#I'm nonbinary so is it really that far of a stretch to think it *was* my real name?
genderqueerdykes · 1 year
Im nonbinary and i feel ashamed of being amab.
Even ignoring dysphoria, the expectations of being a guy as well as being too scared to...well do anything that might affirm me is really getting to me, especially as it feels like afab nonbinary people are far more common and im left feeling isolated (made even worse by any gender envy i get only coming from them so i feel like i never will be happy with my gender because of my agab).
how do i deal with this?
hello there! Thanks for taking the time to stop by!
i wanted to say from the bottom of my heart that i am sorry that people have made you feel this way, because it's not just you having those feelings. people have made it difficult for amab nonbinary people to have a voice and a place to speak for themselves due to a lot of bullshit. i understand feeling isolated, it's hard to network with other people like yourself when you constantly feel pushed out of every space you try to occupy
the fact that a lot of people think that being nonbinary is just a thing that afab people do or a "weird girl thing" is frustrating, it sucks because you really do encounter it. it's not true though- given the absolutely massive amount of amab nonbinary people i've met both online and in person, it's not that amab nonbinary people don't exist, it's just that no one will give you room to speak and that is bullshit
i would recommend trying to see if there are any transfem support groups in your area as that would probably be the highest concentration of people who are the likeliest to understand your situation. you can also look out for nonbinary support groups, but i totally understand your apprehension. it helps to try to start with people who are the most likely to get you. i would honestly also recommend just taking up space in whatever queer communities you find if you can. it's hard, but you do deserve a chance to take up that space and it may help someone else feel less alone in the process
you are just as nonbinary as any person of any other agab. your agab is your dearest secret and nobody has the right to exile you from any queer spaces based off of that. your agab means nothing about your intentions, personality, or anything- your agab is just some organs and reproductive health systems. whether or not you have that body from birth or because of hormones and surgery is nobody's business
you have the right to talk about the nonbinary experience and how unique it is to your agab, especially. remind yourself that anyone outside of that experience doesn't know what it's like. i don't know what it's like, because i'm not amab. those people are not the expert on what it's like to live this life. you are. let yourself be that expert. let yourself be judge
there are a million ways to be trans and no agab owns nonbinaryhood. common public conceptions of identities and concepts are often heavily biased and skewed. in time as we see folks become braver, people will begin to understand that amab people are just as likely to identify as nonbinary as anyone else. trust me, i have met so many. you are not alone by any stretch of the imagination
you are also welcome to join my discord server, if you're not already in it! it's not a solution to having irl community, but having an online support group can help a lot!
there's no reason to be ashamed, you are a beautiful individual with an identity that is just as incredible. i hope your shame can turn to pride, you have an experience that is worth blessing the world with. take care of yourself for now. do the best you can to remind yourself that you are defining the trans experience just by existing. other people can talk shit all they want, but you know who you are. keep your chin up, you're awesome. have a great week
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smilesession · 10 months
ur not a man ur just a woman with enough autism to not feel like shes doing womanhood correctly
i'm going to level with you because you're invested enough to have sent this
i have spent the last five years solidly living under the paradigm youre suggesting. and before that, i had spent an additional five years actively compromising with a nonbinary identity, ten years of "it's ok, i don't really care you can call me 'she', it doesn't bother me, i know i look like a woman and i don't want to make it complicated for people, my identity's really just an internal thing and not something i'm worried about other people acknowledging" and so on. but before that i was, momentarily, an incredibly self-confident and assured transgender young man. ten years ago i was exploring transition. i was tall, androgynous, and young enough to have had the experience of passing as male, which i vividly remember the feeling of. it was only my parents bringing the hammer down, shaming me, telling me i could dress however i wished but they'd never refer to me as a different name or consider me their son that made me spend the next decade considering it futile. so i reversed course entirely, leading to this moment, and what you've come to me on this day to repeat to me thinking youre doing a service for women
i dont owe proof and i dont want to rely too heavily on medicalizing it, but if everything i felt was just the social phenomenon and a result of my experiences as an autistic woman, why do i remember being a young child who had not even lived long enough to have formative social experiences yet, whose parents raised me pretty gender-neutrally, ten years prior to an autism diagnosis, wonder when i'd "grow into my boy's body"? i have had thoughts and experiences that i would largely prefer to keep private that completely defy the reasoning that i'm just a confused sperg who just couldnt hack it as a woman in this crazy mixed up world. if i could simplify it to what youve just said, i would. i tried.
if radfem jesus comes down from heaven and reveals that i was truly and ontologically a woman with autism, defying my sex and so on all along, then I'm Sorry Women. but until that day comes i can promise you that i feel secure in my current decision of addressing the fact that living with the idea that "i'm just an autistic woman who feels i cant perform womanhood correctly" has been enormously damaging. instead of beating my head into that wall for the rest of my life i have considered changing course and trying out a different way of living, acknowledging that i've experienced dyed in the wool gender dysphoria since i gained consciousness. and i have as much of a right to acknowledge my autonomy as anyone else, that i have as much of a right to choose my own outcomes as anyone else, and in the process of doing so i find healing for a slew of personal handicaps that stretch far beyond the matter at hand, then so be it. do not politicize my ass
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13leaguestories · 2 years
February 2023 Forecast
I am writing this with my back and neck in horrible pain. Worse way to start your morning is to get up, stretch, and then pull something. I feel bed ridden.
"T, are you done with your break?" No idea. Define break. My brain is slowly coming back to me so good news is I'm not quitting lmfao. My brain almost had me in the first half ... and most of the second. When I do return though, I'm implementing a new writing process called "write what I want to fucking write when I want to fucking write it."
"T, did you need to add all those expletives?" No. But you know how a lot of folks be like 'as I get older I'm going to curse less?' I'm the opposite. I curse more. It makes me feel all tingly inside.
Alright, welcome to the second best month, purely because it's my birthday month, that's literally it. You know I share this month with both my brother and my father, plus my parents and my brother's anniversaries. Like, the shortest month is basically the busiest for my family in terms of celebrations. Why did they do this? I don't know, no one uses sense in this family besides me.
MOVING ON! Bout to enter into a All My Woes episode.
Superstition S3
Still on break. Do not ask me when it's coming back. Because I'm going to do what I should've done (and what you guys thought I do already) and actually write a good bit of it. I'll probably put up a poll asking if you guys want to keep the bi-weekly schedule or if I just update it as the episodes are complete.
Throne of Ashes
Working on updating the demo with Makaio's finished demo and some bug fixes for the other routes. Nour is next and Ozara will be following them on that upload schedule.
Because unlike its cousin, For the Crown, Insight is not 100% dead, it's more like on life support. But I'll be updating it with the new UI that I have to bring it in line with the others. Also an additional chapter will be added so now the demo will end at Ch5.
Future T here. I've already updated it with the new UI and the first bug fix. A bigger one is coming so still, if you find any bugs, hold off on sending them in. Bug reports make me depressed and you guys don't want to see that, right? RIGHT?!
Horizon: Sea of Stars
Per my "do what ya want" lifestyle, yes, Tierra has done it again. She has said fuck it to common sense and those two friends out of ten that said don't do it, and she went and made a new project. I blame eight friends who inspire me in the most negative ways because I never blame myself. Never blame yourselves, you're never toxic, it's those around you. (That's a lie, do not quote me. My god.)
This is a scif-fi project (because I needed to have the holy trinity of the best genres out there to make myself feel complete (jokes on me I still feel empty)). The MC is like Phoenix MC in some ways where this is not exactly 100% self-insert friendly, there are a few traits included and mindsets that you as the reader can't change. 6 romances, 2 males, 2 females, and 2 nonbinary. 5 of the 6 are aliens. And art is on it's way with two of the characters already done. I have art of the alien species as well because I know how difficult it can be to picture an alien based off of descriptions alone. They will be included in story to further help.
This is me just telling you guys, I'll post all of the info of the book itself with the demo like I normally do. Especially when I figure out where I want the demo to stop at. It's still pretty much in alpha mode with only one chapter done and even that is still seeing edits.
Also if any of you have got this far and know an artist or you are someone who can do really nice colorful covers and are good with backgrounds then tell me because I'm still searching for a cover artist.
. . .
There is also now a Light Mode on some stories. If it's not there then it's being worked on. Don't look at Superstition, it's not there.
Alright, I think that's it. I'm going to go lie down and scream at the heavens about my neck.
Future T again. My neck is better but if I look over my shoulder it's like "naw girl, stop that."
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zoyalaisobachka · 1 month
I figured I never made an intro post, so here I go! Content warning for people who get easily upset by LGBTQ+ plus labels, I use MANY of them ;)
You can call me Charlie and/or Nikolai, I use he/him pronouns and I'm trans nonbinary genderfluid, switching between demiboy and agender most of the time.
I'm on the asexual spectrum, and I suspect also on the aromantic spectrum and I'm bi/pan sexual/romantic (mostly using the bi label nowadays).
I am self identified autistic (on and off sure about that) and ADHD (very sure about that), due to long personal research and having mainly friends with the same neurotype(s) coincidentally and I'm at the moment not trying for a formal diagnosis because there aren't really places that diagnose adults where I live (and the ones I did find practice ABA on autistics and that's just..NO).
I'm in my thirties and I live in austria. Some of my hobbies are cosplaying, writing and reading, as well as picking up anything other creative for a short amount of time. I like videogames (big on The Sims, Stardew Valley and Skyrim, as well as Silent Hill), my comfort shows and movies and I listen to various music types a lot.
Some of my favourite books are the Grishaverse books, Riordanverse, Heartstopper and books that thematize mental health issues in general. I heavily dislike smut, so I haven't and will never read the books that are trendy at the moment XD.
Some of my comfort shows are Shadow & Bone, Anne with an E, Modern Family, Brooklyn 99 and Heartbreak High, comfort movies are Silent Hill 1, Phoebe in Wonderland and...there are more, but my brain literally is blank right now.
I wouldn't go so far to call myself an activist, because I'm not, well active enough for that, but I'm advocating for human rights, cuz I don't think these are up for debate.
I'm also the person behind @davidkostyk-durast and @ravkanfoxprince just for transparency.
My discord is korolreznicrow if you wanna add me!
Uhm yeah. Idk what else to put here, most of the people who follow me know these things by now, so it's more for the newbies.
