#What a Man™ XD
katlovesdbh · 4 months
Man, if I had a nickel for every time Essek Thelyss's disguise was dispelled via Anti-Magic field in a situation somehow related to Ludinus Da'leth, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't alot, but it's weird that it has happened twice.
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monstersandmaw · 24 days
My love letter to Scar and Lex from AVP
aka 'why AVP is definitely a love story XD'
(I was talking to someone about this yesterday who is definitely not a monsterfucker, and they were not convinced by my take on AVP at all XD. I think this is definitely a monsterfucker spin on the movie)
her expression when she's peeking through the wall and watching him go through his scarring ritual is curious, not fearful
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he's obviously curious about her too, and doesn't attack, letting her say her piece before deciding what to do about her
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she's the one who calls him friend first :) (admittedly, it's in an 'enemy of my enemy' context, but hey)
he could kill her here, but hesitates a long time:
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He's clearly torn about letting her come with him, but when he sees her looking at him like this, he can't help but want to assist her:
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He does not have time to waste hacking a xenomorph to bits, let alone giving Lex Xeno Biology: 101, but he does it all the same, and he even makes a little joke to lighten the situation
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He cobbles together some gear to keep her safe:
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His plucky human goes first into the danger ahead, but he's there, guarding her back. Plus, he's taller so he can see ahead too:
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He lets her take care of her friend and doesn't butcher him to get at the parasite/hatchling/chestburster. Instead he waits for her to leave, then catches the thing and destroys it (so as not to upset her further?):
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Even in the heart of the hatchery, where time is 100% of the essence, he pauses yet again to explain the self-destruct feature on his vambrace to her: (10/10 for communication, Scar)
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Yautja can run way faster than humans, but he stays half a pace behind her for the entire escape sequence:
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Tell me this isn't the face of a man in wonder at the person before him:
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And Lex isn't exactly... unaffected... oof
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Then he waits for her to nod her consent, and does a really tidy job of marking her as a Blooded, and his concentration is to the max!! (his little purr after he's finished is so cute too). The he bows in respect to her. She may be human, but she's his equal as a warrior.
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After Lex has saved his life and injured (and seriously pissed off) the Alien Queen, and while she's tearing the place to bits to get at Lex, Scar does the most Extra™ spin attack to draw her attention away from Lex, lodging his combistick right through her face. Bad. Ass!
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Then while Lex gets away, he roars and flares his mandibles in a challenge at the Queen, which gives Lex the opportunity she needs to pick up the chain, and the two of them haul on it together and work seamlessly. They clearly understand each other without the need for words, or ego. This is very much a Team Effort:
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He protecc:
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Bonus Alien vs Predator shot :)
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This heartbreaking scene, where he feels like he's trying to tell her something (in the novel, he apparently says 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' in her voice...)
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Lex seems genuinely grief-stricken when he dies:
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I wonder how long she stayed there like that before the Ancient's ship showed up?
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Lex' final expression:
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In short, this definitely is an inter-species love story and you can pry that theory from my cold, dead little claws :).
Also why did he have to die??? T.T
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roncheg · 4 months
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Part 1 Part2 Part3 Part4
Plot-bunny under cut (remember, it's just for fun!)))
thank you, dearest @rhysiana, for reading it through♥️
Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship DESTINY. Its never ending mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!
Family drama! Mingi's parents are on board the ship by accident! The rich heir part comes to light! The marriage part comes to light too! Woo wins the betting pool!
Everything ends up alright, Mingi's parents are completely charmed by the goodest boy™ Yunho.
Obligatory pon farr episode - with little to no drama whatsoever - Yeosang quite logically chooses the most respectable, reliable candidate with a very promising future, interplanetary diplomat Jongho, and offers to fuck nasty. They do.
Woo is devastated!! He thought they were friends! He and San would have HELPED!!! WHAT IF Jongho DIDN'T TREAT YEOSANG RIGHT?! (San is nodding his head in accord).
Yeosang calmly answers that their concerns were unfounded and Jongho is a far better marriage partner with more prospects, giving his occupation.
Jongho: MARRIAGE?!
Jongho and Yeosang come to an understanding after a calm, mature discussion.
Shovel talk from Woo during the next shore leave results in another (minor) interplanetary conflict due to a broken Holy Watermelon. The crew are forced to flee for their lives from the Holy Watermelon planet, San's quick reflexes saving them at the last minute. The Captain promises to throw everyone out the airlock IF EVER AGAIN.
While exploring a new planet the crew comes into contact with a strange artifact, as a result during beaming up The Captain, Mingi, Woo and Yeosang change places with their counterparts in a parallel universe (STRICTFLEET XD), where the halateez crew is on a brink of starting The Revolution (but not yet! just their crew’s dissatisfaction is on the rise)^^
In the mirrorverse:
The Captain is immediately floored by hala-Seonghwa (because he has a goateeXDD) but he keeps his cool somehow. Not for long because it so happens that hala-Captain and hala-Seonghwa are, in fact, in an long-term loving relationship.
Hala-woosan are not together though! So hala-San is brought to tears by Woo's loud demands: “Where is your ring&! where is our wedding photo&! what do you MEAN SEPARATE QUARTERS?!!!!!” (at first hala-San thinks that Woo found out about his Secret Feelings and it’s a cruel jokeTT_TT).
But thanks to LOGICAL Yeosang and level-headed hala-Jongho everything becomes clear and the mixed universe crew begins to work on a solution. With a minor hiccup - The Captain kick-starts The Revolution and hala-NCC Destiny is now on the run.
Meanwhile, in our universe:
Hala-Captain is so belligerent that Seonghwa hyposprayes him on sight.
Hala-Woo is so distressed by an overly-affectionate San and his strange insider jokes about interrogation that he barricades himself in the engineering and calms down a little only when he finds his trusty multi-hammer:3
Hala-Mingi behaves very impudently, pulling Yunho on his lap, demanding whisky right on the bridge; Seonghwa hyposprays him just as a precaution.
But thanks to LOGICAL hala-Yeosang and level-headed Jongho everything becomes clear and the mixed universe crew begins to work on a solution (minus sleeping hala-Captain and hala-Mingi))).
Both crews' efforts are fruitful - first they find a way to multiverse-Skype and then to return to their respective timelines (there was some unauthorized multiverse phone sex first, of course))).
Right after returning, The Captain very politely asks Seonghwa to never grow any facial hairXD
Seonghwa turns into a lizard.
Woo suggests true love's kiss as a remedy. The Captain, red in the face, insists that Woo likes fairy tales too much for an engineer (San wanted to suggest true love's kiss too but now is secretly glad that he didn't).
After a whole episode of careful research, experimental DNA manipulation, and a tense negotiation with unfriendly aliens (and one true love's kiss from The Captain) Seonghwa is back to his original state.
He is.so.well.rested❤️
The Captain is lost!
Due to a transporter malfunction™, a shore leave party, including The Captain, is stuck on a wild, inhospitable planet; the only way to transport everyone back is an old model of transporter in an abandoned weather station; it is operated manually (via pressing The Button). The Captain sacrifices himself and presses The Button, everyone safely materializes on the ship sans The Captain.
It's impossible to reach the planetary surface on a shuttle - there is an obligatory and convenient magnetic storm in the planet's atmosphere. 
