#I'm still proud of that XD Shush
unhingedselfships · 2 years
hydrangea for maji, carnation for aki, aster for kir, sage for dai? ♡
This one got long XD the other 3 are under the cut c:
Hydrangea– What’s something about you only s/i understands? What do only you understand about s/i?
Majima is settled on the middle seat of the overstuffed couch, arms stretched across the back. Kimi is flopped to his side, head resting on the arm, and legs across his lap.
He grins, about to answer, before sputtering indignantly as her bare toes press into his cheek, cutting off whatever he was going to say.
"Ya didn' let me say anything!" 
She grins at his indignation, "Didn't have to, I know you. Whatever you were gonna say was gonna be complete bull so you could avoid anything resembling real vulnerability."
He glares flatly down at her, but her grin never wavers.
Her face softens as she begins to answer on his behalf, "we both share this sort of… We have what most people would consider odd feelings, about our respective appearances."
He winces, "Do ya have ta go there?"
"Shush. Anyway. Neither of us is exactly… happy. With our appearance. Or at least parts of it. We have things we do like, and are proud of, though that can fluctuate. But there is plenty we don't like as well. To put it gently. And yet, we're both very appearance driven people."
She shifts, turning to settle into his side, "Its kind of hard to explain? Or maybe that's just me? But we both like to put in a lot of effort, even knowing that because of how we feel, we'll probably end up let down. I don't think a lot of people quite get that... That we're not being vain, but trying to mask, to hide, the things we can't stand," she glances up at Majima, "Or put them out on display as a weird sort of act of rebellion."
She glances up at Majima, who is pointedly looking across the room.
Stifling a giggle, she shares in a conspiratorial whisper, “He doesn’t really do vulnerability.”
He gives an indignant “Oi!” and she cackles as he playfully shoves her into the floor.
Carnation– What’s something about s/i that fascinates you?
Akiyama gives a wry grin, "this girl's sleep patterns are absolutely insane. I'm not the best at keeping a regular schedule either, but she puts me to shame. I have no clue how she functions."
(A faint shout of "I don't" can be heard in the distance)
Aster– What would you consider a symbol of your relationship with s/i?
Kiryu blinks, his brow furrowing. His eyes quickly dart down to the simple band on his finger, then back up.
K snorts, leaning over the back of his chair, "Yeah the rings are a literal symbol. I think they want something more well… symbolic? Maybe." She shrugs.
He closes his eyes, that contemplative-concentration look he gets when he tries to remember something settling over his features. 
K jolts slightly as Kiryu's eyes suddenly pop back open, and he gives a small self satisfied smile. 
It takes him just a moment to dig into a pocket before presenting a battered old key chain, with a single key on it, "It's the key to the house we share," he clarifies, "but-"
"You still have that old thing!?" She cuts him off, then turns sheepish, "ah, sorry."
He snorts lightly, rolling his eyes, "Of course I still have it. You gave it to me. I still don't really get it."
"Oh," a soft flush on her face, "Well is a monkey, like you. Your Chinese zodiac I mean. Earth monkey specifically, so it was too perfect to pass up."
He eyes the dangling gift, a cutesy monkey face, with a little dark green stone dangling from its own loop of the same chain.
"Did you really never…" she trails off.
"You must have been so confused," the start of a giggle in her voice.
It was his turn to ignore an embarrassed blush, "You gave it to me," he repeated, "It didn't matter what it was supposed to mean."
Sage– If you and s/i could live together, forever as immortals, would you do it? Why or why not?
Daigo tilts his head, gaze distant and thoughtful, "I know this is something she thinks about. It's a nice thought, in theory. Spending eternity together. As a fantasy, But in reality? I'm not sure she likes the idea if it's grounded in reality. All of eternity, here? Even together, we," he sighs, his whole demeanor shifting to something melancholic, "We're both tired. But I look forward to the years we do have." 
