#and not the woman who bullied me so badly that I wanted to cry every time we worked together
obstinatecondolement · 9 months
Just something about the middle of the fucking night that has me perseverating about how I could explain to my former boss that she shouldn't have allowed me to be bullied relentlessly at work and done nothing and then also penalised me for things I never did and gave me "feedback" in performance reviews that was just insulting my social skills and calling me annoying and a show off, lol.
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sews-over-hoes · 1 year
So the really fucked up thing about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is that it’s impossible to explain to people how bad it really is and how horrible it makes me feel without sounding like I’m just a baby who can’t control my feelings and lacks confidence.
It’s impossible to fully express, as a 40-year-old woman, that I do have confidence in myself - most of the time I think I’m pretty awesome - but that any person, stranger or friend, who says anything to me that indicates that they think I’m less than them, has the capacity to reduce me to a quivering mess of tears and anxiety in a matter of seconds.
It’s impossible to explain that when I think about that time I got in trouble for not updating a website correctly and being written up, an event which happened fifteen years and five jobs ago, at a job I had for less than a year, working for people I didn’t like or respect and whose names I don’t even remember, I still feel a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that makes me want to throw up and cry and quit my current (awesome) job because I am clearly the worst at everything and nobody should ever pay me because I am so incompetent.
It’s impossible to describe the feeling of posting merrily away on a Big Internet Site and being called an idiot or spoken down to or condescended to or even strongly disagreed with, and then feeling so ashamed and angry and anxious that I rage-quit the entire site, knowing full well the person who said that to me never gave it another thought, and knowing even harder that I will never, ever forget the time I got absolutely fucking destroyed for suggesting a non-violent solution to bullying, and that memory will serve as an ever-present reminder that I am worthless and
Following that path, I don’t know how to explain that when someone tells me I’m stupid or shitty or lazy or inauthentic or mean or less than, I immediately believe them, and it feels like violence, and I don’t know how to express how dumb it is that I, a full-ass grown adult, routinely cry over people being slightly mean to me, and no matter what I accomplish in my life or how far I go or how much I heal or how confident I become, still feel like every mean comment is like a punch to my throat that makes my eyes water and my teeth grind and my skin crawl and my stomach heave, and there is nothing, apparently, that I can do to make that stop. It’s like I’m made of badly-formed glass and the slightest wrong touch will shatter me.
I know what I look like, and I know how this looks to anyone on the outside of my brain. I didn’t even do a good job explaining it here. Whatever, RSD, yay. Thanks for that.
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altermay · 10 months
Tw/ transphobia, discussions of dysphoria, brief mention of suicide, descriptions of child abuse
Getting unbearable. Feeling sick. Started working to afford hormones only to find out the service that is most accessible to me (plume) doesnt offer T in alabama anymore due to changing laws. Fuck all these stupid politicians putting their noses in others lives.
Thought people at work wouldnt make a super huge deal, as I was selective with who I told, so i thought maybe I could hold out a bit longer and at least i wouldnt have to feel so dysphoric all the time, since all my coworkers knew me as Monte. But then instead of my name, people who would usually call anyone else by their name started calling me “Miss” and “maam”
Even the ones I had come out to, and even the ones who told me they were accepting.
Whatever, im from a small rural area, so transphobia is not new to me, what is new to me, however, is being openly trans in an unfamilliar environment. I thought I could start T quickly and maybe people would ever forget that im trans in the first place, but now its been so long.
Some people call me He, and use the right pronouns, but increasingly lately Ive received a myriad of transphobia.
Being called tranny loudly while my coworker kicks my broom as I try to sweep (kicking hard enough for the broom to almost leave my hands and hit another person behind me) , Getting called “it” behind my back. Stuff like this is becoming more common.
The two coworkers who called me it, have been spreading lies about my work performance these past five days, Ive been told my three different people that every time I leave to go do something they start talking badly of me. So I got to my breaking point, at this point it had nothing to do with the pronouns, I was just upset that two forty+ year old adults were purposefully making my job harder to do while I was also struggling with a ton of other stuff (ptsd, seasonal depression, a family members recent suicide) and so I couldnt stop crying.
Despite this situation having nothing to do with me being trans, they are now trying to spread the narrative that Im just being sensitive because they were misgendering me while they were borderline bullying me.
If I was not trans, people would take me seriously on these issues. But now, because I am upset, suddenly Im just a stereotype. A sensitive trans person who is offended because someone used the wrong pronouns a few times.
I will be one to say, I do not give a SHIT about my pronouns. Ive been called the wrong ones my whole life by a majority of people. That was never the issue. But because Im trans, that is the only issue people can perceive for me to have. The ONE issue I had with them regarding my pronouns was them calling me “it” and thats not because its the wrong pronoun, thats because its DEHUMANIZING.
But now I have other coworkers who know NOTHING about the situation saying shit like “well if she claims shes a man maybe she should suck it up” “well if she wants to be seen as a man maybe she shpuld cut her hair”
Fuck you. How about YOU get beaten for 17 years, YOU watch your siblings get beaten near to death for 17 years. YOU have flashbacks of things you dont understand all day every day and we will see how fucking well youre able to “suck it up” you are WEAK. YOU ARE ALL WEAK. And you dont know what its like to be me. My mother tried to kill me. My mother almost killed my sister, I was neglected, never went to a doctor, and I STILL dont know how to take care of myself. And I still havent recovered all of the memories.
Ive had SHORT HAIR ive had LONG HAIR Ive had a MOHAWK, ive had a BUZZCUT ive been BALD. And people STILL fucking saw me as a woman. Im tired of conforming to this bullshit just so people can treat me the same as they always do
Fun fact though, since Ive had long hair Ive been gendered correctly by strangers MORE than I have with ANY OTHER HAIR STYLE.
These stupid fucking transphobes and their stupid fucking stereotypes im so fucking sick of it all. And corporate wont do anything about it, Im sure of this.
Why is it so hard for me to just live my fucking life.
Im so sick of it all
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the whole “sansa is the most relatable woman” thing is so triggering for me because as an afab person with late diagnosed autism sansa reminds me so much of the girls who used to bully me. i relate so strongly with arya because we both struggle with having conservative femininity imposed on us by society and are demonized for not adhering to “traditional” femininity
Hello @daenerysthevampireslayerr !
Yes, I find Sansa to be an alienating character for me as well, and I know a lot of people who feel this way. Sansa is a rich hetero white girl who abides by the status quo and perfectly fits into the highborn feminine box in her world. She is extremely classist and misogynistic, as well as closed-minded, selfish and vain and disloyal to a family that has done nothing to earn that disloyalty from her. As a mixed race bisexual woman who was born illegitimate and raised by a single mother, we weren't exactly rich either. We lived paycheck to paycheck. I also wasn't conventional looking so I myself grew up being bullied.
And while I was a little girl who loved "feminine"-coded things (playing with dolls and barbies, wearing dresses and make-up and jewelry) and romances and dreaming about happily ever after, I still can't relate to her. And that's because I was raised by a gender non-conforming mother who despised "feminine"-coded things and made me feel lesser for liking those things and for being a creative. I literally was the outcast when it came to me, my older sister, and my mother. I also wasn't blind to the world at large and I relate to Arya's anger at society and the injustices of the world, and how trauma can up that anger and make you lash out. I was also open-minded like her.
I just can't relate to Sansa, and people in this fandom proclaiming that Sansa is "the most relatable" has a very narrow view of what's relatable and what isn't, but from what I can tell, a lot of toxic Stansa's seem to be more conservative and has more of a tradfem/tradwife/tradcath or puritanical mentality. So they think every woman should be able to relate to Sansa, and every man in the audience should be in love with her, or some such nonsense. Of course, this is extremely exclusionary, because of how misogynistic and transphobic these people tend to be. Suffice it to say, I will never relate to Sansa, and if other people don't relate to her that should be accepted as okay. We all have preferences and we didn't all grow up in the same way. Why should I like a character who treated her little sister like crap on her shoe, didn't care she was almost killed by her betrothed, continues to think lowly of her even when she thinks Arya is dead, is disloyal to a family that didn't treat her badly at all and loved and constantly praised her, and is completely unrepentant for any of her bad behavior. She never reflects on any of her past behavior because she never thinks anything she does is wrong. She refuses to acknowledge, feel shame/guilt, take responsibility, and try to be better. If she did this in her arc, I would probably feel different about her as a character (Even though I still wouldn't relate to her), but she's forever the most frustrating POV to read for me where her character and it's development is concerned.
A lot of people in fandom cry about how people can dislike/hate Sansa, but go on to love Jaime, and I'm going to reveal why Jaime is one of my favorite characters. It's because even though he's done horrible shit, he acknowledges it, takes responsibility for it, and wants to do better. Does he do better? I think he does, it's not a lot better, but he's making progress, and he'll make better progress when he stops trying to act like Tywin. But it's the fact that he acknowledges all this and wants to be better (whether he achieves it or not) that makes him more likeable to me than Sansa, who has never taken responsibility for anything in her life and who doesn't want to do better. Yes, Sansa hasn't done as much bad as Jaime, but I really don't care. :P
But also, I think character relatability is overblown. Some of my favorite characters aren't relatable to me, or I only share one or two qualities with. I don't need my favorite character to be my copy. I do tend to relate more with Arya than my average favorite characters, but there is still several things about Arya that isn't relatable for me personally, but that doesn't make me love her less. And Sansa doesn't need to be relatable to be liked or loved by fans. It all has to do with preference. But suffice it to say, if it weren't for the toxic Stansa's I would have been neutral about Sansa in the books post AGOT. However, their toxicity makes it impossible. :/
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theunicornsystem · 11 months
This week has been eventful! We got 12 inches cut off of our hair and it's still past our shoulders! This was partly because we wanted something new, and partly for the littles, so they could wear certain littlespace hairstyles without it looking weird from our hair being so long. We also got a pink bunny costume type thing and it has a hood with bunny ears. It's mainly for the littles but it's also going to be our Halloween costume. We had practice for the preventing bullying and youth hate crimes government run virtual symposium, and the panelists were blown away by our answers and writing. We're really proud, especially since there are going to be over 2000 people watching.
We had our first meeting for the anti-vaping program. As soon as we walked in, this girl smiled at us and she just was really welcoming and approachable. We sat next to her, she introduced herself and Everett introduced themself and we made small talk. Her friends were there too. She and her friends go to a different high school. It was really super nice to get to talk with genuine people. So many people who go to our school are just braindead screen addicts. We know that might sound harsh, but really, they don't care about anything but their phones, and they always prioritize social media over actually talking with people. We often feel alone in our classes despite going to such a huge high school because no one in our classes really talks to each other, they just care about their phones, unless they're like best friends and in that case they only care about their phones and each other. Since coming to high school last year, we've always tried to form real connections with people who also genuinely care about making connections, but it's really not easy because of how few people care about anything other than their phones. Anyway, our point is that we were very glad to meet that girl and her friends and we look forward to talking with her next meeting. We feel like she's an actual real person who cares about people and things instead of a screen zombie. During the meeting, we learned about how our program's goal is to reduce youth vaping in Minnesota by 30% by 2025, what that process looks like, and how nicotine is dangerous and harmful.
We had our first official meeting for DECA, the entrepreneurship program we're in. Again, our goal is to qualify for the state competition. We're really excited to be a part of this.
Everett had a dysphoria-induced breakdown and it was really bad. They hadn't fallen asleep until past midnight the previous night because they felt so trapped and suffocated and disgusted by our body and they've been misgendered a lot lately. They texted their friend about it and their friend supported them so well; it was amazing to have those caring words and we're so grateful. We don't know where we'd be without this friend, she's helped us in many ways. Then, two days later, our mom asked Everett why they use they/them pronouns and they spent three minutes pouring their heart out explaining. They told her it's because those are the pronouns they identify with and the pronouns they feel comfortable using and they feel seen and heard when people use those pronouns for them because every time someone calls them she they're showing them they don't care about who they are they don't hear their voice they don't hear their pain. She says isn't that just wanting to be gender neutral and they say no it's not about that look at me do I look gender neutral no I look like society's image of a girl but I am non-binary that's what it's about I am not a man or a woman I am not a boy or a girl and she says but you have two X chromosomes and they say it's not about what you're born with it's what you identify as trans girls have XY chromosomes and they are not male they are female gender isn't defined by chromosomes and she says she doesn't understand and walks away. That felt horrible and triggered them very badly and they were crying for a long time. They tried to reach one of two of our friends but they weren't able to support us. In the end we got through it, we always do, but it was just a really ugly experience.
Something we've noticed is that our system switches have become a more noticeable shift in our mind. We sometimes switch to certain people when we don't want to and struggle to switch back, so we made a list of switching triggers for each person. Switching triggers are things that trigger a person out of the headspace, they are not trauma triggers and they're not necessarily bad.
We were watching a documentary in our world studies class and goofing around with our classmate because the documentary was in another language and they had the translated subtitles and then the subtitles that were in English that were trying to guess what the words were saying even though he was speaking in another language. There was a man speaking and the automated subtitles said "I need a husband hotel, I'll invite custard in Christ anoxia vinegar fold the envelope" and we and our classmate were laughing.
We had a job interview for a server position at a nursing home and we got the job! We're very excited and proud of ourselves for saying the right things! We start next week.
Thank you for reading, and have an amazing weekend!
-Sara and Everett
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karskarmen · 1 year
"Is this what you asked for?"
Note: hey I'm back with some self angst mwhehehehehehe
TW: Mentions of SA, bullying, blood
When I first made them up, it was molding every imperfection of chaos that came from the very depths of what I had left. I didn't have much, just bits of pieces that showered in thousands onto my head and neck. It was like this every single day, the showers of pieces and the staring as they came down. I didn't look up, I didn't turn my head, I let it happen.
At first, they stung. It was like acid, only it left little cuts and scrapes rather than a burn of something thicker. But with buckets of those pieces, full of cement, that's when I started making them. Femininity was not in their name, and neither was it in the form which I decided to make them. The only thing feminine was what was left of matted hair. Blonde, matted hair, remaining the same. Never growing further than what was decided.
Every piece I took, it seemed to only fit the places where the hurt was what remained. No matter which piece I tried, all that was left was the burning prints. When they first came alive, the wail that made its way to my ears was something made me feel guilty. The wailing, the painful screaming of what was left. I couldn't let them out of my grip. This wasn't a creation anymore, it was a torture I put on them. There was no longer a girl, a woman, just some sort of entity of hell.
Of agony,
of my fucking pain.
There were times they'd wail in the night, head stuffed into a pillow to muffle the screams of anguish. They claimed the prints burned, they burned so badly they'd scratch them until they bled. I'd have to wake up, sit them on the base of a toilet and wipe the blood of those angry prints. They were stuck to flesh, no matter how much I promised or tried to really pull off what handprints remained all over them.
This wasn't a creation, this was a torture. Torture I implemented on someone who had no damn childhood. Someone who was robbed of innocence left with rage and a grueling pain that made them bleed like a river each and every night. I tried to ignore the tears, I tried to hold them close to me whenever someone passed and a sickening smirk was what they showed to her. They didn't care, all they wanted was to make them cry.
Is this what a monster was? They wept in fear, each and every day having to see the looming shadow. There was no education, no effort, every time the looming shadow remained there. I had demanded he leave, but it was only them there instead. I had to hold them many nights, blood-staining breasts wherever I tried to pick the wounds and sew them up again.
But then, the wheels of time turned a little further. They turned a bit faster, and I could place them there while I made their bed and brushed their mats into flowing locks again. I held them in the night, and little by little they'd speak to me. They told me that they loved me, and it was over that little bit of time they started speaking to me.
"Was it my fault?"
"If it was your fault, I would not hold you."
They asked me that every night, and every night I had the exact same answer. At first, taking care of them was like a chore. A chore, a deafening silence. There were wounds I had to fix on my own, just me and them all over again. Is this what being a mother was like? A bunch of pieces of agony piled into a living body, a bruised body, a hurt body. But every day, there was something new.
I could sit and watch them draw and write for hours. The stitches, when they unraveled, they didn't cry anymore. Instead, they woke me, holding back tears and pointing to the thick scars across their breasts. They held in tears, they vowed to me they were a big person now. That they could heal. And tonight was new, as the healing had been.
I paused to look at them again, stitching with needle and thread of the handprints on their breasts. It had come undone, though they held in tears.
"Is my name, still Chaos?"
"Do you want to change it?"
There's a silence between us before they swing their feet and look at me again.
"...Is Kars fine?"
As the silence remains, and a single nod of my head, I believe this is what healing is.
I love you. Chaos, Kars, or who Karis has become. And I always have, and I always will.
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blegh-110 · 2 years
Have I found you, flightless bird? (1/?)
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Pairing: Soft!Dark!Tangerine x Fem!Reader
Summary: A compulsive psychopath takes an interest in you and will do anything to have you all to himself.
Chapter Warnings: Stalking, bullying, obsessive behavior, criminal activity, murder, violence, bad parents (let me know if I missed anything)
Word Count: 8.1k
A/N: Yeah so I thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish this until Wednesday, but I was surprisingly able to write. This is the very first time I am writing a fan fictions, so I’m begging on my knees for you to be nice and respectful. This first chapter is really going to be backstory and setting the scene. And please keep in mind Tangerine’s accent, it makes the reading fun. It’s also unedited. Happy reading! :)
There were no words to describe the ache and tiredness in your body as you slowly walked towards the train station. Your day at work was awful to say the least, with the amount of extremely rude customers and your masochist co-workers, you had broken down in the freezer of the fancy restaurant three times. Each silent cry had made you increasingly tired, both mind and body, so you wanted nothing more than to crawl into your bed and let it all out. 
