#I'm sure there are things to do that are cool and powerful
mysteryshoptls · 2 days
SSR Deuce Spade - Platinum Jacket Vignette
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Deuce: This museum really has a ton of paintings. Not that I really know how to act in quiet places like this…
Deuce: Oh, but I can't use that as an excuse. I'll have to be a good supporter for the museum, just like any honor student would!
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???: Is this dome… a teapot cover? Why would the Card Soldiers be carrying tea?
Deuce: Huh, you don't know, Sebek? Cool, then I'll tell you about it.
Deuce: This painting shows a scene of a trial from one of the Queen of Hearts' legends…
Deuce: And those Card Soldiers aren't actually carrying tea, but a witness for the case: a tiny mouse!
Sebek: Hmph, what's with that smug look? Well, fine, never thought there'd be a day that you'd have something to teach me, I suppose.
Deuce: Heheh. I'm a supporter for the museum, so it makes sense that I can explain something like that.
Deuce: Since I'm a student of Heartslabyul, I made sure to study extra hard all the tales related to the Queen of Hearts or her Card Soldiers.
Sebek: Is that so? Still, did it require two of them to transport a single small mouse?
Deuce: According to the story, it was a crucial witness, so they wanted to make sure it got to the Queen safely.
Deuce: Ah, that reminds me… We had something similar to this painting go down at Heartslabyul just the other day.
Deuce: Though, it wasn't a witness that was getting brought in…
Sebek: What, was there some lout breaking the Queen of Hearts' laws?
Deuce: Yeah. There was this one student who'd been breaking the rules over and over again, and he was finally being brought before Rosehearts-ryōchō for a stern reprimand…
Deuce: When the two guys tasked with hauling him in came to bring him to the Housewarden, that rule-breaker ran.
Sebek: Why do you even have people tasked with hauling others in…? You folk in Heartslabyul have far too many strange duties and rules!
Sebek: But that transgressor is also a coward, fearing reprimand and fleeing without taking responsibility for their actions.
Deuce: Right? He made his bed, he's gotta lie in it.
Sebek: Judging by your manner of speech there, am I right to assume that you helped to secure that transgressor?
Deuce: Yeah. I ran after the guy and caught him in a flash.
Deuce: Not like I've been training my legs or working on quick, explosive power in my sprints while in the Track and Field Club for nothing!
Sebek: Oho, so you captured them. And what were those two that were supposed to have brought him in doing?
Deuce: The guys on duty were apparently so shocked when the rule-breaker ran away that they couldn't move quick enough.
Deuce: But once I brought him back to them, they firmly took hold of him on both sides and brought him to the Housewarden, though.
Sebek: I see. So perhaps the reason why it isn't considered overkill to have two people on duty for such a thing is in case something unexpected occurs.
Deuce: Maybe…? I guess so.
Deuce: Ah, but listen to this. After he finished reprimanding the rule-breaker, Rosehearts-ryōchō praised me for a job well done.
Deuce: "Not only did you capture the transgressor without a moment's delay, but you showed good judgement in allowing the students on duty to do their job as assigned," he said!
Sebek: True, normally you'd do something brash like bringing that offending student directly to Riddle-senpai after capturing him.
Sebek: An unusually calm and mature judgement, coming from you.
Deuce: Hey, nothing "unusual" about it! It's not strange that I was able to think that through.
Deuce: Because, I'm on my way to becoming an honor student!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Sebek: Oh, this painting… It looks as though it's based on the legend that speaking a wish into a well would make it come true.
Deuce: Yeah, so if you make a wish into a well, it sends your voice back out. I remember that well, 'cause I always thought that was odd.
Sebek: It's merely an echo. What is so odd about that?
Deuce: Huh, an echo?
Sebek: You didn't even know that? I'm speaking of the phenomenon in which sound bounces off of water or walls and is reflected back.
Deuce: Huh… Oh, so is that the same sort of thing as when sounds reverberate in a tunnel?
Sebek: That's right, as tunnels are also primed for echoes.
Deuce: Oh, okay… That actually brings back memories.
Deuce: Whenever I'd be riding through long tunnels, I'd put the pedal to the metal and rev it up so loud.
Sebek: You'd rev what? Are you talking about some kind of music?
Deuce: No, no. I'm talking about a blastcycle, not any instruments or whatever.
Deuce: The engine can make different sounds based on the body of the blastcycle, or even from the way it's ridden.
Deuce: It can make heavy thumping sounds, or low, rolling sounds…
Deuce: And it can be really fun to change up my driving style just to hear those different sounds.
Deuce: Whenever I ended up alongside another driver who knew how to make their own engine sing,
Deuce: It was easy to just end up competing to see who could make their engine rev louder.
Sebek: And what is so fun about that? It just seems to be a cacophony of noise, based on what you're saying.
Deuce: YOU DON'T GET IT AT ALL! It's great because I can feel it to my core.
Deuce: And, it feels sooooo amazing to feel the vibration of the engine echoing off the tunnel walls!
Deuce: The faster I go, the higher the pitch of the engine…the more that sound echoes in the tunnels…
Deuce: By the end of it all, the only sound I can hear is the blastcycle engine… I just can't get enough of that feeling!
Sebek: Shh, Deuce. You're being too loud, lower your voice. You're going to bother everyone else trying to enjoy the silence.
Deuce: Ah, sorry… Actually, kinda feels weird to get told by you of all people to lower my voice.
Sebek: Why is that? I don’t raise my voice like that unnecessarily.
Deuce: Eh… You seriously saying that right now?
Sebek: Obviously. At any rate, I don't really understand what you were saying about those blastcycles, but…
Sebek: You shouldn't cause a ruckus while riding, unlike what you did just now.
Deuce: Well, obviously I try to ride so I don't bother others on the road… At least, now I do…
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Deuce: Oh hey, it's the Lord of the Underworld. I like how brave he looks flying through the sky in this painting.
Deuce: And on top of it all… He's way too cool, rushing to the front lines like that to save his captured comrades!
Sebek: Right. The Lord of the Underworld must have been a truly capable fellow, able to take on even the most difficult missions by himself.
Sebek: One would require proper deliberation and competency to achieve positive results.
Deuce: Urgh… That hits a sore spot…
Sebek: A sore spot…? Ah, you are talking about what happened last week.
Sebek: I remember seeing you, Grim, [Yuu]… and Ace, if I recall. It was while I was heading back from flight class.
Sebek: All four of you were standing like idiots in the hallway, being scolded by Trein-sensei.
Deuce: URGH!!!! You saw that!?
Deuce: I-I didn't plan on it ending with us getting in trouble! It wasn't supposed to end like that…
Sebek: I'm sure it is a ridiculous story… But why not, I'll listen to whatever excuses you come up with.
Deuce: At the start of History of Magic class, Trein-sensei told [Yuu] to read out loud a passage from the textbook.
Deuce: But that page was completely ruined by drool, since Grim fell asleep on it the night before, so it was impossible to read.
Deuce: So, I raised my hand, offering to read it instead.
Sebek: So why did that end up with you all being sent out to the hallway?
Deuce: …I forg… …xtboo…
Sebek: I can't hear you, speak up.
Sebek: So you tried to step up, even though you didn't have the textbook… You're a fool who has gone beyond help.
Deuce: Ace was saying something like that, too. Both him and Grim were laughing at me for that.
Deuce: Even though it was really Grim's fault in the first place!!
Deuce: [Yuu] even pointed that out to them, but they wouldn't stop, so…
Deuce: We ended up arguing… Which then got us sent out into the hallway before long to deal with the consequences of our actions.
Sebek: So that's why you were in the hallway. However, I don't understand. Why did you do such an unnecessary thing?
Sebek: Even if Grim or [Yuu] were to be reprimanded, that has nothing to do with you.
