#like for real I have to knock this shit off
nastybuckybarnes · 3 days
Cling to me
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: You overhear something you weren’t meant to hear. 
Warnings: Angst, Language, Fluff, 
Word Count: 2.1k
A/n: wrote this one a year ago teehee but I LOVE this kinda shit I live for it. hope y’all enjoy 
“So things are going well, then?”
You shouldn’t be eavesdropping, you really shouldn’t. It was an accident.
You had approached the bathroom door to ask Steve for a towel, not wanting to drip water all over the carpeted hallway, when you heard him and Bucky talking.
The bathroom fan is on, drowning out the sound of you stepping closer to the wood.
“Well, yeah, I guess so. I mean... I guess.”
You frown.
You thought things were going great.
“What? What’s wrong?”
Steve lets out a heavy sigh and glances at the bathroom door then slightly lowers his voice, but you can still hear him clearly.
“She just... she’s real needy, Buck. She’s physically clingy, always sitting by me or on me and holding my hand and stuff... and she never leaves me alone when I’m out on assignments. I’m just... I need some space.”
Your heart stumbles in your chest for a moment before beating twice as hard, each beat smashing against pins and needles and sending pain radiating through your chest.
Too needy.
Steve thinks you’re too needy.
This is how it started with Jeremy.
You were too clingy.
Slowly, you back away from the bathroom door and slide down the wall, shivering at the wet droplets clinging to your skin, then put your face in your hands.
Steve won’t be like Jeremy. He can’t.
Everything will be fine, you just need to give him space.
You can almost hear Jeremy’s voice in your head, whispering words that he’d repeat when you were with him. But maybe he was right.
Just because you like being physical and spending time with him doesn’t mean he wants that too. You haven't even taken his wants into consideration.
A knock on the bathroom door startles your face out of your hands and you flip your head up, looking at the door with wide eyes.
“Honey? I’m just gonna go grab some drinks with Bucky and Sam. I’ve got my phone and I shouldn’t be home too late.”
You take a deep breath and nod even though he can’t see you.
“Okay, have fun!”
Your voice is a little duller than usual, a little less lively, but Steve chalks it up to the fan distorting your voice.
You stay rooted in place on the bathroom floor, knees hugged up to your chest, for hours.
You’re not sure why, whether it’s out of fear that he won’t come back or that he’ll be waiting out there to break up with you, but you’re terrified.
Eventually, after the chills have sunk into your soul and shivers are shaking your bones, you leave the bathroom and get dressed.
Usually, you’d put on a pair of panties and one of Steve’s shirts, but you can’t bring yourself to touch his stuff after what you heard.
You pull on a tank top and a sweater and your fuzziest socks, hoping to chase away the cold, though it feels like it’s here to stay.
The apartment seems so empty without him there, and you yearn to check up on him and make sure he’s okay, but you don’t go near your phone.
He’s a grown man and he can take care of himself.
You barricade yourself in the bedroom, cuddled up under the blankets and holding one of your pillows to your chest as you watch reruns of Golden Girls.
You fall asleep before he gets home, though you’re awoken by the sound of the door opening.
Instead of perking up and meeting him like you usually would, you stay in bed, pillow hugged to your chest and eyes shut.
He’s stealthy as he joins you in bed, sliding in behind you and wrapping an arm around your waist.
It takes everything in you not to shake his arm off.
As he leans forward and presses a kiss to the back of your neck, a tear slides down your temple and buries itself in the pillows.
Steve’s confused at your sudden change in behaviour, constantly checking his phone for texts from you and missing your touch when he sits on the couch reading a report.
You’re standing in the kitchen a few days later, talking softly to Yelena and Wanda while Bucky, Natasha, Sam and Steve all sit on the couches in your living room.
The two women lead the way into the living room and you follow them, not stopping your conversation as you take a seat between the two of them.
Steve’s eyes are focused on you, waiting for you to look at him, to realize that you’re not sitting in the right spot and that you should be closer to him, but you never do.
You stay engaged in your conversation, laughing at something Yelena says before turning your attention to Wanda.
Bucky watches curiously as Steve balls his hands into fists then turns back to the conversation he was having, his voice slightly more strained than before.
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” Bucky asks later that evening after almost everyone else has gone home.
You’re already in bed, oblivious to the conversation they’re having.
“I thought it was, but not cold turkey. She hardly texts me unless I text first, she doesn't kiss me goodbye anymore, and she hasn’t sat beside me once in the past week.”
Bucky shrugs, “you’re the one who said she was too clingy.”
Steve knows.
He fucking knows.
And maybe he’ll like it, but first, he needs to get to the bottom of why you’ve switched so quickly.
After bidding Bucky goodbye, Steve joins you in the bedroom, climbing into bed beside you and rolling onto his side to watch you.
Your attention is focused on the TV as if he isn’t in bed with you at all.
When he opens his mouth to speak, you reach over and turn off the lamp on the nightstand, then turn off the TV.
You don’t do it on purpose, but he doesn't say anything.
“Goodnight,” you whisper, turning onto your back and facing away from him.
He stares at you in shock.
The past couple of nights he’s come into bed after you’ve been asleep, but tonight he was sure you’d cuddle up against him like you usually do.
“Goodnight. I love you,” he murmurs, heart racing in his chest as he waits for your reply.
“I love you too.” There it is.
It settles his heart a tiny bit to hear you whisper the words, but he’s still confused by your actions.
You always cuddle up to him.
