#I'm really sorry that people are saying shit like that to you tho anon!
johnslittlespoon · 2 days
okay listen feral bikerider gale/past catching up to him/etc etc etc anon here and can I just say. thank you. I’m not overly interested in the actual violence or gang-shit or whatever. when I first read about the bikerider au all I could think about was sons of anarchy (idk if you’ve watched it, but I watched three seasons with my dad and it’s all just. gang conflict after gang conflict after gang conflict with some romance sprinkled on top and that’s not. really my thing) and I was not into it. at all. then your yapping (affectionate) converted me. hearing that it won’t be all weapon smuggling and, idk, drugs or smth is actually so reassuring lol
and!!! obviously it’s your fic/au, I’m definitely not here to try to influence you in any way whatsoever!!! I’m super excited to read it no matter what because your writing is just. lovely. I check in pretty much every morning like I’m reading the papers lmao
doing something semi-stupid in your past feels like kind of on brand for everyone, even though it might not be illegal for most. and maybe it wasn’t illegal for Gale, either, bro I am not a very good writer, I’ll leave the plotting to someone else.
but I’ll always love the idea of Gale being a little feral. or a lot feral. like John getting hurt in a bikerider au tickles my brain the same way John punching a German guard in canon centric fics does. Nevermind the guard, I just need the fallout. the angsty fallout.
John and Gale coming back home, and Gale sitting him down in the bathroom to very, very carefully patch him up (and, listen, the other guys probably just roughed him up a little. he probably got away with minor bruises and some scrapes), and Gale being insanely worried that he has scared John. John on the other hand is worried for Gale, because what if it happens again? What if the police finds out? John being worried that he somehow messed up.
and, don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t mind reading feral gale beating the shit out of people. It’s just not something I want to read a full fic of.
finally, because I just need to add this, too: Gale’s knuckles being split and bleeding and John so very carefully cleaning them up, pressing gentle kisses to the cuts when he has to scrape the dried blood up to get it properly clean. Gale not being sure what he did to deserve John, being so sweet and gentle and caring.
okay, over and out 🫡 sorry for not being that clear in the other ask, I blame. idk, sleep deprivation. and sorry for making this so long, idk what I’m on about half the time and my meds are doing shit to my brain. I love your blog and your writing just. makes my fucking days. I’d wait forever for the next chapter of dog coded Bucky ❤️
YIPPIEE more leaving!bikeriders au >:) hii i meant to get back to this SO long ago, feels like good timing now with the bikeriders theatre day approaching! i'm assuming you're the anon from this post <3
i have THOUGHTS. aka this got lengthy oops, shocker. a bit of plotting and then like 2k words of drabble below the cut lmfaoo
the proper drabble will be further down, but first of all, very big agree!! and relieved i'm not the only one who feels this way omg. i haven't watched SOA for this reason specifically– i just don't have much interest in the conflict/violence–heavy plot stuff (which is ironic considering i'm excited for the bikeriders movie, but i think it's pretty clear that's because of the lovely cast lol since i don't care for bikes/cars in the slightest oops). HONOURED that my yapping converted you tho LOL i swear if something is character focussed, it can make 99% of topics at least somewhat appealing!
and please don't worry omg i don't feel influenced/pressured etc, i loveee bouncing ideas and brainrot back and forth for my aus, it's sm fun and i love trying to incorporate things other people like/suggest when i can!! <3 but omg i will weep thank you so much wtf?? :'))
for sure; even the most stoic/'put together' characters surely have done some not very bright things in their lives. i'm toying with a couple backstories for gale to establish what might catch up to him or cause conflict, but i'm gonna wait to decide until i see the movie because i have a feeling i'll get some good inspo from benny's story!
honestly it's the part i'll have to put the most effort into really thinking out in terms of plot to make it flow naturally, because all the relationship focussed things kinda write themselves as i brainrot. but i'm 99% sure i'm gonna write the fic from john's pov because it'll keep a lot of gale a mystery to the readers as well, and therefore save me from having to flesh out certain things until necessary lmfaoo
and yeah!! it's not always the events themselves that hit the hardest– it's the fact that the character could be feral enough for them to happen in the first place, and it's the outcome/fallout that's most fun to write/read (to me).
feral gale is so fun to explore in general because of how different it is to most of what we're shown of him in mota, so it's like a challenge to keep him feeling in character while also picking out the little parts of him that could be pushed to be that way. and of course the classic whump of the one person gale cares about and tries so hard to protect getting hurt because of him? endless angst possibilities.
i dig what you said, about john 'just' being roughed up a little, because i think with whatever backstory i end up forming, it's not like the 'bad guys' are gonna be some mastermind criminals extorting gale for something life or death lol. it's probably gonna be a bunch of rough and tumble biker men with some long lasting beef between their clubs, hitting gale where they know it'll hurt the worst: a loved one.
i bet you anything (depending on how plotting goes LOL) that they don't actually even intend to mess john up to the extent they do; i bet john runs his mouth and makes some sorta escape attempt because as terrified as he is, all he can think about is how gale's gonna obviously track him down and he's more worried about what the guys are planning to do to gale when he shows up. in his naive mind, if he can get out and get to a phone or something, he can stop everything.
ofc the escape attempt is futile because it's one gangly college kid vs a couple of grown ass men, and john gets banged up in the process, seeing as being tackled to the ground with your wrists bound behind your back doesn't leave you with anything to protect your face from concrete with, and maybe then he gets a solid fist to the face to scare him out of pulling anymore shit (it sure works).
and just the act of taking john/putting him danger alone would have gale ready to wring these men out by their necks, but when he shows up and sees his baby bleeding? and he can't tell how bad he's hurt, from where he's lurking around the corner scoping out the situation? he'd see red and be pretty dang close to saying fuck it and going in there without a plan, but the fear of john getting hurt in the process would stop him, and he doesn't feel like going down for murder.
somehow he picks off the guys one by one with a generous amount of flying fists and y'know, maybe a bit of knife–work if necessary, idk, future plotting lol, and tells them they're good as dead if they pull anything like this again. that the club will be keeping an eye out for them, that they're a buncha cowards, and they can come talk to him face to face like men, next time. you get it.
and then finally, obligatory wound care ofc <3 easily top three tropes ever ugh. gale gets john the fuck out of there and to the safety of his truck, methodical and vigilant, and only then does his guarded expression drop, and his hands are shaking just as hard as john's are when he cups john's face in his hands to look him over. john gives him a shell–shocked "'m fine, gale" and hates how guilty gale looks, because there's not even the tiniest part of john that blames gale for any of it; john knew what he was getting into (to an extent) with gale.
but regardless, gale's shaken up, terrified by how much worse things could've gone and how much danger john could've been in, but also terrified of how deeply he feels for john; probably some backstory there about gale seeing someone he loved get hurt, or almost get hurt, swearing he'd never bring someone into his life again because of it, etc, and then in waltzes stubborn, loud–mouthed john egan.
but selfishly (or what he feels is selfish), gale's also terrified that this might be the final nail in the coffin for john. he knows he's not the easiest to be with (even though john thinks the exact same thing about himself lol silly boys) and he knows john's more patient than he deserves, and could find someone his own age with a normal life in a heartbeat with his sweet disposition and charming pretty boy looks. and he knows john's well within his rights to walk away from their relationship now, to be scared of the future, to decide it's too much, and part of gale would be relieved to not have to worry, even if he'd miss john like he's lost half of himself.
it's real quiet when they're back home and john's sitting on the bathroom counter, gale between his legs, patching up his face so so gently, as if each brush of a cotton swab is an apology. both of them have lots to say but neither know how to say it; john hates knowing gale's probably shouldering all the blame and he doesn't know how to reassure him in a way that'll get through to him, but he can't handle the silence. probably makes a weak joke about how "y'shoulda seen the other guy" and doesn't even get a smile out of gale.
ends up wrapping his legs around gale's hips to pull him closer but just gets a huffed out, frustrated "john" as gale swats his ankles away, and it's not that john's trying to make light of what happened, he just doesn't know how to talk about something like that, regardless of how good he and gale have gotten at communicating.
john probably gets a bit frustrated, because gale’s already so protective over him as is, which he likes, but now gale’s treating him like glass, like he’s scared to hurt him further just by touching him, and john does not like that. it feels like progress undone, like he's back at the beginning of their relationship when gale wouldn't let him in or open up to him or trust that he was capable of making his own decisions.
so when gale's done bandaging him up with practiced, meticulous hands, john doesn't give gale time to react, just slides off the counter and snatches the little first aid kit from his hands and says "okay, your turn." and it's obvious gale wants to protest, but john catches him so off guard that he stunned into silence, lets john guide him until he's leaning against the counter.
john's hands still tremble when he takes gale's hands in his, and he tries to steady them because he doesn't want gale to see how freaked out he is, but he diligently cleans away the blood around his knuckles, feeling gale's eyes on him the whole time but not looking away from his task, scared he'll shatter the moment if he does.
if he were to look up though, he'd see gale's watching him in complete awe, struck by the fiercest wave of adoration, drawing a blank while he tries to search for what he could've possibly done in this life or another to have someone like john come (crashing, stumbling, tornado–ing) into his life.
and if we wanna make it extra yowch–y and sappy and feelings heavy: as john's brushing his lips over the cuts, dusting featherlight kisses across his knuckles, john's throat goes tight and he feels his own overwhelming rush of emotions and his heart thumps and he blurts out: "i love you."
it's the first time one of them says it. and it’s a disguised i love you even so. i love you despite. i love you anyway. i love you because. months worth of reassurances wrapped into three words, and even with what john's just gone through, he's still scared when it slips out, looks up at gale with wide, searching eyes, trying to gauge whether he's overstepped or said the wrong thing.
gale's just trying to catch his breath, feeling like the wind's been knocked out of him by the admission. half of him wants to shake his head, gently push john's hands away, tell him "no you don't, hun." a tiny part of him wants to be cruel about it, to laugh the honesty off and ensure john will walk out that door far, far away from the mess that gale is, and not turn back, safe from harm.
but the other half of him, the half that holds his heart, evidently, has him cupping john's open, sincere face in his hands, looking down into bright, fearful, hopeful blue eyes, and murmuring "i love you more."
and john blushes as hard as he did the first time they'd kissed, as hard as he did the first time he was laid out in gale's bed, as if he and gale haven't said a million things much more fluster–inducing since they met. gets all shy, pouts, looks down and mumbles "that's not fair," and that finally gets the first smile out of gale all day, maybe even a breath of a laugh.
they love each other your honour </333
this got way out of hand but what else is newwww i'm so weak for these two. so so weak. i keep saying it but MAN i'm so excited to write this fic this summer omg :')
and DON'T BE SORRY!! it's so chill omg, you were perfectly clear (but i'm glad you elaborated and gave me an excuse to yap about them some more hehehe) and never apologize for long messages, i loveee reading the brainrot and hearing ur thoughts and getting to brainrot back. and thank you AGAIN sobs 😭💗 that makes MY days and ur way too kind fml. i hope the wait hasn't been too long LOL on the chapters AND a response to this ask!! tysm again mwah
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emblazons · 1 year
The heteronormativity is bad but it’s not even just that. I think the bigger problem in the Byler vs Melvin ship war is that since mlm fandoms have a reputation of being misogynistic and hating the female character for “getting in the way” everyone automatically assumes that Bylers fall under that category too (I’ve had sapphic friends who don’t watch the show tell me that they hate Byler because they think that the fans hate women even though most of us are queer women ourselves) and so we have to be extra nice and accommodating and apologize every time anyone even mildly criticizes El on here otherwise we’re labeled misogynistic (and even ableist even though El has no canonical disabilities). Which I think is so dumb because El is a flawed character and that’s a big part of what makes her interesting. Discussing her mistakes doesn’t mean that we hate her, in fact I would go as far as to say that people who recognize her flaws and love her for them care about El more than fake-woke Twitter feminists who try to strip her of all her less than perfect qualities. And don’t even get me started on how acceptable homophobia is in the Melvin fandom. The way that they shit on Will all the time and want to erase him and have him die in the name of “supporting women” is disgusting and idk why Bylers try so hard to cater to these people and just get along. There is no need and there shouldn’t be any desire to get along with homophobes. It’s okay to just hate things and it’s not morally wrong to dislike Melvin and want to stay far away from it.