Unfortunately, that would not happen for a while, as you lived a long distance away from your workplace. The reminder of this had almost made the tears in your eyes fall in frustration, but by some miracle, you took a deep breath and kept them at bay. 
You breathed a sigh of happiness as you spotted the Bullet Train and almost started crying again, but out of relief instead of tiredness. You were excited when the train was first built, it was marketed as the fastest train in the world, which meant you would get to your small apartment in about an hour instead of two. The train was also incredibly nicer than the one before it; the seats were more comfortable with the hard plastic traded in for fabric, there was a nice woman who served snacks and drinks every thirty minutes, it was cleaner, and just overall better. 
One perk about your job was that all workers received a Bullet Train card with unlimited rides, which you were thankful for. The regular cost of going back and forth between your work and home everyday was far too expensive. There was also a discount for the snacks and drinks the woman brings around, which you would often take advantage of to keep yourself awake for the ride home. 
You quickened your steps as you got closer to the train, wanting to sit down, eat a fish-shaped biscuit, and get out of the harsh, cold wind. Which reminded you of another thing; you needed to get another jacket, the one who had on was doing absolutely nothing to shield you from the weather. 
Although there were many negatives for you living on your own in Japan, the one positive was that you were away from your family, as harsh as that may sound. Your mother and father weren’t particularly happy to hear that you were studying abroad in Japan, then again, they were never happy nor satisfied with anything you did. No matter how hard you tried at anything, they never showed any interest or care, they were always too caught up in each other. 
They fought. A lot. And that messed you up badly. From the shouting and door slamming, to one of them being gone for days at a time because they couldn’t stand the other. It all took place at night, which made you nervous to fall asleep. You were awakened countless times in the middle of the night to your mother and father shouting at one another, it had made you anxious to fall asleep and frightened of loud noises. Then the morning would come, where they would act like nothing had happened and like they did not just traumatize their child. And it would start all over again the next week. 
The worst part was that you didn’t know how not normal all that was. After complaining to your mother that you don’t like them fighting and going away, she would respond with, “Couples fight, it’s normal.”
No comfort or solace to your distress and anxiety. And you went on with your day, shaken up from the events but it was ingrained into your head that there was nothing to be upset about because couples screaming and throwing things and leaving is normal. 
As you stepped onto the train, the warm air and clean smell made you feel better emotionally. Only an hour of waiting, and you would be in your apartment and mattress on the floor. You sat down and got comfortable, not noticing the blue eyes staring at the back of your head from the door. 
Two Months Prior
You sat motionless in your seat, getting lost in the blur of the world through the window. It was an easy way to turn off your brain for a small while and just stare at the many lights and people, it was nice. But you were pulled back to reality when you heard another voice with a thick accent. 
“Fuckin’ hell, stupid asshole. I can’t get a fuckin’ break with this prick, I swear.”
Your eyes widened at the man’s language as you heard his heavy footsteps come closer, only for him to stop abruptly when he noticed you.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I–” The man paused when he got a good look at you, and you didn’t notice it, but he was transfixed by you. And the feeling was mutual. You had never seen such a gorgeous and handsome man as the one standing in front of your seat. His frame was huge, covered by a pretty blue suit and eyes, his hair was medium length and slicked back. But what really got your attention, surprisingly, was his thick mustache. You were never really attracted to mustaches, much less the 90’s pornstache, but it was the cherry on top of all his good looks. While you were mesmerized by him, he had gotten a hold of his words and continued.
“I didn’t see there was a lady in here, my apologies for my language, love.” He said softly and walked away quickly, leaving you in a small daze. The combination of his looks and change from a harsh to a gentle tone gave you butterflies, the thought of someone changing their whole demeanor to make you comfortable was nice. 
And love. He had called you love. Love. Love. Love
Although the interaction lasted not even fifteen seconds, you were replaying it all in your head and analyzing every small detail, not wanting to forget the small amount of time that someone extremely attractive gave you the tiniest amount of attention, respectfully.
You had forgotten about him throughout the next few days as you had more important things to think about. The same could not be said for him. 
He had the tendency to be compulsive and take stuff, taking what he wanted as soon as he saw it without asking and no apologies. He liked the thrill of stealing, it gave him a sense of accomplishment for outsmarting the owner or the system, it was an addicting feeling for his ego. 
And other times, most times, it was for no reason and his body worked faster than his brain, going immediately for the item without thinking. Soon enough his brain turns on and he asks himself why he did it, which is then followed by a short scolding from his brother. Through it all, he never really regrets taking what he wants, it was just another thing for him to mess with and kill time, and maybe be of use.
But this was said for small, unimportant items; snacks, toys, pens. But never was he interested in taking a person. In fact, he was really never interested in people anyway, the only exception was his brother. And now, apparently you ever since that first interaction. 
It was very late in the night when that happened. Someone had taken the suitcase filled with money from him and his brother, and their stress would only increase when their employer would check up on them and make sure they had the money. So he was on the lookout for the one who had taken it. 
His focus should’ve solely been on the job, and murdering the thief with his bare hands, but his mind would wander to the pretty girl he saw earlier. He had seen many different people in his life, but something inside, the compulsive part, wanted you. And like the previous times he’d taken something, there really was no reason why he wanted you, he just did. 
As he walked away, his mind and body were screaming to go back, toss you over his shoulder and continue on. But he was on a very serious mission, and he didn’t want anything to happen to you. He eventually got the suitcase back, shooting the man who had taken it. Before going back to the carriage he was sitting in, he would have to pass you again. He quickly went to the small bathroom, wiped the blood off his face, fixed his hair, and smoothed out his suit. 
To say he was disappointed when you didn’t notice him the second time around would be an understatement. He was livid. How could your attention be through the window and not him? Especially when he went out of his way to look decent for you? That would need to change, he thought to himself as he slammed the briefcase on the table and sat down. The carriage he was in was next to yours, so he had the perfect view of the back of your head if he looked through the glass window of the door. As he was thinking of different ways to snatch you without anybody noticing, his brother came into view, sitting across from him. 
“Oh, good. You’ve got the case. I was getting worried there for a second. You really are a right Thomas, Tangerine. Hardworking and cheeky and all that, you know, you should try to watch it sometime. You barely sat through the fir–”
“Lemon, could you shut the fuck up right now? I can hardly hear myself think with that shit your talking about-”
“How could I forget your kindness and compassion? Jesus, I don’t remember Thomas being a massive dickhead-”
“And I don’t remember giving a fuck about Thomas the Tank Engine. Now, shut your mouth before I shoot m’own head off, fuckin’ twat.” Tangerine rolled his eyes and stared at you again like you would vanish into thin air if he took his eyes off you. 
Lemon smiled mischievously, he loved to push Tangerine’s buttons. It was a good way to pass time and amuse himself, and he knew Tangerine didn’t mean any of the harsh words he said. Not about killing himself at least. While thinking of his next choice of words to piss him off more, he noticed that look in his brother’s eyes. The one where he was ready to pounce, attack, then kill. 
He got nervous, wondering if Tangerine hadn’t finished the job and failed to kill whoever took the briefcase. Lemon followed his eyes and they landed on you in the next carriage. 
“That the one who took the briefcase?” Lemon asked, ready to put a bullet in your head, he was already standing up. “What, no-” 
“Don’t worry, you sit tight and I’ll get the fucker.” Lemon whipped out his gun and almost made it to the door when he was suddenly tugged back down so roughly that he almost fell to the ground.  “What the fuck are you doin’? Sit back down, you wanker. She didn’t take the case.” Tangerine hissed and released his deathly grip on Lemon’s jacket with a shove. 
“I said sit back down, asshole. God, do you ever think before pulling out a gun and shooting the first person you see?”
“I don’t know, do you ever stop and think before you take something and shove it up your ass? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were ready to kidnap that woman.” One thing Lemon was exceptional at was reading people like they were an open book, a skill taught to him by Thomas the Tank Engine. Which meant he could easily see that that was what Tangerine was currently planning on. 
“C’mon, mate. You can’t be seri– you better be pulling my dick.” Lemon whispered, taken aback by his brother’s actions. He knew very well of Tangerine’s compulsive stealing, and he knew he was good at it. It came in handy when they needed to steal something important for their missions. And despite slapping Tangerine’s wrist when he would commit petty theft or larceny, it was slightly entertaining. And the times he did kidnap someone, they would plan it together and execute it together, but only if they were relevant to their missions. And you were not relevant to them at all. 
“No, I know, I know.” Tangerine sat back down with surrending hands in the air, knowing what he was thinking was fucked up. That didn’t mean Lemon wasn’t going to put salt in the wound and rub it in. 
“That is a real fuckin’ person right there, not one of your stupid bubbly waters or Momomon stuffed animals.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” Tangerine defeatdly said and put his head in his hands, disappointed in his own thoughts and wants. Lemon sighed, he knew Tangerine didn’t want to feel this way, but he couldn’t help it. So he decided to save time and do what he always did, help his brother.
“Why do you want this girl?” Lemon knew he wouldn’t receive a proper and detailed answer. Therefore, the shrug he got was no surprise. But he wouldn’t let Tangerine go through with the kidnapping without properly processing his thoughts. 
“I don’t know, mate. You should’ve seen her. She looked so wretched and miserable and sad, I just want the poor little thing. It was like staring at a bunny that was run over and shot at.” 
“Well, this could just be a bad day for her. Maybe she isn’t so sad all the time.” 
“But what if she is?”
“Then she’ll get through it like all the adults in the world.”
“What if it’s too much for her?”
“What if what’s too much for her?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know!”
“And that’s the issue, Tangerine. You don’t know fuck about her and you want to save her or some shit. See if you really want her and you’re not going to toss her aside when the thrill is over, then you can be a fuckin’ hero or whatever.” Tangerine nodded his head as he watched you buy a fish shaped biscuit and a strawberry soda. 
Lemon made some good points. Tangerine would need to know if what he was feeling wasn’t temporary, so he waited a week to see if his feelings had changed for you. And they hadn’t, they had only gotten stronger. 
He woke up alone thinking of you wrapped up safely in his arms, to feeding you a healthy breakfast when he ate by himself, to jumping in his arms when he came back home from work, to fucking you when he was back in bed with his hand wrapped around his cock. And all these thoughts only increased when he saw the state of your life. 
After Tangerine realized he wanted to keep you, he shamelessly watched your every move for the next two months. He followed you to your apartment and to the exact number you were staying at. Because of your long hours at work and staying awake on the train, you were too sleepy to use all your senses to their full capacity. Tangerine shook his head at how you didn’t notice him following you, anyone could just come up to you and shove you into their room. Silly girl, he thought, you won’t have to feel this way anymore when I get my hands on you. 
Next, after Tangerine found out your living place, he actually broke his way in after you had left for work, this time with Lemon. Your apartment was easy to get into, all he had to do was jiggle the knob a few times and roughly kick it open. 
“What a fuckin’ shit hole, mate, she really lives here?” Lemon scrunched his nose at the stained brown walls and dirty carpet. He was also surprised at how small your place was and how little furniture you had. “Good god, her fuckin’ couch is missing a two of its feet and a cushion. This is no way to live, tsk, tsk.”
“Lemon, you’ve amputated limbs and killed people, and this has you shocked? I’d appreciate it if you’d shut the fuck up and help me out, yeah?” Tangerine said, making his way to your room.
“What exactly am I helping you out with?” He asked, turning around to the tiny kitchen and opening the fridge. 
“Anything about her really, I just want to get to know her.” Tangerine shouted while studying your bedroom, trying to get a feel for your personality and what you like. A butterfly comforter with matching pillows but the mattress was on the floor, I’ll buy a similar bed set and you’ll sleep in my arms in an actual bed. Lots of books piled in the corner, I’ll get you the biggest bookshelf I can and I’ll start reading as well. Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury. The Awakening, Kate Chopin. A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf. Tangerine focused on memorizing each novel and its authors. 
Next to your books were your CD’s. Tangerine did the same thing, taking the time to memorize your favorite artists and their albums. Next, he opened your closet, not much was there except five plain t-shirts and two pairs of jeans. And that was it. There wasn’t much else to do in your room as there were literally only a few items. And it took everything in him to stop himself from taking anything.                                                 
“And you think breaking into her house and snooping around is the way to do that?” Lemon snorted, snapping Tangerine out of thoughts. “Shit, man, does she eat? There’s nothing in here but water, butter, and tangerines-... tangerines. It must be fate.” His brother ignored him, heading to the bathroom where he found a toothbrush, toothpaste, cleanser, deoderant, shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash. 
“Oh, I know why now. Her job doesn’t pay shit.” At this, Tangerine walked back to the living room to find Lemon holding what he assumed to be your paycheck. 
“Lemme set that,” And he snatched the paper from his hand, “Y/N L/N. She works at Kaiseki Ryori. That’s like two hours away from here, what is she doing there?” Tangerine asked himself. That’s why you looked so tired. After a whole day of work you had to wait another two hours before getting home, wait no, one hour because of the Bullet Train. 
After snooping around some more, Lemon reminded Tangerine that they had some business to attend to, some people to assassinate. On the way there, Tangerine was thinking of his next move, and he decided that going to your workplace would be good. 
But he would have to wait another week as him and Lemon were piled with work to do. But that didn’t stop Tangerine from making sure you got home safely. Only a few nights allowed him to get on the Bullet Train and sit a few seats behind you, where he noticed you really enjoyed eating fish shaped biscuits and some sort of fruity soda, the flavor always changed. 
Alternatively, if he didn’t have enough time to ride with you, he would break into your apartment in the middle of the night, to again, make sure you got back safely. But he could hardly do either because he had his own work to do and he couldn't afford to check in on you every night. So he installed a tiny camera in your living room, which was difficult to hide because you had barely anything in your apartment. He was about to put the second camera in your bedroom, but decided against it, he didn’t want to be too invasive. 
A month had passed and he was glad he installed the cameras, it really was much easier to see if you were in your apartment through his phone. He smiled at your sleepy state going to the kitchen and eating a tangerine, thinking you were the most adorable person he had ever seen. 
He was sitting outside across from your complex. He had finally had a day off and planned on watching you some more, this time at your workplace, Kaiseki Ryori. While waiting, he watched you get ready through the phone. 
Although Tangerine found your tiredness cute, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for you having to get up extremely early for work. And also the fact that you don’t eat much for breakfast because you couldn't afford anything else besides fruit and water. 
This will change soon when you have me, darling. I’ll have a nice, big breakfast ready for you when you wake up every morning. 
He had also made up his mind about you working in your soon to be relationship, you simply were not going to. You weren’t going to do anything but be his and only his. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t curious about your job.
He watched as you walked through your apartment door. Tangerine turned his phone off and waited for you to exit the complex. Just then, his phone had alerted him that he had gotten a message from Lemon. 
🍋: how’s it going? Did you get your ticket
🍊: pretty good, just waiting for her to come out of her building. Then I’m following her to Kaiseki Ryori. And yes I got my ticket
🍋: how romantic, just don't let her see you
🍊: no fucking shit, I’d be stupid to let that happen
He rolled his eyes and put his phone away when he heard the doors open, his heart stuttering at the sight of you as well as hurting when he saw that you were obviously freezing cold in your thin jacket. Tangerine didn’t want to get too close in fear of being seen by you, so he waited until you turned a corner to start trailing behind. 
Various bakeries and cafes were open, one of them he saw you going into for the first time, staring wide eyed at the fresh pastries. You were in there for only a few minutes, chatting with the male barista behind the counter. Whom, Tangerine will admit, was quite attractive and way too close to you and smiling way too much. He watched as you laughed at something the man said, Tangerine’s anger was increasing as the seconds went by. Shouldn’t your fucking drink be ready by now? How can you even afford that shit anyway with your pay?
Just as he was about to enter the cafe and shoot the barista between his eyes, Tangerine’s phone range. Fucking Lemon again.
“What the fuck do need that’s so fuckin’ important?” Tangerine hissed into the phone and placed his gun back into his pocket as he continued to stare at the two of you having a lovely time talking about whatever. He started to calm down as he saw the barista finally give you your food and drink. You walked out of the cafe with a small smile as the hot drink warmed up your hands. 
“Calm down, mate. I was calling to tell you about her boss, it’s not good.” At this, Tangerine‘s full attention was on his brother. But as soon as you were a good distance away, he walked into the cafe. “Hold on.”
“Good morning, what can I get for you?” The barista, Axel, his nametag wrote, said with a smile. Stupid fuckin’ name.
“I’ll just have whatever the last person had.” Tangerine said, rolling his eyes, his anger and annoyance rising again for having to talk to Axel. 
“Okay, that’s a chocolate croissant and a small caramel macchiato, is that goo-”
“Yes, that’s fuckin’ fine,” He couldn’t stand hearing him talk, he wished Lemon hadn’t called so he could’ve shot Axel and his stupid face. He spoke to Lemon “Alright, what did you find?”
“Who are you talking to? Do you need me to come down there?” 
“No, Lemon, I’m fine. I won’t fuckin’ ask again, what did you find on her boss?” Tangerine was full-on irritated. And swearing in every sentence he said showed that. He just wanted to get to you as quickly as possible, but what's-his-face and Lemon were in the way of that. Even though they really weren’t doing anything. When Tangerine was mad, he took it out on everything. 
“Shit, alright. I found that this man, Akihito, has a criminal record. Robbery, grand theft auto, harrassment, fucking manslaughter, and the list goes on, mate.” 
“Jesus fucking christ, alright. I’ll deal with the asshole later. Can you hurry the fuck up, please? I’ve got shit to do.” He yelled at the worker, who scrambled to pour milk in his caramel macchiato.
“It’s ironic since the guy’s name means brightness and compassion, I’ll tell you Tangerine, he’s no Thom-”
“Lemon, if you mention that shit show again, I swear the next time I see you, I’ll shove my gun up your ass and shoot. And I’ll do it with a fuckin’ smile on my face.” Then he hung up with an annoyed groan. 
