#I'm making a new listing with slightly different things on offer so putting that together is taking a sec
catebees · 6 months
Hey everybody I am ✨still alive✨ I've just been a bit slow with setting up comms because I've been working on so much stuff! ( one of which being my @palimpsestzine entry, keep your eyes peeled for when that comes out!!)
Life should get a little less busy in the coming days, so sorry for the wait
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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My allergies went insane today. It was not fun. My face was swollen for half the day I swear. But thankfully I finally am feeling a little more comfortable. It wasn't a total loss of a day but dealing with allergies was a big focus of the day.
I didn't sleep amazing. I was alright. I remember hugging James goodbye. But I was very groggy. When I woke up at 9 I was feeling a little off but it was fine. I got up and started getting ready for the day.
I was a little overwhelmed though. I had a lot of cleaning to do and was already sneezing and kind of uncomfortable. My eyes were already puffy. And I was just feeling pulled in a hundred different directions.
I would finally give up and eat leftovers first. This made me feel a little better and I was able to finish packing my bag for this weekend and getting my final gifts wrapped up. I was having a pretty good time once I got things going.
I did some cleaning. Cleaned the floors. I went and got the mail. I put some stuff together in the studio. I was doing great.
I had finished all my gifts so I started taking those down to the car. I cleaned that out and brought some stuff up too. It was cold out but it was a beautiful day.
Around noon I ran out of steam a bit. My allergies started kicking off and I was wheezing and having a bad time. I took some allergy meds and hoped it would help.
I spent some time laying with sweetp. I was sorting my bags and trying to purge some but that is incredibly hard so I'm just going to take some to camp to store in the art building. Maybe I can give some away there. I also would pack my purse for this weekend with anything I might want or need. I was being very productive despite not feeling amazing.
In some house news, I had some trouble with our home insurance. Even with a fairly good report our insurance man Frank thinks he will have to find someone else. I'm not sure why exactly, I really don't understand the underwriting process. I'm trying my best but it's just so many people involved. We still have to wait on the appraisal but because it was listed for so much more I am only slightly worried it wouldn't appraise for what we offered. But the slight stress is still there.
But in very positive news our loan has been conditionally approved! That's a while step forward! Amazing. I am excited.
I have spent a lot of the last few days making notes myself about things I want build or change create. Figuring out the designs and such. Colors and styles. It feels like my next big project, because realistically it is. And I'm really excited to get to jump into it.
But I cannot be to excited until we have the keys in hand. I can be excited but I also have to be prepared for something to go wrong. I don't really think something will, but I got to be prepared emotionally.
My allergies would get really really bad. I was laying on the couch and my eyes felt like glass and I felt like I was dying. I took meds and went to sit on the fire escape to try to feel better. And it no did help. But it took a long time.
By the time James got home I didn't feel as bad but my eyes were still swollen. They would do their packing and would start making me a baked potato for dinner. I tried not to whine about it to much but I was not feeling great and that was very hard.
They had to run out to get something from their parents. And when they got back we had our dinners and just hung out and it was a nice evening. Slowly I felt better. And when I did I would take a bath and exfoliate and feel very nice. And thankfully that has continued.
I have a pain in my chest and my wrist but beyond that I'm doing pretty well. Me and James are talking about adding windows and doors and moving others. My heart is very full.
Tomorrow James still has work, and I hope it is busy and fun for them. I will try to tie up anything here and just be chill before we head to my parents to spend the night! I wish we could go earlier but we are making it work. I hope you all have a good night. I love you all. Goodnight!
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ragecndybars · 2 years
directors cut on uhhhhh Fair Trade?
ooh thank you for the ask! :D
The vague idea for Fair Trade had been stewing in the back of my head for a while, just as a potential alternate ending to the October 4th we see in game, but when the whumptober 2022 prompts dropped and I saw "Take me instead" on the prompt list, suddenly that tiny underdeveloped idea really flung itself to the forefront of my mind, lmao. And then I saw that one of the prompts for Oct 3 (i think) was "gun to temple" and the basic structure of this fic just clicked together in my mind, LMAO.
There were a couple different draft ideas, though, which diverged slightly from the final product. In one scrapped idea, Takaya would trick Shinjiro and end up taking both of them hostage -- Shinjiro for information, Ken as a bargaining chip to keep Shinji from holding out on him. In another, Takaya tried to take both hostage, but SEES showed up and managed to rescue Ken, although Takaya made off with Shinjiro.
I also toyed with different pieces of information that Shinjiro could trade for Ken in this fic. I never intended for him to sell out Fuuka, since he knows it would put her life in serious danger, but I kept trying to come up with other information he could offer that Takaya might want. In the first draft, Shinjiro ended up claiming that Akihiko was the sensor, horrifying Ken, who thinks that Shinjiro doesn't even care about his own friend (though the implication is actually that Shinji trusts Aki and knows that he would rather have Takaya come after him than anyone else in SEES). The implications are still the same with him singling out the Arisatos in this fic, but I decided to have Ken pick up on this somewhat, rather than continuing to think that Shinjiro must have some ill intent. I do think that Ken is smart and quick on the uptake, after all -- he's not entirely blinded by his bias against Shinjiro. Just... mostly blinded. An understandable amount of blinded.
(Sidenote: I was going back and forth on which protagonist I wanted to feature in this story as well, since I usually don't include both Arisatos in a story unless it's specifically an Arisato twin AU. In the end, though, I realized that it didn't really matter, and I liked the final scene with SEES reacting to the news much better with both of them there, so I put them both in.)
Also, Takaya was 100% correct to doubt Shinjiro's word in this fic, lmao. On top of the obvious (Shinji lied to him about Ken being weak, not knowing Fuuka's identity, about the others not caring if he went missing, and about the Arisato twins being able to sense Shadows), Shinjiro was definitely just saying whatever he thought would get Takaya to let go of Ken. If Takaya hadn't shot him, he would have 100% tried to just grab Ken and run away. His willingness to potentially die for Ken was obviously part of his motivations, but most of the things Shinjiro says in this fic are purely motivated by panic and a desire to Get That Gun Away From Ken's Head ASAP.
Say what you will about Takaya, but he knows his audience.
As for a more general note about the fic: I somewhat struggled to characterize Ken here, although I stand by the results. I think my favorite thing about Ken is how he's genuinely precocious, but the game doesn't (often) let you forget that he really is only ten years old, so I wanted that to shine through here. He's brave and typically calm, but he's still a ten year old being held at gunpoint. He's intelligent and mature, but he's still too angry and grief-stricken to get it through his head that Shinji obviously isn't the cold-hearted killer he expected. It's a bit of a hard balance for me to maintain, but it makes writing Ken a very fun kind of challenge.
Takaya is another interesting character to write, although his motivations are a bit simpler to understand. I'm never sure how much it actually comes across in my portrayal of him, but I interpret him as genuinely liking Shinjiro, for example--even if only in a "look at this odd creature" sort of way--and having some sense of fondness for Chidori, although he still wouldn't hesitate for a second to shoot either one dead. I also think that a part of him genuinely wants SEES to stick around, seeing them as some kind of Chosen Rivals to him, which is why I think his plans to stop them are so convoluted and indirect in the games. It's kind of like a game to him, in a way. There are many ways to interpret Takaya's overall motivations in this game, and honestly I love seeing all the varying versions of him in different fics.
One last thing, which I briefly mentioned in the author's note of this fic: there is a sequel in the works, though I knew from the beginning that, if I wrote a sequel, I would want to change perspectives. I can't say when that sequel will come out, since I have a zine piece and several other projects to work on right now, but I did end up going with a Shinjiro perspective to follow Ken's. I feel that Ken's perspective worked in Fair Trade because he was missing just a few crucial pieces of information, which he was able to piece together by the end, so I wanted to maintain that dramatic irony somewhat by switching POVs to Shinjiro (who is now unaware that help is on the way, putting him in a similar position to Ken's, narratively). Hopefully it'll be a worthy follow-up, because I'm genuinely pretty proud of Fair Trade, and I wouldn't want the sequel to be lackluster. :)
thanks again for the ask!!! this was a ton of fun <3
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
The Mission // Spencer Reid x Reader
Sooooo this was SUPPOSE to be a blurb for @andiebeaword BUT it ended up being much longer than that, my bad.
Summary - Spencer and Reader must act like a married couple at a party in order to get information on a hitman. They may do more than needed to prove being a married couple.
Word count - 2.7k
Prompts - "If we die, I'm going to kill you." ~~~ "You have a dirty mind." ~~~ "These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaining about your tag you whine ass." ~~~ "Wow, I can't imagine being that rich! How old are his kids, maybe I can date one."
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It was a well-known fact that I loved partnering with Spencer. We could always joke around and make eachother feel better, even when working the bad cases. But I feel like this was a little ridiculous.
"Are you shitting me?" The words slipped from my mouth so easily, which I immediatly regretted. Spencer gave me *the look* and elbowed my side.
"I'm sorry Y/n, you and Spencer are the two people who are the most compatible to seem like a couple, and we need hard proof before we arrest him." Hotch explained with his usual amount of enthusiasm.
"Hotch, this guy is dangerous and we will be in there without vests, is what I believe y/n is trying to say." Spencer leaned back in his seat, flipping through the mans file.
"We will have sharp-shooters pointing through every window at him in case anything gets out of hand. This is non negotiable." And with that, he left.
"Well, clearly we have no choice." I stood from my seat, flattening my skirt. "I'm gonna go home and get an outfit ready. You aren't wearing that to the party either." I pointed to his outfit.
"What's wrong with my outfit?!" He scoffed, hugging his sweater vest.
"Okay, one, this isn't some dingy hole in the wall. And two, even if it was, you don't go to a nice party looking like someone who has 3 PhD's in the first place." The smirk on my lips grew wider as he feigned offense.
"Fine, I'll find something nicer to wear. I'll pick you up at 7 and tell the team to meet us there." I agreed and left the conference room a little grumpy, quickly making a bee line to the elevator before anyone could comment on my mood.
I stared at the 3 dresses in front of me. They were all the same style, but different colors.
White, yellow, and olive green.
I wasn't sure why I was having so much trouble picking a *color*. I always say that I dress for myself, which is what I was trying to do right now.
I totally wasn't thinking back to that conversation I had with Spencer a few weeks ago.
*"Y/n!" Emily looked at me with surprise. "You look so beautiful in white! Why don't you wear it more?" She was right, I never wore it. Me and Penelope were pretty known for wearing many colors, mine just had to be paired with a black skirt.*
*"I'm so clumsy." I laughed. "I live in constant fear that I'll spill coffee on it. Hence why I'm not holding a cup of joe."*
*"I agree with Emily, you look nice in white." Spencer chimed in. "You know the psychological meaning of white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completion. In color psychology, white is the color of new beginnings, of wiping the slate clean, so to speak." He then took a sip of his coffee.*
*"Yeah well I don't know about the innocent part." I giggled, looking to Emily who gave me a shrug and nod. Spencer choked a bit on his coffee. "You alright there Spence?" He saluted me and headed to his desk, which put me and Emily into a fit of giggles.*
I reluctantly grabbed the white one, silently hoping that I was less of a klutz tonight.
The satin dress slipped on me easily. It came down to about 2 or so inches above my knees and had thin straps. I paired it with some semi-transparent heels and called it a day. I put on a little heavier makeup to look the part. Foundation, winged eyeliner, blush, highlight, and mascara. Lastly, I tied my hair up in a simple straightened pony-tail.
By the time my indecisive ass was done choosing everything, it was nearly 7 and I knew that Spence would be early. My heels clicked as I walked on my wood floors, heading to the front door. Getting there just in time to hear a knock. I must have startled him by opening it so fast because he stumbled back a bit. He wore a nice white button up and tighter pants than usual, paired with nice black oxfords.
And then he just stood there.
I waved my hand in front of his face.
"Hi!" He shook his head a bit. "Hello there, back to Earth I see. Do you wanna come in and have a glass of water before this whole event, since you are," I leaned back into my doorway to look at the time. "12 minutes early?"
"Oh, yeah sure." I cleared the way so he could walk in. I shook the heels from my feet, taking me down at least three inches before stepping into the kitchen. I grabbed two glasses.
"Do you want ice?" I turned to him, he was sitting at my island. He just shook his head. "Okay." I laughed, putting ice in mine and just filling his with water. The glass clinked as it hit the island in front of him. "You're pretty quiet, are you okay?" The tips of his ears reddened.
"Yeah! I'm just a little nervous, you?" He swiftly brought the water to his lips, guzzling it down like he hadn't drank anything in days. He then stood up.
"Of course I'm nervous." I came around to his side of the counter and swooned into his arms. "But I'll have a great protector there." He smiled down at me with a shake of his head, standing me back up.
Now it's time to head out.
We pulled up to the location in Spencer's Volvo, which was incredibly nice to ride in. ~~and I would love to get use to riding in it~~.
"Okay, I have one thing to fix with your outfit." I turned to him before we exited the car. His eyes narrowed at this comment. I leaned forward and unbuttoned two buttons. "Now you look like your going to a party."
"Thank you expert. Stay in the car, I'm going to open your door, the bouncer works with him and we have to go all out on this act." He nodded his head at the bouncer a few yards away.
I wish this wasn't an act.
He opened the door, offering his hand. I took it with a gracious smile, interlacing our fingers. We walked up to the bouncer, who had an ipad with the guest list in hand. Penelope had hacked into their list and added our names, well fake names.
"Mr and Mrs. Adler." Spencer spoke as I leaned into his side. The man scrolled through the list, he tapped our names and opened the door.
It opened to a large room, filled with dozens of people. I leaned up on my tippy toes and whispered into Spencer's ear.
"If we die, I'm going to kill you." I pulled away with a smile, patting his shoulder. His Adam's apple bobbed while he gulped. "So, what's this guys networth, I mean he seems pretty damn rich to throw a party like this." He looked down at me quizzically. "I know you know what it is, I'm sure you have researched him extensively. So what is it?"
"6.2 million dollars." He recited, looking towards the crowd, scanning for the man in question.
"Wow, I can't imagine being that rich! How old are his kids, maybe I can date one."
"Be careful what you say, someone might think we are suspicious." He pulled me into his side, kissing the top of my head.
This night is going to be agonizing. "There he is." We made our way to him slowly, stopping at small drink stations. Just as we were about to get to some seats near him, a server came up to us.
"Hello! Welcome. Would you guys like anything?" She handed Spencer a very small menu. I could see the slight confusion in his eyes. It was truly a weird thing to do at such a big party.
*Potato Soup*
*Fruit Bowl*
*Veggie Bowl*
"I'll have a salad, and the lady will have a fruit bowl." He pointed to the seats we were on our way to. "We will be over there. Thank you." He put his hand on the small of my back, leading us to the seats.
"How did you know I wanted a fruit bowl?"
"You bring some kind of fruit cup to work every day, I'm observant." Right as we were about to sit down, another couple took the seats, not even noticing that we were heading there.
"Well damn. I say we stand next to his table until our food gets here, then we go to the other corner of the room and observe, then we catch him making the deal." I led him to the space by the table. After just a few minutes of waiting, the young lady who took our orders he returned, holding a small bowl of salad and a fruit bowl.
"Have a good night!" She chimed, how can someone be so happy with so many people around?
We ventured to the other side of the room, I grabbed two glasses of champagne from another server on the way. I peered at Spencer over the skinny glass, he was staring at his salad.
"What, is there something wrong?"
"Why is there so much white stuff on it? It's not ranch, I know what ranch looks like." My giggle was muffled slightly by the glass.
"That's what she said." He raised one eyebrow. Then a look of realization came over his face.
"You have a dirty mind." He mixed together the salad to distribute the 'white stuff'. We subtly stared every once in a while over at the mans table.
His name was Anton Todd, but his customers called him Ton. He was someone who frequently assassinated people. He was a hitman to be exact. We had an outside source tell us that a new customer would be coming in to request business, so we could kill two birds with one stone.
So far the man we knew as Cole Kamargo had not come to ask for Antons *services* yet. We had been standing in this corner of the room for a while, just watching him. That's when I caught his eye.
His gaze was terrifying, it struck me right through my soul, and I just couldn't stop looking. He squinted at me, tilting his head. Spencer shook my shoulder.
"Y/n, stop staring at him." It was like being lost in someone's eyes in the worst way possible. I watched as he stood from the table, making his way over with a sour look on his face.
"Shit shit shit shit." I mumbled as he got closer.
"Shit is right. Do you trust me?" I kept my eyes on the man.
"Of course." He grabbed my hips, pushing me against the wall behind us and kissed me hard. He trailed his left hand up to the back of my neck, holding me there. I gasped in surprise, leading him to slip his tongue in my mouth. Meaning we were full on making out. I pushed my hands into his hair, gladly accepting the kiss and sighing into it. Suddenly, Spencer was pulled from me. And there he stood.
"Tell your girl to stop fuckin' staring at me." He spat, glaring at me.
"Sorry sir, my wife has ADHD, she zones out frequently." He rushed to my side and pulled me into his side protectively. Anton rolled his eyes and left the area.
I looked up at Spencer, his cheeks were a deep shade of red, and he was touching his lips.
"Thank you. Also, you're a good kisser." I remarked, nudging his side a bit. He looked down at me with wide eyes. "What? Am I not allowed to compliment your kissing? It's good!" I laughed heartily, looping my arm into his.
"Ditto." A smile grew on his lips. I could get use to this. Spencer noticed an available seat near us, so he sat patting his lap.
"Excuse me?"
"Come sit on my lap!" He chuckled.
"I'm glad your getting use to the idea of me being your *wife*." I sat on his lap, leaning my head back onto his shoulder. My hands made their way to the heel of my foot, slightly slipping my shoe off. "These heels are from Satan I think." I rubbed at the sore skin.
"My tag is itchy." Spencer pulled at his collar, relieving the so called *itch*.
"These heels are peeling off my **skin**. But yes, keep complaining about your tag you whine ass." He turned his head to me, kissing my cheek.
"I'm sorry, I can put some neosporin on it when we get home. I mean, when we get-get you home." He stuttered, the tips of his ears once again turning an extravagant shade of red. I kissed his jaw.
"Thank you *baby*." We were then interrupted by a woman next to us.
"How long have you guys been married?" The lady leaned over the booth, a ring was clearly shown on her finger.
"8 years." I answered quickly, before Spencer could say a contradicting answer.
"Wow! You guys look so young to be together so long. How do you guys keep it so... so beautiful?" She tilted her head at the question.
"What do you mean?" I asked, reaching my hand into Spencer's hair and playing with it momentarily.
"You seem so in love. You act like teenagers, I don't think I've looked that in love with my husband since we first met." She huffed.
"You just have to find someone who's easy to love." He leaned his head on mine. "I've never had a doubt in my mind that she was the one." The words stuck with me, I felt like they would be embedded in my soul for eternity.
"I think I need to get a divorce." She sunk into the seat, I watched as her husband come back and sat with her, she gave him a weak smile.
"Okay, we need to leave this area before we become homewreckers." I whispered, pulling him to his feet and fleeing into another direction. "We must be amazing actors." I laughed nervously.
"Yeah, actors." He murmered, but before I could comment on it, I saw Cole making his way to Anton.
"Spencer! It's Cole!" I screeched quietly. We discreetly made our way near the table, quickly catching the conversation and relaying it to Hotch.
Cole spoke of the horrible things he wanted done to his wife, it made me sick.
"FBI, get on the ground!" I pulled my gun from the left holster that Spencer had for me. I couldn't exactly *hide* a gun on this white dress. Spencer pulled his gun as well.
"We have you surrounded by sharpshooters aimed and ready to fire, so I suggest that you comply." Morgan came in soon, cuffing the both of them and leading the men to cars.
We now remained outside, sitting on the stairs of the large building.
"I enjoyed being your husband for a night." Spencer laughed, nudging my shoulder.
"And I enjoyed being your wife." I played with the fake ring on my finger. "Okay. Fuck it. Did you mean any of the things you said in there?" The words spat from my mouth quickly.
"Like what?" His voice was shaky.
"Like, that you never had a doubt that I was the one. Or was that part of the act. I would totally understand if it was, you're an amazing actor if it was because it honestly had me believing-" He put his finger to my lips.
"Yes, I meant it."
"Thank God." I grabbed his jaw with both hands and brought him to my lips. He smiled into the kiss, deepening it. His hands ran up and down my back slowly.
"I wouldn't mind doing this every day." He remarked, gesturing between our lips.
"I wouldn't either pretty boy."
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professorsnape394 · 4 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Four: The Three Broomsticks
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A/N: This is the fourth part to my fanficiton ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-16 can be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below if you wish to be added to my tag list.
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 1733
Warnings: n/a
Credits to Gif Creator
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The following days transpired just as the day before had done; a lot of potion brewing and a little conversation. However, more notably Severus Snape was actually participating in the conversation for once. Aria could not yet say she had seen a pleasant side to the man, however he was acceptable to converse with at the very least. By the end of the third day he no longer pretended to busy himself with textbooks and he actually elected to help with the potion brewing for once. Being able to talk to the Professor and ask him any questions helped her a great deal in learning the correct procedures. She felt herself being more at ease around him, and soon enough they had developed their own way of working together, that she found quite enjoyable. Even Severus had become accustomed to the woman's presence in his classroom as she pranced around the cauldrons, laughing every now and then at his sarcastic comments he hadn't entirely meant to be humorous.
Aria had been lost in thought as she stirred the final potion to completion. "I was thinking." She said cautiously. "It's pretty hard finding things to occupy myself at nights, there isn't much to do here, except aimlessly wandering the halls. How do you feel about maybe taking a trip to Hogsmeade this weekend, have some dinner, maybe drinks? It would make a change from the elves cooking, although I admit they'd be pretty hard to beat."
"I appreciate the offer Miss Dumbledore. However you know how I feel about spending time with Mr. Hagrid, I doubt a change of setting would convince me, especially with the addition of alcohol." Severus spoke, his tone softer than it usually would at such a request.
"Hagrid wouldn't be there." She hastened to add. "He mentioned he has business out with the castle grounds. I just figured since the two of us would be here anyway, it wouldn't make any sense for us to sit alone."
"You may have forgotten, Miss Dumbledore, but I like being alone. I eat alone every night, and I do not wish to simply be your back up plan, now Hagrid has left you to do the same."
"I don't mean for you to be a back up plan Sev- Professor Snape. I just think it might do us both some good. After all haven't we been getting along better these past few days." Aria wanted to get to know the man more, she felt they had got off on the wrong foot and the way to fix this was spending more time together, and hopefully they would even become friends at the end of it all.
"You haven't been as disagreeable as I expected you would be, I will admit. This does not change my previous opinion." He stated.
"At least consider it." She pleaded.
With a sigh Snape flipped another page. "I'll consider it." He agreed, continuing reading his book, no longer interested in conversing with the young witch.
The next few days dragged in more than ever. Aria enjoyed keeping herself busy and was not used to having this much free time. The only thing keeping her sane was her passions for drawing and nature. She chose to combine the two and spend her days outside, sketching the beautiful landscape she found herself in. She preferred to opt for portraits, capturing the essence of humanity in her sketches, but trees were fine too. She shrugged.
Sunday morning eventually came around and Aria chose to tackle something she had been putting off ever since her arrival at Hogwarts. A small pile of letters had accumulated on her bedside table, ignoring each one as they came in. She immediately recognised the scrawled writing on the envelope and could not face opening them. Every second day she received a letter and it broke her heart knowing what lay within. Reading each one carefully, she knew she could not face writing the response the sender desperately awaited. Instead she scribbled a small, generic reply, making sure to include that she would be too busy to write often due to her crazy schedule. This of course was a lie as she had virtually nothing planned for the next couple of weeks until term begun. Aria did not want to face even reading any more letters as long as she remained at Hogwarts, and so she swore to herself she wouldn't no matter how hard she knew it would be.
A firm knock echoed through her quarters just as Aria sent her letter off with beautiful brunette barn owl. "Come in." She called curious as too who would be calling on her. Shocked to see Professor Snape striding into her private chambers, Aria couldn't help but question his presence there.
