#I'm on a roll rn sorry
zuzu-draws · 1 year
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[Heart throb of the Heian Era : Ryomen Sukuna]
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+ His Simps
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Actual footage of Tony trying to talk to Kelsey this episode:
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Now what I personally need is for her to despise him for a while then for them to have some big heart to heart and them to become best friends OKAY I'm very invested in what's become of their dynamic and I'm all here for "Punished" Tony the wet cat that he is I yield the rest of my time thank you.
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Okay so Cal I have a suggestion for the kisses if you are still smoochfully inclined: Ione and Cressida butterfly kisses. Or, much more involved suggestion, Ione and all of B Team kisses.
Love writing Ione, still can't figure out how to write Cressida rip
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jils-things · 2 months
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willowser · 10 months
Hello again! Willow you HAVE to stream! You would be so good at it! Take it from someone who did it, hated it, and quit lmao. But also from someone who made it through the pandemic with the help of twitch streamers and their awesome communities. Even the chats I didn’t actively talk in which was the majority. You can absolutely create a nice little space on twitch just as you've done here.
We already know you’re excellent at interacting with strangers on the internet and people want to hear your thoughts on the things you love. You’re great at keeping a conversation going and making the quiet ones (like me) feel welcome to the point that we want to participate too (clearly). And you just have great internet etiquette and carry yourself so well when you have to deal with gross anons that I’m sure you’d handle twitch trolls no problem IF it ever came to that. And thaaaat’s coming from someone who mods for a guy who did not handle the trolls well 😬
Was that screenshot you making your account? Lemme go follow
i really can't tell you how important it is to me that you feel welcome in our lil space here 🥺 because you are 🥺 you're so so welcome here and the thought that we've been able to curate this little corner of the internet into something fun !! and enjoyable !! and for everyone !!! means everything to me 🥺 you're so kind 🥺 how special it is that you've formulated such high opinions of me, i'm so 🥺 touched 🥺 blessed 🥺 how wonderful 🥺
i think it could be so fun to chat there !! idk what i would play !! maybe something fun and romance-y, like stardew 😌 idk idk !! the possibilities seem endless !! but it does sound fun 🥺 i am coming up on a milestone very quickly and i briefly wondered if maybe celebration stream would be interesting to do but !!! idk !!! i'm shy !!! i wasn't sure how many people would want to do that 🥺🥺
you sound so experienced with twitch !!! i was wondering if, in the future, if we go through with this, i could ask you some questions if i needed to ?? 🥺 bc i admittedly know nothing about twitch ajfbrjajq and you're like a liddol wizard 😌 idk !!!
how fun 🥺 how sweet 🥺 i'm so touched by all you've said, i can't believe it, how lucky am i 🥺
oh and yes !! hehehe that was my bio but !! this me !!! if you want to follow 🥺
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yeastinfectionvale · 7 months
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apocalypticdemon · 3 months
y'know. it really sucks to feel yourself back-sliding, mentally, when you know you've been doing pretty alright for a while
#i can feel it coming scoob. frankly i think it may already be here.#i am always so tired. frustrated. having really fun mood swings.#and my job is deeply taxing and deeply stressful. ao i never get any fucking reprieve.#and i literally don't have the energy to care for myself at home reliably.#so my whole fuckin day got ruined today bc my landlord visited with some people to measure the place.#and i spent hours cleaning. and he ended the call by trlling me my apartment was dirty.#so. i cried. bc i have no emotional resilience anymore on account of the constant stress#and then i cut someone off in traffic today despite trying really hard to Not do that#but despite checking my mirrors and blind spot 4 times i still managed it!#and they sped past me. so i screamed at them from the safety of my car with the windows rolled up.#and then immediately burst into uncontrollable tears that lasted the better part of 30 min#and nearly made me puke.#so now. i am hollowed-out and exhausted. just barely making it through.#and i can feel how close the absolute meltdown is. and i can't fuckin do anything about it bc i can't miss work! fuck!#it's been an exceptionally stressful two weeks and I've had it. but we keep trucking i guess.#idk im sad and frustrated and just going through it rn. and it sucks bc i remember being happy.#and i'm just not anymore.#i ramble#sorry this was long and rambly and unasked for i'm just having a really really bad day#and will be having them every day until at least august!
