#I'm sorry I'm not immune to heart break angst
mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Me writing the most self indulgent shit ever known to mankind lmao, also known as putting May through the pain suffering just because but this time it's Digimon, featuring our favourite horrid REDACTED belonging to @oogaboogaspookyman, he's here to be a cunt really, this is pretty dialogue heavy as lmao its basically just him bullying the shit out of her at her weakest point and rambling about things that would've happened previously in the time line and discussing May's troubled relationship post digimon time lmao, again self indulgent I just had these really specific scenes and gotta get them out lmao
Digital energy crackled and pixelated from the unusual vortex in front of them, the crowd hushed and murmured in terror as something from within the blackness pushed forwards through into their world. May put herself at the front of the group shielding her siblings from view the best she could as Lopmon stood by her feet, ears spread to look more intimidating. Dripping dark energy pushed from the portal as sparks of red lightning cracked and whipped around shorting nearby electrical appliances as an unfortunately, familiar grinning maws greeted them, it didn't even try to look humanoid as a mouth closed and opened into a black eye with a frantic white pupil. The pupil bounced around scanning over the horrified faces of the people as its many mouths pulled into delighted grins with teeth large and sharp, a deep echoing laugh coming from each mouth and even the visible eye as it surveyed the terror gladly eating it up before its eye fell upon the three siblings narrowing to a pinpoint before blowing wide in entertainment and excitement.
"How, small and pitiful you all look, my even tinier than you were before."
It's voice mocked from its eyeball, still laughing from its mouths, the eye blinked into a mouth as other mouths closed and opened into eyes scanning around in an erratic manner, though more so to make them uncomfortable, this beast didn't know fear.
"I bet I could splatter you like insects right now, decorate your disease ridden world with your bright gorgeous blood."
"Then why don't you, you Prick." May's voice was cold and sharp as she glared taking a challenging step forward, "oh yea I know why, because you can't interact with this world, your data is too much and you can't fully come through so you just sit there and taunt trying to make us scared, trying to terrify people while you plot a way into this world. It didn't work last time though did it? And I'm not going to fucking let you try again." An eye fell upon her watching her as its other mouths twisted and contorted out of shape.
"Then why don't you come and stop me?"
It asked simply as it started to pull backwards into the portal, the pavement splitting from the ground beginning to float as the portal moved awkwardly into the sky, the slabs of pavement swirling around it as the creature grinned at them.
"Well, digidestine? Can you stop me this time? Or have you already lost too much?"
As its form disappeared, May could only grit her teeth as Lopmon looked up at her for guidance.
"We can't go through that portal May, times synced now in the digital world, we'll lose real time here. Let some other people deal with it, we can't be the digidestine anymore." Her sister spoke behind her and May looked at in confusion and disbelief at what she was hearing, even Salmon looked uncomfortable at the idea they weren't going to do something nuzzling into her sisters leg, May opened her mouth to argue that there was no one else they'd met no other younger digidestine.
"No." Matts voice snapped, "look you might have gotten out of that ordeal fine 10 years ago, but some of us did lose too fucking much!" His voice was a snarl as he moved to touch where his lower arm had been removed from his body, Labramon whimpered against Matt as he crouched on the floor, guilt and shame washing through May making her heart hurt. "You might not be so lucky next time, I wasn't." His words stabbed into her as she looked at him, her sister nodded a bit awkwardly adding.
"We got really banged up last time, I mean, you've seen the scars I got, you've seen what happened to Matt, you got off easy but you're not indestructible." May's hands clenched into fists, their words becoming poisoned jabs, snide hateful remarks for years and years, snipping snapping biting into her over and over as her eyes became wet with frustration.
"Fine. I wasn't even going to fucking ask you to come. I'll fucking deal with this myself." She turned walking away from them quickly, "let the weakest link smash that cunts face in!" Her voice a frustrated yell as she leapt onto a floating pave slab with Lopmon leaping up behind her following.
"May don't be fucking stupid for once in your life!" Her sisters words fell on deaf ears as she leapt and flipped up the platforms with acrobatic precision, ignoring her sister cussing her out insulting her, as she got closer to the portal the air felt static like as Lopmon flew up besides her, digital energy engulfed them both as they disappeared through the dark of the portal.
The local advertising screens came to life displaying the digital island they'd found themselves upon years ago as Dianamon landed gracefully but with force. She walked with a dangerous tremor in her step, "Where are you?! Come out you coward. Let's end this!" May and Lopmons voice overlapped creating an almost new voice as they scowled around looking for the black ink beast. She heard him laughing before she saw him, barely dodging a large black spike that ripped through the ground and would have went right through her.
"My my, all on your own? No siblings to back you up? No lover? Oh yes I forgot, he replaced you didn't he?"
She slashed at him with her moon sickle slicing through the black inky body as the ink fell to the ground with a splat before crawling away to a larger mass of blackness as the creature took form again, still inhuman with eyes and teeth grinning at her. She lunged at him again swinging and striking with her weapon, retreating to draw back her bow and shoot arrows through his inky substance splatting it off and watching it disintegrate. She wasn't going to amuse his games. Despite her attacking he seemed pleased simply reforming lost mass to sustain himself as he dodged or allowed her to slash his form just to pull himself up somewhere else.
"I suppose it does make sense. I mean, you always held them together, you were the link in their chain that strengthened them and how do they respond to that?"
He laughed a wicked laugh as a morphed pale form of her sister pulled through the black slime walking towards her with hollow black eyes. When it spoke it used her voice, it sounded distant like a recording rather than the vocal mimicry it did for its usual voice.
"Why do you always ruin things for me?! You're so fucking selfish you know why are you even in this fucking contest?! You just want to show me up! And are you happy?! I only came second because you fucked with my brain! Why the fuck would you go 'best of luck sis', don't you have any idea how much fucking pressure that puts on me to perform well when I know you're just going to do better?! You're such a shitty person sometimes May, I wish you'd fucking disappear sometimes!!"
Her sisters voice screamed at her even if it felt distant, May leapt back as the fake hollow version of her sister collapsed into black sludge as his voice laughed mockingly before tutting.
"Aw, now that really wasn't very kind."
It doubled over on itself laughing as its mouths snapped with teeth and its eyes rolled around.
"I mean, she was right, you were always better at the gymnast stuff. That must put an awful lot of pressure on her, funny though, you never ever won, not even third."
It straightened to look at her twisting it's head as it leant forward, it's body turned to sludge by another swing of the moon blade but that didn't stop it talking.
"Kind of stupid of her not to notice, why did you never tell her huh? Why did you ruin your own performances with rookie mistakes on purpose to receive worse points when she hated you for even being there? For daring exist?"
She gripped her weapon tightly, not giving it the satisfaction of an answer as it cackled dark ink encircling her and grabbing at her ankles before she slashed it away and flew up to avoid his mocking grabs.
"Oh that's right, because you loved her or something. When was the last time she was kind to you May? When was the last time you felt loved by your sister and not just shame and hatred?"
Dianamon shook her head to rid his voice from her ears, she couldn't afford to think of individual components right now, she was Dianamon now, she can be May later, she couldn't risk dedigivolving and losing her advantage. It seemed to sense her struggling shooting up black tendrils that slammed her back into the ground with a sickening crunch of something and a horrid gasp of pain from the celestial Digimon as she forced herself to her feet before the ink tried to consume her.
"You really struggle and fight so much for people that seem to loathe you, most of the world doesn't know you exist and yet here you are fighting to try to save it, but when has the world ever done anything for you? I know none of you received acknowledgement for what happened ten years ago, doesn't that make your blood boil in rage? That you risked life and well, your brothers limb and all you got was the terror and fear screaming, crying for help as you cradled your unconscious brother as his arm bled new blood."
Its mouth quirked into a wicked smile as her expression darkened knowing it had touched a nerve. She slashed and attacked with everything she had yelling in anger and pain trying to destroy him as his corrupted data mass remained consistent allowing flecks to crumble away to make a form to be slashed to keep her eye to exhaust her as it laughed at her torment. From the ink a pale Matt formed looking at her with bleeding black eyes as it too approached her.
"Look you might have gotten out of that ordeal fine 10 years ago, but some of us did lose too fucking much!"
His voice was distant like a recording once more as it parroted back things that had been said. More and more words came from its blackened mouth phrases that she'd heard throughout the years since coming back, passive aggressive 'good for you's, snarly snapping remarks, and things she hadn't heard, spiteful bitter whispers of 'why me', a cold harsh 'it should have been her,' that made her throat go dry and heart almost clench as though grabbed and crushed, Dianamon couldn't afford to cry and yet her eyes watered and her grip on her weapon trembled.
Once more the pale clone copy collapsed back into the blackness as it taunted and laughed.
"What a cruel thing to say! He said it often as well, oh how he wished you had suffered instead of him, he thinks it's unfair, unjust, that he didn't deserve it, how funny he believes that you in turn did deserve it. Its quite funny actually! I suppose it's because you never told him the full truth did you? I mean, you wouldn't have dared he lost his arm. Who are you to tell him it was going to be worse? And that you stopped it being worse like some savior when he was going through such a horrible affair, you would've looked like quite the dick, I can understand why you kept it to yourself."
Dianamons made more empty slashes at her tormentor, snarling "JUST SHUT UP AND DIE! I'LL DESTROY US BOTH IF IT STOPS YOU FUCKING TALKING!!" But it only cackled at her swirling and forming eyes and taunting mouths as it without her knowledge began to destroy the data around them, disintegrating trees and rocks leveling the area slowly.
"How fittingly self-destructive. You always did value others more than yourself."
Another hollow pale form, this time herself, or well the form of May, Dianamon struggled to maintain its own identity as the voice of May parroted from the past spoke.
"Please god don't hurt him! He's my baby brother, please you can take anything from me, humans, we have all kinds of interesting organs! Yea yea, I'll trade you, you could have my kidney! And you give him back yes? Please, I am begging you please take from me don't hurt him my skin, my hair, my eyes, my lungs Fuck you could take my heart kill me right now just just please, please let him go, please, he means too much to me I will do anything just don't please don't take him from me please"
Dianamons eyes watered uncomfortably at sickening memories from the past, her brother unconscious as an Archnemon regards him for experimentation for devouring planning to hack him apart and then dissolve his flesh. The hollow stared forward and through her before screaming horribly as it was cut open by nothing, Dianamon tearing her eyes away cringing and exhaling a shaky breath through her nose at they remembered the sensation of large hands plunging into her guts and pulling out what it wanted, the carving of her organs and the teeth, the horrid teeth that sank into her wound ripping her flesh away from her body and the sickening enjoyment the Archnemon had taken from the experience, helplessly caught in the creature web, and then the guilt and horror as it took a cleavor and-
Dark tendrils slammed her chest sending her flying backwards hitting the ground and bouncing slightly as she cried out her weapon flying from her hands and disintegrating before it hit the ground as she weakly hauled herself into a kneel.
"That was a dirty move." She snapped, but her component's were struggling, tears ran out of one eye at the guilt of not being able to stop the twisted digimon from taking her brothers arm. It only laughed at her in enjoyment feeling her terror, guilt and pain with great satisfaction. She pulled herself to stand but her body was struggling, the phantom pains still ripping away at her body as she shuddered, she'd never told anyone about what happened, not the truth at least. Dianamon shook her head, May had never told anyone but she was not May right now.
Black ink shot out in the form of a large hand grabbing her body and began to squeeze before she could even move, her armor crushing uncomfortably into her body as the entity pulled itself up out the ink and took on a painfully familiar form, it copied the face and body of, someone May once cared deeply for, another crush from the hand engulfing her body and Dianamon faded. Lopmon fell to the ground with a weak groan as May remained crushed in the grip.
"Lopmon run!" May attempted to struggle as the tired rookie pushed itself to stand stumbling before the ink wrapped around its body dragging the bunny-like digimon by its ankles to the twisted form of May's old crush. They tried to attack, opening their mouth weakly to summon energy before the pale humanoid grabbed its mouth shut harshly with a snarl.
"Behave little one, would be a shame to destroy something that could be of use to me. Besides, i'll kill your human if you're a brat."
Lopmon whimpered but couldn't fight, too injured and tired from being Dianamon, and May was weakening too. It looked over at her and slowly the large hand pulled down into the earth releasing and leaving her standing though with difficulty she swayed and gave a weak glare as it scoffed at her before it was right in front of her with astonishing speeds it's pale hands grabbing her face, Lopmon tossed aside, as it arched over her threateningly, grinning with too many teeth at the wonderful fear from her.
"You've always intrigued me, such fight such love and for what?"
It's grip tightened threateningly on her face as she tried to pull away and shake her head sinking in claws to draw blood making her still as Lopmon was restrained in dark inky tendrils, the surroundings barren now save for his corrupting black ink.
"Don't make me pop out your eyeballs~"
It's tone faked sweetness as his thumbs pressed under her eyes threateningly.
"It's a shame he gave you up the way he did, choosing another woman while you were kept apart by distance, it's like everything you went through meant nothing to him, like he didn't care about the bantering you shared, the stories the company, do you think he thought of you as much as you him? It must hurt knowing you don't matter so much to someone, that they can replace you just like that."
A finger snapped for emphasis on another arm before it disappeared, his tone was quieter than usual it was almost sympathetic comforting as her eyes began to water against her control, tears rolling down her cheeks as she struggled to breathe, all the repressed feelings all the times she made herself be strong crashing down on her so now she was weak, bubbling pathetically under her worst enemies watching gaze as she cried against her control. She was unloved and despised, she wasn't enough for the people she cared deeply about and she couldn't stop him she couldn't protect them she couldn't save the world from his plans to destroy it and now he was going to kill her, and the worst part was she was alone. The people she loved weren't coming to save her. Her breathing choked as her knees felt weak. She wanted to rip his hands from her face to just collapse and cry to pull her eyes away but he held her firm and her eyes were locked to his.
"Sweet little thing, all alone and unloved. You tried so hard to be the best you could be and to be good enough, you sacrificed so much of yourself, didn't you?"
She choked a breath, her head nodding against her control as her knees gave out and desperately grabbing at his arms fearing that she would fall and he would simply pull and rip her head from her body, but the tug never came, his hands didn't move as she gripped to him weakly her body slightly limp as his thumbs wiped against her cheeks in a way that was almost soothing if she wasn't so terrified for why he was acting this way, she was so so tired, every moment her energy seemed to be sapped. Was this his plan? Cradle her till she expired, taking her life energy? Maybe he was going to take her body upon her last breath turning her into a puppet to get to the real world. She could only fear more at every passing second.
She could feel the ink starting to crawl up her body, oh god he was going to turn her into a flesh puppet for his data. She didn't even have the energy to struggle.
"You're so tired aren't you? So tired of not being enough for some people, tired of hurting in silence, tired of thinking, tired of existing, tired of hurting because of other people. You just want to stop thinking don't you? Stop worrying, stop hurting. I can make all that go away, empty your mind of all that aching all that anguish, I wouldn't hurt you like he would. "
As she stared up at him his face began to slowly slide off and melt almost before his face fell and splattered black flesh and liquid right onto her face, she gasped in horror choking on the foul ink as it slid down her throat and up her nose and crawled into her eyes, she tries to struggle but her body couldn't move wanting to cough up the black corruption but only choking further as he threw his body backwards to howl in laughter removing his hands from her face as she collapsed from choking and the blackness already wrapped around her legs. He watched her spluttering on the floor on her back, black liquid bubbling up out her mouth as she choked and her eyes turned black, the corruption engulfed her pulling her down into itself with only a few bubbles as the last of her breath was taken. The creature grinned as its form became twisted once more, despising the humanoid guise it needed to use.
He hadn't been lying, he had always been intrigued by that one, she was just so corruptible, pushed to the edge of darkness by those around her every day, they really did all the hard work for him. Once he was through with her well he could have his fun before disposing of the last of the filth known as humanity, but until then he now held a very powerful ace, a Kelpymon and a digidestine corrupt to his whim. It glanced over to a patch of pixelated space, knowing the human world could see him and could only grin as the fear, they were right to be afraid of him. He slashed his claw through it ending the connection, laughing to himself, he shouldn't have been surprised by the lack of help really, May was the link that strengthened the chain, with her gone well all that was left was the coward and the clown, as for his human guise well he had his own better life now, why would he risk it. What a blight on this world. Selfish creatures. Horrid creatures. Oh well. They'll all get what they deserve.
#My writing#Self indulgent digimon au#Oc May#@oogaboogaspookyman REDACTED#Tw eyeballs#Tw corruption#Tw self destructive behaviour#Me holding my self indulgent crap lmao#Context uh its been 10 years in the time line Mays obviously been saddled with guilt over Matts arm despite the horrors she went through#Her sister hating her for being better at her at gymnastic acrobatic stuff and misplacing blame on her for her own fuck ups#Even as may sabotaged her own success in something she enjoyed making herself miserable and further hated by her sister#And she hasn't seen monochrome as like they live in different areas but did manage to stay in touch#Unfortunately..he moved on in that time and ya know naturally found someone in his area so kinda a horrible discovery for May#Cause they come to visit to celebrate 10 years since saving a thing in monochrome home town and seeing him moved on well..it hurt..a lot#She'd imagined she'd come see him he'd grab her in his arms spin her around and then hold her and kiss her and kiss her#And all she can do is swallow dryly and say its nice to meet the girl he's now with#I'm sorry I'm not immune to heart break angst#And REDACTED rocks up and goes 👀 and wiggles his eyebrows at the camera because opportunityyyy#Hence him just mercilessly ripping into her#He knew shed chase after him and fall for the bait so he could get her alone but oh the deliciousness of her siblings pushing her away more#Also dianamon is a biomerge digivolution alt mega form as a treat I like to give my characters a bio and normal mega lmao.#Dianamon is like a fusion in a sense and like can be broken if one part becomes unstable they gotta be in sync#REDACTED really just *gentle persuasion* on May drowning her in his corruption smothering her sweetly#He probably is sapping her energy as she just weakens into moldable putty for him to play with and mold into a controllable puppet#Idk was feeling some kinda way about it he's mock kind mock sweet a bitter candy poisoned sugar telling her empty sweet nothings#It's only because he knows she's so weak that she's at an absolute breaking point peak vulnerablity. He'll probably tear her apart later#When he doesn't need her anymore just tears her limbs off spills her guts ect#I won't lie briefly a corrupting kiss passed into my mind but I always wanted his face to melt off onto her cause he is the horror lmao#Cause there's nothing more unsettling than someone's face just splatting onto urs. Plus her choking on his corruption#Plus to some degree he knows monochrome can see this probably so he's being mock sweet to jab at him like I'm stealing ur exgf BITCH
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Omfg I ate that Vox fic up! The one where he hypnotized the reader after a long fight of them nearly being taken from him. Can you do a part 2 please? Like when the reader eventually learns he basically forced them to sign the contract and they find a way to be immune to his hypnosis? He goes absolutely nuts despite literally owning their soul. He's canonically a control freak and seems to even have some yandere traits. I hope I'm not going against your rules! You don't have any posted so I just wanna ask! Thank you for being awesome! :D Don't hesitate to turn down this request. Write what makes you feel comfortable. Just please respond so I and everyone else knows not to make a similar request in the future. Lots of love!
ABSOLUTELY!! I did take this in a slightly different direction, but hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Lowkey thinking of doing a Vox POV of this later and maybe even a part three...
Vox isn't actually in this much, but I feel a loose actual plot coming together and this is what naturally flowed for me.
I hope y'all are ready for more angst... plus a cliff-hanger <3
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More Than Anything Part 2 [Vox x Reader]
Part 1
Part 2.5
"You controlling prick!"
Vox ducked as you threw a pillow at him. Even in your righteous anger, you'd never actually truly try to hurt him, but by god were you pissed.
Despite Vox's obvious disdain for the Hazbin Hotel and its association with Alastor, you visited the hotel occasionally to catch up with your friend Angel Dust and give some much-deserved love to his pet pig Fat Nuggets. It was during one of these visits that you ran into Alastor, who immediately looked at you with disgust in his ever-present smile.
"Really now, my dear," he said as he shook his head in disapproval. "It's already enough of a shame that you have such poor taste in a romantic partner, but to give your soul to him as well? I thought you were smarter than that."
The overlord could see the aura of Vox's ever-annoying electric cords locked around your soul like chains. You'd been confused and his eye twitched with annoyance as he realized what Vox had done to you. To say you were livid after he explained that you'd been tricked was an understatement.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," Vox pleaded as you fumed at him in his room. "But you left me no other choice! You weren't listening to me and if I didn't bind your soul, then Satan knows what could have happened to you by now."
"Just because you don't fucking believe in my ability to look out for myself doesn't mean you get to just take my soul!" You screamed with hot, angry tears flowing down your face. You wipe at them, only crying harder at the frustration of the tears you couldn't control in your anger. You felt like they undermined your emotions.
Vox's magic sparked around him as he tried his best not to get angry and start a fight with you. He was terrified and was that much more susceptible to his angry tendencies in moments like these. It took everything in him to try and calm himself, not wanting to push you away further. His heart dropped and his blood ran cold as he saw you pull a large bag out of the closet and start shoving clothes into it.
"W-Where are you going?" Vox panicked as he crossed the room.
"The hotel," you said with quiet fury, as you stepped away from the closet and went to the nightstand with your personal things on it. "I need some space and it's the one fucking place I know you'd rather die again than follow me to."
"Ŷ̸̪͕o̸̢̿̿ū̷̫ ̶̬͂c̶̺̾͂a̴͒͘͜n̴̫̂̔'̶̡̉t̶͙̝̄͒," Vox said, his voice starting to glitch as his panic increased. "You've heard the news, the extermination is in a week and the angels plan on attacking there first. There's no guarantee they'll keep to the date after how much little miss dumbass pissed off heaven. It's not safe there."
You pull your bag over your shoulder and the look you gave him will haunt him for the rest of his afterlife. "It's safer than here."
It breaks him all the more when you shield your eyes from him and storm past him so he can't hypnotize you into staying. Vox is paralyzed with fear like never before. He wanted to scream, to beg, to stop you from leaving him, but he couldn't do anything as his system glitched so hard it forced him into a reboot. When he came to, he was alone. You were gone.
Charlie was more than willing to let you stay at the hotel. The two of you hadn't had the chance to really ever speak before, but she was always friendly when you came to visit Angel, even after you explained to her there was no way you'd be able to become a guest.
In exchange, you were happy to help set up the defenses against the extermination. You got to know all of the other members of the hotel and the work helped you push down the burning ache in your chest.
Vox had been trying to contact you nonstop. You eventually turned off your phone, driven insane by the wall of notifications of him begging you to respond in any way. He knew you were okay for the time being. He was literally connected to your soul. But as the extermination day grew closer, his panic only increased. If it wasn't for Valentino and Velvette holding him back, there were several times he genuinely would have set aside his pride and come to the hotel just to get you.
It was after helping Husk and Cherri put up a particularly tricky barrier with the dwindling supplies that Angel found you taking a break. He passed you a water which you took gratefully as he slid down the wall and joined you on the floor.
"So," he started. "Are we going to ever talk about the reason why you're hiding out here?"
"Do we have to?" You groan, running your fingers through your hair. Despite the smiles and laughter you'd been sharing with your newfound friends as you all prepared for the potential end of it all, the dark circles on your eyes gave away what was lurking underneath.
