#I'm sorry if that make no sense Crow it's late I write this since so long with what passing in my head
fantomette22 · 5 months
(For Bloodborne)
10, 16, and 18?? 💀
I answered 10 here ! As for the rest it is quite long so putting it under there. Hope you ready 😅
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Hm... wait I need to remember all the things I don't appreciate... and try not to make ennemies 😓 (it's really not my goal it's just personal preference mostly. Seriously depending how things are explained and presented there's lot a thing I can actually enjoy! While I would dislike when it's just throw and spam without context.)
Hm well you know as for characterisations when it's reduced to like 2 traits or extreme good / extreme bad it's hm... yeah. I mean I know I ain't a good exemple but I barely share dark headcanons 😓 but they do exist hehe.
Of course absolutely don't mind and love silly shenanigans (when you're hanging with your friends and having fun it's not always very serious) and also more dark and matures ideas. When people share it doesn't mean it's all they think to the characters! Gotta take the all picture!
But it does bother me when people believe in almost caricatural interprets like it's canon and talk down on others with different views. Somehow like they are the worst thing...like wtf.
Also well typical extreme talk about Gehrman, Maria and mostly Laurence I suppose (maybe a bit Lulu aka the holy blade but it bother me a bit less because people are generally not spamming to or being annoying as much as the others. Oh Micolash too). When people reduced them to just 2 things or an extreme. I feel it really doesn't fit with the infos within the game. I'm not a fan at all. They are all morally grey and humans. They are not clearly all black or all white. they are morally gray, they are humans!
In more details now. Well for Gehrman you know my stance already. Clearly yeah he had some issues in his life and did bad things but clearly I don't think he was a misogynistic asshole and all the stuff. Like it just don't make sense to me. I don't even wanna vent about it today XD
As for Maria well. Look I don't have a problem with the headcanon of her being a butch lesbian. I mean it's even one of my AU actually. (to put it really really simply. Bc I like having several interprets disconnect to each other in their own settings). It can be very interesting in an overall big story I think. The problem I have is when it's apparently her only unique traits and if you think or headcanon otherwise for any reasons you are apparently the worst shit to exist and getting block. Being labelled as sexist, homophobic etc. Well idk but that kind of reaction kinda tell me who the real -phobic one is 😕 really that is sad like wow who hurt you people?! to have this much anger to people just trying to have fun. Thankfully it's clearly just a minority of people who are agressive like this. And I hope they will grow, gain maturity and realise there's really no need to be that mean about such a thing. But it's been a while saw smt like this so I prefer to put this behind me there's hope.
As for Laurence I'm not really a fan of him being the ultimate bitch devil (or angel but nobody has that take almost. That would be a change. the tragic vicar who only had good intention but accidentally fucked up and try his best until the end😔 I mean I don't agree with that either but that's a change). I mean by this, that I think he did both. Good and bad things. That he had honorable intentions at first but overcome by a bit of ego and pride he fucked up really bad. And then realised his mistake but it was too late to correct it... his theme inspire great strength but who end in tragedy and pity. So overall tragic these too. Him being depicted as just a smug unlikable bitch is something I have a hard time with. I mean yes I like to imagine him being a smug bitch too at times for sure! it's fun but not like all the time and making it his entire personality. If that make sense. I don't see how he could be an important religious figure, doctor and having so much support by just being a manipulative ass all the time. Especially if he start from ground 0.
And hm... i have nothing again it and people so that we're clear but hm EXCEPT in certains very specific context* I am not personally a fan of Laurence being drawn with horns on his head. It just isn't my cup of tea. I'm not sure to understand what's the interest don't make sense to have Laurence looking normally human + just horns but it's just me.
*EXCEPT WHEN : symbolism and symbolic art (no prob I like those actually. Horns + when he's burning in human form for exemple onlooking like religious symbolism) ; "decoration" like lil detached horns, like you would put flowers or sparkles or little emoji next to a portrait of a characters ; before he transformed but with other signs of beasthood (actually him human with horns can be nice but I prefer when it's like mini horns not full cleric beast ones + idk a giant arm with claws and fur growing, eyes looking weird, teeth growing, his hair being longer and messy etc).
Now last I will stop after...
I think a whole fic or interprets on a really dark and realistic Bloodborne universe like our world can be super interesting! But I don't enjoy when people seem to think Bloodborne is 100% our 19th century with just a couple of eldritch things in it? Ok it's closer to us compared to medieval fantasy like DS or elden ring. But I feel it's fantasy too. if we had a map I won't be surprise if that's not Europe or a map that existed in real life. Lot of things don't fit to be actual victorian era. It's just inspire by it : invention and technology aren't on the same lvl. Either they are missing important inventions or are too advanced. (Molotovs appeared during spain war and were named like this during WWII) people don't seem to have 10 children working in factories or mines as well. Women are doctors, academic, hunters etc No steam machine or electric bulb but who knows. I could make an entire things... Looking at all the real life inspirations for the game is great! Create a very realistic story is very cool! But I would personally be more on the side that's it's more of a victorian fantasy. Like Sekiro can't be in our world or how Dark souls is a medieval fantasy as well and isn't medieval age accurate.
Oh boi i forgot about victorian london. Jokes are fine but bloodborne is more inspired on Prague and eastern europe i feel. You and Katy developed it more anyway
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Ok I don't know how to answer this so have a list (of ideas in my head I need to share /write one day lmao) :
Maria backstory (no seriously I want stories on her childhood, her family, what happened, how she felt toward them. Conflicted? Good terms but separate ways? Actually work for them for a while? Disowned? I wanna know! If she's actually close to Annalise ? More important in royal family that we know? Or really a random noble related to them?) Is her pyromancer real?! why she dislike blood blades?
How she got her Rakuyo
How she met Gehrman? her training? WHAT HAPPEN I NEED TO KNOW uxkcblkDOLFMBOEAMl: (sorry XD) work for Laurence & co too
Important lore Charcacters backstory before this whole mess (Laurence, Gehrman, Ludwig, Willem etc yeah basically everyone lol I won't do the entire list XD but how did they meet each other what bound them what happen.)
Stories how the healing church + blood transfusion actually came to be?
Byrgenwerth era (yeah sorry I love it XD)
So yeah overall timeline before the hunter arrive (help)
Cainhurst, Annalise, vilebloods, potential KING of Cainhurst
So yeah Logarius too
Loran, Isz and pthumerians lore??
Dores and Gatekeeper my beloved
Caryll (yeah just Caryll)
Izzy and bestial hunters. How the bestial rune was forbidden, why Laurence had it etc
Ok is everyone except 5 persons gonna ignore the fact freaking Gehrman can make more than just weapons?! well wood stuff are oblivious but how did bro can make such refined clothes hello?!?!
Religion practise how it works in Yharnam, how citizens and clerics actually practise it.
What's their history, their legend, how the geopolitic within the country is and others XD (it's more a critic about the game in itself than fandom really) In truth I'm a bit sad we know lot of countries and regions within Dark Souls but almost none with Bloodborne! Like many people are from foreign countries and we have 0 names compared to the dozens in DS. we just have like vaguely Yamamura asiatic country, Eileen's one, Valtr's city, Loran and Isz. As for Gascoigne Gilbert Brador and all the others we don't know anything. In Dark Souls we have names and we know where people came from : Catarina, Astora, Forossa, Mirrah, Carim, Vinheim, Lordran etc)
Event being seen by random citizens or young characters growing up could be interesting!
I mean many characters again
I might stop here or it will never be over sorry... I'm not even sure it's really slept one but I wish we have more. There's just so many possibilities and things that can be created!
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
hi! Could I request a Kaz or platonic!crows x reader with a reader who has some kind of facial scar/s and is feeling a bit insecure about them,like they wear a mask to hide them but around the crows they don’t but lately they have been again maybe because of looks they’ve been getting from people or stuff people have said and so their feeling insecure bout them again (Hurt/Comfort)
If not that’s perfectly fine too! Have a wonderful day :] -🍒Anon
Five Bells- K.B + platonic! crows x gn! reader
Okay! Hi! Thank you for sending this in, I've been planning a lot of stuff lately and using writing to take breathers and still be productive, and I've been writing a good bit of angst in the past few days which has been absolutely lovely. All of your requests have also generally just been pretty fun and relaxing to write so thank you so much for sending them in and I'm terribly sorry about how late they're coming out!
I was just going to do platonic! crows but then the romance thing with Kaz came reflexively so I did both! It's most platonic crows but there's an element of kazzle dazzle romance there, which I hope is all good!
Fic type-hurt/comfort
Warnings- mentions of death by stabbing, slitting of throat, gunfire, bombs, and an illusion to heart attacks (nina calls it "heartrender magic" but that's what I was trying to reference), mention of a mask feeling like a "second skin", mention of daggers being pushed into the side of the head (it's nondescriptive), mention of being stabbed in the jugular, mention of itching powder, mention and depiction of people being dickheads about a facial scar (glaring at the reader when they have their mask off, which the reader illudes to having been a long-time occurrence) if I missed anything, I apologize and please don't hesitate to let me know!
Jesper was the first to notice it, the fact that you'd taken to wearing your mask again.
It was black, a little reminiscent of the medical masks that doctors wore, though it'd been made from Fabrikator altered fabrics and according to you, felt like wearing a second skin.
You wore that mask even in the worst conditions--hell, Jesper had seen you only adjust the mask rather than take it off completely after climbing six stories in the incinerator shaft at the Ice Court--but you never wore it around the crows.
Jesper had grown used to the sight of the scar, idly ghosting a finger along it whenever he would wrap an arm around your shoulders in a booth at the Crow Club after a terribly long job that everyone had risked their lives in.
But, Jesper noticed quickly that you'd taken to wearing the mask again.
Nina, Matthias, and Inej noticed it after him. You wore it day in and day out, just like you used to and like you still did on every single job.
Nina began counting the days she'd see you with it on in a row where Inej began looking at the people around, trying to see if there was any particular glowering set of eyes that was making you as insecure about it as you used to be.
A couple of weeks had passed, and if those who'd made you insecure were still around, they were good at shooting you disgusted looks when she didn't notice.
Matthias was more subtle. He would do as Inej did, as Wylan would later do when he noticed, glaring at the people who were unafraid of him and liked to make you insecure over a scar, a sign of a battle fought and a battle won. He was a calm, still guy who had the stature of a bolder. He was a guy who was quick to anger very rarely, but it seemed he was quick to anger, in that instance.
Wylan and Kaz noticed last. You'd brought the mask to Jesper, hoping he'd be able to repair the significant damage it'd taken in a job you'd done, and nobody heard from you in the two days that it took Jesper to fix it.
It'd been as though you disappeared.
Kaz, a man who'd accidentally become aware of where you were, able to sense you and seek you out since even before your relationship began, resented those two days.
Two days of seeking out the familiar feeling of your presence, two days of not finding it. Two very hellish days, if Kaz was to be honest with himself.
Wylan was less subtle then Matthias in his anger; he'd begun observing just like Inej had, his eyes roving the crowds the two of you found yourselves in like a lion sought out its prey.
He was ready and willing to throw blast powder at those behind your frequent wearing of the mask again, and whenever he threw out a seemingly empty threat, you couldn't help but notice that his voice raised an octave or two, like he was talking to someone who might've been a good distance away.
Nina and Matthias caught a very specific set of eyes one night in the Crow Club at the same time you did. You went to pull your mask up and Nina stopped you, giving you a grin.
"I know the fabric is designed to be breathable, but you really should let your skin have a break," she said. "And besides, you look ethereal tonight. Kaz is going to lose it when he sees you, especially considering the fact that he loves your scar."
You gave Nina an uneasy smile. "I'll be fine if I wear the mask."
"When was the last time you washed it?" Matthias asked with a pointed look. "We've done a lot for the job today, so even if you washed it yesterday, that may as well be pointless now. Let your face breathe in the two hours we have to break, wear the mask for the rest of the missions duration. You can wash it and then wear it again tomorrow."
You looked to the people who were glaring at you; their eyes felt like daggers being pushed into the side of your head. You found that Inej was also glaring at them, her glower fixed and unmoving
They couldn't see her, had yet to do anything other then stare at you, but she'd been visible in your line of sight. Just visible enough, really, and with the intensity that she glowered at them, it was a miracle they'd not felt her gaze.
Wylan and Jesper walked in, the two of them sensing an air of intensity the moment they passed through the doors.
Jesper approached the table instantly. Wylan fell back a bit, trailing Jesper after allowing his line of sight to fall in the same as Inej's. It allowed Wylan to effectively spot the fools who'd been staring you down over your scar, allowed him to glare at them briefly in turn.
"Fools," Jesper said as Kaz approached from a game he'd been manning that was close to the bar. He slid into the U-shaped booth beside you, passed you a glass of iced red wine. "The mask. They've been glaring at you til you've put it back on, eh?"
"A couple weeks now, yep," you admitted. "I thought I was secure. I thought I'd stopped hating the scar and started loving it, but now I don't even feel comfortable going without around you lot. My mask is more of a crutch then it normally is."
"Itching powder will do the trick with them, then," Wylan said determinedly.
"Or a gun to the head," Jesper offered.
"Knife to the throat," suggested Inej.
"A bit of heartrender magic would do it silently and from enough distance so as not to be on the Stadwatches list of persons of interest," Nina said pointedly.
"Fjerdan might would risk a trip to Hellgate, but you love me enough that Brekker would break me out," Matthias countered. "...Again."
"I would not," Kaz said.
"You would if I asked," you said pointedly, finger ghosting over the scar that you'd gradually grown to feel insecure about. Kaz only shrugged as you took a sip of your iced wine, refusing to admit that you were right.
"The scar makes you look wonderful," Jesper said. "I mean--of course you looked wonderful without it, but you look wonderful with it, too. Those people can get stabbed in the jugular, honestly."
"It makes you look intimidating," Nina said. "Especially in the right lighting. I mean that as a compliment, of course. Being intimidating in the Barrel is necessity but nobody ever really looks it lately."
"It's a sign," Matthias said. "For Fjerdans, a scar is a point of pride. It means you fought against someone and you won against them."
"I'll kill them if you'd like me to," Inej offered. "Or let Kaz do it. He looks like he wants to, anyway."
"No murder for tonight," you said.
"Three bells hits and all bets are off," Wylan said. "We'll be done with the job at half past two."
