#I'm not actually going to think little of you/am actually very chill but I appreciate that you
teresiel · 7 months
I have a friend at work who is a blonde-dyed-black millennial who is into abstract art and smokes weed and is literally keeping her conservative dad alive while also holding him accountable to her whims and I think I'm obsessed EXCEPT she's a Swiftie.
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Why the TF2 Defense Trio deserve more recognition
The people have spoken, I have decided to create an essay disguised as a post on this godforsaken website because it's a free country goddammit! (I would have done it either way lmaooo, I have a lot of shit to say about these maniacs) To start this formal essay glorified very serious shitpost, why should you as a tf2 fan care about these 3 men? They're so "boring" and there's not much going on with them. If ya took a second, let's pause with what was being said. YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND to think such thoughts, we must shake you out of cuckoo land by giving you an in-depth look into these three so that you understand where I'm coming from. Let's start in order:
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After being in the fandom since 2019, there's always one character I always thought wasn't given much anything in the fandom at all. Even taking ships out of the equation, there's barely any fics I've that focus on Tavish Finneagan Degroot specifically that I've seen that isn't a compilation fic (I read a lot of x readers, don't judge me). Believe me, I checked ao3. I went through Demoman's tags and I tried very hard to filter a lot of the crossover and relationship tags, yet there's less of Demoman himself, than there's him just existing as a side character of a story. Which is honestly sad, I honestly think Demo is one of the more kinder mercs compared to a lot of the team. This man made friends with the BLU soldier, despite knowing that they were supposed to be killing each other. Sure, it's unclear whether or not Demo did actually go through with it and it's just a ruse, because the voicelines in WAR! don't have a set timeline. But I do think that Demo would have tried to keep his friendship with BLU soldier. He's very chill. I've never actually seen him get violent against his friends and family, despite being a drunkard. I honestly think he's one of the sweetest people in TF2, he takes good care of his mom and haunted sword lmaoooo. Jokes aside, he seems like a genuinely good man and I barely see anything that suggests he's sadistic. He's a chaotic and loud, but not bad. Not bad at all. The fact he can still do his job well, even after drinking so much that his body created a whole distillery, is even more impressive. He is damn good at what he does and works very hard. He's had multiple jobs, even as wee little lad. Despite what people think of him, the fact he's getting paid 5 million dollars a year, is proof he knows what he's doing. He loves his job and couldn't bear the thought of not working. I feel like his backstory isn't talked about enough in the fandom either. When you think about it, it's kinda fucked up that he was put in an orphanage by his biological parents until he was in the right age to be blowing people up. Not only that, his eye socket was haunted by the Bombinomicon so that every halloween a giant eye would manifest, attacking him and his friends. Even Medic couldn't help him and instead resorting to scooping the part of Demo's brain where he remembered so he would stop asking. He most likely has a lot of stories for you, I see him as the type that has a lot to say. His past is the most fleshed out and complete out of all the mercs, which I really appreciate, you can do a lot more with him. Also another thing, during Unhappy Returns, he took the time to reassure Soldier that he wouldn't think he's a civilian. He didn't brush Soldier's worries aside and instead comforted him. I wish I had a lot more to say about Demo because I am baffled that he isn't being gushed about as a potential partner. He has the excitement and like zero baggage. A thing I also wanna point out is that he seems to be insecure of the fact he's a black scottish man with only one eye during Meet The Demoman. I may be reading into things a bit too much, but it makes me wanna be like "NOOOO don't talk about yourself like that, bro. You're so cute UGHHH" Also also he's handsome. Sure looks can be subjective, but I still think Demo has a face I would kiss hehe. He looks great with his beard and his cheeky ass smile. GOD I could gush about him all day, but I have to move on rip.
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Honestly, I'm having a hard time just finding the words to describe this amazing man without giving him the respect he deserves. But I'll sure try. Heavy has had a difficult life and I've always admired how strong he was. Not just of his muscles, but he endured one of the toughest situations and still kept moving forward with his life even though it was traumatizing. You see why I'm even having a hard time talking about him? I can't really get down into the weeds, without getting serious for a min. I feel like the fandom doesn't give him much credit for being able to deal with so much. He's the rock for his family after his father disappeared (atp I think he's dead, which is the cherry on top this depressing sundae) and I wouldn't doubt that he would be the same for his team. He's a man of few words, but that makes him all the more intriguing. Just because this man has a lot of brawn does not mean he's dumb at all. Despite how he acts in the battlefield, Heavy is observant and clever. Although, it's implied that Spy being Scout's dad is an open secret between the mercs and Miss Pauling, the fact he figured it out without saying it directly must mean he has a lot more going on. He's also educated, getting a phD in Russian Literature. It's not a STEM program, but he actually got a doctorate and went to college, that's a lot more than half of what the mercs did lmaooo. Also he has a bit of a softie side, not just for his mom and sisters, but also other creatures as well. I respect him so much for avoiding violence against those dogs during the Showdown comic. Not only shows what an absolute sweetheart he is, but also how much he's able to think quickly on his feet. Heavy is very direct and blunt, I don't see him as the type to lie about his feelings. I appreciate that he doesn't feel the need to sugarcoat anything, he'll get the job done and he ain't playing. There's no fluff, he knows what he wants and that's to rev up Sasha and ram through sons of bitches without any worries.
I feel like I wanna point out, his story seems the most unexplored in the fandom, even though it has a lot of potential for ANGST factor. I already broke down how sad it is, but I just feel like it isn't said enough. Can I just say how cuddly he looks?! GAH, I feel like he would give the warmest hugs! The way he smiled in Unhappy Returns when he finds out his family doesn't need to live in fear anymore, just melts my heart! He's so protective over his family and friends! I wish I had a lot more to say about this guy because I just can't stop finding more things about him that go unappreciated. I had to literally edit this part so many times before moving on, he just has those little details you don't notice until you take a second and have that OH MY GOD moment
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I was getting so hyped, when it was finally our resident southern nerd's time to shine. GOD I have so much to say about this man. It's been over 5 fucking years and I have never stopped simping for this man since 2019, I think I'm gonna go insane from how much I've been repressing, I go feral when he's around. Anyways enough stalling. I don't ever think a fictional character has ever made me swoon quite like Engineer, I really mean that. I have ask and pleaded to whatever god was listening to give me a man like Engie. To me, he is everything I ever wanted and more.
First, I wanna talk about what makes him attractive to me. His accent. His southern charm, UGH he's killing me with that smooth voice and chivalry! I swear this man could make me faint just from existing. The way he smiles is so warm, his insults are so corny I love them. That five o clock shadow GAHH! I'm getting butterflies all over again. I swear I love all three of the defense bois, but Dell Conagher has my heart wrapped around his gunslinger metal finger. All those personal reasons aside, I've always thought Dell Conagher was a very interesting character in the world of TF2. He might not have much screen time or goofy shenanigans like the other mercs, but that doesn't mean you can ignore him oh no no no. This man is important within the whole story of Mann Co and TF industries, his grandfather being the catalyst of the game's events and the comics going forward. The Conaghers are the SOLE REASON why Team Fortress 2's story exists. I find it strange that the fandom hasn't done much with this fact because you can do a lot with this idea. Engineer knows a lot of shit and would be the biggest threat to Helen, if not for the fact that his family has been helping her for years.