If you've made it that far, go drink some water, stretch your body and unclench your jaw! I'm very proud of you and I'm glad you exist. Have a lovely day!
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internerdionality · 1 year
20 Questions for FanFic Authors
Tagged by @dragonmuse, thank you! 🥰
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
39. I've been publishing since 2020, so a relative newbie, and I apparently can't write actual short works to save my life. I'm looking forward to hitting 50 fics, maybe even before the end of the this year, although that might be overly optimistic.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
817,200. Also looking forward to hitting a million! I started writing fanfic in part because of Diane Duane's post about the first million words being for practice, but I've realized as I've gone that fanfic is also just more fun in a lot of ways than original work, because it's lower stakes and more silliness and really all about the community.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Our Flag Means Death and the DC universe. I have a long crossover plotted out in the Slayerverse but I haven't published any of it yet, and one fic (I think my shortest) that I wrote to expiate my feels for the fourth Matrix movie. Oh! And a few Good Omens, only one published so far.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor? , Our Flag Means Death, Izzy/Everyone + Canon Pairings. I started writing this one literally the night after I finished watching the show in late April 2022 and managed to hit the wave of gay pirate frenzy as the fandom was born. I swear I'll finish it. 😅
A Fucking Duel, Our Flag Means Death, endgame SteddyHands with some strong Sprizzy side-action. This started out as crack, again very early in the gay pirate brainrot, and then turned novella size on me when I wasn't looking.
To Err is Human, to Purr is Batman. DC. Shades of SuperBat but mostly Bat-Family focused. I turn Bruce Wayne into a cat. Pure fluff.
Mutually Beneficial. DC, SuperBat. Classic identity porn romcom with a sugar daddy twist. Nonbinary Clark Kent. My first fanfic on AO3!
Soaked to the Skin. Our Flag Means Death, Sprizzy with a side of BlackHands, my take on how things would go for the Revenge right after the first season ended, doesn't include any of the characters who weren't on the ship during SO1E10. Double the length of any other fic I've ever written!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! I am a praise-gremlin and treasure every comment I receive. I also include answering comments in my total word count for the day (I made a resolution during the HHD 5781-82 to write more, and while it took me a little bit to get started, I have written at least 250 words a day since mid-December 2021). So answering comments often gets me pumped for writing more fic!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Disregarding the prequels in the big dark vampire romp (which aren't really standalone) probably a tie between the surprise twists at the ends of Untethered and Gently in the Night? Both fics end happily but then have a little angsty setup for the sequel at the very end.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Definitely Mutually Beneficial. Most of my fics end happily but I usually try to leave them somewhat open without doing a lot of epilogueish kind of things. MB was an exception where I wrote two fluffy epilogues with lots of romance and sex because I didn't want to leave my boys! Although honestly now when I think back on it I think it would have been a stronger work if I'd ended it right after the climax and posted the fluffy epilogues as separate works.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
There was this one unregistered user who went through all my SuperBat fics and engaged in this long comment thread where he accused me of not liking Clark Kent? (Which, almost all my DC fics have Clark as the protagonist, I adore him, so). It was very surreal. I eventually just deleted it every time they'd write a new comment and they stopped after like two or three of those.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Lots of smut! It's actually just in the past year that I've stretched myself to write more Gen-ish fics with WDYDWADS and TEIH, and it somewhat surprised me that those became my two most popular fics in their respective fandoms.
As far as what kind, I really try to diversify but the strongest commonalities tend to be strong power dynamics, bondage, pain-play, and consent-play, with my darkest stuff going hard into noncon. I have fluid squicks so I tend to avoid anything in that area.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
The only one I have published is the Our Flag Means Death/Pirates of the Caribbean (which seems pretty obvious, I'm honest surprised there isn't more). I have the whole arc plotted out where the vampire!DCU series is going to branch out into the Slayerverse. Hopefully I'll actually write it one of these days.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. I don't go looking, but my works aren't crazy popular, either.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple! I'm always really honored. 🥰 Many thanks to people who labor for fandom.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did a long entirely cowritten canonized fiction for Steve Stirling's Emberverse—it's published on his site, not AO3, and under my real name, so don't go looking! (Nah, JK, I won't link it but I don't care if people figure it out).
And then I wrote this companion piece to Rimbaud's Give Pearls Away and Rubies. I had nothing to do with his piece, but he consulted heavily on mine. And Dragonmuse and I starting workshopping a Dragonriders of Pern pastiche that we might finish one of these days. 🤣
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Can I say the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one? It's the platonic ideal of a ship, really... 😂
Otherwise I really don't have one, I'm too poly for that. Even the ships I'm most feral about, I'll ship any of them with other people.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I won't say the DCU/Slayerverse crossover because I refuse to doubt that I'll finish it one day. So let's go with the JLA bad orgy crack—I actually posted on that one that it should be considered abandoned. I still love the idea but I kinda just ran out of steam.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Exposition, worldbuilding, delving into character emotions. Metaphors and whimsy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Having actual plots. Action scenes. Actually finishing/ending anything.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I speak enough French and Hebrew to do either of those (and have).
I've done a very little Spanish for Jim from OFMD, but I tend to just copy actual stuff that they've said in canon. I do have a Puerto Rican friend that I've leaned on occasionally, but she's busy and I don't want to make it her job to constantly write dialogue for me so I usually try to avoid it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Define "wrote." 😂
When I was a teenager I plotted out long self-insert fixits for Star Trek, Harry Potter (look, even then the only thing I wanted to do in that verse was fix its many sins), X-Files, Stargate, and Buffy. I never wrote any of them down, though, just enjoyed the daydreaming.
Well, I lie, I did actually write about 60K eventually in an original novel that was based on some of the dynamics I'd created in the HP one, but that's the only one I ever got out on paper and it was altered enough that its origin was pretty unrecognizable.
If we're counting published anywhere, it's Stirling's Emberverse.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Soaked to the Skin. I'm honestly so proud of the actual! plot! in that one, the narrative flow, the emotional arcs, and like. the fact that I actually finished it. Even now a year later, every time I get a comment or kudo on that fic it sends this thrill of happiness up my spine.
Tagging (only if you want it), @thetardigrape, @sunless-garden, and @jupitermelichios.
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companionwolf · 1 year
pride month drabble challenge fill #2
prompts: 10. Asexual + 16. Now + 14. "Do you think there's something wrong with me?"
fandom: xcom 2 (gen verse)
TWs/CWs: none
It is June 6th, 2035, and the Commander's heart hurts.
Some of the crew have brought back the tradition of Pride Month, have made flags and hung them around the Avenger, Central helping remind them of what order and what colors go on each.
They're missing...
They're missing some flags, the Commander has noticed, and they want to bring it up, because the absence aches, but it feels...
Their chest tightens.
The Commander takes a long breath, reorient the themselves to where they sit at the bar, staring into a drink.
Other crew members, mostly soldiers, hang out around them-- Kelly is flirting with Outrider, which seems to be going well as far as they can see.
The Commander moves to twist a black ring they no longer have, swallows hard.
"Hey," says a voice across the bar. They look toward it. Central is leaning on the salvaged bar, eyeing their drink. "You gonna finish that?"
The Commander frowns at him. "It's mostly diluted with water," they say. "You wouldn't want it, the way that it is."
You wouldn't want me either, the way that I am, they think bitterly. The way I'll always be.
It's Central's turn to shrug. He pulls a bottle from somewhere behind him and doesn't even mess with a glass, just drinks from the source. The Commander frowns again, but stays quiet.
"You seem pretty somber tonight," says Central, leaning over toward them again. "What's up?"
The Commander hesitates.
"I think it'd be easier to show you," they say to him finally as they get up and head toward the door. Central follows.
They take him to the armory, where a lot of the pride flags are hung amongst the shelves. There's a rainbow flag, a lesbian one, a bi flag (Central sew that one himself), a transgender flag...
"We're missing some," the Commander says, almost so quiet they think he won't hear, that they don't want him to.
Central studies the flags.
"Uhh, a nonbinary one is missing, yeah," he agrees. "And genderqueer. And pan."
The Commander tries to steel themselves. What are they afraid of? That he'll say they're not part of the community?
"Ace," they say. It's a whisper.
Central blinks, confused.
"Asexual?" the Commander offers. "Meaning no sexual attraction." They go to twist the ring that isn't there again, feel their face crumple up, try to hide it. "It's--- I'm ace. I noticed my flag wasn't there."
Central looks slightly more like he understands but only just.
"And you felt left out," he says. They nod miserably.
Silence stretches between them. Then, the Commander manages: "Do you think there's something wrong with me?"
Their XO shakes his head. "If there is," he says, "then there's something wrong with me too."
"You're ace?" And there it is, they're crying now. "Really?"
"I mean that'd explain a lot for me," Central says. "But I, uh, you know, so maybe not..."
They shake their head at him through their tears. "It just means no attraction, not that we can't have sex," they say. "A lot of us are repulsed, or indifferent, but you can do whatever and be ace too."
"Then that makes a lot of my life make way more sense," Central says. "C'mon then, let's go get stuff to make a flag-- I'll teach you how to sew so you can help me work on it."
The Commander nods, wiping their wet eyes on the back of their wrists. They're smiling so hard it hurts. "You're really like me?" It's less a question asked, more of a exhale of joy, of relief. "You're really like me."
Central gives them a smile.
"Yeah," he says, "I'm like you."
And the Commander's heart sings.
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softmoonlightmelody · 2 years
Elvin Fashion Pt. I
Yes, yes, I know. We do have solid knowledge about Elvin fashion due to Unlocked. I don't have a copy on-hand, so I'm just analyzing portraits.
(also, let's face it - I'm looking at fancy-wear)
(quick warning - this is probably the longest text post I've ever written, and it is long)
(also - part two will be analyzing silhouettes)
First off - high society's idea of fancy dress with the Vackers.
The Vackers' family portrait shows a number of important, considerable things.
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So, let's start with jewelry. Men don't tend to wear jewelry, for what we can see, but both Biana and Della do. Della's headpiece - probably a comb - and Biana's headband both feature nature, as do the embroidery on the menswear. Additionally, by Biana's double-necklace thing, we can tell that elves, in formal settings, probably wear one or two necklaces, maybe three if they're stretching it. Della's earrings and bracelet also tell us that elves have ear-piercing as a thing, unless they're elaborate clip-ons.