"Sounds good enough to me," Kaz said. "I'll get Anika and Pim to get them drunk and gambling. Drunkards stumble and fall over quick, but with Inej's and Jespers combined skills and some of Wylans itching powder, we'll be set."
"Why the gambling?" Nina asked.
"They've made Y/N self conscious. They're dying anyway, and I'll make a point of stealing their wallets beforehand. More loot for us to split in the end."
"So the demjin remains demonic," Matthias said.
"His demonic tendencies are being put to good use in this case," Nina said. "Y/N, we'll grab tea while the rest of them do their killing. Wylan, you'll come with us. We need you to start a rumor."
"What rumor?"
"That to think ill of Y/N and their scar, to express that through glaring or doing anything verbosely that might make them feel insecure, is to die. Kaz, Jesper, Inej, and I will be the ones doing the killing if Y/N doesn't want to do it themself."
"Work my bombs into that and I'll do it," Wylan agreed as Kaz checked his watch.
The time flew past easily, and before you knew it, you were getting up to finish the job.
In the end, between Kaz's ruthlessness, Jespers impeccable aim and Inejs skill with her knives, those who'd glared at you were unrecognizable by five bells that morning.
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lexluvswriting · 5 months
ꔫ L'autunno.
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☆ Ch: 3                                                 [last page] [next page]
-> Pairing: Eris x ballet dancer!fem!reader.
-> (CW): x fem!reader (she/her), slow-burn, rivals to lovers, tinkle of angst on occasion, fluff, non-specified identity Summer Court!reader, regarding canon ACOTAR time: after defeat of Hybern.
-> (TW): uhm, some slight simmering sexual tension, ig? your first fight w daddy (jk. ur just a bit of a meanie in this chapter i'm afraid), Eris Vanserra is a mumma's boy bc i said so, thank u & good night.
W/C: 3.6 k
╰┈➤ Lex's note: I am SO SO SORRY THAT THIS IS SO LATE EVERYONE!! i've had assignment after assignment after assignment for the last 4 weeks on each friday [which is when i usually write 😵‍💫] I'm posting ch 3 tonight, but i'll have ch 4 and maybe 5 ready tomorrow!!
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It had now been three days since receiving the news that you’d be performing for the Vanserra family personally. In that time, you had also discovered a few prominent things to note: the potential financial ruin that would befall the old dance studio if its debts weren’t repaid in time; that Eris Vanserra was a snide, egocentric prick who seemed to like watching you dance an awful amount, and that Eris Vanserra’s personal scent was of smoky woodfire, with a subtle hint of maple- a combination that made your stomach lurch. That last bit was information you were sure you could live without, but from when you two had ‘spoken’ in the hallway of the studio after the raspberry coulis debacle, it lingered in your nose and messed with your head.
It was the fourth day of practice- three days ‘till the Autumn Equinox- so as any normal girl did, you were trying to find reasons not to attend the Equinox, and not to attend the ball afterwards on Eris’ arm. Today to your dismay, he had requested time with you personally, and you were highly suspicious. However, your motherly confidants weren’t hearing a word of it.
“Think of the opportunities, petal! You will have a chance to wear some of the most beautiful dresses in all of the Autumn Court- perhaps all of Prythian! Everyone will be having their sights set on the Equinox in place of Calanmai, so you will be a star!” Primrose gushed, clapping her hands and pressing them together as she swooned- the pot plants to her left accelerating in growth, their blossoms procuring the most vibrant coloured flowers, feeding on her magic as the Spring Court native expressed her excitement.
“If [Y/N] wanted to be a star, she’d go to the Night Court and rendezvous with the lordling there. But she’s not.” Ordelia interjected her wife’s exclamations with a slight frown, taking a brush to your locks as you sat on the floor in front of the fae female. “You cannot possibly try to avoid it now- this would be a wonderful time to show Eris that you are skilled with your body and your mind. Indulge the boy in his dances, let him crow about his achievements, then confront him on what they are doing in the harvest quarter. The cul-de-sacs and the complexes are being raided almost weekly.” She encouraged firmly, wanting you to push forward with bringing up the topic of concern to the lordling. You winced slightly as she raked the brush through your hair as she spoke, yet you let her style your hair neatly.
“This is a chance for you two to discuss important topics, [Y/N]. Ignore the tabloids, and the gossips. You will be with the heir to the Autumn Court- the opportunity to hold his family accountable is staring you blank in the face!”
You sighed, fiddling with some loose fabric on the long, loose sleeve of your blouse. “Even if I were to talk to him, I highly doubt he has the capacity to process what I want to discuss. Besides, this feels stupid- why does he need to spend a whole day with me anyway?”
“Well it would make sense! You’ll be on his arm the night of the actual Equinox- he ought to make sure he knows who he’s dealing with.” Primrose advised helpfully, Ordelia nodding contemplatively behind you, “He might be wanting to look out for your best interests and warn you in advance about Beron.”
Ah, yeah. That tyrant. The arsehole who wrongfully increased the land taxes despite the land being on its last limb during Amarantha’s ‘blight’, merely to make his people work harder with no time for mourning or celebrating. The bastard who is not-so-sneakily declaring an exodus on non-Autumn fae, making every step you took a more calculated one when you’d walk to and from the studio.
After the protests in the streets recently, Primrose stopped sitting on her balcony to watch the sunset, and now Ordelia mostly runs the errands. You’ve been staying over at theirs a lot more too- not feeling comfortable in your own apartment, staring at the certificates recognising your creative and academic ability, thus granting you these pleasures. Not with the small Summer Court trinkets on your shelves despite living in the Autumn Court apartment. You didn’t even feel like a true fae. You felt foreign- like that human girl who was living in the Spring Court all that time. A small part of you wondered if she’d understand these troubles in the human lands too.
You had zoned out, and they both seemed to catch on to the way you went deathly still. Primrose warmed your hands with hers as she pulled you to stand, embracing you. “It will be alright, my petal. Don’t you worry your pretty little head. Just enjoy yourself today, yes? You’re going to be with the lord’s son. Perhaps he’s more than the papers make him to be.”
“He’s a male.” You huffed softly, yet her embrace gave you a small flicker of confidence.
Maybe it would be alright after all.
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
“Are you going to be scowling this much at the Equinox ball?”
“Depends. Will you irritate me this much then?” Whatever Primrose and Ordelia advised for you flew completely out the window as soon as you entered the carriage that waited outside your complex. You had glanced around nervously before climbing in as soon as the door opened, his smug voice welcoming you.
“What are you afraid of? I won’t bite- not unless you’d like me to.”
Your nose wrinkled at his tacky response, but it was truly his foxish grin that unsettled you. In fact, everything about him unsettled you. You truly despised how handsome he was- especially when he was quiet, when he didn’t annoy you. It gave you time to observe him as he looked out the window of the moving carriage. His eyes glimmered in the light of the sun, as if his irises couldn’t decide what colour they wanted to be. His hair reminded you of the brightest, orange leaf you could find. He certainly seemed to emanate the idea of ‘Autumn’- as if he was the physical manifestation. Your stomach lurched as you sobered up to the ‘goo-goo’ eyes you gave him, your lip curling as you huffed at Eris and looked away, causing him to chuckle.
“I didn’t even say anything that time.”
You didn’t deign to respond, sending him a judgemental side glare, as if he wasn’t the noble who was taking you out for the day.
“You ought to be nice to me, lest you incur the wrath of my father. Or myself, for that matter.” His canines flashed as he smiled at you, his body language conveying a silent warning. You snorted softly at the mention of his father, unable to bite your tongue as you crossed your arms,
“And what will he do? Kick me out of his court? Wouldn’t be the first, would I?”
Eris’ face fell, and all sense of mirth- no matter how smug- left his face. He regarded you with a slow, calculating look- his eyes raking over you- before he rolled them, a more snarky, arrogant smirk curling on his lips as he regarded you again, clicking his tongue.
“My, my, what a tongue. Don’t tell me you’re subjecting me to ‘politics’ now. Aren’t you supposed to look pretty and dance?”
“Why am I here?” It wasn’t a question, and you wouldn’t apologise for it as you snapped at him, narrowing your eyes as you sat up straight- as if to strike like a cobra.
“Don’t you listen, darling? I’m taking you out for the day- to get acquainted and what-not. You ought to learn about my family before you insult them as horribly as you insult me- and we’ve only been friends for a day.”
You barked a laugh, almost recoiling in disgust. Friends? I’d rather drink dirty lake water.
“You are also going to be responsible for assisting in a make-shift Calanmai, shall we say.”
Your ears twitched, and you almost lunged for him. “If you’re implying that we are to share a bed, I’d prefer you to kill me right now.”
This time, he rolled his eyes, shaking his head as if you were the idiot in the carriage. “No, darling. Why don’t you listen to me first, before you go off rattling your poor little brain. The Spring Court cannot… ‘deliver’ on Calanmai this year, so the Autumn Court has decided to take up the honour. The Equinox is the night where the magic in our land concentrates the most- so you will be dancing to appeal to the Mother, and invoke a surge of power. Then, we will have a ball, where you get to look pretty on my arm and do some dances for me, in true ballerina fashion.”
“That naughty tongue of yours- I must say, darling, you won’t last a minute with my father if you keep that up-”
“I could care less for your father.” You cut in, glaring at him with all the contempt you could muster.
“I could care less for him, and you, and your spoilt, sheltered family. You’re all tyrants.” The leash you kept your temper on, which wasn’t doing much before, was on its final thread now. But when Eris watched you in his usual smug amusement, snickering softly as if your disdain for him was comical, it made you lose it.
“See? You laugh because you know it’s true. You’re a spoilt, womanising bastard of a ‘lord’, and I dread the poor girl who has to sire your children. You- like your father, have no respect for your citizens- the natives, and those who came here seeking asylum.”
He inspected his nails boredly while you ranted, nodding along dryly, “Oh, I know. Doesn’t it just eat you up inside?”
“It does, actually. You and your father make no sense. He’s actively driving your people to ruin- upping their land tax when he knows damn well how Amarantha’s blight affected the court’s harvest and vegetation. Your soldiers are pulling families out of their homes in the dead of night, in the middle of the day, kicking them out with nothing but the clothes on their back and for what? Because your father was in the mood for some ‘nationalism’? Mothers, pleading for shelter, their children cold and crying while you all sit back and do nothing- provide no resolutions, no assistance. I don’t even want to imagine how weak and pathetic your mother must be-”
“Hold your fucking tongue.”
A sharp snarl tore through your rant, and in a blink, he had you pinned against the back of the carriage seat. Eris’ breath warmed your face, his canines sharp and pearly enough that you saw your warped reflection in them. His eyes were certainly bright now- as if he had captured the Vanserra fire in his irises, and for a moment you were completely distracted by his pretty eyes before you felt how tightly he gripped your upper arms, the feeling of his fingers digging into your biceps uncomfortably making you snarl as you pushed against him, trying to kick him off. Your body seemed to wake up as his skin made contact with yours; blood rushing in your veins; heart racing- the beats pounding in your ear as your stomach fluttered? Churned? You weren't sure what it was, but you didn’t like the foreign feeling.
“Let me go-”
Unwavering, he kept you in his grasp, his breathing almost uneven, some loose strands of auburn hair curling as they hung in front of his eyes. Everything felt far too amplified as he forced eye contact from you, and you wanted to get away from whatever this was.
“Speak about the Lady of the Autumn Court like that again, and I’ll rip out your fucking tongue.”
You had never been up and close with the Autumn heir- never knew what he looked like when he was angry- never experienced his aggression. But the flutter, the flicker of something that roiled in your lower stomach made you swallow dryly, your eyes locked on his as you silently nodded, your voice soft,
Your eyes had widened at this point, and to a stranger, it would look like you were a frail deer cornered by a fox. Eris took slow, deliberate breaths to calm himself, his glare deadly as it bore into you in a way that was uncomfortably intimate. You watched his eyes visibly flicker from your own to your lips for a considerable moment, before he pulled away, releasing your arms from his grip as he sat back in his seat, looking out the window- jaw clenched. You both stayed silent for the rest of the carriage ride, yet your eyes never strayed from his jaw for that moment; your stomach fluttered every time he clenched it.
Well, this was certainly a start.
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
You felt the carriage stop, and your head slowly turned back in his direction. At some point, you had turned away, looking out the window as you hugged yourself- your hands resting on your arms, where his hands had wrapped around them. You couldn’t get the feeling of them off you, the area of skin that he touched was still warm even after he had let go ages before. Your mind had raced in that long moment of silence- he certainly took the reputation of his mother seriously. What possibly could have caused that reaction? You had tried to remember what you could about the Lady of Autumn; not that there was much to go off. She barely had a moment in the spotlight, thanks to Beron. You didn’t even know her name- but did anyone? Everything you could remember about her was… muted. As if she wasn’t really there.You thought of the noble female fae again, and remorse trickled in, making you almost flinch at the way it tasted in your mouth. You pictured a lonely woman, married off to a man that made it his mission to evidently mistreat her, and it made something die within you. 
“I’m sorry.”
It was quiet, and he didn’t spare you a glance as he opened the door, disappearing out of the carriage before a hand stuck back in, waiting for yours to help you out of the carriage. You hesitated- would it burn? Would it warm your body the way it did when he grabbed you before? You barely had a chance to consider it before he pulled you out as if you weighed nothing more than a feather, his other hand instinctively catching your waist to steady you as your feet touched the ground. Before you could even look up at him, he let go, looking away with indifference that made a small part of you roll your eyes.
“I’m sorry. For insulting you and your family.”
You tried again, toeing at a small pebble on the ground. This was stupid. You felt like a child. And what right did he have to get all upset when it was true what you had said-
“I couldn’t care less what you think of me, nor my father. But you do not speak of my mother that way. Ever.” The seriousness in his tone when he regarded you finally made you stand straighter. There he was. That was Eris Vanserra, heir to the Autumn Court and future Lord, the oldest Vanserra son. This time, there was no arrogance from him when he spoke- nor any barbed retorts from you. You looked at him, squinting as the rays of the sun slightly marred your vision before you shielded your eyes with a hand.
“Where are we?”
“The amphitheatre that will be used for the Equinox. Thought you’d want to see where you’d be performing, lest you accuse me of ‘blind-siding’ you.” He seemed to have resorted back to his snide, playful manner quick enough- yet you were still cautious- still curious.
