#I'm sorry i don't if there's a tag for related content so I'm going to go the shawol route
bunnis-monsters · 2 days
Good morning, I hope you're doing well.
I've been a shy onlooker of your work for quite some time, however as of recently I've been noticing with a couple of the bee-hybrid ficlets that you've been writing, one or two of them that involved (specifically) child/infant characters were tagged with the 'monster fucker' and various such related tags..?
I love the bee stuff, I do! Please don't take this as a hate message because I really don't mean for it to come off as such. But if you're going to include infant/child characters under the age of 18 in your fics, please don't include them in NSFW scenarios, fics, or situations or put them in NSFW tags. I don't think that's entirely legal in some places and I say that out of the goodness of my heart for your protection and your readers.
There was a woman banned off Youtube who was criminally charged for breastfeeding her child and uploading it and I know this is in no way as severe but I honestly don't want to see you get banned and all your fics wiped off tumblr because you put 'minor characters' in NSFW situations/tags. :(
You could try maybe just not tagging the stuff with baby bees?? You have a huge follow base and a discord (that i'm too shy to join) so I'm sure people would still find that content if they're following you.
I'm sorry for bothering you, I hope you have a good day.
I tag all of my fics as monster fucking… because that’s the genre. The baby bees are a result of said monster fucking.
I specifically use monster fucking on all of my posts so people who don’t like the monster fucking genre can easily filter my posts out.
I do not include any smut tags like I do on my other posts, and SPECIFICALLY tag them as “monster sfw” or “monster fluff” when I remember.
Not only have I never sexualized or plan on sexualizing the baby bees, if you or anyone else sees anything regarding them as sexual… idk what to say. They’re the most innocent posts on my page.
Read my REQUEST INFO so you can understand that I do not write for pedophilic relationships or situations. The baby bees are children.
I think you’re reading a bit into it. I’m not sure about that case of a YouTuber being banned for breast feeding, but that’s a real person with real children. These are fanfics. There could have been more behind that, and I know for sure there are cases where parents exploit their children on the internet in ways that are in the grey area, like for example, breastfeeding them and sexualizing it purposefully(breastfeeding isn’t inherently sexual, but it can be sexualized and sold as such to an audience) or having them do things that are suggestive for their pedophile audience to continue using them as a cash cow.
This is not that. The baby bees are fictional, and not once have they been sexualized. I am not interested in doing so. They’ll still be under the monster fucker tag because the baby bees are tied to the bee hybrids which ARE very NSFW. It’s a genre.
I use tags that relate to my post and can help them be easily filtered by those that DON’T want to see my content.
Never ask something like this again, it made me deeply uncomfortable.
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I'm aroacespec (and honestly confused about where I fall on that spectrum, but I do know I'm sex/romance favorable) and tbh my relationship with shipping is weird.
There are some ships I look at and I'm like "how can you see this as anything but romantic" and there are other ships where I'm like "okay but why do we have to ship them, can't they just be friends?" and it's almost always the total opposite of what the fandom majority's view is. For example, my Sonic "how can you see this as anything but romantic" ship is Espilver, and my "okay but why do we have to ship them, can't they just be friends?" ship is Silvaze.
I will say that something I've noticed is there tends to be a double-standard with allo people (specifically cishet people) when it comes to ships. You get a ton of "why can't they just be friends" with slash and femslash ships, but then those same people will ship a het pairing that look at each other in a single frame. I don't know if it's something that's more obvious to me because I'm gay myself (or even if it's more obvious because I'm aroacespec specifically), but it's weird to me. I choose to look at it this way: if this was a het ship with the same character dynamic, would people still say "why can't they just be friends?"
That's not to say aroace people are in the wrong for looking at a pairing and saying "can't they just be friends? Why do we have to ship them?" but with a lot of cishet people specifically, it feels like there's a lot of people perpetuating a borderline homophobic double-standard. I get it when it's something like Scott and Jay from Ninjago, but so many masc characters' dynamics are canonically given homoerotic or even just romantic undertones (a good example of this being, in my opinion, Sonadow; there's not an almost 3 and a half hour long Sonadow iceberg video on YouTube for no reason. As far as I'm aware it's the longest Sonic-related iceberg video on YouTube that covers exclusively official content) which is why people tend to gravitate towards those ships. I could do an entire analysis on why gay ships tend to have bigger followings than het ships but if I did this would get too long lmao. I will once again point to the Sonadow iceberg video though.
I generally use shipping to explore my own relationship with my aroace-ness, and usually I do that using characters I either headcanon as aroace in some way or who are canonically aroace, because I can relate to those experiences. It's kinda weird to me to see other aroace people acting like doing that is bad or wrong, because usually that's what people are doing, and even if that's not what's going on, fanfiction doesn't affect canon.
There is no right or wrong way to participate in fandom (unless you're harassing people and/or actively putting people in danger), no matter what you identify as.
Basically: People should be allowed to do what they want, if something bothers you that bad there's nothing wrong with blocking a person or tag.
(I might've gotten off subject a few times, sorry lol)
Okay, that thing about blocking tags inspired me to look through my blocked tags to see what ships I've blocked and here's my petty aroace thoughts on all of them without naming names lmao
Fanon het ship. They've never given any indication that they know of each other's existence. Her girlfriend is right there.
Canon het ship. Had the chemistry of two wet paper bags. Literally just shoehorned in there because god forbid any story exist without a romance subplot.
Semi-canon het ship. I'm mostly neutral about them. Just unnecessary.
Fanon mlm ship. Literally brothers?? I don't care that one of them is adopted, they grew up together?? As brothers??
Fanon het ship. I don't care what you call their relationship. You can call it professional, platonic, familial, just please don't call it romantic.
Semi-canon het ship. Again, completely unnecessary. God forbid a man convince a woman to become a villain without there being ~attraction~
Fanon het ship. She is 14?? And he is like 30??
Semi-semi-canon het ship. He did have a crush on her when he was, like, 14 but he's a grown adult now and she's the most lesbian-looking woman to ever exist and they're the most found family siblings to ever find a family
Fanon mlm ship. I personally see them more as brothers. But whatever floats your boat.
Semi-canon het ship. Just really shoehorned. I don't like the woman very much. I liked her more when she was allowed to be a badass without being a ~flirty badass~
Fanon mlm ship. Again. Adopted brothers. Gross.
Canon het ship. I've seen many things from this director. He's a creative man. He couldn't think of a way to move the plot forward without a smooch?? He couldn't create a series that didn't have an unnecessary love triangle??
Semi-canon het ship. The man isn't coming back for S2 and boy folly gee am I glad
Fanon het ship. Not my cup of tea. Just let them be friends
good lord I have a lot more ship tags blocked than I thought
anyway, this is your daily reminder to just block stuff you don't want to see and move on
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waitingforminjae · 1 year
tw // april 19
all of you are fucking insane and none of you are seeing heaven what the FUCK is wrong with you.
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shoyudon · 3 months
them trying to make it up to you after forgetting your date.
starring. gojo, sukuna, toji x fem! reader
heads up. cursing, not everyone has a happy ending :D
tags. @dreamsarenicer @deftearzi @ninikrumbs @litlebruh
note. this is a continuation from "DOESN'T MATTER, I LEFT!" make sure to check it out to make sense of everything!
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──────〃★ 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔
gojo is far from miserable — if there was a word to describe a state worse than miserable, that is what gojo is feeling right now. he didn't know what to do besides the countless messages and calls he's sent out to you.
he's tried knocking on your apartment door for days, but to no avail, you refused to see him. telling him to go back home and to leave you alone. hell, gojo's even took a few days off from work, spending his day off trying to get you to talk to him face-to-face about everything.
"y/n," gojo knocks on your door, his head leaning onto the hard wooden surface — even without looking, you could tell how tired he is. the stress from work, from his relationship, everything; just falling apart, "i know you're in there, i can hear the tv show running."
you scoffed, leaning back onto the couch. gojo sighs out, banging his head gently onto the door, grunting out, "can we please talk about this . . ? you can't shut me out forever," he spoke.
and before he knew it, the door swung open, there you were; standing right in front of him. if looks could kill, the strongest would be six feet under, "stop coming over, you're not welcomed here, satoru. we don't need to talk about anything, i made it clear that you weren't ready for a relation—"
"you won't even listen to what i have to say about it?" gojo cuts you off, his brows furrowed; the creases between his brows deepening.