Based on the Vackers as a whole, we can tell that the dress is quite similar to Western wear, and the men seem to have a less revealing outfit as a whole, with none of the menswear showing shoulders, while Della's - and maybe Biana's, I can't tell - dress has shoulders exposed. Low collars seem to be the pattern for the women and high collars might be in for men.
Next up, the Songs. I was going to do the Sencens next, but apparently there's no Sencen family portrait.
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There's a lot of things that culturally bother me about Songs, including the vague Asian-ness that's actually just racism in disguise, or at least something racist-adjacent.
So the Songs follow the expectation of womenswear being more revealing and menswear covering up more, although the womenswear is more modest. Besides registry pendants, literally no jewelry is observable, and Mai's drapery over her arm tells me that this is a thing. Also, with Quan and Linh, you can see the return of nature-based patterns.
From the family portrait, it's already obvious the Songs are not as well of as the Vackers, not even close.
Either that or it's the vague racism-adjacent thought.
(also, they're supposed to be Vietnamese. why are they so pale???)
There's not much else to be analyzed, so I'll leave it at that.
Next, the Ruewens.
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The Ruewens are known to be drawn-back, and used to be really, really rich.
However, they're more laid-back, and we can see them wearing some nice things. However, it does still follow the modesty convention of the elves that we've seen so far, but Edaline and Sophie both wear something between the modesty of the Vackers' and the Songs'. This is, in my opinion, the most low-key out of all three families I've observed so far. And pattern-wise, Edaline sports flowers on her dress.
Now, our favourite tragic, rebuilding family, the Endals.
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Personally, I think the Endals might be around the Dizznee's levels of money and society. Just look at the way they dress - low-key, not much jewelry, etc.
Now, Wylie and Prentice basically follow the general look of the menswear so far, although it's significantly less elaborate then the Vackers (although I think the Vackers are the exception and not the rule).
Cyrah returns with a hairpiece (and nature motifs), with her somewhat decorated headband, but what I think is the most interesting is her clothing. Interestingly, this makes me think that Cyrah might have gender problems - after all, she's wearing something that, at a first glance, I would've pegged as menswear. Transmasc Cyrah, anyone?
(Livvy also wears that kind of style, but we all know Livvy is nonbinary. Clarette, in the Council picture, also is depicted wearing the same style, but it's completely possible that Clarette's also not really a woman)
Anyway, there's nothing too special with the Endals going on.
So now I'm going over generalizations on portraits.
A lot of the main girls' portraits contradict what I thought I knew about womenswear in Elvin fashion - but there has to be a reason. So I propose that, since no one seems to recognize the portraits in-canon (correct me if necessary), that the portraits weren't actually taken in-canon. Therefore, I can assume that women only wear more revealing outfits in more formal settings, or significantly less formal occasions. Basically, it's a spectrum - and both ends are less revealing. For the womenswear, at least. Shout out to Maruca, Marella, and Stina for the somewhat more revealing outfits.
(revealing is a weird word for me to use in this case)
Now, boys. There's nothing interesting about the boys' outfits. Literally nothing.
Please, more fashion.
Anyway, blah blah blah capes. Why do family crests exist without a need for capes by non-nobility? I have no idea. Why can children wear capes if nobility is defined as a someone who works in government? I also have no idea.
Also, Vespera looks amazing. Regency-style dress and amazing headpiece? I'd wear that any day. Although, with the cool undertones of Vespera's skin, I think blue or purple with silver would've been better.
In conclusion, womenswear is way more interesting the menswear-
I mean, in conclusion, menswear is less revealing and more high-collared, while womenswear has a wider range of styles and also jewelry is usually exclusive to women, and to further that, exclusive to high class women, particularly those of as high class as the Vackers, which is pretty much nobody. Jewelry is mostly exclusive to the high class women too, which means that, fashion-wise, high class women are the best dressed.
Also, elves like nature patterns!
(side note - none of the councilors look like Vackers, which I think is interesting. I'd expect one or two to be a Vacker)
Yes, I know about Laura Hollingsworth's issues, and no, I do not support her, but for the purpose of analyzing clothing, her drawings are great, so I'm using them.
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jplupine · 1 year
Feral Possession: Chapter 27
Training Camp
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Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~4.7k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Demon!Grimmjow, Feral Behavior, Grimmjow being a Terror
Summary: Out in the middle of the forest and surrounded by exorcists....
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 27:
  The ride to the campsite was rather calm. Orihime was quirky but funny and kind, so there wasn't a dull moment the entire time. Grimmjow grouched when she sang along to the radio while bouncing in her seat, but she only sang louder in retaliation. It was....an experience to see these two interact in close quarters.
  It almost seemed as if they would intentionally bug each other because they knew it wouldn't escalate further than that with me present. And, the more I learned about Orihime, the more I realized the Soul Society truly did have quite a variety of people working for them.
  I never would've guessed someone like Orihime was out here fighting demons. She was just so bright and bubbly and always smiling.
  Grimmjow eventually grumbled something under his breath before stretching out to take a nap on the back seats. It was when he was softly snoring that Orihime got a little more serious.
  "Ichigo was right. He is different now."
  "Yeah. Nearly pissed my pants when we first met." I said while glancing back at Grimmjow. He had to scrunch up to fit on the seats and was sleeping with his arms crossed over his chest.
  "Most people wouldn't want anything to do with him after that."
  "Well, at the time, I didn't think I had much of a choice. My options were fight or get eaten."
  "But even when you had another option presented, you didn't change your mind."
  "That was a mix of pride and distrust. I'd been dealing with it all on my own up until that point, and here comes some stranger with a bunch of answers. It seemed....odd."
  "And now?"
  "Sorry, but I still don't trust the Soul Society."
  "No, no. I understand." Orihime shook her head. "Your wariness is a good thing. You probably wouldn't have made it this far if you trusted everything people told you. I was skeptical of the Soul Society in the beginning, too. I still kinda am." She chuckled. "They're an old organization with many secrets, but they're the main defence normal people have against creatures from the other world."
  "What got you to join them?"
  "Ichigo. He got caught up with them when his demon half started presenting, and we eventually all joined to stay together."
  "Oh, some friends of ours. It turned out a few of us had enough spiritual energy to become exorcists, so we did. And they did help me after my brother passed, too."
  "They pay for therapy?"
  "They killed him." Her tone was steady, and I looked at her to see a soft smile on her lips. However, with the silent pause, she realized how it sounded. "Oh! I-I meant- I'm sorry, that must sound terrible. After my brother died, he became an Arrancar. Ichigo was already working with the Soul Society at the time, so we were able to put him to rest before it was too late."
  "I see. That must have been very difficult to see him like that."
  "It was. But I got the chance to say goodbye."
  "If you don't mind my asking....what makes a person turn into an Arrancar instead of a different type of demon or pass on?"
  "There's no definitive way to tell who will become what or pass on. It's like a gamble. Many things factor into it, like how they died, how they lived, what happens right after they die.... It's complicated. I've seen spirits ready to pass on get turned into demons instead."
  "Wait, that can happen?" I questioned as my brows furrowed.
  "Yeah. If someone or something takes a spirit's core or corrupts their soul, they'll become a demon."
  "Does that happen often?"
  "Not really. Usually, it just happens the natural way."
  "I see. Did your brother remember who he was after he turned?"
  "He did on some level." Orihime glanced at the rearview mirror before looking back at the road. "Does Pantera remember his human life?"
  "No. I think he's been a demon too long to be able to."
  "Has he mentioned it before?"
  "We talked about it when I was learning where the Arrancar come from. I made a comment about how he had to have been a human at one point, and he said he didn't remember it." I looked at Orihime again while thinking. "Does he not scare you?"
  "I'm cautious of him. He saved my life before, even if it was for a rather selfish reason."
  "Pantera saved your life?"
  "Escolopendra and another demon attacked me, and he stepped in. Pantera wanted me to heal Ichigo so that they could fight, but those two had gotten in the way."
  "He killed them, didn't he?"
  "Yes. They didn't stand a chance. Does hearing about what Pantera has done change things for you?"
  "Not really. I've always known he's dangerous and will do things that benefit him even if they seem strange."
  "Much of the Soul Society thinks he's an idiot because of his violence."
  "Maybe it makes them feel better to think that."
  "I'd believe that. Pantera being smart and destructive makes him all the more of a threat."
  "It's impressive and scary how quickly he can figure something out."
  "I have to ask. What's it like to live with him?"
  "Noisy." I scoffed. "But it's....interesting. Different. We even have movie nights with pizza."
  "Oh, that sounds fun!"
  "It is."
  "It makes you wonder, doesn't it?"
  "Wonder what?"
  "If the other Espada are capable of the same thing."
  "I do think about that from time to time."
  "We're almost there. Should we wake him up?"
  "Yeah. Not a good idea to wake him up surrounded by exorcists." I said while turning in my seat to reach back. I hit Grimmjow's thigh until his eyes opened to glare at me.
  "What?" He softly growled.
  "We're almost there."
  "Great." He looked even more displeased as he sat up and ran a hand through his short hair. Orihime turned onto a dirt road, and Grimmjow began to stretch out while yawning.
  The trees on either side of the road grew tall and arched over as spots of sunlight littered the ground. When cabins came into view, I saw various people and vehicles parked outside. Orihime pulled in next to one of the cabins and parked.
  Grimmjow looked tense as his eyes were darting around at everything outside. I unbuckled and climbed out of the passenger seat before opening the side door to grab my suitcase.
  "Come on. They might not even recognize you in human form."
  "How many people do you know with bright blue hair?" Grimmjow shot me a look as he stepped out and grabbed his bag. "Or redheads with a scar on their mouth?"
  "Well, I can't argue there." I sighed, and the demon closed the door.
  "This will be your cabin. It was thought best to not have any other exorcists rooming with you. Well, Pantera, specifically." Orihime explained as she stood in front of us and dug out a key. There was a plastic card with the cabin number hanging from the key, and I took it when she handed it over.
  People were already staring and pointing as they whispered. Grimmjow was getting twitchy from the attention, and I quickly went up the cabin's steps.
  "You have some time to settle in before orientation begins. Afterward, the exorcists will be split into training groups and assigned instructors."
