#Self indulgent digimon au
mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Me writing the most self indulgent shit ever known to mankind lmao, also known as putting May through the pain suffering just because but this time it's Digimon, featuring our favourite horrid REDACTED belonging to @oogaboogaspookyman, he's here to be a cunt really, this is pretty dialogue heavy as lmao its basically just him bullying the shit out of her at her weakest point and rambling about things that would've happened previously in the time line and discussing May's troubled relationship post digimon time lmao, again self indulgent I just had these really specific scenes and gotta get them out lmao
Digital energy crackled and pixelated from the unusual vortex in front of them, the crowd hushed and murmured in terror as something from within the blackness pushed forwards through into their world. May put herself at the front of the group shielding her siblings from view the best she could as Lopmon stood by her feet, ears spread to look more intimidating. Dripping dark energy pushed from the portal as sparks of red lightning cracked and whipped around shorting nearby electrical appliances as an unfortunately, familiar grinning maws greeted them, it didn't even try to look humanoid as a mouth closed and opened into a black eye with a frantic white pupil. The pupil bounced around scanning over the horrified faces of the people as its many mouths pulled into delighted grins with teeth large and sharp, a deep echoing laugh coming from each mouth and even the visible eye as it surveyed the terror gladly eating it up before its eye fell upon the three siblings narrowing to a pinpoint before blowing wide in entertainment and excitement.
"How, small and pitiful you all look, my even tinier than you were before."
It's voice mocked from its eyeball, still laughing from its mouths, the eye blinked into a mouth as other mouths closed and opened into eyes scanning around in an erratic manner, though more so to make them uncomfortable, this beast didn't know fear.
"I bet I could splatter you like insects right now, decorate your disease ridden world with your bright gorgeous blood."
"Then why don't you, you Prick." May's voice was cold and sharp as she glared taking a challenging step forward, "oh yea I know why, because you can't interact with this world, your data is too much and you can't fully come through so you just sit there and taunt trying to make us scared, trying to terrify people while you plot a way into this world. It didn't work last time though did it? And I'm not going to fucking let you try again." An eye fell upon her watching her as its other mouths twisted and contorted out of shape.
"Then why don't you come and stop me?"
It asked simply as it started to pull backwards into the portal, the pavement splitting from the ground beginning to float as the portal moved awkwardly into the sky, the slabs of pavement swirling around it as the creature grinned at them.
"Well, digidestine? Can you stop me this time? Or have you already lost too much?"
As its form disappeared, May could only grit her teeth as Lopmon looked up at her for guidance.
"We can't go through that portal May, times synced now in the digital world, we'll lose real time here. Let some other people deal with it, we can't be the digidestine anymore." Her sister spoke behind her and May looked at in confusion and disbelief at what she was hearing, even Salmon looked uncomfortable at the idea they weren't going to do something nuzzling into her sisters leg, May opened her mouth to argue that there was no one else they'd met no other younger digidestine.
"No." Matts voice snapped, "look you might have gotten out of that ordeal fine 10 years ago, but some of us did lose too fucking much!" His voice was a snarl as he moved to touch where his lower arm had been removed from his body, Labramon whimpered against Matt as he crouched on the floor, guilt and shame washing through May making her heart hurt. "You might not be so lucky next time, I wasn't." His words stabbed into her as she looked at him, her sister nodded a bit awkwardly adding.
"We got really banged up last time, I mean, you've seen the scars I got, you've seen what happened to Matt, you got off easy but you're not indestructible." May's hands clenched into fists, their words becoming poisoned jabs, snide hateful remarks for years and years, snipping snapping biting into her over and over as her eyes became wet with frustration.
"Fine. I wasn't even going to fucking ask you to come. I'll fucking deal with this myself." She turned walking away from them quickly, "let the weakest link smash that cunts face in!" Her voice a frustrated yell as she leapt onto a floating pave slab with Lopmon leaping up behind her following.
"May don't be fucking stupid for once in your life!" Her sisters words fell on deaf ears as she leapt and flipped up the platforms with acrobatic precision, ignoring her sister cussing her out insulting her, as she got closer to the portal the air felt static like as Lopmon flew up besides her, digital energy engulfed them both as they disappeared through the dark of the portal.
The local advertising screens came to life displaying the digital island they'd found themselves upon years ago as Dianamon landed gracefully but with force. She walked with a dangerous tremor in her step, "Where are you?! Come out you coward. Let's end this!" May and Lopmons voice overlapped creating an almost new voice as they scowled around looking for the black ink beast. She heard him laughing before she saw him, barely dodging a large black spike that ripped through the ground and would have went right through her.
"My my, all on your own? No siblings to back you up? No lover? Oh yes I forgot, he replaced you didn't he?"
She slashed at him with her moon sickle slicing through the black inky body as the ink fell to the ground with a splat before crawling away to a larger mass of blackness as the creature took form again, still inhuman with eyes and teeth grinning at her. She lunged at him again swinging and striking with her weapon, retreating to draw back her bow and shoot arrows through his inky substance splatting it off and watching it disintegrate. She wasn't going to amuse his games. Despite her attacking he seemed pleased simply reforming lost mass to sustain himself as he dodged or allowed her to slash his form just to pull himself up somewhere else.
"I suppose it does make sense. I mean, you always held them together, you were the link in their chain that strengthened them and how do they respond to that?"
He laughed a wicked laugh as a morphed pale form of her sister pulled through the black slime walking towards her with hollow black eyes. When it spoke it used her voice, it sounded distant like a recording rather than the vocal mimicry it did for its usual voice.
"Why do you always ruin things for me?! You're so fucking selfish you know why are you even in this fucking contest?! You just want to show me up! And are you happy?! I only came second because you fucked with my brain! Why the fuck would you go 'best of luck sis', don't you have any idea how much fucking pressure that puts on me to perform well when I know you're just going to do better?! You're such a shitty person sometimes May, I wish you'd fucking disappear sometimes!!"
Her sisters voice screamed at her even if it felt distant, May leapt back as the fake hollow version of her sister collapsed into black sludge as his voice laughed mockingly before tutting.
"Aw, now that really wasn't very kind."
It doubled over on itself laughing as its mouths snapped with teeth and its eyes rolled around.
"I mean, she was right, you were always better at the gymnast stuff. That must put an awful lot of pressure on her, funny though, you never ever won, not even third."
It straightened to look at her twisting it's head as it leant forward, it's body turned to sludge by another swing of the moon blade but that didn't stop it talking.
"Kind of stupid of her not to notice, why did you never tell her huh? Why did you ruin your own performances with rookie mistakes on purpose to receive worse points when she hated you for even being there? For daring exist?"
She gripped her weapon tightly, not giving it the satisfaction of an answer as it cackled dark ink encircling her and grabbing at her ankles before she slashed it away and flew up to avoid his mocking grabs.
"Oh that's right, because you loved her or something. When was the last time she was kind to you May? When was the last time you felt loved by your sister and not just shame and hatred?"
Dianamon shook her head to rid his voice from her ears, she couldn't afford to think of individual components right now, she was Dianamon now, she can be May later, she couldn't risk dedigivolving and losing her advantage. It seemed to sense her struggling shooting up black tendrils that slammed her back into the ground with a sickening crunch of something and a horrid gasp of pain from the celestial Digimon as she forced herself to her feet before the ink tried to consume her.
"You really struggle and fight so much for people that seem to loathe you, most of the world doesn't know you exist and yet here you are fighting to try to save it, but when has the world ever done anything for you? I know none of you received acknowledgement for what happened ten years ago, doesn't that make your blood boil in rage? That you risked life and well, your brothers limb and all you got was the terror and fear screaming, crying for help as you cradled your unconscious brother as his arm bled new blood."
Its mouth quirked into a wicked smile as her expression darkened knowing it had touched a nerve. She slashed and attacked with everything she had yelling in anger and pain trying to destroy him as his corrupted data mass remained consistent allowing flecks to crumble away to make a form to be slashed to keep her eye to exhaust her as it laughed at her torment. From the ink a pale Matt formed looking at her with bleeding black eyes as it too approached her.
"Look you might have gotten out of that ordeal fine 10 years ago, but some of us did lose too fucking much!"