The crew somehow finds a way to retrieve The Captain after a month of desperate attempts. He is alive and a little bit unwell; he ate bugs and drank dew drops for a month, after all.
Dirty, thin, and wild-haired, he immediately proposes marriage to Seonghwa right in front of the whole crew.
He is coldly rejected (for a week, Seonghwa is furious with him)!
After a week they are reconciled and hold a giant wedding.
San and Woo decide that they want a wedding night renewal of their own and accidentally fall on some lever in engineering. The ship goes off course but everyone is too busy celebrating to notice.
The ship is in unknown space, everyone works hard to get back home; The Captain is threatening to throw everyone out the airlock.
The last scene: The ship is flying away into deep space, to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!
There is a flag tied to the end part of the ship's hull, it reads "JUST MARRIED"!
(They are back to a known galaxy in a week; every regular member of the crew, beyond the main cast, resigns at the first stop on the next Federation planet).
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love how, when Charlie goes to heaven, and the court tries to decide what can get a soul into heaven, one of the criteria is "stick it to the man"
then Adam shows up in hell and announces himself as THE Man™, literally. and Sir Pentious gets into heaven by, well, sticking it to him XD
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dykeulous · 1 month
“haha xd trans people roleplay as cis people! we are just like cis people! trans men speak over trans women just like cis men speak over cis women! haha!”
1.) you do not see misogyny as a real problem and i can tell that just by looking at you 2.) yes, y’all are “just like cis people”, but not in the way you think! trans women are the ones speaking over trans men just like cis men speak over cis women 3.) if you’re going to cry “noo transmisogyny!” over this i better not see you being misogynistic to trans men.
trans women still have to unlearn their misogyny. they have been socialized male (unless you have such an idealist & fucked up view of socialization that you think it’s based on internal identity & feelings) & their male upbringing does not fade once they come to terms with their dysphoria. trans women do face oppression & unique struggles, transmisogyny is real– i have no intents on denying any of this (although i know the people nitpicking & micromanaging my words will try to twist what i said anyway), but their dysphoria & oppression do not cancel out their male upbringing, and they still have to reflect on their misogyny. they aren’t sweet innocent frail babies exempt from bigotry– but even attempting to acknowledge this & break it down will get you called a terf. trans women do not, and i repeat, do not benefit from your lazy idealist “activism” & “dutiful allegiance to the trans cause”. you lack meaningful class analysis & dialectical materialism– the entirety of your beliefs revolve around a pseudo-religious spiritual system. trans women who genuinely do face horrific violence (guess from who? from MALES) + deal with painful sex dysphoria are not helped when you propagate girlcock. the trans women who are sex trafficked are not suddenly rescued when you yell “those evil terfs are the reason why trans people face violence!! 🤬”. you actively activate & trigger trans women’s sex dysphoria when you recycle grossly pornographic & fetishistic content regarding trans women’s physiology & genitals. and the only trans women who benefit from this are the agps (and i’ll even go as far as to say that not all agps are inherently malicious), baeddel-adjacents, and non-dysphoric trans-identified males. those are the people creating the heavily pornographic accounts that specifically target vulnerable trans men. not the people who actually face abhorrent marginalization. you are not a trans ally if you do not recognize the inherent power imbalance between a non-transitioned trans man & a non-transitioned agp trans woman. you are a religious spiritualist who only considers internal identity.
we cannot tackle power dynamics & privilege/oppression within the trans community if we keep having such a black-and-white view of thinking. we cannot have any meaningful conversation if we shun down specific groups (“terfs”) without even trying to listen to the groups & immediately labeling them as evil– we risk silencing fellow trans people’s voices. not everything is as simple as oppressor/oppressed. saying that trans women don’t benefit from male privilege at all and that trans men inherently do is the most narrow-minded reactionary claim. trans women are not always The Most Oppressed Most Victimized™. trans women should not be defended & allowed to just walk away without facing any consequences when they implicitly & explicitly harm people (and a lot of times their victims are specifically trans men, which is something that should be talked about). we cannot ignore intracommunity violence (& of course violence in general), shut trans men up whenever they speak up under the guise of “guys let’s please just stop the trans woman and trans man war!! let’s just love each other please 🥺 trans unity!!”, and virtue signal feminists when they call out shitty behavior from trans women. that will not get us anywhere, and the continuation of this What About the Black Trans Women Suffering the Most?! rhetoric will also not get us anywhere– those trans women aren’t being helped with your whataboutism & strawmanning. you aren’t helping the trans women you so much claim to love when you yell transfem supremacy, tgirldick, and kill terfs.
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quinloki · 1 year
period sex and aftercare and /BUGGY/ are so big brained can i ask for those two plus dacryphilia with buggy and croco-baby and maybe a secret third character (your choice) if you feel up to it!!! Thank yooouuu!!! :o)
Alright, I got ONE MORE KINK ASK after this and I'll be all done with them \o/ Holy shit I can't believe how many asks I got for this (And how much fun I've had dealing with them.)
It helps a lot that I love kinks, kinky people, one piece characters, and learning/educating >.>
Alright we got Period Sex, Aftercare, Dacryphilia (the crying kink) - For Buggy and Sir Crocodile - and since you called him Croco-baby I'll add Donquixote Doflamingo to this.
I am surprised with as often as I feel like I've seen the crying kink pop up that I haven't already done it for ANY of these guy =O
And also yay \o/ AFTERCARE ASK \lol/
Go go alphabetical!
Period Sex - FUCK Yes - It's messy, it's red, it's kind of flashy actually, and Buggy loves it. You don't grow up on the most famous pirate ship in the world without being comfortable with all sorts of things. I feel like everyone under Roger's flag was, we'll say educated, and as such I can't see anyone from that crew being put off by menstruation.
Plus, orgasms are a cure for some, and there's one way to find out if it works for you to alleviate any cramping you may be feeling. You're going to be a complete mess by the time it's done though, Buggy's a little blood-lusty, surprisingly maybe, but he gets feral, and more so than with lipstick or makeup, he loves to "mark" you.
Aftercare - Oh god you don't even know - He is a terribly stressed clown, but I also think he's a big damned softie too. Buggy really is just as comfortable brushing your hair as he is ordering the crew around. Maybe more so, honestly. All that hair he has though, and that makeup he wears, the man's skin and hair care routines are on point as much as his eyeliner game. He will take care of you after every session, even if he subbing or bottoming some of it.
I think Buggy's desire to serve is almost as strong as Sanji's honestly. If you're an important person to him, he doesn't want to let you down, and he will devour your praises. But he's also The Captain™, and no matter what his role was, he's going to provide you proper aftercare.
Dacryphilia - No. - Sure sometimes tears happen. Sometimes you're so overwhelmed they slip out, sometimes you are chocking on the impressive package this man has. Sometimes tears happen, but Buggy doesn't like tears. He doesn't want to see you cry. If your makeup smears he wants it to be cause of sweat and pleasure and touch, not because you're crying. He's not even good at handling happy tears, let alone any other kind.
Buggy's more of let-him-do-the-crying-for-both-of-you type. He'd happily be the only one stressed to the ends of his capacity, than to have you worry. (Which probably worries you xD it's a bit of a cycle like that).
Sir Crocodile:
Period Sex - Yes - He doesn't mind the mess. The cause doesn't bother him. The only reason it doesn't rate higher is because it's hard to know if your period will heighten your pleasure or your pain - that lack of control bothers him, no matter how well or fast he can adjust accordingly.