Mmmm. Well first off I appreciate your honesty and want to (sorry for phrasing it the therapist way lmao) hold space for your irritation with how ignorant people can be in fandom spaces, because it is very real—and especially given the complicated history mlm ships carry in fandom historically, I can see how byler being pigeonholed into the same "you just want to get rid of the girl for your mlm ship" space is frustrating as hell, especially now that it's officially semi-canon.
Also, to your point about El: I agree that there are far too many people who behave as though acknowledging that characters (especially female ones) can be multi-faceted + make mistakes / be imperfect is somehow tantamount to a misogyny, even though good characters (male or female) must have internal challenges and conflicts so they aren’t one-note in the narrative. Too many people act as though their personal resonance or projection onto a character should define everyone else’s understanding and analysis of that character, and that’s something that happens a lot with El, especially in the case of the space she occupies in relationship to Byler.
Personally, I've avoided most of that discourse by not engaging with Byler "versus" Mlvn conversations for the most part, but that I still notice and react to myself when it comes into my space—particularly the "you're misogynistic or ableist" conversation, considering almost all of that is rooted in headcanons and projections, and not El's (or Mike's...or Will's) canonical characterization. You’re completely right to want to stay far away from that kind of discourse/energy—staying away from how I’ve kept myself sane and enjoying st in spite of how chronically online some of the fandom's takes can be.
I don't think there is any solution to it (people are like that in every fandom space, and I don't think they're gonna stop being willfully ignorant or heteronomative now), but...it helps that I know most of the argument surrounding "byler is trying to get rid of El" is based on either not knowing the show, unchecked emotion, or poor media comprehension, because media literate analysis makes it clear that all three characters involved are deeply complex, growing individuals whose stories all have their own purpose—El's is just moving independent, while Mike & Will's are moving toward each other.
People who don't understand or can't see that—or who want to start arguments over byler based on nothing but their understanding of other mlm ships, or their need to posture solely for the sake of being "right" on the internet—are, quite frankly, not people I'm trying to converse with if I can help it. I don't need to be an advocate for byler badly enough to put up with any of that lmao.
Thanks for the ask!
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itskattkm · 22 days
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Based on a request: Could you do a fanfic where all of JOs characters meet and R has to explain they're all characters in movies and shows and how they're acted by R's gf, Jenna Ortega?
Characters would preferably be the following: Wednesday, Tara, Vada, Camila, Phoebe, Lorraine, Mabel, Ellie and Cairo (Even tho that movie isn't out yet)
If you don't want to use all the characters thats fine lol. I'm too lazy to write this myself.
JO Characters X Fem Reader
A/N: I’m so sorry that it took me so long. I wasn’t sure what end I wanted to choose. So I decided to not overthink to much and keep it short so the end is pretty shit haha. Hope you can still enjoy anon :)
It’s been one of those rare summer days where the clouds were turning into a coal grey way and turning the whole light that fell onto the earth in a mix of yellow light and dark highlites. I saw just seconds ago a light struck in the corner of my eyes as I turned my head towards the window in the living room trying to say “there was a lightning it mus-“ and then there was it.
A growl. Something that sounded like a crisp crash high in the distance but still like it was happening right next to you. Thunder.
I chuckled to myself. Before I could end my own sentence the thunder had spoken for itself.
I walked towards the window. Watching rain falling down in an immense amount, feeling glad that I was in my apartment and didn’t had to walk through that wild mess.
“Rain... Rain is like a heavy mood. It is sad but it has a beautiful way of calming you down at the same time. Rain can make you cry but it can also make you calm"
I heard the familiar voice of my girlfriend. But kept watching the rain without turning around and smiled.
"You know... Rain can also be a bit spooky. Rain makes the shadows darker. Rain makes the dark even darker. Rain makes mystery even more mysterious."
I chuckled saying “wow that one turned a bit dark I guess…” I was turning around Expecting to see her soaked in the rain. Seeing already in front of my eyes how her bangs were probably all wet and sticking on her forehead. But when my eyes met hers, i was quite confused and a light laugh escaped me.
“Why do you look like Wednesday Addams?” I asked her. Walking a step towards her. It was almost like she became one with the shadows in the room. Wearing a big black coat. Covering what she was wearing under it. Her also black doc martens being pretty visible.
Her hair was darker then it was before she left to meet Enrique and prepare things for the upcoming met gala. I looked at her with a tilted head.
“I thought that people stopped asking stupid questions but here you are… another example for our current lost generation” she said monotone.
I looked even more confused feeling like there were tons of gears moving in my head and that she could see them “I’m confused…” I barely whispered.
“I often have that affect on people…”
She said and looked with an almost disgusted gaze at me. Scanning me from head to toe making me feel some kinda way uneasy. Even though I really loved the way Jenna played Wednesday Addams… that type of character was defiantly to much to handle. I found enough courage despise the mixed feelings I had and was about to say something when I recognized another figure beside me. My eyes landing on dark brown eyes, Emphasized with dark eyeliner wich Jenna rarely wore.
My mouth opened slight. Looking even more confused by now if this was possible.
My eyes scanning her figure within seconds. Seeing her wearing some short hot pants with a thin top and a congnac brown leather jacket. The fit feeling pretty familiar to me.
She was wearing eye makeup but the rest of her face was all clean. Wich made her freckles more present than usual. A smile with also slight confusion covered her face “wow you look pretty emo…” was what she said. But she didn’t said it to me.
“Some would consider I’m the definition of emo” said the one who looked like Wednesday.
I felt my heart running faster looking between the both of them.
“You see her too?” I asked Jenna beside me. But I wasn’t sure if it was actually Jenna.
“Yeah I do… by the way what’s your name?”
She answered giving me that big smile that showed her dimples and made me feel a bit flustered. That smile always had an effect on me.
But I was way to overwhelmed to actually tell her my name since there were two people that looked like Jenna so I asked
“Who are you?”
“Mabel…” she said and gave me a very knees weakening look, combined with that smile.
“Mabel… Wednesday…” I whispered looking between the both of you.
“What the hell is going on?” I asked more myself than both of them.
And right when the last few words left my mouth there was another person appearing in the living room. But the person seemed to be way to focused on my bookshelves.
All three of us watched the person.
She was wearing a white dress, showing her curves and long legs wich were wearing knee high brown boots. A tiny bag was hanging over her shoulders as her tiny but also gentle looking hands touched the backs of the books. Reading in silence the title names. Her hair was falling over her back in beautiful waves. The little light in the living room falling on it and showing a mixture of brown and red highlites.
“Y/N I don't think you have real books here... you have a Harry Potter book.. that's not a real book” She scrunches up her face “I'm sorry but it's the truth” She picks up a book and checks the title “Ugh... It's called a touch of darkness and it's about Persephone and Hades in a version of a Greek world in our time? *She shrugs it off*”
I felt a bit offended but also didn’t knew what to say.
Wednesday said “if you like Greek mythology you at least could’ve read the real tales. Like the ilias or oddysey” I nodded slightly ashamed and my gaze met Mabel’s she whispered “I only watched Percy Jackson once so don’t look at me for help…”
I took a deep breath and looked back at the woman beside my shelves. She had turned around by now and was lightning up a cigarette. I could see the amount of rings on her other hand and that cheeky but also dangerous smile on her dark bordo lips.
“Cairo Sweet?” I asked speechless.
“Wow well that’s a …unique name” said Mabel with a chuckled.
“I would say being called after a weekday is more unusual then being called as a well know city with history…” said Cairo and gave Wednesday a look.
My eyes widened feeling like Cairo was about to die.
“ I’m named after a nursery rhyme containing the line “Wednesday's child is full of woe.” The poem, which assigns personalities to children based on the day they were born, dates back to at least 1838. Cairo-Sweet. What kinda name is that, anyway? Sounds like the kind they'd use in a very bad written fanfiction” Wednesday glares at Cairo for daring to question the legitimacy of her name and gives her a dead stare.
I looked at both of them excited now and chuckled saying “as a writer you should have know that Cairo… you better not mess with Wednesday. She’s a writer and she could kill you if she wants”
Mabel beside me just whispered quite “okay this is getting very interesting here”
Wednesday and Cairo were throwing glares at each other when another person moved to my side and said “what kind of fever dream is that?”
I laughed and shaked my head looking at my right side to see another version of my girlfriend, wearing basketball shorts and an oversized shirt. I felt like nothing could surprise me anymore at this point so I smiled friendly and held my hand out saying “your Vada right? Nice to meet you I’m Y/N”
Vada smiled and shook my hand. I was explaining to her what was currently happening and introduced the others to her. Vadas hand rested on my shoulder now as she said “it’s like the most weirdest names I’ve ever seen…” an awkward smile appearing on her lips.
“You’re not surprised about the fact that you all look exact the same? Just different?”
Suddenly there was a Laugh “Yeah, there's a glitch in the system or something. It's just kind of...” said the 5.1 Latina beside me and shrugged. I looked speechless at Tara fucking Carpenter. Not sure if I was in a fan girl mode or going right into the simp mode.
“Tara Carpenter… holy shit” I whispered and looked at her stunned. Not sure how to process this all. She gave me a friendly smile and my head felt like exploding.
“She good?” Asked another version of Jenna’s Characters. Sitting on the armchair with her sunglasses and smoothie as she held a tiny book in her hands. Ellie from you I assumed.
My eyes kept jumping between all those people in my living room. Noticing even more of them.
“10 dollars she’s gonna pass out” said Wednesday cold as Cairo agreed and jumped in the bet. In my living room we’re around six characters that my girlfriend had played and it was way to hard to understand what the hell was going on.
No matter in what direction I looked. They were everywhere. Talking, arguing, connecting.
I took a deep breath and sat down on my couch. “What the hell is going on?” I asked louder and everyone became silent.
They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.
“I have to admit this is weird… for real why do we all look like the same person?” Asked now Vada pointing out her hands at everyone.
Everyone looked around, till all gazes fell on me. Tara walked towards me saying “you seem to know every one of us… so you may enlighten us?” I nodded in an almost trance like mode and got up. Standing in the center while all of them were standing around me like in a circle.
“Okay… maybe this is some weird multiverse thing? A Paradoxon? Or I’m dreaming… dead… I don’t know but!” I said looked at all of you.
I shrugged my shoulders
“Well what can I say you all are movie characters…”
“ Y/N are you feeling alright? Or are the fumes from the glue factory getting to you?”Wednesday gives me a cold stare “Or do you need to sit down? Do you need a hit with the shovel so the bad thoughts go away?”
I looked at her serious saying
“What?! No! Listen…” I said and reached for my phone. I typed in Wednesday in Netflix and showed it to her and the others.
