#I'm obviously never going to bother this woman in her place of work to try and make her feel bad for being a bad boss to me
obstinatecondolement · 9 months
Just something about the middle of the fucking night that has me perseverating about how I could explain to my former boss that she shouldn't have allowed me to be bullied relentlessly at work and done nothing and then also penalised me for things I never did and gave me "feedback" in performance reviews that was just insulting my social skills and calling me annoying and a show off, lol.
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nekrosdolly · 8 months
Wesker surviving RE5. Taking a good while to recover. When he final tracks Chris many years later he sees a young woman with Chris. Obviously not Chris' wife.
Chris got a daughter. And Wesker knows how to truely break him now.
Poor girl, she gets hit on by a super hot dude not knowing that he is her dads biggest enemy
listen... this would go fucking crazy... 18+
cw; afab!reader, creep!wesker, reader is 21-ish and wesker is... *gulps*... 61, dad!chris isn't the best dad, i'm projecting big time with this one guys sorry, takes place circa re8, reader is in college, no use of y/n, chris is the kind of alcoholic dad that you don't want your boyfriend to meet because you are, in fact, embarrassed of him, wesker drives a lincoln mkz zephyr.
you look like your dad but prettier. softer, sweeter features than your father's own. your eyes are paralyzingly innocent, and he can't help himself when he lays eyes on you. you're younger than albert by a concerning amount of years, but thanks to your dad's unintentional neglect during your childhood, you've got some issues.
your father never told you about wesker- or anything relating to his line of work. how foolish of chris to not take such precautions with his daughter. you never bothered to ask, either, as you felt some sort of resentment towards your dad in your teenage years. everything he did pissed you off, especially when he was trying to bond. so of course you decided to date someone just as old, if not older than your dad, just to piss him off in return.
that's when you stumbled across wesker. he was handsome for his age, though he looks much younger and you're not sure why. the sunglasses thing confused you, though he'd told you once when you had first started talking that he has light-sensitive eyes. you, being so trusting of this nice, older man who made you feel wanted, believed him and every little thing he ever told you. he'd make you feel so warm inside, and it didn't take long for you to fall for him.
he'd made a show of falling for you, too, to keep you under his thumb. you were the type to flee at the first sign of abandonment; he couldn't have that.
your dad was shocked when you told him you'd found a boyfriend. thanks to your strained relationship, you'd hardly talked to him after leaving for college, which he blamed himself for. it had only worsened between the two of you after your mother left.
and now, at dinner, your dad thinks it's the greatest idea in the world talk about your beloved.
"so," your father starts as he saws through thick-cut steak with a serrated knife, cutting you off a piece, "this boyfriend of yours, when am i meeting him?"
"you want to meet my boyfriend?" you cock an eyebrow at your father, though he doesn't meet your gaze. his own is fixed to the bit of steak he's setting on your plate beside some vegetables.
"well, yeah. must be pretty serious if you told me about him." chris finally looks at you, setting his silverware down. you swallow.
"i don't know, dad."
"what, are you embarrassed of me?"
"i didn't say that, don't put words in my mouth." you stuff a piece of sauteed cauliflower in your mouth as chris sighs inwardly. for the next ten minutes, there's no sound except silverware clinking against your plates and your father's jaw popping here and there.
neither of you can take much more of the awkward silence.
chris clears his throat and leans back in his chair, "listen, i just want to make sure you're dating a good guy, okay?"
"yeah, sure." the bitterness and slight annoyance in your voice is hard to hide. you don't bother.
"is that a crime? wanting to look out for my kid?" he crosses his arms over his chest, getting a little defensive.
"don't you think it's a little late to play dad of the year? i'm not a child, i don't need you to look out for me."
"i know you're not a child-"
"then just stop." you're standing up from your chair, "stop trying to be a bigger part of my life. stop acting like you care. stop."
"fine, you want to be an ungrateful brat?" your dad stands up too, "then get out. take your shit and leave, or shut the hell up."
you don't really have anywhere else to go, so you slink back into your chair and reluctantly finish your food. with all the money your dad gets from his job, he's paying your tuition.
your dad downs the whiskey in his glass and gathers his dishes, leaving you to sit in silence at the dinner table.
your father lets the boyfriend thing go until you bring it up to him again, this time on your own.
when you bring it up to albert, he's delighted.
"i'd be honored," he tells you as he leans down to kiss your cheek, he's confident about this, which puts you at ease because you know your father isn't going to take this very well.
you're dressed your best, as is albert, who's got his hand on your lower back protectively. he can sense your nerves- uroboros didn't completely burn out of his system- as if they were his own, and he kisses your head as you unlock the front door. based on the black jeep in the driveway, beside albert's zephyr, your father is home. you open the door, and in a flash, you're pushed out of the way.
you didn't expect your father to have a loaded gun aimed at your boyfriend so quickly, if at all. a deep laugh sounds from albert.
"oh, chris..."
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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Some say jealousy is an ugly trait. Well, they haven't been in a relationship with Korea's top choreographer. And they especially haven't met Tatter. That bitch is like a roach that won't die. I've tried on multiple occasions to bring up the issue to Bada, though she just gives me constant reassurance. Most would be satisfied with that, "Baby, you're the only woman for me. You're the only one I see. I don't even waste my time thinking about anyone else."
Now, sure, that's amazing, and I love her for that until Tatter steps doing some shit. From the fake tears to looking out for hugs and kisses on the cheek. It's like she lives off the attention. She is sneaky with it, waiting til she believes I'm no longer in the room. Out of site out of mind for her. It's hard to talk to Bada about it, though. She sees Tatter as her little sister. Sadly, Tatter doesn't share the same mindset. Even going as far to fake as being insecure in situations gets some attention.
You see one thing I had to get used to wad the touchy movements. I mean I had met BEBE before I was dating Bada. Even then it was a bother to me. I'm not a touchy person, but Tatter sure is. The slick shit she does when she thinks I'm not around is so fucking funny.
Bada- Baby, if you not busy you can come to the studio with me to keep me company. Seems I'm gonna be here longer then I thought.
I glance down at my phone and see a notification. "Oo, it's from my girl." I say will getting so excited. She has been so busy with work. I miss her. I look down at the message and smile and immediately start getting ready. As we have already established, I'm down bad for this woman. Shit, on our first date, just watching her order food had me fucking wet. How can someone be so fucking beautiful?
I grab a pair of sweatpants that are obviously not mine. In my defense, nothing I wear is mine anymore these days. Then, I put on a top that's basically just a nipple cover at this point. I mean, sue me, it's hot as shit in Korea right now. I then start to get some snacks and making sure to grab my keys and make my way out the door.
Talia- Aww someone misses me. I'll be there soon are the girls there?
Bada- No, everyone left just me, and I need motivation, baby. Hurry up.
I get in the car, making my way to the nearest chicken spot. Got to make sure to get her favorite. And grab a couple of cokes. Then, I start to make my way over to Bada. It's takes about 30 minutes before I sit in the parking lot of JustJerk building, I grab everything inside the car and walk to the entrance. I'm greeting by Gina, the receptionist at the front desk, asking me how my day was and what not. I always feel bad because I can never remember her name. Then, after our little chat, I walked towards Bada's studio. It wasn't hard to find its it seemed she was the only one who was still working. I walk inside with a struggle, "carrying all this fucking food."
I was busy trying to finish working on the choreography for NCT's newest comeback, which I was almost done with until I heard laughing. I turn around and spot my girlfriend. I ran over to her, picking her up and spinning her around the room. "You took forever, I thought you changed your mind about coming." I tell her with a slight pout on my face. She grabs my cheeks, smashing them together, "I would've told you if I changed my mind. Now, before you ran over here like you were raised without any home training, I was carrying so found for you, Ms. Lee, that has now landed on the floor. It better still be good." I place her down, before looking at the floor see the boxes of chicken, "Baby, you didn't have to get me food." She grabs my cheeks again. "Of course, I did. You sit in here all day overworking yourself. And neglecting your health at times. So, you will eat, plus this can be like a little date for us. " I smile at her before hugging her. I truly do love this girl.
"What would I do without you?" I know I tell myself that every day." We then sit there telling each other about our days, how she is struggling in her classes at time, but then she takes breaks and remembers it's not the end of the world. Maybe I should do that. Before we can continue, the door opens. "Tatter? I thought you left and went home for the day." I look over a Talia hoping praying that Tatter leaves before some shit goes down. Talia and Tatter have created this unspoken beef, but for my sake, they keep it cool, sometimes. "Oo, yea, so while I was on my way home, I realized the reason we were struggling with the dance was because the moves are clean. Like they are sloppy. So I came back here to help you with it?" I stare at her, smiling slightly, but before I can tell her to politely leave, Talia speaks up.
"Hello Tatter, nice to see you too. How are you? That's great. I'm doing just fine. Thanks for asking. It's so nice that you take time out of your busy schedule and acknowledge my existence." She says bitterly. Tatter just looks at her and smiles, "O, sorry Tania, I didn't see you there." "it's Talia you knew that though bitch." I look at both of them already seeing where this conversation is heading. "Tatter l, thanks for stopping by. But, I think we should just worry about that tomorrow. Today's been a long day. I see Talia getting ready to make a slick ass remark so I stop her, "Talia don't fucking start. Tatter leave. Now." She rushes out, looking sad, and I turn around to see Talia getting up and leaving.
She rushes to the bathroom and tries to lock me out before I catch the door and push her inside. "Wow Bada how fucking nice of you to welcome yourself. She basically comes in this bitch throwing shots at me and leaps on to you making it see as if im not in the fucking room and your response is Talia dont start. Great job on making your girlfriend feel secure in her relationship." I stand there staring at her before grabbing her hips and placing her on the vanity area. She stops her little rant and simply glares at me. "I was trying to calm the situation before you started coming at each other physically. I know how you are, baby. That would've ended well." I grab her chin titling her head upwards to make eye contact.
"I know how she feels about me. I'm not slow, I'm aware. But I've told you I only have eyes for you, plus it is hard to look anywhere else when you show up taking care of me." I push myself against her. She drives me fucking insane, those big glossy lips, her fucking curly hair sitting at the top of her head in a slick bun. And those big beautiful eyes are just so ready for me to do anything to her. "I'm sorry baby, how about you let me make it up to you, huh? Gonna make you feel so good you know I always do." I slowly start kissing her neck while moving my hand down to her pants.
"You look so fucking good baby, my good girl right?" She sits there nodding her head in a daze. I grab her underwear and push them aside making my way directly to her clit, then I start to press down on it causing her to grab my arms. I'm sitting here whimpering, trying to reach my neck to pull me down for me kiss. "Please... please Bada just fucking put them inside." She tells me while trying to cover up her moans. I immediately stop. "Baby, you know I like to listen. How am I supposed to know I'm doing a good job? Come on baby, be a good girl and move those hands for me. Don't you want my apology, yea? I know you do, baby. She starts to hide in my neck, moaning. "Sound so good, sweet girl. Just sit back and let me make it up to you."
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AITA for reporting my shitty college roommate to the FWS and her teacher, and possibly getting her suspended/expelled/jailed/fined?
CW for brief dead animal mention
For context: I live in the USA and all native species of birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which makes it illegal to kill, harm, etc. native bird species and/or possess parts of them including molted feathers, bones, nests, etc.
Also: The FWS is the Fish and Wildlife Service and is a government agency that deals with animal and plant conservation and habitat protection.
Anyways, I (F25) live in a dorm room with two other people, Ally (F26) and Sammy (F28) (not their real names obviously). Sammy is a nice roommate, she's very considerate and kind, and we get along really well.
Ally, on the other hand, is a nightmare.
Very self absorbed, rich parents, "white witch" privileged white girl type, treats Sammy and I like maids instead of roommates.
Ally and I are both art students, I'm pursuing 3D animation and she's doing... Something. I have no idea. Sculpting?
I do digital modeling and animation so I can just do that in my room on my PC, but she needs a specific area to do her sculptures, which is fine!
Except that she does NOT clean up after herself. Leaves material all over the place, there's bits of clay stuck to fucking everything, and she does it right in the living room.
She's also burnt sage INSIDE THE APARTMENT despite Sammy having asthma. She did not warn us beforehand, we found out when we walked in and Sammy started coughing and wheezing and we had to go back outside. She was 100% aware of Sammy's asthma because she saw her use her inhaler once and asked about it.
She then asked if she "could try it" which... Girl what. "Can I try it?" Has now become an inside joke between Sammy and I about her inhaler.
Coming from a rich family, I can tell she's never faced any consequences for her actions. Ever. She thinks she's untouchable and that mommy and daddy will pay for everything and make all her problems go away.
Sammy and I come from families who are not ungodly rich, and that's resulted in her treating us like live-in maids. She does none of the chores, none of the housework, absolutely nothing. Constantly inviting her friends over to peruse her "art gallery". Regularly keeps Sammy and I up at night with her music and friends.
We rent an apartment near our college, and we don't live in the dorms so we don't have anyone to complain to besides our landlord, who's an incredibly sweet elderly woman that we're all hesitant about bothering.
Except for Ally, who's prepared to bother her about everything, including but not limited to: Apartment being too hot. Apartment being too cold. A weird smell. Noise from the street. Neighbors dog barking. Front door being creaky.