"no, i won't. i don't have to, you're not ready and you know it," you tell him, hand on the door and a hand on the doorway, looking at him calmly, "listen, go home. stop coming over, and stop trying to text me from different numbers."
"i am ready. i'm sorry for leaving you there, please let me make it up to you— i can't do this y/n. i'm really sorry, i fucked up. i just—" he looks at you desperately, his cerulean blue eyes doing all the conversation. gojo's never felt so weak before until now.
"can we please just talk about this . . ? i'll make it up to you, i promise — i just . . . right now i'm — can i just —" he rambles on in panic, his fatigue catching up to him, arms flailing around.
furrowing your brows, you eyed him, "what are you— satoru, calm down."
he inhaled sharply, "i just . . . i know i've been so caught up in work. please let me make it up to you, i took a few days off, please? can we talk about this? i don't want to break up with you, you're all i have . . ." gojo choked out, inhaling sharply at the end of his sentence.
"satoru, i don't know, okay? you're busy — yes. saving the world, saving people, saving everyone. i love you, i really do—"
"why are you breaking up with me then . . ?" gojo whispers out softly, brows furrowed, his pupils looking everywhere in panic and discomfort, "why are you breaking up with me if you love me? i'll do better, i promise."
"just — do better. 'm not going to accept you right now, show me you can do better and we'll see." well, that was better than a straight up no, gojo nodded his head vigorously.
"okay, okay. that's good, i promise. i'll be better, i'll be better," he whispers, unconsciously clutching onto your hands.
teaching sukuna to operate a phone might be one of the most regretful thing you did. waking up to more than forty missed calls and thirty voice mails wasn't the most exciting things in the world — especially with his voicemails being cursing contents because h didn't know if his previous voice mails went through or not.
"why is it that mortals use this rectangle— did my voice go through?" was almost in everything, a few voicemails containing questions like asking to meet up face to face to communicate about everything that had been going on; much to his disdain.
one to which you finally replied to after two days. figuring it was going to be better if you made it clear to him that you no longer wanted anything to do with him.
sitting on a coffee shop, you stared at him, "i'll say this one time, stop contacting me, i have nothing else i want to do with you in the future. so refrain from sending me more voicemails or missed calls," sukuna scoffs, looking into your eyes.
"you're leaving over three hours?" he snarkily commented, more aggressive than he wanted it to come out or intended, "did i not say that i would book another place? i was caught up in another matter."
if you could just pass out out of disbelief right now, you would. it was honestly a shame that sukuna had to make matters worst with his comments, "are you — look, i've listened enough. and i want nothing else to do with you right now, nor do i want anything to do with you in the future. so please, i am ending things between us right now. i deserve better than this, and you know it."
sukuna clenched his jaw, clearly furious with how everything is turning out to be. i mean; being the king of curses, he expects everything to go his way. and currently, it wasn't.
"take that back, you are not 'breaking up' with me," he mutters out in annoyance.
"sukuna, yes, i am breaking up with you." he narrowed his eyes when you called him 'sukuna' instead of 'ryo' like you always do. sukuna never liked it when people addressed him by 'ryo', but with you — he had grown so accustomed that it felt odd hearing the word 'sukuna' escape your throat.
"don't address me as such."
"it is your name, no?" he clenched his fists in annoyance, "i've said what i need to say. stop calling me and stop sending me useless voicemails, i won't change my mind. and i won't indulge in this relationship anymore. you think three hours is a short time? i made myself a fool in front of the whole place."
"did i not tell you that i had matters to attend to? you're being a bit childish, no?"
"if breaking up with you over disrespect is childish, consider me childish then," you told him and stood up, "goodbye."
"i know you're in there, open the door," toji banged on your door just an hour after you ended both your relationship and the call, "woman, open this door before i break it in."
he sighs out loudly, looking around — he felt like a burglar, standing on your porch menacingly. toji knocks again, "so that's it? you're just going to throw away everything? not talk to me about it? i never agreed to breakin' up with you."
he stares at the door as it swung open just before his eyes, his eyes falling on your figure, "so, you're finally ready to talk about this?" he scoffs, crossing his arms, "listen, i forgot, i fucked up and y' definitely aren't happy."
"ha ha. no shit, toji. you waste my time and my efforts, all you can say is that you fucked up and that you'll make it up to me?" you tell him calmly, leaning on your door, "you think that's enough for the constant disappointment you made me feel? you fucked up? you'll make it up to me? you didn't even say sorry."
toji furrowed his brows, inhaling sharply, "what do you want me to do?"
"what do i want you to do is leave me alone, and let me break up with you, because i'm so tired of you constantly telling me you fucked up instead of you're sorry. which is a big difference and i'm actually making a big deal out of it. i don't deserve this, you know?"
he shakes his head, "no, don't do that breakin' up fuckery with me. i'll do anythin' to make it up to you."
"make it up to me by letting me break up with you, that's all i want. you're not ready for a serious and committed relationship, and i'm not going to be the scapegoat for your constant mishaps. i'm tired of having to lie to myself that you're trying your best to be a good boyfriend when you make mistakes like this over and over again. it's ridiculous, toji."
toji blinked his eyes, looking at you, "no. it's a mistake, i fuckin' promise you. it just went over me — i knew i was missing something, and i thought —"
"toji. i've talked to you about this same mistake countless of times, and it went over your head again? and again? 'm tired, okay. can you just leave me alone, we had what we had, we had our time, and well, nothing lasts forever. do better next time with someone else," you tell him, getting ready to shut the door.
but of course, he wasn't really going to take this closure from you, slipping in his foot to stop the door from completely shutting, "move your foot, toji," you sigh out.
"you can't just sum it up like this, i don't wanna break up," he sighs out, "i know i fucked up, again. can't you give me another chance or somethin'? i'll make it up to you."
"i gave you more chances than i should've. bye, toji," you pushed his foot away and shut the door, ending the conversation.
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© shoyudon 2024 . no copying or reposting allowed !
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hi I'm queenie! TEMPORARY HIATUS!!
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★once I've got my stories going, don't be afraid to ask about them!
★but please be respectful! This is what I won't write for:
★ •trans or male reader! I don't mind doing them, it's just I don't know how to write for them and since I'm not either, I don't want to accidentally miswrite them and upset somebody. But you can still ask, I'll probably take a good long while though 💧
★ • classic Wattpad y/n. I like to keep my darlings as relatable as possible. I'm tired of seeing submissive bland (names). Time for 'go fuck yourself' y/n
★scat. Pedophilia. Minor x adult. WATERWORKS ❌. Incest. Stepcest. Age regression. Furries. Oc x oc unless I really really like it.
★minors please do not interact
★what I will write for: pretty much everything, I'm not picky! Pitch in your own ideas, I'd love to hear them! {Warning this'll include yanderes: I don't condone them but they do have Me a little interested}
★I'm mainly a fem! reader writer so, my male readers, I am so sorry 🥲 I'll try and make some gn fics just for you
★that's it really, I don't mind. Just be respectful to me and the other people who would like to enjoy my nonsense!
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Current works:
Riley Sanderson x reader 🖤, doing his makeup
Yandere farm x farmhand reader 🌾, returning their feelings (cow couple, quintuplets)
It's raining cats and dogs 🐱🐶🌾
Country roads take me home 🐮🐴🌾, big daddy smut , taking a nap
Where the birds and fish gather 🦚🐟
Pure as a lamb 🐏🐐, Kim the goat
Yandere popular girl x reader x emo boy, sick darling, date at the mall!, crack imagine
oc kink list: part 1, part 2
Mild yandere circus x reader: part 1 Wendy!
Yandere bunny hybrid x reader, extra details + doodle, cotton x meat eater!darling
Yandere playboy x reader, reader escapes
Yandere florist x reader
yandere cupid x reader, househusband!