“H-here you go, sir.” 
“Where the fuck is my croissant, I swear to god-” Tangerine wanted to smash this guy’s head onto the counter as he watched the man hurriedly grab his pastry and place it in a bag. Can he do anything right, what do you see in him? It better be nothing, love.                                                                        
“Thank you for takin’ your sweet fuckin’ time, mate, I really appreciate it, ya cunt.” Tangerine snatched the bag and drink, surely crushing his croissant, and quickly made his way out the door before he heard a quiet mutter. “Asshole.”
Tangerine froze with his hand on the door and snapped inside, he was filled with so much rage that he could feel his face flush and heart beat. He slowly took his hand off the bar of the door and turned around, seeking just a small bit of joy out of the pure terror on Axel’s face.
“I beg your pardon… what did you call me? Because if I heard your correct, you called me an asshole. And that’s a lot of nerve for someone who works minimum fuckin’ wage, how about you do your fuckin’ job right and I won’t shoot you, hm?” Tangerine pulled out his gun and held it to Axel’s forehead. 
At this point, Tangerine’s words were shot to kill. He didn’t care if Axel or another customer would call the cops. His patience had quickly worn thin and he wanted to make Axel pay for it.
Axel nodded his head with tears in eyes and violently shook from fear. Tangerine hummed, satisfied, but still held the gun up.
“What’s that right there?” Tangerine motioned his head to the glass cabinet. “T-that’s daifuku, sir.”
Tangerine shook his head, urging him to continue while he cocked his gun, “Yeah, and what the fuck is it, c’mon I already told you I don’t have all day.”  
Axel’s tears flowed down his face and his breathing stuttered as he tried to keep himself composed, “it’s m-mochi stuffed with anko and d-different fillings including, strawberries, jam, or coffee-flavored filling.” 
“Gimme the coffee-flavored one,” Tangerine said and kept his eyes on Axel the entire time, he wanted to pressure him more in case he messed up again. Then he’ll have more reason to keep on torturing him. When he got his treat, he put his gun back into his jacket pocket, but not before taking the stack of napkins on the counter.  
“I’m not paying for it, asshole,” And he walked out and looked at his surroundings, making sure no one saw the whole exchange, “miracle no one saw that.” And he finally made his way to the Bullet Train.
When he got there, he noticed you sitting through one of the windows, eating your croissant and sipping your drink, still with tired eyes. And once again, Tangerine was swooning. His bad mood slipped away with every step he took. 
Tangerine did what he always did when he got on the train with you, stay far away enough to keep an eye on you. And that was it. For the whole hour the train traveled, all he did was watch you. And while he felt happy to see you, you dreaded going to work.
For the whole time you worked there, the ride to Kaiseki Ryori filled your stomach with an anxious burn that stayed there until you clocked out. Then you would sit back on the train, exhausted but thankful that the day was over. But then reminded that you would have to go in the next day, and then the next, and then the next. And the anxiousness as well as the depression would return.
You often wondered when your life would change for the better. When would you finally save enough money to buy a new, bigger, cleaner place? When would you find a new job that didn’t make you cry everyday in the bathroom? When would you meet a group of people that could be your friends? 
You just wanted to feel content when you woke up. But you awake thinking God, I have to do this all again?
You thrived on praise, on people telling you that you were doing a great job. It gave you a small push of confidence that led to you feeling good about yourself and made you willingly work harder. But with no friends or decent people around you to give you support, it was impossible to feel positive and optimistic. 
Along with this, you were incredibly lonely in the love department. Not only did you want someone to love and appreciate you, you wanted to give love to someone else so desperately. Someone who would do anything and everything just to see you. This would also give you another reason to be happy. Since you came to Japan, there has been an empty hole in your chest waiting to be fulfilled with the love you felt for someone. 
This combination of low self-esteem and loneliness, as well as the lack of money, made it difficult for you to go out and enjoy yourself. There were a few times when you mustered up the courage to get out of the safety and familiarity of your apartment and go to one or two shops, but that was only two or three times a month. You would go straight back to your small apartment after seeing a group of friends that were your age eating and laughing together, happy together. The same thing was said when you saw a happy couple walking down the street, holding hands and staring at another with so much love that you felt a mixture of jealousy and nausea.
If these didn’t make you feel bad about yourself, then going to your favorite shops and seeing that you couldn’t afford anything made you go back. You would get overwhelmed seeing a beautiful dress or a cute t-shirt, and knowing you didn’t have enough money for it. Or a book you’ve been wanting to read or the newest phone or a better stereo for your cd’s or a flat screen tv. 
There were even times when you didn’t even make it to the next street because you felt as if everyone knew how pitiful your life was and they were laughing at your misery. Those days were especially bad. You would go back to your apartment, crawl into bed and cry for hours. Crying because you felt pathetic for not even being able to walk down the street, crying because you had no one to wrap their arms around you, crying because there was no one in your life to tell you that it will eventually get better and that you were a strong person to get out of bed everyday and face a mean world. 
Tangerine knew of your many crying sessions, it shattered his heart into a million pieces everytime he heard your choked sobs and stuttered breathing. It somehow hurt even more not being able to see you, as you were in your room, he couldn’t even see the state of your agony and pretend he was there. Lemon would have to hold him down and stop him from running to your complex, breaking in, and giving you the love you craved. 
You sighed heavily when you realized the train had slowed down at your stop. The mental preparation on the way there was never enough, you could already feel the headache on its way and the exhaustion deep in your bones.
The walk to Kaiseki Ryori was hard. You knew what was to come in about ten minutes, that’s why you took your time walking. But you always felt guilty for this. Although you weren’t treated nicely at work, something inside your head reprimanded you if you decided to give yourself a break. It was your brain telling you that you didn’t deserve to be selfish for even a few minutes, maybe it was the pressure you and others put upon yourself in highschool to always work to your fullest extent. And that no one got anywhere in life if they decided to take a minute for themselves.  
You arrived at the restaurant and you saw two of the cooks walking together. They saw you and you immediately wanted the ground to swallow you. 
“Hey, Y/N. Really cold out today, huh? I really like your jacket by the way.” One of them said with a smile on their face while the other one snickered. You gave them a tight lipped smile. You weren’t stupid, you knew they were actually making fun of you. And it sucked knowing you couldn’t call them out on it because they were being passive aggressive. If you dared talk back, they would make themselves a victim and say they were only giving you a compliment and that you should be thankful, and you would look like the asshole. 
Then they would run to the boss and say you were being rude to them, and you would get called into his office for a little chat about your future working at Kaiseki Ryori. This chat included Akihito telling you that you need to be nicer to your co-workers or you would be fired. He also told you the first time that you needed to be a better waitress, and he sent you on your way back with no advice on how to become better. 
“I’ll get the door for you, Y/N, there you go.” The other cook smiled and held it open for you and you knew what they were about to do. “No, thanks. I’ve got it.” 
“Y/N, you’ve had this talk before, don’t be ungrateful and I won’t tell Akihito.” God, they were like fourth graders that never grew up, you thought. How could they be so immature and nasty at their age, they were older than you and acted this way. 
You sighed in defeat and walked through the door. Even though they have done this countless times, your heart always stopped when one of them stepped on the back of your shoe roughly and made you fall on your hands and knees on the dirty floor of the kitchen. This time, your boss had walked by. You were hopeful he saw the whole situation and would finally believe your claims that your co-workers bullied and messed with you on the daily. But the two cooks squeezed the tops of your arms in tight grip that made you wince, and pulled you back up on your feet.
“Y/N, oh my, god! You need to be careful or you're really going to hurt yourself one of these days.” One of them said with a faux pout and a worried voice that was too realistic. You huffed with tears in your eyes from the pain of landing on the hard ground and because of the humiliation. Your knees still hadn’t healed from the last time they did this a few days ago, and because they do this so often, your knees were always a shade of dark blue and purple. 
Tangerine was fuming at his spot across the street. He had watched the whole thing unfold and wanted to go up to the two cooks and kill them. Drag a blade across their neck and watch as they bled to death and choked on their own blood. Maybe kidnap them and set them on fire, have them die slowly and painfully. Then he thought of a better idea, one that required a certain venomous snake. He decided he had seen enough and left to begin executing his plan. But it had killed him to walk away from you.
“You two are very kind to help her, now get to cleaning. The one who closed last night didn’t properly clean the place and I need you three to do it.” Akihito didn’t even bother to ask if you were alright, focusing his attention and gratitude to the two on either side of you. Sometimes you thought that he was in on the harassment, turning a blind eye at first, maybe giving the bare minimum of care, then laughing in private.
“But we need to prepare the food, Akihito! And you know how long that takes!” The one on your left whined in a way that hurt your ears. He nodded his head before he said, “Yes, I understand. Go on then.” 
The two released their bruising grip and walked away, leaving you alone with the boss. He looked at you in irritation, “Well get to work miss L/N! I’m not paying you to be absolutely useless.” And he walked away. Although he left, you nodded your head.
The next thirty minutes were spent with you, once again, trying to keep your hot tears from falling. Which made it even more difficult to wipe down the counters and sweep the floor because the tears blurred your vision. And you didn’t want to wipe them away because it would give it away that you were crying, even though a few people already knew. And some of them did feel bad for you, but they didn’t want to risk being another victim alongside you. 
You sighed heavily before putting on your apron with shaky arms. Kaiseki Ryori had opened barely ten minutes ago and tables were already filled with customers. You felt an extra long day hurdling at you and there was nothing you could do but get through it with as little damage as possible.
Surprisingly, it was not as bad as other days, it was pretty normal. Your co-workers, especially the cooks, liked to mess with you for entertainment; giving you the wrong meals and purposely messing up the food because they knew the customer always blamed the waitress and not the cooks. In the end, the customers always cursed you out for not doing your job correctly. 
As soon as your very long shift was over, you bolted through the kitchen, shoved the door open, and started your journey back to the bullet train. Before you left, you had wanted to steal a small bag of ice to put on your bruised knees, but the first time you tried that, you were stopped by one of the cooks because according to them, “We can’t waste any food.”
While you got comfortable on the train, Tangerine was in the middle of buying some Boomslang venom from The Hornet. Who was as annoying and difficult to negotiate with as others say. But he eventually got the venom and quickly made his way back to Kaiseki Ryori, where he saw the two cooks leaving. Perfect.
The next few days at work were great. The two cooks who participated the most in making your life miserable had not shown up, which made your days significantly easier to get through. But you couldn’t help but feel a little strange. As horrible as they were, they took their work seriously and would rather die than miss a day of work at Kaiseki Ryori. 
Your relief was soon taken away and replaced with terror when Akihito informed the staff why they had been missing. According to him, they were just found dead in their homes. You felt sick as he gave the gruesome details; blood had come out of their eyes, nose, and mouth. And their throats were swollen and closed up. Your mind had begged him to stop talking when he kept going, “Yeah, I guess one of them fell down and completely broke their neck and cracked their skull. It’s horrible.”
What happened next made you scared to even come out of your apartment. Akihito was murdered the same way as the cooks.
Your emotions were everywhere. How were you supposed to feel? You were ecstatic to never work with them ever again, but that was only because they were dead. You felt guilty and disgusting for even being just a little bit joyful to never see them again. 
Kaiseki Ryori got a new boss immediately and he gave everyone a day off. Which was not enough. How could anyone go back after they had just found out their co-workers died grotesquely? But they did, and it scared you how normal they seemed. You were still shaken up and had questions and concerns. 
Who did this to them? Why? Am I a target? I need to be more careful when going back home. And I really need to get a new lock for my door. But I don’t have the money for that. 
Also, when you say things went back to normal, that also meant they still continued tormenting you as well. You thought the murder of the two cooks would for some reason stop them. 
Through all of this, you just felt confused and lost. What made it worse was that you had no idea what to do and had no way to communicate your jumbled thoughts. On top of that, your parents kept trying to call you, but you would let the phone ring until they got the hint that you were “busy”, and they would stop calling. It was always hard to get through their calls, but at the moment, you were in no state of mind to deal with them. But with each call you chose to ignore, the more anxious you got because you knew their anger increased each time they couldn’t get a hold of  you. It had finally got to the point where you couldn’t let it go on anymore, so you picked up your phone and dialed your father’s number with shaky hands. 
“God, please don’t pick up, please don’t pick up, please.” You hoped and prayed they were actually busy, unlike you. 
“Wow, she finally has some goddamn time to talk to her parents.” Your father said with an annoyed tone. You wanted to throw yourself out of your window.
“Yeah, sorry. I’ve just been a little busy with stuff. Sorry, dad.”
“Busy with what? Last time we talked, you were a waitress not someone of importance to the world.”
“I know, but I’ve just had stuff to do-”
“Stuff more important than your parents?”
“No, I-”
“Is that Y/N? Give me the phone” You heard your mother yell and you cringed. Not ready for her unwanted subtle views and judgements of your life. The conversation went smoothly at first, but you tensely waited for some sort of remark from her.  
“You know, I really don’t like the choices you’ve made, you’ve seriously messed everything up.” Your mother said bluntly. This surprised you, she usually only made a small comment that you could easily bounce off from. But she never downright told you how she felt, you only had a strong feeling. 
“I really don’t want to talk about it, please.”
“Well, I surely want to talk about it, right now.”
“Mom, please, I don’t feel comfortable-”
“No, this is where you zip it and listen, Y/N. Your father and I raised you to be outstanding and extraordinary. You had the perfect grades and the ambition and the attitude. What happened to my daughter?” You had no clue what to say. What would someone reply with if their mother just told them they were no good anymore?
“I don’t know, I just got a little tired I guess.” You uttered, feeling the formation of the ball in your throat and the stinging in your eyes. You took a deep breath as quietly as possible, you didn’t want your mother to hear you crying. 
“No, you got lazy and incompetent. And it was such a shame and an embarrassment to witness all your capability go down the drain. I had to- we had to watch as other parents celebrated their own children head off to college and get amazing opportunities. And what were you doing? Packing your stuff and running off without a second thought. You wasted all your potential to be a waitress? In Japan?”
“Mom, please-” Your voice wavered, the ball in your throat becoming bigger as well as the tightness in your chest. You felt yourself about to shatter with no one but you to pick up the pieces after.
“No, no, you don’t get to be upset and cry. I’m the one that should be upset! My only child left me for god knows what. Tell me.”
“What?” You whispered. You hoped you had heard wrong. This was a conversation you were not ready to have, ever. 
“I said tell me. What was so wrong with your life or what you lacked in your life that you had to move away from your father and I?”
It was silent for such a long time, or maybe that’s how long it felt and it had only been a few seconds. Memories you repressed deep into your mind had floated to the surface and swallowed you whole, adding more fuel to the anxious burn in your stomach.
“I don’t know, you and dad just fought a lot and it scared me. Dad would always leave, too. I-I just became anxious around the house, a-and the pressure I felt on me made it worse. I couldn’t handle it anymore, I just had to leave, mom. I’m so sorry.” You sniffled. It hurt to talk when you wanted to let it out and cry. 
“Honestly, Y/N, this is just ridiculous. I have had more than enough. Come back home right now, I mean it.” The tone in her voice was the same one she used when she wanted something done immediately. But you would rather work with the two cooks again than go back.
“I don’t want to.” You said quietly.
It was silent for a minute, then you heard some muffled noises, as well as your dad calling out for your mom. You assumed she had dropped the phone and walked away.
“Well, you’ve really hurt your mother and I, Y/N. I hope this little trip was worth the pain you have caused us.”
“Dad, please, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” And he hung up. 
You sat frozen on the couch and tried to keep yourself together. But you didn’t go very long and you let out a pained wail that devastated Tangerine through the camera. He had seen enough of your life and was officially done waiting, he needed to get you out of there now.
Once he had you, he would be the one who treated you like you deserved to be treated. He would hold you in his arms as you cried and with the most gentle touch, wipe away your tears. He would whisper that everything is going to be okay, comfort you with so much love that you felt safe. 
He would take care of you, make you never have to worry about a single thing ever again. He also wanted to be the one who made you smile. He had only seen it a few times and your lit up face was ingrained into his brain. He wanted to read your books to you and listen to your music with you. Things Tangerine never thought he would do, he wanted to do with you. He would be that person who did anything for you, and all you had to do in return is love him. And if you didn’t, he’ll show you that he’s the one for you and vice versa. 
You unknowingly owned all of Tangerine’s heart. And he wanted to own yours.  
A/N: First chapter done! The next one we’ll actually see them interacting which I’m so excited to write. Comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated, they are what fuel me to keep doing this. I’ll also shave your eyebrows off if you don’t comment/reblog :)
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heeseung-min · 3 years
Riki eat his sandwich that he bought at the cafeteria. It's dry but at least he got to eat than having an empty stomach. He munched his food without realizing there was someone walking towards him.
"Hello nishimura!!!"
It's you, Y/N. The popular student with not so good attitude. You like to make a trouble and make everyone suffering. Girls and boys were afraid to get close to you because they didn't want to get bullied by you and it goes the same for Riki. He tried hard to stay away from you but somehow you will always go to him.
"Give me your money, riki"
"I-I don't. I already used it for this sandwich"
Poor Riki couldn't speak properly because too afraid of you. You rolled your eyes and hold his chin to look up at you.
"You are lucky today. Make sure buy food for me first if you don't want anything bad happen to you."
"ye-yes I-I will"
It continued to be like that every single day. You will asked Riki his money and give your homework for him to do. No one helps him because they didn't want to get bullied by you too. Even teachers can't stop you because they don't want to get fired by your father who is the principal of the school.
It's been months since this happened and without Riki realize, he slowly fall in love with you and will do anything just to make you give attention to him. However, you started to felt bored on Riki and now decided to find someone else to become your new toy.