Cairo Looks at me with confusion “What a nerd, knowing all the facts about movie characters and who plays them. Like, who cares? I’ve got better things to do all day long than waste my time on silly little facts of the past, and I don’t even want to waste my time being in the same room as a loser like you!” She glares at me, showing clear signs of aggression.
“Okay you are defiantly meaner as you seem in your movie…” I said slight offended and looked over at Tara who was my fav character. Seeking for some comfort
She Shrugs “Oh don’t let her bother you, she’s... Anyways, did you guys want to talk about anything specific or are we going to all go to our separate corners and just stare at each other? I mean, that sounds kind of odd if I say it outloud...”
I laughed nervous “I would like to know why you guys even are here in the first place… this is against all rules. How is this even possible?”
“You’ll find a lot of things hard to explain away with logic, you know? Especially a certain someone who likes to hang out with a bunch of fictional characters” said Wednesday monotone and gave me another cold, intimidating stare “beside that you better stop trying to convince us that we are only movie characters. I’ll be good for you, if you drop the topic”
“Why? After all you all just appeared out of nowhere in my Apartment!..” I said a bit angry. Starting to feel like I was the bad one here suddenly.
Mabel looked around while playing with her moving her hands in the back of her pockets “So, what should we talk about then?” She asks awkwardly.
Vada was sitting in the corner and stares at the floor then says “I feel like the most... average one here....”
Tara Looks at Vada awkwardly “Don't say that... you're just as special as all of us. You're not average. Don't ever think that!”
“Yeah she’s right. You are special and we love you… what you’ve been through was awful” I said reassuring and hugged her. Since I knew what Vada had been through cause I watched the movie obviously, I had a soft spot for her.
“Uh... Thanks y/n......” She awkwardly hugged me back and blushed a little bit, looking down and covering her face. “How did you know?.....” She looked up at me a bit more, curious than before.
“Because you’re a movie character and I saw your story… that’s what I’m trying to explain to you guys” I sighed and looked at Tara.
“Tara you have a sister called Sam. You two had been survivors of a ghostface attack two times. You have several stab wounds in your abdomen and shoulder and on your hand as well. Sam ist the daughter of the origin Ghostface killer, Billy Loomies “ I explained “Your form the movie called Scream, your character was introduced in the fifth and sixth movie… my fav ones” I added with a shy smile.
Tara looked around impressed “How do you even know all these facts?” She whispered and realized that I knew all the names without even asking any one of you “It’s like, magic or something?” She asked.
I looked at Cairo and said “And your form one of the current movies my girlfriend made. It’s called millers girl. And yeah. I know what you did. Accusing your teacher for something he did not really do but I’m on your side tho. But it’s not cool to kiss and blackmail your best friend Winnie. Your dangerous Cairo. But I still feel mesmerized by you… somehow” I explained and shrugged.
Cairo rolled her Eyes “Wow, just wow. Who cares? I didn't ask for your input so keep it to yourself please and thank you” She turns her cigarette off and crosses her arms, giving me a pissed look.
“You are really mean... You seemed so nice at the beginning of your movie” i said almost disappointed. “Yeah well I turned out to be different and that's too bad for you” She continues to glare at me with aggressive eyes.
I sighed again and looked at Mabel.
“Mabel. You’re from the movie finestkind. You’re dating some fisher guy. It’s about crime and drugs. Your character is only a side character but you’re cool. Pretty bold and flirty. You had some spicy scenes respect for that…”
“Wow you really do know a lot-“ She was cut off by Wednesday, who started making an unimpressed sound.
I turned to her “And then the one and only Wednesday Addams. You are the currently new portrayed version of that character. You have your own tv show. You attend a dark Academy and solve crimes and murderes… second season will come out soon and by the way… people ship you pretty hard with Enid”
Wednesday looked me dead in the eyes “I do not appreciate your tone of delivery at all. I’m going to have to ask you to watch it a little, or else… that’s the nicest I can make” She gives me a scary look of disapproval and anger.
“Hey I didn’t wanted to be harsh or something… I’m just trying to telling you guys about the movies you all are from. I don’t know how you made it to my universe but you are all not real in this one…”
“Its your fault we're all here in the first place, so it’s best if you don’t go around with a mouth that likes to spill every detail about us that you possibly can, hmm?” Wednesday gave me a threatening look, daring me to break eye contact first.
I felt a bit hurt and said quite
“Sorry… but I really don’t how all of you came here” I looked around “You all just appeared suddenly” I said softly.
“it’s time for you to make us all disappear” Wednesday looked at me with cold, empty, soulless eyes.
“I don’t know how” exhausted I looked in the eyes of all of them.
“Look guys, let’s not make things too hard on her. She didn't even do anything, all of us just suddenly appeared and its not her fault! “ said Tara and stands up for me. I felt so relived when Tara stand up for me, making me fall for her even harder. Okay focus y/n Jenna is your girlfriend. But yeah… I also love all characters she plays… nevermind.
“I must say, you are very pretty y/n...” said randomly Mabel with a smile.
“Th-thank you” I said blushing hard and looked down.
Vadas eyes fell on me “Yeah, Tara’s right though. She didn’t have anything to do with why we’re here, did she?” Glances at Wednesday and Cairo, looking suspicious.
Cairo Shrugs “I’ve been trying to find out but so far I haven’t got a clue...” Her eyes narrow as she looks at her surroundings “We need to figure this out as soon as possible...”
„Well as soon as possible isn’t quick enough for me, I’m not going to sit around here forever just to wait this all out“ Wednesday added.
„You guys can do what ever you want.
I don’t know how all of you became real. Just know that in this universe none of you is supposed to be real“ I said and sat down on the couch exhausted
Wednesday Shrugs „Well we didn't do it on purpose. It's just something crazy I guess...
What if we never make our way back...“ She looks at everyone with a cold, intimidating stare. It’s clear she’s trying to hold her anger in check for the moment.
„Come on, don't even talk like that Wednesday... we'll find our way back, one way or another...“ Tara said.
„Yeah right? We're not stuck here with her forever!“ Cairo shudders at the thought.
„Ouch?“ I said not sure if I should feel offended.
„You should feel offended. We are going to find a way out of here and when we do, I am making sure I stay the hell away from you“ She glares at me again.
I gave Cairo a thumbs up and looked at Tara speechless saying
„I can’t believe I actually had a crush when I watched her movie back then“
Vada shrugged „Well I'm glad you changed your mind“
„Why? What kind of crush did you have on me?“ asked Cairo, not letting her anger die down yet.
„None“ I said trying to end the conversation. „Come on, you can tell me. Please?“ She leans forward with puppy eyes, but they look a little bit sinister.
„Just for the record since my girlfriend plays all your characters I do have a thing for all of you for sure“
„What do you mean your girlfriend plays all of us?“ Wednesday gives me a suspicious look, leaning in closer and giving a scary look again. „My girlfriend. The actress. Who portrays all your characters in this universe“
Mabel stares at me for a while. Her eyes narrow even more than before* What's her name?”
“I don’t buy it” Wednesday scoffed
“What's that supposed to mean, Wednesday?” I asked
“That was an act, you’re not just now realizing that y/n’s girlfriend is the one who plays all of us. I think she’s trying to hide something”
“I’m telling the truth you can google it” I said louder
Wednesday Takes me by the collar and glares at me with a cold, intimidating look “Okay then, Y/N. I want the truth and I want to know now. What’s your play here?”
Some part of me felt scared and turned on. It took me some time to answer. “I swear nothing. I was just enjoying my day off and suddenly all of you were here”
“And nothing at all happened before that?” Wednesdays voice was getting more and more sinister as each second passed.
“A storm came up. Thunder… lightning” I explained. “Hm... a storm...” She let go of my collar and turned her back on me. She began pacing around the room silently.
“Maybe it has to do with the storm then? Some Paradoxon?” I said
Wednesday looked st me “Is that really all you know? You have no other secrets you’re holding back?”
“Nothing. I’m the most boring person right here” I said quite
“Boring?” She looked back at me and smirked, and turned back around again “If you think your life isn’t interesting, then you’d better make your peace with this life being all you’ll ever be. You have no purpose here. You have nothing to contribute to this world” She stopped her pacing and turned back around again “This is it for you. This is all your life is worth” She let me take that in for a while before speaking again “So do not call yourself boring ever again. You hear me?”
I nodded feeling touched.
“Good” She sat down next to me, and put her hand on my shoulder. After a while of silence, she finally broke the tension “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I shouldn’t have done that” She looked down at her feet, ashamed.
“Thank you… i really appreciate your apology” I whispered feeling better now.
“Okay since we all don’t know why you’re here and I’m tired of explaining and arguing… Wanne watch a movie together?”
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Jungkook headcanons
Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, a lil suggestive, I think that's it
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this, I've never written a list like this before so it's a little scattered, sorry. Anyway I'm very soft for this man now, goodbye.
Requests are open
Dating Jungkook is, for lack of a better word, messy. But like in all the best ways.
Late night hangouts when y'all can't sleep and you just end up at the local convenience store, eating snacks or whatever and talking until you notice the sun coming up.
I know I wrote a lil blurb abt it already, but karaoke dates are a regular occurrence. Doesn't matter if you can sing or not, y'all are just having a good time seeing who can hit the highest note(it's him, sorry)
He's one of those people whose friends probably tease cause he says "my s/o is my best friend". But he actually means it, you are his best friend.(I really feel like he would fall for a friend, but that's a discussion for a ot7 reaction I'm working on for next week👀)
Acts really cocky sometimes, but will fold like a house of cards(ha) into the softest boi at the slightest provocation from you.
He's fucking whipped for you, and he knows it.
Was so nervous to kiss you the first time that he legit backed out like three times before it finally happened.
Probably has some kind of nickname for you like "my light" or "my life."
But on the other hand, y'all also tease each other relentlessly, it's like a second love language with him.
Like he will sit there while you're trying to read or smth and poke your cheeks until he gets a reaction out of you.
Will make height jokes, even if you're only like 1in shorter than him.
"Tiny baby." He coos while patting your head. "I'm gonna climb up there and kill you." You warn. "So tiny, so precious."
But if he catches anyone else giving you a hard time about something, God help them.
Possessive(*cough perilla leaf debate)
Gives you his sweatshirts to wear because you look cute in them, but also loves that it's a subtle sign to anybody else that you're his.
This goes both ways though, he loves when you call him yours.
The first time you called him "your boyfriend", he legit short-circuited for a second.
Would probably have matching, macrame type couple bracelets that y'all made together for your second or third month anniversary.
Protective AF
Does that thing where he makes sure you walk on the inner half of the sidewalk when are you're out together, so you're protected from the street?
Not big on Pda exactly, but usually has an arm around you or is holding your hand. He doesn't even realize he's doing it sometimes, it's just kinda become a habit to have you close as much as possible.
He gets so little time with you as it is, so he just wants to make every second count.
When it's just the two of you though, he becomes a fucking koala and will NOT let you go.
Clings to you like his life depends on it.
Begs you to stay over all the time, swears that he can't sleep well unless you're next to him.
At this point, you might as well move in, half of your shit's at his place already anyway.
Looks at you like you're a literal dream.
Like some mornings when neither of you are really awake yet, you look over and he's just staring at you over your coffee mug like🥺
Loves to make you flustered tho
Like, if he notices you have a thing for his arms, he's gonna take every chance he can to roll his sleeves up in front of you just to see your face go red.
Randomly walks up to and gives you these deep, intense kisses and then? just fucking walks away as if nothing happened? Like, nuh-uh, get your ass back here and finish what you started sir!
Talks about your future together with such casual certainty. Like "when we get married, we should get a house like that".
