#I'm so glad to finally have a spot next to me at my desk they can both lay
hungryriverbeast · 2 years
New bed for the boys!
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this is our third one in this style 💕 check out TheGrouchyCat on Etsy! She handmakes these beds and donates some of the sales to local shelters ✨
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jeicey · 2 months
Hidden Desires
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Summary: You come home late after hanging out with Lonnie and she's jealous.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: angst? Idk, not proofread and unresolved feelings. Doesn't follow the descendants plot, let's all pretend they all still share dorms okay pookies?
A/N: made this in 3am when I randomly got a brain fart, 10 yr old me would be so proud of embracing my gayness for Evie, also so glad the fandom is alive again.
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The cool night air nipped at your skin as you tiptoed towards yours, Evie's and Mal's dorm—though, considering Mal mostly slept at her boyfriend Ben's dorm, it might as well have been yours and Evie's. But Tonight, you prayed for her presence, a silent plea to the universe to spare you Evie's wrath for your tardiness. Holding your breath, you gently turned the door handle, feeling a cold shiver run down your spine. You nearly sighed in relief when you found it unlocked, but your efforts to sneak in quietly went to waste as the door suddenly swung open, blowing stray hairs out of your face. Your heart pounded as it revealed, Evie. Her striking blue hair seemed to amplify the icy coldness of her expression
"Where have you been?" The dark blue-haired woman spoke in a flat voice, her expression stony. You knew what this meant.
Or did you?
Your body went slack under her intense gaze like a deer caught in headlights.
There was a strange contrast between her imposing figure and the ethereal glow cast upon her by the moonlight filtering through the window. She looked... Hot breathtakingly beautiful- You're doing it again! A wave of heat flushed your face as you shook your head to clear your thoughts and quickly averted your gaze to look over her shoulder, spotting one lit lamp and no sign of the purple-haired girl. You cursed under your breath and looked back at Evie. Your breath hitched as she tilted her head, eyes half-lidded, expecting an answer.
You sighed and finally gave in. "Me and Lonnie were hanging out at her dorm... and I didn't realize how late it got."
"Of course, you were at her place again." Evie rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"You were supposed to help me tonight. You promised." she reminded you, and you missed the slight quiver in her voice.
"I'm so, so sorry, Vie! I got really caught up in—" your mind raced, trying to find a plausible excuse. 'You got really caught up in ranting your growing feelings for Evie to Lonnie,' your inner voice taunted.
Crossing your arms against the chill of the hallway, you wondered if it was the cold seeping into your bones or Evie's icy glare that made you shiver, or maybe both.
As if sensing your discomfort, she grabbed your arm and dragged you into the room, slamming the door behind you. Your body gradually warmed, but Evie's cold stare remained fixed on you.
She turned away with a sigh, heading towards her bed. There, she grabbed a stylish blue jacket accented with black before returning to hand it to you. Hesitantly, you slipped it on, finding solace in its warmth and the lingering scent of her.
"I can still help," you offered, your gaze wandering over her surprisingly tidy desk. It was odd. Usually, it was a chaotic mess of patterned papers, colorful threads, and half-finished projects. She always cleaned up the next day.
"It's fine. You should rest. You look exhausted from whatever you and Lonnie were up to," she said, her voice dripping with barely concealed disdain. You didn't notice it though, of course you didn't.
Had their fencing match really been that intense? You attempted to fix your hair, though you doubted it made a difference. A vivid memory surfaced of your earlier debacle with Lonnie, where you’d spent the entire session hitting her with the blade while rambling about Evie, all on the misguided advice that it would help.
Clearly, it hadn't.
"Vie, are you okay?" You ventured deeper into the room, her eyes holding an unreadable emotion.
"Are you sure? You don't look it. If it's about not being able to help you like I promised, I'm really sorry, Vie. I'll make it up to you, I swear! I'll even make Lonnie—"
"Yes! I'm sure!" she interrupted, plopping down on her bed. "Sleep."
"Alright...if you say so," you muttered, letting the matter drop. A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you flopped onto the bed beside hers. You rolled onto your back, facing Evie's turned form.
Five minutes later, sleep remained elusive. You tossed and turned, counting imaginary sheep to no avail. Frustration gnawed at you. Opening your eyes again, you found Evie still restless, her body shifting as she searched for a comfortable position. With a creak of the bed, you gave up and stood up.
You hesitated, biting your lip as you leaned towards her seemingly sleeping form. A gentle tap on her shoulder was your next move. This couldn't be weird, right? You two had done this countless times as kids. You're doing this platonically, Right?
"Can I-" Your words were cut short as a strong hand yanked you onto the bed beside her. She rolled over, facing away from you, a muffled "yes you may" escaping her lips. Relief washed over you as you slid under the covers. Her warmth was comforting, a familiar sensation that brought back memories of countless childhood nights spent huddled together against the cold. This was how it was supposed to be, you realized. You'd do anything to preserve this moment, even if it meant burying your growing feelings deep down. For now, this was enough.
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Evie turned to face you, a soft smile playing on her lips as she watched you sleep. Your mouth was slightly open, and you were snoring lightly. A fleeting thought crossed her mind, a dangerous impulse to kiss you. But it was quickly dismissed as she reached out to tuck a stray hair behind your ear. a gentle gesture that belied the turmoil within her.
Her mind raced back to earlier. Why were you so insistent on spending time with Lonnie? What could she possibly have that Evie didn't? She was prettier, smarter—well, at least in her own mind. And yet, you'd broken your promise to help her with her shop, a lie she'd made just to keep you close. It was a desperate plea, a transparent attempt to cling to your presence. Was she jealous? The thought was absurd. She didn't like you...or did she? No, it was just protectiveness, pure and simple. If only you knew how she truly felt.
Her gaze drifted to your lips, and she found herself tracing their outline with her thumb. A wave of fear washed over her. What if you left her once you discovered her feelings? The thought of losing your friendship was unbearable. She would do anything to maintain this fragile balance, even if it meant burying her emotions deep within.
I might or might not make a part two idk
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pottersfia · 5 months
study buddy
summary: classic study "date" fic, rodrick desperately needs help in english and y/n is happy to help. lots of fluff in this part. both 18
the end of senior year was quickly approaching and rodrick was sick and tired of his parents bugging him about his grades. it was the third quarter of the school year and senioritis tended to affect many people around this time but rodrick had been a victim since the day he stepped foot into high school. 
"if you want, we can work on this together?" rodrick looked over at you who was sitting next to him in his art elective class. you had been talking about your english assignment which, despite you being in honors english and him in regular, was the same. the book they read for the quarter came with study guide questions for each section of the book which eventually would help for the final book report. 
"you'd help me with that?" he asked you. you smiled and nodded.
"sometimes working with another person makes it easier." she replied. he smiled back and the deal was set. you would go over to his house 2 hours after school and start your assignment.
these 2 hours consisted of rodrick frantically picking up in his room, taking an abnormally long shower, considering it's rodrick, and begging his family to not say or do anything weird or embarrassing. a pretty girl was coming over to study with him!! suddenly as he applied deodorant for probably the 10th time already, he heard the doorbell. 
"i got it!" he yelled and rushed downstairs. he quickly caught his breath and looked through the peephole on the door to see you patiently waiting for an answer. he sighed and opened the door. you smiled as you looked up at the boy. 
"hey, y/n." he said. 
"hi, rodrick." you replied. the two of you stood in a few moments of silence stupidly smiling at each other. just as rodrick opened his mouth to break it you were interrupted by a sweet lady who cheerfully greeted you. 
"you must be y/n! come right on in." she smiled and made way for you to step inside, you did so.  "i'm so glad you're here to help rodrick, he's been struggling for quite some time."
"mom! can you please stop talking." rodrick loudly interrupted her, making you slightly laugh. 
"she is a guest in my house, rodrick, i want to greet her. my name is susan, honey. if you need anything i'll be right down here." you smiled again at her. 
"it's nice to meet you mrs.susan, thank you." you replied. 
"ok we have to go, bye mom." he walked towards the staircase and turned around to you. "you can follow me." you nodded and waved bye to susan following rodrick to his room. 
"keep that door open!" she said. rodrick groaned and you laughed again. 
"she's really nice." you said.
"annoying is what she is." he let you walk into his room. you looked around and smiled to yourself as you realized his room screamed rodrick. there were band posters everywhere, dark bedsheets, the floor was cleared off but magazines and comics, a few water bottles, and forgotten school books were scattered around his bedside table and desk. 
he closed the door quietly and sat down on the edge of his bed saying, "you can sit down i have my stuff," he reached to his backpack that was on the floor and pulled out his notebook and the book you were assigned.  you nodded and sat down on the desk chair that was right across from his spot on the bed. you pulled out your stuff too. 
"so i guess we can just start with the questions, do you need to review what we read today?" you asked. he nodded. you smiled and continued on explaining the events in the book.
rodrick was so mesmerized by you. he appreciated your want to help him with his work but how could he focus on anything academic with you right in front of him? he stared at the way you fidgeted with your fingers as you talked. he stared at how perfect your hair looked. he stared at your lips and thought about how good they would feel to ki-
"rodrick?" your voice snapped him out of his trance. 
"what?" he kinda shook his head as he regained focus sending a fluttery feeling to your stomach.
"i uh, were you listening?" you asked.
"oh yeah. i heard everything you said." he tried to lie but you saw right through him. 
"really?" you asked again. he lifted his hand to rub the back of neck a bit.
"i heard maybe half of what you said?" he replied, pretty unsure this time. you smiled and laughed.
"what are you so distracted by?" you asked. it was you. you were distracting his focus from the work but how could he just say that? he shrugged and turned his head away looking at absolutely nothing on the right side of his room.
"maybe if you sat next to me it would be easier." he said and turned back again to see your reaction. you were a little confused or taken aback maybe but nonetheless you stood up and joined him on the bed. 
"is this better?" you looked right at him and he looked back. you gave him a small smile and despite his heart feeling like it was beating out of his chest, he smiled back.
"yeah, i think so." he practically whispered sending another flutter to your heart. 
the two of you continued with the review. laughs and smiles were exchanged constantly and it was probably the most you've ever enjoyed doing school work. 
"you're doing really good rodrick, you just needed to focus some more." you smiled after he got another question right. 
"it's definitely because of you." he replied. you playfully bumped his shoulder and looked for another question to ask. 
"ok let's do another one." 
"i think i should get something for doing so good now." he said. you gave him a questioning look.
"like what, candy?" you replied. he shrugged. then you had an idea. it was a very corny idea but an idea nonetheless. the two of you were having a good time and it wouldn't hurt to ask, yolo right? "what if i give you a kiss?" you kinda cringed a bit at your words but tried not to let it show, anxiously waiting for his response.
the boy was stunned. his eyes widened and your words replayed in his head over and over. "a kiss?" he asked. "really?" 
"only if you want though. it's pretty dumb i don't know." you looked down at the paper in your lap but his words made you look back at him.
"no, it's not dumb. um. yeah, that would be great motivation." he nervously laughs. you laughed back.
"but it has to be after getting 2 questions right." you said. he agreed, and for sure, he got 2 questions right. 
"you've turned me into a genius, y/n." he smiled. 
"you're definitely reaching nerd status." you laughed.
"well, you gave me the best motivation ever." he replied. now it hit you, you actually had to kiss him. you tried to hide the nervousness from your face. there was no turning back now. you turned to face him, crossing your legs on the bed, and placed your hand on his shoulder as you leaned in and gave him a quick peck. he looked at you as you leaned back.
"how was that?" you asked. he was quiet for a moment a little shocked that this was happening with the girl he liked but then he snapped out of it.
"i-i don't know. maybe you should uh, do it again just to be sure." he answered, making you smile.
"if you insist." you leaned in and let your lips meet again. this time it was more than a peck. his hands rested on your cheeks and yours around his shoulders. you melted into the kiss taking in the moment as the butterflies that you constantly felt seemed to go crazy. 
once you finally parted for a breath the two of you couldn't stop smiling at each other. 
"yeah, that was pretty good." rodrick said. you gave him another quick kiss but just as your lips touched the door opened. 
"hey kids, do you want- oh." it was susan and you instantly jumped away from him. "didn't i tell you to keep the door open?" 
"mom! just go away!" rodrick stood up. 
"ok ok, sorry." she walked out but made sure to leave the door very much open. as soon as you heard her footsteps fade away you couldn't help but laugh. rodrick turned to you. 
"sorry, that was a lot." you said. he laughed too and sat back down next to you. 
"i know i'm sorry." he said. 
"it's ok. i just need to make sure to kiss you when there aren't any family members around." you said.
"i agree 100%."
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sunny1616 · 6 months
Rafe Cameron x pregnant reader
Summary: You're about to give birth to your twin boys.
Warnings: pregnancy
"Rafe!! I think my water broke!!" You were on the phone with Rafe while in the kitchen getting a snack when all of a sudden you felt wetness down your legs. On the other end of the line you heard nothing but silence.
"WHAT NOW?!... Okay. Thats completely fine. Wooo. Oh my god its happening!!" Rafe was freaking out on the other end trying to gather himself so he could figure out what to do next.
"Rafe! Dont freak out. We both planned for this. Now, im going to-"
"Skrew the plans!!! Go sit on the couch. Stay on the line and wait for me to come home!!"
"Babe, don't worry my bag is packed and im fine. I was just going to clean myself up and change into something else. Then I'll wait for you. I'll see you soon. Just drive safely!"
"*pant* Yea. *pant* Okay. You're right. *pant* We got this. *deep breathe* hang tight for 15mins I'm coming."
"Haha yeah, we got this. Be careful! Bye!"
You end the call, then find some paper towels to toss on the wet spots on the ground. Then you go into your closet and attached master bathroom to clean up and then decide to take a quick shower since you have the time. You then put on some wideleg sweatpants and a comfy stretchy t-shirt on to go on top of your belly.
You are sitting on the floor with all your things packed in your bags for a few days in the hospital. You're doing your final checks when you hear Rafe come in behind you. You twist around to greet him, but he reaches you quick hugging you and rubbing your belly while giving multiple kisses on your temple. You hold onto his arms keeping yourself in his embrace.
"Hey baby, how are you doing? Im sorry I didn't get here sooner. Traffic was crazy. Have you already finished packin? Did you shower?!" From his surprised features, you can clearly tell that this is not going the way he thought.
"Yeah, haha. My contractions are only 15 minutes apart, and I've only had 2 so far, so i thought that i could time my shower in between. Then I just put my clothes on. Im just double-checking all this stuff, i already know we have everything. All that's left is your stuff, and you getting ready. Then heading to the hospital!! Im excited!! But also nervous, haha." You take his silence as shock and relief and how great your doing.
"I'm glad you're all ready to go. I guess ill just change and get this stuff in the car. You just relax, ill do the rest. We'll be in the hospital right away." He then meets your lips with a kiss and gets up and heads to the closet.
"You don't need to rush! Hospital protocal usually says that we should go in when contractions are only 5mins apart. So we still have time! You can shower if you want!"
"You're amazing, you know that? I still say we go before it reaches that point since you're having twins!" He then pops out of the closet after changing and then picks up the packed luggage and carries it downstairs.
"True true. But baby, where's your stuff? i couldn't find it in the closet?" You say loudly so he can hear you from downstairs.
"It's already in the car. I've had my hospital bag in there for a few days now. Don't come downstairs yet! I'll come get you!" You roll your eyes at that. But are so happy that everything is happening at a smooth pace. You then go to get up to find your sweater and Rafe gets back upstairs and is at the door.
"Ready?" He smiles at you.
"More than ever!" You give him the biggest grin.
He then leads you down the stairs, which you admit feels safer with his since you can barely see the steps under your belly.
Rafe then gets you into the shotgun seat of the car and gives you a kiss. He gets around to the other side and starts driving to the hospital. You have a contraction on a red light. But a few handsqeezes with Rafe and controlled breathing exercises get you through.
Once at the hospital reception desk. The nurse explains the paper work and gets you into a wheelchair and helps you to your room.
You then change into your delivery attire and are set into the bed with all the monitors and equipment. This is very real now.
The doctor comes every 2hrs and after 10hrs finally notifies you about your progression and tells you to start pushing.