We basically went "Haha hey Ally don't worry you're SO busy lol we'll talk to her for you okay!" just so she doesn't bother the poor lady.
We're mostly just afraid that if we kick out Ally, her parents will tear that woman apart. Sammy and I are both unconfrontational anyways and don't want to bother anyone.
Ally is working on her latest sculpture for finals (basically the big report due at the end of a semester). It actually looked pretty cool, but something about it was... Off.
Oh yeah, it's absolutely covered in native bird feathers and a nest. A real one, not one of those fake ones you can buy at a craft store.
She came home one day after going out with her friends for HOURS, and she had two big bags full of stuff. I asked what she was up to and her response was sort of "It's a secret teehee, it's for my art piece ;)" so I was just like haha okay.
So, it turns out her and her friends went out into the woods and spent HOURS picking up molted feathers (all of them are very witchy do-no-harm types so there's no way any of them killed live birds. Ally refuses to even kill bugs, I have to catch them and let them out). She also mentioned her friends parents have tons of bird feeders at their house, which means LOTS of molted feathers.
Also, instead of cleaning them in her bathroom sink she washed them off in the kitchen sink, meaning we couldn't do dishes for a few hours. So that was cool.
I actually collect and clean animal bones in my free time, so I'm very familiar with the laws. I know which species in my state are protected, which species I can possess with a permit, etc. I also know that the MBTA is a thing that exists.
I've met her art teacher before, and I know that the woman's not stupid. She will DEFINITELY notice that the sculpture is covered in blue jay, cardinal, grackle, etc. feathers.
I was going to keep my mouth shut and just let Ally dig her own grave, but I did mention it to her through text. I said "Hey, I love your sculpture but I just wanna let you know that using those feathers is actually illegal, since they're from native species of birds. My parents own chickens and ducks and I can get you a lot of really cool feathers for your project if you want! Sorry for the bad news but I just don't want you to get in trouble :("
She messaged back and said "Um, thanks but I don't want feathers from gross barnyard animals, Mother Gaia gifted me these beautiful feathers. Besides, I actually have money to take care of my problems."
What the fuck.
I didn't know what else to do besides message back "Oh! Okay!"
Those "gross barnyard animals" she mentioned include breeds like dominiques, copper marans, both gold and silver sebrights, Yokohama, and a few cayuga ducks, all of which have absolutely gorgeous feathers. I was also going to surprise her with some peafowl feathers because my parents' friend owns them.
So here's where the AITA part comes in.
I was furious with her constant classism, treating Sammy and I like shit, and blatantly disregarding laws (especially ones literally put in place to protect "Mother Gaia's" creatures) just because her parents have money.
So after she went to bed I went out into the living room, took pictures of her sculpture, and then not only sent the pictures to her art teacher but the FWS. I let the game warden know I also emailed her teacher and vice versa. I also sent screenshots of our conversation where I told her about the law, so they had proof she was 100% aware of it but ignored it anyways.
I let Sammy know, and her response was "That's a thing? Well, her teacher would have reported her anyways I guess."
A few days later, we get a knock on the door. It's a game warden. I let him inside, went to my room, and proceeded to listen to Ally doing her "I'm a poor innocent victim how could you do this to me!" crying. I mostly just felt bad for the poor game warden for having to deal with her.
The only thing I could hear from the other room was her wailing like a banshee and him going "Ma'am, please calm down. Are you alright ma'am? Ma'am..."
A few days later Sammy and I came back from the store to see all of Ally's stuff gone. All of her clay, supplies, clothes, etc. were gone and her room was totally empty except for her bed frame (which came with the house).
I have no idea what happened. I'm sure she wasn't allowed to turn in a sculpture covered in illegal feathers for her final, so Idk if she was suspended/expelled or if she just had a tantrum and moved out?
On one hand it was really fucking nice seeing her face consequences for her actions, but the other part of me feels bad about possibly getting her suspended/expelled/fined/jailed over feathers and a nest.
The EPA website states that punishment for MBTA violations for misdemeanor offences (which I believe she committed since I don't think she planned on selling anything, and I know she didn't kill any of the birds) can range from up to $5,000 in fines to no more than six months in jail.
What are these acronyms?
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bg3fan · 10 months
The devil you don't know 4
Part 3 / Part 5
After a little walk you finally arrive at Rivington, you decided that it might be the best to ask the travellers before they arrive at the city center where they would probably would like to find a place to drink and eat than waste their time with a stranger.
Hoping that they're more friendly with you here.
So, passing by the open hand temple into the busy street, you start looking around. Nobody really looks like they would have an idea who Raphael is.
It would be the best if you go down the street and just hear a bit what the others have to say.
You see a bright circus, seeing your favourite childhood clown dribble would definitely lift your mood, but Raphael would probably not be there, so with an aching heart, you go forward.
It's been a long time since you've been here, especially since the refugees came here. Everybody turned at least a little bit meaner, and some people were treated harshly just because they were poor.
You wish you could help, but unfortunately, you don't have much to offer, and it's not like you're rich. Barely making it, especially through the winter.
Suddenly, you see 4 travellers covered in blood and dirt and you can't help the feeling of hope rising inside you.
You see them walking into the sharess caress, and you hurry after them, hoping not to lose them.
Opening the door, you see that the one at the front is talking to a dwarven woman "aah the little mouse found its way to baldrus Gate." She chuckles. "Raphael awaits you. He's upstairs and has his own room there."
The traveller frowns and questions, "Who are you?" To which the dwarf shakes her head."I keep forgetting that you don't know me, even though I know you so well... think of me as Raphaels assistant, his helping hand."
The group is obviously exhausted and tired from their adventure and they have no energy left to argue any more than necessary.
Quietly, you move to the side to not draw any attention. You first want to know what Raphael would do here in such a place.
Is he working here? Or perhaps he needed something more than a boring person like yourself.
Maybe it's another Raphael, at least you hope it is. The group pass you by and go up the stairs, one of them groaning, "I hope the devil doesn't try anything stupid?" which leaves you frowning, again with the devil.
You let some minutes pass by as you make your way up the stairs, searching for the right room. You wonder, he did say he favourably works with nobels and adventurers even though this place seems like a place only for the travellers.
When you arrive at the room, you press the side of your cheek onto the door, straining your ear to hear what they're talking about in there.
Relieved that you don't hear any moaning or bed creaking.
"Why bother with trifles? When I'm in the illustrious presence of my very favourite client," you hear Raphaels smooth voice from the room, and it breaks your heart, so he does work here.
"So, apple of my eye, how have you been?" You hear his voice again, and you can't help but step back. Does he enjoy this type of work? You thought that he would only make deals and contracts like an agent.
Holding your head, you take deep breaths. It's alright. Perhaps he just has a high sex drive and doesn't want to bother you, but that's nonsense.
Maybe he has debts and need to pay them back, but he never seemed to struggle with his finances. He always striked you as someone who knows how to take care of it.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you think of your next step, just bargaining in there wouldn't be smart. It would only lead to angering him and his so-called clients.
"I suppose you'd rather suck on the emperors tentacles," his voice booms out of the room, which makes you gasp audibly. Tentacles? What kind of things are these mad people into?
Oh no, are they about to force him into something he doesn't like? Oh god, what do you do?
With panic you put your ear again against the door, but this time with a bit too much force, which causes a semiloud noise.
Unfortunately, it's too quiet now, and you don't know whether or not to just burst into the door or run away. Your body tensing as you feel the fear of confrontation creeps up your body.
To your dismay, the door opens quickly, and you fall head first into the room.
Just in time you somehow managed to land on your forearms instead of your head on the hard wooden floor. Your basket rolling away from you. Cursing under your breath you slowly lift your head and are looking up at the supposed leader of the group.
"How unfortunate Raphael, you did cut the connection to the emporer but didn´t notice your little spy over there" says the very pale man from behind, his tone mocking and dimissive.
Before you could say or do anything, Raphael steps between you and the group, ignoring you competely. "You do not need to worry about this one," he gestures behind him but still not looking at you even as you slowly stand up, "I do not expect you to make up your mind right now, as I can see how utterly exhausted and tired you all are. And how very unfair would it be of me to take this against you? Why don´t we reschedule our little meeting for another day, hm?"
Raphael´s client takes some seconds to think and then only gives him a nod, "I need to talk with Gale and La´eazel about this anyway."
As the group makes their way around you two to leave the room, you can´t help but wrap your arm around his, feeling a bit frightened. That´s the kind of people Raphael works with?
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aboutdragons · 3 months
Hello, I'm sorry to bother but I had a spur of questions after reading your 'ttad answers' tag.
You’ve talked about not being straight or monogamous, what made you choose that? Why pick Aemond to be her main bae?
Will Aly Rivers appear in ttad? 
What will Lyra’s relationship be like with the next gen?
What make you pick the 14 flames as the main gods in this fic?
What scene has been your favourite to write? Both published and wip?
What make you want to write the dragon-riders the way you did? Like with all the dragon/ inhuman features? As well as the bond with their dragon?
What was your thought process when creating Lyra? Why make her the child of Daemon and Rhea?
Alicent and Lyra seem to have a blooming friendship, will that continue in the upcoming years?
sorry about all the questions - they've just been burning in the back of my mind for a bit now and I just had to ask. Thank you so much
Yes, hello! I like questions, I'll try to answer them thoroughly.
I never thought about Lyra not being straight being a big deal. She just isn't. Same with polyamory; though they both might well hark to the whole 'freedom' part of her story. Freedom to love who she will, even if it's multiple people at once. Aemond as main bae was concieved at the initial concepting stage with my friend because she likes Aemond a lot. Whole store began from that actually.
Alys Rivers will make an appearance indeed. Aemond canonically has a thing for women older than him after all.
I'm not sure if Targtowers are included in the next gen, but she's going to interact positively with them, though for Reasons she'll be largely absent later down the line. But she likes them and is a role model to them in a way. She's obviously going to have a close relationship with the twins as they're her sisters. As for Rhaenyra's spawns, Lyra will keep her distance, mostly due to the growing rift between Rhaenyra and herself and Daemon. She has nothing against them per say, and she pities them a little because they will inevitably be caught in the crossfire of the consequences of Rhaenyra's choices, no matter if she ascends peacefully or not.
Because 14 are Valyrian gods and the main characters are Valyrian, it just fit very well. Plus I get to do some Fun ThingsTM with them later, plot-wise.
For published, my favorite scene so far was Lyra telling Daemon about her reincarnation and then retelling him Silmarillion. For WIP, there's a little scene of Rhaenyra and Alicent basically at the end of the whole story. I really like it.
Because I am primarily a fantasy hoe and Targaryens are supposed to be the elves of ASoIaF, they deserve to be a little more inhuman as a treat. As for the dragon bonds, I'm honestly just making shit up I think is cool because I like the dragons a lot and I want them to feature as more than props or pets.
I needed a convenient spot to place Lyra in the timeline so that she'd have biggest influence of the world, and this worked well. With Daemon as her father, it gives her a great personal freedom as well. As for the conception of a character itself, I simply asked myself what would be most interesting to throw in the setting, and came up with a woman who doesn't at all fit in with the times. It makes for some very interesting interactions, especially later down the line.
I'm not entirely sure where the future of Lyra and Alicent lies, but I will try to keep them friendly with eachother. As I mentioned prior, though, Lyra is not someone who fits in with what a highborn noblewoman of that era is supposed to be, and Alicent's whole persona is built upon being just that; they're on the exact opposite ends of the spectrum, and I'm not sure where it'll take them yet.
Don't be sorry! I really enjoy being asked questions and discussing ttad things with people!
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anadelaney79 · 2 years
Heyy can I request a protective Tom Hardy imagine please? I don't have a plot particularly just a bunch of cute stuff like holding hands and pulling the reader closer when someone stares at her for too long or walking through crowds, just pure chivalry stuff; like a knight in shining armour 💘
Charming man
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Summary: I love when you send me prompts and requests! Feel free to do it
Pairing: Tom Hardy x Reader
Words: 710
Warnings: none! Just cute stuff
A/N: As usual, I'm really sorry about all the spelling mistakes, as english is not my main language.
Title: Charm man
He doesn't want to be there. He never wanted it, but apparently he couldn't say no to this opening. Tom is one of those people who runs away from crowded events, but sometimes he can't avoid them.
The place was packed with people laughing and drinking beer and champagne as they laughed over the music. Tom's hand hadn't let go of yours, as if he needed your touch to know you were there, supporting him. He plays with your fingertips, he talks to you in your ear, kissing the skin behind it so softly that makes you shriver. The only moments he let you go is when someone came to greet him, asking for a photo, which was very often to be honest. The men hugged him like a friend, the women caressed his arms and his chest as if you weren't there to see him. The reality is that you are already used to it, and it doesn't bother you anymore. Tom has always shown you that he only has eyes for you. And if you cared, it would be really an unbearable problem, because women throw themselves at him wherever he goes as if you don't exist.
A blonde woman came straight to him, walking across the room like a feline. "Tom, I can finally meet you in person. And let me tell you, you are much more handsome in person" she says, as she kissed him in both cheeks while caressing his neck. The woman wraps her arms around his waist as she asks for someone to take a photo, and he looks at you, trying to tell if you are uncomfortable about the situation. You know that he doesn't like to have his personal space invaded, and many times that is what happens in these types of situations. The woman keeps touching him, and you can tell he doesn't know how to get rid of the whole thing. In general, he has his moves, that allows him to separate from the person and move away a little. But nothing seems to work, and the blonde remains hugging his waist, her face very close to his.