“I’m not from the Autumn Court.” You blurted out- not in the most cohesive way, of course- shifting your weight from leg to leg as you stayed put as he walked ahead. He sensed that you hadn’t followed and sighed, glancing back at you with a raised eyebrow.
“But you live in the Autumn Court, darling. Forgotten already?”
“No. That’s not what I meant.” You almost felt like a child with the way you responded, and he seemed to pick up on that as he snickered.
“I’m not from the Autumn Court.” You tried again, narrowing your eyes as you watched him roll his ith a dramatic sigh.
“Would you like a medal?”
You ignored him and stepped forward, looking out at the autumn scenery, shivering slightly despite being dressed in warm layers. “Why was I chosen to do this? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have someone of Autumn Court origin?”
“Are you really this ungrateful for such a prestigious opportunity?” The smile in his voice was evident as he goaded you, and you sighed, making your irritation known. He chuckled, clicking his tongue and shaking his head as he grabbed your arm to walk with you, only to sigh happily as you hissed and smacked his hand away,
“Alright, alright- I confess, I picked you personally.”
Well you knew that already. 
“Obviously. Why?” You glanced at him as you both walked towards the large stone infrastructure, and he shrugged, the smile on his face evident that he wasn’t going to tell you- or at least, tell the truth.
“You’re pretty. Available. Apparently you’re the best in the Autumn Court. Why wouldn’t I?” He asked sweetly, his saccharine grin making you glare at him before looking forward. His words made your ears redden, yet you tried to ignore his wily charms as you followed.
--- ⋆⁺₊✧˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☾⋆⁺₊✧⋆ ---
Leaves crunched underfoot as you neared the large amphitheatre where you’d be performing, your eyes widening as you took in the horizon that came into view. The amphitheatre was situated on a tall hill that seemed to overlook all of the Autumn court territory, and even you couldn’t resist the varying hues of red through brown that appeared in the trees, in the reflections of the large lake at the foot of the hill you stood on. As you turned your head, looking back toward the structure, there was a tall, grey marbled statue of a feminine figure with a hood over her head, obscuring her face. In her hands, there was the image of fire, with a stony cauldron at her feet, and at the bottom of the statue was an inscription in a language you didn’t recognise- though you recognised the statuette immediately.
“The Mother.”
“And the Cauldron,” Eris nodded, eyeing the statue with a face you couldn’t read, before he nodded at you.
“You’ll be dancing in front of her, and my family, and probably most- if not all of the Autumn Court, to invoke the magic of the Court and make sure it thrives- isn’t that exciting?” Eris crooned patronisingly, not even giving you time to respond as he walked towards the large stone slab that posed as the main stage.
“And then, you and I will dance, commemorating me, commemorating my family- the one you seem to despise so eagerly- and commemorating the magic that flows through our land. How wonderful.” He sighed, as if swooning over a romantic gesture, and you couldn’t make your irritation more evident. 
“Lighten up, won’t you darling?” When his taunt went unanswered, that cunning, manipulative smile curled on his lips again as he walked over to where you were overlooking the Autumn Court.
“I mean it, you know. You ought to be kind to me. I hold the future of your beloved, ratty, worn-down studio in my treasury.” At the threat in his tone, you tensed, scoffing spitefully as you crossed your arms to hide from the chill.
“Threatening me now? Really?”
He shrugged, standing next to you with his hands behind his back as he looked out at the landscape, “Not a threat to you, darling. But to the old studio that seems to be in the way of some projects my father wants to take action on. It would be quite easy to knock down- I even heard a rumour that its owner is behind on payments! Imagine my surprise when your pathetic little instructor grovelled at my feet, begging for a solution.” He shrugged, completely indifferent to the callousness of his character. You, on the other hand, seethed with rage as hot as the sun. It bubbled and simmered, and you pondered how quickly you’d be able to run if you kicked him down the mountain. But instead, you bit your tongue- you two had already gone at each other’s throats today, and it wasn’t even lunch time. Eris took your silence as space to continue, and he chuckled unapologetically as he shrugged,
“Besides, I told your weaselly little ‘mentor’ that if you did not perform to my standards, did not act to my standards, he wouldn’t see the money that was to be rewarded for your service. Although… no money means no payment on the property, which means- Oh! No more dance classes for little [Y/N] [L/N], the prima of her time.” He shook his head, his voice sounding almost sympathetic, though your eyes caught his fiendish grin in your peripheral.
“You really like to hear yourself talk, don’t you?”
“It’s me, darling. Of course.”
“Don’t push it, darling.”
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╰┈➤ Lex's note 2: Ngl guys? this chapter is somewhat of a filler to bridge us to the next bits. I've had lots of writer's block but I persevered for you guys!! it's 1:20 a.m. for me rn and i have classes tomorrow so imma sleep- but pls give this some love, and (NICE) criticism bc i am a sensitive soul <3
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22 notes · View notes
flydotnet · 2 months
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where I give myself stupidly niche requests according to this marvelous card… or something. It’s been three years dawg. (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled).
Besides, if I didn't mess up in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.
This fic is quite a long time in the making. I started working on it last year, before I even had the idea for Rice Vinegar, a previous entry in this bingo card series. I was reading/catching up to the absolute banging series that is Brimstone in my Garden, Roses set on Fire by @inkblackorchid. I was on my yearly YGO kick, this time mostly 5D's-related (it's either 5D's or Arc-V, I've come to notice) and reading Snapping Jaws and Piercing Horns (which you absolutely should read, btw, but I have a sneaking suspicion that, if you're reading this, then you've at least heard of SJPH), when the idea for this fic came to me. I really like the friendship between Aki and Crow that the series sets up during the WRGP arc, because it's got my two favourite 5D's characters involved and also it's got canonical whump material linked to it and I'm a sucker for that stuff. Everything was here for success; I was unemployed at the time so I had a bunch of free time on my hands, the inspiration was crisp and I could fuck around and find out with writing new characters I hadn't before. Issue: I hated what I was actually writing.
Since I was reading InkBlackOrchid's works, I was like "God, I need it to be as good as hers". Problem is, I don't have her writing style at all, all the while I was somehow attempting to pastiche how she writes Aki's POV. The result was a very spiteful narration that doesn't even fit Aki at this point of her character development or even the story I was trying to tell in the first place, and a lot of clumsy descriptions. It was bad, y'all. Now, that was the first draft. I had abandonned it at first, thinking I'd just never do anything with it nor with the idea I had, but I just happened to look at my AO3 subscriptions, remembered the banger 5D's fic series, and finally went on InkBlackOrchid's Tumblr. Reading her Autopsy of Crow series of posts reminded me of my WIP and made me want to finish it so I could throw my two cents in the 5D's fight.
I mention Brimstone in my Garden, Roses set on Fire this much because my love for this series is a genuine explanation for some elements of this fic. I like its version of canon so much I wrote established Faithship into this fic as if they were actually dating by this time of the series, forgetting that actually didn't happen in 5D's proper. Sorry not sorry on that front, btw, I've always shipped them and I don't think I'll stop anytime soon. The very first version of this idea wasn't even going to delve into Aki losing her powers after her crash pre-Team Catastrophe (my very own guilty pleasure of a duel, I actually really like it lol), but since I was so inspired by something that did, I figured I had to tackle the question as well. I hope it doesn't fall flat on its face. Be Careful what you Wish for had me by the gametes.
Wow, I had a lot of things to say for something that's kind of just whump I decided to write on a whim like a year ago, huh. I don't even know if my characters sound right (as in, I think my Aki is OOC, she's too open if that makes sense?), it's my first rodeo and it's scary but hey, getting out of your comfort zone is how you improve, ain't it? I don't know if this story is good, I didn't really rewatch 5D's before writing it, just pantsed it out based on memory and what I rewatched earlier this year (I think it was this year? I remember writing a post for my side Tumblr back then mentioning Max Verstappen out of all people and I wasn't into F1 until late 2023. Anyway).
Outside the Comfort Zone
Summary: Aki passes by Yusei and Co.'s living quarters to retrieve a copybook. Crow makes it way harder than it has any right to be. (or: a recently-ish powerless Aki finds herself having to care for a very stubborn, unwell Crow, and it goes as well as you'd expect.)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (set during the WRGP arc)
Word Count: 4K words
AO3 version available here.
Event run by @badthingshappenbingo
There’s something off with the garage of Poppo’s Time, today.
Oh, of course, most of it is obvious: the air’s still, there’s a distinct lack of mechanical clicking and Yusei isn’t here. It’s a minutia of various little details that, added together, make the entire place tilt forty-five degrees to the left.
It’s, unfortunately, not just these which make her feel this way. Frankly, if it was, Aki would’ve already gone out the door and back home. She’s just here to recover a copybook and it should’ve only taken her mere minutes to do that; yet there she is, ten minutes after stepping on the other side of the door, still without her biology copybook, still in a home that isn’t hers, and unsure of where to take the situation next.
The reason might just be the odd-looking Crow that’s standing in the way between her copybook and her.
Is she friends with said Crow? Yes? Maybe? “Friends” sounds a bit strong for their relationship, she’d say; there are no strangers to each other, and she likes sharing a room with him enough to consider them on friendly terms, but they don’t share enough emotional intimacy for them to be friends. At least, that’s how she sees it – maybe he sees it another way.
(Or maybe they’re already friends, and she’s just too afraid of rejection to admit it to herself – better be safe than sorry, even around the most transparent person she knows).
Whatever their relationship is, what Aki knows without much doubt is that Crow isn’t looking like himself. His stance is slouched and unsteady, his hand is holding the doorway just a little too tight for comfort and his eyes look mussed. It’s like his gaze, while explicitly trying to focus on her, is instead looking at something right behind her – as if seeing through her, which is a thought Aki truly has no time to unpack.
“Oh, hi Aki,” he tells her with an indignant wave, head bobbing along with the sway of his hand.
“Goo – good afternoon.”
His smile turns into a puzzled expression, which doesn’t help the impression she’s gotten so far. He looks around, his left eye twitching and his brow furrowed, then looks back at her when it seems like he hasn’t found what he wanted.
“You not hangin’ out with Yusei?”
Aki almost freezes.
“What do you mean?” She asks back, a shiver going down her spine.
Crow’s brow furrows even further, finally pointing her in the direction of the dark rings under his eyes.
“What do you mean, what do you mean? You come here to hang with Yusei, right?”
“He’s… He’s not here, Crow,” her voice staggers against her will. “He’s in Peru with Jack. I just came her to get a copybook I forgot here.”
The reminder, as useless as it should’ve been, seems to have confused him even further.
“Why the fuck would they go to Peru?” Crow asks, anger sipping in his tone. “That’s on the other side of the damn planet!”
He then hacks a lung out, prompting Aki to jump out. It’s harsh, not unlike the coughs she’d get when she was ill as a child and it seemed like the world was melting around her, psychic powers mixing in with the fever – the powers who, like so many people before, have abandoned her.
The silence is too heavy. She can’t let herself falter now. She may be in danger – scratch that, she’s fine, Crow is the one who needs help as far as she’s concerned. They’re friends, or as close as it gets, and she needs to step up now that his foster brothers aren’t here.
“They’re there to follow on a lead Bommer gave them.”
Her heart sinks a little further when all she sees is confusion. In fact, anything she says seems to result in confusion.
“How? That guy’s dead, y’know,” he gulps with a wince. “I know. I watched it happen. And, like, the dead don’t send emails.”
It’s an understandably difficult thing to swallow, she’ll give it to him. To this day, and despite her (former) psychic powers and links to the extrasensory through her Signer’s Mark, she still has little idea how Carly or Misty have managed to rise from the dead. It’s beyond either of their comprehension.
What shouldn’t be for Crow, however, is the whole travel thing. He was there when Yusei and Jack announced they were going. He must’ve been there to fret over them and their budget like Jack likes to complain about. So how come he cannot remember any of this? Why is he so—
“What time is it already?” Crow asks out of the blue.
It takes her aback, but she looks over her phone screen anyway.
“It’s fifteen to six in the evening.”
His face gets splattered in surprise.
“Shit! I’ve got a shift to attend to!”
“What shi—”
His hand lets go of the doorway.
“Sorry to leave this quick, Aki, I’m in a hurry—”
He walks past her, but before he can make it past her, he folds in half into another coughing fit. Fearing the worst, Aki runs to catch him with her arms, the click of her heels almost hiding the harsh sound of his cough. Heat sips through his clothes and through her gloves, ringing the final alarm that finally allows her to deduce what it was that bothered her so much about his appearance.
Despite the audible pain in his breath and the grimace on his face when he moves his arms, Crow still tries rising to his feet on his own. He weakly bats her away with his hands, but he has to lean against the nearest wall to stay upright. It’s an unreal sight, knowing how stubborn and enduring he truly is. Where is the man who was driving with an injured shoulder mere weeks ago?
“Is this shift really that urgent?” She makes no attempt at hiding her ever-growing concern. “You don’t seem like in any state to go to work…”
“What day of the week are we on?” is all he says back to her.
“It’s… Wednesday? Why?”
Crow’s face finally lights up.
“Oh! I’ve got some time ahead of me then.” He chuckles, but it dissolves into a cough, and she can’t keep her grimace to herself. “I thought we were Monday, for some reason?”
“You honestly seem very out of it,” she ends up bluntly stating instead of going along. “I really don’t think you should go work today.” Or tomorrow.
“Can’t afford not to,” he croaks back, but it lacks any sort of sting.
What looks to her like a dizzy spell ends up taking his resolution out, his whole body pitching forward. Once more, almost in rhythm, her body moves on its own as a result, her arms catching him in his fall.
Heat lingers on her hands even after she has finished bringing him to his room.
Unlike most of Team 5Ds, Aki has never had to care for someone else. She has none of Yusei’s instinct for help nor Crow’s experience with dealing with children. Usually, when faced with this sort of situations, she’d entrust the person in need of care to someone with a lot more ease in this domain – as it turns out, most of the time, it’s asking Jack’s childhood friends to handle his problems, much to his protests. As such, she’s never had to play nursemaid before, and nobody has trusted her with such a role until Yusei came along, and for once, she hadn’t wanted that to change (except for Yusei, but this is a situation that’s unrelated to her current predicament).