Yandere online boyfriend x afab!reader, sadistic reader
Yandere church boy x reader
yandere rockstar x FEM!reader
Oc's ethnicities
Yandere cheerleader x fem!reader, random headcanons
Yandere friend group x FEM!reader, reader dates kiross, what do they want?
Yandere fantasy party x gn reader
Blackwood academy masterlist
•°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆ •°. *࿐ ⋆
Headers by: @pixiesite @cafekitsune
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The anons: 💕 - 👍 - 🍧 - 🐁 - 🍄 - 👾 - <3 - 🎀 - 😶‍🌫️ - 🦖 - 🇦🇶 - ☔ - blorbo - 🐢 - 🦌 - 🐮 - silver anon - 🎸- 🎶 - 🏮- ✂️ - 🩰 - 🥭🧚🏿‍♀️ - ❓- 🌹- 🐼 anon <-evil (jk)
Note to self:
@a-goblin-named-cherry wishes to be tagged on all farmhand reader content
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
Okay so.
Look. At this point I am old and I am tired and I am pretty firmly coming down on write what you want just archive lock it or something and tag it please. If I am hitting tropes or trends or ships that don't do it for me, I can simply click away and my day is not ruined. Cancellation is not on my radar at all. Okay. So. With that out of the way.
Look. Sometimes, when you are pushing the boundary of platonic possessive and platonic kink-adjacent stuff, if you lead special emphasis on the fact that everybody involved is related, it doesn't necessarily make it magically more platonic. It just gives it extra vibes. Specifically you are like STRONGLY invoking incest as a kink right now, my guys. This is getting dire. Like I'm sorry but if someone is lying down half asleep listening to the "sounds of kissing" and one of the people doing the kissing keeps saying how good of a brother the other person is, like, you can smack a "platonic kissing" tag on that one all you like, and I can even follow you on a faith journey and believe that you intended that to be platonic, but uh, the first reading of that one is distinctly like— man, please. I'm dying here.
In the same way that if you have an interaction— say, you did a cuddle-potion fic, and you say to yourself "man these guys are getting handsy, if they're both dating age this would look kinda sketchy'' so your solve is to make one of them twelve and then suddenly you have made your slightly off-colour fic take on a whole new tone— in the same way that making one of the characters underage isn't a magic button you can press to make something fully platonic no matter what, making your characters related isn't going to make it magically platonic if they are say, all in the same bed and one of the characters is feeling the mattress move as his brother and father cuddle each other and say how much they love each other.
This isn't even an isolated incident. Please.
If you are looking at your interaction and going "man this kinda looks like ship" and you want to make sure people don't think it's ship, aging down the character isn't a magic solve, and making them related isn't a magic solve, not when the rest of the tropes you are pulling from are pulled directly from romance and porn. You just invoked a DIFFERENT kink on top of the first one you had. Like you might not know that that's where the tropes come from but guys. Please. The solve for this scene is either changing it substantially until it no longer looks like ship, accepting that it looks off but you don't mean it that way and go "if people misunderstand this it's not my problem" or maybe considering the option that what you want to write is ship. I keep hitting this stuff and going "are you SERIOUS" and then it gets worse.
Or maybe, idk, you're specifically into all the people being related like that. You do you, the contents of your Ao3 account is not hurting anyone. But in that case please for the love of GOD can you please consider tagging it?
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stitchau · 3 months
This post will be updated over time.
Main artist account: @centfornothing (both tumblr and twitter)
— Usage of Stitch/Fanart
1. Q: Can I create fanart of Stitch?
A: Yes, I'd be more than happy if you do! ^^
Also, do not be shy to tag me! I will, from time to time, check if i was tagged somewhere.
2. Q: Can I use your character in my comic/animation/fanfiction?
A: Yep! I don't see why not.
3. Q: Can I ship *insert character name here* with Stitch?
A: Sure, have fun! But I sure do hope that the character in question is not a child. I am strongly against it.
4. Q: Can I create NSFW🔞 content of Stitch?
A: Yes, unless it involves children/incest. Do not draw stuff like that.
I'm being repetitive here, but whatever. These are the only things I don't want people to do with my character, and I hope you understand why.
DO NOT create content depicting Stitch engaging with children in sexual manner.
DO NOT create content depicting Stitch endorsing incest/racism/f*cism/n*zism or anything similar to that.
As advice, I'd kindly ask you not to create stuff like this at all. Please be a better person and be responsible with what you create and put out there on the internet.
— About asks
Questions that I have already answered won't get a reply.
Not all the questions will get their answers. Either because it's not the time for the answer yet or because it's irrelevant/not a question at all.
If there's too many questions, yours might be missed/might get a late reply(currently i have 70+ questions, no joke, and i just cant answer all of them, especially when there's more of them every day). But don't be shy asking questions anyway!
Other reasons for your questions not getting an answer:
I might be busy because I also have to live a life.
If your question is something like "I love your au sm," then thank you. I really appreciate your kind words, you are making my day💞
I might not want to answer your question for reasons. (Provocative questions, personal questions, etc)
If you are asking something related to YOUR OWN mental health. Please, PLEASE, if you have real problems, do not try to find a solution for them from internet strangers, go and talk to a real, qualified professional.
Please do not vent to me, I am not qualified to offer you help. I wish you the best, please stay safe.
And just a separate point about roleplays. Sorry, but I don't really do them. I can play along to something unserious and small, but whole roleplays are not for me.
— About Stitch
Stitch uses any pronouns, but they/them is a preferred one.
They are aroace.
The place they live in is called "Treatment space"(the info on what it is will be elaborated on sometime later). It is accessible for anyone in Omega Timeline at any given point through a door. But it can also be accessed from anywhere if you have one of 2 special keys: small red key that will create a door for 1 person leading to the Treatment Space or the bigger dark red key that will create a much bigger door, also leading to the Treatment Space(backyard). Keys can be mostly found in Omega Timeline, but some are scattered throughout the Multiverse.
They mimic the voice according to the form they have at the moment. So Sans' voice for a form of Sans, etc.
For all the different parts of plush bodies and clothes, there is a separate big room in Treatment Space.
Stitch doesn't need to sleep, eat, or drink.
Their most preferred forms are Toriel(convenience) and Sans(frequency of use).
The forms they don't like to use the most are the ones that are small(like Temmie, annoying dog, Flowey, etc.)
— The Lore(WIP)
Chapter 1: Lucky streak — part 1
More info will be added
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live-laugh-lenney · 5 months
platform roulette | arthurtv
i've seen so so so many of these on my dashboard recently and i loved every single one i read/saw so lots of inspiration has come from it... testing the waters... seeing how well they go down... :)))
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yourinstagram never too early to start on the grind. (but first, i need an iced coffee).
user1 where are you going??
user2 that's st pancras right?? international girly!!
user3 is this for an arthur hill video?? man's taking us all international now!! can't wait for the banger video you put together <3333
arthurnfhill Bloody hell, you're there early. -> yourinstagram hurry up, maybe?? -> arthurnfhill @/yourinstagram George was late waking up. Honest. -> georgeclarkeey @/yourinstagram @/arthurnfhill False. I think you will find that it was Arthur making us late... slept through that alarm.
user4 An Arthur Hill x George Clarke video incoming! -> yourinstagram don't you dare forget the little cherub that is @/arthurtv. -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram What have I told you about calling me that??
arthurtv Not very summer attire that jumper... Am I the only one that will be wearing shorts today?? -> yourinstagram preparing for any kind of weather, i guess. you never know what'll happen.
user5 the arthur hill reference in the caption killed me. -> yourinstagram it's a certified banger. (the coffee, not the song, btw). -> user5 @/yourinstagram howling. i love you so much
yourinstagram posted a story
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[caption] filming something spectacular today 🎥 tagged; arthurtv, arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey
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yourinstagram i see you girlies are starved of content. i hope you're hungry...
user1 she's one of us.
user2 oh good lord. where are you?
chrismd10 Thank you so much. My tummy is full up now. -> yourinstagram i left my phone unattended and now have a whole folder in my phone full of their shenanigans today if you want them for the bank later on? ;) -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram Please don't do that.