The blonde stands between you and him almost as if on purpose, and you let go of his hand almost out of obligation. Another woman joins them as a third woman takes photos, and you stand to one side, not knowing what to do, until you see a bar in the distance and decide to go there.
You go over and ask the bartender for a beer. Sitting on the sides there is a group of three men, tattooed and with long hair, obviously motorcycle riders. They turn to you when they hear you, and they look you up and down. You smile warmly at them, and when the bartender hands you your beer one of them gets up and walks over to talk to you. "Hello, gorgeous..."
Before you can say anything, a strong hand sinks into your waist, and your whole body shudders at the sound of Tom's voice in your ear. "Fuck this. Let's get out of here. Now".
He grabs your hand and takes you through the crowded room, making his way to the rear emergency door. Some people want to stop him to say hello, others just watch as he walks by, leading you as if to save you from a fire. You can't see his face, but you can bet he is frowning and grumbling under his breath, and it almost makes you laugh.
He opens the exit door and the cold air hits your face. You take a deep breath, but almost without realizing it, your back hits the wall, and he completely imprisons you with his body. He assaults your mouth with his, giving you a deep kiss that makes your legs shake. His right hand wraps possessively around your throat, his erection presses against your hips, his tongue finds yours while he lets out a deep growl. You hold on to the lapels of his leather jacket, and he places a hand under your knee, forcing you to wrap your leg around his waist. You could take him right here, and he knows it. Instead, he ends the kiss suddenly, as if he had been able to quench a thirst that was killing him, and rests his forehead against yours. "Give me a minute and we'll get out of here", he says. You put the palms of your hands on his cheeks, and force him to look at you. "Was it too much?" you ask. "No kiss from you is too much for me," he replies, smiling again. "I was talking about the crowded place", you say with a wide smile, "but I prefer your answer".
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umbracirrus · 5 months
WIP Wednesday!! 💛
I can't believe it's Wednesday again! I have been getting back into working on The Perfect Storm over this past week, mostly in the form of editing previous chapters. Once I've made my way through the chapters posted so far, I'm going to update them all on AO3 at once - hopefully before I upload the next chapter!
And speaking of the next chapter... Irileth is taking her job oh so seriously, even in the middle of a festival. And somebody takes notice.... hehehe.
Mead was flowing near to non-stop, and it was most certainly being downed just as fast.
Had it been anyone else consuming the alcohol as though it were the only thing keeping them alive, Irileth wouldn’t have batted an eyelid so long as they weren’t a threat to the Jarl or Whiterun. But it was Hrongar. And he thought that could go up against a Companion. A Companion was no doubt the worst possible competition when it came to the drinking of mead - they lived in a damned mead hall!
A frustrated grumble came from Hulda as she poured more mead into Hrongar’s tankard, before she waved Ysolda over to continue in her place, whatever mumbling she made afterwards drowned out completely by the cheering and chanting from the crowds as she made her way into the Bannered Mare.
Ysolda seemed much more enthusiastic in allowing the mead to flow, even if had it been a regular night, the two who were drinking would have been cut off some time ago. But then again... This was Ysolda. The woman no doubt saw an opportunity for a profit – a profit which would no doubt be coming from Balgruuf’s pockets, as far as Hrongar would have been concerned.
The idiot.
After a few more moments of watching, she felt a presence just to her side. Her hand slowly tightened its grasp around the bow which had been resting on the wall to her other side, before glancing in that direction. The last time someone had been there, it had been the Jarl himself as he said he was returning to Dragonsreach. This time though... “What?”
The man who was stood there flinched at her brisk tone, before holding his arms up in a feigned surrender. “Easy, easy – don’t hurt me. I just wanted to see if you were okay.” Her eyes narrowed at that answer, and he took a very cautious – and smart – step back. “It’s just that everyone else here looked cheerful and relaxed... But you look all serious and uptight.”
“If this is some sort of idiotic attempt at flirting, it isn’t working. Now back off before I do hurt you.”
“Oh, I’m not flirting. I’m just wondering why you are here. Such revelry is rare in these times of fighting and war... So why not partake?”
A loud cheer from the crowd around the drinking competition caught Irileth’s attention, a welcome distraction from the man’s questions. Surely he knew the futility in asking such questions? She was quite obviously trying to do something. In particular watching Hrongar, who appeared to be trying to goad his opponent’s brother who was stood to the sidelines and looking highly agitated.
“I tell you what, let’s make a deal.”
Eyes darting back towards her unwanted company, Irileth scowled. “I’m not interested. Leave me be.”
“Aw, come on! Lighten up a bit, Irileth!” She rose from where she was perched on the wall, her full attention now on the robed man as her free hand flexed, ready to throw a punch if he were to continue. How in Oblivion did he know her name? She certainly didn’t know his, and she had never introduced herself to him. “If you have a drink, I’ll let you have my staff...”
Suddenly, he had hold of her arm, which made her scoff in disgust before she promptly elbowed him in the face. He let out a painful-sounding whine as he went to bring his hands to his bloodied nose, though she paid no further attention to him after that point. He had been trying to get her to let her guard down, and that meant but one thing.
It had to be a distraction. There was no other reason for someone to bother her with all of that and be so persistent about it.
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starlightandsunshine · 11 months
So like I'm back to rewatching Charmed (1998, obviously, yay for like my first fandom ever) again for the umpteenth time, (in a randomised order, of course, because why watch chronologically like a sane person) and I was watching "That 70s Episode" and then looking at additional trivia and episode information as you do, and I came across a comment about how Magic School makes the entire plot of the episode into a plot hole or vice-versa, which just… No.
I'm not going to say that their haven't been some absolute ass-pulls in Charmed that create plot holes in earlier episodes (The cleaners vs "All Hell Breaks Loose" is technically one even though I have Thoughts on that) but the existence of Magic School is really not one of them for quite a lot of reasons that I can't be bothered to go into rn because this post is about "That 70s Episode".
Time travel in Charmed happens in an essentially fifty-fifty split between time travel that intentionally changes the past (like "A Witch in Time" and the whole s6 arc with Chris) and closed time loops/predestination paradoxes that essentially mean the whole thing was one long foregone conclusion from the start (like "All Halliwell's Eve" and also "Imaginary Fiends" if you take it from the time traveller's perspective and not like Piper's). "Forever Charmed" and "Morality Bites" are exceptions to this that sort of hang about in their own bubble for Reasons but literally every other incident even tangientially related to time travel is one of those two (time travel in Charmed is maybe something that I've put a bit too much thought into but that's a different post)
(all my thoughts on "That 70's Episode" as a closed time loop under the cut because it, uh, got really very long)
Now admittedly, I may be coming at this from a slightly different perspective since the first time I watched Charmed I did it out of order and saw a couple of the later seasons first before I watched s1, which means I already knew about magic school and was elbow deep in the shows mythology (specifically relevant here: whitelighters, which iirc hadn't really been delved into at all - I can't remember if the episode w Phoebe finding out about Leo and the little witch boy called Max was before or after this one but either way they don't really start building on whitelighters until "Love Hurts" and s2). But literally the first thing I actually thought about here was that it was a closed time loop where they basically contributed to causing the whole thing in the first place (and hey, I just remembered that there's a different time travel ep in s1 where a warlock comes from the future to change it in the truth episode, so in hindsight I was probably like "oh cool they're showing two different ways it works already").
But I mean really, lets take the time travel out of the picture for a second:
If the sisters don't travel back in time at all, how does this situation play out? Like, Patty gets threatened by a warlock into blessing a ring to give him immunity to her daughters powers and presumably goes home and tells her mother about it and then they bind the girls' powers after Phoebe is born and don't? do? Anything? About the situation. Like in the threeish years between being threatened and dying Patty never tries to do anything about this warlock that is almost definitely going to try and kill her babies? (lets be generous and say that she didn't want to do anything while pregnant, that still leaves thirteenish months between Phoebe being born and Paige's conception, and sixish months between Paige's birth and Patty's death, and even then she doesn't have to actively be doing anything to be figuring out a way to track him down and vanquish him or whatever) Penny "Battleaxe Grams" Halliwell doesn't ever go after him or try to do anything about him and for twenty-odd years just twiddles her thumbs about the situation while he visits every year??? (the very same woman who had a relationship with and then vanquished the freaking Necromancer!) Neither of them ever tell their whitelighter Sam about the whole thing (which, you know, is part of his job description), they never reach out to other witches about this dangerous warlock running around (like say the multiple canonical witches that the Charmed Ones meet that worked with one of them), they never go to the canonical magical school that presumably has plenty of competent magical beings on staff or to the Elders like "Hey you know those prophesised Charmed Ones you've been waiting for? Yeah we had to bind their powers to save them from this one warlock, if you want them to ever be able to use that power you need to help us find a way to get rid of him, K thanks"?? Like I know they're not the Power of Three babes, but come on, they're still Warren Witches and plenty powerful and competent in their own right. They've both gone after tougher opponents alone and it's not like they couldn't work together (and if your argument is "what about the sisters", like it costs zero money to ask Sam or even Victor to watch them for like an afternoon while Patty and Penny go and vanquish the active and real threat to their lives) And like after all of that, after not hunting this warlock down or telling anyone about him or doing really anything at all about the situation for over twenty years, Penny, after being diagnosed with a heart condition, doesn't then ever think, "oh hey, when I die, this one warlock's going to come after them in like twelve months at most because he keeps popping by once a year, I should do something about that, like write a note in the Book or make an addition to my will about it or something"???
Uh, no. They would not do that. That is incredibly out of character for the Halliwells that we know and love. They'd probably have spent the nine months Patty was pregnant with Phoebe figuring out how to vanquish him and destroy the ring , and then if he didn't show up right after Phoebe was born they'd have asked Sam or maybe a couple of other witches they know to keep an eye on the sisters for a couple of hours while they summon Nicholas and vanquish him while he's off guard. The whole situation is over and done with by the time Phoebe turns one and the sisters' powers don't need to be bound at all.
But when you take the time travel into account, the whole lack of proactiveness on Patty and Grams' part makes a whole lot more sense. Because after having to bless the ring and then telling her mother about it, Patty remembers the other people who knew she was pregnant, and being the very much not stupid witch she is goes "hmm, maybe there's something going on there". And then like the plot of the episode happens they steal back the ring blah blah, and lets say that when Patty unblesses it she does it with like a time delay when its first used or it uses the powers of the girls to undo the blessing or even it takes a hot minute to take effect bc like Patty said they didn't have time to test whether or not the unblessing worked or whatever - its magic, we've handwaved way worse in canon - so that Nicholas still has the two minutes of being able to blindside the girls when he first attacks them and they can't use magic that prompts them to cast the time travel spell.
The girls then get sent home and Patty gives the unblessed ring back to Nicholas without letting on that she's unblessed it, fine. But because the girls have now time travelled, Patty and Penny realise that they have to preserve the order of events that led to them time travelling in the first place. Which means that when Phoebe is born they have to bind the girls' powers. Ok fine, they do that. They raise the girls with no knowledge of magic. Except, they're not stupid, they saw how the three girls looked at Patty and how they talked about Grams but not really about their mother, and they put together that Patty dies young. So Patty puts some entries in the Book, some messages for her daughters that she's not going to get to see grow up. Information that she'd rather give them in person but that need to be recorded somewhere for them because she won't be able to - like the Demon of Fear entry, or about magic around babies and so on. She doesn't know when she dies, but she figures it's got to be before Prue is a teenager because there's a different way you look at a parent you lost in your teens to a parent you lost as a child and because if Prue was a teenager then Phoebe was at least seven or eight and the girls would have something to say about her that proves who they are rather than just the wistful looks. And Penny keeps on raising the girls and doesn't do anything about Nicholas even though he keeps coming by, and she puts the vanquishing spell in the Book for when they need it, right by the spell they'd use to go back in time. And events play out like in canon.
The time travel being a closed time loop also neatly provides a further answer that isn't just "we were afraid" for why Patty gave up Paige rather than say, binding her whitelighter powers (like she did canonically) and pretending that she was the child of someone other than Sam (like maybe a one night fling with Victor, which, hey, that's how Phoebe was conceived, it could be true for Paige too!) or even just pretending that she was adopted from a different witch. Because the sisters clearly didn't know she had trouble with pregnancy and aren't very practiced witches, they came back in time to change the past and they didn't once mention a younger sister. There was no fourth daughter that time travelled, so either the three older daughters just left their younger sister behind when trying to stop Nicholas (which, unlikely), or they don't know she exists. So Patty takes the harder option of giving Paige up rather than the selfish one of keeping her and endangering all of her daughters because as previously mentioned, she's a very smart witch and figures out that this is a choice that she already made in the future her daughters travelled from.