Whatever she’s used to, unfortunately, is now out of the realm of possibility. The two people she could ask about it on any other occasion where the need could rise up are respectively currently in Peru with terrible reception and too busy refusing to stay in bed for much longer than a minute to give her a precious hand.
And, you know, you don’t usually ask someone who’s sick to take care of themselves, let alone help you in the process.
Very much to her misfortune, this is all without taking into account that Crow is as stubborn as a patient as he is in every other thing. It was to be expected, of course, and Crow is nothing if not stubborn; but it hasn’t made anything easier. If anything, she should’ve seen it coming as soon as he was too beyond himself to know where his housemates were and why.
Still, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t try her best in this situation. What friend would she be if she left a comrade in need on his own, harmful to himself? (And she craves for empathy, a part of her whispers, the part of her who misses her powers for the bond she enjoyed having with Black Rose).
Despite a losing battle against his own voice and the way his limbs tremble whenever he tries holding himself out of bed, Crow is insisting that, no, he’s fine to go work, and she has no reason to worry, because it’s not his first rodeo… or something along those lines. Admittedly, it’s difficult to understand everything when he’s struggling to push the sentence out of his throat to begin with, let alone articulate his thoughts.
All that ends up doing as a result is annoying her, because this is oh so similar to Yusei but in all the wrong ways, but that’s once more beside the point. She isn’t here to lash out her annoyance at Crow being an idiot, she’s here to make sure he doesn’t die an idiot.
“I’m tellin’ you, I’m fine,” he whines, a hand already back at gripping the edge of the blanket.
“Why are you so insistent on pretending you are?”
(She doubts it’s because of a martyr syndrome like Yusei’s).
“I’m not pretendin’ anythin’. I’m actually fine.”
His voice is feeble, his words tremble out of his mouth.
“Crow, I know you’re not. Please stop making this harder than it has to be.”
He deflates with a single, wheezing sigh.
“It’s Satellite nature, I guess,” he shrugs with a slight smile. “Both Yusei and Jack got it too, y’know.”
“Speaking of Yusei, right now you’re just like him in that regard.” She lets herself sigh. “Pretending like you’re fine when all signs point to the contrary.”
“Yeah, it’s… Y’know, when you were sick in Satellite, unless you had someone to shelter you and cover your back, ‘t was like signin’ your death certificate.” He coughs again, and it keeps dragging on, worsening, and it pangs at her heart every single time. “Guess that never went away, even now.”
“Even for something like a work shift?”
“Especially for a work shift. Do y’know how tight our finances are? Jack sure don’t seem to, that asshole!” A barking cough interrupts him. “Fuck this shit, I could be literally anywhere else but here. Plus…” He turns to her, and despite the evident weariness on his face and in his eyes, his gaze is sharp. “You should be doin’ better things with your time than watching over me, though.”
Aki rises an eyebrow.
“Such as?”
He shrugs again as a response.
“I dunno. Studyin’. Playin’ cards. Drivin’ a D-Wheel. Tryin’ to… sort through what mess that must’ve been for you, these past few weeks.”
The last bit hits her a lot harder than the previous ones. Having to replace Crow in haste due to a mysterious crash, the conflicting sentiment of her first race as a member of Team 5Ds, her own crash, and now, having to grapple with the sudden and unexplained disappearance of her powers… It’s been a lot of turmoil. Too much, in fact.
Despite all of the pain, it’s somewhat heartwarming to have someone genuinely worry for her, even if it tugs at an uncomfortable heartstring. It means she has the company she so desperately looked for and thought to have found in Divine, now truthful and actually what she needed. Yet, she feels uneasy when she has to show vulnerability in front of them, afraid of what they could take advantage of, of hidden intentions that may be hiding beneath a smile. Letting go of her masks has been terrifying, even if it’s the right thing to do.
For the longest time, she could protect herself with her powers. They were her curse, they were her blessing. They made her unlike the others but allowed her to connect with Black Rose and all of her deck. She misses them even now as she’s within the warmth of Team 5Ds; who don’t judge her for them like the others. Who care for her, like Yusei has ever since meeting her, like Crow is at the moment. Even in pain, they care.
The least she can do is pay them back now that gets the chance to. Now that her powers have left her more vulnerable than ever and created a void she can’t seem to fill on her own.
“I’ll be fine not brooding about it for a while,” is all she tells him in response.
Because it’s the truth. Sometimes, letting the dark clouds consume you is worse. It’ll always be worse, no matter how easy it looks.
“You sure? Because watching over an ill guy gets boring real fast.” He gives her a small smile. “I’d know, I’m usually the one doing the watching.”
She replies with a smile of her own.
“A bit of calm would do the both of us some good, I believe, after all that happened.”
He closes his eyes with a deep sigh.
“Can’t go against that, I guess.”
“Take some rest. I’ll be here by the time you wake up.”
It’s not intended to be a lie to make him feel better about sleeping.
“If you’re lookin’ for it, the medicine is in the cabinet in the bathroom. Pretty sure we got the right stuff at least.”
“I’ll go get it.”
That, and a basin of water, and everything she can remember from hazy memories of childhood illnesses.
Yusei once told her to write down thoughts that were confusing to her, as a way to at least alleviate the black clouds in her mind. He helped her pick a cute-looking notebook for it too, just the size of her uniform pockets, red with an embroidered rose on top of it. It seemed too fitting not to pick it, and Yusei seemed even happier about it than she was. She isn’t sure if what she’s writing in it right now makes sense, but it feels nice to have a place where to dump all of the thoughts that’d usually fester and poison her mind nonetheless.
The loss of her powers continues to leave her at a loss. The best way she can describe the feeling is a bittersweet void it’s left behind: she’s finally normal, like she wished for so long when pretending to be a witch, yet now that she is, it’s like this life wasn’t for her. She misses the bond she had with her Monsters, now that she can’t caress Black Rose Dragon like she could for so long. It makes her feel lonelier in a way that’s wrong to her. It’s like she never knew what she actually wanted out of life, out of the world.
Writing down this loss, this void and this coldness is what’s helping her process some of it. It onsets the way the melancholy would’ve taken ahead of her before she met Yusei and the others. It allows her some lookback and to keep her head out of the water until she can find a solution or get used to a new situation. It feels… soothing, at times, despite it just being scribbles on paper.
A hand strangles her arm, her hands lets go of her pen, her notebook falls to the ground.
“Who the hell are you?!”
Shaken, she stares back at her assailant – a frazzled-looking Crow, his eyes glazed over and his pupils dilated. His breathing is erratic, coming out in little wheezes, his teeth gritting.
Aki has no idea what to do. A stranger attacking her is no surprise, but a friend? Clearly, something is very wrong with Crow, and she has trouble connecting the dots as to why he’s in such a state. Did she not look after him hard enough? Is she just as neglectful as she was when she was isolated and lost, manipulated, used as a weapon? Is this retribution for that, to be forgotten by those she cherishes?
He lets go of her arm, seemingly against his will – it seems like he doesn’t have enough strength left to actually fight her. She can hardly breathe normally, every gasp of air coming quicker than the last, but she has to compose herself back anyway. She’s the one who’s supposed to fix things here, and now, she doesn’t want to destroy anyone further. Perhaps she can still find redemption.
“What’re you doin’ here?!”
Crow’s voice is unsteady, made all the worse by the cough that’s dried it into being hoarse, and his words slur together, making him very difficult to understand. Aki wishes she knew what do say back, but…
“I’m – I’m looking after you,” she explains back, because calming him down seems like a good idea.
He cocks an eyebrow at her, doubt just barely readable in his half-closed eyes.
“Who’re you?”
“I’m Aki. I’m Yusei’s girl… I’m his friend. I’m your friend.”
His hands grab at her shoulders.
“What’s tellin’ me you are, huh?!”
She looks around the room, trying to ignore how uncomfortable the pressure from his knuckles on his shoulders are, and the heat sipping from them almost right into her skin, before finding a sign of reassurance.
“See this basin of water?” She points it with her finger, he follows it to the bottom of the chair where she sits. “It’s mine. I was trying to keep your fever in check.” That sounded like a good idea, at the time. “I’m admittedly… not great at it, unlike you are, but I’m trying.”
His gaze slightly clears up – and then his eyes flutter close and don’t open up, leaving him in her arms once more.
It’s sort of a wake-up call for Aki, as she puts him back to bed. She should’ve kept a keener eye, but instead got lost in thoughts. She was so sure she had done all of the right things already, yet there she is, only realizing after the fact she wasn’t careful by being attacked by a delirious guy who mistook her for the enemy. Talk about failing at the mission you assigned yourself.
She takes off her gloves and puts a hand on his forehead – his fever has gone back up when she wasn’t looking. It makes sense, miserably so. But this is no time to mop for herself, she must be more like Yusei. She must help out her friend even if she has her own issues. She can’t do anything about her powers, but she can do something so Crow doesn’t have to see things that aren’t there.
So she picks up the washcloth that fell onto his lap and twists it cold again, determined to correct her mistakes.
Aki is staring at Crow when he finally opens his eyes again. They’re clear, able to follow the way her hair sways when she backs up from the bed and back into the chair. Her back is trying to make her pay for the unnatural positions she made it endure, but it’ll have to bear through it for a bit. She’s not letting him down now.
“Hey,” he tells her, stifling a cough.
“Glad to see you awake again,” she confesses. “How are you?”
“Erh… Sore. Sick. You know the deal.” He sits up with the help of the headboard of the bed. “How long was I asleep for?”
“I’d say… an hour or so.”
“And you’re still here?” He chuckles, even if it dissolves yet again into a coughing fit. “Gah, forgot how much that sucked.”
“I… I didn’t want to leave you alone like this.”
“Don’t worry, I went through worse. I’m a big bird, I can deal with it on my own.”
The way she’s staring back at him must’ve looked suspicious, because he looks concerned, now, and it’s like cold water seeping through her socks.
“Hey… Did something happen?”
“No, nothing. It’s… it’s not important.”
“Tch, you’re like Yusei. ‘Not important’ my ass.”
“I don’t think I should tell you about it.”
“You’re not makin’ your case any easier. Shoot ahead anyway.”
Aki looks at her hands on her lap, her knuckles almost white. Her skin looks slightly red, especially without her gloves.
“You weren’t yourself earlier,” she manages to get out, “and you thought I was some sort of enemy.”
She can’t bring herself to look up and see what his reaction to that is. Her head’s weighing heavily on her neck.
“Shit, did… I did something to you, right?”
“You… You tried to attack me, yes,” and she realizes how bad that sounds, “but it’s nothing. You weren’t yourself and it wasn’t a big deal. I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound like you are, though… Shit, I’m so sorry, Aki…”
She rises a careful eye, only to see pain distort Crow’s pallid face.
“It shouldn’t have happened,” she replies. “I should’ve done a better job.”
“Hey. Look at me, Aki.”
Hesitantly, she does – and finds no anger, no disappointment in Crow’s eyes, only compassion.
“You didn’t have to put up with my shit, and I was trying to push you away, but you did it anyway. Attacking you was wrong no matter what. You’ve got a lot to deal with at the moment and none of this is me. Don’t beat yourself up for not handlin’ everythin’ perfectly.” He smiles. “So, thanks, Aki. Don’t worry about good ol’ me, I’ll handle myself from now on.”
Silence follows.
“Though I get why you’d doubt that. We don’t really have a good track record when it comes to that stuff, do we.”
“Not really, no,” she manages to chuckle. “But friends need to trust each other.”
“You catch on quick!” He coughs into his elbow. “I’m sure it’s starting to get late, your parents may be worried. You should head home.”
“Can I… Can I stay here for a little longer? At least until Bruno comes back from whatever errand he may be running. I’d… feel better if I knew someone could watch you over.” Like she’d like it if she was as vulnerable as Crow is right now. “It keeps me occupied too.”
He gives her a sympathetic look from which she wants to recoil, but stops herself from doing.
“Make yourself a home, then. Yusei’s bedroom should be available.”
He winks, right in time for her face to warm up.
“Thank you, Crow.”
“If you need an ear to talk to and I ain’t sleepin’, don’t hesitate, okay? I promise I won’t bite your head off this time.”
“I’ll keep it in mind, thanks.”
She doubts she’ll bother him with this when all she’s tried to make him do today was resting, but she very much appreciates the reminder. It’s always nice to know she’s not only accepted, but also cared for by people whose honest intentions she can be sure of.
It’s making her feel welcome, and just for that, she’s more thankful – her and her missing powers, her and her conflicting feelings it, her and her past that she’s just now feeling comfortable with disclosing anything about. Her and the ghost that may continue pursuing her in the future, but which are leaving her mostly unscathed for now.
Perhaps that’s what home is – and it may just take the shape of a friend’s bedroom, or of a garage.
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Hi there! I am in Florida, and at this very moment, trying to dissociate from hurricane Ian that is beginning to hit my town. 😬 So I figured I'd distract myself by asking for ships. If you see this elsewhere too, I just...don't like talking about myself very much so I'm writing this once.
She/her, INFP, Hufflepuff. 5'2, generally pale, curvy, but not overweight (yet, lol), blonde hair (but it's currently The Little Mermaid bright red, lol), blue-green eyes. I love my hair and my eyes and this is the only thing you'll ever hear me say I like about my appearance.
My favorite thing about myself is my sense of humor. And to a lesser extent, my sarcasm. I never really feel I have much to offer people, especially in difficult times, but I can make my friends laugh when they are crying. And a few weeks ago one of my good friends said to me that every time she goes home after spending time with me, her husbsnd says she is always in such a happy mood. And that was just like...the nicest thing anyone could say to me. 💜 I am an introvert until I am comfortable with someone and then I can be loud and frequently silly. Years of customer service in my past made me decent at bullshitting small talk, but ugh, it drains my batteries. I will get along with anyone who isn't an asshole, but I do not get close to most people easily. I don't like conflict, so I can get passive aggressive with people I'm close to if I have any issues over something. Trying very hard to change that, as I know it's not a great look.
Other random shit about me: I have anxiety, but (I think) I've learned to hide it well in public most of the time? My brain is just a fucking mess, but I will joke about it all day! 🙃 I love all animals. I'd cuddle an alligator if it wouldn't eat me. I've got cats, dogs, rats and a bunny. I've wanted a horse my whole life. My favorite author is Neil Gaiman. I love going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. I love museums and history and learning about lore/fairytales/monsters/cryptids. I love Marvel movies/comics, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I occasionally do conventions and cosplay, though I'm not very good at the cosplay bc I cannot sew. Lol. I've been Rose and Amy from Doctor Who and Kate Bishop (Hawkeye). It's really fun! I wish I were better at it. Love bowling and mini golf. Sadly, none of my friends do.
