#I'm still working things out!
micechicken · 2 years
you should share some about your hatty time au >:) i think the ppl should know
⚫u⚫ okai
Extended Subcon AU
This AU was inspired by both Shane Frost comics of the original plot, some of the beta content, and even a little moleman with my own interpretations and headcanons. Not any shapeshifter or birds stuff since it has no use in this AU.
The concept is post game and is meant to focus on MANY of the characters not just the subcon ones. Although it does go into The Prince and Vanessa as moon jumper's whole thing is sorrow, however MJ is not born of any subcon character's sadness, he is born of the subconscious and nightmares.
But the idea is. One day a mysterious being comes to loom over subcon and the residents are quiet upset and look to Snatcher who is basically their king anyway. Snatcher is rightfully upset this random spirit is upsetting the dead, but is not certain on what to do seals Moon Jumper in the the horizon so that he can't hurt anyone until something is figured out or understood. ("Not this bitch again")
But over time Moon Jumper gains more and more power as he approaches the moon and overtakes lands leading characters to flee their homes for safety and end up stuck together only making matters worse (Moon Jumper basically feeds off negativity and even ruins good things to get more).
Instead of just being a manifestation/spirit of someone, Moon Jumper is something that exists regardless and latches onto someone and uses them as a power source and takes on their appearance.
In this case Mustache Girl is the one trapped.
We don't actually see Hat Kid for most of the parts about them fleeing as she arrives after they send for her and Bow Kid. And she must get to Mustache Girl in order to defeat Moon Jumper and save the planet.
As to why it's Mustache Girl, this is going down the route of if Hat Kid/Bow Kid doesn't give the Timepiece to Mustache Girl at the end. So Mustache Girl is upset and wants to get her home back and Moon Jumper sorta makes a deal with her but it's not really what she wanted.
Also unlike The Prince or Neth, Mustache Girl goes unharmed thanks to everybody :3
It features my OCs Nicole, Wolfie, and my other unnamed one (ferrywoman). And also some of my sister's cause why not. But they are mostly for comedy and world and are not heavy focus.
I'll also mention some Subcon things cause it's part of it.
Subcon often gets random objects appearing inside it so there's a bunch of random stuff around subcon come say it's just Snatcher taking things from others (with some otherworldly power), but often Snatcher packages them for his Minions as gifts to put in their mail. It's sorta implied they are physical manifestations of things people want or miss that Subcon creates.
In the original plot the ice came from Moon Jumper, and in this case, it sorta does at least indirectly at first. Because Moon Jumper existed behind the scenes and indirectly lead to The Prince's death as he drained Vanessa of joy and instilled fear making her grow cold and cause the ice that killed the children and made her lock The Prince up.
He just funnels the power into Vanessa until he gets Mustache Girl to have a more physical form and to Jump the moon and incasing the planet in ice. Moon Jumper just wants to destroy all good and create only bad.
Since the time keepers don't interfere with this world Moon Jumper was not sealed by them like in the original, instead he didn't manage to get the Prince when he died and took form as Snatcher, so he sulked around waiting for a call of hate in his weakened form.
Any of the moleman influence has to do with the Time Keepers and the Moon children which Hat Kid and Bow Kid are but it's not a big aspect of it.
Also Snatcher is obvious no longer a shadow who was abandoned since this is post game which follows canon, MJ only tried to use the Prince but failed because Snatcher was too strong of a form to overtake.
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
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"karasu search how 2 cheer human up"
"karasu search difference between sad human and zoning out human"
"karasu search how long is it safe for humans to zone out for?"
(+ a longer look at each scene:)
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endykelopaedia · 6 months
one of my fave things about spiders is how they walk. theyre so thoughful and melodical about every step and i think thats really cute. they pause when they're unsure and approach everything with this poise about them.
from the perspective of my engineering degree, its also really cool how they move their legs using hydraulics of their own haemolymph (bug blood).
they also have little toe beans. thats also great.
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hehehghsh look at them
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
People ask me sometimes how I'm so confident that we can beat climate change.
There are a lot of reasons, but here's a major one: it would take a really, really long time for Earth to genuinely become uninhabitable for humans.
Humans have, throughout history, carved out a living for themselves in some of the most harsh, uninhabitable corners of the world. The Arctic Circle. The Sahara. The peaks of the Himalayas. The densest, most tropical regions of the Amazon Rainforest. The Australian Outback. etc. etc.