But what about Grams wanting to strip their powers in "Pre-Witched"? You ask. Well that's easy, Grams knows she's ill, she looks at her granddaughters who look very much like the three time travellers she met and are about the same age as them too, and figures out that she's going to die soon. Now remember, she met the sisters after they'd already been Charmed for a while and only saw them as a united front that supported each other and were a pretty good team. She didn't see all the difficult growing pains they went through at first or how it took them a minute to get their shit together as a team. So she looks around at her granddaughters, who are not just a mess, but also cannot keep it together for five minutes, or even long enough to take a picture. And she comes to the conclusion that she must have messed up somewhere, that she changed something by accident and stopped them from becoming the tight-knit sisterhood that she saw in her past and she lets her doubts take over and stop her from listening to Patty, who has faith that they'll still pull together. And then, before she can go through with it, destiny strikes, and she dies, which kicks off the events that lead to Nicholas coming to the house and finding her dead and trying to kill her granddaughters who go back in time to stop him and end up causing the whole chain of dominoes that lead to them growing up without their powers and having to time travel in the first place.
Ta-da! Closed time loop. I'm probably forgetting some things, but this was basically a rant post about how not everything big and new about magic in the back half of Charmed is a continuity screw up or ass-pull ft. one of my favourite s1 episodes
…there's also a bunch more thoughts I have about Halliwell's time travelling in general and also specifically them meeting their parents/ancestors when they're young/not yet born and how there are a bunch of repeating patterns that keep popping up surrounding it, but again, that's a different post.
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heartsoftruth · 7 months
I think there is definitely harassment there no one should deny that and just because there wasn't any dick picture doesn't allow people to dismiss that and say it's a banter and not worth it because hell no this is actually a typical harassment that a woman go through at work with her boss and as a woman i know that she has to somehow act unaware of it or even play along like people are saying because she's actually scared to lose her job (like all women tbh) within the team she obviously loved and well it's because he's him and we all know that he got privilege and hell we saw that ever since day one but i know for sure she just reached to a point where she couldn't handle the shit anymore and preach for her and i really hope she gets her justice and may god protect her and stand by her because it must be awful for her now. It's just disgusting how people actually tried to play out that she was okay with it and she wanted something out of him while she literally sometimes showed how bothered she was with him and his actions some people really be like it's not harassment until there's some official nudes or serious touching or even rape because they really be thinking that words can't make you feel scared or uncomfortable and disgusted i hate ignorant people i swear, and i really really feel her because i myself went through such shit at my workplace once where my obviously much older boss (i was like 22 and he was 45) took advantage of the position that we were alone in his office and started to ask me about sex and what's my opinion on it and how i feel about it and how i actually had to play so stupid and that i understood nothing just to get out of the situation fast enough and i was scared to say anything just so that i don't lose my job or that he does something to me or my family because he was a wealthy and well known man in my country (celeb too lol) but thank god i left a while later and got into something much better and safer place so yeah i feel exactly what she's going through and i know exactly why sometimes she had to go on with him within the chat and play dumb i hate men i hate ignorant people i hate everyone who will try and still defend his ass or say everything was light and it was a stupid fun banter between the two of them
Sorry for the long ass rant but it's just it got on my nerves badly and reminded me of a disgusting scary period in my life too and just wanted to let it out somewhere and it pained me how much people can really have zero empathy on others like how could you live with yourself ffs!
Hi anon, First of all thank you for your ask and most of all your story. It's very brave to share and I'm glad to read you no longer suffer from that disgusting man in your work environment. ♥️
I do feel maybe it started with something consensual at the beginning (how far that went I have no idea). But that's just how I feel a little with the screenshots from the beginning and some lines. Then she lets him know - in the nicest way possible - no and to stop. Probably indeed like you said, because she's scared for her job. Knowing how powerful he is and his position in the team vs hers...
At the end however you can see she becomes more firm in her no and then he becomes more nasty/desperate I feel? Trying to control her? Apparently being jealous and what I think is very upsetting for her is changing her role which she clearly says she loves. Indeed for her sake I hope she is the leak and not some asshole from within RB who had access to these files. Because imagine we are all reading this from the outside, but it's her life. Or was because if one thing is 100% sure it's that she's currently not working in her position and with him staying she will never again.
I indeed don't feel she wants something out of him. No money no nothing (otherwise she would have taken the 650k). She just wants justice and to - probably - do the job she loves... Which is sad to think she never will again within RB..
0 notes
cammys-imagines24 · 3 years
•Sevika When You're Hurt•
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Oh, you're in trouble now.
Having to deal with a grumpy Sevika is way worse than any injury you did obtain.
She's got some strong words and they're headed your way.
And she's got them all.
I.E., the litanies embellished with cuss words...
The colorful phrases highlighting your stupidity...
And, in gruesome detail everything she plans to do to the bastards who dared hurt you in the first place.
But, don't worry, she's not actually mad at you.
Well, she is...
Though Sevika is more upset with herself for feeling like she wasn't doing her job protecting you.
She is a busy woman and despite the safeguards she puts in keeping you out of harm's way, she can't obviously keep an eye on you 24 hours a day, everyday.
She takes pride in being your bodyguard so the fact that sometimes she fails and you get hurt is a massive blow to her self confidence.
She's more mad at herself than anything else, she's just taking said anger out on you.
Which seems backwards, considering you're the one wounded and in pain but...
As if she'd ever tell you the truth behind why she's upset. How she feels like she failed at her most important job.
So, grumpy Sevika will continue.
She is no nurse, that's for sure.
She's not gonna fluff your pillows and give you chicken noodle soup.
She'll manhandle you and force you to do what's best for you.
And, she's a literal brick wall of a woman so it's not like you have a shot in hell fighting her off.
If you're a bratty patient she'll just tie you to the bed til you recover, I'm not even joking.
If you expected her to have a gentle, appeasing bedside manner than you seriously need to reevaluate who you chose as a significant other.
She is not the "adding sugar to make the medicine go down better" type of woman.
She is the "forcing your mouth open with her metal hand, steel digging into your jaw and shoving said medicine straight down your throat" type.
Sevika will probably never wrap your bandages for you or clean your wounds or stitch you up.
She may be meticulous and really good at fixing her prosthetic but...
She's not the most gentle and her hands are often rough.
Which is fine if it's sexy time, if you know what I mean.
Though when you're hurt she'll just order some lackeys around to fetch you a doctor instead.
She'll never trust any doctor though, to be honest, no matter how qualified they may be.
While they're tending to your injuries she watches them like a hawk and stands there menacingly all while threatening them to do a damn good job or else.
She may or may not have killed insufficient doctors in the past.
Though, with a competent one, she will listen to their advice and get any medicine they prescribe.
She will double their advice actually. So, if they say you have to be in bed for two weeks, she will add an extra two weeks on top of that just for good measure.
Don't even bother trying to argue with her on this.
You will not win.
If Sevika sees you trying to do anything for yourself or sneaking out of bed then, oh boy, are you gonna get it.
I'm seriously not kidding about her handcuffing you to stay put.
You're gonna heal properly and you're gonna like it.
She has some of Silco's best underlings take care of you and watch over you whenever she has business to take care of.
And, she demands that they frequently update her on how you're doing throughout the day.
When she comes back to your shared apartment after working for so long and managing shipments, dealing with meddlesome goons, etc... She's tired.
But, just one look of your pouting face will elicit a husky chuckle from her.
She'll grab a drink and lie down beside you, finding peace in how quickly you snuggle up against her muscular chest.
If she's feeling lenient and you've behaved well enough she may even untie you, knowing that she can just use her body strength to keep you resting now.
She'll listen to you whine about how unnecessary all of this is and not feel an ounce of sympathy for you.
Sevika views it as her fault for you being injured in the first place so the least she can do is make sure you recover fully.
Once you're asleep though she will take the time to examine your wounds herself.
Carefully running her rough human hand along the fresh bandages and leftover scars you've received over the years.
Her gray glinted eyes thawing as she presses her dark lips upon every wound.
She can be soft knowing you're asleep and therefore have no knowledge of her actions.
She'll whisper "I'm sorry" against your skin while continuing to trace the blood soaked gauze and marks.
Sevika would lose her other arm or a leg or even her own damned life for you.
She hates seeing you like this more than anything.
So, just accept her more rough way of taking care of you because it's out of love.
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cassifictional · 2 years
If you're taking requests, because I truly adore how you write, could you ever do something for Sevika and her ex-girlfriend? Maybe they really haven't gotten over each other after a few years and they still bicker and get jealous over each other, maybe something nsfw happens too. If you don't like the request, feel completely free to ignore it ♡
It’s so nice to hear that you like the way I write! 💕 And a perfect way to get me to write your request lol, compliments work really well on me. I’m not sure whether you wanted an Sevika x OC fic or Sevika x reader so I’m gonna go with x reader because that’s what I’m used to writing!
Sorry if it’s not as good as my other works, it’s really hot where I live rn and my brain is a bit foggy. Also somehow I wrote 1.9k instead of the 500 words I was going for. Lucky you.
My request are semi-open, if you have any fun ideas feel free to leave me an ask and I might write something for it if I have the time and inspiration. I'm gonna assume requests are sfw unless specified otherwise!
Tags: nsfw: mdni please. mean Sevika, jealousy, angry sex, fingering (reader receiving).
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It’s one of those days again: cocktail night with all of Silco’s associates. Every once in a while, he rents out a place to invite everyone he wants to keep on his good side. A necessary evil, or so he says. On the surface it seems fun, but look a little closer and it’s all just one big, corrupt power game. If he didn’t insist you’d be there every time, you probably wouldn’t even bother to show up.
The air in the room felt thick with cigarette and cigar smoke, making you feel overwhelmed and disoriented. People surround you as you tried to locate a corner in the room where it was a little less crowded.
“Hey, having a good time? Can I get you a drink?” you suddenly hear a woman’s voice say as you noticed someone had walked up beside you. She had long, black hair, was wearing a tight blue dress and was adorned from tip to toe in fancy jewelry. Her dark brown eyes fixated on yours, she was waiting for a response from you.
Feeling flattered, you smiled and nodded at her.
“I’ll get you something nice. Save a spot at that table for me, would you?” she said flirtingly as she pointed to a table behind you. She winked at you before you watched her make her way to the bar. Like she had asked, you stood at the table and waited for her.
“She is so not your type.” you heard another voice say to your left. One a lot more familiar.
“I think I can decide that for myself, Sev.” you replied, annoyed at the sudden intrusion of the one person you really didn’t feel like chatting with tonight.
“Figures. Being decisive was never your strongest suit.” she taunted. Was she trying to pick a fight?
Sure, your breakup years ago had been messy. No, it wasn’t all her fault. Yes, you lost a good thing you had together, but you always figured you two had never really been meant to last. And yet, it seemed like as long you were in the undercity, you just couldn’t get away from her. In one way or another, you always found her again in the most random of places and situations, often resulting in bickering and petty arguments. Tonight seemed to be no different.
The woman from earlier returned with two drinks, one for herself and one for you. But when she noticed Sevika looming in the corner beside you, she seemed to hesitate.
“Oh.. I’m sorry.. am I interrupt- I think I’ll just..” she said nervously as she glanced back between you and Sevika, who was obviously scaring her off with her death stare.
“No, it’s fine, we’re not together.” you tried to diffuse, but the woman didn’t seem convinced.
“I really don’t want to intrude. Sorry..” she said before quickly making her way to the other side of the room, depriving you of the drink you were actually really looking forward to.
“Great. Thanks.” you said as you turned around and glared at Sevika. “There goes my once chance of having a nice evening. Happy now?”
“Just saving you the trouble. Like I said, she’s not your type.” she scoffed before lighting a cigarillo and blowing a few puffs of smoke your way, which you angrily fanned away.
“Like, what, maybe she’s yours? As far as I’m concerned, you don’t really have a type. It’s always been quantity over quality at the brothel with you.” you grumbled.
“Jealous?” she mocked. “I’ll talk to Babette, see if she’s hiring.”
So fucking annoying. She always knew how to get right under your skin. Eager to get some kind of revenge on her for scaring your flirt away, you considered your options. Empty her drink over her head? No, that’s uncivilized. Violence wasn’t your style either. Instead, in a move that was a whole lot more friendly, you reached your hand out and gestured for Sevika to hand you her cigarillo.
“Fuck you too. Let me have some.” you said as you angrily stared at her.
With surprisingly little hesitation, Sevika took the cigarillo out of her mouth and handed it to you, but not before making you reach for it a bit first. You took a few puffs, maintaining eye contact with her as you did. Even though you were still angry with her, you couldn’t help but feel some of your old feelings for her bubble up to the surface again as you looked at her. Things between you two had been amazing and intense while you were still together. A feeling you really missed from time to time. A feeling that made you doubt whether or not you had tried hard enough to fix it at the time. The constant bickering you went through together now didn’t motivate you to really try and patch things up, though. She was irritating, infuriating even. And yet. You wondered. What if it had worked out?
You took the cigarillo out of your mouth again, twirling it between your fingers for a second before you reached out to hand it back to Sevika again. But instead of handing it to her, you intentionally dropped it right into the drink she was holding.
"Oh. Oops."
Shocked, she dropped the glass right on the floor, shattering the thing into a million pieces and spilling liquor everywhere. And now, Sevika looked fucking furious.
“Alright, you little fucking-“ she growled, but she was cut off by Silco, who had noticed the rising tension and had made his way over to you both.
“That’s enough.” he hissed. “I told you to stay professional.”
Sevika gave him a death glare but didn’t reply, now realizing that she may have fucked up a bit. Silco pointed to a door nearby.
“Outside, now. Come back when you’ve cooled off.” he then turned to face you as well. “You too. Out.”
Not eager to challenge your boss and risk getting on his bad side, you complied and made your way over to the door. Sevika followed closely behind you, heavy footsteps revealing her anger.