I love music and going to shows used to be my thing! Like I've seen over 100 bands and concerts. I don't have the time/money/energy to do it anymore, but those were absolutely the best years of my life. I've traveled to other states and across the country for a couple of bands (The Matches and Motion City Soundtrack) and made some of the best friends just waiting in lines. I have one tattoo and it's a crow with a blue button eye that the singer of my favorite band drew for me.
I'm gonna shut up now. Lol. Sorry I got carried away. I'm REALLY trying to distract myself from thinking about this hurricane rn. Thanks in advance if you made it through the rambling and decide to do anything with it. 😁💜
Firstly, I hope you and your family are doing OK since the hurricane and that it didn't cause too much damage! Secondly I'm so sorry this has taken me so long to get to, I've been all over the place lately between graduating and starting my new job🙈
I ship you with Johnny Martin
He's obsessed with your red hair, like he thinks it's the coolest thing ever and it looks so good on you.
You're alike in the sense that you both need to be comfortable with someone before you feel like you can really be yourself.
Of course you two seemed to click right away. You both made a few sarcastic teasing comments and it was like you'd been friends for years.
He's always quick to remind you of your worth, and how you always seem to brighten people's lives without even trying
He totally get that sometimes you just need time to yourself to recharge, and he's always happy to just sit quietly with you or leave you do your own thing in your own space. You'll come find him when you're ready.
No matter what you say, he thinks your cosplays are great and he's always super encouraging.
He's ridiculously competitive, and loves nothing more than trying to beat you at mini golf. He scoffs and acts annoyed when you beat him, but really he just loves seeing you smile.
He definitely intends to start taking you to concerts again, cause he knows you loved going to them.
Hope you like it x
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reachthestars · 3 years
Heyya sorry I'm back again I just love your fics and You don't have to do it and please don't feel pressured but could you please do a kaz x Sister reader please where she has some medical issues and is really weak and gets inured on a job with kaz and its his fault and he gets really worried about her and all big brother vibes please.
Thank you so much and love you xx
My Fault
Kaz x Sister! Reader
Summary: Reader has osteoporosis, a disease that makes her bones brittle. This sets them and the Crows at a disadvantage. One night, a job with Kaz goes horribly wrong when Reader is injured. While she is being treated and resting, Kaz is drowning in his guilt.
a/n: here you go! I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I’ve been pretty busy lately but I’m doing my best to get to writing when I can! I also chose a specific medical issue because it felt a lot easier to navigate the fanfic in doing so. I hope that���s okay! Just to inform everyone, I am absolutely no expert on this medical condition and I just did some research to hopefully better depict it. Feel free to critique me on this! I’m all ears!
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Kaz and (Y/n) stumbled through the doors of the Crow Club, (Y/n) barely holding herself up with a grimace.
“What happened?” Jesper exclaimed as he rushed over to Kaz and (Y/n). The other Crows followed suit.
“(Y/n) was attacked on the job.” Kaz informed him as Inej rushed to (Y/n)’s side, steadying her with an arm around her waist. Meanwhile, Nina’s hands came together as she sensed for the damaged area.
“Her entire left side is fractured. We need to get her treated now.”
(Y/n) gritted her teeth as she continued to walk, Inej on the other side helping her.
Kaz watched (Y/n) ever so slowly make her way upstairs to her room and he gripped his cane tightly. His stomach knotted itself into a coil that knew no release and it felt like his heart was racing at a speed not even a Heartrender could match. It was his fault. Damn it, this was all his fault.
Why he had brought you along on this job, he didn’t know. Maybe it was because you were a thorn in his side prior to that; you begged him to let you come along and every time he shut you down, you only came at him twice as stubborn.
It was a two person job this time, since Kaz observed that bringing in a group would raise suspicions. One would pose as a distraction while the other would sneak away and obtain the target--the target being a diamond necklace worth six thousand kruge. Should have been an easy snatch for Kaz and his Crows. And it would have been had it not been for the guard that caught you on your way out.
He had quickly overpowered you by slamming you against the wall and all the bones on your left side responded with a sickening crack. The scream you let out was enough to alarm Kaz who had already been on his way to “check on his sister,” as he’d informed the party he was distracting.
Kaz quickened his pace and the moment he reached his destination, his eyes widened at the sight. There you were, weakly struggling against the guard that was attempting to restrain you. Before he knew it, Kaz’s cane rose and cracked against the side of the guard's head. He went limp and fell to the ground with a harsh thud and you had found your balance just in time. However, you stumbled over, catching yourself on the wall.
“What happened?” He asked as he looked you over, worry beginning to dance in his eyes.
You grunted. “Guy slammed me into the wall. I’m pretty sure my left side is in hell right now.”
Kaz opened his mouth to say something, but paused when the sound of footsteps alerted him. They were coming in the same way he did.
“We need to go. Now.”
You both barely made it out of there. You had gotten the necklace but at what cost? There would have been lesser stakes if he hadn’t brought you. But he gave in and no this was the price he had to pay. He had put your life at risk, knowing how bad your condition was and now he was to blame.
Like Kaz, you also navigated the world a little more cautiously with your medical affliction. However, unlike Kaz’s bad leg, you suffered from a disease that made your bones extremely brittle. Anything as little as falling or being shoved could cause a fracture. It’s the reason why Kaz was always so hesitant to bring you along on heists; not just because it could affect the mission, but because you were his sister.
But Kaz was terrified of putting you at risk with your disease. Anything could happen to you on these dangerous missions, especially if you were flying solo with no one to look out for you. That was why he had always sent someone with you when he divided up the mission amongst the Crows. But the one time he took you along without any back up, something happened and on his watch. He had promised himself--etched it into his heart with the burning blade of his memories.
He wouldn’t let anything happen to you. He had already lost Jordie to the ocean and he’d be damned if he lost you to the Barrel.
In the midst of his guilt-ridden haze, he hadn’t realized that Nina and Inej had come back downstairs. He was pulled back into reality when one of them said his name.
“I’ve just treated the injury. She’s gonna be fine.” Nina told him. “She’s resting now, but...you should probably go see her.”
No. No. He couldn’t face her right now. Not when the guilt weighing down on him was like the weight of the world.
He immediately shook his head, opening his mouth to protest. However, Inej beat him to it.
“She asked for you.”
And so he found himself nodding stiffly, making his way up the stairs and down the hall to his sister's room.
He slowly pushed the door open and felt his heart hammer when he saw her. She was laying on her back, her gaze to the window. It had been left open and as the usual downpour overtook Ketterdam, a cool breeze drifted in.
“Are you feeling alright?”
Kaz blinked at the question and somewhere deep down, a small part of him laughed at the question. He scoffed and shook his head,
“I believe you should be asking yourself that.”
“Eh, I feel like shit. But you’re not looking so hot either.” She commented, clearly taking notice of his flushed skin and disheveled hair.
Kaz quickly averted his gaze. “I’m fine.”
“You’re gripping that cane of yours pretty tight.”
Saints, why did you have to be so damn observant? Why did you have to be so annoying? Why did you have to be so stubborn? Why did you have to poke and pry until Kaz reached his breaking point?
Why did Kaz give in?
Kaz inhaled shakily, like his body was a porcelain shell that could break at the slightest breath, threatening to reveal the most vulnerable parts of his soul. He could feel cracks streaking across under your burning gaze.
Kaz had become so accustomed to wearing a mask and embedding it into his skin that he couldn’t really tell the difference anymore. Regardless of whichever it was, you always saw right through it. That’s what made being your brother so damn frustrating. You saw Kaz for what he really was and that’s why you didn’t listen.
And he tried--oh he tried--to lock you out of those moments, moments in between the heists and the planning and endlessly climbing the ladder for more power, moments where he stripped back layers of himself--and even then, he did so with caution. But you’d always be able to see him with more than just eyes. You knew him better than anyone and you know--even though he’d never admit it--the soft spot he had for you. It’s what made poking at him so easy, and giving in so hard for him.
“I shouldn’t have brought you.” He said finally like the truth clawed its way out of his throat.
“Kaz…” You started with a sigh.
“Don’t,” he cut you off, shaking his head. “Don’t do that. Don’t pretend as if I’m being irrational. That man could have killed you, (Y/n)!”
“But he didn’t! I’m fine!”
His eyes snapped back to yours, a storm brewing within them. “And if he had? What then?”
“He wouldn’t have because I had you there to back me up!”
“Before it was too late! After that, I would have lost you!”
That statement brought everything to a still. The air between you was thickened to a point where not even a knife could slice through it.
“And it would’ve been on me…”
Though the moment rendered him frozen, the words still fell freely from his lips.
Between the satisfaction of finally freeing his fears and the sheer vulnerability that made his skin crawl, Kaz felt trapped between two overwhelming feelings that caged him in.
He tore his eyes away from you once more, running a hand through his hair. His
“(Y/n),” he started, struggling to form the words, “You’re the only thing I have left of home. I already lost Jordie,” he turned to face you. “I can’t lose you too. I wouldn’t even be able to live with myself if something happened to you.”
“I understand,” you said quietly, looking away from him. “But, honestly, Kaz, the risks...are part of the gig, aren’t they? I mean, you do know I worry about you too, right? Sure, this disease is a major disadvantage, but...so is a bad leg. You’re at risk too whenever we go on heists. So is everyone. I mean, these are the risks we take when we live our lives the way we do.”
He didn’t want to admit it, but you were right. Even when they said “No mourners, no funerals,” every Crow knew the risks they were taking in this life.
“But,” you continued. “I’d say we’re a pretty resistant bunch. We’ve been through thick and thin with this world and we’re too damn stubborn to die.” He watched you crack a small smile, the familiar mischief of a Crow dancing in your eyes. “I don’t think mourning or funerals are in our future. At least not for a long time.”
“Sometimes, I feel like you’re more of an owl than a crow.” Kaz commented, lips twitching ever so slightly.
You chuckled, glancing over to the side. “Maybe you should listen to me more often then.”
And maybe he should have, despite what that meant.
Although your wise words could never truly anchor Kaz back to earth, leaving his worry to drift off into the cosmos, he knew that on some level, the Crows would spread their wings and soar the skies for a long time. Even if the world they lived in was rotten to core. Even if guns and blades would always be in their future.
Even if you both had to navigate the world differently.
There’d be no mourners and certainly no funerals if these stubborn bastards could help it.
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kodzuken-chan · 3 years
Hello Yui chwan!! I wanna make a request of Body swap. I saw that word in a random game and can't take it out of my head. I thought of doing something and then you posted. Please take your time. But please make a Body swap with any character you are writing!!! I don't mind anyone of them. I love those four dorks so much. Please write Body swap with Reader please! Thankyou!!
A/N: Ohhh Hiyaaaa @vemuabhi chwannn, it has been a long time since you asked me hehe but I'm glad that you did🙏🤩
You're Requests are unique as usual and I always end up having alot of fun writing them, I'm sorry for the late reply tho
Here you go and I hope you enjoy it~!!
💮Crazy Love💮
Pairing: Sanji X Fem.Reader
Genre: Horror / Fluff / Magic / Comedy / Agnst i guess?!
Warning: mention of spells, Body swap
A/N: it is right that this scenario is a Sanji x fem.reader one, but the first half will mostly be with Reader and Zoro, its Funny I promise 😀
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It was such a lovely day, everything was going so well, the sun was shiny, the waves rocked into Sunny go and everyone was relaxing over the deck, it has been almost around 3 week since your last stop, and you need to dock by an island soon, basically because your ship was running out of supplies based on your gentleman cook's words.
However, no one could do anything in terms of finding the new island, all what you have to do is to sail and wait until it shows up. Gladly nothing seemed to interrupt the joyful yet peaceful time you were all having, except for a certain strawhat captain who couldn't stay still in his place like the others, " Oii Nami, when are we gonna reach a new island?! Why its taking so long this time!!", Luffy exclaimed to the navigator, "Soon Luffy, Soon, just be patient" sighed Nami as she Takes a look on the log pose in her wrist, since its has been a while since you left Punk Hazard and made an alliance with Law and his crew, he's been on Sunny with all of you until you all reach Zou safely and he can meet his crew. Few hours later, Nami sensed something in the weather as she got up from her place, a bit confused, " Oi Nami... what's wrong?" Called Zoro from the palce he was sitting in, " I smell clouds, a stormy ones too, but how.. the humidity is too low, there is no chance of stormy clouds to be formed", stated Nami in a worried tone "Actually, I heard that this phenomenon occurs between time to time in the new world's sea, so i guess you don't have to worry much Nami" you smiled at the Navigator as she went back to her seat.
Soon enough, the weather immediately changed just as Nami expected, but it wasn't rainy at all, it was just the lightings and thunders hittng around crazily. A huge fog appeared infront of your sights, nothing was visible, plus it was already dark bcs of the clouds, everyone was looking around, trying figure what where are they setting themselves in a guarding positions, ready if anything appeared out of Sudden, until Nami gasped loudly which turned everyone's attention to her, " W-What's w-wr-worng Nami?!!" cracked Usopp, " T-The log pose...its spinning around crazily", stated Nami, this is when Brook spoke through the crow's nest speakers, " Mina-san! Nothing is visible from here, but i can see a huge shadow, maybe its an island", Luffy got all excited and wanted to sail ahead, Of course Nami refused and told him to wait, no one is sure about what's behind the fog, plus they can't risk their life carelessly like this, so Luffy pouted and just sat there. During all of this, you got immersed a bit in your thoughts about the situation, you felt a tap on your shoulder and so you turned around to find your boyife Sanji staring at you with a concerned expression, "Are you okay (Y/N)-chan, you're so quiet", you smiled and replied, " Yes, I'm fine, i was just thinking about our current state", you assured him, " oh, did you figure out something?", He asked, " Oh yes i guess, I'll let you all know now", you turned yourself to your crewmates and called them to shift their attention to you, "Mina~, I think we can get out of this fog, since Brook have seen a shadow behind the fog, it means that there is definitely something behind there, I think we should go ahead just as what Luffy said earlier, and try to cross this fog, don't you think?" You suggested and Luffy's face lit up again bcs you agreed with him to go ahead, "See?!!! Even Y/N thinks I'm right" exclaimed luffy proudly, everyone else looked unsure about your statement and we're looking at each other until Jinbei spoke up, "Y/N is right, we won't gain anything if we stood here, plus its getting late, let's move ahead and if something showed up, I'm sure everyone could stand against it", everyone was motivated at Jinbei's compliment and this when Luffy ordered him to sail further.