"You're doing so good, sweetie. One more, you got this!" He's right there by your side giving holding your hand and the back of your neck. During a push, he helps you reach a deeper crunch by supporting your back.
After what feels like hours of pushing. You finally get the first baby out.
Authors note: should i do a pt2? Ive written past this point 3 times now but everytime i save, my progress keeps vanishing!😫 I'll only do it if anyone wants lol. Otherwise i hope you like it and thank you for reading! 💗
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I'm Working || Bucky Barnes X Reader
CEO Bucky X Reader
18+ Minors DNI
Plot: An arranged marriage to Bucky leads to questions about the big night.
Warnings: praising, dirty talk, language, pet names, jealousy, use of toys, teasing, throat grabbing (not painfully) no condom (but they are both clean and r is on birth control), implied aftercare, no mention of y/n Let me know if I missed anything
"Elaine, send in my next appointment." Bucky's voice rings from the desk of the receptionist.
"Ms. Spoon, Mr. Barnes will see you now." Elaine speaks in a soft, quiet tone.
I stand and walk towards my fiancé's office. When I walk in, he is facing out the window, looking down the 26 stories to the street. 
"James? Can we talk?" 
I take a deep breath. Regardless of the fact that I've been planning what I was going to say for the past 4 hours. "We're getting married soon."
"I am aware." His tone is deadpan and makes me second guess myself. "Was that all?"
I remain silent for a few moments. Once I do finally gain the courage to speak, my voice is weak and unsteady, "I just- I guess I was worried about you expectations about our wedding night."
"Should I be offended that my fiancé doesn't think I'll be fucking her senseless on our wedding night? This may have been a marriage of convenience but I don't fuck around with plans. If we are supposed to be husband and wife, we will act like husband and wife. That means that we will live together, we will eat together, we will sleep in the same bed, and, of course, that means I will be fucking you like husband and wife,"
"So, let me get this straight," He lifts me up on his desk and hikes my dress up over my waist. "you thought you could come into my office in the middle of my workday because you didn't know if I wanted to fuck you on our wedding night?" His eyes piercing into mine make me glad I'm sitting on the desk. I stare back, not responding.
"Use, your words, babydoll. If you want something, you have to use your words to tell me." He looks down at the wet spot on my panties and smirks. "And there is something you want; isn't there?"
I gulp and try to break eye contact, but he grips my chin and brings it so close to his face, our noses are touching.
"Did I say you could look away? Exactly. You don't do anything without my saying so. Got it?"
I nod frantically, desperate for whatever comes next.
"Good girl." He lets go of my face and sits back down in his chair. "Now, because you thought you could get away with interrupting my day at work, I'm going to make sure you know what is going to happen if you ever do it again."
He reaches into his desk and pulls out a small pink object.
"I'm going to put this in that dripping wet pussy of yours and," he waves his phone," with the help of this glorious device here, I'm going to control you. And maybe, just maybe, I'll let you cum. How does that sound?"
I nod.
"What did I say?"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, sir." I swallow hard, trying to hide my nerves.
"Это моя хорошая девочка," The way he draws out each word makes me weaker in the knees than I knew was possible.
He slides his chair to where I am sitting and pulls my panties to the side. He looks me straight in my eyes as he pushes the vibrator inside of me.
My eyes widen at the surprise, and I can't help but moan slightly.
His eyes don't leave mine as he reaches for his phone and turns the vibrator on, sending a shock through my body and causing me to throw my head back in the sudden pleasure.
His hand violently grabs my face to look at him.
"What did I say?" His voice firm and filled with annoyance.
I let out a short moan in response.
He cocks his head to the side and spreads my legs further apart before slowly leading his head to my pussy. He kisses right above my clit, and I moan in desperation.
"Please," I whimper. "Please, James."
He smirks before his tongue runs across my panties. It takes everything in my to not make a noise. Bucky clearly notices this and stops.
"милый, if you're not going to make any noise, why would I waste my time giving you an orgasm?"
"Fuck, Bucky. Please. Please don't stop. I'll be good. I promise." I whine desperate for his tongue against my pussy, tasting every bit of me.
"I think I need to teach you a lesson about not following instructions. What do you think?"
"I-," Bucky cuts me off by turning the vibrator on its highest setting. "FUCK! Oh fuck, James. Shit." I close my eyes throwing my head back. As soon as I'm back to looking at him again, the phone on his desk rings and he picks it up without breaking eye contact.
"This is Barnes."
Someone on the other line speaks but I can't hear it.
"Yes. That could be an issue. A deal of this size is not one that can be put off until later."
Another pause as the man on the phone speaks.
"Oh. No. I'm not busy. We can talk about this now."
I manage to shoot him glares through the waves of ecstasy washing over me. He responds with a clueless look that soon fades into a smirk.
"Give me two minutes to cancel my appointments for the rest of the day."
He leaves for what feels like forever. The vibrator in me still on the highest setting bringing me closer to an orgasm.
When he comes back into his office, he walks up to me, fitting right in-between my legs and whispers in my ear. "I'm in a meeting doll, don't make a sound. Do you understand?"
His hot breath against the nape of my neck making me more desperate. I buck my hips into his. He grunts and steps back.
"Please." My voice breathless.
"Be my good girl and do what I say." And with that, he picks up the phone from his desk again and lowers the vibrators setting. He then reaches for the phone to talk to the man.
"Alright. I'm back."
Bucky and the man keep going back to their meeting. He starts changing the settings what seems randomly. Eventually, I catch on. Every time he speaks, he turns the speed down the speed and when he isn't he turns the speed up all the way.
I whimper. Four minutes of him playing the game with me and I can't hold it in anymore. 
I try to hold back my moans but I am very unsuccessful and he shoots me a look that basically says: Did I say you could make noise? 
He put the phone on speaker before he stands up out of his chair and places his hands on either side of me leaning in close. "The next noise you make, will be the last one you make from me. Ты моя чертова шлюха. Got it?"
He gently pulls me off his desk and makes me stand in front of him as he sits down. Before I even know whats happening, he unzips his slacks and pulls his boxers down slightly; revealing his cock.
He then grabs the hem of my dress until I'm standing over him. He pulls the vibrator out of me and pushes my panties to the side and pulls me on top of him. 
He glares at me as I whimper at the sudden feeling of him inside me. He doesn't move for a few moments to let me adjust to him. His kindness doesn't last very long, though. He grabs ahold of my waist and starts moving me on top of him. 
Meanwhile the man on the phone is droning on about company numbers or some shit. 
We move in a quick rhythm and it takes everything in me to keep from moaning. I have no control over my body as James moves me up and down on his dick.
His voice snaps me out of my trance.
"Well, sir, it sounds like we have gotten a good start to this. As I understand it, you and your wife will be flying into New York tomorrow evening?"
"Yes. That is correct."
"Wonderful. How about I treat you and your wife to dinner with my fiancé and I the following evening? We can continue our discussion then."
"Sounds like a plan. We will see you then Mr. Barnes. Goodbye." 
And with that, the man hangs up. In one smooth motion, Bucky picks me up and turns to slam me against the wall of his office. 
He slams his dick in and out of my dripping pussy at a record speed. The room is filled with the sound of his balls smacking my ass, my heavy pants, whimpers, and moans, and Bucky's soft grunts at every thrust. 
"Oh. Fuck. Bucky. Oh FUCK- SHIT. Bucky pleasepleaseplease." I'm desperate. I've never wanted anything more than for him to fuck me senseless. 
"Yea. Is this what my baby wants? For me to fuck her dumb?"
I whimper in response. 
Simply put, he did not like that. He wraps his hand around my neck forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Use your words, Милый. Don't make me tell you again. 
"Y-y-yes, sir."
He leans in to kiss me and we hold there for a few moments before he continues fucking me. I throw my head back in pleasure. 
"Fuck. Bucky. I'm gonna-"
"I know Милый. I know. Let it out."
My body convulses as I release all over Bucky's cock. He keeps pounding into me as I ride my high. I feel him cum inside me and he fucks me making sure that none of it drips out. 
Finally, he gently carries me to his desk and kisses me before picking up his desk phone. 
"Elanie, will you cancel the rest of my appointments? I'm taking my fiancé out for the rest of the day. Thank you."
He comes back and leans in to give me a deep kiss. He fixes his pants and my dress before grabbing his bag and suit coat. He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me out of his office and motions to Elaine. 
As we walk to the entrance of the building, a car pulls up and the driver rushes to open the door for us.  He gives the driver instructions before getting into the back of the car with me. 
"Are you still worried about our wedding night?" 
I nod and he chuckles.
"As much fun as this was, Милый," his tone changes from sweet to serious, "If you ever pull something like that again, there will be severe consequences."
I stare at him understandingly before his leans and kisses my forehead. 
"Я люблю тебя, мой прекрасный жених."
Это моя хорошая девочка – That's my good girl
Милый- darling
Ты моя чертова шлюха - You're my fucking slut
Я люблю тебя, мой прекрасный жених - I love you my beautiful fiancé
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reidsc0nverse · 1 year
A Rose by Any Other Name (Chapter One)
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Summary: Reader has her first day at the BAU in training to take JJ's place on maternity leave. She gets comfortable around the office with the help of her father Davis Rossi and the other members of the team, especially one specific genius.
Warnings: None
AN: This is my first real try at this idea that's been collecting dust in my brain, so far this chapter doesn't have a whole lot and it's mainly intro to the character but yeah. Also reader doesn't have Rossi's last name fyi and she's taking Jordans place in season 4 but they're not the same I promise.
Series Masterlist
   Well, I knew the time was coming, just not so out of the blue.
   I was training under the Communications Liaison of the BAU today, Jennifer Jareau, due to the fact that she's leaving for maternity leave soon. 
  It was only a matter of time before my dad, him being THE David Rossi, pulled some strings to get me to that spot despite me barely finishing the academy. I mean, I rocked it, but they usually want someone of more...experience in a position as such.
But here I am, walking through the doors of the bullpen and Jennifer walking up to me with a friendly smile.
"Ah! Agent Y/L/N, glad to see you," she said cheerily, holding her hand out for me to shake it.
"You too" I say returning the gesture and trying to keep my composure and maintain the same cheeriness as her, but failing.
"Nervous?" She asks, seeing through me with ease but continuing to keep her friendliness and walking me to her office.
"No of course not" I say sarcastically with a playful smile on my face as we enter in the room filled with a vast amount of case files.
She motions for me to sit across from her at the desk and laughs softly, "Don't worry, after your first couple of cases it gets easier..ish." 
"I just hate the part of the job that involves dealing with the press" I admit, with the stuff I've heard from my dad I can understand the stigma around journalists and outside sources.
"Tell me about it, but you'll get the hang of it, it's usually just repeating yourself after a while." She replies and we continue to discuss more about the details of the job and what I'm gonna have to do in the next weeks. 
"Alright enough of this, everyone should be here by now. I'll introduce you to everyone." She says and we get up and out where three agents stand talking.
"Hey guys, I want to introduce you to someone. This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. She'll be taking over for me while I'm on maternity leave." She says and I smile at the three that Jennifer has described to me.
I go to shake their hands, "You must be Agent Prentiss, Agent Morgan, and Dr. Reid." They all return smiles to me, "Agent Jareau has told me so much about you all."
"La mia bambina!" I hear a familiar voice say as I look over to see my dad, his arms stretched out and pulling me as he kisses my cheek. 
"Hi dad." I say sheepishly, my face burning as the agents in front of me furrow their eyebrows. 
"Dad?" Prentiss says and continues, "Does your last name come from wife number 2 or 3?" she jokes and Morgan laughs in response.
My dad waves them off and looks back to me, "Training start today?" I nod and he holds me with his arm over my shoulder. "Yeah if you can let me go I can finally start" I joke with him and he lifts his arm in response.
"Yeah Rossi, I'd like to get her started with that." Jennifer says playfully as I wave once again to the others when she brings me with her to look over a case before bringing it to the team.
"I may have forgotten to mention that part to them," She says, looking at the file in her hand. "Oh, what? That Rossi's my dad?" I ask, her nodding and I continue, "No worries, I don't think he's ever even brought up having a kid. One that he knows about at least. We haven't been that close in all honesty." I explain to her. It's really no big deal to me, he wasn't very present in my childhood but as I've gotten older, he's put in a lot of effort to be a part of my life even if it's a little late. Hence, my place at the BAU.
We spend the next hour going over cases and she guides me on how they decide where to go and whether or not the risk of more lives being lost is prominent. Once we settle on one she lets out a breath, "Alright let's take a break, I need to stop staring at all of this" she says motioning to the abundance of cases on the desk. I nod in agreement smiling and make my way to the break room for a cup of coffee.
"Agent Y/L/N, right?" I hear someone say as they walk in. I turn my head and see the tall stature of Dr. Reid.
"Yes, yeah. Hi." I say, waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing. He walks over and waits next to me with his empty mug. "But I don't really care about formal titles, you can just call me Y/N."
"Okay, Y/N. You can call me whatever, Spencer, Reid, I don't mind." He says gently and continues, "Rossi never mentioned he had a daughter. Let alone one coming onto the team."
"Temporarily" I remind him, but it's more to myself, "but I don't know how often he really wants to talk his personal life." I say lightheartedly and the coffee finally fills up my cup and I move over to let him use the machine.
Spencer shrugs and begins to make his own, "How long have you been in the FBI?"
At this I get nervous to respond, you can be as young as 23 to get into the FBI, but the BAU needs prior experience. But of course, my dad rushed the process some. "Well, uh, I kind of just finished the academy. I'm only 24 so there hasn't been much room for familiarity."
He looks at me with a slight surprise in his face, "Really? I mean if it makes you feel any better I started here as soon as I could. So in reality, you don't need all that much prior experience in the FBI to work here."
"Aren't you like, a genius though?" I laugh, Jennifer did tell me that about him.
He laughs and nods, "Well..you know what I mean. They make exceptions."
"Yeah, I suppose"
"Are you interested in profiling?"
"I only just recently figured that out." I laugh and explain further, "Psychology has always intrigued me and that's what I majored in, so once my dad figured that out he kinda shoved me into this field." I say, doing an exaggerated push motion absentmindedly.
He smiles and nods, "I think you should go for it, after this whole liaison thing of course, I wish you luck." He says and waves as he walks out. In that moment I can feel my face flush slightly, it wasn't that big of a deal but I guess I just wasn't expecting that sort of kindness on my first day.
I shake my head slightly and walk back to where Jennifer and I previously were.
She was already back on her side of the desk and reading a file, looking up she points at my cup, "Good thinking" she smiles and I take my seat again.
"I'd hate to think about how much coffee is drank in this building." I joke.
"Probably enough to supply a small country." she laughs and goes on, "Alright so I think you're pretty much all done for now, I don't think you'll be able to join us on the case but you can just get yourself used to the team if you want."
I nod and the day goes by with loads of 'how to's' around the office and in the perks of Jennifer's job. Sooner than later I get to go home and I get my stuff packed up and walk in the elevator.
The doors start to close but before it shuts completely, I see Spencer rush towards the elevator and I hold them open for him.
"Sorry- sorry." He says awkwardly as he gets in next to me. "How was your first day?"
"It was new. That's for sure. Just a whole lot of information on what I need to do." I say, fidgeting with my hair slightly.
"I'm not sure how much I can do, but if you need anything I know anyone on the team will help" He reassures me, and i smile back. "Thanks, really. I appreciate it."
"Of course." He smiles and the elevator opens up leading to the parking lot. "I'll see you later." He says and I smile back walking to my car.
I can feel the pink in my cheeks when I sit in the front seat and drive home.
I think I'm gonna like my time here.
okay chapter two will be out sometime between today and next week I hope y'all like it so far ik it's not a lot but give it some patience lols
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alxtiny · 1 year
Hi! So I've been having THE WORST headaches of my life these past couple of days (I almost never get headaches so when I do it really takes a toll on me😔) and I was wondering if I could request just a cute fluff with yunho or jongho helping reader's headaches? Thx!💗💗
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Headaches | Choi Jongho x Reader
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Synopsis: where jongho helps relieve your headache
Pairing:  Choi Jongho x gn!reader, domestic au
Genre: fluff, comfort
Word count: 0.8k
Warnings: will cause Jongho missing hours
Notes: missing Jongho hours 😭😭😭 also thank you for requesting anon I hope you like it !!!