"I've had time to think about your offer." He stated blankly, visibly out of his comfort zone.
"And?" Aria pressed.
"And I suppose there would be no harm in joining you for one meal. After all, as you say, we both will be here alone, we may as well keep each other company."
"Fantastic!" His colleague gleamed, jumping up from her position on her couch. "Just give me some time to get ready and I'll meet you there? Say six oclock at the Three Broomsticks?"
"Six is fine with me. Don't be late." He warned, leaving the room just as quickly as he came.
Aria entered the Three Broomsticks at five forty-five, ensuring Snape had no reason to reprimand her once again for her tardiness. It stunned her to find the sallow skinned man already sitting at a booth, firewhiskey in hand, patiently waiting on her arrival. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she watched him tap out a rhythm on the side of his glass as he took yet another sip. She wondered if it was out of impatience or nervousness, either way she thought it slightly endearing to see.
Hearing the click of a familiar set of heels quickly approaching him, Severus Snape looked up from his glass, almost needing to hold back the urge to smile, but managed to keep his composure. He rose to his feet, holding out a hand to greet the fellow Professor, instantly cursing himself for such a foolish action. "Sit." He commanded, motioning to the seat across from his own. "I'll get you a drink."
"Oh no, there's really no need Professor." Aria insisted, shaking her head, causing her beach-like waves to brush over her exposed shoulders. "I'm afraid alcohol doesn't agree with me at the best of times." She admitted.
"Correct me if I am wrong, Miss Dumbledore, but as I recall it was you who suggested a meal and drinks. Or did I mishear you." Snape asked, feeling almost foolish, having already down two glasses of Firewhiskey.
"I did say that didn't I." The young Miss Dumbledore blushed. "I apologise, sometimes I just cannot stop myself when I speak, I often forget the consequences of drinking, which as it happens is the ultimate consequence of drinking." She chuckled.
The older man shot her a small look of disdain, not at all as amused as she had expected him to be. He let out a small grunt of dissatisfaction, and proceed to down the dregs of his drink.
It took a few more awkward moments of silence and Severus being slightly more irritable that Aria had wished for before the two finally settled in to a rhythm of conversation. Soon enough it came time to eat and Aria took it upon herself to call over the waitress. As he ordered Aria watched as Severus made no effort to look up at the woman serving him. It crossed her mind that maybe this was a deliberate attempt at ignoring her voluptuous breast and curvature of her hips. However, on the other hand she considered that maybe he truly was not interested as she thought back to their conversation a few days before.
"She's stunning." Aria couldn't help but observe. "You should go for it, chat her up, she might be into the dark, brooding, intellectual type."
"As I told you before, Miss Dumbledore, dating it not top priority for me. If you find her so attractive why don't you, as you say, 'chat her up'." Snape replied sarcastically, not expecting the woman to take him seriously.
"I might just." She said, finding her eyes following the waitress back to the kitchen for a moment or two. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous as the witch watched the woman walk away from their table, though he was not sure why.
"So tell me Professor Snape." The young Professor began. "What are the other Professor's at Hogwarts like? Who am I took look out for? Who's my competition." She grinned, wriggling her eyebrows menacingly.
"I'm not sure I know what you mean." He hummed in response.
"You know." She shrugged. "Who are you close with? Will I have to fight them for custody of you." She laughed, although the Professors expression did not change. "What I'm trying to say Severus is, I'm new here, besides yourself and Hagrid I know no one. I'd like to consider us friends, though you may have a different opinion. I was simply trying to express my nervousness at being the new girl. I was hoping you'd be able to help me settle in, introduce me to your other friends and colleagues that is." She sighed.
"You do not seem to understand my disposition, Miss Dumbledore, that which I feel I have made abundantly clear. I am not one to socialise. I am not one to make friends. I am here to teach and teach alone. I do what your grandfather asks of me and that is the extent of my relationship with the staff. They understand how I am, and respect that. I do not bother them and in return they do not bother me. You have been the first to struggle with this concept, Professor." He struggled to grant her the title.
"I didn't realise." Aria stuttered slightly, not understanding how she had not caught on. "I had simply thought you had a vendetta against me, due to my position here at Hogwarts. I didn't realise you shut yourself off from everyone. I apologise for any inconvenience I have caused you." The tone of her voice softening, becoming almost a whisper-like volume. She was embarrassed she had forced him out of his habits and brought him to the Three Broomsticks to clear the air. She realised now it had been a pointless act. This man had been stuck in his ways for over a decade and she would not change that a fortnight into knowing him.
"I am here, aren't I." Severus stated, trying not sound as harsh as he previously had. "Had I truly despised you I would not be wasting my time here with you. I have come to the realisation that if we are to work in such a close proximity to each other, it would be best if we maintained at least some level of civility with one another."
"I appreciate the sentiment, Professor." She replied shyly, remaining silent. Immediately Severus regretted opening his mouth. He didn't entirely hate her company and in fact he had found himself starting to enjoy the evening. It took him a minute or two to gain the confidence to speak the words aloud, but he figured the pay off was worth the sacrifice of a small amount of pride.
"Will you stop fretting woman." He demanded. "I was just beginning to find your constant rambling tolerable. If I wished to spend the evening in silence, I wouldn't have made the effort to accept your invitation to come here tonight. You have managed to entice me thus far, do not spoil what may be your one chance at a friendship with me."
"A friendship?" This piqued her interest.
"You know what I mean. A working relationship. A tolerance. A chance for me to accept your position as my apprentice." Snape corrected himself, fumbling over his words.
"Mmmm." She smirked, taking a small sip of butterbeer. "I'll just pretend a friendship is off the cards for us then, Professor. Although I don't recall you mentioning trips to Hogsmeade as an exception to your reclusive personality." She raised an eyebrow suggestively.
Despite his annoyance at her persuasive abilities, and daring comments, he was glad he had convinced her back to her previously inquisitive self.
Both choosing to ignore any reservations they might have about their 'non-friendship' the two spoke for hours with ease. With each empty glass of fire whiskey Severus Snape found himself relaxing more into the conversation, his reputation becoming a distant memory. It was the first he had allowed himself to truly relax in possibly the whole of his life.
It seemed in one evening Severus had gotten to know all there was to know about Aria's life, although strangely she mentioned nothing regarding her family and Snape chose not to pursue the subject. He loved listening to her talk, she was a rambler, rarely needing any interjection from him except the odd mumble here and there and that's the way he liked it. He was a listener, he loved taking in new information no matter the subject. Most importantly it meant he did not have to share anything about himself, unless the woman specifically asked, and even in those rare occasions, she knew better than to pressure him when he chose not to provide an answer.
Aria told him of the schooling she received in Ilvermorny, her school in America. She told him of her job working in a local alchemists after she left school. She confided in him of her dream to become a professor, or an auror even, really she was just desperate to make a difference in someone's life and her dream would not succeed by spending the rest of her days working in a dingy old shop. "And that's why your grandfather brought you here?" He questioned, the topic piquing his interest. "You told him of your dream to teach?" "I guess you could say that." She agreed, not wanting to raise any more questions than necessary. "He didn't bring me from America though, if that's what your meaning. I was already here. My mother sent me to school in America to protect me, with all that Wizarding War carry on and what with me being a Dumbledore, she didn't want to put me in any more danger than I already was. She remained here with my father however and I visited on the holidays." Snape raised a single brow at the mention of her mother and father but changed the subject completely, seeing the woman being to shy away slightly.
"It's getting late." Severus observed. "I should walk you back to the castle before it gets too dark."
"That would be nice" Aria smiled, rising from her seat.
The couple made their way back to the beautiful lit up castle as the sky turned a deep shade of blue above them. They continued to speak all the way down to the dungeons, this time Severus participating just as much as Aria. The Potions Master escorted his apprentice to the door of her quarters, the two of them swaying awkwardly not knowing where to go from here.
"You can come in for a drink... if you'd like." Aria hesitated to ask. "Although I'm not sure I have anything alcoholic, so tea might need to suffice."
"I appreciate the invitation, but it's been a long day for me, I'm afraid I must retire for the night." Now they were back in the familiar castle grounds Severus felt as though he had suddenly returned to his body, and the events of the night lingered at the forefront of his mind, a deep feeling of regret developing in his stomach.
"Very well." Aria agreed, feeling slightly uncomfortable herself. "Good night, Professor Snape."
"Good night, Miss Dumbledore." He spoke softly, rocking anxiously the balls of his feet, waiting for the woman to disappear into her quarters. With a simple nod and one final smile from Aria, she vanished from his sight. The sound of the door closing echoed through the halls, ringing in Severus' ears, and suddenly he felt more alone than he ever had before.
Aria stood with her back to the door, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. As much as she enjoyed the evening with her mentor, the intense awkwardness that occurred at her door, got her thinking about the man on the other side. Her intention was to get to know the man better, and though he did not confide in her much, she felt she had achieved that, maybe more than anyone ever had.
Why had he allowed her to get close to him when he claimed to distance himself from the world?
This thought circled her brain for the rest of the night.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
In a Word
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing. Small depictions of PTSD. Post War.
Summary: The War changed Fred. His brush with death had an unexpected affect on the joyful young wizard and, unfortunately, created severe turmoil in his relationship with Y/n.
Prompts: 12, 15 & 20
"You're over me? When were you...under me?" // "I'm sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you by...taking you roughly in the barn." // "This can't be it./Then how come it is?"
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
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Not much was said about Fred Weasley, in fact most of the time he could be described simply in a word. He was loud. Boisterous. Confident. Some even called him Unstoppable. Those weren't the words [Y/N]'d use to describe him though.
Although, these days there were only two that came to mind when she thought of him. He was her ex. And he was afraid. Not that he would ever admit the fact.
Stubborn. That's another word for Fred Weasley.
The war had changed people. She'd seen it in the faces of friends, and family. In the eyes of strangers, and in her own reflection. Fewer people laughed while more cried. Many left hollow shells of their past self.
The same couldn't be said for Fred. He was different. The complete opposite. While others withdrew into themselves, he had never shone so bright.
If you thought he were loud before you'd be surely mistaken. These days he laughed harder, pranked more and never stopped moving. It was like he saw it as his job to single handedly bring joy back to the world. To shine light where darkness had taken root. Which isn't a bad thing, but now he had trouble on knowing when the joke needed to end.
His girlfriend suffered most as a result. She'd grown tired of feeling like the mother of a hyperactive toddler on a sugar rush. She'd attempted to talk with him on countless occasions. To have him confide his fears in her, but he never did. He did his best to never let on that he was hurting, but his best just wasn't good enough. She still saw it. Because if you looked closely enough you'd notice the way he jumped more at loud noises like he hadn't before. Notice the look in his eyes when he was with family or friends, how he seemed to try and memorise every detail of them, incase he wasn't here tomorrow to see it. It broke [Y/N]s heart to see him suffer in silence. But it didn't hurt her nearly as bad as when she had to leave him.
The problem between them was that Fred just never spoke about the war. Whether to offer himself a reprieve, or to be that support for another. Any worries someone had would be brushed off with a joke. Even on the day [Y/N] left he had a witty retort lined up at every word she said.
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"Damn it Fred! This is serious!" She pushed herself up from the dining room table.
"Must be to have your nostils flaring like that" he laughed. [Y/N] groaned loudly in frustration. Why was he incapable of being serious? Pacing the room in anger Fred watched as his girlfriend tried desperately to calm her emotions. He swallowed thickly quickly becoming uncomfortable in the tense atmosphere.
[Y/N] tugged at the roots of her hair, ran her hands down her face, pulled them over the back of her neck. She tried anything to rid her body of these stressful feelings as her mind raced a million miles an hour.
"Why can't you just talk to me!?" She shouted, arms being thrown out pleadingly towards her boyfriend. Face begging to understand him.
"I do."
"No you don't. Not about things that matter. Not about what's on your mind or how you're feeling. Hell! Fred, it's been so long since we've had a meaningful conversation I don't even know if you love me anymore." Her eyes were stinging red as they began to glisten with tears over her words. Fighting with every bit of strength in her body to keep them from falling.
"Of course I do.' Fred's face was the most serious it had been since the War. This was the first time in months she had seen it without a smile. That sickly fake smile.
Brows furrowed as he raised from his chair he walked to his partner. Snaking his arms around her waist as she turned her face away from him.
"Hey", his hand cupped her chin making her look at him, "I do love you. I'm sorry." He pulled her into a tight hug, resting his chin on the top of her head as her hands met at his shoulder blades. His chest vibrated against her cheek as he spoke, "maybe I can make it up to you" he leant back to peer into her eyes. Looking away as if deep in thought, "by...i dunno, taking you roughly in the barn?" he began laughing. [Y/N] pushed out of his hold tears falling in anger. "Oh, come on [Y/N]"
"NO! Fred. Just...no." she snapped, her back to him. One hand came to her temple, massaging to try and dull the pain throbbing in her mind. "I can't do this anymore." Her voice were no more than a whisper, but still it carried to Fred's ears. The room fell deadly silent as he processed the words. No, he heard wrong. He had to. "What?" His breathing began to pick up in panic. "I can't do this anymore!" Hot, fat tears spilled from her eyes as she turned shouting. "I can't keep pretending everything's okay, that I'm okay. That you're going to let me in and admit you're hurting because I know. I know you're hurting too." Fred was paralysed. This wasn't happening...
[Y/N]s voice softened "I can't just carry on in denial like you're choosing to, Fred. I-" her throat seemed to close over itself. No words or air able to break through. Biting her lip as her eyes ran the room, searching for an answer that just wasn't there. She dropped her head as more tears started to fall.
Seeing the woman he loved so distraught in front of him, because of him, killed Fred. It was like being trapped under that wall all over again, and he was suffocating. He hated that feeling. The one that plagued his very existence in every waking moment. He made so many jokes these days to distract himself from feeling just that. He stayed silent to protect the people he loved, but he'd just caused more damage.
He moved towards her again, carefully as if he'd scare her if he were to move too quickly. "Hey..." his voice cracked under the pressure of it all but still he forced a smile through the pain, "I know things have been difficult lately. With work and the-the aftermath of it all but...we'll get through this. Together. We can-" "No Fred." She looked up into his pale face, seeing his eyes widen. " 'We' can't. Not this time."
"No, no-no-no-no, please!" He willed himself forwards. Clutching her hands in his own and pulling them to his chest. "Please, [Y/N], love. I'm sorry this...this can't be it." His eyes were frantically searching her face, begging her.
"Then how come it is?"
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That was nearly two years ago now. They'd seen hide nor hair of one another since. [Y/N] had been on a few dates here and there but none felt right. No one could make her feel like Fred did. It broke her heart to leave him, but she knew it was the right thing to do. Being away gave her the time she needed to heal and cope with the reality which Fred had been determined to ignore.
As [Y/N] was finishing her day at work she decided to reward herself for surviving a particularly stressful week by heading for a few drinks at the new bar that had opened up in Diagon Alley a couple months back. She'd been dying to go, all her friends say it's fantastic unfortunately she'd never had occasion to accompany them.
So, with a quick stop home to shower and change she apparated to the entrance of the Bar.
It was everything she had heard about and more. As she sat on a stool by the counter she couldn't help but marvel at the interior. The ceiling glimmered with tiny lights that reminded her of the stars (which in turn reminded her of the ceiling in the Great Hall of Hogwarts), and the floors were gorgeous hardwood with Bar to match. It was hard to believe such a classy place existed in Diagon Alley. Swivelling back around in her seat to face the bartender she ordered herself another drink.
Her hands played with the cool exterior of her glass while she starred absent-mindedly at nothing in particular. Lost in her own thoughts as she enjoyed the night to herself.
"[Y/N]?" a familiar voice called from behind her. Her eyes shot up to the mirror on the wall, behind the whiskey shelf and there she saw him. A dishevelled mop of red hair emerging from the crowd of people bustling about the dance floor. "Fred?" She spoke more to herself before turning to face him.
Standing as he approached, their mouths were both agape ever so slightly. They stared for a moment before a single laugh fell from Fred's lips, one of shock and amazement, followed closely by that signature Freddie grin.
"It's so good to see you." Before he could register his movements his arms were already tight around her body. "You too".
He let her go slowly, standing back bashfully to admire her. "What are you-" he stopped himself. He was going to ask what she was doing here but out of fear she may be on a date he decided against it. "What have you been up to?"
"Not much. You know just work mostly. Actually I was just promoted a little over a month ago so it's all been really good." Her smile was genuine as she answered him and it made his heart soar to see her so happy again. Even if it weren't with him. Fred so deeply missed that smile, he missed all of her more than he could ever put into words. "That's fantastic! I'm happy for you." He knew he was staring but he didn't care. She was still so beautiful. Seeing her, being near her after all this time, was like a cool breath of fresh air he didn't realise he needed so bad.
"How about you? How's the store, and George?" "Great. All great. We're opening a store in Hogsmead shortly. Prime real-estate in our opinion, so close to the school. Couldn't pass up the chance to drive McGonagall up the wall either." [Y/N] found herself laughing hard at his comment. He was just like she remembered, before the war. Not trying to be funny it just came naturally. He looked happy. "That's amazing. I'm glad everything's going so well for you. God! It's been so long." "Too long."
There they went staring again. Both in awe of one another.
[Y/N] was the one to realise, or perhaps Fred just didn't care, but sensing the lull in conversation she cleared her throat - glancing over the room briefly.
"George is here." Fred spoke abruptly. Desperate to keep talking with her he threw out the first thing that came to mind. "A few of us came out for drinks tonight. Would you like to join us? I mean, if you aren't expecting someone." The words left a fowl taste on his tongue and an ache in his chest, praying she weren't with anyone. "No, I'm here alone", prayers answered. "But I couldn't possibly impose." "Impose? Please! We'd be offended if you didn't." He joked "come oooon...one drink?" putting on his best puppy dog eyes, that silent beg she never could resist. She pursued her lips, pondering his request for a moment. Would it be awkward? God she hoped not. "Okay." She raised a finger in front of her face with a stern expression, "one drink." "Atta girl!" He grinned widely, taking her wrist in his hand and whisking her through the close knit crowd to a booth to the back of the room.
Safe to say she was there a lot longer than one drink. As one turned to two, two turned to three and soon the minutes had stretched well into hours. Everything felt so safe and familiar back in the company of her old friends. Soon enough though, as was inevitable, it was just the two sat within the booth as everyone else vacated for the bar, dance floor or home.
In the comfort of each others company the two couldn't help but reminisce, on their Hogwarts days mostly. The two were in hysterics as [Y/N] recalled the time she failed to prank Snape which lead to Fred swooping to her rescue, taking the fall. "I had detention for a month after that." He laughed at the memory, "I said I was sorry!" [Y/N] was wiping tears from her eyes. "Hands were blistered to Hell by the time I'd polished all those damn trophies." As her stomach cramped [Y/N] burried her head in her hands, trying to compose herself but failing. Fred watched her, shoulders quaking in silent laughter at how adorable she looked in this moment. Finally having control of herself once again [Y/N] adjusted her posture while stretching her jaw that'd cramped from smiling so much.
Fred lifted his glass to his lips readying himself to drink, "I still remember the day you confessed your undying love for me", he threw his head back finishing the beverage. "Practically screammed it for the whole school to hear." He smirked. "Oh it was not like that!" "It most certainly was!"
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"Just tell me what's wrong!" Fred bellowed, storming after the angry girl ahead of him. Arms wide pleadingly.
"It doesn't matter! None of it matters now!" [Y/N] called over her shoulder as she rounded the corner into a quiet corridor.
"Clearly..." Fred ran to stand in front of her, hands grasping her shoulders to keep her in place, "it does." She rolled her eyes, turning her head away from him. "It doesn't matter because I am over you Fred!" She pulled out of his grip standing confidently before him. "I'm over you."
Freds face lost all emotion. They stood in silence as realisation dawned on [Y/N] slowly, rising through her spine like a chill. A hand coming to cover her mouth as the other wrapped around her stomach like she was going to be sick. "You're over me?" [Y/N] backed away from him and found herself pressed against a cold stone wall eye's wide in horror. "When-when were you...under me?" His brows furrowed, turning confused to find her on the ground now, hands tugging at the roots of her hair with knees to her chest.
An endearing sort of chuckled rolled from his throat past his lips, sounding dangerously close to a scoff. Shock subsiding slightly he shook his head while approaching his best friend. Crouching before her.
"Look at me."
[Y/N] shook her head quickly. Hiding her eyes in the palms of her hands. "No." she mumbled.
"Please, look at me"
"Oh for the love of - [Y/N]!" her arms were suddenly being pulled from her face as she was made to stand infront of him.
Embarrassed by her confession [Y/N] became defensive, "WHAT!? Okay, yes, I like you! I have for a while. I tried not to, tried to stop myself but I couldn't! I'm sorry! So go ahead. Make your jokes. Have a good laugh, I don't care anymore!" She was waving her arms frantically as she yelled. Staring directly into his eyes, which were glaring incredulously back. "You're insufferable, you know that!?" He snapped. [Y/N] scoffed, mouth falling wide at the insult. "Oh yeah? Well, you're a-"
Her next words were cut out by Freds lips on hers, hands cupping her face before one looped the small of her back to bring their bodies tight against each other. Her hands held onto his biceps. She felt herself melt into the kiss she'd been dreaming about for months, although it was under vastly different circumstances. Moaning softly at the warmth spreading through her body. Much to her dismay Fred let go of her, pulling back to catch his breath. A grin forming on his face as he looked down at her. "I'm a what?" His tone playful. [Y/N] stood breathless for a moment glancing at his lips, " You're a...really good kisser." She whined pulling him back in for another.
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Fred was doubled over in their booth from unrestrained laughter. "Okay, so maybe a few people heard. There was an awful lot of yelling." [Y/N] giggled, watching him fondly.
"LAST DRINKS!" called the bartender. Their attention shot towards them, expressions falling solemn. When had it gotten so late?
"I-I should probably get going." She kept her eyes on the bar as she mumbled the words knowing if her eyes met his she'd crumble. Freds eyes were fixed to her profile. This couldn't be it. He wasn't ready to say goodbye. "I'll walk you." He jumped from his seat, "still at the same place?" He smiled and reached his hand out for her to take. Finally her gaze met his, smiling immediately, she took his hand nodding.
The walk home was interesting, to say the least. Both were considerably drunker than they realised, stumbling about the Alley way they were relying solely on one another for the stability to remain upright. Fred was cracking jokes as [Y/N] all but hung from his arm where their elbows interlocked.
Howling laughter echoed noisely through the deserted street. Several times Fred found himself taking hold of her waist to keep her from falling. The last he decided it were safer just to keep them there. Hugging her tightly from behind they walked step-in-step, as he swayed her dramatically enjoying the giggles that erupted from her at the action. For anyone observing the scene they'd never wager the two weren't a couple.
[Y/N] was squirming under his hold as his fingers began tickling her sides. Eliciting various shrieks, squeals and 'no's from her mouth. She bent far forward trying to distance herself from his touch, Fred took advantage of the action sweeping her off her feet into a bridal style hold. "Right let's see now, where were you." He scanned the lining apartments counting to himself over the loud sound of [Y/N]s laughter. "Ah, here we are!" He exclaimed, jogging up the short flight of stairs to the door, effortlessly. "Your stop, M'lady" he bowed placing her feet firmly on the ground. "Why thank you kind Sir." She was visibly flustered from the amount of contact and laughter they had shared tonight. It just all felt so right with him.
As she rummaged her coat pocket for her keys and looked back to him the scene changed. Their faces falling sullen and the night deathly quiet. This was it wasn't it...goodbye?
"Thank you for walking me home and-and for tonight. I had fun." She swallowed the lump in her throat that formed over her awkwardness.
"Anytime" Fred shook his head, though he tried to smile it didn't last long. He felt like he could breathe again and to say goodbye meant suffocating. How could he tell her, tell her that a life without her in it wasn't worth living? How could he prove he's changed? Did she even feel the same way anymore? He searched her eyes, praying to find the answer hidden within them.
"Anyway, I should-" she gestured to the door with her keys.