Gladly, you were able to get out of the fog thanks to Jinbei's skills, but What made you all surpised is that, there was really something behind the fog, it turned out to be an island. Docking by it, you all decided to sleep after convincing Luffy since it was already late. After having a delicious dinner, everyone went inside their bed rooms, and You joined Sanji in your shared bedroom, sleeping peacefully in his embrace. However, this night wasn't peaceful as everyone thought, a sparkling purplish smoke slowly crepted its way to the thousand Sunny covering it. In the next morning you're eyes flattered opened, but something felt weird, you couldn't feel Sanji's warmth next to you, instead you heard bunch of loud snores, confused, you sat up feeling a slight breeze hitting your bare skin, but wait as you remember, you slept wearing Sanji's shirt last night, you looked down, and almost screamed if it wasn't for your hands covering your mouth last minute as you pulled the covers over you, trying to process what happened you touched your head and felt the absence of your long hair, then touched your left ear feeling 3 earings dangling from it, when you peeked down, you saw a long scar on your chest, this is when your heart dropped in your feet, turning around, your realized that you were in the boys headquarters, getting of the bed, you slowly wore a shirt and headed outside to your shared bedroom.
At the same time, in your shared bedroom with Sanji, Zoro's eyes flattered opened , he was uncomfortable bcs he's basically wearing a shirt, okay lets say it was your body after all so yeah , when he turned his head around, he saw Sanji sleeping peacefully next to him, and yes that scared the shit out of him, jumping out of the bed, he fell on the ground sweating trying to process how the hell he ended up here, this is when he realized that he's not in the men's headquarters, more than that, he felt his body kinda small, yet light and he has a long hair, he freaked out, he got up and ran to your dressing table and his jaw dropped when he saw his reflection, " W-what the-", he said as he rushed out to find his body, and BOOM!! The two of you bumped into each other falling on the floor. " Zoro You!!!!-", you " Y/N!! What the Heck!!!", You yelped at each other in surprise, the funny thing was that it was indeed that your bodies got swaped, however, it was just your souls, Zoro was in your body talking with your voice and the same was for you. Few minutes later after you both calmed down, you decided to sit up in the crow's nest to avoid other Strawhats for the meanwhile, "Okay so what are you gonna do?" He asked, " I don't know...we need to find a way to get our bodies back! *Sigh* but until then, we should act like nothing is wrong and-" you said but got interrupted by Zoro, "Hey! We can't keep quiet on this! I can't let that ero cook treat me as if it was you eww that's gross!!" He exclaimed, " But-But I can't let Sanji see me like this, its so embarrassing!" You said pouting, Zoro wanted to argue back at your statement, however, he couldn't say anything because he felt bad for you as he saw your pouty face. " Fine, but if it started to get weird Imma tell everyone, Now I'll start my workout session, you can leave if you want-" he said before getting his ear pulled by you, " Wait what?! Workout?!?! No no no Mr. Roronoa Zoro, you won't touch any of these as long as you're in my body, you maybe be strong, but remember You're in my body" you claimed, "Then you stay away from that ero cook, Don't do anything stupid while you're in my body as well" he said, and everything was settled like this.
To avoid any misunderstanding, you both stayed quiet away from other's sight except during meal times, on those times, you both shared glances at each other until your eyes fell on Law, you suspected him so you kicked Zoro who was in your body slightly to tell him that you need to talk individually with Law. Once the meal was done, you met Law down in the aquarium, actually you suspected him at the beginning for your body swap with Zoro, however, you knew well that Law wasn't the type to do such things out of sudden, but its not wrong to check. " Law-kun" you called the doctor who was super confused at the sudden honorofic from the swordman who was actually you, " I know you're confused, but...you see...-" you couldn't find the right words after all, it was embarrassing, Zoro noticed you getting flustered so he continued what you were trying to say, " Oi Torao, Are you responsible about this body swap?!" Zoro glared with your eyes, but Law was super confused, "What's wrong with you Y/N-ya? Why are you talking like this?" He asked Zoro, "Its Zoro!" Exclaimed Zoro, "Law-kun, you see, our bodies got swaped, Zoro is in my body and I'm in his, did you perhaps did this, if it was you please bring us back" you said, Now Law fully understood the situation so he simply stated, " Why would i swtich your bodies out of nowhere?", You and Zoro sighed and looked at each other, and soon you heared your Captain calling both of you because they're going to explore the mysterious island, leaving your problem aside for the mainwhile, you headed out and got ready to join luffy and the others.
Now the exploring team included everyone except for Franky and Jinbei who stayed on Sunny Go, walking between the bushes and trees, Sanji noticed how weird you were acting, in fact, you were walking away from him and never spoke to him ever since this morning, no hugs, no kisses, not even a good morning, he thought that you are tired or something, so to clear his doubt, he approached your figure having zero clue about Zoro being in your body, " Sweetheart, are you okay? You've been acting all weird ever since this morning, is there anything bothering you?" He asked with a concerned face, but he only got an annoyed semi-disgusted expression from you which had him confused, he thought that he was the reason for your quietness today, after all he noticed how have you been hanging around Zoro today, you watched him from the back but you couldn't stand that,you don't want him to blame himself for something that he didn't do, you thought that if you told him about your current body swap state, he might avoid both of you, but that's much better from getting his heart broken, so you stopped on your tracks clenching your fist, " W-wait! Mina...." You exclaimed lowering your head, everyone turned to you confused, your face started to get red, "Wait! Zoro! Your face is turning red!! Are you okay-" Nami said before you started talking back, " ITS (Y/N)!....its me ....(Y/N)..." Your Zoro like voice got lower and lower as you stated your name, and it was silent for the upcoming minutes, no one said anything, so Zoro broke this silence, " We Don't know how this happened and who's behind it...its just that we woke up this morning and our bodies were swapped", said Zoro as he stepped next to you in your tiny figure, everyone's eyes widened screaming with " EHhhhhhhhhhh?!!!!", But you didn't care, a certain blonde's reaction was the only thing you wanted to see, and as expected, he had his jaw dropped making the dangling cigarette fall down, " This...is ... impossible...no...no..." Sanji said beneath his breath, he stared at you and then at Zoro, his color Suddenly drained from his face, he lowered his head and said nothing but walked ahead everyone, " Oiii Sanji where are you going?!!" Called Luffy, " I will go from this side to explore, you can continue exploring from that side, I'll inform you if i found anything" stated Sanji as he disappeared between the trees.
You Knew that he would react like this, but why does your heart hurt so much? The tears began to form in the brim of your eyes and your silent sniffs were heared by everyone, they looked at you, they didn't like the expression on your face especially when you were in Zoro's body, you crouched and hid your face between your knees and started crying silently " He sure hates me now..*sniff*", "Oi (Y/N) Don't cry, I'm sure he doesn't" said Usopp, " Usopp is right, Sanji-kun is just confused (Y/N), I'm sure he knows that its not your fault" told you Nami as she tapped your shoulders. Zoro felt guilty, at first he didn't understand why would you keep quiet about the whole body swap situation, but now he knew why, " Oi (Y/N)!, Stop crying, I'm gonna get our bodies and that shitty cook back too" Said Zoro as he walked in the same direction that Sanji went to, " Then i guess i will come along too" stated Robin with her iconic smile, "I'll join you too" exclaimed Chopper, " Nice!! Robin and Chopper, Now I won't get worried over Zoro getting lost in (Y/N)'s body" giggled Nami, and this how the three of them got spreated from You, Nami, Luffy, Usopp, Brook and Law. You looked at them, feeling so touched, when you felt a tap in your shoulder, you looked up and Brook was smiling to you, " (Y/N)-san, Don't worry, everything is going to be alright", you noded in response and continued walking along with everyone else.
On the other side, Sanji was walking alone, and speaking to himself, " Kiso, Kiso Kiso!! Why did I stare at her like this?! Am I stupid, UGH!! This is not her fault, I have to look for this bastard who made my (Y/N)~chan Suffer like this". " OI Ero Cook!!" Called Zoro from away of course with your vocie, Sanji got chills at hearing this name from your angelic voice, ( and Literally looked like this👇🏻)
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he turned back and angryly argued with Zoro, "Oiii Temae Marimo!, Stop talking like this in my (Y/N)-chan's body!", "HuH?! Don't order me around, you made (Y/N) cry!", exclaimed Zoro, and Sanji froze, he made his beautiful (Y/N)-chan cry, " She thinks that you hate her now" continued Chopper. "W-what....No no there is no way i would hate her just bcs of an unexpected incident like this I-", said Sanji when he got interrupted by Robin, " We know Sanji, you love her So much, but first let's get her and Zoro's bodies back, i think i know how" ,everyone looked at Robin who pointed at a medium size Castle located over a high hill, "What do you mean Robin-chan?" Asked Sanji, "I'm saying that Zoro's and (Y/N)'s body swap's cause can be from there, it seems suspicious, maybe they were effected by a type of magician spell", explained Robin, " But couldn't it be because of Torao's df? I mean he cant swtich bodies too" said Chopper, " We already asked him, it wasn't him", confirmed Zoro, " actullay its obvious that he's not the one who did this, back then at Punk hazard Toroa-kun swtiched your bodies,he didn't swap them, at that time your voices, abilities have all swtiched to the other person's body, however in (Y/N)'s and Zoro's case, their minds got swapped only, even their voices haven't changed", explained Robin again. Everyone understood the difference and decided to head to the abandoned strange castle.
Coming back to you and the others, You were walking ahead as well, and coincidentally spotted the castle, Nami thought in the same thing as Robin, in which, the cause of your body swap might be from that castle. It didn't take much time until you met with Sanji's Team infront of the castle's gate, the atmosphere was so akward, especially between you and Sanji, he didn't even look at you, you did the same too. Everyone was silent, until Sanji spoke up, " (Y/N)-CHAN!), I LOVE YOU! I'LL GET YOUR BEAUTIFUL BODY BACK So please.... Ehum... don't.. don't misunderunstand my previous reaction.....it wasn't intentional..." He said aloud not looking at you, a pinkish blush spreaded over your cheeks, and made a smile appear on your face. Form this point, the Monster trio went ahead first and the rest of you followed them to the abandoned castle, and it didn't take alot of time for you all to reach to the villian, who was a mid-aged magician. He sarcastically laughed at all of you, taking a looked at both of you and Zoro, he scoffed, " Well well, never thought that my spell would work essentially on pirates, especially the famous Strawhats pirates hahahahahahahahahaha", Sanji got more agitated, his vines even popped up, "You Bastard!! Bring (Y/N)-chan's body back!!" He yelped, but only to get spelled by the magician, " W-What the! I- I can't move!!!", Exclaimed Sanji, you along with Luffy Nami, Usopp and Chopper called out Sanji's name, the magician mocked once again, " of course, You won't be able to move, my spells are unbreakable, unless if i broke them myself, plus i don't need their bodies swapped anymore, I got enough negative energy from them, and its boring that everyone knows about it now" as he threw another spell over you and Zoro, However, Both of you fell down unconscious immediately, "ZORO!!! (Y/N)!!!!!" Screamed Luffy, Sanji wasn't able to move, he yelped your name desperately unable to do anything, the rest of the crew came infront of your unconscious bodies and protected them, " How dare you touch my Nakama!!!! I'll beat you!!!!", Said Luffy angrly, but Little everyone knew, your bodies came back to each other.
This is how the fight started between Luffy and the Magician, it was true that Luffy had a hard time adjusting to his attacks and repelling his spells, however, he mangaed to fight him until he sent the magician flying away from the castle, and since the magician went unconscious, the spell that was controlling over Sanji was broken, now he's free, he ran immediately to everyone who gathered around both of you, gladly Zoro was able to wake up quickly, So Chopper immediately called him with your name thinking that you're still under the spell, " (Y/N)!!! (Y/N)!!" He called with tears filling his eyes, " Oi Chopper its me Zoro, phew~ I got my body back" Zoro smiled like an idiot as he looks at himself, Sanji was relieved that Marimo is back to his body, but his eyes immediately turned to your unconscious figure, until you jolted a bit and your eyes flattered open, you holded his suit and pulled yourself to his embrace, " Sanjii....., Sweetheart I'm back....." You cried as you giggled, his arms immediately pulled you even closer, he kissed your head and then scanned you, " Are you feeling okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Let Chopper check on you-", he said until he got interrupted by your finger that was placed on his lips, " Shhhh.....I don't need check ups....just let us stay like this for a while, its enough to charge me" as you snuggled to him, Now Sanji felt more guilty bcs of his attitude towards you earlier so he muttered a sorry beneath his breath as he stroked your hair, but you shook your head, "Don't apologize, I would react like you if i was in your shoes... I know you meant no harm, so don't blame yourself", he was silent for few seconds, but then cupped your cheeks and leaned to give you a passionate kiss, it lasted for a while before hearing a Loud Ehum from a certain long nose guy, everyone giggled and decided to return to Sunny go leaving this cursed Island, of course your prince carried you in a bridal style all the way to the ship and showered you with affection for the rest of the night 💙🌌🙆🏻‍♀️
The End
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Yu, Raine Rai :)
-> The Duskwood Detectives Inc.
I think it's not bad to adress both of you, since I imagine both of you will get and read the letter.
First of all, hey Rainer, nice to finally 'meet' you. (Not literally, but yeah) Don't worry, I think all of us know that shit which sometimes takes whole days of our lifes ;)
Then again to the whole situation with you, Yuvon...Actually I really enjoy playing chess. I'm no master, but my father taught me when I was little and yeah. But I don't think that I'll be thrown into the same situation and the same place as you. I mean, it wouldn't make any sense, would it? Why should an entity try and let the things happen in my life like they do, when someone would want to bring me somewhere else.
[What seems like a whole paragraph is really blacked out, you can only see that some lines seemed to be a bit shaky]
Sorry about that. I just started to get a bit angry. The whole stasis thing does take it's toll as it seems. I cannot write clean or good when I am angry.