Deuce: Nothing to do with me? Come on, there's no way I can let my friends flounder like that.
Deuce: I mean, Grim aside… [Yuu]'s helped me out a ton before, so.
Sebek: Hmph. Then I guess at the very least, next time you should act after you've determined whether you have your textbook or not.
[Sebek walks off]
Deuce: Geez, and he walks off after one last parting shot, huh… Ugh. Guess I'll try to shake off this funk by checking out some of the other exhibits.
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Deuce: Oh, this is a painting of a girl singing with flowers. She looks like she's having fun, but according to the story…
Deuce: If I remember correctly, she was described as vulgar, rude, and weedy...
Deuce: Doesn't matter where you are, or who you are, everyone has to follow the rules. Not a shocker to me that those who can't follow 'em end up in sticky situations.
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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vbecker10 · 2 days
Talk to Me (Part 4) - Final
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You and Loki hold each other tightly in your bed and one of you finally says those three little words you are both so desperate to hear.
Warnings: This is almost as close to the characters having sex as I've ever gotten... it's definitely not quite there but it's close lol what else... um, he's super cold and you're hot so a bit of temperature difference is used... I'm not sure what would need a warning honestly but let me know if I missed anything
A/N: Thanks @soubi001 for letting me bounce ideas off of you like always! Thanks @jiyascepter for reading the absolute grammatical nightmare of my rough draft! Also... I changed a whole lot of it after I sent it to you so there's that 🫣
Hope everyone enjoyed this series (which was supposed to be a oneshot) 💚
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"Can I ask you something?" you say a few minutes later in a low voice.
"You can ask me anything," he promises.
You look at Loki's hand resting under yours in the dim light of your room and hope your question isn't too much to ask of him.
"I was wondering if you could shift to your Jotun form," you finally force out the words and you can feel his breathing become less steady instantly. "You don't have to," you add quickly realizing you had been right, it was too much, too soon. You hoped he might be at least open to the idea because of your talk but how could you have be so nieve? One little talk wasn't going to undo years and years of negative thoughts and trauma.
"I just thought... I might feel safer... not that you don't already make me feel less anxious but I thought maybe if you were in your Jotun form, your ice powers could counter my pyrokinesis quicker when someth- if something happens," you try to explain your reasoning but you feel as if you are rambling. "If I have another nightmare... I don't want to hurt you."
He remains quiet and you can't guage his reaction without being able to see him. "I'm sorry, I should've have asked," you shake your head at your own stupidity.
"No, I'm sorry. I just needed a moment," he says softly as he tries to force away the thoughts that surfaced the moment you mentioned his Jotun form. "I have never been anyone's safe place before and I don't want to ruin this for you. I will do whatever it is you need me to do."
"You've always been my safe place, I guess I never actually told you that before... I just kinda thought you had figured that out since you're person I always go to when I'm scared," you tell him honestly. His arm relaxes again while you gently squeeze his hand, you can feel his breathing becoming slower. "I can't explain why but you make me feel calm and protected, I think that was why I was able to fall sleep with you in the library when we first started talking," you close your eyes knowing some things are easier to say without looking at him. "I've never felt this secure with anyone before, it's almost like I don't have to be afraid if you're with me."
He remains silent and you worry he doesn't believe you or worse, you've stepped over the boundary of your friendship and made him uncomfortable with your honesty. Loki closes his eyes as well, listening to your softly spoken words. All he ever wanted was to make you feel safe, the way you had made him feel whenever you would free him from a nightmare.
You feel Loki take a deep breath and slowly begin to feel his skin cool against your warm palm. You open your eyes to look at your hands and see his turn a deep blue under yours. The blue travels gradually up his wrist and you can't help but watch it move further up his arm as he shifts into his Jotun form without a word.
"This is the most beautiful shade of blue," you say quietly as your fingers lightly trace the ridges that spiral around the back of his hand. He sighs contently at your touch and you move your fingers steadily higher, following the ridges up his wrist and forearm. You roll over in his arms, tracing the ridges until you reach where his skin is covered by his sleeves.
You look at Loki and smile but he closes his eyes quickly, turning his head as if he still feels the urge to hide from you. You touch his cheek gently, noticing the thin ridges there as well. He opens his eyes in response to your light touch, his gaze locking on yours. "I've never seen anyone with eyes that were so..." you search for the right word.
"Demonic," he offers and you frown.
"Mesmerizing," you tell him. You love Loki's blue eyes, they were truly stunning but there was something about his true eyes. The intense ruby coloring almost seems to glow in the semi-darkness of your room.
He smiles in response but you can tell he is forcing it, you can always tell unlike some of the others on the team. You suddenly lean towards him, kissing his cheek lightly where your fingers had been.
He looks at you in shock, his lips parted slightly as he blinks slowly. You bite your lip, chewing on it nervously as your mind races to process your action. You feel a blush creep across your checks and neck as your brain catches up, quickly you try to roll away from him but his arm holds you in place.
"Y/N," he tries to keep his voice calm, his heart beating rapidly from the unexpected kiss. He places his cool hand on your warm cheek, wishing you would kiss him again. He shifts towards you, removing the little bit of space that had existed until his lips are only inches from yours. His gaze drops to your lips then he looks into your eyes.
I love you, his heart screams but he holds the words back. You had accepted him, every bit of him, even the parts he wasn't yet able to accept himself. His heart argues with his mind, tell her you love her, it pleads.
You look into Loki's fiery red eyes, anxiety coursing through your body. You can see he wants to say something but you are afraid he will remind you that he is only your friend and nothing more. The moment between the kiss and now has only been seconds but it feels like an eternity. Your eyes fall from his and you feel as if you need to be free from his arms so you can hide yourself away. Again, Loki's arm remains around your body, preventing you from your escape.
You lift your eyes to meet his again and he says, "You have always told me I can talk to you about anything."
You nod as you try to brace yourself to be devastated. He sighs, you see worry and uncertainty in his eyes, whatever he is preparing himself to tell you is not something small. You wait anxiously as the seconds tick by until he finally speaks.
"I need you to know how much I cherish you and our friendship," he says and your heart sinks as you fear he will end any thoughts you had that you could ever be together.
"I do not want to ruin the closeness we have, you mean so much more to me than I ever thought possible but... I do not want to simply remain your friend," he says and you look at him, stunned by his words.
His thumb strokes your cheek gently and he gathers all the courage he can to continue. "I want to be so much more than your friend. I want to call you mine, I want to be yours and I want everyone to know it. I want to take you on dates and sleep with my arms around you like this every night," he says and your heart races as his lips come slowly closer. He pauses, trying to study your reaction, his nervousness eating away at him.
"Loki, I-" you try to find the words you need, the words you had told yourself you would never have a chance to say.
He clenches his jaw and he looks down as you struggle to answer, his own thoughts telling him that he shouldn't have listened to his heart. You had a hard enough day and night without him throwing his feelings into the mix.
"Loki," you say again and he looks up, you smile nervously. "I want all of that, too," you finally force the words free. "I want to be yours, I always have."
His red eyes light up and the smile you fell in love with spreads across his lips at your admission. In an instant, he presses his lips to yours and you feel it in your whole body. You kiss him back, your fingers on the back of his neck while his hand moves to your lower back, holding you to him. He pulls back far too soon to look at you, his wide smile still present.
"I love you," you hear the words leave your lips and quickly cover your mouth with your hand. You are unsure how the words slipped free, maybe it was the feeling of his lips against yours but it was too soon to admit you had such deep feelings for him. He had only just told you he wanted to date you, you had skipped too far ahead, you scold yourself.
He chuckles and removes your hand from your mouth. "I love you, too," he says, his heart finally feeling free.
"Do you mean it?" you ask in disbelief. "Please, don't say it if you don't mean it."