His voice was distant like a recording once more as it parroted back things that had been said. More and more words came from its blackened mouth phrases that she'd heard throughout the years since coming back, passive aggressive 'good for you's, snarly snapping remarks, and things she hadn't heard, spiteful bitter whispers of 'why me', a cold harsh 'it should have been her,' that made her throat go dry and heart almost clench as though grabbed and crushed, Dianamon couldn't afford to cry and yet her eyes watered and her grip on her weapon trembled.
Once more the pale clone copy collapsed back into the blackness as it taunted and laughed.
"What a cruel thing to say! He said it often as well, oh how he wished you had suffered instead of him, he thinks it's unfair, unjust, that he didn't deserve it, how funny he believes that you in turn did deserve it. Its quite funny actually! I suppose it's because you never told him the full truth did you? I mean, you wouldn't have dared he lost his arm. Who are you to tell him it was going to be worse? And that you stopped it being worse like some savior when he was going through such a horrible affair, you would've looked like quite the dick, I can understand why you kept it to yourself."
Dianamons made more empty slashes at her tormentor, snarling "JUST SHUT UP AND DIE! I'LL DESTROY US BOTH IF IT STOPS YOU FUCKING TALKING!!" But it only cackled at her swirling and forming eyes and taunting mouths as it without her knowledge began to destroy the data around them, disintegrating trees and rocks leveling the area slowly.
"How fittingly self-destructive. You always did value others more than yourself."
Another hollow pale form, this time herself, or well the form of May, Dianamon struggled to maintain its own identity as the voice of May parroted from the past spoke.
"Please god don't hurt him! He's my baby brother, please you can take anything from me, humans, we have all kinds of interesting organs! Yea yea, I'll trade you, you could have my kidney! And you give him back yes? Please, I am begging you please take from me don't hurt him my skin, my hair, my eyes, my lungs Fuck you could take my heart kill me right now just just please, please let him go, please, he means too much to me I will do anything just don't please don't take him from me please"
Dianamons eyes watered uncomfortably at sickening memories from the past, her brother unconscious as an Archnemon regards him for experimentation for devouring planning to hack him apart and then dissolve his flesh. The hollow stared forward and through her before screaming horribly as it was cut open by nothing, Dianamon tearing her eyes away cringing and exhaling a shaky breath through her nose at they remembered the sensation of large hands plunging into her guts and pulling out what it wanted, the carving of her organs and the teeth, the horrid teeth that sank into her wound ripping her flesh away from her body and the sickening enjoyment the Archnemon had taken from the experience, helplessly caught in the creature web, and then the guilt and horror as it took a cleavor and-
Dark tendrils slammed her chest sending her flying backwards hitting the ground and bouncing slightly as she cried out her weapon flying from her hands and disintegrating before it hit the ground as she weakly hauled herself into a kneel.
"That was a dirty move." She snapped, but her component's were struggling, tears ran out of one eye at the guilt of not being able to stop the twisted digimon from taking her brothers arm. It only laughed at her in enjoyment feeling her terror, guilt and pain with great satisfaction. She pulled herself to stand but her body was struggling, the phantom pains still ripping away at her body as she shuddered, she'd never told anyone about what happened, not the truth at least. Dianamon shook her head, May had never told anyone but she was not May right now.
Black ink shot out in the form of a large hand grabbing her body and began to squeeze before she could even move, her armor crushing uncomfortably into her body as the entity pulled itself up out the ink and took on a painfully familiar form, it copied the face and body of, someone May once cared deeply for, another crush from the hand engulfing her body and Dianamon faded. Lopmon fell to the ground with a weak groan as May remained crushed in the grip.
"Lopmon run!" May attempted to struggle as the tired rookie pushed itself to stand stumbling before the ink wrapped around its body dragging the bunny-like digimon by its ankles to the twisted form of May's old crush. They tried to attack, opening their mouth weakly to summon energy before the pale humanoid grabbed its mouth shut harshly with a snarl.
"Behave little one, would be a shame to destroy something that could be of use to me. Besides, i'll kill your human if you're a brat."
Lopmon whimpered but couldn't fight, too injured and tired from being Dianamon, and May was weakening too. It looked over at her and slowly the large hand pulled down into the earth releasing and leaving her standing though with difficulty she swayed and gave a weak glare as it scoffed at her before it was right in front of her with astonishing speeds it's pale hands grabbing her face, Lopmon tossed aside, as it arched over her threateningly, grinning with too many teeth at the wonderful fear from her.
"You've always intrigued me, such fight such love and for what?"
It's grip tightened threateningly on her face as she tried to pull away and shake her head sinking in claws to draw blood making her still as Lopmon was restrained in dark inky tendrils, the surroundings barren now save for his corrupting black ink.
"Don't make me pop out your eyeballs~"
It's tone faked sweetness as his thumbs pressed under her eyes threateningly.
"It's a shame he gave you up the way he did, choosing another woman while you were kept apart by distance, it's like everything you went through meant nothing to him, like he didn't care about the bantering you shared, the stories the company, do you think he thought of you as much as you him? It must hurt knowing you don't matter so much to someone, that they can replace you just like that."
A finger snapped for emphasis on another arm before it disappeared, his tone was quieter than usual it was almost sympathetic comforting as her eyes began to water against her control, tears rolling down her cheeks as she struggled to breathe, all the repressed feelings all the times she made herself be strong crashing down on her so now she was weak, bubbling pathetically under her worst enemies watching gaze as she cried against her control. She was unloved and despised, she wasn't enough for the people she cared deeply about and she couldn't stop him she couldn't protect them she couldn't save the world from his plans to destroy it and now he was going to kill her, and the worst part was she was alone. The people she loved weren't coming to save her. Her breathing choked as her knees felt weak. She wanted to rip his hands from her face to just collapse and cry to pull her eyes away but he held her firm and her eyes were locked to his.
"Sweet little thing, all alone and unloved. You tried so hard to be the best you could be and to be good enough, you sacrificed so much of yourself, didn't you?"
She choked a breath, her head nodding against her control as her knees gave out and desperately grabbing at his arms fearing that she would fall and he would simply pull and rip her head from her body, but the tug never came, his hands didn't move as she gripped to him weakly her body slightly limp as his thumbs wiped against her cheeks in a way that was almost soothing if she wasn't so terrified for why he was acting this way, she was so so tired, every moment her energy seemed to be sapped. Was this his plan? Cradle her till she expired, taking her life energy? Maybe he was going to take her body upon her last breath turning her into a puppet to get to the real world. She could only fear more at every passing second.
She could feel the ink starting to crawl up her body, oh god he was going to turn her into a flesh puppet for his data. She didn't even have the energy to struggle.
"You're so tired aren't you? So tired of not being enough for some people, tired of hurting in silence, tired of thinking, tired of existing, tired of hurting because of other people. You just want to stop thinking don't you? Stop worrying, stop hurting. I can make all that go away, empty your mind of all that aching all that anguish, I wouldn't hurt you like he would. "
As she stared up at him his face began to slowly slide off and melt almost before his face fell and splattered black flesh and liquid right onto her face, she gasped in horror choking on the foul ink as it slid down her throat and up her nose and crawled into her eyes, she tries to struggle but her body couldn't move wanting to cough up the black corruption but only choking further as he threw his body backwards to howl in laughter removing his hands from her face as she collapsed from choking and the blackness already wrapped around her legs. He watched her spluttering on the floor on her back, black liquid bubbling up out her mouth as she choked and her eyes turned black, the corruption engulfed her pulling her down into itself with only a few bubbles as the last of her breath was taken. The creature grinned as its form became twisted once more, despising the humanoid guise it needed to use.
He hadn't been lying, he had always been intrigued by that one, she was just so corruptible, pushed to the edge of darkness by those around her every day, they really did all the hard work for him. Once he was through with her well he could have his fun before disposing of the last of the filth known as humanity, but until then he now held a very powerful ace, a Kelpymon and a digidestine corrupt to his whim. It glanced over to a patch of pixelated space, knowing the human world could see him and could only grin as the fear, they were right to be afraid of him. He slashed his claw through it ending the connection, laughing to himself, he shouldn't have been surprised by the lack of help really, May was the link that strengthened the chain, with her gone well all that was left was the coward and the clown, as for his human guise well he had his own better life now, why would he risk it. What a blight on this world. Selfish creatures. Horrid creatures. Oh well. They'll all get what they deserve.