  "Got it." I nodded, and Orihime smiled before walking away. Getting the door unlocked, I stepped into the cabin with Grimmjow right behind me. Closing and locking the door back, I then looked around. It was like a small house with a dining and kitchen area to one side with bunkbeds and dressers on the other side.
  I cautiously looked around and nothing seemed to be out of place. Flicking the light on by the front door, I chewed the inside of my cheek. Even if nothing seemed weird about this place, I couldn't be certain given the Soul Society's feelings toward Grimmjow.
  "Don't say my name here." The demon stated before dropping his bag on one of the bunkbeds. He opened the bag to pull out a shirt, and I watched him while wondering what he was doing.
  "I already figured not to."
  "Good. 'Cause I don't know if this camera has audio or not." Grimmjow said while walking toward the deer mount on the wall. And, sure enough, I saw one of its eyes was actually a camera lense. The demon covered the deer's head with his shirt, and I set down my suitcase and sword.
  "I had a feeling they'd do something like that."
  "I'll check the rest of the cabin. No way am I letting those fuckers spy on me."
  "I'd just take the damn thing down if I could reach it." I said, and Grimmjow looked at me with a raised brow. "What?"
  "You're not gonna get mad if I pull out the cameras?"
  "Do you think I want to be watched by some Soul Society weirdos?" I gave the demon a look. He then shrugged before hitting the deer mount to knock it off the wall. When he went through the rest of the cabin, I could hear him knocking things around and ripping wires. It was justified destruction of property in my book, so I didn't bother to stop him.
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  There was a small pile of cameras left on the cabin's porch by the time we left for the Soul Society orientation. People were still staring at us, but thankfully, nothing bad happened during the orientation. The higher ranked exorcists simply explained how things were going to go, what was to be expected, and reminded everyone to be careful of the demon present.
  Then the crowd dispersed to find their groups. Looking around, I had no clue what to do. I didn't know any of these people other than Orihime, and she was busy gathering people up.
  "Wynter Hughes." A deep voice spoke up from behind me, and I turned to see a massive man with long dirty-blonde hair that was white just above his ears. He was even taller than Grimmjow, and despite the chill to the air, he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His honey-colored eyes glanced at Grimmjow as he had a firm expression.
  "That's me."
  "I'm your assigned instructor. The rest of the group is this way." He gestured with his head before walking away. Grimmjow softly growled, and I crossed my arms.
  "What now?"
  "And you call me the hornball."
  "Wha- Oh, come on. Can you blame me? Look at the guy!" I waved my hand while whispering to the demon.
  "Yeah, and if you're not careful, he might smell it, too."
  "Humans can't smell when I'm attracted to them." I made a face, then paused. "Don't tell me he's a hybrid, too."
  "No." Grimmjow kept his voice down as we were following the broad man. "He's a werewolf."
  "What?!" I looked at the demon with wide eyes. The man ahead of us looked back over his shoulder because of how loud I'd been, and I nervously chuckled. "Sorry."
  "There's more out there than just demons and spirits, Little Rabbit."
  "You're joking. You've got to be."
  "Not this time." Grimmjow shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. "Ask him if you don't believe me."
  "I'm not gonna ask him if he's a werewolf." We finally reached a small group of exorcists that looked upset to see us walking toward them.
  "Stop making those faces and suck it up." The tall man ordered while crossing his thick arms over his broad chest. "Hughes is here to learn just like the rest of you. Now, today will be focusing on figuring out what you know in both combat and magick."
  "Is that really a fair thing to do when one of us has no formal training whatsoever?" One of the exorcists asked while pointedly looking at me.
  "As I said, Hughes is here to learn. This isn't about fairness but whether or not you'd survive in the field. How many of you have encountered a demon outside of the Soul Society?" All of them raised their hands. "Now how many of you have encountered an Arrancar?" Most of the hands went down. "Espada?" The last few lowered. "I didn't think so. We'll be spending most of our time here in the woods, so I hope you brought the right clothes. Wearing the wrong shoes in this terrain can leave you with a broken ankle or worse."
  "Yes, Mr. Sajin." The exorcists said in unison like a bunch of drones before the large man went into the woods. Grimmjow was rather quiet as we followed the group, and I didn't say anything either. I had no clue what to expect from these people.
  When we reached a clearing a few minutes later, we were made to spread out. It seemed we were starting off with combat.
  "Pull out your weapons." Sajin ordered, and the exorcists materialized their weapons. I saw various swords, axes, hammers, a mace, and spears. None were identical and further proved how each weapon was specific to its wielder.
  I didn't like how I was being watched when I opened the sleeve hanging from my shoulder that had my sword in it. I heard a few giggles and a few snide remarks about how I couldn't dematerialize my sword.
  "Pair up and spar. Conceding is allowed." Sajin announced before the other exorcists began grouping together.
  "Kick their ass before they can tap out." Grimmjow had a rather calm tone, and I gave him a look.
  "How about I don't do that? I've never even fought against anyone from the Soul Society."
  "I don't think he counts." I replied, and the demon shrugged.
  "I'll be your sparring partner." A bright-eyed man with short, black hair stood in front of me while having an ax resting on his shoulder. The metal was dark silver while the handle was wrapped in brown leather and cord with strange markings etched up to the axhead. "Caleb." He held out his hand in greeting.
  "Wynter." I shook his hand to be polite.
  "You're shorter than I expected." Caleb said while looking down at me, and Grimmjow snorted.
  "I didn't expect you at all." I popped off, and the exorcist went quiet. He finally cleared his throat before speaking again.
  "So, uh, do you have any kind of combat training?"
  "I do." I nodded while taking the sword sleeve off my shoulder.
  "I taught them." Grimmjow stated as I handed the sleeve and sheath to him. He was getting cocky, but I didn't even know how well these exorcists could fight. Ichigo may have said I was a good fighter in comparison to them without magick but was it true?
  "Wait, what?" Caleb's gaze quickly went between me and the demon. I stabbed my sword into the ground to stretch out my limbs to avoid a cramp mid-fight.
  "I trained them. So go on. Fight." Grimmjow's eyes narrowed at Caleb, and the exorcist seemed to hesitate. Was he now cautious because I was trained by a demon or the fact that a demon was even willing to train me?
  When I had my katana back in my hands, I took a defensive stance to give myself the chance to observe. Caleb attacked first, and I dived to the left to roll out of the way. The first thing I noticed was how much slower he was than Grimmjow.
  Caleb swung around with his ax, and I leaned back to dodge. His movements weren't as graceful as Grimmjow's either. He didn't have the demonic edge and senses I was used to sparring against.
  Just to test my theory, I didn't dodge the next time he attacked. I blocked his ax with my katana and confirmed he was hitting much weaker than the demon, too.
  And now I understood what Ichigo was talking about.
  Turning my blade upward, I then twisted it once it was hooked on the curve of his ax. The weapon flew from the man's hands, and my follow-through had my blade against his throat. Caleb was wide-eyed and frozen as his ax thunked when it hit the trunk of a tree and got stuck there.
  It hadn't even taken a minute for me to disarm him, and the loud sound from his ax silenced the rest of the clearing. Pulling my katana back, I shifted on my feet while looking around. Grimmjow had a shit-eating grin as the others were looking at me with shock and disbelief.
  "Change of plans." Sajin's voice broke the silence. "You. Come here." He motioned for me to get closer, and I tried to remain calm. "You're all going to fight Wynter one-on-one."
  "Wait, what?" I looked at Sajin, and his honey eyes drifted from the other exorcists to me.
  "They're all trained by the Soul Society, you're not. Let's see what you can do." Sajin gently pushed me forward as another exorcist stepped up.
  She had a pair of curved sickles connected by a chain. I sighed through my nose and raised my katana. I really hoped she wouldn't start throwing those damn things at me.
  The woman got close enough to swing her arm, and I caught the blade of the sickle on my katana. Swinging outward, I created a large opening and kicked her in the gut. She grunted and hit the ground with an audible thud.
  Getting back into stance, I waited for her to get up. She looked furious when she was finally back on her feet and didn't hesitate to attack. She used both sickles this time to come at me from two different angles.
  I jumped back out of the way, and she twisted on her foot to get momentum to throw one of the sickles. I managed to block it, but she used the chain to yank it back and swing again as she turned. Jumping to the side, I dodged, and the sickle got stuck in the ground.
  She tugged on the chain, and the sickle came free from the dirt and was back in her hand. She had a wider range of attack than the ax guy, and I was thinking of how to limit it to get closer. My katana's range was limited, so this woman and her weapon put me at a disadvantage.
  Quickly thinking, I finally got an idea. Taking a few steps forward, I goaded her into throwing a sickle. I swung my katana at the chain to make it wrap around the blade before I grabbed the chain. I planted my feet firmly on the ground before yanking on the chain as hard as I could.
  The woman lost her grip, and the second sickle went flying through the air. She was shocked and disarmed, but not for long when the sickles turned into smoke and reformed back in her hands.
  Well, shit.
  I ran to close the distance before she could widen it. She swung the sickle, and I dodged by rolling out of the way. As she was pulling the chain to retrieve the sickle, I closed the distance even more before flipping my katana to hit her with the blunt side.
  The metal hit her side, and she went down while getting winded from the impact. She was coughing while having difficulty breathing, but she wasn't getting back up.
  "Next!" Sajin ordered since the woman had clearly lost.
  A man stepped forward while wielding a spear with a twisted, triangular head. I was ready to go back to the cabin instead of doing this. Grimmjow, on the other hand, was loving this.
  He'd be laughing from the sidelines each time I won or punched someone in the face when they were least expecting it. And, since he'd been the one to teach me to fight, he was taking pride in my victories.
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  When dinner time came around, I was tired of fighting and hungry. Sajin called for a break to eat, and the rest of the exorcists seemed just as relieved as I was.
  We made our way back to the cabins and could smell food the closer we got. Firepits were lit for outdoor cooking, and food was being passed out.
  "Wynter!" Orihime called out and waved as she stood behind a table of food and drinks.
  "Come on, let's get some food. They're eating it, too, so it's not poisoned." I pat Grimmjow's arm before walking toward Orihime.
  "Fine. You can eat first then."
  "How was training?" Orihime asked with a big smile as she was putting food on a plate.
  "Exhausting. Sajin made me fight everyone."