Like his backstory, he's not seen much in the battlefield, but he has a lot more going on behind the scenes. Imagine the possibilities. He is damn intelligent and he knows it. While Dell is very sweet and has a southern charm, this is a facade to hide his God complex and sadistic tendencies. If you think this man is just your boring gentle engineer, you've got a big storm coming. It's heavily implied that he sawed off his own arm so that he could use the gunslinger. This man works on projects with Medic and doesn't question the moral implications of putting a human brain in a pumpkin. Hell, he threatened his own employer, even if he was an old man (Granted, Blutarch dug up his grandpa's grave, so he probably should have gotten something a lot worse than just Dell telling him to fuck off). Engineer is more than the texan egghead sweetie pie, he is a mercenary for a reason and I would argue that he might be as insane, if not more than, the rest of the team. No sane man would willingly work with a bunch of war criminals if he wasn't also crazy. That's the thing I really like about him. I love playing as him in the game because it represents his character very well. He technically serves a supportive role to the team with his buildings, but he is a killer with a lot of tools in his disposal, With the right amount of training, he can absolutely dominate in the battlefield.
I feel like he's one of the people that underestimate and assume that he's an easy target, but he's a lot more than that. He has a lot of layers that makes me want to learn more about him and what he has to offer.
In Conclusion:
These guys are cool. Lmaooo okay I won't just end it there. I genuinely believe that they're not getting the recognition that they deserve, they've got a lot more going for them if you pay attention. Sure they might not always be the loudest or most prominant character in the story, but what they lack in quantity, they make up for in quality TEN FOLD. They don't have to be your favourite, but you should at least give them a chance. You never know, they may surprise you.
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Okay so thats enough of that, I couldn't find a divider above this message, so you're getting this grainy ass gif. Honestly, I put way too much effort on this shitpost lmaooo, but I just wanted to get my thoughts out in a more concise manner. If you want to add more stuff about these three that I didn't mention, feel free to do so. Anyways thanks for reading
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
Little Lamb
Pairings: Oberyn Martell x f!reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, creepy behaviour, dark au, angst, sexual acts are mentioned, being drugged, fear, shy timid reader (for now).
Summary: You’ve been kidnapped by the head of the Martell family as he seeks his revenge. What you don’t know is that he already has a soft spot for you.
A/N: the updates are gonna be short but I’m hoping to have two parts posted a week, all going well. I'm still getting back into the swing of writing after my nan passing so bare with me.
Series Masterlist
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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The air was damp. 
That’s the first thing you notice as you startle awake. A musty smell infiltrates your senses as you suck in a breath. Your head feels heavy and the room spins a little as you slowly open your eyes. 
It was small, too small to be considered an actual room and the stark lack of furniture or windows, made it feel more like a cell. The cot creaked below you as you slowly sat up and looked around. The thin blanket pooling around your waist. Where the fuck were you?
“Ah, you're awake. Good. Thought I might have given you too much and accidentally killed you. And that wouldn’t do at all.” His voice echoed throughout the room and the pain in your head throbbed harder behind your eyes. 
“You drugged me,” you stuttered, your body shaking violently as the cold air chilled you to the bone. The man, whose hair was tied back, stood towering over you with a devilish smirk on his face. 
“That I did, princess. You were trashing about too much, and I needed to get you here fast.” His eyes trail the length of your body and bile rises in your throat as he lets out a satisfied groan. 
“Aren’t you a pretty thing? Can think of loads of things I’d like to do to you.” You're consumed with fear as he steps closer and you push yourself further up the cot towards the wall, hoping somehow it would save you from his lewd gaze. 
“Please,” you plead as he bends down and reaches out his hand to trace his fingers along your jaw. 
“Please what? Fuck you? Grab your face and shove my dick down your….”
“Enough!” You startle as a deep baritone voice sounds from the doorway, sending a shiver down your spine. You let your eyes drift towards the man, and you recognise him from earlier. You don’t think you’d ever be able to forget those soulful brown eyes that reminded you of a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning. 
 His face is stern as he stands staring at the other man’s back, his fists clenched at his sides. “Get out. Now!”
As you turn your gaze back to the man in front of you, you find him staring at you, a look of pure hatred on his face. He huffs. Annoyed that he was interrupted but he stands up and nods his head at the other man before leaving. 
“Here,” brown eyes says as he hands you, his jacket. “Put it on. You look cold.” The features of his face have softened somewhat, and his eyes take you in as you reach out and take it from him. 
“Tha-thanks,” you stammer, the cold air of the damp room making it hard to talk. It’s miles too big but it’s warm and that’s what matters. Wrapping it around yourself you take in a deep breath as its warmth slowly seeps into you, the faint smell of cinnamon and strawberries fills your senses, and you wonder if this is what he smells like.
“Do you know who I am?” He asks as he stands above you, arms crossed over each other, legs shoulder width apart, oozing dominance. He must be the leader you think to yourself as you take him in. 
He’s very handsome. 
Dark hair that curls slightly at the nape of his neck. A slight beard with a moustache that seems slightly outdated, but he wears it well. And his eyes.
 Those brown orbs that seem to captivate you, remind you of the whiskey your father drinks. “Do you know who I am?” He asks again, voice laced with annoyance as he stares down at you. 
Gulping nervously, you shake your head and you know you’ve said the wrong thing when he narrows his eyes at you. “You don’t know who I am? Interesting. Unfortunately for you, I know who you are. Y/N Lannister. Daughter of Tywin Lannister.”
“What do you want from me? Why am I here?” You ask, voice still a little shaky. Your eyes follow him as he moves around the room, widening in shock as he sits on the cot beside you. His eyes trace the length of your curves before they meet your gaze. 
“Your father took something from me. Something precious that I can never get back and so I’ve repaid the favour by taking something from him. You. I admit you’re not who I was hoping for, but turns out, you are even more precious to him than your sister.”
“I don’t understand, what did he take? Please, I don’t know what he did but you have to let me go. I’m not like them, I promise.” 
He laughs. A deep belly laugh that has him holding his hand to his stomach and it makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter. You reach out and place your hand on his thigh but the minute your palm touches him, you instantly regret it. 
His laughter stops and his eyes narrow as his gaze drifts to where you're touching him. Fear creeps in again and as you try to pull your hand away, he grabs onto your wrist. 
“Don’t. Ever. Touch. Me. Again.” He snarls, his eyes boring into you and you nod your head frantically.
“I’m sorry. Please,” you beg as you try to pull your wrist free. His grip only tightens, and your breathing becomes ragged causing his eyes to drift to your chest where his jacket has fallen open, revealing the curve of your breast. His eyes darken as they stare at your pebbled nipples, now on full display through your dress. 
“Please, you’re hurting me.” The sound of your voice pulls him from his thoughts, and he quickly releases you as if he’s been burned. His face, now void of emotion, looks straight at you. 
“I’m hurting you. That was nothing, little lamb. But you touch me again, and I’ll show you what I’m capable of.”
He stands, towering over you once again and you can’t help but shake with fear. “I’m sorry.”
“You will be. Your father murdered my sister and her children and if he doesn’t give me what I want, I’m going to kill every Lannister, starting with you.” With that he turns and makes his way towards the door but when a sob escapes your lips he stops in his tracks.
 His shoulders tense beneath his dark shirt and he glances at you from over his shoulder. “I’m not in the habit of hurting women, so if you do what you're told, you’ll be fine.”
“Funny, considering you just threatened to kill me,” you snipe back at him, and you swear you see the hint of a smile on his face before he reaches for the door. 
“Behave little lamb, and I’ll let you out of this room. Don’t, and you’ll stay here to rot.” The door closes behind him with a bang before you hear the faint sound of the lock. Fuck!
Your father killed his sister? You don’t believe it. He wouldn’t do such a thing. Or would he?
Part 2
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan25 @hummelmia @angstismydrug
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utilitycaster · 1 month
I just wanted to say that seeing your thoughts and opinions on Ashton have been really cool. I'm someone who never connected with Ashton and was struggling to grasp their choices and their opinions as I'm someone who just views the world so differently.