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jgcbikb · 3 months
okay void, i surrender
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okay "the court" is tumblr and the next thing the audience "hears" is a horny wlw post
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somegurl8 · 1 year
And if I wrote a PD fanfic about Vyncent Sol realizing that his home isn't Fauna nor Prime but with his friends at the end of the Fauna arc? And he realizes how much he deeply cares for these crazy people who took him in when he was pretty much at his lowest? And he thinks about how he'd pretty much do whatever for them in the same way they were willing to go to Fauna with him? What then?
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cha1cedony · 8 months
Sigh. Tomorrow. I'll do more. tomorrow 🥲
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escapaldi · 10 months
So… I followed you a long time ago, and then I left tumblr. I can’t remember if we interacted much back then, but since you’re also active here I have to ask: what did you think about the specials as a Capaldi fan?
Hello! I know I've seen your name around before, so welcome back! Even when I wasn't posting on this blog specifically, I was still on tumblr posting fic and stuff, so even though there is a gap I've always been here.
Now, as far as the 60th anniversary specials: I haven't watched them and don't plan to for a long time. A long-winded and salty rant by me is under the cut.
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To be honest, I haven't felt the need to watch any new Doctor Who since Capaldi and Moffat both left because it all sounded like boring and cringey fan fiction (derogatory) I wasn't really jiving with. If that makes sense? Then RTD came back on as a showrunner and I was severely disappointed because it felt like such a step backwards. Plus that Tennant was going to be in it? No thanks.
Like... I get that to a lot of people, his return makes these specials "feel like Doctor Who again". I've seen that statement a lot from both randos and people I know. Which, fine, whatever, I'm not begrudging people for it, but for a lot of folks saying that, the statement includes a bunch of the show that doesn't feel like Doctor Who to me. I came in w/s5 because of a series of events that turned me off to the show early on. I was nearly sixteen when s1 premiered in the UK. That should have stuck me in the prime demographic to not only love s1-4, but have a sort of nostalgia filter over it to help facilitate excitement over the 60th specials. Well, there's some problems with that.
I can't stand Rose Tyler and any reference to her as something positive makes me cringe. Doctor/Rose in any form makes me viscerally nope out of anything. She was not as likeable as people lead others to believe.
I've been Pavloved into disliking Tennant due to the oversaturation of his interpretation of the Doctor in the series and the fandom as a whole, despite the fact he's just meh. The Doctor is not his best role and in general he doesn't do it for me in the looks department, especially as the Doctor. Which, it's fine if you like watching him (I'm sure Georgia loves watching him and she is a very good sport about a lot of shit) and I know my DW experience has been enhanced by watching the pretty but I am a demographic outlier lol.
What I did see of s1-4 before I got into s5 was Rose being an idiot, getting a deeply unsettling feeling over Jack Harkness, being pissed off for Martha and Mickey and livid about Donna, being irritated by the Master and the angsty space Jesus shite, and thinking Ten and Donna would make a good couple actually.
Oh yeah, and very specifically I'm mad because I watched The End of Time Part 2, like, almost soon as I could, and knew immediately that Martha/Mickey was Pair the Spares Race Edition even though at that point I hadn't watched all of s1-4 and for all I knew they hit it off in an unseen-by-me episode for a reason that wasn't getting drunk over their mid-tier white exes hooking up. Like, I clocked that shit back in 2009. There was a lot of shit I was not clocking in 2009, but I caught onto that, which should be an embarrassment.