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You sat at your desk, staring at your computer screen with bleary eyes, the familiar pulsating ache in your temples reminding you that it was one of those days again. Your job required you to spend long hours in front of a computer, and the constant exposure to screens had started taking a toll on your health. Lately, headaches had become a regular companion, and today it was particularly bothersome.
"Ugh, not again," you muttered, massaging your temples with your fingers in a futile attempt to ease the pain. You had tried everything - taking breaks, adjusting your screen's brightness, and even using blue light glasses, but nothing seemed to provide lasting relief. It was frustrating, to say the least.
Enter Jongho, your caring boyfriend. Jongho was not only the sweetest person you'd ever met but also a fantastic problem solver. He always knew how to make you feel better, and you were grateful for that. He had noticed your discomfort. He was watching TV in your living room, but he couldn't ignore your occasional wince and sigh from the next room.
He decided it was time to intervene and make you feel better. He got up from the couch, quietly entered your office, and softly whispered, "Y/N, are you okay?"
You turned your head, blinking at the sudden interruption. "Jongho, hey. Its just work, I have to spend so much time in front of the computer, and it's really starting to get to me. I've tried everything to reduce these headaches, but nothing seems to work."
Jongho walked over to you and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, concern etched across his handsome face. "You don't have to suffer in silence, love. Let me take care of you."
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you nodded in agreement. Jongho had a way of making everything feel better. "Alright, what's your plan?"
"First, let's get you away from this screen," he said, saving your work and shutting your computer. "Now, what's your favorite food?"
You thought for a moment, the pain in your head making it hard to concentrate. " (Food of choice) ," you finally replied.
Jongho grinned, pleased with your choice. " (food of choice) it is, then."
He ordered your favorite dish from the best place in town, and while you waited for it to arrive, he set up a cozy spot for the two of you in the living room. He dimmed the lights and lit some scented candles.
Once the food arrived, you both sat cross-legged on the floor, indulging in delicious bites of the delicacy. Jongho watched you closely, a small smile playing on his lips as he noticed your headache slowly subsiding.
"You're amazing, Jongho," you said between bites. "This is exactly what I needed."
He winked at you. "I aim to please."
After finishing the sushi, Jongho decided to brew some hot chamomile tea. He carefully prepared the tea and brought it to you, placing it on the low table in front of you. The soothing aroma filled the room as you took a sip.
"This is perfect," you sighed, feeling more relaxed with each passing moment.
Jongho scooted closer and took your hand in his. "I'm glad you like it, Y/N. Now, how about a little head massage?"
Your eyes lit up at the suggestion as you nodded quickly. 
With gentle hands, Jongho began massaging your temples, his fingers working their magic to alleviate the tension. As he massaged, you both started sharing stories.
Jongho recounted hilarious moments with his ATEEZ members, from their misadventures during practice to their crazy antics on tour. You couldn't help but laugh at his animated storytelling, feeling your headache vanish into thin air.
In return, you regaled Jongho with your work stories, describing the quirky characters and absurd situations you encountered in your office. His laughter was like music to your ears, and you cherished this intimate moment of connection.
Soon your headache had completely disappeared, thanks to Jongho's care and the much-needed distraction he had provided.
Jongho leaned in, placing a sweet kiss on your forehead. "Feeling better now?"
"Thanks for everything today, Jongho," you said sincerely, titling your head back into his lap and staring into his eyes. "I don't know what I would do without you."
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace. "Remember, whenever you're in pain, I'll always be here to pamper you and make you smile."
You cuddled closer, feeling safe and loved in Jongho's arms. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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Taglist : @sushi0517
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Cubicle // 3) A Girl Like You
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Word Count: 1304
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Thursday // Roni
Once again, I had a hard time falling asleep last night. I couldn't get those eyes, lips and dimples out of my head. I also felt bad that I had such a grim reaction to his telling me his age. It really is no big deal to me, and I hope he knows that. I started circulating in my head different scenarios in which I would apologize to him. Of course, in my fantasies, Harry always kisses me or makes passionate love to me in the end. My brain is so dramatic.
To make matters worse, I actually woke up an hour before my alarm was to go off. I tossed and turned for twenty minutes before finally giving up and hopping in the shower. Some good came out of it, however. I got to work a little earlier, and Harry just happened to pull into the parking spot next to mine at the same time I was getting out of the car. I stopped on the sidewalk to wait for him.
"Good morning," he greeted as he slammed his door shut.
"Morning, Harry," I said, giving my best smile. Or at least the best smile I could muster on very little sleep.
We walked up to the office building together, exchanging small talk about work and the weather.
"By the way," he said as he held the door open for me. "Thanks for your email yesterday."
"You're welcome."
"I'm sorry I didn't reply to it. I got really busy, and I wanted to respond only when I had enough time to say what I wanted."
A little taken aback, I raised my eyebrows in question. "And what would that be?"
Harry looked down at his feet as he smirked. "No. You'll just have to wait for the email."
I playfully pouted as we continued inside the building. I stopped by my desk to drop off my handbag and then met Harry in the break room. Alice, a sweet timid girl from the accounting department was also there, stirring her tea. She gave me a quiet greeting as I poured myself some coffee.
"So who has plans this weekend?" I asked as I sat down at the table with Harry and Alice.
"I'm not doing anything," Alice replied softly. "I never do anything."
Alice shook her head.
"What about you, Harry?"
"No plans yet," he answered, giving me the eye. "But that can always change."
"Hmm," I nodded. "Indeed."
"Well," Harry announced as he stood up, "you ladies have a lovely morning. I have an email to write."
"Bye, Harry."
He winked at me as he left the room. I wasn't sure if Alice noticed until I heard her pipe up.
"God, you're so lucky."
"Excuse me?" I glared at her.
"I've had a crush on him since he started working here. I don't think he even knows my name. But he's obviously into you," Alice said solemnly.
I didn't really know what to say. I mean, I had the feeling he liked me, but I didn't want to make someone else feel bad.
"I'm sorry, Alice," I finally spoke. "I didn't know you liked him."
"Eh, who doesn't, honestly," she retorted. "He's bloody gorgeous."
With that, she stood and gave me a quick "see ya" before heading out of the break room. I sat by myself until I'd completely drained my coffee cup, then headed back to my desk to anticipate Harry's email.
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I was really glad I ran into Roni this morning. All day yesterday I had been thinking about how to respond to her email. I didn't want it to be a quick message. I wanted to tell her how the age difference didn't matter to me if it didn't matter to her. I wanted to tell her other things, but I wasn't sure how she would take it. Maybe her quick email to me was only to be nice. Like a "nice knowing you, but you're too young for me" kind of thing.
But seeing her beautiful face as she stood there waiting for me to get out of the car sealed the deal. I knew she wasn't just being nice. Travis was right, she's into me. The way the corner of her mouth always curves up slightly whilst listening to me speak. When she licks that fucking delicious bottom lip. I want so bad to feel it on mine.
Feeling much more confident, I sat at my computer and began typing the email. I still knew however, that spilling my guts via inter-office correspondence would not be the wisest choice. If we're not even allowed to use the internet without being monitored, who knows what they do about tracking private messages.
So, I kept my words somewhat professional, yet a bit cryptic. Knowing that Roni is a smart and undoubtedly extremely clever woman, I reckoned she would understand and be able to read between the lines.
To: Graver, Veronica
From: Styles, Harry
Re: Weekly Update/Meeting
Ms. Graver,
It was a pleasure meeting you this week. Allow me to welcome you to the company. Regarding our previous discussion, I foresee no objection to future relations. After all, nineteen and twenty-seven are numbers I can certainly work with. I've checked my calendar, and I have an opening in the PM of Friday, or Saturday if that better fits your schedule. Please let me know, and do not hesitate to reach me on my personal line if you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Harry Styles
Below my name, I gave her my cell number. Then I got to work, hoping I'd get a response soon.
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How fucking cute is he? I giggled to myself as I finished reading his email, then read it again. I wanted to reply with an emphatic yes but knew that would not be appropriate in a work email, which I gathered were his intentions for writing something so business-like. So, I gave a short, similar response.
Mr. Styles,
Thank you for your email and your warm welcome. I shall be contacting you via your personal line so that we may discuss our future meeting in detail.
Roni Graver
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I'd noticed Roni had replied to my email nearly forty minutes ago, but fucking Donald, my lame ass supervisor, had been going on and on about some account that had been waiting on their reports, which I knew I had finished and sent out last week. Then Nina, his secretary had to add fuel to the fire by telling me I had done them incorrectly because apparently, there was a change in the format that no one had bothered to tell me about.
After Nina had left, I eagerly opened the email. I grinned to myself as I read her words. Just as I was about to reply again, I heard my phone vibrate on my desk. I swiped it open to reveal a text.
Harry, you're such a clever lad. I would love to go out with you. I'm free all weekend, so you pick the time that's best for you. -Roni
After quickly saving her number in my contacts, I sent her a text back.
The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. Tomorrow at 8?
Less than thirty seconds later she responded.
Sounds great! :) Can't wait.
I let out a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I turned my attention back to my reports, but suddenly got an idea. Picking up my phone, I texted Roni again.
This might sound silly since we're going out tomorrow, but are you free for lunch?
As I waited for her text, I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned my chair around to see Roni leaning against my cubicle partition.
"I thought you'd never ask."
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The Under-Ground (18+ ONLY)
Chapter Four - Roadkill
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Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 |
Modern!Barista!Eddie AU - A moody car ride and muddled emotions.
Enemies to Lovers, Modern!Barista!Eddie AU, Eddie x Fem Reader
9.9K Words
Warnings - Eddie is an asshole, eventual smut, mentions of drugs and drinking, drug dealing, allusions to mental illness, mentions of blood, I don't think there's anything else but please let me know if I missed anything
Author's Note: I put my soul into this chapter like I just wanted everything to be right and for things to add up. Anyway, I'm so glad to finally share it as we reveal more about their story.
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Hawkins High - English Class, Sophomore Year
The clock ticked by tauntingly slowly, five minutes feeling like an eternity in the stale classroom flooded with white and beige, each desk meticulously placed in their respective rows, all uniform and not one out of line as each student occupied their own.  A pop quiz rested in front of every anxious student, Mrs. O’Donnell being overly unfair in springing the assignment on everyone after only going over the unit one time in the span of fifteen minutes.
Only the sound of pencils gliding across paper and the ticking of the clock were evident among the prison-like room.  Just outside of the window to your right was a perfect view of the large oak tree you’d claimed as your lunch spot.  Though Steve had asked you to sit with him and his friends at lunch, you declined.  The mere idea of having to face all of those preppy and popular kids was terrifying and you’d rather enjoy your lunch in solitude.  Steve seemed like a promising friend the deeper you got into highschool but you’d settle for sitting with him in class if it meant you could avoid the jocks he hung out with.
Stomach grumbling, you only prayed that the next two class periods would go by faster than the first period had been dragging along.  It was only a week into sophomore year and you were already counting the days until summer.  You thought you’d be able to avoid Mrs. O’Donnell’s dreaded English class throughout all four years but sadly in only your second year you were cursed with her name on your schedule.  Everyone knew her class was the one to dodge if at all possible.  
Marking your answer to the last question on the quiz, you bashfully stood to set it on Mrs. O’Donnell’s desk, noting the way she glared at you before heading back to your desk as quietly as you could.  There was no pleasing the woman, she was alway miserable.  Being one of the shyest students in the class, she still made it known that not even you were safe from her wrath.  Just as you reached into your bag to retrieve your copy of Of Mice & Men which was assigned at the very beginning of the week, the classroom door swung open, the hinges squeaking in protest.
“Oh, Mrs. O’Donnell!”  A boy’s voice sang as he sauntered through the door, skateboard in hand and backpack in rough condition barely hanging onto his lanky shoulder.  It was the same boy from the ice cream social, he was wearing pretty much the same thing, black jeans with noticeable rips and a matching t-shirt with ‘Iron Maiden’ on the front.  The chain hanging from his jeans clinked as he walked and his tousled brunette curls swayed with the movement.  Eddie, as you recall.  His sneakers squeaked against the floor as he came to a stop in front of the teacher’s desk, her face displaying a different kind of disdain for the boy in front of her, his dimples still framing his smile regardless.
“Munson, it is not polite to interrupt my class.  Where are your manners?”  The older woman seemed to gain more wrinkles just by engaging with him.
“Actually, that’s why I’m here.  You get to experience another glorious year with yours truly.”  He had no fear, he was dripping confidence and from the looks of it he didn’t care if Mrs. O’Donnell wasn’t having it.  You were suddenly envious of his charisma, only wishing you could absorb some of the self-assurance he was possessing in the few seconds he had walked in the door. 
“I’ll be the judge of that, you’re not on my roster.”  O’Donnell suddenly stands, her gaze would intimidate you but Eddie only sighed and ran a hand through his hair as if this wasn’t his first rodeo with her.  
“I swear, the office sent me here directly.  Call them.”  Before she could scold him, he had made his way toward the back of the room, tossing his backpack on the ground next to the empty desk just behind you and slumping into the chair while crossing his arms.  So it seemed he was in your grade.  Every other guy your age was still struggling with voice cracks and puberty mustaches but he seemed to have a grasp on things and was more mature looking than them.  Or maybe he was in another grade and just in a sophomore English class.  Whatever the case, he sat right behind you and it made you nervous, the kind of nervousness that makes you question if you tried hard enough on your appearance, wishing you would’ve taken more care in the mirror that morning.  
Who were you kidding?  Boys didn’t even look your way so what made this one any different?  He wasn’t.  You were just riling yourself up again only to let yourself down by setting unrealistic expectations.  And all within a few seconds, that dream was discarded and you came back to reality.
Only for some reason you dared to sneak a glance over your shoulder at him.  Where that sudden bravery came from, you’d never know.  But you’d never forget the way his eyelashes casted perfect shadows along his cheeks even in the annoyingly fluorescent lighting of the classroom and the way a dimple peeked out at you as he offered a boyish close mouthed smile, by far the most charming smile you’d ever seen.  It happened so quickly you started to question if you were daydreaming.
Present Day
There are a lot of things to focus on in Eddie’s van.  The big gulp cup in his cup holder filled a third of the way with change, food wrappers littering the floor which he must have shoved away to make room, a few cassettes among the trash—who used cassettes anymore?  There was a car parts catalog on the dashboard, a pair of headphones on top, and next to it a small box of unopened guitar strings.  Among the many things happening visually in the van, it was all very Eddie from what you currently knew about him against your will.  Even the lingering smells screamed his name, the hint of cigarettes, a little bit of the pine air freshener dangling from the mirror, a tinge of skunk-like bitterness, and the spice from his cologne.  
It was silent, not even the radio he famously blared at high volumes playing, only the sound of the engine rumbling.  You didn’t dare look to your left at him, embarrassment seeping through your pores from earlier.  There was no way you would talk about being that vulnerable in front of Eddie Munson out of all people.  Hell, you weren’t even sure why you were riding in the passenger seat of his van and had you been coherent enough when he guided you to sit, you would’ve refused and walked home, paying no mind that it would’ve taken around thirty minutes.  Now you were stuck in one of the most uncomfortable positions of your life, riding shotgun in your nemesis’ car and on shaky ground with your best friends.  The more you thought about it, Steve couldn’t even look at you when you’d asked if Robin knew about his sneaky endeavors.  It was as though you were subject to isolation with no reparations in the foreseeable future.
“Pull over.”  You were surprised by how strong your voice had sounded despite how much you’d been crying before.  
A glance your way was all you received as you watched him in your peripheral.  Why was it that the most common occurrence tonight was to be unresponsive?  
“Pull over.”  You repeated a bit louder.  
Still, he ignored you.
“Pull over or I’m going to jump out.”  
The threat was lost on him, earning you no reaction however you took him by surprise when you reached for the handle, pulling and cracking the door open as the pavement beneath zoomed past and the wind sucked the breath out of your lungs, the crisp fall air felt like a punch to the face in contrast to the warm cabin of the van.  
