep the main plot or a minor plot point moving forward, but it's not like there is no room to develop the characters' relationships, especially when we're talking about the main char and what is essentially his endgame. As an example we have Percy and Clarisse, or Percy and Beckendorf. Their interactions are brief but still hold so much weight.
Worst of all, Annabeth could be one hell of a character; what's most interesting of all is how being a daughter of Athena she is still incredibly emotionally driven, which is displayed very clearly with her fatal flaw being pride: her telling the Sphynx that her questions were too easy was not smart nor strategic: it was completely impulsive. I seriously think she wasn't far from being the best character in the series had she been given more time.
I guess i have as much beef with Annabeth as i have with Rick for doing her dirty. I really could sum this up with: while her emotions are justified, she acts upon them quite poorly. And this is what i mean when i say she's underdeveloped, because it would've been nice to see her come to her senses a bit.
Would love to read anyone's opinions on her character though, feel free to comment, even (or especially) if you don't agree with me!
#pjo crit#anti percabeth#annabeth chase#percy jackson#tbotl#pjo tlo#the last olympian#percy jackson and the olympians#congrats anon on being my first ask!!!#sorry if it's too long or rambly i just have so many thoughts about her.#i dont hate her i dont even dislike her im just conflicted about her. sad that half of her conflict was being jealous over a boy#like yeah i guess said boy was the first real friend she ever had but also rick wrote it in a very “girls fighting over boy” kind of way#didn't really write it to make it seem like annabeth's reasons were anything more than just a hormonal teen acting out. there were no layer#sometimes i feel like im being unfair to annabeth and that maybe her being emotional and mean sometimes is her character and#she's actually written well and i just don't like her? but then i think over it and im not ready to give rick that kind of credit lmao#i truly believe he wrote her beef with rachel to entertain middle graders without really thinking twice about it#annabeth adds to the drama with her passive aggressive comments but at what cost.... maybe im reading too much into it idk#maybe i just find boy drama annoying..#but making it so that rachel is bound to maidenhood was such a lazy way to get rid of her as a romantic interest#the way rick butchered her character and any char dev for any of them in the tv show by rushing so many things... god. that's another story#if there are any typos i'll edit them later but my eyes are dry af right now and its late jdsjdfh anyway i hope my takes were interesting?#maybe i don't have that much beef with annabeth herself but the fact that percabeth is seen as the best endgame couple when i don't see it
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deepperplexity · 9 months
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Prompt 19: Hope [B6]
Pairing: Snape x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: Unknown place during a blizzard
Continuation of: Prompt 2. Restless Waiting, 3. Snowballing, 7. Stormy Reunion, 8. Rosemary For Holly & 16. Keep Warm
A/N: So, I'm here again, just a little later in the evening and I'm so glad I decided to write a shorter one for this prompt. I'm honestly stressing to the max and I haven't even started on tomorrows fic so I'm feeling the pressure... Still have another two Christmas celebrations to host as well but only one more before Rickmas2023 is over 😂👍 I'm still so so so in love with this event and I really do love seeing the community come together. I'm very very sorry I'm not fully able to reply to everything atm but as soon as I just have enough time I'll do it - you're words deserve all my attention and a thought-out reply too ❤ ON TO THE STORY OF TODAY!
Tags/TW’s: Love, Longing, Broken Hearted, Wishing For A Future, Abandoning/Losing Hope, Being Cold, Sacrifices For The Greater Good, Hurt No Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Being Cold, Feeling Abandoned/Lost, Mentions Future Death/Pain, Regret
Word Count: 1.4k
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My muscles strained against the sluggishness, the blizzard seemed to kick up a notch as I managed to sit up. I was cold all the way through. “Where are you?” Severus called, his voice a barely there thunder of worry. “Sev!” I shouted, mustering all my strength. “Belinna!” “I’m here!”
The sound of crunching snow reached me as I got myself up, trying hard not to topple over from the rough winds my weak body could barely withstand. His arms were around me the next second, his body shielding me from the onslaught while keeping me upright with his tight grip. “I knew you’d come,” he said by my ear, the relief in his voice palpable while my fingers grasped at his thick cloak. “I’ll always wish for you,” I said, my face nearly pushed into his neck. “Hold tight,” he said and my fingers tensed before we flew. Black shadows enveloped us and the twisting in my gut had my stomach in an upheaval.
It was over just a minute later. We were in the cover of trees, towering pines reaching as high as I could see. “Are you hurt?” he asked while grabbing my face with his cold hands. “No.” His eyes searched mine for any lie but I spoke the truth. I wasn’t hurt, confused and drained, but not hurt. “We go on foot,” he declared. “On foot?” “No trace.” I simply nodded at his words, happy I’d put on shoes before lying in bed.