But the way you phrase things, especially stating you love them as a character even if you dislike their choices and framing them in the way you have has helped me understand a little more and even if I still can't say I like Ashton, I can respect them more and Taliesin's choices with playing them and that's nice to have especially when they have been quite vocal the last few episodes with their opinions concerning everything.
You doing great things. Keep going
Hi anon,
Thank you so much! I love this ask a lot and I really appreciate you sending it.
One of my favorite aspects of fiction is being exposed to perspectives I don't share and seeing why a character feels that way. Ashton's behavior this last episode absolutely drove me nuts - but I get it! The shard was only a week ago, and that's not a lot of time to get over their desire to feel wronged and robbed, and so when Ludinus drops a golden example of "here's something else you can use to explain why everything is someone else's fault" in their lap, of course they're going to take it! I think Ashton has, throughout the campaign, really been struggling with the fact that he does have a lot more agency and freedom and power than he is willing to believe or admit, and so a narrative of powerlessness in the face of the gods is very seductive even though it's also a nonsensical one (both because the gods haven't remotely struck anyone down in the present day, and because Ashton themself is claiming the power to decide, for the world, what to do next).
He's overlaying his own personal experiences of trauma over the narrative of what was shown in the Occultus Thalamus, and that's extremely normal and (in our world, anyway) human! We all bring our own biases and experiences to the world and to fiction and view things through a particular lens. It would be weird not to. It's just also important to constantly question "am I reacting to what I actually saw and what is actually there; or am I making assumptions that are unfair to make in this particular setting," and Ashton's not in a place to do that. It's rough to watch at times - I know I'm like "HEY YOU'RE IN THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY, YOU GOTTA CHILL" but it's such a real response I cannot, ultimately, hate on it.
Anyway it is great that you're trying to approach a character who is being abrasive and difficult and very unlike you with thought and compassion, and I am so glad that some things I've said have helped with that.
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mblue-art · 6 months
Sorry for that question but I really curious!
What made you fell in love with Cross and Lust?
Tell us more!!
😳😳😳 hhuh what rreally,, , ,,, 😳 u wanna hear me yap abt my sillies, my beloveds,,, (i appreciate the enthusiasm tho omg 🥺🫶🫶🫶)
i want to have the yuris with lust and the yaois with cross I I MEAN HWHWAT 🧍‍♂️
haha anyWAY,, (oh gog this ended up long)
cross checks so many boxes for me it makes me go insane. too good to be true. versatile(??)— like it's somehow way too easy to put him in Situations. (he's bf and husbone material??? just -20hp me now; that already kills me) he's. hh. gawddamn there's reasons why he won a utmv sans sexyman poll.
he's like a crush that you can't get out of your head no matter what you do, i'm so freaking down bad for him it's not even funny anymore. ever since simping for cross i have not been the same since. the man has changed me. the attraction/simp feelings hit me like a bat out of nowhere and i don't understand why it's so intense— i. hh.
,,i like when ppl make him dorky. stupidly silly (absolutely love shitpost shenanigans and would absolutely LOVE to get into silly shenanigans with him and with/without his bestie epic). fun to be around when he's deemed you as a good friend. stars, he'd give good hugs. strong, solid, and warm, the kind of hugs u don't wanna pull away from so soon. a little endearingly cringe. fanon simp cross is adorable and fun to mess around with. tsundere cross is adorable and fun to mess with. cute anxious guy under all that intimidating aloofness. when i say his smile is an absolute treasure, i mean that. his blush making him look like a grape or a glowing bulb is adorable and makes me wanna tease him more. anime protag/character vibes so strong i wanna have a cute bl/shoujo manga romance with him type shit yk.
then there's times when he's The Hot Dude and i think it's illegal if he's all confident and smug and dom actually (/hj) cause that makes me wanna fucking fite him HELLO? SIR? ILLEGAL????? (<- the fight or flight response of a tsundere towards a milder tsundere LOL).
-hp every single time. mf gets successful d20 rolls w/ rizz on me and i get a critical hit every time. it's a 50/50 either i fluster to death and become weak or i wanna fite his dumbass
i'll. i can fight him. i'll lose but i can fight him for sure. (why is he so cool⁉️‼️💢💢💢RRRRRRR)
he makes me feel things. lots of things. (mostly fluster but when i'm feelin sooper soff i jst wanna shower his skull in keeses. ima kissy lil guy)
tired cross makes me just wanna take care of him. want him to come home to me without any worry because he thinks i'm his safe space.
when he's being stubborn i want to tell him to chill out for a little while, take a break and watch some funny stuff while drinking choccy milk or eating his fav foods and be cozy. bapping him if he's gonna try to get out of this too soon. he's gonna get the free time he deserves n relax n get cuddles n kithes.
the way he can gently hold my hand and look at me with a sincere look in his eyelights and say something genuinely affectionate feels like cupid shooting an arrow through my soul, but also feels like a balm. (a promise of loyalty and faithfulness.) (a kiss on the forehead? a cherry on top.)
well now i can't be mean to him with all the nice he's saying and doing. i just want nice things for him o(-< (even if he's a bastard sometimes lol<3 all circles back to the silly) (silly is always important)
i love lust. so so so much. the fanon interpretation of him, anyway.
(don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore the feminine slay content of lust; but am i wrong for yearning for more masc lust content?)
i like my lust sans respectful, goofy, sans-like, an absolute sweetheart, and a caring, wonderful life partner. under the flirty personality and charm(ing looks), is a sans behavior that made me fall deeper. (he makes me feel very gender too) (ohmygofd yeah no he actually makes me think of gender sometimes rauauagrrgh<3/pos). i don't have to worry about showing my cring, weird side to him, because he's also a gremlin,, o(-< he doesn't have to present himself all nice and pretty all the time (although he's always pretty in my eyes). he can be comfortably himself; with me 🥺
i want to be his safe space.
i want to see him heal and be happy and be happy with me and give him all the love i can give and care for him and make him soso happy i just want him to feel SO sosososo loved, he deserves so much more
he's the only one who's able to get a certain reaction out of me; to pull flowers out of my heart. to pull out words of love and devotion and appreciation, heart bursting with affection only for him.
for him, i would try. i would live for him. i wish someone like him (the him i've created from interpretations and headcanons) was real irl.
i want to not care i don't care if he's a gorgeous well-known person that people fawn over, or if he's a campus crush, etc.,
i want him to think i'm worthy enough to keep in his life. for him to know how special he is to me, for him to know how much i want him in my life as much as i want him to keep me in his.
my immediate reaction when i think of him is: 😊💕💜💜💜eeeee kicks and giggles and flaps hands teehee
i love him so much i get a heart-on for him (/silly but it is true sometimes; love him so much it aches (in a good way))
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phoenix-bleh · 6 months
I hope your requests open again soon because reading this:
Gave me an idea for the most adorable casual kidnapping ever....heck I'll share it now before I forget, that way it can be here chilling in your inbox for when your requests reopen or idk but hope you like it!
Just...butter roll either working via looking through papers or idk and reader just casually walks up to him...hugs him and nuzzles him before grabbing his hand and just....casually walking off with him. Like y/n is like 'I love you...come on, you're coming with me'. Like very sweet and casual. Lol! That's how y/n could 'kidnap him'..
Two ideas of possible responses my mind came up with buuut wanna see your actual one but just sharing for funsies!!
Butter roll: aaaaaah....I'm being kidnapped...
*says it in a calm voice...but gives hand a squeeze as a sign of 'I love you.'*
Butter roll: oh! My favorite type of kidnapping! So where are we going, my scientific wonder? Restaurant? Home? I can't wait!
*little smooch for y/n.*
ok so I thought it might go something like this-
Butter Roll just casually checking his papers and writing down notes of anything really.
Then you come in and you give him a hug from behind. He looks behind him to see you “Oh hello y/n! do you need something?” he asked you. You look up at him and nodded with a big old smile on your face
“Mhm! i’m here to take you away!” you grab his arm and started pulling him with you “You’re coming with me!”