He also doesn't see it as marking you the same way some others do. It's your blood, not his. It has a scent that isn't his or his cigars. If anything it's an annoyance because you should smell like him, and you shouldn't ever be hurt enough to smell like blood. You shouldn't be close enough to violence to even know what blood smells like, at least as far as he's concerned. But he'll soothe your cramps and discomfort in any way he can when it's that time.
Aftercare - Oh god you don't even know - As said before, Crocodile is all about control, and aftercare is required for control. You don't want to leave your little bottom/sub spiraling with all sorts of thoughts on their own. Whether we're talking toxic AU or not. Aside from the control though, he enjoys it. It's time to bond, to discuss, to connect. The more he knows about you the more control he can exert.
The more control you can hand over.
Plus, as beautiful as you are in his clutches, you're just as beautiful in his care.
Dacryphilia - FUCK Yes - Oh please cry for him. Sob in terror or pleasure or pain, he's not picky. Your face in tears is as lovely as your face contorted in pleasure. The only requirement is that those tears are his fault. No one else is allowed to make you cry.
As much as he will pull tears from you - and most sobs of pleasure as long as you're good - he'll kiss them away so sweetly. Brushing them aside so kindly, and with such praise.
Donquixote Doflamingo:
Period Sex - FUCK Yes - Not only is it a mess, it's a bloody mess. Doffy's a bit twisted and I can see him actually smearing the mess all over you while he's taking a break between railing you. He's not doing it so much to mark you, as he is to almost degrade you. He'll tell you how dirty you are, covered in blood and cum and tears - he 100% gets into degrading you during it.
Sometimes being on your period can make you more sensitive to pleasure, and sometimes it makes you more sensitive to pain - it doesn't matter as far as he's concerned. He'll get his pleasure at the least, and he'll enjoy turning you into a mess in the meantime.
Aftercare - Yes - Unless he's truly into you, don't take this as some kind of kindness. Aftercare is a good time to learn and bond, and for Doffy that generally means it's a great time to reinforce all his manipulations. It lets you think he cares (again, *maybe* he does), and pulls you closer into his grasp.
A truly skilled puppeteer doesn't necessarily hide the strings, he just makes sure you don't pay attention to them when you should be >.>
Dacryphilia - Oh god you don't even know - Cry for him, please. Crumble to pieces in pleasure, fear or pain - whatever it may be that you've earned at the point in time. If you're overwhelmed in pleasure he'll promise you such sweetness and devotion. If you're overwhelmed with fear he'll admonish you softly and forgive you magnanimously. If pain stains your face he'll have you begging for forgiveness, a forgiveness he'll bestow on you when he feels like it.
Perhaps after you've gone raw and hoarse from tears and begging.
Much like others who enjoy making their partners cry, it is a pleasure reserved entirely for him and no one else. Members of his immediate family may get an understanding pass, circumstances depending, but anyone beyond that is likely to be dealt with swiftly.
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unluckywisher · 7 months
~Spanish pet names that the boys™ would use for you~
(because I'm from Spain!)
Xavier: Cielo = Sky (Zee-eh-loh): Do I even need to explain why this fits him so well? (I should add, I use this one all the time when I wanna be sassy with my friends, it's very versatile)
Zayne: Amor = Love (ah-moh-r): This is a term normally used by people who are in a serious long-term relationship, it's not used loosely. Because this man is husband material.
Rafayel: Guapa = Pretty girl (Goo-ah-pah): LISTEN this is what Spanish fuckboys AND incels use, I don't need to explain further. (It's still a compliment when received by normal people, though XD)
Caleb: Enana = Gnome/Tiny woman (Eh-nah-nah): I know this one sounds weird but in Spanish it's a term of endearment in a teasing way, EXACTLY like pipsqueak.
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violetganache42 · 2 months
And now, a compilation of highlights celebrating our favorite trouble making triplets (so troublesome that they would not stop causing technical difficulties throughout the stream):
The first highlight before we began the watch party proper
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Lottie doing pre-stream entertainment until WriteBackAtYa's laptop was working again… not realizing that it was working again all this time.
"Donald's Nephews"
Dewey wearing an orange shirt
quiltedmushroom: Donald is almost unintelligble Me: "I'll show you unintelligible!"
Me realizing why my "I'll have the duck" comment was considered as "spoilers"
WriteBackAtYa: Why does Studio Ghibli food always look so good?
"Allowance Day"
The return of whitewashed Daffy
The music when the triplets were pretending to be a radio station
WriteBackAtYa: *suggests Bubba Night* puffywuffy8904: uh oh
WriteBackAtYa: Can't get whiter than 87 Fenton talking amirite!??!
Tokuvivor and I quoting one of the best moments from Scoobynatural (I was HOPING he would reply with "Son of a bitch" and I was not disappointed. XD)
Remembering the triplets broke the economy during Scrooge Night earlier this year
Scrooge making deals with a Banana Republic
Launchpad appearance!
Scrooge attacking a dictator. Why? Because he can.
The entire episode in a nutshell:
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Caro pointing how this episode feels like a premise for a Regular Show episode
Uno and "Dead Duck" mentions???
The expectation of Scrooge saying "Come back here, you little shits." (After what happened, he deserves it. lol)
"The Split Sword of Swanstantine!"
Scrooge failing a spot check and noticing Lena and Violet had tagged along
Speaking of which, Sabrewing sisters appearance!
Scrooge getting suplexed by a woman after mistaking her for Black Heron
Violet: "Should I change out of my pyjamas first or—" Me: "NO TIME! CUE THEME SONG!"
Just. Dewey it!
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All the constant Dewey puns lol
Scrooge and Black Heron getting trapped by societal convention (It was SO awkward for them. lmao)
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Background buff wolf girl!
Missy: smash rockerduck
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Sky pirates cameo!
The Spice Baron saying all cheetahs are cheaters
The Duck-McDuck family revealed to be a global legend thanks to their ongoing adventures
Violet's scream after eating all the spices (I fucking love how her character was fleshed out throughout season 3. lol)
Praising the writers for giving us the three children duos in this episode
Steelbeak appearance!
"And I… I love you?"
(Play dumb!) "What sword?" (Not that dumb!)
Lena being a big sister to Huey
Huey unleashing the Duke/McDuck temper on Steelbeak:
puffywuffy8904 pointing out the similarities between Huey and K.O. accepting the Duke and T.K.O. as the respective parts of them
"Your bazaar adventure is over."
"Um… BAIL!"
"Can't Take a Yolk"
Donald suddenly having a six pack
The salesman reminding me of Wes Weasley from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
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Everyone freaking out about the humans
Us getting secondhand embarrassment from Huey trying to flirt with the blonde twin girls
Donald's OG design appearance
Uncle Doofus (I'm scared. ><)
Praising the fact that Quack Pack gave us one of the best versions of Daisy
Hair color inconsistencies for the twin girls
Remembering Donald was in the Navy
Missy: the fearsome five can split me limb by limb
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Llewella (Don't deadname Louie like that!)
The Discord lag making this episode an experience™
This episode reminding us of a Darkwing Duck episode
Elvira Coot mention?
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Me seeing Donald holding and going after a red balloon:
The irony in Dewey trying not to let Donald's egg fall
The episode ending with Donald becoming a giant
All of us needing to process what the fuck happened
Us concluding that this episode singlehandedly caused Discord to break
"The Fight for Castle McDuck!"