user3 why is she there??? who is she??? -> yourinstagram i'm one of arthur's videographers, babe... have been for a while. feeding you girls the content you deserve. all the credit that goes to him should go to meee <33
-> user4 you deserve an award for a, the insanely good content you give us. and b, having to deal with the insanity of men when they're drunk. -> yourinstagram The three of them turn into children when they get together and have a few drinks. It's funny watching it unfold.
user5 oh good lord. george and the two arthur's with alcohol can only mean one thing: trouble. -> yourinstagram you're correct. today was like going out with three kids. you'll be able to feel my pain in the video. just you wait for the video to be posted and you'll understand.
yourinstagram posted a story
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[caption] the perks of filming with arthur hill means i get to break into the arthur hill bank account and order the expensive beers. 🍺 tagged; arthurtv, georgeclarkeey, arthurnfhill
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yourinstagram we somehow ended up in deal and it's become my favourite seaside town this year. platform roulette coming soon!
user1 what the hell have you been doing today?
user2 please tell us when it'll be out. i'm so so excited for this.
georgeclarkeey Of all the content you took and videoed today, you posted that weasel? -> yourinstagram @/georgeclarkeey he's a cute weasel?? -> arthurtv I'd rather be called cherub. -> yourinstagram @arthurtv sorry, my cherub weasel. <33
arthurtv We should go definitely back. -> yourinstagram will you also pay for my train fare like @/arthurnfhill did for me today?? -> arthurtv @/yourinstagram Of course. Not very gentlemanly of me to make my girlfriend pay for a date. -> arthurnfhill @/yourinstagram It was work-related. Wouldn't have paid for you if it was just for fun. x -> yourinstagram @arthurnfhill my resignation will be in the post.
user3 Has YN just hard-launched her relationship with Arthur? -> user1 check out the comments under his comment above. without a doubt... they've not just hard-launched them, they've practically shoved it down our throats. -> user3 @/user1 Oh my god. -> user2 @user1 I KNEW IT!!!! STAN TWITTER CAN DO ONE!!!
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madschiavelique · 1 year
was a bit hesitant to ask this but thoughts on how Miguel would feel if reader was vv self conscious abt their body/said anything negative abt their appearance..? (talking abt this as someone who's also self conscious abt their body cuz i need to know how he would react/what he would say to the reader tbh 😭)
AAAAAAA BESTIE I FEEL YOU !! I'm part of the self conscious about their body gang - i just had to write more than just a thought on this<3
when it comes to self consciousness about my body, there's always one line from the song Paradis by Orelsan (french rapper), that says "Je comprends pas pourquoi tu t'inquiètes quand tu prends du poids. Pour moi, c'est ça de pris, ça fait toujours plus de toi." which i used in this text (clue : it'll be in italic)
summary : miguel reassures a self conscious reader on their body content warnings : comfort, fluff, miguel being a worshipper of you, genderneutral!reader, no use of Y/N word count : 739 tag list : @fandom-ash
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Miguel is a man who notices details, all the more so when those details are related to you. He noticed how you looked at yourself in the mirror from time to time, how you sometimes stood on your tiptoes when you were sitting to make your thighs look less large, how some days, even when it was hot, you wore a sweater covering you completely.
You were used to wearing baggy clothes, oversized sweaters and t-shirts, baggy pants, nothing that showed too much of your curves.
He'd noticed how you'd changed your diet lately, and how the portions you allowed yourself were... far too small for a normal meal.
You were depriving yourself of your favorite snacks, and even when Miguel offered you some, you begrudgingly refused. He could see the pain in your eyes, and he couldn't understand.
Then one day, standing in front of the mirror in your underwear, you started to cry. Miguel came running straight to you, taking you in his arms as you wept silently, little jolts shaking your body.
He stroked your back and hair gently, letting the sobs take their place as you sniffled against his shoulder.
"Hey hey hey," his voice was low, as if he felt that a word or a gesture a little too strong could break you into a thousand pieces, "nena, what's wrong?" he asked, stepping back.
He wiped your tear-streaked cheeks, your eyes were reddened and your lips bulged with heartache.
"I hate my body."
His heart cracked, and he came to take you in his arms again. So that was the reason for all this, for your restrictions, for all these choices that were doing you more harm than good. He couldn't understand how you could think such a thing, because he worshipped you like the goddess or god or deity you truly were.
"I wish I just looked different," you murmured against him.
"Why?" he asked, pulling away from you again to cup your face.
"Because, I look ugly, I feel ugly..." you sighed, your brow furrowing as hot tears rolled down your cheeks.
His lips were parted, he couldn't understand how it was possible for you to feel this way, to think this way about yourself. He found you so beautiful that the very thought of you thinking that way seemed almost impossible.
"I'm not pretty enough to be with you. There are so many prettier girls and boys than me-" you began, but he cut you off, not even letting you finish your sentence.
"Don't ever say that again," he said, his tone serious and almost warning.
He looked at you, sorry and almost angry. Because he was wondering who he was going to have to correct (annihilate) for having succeeded in making you think you weren't beautiful.
"Come here," he said, lifting you with ease to rest you on the sink while you were still wiping your cheeks. "Listen to me: Your body is not the reason I love you. I've fallen in love with your soul, your qualities and your flaws... even if I'm still trying to find the flaws."
You blew out a quick laugh from your nose, a tear running down your cheek as he brushed it away.
"It doesn't make you a failure, or undesirable, or ugly not to have the body of a celebrity on the cover of a magazine." he said softly as he kissed your cheek, his hand gently caressing your thigh. "Why should you worry about gaining weight?"
"Because it makes me ugly." you murmured, but he gripped your chin between his fingers so your eyes observed the truth in his.
"No, it doesn't make you ugly," he assured. "Even if you do gain weight, for me it's a given, because it always gives me more of you."
Your chin trembled slightly, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"No matter how long it takes, I'll make you love yourself," he confirmed. "I don't care what you look like, I'll still love you."
You smiled, tears still gently flowing, Miguel coming to place both his hands on your cheeks to clear them. You let out a little laugh:
"Even if I was a worm?" you joked.
He smiled, sighing softly.
"Yes, even if you were a worm." he laughed, kissing your forehead before hugging you again.
"Lucky worm." you whispered, wrapping your arms around his back.
"Lucky me." he whispered against your hair, stroking it gently.
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2smolbeans · 2 months
Ride or Die
"Remembering the past"
(Yan ceos x runaway darlings)
A/n: Dark content ahead, reader has a flashback of before they escaped, reader and April (another darling victim) bond together, possible stockholm syndrome
Tag list: @naogostodepaodealho69
Part 1 (The beginning and summary)
Related/Connected post
Humiliation, disgust - his lips were on your skin, sending those horrible spikes in your body. It felt gross, his hands felt slimy, and you so badly wanted to push him off to give your body a break from all those unpleasant feelings. But you continued playing along, kissing him back and indulging in his wants.
Just this once, just this once. You'd tell yourself. Do it for them. Do it for the sweet promise of escaping.
You wrap your arms around his neck, and he grabs your hips in response. You'd be a liar if you said you didn't enjoy some part of this, if you didn't enjoy being wanted desperately by an attractive wealthy man - your former ex, your first love. You hated this. The situation was disgusting- yet it didn't take a lot of mental gymnastics to make yourself enjoy the moment.
Maybe you would've fully enjoyed it if the circumstances were different. Maybe in another life, the two of you just met again for the first time in years in a cafe out of some pure considence. He'd tell you what had happened after high school, and you'd do the same. Then, while walking around the city, he'd bring up the elephant in the room.. How he treated you in high school when the two of you dated. He'd apologize, feeling embarrassed and ashamed for his stupid behavior from back then. He'd look at you with those beautiful crimson eyes, owning up to his psychotic behavior - "I'm sorry for how I was. I should've never done that. "You had every right to yell at me. " Then, next thing you knew, you were at his apartment, getting things heated. For a split second when you closed your eyes, you could imagine it. You were here willingly, everything was normal, and he was normal. But of course, you wouldn't have things your way as that sweet illusion broke when he whispered those sickly annoying mantras. "You're mine, I need you" "Please please please please please-" "I'll fucking snap your neck if you don't say it"
He wasn't normal. This wasn't normal. And you're reminded of how badly you needed out. But thankfully, that wasn't the case anymore. You look around, and you see the fruits of your labor. You weren’t in that god-awful marble walled house, Marco wasn't anywhere to be seen, and best of all- you had your own goddamn room that wasn't littered with cameras. You lazily scroll through your phone, minding your own buisness while your fellow roommate and escapee did their own thing. "Hey, could you do the dishes?" You groan, not wanting to move from your spot. "Come on! I've been doing it for the past few days. Please?" Whining, you roll off the couch and head to the kitchen. You look in the sink, okay, there's not much to do. You mindlessly scrub and put whatever cutlery and flatware that is washed on the dish rack. You're on autopilot as your mind blanks out due to your lethargic state from brain rotting on your phone.