Now it would be funny if you just straight up told him you were kidnapping him and he’d be like oh ok well this is happening!
Or he’d be like awww am i your first victim oh im flattered and he just comes along with you.
obviously you don’t plan on doing anything bad with him just taking him somewhere….but you love him so it’s ok<3
Mostly thinks you’re too sweet to kidnap but you’re testing your skills on HIM?? he’s honored. He feels appreciated you’re thinking about him.
“Oh! where are we going? Well whatever it is I’m sure it’s gonna be so much fun!”
If you don’t tell him you’re trying to kidnap him he’d just grab onto your hand as well and assume you’re taking him somewhere or just trying to show him something.
You take him to your basement and he’s looking at you confused and you’re looking at him with a grin on your face. He slowly turns to your basement with a disturbed look on his face.
and then he realizing what’s happening….
“OH! you want to have a sleepover! oh what fun!”
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tsarinatorment · 4 months
Hi, Tsari! I am quite new to the Trials of Apollo fandom and new to the whole Percy Jackson Universe in general. I have already read some of your fics and they are all so beautifully written with the perfect wording and eloquence. All those heart-warming scenes that totally could fit in the actual books always warm my heart. Thank you.
I have a question though. Sorry if you've already answered something similar.
So, I'm thinking a lot about that scene where Apollo admits he forgot Yan, Gracie and Jerry's existence and I think that's only because of the whole mortal brain is so weak thing. He cares about his children even before they would arrive at Camp. As the God of Knowledge, he must remember everything especially people he loves. So, do you think would he feel embarrassment or guilt after ascending into Godhood again?
I think he would definitely apologize to them and basically re-introduce himself and would tell them he loves them no matter what happens and he is so proud of them how they handled themselves at Nero's tower. I just imagine a cute scene with lots of tears from the kids as well as from him. Also, first his kids would be definitely worried why a powerful God would want to talk to them. They don't know Apollo yet and Will or any other of their older siblings one day would just nonchalantly drop the bomb that they should go to the cabin bc Apollo is waiting for them to talk about something. They would definitely be terrified even if they got some stories about how Apollo is a chill, lay back father. But knowing something and experiencing something is two different things.
Oh, the angst, can you imagine? Poor Apollo is already on the edge blaming himself for his stupid mistake thinking he would never be able to repair their relationship and the first thing he notices that his kids are afraid of him. And then throughout the scene everything resolves and the kids understand that they are allowed and encouraged to express their real feelings and opinions even if that is not so flattening or respectful towards their father. And now they know what their older siblings mean when they say their father is different from the other Gods. So, happy end. Sorry for the long ask.
So, the actual ask is that do you think would he apologize and if yes, how would he do?
I don't know I just love that 3 new kids and there are so little stories about them. I just need them be cute with Apollo. Apollo is a good father and he cares about all of his children.
Hello! Welcome to the fandom, and I'm glad you're enjoying my stuff (I've spotted your name in my emails quite a lot recently; very much appreciated :D)
The TON Trio, as they're usually nicknamed, are fascinating on several levels, because of how they appear and what Apollo says about them, and while it's not something you mentiooned specifically in your ask, the first big question that always crops up with me about them is - how were they claimed?
Like, clearly they are - they're in Cabin Seven, no-one has any doubts that they're his kids - but also, they arrived while he was a mortal. Apollo himself couldn't have claimed them, but if they were still unclaimed they'd be in Cabin Eleven, even if they knew in advance that they were Apollo kids, because camp can't run the risk of putting kids in gods' cabins on their own word because what if the kid is lying? You'll have offended gods left, right and centre and that's not a good thing.
Apollo, ofc, we know would be delighted to let any kids stay in his cabin if he could, but camp politics (or more likely, Zeus' paranoia) has said no, and that still doesn't equate for the slighted gods whose offspring they actually were, etc... But I digress a bit here.
So: Apollo is mortal, Apollo cannot claim his kids, but his kids have still been claimed. This is where my various thoughts about Apollo being the patron of the camp etc. come into play, but specifically the headcanon I have that none of his kids have ever spent a night unclaimed in the camp - the theory that makes the most sense to me, personally, about how the TON trio were claimed, is that Apollo, when first setting the camp's protective borders up (because he was clearly involved with that), built in some sort of catch-all, where the camp can claim his kids on his behalf if he doesn't do it by sundown etc. Given he's the camp's founder, I don't think it's unrealistic to assume that would have been possible to set up, and it also explains how the TON trio are claimed without his personal intervention.
Why did Apollo set something like that up? Because he is, honestly, a good father (by god standards - he is, of course, a terribly neglectful one by mortal standards, but he's very clearly the best of the godly parents, as evidenced by how his kids act around him compared to what we see with other godly parent-demigod child relationships, yes, even Percy and Poseidon, but that is an essay for another time I see that ask in my inbox about their relationship, person who asked; I will get there eventually). His kids adore him, Will is not afraid to call him out on things, Will is not afraid to call out people trying to claim Apollo wants them all dead (see: BOO) even when his dad's been silent for months...
And this all suggests that Apollo is very present in his kids lives (again, by god standards). Will points out that Apollo not answering prayers for a month is weird enough that it worries the cabin, and I don't see why Apollo's dream visits needed to start when they arrived at camp.
So this is a headcanon of mine, admittedly, but I think Apollo lingers in his kid's dreams periodically their entire lives. They just don't know it's Apollo that happens to be the reoccurring figure in their dreams until they get to camp and he can finally introduce himself.
Where does this fit in with the TON trio? Well, this headcanon of mine means that Apollo's been in contact with them since they were very young, too. They don't know it was him, they don't know their absent father is a god, but the contact is there - and then it stops, but it's just dreams so maybe they grew out of that particular dream?
But then they get to camp, they're claimed as Apollo's kids and told by Will, Austin and Kayla about what's happening to their dad at the time. They learn second-hand about the figure in their dreams, and maybe they're disappointed or even resentful that they didn't hear it first-hand, like their siblings did, but they learn.
Then Apollo gets to camp, and he doesn't really recognise them but they don't recognise him, either. This isn't the sunshine goof in their dreams, this is some average-looking teenager with a broken nose that they first saw passed out like a loser in their cabin. It's awkward all around.
Apollo even comments on that, that none of them really react to him, either as their father or as a god. It's all a bit awkward and stilted between them and it's not the meeting any of them, TON trio or Apollo, were hoping for.
So yes, I do think that after this is all over, he spent time with them, back in the form they were familiar with (while this was never mentioned in the epilogue, he definitely spent time with all his kids, not just Will, so it would've happened them). Introduced himself properly, with all the recollections of them back in his mind, possibly even re-claimed them, so they knew that they were, without any doubt, both his and loved.
I don't think they were ever scared of him, though. It's a little hard to be scared of someone you've always known, even if you didn't know it at the time, and also of someone you've seen so low in their own life, especially when your siblings are so comfortable and happy with them.
Not the arrival at camp they deserved, or that Apollo wanted for them, or that in hindsight they wanted, either. But in the end, a little bit out of order, it would have happened.
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yellowocaballero · 6 months
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How many works do you have on AO3? 54. Hm. I don't remember writing 54 fics. That's weird. But I've been posting since 2017 so when you THINK about it 54 fics over 7 years isn't weird at all.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 2.4 million. What's your point.