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leap-loves · 3 years
The Armed Dating Agency (Kunikida x S/I, Written in the Waves)
I did not plan on writing this, but got the idea and had to take it and run. Sooo enjoy this! Pre-relationship, and Kunikida is torn between regret and gratitude :P Including an allusion to @singingdeepinme :P
Kunikida was a very predictable man. He didn’t take well to unexpected change, and had a fairly basic routine. He took the same route to and from work, unless he had errands to run, and even then he had his habits there too. He wore the same general outfit to work every day. Same pair of glasses. Everything was constant.
So Dazai was surprised when he noticed something new as Kunikida searched for something in his bag and had to set a few things on his desk, grumbling all the while. Dazai took advantage of his coworker being distracted to ‘sneak’ from his desk and peek over his shoulder at the shiny object that’s on his desk.
When he recognized the shape, Dazai could already feel a grin spreading on his face. And a quick glance to Ranpo, who was glancing over and noticed the same thing, told him that the older detective had the same conclusion.
“Ooo, what’s this~?” Dazai asked, reaching out to poke at the shell shaped charm on Kunikida’s keychain. It didn’t seem too fancy, small enough to easily be hidden in the palm of his hand, and plain silver. Shiny enough to reflect light, but not over polished to be truly reflective.
The blond clearly hadn’t been expecting to have someone right next to him, about dropping the papers he’d finally found back into his bag. “Dazai!” He scolded, trying to hide the fact he’d been startled. When Dazai reached to try and pick up the charm, Kunikida smacked his hand away.
Dazai faked a pout, moving to stand beside Kunikida’s desk. He crossed his arms on the edge of the table, leaning forward to inspect it more that way, even poking at it some. “But really, what is it? Just a little charm? It doesn’t make any sound…”
Kunikida rolled his eyes, setting his bag aside and carefully picked up the shell, opening it up with a little effort. One half of it was a bottle opener, the other half of it was solid.
“And where did you get this?” Dazai asked.
He already had his theories, considering Kunikida wouldn’t really have need of a bottle opener, and would have gone with something less bulky and simpler more than likely. And there’s only one person they know who is always drawn to the ocean.
Kunikida’s cheeks turned a light pink as he snapped the shell shut, ever careful not to damage it though, putting it back into his bag after running his thumb over the texture on top for a moment. He refused to meet his coworker’s gaze as he set his things aside to get ready to work. “It was a gift. From Andersen.”
Rolling his eyes at his stubborn insistence to use her last name even though she’s said before that they can all use her first name, Dazai just gave him a smirk, even moving around to the front of his desk to stay in Kunikida’s line of sight.
“Well that sure was sweet of her~. What’s the occasion?”
The harsh look sent his way didn’t dissuade him, just widening his smile in response.
“There is no occasion. It was just a gift. Simple as that.” The blond tried to insist, leaning forward just a bit as his way of trying to tell Dazai to back off and let him work. But he wasn’t done just yet.
“Hmmm, I guess I’ll just have to ask Christina, then.” Dazai mused, even getting his phone out. He started to text, speaking aloud as he did so. “What is the occasion for the cute shell for Kunikida? He’s all blus-”
Dazai was cut off by Kunikida snatching the phone out of his hand, holding it to the opposite side of him and checking the text, his face a bright red. Though his blush only got worse when realizing that Dazai hadn’t typed what he’d said. Instead it was a normal greeting to their friend, wishing her good luck on her job this morning.
“It sounds like Kunikida’s got a crush~” Ranpo teased from his seat, his feet propped up on his desk while munching on some chips.
“Like you’re one to talk.” Kunikida shot back, just trying to take some of the attention off of himself. It seemed to work for a moment, considering how Ranpo’s cheeks turned a light pink and he sat up more normally, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
“Hey! Don’t go turning this on me, we’re talking about you here, and your obvious crush on Christina!” Ranpo countered, his eyebrows furrowed in a pout.