You look in the sink and see the little shards that litter in it. Picking up the shards, you kiss your teeth in disappointment. Pick, pick, pick, you put the shards in the garbage. Blood trickles down the meaty part of your thumb. You should've really-
He's talking, and you have your back turned against him. He seems happy and hopeful with whatever delusional rant he's going on. You listen to the water running, drowning out his voice. The clattering of porcelain dishes canceled out his presence, the loud clinking noises easing you. Though sadly, no matter what you use around your environment to escape reality, Marco always had a way of bursting your bubble. "What..you.. kids?" You freeze, your chest twisting. Your body doesn't dare move a muscle. "What was that?" He peeped a happy response. "What do you think about having kids?" You go rigid, your hands shaking. "I..I dunno. I don't care for them. " "Really?" You laugh, a hint of bitterness starting to seep in. "Why? Do you want kids?" "I mean-" "Then absolutely fucking not." He exasperates, whining as he takes a step closer to you, his large form casting a shadow over you. "Why not?" You bite your tongue, trying to conceal that bubbling feeling inside you. He keeps pushing you further to that edge as he keeps talking, his gentle tone that grated against your ears that tried so desperately to agree with him. You barely listen to what he's saying, but you can hear those words vigorously invading you. "children, family, love"
Your hands that grip the plate begin to feel light, and without registering, you snap.
You start screaming at the top of your lungs, your voice vibrating the luxurious walls, your hands flailing around with the now broken shard held in your hand. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! YOU WANT KIDS?!" You see red, the adrenaline is pumping in your veins, and you're beyond reasoning. You start throwing things at him, loud sounds of cutlery and dishes scattering the floor. Your words are harsh and cruel, uncaring of the consequences that would follow after. You violently sob, your body racking with trembles as you defeatingly go slack against the kitchen counter. You're gasping for air as you cry, sniffling as you confess your feelings.
You forgot what you said. It was the heat of the moment. So when he looked at you, you were already crying harder with fear - preparing for the worst. But to your surprise, he looked guilty, like he was finally aware of his actions, like he wasn't stupidly delusional like he always was. He reaches his hand out to you, and you don't bother fighting him. He sighs, your distraught taking a toll on him. Marco wrapped his arms around your body, letting you sink into the floor with him. He's hugging you, and you can't help but hug him back, feeling his warmth envelope you. You cry, you hate him - and all he can do is acknowledge it as he lets you sob into his chest.
Blood fades away with the water. You look at your thumb and dry it with a paper towel - blood staining the white sheet. Finding a bandaid, you place it on the cut. "You found it?" "Yeah.. Also really? Hello kitty?" "Whaatt? They were cheap" "April just admit you have an obsession" "Whatever" You roll your eyes as your roommate continues to draw on his sketch book on the dinner table. You look at the cute pink bandaid that was on your thumb. Looking at your roommate, you decide to join him as you sit across from him. "Whatcha drawing?" "Stuff. " "Can I see?" He eyes you for a moment, putting his sketchbook to his chest. "Come on, I won't judge you.. With whatever weird shit you're drawing," he scoffs, showing you the page he was working on.
You look at the page and admire it. There's multiple angles, different colors, all drawn with attention. 'Paige Nieman' was written at the bottom of the page. "Who's this?" His lips thin as he avoids your eyes for a split second. "Uhh, just someone I used to know," he pauses again, clearly uncomfortable. "She wasn't just that, but I don't know. I don't really.." "Hey it's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" he sits there, clearly ashamed and wanting to take back his words. "Nono it's okay. It's just..Do you mind?" "Dude of fucking course not! I'm here for you okay?" He takes in a deep breath, trying to control himself as he looks around the room- trying to soothe himself. "Paige was my girlfriend. She would've been my fiancee.." You furrow your brows, giving April your attention. You wait for him to continue speaking, but he doesn't. You don't want to push him further, so you don't say another word. You can see him biting his tongue, clearly on the verge of crying as he looks away with his wet eyes. "Hey man..It's okay.." you stand up from your seat, grabbing a tissue box from the living room. Wiping his tears he thanks you. You sit in a moment of silence, both of you having thoughts in your mind.
"Do you ever think of having kids?"
April looks at you, completely confused but amused at your question. The question was so random, and out of all people, YOU were the one asking it.
"Uhhh..Well, sorry what?"
"Just answer it"
"Are you being serious orrrr"
"Completely genuine"
"Alright then..."
He smiles, playing with the used tissue in his hand. He imagines the scenario. It's something he always looked fond at.
"Yeah..I've always wanted to be a dad. I always thought of how I'd raise them, what colors to paint the room.."
You hum in response, listening with interest.
"Two kids. I always wanted two. May and June..Because after April is May..And after May is June"
You're in awe as you hear his corny confession. He looks at you, waiting for your turn to answer the question.
"What about you?"
"Me? Well..To be honest I never thought of it. But after..Him.."
His name feels like a forbidden curse that you don't want to remember. You swallow as the thought of him begins to emerge in your head. You look back at April, trying to evade Marco out of your mind.
"I never figured it out. To be honest.. I hate him, but by God, does he make it hard for it to stay that way. I-It..It's fucked up, it really is. I probably need to go to therapy, or doctor Phil to be honest"
He smiles at your witty joke, putting a hand on his chin while you continue.
"But..He can be so sweet, he can be good..He's everything that anyone wants in a guy.."
Your mind thinks of Marco's smile, his willingness to help strangers, his humble nature. You think of all the tooth rotting moments and attractive parts about Marco you miss.
"But it can only make up for so much..Maybe if things were different..Maybe in another life I would've considered having kids.. But now.."
You're reminded of his unhinged behavior; The day he kidnapped and drugged you, the day he forced his hand in marriage, the ways he kept you trapped and leashed like a dog..The moment he stripped you from a normal life.
"I don't think I could ever have anything anymore."
You have both arms on the table. Your eyes staring blanking at the wood. April looks at you, knowing he shares the same mutual feeling as you. His voice is low and gentle, causing you to shift your eyes towards his.
"Do you still miss him?"
You feel the frustration inside of you as you cringe.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Genshin Sagau (?) Isekai Brainrot - Language
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I've seen like ONE small kinda related Genshin Sagau/isekai idea for this but I wanted more of it so BAD
It’s not the most interesting thing in the world, it’s about our modern vernacular vs. Teyvat's flowery speech
Pls feel free to expand on or add to this pLEASE TAG ME IF U DO IM STARVING OUT HERE :)))
So I saw someone write like one sentence abt this (can’t remember who :( sorry I’ll update if I find them ) or like a brutally honest version??
But I also took inspo from how fucking wordy and long conversations that are in Genshin, even with ppl like Xiao (the rude boy that he is) or even Tighnari who gets to the point pretty quickly
It goes smth like:
So, all of Teyvet, (esp ppl like Zhongli 💀 u know the ones) talk,, flowery.
Like, the whole Pride and Prejudice style speaking, euphemisms, metaphors, for some characters (or Npcs) its full on POETRY. 
Lookin’ at you Kazuha.
And going off of any variation of you being the Creator, (or otherwise an older mythical being?), they could have this thing where the older a deity/mythical thingy is, the simpler the speech. 
Kinda makes sense to them y’know? The older beings are serious, commanding, intimidating
And nothing says "I'm ancient as fuck and powerful as fuck" like simple blunt speech.