What fandoms do you write for? A fuckton. I write both things I'm hyperfixated on and for random shit that comes in my head. I was into TMA for like two years so I have the most TMA fic (16), but most of my fandoms are 3-5 fics maximum. There's also a lot of random-ass fics for random-ass fandoms that just jumped in my head. Artemis Fowl, Beetlejuice, Animorphs...demons that overtook me for two weeks or so and never bothered me again.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The Great Gender Heist (Artemis Fowl, no surprise there.), stay out of trouble (Detroit: Become Human, I reliably forget that one exists and I'm still mystefied as to why so many people read it), meek shall inherit (I'm constantly attempting to forget the Be More Chill phase ever happened), someone will remember us (Batman, fic's not great, am still very fond of that au) and dead or alive (DBH, mediocre). Why the hell are the two Detroit: Become Human fics so popular? I hate DBH so much. I was so angry while writing those.
Do you respond to comments? I am absolutely terrible about responding to comments. I am sorry. I do read and appreciate all of them. It's because I always need to give a dialectical so comments take ages to write. If you do want to hear my thoughts on something, my inbox is your best bet for a way too lengthy response.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hope, Etc for certain. I try really hard to write bittersweet at worst endings, and even the sad endings in my fics have hope in them. Hope, Etc definitely ends in a better place than where it began. But it's still very sad. I was thinking about a lot of lost loved ones while writing it. Fishhooks and reel to reel also have downer endings but that is because they are LITERALLY Star Wars.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Uhhhh. The ending of Solitaire (and the MLM/WLW hostility series in general) is very sweet. It's meaningful because it demonstrates so much growth from everybody with very little cost. I almost said Go Straight At The Cul De Sac, because it showcases a happier world where horrible historical events were averted, but the ending will always be a little bittersweet because we understand how much Protag sacrificed to create that better world.
Do you get hate on fics? Sometimes people are kind of weird. The worst of it is usually just useless comments, though. I had somebody get pedantic about how briefly mentioning an SUV would be historically inaccurate, and how I should have mentioned a minivan instead - like, did you read that fic and think I was from the suburbs? Do I look like I know what a minivan is? Lol? If I've received any actual more severe stuff I have no idea, since I delete the comment and delete it from my memory. I've never gotten anything too bad. I've been called ablest like three times, which is objectively hilarious.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? If I could write smut I'd be making bank on Kindle Unlimited right now.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Probably the FE3H/BNHA one I'm writing right now that will never see the light of day. Just kidding. I don't actually think I've posted any real crossovers - I DO write them, I just kind of feel like they're cringe so I never post them. I write a lot of cringe shit that never sees the light of day.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not nearly popular enough for that.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Several people have mentioned wanting to do that, but nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not technically. But I do want to give due honors to all of the friends who are SO instrumental in the building of the AUs, stories, characters, etc, that they've had a huge impact on the story itself. I try to recognize them by name in the fics themselves but my stories would look completely different if it wasn't for my friends. Definitely much worse.
What’s your all time favorite ship? I'll differentiate favorite ships and favorite fictional romances. For ships, it's much less about the ship and more about the role in the story. I tend not to pay a lot of attention to that while writing, but sometimes I get lost in my own sauce and I drive myself a bit nuts. I am very fond of Hanyookim, especially in my own ORV story. For romances? My top ten list of fictional romances is as follows: number one: naturally, Sasunaru -
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? If it's up on AO3, it's done (with one or two very small exceptions - The Ending of Han Sooyoung epilogue I'll get to you I PROMISE). There's plenty of unfinished docs on my drive that I'll never finish, but that's because I decided that they weren't worth finishing.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and characterization. That's always been the case. I'm also pretty funny.
What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting. Action. Having stories that are not entirely dialogue. Where things happen and it's more than just people walking around talking. You know. Real stories -
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Always valid. I remember reading one Hispanic author talking about how he doesn't like italicizing the Spanish in his stories because it's otherizing, and I agreed enough with him that I don't tend to italicize other languages either. Sometimes I do. I try to do it purposefully, and to convey something that can only be conveyed through the extra language. I'll also only do it if I can have a friend who speaks that language write it out for me, since gtranslate sucks and I want to ask the friend how such a thing would actually be said and colloquialize it. I like using ASL in fics, and I am just in general begging people to a) write it like any other language, and b) understand that it's different from other languages and can't be written exactly the same. If your Star Wars fanfiction has so much gratuitous Mando'a that I can't understand anything the clones or Mandos are saying I hate you.
First fandom you wrote for? Batman Beyond. Yes, I have a FFN account somewhere. Yes, I was eleven. Yes, it was Batman Beyond.
Favorite fic you’ve written? The best thing I've written is Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge. Favorite is New Wave. That sucker took two years to write (INSANELY long for me) and it is exactly the story I wanted to write. Stephanie's a character I've been writing since I was 15, and the feeling of writing Stephanie and NAILING her for the very first time was so satisfying.
Tagging @usaigi and uh any other writer mutuals you all know who you are.
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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Thank you to @itoshisoup @saetyrn9 and @seravphs for the tags!! I am late and so I apologize if I’ve missed any other tags while I was out!!
I want to say I think this is such a cute idea. I am very proud of how hard I’ve worked on my fics, and I am grateful for the chance to give my Andie director's cut lmfao even if I kind of wanted to curl up like a pill bug writing this.
Um, I think in no particular order, these are my top 5 recs of the moment:
Deceiving the Duke | Shouto x Reader
When Camie Utsushimi elopes on the eve of her society debut, scandal threatens to destroy the family’s prospects. It’s up to you, a lady’s maid, to impersonate Camie throughout the Season, long enough that her elder sister can make a match. The only trouble? Lord Shouto Todoroki is also intent on making a match—and that match, quite impossibly, appears to involve you.
I am a huge fan of regency romances and I have incredible respect for them as massive drivers of the romance genre as a whole. So it sort of shocked me when I was talking to Mermie and Cat and we realized we hadn't seen any x Reader regency fics (although I am certain they are out there)!! As much as I love a good pro hero AU (my bread and butter), I really appreciated the chance to try my hand at something that's a little lesser explored in this niche. It's kind of messy in retrospect but I had so much fun working on it that I'll let past Andie off the hook for that.
2. ab intra | Shinsou x Reader
When a wave of disturbing crimes sweep the city, underground hero Hitoshi Shinsou is assigned to work the case with you. What’s even more frustrating than his obnoxious personality is the fact no one will tell you why he’s involved. Things only get more suspicious from there.
This fic was the first time I really sat down and tried my hand at a case fic. I was reading a bunch of Japanese police thrillers at the time, and although my attempt does not measure up, it gave me the tools to understand how to better execute on case fics in the future. Again I really liked trying my hand at something I'm not necessarily good at, because it was fun and I learned a lot. This is probably my most distinct out of all my fics in terms of tone and subject material!!
3. unconventional | Midoriya x Reader
HeroExpo is incredible, and that’s not even counting the really cute hero fanboy you just met. Well, you think he might be cute under that Deku cosplay. It’s hard to tell because it’s really, really good. Like, too good.
I was so nervous to try my hand at Izuku that I actually thought about not publishing this one several times. But this ended up being one of my all-time favorites to write and I get really nostalgic for the time of my life I was in while I was working on this. The fic was so light and fun and such a comfort to write, and to this day I am very touched by how kind people are about Izuku's characterization. It makes me feel really good. 🥺
4. vested interest | Shouto x Reader
You’d just thought Shouto was absent minded, accidentally leaving behind a jacket or a sweater or his vest. You didn’t realize this was a thing. (In which Todoroki Shouto—despite his quirk—has zero chill, and uses his clothes to ward off other men.)
I am probably best known for my Shouto fic if i could keep cool, but vested interest is actually my favorite child!! In retrospect this one is messy too but I had the absolute time of my peddling my little shit Shouto agenda. This fic actually forms the backbone of how I characterize Shouto currently, with just a touch more of spoiled youngest child energy than I had been doing previously. :) Viva la jealous Sho.