"Y/N, I have never and will never lie to you. I have loved you for months," he says honestly. He feels a wave of relief flood through him as he finally tells you what he had kept hidden. "I don't know when it happened," he smiles with a slight shrug. "When I look back now, I feel as if I have always loved you."
You can't stop the blush that creeps up your neck, filling you with warmth. Never in your wildest dreams had you expected to hear him say these words. You smile, "I know the exact moment I realized I was in love with you."
His icy fingers running up and down the exposed skin on your arm, causing you to shiver a bit and shift closer to him. "Tell me," he urges gently.
You giggle, remembering that afternoon three months ago as you do so often. "We were in the park, having lunch and it started pouring out of absolutely no where. I didn't have a jacket or even a sweater to hide under. We abandoned our food on the bench and you took my hand, leading me to the nearest place where we could find any shelter."
Loki chuckles as the memory of the day flashes into his mind, you weren't the only one who vividly remembered that afternoon. "The only dry place was the small overhang of the maintenance shed," he says as he pictures the spot.
You nod, "There was barely enough room for one of us under there. My back was against the wall of the building and you stood facing me, your back still getting rained on. You stayed so close to me, sheltering me from the worst of it. Your hair was dripping and your dress shirt was soaked through but you didn't seem to notice, you still stood between me and the storm. You were so protective of me, making sure I was okay."
The storm has raged for only ten minutes but the intensity was what caught everyone off guard. The wind picked up furiously as lightning struck the tall buildings near the park. Some people had speculated that the storm had been called by Thor since it wasn't in the weather forecast for the day but he denied it.
Loki smirks, "My first priority was of course your safety and making sure you were clear of the storm but there was another, less nobel reason I stayed so close to you."
"There was?" you ask, feeling a blush of warmth rising up your neck again. His cool fingers gently brush along your warm skin as he nods in response to your question.
In a low voice he says, "You were utterly drenched, your blouse sticking tightly to you. I can still picture how the dark gray fabric clung to your curves so perfectly. I spent our time waiting for the storm to pass fighting an overwhelming urge to touch you, to kiss you. If I'm being completely honest, I wanted to push you against the wall of that building and kiss you until the storm died down, perhaps not even stopping then."
"You should have," you tell him quickly. You had no idea that was what he was thinking while you waited together, you wish you had. You smile then add, "I just need to say this... you looked really sexy looming over me like that and now I guess it's cause that's what you were thinking about."
He runs his thumb lightly across your bottom lip and says, "I think we should start making up for lost time." You nod excitedly and he presses his lips to yours fiercely.
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Loki rolls over quickly so you are on your back, his lips never leaving yours as he positions himself on top of you. One of your hands moves to his lower back, holding him firmly to your body and the fingers on your other hand tangle in his long black hair. You feel the temperature of his lips changing, his skin becoming warmer and you break away from the kiss.
Loki looks down at you, his blue eyes quickly filling with concern. "Is something wrong?" he asks.
You touch the pale skin on his cheek lightly and smile, "No."
"Are you sure?" he asks, fear quickly building in him from how suddenly you pulled away.
"Don't look so worried. I felt you shift and I wanted to tell you something," you try to calm him.
"What's that darling?" he tries to push away his worry.
"I need you to know that I don't care where you are from, Jotunheim or Asgard. It doesn't matter to me, it doesn't change how I feel about you. You are still exactly who you were before you let me see beyond your illusion. I understand why you would be more comfortable in your Asgardian form but I hope you can learn to feel just as comfortable without your illusion one day," you watch his fears fade away gradually. "I love you, every bit of you whether you are Jotun or Asgardian," you tell him and he smiles.
"Plus... I used to work with the X-Men, so you're not even close to being the first blue person I've ever met," you add, hoping to make him laugh a little since he seemed so stressed moments ago. "A surprising number of mutants are blue, I'm not sure if you knew that. But of all the blue people I know, you are by far my favorite. And the best looking, might I add."
He lets out a loud laugh, his forehead resting on the bed next to your shoulder. "I'm serious, you are really hot when you're blue. I mean you're also really hot when you're not, too," you giggle at the feeling of Loki shaking from laughter while he is on top of you.
After he calms his laughter, he shakes his head and looks at you, "What am I going to do with you?"
You smile up at him and shrug innocently. "Love me?" you suggest.
"I already do," he says. "Very," he kisses your cheek, "much," he kisses your other cheek.
"You could keep kissing me?" you ask with another hopeful suggestion.
He smirks then kisses your lips softly, then your nose causing you to giggle more then your forehead lightly. He looks into your eyes as they slowly shift to be ruby red again. You reach up and cup his cheek as his skin cools once more. "Is this okay?" he asks as he continues to slowly let his illusion fade away.
"Its perfect," you answer, the same as you had when he first held you. "You're perfect."
His skin loses its warmth as the blue spreads up his neck to his face and down to his arms. You move your hand to the back of his neck and pull him towards you, your lips meeting his roughly. He presses you into the mattress, his hips grind down against yours, causing you to moan quietly.
Loki's lips leave yours and you let out a small whine in protest making him chuckle. "I'm not nearly finished with you my love, don't you worry," he assures you. He kisses your neck, just below your ear and you feel a shiver run down your body as his icy lips travel down your warm skin.
"Loki," you breathe out his name when his lips reach your collarbone.
Loki pulls his lips away from you to look over at your nightstand, your eyes follow his gaze. You giggle when he looks back at you, "A little mood lighting?" he asks, his smirk returning.
You blush and shrug, realizing you had lit the three small candles you keep near your bed for practice.
"Let's make sure you don't set anything else on fire tonight, hmm?" he says gently.
"I can't make any promises," you tell him in a joking manner.
His fingers move to your cheek and you feel a chill as he calls his ice powers forward. He trails his icy fingers slowly down your cheek to your neck and where he had left off on your collarbone. You shiver at the sensation, closing your eyes as you arch into his touch.
"No more fires," he says slowly, the breath from each word feels like ice against the warm skin on your neck.
You nod and he smiles, "Good girl." You bite your lip, blushing at the small bit of praise and Loki immediately notices. "Hmm, I will need to remember that for later," he says with a raised eyebrow.
You wave your hand gently towards the candles, extinguishing the flames then place your warm hand on his cheek. Pulling him towards you again, you kiss him fiercely, your heated lips meeting his cool lips. Loki's tongue slips between your teeth and your hands move down his back to the hem of his shirt, gripping the fabric tighter as his hips press you firmly into the mattress.
Loki sits up, his eyes still focused on yours as he pulls his shirt off over his head. Before he can lower himself onto you again, your eyes roam up and down his body and you whisper, "Wow."
He laughs and asks, "Is that a good wow or bad?"
You smile, "Very, very good." Then without thinking you add, "I didn't think it was possible but you are even hotter than I had imagined."
He tilts his head and smirks, "My dear, have you pictured me without my clothes on before?" You blush easily again and say nothing. He leans back down, his lips barely in an inch from yours and says, "Talk to me, I want to hear what you imagined."
You keep eye contact and say, "Sometimes when I can't sleep I think about being with you in my bed..." you pause.
"Is that all?" he asks, knowing there is more you haven't told him.
"No," you try not to giggle.
"Tell me all of it," he says, his fingers running an icy path down your arm.
"I also think about us being in your bed-" you say as Loki's hips move against yours. He lifts them slowly and you continue, "and in my shower-" again he moves his hips as you talk and you can feel how hard he is. "I want you on your couch-" you keep listing locations and he kisses your neck, biting it lightly. "And in my office..." your voice trails off when his lips move back to yours.
You cling to his back, feeling the ridges that spiral up and down his skin. You pull away from Loki's lips and trail your warm fingers deliberately down two long ridges. "How far down to these go? Are they... everywhere?"
He smirks, "You're about to find out."