Refers to Bam as your child.
Idk where I'm going with this or how to end it, so I'm just gonna stop here, but yeah. I just think he's neat lol.
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lumiinix · 1 year
HIII!! I just wanna say first that I just ADORE ur writing so much!!!💘 And I saw that ur request are open and I was wondering if by any chance you could write abt how the haikyuu boys would react to meeting a beautiful fan (fem! Yn). I was thinking maybe like atsumu, Oikawa, Sakusa idk. ANYWAYS It’s okay if not lol! 😎🤘💟
Meeting a beautiful fan (but with my own little twist)
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Pairing(s): Oikawa, Atsumu and Sakusa x fem!reader
Warning(s): Fem!reader, reader is famous so it’s like a mutual celebrity crush.
A/N: Don’t mind me putting a little twist of my own here anon~
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Being a model sure is exhausting, but you can’t denied that the perks that comes with your job is sure worth it, especially when that perk is a vip ticket to a San Juan home game where you got the chance to see and later have a meet and greet with your favorite member, Oikawa Tooru.
“Yep, totally worth it.” You said as you fawn over the Japanese man.
Oikawa was just drinking water during half-time when suddenly he sees it, in the corner of his eyes was the most beautiful person he has ever seen, his breath hitched as his heart began to beat faster, he almost even drop his water bottle. He had to look in your direction again to see if he’s not dreaming. Holy shit you are real and you’re in the vip section too? So that means he has to meet you later?! Oh now he’s panicking.
The match ends with the win goes to San Juan and the meet and greet began, and when he’s seeing you walking towards him? Man’s double panicking (from the inside).
“Hi! I’m a big fan of you! It’s nice to finally meet you Oikawa!”
And your voice is also pretty? Oh boy.
In the midst of panicking, he blurts out. “I THINK YOU’RE REALLY PRETTY AND I’D LIKE TO ASK YOU OUT.”
Everyone in the rooms blinks, his teammates trying hard not to burst out laughing, other fans are looking at you whispering, some are about how lucky you are, and others are how they seemed to recognize you as that famous model. Oikawa tho, he wants the ground to swallow him whole, and the fact that he just heard that you’re a famous model doesn’t help the situation at all.
You on the other hand, smiled at the confession.
“I like your boldness.” You chuckled. “Here, take my card.”
Flipping through your purse you take out a business card, but you also took out a pen and wrote your personal number on it as well.
“This is my personal number, I will be busy in the next month but will be free for a while after that, call me when you wanna have that date.”
Oikawa shakily grabs your card before nodding, he was at awe with you. “You bet I will.” He said with his signature grin. He couldn’t wait to go on a date with you.
Atsumu found you while scrolling through social media and was instantly hooked. Not only were you a rising star in the singing world, but you’re also a famous socialite that captures the heart of millions with your beauty and talent, including him. It was a mini crush that he had, you just had to be beautiful and talented and so on. The other guys would shit on him all the time, especially Sakusa.
“Omg y’all, she followed me back on Instagram! I can die a happy man now.” He sigh dreamily.
“Then die, at least I won’t hear your fanboy squealing anymore.”
“Wow, so rude Omi-omi.”
Fast forward to a MSBY home game that his team had just won, so everyone is going out treating themselves some drinks at a nearby cafe. When suddenly, someone bumped into his back and he hears a plastic material drops.
"I'm sorry!" Atsumu recognize that voice. He turns around and sees you bending down to reach for a pair of sunglasses, but he hasn't yet recognized you because you were also wearing a cap that completely obscured your face from his view.
He looks outside of the store where he saw a group of people holding cameras. Paparazzi, he realizes, and they were chasing…you?
“I truly apologize for stumbling into you again.” He almost spits up his drink when he finally sees your face after you speak up and stand up. There you are in all your glory, although not wearing makeup or expensive clothing, you still look stunning to him.
“Oh! You’re Miya Atsumu! I’m a big fan!” And you were a fan of him too? Did he just won a jackpot?
The two of you just stand there in shock, having to meet eachother’s celebrity in this situation was not what you expect, no one said anything, that is until his teammates had enough.
“Hey Miya! Why don’t you ask you ask her out? Aren’t you simping for her?” Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), Sakusa spoke up first, opening the gates for his other teammates to hype in up as well.
“Yeah dude, stop being a wuss!”
“Come one, are you really gonna let the beauty hanging like that?”
And that’s just the boost he needs, he has to thank them later, so with a deep breath, he gave you his signature grin. “So, wanna hang out sometime?”
Sakusa doesn’t know when he started to see you, but he’s glad. For some reason, he always seemed to notice you in the stands, seemingly blending into the rest of the fans, and it annoys him at first, but the more he saw you, the more you grew on him even though you two don’t have any interaction. To him, everything about you just screamed perfect and when he saw you wear his jersey number, cheering for him specifically, he cannot denied the fact that he’s fallen for you.
So when he looks up in the stand and cannot find you anywhere, his mood dropped and although it didn’t effect his game, even his teammates notices this and although they didn’t know why (bc Sakusa would dropped dead before he is even considering telling them about his crush), they knew is was kinda big. It was at that day when he decided to fuck it and decided that the next time he
He knows that you cannot make it to his game, but what he didn’t know is the reason why you cannot go there, and it’s because by the time the game is over, you are on a plane going back to Japan after winning an ice skating tournament. Sure you won, but you’re still salty about the fact that you miss your favorite athlete Sakusa fricking Kiyomi’s home match which they also won.
Promising to yourself that you see him next time, not knowing what would come next.
“How did it comes to this?” Is the first question you two had when you met him again…in an ice skating tournament you are in! Apparently, Komori dragged him here because for some reason he got interest in this sport and Sakusa was about to complain when he saw you. There you are, in your shiny outfit and perfect makeup, you gracefully slide on the ice while doing spins and jumps making him completely infatuated by your skills. You were an athlete yourself? And you’re a fan of him??
And when your eyes met, it was like the world around you was slowing down, your eyes widens as you realized that your athlete crush is here and although flustered, you now completely focused on showing of your best move to impress him (not that you didn’t already), leading you to winning the tournament.
Sakusa definitely had to thank Komori for this later, but first, he had to find you to ask you out.
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littlexscarletxwitch · 8 months
another idea! someone harrassed you online and Yelena does her spy stuff, gets the dude to Actually apologize and Mean it. and then as she's comforting you she's like...sneakily going down to eat you out and make you forget about stupid boys.
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝘄𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗵𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂
paring: yelena belova x fem!reader
tag(s): nsfw, smut with some plot, it's actually not that dirty, I mean it is but I was hoping for it to be sweet and lovely and cute, not sure if it worked out tho, yelena being the overprotective gf she is
warning(s): MDNI, +18 ONLY read at your own risk, explicit wlw smut, wlw sex, vaginal fingering, oral sex, mentions of online harassment, mentions of a boy being a dick (I hate men), yelena wanting to kill said man because he made r cry, grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 1.7k
note: NONNIEEE, I'm sooo sorry it took me so long to write this. But I'm so glad I finally get to post this one. I really hope you like it, and I'm sorry if it's not as dirty and smutty as you wanted it. I still need so practise lol. Thank you for the request, anon, ily. I'm not an english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Love y'all, M <3
requests are open! + check my rules + masterlist <3
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To say she was pissed was an understatement, she was furious, she felt as if her blood was boiling, and all she could see was mad red.
She closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing and all she could see was you. Everytime, her mind took her back to a couple of hours earlier in the day, and there you were crying, brows furrowed, bottom lip trembling and your phone in front of your eyes. Her heart skipped a beat once she took a look at you. She felt the muscular organ breaking into a million pieces, you looked so small, and fragile, like a lost puppy.
“Y/n? Baby, what happened?” Yelena asked, concerned and worried in her tone.
“Nothing, nothing. I just…,” you sniffed. Tears rolled down your cheeks as Yelena’s thumbs gently brushed them away.
“It’s not ‘nothing’, Y/n. What happened?” she took your phone from your hands, leaving it on the floor and wrapped her hands around yours.
“People can be so mean. Why are they mean, Lena?” you sobbed, your head fell on her shoulder as you let the river of tears flow.
It took you a while to finally open up to her because you wouldn’t stop crying. Yelena’s heart sank into her tummy as she listened to your words carefully. The sadness she felt for you soon shifted into anger as she realised the reason why you were crying was because of some stupid miserable insensitive boy.
Some brainless damned bored fucker had made some online comments about you. She scoffed, how did that asshat dare to make you cry? How did he dare to say those awful things about you? Was he really that bored to mess with you? Was he really that miserable to make other people cry? And you of all people. Why did it have to be you? You who were so sweet to everyone, including people you didn’t even know. You who would never talk shit about anyone. You who would always take care of everyone else before yourself.
It was Yelena’s job to take care of you. All she wanted was for you to stop crying and to make you feel better, so she made it her mission, literally. She wasn’t good with her words when it came to you, she felt like she could never say the right thing to make you feel better, so she did what she did best, and made it her next mission to find this repulsive freak and make him pay for all the tears you had shed because of him.
You were so tired from all the crying that soon enough you had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She carried you up to your shared bedroom, tugged you in, left a soft kiss on your forehead and got to work.
Tracking this guy down wasn’t hard at all, the jackass was careless, he probably thought that leaving hate comments here and there wouldn’t cause him any kind of problems. But boy was he wrong.
She breathed out one last time, trying to not let her anger get the best out of her, and then she opened up her eyes. There she was, parked right outside Jared’s house. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do, she felt like she could just kill Jared for what he put you though. But she knew you wouldn’t like that nor would it help you.
“Okay, here it goes,” she said, getting out of the car.
She impatiently knocked on the door, making no attempt to stop the loud knocking until Jared dared to open up.
“Jesus, I said I’m coming,” she heard someone say from the other side.
As soon as the door was unlocked, she pushed it open and made her way in.
“Hello, Jared,” she said, shutting the door behind her with a fake small on her lips.
“Who the fuck are you?” he sounded as angry as Yelena felt.
“We are going to have a chit chat, Jared.”
“I don’t know who the fuck you are. You are going to leave or I’ll call the cops,” he stepped forward, trying to intimidate Yelena. She just rolled her eyes at the action.
“I’d like to see you try,” she said, pushing him back strongly enough for him to lose his balance and fall on his butt. “You see, Jared—.”
“How the fuck do you know me?”
“You said some things that I didn’t like,” she ignored him. “In fact, I’m really pissed off at the moment, so much that I feel like I could just rip your head off,” she chuckled as she watched the horror in his eyes. “You fucked up, Jared. Big time. You made the person I care most on this planet cry, and I hate you for that.”
“Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You got the wrong guy, I swear I didn’t—.”
“Oh, really? So you are not @jaredrocks.com?”
“I, um…,” he hesitated, swallowing down the lump that had formed on his throat, which didn’t go unnoticed by Yelena.
“Yeah, I figured,” she clicked her tongue in annoyance. “So here’s what you are going to do, Jared,” his face went pale as he noticed Yelena’s mood change, he could tell she was getting angrier by the second and he didn’t want her to snap. Not after she pushed him to the ground so effortlessly.
All he could do was nod as Yelena talked, “You are going to come with me, apologise to her and you’ll promise that you would never do bad shit ever again, Jared. Because if you do, I will find out and I won’t be holding back next time. Got it?” she raised her brow at him for Jared to quickly nod again. “Great! Get on your feet.”
Once Jared and Yelena made their way to your shared apartment, she quickly pulled him out of the car and to the front door. You were waiting for them, well actually just Yelena. She had called you earlier and told you to be outside, she said she wanted to show you something. You felt a chill crawling up your back once you saw a man walking next to her.