“What the fuck!?  Do you have a death wish or something!?”  Eddie kept a hand on the wheel while simultaneously stretching his arm across you as he reached for the handle to pull it closed but failing in his first attempt.  “Shut the damn door!”  Unsure of what you were trying to gain from this, you tugged the door toward you with a scoff, Eddie shifting his eyes between you and the road.  What would be your next move?  You hurl yourself out of a moving van and end up roadkill?  It wasn’t a very well thought out plan.
“Just pull over.”  You couldn’t stand being trapped within the confines of his van much longer.
Everyone and everything you knew was turning out to be a lie, straight to your face and the pressure was only building up inside.  And it all boiled down to one person who happened to be sitting just to your left.  “Dammit!  Just pull over!  I wanna walk!”  You shifted, now turned toward him, his brows furrowed and his lips downturned, complete displeasure written on his face.  
“Would you quit being such a fucking brat!?”  There he was.  This is the Eddie you knew of, a complete contrast to the one that had emerged earlier.  He was unrecognizable as he played the part of the neutral party between you and Steve.  And he had no right either, you would be sure he knew that.  
“Then fucking pull over!”  
“We’re almost there, then you can do whatever the hell you want.  See if I give a shit.”  His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, a pinky tapping against it as he seemed to try and keep himself calm.
“You don’t even know where I live.  Let me out.  Right here, pull over.”  It was a constant battle, neither of you having the slightest urge to just give it up although it looked like you were going to win when the brakes screeched, the van halting to a stop in the middle of the road.  You were at a bend with nothing but forest on either side so you could either step out with your pride, also bearing the possibility of becoming a news headline in the morning: ‘Girl found dead on side of the road’, or you could let him win this one and make it home in one piece.  
“Go on then.  You wanted to walk?  Have at it.”  Eddie gestures to the open road, very clearly unwalkable from this point.  You remained silent, contemplating your options.  “What?  I give you what you want and it's still not enough?”  He huffs in annoyance, head shaking.
“You did that on purpose.”  You mumble, barely audible but he catches it anyway.
“Did what?  Drive you home so you wouldn’t strangle Harrington?”  He was very clearly trying to push your buttons and he was going to end up being the one strangled if he kept it up.  
“You know what?”  The sound of your seatbelt clicking alerted him that you were about to hop out, your hand reaching for the door.  “You want me to be roadkill so bad?  Fine.”  And with that you stepped out into the crisp fall air, a light sprinkling of rain painting your skin as you stomped down the road.  
The van’s engine didn’t rumble which told you he hadn’t sped off yet, most likely watching in victory as you began your trek home.  The frigid air started to bite at your skin, your cheeks and nose beginning to hurt and lose feeling.  You didn’t get very far when you began to regret leaving the warmth of the van, you just had to pick this battle and now it seemed you lost in the end anyway.
It still hadn’t zoomed past you like you envisioned, only the sound of someone running behind you was heard which in all honesty only freaked you out even more.  This was the worst case scenario for how the night was supposed to end.  Maybe some serial killer had gotten Eddie and now you were their next victim.  A new headline flashed in your brain, something along the lines of ‘Young couple found murdered near the woods in Hawkins, Indiana’ and you nearly puked as you began sprinting, the downpour of rain becoming heavier as you did.  Lungs on fire, you forced yourself to keep going no matter how ridiculous the thoughts racing through your mind were.  Maybe it was the quickest way to get home after all, to imagine you were being hunted for sport the whole time.  The nightmare you conjured up quickly came to an end when you slammed into something firm, almost being knocked to the ground only to be stabilized by two hands gripping your arms.  Your eyes were shut tight, avoiding whatever fate was awaiting you.  Were you being dramatic?  Yes, however it couldn’t be helped especially being just next to the woods in nearly pitch black.  The basis for a classic horror film.
“Are you crazy!?  Get back in the van!  You’re gonna get killed out here, you can’t see shit.”  Much to your relief just this once, you were happy to open your eyes and find Eddie, out of breath with his curls dripping, a few sticking to his face.  
His eyes were more doe like than ever, staring down at you, the headlights from the van barely reaching the two of you allowing you to make out his features.  His stare flickered between you and the road urgently.  “If a car comes around the corner we’re fucked, LETS GO!”  If he had any remaining patience, it was gone because suddenly his arms wrapped around your legs and waist, throwing you over his shoulder without struggle, jogging back to the van as you were left breathless.  Ending up tossed over Eddie Munson’s shoulder was the last possible outcome you’d imagined tonight and yet here you were.
“Put me down!”  You still protested, delivering a firm smack to his shoulder blade.  If he obeyed, you had no plan so you weren’t sure what your motive was here however he continued on without so much as a flinch.
“Oh yeah, look what happened the last time I listened to you.  Had to fuckin’ chase you down.”  The passenger door was left open from when you took off as you glanced over Eddie’s shoulder.  
“You didn’t have to!  I could’ve made it home perfectly fine!”  You weren’t one hundred percent sure about that but you could sell the lie.  In your defense, he took a completely different route than what you had originally walked earlier in the day since you had to stop by the Byers’.
Suddenly you were placed in the passenger seat again, and not very gently either.  Eddie’s intense gaze only egged you on, returning the favor as you looked up at him, narrowing your eyes.  
“Yeah?  You sure about that Roadkill?”  
You’d had it and there was very little if any fight left in you.  Teeth chattering and hair wet, you came to the realization that your clothes were almost completely soaked and before you could huddle in on yourself for warmth, a leather jacket was tossed at you before the passenger door was slammed shut, Eddie quickly returning to the driver’s side, a displeased expression remaining on his features as he shifted into drive.
Rain dotted the windshield and other than that and the squeaking of the wipers against the glass, it had been silent.  Five minutes had passed but it was easy to mistake it for five hours with how tense the air in the van was.  Eddie released a heavy and dramatic breath every so often and if he was searching for a reaction in you, you weren’t interested in partaking.  Home wasn’t far, you only needed to endure a couple more minutes in the stuffy but thankfully, warm confines of the vehicle.  
Maybe you were delirious, your brain muddled in the events of tonight because Eddie had finally been silent that full five minutes and you stupidly took it upon yourself to engage in further conversation.
“Roadkill?  Really?”  
The green traffic lights overhead created a glow around him, painting him almost like a picture, a renaissance painting you might even say.  If a renaissance painting could include a grumpy metalhead adorned in rings, tattoos, and a demonic t-shirt.  So no, not a renaissance painting and yet, you couldn’t find another way to phrase it in your mind.  Why?
“Roadkill.  That’s all you have to say?”  Offense lingered in his tone, his eyes glancing to you briefly.
Your body turned toward the door, even more than it already had been as you watched the scenery race by, deciding to go mute again.  There was no civil conversation with him, only snarky comments and full blown arguments.  
“Better than Socks.”  A smirk graces his lips when you turn to look back over at him and there was no way to tell if it was playful or cynical.  
Should you bite and comment back or should you remain ignorant?  You’d started it after all.  This time he wasn’t the one breaking silence to torture you, it was the other way around and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why you yearned to instigate.
“I will not be called ‘Roadkill’ if that’s what you’re getting at.”  It was said cruelly however just beneath the surface, if he was intelligent enough to pull at the corners of your gaze with his, he may find a seed planted deep within your depths.  
Could it have been that the way he stepped in earlier was in some regard an olive branch?  Extended with the means to mend what was previously shattered beyond repair, an intention.  No.  It couldn’t be, not even in the slightest.  Because he was Eddie and you were you, this is how your stories were written and engraved into the margins of the universe.  That didn’t mean you didn’t wonder why he had been so tangled up in the ball of yarn that was your life for so long if not to infinitely cause an ache from wounds slashed into your soul years ago.
“I think you’ve definitely been upgraded from Socks to Roadkill.”  Though he was snarky there was a glimmer in his eyes.
“Hell no.  If I’m Roadkill then what are you?”  Arms crossed, you shifted to turn your body further toward him, brow raised in expectancy.
“I don’t do nicknames.”  It was a short and simple answer and it simply wouldn’t do.
“You can’t just go by Munson, you need some kind of…some kind of earned name for some dumb shit you would do—or have done!”  You snap your fingers at him, a smile playing at your lips and he swears he hasn’t seen that kind of smile directed his way in years.  It’s enough to bring a flush of pink to his cheeks that he hopes is hidden by the darkness and won’t become evident under the street lights passing by.
“What, like running into the open road in the pitch black during the rain—at a bend in the road, might I add?”  
“Well…don’t—don’t even pretend I’ve done even half of the dumb shit you’ve done!”  That smile still pulls at your lips uncontrollably and he’s not sure if you’ve given up trying to hold it back or if you’re so beyond tired and delusional that you’ve forgotten who you were talking to.  Either way this moment would be burned into his memory, even if it would be the last time you’d offer him the upturn of your lips, even if you were sleep deprived and not in your right mind.  
You continue to ramble, searching your brain as he admires to the best of his ability while driving, eyes drifting from you to the road and back.  “Like—like the raccoon thing!  Yeah you’re Racoon Boy!”  
He scoffs, rolling his eyes.  “Really?  Racoon Boy?  That’s the best you can come up with?  Doesn’t really roll off the tongue like Roadkill.”  
His criticism earned a glare from you but not the kind of glare he was so used to receiving from you.  This one held some kind of spark if he lingered long enough, large eyes beaming at you if you cared to notice.
“Okay well, a raccoon becomes Roadkill, right?.  If I’m Roadkill, you’re Roadkill.”  You decide.
Eddie doesn’t know why he has butterflies, all he knows is that the way you incorporated him into the phrase is making his palms sweat, just like when he was sixteen.  And the fact that you had even put his jacket on was something he never imagined in his wildest dreams.  Nevertheless, he keeps his cool.
“And you think I’m gonna stand for being called Roadkill?  You’re out of your mind.  Try again.”  His head shakes in disapproval.
“Oh please, would you rather be called Liar?”  Just like that everything reverted back to the way it was, as it intended to be.  
“Or Friend Fucker?”
He knew it was too good to be true, the way your eyes crinkled as you grinned just seconds ago, how you teetered on the brink of giggling as you attempted to conjure up a nickname for him, the sole fact that you were even trying to give him a nickname.  It was all a facade put on to deliver a blow of karma that he rightfully deserved and though it may not have been a facade on your part, he knew somehow the puppet strings controlled by the universe created this moment to torture him.  The air turned eerie, sour almost.  
He felt disgusting.
Because you didn’t know how wrong you were about him and yet he kept further providing reasons for you to keep believing it.
Suddenly he’s seventeen in the stairwell of the Harrington’s basement regretting every move made that night.  And you were sixteen trying to make sense of it all, asking yourself, why?
And now you were still begging the question, why?  Why did Steve have to ruin everything?  Why was Eddie still causing destruction even now?  After all, he played just as big of a part when you’d seen them both leaving the van, so why did you offer him the courtesy of bestowing a nickname upon him as if you were old friends?  As if he hadn’t taken your heart, played with it, made it beat for him all those years ago only to take a dagger to it and leave you bleeding and devoid of the ability to beat for anyone else.
Your apartment came into view, an escape from the toxic atmosphere that you’d tricked yourself into breathing in, under the illusion of sleep deprivation and wounded feelings.  This wasn’t some redemption arc for Eddie as you’d begun to imagine in your deliriousness, this was you caving in at a moment of fragility and venturing to the nearest soul in hopes to cling onto some of your sanity.  But what you failed to realize in your misconception was that there was not one soul to sympathize with in your agony.  As the van came to a stop, you dared to glance over once more.  His eyes looked almost black, the absence of sunlight keeping every brown hue hidden in the shadows which only further fed into the idea that he was cold and heartless.  And as you exhaled a final time into the void created between two opposing forces, you were hoping that would be the end of it, that he wouldn’t do as he normally did and fabricate a reason to fuel a never ending war.  But then again you never had faith in him in the first place.
“I’ve told you.  I’m not a liar.”  His nostrils flared, ringed hand tightly gripping the steering wheel once again.
“You’re not a liar?”
“Did I stutter?”
“What do you call it then when someone withholds the truth from you?  You’re saying that doesn’t make them a liar?”
Your name was muttered under his breath as if it were a curse.  “Dammit!  When will you just let it go!?”  His face contorted in anger, brows furrowed in misery.  “Why do you have to fucking hold on to this thing that happened ages ago!?  I never once lied to you and you keep trying to throw it back in my face!”
“Never once lied to me, right.”  You laughed, however there was no humor behind it.
“Do you know how many times we’ve had this argument?  Do you ever think maybe I keep fighting back because you’re wrong?”  
“Oh, I’m wrong!?  Was I wrong when I caught you and Steve just now in the parking lot?  Was I wrong about that too?  Was it my imagination when you planted one on Steve?  At least I’m not a fucking liar!”  Tears welled up in your eyes and you’d never forgive yourself for it but it was inevitable, the anger demanded to be poured from your eyes.
“I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it, I have never once lied to you.”  He sucked back his lip as if trying to hold himself back, fist now clenched in his lap.
“Another lie!”  You tried to stop them, oh how you tried but the tears began to trail down your cheeks one by one, sucking them back only did so much due to the overflow already gracing your waterline.  
Eddie debated digging up the old box in his heart that he locked up and swore off forever, promising to never let another soul touch it.  But he was Eddie and he didn’t know how to let others open him up, only knew how to push everything deeper until it was forgotten about and collecting dust.  All he could do was what he did best.  Shut down and push back.  He regretted inheriting even a sliver of the temper his father held.
“Get out.”  The demand was met with your wet eyes burning into him as he faced forward, gaze set straight ahead with no sign of meeting yours.  His jaw clenched, you could see him swallow.  Before you could offer any further comments, he caught you off guard.  “Get out.  Get the hell out.”  His arm was suddenly reaching over you to open the door, his damp curls tickling your cheek briefly until he was scowling at you from the driver’s side once again.  You remained sitting, not because you wanted to but because your brain simply refused to cooperate, leaving you staring dumbly at the floor of his van.  “Well, I’m not lying this time am I!?  Get out!”  
The way his voice raised made you wince and you had that gnawing feeling settling in your stomach and your chest.  Hands trembling, that random pang of anxiety began to take over and you wanted so badly to run and find some sense of comfort in your little apartment just upstairs but you were frozen.  The energy of the confrontation just endured shocked your nervous system and though you’d argued with Eddie before many times, it had to have been the build up throughout the night, the betrayal you’d experienced only adding that much more strain.  Everything was spiraling and it was as though a weight too heavy for anyone to carry was placed on your shoulders.  And you were left to bear it alone.  
Eddie stared expectantly, brow raised though he couldn’t catch your line of sight even if he tried, you were too in your head by this point and it seemed that the contents of the trashed floor was far more interesting however he was able to lower his head to catch the trace of fear—or maybe it wasn’t fear maybe it was loneliness topped off with uneasiness—either way he was able to detect it among your features and the way you were absent from the van, your mouth ajar and hands shaking in fists balled up at your sides.  Maybe he’d gone too far?  Or at least that was his initial conclusion but it didn’t make much sense seeing as you’d mouthed off to each other several times before and you’d both said things far worse.  Whatever the case, he knew he’d be laying on his lumpy mattress tonight wondering what he could’ve done differently.
“Shit.”  He mumbles while putting the van in park, undoing his seatbelt and inching the slightest bit closer to you.  “You still with me?”  It came out shakier than he’d intended, not really having the knowledge of what to do.  Sure he knew what he’d need to do for himself for the most part if it were him but comforting others was not something he specialized in.  Was it even comfort you needed?  He didn’t know, but there was something wrong and your body language was telling him that you were stuck in some kind of a panic.  
But before he could even make a decision on how to proceed, you’d snapped out of it right before his eyes, a wobbly breath escaping you before your eyes darted up to his wide ones.  He was too close for your liking, and far too close for someone who had just yelled at you to get the hell out.  It was frigid, the air from outside stinging your cheeks as the door remained open.  In the blink of an eye you were gone, your feet carrying you up the cement stairs of the complex and away from him, his jacket still engulfing your frame, sleeves falling over your hands and slapping against your legs as you scurried.  You hadn’t bothered to shut the door in your quick departure, raindrops finding their way onto the fabric of the seat and covering the interior.  At the top of the stairs, he caught a glimpse of you momentarily with your head in your hands before you rounded the corner and disappeared.  If he never saw his jacket again because it provided you with warmth, well he figured that would be just fine.  