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You open your eyes slowly the next morning and smile when you realize Loki is still with you. He is resting on his back while you lay on his bare chest, his arms tightly around you. Your fingers slowly trace the ridges that run across his body and he chuckles when you accidentally tickle him.
"Good morning my love," he says in a sleepy voice.
You sit up and kiss his cheek, his red eyes meeting yours before you lay your head back on his chest. "I was worried last night was just an absolutely perfect dream," you say softly.
His fingers run gently up and down your back. "It was very real," he assures you. "You're mine and I am yours," he says and your body fills with warmth.
You move so you can kiss his lips softly and remind him, "I love you."
He holds the back of your neck gently and brings your lips back to his so he can kiss you longer. He smiles and says, "Tell me that again."
You giggle, "I love you."
He kisses your cheek as he sits up, "Tell me again."
"I love you, Loki," you say.
He rolls you onto your back and kisses your neck, just below your ear then he moves slowly down. "Again," he says when he pauses.
You look up at him, touching his cheek gently, "I love you."
"I will never tire of hearing those words leave your soft lips," he says from above you. "I love you, Y/N," you smile just before he presses his lips to yours once more.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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canonizzyhours · 1 day
I'm a professional screenwriter. I know nobody reading this has any reason to believe that, and I work pretty hard to keep my fandom activity separate from my professional identity, so I'm not going to offer any proof that would doxx me here, believe me or don't. But it's true and I don't just mean I'm trying to get hired as a screenwriter, I mean I am pretty well established in the industry and I've worked on some stuff big enough you've probably heard of it. I've also been active in OFMD fandom for about two years now, since nearly the beginning.
The canyon really freaks me out because seeing it up close makes me worried I've drastically underestimated audiences' empathy gap around characters of color and tendency to sympathize with and excuse the actions of white characters. I've always tried to be conscious about that sort of thing in my work but now that I'm seeing the whole process up close it's so much worse than I always thought.
I think a lot about what I would have done during season 1 of OFMD, if I were in the writers' room and I'd wanted to make sure it would be clear to the audience that Izzy was Ed's abuser and wasn't acting out of secretly sympathetic motives and we're supposed to be genuinely horrified by his actions. I'm in writers' rooms workshopping issues like this all the time. I know the kinds of suggestions I'd make.
Like, if we were worried that the audience would think Izzy's hostility toward Stede was about class instead of homophobia, I might have suggested we make sure Izzy's dialogue never has any reference to Stede's class at all, and that we might do a subplot in one episode where Izzy is equally hostile toward Lucius, since Lucius clearly isn't rich but is extremely gay. But that already happened, and it didn't help.
If I wanted to make sure the audience understood that Izzy is bossing the crew around and screaming at everyone to work harder because he's a petty little bully on a power trip and not because the work actually needs to get done, I might have suggested a scene where Izzy deliberately makes a mess on purpose just so he can order the crew to clean it up. But that already happened, and it didn't help.
If I wanted to make it clear that Izzy has always been awful toward everyone around him -- especially his colleagues of color -- since long before the show started, I might have suggested we repeatedly emphasize throughout the season that while Fang is willing to work with him, he doesn't like or respect Izzy and this is because Izzy has always treated Fang very badly. Have him pull on Fang's beard for no reason and have Fang explicitly say he hates that but knows it wouldn't help to complain. Have Fang tell strangers jokes about times Izzy humiliated himself in public. Have a scene where everybody unanimously VOTES TO MURDER IZZY and someone explicitly stops to ask Fang if he's cool with this and Fang explicitly says yes this is absolutely fine with me and then he actively participates in the murder plan while smiling. But all of that happened and I still see the canyon insisting that Izzy was a much nicer person before the events of s2 when he wasn't under so much stress and has always been liked and respected by the PoC around him, including specifically Fang!
If I were worried that the audience might take seriously the idea that Izzy is motivated by "loyalty to your captain" -- well, honestly I don't think it ever would have occurred to me to worry about that, since he says that in a scene where he's in the middle betraying his captain and I'd probably assume people are capable of picking that up and understanding that when someone says they're abusing you for your own good you should not believe them. But if someone else insisted we address the concern, suggestions I'd make would include: make sure some of the first interactions we see between Ed and Izzy involve Izzy complaining about how he doesn't want to do the job Ed just gave him, then half-assing the mission and lying to Ed's face about it. Show Izzy deliberately undermining Ed to the crew by telling them he's half-insane, then insist to Ed that he's the only one keeping the crew loyal when they're worried about his judgment. But they did that stuff and we still have people thinking Izzy's central motivation throughout season 1 is selfless devotion to Ed.
The show did every single thing I would have suggested, and none of it worked. So what does it say about all the stuff I've already worked on, whenever I've written a scene where a white guy was being a dick to characters of color? Have I just been embarrassingly naive this whole time? Have I undermined my own work by not getting this?
You can't control audience reactions, I know that, that's part of what's great about art, you have to let go and accept that people will interpret things in ways you never intended, I get it. But if it's THIS impossible to choose words that will create the kind of feelings you meant to, what's the point? Is it even possible to write about the kind of abusive relationship Ed and Izzy have, where the white guy thinks he's entitled to control a brown man's life "for his own good" and that the brown guy is obligated to be grateful and reciprocate his "love" and not have a huge group of people creating elaborate justifications for the white guy? What else could they have done? What else can I do, when I'm writing about characters of color? I'm seriously asking. If anybody reading this has advice I want to hear it. What could I do?
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noco-alienau · 2 days
A Royal Reunion
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The palace doors stood wide open, the king standing proudly alongside the two blue aliens who guarded the entrance. They didn't seem very impressed with his introduction, the darker of the two even giving an annoyed huff. He was corrected once the purple alien's tail whipped the side of his helmet.
A small crowd had formed, the heads of other alien's rising from holes in the ground. Their colors had a pattern; they were all higher ranking.
"My, you two must be terribly tired after such a rocky trip," the tall gradient spoke, leaning forward to see the aforementioned couple better. "That pair of blues are definitely not the best pilots. Come along - there's plenty for us to do! How does a tour sound? 5728, you and your partner enter as well. 4043, 3717, clear this crowd."
The newcomers shared a similar glance of worry and confusion before silently entering the castle. The large doors shut behind them with a gust of wind, alerting someone new to come along. A much smaller yellow alien darted in from an unknown direction and to the kings side, prepared to write a list of instructions as to how he could be useful. His yellow eyes glanced to the visitors, the pen and paper, and back to the king. It's in his best interest to pay attention to his ruler.
"Cody?" Noah turned to his fiance.
"Didn't you say the king was.. some kind of cruel, ruthless tyrant?"
"Yes, I did."
"Someone who holds unimaginable power and caused the downfall of you and your kind?"
"Why does he look like that?"
"Hey, hey, I just expected something.. scary?"
"I mean.. he's tall?"
"He has hearts on his antennas. And face. And.. stomach. "
"Stop looking there."
"Do you see what he's wearing?"
"I see what you see, Noah!"
"He looks like an arcade carpet."
"A little bit."
"He looks like a Hot Topic clarence bin."
"Alright, that- that's kind of funny."
"He looks like the back wall of a Spencer's."
"Noah, we get it."
"I'm just saying, I expected something.. different. Not this lavender mess."
Noah's chatter caught 528's attention. How hadn't he noticed this new being? The Codmiester crouched down, his hand cupping under the head of the unrecognizable person and pulling him closer to his eyes. It fit perfectly in his palm.
"Oh? And what might this pretty little thing be?" He cooed. Noah seemed uneasy at the sudden gesture, but due to the kings position, he didn't dare to speak in return. Although not digging into his skin, he noted the long, painted claws the king had. Seemed awfully sharp.
"It's a human," one of the ships pilots explained, removing their helmet. "We couldn't have returned 6827 unless he came along - his order, not ours. His species is dominant on planet Earth, and we believed he would have been useful as well."