"You don't have any-any work today?"
"Nah, I gave it to Jungwon"
"Jungwon? Who?"
"The new boy, riki. He's at the next of our class"
"W-why? I can do it for you"
You sighed feeling a little annoyed. You stood up and looked down at the boy who was staring at you hoping something.
"Listen here. I'm already bored and tired of you. Now, I want to use someone else."
Riki caught your leg before you can go. He begged you like a pathetic and you pushed him hardly making the boy cried.
"Oh god, I didn't know you are this pathetic"
"Please please use me y/n I I will not disappoint you anymore. I will do everything you want."
"Then leave me alone"
You left the boy screaming for your name and you didn't even looked back at him for once. Riki felt very furious about the new boy because he stole your attention away from him. He need to do something so you can use him again.
You looked at the old woman who was crying badly in front of the principal. She begged your father to find the killer of his grandson, Jungwon. The boy who currently you using. You also shocked when heard a news about him getting murdered. They said someone found his body at an empty classroom with no legs and hands. You felt bad for using that new boy when he just transfered to this school a month ago. You didn't see how Riki giddily walked towards you with your favorite bread on his hands.
"Y/n!! I bought you your favourite bread."
"Not now Riki. I'm not in the mood"
"Can't you see what is happening right now? Jungwon getting murdered. Have some sympathy, will you?"
"Why would I when I do that for you?"
You stopped walking when you heard that sentence. You turned back to see Riki pouting at you begging for something.
"You...did what?"
"I killed him. I killed him because he stole your attention away from me. I did a good job,right?"
You never feel scared until you see Nishimura Riki smiling creepily to you.
I think this will be the last drabble for now. I will not update anything after this maybe I will maybe not because I have exams next month and I wanted to focus on my study now. I hope you guys have a nice day and always in a good condition. Thank you for enjoying my works and please give a comment and like😊😊
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obstinatecondolement · 10 months
I wonder sometimes how many details of things there are that I just Do Not Remember for reasons relating to trauma. I remember when I was getting dental surgery once the dentist was whistling a tune and I was like "Well, I can never listen to that song again" but by the time I went back into the waiting room afterwards I had forgotten what it was.
More recently, I have completely forgotten the name of the coworker who bullied me so badly that I wanted to cry every single day I was rostered with her when I was briefly employed this year and I cannot remember what her name was, except that my brain keeps suggesting it might be the name of a girl who bullied me in primary school (no, brain, different mean girl—this one was 63).
This isn't something that bothers me, exactly, because I haven't (to my knowledge, I guess) forgotten whole events. But it is kind of weird that things can be papered over so quickly for me and the things that are papered over. I don't think remembering this woman's name would be as upsetting as remembering what she did, honestly?
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
for the blurb night one where reader gets a lot of hate but doesn't tell h just how much until she finally breaks one day? 💗💗
this prompt got me in my feelings 🥺🥺 I think it's pretty damned good, hope you agree!!!
warnings: angst, online trolling/bullying
wc: 560
She couldn’t take it anymore. Every time she opened her phone, her Twitter feed was full of it.
“She’s so fucking ugly.”
“What does he even see in her?”
“His exes are way hotter than she is.”
“What’s up with those lines on her stomach?”
It was the same on Instagram and TikTok. Everywhere she went, it felt like people didn’t want her to exist. But she didn’t want to tell Harry about it. She loved him endlessly, and she knew he felt the same about her. But she didn’t want him to think badly of his fans because of her. So she kept it to herself for as long as she could.
But one day, he saw it. She looked at her phone for a few minutes with tears in her eyes. Her hands trembled and she shoved it back in her pocket.
“Are you okay, my love?” he asked quietly.
She looked at him, trying to blink the tears away, “Y-yeah. I’m fine, H, it’s nothing.”
“Yeh look like y’ gonna cry, lovie. Don’ seem fine,” tears filled her eyes again at his words, “talk t’ me, baby. Wanna help yeh feel better.”
A buzz sounded from her phone. She glanced at the notification, and the tears spilled over, beginning to coat her cheeks.
“Oh, love,” Harry cooed, pulling her into his lap and rubbing her back with his strong hands, “hate seein yeh like this. Please talk t’ me, honey. Let me help yeh.”
He peppered soft kisses on her hairline, soothing her until she was calm enough to talk to him.
“I-it’s the fans, H-Harry. Th-they say s-such awful thing a-about me. That y-you’d be better off w-without me,” she sniffed, wiping her eyes as best as she could, “t-the one th-that I j-just saw said I w-was the m-most hideous c-creature on the planet-” she cut herself off with another round of sobs.
Harry’s heart cracked in two. How could his fans be so cruel to the woman he loved? His grip tightened around her as he nearly cried himself, thinking of what his love had to go through.
“‘M so sorry, m’ love. Yeh don’ deserve anythin they’re sayin t’ yeh. Y’ the most incredible person ‘ve ever met. Yeh make me happier than ‘ve ever been. Y’ kind, gentle, intelligent, funny, honest, and beautiful. No one on the earth can compare t’ yeh. I’ll try t’ get them t’ stop. But even if they don’, I hope yeh know tha’ everythin they say isn’t true, and tha’ I love yeh more than words could ever say.”
He felt her smile against his shirt after his little speech, “You mean it?”
He pressed another soft kiss to her forehead, “Of course, m’love. Y’ my soulmate. No one else out there is as incredible as yeh.”
She pulled away from him, tears still staining her cheeks, but a wobbly smile on her lips, “Thank you, H. I-it’s not going to get better right away, but I’ll try to learn to ignore it. To know that their opinions don’t matter.”
“They don’ matter at all, baby. The only one who should care about yeh is, well, you. Yeh don’ need t’ worry abou pleasin anyone else. I love yeh to pieces, baby,” he replied.
She kissed him sweetly, “I love you too, Harry. So much.”
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annie-blackhill · 3 years
Aight, I know that I've been away for awhile but now I'm back and I have ideas babes!
Past panic attacks
Mentions of past domestic violence
Abusive childhood
Post traumatic events unconscious coping mechanisms
Unconscious flinching out of instinct
Sudden panic when hearing fighting between a man and a woman screaming very near
Loss of breath
Domestic violence
Panic attack
Dazai Osamu
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Safe and Sound
Dazai and (Y/N) have been in a relationship for two years now. They're so in love with each other that everyone at the ADA are questioning the fact as to why they weren't married yet.
Dazai really loves (Y/N) and she loves him just as much back. They both really love each other and they both understand each other the most too.
But there were still some things that Dazai didn't know.
The main reason why (Y/N) and Dazai weren't married yet was because Dazai wanted to get her parents' blessings first. He was so excited to get their blessings, to meet the people who brought his perfectly imperfect lover into this cruel, tainted world.
He was eternally grateful to them for bringing her into this world, although the cruel world had tainted her and made her the broken person she is now, he still loves her for her. She's the only reason he has to live now. And he loves her for that.
Whenever Dazai asked (Y/N) about her family, she would tell him stories about when she was a child and how her dad would bring them to the beach every weekend because they lived near to the beach or when they went back to school shopping together.
But that was it. Her dad never really appeared in her other stories much. He would pop in at some point of the tale and then disappear. Her mum, was mostly the one to witness her achievements.
But (Y/N) has never described her parents' proud expressions whenever she achieved something.
At times, when Dazai did pry lightly, she would turn the story somewhere else, mostly to her friends.
He knew that she didn't really have a good primary school life, seeing as she's told him before that she's been bullied at that time. She's described them as the loneliest years of her life and how much she's hated herself those times.
Whenever (Y/N) talked about friends, it would be about her friends from her high school life. Her high school was much more on the better side.
She had been a prefect in her high school years, since her first year to her last year.
The only bad memories she had was when she realized that being in the first class and being the top of the class meant the other students would sabotage her and the two times in her senior years where she had to fight back as self-defense when she tried to break up a fight and they started to hit her too.
Dazai wasn't daft. Of course, he picked up on all the signs she showed that she wasn't really fond of her parents.
At first, he thought that it was just because of a small fight they had. But two years have passed in their relationship and (Y/N) hasn't cracked even the least to tell him why her childhood stories are only until a certain age or why she's never told him how proud her parents were of her.
Dazai was worried. In the end, he decided that maybe her parents just have a slightly tight relationship with each other.
Dazai decided to not ask. He let it slide and slip past them. He never touched the subject of her parents for the half of the second year of their relationship.
As the other half year of their relationship rolled in, Dazai and (Y/N) had saved enough money to buy a cozy little apartment near the ADA and move out of the ADA's hostel.
The day they were moving in, the couple were greeted by the middle aged woman who lived next door with her husband and 4 year old daughter.
She had been a very sweet auntie that welcome the sweet couple to the apartment complex with open arms and a sweet smile.
More than once had she cooked good food for the duo since they always returned late from work.
"You two kinda remind me of how my husband and I used to be when we were younger and so in love," the auntie would say to the duo all the time.
The little 4 year old would also come by and play around with the loving couple whenever they were on leave.
Auntie would always try persuade her daughter from "disturbing the lovely young couple" as she would always say to her daughter.
"It's alright, auntie! I love kids! (N/N)-chan and I are planning to have a few little munchkins like this when we're married too!" Dazai would assure her, while playing with the little girl.
But there was always something about how (Y/N) would send the auntie knowing looks as though she knew something that he didn't all the time, so he decided to pay more attention too.
When Dazai did start to notice more, he noticed the dark bags under the auntie's eyes and he noticed how tired she always was.
The more he noticed the more concerning she looked to him day by day.
"Auntie, would you like to join us for tea, today? Osamu and I wanted to play with that sweet little angel," (Y/N) invited the auntie.
"WHO'S THAT AT THE DOOR???!!!" the booming voice of the male from inside the auntie's house shook (Y/N) to the core and it ignited old memories that she didn't have to remember.
"Auntie, you really should come. Osamu insists! You know how he gets when he doesn't get what he wants! He'll be whining all day long like a little baby!" (Y/N) tried to convince the auntie discreetly.
"I ASKED 'WHO'S THAT AT THE DOOR'! ANSWER ME YOU USELESS WOMAN!!!" the man shouted from the bedroom again.
(Y/N) flinched. She was regretting sending Dazai to the store now. They had been running low on groceries and she had sent Dazai to the store, as she would say "please contribute you're lazy arse to do something in this household, my love" and he had carried his lazy arse to the store near the apartment complex.
After Dazai had left was when she started to hear the shouts and yells from the next door auntie's house.
Even as the bad memories plunged her being, she had forced herself to go and at least try to save the auntie before anything bad happened to either her or her daughter.
But even then, if you looked closely at (Y/N) you could see that she was trembling badly and that she could barely stand on her two feet.
"Auntie, come on please!" (Y/N) begged in a mutter exclamation.
"I'm sorry," the auntie murmured before closing the door on her with an apologetic smile.
"Auntie, no!" (Y/N) exclaimed.
And that was when she heard the terrible screams and the yell. The cries of the little 4 year old teared her soul apart into the smallest of pieces.
"NO, NO, NO!!!!" (Y/N) yelled as her mind turned blank and the memories flooded her brain.
Her mind turned so blank that she forgot that she was slamming her fists onto the door and that she had an ability.
The memories of how her father would come home drunk and lay on the sofa. Of how her mother had found out that he was having an affair. Of how, he would beat the living daylights out of her mother.
(Y/N) never told Dazai any of that. She felt ashamed to tell him that her childhood was the most terrible thing to ever happen to her.
A blood curdling screamed pierced the air along with a loud cry and that was enough for (Y/N) to snap out of her traumas and remember that there were lives on the stake right now.
She finally regained her senses fully and remembered that she has an ability.
Using her elemental abilities, she bent the wooden front door so much that it broke it half and broke off of it's hinges. The lower half flew to the side of the corridor almost hitting her while the other half flew into the house and hit the middle aged aggressive man that was about to beat his wife over the head with a glass flower vase.
The auntie stood in shock as the younger woman ran to her and hugged her.
"Auntie! Are you alright?! Are you bleeding anywhere?! Do you have any fatal injuries?!" (Y/N) questioned quickly as she held the shorter's woman's face in her hands and looked her over, making sure that she wasn bleeding anywhere majorly.
"Why you little freak show! You must one of those freak shows that are born with those little abilities! How dare you interfere with someone else's family problems?! Youngsters these days don't know how to respect their elders! Let me teach you then!" the man yelled at (Y/N) as she stood in front of the trembling woman, making sure that the older woman was perfectly hidden behind her.
(Y/N) slipped a hand into the back pocket of her jeans. She clutched the holster of her gun.
"Step away, right now before I seriously hurt you," (Y/N) warned as she held her left hand out to stop him from coming any nearer to them.
The man took off his belt and folded it into two, straightening it out with a snap, which caused both women to flinch as more dark memories flooded into (Y/N)'s mind.
"I said STOP RIGHT THERE!" (Y/N) warned yet again. It was against the law for her to shoot him and she couldn't even use her abilities against him as he was a normal civilian.
She was trying her best to not hurt anyone here and let the civilian authorities handle the ruthless man.
The moment the man raised his arm was the same time (Y/N) slipped her gun out of her back pocket and shot his arm.
The man let out a cry of pain and fell back from the sudden pain. He looked at the younger woman, wide eyed as she held the gun tight and pointed the barrel to his forehead.
"Armed Detective Agency member, (L/N) (Y/N)," (Y/N) announced as she showed him her ADA card.
The man backed away more at that. His eyes wide as he realized that she was a member of the authorities.
"(Y/N)?!" Dazai shouted as he entered only to see the bloodied situation of the man and the two trembling women.
"Where's the child?!" Dazai asked immediately.
"Sh-she's in her room," the auntie answered meekly.
Dazai nodded. He looked down at the man, disgust, venom and a desire to kill clear on his face.
The man even then, still tried to gain Dazai's pity as Dazai was a fellow man too.
"S-sir! All I was trying to do was educate my wife to be more better and obedient! I wasn't trying to do anything other than that! I swear!" the man said.
That only made Dazai even more disgusted as he spat on the man's face in disgust. He stomped his foot harshly on the man's hand that was holding the belt.
"You disgust me you old fool! You're an utter disgrace of a human being! I'm disgusted to see people like you are still alive! Terrorizing women's lives! Making them only feel like obedient dolls that should only do whatever you say!
I'd rather kill you then let you go to jail and then get back out after a few months! People like you shouldn't exist at all in the first place!
Your wife is supposed to be your life partner! Not some maid or toy that would do everything you say! You're supposed to live life and do everything together!
I can't believe you even had a child with her only to state your dominance over her and make her unable to run away from you!
You disgust me!" Dazai yelled at the man as he twisted his foot on the man's hand more and stomped it over and over and over again, intent on breaking it.
(Y/N) shielded the auntie's sight form her lover's rage as he broke the man's hand and rendered it completely shattered under his shoe.
"Osamu..." (Y/N) called out for him.
Dazai raised his head to look at his lover, tears streaming from his eyes from utter pure white hot rage.
"Are you alright? Are the two of you alright? Is that little angel injured?" Dazai's voice turned so soft that (Y/N)'s heart broke at the mere sound of it. He sounded as scared as she was feeling.
Dazai went over to the two women and squeezed them into a light hug, he buried his face into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck. (Y/N) hugged his waist, her arm practically limp, but her hand still clutching the gun tight just in case the man tried anything, her ear was placed against his frantically beating heart.
The older woman had wrapped her arm over his back and was hugging him tight, scared out of her life and grateful for the presence of the two youngsters at the moment.
"Osamu... We need to call the police and the ADA, specifically Kunikida-san. We need to explain a hell load to them all," (Y/N) murmured lightly to the shaken man.
Dazai nodded lightly at her statement before pressing a light kiss to the crook of her neck and removing himself from the hold of the two women.
"Auntie, do get your little girl and wait outside of the house. (Y/N) and I will call the police and our co-worker to handle the mess here," Dazai informed the older woman.
She merely nodded, not trusting her voice to be strong enough to answer him as she went to the little girl's bedroom to get her out of the house.
Once the child and woman were safely out of the house, Dazai dialed Kunikida while (Y/N) dialed the police station.
Both at had arrived at the house. The man was brought away on a stretcher by the paramedics as (Y/N) was explaining to the police as to why she had used her gun.
Kunikida and Dazai, both standing on either side of her, trying to justify the reason as to why she did so and the police accepted the reasons in the end.
Dazai said his end of the story and then they moved on to ask the wife and the child about their ends of the story.
"(Y/N), you know you shouldn't have used your gun. I'll have to confiscate it for now. You'll only be allowed to use it on missions. I'm sorry but those are the rules that you need to follow after that little act of 'misusage' as the police says," Kunikida sighed as he took the gun lightly from her slightly slackened grasp on it now.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was scared and he raised the belt above me, ready to hit at any moment---" her voice cracked and she couldn't continue the sentence anymore.
Kunikida held her hand softly as Dazai brought (Y/N) into a soft side hug, holding her softly and rubbing her shoulders.
"I know and that's why I'm the one that's supposed to be saying sorry for taking away your gun, (Y/N)," Kunikida said.
"Hey, hey. It's alright, the both of you. I'll pull some strings here and there and make sure, (Y/N) gets her gun back, alright? Easy peasy!" Dazai lightened the mood up a little.
"Sigh, thank you, Dazai. For making this easier for all of us," Kunikida said before excusing himself, saying that he needs to fill out a few more forms at the police station and make sure that neither Dazai or (Y/N) get accused for anything that they didn't do.
Dazai proceeded to lead (Y/N) back to their little home as the auntie and her daughter were led to the second ambulance by the new paramedics.
(Y/N) leaned into Dazai as she curled up onto him. He held her close and tight, knowing full well that she was shaken up from the encounter.