  "What?" Her smile faltered, and I sighed while placing a hand on my hip and readjusting the sword sleeve on my shoulder.
  "I disarmed my first sparring partner really quickly, then he decided it'd be a good idea to have me go one-on-one with the others."
  "It was hilarious." Grimmjow said as he grinned.
  "Hilarious? How?"
  "I didn't lose." I replied, and she handed me a plate before putting another one together for Grimmjow. Picking up a bottle of water and a fork, I felt my mouth water at the meat and vegetables on my plate.
  "Oh, that's good." Orihime's smile returned. "You must be a great teacher!" She said to Grimmjow, and I saw him stand a little taller while showing his abnormally sharp teeth with another big grin.
  "Of course I am."
  "He's a shit teacher. He just beats on you and hollers how you're doing it wrong."
  "Oi! You won, didn't you?!" Grimmjow barked, and I rolled my eyes. Orihime chuckled and handed the demon a plate of food.
  "I hope you're just as successful with the magick sparring."
  "Thanks." I said before Grimmjow grabbed my jacket collar to drag me away from the table. He found a log to sit on away from the others and nabbed some of the meat off my plate to eat first. "Hey!"
  "Shut up, I'm just checking it." He was chewing, then waved his hand. "Okay, it's not poisoned."
  "No shit. Also, I thought I was supposed to eat first to test it."
  "Yeah, and which one of us is more likely to survive if it was?"
  "Yet again, you say one thing and do another. You just keep proving you like me, Pantera." I shrugged while raising my eyebrows and smiling. He shot me a glare before shoving some meat into his mouth.
  "This shit is so fuckin' bland."
  "I'm too hungry to care."
  "....You did good, Little Rabbit." Grimmjow's compliment made my ears get warm. "Especially when you hit that asshole in the diaphragm."
  "You might be a shit teacher, but I guess it worked out in the end."
  "Damn right, it did. Now apologize."
  "What? Why?" I chuckled, and Grimmjow looked at me.
  "You keep bitching about me not telling you stuff and not teaching you shit, yet you still came out on top in combat."
  "I'll give credit where it's due, but I'm not apologizing for that."
  "Why the fuck not?"
  "'Cause I was right to bitch about it either way. Now shut up and eat your food."
  "You shut up."
  "Bite me, fucker." I popped off before taking a drink. Grimmjow looked at me for a second before leaning toward me with his fangs bared. "I'm joking! Joking!" I quickly moved away and put my leg up to keep the demon away. His head fell back as he laughed at my reaction.
  "Don't tempt me, Little Rabbit."
  "I forgot you'd actually do it." I sighed while sitting back up. Some people were looking our way after hearing the shouting and laughter, but they eventually turned back to eating when nothing else happened.
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  It was getting darker as the day went on, and the woods lit up with the glow of magick. I was scrambling out of the way of a woman with her hands covered in electricity. She was using a more advanced form of elemental magick, and I had no way to block it without getting shocked.
  I dove and rolled before her hand speared into a tree, and the crack of the wood let me know there would have been serious damage if that attack had connected.
  "Fuck it." I panted before waving my hands while building spiritual energy. Each movement left a trail of magick before a circle with symbols appeared on the ground. The woman dodged it, but I activated the circle regardless.
  Just before she could reach me, golden chains shot out of the magick circle to latch on to her. She screamed and was slammed to the ground. She tried to break the chains with her electricity, but she couldn't move to even reach anything.
  I took the moment to catch my breath since I'd been running from her up until that point. She began to angrily yell and thrash to no avail.
  "Switch!" Sajin called out to signal that it was time to change sparring partners. I waved my hand to lift the binding spell, and the exorcist was pissed as she stormed off. It was as my next sparring partner walked up that an idea formed in my head.
  When he attacked, I dodged and immediately hid in the woods to give myself some extra time. His fists lit on fire, and I was climbing into a tree so he couldn't find me. Sitting on a branch with a view of my opponent, I began to create several binding circles on the trees.
  He didn't seem to notice them since he was focused on looking for me instead. I kept as quiet as possible as he walked on. However, just before he went out of sight, I hopped down from the branch to get his attention.
  The man ran at me, and once he passed the first few trees with binding circles, I activated them. The golden glow lit up the area and made the exorcist hesitate as he looked around. Raising my hands with my fingers outstretched, I made golden chains slither out of each circle.
  The exorcist jumped out of the way of the first couple of chains, however, he was outnumbered and was quickly caught.
  "Put me down!" He angrily shouted. Waving two fingers in a circle, I made two chains wrap around his wrists to bind them together. As the chains tightened, the fire died out. "Let me go, damn it!" The man bellowed and kicked as the chains had him several feet off the ground.
  "Enough." Sajin stepped out with his arms crossed.
  "What? I can still fight!"
  "Recognize when you have lost." He looked at the man with a firm gaze. "Now, put him down." I slowly put the exorcist down before the chains let him go. Sajin was looking at the trees and chains, and I couldn't tell what he was thinking in the slightest.
  He walked closer to stand a few feet away and gently grabbed one of the chains.
  "You barely use magick all day....and now this? Why?"
  "I'm still learning how to use it. Binding spells are the easiest for me so far."
  "And Pantera taught you this as well?"
  "Some. Between him and the books, I'm learning." I replied, and Sajin twisted his hand in the chain to get a firm hold on it. My eyes widened when I saw his arm get larger as fur sprouted from his skin, and his nails turned into claws. He yanked on the chain hard enough to make it taut as his bicep bulged- He was testing the strength of it.
  "You may be mediocre with magick overall, but it seems you're rather adept with chains. Good job, Wynter." Sajin let the chain go since it hadn't broken, then walked away to check on the other exorcists sparring.
  When my next opponent walked up, he only took one look at the chains coming out of the trees before immediately turning around.
  "I concede!" He shouted since he didn't even want to bother with what he saw. I couldn't help but laugh while running a hand through my hair.
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0 notes
Since most of my friends on this website are not cis I am CONSTANTLY playing this fun little came called “Is this your real name or is it just your internet alias?”
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I saw @occamshipper saying it would be better to direct the cockles kind of questions to you, so if you don't mind talking about this do you think they're a couple? Is yes then how is the arrengment with their spouses? And do you see any indication they would ever come out? Thanks.
hello! 👋
yes, i do believe that jensen and misha are a couple, but i should be very clear in saying that they are a polyamorous couple. i love their wives, THEY love their wives, i would never imply any kind of adultery. misha and vicki are openly polyamorous, so this isn't a huge stretch.
i try to respect their privacy by not speculating wildly on things i don't have any evidence to substantiate, so i don't like to go around being like "yeah they have threeways/fourways" or anything like that. but we do know that misha and danneel are very good friends and love each other a lot, so there's a really good relationship between them.
vicki is far more private and doesn't say much in public, so i really don't know anything about her and jensen's relationship, but she wrote and published 'the threesome's handbook' that, uh, went into a lot of detail about polyamorous sex and also spoke about how she fell in love with a female friend of hers while also loving her husband. she's the only one of the four who is openly queer and, between her and misha, is more open about being poly. misha tends to be a touch defensive and closed-lipped about it, because of course he gets asked creepy questions when the topic comes up.
however, misha has all but said that he's bisexual (and tbh i'd bet some money that he's some type of nonbinary as well, as often as he likes to play with gender), and jensen is, well, jensen's a chaotic bi if ever i saw one. i don't know a whole lot about danneel, but she's certainly vocal in being a queer 'ally'.
so i can't really tell you what their 'arrangement' is, and i feel like it would be a little out of line to speculate on exactly what it is. but i think we can see enough of the equation to come to a pretty reasonable conclusion that makes plenty of sense.
now if you're wondering what the hell i'm going on about, because it seems like a stretch to go from "this couple is poly" to "this poly guy is in a relationship with another married man," well, i created the cockles masterlist just for you!
i knew i sounded crazy, so i compiled everything i could find in my blog's archives to present all of my evidence for this assertion. it has long been a "we all know about it" situation, a kind of open secret, but since i can't just beam my knowledge in newbie's brains... masterlist. i've yet to have anyone tell me, "i've looked at your masterlist and i'm not convinced." i've had a LOT of people tell me they looked at my masterlist and they are convinced lol.
as to whether or not i think they'll ever fully come out, i really have no idea and that's such a deeply personal thing that i don't like to speculate too much. i think that they would both certainly like to come out, but i don't think society has yet progressed enough to accept queer polyamory to an extent that those involved could still have successful careers in showbusiness. it would also be really hard on their kids, and i'm sure they care more about that than their careers.
for those reasons i tend to think they're going to keep it private (though if anyone could force society to accept queer polyamory, misha collins could probably do it lol), but heteronormativity goggles are thick af and they can do almost anything without straight people at large catching on.
i must say, though, that they hardly seem to even care anymore whether people know or not, considering their antics for the past year or two. i mean, misha admitted today that he "stayed" (read: lived) at jensen's apartment enough to have his own 'blanky' there, and sure he threw in the 'spare room' bit, but... staying over at your coworker's apartment enough to have your own 'blanky' that you 'miss' raises eyebrows no matter what you say about a spare room.
even as a cockles connoisseur from 2013-onwards, i couldn't have guessed what's gone down in the last year. who the hell knows what's next?
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
The Stranger The Better (FNAF SB fanfic) C3 - Lights OFF
Read the intro to Chapter 1 (Enter A Sleepy Bitchard) for more details! I'd start reading there anyways else things won't make a whole lot of sense lol
In Summary: Reader is a forever exhausted young adult who has social difficulties doing their best to pay the bills, so when they get hired at the well-paying, almost entirely automated Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, they don't really hesitate to think things through before stumbling headfirst into a horror mystery surrounding this company and its crew of quirky (and surprisingly kind) animatronics.
Things To Know (lmk if I should add anything, also check the tags for more stuff):
This chapter, as well as some later chapter, has some horror elements! Feelings of fear, being chased and grabbed and such.
Eventual romance, minorly important to the plot.
Reader has paranoia.
There is much swearing.
Reader is also addicted to energy drinks, and not fantastic at self care.
Reader is nonbinary (and also trans masc) though it's not vital to the plot and only comes up once or twice.