"Well, he's quite the sight. I'll be sure to pamper him like any other loyal subject of mine. 2056, make sure his and 6827's room is comfortable once we get there. These guests have a long stay ahead of them."
Cody grit his teeth in an attempt to keep himself cooled. The human was let go and allowed back to his partners side, stumbling over his feet on his way. He wasn't sure if he was uncomfortable with the encounter or not.
The group traveled along a neverending maze of hallways and rooms, given directions of every space so they would know what is where. Restrooms, a ball room, a grand staircase that they had to climb to reach their room. It doesn't seem as if either could pay much attention to anything being said, though.
"And why were you looking at 528 like that?" Cody muttered.
"He looks a lot like you," Noah answered. "I got confused in every way possible."
"Everyone looks a lot like me! We're an alien race!"
"Well, in my defense, you're attractive."
"Yeah, but.. okay, but I'm still annoyed."
"Believe me, you don't have anything to worry about."
Their small argument aside, Cody couldn't help but notice the yellow alien accompanying the king was staring an awful lot at him. He wasn't sure who the other was. It was likely due to his strange appeal, a mixture of alien and human. It certainly wasn't common around here, and if he could recall correctly, Cody knew low ranking aliens such as greens were rarely allowed within palace grounds, more or less greens with.. his look.
"2056, are you marking all of this down?" The king hissed.
"Uh- yes sir!" The assistant was quick to answer.
"Are you? You don't look like you're paying attention."
The yellow alien took a step back, quickly scanning over the paper he was given.
"We visited the ballroom last, we're heading to their room now."
"Watch your tone!"
"I-I'm just answering your-"
Noah and Cody fell silent at the sudden yelling. The assistant seemed far more frightened, having fallen back onto the floor. The king looked to the guests then back to the yellow.
"Oh, clumsy me," he chuckled awkwardly. "How about you take the night off? I'll show our friends where they'll be staying."
2056 scampered off in an instant. The pair weren't sure if they wanted to be alone with the Codmiester, but it didn't seem as if they had any other choice.
"Don't worry, loves," he said with a light purr. "Lets get you settled down, shall we?"
Writing by @plushii-gutz Art by @5t1nky-p1nky ♡♡
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foxaftershocks · 2 days
Oh my gosh I just read your most recent Lars Pinfield oneshot and I am in LOVE with your writing. Is it possible for you to do one where reader is with him & Lucky during the power outage scene, but like not *in* the main area they are at, more over by the Possessor's room. Hopefully you kinda get what I'm saying lol
I think I got what you were saying. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it even if I didn't.
Watching the possessor try and get Lars’ attention shouldn’t have made you feel a burst of warmth in your chest and yet there you were, pressing your lips together to suppress a smile.
“Can’t play right now,” Lars called as the chair tapped against the window.
You were sitting on the floor in front of the enclosure, knees bent towards your chest as you enjoyed the calm of being in the lab at night. During the day it could be so frantic, all kinds of noises and motions going on as the other researchers worked. At night like this, it was quiet, easy to just exist in your own body as you did what you loved. Especially given it was only people you happened to love still there too.
Or rather, person.
“I know you see me working,” he called over as the possessor continued to try and get his attention.
You stifled a laugh, the chair drooping down in sadness. It was like having a puppy in the lab and Lars had clearly been designated its favourite person.
“If you’re good later on you’ll get a tennis ball,” he said.
The chair perked up, the screech of the metal loud in your ears. You tapped on the glass, bringing its attention back to you. You smiled in, playing with it to give Lars and Lucky the chance to finish up their work in peace. The sound of their work was a familiar backdrop as you let your attention slip away from them.
That was until the possessor slammed the chair against the glass over and over again and the power went out. You were slow to climb to your feet, uncertainty filling your body.
“Uh… Lars?” you called out.
“Yeah, I know,” he called back, “just give it a minute.”
“I’m not sure…”
With one hand splayed on the cool glass of the possessor’s cage, you hauled yourself upright, leaning on it to keep yourself steady. You didn’t like it, the ambient noise of the lab making chills crawl over your skin. You held your breath, on tenterhooks, waiting for something to happen. The tension in the air was ratcheting up the longer it took for the generators to power back on, each second stretching out for an infinite amount of time.
“Lars, why haven’t the ghosts escaped yet?” Lucky asked, slow to make her way towards you.
It was like they’d been waiting for the question to be asked. The possessor slammed its chair against the glass to the right of your hand, cracking it outwards. You snatched your hand back as Lucky screamed, breath catching.
Stumbling back, you felt a cold chill going down the back of your neck. You were slow to turn into the waiting gaze of Bonesy, the skeletal face staring right back at you. Another crack from the glass behind you was loud in the otherwise silent area.
The frantic clicking from Lars on the computer filtered through and you watched as the lights flickered back on. Bonesy was pulled back through the glass as the proton fields turned on, missing you by a hair’s breadth. You slumped forward, relief coursing through you, making you light headed. Sinking to the floor, you did your best to take some deep breaths, forehead pressing to the tops of your bent knees.
“Okay we need to shut that thing up,” you heard Lars faintly say from back in the main lab.
Only then you heard his scream. Scrabbling to your feet, you rushed over, panic taking over your brain. Any rational thoughts were gone, taken over by your need to make sure he was okay.
He was bent over in front of the ionic separator, the brass sphere on the ground in front of him. His groans of pain were going through you, striking you like lightning. Lucky was standing close by, weight shifting from foot to foot, as if unsure what to do.
You grasped his shoulder, feeling him there under your hands, real and still warm. His breathing was coming fast and he was cradling his hand to his chest.
“Lars,” you said, trying to get his attention.
His blue eyes dragged up to yours, the pain contorting his face. You clutched at him, wanting to bring him closer.
“Don’t,” he shouted as you took a step towards him.
“What?” you said, freezing.
“Don’t touch it,” he gasped out, eyes darting down to the sphere at your feet, only an inch from your bare skin. You were careful as you shifted your feet away from it, trusting him completely. He’d never steered you wrong before.
“Lars,” you breathed out.
He was doubling up again, another groan coming from parted lips. With your hands still on his shoulders, you manoeuvred him around the sphere, sitting so innocently on the floor. He followed you, trusting you just as much as you trusted him.
“Leave it there until Lars can tell us what happened,” you instructed Lucky as you took Lars towards the medical centre.
Of course the nurse was long since gone, the bay dark. You flicked the lights on, helping him onto one of the beds. He was still curled up.
“Honey, I need you to tell me what happened,” you said, keeping your voice gentle, trying to coax him out.
“Cold,” he managed to gasp out, “I touched the sphere after it failed to extract the ghost inside and it was cold. Freezing. Fuck, it hurts.”
“I know it does, sweetheart,” you said, “can I look at it?”
He was slow to uncurl, offering his hand towards you. The skin was an unnaturally pale colour, the cold burn spreading over his palm, along his finger, making you wince just from looking at it. Your hands hovered over it, not sure what to do, where to touch, if you even should.
“We should warm it up, right? Oh god, I’m not a doctor,” you muttered to yourself.
“Warm water,” he said, “I need to soak it in warm water.”
“On it.”
He watched you as you filled a basin with warm water, a thermometer sitting in it as you brought it to the right temperature. Offering it to him, he eased his hand into the water. The wince he gave and the shaky breath suggested it wasn’t more comfortable.
“Are you going to be okay?” you asked, holding the bowl steady for him.
“I think,” he hissed, “I’ll survive.”
He looked up at you, standing close enough for his knees to brush you. Looking down at him, you felt your breath catch. It wasn’t your fault. He was so handsome, even when he was in pain. Not that you should be thinking about how gorgeous he was as you were trying to nurse him back to health.
“Are you okay?” he asked, voice softening.