For as angry as you were at Vox, you missed him. You missed feeling him curl against you in bed. You missed being woken up at unholy hours early in the morning because Vox couldn't start his day without giving you a kiss and telling you how much he loved you. You missed his shitty taste in shows and how he'd collapse into your arms after a long day at work.
Angel sighed, looking at the boarded-up lobby. "Look I may not get it, but you love the guy, right? Are you really content with possibly dying in a couple of days for a cause you're not even a part of, just because you're pissed with him?"
"He stole my soul, Angie" You frown at him.
"And that is fucked up as hell," he agrees. "But I know you and I know there ain't no way in hell you're actually satisfied leaving shit like this."
"I just-," you start before groaning. "How the hell are we supposed to come back from this? I doubt he'd ever void the contract. He's too convinced he's right for that."
Angel sighed, setting his own cup aside. "Honestly toots, you're not gonna like it, but... He kinda has a point."
You whip your head up to look at him and he holds up his hands defensively. "Not saying that stealing your soul was the right call. Believe me, if anyone gets how fucked it is having your soul controlled by a sociopath with a big ego, it's me. But you're not exactly in the safest of places, dollface. Not to mention, you're dating an overlord who's in a trio determined to piss off as many big shots as possible. His mind may not be in the right place, but his heart kinda is."
You take Angel's words to heart and sigh as you bury your face in your arms. "I hate it, but you're right... I just... I don't want to hold him back. I don't want to be the person that needs to be protected. I want to be his equal, not his problem."
"Then tell him that," Angel sighs. His gaze drifts to the bar and smiles fondly. "Someone recently has taught me how important being real with yourself is. It's okay to be flawed. No one got stuck in this shithole cause we were perfect, y'know?"
He nudged you with a grin as he added, "Plus, come on. Can you imagine how many bitches in hell would kill to have a sexy fucker that wants nothing more than to love ya and keep ya safe? I love you toots, but for fucks sake, pick a struggle."
You snort, shaking your head as you lightly swat at his arm. "Fuck you for being right about shit all the time."
"It's one of my best assets," Angel smirked. "Y'know, aside from all the fluff."
You laughed as he puffed up his chest and by the end of the evening, you'd decided to head back. As much as you loved Angel and wanted nothing more than to be by his side as the extermination drew near, he had a point. This wasn't your fight and there was a controlling dumbass that had been blowing up your phone ever since you left that was praying for your return.
After exchanging promises to see each other after the extermination, you left the hotel. You had an idiot to see.
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elliewithcellie · 3 months
Rite of Passage
summary: steve takes care of you after a date gone horribly wrong (roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader)
wc: 2.0k
cw: results of the date which is not described, but understood to be sexual assault, Please use your discretion (marked in the tags so it can be filtered), steve stays platonic, he is the comfort in the hurt/comfort, reader takes a bath, semi-graphic description of injuries, angst but fluff in how steve cares so much for reader. PLEASE let me know if I'm missing anything
a/n: this is not for the faint of heart. it has been in the vault since 2022 just as a kind of a coping thing. it's one of the stories i revisit and literally just cry rereading, but maybe it can be helpful to others. this is just one way one can react to this sort of incident. everyone's own reactions are valid, and i love you.
It could happen to anyone. Almost every girl experiences it, some sick rite of passage to prove that you are a woman. To remind you that you are still inferior, second class, an object to be used. Then these women share their stories so nonchalantly, in passing, and in response to their friends’ stories. Some don’t share at all. Some bottle it up and smile through the pain anyway, now nothing behind her once vibrant eyes.
But you never really thought it would happen to you. Not that you were invincible or immune or reckless; it’s just not something that anyone can fully comprehend. You’d been told to smile more. You’d been objectified or ignored. You thought that put you on the list already.
You thought he was a sweet guy. You wished you listened to Steve. You had laughed at his suggestion to “at least bring him back to the apartment.” You were so embarrassed at the thought of making out with some guy while Steve hid in the other room. And you didn’t want your date to know that you lived with another guy. But all that seemed so insignificant now.
You had to walk home. Your teeth chattered in the drizzling rain, your gait slightly wider than usual. You crossed your arms and bit down on your lip hard, a desperate attempt at a distraction. Not a single car passed you on your trek home. The darkness consumed you. The silence betrayed you. With your phone now dead, making it to your apartment was the only hope filling your heart. You prayed that Steve hadn’t waited up for you. You just wanted to be alone.
You fiddled with your keys as you approached the locked door. You didn’t realize how much your hands were shaking. You struggled for a few more moments, begging for the strength to get inside without crying, when the door opened for you.
“Y/N! I’ve been calling you for like an hour! Where have you been?” Steve guided you inside. He attempted to take your jacket from you, but you jerked his hand off of you.
“Don’t! Don’t touch me.” Your voice quivered at the end of your sentence.
Steve lifted his hands and closed the door behind the both of you. “Sorry, I didn’t – I – you’re soaked, hon. Did—did you walk here?”
You nodded. You felt overwhelmed, anger rising to cover your tracks. “Can you just fucking cool it with the questions? My phone died. I walked here. I’m wet 'cause it’s raining. Just—just leave me alone.”
You shoved him out of your way with your shoulder and stormed to your room. You had never acted this way toward him, toward anyone. People knew you to be kind, gentle, and sometimes blunt, but never rude or aggressive. But you felt that part breaking right in front of your eyes. You were confused. You couldn’t comprehend what was happening, that this was happening.
You plugged in your phone. You paced around your room for your phone to light up again. When your phone turned back on, you checked for his number. He had already blocked you.
Your lungs boiled. Your body vibrated with rage. The impulse to scream grew stronger and stronger by the second. So, you did. A guttural, soul-clutching scream escaped your throat. Tears stained your cheeks. You felt your destruction in your hands, transferring the havoc condemned to you to your room. You threw your books, kicked your chair, and flipped your mattress, bawling and yelling through it all. You punched your pillow over and over until hands gathered you in their arms. You fought the arms, but the hold was tight.
“Hey, it’s me. It’s Steve. Relax. I’ve got you. You’re ok. You’re safe. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”
You sank into his touch and wept. Destruction left your body and devolved into devastation. Your body suddenly so heavy, you slumped to your knees, Steve following right behind you and still holding you close.
You couldn’t be sure how long you stayed on the floor of your bedroom. But Steve held you with the same force he did from the very start. He wasn’t going anywhere. You cried until you lost your energy, tears still streaking your face. You couldn’t even hold yourself up anymore. You were glad that you had Steve to lean on.
“How can I help?” Steve asked. You didn’t respond. You couldn’t process such an open-ended question. It seemed that Steve understood that. “Water is supposed to help relax people. What if I fill up the tub for you? You can rest in there, and I’ll grab some clothes for you. How does that sound?”
You nodded, not yet able to find your voice. Steve gently lifted you up, and the two of you walked to the bathroom.
You sat on the closed toilet as Steve crouched by the tub, testing the water with his hand. When the tub filled, he stood up and headed toward the door. “I’ll leave your clothes by the door, ok?”
He opened the door, and your stomach flipped. “Steve?”
“Please, I don—Can you stay?”
Steve’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He closed the door behind him and nodded. “Uh, yeah, ok.”
The two of you sat in silence. You didn’t ask for him not to look. You didn’t start to change. You didn’t move, a haze falling over you. The weight of horror and defeat pulled you down.
Your eyes snapped up to Steve’s. “Sorry. I’m just tired.”
“Do you—would you like some help?” Steve’s voice shook as if you were made of glass and one misstep would shatter you.
All you could do was nod. You shuffled out of your jacket as Steve untied your shoes and removed your socks, still damp from the rain. He rose to his knees to meet you at eye level. He patted your arm, and you lifted them halfway into the air, as much as you could muster. Steve carefully pulled your shirt over your head, officially crossing a line the two of you never even toed.
And what Steve saw broke his heart. Blue and green bruises in the shape of fingertips wrapped around your neck. More, less cohesive shapes scattered across your chest down to the top of your hip bones where the waistband of your pants sat.
“Oh my god,” he whispered. He sat in observation, conflict brewing within him. The more he looked, the angrier he got. His shame screamed for him to look away, to salvage the friendship you both have and remain a ‘gentleman’. But the true friend in him wanted to document every bruise on your body, to share the knowledge in your pain, and to lighten the load in any way possible. This part fueled him to continue.
“Stand up for me, please.”
You paused. Your heart began to pound, and you found it harder and harder to breathe. You started to feel dizzy.
Steve took your face in his hands and had you look at him. “Breathe. You’re ok. Breathe with me. In…and out.” You matched the rhythm that Steve set and took deep breaths. You collected yourself under Steve’s gaze, but you were still a little overwhelmed.
“I’m here for you, ok? Whatever you need just say it. Need me to turn around, I will. Need me to leave? I can. But I think you need to get cleaned up, ok? You think you can do that? What do you need from me?”
You thought for a moment. Your brain felt jumbled, like crossed wires scrambling messages. Steve sat at your knees patiently while you considered what you wanted.
“Let’s—let’s just get it over with,” you sighed, a dry laugh forced from your diaphragm.
You stood up with what strength you had left, resolving to lean your body weight on Steve’s shoulders as he kneeled beneath you.
He wasted no time in unbuttoning your pants, desperate to not make a scene of it. He glided your pants to your ankles, and you stepped out of them while using Steve to balance. He stood up and guided you into the water. As you stepped in, the dried blood between your thighs sucked the air out of Steve’s lungs. Now he felt dizzy. Now he felt rage. He could only have guessed, but now he was certain. His eyes stung as he blinked back tears.
“I—I’ll be right back,” he said, turning away from you.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna grab those clothes for you. I’ll be right back. I promise.” He tore out of the bathroom, his tears now falling freely. He was gonna kill him. He was gonna kill that man if it was the last thing he did. He paced the halls debating on grabbing his bat. His blood boiled. Steve didn’t know what to do. He stormed into your room but was quickly reminded of the destruction that already took place. His temper cooled back down. You were his priority. You needed his attention. You needed him. He took a deep breath and collected all of your favorite cozy clothes.
He wiped his tears before knocking. A weak ‘come in’ responded. Steve opened the door. You had already begun draining the tub as you reached for your towel from your seated position. Steve grabbed the towel and pulled you up to your feet. He wrapped you up and did what he could to dry you. Then he helped you into your sweats and socks before guiding you to his room.
“What are we doing?” you asked.
“Well, your bed is kind of indisposed at the moment,” Steve chuckled. “So, you can sleep here for now, ok? I’ll be on the couch if you need me.” The truth was he planned on cleaning your room and putting it back together. He knew it was late, but a fresh start in the morning was sure to allow things to move forward a little easier, right?
“You don’t have to. I can sleep on the couch; it’s fine.”
“Please, I insist.”
“It’s your bed.”
“Well, then, at least stay with me. I want you comfortable. I want you to get some sleep tonight.”
“Are you sure?”
“Only if you are.”
“I think I’d like that, actually.” You tried to smile, but you were much too tired.
“Come on, then.” Steve smiled. He held your hand as he led you to his bed. He pulled the covers back, and you slipped in, Steve following close behind.
The room was dark and silent, two things that again began to trouble you. You stared up at the ceiling, trying to keep your composure. Steve, too, stared up at his ceiling fan, all too conscious of the space between the two of you, hoping you were comfortable, or at least relaxed enough to fall asleep.
“You were right,” you whispered, your lip beginning to quiver.
Steve’s ears perked up. “Huh? What do you mean?” He turned his body to face you, his arm propping up his head.
“You knew he was bad news. I should have listened.”
“No, no. No. You couldn’t have known. I didn’t know. You did nothing wrong. Okay? Look at me. You did nothing wrong.”
You nodded in the dark, the silence continuing to settle around you. You wanted to believe him; you really did. But fragments of memories struck your nerves, all too vivid and all so wrong to be truly convinced.
“Why did this happen to me, Steve?” Your voice broke. Steve pulled you into his chest as you cried for the second time this evening. He stroked your hair as he held you close, failing to keep his own tears at bay.
“I’ve got you, sweet girl. I’ve got you. I’m gonna keep you safe from now on, you got that? You can count on me.”
“Thank you,” you whispered.
The room eventually grew quiet and still, the only sounds the heavy breaths leaving both of you. Steve kept his promise, holding you in his arms and keeping you safe the entire night.
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hi, Good morning... or afternoon or night, whatever your times is. I hope I didn't bothering you by makimg another request. You didn't have to do it if you are busy or uncomfortable with it 🤗😉
Anyway, it was aboit story and headcannons. The reader is twin of Poseidon and married to Hades due Kronos who arranged it. She is very loved by her siblings and Poseidon beloved twin (the only one he respect aside from Hades). Before the marriage between her and Hades though she meet with Beelzebub (Sorry, I requesting him. You must be bored by now, but he is my favorite 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️). They became friends and later lovers (she is immune to his curse and very strong as she is Goddess of Void, Tide, Destiny, Humanity, and Curses). When the marriage announce Beelzebub think it was for the best and try to made reader think he cheat on her by going with Lilith. Or the reader beg to Kronos to reconsider it since she love Beelzebub, thus Kronos made scene of him cheating on her with Lilith. The reader seen this and heartbroke that she end up marrying Hades, no one know the relationship between her and Beelzebub aside from Kronos who died later. When Lilith die, she wanted to comfort Beelzebub but think it would be inappropiate and she also didn't want to hurt Hades.
Hades actually know realtionship between them but held himself from saying anything for he love her so much. At Ragnarok, she was the only one who is neutral when the gods announce feath of humanity because she is goddess of humanity, she do help Valkyrie but when Poseidon died. She grow chaotic, Beelzebub see this and went to meet her in secret. He comfort her, Hades seens this and smile bitterly as he enter the inframary saying to reader that he is going to praticipate. The reader beg him to not going but he still go and went he died, she cried so hard that all her family need to comfort her, their heart break for the one who loved by all. That was breaking point of her live to humanity because when the reader see Beelzebub going to participate, she told him to kill them without mercy. And Beelzebub would do anything for her.
Zeus heard this and ask their relationship to Beelzebub who answer he love her and want her hand in marriage if he win. Poor boy need to work hard because she is very hesistant in letting him in again.
Sorry if it too long. Thank you for reading to this request. And sorry for the grammar. I wish you wonderful days ahead of you and today, author ❤❤❤❤
Yes it's alright! I love to do requests no matter the character💕💕 But bro this story hurts sm I'm gonna stop writing angst for a while after this cus it aches. You are truly a genius for coming up w this plot 😭 💋
Note‼️⚠️ : i know it's normal to marry your siblings or blood relatives in the olden days, but it's a little weird to think about. For those who want to read this but feel uncomfortable about it, just imagine it that the reader was found as a baby by Kronos, and was eaten cus he thought the baby was his. But after zues rescued his siblings, they found you. And they just decided to title you as Poseidon's twin bc you were both close? You can just imagine it however you want, this is just for those who will read this and feel uncomfortable with the blood related romance! Like I said, it is for everyone. Just make it to be what you are comfortable with 😊
Hades + Beelzebub × Poseidon's non biological/biological twin!Reader
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Years ago, you and your siblings were swallowed up by Kronos, who later on threw all of them up and out of his stomach. Being saved by the one and only zues.
But, sadly, it was only you who wasn't thrown up by Kronos, leaving you in his stomach for a while before he threw you up again. Leaving your siblings to watch in horror as you were now in the hands of their terrible father.
War emerged as they all fought with their lives. As well as Poseidon who saved you from the hands of Kronos. Kronos had found you to be his pretty princess of a daughter, and wanted what was best for you. That being, marriage. Which led to him arranging a marriage for you and hades, without any of your consent.
On the final year before you got married to hades, you met a sweet guy who genuinely looked so deep in despair..lost in his own void of darkness. You later learned that he was cursed, and alone, which made you determined to show him care. Taking pity on the poor thing.
He was surprised when he found out you were a Greek god, and was immune to his curse, which crashed onto him like a trainwreck of mixed emotions. He finally found someone who wouldn't die from his curse, and one that was willing to care for him.
Due to that, he started growing feelings from how much you coddled him and cared for him. He was used to being called names, and being an outcast to those around him. But he knew about your soon marriage with hades, which made him guilty for loving you like this. But he couldn't help it, how is he selfish for only wanting something that he never had?
You begged your father to reconsider his arrangement for your marriage to the god of the underworld. Which gave Kronos an idea. A terrible one at that. You were his daughter, he was the one to make the rules. And he was also so confident that he'd win the war against your siblings. So, he did what any loving father would do.
Make Beelzebub cheat of course! Wow he was so smart for that idea. He deserves an Oscar! (I'm being sarcastic. That's actually a terrible idea.)
"listen princess, you will be all good and pretty for your husband. Just do as papa says okay? You don't actually love that ..."Beelzebub" or whatever his name is. Trust papa."
He carefully planned his idea, and then executed it. Making you walk in on Lilith and Beelzebub's kiss. You watched in horror, running away and crying from the heartbreak you just witnessed. Little did you know that Beelzebub was set up just for this exact moment.
All of that resulted in the marriage continuing, just as Kronos had planned. Making you marry hades, who agreed. Hades knew about your relationship with Beelzebub, and your love for him. But he never once brought it up, for he love you too much. He was willing to be with you even after all that.
When Lilith died, you wanted to comfort Beelzebub and offer him your condolences. But you didn't think it was appropriate, and cause you didn't want to hurt hades by rubbing salt in his wound.
When the Ragnarok was set and ready, you were the only one neutral to the idea. But, that was until your beloved brother died in the hands of a swordsman, all because he underestimated the skilled human. Leading to his demise. That's when you shattered, becoming angry, just like the rest of the gods who had witnessed it. Beelzebub saw the fight, and remembered how dearly you loved your brother, and he made his way over to you, crying in rage at your loss. Hades had seen your exchange with Beelzebub, knowing you were heartbroken. Before he approached you, saying that he wanted to avenge his brother, making you cry harder, begging him not to.
"forgive me, (y/n). I just cannot stand here and do nothing when our dear brother got disrespected by a mortal. It is my duty to avenge him. To honor his name."
He didn't listen, ending with him dead. You sobbed your eyes out, unable to eat and sleep. Your heart hurt too much from the death of your loved ones, the ones that you cared so much about. It was ironic to think the goddess of curses, was also cursed.
But Beelzebub was determined to make you happy again, and to make you happy was by defeating the humans.
"beat their asses, beel. Don't show them mercy. Humanity is disgusting."
He stared at you lovingly, before mumbling. "...as you wish."
When he won the fight, he walked out to find you standing there. Staring at him softly and weakly. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?"
"thank goodness...I'm so glad you came back alive.."
Those words were enough to make all his denied feelings crash back onto him. All that love from you that he missed out on, after his infidelity with Lilith before she died. Zues saw this, seeing the relationship between you and Beelzebub made him the next shipper aside from Aphrodite.
"do you love her, Beelzebub?"
"...yes. more than anything. I'd do anything for her, I love her so much and I want to show her just how much I can love her."
With that, zues pushed you to give it a chance. To care for Beelzebub and love him, make up for all that you missed out on. You were going to deny until you saw the look of love in the man's eyes, the poor thing really did want you back and was willing to make you happy again. Making you sigh and reluctantly agree.
--------mini headcanons!!!--------
- he was overjoyed when you finally decided to give it another chance. So now you always find him bringing you bouquets of flowers with a shy little look on his face.
- zues being massive shipper, ignoring the fact that two of his brother's just died(🙄). As long as his sister was happy, it would bring joy to the rest.
- expect multiple dates, he might be shy but he IS willing. He would stutter and sweat so much out of embarrassment, but he has that cute guy rizz.
- he's always so nervous when it comes to dates, but all of that would disappear once you show up in a beautiful outfit. Maybe it really was worth the embarrassment after all.
- imagine this cutie's face when you kissed him. He was a mess, and eventually a tomato after you gave him another one.
- you and him will continue to work through the relationship despite all the hardships. And he's there to comfort you through everything, literally everything. Mans will destroy whatever tried getting in the way.
- cuddles 24/7
- you also got him to wear comfier clothes, and not those vampire looking ones. he wasn't an outcast to you, and you were willing to kill those who'd judge him for something that wasn't even his fault.
- he actually simps so bad, but his face also remains nonchalant cus he's a nonchalant chilli pepper. His face turns into a chili pepper too whenever you show him affection.
- he wants to do everything to make you forget about his infidelity, and instead, focus on your future together. This time, without anything bad happening to you both.
- Give him time, and he will make you feel like the happiest in all of creation.
----------------- end.
Hey!! I hope you enjoyed that!!! @kuroi19-blog. Thank you for this amazing request. It took me quite some time, but I'm happy to have finished it!!
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crowniko · 1 year
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Will of the Heart
Chapter 2
Word Count: 8.7k
Content: Gender neutral Reader, Angst, Injury, Memory loss, swearing, canon-typical violence, trauma, anxiety
Note: Hi!!! I'm sorry that this took me so long! I got writer's block:( but it's here now!:D This is pretty long, just to warn y'all. Maybe grab a snack or something. Also, I promise that it's gonna get really fluffy here soon, okay? Just hang in there, we gotta get through the angst to get to the fluff>:) I'm so excited to write Chapter 3! I hope you all enjoy though, thanks for waiting! -Nico
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After over 20 years of misery and torment, you had the idea that fate wasn’t too kind to you. That you weren’t lucky. 
But surprisingly, that changed. 
As life did.
You let out a sigh, head craned up to look at the motionless blue sky. Rocks and boulders surrounded you as a still heat brushed your skin. Something buzzed ahead of you. 
Your heart raced as a nervous bead of sweat trailed down your neck. You gripped the cane in your hand tighter, feeling the comforting presence of your zanpakuto within. 
Everything was different now. You could laugh, a smile of disbelief twisting your lips. 
After everything that happened for the past 20 years, you now had the audacity to think that you were pretty lucky. 
Insanely lucky, in fact. 
Maybe the universe decided to give you a break. 
You welcomed it. 
Since, a few months ago when you woke up after escaping Hueco Mundo, you weren’t left to face the World of the Living by yourself. After passing out, you thought that you would wake up starved and by yourself. Maybe Aizen would find you and bring you back. Maybe you wouldn’t wake up at all. 
But instead you found yourself in a bed, with two old friends sitting ahead of you. 
They saved you.
Urahara Kisuke and Shihoin Yoruichi.
You couldn’t believe it, but even so they continued to help you without question. 
They couldn’t believe it either, they told you many times. 
So instead of the neverending solitude you thought you were confined to, you were broken free. 
Your physical health was still abysmal, but your spirits were turning around for the better. Connecting with Kisuke and Yoruichi was a dream.
And meeting an unlikely friend.
He was only a human soul– a young one.
Yet he wasn’t immune to the Soul Society’s grasp. 
Just a day after you woke up in Kisuke’s home, Kisuke and Yoruichi left suddenly– only to bring back Kurosaki Ichigo. He was injured from battle, and you learned the overall situation pretty quickly after Tessai brought you up to speed. 
Tessai was also a great surprise to see again. 
He told you about Kuchiki Rukia and how Ichigo became a Substitute Soul Reaper. An odd situation for sure. 
But what caught you by surprise was the fact that the Soul Society brought a Captain and Lieutenant to take care of the human boy. 
It was overkill, barbaric– and smelled of Aizen. 
You didn’t tell Ichigo that though. 
And you could tell that Kisuke and Yoruichi thought the same, but they too, didn’t say anything. Ichigo wouldn’t get it. 