Reader is from the south, is protective of their friends, and if you threaten their friends then I'm afraid you've yee'd your last haw and yes that is important to the plot
Previous Chapter | Chapter 3 | Next Chapter
C3 - Lights OFF
     Dare you say, you were starting to get the hang of this. Just walk around, check the cameras, stick any stray items you found in lost and found, don’t fall asleep in the middle of the shift. But that’s what energy drinks were for. You were not addicted. You simply needed the boost in order to get through two jobs.
     “Definitely not addicted. I drink a normal amount of these,” You mumbled to yourself as you finished your can. You located the nearest trash can (which had been painted to look like that chicken bot… ironically enough) and tossed the empty can inside.
     You stretched and took a moment to check the cameras. You were beyond grateful Sun had gotten the watch to work for you.
     Speaking of… you were only a minute away from the daycare. You knew Sun had told you to come back the day after tomorrow, but you wanted to check in anyways and be sure Sun was doing okay with the lights off.
     You wondered why the daycare’s lights would need to alternate between on and off each night. Maybe they were usually always on but they were recently trying to save on electricity? You wondered how much the electric bill for this place was. There sure were a lot of neon signs.
     Once you reached the daycare, you didn’t hesitate to stroll right up to the window and peer inside. The lights were off, and it was too dark to see too far into the massive room. You noted the ceiling was covered in hundreds of tiny purple lights, reminiscent of stars.
     The next thing you noted was that the doors were open.
     You stepped into the doorway and looked into the shadows. “Hey, Sun? It’s me, Y/N! The new night guard. Just came by to see how you were doing,” you called.
     There was no answer.
     “Sun?” You knocked thrice on the door. Maybe Sun was resting or something?
     You were about to turn back and just return tomorrow, but you paused when you heard knocking from deep in the darkness. Three knocks, in answer to yours.
     “…Sunny? Hello?” You lifted your flashlight and peered around. You had a feeling you weren’t alone here. Was that your normal paranoia or something else? Was Sun in there after all? What if Sun was stuck somewhere or damaged and couldn’t respond?? “Hey, you good??” you asked nervously, trying and failing to not let your paranoia get to you.
     There was no response. You bit your lip and deliberated for just a moment before deciding you’d rather not risk it. You quickly stepped into the daycare and started looking around, sweeping your light back and forth.
     “Uh, so I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay. If you could knock again and help me find you, that’d be great,” you said, trying your best to project.
     There was a moment of silence. Then, you clumsily bumped into a stack of big foam blocks, knocking several over and nearly falling yourself.
     “Aw, fuck, dangit,” you mumbled, immediately going to grab the toppled blocks and stack them back up.
     You froze, dropping the block. That almost sounded like Sun. Almost. You swiveled your light around, feeling uneasy.
     “Uh… Sun?” you asked nervously.
     “You were warned not to break the rules again. Naughty children must be punished,” the voice said harshly.
     You frowned. “Hey, I’m not a child-“ your words caught in your throat when you spotted two red pinprick lights in the darkness. You shone your flashlight towards the lights.
     The animatronic was still for just a moment, allowing you a brief look at him. They bore a striking resemblance to Sun, but this was not Sun. In place of sun rays was a night cap, and the cheery yellow panels and clothes had been swapped for dark blue versions. Instead of stripe patterns along the pants there were little star shapes. Half of his faceplate was darkened, the remaining crescent not unlike a partially shadowed moon. A moon with two creepy red eyes boring into you.
     The bot rushed forward towards you, arms outstretched.
     “Oh shIT-“ You reacted without thinking and threw your flashlight, the only thing in your hands, as hard as you could at the bot. You were rewarded by the sound of a solid ‘bang’, metal hitting metal.
     Then came the regret as you spotted the beam of you flashlight move, being lifted by someone else. The moon themed animatronic came into view for a moment, illuminated by the beam.
     Then the light clicked off.
     The darkness pressed in all around you. Your skin felt electrified and you could feel adrenaline rushing through you, fueled as well by that energy drink.
     You dove, trusting your instincts, which were currently screaming at you to flee. You felt the metal bars of one of the several play structures, and didn’t hesitate to start climbing. You tore up the side of the structure and nearly fell as you suddenly reached the top and ran out of handholds. You pulled yourself up onto the top of the structure, feeling along the grid-like bars to know where to set your shoes.
     “Naughty little twerp. No climbing on top of the play place, its against the rules,” the animatronic said, from somewhere above you.
     You fearfully jerked your head up and around, quickly spotting those red eyes zeroed in on you and approaching at a smooth and rapid rate. You could just make out the shape of the animatronics' body in the darkness.
     The fucker was flying towards you-
     Without hesitation or thought, you dove backwards back off the edge of the structure you’d just climbed. It wasn’t until you were falling and unable to see the ground approaching that you realized how fucking stupid a decision that was.
     “OOF-“ Something latched around your middle and yanked you upwards before you hit the ground, and all the air immediately vacated your lungs. A moment later, you registered that the animatronic had caught you and was hoisting you off somewhere, your stomach dropping violently as if you were on the world's worst rollercoaster. “LET GO OF ME,” you demanded, squirming and thrashing.
     The animatronic was freakishly strong and didn’t budge at all, until they reached wherever it was they were taking you. He dropped you in an unceremonious heap on the ground.
     You rubbed your middle and took a moment to breathe and get your bearings. Your back was to a corner, and the animatronic was looming menacingly over you.
     “Alright alright alright listen,” you said quickly, holding your hands up. “If you’re gonna kill me, at least let me call my boss and tell her I can’t make it in for my shift tomorrow.”
     The bot tilted their faceplate curiously at you.
     “Uh, are you… hey, where’s Sun?!” you demanded. “Did you do something to them??” You got to your feet, catching a second wind. “Spill the beans, fucker. What the hell is going on here? What have you done with Sun?!” You tensed and balled your hands into fists, ready to fight.
     “Disgusting language. No swearing in the daycare,” the bot scolded. “Another ten minutes in time out.”
     “Time-“ You stopped. You realized you had been put in the corner of the room and were not currently being murdered. You’d been put in time out. “Wh-! Hey!! I am not a child, you can’t put me in time out!”
     “You broke the rules.”
     “Fuck your rules, pal.” You scowled and attempted to march out of the corner past the bot.
     The animatronic grabbed you easily, lifting you under the arms like an unruly cat and setting you back down in the corner.
     “Your time out is not over yet,” the bot scolded, as if he was speaking to a toddler throwing a tantrum.
     Your cheeks felt hot. “You can’t just-! God dammit, let me-“ You tried again to get past, only to be forcefully placed back in the corner. You finally tried punching, nailing the bot in the center of their faceplate. The force of the blow made the bot recoil and take a small step back, but that was it. Besides that, your knuckles hurt a lot now.
     “Ahhh shit.” You shook your hand out. “Fuck it, fine, I guess i’ll just fucking check the cameras if you’re not gonna let me go do my job.” You angrily sat down and started clicking through your watch.
     You paused when the bot sat down as well, leaving you with very little wiggle room. You were about to say something, but the words died when the bot carefully took your hand.
     “You are injured. One moment.” The bot reached into a pocket with a free hand.
     You squinted, just able to make out a tiny first aid kit in the bot’s other hand. In the dim light of your watch, you watched the animatronic pull out a little cleaning swab and a band-aid. The bot used the swab to dab at your knuckles. The skin had split when you'd wisely punched a metal faceplate full force.
     You hissed at the sudden stinging sensation. The bot just gave you a look like ‘this is what you get’.
     After placing a blue band-aid over the split skin, the bot finally released your hand. He packed up his first aid kit and stored it away in his pocket once more.
     “Do you want a lollipop?” the bot asked.
     You huffed and folded your arms. “…What flavor?”
     The bot chuckled. “Any flavor you like.”
     “Orange?” you asked.
     The bot produced a lollipop from out of nowhere and handed it to you. You eyed it suspiciously for a moment before popping it in your mouth. It was orange flavored.
     A quiet moment passed where you scrutinized the bot, and the bot watched you silently.
     “…Moon,” you realized. “Sun and Moon.”
     The bot looked surprised. They stared at you curiously.
     “What happens to Sun when you’re out? Is he off sleeping somewhere? Er, recharging? Letting their systems cool off?” you questioned.
     “Why are you so worried about Sun?” Moon asked.
     “Cause it’s my job. Also Sun is nice to me,” you said.
     Moon was silent for a long moment. “Sun and I are two separate AI’s who share the same body,” they explained.
     “I see.” You thought for a moment. “The lights… the lights are what turns one of you into the other, right?”
     Moon looked startled again. The expression quickly faded back to neutrality. “Yes.”
     “Hmm.” You took a deep breath and let it out. You did your best to calm down. You weren’t in danger, everything was cool. You’d been more or less kidnapped, but it was fine. “How much longer are you gonna make me sit here, Moon?”
     “Forty three minutes.”
     “What?! Why??”
     “Five minutes for every swear word. We have been here for two minutes,” Moon said.
     “You gotta be shitting me,” you groaned.
     “Forty eight minutes,” Moon said.
     “What-!!” You quickly shut your mouth before you said any more swear words. “Listen pal. I’m an adult. I’m allowed to swear.”
     “No one is exempt from the rules,” Moon said.
     “There’s not even any kids around!”
     “The rules do not say ‘no swearing around kids’. They say ‘no swearing in the daycare’.”
     You sighed heavily and rubbed your face. “This is ridiculous. You know that right??”
     The bot just tilted their head to the side again.
     You huffed and just breathed for a while. You relaxed your muscles and managed to convince your brain that you weren’t actually in any danger. You felt exhausted, and you could really feel the sting on your knuckles now. You ignored the pain and glanced back up at Moon.
     “So… Moon. What’s your deal? What are your pronouns?”
     “He and they.” Moon paused. “It is complicated to refer to a being with multiple selves inside, but Sun and I agree these pronouns are best.”
     “Right, I see.” You nodded. “Well. Mine are they-“
     “They them preferred, he him tolerated, she her not allowed,” Moon interrupted, giving you a sly look.
     “Oh, so you can…” You looked at Moon’s faceplate, trying to find some hint of Sun present in Moon’s eyes. “Hi to you as well, Sun.”
     Moon stared at you, expression unreadable. “Clever kid.”
     “I told you, I’m not a kid. I’m 24.” You made a face at Moon.
     Moon ‘tsk’ed at you. “Still not old enough to rent a car.”