Still struggling to regain some semblance of composure, Kunikida narrowed his eyes at him, still trying to keep Dazai’s phone out of his hands for the moment. “I do not.” He attempted to argue. And by the look on everyone else’s faces… it was a failed attempt.
Yosano rolled her eyes, having come up from her own office to get some coffee, and stayed once realizing the conversation. “Kunikida, please.” She sighed. “You’re so head over heels for her it’s not even funny. You make sure she doesn’t go overworking herself, which is hilarious coming from you, there’s all those little cafe dates you go on during lunch breaks, and that’s not even mentioning the goody bag you got for her for after she’s used her ability.” She listed off matter of factly, even counting off her evidence on her fingers.
Kenji piped up too, deciding to add his own two cents. “And there’s the hair thing!”
Any control he’d gotten over his blush was lost in the face of this outside perspective, and everyone’s obvious amusement at it didn’t help matters. So he just groaned and put his head in his hands, finally letting Dazai take his phone back. “I hate you all…” He mumbled, but there was no heat behind his words.
Dazai patted his shoulder sympathetically. “You love us. But you have nothing to worry about, we won’t interfere. We don’t have to.” He said, his smirk audible in his tone as he said the last line.
After a heartbeat, Kunikida glanced up at Dazai. “I don’t trust you, but what do you mean?”
Atsushi chimed in a bit hesitantly. “Well… she seems to be a lot closer to you than the rest of us…” He said, beating around the bush.
So it was Ranpo’s turn to pipe up again. “She likes you back. Big time. About as obvious as you, really.” He said simply, tossing another chip in his mouth. “Dunno how you haven’t seen it, she does a pretty bad job hiding it. Obviously.” He pointed towards Kunikida’s bag to prove his point by referencing the small charm that started this whole conversation.
Kunikida returned to hiding in his hands, sighing slowly. He was torn between wishing the conversation would just end, and asking what they suggest he do. Knowing them, it’d likely end up being wildly terrible advice… though it would likely work out in the end…
No one said anything as he seemed to debate this, finally putting his hands down, looking oddly uncertain. “So…?” He asked, knowing they’d understand the unspoken question.
Everyone in the room lit up at his accepting their help, Dazai taking his chance to chime in again first.
“Well obviously, you need to ask her out!” He announced, the others nodding. “I’d suggest going dramatic, maybe a moonlit walk after a romantic candlelit dinner~.”
Yosano hummed thoughtfully, taking a sip of her coffee. “No, Christina doesn’t seem like that kind of woman. Keep it more simple, big gestures might scare her. Invite her out for a drink? Get some liquid courage in your system.”
“Take her to her favorite restaurant!” Ranpo called, his turn punctuated by the sound of him opening his ramune. “Or make her something yourself. The quickest way to the heart is through the stomach!”
“Actually the quickest way to the heart is through the chest.” Yosano corrected, even if that wasn’t the point.
Kenji raised his hand eagerly from his desk “Oo! Back home we’d give our crushes bouquets! And we’d usually bring them something we made!”
Kunikida suddenly regretted accepting their help, pinching the bridge of his nose again. There were so many conflicting suggestions that… honestly had good points.
A romantic dinner is a classic for a reason, right? But as Yosano said, that might be too much, so something a bit more casual might be better. Though, neither of them are really drinkers… Ranpo’s suggestions so far were actually seeming the most promising, and perhaps flowers wouldn’t be a bad idea...
“We’re behind schedule.” Kunikida said after some intense thought, picking up his pen to get back to work. He was done with this conversation, and didn’t want to have to fall too far behind.
Though after everyone finally went about their days with various degrees of disappointment at the lack of obvious resolve to do something, he reached into his bag and felt the shell charm again.
Perhaps… he could stand to be more ‘go with the flow’…
He pulled his phone out of his bag, and sent a single text, trying to ignore how he felt his heart pounding.
'Are you free this Saturday?'