Dewey and the viewers learning why Scrooge says "Bless me bagpipes" (thus leading to the implications of a cursed kilt)
"No! Bad nerd!"
WriteBackAtYa commenting how something always ruins Webby's trip to Castle McDuck
Missy fucking thirsting for Matilda
Huey and Louie walking away grumpily after Dewey hits the former, causing the latter to fall off the chair
The noise Scrooge makes while being put in a headlock
Learning that the art book says Hortense and Quackmore are both alive and living at Elvira's farm (I honestly thought they were dead because of Disney's mandate of the Sensational Six's parents not appearing/having major roles!)
Phantom Blot Naruto running
This shot of Webby
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"If one of these bagpipes kills me, I'm gonna be so mad at you."
Scrooge rubbing Webby's back to comfort her! 💖
This episode showcasing how it accurately portrays sibling dynamics
Pepper's sneeze
The entire scene of the McDucks struggling to flip the table (My assistance didn't make a difference.)
Us spamming the DedDewd emoji during the BEST scene in the entire episode
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Everyone inserting McScrooge in the family's surnames
Nathan: Does this family do anything other than fight?
Titus, aka Dirty Dingus, biting Fergus
Webby's anxiety about the family splitting up and guilt for causing so many arguments and fights 😢
Scrooge, Webby, and Matilda all sharing a hug!
Puffy and Missy fighting more than Clan McDuck
"Music Day"
Mortimer jumpscare
Horace mention!
Clara Cluck and Clarabelle Cow appearances!
Pete jumpscare
Imagining a House of Mouse reboot with the DT17 triplets as a boy band (Jet, Turbo, and Rebel are their band names)
puffywuffy8904: I don't know what's hapoening anymore and at this point I'm too afraid to ask
The return of Squirrels in my Pants
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Quack Pack jumpscare
Kid HDL being voiced by Tony Anselmo instead of Russi Taylor for some reason
Story Blossom: Louie eats hot dogs in it Me: DT17 Louie is gagging
Us saying DT17 Donald would beat the shit out of the short's version of him
Godfrey: "You're alive?" Me: "You're alive! *faints*" Godfrey: "You forgot to tell Donald?" Me: "Whoops. 😅"
EllaKai: tbf Donald had it coming Godfrey: *singing "Cell Block Tango"*
"Day of the Only Child!"
Us looking forward to this episode!
Dewey picking up Webby and spinning her around (Don't you fucking tag this as ship, you sickos.)
"And this is why we need Only Child Day." *smack!*
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Another Launchpad appearance!
Jamie and Tokuvivor fanfic shoutouts!
Huey bonding with Bouncer and Burger
Missy: cumin CUMin
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(Not during Huey time!)
Learning that the art book also says there were plans for a Bouncer redemption arc and him becoming Scrooge's personal chef, but it unfortunately got scrapped (I remember @real-life-pine-tree and I talking about that idea a few years ago, long before the art book was a thing!)
Doofus' debut in general (I don't blame Louie for spamming the elevator button. ><)
Duckworth mention
"We're dead inside."
"What is he gonna do with the umbrella and walnuts?!"
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Dewey Dew-Night!
Monseuir Saucy
The severe Discord lag making the stream a funnier experience
Dewey's Louie voice sounding like Miss Piggy
Me: "Webby, you can come out." Everyone: Webby having lesbian thoughts about Lena (I love it! XD)
"'She knows.' Shut up, Louie."
"Brothers again? Brothers again. Triple threat!"
Dewey looking back at Webby as she was singing the Dewey Dew-Night theme
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moonspirit · 16 days
Okay so there is an upcoming political ball, but the Ambassadors don’t know how to dance. So they practice together.
Annie masters the sport but it so socially stuff it just looks wrong.
Pieck can barely walk in hills let alone dance.
(Also because Pieck practices with Jean and Annie with Armin Connie and Reiner waltz together and somehow get it down perfectly)
Hello anon!
Ahahahaha xD You know who's winning THIS?
It's Connie and Reiner. Single bros forced into a union of sorts to keep The Sad™ away now that the other four are Very Much Not Single.
I actually hc that Annie's really good at dancing, the footwork comes very easily to her, but... she can only be handled by the Holy Trinity (Pieck, Connie and Armin). She dances with a scowl on her face, you might as well assume she's going to twirl with you on the floor and kill you in some horrible dancey way.
The truth is that it's all just a grand way to hide her embarrassment and when she's dancing with Armin, he becomes very annoying about it, giggling and whispering cute teasing nothings into her ear every five minutes until she just becomes a ball of goo.... or something.
(That said, Armin's initially not too good at dancing but hey, he gets to learn from the best).
Pieck and Jean are in a constant state of battle over who can do BETTER. Both of them think they're the best and the other sucks. And the height is a real problem. Pieck jokes that she has to dance on stilts and calls Jean funny-looking. He gets enraged and calls her a pipsqueak. Welp. There's never a normal dance between both of them - it's probably turns into some Beyblade-battle type of shit.
So what's left... Connie-boy and Reiner-man... to dance with each other... and they're sad at first... so, so sad... two single-bros... dancing sadly and single-ly... with each other....
But hey... wait... waaaaaaaiit.... it's actually.... kinda... feels GOOD?
Like... Connie isn't a bad looking guy... He's actually... pretty hot at close quarters? He's got that serious look now... and he makes really bad jokes that are so bad they're good.... he's a chill dude... and a decent dancer...
And... Reiner's a really good looking guy... in this very sad way... big and bulky... kinda like a chonky depresseed cat? Feels kinda nice to... dip him like a dainty princess.... he seems to like it too.... his light eyes are sparkling happily... woah man.... what's happening...
So is born.
The ACTUAL most normal, most happy couple on the Rumbled Planet.
Reiner x Connie.
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erithel · 1 month
Piggybacking off of your response to the previous ask, man can I just say what an utter clusterfuck the whole "gone" situation was follower-wise... i'm gonna make this about me so sorry about that, however i'm the kind of person that can't really articulate their thoughts, can't see through the layers as clearly as others and when people post a thoughtful analysis that reflects my feelings about the fic while the best thing I can come up with is something like "wow, fic good❤️" (which yeah I know is still fine but anyway) it makes me feel so much better because what is trapped in my head is articulated as I wanted to express it... that being said, seeing you explore ptsd and lance's grief like this stirred smth in me, I cried at times, so I was very excited to see people in your asks sharing their thoughts and all... And then they didn't seem to care so much about it (not all of them obvs) and at first it was like "hahah yeah.. we all want them to kiss xd lol" but then seeing you post about how people would essentially flood your asks for klance to KISS ALREADY™ plus with other general stuff... Idk if it was frustrating for me I can't even begin to imagine how it was for you, because this is like.. still a story, just in comic form, so yes it has an arc it need to complete. We could see the episode count from the beginning too if I remember correctly, so being so insistent about it was weird? Either way, it was a story and it was getting somewhere and spamming about when your ship will be canon is kind of annoying. So sorry this happened to you and so happy you pushed through! I binge it on the regular!
I feel like I could do a Ted Talk on the etiquette of commenting at this point, through my own experience, and also reading comments my friends have received on their work.
