#I'm trying I swear!
i-eat-deodorant · 6 months
I want to boop you!!! Why can't I boop you??? 😭😭😭😭😭
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I WISH I COULD BOOP YOU AS WELL currently scrambling to find where the opt-in option is on tumblr mobile
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bellsartblog · 2 months
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i think that emmet and ingo can both be noisy but in different ways. emmet has sharp ears while ingo has sharp eyes.
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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god i love skk sm i wish gay ppl were real :(
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Day 3 of @subcodyweek - Prompt: Praise kink
They didn't train him for this on Kamino.
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paintedcrows · 5 days
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Ford's gotta stop being so relatable
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ruporas · 1 year
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green haired guy that has haunted my character types for 10+ years
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wistfulwatcher · 3 months
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3.18 The Crossing | 17.04 Kingdom of the Blind
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feralforbeanix · 2 months
Thinking about how Trucy Wright seems to do her best to just...brush past all her trauma. And I don't mean this in a "it's bad writing" way, I mean that her way of dealing with things seems to be to mostly ignore it. To move on as quick as possible and try to ignore the more emotional implications.
Yes Zak Gramarye was her dad and yes he abandoned her but Trucy doesn't talk about it more than she has to. She just immediately accepts Phoenix's offer to adopt her, calling him Daddy as soon as he told her it was okay to. She even seems to take the Wright last name with no complaint, she even seems to take pride in it!
When Apollo finds out she's actually adopted and her real father was gone, this exchange happens:
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Yes Trucy is visibly sad here, but she just as quickly moves on from the subject
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When Apollo reveals to the court that Zak was the victim in case 1, he looks at Trucy. Presumably expecting her to be upset, cry, or something
Yet all she does is encourage Apollo to continue with his case
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I've seen people compare her to Maya, and while they definitely both have the "smile through the pain" thing going on, I do think there is a subtle difference. Maya downplays her trauma, but it seems Trucy doesn't like to let herself feel at all.
No, I think she acts more like Phoenix.
Phoenix, who is practically known for being cagey and as vague as possible about important events in his past. Especially in this game.
He doesn't talk about his ex girlfriend who framed him for murder, he just moves on to becoming a lawyer. He doesn't talk about Edgeworth "choosing death", he just continues trying to be a perfect defense attorney. He doesn't even talk about important details about his disbarment until he absolutely has to, when it's relevant for his jurist test.
Phoenix, who has been betrayed and left before, who desperately clings onto every person who shows him even a little kindness, who focuses on everyone else's problems and pasts before he acknowledges his own.
This is the man who adopted a girl who most certainly had abandonment issues, because chances are so does he.
He understands her better than anyone not just because he's her legal father but because it takes one to know one
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
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Simple observation I made from reading these comics. DC, stop making their dad an asshole and make him hug them more.
Also, the hugs in these comics:
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Tim's hug is not in Red Robin but it's during the run and when Bruce comes back in time.
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Cass' hug is weird because they're suicidal freaks who think fighting is therapy. They fought while being drugged, and blew up a brigde. It makes sense for them only.
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Jason's first hug (Outlaws) is after he tries to apologize for his crimes and Bruce refuses to let him to do it, because his boy is innocent for him 🥺 (and then, they fucked it up with Ethiopia because they cannot let them have nice things 🙄). The second one (Red Hood & Arsenal) is started by Jason, who is just very happy to see that Bruce is alive, even if he has lost his memory.
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crengarrion · 9 months
edit: please read my additions at the bottom before reblogging this post. please do not reblog this post without also reblogging the others i've linked!
if you saw my reblog(s) of ahmed's donation posts in which he includes his crypto wallets (and my links to those posts), anyone else's posts explaining how to donate to him using those wallets, or any aid post that mentions his ability to accept cryptocurrency and decided to villianise him and accuse him of being hamas for it... you are repulsive. you are not welcome here.
people are dying. paypal and ko-fi take percentages. paypal has a monthly withdrawal limit. i'm the first to admit i know nothing about cryptocurrencies, but ahmed has said it goes directly to him without a service taking a cut. i assume there are fewer or no withdrawal limits. it is harder to track and less regulated, which, in this case, provides an additional layer of security for people being precision targeted. get over it.