#My writing#Self indulgent digimon au#Oc May#@oogaboogaspookyman REDACTED#Tw eyeballs#Tw corruption#Tw self destructive behaviour#Me holding my self indulgent crap lmao#Context uh its been 10 years in the time line Mays obviously been saddled with guilt over Matts arm despite the horrors she went through#Her sister hating her for being better at her at gymnastic acrobatic stuff and misplacing blame on her for her own fuck ups#Even as may sabotaged her own success in something she enjoyed making herself miserable and further hated by her sister#And she hasn't seen monochrome as like they live in different areas but did manage to stay in touch#Unfortunately..he moved on in that time and ya know naturally found someone in his area so kinda a horrible discovery for May#Cause they come to visit to celebrate 10 years since saving a thing in monochrome home town and seeing him moved on well..it hurt..a lot#She'd imagined she'd come see him he'd grab her in his arms spin her around and then hold her and kiss her and kiss her#And all she can do is swallow dryly and say its nice to meet the girl he's now with#I'm sorry I'm not immune to heart break angst#And REDACTED rocks up and goes 👀 and wiggles his eyebrows at the camera because opportunityyyy#Hence him just mercilessly ripping into her#He knew shed chase after him and fall for the bait so he could get her alone but oh the deliciousness of her siblings pushing her away more#Also dianamon is a biomerge digivolution alt mega form as a treat I like to give my characters a bio and normal mega lmao.#Dianamon is like a fusion in a sense and like can be broken if one part becomes unstable they gotta be in sync#REDACTED really just *gentle persuasion* on May drowning her in his corruption smothering her sweetly#He probably is sapping her energy as she just weakens into moldable putty for him to play with and mold into a controllable puppet#Idk was feeling some kinda way about it he's mock kind mock sweet a bitter candy poisoned sugar telling her empty sweet nothings#It's only because he knows she's so weak that she's at an absolute breaking point peak vulnerablity. He'll probably tear her apart later#When he doesn't need her anymore just tears her limbs off spills her guts ect#I won't lie briefly a corrupting kiss passed into my mind but I always wanted his face to melt off onto her cause he is the horror lmao#Cause there's nothing more unsettling than someone's face just splatting onto urs. Plus her choking on his corruption#Plus to some degree he knows monochrome can see this probably so he's being mock sweet to jab at him like I'm stealing ur exgf BITCH
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broccolibenny · 2 years
I love your art so much!! I especially love the Digimon AU art! I was wondering if Duke Thomas is in that au, and if so what Digimon does he have? Sorry to bother you, I just love Duke a lot.
Thank you so much!!! Unfortunately, I don't know enough about Duke, but I've thought about giving him one. ( Just couldn't figure out who he should have) For now, based on the colour scheme and how cool I think they'd look together, I thought funbeemon >>> tigervespamon would be a great choice!
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infini-tree · 10 months
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hands you digimon au stuff feat. toyagumon (aka the closest thing to captain existing in this au) and the not-plot twist of the century.
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If this post gets ## notes, then I'll do X
Wow...somebody who sucks ass at keeping up at things decided to keep up with this thing?
Well, anyways....
5 Notes - I will start sleeping properly
10 Notes - I'll do my best to have a proper hygeine routine
25 Notes - I'll try not to procrastinate anymore
50 Notes - I'll start properly managing my stuff and my writing schedules
75 Notes - I'll clean up my room
100 Notes - I'll organize my AUs and OCs, by type and significance, into some Google Docs
200 Notes - I'll start drawing everyday, even shittily
500 Notes - I'll start posting weekly chapters of a self insert and self-indulgent fanfiction
750 Notes - I'll take my mental health more seriously
1K Notes - I'll start a webcomic about lore I had made up but had nothing to share through properly
1.5K Notes - I'll binge watch Wordgirl and any Digimon series
2K Notes - I'll actually try to buy Minecraft
3K Notes - I will try to cut and style my hair to my desired length
5K Notes - I'll try to make a Homestuck-based fanventure (trust me, it's harder to do than a simple webcomic...)
8k Notes - I'll attempt to make more friends that support me
10k Notes - Will do a voice reveal
16K Notes - No more Girlfaking (since I'm transmasc) — all in the masculine fashion...even if it would end up like Adam Sandler-esque
Anyways, please bury this six feet under...
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the-east-art · 2 years
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More of this extremely self indulgent au. I’m thinking Olruggio and Qifrey used to be human but their data got merged with their digimon somehow. Feel free to ask me questions
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I always see a ton of Pokemon AUs for Demon Slayer, but I never see any Digimon AUs! For the AU ask if you're still taking them
. okok iam Absolutely still taking these and ill do my best but anon this is a really funny ask because i. do have a mini digimon au. like its ridiculously self-indulgent and tiny but. getting this was like a kick in the shins (affectionate) WAHAHAHA
so!! i hope you dont mind if this is very blatantly biased, but its certainly a starting point! as well, i havent really interacted w/ digimon since watching the anime years ago + playing world dusk and championship a while ago, so i wont have as much knowledge to pick from as i would other things! with the disclaimers out of the way...!
...hey what if we isekai'd the tokitwins? (post-writing edit: this ended up over 2k words long. This Is A Warning.)
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so, you've been oh-so-luckily chosen to be digidestined and whisked away to an unfamiliar world where just about Everything wants to kill you, you have No way to contact your own world, and you have No idea how to get back. great! cool! excellent!
introducing our funny little guys of the week: yuichiro and muichiro tokito! just them for now, before i scope-creep myself to death. but, that aside, you can't be digidestined without a funny little digital partner of your own! so, introducing:
-Patamon, Muichiro's partner! an observant yet skittish little thing that never tends to stray far from its partner. it takes its job very seriously, oftentimes coming across as a bit fussy. even so, it is very easily overwhelmed and may need encouragement to press on. as well, it also tends to take things at face value more often than not, making it very earnest but Very gullible. -DemiDevimon, Yuichiro's partner! a mischeivous little thing that rarely seems to take things very seriously. its defiant and a bit self-centered, and honestly at times seems to genuinely only stick around the twins because theyre entertaining to mess with. it's here for a good time and Nothing Else. despite its yapping, it does occasionally let a bit of protectiveness slip through-- always fiercely sticking by them despite its nigh-constant complaints about how it wants to leave.
this ragtag group of four must make their way across the digital world to find a way back home-- and hopefully remain alive in the process. in such an unfamiliar and dangerous world, however, problems are sure to arise.
the twins, of course, stick together-- but more and more often, their desires and personalities begin to clash in ways that make it more difficult to progress. it's easy to keep your head low and follow along, but just how long can you really take that-- how long can you pretend it's okay? it's easy to keep a brave face, but there's only so much you can do with what you have-- and what you convince yourself that you don't. there's only so long you can stay in such a high-pressure environment before something begins to break.
throughout their journey, they'll discover more outlandish and mystifying places, meet more new faces, and uncover strange secrets-- what's the connection between their digimon partners? how did they get sent to the digital world in the first place? and most importantly: why does this world seem to already recognize them?
with that out of the way... time for the fiddly bits.
the twins have an arc with each other much alike the one they get in canon-- but pressed a bit further. the two learn to stand their ground, speak their mind-- and ultimately, learn to really, truly trust one another.
yui oftentimes takes the lead, and tends to do a better job keeping everything in order-- but... he's still just a kid. a kid that cares deeply for his brother, and would do anything to keep him safe. but in a world like this, there's not much that he Can do. so he plays the part as best he can-- even if it means that he has to make hard choices.
mui, on the other hand, wants desperately to be able to help-- he slowly starts getting bolder and more forward, away from that more shy personality he'd been known to have. of course it was more dangerous. of course they didn't know what would happen next. but he would never forgive himself if he just did Nothing.
at its core, the two begin to actually almost switch places through their arc-- mui becoming more active and yui more passive-- as they make their way forward and sort themselves (and each other) out.
and of course: their partners have a whole Thing(tm) going on too! with the twins And between each other.