"No, yeah. Of course." He smiled, but that hand that shot to rub the back of his neck gave him away. He was nervous. Even after two years she could still spot his tells a mile away. He wanted to say something and from the thundering in her chest [Y/N] could guess what it was. Because she felt it too. She was opening her mouth to speak -
"I'll see you." He was walking away. Why was he walking away?
[Y/N]s mouth fell open, watching him stride into the distance. Her mind willing her to do something. Say something. Fuck, say ANYTHING!
"FRED!" she stood at the edge of her stairs. The call of his name turning his attention back to her. Heart racing.
Her mind was fumbling over the words to say. The love of her life was there. He was right there waiting for her...
"I'm...I'm still under you." She kicked herself for how awkward that must have sounded.
Fred's head dropped in sigh. Running before his feet knew they were carrying him he leapt onto the landing beside her. Pulling her by the nape of her neck their lips crashed together. [Y/N] was smiling against his lips as tears trickled down her rosie cheeks. Fred broke his lips from hers, pushing their foreheads together as they caught their breath.
"You're insufferable, you know that?".
"I know."
There were a lot of words [Y/N] could use to describe Fred Weasley. He was passionate. Funny. Smart. Impulsive. But most importantly; he was Hers.
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beann-e · 3 years
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um wow , idk what to say i’m a bit flustered but i hope i say it right. I was only gone for a couple of days and this is what I come back to. 😮 Tysm guys I love you all thank you for taking the time out of your scrolls to even follow me >:’) So, I decided to follow through on my haikyu x police force idea and here it is a sneak peek! I hope you enjoy !
May 1 , 2021
-recording take one
" I am under oath to tell you that everything being said here today will be used to further the investigation against yourself. That being said If you choose to answer a question or provide a statement I will have no choice but to write it down to be processed and turned into someone of higher authority than me is that clear "
" i'd say that's a bit — well stupid to me saying yes when your the highest fish on the food chain no? "
" what else can I say except lucky you that everything you say won't be passed around and relayed much less having your words twisted by those listening "
" cute "
" i'd say same goes to you if you weren't chained up in front of me right now — I might've just asked you out on a date "
" i'm free friday at 10 — though it's in the morning so I pose the question— Would you like to sneak me from my court case baby I promise i’ll make it up to you "
" mm i'll think about it seeing as though i'm the one escorting you to your new cell anyways we might just have to have a uh a talk inside hmm"
" what no balls ? "
" sadly none —or at least physically seeing as though i'm a woman "
" I never would've guessed if it wasn't for the way that suit hugs your curves — your pretty full out huh you must be fun "
" i've gotten that before though people tend to say i’m a bit more fun elsewhere "
" aw you wound me you didn’t tell me I had competition babe “
" of course not your first in line in my eyes, it sucks that the ring on my finger says differently though "
" isn't that sweet I might just have to take you up on your offer "
" oh? didn't think you'd be so excited ,much less interested on being the first one on my list to be put in jail but, I guess i'll try my best to speed your trial up for you if that's what you want "
The rooms silence was heavy as the camera panned the room. Your fingers silently being clawed into the table as it drained all your anger from you.
Your shoe tapping against the floor with a slight grimace appearing on your face when you heard the buttons on the camera in front of you being pressed.
" what no slick comment ? " A heartfelt laugh moved to fill the once silent room as you watched small hands wrap around the camera and fix it to where it showed nothing but your upset face—fingertips slamming down one by one on the table
" don't you have a fucking job to do glasses "
" aw what happened no more flirty y/n ? "
"your an asshole— I don’t know why I expected much in the first place seeing as though you were trained under him "
" such a foul mouth — you do know this is going on your transcripts right ? " the eyes in front of you narrowing on you the voice only coming out in mock care for your situation " you wouldn't want the jury — much less the judge reading this when their deciding your sentence right ? "
Your fingers glided over the table and into a fist in front of you as your head went to look down at the table
" you've grown submissive so fast "
" I find it hard to believe you don't like that kind of thing fucking pervert "
" aw you wound me — but if I had to supply you with an answer to your question— I can imagine your dying to know since you've been flirting with a married woman this whole time "
" married? "
" I know your observant y/n you have to be " the next words making you breathe heavily " I mean the way you noticed your s/o was cheating before they could even notice themselves is just wow"
The click of the door being heard as a deep voice made its way in the room " Kiyoko your not allowed in here "
" I have just as much right to be in here as anyone else — "
" but I could’ve sworn I just said you don't — so again why the hell are you in here ? "
The room turning cold with the woman in front of you straightening herself up not wanting to go back and forth with the male in front of her but, at the same time not wanting to come across as small, being seen as a woman down here was hard much less having your own husband be relatively close to the one in charge " I came down here to test out inmate 4890 psyche"
" did anyone give you that kind of permission? that kind of clearance ? to even get down here in the first place ? "
" I mean their hidden underground so i'd say their the main event down here "
" you can't just come down here to see it whenever you see fit "
" but I was interested in the way it's mind works "
" what the hell am I an attraction at sea world? "
" your whatever the fuck I want you to be " your once strong eyes were met with brown ones that held your gaze almost testing you— daring you.
You seeing the hate swirl with annoyance meeting to radiate off of him. His face made up in a snarl as he finally turned his whole body to you.
Arms crossed across his chest eyes now lazily focused on you causing a chill to move through your spine. Youd never wanted to grow submissive to anyone and you never had not in all your years of living so why were you now?
Kiyokos eyes moving from between you to the male in front of her and back. Her body already telling you she knew something was off by the way you'd just been playful with her until you felt the energy shift by someone elses approach showing how easily your personality could changed.
Something was off and she was interested
" if necessary I can always stay and play mediato— "
" your ok " he smiled widely " we're fine together — down here "
your body shifted in the seat wrists being pulled back and down to the table by the chain in front of you when you heard his claim.
" y/n ' s good with that — their fine ive known them a long time I can speak for them — we’ve done this before countless times this isn't their first crime maybe one of this stature yes but "
" mhmm " the woman in front of you shook her head lightly before leaving the room your heart clenching tightly when you heard the door click closed
" I just wanna do my job and then i'll get out ok y/n " the fake sympathy in his voice shining through as he put down his clipboard on the table before standing behind the chair at the table across from you
" god " his voice was heavy as he spoke " it's like you get hotter and hotter everytime we see each other " his body moving around the small rectangular table " it's such a shame "
Your body tensing when you felt him nearing you only to keep going past you.
Body letting out a breath you didn't even know you were holding only to restore another one when you heard the click of the camera turning off and powering down.
Your eyes darting around the room to watch him out of the corner of them reaching up to turn off the corner camera that showed the police force what was happening in the room
Not that they would care seeing as though he was chief he could do anything he wanted to you and not have to tell anyone in his unit. It didn't help that you were a world renowned criminal now you'd fully fucked this up for yourself
" crazy how your fucked yourself over " his words only confirming the thought in your head " you were only into petty crimes before so I could barely get my hands on you i'd always have to pass you over to everyone else because no one of my status ever needed to intervene — though I would've loved to— just to feel the way your face would drop anytime I entered the room or to even feel the shift in your attitude like I felt earlier— holy fuck is that powerful and now look at you "
He laughed at your body that sat slumped in your chair trying to cover your face with the cuffs on the table " pathetically sitting in a room bawling your eyes out in front of me "
His words only feeling closer now as his breath hit your ear.
Heat from his mouth moving to your neck instantly causing you to scoot away only for him to grab the back of your neck " have you no respect for yourself "
You gritted your teeth together at his hold on you " I said have you no respect for yourself "
You bit at your lip trying to decide what to say you always wanted to spit a comeback at the male but right now was definitely not the time with his heavy hand on your neck moving slowly into your hair to grip tighter
"ah every single time we do this — it's almost even more pathetic than the droplets I keep seeing falling and landing on my perfect fucking table that I bought with company’s money— fuck their gonna cut my paycheck "
His hand tightening as he spoke again " one more time asshole " his voice held all the rudeness to it " have you no respect for yourself "
" y-"
The action was quick as he slammed your head hard into the table in front of you. your vision blurring before he sighed blood dripping from your forehead and leaking out of your nose onto your lips as it trembled slightly
" ugh I hate when this happens with you —- you always bleed so fucking easily " he huffed " I ask you something you answer learn something about respect for once in your life and maybe you'll take better care of yourself "
He scoffed " your so fucking pretty and yet you do things like this — you slut yourself out in my business and then turn around and get arrested god your such a fucking ditz "
your head being brought to meet the table once again as you whimpered tears mixing with your blood brain muddied and shut down by his actions
" i'm so tired — so so tired of sweeping everything you do under the rug— I mean you act like I can’t fucking see you y/n i run the whole fucking thing I don’t— I don’t understand you your just fucking stupid so so so stupid it just blinds me and throws me for a loop sometimes "
His voice was low almost as if he only wanted you to feel the weight of his words " and then you never even say fucking sorry " he pushed your head down again " i'm the fucking cleanup crew ,, the shitty bodyguard when you drag yourself in some mess ,, the contact list when you need a plug ,, the boss when you need a job i'm fucking tired y/n "
" I know I know and i'm— im so sorry really please i'm sorry "
you braced yourself for another push as he backed away the heavy hand leaving your neck as he peered down at your head that was still hovering over the table
" what the fuck do you want another bash ?What are you doing "
" no — no please no”
" then bring your head up — god you seriously take your role on as the youngest dont you " he sighed as he moved his hands to pinch at the bridge of his nose. Your eyes darting to the camera kiyoko left and feeling hope enter your body thinking of how she would see the whole scene that’s played out with the male in front of you
" your not staying here "
" what—what "
" you can't — I dont want you here— i’m outta this your not my responsibility anymore your 19 now so I don’t know what to say except get it to fucking gether — you stay here your never gonna go to jail you'd just stay in a confined room for moths — fuck i’m always getting dragged in this shit "
" how — what do I do — what am I gonna do "
" the hell do you mean ? what am I gonna do ? as if the shits not obvious your gonna do fucking nothing while everyone else does all the work for you again "
your voice grew quiet as he scoffed " that's what I thought god — one day i'm gonna get fired "
your eyes darted to the camera and back down " for what exactly "
his eyebrows creased as he stared at you eyes moving all around your face before he spoke ignoring your question " you got yourself in some real bad shit this time y/n "
" but it wasn't even my fau— "
" you don't say shit — you know it wasn't suppose to go down like that and when one goes down we go down together you swore it— that’s how you got our trust don’t fuck yourself over again or you’ll be down in hell by yourself "
" like what ? "
" don't fuck with me y/n "
he moved to grab his clipboard your body lifting when he walked off and forgot about the camera only to drop the clipboard to the floor with a loud clang and start using his shoe to tear the papers apart
" wh-what are you doing " your voice came out soft as your eyebrows creased
His body moving over to the table and throwing the camera youd just put all your hope into someone seeing what you went through being thrown to the ground and stepped on harshly with the heel of his shoes.
Though it wasn't broken broken it was unsalvageable and couldn't be fixed your eyes going wide unable to process anything before he walked to the door and opened it his hand coming up to cup around his mouth
" THEIR ATTACKING " he screamed your body trembling at the way the table shook along with it " calling all units anyone in the vicinity the inmate I am locked up with is having a tantrum of some kind and I do not think I can handle it alone "
Your heart broke as you watched the male in front of you turn back to look at you holding nothing but hate in his eyes " I ask that you help me remove the inmate and get them out of our station immediately "
Several people running in cleaning up the scene and taking pictures before someone uncuffed you and dragged you towards the tall male by the door.
" Chief where do you want em "
" I want em on the next bus to tokyo "
Your head swirling " wh— "
" everyone exit while I talk to the inmate quickly alerting them of their next adventure " everyone moving silently to follow his demands his eyes going directly to yours as everyone raced down the hallway and away from you two
" your going to tokyo — I can't fucking do this — "
" but what would I do there's no one "
" go see bokutou — at this point you've pissed me off I can't do much else for you just — go ask for a new life really " his voice came out in a short laugh at his ending words
" boku— "
" y/n I said i'm pissed off and done with you — you keep interfering with my job and honestly this murder charge was the last strike for me— your of age now I can’t get you outta this shit— so if you could just get a new identity and get the hell away from me id seriously appreciate it "
" daichi I "
" you don't say anything "
" your my — your my brother we’re suppose to be there for each other and you "
" i'm not your anything as of right now you prick " his voice was sharp and held meaning as he snapped at uou " not your brother — your friend — your back up call when you get into weird shit I — I wanted to be a nice police officer and move my way up to chief I wanted to have kids a — a family y/n " he scoffdd " not a shitty sibling who keeps using my job against me and has me pulling strings that shouldn't even exists "
" but "
" you see how I keep cutting you off it's because I don't want to hear you y/n — you annoy the fuck out of me so seriously " he moved his shoulder to glide through the doorframe and past you "just go do what you criminal assholes do and get a new identity and the fuck away from me as soon as possible I want nothing to do with you "
" sooooo thats how you ended up with me " the air in the new room shifted from confusing to happiness as the dual colored male in front of you screamed " THATS AWESOME YOU HAVE SUCH A BADASS BACK STORY "
He jumped up and covered his face dramatically before he spoke "twas a dark night when y/n changed their ways and gave birth to a criminal — a murdering criminal who came to the one and the only — bokuto koutaro the amazingily cool , strong , funny , king of connections — thus creating a beautiful friendship and a dark and powerful villian story "
He smiled at your beat and battered face youd received from your brother a day ago before he spoke again his hair drooping slightly " too much ? "
22 notes · View notes
xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Eighty-Seven
Words: 4.5k
Warning(s): explicit language, sexual situations, drug abuse, violence
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"Nikki, what the hell are you doing?" Vivian asks me as we walk down the stairs of the law firm. 
"I've broken every fuckin' vow except 'till death do us part' and I'll be fucked to hell if we stuck it out and stayed with each other after the worst bullshit just to fucking divorce." I state and she stays quiet for a moment before I'm stumbling back when she halts and snatches away from me, glaring up at me. 
"What if I want a divorce?" She asks. 
"I'd tell you you're full of shit." I snap and she raises a brow and crosses her arms. 
"Then what the hell was the point of hounding me for a divorce just to do this?!" She barks at me. 
"To prove a point I guess, I don't fucking know." I admit. 
"To prove a point?! What point were you trying to prove?! That even when we're not together you still have the control in the relationship?!" She yells.
"I don't have any fucking control in this relationship, are you fucking me?! I haven't had any control since day fucking one, Vivian!" 
"Are you fucking serious?!" She screams at me, frustration all over her face. "You have always had control, Nikki, trust me, I know, I'm the one that had to lay down and take your bullshit and give up what I wanted to do just so you'd feel in control!"
"I told you to go to fucking New York to go to school, did I not? What the hell did you do? You stayed! You can't get pissed at me for not giving you what you supposedly think I promised you!" 
"No, Nikki, I'm not pissed at you for not giving me what you promised--I'm pissed because you've given me years of fucked up shit that was never supposed to even be a part of the plan!" She has tears in her eyes, her voice shaking…
She's right. I'm not going to tell her she's wrong…
I sigh and rub the back of my neck, exhaling, as she wipes her eyes. 
"...Look, me and the guys are going to a different rehab, and I'll actually stick with it, and I want to work this out." I tell her, honestly. "I just don't know how to come back from the shit we've done to each other, Viv, but if we can figure out how, then I wanna do it." 
She doesn't say anything, looking at me with her pretty green eyes, nodding slightly. 
I didn't realize that once we agreed to work on our marriage, that all hell would break loose in the midst of repairing the damage. 
Me and the guys, except Mick, were sent to another rehab because the first one was too obnoxious, and by the second one, we were actually getting somewhere with each other as a band and individually, including the people closest to us in our lives. For me, that was Vivian.
My leg can't stop shaking as I repeatedly tap my foot, waiting for my counselor to get in and meet Vivian for the first time.
I exhale and glance at her, her red hair curled, reaching just over her boobs, long legs taken up by black stockings that have lace trim mid-thigh, just peeking out from under her black dress, black heels tapping quietly on the floor, her dark red nails standing out against the cover of the shitty crossword she's flipping through. Her perfume has the whole little area she's in smelling good and her red lips rub together for a moment as she doesn't even notice me staring at her. 
It's a Saturday and I'm assuming she's going out with Sharise or something when she leaves here, or she dressed like this to torture me, knowing I haven't had sex in nearly two months, starting in Japan back in December, and my right hand is my best friend currently. 
My fucking balls hurt as she shifts her legs, uncrossing them to cross them the opposite, now. 
If it were up to me they'd be wide open and either around my hips or my head. 
I keep my hand pressed to my lips, resting my elbow on the arm of the chair, focused on her.
I slide down in my chair a little to try to see what kind of panties she's wearing--if she's wearing any at all. 
It wouldn't surprise me if she's not wearing any at all. Just to fuck with my head like she loves to do. 
"Take a picture and it'll last longer." She tells me flatly, not taking her eyes off the book. 
"I would if I had a camera." I don't even deny staring at her and she flicks her gaze to me. "Or a video camera. That'd be better." I add. 
"Ha. Ha." She sarcastically lets out and I smirk, watching her get up to grab her purse from the empty chair adjacent to me, leaning down to dig through it. 
It takes everything in my power not to get behind her, bend her over it, slide her panties to the side and start poun--
"We're here to start the process of fixing things between us and you're here only focused on sex." She states and I snap out of it. 
"No, I'm not." I argue, furrowing my brows. 
"Nikki, I know when you're picturing having sex with me." 
"I'm always picturing having sex with you." I state. "And you know exactly what you're doing." 
The faintest, smallest little grin comes to her lips as she goes to sit down again. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." She mumbles and I look at her. 
"You're cruel." I mumble and she rolls her eyes. 
"Oh, whatever." She replies. 
"You look hot." 
"Shut up." 
"We can be done in ten seconds." I say next and she goes red. 
"Stop, Nikki!" She scolds me.
"C'mon, Viv, we've never fucked on a desk before." I point out. 
"We've broken into Doc's office just to mess around on his desk, Nikki." She reminds me. 
"Well, we've never fucked on a therapist's desk, so c'mon, it'll be quick."
"I--" she starts laughing, not believing me, "--am not having sex in a rehab facility. I'm not that horny." 
"So you admit you are horny to some degree, though." I say and she rolls her eyes. 
"Shut up."
"Just flash me or something." 
"You're so weird." She ignores my request while I'm pinching the bridge of my nose. 
"I'm in pain, Vivian." I say next, groaning, exaggerating. 
"Sounds like a personal problem." 
"Fuck." I lean my head back, rubbing my face. 
The door opens and my counselor comes in, smiling at us. 
"Sorry, I'm late." She says, stepping to Vivian, extending her hand. "I have heard lots about you, I'm Amber." 
"Vivian. It's nice to meet you." Vivian replies, smiling her shiny smile that should win her an Oscar because she wears it so well even when she's fucking miserable--I obviously know from experience. 
Amber sits behind her desk as Vivian sits back down in the chair, and she looks up from her paperwork at us, raising her brows. 
"If we're going to start this grueling process, I highly suggest you two get comfortable being within three feet of each other, again." She adds.
Me and Vivian exchange looks, before she sighs and stands up, walking to the little couch I'm sitting on, plopping down beside me. 
I smirk to myself, looking at her from the side of my eye. 
"Okay, let's just get to it, Vivian, I've gotten a brief history of your husband, and I feel as though I can sort of, kind of, pin point a thing or two that has lead to the point that you two are at currently, but I'd really like to learn a little bit about you because all that's portrayed publicly to all of us is he's this nitty gritty, abrasive rock God, and you're the angel that tamed him to settle down." She explains and Vivian scoffs, raising her brows. "I know it sounds ridiculous but that's what's given in magazines and pictures taken of you two." 
"Yeah." Vivian nods. 
"And I don't think that's true, I don't think everything is happy and sunshine and, 'oh, we're opposites but that's what we love about each other,' and blah, blah, or else neither of you would be here admitting your marriage is in shambles...so, becoming familiar with Nikki--sober--the way that I have the past week gives me a sense of who he really is without the drugs and the cameras and the fans and the girls, because in here he's only got himself. He doesn't have to upkeep the persona he puts on to make it seem like everything's perfect. And, although you aren't a patient here, I really want you to allow yourself to just be and differentiate between who you are to the public, and who you are privately, because--from what I've heard--they're two completely different people." She says next and Vivian nods. "So, who is Vivian Kinston and how did she get together with Nikki Sixx?" She offers a warm smile and Vivian exhales, already looking overwhelmed…"In three descriptions, who were you when you met Nikki?" 
"A very religious, ballet dancing, perfectionist." Vivian says and Amber nods. 
"Let's dissect that and break it down for a moment." She says next. "Okay, religious--was that on your own or passed through your family or…?"
"Both of my parents, but mainly my mom." She replies and Amber nods. 
"Okay, and what is mom like?" 
"Very strict Christian, we couldn't have anything secular in the house...I'm not sure what she's like now but when I last saw her she had the pastor I grew up with trying to exorcise a demon from me because she found out I was engaged to Nikki." She tells her and Amber's brows shoot up. 
"When was that?" 
"'82, '83, around that time." Vivian explains. 
"So you haven't seen mom in close to six years." 
"Okay...you were a ballet dancer when you met," she starts the next point. 
"For how long?"
"Since I can remember." Vivian informs her. 
"So, a strict Christian upbringing, and a very, very, intricate form of dance that requires a lot of discipline, since you were probably a toddler." 
"And is that where the perfectionism comes in, through your background with dance?"
"No, okay."
"My mom and my upbringing." Vivian explains. "Anytime I did something my mom didn't like or approve of or thought other people would lose their minds over if they knew I was doing it, she'd get onto me and would constantly drill into my head, 'this is not what we do, Vivian'." 
"Wow." Amber nods, her brows slightly furrowed. "So, it doesn't come from a place of that physical drive to be perfect at most things you do, it comes from a mental and emotional drive of not wanting people to know what skeletons are in the closet that would make them think less of you." 
Vivian nods, taking a deep breath. 
"Okay, and do you think that sense of perfectionism from your mother has helped you or harmed you in the long run?" 
"Harmed." She's saying it nearly before Amber can get her words out of her mouth. 
"And why is that?" 
"Because I grew up with her holding me to a nearly unreachable standard, and hounding unrealistic expectations onto me." 
"And in turn…"
"...It's made me do the same to him." Vivian says and I stare at the floor. 
"What unrealistic expectations, or unreachable standard have you held him to?" 
"Not doing the things that he's done." She says next. 
"What things?" 
"Infidelity and drug and alcohol addiction." 
"Why is expecting your husband not to cheat on you or put drugs and alcohol before you an unrealistic expectation that is unattainable for him?" Amber asks next and I rub my lips together. 
"Because of who he is and what he does." Vivian says next and Amber raises her brows. 
"So you think because he's Nikki Sixx--big time rockstar--that it's not realistic to expect him to do what he is supposed to do as your husband which is stay faithful and not put substances before you?" 
"Oh, I see." Amber looks at me and I sigh. "Was your relationship ever open or polygamous, during or prior to marriage?" 
"No." She shakes her head. 
"Was he addicted to anything when you got married?"
"He did drugs and drank but at that point in time he didn't have a heavy reliance on it, no."
"An unrealistic expectation would be you telling him he can sleep with other women but then you getting angry every time he did. That's setting an unrealistic expectation of, 'I'm giving you permission to indulge in sex with other women but I expect you not to,' or him being addicted to heroin when you got married and you expecting him to drop any addiction he has solely based on the fact that you two got married. That's an unrealistic expectation. Him being a famous rock musician has nothing to do with his ability, or lack thereof, to be monogamous and sober." She explains to Vivian. "So you wanting your husband to not have an affair and not get strung out was not an unrealistic expectation that you had in a moment of naivety." She assures her.