“Baby, this is Jared. He has a lot to say to you.”
“Jared? I don’t understand—.”
But you were quickly cut off as Jared began to ramble about how sorry he was, that he didn’t mean to hurt you, that he was just bored and sad, that he was a pathetic little douche bag —Yelena made him say that— and that he would never do something like that ever again. That he regretted ever doing something like that. Suddenly it hit you, he was the prick who wrote that shit about you.
“You really hurt me, Jared.”
“I now can see that. I’m really sorry. I won’t do it again, I promise,” you could only nod at him, biting your lip to stop it from trembling.
“Okay. You’re done here, Jared. Now, get lost,” Yelena patted his back motioning for him to walk away.
“But I don’t—”
“Get lost, Jared,” Yelena repeated herself, this time her tone was harsher and Jared got the memo.
Once he was out of your sight the two of you made your way inside the comfort of your home. You still felt weird about the whole situation. You appreciated Jared’s apology, but you couldn’t stop thinking about all his mean comments.
“Y/n, stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“I know you are thinking about everything he said, but you must know that he was full of shit,” she said, making her way towards you on the bed.
“Lena, I just…” she could see the tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
“Y/n, you are the prettiest, smartest, kindest girl I ever had the pleasure to meet. You are so full of light, Y/n. Don’t let an asshole like Jared put you out, you hear me?”
You nodded, battling the tears.
“Let me show you how special you are, Y/n,” she said as she brushed her nose against your cheek, her lips impatiently searching for yours.
Her lips muffled a gasp coming out of your lips. Like usual, her lips moved perfectly in sync against yours, soft and rough. Her tongue danced around with yours. Her teeth biting your bottom lip. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach as your skin set on fire just with how close she was.
“Make me forget, Yel,” you said breathlessly in between kisses.
Your back hit the bed as Yelena got on top of you, her lips never leaving yours. You wrapped your legs around her hip and quietly moaned once your clothed core made contact with hers.
“I love you so much, Y/n,” she mumbled against your skin as she trailed a path of wet kisses along your jaw.
Somehow in between kisses and soft caresses, Yelena got your body bare. She left a kiss on your forehead, one on your left cheek, another right in between your breasts, and one on your abdomen before making her way to your aching wet core.
“So perfect,” you heard her say before the room was filled with your loud moaning.
She sucked, bit, kissed and licked as she pleased, making a mess out of you. Gently but eagerly she pushed two fingers inside of you, a moan escaped from Yelena’s lips as she felt your cunt clenching around her fingers. She kept a steady pace, slightly curling her fingers to get you to enjoy it as much as you could, as her lips worked on your clit.
Your hands flew to her hair, tugging at it, pushing her even closer to your cunt. And with a loud cry you came undone on her mouth. Yelena’s lips moved fast to drink up every bit of your juice she could as her tongue helped you ride your high. Once you were finished, she left one last kiss on your cunt and went to cuddle you.
She tugged you in, making sure you were warm and wrapped you in between her arms, leaving small kisses on top of your head.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again, Y/n,” you heard her saying as you drift off to sleep, tiredness getting the best of you. “Never again, I promise.”
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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hotchs-big-hands · 9 months
can i rant for bit cuz ugh why do all the men on dating apps suck?? i hate how some men really seem to fetishize plus size women. like when you're trying to talk with them and all they wanna talk about is sexual stuff from the get go 😡😤 like hello?!? im more than just my body?? ive never even met you dude. ive got a personality, interests, etc. like do these men think they're doing plus size women a favor by aggressively sexualizing them?
it honestly sucks so much. so in order to cope I've been fantasing about hotch 😏
like imagine dbf!hotch where he overhears you ranting about dating and the men on the apps and later tries to talk to you about it. he'd tell you that they're all boys and you need a man.after hearing how upset and objectified you feel he'd probably decide to actively pursue you. especially if you've had a will they-wont they thing going on.
i just really want him to seduce me and give me a reason to delete all my dating apps
I'm so sorry this is so late but girlie I feel this so hard. I legit gave up on dating apps cuz it was just "let me see how big your tits are" "😜 wanna meet up and fuck?" Even if your profile says you're not looking for that, youre looking to date! I thought at one point I found someone who was chill and wanted to just go on a date but then 🧍 well, we won't get into that. All in all, ppl need to stop fucking fetishising fat ppl. It's dehumanising. Do we want to be desired sexually? Absolutely. But not just that tho. We want to be loved and accepted for who we are and how we look. I really hope that you do eventually find someone who doesn't just see you as a sex object, ❤️‍🔥 anon because you deserve it 💖💖
Dbf!Aaron Hotchner is sooooooooo🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 OOOOOGH
He is fucking PISSED knowing you're being treated like this on dating apps. He thinks it's fucking disgusting that people see you as nothing but a fetish. He fucking adores you. He thinks you're funny, sweet, beautiful, kind and well, of course he thinks you're fucking sexy too. But knowing you're trying to deal with all this shit makes him angry.
So he does whatever he can to show that he's, first of all, into you very much so. But also that hes not after you just for "having a good fuck with a thicc girl". The thought of people treating you as less than human, just sexual organs because of your curves makes him fucking sickened. Man starts to rly make an effort to show he is interested in you. He tries even harder to make you smile and laugh, treats you to stuff, is extremely attentive if you ever vent to him. And he can see it's working, you've got a pep in your step, and you always have that adorable shy smile on your face whenever he talks to you or looks at you. Big fan of fixing a stand of your hair.
One day something changes, you come to him upset and frustrated and you show him the dating app. You vent about it to him all about the disingenuous guys on there only seeing you as a thicc chick to fuck so they can tick it off their bucket list. And so he hugs you close, kissing the top of your head and says he can't stand to see you so upset anymore. But he has something to say that could help.
You pull away, confused. And he's looking at you with so much tenderness your heart tightens. He smiles, brushing a stray tear from your cheek.
"Sweetheart, those stupid boys don't know what they're doing. They don't know how to treat a woman, how to make her feel loved and cared for and seen as more than just their body type. I... I want to know if you'll have me. Accept me to show you how you deserve to be treated."
You can barely string words together, it's cute. But he sees more tears again and he panics, thinking he's gone too far.
"I'm sorry, this was not appropriate. I-"
"Yes.. I- yes, I want you." You interrupt him. It makes him pause, staring at you for a moment as he studies your expression. You glance away, feeling shy again. "I only started using dating apps because I didn't think I'd ever get to be with you, Aaron..."
Oh, oh sweetheart. His heart is soaring and he pulls you close for a tight hug, swaying you gently.
"Sweetheart, you have me. I'm yours."
Needless to say you freed up a lotttttt of space on your phone getting rid of all the dating apps 🥰 plenty of storage for the incoming pics you and Aaron will take together from this point forward.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Can I please ask for Riven and specialist reader? Reader always chatt with Sky and Riven is kinda "jealous", because he always try to talk with reader but he get nervous aroud her and makes everything sexual, so she mostly walks away, and one day Sky is like "dude, just talk with her, she's cool and super smart, but still thinks u are cute, so mayby just smart. Don't fuck this up" and when they finally talk she makes some coment like he used to and he is like damn i l am in love
lmao- well I can try
after finishing, um.... yeah no. very sorry anon! like I'm still gonna post this but uh. it's shit so just warning ya. starts good tho!
"You're staring", Sky said, leaning on the railing next to Riven with his elbows and his back, raising his eyebrows as he stared straight ahead, even when Riven snapped out of his trance and whipped around to look at him.
"I was thinking", he hissed, his eyes already darting back down to the hallway he was looking at from above.
"And it just so happened that she was who you were looking at while doing so", Sky mocked in a serious tone, though barely concealing his grin.
Riven's jaw clenched, but he said nothing more, only rested his forearms back on the railing. Sky turned around as well - Riven was indeed staring at you again.
"If you just asked her out like a normal person-", Sky started, but Riven interrupted him with a scoff.
"You're her 'best friend', you see her leaving the room when I come in", he argued, watching you laugh down in the hallway with the rest of the guys at your table. There were Bloom and Stella and the other girls from your dorm, and Sam and Grey, so the usual people you hung out with.
"If you acted less crazy around her", Sky shrugged, "maybe-"
"Just fucking shut up", Riven got out through gritted teeth, running a hand over his face.
"Just talk to her like a normal human being", Sky muttered under his breath, laughing. Riven was just about to respond, but stopped suddenly.
"Talk to who?", you asked with a grin, raising your eyebrows as you joined the boys. Riven had seen you walk up the stairs, but hadn't realised you were walking them up to get to Sky. Though, sure, it shouldn't have surprised him. The two of you were annoyingly inseparable.
Sky only raised his eyebrows, making you chuckle.
"Oh", you said. "Me."
Riven, once again today, just opened and closed his mouth. He always had something to say. Why the fuck not now?
"Understandable", you mused, pretending to think and brushing a hand through your hair. "I am pretty hot, hm?"
Riven, this time, was the one to raise his eyebrows. He'd never heard you talk like this. His lips twisted upwards all by themselves.
"Hotter than the sun", he grinned, tilting his head to the side.
"Talking about yourself like that?", you asked, trying to hide a smile. "That's not very polite."
Riven swallowed. He was laughing, yes, sure, praying to all gods he didn't believe in that you didn't see his eyes widening. Or feel his heart racing. You couldn't. No. But you could probably tell just from how he was looking. Sky definitely could. He was poorly concealing his laugh. Riven swore to himself he'd kill him when they were back in the dorms later.
"Well you're in a good mood today", Sky noted. You raised your chin at him and stuck your tongue out.
"I might've just got really good news", you grinned. "But!", you added, before either of them could open their mouth to ask. "I'm not telling. Riven looks like he can't stomach this anymore anyway."
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yakuly · 1 year
Desaparecer | B. CH
Pairing: IdolBangChan x NonIdolreader (mainly neutral gender, but reader has a female body)
Words: 1.3017 (sorry)
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (please stay safe people), marking (both), oral (reader receive) Chan slightly soft Dom but he's also a little shit at the beginning, slight overestimulation (reader receive), and they are both a little insecure at the end of it.
This work it was requested!
A/n: first of all, I'm kinda impressed with myself for the good warning tags (yay), second of all I hope the anon that request like It, and who reads it too. I loved to write it, and got even more better than what I planned. And also it's been a while since I wrote a smut, so please be honest with it (but not mean tho), and I haven't proof readedz so who knows. That's for the attention, and food reading!
(the gift isn't mine, credit to the beloved soul who made it! ❣️)
💌: @marcillfll
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For many days you wondered if it what are you doing? You have a really good life, a very stable routine, finding happiness in little details... But is your boyfriend actually part of it?
It should be, right? He is your boyfriend afterall! You should be happy with his company, his words, his presence, your special days, your regular days that turned into something special because of him... Except Christopher Bang it isn't a regular guy with a regular position, that can provide you all of that.
He's a international Korean Idol, and more importantly a very needed base to his group "Stray kids". Sonic it's hard to have a very knowing boyfriend, that has a lot of responsibilitys, add the fact that you need to keep your relationship a secret.
So that perfect relationship you dreamed for years, it isn't actually like you dreamed of...
Well you got really lucky with Chris! He's a very sensitive, romantic, attentive, sweet boyfriend; he is also really reliable about anything and everything, and you can't lie, he's a ver ver good looking boy. But sometimes you just can't get away with the feeling that you don't actually have him.