Kurosaki Ichigo did get you though. When Kisuke was training him, you tried to stay out of the way, watching from afar. But you couldn’t help but feel inspired and intrigued by him. So you did something that surprised even yourself. You helped train him with Kisuke.
For the first time in 20 years, fighting was… fun again. It reminded you of why you were a Soul Reaper in the first place. Your Zanpakuto burned in your grasp, a fire sparked again. 
You could live again. You could fight again. 
Even though you and Ichigo didn’t talk too much, you didn’t have to. Training was enough. Sure, he would talk to you about his family and friends during the breaks, but you didn’t talk too much. 
He did teach you about the modern world though.
You snickered at a fond memory.
“That’s an apple? How the hell are you supposed to eat that?” You cocked an eyebrow, leaning down to see the odd device in his hands. 
Ichigo looked taken aback, “What… this is an iphone, an “apple” product. Have you never seen a phone before?” 
You blinked, “I gotta say kid, half of that flew right over my head.” But you hummed as the word “phone” brought back a dusty memory, “The phones I remember are big, have those curly wires, and… well they aren’t that tiny.”
“When was the last time you saw a phone?”
“The 1970s.”
“Well that explains a lot.”
After that, Ichigo showed you the wonders of technology. Who knew that a tiny little brick could hold so much? It wasn’t at all the phones you remembered. Sure, they could still place calls, but there was music too. 
Even now, you stood with headphones around your neck and a wire connecting to a phone in your backpocket. You were exploring the different genres. Everything was amazing. 
The World of the Living changed for the better. 
The music brought a sense of calm into you… but a bittersweet taste in your mouth. 
Your head fell, glaring at the rocky ground as your mind ran amok. 
What music did Shinji listen to now? Maybe you were listening to music constantly just to… feel connected to him. 
You could barely bring yourself to listen to jazz, all it did was bring tears down your face. It brought you back to the nights where you and Shinji would sit on a random rooftop with the sound of jazz below. He always thought that some of the best jazz shows were best experienced above, on the roof, so that you could watch the stars  (and not pay the money to get in, since the Vizards were broke for awhile)
He would sit close, his shoulder brushing yours. His shorter hair fell to his shoulders, but his bangs still hung above his eyes. He was always pretty, but you didn’t say that. 
“We otta’ dance.” He would break the silence, smiling over his shoulder as he stood up. 
“I don’t feel like breaking my neck tonight by falling off the roof, Shinji.” You said, teasing.
“Oh please,” He rolled his eyes, suddenly grabbing your hand and tugging you up against his chest. Your eyes widened as you met his gaze. His eyes softened against yours, “You know I’d catch ya.”
You closed your eyes, shutting off the memory as your heart twisted. Your knuckles turned white as you lifted your head, staring at two adjacent pillars ahead. For the past months, you were building yourself back up so that you could see Shinji again. 
A month ago Yoruichi approached you, and asked if you wanted to see them. She wasn’t one to hold her tongue, and that day you flinched at her question. You wanted to see them all, the Vizards, but at that moment you couldn’t. 
You were still a mess back then, healing and trying to learn how to live again. So you shook your head, not wanting to know anything, because you knew that the moment you knew their location, you would take off in a heartbeat. 
But now? You breathed in the warm air and shook off any nerves. You stood strong as someone flashed nearby. Kisuke stood atop one of the pillars. 
“Thanks for waiting,” He mumbled, “Got everything ready, how about you?” His eyes peered at you below his hat, “You sure you’re ready for this? To see them all again?”
You met his gaze and nodded, no hesitation. You didn’t have the time for that anymore. You were ready for what laid ahead, and you were ready to move forward.
“I am.”
He smiled, and turned his focus to the pillars. Kisuke brought his hands together and spoke the incantation needed, and seconds later the buzzing ahead of you sparked as a portal cut through the sky in Kisuke’s basement. 
“Good luck.”
You nodded once more before flashing into the portal.
You were taking life by the reins now. 
You would bring the change that needed to come.
The Soul Society was just as bright as always, you thought as you pulled your hood up to shield your eyes.
It was also really big too, and you were still getting lost after centuries of your life being spent there.
But your skin prickled as waves of spiritual pressure crashed through the air. Different souls were fighting all over the Gotei 13, and many were familiar. 
A few almost choked you up as the familiarity was almost too much. 
Even so, you flashed up onto the next roof, running atop the many walls within the maze that is the Gotei 13. Soon you were under the shadow of Sokyoku Hill. The air twisted as the battle ahead brought dozens of powerful souls into one place.
The Sokyoku.
You grinned, truly you were going in head first back into the fray. 
But maybe that was for the best. 
Giving your legs a quick stretch as you squatted down, you closed your eyes, focusing on where you wanted to go. Picturing the Sokyoku, you suddenly flashed up leaving a cloud of dust whirling around you. The air ripped around you as the pressure grew tighter. You shot out of the shadow and looked at the situation ahead of you. 
Menos Grande clouded the skies above as they sent down three beacons of light, which surrounded Aizen, Gin, and Tosen. They were nearly at the Garganta above. 
“Goodbye, Soul Reapers.” Aizen said, looking at Ichigo, who laid on the ground, “And goodbye, Ryoka Boy. For a human, you were quite amusing.” Just as the Garganta began to close, his eyes fell on you. His gaze darkened with a venomous glare, and not a second later, the Garganta closed.
You glared up at the now blue sky, feeling chills rake across your skin. Memories ran through your mind at the sight of Aizen. Memories of when… when you considered the man your friend. Memories of when he betrayed you. Memories of when he tortured you. 
But you smiled. He had no power over you now. Previously you thought that seeing him again would break you, and yet, here you were. 
Aizen was the least of your concerns now. You had a reason to be here, a reason to reunite with those who once abandoned you, and a reason to help your new allies. 
You averted your gaze and found Ichigo. He was still laying on the ground. Only seconds had passed since Aizen left, and Ichigo looked to be a mess, so you flashed over to him and gave him a smile.
“Ichigo, long time no see.” A presence flashed next to you as you stopped walking. A captain charged her hand at you, a pointed claw aiming for your heart. You caught it in time, cocking your eyebrow.
“Soi Fon!” Yoruichi shouted, “Stop!”
With your free hand, you took your hood off, “Sad to think that I’m an intruder here now.”
You gripped her hand tightly and shoved her back, her eyes widening. You looked back towards Ichigo and shoved your hands in your pockets. “I see that you attained Bankai, Ichigo. You just keep surprising me, kid.”
He stared up at you, but smiled, “I should say the same thing to you… you did just shove a Captain.” 
“Not my first time,” You shrugged, looking back to see the other Captains looking at you. You could feel the questions burning on your tongue. Some were new, but many were familiar. “Listen kid, you did a good job. I gotta deal with some things now, but I just wanted to check in.” You looked over to Orihime, who seemed to be okay, “You’re in good hands.”
You turned around and started to walk towards Head Captain Yamamoto, Captain Jushiro, and Captain Kyoraku. Your skin burned as Kyoraku stared you down as if he’d seen a ghost. It was hard to keep your cool during that moment, since Kyoraku was a dear friend and mentor to you in the past. But that had to wait. The air stilled as you stood ahead of them, their hands on the hilts of their zanpakutos’. You mirrored them, expression guarded. 
The Head Captain cut to the chase, “Are you an enemy as well?”
An almost cynical smile lifted your lips as you cocked an eyebrow, “I guess I have to paint everything out to you all. It’s why I came here though.” You sighed, your smile bleeding away, “After the betrayal of Aizen, Gin, and Tosen, you all should be thinking about the reports they’ve made, the missions they’ve gone on and interactions they’ve had with Central 46. Think about whether or not their work is now legitimate. That’s including the work that all three of them did over 100 years ago when they declared that myself and my friends were traitors to the Soul Society— as we’ve just seen, it’s quite the opposite. Unlike those traitors, I’m here to help Ichigo who just saved the Soul Society, and if you accept this, then I can help you too.” 
The Head Captain never broke your gaze, but you saw as his hand fell from his hilt. He nodded. “I see. There’s still much explaining that needs to be done.” His voice raised as he suddenly addressed those around, “All available Captains that aren’t injured or aiding with the injured, report to a Captain’s Meeting in 10 minutes.” 
Your eyes widened, but you remained composed. The beating in your chest almost made you dizzy, but this was good. Looking back, Yoruichi gave you a nod before flash stepping away. You joined her and the others until you all stood at Squad 1. 
The large doors were already open, and the Head Captain was already walking towards his chair. Yoruichi leaned against a far wall, her glare pinning down the other Captains present. 
Captain Kyoraku, Ukitake, and the one named Soifon were there. It was quite empty. 
But it was enough. 
Yoruichi’s presence seemed to calm you as your shoulders relaxed. You walked towards the center of the line and crossed your arms. After everything, the Captain’s Meetings that used to be intimidating, were now a piece of cake. 
So you whistled, “Looks like those Ryoka did a number on y’all.” You couldn't help it. 
“Get on with it.” The Head Captain said.
So you did.
You explained everything. You started at the beginning and explained the night from over 100 years ago. How Aizen experimented with Hollowfication and made Kisuke take the downfall for it, even though it was Kisuke who saved you all that night.
However, you spared them the details of the past 100 years. You didn’t explain what the Head Captain didn’t need to hear. So you skipped ahead to the important information: Aizen’s army. 
Weeks ago you decided to return to the Soul Society for this exact reason, to give the Soul Reapers the strongest weapon that could help them win this war: information. Knowledge is power. So you told them everything about Aizen’s Army in Los Noches. They needed to know about the Arrancars, their rankings, and the extent of their powers. However you didn’t specify the individual Espada’s and their numbers, since their rankings change often. It was guaranteed that the Espada you remembered from a year ago were quite different now. So in order to lessen future confusion, you only warned the Captains about the Espada. 
“Don’t even bother sending an Officer to deal with an Espada, or even a Numeros. Anyone less than a Captain, Lieutenant, or a highly ranked Seated Officer will die.” 
The meeting went on for over an hour as the Captains asked you questions about the Kingdom, Los Noches, and Aizen himself. You were able to answer most of them, you were even able to give them an accurate layout of Los Noches. 
But there was one question that made you fall silent.
“How do you know all of this?” It was Soifon. She looked confused, and you understood. You were waiting for this question. 
You opened your mouth, trying to figure out how to explain. How could you? Your eyes flickered over to Yoruichi. She raised her chin, her face impenetrable. But it sparked a fire in you. She remained strong, so would you. 
“I’ll keep it short, but I do owe you all an explanation, since I understand that me knowing this might look suspicious.” Looking at the Head Captain you explained, “Aizen kidnapped me from the others over 20 years ago, wiped me of my memories, and kept me in his Kingdom. It’s why I know so much. I was there, among their ranks, walking in the corridors. At least it’s paying off now because I can give this information to you all. So don’t waste it. Use it. Going into this war on strength alone will get you all killed, and Aizen will succeed. Knowledge will be your greatest weapon.” The Head Captain nodded, but looking at the other Captains, you could see the questions behind their eyes, so you added quickly, “A year ago I regained my memories and escaped. I’m here now to help. Not even for a second was I ever on his side. Never.” A reaping glare painted your face as venom pooled in your mouth, “I promise I’m going to do whatever it takes to stop him.”
The meeting ended shortly thereafter, and the Captains all went their own ways. Dealing with the aftermath after the battle in the Soul Society was their current priority, so you let them be. Even Yoruichi had to leave to take care of her own matters. 
You served your purpose though.
Now it was up to them, but that was for the near future. Now, walking around the many corridors of the Gotei-13, everything was a mess. Rubble littered the streets, and buildings crumbled on the ground. You grinned. 
The human kids kept surprising you. 
There was one place, however, that wasn’t touched, and it didn’t surprise you. Afterall, Aizen plans for everything.
With the sun sinking below the horizon, your face was painted in a golden light as you stared at the Squad 5 barracks. Your heart twisted. After walking with no place in mind for over an hour, you ended up taking the same route you always used to take back home. The same route from over 100 years ago, it was muscle memory. So it shouldn’t come as a shock that you now walked along the Squad 5 corridors. The walls, the floors, everything brought you back to the endless chasm of your memories. 
You shoved your hands in your pockets, looking around at the place with a frown. Even though it wasn’t harmed from the battle, it still looked different. Aizen. It always came back to him. Knowing him, he probably planned the whole battle ahead of time, and made sure that his Squad would be spared. Afterall, he was already so busy with his plans of deception that he had no time to deal with a Ryoka. You bit your cheek, trying to remove him from your mind. 
It was hard to though, because everywhere you looked you saw him. You saw the way he changed the Squad 5 barracks. How he removed the art from the walls, and changed the management. Your eyes followed the young Soul Reapers who ran with their Seated Officer. They were thin, each carrying a book of Kido on their belts. 
Passing by the training grounds, your stomach dropped as you saw the lines of targets and dummies spread about the stage. It was different. You could already see why. 
Back when Aizen was a Lieutenant, you remembered how he spoke to Shinji about changing the Training grounds to focus on Kido instead of sparring sessions. You disagreed. You thought that there should be a good balance between Kido skills and physical strength. When you were a 5th Seat, you trained your squad in physical spars, focusing on hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. Sure, Kido was also something you found important and excelled at too. But if an opponent could easily evade and slip by your Kido, then you needed to be able to protect yourself. So you focused on both. It was something you and Aizen would bicker about for hours on end. Shinji never cared for Aizen’s opinion though, so nothing happened. 
At least, not until Aizen betrayed you both. 
You let out a breath, trying to calm down. A repeated thump echoed in your ears as you heard your heart race. Your footsteps grew quicker as you walked down the hallway, trying to get away from the memory. 
Yet you walked right into another one. 
A deeply painful one. 
Your eyes widened as your heart nearly stopped as you walked in front of the Captain’s Barracks. 
The old one, you should say. 
Shinji’s old Barracks. 
Your hand clenched your chest as you stared at the large white doors, now closed off with a tiny sign on it that said “Storage”. 
Of course Aizen made Shinji’s old room Storage, the ungrateful prick. 
Slowly walking forward, you sucked in a breath when you realized the old railing was gone. The deck was open, facing the green yard that looked the same as before. Your eyes burned. 
You came to a stop, letting out a long breath. Closing your eyes, you calmed yourself. Walking forward, you slowly let yourself sit down, legs dangling off the deck. Your head fell. 
It was this spot, you thought, this exact spot that you and Shinji would sit at. He would sometimes sit atop the railing, his long hair draping down. Sometimes you would join him. 
Most times you two would sit on the deck, legs poking out the railing as your heads leaned against the bars. His hair would pool on the floor, and you would laugh whenever someone got close to walking on it. He would yelp as you cried with laughter. He was a mess. 
He truly was. 
It was why, for the first 70 years of you being his 5th Seat, that you didn’t get along. 
Not at all. 
But that all changed when you were sent on a mission. 
Your hands balled into fists at the thought of it. That mission… 
“Thought I would find you here.” You jumped as someone sat down beside you, your head twisting to your left only to find Kyoraku Shunsui smiling at you. “Long time no see.” 
You smiled, “I know, an hour is quite a while.”
“You know what I mean.” He laughed, but his smile fell as his eyes grew serious, “110 years.” He shook his head, your name falling from his lips, “I couldn’t believe it, still can’t.”
Your lips tightened into a straight line, your chest aching, “I know.” A palpable silence fell between you two. You both looked forward to the grass, the sky above now dark. Clouds blanketed the sky. Yet you felt warm with his eyes on your face. 
“Nanao, my Lieutenant, won’t be happy with me, but I had to find you. I couldn’t just see you leave again without saying anything.” Your eyes widened. 
“How did you know I’m leaving again?”
He smiled, “I know you. It’s why I knew to come here, you’re going back to him, right?” 
Your eyes fell to your lap, “I have to find him first.”
Kyoraku raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean? I thought you would’ve stuck together.” 
You looked at him, frowning, “We did. For decades we stuck together, learning how to control our hollows together, but 20 years ago was the last time I saw them.”
“When Aizen…” 
“Then,” Kyoraku mumbled, “Why isn’t Kisuke with them?”
Your eyes screwed up in thought, “I don’t know. Kisuke would sometimes go off somewhere else during our travels, since we could never stay at one place for too long. But this time is different.” Since it was just the two of you, you let your guard down and explained more, “When I got back into the World of the Living a few months ago, Kisuke and Yoruichi found me. It was just them, and Tessai-”
“-Tessai! I hope he’s doing okay.” 
You smiled, “He is! But the others weren’t there. Yoruichi offered to tell me where they were, so it seems like they’re still in contact, but I declined.”
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to find the right words, “I wasn’t ready. When I didn’t have my memories, it was like… I was a different person. Getting them back, I had to acquaint myself with… myself? Combining those two individuals, those two worlds, it took time.” You looked at the palm of your hand, stretching your fingers, “I was angry, confused, and… lost. Meeting Ichigo and his friends honestly helped a lot. Seeing someone outside of that darkness helped me see the light again. He reminded me of myself, and finally I feel like me again. And I feel ready to see the others.”
Kyoraku was silent, his gaze falling to the grass. His eyes darkened with a glare, “For years I couldn’t accept the fact that you were a part of that incident. That you and my Lieutenant, and my friends, were experimenting with hollowfication. I couldn’t.” He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath, “And I can’t believe that the one responsible for all of this was Aizen this whole time. That bastard.” 
You hummed with a nod, “Yeah, we couldn’t either.”
Kyoraku shook his head, “To think that he had you trapped for 20 years too… I’m glad you’re back now. Even if it’s just for a little while.”
You gave him a smile, “I’m not going away forever. I’m not even going away for a century again. I’m fighting alongside you guys in this battle, so you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon.” 
He smiled, “Good, I know we’ll need your strength. I’m sure you’re 10 times as strong as you were when I first found you… how long ago was that now?”
You let out a sigh, thinking back with a smile, “I think over 300 years ago? I can’t believe it. You know, I’m so happy that I met you all those years ago. When I was lost in Hueco Mundo, before Aizen took me, I thought a lot about what I would say to everyone. Including you.” You swallowed a lump in your throat as you said, “If I hadn’t met you, I never would’ve become a Soul Reaper. I never would’ve met all of the amazing people in my life right now. I never would’ve… I never would’ve met Shinji– and the others.” You smiled, “I learned so much from you, and I’m so happy that you were my first Captain. Thank you for sticking with me, Kyoraku.”
Looking over to him, your eyes widened when you saw his eyes glossed over. Your mouth opened as you were about to apologize, but only a gasp left your throat as he pulled you into a big hug. His arms wrapped tightly around you. 
He mumbled, “Makin’ me cry, you’re something else.” 
You were shocked, so you did what you usually do when you were shocked or nervous, you joked, “I’m amazing, that’s what.” 
He laughed, pulling back from the hug with a smile, “You know, all of those years ago when I sent you over to Squad 5, I was nervous, but I shouldn’t have been. I’m happy you and Shinji became close, you even sound like him.” 
Your face grew warm, but you couldn’t help but ask, “What were you nervous about?”
He cocked an eyebrow, looking at you as if you were dumb, “You two hated each other! For years! Decades! I thought I screwed up, but then that changed and boy I was relieved. In fact, you two got started to get along so well that… well I’m shocked that you haven’t found him already.” 
“I…” You were left speechless. Your face flushed over as you stumbled over your words. “I never hated him. He was just– frustrating.”
Kyoraku must’ve decided to punish you more, because he pushed your shoulder lightly as he teased, “I mean, you two at the Soul Ball? Come on.”
“Ah!” You glared at him, “You come on!” You felt on fire as you turned away, biting your cheek. “We’re best friends.” You said, but for whatever reason, you felt pretty stupid. Your heart raced as you thought of him, and you knew deep down that what you had just said was a lie. 
Shinji was so much more than that. 
Your smile fell. He was so much more, and yet you haven't seen him in over 20 years. You forgot him. You couldn’t say what his life was like right now, you couldn’t say what his feelings were, and you had no right assuming things would be like they were decades ago. 
Time had passed. 
So you ignored the burning ache in your heart and said, “We’re best friends, and I’m going to find him and the others again.”
Kyoraku sighed, but still smiled, “I know you will. Just remember to pay me a visit, okay?” 
“Okay.” You smiled back. 
Once again, you were standing before two grand pillars, waiting for the door ahead of you to be opened. Your mind was running amok as usual. You were thinking about Kyoraku and the conversation you just had just a few hours ago. He had walked you over to the Senkaimon before saying goodbye. The sky was pitch black with the darkened clouds, but you knew that morning was just around the corner. The others would be waking up soon, and would realize you left early. Ichigo wouldn’t be happy, but you couldn’t wait around. 
Especially after that talk. 
All you could think about was how Kyoraku thought you hated Shinji in the beginning. 
You didn’t. 
He was frustrating. 
That’s what you thought almost 200 years ago when you first joined his Squad. 
When you first met him, Shinji had long hair that fell well below his shoulders. He had a constant frown that showed his large teeth, yet a face that was almost unreadable. Maybe that’s what irked you in the first place, the fact that you couldn’t predict him. 
Everything that you thought he would do, he would do the opposite. With a smile he’d say something so rude that you were rendered speechless, yet in the same day, he would frown and look away, looking like he wanted to kill someone, but instead you would be left speechless again as he’d say the nicest words. 
You couldn’t read him. 
And that really bothered you, especially during one of your first missions with him. 
Shinji, Aizen, and several others in your Squad were sent on a mission to escort an important figure to their home after a meeting in the Gotei-13. It was supposed to be a simple mission, one that you were used to, especially since you used to be a guard before a Soul Reaper. 
However, you should’ve expected the opposite. 
A large hollow appeared, strong enough to take out several officers. Immediately you jumped into action. Flash stepping forward, you unsheathed your Zanpakuto and aimed it towards the Hollow’s mask. Yet the air was ripped out of your lungs as an arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you back. You gasped, looking back only to see blonde hair falling around you. You were met with Shinji’s frown, his arm letting go of you. 
“Arentcha’ a fast one? Nearly sliced my hair tryin’ t’catch ya.” He brought his hair back behind his shoulders, “Don’t ya worry about that. Sosuke will handle it. You just look over your Officers, my fast 5th Seat.” He grinned at you before walking back towards Aizen, jutting his thumb back towards the Hollow. That next second, Aizen killed it. 
You didn’t understand. 
Maybe it was your previous Squad, or maybe it was before that from when you were a guard. But you were always under the idea that those of a higher rank let their subordinates do the work. That you would handle everything before they so much as touch their sword. 
When you became Lisa’s assistant in Squad 8, you always did everything. She didn’t care too much about it, but she never said otherwise. 
But this? 
This was different. 
The thought of it all unfolding in front of you, and you just standing there– watching. Your mouth curled into a frown. You didn’t like it. You felt useless. Why didn’t he tell you beforehand? Questions ran through your head, and that night you found yourself in his barracks, ready to voice your concerns. 
“Captain, I was more than capable of handling the situation, you didn’t have to send Lieutenant Aizen.” 
Shinji looked up at you from his paperwork, frowning. He stood up with a sigh, looking as if he could hardly care about anything. It pissed you off. 
“I haven’t seen ya’ fight yet, I don’t know that.” He was blunt. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you glared at him. 