Severus grabbed my hand and began walking, tugging me along through the heavy snow while I held on tight and tried to keep my coat cinched around my throat. The cold was starting to bite through all the layers I wore. It wasn’t the same as the English winter, or any other type of cold I’d ever experienced before. It felt feral, menacing nearly.
“Where are we?” I asked over the wind while it slithered in a rush between the tree trunks. “Can't tell you,” he said over his shoulder. “You should not know.” I merely nodded, I knew whatever reason he had for keeping so many secrets it was a good one. Truth be told, I was merely happy feeling his hand around mine, seeing him safe and whole — even if it was in the middle of a blizzard in some forgotten part of the world. He was there, alive and grasping my hand as if he were afraid to lose his grip on me.
We trudged on, Severus picked up the speed the deeper into the forest we went. “Wand out,” he said when he finally slowed down and I gasped for breath while my stiff muscles ached in the cold. “Now,” he demanded further and I reached inside my clothes to get my wand. “Sev?” I asked but he shook his head and squeezed my hand. Good thing I’m left-handed, I thought when I returned the squeeze and tried to keep my fear at bay. He was so stiff, so tense. It had my heart in my throat feeling the tension radiating from him as we inched closer to whatever destination he had in mind.
We entered a clearing and the wind just died off, as if someone closed a door. “We’re here,” he whispered and my eyes scanned the space. There was nothing there. Just a small open space among the tall trees where the weather seemingly couldn’t reach us at all. “Where is here?” I asked, stepping closer to him as something cold slithered up my spine. “The home of… The home I thought could have been my sanctuary after everything was over. But now, it is over, before it has even begun.” “Severus, what do you mean?” “If things had been, different … I would have taken you here, after everything was done…” “You’re scaring me, Sev…”
For, he did. He spoke in a manner I had never heard before that seemed drowned in anguish. He turned toward me, his face softened and turned gentle in the strange light of the clearing while I tried to remain upright. “When the moment comes,” he began as his finger stroked my chin, “you will have this part of me.” “When-, what?” I asked, my voice near frantic as he seemed destitute. “Love,” he whispered. “I am so sorry.” “S-Severus? What are you talking about?” “The plan is already in motion. When the time comes, I must kill Albus, I must become the evil in everyone's view to keep as many as possible safe, alive . There will be no place for me after, dead or alive. With all things in motion, all aspects of the plan, there are too many things that can go wrong and I am certain death will come for me before this war ends. One way or another, I will not be here with you after all is done.”
His words, they hurt so fiercely I could barely breathe while he looked at me with a sorrow and hurt so deep I couldn’t see an end to it. There was no end to his pain. A pain he’d carried all alone, for however long. I wished to take it away, wrap him up in a blanket and shower him with all my love, all my warmth, every ounce of joy I still held on to despite the dark times.
“Are you saying…” “Yes, love. That's what I'm saying.” “But, you can’t-, I mean-, we-, there must be a way!” My voice carried all over the clearing in the absence of other sounds. His soft smile, so gentle looking and sweet, was directed at me at that moment as he pulled me. His arms wrapped me up, I gripped at him while trying to find some sort of strength to hold on to the hope of a future with him I had barely ever even dared to imagine. “Here, you will survive,” he whispered into my hair. “You will live, and life will be yours to cherish.” “I don’t want that without you.” “You never had me, Belinna. I stayed away for as long as I could and then the choice was made for me when he saw you in my mind. I would never have even—” “Don’t. Please, don’t take what little love you’ve offered me.” “As you wish.”
We stood in silence until my snivelling broke the quiet. He was right, I’d never had him, and now I never would. I’d never know him deeply, intimately, lovingly. I’d never have a chance at finding a normal life with him, or even a crazy one. I’d never have what I’d hoped for in secret within the deepest parts of my heart. The hope I’d felt just a few moments ago had gone — vanished, for all eternity.
“When things seem most dark,” Severus said as I tried to soak up every tone of his voice. “Follow your heart. Your heart will lead you right.” “It led me to you, it always will…” “And mine takes me away,” he said while my body tensed up. “To keep you safe.” “Severus,” I began but my body turned heavy. “What-, what’s happening?” I asked, looking up into the most beautiful eyes I would ever see in all my life. “This was all I could grant,” he whispered. “All— What?” “Belinna, know that I love you. I will always love you, from the moment you spilt pumpkin soup over my best frock, it has been you .” “Severus, I-, I love you too. Only you.” I held on as tightly as I could while my knees yielded and the shadow of a little house seemed to flicker behind Severus as my head slumped to the side. The light of a single candle in the window was the last thing I saw before Severus sunk to the ground with me cradled in his arms as my body gave way to the heavy sleep taking over. Hurt, pain, and panic filled my heart and rushed through my body with my blood but I could do nothing.