Something that Bang Chan is actually pretty aware of it. That's why he decided to plan a weekend only, giving the both of you hours of moments alone together.
You didn't actually knew what he was planning on, but once, in a very boring and slow Friday, you recieved a text from him, saying that you should pack some stuffs for a weekend a way, you knew you couldn't be disappointed.
"Morning my love!" Chris voice being the first one you listen on a Saturday morning, it was a hell of an indication you would have a really good day.
You were finishing getting ready with for meeting him in only a couple of minutes, until you hear his voice coming from your living room. Running after him, you can't help but jumping on his embrace, giggling just like he did when he saw your figure.
"Missed you" you mumble on his neck, ticking slightly, but Christopher couldn't care less. He hugged your body closer to his, both of you selling each other's perfume. "Missed you too my love"
"Where are we going?" You asked finally taking your head out of his neck to look at his gorgeous features, and like that you catched his eyes shining bright, and you felt the warm of his love through it.
Bang Chan smiled, one of his childish smiles, that you slightly mirror it. The boy Negou com a cabeça shaked his hands before saying "Sorry love, confidential information" and laughed at your whining about it.
You had no idea where Chan was taking you, but you knew it was very far, since when more trees started to appear, he loses his face mask and cap, keeping only his sun glasses, making him even more beautiful.
"The view it's on the other side, y'know?" The boy jokes, but you hold his hands and simply say: "really? I don't think it could compare to what I'm seeing" and those words made the boy blush and giggle, and God, how you missed this sound!
Trying to take away the attention, he turn on the volume of the radio, and laying his hands on your thighs squeezing it a little bit. And you can't control those goosebumps that spread your skin at it, so you tried to play it cool, and got your phone in hands.
"Chanie, not to be that person, but you know we are getting without phone signal, right?" you didn't really care much about it, but as a leader, composer and producer, Bang Chan basically needed that like air.
"I know" he simply said, quickly looking at you and smiling "it's for to turn the phone off, so no one can bothers us" Christopher than holded you hand on his lips, where he kissed "we're going to... desaparecer"
The place your boyfriend booked it was really nice. It was a simple regular house, but it had a nice view of trees, the sky pretty clear, and the moon shining very bright and perfect.
"What we should do first?" You ask feeling his arms sneaking around your waist, and that alone makes your heart beat hard and fast. Chan begins to trails soft kisses on your neck, and you shivers under his touch.
"Huuum how about..." he starts speaking still trailing kisses that makes the air leave your lungs, and close your eyes, feeling very conscious about his body pressed against yours. "...you going to the room, take a nice shower, dress fancy, and come down here so I can give you a amazing date night?"
You smile turning around on his embrace. Holding his face in your hand, you caress his cheek, taking in the whole bang Chan you have in your arms. Your eyes wander his face until reach his voluptuous lips, and slowly you get your face closer to his, seeing the boy you now holding do the same, closing his eyes after staring at your lips. He can already feel the taste of your gloss on him...
"Okay" your voice make him open his eyes, only to find you already leaving him alone. Chan needs some seconds to understand and recover, letting out a snort, but laughing along.
You took a very calm and relaxing shower, took your very precious time to get ready, and choosing a very sexy clothe you had. Specially black, Chan's favorite color.
"Can I go now?" You open the room's door and asks loud so your boyfriend can hear you. Finally you recieved a positive response and went after him. "What you have for me?" You ask when you see him on his back.
Christopher turn around and stop. You saw his mouth form a perfect 'o', and him starting to mumbling trying to say something. And Bang Chan, feel the whole world stop once his eyes met your figure, sou gorgeous in front of him... He knew he had to say something, that's why he tried, but his brain couldn't work properly.
"Uh... Love, are you by any chance... Hum hungry?" The boy asks, still looking up and down. You smile, deciding to tease him just a little bit more, then pretending to think a little longer.
"Huuummm... I don't know, why?" Chris then slowly gets closer to you, staring at your eyes, making easy for you to realize how dark they were. And tiu can't help but already feel affected by him.
"Because my love..." He starts to speak, and everytime he gets closer, you take a step back, soon reaching the wall "I was going to give you a really nice and romantic dinner, but seeing you like this..." Chan smirks, and take his hands to your face. He holds by you chin, making you already loose your senses, and look at hia face, heart pounding in your chest "I can only think about taking this clothes out of you, and fuck the shit out of you." The way the man was holding you, and staring at you, and your knees get week, but Chan it's pretty fast, holding you, and smirking even more "you're going to scream my name so people on the other side of the town will hear you... Is that good for you my love?" He asks, and you obviously confirm nodding "words love"
"Yes chanie" it's all you can say, before his lips are on yours.
Christopher glue your body to his, pulling you closer, and only stabilizing you with his knees between your legs. As soon as his tongue get inside of your mouth, you let him dominate the kiss, and yourself. Bang Chan take his hands out of your face, to your hip, firmly pressing you against his thighs.
You are completely taken by him, letting your hand walk through him, but ending on his nape, griping slightly hard at his hair once he makes your hips move on top of him. You gasp at his lips, and Chan smiled. The boy have the audacity to pull apart, and stare at you, smiling like a devil.
"Let me look at you" he cooed, holding your face once again, and moving your hips against his muscle. You feel the electricity run your whole body, once the angle it was making his thigh reach your clit. "Fuck I missed that pretty face of yours"
Chan let a soft kiss on your mouth, before trailing kisses to your neck, and picking you up. He laid you down at the soft mat, hovering on top of you.
You could feel his lips everywhere. And then his tongue, and some bitting, and definitely a lot of marking...
"I'm going to fuck you" bang Chan begins to undress you, throwing them somewhere "no breaks. No pause" his voice was low, and made your whole body shake "I'm going to fuck you"
You had no idea that you were already naked in front of him, all you knew it was that Chan was leaving sweet kisses at your belly, then at your thighs...and he was painfully slow at it.
"Chan" you called for him, unsure of what to say. The boy looked at you smirking like the devil he is, but diving his face inside of you, making you call for him, but in a more urgent way "chan!"
When you heard people saying that rappers where good at giving oral, you didn't minded much about it, but you couldn't denied now that they were correct. Very correct.
"Fuck" he said hoarse voice slightly muffed by your body "you don't have any idea how much I missed your taste, love" it was all you heard before Chan dives in you, for real this time.
Christopher flicked his tongue on your clit, making you shiver and instinctively grab his hair, trying to gain some control over the man (but you knew better than that). You catch his dark eyes staring at you, when you feel him giving your pussy a long stripe, and you swear you can feel your soul leaving your body at the sight.
"Can you keep looking at me, beautiful?" Chan suddenly asks very nicely, and you on your week state, confirm with a nod. Chan maintain eye contact with you, and you almost can't notice his hands grabbing your thighs in a much stronger grip, only so he can comeback to his work on you.
Chan a man on a mission, moaning on you while his tongue work inside of you, taking away all the air in your lungs, making you squirm and weakly moan his names.
It felt so good. It always felt good, but your boyfriend made a promise to himself that today it was all about you. So he was planning on devour your body in many ways.
That's why when your body started to giving signs that you were about to cum, nada you started to say it yourself, all he did was raise his eyebrow indicating that he was okay with it, but never stopping his movements.
"Chan..." You called kinda as a warning, that the knot in your stomach it was about to release, but he holds you even closer and keep on eating you out. "God, Chan!" You called more desperate, your grip getting more strong on his hair, and he moan, diving impossibly more inside of you "Chan!" You definitely screamed, feeling your orgasm taking over all of your body.
With eyes closed all you wanted it was to let the feeling go, but Chan took a little more of his time with you, keeping his tongue working while holding your body trambelling on the floor.
"I love you" Christopher's voice slightly brought you back to reality. Your breathing it was uneven, so he made sure he's touch on you it was lightly and soft.
He kissed your legs, making his way to your torso, and face. And he's eyes met yours, and he chuckled while watching you coming back to reality. He was very soft, caressing your cheek, looking ver foundy at your face. Chan also gave you pecks, and kisses to your lips and face, making you giggle.
"welcome back, my love" Chan jokes, grabbing your hand and kissing your fingers. You weekly answers with a "hi" and the brightest smile for the night. "Are you okay?" He asks, softly touching every peace of your body he could reach "good, because I'm not done with you love"
And his lips were back to your body. Focusing on your breasts, one at time with his lips, leaking, kissing and bitting, you could feel the bruisings forming where he bit. And then he touched them. For only he starts to intercalate tongue and hands. He knew you and your body, and as he was right, you were ready for him once again.
"Can I?" You weekly asks for him, indicating his clothes. Chan brightly smiles and sits up with you, so you can undress him.
His jacket go out really fast, but his shirt goes out slowly, since you wanted to feel him too, unbuttoning you kiss his torso just like he did with yours, but being a little more carefull not to mark him.
"Love do you want to mark me up?" He asked smiling when you look at him with puppy eyes "can I?" After his approval your lips were everywhere on his skin, marking whenever you reached.
"Fuck love" he pantted at your willing "I'm sorry but I need to fuck you. Now" Chan growled laying you once again.
You felt his tip at your entrance, but before he got inside of you, he hover his body on top of yours, and kiss you. You feel all the love he feels for you, and then you feel all the cock he gives to you.
Chan filled you up. To the very brin.
"Chan please move" you request, lips still touching. He smiles and starts to move, slightly pulling back only to fastly thrust again inside of you.
Bang Chan started to pound inside of you like he could die if he didn't. Or like you were a goddess giving him the forbidden fruit.
All you could do it was moan, and grab his body against yours, nails digging into his back. You could do this all day everyday.
"Chan please don't stop" you begged once again, and he loved to listen to your voice so desperate for him. And fuck he wished he could record it.
"I can feel every peace of you, my love" he said in your ears, not needing much to feel your orgasm without any warning.
Your juices, moans, low grunts, your bodies... It was a very intense and delicious symphony for Chris ears. And for that he was losing himself inside of you.
Once he felt he couldn't hold any longer, Chan pulled off and realised his loads on your belly and breasts. Collapsing he fell besides you, but holding eye contact.
After that intense sex section you had at the leaving room, Chan helped you to clean it up, and prepare a relaxing bath witch he gladly joins you.
"Can I ask you something?" You now hoarse voice weakly speaks at the econof the bathroom. Your answer it was a hum and your boyfriend smuggling closer to you, head on your neck "why you suddenly decided to take this weekend off?"
"Humm..." the brunet hummed before answering, fingers playing with yours "I know that we don't get to have too much of a time for us, and I saw something that kinda scared me, so I decided that I was going to take care of us better. Starting today."
He's words cough you out of guard, and that made you look at him in the best way you could "can I ask what scared you?"
"Remember that night we went to grab some soju before heading home?" He recalled, and you decided to make fun of him, recalling that day "you ment that one that you decided to eat ice cream while full on masks to hide yourself?"
Chan's laugh filled the bathroom and you followed him, felling his arms embrace you even more "Yes, the bees one..." but tone for serious after that "I saw a happy couple that day. They were on the other side of the street, and they seem so happyz and they kept on hugging each other and..." you found a weird way to sit at the tub, and get in front of him, so you hold his face to stare at you, what apparently brought him back "and I got scared you want something like that... Something that I can't give to you..."
"Chanie" you tried to speak, but he interrupts you "and honestly I thought the best it was to..."
"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" You almost shout at his face. Chan it was indeed vulnerable, and you respected him for that, knowing how hard it is for him, even to this day to be more open with you, and so you also knew better than to keep repeating cliches, "Chanie, can you promise me one thing?" His eyes were curious over you "whenever you feel insecure over us, for anything, tell me. So we can workout okay?"