Every night that he’s been home for the past year.
And now you’re not even wearing his clothes to bed.
He can’t sleep at all that night, too focused on how strange you’ve been acting and how much he fucking hates it.
And then it dawns on him.
You must’ve heard him talking to Bucky.
That’s the only explanation.
His heart hurts in his chest and guilt floods his body. He tosses his head back against the pillows and squeezes his eyes shut, hating himself for ever speaking those stupid words.
He was just having a bad week. He was overwhelmed with work and briefings and then you were always by his side.
It was too much.
And now you’re doing everything in your power to distance yourself from him.
You’re lying in the same bed but you’ve never been further away.
Sure, he can feel the heat radiating off of your body, but you may as well be a thousand miles away.
The guilt wells up in his eyes and slips down his cheeks as he rolls onto his side and pulls you against his body, burying his face in your hair.
Fuck, he feels terrible.
All night he thinks about how much you do for him, how much you love him and everything you’ve given to him and sacrificed for him. And he couldn’t even appreciate you properly. No, he had to go and run his mouth about bullshit that he didn’t even mean.
He has to make this right.
He will.
He just has no idea where to start.
When you wake up the next morning there’s a strong arm secured around your waist.
You’re so used to waking up alone that you can’t help but cuddle into it. That is, until you remember his complaints.
Shifting as slowly as you can, you try to slip out of his grip, but he only wraps his arm around you tighter.
“You’re leaving?” He asks into your hair, his voice groggy.
You swallow hard and clear your throat.
“Bathroom,” is all you manage to whisper.
He lets out a heavy sigh but slowly unwinds his arm from around your waist.
“You’re gonna come back after, right?” He asks, his voice soft.
You hesitate before getting up, unsure of what to say.
Are you?
You don’t particularly want to.
Well, that’s not true. You want to, more than anything, but you don’t want to overwhelm him and smother him with your clingy nature.
“Do you want me to?” You end up asking, glancing over at him.
He slowly opens his eyes, sadness filling them, and you regret asking.
“Honey... what I said the other day... to Buck... I wasn’t thinking, sweetheart. I don’t think you’re too clingy, not at all. I think you’re perfect for me and the way that things have been lately… All the distance between us? It’s been unbearable. I hate it. I didn’t know what changed at first but... I’m sorry.”
Your heart is in your throat at the fact that he knows you heard what he said.
“I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I’m sorry,” you whisper, pushing into a seated position to get off the bed.
“Honey, wait. Please. Please, don’t go. I miss you. So damn much. All I want is for things to go back to the way they were. And... I know that will probably take time, but I just miss you so fucking much.”
Tears prickle at your eyes and you sniffle, refusing to look at him.
“I didn’t mean to be clingy. I know... I know I can be a lot. It’s one of the issues Jeremy and I had. I can give you space, Steve.”
His heart cracks and he sits up behind you, one hand finding your lower back in an attempt to get closer to you.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want space. You’ve given me space and it’s been the worst experience of my life. I just want you back. I want to hold your hand and kiss you and talk to you and be near you. I love you and you... you make me feel important. You make me feel loved.”
He has to fight his own tears as he speaks, and you sit silently in front of him, eyes focused on the carpet.
“For so much of my life, I felt alone, besides Bucky. I felt like I had no one and no one would love me. And then I went under and I woke up and... everything was different. I was a man out of time. I never thought I would ever have found someone who loves me as wholly as you do. And I’m sorry for ever making you feel like you need to change yourself.”
His arms wind around you and he pulls your back against his chest, slowly rocking you from side to side as you sniffle.
“You are everything I have ever wanted and more, sweetheart. I love you for everything you are and everything you do, and I’m so damn sorry I ever made you feel like you were too clingy. You’re perfect for me. Sometimes I think that you’re the reason why I survived it all. Was so that I could find you. You’re it for me.”
His words help to heal the wounds he caused, but what really does it is the meaning behind it. The love he’s pouring into every syllable he speaks is powerful enough for you to feel without even trying.
You know he regrets what he said. But, more importantly, you know he’s not Jeremy.
Steve loves you.
Slowly, you turn in his arms and look up at him, and his heart breaks even more when he sees the tears on your cheeks.
“If I’m ever too much, you gotta promise to let me know, okay?” You whisper.
He huffs out a weak laugh and shakes his head, squeezing you to his chest.
“You are never too much for me. You’re everything I could ever want or need and so much more. You’re perfect for me. And I’m gonna try my hardest to be good enough for you because I love you. I love you with my whole heart and soul.”
“I love you too, Steve,” you whisper, burying your face in his shoulder as he hugs you tightly.
And there on the bed in the dim morning light, Steve clings to you.
He clings to you like you’re his lifeline, like you’re the energy that keeps him going.
He clings to you, and he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
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Before the Dawn: Chapter II // Logan Howlett
Logan Howlett x f!mutant!reader Chapter 2/4 Read Chapter 1 here Word Count: 1185
Background: You are a mutant with hydrokinetic abilities (think Percy Jackson meets the mermaids from H2O), and arrived at the X-Mansion 4 months before Logan. You started dating Logan after the events of X-Men but before he left for Alkali Lake. You are both in love with each other but have yet to confess it. Takes place within the events of X2, Canon violence, pre-established relationship
In the blur of the next hours—or was it days?—you lost track of time. The pain receded, but in its place was a fog, clouding your thoughts, drowning your sense of self. The last vestiges of you—the real you—fought to stay afloat.