“I can promise you that I’m strong enough to defeat a hollow like that. If you don’t believe in me, then why did you accept me as your 5th Seat?” You said, your heart hammering in your chest as he looked at you, indifferent. He tilted his head slightly, a long strand of his hair falling from his shoulder and swaying against his chest. 
“Because I believe in Captain Kyoraku.” He stepped closer to you, placing his hand on his desk right beside you, “And let’s say thatcha’ do fight that Hollow. Ya’ have your officers t’look after, can’t have ya all tired after a fight. Aizen just has himself to look after. It would’ve been more of a burden on ya to defeat that thing, so I let Aizen handle it. That’s all.”
Your mouth opened as you tried to find something to say. Anything. Your chest burned with anger as his eyes looked down into yours. It was unnerving. He was looking after you? What the hell. 
You didn’t understand him. 
“It would’ve been a burden? I would’ve been fine. You don’t have to worry about that.” You said, furrowing your eyebrows in frustration. 
Shinji sighed again and leaned down closer, “I’m your Captain. I’ll decide who I worry about. Got that?” 
You left that night confused and angry. It was like that for years, but it slowly bled into annoyance rather than anger. Shinji mirrored you. There were missions where you would go out of your way to help your team, and Shinji would get on your case. Your Officers even joked about how there was never a moment where the two of you weren’t at odds. 
“I told ya to let Squad 10 handle it!” Shinji once snapped, throwing his report of the mission on his desk as he stood up, “Look at ya!” You glared at him, sitting in the desk across his desk, bandaged with your arm in a cast. 
“I’m fine!” You tried to get up to prove your point but cringed in pain and fell back into the chair with a huff. “Just ignore that!”
Shinji glared at you, “Ya really aren’t making this easy, arentcha’?” 
You scoffed, “As if you are.”
That was just one incident. There were many. Many arguments. Many weeks when the two of you wouldn’t talk. Times where Shinji would call you into his office begrudgingly only for the two of you to bicker the whole time. 
“Enough.” Aizen once interrupted, “Captain, this is getting old.”
“Like him.” You snickered. 
Shinji glared at you, “We’re the same age, idiot.”
“Oh please.” You scoffed, looking at Aizen, “See what I have to deal with? I’m sure you get it”
“I’m right here.”
“He can be testy.” Aizen nodded, “But we’re here to talk about the report.”
“I put it on your desk yesterday.” You said.
“Oh!” Aizen brightened up, “Thank you Officer.” Shinji was sitting at his desk across from you, still grumbling to himself about being testy, when Aizen kicked his chair. Shinji looked at Aizen before letting out a sigh. 
“Thank you.” 
“Oh wow!” You clapped your hands together, “Did I hear that right? Was that a thank you?” 
“Don’tcha get used to it. You're dismissed.” Shinji waved you away while you laughed, nearly skipping out of the room. 
Most of your fights were harmless though. There was just always… something. A tension whenever you walked into the room. For many decades, he was just your pesky Captain. That was it. 
But around 70 years in, the two of you had your first full blown fight that left the both in a fit of anger. True anger. Not just annoyance. 
It was all because of that mission. 
The mission that you, Shinji, Captain of Squad 12 Urahara Kisuke, and Lieutenant of Squad 12 Sarugaki Hiyori, were assigned to. 
But it was that fight that changed everything. 
Because you nearly died right after it. 
The Senkaimon was opened as you dwelled in your own thoughts, and just as soon as it opened, you shot forward and walked towards the World of the Living. Kyoraku’s words were stuck in your head. They made you think about the past, and how so much changed.
How you and Shinji became best friends. 
How the two of you became Vizards together. 
How you were separated before you could say anything about your new feelings. 
And how you now needed to find him.
So you shot forward until you saw a bright light. You felt a warm air brush your face as you fell down, the city lights dotting your vision. They grew closer as you let yourself fall into Karakuta town. Landing on top of a building, you centered yourself and looked ahead. 
Flash stepping immediately, you headed towards Kisuke’s candy shack. In your agreement to go to the Soul Society, you told him that you would come back early, so that he would know everything that happened before everyone came back. 
But he probably already knew, since he was just like Aizen. Always guessing everything beforehand. 
Kisuke wasn’t shocked when you told him everything that happened. The two of you sat in his room, sipping some tea as Tessai leaned against the wall listening. 
Kisuke was actually pleased. Though he did look worried when you told him about Aizen and Ichigo. How Aizen got the Hogyoku and how he told Ichigo about Kisuke. You were a bit ticked off about that too, honestly, but you always gave Kisuke a chance to explain himself. Because for his crazy actions, he usually had a good reason behind them. 
You were used to his antics. 
He explained himself, but you didn’t want him to explain himself to you– no, he needed to explain that to Rukia. You knew that he would though. 
Ichigo told him the same thing. Days had passed, and once Ichigo finally returned, he told Kisuke the same thing when Kisuke tried to apologize. You smiled. You had a few hundred years under your belt, but the kid only had 15 and yet was a wise dude. 
You were happy to support him in the upcoming war, because he truly didn’t need to fight in it, yet he was roped in like the rest of you. 
You felt bad. He was just a kid. He didn’t deserve to have his whole life uprooted because of Aizen and the Soul Society. He was alive. He deserved to live and be a kid. Along with his friends. They all deserved that. 
But life was taking Ichigo down a different path. One that concerned you. 
Just a few days after Ichigo’s arrival, and just a few days into your search for Shinji and the others, you dropped everything once you felt a new change in Ichigo’s spiritual pressure. 
Ichigo’s hollow. 
It struck you in the heart like poison. You felt it across town, its strength. Its anger. Chills raked down your spine as you immediately flash stepped in his direction. You felt it before, way before Ichigo even went to the Soul Society. You could feel something deep down, something sinister. It reminded you of your own hollow. 
But now?
You knew this feeling. It was out of control. 
So in the middle of the night in Karakuta, you ran along the streets towards Ichigo. Something akin to fear gripped your soul as the feeling brought you back to your hollowfication. The loss of control. The overwhelming thoughts. The pain. 
He was just a kid. 
You swallowed your fear and ran closer, feeling his energy buzzing through the air. Looking around, you felt it swell as something else clashed with him. 
You were in a dark neighborhood, and Ichigo wasn’t in your sight. Not until you looked up. 
You looked up and saw him. 
Your heart froze. Your mouth fell open as your heart twisted, tears burning in your eyes. Trembling, you cupped your mouth as your knees buckled. 
Ichigo was there, but across from him was someone you didn’t expect nor sense. 
Hirako Shinji.
You were frozen in time. The moon shined against his now short blonde hair. He was smiling. 
That smile. 
Tears flowed down your cheeks as you begged your legs to move. You tried to summon your strength to get up. Just get up! 
But you couldn’t. 
The weight of everything chained you to the ground. You saw as they spoke, his sword sparkling under the moonlight. They were arguing. 
Your ears rang. 
He was thinner. His eyes were darker… Shinji he was– you hadn’t seen him since–
You bit your lip, body trembling as you fell into a memory you tried so hard to repress.
You were on a street like this, in a suburban town in the World of the Living. It was at the height of the day, the summer sun beaming down on your skin. Sweat pooled on your forehead as you smiled. Lisa laughed beside you as the other Vizards walked ahead. 
“I think I might go for it, it couldn’t hurt to get some more money for us.” She scratched her neck, her braid swaying behind her. You nodded along. 
“I think you just wanna shove your nose in magazines without us shouting at you, and get paid for it.” You snickered. 
“Hey!” She pointed a finger at you, “Magazines are really becoming popular right now. Selling them will be a breeze! I won’t be reading… that much.” 
“No judgment here.” You raised your hands in defense, “Those women are pretty, I get it.” You didn’t have a preference when it comes to people, though you found that at that moment you preferred blonde dudes. 
Specifically the blonde up ahead who leaned his head back and smiled at you, “Lisa, dontcha’ go ropin’ them into your addiction.” 
“Shinji! You!--” Lisa was cut off when a massive spiritual pressure appeared. You all froze, skin trembling as something roared in the distance. With no hesitation, most of the Vizards shot towards it. Usually you all ignored hollows because there was always a Soul Reaper nearby– but this was different. You were right behind them, until you felt another pressure. 
It was smaller, but looking back, you saw that it was near the park you all walked by just a few minutes ago. 
A park that had the ghost of a small girl playing in it. 
You spun around and shot towards that pressure, leaving the other hollow to them. You swallowed a tiny pill, and shot out of your Gigai. Grabbing your Zanpakuto, you flashed into the park. Surrounded by trees now, you saw the girl trembling in the center as a skinnier hollow with a bug-like mask and wings towered over her. It had claws like a praying mantis, and one was coming down for the girl’s head. You dashed forward, and blocked it with your Zanpakuto right before it hit her. She screamed. 
“Get back! Run! You’ll be okay!” You panted, shoving the hollow back. It roared in pain as a cut appeared on its arm. But something turned in your gut– something was wrong. Its glowing red eyes burned in hatred at you. 
Opening its mouth, a red beam started to form. Your eyes opened in shock. 
 A cero? At this range? 
Hollows couldn’t produce ceros! Only Menos could! 
You braced yourself in front of the girl as the red beam shot towards you. Closing your eyes, you sucked in a breath. 
Nothing came. 
Your eyes opened, but you were only met with a green robe. Kisuke stood ahead of you, his Zanpakuto released and a red barrier protecting you. 
“Kisuke! How– that doesn’t matter, thank you!” You smiled. 
“Where are the others?” 
“They went towards the other hollow!” You explained, guarding yourself as the hollow roared again. “Why is this hollow able to use a cero?”
“I don’t know.” Kisuke muttered, glaring at the hollow, “It looks like it's been strengthened. That would need outside interference though, from a Soul Reaper.” 
Your stomach dropped at the connotation. You had no time to think about it though, because the hollow flew forward, buzzing with its powerful spiritual pressure. Kisuke blocked its attack as you dashed forward, but suddenly two more arms came from its back and sliced your arm. You gritted your teeth as it flew back. Kisuke rushed forward and cut one of its arms off, you tore your shirt and wrapped your arm before joining in again. You ran forward, Zanpakuto screeching as you were ready to cut off its head. But just as you were, the Hollow opened its mouth and its tongue shot out. It wrapped around Kisuke, moving Kisuke in front of it. Its eyes glimmered, almost pleased. 
You heard Kisuke’s statement from before echoing in your head. Outside interference. Soul Reaper interference. 
Your stomach lurched as you clenched your teeth. You shot forward and slashed the tongue from around Kisuke within a second. Kisuke’s eyes widened as you kicked him out of the way. You didn’t know what was happening, but you knew that this hollow was dangerous. 
And you couldn’t lose Kisuke. 
If what you thought was true, if Aizen was involved, then it would make sense that he would target Kisuke. 
The Vizards couldn’t lose Kisuke. Kisuke had his research and his brilliance. You couldn’t let anything happen to him. 
So you stabbed the hollow in the chest, glaring at it. Its eyes flickered in panic. 
Your eyes widened when something crashed around you, dust whirling in the air. Looking up, you saw a yellow film surrounding you. Your heart froze as you saw a black hole torn in the sky above you. 
It was a Negacion. 
You learned about it in the academy. It was a rare method that Gillians use to retrieve their own and send them to Hueco Mundo. 
It’s impossible to break. 
Your mouth trembled as you slowly looked back down at the hollow, glaring at you. Your body quivered as the realization dawned– you were captured. 
They wanted Kisuke, but got you. 
You heard your name screamed from behind you. Clenching your teeth, you sliced the hollow in half with a frustrated yell. Whipping your head back, you saw Kisuke stare at you, his eyes widened. The ground below you started to rumble as it was pulled from the ground. It was hard to breathe. You looked around the small space, desperate for anything. It was hard to breathe. Your trembling hand came up to your aching chest as the ground started to float up. 
It was hard to breathe. 
“Kisuke!” You screamed in a panic. You heard him muttering something below until suddenly he yelled out a Hado. A brilliant light crashed against the Negacion. Your eyes closed as you braced yourself again, your arms covering your face.
But nothing came again. 
Opening your glossed over eyes, you still saw the yellow film. You felt your throat close as you looked over and saw the ground retreating below you. Kisuke looked up, his eyes widened in a panic as well. 
Tears began to pool in your eyes, until you felt a presence. Many. 
The vizards suddenly flashed around Kisuke, staring up at you. You felt your heart freeze as your eyes met Shinji’s. 
Your hand pressed against the yellow film as you fell to your knees. It burned against your hand, but it didn’t compare at all to the pain of seeing his face. 
Dread. Panic. Fear. 
Shinji screamed your name as he shot up towards you. The Negacion sparked as Shinji tried slashing it. Nothing happened. He banged his fist on it, but he only yelled out in pain. When he finally made it up to you, tears flowed down your face. He was breathing heavily, his eyes darting around as he mumbled your name. You knew that he was trying to figure out how to get you out. 
You knew Shinji. You knew that he would do anything. You learned that a long time ago. That was Shinji. 
He would put himself in front of his Squad as a Captain, and it drove you insane for years since you were so used to the opposite being done. He would do anything for those he cared for. 
And you would do the same thing. 
“Shinji.” You said, trying to calm your breathing, “Look at me.” Shinji was in a daze, still flying up with you as he tried to figure something out. Your heart twisted in a panic, “Look at me!” You yelled. 
Shinji snapped out of it, his eyes finally finding yours. 
“There you are.” You gave him a quivering smile, “Listen to me, I’ll be okay. I’ll find my way back to you all, okay? Just promise me that you’ll stay here. Stay here and stay safe, okay?”
His mouth opened as his eyes glossed over. Your heart twisted painfully as you saw him break, his lip quivering. 
“Shinji, I need to hear you. Please.” You choked out. 
He blinked, a tear rolling down his cheek as he brought a hand up. He placed it against the Negacion, where your hand was. “I promise.” He whispered. 
The Negacion sparked between your hands, and a blast sent Shinji flying back. 
“Shinji!” You screamed. He fell back, to where the others were, but got back up right away to look up at you. You saw the others also looking up. Their faces were hardly recognizable now as you flew into the sky. You didn’t look up. You didn’t know how much time you had. Heart racing, you yelled out, “I promise I’ll find you all again!”
Then it all went dark. 
Now you kneeled in the darkness of the night, a flickering lamp post bringing you back to your senses. You were panting, sweat dripping down your face. You felt like you were going to be sick. 
You swallowed your emotions and looked up again to see Shinji alone now, talking on his phone. He looked different from 20 years ago, his hair was shorter, and he was leaner. 
But he was still– he was still Shinji. He was beautiful against the moonlight, and his smile captured your soul again. 
You could only stare, frozen against time, as Shinji started to move away from you once again. Just like before, you couldn’t do anything but watch his retreating figure. 
You wanted to move, to run after him, to do anything! 
“Pathetic.” You heard a familiar voice murmur in your ear. Your hollow glared down at you, “Chaining yourself again?”
You bit your lip, glaring back up at them, “Fuck off.” 
Yet another voice entered your mind, a deeper one from years ago. Your Zanpakuto. They repeated something they once said to you, “Can you become strong enough to break the chains binding you?”
This question rang in your mind as you glared at your hollow. You bit your cheek, the taste of iron pooling in your mouth, as you stood up. Your hollow’s smile fell as it faded away. 
“Fine then.” It muttered before retreating back into your mind. You were left alone again, on the street with nobody in sight. 
Shinji was gone. 
But you smiled. 
With the moon shining against your face you walked forward. Shinji was alive. You saw him, and that was enough to light that fire in you again. 
Because you knew that come tomorrow, you would face him with nothing holding you back. 
You have a promise to keep afterall. 
Author's note: I know I know! lots of angst! and i've possibly added in some enemies to friends to lovers>:) also sorry if the later part of the chapter is a bit off or something, i'm pretty tired so I'll look at it in the morning to see if I missed any mistakes:) thanks for reading! <333
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veeisgayasf · 2 years
Hello my love! I thought of this prompt a while ago and I thought you take on it would be an amazing read! I was wondering, could I request larissa x fem teacher fic? Reader has been flirting with Larissa for a little while, but poor trust issued baby Larissa thought she was just being friendly or didn't mean it ao she brushed it off. A little while later, Reader and thornhill are set to go on a date, but Weems quickly learns of Thornhill actually being Laurel Gates and rescues reader from being almost drugged/ unalived. They go back to Larissa's office and reader is like "I didn't even wanna go on a date with her, I wanted to go with you." Lots of angst and a happy kiss/ ending. I'm so sorry if this is way too long!!
I Thought You Would Never Ask Larissa x fem!teacher!reader
Word Count: 2350
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Larissa was going over several lesson plans that teachers had submitted for next semester when you walked into her office. “Good evening, gorgeous.” You said flirtatiously as you entered the spacious room. 
Larissa stayed seated and looked up, humming. “Good evening to you too, Miss Y/L/N. Can I help you with anything?” She said, once again looking down at the stack of papers on her desk, shuffling them around.
 You stood there in silence, already knowing the answer to your next question. Larissa let her eyes meet yours, a questioning look on her face.
“I just came in to see your beautiful face and to see if you would like to accompany me to the Weathervane for some hot chocolate?” 'You asked, a sickly sweetness to your voice. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to at this moment, Miss Y/L/N, but thank you for the invitation.” Larissa replied, oblivious of your intentions. You knew there was a pained look on your face, but you tried to smile anyway.
You had been flirting with Larissa, to no avail, for quite some time. The statuesque woman seemed infuriatingly immune to your advances. You lost count of how many times you had invited her to go with you to Jericho, just to get a little bit of alone time with the stunning woman. Tonight was no different. You finally decided, after getting shot down once again, to give up and try to move on.
Nodding, you bid her goodnight and left the office. Larissa stared curiously after you. She had picked up on the numerous pet names you called her. Sighing, Larissa leaned back into the chair, closing her eyes. There’s not even a chance this woman is flirting with you, get it together Weems… Besides, you don’t even know if she swings that way. She thought to herself. The last person that “flirted” with her ended up just leading her on and breaking her heart. Nope, it’s just in your head. She thought before getting back to the work in front of her.
Little did either of you know that Marilyn Thornhill stood a little ways down the hall, eavesdropping in on the whole conversation that ensued. The professor had intended on paying Larissa a visit after they had gotten into an argument earlier on in the day over the validity of her name. When she showed up, she heard your failed attempt at asking Miss Weems on a date. She quietly stood a couple doors down, waiting on you to leave. Once you did, she saw the look of defeat on your face and a lightbulb went off in her head. She ditched her original idea of ambushing the headmistress, and began hatching another plan. 
A few weeks have passed since you decided to stop trying with Larissa, only seeing her when necessary or in passing. You thought keeping your distance would help the feelings subside, but in reality it just made you miss her more, which is why your heart was racing as you made your way to the faculty meeting. Several teachers filed in, chattering amongst each other.
You found an empty chair  near the back and quickly took a seat. Larissa was at the front of the room standing at a podium. You both made eye contact for a brief moment.
“Are you saving this seat for anyone?” You heard a voice ask, making you break eye contact with the headmistress. Looking up, you saw Professor Marilyn Thornhill pointing to the chair next to you. “No ma’am, it’s all yours.” You said with a sheepish grin. The red-head tucked her bag under the chair, and sat down, smoothing out the dress she was wearing.
 “Oh goodness!” She exclaimed, looking around. “I didn’t realize the ENTIRE faculty was going to be here!” The woman laughed nervously, which made you smile. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty packed. I’m just thankful I got here early enough to find a seat in the back.” You said. Usually you tried to sit as close to the front as possible, but it was already hard enough being in the same room as Larissa.
 You let your eyes wander up to the woman, once more. To your surprise, she was staring directly at you, only looking away when she realized you saw her.
The meeting started with Larissa going over the events of the Rav’n. After that, you practically zoned out during the rest of the meeting. Organized faculty meetings never failed to bore you to death, even with a gorgeous woman as the speaker.
“If there are no other questions, I have nothing further to add. Thank you all for your time.” Larissa said, pulling you out of your daze. As soon as she said this, the room was once more a bustle of teachers and staff walking to exit the room.
 You decided to stay seated for a few minutes longer, waiting for the room to clear out. Marilyn reached under her seat and grabbed her belongings. She stood up and smiled at you. “Well thank you for letting me steal this seat.” She winked at you, making you giggle. “Of course. You’re a very polite thief.” You replied, making her blush. 
You finally decided that the room was cleared out enough to leave. You stood up, turning for a few seconds to see Larissa a few rows in front of you. Bags in hand, she gave you a small smile that made your stomach do somersaults. You had no earthly idea how you were supposed to get over this woman when she had this effect on you.
“Um, Y/N?” Marilyn quietly questioned. “Mhmm?” You hummed, still mesmerized by the tall blonde in front of you. “I was curious, would you like to go on a picnic date with me? Maybe you could stop by my classroom tomorrow?” She said, blush painting her cheeks.
 The question caught you by surprise. “Oh, um, yeah! That would be awesome!” You responded, a little more enthusiastically than you intended. 
Larissa heard the question and your response which made her stomach drop. A feeling of protectiveness took over. She knew you had no idea of Marilyn's true identity. She was going to expose her soon enough.
There was another unfamiliar feeling that crept up. Jealousy. She had no right to feel jealous, but she couldn’t help it. (She finally got her answer; you did swing “that way”.)  It was the fact that you said yes to a date. A date that wasn’t with her. She knew it was selfish, but it didn’t stop her from walking closer to where you stood.
“Wonderful!” The professor clapped her hands together. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow for our lunch-date?” She stood there waiting for you to answer. 
“Date, yes. Picnic tomorrow. In your classroom.” Your words came out all choppy. You were trying to be polite, but Larissa was making it hard for you to even function with the fire she had in her eyes right now. You couldn’t handle it. 
Turning towards the door, you said a quick goodbye to Marilyn and hurried out into the hall and towards your room. 
You woke up to an obnoxious banging on your door. Disoriented, you stood up making your way to the entrance of your room Rubbing your eyes, you turned the handle and to your surprise, Marilyn was standing in front of you.
 “Oh my, I’m so sorry. Did I wake you?” She said, with two cups in her hand. “Um, yeah, but it’s okay. Is that- is that coffee?” You asked, your voice still hoarse from sleep.
 “Yes! I went by the Weathervane this morning to grab coffee and pastries and thought you might like a cup!” She said, thrusting the cup into your hand.
The liquid was hot and bitter, as it reached your mouth. It was exactly what you needed this morning. When you got back to your room last night, you didn’t even bother changing clothes. You were exhausted and knocked smooth out after the strange evening you had.
Looking down, you realized you needed to shower and get ready for the day. “Thank you so much for the coffee, Marilyn.” You said politely. “I have to get ready. I will see you at lunch?” You smiled up at the woman. 
“Oh absolutely! I can’t wait for our little picnic date.” The woman said, clapping her hands together once more before exiting your room.
Larissa was pacing back and forth in her office, trying to decide on how to tell you that Marilyn was not who you thought she was. In fact, her name was Laurel Gates. Someone she, and the whole town of Jericho thought to be dead. 
Wednesday had barged into Larissas office a couple weeks back, showing pictures of Laurel conspiring with the townspeople to somehow burn down the school.The woman was back for revenge against outcasts. 
Larissa growled to herself, absolutely frustrated.  She decided she would go confront Laurel, before you put in any type of danger.
Lunch time rolled around quickly as you made your way to Marilyn's classroom. You were a little bit ahead of schedule. Your students had all finished their quizzes quickly, so you decided to let them out early today. 