mui+pata are like odd little peas in a pod, oftentimes found staring at something or other with their big ol owly eyes, going back and forth over this-and-that about it in a way that makes sense to nobody but them. pata knows more about the world and where they might be going, but mui is a bit of an emotional rock for it-- providing encouragement and talking it through any roadblocks it may have come across. theyre odd little enablers! at least, when pata isn't pulling mui's hair over the fact that theyre going the wrong way, they went the wrong way we have to go that way-- no, thats the wrong way too we-- were lost were lost oh no were lost what do we DO--
yui+dDevi are. a goddamn mess. dDevi loves messing with this kid, always talking at him like it knows better-- which it does, technically, but it doesnt have to say it like that, shut up. it talks like a shitty older brother as if it wasn't leagues smaller than him and shaped exactly like a kickball. (yui doesn't vocalize this. he is so very tempted to, though.) despite all the ribbing, yui is pretty much the only person it'll talk seriously with. obviously yui is rather frustrated with it at times, but he can tell it does genuinely mean well. mostly. they squabble, but they do keep each other from doing anything too stupid. and further than that: even if he doesn't say anything, yui can tell when there's something on its mind.
the digiduo are... odd, certainly. but, strangely, there seems to be some sort of tension between the two-- they... really dont seem to get along. pata is deeply distrustful of dDevi, noting its existence as an evil digimon. like, it's in the name! devimon! not to mention how often it leads them astray or messes with them just for kicks-- something's up and it's not sure what.
on the other hand, dDevi doesn't much like pata either. it's a stuck-up killjoy thats convinced it's always right when it can barely make any good calls. always hiding behind its whole spiel of "good" and "evil" like it's so trustworthy. it doesn't even know what it's talking about half the time! if it's going to lecture them, it should at the very least be right about it. get a reason to be upset other than "that ones clearly evil, look at it!"
and then... there's the memories. or rather, the lack thereof. both seem to remember parts of some grand legend that they no longer have the ability to recall the whole of. something important to their reason of being-- and the presence of the digidestined twins.
pata seems particularly insistent of it being a prophecy, a series of steps to follow that foretell what and who they should be. (something about it seems to stress them out particularly badly, though... what exactly is it that they're living up to? why doesn't it know?)
dDevi... pretends not to care, at least. but it recalls the legend too, and hearing the fragments of it seems to make it upset. it wants nothing to do with the legend, and just wants to do... anything else. (anything to get further away from that stupid story. it's not one to be shackled by expectations like that.)
and again, the twins seem to differ on what they make of the story. yui sides with pata, believing its their best bet to at the very least figuring out how to get home. mui, on the other hand, slowly begins to wonder what exactly the gaps in the legend could mean, and wants to find out what it truly is. it's hard to follow a broken path. after all, who's to say its really a path at all? which brings us to... a bit of a conflict.
after a particularly rough leg of the journey, things start to get... difficult. theyve had little to no luck learning much of Anything of the way forward-- and things are just getting harder and harder as they go. yui isn't sure how much more they can really take of this. they're starting to barely make it out of these situations alive, so... so maybe they're better off just accepting it. nothing's leading them anywhere, nothing is making sense-- they might as well just... find a place to hide and keep their heads low. live it out as best they can. (he isn't sure how much more they can take.)
mui, of course, protests-- there were so many more places they haven't looked through yet! there was no telling if they found something or not unless they went for it! it was always going to be hard-- they couldn't just give up and wait for the difficulty to find Them. (he can't stand the idea of just giving up after all that...)
the two begin bickering, and it gets... hard. pata starts experiencing some doubt, unsure of if they should really be pressing on into certain death-- they'd just had some ridiculously close calls, and maybe waiting it out would reveal something..? (the knowledge of the unfinished legend hangs above its head, and the thought of unravelling it... is starting to give them a bad feeling.) dDevi doesn't want to sit around and do nothing while waiting for death-- that's boring and pathetic. itd much rather do something with itself even if it's scary. (it needs to know the truth. why so many others know them, why it keeps getting such bitter stares... why? it's frustrating.)
and the bickering turns to arguing. after a few too many harsh words from both sides... they split up. mui heading off with dDevi to find out what was really going on, and yui with pata to... find somewhere safe. figure it out.
for yui and pata, it's... a bit of a long journey. the two rarely speak, mostly just quick words to keep each other alert and avoid attention. yui is mostly pushed forward by his stubbornness, but... it does bother him. it bothers him a lot. he's afraid, he's worried, and he doesn't know what to do. he wants to figure it out, he wants to have all the answers. but he doesn't, and it was stupid to think he ever couldve. legend or not-- prophecy or not, they were just kids. what could they really do? what were they supposed to do?
and as it turned out, pata was worried sick as well. it isnt until a quiet moment that yui catches pata crying-- and they finally talk. because pata hated this too. it hated feeling like it should be able to lead them, but being unable to because of the gaps in its knowledge. it hated giving up, because it knew they needed to do something, and it was letting them down by doing nothing. and most of all... it missed mui. it argued because it was afraid, but it knew this was no better. more than anything, it just wanted to help.
they both knew they couldn't keep going with this. if not for their own sakes, then for the others'.
team mui's progress is... equally difficult. it was already hard enough moving about with a halved party, but they also aren't with their bonded partners, so their Actual Useable FIrepower is much much more limited. the entire time, dDevi goes on and on insulting the other pair, insisting it was really about time this went and happened, and that their own pair was obviously right all along. mui stays quiet through much of this, but after a particularly cruel jab, mui snaps back.
because he knew it didn't really mean any of it. dDevi was smug and irritating, sure, but it was just about always a joke. it was never this mean about it... unless it was actually, personally upset. that was a lot of talk for someone who insisted it didn't care. and even if it were to deny it, mui wouldn't stand for someone saying the people he cared about weren't worth anything. of course they were afraid-- they all were. answers were never easy. it was why they were working so hard to begin with.
and dDevi was genuinely taken aback-- because it was always convinced that mui was the pushover of the group. but just like that, he'd managed to completely read its actions without so much as a word. and... he was right. it wasnt proud of what it said, but it had to stand by it. it just didnt know how else to justify itself-- how else to keep going. but... all of this-- everything had always been for each other, hadn't it? and they certainly wasn't going to stop there.
they just had to find a way to convince the others.
of course, nothing was ever easy. its the risk they knew they were taking, but... maybe a risk they weren't quite prepared for. wherever they go, together or not, some new threat will always find a way to rear its head. but between the two of them, there wasn't much they could do to fight back. and they full well wouldn't have been able to make it... had it not been for team yui showing up at a crucial moment, yuichiro putting himself directly in the line of danger to draw attention from mui-- giving him and pata a chance to actually fight back now that they were reunited.
it's a messy fight, but with all of them together-- and a newfound but concrete trust-- they manage to push through relatively unscathed-- if a bit battered on yui's end. after a few moments to make sure everyone was all right (and ironically, to scold each other over being so reckless,) they finally get the chance to talk. and... to apologize.
and now for more scattered notes before i end up writing another minific in a tumblr post.
the legend goes very similarly to a typical fairy tale-- a battle between forces of good and evil, and the champions of each. long ago, there was another pair of digidestined that stumbled across the digital world, and very quickly became unrivaled in power. one half, however, became corrupted by the allure of strength and jealousy, splitting both the digital world and their familial bond. as things came to a boiling point, their conflict brought unseen destruction to the digital world, each of the chosen digimon destroying each other in the battle. crushed and in denial (for varying different reasons,) the old digidestined simply... vanished, one day, never to be seen again. as for their chosen digimon, their data was wiped nearly clean, to be born anew for when they were needed again.
as a whole, it's a story of forging bonds, learning to trust, and breaking cycles of violence.
dDevi hates the idea of digivolving due to lingering memories of that past life. it refuses to interact with it at all, and commits itself to just having a good time and living a life it can enjoy. it doesn't want to become... that again.
pata remembers that betrayal and remembers something awful happening, but... something about having to distrust the other makes it deeply, deeply sad. it want to believe in the best in dDevi, but it also feels the pull of responsibility of having to live up to the legend. that was the only thing it felt it could trust.
the old digidestined are, of course, the tsugikuni twins. whether they show up again or not is still in the air-- yoriichi being pata's old partner and michikatsu being dDevi's.
i dont feel like digging through the digiwiki for another hour but id like to somehow integrate dDevi's original digivolution line being more in line w/ canon, going all in on the Hehoo Evil(tm) thing, but with yui, it follows a more neutral route, following its own desires rather than the course of what the story Expects of it.