“Like fucking schoolkids getting detention.” you grumbled as you pushed open the door. “You’re sure as hell as immature as one, Sev. And you’re- wait, this isn’t..”
“Move.” Sevika groaned as she pushed you forward into the room, almost knocking you over in the process. She quickly realized as well that this door didn’t lead outside.
“Side room.” she ascertained. “Not the exit. Dumbass.”
“No shit, sherlock. And cut it out with the insults.” you snapped.
“That last one was for Silco, not you.”
“For once.”
“So quit assuming everything is about you all the time.”
You sighed in frustration. It wasn’t uncommon for her to be mean to you, but tonight felt a little different from her usual verbal attacks. As if you had really struck a nerve with her.
“Why do you hate me so much?” you asked.
“I could give you a list.” she grumbled as she looked around the room for another exit, to no avail.
“I’m serious, Sev. What the hell happened?”
She sighed. “We’ve been over this. We didn’t work, end of story.”
“You used to like me.” you muttered. “I used to like you. Love you, even. Then it all went to shit and for what? Why?”
You watched Sevika as she was stood with her back towards you. Her shoulders were tense, her whole body looked stiff. The shimmer in her metal arm briefly started to kick in, but went away before it could send her into a frenzy. Then all of a sudden, she turned around and stormed towards you, only stopping when she was right in front of you. She loomed over you like a tower.
“You want me back so bad, is that it?” she hissed.
“I want to know why.” you said quietly, trying desperately to keep back your tears. “You never.. we never talked about why it went to shit. I want to understand.”
“I liked you better when you listened to me.”
“Sev, please, I just..”
She grabbed you by the jaw with her metal hand, squeezing forcefully but not hard enough to really hurt.
“Shut up. You want it to be like the ‘good old days’ again?” she growled, bringing her face close to yours.
Even though you were still angry, the urge to kiss her was greater. But once she noticed you leaning in, she moved her hand from your jaw to the back of your head to grab a fistful of your hair. She pushed you back into the now closed door behind you, effectively immobilizing your head to where her hand was.
“So fucking desperate.” she muttered under her breath as her other hand made it’s way to one of your thighs. “I remember you used to beg for it.”
“Then.. please?”
The look in her eyes still screamed fury, but behind the angry façade you could see that there was more to it. You had gotten to know her well during your time together. You could see something you didn’t quite recognize, not just yet. Lust? Jealousy? Regret?
Her grip on your hair forced you to keep eye contact with her. Without any further hesitation, Sevika moved her hand up from your thigh, straight into your underwear. Knowing there were probably people behind the door Sevika had forced you against, you struggled to keep yourself from moaning out loud.
She effortlessly found your sweet spot like she always did when you were still together. As if you had never broken up in the first place. Her movements were rough but precise, keeping you exactly where she wanted you, touching you exactly where she wanted to.
“Oh, god..” you gasped as you felt one of her fingers brush over your entrance before she roughly shoved it inside you.
“Try not to let the whole room hear you.” she sneered, pushing a second finger inside of you. “Or do. See if I care.”
“Fuck you, Sev.”
“You wish.”
“Oh, you- ah! Fuck.. fuck me.” you moaned as Sevika curled her fingers inside of you, continuing to roughly move in and out of you. Your pleas seemed to motivate her as much as they seemed to be pissing her off.
You gripped her arm tightly as she continued to fuck you against the door, surely making enough noise by now that people on the other side of it could hear something was going on. She kept her eyes on you the whole time, the look of anger mixed with unknown, messy feelings in her eyes unwavering. Maybe it had been the lack of intimacy in your life lately, maybe you had just really missed her despite all the harsh words spoken between you, but she knew exactly how you liked to be touched and she could definitely feel you were getting close. As she slowly but steadily pushed you over the edge, she moved her metal hand from the back of your head to your mouth to muffle your increasingly loud moans as you came.
You felt your legs turn to jelly but Sevika’s hand was still underneath you, keeping you upright. She briefly let you ride it out before she removed her hand from your underwear as quickly as it had found its way in. She leaned back in close you your face, your mouth still covered by her metal hand.
“Whore.” she hissed before removing her metal hand from your face.
She pushed you aside, opened the door and walked out. The door fell shut behind her. Still trying to catch your breath and compose yourself, you rested your back against the closed door again and slowly slid down onto the floor. Your eyes filled with tears as you processed what just happened. You finally got the courage to ask and she didn’t even tell you. Tell you why you ended up like this.
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Notes: angry sex, sure! But I do need to sprinkle some explicit ✨consent✨ in to feel comfortable with it. I feel like this could use a continuation. Anyone interested in that? Let me know. Poor y/n’s having a hard time.
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reaperintheroses · 2 years
hi!! do you think you can do hcs for dating phoenix (as a female) <3
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Y'all I went to sleep for like maybe 7 hours and I came back to my tumblr blown the fuck up thank you so so so much! I've gotten hella requests for phoenix so I'm combining these two. This is a continuation of the headcanon I did last night about Phoenix asking you out. Oh also minors please fuck right on off theres smut in these headcanons, it's marked though so feel free to read up until it says "NSFW headcanons" :)
-Whew lord -okay so after she asked you out and left you stuttering on that beach -you guys made plans to meet that following friday -you expected her to take you to a hole in the wall bar and potentially cheap out on drinks -BOY WERE YOU WRONG -She took you to this fancy ass beachside restaurant -and REFUSED to let you pay for anything -When she took you home that night you invited her inside for a “movie” -you lasted about ten minutes before you ended up on top of her -After about 15 minutes of making out you asked her if she wanted to go upstairs -“I don’t want you to think I’m only in this for the sex” -HUH -You nodded and just kept kissing her on your couch until she eventually decided that she had to go -after that the rest is history
-Y’all moved so damn fast in this relationship it wasn’t even funny -like by maybe the third date she’s already asking to call you her girlfriend -She always has to open doors for you -be it car doors, the door to your house, the door to the fridge in a 7-11 at 2 am on a tuesday -if there's a door shes opening it for you -says that just because you’re dating a woman doesn’t mean you don’t deserve chivalry -Her favorite type of beer would be bud lite sorry I don’t make the rules -you obviously know that from her frequenting at your bar -so randomly you start keeping 6-packs in your fridge -she never questions it but you know it means a lot to her -Phoenix is relatively average height (5’7) -but I feel like when shes not in uniform she would dress in straight jeans and large t-shirts -you would steal these whenever you sleep over at her place and just randomly start wearing them -it makes her literally FERAL to see you in her clothes -I feel like lots of the top gun team would try and hit on you too -so when you start showing up to work in her old ratty t-shirts she gets so secretly happy -speaking of phoenix being possessive she would definitely make out with you in the bar on your breaks -You would ask her to try and be a little more lowkey but she is so obsessed with everyone knowing you’re hers
NSFW headcanons -Oh my god does this girl know how to make you feel things you didn’t think possible -Lots of people say that she's a top but I feel like she could definitely be a switch but her bottoming is kinda rare and when she does its more of like a power bottom type vibe -toys are her team mate not her enemy -she's definitely into some lowkey bdsm but nothing super serious -If you call her something other than her name in bed she’s a goner -but don’t call her phoenix -that's just not her thing -callsigns in bed bother her -She definitely get off from getting you off -would eat you out for hours -either it's hard core edging or hard core overstimulation -She is definitely the queen of aftercare -making sure you’re hydrated before anything else -she's got washcloths and fruit snacks on deck too -lots of cuddles and kisses -this girl loves you so damn much
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igigix · 3 years
Can I get an rio x reader where rio cheats on reader with Beth and reader finds out and rio try everything to get her back even really cutting Beth off can it be angst with smut but fluff ending I really love your stories 🧚🏾
Thanks, beautiful! I struggled with this one a lot, I hope you'll enjoy it. 💖
- Rio (Good Girls) x Female Reader/You -
-> 18+ readers only!
-> English is not my native language, so bear with me because there will probably be some grammatical mistakes.
Rating: Mature, Explicit, NSFW.
Warnings: Smut. Language.
Word count: 2.4k
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Your ears ring with disbelief. What Beth just stated can't possibly be true.
"Oh, I'm sorry, honey, I just wanted to give you a heads-up. My goal here is not to hurt you but to just tell you the truth." She says with false sympathy.
Your chest tightens. Rio would never do such a thing. No, no, no. You refuse to believe her. Obviously, she's lying.
Then you recall the time he got home much later than usual. You were so afraid that something terrible had happened to him that you remained up late. Waiting for him. He had a weird expression on his face when he eventually arrived. He appeared to be preoccupied. For a while after that, he grew distant. But you didn't consider any of it; instead, you convinced yourself it was just work.
Nausea slams into your stomach, knocking you out. To control the trembling, you ball your hands into a tight fist.
Then without being able to hold back, you slap her hard. She gasps and brings her palm to her bruised cheek, clearly startled.
Tears stream down your face, burning your eyes, and a searing agony closes your throat. You rush out of the store without saying a word, leaving your shopping cart. You hear Beth's footsteps. You walk faster because you don't want to deal with her bullshit. She was far from sorry; she had purposefully ambushed you in the middle of your grocery run to tell you all about Rio's affair with her in every detail.
"Wait, Y/N. Please, I'm really sorry. I feel terrib-" she shouts as she tries to keep pace with you. You stop dead in your tracks and turn to face her.
"You feel terrible? It's not bad enough that you humiliate me by getting in bed with my husband, but you had to humiliate me by announcing it to me in the fucking store while I'm grocery shopping for my family?" she remains frozen in place without saying anything. Concerned and looking guilty, Her eyes dart around the area.
"You did this to another woman. You are the one who should be humiliated; you are the one who should be ashamed! Now get away from me before I beat the shit out of you."
As soon as you get in your car, you take a few deep, ragged breaths and dial Rio's number.
His raspy voice scratches your eardrum. "Hey, mama."
"Your partner with benefit is here."
You're still hoping you're wrong. You can't breathe because your chest hurts so much.
For a brief moment, the line is silent. Then there's a torrent of noises. His exhales, a door slamming, and a vehicle's motor roars.
"Where are you?"
So it's true; the gravity of that broke your heart. You attempt to keep your voice even from quivering due to your tears.
"How could you?" You squeeze the phone.
"Where are you, Y/N," His heavy breathing pierces the line as he asks again.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" Your chin trembles.
"This is my problem, one that's gonna go away very soon, yeah?"
"How? How Rio? You slept with her. You can't make that go away."
"Listen to m—"
"Listen to what?" You scream, your tone full of outrage. "No need to bother yourself; she's already told me all I need to know. With every fucking detail." You hit the steering wheel violently. "I hope your quick fuck with the soccer mom was worth it."
"I know you're hurt, and I caused that. I'll deal with Elizabeth." His voice is so cold that it makes your neck hair stand up. "Now I'll ask again, Where. Are. You?"
You don't reply.
"Don't do…that. Talk to m—"
"We're done." You declare with a heavy heart, ending the call.
After the call, he tried to reach you several times, but you chose to ignore him by turning off your phone.
You had enough. Screw him and Beth! You go on a drive aimlessly to clear your thoughts and mind.
You leave your car parked in front of your apartment. It was late. You drove for hours. You hoped you wouldn't run into him since you didn't have the strength to confront him. You planned to be quick. You just want to grab your things and go.
You turn on the light and scream as soon as you enter your bedroom. Rio's here. He's sitting in your chair, arms spread wide, eyes hard.
"Shh. You'll wake Marcus." You can tell he's angry because you can hear it in his voice and feel it radiating from him. You notice a half-empty bottle of whiskey on the dresser.
"You switched off your phone."
You go to your closet and start packing your clothes.
You don't look at him when you speak.
"Because I didn't want to talk to you."
"When I call you, you answer."
"Doesn't work that way. Anyway, I'm almost done gathering my stuff." You're in a rush, so you only take what you need.
You're about to zip your bag when he gets to his feet and captures your wrist. You pull away abruptly.
"Don't touch me!" You snap.
"You're good. you're one of the few good things in my life; you know that, yeah?" He claims, lost in thought. You see him for the first time in a vulnerable state. His eyes were filled with remorse and anguish. You almost feel sorry for him.
"This is real life, Rio! You don't get to restart things when you ruin everything. You cheated, damn it. I can't even look at you right now." You rant. You feel as though you're about to cry all over again. You pause to gather your emotions. "You know, they warned me about this."
"About what?"
"About you! But I still loved you at your darkest, and you broke my heart, played with it… I'm such an idiot." You admit while taking your bag ready to go.
"I've never thought," He begins by speaking slowly, as though he is carefully choosing each word. Purposefully. He looks away, shakes his head, and exhales before returning his attention to you.. "the idea of losing you is killing me. I ain't proud of what I did. I hate myself for it."
"I'm your husband mama, don't do this." His words ring with sorrow.
"Yeah, maybe you shouldn't be my husband anymore." You hurry away, not wanting to hear his response.
Six months later.
You moved to a new apartment in the same area to keep in touch with Marcus. You loved the kid. It was a tough and painful moment when you had to explain to him that you were leaving. He cried a lot, but you assured him that it would not affect your relationship with him. That he was free to see you whenever he pleased. And it was true. He didn't need to face the consequences of his father's actions. As for Rio, you haven't seen him since that night, despite his best attempts to show you how much he regrets his behavior. He acknowledged your need for space, even though it was difficult for him. You had the sense at times that someone was watching. You've noticed men following you around in traffic or shopping malls a few times. You had a suspicion it was Rio men. But you weren't ready to face him.