He kissed me, a soft touch upon my lips that I couldn’t return. “Know that had I known you were an option in the future, I never would have offered my life for another. But you were too late, and I was too hurt…” I wished to scream at him, shout my love for all the world to hear. But I could not. Everything disappeared and I fumbled through the darkness without moving a single muscle only to jolt awake back in the cottage, no sign I had ever gone anywhere at all…
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: REMINDER THAT EVERY RICKMAS2023 FIC HAS A HEA! 😂 Don't come for me after this part of the Snape Serial this Rickmas 🙈
Q: Are you rather too cold or too warm? A: Too cold, easiest Q so far I think. I used to never be too warm, but now, gosh, I hate being too warm 😂
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @leah1243
@morphineisouthoney @meteoritewolf69 @bionic-otp @elizabeth-baelish @romanceandsarcasm @severuslovebot @glowstar826 @rickmandowneyjr @yellowbadgermole @snapesangel @a-queen-and-her-throne @impulse-anchor @commodoreseverus  @writewithmarites @alisongurl13 @yan-senna @writewithmarites @reinekefoxart @nixislight @lokisbjchnl  @lght-n-drk @ladykardasi @lyrixsnape @sunset90 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @daddythanatos
Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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aleksa-sims · 10 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
After I finally told N. that I was pregnant, I wanted to tell my Mom too. N. & I went down to the living room, to talk to her, but my Mom wasn’t in the house... The windows were open. I heard her talking to someone outside, so N. and I also went out into our backyard/garden. My Dad wasn't home. That’s the only reason Nico accompanied me. Otherwise he would have had to hide in my room. My Dad still didn't know about him and me. 😬
While trying to eavesdrop on the conversation between my Mom and that.... man who was there with her, Nico's Simself decided to.... water my mother’s plants. 😂🤣
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Nico (to me): What's wrong?
Me: Be quiet!.... Damn it, that's-..... That's Daniel's Dad, hell!
Nico: Daniel's Dad!... Maybe D. came back?😒 ... What are you gonna do now, babe? 🤨 You wanna go back to him, ha?
Me: What?... Um... n-no. I-... I don’t think Daniel is here. I wonder a lot more what his Dad is doing here? And why is my Mom seeing his Dad alone?... Agh, I've had enough of this shit here!
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Nico: Wait! Don’t go!
Me: But-........
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Mom ( to D.'s Dad): You have no idea what you’re doing. I know how to deal with a drug addict kid, you know?
D.'s Dad: He trusts me now! Alex trusts me too. He'll help Daniel. I'm sure he can do it!
Mom: But you lost him again! You understand?... I don’t doubt Alex’s intentions, but Daniel is hooked. He's gonna drag Alex into all this.... sorry- shit, too. Don’t be stupid!... You’ve been gone for over 20 years. You can’t be his friend! You have to finally act like a parent and do the right thing for him. So let me help you! Trust me, please.
D.'s Dad: You’re right!. .... As soon as I find him again, I’ll take you to him. But he was here! He was in his apartment and planned to stay there.
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Me: I know he came home.... He picked up his things. Why didn’t he stay? Why didn’t he wait for me? 😢
Mom: A.!? When did you get home? I thought you were-....
Me: You thought you were alone, right? 😠
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D.'s Dad: I came here for you. Alex asked me to get you a message. Here, that's for you!.... Don’t worry, I didn’t read it.
Mom (to D.'s Dad): You-... you had this letter with you the whole time??.. Why didn't you read it??? Maybe Alex tries to tell her where Daniel is.
D.'s Dad: I thought the same! I asked him of course. He said it was about something else. And as for Daniel, Alex was with him when he was at your place. He told me that Daniel wanted to leave after a while. Alex tried to stop him. At first everything seemed ok. He was determined to stay and ready to talk to her. But something changed Daniel’s mind. He didn't want to tell Alex. He just wanted to get out there. So Alex went with him not to lose him again. He called me the same day and told me all this. He said, he'll stay with Daniel. Alex will get him back, I know that.