“Yeah. I mean, I didn’t even get hurt. I’m more worried about you,” you said.
“But you were surrounded when we lost power,” he said.
His other hand hovered right over your hip, as if worried to touch you. Before he made contact, he took the bowl from your hands, putting it down on the bed beside him, keeping his hand submerged. You didn’t know what to do with your hands without hold it, fingers twisting together.
His touch rested on them, stilling your wringing hands. You looked back into his eyes, the touch of your skin against his making your heart flutter. The way he was looking at you was making your head spin.
“If anything had happened to you…”
You wanted to know what the end of that sentence was going to be.
“I’m okay,” you whispered.
His fingers slotted between yours, holding your hand. Pulling you forward a step, he tugged you between his legs, thumb brushing along the length of your index finger. Your breath caught.
“We could die,” he said.
“We’re not going to die.” You weren’t even going to entertain the thought.
“But we could. And if we do I’m not dying without ever doing this.”
His hand disentangled from yours, reaching up to cup your cheek. Guiding you down, your eyes fluttered shut, waiting for him. His breath ghosted over your lips before they brushed together. You whimpered, pressing closer, fingers closing around his shoulder again.
The groan he let out made you draw back, worried he was in pain again. He didn’t give you the chance, pulling you back in, kissing you deeper. Clearly the pain wasn’t too bad if he could kiss you with such skill it had your knees turning to jelly.
“Hey guys, is Lars okay?”
You drew back from him, cheeks heating up as you whipped your head towards the door. He chuckled, falling forward, forehead pressing to your stomach. Your fingers found their way into his hair, winding around his curls.
“I’m fine,” he called back before Lucky stepped in.
“Are you?” you asked.
You gently lifted the hand from the bowl of cooling water. The skin still looked wrong, too white, like a layer of wax over his palm.
“We should probably go to the emergency room,” you said, “I don’t think we’re equiped to fix this.”
“Can you drive?” he asked.
“Of course.”
You left Lucky with strict instructions to not touch the sphere and to keep an eye on the ghosts. After the night you’d had, she needed to make sure nothing more happened while you took care of Lars.
And yet if this was a portent of things to come, it was only going to get worse.
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sergeantsporks · 1 day
I honestly always thought that Lilith's resentment of Hunter stemmed from her being jealous of his "close" relationship with Belos.
Lilith was a frigging teenage girl when she joined the Emperor's Coven. She had an estranged relationship with both of her parents at that time. She was also isolated from them. Belos presents himself as an affable authority figure to the Isles.
If she didn't quickly start viewing Belos as some sort of pseudo father figure, I'd be seriously surprised.
And Belos, given that his whole "thing" was manipulation, had to have picked up on that. I'd be genuinely shocked if he didn't outright cultivate it!
Especially since doing so would've assured him of Lilith's loyalty (Until, you know), sowed discontent within the higher ranked members of the Emperor's Coven (Since they all want to be "close" to Belos), and presented an excellent opportunity to cause pain to the Clawthorne family. (And we all know that he's not wholly beyond being petty like that, lol.)
In addition to giving Lilith one damn good reason to hate Hunter's guts from the day he set foot in the Castle for the first time. LMAO.
This random kid appears out of nowhere and he's somehow the Emperor's nephew?!? So of course the expectation will be that Belos is going to dote on him and give the little tyke whatever he wants, up to and including a powerful position within the Coven. Likely without the kid having to lift a finger.
XD Poor Hunter could've literally spent his whole childhood worshiping the very ground Lilith walked on and she still would've despised the poor child. There was literally nothing that he could ever do that would be "right" in Lilith's eyes. Because his mere presence is an affront to her!
As it also is to all of the other Coven Heads.
Which is, naturally, exactly what Belos wanted. Can't let his little child solider have other trustworthy adults in his life. No, Belos needs to be the only person he can 100% always trust and thus, turn to in times of trouble.
:( Poor Lilith, poor Hunter.
Yeah, I know I've talked about Lilith being like "Finally, I'm going to get out of the shadow of my sister, I'm no longer going to be second-fiddle in the eyes of an authority figure to a prodigy, excellent" only for a new prodigy pop up and take the spotlight and all the attention of her top authority figure 20 or so years later. Like. She must have been screaming.
But honestly? I think you're right. I don't think Hunter did anything, not at first, anyway. We see in Thanks to Them that a lot of his posturing and pride/confidence literally comes on and off with his physical mask. Underneath, he's just... kind of a dork loser who's pretty adorable. Sure, he's not PERFECT, it's not TOTALLY a persona; the "golden guard" does bleed into Hunter and vice versa, but I can definitely imagine all the other coven heads (and ESPECIALLY Lilith, who's already predisposed to feel threatened by people whose seeming "natural" talents exceed her hard work) coming in already expecting him to be a nepotism brat.
Hunter is nothing if not someone who tries very hard to live up to people's expectations of him. So even if he wasn't some annoying little twerp at first and was just a genuinely curious and excited kid who wanted to hang out with The Cool Kids (coven heads) (especially considering we know he wasn't really allowed near the other scouts), I have no doubt that he started leaning into their expectations of "bratty kid who can do whatever he wants because he's the emperor's nephew" after the first few rejections. Which would only make their perception of him justified in their eyes, which would only make him worse, etc. etc. So even if he was a perfect angel at first and worshiped the ground the other coven heads walked on, like you said, he definitely became/acted like the brat they all thought he was by the end.
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 3 days
rating all manga cover Satsukis
(of like full volume releases)(and with rating I mean I'll just ramble a bit)(no serious numbers here numbers are pointless)
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Konohanatei Kitan 1 (original release)
you can kind of tell that this was the first Satsuki, it doesn't have the iconic hair framing her left eye yet (though the shape is taking form already), but also I do really dig it, this orginal cover style makes her really unique I'm so mad at not being able to track down a high res version of this cover..., very good though^^
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Konohanatei Kitan 上 (volume 1 rerelease)
here you can see the iconic eye framing to such a degree it is very lovely, also the pipe is really nice, if there is one big critique I have is that the hair is very bluish; all in all a not very special but beautifully elegant Satsuki^^
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Konohana Kitan 1 (first volume of the continuation after the original got axed)
probably my favorite first volume image, this angle is only like subtly different from the previous one but it shows her off much better imo, and I love that facial expression it has this cute little apprehensive feel about it, like she's not quite sure what to make of Yuzu, it's great
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Konohana Kitan 5
much time has passed and look how she looks at her girlfriend now! look at her cute and cool smile! (this will be a running theme) All the pink she's surrounded with really makes her stand out and give her this extra happy theme, it's super cute^^
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Konohana Kitan 6
in this one she looks at the camera like you're interrupting her date, a very powerful stare! Also love the moon and the way she kind of gets framed inbetween it, the flowers and the text, it's nice, and the analogy it draws between her eyes and the moon is soooo good^^
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Konohana Kitan 10
really relaxed but also kind of thoughtful vibes on this train ride here, she is beautifully contemplating something that isn't just her adorable girlfriend leaning against her here I think, but also she can't help being happy so it is an unmistakable smile, very pretty and I love how intense the purple is^^
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Konohana Kitan 11
LOOK HOW COOL! THE HAT!, The smile!, The more muted colors in contrast to the reds of fall! she drops so subtly into the background next to her pretty girl, and yet she's so effortlessly present and she loves her girl so much! just super cool^^
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Konohana Kitan 13
maid outfit! she's not the first girl I would put in one, but she pulls it off anyways, and as so often she's looking right at her cutie, and with a similar thoughtfulness we've seen on volume 10 (which makes a lot of sense if my gf went through all the things Yuzu did all the time I would also look like that...) very nice addition to the Satsuki spectrum^^
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tapakah0 · 7 months
do u know cass personally? or is this a tumblr friendship? cuz its the most wholesome thing ive seen in my life
I don't even know their real name ~ But if I will be told that I have an extra liver, I will know at the exact same second to whom give it.