“If I’m Roadkill, you’re Roadkill.”  He muttered with his eyes glued to the ceiling.
The Harrington House, December of Junior Year
“Munson, did you bring the stuff?”
“Yeah, what’re you looking to buy?”
“What?  You brought everything?”
“Just about, what’s your poison?”
Eddie rummaged through the little black metal box full of various substances, naming each one aloud to the jock that had spotted him across the living room, the music bumping as he shouted over it.  Was his name Ben?  Brady?  Eddie couldn’t recall and if he’s honest, he didn’t really care.  The only time the guy acknowledged his existence was to buy from him at whatever party they happened to be at.  This time it was Steve Harrington’s ugly Christmas sweater party, the second one in the making of an annual event.  Eddie wouldn’t be caught dead in one of those nasty sweaters with bells and tinsel but he certainly had no problem with making money off of the spoiled rich kids who would pay out the ass to pop a pill and let loose for the night.  And so he found himself lingering in the dark corner of the living room, awaiting those who would recognize him, giving them their fix in exchange for a fat stack of cash.  They seemed pathetic in his eyes, all decorated in their multi patterned sweaters with all kinds of crap dangling off of them, fiending for a high as they kept their interaction with him as minimal as possible.  It wasn’t his business though, his business was to sell and collect until his supply ran out and if he thought hard enough about it, both parties were doing the same song and dance of quick exchanges with not a smidge of regard for the other’s presence once the deal was done.  That’s just how it was and he wasn’t going to complain so long as he got paid.
So he sold Ben–whatever his name was, a few grams of weed and some ecstasy.  That guy would forget Eddie’s existence until the next party.  That or until he wanted to buy some more weed from him at school.  The guy was relatively mellow with Eddie when alone but once other senior jocks were in the equation they threw every name in the book at him and tried to make his life hell.  Key word, tried.  Eddie was tough and a few names were nothing, hell even the few times he’d been jumped by them in the school parking lot didn’t phase him.  You learn to pick your battles when your dad is the antagonist of your life.  That didn’t mean he didn’t lash out every now and then at them, cause he did.  He just knew which fights were worth a black eye and bloody knuckles and which ones to surrender on, let them shove him around a little bit, maybe take a kick to the ribs and then move on.  The less he struggled against them, the quicker they would get bored and call him a slur before marching off with their chests puffed out.  
It was only nine, the night was still young and he had already made enough to sneak a good amount into his Uncle Wayne’s wallet with enough leftover to pay for the week’s groceries.  He’d sooner just put the money into his own bank account and transfer it to Wayne’s but his old man was old fashioned and stuck mainly to cash.  That cash would usually go toward utilities if Eddie already handled the groceries.  By the end of the night he should have made enough of a profit to buy that new part for the van he was fixing up.  He’d made a deal with the guy at the junkyard that if he could get it working and get it the hell off his lot that it was his.  Sure it was an older model, a little rusty with a funky smell clinging to the interior but he could make anything work and he’d rather drive that than keep borrowing his uncle's pickup truck or hitch a ride with someone.  It just wasn’t reliable and he had his own agenda though he’d never tell Wayne exactly what that agenda was.  As far as he knew, Eddie was working odd jobs around town, repairing the neighbor’s sink, mowing lawns, fixing cars.  It wasn’t a lie–it was just that according to Wayne it generated a suspiciously large income.  Eddie always insisted his charm was a contributing factor and the moms up in the fancy neighborhoods would pay him extra for being ‘so sweet’.  Which wasn’t a lie either.  Those moms knew of his reputation but were reaching the point of their mid-life crisis and it seemed they were willing to do anything for a smidge of excitement while their boring husbands left for a business trip every other week.  He never entertained them past telling them how wonderful they looked.  But he would never admit outright to his uncle that he had been in contact with Rick who his dad had been involved with before going to prison.  Now it seemed at only seventeen he was following the same path however it was to keep food on the table and the strain of all of the financials off of Wayne’s aching back.  ‘This is different.’  He’d keep telling himself that but sometimes he’d look in the mirror and his father would be staring right back at him.
Becoming bored with the clientele of the living room corner, he made the decision to migrate to the hall just near the basement door.  There was heavy foot traffic and a possibility that he could sell out the rest of his supply in minutes to those desperate enough for a good time.  Leaning against the wall, he heard shouts from the basement, a beer pong game with high stakes no doubt.  A younger kid, most definitely a freshman shuffled by with six unopened beers clinking together in his arms and without drawing any attention to himself, Eddie snatched the one that was just seconds away from toppling over onto the floor.  It went unnoticed as the freshman continued down the hall toward the back door, a satisfying crisp snap filling his ears as he opened the stolen beer.  As the fizzy ale met his lips, he was grateful it was cold with condensation collecting on the glass since the house was stuffy and hot despite the contrasting weather outside.
In about ten minutes he’d sold almost everything, people were drawn to him like a moth to flame, knowing he was the go to for anything good.  It always sucked trying to get rid of the last of it, which made the night even longer since he just wanted to be done and leave.  Sweat gathered at the nape of his neck and a dip in the Harrington’s pool seemed like heaven right about now even in the freezing cold snow.  He was just about ready to give up and head down to the basement to start marketing his product to the rowdy football boys so he could get out of the muggy hallway when he caught someone’s gaze from the opposite end of the hall.  The only person he really hoped to see at this dumb party and he was intuitive enough to know that she would show up due to her friendship with King Steve.  Before he knew it she was making her way toward him, dodging other teenagers.
You kept your eyes on him throughout the several people in the way, reaching him being your only goal for the moment while Nancy and Robin–the new girl with the pretty blue eyes and freckles–rolled their eyes at your gawking and patiently waited while you wandered away.  It was loud but you tuned out everything as you took in his curls, longer than they were last year when you’d first noticed him.  He still seemed to be growing it out, brunette locks now covering his ears and a few hanging in his eyes as he bowed his head but still kept his focus on you.  You’d seen him just last week at school but you were only now noticing the progress on his hair growth, usually too enamored in his molasses pools of eyes.  He wore his standard getup, a black leather jacket, black jeans with a few holes, and some black boots.  Maybe it was the single shot you’d taken with Nancy and Robin back in the kitchen but he was looking especially handsome and you feared your heart was going to leap out of your chest right in front of him.
“Thought you swore off parties.”  You shouted over the bass vibrating the house.
Shaking the little metal box he held at you, you understood that he was ‘working’.  
“Parties are my biggest sellers so I couldn’t really keep my word on that one.”  
“Fair enough.”  You leaned your shoulder against the same wall he leaned his back on, turned toward him with all of your attention solely on him right now.
“Was just about to get outta here though.  I got roughly enough for one last sale, just need to find someone to bite.”  Taking a swig of his beer, he glanced around for any takers but still found no success.
“Well, what do you have?”  Your innocent eyes stared up at him, your ridiculous Christmas sweater being the only one he actually liked out of the hundreds he had seen that night.  
“I don’t sell to children.”  He teases.  You were only a year younger after all.
“I am not a child!  You’re a year older, c’mon!  What do you have?”  You whined, bouncing on your toes.
“No way, sweetheart.  I have the right to refuse service and I’m refusing yours.”  A smirk graced his lips as he turned his body toward you, mirroring your stance as you each leaned a shoulder against the wall.
“Nope, closed for business.”  Tucking the little metal box under his leather jacket as if to hide it from your view, you playfully shoved at his shoulder.  
“I guess I’ll just have to get my weed from some other sketchy guy.”  You sighed dramatically.
“Whoa whoa, are you calling me sketchy?  I’ll have you know I am probably the least sketchy drug dealer you could hope for.”  He showed fake offense in the knitting of his brows and a hand thrown over his chest.
“I dunno, that sounds like something a sketchy drug dealer would say.”  
His eyes squinted at you in thought and he was definitely not going to sell you drugs however he could extend you an offer.
“How about…I keep a joint with your name on it on supply and you come get me when you wanna smoke?”  
Before you were able to answer, a group of jocks came tumbling into the hallway, one of them bumping into you particularly hard in his drunken state.  Eddie had already intervened before you could tell him that it was okay and that you were sure it was an accident.  
“Watch where the fuck you’re going!”  
His hand shoved the muscular guy back with no problem and had that guy not been completely wasted, a fight would’ve broken out but it seemed he couldn't register what was going on as he began roughhousing with one of his friends once again, thankfully making their way into the basement.  
“I-uh-how–how much?”  You stuttered, ignoring the interruption.
His plush lips tightened before his tongue darted out, one of his nervous habits.
“Share it with me and we’ll call it good.”  Your heart fluttered, face heating.
It was flirting.  It was in your face, outright, one hundred percent flirting and yet you couldn’t let yourself believe it.  He was just being friendly.  Because boys didn’t like you like that, they never have and they probably never will.  Especially the one in front of you who everyone warned you against associating yourself with.  It never stopped you from talking with him in the classes you shared or waving to him in the halls, him always returning the favor.  Your experiences clearly indicated that he wasn’t always rough around the edges like everyone said, he was actually a sweetheart with a lot of nerdy tendencies.  At least that's what you learned from your shared time at school.  There were select occasions outside of school such as previous parties where he’d sell that you would approach him with a shy smile and he would be as charming as always.  And there were times where he led you to think that maybe, just maybe he liked you as much as you liked him.  But you’d never act on it, having never even had a boyfriend before so what experience was there to guide you?  He was one of the only boys to offer you that kind of attention but it was never expected of you to cross a boundary and he let you take the lead, accounting for your bashfulness and fully realizing that he couldn’t just hook up with you and leave it at that.  Because there was something else there and he didn’t want to ruin whatever it was.  
“Well, I have to pay.  Seriously, how much?”
His arm was braced against the wall as he leaned toward you, breath fanning over your cheek, you didn’t even mind the smell of beer filling your nose.  
“Your money’s no good here.”  His dimples had you hypnotized.
“That’s not fair.”  You breathed, your eyes sparkling while looking up at him. 
“Alright Munson, quit hitting on my friend.  You got any weed left or are you done here?”  
Steve Harrington was going to get a mouthful from you later.
Present Day
You’d never existed in that van if anyone were to ask, not that they would.  It had been the shittiest night you’d experienced in a good while.  The worst part of it all was that you couldn’t even call Robin or Steve to rant to them about how shitty of a night it was because they were part of the reason.  Loneliness was the most debilitating illness and it was conquering you from the inside out.  Sure you could probably confide in Jonathan but your brain was screaming at you to suffer alone.  No one else needed to be bothered by your whining when they had their own lives to live.  This was now between you and yourself.  
Living in a small town had never been such an issue.  Working in the same coffee shop as your best friends as well as your biggest enemy was proving to be a stupid idea but you were in no position to change jobs, not when you could barely make rent and no other jobs would have the flexibility to keep you around with your class schedule.  Plus no one was even hiring, they’d already secured their seasonal hires.  So back to the drawing board you went.  No more arriving at work early, minimizing the chance of interaction with Steve and Robin and keeping to yourself your entire shift as a means to tune Eddie out no matter how hard he would try and press your buttons.  It was going to be hell but what other option did you have at this point in time?  There was always the choice to drop out of college but then that’d be a waste of a scholarship you’d received based on your low income in combination with a well written essay your senior year.  Senior year you would punch you in the face if you dropped out all because of the poorly thought out actions of others.  All that hard work down the drain for a couple of dumbasses?  Absolutely not.  
No.  You were not going to alter your life just because of them.  Although it felt you were being somewhat dramatic, you weren’t going to let this go.  It was as if they’d isolated you and laughed about it behind your back.  Left you in the dark and giggled to each other about how pathetic you were.  No one should ever have to endure this pain, especially not at the hands of the people who you’d thought mattered to you most but seemingly proved that they were just like everyone else.  You figured you still had the kids but then quickly remembered whose house they mainly hung out at and it left you defeated.  At least you could always stop in at the Byers, that much you knew.  Even so, you didn’t want to bother them with the sudden friendship politics, it seemed childish on your part and Will definitely didn’t need to hear you complain about the other two people he looked up to.  That was not a road you were willing to go down, he’d had enough of seeing adults bicker to last several lifetimes and you already vowed to shield him from any more of it.
That night was honestly even more awful the second your back hit your shitty mattress.  Sobs racked your body and it was nearly enough to make you throw up.  Nearly.  You held it down but still dry heaved, curled up in a ball like a loser while everyone else seemed fine.  The cherry on top was the way Eddie clawed at old wounds, your guts may as well have left a bloody trail from the street where he dropped you off all the way up the stairs to your apartment.  Surprisingly, it wasn’t the fact that he yelled at you to get out of his van that was inducing the vomit rising in the back of your throat.  It certainly contributed but what brought the taste of bile to your tongue was the way that you’d bantered for a split second just like in high school—when there was a chance.  When you were naive and sadly mistaken.  A love sick puppy for a boy who had only misled you and mistreated you.  You suppose some of the blame could’ve been on you, letting yourself fall harder and harder each time you’d seen his contagious smile in the halls and in class.  You know how they say some people peak in high school?  Well you could say that you hit rock bottom which to be honest, felt far more embarrassing than peaking.  All because of a stupid boy.  
Was this really what you’d become?  A sorry excuse of a woman muffling sobs into your pillow over some mistakenly split open feelings for a boy—now a man still taunting your everyday life?  Why did he have this power over you all of the sudden?  For the past few years you had felt nothing but disgust for him and now it felt like you were dealing with the heartbreak all over again, as if that night happened just hours ago.  
And Steve had practically spit on the heartbreak that he’d witnessed before his eyes.  That he’d helped nurse you through, drying your tears with countless tissues, lending his shoulder to cry on.  That version of him was flushed down the drain the minute he stepped out of that damn van.  Where you used to see kind and caring brown eyes with that sympathetic wrinkle in the middle of his eyebrows, you now saw betrayal in human form.  
The smudged mirror of the public bathroom in Hawkins Community did little to enhance any beauty you may have held at some point.  It only added to your dark under eyes, hues of purple beneath the skin along with a puffy redness from non stop crying.  To sum it up, you looked swollen and you were sorry to anyone that had to witness the sight.  The cool water you splashed on your face from the sputtering faucet didn’t do as much as the internet said it would.  If anything you only looked worse but now your nerves were shocked from the temperature change.  You had to get over yourself eventually, just suck it up and go to work.  
With one last wipe of a gritty paper towel, your nose raw from constantly wiping snot away, you gave up the pity party and forced yourself out of the depressing, poorly lit bathroom.  A push of the germy door with your shoulder has you moving on to brave the rest of the day—the hard part of the day.  The part that you’d dreaded and played out in your mind like a projector on a screen.  Every scenario laid out before you like a deck of cards and so unsure of which one would become your fate.  
The sky looked an eerie gray, more rain expected to accompany that morning's light drizzle, casting the hallways in a darker light than they usually led on.  It was beyond you that you kept leaving your umbrella at home when rain was almost always on the forecast these days.  You suppose the sky reflected your mood and that was fair enough.  
Stepping outside as the metal door slammed shut behind you, your skin erupted in goosebumps, wind swirling in your hair as mother nature declared its fury in thunderous echoes in the sky.  It was only a fifteen minute walk, just endure the unusually strong winds and keep on, that’s what you told yourself.  Things can’t get any shittier, they just can’t.  
Slowly The Under-Ground came into view as did the downtown square where not one person lingered due to the weather.  Each bench was devoid of its regular users and it seemed like a ghost town more than anything.  The faint smell of chimney smoke crossed your senses and it only made you wish you’d be able to just cozy up next to a fire and forget this cursed timeline you were in.  You could just imagine the families in their homes just a few blocks over, probably preparing for dinner in their well manicured kitchens while their kids enjoyed the warmth of the fireplace and watched a wholesome movie.  What you’d give to be in their position again.  Young and free of responsibility.  