"Osamu... Remember how you always asked for the truth about my childhood... What you witnessed today that was happening to that auntie and her daughter? That's the real truth to my childhood.
But no one saved us. And as I grew and my dad lived his other life with his little affair, he would come and go to let off steam on my mother and my mother started to blame me for how miserable our lives were.
That's why I never had a past occupation like everyone else. I had been working with the ADA ever since I was 18 and I ran away from her.
The president helped me. He helped my mother by providing her safety and a new home.
My father is still out there, somewhere with that other woman.
And I... I've never seen my mother since the day I ran away. She must be happier now," (Y/N) said, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Dazai hugged her closer and kissed her forehead.
"It's alright, love. You have me and the other ADA members for you as well now. Hell, even the Port Mafia is with you right now after how much you helped them out when we were all having trouble with The Guild and Fyodor. You have all of us here for you.
Most importantly, my love, you have me. I won't let anyone so much as hurt you even a little bit and go off the hook.
I swear," Dazai murmured softly into her ear and she snuggled closer to him, their feets touching and their hands interwined with each other's.
"Port Mafia strikes again as a man who was arrested yesterday due to commiting domestic violence was murdered by them brutally in his own jail cell much to the surprise of all the police officers present.
Police officers were considering requesting the Armed Detective Agency to further an investigation at first, but has now decided against it as the chief of the police station has deemed it as a waste since the man was a criminal," the news reporter announced on the morning news as (Y/N) sipped her (bitter/sweet/neutral) (coffee/tea) and Dazai adorable chewed his crab sandwich.
"Who did you ask to do it?" (Y/N) asked immediately as soon as Dazai swallowed.
"Chuuya was more than willing after I told him the story. I didn't even have to tell him which police station and cell that scum was in, he ran off and figured it all out himself and finished the job," Dazai answered before continuing to adorably eat his crab sandwich.
"That scum deserved it," (Y/N) agreed as she continue sipping her (coffee/tea).
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Awareness Note:
Stop domestic violence. The pain lingers on even after the relationship has ended. No one should have to be bounded to a spouse that only views them as an object and an inferior instead of a human being and an equal. No one has to go through physical and mental pain with a monster that prefers to take control of everything. No one has to go through such pain.
Marriage isn't pain! Marriage is a bond of two people who love each other!
If it hurts both physically and mentally, then it's not love.
Know the difference.
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whisperlullaby · 4 years
Just Say It And I’m Yours-Ch.2
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse/neglect (if you squint really hard), sad Steve, fluff, angst
A/N: Okay here’s chapter 2! I really want to establish the relationship between Steve and the Reader so after this chapter the series of events is going to pick up. Special thanks to @tuiccim and @river-soul for reading through this for me and to @sagechanoafterdark for the gif! I hope you guys enjoy the story!
You woke up the next morning to a text from an unknown number.
Hey, it's Steve. Just wanted to make sure you had my number and I hope your interview goes well. Can I take you for coffee after?
You smiled at the text, shaking your head.
Well Cap, if it goes well we can celebrate with coffee. If it goes poorly I'm gonna need a stiff drink. I should be done around 3.
You put your phone down and started to get ready for your interview. You chose black slacks and a light blue blouse, hoping it projected the soft gentle air you were going for. After a quick breakfast and a final review of the county statistics for domestic violence and child abuse cases, you headed out to your interview.
As you approached the courthouse you took a few steadying breaths. Very little intimidated you, but the thought you wouldn't get this job kept you feeling unnerved. When you entered the courthouse a strange sense of calm washed over you. You felt like you were exactly where you needed to be and it settled your resolve. You were getting this job. As you brought your hand up to knock, the door swung open, revealing an intimidating-looking man. A slow smile crept onto his face.
“Hello there darling, is there something that you need?” the man said, resting on the door jam.
You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow, “Yes, I am here to meet with the prosecutor for an interview. Are you their secretary?”
The man laughed and shook his head, “Not a secretary. A defense attorney, my name is Connor Pierce.” He held his hand out for you to shake.
You looked at his extended hand warily before taking it, giving him your name.
“Well, darling I’ll let you head in for your interview. Good luck.”
You stepped aside to let him leave. The prosecutor, Amelia Winters, stood swiftly to meet you at the door before pulling you into her office for your interview.
After your interview, you sent Steve a text with the address of your favorite coffee spot. As you approached the café, grinning from ear to ear, you spotted Steve in a baseball cap and glasses.
“Ya know Cap, that’s not as effective of a disguise as you think it is.”
Steve chuckled, “Well it’s all I have, and I’ve found as long as you keep your head low people tend not to pay much attention.”
You smiled. He opened the door and let you in first. After you ordered your favorite beverage and a muffin, and Steve ordered a black coffee you found a seat.
“So, how did the interview go? Did you get the job?” Steve asked excitedly.
“Woah there, I don’t know how it went back in the ’40s but nowadays you don’t get hired on the spot,” you teased. “But I think it went really well. We had a lot in common and even graduated from the same university. Have you ever been to a place and it just felt like you belonged there?”
Steve considered your question for a moment before glancing down. “Not for a long time if I’m being honest.”
You reached out and grabbed Steve’s hand. He looked up and his features immediately softened under your gaze. When your drinks and food arrived at the table you let go of Steve’s hand to take a sip of your warm beverage, sighing in contentment. You looked back over at Steve and found him staring at you.
“What? Did I already spill or something?” You look around to see if your blouse was marked with the offensive liquid. 
“No nothing like that I was just wondering,” Steve began, “what made you go into victim advocacy?”
A warm smile spread across your face as you shrugged. “I don’t like bullies. I don’t care where they come from. I wanted to do something that put myself in between the bullies and their targets. No one should feel alone, and everyone deserves a voice.”
Steve looked at you bewildered but with a twinkle in his eye. “Well, I think that’s a very noble reason to get into that profession.”
“Thanks, Cap. I crave your validation and approval.” You joked. 
Steve took a sip of his coffee, “I didn’t think you would. You just remind me of someone I used to know.”
When you and Steve finished your coffee, you went for a walk through Washington Square Park. You were surprised how easily conversation with Steve came, especially since you knew how intimidating you could be. You would tell people it was a job hazard when they asked why you were so loud, but Steve never seemed to mind. As you passed the fountain you saw Steve tense for a moment and look around. 
“Steve is everything okay?” you ask, concerned.
Steve didn’t answer, instead, he just bolted towards the fountain causing you to run after him. As you got closer you picked up the sound of a child crying, and a quick gaze around proved that no one was paying any mind to the child. Steve crouched down and placed his hand on the child’s shoulder.
“Hey, buddy where are your parents?” Steve gently inquired.
At his question, the little boy started crying harder and Steve looked thrown. You approached and placed your hand on Steve’s shoulder pulling him away slightly from the little boy. You crouched down in front of the little boy and started speaking.
“Hi, my name is Y/N, what’s yours?”
The little boy looked at you for a moment, his crying became a bit quieter. You waited for a moment letting him catch his breath.
“I’m Skylar,” he said in between sobs.
“Well Skylar, it’s very nice to meet you,” you stuck out your hand and waited for him to shake it. “This is my friend Steve, he’s a superhero, isn’t that cool?”
Skyler nodded his head as he glanced up at Steve. 
“Now, you seem to be a bit upset Skylar, do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”
Skylar wiped his face, still looking at Steve. “I-is that Captain America?”
You giggled and looked up at Steve. “It sure is. He looks a little weird without the costume right?”
Skylar laughed as Steve scoffed. 
“Skylar, we want to help you but we need to know what’s wrong.”
 You held your hands out flat in front of you and waited for Skylar to take them. Once he did you closed your hands around his and drew soothing circles into his skin.
“I don’t know where my mommy went. I just wanted to play in the fountain and when I turned around she was gone.” Skylar started tearing up again.
“Okay well, that’s easy enough to fix. Why don’t we help you look for her? Would that be okay?”
Skylar nodded and you stood up dropping one of his hands and started walking around the fountain. You looked back to see Steve staring at you, unmoving.
“Well Cap, are you coming?”
Steve shook himself out of his stupor and jogged to catch up to you and Skylar. You scanned the crowd for anyone that looked like they were searching for someone while asking Skylar questions about his favorite things to keep him calm. Steve placed a hand on your shoulder, stopping your movement as he surveyed the crowd.
“Hey, Skylar I think I hear your mom calling you.” Steve grabbed Skylar’s other hand and started walking in the direction of the voice he heard.
“Mommy!” Skylar dropped your hands and ran towards a frantic looking woman.
“Skylar! Don’t you ever run off again, I was so worried.” The woman looked at you and Steve, her eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, you’re Captain America! Thank you for helping my son.”
“Actually ma’am it wasn’t me,” Steve gestured towards you. “She was the one who was able to calm him down and get him to tell us what he needed.”
You looked at Steve with an appreciative grin as Skylar’s mom regarded you.
“Well, in any event, thank you for helping him find me.”
Skylar waved goodbye as his mom pulled him towards the street. You looked up at Steve and saw he was already watching you.
“Cap, you have got to stop staring at me. You’re gonna give a girl a complex.” You shoved Steve teasingly.
“You were really good with him. I tried to help but just managed to make it worse.” Steve sighed. “How did you know what to do?”
You scrunched your eyebrows and looked at Steve. “I talk to children every day Steve. I need to know how to calm them down and get them to talk to me.”
Steve pursed his lips together and shook his head. “I didn’t realize you would have to advocate for children too. How do you do it?”
You took in a deep breath before you spoke. “I remind myself that they have already seen people fail them, treat them badly, and make them feel like they are unworthy of any human connection. I could not allow myself to ever be that person to them. I just, I don’t know, I just do it.”
Steve nodded in understanding. “Let me walk you home?”
You laughed at his abrupt question. “Sure thing Cap, but only if we can pick up some pizza on the way because I am starving.”
“Oh,” Steve said shocked. “You want me to stay for dinner?”
“Well, yeah. We’re friends aren’t we?”
Steve smiled checking his phone for any pressing messages. When he saw none he turned to face you.
“I know this great pizza place. I’m buying.”
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agathasangel · 4 years
because you’re worth it (cordelia goode x fem!reader)
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Hi this is a shitty vent fic because I’m sad
Warnings: mentions of past bullying/verbal abuse/mental abuse, implied eating issues, reader just has very low self esteem in general, some teacher/student stuff but reader is over 18. Angst and maybe hurt/comfort i guess.
Summary: You never thought you were anything exceptional. In fact, you never thought much of yourself at all, and your family and peers didn’t seem to either. But one day, after finally being able to access your telekinesis in a moment of fear for your life, you were sent to an academy for girls with exceptional powers. You found a home and a family, but still never felt quite at home until one meeting with the headmistress who seemed to understand your pain.
“Remember (y/n), intention! Your powers are innate, you still have it in you!”, Zoe told you during one of your lessons. You began to really believe it, and it worked! The candle glided right to your hand like it was nothing. Normally your telekinesis only showed up when you were angry or scared, and it was almost uncontrollable.
Your first time performing telekinesis was when you were in high school. One of the many boys who bullied and harassed you relentlessly tried to run you over with his car as a “joke” when you were walking home. In a moment of fear and shock, his car flipped over. He survived, but was badly injured and the incident made the news, and you were interviewed because you were the only witness. About a year or so later, after you graduated, your parents got a call from Cordelia Goode, asking to meet with you. Little did either of them know that in the past year, there have been more incidents. Things would fall when you were angry, explode or break when you were scared. You knew you were doing it with your mind somehow, but knew you’d just sound crazy if you tried to explain it to anyone.
When you met with Cordelia, she seemed impressed by how strong your powers were. It had been so long since anyone seemed impressed by you.
“Oh, it only happens when I’m feeling some strong emotion, like when I’m angry or scared. I don’t even know if I really belong here, my parents say I-”
“That often is how it starts, (y/n). But I think you’ll master it quickly. And you do belong here. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt.” The older woman walked around the table and touched your shoulder, closing her eyes for a moment. The touch felt nice, safe. You liked it.
“I’m sorry about what that boy did to you. Or I should say, tried to do. He got what he deserved.”
Cordelia seemed nice. Everyone often talked about how kind she was, how deeply she cared about all of her girls. But there was a part of you that, despite everything, made you doubt that her kindness would really extend to you. You were so used to seeing the worst sides of the people with the best reputations. You learned to not judge people based on how they treat you, because sometimes even the “kindest” people were mean to you, and you didn’t know why.
But that feeling seemed to fade away, as Cordelia was always kind to you. You still didn’t have any friends at the academy, as you were too scared to talk to anybody for very long. You didn’t think you deserved to be around the other girls. You were scared they would make fun of you if you talked to them for too long, so you often cut your conversations off quickly. Some of the other girls thought you were stuck up, but most of them understood you were just shy.
The day you learned to control your telekinesis was one of the best days. You felt like you were a real witch and knew that you did deserve to be there after all.
About a year after you were admitted, you still struggled with seeing yourself as a real part of the school, and the coven. You couldn’t believe any of them actually wanted you, especially not the Supreme. You knew you were a real witch, and that you belonged there, but you still saw yourself as less than everyone else. You always saw yourself that way, because of what everyone told you. They said you were ugly, they criticized your body, called you stupid, annoying, weird, a freak, even your parents told you that maybe you deserved to be bullied. You still felt bad for taking up space, even though this was supposed to be your home.
One day, you were in the greenhouse late at night, working on a potion for the project you had to do, when Cordelia came in. 
You immediately started to apologize, “Cordelia, I’m so sorry, I’ll go now..” you said as you packed up and left.
“No, no, stay here and finish. You don’t need to apologize, you have every right to be here. We can share.”
“Thank you, Cordelia.”
“This is as much your home as it is mine, honey. Now what are you working on?”
“Oh, it’s just a potion I need for my incantation class tomorrow. I’m almost done, I’ll be out of your way soon-”
“(Y/n), you’re not in my way at all! Actually, I’d like you to stay if you don’t mind, I’ve been wanting to talk to you for quite some time now.”
Those weren’t good words. Were you in trouble? Was she kicking you out?
She clearly saw your face because she said “No, don’t worry, you’re not in any kind of trouble. I just want to make sure you’re alright,” said Cordelia as she checked on all of her plants.
“Because I care about my girls. You’re doing wonderfully in your classes, you’re becoming a talented witch. But you’ve been here over a year and you barely talk, you hide in your room, skip meals entirely or not eat when you do show up. I see all of that. I see how small you try to make yourself seem around everyone. I know you’re shy and that you’ve been hurt before, but you don’t need to hide from any of us. You especially don’t need to hide from me. Come here.”
You came closer to Cordelia, and, abandoning her plants, she hugged you tight. It had been so long since you felt affection like that.
“You don’t deserve that, (y/n), you don’t deserve any of that. I saw so much of your life just now. Every awful, untrue thing you’ve been made to believe about yourself, the horrible things people have said and done to you. You alone, here, terrified to speak to any of the girls, or even me.”
“You saw all of that?” You said as you started to cry.
“Yes. Shh, don’t cry. You’re okay... don’t worry, I’ve got you. Poor thing, you’re shaking,” she held you tighter, running her hand through your hair.
“You know, (y/n), I do understand how you feel.”
“You? But you’re-“
“I wasn’t always the Supreme, you know. In fact I was probably the last witch anyone expected to be the next Supreme. Before passing the Seven Wonders, I suffered loss after loss after loss. My mother hated me when all I wanted was her approval. My husband was secretly a witch hunter who only married me for ‘access’. Everyone told me I was weak and unworthy, and I believed it. I didn’t think I belonged here, or anywhere.”
“I’m so sorry Cordelia. I had no idea.”
“And when I stopped believing all of that, that was when my powers grew. I think your powers will grow as well once you start seeing yourself as a worthy part of our family, because you are.”
“You really think so?”
“You know, (y/n), I’ve always seen so much of myself in you.”
“Thank you, Cordelia. That means a lot.”
“And there’s one more thing...”
“What is it?”
“I love you, (y/n). I don’t know what kind of love it is yet but I know I love you. I thought at first I just cared for you like I would a little sister. But there’s a part of me that thinks I love you in another way.... of course I don’t really know yet. I would need some time. And I would never abuse my power over you. After all, my main concern is to protect you.”
“Cordelia... I think I love you too.” And you shyly kissed her on the cheek.
“You missed”, she said as she kissed you right on the lips, and you kissed back.
“Take some time and think about it. It’s been an emotional night. I won’t pressure you either way, and no matter what happens, I will always be by your side.”
You spent the rest of the night gardening with Cordelia and just feeling her presence until you both went to bed.
“Goodnight, (y/n). Remember everything I told you, my wonderful girl.”
“I will, Cordelia. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
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orangepurin45 · 3 years
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫!! - 𝐂𝐨𝐩! 𝐈𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐗 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏.𝐭 1
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WARNING: Guns, some Yanderish themes (Oikawa is protective of Bara-arms), Blood, Drug dealing delivery, 🔞triggering sexual content 🔞, Angst, Fluff?, Slight!IwaOi, Mentions of past humiliation & trauma (high-school bullying)
This is my first time writing btw. Happy Reading! if not the exit is over there 👉🚪.
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Papers sprawled all over the desk, strings attached each other to another. A loud sip from the bulky man and a paper flip to side then eyes rose up to the photo of you grinning like a mischievous fox with red lips and taunting eyes screaming "CATCH ME IF YOU DARE," vibe Hajime grit his teeth glaring at your dirty face.
L/n Y/n, also know as the dark phoenix, Japan's most notorious drug dealing, homicide, and man-woman torturer and murderer in the whole country.
Everyone fears you.
Everyone obey at you.
Everyone believes you are the end.
Everything they think, you were responsible of all of this.