anyway. donate to ahmed's ko-fi. donate to ahmed's paypal. follow ahmed @90-ghost for updates on how to help him, and check his ko-fi and tumblr posts for updates. send him a nice ask. reblog his posts depicting he and his family's life in gaza. read tumblr user neaeach (naoual sahe)'s interview with ahmed. bring hope. listen to palestinians, don't speak over them.
ahmed's reblog of his interview, with a link to it:
direct link to the interview:
edit: i don't need reblogs, but palestinians, muslims, arabs, and other people suffering directly due to zionism and islamophobia do! please reblog their posts!! @el-shab-hussein has also made a post about these accusations against ahmed, which @fairuzfan added onto. and please reblog this post with ahmed's latest ko-fi update and all the ways you can DIRECTLY donate to him! thank you
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tapakah0 · 3 months
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ghcstcd · 2 months
Artists (this includes writers and crafters) aren't competitors, we're here to support and learn from each other.
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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"feels like we could go on for forever this way.." (x)
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rebelspykatie · 2 months
Part 3
Part 1 - Part 2
Eddie’s pretty sure he’s never thought about kissing another guy. He rarely thinks about kissing anybody. For the longest time, he was convinced that no one would ever want to kiss him, so he never saw the point in dwelling on it. 
But maybe that was unusual. He might have mistaken his apathy for normalcy when really he’s the freak. The average person probably thinks about kissing an awful lot. He’s listened to Jeff talk about asking out Lacy from his calculus class and Gareth go on and on about how unfair it is that he can’t make out with his boyfriend behind the bleachers to know that the average high schooler is pretty horny. 
Yet, Eddie’s childhood wasn’t littered with school yard crushes. There aren’t fond memories of girls that he imagined sneaking off with during lunch period or recess. There’s just…nothing. A part of that was his rocky childhood and jumping from his parents, to just his dad, to Wayne. But a lot of it was pure disinterest in the hottest girl in their grade growing breasts before all the other girls, or how tenth grade Mandy would make out with anyone with the right incentive. 
He’s never thought about it long enough for anything to stick. He figured, one day, when he was old enough to escape Hawkins and all the small minded bigots who think he’s a devil worshiper, that he would find a girl that appreciated his specific eccentricities. That he’d settle down somewhere quiet, a little closer to the city than Hawkins, and find some blue collar job and start a family. That’s just what everyone does, right?
He knows that’s not true, though. That everyone doesn’t follow that path. He knows people like Gareth and Robin, and apparently Steve, don’t get to just walk into happily ever after. There’s no white picket fence in their future, and Eddie’s never had to confront that reality so head on before. He knows what it’s like to be different. To have a target on your back. But, it’s nothing like the ostracization of being gay. 
Thinking about kissing Steve scares him. When he closes his eyes, it’s a looping replay of that day. Steve’s soft lips on his unmoving ones. Big hands cradling his face. He can perfectly recall the terror and confusion. It’s seeped into his bones now, because he’s realized something about himself and he doesn’t know what to do with the information. 
He can do nothing. He can move forward and pretend that he doesn’t wake up panting, picturing Steve on top of him pressing him into the mattress with their faces attached. He doesn’t ever have to acknowledge that for the first time in twenty years of living, he’s having honest to god wet dreams that involve another person. And that person he’s envisioning is a guy. Everything can just be swept under the rug.
But he’s pretty sure it scares him more to know that he can’t. It’s eating away at him. Eddie feels trapped in his own skin. The truth is clawing its way to the surface, wanting to break free, even if Eddie’s shutting down as it tries to spill out. He knows it’s inevitable, that overflow. The dam breaking. 
It takes an intervention to set everything in motion. Wayne’s been fussing over him for weeks. He’s been doing that worried parent thing that he thinks Eddie doesn’t know about, where he stands outside Eddie’s closed bedroom door like he wants to knock and say something, but doesn’t. He’s studying Eddie over their morning cereal like the little floating letters are going to spell out why Eddie’s been holed up in his room almost mute. 