"That it's very brilliant my love" Chan smiles, kissing you "are you going to do the same?" The both of you came back to your position
"Sure, like you know" you start feeling him leaving random kisses on you "sometimes I think you're going to leave me for one of your exes, or someone that knows your lifestyle better"
Chan's fingers grasped your chin, making you look at him "well, they try to get into me, but it's you the one I'm planing to marry, my love".
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leoruby-draws · 2 months
hello hello hello
i just want to say i love your little drawings so much they're adorable and so full of life and everything feels exciting in them and i love how you draw and make really fun stuff for many of the minor characters, you're doing such a good job with them and it gives me so much joyy
Hi Hi Hi
Thanks for liking my stuff! Happy to bring you joy, drawing these brings me joy!
Also its fun to get into and draw minor characters because their reading lists are super short lol! But I like to give a little love to characters that most people might not know about, in fact here's some random drawings that I had in the back-burner for the past year! Never could find a chance to just post them:
Here's a cute drawing of Cyclone, Maxine Hunkle! Wanted to give her a cute costume makeover. Kinda has a magical girl look to it huh? Took a bit of inspiration from Ojamajo Doremi, but also she's meant to resemble Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! Both the princess and the witch. I have a bit of idea of what I'm going do with her, but that's for later.
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Got a drawing of Gan, Jason's friend from the Knight White books. Not sure if she exist in my Training Wheels au, but I like her a lot. Her rapport with Jason was fun to read.
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Here it looks like the Outlaws are trying to recruit new members, from the Relative Heroes group, Damara Sinclaire (Allure) and Tyson Gilford (Blindside). They're not likely to join, preferring to stick with their own group. Just as well since Damara's powers might make things a rather chaotic, she doesn't need that drama in her life lol. Tho I like the thought of Tyson helping out now and then, his invisibility would be pretty useful.
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Here's some random assortment of heroes, Ray Terrill the...Ray. Amethyst, tho top pic is uncolored (im lazy) but theres a Sailor Amethyst to make up for that.
There's the first Green Lantern (Alan Scott) with his kids,Jade (Jennifer Lynn Hayden) and Obsidian (Todd James Rice). Wonder why their babies here, de-aging mishap?
Jason and Toni gossip about their fellow teammates, and down below Jason decides to annoy a young Kyle Rayner. A universal constant!
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Todd can't help but join in!
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Also some cute father-son bonding! I sent this to someone else earlier, so imma just stick here too.
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For a really minor character, here's Jay, Eddie and Rose meeting up with a very strange new friend!
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And lastly here are the Metal Men, or should I say the mini-Metal Men. Read some comics about them, including a bit of silver age as well (they get destroyed pretty often, kinda funny ngl). I thought about what kinda sidekicks they could have, but I didn't want to look up metals or learn about metallurgy or chemistry or whatever. So I just made them smaller, its just temporary though, aren't they cute? Look at poor Copper, she just wants to join in!
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Anyways, hope that wasn't too much, tagging all of this is gonna suck.
Sorry I haven't been posting, due to Tumblr being a pile of shit and trying give our stuff to ai websites. So I thought I would download nightshade and glaze, but that didn't work out at all (I got a new laptop but it still wont render for me at all). So I'm just gonna hope my opt-out in the settings will be enough for now. Sigh!
Hope you like all this anon, might be a while til I post again. Later!
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kpchrs · 6 months
I think between shippers (and this is me saying this, an outsider to both ships) there’s Def the nagging voice saying “Coriolanus sucks irl” in everyone’s mind
So that’s Def a part of the civility in my opinion. Like why fight when the main guy in your ship is the worst guy alive. Bonding moment IG lol
LMFAO You are so right, Anon. Bonding moment for real. As some people in the post's comment said, "we both share the toxic blond" and also "we're trauma-bonded".
But I think it's not really a nagging voice. We all know Coriolanus Snow fucking SUCKS. If you compile all of my thoughts about him from everywhere, the majority is me clowning on him actually. I want to do violence to him.
It's funny, and I'm sorry for the out of topic, but this...wish makes me fantasising about a "Coriolanus Snow & Conscience!Reader" Crack AU. I've told some of my friends but just for fun I will tell a little bit here:
Okay, the premise is right in Chapter 1, we the readers/the fans whatever you wanna call us, get inside his head and it's up to us to try to put him on a good(?) path. (Emphasis on TRY.) Or actually, it's just an excuse or catharsis for us, especially me, to clown him in his head tho, because his thoughts are so deranged, yeah? It will be fun to mock him, tease him, and "scold" him, and we will bicker a lot, and he can't do aaanything about it.
So it's like this (below has some real excerpt of Chapter 1 of the book [page 3-4] but switched to present tense):
This morning he went to her room at daybreak, only to find both his cousin and the shirt missing. Not a good sign. [...] He thinks of people putting a price on her. With her long, pointed nose and skinny body, Tigris is no great beauty, but she has a sweetness, a vulnerability that invites ab-- NOOOOOOOOO! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT YOUR OWN COUSIN?! The voice -- scream -- comes out of nowhere and echoes very near in his ears (inside him?). To say it surprises Coriolanus is an understatement. Grabbing on air, he fails to stop himself from slipping and falling on his bottom.
I'm not sure I want to write it because writing, even more in English, is daunting, but it's really fun to think about. It will be on the Snowbaird route, though. I imagine we will follow his love story with Lucy Gray, but I think...we will unfortunately fight over her.
LOOK! At Lucy Gray's arrival, The Voice screeches annoyingly loud in his head. It's my girl! Even after weeks, Coriolanus still hasn't decided if The Voice is a crazy part of him or an entirely separate entity somehow attached to his mind. However, the possessive term it used tugs the wrong string deep in his chest. Whether it makes sense or not, he hisses at it, 'She's not your girl.' The brief silence that follows is the most peace he gets these recent days. Oh shit, you are jealous. 'I am not.' You totally are. Just like with Billy Taupe. C'mon, I'm inside your head. I know. 'I am not.' Listen, Coryo-- 'Stop calling me that.' --just accept that Lucy Gray is everyone's girl, okay? She's my girl. She's not really just yours. 'Who in the Gem of Panem is everyone? Who even are you?' I can't tell you that. It's against the rules. 'What rules?!' Uh-uh, still can't tell. Give it up already, Coryo. Coriolanus is losing his mind. He has had a talking creature inside his head for weeks and it is just now he truly feels he is losing his mind.
Lol. Writing is hard, huh. Okay, I'm not sure this is categorised as a character & reader fic now that I used third person, not second person pov, but eh xD
I'm willing to talk about it more though, if anyone is interested!
Thank you for the ask and the space to bullshit, Anon!
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callmearcturus · 7 months
Hey, i left like a kind of shitty and self rightious rant about self determination on one of your fics, sea)(orse like a year ago. I am sorry, i don't really know why i did but part of it mustve been i was sleep deprived and hadn't started E yet.
I just wanted to say tho, i just read Human Domestication Guide and have had serious brainrot about it for the last week or so. i mean ive been OBSESSED obsessed.
so like. i get it now.
Anyway, idk why i bothered putting this on anon given how easy it would be to track me down given everything ive just said but yeah. sorry again.
okay so a few things
thank you for the apology! i'm glad you reached a better place regarding the difference between fiction and reality, that's genuinely great and healthy, cheers!
its funny bc I was writing sea)(orse and the revenant au at the same time, and they are both leftist fantasies in opposite ways. in one, the fantasy is "this world is fucked, i wish someone would just come in and go wow this place is a mess and start fixing shit," and then add in a bunch of fucked up power dynamics and BOOM. while the revenant AU is almost the exact opposite, it's about recognizing the current system is fucked and making the decision to try and fix it and knowing it'll be work but utopia is a process.
here's the big one. i... have no idea what rant you are talking about. like, no clue. if it was a comment on the story, then I think i nuked it so fast that I just forgot about it??? and if it wasn't a comment, I never saw it.
and for that, i want to point to this as an objective lesson:
if someone leaves a shitty comment/ask about your fic, just nuke it! don't read it! once you realize it's One Of Those, just hit delete. if you avoid obsessing or rereading the remark over and over, it won't stick with you and you will be better off!
these are the rules of fandom. block people who you don't want to see. do not hateread people you don't like. delete hatemail and rude comments. these things work!
ANYWAY anon, i am happy for you. i am also happy that I straight up don't know what your rant was. 8)
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vampyrsm · 2 years
god bless this anon with the hitwoman ask!!! and this indeed made me think of...vigilante yn!
let's see, she completes the heroes' missions first, helps them with clues (which always comes with sarcastic messages like "why do i have to keep doing you guys job, should i take over the mission? xoxo, yn") and she does it with all heroes, especially dynamight.
joining him in battles even though he says (yells) he doesn't need her help. imagine if one day he gets hurt badly in one of these battles and yn arrives in time to save him... imagine the news next morning? "vigilante yn saves pro hero dynamight"
don't think she's a bad person, or even a villain, i think she just feels like being a hero is too much (?) like, having all eyes on you and having to be good and show a pure and clean image most of the time, maybe that's why pro hero dynamight is attracted to her, even tho he doesn't accept it very well...
at this point i wrote an entire fic lol, i'm sorry!! btw i love your new theme, and how have you been? hope u doing well 🌻
omg!!! I love vigilante yn so much, the idea of it has me all giddy because of the potential it could have. But hello lovely!! Hope you're doing well too, thank you so much for sending me this because it's all I'll be thinking about today. And thank you! I wanted to change themes for a little while & I think I'll settle with this for a while, it's clean and I like it!!
I may have let myself get a little carried away with vigilante yn interacting with Bakugou here, hehe
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oh my god, imagine the frustration that Dynamight feels when someone—not even a hero—completes the mission before he does? He trained his entire life for this, went through wars for this and he's still getting beaten by some vigilante who's too scared to say this shit to his face? Oh yeah, he is NOT happy with that. Makes it his new personal mission to catch them in the act, to find the woman who is driving him up the wall with those little petty sarcastic messages.
Yes!! The news articles the next day absolutely eat up the fact that somehow the undefeated, number one pro hero Dynamight is injured during a fight (which is rare in itself) and has to be saved by someone that no one even really knows about. At the time of the battle, people are like "Who is that? A new hero?" "No, they're not even wearing a real hero suit!" "Another villain?!" But then you're helping Dynamight up with one big arm over your shoulder, his body hunched over your own because the height difference is ridiculous and it looks like a sweet moment of someone helping him out.
The reality is however he's absolutely cussing you out in your ear, snarling curse words. "Don't need yer fuckin' help, get off!" yet he's still leaning into you, letting you have the burden of some of his body weight whilst you hobble him over to a sideline. And when you put him down, intent on heading back into battle he's grabbing your wrist, a harsh yank that has you hissing at the pain in your shoulder. I imagine vigilantes are somewhat illegal in their universe too since you're operating without a hero license. So you think maybe he's tugging you back to have someone arrest you, but you see the look in his eye. It's undeniable. He looks worried. "Stop." he grits, the pain in his side is unbearable whenever he speaks. "Don't go back out there, you'll get yourself killed."
And you stop for a moment, he thinks he's won you over before you're smiling at him in a way that has his stomach twisting and heart dropping into a black abyss. "Haven't I always been better than you at your job?" A jab, it should sound mean but he can see the genuine look in your eyes—you want to help, you want to be a hero. "I'll be fine." He has to let you go then, you tug once and you vanish back into the street to finish the fight that he failed to complete. Once again second place to someone who wasn't a hero.