What I wanted to write was, that I didn't manage to get in contact with anyone else yet. And luckily didn't get any more 'Unknown' messages or calls. So yeah, that's good for me I guess. I just have a feeling that this could end soon, but who knows. Let's hope for the best.
If you figure out anymore, Yu, let us know, okay?
And Rai, if something even weirder than normal happens, I guess we're here. [A laughing face is drawn here]
Bye you two,
Ps. Jake, I stay with my claim of the last letter. My Jake was sweet when he acted jealous xD
Yeah, maybe I freaked out prematurely. You have your own stasis weirdness going on, it wouldn't make sense for you to be pulled here too. I'm still worried about Rai, though.
I've found the same thing. Entities messing with your life and your sanity is, SHOCKINGLY, not the greatest thing for your mental health XD
I guess nothing happening is better than you being threatened again...? Ugh, everything sucks. I'm going to assume that means Darkness was in stasis too, then?
Is there any particular reason you feel like things are coming to an end, or is it just intuition? I've been getting some weird feelings along those lines, lately. To be specific, I felt like something was ended when I finally spoke to Jake about everything, but now I just feel... stuck. Given just how little progress I've made recently, maybe I'm in stasis too.
Wow, way to make myself paranoid, me. I'm not gonna stop obsessing over that thought for a while now.
I asked the Crow Crew whether any of them like chess, by the way. Luckily, they're used to me asking random questions for no actual reason, so no one but Jake thought anything of it.
Likes chess + is good/not bad at it: Thomas, Jessy, Jake
Likes/neutral towards chess and/or bad at it: Cleo, Lilly
Dislikes chess: Dan
Jake tried to avoid answering at first, probably trying not to worry me or something, but cracked fairly quickly. Dan actually graced us with his presence long enough to tease me about the randomness of the question and answer it before dropping again. What the hell is up with him, anyhow? Whatever, wrong time.
As for your post-script, Jake says he's flattered, but is pointing out that he isn't "your" Jake. Since, just from what little we've seen, there seems to be some slight differences in Jakes from universe to universe, he's
Wow okay that was blunt.
Basically, he's suggesting that you tell your own Jake that as well once we either end the stasis or get at least him to be contactable. Speaking of, how's the #IAmJake movement doing? If the neighborhood boys forgot the stickers as soon as they placed them, it'd be interesting to know what happened to the people who signal-boosted the movement, and if any of them can contact Lilly.
—Yu and Jake
(The letter tucks itself in the paper clip with the others.)
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robbiessutcliffe · 6 years
There For You // Noah X M!MC
A/N : I've been replaying It Lives In The Woods, and I just played the third chapter last night… It got to the part where Noah was talking about his family, and it gave me this idea! Also, the scene at the beginning doesn't have the exact conversation that Noah and the MC actually have, because I didn't think to take screenshots, so… A lot of it is different, but I put most elements of it in there.
Also, this is my first Choices fic ever, so… It's probably not all that great! I will happily take any constructive criticism you have that will help me improve in my writing skills.
Pairing : Noah x M!MC (Alexei)
Summary : Things have been getting harder for Noah at home with everything going on… So who better to go to than his most trusted friend, Alexei?
Word Count : 2,913
Warnings : There is some profanity (not too much), and some talk of emotional/verbal abuse and such. It doesn't focus on these topics too much, but still a fair warning!
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Alexei walked through Gunther’s hardware store, glancing around the shelves for anything that could help them on this ‘mission’ into the woods. Ava, Andy, and Noah were all somewhere else in the store as well, getting ready for their trek. None of them knew what was going to face them, which had to be the most nerve wracking part of this.
A soft sigh slipped past his lips, when he noticed Noah standing in one of the aisles. The other male looked distracted by his thoughts, his chocolate eyes glazed over as he looked over the contents of the shelves. Alexei couldn't blame him though. With everything suddenly going on, it made plenty of sense to be lost in thought.
He stepped down the aisle and stood next to his old friend, though the slightly taller teen didn't seem to notice him. So, Alexei nudged his side softly, looking at him, “Hey, it'll be okay. We'll find Dan, and everything should go back to normal.”
Finally, Noah looked up, frowning a little bit as he looked at his friend, “Normal as in… Before all of this started happening again?” He asked, voice soft, as if he was hesitant to ask the question.
Alexei tilted his head, not seeming to understand the meaning behind the question, “Well, yeah. There isn't really any other normal anymore…” He said with a soft shrug. When Noah didn't reply, he finally seemed to understand, “Maybe not normal. It won't all be magically solved. But even if it is, it still won't be normal. Because this time, we'll stay together.” He promised.
Noah looked over Alexei, as if searching for any trace that those words were simply meant to make him feel better. After a few moments, he looked away again. “You know, after… everything happened when we were younger, it didn't feel like I just lost Jane, but everyone. I lost our entire group, and my mom blames me for what happened to Jane, and for Dad leaving…”
“Oh, Noah…” Alexei frowned, running his hand through his spiked up blonde hair as he shook his head, “I'm sure she doesn't actually blame you for anything.”
“No, she does. She's told me, to my face, a countless number of times,” He admitted, a rueful and strained smile spreading over his lips, “She hates me. She's said that, too.” He said in a grim tone. He didn't actually seem bothered by those words as they left his mouth. And perhaps that's because he wasn't. After all, he had already become accustomed to the thought of being completely alone and hated.
The frown on Alexei’s lips deepened upon hearing this. He didn't know what to say. He felt guilty for these feelings that plagued Noah, because he knew he should have reached out to him. He should have tried to help him. But he let his own guilt over his Jane's death keep him away from his old friend, “I'm… I'm so sorry, Noah. I had no idea. But you know that I'll always be there for you, right? If you ever need anything, and I mean literally anything, you can come to me. Because you never lost me. I can promise you that.”
Hearing those words come from his friend really did make Noah feel better. But he didn't know how to respond, and how to get that across in words. He didn't know how to say that even though they had only really started talking again the day before, and even with everything else going on, Alexei made things feel… lighter. Like he could actually let go of his worries, and try to be happy. How could one say that? Especially when he didn't know what his friend's response to such a thing would be.
So, he ended up putting up the sarcastic wall that he always seemed to have up, and gave Alexei a soft, slightly forced, smirk as he said, “That was corny as hell, you know that, right?”
The other male let out a little laugh, rolling his eyes as he shoved Noah a little bit, “Seriously, Noah, I was just trying to have a moment with you!”
Just as Noah was about to respond, a light pink blush spreading over his cheeks, the pair heard Ava call from where she was, across the store, “Hey, Alexei!” She called out. With one last smile towards Noah, Alexei headed over to the goth girl, leaving Noah alone with his thoughts again.
- - - (the night before Britney's party)
A few days had passed since that night in the hardware store, and things had only gotten worse for the entire group. But, then again, it was nice to be with the entire group again, Alexei thought. Unlike most of the others, excluding Noah and Ava, of course, Alexei hadn't really made any other friends, so once again being with the others, who were practically family to him after everything they had gone through together, was a relief, no matter what was going on.
But tonight was one of the nights that they could all at least kind of relax. And that's exactly what Alexei was planning on doing. Already, he had sacrificed most of his free day to scour through the documents that he and the others had retrieved to look for any sort of clue as to what was going on, but he had found almost nothing. Not to mention, standing on his feet in the shed all day didn't help all that much.
Now it was almost midnight, and Alexei was ready to let himself fall asleep. In fact, he was just about to go to sleep. Hilda was out in the shed, where he usually let her sleep, with Kurtis, the baby crow that he had rescued, as well. After going out and saying a quick goodnight to both of them (and giving them both some extra food), he headed back inside, with Church the kitten on his shoulder.
After making sure all of the lights were off in the house, and all of the doors and windows were closed and locked, he started heading up to his room. He was just starting to get under his blankets when he heard sudden barking coming from outside. Eyes widening in alarm, he quickly kicked back his blankets, leaving Church on the bed, before running downstairs. Out of instinct, he grabbed the first thing he could think of to guard himself from whatever intruder there was. Unfortunately, his baseball bat was out in the shed, so… He was instead stuck with a broom.
Underneath the barking and growling, he could hear something. Or maybe… someone? “Hey, dog, calm down— I'm just here to see Alexei—” A voice scolded, trying his hardest to calm the black and white guard dog down. Even from inside, Alexei could recognize that voice.
Sighing, he propped the broom up against the wall and walked to the door, swinging it open without hesitation. Hilda was backed up close to the door, her ears flattened back as she watched the tall and lanky silhouette trying to approach.
“Hey, Hildy, it's okay. He's a friend,” Alexei assured quickly as he exited the house, scratching the dog behind her ears gently to calm her down. He then looked up at Noah, a little frown playing at his lips. “Noah, what the hell? You do know what time it is, right?” He questioned, unable to keep the slight annoyance out of his tone.
Noah looked down at the porch with a little frown, pulling his backpack a little higher up on his back by the left strap, “Uh, yeah… I know, it's… really late. But…” He bit his lip softly, hesitating for a moment before he continued, his voice barely above a whisper, “It's just… Is your offer still on the table? You know, for if I ever needed anything?”
It took a moment before Alexei registered what must have been going on. It was Friday, so Noah really didn't need his backpack, unless he was running away from home or something of the sort. Not to mention, why else would he show up in the middle of the night?
As soon as he realized, his features softened, and he immediately regretted his original annoyed tone. “Of course, Noah. I said that I'd always be here, and I meant it.” He said. Without another word, he opened the door all the way for Noah to come in. Quickly, he told Hilda to go back to her bed in the shed, before turning back to look at Noah.
“You… don't have to answer, but, if you're comfortable telling me… What happened?” He questioned after closing the front door.
For a moment, Noah hesitated, which was obviously understandably. But, in the end, he seemed to decide that it'd be best to simply tell him. “Ah… Well, mom got drunk, and… She just said the usual things, and then some. She's not all that happy that I'm hanging out with you guys again, because you were around when everything happened, so she must have convinced herself that you were part of it too.” He shrugged, before shoving his hands in his jacket pockets as he continued, eyes downcast, “And, well… I couldn't really handle it anymore. I thought I was used to it, but, with everything going on…” He trailed off, his voice breaking slightly.
He could handle his mother telling him that it was all his fault, because he was used to that. But when she started to put that blame and hatred onto his friends, he simply couldn't take that.
Alexei listened silently and patiently, not saying a word even through the slight pauses. Even when he was sure that Noah was finished, he didn't know what to say. So, he said nothing. Instead, he pulled the other male into a tight and comforting hug. It only lasted for a second, not even long enough for Noah to react, before Alexei quickly pulled back. Luckily for him, they were still in a rather dark room, so the light redness that started to dust across his cheeks wasn't too visible.
“Well, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need. My parents are out on a business trip for a month, or probably more… They'd probably be alright with you staying even longer after that, if you need to,” Alexei said softly, inspecting Noah. He took special notes of how slouched Noah seemed to be compared to usual, and how there were obvious dark circles under his eyes the closer he looked. Part of him felt ashamed for not noticing these things over the course of the past few days.
“Oh, no— I won't be here that long, I just need some time away from home,” Noah said quickly. He could practically feel Alexei's worried gaze slipping over him, but he pretended not to notice.
After a few short moments, filled with a slightly uncomfortable silence, Alexei cleared his throat and nodded towards the stairs, “Come on, it's late, and we're going to need some sleep for tomorrow.” He said, starting to walk up to the second level, until he glanced at Noah, “Uhm, do you want me to set the guest room up? Or you could sleep in my room for the night,” He offered, before continuing, “I'll make a pallet thing on the floor to sleep on, so you can take the bed.”
When Noah didn't respond, he assumed that that meant something like yes. So he went quiet again, going to his room and flicking on the lights. The fairy lights criss-crossing the ceiling flickered on, glowing with a soft white light. A soft mew came from the black bundle curled up on Alexei's pillow.
Quickly, Alexei started to gather things to make a makeshift bed for himself on the ground, while Noah quickly went into the adjoined bathroom and changed into the pajamas that he had brought. As he walked out, Alexei was busying himself with trying to get one of the blankets perfectly straight on the floor, looking up when Noah came out.
A small smile curved up one corner of his lips. “Am I ever going to see you without that beanie?” He asked teasingly, clearly amused by the fact that Noah seemed to be planning on sleeping in it. Yet the only response he got was a soft chuckle and stuck out tongue.
Even with Alexei's joking, Noah was still a little on edge. He glanced around the room, recalling the last time that he was up here. Or at this house at all, really. It felt strange, but also right, in some weird way. But even with Alexei's friendliness, there was one thing that still bothered him.
“I can't make you sleep on the ground,” He finally commented as he watched Alexei.
At those words, the other boy looked up, raising his eyebrows slightly before shaking his head, “No, Noah, it's fine. You take the bed.” He said in a determined tone.
Despite that reassurance, Noah was still not too happy with that response. He sighed softly, looking down at his hands. For a long moment, he seemed to have an internal debate with himself, before looking back up at Alexei, “God, you're actually going to make me say it—” He muttered, in a feeble attempt to try making his request seem less awkward than he thought that it was. It took him a second to breath in, before he said quickly and softly, “I… don't want to sleep alone.”
This time, Alexei understood the underlying request. Which was lucky for both of them, really, otherwise it could have gone on for a while longer, only getting more awkward. “Oh,” was the only response he was able to muster at first, trying to fight back the blush that threatened to appear on his face.
Noah, thinking that he had made a mistake, quickly spoke up again, “You don't have to, of course. Even if you did, I didn't really mean, like, right next to each other… Or, I mean, I can sleep on the ground instead if you aren't okay with it at all—” He was about to continue on with his rambling, when Alexei interrupted him.
“No, dumbass, I didn't say no. I'm perfectly okay with it,” He said with a soft smile, straightening up, “We used to sleep together as kids, remember? Because your parents didn't want a boy sleeping in the same bed as Jane?” He said with a soft smile upon thinking of the memories. He spent many nights at the Marshall household, to spend time with the twins.
Noah chuckled softly at the memory, nodding a little bit, “Yeah… They were kind of over protective of her, even though we were just eight or nine.” He murmured, willing his voice not to crack or break. And yet, it did.