Fat rain drops began to paint the pavement and you thanked whatever higher power that it had waited until you arrived at work to unleash the beginnings of what seemed to be a storm.  You now only bargained with Mother Nature that it would be kind enough to let up by the time your shift ended.  The Fall rain seemed to be treating Hawkins extra cruelly this year.  
You’d scurried as fast as you could to the front French doors of the shop, swinging one open as the bell chimes above and a blanket of warmth cocoons you, allowing you to take in the rich, chocolatey smell of a recently warmed brownie mixed with notes of espresso.  It was 4:55 PM, just five minutes shy of when your shift was supposed to start, aiming to keep it as close as possible to avoid Steve and Robin the best you could.
There wasn’t a single customer in sight, a brief whiff of bleach filling your nose as you walked by a ‘Caution Wet’ sign propped in the middle of the floor.  You didn’t even give whoever was behind the counter so much as a glance as you kept your focus on the floor, making your way toward the back to hopefully avoid everyone so you could set your things in your locker and prepare yourself for your shift.  The typical jazzy music played over the speakers and you could just barely hear a whisper of what had to be Robin’s voice directed at Steve.  Something along the lines of ‘fix it, right now’.  If she was referencing what you suspected, she was naive to think that Steve could just ‘fix it’ right here right now.  In your eyes she was practically telling him to slap a band-aid onto a bloody gash that would actually require a severe amount of stitches.  
Your gaze remained glued to the dark tiled floor, the grout interesting you more than the hushed conversation between two traitors.  The hope was to ignore any and all attempts to make amends at this point in time on Steve’s part.  And to dodge any reasoning Robin tried to sprinkle on top.  But hopes are often lost and before you could reach the back, Steve’s scuffed Adidas forced their way into your line of sight.  Your name fell from his tongue like an apology that you were far from accepting.
“Listen, can we-can we talk?”  He sounded as if he was begging for his life and you were too mad to look into his eyes to further read him.  
All you offered was a scoff as you tried to push past him however he stood in your way, a bold move for someone on such thin ice.  
“Please?”  His head ducked down in an effort to meet your eyes, succeeding for a mere second where you caught that stupid sympathetic wrinkle in between his eyebrows and his apologetic stare.  It didn’t work this time.
“Move.”  You were stern as you bit your lip to keep from showing any kind of emotion.
“We have to talk about it—“
“We don’t have to talk about anything.”  You snapped bitterly.
Robin seemed to understand to keep her mouth shut in this instance, she knew this wasn’t some dumb disagreement that you’d end up laughing about at the end of the day.  This was grounds for a possible severed bond.  So there she stood, wide eyed as she pretended to clean the already sparkling countertop, blue polish chipping from her nails as she gripped the rag with apprehension. 
And Steve seemed to know his place as he stepped aside, comprehending that he would not make much progress with you right now and that you may not even forgive him ever.  It terrified him but what could he do?  He fucked up and he was suffering the damages, a far greater loss than his selfish needs were worth.  Respecting your boundaries was the most he could do right now and it gutted him from the inside out.
You were lucky that only a single tear escaped and trailed down your cheek, your skilled ability to not cry in public proving very useful in the moment.  Wiping it away with dignity, you proceeded to the back room, only wishing to have a minute alone to recover before having to put on a facade.  Your locker was your only target but you’d fumbled as your mind worked quicker than your legs, bag flying off of your shoulder and spilling out a tube of mascara, a half eaten bag of chips, and a few papers from an assignment you’d tried to work on last night to take your mind away from the endless sobbing.  It felt as though the dark clouds outside were following you and wreaking more havoc than could handle.  Quickly, you scooped up each item and shoved them back in your bag, a few curses uttered under your breath and when you were about to push yourself up off the sticky ground, you were met with a pair of abyss-like brown eyes.  
He was tying his decked out apron around his waist, looking down at you with concern.  You hadn’t even seen him upon first walking in, his presence residing in the corner of the room where it seemed he placed his helmet on the window sill farthest from the door.  He was early.  And he was never early.  Without a word between you, his hands were up in surrender as he spun back around towards the window, back facing you as he pulled a pen from the apron and seemed to scribble on something.  The interaction seemed strange as he didn’t offer some insult about how clumsy you were.  And you didn’t snap at him the moment he laid eyes on you.
Seeing him still made you beyond upset but the tension in the air carried something far more complicated that you couldn’t distinguish.  So you left it, swinging open your locker and snatching your apron before shoving your bag inside, the metal clanking noisily as you did.  A breeze brushed past you while you secured your apron to your satisfaction and when you finally glanced behind you, Eddie was no longer in the room.  
Patting at your pockets dumbly for your phone before departing out to the front, you were having trouble locating the device.  You double checked your bag but no success, even feeling around the inside of the locker just in case.  It wasn’t until you turned around that you realized you must have abandoned it on the foldable break room table in your uncoordinated walk earlier.  And there it was sitting atop the table—with a steaming to-go cup next to it?  Surely that wasn’t there before, you would have definitely knocked it over with how close it was to your phone and how ungraceful you were in your movements.  You were starting to question how insane you were going with everything swirling around in your brain since last night, did you make yourself a coffee in the midst of Steve trying to coax you into a conversation?  That must have been it.
Except as you further inspected, there was some kind of writing on the side of the cup.  Scribbled in black sharpie was a single word.  And realization hits you like a train when you read it.  
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tags - @mmunson86 @haylaansmi @batkin028 @obscureenigmatic @micheledawn1975 @dreamerjj @hideoutside @hellfirefiend @emilyslutface
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bloodlustngore · 2 years
Case File
This one-shot is taken from my Emily Prentiss one-shot book from Wattpad (you can find it under the name kissingprentiss) I’m trying to figure out how masterlists work again so bare with me!
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Emily has to finish the final part of the new case file, Emily happily sits up in bed going over the files while she cuddles her wife. Who just wants her to get some rest.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1200
Emily came home late tonight straight from a case that she'd been on for the passed three days. The moment she got in she wrapped her arms around you and pulled you into the biggest hug and quite a few kisses. You had missed your wife so much and glad to have her home, finally.
Emily hopped into the shower while you put a pizza in the oven for her, it was ten p.m at night but you knew she'd be hungry.
You had hoped that Emily would've relaxed a bit but she mentioned she had to get this case file report done before tomorrow. Which you understood, considering you do paperwork most of the time at your job other than being a nurse.
Emily had put her reading glasses on, you always teased her about how 'nerdy' she looked but she looked cute in them to. Not to mention the fact you also found that her wearing glasses was extremely attractive. You walked back into the bedroom after the pizza had finished cooking, putting it on a plate and splitting it into fours. Instead of Emily being sat at the desk in the bedroom, she was sat up in bed reading the case files.
Now Emily is usually sat at the desk, going over cases which she usually doesn't want you to see, although it's too late for that now you've been together five years and then married two, so all together seven years, so you knew what came with Emily and that was this job. Not to mention the fact you were targeted by someone dangerous from her past. But that was over a year ago.
Emily looked up from the file and gave you a smile. You placed the plate of pizza on the bedside table next to her side on the bed, which you usually slept on whenever she was away on cases...or that was Sergio' spot on the bed whenever she was gone. Speaking of Sergio the cat, you and Emily needed to pick him up from Penelope's tomorrow.
You were only in lounge wear so you decided to get changed and right in front of your wife. Glancing really quickly to see if Emily was watching as you stripped out of your t-shirt and lounge shorts. The older woman had her eyes on you. Taking off your bra you let it fall to the floor and quickly went to grab a t-shirt from the closet. And of course it had to be one of Emily's. You'd just sleep in your underwear tonight considering it was quite warm.
You turned to see the older woman biting her lip, she smirked at you and gestured you to come and take your place beside her in bed. Crawling up the bed and getting under the covers, you rested your head on your wife's shoulder as she continued to look over the file.
"Em, how aren't you tired" you chuckled. The silver-haired woman turned to face you and placed a quick kiss on your lips. God, you missed her. And all you wanted for her to do was relax. Despite this case being a big one.
"A lot of coffee" Emily chuckles. You roll your eyes and remember a time when Emily had tried to cut back on coffee, but it didn't work out the way she wanted it to, and inevitably started drinking it again.
You buried your head into the crook of Emily's neck, as both of you were still sat up in bed. You were trying to distract the silver-haired woman, but also make sure she's relaxed enough. Emily gasped slightly at the touch of your breath on her neck. But she didn't warn you not to and that she was still technically working.
You placed a gentle kiss to her neck and Emily let out a sigh of relaxation. "Y/n, honey. I'm trying to work" Emily warned. There it was that warning.
"Emily, my love it's very late at night. The case file will still be here in the morning." You added, trying to convince her to get some rest and also cuddle. Which was your main goal. You hated sleeping when Emily was away on a case, when she isn't here to cuddle you or help you sleep. Emily hated that to, and for every time she had to sleep at a hotel during a case, she'd call you or text you until one of you managed to fall asleep.
Emily was about to protest when you all of a sudden sat up onto her lap under the duvet, that was until you surged forward and crashed your lips against hers. Emily couldn't refuse that, she never would. So the older woman kissed back, her hands falling to your waist, trying to pull you impossibly closer, you let out a soft moan when Emily deepened the kiss with her tongue.
As she was about to flip you over to your side of the bed, the case file slipped between both you and her, falling to the floor, some photos of it falling out. Emily was about to get up and pick it up from the floor.
"Nuh uh! We're going to bed, the file will still be there." You protested, pouting at your wife. "Y/n let me pick up the file and put it away first" Emily added, in a very serious tone. Which you found extremely hot.
You sat up in bed again, watching as Emily picked up the case file and put it all back together. Emily had a place for these things that were kept hidden, well sort of. You knew where they were.
"Can we cuddle now?" You asked, pouting at the older woman. Emily nodded her head and gave you a smile, joining you in the bed, taking her reading glasses off and putting them on the bedside table. The two of you got under the covers. Emily wrapped her arms around you protectively. Pulling you into her. A sigh of relief left both hers and your mouths, feeling content cuddling.
"I'm sorry of I seem a bit more frustrated and distant in a way Y/n. It's just this case it's a huge one." Emily whispers.
"It's okay Emmy, I know. I understand so you never need to worry about me never understanding you. This case is a big deal, you will catch this guy even if you do have to go through multiple unsubs to get to him" you mentioned. Emily tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear, giving you a smile. You smiled back and she placed a kiss to your lips.
"Goodnight my love" Emily says.
"Goodnight Emmy" you replied. You changed over to your other side, Emily wrapping her arm over your stomach again, pulling your back against her chest.
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Coming Out As Asexual To Jesse Pinkman Would Include...
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Request: HC for coming out as asexual to Jesse Pinkman?
I've done this as someone who experiences romantic attraction I really hope that's okay lovely!! Otherwise just let me know and I can make it strictly platonic :)
Also I'm sorry but I always love me some character backstory lmaoo
If you enjoy, please comment as it really helps me keep motivated!!
Warning: mentions of drugs/drug dealing and light swearing!
(I do not own Breaking Bad or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @dont-care-about-that-bullshit.)
Coming out as asexual to Jesse Pinkman had a little bit of a build up from your side. It's not that you believed Jesse wouldn't be anything less than understanding, or that you were afraid about how he would react, but the two of you had just known each other for so long. You were each other's safe spaces: the love of each other's lives, and you were apprehensive about anything changing that.
The two of you had known each other since High School, ever since that fateful day a couple of months before midterms. Your old chemistry teacher Mr. White had grabbed your elbow after the bell rang, and asked if you could stay aside for a couple of minutes. Turns out, as he sat on the edge of his desk and rubbed his tired head, he wanted to know if you would consider tutoring a 'Jesse Pinkman' for a couple of days after school, for some extra credit of course. You were surprised, but quickly accepted. You had seen the kid in the corridors between classes, always pretending to be shoving his obviously unopened books deep into his locker, turning his head slyly over his shoulder to grab a glance of you before he scuttled off again. The same guy you spotted every day after school, sliding his way in between the edge of the parking lot and the bike shed and sliding his back down the wall with a sigh. As he fumbled with his lighter, yanking a cigarette out from the sleeve of his hoodie, be was simultaneously glad to not have to go back home for a while, and also to spot you raising an eyebrow at his antics as you walked past to unlock your bike. He was quick to stub out the butt of his cigarette, wincing as a few sparks burnt as his fingers, before he rubbed them on his trousers and jumped up.
He decided, puffing out the last few wisps between the corner of his mouth, that he was going to be brave and finally muster the courage to ask you out. He had little chance though, for as soon as he came wrangling his hands in front of you, the words blurted out of your mouth. 'Do you want to come round to my house.'
'Yes', Jesse responded without any hesitation. 'Yes. Absolutely.' An awkward tension flitted between the two of you as Jesse began to smile, biting his bottom lip as you flush and shake your head. 'I-I mean, Mr. White asked me to tutor you, and I really-'.
'No, no, it's chill. No explanation needed.' He winked at you, swearing internally to himself as his heart pounded louder than his tongue could speak. 'But seriously, though. Thank you. That's very kind of you.'
Jesse agreed to come round almost immediately, for two reasons. 1) So he could snoop about your house, and nosy through the photos and bookshelves in your room to find out more about what kind of interests and hobbies you had, so he could come into school the next day and bust out the new said hobby set he had bought by scrounging together all the pocket change he had made dealing, just so he could try and impress you.
2) His idea of a perfect day is spent lying sprawled out on your bedroom mat, playing with the loose threads at the corner and nodding along, pretending to listen to what you were saying. Yet any time you raised your nose out of your notebook to see why you couldn't hear any pencil scratching, you'd catch those soft, lowered lashes of his fluttering as he intently observed you from beneath them. He would cough, pretending to be thinking as he darted his eyeline up to the ceiling crown and scratched the back of his ear with the pencil eraser. Bless his heart, it was so easy for you to fluster him: any time you reached over to take his paper and the side of your forearm brushed against his bare skin, he would turn the same colour as his namesake and bury his head into the bracket of his elbows. Or, if you tried to ask him a question relating to chiral molecules, he would try to dodge it by rolling over onto his back, looking all sweet and bashful like a puppy.
'Yeah, but like, more importantly? What's your favourite colour :)'
He snuck out of his house a lot as the two of you grew older, and his parents became less and less tolerant, and more and more truculent voicing their concerns about the company he had begun to keep: the non school endorsed 'extracurriculars' he was roaming the alleyways until near midnight to partake in. It was easy to tell when he was coming; you didn't live too far from Jesse, only a couple of houses down the lane from his. It starts with his lamp flicking on as he tries to sneak back in. Then come the shadows: the belligerent, all-encompassing umbra cast by his parents as they pass through the doorway. Last is the shouting, followed by the slam of a windowpane and the light swears falling out of a tumbling Jesse as he lands in the thorn bush in his front yard.
You already have the curtains pulled aside before Jesse can even come running down the street, guided along as if by an invisible string back to the one and only person he's ever felt safe with. Ever been able to be his true self with, without any fear of judgement or repercussion. With red crested eyes, you dragged his arm up onto your porch roof, happy to just let him sit and cry for a while in well deserved peace. Thankfully the roof peaks just past your bed, allowing you and Jesse a corner to curl up into, with nothing but a few inky splattered stars past the shaky blue spruce treeline to hear his anguished wails: a wounded creature lost to the night. You hesitantly slid an arm around his hip, bunching it under his hoodie until he sighed in relief at the feeling, and in embarrassment used his sleeve to dry away the snot from his top lip.
'You know', his voice was shaky as he pulled his legs back behind him and rested his head heavily on your shoulder, scraping against the tile with his sneakers. He peeked up at you like a wounded bird, kicked and beaten and broken and still with such hope in those wide, beautiful eyes that it almost blinds you against the peeking edge of the lavender twilight. He stopped, frowning, before somehow drawing the courage to shuffle closer to you. 'You're the only thing I have left that I care about.'
At first all you could feel was the jut of his chin as he talked on top of your shoulder, but then all you could feel were his closed lips pressed tentatively onto yours. It was short, not for lack of wanting, but due to the fact that Jesse was absolutely terrified that you would shove him away. And so, before you could even register what was happening, Jesse's forehead was backing away from yours, a tremor rolling through his body as he grew aghast at what he had done. All you did was place the back of your fingers against the side of his cheek, drawing them down slowly and allowing him to calm down, to realise that you cared just as much about him too.