     “Wh-“ That had taken you by surprise. You actually laughed. “I mean. I guess so.” You checked the cameras again. Everything still looked fine.
     “Impatient,” Moon scolded.
     “Listen pal, i’d rather not get fired after three days for not being there when an intruder breaks in.” You stuck your tongue out at Moon.
     “If there is an intruder, you may serve out your time later,” Moon said.
     “Golly gee, thanks warden.” You rolled your eyes. You suddenly leapt up and tried to jump over Moon.
     Moon snatched you the moment your feet left the ground and dropped you back in the corner, then ‘tsk’ed at you.
     “Just testing you.” You folded your arms and leaned back against the corner with a huff. You tapped your fingers on your arms.
     You lasted about ten minutes before you started to get drowsy, just sitting around here. You braced your hands on your knees and rose to your feet.
     Moon immediately sprang up as well, eyes fixed on you suspiciously.
     “Relax, dream boy. I’m just standing so I don’t fall asleep.”
     “…You should take a nap.”
     You laughed. “So you can snatch my car keys and my wallet? Right.”
     Moon tilted his head. “Get some rest. You still have twenty five minutes of time out. I will allow you to spend it sleeping.”
     “How gracious.” You rolled your eyes. “No, i’m not gonna fall asleep on the job. I’m a good employee, dammit.”
     “…Thirty minutes.”
     “FFF-“ you managed to catch yourself just in time. “Ugh! This is ridiculous.”
     “Quit pouting, brat.”
     “Quit being a butthead, dream boy,” you retorted.
     “You’re the one who wont let me swear!”
     Moon just chuckled.
     You resigned yourself to ignore Moon and wait out your sentence. You kept checking your watch and shifting from foot to foot. Moon loomed over you, a silent sentinel. You finished your lollipop, but kept chewing on the stick.
     “How much time is left?” you asked.
     “Five minutes.”
     You nodded. “Right.” You studied Moon for a moment. “…Sun seemed to not want me to meet you. Why’s that?”
     Moon was silent for a long moment. “I am… defective. Deemed unsafe for children. Not advised for human interaction. Sun is just being cautious.”
     “Defective?” It was your turn to tilt your head curiously. You squinted at Moon, giving them a once over. “You seem fine to me. I mean, you scared the shiiiiiipping… labels… right off me? Earlier??” You frowned at your horrible but creative recovery. “You spooked me real good. Got me into fight or flight and everything. Thought I was gonna die.”
     “I would not kill you. Or anyone,” Moon said somewhat forcefully. “I don’t mean any harm. I just sometimes… get these glitches. I need to be fixed.”
     You squinted. “What kind of glitches?”
     Moon looked away for the first time in a long time. “Time is up. Your time out is over.”
     “Oh.” You took a few experimental steps out of the corner. When Moon didn’t stop you, you resisted the urge to make a break for the door. “Its alright if you don’t wanna tell me. Just let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”
     “Help?” Moon looked at you quizzically.
     “Yeah, its kinda my job. I’m here to look after yall, keep you safe and such. I’m here to help,” you said.
     “Helping me is not within your job description, night guard.”
     You rolled your eyes. “Fine then, no help for you. I gotta get back to my rounds, see you.” You took a few steps before encountering your first shadowy obstacle. “…Uh. Do you still have my flashlight?”
     “You threw it at me.” Moon pulled out the flashlight and held it out.
     “Yeah, well you had it coming, buster.” You gave Moon a sour look and took the flashlight. You turned, then paused. You turned again to face Moon. “I was kidding be the way, when I said ‘no help for you’. You can ask me for help.”
     Moon didn’t reply. You waved goodbye and navigated your way back out of the daycare. You thought it was almost funny, how different the two AIs were. Sun was so bubbly and expressive and bouncy, and Moon was quiet and stoic and almost scary. They reminded you of your own chaotic brain, logic and emotion constantly struggling for compromise.
     You stepped out of the daycare, then paused. You spun around, spying those two red eyes watching you from the dark. “Hey, Moon!!” you hollered.
     Moon said nothing, but he was still looking at you.
     “I’m not in the daycare anymore.” You grinned wickedly before spouting the most exaggerative and passionate line of profanities you could muster. “-bitch ass fucking shit biscuits!!! Fuck your rules, dream boy!” You laughed heartily as you turned and walked away. You could feel Moon’s withering stare on your back, but you ignored it.
     There was only an hour left till six, when the complex would unlock and the sparse morning staff would show up as you were leaving, setting things up and getting ready for when the whole building opened at seven. You did your final rounds, checking the cameras as you went. Nothing had caught on fire or been burgled in your absence, luckily.
     You were actually excited for tomorrow. You wanted to ask Sun all kinds of nosy questions and maybe hang out for a little bit. Just a short while, you got anxious when you weren’t moving and doing stuff on the job. Off the clock, however, you wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and do nothing for as long as you were able. You did just that when you finally got home, just managing to kick your shoes off before collapsing in bed and falling asleep.
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aclosetfan · 3 years
Now I’m curious about your headcanons for the others and their body types. Do you mind sharing?
pssh, not at all! I think about this a lot actually haha. I'm throwing in Princess and Robin too because they're ignored too often! The list below is just my go-to. Story-depending, it changes! (also threw in extra fun details). All under the cut :)
1) Blossom: Her somatotype would be ectomorphic, meaning she has little fat/muscle. I see her body shape as an inverted triangle (larger on top, slimmer on bottom), or a rectangle, with a triangle-shaped face. I see her at an "average" weight and height. Stick straight hair that can't hold a curl (but still canonically NOT messy). I think her hair is a lighter red-orange, where it's more orange than red. Deals with stress acne she tries to hide under her bangs, and I think she'd have pink-banded braces in her tweens and teens. Freckles easily if out in the sun. Good posture. Ear piercings. Wears makeup, but only the basics. I want to say that I think her nose should be on the bigger side. Idk one time I was accused of bullying her for making her look "nerdy" soooo i really just don't play around with her anymore. 🤣🤣
2) Buttercup: A tall athletic build, so more her somatotype could be defined as a mesomorph, but I see her pear-shaped, which is commonly defined as ecto-endomorph, where the body is thinner on top with higher fat storage on the bottom. Idk i go back and forth. The bottom line is, I see her as the flat-chested one with a solid, strong body type. When working out, she focuses on definition and cardio instead of gains, so her muscle is leaner. She has a sharper face structure (maybe square/diamond). Stretch marks, indicating rapid growth spurts on hips and arms. Her hair is a black messy wavy short nightmare. Out of the three sisters, I feel she's the most self-conscious of her body (mad that she doesn't come off feminine, but also mad when she does--goes with my androgynous/or possibly nonbinary headcanons). I give her bad knees too, and she chews on her fingernails. Makeup-wise, she doesn't like it, but she went through a bad black eyeliner phase.
3) Bubbles: Has an endomorphic body type where she gains both weight and muscle very easily. According to canon, people say she's chubby. I see her hourglass-shaped with a rounded heart-shaped face! Very graceful. Heightwise, considered petite. She's made for hugs! If she were a cheerleader, I'd see her as a strong base, not a flyer (but she'd want to be a flyer). Good thighs. Curly, curly hair that frizzes if she doesn't keep up with it. Her hair is very blond, so her eyebrows and eyelashes look non-existent, which frustrates her. I think she'd have those very cute freckles that some people have solely on her cheeks with a gap in her two front teeth, and I'm a sucker for dimples on Bubbles. Has a button nose. Wears glasses, but hates them. Multiple ear piercings. Makeup guru. Just a cutie, tbh!
Brick: Bony, thin, and lanky. Ectomorphic like Blossom, but unhealthy about it. If he were real, you'd invite him to dinner just to make sure with your own two eyes he eats. For a variety of reasons that I won't explain here, I h/c him as someone who struggles with an unspecified eating disorder. Dark bags under his eyes make his thinness more pronounced, all his facial features are thin. Hella freckles everywhere. Teeth are stained a slight yellow (nicotine and coffee) (smile can still light up a room, but don't tell him that). Dark red hair is messy, long, and also sticky straight like Blossom's but not well maintained or as thick. His hair is dry in texture and when he was little had a bad case of dandruff. Does not care about his outer appearance, but things get better for him when he gets older (story depending), and that's when he starts putting in an effort. Hollowed face structure, probs square or triangle. He's a pretty boy, but far from conventionally attractive. Sometimes has piercing, sometimes doesn't. Bad posture.
Butch: Again, like Buttercup, a mesomorphic athletic build, but leans more endomorphic. He can build muscle very easily but has very little body fat. Despite that, he's a big boy lol. More broad in the chest and shoulders. Has an intimidating height and weight, but isn't bony. Not very graceful, and for a long time, he didn't have good control of his powers. As a little boy, he was rather gangly. A lot of stretch marks on his thighs, hips, chest, and arms. Angular face shape, squared jaw. Like Blossom, I think this guy would need braces, but they don't help. When he was little, they were knocked out of his head so many times, they don't grow back correctly anymore. Permanently missing a few molars. I h/c that all the kids have a bunch of scars, but Butch ended up with one on his eyebrow that everyone makes fun of him for because it makes him look like a douche-bag. love those h/cs that say he has curly hair that he tries to spike, so I adhere to that. One-dimpled smile! Various piercings. Bad posture (tries to hide his height). Large crocked nose.
Boomer: Wow, you guessed, it! Endomorphic, plus-sized guy! Slims out more than Bubbles as he ages because guys have an easier time losing weight, but he is never not chubby. I want to say he's an hourglass shape like Bubbles, but I haven't decided yet! He'd have a more rounded or rounded-square face. Again, stretch marks from his growth spurts. On the tall side, usually, I put him right between his brothers on height charts. Boomer is often in denial about his weight. I think deep down it bugs him, but for the most part, he ignores it. I feel that Boomer would change his hair the most, but has wavy blonde hair. Crooked cute smile! Various piercings! TBH I think he's the most conventionally handsome out of his brothers. I just think the blues would be very pretty, and Boomer would know it.