But the final straw is when Wayne comes home from work to Eddie painting figurines on the stairs of their new trailer while pretending that he’s not watching Steve help Max fold laundry next door. There’s this polite distance between them and Eddie that didn’t exist before, this wide expanse where before Eddie would’ve been sitting on the picnic table in front of Max’s trailer teasing both of them, or maybe helping if it was a low pain day. 
Instead, he’s sat like a toddler in timeout, taking furtive peaks over the little paint brushes and praying that Max’s sharp intuition about situations like this is dulled by her literal lack of being able to see Eddie from over there. Steve can see him, though, and Eddie’s feigning that it doesn’t bother him. What a grave he’s dug for himself here. 
“Boy, don’t you think this has gone on long enough?” Wayne sighs as he climbs out of his truck, this world-weary, too knowledgeable sigh that makes Eddie squirm. 
“I don’t know what you mean, old man.” Better to just play ignorant. Even though Eddie’s pretty sure he can’t escape Wayne’s withering gaze. He hasn’t in over ten years, so he likely won’t be starting now. 
Wayne just stares at him. A raised eyebrow and crossed arms that tell Eddie he means business. He’s not getting out of this. 
Eddie’s jaw shifts and he looks down at the figure in his hands. “I don’t really know what to do, Wayne.” 
“Move over,” Wayne says, settling down beside Eddie until they’re shoulder to shoulder, barely waiting for the little shuffle Eddie does to make room. He doesn’t say anything for a moment. Just stares across the yard in the same direction Eddie was moments before, a contemplative look on his face. “This about that boy?”
Eddie follows his gaze over to Steve. His silence goes on a little too long before he softly says, “yeah.” 
Wayne hums, still looking at Steve. “You know, you always were a late bloomer.”
That grabs Eddie’s attention. He turns towards Wayne, who takes that as his cue to continue, and sets down the figure behind them. 
“Nothing ever happened when I thought it would when you were a boy. Lizzy said you took forever to walk and talk. I kept waiting for you to come to me about the birds and the bees, but you didn’t. Not sure if that was a good thing to let go, but I knew you weren’t getting yourself into trouble. Probably wasn’t much I could offer you that public school wasn’t already teaching you.” 
Eddie wonders briefly if he should’ve hidden the condoms in his room better, but maybe that’s what gave Wayne the confidence to leave Eddie to his business. Even if they were collecting dust before they became dust that day the trailer cracked open.
“You never brought anyone around.” He nods in the direction of Steve. “Not until him.” 
The conversation with Steve is distantly replaying in his head. How he went over their every interaction with Robin and they came to this same conclusion. Maybe Eddie really is an idiot. 
“It wasn’t intentional,” Eddie adds. “I didn’t know what I was doing.” 
“I don’t think anyone knows what they’re doing, son. That’s part of life.” He pats Eddie on the back. “It’s ‘specially a part of being in love.” 
Eddie’s not sure he’s willing to start that train of thought, yet. He’s grateful for the quiet, unspoken acceptance, but he’s not ready to think about labeling it something as profound as love. He flounders for a second before saying, “I think I’ve missed my chance there,” as he looks back over at Steve. 
“Are you dead and I don’t know it?” He squeezes Eddie’s shoulder. “Seem pretty real to me.” He whacks Eddie’s head gently. “Ain’t nothing missed if you’re still alive to make things right.” 
“Hey!” Eddie laughs, mock offended at the attack, rubbing the back of his head and leaning away from Wayne. “Isn’t it socially unacceptable to joke about someone that was legally dead for almost three minutes?”
“I think I get leeway as the one that kept you alive for ten years by myself.” Wayne wrangles him into a side hug, pulling him to his chest with an arm around his neck. “Just cause things are broken, doesn’t mean you can’t fix ‘em, son.”
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peachymune · 2 days
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Did I ever show the colored version
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starberry-cupcake · 1 month
istg jim and spock, in complicated missions, are partly fueled by the need to impress each other
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