5. incendiary | Bakugou x Reader
When you accidentally go viral in defense of quirkless people, an extremist group puts a target on your back. Pro hero Dynamight is the last person you want watching it.
This is the fic I have worked the hardest on and I am very proud of it (and excited to publish the next chapter when I get back)!! This is my only attempt to tackle an issue of real substance and I am very grateful for the perspective I have been given by my sensitivity readers @cat-slippered and @darkenedniqhts.
I also feel really protective over this one as it got plagiarized and slightly rewritten into something that exploded in popularity and massively outstripped this fic. Though handling that situation was uncomfortable, and this feels like a strange thing to say, it was a good ego check for me. It reminded me that I still have a lot of growing to do as a writer if I want my ideas to be unique and memorable enough that a situation like this won't arise again. I will work hard.
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My no pressure tags (and sorry if you've already been tagged!!) @restwellsoon @bobawithpomegranate @darkenedniqhts @cat-slippered @ofmermaidstories @willowser @lorelune @petrichorium @heich0e @sipsteainanxiety @shibaraki @kedsandtubesocks @potionpeddlerpatchy @meggsngrits @coopigeoncoo @crowned-peony @stellamancer @namodawrites @streimiv @ghost-flakes @ghostbeam @kimkaelyn also @procrastination-artist @bluebird-in-the-breeze @acerathia bc I love ur stuff even if I know u have a smaller fic count.
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queermania · 8 months
I was reading some of your posts (and those of others saying similar things) about being harassed over opinions about a silly little characters in a silly little show and although I'm not one of those people, I'm so so sorry that keeps happening to you! It sounds truly terrifying and people need to really chill out because none of this is serious and NOTHING ever warrants harassment or inducing medical/mental health issues in others.
I do hope you keep posting your opinions anyway because even if I don't agree with 100% of it 100% of the time, I like seeing different perspectives and yours in particular make me think more deeply about things (and/or they're entertaining).
(You don't have to publish this or anything but I just wanted you to know that for however many hateful anons you might get, I am SURE there are plenty more who can and do engage respectfully. So please keep doing what you do!)
thank you so much. this is a really sweet message and i appreciate it so much.
and yeah! i don't mind seeing opinions i disagree with. i "argue" with my friends over the show all the time. there are just so many people in this fandom who don't seem capable of saying, "i don't agree with that" and then moving on (or even just making their own posts about the subject on their own blog which would also be a perfectly reasonable and respectful thing to do). they purposefully pick fights and then go all shocked pikachu when the response is met in kind.
and their behavior ranges anywhere from reblogging posts with annoying tags to actual criminal activity. and regardless of what they've done or how i respond, i'm always the one that gets called a bully??? it's laughable.
but sorry for ranting at you about that. that's not your fault. you're very lovely and this message was very lovely and i'm giving you a metaphorical smooch on the cheek. i hope that whenever the next day starts for you, it is a magnificent one from start to finish <3
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
What important relationships changed or developed throughout Dawntrail?
:3c mostly snooping on their vacation but tbh there were other characters in Dawntrail who weren't Kitali and husbands so I GUESS if you want to talk about them hehehe
Well, the vacation has mostly just been the three of them (two once Estinien dips to head north) being Regular Guys. Most of their relationship mending happened during the 6.x patches when Estinien finally brought himself to return to Ishgard and to Borel manor specifically.
I think the most significant development there is Aymeric getting to see a new side of his wife that he only has so far heard about from her recounting. For the past several [UNITS OF TIME] he's been actually living the adventurer life with her and it's new and exciting and dangerous and refreshing for him. He hasn't seen this much sun in his entire life! This is great! He only got heat stroke twice!
As for non-husband NPCs, I think the biggest change would be between Kitali and Erenville. As the straight man of the group she would be gravitating towards him bc he tends to hang back and not get Involved(tm) in the proceedings as much as the twins and Krile are. She appreciates that he doesn't seem to be very impressed with her status as world hero and he is surprised at just how shrewd and pragmatic she can be when the situation calls for it. Congrats, Erenville, you have also fallen for the facade! The boat ride would have taken some time and I like to think they would have exchanged stories about adventuring and gleaning. They take you weird places and you get to see some cool stuff!
I was genuinely so excited when he offered (offered!! Initiated!!!) to travel with Kitali and Aymeric to Xak Tural. They were originally planning to go with Estinien, and the the kidnapping happened and so they decided to stay with the group as backup while Estinien went ahead. So they were glad to have a guide and someone who was. Well. An adultier adult sorry Krile to spend time with and to show them around.
Kitali was very concerned for him the entire Yyasulani/Heritage Found/Living Memory arc. She has her own baggage with family and mothers and neglect and the way that Iyaate spoke about his mother really did not do Cahciua any favours. Also the whole deadnaming thing absolutely did Not fly with her. She would have gotten in people's faces about it.
I'm still trying to sort out if she is a good person to try and offer him support in Living Memory. She has the fact that she won't offer platitudes like the rest of the group does going for her, but I don't think "hey your mom sounds like she kinda sucked, going off and leaving you like that" is exactly what Erenville needs to hear. On the other hand, Kitali also has "I lost a parent too early" to also offer so. Idk. She's very concerned for him especially when he goes off on his own for the third terminal shut down and then has his big blowout confrontation. He is in the soup. I hope she can be normal about all this.
In less tense developments, she is weaning the twins off of her support bit by bit by letting them handle the rites by themselves. Especially the Hanuhanu chain (which I am glad I did first) since that was where I felt the most redundant. Urqopacha left room to be a little more worldwise and lead by example. But Alisaie and Alphinaud have really come into their own since Endwalker so it's been nice letting them be confident in their own abilities as the story progresses and she is so so so so SOOO proud of them.
And you know what, even I was surprised at how chill Kitali was with G'raha being around. I wouldn't call their "relationship" important, they are Coworkers At Best, but they were actually really just mellow with each other the whole time. That entire canal town arc was probably meant to be for the shippers, and I can totally see how it could be construed as such, but I didn't feel any overt ~romance~ tones to it. It was two coworkers doing normal(?) Scion(?) business. So I think, while I am still holding out for a possible Y'shtola redemption arc, Kitali and G'raha have finally reached an understanding with each other.
Thanks so much for the ask @elizabethrobertajones this got very rambly.