Pulling the door open, you saw the professor standing by a table in the middle of her classroom. “Good afternoon, Marilyn.”You said with a smile. Startled, Marilyn turned around, shoving something into her pocket as she faced you.
“Oh yay! You’re here!” The woman said, excitedly. There was a blanket draped over the table with sandwiches and drinks. “I am starving!” You exclaimed, taking a seat at the table. 
You both sat in comfortable silence as you inhaled the sandwich she had made. Marilyn intently stared at you as she slowly took a bite of hers. You glanced over at her and she smiled, chewing the bite she just took. 
“So how has your day been?” You ask, trying to make small talk. “It’s been interesting, but it’s about to get more interesting” She said with a very strange smile on her face.
“How so?” You question, genuinely curious. Marilyn didn’t answer you. She leaned forward, crashing her lips into yours, catching you completely by surprise. You pulled back, bowing your head. “Um, Marilyn… I- I’m sorry.” Your voice was low.
 “Oh, I am so sorry! I misread your intentions!” the woman said, but didn’t leave your space. Instead, you saw her pulling out a small vial from her pocket that had a blue glowing liquid.
You didn’t get the chance to ask what it was before you heard Larissa storming through the door, followed by Sheriff Galpin. “Laurel! Stop!” The woman yelled. You were unsure who she was yelling at.
“Miss Gates, I suggest you put the poison down and step away from the table.” The sheriff demanded, looking directly at Marilyn. “Please, don’t make me use this.” He had his gun pointed at her.
The redhead cooperated and placed the vial on the table and took a few steps back. “I can’t believe you're sticking up for these outcasts. You’re a disgrace!” She yelled, eyes darting between the sheriff and Larissa. You stood up and walked towards Larissa, confusion painted across your face.
The sheriff approached the professor and pulled her hands behind her back, placing handcuffs on them. He gave her rights before escorting her out of the room, leaving you and Larissa alone.
“Um, what the hell just happened?” You asked Larissa. “Come on, Y/N. Let’s go back to my office. I will explain everything.”
A couple hours had passed as you sat in Larissas office, listening to the woman explain everything. You tried wrapping your head around it all, not understanding how someone could be that evil. You watched as Larissa walked over to the sofa you were leaning back on, taking a seat next to you.
Eyes focused on her, you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself. “What on earth could you be laughing at, Y/N?” The woman asked with a puzzled look on her face. “You know, I didn’t even want to go on a date with Mari- I mean Laurel.” You replied, the corners of your mouth turning up into a smile. “I wanted to go on one with you.” 
You looked up to see a surprised look on Larissas face. A brief silence filled the room before she finally spoke. “Y/N, I would have gladly gone on a date with you, had you made your intentions clear.” She smiled, nudging your shoulder.
You knew you had a look of utter shock on your face as the headmistress softly chuckled. “I’m not good at taking hints. If someone is interested in me, they have to be straightforward with me, although I definitely enjoyed the cute names you called me.” Larissa admitted. You just stared, eyes wide. 
You didn’t even bother replying. You scooted closer, taking Larissas face in your hands. Very slowly and gently, you planted the softest of kisses upon her lips, eliciting a sharp inhale of breath from the gorgeous woman. To your surprise, Larissa reciprocated the kiss and deepened it. Your heart was threatening to beat out of your chest.
Larissa was the first to break contact, leaning her forehead against yours. She stroked the sides of your face. “I could definitely get used to this.” She said, making your heart race even faster. You kissed her again, red lipstick smearing on your lips. The smell of warm vanilla and roses flooding your nose. You smiled into the kiss, a chuckle escaping your lips. The blonde pulled back, an inquisitive look on her face.
“Hello gorgeous.” You said,  staring into her ocean blue eyes. “Would you like to go on an official date with me to the Weathervane for some hot chocolate?” You asked, making her bust out in full on giggles, remembering the question you had asked several weeks ago.
Larissa turned to you with a huge grin on her face. “I thought you would never ask.”
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phykios · 5 months
Hi phykios! I love you, your writing are so amazing. The Marble King is one of the best pieces on ao3, hands down. Really. One. Of. The. BEST. FICS. EVER. The worldbuilding, the dialogue, the history, the angst. SO. GOOD. Omg I die a happy death every time I read it (I have done so multiple times). Thank you for doing what you do!!!!!! If it is possible, may I ask for a bit of the shipwreck fellowship Thalassa story or the one where Sophia is born during (during?!) Percy's dissertation defense?
🥰 tysm anon!! marble king really does hold a special place in my heart and i'm glad ppl are still vibing with it
as requested, a bit of shipwreck hunting to whet the appetite 💖
Annabeth frowns. “That’s the embassy?” 
Percy nods. “Uh huh.” 
“But it’s so… nothing.” 
He shrugs, readjusting his backpack, gripping the strap before it slides off his shoulder onto the wet pavement. In his other hand is his eldest daughter’s, squeezing it tight as she twirls around, her sneakers making little whirlpools beneath her feet. “That’s what I thought.” 
Now, technically, it is a Tuesday, and Junie should have been in pre-k, wowing all her teachers and outperforming all the other kids by a mile. But, well… turns out the genes run a little bit deeper than just looks. The teacher had not been exactly sure how Junie had managed to flood the classroom via the little sink in the corner. But it seemed pretty clear that she had. She hadn’t been expelled, exactly. But it had been suggested she seek education and enrichment somewhere else. Honestly, Percy and Annabeth were a little charmed by it. Apples and trees and all of that. But they did worry that it heralded things to come. 
“I mean, there’s nothing,” Annabeth says again, craning her neck upwards. “No decoration, no sculpture… There’s nothing there!” 
“Nothing but pilasters.” 
She gags. 
“At least the one in Boston is next to the bar from Cheers.” 
She blinks at him, uncomprehending, and Percy makes a note to himself. 
“So how long do you think this will take?” she asks. 
“Because if it’s not that long we can just wait out here for you.” 
He shakes his head, kissing her on the cheek. “Don’t waste the rest of your lunch break on me.” Besides, his back itches in the way that means it’s probably going to rain soon. “I’ll pick up Lucie from my mom’s place, and I’ll have dinner ready by the time you get home.” 
Percy is long-since immune to the domesticity of such a statement. Or at least he thought he was, because the way Annabeth grins at him, leaning forward to capture his lips in a stronger kiss, makes him want to do a little jig with Junie, right here on the sidewalk. 
His daughter certainly seems to agree, if the way she spins faster is any indication. 
Annabeth slides her own bag off her shoulder, and pulls out a bulky file folder, handing it to him. “One last check?” 
“Hit me.” 
“Award letter?” 
“Check,” he says, thumbing through the pages. 
“Proof of insurance?” 
“Background check?” 
“With fingerprints, and without allegations of underage terrorism.” 
That had been a fun and nerve-wracking experience, getting his fingerprints taken. He had been sweating bullets for a week, expecting his brief bout of monument-related arson to have the FBI kicking his door down. 
“Visa application?” 
“Plus immunization forms, birth certificate with apostille, and two hundred dollars cash.” 
He blinks. “I thought you had it.”
Annabeth snaps her gaze to him, eyes blazing. “Are you serious?”
“Kidding!” Reaching into the folder, he pulls out his shiny new passport, flapping it in the air. “Kidding.” 
She swats at him. “Seaweed brain…” 
“Sorry, sorry,” he laughs, kissing her again. “It’s all good, promise.” 
“Don’t be an idiot in front of the ambassadors, or whoever it is you meet in there, okay? Save your dumbassery for something less high-stakes.” 
Scoffing, he slips the passport back into the folder. “Excuse you, my dumbassery is only reserved for the lowest of low-stakes operations.” 
“Just go in and get your stupid visa.” 
Try as she might, her shortness is only undercut by the final kiss she leaves him with. “Love you, too.” 
Percy crouches down. “See you soon, Honey Dew,” he says, kissing her forehead. “Go have fun with mommy!” 
Junie’s only response is to kick water in his direction.
Yes, he stands and watches them leave, smothering a laugh, even as it begins to drizzle on him, until they turn the corner.
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thedeal-if · 1 year
Ohh y además eres de habla hispana?? A D O R O! Automáticamente te has convertido en fav JAJA
I will continue in English just in case, but I didn't expect you to know Spanish! Lol I have a question, when you write, did you do it in Spanish and then you translated to English or you did the write in English from cero? I want to try to write something sometime but I don't really know what way better ngl (well that's only if your mother tongue is Spanish as I'm taking it for granted lol)
Now let's talk about business... What romances have/will have more angst? Just for research purposes 👀👀
And I don't really know if you answered this before (if that is the case, sorry!) But can you please tell us what kinda action/words can make the ROs meltdown? (But in a sweet romantic way, like RO.exe stop worked I forgot the word for that lol not a meltdown for anger, but if you think is more funny that way, works for me too)
Sisoy 🫂 JAJSJJAS (soy española 😶‍🌫️ a que quieres que te gane)
I write in English! I have for many years lol it helps internalize things better but I do remember translating things at first (I knew like... 0 English at the time lol). It takes some getting used to but I recommend you try and see how you handle it ^^ grammarly helps too when it comes to checking spelling mistakes and all that.
I made an angst top but tbh all romances are angsty to some degree ✨
Imo, the top 4 (Nathan/Aliyah/Lilith/Victor) have pretty... rough moments.
Words that would make them stop functioning below! (crushing stage)
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RO.exe stopped working...
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Dante isn't exactly shy but he does tend to get a little wordless when he's very embarrassed by MC. He recovers quickly enough so I wouldn't say it wrecks his mind to be flirted with. Instead, the way to probably turn his brain to mush is through art. Dedicating songs, sketches, aligning Dante's existence to that of a muse— worthy of that affection.
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Lilith is very sweet and doting her route is pretty much full of repression and forbidden love (Inferno and Succubus lore spoilers, you'll understand when you meet her). Prior to establishing a romantic connection with her, Lilith's brain would melt if MC were to call her out on her attraction toward them.
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Honestly, he's known MC since they were very young so it really depends, I think he'd be desensitized at this point lol. In the case that MC is normally very extra, Josh would be pretty much immune to anything they might say— if they're normally more guarded sincere words would break him. Surprises are something he can't handle well.
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Villanelle is very sweet and naive, her initial reaction to most affective things MC says or does is to accept it wholeheartedly and return it eagerly. To really really break her would be easy tho lol, flirty MCs would completely shatter her expectations. Villanelle kind of doesn't know how to flirt.
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Yeah, no words are getting through to him lol. Victor places no value in them, he needs MC to put their money where their mouth is. Taking care of Victor, small tasks and such, is the best way to startle him. MCs would need to be two steps ahead of Victor. He would be beyond lost, he wouldn't know how to respond to being taken care of.
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Aliyah is very calculating and guarded with her true emotions. Even if she's surprised she's going to swallow it all down. I only see one and one thing only completely breaking through her walls and that is MC committing themselves to helping free Aliyah of her shackles.
Honestly, even she admits that would be a terrible decision. But who knows ^^?
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Rather than shameless flirting or compliments, Nathan's mind would be blown by genuine and heartfelt words. No sugar-coating it either, just an admission from the heart. He doesn't know how to approach sincerity all that well. Just a very honest “I’m so glad to have met you” would make Nathan's mind get the blue screen of death lol
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I don't really see her being all that impressed if MC tried to compliment her in any way lol and she would receive and reciprocate most affective actions naturally. Startling Eden would take effort— taking her by surprise, with her guard low enough that she entertains you. Subverting Eden's views and expectations of MC while she's distracted, for example.
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quaranmine · 1 year
Literally only comfort for me in the lonesome dreams universe is that Watcher!Grian eventually finds out that Jimmy is a listener without Jimmy telling him (recongnizing the wings somehow, Feeling this Weird energy coming from him, Jimmy letting him see some of the destruction powers, noticing the obscuring of things if he ever got pushed to try and See things, idk lol) and through this loophole of Grian finding out but not having had Jimmy tell him Jimmy can finally have some solidarity lol. Also brainrot about whether or not Grian is trying to get them out of the games, and whether the players remember the games, and like how Grian would handle everything and therefore how he’d treat Jimmy, and like them working together to try and escape. And if Grian noticed, who’s to say the Watchers haven’t? Sorry idk if you have any plans and this is super unsolicited but like AJHDKAHDJAHF the brainrot bro I have not stopped thinking about lonesome dreams since I read it yesterday 😭 Like AGHH the way he’s so lonely and his name is Solidarity like,,,,, Ik there’s another fic of yours where it’s canon and I look forward to reading it :)
OMG HELLO ANON!!!!!! no this isnt unsolicited at all, i am literally THRILLED when people talk to me about listener!jimmy, especially lonesome dreams-verse jimmy because it's still one of my fave fics i have done.
i tend to use "lonesome dreams-verse" when talking about fics that take place under these headcanons but honestly, i pretty much base my entire interpretation of jimmy off of this, so it's almost more useful to note when i am not using it lol. so yeah--jimmy in htbahb is the same one from lonesome dreams too! they're not in the same series because one deals far more with the life series than the other, but it's the same deal. if jimmy ever appears in IBW, it will be the same.
this series of fic suffers from.....many ideas and not enough writing LOL. Lonesome Dreams was initially conceptualized as a backstory oneshot to go with a larger multichapter fanfic center on Jimmy. It was set in Last Life (hey, 3 of the southlanders were former evolutionists!) and focused on him using some of his Listener powers to break them out of the games. it was really funny though because i came up with it in the middle of last life before martyn canonized anything watcher related and i accidentally predicted half of it. But I never really was able to get it into an actual fic, lol, so i just wrote Lonesome Dreams instead. I'm still interested in doing a fanfic where Jimmy helps them all break out of the death games, though.
i like your idea of Grian noticing that Jimmy has some weirdness around him and saving Jimmy the trouble of having to tell someone. my general idea is that grian remembers the loops in full because he is a watcher, but everybody else has sort of hazey memories of things. They might rememeber enough to reference things in past seasons, but it isn't enough to realize what's going on. Jimmy, however, also remembers everything because being a Listener makes him more immune to this memory magic or whatever. So that's one opportunity for grian to notice some things--jimmy knows about things he maybe isn't supposed to. imagine that from grian's perspective though lol hes angsting in being the only one to remember xyz and then jimmy pops up knowing something he shouldnt and grian is like TIMMY? TIMMY OF ALL PEOPLE KNOWS THIS?
there was also planned flower husbands Moment in the last life fic where jimmy was sad because scott only sort of-kind of remembered 3rd life, and not any of its intensity or emotion, whereas jimmy remembered all of it and still loved him. oops, i planned to break all your hearts with that one.
i often headcanon that grian doesn't have his full powers in the games, since the watchers are suppressing it. they're not really good at fully preventing grian from doing anything, but they can prevent him from doing a lot of stuff. it's like one versus however many of them there are, right? i'd say at least two watchers in charge of the life series just like evo, but we don't know that. so grian is sort of outnumbered. that's why jimmy could help ;) so grian is wanting to get them out of the games, he just doesn't have the power on his own to successfully do it
as for the watchers knowing about jimmy--i go back and forth on this. i basically think that as long as he didn't use any of his visual powers or his wings and only Listened then they might not know. like, they can Watch you destroy something but you can't see if someone is listening or not. eventually they would find out, though, because he would have to show his hand at some point to get anything real done. martyn says in his lore that the watchers do not like the former evolutionists who are associated with the listeners, since the listeners helped the evolutionists escape (which is why jimmy was helping them in lonesome dreams.) so they Definitely know jimmy is associated, just like martyn and pearl and bigb are, but i havent decided if they know he's a full listener or not.
one of my other lonesome dreams-verse headcanons, that i actually have a half-written oneshot for, is how jimmy's destructive powers go against him. he has some chronic pain issues from this, because it's self-destructive too. it reminded me of my own autoimmune disease--basically my own body attacking itself? kind of happens to jimmy too. but this is because the Listeners are generally not visible to humans. or corporeal. they're very wispy, the sound of the wind in the trees around you, etc and so Jimmy pretty much kept his human body, with just the addition of wings. Meanwhile, as in my fic htbahb, grian looks WAY more like a watcher and is just projecting a more human image of himself all the time. all of that was basically to say that jimmy doesn't look very conspicious to the watchcers in the first place, since he still has a human body. he also got forgotten/ignored by them in evo so....it IS possible they don't know the full extent of his connections with listeners, i think
ultimately, though, i have several formulated ideas of people finding out Jimmy is a Listener, and it mostly comes from him telling them. He's not supposed to tell, of course. But I like putting characters in difficult positions, and I think that with the life series especially, that Jimmy is like. The risks outweigh anything else. He has to tell people, because getting everybody out of the games is a lot more important than potentially upsetting the Listeners. I like putting characters in situations where revealing their secrets is the only way to move forward--this is what happened to Grian in htbahb too, when he has to use his powers to save people (because he ofc cares more about his friend's lives than his own secrets).
Jimmy has a bit of an uneasy alliance with the Listeners in general, because he is on their side and owes them a lot but would probably ultimately rather be free and on his own. they're nice to him, but also a little coercive. I feel like after a couple loops of the game he would probably feel sort of abandoned that they havent helped him yet (whether or not they were trying to doesnt matter, just that jimmy feels like they havent helped.) so he might not feel so bad about telling people xD except that it invites a lot of vulnerability and awkardness to suddenly come forward now, so it would still be very tough.
jimmy and grian are not brothers in lonesome dreams , but i DID have an one-off idea for a oneshot where jimmy admitted he was a Listener to Grian in a scenario where they are siblings. I may write it because it has been plaguing me for like two months now. it would probably get uploaded in the series with lonesome dreams, but might not be The Official Reveal Scene if i want to write something different later, you know? but the way i built this out in my head was SO GOOD lol
it's also worth noting two general dynamics with grian and jimmy. firstly, All the former evolutionists know that he is a watcher. they know that because the watchers told them so when he was taken. now the hermits on the other hand, they do not all know, because they met grian afterward and that's his business that he doesn't always share. but the evolutionists all know and they just like....dont always know if they should talk about it or not. But nobody knows Jimmy is a Listener because he never told anymore. Another interesting thing is that Grian hates the Listeners--he was taught to hate them, by the Watchers! But even after breaking off from the Watchers, it hasn't quite occurred to him that they might have lied to him about the Listeners being bad. Like he was taught a bit of propaganda because of course he was, they were the enemies of the Watchers, but he doesn't really realize they were lying a little? For all grian is concerned, they're just two sets of god-like entities with too much power that he hates. So that's um...a little fun for finding out about Jimmy....
this is. so much information LOL. i have thought about it greatly.
but yeah, jimmy needs a little support :( i think the listeners would be unhappy if he told people, but i think they would get over it eventually. BOTH jimmy and grian probably need to know there is someone else out there who has had some similar experiences. they're two lonely little birds :((((((
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taechaos · 3 years
Silent Treatment
from Textbook Love drabble series
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: Why did you reject him? He’s consumed by his thoughts and theories of your behavior because you didn’t say a single word to him. If your actions were anything to go by, which apparently speak louder than words, you didn’t even want him to touch you.
warnings: slight angst, drugs, arguing, dubcon, cunnilingus, mild degredation
word count: 4.2k
tags: @mwitsmejk @1-in-abillion @kooookie
a/n: the request (contains some spoilers). i'm gonna take a very short break from this couple to write other requests!! hope u enjoy 💗
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The shift in the Spring weather is unpredictable. One moment it’s chilly, and the other sunny. Humans can only adapt so much, and it causes an outbreak of common colds. Most people recover easily, handy medicine soothing their sore throats, syrups suppressing coughs, and nose sprays ridding the blockage. You, on the other hand, are not that lucky. With a weak immune system, you’re very careful to not get sick, but there must have been a slip-up because you’ve somehow lost your voice after catching a cold.
You sniffle and cough, but you can’t speak. It’s advised to not exert your vocal cords in cases like these, and that is just so unfortunate for you. The last thing you’d ever want to do is spread your sickness to Jungkook, and that meant not getting too close to him; it meant no kissing. 
A very large white placard is spread out in front of you on the wooden table, and you’re plastering printed images of a specific global issue on it. You’re sitting on a bench with two of your friends as they chatter mindlessly while you work. Jungkook has a project about climate change due in a few days, and it’s supposed to be very important for his final grade. You’ve already written him a script for his presentation along with a stick prop to point at specific pictures. It’s fun, glittery and he’s going to love it. 
“Hey,” Minnie, your friend, calls for you, “we’re going to get some coffee from Starbucks. Want us to get you green tea?”
Soyeon laughs when your eyes light up; it’s your favorite beverage, and it’s supposed to help with your sore throat. They leave with a smile after you give them a hyper nod and you’re alone as you adjust your woolen scarf around your neck. You need to heal as fast as you can so you’re no longer missing your beloved’s affection.
Jungkook has been feeling more inclined to approach you without reason lately, but that doesn’t mean it’s a common occurrence. Getting teased by his friend, specifically Taehyung, about having a sissy crush on a girl like yourself angered him to no end. A hit always got him to shut up, but not for long. He’s walking your way today because there’s no one around to judge him for talking to you. 
You’re tearing a double-sided tape when he sits on your table, carefully avoiding your materials. Your breath hitches as his eyes gloss over your work in progress. “Working hard, I see,” he comments with disinterest. He doesn’t say anything about your efforts, but he’s impressed. The corner of his lip tugs upwards before he leans in for a kiss. You have enough self-control and concern for his well-being over your desires to lean back before your lips make contact. His face is close to yours as he pauses and slightly frowns before trying again. He receives the same results and finally pulls back. 
“You did well,” he frowns at you and speaks as if you’re a child, “I’m praising you.” Your eyes are darting back and forth awkwardly and you don’t know what to do other than sit in silence. You put your hands on his knees as a resort and his frown deepens as he watches you. “I can take a hint, you know. You don’t have to fucking ignore me.” He roughly shoves your hands and stands up before storming off with a scoff. You’re torn between following him and being responsible over your belongings. You can’t let his grades go to waste because of a small misunderstanding, so you decide to text him instead. There’s always a possibility someone might steal his project. Or maybe after he’s cooled off? You delay the message, but somewhere in your heart, you’re satisfied by his reaction because it’s clear that he wanted to kiss you.
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Heavy footsteps clomp against the sidewalk before Jungkook slumps on the seat next to Taehyung. It’s an isolated area for smoking students at the back of the campus, and his friend group is no exception to this role. They’re taking drags of cigarettes individually as Jungkook glares at his boots. They’re chunky and a bold black, and his dark outfit paints him as the big bad wolf. It fits, because he’s ready to attack when he’s filled with so much resentment. Why did you reject him? He’s consumed by his thoughts and theories of your behavior because you didn’t say a single word to him. If your actions were anything to go by, which apparently speak louder than words, you didn’t even want him to touch you. It doesn’t make sense, but you also grimaced at him, but then why were you doing his homework? He’s feeling frustrated, and upset all the same.
“Someone’s troubled,” Seokjin points out with a mouthful of smoke. “Kookie?”
Said boy only grunts in response.
“Did the lousy girl finally see you for who you really are and leave you?” Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to mock him with a pout. “Tragic.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tae,” Jungkook spits and sends him a death glare, fire flaming in his fierce eyes. “Go actually talk to a girl or something, and leave me alone. I can’t take your shit right now.”