You could see the weight of the world slump off his shoulders: the relief grinding the axe out of his back as you replied: 'I care about you more than you could ever know, Jesse.' Surprising him for the second time that night, his eyes widened in a blissful disbelief as you rushed forward and pressed a close-lipped kiss against his bottom lip, enjoying the way he seemed to collapse into you at the feeling.
The two of you had never gone further than that, mainly because Jesse adores you more than anything, and he both respected and picked up on the fact that you never seemed inclined or wanted to go in a sexual direction. To be completely honest, this man is touch starved to the high heavens, so a solely romantic relationship based on touch as a love language is like, a perfect world to him. All he wants, day after day, is just the ability to wake up and see you. To be with you, to find new joys and new quirks and to see you anew, to experience you as if for the first time over and over and over again.
Like, stroking his hair back and curling up into the back of his chest on his brand new mattress? Tickling the nape of his neck and making him laugh himself awake as the two of you eat cereal in bed in his brand new place? Having him lie against your chest, using those delicate fingers of his to run over the veins in your arms until he has each cell of your skin memorised? Making him shiver when you wrap your arms around his waist and smoosh your face into his bare back when he's standing at the stove, secretly trying to make you eggs for breakfast? How glad he is that you agree to go and grab the orange juice from the fridge, so you don't spot how his eyes roll back in his head and he begins humming happily to himself as he plates up? Bliss! Utter bliss!
So, you take him out one night after he gets back home from 'work', as he likes to call it, telling him you'll treat him to some bowling and hot dogs out in the town. He hadn't been to the entertainment complex since he was a kid: it was the last place he remembers having his birthday, just a couple of years before his parents gave him the boot. Hell, it was the last place he remembers his birthday at all. He had cheated at bowling by secretly putting the bumpers down during his friend's go, and had also beat every single one of them playing the zombie blaster game in the arcade, winning enough tickets to buy an old games console that he then later ended up trading on the streets.
Turns out, his muscle memory kicks in, and although he wins the bowling fair and square this time, he does come up with a bottle green corduroy teddy bear holding a cushioned heart as an apology later, having defeated you at the arcade games as well. You don't mind though, just appreciating the youthful glee in the crinkles underneath his smiling eyes as he slides up at the food counter next to you, yuck-ing when his elbow lands in a sticky patch. It's soon replaced with a sweet hum and faux gnashing teeth at your fingers as you feed him a bite of your hot dog, his hand coming down to drag your free hand onto his lap so he can fiddle with your fingers contently.
Turns out the adrenaline from your night out was enough to just make you blurt it out. You just love him so much. And he loves you more than anything. And so it just tumbles out.
'Jesse, I-I'm asexual. I mean, you probably already guessed, but I just wanted you to hear it from my own lips.'
Suddenly he's lowering the hot dog bun down back onto the table tray, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You can see the cogs working in the back of his mind as he tries to figure out if he can remember from his high school biology classes what asexual means, but the confusion soon melts from his face when he sees how worriedly you're staring right at him.
He tugs at your hand, and brings it up to rest against his baggy shirt, right on top of where his thudding heart is beating. 'Asexual, huh? Oh yeah? Oh, right on!' He's so awkward bless him, that he kind of raises his fist out of instinct to fist bump you before realising himself.
You explain what the word means to him, and he nods fervently the whole while.
'I just want to be with you, to be with you, you get me? I just want to be close to you, you know? Like... I kind of always knew? I didn't know the word for it, but, like, I love you all the same, okay? You're perfect. I mean it.' He reaches out to brush his knuckles over the side of your chin, but you can tell he's getting restless to hug you by the way he begins fidgeting his legs on the seat, but he's too shy to outright ask you if you're okay with that level of contact still, or if you want him to chill it a bit. So you just pounce on him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and trying to hide your smile in the crumpled folds of his hood.
He cups your cheeks, grinning like breaking day as he presses hundreds of little kisses over every inch of your face. Any time a waiter comes over to ask you two to stop, he just throws his hand out and shouts over your shoulder loud enough for the whole place to hear: 'yo, that's my S/O bitch! And I love them, man - they're the best thing in my life, so show some respect! They were really brave today!'
I mean, the two of you get kicked out, but the giddy giggles as the two of you run home bumping into each other, hands tightly pressed together the whole while makes it worth it.
He becomes 100% more perceptive and caring after that day, if that's even possible with Jesse. Like, he knows how horrifying and scary and confusing life can be, and he never ever wants you to feel uncomfortable, or beaten down like he is by it. He always asks if he can kiss you, always double checks it's okay before he pulls you down to sit on his lap. He makes sure you're comfortable when he rests his forehead against your own and just spends as much of his life as he possibly can breathing you in: replacing the air in his lungs so they're only full of you, and he can finally feel alive again. He always makes sure you're okay when he rubs his thumb over your knuckles, his arm splayed over your stomach as he rests against your back, his breath warm against the shell of your ear as he tries to make you laugh by recounting the time he was so desperate to impress you in gym class, that he nearly knocked his front teeth out when he started swinging from the climbing ropes.
He still looks over at you with that exact same wonderous look in his eye, every time. And that will never, ever change.
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simpsforwomen · 2 years
hello helloooo, i may send this request to other authors (only my favorites tho)
could you do a wednesday addams x gn! reader where the reader can stop time but anyone who is touching them will not be frozen? so like the reader is just like "hey wednesday,(or whatever nickname they have for her) come with me for a sec" and it obviously takes a bit of begging but then they go outside in the rain or snow and the reader just grabs wednesdays hand and puts the other hand up and stops time so the snow or rain just sits there in mid air. could probably make this super fluffy
✧ reply: Hewo! Thank you for your request. I'm honored to be one of the authors you're sending this to. I hope I'm understanding the prompt correctly and that this piece is close to what you asked for <3
❦ 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗱𝗲𝗿
✧ warnings: n/a
✧ pairing(s): Wednesday Addams x gn!reader
✧ summary: (request)
✧ word count: 534
✧ a/n: this my first attempt writing something fluffy. i feel so bad for making you wait this long. i'm also working on a fluffy larissa fic so stay tuned hehe. please let me know if you notice any grammatical errors or if you have any comments/feedback. enjoy!
You and Wednesday have been dating for a few months now and even though she knew of your powers, you never really showed them to her.
It was a wonderful winter morning when you looked outside at the falling mixture of rain and snow, suddenly coming up with an idea. You headed over to your girlfriend's dorm and knocked gently. A few moments later, you were met with a familiar deadpan stare.
"Cara mia." Wednesday greeted you while moving to the side, 'welcoming' you in.
"Good morning, ma chérie." You smiled, stepping inside.
Looking around, you notice that Enid was most likely sleeping over at Yoko's and you had interrupted your girlfriend's writing time. As you sat on her bed, she immediately went back to her desk to be in front of her typewriter.
"So..." You started. "I was thinking, we could take a walk together in the snow."
"Not right now. We can in exactly 34 minutes and 22 seconds." Wednesday answered as she continued to type without hesitation.
"But-" You were cut off before you could say another word.
"(Y/N), we can later." She stated softer than you expected.
"Pleaseee? I'm afraid it'll be too rainy later and- and the rain will wash away all the fluffy snowww." You pouted, walking over to sit on the ground next to her. "Pleaseee?" You begged, gently tugging on her sweater.
Wednesday had a soft spot for you, so of course, she agreed.
"Fine." The sound of typing suddenly stopped when she finally turned to face you.
Standing up, she walked towards the door with you following not too far behind. And in just a few minutes, the two of you were already outside—holding hands.
"Don't let go okay?" You asked and she nodded, having an idea of what you were going to do next.
Taking a deep breath, you focused on your powers and lifted your free hand. All of a sudden, everything around you froze. Everything except Wednesday.
Admiring the frozen snow, she reached out to touch it with her finger. You watched as she looked at it in awe.
"I'm very impressed, (Y/N)" Wednesday turned to you, her eyes wide.
You knew that was her way of showing excitement so you smiled back.
"I'm glad you like it. I've been practicing. You stated proudly.
Leaning closer to you, she gave you a gentle kiss as you held her face with your delicate fingers. It was short and sweet.
You looked into her softened eyes, her dark—dark eyes, losing yourself in them. "You look gorgeous, mon amour..."
She almost let the corners of her lips curl up to that but she tugged at your hand instead. "Come, I want to show you a favorite spot of mine."
Following her, she led you to sit under a snowy willow tree. Laying in her lap, she caressed your hair while whispering words of affection.
"Aren't you glad you stopped writing to be with me?" You asked softly, looking up at her.
Wednesday leaned down to give you a kiss, one that was longer than you expected—not that you were complaining. "I wouldn't miss being with you for the world, querida."
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
I love the last fanfiction. It is SOOO good. I like how you put the reader as student instead of a teacher's aide, it made much more sense for the plot. Also love there is a possibility that her daughter could become a lioness later on in life. Love how Rosalie and Alice work together to protect her daughter. My favorite part is where the major punches Edward in the jaw, so satisfying. Keep up the good work.
The next fanfic I would like you to is.
Garrett x Taller Female Reader.
She is a tattoo artist. has martial arts training. She can sing. They first meet in a bar. Feel free to freestyle however you would like with these details.
Now you’re just flattering me, and yeah I know you wanted her to be the teachers aid but her as a student would make the note passing a bit simpler and less sus if students could see them passing notes in class. As for with Alice and Rosalie I know Rosalie has a soft spot for kids so I just assumed Alice would be the same and since they can’t have any I’m sure if they did they wouldn’t want their kid caught up in the admits of drama and would get as far away from that situation as possible. But I am glad you enjoyed it and I got the perfect idea for how to write this new story for you :)
❝ tattoos and bar talks ❞
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : garrett takes bella to go get a tattoo because he’s just badass like that, starting a conversation up with her tattoo artist he finds her equally badass, so he asks her out to a bar.
✭ authors note : garrett would totally do sone shit like this
✭ twilight masterlist
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Bella Swan had always been drawn to the idea of getting a tattoo, but her desire was met with resistance from her family and even her dad. However, her curiosity and determination led her to enlist the help of a certain troublemaker, Garrett. He was known for his rebellious spirit, and Bella hoped he might be the one to help her finally get her desired ink.
One afternoon, Bella found herself standing before Garrett, her request clear in her eyes. "Will you take me to get a tattoo?" she asked, not divulging the true reason behind her wish.
Garrett's lips curled into a mischievous grin as he looked at Bella. "You know, the Cullens and your dad would have my head if they found out."
Bella nodded, her expression earnest. "I know, but I really want this, Garrett."
He chuckled. "Alright, Swan. I'm in. Let's go."
They drove to the neighboring town where a skilled tattoo artist awaited. As they arrived at the tattoo parlor, Bella felt a mix of excitement and nerves. She was ready to take this step, even if it meant going against her family's wishes.
Inside the parlor, Bella and Garrett were greeted by a woman with a warm smile. "Hey there, folks. Looking to get some ink?"
Bella nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation. "Yeah, I want a small swan on my inner wrist."
The woman, whose name was (y/n), gave a nod of approval. "A swan, huh? Nice choice. It's a graceful symbol."
As (y/n) prepared for the tattoo, Garrett was about to follow Bella to the back when he was stopped by the person at the front desk. "Sorry, buddy, you can't go back there with her."
Disappointed, Garrett shrugged. "Fine. Can I at least sit by the curtain entrance?"
The person at the desk agreed, and Garrett took his seat, his eyes trained on the curtain. He could hear Bella's soft voice and the hum of the tattoo machine. In an attempt to offer support, he began talking to her through the curtain.
"Hey, Swan, you okay back there?"
Bella's voice came through, slightly shaky but determined. "Yeah, I'm good. It's just a little uncomfortable."
As the minutes passed, Garrett struck up a conversation with (y/n). "So, (y/n), how long have you been doing tattoos?"
"About five years now," she replied, her focus on her work. "I love being able to create art on people's skin. It's a unique way of self-expression."
As (y/n) continued her work, she struck up a conversation with Bella as well. "Almost done, Bella. This piece has turned out to be one of my favorites."
Bella smiled, relieved. "That's great to hear."
Garrett's curiosity got the better of him. "Hey, what design is she getting?"
"It's a swan," (y/n) answered, her voice soft and gentle.
Garrett chuckled. "Swan? Isn't that ironic, Bella?"
Bella laughed softly. "Yeah, I guess it is."
After some time, (y/n) announced that the tattoo was finished. Bella emerged from behind the curtain, her wrist adorned with the small swan. Garrett looked at the tattoo with a sense of pride for Bella's determination.
Bella thanked (y/n) with a smile before turning to Garrett. "Thanks for being here, Garrett."
He grinned. "Anytime, Swan."
As they left the tattoo parlor, Garrett turned to (y/n). "You know, this may sound forward, but how about we continue this conversation over drinks at the pub tomorrow night?"
(y/n)'s eyes sparkled with amusement. "You're quite the bold one, aren't you? Sure, I'll take you up on that offer."
With a wink and a smile, Garrett and (y/n) exchanged contact information, setting the stage for an unexpected connection that had been sparked by a simple desire for a tattoo.
Garrett dropped Bella off at home, a sense of contentment filling him after their little adventure. But his evening was far from over. He headed to the pub in the neighboring town where he was set to meet (y/n). Their earlier conversation had sparked his curiosity, and he was eager to learn more about her.
Inside the cozy pub, he found (y/n) sitting at a table, a welcoming smile on her face. He took a seat across from her, and they greeted each other warmly. The low lighting of the pub and the hum of conversations around them created an intimate atmosphere.
"Hey there," Garrett said with a grin.
(y/n) chuckled. "Hey, troublemaker."
They began to talk as they sipped on their drinks and shared some appetizers. Garrett learned that (y/n) had been practicing martial arts since she was a child. Her dedication to self-defense intrigued him, and he found himself impressed by her determination.
"You do martial arts?" he asked, genuinely interested.
(y/n) nodded, her eyes shining with passion. "Yeah, I've always been drawn to it. It's not just about the physical aspect, but the discipline and mental focus it requires."
Garrett couldn't help but admire her even more. "That's pretty badass, I have to say."
They continued to talk about their interests, and Garrett shared his love for traveling. He had a knack for storytelling, and he described some of his adventures with animated enthusiasm. (y/n) listened intently, hanging on his every word.
"Traveling sounds amazing," (y/n) said, a hint of longing in her eyes. "I've always dreamed of visiting different places."
Garrett grinned. "Well, if you ever want a travel buddy, you know where to find me."
As they continued their conversation, they stumbled upon the topic of strange talents. Garrett raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. "So, what's your strange talent?"
(y/n) chuckled, looking slightly embarrassed. "Well, I can sing, but here's the strange part: I can sing with my mouth closed, kind of like a ventriloquist."
Garrett burst into laughter. "That's definitely one of the most unique talents I've heard."
(y/n) laughed too, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "Yeah, I guess it's a bit weird, but it's always been a fun party trick."
Their laughter filled the air, creating a sense of ease and comfort between them. As the night went on, Garrett and (y/n) found themselves lost in conversation, oblivious to the passage of time. They shared stories, dreams, and even the occasional playful teasing.
The pub's closing time seemed to arrive too soon, and Garrett realized that he was genuinely enjoying his time with (y/n). He didn't want the night to end, but he knew they both had their own lives to return to.
With a sigh, he looked at (y/n). "I had a great time tonight."
(y/n) smiled warmly. "Me too. Thanks for inviting me out."
As they stood up from the table, Garrett eyes widened briefly, “Holy shit, how am I just now noticing how much taller you are than me?”
It wasn’t that big of a difference in height, (y/n) hung over Garrett with a few inches above his normal height. One would say it’s the heels she’s wearing but if you looked down she wasn’t wearing any.
She laughs with her head thrown back, “Yeah most people don’t notice it until they look down and realize I’m not wearing any heels.” She smiles throwing him a smirk right after, “Is my height a problem troublemaker?”