You needed time to heal and forgive yourself for not knowing, for turning a blind eye and not asking questions when something didn't feel right. You had to let go of the anger, the hate, and the shame. You were not responsible for his cheating. You made your peace with that.
To forget and move on, you put your whole heart and soul into your work. You're an engineer, and your job was on the line. There was a large contract that needed to be fulfilled. You had to prove yourself. However, the agency's funds were short. Thanks to a generous anonymous contributor, you could convince the clients and carry out the contract.
As a result of your efforts, you got promoted to chief project engineer. It had been your childhood dream. Your mother was a well-known engineer, and you told yourself that you would follow in her footsteps after her unexpected passing. You don't recall much about her. You lost her when you were just a little girl. But now, your job allows you to be near her and have a common bond with her even though she's gone. You had a special thought for her with each new project. You hoped she was proud of your accomplishments.
You stir from your own thoughts and memories. Someone was knocking on your door, you got up to see who it was, and it was Mick. You let him in, and You both sit in silence in your living room. He finally opens his mouth after what seems like an eternity, but you're not sure you're ready for what he has to say. When you shake your head, he locks his lips shut. With a sigh, he pulls an envelope from his jacket and offers it to you.
You clear your throat. "What's this?" You demand.
"Rio asked me to give it to you."
As you open the envelope, your hands tremble. It must be the divorce papers. You've figured it out. But it's not long before you discover there's a set of other documents. With the divorce papers, you find a property deed in your name. Your mother's house and a bank account with an absurdly large sum of money.
You should be ecstatic, yet all you can feel is a void in your chest. You take your time to absorb the information then your eyes well up with tears. Oh my god, you own your mother's house. It's finally yours after so many years. The beauty of the gesture hits you.
"You not supposed to know all of this." He says. "There's one more thing. He went into debt to repay your student loan; he's the anonymous donor at your work. He knows how much your mother meant to you. I know what he did was horrible; he deeply regrets it. But he's unhappy without you. He's trying. Really trying, Y/N."
"And Beth?"
"Let's just say that she won't be a problem anymore. You'll never see her again." He replies firmly.
You're nervous as you approach Rio's condo. You remember the time you spent there together, all the memories. That night's betrayal and pain are still fresh in your mind. You'd like a fresh start with a clean slate. You recognize how much you missed him when you find yourself in front of him. His face is emotionless as his gaze drifts to the envelope you grasp in your fingers. You take a seat in front of him at his desk. His attention is on you.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?" He folds his hands together.
You toss the envelope in his direction.
"You could've given it to Mick."
"I had to see you."
"Yeah?" His nostrils flare.
"You have me followed."
"Is that a problem?" he asks with a deep voice.
"No, but I don't understand why I need protection." You reply, searching his eyes.
"You were once connected to me, so it always makes you a potential target, and I ain't taking any chance about your safety."
"Is it going to be a permanent thing?"
"Yeah, a permanent thing." He states categorically, not discussing it further. "Let me ask you again, Yeah? What are we doing here?"
"Open it." You make a motion with your hand toward the envelope.
His bitter brown eyes are angry when he stares at you.
"Rio, open it. Please." Pursing his lips, He draws the envelope closer to him and opens it. He's shutting down, distancing himself from you and what he expects to discover on the inside. He examines the bottom of the first page, where your initials are absent, and then proceeds through the stack, stopping on the final page, where just his signature is signed. When he stares back at you, he has a genuine expression of confusion.
"Explain this. Ain't you happy with the terms? Do you need more money?"
"No, I don't want money." You have to force the word from your throat. "I want you."
"Nah. Don't do this."He clenches his jaw as he stands up.
"What? Why?"
"It was too damn hard to let you go once. I can't do it again." For the first time since you arrived, emotions flash through his eyes.
"I want to be with you. It doesn't mean I forget what you did. You have to earn my trust again, but I'm ready to work this out. Together." You declare.
He approaches you and softly touches your cheeks.
"If I could take it all back…I would. I don't deserve you, the fact that you're back to me despite all the fucked up things I've done." You place a kiss on his lips while wrapping your arms around his neck. "I love you, Y/N."
You woke up to warm syrup being poured over you, and strawberries were carefully laid over your breasts. You're fully naked.
"What are you doing?" As syrup drips over the sheets, you struggle to sit up. It was a sticky mess that would destroy his bed linens, but he didn't seem to mind, pushing you back down while his finger trailed up your ribs.
"I'm enjoying my breakfast." He lowers his mouth and bites into the strawberry that had slid from your breast, his tongue soaking up the nectar until it reaches your nipple. As you lay back down, you moan when he closes his lips around it and sucks your areola hard.
"What about me?"
He flattens his tongue on your belly and runs it down to the top of your opening, where he stops.
"My girl is hungry?" he's between your legs, holding your knees wide apart as he sucks your clit. You clutch the cushion with both hands.
"Rio" You suck in a breath and raise your head to look at him. He's holding your gaze while he moves, licking the length of you.───────── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──────────
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helloalycia · 3 years
my patient’s neighbour [five] // wanda maximoff
summary: Wanda decides to ruin your chance at moving on, which doesn't go down well with you.
warning/s: none
author's note: jealous!wanda is one of my favourite wanda’s 👀 also your comments/feedback always make my day so thank you so much! ♥️
part one | part two | part three | part four | part six | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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Meeting Anna's granddaughter wasn't something I'd ever imagined, since Anna rarely mentioned her unless it was to recall a memory that eventually made her quiet for the rest of the day or to make a snide remark out of annoyance. So, to have her here in front of us was definitely... new.
"What are you doing here?" Anna asked with disbelief.
Sasha blinked awkwardly. "I, er, got a call from the nurse. She said you'd hurt your back, so I thought I'd check in." Her gaze fell to Wanda and I. "I see you've got company."
"Sorry, we'll give you a moment," Wanda blurted, before looking to Anna reassuringly.
I did the same before eyeing Sasha suspiciously then following after Wanda into the hall. When the door closed behind us, I wondered what exactly would happen in there. To say I was overprotective of Anna was an understatement.
Taking a seat on the chairs outside her room, I became acutely aware of how stupid I looked in my trainers, Mickey Mouse pyjamas and raincoat. Especially when Wanda sat beside me, knee brushing mine.
"Do you want a drink or anything?" she asked suddenly, earning my attention.
I shook my head, crossing my arms and leaning back into my seat. "No, thank you, I'm good."
She hummed in acknowledgement but said nothing else. The awkwardness that lingered between us was overpowering, but nowhere near as overpowering as the scent of Wanda's shampoo that was drifting up my nose from how close she was sat to me. I tightened my crossed arms, trying to think of something else. Then I remembered what had happened in Anna's room before Sasha interrupted.
"What were you and Anna arguing about?" I asked, glancing at the witch.
She winced, but didn't look my way. "Nothing. Just neighbour stuff."
I smiled bitterly. So, she didn't want to share. Fine. No big deal. Who was I but her neighbour's carer anyway?
After ten minutes of waiting, we decided to head back inside to make sure Anna was okay. What we saw was Anna and Sasha crying happy tears as the latter sat at her bedside, clutching her hand.
"Damn, sorry," I apologised for Wanda and I, realising we'd interrupted a special moment. "We can–"
"No, we're done," Sasha said, wiping away her tears with embarrassment. "Sorry about that."
"Devushki (girls), this is my granddaughter, Sasha," Anna introduced, and I'd never seen her look happier.
As Sasha stood up and rounded the bed to approach us, I realised she seemed familiar because of the photographs I'd seen around Anna's apartment.
"It's nice to finally meet the two people who have been taking care of my grandmother," Sasha said, before putting out her hand.
I bit back from retorting with something along the lines of 'we wouldn't have to if you had cared for her yourself', and instead shook her hand. Wanda glanced at me, probably sensing the negative thoughts in my mind with her powers, but she said nothing as she smiled politely at Sasha and shook her hand.
"It's nice to meet you, too," Wanda spoke, realising I wouldn't. "Anna talks a lot about you. I was hoping we would eventually meet."
Sasha sighed regretfully, smile fading. "Yes... well, I haven't been around as much as I should have been. I know that now."
"Took you long enough," I muttered under my breath, it slipping out without me realising.
Wanda shoved me in the arm in response and I frowned, rubbing the sore spot.
"You're right," Sasha said, looking to me apologetically. "But I'm here now. And getting that call earlier... it made me realise that I've treated Anna horribly. That's why I've invited her to live with me. To make up for lost time."
Certainly not expecting that, my jaw dropped with surprise. "What?"
Sasha sat back down beside Anna's beside and I exchanged startled looks with Wanda before looking to the older woman in question.
"No offence," I started, glancing at Sasha, before focusing on Anna again, "but are you sure this is the right move? It's not too sudden?"
Anna shook her head and grabbed Sasha's hand. "She wants me to be around her family. And I want it too, Y/N. I miss them."
I nodded, but chewed on the inside of my mouth anxiously. It's not that I didn't trust Sasha (okay, maybe it was a little), but I was scared for Anna. I didn't want her to get heartbroken all over again.
Be supportive, Wanda's voice filled my mind, and I looked to her to see her eyes fading from red to green.
I clenched my jaw. Stay out of my head.
With a bright smile, she ignored me and looked between the grandmother and granddaughter duo.
"I think that's wonderful, Anna," she said kindly. "I mean, of course I'm going to miss having you as a neighbour, but this is all you've wanted. I'm thrilled for you. And so is Y/N."
When she looked to me for confirmation, I felt a familiar anger in the pit of my stomach, only reserved for Wanda Maximoff. But this wasn't about us, this was about Anna.
"I am," I agreed, eyes flickering to Anna. "It sounds great."
"You can both visit whenever you want," Sasha said, nodding enthusiastically. "Anna loves you both so dearly."
"You can't get rid of us even if you tried," Wanda joked, flashing Anna a teasing smile.
Anna chuckled. "I knew you would both understand."
I smiled halfheartedly, glad that everything was working out for Anna but knowing I would miss caring for her greatly.
"We should leave you to rest," I said with finality.
"Thank you," Anna replied, and by the way she looked at me, I knew she was thanking me for a lot more.
"Get well soon," I told her in my 'nurse' voice that she hated, a playful smile on my lips. "I'll check on you tomorrow."
Anna nodded. "Tomorrow."
After saying an awkward goodbye to Sasha, I left the room and headed for the lift down the hall, not bothering to wait for Wanda. Thankfully, she must have known I didn't want to speak to her, as she didn't speed after me.
Since Anna moved in with her granddaughter, the last time I saw Wanda was at the hospital. Two more months passed and I had no need to bump into her at Anna's apartment since Anna didn't live there anymore. And the one time I visited Anna since she moved in to Sasha's house, Wanda wasn't present.
I guess it made it a lot easier to attempt to get over her. Six months since she broke up with me was long enough to move on, I think. I'd been on a few dates, none really going anywhere until Natasha decided to set me up with someone a few weeks ago.
It was a family friend of her Avenger's teammate, Clint Barton, and though it was a blind date, it actually worked out well. The woman was called Elise and she was very sweet and charming on our first date, having a similar sense of humour to mine and a killer smile. It was actually the first time since Wanda left that things felt like they were falling into place. We went on a few more dates, deciding not to rush things, and I found myself looking forward to going out with her.
It was a few weeks into our dating relationship when Natasha gave me a call, inviting me as her plus-one to Clint and his wife's vow renewal. They were having a whole celebration at their homestead in Missouri and Natasha figured I'd enjoy it, able to take a weekend break and join her at the lavish hotel she'd be staying in. And also because Elise would be there.
"Oh?" I said with surprise. "Elise didn't mention anything."
"She wanted to," Natasha said with amusement, "but she didn't want to bring it up in case you didn't want to go."
I quirked a brow, despite her being unable to see me. "And why wouldn't I want to go?"
Natasha hesitated. "'Cause Wanda will be there...?"
A sigh escaped my lips as I massaged my forehead. Elise knew about Wanda because it came up when she asked how Natasha and I became friends. She was actually really chill about the whole thing, which I appreciated, but I could only imagine how she must have felt knowing that Wanda would be at the vow renewal.
"You should still come," Natasha encouraged when I didn't say anything. "I already spoke to Wanda and she said she won't cause a scene or anything."
"I doubt that she would," I mumbled.
"She just wants you to be happy," Natasha finished. "So, be happy as my plus-one and get a cute date in with your girlfriend whilst you're there."
I tried to stifle the smile on my lips. "Elise isn't my girlfriend."
"Yet," Natasha added knowingly.
Rolling my eyes, I said, "Look, send me the details and I'll be happy to be your plus-one."
"Yes!" she exclaimed, and I could just imagine her fist-pumping like an idiot. "I'll see you then, Y/N."
"Goodbye," I told her, though a smile of amusement was playing on my lips.
After that call with Natasha, I didn't hesitate to give Elise a call, hoping I wasn't bothering her whilst she was at work.
"Hey," I greeted, smiling to myself. "Is this a bad time?"
"Well, luckily for you, I'm actually just starting my lunch break," she said in a joking manner. "What's up?"