Princess: I like to think of her as Rich Girl thin, lol, but with a mesomorphic/athletic build. She has a round face and is rather petite overall. Has a pronounced gap in her two front teeth (more so than Bubbles) with a slight lisp, and a significant amount of freckles on her face. She has bright red, very curly hair. Aside from that, her ears are pierced. She doesn't have scars and is at an average height and weight, so I don't feel she'd have any stretch marks. Out of all the girls on this list, I'd think she'd actually be considered the most "perfect." Nails always manicured, hair always done, the best clothes, personal trainers, etc. She has the money for it, so she looks like a Country Club Trust Fund Baby. Her most unattractive quality is her personality, which is a real shame. :(
Robin: Robin! Robin has a square body type, leaning more athletic! I think she'd like to jog, so has leaner muscle like Buttercup. On the shorter side, but I also see her as at an average height. Her face shape is still up in the air. Robin thinks she's rather plain, boring, and mousy looking compared to all her interesting friends. Keeps her hair long, but dyes it from time to time to shake things up. No scars except for one on her forearm from falling off her bike, and a notch in her front tooth from the same accident. Doesn't freckle, but tans easily. She has very pretty blue eyes that I'm going to say are prettier than the blues.
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kays-gmm-fanblog · 3 years
8, 20, 52, and 64 for the ask (sry for anon, i'm shy)
don’t worry sunshine, anon is always on for that reason (unless people start abusing it, lol)
8. What do you label yourself as?
I like labels, honestly, so there are lots of answers to this question. Nonbinary. Queer. Pansexual. I’m super open about my ADHD and autism diagnoses too, so that’s a whole thing. INFJ. 1w2 on the enneagram. Idk, they’re all parts of a whole and they don’t tell the whole story, but I like being able to categorize. 
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) 
I really like my eyes. They’re hidden behind very strong glasses a lot of the time, which makes them look smaller than they are. But on the days I wear contacts, I tend to go all out with eye makeup to show them off. I can’t seem to upload a pic that isn’t fucking huge, otherwise I’d do so.
52. How long could you go without talking?
I think the longest I’ve gone so far is about a week. I’m a big fan of silent meditation retreats, but I never have more than a week at a time to take off of work to do them. It’s funny to me because sometimes it’s super easy and sometimes it feels like the longest stretch of time in the world, but I think either way, I get a lot out of the experience. 
64. What do you think about babies?
I love them!! I’m great with babies and then again with kids over the age of like 8, but anything in the middle is a nightmare. Babies are easy though, they have very simple needs and all they want is to be loved and held. I loved taking care of my nieces and nephew at that age.
Is the question asking me what I think about having them? I can’t tell. I can’t have them myself (#hysterectomylife) and I’ve always planned on adopting teenagers anyway. So the answer is I love other people’s babies and want absolutely zero of my own, lol. 
0 notes
This is embarrassing, but I had to ask. I'm writing a story and I have a character who is afab and agender, but they switch between he/him and she/her pronouns. Right now, she's using she/her. I've read into it, and so far I've been consistently using the correct pronouns, but is that all? I know gender presentation is up to the individual, and I hate saying this, but what should I do so that I can portray the character as being more female presenting?
Hi there Nonny! I’m so happy you asked this question, because I think gender presentation is really neat and it’s something that sometimes gets overlooked in stories. Maybe people are too concerned that they’re giving their readers too much physical description (we’ve all seen the advice that you shouldn’t do that!) or maybe they’re just not sure how to do it. That’s okay - let’s chat!
So first off, for our followers who might not be sure, what is gender presentation? Well, simply put, gender presentation is the way you present your gender to other people - your hairstyle, clothes, makeup, even body language can all be a part of that. So can secondary sexual characteristics, like body hair or breasts, or choosing whether to speak from the chest or from the head to lower or raise your voice. There are lots of different ways people present their genders!
When you have a character who is non-gender-conforming, whether they identify as agender, genderqueer, nonbinary, or something else, it can be very difficult to know how to bring that across in a way that your readers will understand. Since you want your character to present more femininely right now, you want to focus on aspects of presentation that are normally considered feminine. Although I don’t personally like to associate appearance with gender, I know that in our society, if you put on makeup and paint your nails and wear a skirt, people are more likely to view you as a woman, because those things all add up to femininity in the culture we live in. You could experiment with details like that, adding things like jewelry or eyeliner or whatever your character is comfortable with that affirms her gender when she’s feeling feminine. When he’s feeling more masculine, think about the styles of clothing that feel affirming for him, whether that means board shorts that help minimize his hips or a binder to help flatten his chest or even just a pair of sneakers that he likes the way he walks in.
Something else to consider is body language. Again, I can only speak from my experiences in the culture I was born in, but body language can be a big part of gender presentation. If someone walks with their shoulders parallel to the ground and a sway in their hips, for example, we might consider that a feminine gait, while a more masculine gait might mean keeping the hips parallel to the ground as much as possible and compensating with the shoulders. Longer strides are considered more masculine than shorter ones. Aside from walking, feminine people generally use body language that doesn’t take up a lot of space - they’re more likely to cross their arms or hold them close to their bodies, to cross their legs at the knee when seated or to cross their ankles under their chair, to sit with their legs close together, and to keep their hands and feet inside an invisible bubble of personal space the majority of the time unless they’re in a space where they feel comfortable. Masculine people, not so much. We’ve all heard of man-spreading by this point (the position in which a man seats himself and immediately spreads his knees as far apart as possible, often encroaching on the personal space of others), but masculine people are also more likely to spread their arms over the back of a seat, slouch with their legs or feet stretched out in front of them, or gesture expansively with their hands or arms while speaking. Mind, I’m not saying that all feminine or masculine people move in these ways, but there are observable trends for which we have plenty of data, and that’s what we’re looking at here. Most people tend to mix and match a little bit, depending on their comfort level with their surrounding, whether anyone else is nearby, and their own situational awareness.
Last, let’s look at those secondary sexual characteristics I mentioned. That’s anything biological that isn’t necessary for reproduction that differs between the sexes, although there’s still not a lot of black-and-white in this area. For example, most people grow body hair regardless of the sex they were assigned at birth, and some people grow more than others, and that’s totally natural. Facial and chest hair are considered masculine, which is why people who want to appear more feminine who have hair in those areas may consider a variety of methods of removing it. In terms of feminine secondary sexual characteristics you could use to help your character’s gender presentation, you’re pretty much down to breasts and hips. At puberty, the distribution of fat in the body changes, giving people with vaginas fatty deposits in the chest, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Since that’s where the fat goes, those areas end up being rounder and more curved than other parts of the body, whereas people who have penises tend to have their fatty deposits around the waist and stomach. This gives feminine and masculine people really different silhouettes, and it also means that feminine clothing is cut differently than masculine clothing to compensate for those differences. You’re more likely to find feminine shirts with lower necklines that show off the chest but tailored fits that show off the waist, or feminine pants and skirts that cling to the hips and thighs. People who want to be viewed as more feminine often choose clothing that flatters these aspects of their bodies and shows them off, because these features are seen as more feminine. That extends to choosing shoes, too - the silhouette of the body is very different when one is wearing sneakers as opposed to high heels, and that’s because high heels are designed in part to show off those feminine fatty deposits!
I hope this gave you lots of things to think about, Nonny, but in the end what I really want to say to you is this: gender presentation is ultimately a social construct. It’s a set of rules that people more-or-less agreed to follow so that people could be put into categories more neatly. You don’t have to follow those rules in your writing if you don’t want to, and you can even make up new ones if you like, especially if you’re building your own world with your own unique cultures. Don’t be afraid to let your character explore and figure out what makes them feel secure in their own gender, because that can be an important part of their story, too. Good luck!
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
I don't think there's anything to worry about as far as Jin & romance, like they haven't shown any hint of that happening with anyone least of all her. If anything they're pushing her & Fuwa & even that's a stretch. She's just the only person they can think of that might have the skills to help get Naki out of Fuwa, truthfully, that's the only thing on Jins mind right now. I hope this doesn't sound mean or accusing, I'm trying to reassure you that you don't need to stress about this
Yua and Fuwa was the ‘thing I don’t ship but don’t mind,’ yeah…
I’m hoping they don’t. KR in general isn’t big on romance (we’re a ‘boys show’ after all 🙄), so I’m not… Terribly worried? I know I sound like I’m in a tiz, but it was more… Well it came from a complicated place, is all I’ll say. I also have a very visceral reaction to it bc if my emotional state is already worn thin… Just the thought makes me not feel well, and I have a physical reaction to the discomfort. Normally, I can just speed scroll past and go on my merry way, but sometimes the reaction is more extreme. Also, I feel really guilty for feeling that way, which only make the whole thing worse, and it all melds together, and I word vomit out all the negativity.
I think I’m a bit tense w/ it w/ Yua being the first major female Rider (well, Rider who is female), so I keep kinda half expecting them to fall back on the ‘love interest’ or ‘romance plot for the girl’ stuff. Also, I have no illusions about Rider breaking out a same-sex relationship, or a nonbinary relationship out of the blue, so she and Izu are the highest… Well, not ‘risk,’ but probability. And… Izu’s a robot (thankfully, Jin is, too). Also, bc I see her as a mother/parental figure at most… There’s an extra level of squick for me, there.
(And that’s what this is, Squick. To me, personally. I am not trigger by anything, I’m not saying people who ship anything are bad, it’s just very squicky for me.)
I don’t think I really need to worry about it in canon, no. Part of this, admittedly, is also me feeling irrationally protective of Horobi and Jin’s relationship (hence my post hoping they don’t just give all Jin’s emotional scenes to her). And also, I’m a little gunshy bc, one kind of ‘complaint’ I did have about Ryusoulger (though I note I am aware they owed me nothing and it was a headcanon), was that I hc’d Banba as asexual/aromantic, and thought I’d be okay bc Sentai did romance even less than KR… Only for the show to repeatedly shove him into romantic relationships and plots. So… I’m a little tense. (again, I know the show owed me nothing, I’m just saying that’s why I had such an overemotional reaction)
I don’t think it will happen in canon (I hope not), it’s just a personal, extreme squick reaction I have that’s worse under certain circumstances, to just thinking about it. It’s just… Jin/anyone is a very strong notp for me, of which I do not have many, and it’s esp strong w/ the human characters, as they are all actual adults, while I still consider him to be mentally a teenager at most (and still a very naive teenager). so… The short version is, I was having an Uncomfortable time bc I happened to think about that, and I was already pretty worn out, so it kinda snapped a little. If that makes sense.
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