SO !!! YEAH!!! DIGIMON AU!!!! i care about this a very normal amount, and if you read this far: thank you, and I Am So Sorry.
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harmonytre · 15 days
These are in order of how likely I am to draw something for requests! You can check HERE to see what's open!
You can of course ask about fandoms/AUs/Ships that aren’t on here, because it’s likely I’ve missed things or have them on my to-watch/read list!
[Ones I will likely never draw are: Cu1t of the Lamb, V1vzipop, S0uth Park, H0mestuck, and most adult animation] (censored so they don’t show up in search, this isn’t a DNI list, it’s just I personally wouldn’t be comfortable drawing them.)
*: Favorites
(acronym or notes) [fav characters] {ships I can draw}
My Own:
*Pulo (Original) [The Guardian, Banjo] {Sizzle/Kixz, Cypress/Ripple, Frost/Petra}
*Sweet Voice Cafe (HLVRAI AU) [Joshua, Benny] {Boomer}
AbsUrd (Among Us) [Velvet, Quinn] {Orchid/Ruby, Zander/Hazel, Dan/Jasper, Velvet/Colby}
Indulgence (Pokemon AU) [Phanthop] {Jessikyu/Jowlithe}
Flicker-of-a-Neon-Soul (Undertale AU) [Deja] {Deja/Flicker}
Prismtale (Undertale AU) [Sammy] 
Skeleflock (Undertale AU) [Casey]
Savepoint (Undertale AU) [Spark]
Outerpink (Undertale AU) [Messier]
Cozyrune (Deltarune AU) [Hershey]
Taffy and Steven Universe (Steven Universe AU) [Taffy]
Mistbreak (Steven Universe AU) [Pazelle]
(Pretty much just check my Toyhouse!)
Current Favorites:
Pokemon [James, Hop, Leon] {Rocketshipping, Neoshipping, Geekchicshipping}
Team Rocket
Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (HLVRAI) [literally all of them but if I had to pick then Bubby] {favs are Boomer and Freelatta, but I’m okay with drawing nearly any pairing!}
Y2KVR and BMFBE by (year2000electronics) [still reading the other series, sorry!]
The One True Streamman by (HeelysonFeelys)
Stuck Together (Dimonds456)
Human Resources Violations (kogo-dogo)
Augmented Reality (egelskop)
Ghost AU, Swap AU, Benrey Fam, CMY Siblings, Aubrey Calhoun, and Infection AU (pistachi0art)
Catmer (mr-web)
Metamorphosis AU (anons-has-hlvrai-aus)
HLVREM (py6oto
Barnrey (alieryn-art)
Simulation Reality (HLVR-SR)
Deep Sea AU (brainthreeze)
Hi-C (transforzen)
Toontown but the AI is Self-Aware (transforzen, green-2-blue)
My Little AI: Science is Magic (thomascoolatta)
(Un)Forgettable (dilfgmancoolatta)
*Mob Psycho 100 (MP100) [Mob, Reigen] {Ekurei, Takemob}
*Esper Kids (Mob, Saiki K, and Anya Forger as friends <3)
Infinity Train [Lake, Alan Dracula, Jesse]
Indigo Park [Rambley]
*Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) [Helpie, Roxie, Oz]
*How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) [Toothless] {Hiccstrid}
*Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir [Alya, Luka] {Love Square, DJWiFi, Myvan, Julerose}
*My Little Pony (MLP, mostly G4) [Fluttershy, Thorax, Discord] {Fluttercord, Cheesepie}
*Trolls [Branch] {Broppy}
Lilo and Stitch
Phineas and Ferb
*Anything by Blackie Sootfur (but especially Demons, Uprooted, and Secret)
*Dino Squad [Buzz]
*Glitch Techs [Miko]
*Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts [Kipo, Wolf]
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Janet, Marco] {Jantom, Starco}
*Steven Universe [Peridot]
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT, specifically 2012 but any works) [Donatello, Mona Lisa] {Apritello}
*The Ghost and Molly McGee [Libby]
*Voltron: Legendary Defender [Pidge, Lance, Hunk] {Plance}
*Wild Kratts [Chris, Aviva]
Angel Hare (TheEastPatch)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Chickn Nuggit
Danny Phantom
Gravity Falls
Murder Drones
Mystery Skulls Animated (MSA)
Natural Habitat Shorts
Pound Puppies
ROT (TheEastPatch)
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (SPoP)
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
The Backrooms
The Dragon Prince
The Owl House (TOH)
Twelve (PetPyves)
*Brand New Animal (BNA) [Mishiru Kagemori]
*Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun [Chiyo Sakura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu]
A Silent Voice
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Fruits Basket
My Hero Academia (MHA)
Saiki K
Spy x Family
Your Name (Kimi no na Wa)
*Astro Boy (2009) [Astro Boy]
*Big Hero 6 [Hiro]
*Bolt [Bolt]
*Epic [Nod]
*Inside Out [Anger, Joy, Anxiety]
*Megamind [Megamind]
*Nimona [Nimona]
*Rise of the Guardians [Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost]
*Wreck-it-Ralph [Fix-it Felix] {Hero’s Cuties}
*Zootopia [Nick Wilde]
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (and 2)
Gnome Alone
Home (Dreamworks)
Horton Hears a Who
Hotel Transylvania
Kung Fu Panda
Lady and the Tramp
Leap! (Ballerina)
Lego Movie (and 2nd)
Mars Needs Moms
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Oliver and Company
Puss in Boots
Raya and the Last Dragon
Ready Player One
Sky High
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Spies in Disguise
The Adventures of TinTin
The Boxtrolls
The Land Before Time
The Lorax
Tinker Bell movies (especially Legend of the Neverbeast)
Treasure Planet
Turning Red
*Among Us
*Content Warning
*Half-Life (currently just HL1) [Snarks, Headcrabs, Barney Calhoun] {Freehoun}
*Lethal Company
*Undertale [Scarf Mouse, Nice Cream Guy, Papyrus] {Alphyne, Soriel, NicePants}
A Hat in Time
At Dead of Night
Detroit: Become Human
Henry Stickmin
Kingdom Hearts
Little Nightmares series
Lost Ember
No Straight Roads
Pico Park
Poppy Playtime
Rhythm Doctor
Riddle School
Kaiju Paradise
Rainbow Friends
Color or Die
Super Smash Bros.