Garrett felt a sense of connection that he hadn't experienced in a long time. He knew that this was just the beginning of their journey, and he was excited to see where it would lead.
“Not at all.”
As they said their goodbyes and parted ways, Garrett couldn't help but feel a growing anticipation for what the future held, both for him and for the intriguing woman he had just spent the evening with.
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whosesta · 1 year
Want requests hm? Hmmm how bout some lee Solomon (obey me) and ler MC (gender neutral please)
MC is intrigued how Solomon's so composed and tickles him to try and break that composure 😌
pahpah long time ago when i did a fanfic.. anyway, lee solomon!?! sure!! BUT. im not sure if i got his character right. and gender neutral? SURE !! i hope you have fun reading it :DD !!
"People do like you."
Solomon x MC [romantic or platonic idc]
comfort and tickling !! if tickling isn't your thing, don't read it. but i ain't forcin ya
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It was a dark evening. MC couldn't do anything. They were bored. Until they realised that MC needed to go someone. Solomon.
MC walked out of their room and walked towards Solomon. They walked in, seeing Solomon.. calm. He's usually the type to smile around everyone, or at least tease someone. Most of the time it was MC, or Asmodeus. But this time he was just.. sitting at his desk. Reading something.
"Oh? Hello MC! You did come, huh? I'm glad." He said as he stood up. He walked calm towards you. Patting your head. "There were some things I wanted to talk to you about." "Why are you so calm. Is something off?" MC asked right after Solomon spoke. Almost interrupting him.
"I'm always calm! Nothings off. I'm alright!" Solomon said with a bright smile, he made a sign with his hand to come to him, and MC did. MC walked to Solomon. He sat on his desk.
MC looked at the sorcerer's neck. They lightly trace their fingernail over his neck. "EEP!– M-MC.. why did you do that!?" Solomon almost jumped out of his chair. He looked at MC, he was shocked.
"Stop being so calm. You're scaring me!" MC said, the sheep grabbed the white haired human and almost *threw* him on the bed.
A few minutes later, Solomon was laughing like crazy, of course, his worst spot was being tickled. His armpits.
"M-MC! PLEHEHAHAHASE! IHIM SOHOHORRY! MEHEHERCY!!" The sorcerer begged for mercy. He was thrashing around. After a few more minutes of torture he finally stops laughing.
"Never knew you could be so cruel.." Solomon said with some tears in his eyes. "Why did you become so calm out of sudden?" "I.. I um. I just wanted some people to like me more? Haha.." Solomon said. His little laugh was a nervous laugh, and oh he was serious.
"What do you mean? People to like you more? A lot of people like you already." MC said with a little concern in their voice. Rubbing his cheek as comfort. "I mean.. I don't think Lucifer likes me.."
"He knows that you're powerful. He does like you, but he doesn't show it that easily. A lot of people like you. Like me! I like you."
MC said, they smile softly at Solomon as the sheep got off of him. Sitting next to him.
"You do like me? Ah.. i shouldn't have overthink that much. My apologies!"
The evening continued why MC liked Solomon, and why everyone else likes him. Solomon ended up being "happy" again.
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WOO finally done. im maybe gonna add titles to the fics.. i wanna look professional LMFAO ,
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letslipthehounds · 1 year
Growing Up Wrecker 4/?
A bit of a time jump here- Orion is now in what's best described as pre-school. Mostly time to run around and play, but some structured lessons.
And there's a problem. One he wants to bite.
AO3 Link
Orion looked up at his caretaker as Magnus sat down at his desk. Orion didn't know what to do about a problem. Ultra Magnus could help him, he thought, but he wanted to figure it out himself! He was smart enough for that. He was smart enough that he'd learned how to unbuckle his harness, but he hadn't shown that to anyone. He didn't need to- not yet.
He was smart enough that he'd learned basic Neo-cybex and had taught Wildbreak it too. Though Wheeljack had taught them both a lot of fun words the last time he'd watched them, and the fun thing he'd been working on had started sparking and then blew up.
That had been so much fun, but Ultra hadn't let Wheeljack watch him again. Wildbreak had said Knock Out had done the same. Orion wanted to go see Wheeljack again, but he wasn't sure how to get to his work spot right now.
Orion knew that the others- the humans- were going to be visiting soon, and maybe he could get them to help him. They were more his size, anyway. Jack was cautious, but Orion or Wildbreak could generally get him to help them with whatever they were doing. Miko was always up for fun, especially when she was wearing the Apex Armor. Raf would cover for them most of the time. June, and Bill never participated, but they would often look the other way. Orion liked them, and he couldn't wait to see them again.
But they couldn't help him right now. Orion needed to figure this out himself. He could ask if something was ok, though.
"Magnus?" he asked. "Would it be bad if I bit my teacher?"
Ultra Magnus jolted. "Why do you want to bite Grade Level?" he asked.
"She's mean to Wildbreak," Orion said. "She gets upset when we play together at break, and Wildbreak gets put in the naughty seat if I tell her that I like playing with Wildbreak."
Magnus frowned. "That doesn't make any sense," he said.
Orion shrugged. "So would it be bad if I bit her next time she tries to make us stop playing together?"
"Yes, Orion, you would. But I believe I need to have a talk with her," he added.
Orion pouted up at him. "But I want to figure this out! I don't understand why she doesn't like Wildbreak."
"Is it only Wildbreak?"
Orion frowned in thought. "I… think she doesn't like Howlback or Fireline either, but I don't play with them a lot."
"And she told me that Wildbreak will only." Orion paused and thought for a moment. "She said 'that troublemaker will only lead me away from who I'm supposed to be.'" He quoted. "She also said that all the adults who were important would agree with her, and told us not to say anything. I'm not going to be in trouble for saying anything, am I?" he asked quietly.
Magnus frowned and Orion could tell he was mad about something. He glanced down at Orion almost immediately. "I am not mad at you, Orion," he said almost immediately. "I am glad you told me this. You will not get in trouble, and if anyone tries to punish you, I want you to tell me."
He reached over and pressed a couple buttons on his computer. "Orion, I'm going to call Knock Out and Wildbreak, would you like to sit with me?"
Orion stood up and nodded, reaching up to be picked up. "I still want to bite her," he said. He chomped down on thin air. "I can make it hurt."
Magnus shook his head as he stood up and picked Orion up. "No, Orion, you won't need to bite her. It's not nice to bite people, anyway."
"Even mean people?"
Magnus hesitated. "Only when they are trying to hurt you," he finally said. "And only when they are physically trying to hurt you. Words don't count."
Orion nodded. "Can I use the words Wheeljack taught me?" he asked. He knew that Magnus would just… Yep. There the scowl was.
"Not until you're an adult," Magnus repeated, as he’d done every time Orion asked. He sat down and put Orion on his lap. He pushed a couple more buttons, and a second later Knock Out appeared on the screen.
"Hello Magnus, what can I do for you? And hello, Orion," Knock Out added.
"Hi!" Orion said happily. He liked Knock Out, he was always funny when any of them got scratches. And Wildbreak loved him, Orion knew.
"Hello Knock Out," Magnus said. "Could you get Wildbreak? She's not in trouble, I just need to ask her a couple of questions."
Knock Out nodded and disappeared from the screen for a moment. He returned holding Wildbreak. "Hi Orion! Hi Magnus!" Wildbreak said happily.
Orion waved. "I asked if I could bite Grade Level," he told her.
"Oh," Wildbreak said. "Because she's mean?"
Orion nodded. "Yep."
"I think that answers one of my questions," Magnus rumbled. "Can you tell me how she's mean?"
Wildbreak frowned. "I don't…”
“You will not get in trouble if you do," Magnus said. "She probably said you would, but I will not let you be punished. Orion too," he added.
Wildbreak nodded and started fiddling with her fingers. "She's always scowling when I or Howlback or a couple others know the answers. And she gets really upset if Orion plays with me, or the others. And she doesn’t like it if Dion or Hauler plays with us either. I get in trouble a lot because I want to play with Orion." Wildbreak looked up at Knock Out, then over at Orion. "Grade Level says that we're bad and that's why we get into trouble and shouldn't play with Orion and the others," she said.
Magnus' scowl deepened. "Thank you, Wildbreak," he said. He looked at Knock Out. "Orion also mentioned Fireline getting into trouble."
Knock Out scowled as well. "Howlback was adopted by Kickback. Fireline was adopted by Ramjet," he said. "We have a problem."
"We have a problem," Magnus agreed. "I'm going to call both of them. Would you be willing to come with me tomorrow to the school?"
"Of course," Knock Out said.
Magnus nodded. "I'll see you both tomorrow," he said. "Good bye, Wildbreak, thank you for telling me the truth."
"You're welcome," Wildbreak said. "I really won't get in trouble?"
"If someone at school tries to get you in trouble, then you need to tell me or Knock Out, and we will stop it. Telling the truth should never be punished."
She nodded, and Knock Out smiled. "Thank you, Magnus, for telling me as soon as you found out," he said.
"Of course," Magnus said. They signed off, and Magnus looked down at Orion. "You did good, Orion," he said.
Orion smiled. "So Grade Level is going to be in trouble?"
Magnus nodded. "Very much so. She's trying to bring back something that the war was started to stop," he added.
Orion considered that. He didn't know a lot about the war yet, but he knew it was bad, and also that it had happened because life before it had lots of bad things. "Are you sure I can't bite her?" Orion asked after a moment.
Magnus started to laugh. Orion smiled, though he didn't understand why the question was funny.
Things aren't all rosy in post-war Cybertron, unfortunately, but most people are committed to not repeating the mistakes of the past. This will be solved, and with a minimum of problems for the kids.
And yes, Orion has not stopped thinking that biting solves all problems. He will… eventually. Maybe.
All of the kids and caretakers mentioned here all from various Transformers universes, mostly G1. I made Grade Level up, I didn't want to use any Autobot or Decepticons for her role in this.
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kidron · 1 year
☆After school ─Ryusei, Chifuyu & Baji
─Ryusei, Chifuyu & Baji (platonic)
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─Summary: After Chifu worked almost as hard as Baji to help him pass his exams he fell asleep from exhausting on the desk. not taking advantage of it to mess around ? He would never
─Warnings: Nope. Maybe bad english
Baji was sruggling to study to to pass his exams, because ain't no way he's going to loose all the summer fun in school, he have to pass ! And Chifuyu was there for him, of course.
For Chifuyu's surprise Ryusei was abit calmer than usual, he missed less with him, only a little bit. That bastard would still sometimes walk to the class, one hand in his pocket and the other waving to them asking if they would like to hang out with him and the others and then say "my bad you can't ! Guess i will have fun by myself" which recived him by multpy death threats by Baji, He swore that if he didn't pass his exams the one who would get punched in the face will be Ryusei...
For Ryusei's good luck there's no need for him to run away because the first division leader actually passed !
"God, i would mentally breakdown if i had to spend the summer with that stupid teacher..." Baji said throwing his body on the chair staring the celling from the relife he felt untying his hair keeping to tie between his fingers while his glasse took a place in the middle of the desk, not resking it to fall.
it's like all the pressure surrounding him got released, he can go home and finally sleep with no academic stress. he took a sigh before moving his eyes to his friend who didn't responde, he fell asleep, of course. After all he refused to sleep saying that "i can't rest while Baji-san is working hard".
Baji took another sigh stroking his hair knowing that he have to carry him all the way home now, even though every damn muscle of his is feeling like a plant from the lack of sleep, he can't just leave him here for hours untill he wakes up, Chifuyu worked hard to help him and deserves to rest. Baji stood up lazily, very slow like a sloth "i shall also buy Biang Yaksuba to share together".
"together without me ? Aww you could never make it without my help yet you're not including me to celebrate ?" Baji didn't need to turn his head back to find out who that voice belonged to, however he did, but only to glare at the owner with annoyance. Maybe he's still going to punch him anyway even that he passed.
"You know i was preventing myself from punching people for long time enough, Ryusei" Said Baji as Ryusei walked towards them with hand in his pockets, isn't he taking his words seriously ? "now that you're all free wanna go hang out for real this time ?" he can't do anything while they're in school anyway.
"No. But if you want to be usefull for once carry Chifuyu home." Ryusei stared at the blonde for seconds, he was in deep sleep, deep enough that he wouldn't wake up easly, interesting.
Ryusei moved his hand in his pocket reaching for something, a black marker, does he usually walk around with markers in his pockets ? although Baji knew what's coming next he was to tired to deal with it so he sighed, again.
"What's up with you sighing every minute, Keisuki-kun ?" Ryusei said removing the pen cap reaching to put the first line on Chifuyu's face "I want to punch somone so bad yet i'm too exhausted to move a muscle" Baji responded, "i'm glad to see you this way ! Aha... i mean the 'i want to punch someome' and not the exhausted way" Ryusei commented making fun of him, he was testing how far Baji can take before beating him up for sure.
It's a wrestling fight between Baji's desire to beat Ryusei up VS. His lack of energy.
"Couldn't say the same thing about you, you're worried about Yotsuya kaiden alot" Ryusei didn't respond to Baji's words, nor stopped working. even if he was busy studying bacause of his lack of academic intelligence, he need no time to be able to spot every single detail and analyse it, and Ryusei is smart enough too to be aware he won't ever be able to hide things from Baji Keisuke.
At the silent respond he kept going "Worry as much as you like, i don't give a damn, Toman and the division will-" Baji didn't finish his words as Ryusei rushed to him grabbing his wrist, as a "Huh ?!" Escaped his mouth he didn't have time to ask, Ryusei took the rubber hair tie hanging on his fingers "don't mind me ! It just would be extra funny and stupid on him !!" He said trying not giggle so that the sleepy Chifuyu won't woke up before finishing his art project.
Baji didn't response; there was no point; Ryusei was always the type to cover his feelings no matter what, avoiding involving others with his problems, even if it wss a simple thing such as the Toman uniform button because of his fights, it always made Baji in a need to look after him to make sure he's doing alright. His thoughts were cut when Chifuyu started moving, slowly waking up just after Ryuesi hid the marker in the perfect timing.
"Mhmh... sorry Baji-san i fell asleep... thank you for waiting for me" said rubbing his eyes and then turned to the side looking at the figure standing infront of him with an innocent smile, way too innocent for someone like Sato Ryusei.
"what are you doing standing here ?" Chifuyu asked strictly; not only because of the feeling that Ryusei was up to something, but also because he's mad at him for being a jerk "Oh did i wake you up ? My bad, Chifuyu~ i just thought of carrying you home since Keisuke-kun seemed tired" Ryusei explained again with this suspecious innocent smile while patting Chifuyu's head "Thank you for your hard work"
Usually Chifuyu would slap his hand away; he only does this when making fun of him, but this time he was confused because Ryu didn't make fun of him.
It's one of two options, he's being polite because he's afraid of Baji-san' death threats, or he's actually being nice for once, this one sounds like a joke.
Or maybe...
it caught Chifuyu's attention that he couldn't feel his bangs on his forhead after reaching his hand to touch it he yelled "YOU BASTARD MISSED WITH MY HAIR AGAIN !!" Ryusei hand was still in air at how fast Chifuyu ran towards the mirror in the hallway to see his "art work".
"Gah ! My face !! Ryusei i swear once i lay my hands on you you're dead !!" Ryusei was holding his stomach running away from Chifuyu in the class and hallways, all this laughs are slowing him down and taking his breaths Chifuyu may actually reach him.
"You look better with this pineapple hairstyle though !" Indeed it was better for his sigh and more comfortable, he may pull it up like this way when taking baths or reading manga.
Baji was done with screaming and running around that even the few students and teachers left in school went out to check if there's another fight so Baji immediately hit both of them on the head the moment they ran infront of him.
"You two don't yell at school !" Baji yelled even louder himself while both held their heads in pain "let's go to my house or pick up fights with some idiots in our way" he said walking away expecting them to follow, which Chifuyu did immediately even if the hit was still painfull "yes Baji-san !!" Chearfully with a bright smile not bothered at all of being hit, just to be followed by Ryusei who stroked the hit area abit "fine fine".
"Oh and Ryusei, since you need to be reminded of that over and over again, the first division of Tokyo Manji is always by your side"
He belives that it's true, that's what worries him.
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