Me: But what did I do wrong? Why did he leave me? 😢
D.'s Dad: He never wanted to tell me. He meant, I didn’t understand him. No one would understand him. Daniel wasn’t well when I found him. He relapsed, just like... you. ... It was really bad .😞 Alex and I helped him. Some weeks later he seemed fine, but.... he took off again. I'm so sorry.... I think you have to be patient with him. I have the impression that he doesn’t want to give up your marriage or you.
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Me: All he had to do was talk to me.... But he decided to run away, a second time!.... I think it's over. He doesn't want me. It’s easier for him to run away from me, than to finally confess what he did. I would never have done that to him! 😭
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Mom (to D.'s Dad): Don't worry, I'll talk to her.... You should go now.
Dad: Yea.... And thanks for...... helping. 😕
Mom: Call me as soon as you know where he is! This time, I’ll come and talk to him.
Dad: Deal! So, we'll do! Alex’s gonna drop by my place anyway. I’ll get him to tell me where Daniel is.
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Shit! I totally forgot about Nico.😞I was just hoping I didn’t say anything wrong or didn’t trigger his anger from back then. And what Alex’s wrote me, I’ll tell you soon. But he didn’t tell me where Daniel was. He only asked me to trust him and that Daniel was NOT with Irena! Because of that pic Irena posted. Nevertheless, my feeling was that Daniel didn’t love me the way I had hoped or wanted it. I mean, how can he do that to me, if he really loves me? He knew how sad & broken I was! Alex must have told him. And yet Daniel kept making me suffer. 😞Alex at least tried to tell me what was going on, but he couldn’t!!! Daniel was completely against it!
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You only have yourself to blame for putting us in this pack brain rots 😂💛
I'm going to be cheeky and ask the pack 2 questions but they're closely related (as if I didnt do a whole series asking questions already 😂😘)
I'm pretty sure the pack mentioned wanting some kids but they never specified a number or will they just play it by ear seeing how the experience plays out?
Second, does anyone already know what name they want their future kids to refer to them by? E.g. mama instead of mom, papa isnt of dad etc.
P.s. again with you keeping me up last night with horny pack promises??!💛
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"Pups, pups, pups." Chan says teasingly, grinning. "People always wanna know about the pups."
"And your breeding kink." You point out cheekily, and the head alpha groans and rolls his eyes, fixing you with a pointed stare.
"Yeah, but that's not what we're discussing right now, is it?"
Chan nods firmly once more and then says, "Let's start easy." He glances around at the waiting pack mates. "How many pups does everyone ideally want? Have you thought about it?"
Minho huffs a sigh. "I say one is enough. Have you met a kid recently? They're monsters."
Seungmin nods in serious agreement. "Absolutely. And the earth is already over populated."
"Oh my god." Chan breathes out from beside you, pinching his nose in open exasperation. "Okay. Anyone else?" He looks around hopefully.
"I think we have a kid, see how it goes, and if we don't all lose our minds, we go from there." Changbin offers matter of factly.
Hyunjin holds up a finger. "I agree."
Jisung throws himself back into the couch, slumping down between the alpha and omega on either side. "God, can you imagine more than one little Changbin-hyung running around?"
Changbin gives the beta an offended glare, but he just keeps going.
He pitches his voice into a poor attempt at a child's and moves his hands like they're speaking the words. "'Is there protein powder in this bottle? Look at my swole gains, I don't even fit in my toddler clothes anymore!'"
Changbin pinches his ear, hard.
"Ow!" Jisung yelps and pulls away with a glare, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm just saying. Kid would be a gym rat before the age of three."
"I want a lot of kids." Felix interjects with a slight shrug, and no one seems surprised by the admission. He smiles softly. "I like the idea of all the pups having siblings to play with."
"Me too." You nod, and then you grin slyly at Felix from across the room. "And hey, gotta get at least one kid from each alpha am I right?"
Chan groans again.
"Hey, it's good for the diversity of the gene pool. I'm thinking of the planet!"
"Moving on." Chan sighs and rubs at his temples, glancing to the next question. "What does everyone want future pups to call them?"
"Supreme Lord Over Ruler." Minho replies without hesitation.
Beside him, Jeongin cackles.
Chan sighs once more, ignoring the other alpha. "I think we've talked about this before, but I believe we just agreed on going by whatever the pup decides. But we're all cool with dad or daddy and just ask to differentiate, or to make it easier, we'd each go by previous said titles and then our name-like Chan-appa or Minho-appa etc."
"I get it easy." You grin. "Only one mom or mommy in this household."
Hyunjin fixes you with a blank stare. "What if I want to go by mommy too?"
You stick your tongue out at him. "Already monopolized. Pick a different name."