"Iwa-chan! Chief wants you to-..." Tooru spokes but was stopped by the sound of Iwaizumi's chair screech. He stood up, shadow loom under his gaze as he walks out the door.
"Wait! Iwa-chan I was supposed to...!
Inform you, " he finished, his lips turned downwards at the cold room, his chocolate eyes scanned every detail of the room then stopped to your portrait of your scary taunting face.
"Thanks a lot, Y/n-chan... But I didn't know you were into kind of... mess, " he smiles sadly, tracing his fingers at your photo. Lips tighten softly at the flashback, of yourself and the other 3rd years. How ironic to see your sweet, sweet smile in the memories compare to your now scary one.
"But I'm not letting you hurt Iwa-chan...That's a promise!,"
He points at your portait, eyes of determination and protection to swearing to blood to bone of himself not want his childhood friend be hurt. He turned away as long he lives
He will never let Hajime's life on the line.
Blood splatter, and small packet of white powder in the sachet all over the floor. Blowing your gun, hot steam coming out of the hole. Soft red lips upturned wickedly, your loyal subordinates gathers the small plastic packets inside the black bag.
"Bring it on the trunk immediately," You grinned as they nodded, immediately running towards your car.
Although, all happiness and rainbows has to ended when your car exploded and a familiar gunfire break a loose killing at off your men in sight.
"Oh dear... here we go again," You giggled then smirked, eyes delighted to see the man, who is obsessed of you being arrested.
How cute! 💕
"DARK PHOENIX!!!," Hajime yelled, eyes filled with fury and justice glaring at your calm figure. His teeth angrily clench pointing his gun at you.
"What a pleasant surprise!... I never thought you were such a party pooper, Iwaizumi-san! I'm absolutely...hurt," you pouted furrowing your brows playfully at him, to which he just flinch remembering a memory, looking down at the thought.
But you took this opportunity to snatched the gun off of his Iron grip by sitting on his shoulder then do some acrobatics before jumping off his broad shoulders then before jumping back then throw him on the ground with a headlock.
"You know it was all good~ back in the day! My mom always taught me to take care of what mess it was...And that was me she was talking about, "
He grunt, trying to wiggling his way out of your grasped but no avail the tightness is stronger than he expected.  You giggled when you heard him yelped.
“Let ME go this is instant! I’m gonna make sure you’re gonna rot in prison!,”
He shouted, throwing his saliva right at your face at each sentence he threat for you. But you only grinned, eyes in mischief and raising a brow at him.
“Oh please~ Cry me a river! Your the cop here aren’t you gonna do it but instead you’re just laying under me...shame on you Iwaizumi-san,” 
Silence  ... You saw how he looks down and saw sorrow at his face, seemingly remembers something, you hummed a growing smile on your soft lips.                 
“Ne, Iwazumi-san Do you remember the day Oikawa-san humiliate me?,”  
He snaps out his trace, then looks at you eyes as larger as the china wares.
“You didn’t help me back then, instead you let him do what he did to me,”
Rains started to pour, as the steaming car slowly deflates it’s flame little by little by an hours. Hajime’s heart dropped at the statement.
Yes, It’s true he did only watched.
 He just...didn’t know
He didn’t know what to do If he did help you back then.
Because of a certains rumors that you seduce your father, your uncle, other male students in any campus. That’s what Oikawa made up, He thought realising it.
You rejected Tooru because you view him as a brother only and nothing more.
“Isn’t because of Oikawa...was it?,”
“All of that wasn’t true SHUT UP!!,”
Unrealising you let him go and back yourself away from him, giving Hajime to sit up then slowly stood. He saw suprising seeing you hitting your head, slapping and punching your head. Snot and tears and all, pulling your hair out, heavily breathing then whimper and cries. Hajime was about to approach you giving the comfort you deserve, you  deserve long time ago that he was going to give if he helped you.
But being a fucked out mentally ill you are, Throwing your head back flash of lightning. Red eyes and nose all bloodshot. Wet Hair stuck on your face.
“Y/n I-,”
All of the sudden a hooded man engulf you in an embrace then took  you, jumping in each delivering cubes. But before he left, he shot Iwaizumi by the calf making him grunt then kneel down to hold where the shot is.
Oikawa runs afront of him, and by anger he tried firing his bullet back at the hooded man but failed when he fired back to disarm him then fled at the scene.
“That bitch had company I see... Iwa-chan are you alright,”
After the rage diminished into concern laced tone, he pulled Iwaizumi up throwing his arm over his shoulder. Gazing in greater concern at him.
Or Love, so to speak.
“Everything will be all right, Iwa-chan I already called back-up,”
Hajime grunt, he unlatch himself off Oikawa suprise at the action he give, he stumbled and winced but he then glared at Oikawa.
His heart ache’d at the facial expression, shattering to him into pieces.
“Get off me I can take care of myself, I’m not some type of baby being taken care of,” He explains, he took a second to look where you feld and the hooded man went, A breath escape his lips and just stumble ahead.
when the back-up came, they help him guide back inside the ambulance.
“I told you I can take care of myself! Lay off!!,”
“Japan needed you Iwaizumi-san...So you’ll be needing our guidance for now,” The medic discipline and explains The Cop as he guided Hajime at the back of the ambulance.
He click his tongue before the paramedics lift him up in ease onto the ambulance.
Oikawa on the other hand, chocolate-colored eyes darkens at the moment of Hajime's pained expression when he taken the bullet that strike his calf.
And the sorrowfulness of his face when he was about to hug you.
His staring directly at your self-hate state as if he was that main guy at a certain love story, but a fucked up one.
He wanted to comfort you so badly that he might forget you'll stab him by the back. He grit his teeth, his knuckles turning white at point of view of your being.
But first he had to make sure you will be torture to hell where you belong.
"Oikawa-senpai! Is everything is going to be alright?"
A turnip head guy pops out, eye'ing in concern at the ambulance where Iwaizumi resides in, left the scene. Tooru took a deep breath, as he face his youngest colleague with that well-covered smile.
"It's alright! There's no need to worry! Cause' He will have the greatest care in the hospital... For awhile I think"
"Oikawa-senpai... Your palms are bleeding"
Kunimi pointed out, staring boredly at the fresh wound that have his blood run down his fingers to his knuckles.
He hadn't realise in mad anger, he clawed his palm so bad at the thought of you gonna ruining Iwaizumi's life.
"Ahhh! My hand slipped in the strawberry jam! My bad hehe"
(;^ 3^)✌️even though it was rather darker than the sweet jam itself, Kunimi could tell it was a lie. He could tell the deep nail marks on his palm and blood mixing under his nails too.
"Uh... Okay I guess..." He pretend to buy it, much of Oikawa's satisfaction.
"Okay back to work! We need to investigate this piece of shit of a burning car!" He grin happily as he skipped towards the steaming car, not caring about the rain pouring down.
Hope you rot in hell Y/n dearest or else one touch on Iwa-chan and you are gone he thought with a deep frown thinking about you makes Oikawa sick upon his stomach but hopefully that one day, you'll be captured and rot in jail.
Or maybe suffer in death sentence because of the multiple crimes you make.
Hope you suffer He thought with sadistic grin.
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-End P. T 1-
That was not I expected, but judge all you want all because of the grammar I've been working is still under- construction and I've been using writing stuff like this because of a certain mental stability I've got... Not all that set aside. Thank y'all for reading don't forget to leave a heart or not because due to my ungrateful grammar that make you sick... I'm sorry about that and I apologies for being born... Is all
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 4 years
Kiss away the insecurities and pain
George x Reader
Requested? No, I just had this idea for a hot minute and needed some George fluff too
Summary - After Draco speaks down on your size, your head is full of the insecurities and your heart is full of the pain.
Trigger Warning - Plus size reader bullying, family abuse,
Your tears slipped down your face, sniffles leaving your lips softly. You were quite used to tears caused by Draco Malfoy, seeing as the pure blood considered you quite a disgrace. Your heart hurt at the thought of people seeing you like he said, especially your boyfriend, George.
You were bigger than most students at Hogwarts, your hips were what muggles called, child birthing hips, your thighs containing more stretch marks than you could count, let alone with both hands, and your tummy was quite the pillow for anyone you trusted to let rest their head on it.
For the most part, that spot was reserved for your amazing boyfriend, George, but you occasionally let your friends cuddle up with you, seeing as how they all commended you on your snuggling skills.
But, Malfoy had just cornered you, Crabbe and Goyle on each side, insulting you about as bad as your entire family did each time the school year ended and you were taken back to their grasps.
"As wide as an elephant." He laughed, looking back at Goyle. "Thighs bigger than the heads of our entire class." He perked in, satisfying the blonde. "I bet it takes three wands to lift her up in the air."
The words bounced in your head, shaking you to your core. The loudest of them all, being what Draco called out as you rushed out of the hallways, "Weasley's probably laughing at her every time she's gone. I bet Lee and Fred dared him to see how long he could last." The sharp words dug holes into your head, insecurities filling up every gap. There were many spaces filled to the brim with insecurities due to your family, but these were the first real ones you had with your relationship.
You had always been precautions with getting into any relationship, especially a romantic one. But George always reassured you that he was in this with you because of your personality, not because of your looks, but either way, he thought you were absolutely stunning. He loved your size, loved the idea of their being more of you to love. To kiss every inch of your skin, to love every ounce of your skin.
But, you hadn't ever considered this to be a dare. You knew Fred and George dared each other to do quite a bit of crazy things, but would they ever play with someone's feelings like this? They wouldn't do that to someone, would they?
No they wouldn't, what were you thinking?
Well...George only really ever dated skinny people before you. People who felt confident in wearing crop tops on warmer days, girls who's thighs together were the size of one of your own. George never dated anyone bigger before you...
That doesn't mean he's playing with me, or was dared to date me, no way.
Tears fell from your cheeks, the inner turmoil digging the insecurities further into your skull.
You weren't sure what time it was when your roommates walked into your room, but each of them had questions for you.
"Where were you? Where have you been?" Their voices were right out of your closed curtains. You kept your eyes shut, hoping they would consider you asleep. After a few more moments, they walked off, although you weren't sure if it was due to them believing you were sleeping, or just annoyed from your silence.
The next morning came, and you still stayed still in bed. You heard your friends come close to your bed, but walk off, moving down stairs to bed. Once you confirmed it was just yourself, you peeled off of your bed and slipped on some of your muggle sweatpants and a bigger sweater, one you purposely bought to be bigger so it could surround you. You silently moved out of your common room, down the hallways, and into the medical wing. Maybe you could convince Madam Pomfrey you were under the weather and give you an excuse to stay in bed.
She took one look at your face, sighed softly, and moved to hug you tightly. Your cheeks still red and puffy from all the tears shed, your eyelashes still damp from the way you fell asleep. Before you said a word, she guided you to a bed and handed you a mug. "It's hot cocoa. You can't stay for longer than today, but I'll tell your professors you're suck and staying in here with me." You were incredibly grateful for the woman, taking a sip of the warm liquid before curling into a ball on the bed.
You hoped George wouldn't hear anything of your recent wearabouts, but you knew your professors would question him about your illness, all of them knowing about your relationship status with the red head.
The hours ticked along, Pomfrey bringing you food, but for the most part, it sat on your bedside table, untouched. Right as you began to drift off to sleep once more, the doors slammed open, causing a bang to vibrate through the colder area. "Mr. Weasley's! What in earth are you doing?" Pomfrey immediately began scolding the two boys, glaring at them.
While you expected George, you still expected Fred, seeing as you had been best friends with them long before you and George began to date. You got them out of punishment your second year and they decided to keep you around. Fred had comforted you after small fights with George, laughed with you while his twin was stuck in the library, trying to understand a lesson he missed, or sat with you at dinner when George had his own detention.
"Madam Pomfrey, where is she? I haven't seen her in two days!" The voice of your boyfriend spoke to the older woman, trying to glance behind her to find your bed. "Mr. Weasley's, she can't have visitors right now, I'm sorry." She began to push them out, closing the doors behind them.
"She has to! I need to see her, we both do! Is she okay? What's wrong with her?" The two were finishing each other's sentences, trying to communicate to the older woman how badly they needed to see you. She glanced back at you, watching as you shook your head no quite quickly. Raising an eyebrow, she opened the doors once more, letting the two in. "Madam Pomfrey!" You groaned, turning over to your other side quickly.
This woman.
You heard their footsteps rush to your bed quickly, finding your covered bed quite quickly, seeing as you were the only one in here. "Your eyes squeezed shut, attempting to keep the tears from slipping from them once more, hoping they would believe you were asleep, even though you were talking moments ago.
"Hey love." George sat right on your bed, Fred taking the seat behind you. "How you feeling?" He asked softly, running his fingers through your hair softly. After a minute of unresponsiveness from you, he sighed softly. "We know you're awake." Fred's voice spoke this time, moving to stand, looking down at you.
You sighed, turning to look up at the two red heads, praying to whatever God was there that your face had calmed down from your last crying fit. But, alas, you were left to curse whoever was out there, seeing both of their faces scrunch up in confusion. "Are you okay love? Are you in pain? I thought Pomfrey would have given you something for pain." George mumbled, looking up to glare at the office, knowing she was in there.
"George, there isn't anything she can give me for this." You mumbled, looking away from them both.
"What on earth are you talking about? I thought the woman had a potion for everything." Fred said, moving to turn around to speak to the healer himself. You quickly grasped onto his wrist, keeping him still.
"I'm not sick, Fred. It was just Malfoy." You whispered, biting your lip at the admission. "What did the git do? Owl Lee, tell him to start grabbing some puking pasties." George spoke to his twin, hate already filling his eyes. "Love, it's nothing I haven't heard before." Your voice grew softer somehow, your heart hurting.
Both Fred and George knew about the abuse from your family, having comforted you many times as you sobbed into their chests. They both wished they could hex every person that spoke to you like that. George's arms quickly wrapped around your frame, pulling you to him, leaving space for Fred to sit on the bed himself. "What did he say?" Fred asked softly, hate filling his entire being.
"Just, normal stuff." You whispered, but felt George gruff at that. "No, what did he say, my love." George hating having to push this stuff from you, but also knew if you didn't speak it out, it would stay in your head for yourself to hear, over and over again.
"He, uh, he said I was the size of an elephant, that my thighs were bigger than everyone's heads in our class combined, that it takes" tears filled your eyes, slipping down your cheeks as you spoke the words into the air. "That it takes three wands to lift me up and uh." You paused, not wanting to admit to the two what was being said about your relationship, with either of them.
"Hey, come on, you can tell us." George's warm thumbs wiped the tears from your cheeks, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
You peered up at the boy, the boy you were madly in love with, and wanted to sob at the idea of having ever thought he would date you as a dare. He was the kindest, sweetest man you had ever met, besides his father, and you knew he loved you incredibly. You sighed, looking over at Fred, seeing him nod slightly, smiling at you.
"He, uh, he said that you were only dating me because Fred and Lee dared you to. That when I wasn't around, you guys probably laughed at the idea of me being with you." You whispered, finding yourself hating Draco about as much as you did your family. To put this kind of fear and insecurity about, not only yourself, but your relationship, had you disgusted.
Fred stood up abruptly, grabbing a spare parchment and pen from another side table, writing ferociously on it. "I'm going to bloody kill him. I'm going to kill him." George mumbled in your ear, holding onto you tighter. "George, I can't kiss you in Azkaban." You tried, hoping to see him crack a smile. "I'll take his place, they won't know the difference." Fred said, continuing to write on the paper. "Freddy, who's going to make me smile when George is in detention?" You hoped to get both of their attention once more, wanting to calm the twins down.
They began to speak to each other, planning what you assumed was the death of Draco Malfoy. "Fred Weasley, George Weasley." You interrupted, looking at the two. "While I want nothing more for a revenge to be set on the Malfoy, can we please just calm down for a second?" You whispered, looking at the boys. "I just want George cuddles and Fred jokes for a bit, please." Your heart hurt less with the honesty of your words to the boys, but your head looked down, hating having to ask for comfort.
Both the boys stilled, looking at you with regret and shamefulness. "Sorry." They both mumbled, George wrapping his arms around you tighter as Fred sat back in his seat. George pulled you into his lap, his hands running through your hair. "First off, you don't believe we'd ever do anything like that to you, do you?" His voice was shaky, afraid of you're response.
"Right after it happened, I was arguing with myself about it. My head was full of the insecurities, from Draco and my family, but my heart knew better. You two would never hurt me, especially not like that. Maybe an accidental prank, but that's the worse you two would ever do to me." You spoke, looking between the both of them. Fred smiled, nodding at you before George kissed you softly. "Secondly." Fred spoke, clearing his throat. "The last thing you should ever worry about is your size, y/n." He was soft spoken, a tone you only heard when he was serious.
"You're absolutely beautiful, incredibly smart, and so much more than your size of clothes. Draco Malfoy and your family are so incredibly insecure for trying to make you feel bad about yourself like that. So, so stupid." George kissed your head, attempting to calm himself down.
"I just, I hate the idea of people seeing me as nothing more than my size." You mumbled, looking up at the twins. "Y/n, you are so incredibly more than your size. Anyone who refuses to see that is nothing more than their stupidity." You smiled, laughing softly at them.
"Now, can we please go back to the common room to plan the sweet revenge on the twat?" Fred asked, George slowly standing the two of you up. You all walked to Pomfrey's office, thanking her for letting you stay for the day before you walked hand in hand with George.
You knew, no matter what was said about your size, Fred and George Weasley would always be there to make you smile, and George would always be there to kiss away the insecurities and pain.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma [After Story]
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ー The scene starts in the garden
Yui: ( One year has passed since Yuma-kun and I got married... )
( And now it’s time to harvest the vegetables we’ve been meticulously growing ever since. )
Nn...Just a...little more...!