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thatoneao3writer · 3 years
Hello! I haven't showed up in a hot minute (school XD) but I just had an idea from reading about the Blackest Night/Brightest Day comics storyline. What if something like that happens in TTAU? (I'm completely fine if this doesn't happen because this is from DC and not just TT, sorry for this my brain is just in a rambling mood ^^)
So uhhh there are lots of Lanterns right (Green for Willpower, Blue for Hope, Indigo for Compassion, Violet for Love, Red for Rage, Yellow for Fear, Orange for Greed - yes I'm reading a wiki while typing this, shush XD) and then there's Black which is just Death. And all the Lantern Corps know of this prophecy of how one day, a Black Lantern corps will show up to destroy all life and to fight it, all the other Lanterns would have to join forces. And the Black Lanterns did show up, to eliminate life from all across the universe, including Earth.
So uhhh angst warning, the TT and the Syndicate and the HIVE and Wilbur and Jack tried to fight them but they couldn't. Some of them died and became resurrected and converted to Black Lanterns. (I'm thinking Wilbur and Tommy because resurrection, Dream, Techno, and maybe Sam too, just for the angst? Either way, it's BAD because they still have their powers and with an extra of the Black Lantern ring). So Phil would probably have to come out of retirement and face all of his sons and Drista would probably have to bring her brother back and the TT and HIVE would probably have to fight against their friends.
(How well do you think that would go?)
(Not well at all. Like, those are their friends! So yeah they were kinda losing for a bit.)
Up until Drista called the other Lantern corps and they show up to help. Of course she knows of the prophecy and how to fix it. (Captainsparklez would be blue, idk who else atm but they just show up.) And because according to the prophecy, the Lanterns have to join forces, they did. Or at least tried to. There were some rifts because Orange is a jerk and Red is barely controllable and Yellow is really untrustworthy. Maybe some of the Titans had to take up rings themselves to make up for the people unable to really merge their Lantern powers because of the rifts.
(And because I can't stand so much angst, of course they win.) They managed to merge all the spectrum into the White Lantern (Life). With that, they defeated the original Black Lanterns and restored their friends (Wilbur-Tommy-Techno-Dream-Sam) from their corrupted selfs. It was a happy reunion, even more so because hey, Wilbur redemption arc pog? Maybe? Possibly? Anyways, in the end most of the TTAU never permanently took up their rings because it's just not their Thing. Drista remained the guardian of their sector, and Phil's all the more proud of her.
Uhh yeah, I hope that somewhat makes sense :) - 🏒
It makes sense Hockey and I love it!! But why do you have to kill Sam bruh- /lh /j
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bluemoonbeam15 · 3 years
Hi, small prompt idea (or just sharing a thought with you, no pressure to write it) because Kevin spacey can sing really well, imagine hopper is picking grain and thinks he’s alone, and out of habit starts singing, unbeknownst to him, dot, flik, or whomever else you choose hears him and is amazed at his singing.
Man, ya'll keep beating me to these prompts XD. There are a few songs I've been listening to while imagining this scenario and it took me some time to choose the right one. But I think I got it...
Chaotic laughter was heard and the group knew it was P.T. long before he hopped onto the table. "I'm gonna be rich!" his laughter made his words almost incoherent.
Slim raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were already rich?"
"No, I mean richer than rich! A breakthrough in circus entertainment! Crowds will swarm like...like--"
"Flies?" Francis suggested flatly.
"Yes!" P.T. broke out in laughter again. He took Slim by the hand and started tugging, "You guys gotta see this!"
Slim stood and stumbled as P.T. pulled him down trying to walk, "Woah, wait, what is this breakthrough exactly?"
The ringmaster was already anxious as it was to show off his new addition, "We'll bring singing into the performance!"
Flik squinted, "Singing?"
"Huh, you know that might actually work," Francis shrugged as he stood to follow.
"But who's going to sing?" Slim pulled his hand back to keep from getting drug again.