And being closer to the literal creation of the world, language would understandably be less complex (I’m assuming it’s the same as in human cultures in our world's history)
Like literally look at our fantasy typical stories, plenty of them have a dragon or ancient god that speaks in extremes, like so flowery its a metaphor, or so bluntly its startling (ie, "Be not afraid." "I am all powerful." etc etc)
And so, ancient powerful being = direct/blunt speech
...Y'know,, almost like our modern vernacular.
Like, part of some of our modern day comedy is purely based on a sentence being delivered bluntly for impact
Hell our ads and videos and content in general we always want to get to the point, to say things simply
So with this in mind, even if you try to deny being the Creator, they might still think you are, or at least a more minor ancient deity/creature
(like the Seven Sovereigns/Phanes/Shades/etc. for example would sound eerily modern or at least easy for you to understand bc of this trait lol)
(Also I'm just assuming u know Genshin lore enough to know what I meant by that ^)
So, I love the AU where you just,, hitch a ride with the traveler like Paimon bc u start at the "beginning of the game",
And with every person you meet, you're like, "Ok, no, I promise this is just how my country/world speaks, it's not like that, I'm not some ancient deity…" 
And They're all like 🤨🤨🤨 "Well, fine traveler and companions, why does your speech sound so simplistic and sharp? Surely, you do not expect me to truly believe you.."
You: "Please I just talk like this, I'm a regular human."
Them: "Alright, if it is as you say,, you wish to not experience being "known" yes? Fear not, I will keep your secrets close to my chest."
You: "No, for the last time, that's not-" 
And it just keeps happening, lol
(srry I tried my best at emulate Genshin language + flowery speech idk how to do it)
Like maybe you would just sound weird or like a foreigner speaking y’know in simpler sentences bc they don't know the language as well as native speakers, at least that could be how you sound to NPCs and ppl who don’t know abt simpler speech meaning
...But the Adepti? Zhongli?? Barbatos maybe??? Even the Aranara??? Those who are old enough to maybe have heard how older beings speak or at least have knowledge of how they should speak/sound??
You couldn’t have predicted how shocked their faces were the second you opened you’re mouth… 
Sumeru scholars would freak tf out i stg, as soon as you meet Haypasia, she's already losing it, first the Irminsul progress, now this ancient being/Creator?? Girlie thinks its a sign lmao
(I’m an Aether lover, and also bc I think Lumine looks badass as Abyss ruler, so I’m gonna go with Aether for traveler sorry Lumine mains love yall T-T)
You, and Aether being equally confused at first pLEASE 😭 
lets say he speaks a little more fluffy than you at least, after all I’m assuming bc of the outfit that he’s from a fantasy-like place, and his replies can be a little fluffy like Teyvat’s residents, so he kinda fits in, kinda like everybody assumes he's just from another country when he gets to a new nation (at least that’s what I think happens??)
Like after (maybe Diluc?) Lisa, Kaeya, Venti, and Jean (who I think would all be knowledgeable, thru diff means, about this enough to maybe recognize the simpler speech = ancient god thing)
ALL reacted shocked as hell at hearing you talk, and would probably explain (or Paimon before then?) in that infuriatingly roundabout way, that you would usually skip a couple dialogue boxes just to avoid bc yOU ALREADY GOT THE POINT or alternatively WHATS THE POINT HERE?? JUST SAY IT, WHATS THE COMMISSION/QUEST FOR/WHAT DO I DO??
(Those blue highlights be savin my impatient life, and i actually like lore stuff 💀)
Oh that’s also another frustration. For you.
It would drive me crazy if I had to wait like,, 2-3 minutes for ppl to explain what they ate for dinner or sm shit
Like, now imagine that’s everyone, about everything.
You don’t know how anything gets done in battles or wars, like you need faster communication for that right??💀
Anyway, you, Aether and Paimon decide you just gotta not talk when you first meet people or like,, make sure you're gonna be around that person for a while so you don’t have to possibly get someone over the shock of your speech every time you guys talk to people 😭 that'd be so miserable I can already tell,,
Like at first, every convo ya’ll have had with people who recognize that direct speech trait as a thing, would take at least 10 minutes to finish talking about it/being shocked,,
It got so old so fast.
(Like I already can’t communicate that good with ppl irl bc I misunderstand them, or they do me, or they just dont get what I mean, and as my friends put it, which I think would fit here for any language shenanigans we go thru in Teyvat, "A Shakespearean level of misunderstanding, hilarious but such a downward spiral to watch, it just gets more and more ridiculous as it goes on...")
On another note, making fun of someone would be so fucking funny,
I’d like to give myself the benefit of the doubt that many characters, after getting used to your speech, would generally understand you (even if they always notice it, like an accent) and would actually rlly love hearing insults or even just generally how you would put things
(like maybe treating this almost like those vids of ppl with non-native english speaknig relatives/parents and its the most hilarious thing to watch them, usually get pissed 😭, at their kid, if u dont know what I mean look up on tiktok or smth)
And You just come off like those insults where you dont even use cuss words, you just like, drag queen read them into never showing their face again, and you did it in so few words!! 
They're amazed and oh, 
you've become the John Mulaney of Teyvat 
(Bad examples include:
Fontaine inventor: "...And I shall call my invention, crocks!"
You: "I wouldn't even be cremated in those." ) 
*Aether crying laughing in the background bc he never knows what you’re gonna say next, and Paimon's jaw dropped so hard
JFC this post is so long sorry, I probably will spam with a Part 2 but let me know if you’re interested in hearing more anyway!!
Thanks for reading this rambling!!
Or send in asks abt this 👀
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
This is a request for further information on your sticker shop situation with the Nintendo copyright strikes? If you feel like answering/ranting about it if you want. Why did they take your sticker? And who did it? What does an artist's work have to do with their copyright right now specifically and what did you mean about the Rebubble tagging system? I have no idea how rebubble works lmao. I have trouble understanding these things sometimes, that's why I'm asking, I don't want to appear rude or demanding or anything.
Sorry about your sticker, I would've loved to buy that one :/
ok so the gist of it is that nintendo doesn’t want anyone selling unauthorized merch of their characters, regardless of the actual legality of said merchandise. fanart is in kind of a gray area in terms of what is transformative and what isn’t, so whether or not it’s legal to sell is. questionable. because redbubble doesn’t want to have to claim legal responsibility in the event that something on their site IS found to violate copyright law in court, they allow corporations to set guidelines about what kind of content related to their IP they allow on the site. nintendo’s guidelines appear to prohibit any original art based on the legend of zelda to be sold on redbubble. of course, redbubble has millions of users with millions of individual products, so rather than actually manually checking each upload for copyrighted content they have filters on the tag and title system, so anything uploaded with tags or titles related to legend of zelda gets “reviewed” and will be stuck in review forever and never actually go live on the artist’s store. most artists, myself included, get around this by naming their art vaguely and not tagging the actual IP so that we can get past the filters. this is why all the loz stuff on my store is named like “knight and princess” instead of “link and zelda.” what i assume happened with the sticker that got taken down is that it somehow ended up in front of a real person rather than an automated copyright checker, and that real person was able to recognize the IP for what it was. again, redbubble is obligated to either comply with nintendo or shell out lawyer money, so it’s not their fault this happens, it’s nintendo’s. i think that one thing that also might have contributed to that specific sticker going down is that it involved a korok, which is a very recognizable species specific to loz, whereas some of my other “knight and princess” art is ambiguous enough that it COULD conceivably be another set of characters. anyway that’s the gist of it. thankfully i haven’t had anything else taken down so far, but because that artwork is now flagged i can’t put the sticker back up without risking my whole shop going down. such is the life of a fanart creator unfortunately
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tero-ga · 3 months
Aaaaanother TGAA SwapAU stuff and it is my wonderful boy Albert as the prosecutor!!
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I've changed some of the designs in this one like the jacket color to white to make a resemblance of a lab coat and reflecting of Kazuma white school uniform, as well trying to bring more Frankenstein's Monster vibe too hehe (aaand make him look more miserable too). He is also have a locket that have a painting of him and his two brothers, it was given by Andrew during his wedding!