22 Dawntrail Asks
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
GH Chapter 6 babyyyyy. Oooh girl, I needed this fluff! Feeling a little down in the dumps as our embryo transfer failed, and honestly this perked me up! No worries though I am remaining positive as we have a few more frozen embryos so we shall try again :) But truly reading this chapter yesterday gave me such a boost! Thank you :) REACTIONS - My only negative feedback/correction is that it is indeed, as easy for a literal child to buy alcohol in eastern Europe as it is to buy coke 😂😂😂 wild place. - The whole sequence of them in the gazebo, P bringing up the date, the angst, anticipation, butterflies brought me back to being 15. Which is a huge feat because girl, it was a while ago lol - "She does none of the above. Instead Azzi kisses Paige back." Oh thank the lord above Azzi Fudd LET YOUR LOINS LEAD YOU and chill a bit - Their hearts talking to each other. What a beautiful depiction of what it would feel like to be kissing your person again after all this time. Although I am firmly in the camp of them having had some sort of physical/sexual interaction either during Ps marriage or after her divorce teehee - “I- I broke your heart. I broke us. How could you possibly want that again. How could you possibly want me again?” AZZI does she have to spell it out in sky writing? She loves you and will always love you and will always want you. Forever. One step forward two steps back with this one eh - "Take it slow and see where it goes and maybe we’ll- maybe we’ll be even better this time.” See Paige is wise. Our dumb blonde is not so dumb when it comes to MATTERS OF THE HEART. And Vagina. - THE RULES. You been spending too much time w/ @pb524830 haha. Hopefully you don't EDGE US TO DEATH like a certain someone did for the first part of PnP. - I wanna know did they like sit down and have a formal conversation about what the rules are? Also what is within the kissing boundary lol Tongue? Little boob squeeze? Giving themselves blue-clits over here. Better buy batteries for their vibrators at Costco prob going through a couple double-As every 3 days. - But in all honestly the thought of them making out on Azzis couch after Stephie is in bed, then having to separate and have Paige go back to her house at the end of the night is very high school and precious and cute. - Ok girl you know the car seat thing was the highlight for me. You put a big smile on my face by including that I LOVED IT. And its pu-ple!!!! cute cute cute cute - “You look really happy today sweetheart,” Tim says softly. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 - Dying at the contrast of Stephie thinking the sun shines out of P's ass and she is the moral and Christ-like center of the universe while Jon and Jose are like um no this bitch is a menace you don't even know - Awwww are the 3 of them gonna sleep in a queen sized bed w/ Stephie in the middle. I can't. Lil family - “you won’t- you won’t run away again tomorrow morning will you?” make me cry again why don't you - I think hearing EVERYONE around her calling P 'Paige' has gotta switch up Stephies name for her at some point. Maybe hearing Drew call her Paigey will influence her? Overall this was such delicious fluff and perfect whisps of angst. Made my day- my week! Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Am I terrified for whats to come? YUP! But hopefully you can preserve our hearts a little bit by keeping up some tender fluff throughout 😭 <3 🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼🤱🏼
Aww bby sending you so much virtual love and hugs. I'm glad this chapter cheered you up and I'm manifesting so hard for it to work next time <3
LMAO I did actually think of this but then was like when would Paige have time to just walk around Minsk and find alcohol lol?
That whole scene is veryy vaguely inspired by my own first kiss so it was actually pretty easy to write and I just channeled my inner 15 year old (been a while for me too) into it
NOT THE LOINS LMAO I had a feeling you'd appreciate the "plot twist"
Azzi's just an overthinker BUT SHE'S WORKING ON IT! In the meantime I guess blondie has custody of their one shared braincell.
LMAO I don't think anyone will ever get to the level of edging that @pb524830 did like she's simply just the queen of sexual tension and making us suffer.
I'm so attached to Miss Buecks like I lowkey don't want to have Stephie call her anything else and I can't think of any other original nickname that only Stephie would call her.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Ok for your Infant and Monkeys AU (Love it sorry I butchered the name but I still love it) I just saw your relationship chart and I had to send you an ask of appreciation just for Yellow Tusk’s role in it alone.
Like I love me a Yellow Tusk HC that’s just him looking at whatever love quarrels his brothers got going on and being like “No amount of alcohol is gonna make this worth it” and just LEAVING is always gonna be funny to me.
So I gotta ask: When things quiet down, and Azure and Peng are either put in time out and/or chilling tf out, how well does Yellow Tusk get along with The Monkey Family. I am of the opinion that while he might be overwhelmed by the sheer level of wacky shenanigans they get up to outside of world ending threats, I feel like he would adjust very quickly and come to love the little scamps and be a very weird uncle figure to them. (Just my opinion of course!)
Yellowtusk's vibe in "The Monkey King and the Infant" au is pretty much; "I'm too wise and asexual for this nonsense."
Is ridiculously perceptive of relationships, and can tell when there's unsaid emotions.
He's 100% got the Brotherhood takeover stuff planned and ready to go. But his feelings on the matter shift the second: Azure and Peng start having relationship conflicts, the danger of transferring the Emperor's power is discovered so now they need a suitable host, now there's rebeling Celestials supporting them? Ok??
Then Azure starts dragging up his old crush on SWK, and Yellowtusk has been done with that nonsense since before the failed coup. ("He's not into you. Get over it.") But Azure's still crushing even tho Shadowpeach is a thing, and now Peng and a random Celestial general are crushing on Azure and the lion doesn't even notice?!?
Yellowtusk be knocking back the Celestial peach wine like an aunt at christmas.
He probably just straight up Leaves mid-way through the takeover, cus he's Done with the others drama. Writes a letter of resignation and everything to Azure pretty much saying "Stop thinking with your lower-head and actually Rule and Govern you dumb lovesick cat."
Post-S4 I could see him settling down in the mountain village and just retiring in peace. The kids think he's a pretty cool old dude. Has def vibes of an uncle/grandpa who tells you all his stories from The War and drinks tea like it's water.
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nian-7 · 6 months
HI NIANNNNN I got your matchup and I am very excited to write it!!!!! I am here to submit mine as well <:3 no rush at all ok !!! Take your time or else (said lovingly)
Cancer sun / ISFP !!! Generally I'm an outgoing and talkative person and I've got lots of energy, I'm not shy at all and I enjoy talking to people !! I'm super emotional and sensitive and I either tear up or full on cry over something silly once a day SDFGSDFGFSD….. I have a really hard time opening up to people though </3 you will not perceive me
I'm a huge worrier T_T I try to make sure everyone around me has eaten and is taking care of themselves properly and I suppose I do have strong motherly instincts. I just like taking care of people!!! Especially buying gifts or getting them treats <:)
I have 2 college degrees and I work in the medical field so I like to think I am smart….. I'm kinda airheaded though I'll be real and things tend to fly over my head. I run into walls in my own house :( I'm like if a smart person was also very dumb. You see my vision…… I'm also easily embarrassed and own mom told me I'm easy to bully and pick on . Mean to me
In terms of hobbies ofc I enjoy writing but I like to cook and bake also. I've been really into nail art recently and buying candles because I'm 21 going on 60 I guess @#$#@%@$%@@$# ANYWAYS to be honest I mostly just work all day, go home, and do nothing productive the rest of the day DFGFDGFS I just chill……
If I could pick some traits in a partner….. someone who can handle my emotions LOL I like reassurance . . . I'm also very affectionate so it would be nice to receive some back !! I'm not super picky though like number one rule to dating me: please like me. This is all. Smiles
SORRY THIS WENT ON FOREVER I appreciate you so much!!!!!!!! Like I said take your time ok!!! Spins you around HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND NIAN
HI!! i literally had a list of options and then i said ykw no and then this is what happened. I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! i gave you the runners up as well under the matchup too!!
I match you with...
Hokusai Masaki!
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-Hokusai just seems like he'd mesh really well with you. He's not the emotional or energetic type but! He likes those types of people seeing as how much he cares about Satsuki and Reo!
-The fact that he wouldn't judge you for being emotional over silly things is just something perfect honestly. He's always there for you to say the least! No matter what it is!
-He's a very patient person so if you don't open up to him right away in your relationship, he truly doesn't mind. He wants you to take your time and be comfortable with him rather than rushing you into telling him things.
-He cherishes any gifts or treats you may give him and feels very comforted by your motherly personality. Even though you may worry about him and his safety a lot, it makes him feel loved.
-Hokusai is a gentle giant of course. He doesn't blame you for your airheadedness or your clumsiness at all and just finds himself smiling whenever you are a bit airheaded...
-Being easy to pick on or bully is not a problem anymore when you're around him though! As someone who doesn't take lightly to bullying, I don't think you'll have to worry much about it.
-Ohh.. I can so see Hokusai letting you do his nails though. That'd be so cute honestly!!
-In terms of what you were looking for in a partner, Hokusai checks the boxes honestly. He can handle your emotions and reassure you without seeming annoyed because just the tone of his voice is so genuine...
-He doesn't mind physical affection either though! It might be very small little things like a hug or a kiss to your temple because he's not a physically affectionate person but he still tries to be to make you happy!
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Runner Up No. 1...
Zen Gaho!