( And right now, while Yuma-kun is letting me ride on his shoulder, I am in the middle of plucking them... )
( However, there’s just no way Yuma-kun - being the bully he is - would let me harvest them in peace... )
Yuma: Come on, ya gotta extend yer arms some more, Sow!
Yui: Easy for you to say...!
You’re the one shaking me around...! I can’t get a good grip...!
Yuma: Aahn? It’s shakin’?
Yui: I-It is...!
Yuma: How so?
Yui: How, you ask...? Kyah!
Yuma: Oi, oi. Don’t want any misunderstandings, do ya?
I’m not the one to blame, ya end up swayin’ from left to right ‘cause you’re too damn heavy.
It’s ‘cause ya haven’t been looking after yer own physique, right? Not my fault.
This is what they’d call ‘ya reap what ya sow’.
Yui: A-Am I that heavy?
( I thought I was around average, so it’s somewhat of a shocker if I actually am on the heavy side... )
Yuma: Aah, so heavy! If I continue havin’ to carry ya like this, Imma bust my shoulder.
Yui: Eeh!? It’s that bad!? 
( ...Uu, I seriously have to go on a diet then...! )
Yuma: ーー As if, there’s just no way.
Yui: ...!? You were lying just now!? You meanie!
Yuma: Aah? Who ya callin’ a meanie?
Yui: B-But...! I was about to fall into a depression for real...!
Yuma: Haah? Why? Aah, ‘cause I called ya a fattie?
Haha! That was obviously a joke?
Do I really look like the type of guy who would struggle carryin’ ‘round a skinny chick like ya on my shoulder?
Oi, what’s yer answer? Come on!
Yui: W-Wah...!
Yuma: Come on, what’s wrong, Sow? I’m askin’ for yer answer, aren’t I?
Yui: L-Like I said! Stop shaking me like that!
Yuma: That’s not an answer to my question. If ya won’t listen to me, guess I’ll have to punish ya then.
Yui: Kyah! A-Aaaah, it’s dangerous!
Yuma: Hah! What? Pissin’ yer pants or somethin’?
This is kinda fun, makes me want to shake ya ‘round even more...There!
Yui: Wah! I-It’s scary when I’m up high like this!
Yuma: Hm? Scary?
Do ya have a fear of heights or somethin’?
Yui: I-I don’t but...
( T-Thank god...He stopped moving around... )
Yuma: Damn, ya gave me a scare for nothin’...
For one, you’re to blame for not gettin’ on with it.
Come on, don’t be such a slowpoke!
We’re runnin’ out of time! I have a busy schedule!
Yui: Even if you say that...!
Do you want to let me harvest these vegetables or notーー
Which one is it, honestly?
Yuma: Are ya stupid?
Why do ya think I’m carryin’ ya, if I wouldn’t let ya help me with the harvest?
Ya don’t understand why I’m goin’ out of my way to lift ya into the air like this?
Yui: W-Well...I think it’s so I can pluck the vegetables.
( I want to believe that’s the case...But! )
Yuma: Then get those hands movin’!
Or what? Are ya doin’ this on purpose ‘cause ya wanna get punished?
Yui: That’s not it!
Yuma: Then get on with it! Geez, ya start cryin’ ‘round like a baby just ‘cause of some minor shakin’...
Come on, those ones on top look pretty good, huh? Hurry up and grab them!
Yui: Ah! Like I said, it’s dangerous!
Yuma: Hehehe! Yer voice is quaverin’, Yui!
Yui: I-I’m gonna fall...!
Besides, if you keep on messing around like this, I don’t think we’ll ever finish the task at hand...!
Yuma: Aahn? You’re gonna start lecturin’ me...?
Yui: I-It’s not about...lecturing you...! Kyaah!!
Yuma: Idiot. Ya really think I’d drop ya?
Look at that dumb expression on yer face. Who do ya think I am?
No matter what stupid things I may do on a daily basis, I wouldn’t let ya get hurt.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: I’m shakin’ ya ‘round ‘cause you’re too damn slow...
In other words, a punishment...Wait, no.
It’s tough love! (1)
Yui: Kyaah!
( I figured he’d stop but Yuma-kun’s really having a blast...! )
( I don’t want this ‘tough love’... )
Yuma: Come on! Pick them already, Sow!
Yui: Kyah...!
( Yuma-kun really always seems to enjoy himself whenever he’s teasing me. )
( But...I won’t lose. )
( If I give in here, we’ll never get anywhere...! )
( I have to...stretch my arm all the way... )
( Okay...! I got it...There! )
Yui: Kyaah! G-Geez! Yuma-kun! Ah...Watch...out!
Yuma: Haha, you’re makin’ these really funny sounds.
Yui: Say, if you do this, we really won’t get this done, you know?
We have to properly pluck these in time for the harvest festival...
Yuma: Aah? You’re the one who brought that up though?
Yui: T-That’s true but...
( We managed to get this many delicious, ripe vegetables just in time for harvest season. )
( So I brought up the idea of holding a celebration. )
( Speaking of which, I feel like Yuma-kun was never truly on board with it... )
ー A flashback ensues
Yui: You know, these vegetables from our garden really are delicious.
Yuma: They sure are.
Yui: Say, why don’t we do something with these?
Yuma: Haah? What do ya have in mind then?
Yui: Hm...For example...Why don’t we hold a harvest festival like they do abroad?
Yuma: Harvest festival?
Why do we have to do that shit?
Yui: Look, we could turn it into a garden party and have a meal together with everyone outside...
I’m sure the vegetables we eat every day will taste even better than usual.
Yuma: Ya think so?
Yui: Of course! I’m sure it’ll be fun!
Yuma: But we’re eatin’ these veggies every day, right? What’s the point in doin’ this now?
Yui: ( Uu, seems like Yuma-kun isn’t too stoked about my idea... )
But you spent so much time and effort into growing them, so I just wanted to think of a way to enjoy them even more...
Yuma: ...
Yui: Please, Yuma-kun? Let’s harvest a bunch of vegetables and hold a party?
Yuma: ...
Yui: ...No?
Yuma: ...Che. Guess ya leave me with no other choice.
If ya want to do it that badly, I’ll tag along.
Yui: Really!?
Yuma: In return, you’re gonna be the one doin’ most of the work. That’s my condition.
Yui: Hooray! I’m so happy...Thank you, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Haah...I always go way too easy on ya.
I can’t be like this...Gotta be more strict...
Soon, she’ll play me like a fiddle...!
She may be the chick I fell head over heels for, I’m not gonna let her use me as her loyal lil’ servant...I gotta think of some sort of plan...
Yui: ...
( I managed to convince him somehow, I guess? )
( Okay, I’ll try my best on the preparations for harvest season! )
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( He gave me green light back then, but it’s Yuma-kun we’re talking about, so he might be sick of it already... )
Yuma: Whatcha spacin’ out for? Come on!
Yui: Kyaah!?
Yuma: Woah there!
Yui: I-It’s dangerous...You just gave me a heart attack...!
Yuma: See? I caught ya so ya wouldn’t fall, didn’t I?
Even if I spook ya a lil’, I would never put ya through pain. 
Yui: You big dummy...! I was really scared...!
Yuma: Who ya callin’ a dummy, Sow? Ya can’t trust me or somethin’?
Yui: Kyah! Y-Yuma-kun...?
Yuma: This is what I do...to cheeky women like ya!
ー Yuma bites her
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Nn...
Yui: Ah...
( Geez, Yuma-kun, he suddenly bit my neck...! )
Yuma: Don’t be fightin’ back...! Nn...
Yui: ...Nn...!
Yuma: Nn...!
...Per usual...Your blood’s...Nn...
The sweetest thing ever...Surpassin’ even Sugar-chan...Nn...
Yui: ...Geez...Oh you...~
Yuma: You’re at fault. For having...such delicious blood.
Haah...It’s hella delicious...Nn...Kuh...!
When I drink yer blood, I feel like I’ll let everythin’ else slide, it’s kinda odd.
I might have seriously fallen head over heels for yer blood...Haha!
Yui: Only my blood...?
Yuma: ...Aahn?
Yui: You only like my blood...? How about me as a person...?
Yuma Fool.
Whatcha soundin’ so miserable for?
Yui: W-Well...
Yuma: Whatcha sayin’ at this point? Ya really are a fool.
Yui: H-How could you!
Yuma: Listen to me. ...Yer blood is definitely delicious.
But if that was the only thing, ya really think I would have gone through the trouble of marryin’ ya?
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Che. Geez, I really have to spell everythin’ out for ya, don’t I...?
Or maybe this is enough to satisfy ya? Aah?
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Nn...
Yui: Nn...!
Yuma: ...Geez...
I...love ya.
Didn’t I say that I’m head over heels for ya?
Yet that’s not enough for ya, huh? You’re so greedy.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Che. You’re makin’ me say all the embarrassin’ shit. ...Fuck.
For now, lemme suck yer blood...!
Yui: K-Kyah...! Hold up, Yuma-kun!
ー The scene shifts to the shopping mall
Yuma: ...Say, there’s still more stuff to buy...?
Yui: Yeah. There’s still some daily necessities we’re running low on...
Yuma: Ahー Fuck! This damn crowd is drivin’ me mad!
Yui: It’s a holiday, so it’s more crowded than usual, isn’t it?
Yuma: Ya really should have just come by yerself.
Yui: But I can’t carry all of this stuff by myself...
Yuma: Hooh? So ya always intended to bring me along just to carry yer bags, huh?
Yui: I’m pretty sure I was honest about that when I invited you along...
Yuma: Yeah. I tagged along ‘cause I felt like I had no other choice after ya came cryin’ to me like that.
Yui: I-I wasn’t crying...!
( I also asked him because I enjoy going out shopping with Yuma-kun though... )
Yuma: Ya didn’t speak a word of this crowd tho!
Ah-ah, if I had known this, I would have much rather taken a nice nap at home.
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...What? Don’t go quiet on me.
Yui: ...But...I didn’t think you’d dislike it this much...
I’m sorry, Yuma-kun...
Yuma: ...Oi, don’t look like you’re ‘bout to cry.
I don’t hate it that much.
If I did, I wouldn’t have come.
Yui: ...Really!? Thank god...!
Then, can we go look at some clothes after getting the daily necessities?
Yuma: ...Excuse me? Ya sure change yer mood from one second to another...
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Ya were in tears just now! Where did those go?
Yui: But you said you don’t dislike this, right?
ー She holds onto his arm
Yui: I’m happy to be able to head out together and shop like this!
Yuma: ...Che. You’re a wicked woman.
Yui: Eh? How so?
Yuma: Oh well, whatever. But only use yer charms on me, ‘kay?
Come on, let’s go!
Yui: Kyah! You walk way too fast!
Yui: Ah, look! There’s so many delicious-looking fruits...!
Yuma: Ahー? We’re growin’ these at home so we don’t need them, right?
Yui: But there’s ones we’re not growing as well. We should buy different ones every now and then...
Yuma: Like I said, we don’t need them...
Yui: But...
Yuma: Are ya even listenin’!? If there’s a kind ya wanna eat, just tell me!
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: If ya want it, I’ll grow it!
Well, I can’t do it overnight ‘course.
But I’ll make sure they will be ripe and ready to be eaten by next year.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Why are ya in tears again?
Yui: B-Because...!
Yuma: If ya actually start cryin’, I’m leavin’ ya behind, got it?
Yui: Eh? W-Wait! Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Che. Don’t go ‘bout shoutin’ like that!
Azusa: Huh...? Yui-san? And...Yuma as well.
Kou: Seems like the two of you are being lovey-dovey per usual~
Yui: Huh? You guys! What brings you all here? Out shopping?
Kou: Yeah, exactly. But the two of you really are close both at home and outside, huh? It’s almost making me jealous.
Ruki: Don’t stand out too much in public.
Kou: You tell them!
Yui: ...Uu, sorry...
Yuma: The fuck? Ya guys appear out of nowhere and you’re already callin’ us out?
Kou: Don’t you think you two are to blame for flirting out in the open like that?
Yuma: Fuck off! That’s our business, isn’t it?
We’re a married couple and she’s my woman.
I obviously gotta keep her close so some weird fucker doesn’t set his sights on her.
ー Yuma wraps his arm around her
Yui: Kyah!?
Yuma: Come on, let’s go, Sow!
Yui: Y-Yeah!
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...What? You’ve been quiet this whole time.
Yui: Yeah...Ruki-kun and the others saw us earlier...
Yuma: Ahn?
Yui: It never bothered me up till then, but I suddenly grew embarrassed.
Yuma: Ah? What do ya mean, embarrassed?
What’s so embarrassin’ ‘bout bein’ seen together with me?
Yui: N-No. That’s not what I meant...
It was the first time they all saw us together outside, so I suddenly grew very self-conscious.
Yuma: You’re the one who clung onto me, right? It’s yer own fault.
Yui: That’s...true but...
Yuma: It’s not like we did somethin’ naughty in front of them, so don’t let it bother ya.
Yui: W-Well of course we didn’t!
( Who would do that in public...!? )
Yuma: Hmm?
Yui: W-What?
Yuma: I see.
Yui: Honestly, what?
Yuma: Next time ya give me that kinda cheeky attitude, I should just knock ya out with a single kiss, huh?
Yui: Eh!?
Yuma: It’s fun to see ya cry ‘bout as well, but I guess I should just do this when I want to shut ya up real quick?
Yui: W-W-Wait, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: ...What?
Yui: Y-You can’t? L-Like...kissing and stuff...Out in public...
Yuma: I won’t if ya behave. Yer fate is in yer own hands!
Yui: Eeh!?
Yuma: Well, ya better be careful!
Yui: ( Uu...! I will... )
ー The scene shifts to the garden at night
Yuma: ...They still won’t bloom, huh?
Honestly...What has gotten into me...?
Why am I puttin’ so much effort into growin’ these...?
Do I blame it on her? Or am I doing it for her...?
This doesn’t suit me tho...
But she was super happy with them the other time.
And she looked rather pretty when I put it into her hair...
It marked...the first step of our relationship after all.
I guess I can’t do much wrong by tryin’ to please her...
For one, it’s out of character for me to even worry ‘bout something like a wedding anniversary.
I guess this shows that love makes a guy go weak...
These roses are different from the ones I grew in memory of my comrades back then...
I grew these with her in mind...
I won’t give up, even if they won’t bloom.
I’ll keep lookin’ after them till they grow beautiful flowers...
...Che, I’m really not actin’ like myself...
Makes me laugh...
I can’t let her see me like this.
I hope they’ll bloom in time for the anniversary.
Or rather, I’ll make sure of it!
ー The scene shifts to the dining hall
Yui: Say, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: Things are gonna get busy today!
Yuma: ...Why?
Yui: Did you forget already? Today is the harvest festival! I have to prepare for the party.
Yuma: Aah, that’s today?
Yui: I told you several times yesterday! How come you’re so out of it?
Is it because...you don’t want to celebrate the harvest festival?
Yuma: ...Not really, honestly.
Yui: ...
( I wonder what’s wrong with him? He’s been like this for a few days... )
Yuma: ...Aahn? Why are ya lookin’ at me with that weird look on yer face?
Got a problem with my behavior or somethin’?
Yui: No, I don’t but...
Ah, right.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: I’m gonna start cooking now, so you lend me a hand too, okay?
Yuma: A hand?
I told ya that you’re gonna do most of the work for this festival, right?
Yui: Of course, I’ll give it my best shot as well. But it’d be a great help if you could at least assist me a little...
I can’t rely on you for help?
I’m sure you would be such an amazing help though...
Yuma: Che, ya always give me that crap. I don’t mind tho.
Yui: Hooray! Let’s start preparing the food right away then.
I’ll leave setting up the table outside up to you!
Yuma: Roger...
...Geez, first she butters up to ya and then starts orderin’ ya around like a slave...
Yui: ...Hm? Did you say something?
Yuma: No? Nothing?
Yui: Really? Okay then...
Well then, I gotta give it my best shot! I have to make sure it’s extra delicious today!
ー Yui walks to the kitchen
Yuma: Geez...Look at her bein’ all excited.
I shouldn’t have agreed to lettin’ her organize this garden party so easily.
Why do I have to help my own wife prepare food for some other guys?
I fucked up...
Yui: Hm? Did you say something?
Yuma: Nothin’! ...Ya sure have some sharp ears...
Yui: Ah! You were talking bad behind my back just now, weren’t you!?
Yuma: ...I wasn’t! Geez...
Yui: Really?
Yuma: Like I said, have some faith in me.
Yui: ( I do trust him but...He definitely said something just now, didn’t he? )
Yuma: You’re gonna make a real feast, right? Hurry up and get started on the food!
Yui: Yeah! Look forward to it, okay?
ー The scene shifts to the kitchen
Yui: Phew...Guess this is the best I can do...
Yuma: I’m all done. Woah! Looks good!
Yui: Really? I’m glad! Thank you for helping me, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Yeah. Should I carry these?
Yui: Yeah. I’d appreciate it if you could take all finished dishes with you.
Yuma: Roger.
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Yuma: Oh? Ya guys are already here?
Azusa: Because it’s already...the designated time...
Kou: Wooow~ M-neko-chan’s homemade cooking looks delicious!
Azusa: I’ve gotten...kinda hungry...
Ruki: The meals she makes aren’t half bad for livestock.
Yuma: Hah! Right?
My Sow is well-trained after all!
Kou: And what are you so proud about...?
Ruki: Good grief, how shameless...
Azusa: You’ve become a total softie when it comes to her, haven’t you, Yuma...?
Yuma: Hah! What’s the problem with bragging ‘bout what belongs to me?
Kou: How many times do I have to tell you to stop subconsciously going into ‘loving husband’ mode!?