But essentially what it boils down to is two things:
Creators put a lot of work into their stories, and
They choose to write stories their way
The way that I write fan content (both fics and comics) is because these stories and these subjects are important to me. Some of them are very personal, too. And I know I am not the only creator who chooses to write this way.
Obviously the way I reacted to the "just kiss already" comments may have seemed like an overreaction from the outside (I thank you for being understanding in your ask btw).
But the message those constant comments were sending was a very clear one of:
All the thought/time/work you put into this story does not matter
Everyone who ever told you to "just get over it" was right
Grief can be a very physical and powerful thing.
Losing someone you love leaves you with this excess of love and affection that now has no where to go. You used to have a place to direct it, and when that place is suddenly gone, it takes a while to learn how to function again; to redistribute that love.
It's something that never goes away, it just gets manageable. And it's definitely not something you can "just get over."
I'm not saying I'm the greatest storyteller of all time, but I was tired of reading books and watching movies and shows where the characters never felt the aftermath of a loss. They all just moved onto the next episode or the next chapter like nothing ever happened.
And I do think it's important to tell stories like this in fanfiction. Because many readers are younger. Many readers rely on reading fanfiction because it's free. Many readers need hope and catharsis. And getting to read about their favorite characters go through terrible things but realistically come out on the other side is, to me, very important. Because the stories we read - no matter if they are free or published works - can stick with us for the rest of our lives.
This is why it was such a big deal for me. Because I was trying to tell a story that said "Please take your time to get over things. Please know that it's okay if you don't immediately snap back to the way things were. Please know that it's okay to feel whatever it is you are feeling." And getting comment after comment that said the exact opposite was honestly just crushing.
I would take a "wow, fic good" comment any day. Because it acknowledges what has been done, instead of demands things to speed up to suit someone else's needs.
And, on a slightly more petty note... it was a klance fan comic. It's not like they weren't going to kiss. They just weren't going to do it in the middle of an argument where it wouldn't have stuck!
(I do also think it's funny that there's a perfect comic example of a kiss happening too early, before communication which happened right around the same time as Gone. And for the record, she's gotten way more and way worse comments than I did, so that's something worth mentioning, too.)
The point is that some stories are very personal to the author and very important to certain members of the audience. Of course no single story will be for everyone, but just because it is not going a certain way does not mean it's okay to demand it be changed.
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deathbyoctopi · 1 year
This scene, so small, always brings me so much joy!!
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Fucker shoos daozhang away. That ungrateful bastard. Probably was saved from the local totally not caused by xue yang zombie infestation more times than he can count.
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Awww, daozhang is bummed out! He was holding out his hand, trusting the kindness of strangers. I love how Xue Yang is basically following him around here, one step behind, watching over him. 
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And he was going away, too! Angry pout and all, but I doubt he’d be so compliant the first time something like this happened. Remember how he treated that cart in the extra flashback? He probably had much more outspoken reactions the first time he (or xxc) were shooed off like smelly street rats. I bet daozhang scolded him for it, and now he’s learned to be less hot-headed. 
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But his “patience” lasts all about three seconds XD  MOtherfucker, you dare treat Xiao Xingchen like that?? He’s MY enemy! Only I get to be mean to him!
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My lovely murder gremlin has learned some neat skills in silent threatening. Can’t be loud, not with daozhang within hearing range. 
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And he calls him BY NAME! If at this point Xiao Xingchen doesn’t recognize him, his voice, his mannerisms, it’s all on him. Or he doesn’t WANT to recognize him because he’s found he’s so happy with this life...
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Here. Have a potato. I stabbed it through, I’m a good hunter, I can provide food for our family, aren’t I good? (Xue Yang’s inner cat shining through) 
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Give HIM the tatoes, motherfucker. 
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Look at him, he’s so happy!! What a reliable husband you found, Xiao Xingchen. What a beautiful person. Always so helpful. 
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Aw, yeah! Just another day of being Evil™ making my enemy the happiest man east of the Yangtze river.
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2024 EDIT!! I now extended this post into a full fanfic with Xiao Xingchen actually paying attention at the way his friend pronounces his name >w< It is also my 50th fic in ao3, so I was happy to share this milestone ❤️
👉  https://archiveofourown.org/works/55025221
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laufire · 1 month
both dick and jason for the character bingo
(I'm determined to clean up my inbox this month, so this is me doing that and not asking for more questions like these xDD)
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jaylad: (the stars are supposed to mean like. yeah but with caveats. i.e. my mutuals do get him, I think he IS a great character even if they handle him wrong a lot xD, and I only enter "they've done nothing wrong" mode in the face of bad faith takes :P)
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(original and transcription under the cut)
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[ID: a bingo sheet titled "character bingo" with the word bingo capitalized in larger text with one letter over each column.
The first row's spaces are "my special little meow meow. my every waking thought. my dearest blorbo", "I don't have anything against them personally but they failed the vibe check", "I'm the only one who knows anything about them, actually. everyone else is wrong sorry", "if I met them irl I would beat them up (affectionate)" and I would unplug their life support to charge my phone".
The second row has "I like the fanon better for this one", "a pathetic wet cat of a man", "my anti blorbo. I am constantly thinking of them and I hate it", "knowing of their existence fills me with incredibly violent urges" and "they could've been such a good character if they were handled differently".
The third row is "*gently holds*", "don't care about them tbh", "free space", "[long keyemash in all caps]" and "I sincerely do not understand the hype".
In the fourth row there is "they have never done anything, ever, in their life", "I don't even go here but I'd die for them tbh" "not to be a homosexual but jesus fucking christ. Oh. My god. Holy shit.", "Autism™" and "genuinely. What the fuck."
The final row has "will somebody give them a fucking hug jesus christ", "they could pour soup in my lap and I'd apologize to them", "they are literally so based", "there's nothing going on behind those eyes [heart emoji]" and "I want to kiss their poor little head"
End ID]
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piracytheorist · 3 months
So with that out of the way, I'll share some screenshots and my experience from the little I played from the Spy x Family game.
Note/reminder that I openly don't recommend buying the game for a computer, as the controls are clunky, and since that version is half-baked it's not worth your money, even if you plan on using a controller. Different case if you buy it for a console, though.
So the graphics are actually pretty cute, and I think they translate the feeling of the 2D characters into a 3D game environment pretty well! The music stands between an inspiration from the original anime soundtrack and typical day-in-the-life simulation game soundtrack, though mostly the latter. I wasn't impressed that much but it wasn't something that annoyed me. It's just a bit of a pity because they could definitely get some inspiration from the original soundtrack, but oh well.
Playing the game, Anya starts at Eden College, and you get a tutorial showing you how to move and interact with other characters and objects. First it instructs you to talk to Becky, then to Damian.
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And as I saw that I was like "... Do I have to?" XD Luckily, he wasn't annoying that time, just distant.
Then Anya comes back home to tell her parents about her Diary project, and I had her explore the house a bit.
In the manga and anime there's this small separate space on the hall right by the entrance, and I actually just realized that, but in the game's version of the house that area doesn't exist.
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From what I remember, in the game there is just a wall where the opening to this space is. Since this space is rarely used in the manga/anime and it would have taken memory space, I understand why they didn't add it. From the little I played Anya could only move around the main spaces, kitchen, dining/living area and hall, but those parts were pretty accurate.
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And according to my post about the Forgers' kitchen, here it looks accurate to the anime, though with a two-door fridge instead.