But there was one thought that remained clear amidst the haze: “Kill the Wolverine”.
Once at Alkali Lake, Logan moved with a single purpose—find you, save you. His mind was a storm of worry, fear, and guilt. He couldn’t get the image of Stryker showing him that photo out of his head. They had you, and that meant you were in danger.
As he descended further into the facility, fighting his way through Stryker's soldiers, his determination only grew. He would find you, no matter what.
As Logan stepped into the dimly lit chamber, he suddenly froze. Something about this place tugged at his memory, a familiarity that unsettled him. His eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail. Then he saw them—x-rays. His x-rays. His gaze drifted to the experimentation tank and the vat of bubbling metal nearby. A flood of memories hit him like a punch to the gut. This was it. This was where they had tortured him, where they had given him his adamantium skeleton.
A shift in the air caught his attention. At the far end of the room, standing in the shadows, was Stryker. And beside him, Yuriko.
"The tricky thing about adamantium," Stryker said, his voice carrying through the silence, "is that once you’ve processed its raw, liquid form, you’ve got to keep it that way. Keep it hot. Because once it cools, it’s indestructible. But you already know that, don’t you?"
Stryker circled Logan, his footsteps echoing off the cold walls.
"I used to think you were one of a kind, Wolverine," Stryker continued, his tone mocking. "Turns out, I was wrong."
With that, Stryker turned and began to walk out of the chamber. Logan lunged after him, but before he could reach him, Yuriko was on him, knocking him back with a powerful blow. Dazed for a moment, Logan shook it off and extended his claws with a snikt. Yuriko stood ready, her eyes glinting with a dark challenge. Then, to his shock, adamantium claws emerged from her fingernails.
"Holy shit..." Logan muttered under his breath.
The fight that followed was brutal, metal clashing against metal, the dim, oppressive room becoming a battleground. After what felt like an eternity, Logan managed to get the upper hand, slashing a floating rack that sent Yuriko tumbling into the experimentation tank. But she wasn’t down for long. With a snarl, she shot back up, claws sinking deep into Logan’s back.
He grappled toward the edge of the tank, his eyes catching sight of the syringe connected to the vat of adamantium. With a final surge of strength, he grabbed it and plunged the needle into Yuriko’s abdomen.
Her eyes widened in realization as the liquid metal spread through her. In her final moments, Yuriko pulled out a small remote control and, with a cruel smile, pressed a button.
A metal door slid open with a low whir, revealing… you.
“Y/N?” Logan whispered, his voice thick with disbelief and relief. But something was wrong. Your eyes… they were cold, vacant, as if you didn’t recognize him at all.
Yuriko, gasping for her last breaths, smiled wickedly. “She’s not yours anymore,” she hissed before falling back into the tank, her body sinking beneath the surface as the life drained from her.
You stalk toward Logan and without warning, your hands shot out, manipulating the water in the massive experimentation tank behind him. A wall of water slammed into him, knocking him off his feet and crashing him into the metal floor with a sickening thud.
“Y/N!” he yelled, scrambling to get up. “It’s me! Don’t do this!”
But you weren’t hearing him. The only thing in your mind was the command, repeating over and over again: “Kill the Wolverine”.
Logan dodged the next attack, but barely. You were already manipulating the water, forming it into a massive boulder above your head. You hurled it toward him with deadly precision. He had no choice but to defend himself.
Claws out, Logan slashed through the water, sending droplets flying in every direction, but you were relentless. The boulder reformed, slamming into him again, this time pinning him to the ground. He struggled, gasping for air as the water began to swirl around him, drowning him.
Tears blurred his vision as he clawed at the water, trying to reach you, to stop you. His strength was fading fast, and he could feel his lungs burning, but he wouldn’t give up. He couldn’t.
Just as you stepped closer, fixated on watching him die, Logan's claws flicked out in desperation, catching your leg. The sharp pain made you lose concentration for a brief moment, and the water dropped, releasing Logan from its grip.
In an instant, Logan was on his feet. He rushed toward you, eyes filled with anguish.
“I’m sorry, Princess,” he whispered, and with one swift motion, he punched you hard enough to knock you unconscious.
Logan knelt beside you, his heart racing. "I'm so sorry," he repeated, pulling you into his arms. Tears streaked down his face as he held you close, guilt weighing heavy on his soul. He hated himself for what he had to do, but it was the only way to save you.
After what felt like an eternity, you began to stir. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open, confusion filling them as you regained consciousness.
“Logan?” you whispered, your voice hoarse.
He cupped your face gently, tears still brimming in his eyes. “It’s me, baby. You’re okay.”
Realization hit you like a freight train, and your body trembled with emotion. “I… I tried to kill you.”
Logan shook his head. “That wasn’t you. It was them. Stryker. You didn’t have a choice.”
You buried your face in his chest, overwhelmed with guilt and relief. "I’m so sorry, Logan. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
He kissed the top of your head, his arms tightening around you. "Shh, it’s okay. We’ll get through this."
For a brief moment, you stayed like that—just holding onto each other, the chaos of the world outside forgotten.
But the moment was interrupted by a psychic shockwave, Charles' voice calling out in agony as Stryker’s Cerebro device was activated. Every mutant on the planet was being targeted, their minds assaulted by the machine. You and Logan fell to the ground, clutching your heads, writhing in pain.
Then, just as suddenly as it started, the pain subsided. Magneto had infiltrated Cerebro, halting the attack.