Team Fortress 2 (TF2)
The Bunny Graveyard
Omori (currently playing, NO SPOILERS) [Basil]
Untitled Goose Game
*EL Comics
*Follychromatic [Fauna]
*Magical Boy (TheK40)
*Pipe Up (Salt & Pepper Bunny, Tinysweetbunny, TheTRUEegge)
*Sanity Circus [Attley Grimshaw, Fletch Gray]
*The Skybox (lynxgriffin)
*Urban Animal
Are you Afraid of Monsters (tratserenoyreve)
Artist Cat (sapphireluna)
Children of the Light (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Daisy: Black Fire (wintertundra-art)
Death and the Maiden (ladybeug)
Fisheye Placebo (yuumei)
Gamer Cat
Golden Shrike (doeprince)
Kid the Adult
Knite (yuumei)
Liv in the Future
No North (Skailla)
Spliced @/cynthi-arts
The Things We Have (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
The Touch of Sunlight by Sandflake on Webtoons
To Catch a Star (SleepySundae)
Untitled by @/that-house
Vote Mr. Cat (sapphireluna)
Whisper Court (HershelChocolate)
White Tail (SleepySundae)
Fandom Webcomics:
*Jet’s Black Nuzlocke (Zerochan923600)
*Twin Runes (akanemnon)
AngelsGame-AU (Deltarune)
Bakery Enemies AU @/buggachat
Buggy Situation (Ipku)
Chiaki’s Nuzlocke Comic (Chiakiro)
Copper and Dart (absolutedream-art)
Delta-Experiment (Deltarune)
Finding Your Roots (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Furry Situation (Ipku)
Little Lapses (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Loving Reaper (Jenny Jinya)
Mew and Mewtwo (xxtc-96xx)
Moringmark comics
Pokemon 25 Years Later (maimai97)
Thrill of the Hunt (Ipku)
Undertale AUs:
*Alivetale @/tatatale
*Fallen Flowers @/Tarableart
*Littletale @/mudkipful
*Sans The Seraphim (The Thought)
Bonely Hearts Club
Chutsu AU @/Emositecc
Damagedtale (Rain) @/6nimus9
Dogs of Future Past @/lynxgriffin
Dragontale, Heartache, and more @/squarefriend
Endertale @/xxtc-96xx
Escort Mission (Yoki-Doki)
Faded Timeline (ClassyEyeballs)
Gaster Bros @/leafaske
Gaster’s Great Escape @/moldy-junk (Deltarune)
Ghost Switch (CleverCatchphrase)
Handplates @/zarla-s
Ink Sans @/comyet
Insomnia @/wily-art
Mermaid Pirate AU by @/kiokodoodles
Over the Void @/Undertale-over-the-void
Paper Crane @/little-noko
Paper Trail @/lynxgriffin
Pink Swapfell @/whyiswingdingsafont
Pink Underswap @/scarew0lves
Pinktale by @/save-star
Project: JUSTICE @/RoyalElemental
Sixbones @/zarla-s
Skelechara (insanelyadd)
Slumbertale @/rainingskeletons
SwapOut @/cats-artbag
The rest of the Pinkverse by various creators XD
Underdecay @/little-noko
Underfell @/underfell
Underswap @/underswapped3
Undertale Green (FlamingReaperComic)
Unexpected Guests @/undertalethingems
Various AUs by @/blaiddsumu
Various AUs by @/Satellite-Starss
Willow (cottagegore OC) @/smol-spoopy
Other media (short films/characters/books/creators/etc):
*Birds (Imagine Dragons Animation)
*Epic: The Musical [Polites]
Hank the Cowdog
Mystery Flesh Pit
Table by @/focshi
The Hunger Games
*MandJTV (and all series)
*Trevor Henderson
Dead Sound
GTLive (MatPat)
Ice Cream Sandwich
Radiotvsolutions (RTVS)
Trails Pokemon
Unus Annus
Live Action:
*Free Guy
*Ghosts (2021 series)
*Jurassic Park/World series
*Resident Alien
*The Librarians (tv series) [Ezekiel Jones]
*The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Airbud (and Air Buddies)
Alex Inc.
Doctor Who
Drop Dead Diva
Locke and Key
Once Upon a Time
The Flash
The Goldbergs
The Good Doctor
The Greatest Showman
The Office
The Shaggy Dog
The Space Between Us
The Umbrella Academy
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Childhood Shows:
*Dinosaur Train
*Dog with a Blog
*Dragon Tales
*Martha Speaks
*Wonder Pets
3-2-1 Penguins
Adventures from the Book of Virtues
Austin and Ally
Baby Mozart
Bear in the Big Blue House
Between the Lions
Blue’s Clues
Curious George
Dora the Explorer
Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman
Go Diego Go
Good Luck Charlie
Jane and the Dragon
Kim Possible
Liberty Kids
Little Bear
Little Einsteins
Max and Ruby
Maya & Miguel
Mighty Med
Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends
Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood
Peep and the Big Wide World
Rollie Pollie Ollie
Sid the Science Kid
Super Why!
The Berenstain Bears
The Electric Company
The Magic School Bus
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
The Wiggles
Word Girl
Word World
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pomellon · 1 year
I would like to hear about your Digimon AU! I put way more thought than I figured I would have into a Digimon AU myself, similarly putting it in a 'self indulgent' category, but hey - maybe there's more interest than we think :P
Maybe! I'm glad at least someone has an interest tbh :D I feel digimon has become more and more niched in later years so it's rare I find other people who enjoy it. A shame since they've started going towards a more mature audience which has been really really interesting!
I will be explaining some terms of digimon lore for people who aren't familiar with it, but the setting of the au is similar to the Cyber Sleuth games, so a modern world with EDEN (physical interaction cyberspace network, think VR for social interactions) technology. Half the characters in this au are human and the other half are digimon, so!
Sam is an EDEN programmer whose personal laptop gets infected by a strange virus, and due to the program's odd behaviour and code he decides to quarantine it for later study instead of completely getting rid of it. Shortly thereafter he's sent to fix a bug within EDEN's cyberspace where he's attacked by a strange digital creature, only to be saved by a similar creature that turns out to be the virus that infected Sam's laptop. While it managed to defeat the aggressive monster it's very weak and injured after and Sam, now even more intrigued by the program, decides to help and nurse it back to health! This creature is Punz, a bee/leopard like digimon.
George is a Kowloon (the "graveyard" of EDEN that's full of old scarp data, inaccessible to most EDEN users) hacker who's just learned about the digimon programs that have started to appear in the depth of Kowloon. They've become popular hacking tools if they can be captured and reprogrammed, and luckily for George he comes across an injured one that is easily taken down. He does however quickly realize the program seems to be more than just a tool, having its own personality, wants and needs. So instead of reprogramming it like other hackers, George simply makes a deal with it, soon getting the creature's name, Dream, a chimera like digimon.
Karl is an EDEN user who's been affected by the EDEN Syndrome (a condition in which the person's physical body goes into a coma, while their mental data become trapped in cyberspace) and is wandering around aimlessly in Kowloon when he comes across a panda like digimon, Sapnap, who seems just as lost. Karl doesn't have many memories or a purpose so when Sapnap tells him he's been separated from his friends Karl decides to make it his mission to help him find them.
Tina is a popular streamer who likes to try out new games, meet up with fans, and generally spend most of her time within the EDEN space. One day she happens upon a small land-shark like program that she figures must be a glitched entity that has somehow ended up outside of its game. Seeing the creature injured she decides to take care of it, soon getting its name, Foolish!
All four digimon are a freelance/mercenary team in the digital world that during a dangerous mission gone wrong end up in the human world's cyberspace, separated and lost. The main plot of the au is for everyone to reunite, figure out why digimon are ending up in EDEN, and keep humans safe from the more aggressive programs that are threatening cyberspace!
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dragonlapis · 10 months
A tadc self indulgent au/crossover with digimon...cause why not
Caine is an ai created to aid our tamers within this new world. He isn't sure why people are constantly being summoned to the digital world nor does he understand how humans works. He tries his best along with his assistants, Toyagumons (and bubbles). Caine isn't a digimon nor is he human. No one know what he is honestly expect for him.
Each person has a code name along with their "Names"
Pomni -Jaster
Gangle - Reaper
Ragatha- Prototype
Kinger- Bug Whisper
Jax- Wildcard
Zooble- ????(haven't figured out yet)
It is believed a bug or virus that's been altering the tamer's memories and appearance since no one seems to remember their past life or appearance. All having in common is putting on a headset and blacking out after hearing a voice whispering to them. Ragatha and Kinger are the most experienced tamer followed by Gangle and Jax. Zooble and Pomni are still relatively new to this and aren't as strong as the others are. Caine tries his best to lift everyone's spirits as they adventure down the dangerous road lays ahead of them. All he knows that the tamers are needed for something or else the digital world would never allowed them entry in the first place.
Digimon partners:
Pomni -Impmon
Ragatha - Dorumon
Kinger- Dokunemon
Jax- Gazimon
Gangle - Candlmon or Bakumon (not yet decided)
Zooble: Bemmon
Pomni and Impmon have a complicated relationship with each other. When Impmon heard he was getting a tamer...He was excited until he met Pomni and became immediately disappointed. He was expecting her to be big and strong and could help him becoming the strongest he can be...As for Pomni...She is scared of her own partner and doesn't like how loud he can be. She would often put distance between each other. Eventually they will warm up to each other dw
Ragatha is the only one who understands Dorumon and prefers to stay by her side. Even tho her partner is on the quiet side, she can easily understand her. Her tamer is the only one she allows to pet her and often defends her from Jax's and Gazimon's shenanigans. Dorumon speaks out the thoughts in Ragatha's mind and feelings despite Ragatha saying it's alright and no need to make it a big deal. Dorumon hates that and hopes one day she can get her tamer to be more selfish instead setting herself on fire for others to warm up
Kinger and Dokunemon gets along the most out of all the people here. He helps Kinger to focus and reminds him what to do and speaks for him if necessary. Kinger appreciate his company and part of the reason why he stays grounded in reality.