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I mostly took this because I found it funny how atrocious his posture was XD he's probably tired, the poor man.
One of the few minigames I tried was bowling. I like how each characters game traits actually fit their characters XD
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Like, Yor is Strong™ but with the least dexterity, Anya is the luckiest but also the weakest, Loid is the most dexterous... and also the unluckiest. I'm telling you, I can find opportunities for angst like it's my job.
Anyway, that minigame was actually nice, it took me a bit to get the hang of the curveballs but I'm sure I could get better at it if I trained more. I played as Loid, too XD
I liked the characters' responses to their throws, either going like "This is hard" or "This is harder than it looks" (even Loid, lmao, with me controlling him he actually became bad at something) if they threw only a few pins. Funny thing is, when Loid was first about to throw his ball, he said something like "Child's play" but then because it was me controlling him he only threw a couple pins and was like "This is hard" 😂 Poor Yor said "Was this good?" a few times right after throwing her ball, then Anya did a strike, and Yor and I as Loid did a spare (when you throw the remaining pins on your second go). For each of those, the other characters cheered for the one doing the strike or spare, and that was cute. Funniest responses was when a throw wouldn't get a single pin, Anya did her "Shock" face, Yor looked embarrassed, and Loid cringed back with a drop of cold sweat on his face (I was the reason for that, sorry man XD) Loid ended up winning and even though he had missed a couple of throws, at the end he was once again like "Child's play" like, my MAN, stop embarrassing yourself and me.
Anyway. Back to the story. There were some cute moments of banter, I feel they captured the characters pretty accurately!
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Then I could go into character customization and. Some interesting choices there.
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"Just going to work". Yes. That work XD
And then this... item.
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I'm still laughing about it XD
Then it was ooting time, and I actually really loved the loading screens!
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They have a cute feel to them :)
One of the few pictures I took for Anya's album. Whatever is happening on that Spy Wars issue Anya was reading, it must be interesting!
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Anya later mentioned she'd sleep with Agent Penguinman that night, and Bond did not like that XD
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When I FINALLY managed to hit the required score for Yor's fruit chopping minigame, Anya looked very smug about it 😁
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As I mentioned, it took me a lot of times to get the gist of when exactly to swing to cut the vegetables, and every time Yor missed a vegetable she would say something... but there were no subtitles for those lines XD judging by a few lines I've picked up from the anime, I think she was just saying things like "I missed" or an exclamation of disappointment, and one single "I'm sorry, Anya-san". I wanted to hug her!
Then it was back to school the next day.
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I'm right there with ya, girl XD
Then Anya asked Yor to train her, and Yor started giving her some advice on how to throw punches... and then Loid slipped in and was like uhm wut O_o
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This next part was a little weird, because Anya was supposed to be drawing (like she did in Episode 3 in the museum kids room) and Loid was going like "Oh this is Bondman and a princess, right? That part is a little graphic, though" but... she wasn't drawing? Loid was just standing in the kitchen and I approached him to talk to him and they just said lines similar to the scene I mentioned above from episode 3. It didn't seem like it fit, and only added it so they could have Anya do that expression, which, okay, fair enough XD
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This was Anya's expression when she realized Loid had completely misjudged what she was drawing and her powers weren't at risk of being exposed XD
A quick Handler cameo!
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That was the intro for a minigame of Twilight sneaking into an art gallery and having to swap paintings for forgeries. I just found her appearance quite cool!
... This, however, was the minigame that proved this game doesn't work well with a keyboard. Controlling the character AND the camera with keyboard buttons is very tricky, and while I could manage moving Anya around, I had a lot of trouble moving Twilight around while I was on a timer and I had to avoid the guards seeing him.
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So yeah. It could have been fun but for a computer user it can be frustrating. I tried twice and failed to complete the minigame, and at that point I was tired; it was more stressful than satisfying that way, so I just quit the game, uninstalled it and had it refunded.
Anyway, as I said, it looks like a fun game, but one that can only be appreciated through a console that already includes controllers with joysticks. Computer users shouldn't have to need external controllers to enjoy a game for the computer, so I definitely don't recommend buying it for the PC, if nothing else, for the moral of it. They could have optimized it to move the camera with the mouse, which is how the grand majority of such games work, but they half-assed it and as such I don't think they deserve anyone's money, especially at the price it's at (50 euros for us to need an external controller? no thanks).
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more self-indulgence!!
one part headcanons one part this is just how they are in my AU probably—uh... watching a parade? idk actually. i just. drew them.
because... i felt like it.... there are still missing characters because spider-man has five million supporting characters which is truly both a blessing and a curse (also like, i didn't include any foes or villains lmao but rest assured at least two of peter's rogues are queer...)
i decided this is like 2019 or something for?? no real reason other than i guess a lot of the adults finally being out or whatever... idk... that would make peter and his friends around 30-32 on average (well no felicia would be like 34) so still youngish but also definitely Adults™...
the kids are meant to be late teens early 20s but drawing that very specific age group is like, way difficult... also all the youths are short compared to peter's friend group of exclusively 5'9" to 6' people XD (well gwen and harry are shorter so i guess it's fine XD)
some of these are more firm than others. like. should randy be straight? i dunno. is aunt may straight or are all the alive parkers bisexual lmao? idk. what about literally all of the teenagers except andi? i have no clue and a lot of the stuff with them is waaaay later and I am not anywhere close to, so i just put them all in rainbows cause why not! but i do think janine is a token heterosexual in this instance lmao—see, not ALL of my AU versions of characters are queer, just most of them
also i'm going to put a few close-ups/crops below the cut just because it's hard to see them in the lineup without zooming in or w/e
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obviously felicia and peter are bisexual and flash is... probably also bi? but i'm really still not sure... but she is trans :) and they're probably poly together but even after writing man-spider i'm genuinely... not actually sure if felicia is peter and flash's girlfriend or not 😂 they've got SOMETHING going on with the three of them but what it is, idk... i think peter is definitely polyamorous regardless, it's just a question of whether their relationship is or not.
red and blue hearts on peter's cheek technically poly but double as spider-man LMAO—plus earplugs cause pride is loud…
obviously felicia's also into leather and bdsm and stuff (and so is peter...) so i included some little hints of that... but didn't bother including any of the kink flags cause there's only so much i can fit tbh a collar works well enough.
i made his tie teal satin because of the teal ribbon for sexual assault awareness. but just a hint, cause i don't think he would be comfortable being public about that. he's out and proud as a bi jewish dude with a trans wife but he's really not out about being a survivor to anyone except a few very close and trusted friends/family. similar for kaine. so a teal necktie is just something for him. he's been through a lot in his life but he's happy 🙂
anyway i think i made flash's hair shorter than it's supposed to be here but it's fine, maybe she got a trim or something
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supportive aunts!! i already established like 3 years ago or something in some offhand line that MJ's aunt is an Eccentric Lesbian (huh wonder where she got that from—) so i'm sticking with the lesbian spinster aunt there. I don't know about Aunt May though. I always kind of waffled there on whether she's like straight, or bi... cause I like the thought of old ladies in love. I think maybe they have some kind of queerplatonic thing going on or something... either way she is proud of her boy :>
MJ I never know so I just go with the umbrella—she's Queer. What kind? Gender? Sexuality? Yes, (relatable)
What matters is that she is always Glamorous.