"Okay." Vivian sounds like she's been waiting to hear that for a while…
"And I believe the issues you two are facing the most from both Nikki, and yourself, have grown from the root of how you two think. I know we hear the saying, 'opposites attract,' but we don't think about how sometimes when people are too opposite it acts like hot and cold air when it mixes and if it's in a big enough whirl, or big enough of a spectrum, it creates a tornado or a hurricane." She says next. "Religion equals a sense of morality, your history with ballet equipped you with a fair amount of discipline, and that perfectionism that you spoke on is your way of caring so much about what others think of you, you sacrifice yourself and just smile to keep things looking amazing on the outside."
Vivian nods. 
"I asked him to describe you in three words, and he said, 'beautiful, depressed, belligerent'." She tells her and I slowly see tears coming to Vivian's eyes. "Nikki admitted to me that when he met you, he had no sense of morality, he was doing whatever he wanted, when he wanted, he had no discipline in terms of controlling himself around drugs and women, and he couldn't give less of a care about what people thought of him." She explains. "And that might even been fun and exciting when you were just starting out but once you're married and he's gotten all these eyes on him suddenly, there are expectations put on the both of you to be this couple who has everything, and you're both attractive, and he's the bad boy and you're the good girl and you just fell in love is the only explanation you have for making the relationship work to the point of wanting to get married and you have a great house and matching cars and all this and all that and you're in the press smiling and laughing and holding hands and hugging up on each other and oh, it's a wonderful life, but as soon as you get alone…" she trails off, looking at the both of us knowingly. "He's high, you're suffering, and both of you are living a hell. But nobody can know that because you're Nikki and Vivian Sixx. You two are perfect because he doesn't cheat on you like other rockstars do to their wives and girlfriends. He doesn't put drugs and alcohol before you like so many others do to their girlfriends and their wives. He doesn't turn into this monster you don't recognize and lash out like a dog at you after a night of sitting in his closet and shooting up, because he 'loves' you, and you don't have to keep quiet for years while it just keeps adding up and adding up until finally you beat on your husband and those around you over minuet instances because the big things you were probably justified to get that angry over were swept under the rug and were never dealt with for years--because that's not what you do." She ties it right back to Vivian's mother. 
A tear rolls down Vivian's cheek, neither of us expecting it to be this heavy just during her introduction to Viv. 
"If we don't stop that mentality, it's going to poison every relationship around you that it hasn't already and when you have children it's going to be a curse on them just like it's a curse on you." She tells her, as Viv sniffles, trying to keep up with wiping her tears away. "I've already been on him about his upbringing burdening him, so please don't think this is a personal attack on you."
Viv nods, mouthing, "okay."
"You two want to make this relationship better and be better for one another, we are going to have to tear down six years worth of walls and blockades and gut this entire thing completely and start again. It's not going to be easy, you're probably going to learn things about each other you've been hiding and maybe even amicably decide to divorce before it's all over with, but you are both going to heal and start the process of forgiveness. With yourselves, with your parents, with your friends, and with each other."
She gives the both of us some homework...
"I want you two to prepare to tell each other everything you've not told one another for next time we meet." Amber tells us and the color drains from Viv's face, I know for a fucking fact that I don't look much different from her.
"What?" Vivian asks her.
"If we're healing this relationship we need everything in the dark in the light so we aren't building on an old foundation of secrets." She states. Vivian just nods hesitantly before we're dismissed.
"Vivian." I stop her out in the hall before she can leave, grabbing gently at her wrist.
"Yeah?" She asks me. 
"I love you." I tell her and she looks at me, smiling a little. 
"I'll see you Wednesday." She replies, squeezing my hand before she walks away. 
What the hell? I tell her and I love her and she just fucking says, "I'll see you Wednesday'?" 
I watch as she goes down the hall, heels clicking, hair down her back…
This is definitely my payback for taking my time with her for granted, because now that I'm in my right mind and not ruining our marriage, she barely even looks at me. 
At least she was actually wanting to work things out, because after the Vanity bullshit, I thought we'd never make it out after the first time I saw her since it had happened.
July 1987
I brace myself against the bathroom wall as my whole body goes numb for a moment, my eyes rolling momentarily. 
"Sixx, c'mon, we gotta get goin', Viv's here!" Fred yells from behind the door, his fist beating at it. 
Fuck him. Fuck this tour. Fuck this band. Fuck everything right now. 
Viv's just got here from the airport, she flew back in earlier this morning and I've been hiding, completely avoiding her, but I can't anymore. 
The media's in a frenzy since Vanity aired all of our dirty laundry, only making Viv and I both on edge even more. 
We've been denying the shit out of Vanity's engagement claims, but I don't think people are buying it as much as we'd like to think they are. 
I take in a breath and stumble to the mirror, looking at myself. 
Not too bad for a low down, dirty, bastard. 
Opening the bathroom door to see where Fred's waiting for me, I glance past his shoulder to see Vivian.
She looks like she feels like hell, but has managed to pull herself together. 
Makes two of us--well, kind of, at least. 
"C'mon, the guys are already at the venue." 
Fred tells me. 
"Great." I smirk, patting his shoulder, stepping to Vivian. 
I don't think either of us are taking into consideration the amount of utter bullshitting we're about to have to do. 
I also don't expect the amount of paparazzi waiting for us right outside the hotel's doors.
As soon as the door opens, screaming, flashes, invasive questions come hurtling our way. It feels closterphobic enough to make Vivian grab my hand, tight, curling closer into me as if trying to hide away from prying cameras and questions about my alleged affair.
I feel her being tugged at once, and just as she says, "Nikki," I'm snatching my hand from hers to beat repeatedly, as hard as I can, at the forearm of the perpetrator, a media creep trying to get her attention. 
"Don't fucking touch her!" I bark out over the noise and he stumbles back, holding at his arm as I put my arm around her waist, tightly, getting to the car. 
When we get inside, Vivian's obviously distraught over what just happened, shoving herself away from me. 
I turn my anger to Fred. 
"What the fuck is the point of  having fucking security if you're not going to keep people from touching her?" I sneer. 
"Because I'm a bodyguard, but you're a fucking Rottweiler." He states back without hesitation and I just roll my jaw, glancing at Vivian and she doesn't even look at me. 
I sigh and dig in my pocket for the little baggie I got earlier, grabbing my hotel room key to take a bump to help me wake up for this show, and when we get to the venue, I'm getting out of the car and waiting for Fred to get out. 
He does, and I stop Vivian, nudging her back inside before saying, "we'll be there in a second."
Fred just looks at me and exhales, rolling his eyes before stepping inside. 
Vivian sighs out as I look at her, avoiding looking at me…
"Vivian, are we gonna talk about it or…?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"I think we should."
"You proposed to her, Nikki."
"Allegedly." I add.
"You. Proposed. To. Her." She says it sharply and I lean back. "You had an affair with her. I trusted you. I trusted the both of you. And you lied to me." She hisses. "So, no, there is nothing to talk about...just let me out of the damn car." She slides over and opens the door but I reach over her and slam it shut.
She takes heavy breaths from where she's sitting, my body hovering over hers, the tips of our noses brushing together…
I lean down, my lips pressing to her's for just a second before she lets go of the fact I completely screwed her over. 
I'm about to pull away when she pushes her tongue past my lips, her nails running over my back through my shirt as her legs wrap around my hips, one of her hands in my knotted hair.
As always, I end up eating her like a starved pervert, relishing in the sounds of her moans and gasps. 
The truth is, she may hate me, but I'm good at getting her off and she knows it.
Once she comes and we start getting ourselves together to go inside, I look over at her. 
"So, are we good?" I ask her, oh, so fucking stupidly, and she blinks at me. 
"Are we good?" 
She catches on to what I mean, and rubs her lips together. 
"Nikki, you could fuck me into oblivion, which you can't because I'm never letting you fucking touch me again, and we still wouldn't be good. Not even close to 'good'. You can't have an affair with my friend and then expect everything to be good just because we fooled around while you were stoned out of your mind." She snaps and I roll my jaw as she gets out and slams the door, stomping to the back entrance of the venue. 
For the first time I feel the sting of rejection. 
Is this how groupies feel? 
I never thought once about getting head, leaving them in the limo and going on about my business. 
Anger boils in me, Sikki chomping at the bit. 
That selfish bitch! 
I get out and go after her. 
I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna say to her, but I'm mad. 
"How dare you use me to get your rocks off and then toss me aside?", no, because I've done that to her a couple times...but that's because she's into it. 
I swear she comes harder when I randomly come up behind her and just start going at it because she knows I'm just using her to get off and then leave her wherever I stopped her, and go out right after and wouldn't think twice about it. 
But me? I'm so used to her looking at me like I'm God while I have my full attention on making her feel good, and she has the audacity to get off on my face and then kick me to the curb and tell me I'm never touching her again?! 
I decided it wasn't worth the fist fight it would inevitably turn into by the time I got inside, but and looking back, she had every reason to get me horny and then swear off ever letting me get near her again. It was petty, but smart. And despite having sex one last time not long after that instance, the point was still made clear. For the first time in our relationship, the acceptance of sexual advances didn't take the place of forgiveness.
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ripley95 · 4 years
Yay! I'm so excited you're doing a prompt list. How fun! Is it cheating to suggest three in one? Somehow first snow, hot chocolate, and ice-skating all go really well together in my mind. If it sounds like too much, though, just choose the one you like best. You know I love fShenko! Of course, if the prompt doesn't end up inspiring your muse or for any reason it doesn't work well, no pressure in not doing it. Anyway, I'm excited too where you go with possible prompts!
I don't think it's cheating at all to ask for three, and I appreciate the challenge! I already had an idea for first snowfall for f!Shenko, though, so I wasn't entirely able to incorporate the ice skating into that, but it's kind of in there. Thank you so much for sending the prompt! It meant so much to me to see it in my inbox!
Finding Peace
Pairing: F!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
Word Count: ~2100
Summary: Shepard has seen snow before, but it's always been ground side while on missions. Having grown up in space, she's never had the chance to truly appreciate it until now.
Read it on AO3
Shepard awoke to her room which was still in a dark haze. There was a noticeable lack of warmth by her side, prompting her to rub her eyes and look over to Kaidan's side of the bed. He was already awake, standing by the window, pulling the curtains back ever so slightly in a way that she couldn't see what he was looking at. Light washed over his face as he was squinting out the window, implying that it must already be morning.
"Everything all right?" she asked as she adjusted herself to sit up in the bed.
He promptly let go of the curtain, taking away the only sliver of light, painting the room in a dull grey. It was still bright enough to make out the smile on his face as he turned to her.
"Yeah, everything's fine," he said with a smile as he came to sit on the bed. "I was just waiting for you to wake up."
"Oh, and why's that?" she asked playfully.
"Do you trust me?" he asked, his grin still not fading.
She looked over to him and matched his smile. "I don't know. If you have to ask me if I trust you, that brings up a certain amount of suspicion."
He shook his head at her before he stared at her in wait for a serious response.
"Oh, come on, I think you know I trust you. The question is, why are you asking?"
"Well... It's the weekend. We don't have anywhere to be, and I uh... there's just something I want to show you."
The weekend. That was still a concept she was getting used to. Getting to go home at the end of the day working for Hackett ground side in Vancouver. Having an apartment to come home to with Kaidan. Actually having time off rather than being in a constant state of 'go' when they were still at war. It's exactly the kind of thing she'd always dreamed of but assumed she'd never get the chance to have. The thought of it put a gentle curve to her lips, feeling lucky to have Kaidan in her life.
"That sounds nice," she said, looking over to him again. "That still doesn't answer why I need to trust you, though."
"Well, let's just say my plan involves a certain level of unquestioning cooperation."
Shepard laughed as she stood up and moved to the closet to pull out some clothes. "Should I be worried?"
"No, definitely not," he said, moving over to the closet with her, making a point to pull out her warm jacket and a toque. "I know you're going to love it… but you're going to need to be blindfolded."
"What? Why?" she asked, as she looked at the clothes he handed her.
"Uh uh, no questions, remember," he said with a cocky grin.
She shook her head in amusement. "Mmm," she hummed in agreement. He had said as much. "All right. I'm all in," she said as she looked over at him, matching his enthusiasm.
"Glad to hear it. It'll be worth it. I promise."
"When you said I had to be blindfolded, I wasn't expecting it to be for so long," she said as she fiddled with the hem of the blindfold.
Kaidan looked over at her from the driver's side of the skycar. "Hey, don't take that off! It'll ruin the surprise."
Shepard promptly took her hand away from her face and looked over in his direction, despite not being able to see him.
"I wasn't really going to take it off, you know," she said with a laugh at how seriously he was taking it.
"I couldn't take the chance," he said with his own laugh at the situation. "Don't worry, though, we're almost there. It'll be worth the wait."
"Uh-huh. So, are you going to give me any hints?"
"And ruin the surprise when we're so close?"
Shepard laughed at that. "What if I had a guess already. You didn't exactly leave a lot up to the imagination handing me a warm jacket and hat."
Kaidan huffed out a laugh at that, himself. "I suppose you're not wrong there, but you're about to find out for yourself soon enough. We're already here."
Shepard felt the skycar slow down and land gently. She heard Kaidan turn off the engine.
"I'm going to have to ask one more thing of you first, though."
"Uh oh, what now?" Shepard asked with a smile.
"You need to put on these earmuffs too."
"Seriously?" she said, looking over in his direction again.
"Yes, seriously. Trust me, I have a reason for all this. As soon as we get out, you'll only have to walk a few feet before you can take everything off."
"Everything, you say?" Shepard asked, waggling her covered eyebrows in his general direction.
Kaidan snorted. "You know I'd never oppose that, but I don't think I'd recommend it in this particular scenario. Here," he said as Shepard could hear him leaning over from the rustling of his clothes. "I'm going to put these on you, and then I'll come to help you out of the car."
Shepard felt the earmuffs being placed over her ears. Everything was muffled now, but she heard Kaidan's door open and close behind him before she heard her own door open. She felt for the hand that Kaidan was offering and he helped pull her out of the car. There was an immediate and unmistakable bite of coldness in the air. They only walked a short distance before Kaidan stopped.
"Okay, you can take them off," Kaidan said as he let go of her arm.
She pulled off the earmuffs and her blindfold all at once and readjusted her toque quickly as she was met with a beautiful sight. Large snowflakes were falling all around her, if you could even call them snowflakes anymore. They were so big, they almost looked more like small clumps of snow, yet still entirely light and airy. She was surrounded by forest, freshly blanketed in a soft coat of it. The ground was absolutely covered and reached halfway up her calf. There was a pond in front of her that was steaming from the sharp temperature difference, the snowflakes melting away quickly as they touched the water. The absence of sound was striking, especially since living on starships her whole life and even in the city. She'd become accustomed to a constant source of white noise. But now, there was a serene calmness she'd never experienced before in her life. It was so quiet she could hear the flakes powdering the ground. The only way she could describe it was surreal.
This whole time, she'd been looking out at the scenery, barely even noticing Kaidan beside her. She looked over to him, seeing that this entire time, he'd been looking at her in wonder. He finally looked out at the forest, prompting her to look over it again.
"Do you feel it?" he asked, his voice hushed and gentle. "The peacefulness? The silence?"
"Yeah," she said, matching his gentle tone. "This is beautiful, Kaidan."
He smiled as he looked behind him. "Here, why don't we sit?"
She looked behind them to see a large log cabin with a deck and rustic, wooden patio furniture. He sat down on a bench, prompting her to sit beside him. She hadn't even noticed the two thermoses in his hands before now. He poured out some hot liquid in a cup and handed it to her. She smelled it and savoured the chocolatey aroma and warmth before taking a sip. Kaidan poured his own cup before he started talking.
"I know you've seen snow before. We were on Noveria together, after all, so I knew this wasn't exactly a brand new experience for you. But do you remember what you said when we were in port there, waiting for authorization to get in?"
"You mean before we were attacked?"
"Yeah. You were silent for a moment, looking out past the Normandy. It was the first time you told me about growing up in space. You said you never got the chance to appreciate snow before. The only time you'd ever seen it was ground side in the middle of missions, but you never got to savour it. You always thought it looked pretty from the vids on the extranet."
"Yeah, I remember that," she said with an amused laugh. "I joked about possibly getting some shore leave there if we finished the mission quickly enough."
Kaidan nodded. "Yeah. I remember that too. I think about that a lot, actually. I don't think Noveria's the best place to experience snow, mind you. The constant blizzards, the insanely cold temperatures and all that, but the closer you and I got after that, the more I thought, "I can't wait to take her back home with me." Winters in BC were some of my favourite memories growing up. The snow is special, but there's nothing quite like the first snowfall of the season.  It always feels like it puts the world to a halt the way it insulates against the noise. I've never felt more at peace than I have the first time it snows. Even though you were joking on Noveria, I always sensed a lot of sincerity there too. Ever since you said that, I've imagined a time that I could share this with you. It's not every day you get to witness someone experience that for the first time."
She looked at him genuinely, feeling as though she could cry for how sentimental it was. He was right. She'd always wanted a chance to admire the snow in peace. To feel it in her hands, to catch some on her tongue as it fell from the sky. To not need to be in an environmentally controlled suit to be able to withstand the harsh temperatures. It had always been a dream of hers, but she'd never gotten the chance. It was even more than she ever expected it to be. She laced her fingers in his and looked at him. "It's not every day you find someone thoughtful enough to want to share that with them."
Kaidan unlaced his fingers from hers and wrapped his arm around her. "No, it's really not," he agreed. "Was it worth all the trouble I put you through?"
She smiled at him gently. "That wasn't any trouble, Kaidan, but... it was definitely worth it," she said as she took a sip of her hot chocolate, looking out over the forest and the dense flakes falling. She could imagine them making a tradition out of this. Rushing up to the woods to watch the first snowfall, cuddling under a blanket and sipping hot chocolate. Next year, she'd have to watch Kaidan's face light up as they stepped into the snow, the same way he got to watch her this time. She could imagine his sense of wonder and calmness. "I think this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."
He held her tighter towards him, and she rested her head on his shoulder.
"We've got some free time coming up over the holidays. What do you say to coming back here?"
"I think I could be convinced," she said as she sat up, flashing him a grin.
He smiled back at her. "Good. Mom reserved this cabin all winter for the family to use. We just have to make sure to ask to use it for a certain time. That pond's going to freeze over soon enough. I figure I can teach you how to ice skate."
Shepard let out a roar of laughter. "Oh, I don't know about that. You've seen me dance. I don't think I could get away with ice skating."
"Hmm, good point," Kaidan said as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. Shepard elbowed him in the side and he almost spat out his drink. "What? You're the one who said it, not me," he said with a laugh.
She rolled her eyes at him playfully. "Listen, I'd say we're about on par with the dancing skills, so you might want to shut it," she said, her smile returning.
"All the more reason we could still give it a shot. I'm not half bad at skating. Maybe you'll be better at it than you think. I won't pressure you, though. Whatever you're up for."
"And what if I fall and hurt my hip or something?"
"Then I'll nurse you back to health in front of the fire," he said, leaning in closer to her and grazing her lips gently in a kiss. "There's plenty of other things we could try. Skiing, sledding, snowball fights, you name it. I honestly don't care what we do, just that we're together."
That was a sentiment she knew well. "In that case, I'm up for anything."
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miss-dr-reid · 3 years
This is calm, and it's, Doctor #6
A little something different for this one.
~Spencer's POV~
After I ordered the food to be delivered, I turned around to see y/n had disappeared from her perch on the stool. I walked around the bench, looked down the hall and saw no movement. I walked over to the lounge and found her resting, looking so peaceful.
Her face looked soft, lips parted slightly. Her arms cuddled the cushion tocher chest while her legs were called up, fitting into the lounge. Not wanting to disturb her peaceful slumber, I grabbed a book and sat at the table behind her. I sat on the side of the table that allowed me to see her face whenever I looked up from my book.
She was so beautiful in so many ways. In the week I've known her, I've noticed myself wanting to be around her as much as possible. She was so smart, but humble enough that she never really corrected anyone if that hadn't called her 'Doctor', so much so, that maybe people didn't even realise.
I looked up from my book as she stirred, taking in a deep breath, smacking her lips to get her quietly as she exhaled. My heart skipped a beat as I watched. After a while of reading, there was a knock on the door, 'Dinner', I thought as I walked over and opened the door.
Happy to see my dinner in the hands of the delivery man, I handed him a $10 tip and he went on his way. I closed the door and popped the bag onto the bench. I unpacked by he bag on the bench, ensuring everything was there b
"Vegetable omelette, fried rice, beef and black bean..." Quietly listing them to myself as I set them in the bench, followed by the complimentary prawn chips. I headed over for the lounge.
"Y/N," I kneeled next to her on the ground, "y/n, dinner is here." I tapped her hand which was wrapped around her wrist, holding her arms together.
One eye popped open slightly, looking at me.
"Dinner?" Her voice, a whisper.
"Yeah!" I confirmed. She grabbed my hand, surprising me. I hadn't realised that I had rested mine on hers after waking her. She used me to help herself up, throwing her feet to the ground, yawning and stretching.
I got up and walked back to the kitchen, grabbing plates and cutlery for each of us. Y/N took the stool where she had been before laying down. I took the one next to her, handing over the plate and cutlery I got for her. Her face screwed up as I handed over the cutlery.
"What?" I asked, thinking something was wrong. She picked up the fork I had given her,
"A fork? Do you have chopsticks?" She asking, faking offence.
I grabbed out the complimentary ones from the bottom of the bag and gave them to her. Satisfied with her utensils, she proceeded to pour some of each dish onto her plate.
"You gonna eat those?" She gestured toward the prawn chips. I shook my head, sliding them her way. She happily accepted them, opening the bag and diving right in. I watched as she pulled out chips, inspecting each one. After watching for a while, I reduced that she was looking for 'bowl-shaped' chips so she could pile as much food onto it as possible.
I let out a little laugh as I realised. I was so intrigued in how she chose to are, I couldn't help but watch. As much as it usually revolted me, I was too invested to stop. After picking the perfect chip, scooping as much food onto it as possible, she'd try eat it all in one go.
"You right?" She asked, snapping me out of my trance I hadn't realised I was in. Her eyes watched my face as I nodded, not knowing what to say.
"I- I've never seen anyone eat like that." was all I could manage.
"I'm not just anyone, Spence." She joked, wiggling her eyebrows and elbowing my arm. I faked an injury, grabbing my arm with an "Ow!". Even though 'Spence' was a nickname used my most people I know, the way Y/N says it makes it sound so good. And, when she calls me 'Doctor', something happens inside me, I can't even describe it. The thought of her saying my name makes my heart race.
We finished eating dinner and I wanted the few dishes we had messed, Y/N watched me Street I had declined her offer of help. I noticed her watching my hands, and looking up to my face every now and then, her own face resting on her propped up hand.
Once I was done, I dried my hands on the tea towel that was in the bench. I took the couple of steps over to the bench opposite Y/N. Leaning on my elbows, I looked over her face, her eyes slightly droopy, but not necessarily tired, I couldn't put my finger on it.
"Spence..." she said soft and slightly hoarse, "can we listen to some music?"
"Oh yeah. I have a Google Home, so, to for it." I told her.
"Hey Google," she started, "Play 'Moo' by Doja Cat." She called, a smirk filling her lips. I was confused, so I focused on Google.
"Bitch, I'm a cow." It started. I was taken aback and Y/N laughed, quickly changing the song.
"Hey Google, play 'Crazy Little thing called Love." She hopped off the stool and walked to the empty area between the bench and table.
The song started and she started dancing. Her voice filled the room, full of passion. I was enjoying watching her perform until she gestured for me to join her. I shook my head, stiffening at the idea of dancing.
"Please Spence, it'll loosen you up, and we all need to chill out." She almost begged, fluttering her eyelashes, while holding her arms out toward me, a grabbing motion played on her fingers.
Seeing this side of Y/N was strange, but comforting. The entire time I had known her, she was always serious. Happy to have a laugh, but never too much fun. I unwillingly obliged only because I wanted to see her smile again, and she did as I stated toward her.
She didn't get my hands like o thought she would, instead she swayed her body in time with the music causing me to follow along. I did enjoy this more than I was expecting to. I think, because of her. She was singing, dancing and almost performing a whole concert.