Jax and Gazimon almost seemingly being the person with how similar their personalities are. They love playing pranks at each other and the other members of the group. Unfortunately for Pomni, she is their new favorite target. They often finish each other's sentences and laugh at each other's jokes. A true menace to everyone around them
Gangle and candlmon/Bakumon... Gangle often hides behind her partner whenever something dangerous happens or when Jax is around. She is deeply grateful for them and her partners are more than willing to defend her with all their might. Beside they also often give Gangle advice and encouraging her to defend for herself and speak out her mind. Digimon surprisingly make great therapist
Zooble and Bemmon...They don't talk each other a lot ,but have mutual respect for each other. They seemingly know what each other are gonna say or think. No one knows how deep their relationship are with each other
This is a wip for now and if people are interested...I can give you their evolution routes! Currently working on what each member looks like. So far...I plan it to have fusion evolution route especially with Pomni and Ragatha partners and others
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rescue-ram · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @majorbaby :3c
Tagging @dustbunny105 @lyledebeast @tirednecromancer @optimisticfruitcup @itwoodbeprefect @lukestarkillerisgay and anyone else who wants to try it out
How many works do you have on AO3?: 51
What's your total AO3 word count?: 318,236
What fandoms do you write for?: MASH, X-Men, Transformers, and Star Wars primarily, with a few other fandoms mixed in as the spirit moved me :3
What are your top five fics by kudos?: Matched Set (DBH), Turn, Turn (Sandman/Old Guard), Better Than I Know Myself (Moon Knight), Resolute (Star Wars), Expedient Means (DBH)
Do you respond to comments? Honestly not usually. It just wasn't much of a thing in the corners of fandom I came up in, so I never formed the habit or expectation. I do appreciate all comments and periodically try and go through and respond, especially to very nice ones!!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Come and See (Hannibal) ends with murder/suicide...
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Genuinely don't know. I feel like a lot of my fics have tonally similar endings, where they're happyish or hopeful, but there's an element of uncertainty of bittersweetness...
Do you get hate on fics? No.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Ahaha... Yee. Pretty much exclusively gay or robot sex. This year I descended fully into The Id Vortex which was genuinely a psyche changing experience in a positive ways highly recommend.
Do you write crossovers? I had forgotten the Sandman/Old Guard fic was a crossover until I looked up my fics by kudos XD
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No
Have you ever had a fic translated? No
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No
What's your all time favorite ship? TrapHawk was a primordial OTP that has fully taken over my brain kdjdjd...
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Only You Can Find Me or as I call it X-Men Band AU... I fully have like 4 acts outlined, and very elaborate backstories for all the characters in the AU, but it took a lot of research into really weird stuff to actually write, and it just got to be overwhelming, and I kind of lost confidence/momentum in it...
What are your writing strengths? I don't know how to describe it. I think I'm pretty solid? And I have read enough I know what annoys me and I don't do those things XD I think I generally do a good job of keeping things in character and clearly motivated, I think I do a good job setting and maintaining a tone, and I try to be pretty intentional with the scenes I write. I also am pretty fast once I get going.
What are your writing weaknesses? I have a bad habit of "listing" (and this happened and this happened and this happened), and I think I don't elide as much as I could. I also worry about being too introspective or self-indulgent, and I think I have a pretty specific writing style and I always worry my narrators sound too similar. I also do 90% of my writing on my phone so I'm locked in eternal battle with typos and autocorrect correcting the wrong thing.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I indulge in this sometimes- was having a little too much fun with the sci-fi conlangs in Star Wars fic lol. I've done it a few times in other fandoms for color, but I try and make sure that what's being said is clear in context or translated afterwards.
First fandom you wrote for? Agh, like Digimon fanfic in 2001 or something crazy XD
Favorite fic you've written? Genuinely struggled to pick one, but I think Making the Most of It was both really fun to write, really fun to read, and I am proud of how it turned out- it accomplished what I set out to write and then some...
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jakdaw-arts · 8 months
Info dump about your digimon OCs pls. 🥺
*chuckles nervously*
That’s a can of worms. Most of the digimon OCs I’ve got are connected with an AU story idea that’s been percolating for a Hot Minute. Main things of note about the universe are that there are no chosen children, no canon characters, the human-digimon partnerships are due to an online game that [reason pending] ended up slightly connected to the digital world, but the digital world has existed for as long as the real world. Humans in the digital world are converted to something closer to a digimon, and ones that die there are treated as digimon and get egg’d, losing their memories in the process unless backed up via a digivice. 
That is all to say that there is so much rattling around my brain about this world lmao. Anyway. There are so many ocs in this setting that i’m just gonna pick a few of em to info dump about.
Keemon > Yaamon > Impmon > Wizarmon > Reapmon > Beelzemon. Self-indulgent reality hopper. Sometimes breaks things and/or makes things weird by yeeting themself into a reality. That noodley little impmon I drew recently. 
The purpose of Rush is usually to be a living macguffin. In this case, they jumped into this reality, splitting off a new timeline because of the Major Change of there being a person where before there hadn’t been. The rules of the digital world decided to be strict about the Weird Thing that invaded, converting Rush into data and having them solidify as an egg, sans memories. Memories slowly come back as they digivolve, they end up traveling with a group of humans with their digimon partners, shit goes down, eventually the day is saved, yadda yadda yadda.
Rush-with-memories is a fairly even-keeled individual, having bounced around realities and dealt with plenty of Situations. Rush-without-memories is an inquisitive creature with little regard for personal space and a whole lot of confusion, once they get past the just-vibing stage they were in as a keemon and yaamon. They have thumbs, an ability to set things on fire, and little regard for how squishable they are (they learn, and shortly after also learn how quickly they can skitter on all fours. thankfully, pretty fast). 
Beelzebumon - The Ratvatar (don’t call him that)
Demon Lord. Similar vibes to the Beelzemon in Digimon World: Next Order. Demon lords’ cores exist outside the realms of space/time, with physical avatars in each of the realities that can ‘respawn’ after a time if they are destroyed. The demon lords’ powers are split up among their avatars, so adding a new split makes them eeever so slightly weaker. Beelzebumon doesn’t care, the rest of the demon lords are displeased. The ripple that happened with the split let him wiggle out of the dark area so he spends most of his time taking in the sights and occasionally watching the shenanigans that a bunch of human children in the digital world are getting up to. Might give them a helping hand in passing, if only out of amusement of derailing the plans of the other demon lords.
He finds the fleeing-from-danger impmon, who is less afraid of him than whatever was chasing them. He lets them tag along for a bit, vaguely intrigued when they talk about the bits and pieces of memories they’re getting back. When they come across a little band of humans he herds the impmon towards them so he can go back to his preferred state of mostly-just observing. He’s the first one to figure out the little impmon is the reason reality got a little wibbly wobbly and made a new branch. 
Kai & Storm
Kai- Human that would very much like off this ride, please. (to be fair, all the humans want off this ride at some point) Storm- Kai’s partner, Puttimon > Cupimon > Patamon > Angemon. Just glad to be here.
Intended to be the primary pov duo. Sheltered religious kid figures themself out in the digital world whether they want to or not. Have I mentioned this bunch gets stuck in the digital world for years? Cuz that’s a whole Thing when they get out and they’ve all aged like five years in what seems to everyone else to be [exact time difference pending]. Kai takes a while to warm up to Storm, since they didn’t play the game nearly as much as most of the others that got dragged in, and *gestures at the whole impromptu long, dangerous camping trip.*
Storm just wants his human to be happy and safe. Once he’s able to maintain his angemon form for longer than the length of a battle he spends most of his time as that, since it’s big enough to pick Kai up and haul ass if something dangerous sneaks up on them. Which, due to the maneuverings of some grumpy demon lords that assume the humans appearing was the cause of the split, is a fairly common occurrence. 