I scratched my head uncertainly. "Well, Natasha just called and invited me as her plus-one to Clint's vow renewal. She said you would be there, too, obviously, but I just wanted to check in and see if it was okay that I went."
I left out the part about her not telling me about it, but she seemed to pick up on it anyway as she breathed out slowly.
"I just don't want to step on your toes," I quickly added, before chewing on my lip.
"You could never," she said reassuringly. "I actually wanted to ask you to be my date, but I thought it may be too soon. Y'know, a vow renewal when it's only what, the sixth date in?"
"It's not too soon," I said, before adding, "I can just come as Natasha's friend and we don't have to make it a date."
"There's also the fact that your ex will be there," Elise added, and I frowned at the mention of Wanda. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
"It's been six months," I told her with certainty. "I'm as comfortable as can be."
She paused. "If you think you'll be okay, then I'd love to see you there, Y/N."
"I know I'll be okay," I said promisingly. "And I'd like to go and maybe see you, too."
She laughed quietly and it made me smile. "In that case, I guess I'll see you there."
"It'll be fun," I said knowingly.
"It will," she agreed. "And now I can't wait."
It was my turn laugh. "Me either."
And fun it was... along with many other words.
The day of the vow renewal came by quickly enough and as promised, I went with Natasha as her plus-one. She made it as enjoyable as she could for me which I appreciated, with the two of us getting first-class tickets which Natasha was happy to pay for, and checking in to a beautiful hotel for the weekend. And that was just the accommodation.
The actual vow renewal was a stunning affair, as Clint and his wife, Laura, had gone all out with decorating the homestead and it's fields in a traditional, romantic way. A flower arch stood front and centre, with rows of seats set out for guests. Bouquets lined the outside and lights were strung above and all around the trees which I could only imagine would look stunning once the sun set.
"They really went all out," Natasha said, impressed as she took in the scene before us.
I hummed in agreement. "It's beautiful." I glanced at her adding, "Bet you wish you brought an actual date now."
Natasha smirked knowingly. "What's to say this isn't one? This could all be a plan to steal you away from Elise."
"Because that makes sense," I played along with amusement. "The woman who set me up with her best friend's family friend is trying to steal me away from said family friend. Makes complete sense."
"True," she said with a shrug, walking forward. I followed her as she continued, "If I was trying to make a move, you wouldn't see it coming."
I tried not to laugh. "Sure, Natasha."
"Trained assassin, expert in espionage, master of lying and hiding in plain sight," she listed off her skills one by one on her fingers. Shooting me a knowing smile, she repeated, "You wouldn't see it coming."
I rolled my eyes playfully and the two of us made the rounds, myself reacquainting with the other Avengers whom I hadn't seen since, well, since Wanda and I were together. It was a little awkward, since I was never really close with them and vice versa, but they were polite and kind and made me feel comfortable (probably because of Natasha, which gave me yet another reason to be grateful to the redhead).
Eventually, it got to a point where Wanda was the next person to say hello to and I truly thought six months would be enough to get over her; oh, how sorely mistaken I was.
She was talking to Sam Wilson, the two talking about something or the other that was clearly entertaining enough to warrant a laugh from Wanda. As we approached them, the sound of her laugh taunted me, melodic and dancing around my ears like a terrible reminder of what I couldn't have.
They spotted Natasha and I soon enough, their conversation ceasing and Wanda's laughter silencing as her eyes met mine. I tried not to let her effect me, but it became increasingly different when I noticed how beautiful she looked today, wearing a maroon-coloured dress and wearing her brown-red hair down in curls. Of course, all of that didn't compliment the giant scar on her forehead.
"Y/N, it's so good to see you!" Sam exclaimed, trying to prevent an awkwardness from occurring. "How have you been?"
I smiled his way. "I'm good, Sam. You?"
We talked for a little while, catching up, before Natasha decided to drag Sam away for a stupid, fake reason that was clearly said on purpose. Knowing I couldn't exactly stop her, I let her get away with it, figuring I'd have to face Wanda at some point.
"You look good," she spoke first, making me push a stand of my hair behind my ear to give my hands something to do.
"Thanks," I mumbled, before clearing my throat and meeting her gaze. "So do you. That's, er, that's always been your colour."
She smiled in response and I cursed inwardly, wondering why the hell I said that.
"You sound like you've been doing well," she said, referring to the conversation I had with Sam.
I nodded. "Yeah, I have."
A silence filled the air that none of us knew how to fill. I stared at my shoes so hard that I'm surprised a hole didn't form. Wanda hugged herself, unsure whether to speak or not.
"What happened to your head?" I finally thought of something, nodding to the scar.
She subconsciously reached up to touch it, though she didn't seem affected by it. "Oh, nothing. Just happened in a recent mission."
I nodded uncomfortably, never responding well to when she got injured. But she knew that.
"So, Nat said you've got a date," Wanda said, and the way she said it made me think that maybe she'd been wanting to mention it for a while. "Elise, right?"
I swallowed. "Yeah. She's just helping the Bartons out with some stuff then I'll be seeing her after."
Wanda nodded, eyes flickering between me and the floor. "That's nice. So, is it new?"
God, this was awkward.
"Kind of, yeah," I answered, not even sure why. "It's not, like, exclusive, but it's nice to move on, y'know?"
She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, so you're moving on?"
I pressed my lips together firmly. She was watching me curiously, green eyes bright with intrigue.
"I'd hope so," I answered, cocking my head to the side and watching her. "It's been six months."
She nodded, looking down. "Yeah, okay... so you're not in love with her?"
I clenched my jaw. "Is that really any of your business, Wanda?" She didn't answer, so I straightened up and avoided her eyes. "I should go. Ceremony is going to start soon."
Walking away, I left with tense shoulders and more nerves than when I headed in. She had no right to be jealous. She left me.
I found Elise just before everybody was told to take their seats for the ceremony. She apologised for missing me before, mentioning how she was helping Laura with getting ready, then proceeded to shower me in compliments which sent me into a blushing mess. After catching up, we took our seats for the ceremony and waited for it to begin.
Feeling someone's eyes on me, I glanced to my left and saw Wanda sat on the other set of rows, but she was staring right at me, lips pressed together thoughtfully. I rolled my eyes and looked ahead, ignoring her stares. As if sensing my mood, Elise grabbed ahold of my hand gently, glancing at me with a small smile as if to check that was okay. I squeezed her hand in response, letting her know it was.
Are her hands sweaty? Because they look sweaty.
I clenched my jaw and shot Wanda a glare, seeing the amused smile on her lips as she watched me.
Stay out of my head, I told her mentally, knowing she was listening, before rolling my eyes. And her hands are soft, thank you very much. Yours are the sweaty ones.
Though it was a terrible comeback, Wanda lost her smile and rolled her eyes before looking away. I tried not to let her annoying self bother me as Elise and I sat together, watching the ceremony.
It was short and sweet and though I didn't know Clint and Laura too well, it was easy to see they loved each other very much. Their vows were beautiful and it was adorable when their kids ran up to them at the end to give them a giant hug. I didn't know much, but I knew that I'd love to have a love like theirs some day.
After the ceremony came the reception, and there were loads of tables and chairs set up for guests, including a stage and dance floor next to it, perfect for a nice celebration after the vow renewal. It was all wonderful and I was excited, until I learnt that I was sat on the same table as Wanda.
Me, Elise, Natasha, Sam, Wanda and Bucky Barnes were all sat at the same table, which definitely didn't help with the awkwardness as Wanda eyed me from across the food. I tried to ignore her presence and focus on having a great time with Elise. Natasha promised that Wanda wouldn't make a scene, so I just had to believe her.
"So, what can I get you all to drink?" a waiter said, stopping by our table.
Everybody told him what they wanted and when he looked to me, I shrugged.
"Literally anything is fine with me," I said, before quickly adding, "Well, anything except gin. Not a fan of gin at all."
The waiter nodded and smiled politely. "I'm sure I can get you something good without gin."
I returned his smile as he nodded to us all once more before walking away to get our drinks.
"So, what did you think of the ceremony?" Elise asked, giving me her attention.
The two of us erupted into conversation, as did everyone else, and I was genuinely having a good time with her. The food was good, too, as were the drinks when they arrived. But the one problem was Wanda bloody Maximoff who couldn't keep her eyes away from me and was agitating me with her mere presence. I tried so hard to ignore her, but God forbid my eyes flickered over to her and she was already looking my way.
After a delicious meal and lovely conversation with the others, everybody began to get up and mingle with the other guests. I took this as my chance to steer away from Wanda and instead catch up with Natasha and hang out with Elise, who got on with everyone wonderfully. Sadly though, she had to keep nipping away to help the Bartons with some stuff for the party, but I didn't mind. I figured that was also part of the reason why she didn't invite me as her plus-one, so I didn't take it personally.
About an hour into the celebrations, I was mid-conversation with Natasha when we were interrupted by Wanda. I rolled my eyes as she looked to the redhead questioningly.
"Have you seen Clint around?" she asked. "Laura wants me to take everything from the gifts table inside and I need the key."
Natasha pursed her lips, shaking her head. As her eyes looked around for him, she said, "I'm not sure where he is..."
Before either of them could come to a conclusion, Elise appeared by my side with an apologetic smile and a drink in her hand.
"Hey," she greeted, squeezing my hand gently. "Sorry for ditching you before. I had to make sure the bar didn't run out of alcohol."
"It's all good," I told her with a small smile.
"I got you this gin cocktail to make up for it," she said sweetly, making me eye the drink like it was a bomb.
Wanda snorted suddenly, making me look to her with a glare. She tried to hide her laughter behind a smile as she looked the other way, though that didn't stop her from commenting in my mind with her obnoxious, intrusive powers.
Real good listener this one. Didn't you say you didn't like gin earlier?
I refrained from smacking her. Go away, Wanda.
"Thank you," I said to Elise gratefully, accepting the drink. "It looks great."
"Oh, I think I see Clint," Wanda said, before shooting us all a smile I'd love to punch. "Catch you later."
"See ya," Natasha said, as Elise waved and I rolled my eyes.
Dancing was fun and I liked to think I was good for an average person. So, when the DJ put on some fun music and encouraged guests to have a little dance, I immediately asked Elise to join me. Unfortunately, she wasn't exactly the most confident of dancers. She was adorably apologising as she held my hands, letting me take the lead.
"It's okay," I reassured her with a laugh. "You're doing fine."
But as she stepped on my foot for the millionth time, I could tell she thought she was doing anything but. I didn't mind though since it was amusing and cute all at the same time.
Be careful over there, Y/N. You may have been better off wearing some steel-toed shoes.
At the sound of Wanda's voice infiltrating my mind, I searched around me until I caught sight of the familiar green eyes over Elise's shoulder. She was stood to the side, entertained smile adorning her lips, as she watched Elise and I dance.
Why don't you piss off and mind your own business before I buy a pair of steel-toed shoes just to kick you with!
She didn't respond, so I focused my attention back on Elise and paused as something a little slower and more romantic played in the background. Offering an encouraging smile to Elise, I held out my hand which she accepted happily.
"Luckily, this one is pretty easy, so you might avoid bruising my feet," I joked to lighten the mood.
She flushed with embarrassment but let me pull her close as I took the lead. Subconsciously, my eyes wandered back to Wanda, who was now crossing her arms with annoyance and watching me with glowing red eyes. She had absolutely no right to be jealous. But I didn't care. It wasn't my business.
After sharing a lovely dance with Elise, the two of us took a seat at our empty table to have some water and talk. Of course, as we were chatting, our conversation was interrupted by none other than–
"Wanda," I got out through gritted teeth.
She grinned as she took a seat next to us, crossing her legs and resting her intertwined hands on her knees comfortably.
"I figured I'd introduce myself properly since we haven't really met before," Wanda explained, eyes dancing with mischief before she looked to Elise. "I'm Wanda Maximoff."
Elise smiled politely. "I'm Elise Fey. And I know who you are. A really impressive Avenger at that."
I narrowed my eyes as Wanda waved her hand dismissively. What was she playing at exactly?
"Oh, I wouldn't say that," she said bashfully. "But I guess, since you know who I am, it's only fair I return the favour. After all, you're here as Y/N's date, and as Y/N's friend, I thought it would be nice to get to know you."
"Friend," I repeated the word bitterly. "So, that's what we are now?"
Wanda chuckled, brushing off my words, before focusing on Elise. "So, what do you do, Elise?"
"I'm a veterinarian," she quipped proudly.
"How cute," Wanda said, tilting her head to the side and smiling. "How long have you been doing that?"
"Only a few years," Elise said, glancing at me with mild confusion. "It's a really rewarding job."
"I can imagine," Wanda said, before pulling a puzzled expression. "But wait, how does that work with you both? Since Y/N is allergic to pets an' all?"
Locking my jaw with agitation, I stared at Wanda's doe-eyed face. Elise looked to me with surprise.
"You are?" she asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"
I shook my head, smiling at her. "No, not really... I mean, well, rabbits. I'm allergic to rabbits. I didn't think it was a big deal."
"It kind of is," she said playfully. "What if I had treated a rabbit at work and then went on a date with you?"
I chuckled awkwardly. "Hmm, yeah, okay, maybe it's a little bit of a big deal."
She hummed disapprovingly before looking back to Wanda, who watched us both curiously.