Frankly, if there had been a land bridge to Antarctica, I'm pretty sure we would have been living there for thousands of years, too. And in fact, there are humans living in Antarctica now, albeit not permanently.
And now, we're not even facing down apocalypse, anymore. Here's a 2022 quote from the author of The Uninhabitable Earth, David Wallace-Wells, a leader on climate change and the furthest thing from a climate optimist:
"The most terrifying predictions [have been] made improbable by decarbonization and the most hopeful ones practically foreclosed by tragic delay. The window of possible climate futures is narrowing, and as a result, we are getting a clearer sense of what’s to come: a new world, full of disruption but also billions of people, well past climate normal and yet mercifully short of true climate apocalypse. Over the last several months, I’ve had dozens of conversations — with climate scientists and economists and policymakers, advocates and activists and novelists and philosophers — about that new world and the ways we might conceptualize it. Perhaps the most capacious and galvanizing account is one I heard from Kate Marvel of NASA, a lead chapter author on the fifth National Climate Assessment: “The world will be what we make it.”" -David Wallace-Wells for the New York Times, October 26, 2022
If we can adapt to some of the harshest climates on the planet - if we could adapt to them thousands of years ago, without any hint of modern technology - then I have every faith that we can adjust to the world that is coming.
What matters now is how fast we can change, because there is a wide, wide gap between "climate apocalypse" and "no harm done." We've already passed no harm done; the climate disasters are here, and they've been here. People have died from climate disasters already, especially in the Global South, and that will keep happening.
But as long as we stay alive - as long as we keep each other alive - we will have centuries to fix the effects of climate change, as much as we possibly can.
And looking at how far we've come in the past two decades alone - in the past five years alone - I genuinely think it is inevitable that we will overcome climate change.
So, we're going to survive climate change, as a species.
What matters now is making sure that every possible individual human survives climate change as well.
What matters now is cutting emissions and reinventing the world as quickly as we possibly can.
What matters now is saving every life and livelihood and way of life that we possibly can.
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vynnyal · 7 months
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Some comics
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buttercupshands · 5 months
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can you even call it a warm up if I'm going to bed without drawing anything big
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and a sketch I made while sitting in the park today
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mumblesplash · 9 months
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part 2!!!! [read part one here]
transcript below the cut arranged into stanzas to help show where the rhymes are:
“that’s why they brought gem in? as a failsafe?” as a pawn. we were told to point her at whoever we need gone
“gem won’t hurt her allies. …yet.” the curse she carries will it’s had its eye on her since she lost the other eye she was specially selected for her hunting skill it’s quite the high honor. “wow. how generous.” we try
think about it: why does almost no one fight the curse? “given how fast scott killed skizz last season, i can guess.” [“any pain you spare your friends, you’ll have to suffer worse”?] it’s designed to shut down higher reasoning with stress
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Periodic reminder that unless a person specifically and clearly tells you it is okay to tell others they are trans or queer, you should err on the side of caution and assume they do not want you to tell people (especially random people!) about their transness or queerness.
You have no idea, generally, why somebody doesn't talk openly about their trans or queer status, and you have no idea, truly, how somebody might react to that information. The most progressive person out there is still capable of harbouring incredibly negative thoughts about somebody's queer status.
#lesbian#gay#bi#bisexual#trans#transgender#queer#lgbt#lgbtq#ally advice#inspired after somebody at work outed me (again ×3)#i don't care how 'safe' you assume they will be! you cannot TRULY guarantee their safety!#you are effectively gambling with somebody's safety by assuming you can out them#also even if their safety was somehow 100% guaranteed it is still not your place to dictate what others know about THEM#like it isn't your own information you are giving out. the other person is a real human being with real thoughts...#...and there are real ramifications to your actions! this is like... real life and like... real people#anyway. i'm still fucking horrified at how cool people are (at least wrt me) with outing others 🙃🫠#and it just... further reminds me that others see me as like... a thing to be talked about/over and i'm not seen as an autonomous human#maybe that's not their intentions 9/10 times but that still doesn't justify it nor does it change how i interpret that behaviour 👍#it's just dehumanizing imo to be reminded 'your comfort DOESN'T MATTER. i think you should be talked ABOUT not TO.'#clarification for the first tag: this is the THIRD time somebody has outed me. i NEVER talk about being trans to... pretty much ANYBODY irl#it's shit like this that i have to resist taking the 'doompill' over#because it's scary and dehumanizing every. single. time. i feel so fucking scared each time#because - AGAIN - i know my safety will NEVER be guaranteed because i am trans and queer
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egophiliac · 9 months
happy new year Ego!!! Just wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore your twst fanart and the tags are just an absolute pleasure to read! You are my greatest inspiration for my personal twst art and I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful masterpieces <333 if possible, may I ask what are some of your headcanons for the diasomnia family? If not for diasomnia then any other characters are fine as well!
thank you, and happy new year! 💚💜💚 that is amazing to hear; it's always a little bewildering but super flattering that other people like my silly little doodles so much!