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i don't have any deep reason for making Glory bi, i just thought it would be fun, and also cause I like Glory/MJ... they are so fun... they compliment each other so much... I know that can be a just straight gal pals thing but listen, i like it
Gwen is the lesbian who's a teeny tiny bit bisexual but mostly into women. Also: not dead. lmao.
Harry is 100% gay (and divorced) but I still don't know when/if he ever comes out. Liz will def be out as a lesbian by the late 20-teens though cause I think she starts exploring her sexuality w/in 3-4 years after she and harry get divorced... also cause i thought it would be funny if liz and lily (who i did not draw) hooked up LOL
i didn't draw the babies because i ran out of steam for that but they would be... what... i think normie might actually be in like 5th grade or something at this point now that i think about it... stanley would be like... 5 though
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Hobie is bisexual almost entirely because when I read the newspaper strip and the prowler showed up, he and Peter were giving me Flirtation Vibes so he is bi, and also punk because I enjoy the aesthetic Spider-Punk has going on, so even though that's not going to be a thing in this universe, I still like to make some little nods to it. also it just feels like a fun combo. he's a kind of alt guy, he's not very straight, he's not very normal, he's had issues in his life trying to figure out who he wants to be... it feels like it just fits well... i like it
he gets MORE punk AFTER college and shaves half his head etc. (instead of having his twist-out), which is funny to me but you know, it takes time to figure shit out sometimes... i didn't draw his girlfriend Mindy (wife? idk if/when they get married in this AU...) cause like i said, omg, so many people to draw... also idk if she's like, straight or what. probably? there's gotta be SOME straight people XD how does she feel about hobie's fro-hawk...? hmm
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ah, cain and abel ben (and janine)
Ben is bisexual... like Peter. They both prefer women to some extent, but they have slightly different tastes (...well maybe not SO different) and Ben is more uh, subby? LOL—at least with Janine. Switchy. Unlike Peter, Ben has/had? a crush on Robbie LMAO but that's more of a like, mentor/mentee admiration kind of thing... not like a "i wanna make out with you" situation. Robbie is far too old for him. and also happily married.
In my notes I have that Ben was ofc also abused by Warren but a lot of his was medical and psychological (some physical as well), but... i would think there is an undercurrent of medical sexual abuse there nonetheless esp as much of this w/ warren hinges on sexual power dynamics and control, but i won't get into that here as it's partly still being developed and I don't want to get TOO heavy on this post lol
Kaine is, like I mentioned, a little complex and i'm not 100% sure about (also aracely painted his nails) I think that he's ~bi/pan in general? but maybe not? could be only into men? or not into anyone at all. but the thing about Kaine in this universe is that he's got a difficult relationship with sex and sexuality because of what he was put through by Warren, so while I don't necessarily think he's asexual I do think in this universe he's a little bit sex-averse or sex-repulsed and has a difficult time dealing with that stuff. He also just really desperately wants to be loved and he doesn't care who as long as it's someone, which is toxic in a lot of ways i think... being around Aracely would imo help him a lot in coming to terms with having like, normal, platonic, non-sexual, non-romantic, healthy (or at least healthier) interpersonal relationships, and understanding things like that... idk where he's at by 2019 though, mental health-wise... but yeah i wasn't really sure what colors or patterns to put on his clothes so i went with the dark purple and gray tones since they are the kind of common recurring colors on a lot of ace-spec flags including repulsion and related stuff.
as a sidenote as someone who has a kind of aro and ??? relationship w/ my own bisexuality etc. (idk if i consider myself ace necessarily but it's not totally irrelevant) i also don't want to like, Just Make Him Ace because trauma (but obv betty is aro at least) cause it's not that simple etc etc etc but also there absolutely are people who consider themselves asexual from trauma or for whom it's informed by trauma (though trauma would inform any aspect of interpersonal relationships, of course, and for kaine it does)... idk idk kaine is always like, much to think about for me. He's def not like... "normal" in the eyes of cishet patriarchal culturally christian society. I mean he's disabled for one thing,
ofc peter has many similar traumas esp after meeting kaine and HE'S def not asexual (though peter is also disabled)
idk idk i am always thinking about it and never quite sure. kaine has a very complex and largely negative relationship with his body.
i was also considering genetic mosaicism (46,XY/47,XXY) but i did not include any intersex colors etc. because a lot of this wasn't fully hammered out yet when i drew this. I think Kaine is probably intersex though. It's not necessarily obvious to anyone who looks at him, but it's also not something that comes as a huge surprise to him.
obvs the tiny hint of a teal ribbon is the same as for Peter, sexual assault/abuse awareness, and it's small and easily hidden. probably was given to him by someone trying to be supportive (ben and janine maybe? idk)—i mean ALL of it is from other people really. the sticker on the noise cancelling headphones? def from Aracely or someone else. his presence in the first place? dragged out of the house by a 19 year old girl. he didn't even have time to do his hair and he would rather be drinking coffee in a dark room alone :/
Anyway, Janine. Less complicated.
I decided at some point Janine is straight (but not narrow, as they say) so she gets an ally shirt lol. Like Peter and Kaine, I put her in some teal including a little ribbon bow on some satin ballet flats—obviously her history as a sexual abuse survivor etc. is very, very public in contrast to peter and kaine (and arguably ben, though i don't think he necessarily conceptualizes his abuse by warren in the same way, in part because it was very medicalized) but... it's not like she would want to draw a lot of attention to that. but i also do just like teal so i think it looks nice.
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like those are just genuinely cute shoes 😂 but also it's to tie it all together.
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the kids, the teens, the youths,
i really don't... feel like i know enough about them to figure out sexualities or if any genders are involved, and I'm a million years away from including them in any fics so a lot of that stuff simply has not been built out right now cause finer details aren't relevant to me yet (like. i'm in 2007 rn? miles is like... 8. lmao), so I just put them in some fun rainbow-y stuff. teens like going to pride and wearing rainbows right??? i mean i did.
i'm SURE miles and ganke have got something going on i just don't know What Exactly. nerdy friends...? nerdy boyfriends?? something else??? miles is wearing a tracksuit to hide his spider-man costume lol.
aracely is an enigma, i don't think anyone knows what's going on with her tbh. she is there to have candy thrown at her. she seems to like boys at least a little though.
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i actually do know what's up with Andi cause she's actually supposed to first appear in 200...8? when she's like. 10. she is trans, and she is also why Flash was able to accept herself more and also why Flash transitioned. Flash wanted to be a good role model to help Andi feel good about herself and to not make her feel like there was something wrong with her, and then later re: transitioning, Flash saw how happy Andi was and wanted to also... be happy like that even though she was scared. and Andi herself really was (will be, idk i never know what tense to use for this stuff) helped a lot by Flash trying to self-improve, by having a supportive babysitter, and a dad who loves her, and so on and so forth... makes a big difference!