"So, you work as a vet in New York?" she asked Elise, and I couldn't tell if she was actually interested or just trying to piss me off. When Elise nodded, she continued, "Are you from New York?"
"I'm originally from here actually," Elise said, motioning around us. "My family knew Laura's family before she married Clint. That's how I know the Bartons."
"Oh, so your parents still live here?" Wanda asked, leaning her head in the palm of her hand as she continued to question her.
"Yeah, not far from here actually," Elise answered with a smile.
Wanda nodded. "Cool... so how would that work, the whole visiting them thing? I mean, Y/N works a lot, right? And I assume you're close with your family. So, how does taking the time off to visit your parents work with you both when it's, like, 16 hours away?"
I squeezed my hands together to contain my frustration towards Wanda. Elise opened her mouth to respond, then closed it when she realised she didn't know how to answer. Her eyes darted to mine, asking for help, and I knew she was too polite to call Wanda out for her bullshit.
"We're still newly dating, Wanda," I answered through a fake smile. "We haven't even talked about meeting each other's parents, so it's not an issue right now."
"Right now," Wanda echoed my words, as if adding a double meaning. "But it will be in the future?"
I tried not to react harshly as I said, "That's not what I said."
Wanda nodded slowly, smirk tugging at her lips. Saying nothing more on the subject, she looked to Elise with dark eyes.
"It was lovely meeting you," she finished. "I'll see you around, I guess."
Elise nodded uncomfortably. "You, too, Wanda."
Shooting me a smile, she got up and left Elise and I sat there in mixed emotions. I was peeved at the Sokovian woman, not understanding why she had to try and ruin my one chance at moving on.
"I'm sorry about that," I said to Elise, a frown on my lips. "I don't know what the hell happened, but I definitely didn't expect it."
Elise chewed on her lower lip with thought. I waited patiently, wishing I knew what she was thinking. Finally, her blue eyes met mine apologetically.
"I don't think Wanda is quite over you," she said quietly. "And maybe you're not over her either, Y/N. At least not as much as you think you are."
I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? Elise, she's just being a dick to piss me off. It's not like that."
Elise winced. "I think it is. And honestly, you're a lovely person, but I just don't want to get involved in something like that right now."
I knitted my brows together with confusion. "What do you mean?"
She rested her hand on mine atop the table. "It's probably better we stay friends. Easier."
"Elise... c'mon. We just– we only just got to know each other." I frowned, feeling bad that she didn't want to see where this would go.
"For what it's worth, today was really fun," she said with a smile, trying to make light of the situation. "And every date we've shared has been fun, too. But I can't compete with the history you share with Wanda. And I don't want to."
I didn't know what to say, speechless, unable to understand why she was doing this. Taking that as her chance to leave, she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek before standing up and letting go of my hand.
"I'm gonna leave early," she explained. "I hope you work stuff out for yourself."
I looked up to her, watching as she smiled once more before leaving me be. We'd only been dating a few weeks, I knew that, but I still felt saddened to know she didn't want to keep things going. And with the realisation that it was because of Wanda, my sadness was quickly replaced with anger. It always came back to her.
Scowl on my face, I stood up and knew one thing: Wanda Maximoff was dead meat.
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leahblackk · 3 years
Lies Pt.1
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(The gif is not mine. Whoever made this thank you and I’m sorry)
Summary: Spencer Reid and Y/n Y/L are two incredible agents with a beautiful relationship. But things get messed up when Cat Adams comes into their life.
Type: Angst. 
I changed things a little bit so there’s no spoilers for those who haven’t got into this part of the serie. Probably a second part if I dont have another block. Enjoy!
Pt.2 here
Pt.3 here
Y/n Y/L and Spencer Reid are some of the best FBI agents the Bureau has ever had, and all of their coworkers can tell you the same. Even those cops and agents who had to work with when the case was far from home. They were always so dedicated to their work. It wasn't a surprise when they got pretty close to each other. They had a beautiful friendship.
Their coworkers and other people they had worked with can tell you they looked so in love with each other. It wasn't a secret. The way they protected each other, the way they looked at each other. In the cases, always talking and laughing around and even got to the point where they got touchy, need to feel the other warmth. Yeah, they were in love.
But yet they were too proud to say it out loud. It took two long years to finally say it out loud. They started a beautiful relationship which, in the words of the technical analysts Penelope Garcia, their relationship was the remainder for all the team that love still exists, even when sometimes all can be sadness and death, they were the ray of sun and happiness who have entered the doors of the BAU.
But like anything can be rainbows and happiness all the time, things got messed up when Cat Adams came into the couple's life. Spencer had questions, and the only person who could give him answers was her.
Y/N on her side didn't feel right talking to Cat. It wasn't because she was jealous, she wasn't like that, and even if she were, she understands that it was vital for him to talk to her. Besides, Spencer wasn't excited either. Adding the fact that she received letters from Adams while Cat was in prison.
Cat Adams was utterly obsessed with Spencer Reid, and when she found out he was dating Dr Y/L, she got furious, so she decided to make a living hell for Spencer's little girlfriend. Writing her letters, telling her how much Spencer loved Maeve and Cat, and because he couldn't have any of them, he decided to pick Y/N as a third choice.
Y/N wasn't stupid, and she understands what Cat was trying to do, but the letters never stopped. Even in those moments when she needed comfort from all the stress, Spencer never found out what was going on.
Y/n exhaled and stood from her desk and walked through the BAU hallways with a million thoughts in her head. She stood in front of the Batcave how Penelope used to call it, and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, she heard chairs wheels moving on the floor, and later soft heels steps walking closer to the door. And then the door was opened, letting Y/N see Penelope's face. She smiled at her, and Y/N smiled as well.
"Hey pumpkin, how may I help you?" She asked and stepped aside, letting her friend inside.
"I just need some light and love into this madness," Y/N said while she sits on the empty desk aside from the computers.
"Well, you came to the right place."
Garcia could sense something wasn't okay with her. She sits on her chair and looks at her friend who was playing with her rings and with the specific one that Spencer gave her on their anniversary as a promise ring. Garcia wasn't a profiler, but she knew that the reason why she was acting particularly was because of Boy Genius.
"Tell me what is bothering that pretty mind of yours." She put her hand on her knee to give her comfort cause she knew Y/L wasn't good with talking about her feelings.
"It's just all of this thing about Spencer talking with Cat, I don't know, makes me have this weird feeling in my heart."
"Are you jealous?"
"No, I'm not. I thought that maybe was the reason, but I'm not at all. It's just, I don't know Pen." She exhales, feeling frustrated because she couldn't find the right words.
Garcia gives her a sad smile. "Look, if you were jealous, you don't have to because let me tell you that boy genius is in love with you. He wouldn't cheat on you or hurt you on purpose. Besides, with Cat? That lady is hella crazy."
Y/N chuckled and smiled at her.
"Hey, you two had a party and didn't invite me?" Emily said, walking inside of the room and sitting next to Y/N.
"Well, you are already here," Pen says.
"Is everything alright? Morgan told me Spencer was coming from his little chat with Cat."
"I hope he got the answers he needs," Garcia said, looking over at Emily.
"He didn't," JJ said in the frame of the door, looking exhausted.
"How did everything go?" Y/N asks.
JJ exhaled, walking inside and sitting in front of Emily and Y/N. "It wasn't right. She got into his skin, and he got so mad. When we're driving, he didn't want to talk with anybody. And then when we got here, he went to Hotch's office." "I hope he's okay." Y/N whispers, playing with her ring again.
"Why won't you go and talk to him? He probably wants to see you." Emily says, looking at her, but she was focused on playing with her rings.
Y/N shook her head. "When he's mad, he likes to be alone. Besides, if he went to Hotch's office for a reason."
"You don't want to talk to him, do you?" Emily asked.
Y/N could feel tears in the corner of her eyes and shook her head again. "Is not for something he did, but I don't think I will help if I go with him right now. I just feel weird, you know?"
"It has to be a reason why you feel like this, honey. "Garcia said.
Y/N nod and sigh. "When Spencer and I got together, he already met Cat, and when she found out we were dating, I don't know what happened, and she started sending me letters. She used to tell me how much Spencer loved Maeve and her, and you know I got this job months after Maeve died. Obviously, Spencer told me, but the way she described everything was so weird and hurtful, besides she told me he loved her so much and the reason he was with me it was because he couldn't have any of them and I was the third choice. I know she did it because she wanted to make me mad. But, I don't know, and today she wrote to me and told me she was going to do anything in her power to have Spencer with her again."
Y/N wiped the tear going down on her cheek.
"That bitch." Garcia said, wiping her tears because watching Y/N cry, one of her best friends, hurt her.
"Spencer knows about this?" JJ asked.
"No, he doesn't. It was nothing initially, and then I couldn't find the right moment and then all the stress we had been through. I didn't think it was a good idea."
"Baby, he's your boyfriend. He needs to know." Emily said, grabbing Y/N's tight.
"I know, but I don't think this is a good time either. Please don't tell him, I will, but not now." "Your secret is safe with us," Garcia said, and Y/N smiled at her friends.
When Y/N finally felt a little bit better, she walked out of Garcia's Batcave and put herself to work.
"Hey, where were you? I was looking for you." She heard her boyfriend's voice, watching him standing beside her. She looked at him and could sense how tense he was.
"I was with Garcia. How did everything go?" She already knew the answer but still asked. She watched her boyfriend sigh. She didn't notice the cup of coffee in his hand until he put it on her desk.
"It wasn't ideal, but it could've been worse."
"I'm sorry." She said, giving him a sad smile.
"It's okay. I have to talk with you about something." She could sense he was nervous.
He looked down, not wanting to tell what he was going to. He didn't want her to feel bad, but he needs her approval.
"Cat wanted a deal. Me going on a date with her so she can tell us what we need, but I needed to ask you first because I am not going to do anything you are not comfortable with because-"Spencer started rambling.
"Spence," She stops him. "It's okay. I mean, I know how bad you need to know this, so yeah, don't worry." It wasn't okay, she didn't want him to go on a date with her, but she would be selfish if she denied it.
Spencer stared at her girlfriend, he didn't think she would agree, and he would understand why. He didn't want her going on a date with someone else too. Yet, he felt relieved.
"Are you sure?"
Y/n only nodded.
It was now the day date. Spencer tried to find Y/n before he left, he needed to see her and ask her again if she wanted him doing that, but he didn't find her. She was getting distant from him. He felt weird not having her with him. They couldn't talk about it because Spencer knew that if she needed to speak to him, she'd.
And then with his heart hurt because he couldn't find his girlfriend, he went on a date with the woman who made her girlfriend be apart from him.
Y/n was doing paperwork all day, but then she received a strange call.
"Hello?" Y/n asked.
"Y/n Y/L?" The other line asked.
"Who is this?"
"I need you to come to the direction I will send you on a message, alone, please. I need you to save me."
"Who is this?" She asked again, more confused than ever.
"Emily Johnson, please come. She said that If you come with anyone else, she is going to kill me, please. I am scared."
Emily Johnson was one of the victims they were looking for a few months before, but for reasons the team didn't know, the case got closed, declaring Emily Johnson dead. The line went dead, and Y/n didn't know what to do. She knew that she might get in trouble if she goes alone, but she might kill her if Y/n doesn't go.
She grabbed her things and walked out of the Bureau. And then she received a message with the direction. Biting her lip, Y/n got into her car and started driving.
Y/n stood in front of a brown apartment door with the number 206. She took out her gun and opened the door softly. She walked inside, closing the door behind her, watching Emily Johnson tied on a chair, tears coming down her face. When Emily watched Y/n, she started moving and tried to talk, but she couldn't because of the tape on her mouth.
Y/n walked where she was. "Hey, it's okay. Everything is okay. You're okay. It is over now." Y/n took the tape out of her mouth, and Emily started crying again.
"Thank you, thank you so much. I thought she was going to kill me."
"I need you to tell me who she is." She started taking off the string who kept her in the chair.
And then the door got open, and Y/n retook her gun, pointing to the door. Her heart got broken when she saw what was in front of her. Spencer, her boyfriend kissing Cat, with his hands on her hair. Y/n put down her gun, and then Spencer pulled away from Cat, watching her, but Cat was watching Y/n with a smile.
Spencer, confused, looked where Cat was looking, and his heart got paralyzed. There was his girlfriend, looking at them with tears in her precious eyes.
"Y/n," Spencer said with all the guilt in the world. Shaking.
"It's her! Y/n, it's her." Emily said, and Y/n came out of her shook.
"Hello, Y/n, it is so nice to see you," Cat said with a smile.
"Sadly, the feeling is not reciprocated. And it's Doctor Y/L for you, " Y/n said. She untied the girl who was shaking and took her hand. "I will return you to your parents, okay? But we need to go with someone first." The girl nodded. Y/n looked at Spencer with disgust. He looked at her with guilt, trying to figure out what to do or what to say.
"Doctor Reid, I hope you can get Cat where she belongs, unless, of course, you want to keep her." She said, walking outside. Spencer took her arm hurt at the name she just calls him. It wasn't Spence, Spencer or even Reid. "Don't touch me."
"I told you I was going to get Spencie back," Cat said.
"What is she talking about?" Spencer asked, confused.
"Doesn't matter anymore."
And then Y/n left. Spencers biggest love went thinking he cheated on her
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