Logan helped you to your feet, both of you still reeling from the psychic assault. “We have to go,” he said, urgency in his voice. "The dam’s about to break.”
Together, you sprinted through the collapsing facility, determined to find Stryker and stop him once and for all.
The battle wasn’t over yet, but as long as you were together, you knew you could face whatever came next.
Tag List: @spacemacandcheese @oscarissac2099 
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ghost-whump · 1 day
Shower Day
CW: kidnapped whumpee, defiant whumpee, sadistic whumper, waterboarding(?), hypothermia (mentioned), nudity (mentioned), let me know if I missed anything!
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Whumper entered the basement with loud, clunking steps down the stairs. They flick the light on when they reach the bottom.
“Hh—” Whumpee hissed and covered their eyes, heavy manacles pressing coldly into their cheeks. “Fucking hell.”
“Rise and shine, fuckface.”
With a drawn out groan, Whumpee blinked until the light wasn’t so painful. They scooted farther back into “their” corner of the basement, drawing closer to the wall, as if they could be absorbed into it.
They turned to face the wall, the smallest act of defiance they could express, “Go away.”
“No can do, Whumpee,” Whumper’s footsteps grew closer, “It’s shower day for you.”
That perked them up. A shower? A real, honest-to-god shower? Hot damn, that sounded good! Whumpee managed the barest hint of a smile at the prospect. Their hair, caked with blood and grease and other various substances, grew unbearably thick and disgusting to even think about. And that’s not even mentioning their soiled clothes.
Rubbing at their eyes, Whumpee brought themselves to turn around. And their smile dropped.
Whumper held a hose and a bucket.
At their pained expression, Whumper chuckled, “Oh? You thought you got a real shower?” They put the bucket on the floor and took a step closer, “Sorry for the mislead, Whumpee.”
The water hit them suddenly. Frigid, icy water hit their skin like a jet — definitely enough force to bruise, at least. They cried out, futilely holding their arms out in front of them. The cold water sprayed onto their body like bullets, dousing their hair and clothes all in less than a minute.
Then, the water tapered off.
Whumpee spit some water out of their mouth. It tasted like shit, nothing like the refreshing hose water they’d had as a kid.
“Whoops.” Whumper smiled.
Then it started again. This time, with so much pressure, Whumpee was knocked back into the wall. The hose turned off.
Whumpee heaved, “Fuck yo—ACK!”
Over and over, the water turned on and off, on and off, on and off. Friction burns raised on their arms from where they tried to protect themselves. The chill of the cool, stagnant basement air started to seep into their skin, sending a shiver through their whole body.
“That should be good.” Whumper dropped the hose to the floor (much to Whumpee’s relief) and turned their attention towards the bucket. They pulled out a gray towel and turned back. “Give me your clothes now, Whumpee.”
They stood there, shivering. “What?”
“You heard me — give me your clothes. They’re all soaked now.” Though they spoke pragmatically, their grinning leer said anything but.
“Fuck n-no. I-I’m not getting n-naked in front of you.” Their teeth chattered loudly, telegraphing how cold they really were.
Whumper turned around, picking the bucket back up. “Fine, then. No towel for you, I guess.” They started back towards the stairs, “A shame, really. I had it heated up on the radiator and everything. It’s supposed to be even colder tonight, too. I’d hate to have my poor Whumpee freeze…”
Whumpee remained silent.
“Well, goodnight, Whumpee.” They flipped the lights off.
The lights turned back on as quick as they shut off. Whumper turned, so so slowly. “What do you say?”
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this has been sitting in my drafts for SOOO long and i’ve never posted it. since i haven’t written anything in a while, i thought i might as well post it lol
thank for reading!!!
General Tag: @morning-star-whump
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pinkponyclubbb3 · 2 hours
my kink is karma
summary: y/n just moved in next door, and she’s having trouble sleeping because her neighbors keep yelling till late at night. (they’re Twitch streaming) y/n gets back at them to show them how annoying it is.
warnings: cursing, smoking, female masturbation, use of sex toys. female oral receiving
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“You fucking idiot!” I sit up from my bed with my hand over my heart. “What the fuck?” I accidentally wake up my dog. I look for my phone on my nightstand but knock everything down until I reach it. 2:47am. I sigh out loud, the noise hasn’t stopped. “Fuck this.” I get up and put on my shoes.
I step outside and the wind blows in my direction. Goosebumps immediately cover my arms. I should’ve brought a jacket. I quickly walk next door and when I get to their front door I don’t hesitate to knock. I hug myself in attempt to warm up. Finally I hear footsteps and the locks unlock. I yawn and the man opens the door. “Yes?” the man looks annoyed. When my vision clears up I start regretting my outfit choice.
He has dark hair and blue eyes, wearing a white wife-beater shirt and plaid pajama pants. He looks me up and down. I’m wearing Spongebob boxers and a black tank top. “Not sure if you own a clock, but it’s 2 in the morning, and you’re yelling.” He cocks his head to the side. “And I’m not sure if you know, but this is my house.” He fakes, smiles, crosses his arms, and leans on the door frame.