She stopped in her tracks, smirking at me as she called for Google to play another song.
#Where have all the good men gone
and where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds#
She sang along, hitting every note, I was in awe. After the song, she decided one okay change was necessary. The music changed to the artist 'Bruno Mars', her body language changed. She went from partying and jumping around, to smooth fluid, alluring moves.
"Got anything to drink?" Her voice, breaking my thoughts one more time, "Anything adult?" She emphasised.
Thinking for a second, I did have some whiskey that I was gifted and never drank. I grabbed the bottle bedroom the top shelf of an overhead cupboard. I collected a glass from another, scooped some ice from the freezer, and poured out a drink into the glass, sliding the glass over to her across the bench.
She took it, sniffed it, swirled it and took a sip. She swallowed it all up after getting a taste, tapping the glass on the counter and with her best western accent,
"Another, barkeep!" She mustered out. I poured another, and she downed it. She got up to resume her dancing. I put the lid on the bottle and left it on the bench.
I walked around and sat on the stool, enjoying watching her sing and dance, relaxing as the drinks styles in her system. She danced for a while, eventually joining me as I wandered over to the lounge. She brought the whiskey, her glass and one for me. Not being a big drinker, I declined. She didn't press but left the glass on the coffee table in front of us.
"I guess you're staying tonight?" I asked, watching her pour another drink.
"Oh, shit!" She stopped, looking up at me, "Spence, I'm sorry! I can go- I- I don't want to make you uncomfortable if you don't want me here!" Worry in her voice as she realised there had been no official invitation for her to stay. She didn't need one. I was over the moon to have company that wasn't my brain and numerous books.
"No, you're not going anywhere. I have some spare clothes that I'm sure will fit you if you feel like changing. Please, Y/N, you are more than welcome to stay tonight and whenever else you'd like to." I assured her, placing my hand on my shoulder, only removing it once she relaxed.
She let out a breathy sigh and laid back against the lounge, exhaling deeply. Her hands grabbed each side of her face and pulled down slowly until they teachers her chin.
"I would love to get changed." She whispered and rolled her head to look at me.
I tilted my head so it was same angle as hers,
"Come on." I reached for her hand, she smiled at me as she took it in hers. She trailed closely behind as I led her to my room. She sat down on the edge of the bed, her legs hanging off, and she kicked than back and forth.
I opened my wardrobe and rifled through the racks, finding an old plain grey tee. I took it out and laid it next to her on the bed. Y/N's hand ran over it as I dove back in to my wardrobe. I found a pair of darker grey tracks and laid them on top of the shirt.
"There's a spare towel hanging in the bathroom if you'd like to shower. I'll be in the loungeroom, reading most likely." I spoke, putting my hands in my pockets, shifting from heel to toe not wanting to leave.
Her looked me up and down, with raised eyebrows. When she got back to my face, she glanced between me and the door.
"Oh, right!" I spun on my heels and left, closing the door behind me. "Idiot. You work together. What do you even want from her!?" I asked myself once I was out of earshot.
Entering the loungeroom, music was still playing. A new song came on and I decided to listen to it, trying to get an idea of the music Y/N likes.
#I found a love, for me# I clicked on the lyrics tab of the Google Home screen.
#Darling, just dive right in
Follow my lead# I hadn't realised that I had started swaying to the song.
Arms wrapped around my waist, a face rested on my back. I stiffened at the sudden touch. I turned, Y/N only loosened her grip enough for me to spin around. She looked up at me, smiling contently. Her arms still wrapped around my waist, she rested her face on my chest. She started swaying, causing us both to sway. I rested my arms over her shoulders, one hand on top of her head, under my chin.
As we were swaying, she shifted her arms from my waist to my shoulders, my arms from her shoulders to her waist. Her fingers made their way up my neck and to the back of my head, playing with the curls that day there. My hands responded, rubbing her back slowly up and down.
I wanted to hold her there forever. To kiss the top of her head. To pick her up and just hold her.
But, we work together. We're friends, mates. It can't happen. She doesn't even like me like that.
His can't happen.... Right?
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Fake Dating
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This is an entry from my eldest for my writing Bingo.
Fake dating - James and Peter
"I've got to get her attention somehow, Pads! Something that's going to make her realise she should be with me you know…"
The four of them were in the dorm room, Remus trying to read whilst Sirius lay into him, James paced the room and Peter sat down on his own bed. Once again it seemed the topic had turned to Lily Evans. Of course they talked about more than the girl, they did have lives, it's just every now and again it comes to one of James' few attempts to be with the girl. He'd been trying hard for ages but any time he seemed to ask her out, she'd always said no to him. He couldn't see the problem, what was it she didn't like about him? He was THE James Potter. Nevertheless here he was with his friends, working out his next game plan to make Evans swoon.
"Come on, You have to give me some ideas guys? I could use anything right now." The boy sighed as he then stood still and pushed his glasses up his nose, looking from one of his friends on one bed to the other two. "Anything but that…" He began to warn when noticing a smirk creep up on Sirius' face, already knowing what he was going to suggest without needing to hear it.
"How about this James," Remus began as he slowly laid down his book on the bed, keeping it open as to not lose his page "Maybe you should get to know Lily a bit better and shear some things about yourself before jumping full force into things? You might find it to be more successful then the approach you're currently choosing to take." He also began to sit up in the bed slightly, moving Sirius off him to gain more room.
Sirius pouted just slightly at him when he'd moved, also sitting up on the edge of the bed as his eyes traced Mooney before he turned his attention over to Prongs. "You could always try making her jealous though? I mean, show her that you don't care whilst also showing her how good of a lover you can be." This suggestion caused a head shake from Remus, completely disagreeing to the idea. In his opinion that may cause the opposite effect to what James was heading out to do, creating more problems even.
James, on the other hand, was more than interested in what the other gryffindor had put onto the table. It would definitely show her how good of a lover he was if she could see him taking around another girl and treating her well. His only problem now was finding a suitable candidate to use in place of his partner. "Hey Siri, you know if Marlene is still open? Or maybe one of your cousins?"
A gag was followed when Sirius heard the question and raised an eyebrow at James "One of my cousins? First off, I'm not sure whether or not that would be breaking the bro code, and secondly, if you can't even get with Lily then your chances of pulling either of them is worse." Just the thought of James wandering around the halls with someone like Narcissa made him uneasy. "Maybe Snivellus is still open since he’s got the same problem?"
"Pads, you remember…" Remus let out a sigh as he spoke before James even got the chance to get all defensive. He wanted to avoid a fight this early in the day, especially between Potter and Black. That wouldn't end well since they would tend to bicker non stop on occasion. "As for Marlene I think she's gone home for a family emergency or something so she's not here currently."
James was staring at Sirius before rolling his eyes at the smile that had appeared onto his face when he was getting the warning from Remus. This was a problem, he'd have to spend a while ticking a list to separate people off that he couldn't use for his plan. As a joke though, he did try to ask the rest of the room's inhabitants. "Mooney? Pads? Either of you up for helping a friend out?"
"I'm taken." Both boys spoke in sync as they held hands and raised them, Remus using his spare one to pick his book back up whilst Sirius tried to sort out his shirt collar. Not that Remus would have said yes if he hadn't already been taken, Sirius on the other hand would have been up to helping James out in any situation. Now, however, he kind of couldn't without some questions being asked apart from the obvious one of 'when did you two start dating?' that everyone would be questioning upon hearing the news.
"I'd be up for it!" Perked up a voice which had been silent for the most part during the conversation as he'd been more of just listening rather than getting involved at the moment. The voice of course belonged to Peter as he began to sit up on his own bed with his legs crossed over each other. When the smaller of the four noticed the other three looking at him now though, he went quiet once again but still talking of course. "I mean, only if it would help of course James?" The blonde kind of tried not to look the other boy in the eyes as he was unsure whether he should now flip his offer over into a joke.
Lucky enough, James just raised an eyebrow and looked back to the other two Gryffindors. The longer hair of the two was chuckling a bit at the circumstances as he nodded, insisting that James takes the opportunity. The brunette, on the other side of things, looked to Sirius for a moment, then to Peter, then to James. Finally he shrugged a bit as he shook his head, indicating that he could care less though still he thought that attempting to make Lily jealous was not the way to go about things. With these silent opinions, the dark haired boy looked back to the blonde, pushed his glasses up his nose and nodded. "At least someone's here for my cause. Thanks Wormtail, I really owe you something for making you do this."
"No need to thank me…" Peter managed to give off a weak smile back to the other boy, scratching the back of his head as he thought before mumbled slightly "You're already doing me a favour yourself." It might finally be a time where he doesn't feel like a fifth wheel, not that necessarily he was since as established James didn't have Lily yet but still. With Remus and Sirius on one side of things and then if things go how he planned, James and Lily come to be, then where would he fit into everything. Even if the time may only end up being short, for now Peter could hopefully know how it feels to be part of a relationship. Even if it is all fake…
The rest of the morning was spent deciding how exactly they were going to go about showing this ‘relationship’ between the two of them. Like preparing themselves for questioning, all four of them. Number one, When. The first to ask James and Peter this happened to be Frank Longbottom, seeing them more closer than usual. More specifically, he’d noticed them kind of holding hands and thought nothing of it at first before looking more at the facial expressions of the boys. The blonde had usually been the nervous type but at this moment he appeared to be trying to hide his face in his robes. From what could be seen however, he was a deep crimson. The taller of the two though looked hardly phased though it could also be noted that he was whispering to his friend a bit more then he’d usually be seen doing.
Frank stayed where he’d been before watching the two other Gryffindors plop themselves down onto the couch by the fire. The way the two interacted again was different to how he’d usually witness, but the other thought he had was maybe this was how they were without Remus and Sirius about. He’d either see all four of them together or at least in a trio. On the occasions that he did only see two of the group though, it was never usually this duo in front of him, normally being James and Sirius messing around together or the obvious flirting between Remus and Sirius. However this was new to him.
“Hey guys,” Happened to be the first thing to escape Longbottom’s mouth as he waved at the two, watching them a bit more since he did appare curious to the sight in front of him. Peter kind of waved back as he stayed quiet, sitting on the couch normally with his legs down and leaning back only slightly whilst on the other end of the spectrum James stretched his legs out across the rest of the empty space by him, leaning his head on the other boy’s shoulder. “So… What are you guys up to?”
“You know,” James merely stated and he rearranged his position so he was sitting up just a bit more, now looking at his friend with a small smile on his face “I’m hanging around the best guy I know obviously, just having some alone time with my boyfriend without Siri or Remus getting in the way. I mean, you’d know with you and Alice and everything.” He wanted to get it out as soon as possible that the two of them were now a ‘thing’ so Lily could hear about it as soon as possible. Peter hadn’t expected his phrasing though and stayed his previous shade of red and he went to try to hide his face again. Not that he’d argue about this of course. He’d hate to admit to the truth that he always wanted things to end up like this to his friend’s though. What kept himself for getting too immersed was the reminder that all this was just to help James get with Lily. That was all.
“Oh, okay…” Frank appeared to not fully take in the words for a second as he nodded at the two of them before looking away, going back to writing a paper due in for tomorrow. However, a few seconds into his writing he realised what he’d been told. At first he was going to get a little defensive about his relationship with Alice, claiming that ‘We’re not THAT close’ but the more intriguing part of the situation caught his attention. “Wait a second… You two are going out? Since when?”
“I mean yeah, you want to answer that one love?” James spoke as if it was obvious, which technically now it kind of appeared that way but still. Once more he changed his position on the couch, trying to find one to be both comfortable yet show off that he was now taken. This turned into the boy lying back over the blonde’s legs, having to fix his glasses on his face as they’d almost fallen off during his second rearranging and hopefully the last. “Or would you prefer me to?”
Peter paused for a moment as he looked down to his lap to watch James look up at him with those big hazel eyes of his. They made him almost forget the question until of course he came back to reality when turning his attention onto Frank. It took a bit of flustered ‘ummms’ and ‘ahhhs’ and just a slight bit of stuttering until he finally got out the right reply of “Oh yeah, yesterday you know…”
“That doesn’t seem right,” Frank began to raise an eyebrow at the two boys as he lowered his quill and parchment to place them down, not believing in their story too much. Not that he wouldn’t think they could eventually grow into something at some point, it’s just he didn’t think at this moment in time they had actually hooked up the night before. That and something he’d witnessed the other evening seemed to disprove this. “Yesterday night you tried asking Evans out by serenading her with Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You, didn’t you?”
Here was one of the other things they’d (Should have) prepared for in the boys’ dorm with Remus and Sirius, being able to wriggle James out of last night’s fiasco. This would involve some good acting from both of them to make the story appare believable though yet if they only did this for Frank then hopefully through him thinking things are true and help from the other two marauders then the news should spread like wildfire. “Well,” Appeared to be the start of James’ story, and not a very good one at that. “I’d started to think about things once Lily denied me for the...how many is it now… 15th time? Anyway though, then i was like ‘Hey, how about i get someone who actually appreciates me, am i right?”
If they were being completely honest, this was the most glost over part of the conversation earlier in their game plan. And it shouldn’t have been. If they didn’t have a convincing enough story then people would immediately see what James was trying to do. Why would Potter start going out with one of his best mates? And why of all people would Potter start going out with Pettigrew? It didn't make sense. Yet, now, it was both of their jobs to make it make sense. James at this current time though was done an absolute terrible job at it of course if Frank's still raised brow wasn't proof. Luckily enough for him, Peter came to the rescue with a back up.
"I know you always want to look tough James but… Geez…" The blonde seemed to sigh as he whispered under his breath yet just loud enough to let Frank hear him. He needed to be convincing, unlike his partner in crime here, and in an attempt to try to get into the feels Pete had looked back down to his lap and into James' eyes. If he just thought hard enough as he stared into an endless array of Hazel then…
"I found him crying in the dorm room after the whole thing went down, not that he'd actually tell you himself. I was going to turn in early and found him with his sheet over his head. Obviously I went over to ask about things but seeing him I just… It was hard for me to look at him with the tears streaming down his face. He… HeHe was really hurt, I knew that, and I just wanted to help of course and… Well obviously he needed a shoulder to cry on! When you love someone so much and just realised that, well, you can't have them then of course it would hurt. Especially when they're kind of a friend who wou--- doesn't share the same feelings back. Just kind of the heart to heart he had last night and I mean the way he spoke had me. A true Gryffindor would be brave enough to share his feelings like that of course and that's why James is. After that? Well we kind of got to talk alone before shearing the bed. So technically if you look at things, it wasn't till this morning that it was official, but unofficial it had been in the evening before…"
A silence filled the room as the only sound now being heard was the crackles of the fire that had been lit. James had begun to sit up by the end of the tale, at a loss for words at what the other had said. He'd wanted to interrupt on many occasions during it but found himself unable to as he had those blue ocean's staring back at him. Now, however, Peter had found himself looking into the first place as his face grew a Crimson once more and a somewhat shaky hand ran though his blonde locks. He had felt he trailed off a bit, finding himself unable to stop as he spoke, as if something had taken over him slightly. The final of the boys had his mouth slightly agasp as he looked for something to break the silence between the lot of them. When the words were found though, they were warm and slightly apologetic. "James… I shouldn't have assumed things, my bad. But it's great to hear you've found something you can actually get your feelings out to. I'm sure that you two will last for a while."
Once these words were offered by Frank, James excused himself from the room and began to drag Peter off with him back to the dorm room. The conversation to follow had been slightly awkward as when the smaller of the boy managed to finally look at the other's face once more, he'd noticed the other was slightly red too whilst avoiding eye contact. "Found me crying? And all hurt or whatever because of Evans? You just made me sound like some sappy love sick fool Pete…"
"Like you're not?" Sirius joked as he looked at the two enter the room again, him and Remus standing with each other by the door. "You're the typical Romeo Prongs, pretty sure Wormtail got you to a T!"
Remus looked at Sirius for a moment and ruffled his hair slightly, a bonus on being the tallest in the group is not having to reach up, before looking over to the boy's who'd just returned to the room. "Not to agree with Sirius," Though Mooney did indeed think Sirius' observation was right "But the way Peter had put things was rather convincing, especially compared to your rendition. I won't lie, if I didn't know you two weren't actually a thing then I might have believed it."
Peter turned his gaze from James again towards the other two boys, somewhat embarrassed at the previous event. From James' reaction he felt as if he ruined things and he should have just gone with the lame excuse he used instead of going a bit more deep. "Wait… You heard everything? I'm so sorry about it I just didn't know what I was doing. Really James, if I'm screwed stuff up then I und---"
"Woah, calm down Peter…" Remus ended up interrupting the smaller boy, slowly laying a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. This was followed by a soft smile for reassurance that he'd not done anything wrong but rather the opposite to the werewolf's opinion on the circumstances. "Padfoot and I were listening from the staircase just so we could come in if anything happened. You really did a great job out there so don't apologise for it. You were a convincing actor and from the sound of it you got Frank to believe in you after James almost sabotaged things." Mooney then turned his attention to the boy he'd just referenced and let out another sigh before lowering his hand from Peter to cross over his arms. "As for you James, just think about. Pete made an excellent point out there in his explanation. A true Gryffindor isn't afraid to show his feelings to others. Even if I do disagree with the way you're going about trying to get with her I'd like to point out the fact that if she hears about this and how strong of a guy you are to actually talk about things like that, then she might come to appreciate you more than she does."
Another silence followed this, similar to the one in the common room before except completely devoid of sound due to the lack of fire as white noise in the background. James had kept his head down, looking to the floor rather than at any of his friends as he used this moment to do as Remus had suggested and think. As he thought, that point had been right. If Lily saw him as a guy not afraid to show his weaknesses but rather build on them with help from others then she might like him more. At this, the Gryffindor began to smile and slowly nodded in regards to the werewolf's words, finally choosing to agree with the observations. In this moment he also finally brought himself to look Peter in the eyes again before bringing him into a hug. This was unexpected to the blonde but was meant to symbolise an apology for getting somewhat defensive earlier about the situation.
"Come on then… let's go show-off this power couple to the rest of the school… let you keep up with more of that acting talent you've been hiding from us too." James began to speak again as he patted the other boy on the back before letting go of him and moving to take a hold of his hand as they left the room. If only they really knew why Peter's monologue had sounded so convincing, not that they would.
A week. That's how long they'd kept it up for before finally being able to speak with Lily. Depending on who you were, this week may have been good or bad. For Remus and Sirius it had been a middle ground as either they'd have to help out with their friends' 'relationship' from time to time, get some much needed alone time together or head on a double date to Hogsmead. If you were Severus you would surprisingly have the week Potter free since he was too busy wandering around with his new 'boytoy' or whatever people were saying though rumours. If you were most people then you'd be confused, not sure whether you heard things right when as a Slytherin you heard Ravenclaw was told by a Hufflepuff who was told by another Ravenclaw that Potter and Pettigrew were going out. Then you finally have two sides of the relationship itself.
At one end you have James who was frustrated. He wasn't frustrated at Peter, no, he'd appreciate the help he was trying to give so much. Each time he heard the smaller boy talk about him, he felt as if he was actually acting like they were a real thing. This was a good thing for convincing people around them that they were actually a thing. Apparently the news had even got to Dumbledore he'd heard Marlene a few days after she'd returned which had coincidentally been the day after the fake dating started. The thing that really frustrated him was the lack of Lily Evan's in his life. Somehow he'd gone the whole week without sight of her and he was extremely surprised. She must have heard by now right? If Dumbledore knew then of course she would, but why had she not come straight to James to question the matter at hand?
On the separate side of thing's happened to be Peter and he… Well he felt both like he'd been blessed but guilty. Each time he and James hung around each other he'd felt deep down that he was appreciated. This wasn't to say he wasn't appreciated before, just more than usual due to the circumstances at hand. Being able to praise James in front of others without having to hold back due to it 'being too much' wasn't a problem when there was the excuse of dating the guy. Hell, he couldn't help blushing as he thought of the fact they'd been incredibly close ever since the rumours had begun, revealing in the time they'd spent cuddling together in the common room or holding-hands in the corridors. The reason he'd felt guilty though was due to not having shared a tiny, little fact with James which may have helped James out a bit sooner. He knew Lily had been in the hospital wing of Hogwarts due to high temperatures and an extensive amount of vomiting.
That same evening James had tried to woo Evans with his singing, she'd eaten something off. Extremely off. She hadn't realised it at the time but soon after she'd gained food poisoning. Peter's excuse was he didn't learn that till Tuesday… Their third day of fake dating. Yes, he didn't realise it was a little selfish to not tell James this but he'd also never specifically asked there Lily was at all that week plus he also knew that Lily might appreciate it more if James didn't come around and try to get with her during her being ill. That might make things worse, giving her a headache that keeps coming and going. At least whilst using the week for his own gain, he could give the other girl a break from what she'd usually deal with.
Finally though, a week after all of this had begun, Lily was finally better and sitting down in the Gryffindor common as she copied off some notes that Marlene had lent her. It appeared calm around her, most people such as Sirius and Remus having chosen to head out to Hogsmead for the day to head to place's like Honeydukes. Luckily enough, or rather not for two of the three, James and Peter had also decided to stay at Hogwarts for the day. As if to ruin the relaxing atmosphere Lily had surrounded herself with, both boys ended the common room with hands locked in on each other. The excitement to cross James' face in this moment was almost instantaneous and he did have to remind himself to stay calm in the current moment. He couldn't just pull his usual shtick, right now he had a plan and he'd been preparing it for a whole week, just for this moment right here.
"We should really head out again together tomorrow evening with just the two of us Pete, call it a date again but ditch Remus and Sirius this time so it's actually some alone time?" The Gryffindor had begun as he led the smaller boy over to the couch by the fire, slowly letting go of his hand and taking a seat, patting the space by his side. "I'll let you choose this time and of course I'm paying, you know how much of a gentleman I am."
Even if he'd tried to promise himself not to on the first day, Peter couldn't help but get himself over invested in the fake relationship they'd formed. At this moment he'd been too focused on James to realise Lily as well. "That sounds amazing but you really don't have to, you know how I hate making you pay for me… I just feel you've done so much for me already that I can't take any more." He had to move some of his blonde hair out of his face as he began to take the space by James, him being the one to lean into the taller of them rather than vice versa as when there with Frank. It was a comfortable position for him and always loved the warmth of James' body next to his, being able to sink into his body.
When Peter had noticed the mouthing of the words 'keep up the good work' from James however when he'd started to trace over those lips with his eyes, he'd realised his time was almost up. Reluctantly turning his gaze away from the dark haired male, he caught sight of the ginger who'd just started to look up from her own writing when listening to the boys. Though she'd usually roll those green orbs when she'd caught sight or even heard James' voice, this time she appeared to laugh a bit. It was just a small giggle as she looked at the position the boys were in, a smile now forming before word's escaped. "I'm sad I couldn't be around to witness this sooner, you wouldn't believe how much Marlene has been going on about this being her new favourite thing. I can kind of understand why now that I see it in person."
This was not the reaction James expected. This was not the reaction James had wanted. This was not the reaction James had played over and over in his head as a way to keep up the charades. He tried not to show his mixture of both disappointment and frustration in his face though as he tried to stay blank. He couldn't bring himself to fake a smile in this moment as he heard the redheads words and felt them hit him. Where were the passive aggressive remarks? Where were the 'what if you had somebody better' comments? Hell, she was being completely supportive towards them. Even as James was stuck thinking, she'd looked over to Peter to say "I could always tell you had your eyes on him from the way you gush, guess you got lucky with being in the right place at the right time last week. I really must congratulate you on that."
Peter hadn't expected this either, but damn if he hadn't hoped for this turn out. Remus had been spot on about Lily of course, she wouldn't get jealous. All that effort had been for nothing. For James it had been for nothing at least. For the Blonde, still lying into his best friend, he'd have to agree with the red head's words. He happened to be in the right place at the right time. Just in the room when Sirius had come up with a dumb suggestion. Now, though, a question did come to his mind. What comes next? What were James and him supposed to do that the plan hasn't worked and basically everyone across the school thought they were actually going out?