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-So he's the first runner up cause I actually was going to match you with Zen and then I thought about it and went with Hokusai instead. He'd be a great partner for you too but!! I just felt like Hokusai and you would be a better match than you and Zen if you get me.
Runner Up No. 2...
Yuto Inukai!
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-Main reason he didn't last till the 'finals' so to speak was cause of his age.. and Hancho. I didn't know if he was like too old BUT I KNOW YOU LIKE HIM SO I FEEL BAD...
-And then Hancho... it's Hancho I don't think I have to explain that as much because you probably see my vision here...
Runner Up No. 3...
Anne Faulkner!
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-Okay so the main reason I decided to scrap Anne was because although I feel like you both would get along really well, I felt like it'd be more of a friend-like relationship rather than romantic if that makes sense???
-They were a good option and all but I just was like hmmm.. Hokusai fits better as a romantic match because Anne is more of a friend-like relationship.
a/n: don't rush my matchup, robyn!! take as long as you need i know i did yours really fast.. BUT TAKE YOUR TIME DW!!
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
hello!!! I'd like to request some hcs for my believed Ayatsuji Yukito with a gn!reader who's not very good in things related to calculations, chem and all that but very well versed in creatives fields? like plays instruments, draws a lot and knows a lot of literary references :D thank u sm and have a nice day keke
Helloooooo!!! Reader is kind of like me; while calculations and chemistry and anything to do with maths is doable, I'm actually more of a creative person lmao.
The image used is not mine. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: None
Ayatsuji with a GN!S/O who is well versed in creative fields
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-Okay, well Ayatsuji teased you a lot at first about maths, science, just anything in that field which requires the left side of the brain
-Like he knows that he's smarter than most people, but he's never met a person who couldn't find the integral of 1/2x^2. Sometimes he wonders if he should get a tutor for you
-But one day you actually helped him solve a case, despite his impressions of you. Ayatsuji was ready to tear his hair out because he just couldn't get an impression of the perpetrator, but you actually managed to draw a very vivid and accurate picture of the perpetrator according to the witness's descriptions and clues
-This caused Ayatsuji to think twice of you. You'll find that after a little while, he would start asking you for your help on his cases. Your drawings were always accurate and never failed to help him catch the murderer. It wasn't long before he fell for your creative side
-When you two got into a relationship, he was curious about your creativeness, and often asked you about your hobbies. I feel like Ayatsuji is one to appreciate art and artistic talents, but he's never had that much time to admire art in general because of his occupation
-Play some pieces for him on your instruments! Doesn't matter if it's a Bach fugue or a nocturne by Chopin, Ayatsuji will love it, because he seems like the type to like classical music as it's more complex and fun to analyse. He likes listening to you play in silence, while sipping a coffee or gazing at the sunset. You even offered to teach him how to play your instruments, and he took you up on your offer, but he still prefers listening to you play
-I feel like Ayatsuji finds the trait of using literary references in appropriate places attractive. Like it makes the person seem more fancy and sophisticated, and he definitely likes people like that. So he might even have a battle of literary references with you sometimes just to see how much you knew actually he does that because he thinks your smexy when you’re saying them
-Also likes to look at your drawings when you’re done with them. Now he will actually critique them a bit, but he mostly praises you and tells you what a good job you’ve done. You drew him once and now Ayatsuji treasures that drawing forever
-Since you’re creative, Ayatsuji is so going to make dolls with you. Now you actually add some extra decorations and style to the dolls that you create, and it’s a fresh contrast to the usual dolls that are stored in his basement. He loves your creativeness when it comes to dolls, and he shows it to nobody else apart from himself
-Now he will actually try to teach you math, science, physics, just anything that needs logic to figure the answer out. While he will still tease you every now and then, he’ll be chill and find out how you learn the best. Also gives you breaks when he sees your brain about to explode from all the calculations
-Your strengths fit with his perfectly; him being logical and you being creative. With this mix, no criminal dares to go up against you two now. Talk about a soft power couple, am I right?
-You two are Tsujimura’s OTP and she is already making all the wedding cards and organisation for your marriage with Ayatsuji already invite me please
@pixyys @pianotross @nekokinax @i-just-like-goats @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni @yukitomybeloved @sariel626 @lakeside-paradise @arisu-chan4646  @catzlivedforbsd
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
About to go insane. Jimmy SolidarityGaming cannot catch a break in any of the series that he's in. Loser in Empire Smp. And as of yesterday, still a Loser in Life Series. And yet so many of us unconditionally adore him?
So last night, for reasons, I got into the shower to wash my hair at 3am, while decently intoxicated. While the water was heating up I looked at the mcc team list, and started thinking about Jimmy and mcc and the decisions he makes as a content creator and how he has to hustle because he doesn't have natural bonuses like "being good at minecraft" or "being booksmart" or "having a good memory". As I stepped into the shower almost said aloud "I'm worried people don't appreciate Jimmy enough." And wondered if I should go back a "Reasons Jimmy is Great #373-402" tumblr post.
But there I was just standing in the water in the middle of the night afraid[1] people don't appreciate Jimmy. I soooorta thought I would have chilled out about this (gorgeous) wet paper bag of a man with (charming) loser boy swag (and great comedic timing and a kind and loving personality and big heart) nine months later, but *apparently not*.
Anyway to address the ask - I like Jimmy winning things cause it makes him happy. It does not affect how much I adore him, because... I don't care about winning? I'm thinking about why.
I grew up in a Sports Household that was devoted to a team that has not made it out of the playoffs since... many decades. This both gives me "caring about winning is bother a sucker's game and setting yourself up for misery and meh" and "if you drop your team/blorbo because they haven't won in a couple decades, you're Not A Real Fan".
I am very competitive in some ways, but only a few really translate out of "I want to personally excel". This is hard, actually, to think about why I don't care when my first though was "but why would I care?"
Also coming in 40th at mcc makes the 1v3 dodgebolt wins so much sweeter
In the end what I care about is that I adored watching the Bad Boys and Jimmy had a blast. Would I have enjoyed him beating the curse? Yeah! Am I sad he looked so bummed? Well yes for sure. But my boy chose to be silly and jump off bridges *so many times*, I don't even want to count how many times he did it total. He made his bed, and he fell off a bridge into it.
Meanwhile Empires... yeah there's no "oh poor Jimmy" when the whole thing is what he wants. I listen to a lot of streams, mostly of him but also other people, and he's literally asking for it. fWhip once said it's because Jimmy's much more comfortable roleplaying/acting reactively, instead of coming up with the thing. He loves making his shocked faces and using his affronted voice, and he asks his friends to do things for him to react to.
PERSONALLY I'd love if they expanded Jimmy's empires reactions to be less about other PCs being mean to him, I'm hopeful that this fae can expand to a huge disaster where he's totally fucked but it's all by NPC/environment and his friends can help him. (As someone who used to play/run boffer LARP campaigns, it just feels SO larp. spouse and i sit around and point and shout about how we would do these things. 100% the reason i started going here was because last life felt like an awesome larp.)
So my love is unconditional because it's for a silly guy in London who loves his friends and minecraft, is kind to his fans, and makes me smile every single time I see him. If I'm sad, the best thing to do is put on the intro to any Jimmy stream or video, it's his big hello everybody! smile that warms my soul. He makes me happy and he makes me laugh and he could be the worst at everything and it would mean nothing. He is my blorbo, my special little boy, my wet paper bag of a man, and even my therapist thinks he has a good effect on my life. <3 <3 <3
...though I do hate watching him be inefficient at stardew valley, I don't play minecraft but i'm good at sdv and now I think I get the pain of watching him play minecraft. But I'm there for Jimmy, not the games. <3
[1] note: you do not have to appreciate Jimmy! It's fine. Trashed Vee really wants you to, and sober Vee thinks it makes life better to love Jimmy, but please don't take this post as weirder than it already is.
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