The low blow doesn’t affect Taehyung in the slightest as he holds up his hands in defence with comically wide eyes. “Relax, tiger.”
“Moving on from Tae’s inability to talk to girls in broad daylight, what’s up with you Kook?” Namjoon butts in, earning a fake cough from the receiving end of the insult.
He pauses for a moment before babbling, “I hate those bitches. My mother for one, couldn’t stand wearing clothes whenever she saw a dude. Moving on from guy to guy, unless they’re a fucking asshole. What do they want? Why are they never fucking satisfied?!”
A moment of silence passes among the huddled friends before Yoongi breaks it with a joke, “Who’s the lucky girl?” It doesn’t land as Jungkook deeply sighs in response. “Did she cheat on you?” he tries again.
“No,” he murmurs.
“She… I don’t fucking know, she gave me the silent treatment. She leaned away from me too,” he shakes his head with a quiet groan, “it just doesn’t add up. I got mad and left.”
“No way that could’ve ended up badly,” Taehyung chuckles but purses his lips when he’s sent another dirty look.  “How long was the interaction anyway?” 
“Like 30 seconds.”
“Are you coming out tonight?” Yoongi asks and puts out the burning tip of his stick. “Could help you feel better.”
“And we’ve got molly,” Namjoon adds.
“Yeah, fine, whatever.”
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Alcohol’s effect on a person differs in moods, and Jungkook is usually a horny drunk. Being a sad drunk is a first for him tonight, but he’s just so confused. It made his heart drop when you outwardly refused his advances and anxiety blossomed in his chest, which he has no idea how to deal with. It kicked in fight or flight instincts, and he just… hated the idea of you not loving him, even if it’s momentary. He can’t bear staying in a situation that makes him feel so insecure, and that feeling is supposed to be left in his childhood. You just about brought out the worst in him without doing anything. 
You didn’t do anything.
It’s 10PM and he’s waiting on your usual good night text that he never responds to. It’s so pathetic, and he hates himself for being so used to your affection that it worries him when he’s deprived of it. He’s never doubted your love for him, but his insecurities are churning his gut. It’s an overflow of all of his pent-up emotions, and he can’t handle it.
“Here,” Taehyung pops in out of nowhere, clutching a pill in his hand. There’s a bottle of water in the other as he holds them out for Jungkook to take. “Stop moping and get laid.”
“I’d say the same to you, but you’d probably start crying during sex,” he mumbles and uncaps the bottle before throwing in the pill and washing it down with the water. “Thanks.”
“See that girl over there?” he ignores him and steps behind his miserable friend to point at the owner of the sultry gaze directed at Jungkook from the bar. “She wants to fuck you. Or maybe me, but I’m passing her onto you.”
“How kind of you,” he sarcastically replies.
“Uh-uh, so you’re gonna be in ecstasy in about 10 minutes. Don’t fuck this up.” He slaps his shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen. It’s a lonesome party because not a lot of people are allowed in when drugs are involved. Causing a ruckus, receiving a noise complaint and then getting arrested is out of the question. 
He isn’t interested in sex with a stranger - not today at least -, but he hopes for it to change as he waits to approach her. Maybe drugs will rile him up enough to have fun with someone else and rid his mind of you. It’s an annoying itch on his brain, so he rests his head against the couch to comfort himself with the soft fabric. He’s sleepy from the beer he drank earlier, and he doesn’t know how time goes by so fast when he closes his eyes.
A few minutes must have passed, because he’s starting to feel dizzy in his seat. A smile carves on his face as his mind grows slightly fogged, and he opens his eyes to find the girl quietly chatting with a friend. When she glances at him, he beckons her to come over. She mouths a “be right back” to her friend before strutting in his direction.
“Hey,” she smiles down at him before sitting on the couch. She’s aristocratic, chic and pretty. “Sorry if I weirded you out earlier.” Her voice is sweet like honey, and her words flow out of her tongue so naturally. A dream girl, really, and Jungkook is starting to get horny.
“I don’t mind,” he reassures with a subtle seductive tone, “what’s a girl like you doing with this crowd? You look too innocent.” He wraps a finger around a strand of her hair and twirls it. It feels strange.
“My friend sent me here, told me to watch over someone,” she lowly speaks. “I’m Soyeon.”
“Nice to meet you, Soyeon,” he breathes before crashing her lips with his. His hand reaches down to grip her thigh, tongue poking out to swipe the sticky gloss. It’s flavored, and it tastes of strawberry. When she kisses him back so slowly, innocently, it turns him on so much. His pants feel tight around his crotch as he runs another hand through her soft hair. Compared to him, she’s passionate whereas he’s sloppy. He’s starting to get dizzier, and it feels so fucking good, but he hates it.
There is not a single reason for him to not enjoy this, not when his mood is lifting so high. The hand on her thigh lands on her cleavage instead and she’s so submissive and shy, but something’s off. He groans into her mouth before biting her lip, ripping a whine out of her. Why does she sound so sexy and annoying?  
He pulls away from her before sighing in irritation. “Fuck, I can’t do this.” 
“Did I do something wrong?” she asks worriedly.
“No, just, fuck.” He starts laughing before rubbing his palms on his eyes, “I really want to fuck, but I just can’t.”
“We can just chat,” she softly suggests. “What’s your name?”
He removes his hands from his face when she goes silent. Her eyes are wide and she’s gaping at him… guiltily? “Crap,” she hisses quietly, “I was supposed to make sure you were okay. My roommate is like, super in love with you and asked me to come here.”
He says your name in a question, wondering if it’s you. When she nods, he asks for your dorm instantly.
“She’s in room 124… Why?”
When he stands up, there’s a sway in his posture but he recovers quickly. There’s an involuntary grin on his face as he thanks her ignorantly. He’s out of the villa in a rush, and he has the overwhelming urge to just run. The campus is a bit far away from the house, but he doesn’t care as his footfalls echo in the dark streets. He has so much energy to waste, and with his current stamina, he’s confident he’ll find you before dawn. It’s stupid but it’s fun, and he doesn’t care for catching his breath as the corner stores pass by him in a blur. 
Throughout the two hours of his reckless jog, where he mixed up directions multiple times, his mind is starting to clear up little by little. He’s happy because of what Soyeon told him, and he feels relieved upon seeing the familiar college building. He’s not allowed in dorms at this time, but he’s done this too many times to get caught. Except he was drunk in those instances, and being on MDMA was different. Sneaking past security was tough because he couldn’t bring himself to tiptoe without making so much noise. When they glanced at him, he thought it to be the only choice to just run past them. He’s in the elevator by the time they catch on, and the numbers look wonky in his eyes but he presses the button for the right floor. 
He’s shifting his weight repeatedly in an attempt to contain his excitement; he wants to see you so bad. The moment he hears the ding of the elevator, he’s running past the halls and stops upon seeing 124. He has to squint, but he knows this is your dorm. 
You wake up with a silent gasp when there’s a pound on the door. You clutch your sheets in fear until someone starts to sing your name. “Jungkook?” you mouth to yourself. You stand up and look through the peephole and there’s a man on the other side who’s bouncing on his feet impatiently.
“Open up,” he sings loudly. You’re worried when you swing the door open and yank him inside so he doesn’t wake up any other students. You try to talk but only a wheeze comes out, so you switch on the light to see him instead. The brightness hurts your eyes as you close them for a few seconds. “Well, well, well, look who we have here…”
He starts to circle around you slowly and stumbles behind you. “Sending people to spy on me after rejecting me like that.” His words are slightly slurred and you turn around to face him with a pout. You point at your throat to give him a hint, but his eyes don’t waver from your pleading ones. “What are your intentions, huh?” he weakly pushes you, “Sending me mixed signals. Who- who do you think you are?”
You hold his hands and place them on your neck, trying to communicate with him by mouthing, “I’m sick,” but he only chuckles. He seems sickeningly joyous, but he’s not over his anger. “Still not going to talk to me? What did I even do?”
You deeply inhale from your nose because he’s not paying attention to you. You’re frustrated with yourself until he yells, “WHY WON’T YOU TALK TO ME?” The surge of serotonin, his state of euphoria is crashing down on him the more you ignore him. He had believed the drug would only make him happy, but it intensified his sadness and anxiety just as much when he saw you. It helped him forget you in a social circle, but you confused him so much after he was reassured for so long - coupled with your silence, he’s raging.
“Why are you ignoring me?! What did I do that was so bad that you can’t bear talking to me anymore? You told me you loved me, please,” he chokes and tries to swallow the lump in his throat. “I-I’ll make it up to you, I’m so sad right now. Just say something…”
You’re watching him in shock and a hint of fear from his fluctuating mood. You want to cry at how pitiful he looks, but instead you aim to grab a piece of paper from your bedside table. He misreads your actions and pushes you against the wall. “Stop this. Stop!” He has your arms pinned and he’s trying so hard to intimidate you so you give in. A dry sob leaves you because he's going mad, but then he has a sudden epiphany. “Maybe you’ll love me again if I fuck you hard enough and engrave it in your brain that you’re mine. Yes, yes!”
He starts unbuckling his belt and you immediately try to stop him; he’ll get sick! He shoves you again and pulls down his jeans before mashing his mouth against yours. All of your efforts have gone to waste when his tongue forces its way down your throat. There’s no point to denying him now, so you hesitantly kiss him back. You’re so guilty, and he’s so careless as he roughly pushes his hand down your white cotton shorts. You’re wearing a navy blue sweater to match so you don’t get cold in the night, but the shorts are meant to prevent a fever. What’s the point now, then? He hasn’t even read your texts that you only remembered to send before sleeping. He missed a whole paragraph of your explanation and confronted you so angrily.
“I’m going to fuck you all night,” he growls against your lips, “then you’ll remember how much you love me.” Your moans are quiet and hitched as he presses down on your clit through your panties. His other hand is on his cock as he strokes it eagerly, ready to get inside you. “I missed you so fucking much in one day,” he whispers in a croak. Hearing it makes you feel even warmer inside as you nudge his hand to urge him to enter you. “You missed me too, huh?” he takes notice of your neediness. “Shouldn’t have fucking brought it upon yourself then.”
He removes his hand from your shorts and taps your thighs before demanding, “Jump.” You bite your lip in consideration until he taps them harder and you quickly wrap your legs around his waist. Your shorts are relatively short, resembling loose boxers, so when your back is pressed against the wall he only pushes them and your underwear to the side before thrusting into you. A scream gets caught in your throat, and you forget all about your aches as he roughly fucks into you without caring for protection or lube. It stings only slightly, but the pleasure in feeling so full of him outweighs the pain.
Jungkook is moaning and groaning as he bruises your thighs in his hold. Your panting is all he can catch, and though the feeling of you is an amplified sensation because of the drug coursing in his system, he wants to hear you chant his name as well. “Still quiet?” he tuts and carries you to your narrow bed and you cling onto his shoulder while trying to catch your breath after the sudden attack. “Your cunt is throbbing though,” he says as he pulls out of you and drops you on the bed. He manhandles you by flipping you on your stomach and holds up your ass. He finally takes off your bottom clothing, but he’s slightly dizzy as he yanks them off your ankles. He spreads your thighs apart and you’re on your knees with your head against the mattress. “I wonder why that is,” he says before slapping your pussy, making you whimper quietly. “So wet, yet you don’t even make a sound. Some whore you are.” You purse your lips and muster a whine, but it’s interrupted when he pistons his cock inside you without warning. Your sounds are hoarse as he pounds into you from the back, hands kneading your ass to the shape of his hands. He gives it a spank as he moans loudly; the new position makes it feel so much more intense, and Jungkook loves it. His ears finally get to hear your pathetic mewls as he thrusts so deeply inside you that your vision blurs with tears and your eyes roll to the back of your skull. You feel like a doll that can’t speak or move, and he’s evidently enjoying it going by his rushed pace. You’re challenging him with your silence, and he loves proving himself.
All of a sudden however, he stops moving. You look behind you with a pout and he quirks a brow at you. You grit your teeth because you know he's waiting for you to tell him to continue, or rather daring you to do something. A sudden surge of confidence overcomes you and you gently slam your hips against his, fucking yourself on his cock with your eyes screwed shut.
“Yes, baby,” he strains, “show me that you're still my good girl.” At his encouragement, you meet his thrusts faster and you're seeing stars at how amazing it feels. You want to be his good girl so bad, and you arch your back to savour the pleasure. “Your pussy is mine, all mine,” he affirms to himself and stills your hips to turn you around without removing his length. His fingers are digging into your flesh and your tits bounce under the fabric as he rams into you restlessly. Your mouth is open in a silent scream and he can barely make out your pupils, the whites of your eyes stirring his climax at how attractive you look under the poor lighting. “I love you so fucking much,” he cries, “say it back, baby.”
You try to, but you can only dryly cough. “You fucking bitch,” he hisses at your defiance and pulls out of you to pump his length. He’s close to his release, and he pushes up your sweater to see your hard nipples that make him salivate. He crawls to slide his cock between the valley of your breasts and it hurts when he harshly pushes them together. “Stick out your tongue,” he commands in a whisper, and you do so while panting like a dog. Every time he thrusts upwards, the tip of his head grazes your tongue and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. He’s massaging your tits as he stutters between whines, and eventually his load spurts out to land on your chest and cheek with a particularly loud groan. His cum surges down his shaft as he rides out his high with the last slow thrusts. 
“Oh fuck,” he sighs airily and collapses next to you in the tiny space available. You clumsily turn on your side to give him more room and he pecks your swollen lips. He zips his pants back up and you’re still naked from the waist down. You’re staring at each other adoringly in the romantic, fragile atmosphere; another first.
“I love you,” you croak finally. It’s quieter than a whisper, and it makes you cringe at how hideous you sound; it’s painful as well.
His face lights up once he registers your words before noticing the tone. “What happened to your voice?”
“Sick.” You can’t bring yourself to say anything more as you snuggle into his side and he instinctively wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Shit,” he murmurs, “why didn’t you tell me that sooner, idiot?”
You slap a hand on his front pocket where his phone is, and he hastily takes it out to see a bunch of notifications from you. “You sent it at night, you’re still the idiot.” You giggle and roll your eyes. “A promise is a promise, though,” he purrs before cupping your bare heat. “I did say I would fuck you all night.” You widen your eyes when his head lowers down to face your sopping wet cunt, and he slowly licks up a stripe over your soaked folds, making you shudder and grip his hair. He’s leaving kitty licks all over your sensitivity, the tip of his tongue lightly brushing against your clit every now and then. Your hips lift involuntarily, and he finally takes your clit in his mouth and sucks on it loudly. He slurps your arousal before spitting it back on your hood, and you can only squeak in response. Your hazed mind only tells you that you want more, and he doesn’t fail to provide.
Two fingers enter your clenching hole, and he’s scissoring your walls as he messily eats you out. The pleasure from earlier returns all too soon and you know you won’t be able to last long. His lids are hooded when you glance down at him and the way he’s looking at you makes it even harder to resist your orgasm. The knot in your stomach picks back up right before unraveling and your moan is raspy as you start twitching under his relentless mouth. He grows gentle and leaves kisses all over your vulva until your body falls limp on the sheets.
After another round of penetrative sex, the two of you fall asleep from exhaustion in your bed. It’s a first for the both of you, and Jungkook decides in his drunken mind that tonight won’t be the last. It feels so intimate when he cuddles you, and you won’t ever forget his love confession.
The next morning is not so pleasant however, as Jungkook wakes up with a loud sneeze and in his now nasal voice says, “God fucking damn it.”
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qingxin-s · 3 years
༉₊˚✧ʀᴇᴅ ꜱᴛʀɪɴɢ : xɪᴀᴏ x ꜰ.ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
anon requested:  a red string of fate soulmate au where in xiao would try to avoid / deny that he has a soulmate,, angst to fluff or just plain angst :]
synopsis: everyone is born with a string that connects them to their soulmate. it can never be cut, and it can never be tangled. 
genre: soulmate au, angst
word count: 1.5k
warning(s): mentions of blood and character death, not fully proof-read so sorry in advance
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Xiao had hated the idea of soulmates for as long as he could remember.
Why put all his effort into caring about someone who was going to die anyways? Why break their heart when he has to push them away due to his job? The whole idea was stupid to him, and if he could- he'd sever the string tied around his pinkie finger.
At least, that's what he thought until he met her.
A joyful soul, so full of life and energy- always prepared to lend those closest to her a helping hand. She was even kind to the Yakasha, she didn't run from him in fear. He had heard about her before their meeting, she was somewhat famous around Liyue.
Famous for her kind acts and bright smile: even the children sung their praises about her. She was who he was least expecting to be his soulmate.
The air blew harshly through his sea green hair as he sat on top of the rooftop staring down at his now bare finger- and he couldn't help but grit his teeth.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
The tugging at his finger was growing more and more frequent as he stalked through the hilltops and although he tried his best to ignore it, he couldn't help but notice how much his heart rate was beginning to rise.
Why the hell was his soulmate out so late? Didn't they know the dangers that lurked in the shadows, the monsters waiting around every corner? They were going to end up being killed before he could even meet them- if he ever decided to meet them.
With every step the young man took, the string grew tighter and tighter- becoming more visible to his eyes, to the point where he could see it trailing on the grass floor. The bush to his right moved as he looked towards the string- and he instantly pulled out his weapon.
"Who's there?" Xiao hissed, his golden hues narrowing at the sound. The bush rustled again as a head poked over the top of it, and they instantly shushed him.
"Shush! I finally managed to get the poor cat to sleep" She whisper-yelled, causing him to cock his head in confusion. What cat? Before he could ask about it however, he noticed the string around his finger lead to her own.The girl wasn't immune to this either...and she slowly turned to him.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
With a yell he threw his spear to the floor and pushed himself from the roof, jumping to grip hold of the wooden railings as tight as he could- ignoring how white his knuckles turned.
Why was he thinking of her now? It had been so long since...since then, so why did she still plague his mind?
The amber hue of the sunrise peaked shyly at him as he kept his head bowed, staring down at the bridge connecting Wangshu Inn to Liyue, and he grimaced. The sunrises weren't the same now without her, they weren't as full of energy.
"You knew this was going to happen, idiot" He growled to himself as he fell to his knees- glaring out at the scenery.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"He likes you!" (Y/N) beamed  as she watched the Yaksha poke slightly at the grey cat, his yellow eyes full of confusion as it purred at him. It had been several weeks since they had met under such unusual circumstances- and he was stupid enough to help her look after the cat she was talking about.
"Why is it making that noise? Is it possessed?" Xiao murmured as he watched the creature roll over and display it's stomach to him- causing her to burst into a peel of laughter. She clutched at his arm as he cocked his head once more.
"You're so cute, Xiao! It's a cat- it makes that noise when it's happy!" She grinned as she intertwined her hand with his own, moving it to stroke the cat. The mix of her jasmine scent and the warmth of her hand was enough to make him dizzy- and he had to focus all his attention onto the creature before him.
"Tch, whatever" He mumbled as he stroked the cat, and she clapped her hands in delight.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
Tears glassed over his yellow hues, threatening to spill and stain his cheeks. God, he'd spent so much time around her that he had picked up on her ways of expressing emotions. He had never cried this much before- dammit.
Harshly, he wiped at them with his gloved hands...but it was no use. They kept spilling, and spilling, and spilling.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"I thought I'd see you out here!" (Y/N) grinned as she poked her head round the balcony entrance, spotting the Yaksha stood there. He turned his green haired head slightly to catch her gaze, and she quickly bound over to him.
"I brought you some almond tofu! The boss was telling me how much you like it!" She smiled, holding out the small bowl to him. Almond tofu...his biggest weakness. (Y/N) pulled him towards the small table set up near the railing of the balcony and pushed him onto the chair- pointing towards the dish for him to eat.
"Did you make it yourself?" He asked, looking up at her as she stood proudly with her hands behind her back, and she nodded her head enthusiastically. With a sigh he reached towards the fork he had been provided, and he took a bite.
Almost instantly, the flavours he adored so much washed over his tongue and made his heart throb- and his yellow hues widened.
"You like it!!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she clapped her hands, and without thinking he pushed his chair away and walked up to her- wrapping her in a tight hug. Almond tofu always made him happy, and now that she had made him some...he was even happier.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"Xiao, can I ask you something?" The h/c haired girl whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder, staring out at the sunset. They were perched on the balcony at Wangshu Inn, all alone together in their little bubble. He hummed in response as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder- pulling her closer.
It was a year after their first encounter, and he had began to warm to the idea of having a soulmate. She cared about him deeply, he knew she wasn't going to leave him unprompted. But he was still scared.
Humans were too weak.
"Are you...happy that we're soulmates?" She whispered, leaning her head up to take a good look at him, soaking in his peaceful features. It was rare to see his face so relaxed, but it had become a habit around her. His eyebrows knitted as he pulled away from her slightly.
"Do you think i'm not happy?" He prodded, and she quickly shook her head.
"No, no! Just...I really like you. And I don't want you to feel forced to feel the same way just because...you know...we're soulmates" (Y/N) mumbled the last part, and he quickly cupped a hand to the back of her head and pulled her to his chest.
"I'd kill for you, don't ever think otherwise" He said firmly, and he could feel her laugh into his chest and she very quickly melted into the embrace.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
But, he'd been around long enough to know that all good things in his life swiftly come to an end.
He'd seen so much death to know what was going to happen.
He knew...he was going to lose the only good thing in his life.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
"(Y/N)!? Hey, answer me already!" The Yaksha yelled as he ran towards the clearing, the mask attached to his face glowing green and lighting up his path. No...no no no. Where the hell was she?!
He told her not to go out, not to follow him because it was dangerous. But by the time he had returned to her home- she was gone. The rain beat down on his body harshly as he pushed shrubs out of his way, raising his spear to cut through some of them.
The string around his finger was tight- he knew she was nearby. But why wasn't she responding to his calls?! In his panic he slipped, almost plummeting off the face of the cliff he was approaching- but he quickly steadied himself.
Up ahead, he could see 4 figures all huddled over something, the cloud around their bodies inky black. They were demons- and they had to be eliminated. With no hesitation he sprinted towards them, jumping in the air as he cut through them like paper- and they fell to the ground with a thud.
As he landed he felt the string pull tight, and his heartbeat rose. She was here. Slowly, his eyes fell to the floor where a figure was collapsed- and his heart almost cracked.
"(Y/N)?..." He whispered as he dropped to his knees, quickly scooping her up in his arms as he brushed her h/c hair off her forehead. Her skin was cold, her lips chapped and stained a crimson colour he was all too familiar with.
"Hey! Answer me!" Xiao cried as he shook her body, but she remained silent- still. His jaw clenched as he balled her towards his chest, and without trying to stop it- a loud scream of pain left his lips. Acidic tears poured from his eyes as he clung to her, the harsh rain making the blood seeping from her body pool around him.
This is why he hated the idea of soulmates.
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shysneeze · 4 years
phases of falling in love (ginny weasley x fem!reader)
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Description: the painful process of reader falling for her Ginny Weasley, her best friend.
Warnings: angst af, I can’t think of anything else specific but please let me know if you come across anything and I’ll add it
Authors note: in love by khai dreams and she by dodie fit this in my head and are worth a listen.( edit, : i have a playlist here that fits this entire fic) . 
(Y/N) has decided that falling in love comes in three distinct phases: realisation, denial, and acceptance, though with various forms of panic in between.