"Fine." Hyunjin folds his arms petulantly. "MILF it is then."
"Absolutely not."
"Wait, that was an option this whole time?" Jisung shoots up, expression betrayed. "Well then I'm changing my answer. I want to be referred to as DILF from here on out by any and all future children. And Hyunjin." He adds, with a smirk in the omegas direction, earning him a middle finger.
Chan rolls his eyes. "No one is allowed to be called anything by our pups with the word fuck in it."
Jisung sinks back into the couch and grumbles beneath his breath in the direction of the head alpha, "Party pooper."
"As far as protectiveness and subgenders go," You consider, glancing to Seungmin, who seems interested in this new topic, which is no surprise. "that's an interesting topic, because it kind of changes when pups and pregnancy come into the picture for a pack."
"Right." Seungmin agrees with you, already getting into explanation mode. "Because we've already decided that Lix and Noona are gonna be the one to carry pups, but one is an omega and one is an alpha right? Doesn't matter. The moment a mate gets pregnant, the wolves immediately disregard any former status in favor of the growing pup."
"Basically," You add, holding up a finger to make your point. "Pups are the next generation, they carry on the bloodline, so the wolves favor them over anything-and I mean anything-else."
"Also, it's very common for pack members to realize their mates are pregnant before they even test positive. Call it a shift in scent or pheromones or hormones or whatever you want, but it's been studied, and time and time again, other members, especially the head alpha, realize a successful breeding and implantation before the parent carrying the pup themselves."
"Oh my god." Jisung sighs beside Seungmin. "You guys are both such fucking nerds."
"Actually," You continue, ignoring Jisung entirely. "Sometimes it's said that the alpha that knotted and created the pregnancy can tell the moment after breeding that it was successful."
Seungmin nods. "Call it wolf's intuition, but that has also been proven true."
"As far as protectiveness goes, again, nothing else matters besides the safety of the pup, and with that, the safety of the mate carrying the pregnancy. So, subgenders are ignored in favor of the mates protecting said incubator."
"Yep." You nod. "If I got pregnant, the fact that I'm an alpha and completely capable of protecting myself and my mates would go out the window in everyone else's eyes, especially the other alphas. I'd be treated just the same as Felix-or anyone-if they got pregnant. Protected and doted on and babied, to put it lightly."
You grin over at Chan who rolls his eyes at you.
"Why are you looking at me when you say that?"
You shrug. "Biology?"
Chan narrows his eyes at you. "Sure."
Seungmin focuses his gaze on the head alpha now. "She's right you know. You're gonna get fucking ridiculous when one of them is pregnant."
Chan opens his mouth in what appears to be protest, but Seungmin holds up a hand and goes on.
"I'm not saying it's gonna be completely voluntary either. Your wolf is just gonna kick into overdrive and control a lot of the things you do from there on out, all in favor of the pup."
"Cute." You lean over and pinch Chan's cheek teasingly, and he growls low in his throat with annoyance.
"Wait, wait wait." Jisung sits up again, perking his ears in sudden interest. "It just occurred to me. How are we gonna pick which alpha gets to blow their load and become a biological dad?"
"Ew." Hyunjin makes a face at his crass wording and Jisung shrugs defensively.
"I'm just saying!''
You laugh, even as Chan's ears go pink.
"It's fine, Sungie. It's a legit question." You shrug. "Basically, when it's time, and I'm on my cycle or Felix is on his heat, we're just gonna have them take turns." You cock your head and consider with the start of a smirk. "Everyone gets a chance to shoot, but only the best sperm hits the bullseye."
"Ew." Hyunjin repeats, and Jeongin looks a little green.
Seungmin looks entirely unphased. "Biology is fascinating."
"You would say that." Jisung remarks. "Fucking nerd."
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caritobbg · 1 year
Coffee Disaster — P2
Bucky Barnes x Barista!Reader
Summary: She confessed in the middle of the storm. Will she be able to forgive him?
A/N: And finally the second part is here! I'm more than happy for all the love you gave to the first one ❤️ it's been so many years since I had fun writing!!!! I hope you're ready for the next one 🤭 I've got lots of ideas in my head 👀
Tags: @ro-is-struggling @luciasimmer96 @themorningsunshine @aquanova99 @mads-weasley @alexsoenomel (if you wanna be tagged, feel free to ask!! ❤️)
TW: panic attack - sad reader - Steve cursing (😂)
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
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++ Y/N I already received the coffee bags, I'm downstairs.
>< perfect Stevie! I'm coming!