Agunimon. Previously human, died in the digital world, came back as a digiegg. Regained most of his memories with time, most comfortable in his agunimon form (fairly human-shaped, has hands... useful things). Pretty fly for a dead guy. Ends up playing a bit of a guardian role for the human gaggle, leomon-adjacent but with less dying. He’s still a pretty vague idea, but I just think he’s neat. Big ol armored fire guy with horns, being used as an impromptu jungle gym for a bunch of kids and their tiny digi buddies. 
Otherwise there’s a gaggle of other human kids and their digimon partners, to fill out the “a bunch of kids who played this game at one point in time who happened to be close to/in contact with their computers and got yoinked to the digital world” requirement, most of whom are background characters. Plus some mature digimon that take some pity on the kids and help them out, and at least one more human-now-digimon that doesn’t much care to prod around for old memories and is quite happy with how she is now, thank-you-very-much.
I have... far less Actually Written Down than I'd like for this whole mess lmao
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cypreus-and-willow · 7 months
2, 8, 29, 43 For the fic asks if u wanna
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
Honestly, just from random places. I tend to theorize a lot. But sometimes the theories border on headcanon and are kinda whack (hence my other name 'The Crack Theorist') even tho they're mostly based on actual observations. For example, my Digimon Survive Highschool gang came to me when I was wondering abt the job of Shuuji's dad - is he a doctor? A politician?
Then i remembered his dad tells Shuuji he doesnt have the 'qualities befitting a Kayama son'. So I thought well what are the opposites of Shuuji's natural qualities? Possibly strength, ruthlessness, cunning, blah blah. And the stupid area of my brain concludes that his dad works for the mafia. And thats how the Gang AU was born.
As for my non AU fics, I try to stick as close to canon as possible... but they're still centered around some headcanons.
29. What's something about your writing that your proud of?
That they're self indulgent. Ive spent a lot of time, worrying abt word count thinking that its only good if its 1000+ words every chapter.
But now, esp w/ my shorter fics, i try to just write whatever feels right for the story. To let a story end at 300 words because its what feels right to me. Sometimes I sit down to write one memo and 2000 words come out and its fantastic but Ive stopped trying to force that feeling every time I write.
(And also that I can somewhat effectively mix purple and biege prose together even tho ive never heard of those terms until recently)
43. Is there a trope or idea that you'd really like to write but haven't yet?
Coffee Shop AU? Or maybe the florist and tattoo artist? Lol
Im mostly an angst writer. So sometimes I get curious abt what its like to write the cheezy cliche stuff. It doesnt have to be romance, I just want them to be happy.
(I cant believe Pet Shop AU is canon in TokRev - I feel blessed)
Oh, I was watching the first Pacific Rim the other day and wanted to write something on that. That drift compatibility is really something huh?
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip
CW mentions child death
The boy of red hair and twenty years looks up to the sky as a creature of thundering swords swoops down from the heavens. The strike of his blade cleaving the ground in two. From afar, he watches Ifrit crawl with the last of his strength towards the open ground bubbling with grief's plague. Raindrops hang on the tips of red eyelashes. Refusing to blink as the water falls over smouldering rock. There he sees the body of his keeper burning atop the lifeless earth. And remembers the day they drowned his mother. Fire is the essence of life in Solheim. In the temple of Ifrit, his mother taught him the ways of fire. Of healing warmth. Water. Rain. Is the herald of death. “Tianna.” “Yes child?” Though now his height inches over hers, she calls him child all the same. And it gives his heart comfort that some things remain the same. Even in this strange new world where fire burns under the rain and children are taken from their beds to their graves. “Stay with me.”
From the first ever fic I wrote in June 2018 but never published. I wrote like 3000+ words in one night. Also based on a crack theory.
Tho maybe I misunderstand this question...
Spoiler: Aoi slaps Shuuji’s brother while saying "How f*cking dare you"
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broccolibenny · 2 years
Old digimon au doodles
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ryou-kuroba · 2 years
Combined AU
This is less of a story and more of a existing universe. This whole thing is a excuse for Ryou to continue existing. Also this is where it starts getting cringy and self indulgent so don't say I didn't warn you.
At some point while Ton is traveling between worlds in the realm of in between, he hears something calling for him and it leads him to a corridor of darkness. He find himself in the realm of darkness but keeps following the call, eventually finding a crack in space with a broken keyhole. He tries to repair it with his keyblade but an blast of energy from the keyhole stops him from completing it. When Ton opens his eyes he finds the keyhole and the crack gone.
The keyhole was from a Digital World that was shut down (aka my digimon au) and by disturbing the keyhole Ton had accidentally released some hearts from the world but it remained closed.
So now Ryou is released into the wild, wakes up somewhere and proceeds to be a menace across worlds, wanting to fight stronger foes and copying any weapons or skills he likes. Kyou was sent to the past and became the Player in KHUX. Instead of returning to the cycle he choses to sleep in the end, he eventually gets woken up by Quinn. Yura's location remain unknown. Belle also ended up wandering around worlds but doesn't get involved in as much as Ryou does. None of them knows that each other is alive at first.
Benni and Riyuu aren't the real Behemoth and Ouryumon, they're both created from the memories of Ryou and Kyou. The real ones are still stuck in the Digital world, even if they did escape they still wouldn't be humans. Ryou felt lonely and decided to create Benni to accompany him. Kyou subconsciously created Riyuu to protect him when he was on the verge of death in the Badlands.
Misaki was created by some hi tech government organisation in some world after they managed to cut of Ryou's arm. They used his DNA to make a clone with a piece of his sin in it and wanted to use his as some sort of military weapon. Belle later discovers Misaki and saves him from the organisation, also destroying it in the process and wiping all traces of Misaki from the world. Misaki wants to find his original asking Belle to help him buts she doesn't know where and doesn't want to know. Instead she gives him a red book that she found within the lab Misaki was in and leaves. Misaki uses this book to travel around the worlds.
Shadow would have died after he destroyed the Dark Mirror but Ryou managed to bind him to his maryoku before he fully disappeared. Shadow was suspicious of Ryou at first for keeping him alive as he though he was using him for something but Ryou told him he only wanted to have another traveling partner cuz he lonely.
Nio decided to follow Ryou after he beat her in a fight since she was bored of her world and wanted to devour more things.
Yes i "steal" some existing characters so they will hang out with me, the pinnacle of cringe. (ノ*°▽°*) Also Soul, Lavi, Gokudera and Hachimenroppi is there cuz I used to kin them but they don't really fit into any of this universe
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galionne-vibin · 2 years
Galionne Sideblog List (Updated: 07/01/24)
I have a tendency to make a new sideblog everytime I jump into a new fandom or get a new big idea, so here's a comprehensive list of all of them so far:
Main Blogs/Active
@galionne-vibin: My main main, I don't always post a lot here depending on my current interests but this blog will always be active.
@galionne-artsing: Art blog where I post/reblog only art as well as upadtes on my Etsy Shop (once it re-opens). If you want fanart and no chit-chat this is the one to follow.
On Hiatus
@galionne-speeding: Sonic the Hedgehog (well really, mostly Badniks) blog.
@galionne-diging: Digimon centered blog. On hiatus until the brainrot comes back.
@incorrect-d6: Deadly Six centered blog for incorrect quotes. Not posting a lot at the moment but asks/submissions are open.
@ultra-vibin: 'Live' reactions to whatever Ultraman show I'm watching at the moment. Will come back into use once I have the energy to binge Ultraman again.
@villainguildau: Very specific and self-indulgent Ultraman AU blog that I'm keeping around for when I can make more content.
Archived Blogs/Inactive
@ultra-swap: Ultraman AU I had a lot of fun with, but no longer wish to continue writing/making content for.
@ask-vibin-kaijuverse: A Godzilla ask blog. Required way too much energy to maintain + Weird/Roleplay-like asks got annoying.
@human-vibin: Godzilla Human AU(s) blog. One of my first sideblogs ; don't really plan on making content for it as of now or in the near future.
@vibin-vibingo: A remnant of that weird time I was obsessed with RTGame's Miitopia Let's Play series for 2 months.
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millionsnife · 1 year
✏️ I will never get tired of your ideas
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more of the digimon au. it's silly and self indulgent but it's fun to write when the mood strikes. nai and vash having digimon partners distinctly like their opposite twin and all the parallels they bring to the table.
tricky and i have discussed it, there's lots there to work with
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