"We need to make it look like we broke up or something…"
So this was where things ended then? Two hours after the incident with Lily right where it had all started, in the Gryffindor boys' dormitory. Not like Peter had expected anything other than this result, what else could it have been? James realises he doesn't like Lily anymore and thinks his best mate he's been pretending is his boyfriend is actually who he wants to be with for the rest of his life? Like that would happen. It was just some cliché that he would never find himself in, no matter how much he wanted it.
James tried to punch the wall to let out frustration only to find out he shouldn't have as he was soon shaking his hand to 'get the pain out' or something. He did agree it was a bit of a stupid move, next time he should just aim for the pillow. Nevertheless, he then looked to Peter and he continued to shake the pain away with what looked like a single vigorous jazz hand. "Like, What's the story around our break up? Cause I was thinking it might be that I'm actually not over Lily because she's my soulmate and everything and we found out in potions because of that Amortentia stuff and whatever?"
"I understand James… of course you wouldn't be able to get over her… You're almost obsessed. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though, you're not Severus when it comes to trying to be with her…" Peter began to reply, knowing this is the last opportunity he'd get to say he and James were exactly 'together' as a couple. Yes, it had apparently been fake but it had to at least be half real. Everything James did and said definitely had to be fake as he probably just imagined the ginger from downstairs with him everytime the two of them would cuddle but that amount of faking and imagination wasn't needed for the other Gryffindor. He'd just needed to be careful with his words. "I just want to tell you this before it's all over though… Thank you. This week has been probably the best week of my life and though I'd hate to say this, I doubt I'd be able to feel how I've felt this whole time ever again. On our first day when I was talking about how it hurts to know that someone you like… As in like like… doesn't exactly have the same feelings back? Guess we've made it all the way around to that point haven't we? Yet, before we end this… There's just one thing I hope for… "
With his words being over and done with, Peter took his shot as he closed his eyes and waited… And waited… And… laughing? He could be sure of it, there was James' laughing in this moment as he'd waited for something else. "Woah there Wormtail, you're aware we don't actually have to act this out cause no-one's around right?" James had begun to point out through his laughing, completely misunderstanding the situation at hand. He'd gotten so used to how Peter had been acting lately that he thought everything along those lines were just him being an amazing actor. When he'd stopped laughing and noticed both that his friend wasn't laughing along whilst he opened his eyes to show disappointment, he'd begun to come to realise what had gone on between them. "Peter… you didn't actually think I… Right? I mean you couldn't have, you don't like me in that way. We're just friends, obviously. Just friends. You've got to be joking right? Tell me you're pulling my leg with this…"
It was almost an order in the way James had said it, drenched in complete disbelief over the circumstances and the fact one of his best friends could have actually had a crush on him. He'd never seen the blonde in that way and in his opinion, he never would be able to. Peter just felt a pit in his stomach on the other hand, both expecting yet being taken by complete surprise at his reaction. It hurt. All of his words began to hurt. Even thinking back to the 'romantic' remakes shared between them over the week, they began to pain him. He knew they were fake, he knew they were… But why did it seem so real to him? Now he had a dilemma. James knew, of course he did since he'd just come out to him, but he had to think fast. Either he could deal with this and have his relationship with James completely ruined by this, or he would try to make up a probable excuse to use. He was lucky enough to find the words in time to take the latter option.
"Of course I'm not being serious James. I mean… I'm Peter so that's obvious. I just wanted to see what I could get away with with you know, have a small prank of my own whilst we do this, maybe use it to defuse the tension… guess the opposite happened?" There was pain, a lot of it, being pushed down inside of the blonde as he faked what he could. For the first time since the beginning he finally appeared to act, even putting a smile on his face as such a low moment for him. The thing that put the nail in the coffin for him though was James… James believed his lie more than his actual feelings in this moment.
"A prank…? That's it! We say we pranked everyone to see what would happen and then it was successful, especially with us catching Dumbledore out!" There was a glimmer in the boy's eyes that shined through his glasses as he pushed them up his nose. What had previously been a face of shock had now turned into determination with a grin. "You're a genius Wormtail, and actually had me for a second. Must applaud you for that one… Now come on!" Before James had left however, there was an extra little surprise. As a joke, a cruel one considering the circumstances, Potter had leaned over and gave Peter a kiss on his cheek before moving out the door. "God, I love you sometimes Pete…"
There it was, an extra wound to live with. Those words. The Gryffindor was now left alone in the dorm room, no sounds to be heard at all apart from the beat of his own heart. Even that stopped for a moment as he thought. He wanted to forget everything that had happened between them that week. It had been amazing, like a dream, like paradise… But that's all it was. Something fake that you'd never actually get to experience for real. Just an illustration. And as wizards they were good at creating them, weren't they? Now wouldn't be the only time he'd wish to forget about it. At some points he may get close to forgetting but then something would always bring the memories back. At least in this moment, there was one thing he could remember from the experience. Never let people know what you really want.
"Love you too… James…"
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cocastyle · 5 years
The In-Between Chapter 6
Stranger Things x It Crossover
with some Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 7,455
Warning - cursing (if people don’t like that kind of stuff)
A/N- so I kind of got carried away with this chapter and wrote over 7000 words lol, but I couldn’t really split this chapter up considering what’s about to come in the next chapter so I just left it as is (the next chapter is going to have so many interactions with the two groups you won’t be ready!) I really hope you all like this chapter because I worked hard on it and am actually really proud of the way it turned out! leave a comment with your thoughts on the chapter and with any predictions that you have for the future🤩
if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
T H E I N - B E T W E E N
Intro The Losers’ Club The Party Prolouge 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Epilogue
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"Wh-Wh-What is she doing?" Bill whispered as he gently nudged Y/N's side.
The girl stared ahead at Eleven who was busy putting a radio on a station that only had static playing before she glanced at Bill. She sent him a small smile that had him blushing and smiling back. "You'll see," she whispered.
Y/N let out a small gasp as she remembered something and quickly disappeared up the stairs and into her house before returning a few seconds later with a cloth in her hand. She walked over and handed it to Eleven who gave her a small smile before beginning to fold it and wrap it around her eyes like a blindfold.
"A blindfold?" Richie asked. He then smirked before winking in Eleven's direction. "Kinky. Now all we need is some handcuffs and-"
"Beep beep Richie!" the Losers Club cried out while the Party all looked at Richie in disgust.
Y/N shook her head at the boy before looking to the Party with an apologetic smile, "Sorry about him. He hadn't quite matured yet if you can't tell."
"Hey!" Richie complained.
"Oh hush," Y/N told him making the boy pout. She chuckled and ruffled his hair much to his annoyance before she turned her attention back to Eleven who was finished setting up.
"Remember, you have to be quiet," Y/N reminded the Losers, making a point to stare at Richie longer than the others. They all nodded before looking to Eleven who was now sitting on the ground, the radio static playing behind her.
The room was so quiet that one could have heard a pin drop. The prospect of Eleven doing something that could help them with their mission to find Mine being enough to make even Richie keep his mouth shut.
It took a minute, but Eleven suddenly let out a small gasp before whispering, "Mike."
Y/N noticed Wheeler frown a little at that seeing as she was talking about a different Mike instead of him. It was unusual that was for sure and Y/N had thought it was weird knowing two Mikes as well when she first moved to Derry. But since she had called him Wheeler since they were kids, calling Mike Hanlon by his first name hadn't been too weird for her.
"I. . .I see him," Eleven whispered out making the Losers all furrow their eyebrows and look to Y/N confused. She just gave them a look and gestured towards Eleven in response and they all looked back to the girl who had some blood starting to peak out from her nose.
"He. . .He's hiding by some water," Eleven said.
"The quarry," Y/N muttered as she looked to the others. Their eyes widened slightly and they watched as Y/N walked over and bent down in front of her friend.
Y/N reached out and gently took ahold of Eleven's hand, the girl instantly latching onto hers in return. "Tell Mike that we're coming for him," Y/N whispered, tears springing in her eyes. "Tell him he's going to be okay."
"Your friends. . .they're coming for you. Hang in there, Mike. You're going to be okay," Eleven muttered, although Y/N knew she was talking to Mike Hanlon.
"Hurry," a voice suddenly came from the radio causing the Losers and Y/N to jump in surprise at the sound of their friend's voice. "Please hurry."
Eleven's face then scrunched up in pain and she let out a loud gasp before ripping the blindfold from her face. Her eyes frantically looked around before locking with Y/N's. "He's okay," she assured him. Y/N wiped away her tears and gave Eleven a small smile before hugging her friend in thanks.
"What the fuck was that?”
The two girls pulled away from each other to see the Losers looking more confused then ever. "What the fuck just happened?" Richie questioned, his eyes wide. "What did she do and how the hell does she know that Mike is okay?"
Y/N took in a deep breath before standing up and slowly approaching her friends. "Guys, so Eleven kind of has these powers. She was able to mentally connect with Mike and get a picture of where he was and give him a message," Y/N explained.
"I'm sorry. What?" Stan asked confused.
"Powers like superpowers?" Ben questioned.
"I guess," Y/N replied. "I know it's hard to understand but-"
"Hard to understand? It's crazy! You know what, I'm calling bullshit," Richie announced.
"But Mike's voice-" Y/N began.
"We don't even know if that was his voice because all I could hear was a bunch of fucking static! How am I supposed to believe you when the only thing that I saw happen was that girl get a fucking nosebleed and bleed all over your basement?" Richie asked.
Wheeler narrowed his eyes at the boy and went over to his girlfriend who he helped off the ground while Eleven wiped the blood from her nose. He was about to say something when he saw Y/N raise an eyebrow at the boy and cross her arms.
"You want proof? Evidence?" Y/N questioned, not a look of hesitation on her face. Richie was silent before nodding his head. "Okay, asshole. Here's your fucking proof."
She then walked over to one of the closet doors of the basement before opening it and walking back over to the group. Richie was about to question her when the door slammed shut making him and the other Losers all jump in surprise.
The door then began to open and slam shut repeatedly and Richie was hesitant before he turned to look at Eleven who had one hand up in the air. The door slammed shut for a final time and Eleven lowered her hand before wiping the small bit of blood below her nose away.
"Holy shit! She's an X-Men!" Eddie exclaimed in disbelief making Dustin chuckle since he had thought the same thing when he first met Eleven.
Y/N smirked and looked to Richie while the other Losers and the Party watched the girl in amusement. "That enough proof for you?" she asked.
Richie made a face in response and Y/N chuckled before looking between the groups and clapping her hands together. "Now. . .we may know that Mike is okay right now, but that doesn't mean he will be forever. We need to start making plans and preparing because first thing after school tomorrow, we are going to the Well House to save Mike and kill those other motherfuckers before it's too late. Everyone okay with that?" Y/N announced.
The Parry and the Losers' Club all nodded in agreement and Y/N smirked.
"Great. Let's get to work."
- - -
Bill bit his lip in concentration as he used a ruler to draw lines through the map of Derry. His job, and the job of all the Losers, was to split a map of Derry up into four different sectors. When they left to go find Mike tomorrow, half of the whole group would be staying behind while the other half broke off into pairs and searched the specific sections of the Upside Down's version of Derry.
Since the Upside Down was pretty much a replica of the real world, Y/N had thought it would be a good idea to use a map of Derry to break up the sections. Because the Losers knew Derry the best, they had offered to split the map up while the Party got weapons ready seeing as they knew what would work best against a demogorgon if it were to attack.
Y/N had started out with the Losers at first, but it hadn't taken long for her to migrate over to the Party whom she had been spending the last hour with. The Losers hadn't thought much of it at first, but they couldn't help but notice the way she seemed to totally forget about them as she laughed and joked around with the Party, a smile on her face that looked nothing like the usual smile they got to see.
Bill had to force himself not to look up, reminding himself that Y/N was just excited to see her friends again. That's why Bill had put all his effort into the maps he was making, Beverly being the only other person to help him while Stan, Ben, Eddie, and Richie all watched Y/N and the Party with frowns on their faces and jealously coursing through their blood.
Glares were on the four boys faces and they only narrowed their eyes more at the sight of Y/N with her arms linked with Will as she talked to Steve and Lucas. "She forgot about us," Stan whispered softly, sadness laced in his voice despite his angered appearance.
"I can't believe it," Ben muttered, feeling awful at the idea that the Party made Y/N happier than they did. Him and the others could tell by the look of pure joy on her face just how much happier she was around the Party and that only fueled their jealousy more.
"Well believe it, Benny. We're yesterday's news," Richie frowned, glaring slightly as a bitter taste filled his mouth.
"Look how happy they make her. I don't think I've ever made her laugh that hard," Eddie muttered sadly as he too came to the realization that Y/N was happier around the Party than she was around them.
"It's cause you're not funny, Eds," Richie shot back. "No wonder Y/N left us. We're a bunch of losers literally."
"Sh-Sh-Shut up," Bill called out, tired of their behavior and tones.
Richie whirled around so fast that he whacked Eddie who let out a cry of protest. "Are you fucking kidding me?" he said as he looked at Bill in disbelief. When Bill didn't look up, Richie stomped over to his friend. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Are you really so blind that you don't see your girl over there with her arms fucking linked with another boy? He's stealing her right in front of your eyes, dumbass. How are you not the slightest bit mad or jealous?" Richie asked. "Cause me being Y/N's friend and seeing her talking to them and not us is making me mad and I'm not the one that had a crush on her."
Bill frowned at that and looked up, but he froze at the sight of Y/N  laughing at something Dustin had told her as she leaned into Will and wiped at her tears. Her arm was linked with Will's like Richie had said and she was resting her head on his shoulder as she looked up at Dustin with a huge grin on her face.
Bill's heart broke at the sight.
Bill cleared his throat and quickly looked away, blinking fast to keep the tears from coming. "Sh-Sh-She's not my g-g-girl. She can d-d-do whatever the h-h-hell she w-w-wants," he muttered.
Richie felt a wave of guilt wash over him once he realized how upset he had just made his friend, but Y/N's laughter had him turning back to look at her, a new wave of anger washing over him at the fact that she was now hurting Bill without even knowing it.
"How can someone be that funny? I mean, there's no way!" Richie exclaimed.
"Aren't they supposed to be gathering weapons anyways? Not joking around?" Stan asked.
"They did gather weapons," Ben pointed out as he gestured towards the few crowbars, bats, and other weapons they had gathered. "They even got flashlights and rope."
"Still, how are they so funny? Especially that Wheeler kid. She must be laughing at how funny looking he is," Richie concluded making the others raise their eyebrows at him.
Beverly rolled her eyes at Richie before glancing at Bill who was busy glaring at Will and Dustin. Beverly scoffed and stood up causing the Losers to all snap their attention over to her.
"Are you all being serious right now?" Beverly asked while the boys all gave her confused looks, not understanding what she was getting at. "You know that Y/N cares about each of you more than life itself, but you also need to understand that she can care about other people just as much. They were her first friends, guys. That group went through so much shit together just like we have and they haven't seen each other in two whole years!"
The boys didn't respond and Beverly just gave them an angry look as she narrowed her eyes. "I swear to God if Y/N hears one word from your jealous asses I will kill you. Now stop being self conscious pussies and be happy for your friend," she spat before she stormed away from the group and over to the Party.
They watched as Y/N's eyes lit up at the sight of Beverly before she grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her over to Max and Eleven, the four girls instantly falling into conversation. The boys all felt a wave of guilt wash over them, but none of them felt like going over and trying to talk to Y/N or the rest of the members of the Party.
It took only a minute before Richie, Eddie, Stan and Ben returned to their complaining as they watched their friend, but Bill took the longest to return back to what he had been doing before. His eyes were still on Y/N and his heart ached as he watched her.
He knew there was some truth to Beverly's words, but it was hard to believe everything she said after he had seen how happy Y/N was. How come he couldn't make her laugh like that? Or smile like that?
He would do anything to be in the receiving end of that smile. Hell, he would probably swoon at the sight.
Did she not like him the way he thought she had? For a moment he had thought she maybe returned his feelings, but now he wasn't so sure. If she had then he would be able to make her that happy, right?
Bill let out a small sigh and took in a deep breath before going back to the maps, trying everything in his power not to let his feelings get to him so much. But even he couldn't stop the one traitor tear from falling down his face as he realized he would never be able to make Y/N as happy as he had hoped.
If only he knew how he looked in Y/N's eyes. Then maybe he wouldn't have doubted himself and maybe he wouldn't have ended up hurting her later that night.
- - -
"Y/N!" Eleven cried out as she jumped onto the girl from behind, a laugh escaping her lips as she wrapped her arms around her giggling friend who had been busy sorting through the weapons with Steve and Wheeler.
"El!" Y/N mockingly yelled back as she looked over her shoulder at her friend.
Eleven chuckled and got off of her before glancing over at Steve and Wheeler. "I'm going to steal her for a few minutes," she said. She didn't bother waiting for a response from the boys before she was dragging Y/N away and over to where Beverly and Max were sitting.
"No, yeah I love your hair! I always wanted to try and cut mine short, but I'm afraid it will turn out bad," Max said as she looked at Beverly's haircut. "Who cut your hair because it looks so good!"
"I did actually," Beverly told her.
"No way!" Max gasped. "It looks so good, Beverly!"
"Thanks," Beverly said before she happened to notice Eleven and Y/N walking up to them. "Oh, hey Y/N!"
"Hey," Y/N greeted as Max also turned to look at her friends. Max's eyes lit up at the sight of the girl and she was quick to stand up before her and Eleven practically shoved Y/N into the place Max had just been sitting.
"Woah, okay," Y/N muttered as she adjusted herself so that she was more comfortable. When she looked back up, Eleven and Max were looking at her expectantly while Beverly gave her an apologetic smile.
"What?" Y/N asked, her eyes narrowing in curiosity as she wondered what her friends were up to.
"So we've been talking to Beverly," Max began. "She was telling us some funny stories about you when we heard some interesting stuff and-"
"Tell us about you and Bill!" Eleven interrupted, her eyes shining with excitement as she clasped her hands together and tucked them under her chin.
Y/N's eyes widened. "Me and Bill? Wh-What about me and Bill?" she asked. "We're just friends."
Max and Eleven both gave each other a look before raising their eyebrows at their friend. "Come on. We can tell by the way you look at him that you like him. Just admit it," Max prompted.
"What?" Y/N asked, her voice high and her face a dark shade of red. "Me like Bill?"
"Friends don't lie. You like him, Y/N. Admit it," Eleven insisted.
Y/N blushed even more before burying her face into her hands. "Okay, I like him," she whispered, not looking up to watch as her friends let out squeals and began to whack each other.
"We knew it!" Max exclaimed. "Beverly already told us, but like, we knew it!"
Y/N lifted her head to glance over at Beverly who smiled sheepishly. "They did already know it," Beverly said.
"So it's that obvious?" Y/N asked with wide eyes filled with horror at the thought of Bill knowing that she liked him.
"To everyone but you two," Eleven said.
"Yeah, Bill's kind of oblivious," Beverly agreed. "I don't think he knows."
Y/N let out a small sigh of relief causing Max to raise an eyebrow. "Would it be so bad if he did?" the red head asked.
"I mean, I guess not," Y/N whispered as she looked down. She would love to be able to tell Bill how she felt, to let him know just how much he meant to her even if he didn't feel the same way.
"But," Beverly said, already knowing that wasn't all the girl had to say.
"What if it ruins our friendship? What if he doesn't feel the same way?" Y/N asked.
The three girls' mouths dropped open at the same time before they all laughed. "First of all, he does feel the same way. It's obvious just by the way he looks at you like you're an angel walking on this earth," Max said.
"Secondly, it won't ruin your friendship," Eleven told her.
"What they said. I'm pretty sure that even if you and Bill went south that you two would still be friends. You two have been close ever since you moved here, Y/N. He wouldn't be the type of person to push you away like that. Besides, I wouldn't let him and I'm sure El and Max wouldn't either," Beverly said.
"Yeah, we'd beat his ass," Max agreed while Eleven nodded her head in agreement.
Y/N chuckled and smiled softly at her friends. "Thanks. I love you all so much," she said causing Eleven, Max, and Beverly to smile before they pulled the girl in for a group hug.
When they pulled away, they thankfully let the topic of Bill drop. Max and Eleven began talking to Beverly about her hair again and about her relationship with Ben while Y/N slowly zoned out.
She let her eyes flicker over to Bill who was across the room still working on the maps and trying to fold them. As if sensing her gaze, his eyes flickered up and locked with hers. Y/N sent a small smile in his direction, but to her surprise he didn't even smile before he just looked down at the maps again.
Y/N blinked in surprise before quickly looking away with a sad look on her face, not noticing the way that Bill looked back up at her sadly after.
- - -
It was around eleven o'clock that night before Y/N heard Ben call out, "We'll see you in the morning, Y/N!"
The girl quieted down her laughter and looked away from Lucas and Wheeler and over to where Beverly and Ben were standing by the stairs. Y/N was quick to get up and she smiled as she made her way across the room to hug both Ben and Beverly.
At the sight of her smile and the fact that she had left her other friends just to hug him goodbye, Ben suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he realized how wrong he had been earlier for judging the girl and for complaining about her hanging out with her other friends.
"Night, guys. I'll see you in the morning," Y/N said before pulling away to look for the others. Her smile slowly disappeared once she realized that Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Bill were all gone.
"Where. . .where did the others go?" Y/N questioned as she looked to Ben and Beverly confused.
Ben looked down at his shoes before saying, "They all left a little bit ago. Bill went first and then Richie, Eddie, and Stan followed not too long after."
"Why?" Y/N asked, trying not to sound upset. "They didn't even start goodbye."
Ben didn't respond and Y/N frowned before saying, "Uh. . .I guess I'll see you guys in the morning, yeah?"
Beverly and Ben nodded with small smiles before turning to go up the stairs. "Bye, Y/N," the two called out before disappearing into the night.
Y/N kind of stood there for a moment after the door closed behind them, her thoughts racing as she tried to think of a reason for her friends' sudden departure. Had she done something wrong? Were they okay?
Hands on her shoulders made her jump slightly, but she instantly relaxed when she looked over her shoulder to see Steve standing right behind her. He titled his head slightly and gave her one of his warm smiles before asking with a hint of worry on his voice, "You okay, squirt?"
Y/N turned completely to face him before smiling softly and hugging the boy. She dug her face into his side and he wrapped his arms around her with no questions asked. Y/N was silent as she breathed in his scent, a small feeling of familiarity and her childhood washing over her.
"I'm doing good," she whispered, her heart warm due to the fact that her two friend groups had finally met and she had them both by her side. "I'll be better when Mike's home though. He's so sweet and kind. We like to go out to his farm sometimes and I'll help him with the animals. You're going to love him."
"As long as he's not like Trashmouth, I'm sure I will," Steve laughed making Y/N chuckle softly as she pulled away to look at the boy.
"Oh, Richie's not that bad. He can take things far and curse most of the time, but he's got a kind heart and he is probably one of the best people you'll meet once you really get to know him," Y/N said, a smile on her face as she talked about her friend.
"They all are in fact. I mean, you've got Stan who is easy to relate with. When he knows I'm having a bad day, he always takes me bird watching and doesn't pester me with what's wrong, only stays by my side so I'm not alone. Then there's Ben who is the sweetest little human being you'll ever meet. He's the boy that will go to the library all the time with me just to research random things."
"We've got Eddie who is practically the mother of the group sometimes. He cares about my health more than I do and is always making sure that I'm okay. There's a little hammock in one of the group's hang out spots and he'll always sit with me and we'll read comics together. Then you've got Beverly who's a total badass. I tell her practically everything and I swear she knows more about me than I do. Every Saturday morning, we take a break from the boys and will go out to breakfast and catch up."
"Finally, you've got Bill. He's the one that I'm closest to out of all of them. He was my first real friend and helped me a lot on my first day of school," Y/N said. She looked down and smiled fondly as she whispered, "I'll never be able to pay him back for what he's done for me." She was quiet for a second before looking up at Steve and saying, "He means a lot to me. They all do really."