“You know some of us have a real job and can’t stay up all night playing video games.” I hate how attractive he is. “I get paid while I play video games. Sorry, your job isn’t as interesting.” I scoff annoyed at the conversation. “Okay this isn’t getting us anywhere. Can you and whoever lives here stop being so fucking loud? Thanks.” I fake a smile and pat his shoulder. I turn on my heel and walk away before he gets the chance to say anything
I yawn as I go to turn the knob and realize… it’s locked. No fucking way. I kick my door out of frustration. “Fuck!” I stare at the sky, contemplating what to do. I decide to walk to the side of my house to see if I can get my window open. The noise gets louder, and I pray the guy doesn’t notice me. I peak my head to their window to get a better view and I see two other guys that look like the guy who opened the door. “Triplets. Fuck they’re multiplying.” I roll my eyes and sigh. I turn to my window and try to lift it up.
“Shit!” I yell when I realize my acrylics won’t let me open it. I debate, knocking on their window. Fuck it, they woke me up. I turn to face their house and knock loudly on their window. I scare the three of them. Two of them looked at each other, scared of a stranger at their window at 3:00 am. The guy I talked to earlier threw his head back and went to open the window. “Matt, don’t open the fucking window!” I roll my eyes impatiently, waiting. “Stalking us now?”
I give him a mocking smile. “Funny. Anyways, can you open my window? I got locked out. and I can’t slide it open with these nails.” I flip him off with both hands to show him. “Is this who was knocking earlier?” I take a deep breath clearly frustrated and nod.
“No. Chris shut the window.” I look at him in disbelief. “I wouldn’t have had to ask you if you just shut the fuck up!” Matt reaches over to shut the window. I just stare at the three of them blankly. When I realize no one is going to help me, I feel a lump in my throat start forming. “You’re all cunts!” I walk away before they see the tears forming in my eyes. “Look who’s yelling now.” It takes all my strength to stop myself from turning around and smashing their window with a rock.
I walk to my car, and thankfully, I have my spare hidden in a plant. I need to keep a house key hidden, I give myself a mental note. I open the car and get in the front seat. I don’t have my phone, so I look for something to entertain me. I look in my center console and see some half-eaten chips, and as I dig further, I see my pen. “Fuck yeah!” I say to myself. I take a hit, and let it sit in my throat. I put the key into the ignition so I could use the radio. I adjust the volume so it’s not too loud but just enough to fill the silence.
I open my sunroof and lay my seat back. I start eating my stale chips when the drug starts hitting me. I feel so relaxed my mind is not overwhelmed with thoughts about the fucking Alvin and the chipmunks living next door. I close my eyes and let myself listen to the music. I start humming along and moving my head to the beat. I take another hit and blow it out towards the sunroof. “How many hits do you need? Jesus.”
I jump out of my seat and drop my pen between my seat. “Motherfucker! What is your problem?” I let out a breath. I didn’t know I was holding. I lower my window so I can hear him. “I wasn’t gonna let you sleep outside.” I lay back in my chair and stare at him. “You’re annoying.” I see him reach inside and unlock the passenger seat door. I would protest since I just met him, and its also 3:00 am, but he’s so hot, and I can’t lie and say I’m not horny right now. Drugs are bad for me I get really turned on. Now I remember why I kept this in the car and not my room. I turn to the boy whose name I now know is Matt.
“Can I take a hit?” I go to hand it to him but realize I dropped it when he scared me. “Where your phone? I need the flash.” He hands me his phone and watches me closely and I exit the car and bend towards the center console to try to reach for it. I bend down more and hear Matt laugh. “What?” I ask him with annoyance on my face. “You’re flashing me.” He says bluntly. I look down and see my tank top is hanging low. Motherfucker.
“Like what you see?” I look at him. He bites his lip and nods. I pick up the pen and hand it to him. He takes a long drag while I settle back in my seat. “You know those SpongeBob boxers are really doing something to me.” I hit his shoulder. “Shut up.” I laugh. “Can you open my window,please?” I look at him with my tired eyes. “Only cause you asked so nicely.”
“How can I ever repay you?” I say sarcastically while we slam my car doors. We walk towards my window and I get an idea. “I can think of a few ways.” He says. I turn to him and he’s towering over me. “Yeah? And what’s that?” He tilts my chin up with one hand and grabs my waist with the other. “Let me show you.” His lips crash into mine, I wrap my arms around his neck. “What’s your name?”
“y/n” I press my lips on his again. I feel his hand play with the waistband of the boxers. I shut my eyes tightly trying not to cringe at my outfit. His fingers reach my heat and he slides a finger feeling how wet I am. “Please touch me.” I feel his hand grip my thigh from the inside of my underwear. When he takes his hand out he places it right on my heat over my clothes. I start grinding my hips on his palm trying to get any sort of release. “So fucking needy.” My eyes roll back in pleasure when he presses on my clit with his thumb. He starts using it to circle my clit “O-oh fuck,Matt”
He stops his movements and gets on his knees. He looks up at me. “Can I take these off?” I desperately nod yes. “Excuse me, Patrick.” I hit his head playfully. “Shut the fuck up.” he laughs and pulls down the boxers. He wastes no time placing his mouth on me. I throw my head back and moan his name. “F-fuck Matt just like that.” I grab his hair burying his face in me. Pornographic moans are leaving my mouth. “Fuck you taste so good.” He starts finger fucking me, and my legs start shaking. He uses his middle and ring finger to fuck me while his tongue is circling and sucking on my clit.
“I can feel you clenching around me. Are you close, sweetheart?” I nod my head, whimpering a yes. “Such a fucking slut. Letting me eat you in front of my brother's window.” My eyes widen. “I thought that was yours-fuck!” He sucks on my clit making me closer to my orgasm.