After making it clear to Bucky and Tony to behave accordingly, Y/N left in search of Steve. She wasn't going to leave him with those bags alone, even if he had more strength than she did because of the serum coursing through his system, she wanted to help load the goods.
Steve: ah! there you are -smiling- she's our barista -talking to the delivery boy who was unloading the bags.
Y/N: hi -shaking hands- very good.... What we've got here - checking the papers and signing the delivery sheet - might be missing.... -counting the order- no, nothing is missing - satisfied-...
Delivery man: yes, that's all - putting the delivery note away - I can go now.
Y/N: yes, that's all - taking one of the trolleys - thank you very much!
After they both checked that each bag was in perfect condition, they made their way to the entrance where they met Sam arriving from his morning jog.
Sam: -squealing- new coffee?
Y/N: good morning Sam -smiling- yes, it's a new coffee I want you to try -loading one of the three bags onto the trolley
Steve: sure you don't want me to help you with that? -Y/N gave him a murderous look - okok - raising his hands in surrender - I just want to help.
Y/N: Just carry those two bags -laughing-.
Sam: Bucky was over there this morning? -following them- he told me he was going to get some breakfast first, but then he never showed up.
Steve: weird of him -"surprised"- he never skips...
Y/N: Yes, he was having a coffee and he told me he wanted to talk to me about something -turning to look at him- do you know what it was?
Sam: No, not at all -bullshit- he didn't tell me anything at all.
Y/N: Steve? -looking at him- do you know what Bucky wanted to talk to me about?
Steve: neither -yeah, right- not as far as I know, no.
Y/N: ok.... -arriving at the freight elevator- I just thought it was weird to see him so... Dubitative -shaking her head- it's not like him.
She remained silent in thought. That man had been on her mind from the first moment he said, and I quote, "I like your espressos as much as your name", which, feeling embarrassed, he began to stammer, but to her it was one of the nicest compliments she had ever received in her 27 years of life.
Steve: Speaking of Bucky, have you told him yet?
Sam: Tell him what? - knowing the direction of this conversation - wait a minute....
Y/N: what I....? - understanding the question - oh no... Steven....
Sam: do you like Barnes? -surprised- SERIOUSLY YOU... -his next words came out as a mumble- mmhmdndkcbsm
Y/N: -covering his mouth- do you want to shout it louder so the whole tower can hear you -between her teeth- yes, I like James -letting it out- does it show that much?
Steve: A bit -elbowing him in the ribs- sorry to be honest - rubbing his ribs
Sam: And why didn't you tell him? -exasperated; he was tired of listening to the dreaded winter soldier complain and go on and on about her.
Y/N: Sam -closing his eyes- the chances of Bucky liking a girl like me are slim to none -opening the lift grate-
Steve: Y/N, you have to tell him once and for all -arranging the bags- you don't lose anything by doing that.
Sam: Cap's right, take a chance, what's the worst that can happen - shrugging his shoulders - you don't know until you try it
Y/N: - tired of everyone telling her the same thing - look, I don't want to ruin my friendship with Buck, ok? If he doesn't feel the same way I do I'm not going to force the relationship - exasperated - I'd like to be more than his friend, but it's impossible for him to love me back
Sam: ok missy, you don't need to be like that - raising his hands in surrender next to Steve - I'll let you two go on your way, I'm going to take a shower and then get a coffee
Y/N: I'll get it ready for you -saying goodbye
The little trip up was in total silence, not uncomfortable but.... You could tell there was tension about the topic discussed earlier.
- What if they are right? Does Bucky like me? But I don't want to ruin our friendship! Fuck! But if I don't tell him it would be worse... Okay, stop it Y/N! You're going to tell him once you're alone. Trust yourself and everything will be fine -
Steve: What are you thinking? -looking at her sideways; he couldn't read her mind like Wanda, but he knew it was related to his best friend - you're too quiet and that scares me.
The lift doors opened, revealing the desolate corridor of the emergency exit.
Y/N: I'm going to tell him -surprising the blondie next to her- I'm not going to waste any more time, I can't take it anymore and I need to confess it to him.
Steve: FINALLY! -relieved that one of these lovebirds is taking the initiative- I'm sure it's going to be fine -walking with her towards the cafeteria
Y/N: I hope so...
- Well, I've made up my mind. Now there's a problem: how do I tell him... "Bucky, I've liked you ever since I set foot in the tower and I can't get you out of my head"... No, not that. Let's see... And if I try with THE song that...? Nope Y/N cut the crap, if you're panicking about being heard singing, you're not going to sing to him! .... -
Steve: What the...