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I also made bunch of character that related to Swap!Albert's life from 10 years ago, like Andrew(Klint's roleswap) and his other brother Michael, university Barok and Albert, etc. more info about the are there down below 👇👇
First of I wanted to say I'm sorry I can't do full render of everyone here, do that with all of them would be death sentence for me so I couldn't do it 😭😭 Anyway without further ado, I'm going right into it! Start from left to right!
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This first one Ryunosuke father replacing as Genshin Asogi. At first while brainstorming I was thinking of maybe do three switch around with Genshin, Jigoku, and Yujin but the it somehow felt weird for me. Then the thought of maybe involving Auchi in this too (like, imagine him being swap with Jigoku wouldn't that be funny and terrifying thought), but discarded that idea out because of Menimemo would have no one to swap with (i have to i'm sorry). Sooo I ended just design him from scratch, he is quite easy to figure out since Genshin doesn't really have much going on with him, but since we don't have any idea of original Ryunosuke's parents at all I have to take idea from something else, and that is his daruma doll for his eyes (he is half blind!! :D) and Phoenix DD/SOJ design (droopy hair and light vest) and everything else is from Genshin. His name is Ryuuki Naruhodo since Ryunosuke is another name for Ryuichi so I want to keep the train going!!
Andrew the screwdriver, oh I missed him- Anyway, I redesign his outfit because tbh his previous outfit is ridiculous 😭 it's funny and fun but I do want to take him seriously now. I'm tried to keep the A shape still but it's less subtle now, I think it turned out okay!! (Oh yeah, his cane is supposed to be a hidden sword but i forgot to put that in the drawing 😭). I was supposed to make his bowtie red like the hair tie but then I realized it will getting rid of the purpose of the hair tie (it referencing the blood on the tip of the screwdriver) so I ended up making it color silver.
The Lady Baskerville, I gave her similar design to Sunny(Herlock!Swap) with the bowtie, color palette to his mascot, and hair on her. I'm not really quite fond with her design, maybe I'll do redesign her again if I got a idea pop up like crazy but in the meantime this is her design.
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Guess who is this?? Another one of Albert's tool is here finally!! Michael the crosshead screwdriver! Since we never see Michael anywhere and only mentioned once in the game he is, I'm just draw simple design for him (I wished I could put M shape in the design but I have no idea WHERE to put it 😭 so I tried used the bowtie for it). I also thought it would be nice to make him a defense attorney so I made the design for the badge too. Since he is sadly not going to be mentioned a lot in this AU since I'm trying to make the storyline same as the original, so I made a backstory of what happened in the fun fact tags. There was supposed to be more tool to be added but my god that would be taxing to design, so I have to make only Andrew and Michael as his only siblings.
The doggie Balmung replacement, Bolt, He is a Irish Setter! Beforehand he was supposed to be Borzoi but then research the background of the breed I don't how difficult it is to actually get one in that era so I have to changed breed :((
Albert and Barok in university days!! I just keep same as before like previous design!! There's a tiny change like the hair and the neckties.
There is going to be more content of them soon because I have a lot of ideas for them sooo stay tuned ;)
Here's the concept designs!!
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#tgaa#barok van zieks#albert harebrayne#tgaa2 spoilers#the great ace attorney#swap au#genshin asogi#klint van zieks#ryuuki naruhodo swap au#andrew harebrayne swap au#michael harebrayne swap au#<- once again i still cannot believe i made Albert's screwdrivers a thing in this au and just says they're both good siblings and ryunosuke#<- father is supposed to be his daruma. i'm having fun with this but also omg#lady baskerville#balmung#fun fact: Albert has a vast knowledge about bugs as he is fascinated by nature. He learned in university day as a side hobby#<- this is my way to replace bats living in his prosecution office. and Kazuma absolutely hated it (he hates bugs in this au)#fun fact: Albert is always sleep deprived and constant migraine 24/7 so because of the he is actually drinking less frequently in court#<- up until Kazuma shows up#fun fact: Albert does read the Randst Magazine of Jane Watson stuffs during his absents and personally enjoys it. But where it comes to#<- Jane herself he absolutely have enough of her bullshit. says that her invention is absolutely bogus and should always just stay in#<- fiction and that made Sunny so mad he ended up called him Grimsy because he says he doesn't deserve the Lord title (but it's okay.#<- later on the grudge is subside and he still called him Grimsy because he likes the nickname he gave him)#fun fact: Andrew actually squint his eyes because he is also nearsighted. He just refused to wear glasses as he kept losing it#fun fact: the only reason why Michael became defense attorney is because Albert suggested it so he could challenge him and argue in#<- the courtroom and he say alright bet and starts learn law stuff. but that never happened as their relationship became sour during Albert#<- wanting to take over the Professor case. Michael have a nag feeling that Ryuuki is not the culprit and they had a fight over it.#fun fact relating to last one: one year later Michael moved in to France as he also got threats and being followed by underlings of#<- defendants that died by the Grim Reaper just because he is related to Albert#this is the longest thing I've ever written about this au so i want to say thank you for reading all of this rambling 💖
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talktonytome · 4 months
Don't you guys wish the relationship was more fleshed out? I don't even like Tommy, I'm indifferent to him, and I still wish that Buck's first queer relationship actually was handled well, tenderly and gently and with respect instead of getting so little screen time that the bits and pieces of Tommy we know are from LFJ's cameos or interviews. Yes, I want Buddie canon, but more than anything I want Buck's bisexuality and his first relationship with a man to be given more care than it currently is! But so many people who only started watching the show because Buck kissed a man (aka 99% of people who started watching post-7x04) seem to only care that, well, Buck kissed a man, and don't care for the storyline to be treated well so long as the conventionally attractive cis white guy is kissing another conventionally attractive cis white guy.
“I don’t even like Tommy.”
“I want Buddie canon”
I’m already weary of your intentions with this ask, but I’m gonna answer because you came to my inbox about it. With all due respect, do you know how most people meet in real life? Strangers meet, if they vibe and hit it off, they hang out more and they get to know each other. I’m sorry Tommy hasn’t had 7 years of being on the show, but he’s not the main cast and this season was short. Their relationship is new. The fact that we even got the Buck and Tommy we got is great and in those little moments, we got to see the tenderness and gentleness- being so blinded by shipping goggles and hate for Tommy that certain people refuse to see it is a whole other thing.
And I think Buck’s queer relationship has been handled well, actually!! That’s WHY people like them- it’s so joyful and genuine and refreshing.
And it’s frankly insulting to say people only want two conventionally attractive white guys kissing. I love the characters, I love Buck and I, along with many others, are capable of digesting his story that is beautiful by the way- and both Oliver and Lou have done a great job with the scenes they did get. They have chemistry, the characters have chemistry and potential, and if you don’t see that, then ok, cool but don’t act like Buck isn’t being treated right or isn’t the happiest he’s ever been in a relationship. There is a difference between canon and what is depicted onscreen and fanon tropes.
It’s funny, because I’ve seen so many amazing-in depth posts about Buck and Tommy as separate people and their character growth and almost all buddie posts are about Buck in relation to Eddie. They’re interesting characters and no, we don’t just care about two white guys kissing. Maybe ask yourself why YOU assume that.
Lastly, I’m not going to try to convince you or anyone of anything. If you don’t like tommy and you ship buddie, then just scroll away, don’t interact with things you don’t like 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s what I do. scroll away, block, filter tags. because if you’re already decided, why would I waste my time doing something that doesn’t make me happy?
Anon, I really hope you have a great rest of your day and remember to have fun and a little joy! And if bucktommy isn’t for you, find blogs and content that align with your interests <3
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innxrvision · 4 months
So long - pt. 1 𒂭
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part 1 of 3 ------------𖦹 tags: james hetfield x reader, fluff, smut, best friends to lovers, bet, 80s james, a little angst if you squint, more tags to come in future parts ♱ a/n: i have no idea of what i'm doing actually. i never wrote anything and english is not my first language so there'll be probably a lot of mistakes, but after reading too many fanfics I simply ran out of content and also the community has been a bit dead for awhile so here's my humble contribuition to the cause (the cause being thirsting over james hetfield). anyway, this was supposed to have only one part but i felt it got too long so i chopped in half, i'll post pt 2 as soon as i can! meanwhile, i would be very happy with any criticisms or suggestions. if you find any language mistakes please please correct me, i'll be very thankful! also, i have no idea of how to work this app out 'cause all i've been doing all my life is liking and reblogging stuff so bear with me please!!