“Wanna cum?” I nod my head repeatedly. “So bad.” I feel the knot in my stomach. “Cum for me, baby.” I release all over his tongue. I subconsciously grind my hips on his mouth, riding out my orgasm. “Fuck Matt!” He pulls my boxers back up and wipes his mouth. “Wanna finish this inside.” He moves me out the way to slide open my window. He helps me climb inside and once i’m in my room I shut the window. “What the fuck?”
“Goodnight Matt.” I smile and wave at him. I lay on my bed and drift off to sleep.
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I’m finally back from work. I sigh out of frustration; it was just a bad day. Not to mention, I barely slept last night. I open my fridge to pour myself a drink. I look down and see my dog waiting for me to give him food. “This is my food. Your food is over there, babe.” I point straight ahead to show him his food bowl. I give in and get him a piece of chicken that I never finished. “Sit.” He stares at the chicken. “Roll over. Do something.” I give up and feed him the piece of chicken. “I can’t blame you. It’s not like I speak dog. How do I expect you to know what I’m saying.” I bend down to pet him, but he barks at me. “Hey! Don’t bark at me. Fat ass, I was trying to pet you, not steal your food.” I leave him be and head to my room.
I strip and change to an oversized shirt. I throw my clothes into my laundry bin and lie down. I turned on my TV to play some music to get my mind off how bad of a day I was having. I put it at a low volume to not intensify my headache. I close my eyes and memories of last night flood my mind. My hand starts roaming my body. I touch my inner thighs feeling wetness pool between my legs. Not giving myself the attention I need so I don’t make this feeling go away so quickly.
‘Such a fucking slut’ the moment replays in my head. I open my eyes and look through my drawer pulling out my pink vibrator. I turn it on to the second setting to start off. I tease myself by putting it everywhere but the place where I need the most attention. I feel my nipples harden at the contact. A moan slips from my mouth. I move my panties to the side to feel how wet i’m getting.
I start moving my vibrator close to my clit to release some tension, but before I can, the yelling and screaming start again. No fucking way. I should be the one screaming. I turn off my vibrator and go up to my window. I see the boys around two computers with controllers in their hands. One of the boys starts dancing around and pulls out a harmonica. The fuck? Where did he get a harmonica from? I grab my pillow and scream into it.
When I look closer, I see that their window is cracked open. It must’ve been when Matt shut it last night. An idea pops into my mind. I used the palms of my hands to slide open my window when it hit me. Why didn’t I use my palms to slide the window open yesterday? I go to my closet and pull out a medium sized speaker and a microphone. I turn on the speaker and connect the microphone. When I catch them not paying attention I leave my window and put the speaker right next to theirs. I go through my front door and run to my room so they won’t catch me.
I wait for the perfect opportunity to start being obnoxious. “Oh fuck! Yes that feels so good!” I start fake moaning into the mic. I kneel down so they won’t see me but I have a view of them. The three of them cough loudly trying to cover it up. I found out they were live streaming. So they can’t just cut this out of a video. “Deeper! I need your cock buried deep inside me!” I obnoxiously moan. I turn off the microphone to laugh. I cover my mouth so they won’t hear me.
I see the one that was playing the harmonica reach towards the mic. Before he can mute it I start again. “Harder! Fuck just like that!” I make pornographic nosies. I accidentally laugh into the mic. “Fuck!” I whisper yell to myself. “Nick close the window!” I hear Matt say. “I’ll be back.”
“Fuck. fuck. fuck.” I take off my shirt, leaving me in just my lace bra and panties. I throw on a satin robe and mess my hair up to make it look like I was having sex. I hear a loud knock on the door. I smear my lipstick before I open the door. “What?” I ask, fake annoyed. “Can you be fucking quiet? We’re doing a stream. Twelve thousand people just heard you going at it.” I bite back my smile. “Was my screaming obnoxious? Was I being too loud? I’m not sure if you know, but this is my house.” I see the look of annoyance in his eyes when he realizes i’m using his own words against him.
“You’re gonna get our stream taken down. Can you just stop being so loud?” I can see him getting angry. “Good maybe you’ll stop screaming until 4 in the morning.” I hear a loud crash from my bedroom. I run to my room and see my speaker is in a million pieces. “What the fuck!” Chris is climbing back into his room. Nick starts playing his harmonica again.
“I’m gonna shove that harmonica down your throat.” He peeks his head out the window. “What are you mad cause we interrupted you getting something down your throat?” I flip him off and close my window. I turn around and Matt is standing in front of me. “Were you just faking all that?”
“yes I was trying to masturbate but you guys wanted to have a fucking screaming contest!” I fall back into my bed. “Let me help you get your frustration out.” He steps closer. “You have twelve thousand people waiting for you on a stream.” he shrugs his shoulders. “Let me show you how sorry I am for interrupting.” He says as he looks at my almost naked body.
I slowly nod. He kneels down and throws my legs over his shoulder “I’m.so.so.so.sorry.” he says while he kisses my inner thighs. I move my hips around impatiently. He grabs my hips holding me still. He moves my underwear to the side and licks my folds. “Fuck” I whisper while I throw my head back. “Mmm so fucking sweet.” he flicks his tongue up and down my clit. My breath hitches when I feel him suck. His hand starts roaming up my body until he’s groping my left tit. His thumb grazes over my nipple.