Y/N: Steve, what's wrong? What the... -tables smashed - m... My... -chairs smashed to smithereens- My cafeteria... -her imagination was trying to make her think it was a nightmare-no... Nononono... WHAT HAVE THEY DONE!??? THEY DESTROYED MY CARIMALLI! -seeing how her espresso machine, less than a year old, had been left in ruins- DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SAVED TO GET IT!!!?????
Y/N's mind was racing a million miles a second as he watched everything she had accomplished vanish in just 30 minutes. 30 minutes in which she left Ironman and the Winter Soldier himself alone, confident that nothing was going to happen.
Tony: Y/N/N/N...
Her mouth began to move, she had started to speak, to scream, but couldn't hear a single word that was coming out of her. She felt her body shaking, chest getting tighter and tighter, she recognised the signs of the panic attacks she used to have as a child and cursed herself for having one right now.
Bucky: are you okay? -were the first words that pierced her ears.
Y/N: No... -wanting to pull herself together but to no avail- I don't want to be spoken to or sought out by...either...either of you...I need to leave. Steve... I don't... I don't feel well.
She got out of there as best he could, leaving Steve to deal with the two destroyers. She was surprised to see that she had made it to her room in less time than she thought and let herself fall to the floor as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Study and work at something worthwhile and give you a lot of income" - "What are you saying? Why are you so hell-bent on fulfilling that stupid dream?" - "You're going to starve to death with your coffee shop". Many people throughout her life said those three little phrases: bosses from previous jobs, some members of her family, friends.... She thought, thought and kept thinking about all these things. Always said that one day she would fulfil her dream and be one of the best baristas in NYC.
Y/N: help... - heard footsteps of someone running and coming through the door - S... St...
Steve: Y/N -taking her by the shoulders- Y/N. what's wrong with you? Talk to me! -she was trying to say even an "ah", but her throat started to close up even more and more to the point where her eyes started to close from lack of oxygen- shit.... - thinking fast - Y/N - putting one of her hands on his chest - doll, I need you to take a deep breath with me, okay? Can you do that? - taking big gulps of air for her to follow him; she nodded - okay, perfect... - they both stayed on the floor for a few minutes but....
Y/N: Steve - trying to stand up - Steve... I can't... - fading away
Steve: F.R.I.D.A.Y, tell Banner that Y/N is having a panic attack - taking her in his arms - tell him it's urgent!
Grateful for the serum coursing through his circulatory system, he arrived just in time. Bruce was already on the scene and all set up.
Steve: Bruce! - trotting over - please, you've got to help her!
Bruce: Rogers, take it easy - trying to calm him down - lay her down - checking her vitals - I'll put her on oxygen and we'll see how this goes. Let's let her rest and get oxygen to her whole body.
The supersoldier paced back and forth worriedly waiting for his friend to wake up. Bucky was the only one who could calm her down in these situations and make everything alright, but this time he was one of the ones who provoked him.
Nat: Steve -making the blond turn around- what's going on? Why is Y/N unconscious?
Steve: Bucky and Tony, it happens
Bruce: What? What did that duo do now?
Steve: They destroyed the cafeteria -hardenening his jaw-
Nat: Come again? - incredulous - Rogers, you're kidding, right?
Bruce: How? - speechless
Y/N: I left them alone for 30 minutes - making everyone turn around; she was finally awake- Steve helped me take up an order and.... - trying to sit down; Bruce stops her -
Bruce: lean back for a moment and take a deep breath
Y/N: - doing what the Incredible Hulk was telling - when we came back - teary eyed - it was all smashed to bits....
Nat: Ok - that was all the confirmation she needed - I'll be back in a moment.
Steve: Nat...
Nat what? - innocently - I'll go and have a chat with them for a moment.
Y/N: Nat, don't worry. I'll make them suffer myself - still weak
Bruce: Y/N... I'm scared when you say things like that
Steve: Me too...
As the days went by, things didn't change. Bucky and Tony were still cleaning the room, Y/N wasn't talking to them, she even put up a sign warning everyone who was responsible for the lockdown.
Y/N was sitting on a stool in the avengers' kitchen. She was staring at a painting with lots and lots of pictures of coffee shops, espresso machines, furnishings, everything she had always dreamed of. She made that collage with.... You know who.... Her "best friend". She was still on her mind until Nat approached her and gave her a half smile that faded as she saw her impossible crush step out of the lift.
Bruce, who had expected what was about to happen, called the red-haired woman over to leave them alone and, in passing, listen in on the conversation.
Bruce: Natasha, I don't think this is the right thing to do - tucked in a corner -
Nat: Stop whining - looking through the corner of the door frame and, after a few minutes - oh shit... - turning to see Bruce - this isn't going well.... You're right, let's go.