P.T. threw his arms back dramatically, "That's what I'm trying t' show you knuckleheads. Now, come on!"
He led them past the clearing, shushing them as they hid behind one of the rocks. They heard the faintest of something. Molt perked when he recognized the voice, "Wait a minute! That's--"
"Hush!" P.T. hissed when the voice grew louder.
"Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know,
"Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean,
"Sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean,
"And this old world is a new world...
"And a bold world...For me...
"For me!"
They peaked over the rock while the singing seemed to pause a moment. Flik gaped, "Hopper?"
Molt beamed in pride when he saw his brother, not knowing he had an audience, "You should hear 'im sing at The Resort. Man that band really brings it all together."
P.T. instantly rounded on the grasshopper, "You knew he could sing?"
"Well, yeah...he's my brother..."
The flea took him by the shoulders, "Why didn't ya say anything? I coulda been swimmin' in money by now!"
He now found himself getting hushed as Gypsy waved him down, "He's singing again," she whispered.
"Stars when you shine, you know how I feel," Hopper's voice had risen a key. He was still collecting grain absentmindedly.
"Scent of the pine, you know how I feel,
"Oh, freedom is mine and I know how I feel
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life." The grain was forgotten about momentarily in his hand as he lost himself in the song.
"It's a new dawn...it's a new day...it's a new life..." Molt remembered him singing this song before. Excitedly, he nudged Flik beside him with a proud smile as Hopper really got into it.
"It's a new dawn! It's a new day! It's a new life!
"It's a new life for me!
"And I'm feelin'...," his voice scaled down to a lower octave.
"Good...I'm feelin' good..."
He seemed to come back to reality a bit, so the group took that as a sign the song had ended. Molt instantly stood from their hiding spot and started clapping, "Alright!" he nudged Flik again, "that's my brother!"
Hopper yelped, which had to be the highest they'd ever heard his voice go. The moment he saw them he narrowed his eyes, "What in the world are you doing here?" he felt his face burn as Molt came and draped an arm around his shoulders.
"Just checkin' out the new talent!" Molt beamed.
"Excuse me?"
P.T. jumped in front of Hopper, eyes still gleaming with excitement, "Congratulations, Jumpy! Ya got yourself a spot in the circus!"
Hopper blinked and slid out of Molt's embrace, "I am not joining your little freak show."
"Aw c'mon," Molt whined, "All you'd do is sing! Ya do it all the time!"
Flik gave Hopper a curious look, "You do?"
Hopper pursed his lips, "He's exaggerating. I rarely sing."
"In front o' others, maybe, but I've heard ya before," Molt smirked, crossing his arms. "Remember you were on top o' the sombrero one night and--" a hand slapped over his mouth.
"Okay, shut it! I'm still not participating in this stupid circus," Hopper narrowed his eyes at P.T..
The flea jumped up on his shoulder, leaning against his head, "Think about it for a second: lights shining around ya, people cheering, and there ya are in the center of it all!"
Hopper took the flea by the back of his collar, holding him at eye level, "That's not my thing," he dropped him. "Go find someone else to play with."
"Just one song," Gypsy encouraged, "you don't have to perform the whole night. Just sing one song and try it out. Who knows? You might enjoy it." The others nodded and added in their encouragement.
He crossed his arms, hesitating, "Just one song?"
Gypsy nodded, "Just one."
Eventually, he sighed and rolled his eyes, "Fine," he muttered.
Molt laughed and wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders again, "My brother's gonna be a star!"
"It's just one song, Molt, got it?" Hopper snarled.
"Sure, sure, whatever ya say," Molt winked at the others playfully.
I was going to have Hopper singing one of the songs from the Beyond the Sea album, but I felt drawn toward Michael Buble. This song just has Hopper's energy, in my opinion. The song is "Feeling Good," by the aforementioned Michael Buble. Here's the link if ya'll wanna listen to it:
And yeah, the poor thing is a little shy when it comes to singing in front of others XD
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