...and, like, I'm on the internet, so I've seen spoilers. It's difficult to not see spoilers. Some of the spoilers I love to see hello Fifteen's THIGHS we love us a good slutty Doctor and I do have one UK-based friend specifically whom I've talked to at length about the specials. My fiancé also has been watching this entire time w/o stopping since 2005 (bc he caught it all as it premiered here in the US and at least he got to watch s1 Billie Piper; I fault him for nothing), so he's been giving me updates on what's going on as well. He is a good man who has done saintly things like drive me across three state lines to meet Peter Capaldi at a Doctor Who convention, so... he's generally trustworthy, but also a lot more forgiving than I am. But he was also the one who broke to me the news about Rose Noble because he knew I'd get upset that she's not Donna Jr. So I've got some good fonts of information. They tell me that I'd like the second and third more than the first, that we've just got some extra Ten-Donna adventures, and that generally everything's stepped up a bit from Thirteen.
...but to me, a step up from Thirteen is still not a step towards where we need to go.
You can't go from Eleven and Twelve, an ancient eldritch god trapped in a body with the grace of a baby giraffe and a legit punk who punches diamond walls for his wife and racists for his daughter, respectively, to a Tory apologist who never really got a scary "I am the Doctor and you're stuck here with me now what a shame :)" moment like Nine through Twelve got and think that "a step up" from that is going to catch me. I'm not enticed by the prospect of another Ten-Donna adventure done by the man whose writing and showrunning kept me away from Doctor Who for so long. I. could. not. care. less. There is literally no nostalgia filter making this okay to me. I cannot see what other people see.
I don't want to be an anti, I don't want to be a NMD, but they keep pushing my fucking hand and now I'm sitting here having not watched new episodes of what is literally one of my favorite shows since before the pandemic, watching from an arm's length as it sort of caves in around itself, going and absolutely pissing away their chances at having a really cool, massive-multi-Doctor bonanza like no other. You could have twelve Doctors. TWELVE DOCTORS. Eleven if our most venerable just kinda taps out like nah I'm done unless you give me Bill's job from the Three Doctors special. Like, the fuck, y'all. That got whizzed right down the fucking leg. Did they even try? Did they get rebuffed? Whose decision was the 60th specials? Do they even like Doctor Who? Or are they part of the set that thought that Tennant's Doctor would never be topped?
So... yeah... that's the gist of it. I'm sure it's gonna take being sat down for a marathon by Mr. Nehs before I get into Doctor Who again, which is honestly sad. The BBC has hated this show and been visibly trying to run it into the ground since they decided to make the divisive decision of casting Matt Smith (which worked out great in the long run but having been on the internet at the time as that announcement I can assure you it was not received well) and now they've got Mouse Bucks and some straight-up boring as sin seasons/series under their belts and idk what in the hell's coming for us now.
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aphmau-prompts · 1 year
Lucinda becomes suspicious of Mr. Valkrum in PDH.
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humanmorph · 1 year
unfortunately for figure I care more about gurs wellbeing than theirs. Which I don't know how much you can do there it all seems so grim to me still they felt somewhat desperate in the latest episode... Maybe it's a thing of getting used to actually, finally being heard, and (just like figure) not being bound to clem anymore. So maybe it doesn't have to take figure being miserable for gur to feel better but I'm just saying if it does that's ok by me. Sorry figure. I hope dre never rolls a 10+ again etc. etc.
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skaruresonic · 1 year
my entire week this week has been "AAAAAAAAAAH." aka "I'm so fucking tired but also I have 8,943, 247 things to do and will continue to need to do for the foreseeable future and in fact they are multiplying like bunnies even as we speak"
so if I'm on here sporadically, that's why
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theood · 2 years
Who wants 2 do my t shots for me gayly I'll suck you off sloppy style after
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pirateboy · 2 years
I'm a girl who is so normal ab the rolling stones (listened to the album some girls 4 times in a row today) (then a fifth time later)
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