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oozeandgoo-art · 5 days
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everyone is sooo in love with vakori on account of le is so cool and smart and deeply pragmatic and is also completely batshit insane
#oc#monochrome#sketch#velan#vakori#rocaim#rocaim and vakori are rex and taz and adder and silas's parents#adder and silas get their looks from vakori; rex and taz to a slightly lesser degree get it from rocaim#rex specifically is like a sharper clone of him. fucks velan up all the time because their personalities are completely totally different#rocaim was very like. gentle and understanding. good with kids and well-liked by basically everyone. a very effective mediator#rex is obviously none of those things lmao. every time he says something particularly insensitive it surprises her for like six years runni#anyway rocaim is in love wtih vakori. velan is in love with vakori. vakori is aro as they come but insanely pragmatic#like. ok le's based loosely off my ex. like. so le's SCARY pragmatic. so fucking cool about it everyone with a brain is specifically like#'woag oh my god le's so pragmatic im in love with her'. anyway eventually le's like 'hi rocaim. here are the objective reasons that i think#that if we got married it would mean i had better standing and more power in the organization we're both committed to. would you be#opposed to possibly getting married with me on the grounds that it would get me respect and power' and rocaim. who is already head over#heels for ler specifically because le makes these kinds of decisions and sees with this kind of logic is like. Absolutely. 100%#then for the next four years of their formal engagement people keep taking rocaim aside and being like hey... i have bad news...#...that leya you're engaged to... le's not romantically interested in you the same way you're romantically interested in ler... le only#wants you because you're an Ath and le wants a voice in the interclan meetsings... and then when Rocaim is like yeah i know#thats why i want to marry ler isnt that like the sexiest fucking reasoning you've EVER heard. no one gets it but velan#who is also in love with ler for the same reasons but has no such claims to power#and who also is not equipped for a polycule nor willing to try to go behind rocaim's back because unfortunately for her. she is also in lov#with rocaim. me when im in love with my friend and my friend's wife and also i'm pretty sure they both reciprocate but they're both#married and i dont really know what to do about it and also all three of us are very Traditional and that is not the Tradition:#and then they both die and she never quite deals with that.#but she DOES get to raise their (surviving) kids :) most of whom are fucking nightmares#life is so difficult for velan. like actually#closerverse#cv
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apricote · 9 months
i'm pretty sure it's not smart of me to absorb the tadpoles like they're breadsticks or some shit but i just wanna see what will happen okay
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h4zardousch3micals · 1 year
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*holds her up like a long cat * Everyone look at the creature that's been infesting my brain
+ Versions with gay and cool armour
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paigemathews · 2 years
Something that always makes me sad is that the sisters’ powers really stopped progressing in later seasons. I mean, if we look at all of them, Pipers stopped advancing after season four and Paige gets a hang of telekinetic orbing/orbing (and then just stops). Phoebe’s entire power situation is a mess. But like in more detail:
Honestly, Piper probably got off the best, despite her “development” in the last few seasons being theoretically stronger or more controlled in select situations. It’s not really acknowledged in the narrative beyond stuff like Phoebe being impressed at her control in Charrrmed! After a certain point, she mainly just started blasting demons and stopped using her freezing power, which was a bummer because it was a really cool power! And it could and should have been utilized more than it was. If you check out her list of power developments, majority of it after Lost and Bound (when she blew up the gate with the force field) isn’t really treated as an advancement anyways.
I’m not necessarily even opposed to her growing stronger and gaining better control as her power development in the later seasons, but I wish that they’d made it more of an explicit thing. I’d have loved to see her power grow on a wider scale, like the way it did in Morality Bites. Her freezing was presumably that powerful by the end of the show, or a few years off from being that powerful, but we really didn’t get to see it. 
Alternatively, I’d have liked to see her gain more control on the molecular scale between immobilization and combustion. The comics had her get molecular acceleration, but I think it’d have been a good idea to have her gain that before combustion so that you can build up to it. Or have her gain more control to molecular inhibition (which was basically her actually freezing people when she was a warlock in s3.) I’d have just really liked Piper’s powers to have actually advanced/grown in some way with molecular manipulation. (As-is, it’s more that they just randomly connected her freezing and blowing up through molecules, but it works, so I’m not mad.)
The other thing that I really, really wish that we’d seen is her learning how to use her powers without her hands!! Especially because we see her do in one the show: once when she was a little girl (when she’d presumably have less power/control in contrast to like s8!Piper) and during the Blue Moon when the sisters’ powers advanced. That’d have been a great way to see her powers advance. (I always have thoughts about the girls’ powers as kids versus to adults, but that’s a different thing.)
I’ve had to rewrite this section multiple times, because I keep rage quitting to rant about Phoebe’s powers. Such as the post here. I stand by it though, because I don’t know what the fuck they were doing with Phoebe’s powers, and neither did they! Her premonitions progressed pretty well and I think that the way her premonitions progressed would have been great ways to bring in new powers for her.
While I did like her levitation power, it doesn’t fit with the rest of her psychic-based powerset and it never really advances. (I also feel like Phoebe never gaining an “active” power like she wanted is a better storyline and opportunity for character development for her.) I honestly just hate how they handled empathy because it was way overpowered and got too far away from actual empathy. They then of course stripped Phoebe’s powers and her progression the last two seasons were solely her regaining her premonitions and them progressing again. (Honestly, I feel like a big issue with Phoebe’s power development is that none of them were very connected and therefore, you had to juggle three completely different powers while advancing them somehow.)
I’m not really sure how I would’ve preferred Phoebe’s powers to progress in the last few seasons if we’re keeping all three of them. Ideally, I think that they just shouldn’t have given her levitation. Alternatively, I think it’d have been easier if her empathy had been rooted in actual empathy instead of power channeling/replication and deviation. I’d have liked to see her develop empathic manipulation and empathic healing as advancements. They also should have had her develop psychic reflection on-screen.
The issue with Phoebe’s powers is that they just don’t mesh well. They set up the possibility for empathy and astral projections through her premonitions, which would have been the best advancements to give her. (I have a post rolling around in my head for a completely different power progression, but that’s a different thing.) Sorry, Phoebe’s powerset was just a complete mess, man.
What power development?
Okay, but like. Technically, Paige has the most powers as half-Whitelighter but like!! After getting the hang of orbing and telekinetic orbing, the girl didn’t get any power development until she learned to heal in season eight. She really should have developed a second witch power in the end of season five/season six
The issue with Paige’s power development is that, frankly, I have no idea what the show should have given her. Piper’s powers were molecular-based, Phoebe’s were psychic, etc. (Prue’s were movement-based, but honestly, I’m not totally sold on how I’d have done Prue’s powers differently either. I actually liked them for her, but like I said with Phoebe, I liked it when the sisters’ powersets were kind of this coherent vibe.)
Looking at other hybrids, it’s weird that Paige didn’t have normal telekinesis as well. Wyatt, Chris, and Simon Marks all did, so Paige, as a Charmed One, should have had it as well. If we continue with the Witchlighter hybrid powerset, Paige also could have had an orb shield (Wyatt) or conjuration (Simon). That said, I’m not necessarily into either of them. The orb shield is much more of a defensive power, which makes sense for the literal infant but I feel like would’ve been a crutch for Paige or always forgotten since they need her to fight. Giving her conjuration (or projection actually) isn’t actually a bad idea, I’m just not into Paige with either of them. She also should have been able to telekinetically orb things without speaking or moving her hands. Let the sisters’ powers grow beyond the need to trigger them!!