Alexei heard the crack in Noah's voice, though he said nothing. He quietly scooped up the blankets, putting aside the extra ones he had grabbed, before nodding to the bed with a soft smile, “Are you gonna lay down, or are you planning on sleeping sitting up?” He joked as he started to lay down. The response he got was a soft chuckle, but Noah did lay down next to him, seeming to deliberately put at least a few inches between them. Together, they looked up at the fairy lights strewn across the ceiling, comfortable in the silence.
“Hey, Alexei…” Noah murmured after a few moments had passed, turning his head to look at the other male. He didn't wait for a response before continuing, “I just wanted to thank you… For everything. For tonight, and the past few days, and when we were younger. You've always been there for me…” He mumbled, glancing away for just a second as his eyes met with Alexei's cinnamon brown eyes.
A soft smile spread across Alexei's lips, and he shook his head softly, “You have no reason to thank me. I'm just doing what any friend would do.” He said, as Noah rolled his eyes. That was one thing that Noah did not like about Alexei. He always deflected any thanks that he got. Though, when he heard the word ‘friend,’ that slight annoyance turned to disappointment.
There was a moment of silence, before Noah seemed to make up his mind. He had already spoken his mind once tonight, he could do it again, he decided. “Just… friends? I mean, obviously, I'm fine with that, but, I don't know—”
He was cut off when Alexei shook his head, nudging him with his shoulder as he yawned, “No, Noah, not just friends. I had hoped that would be painfully obvious.” He said, clicking off the fairy lights. “Now, we need sleep. At least, I do. You interrupted me earlier, after all.” He murmured, turning on his side.
Noah was a little surprised by this. He hadn't exactly gotten the most forward answer ever, but… He thought that seemed to be a good answer? But, after a moment, he decided not to dwell on it. Instead, he turned on his side, getting ready to fall asleep. When an arm wrapped around his waist, and pulled him closer, he had no complaints.
For now, he'd just settle for this.. Just one person, who he knew would always be there for him. That's all he needed to set his mind at ease as he fell into a peaceful sleep.
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hui-ing · 3 years
I'm doing fine, thank you 😁😁 Also, apologies for the late reply t_t
All of those sound extra delicious!! About the pancakes, that's too bad 😪. I see the eggs and sausages for breakfast, they would make a good one with baked beans on the side!! Ahh, frosty never works well with me so I'll keep that in mind~~ Other than camping, what's other things you would like to do that was otherwise hindered by the virus???? (I'm not sure if I asked you this, if yes then sorry TT). I would like to attend some music festivals and go on picnics (the second one was planned earlier but didn't occur, maybe in the near weeks!) + Have you camped in a foreign country you travelled too??
Awwn that sweet! I don't know if I have seen Life of Birds but I should check that out! I cry easily, despite the huffing, pouting and rapid blinking to stop those tiny tears so I sometimes I end up crying- a latest one was narrated by David Attenborough where he described how these walrus's space to mate and rest was taken away (human interference). Because of this, they had to cramp on a tiny island where there was a lack of space and baby walruses could get trampled by other huge males + This was the part that made me shed some tears: some walruses, in order to enjoy some space for themselves would climb the cliffs but one, their body is not made for that and two, they would take the easiest way down, by falling down the cliff. But since their body could not handle it, they would die and it opened my crying eyes, especially when they showed a picture of the walruses at the bottom of the cliff, dead. (I sniffle as I write this)
On a happier note though, there are really cute ones like (I'm not sure if this is the Life of Birds one, probably not) some birds have unique mating dances?? They showed this beautiful black bird, clearing the area- it's dance floor and then when a female birds appeared, it spread it's wings and started dancing! On the dance floor! It was such a cute sight~~ There was also another where the bird's younger siblings (?) or junior members of the same species helped the bird with his dance and left the ending for him! CUTE!
Oh that is true, you should definitely check with someone who is credible but that's not great especially since they cost money 💸💸💸
Ahhhh, I see I see~~~ Playing in a group reminds me of when I would attend orchestra ( I feel kinda old as I say this, maybe I should join one hehe). I'm not sure how to describe the feeling but it's beautiful when you play with other people, when you bring a piece together in such a way that it reflects the originality of the composer's probable ideas with the piece itself but also contains your own charm to it, you know???? I enjoy playing on my own but I don't mind, playing with other's too!
Red is a favourite colour of mine + I also like combining colours that wouldn't usually be combined!
Hello! Sorry it took a while to respond, I kept putting it off because I hadn't made the moodboard yet 😅
I've never camped in a different country, but I think it would be really cool to do that someday! The pandemic has messed with a lot of stuff but for me some of the big things are concerts, visiting faraway family, and taking classes in person (online school is... not for me. I miss going to college and taking the bus places 😭)
Omg that's so sad :( I know there are tons of species that humans are pushing into smaller and smaller (and more inhospitable) spaces, but it really hurts harder when you see exactly how it impacts them... learning about animals is so cool though, there are so many interesting things about them! The "social lives" of things like birds and fish, animals that people don't think of as being on the same level as mammals, can be really fascinating - corvids in particular (crows and ravens and such) are very intelligent!
Yeah playing music with other people is really something special! I think music is kind of essential to human nature, and sharing it with others builds a sort of connection to the others, to the world around you, and to the self (if that makes sense?), it's a really good and important experience I think. Do you have a favorite kind of music that you like to play, like classical, folk, etc?
I hope you're having a good day! I'll put up the moodboard I made for you in just a sec - it didn't end up being red because I couldn't find pictures that went with the ideas I had, but hopefully you like it anyway <3
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writeyouin · 8 years
I'm sorry, I don't really understand how submitting works, but I would really love something where the reader and Newt are really close and Queenie, recognizing a mutal attraction between the two, often teases & eventually gets them together. Thx!
Newt Scamander X Reader – A Little Pressure
A/N – I hope this is along the lines of what you mean, it was a toughie to write but one I was happy to finish.
Warnings – Single mention of dementia.
Rating – T
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Queenie flitted absentmindedly around the enclosures within Newt’s case, reminiscing the short time Jacob had spent there. Newt, Tina, and yourself had offered to leave her alone for a while but she’d declined the offer, insisting that she took comfort in your presence; in truth, she disliked the silence of being alone, even when nobody was speaking she took solace in hearing people’s unguarded thoughts.
All three of your voices filled Queenie’s mind now, stronger thoughts taking precedence over the others.
“-have to find that escaped wizard, he’s a danger to himself.” Tina’s voice resounded worriedly as she thought once again about Yusuf Talim. Yusuf was an old wizard suffering from the later stages of dementia. He had recently escaped the American branch of St Mungo’s with a stolen wand and the Auror’s had been assigned the task of locating him. Tina had been concerned with his safety ever since, reviewing the case repeatedly in the hopes of finding something new. Queenie considered reassuring her sister but decided against it, knowing that nothing would help until Yusuf was safe and sound again.
“- I should ask now.” Newt’s much less confident voice broke through. “No… (s)he’d hate that… (s)he’d hate me.”
Queenie couldn’t help the warm smile that lit up her face. Although she didn’t know what Newt was thinking about yet, she’d grown used to his constant inner arguments and conversations; she guessed that so much time spent alone made him converse with himself more than other people did.
“Why? Why would you risk jeopardising your friendship?”
Queenie listened intently, eager to know the topic of his discussion.
“Because… (Y/N)’s always been there for me, (s)he doesn’t think I’m a freak like other people do… (S)he’s like sunshine… I want us to stay together… Forever.”
Queenie looked over to you. You were on the other side of the case, using spellotape to temporarily patch up the tattered wall of the Savannah enclosure until Newt had time to fix it. She focused on you, listening to the thoughts on your mind. As it were, you were just mentally humming along to George Olsen’s “Just a Little Thing Called Rhythm.”
Queenie shook her head dispiritedly, while she was sure you had consumed most of Newt’s thoughts, she wondered if he was ever in yours; up until now, you did seem to be a little dense when it came to romance.
She approached Newt, startling him when she spoke, “You should tell (Y/N) how you feel honey, I’m sure it’d be better than constantly worrying about it.”
“Wha- I-” Newt stumbled, before sighing and slumping despondently against the nearest rock, “(S)he doesn’t like me that way…”
“Have you asked?”
“I don’t need to. We’ve worked together for a year now… I’d know if-” He stopped, unable to finish the sentence.
“What if (Y/N) feels the same way hmm? Maybe (s)he’s too scared to say as well.”
Newt shook his head rapidly, resembling some of the creature’s he spent so much time with.
“We’ll never find out this way.” Queenie tutted impatiently. “(Y/N).” She shouted, gaining both your attention and Tina’s.
Newt shot up, panic stricken, “Q-Queenie what are you doing? Queenie!” He spoke in a hushed, agitated tone.
Queenie ignored him, “(Y/N), Newt wanted to know something. Would you consider-” She paused for effect, “-working with dragons?”
Newt released a strained breath.
You grinned excitedly, “Sure, I’d love to. Think we could, Newt?”
Newt squeaked something along the lines of a ministry ban, puzzling you further.
“Alright.” You huffed. “Why bother asking then?”
Queenie turned to Newt again, “Newton Scamander,” she bubbled, “if it takes me all my best efforts, I will get you to confess your feelings to (Y/N). Excuse me.”
She skipped away, leaving Newt to sweat nervously next to the Bowtruckle tree which Pickett was trying desperately to escape from, “You know Pickett… I’m afraid she really means that.”
Pickett nodded in agreement, making a big swing from a branch onto Newt’s arm as they watched Queenie walk away.
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As time passed, Queenie grew bored of waiting for Newt to confess his feelings towards you. As such, she’d resorted using whatever methods necessary to get the two of you together. Sometimes, she wondered whether she was doing the right thing but she’d quickly remind herself that if she left the two of you alone, you would both waste too much time awaiting one-another.
After several weeks and numerous failed attempts, Queenie pondered her next course of action. So far, she’d tried a love potion, a truth potion, spells to trip him on top of you, and the excessive use of mistletoe; none of which went according to plan. That left only one more scheme, one that was so simple, she couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of it before. Jealousy. However, there was limited time left to act as the ship bound for England was due to be in port in two days. With that in mind Queenie prepared a delectable meal for the three of you which could be described as nothing less than a miniature feast; Tina was staying late at work to finish some paperwork on Mr Talim who’d finally been captured and given a safer room within the St Mungo’s.
“So, (Y/N),” Queenie smiled genially at the dinner table where the three of you had slipped into casual conversation about anything and everything, “are you looking forward to England?”
“Yes.” You beamed, enrapturing Newt who suddenly seemed to forget his surroundings. “I can’t wait to see Newt’s book published, right Newt?”
“Hmm? Oh, r-right.” He blushed sheepishly.
“That’s nice.” Queenie remarked, moving on to the next phase of her plan. “What about romance (Y/N)? Anyone caught your eye?”
Clear images of Newt tending to his ‘children’ filled your mind’s eye, “No.” You lied breezily. “Can’t say anyone has.”
Newt relaxed, thankful that he didn’t have to picture you in the arms of somebody else.
“That’s fantastic.” Queenie pushed on.
“It is?” Your brow creased in confusion.
“Uh-huh. See, I have a pen-pal who used to work for the ACUSA and is now working for the Ministry of Magic and he’s simply dying to meet you, considering you’re not with anybody that is.”
“Oh um- Queenie, that’s really sweet of you but I’m uh, not really interested right now.”
“Are you sure? I mean, he’s exactly who I’d picture you with. He’s tall and handsome with a really great personality-”
Newt zoned out, unable to hear more about a man who was surely better for you than he could ever be. There was so much he wanted to end in that moment, the conversation, the uncomfortable expression in place of your usual smile, and the claustrophobic weight pressing down on him took priority on the growing list.
“Stop.” Newt mumbled, almost silently. When neither you or Queenie heard him, he shouted it, pushing up from the table with the loud scrape of his chair.
You shrunk away from his thunderous roar, a sound you’d never thought capable from the ever-gentle Newt.
“Newt,” You whispered cautiously, “are you feeling okay?”
“N-no (Y/N). I don’t- I can’t-” He couldn’t meet your eyes as he gripped the table for support.
“I don’t understand. What’re you trying to say? What do you want?”
“You.” He finished suddenly.
When you didn’t respond, Newt stalked out of the room with a strangled cry of, “I need to pack.”
“You feelin’ okay honey?” Queenie asked, struggling to make sense of your jumbled thoughts.
“Uh- No. Sorry Queenie, I need to talk to him, excuse me.” You left Queenie, heading to the room you and Newt had been sharing since Jacob left.
When you got there, Newt was nowhere to be found but his case was lying unclasped in the middle of the floor. You climbed in, heading straight for the animals where Newt always went when troubled. Sure enough, Newt was hunched on the floor, against the Occamy nest with his head in his hands, murmuring despondently to himself while various creatures surrounded him.
“I couldn’t have made it worse if I tried. Not only does (s)he know but you should have seen it… I never meant to scare (Y/N) like that.”
“You didn’t scare me.” You whispered quietly.
Newt lifted his head quickly, showing red stains where tears had fallen, “(Y/N)!”
“I was worried about you… I know you sometimes prefer being left alone but I’d like to talk if you’ll let me.”
Newt sat silently, awaiting your judgement.
“We’ve been travelling together for about a year now and you’ve never given any indication that you were interested in me so what’s going on?”
“(Y/N)… I was so afraid to tell you… so afraid that you’d treat me like everyone else did… so afraid that you’d leave. I always p-promised myself that one day I’d work up the c-c-courage to- But, when we were travelling it was all so s-secluded, there was no other wizard who could take you away from me. I don’t- No… I can’t see you with anybody else.”
“Then just say the words Newt. Say the words and I’ll be yours.” Your eyes bore into his, begging for something you were sure you wanted more than anything else at that moment.
“W-what words do you want to hear?”
“Whatever comes to your mind first.”
Newt was sure there were people who, if put in the same situation, could cite sonnets or powerful speeches that would move even the most stone-hearted of people but in that moment, he knew the only words that came to mind and he hoped they were what you longed to hear, “I- I love you.”
You bent down to his level, “I love you too.” You grinned weakly, grazing your lips lightly against his. Various crowing, howling, and squeaks erupted from the surrounding creatures until Newt was forced to quiet them by pulling away from you. The two of you sat in complete elation, content to simply be in one-another’s presence. Meanwhile, Queenie listened to the ecstatic thoughts coming from the confines of the case, proud of the night’s progress and the news she’d have for her sister when she came back.
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