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𖦹 part 1 𖦹 part 2 𖦹 part 3
You knew you fucked up by showing up late to their gig, but in your defense, it wasn't your fault that your boss choose this day of all days to get you stuck at work.
"Well, at least I showed up!" you thought to yourself, but the cold look James gave you when he finally spotted you at the crowd wasn't so forgiving.
After the last song, you rushed to the backstage, wanting to say hi to your friends. The place they were playing today was pretty small, but the crowd was buzzing with energy and the entire show was great.
Before even entering the door that led to the small and thrashed dressing room you could hear the excited voices of the four guys. First, it was Kirk who embraced you in a thrilled and sweaty hug, then Lars, and finally Cliff. You chatted briefly with them before finally going towards James, who was pretending to not notice you while fixing something in his guitar.
You could only see his back and the messy and wet blonde hair covering his lowered face. You knew he was mad, of course, he was your best friend for years and a look was all that it took for you to get how bad the situation was, but at the same time, you couldn't understand why be so mad if, in the end, you showed up anyway.
"Hey, don't be mad at me..." You said softly, touching his shoulder to make him recognize your presence.
In response, James just rolled his eyes and let out a sigh, leaning his guitar against the wall.
"You said you would be here on time!" He complained, his expression already revealing that there was nothing you could say to convince him, but your stubbornness wouldn't let it go, of course.
"It's not my fault! I got stuck at work... What did you want me to do? I tried my best, alright?" You wanted to sound a bit more gentle, but being tired after a long shift didn't help your nerves much. You sighed, already slightly annoyed.
James crossed his arms, his gaze falling hard on you as he spoke.
"You make it seem like you don't have time for your best friend."
"Don't be unfair, I always come to your gigs and always hang out with you!" You gestured frustrated. "Sorry that I've got stuck at work today, it's not like I wanted to be late!" It was hard being reasonable when both of you were tired and stressed and you did your best to not raise your voice too much, as it could worsen things even more.
You looked around the room, checking to see if the other boys were paying any attention to your little argument, but thankfully Lars had already left the room and Kirk and Cliff seemed too absorbed in discussing something that you assumed related to the show.
"Maybe if you got the balls to look for a better job instead of working at that cheap dinner you would've showed up on time today!"
Your mouth opened in shock as you heard James' harsh words, it was clear that he was already worked up and your expression instantly turned cold.
"Now you went too far." Your voice carried a mixture of sadness and anger that made James regret his words quicker than he thought he would. "Sorry that my job isn't good enough for you, rockstar, but I can't afford to go around playing music just like you do, I actually need the money." With that you turned your back, not interested in hearing anything from him anymore, and exited the room, not even bothering to say bye to Cliff and Kirk who now looked at each other in confusion. It didn't help that now you also felt embarrassed that they heard your stupid argument.
"Wait! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" You could hear James' voice saying from inside the room, his anger now turning to guilt as he realized the impact of his words.
You just kept walking until you reached out outside of the building and stopped by a wall, resting your back against the cold concrete and searching up your pockets for your pack of cigarettes and your lighter.
With the cold breeze of the night, it took a few tries for you to successfully light up your cigarette and when you took the first drag you heard some footsteps approaching. You refused to look toward the sound, just kept doing your own thing and looking down until you saw a pair of dirty white sneakers stop right next to you.
James took a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before finally speaking, his raspy voice gentle and sincere.
"I'm sorry about what I said inside, I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry 'cause I really wanted you to be there for me tonight... You're my best friend and I care about you."
"It doesn't seem like you care much." You scoffed in response.
"I know I messed up and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you." You heard him sigh and pause for a moment, probably searching for the right words. "You're not just any friend to me, you're my best friend." He added.
"Then why did you say that?" You asked crossing your arms, the cigarette still dangling between your fingers. "If I'm not good enough for your 'metal band lifestyle' then whatever, just don't go around saying I'm what I do with my life is not worthy." You sighed and took a drag before lowering your voice, your tone slightly more gentle now. "I work hard, y'know? Sorry that I was late once, at least I came!"
He took a deep breath once again and ran his hand through his hair, you took this opportunity to gaze at him for a moment. You knew your anger couldn't last much longer, it has always been like that.
"It's not about my lifestyle and it's not about your job, I was just being a jerk. I got too caught up in my anger and..." He trailed away. "C'mon... I'm really sorry."
You looked away and took another drag, you knew you wouldn't hold a grudge for that.
"Whatever." You muttered. "It was a good show." You added after a moment of silence, it was your peace offer.
Even without looking at him, you could sense his smile opening up, whenever he smiled the whole place would light up.
"Thanks." He said. "Can we just forget about everything that happened earlier and go grab a drink or something? I'll pay." He sounded hopeful again and you knew this was his way of making things right with you.
You nodded and flicked your cigarette off, stepping on it.
"Sure, let's go."
There was a faint smile on your lips and in response to that James smiled even bigger, he put his arm around your shoulder, guiding you towards a nearby bar.
"Great! Let's have some fun just you and me and make up for everything that happened tonight!"
"What about the equipment and the guys?" You ask, suddenly remembering their existence.
"Don't worry, Cliff's gonna get my stuff and bring it over to his place, I told 'em I would probably not come back." He answered, entirely back to the laid-back personality you were used to.
"Right." You hummed in response, just letting him guide you as he started chatting about today's crowd excitedly.
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treason-and-plot · 6 months
OC Evolution Tag:
Choose an OC and show the progress of the earliest to latest version of them.
I was tagged by @drawing-way-outside-the-lines, thank you very much!💖 I chose Roy for this tag. (I could write a novel about Roy's character evolution, but I don't think this tag was created for that purpose! All the same, I hope I can be forgiven if I go off on a few tangents.) Below is a screenshot from one of Roy's first appearances in my story, in June 2013.
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Roy was introduced as Joël's best friend whom he had known from kindergarten, and was only ever meant as a secondary character, shamelessly dropped into the story to be Joël's sounding board and to help chart Joël's romantic challenges. But Roy was never going to be content with having a minor role! The first time it became apparent to me that he was girding his loins for a much bigger share of the limelight was the night he had one too many Pink Cougars at The Grind, and decided to strip down to his undies and dance on the tabletops.
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It was also the same night he first met Anita:
After that, Roy more or less shared equal billing with Joël. He and Sonia's wedding was one of the highlights of Five Years Earlier, and still remains the most fabulous and immersive fun I have ever experienced since starting my Simblr.
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As far as Roy's physical evolution goes, he was becoming noticeably more buff by January 2014, because he was working out 4 or 5 times a week to take his mind off he and Sonia's infertility woes. He also got a new skin, Ephemera's Fresh, that everyone was raving about at the time:
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I loved how it made his body look, but I disliked the weird, waxy colouring it gave to his facial features:
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The skin only lasted a few months before I went back to my previous default, Joedy’s Nephilim, which is still my default today.
(Roy and Sonia's infertility struggles also allowed Roy to show his vulnerable side, and hopefully added some depth and richness to his character. Up until then I had never written any chapters from Roy's POV, and I remember being very nervous about stepping into his shoes for the first time, because his personality type was so far removed from anyone I knew in real life! But it became so much easier once I could feel empathy towards him. It is upsetting for any male to be told he has a low sperm count, but for a self-described alpha-male like Roy it must have been devastating. But I think it also made him a lot more human and relateable.)
Okay, that's enough with the tangents! Here is what Roy looks like today:
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His hair has never, ever changed, and his face hasn't been tweaked either apart from his famous scar. He has no tattoos. (He has lost a wedding ring, though!) So yeah, it's probably fair to say most of his evolution has been spiritual, emotional and psychological.
I would like to tag @wolfavens @pixelddump @nectar-cellar @winterspixels and @hancyan. No pressure, feel free to ignore!
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