Andi and Flash are kind of intentional contrasts here in that, where Flash took until her late 20s to really fully be able to accept herself, Andi is the kid who goes on puberty blockers in high school and knew right away she wasn't what everyone said she was. (Flash had like, hints of that, but really didn't even realize until around ~19 years old and wasn't able to act on it for like... 9 years whereas Andi just really got motoring lol)
also Andi is a lesbian 💖
As far as Betty! I wasn't sure about her at first but I was chatting with Kita and I was like, thinking about her relationships and stuff and thinking, you know, she seems kinda aro... and then i was like... I can just do that. If I want. So I did. so now Betty is aromantic (at least, in my little alternate universe) and ALSO bisexual 😂 Peter's social circle is just a bunch of quirky bisexuals. bi4bi4bi
also dolled the fuck up. Betty said "overdressed? i don't know her. a pearl necklace goes with everything." (...😜)
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I also am not sure about Randy (he also just has not come up yet i guess...) but I was thinking, you know, IDK, maybe he's straight as well. two whole straight people. i know he's dated a couple of girls in 616 (...i mean... so have most of the male characters lol) including like, Norah... but I'm not 100% sure what I would do there. I did end up making him a little bit of a hipster 😂 he's probably like... heteroflexible or smth... 🤔
Maybe Randy is ALSO bisexual??? or queer of some flavor.............. at least seems to KNOW about community stuff
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idek what the hell is going on with these four but Robbie and JJJ sure do run a bisexual-ass newspaper (...well now that i think about it peter doesn't technically work for them anymore by 2019 but i'm sure he drops the occasional photo) (still a lot of bisexuals)
jk jk there are plenty of other employees of presumably various sexualities including straight ones AND gay ones (probably?) but like, betty, glory, ben and peter are all bi here which struck me as amusing. Two 60-something year old men supportive by way of having a bunch of homos working at their newspaper. Also because it's funny to me to have Jameson be actually very chill about The Queers. something something "you don't tell me what to do in my private life, and i don't tell you what to do in yours!"
anyway that's it. have a gay day 🌈
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Ok so you guys are like the only ones I trust with this request right now but xd hear me out. Prime Mover Reader dealing with all the celebratory mess from drunk asf Copia after tonight's Grammi win. Like I'm dying to see how you imagine that, WHAT is going on, how is the rest of the Abey celebrating etc etc. Also how does drunk Copia even behave? The public needs to KNOW
Lmao good to know you trust us - Jez
Drunk Copia and the Grammi celebration
I just know Nihil is turning in his grave, knowing he lost one of the leverages he had. He can't taunt Copia for not winning a Grammy/Grammi anymore. Grandaddy of All Rituals™ is not happy about that. In fact, he's so salty, he doesn't celebrate at all.
Sister Imperator gets tipsy for the first time in years because her baby won a Grammi and even if nobody knows she's his momma, she is a fucking proud momma. Let her have it.
The Siblings of Sin are celebrating in the best way they all know - partying. Alcohol, drugs, orgies... All kinds of stuff. It's... A really big mess. You should probably avoid big rooms for a while, at least until it gets cleaned up.
The Ghouls are left to their own devices. Most of them go to Hell for a few hours so they can have a more extreme version of the party. It may or may not include cannibalism.
As for our precious boy Copia and his Prime Mover...
Well, Copia is completely smashed. In his defense, he never partied as much as the previous Papas (especially Secondo), so he never really needed to build up that much alcohol tolerance.
He's a very affectionate drunk, incredibly wholesome, but almost overwhelmingly sensitive. You need to be there and hold his hand or he'll cry. And not just like little sniffles, this man will have a full meltdown if the love of his life is not right next to him.
He's all over you, hugging, kissing your cheeks, nuzzling his face against your shoulder. He doesn't grope or do anything sexual, though. Affectionate, not horny drunk.
If you do have to leave him for some reason and come back a few minutes later, he's so wasted he doesn't even recognize you and falls in love again?
You better learn Italian because he forgets English completely.
Actually, don't bother learning Italian. He most likely says random gibberish that won't make sense.
He has a long ass conversation with himself about different kinds of meatballs.
He's arguing with himself about what his favorite food is???And it gets??? So heated???
Like, if he could, he would absolutely get into a fistfight with himself all while still clinging to you. It truly is an incredible sight.
If you're not there when he got drunk, however, he would be on his phone and trying to contact you.
The type of guy to tell you you're the best girlfriend he ever had and then go "Wow, that's amazing, I'm so lucky!" when you remind him you're married.
Kinda married? As close to getting married as you can get, I guess.
If he's drunk when you arrive, he'll literally say he's falling in love. And ask if you're single. He will cry if you tell him you're not.
"Copia, sweetie, I'm not single, I'm your Prime Mover. I'm with you. We're together."
He will cry when he hears that and there's a 50/50 chance for the reason.
It can be either tears of joy because someone so beautiful is with him?? HIM?? Of all people??
Or it can be tears of utter despair because his mind is too fucking focused on the "I'm not single" bit to understand anything else.
You should probably keep him away from mirrors while he's drunk. He gets unreasonably jumpy around them?
Like, bro almost got a heart attack when you were taking him to the bedroom and he looked to the side only to see himself?
Nobody knows why he got so scared of himself??
Please tuck him in, he needs it.
He's like a cranky toddler who refuses to sleep.
It's a hilarious cycle of you trying to get him to sleep, him leaving the bed and trying to get back to the party only to end up panicking in front of a mirror again.
The first couple of times a few more sober Siblings of Sin try to take him back to his room or go get you.
They need to get you, there's no chance he's following anyone else.
It will take a few hours to finally get him to sleep because he's gonna be a mess. He gets so emotional it's weird.
You have to cuddle him until he's in deep sleep if you want to leave the bed without the risk of him waking up and either running away again or crying for you.
You find out later that the only reason he was running away was because you'd leave the room and the party was the last place his drunk mind remembered you being.
Drunk Copia is endearing. A bit tiring to deal with, but endearing.
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Great response, sorry XD and this line in particular jumped out at me for a different surprise reason:
She just doesn't understand why someone with a Perfect Life™ would change without going through some kind of suffering that forces introspection.
Because I am reminded of a fic that managed to speedily (Seemingly) weave in a Chloe redemption arc & Marinette friendship within the first like, week of the new school year in a totally believable way.
Long story short, Adrien fucking died during Stoneheart.
Specifically, he got crushed by a thrown car before he even got into his house. Gabriel went into a depression slump & Marinette blames herself.
Then she gets to class before anyone but Chloe whose not wearing make up, her hairs barely above a rats nest and she's wearing what is obviously a boys over shirt and quietly crying.
She's too nice to ignore that and then she finds out Chloe is crying about a boy "so lonely & so kind" he could evoke such grief and love from a girl Marinette previously thought incapable of those things.
Then Chloe completely breaks down in her arms & just... Does not bounce back to her usual energy after that.
Marinette, as well as a few others, continue to be gentle presences. To the point where Sabrina gives Marinette's picture to the door man so she can go up to Chloe's if she wants.
Then later, Chloe gets Akumatized into "Anti Hero" but she ignored Gabriel's orders for a week because her focus is on "saving everyone, no one else will lose anyone like I lost Adrien."
So yeah, that kind of event is one I can easily see Marinette perceiving as both revealing new depth to Chloe & that she could rationalize as inspiring change, thus inviting her understanding.
Also spoiler but Adrien's not for real dead, he got mixed with a butterfly, Plagg and Gabriel's wish to become perma Chat Noir.
Just thought that was interesting and a good contrast to show ways in which Marinette can be super compassionate and reach out. VS circumstances under which it would go against her every instinct to do so & both being totally valid reads on the character.
Semi-rip to Adrien but also like.
Yeah just. Showing how much Chloé can genuinely care for another person goes a long ass way toward the shattering of the illusion that she's a 2-dimensional bitch.
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