He squeezes my boob tight as if he’s using it as a handle. He takes his hand away and pushes his fingers against my mouth. “Open.” he demands. I open my mouth and he shoves his middle and ring finger down my throat. When he hears me gag he takes them out just to shove them back in. When he feels his fingers wet he brings them down to my cunt. “Look at me.” I sit my self up with my elbows and look at him. The second I make eye contact he inserts his fingers inside me. “Fuck!” I throw my head back. “Look at me,y/n.” I try my hardest to keep eye contact. He places his mouth back on my clit.
I can feel his facial rub against me. “I’m close, Matt.” He smiles against me while he starts sucking harder. I feel him bite down, but not enough to hurt me. “Matt, I’m gonna-”
“I know baby, cum for me let me taste all of you.” I release all over his mouth. I grip the sheets so hard my knuckles are turning white.”Jesus fucking christ-” He helps me ride out my orgasm. When he gets up he takes his fingers and shoves them into my mouth again. “Taste how sweet you are.” I circle my tongue on his fingers tasting myself on him.
I hear something being thrown at my window. “Matthew!” He takes his fingers out and turns to my window. His brothers are signaling him to come to their room. “Gotta go. Hope that satisfied you enough to stop moaning so loud that my fans can hear.”
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A/n: Thank you so so much for reading !
please read my pinned post if you want to be tagged in the next fic!
tagged list: @mattstromboli @naisblogsblog @eliana-4200 @grace-sturnz @watercolorskyy @taliaslutiolo @gracielovssturniolo @mylove4lana @sturniolosweetheart33 @loveevelyn @siennasturnn @blahbel668 @obsessionsarenotfortheweak @tpwktahlz
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obstinatecondolement · 9 months
Just something about the middle of the fucking night that has me perseverating about how I could explain to my former boss that she shouldn't have allowed me to be bullied relentlessly at work and done nothing and then also penalised me for things I never did and gave me "feedback" in performance reviews that was just insulting my social skills and calling me annoying and a show off, lol.
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slocumjoe · 7 months
autistic danse being so comfortable and himself in the bos because the nature and standards don't require him to mask too much
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disastersteps · 11 months
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be luigita, get a surprise for losing!!
( anita lost a game against themmy, and themmy's losing reward for them is to grow their beard enough to be a stache and dress up as luigi for the Rangers' Costume Party! //happy sidestep days au )
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what-even-is-sleep · 3 months
Can’t wait for my drivers license to arrive so I can be driving legally again for the first time in 1.5 years!
#for legal reasons this is a joke#SO THIS IS WHATS UP#as a youngin#a young adult one might say#I was starting to learn that some systems are bullshit when I’d previously been a pretty big rule-follower#my mom showing me how to navigate the healthcare system a bit/showing me how student loans legit have practices to confuse and fuck us over#also im really bad at getting things in on time (this is an important fact)#so when I see that my drivers license is abt to expire. I’m like ‘Oup gotta get that done!’ then promptly forget abt it#next time I remember it’s 3 months expired.#I check the date and realize that wait! in a year imma be turning 21 and just one yr after that Real ID’s will become mandatory (im p sure)#so I decide to push off renewing my license! I think that the whole process will b annoying asf bc I’ve only dealt with the DMV in-person#and it SUCKED and took forever. I’m thinking that if I renew my drivers license right on/after my 21st birthday I can knock out two birds#with one stone: I can get it as a Real ID and I can get an updated picture that’s flipped sideways so getting age-checked is faster#little do i know: it’s v much illegal to be driving around with an expired license!#I drive around for a year (over a year? I don’t remember when I first realized it was expired) j having fun#then one month b4 my 21st birthday I get into an abroad study thing and have to get my passport. which I realize is also expired. and#realize that to renew my passport I have to have a valid drivers license. At this point I also realize how fucked I could be if I get pulled#over with my expired license. so I check out the process for DL renewal and rejoice! it’s online!#AND THANK FUCK I CHECKED THEN. bc if I had waited LITERALLY two more days I would not have been able to renew online and would’ve had to go#in-person. and there were no in-person appointments until after my 21st. and I learned in this process abt the fines my state applies when u#renew a DL late and ALSO that u have to entirely retake the test/redo all the paperwork shit if it’s expired for too long. I would’ve had to#retake the test n everything if I’d gone past my bday. I was also in another state for college. idk how incoherent these ramblings are but#basically I would’ve been Ultra Fucked. anyways! got that figured out#renewed the DL and had it sent to my home. then da house floods and crime goes up in the neighborhood and my DL ends up either being lost#Or tossed (with other flood-damaged things) or stolen.#I don’t realize this for 4 months bc I am silly. also in college out-of-state. also other reasons.#finally got around to calling DMV and telling them that my DL never arrived… 6 months after I renewed it!#and they were v sweet and are resending me my DL for free. so in the next few weeks I shall finally b driving legally again#!!!! the end#mypost
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pallases · 7 months
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lemedy · 1 year
just at the halfway point in Revue Starlight and I feel confident in claiming Junna as Best Girl, I refuse to believe there's anything that will happen to change this.