I don't think I really have any really solid headcanons and also canon keeps validating me left and right (FLUFFY DOMESTIC DIAFAM IS REAL). mostly just kind of...impressions and general thoughts, if that makes sense! lately though I've been kind of obsessed with thinking about Lilia's hair, and specifically when/why he ended up cutting it. (l-look, we're bouncing around the timeline and I gotta make decisions about these things when I draw, it's relevant) (I mean I would probably be weirdly fixated on this anyway, but.)
I think I've settled on the idea that he kept it long until he went to NRC, partly because 1) I like drawing The Ponytail, and 2) I think he thought of NRC as a chance to reinvent himself a bit! he gets to go and be a wacky carefree teenager for a few years and have fun! (officially he's there to keep an eye on Son #1, but how much trouble could he get into, really.) so he gave himself a Cool Teen Haircut to go with his fresh new Cool Teen Persona!
also maybe he had some reflection on his hair's troubled past with three kids...
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...and had to weigh his vanity versus the fact that he was going off to be around hundreds of kids on a daily basis, and. the choice suddenly seemed obvious.
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 6 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 6 spoilers#this is my blog and i'm going to write a million words about lilia and you can't stop me#but anyway i do genuinely get the impression that he's using Pretending to Be a Teenager as a chance to be even sillier than usual#he's a very silly man he's just being EXTRA silly#supported by his recent birthday card where he says he was specifically trying to cast himself as an adorable little brother-type#because he wanted the other students to give him free shit and save him seats and things like that#it worked for about a week before he turned out to be way too good at stuff and everyone just kind of ended up in awe of him instead#and he was like DANGIT. I'VE RUINED IT FOR MYSELF.#(then he and epel went on to talk about their hypothetical vtubersonas because the birthday cards are INSANE but anyway)#i'm bad at headcanons :( sorry!#unless it's dumb things like...what pokemon they would have or whatever#(malleus would have some kind of special fancy-colored dragapult) (but i digress)#i have a hard time putting things into words. just know that i love the grampa bat and his weird kids very much.#my brain is also still kind of fried from the last couple of weeks#i am however starting 2024 off the way i intend to continue it: in deep contemplation of anime hair#(sorry if these look weirdly aliased) (i realized about 3/4 of the way through i was using the wrong brush and i didn't want to restart :U)
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starrspice · 9 months
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Have this Fairy Tale AU to reign in the new year!!
In this AU the prince(s) charming from all the classic stories falls in love with the woodsman rather than their Fairy tale loves after being saved from a band of marauders on their way to the castle one night
Meanwhile the woodsman (Y/N in this case) has decided to hunt down all the dark beasts in the shadows they can find to finally give the kingdom some peace, weather it be wolves or trolls or dragons, they want the people of the kingdom to feel safe. (Some more than others)
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willouwood · 1 year
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God dang-it Grian where the hell are we?!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! (and this blog's first post anniversary!)
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salamispots · 11 months
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some downtime doodling
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zephyrartz-owo · 3 months
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Mental Health Tip! Don't skip meals lest you be fighting demons
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ferronickel · 6 months
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A bunch of webcomic Ralseis! I've been wanting to do fanart for all of these comics for a while and I've got an upcoming page of my comic that requires a mix of styles/shading, so I thought this would be good practice!
Eldritchrune by @lynxgriffin
Looking Glasses by @ferronickel
The Chara Timeline by @lilybug-02
Reconnecting by @purplebehittindifferent
Twin Runes by @akanemnon
Flat colors under the cut because I think you can see some of the stylistic differences better without shading.
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screwpinecaprice · 8 days
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They won the lottery and inspired by Mr. Greg, they spent it all in one day by committing identity fraud.
Idk I took a second job and my brain is so fried right now. 😭
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