No one’s ever boasted that falling in love is easy, the bitter angst of doing so the subject of too many pieces of literature to be doubted. Yet, no one’s ever told her it would be this hard, but she supposes the stakes were always going to be higher when it’s your best friend.
Realisation came first during a party, sat in a small group by the fireplace as the cheers and laughter so typical of a Gryffindor victory party raged on around them. They weren't much different from the others, talking loudly and laughing with their heads thrown back dramatically. They were discussing the game, (Y/N) thinks, though she can hardly remember now, nor was she particularly invested at the time. 
How could she be with her just across the from her, fair freckled skin aglow from the fire, who's light danced across her face with each flame’s flicker. Her hair tumbled down her shoulders effortlessly, as if it was pulled straight from the ponytail she wore during the afternoon's match.
That was the night she looked at Ginny  Weasley and felt something in her heart, longing perhaps, that went beyond mere friendship, the first night Ginny's smile made her chest tighten and her eyes finding hers with a wink made her gulp. 
It was the first time she looked at Ginny and saw her best friend but longed for more. 
Denial was easy after that, the whole thing flippantly dismissed as a fluke of the evening, blamed on the giddy feeling that accompanied the house’s victory that Ginny played such a vital part in securing. It was nothing more appreciation, awe.
Weeks later though, and the tugging in her chest still lingers, holding her hostage and controlling her every move.
It flares up unexpectedly, from a smile at lunch, a wave during matches or a laugh hidden behind textbooks during classes. There is an endless array of quirks and habits that (Y/N) has never once before paid attention to that now leave her stomach victim to butterflies and her heart to palpitations.
Yet the denial continues, excuses ranging from the outlandish to the self-deprecating. Perhaps an insensitive prank, a love potion slipped regularly into her morning orange juice, or maybe it’s just all in her head, a crush manifested from loneliness, from the desire to be loved by someone.
Excuses are easy to provide, yet even easier to disprove and it soon becomes clear that every attempt to deny her own feelings is fruitless. Acceptance looms over her, unmindful of the heart it’s about to break.
Acceptance comes reluctantly during an evening’s study in the library. There’s no blame to place on atmosphere this time, hidden together at the end of an aisle of shelves, sat across from one another at a desk most certainly made for one.
The characteristic smell of old books lingers in the air and speckles of dust are illuminated by a dim lamp as they float aimlessly around them. The light does nothing to highlight the red in Ginny’s hair the way the flames of the fire had during the party, or to draw the warm brown from her eyes,  yet (Y/N) is enamoured. 
(Y/N)'s quill hangs limply between her fingers, ink drying on the tip with a word half-finished on her parchment. Across from her, Ginny bites her lower lip in concentration, deep brown eyes scanning each word she writes, occasionally lifting her hands to fix the loose bun holding her fiery red hair from her face, ridding her eyes of the messy stray strands with a frustrated rush of air from her pink lips. 
(Y/N) gulps and panics slightly that in the quiet of the library, her best friend might hear the hammering of her heart in her chest. They're so close that their knees touch under the desk and (Y/N) is left unsure on whether to move her legs or not from fear of only drawing attention to it. 
She's trying to convince herself to act normal, that this is all normal, a scenario they've been in so many times before with procrastinated essays and last minute deadlines, that she has no reason to act any different, yet her heart races, and she can hear it in her own ears.
It’s terrifying.
She's mid inner quarrel when Ginny lets out a loud sigh of surrender and lets her quill clatter against the desk. (Y/N) blinks out of her daze, dropping her own quill in surprise and frowning at the red head. 
"Snape is asking for one of the twin's puking pastilles in his tea." She grumbles.
"They'd give you them for free if you tell them it's for Snape." (Y/N) manages a laugh. "How much more have you got to do?" 
Ginny peers at her own parchment, then at (Y/N)'s with a questioning frown, reaching over to snatch it into her hands. She examines it with arched brows and stifles a small laugh at whatever she's read. 
"Better than you- You've neglected to finish the word 'assignment', (Y/N)." She snorts softly. "It just says 'ass'." 
(Y/N) stands abruptly to grab it back from her amused friend with a quiet 'oi' and a flustered wide-eyed expression that only adds to Ginny's laughter until she's clasping her hand atop her lips to muffle the sound. 
"I got d-distracted." She explains embarrassedly. "It's just the first draft." 
"Oh no, I think you should hand it in as is." She grins. "I want to see Snape's face." 
"I'm not getting detention just so you can get a laugh." She argues. 
"Aw, come on." Ginny pouts. "Not even for me?" 
A part of her, a shameful part, almost instantly concedes to the offer, despite its teasing nature, just for Ginny's puppy dog eyes, which (Y/N) has until now been immune to. She falters for only a second before fixing her friend with a frown. 
"No, not even for you." She decides firmly. "Lets hear yours then, Gin." 
Ginny dramatically clears her throat with a grin, something that eerily reminds (Y/N) of her elder brothers, and begins to read aloud before (Y/N) stops her with an eye roll, cautious of the pacing click of Madam Pince's heels as she roams the aisles for the opportunity to evict noisy teens. 
"You'll be surprised to hear I finished all my words and never once spoke about my arse." 
"Sod off." (Y/N) rolls her eyes again. 
"Well, what’s got you so distracted you felt the need to conclude that you 'learned lots about counter curses from this ass'?" 
"You memorized it all ready?" 
"Of course." She beams cheekily. "How else am I to tell the rest of our friends?" 
"You are the worst." 
"You love me really though." 
(Y/N) worries when she can't laugh that off, when she falters for only a second, but enough to remind herself of this new and scary situation. She forces on a smile and hope she's been quick and convincing enough to seem normal, though something in Ginny's eyes tells her otherwise. 
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" 
"Hmm, you look nervous." Ginny hints. "What are you hiding? Is it a girl?" 
(Y/N) is exposed instantly by the involuntary widening of her eyes and Ginny grins menacingly at her from across the tiny desk. She leans over, palms flat against the desk and head so close to (Y/N)'s that their foreheads almost touch. 
(Y/N) forgets to breathe. 
"Who is it?" 
"No one." (Y/N) manages, edging back as subtly as possible. "It's not anyone." 
"Aw, c'mon." Ginny rolls her eyes. "Tell me." 
"You're going to make Madam Pince kick us out again." 
Ginny tuts, rolling her eyes and returning to her seat, allowing (Y/N) to drop her shoulders in relief. She sighs as she picks her quill up again, soaking the tip in ink with a rejuvenated intent to write, motivated by the chance to change the topic of conversation. 
"You're no fun." Ginny mumbles. "I'll find out." 
“There isn’t anything to find out.” (Y/N) exhales, not daring to look up from her parchment, knowing once again her expression will betray her. “Or anyone.”
“Oh, but there is.”
(Y/N) doesn’t need to look up to know the red-head is grinning, it’s evident in her voice. All she can do in response is take a deep, calming breath and continue with her work.
It’s not long before she can feel Ginny’s eyes on the top of her head and she freezes again, not sure when this became a talent of hers, to tell just from some new sixth sense that Ginny Weasley is staring at her.
“Can I help you?”
“Is it Willow Kings?”
“Been there, done that.” (Y/N) mumbles with a sigh. “She’s nice but talks about her owl too much.”
“Hmm.” Ginny hums in contemplation. “You’re not crushing on Pansy again, are you?”
In every single way, (Y/N) wishes that was her current shameful crush, rather than the girl currently interrogating her. When (Y/N) denies it, Ginny begins to hum again in thought.
“Luna’s just a friend.” (Y/N) sighs, distinctly trying to convince herself the same thing about Ginny at this exact moment. “I’m not telling you, Gin.”
“Ugh, why not?” Ginny grumbles loudly.
The red-head’s face pales when the methodical clicking of the Librarian’s heels halts, wincing at what is soon to follow. The sound begins again, quicker and sharper as it approaches the pair.
“Shit.” Ginny curses, already gathering her work into her arms. “Here we go.”
“You two.”
The girls turn sheepishly to the other end of the aisle, where Madam Pince stares them down, one hand on her hip, other extended outwards to point at them with a disapproving look.
“We’re just leaving.” Ginny assures.
Ginny stands, reaching out innocently for (Y/N)’s hand and clasping it in her own to drag her to her feet as she splutters out protests, flustered instantly by the action. Ginny only gives her enough time to gather her things before pulling her towards the exit.
“S-low down, Ginny.” She pleads. “Sorry, Madam- “
The librarian scowls at them with an icy look as they squeeze past her towards the exist, Ginny’s laughter barely concealed as they go. (Y/N) can barely focus on anything other than the hand in her own.
Once in the corridor, convinced of their own escape from the strict librarian, Ginny flings he rhead back in a laugh, bun bouncing on her head at the action, cheeks flushed from the excitement of it.
“Every time!” She exclaims. “We get chased out every time.”
(Y/N) is too stunned to form a sentence, stunned not by their actions, one’s regularly performed to avoid Madam Pince’s wrath, but rather how suddenly loud her heart is in her own ears.
She could blame adrenalin, it would be so easy to do so, but she knows it’s not. It’s many things, but not adrenalin. Instead Ginny’s laughter, her free and proud laughter so cheerful on her ears, it’s the baby hairs framing her face, endearingly messy, and it’s most certainly the hand still clasped in her own, warm and soft.
Acceptance, that final phase. No amount of excuses in the world could hide it now, that (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is undoubtedly, and most terrifyingly, in love with her best friend.
In this moment, watching Ginny’s grin, that infectious smile that has (Y/N) own lips pulling into a smile of her own, she’s about ready to risk it all for her, to tug her closer and ask, even beg, to kiss her.
“Ginny- “She starts
Like that, the spell is broken and Ginny’s hand is slipping from (Y/N)’s and her feet carrying her towards the red faced boy-who-lived at the other end of the corridor, flinging herself eagerly into conversation with him and leaving (Y/N)’s smile to drop.
The tugging feeling in (Y/N)’s chest returns, and she finds herself back in reality. Ginny likes Harry, she always has, it’s been the topic of so many late-night teasing, how could (Y/N) possibly forget. It hurts though, in a way it never has before, a painful stab of reality sent straight to her heart.
(Y/N) has just learned for herself that falling in love is never easy, even if her heartbreak isn’t one likely to be documented as a great tragic romance in future. No one told her it would be this hard, but as she watches Ginny grinning up at the boy across the hall, her heart twists with the reluctant acceptance that, not only is she in love, but that her best friend is in  love with someone else. 
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pasteljooonie · 5 years
It’s Okay | Jungkook
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Description; When the other Bangtan boys notice a change in Jungkook’s behavior that links to a girlfriend he’s had previous problems with, and can’t get through to him, afraid for his wellbeing they contact you, an old friend of Jungkook’s that hasnt seen him in a while, in hopes you can find out what’s going on, and help Jungkook in ways they can’t.
Warning; Depression, Swearing, Bruise Mention, Victim Guilt, Abuse.
Genre; Angst
Pairing; Jungkook x Reader
Word Count; 5.6k
A/N: so this one was fun to write, I would’ve had it posted sooner but I’ve been really busy and just finished editing it, but I hope you guys enjoy. also, if your name is georgia, I’m sorry. :)
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Your phone ringing suddenly was startling as you sat by yourself in your room, a book in your hands as you reached for the phone, confused as you saw the caller was marked unknown, you hesitated before answering, hoping it wasn't a telemarketer. "Hello?" You asked softly, putting your phone on speaker and setting it back down on the bed. "__?" A familiar voice asked, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Jimin?" You asked, picking the phone of the bed and taking it off speaker as you brought it to your ear. "Hi ___." Jimin's voice replied, making you smile softly. "Hey Jimin! It's been a while, how are things?" You asked, standing up from your bed and walking around absentmindedly. "Uhh, they're good I guess, how are you?" He asked, his voice sounding hesitant. "I'm alright, is everything okay? Why'd you call?" You asked, before cringing softly. "Not that it's a bad thing, it's great to hear from you, and you can call whenever, I just want to make sure everything's okay." You said softly, hearing him laugh on the other end. "Yeah, well, sort of. Umm, I'd hate to spring this all on you over the phone-everyone's okay." He added quickly. "Can we talk? Like in person? It would be easier to explain." He said softly, and you couldn't deny the drop in your stomach as you grew nervous. "Uhh yeah." You replied quickly. "I'm not doing anything, do you want to meet at the café? Near the library? I can be there in ten minutes." You asked, beginning to put your shoes on as you felt nerves eating at you. "I'll be there in five."
You smiled as you saw Jimin, letting the café door close behind you as he stood up from his table, and you saw five other boys sitting where he had got up from. "It's great to see you." You sighed into Jimin's shoulder, it had been a long time since you'd seen any of them, and being back with them made it seem like you'd never left in the first place. "Is everything okay? You sounded nervous on the phone." You said softly, hugging each of the boys before sitting down, and realizing Jungkook wasn't there. "He's okay, he's asleep at the hotel." Jin assured you quickly, seeing the panic on your face. You took a deep breath and nodded, nearly on the verge of tears as panic convinced you he was hurt. "This is actually about him, that's why he's not here." Namjoon said softly, making you nod slowly, afraid of what they were going to tell you. "He has this girlfriend. I'm not sure if you remember her-" "oh god." You sighed, running your hand over your face. How could you forget her. Georgia became Jungkook's girlfriend nearly a year before you two stopped talking, and you hated her the moment you met her. "He's still with her?" You watched the boys nod slowly. "God it's been what, two years? How has he not realized what type of person she is." You sighed angrily, when you and Jungkook were still in contact, every time she was around the two of you, she always bossed Jungkook around like he was her slave, and was threatened that you were going to try and take Jungkook from her. "Yeah, that's the problem." Jimin said softly, making your face fall. "Did she do something?" You asked, your blood boiling at the thought. You hadn't seen Jungkook in a long time, but you cared deeply for him, and the idea of her hurting him made you feel indescribable amounts of anger. "We think so." Jimin said softly, "we don't know for sure, none of use have seen anything, but we've seen signs." Jimin said quietly, you could barely hear him over the pounding of your heart against your chest.
"He's always hurt. Has a hard time dancing, doesn't like being touched, and nobody's seen him without his shirt on in months. He won't even lift it up around us, it's like he's hiding something. Something we can only imagine is-" "bruises." You interrupted Namjoon, your hands shaking in your lap as you tried to calm yourself down, but the thought of Jungkook hurt, hurt you in way indescribable. "Yeah." It was Tae answering you as they all hung their heads low, and you saw Jin wipe at his face hastily. It hurt them just as much as it hurt you. "I'm going to kill her." You said softly, tears welling in your eyes as you sniffled. "Does anybody know an area I can drive to that has mountain lions? Or like a really starved pig farm? I heard they can eat a body in nine minut-" "__" Jimin interrupted you, making you face him, his eyes as teary as yours. "We called you here, because he won't talk to us. But we thought he might talk to you. Every time we even say her name he changes the topic, nobody’s been able to even mention anything hinting at her hurting him because he shuts down." He said softly, making you sigh. "We haven't talked in over a year Jimin, things aren't the same." You replied, despite the words hurting, you thought you would be the last person he would want to talk to. "__, I've never seen Jungkook as happy around someone as he is around you. Even if it has been more than a year, you're still his best friend, and I know if he saw you again he would be just as happy as he was a year ago." Hoseok said softly, each of them looking at you with pleading eyes. "She was what caused us to drift apart in the first place, he'll choose her again, and it'll just end the same as last time. He won't talk to me, it's better off just me beating her a-" "I know you want to hurt her, believe me, we all do, but that's not going to solve anything with him." Namjoon said softly, and you hated that he was right. "Losing you was the worst thing I've ever seen Jungkook go through. If he had you, he wouldn't let it happen again." Jimin said softly, and you sighed, "Alright. I'll try, but if he doesn't talk to me-" "then you get to beat her ass. I'll even drive you to her myself." Namjoon said softly, and you smiled.
The room was silent as you let the door close behind you, seeing Jungkook asleep on his bed, you smiled at how tiny he looked, and slowly crept over to him, careful to not wake him up. You knew it would take more than a few floorboards creaking. Living with the boys gave Jungkook a sleeping immunity to soft noises, and you were grateful for that. You sat down on his bed slowly, and brushed his bangs out of his face. It looked more sullen, clinging to the bones more than it had the last time you had seen him, less full of life. "Oh Kookie, what has she done to you." You whispered to yourself, your heart breaking as he mumbled in his sleep, his eyes moving underneath his eyelids. You didn't want to wake him up, he looked too peaceful. Sighing in defeat, you knew you had to, you couldn't help him if he was asleep. "Kookie." You said softly, brushing more hair out of his face as you lightly bumped his shoulder. "Jungkook." Your voice was a bit louder now, your hand still on his cheek as his eyes fluttered, but stayed closed. "Jungkook." You sang his name, nudging him again, you watched his eyes open slowly, blinking to adjust to the light. Until he saw your face. "Oh my god." He whispered, sitting up quickly, a smile wide on his face as he looked at you, letting his eyes trail over your body as if questioning if you were real. "Hi." You smiled, pain in your chest at the sight of your old friend. He yelled your name suddenly and you were thrown down onto the bed, his arms and legs wrapped around you and hugging you tightly to him. "I missed you too." You laughed softly, turning to face him with a wide smile on your face, he looked so content as he held you, his eyes closed, bangs in his face, his whole body latching onto you, it almost made you forget why you were there. "I missed you a lot." You mumbled softly, running your fingers through his hair again, you wanted to stay like this forever. "Why are you here?" He asked, finally letting go of you so the two of you could sit up.
"I was tired of not having my sun in my life." You said softly, unable to keep yourself from putting your hand in his hair again. You watched his cheeks run pink as you brushed the bangs out of his face. "The new album is so good Kookie I'm so proud of you." You said softly, wanting nothing more than to see his smile again. "I can't believe you're here." He breathed out, grabbing your hands and holding the both of them in his lap, refusing to let go of you, as if afraid the second you weren't in his hands you would leave again. "I know." You said softly, smiling as you squeezed his hands tightly. "We should have an us day. Just the two of us, we can see a movie, go to a nice restaurant, there's a new bowling alley, let's just hang out, just us for a day?" You asked softly seeing the excitement in his eyes. "Yeah! I'd love that!" He smiled wide, making you smile, until you saw him hesitate. "I umm, I have to call someone-" "I know Jungkook, it's alright. Jimin told me you're still with Georgia, you don't have to hide it from me." You said softly, seeing obvious guilt in his eyes as he nodded, and pulled out his phone slowly, clearly hesitant as he clicked on her contact and swallowed thickly as the phone began ringing. "H-Hey, a friend is in town, and we were going to hang out today, just like, see a movie or something. I just wanted to let you know so you didn't like, come to the hotel room or something and not find me there-" he forced out a laugh, and your blood boiled as you heard her voice screaming at him. "O-Okay, yeah. Got it, right. Okay. Okay. Bye." He hung up the phone and kept his back to you as he tossed the phone onto his bed. "I umm, need to change, are you okay just waiting here? I'll only be a few minutes." He promised, and you nodded. "Take as much time as you need Kookie." You said softly, sadness overwhelming you as he collected an outfit and stepped into the bathroom.
He was right when he said only a few minutes. You wiped at your eyes hurriedly as he stepped out and feigned a smile. "Hey." You said softly, standing up off the bed as he smiled at you, only for his smile to fall as he saw you. "Were you crying?" He asked, putting his hand on your cheek, wiping away a stray tear as you feigned another smile. "Yeah, but it's just from those sad videos, you know the ones, where the dad or mom comes home from the army and sees their kids? Gets me every time." You lied, wiping at your face as he nodded, smiling at you again as he grabbed his phone and jacket. "Ready?" He asked, and you nodded, taking his hand as he led you out of the hotel.
"I missed this." Your voice was soft as you looked at Junkook. He was sitting across from you, the two of you at an ice cream parlor, sitting in a booth as you ate your dessert. "I missed this too." He replied, smiling at you from across the table, "so, how are things?" You asked softly. "How are things with the boys? With your-" you waved your hand and he pursed his lips softly. "The boys are good." He nodded with his words, "and, umm she's good. How are you?" He asked the last part quickly, wanting to change the subject, and the fear in his eyes made your heart shatter. "I’m good. I'm in an apartment now, new roommates, I'm thinking about getting a pet." You said softly, wanting to change the subject, the pain in his eyes was too much to look at for so long. You needed to see his smile again. "Ooh, what type of pet?" He asked, his mood lifting as you smiled. "I was originally thinking a bunny, but now that I've got you back in my life, I don't think I need two." You smiled wide as he hid his face behind his hands. "You can't say things like that!" He laughed softly. "And why not?" You giggled, pulling his hands back, you saw his face completely red as he looked away from you. "Because it's cheesy, and makes me blush." He huffed, making you smile wide. "That's the point." You laughed as he nudged you playfully. "I really did miss you so much Jungkook." You said softly, setting your hand on the table, he set his on top of it and smiled softly. "I missed you so much too. Please don't ever make me lose you again." He mumbled softly. You smiled and ran your thumb over his hand. "Promise." You said softly, "promise." He replied, the smile back on his face, only to be startled as someone suddenly hit your table, making it shake, and causing Jungkook's ice cream to spill onto his shirt. "I'm so sorry!" The person apologized, Jungkook stood up suddenly, grabbing at napkins as he tried to wipe it off, panic in his eyes, and you knew it was an expensive shirt, "oh, I have a spare shirt in my car! I'll be right back." You told him, grabbing your keys off the table you hurried to your car and saw a shirt sitting in the backseat, it was Jungkook's, and despite the pain it's caused in the last year, you were now grateful you hadn't had the strength to get rid of it. You hurried back into the parlor and saw Jungkook still trying to wipe it off. "Come here." You told him, taking his hand you dragged him to the bathroom, and locked the door behind you. It was a one person bathroom and you were grateful as you turned to Jungkook. "Take that shirt off, put this one on, I'll wash that off with water, hopefully that'll keep it from staining until we can get it properly washed okay?" You said softly, watching panic cross his eyes, and he played with the hem of his shirt nervously. "I won't look, I promise." You said softly, turning away, he hesitated, before beginning to pull the shirt over his head. Glancing in the mirror, your face fell in horror as you saw the purple and black marks littering along his skin. The boys were right. He was hiding bruises. He quickly pulled the old shirt over his head and handed the one covered in ice cream to you, and you began washing it off. He stood behind you awkwardly, crossing his arms over his chest as you scrubbed at the shirt. "I don't think ice cream stains thankfully." You said softly as you began to ring it out. "I still think getting it washed would be a good idea, but it should be alright." You smiled as you turned to hand it to him, and he nodded thankfully, taking it from you, he crossed his arms over his body nervously, and you opened the bathroom door, and walked back to your car with him behind you.