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grimark · 2 years
fictional characters being cavalier about head trauma, and shitty movie CPR scenes, are two of my biggest pet peeves in terms of inaccurate depictions of health and first aid things that could and probably do get people killed for real
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dongwoouwu · 2 years
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mortalityplays · 2 months
This is a dangerous sentiment for me to express, as an editor who spends most of my working life telling writers to knock it off with the 45-word sentences and the adverbs and tortured metaphors, but I do think we're living through a period of weird pragmatic puritanism in mainstream literary taste.
e.g. I keep seeing people talk about 'purple prose' when they actually mean 'the writer uses vivid and/or metaphorical descriptive language'. I've seen people who present themselves as educators offer some of the best genre writing in western canon as examples of 'purple prose' because it engages strategically in prose-poetry to evoke mood and I guess that's sheer decadence when you could instead say "it was dark and scary outside". But that's not what purple prose means. Purple means the construction of the prose itself gets in the way of conveying meaning. mid-00s horse RPers know what I'm talking about. Cerulean orbs flash'd fire as they turn'd 'pon rollforth land, yonder horizonways. <= if I had to read this when I was 12, you don't get to call Ray Bradbury's prose 'purple'.
I griped on here recently about the prepossession with fictional characters in fictional narratives behaving 'rationally' and 'realistically' as if the sole purpose of a made-up story is to convince you it could have happened. No wonder the epistolary form is having a tumblr renaissance. One million billion arguments and thought experiments about The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas that almost all evade the point of the story: that you can't wriggle out of it. The narrator is telling you how it was, is and will be, and you must confront the dissonances it evokes and digest your discomfort. 'Realistic' begins on the author's terms, that's what gives them the power to reach into your brain and fiddle about until sparks happen. You kind of have to trust the process a little bit.
This ultra-orthodox attitude to writing shares a lot of common ground with the tight, tight commodification of art in online spaces. And I mean commodification in the truest sense - the reconstruction of the thing to maximise its capacity to interface with markets. Form and function are overwhelmingly privileged over cloudy ideas like meaning, intent and possibility, because you can apply a sliding value scale to the material aspects of a work. But you can't charge extra for 'more challenging conceptual response to the milieu' in a commission drive. So that shit becomes vestigial. It isn't valued, it isn't taught, so eventually it isn't sought out. At best it's mystified as part of a given writer/artist's 'talent', but either way it grows incumbent on the individual to care enough about that kind of skill to cultivate it.
And it's risky, because unmeasurables come with the possibility of rejection or failure. Drop in too many allegorical descriptions of the rose garden and someone will decide your prose is 'purple' and unserious. A lot of online audiences seem to be terrified of being considered pretentious in their tastes. That creates a real unwillingness to step out into discursive spaces where you 🫵 are expected to develop and explore a personal relationship with each element of a work. No guard rails, no right answers. Word of god is shit to us out here. But fear of getting that kind of analysis wrong makes people hove to work that slavishly explains itself on every page. And I'm left wondering, what's the point of art that leads every single participant to the same conclusion? See Spot run. Run, Spot, run. Down the rollforth land, yonder horizonways. I just want to read more weird stuff.
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cyndaquillt · 2 months
So much love for people in my little heart that I don't know what to do with all of it and also so much hate for people in my little heart that I don't know what to do with all of it
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allylikethecat · 5 months
yes cowboy George !!
Fictional!Matty had no idea that cowboys did it for him until he saw Fictional!George wearing jeans, boots, and a tight white tee shirt riding a buckskin Quarter Horse in a Western saddle and talking about roping. But WOW was he into it. He would very much like Fictional!George to wear those boots ALL THE TIME and he would very much like to watch him go roping please and thank you. What may or may not go down in the truck on the ride home is between the two of them.
Thank you so much for reading and for the continued support! I'm so grateful that people have given my little equestrian au a chance and are also seeing the hotness in the idea of cowboy Fictional!George lol (Fictional!Matty is very much seeing the hotness lol) I hope you continue to enjoy this fic and that you are having a wonderful weekend!
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dredshirtroberts · 5 months
taking a break from cleaning because i need to 1) pace myself and 2) spread this out over 2 days so that it doesn't get a chance to get too dirty again before i gotta do final tidying and pickup before the chaos ensues, but i've gotten a surprising amount done for like 20 minutes of clean and 10 minutes of Silly Shit.
#the whiteboard to-do list has been a game changer for me in general#like i don't often have a lot of stuff to put on it#but when i do it's really good at keeping me on track/focused#without being too overwhelming to look at#(or while it might be overwhelming as soon as you knock something off if the list looks too cluttered you can just erase it)#(and then bam less shit on your list both physically and mentally)#my productivity hack is 1) erasable to-do list and 2) find a 15-20 minute video to pop on and work to#you don't gotta pay attention to it but finding something you enjoy listening to is a key#i don't wear headphones while working because i don't have wireless ones and i rarely wear pockets indoors because fuck that noise#so i just pop my phone in a central location to where i'm currently working and let her go#if i have to leave the room i can hear it going and i know i gotta go back for it when i'm done#you just work for the length of the video and assess where you're at when you're done#if you did extra stuff that wasn't on your to-do list#write them down and cross them off - or just pretend you've already wiped them off the list because you did them#and since it's not on your list *now* you don't have to worry about it#i used to work almost exclusively to markiplier's prop hunt playlist but i've expanded for shorter bursts#because that's what i put on if i think it's going to take all day (and then i get about 45 minutes in and go alright i finished)#anyway ymmv if you even got this far or were thinking about taking my advice#i'm just telling you what works for me#and of course it's really mostly onlyhelpful if i've already got the spoons for doing shit that day in the first place lmao#speaking of which i did figure out where the extra spoons came from earlier this week#bad news boys: it was the hormone cycle and now i'm bleedin' out me vag again#okay real sorry if you got this far on the tags thank god this is my own post lmao
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