Steve smiled softly at the girl as she rambled in about her friends, a warm feeling of relief washing over him as he realized that Y/N has been fine and loved over the past two years.
"You really care about those friends of yours, huh?" Steve asked, a knowing look on his face.
Y/N smiled fondly and nodded her head as she softly said, "They're my best friends. I would do anything for them just like I would for you guys."
Steve's smile grew slightly at that, thankful that Y/N had some pretty great friends by her side. Y/N smiled back before turning to check and make sure that the weapons and maps were ready. Once she knew that they were, she clapped her hands together once before saying to the Party, "Okay, now that we have a plan to head out after school tomorrow and everything is all set up. . .who wants to watch a movie?"
The Party all perked up at that. "Yes! Star Wars please!" Will exclaimed.
"What? No, let's watch Back to the Future," Dustin complained.
"I vote Star Wars," Max agreed.
"Me too," Lucas said.
"No, guys. Back to the Future all the way," Wheeler argued while Eleven nodded her head in agreement.
"Back to the Future's the one where the mom is trying to hook up with her son, right?" Steve asked.
"I mean that's not the point of the movie, but yes," Y/N said with a small laugh.
"Okay, I vote that one," Steve said.
"Sorry, Will. I've got to go with Back to the Future which means that Back to the Future wins," Y/N said making the boy pout. Y/N just gave him a small smile which he returned before she gestured towards the stairs that led up to her house. "I'll be back."
In just a matter of minutes, Y/N had sprinted upstairs and found the movie. She had received a call from her parents a few hours before about how they had a last minute business conference an hour away that they had to go to and would be gone for the next couple of days, so it was no surprise that no one was around when she was running around trying to find the movie.
Upon finding the movie, Y/N began to make her way towards the basement when she paused next to the phone. She stared at it in silence for a moment before setting the movie down, picking up the phone, and dialing the number that she knew by heart due to the many late night conversations she had with the person on the other end of the line.
"Bill?" Y/N said. "It's Y/N."
"Oh. H-H-Hi, Y/N," Bill muttered.
Y/N frowned slightly, but shrugged it off. "I just wanted to call and see if you were okay. You left early, so I wasn't sure if something was wrong," she said.
"I'm f-f-fine," Bill replied, leaving his reply at that and his tone coming out colder and sharper than usual.
Y/N blinked in surprise before nervously chuckling, "Oh, okay. That's good. Why. . .why did you leave without saying goodbye?"
"I w-w-was just tired which I s-s-still am. I'll s-s-see you in the m-m-morning, okay?" Bill told her.
"Oh, okay. Um. . .goodni-" but before Y/N could finish what she asked saying, the boy had hung up. Y/N stood there in silence, her grip on the phone loosening slightly as tears began to fill her eyes. Swallowing thickly, the girl blinked rapidly to stop her tears before taking in a deep breath.
Bill is just tired, she reminded herself. He's not trying to be mean.
Once she had calmed herself down, Y/N put a smile on her face and bounded down the stairs of her basement to have a movie night with her friends. They had all passed out within an hour, Y/N with her head against Steve's side, her feet in Dustin's lap and Will's head on her stomach. Just below them on the floor were Wheeler and Eleven cuddled up together and Max and Lucas doing the same thing.
Y/N found herself looking around the group for a quick second as she drifted in and out of consciousness. She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the nights like these that they used to have before she left Hawkins. Nancy and Jonathan had been with them too and Joyce and Hopper had been the ones to cover them all with blankets while they slept.
So with her friends surrounding her, Y/N fell asleep with memories of Hawkins and her old life filling her head.
- - -
Y/N didn't know what to think when she woke up the next day to find that everyone in the Losers' Club except for Beverly weren't talking to her. Bill hadn't even been waiting for her that morning like he usually did before they rode to school together.
Everyone was either avoiding her like Bill was or being weird and looking uncomfortable around her like Eddie was. Y/N didn't know what she had done wrong, so she went through the day having no one but Beverly by her side.
Y/N almost felt bad for having chosen to wear Bill's jacket to school that day, a sinking feeling in her gut as she thought that maybe that was only making Bill more mad at her. Beverly wouldn't tell her why he or the others were and at her in the first place, so Y/N didn't even know how to fix anything.
This meant that when lunch rolled around, it was even quieter than usual. It was actually completely silent and not even Richie had some snarky thing to say. The group all just ate their food in silence with Y/N sparing sad glances in her friends' directions while Beverly glared at the boys, pissed at the way they were acting.
Y/N tried to strike up a conversation a few times, but it always received a one word answer in response before silence followed. After a while, Y/N gave up and most of the lunch period was spent with the boys staring at their meals while Y/N stared at them with a saddened and hurt expression.
It wasn't until everyone was getting ready to leave that Y/N let out a sigh and said, "Hey, I don't know what I did, but I just wanted to tell you guys thank you for being so nice to my friends last night."
This surprised the group and they all slowly looked up at her, finally allowing their eyes to lock on her face.
"Those guys mean about as much to me as you guys do and I've been wanting to introduce you all for so long. I really hoped you guys liked them. Anyway, I'm rambling, but I really appreciate it," she told them as she gave them all a small smile despite the tears that had begun to fill her eyes.
The group all stared at her in silence as the bell rang behind them, signaling that the lunch period was over. Y/N let out another sigh and stood up as she grabbed her things. "Uh. . .I'll see you guys later," she whispered before hurrying away from the table and out of the cafeteria, leaving the boys feeling guilty.
Beverly shook her head at the boys as she stood up. "You guys are ridiculous. Not only did you not give her friends a chance last night, but now you're punishing Y/N for talking to her other friends instead of you by ignoring her? I'm disappointed in all of you," she said.
Her eyes flickered over to Bill and they narrowed. "Especially you, Bill. We all know you care about her, so why the hell would you treat her the way that you have been? She told me about the phone call last night. She called to check and see if your dumbass was okay and you were rude and snippy with her before you had the audacity to hang up on her? What the fuck were you thinking?" she asked in disbelief.
"You all need to apologize to Y/N for the way you have been acting. She has talked so highly of you to the others and you all have done nothing but prove her wrong. There's no way we are going to be able to help Mike and defeat the Upside Down and It with you all sad and not thinking straight. So man up and go apologize before you lose her for real," Beverly spat before she angrily got up from the table and stormed out of the cafeteria, no doubt going to try and find Y/N.
"Did you see how upset Y/N looked when she left?" Eddie whispered, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he broke the moment of silence that had fallen over them after Beverly left.
"She looked like she was about to cry," Ben said just above a whisper.
"We did that," Stan muttered, his head bowed as he stared at his hands sadly.
"Fuck," Richie muttered as a feeling of intense guilt hit both him and the other Losers. "We messed up big time, boys."
Bill was silent as he stared at the doors Y/N had walked through only moments before. He hadn't been blind and had noticed her wearing his jacket today, the sight making his heart flutter. But as he looked from the door to the jacket that Y/N had secretly left behind on her seat for Bill was enough to make his heart break.
Richie was right. They had messed up.
They had messed up bad.
- - -
The final bell of the day made Y/N feel both relieved and scared. Relieved because she was finally going to be able to save Mike, but scared because she would have to go back into the Upside Down and she had a sinking feeling in her gut about what was going to happen.
She hadn't seen the guys for the rest of the day, but Beverly had made sure to always stick by her side. That's how the two ended up leaving the school together with their arms locked and small laughs escaping their lips as Y/N told Beverly about the time Dustin sang the song 'Never-Ending Story' with his girlfriend Susie over a walkie talkie system for everyone to see.
"I'm not even kidding," Y/N laughed. "Just picture it. Everyone is either being chased by the fucking Mindflayer or trying to save the world and I'm sitting there watching Dustin sing his heart out with Lucas' little sister by my side. It was hilarious!"
Beverly laughed so hard that she snorted. "I bet it was. I can't believe-" she began, but she trailed off once she saw Y/N smile disappear as she froze beside her. Beverly turned her head to see what Y/N was looking at and instantly frowned at the sight of the boys all standing by their bikes waiting for the two girls.
Beverly released Y/N's arm and Y/an glanced at her friends before looking away and walking over to her bike. "I'm surprised you all waited for me," Y/N said in a monotone voice as she approached her bike.
Eddie was the first to break and he sighed before saying, "We're sorry for the way we've been acting."
Y/N froze at that and rested her hands on her bike handles before looking up at the group. "What?" she asked, both her and Beverly staring at the boys in surprise. Although Beverly was smiling slightly due to the fact that the boys were finally apologizing after a long day of no one talking to each other.
"Yeah, the way we acted was unacceptable," Ben agreed. "And we're sorry for that."
"We. . .we were jealous," Stan admitted making Y/N blink in surprise.
"Jealous?" she asked confused.
"We were jealous of your other friends. We. . .we thought you were forgetting about us, that you didn't care about us like you did them. So we turned into a bunch of fucking jealous assholes and hurt you in the process," Richie sighed and the fact that he was speaking his feelings was enough to make Y/N realize how serious they were being.
"Guys. . ."she whispered sadly, hating that she made them feel like that. "I don't want you to ever feel like that, okay? I love you all so fucking much that it scares me sometimes to be completely honest. I've known you for what, two years now? I've known the others my whole life, so of course things are going to be a little different around them. But that does not mean I don't love and care about you guys any less. The Losers' Club is my family, you guys are my family. You're my life honestly and I wouldn't trade moving here for the world."
The Losers' all teared up a little at those words and Ben was the first to drop his bike to go over and hug Y/N. The girl chuckled and hugged the boy back while the others quickly came over to hug her as well. She hugged Eddie and Stan before hugging Beverly and Richie who held her the tightest.
The one thing about Richie was that he tried to act like he didn't care when he actually cared the most, so Y/N made a point to hug him back just as hard which made the boy dig his face into her shoulder as he held her.
Once she had hugged each of them, she pulled away to see Bill kind of standing there by himself. The two hadn't hugged or even spoken to each other yet and Y/N knew that their talk was going to be a little longer and more personal than the other. Bill must've known too because he glanced at his friends and gave them a pleading look as he said, "C-C-Can you all give us a m-m-minute?"
"Yeah," Beverly said. "We'll ride on ahead and you two can catch up, okay?"
Then, before the others could complain, Beverly pushed the boys to their bikes and they all began to bike away. That left Y/N and Bill standing there at the front of the school with their bikes by their side.
Y/N looked down at her feet before whispering, "You done ignoring me now?"
There was a beat of silence and she slowly looked up through her eyelashes only to have Bill rush forward and hug her, the action making both of their bikes fall over and hit the ground. Y/N's arms were out in surprise, but she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the boy, closing her eyes as she breathed in his scent.
"I'm s-s-sorry," Bill whispered into her ear as he practically cradled her head against his body. "I'm so sorry. I let R-R-Richie get to me and the w-w-way I acted around you was un-un-unacceptable. I mean, even that ph-ph-phone call was rude. You w-w-were just checking up on m-m-me and I hung up on you w-w-without even giving a r-r-reason. I didn't mean to h-h-hurt you and I'm so s-s-sorry for that."
"Why'd you do it? What did Richie say?" Y/N asked softly as she pulled away to look at the boy.
"What Richie said wasn't important," Bill told her, his head bowed. "It was what I told myself that got in the way."
"And what did you tell yourself?" she questioned.
"I-I-I thought I c-c-couldn't make you as h-h-happy as they could," Bill admitted. "Th-Th-That I would n-n-never make you as h-h-happy as they could."
Y/N's face softened at that and she furrowed her eyebrows as she lifted a hand up and placed it against Bill's cheek. "Bill, why would you think such a thing?" she asked, the disbelief evident in her voice.
"The w-w-way you laughed. . .the way you s-s-smiled. . .I'd never seen you l-l-look that happy," Bill muttered.
"Bill, that's not true in any way, shape, or form," she assured him. Y/N lovingly rubbed her thumb against his cheek before smiling softly at him.
"I'm my happiest when I'm with you."
Bill blushed at that, his eyes flickering over her face before he leaned forward and rested his forehead against her own. The two both let their eyes close as they enjoyed this moment, their arms holding onto each other while their foreheads touched.
"I r-r-really am sorry," Bill whispered, not opening his eyes.
Y/N smiled softly and opened her eyes long enough so that she could push herself up on her tip toes and press a kiss to Bill's cheek. He instantly leaned into her touch, his arm that was around her pulling her even closer to his body if that was possible.
"I forgive you," Y/N assured him once she had pulled away, Bill turning his face so that their noses brushed against each other and their eyes locked. Both of their faces were red and they were silent for a moment before Y/N smiled and said, "You should know better than to listen to Richie."
Bill chuckled softly and pulled away to press a small kiss to her forehead before he pulled away from her and went over to his backpack. "Yeah, p-p-probably not my s-s-smartest move," he said as he opened his backpack and pulled out his jacket. The same jacket that Y/N had in her possession only a few hours before.
Y/N's smile dropped slightly at the sight. "Oh, I should've told you that I was leaving it for you. I hadn’t meant to keep it so long," she told him, but the boy only smiled and walked over to her with it in his hand.
"I-I-I want you to w-w-wear it," Bill admitted, both of the teens' faces growing redder by the second.
"Really?" Y/N asked, her face lighting up slightly and a hopeful tone in her voice.
Bill nodded and Y/N smiled before turning around. Bill held the jacket up and she slid her arms into the sleeves before Bill put the jacket on her the rest of the way. She turned around and gave the boy a teasing smile.
"So how do I look?" Y/N asked as she struck a few poses for him, a giggle escaping her lips as she did.
Bill chuckled and smiled fondly at the girl. "Beautiful," he told her. "Just like always."
Y/N blushed slightly before going to grab her bike. She picked it up before sending a small smile in Bill's direction. "Come on, Bill. It's time to go save our friend," she said.
And with that, the two got onto their bikes and began to bike after their friends, Bill's eyes locked on Y/N and his jacket that was blowing in the wind behind her.
* * *
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
I don't understand, jack is back but dean is fine with him but he will be at odds with cas because he blames him for his mom's death? I'm trying to make sense of this, after all jack was the killer
Hi there! I’m assuming (since sdcc was like a month ago) that you’re referring to one of the garbage clickbait articles going around in the last few weeks pretending to be new “interviews.” I’ve seen a couple of them, not linking here because I refuse to drive traffic to any of those sites. That’s what those sites exist for-- to post clickbaity articles that will get people worked up enough to talk about incessantly and profiting off ad revenue.
They’re a mishmosh of out of context quotes slightly reworked from other journalists’ SDCC Roundtable Q&A sessions. So not only are the quotes worthless out of context, they’re also nearly a month old. It’s stale news, even for the bits that actually come out sounding even remotely accurate.
This particular comment was made by Robert Singer at sdcc... but for CONTEXT, please have SEVERAL different tables (and remember these interviews run about 5 minutes per table, with multiple reporters at each table who are all basically asking the same questions that these guys literally are not allowed to answer honestly...) enjoy this bit of tap dancing:
1. In this video, the question is posed about how the season starts (at approximately 2:05), and at about 2:45 he mentions that there’s “a bit of housekeeping” to be done in Dean and Cas’s relationship. He doesn’t say the CAUSE, which is not “Mary’s Death,” but the actual fallout of 14.20 where DEAN WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO MURDER JACK, and Cas had LITERALLY PUT HIMSELF BETWEEN DEAN AND JACK TO STOP HIM. They’re not still stuck back in 14.18 here...
2. In this video, he’s asked about the relationship between Sam, Dean, and Cas in the final episodes of s14, (at approximately 5.10), with the reporter asking about how their relationship “became fractured because of Jack,” asking about how CAS felt betrayed that Dean could’ve killed Jack... and you can see in the video (sorry for the angle in this one, you can’t really see the confusion on Singer’s face here...), and then he starts freaking waffling like mad...
“Well, conflict makes drama,” and “it’s gonna take a while for that rift to heal,” and “they will come together.” Mentioning it’s one of the goals of the first part of the season.
(reminder that earlier in these videos, he mentioned they only had the first six scripts at this point, so “a while” to him happens at some point during those episodes).
Let’s also be clear here, that the out of context articles have taken his quotes out of context, that in these interviews he’s SPECIFICALLY referring to the rift caused in 14.20 (which I might remind everyone they ended literally standing back to back, i.e. UNITED TOGETHER with zero evidence of any sort of “rift.”) And yet... when journalists repeatedly ask him about this... part of the job of PR is to... shuffle and answer with SOMETHING. If the audience thinks there’s emotional drama, as he said, Conflict Makes Drama. 
This is like 9 things I hate all mixed up in a big pot: 
PR is not Showrunning. 
these interviews are FUN but they’re in no way SPOILERS for the season.
if you listen to all six roundtable interviews (well, there’s video of five for Singer specifically), you can hear him answering half a dozen similar questions in ways that he attempts to make sound slightly different without changing the underlying meaning of what he said. That’s how this weird form of PR works, and it’s a really interesting exercise in understanding what is actually the concrete truth IN CONTEXT.
here go try it for yourselves have a complete list of interviews from sdcc... https://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/186598314405/sdcc-2019-spn-roundtables
oh right, people don’t actually watch them all because it would literally take HOURS (something just shy of five hours total, I believe? delivered in 5-10 minute snippets for each of the 9 participants being interviewed across six different tables) and it gets BORING watching the same people answer the same questions over and over again...
spoiler alert: I watched them all, which is how I knew these new “interviews” being published this week were garbage clickbait because they read like someone put all these videos in a blender.
When you remove the CONTEXT for a reply (i.e. the question asked, and often the question asked BEFORE the question that led to it, and often the FOLLOW UP) you can make it sound like the people being interviewed said ANYTHING THAT SUITS YOUR AGENDA!
the agenda of these clickbait sites IS TO GET YOUR CLICK! to get you worked up enough to talk about their article enough to link back to it and drive OTHER people to click their link. That’s the point of clickbait. They don’t care if what they’re presenting is HONEST, just that you CLICK. That’s how they get PAID.
Go back and read the actual articles written by the actual journalists who conducted these interviews in the first place immediately after SDCC, and you can see ACTUAL CONTEXT!
Wow I think that’s at least 10 things that irk me about this situation.
As a fandom can we PLEASE stop falling for this BS? Have we already forgotten s14 canon? Is that why people are willing to believe this garbage?
After 14.20 aired (and heck, even after 14.18 aired), I was writing about how Dean and Cas may have had some conflict there, but in the language of the show, the rift between Dean and Cas is already on the road to healing. If it wasn’t, Cas wouldn’t have been standing by their side in that final scene of 14.18. Dean wouldn’t have admitted he did the EXACT SAME THING to Sam, of failing to express his concerns about Jack to either Sam or Cas more clearly.
Did they have a big heart to heart conversation about it on screen? NO! BECAUSE WHEN DO THEY EVER?! And yet... they all continue to work together as if they had come to an understanding, and we-the-audience are supposed to understand that they are not actually “dead to me.” In an episode where we spend like 2/3 of it being reminded that things happen offscreen (sometimes MAJOR things, via the flashbacks to Mary’s life) and where the beginning and ending are mirrored like bookends with Dean’s line about what they’re going to do now (evolving from “get her back” to “let her go” over the course of the episode), we’re given to understand that Dean and Cas are finally able to “let it go.”
We saw them talk about Cas’s trip to Heaven, how he’d begged to be allowed to resurrect Mary and was told no, because he saw her at peace in her own Heaven. Dean knows he tried... and knows that Mary’s happy at last. In ShowSpeak, there is no conflict there anymore. Dean’s anger is at the situation, and not at Cas. Do you see the difference? Because he’s about to have a REAL target for what’s ACTUALLY behind ALL of this suffering...
By 14.20, Dean-- out of his own personal sense of guilt, and not any sort of anger with Cas-- believes he has no choice but to kill Jack himself using Chuck’s horrific weapon. Cas goes to Jack directly in his frustration, hoping he can convince Jack of what Mary failed to-- that there is something very dangerously wrong with him. Jack finally agrees, and acknowledges that he doesn’t feel anymore. And Cas is literally trying to save BOTH of their lives, because if Dean uses that magic gun on Jack, they will both be dead...
Cas’s anger isn’t at Dean, it’s at CHUCK, for refusing to fix this problem and healing Jack, despite clearly having the power to do so. Dean isn’t angry at Jack, because in the end he can’t bring himself to shoot Jack-- not even when Chuck shows up and eggs him on, and Jack kneels down perfectly willing to accept his fate. Not even when Chuck offers to resurrect Mary as a reward...
I mean, any more so than like... the “conflict” between them at the beginning of s11? Which also devolved into this same sort of scenario with them both feeling guilty while neither blamed the other, and their nonpology involved Dean refusing to let Cas heal him for a few episodes so he could wallow in his own guilt a little longer. The acknowledgement of their mutual guilt served as their “apology,” and the fact they both kept standing by each other throughout it proves their relationship was never actually in trouble in the first place. This is the language of the show.
I don’t blame Singer for this one, I blame the reporters who asked those questions and made those implications, that he then scrambled to answer with a bit of tap dancing.
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gastcrrific · 5 years
fifth member - chapter 1: queen
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a/n: i'm pretty excited for this one. hope you enjoy!
so just to note a disclaimer: history itself is connected but they're not really precise! what would be true will be the more known events (i.e. rainbow '74, live aid, some various anecdotes, etc. etc.)
^^^ i may be putting that to every chapter of the story as well.
contains: roger being an annoying lil shit (don't worry it'll go away p soon), a bit of tension.
૮ɦαρƭε૨ 1: φµεεɳ
1972, 12:50 PM
A week had passed since the last performance and since when the two of you met the band. You were getting along pretty well with the three and so was Deaky.
Everyone in the studio are currently studying their part, Brian and John rehearsing their chords, Roger testing the tempo, meanwhile you and Freddie are discussing about your part.
"So, Y/N, there won't be any piano present in this song, but, you can be part of the backing vocals." Freddie stated, handing you a handwritten copy of the lyrics.
It reads... Liar.
"You can pair with me for a while, since you haven't known the melody yet."
You nod, "Of course!" and found yourself doing a vocal range with him. Thankfully, you were a fast learner and got everything right. One thing you were missing is that you didn't have your own mic.
Freddie gathers everyone to rehearse his newly planned set list, as you followed.
He had already taught you your choreography together with him, which makes it look like both of you are the main focus of the audience.
Finding another mic stand, you try to adjust it to your height, yet one of the clips broke and left you holding the half of it. "This is absolutely fine, is it?" You awkwardly asked, as the singer comes in with the same equipment. "It probably is, B..." Deaky chimed in with your nickname, smiling as he rests his hands on top of his bass. You let out a small laugh and lightly bit your lip from smiling.
B is a running nickname for you that he always used through the years of your own friendship with him. He found it really pleasing and soft to call you that.
Oh how I wish she was mine... He swooned in his thoughts, his cheeks getting flushed.
You were completely nervous about this, even though he was told by Freddie that you and him will be by his side to sing during the bridge of Liar.
Nothing awkward happened, thankfully. The whole rehearsal went smoothly.
"Thank god we finally did it flawlessly!" Freddie flicks his hair, placing his mic stand carefully on top of a large amplifier. Roger huffs his breath out, throwing his drumsticks in the air and catching it in his hands. Brian sets his instrument down and so does Deaky. You also placed your mic stand next to Freddie's, but it had a different color.
You follow your best friend to make your way to the mixing room, but suddenly you didn't see the wire that's hanging from the amplifier. Ever since your habit has grown, you've told your clumsy self, "Once you embarrass yourself, there's no going back." majority of your own accidents always ends up to that. But this one doesn't seem to go that way.
"Oh!–" You exclaim, holding onto someone's arms, unexpecting the impact. Catching your breath and looking up, both of you had an astonished expression.
It was John.
He's holding you in his arms, few inches away from your faces. If it had gotten more closer, your lips would be meeting with his.
A heated tension fills up between the two of you.
Cheeks reddening, you slightly pulled away and stood up gently, "T-thanks, Deaks. God– I should be more careful next time..." Muttering the last part, he softly rubs your shoulder with a reassuring, yet shy smile. "It's okay Y/N... You're welcome." He hummed in the most adorable way possible as he helped you up, and made your heart skip beats.