"There's so many." Your voice was barely a whisper as you wiped at your eyes, sniffling as you sat across from the boys. You texted Jimin, telling him you needed to talk to them, and you all sat in Jungkook and Taehyung's hotel room, while Jungkook gave his shirt to the dry cleaners. "I haven't had the chance to bring it up. I barely even mentioned her and he looked so upset. I'm sorry, I just can't do it today, not when he gets that scared. Tomorrow, I will. I promise, I just don't want him shutting me out again." You sniffled, wiping at your eyes hastily as the boys nodded. "She's out of town, she shouldn't be back until Tuesday." Jimin said softly, and you sighed in relief, that gave you two days. "Okay. I'll talk to him by then, I promise. But if she shows up-" "trust me ___, we're all feeling that way right now." Hoseok said softly, his fists clenched in his lap as you nodded, swallowing thickly, you all jumped suddenly when the door opened and Jungkook peeked his head in, "Hey, everything okay?" He asked softly, still halfway in the doorway. "Yeah. I was just showing them that soldier video I was telling you about. The one that made me cry earlier." You smiled weakly, watching him nod slowly, before wincing, and stepping inside, you glanced away for a second, glancing at Jimin, only to look back and see Jungkook wasn't alone. You stood up suddenly, Tae and Yoongi standing up with you, and Namjoon stood up slowly, holding his hand out to the three of you. "I thought she wasn't coming back until Tuesday." Jimin said softly, the calmest one in this situation as he stood up as well. "Came home early. Just couldn't wait to see my oppa!" Georgia smiled wide, making you take a sharp intake of breath, and Namjoon grabbed your hand softly. "Hey Jungkook, can I talk to you for a second?" You asked softly, making the boy glance up from the floor, he nodded and you walked over to him, "is it something you can say to the both of us?" Georgia asked, crossing her arms as you opened the door. "No." You snapped, grabbing Jungkook and leading him to the hallway. You were still in the doorway however when she grabbed the door to keep you from closing it. "I don't feel comfortable with you sneaking around with my oppa without me, I know your history, so whatever you say to him you can say to me!" She snapped. You let go of the door and stepped to the side, she smiled and walked into the hallway, reaching for Jungkook, but you pulled him from her reach. "Go to the lobby or the only thing you're going to be uncomfortable with is my foot up your ass." You sneered, watching fear flash in her eyes as she huffed and turned away, doing as you told her, and you led Jungkook to the stairwell.
The night was silent as you and Jungkook sat next to each other, sitting on the curb, the dim lighting from the hotel pool illuminated his face as he stared at the ground, his eyes conflicted as you searched for your words. "Jungkook..." You started, struggling to hold back tears as he faced you, "Do you remember the last thing I told you? Before everything happened, when we were saying goodbye?" You said softly, watching him nod as you took a shaky breath. "You're too good of a person Kookie, and that scares me, because I know one of these days someone is going to hurt you, and you're not going to know why it's not okay." You repeated your past words, words you told him the last time you had seen him. "I meant it, and I always told myself, you're not a baby, you can handle yourself, I don't have to look out for you, you know right from wrong, you know friends from foe, you're so damn smart, and you're going to do great in this world, and I was right." You sniffled, tears falling past your eyes. "You aren't a baby, and you do know right from wrong, but you're a literal fucking ball of sunshine, and you trust people so easily, and you can't tell when someone is hurting you, because you don't see people's faults, because you have such a heart of gold, all you see is the beauty of someone's soul, and even when their soul is dark and evil, you still see good in them, and you're such an amazing person Kookie, but I can't sit back and watch you be around these evil people, and let them convince you and you are the one with the faults." You cried, your heart breaking as he looked at you through confused eyes, “__, is this about the boys? You know them so well, you know they would never do anything to hurt me, everything’s playful, we just shove each other around-“ “this isn’t about the boys Kookie.” You said softly, a tear slipping past your eyes as he looked at you through curious eyes and you took a shaky breath.
"I know she's gotten in your head. I know she's made you fall in love with her, and I know that she's made you think you are the problem. But Jungkook you are fucking flawless, there isn't a single problem with you, and it's her, she's sunk her claws into your skin, and she's hurting you." Your voice broke, and he looked away. His hands shaking in his lap as you took a shaky breath. "I know it's hard to do things like this on your own, but the boys and I are going to help you okay? I just need you to let me. I can't help you without you helping me too. I saw the bruises Jungkook, I know-" he stood up quickly before you could finish, his breathing uneven as he ran his hands over his face, struggling to collect his emotions. "N-No, it's not what you think, I-I just made her angry, it was my f-fault, she has anger issues, and I know that, a-and I-" "Jungkook stop making excuses for her!" You grabbed his arms suddenly, watching him flinch as you sniffled and loosened your grip, seeing the fear in his eyes as you held onto him unintentionally harsh. "It was not your fault. She hurt you, and that's not okay. That will never be okay. Jungkook please, listen to me, shes hurting you, she needs to go away, you need to get away from her. You need to be by yourself, to be surrounded by people that aren't going to hurt you like this, by people that care about you. Me and the boys, we want to help you. Please, let us." You begged. He refused to face you, and started pacing, running his hands through his hair as he shook his head. "Jungkook what if I had a boyfriend, and he was hitting me?" You asked, watching him stop suddenly.
"What if you saw me with a wrist brace, and a black eye, and he had hit me because I accidentally knocked over a vase, or burnt some noodles, what if you saw me in pain because I was in love with someone, and I thought they loved me back, but they just loved having a punching bag around. What would you do? Would you let me go home with him? Would you let me stay in a relationship with him, knowing he was hurting me, and he had brainwashed me to think he loved me?" You choked out, watching him choke out a sob as he kept his back to you. "A bucket of thorns is not worth a single rose." You said softly, taking a step closer, seeing his shoulders shaking as he cried. "Please Jungkook, let me help you. This isn't your fault. Nothing is your fault. You're the victim here, not her." You said softly. Reaching out, you touched his back softly. He flinched slightly at the touch, but didn't move. You wrapped your arms around him softly, and at the touch he fell to his knees, crying, you fell with him, and held him tighter, holding him with your entire body, you rested your head on his, more tears passing your eyes as you kissed the side of his head softly. "I'm going to help you." You whispered. "I'm going to help you heal, because you've been through too much pain, and it has been nobody's fault but hers. You deserve the world Jungkook, and I'm going to make sure you get nothing less." You promised he didn't reply, but he didn't need to, letting you hold him, was all you needed, and you held him for as long as he needed.
Your face was set as you walked down the hallway. You were heading back to Jungkook's room, the boy trailing slowly behind you, his hand held tightly in yours, his eyes watching his feet as he walked. You were taking him to the boys, and planning on dealing with her alone. You reached the room and knocked on it, the door swung open almost immediately, and you saw Jimin looking back at you. You nodded slowly, and he grabbed Jungkook, hugging him tightly as the boy cried silently, wrapping his arms tightly around Jimin, the other boys joined the hug, each of them holding Jimin as tightly as they could and crying together, you were grateful they were here, and nodded to Jimin as you stepped out of the hotel room, startled as you saw Georgia staring at you expectantly, barely a foot away. "What's going on?" She snapped, her voice making the boys jump, and you saw panic flash through Jungkook's eyes as he tried to step forward, but Hoseok stopped him. "I'll tell you what's going on." You smiled forcefully as you turned to face her, "you're going to walk your ugly ass to your car, get your trashy ass in, and drive as far away as possible, or I'm going to beat your ass into a pulp, right here, right now. And don't even think about ever contacting Jungkook again, got it? Good." You sneered, making her scoff "I'm sorry, just who do you think you are?" She sneered, making your blood boil as you stepped forward, but saw Namjoon throw you a weary glance, "Jungkook, let's go. I’m tired of being around this psychopath." She sneered. You clenched your fists as Jungkook stepped up beside you, and glanced between the two of you nervously. "Jungkook, remember what I said." You told him softly, watching panic flood his eyes as he struggled with himself . "You wouldn't let me go home, and I'm not letting you." You told him, seeing conflict in his eyes, but he nodded to you, and swallowed thickly, looking at the floor, you saw Georgia flare in anger "Jungkook. I said, we're leaving." She snapped, her arms crossed. Jungkook glanced at you nervously, before taking your hand, and raising his head. "No." His voice was shaky as her jaw dropped in shock, and she glanced at your and his intwined hands. "Make a choice." She sneered, shaking her hair off her shoulders. "Me. Or her." She said sharply, and Jungkook swallowed thickly. "Her. I will always choose her over you." He answered, his face set as he stood at his height, despite the slouching you'd seen him doing, making himself smaller.
The next moment was a blur. The sight of Jungkook's head snapping to the side, her hand the one forcing it, the sound of Tae grabbing Jungkook, Jin yelling your name as you threw her to the floor, you saw red as you hovered over her. You didn't feel the pain in your fists as you punched her repeatedly, you heard unintelligible shouting, the boys and any other hotel guests stepping out of the rooms searching for a source of the commotion, and you finally felt Hoseok pull you off of her. You were shaking as you finally heard their voices, Jimin hugging Jungkook, soothing him as Namjoon pressed his fingertips to Georgia's throat. "She has a heartbeat, I think. I don't really know how to do this, but she doesn't look dead, just really unconscious." Namjoon mumbled, your back hit the wall and you sunk down to the floor, your hands shaking as you looked forward, your eyes open, yet you didn't see anything as you waited. You didn't know what you were waiting for, but you waited.
The hotel room was silent as Jimin wrapped your hand, the cops came, and after watching the camera footage and seeing her swing at Jungkook first, they ruled it self defense, and you didn't get in any trouble. They were long gone now as Jimin cleaned up your knuckles, they were cut and bruised from hitting her so many times. None of the boys spoke. Jungkook had locked himself in the bathroom when everything calmed down, and now, you still weren't sure if you were calmed down completely. "I had myself under control." You whispered, making all the boys face you as Jimin paused from putting gauze on your hands. "I really did, I was just going to make her leave, that was it, I didn’t want to put Jungkook through that. But seeing her hit him-“ you broke off, taking a shaky breath “seeing the bruises, and the pain she had already caused him was one thing, but seeing her hit him like that, as if he meant nothing, I saw red. I couldn't even hear you guys until Hobi pulled me off. I would've killed her." You said softly, your eyes concentrating on the wall in front of you and the boys nodded. "Any of us would've." Jimin said softly. You sniffled, thanking him as he finished wrapping your hands, and flexed your fingers, wincing at the pain, and set them in your lap. "Thank you." Jin suddenly said, making you face him. "For helping him when we couldn't. We weren't who he needed to hear it from, and I'm grateful he had you to help him." He said softly, and you feigned a smile, "I'm glad I could help him. I don't know what I would've done if he chose her." You shook your head, jumping suddenly as the bathroom door opened, and Jungkook stepped out, his head hanging low as he played with his fingers. You stood up slowly, hesitating, you walked over to him. He glanced away, but you put you hand on his cheek, and his eyes met yours. His cheek red, but he still offered you a weak smile, and you wrapped your arms tightly around him. He hugged you back, sniffling softly as he rested his face in the crook of your neck. You heard the other boys stand up, and all join the hug. And in that moment, you promised both yourself, and Jungkook, no one would ever hurt the either of you again, and would never come in between you.
"I don't think I ever really loved her." Jungkook's voice was soft as you turned to face him. "Who?" You asked, sitting up and leaning on you elbow as you watched him do the same. "Her?" You asked, he nodded in response. "I can't remember a time I ever loved her. I liked her, at first, but it was right after we had broken up, I think it was more of a need for something to fill the void than it was an attraction." He mumbled, making you suppress a smile. "You had a void when we broke up?" You asked, causing a blush rise to his cheeks, "of course I did. We weren't the same after it, everything felt too awkward, and it's you, there's always a void in my life when you're not there." He admitted, and you felt your heart swell inside your chest. "I have a void without you too." You told him, "I know what you mean, us not being the same. I felt like we were too afraid of each other. We were terrified of the idea of losing each other, we pushed ourselves apart until we did." You mumbled, he nodded, knowing you were right. "And she obviously didn't help, but I mean, we're here now, and that's what matters right? It's been a month since I came to your hotel room, and it already feels like we were never apart, that's what matters." You said softly, watching him smile as he laid back down. The two of you were on a grassy hill, the night sky shining full of stars above you. Having snuck away from the boys to watch the sun set, and just be with each other. "That's exactly why we broke up." He snorted, you laughed softly and nodded, knowing he was right. "We get in such a good place, and then convince ourselves something is going to go wrong, and every time we fall for it, and it makes things worse." You sighed, running your hand over your face irritably. "I promise I won't let it happen anymore. I don't think I'd survive if I had to lose you again." He mumbled, staring at the sky as you laid down next to him. "I can't lose you either." You replied, staring at him as he sighed, opening and closing his mouth a few times, unsure how to word his feelings, before finally sighing and closing his eyes. "I still love you." The words were barely a whisper as they passed his lips, and you smiled wide. "I still love you too." You said softly. Your response made him face you as he grabbed your hand softly, intwining your fingers with his, and you two laid in the silence, not needing anything other than each other, and not wanting anything else than what you had beside you.
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floralbfs · 5 years
WIP Ask Game!
thank u anon!!!!
1: Summarize your WIP in 10 words or less.
orphan gains powers, gets adopted by alien, saves the world.
2: Post a line from your WIP with no context.
'There's a whoosh of air, and Leo suddenly hears a voice he never thought he'd ever be able to hear again.'
3: Does your WIP have a title? If so, explain its significance. If not, what are you calling it for now?
Okay so I have been calling it the Youtuber Superhero AU (because it started as a fandom au but then i made it an original!!) but I thought maybe it could be "Thicker than Water", since my MC, Leo, is an orphan and he lives alone for most of his life (most of his life lmao at least until canon point? read also: around 9-11 years when in canon he's like 19?) in a remote, lowkey magical place/dimension?, but ultimately he comes back to his hometown and creates a family for himself!!!! i won't give spoilers but, since i already said this, part of his found family is his adoptive dad, an alien who is also a superhero!! If not TtW, I would call it maybe,,,,, Moonstone???? at least the first book!!! (ooh, maybe TtW can be the series name and Moonstone the first book's name?) because Leo kind of gets his powers through a moon stone????? it's not actually moon stone; it was a strange rock he found in the magical dimension that seeked out a champion for the god Huitzilopochtli??? and the closest word Leo could get for it was Moonstone, because of its uhhhhh singular qualities!
4: Describe the setting of your WIP.
OKAY, this is a fun one!!! Leo's hometown is named Star Nova, idk why it just seemed cool, and it is a futuristic city!!! They don't follow capitalism Because I Said So, and they're really into, like, environmental stuff!!! So you'd see SO much flora all over the city kshdsjfh like those???? idk what they're called but like the towns overridden with plants? but controlled!!! There's a tiny percentage of the population (tho I still haven't decided if this is worldwide?? I have a way to make it worldwide but idk) who have superpowers, either due to "individual" factors (e.g Leo's powers are bc of the moonstone, and Matthew(his dad)'s powers are due to him being an alien!) or were affected by a weird experiment an Evil Corporation™ were doing; ECtm was trying out an illegal experiment that could alter living beings' genetics to their will, but it went wrong and their substance exploded and went airborne. Those who were working on it knew about its risks and toxicity, ergo they were wearing a special suit and weren't affected, but the gas contaminated and ??mixed?? with the air and spread to the nearest city, Star Nova (the unofficial capital of the Joint Pacific Nations) and affected a Whole Lot Of People!!! this all happened a while before canon, and the corporation got away with it bc they were filthy rich basically. Anyway, a lot of the people who were affected to the "virus" reacted negatively and died, some were uhhh """immune"""???, and a few Seemed to be immune but had actually had a successful celular-level bonding with the substance! It didn't do anything to them, but their children/grandchildren were born with physical or mental anomalies, also known as super powers (gasps)!!!! BUT!!! a lot of the story happens in the magical city of Coatl (it means serpent!), located within a pocket dimension somewhere inside the Mexican southern forest, where Leo finds himself when he's four years old, recently orphaned, guided by a magical ....bird....being....? he lives there for around eleven years, and he's granted Huitzilopochtli's Champion's power once he's like. Not A Baby lmao. Coatl is.... kind of like,,,,, an Olympus, I guess? Only those with like the destiny to find it know where it is, and they can lead other people there if it's for good causes! It's almost like a sentient city, and the Aztec gods kinda. chilled there???? my theory is that a lot of religious mythologies exist, at least in this universe, and they all co-exist on earth, or pocket dimensions inside of it!!! anyway, Leo lived there and was basically raised by gods???? and an AI???? bc i love AIs???? and uhhhh i think that got away from me ajdhsjdhsj does all of this even count as setting??? am i missing anything????
5: Search for the word “knife” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
no knives sadly :( i guess i haven't reached Those Scenes yet???? tho there should be one in the first chapter….. my wip document is just kind of very messy ajdhsjdjsjdh i might just have to make a new document????
6: Search for the word “dream” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
???????????? why am i not using any words?????????? sorry :/
7: What are you most proud of?
probably the worldbuilding and characters (at least those with superpowers? maybe i should say superpowers period)!!!!! they're very complex and thought-out????? and i THINK they're original!!!!! so!!!!! \( ̄▽ ̄)/
8: What is your biggest challenge?
oooooof,,,,,,,, probably..... getting an actual plot lmao????? like i have an overall view of my would-be first and second books, but i don't know if they actually have enough to them to be written as they are?????? like… idk if the conflict is really like??? worthy to be a Main Conflict™????
9: How would you describe your writing style?
oooooooh uhhhhh maybe….. flowery prose???? i'm a poet at heart, so if i don't use loads of metaphors and language uhhhh idk their name in english but language variators??? i will literally die. but seriously nsjdhsjdhsjfh nothing too serious!!!! most of my “”””angst”””” scenes are….. not so sad, i think skfjsjfj
10: How would you describe your WIP’s narrative style? (1st person, 3rd person, multiple POVs, single POV, alternating chapters, etc.)
oh!!!! well, i think it'd be multiple povs, alternating chapters, third person???? i'm still not sure whether to use 1st or if i already have??? p sure that's a different wip i'm thinking about tho
11: Which character do you have the most in common with?
uhhhhhhhhhhhh seeing how underdeveloped she is right now??? probably Persephone???? bc she's genderfluid skfjsjfjdjfh or uhhhh Scott??? bc i too love leo with my heart and would die for him and stay with him in the afterlife. (hypothetically, of course….)
12: Which character do you have the least in common with?
Maeve, probably!!!! she's, uh…. Something.
13: Your characters are stranded on a deserted island. What happens?
They Are All A Mess. akfhajfjajfj Matthew would probably become the leader and like. establish order and shit???? but he's also the hugest nerd so he'd just give the leader role to someone else (probably seph staine?) and goes exploring and cataloging shit skfhsjfhdjf Leo is probably the most resourceful one of the bunch, so he would immediately like. start planning for huts and food and stuff???? also idk if they would have their powers in this situation cause it'd be too easy to get them all out of there????? but let's just say they do but the island is inescapable by flight?? he can talk to animals, so he could communicate with the local fauna and like form alliances???? Seph is a good leader, so he'd probably like….. keep everything in check???? and Leo's friends are all good and resourceful, so they'd make a good team!!!! tldr they basically create order immediately and do their best to not struggle??? after a few days/weeks, some of them start to like. break down? but the adults are like. wise and shit??? and i'm pretty sure at least one of them is like a licensed therapist??? so they help each other out uwu
14: Have you chosen birthdays for any of your characters? If so, when are they?
oh!!!! only for a few!!!! Leo and Maeve's birthday is on March 25, Scott's birthday is on August 27, Matthew doesn't really have a birthday??? because time is different in his planet????, Percy and Persephone's birthday is somewhere in November, and uhhhh im p sure that's all i got akfjsjfjsj i suck at birth dates
15: Do you know your characters’ MBTI personalities?
GOD, no. maybe i should do their tests???👀
16: What would your characters be for Halloween?
Leo… doesn't believe in/care for Halloween, as he didn't grow up around it, but it's totally Scott's jam!!! they are dirt poor in a good first half of the book, though, so they can't really dress up :( they met in the library, and after (spoiler alert!!!) scotty's death, Leo feels it appropriate to dress up as Scott's fave characters every year. Percy and Persephone are (very weak) shapeshifters, so their costumes ROCK!!!!! they always do matching costumes, so they get cliché pair costumes!! Matthew….. uh. he is… way too old for that. he was literally alive before Halloween was even a thing, so it's not really his thing. Leah just……. does her own thing??? she can see ghosts, so she sometimes does like historical costumes and stuff with their help!!! and Ben…. oof tbh that depends on what his fave song/album/whatev is at the moment??? he kinda creates like a story/aesthetic for them and dresses up that way!!!!
17: Does your WIP have any themes or motifs?
uhhhh found family, definitely!!!! i really can't think of any bc i'm an idiot, but uhhhh intelligence??? if that's a thing??? like,,, they're all powerful and shit but it's also like. brains over brawns????
18: What’s easier, dialogue or description?
i think description!!!! neither of them are… hard??? but!!! description is like…… where i can go hog wild akfjskfjsjfb
19: Post a picture or gif that describes your WIP.
20: Post a brief excerpt.
Leo @Leoberry
You asked, I answered. New Q&A video is now up!
[3k retweets, 10k likes, 9k replies] 20 min. ago
[My First Q&A- video transcription excerpt]
[Leo Berry, a nineteen-year-old brunette guy with green eyes, wearing a red shirt with a lightning symbol on it that's loose on his muscular form, waves at the camera and smiles widely, dimples showing up on his cheeks.]
Leo: Hey, guys. You've been asking me to do a Q&A for a while, and the day has finally arrived! I told you to ask me questions on Twitter with the hashtag #AskBerry, and I've picked a few!
[Leo smiles brightly and lifts up his cellphone.]
Leo: First off, here's one by @razzberry- nice username, by the way-: “what's your cat's name? Do you have more than one?”
[The video shifts, and there's suddenly two cats sitting on Leo's arms: a large, orange cat quickly falling asleep on his shoulder, and a black kitten hugged in his arms.]
Leo: I do! This little fella-
[He gasps as the kitten in his arms struggles to get free and runs off-camera.]
Leo: Don't leave me! Okay, that little fella is Onyx, and, as you can see, he doesn't like me very much. Anyway, this little gal asleep over here…
[He points toward a small orange cat sleeping on his shoulder.]
Leo: ...is Tigress! She's my little baby. You've probably seen her around a lot on my vlogs, since she really likes to hang out on my bed.
Leo: Next! @Honeybats asked: ‘“is it true your dad is Jade?”
[Leo smiles and, after a few seconds of trying to school his features, bursts out laughing.]
Leo: You mean to ask whether my dad is Matlal Jade, the greatest superhero of our era?
Leo: ...Well, yeah! My dad- [more laughs] my dad is totally my Jade. His name is Matthew, and I keep asking him to fly me to school. He says it's not funny!
[He sobers up for a second.]
Leo: Jokes aside, he adopted me a few years ago and he'll always be a superhero in my eyes. I was in a really dark place when he found me, and I can't thank him enough for all that he's done for me.
[Leo looks away for a second and loses his smile. The video cuts and skips again, and Leo appears once again, this time sporting an easy smile and a blue shirt, this one tighter around his shoulders.]
Leo: things got a bit too deep! This one was sent by @shazhangs: “are you dating anyone at the moment?”
[Leo laughs.]
Leo: God, no. I mean, I'm not really a people person, you know? And I’ve been so focused on work, vlogging, and, uh, extracurriculars, that I really haven't had any time to socialise.
[Leo laughs again.]
Leo: This one comes from @perspartone: will you collab with any other youtubers anytime soon?
Leo: Yeah, sure! I don't think I have done any videos with other people in the past, so it'd be a fun thing to do! I just have to find a friend first.
[Leo laughs loudly.]
[End of excerpt. For viewing of the video, refer to Leo Berry on Youtube, and find the full transcription here at DailyBerries in a few hours.]
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