Y/N: I liked you...
Stiff. They froze where they stood. Everyone knew that there was some tension between these lovebirds, but they never imagined that in a situation like this one would confess
Bruce: But... What? - whispering - now you have to let him know?
Nat: Hide! - between teeth - someone will come out and see us!
Indeed, Y/N came out of that very door and, miraculously, without seeing them. Nat looked out and saw James Buchanan Barnes standing there, still processing Y/N's words as they were.
Bruce: Nat - tapping her shoulder - look.... He's more than determined to fix all this - watching as he lifted the damaged painting out of the rubbish -
Nat: These two are destined to be together no matter what.
Bruce: - getting out of there - come on, we have to help him - as Natasha followed him - I want to kill him, but he needs everyone's help if he's going to get her back.
Nat: - surprised - who are you and what did you do with shy Banner?
Bruce: - laughing at the surprised Natasha Romanoff - tell me you don't want to do the same.
Nat: Good point. Shall we tell Steve and Wanda? - as they skipped up the steps as fast as they could to get to Tony's office - they're probably going to want to be a part of it.
Bruce: Yeah - catching his breath - let's get on with it.
Thank you for reading!!! It means a lot to me ❤️
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I'm still not over what happened, but I have brain worms and they most likely make absolutely no sense and don't even go together but I need to get them out, so heh... guess you guys have to suffer.
You still there? Great, let's get into my not medicated adhd brain a little.
First of all, starting Friday: The Album Drop
...do I need to say more? No? Well too bad, because I'm going to 😂 I'm a huge music freak, been singing since I was four, play guitar and the piano (I didn't say good okay, I'm actually very jealous of Jensen) and I've been obsessed with lyrics for pretty much forever. Alright, call me crazy but this album is so Dean Winchester coded it's unreal. Every song could be put together with Dean and I'm not even joking. You know what's even funnier? THAT THE DAMN SONG JENSEN AND MISHA PUT TOGETHER YESTERDAY COULD VERY WELL END UP AS A RADIO COMPANY SONG. The lyrics definitely needs some work (probably making it more vague), but... come on. The first thing my mind jumped to when I realized what Jensen was singing was Watching Over Me. MOVING ON.
Second: Jensen's answer about the Destiel reunion
This hole thing still drives me crazy. This was probably the clearest answer we've even gotten from Jensen, plus we got confirmation that he'd like to see a Destiel reunion AND ADDRESSING CAS' GOODBYE (I wanna say here that at this point I have no idea how that would play out if it would be something like "Hey buddy, I don't feel that way but I don't wanna lose you" or a full on love confession from Dean... I have no idea and that's okay, because I know Jensen knows how important that confession was to a lot of us, so I trust him not to invalidate Cas' feelings). Now, I paid a little attention to the words he said about maybe seeing it: first, he said that hopefully we'll get to see that at some point, and later he said maybe we won't. This immediately jumped out to me and you know what my brain did? Let me tell you: Jensen said that he doesn't talk about possible project before they aren't under the wraps because he doesn't wanna jinx them. Now hear me out: first, he said maybe we'll get to see it. Then he backtracked. He's talked about a reboot/6-10 episode thing for forever now. He WANTS to come back. My tinhat is firmly in place when I say that I have no doubt he's working on it already, but it isn't greenlit yet (hence the backtrack later). The description was just too specific to be made up out of thin air. (Watch me regretting those words later because I'm just too hopeful.)
Third and last: Whatever that Cockles Panel was
Listen, I could scream about them forever, we all know what went down, the only thing I wanna point out is: When Jensen said "...which is funny because so do I" he looked flustered as hell, we all know that by now. What gets me is that Misha had basically no reaction to this (he looked down, but that's it). So, did they plan something like that? I don't know, I just think it's weird as hell to have no reaction to something like this, especially when it's your "best friend" and he says that in front of hundreds of people.
(Plus, a little side note: still not over how you can SEE Jensens brain working while he's nervously rubbing his thigh.)
I don't even wanna go into the lyrics they wrote together, I've talked about it during the first point already, but something I wanna add is that I loved jensens face journey as Misha first mentioned the brothers but then immediately jumped to "The Angel". That was hilarious and by God, Jensen was planning on throwing together something romantic.
I'm very much not fine as you can tell, but it feels like the universe has shifted after the non-existent finale and now it's our turn. I always try to keep my expectations low, but the album and this whole weekend catapulted me right into the sun, so now all I can see is light and stars and it's wonderful.
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