Yuma: I’m not doin’ that!
Anyway, what is she up to? She’s still not done?
She really is such a slowpoke...
ー The scene shifts back to the kitchen
Yui: Nn...There we go.
This wraps up the final dish...I guess?
What should I do? I’d love to sprinkle some herbs on top of the meat but...
I don’t think we’re growing any in our own garden?
I’ll go take a look.
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Yui: Hm...?
( There’s an enclosure I haven’t seen before...? )
I wonder what it’s for...?
Yuma: Hm...? Why is she there!?
ー Yuma rushes over to her
Yuma: Oi! Yui!!
Yui: Eh? Kyah...!
Yuma: What are ya doing here!?
Yui: Hey, you’re hurting me, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: I’m askin’ ya a question!
Yui: I wanted to sprinkle some herbs on top of the meat of the main dish...
Yuma: Herbs?
Yui: Then I found this unfamiliar enclosure...So I was wondering what it could be for...
See, over theーー Ow!
You’re hurting my arm, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Ya...can’t look at that.
Look away! Geez. I really can’t lower my guard for one second ‘round ya...!
Yui: ( Lower his guard...What does he mean? )
Say, what has gotten into you all of a sudden?
Yuma: Ah? ...Nothin’, really.
That’s just none of yer business.
Yui: W-What...?
I was just curious. Why do you have to get so mad?
Yuma: Fuck off! It’s none of yer damn business! ーー That’s all.
Anyway, stay away from it. Understood?
Yui: Yeah...But you could always tell me...
Yuma: Shut up!
Yuma: Just get goin’ and join those guys already!
All ya have to do is shut yer damn mouth and listen to me!
Yui: I know, I will. You don’t need to shout at me like that...
Yuma: Scram!
Yui: ...!
ー Yui walks away
Yuma: ...Che!
I didn’t think she’d come here...
I started panickin’ and accidentally lashed out at her...!
Yui, she seemed frightened...
...Fuck...I don’t want to make her cry or anythin’ tho...
Why can I never be honest...?
Kou: Nnー! This is deliciousー!
Yuma: Oi, stop chowin’ down ya guys! I’m fuckin’ starvin’ too!
Kou: The same goes for us though? Right, Azusa-kun~?
Azusa: Yeah, I’m hungry too...I came here with an empty stomach because I was looking forward to Yui-san’s cooking...
Ruki: You are all being way too gluttonous. It’s a disgrace...
Yui: There’s still plenty left, so you don’t have to eat that quickly, you know...?
Kou: Really? Then keep it coming!
Azusa: I still have plenty of space in my tummy...
Yui: You’ll have some more as well, Yuma-kun?
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( ...Seems like he’s upset after all. )
( He has never given me the silent treatment like this... )
( I must have done something truly upsetting... )
Yuma: ...
...Haah, I’m goin’ to the restroom.
ー Yuma walks away
Yui: ( So he really is mad at me for what I did... )
( What should I do...? )
Kou: Sayー Aren’t the two of them acting kind of off?
Ruki: They are...
Azusa: It’s odd...
Kou: I wonder what happened?
Kou: Phew~ I’m stuffed! Thank you for the feast! It was delicious!
Yui: Fufu, I’m glad to hear that. Thank you guys for joining us today as well.
Kou: Yeah!
Yuma: ...
Azusa: The food was extremely delicious.
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun.
Ruki: See you.
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Phew...
( Yuma-kun’s mood remained sour the whole time after that... )
( That was never my intention...It should have been so much more fun of a day... )
( ーー Why did things have to turn out like this? )
( Yuma-kun retreated back into his room right away... )
I feel a little...lonely.
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ( A few days have passed since but...Yuma-kun’s mood just won’t improve. )
( He won’t shout at me, but he barely talks to me either. )
( It’s obvious he seems to be avoiding me... )
( What should I do...? )
*Ding dong*
Yui: ( Huh? A visitor...? )
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Reinhart: Hello.
Yui: Oh? Reinhart-sensei? Hello.
Reinhart: Hey, it’s been a while.
Yui: What brings you here today?
Reinhart: Yeah, I’ve got a little something to discuss with Ruki-kun.
Yui: I see... Ah, please come in. (2) I’ll go call Ruki-kun right away.
Reinhart: Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.
Yui: It’s nothing...
ー Yuma enters the manor
Yui: Ah, Yuma-kun, welcome back. Reinhart-sensei is visiting us right now...
Yuma: ...Heeh.
Yui: Uhm, I’m going to set some tea so would you care for a cup as well?
Yuma: ...Nah.
Yui: ...Really?
Yuma: Yeah.
ー Yuma leaves
Yui: Ah, I’ll go make the tea then.
Reinhart: Thank you.
Yui: ( ...Yuma-kun’s mood really won’t get better. )
( Furthermore, that attitude...Sensei might think of us weirdly now. )
( Sensei was there to witness our wedding vows, so I wouldn’t want to make him worry. )
( What should I do...? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kou: Ah! Sensei’s actually here! Hello~ 
Reinhart: Seems like you’re doing well too, Kou-kun. Hello.
I ran into Yuma-kun earlier and...Did something happen between the two of them? The mood seemed somewhat tense.
Ruki: Right...
Kou: It’s been like that for days now. As fellow members of this household, it’s become kind of awkward for us as well, right?
Azusa: ...Exactly...
Yui: Sorry for the wait.
Reinhart: Ah, thank you.
Yui: You guys can have some as well if you’d like.
Kou: Thank you, M-neko-chan~
Ruki: I shall have a sip then.
Azusa: Thanks...Eve...
Reinhart: Smells wonderful. Is this a herbal tea?
Yui: Ah, yes. It’s made with the herbs we grow in our garden.
Reinhart: Heeh, you’re growing them yourself?
Yui: Rather than alone, I do it together with Yuma-kun.
Reinhart: Right, about the two of you.
Yui: ...Yes?
Reinhart: Things seemed a little awkward. What happened exactly?
Yui: ...Well...
( So he did notice after all... )
( But I’m not sure how to explain this... )
Things aren’t going so well...
Everyone: ...
Reinhart: Well, I’m sure being together every day comes with its up and downs but...
Since you married out of mutual love, I hope the two of you can talk it out soon.
Yui: ...Yes.
Reinhart: You know, I witnessed the two of you getting married, so I can’t help but be a little worried.
I know I might be sticking my nose into someone else’s business by saying this but...Are you okay?
Yui: ( Sensei’s worried about us... )
( I’m sure Ruki-kun and the others are as well... )
Reinhart: Yes?
Yui: I’ll try my best to make up.
So...We’re okay.
Reinhart: ...I see.
However, don’t push yourself, okay? When you feel like you’re at the end of your devices, make sure to rely on the people around you, okay?
Yui: Yes...Thank you very much.
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Haah...
( I told everyone we would talk things out but... )
( In the end, we still haven’t had a proper conversation... )
( It’s almost our one-year wedding anniversary, yet things are still awkward between us. )
( What should I do...? )
( I know that I tried to approach something Yuma-kun wants to keep hidden back then. )
( But if I apologize without knowing why he got so upset exactly, he might only grow even more angry with me... )
( I hope the two of us can have a good talk... )
I wonder how we can make up...?
Yui: ...It’s finally our wedding anniversary...
( I would have liked to have talked things out with Yuma-kun by today... )
He was so very upset back then...
( However, he wouldn’t become aggressive towards me without a reason. )
( There was definitely some sort of reason behind his anger. )
I wonder if he has forgotten that it’s our wedding anniversary today?
( Even if he has, this is an important day to me. I do want to talk things out. )
( I have to talk to him...! )
( I don’t want this misunderstanding to last forever...! )
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Yui: ( I’ll go see him...! )
Yui: ...Kyah!
Yuma: ...Yui?
Yui: Yuma-kun!?
Perfect timing...I was just about to drop by your room.
You see...I want to talk to you and make up...
Yuma: ...The fuck?
Ya really are...!
Yui: Eh...?
Yuma: Che...! Whatever, just follow me for a sec!
Yui: Kyah!? Y-Yuma-kun? W-Wait...!?
ー Yuma tugs her along as they move to the garden
Yui: ( This is where we fought on the day of the garden party... )
( I’m sure there’s something here which he doesn’t want me to get close to... )
( ...Even though I didn’t know, I should apologize for upsetting him. )
Yuma: Yui. Can ya listen to me first?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Yuma: Ahー... Ya see...
Yui: Mmh.
Yuma: ‘Bout the other day...
Yui: Yeah...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( Yuma-kun...? )
Yuma: Well, it’s that...
Yui: ...I’m listening?
Yuma: ...I know that much!
Yui: ( I wonder what has gotten into him? Unlike usual, he seems to be having a hard time expressing himself... )
Yuma: Oi, Yui!
Yui: ーー Y-Yes!
Yuma: ...I’m sorry for what happened the other day.
Yui: ...Eh?
Yuma: ‘Eh?’, my ass!
Knowin’ ya, I’m pretty sure that...Ya haven’t looked ‘cause I told ya not to, right?
At the...flowers from the other day.
Yui: Flowers...?
Yuma: So ya really haven’t looked.
Yui: Which flowers are you talking about?
Yuma: I lashed out at ya the other day, right? ‘Cause ya approached this place.
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: I didn’t actually mean to get that upset.
But ya were suddenly standin’ here, I got completely thrown off.
Then I panicked and took it out on ya. ...I really do feel bad.
Yui: D-Don’t say that...! It was the first time seeing you so mad for me as well...
I figured I must have done something horrible, so I was going to apologize as well.
...I’m sorry too.
Yuma: Idiot, you’ve got nothin’ to say sorry for. ...I won’t suddenly shout at ya like that from here on out.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: Take a look. I just wanted to keep the fact I was growin’ these a secret.
Yui: These are...Roses...!
Wah...Amazing! They’ve bloomed beautifully...
Yuma: Back then they hadn’t bloomed yet...So that’s why I panicked.
But I somehow got them to bloom in time for today.
Yui: Eh? In time...?
Yuma: ...Say, Yui. Do ya remember the wedding ceremony we held here one year ago?
Yui: I do. I could never forget.
( Yuma-kun gave me such a wonderful memory back then... )
( I could never forget about such a lovely day... )
Today is a special day to me as well. That’s why I’ve been looking forward to it this whole time.
Yuma: Heeh?
Yui: That’s why I was on my way to meet you, because I definitely wanted to make things up to you today.
That’s when I coincidentally ran into you.
Yuma: I see. Guess ya were lookin’ forward to it in yer own way as well.
Yui: ...? What do you mean?
Yuma: Listen up.
I proposed to ya last year, right?
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: Back then, I vowed to only ever love ya, forever.
That feeling hasn’t changed to this day.
Yui: Yes...
Yuma: So...
It was a rocky road but, I chose ya and ya chose me.
Yui: Mmh...
Yuma: But I’m not very smooth.
So there’s times where I can’t always treat ya with care.
And I might take things out on ya like the other day.
...But even so.
My feelings towards ya are the only thing which won’t ever change.
...Even after one year, they’re still the same.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: If anything...
Rather than changin’, I treasure ya even more than I did back then.
Yui: ...
Yuma: Che, this shit really is embarrassin’...
Yui: Yuma-kun...
( He’s a little awkward, but despite that, he’s still expressing himself... )
Yuma: Well, I do love ya properly.
It’s our anniversary, so I figured I should tell ya that.
Yui: I feel the same way, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: I love you too.
Yuma: ...Whatcha sayin’ all of a sudden?
I know that already!
Yui: Fufu, but you gave me such a wonderful love confession. I want to return the favor as well.
However...I really can’t believe one year has gone by already.
Back then ーー I felt so happy when you made that vow to me.
Yuma: ...I only stated the truth, that’s all.
Yui: But you usually wouldn’t say those things, right?
Yuma: ‘Course not! Why would I have to proclaim my love to ya 24/7?
Yui: Maybe not 24/7, but I still feel happy when you do.
Yuma: Happy, huh?
Yui: Also back then, I was happy to receive the rose you had so carefully grown.
Yuma: That was...
Yui: You gave me the rose you had grown for the special people in your life.
So I felt as if I had become someone special to you as well...
Yuma: ...You...
Say, Yui.
Yui: Yes?
Yuma: I did raise that rose for Boss and the others but...
These are different...
I grew this one from scratch, with ya in mind.
Yui: Me...?
Yuma: Well, it’s still a rose of course. And both roses are special to me in their own right.
...But ya know.
But I wanted to give ya a rose, which was grown for yer sake.
This might just be my own self-satisfaction showin’ again tho.
How do I put it? I wanted to put my ‘feelings’ (3) in there...
So when ya nearly saw them before they bloomed...
I felt as if they wouldn’t properly convey my feelings so...
Yui: I see...
Yuma: ...It’s bullshit, huh? And there was really no point in fightin’ with ya over somethin’ like that.
Yui: It isn’t ridiculous...
( He’s properly conveying to me his thoughts in his own words. )
( Not a single one of those is pointless. )
Yuma: Well, I guess I wanted to make a distinction for myself.
Also, there’s actually one more reason why I grew these roses.
Yui: And that is?
Yuma: ...It’d be too out-of-character so I’m not tellin’ ya.
Yui: Eeh~? You already hinted at it, so I’d love to hear the rest now though...
Yuma: ...Geez, stop lookin’ at me with those puppy eyes (4)! Ya know I’m weak to those suckers!
Yui: Eh? Sorry...
( That wasn’t my intention... )
Yuma: Then, I’ll only say it once.
Yui: Yeah.
Yuma: I put a rose in yer hair last year, remember?
Back then, ya looked a lil’ different than what I expected...
Yui: What did you expect then?
Yuma: ーー For some reason, ya looked hella stunnin’ back then.
So I wanted to put one in there again, I guess...
It’s a really shallow reason. I just wanted to...see ya with a rose in yer hair again.
Yui: Yuma-kun...
Yuma: So!
This rose I grow with ya in mind...
I’ll put it on ya again.
Yui: W-Wait! Yuma-kun.
Yuma: ...What?
Yui: You worked so hard growing those roses...It’d be a waste.
Yuma: It’s fine. These are for ya.
Yui: But...
Yuma: If ya really think it’s such a waste, we can just grow some new ones again.
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Next year and the year after all, forever. As long as ya want the roses I grow...
I’ll raise them for ya, year after year.
Right...In that case, I might as well raise 999 roses at some pointーー
Then turn them into a rose bouquet for ya.
Yui: ...Fufu, I doubt I’d be able to carry that in my arms.
( However, I’m not happy just to receive roses... )
( The fact he’s giving me these flowers he grew with me in mind, is what makes me so happy... )
Thank you, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: ...Yeah.
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Yuma: Say, Yui.
Stay by my side another year.
Then next year, lemme vow to ya again. That I love ya...
Next year I won’t just stick to one, but grow lots for ya.
Yuma: Yui, I love ya...
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Yuma: Better brace yerself for next year, ‘kay...? Nn...
Yui: ...!
Yuma: Ya will be my woman forever. Understood...?
Yui: Yeah...! We’ve made up now, right...?
Yuma: Yeah...We have.
Yui: If we can make up like this, then perhaps having a fight every once in a while isn’t too bad.
Yuma: Don’t be silly.
I seriously don’t want any fights.
Honestly, I thought I was gonna go fuckin’ bald from thinkin’ of a good way to apologize to ya...
Yui: You had such a hard time deciding? You did?
Yuma: I did! ‘Cause I definitely didn’t want ya to hate me.
Yui: Fufu...I don’t want to quarrel with you either.
Yuma: Good to know ya understand...Nn...
Yui: Geez...Yuma-kun...Nn...
There’s no end...!
Yuma: Oh right. The harvest festival ya were lookin’ forward to so much kind of ended up being anticlimactic as well.
Yui: Yeah, but everyone enjoyed it...
Yuma: Next year we definitely won’t fight.
Even if we do, we’ll make up right away.
We just have to honestly apologize to each other.
Yui: Yes.
Yuma: So...
Let’s hold an even bigger party next time!
We’ll make so much food, even Kou will be stuffed to the point he can’t take another bite...
Yui: Yeah, we will. I’ll cook even bigger of a feast next time!
Also, want to try inviting someone over? The more, the merrier!
Yuma: Who would ya invite then? We barely have any acquaintances, do we?
Yui: How about Reinhart-sensei? He did seem worried about us after all.
Yuma: Well, he was pretty much our Priest too. I wouldn’t mind inviting him.
Yui: Gosh, Yuma-kun. Don’t put it like that.
Yuma: In that case, I wouldn’t mind addin’ one more into the mix by next year. A family member.
Yui: Eh?
D-Do you mean...!?
Yuma: You’re the one who said the more, the merrier, right?
If that’s what ya wish, I wouldn’t mind helpin’ out a lil’?
Yui: Geez...
( However, that might not be a bad idea... )
( Expand our little family by next year...Invite a bunch of people over... )
( And all have a feast together. )
( I’m sure...it’ll be a blast. )
Yuma: Well, either way, as long as you’re here with me, I’m enjoying myself, and feel happy.
Don’t ya dare forget that. ーー Never.
Yui: ...Yeah!
ーー THE END ーー 
Translation notes
(1) In Japanese, the term is 愛の鞭 or ‘ai no muchi’ which literally means ‘the whip of love’. 
(2) When inviting someone inside your house, you can use the verb 上がる or ‘agaru’ which literally means ‘to go up’ or ‘to ascend’. Most Japanese houses have a little step at the entrance hall to indicate, hence why they use said verb. 
(3) When 想い or ‘omoi’ is written with said particular kanji, it doesn’t just refer to ‘thoughts’, but to ‘feelings’ (often in the romantic sense of the word) as well.
(4) Literally he says she’s looking at him with ‘upturned eyes’. 
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