But yes, you definitely aren't a bad person and you explain that to him one evening when he tracked you down to what must be your apartment. "I don't like the spotlight, but I don't like letting things slip by the hands of those who are meant to protect us." He can understand that now after the years of his youth dealing with the war and the villains ideals, he gets it now and he agrees; he knows that people are still slimy in the hero world and he knows you mean it when you say you want to help people.
He doesn't know the exact moment he fell for you, not sure when the attraction shifted from wanting to study your fighting style to better himself to something less than innocent. Not sure when he started to chase after you in hopes of something more, to feel your skin under his hands and to see the grin on your face when he lets you slip through his fingers before the police arrive at the scene of a crime that you helped stop.
I let this get away from me LMAO, like I said I love the potential this could have.
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k1ng0fn0b0dy · 2 years
would you be able to do a platonic thing with the cc's in which gn!reader is feeling down?
I have covid again so I'm doing this for my comfort
Also you never specified which cc's so I'm choosing Niki, Wilbur, Tommy, and Dream.
Niki Nihachu
Niki absoloutely hates seeing you upset
She's a very empathetic person so when you're sad, she's sad
She'll try to convince you to lie in bed with her to platonically cuddle away the bad emotions.
If you have to be productive even during those moments, Niki will prepare you tea and a snack to make you feel better
And if she's not able to comfort you physically she'll send you a bunch of adorable photos and videos of Zuko
So many audio clips of her voice saying the sweetest little pick-me-ups for you
Niki is never bothered because she likes being the friend you rely on
Wilbur Soot
Wilbur isn't the most physical of people so most of his comfort would be trying to make you laugh
Texting you as many truly awful among us jokes as he can
If you're like physically there, Wilbur'll set up popcorn and an emotional movie and start crying so that if you cry too, it won't be as embarrassing
Snacks. This man has a bunch of them and would definitely keep your favourite sweets in store if you just need a quick pick-me-up
For ranting, Wilbur isn't your best bet. Actually, he's probably your worst.
He doesn't do well with listening without offering advice so he should definitely be the last one you call, unless you do want advice. In which case, call him freely.
Tommy has playlists he made for you if you were sad
Like if you needed to just vent it, it would be his angriest songs, but if you wanted to calm down then there would be a lot of lofi music, like from his streaming playlist
He isn't the best at comforting people but Tommy tries to be really physically affectionate because that's what helps him feel better
If you get headaches when upset you can bet money on him massaging your forehead and scalp for you to help
He feels down sometimes too but he always need to be around people to feel better so he kinda just assumes you do too
Tommy is a kind soul, even if he's not always the smartest
Dream WasTaken
Dream kinda needs to be told when you're upset because he's bad at social cues
Like if you're upset and don't tell him, he might not even notice unless it's really obvious
Taking this from one of my closest friends who does this for me, if you're like in a panic attack Dream'll instantly discord call you and just like talk you down. Discord stream playing minecraft to distract you
He's the type of person who gets really angry when he's upset, even if it's just to cover sadness, so if you're like him then he'll be really good at calming you down and taking your shit
Fully convinced this man would google tactics to comfort people tho because like I said, sucks at social cues and is even worse at comforting
Will put on your favourite movie, buy your favorite food, just spend a bunch of money making you feel better and won't let you repay a cent
Dream can and will be your platonic sugar daddy
[I'm this close to ending it all, covid headaches make my preexisting headaches 1000× worse and I hate it all. I'm so bored. It's been like 2 days too but that is still so longgg]
[Also sorry Anon if this isn't who you wanted, hope it's alright though. Have a lovely day, eat food and hydrate. Take care of yourself and please for everyone's sake don't be like my brother. Wear a mask, even now. I love you all, bye bye!]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars @hiwhatsupbruv
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winepresswrath · 11 months
I do gotta say tho, even tho I’m mad at aziraphale because he’s being a terrible boyfriend like what you said about the “I forgive you like” because WHAT. But also I really like the way the show really demonstrates the underlying cruelty of heaven and it’s angels. Really shows the hypocrisy of a group of beings who are supposed to do good, especially aziraphale who really buys into the heaven propaganda, who hurts people, particularly the person who means the most to him. Because like you said he fully just takes advantage of that devotion Crowley has for him. Insane, this shwo makes me INSANE
I missed this anon and yeah! The angels were one of my favourite parts of the season, and I think the strongest element aside from Neil Gaiman deciding he's just a simple man who wants to put his otp in situations. They are deeply awful and I kind of love them. They are the exact kind of moralizing hypocrites who are callous and cruel precisely because they think being on team good means everything they do is justified and it's actually impossible for them to be in the wrong (they're angels! is it even possible for them to do the wrong thing?).
but!! To me, they also seem like they're basically kids? Obviously they're not literally children, but there is this very consistent reoccurring joke about how childish/sheltered/immature they are. Muriel is the most obvious example, but the archangels come off like bratty twelve year olds to her sweet little kid.
Gabriel is basically teenager in love flipping off his family as he runs away with his backstreet guy. Uriel is constantly picking at Michael, Michael is playing at being in charge like it's a game, and it's ridiculously easy for both Aziraphale and Crowely to trick them obvious half assed lies. They're not allowed to ask questions! The Metatron treats them like badly behaved kids out past their curfew. At any point an old man with a beard may pop up to scold them and send them home, and they're all scared of doing something wrong by his standards and getting in trouble with this guy who is pointedly not God but who lines up exactly with the pop-culture idea of god the father, and who offers Aziraphale, among other things, a respite from the hard work of figuring out what the right thing to do is for himself. It's fine! You don't have to question the belief system you were born into or make a painful break with everything you've ever known! Aziraphale has had six thousand years on earth to grow up, but the other angels have been sitting in a sterile white box playing "i'm not touching you" games with each other and filing paperwork.
And I think that's extra interesting because this season also really emphasizes:
Heaven has Institutional Problems
Aziraphale isn't the only angel who's unhappy in heaven. Gabriel and Muriel were both completely miserable. They just didn't understand that they were unhappy because they'd never experienced anything else.
Angels who aren't Aziraphale can change and grow! There's very explicitly Gabriel being changed by love and Muriel growing up a bit on earth, and from a more fan-theory angle there's also Jimbriel, who I think is probably basically Gabriel minus the war and six thousand years of playing referee for Michael and Uriel while unleashing an assortment of plague and calamities on earth because that's God's will! Buck up champ.
We also get Gabriel and Beezelebub talking about how their underlings basically live for Armageddon, "if you can call that living." This is so bleak. They've all been on a six thousand year time out just dreaming of the day they get to beat the shit out of each other until they feel better, but it won't work because eternity is just more of the box.
Anyway I think it's going in a distinctly eden adjacent direction. Aziraphale is going to tempt those angels with knowledge and the capacity for change. I have veered so far from your ask anon i'm sorry you're right heaven really went all out on sucking this season & while Crowley and Aziraphale are both fucking it up Crowley refrains from being spectacularly cruel to Aziraphale about it and Aziraphale should learn to return the favour. I forgive you!! I forGIVE you. I forgive YOU. "you can be an angel again" is actually a worse thing to say than "you're a demon. i don't even like you." when he finally picks crowley over heaven i'm going to lose my mind.
#good omens spoilers#good omens season two spoilers#idk it makes me sad that i didn't like the humans very much this season because i think ideally they're central to this whole how to be#a person question i also hope we get to see more of hell next season because i do think they're stuck in basically the same place#with a different aesthetic! and the stick being#thrown into a torture pit instead of thrown into hell#or like. mindwiped and locked in an office for all eternity#gabriel broke my heart which is embarrassing but when he goes from not even understanding what music is to experiencing#the simple pleasure of sharing a song with someone for the very first time and almost immediately hits repeat for eternity... baby. baby bo#i would also like more crowley! this was very much the season of aziraphale#which is fine but i missed him yelling questions at god and the bits where it seemed he really wanted aziraphale's opinion instead of just#wanting aziraphale to develop better opinions#next season had better be crowley wrestles with the universe i am telling you!!!#remember three months ago when i was like eh... another good omens season#i bet it'll be cute but i'm content with my book#i don't go here i said strapping on my clown shoes#seriously though i do think crowley is scared to admit to wanting to be good both because god rejected him and he doesn't want#to be a sucker for her (he is only interested in being a sucker for aziraphale)#and like. chase after something he's barred from and has already been told isn't for him.#and that's why it's so hard for him to admit even to himself that he too would be unhappy ditching earth#in ways that parallel aziraphale's unwillingness to let go of heaven as a source of moral authority and goodness#but the way aziraphale goes oh no! i cannot trust my own judgement and desires. They are suspect!#my judgement is that crowley is good and also funny and sexy. my desires are for his company and also his body#therefore the source of these desires is also maybe bad. i mean he's a demon. he's got to be bad#right??? but no. but i saw him do a good thing. but maybe i didn't? I should probably take a stance on this.#and he makes this crowley's problem until the apocalypse but then the second he gets the chance to cram crowley and his feelings for him#back in a heaven approved box he jumps at it in a way that requires just being WILDLY insensitive and dismissive of crowley's feelings#he's not just being a dick about their relationship he is being a dick about crowley as a person. and he should know better but is choosing#not to because he wants the easy out so badly. anyway i love him he was my favourite character all season no notes#good omens
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waddei · 8 months
hi im an anon to yell at. uhhhhh whats something discoursey i can say.
so cool to see people drawing dsmp stuff even if its dead
have some anger release, wadds
hi anon that is pretending to be an annoying person, thank you for your service and sorry for what I'm about to say:
to say that a fandom is dead/ should be dead when the HIGHLY POPULAR piece of Media that potentiated it (not started.the roots of the dsmp fandom are in smpe, smplive,soothouse and og dteam fans) ended a year or two ago is SUCH A BRAINDED TAKE. specially if you yourself used to be a fan and are now "out of it" or "got better"
your own stupid ego boost you get by saying that is not worth disrespecting literally an entire fanbase for.
also, if you, as self declared EX Fan find yourself constantly moaning about how "great the golden days where" and keep liking fanart and replying with "ah I miss this fandom so much" then maybe you're not an EX fan... maybe you're just in denial brother.
you don't have to excuse yourself or cry to everyone that you swear you're not a dstan every time you praise/even mention anything dsmp related. specially BELOW DSMP POSTS.
learn to behave like a person. if someone irl told you they're into cars or something and you respond "oh I used to really like cars y'know... not anymore... not after I saw one run over a dog... I hate cars that run over dogs.. other cars are fine tho" <- THAT'LL BE INSANE.
BAD analogy specifically when it comes to the dream situation but you get what I mean right?? is so FUCKING annoying to be trying to enjoy what you enjoy despite the flaws and the name of an awful person attached to it and have ppl just say that shit to you.
you don't have to try and guilt other fans into adopting your weird self deprecating mentality of apologizing every time you even think of the server.
you also have to stop bringing other shit into it. if ppl complain when fans apply dsmp headcanons to qsmp then I should get to complain when ppl do the inverse.
stop demonizing the server and stop also putting qsmp in this high pedestal as if the fanbase is any better when it's literally THE SAME PPL WITHOUT THE DSTANS.
there's still harassment. there's still misogyny. there's still truthers. YOURE NOT OUT OF THE WATER BUDDY.
it's not fair to compare the both servers in terms of quality and I stand by that. specially when qsmp was an organized effort by a team with custom mods and a planned narrative since the beginning (as well as an owner that actually cares)
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