I have two possible ideas for how her powers could have progressed actually: hovering/flight or photokinesis/light manipulation. Whitelighters have the ability to hover/levitate, so that could’ve been one of Paige’s powers instead of Phoebe’s. Paige also canonically does hover in Gone with the Witches anyways. If she got it earlier, it could evolve into levitation and then flight as an active power. Another option, which is actually my favorite of the two, is photokinesis. Again, she canonically has it already and if introduced earlier, it could’ve grown into full on light manipulation where she can create and destroy light, which’d have tactical advantages man.
For a solid minute, I thought that I accidentally erased my entire post because I was trying to add a line break and I nearly screamed so there is no line break. But yeah, I just feel like the show got lazy with the sisters’ powers in the last few seasons, and they should have had more going on, y’know? Phoebe and Paige both deserved better/more coherent writing on how their powers progressed at the very least.
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bardicindignation · 2 years
au Fic idea i may or may not write so am just throwing it out there (spoilers for end of s1)
When they find Ceelia, she asks about Nathan’s blood, they decide to find his father, she asks Analise to undo her so that they can take her heart with them for Nathan to eat. 
“I was supposed to protect you. Bloods say a little part of you lives on, I want you to have it, so that little part can protect you when I’m gone.”
While they’re having this conversation, Gabriel has started to try and staunch the bleeding. 
Annalise refuses and Nathan says, “You’re not getting out of this so easily, just hang on and you can use your power to protect me yourself, if you’re so hung up about it.”
Ceelia says that she’ll just slow them down, Gabriel says that they’re not going to do it, so she might as well do her damndest to stay alive as long as she can until they get back from getting Nathan his blood, because fuck if they know how fresh the heart has to be. 
Ceelia nods, takes over putting pressure on her wound, and says the “To the friends at our table” etc, and settles in to wait as long as they can. 
When Nathan meets his dad, when he asks for the third gift, he asks if Marcus has any healing powers he’d be willing to use to help him. Marcus says, after doing the ‘find out who you are’ bit that if Soul killed his Hunters, then he almost certainly has healing somewhere in the mix. 
When Soul is dead, and Annalise sees Nathan staring at the heart, she goes to say something, but before she can, Nathan repeats what Marcus had told him about the healing. 
Annalise says that she knows, and even if eating her father’s heart didn’t have the chance to ensure that Nathan wouldn’t have to eat Ceelia’s, she’d have told him to anyway, because all those people he killed deserve to live on, like her uncle and Nathan’s grandmother. 
Nathan eats the heart, and they book it back to Wolfhagen where Ceelia is hanging on to the barest threads of life, body frosted over in her last attempt at slowing her death/keeping her heart fresh enough to pass down her power. 
Nathan is able to heal her enough that she’s not in immediate danger of dying, and he, Gabriel and Annalise manage to get her to a car to take them somewhere safe. 
Possible following events: Ceelia training all of them, plans to kill Mercury and seize her blood stores so they can use them for Blood Witches whose families have been killed, getting into contact with others to help them resolve stuff maybe? (possibly starting with ppl who used to work for Mercury like Gabriel cause that shit was fucked)(possibly Annalise’s mom, bc i think that the theory that she’s also got Decimation bc Annalise has never really seen her use her ‘water’ power)
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simptasia · 1 year
personally i don’t think anything should cost money. if it were up to me, we’d star trek this shit up and do away with that needless cause of so much suffering
however. bare min? we should at least make it so things that humans (and animals) literally need to live? that should be free. so that would be: food, water, medicine, housing, and the means for temperature control
those five things, at the very least, should be an undeniable right to all living beings. the fact that so many people can’t wrap their minds around that baffles me. and tells me my dream of No Money is a long way away
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pickapea · 2 months
everyone must unlearn the phrase "eat the rich". none of you are responsible enough to use it in a way that means anything
#leaving the echo chamber that is tumblr for 2 years and then returning puts a lot of this site's ''radical'' ''socialism'' into perspective#i'm not politically active either and that's a personal failure of mine#but i am 99% sure that half of you are doing jack shit besides reblog and repeat slogans that are basically just memes at this point#i used to feel strongly about it all and felt all ''revolutionary''#ideologically i'm of course still on the left side of things but a lot of the things i used to preach as a teenager just don't seem feasibl#now that i've actually lived in the ''real'' world#idk#anyway enough about me. i am very sure that a whole lot of you people are in no way ''eating the rich'' nor are ''revolutionaries''#it'd be cool if we all were but i just don't think that is reality so repeating all these old 1800-1900s slogans#just bc they sound cool and powerful. just feels embarrassing. they are just memes now. internet leftist memes. breadtube style#i am not politically active or revolutionary i am tired and spent#i go to work i go to work i go to work i try to keep my apartment clean but it isn't working very well#my work/life balance is non existent and half of the time i'm just trying to enjoy a moment at a time and do something fun just engage#just engage in one singular hobby just indulge in some art form or try to engage in something creative and fun#but i am at work so much#i absolutely do not ever do anything political and revolutionary#''the personal is political'' well then i'm not doing very well for the world. politically speaking#BUT! i go to work and pay my taxes and i let my dishes sit in the sink for 2 weeks at a time and i don't eat cooked meals and i pay my rent#i pay my rent on time and i visit my parents once a month and i manage to vacuum my apartment once a month and i still haven't folded#my laundry#and i do not eat the rich#pickapost
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yo-yoringle · 4 months
Neil Newbon on Ascended Astarion
Neil: I do love the fact that I got to create kind of two characters in one.
Blue Owl Medic: I was just thinking that. Yeah, you did.
Neil: So now that the game has come out and the whole thing, we can talk a little bit more freely about the game. No real spoilers, folks, because obviously people are still playing through it, which is amazing, including me. But there is an ascended Astarion, which people probably know, as well as an unascended Astarion. I'm not going to go into details of why, although it is all over the internet, but anyway.
But one of the fun things that I got to do with the directors and the writer as well, with Stephen, and also the other writers that contributed towards Astarion, [is that they] wrote this ascended storyline. And so, when I came across that, I realized that 'Oh, his voice probably changes as well, because his whole status changes and his whole situation changes and his power changes.' So I got to do something else, because that would also be an easy way to switch between one and the other.
And so I decided that, well, I've always talked about Astarion being very theatrical. So what if Astarion's unascended spawn is theatrical, and ascended Astarion is operatic, and I use that as a sort of launchpad. So that one is theatre, one is opera. So the two are the same kind of things, but essentially… Do you know what I mean? It's like that kind of thing.
I offered that up to the directors and they really liked it. Kirsty Gilmore was the first person who I tried it with. I think it was Kirsty Gilmore, who is an amazing director. I'm pretty sure it was her session I did the first Lord Astarion and we set the tone there. And that was really cool.
BOM: And I don't know if that was your choice, but he also holds himself differently.
Neil: Yes, he does, he definitely holds himself differently.
BOM: He stands way more upright, his chest is a little more out
Neil: Yes, that's status. That's all Laban work. We're just using completely different status shift changes as well. So whereas he has a lot of flow and all that kind of stuff and it's theatrical and distracting--it's always 'look over here and don't see how I really feel' with spawn Astarion.
With Lord Astarion, we talked a lot about the idea that the cover is now off completely. So that you see him at his most terrible, and it's completely honest and he doesn't have to pretend anymore. So he loses a lot of the flamboyance and the fun of the theatricality, which is all a distraction anyway. That's all distraction so you don't see how he's hurt and damaged and his vulnerability. Lord Astarion doesn't need that anymore. So we just thought, okay, now *mimics taking off a mask* it's off. He doesn't need to pretend, he doesn't need to do too much. It's all about the status and that kind of stuff.
It was a really fun experience to take a character I've been doing for a long time and then flip it. And that was, again, brilliant writing by Larian, brilliant storytelling by them all and brilliant ideas. So yeah, it was really fun.
--from Neil's February 1, 2024 twitch stream
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