Witnessing this endearing moment, Roger in the mixing room gives a fishy look at the curly haired guitarist, who's clearly unamused. "No. This is clearly none of your business. They're just friends remember?"
"Yeah but what if they're friends with benefits?" The blonde nagged, causing Brian to gasp in disgust.
The lead vocalist playfully slapped the drummer's shoulder, "Roger, get your fucking mind out of the gutter!" he had his arms crossed and a smug look. "Okay! Okay! I'll stop!"
You and Deaky have finally set foot inside the mixing room just as when the chaotic blonde had gone quiet. Sitting at the velvet textured couch, there was still a tiny amount of tension between the two.
That was your first time getting your clumsiness caught by him. He was never present when you had small accidents, but it sure did felt like you had been egged in the face.
Looking down, nervously fumbling with your own hands and your heartbeat pacing faster, you stutter, "I'm really sorry, John, I always avoid to be this way but I just basically embarrassed myself–"
Suddenly he raises his hand to pull you close and rub your back. Deaky gives you a comfortable grin, "Hey, B, I said it's okay.. You don't have to apologize." and finally, he warmly pulls you into a hug, burying his face to your neck, smelling your fragrant lavender cologne. Startled, you slowly wrap your arms around him, hugging back. "Thank you..."
As you two broke apart, Freddie had let out a noise of excitement which made you look at him. "Tonight, 7:30 PM, at a bar. We should be preparing ourselves soon!" He announced, earning a nod from everyone. "So, you know the drill."
"Roger, be attentive. Don't stare at the audience for too long!" The drummer nods and simply replies with "Alright!"
"Brian, double check your strings and let your inner rockstar out!" The guitarist gently tugs a grin, nodding.
"Deaky, remember to bust out your bass lines. The bassist needs more appreciation!" Your best friend smiled sweetly and nodded as he was flattered.
"And Y/N, you're always one to count on. Be graceful with me onstage!" You can't help but happily smile and giggle at his enthusiasm. "Yes, sir!" You playfully saluted.
6:55 PM, at a well-known bar...
Your band is queued next right after some light polka band is done performing for the audience, everyone's excited, except for one.
You had been noticing him taking deep breaths every minute or so. He tried to seek comfort from you, but to no avail, he never did. Being the good friend you are, you called out for him.
"Hey, Deaks. Everything's gonna go well with our performance, alright? If you think it's gonna go badly, it sure won't. I promise." He listens, calming down. "All you have to do is focus." You smiled fondly, and gave him a warm hug.
Just as the hug ended, the speaker outside had called for your group. "The next performers will be: Queen!"
"Let's kill it, darlings." Freddie mumbled loud enough to hear.
Stepping up on the stage, he greets everyone in the audience and started introducing every single one of you. "And these two lovelies are new ones! Meet Y/N L/N and John Deacon!" He waved and so you did, some people in the audience already likes you and the others despise you.
After the introduction got out of the way, the show has begun. It was only 4 songs so it wasn't too long. Nothing did go wrong in fact. The longer the songs progressed, the more wild the audience got. This was more than what you expected, and so did everyone else in the band.
"Thank you and good evening!"
8:04 PM
Right when the show has been done, all of you are finally in the van, a ride on the way to Freddie's flat. The conversation that he opened was about having to release an album.
"Where would we be getting the money for it then?" Roger stated, going to a sharp turn to right. "How much do you think this van is worth?" The singer questioned, and left the blonde to wonder. "Maybe we can discuss this later, Fred. We'll figure this out."
Reaching the destination, you and Deaky stay outside the front door, just realizing that your shared flat is just a few stops away.
"Deaky and Y/N, why don't you two come in?" He offers, but your friend protested, "It's fine, Freddie, our flat is just two blocks away." You also added "I think we could move there soon and live with the rest of you three." and smiled. "Ah, I see. Stay safe out there dearies!" The two of you bid goodbye, and headed to your shelter.
Finally getting inside, you huffed out your breath, decided to march straight to your own bed and flop on it face first. John quietly giggles while changing to his usual sleepwear, "Missed your bed, hm?" You rotate yourself so you lie down on your back to see him. "Definitely! Actually hold on let me change for a moment." You stood up carefully and changed to comfortable F/C colored pajamas. Not a second you're already back on your bed.
Even with numerous times you've seen Deaky only in his jogging pants and topless, you never stopped blushing. But eventually you manage to hide it from him. You turned off the lamp by your bedside table.
"Deaks, should we start moving at Freddie's tomorrow? It's the weekend tomorrow anyway, isn't it?"
"About that, I think we probably should... We have plenty of time to pack our clothes and other important things in the morning."
"Okay, noted. Goodnight, John!" You softly chuckled.
"Goodnight, Y/N!" He gently laughed.
What else would happen tomorrow?
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After her night with Charlie, Hennessy was even more intrigued about sexual dominance. She yearned for Erik to look at her the way he looked at Charlie when she was in control. That level of raw passion and reverence being something that she craved the most, partly due to her tumultuous childhood. Though she knew some of what the dynamics were in traditional dom/sub relationships, her eager mind yearned for more knowledge. She began spending more and more time away from the group, researching and educating herself on what it meant to be a proper dom and all of the things that she could do to ensure the safety and satisfaction of her sub. When she wasn’t buried in her MacBook or her iPhone, she was with Charlie, absorbing everything she had to give. Confident that she was ready to experiment on her own, she began planning a scene tailored specifically to showing her appreciation to a certain curvaceous King.
The family vacation in Amsterdam was nearing its end. On the second to last day, Hennessy decided to plan a day of bonding with her husband and sister wives. Appeasing to her husband’s art hoe nature, she booked a private tour of the Van Gogh art museum as well as lunch along the UNESCO waterways. After lunch, they enjoyed another private tour of the Rijksmuseum, which houses the works of Rembrandt, Van Dyke, and Vermeer. The tiny genius sure knew how to put a smile on his face. So much so that he’d almost forgotten that he owed her a punishment for the stunt she pulled with Charlie the nights before. Almost.
After a day of sightseeing and art hoeing, the ladies decided to venture to the infamous XtraCold Icebar for a night of drinking and letting loose, no Erik in sight.
“A bar? Made of Ice? Who said I wanted to be serving up frosted pussy to my husband?” Bastion complained.
“Not frosted pussy,” Ryley snickered.
The outburst made Hennessy laugh. The icebar had been on her list of places to visit as soon as Erik mentioned Amsterdam. That and the cannabis tour of course.
“Our husband,” Aly’Sha corrected, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
“Hey, chill out Bast,” Angel joked, causing the entire room to erupt with laughter at the horrible pun. “It’ll be fun,” she chimed, already making her way to the bar.
“I wonder if I could break a chunk of this and make an ice dildo,” Josephine joked causing everyone to groan.
“Now that's frosted pussy,” Charlie grinned.
As the night went on and the drinks began to flow, Hennessy couldn’t stop the desire building within her. She watched the way Charlie’s full hips swayed to the music and secretly wished that they’d taken Erik up on his offer to stay in. The night in Erik’s room played on a constant loop in her mind and the more she looked at her wife, the more she wanted to show her just how much she’d learned in their short time together.
4 hours and 6 Amsterdamned drinks later, Hennessy was a dangerous combination of intoxicated and horny. Erik had already retired to his room for the evening, Angel and Bast in tow, and although Hennessy loved a good orgy, she wasn’t exactly in a sharing mood. She stumbled down the hallway of the aparthotel until she stopped outside of Charlie’s room. She could hear Kimora’s loud giggle from the other side of the door and almost turned to retire to her own room when she spotted Josephine in the hallway looking suspicious.
“Something wrong, Mama?” Josephine asked, sensing Hennessy’s troubled state.
“You’re a witch, right? Y’all should be able to pick up on this type of shit,” Hennessy snapped.
Josephine tilted her head in confusion. She always knew the first lady could be a bit feisty, but she’d never seen it to this degree.
“Ooh someone’s spicy,” Josephine teased, her eyes glowing her signature purple glow. Her voice was low and seductive as she began working her magic.
“Kitana wants to come out to play, Hennessy. Why don’t you let her?”
With that, Josephine was gone and Hennessy was in the hallway alone yet again. Only this time, something felt different.
“Someone's at the door,” Kimora whispered, her eyes on the entrance. Charlie shrugged, wasted off of her two drinks. She hardly ever drank and when she did it made her very talkative. Drunk Charlie had the tendency to say things Sober Charlie usually kept to herself. The liquor also made her hornier than she already was on the daily as a typical stellium scorpio. Her almond eyes roamed Kimora's chocolate curves and her mouth watered at the thought of a sweet pink cotton candy center. Although distracted, she'd heard the noise in the hall too.
“Probably Josephine. What scent is that? You smell good as hell like, honeysuckles,” she flirted unwilling to move her eyes from Kimora's rich and perfect skin. It made no sense to look that good, she needed the skin routine. Just then the door opened and Kimora grinned, her teeth a bright white. Erik obviously had a thing for nice teeth. All his wives had them. Henny's voice sounded causing Charlie to turn.
“Oh damn, Henny from the block. You came to fuck or be fucked lil mama? Or did you wanna talk? Can we talk and fuck?” Charlie had to tell herself to calm down. She was doing way too much. “My bad, Henny, what's up?”
“Hiii Hennessy,” Kimora’s sweet voice called to the tiny woman standing in the doorway.
“Hey ladies,” Hennessy called out, slowly making her way into the space. Thanks to Josephine, her current look was much different from what she wore to the Icebar. Her curly mane had been released from her signature high puff, framing her chubby face and the emerald green bodycon dress hugged her curves in all the right places.
“Ladiesss,” Charlie dragged willing Henny nearer. She was a sweet faced gazelle and Charlie couldn’t help but eye her curves like a hungry predator of the wild. Her sweet tooth was acting up something serious. “Honestly, I think I might be lit right now.. I think, but I still wouldn't mind a shot of Hennessy if you feel me,” she grinned, a quarter joking and ¾ serious.
Hennessy giggled in response. Charlie had the same longing look in her eyes that Erik got after he returned from a mission. She stalked up to Charlie, the confidence of her alter ego guiding her steps. She reached out to grab a fistful of Charlie’s hair, lifting her head so that they were staring into each other’s eyes.
“If Charlie wants a taste of Hennessy, she’s gonna have to work for it,” Henny growled with a smile, her rose gold fronts dancing in the light of Charlie’s bedroom.
“Tell me what to do Miss. Call me cat daddy and watch me go to work like it's my 9 to 5.” Charlie was feeling the dominant energy Hennessy put forth and she wanted more of it. She wanted Henny to own her title and put her in her place. Never had she been dommed by a woman and it was a past due experience.
The sexual tension in the room was at an all-time high. Hennessy and Charlie eyed each other hungrily while Kimora sat on the bed watching the show.
“I just want my pussy ate,” she finally spoke up, obviously aroused by the apparent power struggle going on in front of her.
Henny looked over to Charlie, one eyebrow raised challengingly.
“You heard the woman, Charlie. You wanted some cotton candy and there it is being offered to you on a silver platter.”
“Wait, I said that out loud? Dammit Charlie!” Charlie faced Kimora who'd changed positions, her legs wide and inviting anyone to come forth. It was all the instruction Charlie needed before diving into Kimora’s slickness. Like a seasoned veteran, she feasted on the sweet nectar like it was her life source, Kimora’s voice rising in octaves as the waves of pleasure crashed around her. To ease the growing pleasure building in her own hobbit hole, Charlie reached a hand down to stroke her throbbing clit. A sharp smack to her plump ass by a riding crop stopped her ministrations.
“When the fuck did she get that?” she wondered silently.
“Did I tell you to touch my pussy, Charlie Jade?” Hennessy questioned, slowly stripping out of her bodycon dress.
“No.. but I'm a touch it,” Charlie tested, returning her hand to her pulsing clit. She wanted that discipline. For a minute she thought that her husband had entered the room, this level of dominance being something completely foreign coming from the tiny woman. Another sharp smack whipped across her backside causing her to drop her hand.
“I said move ya damn hand. Don’t make me say it again, Jade.”
Charlie gushed at Henny’s words, a slick smile on her face.
The sounds of sex pulled Josephine and Ryley from their slumber. A glance at the nearby clock revealed the time, 3:45 am. Kimora had promised to be back from Charlie’s room no later than 1:30 so that Josephine could teach them both how to effectively hide their side niggas from Erik.
The pair made their way down the hall, stopping as the moans seemed to intensify outside of Charlie’s room.
“Damn, I thought Erik would’ve been too busy with Angel and Bast to deal with anyone else,” Ryley stated.
“That moisturized, ashy ass nigga always ready to kill some pussy,” Josephine replied.
“Ahh, fuck! Charliiieeee!”
Ryley and Josephine’s heads snapped up in unison.
“I know damn well..” Ryley’s voice trailed off.
Using her powers, Josephine was able to unlock and open the door ever so slightly, giving her and Ryley front row seats to the show.
“Eat that shit Charlie!” Hennessy barked, both hands twisted in Charlie's thick coils. Charlie felt like she’d reached Nirvana. The way Kimora sang her name coupled with the way Hennessy was commanding her had brought her to completion twice already and she hadn’t even been touched. It was all so new.
Josephine and Ryley watched from the door, mouths gaping. They’d never seen Hennessy in such a way and Josephine smugly patted herself on the back at how well her spell was working.
“Charliiieeeee!” Kimora screamed a final time, her orgasm hitting her like a brick. The only other person that had eaten her out that well was her husband. Charlie looked up to Hennessy, eager for her next set of instructions. Hennessy stood at the foot of Charlie’s bed, proudly sporting a 9 in. strap-on that she had made in the image of her husband’s member. Charlie and Kimora both stared at it hungrily.
“Kimora, come ride this dick. Charlie, on my face,” Henny commanded as she lay prostrate on the bed. After both women assumed their respective positions, Hennessy went to work on Charlie’s throbbing bulb. As Kimora bounced on her lap, Charlie’s thick thighs threatened to swallow her whole. She rolled her hips in tune with Henny’s licks to her hobbit hole and brought herself to completion for a third time tonight.
“The fuck going on in here?” Aly’Sha asked, sleepily rubbing her eyes. Kimora and Charlie’s loud moans had disturbed her rest and she was all too prepared to give the women a piece of her mind until she saw Ryley and Josephine outside of the door.
“See for yourself,” Josephine encouraged, stepping to the side to give Aly’Sha a view. Her eyes widened as she watched the live action porn scene before her.
“What did you do to her?” Aly’Sha asked as she watched Hennessy dominate her sister wives.
“She may or may not be possessed by De Strength of de Oakland Neega,” Josephine teased.
The spell had long since worn off, but Hennessy’s sex drive was still going. Hennessy was high off power as both women turned into moaning messes under her ministrations. Both Kimora and Charlie’s legs shook as their umteenth orgasms crashed over them.
“H-Henny.. Please,” Kimora whined. She was never one to tap out during sex, but her body honestly couldn’t take another second of the assault that was being delivered to her core. Hennessy looked up from her position between her thighs and smiled, rose gold fronts once again catching the light of the room.
“Again,” was the only word she spoke as she lapped at the sweet nectar between her wife’s legs. It was at this moment that Charlie realized that she’d created a monster. King Hennessy indeed.
TAG LIST: @vibranium-soul @imagine-mbaku @mareethequeen @greennightspider @eriknutinthispoosy @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @muse-of-mbaku @shesfromwakanda @thehomierobbstark @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @dameshaemonique @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @thickoreo @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @laketaj24 @bidibidibombaclaat @allhailnjadaka @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @forbeautyandlife @yaachtynoboat711 @panthergoddessbast @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @dacreskars @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @wakanda-inspired @wawakanda-btch @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @ayellepea @awkwardlyabstract @madamslayyy @blowmymbackout @vikkidc
THE HOUSEHOLD: @alyshastevens-udaku @wyldjuan @itsangeludaku @thehomiekillmonger @lovemecharlie @itskimorafireudaku @poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello!! i am back and on desktop this time. the blog is just as pretty. alex + yellow = v v attractive jfc. this is a long one so buckle in.
to begin: i hope you have the most fun on your day road trip and sing your heart out to atl and taylor swift. i love driving long distances and idk just driving in general is fun. have the absolute best time MWAH
my birthday is in november!! november 23 to be specific. i share it with miley cyrus which is something i always found to be very cool when i was growing up and watching hannah montana. it also means i am a sagittarius and funny little fact i realized is that my best friend is a gemini. alex and jack are also a sagittarius and a gemini. from being 13 i know that tyler and josh from twenty one pilots are also a sagittarius and a gemini. something about sagittarius and gemini besties idk.
also yeah!! ao3 year in review!! it's a bit complicated to figure out at first and if you read a lot the finding pages thing can be pretty tedious, but it's def worth it once you figure it out. it gives you a lot of different stats about everything you read and it's pretty cool. now i am going to go look at your fics to remember my favs. you deserve the praise so i am willing to offer it. jeez you write a lot i respect the motivation sm. you write quite a bit of angst and i won't lie i try to stay away from angst so i haven't read your fics that seem super angst-y based on the tags. BUT there are still so many i recall reading and loving nonetheless. on a quick scroll-through: i usually don't read high school AUs but "paint me in trust (i'll be your best friend)" was super adorable and lovely. "thank god i'm yours" is one of my favs iirc. also i love love love "it's not always easy (but i'm here forever)" like yes please romanticize alex gaskarth i love it sm. "i won't be silent (and i won't let go)" and "i fell asleep in a city that doesn't" are both super fluffy and romantic and are favs of mine. in case you haven't picked up on it i adore very fluffy and romantic fics lmao. alright i am continuing to scroll and there are so many more i could list that i love but this section is getting quite long. just know if it's about a kitchen or hotel rooms being for lovers i probably read it and adored it and that pov is so valid.
waterparks!! will not lie i only really started listening to them about 6 months ago having been distantly aware of their existence for several years by being a fan of bands in the same genre. listen as long as you let yourself be vaguely annoyed by awsten is prevents you from being in love with him. follow him on any social media platform for like a day and you'll be sick of him typing in nothing but all caps within hours. simply do not romanticize him and you can keep yourself from falling!! so this is coming from a slightly fake parx fan, but some of my favs by them have been peach (lobotomy), crave, numb, fuzzy, violet!, you'd be paranoid too, and lowkey as hell. that is a very songs-from-their-most-recent-album-heavy rec, but whatever. i did give the disclaimer about being a fake parx fan.
yeah hayley does have 2 solo albums now!! petals for armor and flowers for vases / descansos. pfa is the one i didn't really like upon first listen but has grown on me. i haven't even listened to the second one in its entirety oops but we won't mention it. dead horse is good but simmer (pretty sure that was the other single??) just ain't it for me. the album has some lovely songs but it's just a hit or miss album all the way through. some favs of mine on it include pure love, taken, crystal clear, watch me while i bloom, and why we ever. it's sorta a storyline album about healing if that adds anything to it?? but anyways. i started listening to paramore around the time after laughter dropped and it grew to be one of my fav albums in existence. idle worship is probably one of my fav songs like ever. i def understand being slightly put off by bands with songs that make religious references (me with twenty one pilots' earlier music that makes a lot more religious references considering i'm not religious whatsoever) but i think i am blinded by being in love with hayley williams and just ignore it. idk that she's like super religious?? she's addressed believing in god and stuff a few times but she's def not the "rub it in your face" type and if she's making refs in music more recently then they're subtle enough i'm not noticing them. ik albums like brand new eyes had a lot more because it was shortly after that the band split and the songwriting process was essentially her and ex-bandmate co-songwriter arguing about their religious beliefs (turns out he ended up being super homophobic and transphobic all based on his religion so do with that what u will and thank the clown for leaving). i feel u on the "i meant to start listening to them" because that's essentially how i started listening to them. i told myself i was going to and then finally forced myself to do it. fuck falling for awsten knight what's more risky is falling in love with hayley </3
also yeah!! you've articulated my feelings towards tde. every song is so vastly different that it's hard to like it all. #1 fan is pretty decent though, and that's not just my bias about finding both ross and his gf hot and a cute couple and getting to see them together and ross half naked in a mirror in the video nope not at all. he's my fav himbo!! he has no personality!! no thoughts head empty!! i still love him and his strawberry-growing saga on twitter tho <3 the hazard of being in love with ross lynch since i was 12. girlfriend better be a fucking banger and there's quite a few already released singles in the tracklist so i have hope. i believe my show is in chicago on november 19 which is a thursday. kinda sucks since i intentionally bought the chicago tix nearly two years ago (the show was originally supposed to be april 25 2020. lol.) because the show was on a saturday and i have to drive 3 hours to get there. obviously i can't speak for them as tde but r5 shows always fucking slapped and i can vouch for them (realized i haven't seem them live since 2016?? 5 YEARS?? wtf) so if u genuinely like them. would recommend going to see them.
anyways. i have not listened to luke's solo album yet. i plan on it. this has gotten so long but i tried to respond in all areas and even organized it in different paragraphs this time (thanks being on desktop!!). hope you are well. hope you have a lovely day. hmm what's a little "going on in my life" fact. i got new glasses a few days ago and my eyes essentially said fuck off because adjusting to the new prescription has left me with eyes that hurt and occasionally slightly nauseous. here is to hoping my eyes get their shit together. mwah LOVE YOU TOO - the other bella/cubs anon/idk
okay hi hello. i have put this off because holy hell it's long but let's do it. i am putting a cut because this whole thing is long even without my answer
first: the road trip was super fun thank you!!! i am intrigued by this information regarding sags and geminis, we should do some scientific inquiry. enquiry. i don't know if there's a difference between those words.
aha! well i tried the ao3 year in review thing and i would say it had about 55% accuracy but still i agree it's fun to look back at that kind of stuff. and i feel you on the angst thing i go through phases of writing angst-heavy stuff and then writing very fluffy stuff and it is entirely based on my mental state buuuut i have lots of fluff and i'm glad you found it all and that you liked it yay <333 KITCHENS ARE FOR LOVERS i will die on that fuckin hill. hotel rooms as well but primarily kitchens.
dfgjhgdlfkhgdfmj honestly i dont use twitter enough that i would see his tweets enough that that would bother me also the fact that he tweets in all caps means that i just picture him yelling everything he tweets which i find absolutely hysterical so i don't think that would help. i have added these parx songs to my listen asap playlist and will get to them when i get a chance thank you i am excited also i already know lowkey as hell and it slaps super hard so im very much lookin forward to the rest of these. merci merci
YEAH simmer was the one i didnt vibe with. and honestly i feel zero compulsion to get into hayley williams as a solo artist. i just don't vibe enough to want to do that so i doubt i'll be listening to her anytime soon but maybe if i hear the songs in passing or get super bored one night, idk who can really say. but yeah christianity typically puts me off of music (speaking as a very jewish bitch) although there are notable exceptions in the cases of thomas rhett and the driver era. i'm just not attached to hayley enough to be like ehhh this doesnt matter. does that make sense
FAVORITE HIMBO PLEASE HGSDFGDFGKLFGJ i dont follow him on twitter but i have seen some interviews of ross and rocky and tbh they're great i love the way ross speaks like i like his speech mannerisms and i like his FACE and HAIR and. yeah. i think hes pretty. and i think he and 5sos SHOULD collab i think that would be sexy as hell. can you imagine that. oh my god can you imagine a ross lynch/luke hemmings collab. i'm not even really talking to you anymore bella because i know you haven't listened to luke yet and don't have a stake in it but if anyone else is reading this long ass answer. ross & luke collab. okay im going to move on and not think about that now. but i probably won't see tde unless i get a job this semester because i'm trying to stop spending so much money on big indulgent things like concerts likeee i was in a really good habit of not spending that much and then suddenly i got paid for one summer and i was just goin Crazy and i need to dial it back. plus i wanna see ajr and noah kahan equally bad so like. i have to make some calls about priorities here. it's Much to think about
good luck to your eyes i'm sure your new glasses are hella cute tho!!! LOVE YOUUUUUUU
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